Lilinoe Ahia, Spring 24

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Nat King Cole Campaign

Logo Design | Branding | Advertisement

The objective for this campaign was to choose a creative individual, particularly in the music industry and build a brand identity campaign for them focused around a particular event for the individual (song release, gallery show, book release, etc.). For this campaign, Nat King Cole is the chosen artist and the focused album was the infamous L.O.V.E. music album.

Whitfill Nursery

Photography | Advertisement

The objective for this project was to design an ad for a company provided by my professor. For this project, Whitfill Nursery was the company used for this advertisement. Using visual metaphors was required to create a concept that advertises a product or service. The ad needed to include our own hand-lettered or crafted typography as the main visual element.

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Phoenix Summer Olympics 2032 Website

Logo Design | Website Design

This project involved creating a website to promote Phoenix as the optimal host city for the 2032 Summer Olympics. Phoenix’s unique attributes, including its favorable climate, world-class facilities, excellent infrastructure, and vibrant cultural scene, were highlighted as key factors contributing to its suitability for hosting the prestigious event.

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S e a r c h Home Events Maps Abou Bringing the Heat to Phoenix COMPETE AS ONE Explo e More Phoen x We comes he 2032 O ymp cs n the hea t o the deser whe e the sun k sses he ea th and warmth defines our we come Phoen x ex ends ts open arms o hos he 2032 Olymp cs P c ure a c ty ha gn es he flame o compe on am dst b ea h ak ng andscapes, vibrant cu u e and unpa a e ed hosp a ty Choosing Phoen x o the O ymp cs not on y b ngs he wor d s finest ath e es o a dynam c and h ving me ropo s but a so se s he stage fo a ransforma ve expe ence Our state-o - he-ar ac t es, comb ned w h the a u e o he dese provide a un que backd op o spo t ng exce ence Beyond the games host ng he O ymp cs n Phoen x means an econom c boom ob crea on and a ast ng egacy o mproved n rastruc u e Ou c ty’s we com ng embrace p om ses an unfo ge ab e exper ence o a h e es, spec a ors, and pa ne s a ke Join us as Phoen x becomes the ep cen e o g oba spor smansh p n 2032, where the O ymp c flame um na es the dese t sk es, and he wo d un tes n he pu su t o exce ence Why Phoenix? A T M O S P H E R E E X P E R I E N C E Phoen x O ymp cs Atmosphe e Immerse yoursel n he ad an warm h o Phoen as he host c t or th 2032 O ymp cs. W h an average o 300 days o sunsh ne annual y Phoen x offers athletes an deal envi onmen o peak performance The clear s es no on provide optimal conditions for various sports but also ensu e b eath ak ng vistas o spectato s. From mara hon unner to socce p aye s, ever athle e w find Phoen x’s wea he to be a key ally n he r quest or cto y The ci y’s commi men o p ovid ng an excep onal O ymp c experience ex ends beyond he compet on c eat ng a sun backd op o un orgettab e moments and h sto ach evemen s. Phoen x Olympic Sunsh ne – whe e excel ence meet he desert sky… Phoen x O ymp cs Expe ence Embark on an un o get ab e ourney a he 2032 Olympics hosted n Phoen x where he unparal eled exper ence goes beyond ath et c excellence. mme se yourse f n he v b ant culture ec ec c cu sine and wa m hospita ty that define the c y F om he con c deser landscapes to cu u al f st vi es, Phoen x promises a un que and en ch ng exper ence or a hletes and spectato s al ke. Beyond he stad ums, exp o e a ci y hat seam essl b ends tradition wi h moder y ensur ng a memo ab e Why Re d Mo e Read Mo
E X P E R I E N C E S T R U C T U R E H O S P I T A L I T Y nsu e b eath ak ng vistas o spectato s. From mara hon unne s o soccer p aye s, eve y athle e w find Phoen x’ weathe o be a key ally n he quest fo v c or The ci y’s ommi men to p ovid ng an excep onal O ymp xperience ex ends beyond t e compet on r at ng a sun t backdrop o un o get ab e moments and h sto c ach evemen s. Phoen x s Olympic Sunsh ne – whe e excel ence meets he desert sky… Phoen x O ymp cs Exper ence Embark on an un o get ab e ou ney t he 2032 Olympics hosted n Pho n x where he unparal eled exper ence goes beyond ath et c excellence. mme se you se n he v bran culture ec ec c cu sine and wa m hospi a y that define the c y F om he con c desert landscapes to cu u al est vi es, Phoen x promises a un que and en ch ng exper ence o a hletes and spectato s al e. Beyond th stad ums, exp o e a cit hat seam essly b end tradition wi h modern t ensu ng a memorab e Olympic Games hat ex ends ar beyond he compe on Phoen s O ymp c Exper ence –where spo t mansh p meets he sou o he Sou hwest Phoenix st nd eady o elevat th 2032 Olympics w h s cu ng-edge n ast uctu e. Boasting wo d-class venues, t anspo at on systems, and accommodat ons, t