RTN South Edition 539

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 539

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SOUTH EDITION Spain soon to emerge from recession

February 12-18 2010

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PRESIDENT ZAPATERO stated on Wednesday that Spain “…is on the verge of leaving the recession behind” • p4

Join the RTN Network! PAGE 16

QROP-ing the bills

THE INCREASED expenditure that we all undertake over the Christmas period has hit the latest credit card bill, adding further to the financial pressures. Find out how Arbutus can help you resolve these short-term difficulties. • p32

The Final Whislte

ANDY KAY talks about John Terry missing Saturday’s FA Cup tie with Cardiff as he takes a few days leave • p70

Pedro Hernandez Mateo (far right) shows the Microsoft representatives around the world leading Torrevieja Hospital

Microsoft wants Torrevieja OFFICIALS AT Torrevieja Town Hall are keeping their fingers and toes crossed that computer giants Microsoft choose the municipality when they decide where to place their new Centre of Investigations into Healthcare Systems. The Town Hall has offered Bill Gates’ multi billion dollar company a plot of land next to the hos-

by Louise Clarke pital on which to build their new centre: a decision is to be made in the next couple of weeks. And according to Town Hall sources, even the Valencian President Francisco Camps pulled out all the stops at a recent meeting in the US to persuade Mr Gates to locate to Torrevieja; compet-

ing against Alicante, Elche, Benidorm and Valencia for the privilege of having the prestigious company in their city. Torrevieja’s hospital is one of many reasons why the city is in the running for the company’s new centre as it is a world leader in the type of technology that Microsoft wants to develop further. ‘Florence’ is the name of

the hospital’s management and diagnostic system and it is certainly the best in Spain, if not in Europe. Microsoft is developing the system and hopes to expand it, so they need to set up a headquarters here in Spain. And what better place to do that than next to the hospital where ‘Florence’ was born? Continued on page 3

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Polar air heading for Spain

TEMPERATURES WILL fall by three of four degrees over the coming weekend as a result of polar air. The rain forecast for Andalucía and the Mediterranean will turn to snow, to be seen on the beaches of Cantabria. Showers in Cantabria and the Pyrenees will spread to Asturias, the Upper Ebro and the Catalan Coast. The south of the country will be cloudy with possible showers, clearing later. The Baleares may expect moderate rain, although less for Ibiza and Formentera. The snowline will be from 200m in the north. Strong gusts of NW winds will feature in

the North East and on the Baleares, with Easterly winds along the northern coast; Westerly in the Alborán. TEMPERATURES

Highs: Alicante, Murcia, Valencia 13, Barcelona, Granada, Palma de Mallorca 8, Lows: Alicante, Murcia 5, Valencia 4, OUTLOOK

The Costa Blanca and the Baleares will be wet over the weekend, also the North, improving on Monday and Tuesday.

Measure your love in Torrevieja ClIENTS OF the Habaneras commercial centre can now test their love by means of a ‘love-measuring’ machine, and there are balloons and heart-shaped lollipops to give away. On Saturday 13th February, the Habaneras commercial

centre will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with visitors by giving away hundreds of heart-shaped lollipops and balloons. The event forms part of the ‘Love is never out of fashion’ campaign and hopes to give people a chance to dream again.

The promotion isn’t only to remind people that they should keep dreaming – there are also prizes to be won for those who buy a gift for their partner – but you have to first prove by using the ‘love measuring’ machine, that you are both truly in love!

Valentine competition winner

The winner of our Valentine competition of a fantastic weekend in Benidorm was Carol Naylor from Torrevieja.

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12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

continued from front page

The Vega Baja could become the next Silicone Valley!

Pedro Hernandez Mateo, the Mayor of Torrevieja, who has been in discussions with Valencia to persuade them to allow the project to come to the city, commented: “Florence was born here and we want to see her grow up!” Last week, Alfredo Jimenez, Microsoft’s Health Systems Director; Montserrat Pardo, the Chief of Institute Relations for Microsoft and Andre Piso, responsible for Public Administrations for Microsoft Europe, met with the Mayor and some of the City’s Councillors and visited the hospital to see ‘Florence’ in action. The Town Hall Spokesman told RTN: “The

Mayor showed them around the city and the hospital and they seemed very keen. We are between two major airports, less than one kilometre from the main coastal motorway, not to mention the port; so the city has a great chance.” The centre will not bring hundreds of jobs to the area as it will be extremely specialised and will only require between 15 and 20 technological scientists to be employed there. However, the investment that such a big company will bring to the City as well as the prestige, could encourage other big companies to come to the City. Who knows, the Vega Baja could become the next Silicone Valley…!

Thanks from HELP Recently, at The Club in Quesada, the Iceni Dancers with Rose Starkey entertained more than 70 members of Friends Unlimited, the social group of the HELP Association of Vega Baja. The tempo, changing between the four completely different styles of dance, gave the members a taster of the dancer’s repertoire. And during the costume changes, Rose Starkey brought tears to the eyes of many with her hilarious monologues and happy memories with her Hilda Baker and Cynthia sketch. The group’s Pat Perrin told RTN; “We would like to thank all the Artistes for given their time to entertain us and enabling us to make a donation

to Help Vega Baja”. Meanwhile, on last Sunday, 7th February at The Olde 9th restaurant and bar, near The Marquesa Golf Club, a Football Quiz was held and all proceeds were also donated to HELP Vega Baja. Pat continued: “Local pubs and clubs had been approached and agreed to send teams for this fun event, with a challenge thrown down to find the most football knowledgeable bar in the area. Mike, the Question Master managed to compile the quiz on all aspects of football – English domestic; World Cup; Scottish and Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland and International cups, trophies and players.

