Year 2 – Volume VI October 2016
ISSN 801X-2525
Administration and Science magazineOrganizational Model
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Administration and Science magazineOrganizational Management Curitiba,the Edition 1
Journal of business administration and science-organizational management ISSN: 2525-801X ORCIDE 0000-0001-8789-7698 Publication of Human Sciences
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"DATA FROM THE CORPORATE AUTHOR (INSTITUTION RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLICATION) " Gaspar Collet Pereira Collt Publisher -Address: St. Nicholas Vorobi 244 Neighborhood: Industrial City of Curitiba-CIC -CITY/STATE: Curitiba-PR -ZIP CODE: 81,250-210 E-MAIL:
01 application of the organizational model-case study of entrepreneurship................................... 6 02 organizational Model applied to the strategic planning of educational institutions. ................. 17 03 Organizational diagram applied in cities management ..................................................... 24 04 proposal for strategic planning for digital cities .................................................................. 36 05- STRATEGIC PLANNING APPLIED TO COMPANY IN THE FURNITURE SECTOR BASED ON THE ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL .......................................................................... 48
01 application of the organizational model-case study of entrepreneurship Dr. Gaspar Collet Pereira Summary Entrepreneurship is a very studied administration, but there is a lack of models that show a systemic way. This work aims to reduce this lack, through the use of the organizational model. Allows the study of each of the areas, a separate organization, evaluating their characteristics, composition and connection with the others. After this study the Manager is able to assess the entire system and get the application of resources optimization so systemic. This is an unprecedented approach allowing for a breakthrough in the study of the integration between the parts that make up the operation of a new business. Abstract The entrepreneurship is the Management field very studied, but there is a lack of models that show an organization in a systemic way. This work aims to reduce this gap through the use of the organizational model. It allows the study of each of the areas, the organization separately, assessing their characteristics, composition and connection with others. After this study, the manager is able to evaluate the system as a whole and seek to optimize the application of the systemic form of resources. This is a unique approach allowing the breakthrough in the study of the integration between the parties that make up the operation of the new business.
Organizational Model The organizational model is a proposal to divide the various functions and resources needed for the operation of a company and study them separately, as is shown below. ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL Administration and control
Sciencies Goods/services
Well Being
Source: Parker 2015 The activity of the functions and the use of resources, should give rise to the goods and services produced by the Organization, generating well-being for the client. The profit is the result of the sum of these activities. The company will be as weak as the weakest link of this chain (2015). This reasoning goes for a small business, or to make the planning of a major automaker, or even for those who resolve to make an internal project within the organisation in which you work, what changes in each of these cases is the focus and level of detail. This model has already been tested in various situations and have been written about in 12 books showing your application. In a small company tasks tend to be simpler, and there may be tacit, in a larger company the tendency that the roles are formalized (Maximian 2005). The great challenge of the entrepreneur is to bring together all these elements and combines them in the best possible way. Usually he has affinity with one of the areas and difficulties with the other, causing your business to be as weak as the weakest links of the organizational diagram. It may be that the entrepreneur had a great idea, proposed a product that will meet an important need and ends with emphasis on production. Or who worked in a company as seller has access to a large number of potential customers for a product line, or had access to a certain amount for investment, or bought a equipment with production capacity, or created a Soft able to revolutionize an area. Each of these situations can be transformed into a business since that entrepreneurs can join this strong point, the other links in the diagram, or you can become a great failure despite having a good start. Normally an undertaking takes time that body has the first customer, is made the first sale and financial transactions. To understand the form of sale is appropriate to study the marketing compound represented by 4 P ´ s. Product The product can be a good or service and is the raison d ' être of an organization. If the sum of inputs is less than recognition of well-being on the part of the customer the organization tends to have results, otherwise it may derail the deal (Kotler and Armstrong 2007). Let's imagine a manufacturer of jeans that receive requests and customer measures for internet and promise delivery of a custom product in ten days in a client's House, covers around 70 reais for each piece and have the expectation to produce and sell about 100 pieces per month. If the sum of its costs and expenses including your compensation is less than 7000 business tends to grow otherwise it is necessary to change some variables in order to make it possible. Price The price can be elaborated through the sum of the costs and expenses used for the preparation of a good or service and will serve as a reference to identify the value that the consumer is willing to pay (Kotler and Armstrong 2007).. Must be set if the company wants to make in bulk even if I have to keep a low margin, or have a high margin, in a smaller volume. Must be decided by the alternative that bring the best results. In addition, you should consider other variables as term of payment, discounts and ticket for delays (Las Casas 2006). Point
Is the way in which it is possible the good or service. Can be for distribution, in which the good or service goes to the client or by a point system, where the client comes to a good or service. A college tends to provide its services in the form of point in the classroom, where students go to school and becomes distribution in distance learning because students receive services in their homes or workplace through computerized resources (Boone and Kurtz 1998). Promotion Tends to be the most complex of the four P ´ s and at the same time requiring greater attention, because it is through him that the organization communicates with the public showing that you have a good or service available, the advantages that meet needs and seeks to convince people to do business with him. There are three classical forms to achieve this goal (Kotler and Armstrong 2007). The Propaganda is the form where the sponsor has control of how much to spend, and which the public message will be conveyed. What does not have control is the volume of business that will generate and if the return of this turnover is greater than the capital invested (Churchill and Peter 2000). Advertising differs from advertising as it does not have a fixed amount to be invested, it may not cost you anything. The big risk is that it may be negative and have a greater impact than the propaganda (Kandybin and Grover 2009). The sales force is hiring a group of vendors, typically with a fixed low and with a possibility of high commissions Kotler and Armstrong (2007). A company may advertise and advertising, improve point hire a team of vendors simultaneously. Production Is how is aggregated input value giving rise to those goods or services. Can be best understood through the model of production. Production model Entry Process ďƒ¨ Adding value to ďƒ¨ Features: -Financial resources -Humans -Materials Source: Parker 2015
Output Goods or services
This production can be applied both for the area of industry, commerce or services. We will analyze the situation of an entrepreneur who works in the area of development of software, and started working on a program aimed at brokers. Contact your own broker found that he has a certain difficulty to manage the relationship with its customers, about 1200. I would be sending monthly Emails in the customer's anniversary day, in special dates, and mostly, a little before the insurance remember the customer and make a simulation of how much it will cost the policy. This is the broker's desire, but have difficulties to do this alone. today already has this procedure with some preferred customers, some fleet owners, but to have this relationship with all customers would need to have a team working on what would be very expensive. Front of this picture sees a business opportunity, could meet these procedures that are executed by the broker, and turns them into a routine for all
customers. Post work out the details, starts the production of soft, which aims to incorporate all the details of the old process and add new items. Reviewing the organizational model we can see that the entrepreneur had the input of human resources in the case himself, material resources through computer equipment and financial resources that is the value of the time he applied. He added value to these resources and has resulted in a good or service (GOLÇALVES, 2000). Human Resources The HR function is at the heart of the entire process, starting by the entrepreneur and expanding to other persons who are necessary for the development of the business. Is usually divided into three major areas. The first is recruitment, where the entrepreneur sets the staff that is necessary for one or more roles and disseminates this need. This disclosure can be made through formal means using paper, internet and job agencies or informally through personal contacts, the entrepreneur. The goal is to arrive at the knowledge of potential candidates (Bulgacov, 2006). This disclosure is expected to generate a series of candidates interested in the selection phase. The staff of psychology and of technology in HR has a series of tests and mechanisms to check which gives a formal character to the process and generates a sense of achievement for the selected, but the most important is the selection of the candidate that can perform the function including the critical situations of the Office and in the needs of the Organization (Fob 2005) Finally we have the phase of training, which is a summary of the above and seeks to prepare the person to carry out the tasks and challenges and crises that may arise. The entrepreneur had developed a soft relationship to insurance brokers, expanding your business, given several brokers and have received an offer from a major insurance company to develop a program for all its associated brokers. The offer is tempting, can generate significant revenue, but is aware that couldn't meet all the requirements of the insurer alone. The first step was the size requirements and this started to gather the information. Are you aware that you can serve up to 3600 brokers based in several States of the country, which should be trained to use your soft, which will have a staff of helpdesk, to ask questions, his own soft should be customized to the demands of the broker. Should be created a system of storage of information for datastorage. Did a survey and came to the conclusion that you need to assemble a team composed by a Manager with R $8,300 's salary, computer analyst with R $4,500 's salary, financial administrative analyst with R $4,300 's salary, two attendants with R $5,600 's salary, totaling in R $18,700 between salaries and charges. Noting that the General Manager roles will be performed by the entrepreneur, the business manager will be remunerated by the accession of the brokers on the show, that this structure will grow according to demand, it is possible to set it with a starting point. Financial planning Financial planning has the ability to do a summary of other resources, create a work plan and serve as a reference for all activities of the Organization, because it is possible to compare the planned and carried out. By having these characteristics it is important that entrepreneurs have an overview of your business, the way will work and the evolution of activities Gitman (2010). The financial moves are typically divided into three groups. Recipes that summarize the contributions of money and must be separated from taxes through the Organization but are owned by the State. The costs, which are outputs of money, necessary for the
preparation of the good or service and the expenses that are essential to the business are not linked to the good or service directly, usually are linked to administrative and commercial area Groppelli 2010. The first step is to define how long the plan will take effect, is usually done for five years with weather forecast revisions each year. Then make the revenue projection, with emphasis on operational entries in sight without taxes. Having on hand this prediction, must be answered what will be the costs and expenses necessary for this recipe. If the costs and expenses are greater than the revenue the result is negative and the business becomes unviable. Otherwise generates profit and enables the business. Let's imagine, that a typical period approximately 22% of the 3600 brokers will join the program, and each pay some R $40, for use of the soft and there is a 3.5% tax on revenues.
