CU Connector May 2013

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A word from the pastor “Planning for Our Future Church” STAFF

As a church family we chose to extend our 2012 church wide Editor Sister Joselyn Miller-Jackson theme – “Excellence in All Things” into 2013. Therefore, Layout back in January I challenged Sister Rebecca Mungin Printing every member of Central Union Brother Vaquan Wright to strive for EXCELLENCE in Photographer every area of your life! Not only Sister Angela Brice, in the church but family, work, Sister Edna Murray school and relationships! In that and January article I told you just as Rev. Dr. Donald Williams Reporters a hotel earns the distinction of Rev. Dr. K. Daniel Dawsey becoming a 5-Star Hotel by the Pastor/Teacher quality and excellence of its Email us: service through continuous practice, we must also or continually strive to improve every area of ministry. I am so th a n kf u l th a t yo u are demonstrating in so many areas that mediocrity is not acceptable INSIDE THIS ISSUE: in any area of service to the FYI 2 Lord and to each other. Hopefully, you recall that we Prayer Focus 3 identified four primary areas of 135th Church 4 ministry we would focus on in Anniversary 2013. Those areas included Evangelism, Discipleship, Daily Devotional 5 Pastoral Ministry, Deacon Family Readings Ministry and Stewardship Ministry. To every thing there 6 Our Stewardship Ministry is a season... focus for 2013 is to bring into Puzzle Page 7 fruition our plans to build our new church. In order to Church Humor 8 su c ce s sf u l l y re a c h o u r stewardship goals we need your help. By now, you should have Sister Constance Miller

received a letter from me asking for your financial support. Each adult member is being asked to make and pay a pledge amount toward our Vision to Victory Capital Campaign (it’s the same as the building fund). I realize many of you signed a pledge in the past, however, as we prepare to seek financing in the near future we need more current pledges for the lending institutions. In most instances you are being asked to continue paying the pledge amount you previously made. For some of you we are asking you to make a first time commitment. If you cannot give the requested amount please choose an amount you will give and begin making your contribution immediately. Please complete the pledge card and return it in the self addressed envelope by Sunday, May 12, 2013. P l e a s e remember that regardless of what you commit

to giving we appreciate you being a part of this wonderful opportunity. Should you have any questions please contact a member of the Highway 96 Planning Committee and they will be glad to answer your questions. Whatever your pledge is for the rest of the year, please remember that in June we celebrate our 135th Church Anniversary. All adults are asked to pay $135.00 ($1.00 for each year of CUMBC’s existence). We are not asking you to make two offerings in June! Please honor the $135.00 Church Anniversary gift request for June and go back to your pledge amount in July.

In His Service,

Pastor K. Daniel Dawsey Pastor/Teacher



If you are interested in having your CUC emailed to you monthly, please send an email to or

You can also read the CU Connector on the website at

If you are interested in becoming a member of the staff, please contact Pastor Dawsey, the Church Office, or send us an email at cumediamarketing@

1 3 5 9 10 11 15 18 19 25 26 27 29 30 31

Eric Dean Regina Lucas Yvonne Perkins Margaret Harvey Donnare Williams Bernistine R. Thompson Andrew Carter Octavious Taylor Jasmine Ross Daniel Rosa Maude Rumph Shatavia Hall Ira Hicks Stacy M. Jones Rashad Kaylee Rouse

2 9 National Day of Prayer 11 Membership Development/8:30-11:30 W.A.C.K.Y. Saturday/10:00-NOON 12

13 Baptist World Day of Prayer 27


9:00AM—Sunday School 10:30AM—Church Service

Children’s Church will be EVERY Sunday except 2nd Sunday

MONDAY 1/5PM—Mission Meeting 1/7PM—Partners in Training (PIT) 15/6PM—CEC

Submissions for the Special June 2013 Graduation Edition are due on May 19th.

