NEXTonSCENE Summer 2017!

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Sonya Highfield Photography, Hair By Cholaki, Alexandra Makeup Artistry, lalla bee, Tesoro Boston

TABLE OF CONTENTS All Sun & Games, Summer Beauty Picks Summer Waxing with Marianna Muchnik Clark 10 #Honeybglam tips & trcks of the season 18 Summer Hair by Jamie Cholaki 21 New England Beauty by Alexandra Dale 23 Exclusive Interview with BeautyLynk 35

NEXTonSCENE Fashion Bl-Awesome! Head & Hairwear Accessories 14 Spring Fashion Show 25 Exclusive Interview with Tesoro Boston 32 Spring Fashion Show

Summer Bliss and Feeling FIT Summer Bliss with Laney Zukerman 6 Exclusive Interview with Lifestyle & Wellness Chef, Yvette Taylor 8

Who is our Cover Designer? Exclusive Interview with Adrianna Shreeve-Gonzalez 44

Summer Hues that say "I DO!" Summer Weddings with Erica Caligiuri 39

NEXTonSCENE Must Haves July 4th Gift Guide

American Summer Gift Guide 16 Products of the Season 20 Summer Travel with Kayla 34 Home Office with Neha Gandhi 47

NEXTonSCENE Business Sonya Highfiield Photography 31 Exclusive Interview on Kinnectpay with Joel Usher 36 Exclusive Interview with Party Diva Award Show 41 Patent Law with Attorney Jonathan Berger 42

Beach Lounging & Summer Fun Exclusive Interview with Forever In Your Mind 13 Summer Cocktails 38 & 40 Summer Beauty

OUR TEAM Summer 2017 Editor, Love & Relationship Contributor Laney Zukerman

Editor in Chief Jaclyn Zukerman

Cover Designer Beauty Contributor Adrianna Shreeve-Gonzalez Eileen Sandoval

Makeup Contributor Alexandra Dale

Hair Contributor Jamie Cholaki

Legal Contributor Wedding Contributor Attorney, Jonathan Berger Erica Caligiuri

Travel Beauty Contributor Kayla Paine

Interior Design Contributor Neha Gandhi

Letter from the Editor

Success doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from what you thought you couldn't do! Being a year old now is surreal for us. To think one day in my apartment back in April 2016 I just decided I was going to start a magazine from watching youtube videos is just surreal to see how far we have come! Our Summer issue is filled with inspiration of summer beauty , learning some interesting facts about patent law to learning about a new boy band that is coming back and making a positive stance for younger generations. We couldn't be more excited for all we have to share this summer! Be sure to take your pictures with us from your location, you might see yourself on our socials and in our next issue! Have a great summer!! We will be doing an exclusive BRIDAL issue this fall!

Editor in Chief

5 Ways To Create Summer Bliss By: Laney Zukerman, Life & Relationship Coach & Best Selling Author

Summer Time often brings happy memories and the anticipation of many sunny, warm days. With the weather in our favor, it IS the time to set some goals for some much needed downtime and relaxation. Though it is often fun to accept invites to weddings, graduations, barbecues and other celebrations during the summer, it is just as important to create “downtime” to enjoy the season with peace, harmony, serenity and mindfulness. The Summer Time flies by quickly but you can “stretch” the time by keeping your calendar filled with days of calm and tranquility carved into your schedule. Here are 5 Ways to Create More Personal Bliss This Summer: ONE: SLOW DOWN THE CALENDAR! Don’t fill the calendar with as much as you normally do. Learn to say no to some things and yes to others. Incorporate a mind set that sets the stage for “me” days. Perhaps once a week throughout the summer you “treat” yourself within your budget. Maybe a massage, an outdoor yoga class or a hike through nature. TWO: CATCH UP ON READING Reading some books during the summer can be very relaxing and best of all can distract you in a healthy way from “over thinking” life. Find a special place of comfort to read. Perhaps the backyard, a lovely garden, a park or the beach. Even if you aren’t an avid reader, make an effort to try it.

THREE: EAT HEALTHY & NATURALLY During the summer months our bodies can become easily dehydrated. Make sure to drink plenty of water. Though water is the healthiest choice, you can spice things up with adding slices of lemons, limes, oranges, peaches, apples or berries. Ice teas (especially Green and Black Teas) can be alternated and limit alcohol consumption. Alcohol especially during the summer can actually cause more frequent dehydration. Be mindful of the foods you eat. Make healthier choices this summer such as more veggies and fruits included with your meals. Eating lighter and healthier will make you feel more energized and refreshed plus it will keep your weight at a healthy level.


5 Ways To Create Summer Bliss By: Laney Zukerman, Life & Relationship Coach & Best Selling Author

FOUR: BE STILL BY THE OCEAN A summer is not complete without a visit (or many visits!) to the ocean. There are few things more beautiful than the gorgeous blue and aqua waters crashing into the sand under the warm sun. Spending time at the beach (and don’t forget the sunscreen!) is relaxing and also a good dose of Vitamin D. Be mindful of your moments at the beach. Listen to the sounds of nature and take a few deep, relaxing breaths of the ocean air. FIVE: GETAWAY! Even if your budget is tight and you can’t afford a big vacation, there are other ways you can squeeze in a getaway if for only a day or weekend. The change of scenery and exploring something new can be inspiring and necessary. Sometimes just a small change in your surroundings can give you a new perspective on things. Research day trips, close by weekend retreats or beach resorts. There are also many beautiful mountain and lake resorts to explore. Get out there and enjoy all the wonder!

These ideas are practical but necessary for emotional and physical well-being. Being healthy emotionally leads to a more meaningful and better quality of life. Summertime is the perfect time to get started on a more mindful, blissful path. Make the most of your summer this year and enjoy the rewards!

Laney Zukerman, “The Relationship Coach” is an author and contributing editor. Her work has been featured in Redbook, Bride’s, Forbes,NBC, NextonScene, and Mind Body Green. For information on her private coaching practice visit Psychology Today.

#GETSOCIAL WITH LANEY Psychology Today, New York @lessonsforanurbangoddess Her books, Lessons for an Urban Goddess & The Urban Goddess Lesson are available on AMAZON.COM


NEXTonSCENE Lifestyle & Wellness Chef Yvette Taylor Q. What was the first recipe Q. What inspired you to become a personal chef?

Our Editor in Chief has had the fabulous pleasure of interviewing this talented rockstar, Yvette Taylor. For Boston locals, we HIGHLY recommend checking out her services! Q. How did you get involved in the health and wellness industry? "I grew up a figure skater and over the years learned you need to eat well in order to perform well. My journey in health and wellness began in my 20s with my own pursuit to better manage relentless digestive issues and allergies. I studied macrobiotic cooking and made organic whole foods. This was a key element to my own dietary approach. People started asking for my advice and help with cooking. And so it began…"

you ever made? "Apple pie with my Mom using apples we picked together."