Many teams who agreed to take part did not appear, but those that did enjoyed half-time with food supplied very kindly by Jim the owner of the Olde 9th. Shenanigans proved themselves to be the most football wise in the area, so a big thank you must go to Mike Van Vleck, who has worked so hard to get this event organised, which despite the non-attendees was a roaring success.” Pat concluded: “All the people involved who so kindly gave their time and expertise made possible the donation of just under €300 to HELP Vega Baja and a very big thank you goes to all of them, both from HELP and from those who attended both functions”.

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12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Foreigners comprise 42% of surgery patients in Torrevieja

BRITISH PATIENTS are in the majority, representing up to 16% of the 22,640 operations performed at the District Hospital in Torrevieja in 2009. A large number of those are tourists and residents aged over 65 who spend part of the year in the area. British citizens comprise 10% of the pardon census in the 12 municipalities covered by the hospital. The next highest group - with approximately 5% of the total – is the German contingent, followed by Norwegians and Moroccans. There is rising concern in the Spanish press that the costs of such procedures for ‘health tourists’ are not being adequately reimbursed.

Zapatero says Spain soon to emerge from recession

Jose Luis Zapartero

PRESIDENT Zapatero stated on Wednesday that Spain “…is on the verge of leaving the recession behind”. Opposition leader, Mariano Rajoy, of the PP party is not of the same opinion, arguing that Zapatero has previously said that employment creation is a good indicator of whether or not a country is emerging from a recession. Rajoy described Spain’s

situation as “worrying”, pointing out that the recession has now endured for seven consecutive quarters, that there is a lack of credit, a public debt of 11.4 percent of the GDP and four million people now unemployed. Zapatero fought back, saying that the unemployed “have never had such a high level of protection” as now, thanks to “the government’s solidarity”.

More renewable energy for Spain

TWENTY-TWO new renewable energy installations are to be built in Spain as part of the Renewable Energy Plan 2005-2010. Most of the constructions will be in Castilla La Mancha; Catalonia and Andalusia. Various technologies will be utilised, including: biomass; biogas; hydro and solar and the total sum of power generated by the 22 plants will be 210 MW. British in the majority when it comes to operations

Teenagers arrested for killing Brit

A BRITISH resident in Tenerife was found stabbed to death by his friend last Tuesday. Two teenagers of South American origin have been arrested and remanded in custody, charged with robbery and murder. They are aged 14 and 16. The British man lived on the Costa del Silencio.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Bitter sweet outcome for ‘Held to Ransom’ residents


Huge quantity of hashish seized

THE GUARDIA Civil took part in a dawn raid on a beach earlier this week and managed to recover more than 1,700 kilos of hashish. The officers were patrolling the beaches near Pilar de la Horadada on Monday and saw a group of men transporting bundles from a boat onto the beach. When the crew on the boat realised that they had been spotted, they fled the scene and were later chased by navy patrol boats. HIGH SPEED

Residents at the meeting in the Pentagano offices in Pilar de la Horadada

by Louise Clarke FOLLOWING OUR January article ‘Held to Ransom’, RTN arranged for the residents of La Playa Golf 3 – R2 in Cabo Roig in Orihuela Costa to meet with their new administrator, Pentagano Multiservicios, in Pilar de la Horadada. With compromise from both parties, an amicable solution was reached. Pentagono’s Managing Director, Manuel Agüero, explained that a community had already been formed in December 2007 and the builder, San Jose, although in receivership, has paid expenses up to the middle of 2009. Understanding this, the residents enquired why they had not been invited to the previous AGM in September 2009, when only a San Jose representative, Jesus Rodriguez Penallver, was in attendance as ‘President’ of the community. In this case, the representative held the meeting as the

‘owner’ of 63 properties and did not invite the remaining homeowners: the minutes of the meeting show that in his capacity as the owner of the majority of properties, a budget of €30,000 was agreed. This is, apparently, completely legal. ATTENTIVE The owners have not paid their community fees since 2008: without itemised bills they were not apprised of how this money would be spent. With no money in the kitty, community electricity and pool maintenance has been stopped. Pentagano listened to the grievances of the homeowners and were receptive to their problems, even offering useful suggestions. The owners did not wish to elect a new management committee in June 2009 with only five attending and as no contact had been achieved with Pentagano until 2010, it was agreed another AGM

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should be held within the next ten days, with Pentagano to request that the San Jose representative attend. DUBIOUS The residents were instructed to pay the community fees for 2008 and 2009, amounting to €600 per household, to qualify for a vote at the AGM. Pentagano agreed to contact all the residents to inform them of the meeting, even suggesting an alternative of cheques payable to the community, as dubious residents are reluctant to deposit cash with the San Jose signatory. The residents will now vote in the President and committee that they want and at last be in charge of their own destiny. Pentagano Multiservicios would like to reiterate that they are working hard for all their communities and if this meeting is anything to go by, RTN would have to agree.

