Gateway Life | July/August 2013

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J u ly · A u g u st 2013

An Amazing Adventure with an Amazing God p. 8 Every week, Gateway’s Amazing Kids helps your children draw closer to God and have a blast at the same time!

Saying Yes to Adoption p. 12 Worship Pastor Rita Springer shares the incredible truths God revealed to her on her personal journey of adoption.

Spectacular Summer Reads p. 14 This summer, discover terrific books written by Gateway pastors and leaders.

The Show That's Not for You p. 10

We’re proud to introduce The Show, our first-ever summer musical. Learn how you can participate, on and offstage.




CALLED christine caine

Contents comments

2 Welcome 3 Feedback


Gateway People


Tell Me Something Good

6 Outreach



An Amazing Adventure with an Amazing God Every week, Gateway’s Amazing Kids helps your children draw closer to God and have a blast at the same time!


The Show That’s Not For You We’re proud to introduce The Show, our first-ever summer musical. Learn how you can participate, on and offstage.


Saying Yes to Adoption Worship Pastor Rita Springer shares the incredible truths God revealed to her on her personal journey of adoption.

1 Summer 4 Spectacular Reads

This summer, discover terrific books written by Gateway pastors and leaders.

16 Calendar 18 Heart for the Kingdom Update

The Show That’s Not for You p. 10


Song Story

20 profile

Variety is the spice of life! At Gateway, variety means lots of ministries offering life-giving points of connection, and spice means a diversity of voices speaking into our lives. In addition to Pastor Robert bringing us a hearty meal of spiritual food each weekend, pastors and leaders speak into our lives at multiple weekday services across all campuses. I’m excited about this issue of Gateway Life because I feel it captures the diversity of ministries and voices within our church. I’ve had the great joy of serving at Gateway for more than 10 years. This month, we’re highlighting a ministry that’s been here from the very beginning: Amazing Kids, our children’s ministry. Jesus said in Matthew 10:14, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” It’s the desire to follow this scripture and see children know Jesus that produced our children’s ministry motto: “Have fun … and learn about God!” When children open their hearts through fun activities, their hearts remain open to learning about God. I can’t count the number of people who have visited Gateway and stuck around because their children said, “I want to go to that church!” We have also seen many join the Gateway family because of our yearly Christmas musical productions. Our commitment to an evangelistic message with high production value consistently

makes that weekend one of the most attended of the year. Due to the evangelistic nature of these productions, hundreds have received Jesus! This year, our elders approved an expansion of our Creative Arts Ministry to produce a special summer musical. In this issue, we’ll give you a sneak peak at this awesome, kingdombuilding outreach. We are a kingdomminded church because we are a church of kingdomminded people. So many of you have committed to give to the Heart for the Kingdom initiatives and we’re excited to update you on the incredible progress of the North Fort Worth Campus and The King’s University at Gateway. Finally, you’ll hear from Gateway Worship Pastor Rita Springer as she shares about her journey of adopting her son, Justice. Parenting requires dedication, and adopting as a single parent takes even more faith and commitment. You will be inspired and encouraged by Rita’s story. I pray that you enjoy the variety of voices and ministries reflected in this edition of Gateway Life. I hope it encourages you to connect with the spice of life that’s evident all around us!

We are a kingdomminded church because we are a church of kingdomminded people.

Todd Lane Executive Senior Pastor

Senior Pastoral Oversight David Smith // editor-in-chief Lawrence Swicegood // managing editor Stacy Burnett senior editor Josh Coad // Associate Editor Zachary Richmond // creative director Shane Dennehey // art director, designer Jeremy Tyson Illustrators Melissa Runyon (Inside-Front Cover) // project manager Jennifer Norris // photographers Cory Hale, Amy Pugh

2  Gateway life  July · August 13


“So comforting to know. Thank you, Jesus!” –Janet Garcia-Bello

“Interpretive type … love it, guys!”

–Dan Rhodes

“I particularly enjoyed the unknown facts [“Oh, the Places They’ve Been” May/June 2013].” –Larry Foreman

“Great issue! I was particularly encouraged by Tim Ross and Tom Lane’s words. I loved Tom Lane’s comment, ‘Together, we are the symphony of His kingdom on the earth [“Welcome to Gateway Life” May/June 2013].’ That is so powerful! Thank you for sharing so that those of us who live elsewhere can take part in Gateway’s community and culture!”

