Bbq times 01-2016

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“For the Folks That Want A Little Smoke In Their Life” VOLUME 7 • NUMBER 2 • JANUARY 2016

KCBS Celebrates 30 Years of BBQ! By Kelly Pike

January 16, 2016 Kansas City was the place to be over the weekend. The Kansas City Barbecue Society and 300+ teams, judges, board members and personnel commemorated KCBS’s 30th anniversary, and several milestones in the great sport of competitive barbecue. KCBS set the bar and continues to be the benchmark for other similar organizations like the Oklahoma Barbecue Society. Not only were they celebrating a milestone anniversary, they also announced the winners of that crazy little points chase they call “Team of the Year”. The Intercontinental Hotel on the Plaza in Kansas City hosted the event. The weekend was filled with Board meetings, classes, a trade show, and a BBQ restaurant crawl in one of the greatest barbecue cities in the world. Some participants made their way to Q39, the city’s hottest Q joint owned and operated by Rob Magee. Rob is no

stranger to the KCBS Team of the Year award. Rob and the Munchin’ Hogs Barbecue team won TOY in 2011 and RGC TOY in 2012. While Rob’s guests were enjoying some signature dishes like Smoked & Grilled Pork Belly, others chose to hang around the hotel warming up by the fire telling barbecue tales, and some took time to enjoy Kansas City’s Plaza district. Within walking distance of the Intercontinental Hotel, high end shops and nichey boutiques were plentiful. Guests gathered Friday evening at the hotel for an 80’s themed dance that included cash bar, a DJ and photo booth. Delicious cake commemorating KCBS’s 30th Anniversary was served and everyone enjoyed the evening dancing and dressing up for some silly, funny pictures. Saturday evening brought everyone together for the banquet. Feeding barbecue aficionados must be a Kansas City Barbecue Society Team of the Year Clark Crew BBQ (top row) Jennifer, Kimberly, Travis daunting task, but the Chef (bottom row) Madison, Cooper, and Brooklyn Clark. Banquet Photos by Kelly Pike at the Intercontinental pulled it off with a delicious pork tenderloin and beef short rib entrée and apple tart for dessert. The program included the announcement of the Official Publication of:

newest KCBS Board members, sponsor acknowledgements, updates from Smithfield and Cowboy Charcoal, and recognition of key KCBS staff members. The program closed with the announcement of the top 25 in each category and overall. Here’s how the awards played out: Taking Reserve Grand Champion overall honors was David and Christine Qualls of The American Dream BBQ Team. In true BBQ family fashion, the Qualls graciously donated their RGC winnings to Jim Burg of

Killer B’s BBQ who spent the better part of last year in the hospital near death fighting pancreatitis. Davis & Christine cooked 38 contests in 2015 walking away with 10 Grand Championships and 4 Reserve Grands. Congratulations Dream Team! With just four points separating them, Clark Crew BBQ finished in the top position winning KCBS Team of the Year. Earning a total of 2843 points out of 2850, racking up 13 Grand Championships, 4

See KCBS Pages 8-9.





getting ready to fire off into a new year of barbecue!

Audrey Evans

Editor & Publisher Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.... The new year is off to a start, and has it come with a bang or what? It has for me, seems it’s been one thing after another but that’s usually how it goes. I’m so ready for the season to kick back off and get in full swing again. My taste buds are just itching to get to a BBQ competition again. There have been a few in Florida, you know where it is warm these days. Other than that it has just been banquets, and team

of the year information being released, finishing up the partying left over from 2015. I’m sure you noticed the January edition being a little late, and if you are new to receiving the paper that is the normal schedule for January. The December edition goes out early in the month to be sure everyone gets their paper before Christmas since we feature our Christmas Greetings. Once again, I have heard nothing but good from that as folks love participating and folks love looking at everyone’s “Christmas cards” so to say. I want to first hand Thank each and every one of you who participate in that each year. I know it can seem small, or big to some folks, but it truly means the world to me each year seeing the support for myself, and The BBQ Times and what I do from all the great teams out there. The January edition ends up going out later in the month due to the Holidays, lack of events, and the first couple of weeks of the year. Once everyone gets out moving again and gets some news flowing I go ahead and get the paper out. You will also notice in this issue with the month being slower on the news side we have the opportunity to catch up on some of the events from the end of 2015 when we were running super tight on space. February will be on its way

in a couple of weeks and we will be back on schedule for the year. If you ever have any questions on our print schedule, mailing schedule or subscription renewals, please don’t hesitate to give me a call and I can let you know. With the world of competition BBQ, it’s a give and take situation on the print date each month but its generally out the door by the 15th. I have had a couple of issues with our subscription renewal notices in the last month or so, which has caused me not to be able to send out letters. No one has been cut off and I hope to get them out in the next week or two and we can get everyone back on track. So, if you get a letter with a past due date, please know that really is your expiration date but I haven’t cut you off. If you are on our email list, you should have received an email or two from us last month. This is something new that I have started and if you are not on our mailing list send in your email with your next renewal to be sure it gets updated. Worst case scenario if you don’t like the emails you can unsubscribe. I promise I won’t fill your inbox with junk! I am also trying to get this where when the online edition is available you can simply view it from the email also. I am going to try and find a way to get a

stump don’t build no junk!

survey out to the readers soon, I would really just like some feedback on some things I am looking into and at for the paper in the future. Nothing major and I’m not going anywhere, just some ideas on how I can improve the paper and provide you more and more of what you want each month. When you are happy with what you see, you want to subscribe and can’t wait to get the paper each month, that is what I want. As we continue to grow in subscribers, the advertisers ultimately get more feedback, which is vital to the existence of The BBQ Times. It just goes full circle. I am hoping and praying for big things to come in 2016. I always seem to get vamped back up in this little break we have had and am so ready for the Spring Season to kick off. I am working on my calendar so if you have an event you would like me to possibly attend in 2016 please let me know. I try to attend a few bigger family style events throughout the year I can take the family along to and then I try to schedule a few events further away from home each year and also have your weeks of back to back contest on the road just like everyone else. Until next month.... Check out our website for updates and keep rubbin those butts!

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Inside This Edition: 24 Pages • January 2016

Fulwood Park • Tifton, GA


AUDREY EVANS......................................................PAGE 2 DANA HILLIS..........................................................PAGE 4 JEFF PETKEVICIUS.................................................PAGE 4 MATTHEW BOUGHER.............................................PAGE 5 POMPANO BEACH...................................................PAGE 6 SMOKIN’ FLAMINGO................................................PAGE 7 GBC SEASON WRAP UP ........................................PAGE 10 EVENT PREVIEW: BRASSTOWN THROWDOWN.....PAGE 12 BBQ LOVERS DIRECTORY........................................PAGE 12 KCBS TOY INTERVIEW.............................................PAGE 14 JUDY EVANS FIXIN’S FROM THE KITCHEN.............PAGE 16 FBA RAMBLING’S FROM THE PREZ.......................PAGE 17 SUBSCRIBE.............................................................PAGE 17 SC STATE CHAMPIONS............................................PAGE 18 ANDERSON UNIVERSITY........................................PAGE 19 OKBS TOY INTERVIEW...........................................PAGE 21 BBQ ITEMS FOR SALE............................................PAGE 23




Keeping the Fun in Competition BBQ

Dana Hillis

Pitmaster Big Papas Country Kitchen We plan to slow down our competition schedule this year due to having to work more for a living and not being able to have as much playtime. We are going to pick our contests mainly according to our schedule and may have to miss some of our favorite destinations. We have a passion for compe-

Editor & Publisher Audrey A. Evans Contact us at 478-218-2333 or in reference to advertising inquires. All stories need to be emailed in either text, Microsoft Word document, or typed as an actual email. Emailed photos need to be in JPEG, TIFF or PDF formats, preferably 300 DPI resolution. All articles are due by the first of the month they are being submitted to run in. © 2014 The BBQ Times. All rights reserved, including advertising. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcome and encouraged. Ideas and/or opinions expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect the ideas / opinions of The BBQ Times, Double A Evans LLC, the publisher or any other staff. The BBQ Times is published by monthly by Double A Evans, LLC., PO BOX 70, Marshallville, GA 31057.


