Design Portfolio 2018 - Bangalore

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DESIGN FOR THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PEOPLE AND PLACE As cities grow, becoming more global and more sophisticated, often designs become more generic, with less connection and sense of community between people. But the best places and buildings inspire people everywhere, bringing out the best in all of us. Creativity thrives, opportunities are created and communities thrive. We seek to bring the essence of community alive in each of our projects – believing that the fundamental desire to interact and feel a part of something can be evoked through design. This perspective runs deep through our practice, helping ensure our solutions have the most positive impact in any context. We embrace the myriad of considerations and interactions within our clients’ projects to craft solutions that are memorable, responsible and enduring – contributing positively to the fabric of the community they will endure in. This challenge compels our work each and every day.

Design that stimulates community. Places where people prosper. Design for people to connect and thrive. SUSTAINABLE DESIGN, ENDURING COMMUNITIES We believe that people succeed best when connected to their community, their home and their environment. We design of our buildings to not only be healthy, comfortable and efficient, but also to inspire people to lead healthy lives. We design to inspire people to move, and to experience both the outdoors and the indoors in their daily lives, finding inspiration throughout.

HOLISTIC AND INTEGRATED DESIGN EXPERIENCE We believe that the experience of users and customers of our designs should be a complete one. Our focus on people and their experience of their environment will be best and most memorable if they encounter beautiful and functional buildings, welcoming and livable residences, collaborative and inspiring work places, along with delightful landscapes and parks. Good design looks at all scales of the human experience - it examines the cultural and historical importance of a site, it connects with the larger city, and it pays attention to the details. Based on that belief we have integrated our design teams to include urban designers and city planners, landscape architects and interior designers, all working hand-in-hand to craft the best design solutions. Our primary services encompass the requirements of any project. As we orchestrate the planning, design and delivery expertise across multiple services, we ensure consistency and coherence in the project. Motifs and considerations established in the planning phase are carried through to execution, resulting in a more holistically realized space. Our staff has expertise and proven experience creating sustainable designs for mixed-use developments, residential, hotels and resorts, retail centers, educational campus environments, parks and open spaces. PLANNING FOR LONG TERM SUCCESS We believe that the long-term success of our designs depends upon their being designed to be efďŹ cient and cost-effective. Our goal is to work closely together with our clients to set performance goals and success metrics early. GGLO conducts deep market research, understands development metrics and has developed a number of analytical tools that assist in crafting a holistically successful project.

DESIGN FOR PEOPLE CULTURE - COMMUNITY - HOME The buildings that we build become the real-life homes of the people in our community. It’s not an abstract notion the care and thought that we put into crafting the spaces that people inhabit, work and play in affect the quality of people’s lives. They become the setting for hopes and dreams. And when well designed, these building become the foundation of long-term success for the project, and for the city around it.

A mixed-use development should have an authentic sense of place, rooted in cultural relevance, a strong community spirit, and a strong connection to its physical site. A CURATED EXPERIENCE Designing for a mix of uses is to design for a mix of experiences, a place with a rich curated story that unfolds every day for residents, guests, shoppers and diners. RESIDENT-INSPIRED Great mixed-use design starts with making the effort to understand the way people will live, work and play in this particular place. Research, questions, listening - these are the essential ingredients the start the design process. Understanding and insight are built through research and inquiry. We continually build knowledge ranges both far and deep.

DIVERSE ALL-DAY ACTIVITIES By storyboarding the lives of residents and workers, we begin to reveal opportunities to create a daily narrative that draws people in. Diverse activities and uses that unfold, each day a little differently, each pathway rich with sights and sounds - these pull people in time after time, holding them and living in their memories. CREATE A UNIQUE URBAN IDENTITY Successful mixed-use communities are built around a strong identity, one that people see themselves as part of. People naturally want to be part of something special, and want to see themselves in their environment. We all want the places we are part of to show our own hopes, beliefs and aspirations. CONNECTED TO THE CITY AND COMMUNITY To be part of a virbrant city is to be part of a community of people. Mixed-use buildings and communities need to be active participants in the urban life of their city - not shy or aloof, but also not overbearing or egocentric. They should celebrate the best their city at the scale of the skyline, at the scale of the street, and at the scale of a residential unit. GRACEFUL AND ELEGANT The best design solutions are elegant and graceful; they are simple and reďŹ ned, intelligently solving many problems with the fewest moves. We embrace the future and modernity through research, testing innovative technologies and materials, exploring relevant form-making, and exploring evolving lifestyles.