“I loved the article about relaxing and taking a break. Because of Pastor Morris’ messages I heard online, I now take a Tuesday sabbath—a day of rest, prayer, reading and spending time with my cat! It has made an amazing change in the way I feel [“Relax … Summer Is Here” May/June 2013].” –June Swezea

“Pastor Tim is such a blessing to us at Gateway [“He’s Over There Too” May/June 2013].” –Lois Reeves


What do you have to say? We love hearing from you as we continue to bring you the latest Gateway stories and news. We want to continue to include comments from you—our readers—about all things Gateway. What’s the Holy Spirit showing you through Pastor Robert’s sermons? Do you have a testimony from a recent Gateway service or event that you want to share? What’s your favorite article in the latest Gateway Life? What do you want to see in future issues? We want to know! On Facebook, feel free to comment on any photos, questions, news or articles we post. You can also talk to us on Twitter or email us at We can’t wait to hear your thoughts, opinions and insights! Sincerely, The Gateway Life Team

–Michele Winter Culp

Say What?! • V! Lounge [vee lounj]: This room serves as the weekend hub for volunteers to take a break, grab a quick snack and fellowship together.

Defining Gateway Church Lingo • NFW [en-ef-duhb-uhl-you]: The official abbreviation for the Gateway North Forth Worth Campus.

All responses taken from Gateway Church social media.

• Generous Life [jen-er-uhs lahyf]: Gateway’s stewardship ministry, designed to help you find financial freedom through learning what God’s Word says about money.

• Amaze [uh-meyz]: Gateway’s performing arts ministry for 1st–6th graders.  3

Beast Feast | Frisco Campus

V! An Evening at the Symphony

Beast Feast | Frisco Campus

V! An Evening at the Symphony

Beast Feast | Frisco Campus

Beast Feast | Frisco Campus

V! An Evening at the Symphony

Beast Feast | Frisco Campus

Pink Impact

Gateway CafĂŠ

Pink Impact

Pink Impact

“During the weekend of April 27–28, we baptized 476 people across our five campuses, including one man who gave his life to Christ during our Easter services. Within four weeks, he became a member of Gateway, attended kairos and received water baptism. When I saw him at church, I told him I didn’t immediately recognize him as the same man I had met during Catch the Vision. He replied with a big smile, ‘I’m not the same guy anymore.’” - Stokes Collins Associate Pastor, Membership

“We both left [Becoming One] with conviction from the Lord. I believe God had us in this class to challenge us and open our hearts to His blessings and healing. I don’t think either of us was quite prepared for how intense this course would be, but we are grateful to God for speaking and showing us what a Godly marriage should look like. This class has changed how we act toward one another and brought us closer together and closer to God.” - Engaged Couple Who Attended Gateway’s Pre-Marriage Class

“The Freedom Team completed over 175 personal ministry prayer

sessions with women who attended Pink Impact. Through our team, God worked amazing miracles of healing in many hearts.” - Linda Godsey Associate Pastor, Freedom

“We recently adopted our fouryear-old daughter, Ansley, from China. For several months, she has been asking us to play the Gateway Worship song ‘O The Blood.’ Although she’s still learning English, she has learned nearly every word to this song. She plays it over and over. A few weeks ago, she had spinal surgery to repair a tethered spinal cord caused by spina bifida. The surgery was painful and brutal, and she had to stay in the icu and lay flat on her stomach for three days. Even as she suffered and cried out, she asked us to play ‘O The Blood.’ In the midst of pain most of us could never imagine, she sang along. The song had an amazing calming effect on her.”

been trying to sell my commercial building for a year and a half. We were almost on the brink of losing it, but it just sold. Praise the Lord! God is now opening doors for us to start our own business again. We previously owned a gymnastics, cheer and dance gym, and we miss it dearly. Doors are just starting to open and people are coming into our lives to help us start another dance studio. So many things are coming together because we stopped begging God and simply started believing Him. He heard our pleas and saw our tears. We praise Him and thank you for the prayers and compassion we’ve received during altar ministry.” - Charles Johnson

- Christy Mullis

“We’ve attended Gateway since moving here two years ago. My wife and I have come forward several times for prayer at the end of service. We’ve asked for prayer as we’ve

Want To Tell Us Something Good? Send us your stories and testimonies by emailing  5


Hoops Hope



Ministry Partners

Men in Attendance

on march 9, a group of 14 gateway men visited the Coffield Prison Unit in Tennessee Colony, Texas. According to Charles Campbell, founder of truechamp and Gateway member, “The event was designed to provide the men of Coffield with some recreation and reach them with the gospel and the love of God.”



Truechamp + G3 Prison Ministries


How a day of basketball made a difference in the lives of inmates.



5 vs basketball games played



hotdogs provided for the inmates by Gateway

6  Gateway life  July · August 13

Coffield Team Wins!

1st Game


2nd Game


Point Difference


Charles says, “They have tournaments all the time and selected their best players. We played their all-star team!”

Point Difference

One former Division 1 player from the University of Nebraska on the Coffield team.