TUESDAY 2/5:30PM—Deaconess Meeting 7—8:30PM—Media Training 9 & 16/7—8:30PM— College Ensemble Rehearsal 23 & 30/7—8:30PM—Adult Choir Rehearsal 30/5:30PM—Deaconess Meeting

WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM—Prayer Meeting 6:30PM—Youth AWANA 12 Noon & 7:00PM—Adult Bible Study

THURSDAY 4/TBA—Deacons Meeting DFM—Update

SATURDAY 20/10AM—Usher’s Meeting




Unity in Giving Request Each adult is asked to give $135.00, one dollar for each year of Central Union’s Kingdom Service to our members and the community. Names will be included in the Souvenir Booklet of all persons who pay $135.00 between the first Sunday in April and the first Sunday in June. Special envelopes are available.

The June Edition of the CU Connector will feature our graduates. Please get your information to the staff by May 19th.


An Overview of Our Month-long 135th Church Anniversary Celebration

Theme: Celebrating our Heritage Through Unity in the Body of Christ June 2nd - Holy Communion Sunday-Black and White Attire June 3rd- 7th - Vacation Bible School June 6th – Anniversary Revival- Rev. Jonathan Lowder(Youth Pastor) Fellowship Bible Baptist Church June 9th - Youth Sunday June 13th – Anniversary Revival - Rev. E. Dewey SmithGreater Travelers Rest Baptist Church June 15th - Church Picnic June 16th - College and Young Adult Day; Father’s Day Special Event: Crown and Bow Tie Day June 20th – Anniversary Revival- Rev. Bobby Brown- Mt. Calvary Baptist Church June 21st- - Brief Conferencemonths to prepare for a Christmas style celebration in June. Please plan to join in the fun in the Spirit of Unity. June 23rd - 135th Church Anniversary - 10:30 AM June 30th – Great Commission Day- Spirit Day- Upward Sports Day For more information and/or volunteer opportunities, please see Sisters E. Johnson, A. Corbin and M. Bailey.

Sharia Stripling will be performing in the MAD (Modern Atlanta Dance) Festival with SWAD (Sarah Wildes Arnett Dance) in May! She recently became a member of Delta Phi Delta Dance Fraternity.


to the Fort Valley State University Baptist Student Union on a successful trip to Orlando for the annual retreat on March 21-24. They won 1st place honors for the chorus, and mime team. Justin Feaster will represent as National Mr. BSU and Rosetta Meeks will preside over the next year’s Baptist Student Union Retreat as the National President. The music director is Gregory Miller and the advisor is Margaret McCormick. The group performed their finale concert on April 21st in the Pettigrew Center, a fundraiser for the Boys’ and Girls’ Club and Fort Valley State University graduation in May.

Thank you, Brother Phil Boyd

for sharing your expertise with members of the CU Media Marketing Ministry on Saturday, April 27th. Brother Boyd is the media coordinator at Salem Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. He is also an entrepreneur and owner of Boyd’s Audio Video Services (The Media Company for All of Life’s Events) in Duluth.

An Overview of Our Month-long 135th Church Anniversary Celebration

Deacon E. Oliver Thomas was an active member of the CU Family during his tenure in the Department of Finances at The Fort Valley State University.

Theme: Celebrating our Heritage Through Unity in the Body of Christ nd June 2 - Holy Communion Sunday-Black and White Attire June 3rd- 7th - Vacation Bible School June 6th – Anniversary Revival- Rev. Jonathan Lowder(Youth Pastor) Fellowship Bible Baptist Church June 9th - Youth Sunday June 13th – Anniversary Revival - Rev. E. Dewey SmithGreater Travelers Rest Baptist Church June 15th - Church Picnic June 16th - College and Young Adult Day; Father’s Day Special Event: Crown and Bow Tie Day June 20th – Anniversary Revival- Rev. Bobby Brown- Mt. Calvary Baptist Church June 21st- - Brief Conferencemonths to prepare for a Christmas style celebration in June. Please plan to join in the fun in the Spirit of Unity. June 23rd - 135th Church Anniversary - 10:30 AM June 30th – Great Commission Day- Spirit Day- Upward Sports Day For more information and/or volunteer opportunities, please see Sisters E. Johnson, A. Corbin and M. Bailey.