Standard Mail Permit #171 at Valdosta, Ga 31069 SEND POSTAL RETURNS & CHANGES TO: The BBQ Times• PO BOX 70 Marshallville, GA 31057

tition bbq because of the nature of the sport, the love of the bbq people and the true enjoyment of competition. Naples Florida is where we live and to be able to pull your trailer a total of 6 miles round trip is just to cool. We usually budget between $150 to $400 for diesel fuel and this contest does not even move the fuel gauge! On long trips we usually pack well and dont forget much but for some reason whenyour close to home you forget most everything and are happy it is not far back to the house. The folks at Naples Big Swamp Smoke Off put on a good contest. The payouts go ten deep, the power and water are the best, their is more room to set up then most contests and this year the weather and crowds were good. The vendors did well and the craft beer tent was a big hit. Swamp Boys pulled off a perfect score in brisket and Big Papas nailed a perfect score in chicken. Matt Daddys, probably the fastest improving team and likely to win any wear they go took 5th overall. Hot Wachulas brought his new beautiful cooking rig that seems to be loaded with mojo, and took 4th. Swamp boys had the makings of a big grand but the judges did not love his pork offerings and he took 3rd. Sweet Smoke had a 2nd chicken, 6th rib, 1st pork and 10th brisket, putting him in the reserve grand spot. Big Papas had a lot of good mojo going this weekend. My grandson Koda called on thursday and said Papa I am staying with you this weekend and that makes me a winner before we even started. Koda has been to many contests with me and we have a good winning record. There has been rumors that attempts to kidnap him and try to steel his mojo are in the works. Just a warning to possible kidnappers this kid is a national champion wrestler at 11 years old and he will not give up his big papa mojo. I also had a bunch of family and friends helping with vending and cleaning and just bringing good times to this event. Rick and Tony Wolfe are my guardian angels and have always been there when there needed. They showed up without letting me know and took over vending ribs and pork and allowed me to concentrate on competition. Tom, Danny And Nicky, Taryn, little Cadin, Vonn, Tiphany, Colleen and my good luck kids Kael and Katy put our mojo over the top. Big Papas won Grand Champion and probably had more fun winning this contest with my hometown gang supporting us then any contest before. Buying pizza for everyone that hangs around is always money well spent. Our celebration got cut a little short with some heavya rain that settled in. Tim Maloy you are the life of the party. Peaches, strawberries and blueberries go good with pizza. A pink drink or two always help with the celebration and no one went thirsty all weekend!

A big thanks to all that came and supported this contest. We sure missed a bunch of you that were not here. Skinny get your motor home fixed, Thomas slow down and smell the smoke, Brent and Bobby you grizzly boys need to cook more, and all the rest of you awesome cooks put this contest on your schedule for next year. Its a good one! A big shout out to Uncle Toads for a

2nd place in pork, Smokin off the Grid for a good call in brisket and pork, and of course a big shout to the best rib cookers in america Mike and Mike from the infamous Pharter Starter BBQ team for another 1st place in ribs. I sure would like to sign up for a rib cooking class. See everyone at a contest soon. Safe travels and keep on smokin!

The Lull of the BBQ Season

Jeff Petkevicius Pitmaster Give it to God

So now what? Most of us are sitting here in the coma of BBQ competition withdrawls. The effects are similar with some adjustments. We walk out to where the pits are stored, open them up, smell inside and contemplate cooking again soon. Problem is, soon is not soon enough. So we decide to do some practice. Some of us will go so far as to get together with buddies and go through a real competition time-line. We’ll turn in our stuff and be guaranteed a GC or RGC The point is, we have down time. How we decide to use that time can work to our Professional advantage or not. Now is the time to dig into practice and research. Anybody in this sport for long enough will tell you, the more we learn, the more we realize how much we don’t know. So the key, is to take all of what you have learned this past year and blend it with new ideas that you’ve uncovered through research, reading, or visiting with other teams. Some would call that “shigging”, I call it professional development At this point in many of our careers, it’s not about whole scale changes, but more the fine tuning of our craft of being a “PitMaster”. In today’s competitive environment with Social Media, YouTube etc... the basics are there for anybody to uncover. The bar of Great BBQ remains

high, but those capable of reaching it has grown in leaps and bounds. Our sport is evolving to competitions that are decided by as little as 0.001 points. How we perfect the smallest of details can, and will, make the difference at the judging table. The very same can be said about our walks with Jesus Christ. The more time we spend as Christians sharing the truth of salvation, the more pin-point, and accurate our delivery of that message will become. Over time, many of us who share the Gospel realize that it’s the smallest of details that can help lead somebody to Jesus Christ. God saves, and we help lead. Our role is to be the example of Jesus to everyone we meet and in every situation we are a part of. Challenging as this is, Preaching is more about “doing” than it is “telling”. How we behave and how we show people we care about them will shine the light of Jesus in ways that He needs in today’s world. I know that God loves BBQ. He makes many references to sacrifices and offerings that were BBQ in the day. He also valued salt and it’s value in our lives. We are called to be the light of the world. Take up that challenge and carry Jesus Christ into your heart and life with everything you do. 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. 14 “You are the light of the world--like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. 15 No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. [Mat 5:13-15 NLT] Be the light and be the Salt... BBQ on my friends and if you haven’t surrendered your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.... What are you waiting for? Give it to God!




Valentilian Barbecue

Matthew Bougher Columnist Beer & BBQ

February 14th brings a measure of dread to many BBQ people across the country. Do we take our spouse out for an expensive dinner; wait in line only to be disappointed by a subpar meal with lackluster service. Or do we risk spending the night in the doghouse when we insist eating at home again this year. If you decide to risk the later this would be a good time to break out your knife skills and show a little extra effort this year. Don’t worry, I’ve got pictures to show you step by step. The Heart Filet, while looking complicated is actually a simple preparation. For the steak, a simple 3 inch strip sirloin works best. Since you will be preparing this and grilling it quickly I recommend nothing less than a choice steak and prime is preferred. To prepare this, filet it down to within an inch of one end and this will give you two wings that will form the heart. At this point you have the opportunity to season the inside of the steaks and you should not pass on this chance. Keep in mind the favors you will be adding when choosing a rub or seasoning. To compliment the garlic I choose a great rub with a light