Customers Revenue per customer Revenue before taxes 3.5% tax Net revenues
792 40 31,680 -1109 30,571
As already mentioned the next step is raising costs and expenses necessary for this recipe. Had already been calculated payroll with charges in R $18,700 and added to this was found: Expenditure on rent R $3,500 Expenditure on water, electricity, phone R$ 1,800 Travel and training expenses R $6,400 Provision for 13th salary and 1,600 R$ vacation Other expenses R $2,000 TOTAL R $34,000 Result R$-3,429 The result is negative, which requires a careful look. As alternatives would be possible to work for more than 22% of brokers to support the use of the program, increase tuition fees, distribute the costs for other softs which also generate revenue, reduce costs and expenses or do a little of each of these measures. It was chosen to work with a reduced team looking to do the same job without compromising the quality and as a result there arose the following worksheet:
DESCRIPTION Net revenues Sheet and charges Expenditure on rent
VALUE 30,571 -14,600 -3,500
Light, water and telephone Training Holiday Provision Other expenses
-1,800 -6,400 -1,600 -2,000
Is a result close to zero, but the recipe is able to pay all costs and expenses. This worksheet is a work plan and should be monitored in detail, being released the revenues, costs and expenses, and at the end of the month to evaluate each of the rows, looking to increase revenues and reduce costs and expenses. At the end of the month should be made a meeting to evaluate the differences between planned and carried out and make the adjustments for the next month. Material resources Are the resources necessary for performance of the function. Emphasis is given to trade stocks, in the raw materials industry and facilities services. Tends to be one of the areas that require greater initial investment and then it is necessary to maintain Bowersox (2010). Our entrepreneur decided to do a budget to determine the expenses with the area of materials. How will work in a rented place, don't need the investment in property, but will reform and acquire the equipment to work. Basically will buy computers, furniture and material. Despite not having an exact value, based on some budgets came on the following worksheet. DESCRIPTION VALUE Computers 22,000 Furniture 16,000 Reform 13,000 Other 4,500 TOTAL 55,500
It is not necessary to make immediate purchases, especially as the plan is to have the closest possible materials of the need, but an idea of disbursement necessary. Administration and control Despite the fact that this item is the first organizational diagram he was approached for last because it is the item that summarizes the other. Although the Manager using the information from all areas, is in administration and control that are set guidelines that will guide the project. Appropriate to do a survey of opportunities and threats. Internal analysis Forces Must be analyzed the points that the Organization has differential and how she can use it as a way to design the business. Weaknesses Identify the weaknesses, and neutralize them and even transform into strength.
External analysis Opportunities Looking out of the company, identify point that can be used in favor of the organization. Threats Identify factors that may compromise the progress of the organization. By applying for our case study we may have: Internal analysis Forces Field of technology on the part of the entrepreneur Originality of the software
Weaknesses Dependence on a single client Lack of tradition in the market Need for support of brokers
External analysis Opportunities Threats Possibility of creating new Possibility of breach software contract with main client
It became apparent that a key point is the fact of having a single client. Generation of well being The profit or loss depend on the level of well being I the Organization has capacity to generate for the entrepreneur, for employees and especially for customers. For the entrepreneur, in addition to the financial result has great importance the sense of accomplishment to contribute to the improvement of the sector (Fernandez 2006). For employees, in addition to the wages and benefits matter the work environment, the sense of security, the possibility of professional growth and affinity with the function. For customers the most important is a cost benefit. How much are they paying for goods and services and the benefits that these goods and services can bring. Doing an analysis to the enterprise in question can have: The entrepreneur finds opportunity in business that is being organized for recognition of your ability to turn ideas into programs and programs and a service that resolves the need of customers. Also the possibility of becoming a successful entrepreneur, generate jobs and get your brand recognized in the industry. Working in a company that is innovating, that is growing, that is linked to other companies there is a tendency that's built an identity between the employee and the function performed. In this case, brokers will adhere to the use of soft as they find that the relationship between the cost, the monthly fee of R $40, and the benefit of the information will have access to be rewarding. The company should concentrate their efforts to show the advantages of this relationship, send newsletters, make contacts and testimonials from satisfied brokers showing the advantages of the system. Results
The financial and operational result this connected to your well being, which in turn depends on the application of resources depends on the performance of the functions, i.e. the system is interconnected, and the result is the reflection of how the management of the system. The result can be measured in financial form, that is, the recipe is reduced costs and expenses and assessed if the difference is profit or loss, or evaluated in other ways as the tendency of growth, achievement of goals, the social balance sheet or other forms that may be appropriate (Lamb 2010). In relation to the financial results, should be made a comparison between the planned and carried out.
Net revenues Sheet and charges Expenditure on rent Light, water and telephone Training Holiday Provision Other expenses
Provided for 30,571 -14,600 -3,500 -1,800 -6,400 -1,600 -2,000
29,043 -12,556 -3,500 -1,368 -3,520 -1,184 -2,440
After the calculation of the figures must be done a survey of each account to determine why the difference. Net revenues: membership of the brokers being slower than expected, we have designed 1,200 1,080. Sheet and charges: it was verified that it is possible to work with a leaner team, in place of two attendants a proved enough. Expenditure on water, electricity and telephone: was made awareness campaign and reduction. Travel expenses and training: although it was lower than anticipated in the coming months will be made a significant campaign which should elevate this account, and increase the number of brokers who use the soft. Provision for 13: proportional to leaf. Other expenses: expenses that arose were not provided for. Total: was better than expected. This relationship between the planned and carried out allows the Manager to have an overview of the situation and evaluation of the successes and errors in forecasting and execution. With the expansion of business can be created where business units are established the results for each unit (Hoji 2009). Must be assessed if the tax accounting in the Accounting Office, outsourced and enough to provide this information or if it will be necessary the creation of a management accounting done inside the company.
In the case of management accounting, will commonly be used cash flow plus some information. Business plan As already mentioned at the beginning, the organizational diagram covers large areas of the company, and for this show to the drafting of the business plan. It is sufficient that each one of the sectors is detailed by entrepreneur and end this elaborate plan (Bergmann 2011). Let's see how is the plan for this business. I-administration and control Stage where the entrepreneur can define what your management style. You can do this by defining: Goals Revenue growth by at least 12% a year totaling 76% at the end of five years. Acquisition of its own in five years. Participation in international fairs dedicated to the sector. Creating a branch every two years. Values Creation of team focused on organizational objectives Valuation of team with mastery of a second language. Ii – Marketing The area that influences the rhythm of all the others. Appropriate to set goals and how to reach them. Ways to achieve these goals: -frequent contacts with brokers; -creation of a weekly newsletter; -relationship with the broker to create advantage to those who use the system; -creation of new program features; III – Producer Area that gave birth to the Organization, through the relationship with brokers is that it was possible to mount the Organization and it is through her that the business can expand and diversify. For this should be included in the business plan as items: - desenvolver novos softwares ; - montar equipe de programadores; - visitas a feiras do setor . IV – Recursos Humanos Envolve todas as áreas pois todas as decisões de um melhor desempenho, de novas idéias e de melhorias vai depender da equipe que está desenvolvendo o processo. Isto pode ser melhorado através de : - criação de um plano de carreira; - definição de benefícios
- plano de treinamento e desenvolvimento;
Considerations Through this work it is possible to observe that an organization is composed of several separate parts and the identification and study of these parts allows the creation of a company in an orderly manner.
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02 organizational Model applied to the strategic planning of educational institutions. Dr. Gaspar Collet Pereira Dr. Osmar Ponchirolli SUMMARY 01 Introduction This material is intended to show how it can be applied to the strategic planning in private companies. Assumes that a manager who knows how to work the various parts of the company will be easier to create projects that bring results to your organization and to your career. The understanding of this model, allows the Manager to focus your efforts, in an orderly manner, the various parts that make up the company and provides an overview of the operation. Ally at strategic planning tools will be used the organizational model created by authors. The organizational model allows an overview of the Organization and strategic planning tools enable drillthrough for each area (2015). Organizational and Strategic planning model It is a proposal to divide the various functions and resources needed for the operation of a company and study them separately, as is shown below.
The activity of the functions and the use of resources, should give rise to the goods and services produced by the Organization, generating well-being for the client. The profit is the result of the sum of these activities. The company will be as weak as the weakest link of this chain. This reasoning can be applied for a small business, to make the planning of a major automaker, or even for those who solve decide to deploy an internal project within the organisation in which you work, what changes in each of these cases is the focus and level of detail (2015). The Manager's challenge is to bring together all these elements and combines them in the best possible way. Usually he has affinity with one of the areas and difficulties with the other, causing your business to be as weak as the weakest links of the organizational diagram. If the Manager has an idea to propose a product that will meet an important need and ends with emphasis on production, if it worked in a company as seller has access to a large number of potential customers for a product line, or had access to a certain amount for investment, or bought a equipment with production capacity, or created a Soft able to revolutionize an area. Each of these situations can be transformed into a business from which the Manager can join this strong point, the other links in the diagram, or you can become a great failure despite a good start (2015). Tends to be a relationship between mission, vision, values and goals with the Organization's strategy. The organizational model can be used for drawing up the internal analysis and compared with the information of external analysis (Bethlem 2003). The organizational strategy allows you to answer questions such as: where do we want to go;
How is the external environment; team potential; What should we do Planning levels The Division of strategic planning by levels, allows the study and implementation in each of its stages. Starts at the strategic, where the General guidelines are created by the way. At tactical level, the strategic management and defines how it can be applied in the departments (Born 2006). 02 planning phases An organized fashion to develop the strategic plan is to make a plan for each of the items that make up the organizational model and then do a budget planning as a way of bringing together the parties. Let's start by marketing.
