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Software Development
Skills / Competencies
Release Assessment Category
Effective fulfilment of requirements
• Work performed in the current cycle completely met the expectations of the Product Owner and/or Stakeholders via feedback or Demo session. Assessment must be completed by the PM and PO after the Sprint’s Demo session.
Needs improvement:
1. The Product Owner/Stakeholder is not completely satisfied with the work of the individual/team.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. The Product Owner/Stakeholder is 100% satisfied with the work of the individual/team.
2. N/A:
• The individual/team didn’t participate in the development of the functionality, or no demo was made/presented during the cycle.
Software deployment planning & execution
• The team is making sure their Software Deployment checklists (staging, pre-release, release, and post-release) are planned and executed correctly to release for production.
Needs improvement:
1. The individual/team did not follow the established procedures and issues were found during the planning.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. The individual/team prepared the release following all defined procedures and no issues were found.
2. N/A:
• The individual/team didn’t participate in the release of the functionality, or no release was made during the cycle.
Short-term quality of recent Releases
1. Recent releases (3 previous sprints) met expectations or contained problems of medium or high priority, which affected end-users in a negative way or required a rollback to a previous stable state.
Needs improvement:
1. Previous functionality was removed from Production and the individual/team has been identified as at fault, or previous functionality is currently in Production but contains medium or high-priority problems and the individual/team has been identified as at fault.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Previous functionality is in Production and no medium or high-priority issues have been reported.
2. N/A:
• Updating ticket status is already part of daily operations and there is no need for followups nor reminders to accomplish this task.
Long-term quality of recent Releases
• Releases made in previous sprints (4 months and beyond) met expectations or contained problems of medium or high priority, which affected end-users in a negative way or required a rollback to a previous stable state.
Needs improvement:
1. Previous functionality was removed from Production and the individual/team has been identified as at fault, or previous functionality is currently in Production but contains medium or high-priority problems and the individual/team has been identified as at fault.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Previous functionality is in Production and no medium or high-priority issues have been reported.
2. N/A:
3. Updating ticket status is already part of daily operations and there is no need for followups nor reminders to accomplish this task.
Self-management Category1
Taking ownership
• Assumes responsibility and truly owns the work. Takes the initiative, assumes responsibility, and owns the success or the failures of The Company, the team, and himself. Proactively reports and “owns” any mistakes made, proposes appropriate solutions to the situation caused by them.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Doesn’t recognize mistakes or doesn’t take responsibility for the consequences of them, or blames others.
2. Shows no proactiveness in solving situations or provide solutions to the errors caused by his/her responsibility.
3. Shows no commitment to the company’s success.
4. Can’t recognize when his involvement is required to solve a matter, doesn’t define action plans, or doesn’t follow through with the solution.
5. Inconsistency between what is said and what is done; insincere with other people and inspires distrust.
1 IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the “Taking ownership” and “Prioritizing effectively” Skills / Competencies are part of the organizational Skills, they will be assessed monthly in the Software Development department.
6. Does not acknowledge others’ achievements.
Needs improvement:
1. Acknowledges some mistakes or has difficulty accepting them and sometimes takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Shows little proactiveness in solving situations and needs guidance to provide solutions.
3. Shows little commitment to the company’s success.
4. Rarely recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter or has trouble defining action plans and rarely follows through with the solution.
5. There is inconsistency between his words and the attitudes he adopts. The team considers him unreliable.
6. Is reluctant to acknowledge the successes of others.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Acknowledges mistakes and takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Is proactive when solving situations.
3. Shows commitment to the company’s success.
4. Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter.
5. Relationships are based on respect and mutual trust.
6. There is consistency between what is said and what is done and is honest with team members.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Openly acknowledges mistakes and takes responsibility for the consequences of them.
2. Is proactive and identifies some situations when or before they arise.
3. Committed to the company’s success as if it were one’s own.
4. Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter and establishes an action plan.
5. Consistency between what is said and what is done and is honest with all levels of the organization.
6. Publicly acknowledges others’ success.
1. Openly acknowledges mistakes and is responsible for their consequences 100% of the time.
2. Is ahead of the curve and identifies most situations before they arise.
3. Goes above and beyond to ensure the company’s success.
4. Recognizes when his involvement is required to solve a matter, establishes an action plan as soon as possible, and follows through with the solution until it is solved.
5. Transmits confidence, demonstrating rectitude and impeccable conduct.
6. Maintains confidentiality.
Prioritizing effectively
• Focuses on the most relevant priorities. Understands the best ways to prioritize tasks based on their importance to allow effective use of time and resources.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Rarely identifies a task’s importance or urgency or rarely re-prioritizes a task when change occurs.
2. Has major issues identifying the best resources to complete a task or ensuring they are available when needed.
3. Rarely communicates priorities clearly to colleagues and team members or forgets to set clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Can’t take on new challenges and changes.