Because the inmates rarely hear new music, many of them stood by the speakers listening to Christian hip-hop.


Twelve men gave their lives to the Lord after Charles shared a word based on the story of Nicodemus in the Bible.


Bibles Given to Coffield Inmates


Players for the Coffield team

Players for the Gateway team

bags of chips given to the inmates “One man told us that he hadn’t enjoyed a bag of Doritos in 15 years,” Charles says. “A bag of Cool Ranch Doritos was a big deal to him.”


dance battle

A Gateway volunteer and one of the inmates had an impromptu dance battle in the middle of the court while inmates and volunteers cheered on the sidelines.  7

An Amazing


with an Amazing

God 8  Gateway life  July · August 13

by josh coad

h av e yo u e v e r p l ay e d a n g ry b i r d s ? Th e m o b i l e g a m e t h at a l l o w s yo u t o s l i n g s h o t e n r ag e d b i r d s at t h e g r e e n p i g s w h o h av e s t o l e n t h e i r e g g s ? I f yo u h av e a s m a r t p h o n e , yo u ’ v e p r o b a b ly p l ay e d at l e a s t a r o u n d o r t w o . B u t h av e y o u p l ay e d A n g ry B i r d s i n r e a l l i f e ? P r o b a b ly n o t, b u t t h e r e ’ s a g o o d c h a n c e yo u r k i d s h av e .

During a recent weekend, Amazing Kids workers built elaborate structures from cardboard boxes and placed plush, green pigs all over them. In each service, the children were then given the outrageously fun opportunity to knock down as many pigs and boxes as possible by launching plush Angry Birds via slingshot. Cardboard tumbled, pigs met their demise and kids cheered. What was the point of this game? It tied in with the week’s lesson on the biblical view of anger. Pastors Ken and Mary Jackson define the purpose and vision of Gateway children’s ministry as “have fun … and learn about God!” Pastor Ken elaborates: “Sometimes people challenge that and say, ‘You mean learn about God and then have fun?’ No, it’s have fun and learn about God. If kids aren’t having fun, they’re not going to receive from the Lord and they won’t want to come back. We want the kids to enjoy coming to church every week. While they have fun, we can sow spiritual seeds that will produce fruit in their lives years down the road.” Life-size Angry Birds is a perfect example of this philosophy. First, have fun: let the kids destroy huge cardboard structures. Second, learn about God: preach a message outlining the biblical view of anger and how the kids can apply it in their own lives. This applies to every age group, from birth through 6th grade. Every child attends an elaborate classroom, colorfully decorated and filled with toys and games. Each classroom (and even the hallways) tie into the overarching theme of “God’s Amazement Park.” “We want the kids to see that when they invite Jesus into their life, they begin an amazing adventure with an amazing God,” says Pastor Mary. This amazing adventure begins in the nursery, where workers pray over each and every child. As the children grow older, they receive age-appropriate Bible lessons and listen to and engage with worship recordings. Starting with 3rd grade, services incorporate a live worship band. By the time Gateway kids graduate to middle school, they are essentially attended a normal Gateway service, albeit one with outrageous games, prizes and funny videos. Through it all, children are guided by talented pastors, speakers, worship leaders and workers who make sure they can experience God in a safe environment. “Having fun and learning about God isn’t just about creating fun and exciting things for the children to do, but it also means creating a safe environment for them. They’re our greatest

For more information, visit

treasure, and we take their safety seriously,” says Pastor Mary. That’s why God’s Amazement Park hallways remain locked during service. Security guards stand watch at all times, and a secure check-in and checkout system ensures that every child leaves with the right adult. The level of care, excellence and fun established during weekend services extends to every Amazing Kids event, not just weekend services. In addition to providing childcare for weekly services like Equip and gsa (Gateway Single Adults), Amazing Kids hosts their own special standalone events, including: • Summer Camps This year, Amazing Kids Camp ran June 10–15. MixUp Camp for 5th–6th graders will take place August 5–8.

have fun … and learn about God! • Wacky Week Gateway’s version of Vacation Bible School. Wacky Week will be held July 25–27 at the Southlake Campus and July 23–25 at the Frisco Campus. • Fall Festival Imagine the church parking lot filled with inflatables, games, candy and smiling kids and parents. • Kids Kairos Amazing Kids partners with Freedom Ministry for this unique freedom ministry event. • Amaze A performing arts program where children can receive vocal, acting and dance training, and gain performance experience. All of this exists so your children can have fun and learn about God. Frisco Amazing Kids Pastor Josh Blount says, “This isn’t babysitting. We take every service and every event seriously. We want to be good stewards of the children God’s entrusted to us so they can encounter Him.” If that means playing a few rounds of life-sized Angry Birds, so be it. GL  9

by josh coad

christmas production is an annual gateway church

staple. Over the past few years, Gateway Performing Arts has brought us Chrismas Carol, Truthical and, most recently, It’s A Life … and It’s Wonderful. Every December, we experience another terrific blend of music, comedy, spectacle and spiritual truth. Now it’s time to mix things up a bit. It’s time for Gateway’s first-ever summer production. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Gateway Church presents The Show. Layer 1 – The Making of a Musical

