Studio G | Winter 2015

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Winter 2015





HOPE A Ministry of Pink Gateway Women

All About P ink

Getting to Know Gateway’s Women’s Ministry


The Latest Info on All Things Pink

Southlake | Frisco | Grand Prairie | North Fort Worth | NRH |

Gateway Groups Gateway Women’s Magazine Available on the web and the Gateway News App. iPhone, iPad, Android, and Kindle Fire.

Pink Groups Small Groups for Women

ALL ABOUT PINK Getting to Know Gateway’s Women’s Ministry


by Debbie Morris, Adana Wilson, Sandy Jobe, Samantha Golden, Lorena Valle, Lynda Grove & Jan Greenwood

in every issue 2




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features 5 22

Gifts in Bloom by Jessica Sheppard

Speak Up by Jasmine Kea


Highlight Your Beauty by Heather Spivey


Discover God's Plan for Your Health by Sarah Kiefer



#MyPioneerWomanProject by Erin Sullivan


Keys of Truth: Q&A with Author Cristie Penn by Stacy Burnett


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An Unexpected Platform by Andrea Syswera

Extraordinary Hope by Sarah Wronko

special feature In this issue only, don’t miss the bonus Pink booklet in the center of your magazine!


Life Lessons by Jessica Gray


contributors 1










1. STACY BURNETT is Gateway’s director

4. SARAH KIEFER is a sports perfor-

8. ANDREA SYSWERDA is a wife,

of communications and the managing editor of Studio G. With a bachelor’s degree in English, she is committed to writing pieces that help connect people with the Lord and each other. She loves traveling, cheering for the Rangers, and checking out new restaurants with friends and her amazing husband, Travis.

mance specialist for Breakthrough Performance in Southlake, Texas. She’s passionate about contending and warring for the Nehemiahs of this generation to rise up, take back their inheritance, and bring God’s kingdom to earth. She loves having brunch with friends, going on adventures, and the occasional prank.

2. JESSICA GRAY is a local North Texas girl who played volleyball for Centenary College in Shreveport, Louisiana. After finishing her degree at the University of North Texas, she coached club volleyball for 11 years until she felt a call to move to middle school to coach athletes who were beginning their journey in volleyball, without financial means for club teams. She is married to Jordan and is raising two boys who love athletics as much as she does.

5. JESSICA SHEPPARD is an associate director in Gateway’s Worship department. She directs music and plays piano/keyboard for the Southlake Campus and also travels with Gateway Worship’s touring team. Jessica received her bachelor’s degree in art from Dallas Baptist University in May 2013 and is also a professional lifestyle and portrait photographer.

mom, personal trainer, healthy food blogger/ photographer, recipe hoarder, and Lululemon addict who finds joy in anything fun and creative. She loves eating healthy, but it has to taste delicious. She is not one of those people who sacrifices her taste buds for the sake of being nutritious and doesn’t think you should either!

3. JASMINE KEA is a spoken-word poet based out of Dallas, Texas. She has four missions in life: love God, love people, dance as much as humanly possible, and bridge the gap between Jesus and the lost. Over the past 10 years, she has performed and spoken at conferences, colleges, churches, festivals, and even a couple of political rallies. She is passionate about using spoken and written words to bring perspective, inspiration, and encouragement to others. She also serves as the assistant to the pastor of Gateway Students at Gateway Church.

6. HEATHER SPIVEY has been a professional makeup artist for 15 years and specializes in HD film, television, live productions, and print. Her schedule usually calls for iced lattes, amazing but comfortable shoes, and late-night dinners. Her greatest loves are her husband, JD, and being mommy to two-year-old Emma and three fur babies.

7. ERIN SULLIVAN works with Gateway’s events team. She loves breaking into song on a regular basis and wishes real life could be like a musical. She’s single and ready to mingle. Visit her on Instagram @ErinJoySullivan.


9. SHEA TELLEFSEN is an associate director of communications at Gateway, has a bachelor’s in journalism, and is involved in Gateway Performing Arts. She loves cheering on the Rangers, watching action movies, and playing with her dogs, Harley and Ben. 10. SARAH WRONKO is a freelance writer and editor and a spunky mother of four who loves adventure! Married to her best friend, Aaron, for more than 13 years, the two of them love taking their children on road trips to anywhere and everywhere. Sarah is currently working on her master’s degree in English at the University of Texas at Arlington and hopes to one day write books and serve as a university professor.


from the editor

Why Studio G? The title, Studio G, was inspired by Psalm 144:12, which is a prayer asking God “that our daughters may be as pillars, sculptured in palace style.” The name reminds us that we, as Christian women, are in God’s studio as unfinished works of art. Studio G is committed to reminding us of the ways of the Master Sculptor as He continues to fashion us into “women of palace style.” In His studio, we discover who we are created to be, and we come to realize our true worth.

Hello Sweet Friends, Who is on your cover of Studio G? Your friend likely has someone else on her cover. We stepped outside of the box for this issue—we have six different covers because we want you to get to know us better! All of our “cover girls” are Pink pastors who are devoted to you. These beautiful women are high-capacity, passionate leaders who want to encourage you in your growing revelation of God.

That’s why this issue is all about Pink. Our spotlight on page 8 highlights the Pink team, and all of the articles feature what Pink women just like you are doing in our world! I am so excited to share this special issue of Studio G with you. I hope it encourages you to get involved with Pink, if you aren’t already, and to find your community with us.

God. He is too big to completely understand. He is too diverse to package up. He is too holy to trample. He is too loving not to be loved. He is too amazing to do without. He is too present to be lonely.

If you aren’t active in a Pink Group, I hope you’ll explore one today. If you can’t make a commitment to a group right now, carve out time to make it to a Pink Night. These nights are fun and inspirational, I promise! Oh, and definitely mark your calendar for Pink Impact next year. I often hear testimonies of how this amazing gathering of women changes lives, births dreams, and stirs passion. To get more details on what Pink is all about, be sure to check out the Pink booklet on page 15.

I could go on and on! I have been a wife over 12,775 days, but I am a miserable failure without God. I have been a mother for more than 12,000 days, but don’t even ask my kids what a wreck I am without God. You know, I think that is just the way God designed it. He designed us to be dependent. Living a God-honoring life is impossible without … God. But God, in His infinite wisdom, also knew we needed each other. We all need a cheering section, an inspirational jolt, or a hug. That is where Pink comes in. We want to encourage you in your godly pursuits.

With great love,


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Gateway Women’s Magazine

Winter 2015 Editor-in-Chief

DEBBIE MORRIS General Editor

LYNDA GROVE Managing Editor




GEORGETTE SHULER Assistant Copy Editor

ABBY RICH Copy Coordinator

MARSIA VAN WORMER Senior Creative Director

SHANE DENNEHEY Find exclusive articles and stay up-to-date on the latest Studio G news. What’s more, you can check out all of our past issues of Studio G!