" I saw an opportunity to create a Q. How does being a personal business through cooking to chef work if I wanted to hire improve my own nutrition and you?! helping others. I knew I wanted to cook privately as I value the one"Let’s chat! My approach is on- one relationship. I feel forming a relationship with my honored when clients achieve clients that’s an ongoing results. Creatively, I loved the conversation about food and challenge as no two client’s needs lifestyle – one that is constantly are the same. Although I worked evolving. We start with my in restaurants and professional Pantry Bootcamp and a good kitchens for practical experience, I chat about food philosophies knew building my own business and goals to determine if we’re combining nutrition and culinary a match. If so, l design a techniques was a niche I wanted customized plan. My services to spearhead. cover much more than just cooking. For some clients I As I was launching my business, provide coaching and meal one of my best girlfriends was plans for weight loss, better diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s energy or fitness goals. For Lymphoma. I began preparing others, convenient nutrient foods to help nourish her through dense meals. Regardless, I cancer treatment. Shortly after, my help them go from feeling own mom was diagnosed with sluggish and overwhelmed to metastatic breast cancer and I living a sustainable, healthy vigilantly managed her diet and lifestyle. I also work with nutrition. These experiences personal trainers, doctors, deeply inspired me to offer a nutritionists, & other healthcare unique service to clients with providers to develop a holistic specific medical nutritional needs. plan that supports their overall Overtime, my client base grew to health goals and sets them up what it is today- a blend of new for success. Food is the central moms, busy professionals, theme, but movement and athletes and those with specific stress management are also food issues." key pillars to living healthy."


NEXTonSCENE Lifestyle & Wellness Chef Yvette Taylor 6 SAVY TIPS from Yvette to LIVE a healthy and fulfilled LIFESTYLE : 1. KISS!! Keep It Simple, & Sexy! 2. Don’t overwhelm yourself with trendy foods and diets! 3. Learn what foods work for YOU and YOUR body 4. Eat whole foods daily, in their most natural state 5. Learn basic cooking techniques rather than recipes 6. Have fun in the kitchen and PLAY with your food!

Q. What is something most people don’t know about you? "I’m a Fitness Competitor completely addicted to the stage. I started competing in my 40’s as part of my commitment to practice what I preach and have fun."

#GETSOCIAL @queenofthepantry


NEXTonSCENE Queen of Smooth Owner of Waxing the City Boston; Marianna Muchnick Clark #GIRLBOSS and Mommypreneur, Marianna opened her first waxing salon one year from in April 2017! Waxing is such a luxury and Marianna is going to not only share about her background but also give us some insight on waxing! "After moving out to Boston a few years ago I decided to try doing what I always wanted to do and took a position managing a waxing salon. I liked the industry and the salon world but really was not a fan of working for someone else when I saw the potential of the waxing industry from a financial standpoint. Luckily for me, my husband presented me with an opportunity. He was actually the one who discovered the Waxing the City Franchise and suggested I look into it. Waxing the City was a breath of fresh air and based out of Denver, CO. We flew out to Denver to discover what Waxing the City was all about and fell in love with the brand culture and the wax itself which was so important to me. I wanted to make sure that if I was to bring a new waxing experience to Boston that it was going to be the best waxing experience possible. It took exactly one year from our first trip to Denver to when we opened our doors at Waxing the City Boston (North Station) and the rest is history as they say." Q. What was your first wax you ever had done? "I have been getting waxed for about 12 years now.I got my first Brazilian wax when I was in college and luckily I had a good experience my first time. She came back in and asked “are we taking everything off?” I went with a firm yes, I was already there with my lady bits out in full display so at this point go big or go home right? She started applying the wax to my bikini line and moving ,,

.. inwards. The first couple of pulls weren’t too bad but as she got closer to the center it got more sensitive and I could feel the sweat building up. She noticed that I quickly went from “oh this isn’t a big deal” to “oh shit!” and reassured me that it would be over soon. She told me to take deep breaths and breath out with each pull, (it actually helped.) A few more “oh shit” moments and I thought I was done, but then she says flip over. Flip over?! Why am I flipping over? A full Brazilian does the back side too she tells me. I am so frazzled that I just listen and flip over. She instructs me to spread my cheeks and goes in for a few more pulls of wax. This part of the service was super-fast and probably the least painful. I was done! I survived my first Brazilian Wax and I felt like a new Woman! From that point on I was hooked, there was no smoother feeling and I couldn’t imagine taking a razor to my lady parts again."


Waxing guide How to get Smooth for the Summer Summer is the perfect time for stepping out, enjoying the weather, and enjoying all those pieces of your wardrobe that winter forgot. A breezy summer dress can bring a world of confidence - but with more skin out it's time to think about smooth! There's nothing worse than having to shave every other day or stepping out and a breeze of cold air causing those little hairs to stand up. Here is where your secret to smooth comes in - waxing!

1. Why waxing? Waxing lasts longer than shaving and you avoid razor burn. You can get about 2-3 weeks of hair free living after your wax! With consistency of waxing your hair can start to grow back in slower and finer. Spending less time getting ready and more time enjoying your summer! That's a total win! Our clients regularly come in every 4-6 weeks depending on how long they have been waxing for.

2. Picking a studio It is important to find somewhere that specializes in the craft of waxing. When you're new to waxing, or have more sensitive skin, finding your right fit in a salon is especially important! At Waxing the City the waxes are specially formulated to ensure comfort and a positive experience for the client. When it comes to the more sensitive areas, like the bikini, comfort is key!

3. Prepping for your wax A couple of days before going in for your wax you should exfoliate. This will yield better and smoother results! There are different options for how to exfoliate in order to suit different lifestyles. A body scrub is usually everyone's first choice. A quick and easy way to exfoliate is with a bath pouf or glove. Getting in a routine of exfoliating 2-3 times a week will help keep that smooth look and healthy glow that we all want, especially in summer! Before getting waxed you want to make sure that your hair is long enough. Hair should be about the length of a grain of rice, which is typically 2 growth post shaving.

