1 minute read


Start by showing the short movie ”The Noble Kebab Shop”. You can find it on VIMEO.com.


The objective is for the participants to know about different marketing strategies or activities and what to consider when you do marketing. The participants should have a simple marketing strategy of 2-3 activities that they can implement when they get home. It will be their next best steps.


1. Introduce the participants to some of the relevant questions and areas to look at when developing good marketing activities. The list below can serve as inspiration and you can give the participants a handout with them.

• How can I package my product so that it is different from others?

• How do I attract customers?

• How do you make them remember you and come back?

• How do I make the best of my location?

• How do I prize my products?

• Can I have special offers (first buy, 2 for 1 etc.)?

• What do I want the customers to do? (Buy, recommend, etc.)

• Invite or go to them?

• What is more cost-effective?

• How does your customer want to receive information?

2. Put the participants in groups of 4-5 people.

3. Each group will now get a marketing scenario presenting a business and its brand and products. The groups will also receive a Marketing Action Plan template (introduce this shortly).


Kamal is starting up a smock shop in Karaga where he weaves the fabric himself and his partner sows the smocks. He is a talented weaver and makes beautiful fabrics with new and creative patterns. They are located in a room in his uncle’s house close to the market, but it is hard to see from the road. There are also other smock weavers in Karaga and many of them have been there for years and are well known.

1. Ask the group to come up with 2 marketing activities for that business together.

2. Ask each participant to try to come up with 2 or 3 marketing activities for their own business and write them down in the Marketing action plan. (Make sure to have handouts ready for the participants).

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