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KATRINA SIRMON Print Coordinator


CORY HALE Contributing Photographers




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Gifts in Bloom Jessica Sheppard Growing up, my mom had an Olympus film camera that resided in our laundry room closet. Somehow, it always found its way into my hands. In my middle school years, I got my first digital camera (in all its one-inch-display glory) and eventually upgraded to a Nikon DSLR with the intention of photographing my dad’s ministry trips. But somehow, opportunities to shoot friends’ senior photos and family pictures started popping up.

my lifetime. But if I can successfully pass them on while being a positive role model, they’ll live forever. Serving on Gateway Generate’s leadership team, I often find myself surrounded by young girls. Many are interested not only in music but also in photography and the creative arts. So, photography has become somewhat of an excuse for me to connect with them, try to show God’s love to them, and encourage them in their walk with the Lord.

Professional photography seemed to slowly stumble upon me. I never set out to make a career of it, but the Lord has used photography as a meaningful creative outlet in my life. More than a great source of provision, I find so much fulfillment in capturing people’s special moments.

It’s always been my desire to use whatever platform I’m given to be a positive influence on other young people. I’m certainly not perfect, but I have surrendered my life to God’s ways and do my best to honor Him in everything.

We all are given gifts, but it takes obedience, which is largely manifested through discipline, to actually develop them. Like seeds, they can be planted within us, but they have to be watered and fertilized for them to bloom.

As the Lord continues to write the story of His faithfulness through my life, I hope it inspires other girls to set their standards high, make purity a priority, trust God in all things, give their talents to Him, and dream big, because He’ll do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)! For me, the expression of creativity is influence, which is far greater than the art form itself.

When the doors began to open for me to pursue professional photography, my friend Natasha Brown was already several steps ahead of me in her journey as a professional photographer. She helped “water” and “fertilize” my talent and helped me to “bloom” by spending a great deal of time with me. She let me assist her at photo shoots, see how she edited images, and attend photography workshops with her. Natasha showed me everything she knew with open hands—an example I’ve come to deeply appreciate, admire, and hopefully duplicate.

No matter what your gifting is, when it’s surrendered to the Lord and used for His glory, it’s considered worship unto Him. That’s what I want these young girls to see. Gifts will live for generations because Natasha passed them to me, and I’ll pass them on, and hopefully other girls will choose to do the same. Every gift we receive comes from God, so why shouldn’t we turn right around and give it back to Him as worship?! That’s why I believe the Church should be the most creative force in the world. Our ideas are God-breathed and God-inspired because we are created in the image of the ultimate Creator. I believe we bring Him great pleasure when we choose to use our creative talents to honor Him!

Through Natasha, I saw that blooming is not only about coming into our own fullness but also helping others come into theirs. Are we willing to teach someone else the very thing we’re striving to achieve ourselves? That’s what Natasha did. It was such a selfless, secure, and eternal thing to do: “‘To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away’” Matthew 25:29 (NLT).

jessicasheppard |

If I die with my talents—the skills I’ve cultivated and the techniques I’ve spent my life accumulating—they’ll never live beyond


Highlight Your Beauty Heather Spivey As an awkward, bucktoothed, gangly kid, I always saw movie stars and singers and wanted to be beautiful like they were, and I thought makeup would cover my flaws and make me beautiful. So when I began my career doing makeup, my goal was to “create” beauty. As I grew as a makeup artist and began to understand I was a treasured daughter of the One who created me exactly the way He intended, my approach changed. My heart’s cry became to help each woman see herself how God sees her and bring out that beauty in her.

Now that I’ve been a professional makeup artist for 15 years, I’ve seen one of my biggest dreams come true—being able to speak to women, especially young girls, about their beauty and worth. While the world is constantly telling us what we should look like, how skinny we should be, and how much makeup to wear, God is saying He created us all uniquely beautiful. And I think that’s something we all need to be reminded of every now and then.


Studio studio fyi

To get you started, I’ve put together some of my favorite makeup tips so you can discover your own unique beauty! CHOOSE YOUR FOUNDATION.


There are so many different kinds of foundation that it can be overwhelming finding one that’s perfect for you. First, you need to figure out what kind of coverage you want—sheer, medium, or full. When choosing your shade, go in and get matched. Before buying anything, make sure you wear it for at least 10 minutes to see if it changes color on your skin, and check it in natural light.

With every new season, you can try fun, new, daring colors you might have never tried before. I personally love matte lipsticks because they last the longest. Another tip—test out those fun colors on your fingertips. It’s much less messy and will accurately show how the color will change on you.



Bronzer makes me so happy! When you apply it, line the perimeter of your face so it’s about one or two shades darker than the inner portion of your face.

Most women overlook this additional tool in their beauty routine not realizing it can change their eye shape and help them look more awake. I simply curl at the base, middle, and tip of the lashes to create a soft curve rather than a harsh square angle.



Wear gel liner. Just apply in your upper and lower water line with an angled liner brush to create the illusion of full lashes and liner with half the fuss of regular eyeliner. My favorites are MAC Fluidline, Tarteist Clay Paint Liner, and Maybelline Eye Studio Lasting Drama Gel Liner.

Face primer is a staple in my makeup world—especially in Texas. When I’m doing makeup for personal appearances or special events, my go-to primers are Elf Studio Mineral Face Primer and Elf Studio Poreless Face Primer. I know it’s cheap ($3–$6!), but it really is on the same level as most high-end primers. My personal, everyday primer is NYX Angel Veil Primer or Elf’s Mineral Infused Face Primer (in purple because it color corrects my skin).

EMBRACE YOUR EYEBROWS. Eyebrows are sisters, not twins! Typically your eyebrows and ears are uneven, so don’t stress or waste time trying to make them perfect. Embrace the fact that they aren’t identical.

EYE PRIMER KEEPS YOUR EYE SHADOW FRESH ALL DAY. Living in Texas, one of the questions I get most is, “How do I keep my eye shadow from creasing?” It’s simple—use eye primer! I only use MAC’s Paint Pot. Just apply a thin layer with a synthetic brush over your eyelid, and then apply whatever eye shadow makes you happy.

TRY NEW TRENDS IN MODERATION. We all see “new” makeup trends in magazines; however, most of them have already been done before. They just have shiny new names and are backed by celebrities. When you try a trend, play with a lighter version so that you can wear it in your everyday life.


DRINK WATER. I know this sounds simple, but the majority of people don’t drink nearly enough water. Hydrated skin from the inside out is happy skin!

For a softer look, I use gel liner on the inner rim of my eye (water line) and use a small tapered brush to apply a dark brown eye shadow along my lower lash line. Then I go over that with a medium brown eye shadow to give a soft, smudge effect. I never use eye pencils!



None of us have the same skin type, tone, or texture. The makeup your BFF adores may not work for you, and that’s okay! Keep playing and looking for what fits you best.

I often hear, “I’m too old to wear shimmery eye shadow.” You’re never too old for shimmer! If you love it, wear it! I typically apply shimmer on the eyelid only (between your lashline and crease) and use matte shadows everywhere else.