HOW WE WORK Clients are our most valuable Partners. Client relationships at GGLO are more like partnerships; instead of a served and service relationship, GGLO values its clients’ expertise, listens to our client’s needs in helping create better solutions for their projects. GGLO’s work is grounded in the idea that design offers a way to tell a story about who our clients are, what their business is and what they want it to be. By engaging many diverse disciplines we can create design solutions that transcend the means used to achieve them. We seek to understand the complex issues that underlay every design challenge, seeking new insights and revealing new solutions. We listen and question. INTEGRATED DESIGN GGLO’s is a multifaceted, multi-disciplined approach to the development of projects, is a driving motivator in how it approaches the work it does. Where GGLO has the opportunity to incorporate multiple disciplines in the design and development of the new work, be it a combination of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Interior Design, each is considered with respect to the other and the overall project concept is developed in unison to create the best project possible. Designing projects in such a way is efficient and of great benefit as all of the work occurs within the company where project information is communicated to its respective teams as it develops in real time, and where teams can reflexively respond to design decisions made by other teams to their greatest benefit. Where GGLO works in more traditional roles on projects, and where others may be responsible for developing elements of the work outside of the company, the idea of working in an integrated fashion still drives the process and conceptual framework of the work where possible. URBAN PLACEMAKING GGLO’s design efforts are not only fulfilling the programmatic tasks asked of us by our clients, but too working within urban contexts to both create and maintain urban livability, establish a sense of identity, and to promote vitality, and wellbeing at whatever scale is required.

SUSTAINABILITY At GGLO, we believe that, Sustainability is a place upon which to start, not just end a project, creating not only design opportunity with such an approach, but demonstrating that environmental, social, and economic sustainability are not only compatible, but are also mutually sustaining. GGLO is dedicated to helping its clients move toward sustainable options in the design, operation and materiality of their projects in a variety of ways. DEFINING THE SKYLINE, ENGAGING THE GROUND With urban projects in particular, understanding interrelated scales of the built environment is paramount to good design; relating to the scale of the project’s users and their daily activities, their environment, the street and the surrounding context (Urban Room), and the definition of a city’s skyline are all equally important. Understanding those dimensions make a place not only livable, but an enriching place to be. Being an expert at only one or another of the 3 Scales is not sufficient in the development of successful urban projects, it is necessary to know all three to establish how the project becomes a citizen of the city at each of its interrelated scales and requires: •

Carefully designing how a building meets the ground, understanding the scale and texture of materials, how the intersection of building to pavement is established and what it feels like for people to interact and intermingle in that environment. Judiciously establish the proportions of the project as it relates to the dimensions of the street, urban corridors, and adjacent buildings, and understand how the programming of a particular project relates to the urban environment at that intermediate scale. Defining a city’s skyline is a great responsibility – a building’s profile and silhouette delineates, identifies and can brand a city. That responsibility requires attentive design to ensure the building is a worthy citizen amongst its neighbors.

Defining an Urban Moment 8th & Spring - Seattle, Washington

Creating a destination center at the crossroads for multiple neighborhoods; a nexus, an urban hub, stitching together disparate neighborhoods. The project’s alley serves as the neighborhood center, embracing and integrating the adjacent institution of Town Hall into a lively experience with friendly, active spaces to accommodate concerts and other outdoor activities. With multiple access points, the alley and plazas are protected from the freeway noise, offering a friendly, safe and useful space for residents and neighbors. The architecture is carefully shaped to reflect light and circulate air while protecting from noise and weather. A variety of residential living experiences is offered including ground-related townhouses, tower loft units, and a mix of residential units designed with efficiency and flexibility for the future. Units are designed around highly-efficient systems and floor plans, with careful orientation to light and view. The buildings are placed to take optimum advantage of the many spectacular views of the city and the region.

