1 minute read
The objective of this exercise is for the participants to discuss the importance of keeping their private money and the money from their business separated.
1. Facilitator guide participants to discuss situations where businessmen mix personal money with business money, social events and business money etc.
2. To get a discussion started among the participants the facilitator will give them a scenario:
”A young lady had started a business where she sold lunch nearby a school. The business was going well. She had many customers and the business was growing. Every time she made a sale she put the money into her purse and she took it home at night.
One day creditors came by her shop and asked her to pay her personal bills and when they did she used the money in her purse.
Her family also stopped by and asked her to contribute food or money to social events and when she had money in her purse she gave them. One day she had spent all the money she had made selling food paying other people and the following day she could not buy supplies to cook again.
Her customers were disappointed and started going to a nearby food joint instead.”
Why did her business go down? What can you do to avoid this?