garlic note. Pitbull BBQ’s rub out of Alaska provided a great compliment to the roasted garlic. It added just the right sweetness and seasoning without doubling up on garlic or other flavors that will be added later. Next, place a smashed garlic clove at the end of each wing. If you prefer to add cheese to the layers you can place anything from blue cheese crumbles to sliced provolone for a mild flavor cheese. (This will melt, if you are worried about keeping your grill clean you should defiantly place some foil under the steaks when grilling.) (Photo Step 1) Roll both ends of the steaks to the middle and place two rings of butcher twine around the steak to keep it formed while cooking. Finish off the seasoning by dusting the outside with your chosen steak rub. (Photo Step 2) I recently have taken to placing my steaks into the fridge and allowing them to air dry for 1-2 hours before bringing them to temp on my counter. Sear the steaks off and make sure to cook the inner layer to temp. An insta-read thermometer is crucial at this point. This portion will be shielded by several layers of meat and garlic. Once rested you can cut the twine, remove the garlic cloves and plate. The garlic will flavor the steak with a mild roasted garlic flavor and compliment any cheese that you have chosen. What would a day celebrating love be without a story of love and joy coming out of heartbreak? Lagunitas is now a power player in the craft beer movement. However, when they first started they hung their hats on several well received beers. One of these was the Brown Shugga Ale. After a couple of years the demand expanded and they decided to grow with it. Although they had exciting times ahead they had a hard decision to make, produce 1 case of Shugga or 4 cases of their other styles. With much heartache the decision was made that the good of the

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The Heart Filet and Collards prepared by Matthew Bougher specifically for this Valentineʼs special article. You can do it too! many outweighed the joy of the few. With reluctance they choose to brew a substitute ale and since they were so upset with the fact they were letting so many people down they choose the most appropriate name, Sucks. Sucks is a complex cereal medley of Rye, Wheat, Barley and Oats. This adds to the complexity of flavor profile and leaves you guessing where all of the levels of flavor of

coming from. These different grains will all present themselves differently as the temperature changes. Sucks is higher on the IBU coming in at a 63.21 and an 8%ABV. The beer presents a pleasant scent that is not too citrus, not

For More Photos and Instructions see Heart Shaped Meal on Page 13.




Blitzkrieg BBQ wraps up Grand at Pompano Beach BBQ Competition By Audrey Evans Editor & Publisher

The Harden family of Okeechobee, Florida are no strangers to the Florida BBQ Association. Tommy, Jennifer, Gavin, Treyvin and Devin are all well known around the competitions and are a family you must meet at these events. They are full of life and spunk but beware, Gavin might be known to give you a hard time and make a few stabs in the competition. We all know how teenagers, can be. Just kidding, Gavin! This is a great family who made a great walk at the Pompano Beach BBQ Competition back in October as Grand Champion. Blitzkrieg BBQ finished out the day with an overall score of 769.466 and eighth place chicken, a ninth place rib entry, a fifth place pork and a second place brisket. Jim Elser of Sweet Smoke Q took home reserve Champion this weekend by taking his well known first place Pork, a tenth place brisket, second place rib entry and fourteenth place chicken. Jim is no stranger to the Florida BBQ Association nor the world of BBQ as he was named World Food Champion of BBQ in 2014. Columnist Dana Hillis and his Wife, Janet of Naples, Florida took home first place

chicken, eleventh place in ribs, a sixth place in brisket and an eighteenth place pork finish for their team Big Papa’s Country Kitchen. Boog-a-lou Smoke Crew is another team you don’t want to miss. Mark & Tina Zondervan along with her son Travis Millender are always having a good time and great to chat with in the spare time at a competition. Boog-a-lou took home first place in Ribs in Pompano Beach along with a sixth place chicken, eleventh place pork, and fourteenth place brisket. T & W BBQ Took home first place in Brisket, tenth place pork, twenty sixth in ribs, and sixteenth place in chicken.

Sweet Smoke Q

AWARD WINNING BBQ RUBS • SAUCES MARINADES • INJECTIONS ���������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� ���������������� ��������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� �������������������������

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Contest Organizer Connie Davis with Blitzkrieg BBQ Grand Champions left to right Gavin, Jennifer, Trey, Devin and Tommy Harden. Photos by FBA

Boog-a-lou Smoke Crew

JeroUSA Mundihunt





Rubs & Brines

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Budmiesters wins Grand at Smokin’ Flamingo in Jacksonville By Audrey Evans Editor & Publisher

The Smokin’ Flamingo BBQ & Music Festival is held each year in Jacksonville, Florida in November. This contest is one of the last before the year comes to an end and we all beginning the Holiday rush with Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year’s event was November 21, 2015. This one of a kind event is held at the Flamingo Lake RV Resort with spectacular contestant sites facing the lake and great spaces throughout the RV Resort. This year fifty-four teams competed but The Henry family of Lake City, Florida took the top awards as Grand Champion. Thomas and Josh Henry know how to cook,

and everyone knows it. They took home first place ribs to win the contest with a total score of 779.81666. Budmiesters also took home an eighth place chicken, fourth place pork and third place brisket. Carter Q out of Middleburg, Florida took home reserve champion with a third place rib entry, along with a seventh place chicken, eighth place pork and a thirteenth place brisket. Smoke Life BBQ took home first place in chicken, along with a twenty third place rib, twenty fourth place pork and a twelfth place brisket. Boog-a-Lou Smoke Crew took home first place pork, along with a seventh place brisket, twenty first place rib, and a forty third

Carter Q Reserve Champion

Budmiesters - Grand Champion place chicken. either. Everyone knows to keep their eyes Gary and Jennifer Blevins of Munchee’s on Gary and his crew at Munchee’s; when Smokehouse out of Lake City, Florida took they are on point, they are on. This weekhome first place brisket. Gary and Jennifer end they also pulled an eleventh place pork, along with their daughters Virginia and An- a forty-eighth place rib entry and a thirtynabelle are no strangers to the competition sixth place chicken.

Take your competition ribs and chicken to a “Whole ‘NUTHA Level!”

Smoke Life BBQ First Place Chicken

Boog-a-Lou Smoke Crew First Place Pork

Muncheeʼs Smokehouse First Place Brisket Photos by Florida BBQ Association (972) 393-9509





done it.”, Clark said in a previous interview with the Oklahoma Barbecue Society. Barbecue is a family affair for the Clark Crew with the younger kids participating and winning (just like their Dad) in Kid’s Que throughout the 2015 season. Congratulations Clark Crew! The 2015 barbecue season was filled with fun and laughter, some tears and heartache, stories of survival and compassion. 2014 Rib Winner Drew McNatt (Hog Tide BBQ) con- While we all strive to tinues the “Rib King” tradition by providing Tim Scheer be the best, the underly(Shake N Bake BBQ) with a custom Rib King jacket. ing message of those in Reserve Grand Championships, and 7 the competitive barbecue community is a message of fellowship and family. Yes, we Perfect Scores in 2015. Travis Clark was a man on a mission. He compete against each other, but we also lift made the decision to go after KCBS TOY each other up, help each other out, and cheer on the ride him from King of the Smoker each other on. Congratulations to the Kanin 2014 with his wife Kim. “I told her my sas City Barbecue Society on 30 wonderful goal for this year was to cook 35-40 comps, years, and to all of the KCBS Team of the try and win 10 GC’s and make a run at TOY. Year winners! May the 2016 barbecue seaWithout her being behind me and basically son be the best yet! giving up a year to BBQ we couldn’t have

Kansas City Barbecue Society Team of the Year Reserve Grand Champion David & Christine Qualls, The American Dream BBQ Team.