Marketing-attracting students Normally an undertaking takes time that body has the first customer, is made the first sale and financial transactions. In an educational institution, the thermometer to assess the trends of the institution, is the number of new students and the retention of registered. To understand the form of sale is appropriate to study the marketing compound represented by 4 P ´ s. Product The product can be a good or service and is the raison d ' être of an organization. If the sum of inputs is less than recognition of well-being on the part of the customer the organization tends to go ahead, otherwise it may derail the deal (Churchill 2000). In the case of private companies the Ministry defines the product as being the teaching, research and extension. Research and extension are obligations to Universities and colleges.
Price Can be done through the sum of the costs and expenses used for the preparation of a good or service and will serve as a reference for the most important part which is the price the consumer is willing to pay (2003). Must be set if the company wants to make in bulk even if I have to keep a low margin, or have a high margin, in a smaller volume. Must be decided by the alternative that bring the best results. In addition, you should consider other variables as term of payment, discounts and ticket for delays. In the education sector are experiencing a price reduction for smaller institutions and a strengthening of the mark of the IES fetched higher in order to be able to increase the amounts charged. Point Is the way in which it is possible the good or service. Can be for distribution, in which the good or service goes to the client or by a point system, where the client comes to a good or service. A college tends to provide its services in the form of point in the classroom, where students go to school and becomes distribution in distance learning
because students receive services in their homes or workplace through computerized resources (2003). Promotion Tends to be the most complex of the four P ´ s and at the same time requiring greater attention, because it is through him that the organization communicates with the public showing that you have a good or service available, the advantages that meet needs and seeks to convince people to do business with him. There are three classical forms to achieve this goal (Kotler and Keller 2006. Propaganda Is the form where the sponsor has control of how much to spend, and which the public message will be conveyed. What does not have control is the volume of business that will generate and if the return of this turnover is greater than the capital invested. Private companies often use propaganda in radio, TV and out doors, which is expensive and is not always possible to measure relative to the cost and benefit. Can be hired an advertising agency, which will manage this funds and cost and benefit (Las Casas 2006) Advertising Different from advertising, does not have a fixed amount to be invested, and may not have cost. The big risk is that it becomes negative and have a greater impact than advertising. The involved in advertising has no control over the way the message will be issued and so will be received by the public with consumer. Sales force Hiring a group of vendors, typically with a fixed low and with a possibility of high commissions. As an example a school that offers courses to brokers, and propaganda and advertising, I've tried to improve the point but nonetheless notes that the number of students is decreasing and it decided to hire a team of salespeople. It was proposed a fixed salary and 50% Commission in the first three installments that students pay. The sales staff was to fight, discovered new stakeholders, new approaches, partnerships with other unions and the number of students has increased significantly.
Business evaluation Situation where all variables are evaluated in relation to the business in question. In this opinion the organisation can make decisions about the running of the business. Parallel to the swot analysis, can be done to evaluate the business, using the analysis of the internal and external environment about the need of customers, management process and results, based on the vision, mission, values and policies of the institution. This process will allow the evaluation of the business and the people, facilitating the definition of business management, as can be seen in the figure. . Production Is how is aggregated input value giving rise to those goods or services. Can be best understood through the model of production.
Production model Entry
Features: -Financial -Humans -Materials Source: Mali 2002.
Adding value to resources
Goods or services
This production can be applied both for the area of industry, commerce or services. Let's look at how this process occurs in an educational institution. As input teachers should be professionals who have three strengths. The titration because account points by the MEC, the professional practice because students increasingly want practical examples and relationships. In addition to the teachers and administrative staff is required. About ACE finance, normally it is necessary that managers who start an institution, be prepared for an initial investment because the process of creating a College tends to be very slow. The materials include the facilities and equipment necessary for the functioning of the institution. The added value, is the way the features checked are applied in business. A IES is the way in which they are given lessons, having an additional challenge which is to tr a good performance in ENADE. The goods and services, are the results of the process. Can be measured by the rate of success, and by the outcome of ENADE. Application May be distributed a form to each of the participants with the guidance that define the challenges for each item. Entry Features: -Financial .... -Humans .... -Materials ....
Process Class .... Studies .... Publications ....
Output Teaching .... Research ... Extension .....
Source: Mali 2002.
The HR function is at the heart of the entire process, starting by the Manager and expanding to other persons who are necessary for the development of the business. Is usually divided into three major areas. The first is recruitment, where the Manager sets the staff that is necessary for one or more roles and disseminates this need. This disclosure can be made through formal means using paper, internet and job agencies or informally through personal contacts of the Manager. The goal is to arrive at the knowledge of potential candidates. This disclosure is expected to generate a series of candidates interested in the selection phase. The staff of psychology and of technology in HR has a series of tests and mechanisms to check which gives a formal character to the process and generates a sense of achievement for the selected, but the most important is the selection of the candidate that can perform the function including the critical situations of the Office and in the needs of the Organization (Marques 2009).
Finally we have the phase of training, which is a summary of the above and seeks to prepare the person to carry out the tasks and challenges and crises that may arise (Delhi 2006). In IE the trend of employees are split between teachers and administrative and technical. Through the financial planning you can do a summary of other resources, create a work plan and serve as a reference for all activities of the Organization, because it is possible to compare the planned and carried out. By having these characteristics it is important that the Manager has an overview of your business, the way will work and the development of activities. The financial moves are typically divided into three groups. Recipes that summarize the contributions of money and must be separated from taxes through the Organization but are owned by the State. The costs, which are outputs of money, necessary for the preparation of the good or service and the expenses that are essential to the business are not linked to the good or service directly, usually are linked to administrative and commercial area. Material resources are required for the performance of the function. Emphasis is given to trade stocks, in the raw materials industry and facilities services. Tends to be one of the areas that require greater initial investment and then it is necessary to do maintenance (Bowersox 2010). It is appropriate that there are policies for maintenance, replacement and outreach on standards of use. The bibliographic collection for example, tends to be charged in each ministerial visit is expensive and not always have the recognition of the academic community. Closing the cycle, we have the management and control, the item that summarizes the other. Although, the Manager using the information from all areas, is in administration and control that are set guidelines that will guide the project. Appropriate to do a survey of opportunities and threats. About ACE forces must be analyzed the points that the Organization has differential and how she can use it as a way to design the business. The weaknesses identify weaknesses, and neutralize them and even transform into strength. In relation to the opportunities, must be looked for outside the company, identify point which can be used in favor of the organization. The weaknesses identify factors that may compromise the progress of the Organization (Sierra and Torres 2004). This whole process should generate well-being for three groups of people. The shareholders who expect dividends and a continuation of the business, employees who expect to pay, a feeling I are contributing and participating in a victorious team and finally consumers who expect a positive benefit cost ratio. The profit or loss depend on the level of welfare that the Organization has the capacity to generate for the Manager, for the staff and especially for customers who expect a positive benefit to buying your custso (2003). For the Manager, in addition to the financial result has great importance the sense of accomplishment to contribute to the improvement of the sector. For employees, in addition to the wages and benefits matter the work environment, the sense of security, the possibility of professional growth and affinity with the function For customers as important is a cost benefit. How much are they paying for goods and services and the benefits that these goods and services can bring. Doing an analysis to the enterprise in question can have: Manager
The manager sees in the business that is being organized for recognition of your ability to turn ideas into products. The opportunity to be promoted, to grow within the company. Employees Working in a company that is innovating, that is growing, that is linked to other companies there is a tendency that's built an identity between the official. Customers Are the main beneficiaries, since the creation of this area will be available a specialized team to optimize spaces in smaller apartments through furniture designed for this. The financial and operational result this connected to your well being, which in turn depends on the application of resources depends on the performance of the functions, i.e. the system is interconnected, and the result is the reflection of how the management of the system. The result can be measured in financial form, that is, the recipe is reduced costs and expenses and assessed if the difference is profit or loss, or evaluated in other ways as the tendency of growth, achievement of goals, the social balance sheet or other forms that may be appropriate. In relation to the financial results, should be made a comparison between the planned and carried out. The investigation shows that the company tends to improve results as sales increase. 03 Considerations The implementation of a strategic planning process, can bring about change and advantages to an educational institution, such as the possibility of having systemic vision from the fact of studying each of the parts of the Organization into a strategic direction tends to create a convergence of efforts. Generate the sum of efforts after the science of organizational objectives, the areas to focus their efforts to achieve them. Identification of strengths and weaknesses as prior study of the weaknesses, make these points to be worked and minimized, preventing crisis situations and the establishment of goals and objectives for the sum of efforts on the part of managers.