The drugs were seized on the Punta de Gato beach . According to Guardia Civil sources, only one man, a 37-year-old Moroccan citizen with the initials M.H, was arrested. Officers recovered 23 bundles from the beach and 35 more from the water; altogether the seized drugs have an approximate weight of 1,740 kilograms. Investigations continue to identify and arrest the other members of the gang.

Spinning for Baby Pablo By Louise Clarke PABLO IS an eighteenmonth-old baby born with Transposition of Great Vessels; in other words, his heart is plumbed the wrong way. He needs a life saving operation or he will die. The boy needs to have his operation within the next six weeks and so on Saturday 27th February OK Gym in Los Dolces has arranged a fundraising Spinathon and Rowathon to help raise money for this sick child. Both events will

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commence at 10.30 and run until 15.30, at €5 to book a half hour spin bike or rowing machine. The spinathon will be run by the gym’s spin instructors and in a class format. All monies raised will go towards the appeal. The OK team will be giving their time free for this worthy cause. Collection tins will also be in the gym for any other donations for people not feeling so energetic! For more information, please call the gym on 966 765 755.


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

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12-18 FEBRUARY 2010



12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

President of CLARO Bob Houliston

by Louise Clarke PEOPLE LIVING in Orihuela Costa hardly need reminding of the importance of a reliable postal service. Until 2008, there were no official addresses to which Correos could direct deliveries and residents had to use addresses decided by builders and developers. It was only after opposition party CLARO complained that three quarters of voter application forms (more than 12,000) sent to those on the padron in Orihuela Costa in 2006, using padron addresses, had been returned as non-deliverable, that the PP led Town Hall introduced official, padron-based street names and house numbers, reported in RTN at the time to be done in a chaotic manner without adequate information and not co-ordinated with the post office which decided not to deliver to former addresses over Christmas 2008. CHOICE Since then, CLARO has taken legal action against the post office for this arbitrary action and now the importance of a reliable postal service has increased. Bob Houliston, President of CLARO told RTN: “Residents depend on the delivery of official post to their official addresses for communications from the Orihuela Town Hall; from the regional Valencia authorities concerning health

The importance of being reliable

care; from tax authorities; from Consulates for registration of official addresses; from the post office concerning registered post or parcels and from authorities in their home countries. “Residents should also be able to rely on the postal service for delivery of personal mail although many go to the expense of renting a post box to ensure delivery. This is a matter of choice but it is not sufficient to rent a post box for personal mail. You must be able to rely on delivery of official mail addressed to your official address and on the coast that is not possible”. ESSENTIAL

In addition to the above, the DWP randomly checks continued residence of pensioners living in Spain. If no other address has been declared, the DWP will use official addresses for this purpose. A reply is needed to maintain payment of state pensions. And from 1st May, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for non-Spanish residents will no longer be issued in Spain but will come from the country of origin. This useful card enables holders to obtain free health care when visiting the UK or other EU countries. The DWP will begin soon to write to UK nationals resident in Spain and again, unless another address has been declared, the DWP will use official padron addresses. It is essential that these important letters concerning state pensions and the European Health Insurance

card arrive safely. CLARO has real doubts that these important communications will arrive at their destinations as things stand at the moment. Bob continued: “Because of the increasing importance of a reliable postal service for official mail, we would urge all those registered on the padron in Orihuela Costa to seek advice from us in order to ensure delivery of what could be vital items of correspondence. We are aware that taking steps to ensure the reliability of the delivery of post to official addresses might involve a certain amount of inconvenience but we are equally convinced that this is preferable to the possible discovery, at some time in the future, that the non-delivery of a vital item of mail has resulted in very serious consequences, such as removal from the padron and loss of the related benefits of access to free health care; access to schools for children and the right to vote; the discontinuance of UK pensions or failure to renew the European Health Insurance Card. Therefore, the hassle is worth it”. CLARO will begin a programme of contacts with Administrators and Presidents of communities to urge them to take all necessary measures to ensure reliable postal deliveries. Please contact them at info@claro-orihuela. eu or call Bob on 669 350 491 with suggestions or requests for help.

Councillor suspended THE COMMITTEE of Rights and Guarantees of the Partido Popular (PP) has initiated an investigation into the Torrevieja Councillor Domingo Soler. As a result, the militant politician has been provisionally suspended from the party. The investigation was opened after Pedro Hernandez Mateo issued a denuncia against the Councillor, who is also a Vice President of the Alicante government, following derogatory comments that he made about the Mayor. Domingo Soler had already been given a warning about his behaviour last autumn when he stopped a Town Hall plenary meeting to criticise the Mayor. The PP Committee decided that his “campaign of harassment towards the Mayor” was unacceptable. A Town Hall Spokesman told RTN: “The Mayor did not want to make a big deal of this and in fact Snr Hernandez Mateo decided a couple of months ago to stop responding to Snr Soler’s attacks on him, but he has sufficiently provoked him for the Mayor to denounce him and to seek advice from the municipal group of the PP”.

