Transformation from women to men

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Transformation From Women To Men In English: Veena Gupta

A very famous unbelievable incident is of King Chawda and King Solanki of Kaalri. It happened somewhere in A.C. 746 to 942 and is fabled to be true. Historical evidences to prove this incident are not available, but 5 mentions have been made of it; ‘Solanki na garba’, ‘Bhsvaai sangrah’, ‘Bahuchar maa na vesh ma’, great creations of poet Shaamal and devotee Vallabh Bhatt. The incident described in as follows: There was very deep friendship between Solanki king Tejpal of Kaalri and Chawda king Naarsinh of Patan. The kingdom of Solanki was small, whereas the Patan was a big kingdom. Even then, there was no effect of this difference on the friendship of both the kings. The queens of both the king were also kind and loving and very good friends. Both kings & queens would visit each other often. Their friendship was further strengthened when the queens of both Solanki & Chawda became pregnant at the same time. The happiness of both royal families knew no bounds. King of Patan wanted to convert this friendship with Solanki into a relationship. He told the king of Kaalri: ‘If one of us has a son and the other a girl, than let’s then get them married to each other. If both of us have boys or girls then we can dissolve this agreement.” The King of Kaalri was joyous with this proposal and the friends hugged each other. Thus, both the royal families agreed upon this proposal. The Solanki queen of Kaalri was a devout worshipper of Bahuchar Maa and prayed fervently for a son. She was confident that even if she would give birth to a girl child, with the grace of Goddess Bahuchar she would become a male child. King Tajpal Solanki secretly wished for a male child himself, and a female child for King Naarsinh Chawda. For if this happened, he would get the vast kingdom of Patan. But have wishes ever changed the course of future? Soon, at the end of nine months news came from Patan that the queen had give birth to a baby girl. In Kaalri, the Solanki queen had also given birth to a baby girl, but the queen had great faith in Goddess Bahucharaji. She declared through her maid that she had given birth to a male child. King Tajpal Solanki became very happy. He declared a festival in the entire kingdom, gave alms to poor, and provided a one year tax-relief to the farmers. The news was sent back with the messenger who had come from Patan that queen Solanki has given birth to a male child.

Transformation From Women To Men In English: Veena Gupta

Queen Solanki started rearing her daughter like a son. The daughter was kept in company of males, she was taught horse riding, knowledge of weapons, and dressed up like men making a prince out of the princess. Time never takes long to pass. While the daughter of king Chawda of Patan turned 16 years old. the Solanki prince who was actually a princess also became 16 years old. The king of Patan Naarsinh Chawda met the king of Kaalri Tejpal Solanki and talked about their children’s marriage. An auspicious day was chosen and with grand celebration, the wedding of Solanki princess and Chawda princess took place. The Solanki prince, who actually was a princess, was now in deep trouble, due to her mother’s blind faith and denial of reality. “It will be a night soon, how will I face the Chawda princess? Now there’s only one way out, I must commit suicide.” The Solanki princess rid her horse out into the jungle. The severe heat of June irritated Solanki princess and she felt extremely thirsty. The horse was also tired by now and all wet with perspiration. The princess’ dog had followed her and she was also affected by the heat of the desert. Suddenly, the princess saw a pond at a distance. There was huge tree nearby and its large shadow fell across the pond. Her horse made its way towards the pond. The dog followed the horse seeing the water jumped into it without warning. The dog washed herself, drank from the pond and then came out of the waters. The Princess saw that her female dog had turned male now. She was all amazed to see this. Could this really be possible? To confirm it was true, the Solanki princess made her female horse bathe in the pond and made it drink the water. The female horse transformed into a male horse. The Princess understood that this was a divine pond nearby blessed by Goddess Bahuchara Maa’s. The princess prayed to the goddess and entered the water to bathe and then she drank from it. When she came out of the pond, to her surprise the Solanki Princess had now become a Prince. The prince then immediately rode back towards the royal palace and narrated the whole incident to his mother, the Solanki Queen. To her, this was a reaffirmation of her faith and repeated the tale to her husband. The Solanki King then immediately went to the Patan king Chawda told him the entire story, as well as shared it with his people. The mother of three worlds, goddess

Transformation From Women To Men In English: Veena Gupta

Bahucharji had converted a female into a male. The Solanki king then built a temple for Bahucharji Maa later on, which is exists to date as proof to the story.

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