1. REFERENCES 2. AURIGI, Alessandro. Making the Digital city: the early shaping of urban Internet space. Hampshire: Ashgate, 2005. 3. BORGES GOUVEIA, Luis. Digital cities and regions: on the threshold of adulthood. E-science magazine, no. 39, 16 jun 2005, p. 34-35. Available 4. BURNS, Tom & STALKER, George M. The management of innovations. London: Tavistock, 1961. 5. CARDOSO, b. m. Fet al. Balanced scorecard with emphasis on organizational strategy. Journal of Unisalesiano, year 3, no. 6, January/jun. 2012. Available at: >. Access in: 10 10. 2013. 6. CHIAVENATO, i. people management. 3 ed. Oxford: Elsevier, 2010. 7. communication: a strategic reference framework. Information science, v. 26, n. 3, 8. DANNA, M.; Matos, m. a. learning to observe. São Paulo: Edicon .2006. 9. DHOLAKIA, N.; MUNDORF, N.; DHOLAKIA, r. r. New information and services 10. in: < > eciencia2005.pdf. Access in: Oct 07. 2015. 11. Companies, 2008. 12. FREY, K. Gil, Antonio Carlos. Methods and techniques of social research-6. Ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2008. 13. GITMAN, Lawrence J.. Principles of financial management. 7. ed. São Paulo: Harbra, 2010. 14. GEE, f. p. s. et. al. The impact of EHR Certifications on the omportamento of Consumer
ADMINISTRATION, 32, 2008, Rio de Janeiro. Anais ... Rio de Janeiro: ANPAD, 2008. 15. LAWRENCE, Paul r. & LORSCH, Jay w. Organization and environment. Managing differentiation and integration. Boston: Harvard University Press, 1967. Versión castellana: Organización y environment. Barcelona: Labor, 1976. 16. LAMBERT, André. Digital City. Portals, Inclusion and networks in Brazil. Salvador: Edufba, 2007. 17. LOVELOCK, Christopher H.; WRIGHT, Lauren, services: marketing and management. São Paulo: Saraiva 2001 18. LÜDKE, Menga and ANDRÉ, Marli and d. a. educational research: qualitative approaches. São Paulo: EPU, 1986. 19. MALIK, PETRONIUS GARCIA; ALT, PAULO RENATO CAMPOS. Materials management and asset resources. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2003
03 Organizational diagram applied in cities management Dr. Gaspar Collet Pereira
SUMMARY This article February to make a proposal to implement the organizational model applied to digital cities. It uses the model proposed by the author which was used as content in four of his published books, covering the main areas of the administration in a systemic way. Allows the study of areas composing the management of the city, separately assessing their characteristics, composition and interconnection. After this study the Manager will be able to assess the entire system and seek to optimize the application in a systemic manner. . His contribution is to allow a breakthrough in the study of the integration between the parts making up the functioning of the city.
20. 1. INTRODUCTION The digital city tends to have a high degree of complexity, being subdivided into several parts, but the model is necessary to show the assembling of these various parts in an organized way. That is the reason for the proposal of this organizational model applied. 20.1. Problems There is little literature focused on demonstrating the parts involved in the digital city, the interdependencies of each part and the interaction of the activities. a. Question-problem What are the main variables involved in the composition of the digital city? Hypothesis: the study of the various parts of the city separately enables an understanding of the city's operating system. . The general objective of this research is to study the various parts that make up the organizational model applied to digital cities, seeking to show the relationships and interdependence among them. Specific objectives: proposing methodological procedures to study the organizational model; evaluate the main variables involved in the organizational model; -qualitative and quantitative analyses do document ;
This proposal is justified because it allows the detailing of each part of the organizational model applied to digital cities allowing the researcher to have systemic view of its operation. In the background the researcher should have "What", "how" and the benefits that this research will bring (Ludke and AndrĂŠ 1986). 21. 2. THEORETICAL FOUNDATION The theoretical foundation covers concepts on digital cities, digital services and market that will be the basis of the evaluation work of digital strategic services evaluation. 21.1. Digital Cities A Digital city can be seen as an interactive environment, where people have their activities and can exchange information including municipal managers. Another component of the digital city is the cyberspace, which is the physical environment that can house some elements as radio waves and TV signal and Internet (Aurigi 2005, 2010). Digital city goes beyond the use of information services as it allows the integration of this information with everyday situations of the user of these services. The deployment of digital strategic services, requires the inclusion in the municipal strategic planning (EMP) and in the planning of information technology (PTI), covering the forecast of human, financial and material resources (Raj 2012). In the implementation of the digital city's system, apart from the physical and structural aspects, it is important the study of how it will be used and evaluated by the user of the system, which is the financial supporter of all expenses throughout their contributions through taxes and fees (Borges and George 2005).
21.2. Organizational model It is important to understand the Organizational Model, which is a proposal to divide the various functions and resources needed for the operation of an organization and study them separately. This analysis allows systemic vision and the vision of each of its separated parts. This model was developed by the author on the grounds of the doctoral thesis and subsequently applied in other situations. The activity of the functions and the use of resources, should originate the goods and services produced by the digital city, generating well-being for the taxpayer. This reasoning applies to small and large organizations (Burns & Stalker 1960).
The Manager's challenge is to bring together all these elements and combine them in the best possible way. Usually he has affinity with one of the areas and difficulties with the others, making their management the weak as the often simply called weakest links of the organizational diagram (Lawrence & Lorsch 1967). It may be that the Manager had a great idea, proposed a service that will meet an important need and ends up giving de-emphasis on an end activity, but has a hard time to see the digital city as a whole and its project that attends a certain area ends up failing because it has trouble interacting with other areas and to use the resources.
ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL Administration and control
Production/provision services
22. RESOURCES Humans
Science and technology Goods/services
Well Being
Source: PEREIRA Gaspar Collét, 2016, business plan and the organizational model, Lins: Publisher, 1the University Edition For a period, it is possible for the city to give digital de-emphasis to one of the variables, but it must have ways to evaluate the reflections of that decision and the impact on other variables (2016) Each of the variables shown in the diagram, is connected to the others, and can be analyzed separately but without abandoning its systemic reason.
22.1. Urban management The activities of the human being, happen in the city where he lives, in his town. If the urban management is efficient and meets the major demands of the people, the tendency is to be well evaluated. The urban management is a set of variables, where different actors take part, allowing fundamental transformations, coming from the systematic debate (Frey 2008). The list of managers of a Municipality with taxpayers occurs primarily through the provision of services. Some of these services can be considered as essential and routine and others may be considered as strategic, usually representing a chance for a better relationship with the taxpayer and the possibility of management differentiation. 23. DETAIL MODEL OGANIZACIONAL In this part of the work every one of the variables of the organizational model will be studied. Administration and control Although, the public Manager uses information from all the areas, it is in administration and control that the guidelines guide the progress of the activities are set. It is important to survey the opportunities and threats. The Organization has a broad vision of its planning, identifying the various factors involved. The internal review should be compared with the mission and values of the organization. (Minttzberg et al., 2006, Saab and Mantovaneli, 2008)
Planning steps It tends to be a relationship between mission, vision, values and goals with the Organization's strategy. The organizational model can be used for drawing up the internal analysis and compared with the information of external analysis Mcdonald (2004). The organizational strategy allows you to answer questions such as: Where we want to go; How is the external environment; Team potential; What should we do Planning levels
The division of strategic planning by levels, allows the study and implementation on each of its stages. Starts at the strategic, where the General guidelines are created by the directors. At tactical level, the strategic management defines how it can be applied in the departments. Finally, in the operational policies and guidelines outlined in the strategic are deployed. Internal analysis Strength: the points that the digital city has the the differential must be analyzed and how it can be used as a form of design management. Weaknesses: Identify the weaknesses, and neutralize them and even transform into strengths. External analysis Opportunity: Identify each point that can be used in favor of digital city. Threats: Identify factors that may compromise the digital city's progress. Evaluating these items in the management of the digital city there are: Internal analysis Forces Staff available to meet the functions Relationship with internal planning
Weaknesses Lack of experience Employees Resistance Need for staff reallocation
External analysis Opportunities Threats Security-based disclosure Criticism of the opposition Publicity generated by the deployment of the Commitment to security Troubleshooter system
Service composite The public agency differs from the private organization is it sells directly its products. It must communicate their activities in order to account for their activities. Both in private companies or public, the compound must generate a competitive advantage for the Organization (Gautam Et. Al., 2008) The term and the structure of the market was originally used and disclosed by McCarthy and the definition of the goals should be made according to the positioning of
the company strategy, because the definition of the attributes will be linked to those goals. The greater the consistency between the application of resources and the philosophy of the Organization, the greater the return (Kotler Armstrong, 1993). Through the study of the market compound, an organization can study the market needs and guide the relationship guidelines with customers (Strong, 2001). An error that frequently occurs in organizations, is the de-emphasis on only one of the variables, to the detriment of the other, ending on an imbalance in the Marketing effort. This error make all the efforts to be focused on one variable which will not give a satisfactory service return or that could be better used. There is a tendency that the organization is as weak as the often simply called weakest of the four variables. For a period, it is possible for the Organization to focus on one of the variables, but it must have ways to evaluate the reflections of that decision and the impact on other variables. From the moment the consolidation and the impact assessment of applications is done, the chances of waste are reduced. However, to obtain this consolidation each of the variables and attributes must be studied separately (2011). Composite variables and attributes They were created to facilitate the study. They should make a summary of the main aspects of the market compound. Linked to each of the variables are the attributes. The variables are fixed and common to practically all the different organizations of the attributes that are specific, and can be changed according to the stage the organization is going through or the objectives of the research. The score is related to each attribute and the sum of the origin to the variable score. The determination of the attributes can be done by applying the qualitative research with people who are affected by the variables, asking what are the other factors are associated with the variables. Those items that arise with greater frequency, are analyzed and if relevant, are listed the attributes. Another way is to query the subject matter experts, or employees of the organization who are involved with prices, product launches, advertising spending decision or definition of the form of distribution, requesting them to point significant items for each of the variables. Or even, it can be replaced by specialists of the institution or researcher. In a public company, as in the case of a municipality, the identification of these variables is not so clear as in private companies, but they are present. Product/Service
