9 minute read
Dev. Admin. Tasks Assessment: Ticket Handling Category:
Log work on tickets
• Correct logging of time invested in attention of tickets in Jira.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (three or more times per sprint) needs to be reminded to record on the ticket the time spent on the task.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (up to two times per sprint) asked to register the time spent on the task in the tickets.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Complies autonomously with the time registration on the ticket. Eventually a reminder is necessary for compliance.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind the time registration on the ticket, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Time recording on tickets is already part of daily operations and there is no need for follow-up nor reminder to accomplish this task.
Ticket documentation
• Correct uploads of ticket attention documentation and evidence (proof) in Jira.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (three or more times per sprint) needs to be reminded to record on the ticket the time spent on the task.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (up to two times per sprint) asked to document in the ticket the important aspects and specific details of the task.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Documents tickets as part of daily operations. Eventually a review is necessary to determine the quality of the documentation.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind the documentation on the ticket, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Documentation is part of daily operations. Quality and quantity are sufficient and necessary and does not require follow-up nor guidance.
Updating tickets’ status
• Timely update of ticket status during the sprint and release to production.
Needs strong improvement:
1. It is constantly (three or more times per Sprint) necessary to remind the person to update the status of the tickets.
Needs improvement:
1. It is usually (up to two times per sprint) necessary to remind the person to update tickets’ status.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Updating tickets is part of daily operations. Eventually a reminder is necessary.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind to update the status of the tickets, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Updating ticket status is already part of daily operations and there is no need for followups nor reminders to accomplish this task.
Dev. Admin. Tasks Assessment:
Workflow Compliance Category:
Analysis - Breakdowns
• Presentation and correct creation of Breakdowns for attention and review of tasks in the sprint.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (two or more times per sprint) does not present on time or with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the tasks to be developed or reviewed.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (single time per sprint) does not present on time or with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the tasks to be developed or reviewed.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Submits on time and with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the tasks to be performed. A reminder is eventually necessary for compliance or to improve the analysis or estimates.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Submits on time and with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the tasks to be performed. Occasionally it is necessary to review the analysis or estimates.
1. Always presents the analysis and estimates of the tasks to be performed on time and with the correct detail.
Delivery of tasks on time
• Meet the delivery date (story points) indicated in each task.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Consistently (more than three times per sprint) fails to meet the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually does not meet the delivery expectation indicated in the estimate of the task.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate. Eventually (two times per sprint) the employee presents delays and is necessary to send a reminder to ensure compliance.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate. Sporadically (up to a single time per sprint) fails to deliver.
1. Always meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate.
QA ENGINEERS Skills / Competencies
QAs Technical Assessment: Test Cases Category:
Negative and Positive
• Test cases for the ticket cover both positive and negative flows.
Acceptance Criteria Coverage
• Test cases have been created for each acceptance criteria.
QAs Technical Assessment: est Completeness Category:
Cross device testing
• When applicable, test cases cover desktop and mobile devices.
Cross browser testing
• When applicable, test cases cover at least 2 different browsers.
QAs Admin. Tasks Assessment:
Workflow Adherence Category:
Evidence attachment
• Appropriate testing evidence is attached to the respective tested tickets or test cases.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not upload evidence in the assigned tickets.
Needs improvement:
1. Upload few evidence or they are not clear about the execution.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Upload the necessary evidence to show the execution.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Upload evidence of tests done in different OS/Devices/Browsers.
1. Upload the evidence of logs, database and lines of code that show the validate execution.
Child test cases
• Test cases are created as children of the corresponding Jira ticket.
1. Needs strong improvement:
2. Does not link the test cases to any ticket.
Needs improvement:
1. Links the wrong tickets, or only links some of them.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Correctly links the test cases to all the respective tickets.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Links to other related tickets that are from previous stories.
1. Links tickets related to the same functionalities of other teams.
Correct ticket status
• Tickets are transitioned to the right status and not “abandoned”.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not change the status of the tickets.
Needs improvement:
1. Changes tickets’ status, but only when reminded.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Always updates the tickets’ status and reports any blockages or difficulties during the tests.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Always updates the tickets’ status, reports any blockages or difficulties during the tests, and includes supplementary information.
1. Always updates the tickets’ status, reports any blockages or difficulties during the tests including supplementary information and is also aware of other tickets worked by the team.
QAs Admin. Tasks Assessment: Team Collaboration Category:
Ticket diligence
• Tickets moved to “Ready for QA” are attended within a suitable amount of time during the sprint, even if it is only to provide an ETA.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Tickets are not taken in a timely manner and must be assigned.
Needs improvement:
1. QA assigns the tickets, but leaves many unattended.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. QA assigns the tickets and deals with them in a timely manner.
Exceeds expectations:
1. QA assigns in advance the tickets that will be handled and performs the corresponding analysis.
1. QA assigns the tickets, performs the analysis in advance, and finishes them within the sprint and/or between production.