Assassin 28

Assassin Charcoal Grill $600

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Standard Features Included:

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THE BBQ TIMES Many KCBS teams, workers, supporters, business owners and friends gathered on Friday night to have some fun time together at an 80ʼs themed party complete with coctails, food, a DJ and a photobooth!



Annual GENERAL ��������������������������������������������

We decided to share the photos, but let the folks remain nameless. Can you tell who our party goers are in these photos? CHICKEN: 1. Gettin’ Basted 2. Spitfire 3. Fire Dancer BBQ 4. Butcher BBQ 5. Clark Crew BBQ 6. Grey Street BBQ 7. Jo-bawb’s BBQ 8. Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ 9. Smoke Me Silly 10. The American Dream BBQ 11. 3 Eyz BBQ 12. Big Jt’s Smokin BBQ 13. Wolf’s Revenge BBQ 14. Yellow River BBQ 15. The Smokin’ C’s BBQ 16. Smokin Mo’s BBQ 17. Smokeaholics 18. Burnt At Both Endz 19. Shake ‘N Bake BBQ 20. Caveman Cuisine RIBS: 1. Shake ‘N Bake BBQ 2. Clark Crew BBQ 3. Simply Marvelous BBQ 4. Jo-bawb’s BBQ 5. Smoke Me Silly 6. Smokin Mo’s BBQ 7. Squeal Like A Pig BBQ 8. Old Virginia Smoke 9. Yellow River BBQ 10. Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ 11. Hog Tide Bar-b-que 12. Serial Griller 13. Backdraft BBQ 14. Lonestar Smoke Rangers 15. Gettin’ Basted 16. Warren County Pork Choppers 17. Dirt Road BBQ 18. Spitfire 19. Smokeaholics 20. Butcher BBQ


March 18-19, 2016

Walterboro, South Carolina 2678 2666 2653 2598 2593 2589 2572 2553 2515 2463 2444 2441 2433 2427 2419 2389 2383 2379 2354 2352 2755 2717 2627 2608 2604 2582 2565 2527 2514 2509 2503 2490 2480 2468 2453 2420 2418 2412 2404 2397

PORK: 1. Big Poppa Smokers 2. Smoke Me Silly 3. Buffalos BBQ 4. Sauced! BBQ Team 5. Swine And Shine BBQ 6. Smoke On This 7. The American Dream BBQ 8. Clark Crew BBQ 9. Serial Griller 10. Tim’s Full Belli Deli 11. Old Virginia Smoke 12. 4 Legs Up BBQ 13. Que’n Stew’n & Brew’n 14. Simply Marvelous BBQ 15. Warren County Pork Choppers 16. Quau 17. Smokeaholics 18. Pellet Envy 19. Spitfire 20. Hot Wachula’s BRISKET: 1. Iowa’s Smokey D’s BBQ 2. Gettin’ Basted 3. Quau 4. Clark Crew BBQ 5. The American Dream BBQ 6. Smoke Me Silly 7. Smoke On This 8. Rural Route BBQ 9. Shake ‘N Bake BBQ 10. Big Poppa Smokers 11. Yellow River BBQ 12. Squeal Like A Pig BBQ 13. Smokeaholics 14. Miss Piggy’s U.k. 15. Checkered Pig 16. There’s No Place Like Smoke 17. Porky Butts BBQ 18. Okieq 19. Tim’s Full Belli Deli 20. Buffalos BBQ

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Georgia BBQ Championship Season Wrap-Up: Chatsworth & Calhoun

Gowan Fenley

Chairman Georgia BBQ Championship Once upon a time, The Jack was pretty much the end of the season for KCBS cooks. Other than a couple desert Southwest contests and the frequently frigid event in Demopolis, Alabama, the circuit closed up shop until the spring. But times change, and now there is a good selection of contests to choose from in the late fall/ early winter. Two of these events in 2015 were GBC qualifiers, so Georgia teams looking to im-

prove their ranking braved “the cold weather”, going head to head with teams from up North who traveled South to cook in “the warm weather”. However you felt about the forecast, both events were very successful sell-outs and a fine end to the 2015 Georgia BBQ Championship Tour. Smokin’ Up The Saddle Club in Chatsworth returned to the Murray County Saddle Club for the second year, hosting 48 Professional teams and 16 in the Backyard division. The Club features a huge covered show arena and acres of surrounding property in the foothills of the beautiful Appalachian Mountains. The wet weather that plagued October contests was blown out by a cold front for clear, windy contest weekend. The wind chill may have offered some challenges to the cooks, but it had the fall colors out in force, making for a very picturesque setting for a BBQ contest. A top-notch team lead by Sparky Roberts and sister Tara Noe had everything under control, and teams and judges were well satisfied with the event. All proceeds from the event go to local youth charities, an important fund raiser in this economically depressed County.

And what a contest! Teams came from hundreds of miles: Rhode Hog from Rhode Island, Victory Smokers from Ohio, Smoke Me Silly from Alabama, Checkered Pig from Virginia, and The American Dream from Oklahoma. When the dust settled, it was Tennessee and Missouri on top! Grand Champion: Under the Radar – TN Reserve Grand: Shake ‘n Bake BBQ First Place Chicken: Uncultured Swine (180) First Place Ribs: The Pit Crew GA First Place Pork: 270 Smokers First Place Brisket: The Pit Crew GA Tina and Bobby Cannon stumbled over

Allen & Katherine Clem, team Under the Radar TN, were successful in Chatsworth last year, but this time they bettered that RGC performance to win it all and take the Grand. a 38th place Pork finish that cost them an overall win in

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PAGE 11 Chatsworth, but still continued to put distance between The Pit Crew GA and the pack on the GBC scoreboard with two category wins and third overall. Smokin’ Up The Campground in Calhoun the first weekend in December was once as the final event of the GBC Tour, and as one of the last contests on the KCBS calendar it attracted a fair share of national teams chasing Team of the Year points too. While there was no backyard division this year, teams of all levels of experience were welcomed, including In The Army Que, who travelled from South Carolina to cook their first KCBS event. This contest is held in a commercial campground, so every team site enjoys full permanent utility hookups, plus there are extra features on the property such as camping cabins, a shower house and propane refills. The weather was chilly with temperatures falling to freezing overnight, but not nearly as cold as in some previous years. More importantly, it was dry! It also helped that this year awards were held as early as possible, while there was still some sun to keep the crowd comfortable. In keeping with the campground’s Hippie theme, trophies were large peace symbols and a VW mini bus painted in psychedelic colors. The winners were: First Place Chicken: Pig Whisperers First Place Ribs: Rollin Smoke First Place Pork: Swine and Shine BBQ


Shake Nʼ Bake BBQ made the trip from Missouri twice this year in their quest to chase KCBS ToTY points. Both trips were profitable for Tim Scheer as he won Grand in Calhoun and Reserve in Chatsworth. First Place Brisket: Smoke on This The field was spread out a bit, and there was much speculation on where teams

would place in the overall. Rollin Smoke was consistent enough with upper half finishes in the other categories for their first


Rick Goldstein distributes complementary copies of everyoneʼs favorite paper to the judges in Calhoun.

See GBC Wrap Up on Page 15.