“While the world is constantly telling us what we should look like, how skinny we should be, and how much makeup to wear, God is saying He created us all uniquely beautiful.” 7


studio spotlight


Debbie Morris Pink is devoted to you. We have many dreams about partnering with you to see God fully formed in you so you can find your unique expression, and we want to help you find your place in the world of “Pinkdom.”

never have to wear it. Secondly, we believe in women. Because we believe God created us to be life-giving influencers, we want to cheer you in your pursuits toward God and your God-given purpose. Thirdly, we love to have fun, and we love to laugh. We love to see girls make lasting friendships—the ones where you laugh so hard you cry when you’re together.

Pink is driven by a few simple values. The first thing you should know is that pink doesn’t have to be your favorite color, and you


So, you might be asking, “What does Pink have for me?” I’m so glad you asked! Let me give you just some of the highlights. As women, we all know the value of friends. Our Pink Groups are a great way for you to meet and connect with other women who want to grow in their relationship with God. Every week, amazing things happen across the metroplex in our small groups. With a variety of groups, you can find women with your same passions. We have Bible study groups, interest groups that gather around an activity, and prayer groups, just to mention a few. Because Gateway Church believes in women, we provide free childcare for many of our Pink Groups. Find a group at Not ready for a group yet? Then consider Pink Mentoring. This is an intimate, one-onone ministry. Our mentors are women who have walked through similar life situations and now want to encourage you while offering sage wisdom and insight. Pink Nights are special gatherings that happen three times a year. They’re all just a little different. One of our favorite Pink Nights is Laugh! (I did mention we love to laugh, right?) A professional comedian, beautiful décor, and delicious food are all part of the evening. We all need a little laughter. And you’ll definitely want to stay for the after-party. Each Pink Night is unique, inspirational, and life giving. WILD sounds crazy doesn’t it? But it stands for Women In Leadership Development. For the last several years, we’ve been training women in their leadership skills. This program enhances women’s natural abilities in public speaking, writing, and ministry while encouraging the leader within each of us. We have recently modified this program to fit the needs of the professional woman with a special WILD class for women in the corporate world. Every year, we offer ladies the opportunity to go on a global ministry trip where we share the love of Christ. We have taken women into Greece to minister to sex-trafficked girls. We’ve also taken trips to Egypt, Mexico, Guatemala, and Japan. Pink Impact is a large gathering of women for two amazing days of dynamic worship, anointed messages, and fun surprises. Every year we hear amazing, life-changing testimonies of what God has done through these conferences. We often hear of women who have been healed, encouraged, and equipped. Everyday women, just like you, have been inspired by a whisper from God about how they can make a difference in their world. And they’re doing it! Everything from making their homes a refuge for their families to blogging, starting nonprofits, writing books, and starting small groups. And there’s still more! We have everything from Pink Equip Classes to blogs to Pink Voice (our outreach ministry) to this magazine, Studio G. In everything we do, we’re here to serve and empower you! So, you may be wondering, who is the “we” that makes up the Pink Team? Gateway is one church with five different campuses, and each campus has a Pink pastor who’s there to serve and minister with you. In the next several pages, I want to introduce you to the talented, high-capacity, God-loving, gracious women who make all of the things you just read about happen at your campus.

WHAT MIGHT PEOPLE BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I hold a hunting record in our family. I have killed the largest Ferrell hog. It is here that I should say that I don’t really hunt, but I have no problem killing that destructive beast.

WHAT’S ONE PART OF YOUR DAILY ROUTINE YOU AREN’T WILLING TO GIVE UP? I am a bath girl. I need a bath to go to bed and a bath to get going in the morning.

WHO ARE THREE PEOPLE YOU’D LIKE TO MEET? Three more Gateway girls. I have met many famous people, but I am often more impressed with the “grace-gifted” girl who is following God.





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3) SPEAKS GERMAN! Lynda Grove Pastor, Southlake Campus


5) GREW UP WANTING TO BE A WIFE, MOM, NURSE, OR 911 OPERATOR. Sandy Jobe Associate Pastor, Grand Prairie Campus



7) UP AT 5:00 AM EVERY DAY. Marsia Van Wormer Associate Pastor, Southlake Campus

7 10

8) LOVES A GOOD PRANK. Samantha Golden Pastor, North Fort Worth Campus



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Stephanie Kelsey Associate Pastor, Southlake Campus





Michelle Wentroble Ministry Coordinator


13) ASKED HER HUSBAND TO BUY HER A TRACTOR. Debbie Morris Executive Pastor



15) LIVED IN RUSSIA FOR 5 MONTHS WHEN SHE WAS 22. Elisabeth Dunn Coordinator



FRISCO CAMPUS Adana Wilson I don’t know about you, but I live a very busy life. I am a daughter, friend, wife, mother, pastor, chauffeur, nurse, cook (sometimes), personal shopper (for three teenage boys), and much more. Sometimes life isn’t easy. In fact, sometimes it’s just plain hard, and I feel like I am alone. None of us are created to do life alone! And our need for each other is not a weakness … it’s actually a strength. God made us in His image, and He made us to need one another.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT PINK? I love the community Pink provides. I love knowing that no matter what’s going on I have a community of women that will love and encourage me.

IF YOU COULD ONLY EAT ONE MEAL FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Cheese enchiladas, rice, beans, and, of course, chips and salsa with a Diet Dr. Pepper.

WHAT IS THE MOST INTERESTING THING THAT’S HAPPENED TO YOU AT GATEWAY? At one of our Pink Nights in Frisco, we had a snake on the patio. It was pretty interesting trying to relocate it!

One of the things I love most about Pink is that we are a community of women devoted to loving and cheering for one another. When life isn’t easy, you have someone to encourage you. When life is awesome, you have someone to celebrate with you! When life is confusing, you have someone to love you. We need others and others need us! My greatest desire is for each person who attends the Frisco Campus to find their place of belonging, a place of community where they are known and know others. There are many opportunities to become part of the Pink community here at the Frisco Campus. One of the primary ways is by joining a Pink Group. Pink Groups are Gateway Groups that meet throughout the North Dallas area whose sole purpose is to provide a place for women to connect relationally, grow spiritually, and serve God and others. We have day groups, evening groups, prayer groups, Bible study groups, and much more. Pink Mentoring is another great way to connect. Mentoring is a powerful and personal way to walk in one-on-one relationship with other women. Through love, instruction, and accountability, you’ll grow strong spiritually and relationally. Something new to our Frisco Campus is WILD (Women In Leadership Development). This class helps you grow in the gifts and callings God has on your life in order to build strength, service, and courage in our generation. Lastly, one of the most fun ways you can get connected is to serve at a Pink Night. Each Pink Night has a fun theme, cool décor, and great food. We need your help with greeting, registration, décor, hospitality, and more. It’s a great time to meet other women and join together to create an atmosphere for God to move within. If you haven’t found a place to belong or if you’re new, I want to personally invite you to reach out to me. It would be my honor and joy to help you find your place of belonging here.





