1 minute read


Without understanding who your brand is talking to, your product development and marketing strategies will likely be misaligned with what delights your customers. Identifying exactly who your brand wants to serve, what their interests are, where they spend time, and what they care about will guide your marketing efforts and your business development.


The objective of this exercise is for the participants to understand their customers in relation to their brand identity. What do the customers want? And how can they communicate the brand in the best way?


1. Ask the participants to think back on your business canvas and your customer segments. What were your customer segments – are they the same? Give the participants 10 minutes to reflect on this and make adjustments.

2. Divide the participants in groups of 5-6 and asked them to do a reversed – or negative –brainstorm on: What do I really hate when I am a customer/come into a shop? What can I do to make sure I will have absolutely NO costumers? They have 10 minutes.

3. They should put the suggestions on a flipchart as they come.

4. Roleplay: Ask the participants to stay in the same groups and make a roleplay where they reverse the negative brainstorm into portraying what you can do better/instead. Or what you can do to get a lot of customers. It should not take more than 3-5 minutes.

5. The groups play out the role-plays.

6. Each participant gets 10-15 minutes to write down ideas and inputs on their on customer segments and how your brand fits with that.

Facilitators note:

Facilitators note: Remind the participants of the key questions from the business canvas’ customer segments – they can guide them.

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