4 Waxing aftercare So now you're waxed, smooth, and ready to show off - let's talk after care! Of course, you probably can't wait to bask in that sun, but protecting your skin is important! Since waxing is a form of exfoliation, you'll want to stay out of the sun for a day and make sure you're always wearing sunscreen when you are in the sun. A few days after your wax you'll want to exfoliate with your scrub or bath pouf. A key to a smooth summer is moisturizing. Keeping skin replenished with Time for your smoothest summer yet! moisture will help you look a feel healthier. Waxing the City just launched their very own Brow line! To learn more and #GETSOCIAL @waxingnorthstation, @waxingthecityboston


some of our favorite sightiings since spring ! Boston * San Fran * Miami * Chicago * Nantucket * Martha's Vineyard

NEXTonSCENE Music Our Editor in Chief had the fabulous pleasure of connecting with the talented teens behind "Forever in Your Mind": Liam Attridge, Ricky Garcia and Emery Kelly. "This L.A.-based trio has had a big head start, having toured North America on the 2015 DigiTour alongside Demi Lovato. Fans know Ricky from his starring role on the Disney Channel Original Series “Best Friends Whenever,” and Emery from his co-starring roles on Disney Channel shows such as “Dog With a Blog” and “Lab Rats.” Newly releasing two songs between "Smooth" and "Compass" we were excited to interview them on their inspirations when it comes to music. Q. How do you guys come together to write a song? "I think one of the best things about writing music is that every session is different. Sometimes it’s fast and you can do a couple songs. Other times it takes a couple days to write but, it’s awesome that you’re able to express yourself in many different ways." Liam Attridge Q. Now one of your newer songs you have released is Smooth, tell us about what inspired this?


"The inspiration behind SMOOTH was to show everyone that we are growing up and becoming mature with ourselves and together as one. Also we loved the groove vibe and added some EDM and R&B vibes." Emery Kelly Q. What do you guys like to do for fun when you aren't working?! "We like to take the time to hang out with friends and family. I know me personally, I like to work out, relax a little bit and then catch up with some people I haven’t had the time to see while working." Ricky Garcia


hair & headwear accessories for july 4th! @BlAwesomeHair We had the fabulous pleasure of connecting with the Co-Owner of Bl-Awesome head and hair accessories, Noa Harrel . Noa gives us some insight on their fabulous patriotic line of hair & headwear along with some tips and tricks to get festive this July 4th! Q. What inspired Bl-Awesome! Hair and Headwear Accessories? " When I began developing these products, I was inspired by the fact that there was an enormous need for products in the category that actually work while providing a more feminine statement. Having been a competitive and professional athlete, function for me was key. I felt that due to the fact that females use these products daily and sometimes for different events, that it was critical that they be of the highest quality, washable and extremely durable. I saw that the products as an enterprise, represented longevity and an opportunity to develop new and innovative products season after season. I also saw that the products could be targeted to every age group from infants to mature seniors." Q. What does being an American mean to you? " Being an American means that I stay rooted in gratitude for having been born here. For the birthright to create without limits and to succeed without limits. I have lived through great gains and great losses. Having lived here and overseas, I have a very clear perspective and understanding of what it means to be an American. I feel that we need to grasp our current opportunity and support American entrepreneurship with every fiber of our beings and courageously re-define American strength through innovation and business leadership. Entrepreneurship fuels our strength as a nation and our freedom as individuals. I feel strongly that we need to return to that basic truth so that all people can take pride in our incredible country once again. Patriotism is back in style and we want to spearhead that movement when and wherever possible!"

Noa Harrel

Q. What was the first patriotic hair accessory that you created? "Aside from producing our products in patriotic solid colors, we have just launched with a custom “step and repeat” pattern of our “I Love America” print featuring our signature heart-flag graphic. The products are produced in an ultra-soft performance fabric and are available in a Hair Tie/ Headband duo.


... attached to the knotted portion of the band creating the blossoming look on the bun or ponytail. The band can be worn with or without the Bl-Awesome! depending on the mood or style! Sports Day- Since our products were developed by an athlete for athletes, they would all be natural choices catering to each and every sport and outdoor activity. The Bl-Awesome! Cap is perfect for sports and Q. One thing we love about Bl-Awesome! activities where wind is an issue as it keeps is that all ages can wear the products. You females from losing their caps! Our can even match with your friends, kids, Bl-Awesome! hair ties in soft cotton and etc. What are some Bl-Awesome! items performance, wicking fabrics are the perfect you recommend to wear for the 4th of July, hair tie solution for active females due to their for a girls night out, or for a sports day? ‘single-twist- firm-hold performance. Likewise, our comfortable headbands can certainly be " 4th of July- Bl-Awesome! Bands and Baby Bl-Awesome! Bands in Red, White and Navy Blue, worn during sports." “I Love America” Hair Tie/Headband Duos, The #GETSOCIAL Bl-Awesome! Cap in Red, White and Heather Blue (actually all 6 of our cap colors feature our @Blawesomehair signature ‘heart-flag” graphic,) our Bl-Awesome! Visor comes in a natural paper straw complete with a red and a navy blue hair tie. Any or all of these products would be perfect for the 4 th of July. Girls Night Out- A great product for Girls Night Out is our Bl-Awesome! Band Bouquet in Hot Pink, Black and Heather Gray where the headband can band the hair and either the matching Bl-Awesome! or a contrasting color can be..


AMERICAN SUMMER GIFT GUIDE MinxNY BeachTech High Performance Towel $19.99-$29.99 This towel can absorb almost 5 times its weight . What is even more impressive is how fast you can dry the towel after use. It also has genuine antibacterial microfibers that help prevent odor and germs. It is eco-friendly. $19.99 without cell phone pocket, $29.99 with cell phone pocket.

Big Mouth American Float $29.95 Giant waving flag pool float, Over 5 ft wide. Available at American Eagle online with FREE 2-day shipping via ShopRunner

Coby CSBT-302-BLK-P Portable Bluetooth Disc Speaker $45.00-$50.00 Enjoy wireless audio from your COBY Bluetooth cell phone or computer with this Portable Bluetooth Speaker! It features a wrist strap to makes traveling easier and delivers powerful, crystal-clear sound. The portable wireless speaker is Bluetooth version 2.0 compliant and is compatible with mobile phones, tablets, laptops and computer systems that offer Bluetooth.

The IceMule™ $149.95 Everything you need, all in one place.Thanks to its heavy-duty canvas exterior and a high-density nylon interior, this is tote rugged enough to handle whatever the season brings. And with the included IceMule Cooler – one of the most portable and highest performance coolers ever made – this is a tote will keep your food and drinks ice cold all day long.


AMERICAN SUMMER GIFT GUIDE Great Goddess Necklace $24.00 Dream Big Statement Earrings $28.00

Make a Statement this SUMMER with these hot new trend pieces. Create your own amazing style with this perfect pairing for your 4th of July parties. Free shipping! Beautifully gift wrapped!