The Show is a story with three layers, the first concerning the making of a musical. The story begins with a Broadway producer who is desperately searching for the next big thing. Tired of old scripts and successful shows of the past, he comes across a script written by a high school history teacher. Convinced this is the show he’s been looking for, the producer joins forces with the history teacher, along with arrogant director and a troubled pop-star. The Show documents their efforts to bring this musical to life. Naturally, because this is a musical, their individual interpretations of the script lead to a lot of singing and dancing. According to writer/director Walker Beach, the production has a “traditional, big band style,” but also incorporates modern pop and styles from around the world. As the music diversifies, so will the styles of dance. Be on the lookout for a Bollywood number!

The last portion of the musical devotes its time to Jesus’ life on earth, before concluding with a glimpse of eternity. However, these Bible stories don’t always play out in expected ways. For instance, Pastor Walker won’t say why, but at one point, “Noah’s Ark and the Tower of Babel end up in the same scene together.” Bizarre? Certainly. Unbiblical? Most definitely. But there’s a good reason for it. Layer 3 – Real-life Perspectives

This is where it gets a bit complicated. Not only is The Show a musical about a musical about God, but there’s one more interesting layer to this story. As the four main characters work through the script together, they each try to shape the story to fit their own beliefs. While the history teacher accurately represents the Bible in his script, the other three characters offer competing perspectives. The producer’s out for money and sees The Story of God as an opportunity to cash in on religion. The director, who believes that everyone’s right and no one’s wrong, is trying

you’re more than a s p ec tato r . Yo u h av e a r o l e to p l ay to offer a pop-culture pleasing image of God. As for the star, she’s a stark agnostic who’s been burned by the church and feels like God and the Bible are harsh and oppressive. The Show gives you a front row seat as these characters present and wrestle with their different belief systems.

Layer 2 – The Story of God

The history teacher’s script is called The Story of God and is essentially an overview of the entire Bible. Starting with the Old Testament, the history teacher’s script, and therefore The Show, moves through significant stories from the Bible, such as Noah’s Ark and the parting of the Red Sea.

Your Role in The Show

If you’re a member of Gateway and reading this magazine, chances are you’re a born-again Christian. If that’s the case, according to Pastor Walker, then “this show is not for continued on page 19  11

A doption Saying Yes to

b y r i ta S pr i n ger

12  Gateway life  July · August 13

When God shows us the depths of His hea rt, it forces us to in vestigate our own.


have spent many years writing melodies and lyrics that are sung in churches all over the world. I have made a career of pulling sounds out of my keyboard and tapping out the rhythms I hear in my head. However, there is one sound that singlehandedly changed my life and surpassed anything I could play or write on an instrument. On December 1, 2004, my son Justice let out his first cry. When the sound of his cry filled the atmosphere, I knew my world had changed. It wasn’t just that he was new and tiny and a perfect snapshot of God’s divine ability to create. It was the discovery that, although he was knit together inside a young African woman, I felt destined to be his mother, as if I was the one who carried him. How is that possible? Only God can give us a love so deep that we love like He loves and cares for what He cares for. When I obeyed the call to adopt, I didn’t know God was about to show me a part of His heart I had never before seen or experienced. Nine years before, I had a God-encounter while visiting a primitive hospital in Romania. I was holding a sickly newborn when the voice of the Lord spoke deep into my spirit. He asked me to become a mother by way of adoption. This wasn’t a shock or surprise. I spent much of my young childhood knowing I would one day adopt. It never occurred to me that God would ask me to adopt as an unmarried woman. I was a worship leader who traveled 40–50 weekends a year, serving God with all my time and energy. I was waiting for the Lord to bring the right man so I could get married and settle into the life of a stereotypical soccer mom. How could God ask me to do this alone?! When God shows us the depths of His heart, it forces us to investigate our own. Many of us declare all kinds of commitment and devotion toward the Lord until He asks us to do something that costs too much. The Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice (Psalm 14). Our flesh pulls back from the cost while our spirits yearn for the divine reward. God invited me, a single person, to adopt. He asked me to ignore the visible obstacles and