Event Preview: GBC Awards Banquet and Brasstown BBQ Throwdown They say that every year in February, a young man’s heart turns to... barbecue? Well maybe not, but in Georgia, the first weekend in February is when the competition circuit kicks off with the Brasstown BBQ Throwdown in Young Harris. Held in conjunction with the Georgia BBQ Championship’s Annual Awards Banquet, the Throwdown is a contest like no other. Yes, it’s cold in the mountains this time of year, there is no arguing that point. It’s not likely that you’ll have the chance to play the championship golf course at Brasstown Valley Resort, but it is the perfect time of year to enjoy the company of your barbecue family in front of the great fireplace in the Lodge. The Throwdown is not a festival; there is no public crowd to ask you for samples, no funnel cake vendor to

trip all the breakers. This is a simple contest just for teams and judges. Turn-in times for the contest have been pushed back to give you more daylight to work with. Most team sites are located just steps from resort cottages or the main lodge. Plenty of golf carts are available for weekend rental if you’d prefer not to walk. And remember you’re in a four-star resort – want to shoot some pool in the pub, go for a swim in the heated pool? Perhaps a massage at the spa? It’s all here for you. This is not your typical BBQ contest! The contest is only one feature of the Barbecue Weekend at Brasstown Valley. The Georgia BBQ Championship hosts roundtable sessions for organizers and teams, a Table Captain class for judges and social cocktail reception. All this leads up to what has been called the “Best buffet of any banquet in the BBQ world”. Everyone is welcome to pur-

chase tickets to the GBC banquet where the Awards Banquet and social opportunities. winners of the previous year’s GBC Tour Whether you’re looking to get a jump on are honored and the new season’s Tour con- the competition season, reconnect with old tests announced. The program concludes friends or enjoy a relaxing weekend in the with the popular auction of contest and mountains, you should consider joining us class entries. the weekend of February 5th and 6th. Try it Celebration often continues well into the once, and we bet you’ll be back! night at the Hospitality Cottage or in the resort’s two bars. Many come to cook the Throwdown, but just as many attend just for the 2014 GBC Winners

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not super hopped and not super sweet. The light caramel notes finish off the flavor profile. It will pour with a light head and a great light amber color. With the ABV coming in at 8, I would recommend serving this in a smaller glass. After a couple of pints of this even the seasoned beer drinker will be feeling Cupid’s arrow. I hope that the pairing I have presented can keep you out of the doghouse this Valentine’s Day. If there is any doubt I hear several of the

Step 1: To prepare this, filet it down to within an inch of one end and this will give you two wings that will form the heart. Season. Next, place a smashed garlic clove at the end of each wing.

Step 2: Roll both ends of the steaks to the middle and place two rings of butcher twine around the steak to keep it formed while cooking. Finish off the seasoning by dusting the outside with your chosen steak rub.

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891 GRAY HWY MACON, GA 478-743-5866

Step 3: Remove the twine, remove garlic cloves and plate with desired pairing. Shown here with collards, but could also use mashed potatoes or anything to make the appearance you want to present.

519 N. DAVIS DR. WARNER ROBINS, GA 478-922-3034

advertisers of this great paper can give recommendations for the BBQ’s lover in your world. For the supporters who don’t share our passion for the grill I suggest a very hard compressed piece of coal. Let me save you the time she does not want another team shirt. I hope that everyone had a safe and happy Holiday Season and until next month Take a Moment to Look at the World Through a Drinking Glass. As always, if you have any suggestions or questions please find me on Faceook at ShamrockingBBQ.

EST. 1935




An Interview With The KCBS TOY Champion Travis Clark of Clark Crew BBQ by Kelly Pike

If you’ve been following the Kansas City Barbecue Society’s Team of the Year points chase, you’ve been watching two Oklahoma teams go head to head! Clark Crew BBQ and American Dream BBQ Team have been neck and neck all year. With only 9 points separating the two, Clark Crew BBQ will walk away with the title this year. With 40,000 miles of driving to 12 different states for 38 contests, Clark Crew BBQ finished the 2015 season #1 in KCBS TOY with a total of 2843 points out of 2850, racking up 13 Grand Championships, 4 Reserve Grand Championships, and 7 Perfect Scores. I sat down with Travis Clark to learn a little more about the man who has taken competition barbecue by storm, get his take on his time in competition barbecue and his run for KCBS TOY supremacy. How did you get started in competition BBQ? I was in Kansas City attending the Kidney walk for a friend of mine. The American Royal was going on at the same time. I told my wife Kimberly I wanted to check it out and eat there before we

headed home. We walked around a while, met Johnny Trigg, Rod Gray and some other guys. I had always been into motorcycles and hotrods, so once I saw a Jambo I was hooked. Then you see all these guys having fun doing it, and I told Kim I was gonna get into this, start a team and buy a Jambo. We drove home trying to think of team names. Was barbecue a big part of your childhood and if so, do you have a particular memory you’d like to share? I remember the first thing I ever cooked was hamburgers at my Grandpa’s house. He used to burn them so well done we all called them hockey pucks, so he let me start cooking at a pretty young age to see if I could do any better. I also got to help prep a whole hog with family friend Ed Legg. He used to cook the best hog ever! We even had them do a whole hog for our wedding dinner. What do you do for a living when you aren’t tearing up the BBQ circuit? I am a Sr. I&E Tech for ONEOK. I have been an electrician since I was 16 years old and have been doing ONEOK’s work as a contractor for 15 years. They talked me into going to

See Clark Crew Page 18.


The Clark Family, aka, Clark Crew BBQ pictured left to right: Travis, Madison, Brooklyn, Cooper, Jennifer & Kimberly.

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THE BBQ TIMES JANUARY 2016 to carry them to Third Overall with up an amazing three GBC qualifier Grands 18/1/13/14. Pig Whisperers misstep in Ribs during the 2015 Tour. left them with a 1/31/2/6 still good enough Moyers and QSB also failed to improve for Reserve Grand. their points totals and Hot Wachulas did And the Grand Champs? Despite failing not compete, so in the final analysis there to win a category, Shake N’ Bake topped were no changes in the GBC Top 5 as a rethe field by 3 points with their 3/2/12/11 sult of this event. With that, we bring the performance. The hot and fast drum cook- 2015 Tour to a close. Enjoy the BBQ holiing team from New Haven, MO advanced day break, and join us in February at Young to the 6th position in the KCBS Team of the Harris for the kick off of the 2016 Georgia Year race on the strength of winning RGC BBQ Championship Tour! in Chatsworth and then GC in Calhoun. Impressive! Unfortunately Shake N’ Bake did not cook the Good quality judging was assured by seating a panel of highly experienced required 5 GBC events CBJs in Chatsworth . in 2015, but given their success in the Peach State, maybe we’ll see more of this team next year. GBC Rankings leaders Pit Crew GA turned in their lowest finish of the season at 19th place. It didn’t matter though, as Tina and Bobby were statistically uncatchable going into this event, having racked Tina Cannon of The Pit Crew GA battled the cold in Calhoun in an attempt William Latimerʼs Bub-Ba-Q was the Peopleʼs Choice at Smokinʼ First in chicken, and second in pork made the Pig Whisto finish out the year with a bang! Up the Saddle Club. He also won 2nd in Ribs and finished 8th perers strong contenders to win the overall, but they overall out of 48 teams. tanked in ribs, leaving them in the Reserve spot.