ISlide American Flag Slide Sandal, White $55.00 ISlide rubber & fabric slide sandal featuring American flag print. Each iSlide sandal is custom printed by hand using a unique printing process. They have an adjustable grip-strap with anti-abrasion spandex lining. Also, RPL Signature "Relief Pro Lining" massaging footbed contours with antimicrobial spray. Available at Neiman Marcus online with fFREE 2-day shipping via ShopRunner

MiiSTS $3.49-$3.99

Vyve Splashpants $64.00 Created by a single mom, based in LA, out of personal need, splashpants are a versatile capri that are much like a swimsuit. Great for any travel carry on, splashpants move from land to water and back to land. Hike to a waterfall, stroll the beach, dip into the pool and be ready to stroll Main Street.

Before you head outdoors this 4th of July, don't forget your MiiSTS Ultra Slim SPF 50 Spray! Not only are they compact and perfect for on the go, but will keep your skin protected during those days spent under the sun.


Get the #Honeybglam Natural summer look Eating organic, recycling, taking care of our bodies and our environment are all huge concerns for many of us. . If these are of concern to you and you worry about the potential toxic ingredients that can be present in non-organic foods; you should also consider your skincare and beauty routine.


If you are reading this article, most likely health and beauty are of concern to you. We all want to know how to prevent signs of aging and want to look younger and healthy. We care about our appearance (as one should). We try to eat healthy and make an effort to buy organic because who wants to eat food injected with hormones, other drugs or sprayed with pesticides? Right?!?! WELL, another thing that we should consider is what we are actually putting ON our bodies and skin. There are a ton of companies using chemicals that are known to be extremely harmful and the FDA allows it.

There are more and more companies now days that are creating products with consciousness (thank goodness). We are seeing packaging that is labeled: cruelty free, organic, free of parabens, vegan, etc. Beauty Counter is a brand that was just introduced to me and I am so glad to hear about it. They are committed to a health and safety standard that goes well beyond what is required by U.S. Law. Beauty Counter has a wide range of products to choose from ranging from makeup, skin care, bath and body and hair care. Above are some #honeybglam approved products from Beauty Counter and how to use them. The results: Natural, lightweight and effortless.


Get the #Honeybglam Aisling cosmetics look

Aisling Organics is makeup that is 100% natural, vegan, gluten-free and cruelty-free. I was really impressed with the application and results of each product. For this look I began with the liquid foundation and applied it all over the face for a light coverage and base. Then for more coverage under my eyes I applied the concealer with my ring finger and gently pressed, blended it out and spot treated any areas that needed more coverage. For a pretty and natural glow I applied the cheek tint in "pink frost" to the tops of the cheekbones, down the bridge of the nose, cupids bow and I also swept a bit onto the Lower eye lid to prime the eyes for eyeshadow. Using "Iced Mocha" eyeshadow, I swept that into the crease of the lids and blended it onto the lower lid as well. Taking the Aisling black eyeliner pencil, I smudged that onto the top and lower lash line and added mascara. I finished off with Aisling organics claim to fame liquid lipstick (and I can see why). I love the smooth creamy consistency of the liquid lip, it doesn't leave the lips feeling dry, crusty or cakey. I used "orchid" on the entire lip and popped in "peony" on the center of the lip.

#GETSOCIAL @aislingorganics


NEXTonSCENE products of the season Boxy Girl

Ultra Moisturizing Coconut Body Butter This rich formula is fortified with essential oils and good-for-you ingredients that leave skin feeling silky smooth to the touch and smelling like paradise with Coconut extract. $7.70 At Home Salon Glaze An ammonia-free, Olive & Macadamia Oil infused glaze that prevents color fading and illuminates color treated hair with spectacular shine. It is paraben-free formula enrich hair and create a lustrous, silky touch. $28.00 5 fl oz/ 150 ml

2(X)IST MEN'S MIXED STRIPE PRINT MALIBU SWIM SHORT A low rise swim short with an overall trim fit. Quick-dry mesh interior liner Full elastic waistband sits two inches below hips 13-inch side length $75.00

Founded by Hannah Serimian, Boxy Girl has been created so you are able to build your OWN vanity! For jewelry, makeup you name it you create it! $195.30

As women we always face a common problem when washing our faces, applying and or removing makeup and with Tassi this solves it! Unlike headbands, clips or turbans, the Tassi does not flatten, twist or mess up your “do,” so it’s perfect for protecting second-day blowouts, too. $9.99


Paw Technologies Here to help you reunite with your lost pet. This intelligent alert system creates fast outreach to local and to the masses to help you find your pet & MORE. $39.97 per year


SUMMER HAIR With Official Hair Contributor, Jamie Cholaki This issue the hair looks were inspired by summertime in The Boston Harbor and sailing on a sunset cruise. This is such an exciting time of year when it comes to hair, Anything goes! In this feature we put twists on classic looks that you can re-create at home! Incorporate a braid into a polished bun. Add some extra sparkle by using Oscar Blandi hairspray and tapping in loose glitter at the root of your hair part. Step out of your comfort zone to add a playful hair accessory to your tousled low hair bun. .

Let's do the twist

Sail away with me

Photo by: Taylor Piccolo

#GETSOCIAL @hairbycholaki

Baby.. your a firework!

All that glitter is gold

2 This summer, celebrate freedom and embrace your natural waves! We re-created the American flag with the help of Joico instatints temporary hair spray. Jamie has been a stylist for over 15 years. She loves making you feel beautiful on a day to day blow out , specializing in color and books up QUICKLY for weddings. Reach out to Jamie today to learn more about these fabulous hair styles and or for inquiries: Photo by: Taylor Piccolo


New ENgland Beauty With Beauty Contributor, Alexandra Dale

#GETSOCIAL @alexandramakeupartistry

“Next Level Bronze Goddess” Warm brown, orange, tan and red tones are super hot in the world of eye makeup right now (see Anastasia Beverly Hills bestselling eyeshadow “Modern Renaissance” palette), so for Katie’s more dramatic look we created a halo eye effect, with a burnt orangey-red eyeshadow and lined her eyes with a black charcoal pencil. We bronzed her up with tons of bronzer, a warm orange blush and a warm brown lip.

“Monochromatic Summer Heat” This look is easy, breezy, and fun and way to heat-up your summer makeup style. Choose one color that compliments your complexion, on Marianna we used pink, but you could choose gold, bronze, fuchsia or coral and use that tone on your eyes, cheek and lip. It creates an easily cohesive makeup look that brightens the face and feels contemporary but not over-done. “Smoke Show with a Mauvey Mouth” Smokey eyes are sultry and when you use a iridescent light color eyeshadow blended into a darker matte shadow, you create high-contract eye makeup that is high-impact. Apply a light iridescent yellow, blue or purple shadow around the tear duct and blend that into a matte black shadow towards the outer-corner of the eye. Keep the complexion simple and throw on a mauve/light plum/lavender lip.