believe in the spiritual possibilities. By saying, “yes,” to adopting Justice, I became more like God who adopted me as His child. In our court system, a parent can terminate the rights of their biological child. Yet, if you adopt a child and decide later you made a mistake, those rights are not so easily terminated. Ephesians 3:1 says that we were predestined for adoption according to His pleasure and will. That’s a “wow” verse for me! God took pleasure in my adoption. He grafted me in and saw me as no different from His own family. Under God’s law, He cannot revoke his right to be my father. Physically, Justice and I look nothing alike. We do not share dna or facial features, and I will unfortunately never have his gorgeous coloring! Yet, through the spirit of adoption we share more than dna. Justice is mine and I am his because I set my heart to respond to Justice the way God responds to me. My flesh did not just adopt Justice. My spirit, desiring to love like God, adopted him. My flesh submitted to God’s timing and His divinity. The rewards have been nothing short of breathtaking. James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Moses’ mother sailed him down the Nile, but he might not have led Israel out of Egypt if Pharaoh’s daughter had not mercifully received him. If Joseph hadn’t responded to Mary’s pregnancy by opening his heart to God’s voice, the story of Christ’s birth would be very different. If I had chosen anger when I lost my father to cancer, instead of letting God heal my pain, I probably wouldn’t have heard Him speak to me in Romania all those years ago. God’s love requires our reception, which cannot help but compel us to action. Many people ask me what I believe is the best song I’ve written. My response is always the same. The greatest melody I ever wrote was written with obedient action the day I said yes to adoption. I’ll never write another quite like it. GL  13



Reads Looking for a great vacation

read this summer? Did you know that numerous Gateway pastors and leaders double as talented authors? Don’t wait until the airport terminal to purchase an overpriced paperback. Pick up one of these books before you hit the beach!

The Blessed Marriage Robert & Debbie Morris Marriage is a tricky issue today. For many, the idea of a solid, joyful marriage sounds too good to be true. Pastors Robert and Debbie share their experiences and reveal the biblical principles that led them to their own blessed marriage. The Blessed Woman Debbie Morris Pastor Debbie shares openly about her personal struggles and invites every person to have a front row seat as she reveals how she longed for a mentor and found the Bible supplied one for every need in her life. Unveiled Alan Smith The Bible comes alive in these pages as Pastor Alan weaves together truth and testimony of God’s transforming power. He shares stories,

14  Gateway life  July · August 13

practical steps and the transforming truths that have helped him, and consequently thousands of others, walk out of their past and into a future of freedom. Think Differently, Live Differently Bob Hamp Pastor Bob shares how you can learn to live differently by connecting to God, your true source. Don’t let the actions of others, past experiences or current circumstances prevent you from living in the peace and power you were created for. Women at War Jan Greenwood Too many women are fighting wars with each other that only cause damage and wounding. In her book, Pastor Jan teaches how women can embrace their identity, recognize their true enemy and embrace healthy female relationships.

Letting Go Linda Godsey Regret can cripple your future, but you don’t have to live that way. In this book, Pastor Linda uses Scripture and her own personal experiences to reveal how you can let go of regret. Arise Michele Cohen This book is filled with biblical insights woven together with captivating stories as Michele shares her own candid story of redemption and second chances that will touch your heart and shift your perspective. 8 Is Enough Shannon Alford Shannon was shocked when her sister and brother-in-law passed away within three years of each other, leaving their five children

behind. With three kids of their own, Shannon and her husband, Sion, took in all five children. Encounter God’s healing and provision in this powerful account of their story, a miraculous reminder that He can turn tragedy into triumph. The God I Never Knew Robert Morris Who is the Holy Spirit, and exactly what does he do? Many people find the Holy Spirit mysterious, confounding and even controversial. Pastor Robert clearly explains the Holy Spirit's chief desire is for relationship—to offer us the encouragement and guidance of a trusted friend. This biblicallybased book moves beyond theological jargon, religious tradition and cultural misconceptions to clarify what the Holy Spirit promises to do in your life.

. I Wish I'd Known Tommy Briggs Using examples from his own life story, Pastor Tommy offers life-transforming insights on how to live in complete freedom, find your true identity and experience the gift of the Holy Spirit. His personal stories will inspire you to grow closer to the Lord and have a more intimate walk with Him.

My Jerusalem Encounter Geoff Cohen In this very personal account, Geoffrey Cohen shares his journey of faith, which spans three continents and more than two decades. He describes with vivid clarity the turmoil he experienced in his native South Africa, the elements of war he witnessed in his backyard and persecution he endured because of his Jewish birthright.

How to Worship a King Zach Neese Pastor Zach unveils the power and beauty of true worship beyond any known song or melody while carefully building compelling evidence for the intended purpose of worship as a powerful weapon designed by God for the advancement and building of His Kingdom on earth.