GBC WRAP UP From Page 11

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Winter Weather Favorites for these cold nights

Judy Evans

Fixin’s from the Kitchen

Happy New Year! These are two great recipes. You can do them together or separate. Especially with cold weather coming. They would even work great for those colder competition nights or Thursday night PotLuck. The white Chicken Chili is done in a crock pot and it’s so simple. I have tried it with the chicken thighs and with just chicken breast. They both worked well, however I must admit the

thighs were better. It calls for rotel and that makes all the difference in the world. Give it a try you will like it. It has small bite of pepper, but not hot. Now the Mexican Cornbread it makes a great side dish to the Chili, or it also is good with collards, or turnips, or it can be a meal in itself. The secret has been cast iron skillet. You can cook it in the oven as the recipe says or I bet it would be amazing on a smoker. We used to always have it at Christmas Office party. It is very filling and you won’t let it go to waste because there will not be any left. Give it a try with or without peppers.


Pam no stick spray 2 15 oz. cans Great Northern beans, undrained 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken thighs 1 10oz can Ro-Tel original, undrained 1 small can Green Chiles, undrained 1 cup reduced –sodium chicken broth 3⁄4 cup chopped yellow onion 1⁄2 tsp. ground cumin 1 tsp. dried oregano Spray inside of crock pot, place 1 can of beans in cooker, mash with potato masher

until smooth. Add second can of beans and all remaining ingredients to slow cooker, stir to combine. Cover, cook on low 8 hours or on high for 5. Carefully separate chicken into bite size pieces. If you want it thicker, then drain one can of beans.

MEXICAN CORN BREAD 1 lb. Ground Beef 2 or 3 finely chopped Jalopenos or hot relish 1 cup grated sharp cheese


Batter1 8oz can cream corn 1 cup self rising corn meal 1 cup Milk 1 Egg (Mix batter first) Mix well. Pour half into a hot greased 10’ or 12” iron skillet. Brown 1 lb. ground beef with one large onion- chopped. Drain well. Add 2 or 3 finely chopped Jalapeno Peppers, or hot relish. Mix well. Pour over batter. Sprinkle 1 cup grated sharp cheese over meat mixture. Pour rest of batter over the cheese. Bake at 400 until good and brown 30 to 40 mins. The more pepper you use the hotter it is. Enjoy!!!



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Let me start by wishing each and every one of you and your families a very Happy New Year. May it be marked with prosperity, good health, happiness and good BBQ. As I look back on the year 2015, I can honestly say: “Whew, I’m glad that one is behind me”. It was a very challenging year personally but not as challenging as the year some of you faced and survived. For the FBA, it was touch and go for a while but we overcame some incredible challenges and I think we are starting the New Year much stronger than we were. I would like to thank each of you who gave the new board a chance and supported us along the rather bumpy road we traveled. For the few that have declined to support the changes and the few who have let me know in no uncertain terms I am


Florida Barbecue Association President’s Ramblings by Steve Brumm not welcome in their cook sites, I support your right to feel as you do and hope that you realize you are more than welcome to participate in FBA events. The other members of the Board and I welcome comments and suggestions regardless of whether or not they support us. We do not hold the corner on great ideas and 850 heads are better than 7. Enough about last year. I am excited about 2016. It has the potential to be a really great year in the FBA world. We have the Sonny’s invitational coming up which will be a chance to meet, watch, and compete against some of the best teams in the country. Apopka is shaping up to be bigger and better than ever (and ever has been great). There is a new improved location and expectations of over 125 teams competing. If you

have never been to a large event, this is a good one and a very convenient one. The NBBQA conference in Jacksonville is another great chance to expand your BBQ horizons. The FBA Fun Cook is starting to come to life in the planning stage and some really interesting new ideas are surfacing. Mark the dates now. The first of the year is the time for resolutions. Last year, when I took over as President of the FBA, I had three resolutions and have managed to keep two of them. The FBA now has a Board of Directors that functions well and we are financially solvent and stable again. Although we have made significant progress with the new computer system, getting the web page finished is like nailing jello to the wall. We are working on it on a regular basis and gradually reaching our

goals but I am not able to report to you that it finished on time. All of this brings us to the FBA New Year’s Resolutions for 2016. In addition to resolving totally the web page issue, I would think the following three resolutions would be appropriate for the organization. 1.By Laws review. 2.Resolution of the newspaper issue. 3.Election of new officers. Again, I wish you the best possible New Year. Smoke well my friends, Steve

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Backwoods Bar-B-Que wins South Carolina State Champion On December 19, 2015, at the South Carolina State Capital Building, the South Carolina Barbeque Association recognized the 2015 SC State Barbeque Champions. To be the state champion the teams compete all year and accumulate points for each event they cook and place in. The team with the most number of points at the end of the year is considered the SC State Barbeque Champion. 1. Backwoods Bar-B-Que 2. Pimp My Pig 3. Smokin’ Stacks 4. All Smoked Up 5. Up in Smoke 6. Smoke Central 7. Ultimate Tailgaters BBQ 8. Monkey Bottom BBQ 9. Tail Gater Hater 10. Bold Branch Bar-B-Q Boys

158.7870 157.5561 156.9867 156.8557 156.5579 155.6954 155.1933 154.9593 154.4080 153.3962

RIGHT: Taking first place and the South Carolina State Barbeque Championship, from Trenton, SC, is Backwoods Bar-B-Que, Gene Culbertson, Pitmaster. BELOW: Taking second place in the state finals from Leesburg, SC is Pimp-My-Pig BBQ, Dean Price, Pitmaster.

Taking third place in the state finals from Aiken, SC is Smokinʼ Stacks, Jeff Smith, Pitmaster.


work for them 5 years ago. Where were you born and raised and where do you live now? I was born in Dodge City, Kansas and raised in Cimarron, Kansas about 15 miles west of Dodge City. We now live here in Yukon, Oklahoma. What was your very first competition and how did you do? The first comp I ever did was Blues, BBQ & Bargains in Hays, Kansas in 2012. That was the first time I had ever even lit a fire in my pit. It smelled like paint when I first lit it. I had never practiced anything but I had taken Rod’s class. I got 10th Chicken, 3rd Ribs, and 1st in Bison, and finished middle of the pack so I was excited. What smoker did you start out competing with? The one that is in my logo. It was a Smokemaster that I had totally rebuilt to have that Jambo look. I made a deal with Kim. I would start on that until I won a comp and then I could get my Jambo. In your opinion, what is your best

From Page 14

KCBS category? I would say Chicken and Ribs have been good to me. Which KCBS category is your greatest nemesis? Pork frustrates me the most. Kim and I joke (at least I hope she is joking) that it is our divorce category. Where you always shooting for KCBS TOY or was there some point in the season that you changed gears and aimed for it? Actually it has been a goal of mine since last year. We had a great year last year but I didn’t have enough vacation time to even try to make a run for KCBS TOY. Coming home from King of the Smoker last year Kim and I talked and I told her my goal for this year was to cook 35-40 comps, try and win 10 GC’s and make a run at TOY. Without her being behind me and basically giving up a year to BBQ we couldn’t have done it. We were successful, but I honestly had no idea how tiring it would be. We cooked more this season than our other years combined. But going about it the right way

and earning the respect of your peers means the world to me. You would not believe the support and advice I received from fellow cooks. It was unbelievable! Competition BBQ is obviously a family affair for the Clark Crew. How long have you and Kimberly been married, how many kids do you have, and which kids love to barbecue? Kim and I have been married for 15 years. We have 4 kids: Jennifer is 16 and hates BBQ and everything about it, but we couldn’t do it without her, Madison is 8, Brooklyn is 7, and Cooper (Coopdog) is 6. All three of the younger ones like competition barbecue. Especially “fun” comps. They have been extremely successful in all of the Kids Q comps they have done, so I am extremely proud of that. Where do you see Clark Crew BBQ in five years? I hope to still be competing and doing well. We have accomplished every goal I had getting into this so everything

from now on is just a bonus. We have started teaching classes and really enjoy that, and hope to grow that as well. We have talked about getting into catering someday but all my friends that do it talk about how much work it is so I will just stay an electrician for now. What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment in competition BBQ thus far? That I have done this with my family. Seeing my kids excitement is pretty damn cool. Any final words for our readers? I would love to thank all my BBQ family for everything you have done for us. From encouraging words and help, to offering up help in getting to comps when they knew time was crucial for me. I especially want to thank my sponsors: The Kansas City BBQ Store, EAT Barbecue, Yeti Coolers, Compart Pork, Kosmo’s Q, A Fine Swine and Woods Unlimited.