“The Super Classic with a Twist” The idea behind this makeup is taking a simple and fresh look and adding a cool-toned eyeshadow color (violet, olive, teal) and a warm-toned pop lip color. I used a beautiful olivegreen shadow on Katie, along with a brown liquid liner and a fuchsia lip color coated with high-shine gloss.


Our Spring Fashion Show was amazing despite the crazy weather April 1st! We opened our show with New York singer & songwriter Brooke Moriber. Then our runway began opening up by our fabulous DJ Julee with Designers: The Lucky Onez, Queens Know, Timeless Bridal Creations, GIblees menwear & lalla bee closed our finale! Our show was run by Editor in Chief, Jaclyn Zukerman , her fiance Andrew Delory and their amazing staff: Liz Heidenberg, Bryan Fucarile, Zach Boyle, Becca Ruesch, Christina Chu, Tiffany Guan & Devika Bajaj

Our show would have never come together if it weren't for our partners: VENU Nightclub, Belvedere Vodka, Oh Jolie Catering, Our Glam Squad, All of our models, Intent Event Therapy, Hint Water, Tesoro Boston, The Jewelry Bx, Beautycounter by Katya, Your Love In Lights, Generations Cinemastories, From Ashes Photography, Omega Digital Studios, Rio Paparazzo and all our swag donations!!




NEXTonSCENE-HAIR-MAKEUP-NAILS Hair: Jamie Cholaki, Natasha Miller, Rebecca Alvarado & Yanizel Clemente, Makeup: Alexandra Dale, Brittney Trainito, Jocelyn Aponte & Kendra Chandler Nails: Intent Event Therapy


NEXTonSCENE-Performance & SHOW

We opened up the show with Brooke Moriber & Guitarist, Andrea Longato performing their newest songs. Then the fashion show began with The Lucky Onez followed by QueensKnow. Then we had intermission and opened up with TImeless Bridal Creations partnered with Giblees Menswear, Then Giblees Menswear walked out solo and we ended our finale with lalla bee!


Who are the designers?

Melina Cortes-Nmili

Marveil Builou

Laurelle & Carrie Farrell

Keisha Jean-Louis

GM of Giblees Todd Sunderland 29

Who were our models?

Rosanna Nieves, Laura Zukerman, Bryan Fucarile , Bobby Laquidara, Zach Boyle, Mark Speakman, Annjalica, Karissa White, Olga Konstanzia, Donna Jules, Rob Sengstaken, Mirèline Thermidor, Jessica Jean-Louis, Manisha Ducasse, Naomi Williams , Kristina Harris, Andria Elena Capers, Susan Yen, Constance Smith, Bethany Murray, Yasser El Hari & Chamberlain Otisi


NEXTonSCENE Photography With Creativepreneur, Sonya Highfield Sonya Highfield has been running her commercial and fine art photography business (Sonya Highfield Photography) since 2012. With her reputation for creating easy-going shoots and clean, colorful images she's been honored to work with great clients such as Taj Hotels, WestJet Magazine, Harvard University, Thrillist and tons of New England businesses! Sonya shoots on-location, so whether it’s coming to your business or choosing a fun spot to meet, it’s always convenient for clients. She loves to help clients brainstorm and bring their visions to life, making sure their images highlight their unique appeal. Her specialties include: food, interiors, head shots, products, workshops and events. Fine art images can be purchased through her website so your walls can look beautiful too!

#GETSOCIAL @sonyahighfieldphotography


NEXTonSCENE private jewelers With Co-Founders of Tesoro Boston Nerissa Parisi-Hill & David Hill Tesoro Boston is ALL about the customized experience when it comes to their jewels . Located in Middleton, MA they work with clientele NATIONWIDE. If you prefer an online shopping experience, shopping for diamond studs, a fashion piece or a stunning engagement ring, Tesoro Boston has you covered. Tesoro Boston is a family owned and operated private jeweler with over 35 years of combined experience in the diamond and jewelry industry. David, Nerissa and their brother John Parisi share that "family approach" with you offering education and unparalleled personal attention! That personal attention is what makes them private jewelers. Our Editor in Chief was so excited to highlight Nerissa & David. They are not only amazing at what they do but they are so down to earth and truly care about every customer the same. We can't thank them enough being a part of our brand since day one of our launch! They also recently designed our Editor in Chief's engagement ring which was absolutely gorgeous shown below on the left. What is amazing about Tesoro is that they are so visual and they take your story and put it into a gorgeous product.

Q. Now how did you come up with Tesoro? ' What does it mean? "Well if you want the truth , we were sitting at the dining room table and came up with it. We had just finished a movie and were discussing ideas at the table. Tesoro means "treasure" so the complete meaning was a perfect fit for us! It is a term of endearment that is an expression of love." Fun Fact: Prior to Tesoro, David created a line completely for Billy Banks & Biddle featuring a 160 face diamond, the lineage diamond. He helped develop not only the diamond itself but also the collection around it., Solitaire rings, three stone rings, wedding bands, earrings and pendants so it all spoke to one another.


NEXTonSCENE PRIVATE JEWELERS With Co-Founders of Tesoro Boston Nerissa Parisi-Hill & David Hill Q. Tell us about how you determine your customers style? "Style is so personal. There is a style aspect to our jewelry that you can fit in to your everyday life. What do you do a for a living?, What do you wear everyday? What style of clothing are you going to wear? That would definitely effect the setting we would create for the jewelry and also set it up for future matching pieces so you can wear them however you like day to day or any special occasion." "We always listen to our clients Nerissa story when it comes to creating "We interview you and discuss what's important to you. We try and find the common themes in your style and focus on those elements that are important to you." David

our jewelry for them. We recommend them to send anything to support their story with pictures." David

Q. What are your biggest sellers? "Diamond Studs. Depending on your style if you are dressier from day to day or more casual that's when we chime in and give our two cents of recommending adding a halo, dettachable drops or using reimagined diamonnds. Another big seller is what David stated earlier the diamond by the yard necklace.

Whats next for Tesoro? New Pretty Little Finds Collection coming this DECEMBER!

Every woman should own "the basics". They include studs, diamond hoops, station necklace, and diamond pendants. Those are our biggest sellers." Nerissa Now what sets you apart from other jewelers? "We enjoy making custom jewelry. You can bring in old stones and family heirlooms. From there we help you make a new beautiful custom piece while still keeping the original sentiment.We believe jewelry should have a story. If we are reimagining a family piece or creating something new, the experience should be fun, engaging and exciting!" David

#GETSOCIAL with TESORO BOSTON @tesoroboston


SUMMER TRAVEL MUST HAVES Beauty Contributor, Kayla Paine

Doesn’t matter if you’re headed on a road trip or a long flight to a luxurious destination, summer beauty must haves need to make it in your luggage. If you’re like me you have a separate bag for health and beauty products. Let’s take a peek at what I’m packing!