Sandy Jobe I’ve always been intrigued by arranged marriages. When our children were small, we teased with our friends about preselecting spouses for our kids. Of course, the Lord did a much better job than we could have ever dreamed. In January 2013, my husband, Mark, was approached about leading the newest Gateway campus, which was Shady Grove Church at the time. I really didn’t think it would affect or involve me as much as it has. As it turned out, the “arranged marriage” of Gateway Church and Shady Grove Church was a match made in heaven. Now, if you know anyone who has a blended family, there are challenges; I’m not going to lie. But, when we put aside our flesh and our own motives and treat each other with honor and respect, great things can happen … fast. In April 2013, I was asked to volunteer as the leader of Pink at the Grand Prairie Campus. We kicked off Pink with a sit-down tea and had 400 women show up! The ladies welcomed me with open arms. The journey has been sweet even with all of the changes and construction challenges (e.g., limited class space, delays in childcare). We have offered the same annual Pink events, attended Pink Impact at other campuses, and bussed to other campuses for special Pink events. This fall, we launched WILD (Women In Leadership Development) with more than 75 women. We are already offering Pink Groups, Pink Mentoring, altar ministry training, Equip classes, and marriage enrichment. The journey has been amazing. The women of Grand Prairie are enthusiastic and strongly support all of the events we’ve hosted thus far. Our heart is to offer almost everything available at our Southlake Campus without asking people to travel to another campus. My prayer is that the Grand Prairie women will continue to dive in and get involved. The more leaders who are trained and launched means the easier it will be to offer more opportunities for leadership and ministry. Growth in the midst of construction and hardships, such as portable potty trailers (not kidding!), meeting in a tent, or having to wear hardhats anytime we’re in the building, just keeps things real and makes us all grateful for every finished piece of the puzzle that will someday soon be a beautiful thing. As a campus staff, we decided early on we could make it through the construction phase because it’s going to be worth it. We are the church, not the building, so ministry can happen wherever we are. I still pinch myself and wonder how I get to be a part of this congregation. Fact: The previous five leaders of Shady Grove’s women’s ministry still attend this campus. (No pressure there, wink wink!) This congregation was built strong and has stayed the course. I’m like the eleventh-hour worker who gets to reap the rewards of years of prayers, sweat, and tears to get where we are today.

I love how Pink spends hours trying to appeal to every age group of ladies. From activities to Equip classes, there is something for everyone.

WHAT’S YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT? I have many, but one time I was singing a solo at church, I glanced down to see my shoulder pad had come loose from my shoulder and had slid halfway down my sleeve. I looked like I had a huge muscle on ONE arm. Hey, shoulder pads were the thing in the ‘80s!

WHAT IS ONE OF YOUR GREATEST EXPERIENCES WITH GOD? When I came to Gateway in 2001, I had just experienced the loss of two very close family members— my sister and my dad. I had never known grief like I was experiencing. One week, Pastor Robert spoke about how Jesus experienced the same things we face and shared about how Jesus must have felt when Joseph (His earthly father) died, I had never realized Jesus knew the pain of grief. It completely touched me.

Women need God to build and restore lives.




NORTH FORT WORTH CAMPUS Samantha Golden I am new to the Pink team, and I’m so excited about Pink at the North Fort Worth Campus! I love seeing women come alive as they connect to the heart of the Father, knowing that they are loved and seen. As women, we are influencers and get amazing opportunities to sow into our families and communities. No matter what stage of life you’re in, we have a place for you to belong, invest, and grow. This fall, we are expanding Pink at the North Fort Worth Campus by adding WILD (Women In Leadership Development) and Titus 2 in the evening. WILD is an exciting, interactive class that allows you to discover and develop your specific gifts of leadership. It brings clarity of purpose, develops your communication skills, and provides an opportunity to develop relationships with other Gateway women. Earlier this year, we launched Titus 2, a class that helps women follow God in everyday life, on Wednesday mornings and had a fantastic experience. Because we want every woman to be a part of Titus 2, we are expanding the opportunity for working women to join us by offering Titus 2 at night.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT PINK? Walking alongside women and watching them come alive to their dreams.

WHAT MIGHT PEOPLE FIND SURPRISING ABOUT YOU? I love to study different people throughout history, and right now I am obsessed with Winston Churchill.


Even if you can’t join us for WILD or Titus 2, I would love to see every woman connected in community by being part of a Pink Group. I guarantee we have a group for you! Do you like to knit? We have a group for you! Do you homeschool and want support? We have a group for you! Do you just want a good, old-fashioned Bible study? We have a group for you! Are you a runner? We even have a group for you! There is a place for everyone to connect and be a part of community, and we are always looking for new group leaders. If you have a desire to lead, please let us know. Since becoming a part of the North Fort Worth Campus, I have met some amazing women who are making a difference by using their gifts and passions. Kristen Mangus is a section leader and Gateway Group leader who uses her talent for knitting to make blankets for Embrace Grace, a ministry for young, single mothers. Every semester, Kristen gets the list of Embrace Grace mamas, prays over them, and has her Pink Group make a blanket that is personal to each new mom. I got to see the effects of this ministry at the Embrace Grace baby shower. One young mother opened the blanket and started crying because it was so personal and the color of her son’s nursery. She couldn’t believe that a group of women would make something just for her. She felt the tangible love and compassion of Christ all because a woman used her gift of knitting to bless another woman. Sometimes I think we underestimate our ability to influence because we are comparing our gift with another woman’s gift. We are all meant to shine. We are all meant to display God’s glory. Join me as we come together as a group of women that encourage one another to grow in our walk with God and grow in relationship with each other. God is in the middle of lives that want to have influence.



NRH CAMPUS Lorena Valle Gateway’s North Richland Hills Campus, better known as NRH, was the first extension campus at Gateway. We call it our home every weekend. It is a special place of refuge at the corner of Starnes and Davis where we experience life together, worship God, and allow Him to speak into our lives on a weekly basis. We have seen God at work in Pink at the NRH Campus this year. A new season has started for our women, and I am truly expectant to see God’s work in each one of you! I believe God has called us to edify and partner together to encourage each other to grow in our relationship with Him, our love for one another, and our call in Christ. This past year, we have grown both in numbers and in the depth of our relationships. It has been a privilege to oversee Pink at the NRH Campus and offer all of our Pink ministries (Pink Mentoring, Pink Groups, WILD, etc.) right on our campus. Several of your own stories encourage me and build my faith. I have seen women come out of abuse and brokenness and rise above their circumstances into abundant lives! We have watched women find their destiny by hearing God’s voice and calling over their lives. I have seen ladies stand up and lead with a resolute conviction and trust in God for the outcome. As we watch transformation happen in our campus and remodeling takes place, it’s a reminder of God’s remodeling and work in our lives knowing “that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). Transformation can be described as metamorphosis during the life cycle. Metamorphosis is a process of complete transformation of our minds as well as our souls. We go into the process looking and acting a certain way, but we come out completely different. This is a constant process. Every day our minds are being renewed and transformed to be more like Christ. It is my desire that when you call the NRH Campus your home church, you will experience God’s transforming grace, presence, and love, and you will connect with other women who will encourage you and love you where you are. I pray you will be equipped to carry out the call God has put on your heart as an influencer of those around you. In every season we are being transformed and need God to build our lives.