Developing Context Old Boise Master Plan - Boise, Idaho

The Eastside/Old Boise Master Plan arose out of the desire to develop a plan, being respectful of the existing fabric and context, that would conclude in the reuse of the existing fabric with its authentic sense of place as a baseline for new infill thoughtfully designed mixed-use development, that together, create Boise’s first truly urban LIV District. Celebrating Boise’s commitment to the arts, Gateway elements and Sculpture will punctuate entries to the district and announce pedestrian crossings. New, multi-generational housing above retail will be rich with amenities, green roofs, height variation, courtyards, and grand exterior stairs that connect residents to the shops, open spaces, and multi-modal streets of their neighborhood. Development phasing has been curated to, block-by-block, respectfully build on the best of the existing fabric to position Boise for future growth.

Embracing Culture Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center - Pullman, Washington

Prominently situated at the main entry to the WSU Pullman Campus, the Multicultural Center expands the notion of what it means to be afďŹ liated with the venerable institution. Cultural awareness and acceptance, celebration of heritage, restoration of native landscapes, and sense of place are all expressed through the unapologetic, yet dynamically illustrative form of the 16,000 sf building, turning the concept of what is building and what is landscape on its head. With its design inspired by an indigenous philosophy of respect and interdependence between humans and nature, entries and communal spaces spill out into a restored native Palouse Prairie landscape, with oor, roof and walls undulating with the topography of the site.

Urban Placemaking Crescent 5th & Ash - Tempe, Arizona

Tempe’s popularity, fueled in part by a nearby university and growing population of young people is an emergent destination. GGLO’s design response for a mixed use development including Restaurant/Retail, Super Market, Hotel and Apartments in a prime location in the city was to capture some of the vibrancy and enthusiasm, and with a respectful eye on the city’s often harsh and hot weather, develop a refreshing and vibrant urban oasis that enables an active lifestyle, stimulates community connections and celebrates the outdoors with an overarching sense of hospitality. The design approach is based on five urban design principals refined and applied specifically to optimize the unique combination of site location, program and surrounds.

New Dimensions Taman Budaya - Neo Hotel, Sentul City, Indonesia

Building modern mixed use developments starts with understanding the cultural heritage that provides the foundation for establishing a sense of place that people will love. At Taman Budaya, located in Sentul City near Jakarta, Indonesia, the existing cultural center is being expanded and re-imagined as a full service resort covering 25 acres. A new hotel is being added (construction in 2016) along with a conference and event center, large wedding facilities, expanded cultural services, along with restaurants and shopping. It is anchored by a large central park with natural gardens and outdoor performance spaces. When complete, Taman Budaya will become the new cultural and community center of the growing Sentul City. As Sentul expands and continues its growth in the high-tech and entertainment industry, the new residents will be looking for a community identity and a place to come together. This new community at Taman Budaya add great value to the many residences under development, inspiring people to engage with their environment and with the cultural life of Sentul.

Creating Urban Identity Olympic Gatways Bremerton, Washington

Bremerton’s nautical heritage as a naval station, and depot for ship and submarine building during the wars was significant in the design of the Olympic Gateway. In a city where buildings were historically erected and torn down per the needs of local industry, and fluctuation in a corresponding population, few call on the heritage of the place in helping illustrate the building as being specific to that place. The Olympic Gateway draws upon the heritage of Bremerton and embraces its location along the waters of the Puget Sound as a visual entryway to the region and establishes itself as an icon on the city’s waterfront as its tallest building at 240 feet (73m). The project’s two towers reflect a nuanced nautical theme in their materiality and form, with ship-like decks, curved balconies, glass handrails and “crow’s nest” rooftop amenity spaces. Its porthole entry and hotel porte-cochère serve as the project’s front door and as an inviting access point to views to the water beyond. The podium creates a platform for the project’s two residential towers, containing a 115 key hotel, restaurant/retail and amenity programming. A walkway connecting the project with adjoining properties takes advantage of the project’s seaside location and eastern exposure and stunning sunrise views.

Icon 5th & Virginia - Seattle, Washington

This tower in a prominent location in Seattle, designed for Douglaston Development, is an iconic intervention in the city where development of this type has not occurred in years. The project represents a new segue into the market with Residential, Hospitality and Retail programming, helping anchor an important urban corner and create a new “place� in the city for upscale urban living and a destination for the sophisticated traveler. Establishing an architectural theme for each respective element, Residential, Hospitality and Retail was important in establishing a dialogue to create hierarchy and an understanding of the project’s individual elements as discrete entities, juxtaposed with its complex urban context and dizzying scales. The three governing scales that makes good architecture a good citizen of a city are: Pedestrian, Urban Room and Skyline.