Olaplex No 3: I'll wet my hair, pop this in, and head to lay out-helps keep my blonde strands protected from the chlorine.

Formula 10.0.6 Moisturizer: I love that this is small enough to pop in your bag for some extra protection from the sun.

So, what’s in your bag? Be sure to use #NEXTonSCENEbeauty so I can see your must haves!

Formula 10.0.6 Brightening Mask: Nothing better than using a mask after a day out in the sun. iT Cosmetics CC Cream: I love to wear this to the beach because it gives me a little coverage, but a whole lot of SPF!

A rollerball filled with headache relief essential oils: Because nobody likes a headache on vaca!

Kayla is a book lover, nail polish addict, fashion freak, & a champagne drinker who is beauty obsessed.

Physicians Formula butter bronzer: In a pinch? Throw this bronzer on with some mascara, a little gloss, and out the door! Wide-tooth comb: Makes brushing out those beach waves easier.

#GETSOCIAL @polishedandubbly


NEXToNSCENE We had the fabulous pleasure of connecting with the Founder of BeautyLynk, Rica Elysee. Rica created a service to connect top beauty professionals to come to YOU. BeautyLynk is the leading beauty on-demand app for multi-textured hair. Servicing over 15 markets, including LA, New York, Miami, Boston, Charlotte, Denver, Atlanta and Chicago. Rica was first inspired to enter the beauty industry to help her sister. Due to her sister's disability and unable to secure a regular stylist, Rica saw there was a missing void in the beauty industry. Her sister's mobility restrictions would not allow for regular salon visits. It was imperative to Rica to develop an ondemand platform that makes the world a more beautiful place both in traditional service and community upliftment.

Q. What does Beauty mean to you? "Beauty = live art ."

#GETSOCIAL @beautylynk

Q. What words of advice would you give someone who is interested in getting involved in the beauty industry? "Remember the fun about the beauty industry is that everyone is compassionate and creative so be friendly."

BeautyLynk helps create a stylish connection between busy clients who can't get to a salon and stylists who want to help people feel and look beautiful. With BeautyLynk you can book in-home, on-site appointments with professional hair stylists and makeup artists by going to After choosing your city, on-demand beauty is just a few clicks away.


GET PAID TO "KINNECT" With Co -Founder & CEO of Kinnectpay, Joel Usher Our Editor in Chief has the pleasure of connecting with Joel over two years ago when she launched her public relations business. JZ and Joel started working together from the get go and cross promote one another. Joel has a great heart and great brand and we are so happy to showcase it in our summer issue!

Q. So Joel for those who don't know what Kinnectpay is, share with our readers!

..This was far more attractive than the mundane of operations of my retail job at the time. I felt as though being an entrepreneur will allow me to inspire & motivate others to succeed all the while helping to take control of my destiny of doing what I want, when I want, with whomever I want. The idea of creating something evolutionary that wasn't in existence before but could be used to help people, is what truly inspired me to become a entrepreneur."

Q. Kinnectpay is nationwide correct? How can one register and what does it entail? "Kinnectpay is nationwide. Anyone can join our website as a member for FREE. If you take advantage of our paid memberships you can get paid for "kinnecting." As a member, you receive member discounts, and giveaways from participating partners.

"Our mission is to help people, businesses, and Non-profit organizations get paid to "kinnect". Kinnectpay Enterprises, LLC is in a sense a Social Network Marketing team. In the past we have done Q. What inspired the name everything to help people to connect "Kinnectpay? from Web Design to SEO, Digital Marketing though Facebook & "Really it was like a no-brainier Twitter, to holding a Networking for us, we wanted people to get Conference. " paid to connect, but we didn't like Business member Q. What inspired you to the spelling of connect with a "C". ships are also a become an entrepreneur? So we looked at changing the C to feature of being a part of the online a K which coincided with Kinetic "Back in 2009 when the idea of energy then added the word "pay" directory. Kinnectpay was formed, I was at the end. We added another n to already dabbing into Non-profits can also the Kinnectpay so that people entrepreneurial type businesses join this online wouldn't get it mixed up with the through the realm of multi-level Microsoft Kinect, and just like that directory for free and marketing. The atmosphere of still get paid for their we had our name. We had other people being genuinely excited members." names but none of them really fit to create a team was both like this one." 36 inspiring and motivating...

Q. How does one get paid? "When a person or business becomes a paid member of they not only receive discounts to conferences and future events, but they can get paid from referrals. Each new member receives a code they can share with others to kinnect with at When those people sign up, the member gets paid $1 for every referral EVERY SINGLE MONTH! For instance, if you get 100 friends t to join you get paid $100 this month and then also next month and every month afterwards as long as you stay a member of the site. The more people you kinnect with the more money you can make. Think of it this way, if you have a large following as a blogger, social media guru, or if people just love to follow you, you could be making money right now! Join Kinnectpay TODAY!" Q. What can we expect to see from Kinnectpay over the next year? We are changing our focus by creating mobile apps that will be used as tools for specific markets for business professionals, bloggers, music, entertainment, and Non-Profit organizations. These apps will make it easier for one to be able to "kinnect" with their target markets with the same concept of them getting to kinnect with others. With that being on the horizon, will be changing to accommodate these new developments. Our current project is a fun app that links entertainers with their fans in a contest to see who can garner the most fans...

...Entertainers and Fans will compete in categories to see who can obtain the most points through their interactions with the people that follow them. The point system will pay out for x amount of points and give bonuses based on certain criteria. The name of this app is called "Fandomonium" and is scheduled to come out at the beginning of next year. In other words, Kinnectpay is reinvented itself and is focused on providing fun and exciting services that help people get paid to kinnect. "

#GETSOCIAL @kinnectpay 1-877-966-4445 37

Summer Cocktails Hibiscus Grapefruit Sparkler INGREDIENTS 1 Wild Hibiscus Flower 1-1/2 oz Pink Grapefruit Juice 1/2 oz Wild Hibiscus Syrup 5 1/2 oz Dry Sparkling Wine (such as Santa Margherita Prosecco Superiore)

DIRECTIONS 1. Place flower in champagne flute. 2. Shake next 2 ingredients on ice and carefully strain into champagne flute. Top with dry sparkling wine. Garnish with long grapefruit zest.

Smokin' Mary Bloody Mary Mix INGREDIENTS 2 oz of Gubba Rum Silver 3 oz Bloody Mary Mix

DIRECTIONS 1. Shake or Stirred 2. Add Garnish of Celery

Wild Hibiscus Sharleen INGREDIENTS In a Collins glass with ice combine: 3 parts lemon lime soda 3 parts Bruce Cost Ginger Ale Original ½ Part Wild Hibiscus Flower Syrup

DIRECTIONS 1. Stir 2. Add a funky straw 3. Add a Wild Hibiscus flower to garnish.