e ci y ensu es seamless operat on fo ath etes, officials, and spectato s. The hough u y designed fac t es not on mee he h ghest standards bu a so leave a ast ng egacy or he commun y W h a commi men o sustainab and accessib y Phoenix’s n ast uctu e guaran ees a smooth and en oyable O ymp c exper ence, set ng he stage o an event hat t anscends expec at ons. Phoen x s Olympic n ast uctu e – where nnovat on meet excellence… Phoen x O ymp cs In ras ructure Experience unmatched warm h and hosp al t at the 2032 O ymp cs n Phoen x The c t s enowned hospi a y ndustry goes beyond expec at ons, offe ng a d ve se ange o accommoda ons, cu nary de gh s, and cu tu a expe ences. From uxu y esor s o coz bou ques, Phoen caters o every aveler s as e. The ocal commun y s eady o welcom visi o s with open arms, creat ng an atmosphere hat fos ers connect on and camarader e. Phoen x s Olympic Hosp al y ensu es hat every guest leaves w h not ust memo es o he Games, bu a hea fel connect on o th sp o he Sou hwes Phoenix welcomes the wo d w h open hear s and a hospi al y hat knows no bounds… Phoen x O ymp cs Hosp ta y E V E N T S WRESTL NG LACROSSE Olympic vo eybal whether ndoo s o on he beach, s dynamic d sp ay o a hlet c sm, eamwo k and st ategic plays. W h ntense al s and powerfu sp es, a hr ng spectacle at he Games, cap vat ng Lea n More EQUESTR ANS SURF NG VOLLEYBALL Read More Read Mo e Read Mo e Read Mo Phoenix Glenda e Tempe Me Gu d p Goodyea A onda e Sco sda e Paradise V ey Peor a El Mirag Litchfield Park To eso E V E N T S WRESTL NG LACROSSE Olympic vo eybal whether ndoo s o on he beach, s a dynamic d sp ay o a hlet c sm, eamwor and strategic plays. W h n ense ral es and powerfu sp kes, s a h ng spectacle at he Games, cap vat ng Learn More M A P S O L Y M P I A N S P O T L I G H T Carissa Moore A uminary n he wor d o p o essional su fing s four- me Wo d Su League WSL champ on whose grace on he waves s on r valed by her esi ence and spo smansh p Bo n n Hono u u Hawai Moo e has become a symbol o excel ence n he su fing ea m, where er style seam essly uses power and elegance. Recogn ed o her nnovat ve app oach o maneuvers and unwaver ng comm men o progression Moo e’s nfluence ex ends beyond he surf, embodying the sp o a modern-day waterborne poet W h her O ymp c go d medal debu a he Tokyo 2 20 Games… “We a st ve o nd someth ng un que and spec a ha we a e passiona e abou ha separa es u f om he rest S P O N S O R S L E T ʻ S B R I N G T H E H E A T T O G E T H E R ! First Name Last Name State Z pcode Ema Add ess Agreeme o O an z o e ms SHOULD H 2032 OLYMP CS BE HE P N PHOEN X AR ZONA? Select an Answer Submit State Farm Stad um State Fa m S a um G e da e A z na s he home stad um o e A z na Card a h NFL O en d 2 06 he venu a commo a s ve 63 00 pe p featuring a a ab e o nd a a ass. B yond o b games, hosts on e and spo s ven s, c d n m o oc asio s k Su e Bow XL Re og ed innova ve d s gn he sta um a ke e e nme de a on n e g n 1 Card a D G en a AZ 85 05 EQUESTR ANS SURF NG VOLLEYBALL Read Mo e e F m S a m Fi ou the o m to pa take n the br ng ng o the Olympics to Phoenix. By sign ng up you are he p ng us by sign ng a petition to ho d ng the wo d-w de known event o the Olymp cs here n Phoen x Stay updated on the a est news o th s petition Proud y p esen ng he po sor o th Phoen O ymp cs 2032 a d verse and dynam c coal on o ndust y ad r commi ted o elevat ng he Games o new heigh s and creat ng an un o get ab e exper ence o ath e e and a s a ke S P O N S O R S L E T ʻ S B R I N G T H E H E A T T O G E T H E R ! First Name Las Name State Z pcode Ema Add ess Agreemen o O g n a on e ms SHOULD THE 2032 OLYMP CS BE HELP N PHO N X AR ZONA? Select an Answer Submi Fi ou the o m to pa take n the b ng ng o the Olympics to Phoenix. By sign ng up you a e he p ng us by sign ng a petition to ho d ng the wo d-w de known event of the Olymp cs he e n Phoen x Stay updated on the a est news or th s petition Proud y p esen ng he sponsors o he Phoen x O ymp cs 2032 a d verse and dynam c coal on o ndust y eade s commit ed o elevat ng he Games o new heigh s and creat ng an un o gettab e exper ence o ath e es and ans a ke C pyw e O ymp c 0 2 A R g s Rese ved Co c Us AQ P va y P c T m o Se vic Abou Us nte nationa Olymp c Comm ttee Shop Contac Centre S temap Olymp c Games Par s 2024 Re u s & Meda s Rep ays & H gh gh s All O ympic Games Ol mpic Channe Olymp c Channe s TV Ch nne Live Even s Orig na Se es Corpora e News Podcasts Top cs Exp ore Athle e Sports Social Med a

Honest Creativity Book Cover

Illustration | Production Design

For this assignment, the Dean of GCU College of Arts and Media, Dr. Detweiler, has written a book and is in need of cover artwork concept. The goal for this cover artwork was to visual relay the message of this book in a creative and graphical way. And the name for this book is called “Honest Creativity” that explores the concepts of creativity and its various manifestations.