IF YOU COULD ONLY EAT ONE MEAL FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Ice cream! Not really a meal, but I have a sweet tooth.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT PINK? I love reading Studio G. I also enjoy the Pink Nights; seeing all the NRH ladies gathered at our home campus is always a treat!

WHAT’S ONE PART OF YOUR DAILY ROUTINE YOU AREN’T WILLING TO GIVE UP? My early workout! Actually, I am totally okay with giving that up, just ask Pastor Stephanie Kelsey.



SOUTHLAKE CAMPUS Lynda Grove The Southlake Campus was the first Gateway campus—before we had any extension campuses at Gateway. As we’ve added more campuses and watched them grow and develop their own Pink communities, we’ve realized it’s time to up our game at Southlake! That’s why we’re so excited to introduce you to our Southlake Pink team! You might be thinking, hasn’t there always been a Southlake team? Our central Pink team has always served Southlake, but three of us now specifically serve you! I’m your Southlake Campus pastor for Pink, and Pastors Marsia Van Wormer and Stephanie Kelsey are also familiar faces you can look for any time you’re at the campus. We can’t wait to get to know you! While the overall goal of Pink ministries at all of our campuses is to connect, empower, and train women, we realize that no two experiences are the same. We want to invite every woman who attends the Southlake Campus for any women’s event, class, or equipping session to join us as we make being connected, trained, and empowered part of being in the Pink community. The power of connecting is so much greater than just recognizing a few faces or attending a few classes—it’s a sense of belonging, ownership, and confidence when you can say “my Gateway Group,” “my pastors,” or “my campus.” Being part of Pink at Southlake gives you one of the greatest opportunities to reflect your individuality and invites us to be united at the same time. We may have a different approach to how we communicate or share our passions, but we are aligned with the same heart. We are available to answer questions if you’re stuck or confused. We promise to cheer as loud as socially acceptable when we hear about your success and join in quiet prayer when you are walking in a valley of heartache. Although it may be easier for you to remember our names and know a part of our stories, we desire to know you and learn your stories. Passion and individuality need God to direct and lead the way. We are REALLY excited to be here with you.



WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT PINK? Getting to know all of the amazing women. Whether in a small group, a large Pink get together, or simply passing each other by in the hallway of life, the women I meet are smart, caring, and talented and are impacting their families and world.





My father’s homemade bread and lasagna.

Loving women and watching what God does as we bring all our gifts together.

Learning to hear Him while I run and realizing that’s quiet time for me.




My 5:00 am workout!

A meal from Chipotle.


When I was in grade school, I climbed a rope to get to my attic bedroom.


WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? Somehow famous in fashion, in New York.

#eatcakeforbreakfast #neversaydie #itsbetterwithfriends


PINK CENTRAL TEAM Jan Greenwood Gateway women are getting connected, trained, and empowered at every campus and corporately, and we as the central team partner with each campus to serve you. We are committed to: 1) supporting our campus pastors in reaching as many women as possible and 2) providing corporate ministry and resources that speak to and serve women at Gateway and all over the world. Hannah Etsebeth and I are your Pink central team leaders. Being on the central team means we have the honor of building ministry tools and opportunities for all of the women at Gateway. Our focus is on creating a sense of belonging across all of our campuses by building unified gatherings where you can experience the presence of God. We’re here for all of you! Pink Impact The most exciting news is that Pink Impact is on the move. In 2016, we will graduate to the Fort Worth Convention Center where we will gather many friends from every campus in one place—at one time. What fun it will be to see us all lifting our hands in praise, sitting under the teaching of some of the most anointed preachers in the world, and having so much fun. If you’ve never been to Pink Impact, this is the year to join us. Grab a friend and get in your car. It’s going to be the best gathering yet! To register, visit Pink Nights Here’s some more good news—you don’t have to wait for Pink Impact to experience Pink community. Three times a year we gather for Pink Nights. This is your chance to get connected, make new friends, and be refreshed and encouraged, all while strengthening your spiritual walk and building community at your own home campus. Ministry Trips How about a global ministry trip? Every year we take a team of women to minister across the nation and around the world. You can be a part of this exciting adventure, experience new environments and cultures, and share the heart of Gateway Church and Pink as we serve alongside our ministry partners. Keep up-to-date with all things global or for more information on upcoming trips at Pink Resources Don’t forget all the resources available to keep you walking in step with the Holy Spirit, including the one you are reading now! We’re committed to providing you with a variety of resources to encourage you. Whether you like to read, watch, or listen, we’ve got something for you. Take advantage of our Pink books and online teachings by a variety of leaders and enjoy the Pink Blog with posts every Tuesday and Thursday for your enjoyment. It is our honor to serve you as you are actively building the kingdom of God in your sphere of influence. We hope you’ll join us along the way so we can come alongside you to encourage you as you fulfill the calling of God on your life.


WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT PINK? The women we get to serve. What an honor it is to do life with some of the most faithful and empowered women on the planet.

WHAT’S YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT? In high school, I was a part of a local community theatre where I had a role in Godspell. As I was performing my solo moment, I fell off the front of the six-inch-high stage right smack on my face. As soon as I hit the floor, I stood right back up and kept singing. (What else would you do? The show must go on.) I thought I would die of embarrassment, but unfortunately, I did not.

WHAT’S YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT? When I broke my head open on a toilet seat after a rough trip to the mountains … and emerged with two black eyes and endless questions about what happened.

WHAT’S THE BEST ADVICE YOU’VE EVER RECEIVED? Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.



I’m pretty much an open book. If you don’t know, just ask. Likewise, don’t ask unless you want to know.

The first time I ever heard His voice for myself. I was 16 years old at a summer camp in Kansas.




Winter 2015

Winter 2015


Winter 2015


Winter 2015


Winter 2015
















HOPE A Ministry of Pink Gateway Women



All About P ink

Getting to Know Gateway’s Women’s Ministry




All About P ink

A Ministry of Pink Gateway Women

Getting to Know Gateway’s Women’s Ministry

HOPE A Ministry of Pink Gateway Women



All About P ink

Getting to Know Gateway’s Women’s Ministry

HOPE A Ministry of Pink Gateway Women


All About P ink

Getting to Know Gateway’s Women’s Ministry





Frisco Campus

Grand Prairie Campus

North Fort Worth Campus

NRH Campus


All About P ink

A Ministry of Pink Gateway Women

Getting to Know Gateway’s Women’s Ministry



Makeup Artist

Wardrobe Stylist





studio health

Discover God’s Plan for Your Health Sarah Kiefer

I don’t know about you, but when I think about the topic of health, my mind goes in a hundred different directions. I can quickly become overwhelmed, frustrated, anxious, or even hopeless, and I work in the health and fitness industry!