Summer Wedding Season is HERE! By Lifestyle Editor, Erica Caligiuri Summer time is a great time to have a wedding. However, with so many colors, trends and options, one may not know where to begin. Earlier this wedding season, I mentioned how the color of the year was chosen- “Greenery”. This will still be a major hit in the summer as well. However when I think summer, I think pops of color. Bright and happy. Most of the time, men tend to stay on the safe side with the color of their ties, but gentlemen, take note, don’t be afraid to have a pop of color. Pink is a great way to show some color during the summer time.

Accent piece Table Table Decor Decor

Bigger doesn’t always necessarily mean bigger. These centerpieces featured are the perfect touch. Not only does it have color, but it also incorporates the color of the year.Your guests will also be able to see who is across from them. There is nothing worse than having something in the way at a wedding.

Sunshine. Warm weather. Hot Guests.

Signature Cocktail

After your ceremony, a signature cocktail is a cool touch to greet your guests with. You can be creative with the name, offer one or two, and play with the color of your cocktail. Surprise your guests with this yummy touch! More and more couples are choosing to have their ceremony outside. It can be tricky on how to make it feel romantic. The littlest change can make a huge difference. Pick gold chairs instead of the traditional white. Also I love how these flowers have votives hanging from the stands (Those flowers can also be used during cocktail hour as well. Double duty!) Don’t be afraid to be creative or add pops of color! Summertime is a great season for being bold.

Aisle #GETSOCIAL with Erica: @ecal831, @theglamourousguide


Summer Cocktails Blackberry Smash INGREDIENTS 2 oz Santa Margherita Prosecco Superiore DOCG Fresh blackberries Fresh basil leaves 1 oz gin ½ oz simple syrup ½ oz fresh lemon juice

Gubba's Gold Espresso Martini INGREDIENTS 3/4 oz chocolate liqueur (Godiva Dark or other) 1/4 oz Frangelico 1/4 oz Kahluha 2oz Gubba Gold 1oz Espresso Splash Baileys Mini Bowl of Hershey Syrup

DIRECTIONS 1. Find some fun glasses to use rocks glasses or stemless wine glasses look great 2. Muddle 6 blackberries and 3 basil leaves. 3. Add gin, simple syrup, and lemon juice. 4. Top off with Santa Margherita Prosecco Superiore DOCG. 5. Garnish with an extra few blackberries and a sprig of basil.

DIRECTIONS Each Cocktail is 2 servings 1. Shake Cocktail 2. Dip Half the Rim of the Martini Glass in the Hershey Syrup 3. Pour cocktail over ice into Martini Glass (Can have on the rocks as well)


NEXTonSCENE Party Diva Award Show Exclusive Interview with Founder, Nieka Burnett, CEO of Ayleet Productions We had a fabulous interview with Nieka discussing her Party Diva Award Show in New York that YOU definitely should check out! Q. How did the Party Diva Award Show come about? "The inspiration for The Party Divas Award Show came from w"riting about The Party Divas Reality show. By the time I was a teenager, I was fully immersed in the party scene in Brooklyn and Manhattan. I’d sneak out of the house either to go to jams in the park to hear Biggie Smalls and Jay Z. “Party Divas” portrays what I learned as a teenager hanging out with hard working female party promoters." Q. What inspired you to start it?

Q. Running a media business and giving back to the women in the community of entertainment is so fabulous!! What are some of the topics of awards being given out? " I have some great award topics that will be given our some include: Women Promoters-Image club promoters, Indie Promoters, Music Promoters, Concert Promoters, Entertainment Promoters, Women DJ’s-DJ of the year , Turntablist of the year, Best international DJ, Mixtape DJ, Celebrity DJ of the year, New Millennials DJ’s and DJ award for Best House Music) just to name a few..."

"I thought about the first time there was an award show for women DJ’S, PROMOTERS and MC’s. Party Divas Awards ceremony make women feel that their work is valued in the male dominated party industry. These women attain leaderships positions that pave the way for them to influence others in positive ways."

Q. We just want to make a note that we love that you are giving part of the award show proceeds to the Lupus Foundation, tell us what the Lupus Foundation means to you.. " It means me be devoted to solving the mystery of Lupus the most unpredictable and devastating disease. It was an impact on my family losing my Cousin at a very young age. I am my cousin's biggest advocate, it’s important to me to help this movement to end LUPUS!"

Next award show will be in 2018 with tickets available on Eventbrite! So #GETSOCIAL and stay in touch with Nieka HERE: - @PartyDivasShow 41

NEXTonSCENE iNSIDE Patent Law With New York City Attorney, Jonathan Berger The purpose of the patent system in the United States is to try to further the development of new inventions, and more specifically, to encourage new inventions to be disclosed to the public. In general, inventors are reluctant to share their inventions because they do not want others to copy their inventions. So to encourage Inventors to disclose their inventions, the US offers a set of exclusive rights for a limited time (patent term) in the form of a patent in exchange for the disclosure of such technology. This limited monopoly allows patent owners to prevent others from making, using, selling or importing the invention. In exchange, patent owners can make money by licensing their technologies. After the patent term expires, the technology then becomes part of the public domain, and anyone can then use the technology for free. The United States Patent and Trademark Office issues at least six different types of patents, but the two patents commonly issued are: (1) utility patents and (2) design patents.

"Sometimes, one can acquire term extensions, but these are only granted in very specific circumstances."

Utility patents, in a nutshell, focuses on technology or how something works. Utility patents protect articles of manufacture (e.g., brooms, shirt hangars), machines (e.g., an object composed of moving parts such as a car engine), processes (e.g., software), and compositions of matter (e.g., pharmaceutical products). In addition, a utility patent can be issued for an improvement to any of the listed areas covered by utility patents. One can even acquire utility patents to simple products such as pens. The kicker is that there must be something technical about the pen, and the claimed feature must be novel, not obvious and specific. When an applicant applies for a patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the applicant submits documents such as drawings, descriptions and claims of the product to be patented. The applicant also submits an oath that the applicant invented the item or improved on an existing item in a material way. Then the examiner reviews the application to see if the claimed invention and/or function is novel, not obvious and specific. If the Examiner approves the utility patent, such patent is effective for twenty years from the date that the application was filed.