TAX NEWS 2010 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly THE BAD NEWS • The Spanish Government needs to claw in more income via taxes. • They are closing in on the many non-resident property owners who are not presenting the MANDATORY annual tax return and the residents who should pay tax in Spain on their worldwide income and do not.

THE UGLY NEWS • The Tax Authority has linked up with the Land Registry system and now knows who owns every property - residents and non-residents. • Electric companies are now obliged to supply data to help identify which homes are continuously occupied by residents or tenants.

THE GOOD NEWS Residents: Let us guide you through the Spanish Tax Law to determine if you should pay tax in Spain, in your own country or maybe not at all. Put your mind at rest that you are doing the right thing. Non-residents: The suspension of Wealth Tax in 2008 means your taxes have decreased by approximately 60%. However, you still have the obligation to pay Imputed Income Tax. This is calculated on the possible income you could earn from simply owning a property in Spain, even if you don’t rent it out. It can be difficult to get your head around Imputed Income Tax but this doesn’t mean it will go away!

If you own a Spanish property, it is taxable as income, even if you don’t rent it out. Most owners are unaware of this and could be fined or have assets embargoed, especially as Tax and Land Registry records are now cross referenced. If you don’t pay on time, you can’t appeal and have to pay. Need help to get your Spanish taxes in order? Make the first step a FREE consultation with Abaco, the leading tax specialist.

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12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Carnival rocks the Costa by Louise Clarke More than a thousand people participated in Torrevieja’s spectacular carnival on Sunday. Thirty groups of men, women and children all dressed for the occasion in costumes as diverse as hula dancers, aliens and salt cellars. And thousands more watched the three hour parade as it made its way along Calle Roman Gallud. Over 4000 chairs were laid out for spectators; all of which were taken, with more people standing behind to view the colourful display

of characters. Carnival Queen Lorena Sala from Barrio de La Punta, was resplendent in her ‘Showgirl’ costume and she looked absolutely stunning as she was driven along the street. The traditional Carnival Jury handed out more than 9000 euros worth of prizes for the best and most imaginative parade costumes. This Saturday, 13th February sees the nocturnal parade which is less formal, but has as many participants and because it’s ‘after the watershed’, there promises to be a few risqué elements to it! It starts at 21:00 and officially closes the Torrevieja Carnival for this year.

Government regulates air traffic control services

Carnival Queen Lorena Sala gets interviewed for Canal 9 TV

The Minister for Public Works, José Blanco, has announced a new law aimed at guaranteeing the continuity and sustainability of air traffic control in Spain.The law has been brought in after months of dispute between controllers and their employers. The root of the problem lies in the working day that the controllers enjoy: one in each three hours of their work is considered as overtime, for which they are paid at three times the basic rate. Blanco has stressed that: “if all workers in our country were paid three times the rate for one in three hours of work, there would not be one single company that could withstand it”. And yet this is what happens with the Spanish air traffic control service. He went on to say that the regulation approved provides for an ordinary working day for the controllers under the same conditions as their European counterparts and limits the number of overtime hours allowed by the Workers Statute. The Royal Decree Law also regulates the provision of air traffic services and establishes the obligations of civil providers of these services as well as setting certain employment conditions for civil controllers.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Alicante families claiming dole up by 89 percent The Valencian Statistics Institute (IVE) has released figures showing an 89 percent increase in families in the Alicante province who have all family members claiming dole. This figure is compared to statistics from one year earlier. There are now more than 69,000 families where every member of working age is claiming unemployment benefit. In the entire Valencian Community, this figure increases to 162,500 families with every family member unemployed; a 72 percent increase on last year. The Statistics Institute say part of the reason for the high figures is due to the large number of immigrants in the province.

Queue’s getting longer at the dole office

Juan Cano denies being Involved in the murder of Alejandro Ponsoda THE PROSECUTION in the case of the murder of Polop Mayor, Alejandro Ponsoda considers a motive for the murder was real estate interests. Juan Cano, the ex Mayor of Polop de la Marina, held on remand without bail, has denied that he was involved in the death of Ponsoda in the Tuesday Villajoyosa Court II hearing. Defence lawyer Alberto Aliaga argues that Cano is psychologically well and has collaborated with the investigation, although he denies the accusations against him. Also held in custody are two people linked to an ‘alternative’ night club: a businessman from Polop; a man with a Juan Cano, drugs and illegal firearm possession record the ex and two Czech citizens suspected of being Mayor professional hitmen. of Polop The Tuesday morning hearing was briefly de la Marina interrupted due to a bomb scare.

