(7) Cases for Game Modes with the Three Pointers Adding with Fingers (Addition Concepts) Please help the child use his or her hands to perform simple addition. Suitable Age: 3 ~ 3 1/2 years old Main Objective: To improve the child’s recognition of the basic number system and simple addition calculations by grouping the numbers in a game environment. Secondary Objective: To introduce to the child basic concepts of the addition operation. Illustrations: (1) Outer Illustrations - Numbers 2 ~ 9 (2) Inner Illustrations - Fingers numbered from 1 ~ 5 Game Guidance: 1. First make sure that the child is able to use his or her fingers to represent quantities, such as raising three fingers to represent “3”. 2. You can then raise two fingers to represent the number “2”, and see if the child is able to correctly mimic the motion. 3. Once the child is able to perform these motions, start the game by combining the two pointers into one and place them on the 12:00 position. Start spinning the disc until it stops. Once the pointer (SOFT STOPPER) have stopped on, for instance, “ ’5’, ask the child what number that is, then have the child move the long and short pointers on the disc to point to the two illustrations with 3 fingers and 2 fingers.” 4. The child should begin addition operations with smaller numbers first. If they encounter problems, then you should provide hints by, for instance, “pointing to the illustration with one finger raised, and have the child point to the other corresponding illustration that sums to the number in step 3.”
Additional Activities: You can guide the child to perform more finger additions, such as by holding out 4 fingers and ask the child to add them to his or her 3 fingers. It might help to count them together if the child is unable to perform the addition properly.