The service can be a good or benefit and is the raison d ' être of the digital city. If the sum of inputs is less than recognition of well-being on the part of the taxpayer the project tends to go ahead, otherwise it may derail. In the case of digital cities, services such as systematic payments services databases and registration information are provided It is observed that the service quality and customer satisfaction are different, and that the services can be defined by its characteristics of intangibility, indivisibility, variability and precebilidade [1] (Lovelock and Wright 2001). Price or cost benefit It can be done through the sum of the costs and expenses used for development of services and should be compared with the taxpayer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction can be measured through surveys. Point and distribution It ss the way the service is made viable. It can be by distribution, in which the good or service goes to the taxpayer or by a point system, where the taxpayer comes to a good or service. In a conventional city trend is that the contributor goes to the supply of services featuring the point. In digital, on the contrary, there is the tendency that the taxpayer has access to the scanned form services, featuring the distribution. Promotion/communication It tends to be the most complex of the four P ´ 's and at the same time requiring greater attention, because it is through it that digital city communicates with the public showing the existence of a good or service available, the advantages of it, the needs met and seeks to convince people to use them. There are three classical forms to achieve this goal. the) Advertising It is where the sponsor has control of how much to spend, and which public message will be conveyed. It does not have control over the management ' s volume generated and if the return of this management will be larger than the capital invested. A digital city can advertise through local media, using radio, television, billboards and printed material distribution b) Advertising
Different from advertising, it does not have a fixed amount to be invested, it may not cost anything. The big risk is that it becomes negative and have a greater impact than advertising. The technical part of the communication can be called advertising, the commercial character, being part of a set of resources that the company adopts to bring a product or service to the consumer and the means to communicate with the mass. (RIZZO, 2003 pg. 63). For each investment in the provision of digital services, the type of publicity that is generated should be evaluated. Production model It Is the way the value is added to the inputs generating goods or services. Entry composition where the human, financial and material resources are aggregated. The process where the added value and finally the exit where the provision of the service or product delivery. Production model Entry Features: -Financial -Humans -Materials
Process ď&#x192;¨
Output value
to ď&#x192;¨
Goods or services
Human Resources The HR function is at the heart of the entire process, starting by the Manager and expanding to other persons who are necessary for the development of digital city. Must be seen widely, covering functional and administrative aspects and cultural and operational aspects (Chiavenato 2010). The strategic capacity of an enterprise depends on the talent of its executives and its potential. Without competitive efficiency available resources become unproductive. The successful company is evaluated not only by the quality of its financial performance, as well as the skills to maneuver in the face of environmental turbulence, that is, one must analyze the quality of human resources and organizational forces, in
addition to the financial and technological processes (CARDOSO et al., 2012) It ss usually divided into three major areas. The first is recruitment, where the Manager sets the staff necessary for one or more roles and disseminates its need. This disclosure can be made through formal means using paper, internet and job agencies or informally through personal contacts of the Manager. The goal is to arrive at the knowledge of potential candidates. This disclosure is expected to generate a series of candidates interested in the selection phase. The staff of psychology and of technology in HR has a series of tests and mechanisms to check which gives the formal character to the process and generates a sense of achievement for the selected, but the most important is the selection of the candidate that can perform the function including the critical situations of the Office and in the needs of digital city. Finally we have the phase of training, which is a summary of the above and seeks to prepare the person to carry out the tasks and challenges and crises that may arise. Financial Resources Financial planning has the ability to make a summary of other resources, create a work plan and serves as a reference for all the activities of the digital city as it is possible to compare the planned and carried out. By having these characteristics it is important that the Manager has an overview of how it will work and the evolution of activities (Gitman 2010). The financial moves are typically divided into three groups. Recipes that summarize the contributions of money and must be separated from taxes through the digital city but are owned by the State. The costs, which are outputs of money, necessary for the preparation of the good or service and the expenses that are essential for the management are not linked to the good or service directly, usually are linked to administrative and commercial area. Material resources They are the resources necessary to perform the function. De-emphasis is given to trade stocks, in the raw materials industry and facilities services. Tends to be one of the areas that require greater initial investment and then it is necessary to do maintenance (Malik et al. 2003). The digital city covers all physical resources necessary for the functioning of the city.
Generation of well being The results depend on the level of welfare that the digital city has capacity to generate for the Manager, for the staff and especially for taxpayers. For the Manager, it is of great importance the sense of accomplishment to contribute for the improvement of the sector. For employees, in addition to the wages and benefits, the work environment matters, the sense of security, the possibility of professional growth and affinity with the function For the most important taxpayers is the cost benefit. How much are they paying for goods and services and the benefits that these goods and services can bring.
24. 3. CONSIDERATIONS After the production of this material, you can see that the study of managing a digital city can be made in parts and this allows a detailed view of it 24.1. Preliminary rescue objectives The study and detailing of the parties allows the understanding of related activities in the operation of digital city. 24.2. Contributions This material brings information to be used by public managers showing how the application of resources in digital strategic services are seen by allowing users to make changes in the upcoming deployments. Limitations The fact of the breadth and complexity of the digital city and the duration of the deployment process description system. 24.3. Future work As a suggestion for future work can be quoted: Each of the study areas; Interdependence of areas; Synergy between the various sectors of the digital city.
25. REFERENCES 26. AURIGI, Alessandro. Making the Digital city: the early shaping of urban Internet space. Hampshire: Ashgate, 2005. 27. BORGES GOUVEIA, Luis. Digital cities and regions: on the threshold of adulthood. E-science magazine, no. 39, 16 jun 2005, p. 34-35. Available 28. BURNS, Tom & STALKER, George M. The management of innovations. London: Tavistock, 1961. 29. CARDOSO, b. m. Fet al. Balanced scorecard with emphasis on organizational strategy. Journal of Unisalesiano, year 3, no. 6, January/jun. 2012. Available at: >. Access in: 10 10. 2013. 30. CHIAVENATO, i. people management. 3 ed. Oxford: Elsevier, 2010. 31. communication: a strategic reference framework. Information science, v. 26, n. 3, 32. DANNA, M.; Matos, m. a. learning to observe. São Paulo: Edicon .2006. 33. DHOLAKIA, N.; MUNDORF, N.; DHOLAKIA, r. r. New information and services 34. in: < > eciencia2005.pdf. Access in: Oct 07. 2015. 35. Companies, 2008. 36. FREY, K. Gil, Antonio Carlos. Methods and techniques of social research-6. Ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2008. 37. GITMAN, Lawrence J.. Principles of financial management. 7. ed. São Paulo: Harbra, 2010. 38. GEE, f. p. s. et. al. The impact of EHR Certifications on the omportamento of Consumer
ADMINISTRATION, 32, 2008, Rio de Janeiro. Anais ... Rio de Janeiro: ANPAD, 2008. 39. LAWRENCE, Paul r. & LORSCH, Jay w. Organization and environment. Managing differentiation and integration. Boston: Harvard University Press, 1967. Versión castellana: Organización y environment. Barcelona: Labor, 1976. 40. LAMBERT, André. Digital City. Portals, Inclusion and networks in Brazil. Salvador: Edufba, 2007.
41. LOVELOCK, Christopher H.; WRIGHT, Lauren, services: marketing and management. São Paulo: Saraiva 2001 42. LÜDKE, Menga and ANDRÉ, Marli and d. a. educational research: qualitative approaches. São Paulo: EPU, 1986. 43. MALIK, PETRONIUS GARCIA; ALT, PAULO RENATO CAMPOS. Materials management and asset resources. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2003
04 proposal for strategic planning for digital cities Dr. Gaspar Collet Pereira *
SUMMARY This article brings a proposal for implementation of strategic planning applied to digital cities. Uses a model proposed by the author, addressing the main areas of management, systemically.
A digital city tends to have a high degree of complexity, being subdivided into several parts, but it is necessary that there is a model that shows the assemble these various parts of an organized way. For it is made the proposal of strategic planning applied to digital cities.
Problems There is little literature focused on demonstration of the parties involving a digital city, the interdependencies of each part and the interaction of the activities. a. Question-problem What are the main variables involved in the strategic planning of a digital city? Hypothesis: the study of the various parts of a city separately enables an understanding of the operating system, allowing the development of an integrated strategic planning.
Goals The general objective of this research is to study the various parts that make up the strategic planning applied to digital cities, seeking to show relationships and interdependence of these parts. Specific objectives:
proposing methodological procedures for study of strategic planning;
evaluate the main variables involved in strategic planning;
study of the theoretical framework regarding strategic planning. This proposal is justified because it allows a detailing of the parts of the strategic
planning applied to digital cities allowing the researcher a systemic view of your operation. In the background the researcher should have in mind that the "how" and the benefits that this research will bring (Ludke and AndrĂŠ 1986).