Urban Juxtaposition The Mirador - Bellevue, Washington

The highlight of cities updating their zoning guidelines to recognize and accommodate a kinder, more gentle environment for people and moving away from a previous generation’s ideas that the automobile was the mechanism by which guidelines were made and our cities were crafted, is that new architectural forms can be established to accommodate those needs. The Mirador is the first project designed in Bellevue to achieve this. Designed for Beijing-based Create World Development, this project sets a new standard for residential/mixed-use development in the region, and establishes itself apart from other projects in the surrounding downtown district in several key ways - establishing a generous set back from the street edge, highlighting the project’s retail base and activating the street with circulation for pedestrians; by creating a unique façade for an otherwise normal building envelope with texture, material and form; creating duplex apartments at the project’s top floors to offset the building’s profile and establish generous balconies. The project’s 162 residential units, and a floor of commercial office space sit atop 2 floors of retail on a prominent corner in the city’s retail district.

PLANNING Architecture, landscape, context, and community are inextricably bound – it is clear that one cannot be altered without affecting the other. For this reason, Planning and Urban Design forms the core of GGLO’s practice, for this is where critical physical, programmatic, and economic interrelationships are explored, defined, enabled, and validated. GGLO’s Planning and Urban Design work ranges in scale from small, neighborhood open spaces to regional development and ecological systems, and it varies in type from climate and urban policy planning to advocacy, strategy, and research. Whether working in the US, or overseas, a rigorous focus is placed on discovering inventive but practical solutions to the vexing challenges of sustainable and equitable growth and development.

Liberty Harbor Master Planning Mixed-Use A thriving place with a mix of living, shopping, entertainment and dining, recreation and work places will solidify Jersey City’s role in the region as a desirable, 24-hour place to live, work and play in view of the world’s most recognizable skyline.


900 Albert Master Planning & Design Mixed-Use As Canada’s national capitol and the home of Parliament, great care is paid to complementing the Ottawa’s distinctive skyline. The towers of 900 Albert will stretch to 600’, nearly twice as tall as the next tallest buildings in the city. The site is part of a fast growing new urban core with a wide mix of uses and activities. A new transit station connecting two lines across the city are directly connected to the podium of the towers. Several large landscaped parks and a large central plaza connect the project to the neighboring communities. Uses includes retail, transit, hotel and conference center, office, and over 1,000 residential apartments and condominiums. Amenities are strategically located throughout the development to create an active community - a village in the skyline. Community shared spaces are visible from a distance, lit up with color and integrated planting to give a sense of activity and life.






Northgate Redevelopment Master Planning & Design Mixed-Use Redevelopment of an existing shopping center into a mixed-use community.

Yesler Terrace Redevelopment Master Planning & Design Mixed-Use Yesler Terrace is an approximately 30-acre publicly subsidized housing community owned and operated by Seattle Housing Authority. Yesler Terrace will become a revitalized mixed-income community where people from across society can come together to enjoy cultural diversity and high quality housing with amenities close by.

Juanita Village Master Planning & Design Mixed-Use The new mixed-use development will replace a 1950’s era strip retail center with an urban village that includes a variety of retail and commercial spaces, as well as a mix of for-sale and rental housing.

Greenbridge Master Planning & Design Mixed-Use Greenbridge is a catalytic redevelopment of a 100-acre community, transforming into a vibrant mixed-use neighborhood, created through the lens of community, a diverse housing mix, connectivity and sustainability.

Capitol Hill TOD Master Planning & Design Mixed-Use Designed to create a sustainable, transit-oriented community that honors the character and community of the existing neighborhood, and supports the signiďŹ cant transit investment being made with vibrant new commercial spaces, public places, and mixed-income housing.

Newcastle Commons Master Planning & Design Mixed-Use A new 21st Century ‘traditional’ town square that is a dynamic and active public center that supports a mixed-used residential and retail community. The central plaza both day and night and the events lawn will support large Newcastle festivals as well as day-to-day residential living.

Sentul City Master Planning & Design Hospitality Redevelopment of the site as a multi-use destination center serving the greater community. The re-visioning of the uses include wedding and event center, retail, hospitality, art museum or cultural center, outdoor gathering spaces, sports venue children’s daycare; and parking.

