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Skills / Competencies
Self-management Category:
Responsiveness & Commitment
• Adheres consistently to published work schedules for the department.
• Is consistently responsive during working hours on all official communication channels (Conferences, chats and or instant messaging) in a reasonable time and responds to emails on time.
• Respects and honors agreed deadlines.
• Attends all meetings, even those scheduled with short notice during working hours.
• Announces in advance to all stakeholders if it will not be possible to participate in any job-related commitments, detailing the cause (illness, leave, personal situation)
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not give importance to the objectives, worries about his/her routine.
2. Frequently fails to comply with the work schedule.
3. Does not attend scheduled meetings.
4. Does not deliver promises to others.
Needs improvement:
1. Fails to meet the assigned objectives.
2. Fails to comply with working hours and schedule.
3. Arrives late to scheduled meetings.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Commits to meeting the established objectives.
2. Sets goals higher than expected and meets them.
3. Studies and trains to improve performance and motivates others to do the same.
4. Complies with working hours.
5. Attends scheduled meetings on time.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Has a high degree of responsibility for meeting the goals of the department and team.
2. Exceeds in meeting objectives and far exceeds job expectations.
3. Constantly looks for ways to optimize performance.
1. Makes proposals to improve and optimize work processes.
2. Overcomes difficulties smoothly.
3. Invests time to develop initiatives that contribute to achieving objectives.
4. Anticipates possible inconveniences and avoids them.
Taking ownership
• Assumes responsibility and truly owns the work. Takes the initiative, assumes responsibility, and owns the success or the failures of The Company, the team, and himself. Proactively reports and “owns” any mistakes made, proposes appropriate solutions to the situation caused by them.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Doesn’t recognize mistakes or doesn’t take responsibility for the consequences of them or blames others.
2. Shows no proactiveness in solving situations or provide solutions to the errors caused by his/her responsibility.
3. Shows no commitment to the company’s success.
4. Can’t recognize when his involvement is required to solve a matter, doesn’t define action plans, or doesn’t follow through with the solution.
5. Inconsistency between what is said and what is done; insincere with other people and inspires distrust.
6. Does not acknowledge others’ achievements.
Needs improvement:
1. Acknowledges some mistakes or has difficulty accepting them and sometimes takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Shows little proactiveness in solving situations and needs guidance to provide solutions.
3. Shows little commitment to the company’s success.
4. Rarely recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter or has trouble defining action plans and rarely follows through with the solution.
5. There is inconsistency between his words and the attitudes he adopts. The team considers him unreliable.
6. Is reluctant to acknowledge the successes of others.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Acknowledges mistakes and takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Is proactive when solving situations.
3. Shows commitment to the company’s success.
4. Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter.
5. Relationships are based on respect and mutual trust.
6. There is consistency between what is said and what is done and is honest with team members.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Openly acknowledges mistakes and takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Is proactive and identifies some situations when or before they arise.
3. Committed to the company’s success as if it were one’s own.
4. Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter and establishes an action plan.
5. Consistency between what is said and what is done and is honest with all levels of the organization.
6. Publicly acknowledges others’ success.
• Openly acknowledges mistakes and is responsible for their consequences 100% of the time.
• Is ahead of the curve and identifies most situations before they arise.
• Goes above and beyond to ensure the company’s success.
• Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter, establishes an action plan as soon as possible, and follows through with the solution until it is solved.
• Transmits confidence, demonstrating rectitude and impeccable conduct.
• Maintains confidentiality.
Prioritizing effectively
• Focuses on the most relevant priorities. Understands the best ways to prioritize tasks based on their importance to allow effective use of time and resources.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Rarely identifies a task’s importance or urgency or rarely re-prioritizes a task when change occurs.
2. Has major issues identifying the best resources to complete a task or ensuring they are available when needed.
3. Rarely communicates priorities clearly to colleagues and team members or forgets to set clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Can’t take on new challenges and changes.
5. Difficulty in managing time properly, not very methodical and disorganized. Does not plan activities; performs tasks as they come up.
Needs improvement:
1. Has trouble identifying a task’s importance and urgency when prioritizing or reprioritizing when change occurs.
2. Has issues identifying the best resources to complete a task or trouble ensuring they are available when needed.
3. Has issues communicating priorities clearly to colleagues and team members or sometimes forgets to set clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Has difficulty taking on new challenges and changes.
5. Sometimes he/she needs guidance to organize tasks, especially when the usual rhythm demands greater efforts.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Understands the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing, but sometimes makes mistakes.
2. Efficiently identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are available when needed.
3. Communicates priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Is ready to take on new challenges and changes.
5. Establishes follow-up dates, considering the final deadlines.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Most of the time distinguishes well between the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing and understands that priorities are flexible and constantly changing.
2. Takes time to always identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are available when needed.
3. Communicates all priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines. Documents agreed goals and objectives and distributes this information among all project stakeholders.