5. Difficulty in managing time properly, not very methodical, and disorganized. Does not plan activities; performs tasks as they come up.
Needs improvement:
1. Has trouble identifying a task’s importance and urgency when prioritizing or reprioritizing when change occurs.
2. Has issues identifying the best resources to complete a task or trouble ensuring they are available when needed.
3. Has issues communicating priorities clearly to colleagues and team members or sometimes forgets to set clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Has difficulty taking on new challenges and changes.
5. Sometimes he/she needs guidance to organize tasks, especially when the usual rhythm demands greater efforts.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Understands the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing, but sometimes makes mistakes.
2. Efficiently identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are available when needed.
3. Communicates priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Is ready to take on new challenges and changes.
5. Establishes follow-up dates, considering the final deadlines.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Most of the time distinguishes well between the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing and understands that priorities are flexible and constantly changing.
2. Takes time to always identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are available when needed.
3. Communicates all priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines. Documents agreed goals and objectives and distributes this information among all project stakeholders.
4. Is adaptable and flexible in the face of challenges and changes.
1. Perfectly anticipates and distinguishes between the importance and urgency of a task when prioritizing and fully understands that priorities are flexible and constantly changing.
2. Focuses on maximizing productivity and efficiency and always identifies the best resources to complete a task and ensures they are always available when needed.
3. Communicates all priorities clearly to colleagues and team members. Always sets clear expectations and deadlines.
4. Is adaptable and flexible in the face of challenges and changes, is open to new ideas willing to adjust plans and strategies if needed. Manages several projects simultaneously without losing control of any of them.
Effective Leadership Category2
Delivering results 2
• Effectively executes projects, tasks, or responsibilities to achieve the desired outcomes of the stakeholders, the department, and the company. Consistently gets things done and delivers convincing results. Asks for support from others, uses knowledge, facts, and data to fully understand the root causes of any problem to solve them effectively, and plans accordingly before working on the solution.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Rarely ensures that goals are properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
2. Has major issues tracking the progress of tasks or anticipating delays that might affect delivery and rarely provides an alternative solution to keep on track.
3. Rarely presents work that meets the stakeholders’ expectations, and has lowdemand performance standards.
4. Is resistant to understand and make changes based on customer/stakeholder/ direct reports’ needs.
Needs improvement:
5. Has trouble ensuring that most goals are properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
6. Has trouble tracking the progress of tasks or anticipating delays that might affect delivery and rarely provides an alternative solution to keep on track. Requires supervision to comply with the established times for the completion of tasks.
7. Has trouble delivering work that meets the stakeholders’ expectations, and uses medium-demanding performance standards.
8. Has difficulty understanding and making changes based on customer/ stakeholder/direct reports’ needs.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Ensures most goals are properly defined and prioritization is aligned with the department’s goals and objectives.
2. Ensures that the progress of most tasks is on schedule but sometimes needs to be corrected and tries to anticipate any delays which might affect delivery.
2 IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the all the Skills / Competencies of this category are part of the organizational Skills, it will beassessed after each month in the Software Development department.

3. Ensures that the team delivers work that meets the expectations of the stakeholders but sometimes is unable to do so.
4. Willing to make changes after identifying unsatisfactory performance standards.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Ensures that most goals are realistic, challenging, properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
2. Ensures that the progress of all tasks is on schedule, and most of the time anticipates any delays which might affect delivery and tries to provide an alternative solution to keep on track. Provides guidance and feedback to the team on the progress of work.
3. Ensures that the team delivers work that exceeds the stakeholders’ expectations.
4. Ensures that the company recognizes the results obtained as a team.
1. Ensures that all goals are properly defined, and prioritization is aligned with the company’s / department’s goals and objectives.
2. Ensures that the progress of all tasks is on schedule, anticipates any delays which might affect delivery, and always provides an alternative solution to keep on track. Stimulates and rewards employees’ attitudes and actions to promote efficiency and compliance.
3. Ensures that the team consistently delivers work that exceeds the stakeholders’ expectations. Provides support and leads to improve the quality and efficiency of the processes and services provided.
4. Acknowledges and rewards the value of both group and individual results.
Team Development
• Focuses on improving his team members’ skills, knowledge, and comradery, considering both technical and behavioral aspects, ensuring high morale and a professional environment.
Needs strong improvement:
1. Makes no efforts to develop the team’s skills or knowledge.
2. Ineffective communication with team members, or not being transparent, and or poor collaboration skills.
3. Poor conflict resolution and building a positive team environment.
Needs improvement:
1. Limited efforts to develop the team’s skills or knowledge.
2. Inconsistent communication with team members, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Struggles with conflict resolution and building a positive team environment.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Works to develop the team’s skills and knowledge.
