Roman Cruz, Spring 24

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In 2023, I made a few different sports designs during the course of the year. Here are some of my personal favorites.


Phoenix, Arizona wants to host the 2032 Summer Olympics. Here is a website proposal the city of Phoenix will use to pitch themselves to the Olympic committee.


Choose a musician and build a brand identity campaign for them focused around an album release party. Carefully consider the strategy, as it relates to the artist, and what the artist is trying to accomplish with this event.


Similarly to the designs I made last year, in 2021 I made a few designs for the 2021 NBA draft class prospects.


Build a magazine from scratch. Come up with a company that has the ability to release a monthly magazine, and create the first issue for that company. In this scenario, me and a group of 3 built a magazine company that highlights stories of directors and movies they made. In issue 1, we focused on Wes Andersen.


Create an event that does not exist. Build a logo along with tangible merchandise. This can be apparel, water bottles, drawstring bag, etc.


Design an infographic poster for a graphic design related topic of interest. Do extensive research on what data you will include in the infographic.


Design a concert poster for a well-known artist that has an upcoming tour, and create a poster that caters to a city they are stopping in for the tour.


Create a website that promotes the “Fully Known” album release by the Grand Collective. Use this website as a chance to also promote the upcoming tour.

FULL SPREAD I created a spread for mobile and tablet viewing, as well. Fully Known Live In Concert Get Tickets! Apr l 28-30th, 2024 GCU Arena Phoenix, Arizona V ew On Maps > 165 Days 13 Hours 41 Minutes 18 Seconds How Can I Attend? Registe us ng the l nk be ow General Adm ss on > All Proceeds to The Blood Water Organization The Grand Co ect ve s par ne ng w h he B ood Wa er Foundat on Desp e decade o wo k and r ons of do a s spent the nked wate and HIV/AIDS r ses n A r a per s We uppo t unde -re ou ced commun y-d ven organ za ons w h ong- erm and n en ona organ za ona s rengthen ng and flex b e finan a suppor B ood Wa er has suppo ted 33 par ne s n 12 d f eren coun r es S nce sta t ng the r organ za on they have: - Prov ded near y 1 m on peop e a cess to sa e wa er - Prov ded near y 700k peop e w h H V prevent on erv ces - Supp ed more han 250k peop e w th H V est ng and counse ng Read Mo e > Get Tickets $25* Backstage Passes + Genera Adm ssion > $100* The Grand Collective: Fully Known Meet the team Ashley Rider - Psalm 139 A hley is a Sophomore at GCU and he u e “P a m 139” to exp ess her fee ng the need or gu dance rom God Ash ey r de w ote and produ ed “Psa m 139” and mmense y gra e u o th s oppo tun ty rom GCU and The G and Co ec ve to sha e he to y Listen Now > Cody Still - All Authority Cody is a ris ng Sen o a GCU f om Au t n Texas Cody uses h s sou he n root o h advan age n h s new s ng e A Author y Cody w ote and sang h s song o p a se the one who ha a au hor y Jesus Ch s Cody wants to hank GCU and The G and Co ec ve or h s oppor un y Listen Now > *Al p oceeds go ng o Th B ood Wa r O gan a o


While working for the GCU Social Media team, I had a special opportunity to photograph a couple basketball games, and baseball games.


I worked for the GCU Social Media team where I would typically photograph events, and areas around campus to promote student engagement.


Local Outreach is an organization run through GCU that has a little over 15 different ministries. I worked with the media team to produce content for the instagram page and help students get connected with the right ministry.

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