NEXTonSCENE iNSIDE Patent Law With New York City Attorney, Jonathan Berger While the utility patents focus on products’ utility or function, a design patent only protects a product’s overall aesthetic appearance. Thus, the Patent Office can issue design patents to protect the appearance, design, shape, or overall ornamental look of a product. Design patents last for fourteen years upon issuance of the design patent. Jonathan Berger works at Levisohn Berger LLP, where his practice focuses primarily on intellectual property and business matters. He is an experienced trial lawyer and problem solver. Jonathan also advises companies and startups on intellectual property and business issues. Prior to joining the firm, Jonathan served as a lawyer for the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. In his capacity as a prosecutor, Jonathan tried numerous cases and managed the investigations and prosecutions of a wide variety of white-collar criminal, cybercrime, and counterfeiting matters.

However, in order for a product to qualify for a design patent, the product must be non-functional, and such overall aesthetic appearance must be new, specific, and not obvious. In order to try to acquire a design patent, a design patent application must be filed, and such application usually contains a drawing and a short description of the product’s overall appearance. A design patent stops others from selling or making products that have the same or very similar aesthetic appearance as your product. DISCLAIMER: This article and its contents does not constitute legal advice , nor do they create an attorney-client relationshp. This article expresses the personal opinion and views of the author and should not be attributed to NEXTONSCENE, clients or the sponsors on NEXTONSCENE.

In addition, Jonathan consults with Starry Bytes and Angry Ant Media. Starry Byte is a software development company that provides solutions for platforms in the form of desktop, mobile, and web, and specializes in multiplatforming and cross-platforming solutions. Angry Ant Media is a full service consultancy that provides a wide range of branding and marketing services for businesses. Jonathan also serves on the Board of Directors for Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Get in touch with Jonathan:


Who is our cover designer? Exclusive Interview with Adrianna Gonzalez-Shreeve Want to know what sets NEXTonSCENE's cover apart from other magazines?! Well we have the talented Adrianna Gonzalez-Shreeve here to give you the inside scoop on how she become SUPER talented! Q. How did you fall into the world of graphic design? "I’ve wanted to become a graphic designer since I was about 14 years old. I have to thank an incredible art teacher I had in the UK who first introduced me to the industry. She ignited a spark in me that ultimately led me on a path to pursue it as a career." Q. What was the first piece of work you ever did? "After graduating from Massachusetts College of Art & Design back in 2011, I worked at a successful advertising agency in downtown Boston, where I was able to develop an expertise in designing cohesive and compelling digital brand experiences for clients such as HBO, NBC Sports, Royal Caribbean and more across multiple platforms."

... It’s definitely not always easy finding the balance between my roles. During the day I stay focused on my day job, once I get home to the studio, I spend the evening hand blending colors in batch volumes, followed by pouring and labeling each individual bottle as well as fulfilling orders, answering emails, planning the next collection and typically prepping for a launch. I’ve recently added another role, I’m incredibly proud to say that I’m a mummy to a beautiful baby boy who has turned my world upside down and has me wrapped around his little finger! Now it’s all about striking a balance between all three of my roles."

Q. Now tell us about your day to day because by day you do graphic design for Fitbit and by night you are a true entrepreneur starting your own nail polish business, Delush Polish! " Let’s just say sleep is a luxury for me! During the day I balance a full time job as a senior graphic designer at Fitbit, where I’m dedicated to making a meaningful impact in helping to transform people’s lives through health and fitness. By night and honestly every other waking minute, I continue to pursue my mission in empowering women through my beauty brand...

Q. How did Delush Polish come about? " It all began back in 2012 with a whirlwind trip back home to London for the Christmas holidays. I always had seen nail polish as an accessory that puts the finishing touch on my overall look, I often times found myself frustrated with the limited shades and finishes that were on the market. That’s when I asked myself the question that started it all, what if I made my own? Armed with countless hours of research, I was so motivated with the idea of this new venture that I began sketching logo ideas on my flight back to Boston. Needless to say it was the most productive 7 hours of flying I’ve ever had! Touching down with a business plan, brand mission, logo and idea for my debut collection, Delush Polish was ultimately born."


Who is our cover designer? Exclusive Interview with Adrianna Gonzalez-Shreeve Q. How do you even go about making your own nail polish! What was your first color you created? "From day one, my mission was to cater to a demanding wish list and set about creating my ideal beauty brand, one that transcends the boundaries of traditional nail polish standards. I dedicated months to researching and experimenting with various ingredients in order to truly understand the nuances of how to create the perfect formula. The result was a hand-blended formula designed to provide longlasting, quick drying and most importantly, effortless manicures that result in a professional finish in an array of dazzling color combinations. The first color I created was a shade that launched with my debut Downton A-List Collection called Forever Young, inspired by the handsome Matthew Crawley."

Q. What inspires your names of the colors? " It all depends on the season I’m designing for as well as the color/color combinations in the shade. Ultimately I love to play on words or familiar themes that often result in sassy, quirky names that our customers have come to love and find most memorable." Q. What can we expect to see you from you this summer in terms of colors for Nail Polish? " For this summer season, we are bringing the heat with our Shades of Rays Collection. Featuring 7 bold, captivating summery shades that range from bright neons, color shifting thermal polishes that respond to hot and cold temperatures as well as our signature glitter polishes."

Q.What makes you different from other nail polishes? " Delush Polish offers more than just beautiful colors; we offer an array of unique yet wearable color combinations. Since launching, we’ve become known for our multi-dimensional tones and captivating glitter polishes, as well as our premium 5-Free formula which is proudly vegan and free of formaldehyde, toluene, dibutyl phthalate, camphor and formaldehyde resin. "



NEXTonSCENE nEHA'S HOME OFFICE with Founder of Love Playing Dress Up, Neha Gandhi Expand your horizons this summer and get CREATIVE! Here is some insight on one of Boston's hottest influencers Neha Gandhi. We get the inside scoop in her beautiful new home office! Neha, founder of the blog Love Playing Dressup welcomes us into her home office space that is inviting, modern and inspiring ALL at the same time. Having a dedicated space to work is something that I have always wanted. It fuels productivity and keeps the momentum going. I wanted my home office to be functional and fashionable at the same time. I decided to stick to a neutral palette, decorated it with pops of color and different textures. I love the natural lighting along with the white tones in the room. It makes the space bright & inspiring. The office table was built by my husband. It is by far my favorite piece in the room. I also re- purposed an old fireplace that now doubles as a coffee table. There are also a few designer pieces, some vintage finds, a few of my favorite prints and lots of books that all together make the room, a creative haven.

Neha Gandhi is the founder + voice behind the website - Love Playing Dressup. Currently based in Boston, Neha grew up in Mumbai, India and has made Boston her home from the last 12 years. Love Playing Dressup is a daily source of inspiration for the modern woman who aspires to dressup little aspects of her life. The website is a little bit of everything – personal style, dÊcor projects, travel stories and a diary of lifestyle moments.

#GETSOCIAL @loveplayingdressup


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