1: SYNC OTR Capstone Overview

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SYNC: O.T.R is a collaborative interior design capstone project developed by Monica Blair, Jenny Renn Key, and Paul Heintz to beneit a profound social and cultural transition in the Over-theRhine district of Cincinnati, Ohio. The students saw an opportunity to use design as a tool to enhance the neighborhood, and support positive interactions between all demographics in the vicinity. To reach out to diferent sectors of the community, SYNC: O.T.R is divided into three programs: HOME, STRIVE, and GROW. Three primary actions: shelter (HOME), professional enrichment (STRIVE), and youth outreach (GROW), will become SYNC: O.T.R.’s main focus and will drive all underlying missions throughout the design process. A breakdown of these actions will be articulated in the individual project statements. 6

sync Learning objectives 1: Collaborative Process With multiple students adding their knowledge and passion to three focused areas, the groups hope to better understand the collaborative eforts that form a community.

2. CONVERGE RESOURCES With three separate sites, we hope to collect our eforts in answering the over-arching issues needed to be addressed for Overthe-Rhine,through collective designs that pull together our resources and specialties.

3. Richness to Meaning, Design, and Understanding We hope to better understand the neighborhood’s current transitions as well as its heritage to fully develop meaningful and accurate designs to satisfy the district’s needs.


In recent years, Overthe-Rhine has experience there has been a center of renovation and revitalization. While this redevelopment improving the economic status of Cincinnati, it has raised tension between social classes in the neighborhood. Prior to the redevelopment , the population of Over-theRhine was approximately 7000 inhabitants, with an average annual income of $10,000 (Census). 60 percent of the residents

received food stamps, and and high-end luxury welfare. residential developments. Investors behind the reIn 2004, the demographic design are creating venues residing in the area has that would appeal to a signiicantly shifted. In 2011, high-income demographic an astounding gap has in order to increase proits. been documented between the former residents that Over-the-Rhine continues earned an annual income to lourish, and develop of $10,000 and the new high-income venues. residents that earn between As proit becomes the $25,000-$200,00 (Pugh). underlying objective, the existing social structure, The revitalization of O.T.R ethnic character, and the has provided proitable former inhabitants are often opportunities for boutique secondary considerations local commercial venues, (Byrne).

Seeks to reinstate a sense of belonging for the former inhabitants in the area by creating venues that encourage positive interaction between all social groups. Sync has


locations strategically dispersed though out the neighborhood to eliminate the drastic demographic separation that currently exists.

program overlap

These over-arching bullets begin to formulate the missions of the organization. The division of three separate spaces, to accomplish all of the organization’s goals was necessary. The targeted missions were designated as the following:

1. Those seeking shelter with health and wellness. 2.Those seeking to build their role in society. 3. Those seeking to grow in a community as youth.

These three primary actions will become Sync: O.T.R’s main focus and continue to drive all underlying missions throughout the design process. A further breakdown to the depth of these actions will be articulated in the individual project statements. 9



Strive students & Grow Parents will come to home for: Classes. personal finance, communication, parenting, personal development (strive users) & Parenting for community (grow parents).

Grow members will come to strive for: maintaining the outdoor garden 3-4 times week when weather permits. garden will be used for both grow’s snacks/dinners and strive’s restaurant food. Home’s residents will come to strive for: Monthly cooking classes for home residents outside of the strive program. Monthly weekend classes for resume building, professional development and computer skills. Strive students will come to grow for: monthly food demonstration. Home’s youth residents will come to grow for: educational activities. Kids kitchen prep space to include demonstration capabilities. 11

site map


interaction map P I







This illustrates SYNC: O.T.R’s connection to other outreach programs in Over-the-Rhine.


SYNC events sync will have Social events to educate not only our users in our programs but bring together the whole community. these Events will occur quarterly. For example, this flyer would advertise a spring time event held in washington park. home residents will assist booths and event needs. strive will practice entrepenuer skills. grow members will create objects to sell.



SYNC O.T.R provides shelter, education, employment and life skill development to the Over-the-Rhine community to enhance their independence, stability, conidence and well being.


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