All books available at Passages or online at  15


J u ly

a u g u st




















































































(Sr. High Summer Camp)

9:00 am–5:00 pm Southlake Campus This event is designed to create a safe environment for you to experience God’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing power through an intimate encounter with the Holy Spirit.

Glen Rose, TX july


Fresh Start (New Believers Class) Southlake Campus Join us for foundational biblical teaching and a chance to build relationships with other new believers. july


Single Parent Family Camp NRH Campus Three days filled with family, freedom and fun.



Gateway Family Prayer Walk Southlake Campus



Habitation 6:00 pm // Southlake Campus



Lakeview Camp & Conference Center


Frisco & North Fort Worth Campuses Set aside two days to be inspired, sharpened and challenged at this leadership conference. august


Habitation + Presbytery 6:00 pm Southlake Campus august


Aug 12 // Southlake Campus (morning & evening)

29–august 2

CAMPED (Jr. High Summer Camp)

The Global Leadership Summit

Presbytery Services


NRH Campus july



MixUp Camp (Mix56 Summer Camp)

Lakeview Camp & Conference Center

Aug 13 // NRH Campus (morning) & Frisco Campus (evening) Aug 14 // Grand Prairie Campus (morning) & NFW Campus (evening) august


Kids Kairos Frisco Campus

16  Gateway life  July · August 13

Check for the latest information.

Weekend Services

Recurring Events Kids/Students

Gateway Equip

AMPED (Jr. High, 7th–8th Grade) Sundays // 5:30 pm SLK Wednesdays // 6:30 pm



InfinitiYouth (7th–12th Grade, Youth of Single Parents) Mondays // 6:00 pm SLK MOR (Sr. High, 9th–12th Grade) Wednesdays // 6:00 pm NRH Wednesdays // 6:30 pm SLK Wednesdays // 7:30 pm FRS

Sundays 9:00 am, 10:45 am & 12:30 pm

Sun, July 21 & Aug 11* // 6:00 pm *Includes Presbytery


Frisco Campus FRS

Jewish Messianic Service Fri, July 12 & Aug 9 // 7:30 pm


Pray First Mondays // 6:30 am

7125 Legacy Drive Frisco, TX 75034 Saturdays 4:00 & 5:45 pm


Tues, July 16 & Aug 20 // 7:30 pm

Singles SLK • Worship Service Mondays // 7:00 pm • Divorce Care Mondays // 7:00 pm • Breakout Classes Mondays // 7:40 pm


Catch the Vision (Membership Class) Sat, July 13 // 9:00–11:30 am SLK Tues, July 23 // 6:30–9:00 pm nrh Sat, Aug 3 // 9:00 am–12:00 pm FRS

Sundays 9:00 am, 10:45 am & 12:30 pm

Grand Prairie Campus GRP 2404 N Carrier Pkwy Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Sundays 9:00 am & 10:45 am

NFW Campus NFW

Baptism Services

Single Parent Families SLK • Meal Mondays // 6:00 pm • Worship Service Mondays // 7:00 pm • Breakout Classes Mondays // 7:40 pm • ReNew (Single Moms) Mondays // 7:00 pm • Legacy (Single Dads) Mondays // 7:00 pm PrimeTime (50+) • DayTime Bible Study Tuesdays // 10:00 am



Unity (Marriage) • Marriage Challenge Sundays // 9:30 am


Saturdays 4:00 pm & 5:45 pm

Pray for Israel


Seven (18–29) Tuesdays // 7:00 pm

700 Blessed Way Southlake, TX 76092


InfinitiKids (Birth–6th Grade, Kids of Single Parents) Mondays // 6:00 pm

Southlake Campus SLK

Wednesdays // 7:00 pm SLK Saturdays // 4:00 pm SLK Sundays // 9:00 am SLK


Sunday, July 14 // 3:00 pm SLK Saturday, Aug 3 // 7:00 pm frs Sunday, Aug 4 // 3:00 pm SLK

Spiritual Growth DayTime Bible Study (Senior Adults) Tuesdays // 10:00 am SLK Foundations of Freedom Classes Sundays // 10:45 am FRS Healing Ministry Mondays // 7:00–9:00 pm


Prayer • Corporate Prayer for Our Nation Sundays // 10:40 am SLK • High Noon Prayer Wednesdays // 12:00 pm SLK • Men’s Prayer Meetings Thursdays // 5:30 am SLK Fridays // 6:00 am FRS

Temporary Location Fossil Ridge High School 4101 Thompson Rd Fort Worth, TX 76244 Permanent Location (Beginning July 20–21) 4209 Basswood Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76137 Sundays 9:00 am, 10:45 am & 12:30 pm

NRH Campus NRH 7501 Davis Blvd North Richland Hills, TX 76182 Saturdays 4:00 pm & 5:45 pm Sundays 9:00 am, 10:45 am & 12:30 pm

Ministry Center MIN 540 S Nolen Southlake, Texas 76092  17

Heart for the Kingdom Update by josh coad


hrough your generous giving toward our Heart for the Kingdom initiatives, Gateway is making a difference for God’s glory in the Metroplex and around the world. These exciting opportunities are only possible because of your sacrificial giving and support. Highlighted below are updates on two of our five initiatives—the North Forth Worth Campus and The King’s University at Gateway.