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We did it! 12

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

by Louise Clarke

OVER SEVENTY people arrived at the Meroil Service Station between Catral and Callosa at 09:00 on Sunday with one intention and that was to climb Orihuela Mountain. The sponsored climb was organised by Jason from JPS Fitness and Paul Michael from Catral to raise much needed funds for the Haiti Earthquake Disasters Emergency Fund. RTN’s article to advertise the event stated that: “The walk up, and obviously down, the mountain should take no more than a couple of hours. You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to take part; a low level of fitness will suffice and RTN has been told that it is a nice walk with some fantastic views of stunning scenery.” RTN would like to make it categorically clear that everything in this statement, apart from the views of stunning scenery, was utter nonsense! It was a two hour slog up the mountain, where we shed sweat (and at certain moments; tears) and it took us nearly two hours to get back down! Thank Goodness, RTN took Lee Barry and some of the Vamos Nordic Walking team with us on

the climb because without those trusty walking poles, we’d have fallen down the mountain as opposed to walking down it! However, it was well worth it as the views from the top were awesome! We could see for miles and miles: the Mediterranean Ocean; the stunning Pedrera Lake (which RTN is walking around for PCN on 28th February!) and the City of Murcia; not to mention the stunning surrounding mountain ranges. It was hell getting up there and hell getting down, but it was all in a good cause and although the final amount has yet to be calculated, it is hoped that over €2000 was raised to help millions of displaced Haitians. Jason from JPS said: “It was a great success and we would like to thank everyone who took part. We want to get the money into the bank as soon as possible so it can start helping the Haitian people. So, if there is anyone who went on the climb yet to hand in sponsor money, we ask that they get it to us as soon as possible.” RTN would like to thank everyone who sponsored our reporter Louise Clarke, especially those from the Petanca Bar in San Miguel de Salinas.

Pam and Terry, who at 74 was the oldest climber

Local DJ faces drug charges

A POPULAR DJ who worked for a local radio station in the southern Costa Blanca has been arrested in Madrid on drugs charges. It is believed that the DJ, who was in his mid twenties and originally from Birmingham, was a popular character in the area. He was found to be carrying one kilo of cocaine after being given a full body scan on his arrival from South America at Barajas Airport. Guardia Civil sources say that he has been held on remand and if found guilty, could face 10 to 15 years in prison.

Chamber of commerce president dies AT THE TOP: Everyone made it!

Juan Francisco Cerdán Martínez who died on Monday

PRESIDENT OF the Orihuela Chamber of Commerce and the Managing Director of Costa Azul SL, Juan Francisco Cerdán Martínez, died in the early hours of Monday morning. Snr. Cerdán Martinez, who was just 51years-old, was a fervent defender of the rights of businesses in and around Orihuela and will be most remembered for his fight to have the AVE train line come through the city. His funeral service took place at the Vega Baja Tanatorio.

The perfect venue for a great night of fundraising By Louise Clarke LOCATED IN the pleasant surroundings of Villamartin Plaza, Eduardo’s Restaurant is in a class of its own and the perfect venue to host the forthcoming Help for Heroes Gala Charity Dinner, to take place on Thursday 25th February. Established in 2000, Eduardo’s remains unsurpassed by any other eatery in the area and is reserved for those who appreciate the value of fine cuisine and impeccable service. The restaurant offers both a stunning outside terrace and indoor dining area with ornate stained glass windows; mosaic ceilings; authentic wooden beams and the most essential ingredient for any restaurant; a warm and friendly atmosphere. Eduardo’s boasts the expertise of the most acclaimed kitchen team on the Coast and as

professionals they are particular about what they allow into their kitchen, working with only the freshest and finest ingredients to ensure that every dish is prepared and cooked to perfection. The restaurant’s extensive menu combines a selection of authentic international dishes to tempt every palate and it is from that menu that the delicious three-course set menu for the Gala dinner has been chosen. With a host of local dignitaries in attendance, the event promises to be an amazing night of fine dining, quality entertainment and lots of fundraising in aid of a fabulous cause. AUCTION

Eileen Cobb from the Help for Heroes charity knew that Eduardo’s was the perfect venue to hold

a special gala dinner to raise much needed funds for soldiers returning from the conflict in Afghanistan and when she asked Eddie, he was only too happy to support such a worthy cause. He in turn contacted RTN and we were also delighted to offer our support. The first Help for Heroes Charity Dinner Dance of this year will take place on 25th February at Eduardo’s restaurant in Villamartin Plaza: there are still tickets available, priced at just €35 per person and including a delicious three course meal, with wine and entertainment and €10 going to the charity. There will also be a raffle and an auction to raise even more cash for H4H. For more information on the event and to reserve tickets, please call Eduardo’s on 644 498 067.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

35,000 visitors attend Murcian Tourist Fair by Louise Clarke THE REGION of Murcia Tourist Fair, TURISMUR, has been declared a resounding success by organisers. The event took place last weekend at the IFEPA centre in Torre Pacheco and attracted more than 35,000 visitors during the three day weekend. Visitors had the opportunity to enjoy all types of activities and attend dozens of stands with tourist and visitor information from every municipality in the region, as well as suppliers of boats, swimming pools and caravans highlighting their products;

even hotels and rural vacation homes were well represented. Antonio Miras, the Managing Director of IFEPA, said: “There were 120 exhibitors occupying 22,000 meters square of exhibition hall space and with visitor numbers far higher than anticipated, especially considering the ‘crisis’ - we are more than happy with the success of this year’s fair.” He added: “We can feel proud that IFEPA continues to be an important venue for events like this.” IFEPA is already preparing for the next event which is EQUIMUR 2010, the 15th National Horse Exhibition and Fair, to take place from 18th until 21st March.