Amazing Cook with SCBA at Anderson University

By Mike Horne SCBA Representative

Oct 24,2015 was a nice but overcast weekend greeted that the South Carolina BBQ Association (SCBA) Cooking teams, Judges and Anderson University Alumni to the AU Homecoming BBQ Cook-off. Thanks to all who carried on as Bill Walsh would have had it no other way. Thanks especially to William Holladay for stepping up as Marshal and doing an outstanding job. Four Judges were awarded their Certified judges apron and invited to a regular judging table at the Anderson University BBQ Cook Off. Each one of these judges have attended the Judges School and sat on the Novice Table for four events as they received further instruction from a Master Judge Trainer. Photos Submitted by SCBA

Third Butts- Ultimate Tailgaters Chris Fulmer, Pitmaster

New Master Judge Jason Witte

First Butts – Pimp My Pig Dean and Valerie Price, Pitmasters

First Ribs – Smokinʼ Stacks Jeff Smith, Pitmaster

Second Butts – Smokinʼ Stacks Jeff Smith, Pitmaster

Second Ribs – High On The Hog Mat Talbot, Pitmaster

Third Ribs – All Smoked Up Gary Taylor, Pitmaster

New Master Judge Robert Rosenburg

New Master Judge Deb Garrett

New Master Judge Robert Sundesky




Gaston, South Carolina Collard and BBQ Festival By Mike Horne SCBA Representative

The Sky’s finally cleared over South Carolina on Oct 16 & 17, 2015. The crisp fall air and cloudless sky was perfect for the 16 teams an SCBA judges who attended and competed in the Gaston Collars and BBQ Festival. Getting the Call were:

First place Butts – SʼLowcountry Q Quentin and Barbara Tedder, Pitmasters

Second place Butts – Smokin Stacks Jeff Smith, Pitmaster

First place collards (with their collard brownies) Sheri and Brian Teigue, Pitmasters

Pimp My Pig takes First at Jackson Hook and Cook Festival By Mike Horne SCBA Representative

Saturday Morning Oct 30, 2015 started out as a fairly typical Fall day in Jackson, South Carolina. The sky was overcast and there was a nip in the air. That didn’t keep the cook teams and judges from enjoying cooking or tasting some really great Q. Twelve teams competed in the Jackson Hook and Cook Festival cooking both butts and ribs with the event paying back 5 places. Getting the call were:

Grand Champion -Pimp My Pig – Dean and Valerie Price, Pitmasters

Second place Ribs – Bold Branch BBQ Boys, Joe Hilliard, Pitmaster

First place Butts – Backwoods Bar-B-Que Gene Culbertson, Pitmaster

Third place Ribs – Big Dickʼs BBQ , Richard Moore, Pitmaster

First place Ribs – All Smoked Up Gary Taylor, Pitmaster

Third place Butts – Smokinʼ Stacks Jeff Smith, Pitmaster





by Kelly Pike Oklahoma Barbecue Society

In only its second year in existence, the Oklahoma Barbecue Society will once again be honoring the team who earned the most OKBS Team of the Year contest points during the 2015 season. The OKBS annual banquet will be held February 6th, 2016. With 17 contests statewide, teams battled it out all year to land in the top spot. It’s no surprise the honor will go to David & Christine Qualls of The American Dream BBQ Team from Tecumseh, Oklahoma. While David and Christine traveled to 18 states this year, they made sure the contests they did in their home state counted ~ with 5 Grand Championships and 1 Reserve Grand in Oklahoma alone! I sat down with David Qualls to reflect on their amazing year, and to learn a little more about the Dream Team. How does it feel to win OKBS TOY this year? We are very honored. We didn’t start out with any goal other than qualify for the American Royal. Then we found ourselves very fortunate by only being able to cook five contests in Oklahoma and winning four and coming in 2nd in the 5th. Our predetermined schedule kept us away from some Oklahoma contests. However, we are concentrating on cooking many more in Oklahoma in 2016. What were your 2015 season stats? We did 38 contests in 18 States earning

us 10 Grand Championships and 4 Reserve Grand’s. That landed us 2nd in the KCBS Team of the Year Race and 1st Place in the OKBS Overall Race. How did you get started in competition BBQ? We had a local contest where we live in Tecumseh, Oklahoma in 2009 and we helped with organizing it. We also entered as a team just to help have a crowd. We didn’t start cooking comps except for the local one until 2012 and we cooked 24 that year. Was barbecue a big part of your childhood and if so, do you have a particular memory you’d like to share? Actually, no. We charcoaled steaks and burgers but never smoked at home. We got a small Brinkmann Smoker as a wedding gift and that’s where our passion began. What was your very first competition and how did you do? As mentioned, the local comp “It’s a Smokin’ Good Thang” was in June of 2012. We had two top 10 calls and finished 22nd out of 35, but we liked it. What smoker did you start out competing with? We had a Kingfisher Bonanza rotisserie smoker, and then transitioned to a Cookshack FEC100, and now a Jambo we call “The Dream Maker”. In your opinion, what is your best KCBS category? Historically it has been Brisket. I started cooking brisket at home when we got our first Brinkmann. Which KCBS category is your greatest nemesis? Until this season it has always been Chicken however, it seems we found some success in chicken this year (thanks to a lot of different Pitmasters’ help), and now Ribs are our nemesis. What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment in competition BBQ

thus far? While we’ve either qualified or been invited to most all of the majors in the last two years, I think the greatest accomplishment has been to travel, meet new people, make great friends and help people and charities along the way. We are at a point now where we like to see the new teams come in and make a name and earn some ac-

colades just like we did. And we want to try to help just like the teams helped us when we were breaking into the sport. Tell us about yourselves. How long have you and Christine been married, how many kids do you have? We have been married for 27 years and have one daughter, Ashley, who is grown and lives in Edmond. What do you do for a living when you aren’t winning at BBQ? I have been in Casino Gaming Management for the past 27 years. I also own a large Concert Sound Company that works throughout the U.S. and I am also developing a 70 tract housing development here in our hometown of Tecumseh. Where do you see American Dream BBQ Team in five years? I hope to be involved in BBQ in some form because of the family environment that surrounds the sport. But I have to be honest, it’s been a long season and we are burned out at the moment.