Cremoso Chocolate Bar Rebrand

Illustration | Production Design | Rebrand

The rebranding project for Wonka Chocolate to “Cremoso” aims to modernize the brand while maintaining its essence. Through creative design and new flavors, we’re refreshing the brand to appeal to today’s consumers. This involves updating packaging, logos, and products to reflect a premium, indulgent experience. Our goal is to establish “Cremoso” as a top contender in the chocolate market.


Williams Sonoma Brand Repair Campaign

Illustration | Production Design | Branding | Advertisment

In this project, the goals was to become the role of an art director who is tasked with repairing the brand of a struggling company. Your task is to create a brand repair strategy for the selected company that is directed at the current employees, management, and potential new employees. Then, we were given the role as the designer for anothers brand repair and design according to their art direction packet. The brand that was chose for me as a designer to repair was Williams Sonoma.

Employee Spotlight Employee Spotlight Ethan Anderson Ethan Anderson Associate Account Executive WS "In the pursuit of greatness, never lose sight of the values that define who you are."
John Smith 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345 PRESCORTED FIRST CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX, AZ PERMIT NO. 2691 Will Connor 456 Main Street Anytown, USA 34567 Employee Spotlight Employee Spotlight Kathrine White Kathrine White "Never underestimate the power of kindness; it has the ability to transform lives and change the world." ..................................... Customer Appreciation Event 20% off + Free Shipping on your regular-priced order with code: WC54E98CA Shop in-store and online *Exclusions Apply*

Samʻs Sweet Chili Sauce Co.

Illustration | Production Design | Branding

The branding and product design project for Same Sweet Chili Sauce Co. is essential for establishing a unique identity in the competitive condiment market. By creating a compelling logo and cohesive brand narrative, along with visually appealing packaging, the company can differentiate itself, resonate with consumers, and drive purchase intent and loyalty. This investment will position Same Sweet Chili Sauce Co. for long-term success and growth.


Nice Ice Food Truck Branding

Branding | Logo Design | Production Design

This project focuses solely on redesigning the Nice Ice logo for its new food truck venture. The goal is to create a modern and memorable logo that reflects the brand’s values of quality and creativity. With a streamlined two-week timeline, we aim to establish a strong visual identity that sets Nice Ice apart in the competitive food truck market, ensuring a successful launch.




Way Of Life Magazine

Print Production | Typography

Our group project revolved around crafting a 20-page magazine titled “Way of Life: Exploring Hawaiian Culture.” Through concise articles, vivid visuals, and personal anecdotes, we aimed to uncover the essence of Hawaii’s cultural richness. Transporting readers into the heart of the islands, we invited them to immerse themselves in the aloha spirit and gain insight into the traditions, values, and way of life that define Hawaiian culture.