The opening of TURISMUR 2010 at the IFEPA Centre in Torre Pacheco

Shame of abandoned heroes Afghan Heroes charity based in the UK have been knocked back by many large companies when asking for donations of gifts to send to the 10,000 troops stationed in Afghanistan. Their mission has been to send a gift box to each soldier stationed in Afghanistan, and bring them some of the home comforts, and more importantly let them know that they are being thought of. Soldiers in theatre often cannot even wash properly and have nothing to divert them from the stressful situation that they are in 24/7. A typical tour will last for 6 months, during which time they are immersed with being on duty and have little to relieve the boredom when off duty Items on the wish list are the essentials of life that mum’s said their sons missed on the front line like toothbrushes, antibacterial wipes, deodorant, lip balm, soap and flannels, to the likes of pens, CDs, anti stress balls, chewing gum, socks, and playing cards. Jackie Lawson, who is the fundraiser for Afghan Heroes in Spain, and runs www.expats4afghanheroes.com was also horrified to hear that Afghan Heroes were also turned down by one of the most well know haulage companies in the UK when asked if they could donated a lorry for one day to transport the packages to the RAF for distribution. “I cannot believe the apathy of these large manufacturers and companies in the UK. Here in Spain I have had so much positive

Wristband as worn by HRH Prince Harry

support from both businesses and individuals” Prince Harry praised the mums’ courage when he met them at an award ceremony in December. He said: “As far as what you are doing with this courage – sending parcels to every single serviceman and woman in Afghanistan – I can tell you first hand what a difference it makes. It’s not just what’s inside that counts, it’s also the knowledge people are thinking of you back home.” Without the support of manufacturers and supermarkets in the UK, it means that Afghan Heroes Charity will have to use funds to buy the goods to fill the gift boxes. A large team of volunteers will be packing the boxes ready for distribution for Armed Forces Day in June. The upcoming delivery of gifts for Heroes will be televised by Sky Television. In 3 months last year Expats4afghanheroes collected €3866 for Afghan Heroes. Jackie’s new website has been launched to promote the UK registered charity. A new shipment of Afghan Heroes wristbands have arrived, and anyone wishing to purchase one or more can do so through

www.expats4afghanheroes.com or by visiting any of the events listed on the website. The first schedules event is a collection day at Iceland in La Marina on February 13th, followed by a Charity Night at The Lounge Bar on Valentines Night. “We will be having many events throughout the year”, says Jackie, “And they should be a lot of fun as well as raising the much needed funds. I know that Expats in Spain have been very supporting of the cause, and have been most generous.” Wanted Expats4afghanheroes need unwanted books which are being sold, along with the wristbands at La Marina Bar in Toretta 2. They are also looking for company sponsorship for the many upcoming events. If you would like to buy a wristband- as worn by HRH Prince Harry, please go to www.expats4afghanheroes.com or expats4afghanheroes@gmail.com Tel: 697 501 992



12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Ridiculous debate Can we please bring an end to this ridiculous debate regarding smoking or not in bars etc? It is really quite simple, any idiot with half a brain can work it out...if the bar has a notice saying ‘’Fumar prohibited’ then you cannot smoke: all the non smokers can go in and have their wonderful smoke free environment!! If the bar has a notice saying ‘permite fuma’ then those of us that have a life can puff away to our hearts content without some anal pratt from Guildford or wherever getting the hump!!! So please, especially those who come from politically correct ‘no choice England’ on holiday, to visit their pokey little villa somewhere who need to organise Spain…stay away from the smoking bars… Remember the old adage: freedom of choice. And if you come to my house be prepared to suffer the consequences...AND I WONT COME TO YOURS! Richard Carder, Murcia

Cheers Pete!

Well done on the new look paper and web site. I read the article on UK ID cards and totally agree with Andrew Johnson, since having our ‘residencia’ taken away from us has caused us no end of problems: I think if we had our own ID card it would make things a lot better. I have tried to get onto the website mentioned but I am unable to log onto it as my PC says no: cannot find it. Many thanks and keep up the good work. Pete


Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

letter of the week

Cats out of the bag! So the cats finally out of the bag so to speak and at last you realise just how intelligent we dolphins are. Had it not been for the garbage you dump at sea, including newspapers and a laptop which fell off of a banker’s luxury cruiser, we would still be looking for ways to communicate properly with you. Only having as long as this laptop battery lasts, I must be brief so we ask that you stop chucking your rubbish into the place we call home and especially where we eat, although if you don’t stop nicking our food, we, along with our kitchens, may soon disappear too. We don’t wish to moan but we keep getting stuck in not only your nets but also other forms of human garbage. Eric the other day got his nose stuck in a jam jar. At first we all laughed and called him ‘bottle nose’ but now it’s getting quite serious: please stop. We have also read that cats really hate water so why do you suppose that our mates and fish in general are cats’ favourite food? What did we ever do to them? As we don’t have a laptop power supply adaptor of our own and as you are only just beginning to develop wave power, this may be the first and last communiqué I make. It was nice knowing you but it would be nicer knowing you changed. Regards, Adolph Hin