The theoretical foundation covers concepts on digital cities, digital services and strategic planning, which will give the evaluation work of digital strategic services.
Digital Cities Digital city can be seen as an interactive environment, where people have their activities and can exchange information between them and municipal managers. Another component of the digital city is the cyberspace, which is a physical environment that can house some elements as waves of radio and TV signal and Internet (Aurigi 2005, 2010). Digital city goes beyond the use of information services as it allows the integration of this information with everyday situations of taxpayer and user of these services. The deployment of digital strategic services requires your inclusion in the municipal strategic planning (EMP) and in the planning of information technology (PTI), covering the forecast of human, financial and material resources (Raj 2012). In the implementation of a system of digital city, beyond the physical and structural aspects, it is important to the study of how it will be used and evaluated by the user of the system, which is the financial backer of all expenses through their contributions through taxes and fees (Borges and George 2005).
Strategic planning It is important to understand the strategic planning, which is a proposal to divide the various functions and resources needed for the operation of an organization and
study them separately. This analysis allows systemic vision is maintained and the vision of each of its parts. This model was developed by the author to the grounds of the doctoral thesis and subsequently applied in other situations. The activity of the functions and the use of resources, should give rise to the goods and services produced by digital city, generating well-being for the taxpayer. This reasoning holds true for small and large cities. The Manager's challenge is to bring together all these elements and combines them in the best possible way. Usually he has affinity with one of the areas and difficulties with the other, causing your management is so weak as the weakest links of the organizational diagram. It may be that the Manager has proposed a service that will meet an important need and ends up giving emphasis on activity order, but has a hard time showing the digital city as a whole and your project that meets a certain area ends up failing because it has difficulty if you interact with the other and use the resources.
Production/provision Communication
Well Being
Science and technology Goods/services
Source: PARKER, Gaspar Collét, 2016, strategic planning, Lins: Publisher, 1the University Edition
For a period, it is possible that a digital city of emphasis to one of the variables, but you must have ways to evaluate the reflections of that decision and the impact on other variables (2016) Each of the variables shown in the diagram, is connected to the others, and can be analyzed separately but without abandoning your systemic reason.
Urban management The activities of the human being, happens in the city where he lives, in your town. If the urban management is efficient and meet the major demands of the people, the tendency is to be well evaluated. The urban management is a set of variables, where different actors participate, allowing fundamental transformations, from a systematic debate (Frey 2008).
In this part of the work will be studied every one of the variables of strategic planning.
Administration and control Although, the public Manager using the information from all areas, is in administration and control that are set guidelines that will guide the progress of the activities. It is important to do a survey of opportunities and threats. The Organization has a broad vision in your planning, identifying the various factors involved. The internal review should be compared with the mission and values of the organization. (Minttzberg et al., 2006, Sampaio and Mantovaneli, 2008)
Internal analysis Forces Must be analyzed the points that the digital city has differential and how she can use it as a form of design management.
Weaknesses Identify the weaknesses, and neutralize them and even transform into strength.
External analysis Opportunity Identify point that can be used in favor of digital city.
Threats Identify factors that may compromise the progress of digital city.
Evaluating the implementation of a video surveillance system can be.
Internal analysis
Staff available to meet the functions
Lack of experience
Relationship with internal planning
Resistance of part of employees Need for reallocation of staff
External analysis Opportunities
Security-based disclosure
Criticism of the opposition
Publicity generated by the deployment of Commitment to security Troubleshooter the system
Service composite A public agency differs from a private organization is it sells directly its products. Must communicate their activities in order to account for their activities. Both in private organisations as public, the compound must generate a competitive advantage for the Organization (Gautam Et. Al., 2008)
Product/Service The service can be a good or benefit and is the raison d ' ĂŞtre of a digital city. If the sum of inputs is less than recognition of well-being on the part of the taxpayer the project tends to go ahead, otherwise it may derail. In the case of digital cities, are rendered as systematic payments services databases and registration information. It is observed that the service quality and customer satisfaction are different, and that the services can be defined by its characteristics of intangibility, indivisibility, variability and precebilidade (Lovelock and Wright 2001).
Price or cost benefit Can be done through the sum of the costs and expenses used for development of services and should be compared with the taxpayer satisfaction. This satisfaction can be measured through surveys. This cost and benefit was relegated to a second plan in
Brazil ddevido the factors such as inflation and lack of consumer awareness Assef (2005).
Point and distribution Is the way it is made viable service. Can be for distribution, in which the good or service goes to the taxpayer or by a point system, where the taxpayer comes to a good or service. In a conventional city trend is that the contributor go to the place of supply of services featuring the point. In digital, on the contrary, there is the tendency that the taxpayer has access to the scanned form services, featuring the distribution.
Promotion/communication Tends to be the most complex of the four P ´ s and at the same time requiring greater attention, because it is through him that digital city communicates with the public showing that you have a good or service available, the advantages that meet needs and seeks to convince people to use them. There are three classical forms to achieve this goal. In this contest, one of the most important items is the assessment of how this communication is assimilated by the taxpayer Blessa (2005).
the) Advertising Is the form where the sponsor has control of how much to spend, and which the public message will be conveyed. What has no control over is how it will be received by the taxpayer. A digital city can advertise through local media, using radio, television, billboards and printed material distribution Santana (2007).
b) Advertising Different from advertising, does not have a fixed amount to be invested, it may not cost you anything. The big risk is that it becomes negative and have a greater impact than advertising.
The technical part of the communication can be called advertising, as a commercial character, being part of a set of resources that your organization adopts to bring a product or service to the consumer and a means to communicate with the mass. (RIZZO, 2003 pg. 63).
For each investment in the provision of digital services should be evaluated the type of publicity that was generated.
Production model
Is how is aggregated input value giving rise to those goods or services. Composed of entry where are aggregated the human, financial and material resources. The process where the added value and finally the exit where the provision of the service or product delivery. The combination of these features enable it to be provided services of a digital city.
Production model Entry
Process ď&#x192;¨ Adding value to ď&#x192;¨
Features: -Financial
Output Goods or services
-Humans -Materials
Human Resources The HR function is at the heart of the entire process, starting by the Manager and expanding to other persons who are necessary for the development of digital city. Must be seen widely, covering functional and administrative aspects and cultural and operational aspects (Chiavenato 2010). The strategic capacity of an organization depends on the talent of its executives and your potential. Without competitive efficiency available resources makes unproductive. A successful organization is evaluated not only by the quality of your financial performance, as well as the skills to maneuver in the face of environmental turbulence, that is, one must analyze the quality of human resources and organizational forces, in addition to the financial and technological processes (CARDOSO et al., 2012) Is usually divided into three major areas. The first is recruitment, where the Manager sets the staff that is necessary for one or more roles and disseminates this need. This
disclosure can be made through formal means using paper, internet and job agencies or informally through personal contacts of the Manager. The goal is to arrive at the knowledge of potential candidates (Bohlander, Snell and Sherman 2003). This disclosure is expected to generate a series of candidates interested in the selection phase. The staff of psychology and of technology in HR has a series of tests and mechanisms to check which gives a formal character to the process and generates a sense of achievement for the selected, but the most important is the selection of the candidate that can perform the function including the critical situations of the Office and in the needs of digital city. Finally we have the phase of training, which is a summary of the above and seeks to prepare the person to carry out the tasks and challenges and crises that may arise.
Financial Resources
Financial planning has the ability to do a summary of other resources, create a work plan and serve as a reference for all the activities of the digital city as it is possible to compare the planned and carried out. By having these characteristics it is important that the Manager has an overview of how will work and the development of activities. The financial moves are typically divided into three groups. Recipes that summarize the contributions of money and must be separated from taxes through the digital city. The costs, which are outputs of money, necessary for the preparation of the good or service and the expenses that are essential to the management are not linked to the good or service directly, usually are linked to administrative and commercial area (Assaf Neto and Silva 1997).
Material resources Are the resources necessary for performance of the function. Emphasis is given to trade stocks, in the raw materials industry and facilities services. Tends to be one of the areas that require greater initial investment and then it is necessary to do the maintenance. A digital city covers all physical resources necessary for the functioning of the city (Pozo h. 2007).
Generation of well being
The results depend on the level of welfare that the digital city has capacity to generate for the Manager, for the staff and especially for taxpayers. For the Manager, has great importance the sense of accomplishment to contribute to the improvement of the sector. For employees, in addition to the wages and benefits matter the work environment, the sense of security, the possibility of professional growth and affinity with the function For the most important taxpayers is a cost benefit. How much are they paying for goods and services and the benefits that these goods and services can bring.
After the production of this material, you can see that the study of managing a digital city can be made in parts and this allows a detailing of the parties.
Preliminary rescue objectives The study and detailing of the parties allows the understanding of related activities in the operation of digital city.
Contributions This material can bring information to be used by public managers on how the application of resources in digital strategic services are seen by allowing users to make changes in the upcoming deployments.
Limitations As limitations, can be cited the fact that the breadth and complexity of a digital city and the duration of deployment of a system description process.
Future work As a suggestion for future work can be quoted: Each of the study areas; Interdependence of areas; Synergy between the various sectors of a digital city.