Burien Town Square Master Planning & Design Mixed-Use Burien Town Square is a year-round outdoor ‘living room’ and civic space. The centerpiece of a broader award winning Master Planning includes pedestrian-friendly streets and mixed-use development, the 1-acre urban park at the heart of the 5-acre “square” has been the catalyst for revitalization of downtown main street.

HOUSING The residential market is multifaceted, including condominium, rental and co-op genres; each with its own set of requirements. GGLO is an expert in residential design and continues to expand its expertise in the development of innovative low, mid and highrise projects around the world. GGLO has produced more than 50,000 residential units and more than 30,000 units in Seattle itself; perhaps more than any other Seattle Architecture ďŹ rm. In 2015 the U.S. Green Building Council named GGLO the nation’s Best Residential Design Firm.

Via6 Architecture & Interior Design Residential & Retail Via6 set the tone for Amazon’s Seattle Headquarters, transforming a neighborhood with little pedestrian activity into a new tech neighborhood and retail core. The two-tower development features an interior “market street�, blending a vibrant mix of street-level uses, restaurants and leisure spaces mixed seamlessly with residential amenities to frame a complete residential experience.

Alley 111 Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Interior Design Residential & Retail Alley 111 is a mixed-use apartment community aimed at creating a pedestrian connection and neighborhood gathering place among the busy downtown streets. An active urban ‘alley’ creates a place for residents and passersby can connect and thrive together. This unique ground floor experience draws inspiration from neighborhood alleys that highlight locally sourced restaurants, coffee houses, and pubs.

Asa Flats Lofts +

Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Interior Design Residential Located in the Pearl District, Asa Flats + Lofts sits on a streetcar line that provides service to downtown. The project consists of high-rise and mid-rise towers and an upper level urban farm. The fourth oor courtyard, common space amenities begin in the street lobby, sized for resident gatherings, and include at the top oor of the tower a resident community/entertainment space with a rooftop Sunset Terrace.

Civic Square Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Interior Design Mixed-Use Seattle Civic Square, a mixed-use development aimed at establishing a new urban heart in downtown Seattle. A large public plaza with retail shops, an ofďŹ ce tower and residential condominiums are woven together into an engaging and mark with an active public space, lively retail and entertainment, art and landscape features, and places for people to work and live.

Cascade Tower Architecture Mixed-Use The new icon in the Surabaya skyline, with dramatic features in its 200 m/656-foot height and cascading sky gardens amidst its façade. The project will include residential, serviced apartments, hotel, office, co-working spaces, and retail programming. The cascading garden and amenity elements of the project provide outdoor space and a connection to nature for both residents, hotel and office occupants alike.

BB6 Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Interior Design Mixed-Use The slender two 42-story towers are elegantly highlighted with golden chevron panels that will produce a crystalline shimmer on the skyline. Celebrated with a dramatic three-story “proscenium” that reveals multiple levels of restaurants, a speak-easy, a co-working office, residential amenities and a bike club. BB6 will be a memorable destination — a place where people will really want to live work and play.

5th & Ash Architecture & Landscape Architecture Mixed-Use Development of a refreshing and vibrant urban oasis that enables active lifestyles, stimulates community connection and celebrates the outdoors with an overarching sense of hospitality.

AMLI Wallingford Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Interior Design Residential AMLI Wallingford is a mix of apartments and livework units spread across two sites. Designers drew inspiration from the docks, boardwalks, and boat houses in the area. Just as a dock connects land and water, the development has an interior and exterior boardwalk connecting the communal spaces across two buildings through to the amenity areas.

AMLI South Lake Union Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Interior Design Residential AMLI South Lake Union is a multi-phased apartment community. Designed to evoke a sense of sleekness and freedom, the building is reminiscent of an airstream camper or a classic airplane, in combination with the solidity and stability of masonry to evoke the change in the dynamic South Lake Union neighborhood with a solid history and evolving future.

Allez Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Interior Design Residential Allez appeals to both the nature lover and the city-dweller. The project’s design offers community amenities within its immediate vicinity, including a green open space which directly connects residents to an active outdoor pedestrian and cycle corridor along the river.

170 Third off

Architecture Residential 170 off Third is a high rise condominium project across from the San Francisco Giants’ Ballpark, a block from the CalTrain 4th & King Street station and a short distance to the BART along the Embarcadero.