British pubs Last week’s letter from David Hibbard was inaccurate in describing problems with British Pubs. Firstly, not every pub has a heated outdoor area for smokers. Some don’t have an area at all and very few are heated. His prices quoted for a pint of Stella in his local area is to be envied. £2.40 is cheap: in Milton Keynes it is over £3 per pint. 15 cans for £5 in the supermarket: again a real bargain. I have just paid £10. Curry and Italian nights are also very old hat; I was doing that 20 years ago. Facts: the smoking ban has hit pubs very hard. The rents charged by breweries and pub chain companies have continued to increase in spite of falling trade. The tied trade prices for beers and spirits charged to most tenant landlords are so high they have to charge £3 per pint to make ends meet. Every week another 50 plus pubs close as they are not viable businesses any more. I speak from experience with 15 years in the trade as a landlord, an accredited licenced trade trainer and retired Fellow of the British Institute of Innkeeping. I got out just in time and retired 5 years ago. I pity those left behind. Regards Bob Owen, Mazarron

A SINCERE APOLOGY LAST WEEK in the RTN 5th February issue, an article was published by Golden Leaves concerning the scenario surrounding the awful treatment of Mrs Helgessen in relation to her ashes being removed from Parcent cemetery. This press article was not intended to be an advertisement but was written to display our heartfelt sympathy toward the family of the late Mrs Helgessen and highlight this unfortunate situation to other individuals who may inadvertently stray into the same predicament. We would like therefore, to unequivocally apologise to the family if our intention was misconstrued, our article misinterpreted or if any upset was caused to the family by any of the article’s content. We have asked that

the article be removed from the publication’s website and that this letter of apology be published immediately. Once again we would like to stress that this press release was written to express our deepest sympathy with the family in question and to try and help inform other expatriates who might not have read the RTN’s original article. Finally, we would like to offer our deepest apologies for any additional upset or stress this article may have caused the Helgessen family at such a difficult time. Golden Leaves Ltd. If you have any queries concerning this apology or the 5th February article in question, please contact Golden Leaves free on 800 098 309

Nobody “has to work” in bars! Further to your letters on anti-smoking, I really cannot believe people live with this outlook. First of all: ‘Maggie’. What a miserable lot of friends she must have – quote: “Everyone I know who has one smoker in the family gets sent out to smoke”…! Then Kevin Thompson speaks about people “…leaving restaurants physically sick…” (maybe change the Restaurant then?), allying himself with “…the people that have to work in bars...” Nobody “HAS TO WORK” in bars!! Who are they? Prisoners out on parole? Stop smoking in restaurants if you like BUT LEAVE THE BARS ALONE. Or if you must, have a law that guarantees a percentage of the bars in town being smoke free. It is estimated that there are 10,000,000 smokers in Spain and they deserve some consideration. What does Mr Thomson’s ‘people’ do afterwards - walk home? Then they are in toxic fumes far worse than cigarette smoke and if they drive home then they are contributing to it. There is no pure air around nowadays: everyone will know at least someone in their 70’s who has smoked since a schoolboy and are still

around. Passive smoking as a danger is a myth and cannot be proved otherwise unless you can test against those who have never lived amongst Fiesta fireworks; Fallas; exhaust fumes; cement dust and dozens of other toxicities we are all subject to. In the World Facts book you will read that of all deaths, lung cancer attributes to 2.24%. Of the 388,488 deaths in Spain, 2.24% equals 8,702. This gives you a ratio of 1 in 3,884. There is no way that even a large percentage of this may be attributed to smoking. So calculation concerning passive smoking must be of an even greater ratio if it exists at all. The Government attitudes are built solely for the reason that it makes them LOOK as if they are concerned about public health without them having to spend any money on hospitals, etc. People will still smoke and if the tax that is coming in reduces, they will just apply a larger cut, thank you very much. So while smokers are paying so much to the economy, let them have a bit of peace. It was estimated in 2006 that Britain’s exchequer receives 8 billion pounds from smokers to give an instance why they deserve consideration; you couldn’t do without them could you? Terry White, Val d’Alcala

8-14 JANUARY 12-18 FEBRUARY2010 2010

Transfering funds

In December, we transferred funds from a Spanish Euro account to a Euro account in England after selling our property in Spain. The charges they asked for were nearly €600 at first but after complaining and refusing to pay they reduced it to €205, which we accepted. We later read an article in your paper dated 18th December stating that it was illegal under EC regulation 924/2009 to charge at all: we have tried to get this money back with no luck. We have emailed our Euro MP to send us details of this regulation; also with no luck.Is it possible for you to send us a copy of this Regulation or advise us as to where we might obtain it; also where to go next to get a refund? Best Regards, David Smith Editor’s reply: • The regulation states that the fees charged by banks for same country and cross border must be uniform (i.e. a euro to euro transfer - to Spain or UK is the same) • It only applies to amounts UNDER €50,000 • The banks are not limited to any charges for cross border payments under €50,000 as long as the same charge applies to national transfers. • We cannot find anywhere that it is illegal to charge • This link may also help: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_ market/payments/docs/reg924_2009/faq-924-2009en.pdf • If your transaction was under €50k and your bank would say only charge €10 for the same transfer if it was to another Spanish bank then you should be eligible for a refund of the difference. • You can also make a formal complaint to the Bank of Spain at consultasdereclamaciones@bde.es