Recently, while walking through my own health crisis, the Lord had to pull me out of the whirlwind of my own thoughts and outside voices and show me what the foundation of my health is built on. Earlier this year, I was diagnosed with a virus that was attacking my heart, which very likely could have led to a heart attack. I was restricted from all physical activity for four to six months. It required a lot of changes to my diet, my job, and how I managed stress. Whether you’re facing illness or injury or just wanting to be healthier, God’s approach is the same: “Lean not on your own

understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him” (Proverbs 3:5–6). It sounds simple, but when your emotions, physical body, and mind are telling you something else, it’s easy to listen to that rather than what God knows is best for you. I believe God has more for you than just a plan; partnering with Him in this process will allow you to experience a deeper level of intimacy with Him. I found that as I applied the following things, He took care of the practical “how-tos” of walking out my health.

1 3

2 4

Ask Him for His vision of what health is for YOU.

Take God and yourself out of the box.

Go to Him in prayer with a blank slate. Set aside the expectations you’ve put on yourself, what you’ve received from others, and even what you think God would say to you. You’ll have a hard time hearing if your heart is already in a place of resistance or hardness. Ephesians 4:18 says, “They are darkened in their understanding … due to their hardness of heart.” If there is hardness in your heart; resistance from past hurt or failure; or just weariness, repent so you can hear and receive what He would say.

He will take something that seems boring, routine, or never ending and turn it into joy and fun. For example, I know what I want to eat and what I think I should eat, but what does my body really need to function at its best? The Lord prompted me in prayer to ask Him to give me cravings for what I specifically need. And He did! I would never have prayed that if I hadn’t come to Him with a blank slate and an open heart. It built my faith and gave me an anticipation and excitement for how He wants to lead me.

Just take the next step.

Speak life over yourself.

He might ask you to take a step that seems totally in the opposite direction or unrelated. Just do it! There is purpose in slowing down and taking one step at a time. Not only will you hear Him more clearly, but you will also be much more aware of His presence. It will allow His peace to steady you and His joy to give you strength. I love this quote by Sylvia Gunter and Arthur Burk: “It is a terrible thing to obey because of fear that disobedience could cost you something, or to look at an authority and do what you need to do to avoid pain or punishment. It is beautiful when you obey God because you know it brings pleasure to Him, and you in turn experience the pleasure, joy, and love of your Father.”

To be honest, this one was a bit harder for me. If I were to verbalize what I sometimes think in my heart about myself, it probably would be more like: “Let’s suck it up and do this,” “Push through,” or “Strive to do it right.” If God takes the time to be gentle, nurturing, and patient, why wouldn’t we do that for ourselves? As I began obeying Him and speaking blessing over myself, it cultivated a heart of gratitude in me for who I am and how God made me, even in the midst of what I am facing. I highly recommend the book Blessing Your Spirit by Sylvia Gunter and Arthur Burk if you need some help in this area.

I am excited to say I was recently cleared to go back to full physical activity and am seeing my health restored.

So, take a deep breath. Right now. Let God fill you back up with His renewed vision for you and your health. 21

SPEAK UP Using My Gift for God’s Glory

Jasmine Kea

I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

black girl raised by a single mom who worked three jobs and homeschooled me—in one of the poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods in America. I spent most of my time alone, lying on my bed watching the ceiling fan and listening to music.

At the beginning of a service at Christ For The Nations Institute (CFNI), I stood in front of 2,000 of my peers with sweat beading on my forehead. As part of a group mentored by the director of CFNI, I had been tasked (along with others) with creating new ways to open the services.

Over time, anxiety caused me to shy away and retreat into myself, and later, it tried to weave itself into my spoken word performances. I was always afraid I’d forget the words. That all changed when I heard Michael Jr. talk one weekend at Gateway about the shift he experienced in how he saw his role as comedian—giving people an opportunity to laugh as opposed to having to make them laugh. Something changed in me that day. I realized my spoken word gift was God’s tool—not mine; and He defines success by my faithfulness, not my perfect delivery.

I was not prepared when my good friend Jonathan volunteered me to perform a spoken word. Terror rippled down my back. I’d never done anything like this before. But I’d known Jonathan for a long time, and I knew he had the ability to call out dormant gifts God placed in people. Trusting he’d seen one in me, I performed my first spoken word.

My favorite way to describe why I love to perform is by quoting musician Aaron Weiss: “A glass can only spill what it contains.” My gift doesn’t define me; it’s an extension of me. It’s an expression of what happens when someone encounters the very real love of a very real God through very real people in community. Something metamorphic happens when you experience that. Why wouldn’t I use a spoken word and everything I have to point others to that same love?

The response at the end of my performance was overwhelmingly positive, and that same year, I was actually invited to perform at multiple festivals, conferences, and events. To be honest, each invitation surprised and even confused me; I could not have fathomed how supportive and encouraging everyone would be. What people don’t know about me is that, considering my personal history, there’s no way I should be performing. My parents divorced when I was five, and when I was seven, my sister ran away for the third and final time. I struggled with debilitating anxiety so much that though I took piano lessons for 11 years, I only performed in two recitals because my hands would shake so terribly I couldn’t hit the right notes! (I remember I would weep in the back room while waiting for my turn.) I was a fearful

My gift doesn’t define me; it’s an extension of me. It’s an expression of what happens when someone encounters the very real love of a very real God through very real people in community. 22

My life used to be defined by fear and frailty, but Jesus calls me strong. The more I become acquainted with everything He says about me, the more exuberantly everything about me responds. Yes, there is still a part of me that feels inconsequential but the part of me that knows I am all God says I am? That part wins!



An Unexpected P latform Andrea Syswera

Four years ago during a time of prophetic ministry at Pink Impact, Lexa Brecheen gave me a prophetic word. She told me I would be on a platform teaching thousands of people about health and nutrition. This was news to me! She had no clue who I was or what I did. I thought it was a nice word, but I couldn’t imagine myself being on stage. It was so far outside of my comfort zone; I honestly dismissed it.

humbled when I received a copy of the magazine in the mail and saw my (self-taught) food photography skills on the COVER! Our God doesn’t do boxes. My platform has evolved through different seasons of my life. While I was pregnant, I created chalkboard art for each week of pregnancy and posted a healthy recipe featuring a fruit or vegetable that corresponded with the size of the baby. As a mom, I envision creating kid-friendly recipes in addition to more quick and easy family-style recipes. I already know that teaching my children how to make good food choices from an early age will be a priority for me. Today, I think the biggest misconception about eating healthy is that you have to choose between eating something delicious or nutritious. But eating healthy can taste amazing, and your body will feel so much better!