Hercules at Bayfront Architecture & Landscape Architecture Residential & Retail Bayfront is made up of mixed-use neighborhoods with integrated transit located along the waterfront in Hercules. When complete, the waterfront will include a pedestrian and transit-oriented neighborhood where water ferry, train and bus will be available to the residents and surrounding community in a single Multi-Modal Transit Station.

HOSPITALITY GGLO has been active in the hospitality industry since the inception of the firm and its projects has won awards and accolades from the beginning. From early projects such as the Inn at Langley, the Inn at Ludlow Bay and Willows Lodge, which became nationally-known Pacific Northwest resorts, to more recent urban-centered hotels and luxury destination resorts, GGLO projects are continually recognized by the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) and are at the top of guest-favorite lists long after opening, exceeding our clients’ requirements for a welldesigned and durable place, and their guests’ expectations for a unique destination experience.

Allison Inn & Spa Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Interior Design Hospitality The Allison Inn and Spa is an award-winning 85-key luxury destination resort situated in Oregon’s Wine Country. Sumptuous, oversize rooms and suites reect the character of the surrounding vineyards and invite guests to immerse themselves in the Willamette Valley experience and create their own unforgettable moments.

COMMERCIAL Characterized by high quality buildings, strong neighborhood identity, connections to the community, pedestrian orientation and an authentic sense of place, our retail work exemplifies our mission of design for the human experience. Nowhere is this ethos more apparent than at the destination lifestyle shopping center, University Village. Over the years GGLO has provided architecture services for the core and shell improvements for University Village in Seattle’s University District for numerous notable retailers including Boom Noodle, Blue C Sushi, Pandora, Specialty’s, Ram Restaurant & Brewery, Eileen Fisher, North Face, Lululemon Athletica and Best Cellars. The work at U Village has deeply influenced how the firm understands retail design and has contributed to successful community-oriented retail spaces in mixed use residential high-rise communities such as Via6.

PacWest Microsoft


Architecture & Interior Design Workplace With an ever-changing work culture in technology, Microsoft wanted their employees to feel at home in their new space, making it their preferred working site. Blending Microsoft’s strong appreciation of nature and technology with a modern, hospitality-like aesthetic, the reďŹ ned yet engaging atmosphere resulted in a premier technology showcase for customers.

University Village Master Planning & Design Retail Once a declining 1950s era strip mall, University Village has become the leading lifestyle center in the PaciďŹ c Northwest. Over the last 16 years, GGLO has helped transform University Village into the destination it is now.

GGLO has completed 1.5% of LEED certiďŹ ed housing units in the world. We believe this is more than any other design ďŹ rm. September 2015

Relevant Projects

Sean Canady AIA, NCARB LEED AP® BD+C Partner-in-Charge, Global Design Director

Mr. Sean Canady brings a passion for urban life and a commitment to urban architecture and planning. He focuses on understanding and designing tall and complex buildings in the urban core of cities around the world. Mr. Canady is actively engaged with city initiatives and is an Executive Committee member of Seattle AIA. Mr. Canady serves as Principal-in-Charge of complex urban mixed-use projects - leading teams in the design of a variety of building and development types, including midrise and high-rise mixed-use, and hotel resorts. Mr. Canady lead the Sentul City Master Plan, located 50km south of Jakarta, which includes a hotel, office, residential and retail component. Other leadership roles have included the planning and design of major urban developments, urban design and planning for jurisdictional authorities, and largescale asset management strategies. He led planning for Juanita Village in Kirkland, WA, the Redevelopment Plan for Vallejo, CA, master plan designs for Burien Town Square and Greenbridge, and advised the State of Idaho on the management of State Endowment Lands.

Greenbridge Seattle, Washington – a 40.5-ha (100-acre) social housing project into a mixed-use, mixed income neighbourhood. Juanita Village Master Plan Kirkland, Washington - an 11-acre mixed-use development to replace a strip retail center with an urban village with retail and commercial spaces, housing and open space. Sentul City Master Plan & Taman Budaya Hotel and Conference Center Sentul City, Indonesia – a redevelopment into a destination center with hospitality, entertainment, and wedding venue. Burien Town Square Master Plan Burien, Washington - a 7-acre downtown redevelopment project creating a vibrant mix of uses around a large, central open space with housing and retail. 900 Albert, Mixed-Use Ottawa, Ontario - a 3-acre transformative development with a mix of uses including retail, transit, hotel and conference center, office, and over 1,000 residential apartments and condominiums. Seattle Civic Square, Mixed-Use Seattle, Washington - a mixed-use development in downtown Seattle. Designed to create a places for people to work and live. BB6, Mixed-Use Seattle, Washington - two 42-story towers with approximately 896 residences and 72 extended-stay units in downtown Seattle. Cascades Tower, Mixed-Use Surabaya, Indonesia International School of Hyderabad* Telangana, India