Way of Life Trips To Hawaii Greet and Greeted With ALOHA 6 Ways to be a Conscious Traveler EXPLORE CULTURE HAWAI’I NAI’A Hawaiian: Dolphin During long semester of spring, knowledge, and growth, We were lucky enough to partake in typography class at Grand Canyon University to learn more about whole new world of type. The opportunity of creating magazine was given to this team while being able to properly incorporate this element of typography. With this, Way of Life Hawaii magazine was born to share insight and educate people on the true culture of Hawaii and how to be one with that culture when traveling to Hawaii. Having member on this team that is native Hawaiian, it allowed us to be able to create this magazine with the growing knowledge of the fellow editors while using a first-hand resource that specifically helps the development of this magazine. We are able to share some true and valuable information about this culture from native perspective and that is what sets Way of Life magazine apart from others and makes it so unique to other magazine creators. The features within this magazine covers important information that individuals should know before traveling to Hawaii. Our overall goal as the creators of Way of Life Hawaii magazine is to reach the interest of all of those that are in search of taking trip to Hawaii and allow them this opportunity to read and understand the true lifestyle in Hawaii and know what to properly do when being there. Let's make this world better by exploring places with nothing but ALOHA! Letter From The Editors Gabrielle Merwin Jacob Loewen Zoe West Lilinoe Ahia April 2023 \\Way of Life 3 4 Way of Life \\ April 2023 Contents Table of Concious Traveling Need To Know Get To Know A Native Cultural Struggles Common Misconceptions 5 6 10 14 18 April 2023 \\Way of Life 5 Conscious Traveling 6 Ways to be a conscious traveler in Hawai’i Hawaii undoubtedly one of the world’s most traveled tourist destinations, attracting millions of people each year. While may be easy to get lost in the paradise-like beauty of its beaches, culture, and food, as conscious traveler, it’s critical to be mindful of your actions and impact on the environment, community, and culture. Respect the Hawaiian Culture 1Hawaii has rich history and culture that deeply intertwined with the land, sea, and sky. As guest in their home, it’s important to show respect for Hawaiian customs, traditions, and beliefs. Learn about Hawaiian culture by visiting museums, attending cultural events, and talking to locals. Avoid appropriating their culture by wearing sacred items like lei or making up your version of hula dance. Instead, embrace and appreciate the richness of their traditions. Choose eco-friendly accommodations 2When booking your accommodation, choose hotel or hostel that is environmentally friendly. Look for establishments that have implemented sustainable practices such as composting, energysaving appliances, water conservation, and solar panels. Additionally, consider booking eco-tours run by local operators who commit to preserving Hawaii’s natural resources. Reduce plastic waste 3Plastic pollution is severe problem in Hawaii, state surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. As conscious traveler, it’s essential to avoid single-use plastics like straws, bottles, and bags, and opt for reusable alternatives like metal straws and water bottles. Bring your bag when shopping, and support local shops and markets that use eco-friendly packaging. Conserve Hawaii’s Marine Life 4One of the significant attractions of Hawaii is its marine life, including dolphins, whales, sea turtles, and colorful fish. However, it’s imperative not to disrupt their natural habitat or contribute to ocean pollution. Avoid touching or approaching marine animals, as this can stress out or harm them. Never leave trash or other waste on the beach or throw anything into the ocean. When swimming or snorkeling, be sure to use reef-safe sunscreen to avoid damaging the beautiful but fragile coral ecosystem. Support local businesses 5Supporting local businesses is an excellent way to experience the authentic culture of Hawaii while contributing to the local economy. Eat at local restaurants that showcase Hawaiian cuisine or shop at local boutiques that sell locally-made crafts, souvenirs, and clothing. Purchasing directly from local farmers and fishermen reduces transportation emissions and supports sustainable agriculture and fishing practices. Learn about Hawaii’s conservation efforts 6Hawaii is unique and fragile ecosystem that faces challenges such as climate change, invasive species, and pollution. As aware travelers, it’s our responsibility to learn about Hawaii’s unique environmental challenges and conservation efforts. Participate in volunteer conservation projects, attend educational programs, and support eco-friendly initiatives. Being conscious traveler in Hawaii means being mindful of your actions and impact on the environment, community, and culture. By respecting the Hawaiian culture, choosing ecofriendly accommodations, reducing plastic waste, conserving Hawaii’s marine life, supporting local businesses, and learning about Hawaii’s conservation efforts, we can all play role in preserving the beauty and sustainability of Hawaii for generations to come. BeforeYou Go Hawaii’s beautiful beaches, culture, sights, and history make it hot spot to travel to all year round. It’s important to travel anywhere with respect and knowledge so the land can remain beautiful and the culture protected and valued. Planning trip can be overwhelming so we have listed the top things to do to help you make the most of your trip. April 2023 \\Way of Life 7 8 Way of Life \\ April 2023 Beaches The Hawaiian Islands are known for their beautiful beaches and incredible sights. Here are some of the top beaches we recommend to make trip to Hawaii one remember Kā'anapali Beach Maui for the best crystal clear water and coral reefs for snorkelers to explore. Lanikai Beach Oahu is great beach because the sunrise and moonrise are seen from this area and has beautiful crystal clear waters. Poipu beach Kauai is recommended beach because it's the best family friendly environment. Waikiki Beach Oahu is one of the most popular, with its soft sand and gentle waves and beauty scenery. Wailea is known to be popular spot for whale watching and more of an uspsacle beach with five star resorts all around it. Activities There are so many activities to enjoy while on the Islands Hawaii. Hawaii magical destination with something for everyone. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or culture, there are plenty of things do and see on the islands. Experiencing Luau definitely must do on trip to Hawaii. Luau’s have live music, hula dancing, story telling, and traditional food. The Luau is very important to Hawaiian culture. The luau is meant to bring people together to feast and celebrate. was born in 1819 and has been an important tradition ever since. Now, Luau’s are held nightly on every Island. Paradise Cove Luau on Oahu popular Luau that many people recommend. Snorkeling or Scuba Diving is unique and incredible adventure on the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii's clear waters are perfect for snorkeling and scuba diving, with an Hawaii’s beautiful beaches, culture, sights, and history make hot spot to travel to all year round. It’s important to travel anywhere with respect and knowledge so the land can remain beautiful and the culture protected and valued. Planning trip can be overwhelming so we have listed the top things to do to help you make the most of your trip. Art you are interested in art, Hawaii is great place to see this and experience the culture and history of Hawaii in beautiful way. Hawaii's art scene vibrant and diverse reflection the islands' unique cultural heritage. From traditional art forms to works by local artists, there are plenty of opportunities to explore and discover the art of Hawaii Honolulu has incredible street art that made by local artists. These vibrant and large art pieces are great way to see Hawaii and experience the different stories told. Attending art fairs and festivals are another way to experience Hawaii. Hawaii hosts number of art fairs and festivals throughout the year, providing great opportunity to discover new artists and styles. The Honolulu Festival in March rich and vibrant blend of Asian, Pacific and Hawaiian cultures. The three-day celebration of local art, music and dance in grand parade through Waikīkī. Food Food very important thing to think about while planning trip somewhere. You can have delicious culinary experience in Hawaii because of the traditional foods with great flavor and cooking techniques. Poke is traditional Hawaiian dish made with raw fish, usually tuna or salmon, marinated in sauce made with soy sauce, sesame oil, and other seasonings. The dish is often served over rice and topped with ingredients such as avocado, seaweed, and pickled vegetables. Kalua Pork is slow roasted pig, giving the meat nice smoky and tender effect. It is normally served with rice or other sides. Malassadas are great desert to try on visit to Hawaii. They are very similar to donut, they’re soft, deep fried, and rolled in sugar. They also come in different fillings which make them extra delicious. abundance of marine life to discover. The Molokini Crater off the coast of Maui is popular spot for snorkeling, with its colorful coral reefs and schools of tropical fish. The Kona Coast on the island of Hawaii another great option for scuba diving, with its underwater lava tubes and diverse marine ecosystem. important to remember to keep the oceans clean and protected while on these adventures. The coral reefs are very important to the The Honolulu Festival in March is a rich and vibrant blend of Asian, Pacific and Hawaiian cultures. 12 Way of Life \\ April 2023 The annexation of Hawaii Hawaii was an independent kingdom in the late 1700s and 1800s. However, the United States started gaining foothold in Hawaii due to the highly profitable sugar trade. In 1890, tariff was placed on foreign sugar, which caused American sugar planters working in Hawaii to be undersold in the American market. In 1893, the sugar planters, led by Sanford B. Dole (The same Dole from the Dole company many know today), staged a coup against the queen of Hawaii knowing that the tariff would be removed Hawaii was annexed. Without presidential approval, the islands were invaded by the United States marines and Queen Lili’uokalani was forced to surrender. President Grover Cleaveland saw these actions as shameful and attempted to restore Lili’uokalani as queen, but the American public strongly supported the annexation. The situation was prolonged until 1898 when the Spanish began. The importance Hawaiian naval bases outweighed other options from the U.S.’s perspective, and President William McKinley signed joint resolution which annexed Hawaii. The islands remained territory until eventually granted statehood in 1959. While being U.S. state has its benefits, has often resulted in the undermining of native Hawaiian culture, landmarks, and language. Language and Education One of the most notable effects the United States’s control has had over Hawaii is on its education system. Hawaii’s education system was originally established by King Kamehameha III in 1840. Naturally, the curriculum was taught through the Hawaiian language. This changed after the kingdom was overthrown, at which point teaching through the Hawaiian language was banned in favor of the English language. Many Hawaiian elders have recounted being punished for speaking Hawaiian at school, and the language would not be heard at schools for many years. It wasn’t until the late 1960s and 1970s that things started to change. Around this time, there was resurgence in cultural pride and identity, leading to an increased interest in and practice of Hawaiian culture. major movement if grassroots support for music, hula, and language activities in the community emerged. This renaissance led to community demand for more Hawaiianoriented courses in schools. The idea that the Hawaiian language would be lost with the passage of time was real concern. As newer generations would be taught in English and native Hawaiian speakers would pass on, the language would see no more use. Believing that understanding the Hawaiian language is key to fully understanding Hawaiian culture, efforts began to revitalize the language. In 1978, the Hawaii state constitution was amended to include Article X, Section which mandated that the state promote the study of Hawaiian culture, history, and language through its education program and community expertise. Additionally, Article XV, Section officially recognizes Hawaiian as an official language of the state along with English. It’s thanks to these changes that native Hawaiian culture has been able to see return. Immigration and Population large amount of immigration into Hawaii has also had an impact on the prevalence of native Hawaiian culture. In 1778, British explorer Captain James Cook encountered the Hawaiian Islands. The crew inadvertently spread diseases the native population, killing thousands with diseases like tuberculosis, measles, and polio. The population of Native Hawaiians has struggled to recover since. Fortunately, the number of Native Hawaiians has seen an increase. This partially due to change in the way census taken, since now those who are part Native Hawaiian are also counted. Additionally, many of these people do not live in Hawaii, which also contributes to their low percentage in the state’s population Currently, the majority race of Hawaiian residents is Asian 37.64%, with Native Hawaiians only comprising 10.4% of the population. Most of the Asian population, mostly Filipino, are descended from immigrants who worked on Hawaiian plantations.