Upward Sports Grand Finale 2013 Thank the LORD for a blessed and successful season. Upward Sports–Soccer 2013 consisted of a total of 50 children, eight teams, a sound system team, referee team, and prayer team.  TEAMS K-2 (Team Faith-Coach F. Flanders; Team Hope-Coach B. Smith; Team Grace-Coach K. Greene; and Team Mercy-Coach S. Nottingham)  TEAMS 3rd-5th (The Disciples-Coach T. Anderson; Jesus Crew-Coach A. Dawsey; Way Makers -Coach W. Howard; and The Saints-Coach J. Miles)  SOUND SYSTEM-F. Nottingham and T. Mathis  REFEREE-K. Rouse  PRAYER COMMISSION-Minister Roy Owens. Special thanks are extended to all the parents, Pastor Dawsey, The CU church family and David Parrish–Director of Peach County Recreation Department for all or your support. The Grand Finale- Celebration to end the soccer season is schedule for Saturday, May 18th at South Peach Park starting at 10AM. This will include participation from everyone and the award celebrations. Come join us at the park. Sarah Nottingham will be accepting any suggestions for the preparation of this event and can be contacted at (478) 737-8250.


May 13-19, 2013

May 20-26, 2013

May 27-June 2 Chronicles 26:1-5 Setting Yourself to Seek God 2 Chronicles 26:16-21 From Success to Pride to Destruction 2 Kings 15:32-38 Following a Father’s Example Psalm 24 Seeking the Face of God

Romans 15:14-22 Full of Goodness and Knowledge Proverbs 1:1-7 The Beginning of Knowledge

Luke 12:22-26 Trust God to Provide

2 Timothy 3:1-9 Distressing Times Will Come

Luke 12:27-34 The Unfailing Treasure


Titus 1:5-9 An Example in Self Control

Luke 12:35-40 Be Alert and Ready


Matthew 24:3-14 Enduring to the End


1 Timothy 2:1-7 A Life of Godliness and Holiness 1 Peter 3:8-12 Love for One Another

Luke 12:41-48 The Faithful and Prudent Manager James 1:12-18 The Perfect Gift From Above Luke 16:10-15 Faithful in Little and Much

Jeremiah 23:23-32 Warnings for False Prophets James 5:1-6 Warnings for Rich Oppressors Hosea 14:1-8 Return to the Lord

2 Peter 1:1-15 Standing on God’s Precious Promises

1 Peter 4:1-11 Good Stewards of God’s Grace



MAY PRAYER FOCUS As we press toward the Pentecost celebrations, please pray for the weekly prayer concerns listed below in addition to your other prayer needs. This will ensure that we are praying together as a church family. Week I (May 5-11): Pray for God to energize our membership as we resume mid=week Bible study. Make a personal commitment to attend at NOON or 7:00 PM. Week 2 (May 12-18): Pray for mothers everywhere to be loved and respected by their children and husbands. Week 3 (May 19-25): Pray for a Holy Ghost take over as we celebrate Pentecost on May 19th. Pray for a successful closeout of the 2012-2013 school term. Week 4 (May 26-June 1): Pray for a great 2013 Vacation Bible School.

Micah 4:1-5 Teaching the Ways of God John 14:1-7 I Will Come Again 2 Peter 3:1-18 The Promise of the Lord’s Coming

Joshua 24:14-24 Choosing to Serve a Holy God Isaiah 6:1-8 Encountering the Holy God Isaiah 6:9-13 People Dulled to God’s Presence

CENTRAL UNION MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 2013 Ministry Focus As we…SERVE & SUPPORT Pastoral Ministry—Preaching, Shepherding, Worship Deacon Family Ministry—Serving the needs of the membership (worship, prayer,

visitation, stewardship)

Stewardship Ministry—Planning for our future facilities (Vision to Victory Capital

Campaign, HWY 96 Development, Financial Audit, Facilities Management) As we…SEEK, SAVE, & SHAPE

Evangelism— (Integration of efforts) Sunday School, AWANA, Bible Study and Upward Sports, for the purpose of Evangelism.


1. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. 2. A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3. A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build up; 4. A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance; 5. A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together; A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing; 6. A time to get and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to cast away; 7. A time to rend and a time to sew; a time to speak and a time to keep silent; 8. A time to love and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace. ECCLESIASTES 3:18


Sis. Florine Arnold Sis. Marion Cobb Sis. Bernice Kemp Sis. Pinkie Ross Sis. Sammie Smith Sis. Louvenia Stephens

On Sunday, April 28th, following the morning worship service, the Central Union Family bid farewell to

Dr. Larry E. And Mrs. Betty H. Rivers as they embark on their new season in Valdosta, Georgia. At the same time, the Upward Sports Soccer teams enjoyed a cookout in the Youth Center.

Sis. Willie Mae Clark Sis. Grace Dollar Sis. Louise Love Sis. Maude Rumph Sis. Willie Mae Thomas Sis. Virginia Willis Bro. Liggen and Sis, Margaret Harvey

Sis. Donna Chatfield Sis. Katherleen Ford Sis. Estelle Miller Sis. Pauline Rumph Bro. Ulysses Statham Sis. Doris Walker

Family and Friends Sis. Mamie Booth Bro. James Golphin Bro. Willie Hamilton Sis. Annie Hubbard Sis. Bessie Massey

Bro. Jessie Hatcher Sis. Jewel Wynn

To all members who have experienced illness, surgery, and/or bereavement, and we are unaware, may God continue to bless you with wholeness and peace.

On April 13, 2013, at the age of 99,

Deacon Emeritus George Tommy Snead, Sr.

was reunited with his beloved Minnie. Prior to her death in 2011, George and Minnie had been inseparable as man and wife for 77 years. He had been a member of Central Union since 1936 and served as a Sunday School Teacher, Usher, Church Treasurer, Trustee, Chair of his beloved Deacon Board and was always willing to say “Yes� whenever his assistance was needed. Cherishing the memory of Deacon Snead are 11 of 14 Children-Annette Plant; George T. Snead, Jr. (Sarah); Leon (Deborah); Benjamin (Renee); John (Joyce); Hugie (Betty); Harold (Lena); Larry (Linda); Lavonne Lowman (Hal); Donald (Wanda); and Dianne Baptiste; a daughter-in-law, JoAnn Snead; a devoted sister-in-law; Lillie M. Snead and numerous other relatives and friends. In lieu of flowers, the family requested that memorial contributions be made in Mr. Snead's honor to The Snead Scholarship Fund at Central Union Baptist Church.



Mothers Day Puzzle Page


Central Union Missionary Baptist Church 501 Preston Street; P.O. Box 788 Fort Valley, GA 31030 Phone: (478) 825-2958 Fax: (478) 825-2099 Email:

We’re on the Web

CHURCH HUMOR WAS YOUR MOM MEAN? I know mine was. We had the meanest mother in the whole world! While other kids ate candy for breakfast, we had to have cereal, eggs, and toast. When others had a Pepsi and a Twinkie for lunch, we had to eat sandwiches. And you can guess our mother fixed us a dinner that was different from what other kids had, too. Mother insisted on knowing where we were at all times. You'd think we were convicts in a prison. She had to know who our friends were, and what we were doing with them.

She insisted that if we said we would be gone for an hour, we would be gone for an hour or less. We were ashamed to admit it, but she had the nerve to break the Child Labor Laws by making us work. We had to wash the dishes, make the beds, learn to c o o k, v a c u u m t he f lo o r , do laundry, empty the trash and all sorts of cruel jobs. I think she would lie awake at night thinking of more things for us to do. She always insisted on us telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. By the time we were teenagers, she could read our minds. Then, life was really tough! Mother wouldn't let our friends

just honk the horn when they drove up. They had to come up to the door so she could meet them. While everyone else could date when they were 12 or 13, we had to wait until we were 16. Because of our mother we missed out on lots of things other kids experienced. None of us have ever been caught shoplifting, vandalizing other's property or ever arrested for any crime. It was all her fault. Now that we have left home, we are all educated, honest adults. We are doing our best to be mean parents just like Mom was. Side note: I think that is what's wrong with the world today. It just doesn't have enough mean moms!!!

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