North Fort Worth Campus For 10 months, the North Fort Worth Campus has met in a temporary location at Fossil Ridge High School. Dozens of faithful volunteers have graciously served, many beginning at 5:00 am to set up each Sunday. For the past three months we have averaged 1,700 in attendance at this temporary location. Soon, our North Fort Worth Campus congregation will move into their permanent home on the corner of Beach and Basswood. Construction on the building was completed in early June. By mid-June, all the necessary equipment was moved into the building, and

18  Gateway life  July · August 13

staff and volunteer orientation will begin in early July. On the weekend of July 20–21, the North Fort Worth Campus will officially open! In the fall, exciting Gateway ministries like Freedom, Equip, Amped and mor will begin at this campus, with many more ministries to follow. The King’s University at Gateway This past spring, 120 students attended the university, with a significant increase in enrollment expected for the upcoming fall semester. When current and new students arrive, a new campus facility will be awaiting them. Renovations on the former Southlake Campus on Southlake Boulevard are ahead of schedule and will be completed in early August. 4,421 square feet will be dedicated to the library and study space. This includes a computer lab and designated study rooms. The building will also house technology-equipped classrooms, a café, a bookstore and numerous offices and conference rooms. Staff will move to the new location in midAugust before classes start in early September. GL

Song Story “O The Blood” By Thomas & Mary Beth Miller

The Show That’s Not for You continued from page 11 you. Our primary goal is to reach people who don’t know about God.” Production designer David Schubert says, “I’m excited for this opportunity to reach people who would normally never attend a church service. While there will be energetic music and great production value, The Show will also challenge people’s thinking.” Please don’t misunderstand, you are absolutely invited to The Show and it’s definitely going to be funny and entertaining. Still, you’re more than a spectator. You have a role to play. Pastor Walker says, “Start praying about who you should invite. When God puts someone on your heart, pray for them and invite them.” With each character representing a different point of view, people from all backgrounds will be able to see their questions about God on display. Ultimately, The Show will present a picture of God’s response to those struggles and uncertainties. GL

mary beth—The journey of writing this song started separately for both of us, long before we were even married. I grew up visiting a lot of different churches in different denominations. I noticed that while everyone worshipped differently, every time someone spoke or sang about the blood of Jesus, the atmosphere changed. Even as a young child, I grasped that no matter where or who you are, when you speak and sing about Jesus’ blood, it changes things. Then, a few years ago, Christian recording artists and songwriters Bob and Jayne Farrell sang at Gateway during weekend services. Backstage, while talking to the worship team, Jayne received a word from the Lord and said, “There aren’t many songs about the blood of Jesus. You must write about His blood.” I instantly knew that word was for me, but I never mentioned it to Thomas. thomas—My journey with this song started years ago in West Virginia. One time, a guest worship leader came to our church. She talked about the blood of Jesus, saying she had seen the greatest miracles and greatest moves of God’s presence in places where people actively declared the victory of the blood of Jesus. I realized how powerful the blood of Jesus is and for years carried a burden to write a song about it. mary beth—Before we recorded God Be Praised, Thomas and I found time to share song ideas with the hope that we’d write one together. He said, “I have this chorus I’ve been working on about the blood of Jesus.” I couldn’t believe it! We both wanted to write a song on that topic but hadn’t told each other! Over the next couple of days, we put our ideas together and wrote “O The Blood.” thomas—Conceptually, each of the three verses deals with a different perspective. The first verse refers to the old covenant when the Israelites had to sacrifice animals to pay for their sin. The line “shameful sin placed on Him,” reflects that Jesus fulfills the role of the sacrifice in the new covenant. The second verse then mentions Jesus by name. Mary Beth and I thought about John 1:29 where John the Baptist said, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” We purposefully worked that verse into the lyrics. The third verse connects Jesus’ blood to us. It all centers around Romans 5:8: “God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Pastor Thomas has been Gateway’s lead worship pastor since 2001. He and Mary Beth both serve on the worship team for weekend services. You can hear “O The Blood” on the Gateway Worship album, God Be Praised.  19

Profile highly recommend Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, which tells the story of a World War II hero and the way God redeemed his life.