April 2023 \\Way of Life 9 Each Island has their own unique qualities that make them special ocean’s ecosystem, so do not harm them. A visit to Pearl Harbor something you won’t forget. Pearl Harbor is site great historical significance, as it was the site of the attack that drew the United States into World War II. A visit to Pearl Harbor moving experience, as you can see the USS Arizona Memorial and pay your respects the 1,177 sailors and Marines who lost their lives during the attack. Pearl Harbor can be found on the Island of Oahu. The Islands Each Island has its own unique features and qualities that make special place travel to. There are eight main islands Hawaii but only six are accessible visitors. Here are the best features each island so you can decide where you want take your travels. Hawaii (The Big Island) is the largest island and home some the world’s biggest active volcanoes. The Big Island full of fun activities and things to do. you like adventure and exploring, this is the island for you. Oahu is home of the state capital, Honolulu. Oahu has the perfect balance of exciting city life and vibrant scenery to explore. This the most visited island because everything has to offer. Maui is the second largest island and has lot to offer. This island has exquisite beaches that have lot of diversity. There are more than 80 accessible beaches in Maui. You can do things like swim with turtles, learn to surf, and swim all on this beautiful island. Kauai full of mountains, beaches, waterfalls, and canyons. Waimea Canyon. The Coconut Coast, and Hanalei Bay are top rated places to see while on this Island. The Road to Hana is popular destination on the island. Molokai recommended for travelers that want to visit more “authentic” island. Molokai isn’t as crowded with tourists and has lot of untouched natural landscapes. Molokai has Hawaii’s largest pier Kaunakakai Harbor. Lanai the smallest island and has an authentic and genuine feel. Because is so small, visiting feels like true island living experience and it is easier to see life the islanders with less tourism. While a beautiful and popular location, Hawaii is not all that it seems on the surface. Since as early as the late 1700s, the Native Hawaiian population has struggled maintain grasp on their population and culture. Between being illegally overthrown, having their culture suppressed, and an increasingly absurd cost of living, the islands and their culture continue face hardships that threaten to drive their native population away. The Struggle to Rise April 2023 \\Way of Life 11 Cost of Living Another major contributor to the lack of Pacific Islanders in Hawaii is the increasing cost of living in the state. It’s been reported that many Hawaiian residents have been moving out of the state due to the absurd living costs. The average monthly rent in Honolulu is $2,257 month, with most homes costing more than $357,000. This well above the national average. Anyone working on the $10.10 minimum wage in Hawaii wouldn’t even earn the bare minimum to live on the islands. Currently there are about 370,000 Native Hawaiians living in other states, with only about 310,000 in Hawaii itself. Many Native Hawaiians have been reported moving to Las Vegas, which boats strong Hawaiian community despite its location. More importantly, the cost of living there significantly lower. For comparison, three-bedroom Las Vegas home priced at $300,000 would sell for $1.2 million in Honolulu. The U.S. Census bureau says Las Vegas continues to see the biggest increase in Native Hawaiian population. It would greatly benefit the native population of Hawaii the cost of living were much lower, allowing families to live comfortably on the land they call home without the constant stress. The Mauna Kea Protests More recently, the integrity of sacred Hawaiian land was threatened. In 2019, thirty-meter telescope was designed by number of universities and scientific organizations, which was planned to be built atop the mountain Mauna Kea. The mountain’s elevation and lack of light pollution made prime location for the telescope be placed. Though great for the scientific community, this would ultimately desecrate sacred part of Hawaiian culture. It is said to be the place where the sky god, Wakea, met with Papa Hanau Moku, the earth goddess, leading to the creation of the islands. Only the highest-ranking chiefs were historically believed to be fit to go there. There are other cultural sites on the mountain, including sacred lake, significant burial sites and historic quarry where stone tools were made. While this telescope wouldn't be the only one to have been built on the mountain, would be the largest by far. The Native Hawaiian community were already upset about the other telescopes, so this was the last straw. Hundreds of Native Islanders blocked the road leading up to the peak, keeping construction crews from reaching the site. Though peaceful, over 30 elders were arrested for participating in the protest. Celebrities such as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Jason Momoa also appeared the protests support the local population. The protests eventually faded with the coming of COVID-19. Though construction of the telescope has been halted, there are still plans for to be built atop Mauna Kea. Though Native Hawaiian culture continues to rise from the struggles of the past, continues to face new challenges brought on by society pushing for globalization and progress that encroaches on the land and culture they hold so dear. The Native Hawaiian population and its culture have struggled maintain themselves for many centuries due to intervention, politics, and dubious action. Though they have made a lot of progress in restoring what would’ve otherwise been lost, they continue to face struggles to this day. Between the absurd cost of living on the islands and the threat of desecration of sacred lands, Native Islanders are still fighting to maintain their long-standing culture. Without presidential approval, the islands were invaded by the United States marines and Queen Lili’uokalani was forced to surrender. Celebrities such as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Jason Momoa also appeared at the protests to support the local population. April 2023 \\Way of Life 15 Get To Know a Native! Explore the life journey and life lessons from a true perspective Puamaile Galdeira The world is different in many ways. There are different cultures that make this world so unique. Let's explore more of the Hawaiian culture by getting to know true native Hawaiian that has lived in Hawaii all her life and has experienced the triumphs and struggles of being native islander to Hawaii. The beautiful thing about getting to know someone from true perspective and not second hand perspective is what will bring life to the world! Life Of A Native Hawaiian Puamaile native Hawaiian that was born and raised in Hawai’i and has experienced the true way of life of the Hawaiian culture. She was born in 1950 and was raised by her maternal grandparents. At the time of her birth, her parents were 16-years-old unwed highschool dropouts and had experienced rough young adult lifestyle native Hawaiians. Puamaile was born at Salvation Army facility for unwed mothers, also known as Kapi'olani Maternity Hospital. From Puamailes perspective and also her parents, it was best for her be raised by her Papa, Eddie Ka’aloa, and his new wife, Maile Ka’aloa. On the island O’ahu, on the shoreline of Waimanalo is where her heart will always be, the place where she had grown up learn the ways of Hawaiian and to express her true identity proud native islander. She spent the first years of her life through this time of pre-statehood; during territorial days, meaning before Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States of America. The struggles constantly being Hawaiian was