At that time, my stage was my small audience of personal training clients. I gave them recipes, most of which were unhealthy recipes I modified to make healthier. Creating and transforming recipes was something I enjoyed. One day, a client suggested I start a blog with all my healthy recipes as a resource for my clients. I began researching blogs and realized photography was such a huge part of any successful blog … and I had absolutely no idea how to take pictures! I started learning all that I could about photography through online classes and YouTube videos and began practicing by taking photos of every single meal I ate. A year later, I took a leap of faith and started my blog:

The key to staying on track is preparation. The old cliché “failing to plan is planning to fail” is so true. My husband and I do food prep every Sunday afternoon and prepare healthy meals for the week. The hours we invest at the beginning of each week allow us to stay on track with a healthy diet even when things get crazy and we don’t have the time during the week.

About five months into blogging, one of my healthy recipes was featured by a popular blogger, and it drove over 5,000 hits to my website in a single day. As I sat and stared at my computer screen in amazement, the Lord said to me, “This is your platform.” I realized I had been putting God in a box by defining what my stage looked like to me.

As believers, we are called to be good stewards, and that includes our bodies. Your health is one of the most important investments you will make!

And then God increased my platform even more this past May when an editor from Woman’s World magazine reached out to me about featuring one of my recipes. I was shocked, amazed, and

deliciousbydre |


Extraordinary Hope Sarah Wronko How would you feel if you had been diagnosed with breast cancer? Would you feel fear? Or despair? For Stephanie Newsome, wife and mother of two, she felt hope. On January 9, 2015, a Friday night, Stephanie got a call from her doctor who told her they had found invasive cancer in her right breast. She needed immediate medical attention; the doctor wanted to see her on Monday. “It felt surreal at first, but I knew I was going to be okay,” Stephanie says about hearing the news for the first time. “My trust was in God—not the outcome. I had watched a dear friend go through a double mastectomy two years prior, and I had always told God that I couldn’t handle that; yet here I was in the middle of it! The difference was that God’s presence was wrapped around me, and I was enveloped in tangible love and peace.”

Stephanie Newsome

“It felt surreal at first, but I knew I was going to be okay ...”

Not long after, Stephanie had a double mastectomy, but from her attitude, you’d never know what she’s been through. Daily, she leaned on God as her anchor. To really understand how she was able to handle her cancer diagnosis and trust God, Stephanie shares a story about how God has already done miraculous works in her life: “All my life I battled depression, anxiety, and self-esteem issues, but at the age of 23, when I committed my life to the Lord, God began to teach me to trust Him. As I read my Bible and memorized scripture, God began to heal my heart. But trusting God and His Word is a daily thing. I had come out of a lot of emotional pain, and I blamed God for all the bad things that had happened to me. I needed to ‘hash’ things out with God. One time when I was praying, I felt so frustrated that I took off my shoe and I threw it at God. I needed to know if He could handle me. In that moment when I threw my shoe, I felt God’s love wrap around me. I knew it was going to be okay.” God’s Word has been such an important part of Stephanie’s life since that time, and her cancer diagnosis was no different. “The Lord kept me going—I experienced freedom through God, my family, and friends. I tangibly felt their prayers carrying me,” Stephanie says. Stephanie’s story of hope, trust, and freedom is so encouraging regardless of what you’re going through. Now, God has completely healed the cancer. “I have to be on medication and have regular blood work done, but even in that, God is teaching me how to guard my mind so I am not living in fear of the side effects of medication or the cancer coming back. I truly trust God. I’m submitted at His feet,” Stephanie says. After all she’s been through, it’s no surprise that Stephanie’s passion is to walk in obedience to God to bring Him glory. She also loves encouraging other women and has served as a Pink mentor for five years. She loves helping others and says: “I am all about the one-on-one. I have such a passion to encourage and to help women.” Most people who’ve been through anything similar to what Stephanie has might say they wish it had never happened, but Stephanie has a different view: “I would not trade any of what I experienced because of the closeness I felt with God during that time. His love is better than life!”



studio spice

#MyPioneerWomanProject Erin Sullivan I didn’t really start cooking until about six years ago. In my early adulthood, I was the queen of turkey sandwiches, cereal, and boxed macaroni and cheese. I had a very basic knowledge about cooking, but I didn’t know where to find great recipes, so I used the free Kraft magazine that I got from the fair every year. (No shame in that game if you love those Kraft recipes; that spaghetti-bake saw me through many noncereal dinners!)

really went the way the recipe indicated it would. In this moment, I saw The Pioneer Woman Cooks cookbook taking up a sad, lonely residence on my kitchen shelf and decided I would cook through it.

During my turkey sandwich dinner days, a friend told me about this great recipe blog, (this was back when blogs were first becoming a thing). The Pioneer Woman (PW) blogged about cooking, gardening, and photography and how she accidentally ended up a country girl when she married her rancher husband. She was hilarious, and she fed my dream that I too could randomly meet and fall in love with a handsome cowboy, have his babies, and spend my days cooking and raising ponies. I became a superfan.

I started working my way through the cookbook. Every two weeks, when I made my big grocery list, I would choose three to five recipes that I would make over the next two weeks. Obviously, I started with the easy things like Egg-in-the-Hole and Patsy’s Blackberry Cobbler, but with each new recipe I was getting braver. I would make the recipe according to the directions and then write notes about it in the cookbook—if it was yummy, what I liked or didn’t like, or if something about it was weird or difficult. Confession: To this day I am NOTORIOUS for having all of the correct ingredients but not reading through the entire recipe before I start to prepare it. This fun fact has proven to be the reason some of the recipes “haven’t quite worked.”

Before I started this project, I was finding basic recipes I could work into the “cereal, turkey sandwich, spaghetti-bake” rotation. After making one of these not-so-successful recipes, I realized two things: 1) It would be a lot easier to make recipes that came from one central place, and 2) I really liked the challenge of cooking something new; I liked testing a recipe to see if it was really delicious and if it

At some point along the way, I found my lifelong bestie Instagram, and I started documenting my project. I take a picture of my completed recipe and then write the same notes in my caption as I do in my cookbook. I always include #MyPioneerWomanProject, and I tag @ThePioneerWoman (see, superfan). I like to think of this as my gift to society. You want to know if it’s worth the effort to make



studio spice PW’s Homemade Ranch Dressing from scratch for an iceberg wedge salad? It’s not; the Hidden Valley packet is better. How are the Creamy Mashed Potatoes? They will change your life; make them today!

meeting her, she has liked several of #MyPioneerWomanProject photos on Instagram, and let me tell you, I scream out loud and run around like a crazy person every time. In my mind, we’re best friends … she just doesn’t know it yet.

When she came out with her latest cookbook, some fellow PW diehards and I waited in line for three hours to have her sign our books. When it was my turn, it was all I could do not to start crying. She was just as wonderful as I had hoped she would be. I was so overwhelmed that I almost forgot to get a picture with her! I was overwhelmed because The Pioneer Woman taught me how to cook through her recipes, and she unknowingly gave me what has become a therapeutic hobby and skills that I never knew I could have. Since

If you don’t cook but would love to start trying, grab one of The Pioneer Woman cookbooks and just go for it. Be brave! Start with the Simple, Perfect Chili; Pasta with Pesto Cream Sauce; Chipotle Salsa; The Best Chocolate Sheet Cake. Ever.; or Creamy Mashed Potatoes (which I included here). When it comes to delicious food, I will not lead you astray.