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Dr. Gaspar Collet Pereira *
Alan de Souza Leal Alexander Felipe de Andrade Wasting Collet Pereira
In Brazil there are 16000 furniture factories, most of them in the South and Southeast, according to data from the Institute for studies and Industrial Marketing (Iemi). SĂŁo Paulo is the State which concentrates the largest number of companies. The furniture sector employed 281,000 people. In 2012, 462 million were produced, with a turnover of RS $33 billion. Evaluate the furniture sector has been affected directly and indirectly with the economic situation of the country that has made this market had a pullback with regard to sales in both the national and international scenario, whereas 30% of what is produced in Brazil are exported. According to economists, the economic moment is challenging in all branches of activity. Considering the national situation, we believe in a recovery of the economy for the first half of 2017 with the opening of opportunities to promote the necessary improvements in this time of transition and boost the market. Thus, if we consider the economic prospects of the market, the wood and furniture chain will benefit from the fall in inflation and interest rates, in addition to the devaluation of the Real with the devaluation of the dollar. However, we must be prepared for this resumed with investments in training, process automation, integrated systems and especially on product innovation, which is the aim of this work; present a project of viability of the tertiary sector, specifically in the area of manufacture of furniture designed with
innovative models and international concepts regarding quality, since the beginning of preparation until final delivery to the customer. Within this concept, various types of services will develop and manufacture furniture, getting the client to achieve the demand established according to our business plan and continue the planned expansion. 1.1. Goals
Our company seeks to meet market demand if highlighting by differentials, aiming as main focus to customer satisfaction. To succeed in business, our company will be a system that rely on market leadership having profitability and creating customer loyalty. Among our objectives, sum the commitment to employees aligned the operational efficiency with technology investments that will enable us to provide greater quality to the product. Good citizenship means good business. In this way, social responsibility has also featured among the objectives of the company with the fulfillment of your role towards society, being a social, economic and intellectual value in all regions where we have business.
1.2. Background
To start a business we need to have people who buy our product or use our service and we also need to know what is the amount of those consumers who intend to attend. This demand from the external environment the company is out of your control, so the volume of requests can increase or decrease due to market forces. According to surveys, we note that there is, in the town of Ladha in the State of Paranรก, a demand in the market for furniture, especially designed and made to measure. A lot of that is due to the reheating of the real estate market
in the region which the Secovi/PR grow due to improvement of the purchasing power of the population and credit opportunities in the financial sector. In order to meet all that demand in the region and meet initially this installment market growing, will comprise a business focused on furniture manufacturing concept focused to deliver exactly what the client needs. 1.3. Characterization of company
The company studied for this work was founded in 2010 and it is a small organization under the regime of limited liability company whose purpose is to make furniture designed and tailored. Its seat is located in the town of Ladha in the State of Paranรก and currently has a physical structure where splits manufacturing and administration. The staff of the company consists of 06 04 02 people partners and employees. The physical space as well as the equipment and your direct labor are given, but with restraint. Customer demand is forcing the company to acquire new equipment and increase in your staff. In addition, customers who seek the company are becoming more demanding, seeking not only the product, but a set of attributes such as customer service, comfort, presentation of products and technology in line with the product. This increase in demand is demanding more of the company to meet the customer, is expanding and improving its business to a larger physical space that allow better accommodation as much raw material as finished product. Another point which will be attended will be in space for customer service that today is done in a reserved area, however in the manufacturing environment where does not provide adequate comfort and not encouraging the client to complete the purchase. According to information of the owners, there is no other company in the region with the same potential of competitiveness which sharpens the desire
and the need to expand the business. This study aims to improve the management system of the company by narrowing the relationship with existing customers and increase that number, but in order to attract to your wallet, individuals and legal entities offering furniture with both quality and price differentials and built-in technology to the product. 2 CONCEPTS
Strategic planning is a management process that refers to the formulation of objectives for the selection of programmes of action and to your execution, taking into account the internal and external conditions for the company and your expected developments. Also considers basic premises that the company must respect for the whole process to have consistency and support (CHIAVENATO, 2004). According to Maximian, strategic planning would be the process of elaboration of the strategy, which would define the relationship between the Organization and the internal and external environment, as well as the organizational
(MAXIMIAN, 2006). The strategic plan provides for the future of the company, in relation to the long term. A generic form, is what should be executed and how should be executed. This is crucial to the success of the Organization, and the responsibility of this planning is based mainly in senior management, given the level of decisions that need to be taken (TEIXEIRA, 2005). In a factory, we can consider the production flow as a system in which all parts must be perfectly integrated to the whole or the end result is reached successfully. Therefore, it is important to have mechanisms that provide controllers auto feedback between the parties, to the correction of the course. Our mobile manufacturing company designed and tailored acquires raw materials from a supplier and transforms it into product, then give it to a customer. This is a system composed of three parts that interact with each
other and that feeds market information, and internalizes, correcting deviations, if necessary, and restarting the whole cycle again. The production process is connected to the product engineering where development has direct interface. This focuses on the continuous improvement cycle. 2.1. Strategic planning In this step are raised all points relating to strategic planning and what are the predictions for the future so that they can be included in the new structure that will be mounted. Because it is a booming market and at the same time lacking in the region where the study was conducted, the strategy is to focus first on customers ever loyal. In the sequel get housing and commercial growth meet checking what type of audience is settling in the region and what they're really looking for. We offer and meet this audience with four different segments with products for corporate workstations furniture, custom furniture and planned environments. 1. Corporate Furniture-designed to meet companies with strong and elegant furniture in order to market trends with respect the comfort and wellbeing of our clients; the Workstations - Designed for indoor environments and to public service focusing on ergonomics with practicality and good functioning; the Bespoke Furniture; this segment which is the flagship of the company will be enhanced by offering tailor-made solutions for every type of client with innovative trends of the market and with the most modern technology of final product quality; the Planned Environments; Offer customers complete environments that meet your need with price and attractive deadlines without leaving aside the quality of the product.
All this offer will be presented through a showroom in an exclusive space air-conditioned with individual characteristics for each type of environment, attracting the customer the comfort with a technical team prepared to develop exactly what this customer demand.
2.2.1. Mission
Offer and develop furniture with high quality standards and competitive prices to ensure customer satisfaction.
2.2.2. Vision
Be among the largest and best mobile companies of the State of Paranรก, with diverse portfolio of customers, with improvement and still committed to the sustainable development of our processes.
2.2.3. Purposes
For the company to perform its fundamental purpose, namely, to reach your mission, she must first ensure your continuity. In this way, our company is not limited to designing furniture, but seeks to offer this aligned, design, innovation and creativity, with the purpose of increase sales by maximizing the capabilities and being financially sustainable.
2.3. Organizational Model
Our organizational model will be formed by a manager responsible for the company's HR, employee monitoring, procurement, financial and marketing. Three employees responsible for picking up customers, both in our office as the address, and send the designs to the plant, to be made the furniture according to the design approved by the client. In our factory we have technically trained staff who will be responsible for inventory control, production, delivery and assembling of furniture quickly and efficiently. 4 CONCLUSION
The furniture sector in Brazil has advanced significantly in many ways and your productivity today is already close to international levels, thanks to the quality of materials and workmanship as well as the competitive values that can be charged from a small businessman to large brands manufacturers. We can conclude by saying that the furniture industry in the current scenario has a great demand according to the research conducted in the city of Lapa/PR, our company is ready to meet all this demand presando always by the quality. The values applied are consistent with the market which leads us to believe in future expansion increasing the competitiveness in the region and seeking investments that will allow us not only to modernize our equipment, but also provide new designs in challenging and daring models given in brief the whole region of Paranรก.
5 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES +d the + 104 + 2700.shtml + Parana C3% B3veis-planned AAKER, David a. Administration Market Strategy. 7th Edition. New York: Bookman, 2007. MAXIMIAN, Antonio. C. a. General theory of Administration: the urban revolution to the digital revolution. 6th Edition. SĂŁo Paulo: Atlas, 2006. PORTER, Michael e. Competitive Strategy: techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. 7th Edition. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 1986. PADILLA, Moacyr Son. Management of Industrial Production, 1st Edition. Curitiba, 340 p, IBPEX, 2007.
06-Porter five forces and the organizational model applied to management of educational institutions
SUMMARY This material is intended to show how it can be applied to evaluation of Porter's five forces within the organizations, using the organizational model. Assumes that a manager who knows how to work the various parts of the company will be easier to create situations that bring competitiveness. The understanding of this model, allows the Manager to focus your efforts, in an orderly manner, the various parts that make up the company and provides an overview of the functioning and can reconcile with the Porter's five forces. Ally at Porter's five forces tools will be used the organizational model created by the author, for your master's thesis and has been tested in several lectures, where was challenged participants to identify an area company that worked, that were not included in the model. Even with an incentive of a dinner for the participant to identify this failure, has not been identified.
Introduction With has already been quoted, the organizational model is proposed to identify the various functions and resources needed for the operation of a company and study them separately, as is shown below.
The functions and the use of resources, should give rise to the goods and services produced by the Organization, generating well-being for the client. The profit is the result of the sum of these activities. The company will be as weak as the weakest link of this chain. This reasoning goes for whoever set up a small business, or to make the planning of a major automaker, or even for those who resolve to make an internal project within the organisation in which you work, what changes in each of these cases is the focus and level of detail. Source : PORTER, m. competitive advantage. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 1989.
On the other hand, the 5 forces model Porter, are focused on the relationship of the companies with the market.
