Madison Papin, Spring 24

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Hey there, I’m Madi! It’s so nice to meet you! I’m a creative here in Phoenix passionate about design, advertising, and social media. I have always been drawn to design and want to create things that even I haven’t thought of yet. I want to make the world around me a better and brighter place with my designs. My goal is to reach people I don’t even know with my work to show them that life is interesting and beautiful, even in small ways. I want to inspire others to create as well. Being able to walk away from a completed project with something cool to show for it is really what pushes me. I live for that “Wow, I really did that” moment.

Let’s take a walk together through some of my favorite creative works!

Behance: madisonpapin



Satin is a luxury apparel company focused on producing the highest quality clothing. They want their consumers to feel beautiful, strong, and powerful in their clothes. We have the mindset of “if you don’t look good, we don’t look good”.

Instagram Stories

Instagram Ads

Magazine Advertisement

Lux Magazine

Lux is a streetwear fashion magazine created to inform readers on the newest trends and the history of fashion. I created an advertisement for Heron Preston and designed and wrote an article on where streetwear fashion originated.

Magazine Advertisement

Article Spread

Article Spread

Young Voters Campaign

This campaign was created to get the new generation interested in voting. I created social media advertisements for Arizona Student Vote to captivate and convince Gen Z to hit the polls and share their voice by sharing their vote.

Missy design asset provided by client.
Instagram Posts

Ready or Not

I was tasked with creation and branding for the healthcare company Ready or Not. With a focus on building up the local community and supplying the best healthcare services, Ready or Not effectively fills a need in the community.

Social Icon Primary Logo B&W Logo Design element
Blog Article 1 Blog Article 2 Blog Article 3
Email 1 Email 2 Email 3
Instagram Ads Facebook Ads
Twitter Ads

Fully Known Website

This website was created for Fully Known, a musical group with albums on Spotify and Apple Music. I was given their album cover for the year and was asked to create a promotional website for them.


HU Chocolate Bar Redesign

Hu Chocolate Bar was in dire need of a fresh redesign. I gave the packaging a crisp and natural look that not only fits the brands values, but entices consumers.


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