Relevant Projects

Don Vehige AIA Senior Urban Designer

Mr. Don Vehige is an architect and planner committed to practicing urban design with the highest level of creativity, strategic value and local sensitivity. With over 20 years of experience, he has served as lead designer or project manager on multidisciplinary teams, for projects throughout Western Canada and the Western United States. His core project experience includes master planned land developments, large urban redevelopments, “strip mall to town center” transformations, transit oriented development, mixed use buildings, affordable housing, streetscapes, design guidelines and land-use regulations. Mr. Vehige’s approaches every project from a contextual perspective, incorporating local culture and a deep respect for ecology and sense of place. He has a keen sense of balance between vision and pragmatism. Mr. Vehige has also facilitated of many successful charrettes and public design workshops. In these forums he is especially skilled at communicating complex ideas and issues to diverse audiences.

Yesler Terrace Redevelopment Seattle, Washington - a 12.5-ha (31-acre) redevelopment site adjacent to Downtown Seattle. Greenbridge Redevelopment Seattle, Washington – a 40.5-ha (100-acre) social housing project into a mixed-use, mixed income neighbourhood. Woodland Research Park Specific Plan City of Woodland, California – a 151-ha (350-acre) mixed-use development that will accommodate technology, office, flexible light industrial, and commercial space in a town center, along with 1,600 urban housing units. Cornerstone Area Structure Plan* Calgary, Alberta – five mid-density, mixed use centres within a new 617-ha (1525-acre) new community. Included a phased concept for a 19-ha (47-acre) high density neighbourhood adjacent to a future light rail station at the primary entrance to the community. Royal View Area Structure Plan* Lethbridge, Alberta – a 390-ha (9640-acre) new community. Galisteo Basin Preserve* Santa Fe, New Mexico - 607-ha (1500-acre) a land conservation and sustainable community development Riverlands Urban District* Red Deer, Alberta – a 36-ha (90-acre) redevelopment plan intended to create a vibrant, walkable, mixed use neighbourhood that seamlessly links Downtown Red Deer to its riverfront. West Village Redevelopment Scenarios* Calgary, Alberta – a 52.5-ha (130-acre) riverfront site just west of downtown Calgary. Program options included large sports/entertainment complex and urban mixed use development adjacent to transportation systems.

*projects completed with another firm

Relevant Projects Lynnwood Mall Redevelopment Lynnwood, Washington

Abhinav Bhargava LEED® Green Associate Architectural Designer

Shoreline Mall Redevelopment Shoreline, Washington Wilburton Redevelopment Study Bellevue, Washington Redmond Marymoor Study Redmond, Washington

Growing up in North India, Mr. Abhinav Bhargava has always been inspired by rich cultural and architectural heritage. A passionate traveler and photographer, his recent adventures traveling across Germany, France, Belgium, and Netherlands have given him a new appreciation for European art and architecture. After earning his Bachelor’s degree from the School of Planning and Architecture in India, Mr. Bhargava’s love of exploring new cities brought him to the United States, where he completed his master’s degree at the University of Massachusetts. He had the opportunity to represent both of his schools at the World Architecture Festival in Singapore (2014) and Berlin (2016), and was also invited to present a poster at the 2016 MIT Energy Conference. Drawing from his previous experience working in Mumbai, Goa, Massachusetts, and New York, Mr. Bhargava strives to integrate social, ecological, and resilient attributes into his projects.

Pop Apartments Bothell, Washington Esterra Park Redmond, Washington New York Presbyterian Hospital* New York City, New York Beth Jacob Parochial School* New York City, New York Zebuhr House - Net Zero Residential Towers* Nashua, New Hampshire Club Mahindra Resorts* India – Master Planning & Design Kerkar Art Gallery* Goa, India Private Residences* Bandra, Mumbia, India Breitling Retail Store* Mumbai, India

*projects completed with another firm


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