QA Pastor

Marcus Brecheen Marcus Brecheen is the Executive Pastor of the North Fort Worth Campus and has been on staff since 2002. He and his wife, Lexa, have five children: Macey (18); Bethany (14); Seth (13); Cole (9); and Brielle (7). How did you meet your wife? When did you get married? Lexa and I met while she was in college and I was in seminary in Abilene, Texas. Believe it or not, we met in the library. I was studying, and she was talking! We got married on July 25, 1992.

What’s your favorite food? When it comes to taste, I love steak, and pralines & cream ice cream. I don’t like chocolate, but I like peanut M&Ms. Go figure! I also love to feel good, so eating lots of spinach and broccoli helps me feel good and stay fit.

What’s your ideal vacation? Every summer our family goes to Lake City, Colorado. It’s surrounded by mountains and rivers. I fish every morning, and we ride bikes every day. I can’t imagine a better vacation.

What is your favorite book? I read whatever sounds interesting. Since I love Texas, I’m always looking for books about Texas history. I have quite enjoyed Empire of the Summer Moon by S.C. Gwynne. It is about Quanah Parker and the Comanche Indian tribe. If you love Texas history, it is a must-read. I recently read extensively on the life of Jonathan Edwards, one of the greatest American thinkers. I’ll read almost anything by C.S. Lewis, and I love biographies because they help me understand a person’s life from an inside perspective. I also

What are your hobbies? I have a membership at 24-Hour Fitness that I don’t use as often as I should, but I love to exercise and stay in shape. I’m a golfer, a fly fisherman and I have way too many books!

20  Gateway life  July · August 13

What’s your favorite book of the Bible and why? The book of Romans, but, as Peter says in 2 Peter 3:16, Paul writes some things that are hard to understand! Romans is indeed hard for me to understand, which is why I always find myself going back to it for depth and wisdom. I also read Hebrews a lot. How do you see the Lord moving within the North Fort Worth congregation? I cannot recall such generous people. We have 70 people who have been meeting at 5:15 am on Sundays to unload our trailers at Fossil Ridge High School. They never complain—that’s generous! We have single moms who arrive early on Sunday mornings to volunteer—that’s generous! Our North Forth Worth staff has put in way too many hours over the last 15 months to make sure everything is planned and prepared—that’s generous! I could go on and on! Before you were the North Fort Worth Campus Pastor, what did you do at Gateway? There were only 300 people attending Gateway Church when our family arrived, so I’ve had a long history of helping build the ministry systems and watching things grow. In the early days, each staff member wore about a hundred hats, so in many ways it has been a shared journey. How do you think that prepared you for what you do today? As a Campus Pastor, it’s important to see the church from a global rather than a departmental perspective. Helping build a lot of the ministry systems at Gateway early on helped prepare me to be a Campus Pastor, because I see

how lots of ministries work together to achieve a shared goal. What’s something no one knows about you (but you can share with Gateway Life readers!)? 1. If God had given me the ability to play professional golf or baseball, I probably would have never become a pastor. 2. My daily budget for spoken words is pretty small; I don’t talk very much unless I have to. And for the life of me, I don’t understand why God put me in a place where my words are a primary commodity. The kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power (1 Corinthians 4:20), so I try to be efficient with words and not get in God’s way. 3. Four hours at the driving range is as fun for me as four hours on the golf course. What are you most passionate about and why? To help people believe that God is very near, very powerful and that He loves us in ways no human language can approximate. People tend to see life circumstances as the real stuff—they are not! Life circumstances are merely what God is using today to position us to encounter Him more fully. I believe that if every human being was able to see God for who He really is, they would all run to Him, melt in His arms and never leave Him.

For more about Pastor Marcus or any of our Gateway pastors, visit

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lead where you are bIll HYbEls Founder and Senior Pastor, Willow Creek Community Church

lIz WIsEMAN Executive Strategy and Leadership Consultant

GEN. COlIN POWEll DR. bRENÉ bROWN Former U.S. Research Professor, Secretary of State University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work

OsCAR MuRIu Senior Pastor, Nairobi Chapel, Kenya

DR. HENRY ClOuD Clinical Psychologist; Leadership Consultant; Best-selling Author

MARk buRNETT Four-time Emmy Award Winner; Executive Television Producer

CHRIs bROWN Co-Senior Pastor and Teaching Pastor, North Coast Church

VIJAY GOVINDARAJAN Top 50 Management Thinker

JOsEPH GRENNY Co-Founder, VitalSmarts; Best-selling Author

PATRICk lENCIONI Founder and President, The Table Group; Best-selling Author

bOb GOFF Founder and CEO, Restore International; Attorney

ANDY sTANlEY Founder and Senior Pastor, North Point Ministries

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