Using the Ultranet to support quality literacy and numeracy teaching The Ultranet supports teachers to provide personalised, quality literacy and numeracy learning opportunities for students. It supports teachers to implement a continuous cycle of curriculum planning and delivery. Teachers can leverage their
Teachers’ assessment feeds into the wider student data and informs the next round of teaching, starting the cycle again... Students capture evidence of their literacy and numeracy learning Teachers can assess and record student progress online
Teachers can monitor student progress These learning activities are delivered
Assess What evidence of learning have my students demonstrated?
Teach How do I support and monitor my students’ learning?
are facilitated by the teacher Teachers can participate in online discussions and provide feedback on work
current literacy and numeracy practices and utilise Web 2.0 tools for improved collaboration and communication. The functionality available in Learning Tasks and Learner Profile support curriculum planning and delivery, assessment and reporting.
Teachers can readily access up-to-date information about each student’s literacy and numeracy achievements
Student Data Where are my students up to with their learning?
Teachers can readily collaborate within and across schools and share their curriculum planning
Plan What and how do I want my students to learn?
Literacy and numeracy data is used to plan and deliver a more differentiated curriculum, informed by individual learning needs
Teachers can facilitate collaborative learning using web 2.0 tools Search the Ultranet for digital learning resources to support the planned literacy and numeracy activities
Starting points for using the Ultranet to support Literacy and Numeracy at all stages of the Teaching and Learning Cycle. 4. ASSESS >> Record and track assessments in ‘Monitor’ e.g. NAPLAN, online testing, Running Records and other data sets. >> In a Running Record enter reading level and accuracy rate as a % in marks. Record self correction and comments on reading behaviour as a Comment. >> Review student assessment against criteria within a rubric. >> Assess Learning Tasks against standards and record students demonstrations of the standard. Confirm at a level. >> Make confirmations after multiple demonstrations of the standard have been recorded.
>> Review and assess blogs in eXpress where students reflect on their new discoveries in learning e.g. reflection on a shared book or a maths investigation. >> Review student reflection on individual Learning Goals and help students to use teacher and parent feedback to refine their goals. >> Review student portfolios to examine and assess digital artefacts students have chosen to provide evidence of their learning.
1. STUDENT DATA >> Access information about student’s confirmed achievements in English and Maths against curriculum standards (spider diagram) from the ‘Progress’ icon. >> Access information about attendance and progress on work.
>> Access information from the ‘Monitor’ tab about student progress against curriculum standards in English and Maths, e.g. Demonstrations and Confirmations. >> Review past submissions of learning items in Monitor related to literacy and numeracy, e.g. a writing task completed in a previous year. >> Access student’s eXpress space to review Learning Goals related to literacy and numeracy. >> Access student’s eXpress space to review Learning Portfolio entries related to literacy and numeracy.
2. PLAN >> Share strategies with colleagues for explicit teaching of literacy and numeracy concepts. >> Share collective knowledge of student cohort with colleagues and allocate responsibilities for planning specific learning sequences. >> Moderate existing student work samples to come to a common understanding of current student achievement. >> Join eBookBoxes Design spaces to access resources and share conversations about literacy and numeracy learning e.g. Mathematics eBookBox Level 5 Equivalence. >> Access Learning Items of other teachers in your school and modify as appropriate. >> Import Learning Items from Endorsed Content. >> Plan sequences of activities to teach a particular concept.
3. TEACH >> Continuously monitor student progress and provide feedback using observations and comments that enables students to understand their learning strengths and weaknesses. >> Participate in Learning Items by reading and responding to discussion threads, e.g. a literature circle for a class novel. >> Engage with students online and offline to support their learning. >> Students’ use of various media tools to participate in and complete learning items. >> Students participate in rotational activities via links to quality online tasks in iFrames, e.g. Penzance Guided Reading Collaborative Learning space 43796132 or Sample Prep Collaborative Learning space 4920336. >> Monitor and contribute to student blogs and wikis in Collaborative Learning Spaces. >> Support students to complete self assessment and peer assessment into Learning Tasks, e.g. rubrics.
>> Cater for differentiated needs by allocating Learning Items to individuals or groups e.g. VELS and progression points or according to text selection. >> Develop rich assessment tasks for literacy and numeracy, when students can respond in multiple ways e.g. audio, visual or written. >> Plan appropriate feedback and assessment and link to curriculum standards. >> Include opportunities for self- and peer-assessment into Learning Tasks, e.g. journals, discussions. >> Create a Collaborative Learning Space where students can work together e.g. a book review or class maths project (Hamlet Design Space 3734552 or Fables Collaborative Learning Space 5244387) >> Create Collaborative Learning spaces to support students to share ideas and question, participate in substantive dialogue and get feedback from their peers. >> Select from the wide range of endorsed digital content available in the Ultranet to support numeracy and literacy teaching: • YDP (Young Digital Planet): a collection of digital resources to support secondary science and maths • Interactives e.g. Maths: Wishball and Literacy: My Place • Websites e.g. English, Mathematics and ESL continua, and the Premier’s Reading Challenge. • eBookBoxes (join eBookBox Design Space to access). >> You can also access software to support literacy and numeracy teaching on the EduSTAR image.