really evident during this time because of not only the changes being made throughout the government but also the lifestyle that everyone has to adapt to, meaning, losing their homes and being homeless, lots of tourism occurring around their homes, pollution of the waters they bathe and swim in, etc. At the age she was accepted into prestigious native Hawaiian school, Kamehameha Schools. Being accepted into school like this was very fortunate and Puamaile was proud to be able attend such school. However, her parents finally settled and stabilized their life and ended up moving all over the islands and resulted in her having to switch schools frequently they moved. Her education felt like repetitive cycle of being new, learning different ways, and not being able to settle until graduation. In the 1970s, Puamaile had six kids, Shiloh Galdeira, Shawn Galdeira, Sherrie Galdeira, Shane Galdeira, Shantel Galdeira, and Shannel Galdeira. As time passed, she realized that living on the island of Oahu was really taking toll on her lifestyle for her and her family. So later in the years, She moved to the Big Island of Hawaii, where she now resides until this day. She prospering as native Hawaiian and is able to continuously pass her cultural knowledge on her kids,
16 Way of Life \\ April 2023 With all of this change going on while Puamaile was growing up, has impacted the system of trying to continue the traditions of Hawaiian culture within her family and her surrounding community. Although there were wide-range of great opportunities given to the natives during this transition into the new Hawaii, she still misses the old traditional ways and would give anything to get that back Hawaii, as culture and people, has undergone seismic changes over the course few hundred years, and now enjoys life and society under the direction of the United States government. American citizenship has evolved the culture and the proud people of Hawaii in numerous positive and negative aspects. These aspects such freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and voting rights are genuine, good changes for the citizens of Hawaii. The spirit of Hawaii lives on eternally in its people and traditions. as the time evolved, so have the system in relation to the Hawaiian lands. To relate back to the land, the water that comes from the land what was used to nurture the bodies the natives and allowed life to be created through the land's resources. As can be seen that the old Hawaii not like the Hawaii that being seen today. The beauty Hawaii is different from all perspectives and that is what makes unique. The New Hawai'i As time evolved, so has Hawaii and the way that Hawaii operating with both the foreigner industry and also the native Hawaiian lifestyle. Puamaile has experienced the transition of the many changes to Hawaii from then to now. The new Hawaii insists on forgotten values and morals, overcrowdedness of the foreign population, families pressured into money to succeed to wealth instead of health, cell phones being the new daily activities, etc. Within this transition of the lifestyle in Hawaii, has reshaped the whole island, and its natural beauty and serenity have been enhanced by human endeavors to provide the best facility and recreational opportunities to the ever-increasing number of visitors who come there. The natural surroundings of the beaches were cleared, and various tourist guiding centers, gigantic hotels, and resorts have been built. The number of tourists also has increased considerably, turning the peaceful atmosphere which one could enjoy ten years into one that borders on chaos and overcrowding. No doubt, the tourist industry has boosted the economy, but anyone who has lived in the earlier state of the island wouldn’t be happy with this. The way of life of Hawai'i is unique and has created solid foundation. In relation having positive impact on the life journey of Puamaile, one thing that she noticed beneficial during this changes of Hawaii was the educational system. Back then, we were so limited to certain educational aspects however, the natives always knew what and how to teach the children through hands-on work. Nowadays, the education system has increased and improved lot with the evolving technologies of todays world and the approach that each and everyone takes to get the best educational outcome Hawaii. Hawai'i is not a state of mind, it's a state of grace! grandkids, and even her great-grandkids. Puamaile states “Although living native Hawaiian tough, could not be any more proud the culture that come from and the traditions that will forever be instilled in me till the day take my last breath.” The Old Hawai'i From the early 1900s till now lot has changed in Hawaii. Many people consider this time as the Old Hawaii because during that time it was evidently known to just be the lifestyle traditional practices. The old Hawaii focused on health, wholesome, time invested in family and fellow natives, sorting and separating from past historical struggles and succeeding in world created by foreigners. Another main aspect that was evident during this time before the change was the language, olelo Hawaii. The native language was banned by the government because they could not understand and were to be spoken, punishments were inflicted onto the native Hawaiians. The old Hawaii also consists of being independent as whole culture and providing everything they need for themselves on their own. Going out and catching their meals were something that was known within the culture and that what made them unique. Being able to go into the ocean and catch fish, tako, crab, and seaweed was one of the best ways for them to express their culture. The original Hawaiians were highly skilled in fishing and farming. By the late 18th century their society had evolved into complex one with rigid system of laws set down by chiefs and priests. Also, going into the mountains and catching pigs to prepare other culture meals for their families. Land an important aspect to Hawaiians and the culture. The land is where all of their resources come from and April 2023 \\Way of Life 17 The Future Generation Although there are multitude of native Hawaiians leaving the islands because of how difficult it is to stay in their homelands, there are still those that remain diligent and strong within the culture. This allows for the increase of population in the future generations that are to come. The young adults, children, and the unborn children to come are what will make the change to Hawaii. Puamaile had 6 children and from just her six children, she has over 20 grandchildren and over 10 great-grandchildren. The goal for Puamaile was always have big family so that her legacy as native Hawaiian can live on through her future children and grandchildren. er family will be the next generation to bring ultimate change Hawaii by bringing the culture back to life. The future generation will have voice that will reach the higher people that are now in control of the native Hawaiian. The future generation will come together as one to revive the traditions that were once lost during the transition the old Hawaii to the new Hawaii. The future generations will reclaim what was once theirs and lost to the