Happy Cooking!

Creamy Mashed Potatoes Recipe from


Preparation Instructions

5 pounds russet or Yukon Gold potatoes

Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces that are generally the same size. Bring a large pot of water to a simmer and add the potatoes. Bring to a boil and cook for 30 to 35 minutes. When they’re cooked through, the fork should easily slide into the potatoes with no resistance, and the potatoes should almost, but not totally, fall apart.

¾ cup butter 1 package (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened ½ cup (to ¾ cup) half and half ½ teaspoon (to 1 teaspoon) Lawry’s Seasoned Salt

Drain the potatoes in a large colander. When the potatoes have finished draining, place them back into the dry pot and put the pot on the stove. Mash the potatoes over low heat, allowing all the steam to escape, before adding in all the other ingredients.

½ teaspoon (to 1 teaspoon) black pepper

Turn off the stove and add ¾ cup butter, an 8-ounce package of cream cheese and about a ½ cup of half and half. Mash, mash, mash! Next, add about a ½ teaspoon of Lawry’s Seasoned Salt and a ½ teaspoon of black pepper. Stir well and place in a medium-sized baking dish. Throw a few pats of butter over the top of the potatoes and place them in a 350-degree oven and heat until butter is melted and potatoes are warmed through. Note: When making this dish a day or two in advance, take it out of the refrigerator about 2 to 3 hours before serving time. Bake in a 350-degree oven for about 20 to 30 minutes or until warmed through.


Life Lessons Jessica Gray In college, I got a bachelor’s degree in communications, thinking I wanted to be in sports television. However, after I graduated, I felt such a strong pull to work with kids, so I started coaching volleyball. The sport itself has been my passion since I was very young.

I stress the importance of growing physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout the season. It’s not just about winning. As I coach, I help them understand that it’s not always the best team that wins but the team that plays their best. This translates into their everyday lives because the person who makes the best out of every situation thrives in life.

I have always worked in the field of teaching and working with children. I started lifeguarding at the YMCA, teaching swim lessons, and working with the youth summer/afterschool program.

I get to share my testimony daily. Being part of a team made me who I am today. For me, winning and losing happened on the court and in real life. God showed me that I shouldn’t mourn a loss or revel in a win but that I should take both and see what I can learn from them. Everything happens for a reason, and I see the impact I have on each of my athletes daily. I push to share my passion for the game and my love for God in everything I do for them, with them, and in front of them.

I absolutely love coaching. While I enjoy teaching the girls about a sport I love, for me, it’s more about mentoring them in life. That’s my favorite part. The biggest lessons I teach throughout the season are about character, leadership, and how playing a sport and being part of a team is a lesson for life. Learning to be a team player and understanding that everyone is important—whether it is the role of the super star or the string that holds our hearts together—is a big part of what I do. My message is always the same: Don’t just be a team for the moment but a family support system for the long haul.

The thing that sticks out the most to me is the opportunity I have to inspire these young athletes to love themselves no matter what. Our heavenly Father made us and loves us perfectly although we are imperfect. God tells us to love. The best way I have found to share His love with others is to love and take care of ourselves, which will lead us to take care of others.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40:29



studio pulse


Q&A with Author Cristie Penn Stacy Burnett


hen Cristie Penn became a Christian more than two decades ago, she began praying for her husband and children, deeply desiring the kind of marriage and family she knew God intended. Yet, through the years, there was still tension, misunderstanding, disappointment, and frustration. As a ministry and church leader, Cristie saw the same frustration and disappointment she felt at home had also infiltrated the Church. The issue: Men and women had become more like adversaries than partners. Then, about four years ago, God brought revelation when He revealed to her the simple truth that He created males and females for one another. She realized His design is perfect and will never change regardless of what culture tries to tell us. Cristie knew she had to share this revelation with everyone—so she wrote Keys of Truth. In this book, she explains the keys of truth God taught her and how she and her husband used them to turn frustration and bitterness into understanding, love, and respect. This book is sure to help men and women understand one another better and learn to partner with each other.

dad. Then, God put His burden for males and females on my heart. I believe the pain between the genders is breaking His heart. How have the keys of truth changed your marriage? As we began to understand how God wired us, we took our positions with gratitude and that brought confidence. We are partners and enjoy each other more now than ever. We are all products of our environment, but Jesus wants to change that for us and for future generations. Who should read it? Everybody! It’s foundational. It’s for single people as well as those in relationships. Christians usually assume when they see a book for men and women, it must be about marriage, but that’s not what this book is about. It’s an easy-to-read, yet profound, guidebook for males and females of all ages in all stages of life. I really wish everyone would read it—especially before getting married and making mistakes. What’s one of your favorite “keys” for women?

What is the main thing you want people to know about this book?

Women are highly adaptable. One of the most valuable and beautiful things God wired into women is their ability to adapt. Women can become highly successful and extremely valuable because of their ability to acclimate.

The enemy has lied to us, and we are frustrated, confused, and exhausted. Many men don’t think women want them, yet they are wired by God to provide for and protect females. Often women are afraid to admit they want and need male masculinity in their lives and are exhausted and aching for the provision and protection men were created to need to extend to them. God wants to offer freedom to both genders by offering understanding so we can confidently take our positions and thrive!

What’s one of your favorite “keys” for men? Men need words of gratitude and verbal appreciation in public and in private. It’s something that’s easy to apply and there’s a lot of power in it. It takes vulnerability, but I promise you, it’s worth it in the end.

What was the catalyst for this message? For years, I dealt with pain and disappointment in my marriage and in my relationship with my

Keys of Truth is available at Gateway Bookstore, Amazon, and

What others are saying …

My wife and I have been married for 47 years. While I love my wife and our marriage is indescribably beautiful, I was missing an important component—understanding. I knew she was different (and I liked that of

As a single woman who didn’t identify herself as “feminine,” I have deeply struggled with feeling out of place and as if something was wrong with me. Keys of Truth has helped me understand myself better and has redefined femininity for me. Previous attempts to search for answers have resulted in a pattern of choosing unhealthy and controlling relationships, but Keys of Truth has helped enlighten me and break the patterns that have been the source of much hurt and pain in my life.

course), but I didn’t realize how God had gifted us both in ways that fully complement one another and help us to fulfill the unique plan He has for us. In His wisdom, God fashioned us to fit together in ways that reveal Him to the world and make living life together with someone so different the best adventure in the world. Understanding and appreciating His unique design, gifts, roles, and calling in a marriage relationship changes everything.

— Brandy

— John


Connect 路 Train 路 Empower

500 S Nolen, Suite 300 Southlake, TX 76092


One location. One weekend. One experience.


May 13–14 Fort Worth Convention Center REGISTER TODAY at PINKIMPACT.COM

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