The Adel-Cook Chamber Education o ittee s top initiatives each year are ocused on lowering the illiteracy rate, i proving high school graduation rate, providing a variety o post-secondary educational opportunities to high school graduates, and preparing young people with valua le skills to enter the work orce. The Chamber Education Comittee sponsored or co-sponsored the ollowing initiatives in nce again, orporation and the Adel-Cook Chamber co-sponsored the tudent and eacher recognition progra or ook ounty. he tudent or was aniel gletree, who na ed ecky utch as his eacher. he tudent and eacher, their a ily e ers, and representatives ro the chool yste , ha er, and attended the annual egional an uet held in aldosta, in arch. he ook igh chool uniors traveled to the aldosta iregrass a pus last pring and attended the annual eek est event that eatures all the iregrass usiness and co puter technology progra s o study. he students learned a out low cost technical college training and financial aid options as well as other assistance to help the o tain an a orda le
college education and skills or an entry level o . he ook igh uniors also attended the ollege ducation atters ay at our ook iregrass a pus. his was a very successul opportunity or area high school students. orking with unds provided y iregrass eorgia echnical ollege, ook igh chool uniors toured the ook ounty ork orce evelop ent enter and attended in or ation sessions covering topics such as ersonal inances, iring pectations ro ployers, nroll ent and iring n or ation ro iregrass, and o unity ervice- iving ack. e would like to thank e aylor ro itizens ank, , and the iregrass ook ta or acilitating the sessions The Education Committee awarded its annual college scholarship to our deserving graduates. ro ook igh chool, the ha er awarded aniel gletree and ily ass scholarships and ro , ada ynch and oah oore were awarded. scholarship to attend iregrass eorgia echnical ollege was also given. ha er cholarships are awarded through the ook ounty cholarship oundation and iregrass oundation outh. eachers and sta ro throughout our ook ounty chool ys-
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were honored at the annual ack to chool reak ast held at ook igh chool. he reak ast event was held on the first day or teachers and sta to report ack in ugust. he ha er and ook edical enter co-sponsored the event. he etired eachers o ook ounty were also honored y the Chamber at a luncheon held in cto er. ook edical enter additionally co-sponsored this event along with the ha er as part o their continuing support o educators and the co unity. hroughout the school year, the del- ook ha er provided scooters to ook ri ary chool students rando ly chosen
who displayed positive ehavior and good attendance at the school s ee ive ash days. his past year we also graduated our eadership ook lass and our uture eaders o ook ounty lass. e were e cited to have in the eadership lass and in the uture eaders lass. hese were wonder ul opportunities to have these co unity e ers learn ore about Cook County and build leaders within our co unity. he ha er is very grate ul to all our area educators, as well as usiness and co unity leaders who served on and assisted with the work o the ducation o ittee throughout the year
| Adel-Cook County Chamber of Commerce • 2019 Annual Report
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