4. Is adaptable and flexible in the face of challenges and changes.
1. Perfectly anticipates and distinguishes between the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing and fully understands that priorities are flexible and constantly changing.
2. Focuses on maximizing productivity and efficiency and always identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are always available when needed.
3. Communicates all priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Is adaptable and flexible in the face of challenges and changes, is open to new ideas willing to adjust plans and strategies if needed. Manages several projects simultaneously without losing control of any of them.
Interpersonal category
Respect & Multi-cultural awareness
• Keeps awareness of cultural differences between coworkers and is mindful of appropriate language and demeanor.
• Consistently shows that respect is paramount for demeanor and interactions.
• Discourages, prevents, and doesn’t tolerate any form of aggressive, or offensive behavior.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Shows no willingness to collaborate with others.
2. Is tolerant of people who exhibit discriminatory, violent, or offensive behavior.
Needs improvement:
1. He often puts his/her personal goals first, but if someone puts pressure, he/she may show some initiative to collaborate with others.
2. The bonds he/she builds with peers are weak limiting openness to turn to them if needed.
3. Difficulty in valuing and respecting diversity of culture and thought.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Assumes with ownership the role assigned in the team.
2. Fosters work environments that promote cooperation, respect, and no discrimination.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Is committed to group decision-making, motivating the integration of team members.
2. Supports and motivates colleagues to achieve consensus objectives with respect and continuous improvement.
1. Knows how to create an environment conducive to teamwork through parameters modeling a culture that allows continuous improvement in the organization.
2. Engages the entire team in respecting participatory decisions.
High spirits
• Energizes and mobilizes the rest of the team.
• Constantly displays an open, professional, positive, and kind attitude in all interactions with coworkers and stakeholders.
• Instead of “forcing own view” upon others, consistently displays an attitude to negotiate and achieve common agreements to benefit all involved parties.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not pay attention to the needs of coworkers or customers and shows no interest in providing help or suggestions.
2. Attitude generates distrust. Not considered a reference for peers to whom they can informally turn to for help.
3. Does not show interest in establishing knowledge-based relationships.
4. Does not give feedback.
Needs improvement:
1. Finds it difficult to share own accomplishments with team members.
2. Shows lack of enthusiasm for group activities and common goals.
3. Rarely gives feedback and only does it if asked to do so by a superior.
4. Only if requested, provides feedback and advice.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Shares experience with others and promotes the same attitude in others.
2. Open to request or give assistance.
3. Enthusiastic participation in team activities.
4. Shows a positive attitude towards peers and builds confidence.
5. Asks for help from peers and provides it openly when asked.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Maintains a positive attitude and promotes informal knowledge sharing culture.
2. Willing to help and receive help from peers, bosses, and subordinates.
3. Commits to the fulfillment of group objectives.
4. Asks for feedback and provides it on an ongoing basis.
1. Good listener and observer, easily grasps the needs of others.
2. Permanently willing to contribute to improve the team’s performance.
3. Generates trust and respect among all levels of the organization.
4. Recognizes, respects, and values the knowledge and contributions made by others.
5. Constantly provides feedback to guide development and performance.
6. Able to engage meaningfully with what the organization requires.
Personal growth
• Understands learning and development as a continuous process for success.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Has the minimum knowledge required for the position.
2. Does not show interest in updating and acquiring new knowledge and skills.
3. Does not show openness to seek new ways of working.
4. Seeks information, but only when needed urgently.
5. Demonstrates little interest in collaborating with other areas that require their expertise.
Needs improvement:
1. Finds it difficult to be self-motivated to acquire new knowledge and skills.
2. Demonstrates little interest in collaborating with other areas that require their expertise.
3. Difficulty for adapting to change, prefers to work with known methods.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Expands knowledge beyond his/her area and sets new learning goals.
2. Shares knowledge with others and encourages others to learn new things.
3. Collaborates with other areas of the organization when their expertise is required.
4. Seeks out useful information and shares it with others.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Constantly updates on the latest methodologies or technologies in his/her specialty.
2. Has a consulting role within the organization offering his/her knowledge to others to help them improve their performance.
3. Designs new alternative solutions to environmental problems or challenges.
4. Has a continuous learning attitude, explores, implements and manages new practices and technologies.
5. Expertise in his/her specialty allows to relate and apply knowledge to the needs of the organization.
6. Strong motivator for all team members to constantly update their knowledge.
Meeting etiquette
• Demonstrates good etiquette during meetings (camera on, no background noise, microphone), shows an engaged and proactive attitude, and speaks up.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not actively participate in the meetings, more of a spectator.
2. Is not punctual in attending scheduled meetings.
3. Gets annoyed when asked to activate the camera.
4. Attends meetings without updating his/her pending issues or topics.
Needs improvement:
1. Intervenes in meetings only if requested.
2. Occasionally arrives late to scheduled meetings.
3. Provides excuses when asked to activate the camera.
4. On some occasions, does not arrive prepared to the meetings.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Maintains a participatory attitude during meetings.
