Adel-Cook Chamber, 2019 annual report

Page 9

Community Dev. Committee SHARON HARNAGE

The Community Development o ittee s goal is to enhance the uality o li e or the citizens o ook ounty. his co ittee plans events through out the year that pro otes the local usinesses and provides a ily entertainment for our community. Some of the events hosted y o unity evelop ent are listed elow he nnual an uet is held annually at Cook Middle School. he preparations or the an uet are orchestrated y this co ittee with assistance ro other working ha er co ittees. ocal usinesses and individuals are recognized or their outstanding achieve ents during the year. his popular event is open to e ers and non e ers who are interested in learning ore about the Chamber and our various co unity pro ects.

he del aylily estival takes place each year on the rd weekend in ay. his event rings several thousand people into our co unity. ur citizens have the opportunity to spend a day en oying live entertain ent, participating in the ree kid zone play area, shopping or specialized cra t ite s and sa pling the any ood ite s availa le on that day. he aylily continues to grow each year and welco es close to runners ro all over outh eorgia. ne o the newest events to the estival is the utest et ontest which raises money for local pet adoption and neutering initiatives. n , the ha er partnered with several local organizations and usinesses to host a week long hrist as n ook event the first week in ece er.



t was kicked o y the owntown Development Authority by observing the national all usiness aturday event the aturday a ter hanksgiving which included ookies with anta. he ha er sponsored the eck

2019 Annual Report •

our usiness store ront decorating contest a ongst usiness owners in ook ounty and announced the winner, uick onsulting, at the hrist as arade. ther activities included epot estival o rees, ine rts travaganza eaturing all types o art y students in the ook ounty chool yste , hrist as at the ovies the ed arade, ive ativity, arriage ides, owntown hrist as ree ighting, now est uper lide, and ntertain ent. he o ittee also coordinates with ook igh chool s oral and and departents to per or at local assisted living and nursing ho es. The Community Development o ittee welco es ideas ro our residents and usiness owners and looks orward to growing these events in .

Adel-Cook County Chamber of Commerce | 9

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