Red Trails
The Red Rock Newsletter November 2014
History Of Red Rock The Scoop On Hiking Gear How To Photograph Red Rock
Table Of Contents 3.
History Of Red Rock
How To Photograph Red Rock
Steve Johnson
Gedalya Krycer
Tom Copeland
The Scoop On Hiking Gear
Safety first. Don’t get lost!
Photo Contest Chief Editor Richard Smith
Susan Black
Marketing Tina Grere
(702) 515-5367 Scenic Loop Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89161
Letter From The Editor
Thank you for picking up a copy of Red Trails. Inside this newsletter you will find interesting articles about photography, hiking, wildlife and sporting good wear. Check out our upcoming events that we have planned for the next month. Lastly, don’t forget to enter our photo contest for great prizes!
In this article we will show you different subject matter that can be easily photographed at the very Scenic Red Rock Canyon. From mountainscapes, to various wildlife, there is a lot that can be captured. By Gedalya Krycer
Red Rock Canyon offers a lot of wonders and views to behold. It once was a vast seabed millions of years ago. For thousands of years the water molded the rocks and left behind a distinct red tinge to the surrounding area, hence the name; Red Rock. People come from all over to get a glimpse of many visual delights. One favorite is seeing a sunset over the stunning Red Rock. (1) The various brush and rock formations make great silhouettes against a stunning back drop of gradated colors.
3. Red Trails
All around you there are dozens of little desert lizards poking their heads out of the shade. (2) This big guy was going for a full tan on a warm sun kissed rock. Always make sure your bring a friend along on your hike for safety. (3) However they can make great subjects against the massive rock walls and really show the epic scale. Lastly don’t forget to adventure down the Scenic Drive. (4) Once you are in the heart of Red Rock you will see
wondrous colors and forms of the mountains around you. The jagged edges and indentations make great patterns to capture through your camera. So grab a friend and pick up your camera. See what little or big wonders you find at Red Rock Canyon. And always, always have a good time. (Remember that all pictures taken at Red Rock Canyon can be entered in our photo contest. Turn to page 9 or visit our website for more details.)
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