2. Attends scheduled meetings on a timely basis.
3. Prepares meetings in advance.
4. Activates camera.
5. Listens attentively and respectfully to the participants.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Actively participates in meetings with information or questions.
2. Participates in meetings always having his/her camera on and the environment is kept free of noise.
3. Listens attentively and respectfully to the participants and gives others the opportunity to speak.
1. Remains 100% focused on every meeting, paying attention to the participants.
2. Is clearly prepared for meetings and responds with confidence to questions asked.
3. Motivates people to turn on the camera.mun
Communication CategorY
Communicating effectively ation Category:
• Uses clear language in verbal and written communication.
• Listens actively in direct interactions.
• Engages with stakeholders.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Doesn’t share relevant information to others.
2. Difficulty in communicating messages (ambiguous or vague expression).
3. Responds impulsively or with uncontrolled reactions. Defensively and at inopportune times.
Needs improvement:
1. Expresses his/her opinions with little clarity, in meetings or at times when requested to do so.
2. Needs to make an extra effort to clearly express ideas both in writing and verbally.
3. Rarely verifies if their messages were understood, generating false interpretations.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Shares relevant information with peers and collaborators.
2. Delivers messages and ideas clearly.
3. Gives proper and effective feedback.
4. Communicates to collaborators their objectives and results expected with the detail.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Shares relevant information with employees and other areas of the organization.
2. Communicates ideas in a clear, efficient, and fluent way, making a positive impact in others.
3. Prepares instructions before transmitting them.
4. Manages the proper rules of language, grammar, and syntax, when communicating ideas. Both verbally and written.
1. Publicly acknowledges mistakes.
2. Influences others in a positive way based on an objective input.
3. Provides feedback to help employees and peers succeed.
Listening actively
• Listens actively in direct interactions.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not verify if messages were understood, generating false interpretations.
2. Talks inappropriately when someone else is talking.
3. Does not show signs of listening or paying attention.
Needs improvement:
1. Listens to other opinions with little attention or only at times when asked to do so.
2. Tends to interrupt others when they are talking.
3. Considers that only his/her own opinions are relevant, making it very difficult for him/her to listen to others.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Listens to the other person in an empathic way.
2. Makes sure that messages are clear and understood.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Expresses clearly to collaborators organizational objectives.
2. Expresses clearly to collaborators what is expected from them.
3. Verifies that others understand what was meant to communicate.
4. Detects messages based on non-verbal language.
5. Superb:
6. Listens to others with empathy, cares to understand their points of view and avoids preconceived ideas and judgments.
7. Listens attentively to others, putting effort to understand the meaning of the information received.
Problem-solving Category
Problem awareness
• Is constantly aware of real and potential problems and proposes sound solutions as the core of the role.
• Consistently speaks-up when detecting any problem, even if it is “someone else’s”.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Waits for others to solve problems.
2. Is not interested in exploring the causes of his problems.
3. Does not provide answers to the problems.
Needs improvement:
1. Has difficulty identifying the cause of a problem and requires support to do so.
2. Contributions to problem solving are not entirely effective.
3. Rarely offers to help solve a problem.
4. Has an adequate idea of the business and products but finds it difficult to understand its problems.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Develops solutions based on similar situations learned from past experiences.
2. Makes proposals to respond to problems that are not of high complexity.
3. Involved in problem solving, mainly in the areas in which he/she is proficient.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Anticipates potential non-obvious obvious problems.
2. Voluntarily approaches others to help solving a problem.
3. Effectively solves the problems presented using available information.
1. Performs a detailed analysis and identifies the origins or causes of problems.
2. Anticipates possible problems and situations that require a high degree of foresight.
3. Demonstrates the ability to solve highly complex problems.
Driving innovation
• Thinks out of the box and contributes new ideas.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Prefers preconceived schemes, resists innovation.
2. Presents difficulties in putting new ideas into practice.
3. Is not able to anticipate new requirements.
4. Does not take risks in decision making or in the methods employed.
Needs improvement:
1. Contributes very few innovative ideas, due to lack of interest or inhibitions.
2. Prefers to take minimal risks to implement new methods to solve his/her work.
3. Tends to solve situations the same way always.
4. Is governed by traditional ideas and behaviors.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Engages with innovative ideas.
2. Identifies opportunities for innovation.
3. Proposes creative ideas when traditional ideas are not applicable to current needs.
4. Performs work in a proactive manner generating changes that create positive impact.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Provides ideas for innovative approach for new projects.
2. Presents new ideas for efficient work development.
3. Displays ability to react in a timely and accurate manner to new situations.
4. Is attentive to context changes and new demands required by his/her work.
1. Capable of formulating innovative ideas that add high value to the organization.
2. Acts quickly and autonomously when faced with problems that require a quick solution.