Are there any plans to start an American Dream BBQ cooking class? We have no plans whatsoever to have a class. We learned our basics from existing masters at this craft here in Oklahoma like David Bouska of Butchers BBQ and Donny Teel of Buffalo’s BBQ and I encourage anyone that wants to learn this sport to take a class from any and all of the current Pitmasters here in the state, and Travis Clark of Clark Crew BBQ is included in that group as well. I hope to take his class soon even though he has always been a close friend and mentor to us as well as competitor this year. Any final words for our readers? Chris and I would just like to say thank you for participating in this family sport! Thank you for supporting the charities who promote these contests! And thank you for supporting the Oklahoma Barbecue Society. It is young and has a lot of potential to be a great advocate for what we do and for Oklahoma as well.

Big Green Egg Jerk Chicken



The following is an excerpt from the Big Green Egg Cook Book as it was submitted for use in The BBQ Times. This recipe is written by Pitmaster, Eric Mitchell. You can find this great book at any of your local book stores or online.


Cindi and I have been to the Caribbean several times. Every time we go, I have to taste a bite of jerk chicken. When I’m not there and I taste good jerk chicken, I can close my eyes and be teleported there, with the sunshine, warm breezes and friendly people. Jerk chicken originated in Jamaica, where jerk seasoning was originally used for pork. With all of the aromatic spices and seasonings, the chicken picks up some of the apple smoke flavor as well. If you weren’t content enough, the habañero will

add an additional “Oh yeah!” Makes about 6 servings 6 chicken pieces, bone in 1 habañero pepper, seeds and ribs removed, diced 1⁄2 cup (76g) chopped green onion 1 tablespoon (9g) minced garlic 1 tablespoon (9g) minced ginger 2 teaspoons (4g) nutmeg 1 teaspoon (5g) allspice 1 teaspoon (2g) cloves 1 teaspoon (2g) dried thyme 1 teaspoon (2g) black pepper 1 teaspoon (2g) cinnamon 1⁄2 teaspoon salt Juice from one lime Juice from one orange 2 tablespoons (30ml) white vinegar 1 tablespoon (15ml) vegetable oil Jicama Salad (page 106) Wash the chicken pieces and pat dry. Mix all of the dry ingredients together in a large bowl (down through the salt). Add the liquid ingredients and mix until well blended. Rub each piece of chicken with this marinade paste, both on and under the skin. Refrigerate the coated chicken and any remaining paste for 4 hours or overnight. Set the Egg for 250°F (121°C) indirect with a drip pan. With the top and bottom vents wide open, light the fire and close the Egg. When the dome temperature gets up to about 200°F (93°C), about 10 minutes, close the bottom screen. When the dome temperature approaches 250°F (121°C),

about 5 minutes, slide the top of the daisy wheel closed, keeping the petals halfway open. Add two chunks of applewood. When smoke is diffused and bluish gray, about 10 minutes, add the chicken parts, skin side up, to a well-oiled grate above a drip pan. Close the dome and cook for


about 45 minutes, until each piece reaches at least 165°F (74°C) internal temperature, flipping and rotating a few times. When finished, remove from the Egg and let rest for 10 minutes under tented aluminum foil over a drip pan. Serve with jicama salad.

SCBA Marshal Meeting

On January 16, 2016 the SCBA held their Marshals winter meeting in Columbia at the famous Maurice’s Piggy-Park BBQ. This meeting is the kick-off meeting for the New Year. Events that are on the books for the spring and summer were discussed and Marshals and Asst. Marshals assigned. President Lake High greeted the group and promised an exciting and fun-filled year. District Marshal Ken Hilliard discussed issues regarding event judging. Our first event is Feb 26 & 27 at Port Royal SC. Always a great event.

South Carolina Pig on the Ridge Festival • Rigeway, South Carolina By Mike Horne SCBA Representative

The weekend of Nov 6 & 7, 2015 was almost typical of late. A little rainy and overcast. Regardless, 56 teams signed up and cooked whole hog or butts for the competition. Teams were assigned due to their experience as Professional or Amateurs. Thirty six teams were entered as Professionals. Ridgeway is always one of the SCBA largest sanctioned events. Winning the Pro Class were:

South Carolina Barbeque Association

ABOVE: First place Firetower BBQ Jay Thom, Pitmaster RIGHT: Third place Steel Smokin Smokerz Kamese McDaniels, Pitmaster

LEFT: Second place Up-In-Smoke Brian Teigue, Pitmaster




The BBQ Times Classifieds Location: Lake City, Florida


Are you trying to sell your BBQ equipment? You can now Buy, Sale and Trade USED BBQ equipment on our website under the Classifieds tab. All line ads for USED BBQ equipment are free and include one photo as space permits. Submit yours by the first of the month to to be included in the next issue.



Location: Eclectic, Alabama.

FOR SALE! It has very little use (6-8 cooks) and been kept inside. Has third shelf. A 2014 model. Top 2 shelves slide out, the bottom shelf is stationary. It is located in a warehouse in Eclectic, Alabama. For more pictures or information contact Charles Farrow Email ctfarrow@aol. com or call 334-399-7803 First $4400 gets it. OBO



Location: Montgomery, Alabama FOR SALE - Plum Purple! Been cooked on 3 times, has a $350 paint job, large handles, slam latch and large upgraded Wheel package. Available today. Text me for questions or more pics. For more pictures or information contact Contact:


Location: Michigan, Grand Haven 478-218-2333


I’m selling my Stump Classic. In great shape,looks good and cooks awesome . I’m just trying to down sizing what i have. Contact Thomas Henry Phone: 386-623-0498 Price: $ 3,000.00

Charles Farrow Email or call 334-399-7803 (Loaded it list for $4110.00). Asking $3900.00


This is a great smoker and is well seasoned. 4yrs old Contact Terry Phone: 616-847-6949 Price: $ 3,400.00



Location: Springfield, Missouri

5x10 trailer. Flat door cooker design with 56” chamber. Dual stacks and tuning plates, hybrid style. Bottom grate is 22x53 and 2 top grates measure 19x26 each. End load firebox with a 19x19 grilling space on the topside. Dry storage box/prep table measures 24x37x15. Single propane burner. Large open storage area on trailer measures 42x34. A big dry storage box with 2 lift lids measures 36x74x18, great area for wood, tents, chairs or whatever. Separate 36x74x6

area for a couple 6’ folding tables. A great cooker for comps, catering, tailgating, church or bank events. Looking at a new design cooker so this one must go. Have plenty of pictures to share. $6800 OBO. Email, text or call for more details and pictures. Delivery options available. Contact Troy Baker Phone: 4178489787 Price: $ 6,800.00


We offer some of the best ����� �� � � �� �� Sauces and ��� Order Rubs you’ve Place Your y! ever tasted! nline Toda O

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2012 Pittmaker Smoker and BBQ Vault

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David Bouska 336562 E Commercial St Chandler, OK 74834





Introducing the


Where there is SMOKE, there has got to be FIRE!

Tteam from Bubba Grills S

We have developed a new addition to the Bubba Grills family. A roll around cabinet style cooker that easily fits in most trailers and toy haulers. And the best part is...

it’s a Bubba Grill.

This unit offers 3 ways to cook �

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Located right in the Heart of Central Georgia in Haddock, GA.

We are Family Owned, Come Join our Bubba Grills family! Check out our new Website and be sure to find us on Facebook!

It’s A Bubba Grill!�

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