government. The future generations will open up land one day for all of the previous native Hawaiians that got pushed out of the islands due to the financial struggles. As Hawai'i, Native Hawaiians Hawaii not perfect but may look perfect to other people. From culture perspective, there are lot of changes that need to be made and the only way for that happen as whole. Hawaii one with the people, the land, and the environment surrounding it. There is no way Hawaii can change nobody plays their part in the improvement, development, and progress the lifestyle and system of Hawaii. Let's explore some ways everyone can contribute to the changes of Hawaii. As a Native Hawaiian Under swaying palm trees of Keaukaha walking on the lava rocks of Kilauea Puamaile holding on to slice Paradise that has been with her and her family for generations. Puamaile an increasing rarity to Hawai’i as whole, and native Hawaiian. As the system in Hawaii changes the culture is affected. As property prices soar, many native Hawaiians are being squeezed out and forced to move away from their homelands. Puamaile can bring change to Hawaii by taking on the adversities that the new lifestyle of Hawaii is presenting and continuing on the Hawaiian traditions and culture until she dies. She mentioned that she is walking testimony in Hawaiian culture, because she has been taught the Hawaiian ways all her life and can now pass that on to other natives, the future generation and anyone who decides to come to Hawaii. As difficult as to be able to even live in her homelands, she will forever be kanaka — native Hawaiian. Puamaile has goal to partake in the revitalization the Hawaiian culture Making change to today's living all about maintaining connection to the culture and the people of the culture. take on that responsibiliy on making change. The future generation of native Hawaiians will change Hawaii for the best! Hawai'i State The Hawaii state plays big role in how Hawai’i being seen as today within the culture side of Hawaii. Modern Hawaii has evolved from these early tribalistic tendencies into the modern liberal democracy practiced in America. Citizens of modern Hawaii fall under law and jurisdiction of the United States government, no longer free to rule themselves as one. Modern citizens enjoy modern culture and modern amenities, concepts and technologies unthought of during the height of the Hawaiian nation. However, modern Hawaii is still subject to modern economic hardships and upsets. The state holds ginormous power over Hawaii and that where the native Hawaiians stand weak in the revitalization of the traditional culture. The state can bring change to Hawaii by allowing the native Hawaiians to thrive their traditional ways without interference and allowing back what was rightfully theirs. Hawaii, as culture and people, has undergone seismic changes over the course of few hundred years, and now enjoys life and society under the direction of the United States government. Hawaii may never be its own nation again, but the spirit Hawaii lives on eternally. 18 Way of Life \\ April 2023 Meet Malie Malie is Native Hawaiian girl who has been passionate about hula dancing since she was child. Hula dancing is not just hobby or way of life for Malie, it is her profession. Malie 27-year-old woman who came from long line of hula dancers and was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. Malie is graceful, confident, and determined. Her love for hula dancing can be attributed to her local heritage and upbringing. She grew up on the beach, surrounded by nature’s beauty, where dancing and music were crucial part Hawaiian culture. Malie is an adventurous spirit who is always looking for new challenges. She has curious mind and is always eager to learn about and experience different cultures. When she is not dancing, Malie spends her free time surfing or hiking in the lush Hawaiian mountains. Malie’s passion and talent for hula dancing are evident in her every move. The way she dances reflects her personality and her cultural roots. Her dance style is traditional yet modern, and she uses it to convey her emotions and tell stories. Malie performs solo and with her hula troupe various events and festivals throughout Hawaii. Beyond her Hula talent, Malie is known for her warm and compassionate personality. She has contagious smile and kind heart that makes people feel comfortable around her. Malie also great listener and loyal friend. She values her family, friends, and Hawaiian culture above all else. Malie has faced some challenges in her career, but she has never let them dampen her spirit or her love for hula dancing. She believes in hard work, perseverance, and determination. Malie proud Native Hawaiian girl who has deep roots in her cultural heritage. She talented performer, an adventurous spirit, warm-hearted person, and role model to many young girls who aspire be hula dancers. Malie is evidence that when you follow your passion, anything is possible. Things you might think about Hawai'i, that just aren't true Hawaii is beautiful and unique state that has become dream destination for many people around the world. However, despite its popularity, there are some common misconceptions about this paradise on earth that need be debunked. One of the most common misconceptions about Hawaii that just one island. In reality, Hawaii made up of eight main islands, each with distinct features and attractions. Oahu is the most populated island and home to the famous Waikiki Beach, while Maui is known for its stunning natural beauty and worldclass resorts. The Big Island of Hawaii is home to active volcanoes and impressive landscapes, while Kauai is known for its lush greenery and picturesque waterfalls. Each island offers unique experience, so it’s important to research and plan accordingly to get the most out of your visit. Another common misconception about Hawaii that it’s all about surfing and hula dancing. While these are certainly popular activities, there is so much more to Hawaii than just that. Visitors can enjoy snorkeling, hiking, kayaking, and even skiing (yes, skiing!) on the Big Island’s Mauna Kea. Many people also assume that Hawaii only good for beach vacation. While Hawaii does have some of the best beaches in the world, it also offers diverse range of experiences beyond the sand and surf. From exploring the lush rainforests of Kauai to stargazing on the peak of Maui’s Haleakala, there’s plenty to see and do beyond the shore. Finally, some people believe that all of Hawaii’s beaches are uncrowded and serene. While Hawaii does have some quiet and secluded beaches, many of the popular ones can be quite crowded, especially during peak travel seasons. It’s important to plan accordingly and to research the best times to visit certain beaches to avoid massive crowds. Hawaii is beautiful and diverse state with plenty to offer beyond the typical tourist stereotypes. By researching and planning ahead, visitors can make the most of their trip to this incredible destination. Get Personal Common Misconceptions HAPPY PLACE FIND YOUR { } WITH TRAVEL CHANNEL CHANNEL › Original programming. One-of-a kind talent. ‹ › Valuable viewers. ‹ travel Life is short Travel.

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