2. Works with the team to foster good communication, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Resolves conflicts and fosters a positive team environment.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Proactively identifies opportunities for team growth and improvement.
2. Proactively works with the team to foster good communication, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Skillfully resolves conflict before it happens and works towards building a strong team culture.
1. Drives innovation and develops and executes strategies for continuous team and skill improvement.
2. Expertly work with the team and stakeholders to foster good communication, transparency, and collaboration.
3. Is a key figure in building a highly effective and collaborative team culture.
Adds Value to Work
• Is always looking into ways to add value to all aspects of daily work to enhance efficiency, and effectiveness, resulting in improved team performance and higherquality deliverables.
Needs strong improvement:
1. No involvement in helping team members manage their workload and time.
2. Does not identify or addresses team performance issues or gaps in processes.
3. Does not involve problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement.
Needs improvement:
1. Minimal involvement in helping team members manage their workload and time effectively.
2. Struggles to address team performance issues or gaps in processes.
3. Shows minimal involvement of team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Helps team members manage their workload and time effectively to improve productivity and meet deadlines.
2. Identifies and addresses team performance issues or gaps in process in a timely manner.
3. Involves team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Coaches team members to manage their workload and time effectively by providing strategies and techniques to improve productivity and meet deadlines.
2. Recognizes team performance issues early or gaps in a process and implements effective solutions.
3. Engages and empowers team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement fostering a culture of improvement.
1. Expertly coaches team members to manage their workload and time effectively allowing them to excel at improving productivity and meeting deadlines.
2. Proactively identifies and addresses team performance issues or gaps in a process, with a focus on long-term success.
3. Actively involves and empowers team members in problem-solving, process innovation, and improvement fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
Skills / Competencies
Dev. Technical Assessment: Coding Practices Category:
Use meaningful naming.
• Method and variable names are meaningful and indicative of the functionality.
Use log and exceptions.
• Correct use of exceptions and logs.
Code readability.
• Correct use of code formatting (Indentation, spaces, etc.).
Dev. Technical Assessment: SCM Practices Category:
Daily commits.
• Developer commits code to Bitbucket at least once a day.
Branch naming.
• Development branches have the name of the corresponding ticket.
Update working branch.
• Developers should update their working branch every day with Staging branch.

Dev. Technical Assessment: SQL Practices Category:
Non-blocking SQL.
• SQL Statements do not block tables unless the process requires it.
Indexing strategy.
• Correct indexes are used on both temporary and regular tables.
Dev. Technical Assessment: Team Collaboration Category:
Pull requests.
• Pull requests are submitted to the right branch according to the procedure.
Release preparing.
• Developers should move all SQL files to the specific file to be released.
Merge conflicts.
• Merge conflicts are resolved in a way that doesn’t break source code developed by other team members.
Dev. Admin. Tasks Assessment Self-Management Category 3:
Responsiveness & Commitment
• Adheres consistently to published work schedules for the department.
• Is consistently responsive during working hours on all official communication channels (Conferences, chats and or instant messaging) in a reasonable time and respond to emails in a timely manner.
• Respects and honors all agreed deadlines.
• Attends all meetings, even those scheduled with short notice during working hours.
• Always announces in advance to all stakeholders if it is not possible to attend any jobrelated commitment, detailing the cause (illness, leave, etc.)
1. Needs strong improvement:
2. Does not give importance to the objectives, worries only about doing own routine task.
3. Frequently fails to comply with the work schedule.
4. Does not attend scheduled meetings or arrives late.
5. Has a low level of commitment to the organization.
6. Does not deliver what promises to others.
Needs improvement:
1. Fails to meet the objectives assigned.
2. Fails to comply with working hours.
3. Arrives late to scheduled meetings.
4. Medium level of commitment to the organization.
5. Does not attend scheduled meetings or arrives untimely.
Consistently meets expectations:
1. Commits to meeting the established objectives.
2. Sets goals higher than expected and meets them.
3. Studies and trains to improve performance and motivates others to do the same.
4. Complies with working hours.
5. Attends scheduled meetings in a timely manner.
Exceeds expectations:
1. Has a high level of commitment to meeting organizational objectives.
2. Has a high degree of responsibility for meeting the objectives of the department and team.
3. Exceeds in meeting objectives and far exceeds job expectations.
4. Constantly looks for ways to optimize performance.
1. Makes proposals to improve and optimize work processes.
2. Overcomes difficulties in an extraordinary way. Persistent
3. Invests extra time to develop proposals and initiatives that contribute to exceed results.
4. Anticipates possible inconveniences and avoids them.
3 IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the “Responsiveness & Commitment” Skill / Competency is part of the organizational Skills, it will be assessed after each sprint in the Software Development department.