Emily Koehn, Fall 2023

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Visual Identity and Brand Strategy, Web Design, Email, and Social Media

The Situation is a faux library & coffee shop located in Ely, MN. They primarily focus on promoting sustainability and community within their town. The client desired full brand strategy for their store opening. This included a full marketing plan, a visual identity, brand guidelines, a website, blog content, social media + a content calendar, and emails.


tterforyou,Bill!You h,”thisSaturday,May ofaseriesofevents metogetherasatown

Hey,Bill!Wehopeyou’relovingTheSituationasmuchaswedo.We’ve noticedyouattendedourLocalSitchforthemonthofMay!We’restoked forallofourfutureeventstocomeandwantedtooeryouawaytotokeep up thelatest at TheSituation.

Wenow oerourownloyalprogram!Clickthelinkbelowtosignuptobe addedto ourclosefriend’slistandgetinsiderinformationaboutupcoming events,new drinks,specials,andearnpointstousetowardsyournext purchase.

onandwewantto ourcoeebutwith low.Weloveour onesotoendoutthe oftheattendees.Tell

Ten ThingsWe’reExcited AboutforOurNewLaunch

TheSituationiscomingbackandyou’regonnawanna check itout.WegotsomeCRAZYnewstu overhere andwewanttoseeYOUthere!

Weloveourcommunitytheloyalcustomerswe’vecometoknowbutwe wantedto makeyourexperiencethatmuch betterandmeeteven more cool people.So,hereare10newthingsyoucan lookforwardtoin the shop thatmakeusoverjoyed.

1.Youwon’tbelievethis.Wetransformedourlocation toincludealibrary. Yes,realbooks.And yes,youcan checkthemout.Wealsowouldloveto takeany ofyouroldbookso yourhandsbeforeyouthrowthemout!

2.Weareworkingtowardsa100%wastefreeatmosphere.Weloveour planet,andwewanttotakecareofher.Wehopeyoudotoo.

3.Wepromotesustainabilitywith ournewfullyrecyclableto-gocupsand containerstoholdsomebombcoeeandsnacks.

4.Weplantopartnerwith anotherlocalbusinesstoreuseoldcoee grounds! We’resickofthrowingitaway,whynotgiveitmorelife?

5.Wegotsomenewbranding! Woohoo!Nomorejankylogosfromus. You’llseeournewlogooutsidethebuildingandon allourt-shirtsand products.Someofthatcoolswagwillbeavailableforpurchaseaswell!

6.Wemadesomekillerupdatestotheinterior.Ifyou’vevisitedusbefore, you wouldrememberthatblandbeigevibewehadgoingon.Yeah,she gone.We’rediggin’thatmoodyindustrialstylehardcoreandyou’llsee thatthroughout.

7.WenowhaveaLOYALTYprogram! Whattt?! Now,youcan getmoreof us.Sign upforexclusiveemailcontentandgetaccesstosomedope punch cardstoworktowardsfreecoee.Whatcouldbebetterthan that?

8.CoeeandBookRecs! Ifyou’reanythinglikeme,then youwouldbethe most indecisiveperson ever.Startingnextmonth,ouramazingsta members aregoingtohelpusdetermineabookanddrink comboforthe month to helpoutthosewhocan’tmakedecisionsorjustgiveyou somethingnewtotry!

9.Bookclubsand communityparties! Likewesaid,weloveyouallandwe wantto beaplacethatfosterscommunityandspreadsawarenessofthe importanceofbeingpresentin themoment! Wecan’twaittohangwith allofyou!

10.Speakingofparties,you’reinvitedtothefirstone! We’reecstatic about the changesandupdatestoourbelovedcoeeshopandwewantto celebrateitwith you! Comeon down on May28,from5-9pmforsome food,community,andthebesttimeever!



Branding, Packaging + Extra Processes

The objective was to rebrand Lindt Chocolatiers in a more modern and friendly approach. This rebrand required an updated logo and new packaging that included foiling and embossing for their Oat Milk flavor.


Branding, Packaging

The Stockton Street Art Festival is a faux event based out of San Francisco that celebrates street art and artists from all over the country. The goal was to create a visual identity that would celebrate creativity and establish promotional pieces that would be handed out at the event.



Photography, Print Advertising

The objective was to create an advertisement for a brand that incorporated creative type. This ad for Party City was created with products they would actually sell in store. The headline was hand crafted and each piece was photographed and composited together in Photoshop. We believe every day should be a party. partycity.com


Branding, Packaging, Food Truck Design

Cookie’s Confections is a faux food truck company that sells a variety of baked goods. The objective was to create a visual identity, packaging, and a food truck design to launch this brand in the Phoenix metro.


Branding, Packaging

The objective was to create a infographic poster surrounding a social topic in our culture. I sought to display information through illustrations and imagery rather than utilizing text.


Visual Identity, Packaging, Trade Show Graphics, Print Advertising

Papago Hive Honey is a Phoenix based honey company that strives to produce high quality products. The objective was to create a full brand identity, packaging, advertising, a trade show booth, promotional products, and a pitch deck that would market this company amongst competitors.

“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!”

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