Proposal Forces Porter
The 5 forces model Porter proposes the relationship of the company with the market and the organizational model allows the delegation of these efforts by area. In the Centre is the competition between the companies and this function is delegated to the Directors General of the organization. Financial district can simulation in relation to potential incoming, the area of materials that typically encompasses the logistics and purchasing is responsible for negotiating with suppliers. With customers, buyers to the area is the marketing logic and the study of substitutes with product engineering and product (Bug 2006).
This proposal allows the forces of Porter to be delegated at various areas of the organization.
Proposed Organizational Model
In the figure shown below, the elements of the organizational model are in lowercase and uppercase Porter's forces.
Source: author's proposal
In this diagram has been added to the human resources area, which indirectly involves all areas of the Organization and getting involved with the competition and the science and technology geared to make the substitute products frene
Private education institutions, despite being a State concession, follow the same reasoning of other private companies. To understand the relationship between the organizational model and the forces of Porter application proposals will be used in higher education institutions-IES. Will be studied every relationship separately.
Normally an undertaking takes time that body has the first customer, is made the first sale and begin transactions. In an educational institution, the thermometer to assess the trends of the institution, is the number of new students and the retention of registered. To understand the form of sale is appropriate to study the marketing compound represented by 4 P ´ s.
Product The product can be a good or service and is the raison d ' ĂŞtre of an organization. If the sum of inputs is less than recognition of well-being on the part of the customer the organization tends to go ahead, otherwise it may derail the deal (Las Casas 2002). In the case of educational institutions the Ministry defines the product as being the teaching, research and extension. Research and extension are obligations to Universities and colleges.
Price Can be done through the sum of the costs and expenses used for the preparation of a good or service and will serve as a reference for the price the consumer is willing to pay. Must be set if the company wants to make in bulk even if I have to keep a low margin, or have a high margin, in a smaller volume. Must be decided by the choice to get the best result (Kotler 2000). In addition, you should consider other variables as term of payment, discounts and ticket for delays.
In the education sector are experiencing a price reduction for smaller institutions and a strengthening of the mark of the IES fetched higher in order to be able to increase the amounts charged.
Point Is the way in which it is possible the good or service. Can be for distribution, in which the good or service goes to the client or by a point system, where the client comes to a good or service. A college tends to provide its services in the form of point in the classroom, where students go to school and becomes distribution in distance learning because students receive services in their homes or workplace through computerized resources.
Promotion Tends to be the most complex of the four P ´ s and at the same time requiring greater attention, because it is through him that the organization communicates with the public showing that you have a good or service available, the advantages that meet needs and seeks to convince people to do business with him. There are three classical forms to achieve this goal (Kotler 2000).
the) Advertising Is the form where the sponsor has control of how much to spend, and which the public message will be conveyed. What does not have control is the volume of business that will generate and if the return of this turnover is greater than the capital invested. Educational institutions often use propaganda in radio, TV and billboards, which is expensive and is not always possible to measure relative to the cost and benefit. Can be hired an advertising agency, which will manage this funds and cost and benefit.
b) Advertising Different from advertising, does not have a fixed amount to be invested, it may not cost you anything. The big risk is that it becomes negative and have a greater impact than advertising.
Let's review the history of an educational institution that had two cats that appeared in time, made some jokes and received in Exchange a few leftover snacks. In one of the health visits, one of those cats, see tax and made an infraction requiring the College to avoid the cats stay on the premises. It didn't matter to be argued that the animals were out. Given that the Director of the campus has requested that an employee retained the animals to see what would be done. This employee threw some goodies in a room and then the cats entered he closed the door, trapping the animals, who started meowing and tries to leave. Some students listened to these arrobaram the door and meows made an eight-second video, posted on youtube with the title of educational institution mistreats animals. This video has had over 3000 hits on first day coming to over 9000 in the first week, setting up a case of negative publicity. Front of this picture the institution had a Cattery of the most complete, got an owner for the cats, asked for a technical assistance to an NGO for the protection of animals and posted a video "excess of pampering for animals in an educational institution" that did not have the same number of hits in the first but generated a positive publicity.
c) sales force Hiring a group of vendors, typically with a fixed low and with a possibility of high commissions. As an example a school that offers courses to brokers, and propaganda and advertising, I've tried to improve the point but nonetheless notes that the number of students is decreasing and it decided to hire a team of salespeople. It was proposed a fixed salary and 50% Commission in the first three installments that students pay. The sales staff was to fight, discovered new stakeholders, new approaches, partnerships with other unions and the number of students has increased significantly.
APPLICATION To make it easier to understand it is possible to use a case study as shown below.
Let's imagine a course of specialization in the management area, which usually closes around five annual classes, has about 120 students. Is offered by an institution renowned, with over 2000 students.
Price The specialization has a tradition of having a high cost-benefit ratio, because the structure of the INSTITUTIONS of HIGHER EDUCATION and has a relatively low monthly charge.
Located in an upscale suburb of the city with comfortable rooms.
Swot Analysis
Appropriate to use each of the 4 P ´ s and make an analysis based on
Can be given a form to each of the members of the Committee and asked to make suggestions for each of the 4 P ´ s. After can be made a summary and incorporate into planning.
Business evaluation
Parallel to the swot analysis, can be done to evaluate the business, using the analysis of the internal and external environment about the need of customers, management process
and results, based on the vision, mission, values and policies of the institution. This process will allow the evaluation of the business and the people, facilitating the definition of business management, as can be seen in the figure. .
PRODUCTION Is how is aggregated input value giving rise to those goods or services. Can be best understood through the model of production.
Production model Entry Features: -Financial
Process ď&#x192;¨ Adding value to ď&#x192;¨ resources
Output Goods or services
-Humans -Materials Source: 1999. This production can be applied both for the area of industry, commerce or services. Let's look at how this process occurs in a school.
Entry Teachers should be professionals who have three strengths. The titration because account points by the MEC, the professional practice because students increasingly want practical examples and relationships. In addition to the teachers and administrative staff is required. About ACE finance, normally it is necessary that managers who start an institution, be prepared for an initial investment because the process of creating a College tends to be very slow. The materials include the facilities and equipment necessary for the functioning of the institution.
Process/added value
Is the way the features checked are applied in business. A IES is the way in which they are given lessons, having an additional challenge which is to tr a good performance in ENADE.
Goods or services Is the result of the process. Can be measured by the rate of success, and by the outcome of ENADE.
May be distributed a form to each of the participants with the guidance that define the challenges for each item.
ď&#x192;¨ Class
Output ď&#x192;¨
Can be short, medium and long term. The important thing is that there is a direction and sum of efforts and that there is an alignment of the strategies primarily between production, marketing and finance.
In IE, if the strategy is a major collection in the classroom, the marketing and finance should be aware that this will bring a long-term result, having an initial cost, including the possibility of a greater initial evasion.
The production must have as a goal the flexibility to be able to offer substitutes and meet new consumer demands generated by the offer of products in the market. If the institution's graduate students are present and starts to lose space for graduate diploma in distance mode must have flexibility to meet this challenge.
HUMAN RESOURCES The HR function is at the heart of the entire process, starting by the Manager and expanding to other persons who are necessary for the development of the business. For this reason it is suggested that is connected to the competition, that is after a challenge by the direction that all activities of the Organization should be geared to competitiveness (Chiavenato 2009). Normally, the HR area, is divided into three main areas. The first is recruitment, where the Manager sets the staff that is necessary for one or more roles and disseminates this need. This disclosure can be made through formal means using paper, internet and job agencies or informally through personal contacts of the Manager. The goal is to arrive at the knowledge of potential candidates (Lodi 1977). This disclosure is expected to generate a series of candidates interested in the selection phase. The staff of Psychology uses a series of tests and mechanisms to check which gives a formal character to the process and generates a sense of achievement for the selected, but the most important is the selection of the candidate that can perform the function including the critical situations of the Office and in the needs of the Organization (France 2011). Finally we have the phase of training, which is a summary of the above and seeks to prepare the person to carry out the tasks and challenges and crises that may arise (Chiavenato 2009).
In IE the trend of employees are split between teachers and administrative and technical.
If the institution is losing students in grad school should educate employees to be attentive to opportunities to attract students. Can raise awareness of undergraduate engineers, to convince his students about the importance of making a post. Be carried out awareness seminars and in this situation we have the convergence of human resources and competitiveness.
Financial planning has the ability to do a summary of other resources, create a work plan and serve as a reference for all activities of the Organization, because it is possible to compare the planned and carried out. By having these characteristics it is important that the Manager has an overview of your business, the way will work and the evolution of activities (Fisher 2005). The financial moves are typically divided into three groups. Recipes that summarize the contributions of money and must be separated from taxes through the Organization but are owned by the State. The costs, which are outputs of money, necessary for the preparation of the good or service and the expenses that are essential to the business are not linked to the good or service directly, usually are linked to administrative and commercial area (Hoji 2009, Lamb 2006).
Let's assume that next to the School is installing another group. Finance must be able to evaluate the simulations to create barriers to entry. If the post's staff suggested making a publicity campaign involving advertising spending on TV, billboards and flyers at a cost around 22000, finance must do a cost benefit survey and show the feasibility or not this campaign or other situations that have the purpose of reducing the strength of new entrants and involve spending.
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[1] I'm sorry but I don't know what it is PRECEBILIDADE. I searched the meaning but not found.