Deployment Readiness
• Successfully tested tickets are moved to “Ready to deploy” and TL or PM is notified.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Does not give notice when the ticket has the tests completed.
Needs improvement:
1. Occasionally gives notice of completed tickets and does not continue with the follow-up. Consistently meets expectations:
1. Give notice of completed tickets and follows them up.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Notify your team and all other teams of completed tickets.
1. Gives notice and follows up that tickets have been placed correctly in the preproduction environment
QAs Admin. Tasks Assessment Self-Management Category 4:
Responsiveness & Commitment
• Adheres consistently to published work schedules for the department.
• Is consistently responsive during working hours on all official communication channels (Conferences, chats and or instant messaging) in a reasonable time and respond to emails in a timely manner.
• Respects and honors all agreed deadlines.
• Attends all meetings, even those scheduled with short notice during working hours.
• Always announces in advance to all stakeholders if it is not possible to attend any jobrelated commitment, detailing the cause (illness, leave, etc.)
1. Needs strong improvement:
2. Does not give importance to the objectives, worries only about his/her routine.
3. Frequently fails to comply with the work schedule.
4. Does not attend scheduled meetings.
5. Has a low level of commitment to the organization.
6. Does not deliver what promises to others.
Needs improvement:
1. Fails to meet the objectives assigned.
2. Fails to comply with working hours.
3. Arrives late to scheduled meetings.
4. Medium level of commitment to the organization.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Commits to meeting the established objectives.
2. Sets goals higher than expected and meets them.
3. Studies and trains to improve performance and motivates others to do the same.
4. Complies with working hours.
5. Attends scheduled meetings in a timely manner.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Has a high level of commitment to meeting organizational objectives.
2. Has a high degree of responsibility for meeting the objectives of department and team.
4 IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the “Responsiveness & Commitment” Skill / Competency is part of the organizational Skills, it will be assessed after each sprint in the Software Development department.
3. Exceeds in meeting objectives and far exceeds job expectations.
4. Constantly looks for ways to optimize performance.
1. Makes proposals to improve and optimize processes.
2. Overcomes difficulties in an extraordinary way.
3. Invests extra time to develop proposals that contribute significantly to the achievement of objectives.
4. Anticipates possible inconveniences and avoids them.
QAs Admin. Tasks Assessment: Ticket Handling Category:
Log work on tickets
• Correct logging of time invested in attention of tickets in Jira.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (three or more times per sprint) needs to be reminded to record on the ticket the time spent on the task.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (up to two times per sprint) asked to register the time spent on the task in the tickets.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Complies autonomously with the time registration on the ticket. Eventually a reminder is necessary for compliance.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind the time registration on the ticket, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Time recording on tickets is already part of daily operations and there is no need for follow-up nor reminder to accomplish this task.
Ticket documentation
• Correct uploads of ticket attention documentation and evidence (proof) in Jira.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (three or more times per sprint) needs to be reminded to record on the ticket the time spent on the task.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (up to two times per sprint) asked to document in the ticket the important aspects and specific details of the task.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Documents tickets as part of daily operations. Eventually a review is necessary to determine the quality of the documentation.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind the documentation on the ticket, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Documentation is part of daily operations. Quality and quantity are sufficient and necessary and does not require follow-up nor guidance.
Updating tickets’ status
• Timely update of ticket status during the sprint and release to production.
Needs strong improvement:
1. It is constantly (three or more times per Sprint) necessary to remind the person to update the status of the tickets.
Needs improvement:
1. It is usually (up to two times per sprint) necessary to remind the person to update tickets’ status.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Updating tickets is part of daily operations. Eventually a reminder is necessary.
Exceeds expectations:
1. It is not necessary to request or remind to update the status of the tickets, it is already part of the daily operation. Sporadically it is necessary to follow up.
1. Updating ticket status is already part of daily operations and there is no need for followups nor reminders to accomplish this task.
QAs Admin. Tasks Assessment:
Workflow Compliance Category:
Analysis – Test Cases
• Presentation and correct creation Test Cases for attention and review of tasks in the sprint.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Constantly (two or more times per sprint) does not present on time or with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the Test Cases.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (a single time per sprint) does not present on time or with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the Test Cases.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Submits on time and with the correct detail the respective analysis and estimates of the Test Cases to be performed. A reminder is eventually necessary for compliance or to improve the Test Cases.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Submits on time and with the correct detail the respective Test Cases to be performed. Occasionally it is necessary to review the analysis or estimates.
1. Always presents the Test Cases to be performed on time and with the correct detail.
Delivery of tasks on time
• Meet the delivery date (story points) indicated in each task.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Consistently (more than three times per sprint) fails to meet the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate.
Needs improvement:
1. Usually (three times per sprint) does not meet the delivery expectation indicated in the estimate of the task.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate. Eventually (two times per sprint) it presents delays, and a reminder is necessary for compliance.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate. Sporadically (single time per sprint) fails to deliver.
1. Always meets the delivery expectation indicated in the task estimate.