Thank you, Specsavers! We would just would like to publicly thank Mr Mike Stone and Specsavers of Javea and now also Calpe, for the excellent and competitively priced service they provided regarding my family’s glasses, especially my children. What a professional, polite and quality standard of service and products they provide. Their staff and management all really do know what they are talking about and deliver their service in a happy, comfortable way with a real human touch, especially with regard to my young children. Yes, I have thanked them personally but the best way I can thank them is for them to receive public recognition and ‘free’ publicity from this letter being published. I am so pleased they have opened a shop in Calpe and I’m sure they will be really successful. “Good luck,” is wished but will not be required. I am of Spanish origin and lived in Calpe for over 15 years and having used various other opticians in Calpe, I have never come across another to compare to Specsavers; so I do fully recommend them and whatever language you speak, they can accommodate you. Regards from a satisfied customer, Sra L P Vargas, Calpe

Easy Horse Care Benijofar Ref the article by Louise Clarke on the horses in Benijofar: an article that must have been very difficult for her to write. Many animal lovers like me will have been appalled by the story and the lack of action by the Ayuntamiento in this case. If the town council are slow to act for fear of upsetting a voter (perhaps the owner is a friend or relative of a councillor?) think how many votes they will lose through their lack of humanity.

I have contacted the Easy Horse Care people and they tell me that they will continue to fight for the release of the horses in question. If you live in the area of Benijofar, you can help by making a complaint to the town hall or maybe a petition. Raise some funds to buy the horses if that is what it takes, but please help the Horse Rescue to end the suffering. Pamela, Alfaz del Pi

Off your trolley? I am very sorry that June was robbed in Lidls, but I must say people seem to lose all sense of responsibility for their belongings when they go shopping: why leave a handbag on the child’s seat in a supermarket trolley? Handbags should be worn across one’s shoulder with the opening facing the body, ensuring that they are fully sealed: this does at least offer some kind of protection, but even then people should be on their guard at all times. Perhaps we should be like the gypsies in our village, who tuck their purses into their bras for safe keeping! Teresa Jones La Font D’en Carros



12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Charity dance marathon

Zumba is the fun way to keep fit

by Jack Troughton EVERYONE CAN take part and make history in a mammoth ‘Zumbathon’ being held on the Costa Blanca next month and help raise funds for animals. A Latin inspired, dance based exercise routine, Zumba is the fun way to keep fit and is fast growing in popularity around the world. And on Sunday 14th March, Spain’s first three hour marathon takes place on Javea’s Arenal Beach to raise money for the dogs rescued and cared for by APASA. Hosted by DJ and singer Adam King, the event has been organised by Zumba instructor Kimberley Harrison, who plans to bring all ages and nationalities together on the sand for a “shoulder shaking, shimmying, butt wiggling, salsa, samba, meringue, flamenco, belly dancing and reggae party.” She told RTN the aim was to have 60 people dancing at any one time. “People can do as much or as little as they like, giving them time to recover between rounds. “The easy to follow routines will make this the most fun event the Arenal has ever seen. Zumba is the global dance fitness phenomenon that people just love. It makes getting fit and losing weight a ball.” And Kimberley is throwing down the gauntlet to get males involved. “I will personally be donating €5 for every man who registers and completes a minimum of five dances throughout the event. “And as Spain’s first Zumbathon, we will be making more than money: we’ll be making history.” The event starts at 10.00 and registration is €10 for adults and €3 for children. For more details visit www.zumbacostablanca.com email info@zumbacostablanca.com or call Kimberley on 696 746 091.

Sniffer dogs to patrol schools The local police in Alicante province have been given four ‘sniffer’ dogs to help stop the sale of drugs in schools. Two Labradors and two German Shepherds are to accompany the police to schools in the region and sniff out

students selling drugs in the hope of reducing adolescent drug-taking. The dogs are taking on the project as part of their training – they are also learning how to sniff out survivors after disasters such as earthquakes.

Plea for pensions rethink

CONFUSION And further to the increase in the basic state pension, Mr Darling caused further confusion by announcing that “to provide additional support to households during the early stage of economic recovery…” there would be a 1.5 percent increase to other benefits and tax credits – but not to SERPS or other parts of the pension. RTN was told: “This legislation is a hit below the belt for the most needy people in society and something has to be done about it.” It was estimated around 2.5 million pensioners are already living below the poverty line and millions more were struggling to meet the rising cost of living. Age Concern and Help the Aged acknowledged that in September last year, when the Retail Price Index was used to gauge increases to benefits, inflation was negative. But a spokeswoman said it was “very worrying” to see a “large increase” in the RPI last December and annual inflation running at 2.4 percent. FREEZE Sally West, policy advisor on income, said: “Age Concern and Help the Aged welcomed


Spain wants foreign prisoners to go home The Spanish Ministry of the Interior has declared that foreign prisoners in Spanish jails should serve out their time in prisons in their countries of origin. Spanish jails are overcrowded and the Ministry wants to make more room. Currently Spain is holding 27,091

foreigner prisoners from 110 countries, 242 percent more than in the year 2000. The number of foreign prisoners only increased by 3 percent last year, but even so, 35 percent of prisoners in Spain are foreign - one of the highest percentages in Europe.

Honda recalls 437,000 vehicles

by Jack Troughton THE GOVERNMENT is being urged to rethink its controversial decision to freeze SERPS and additional parts of the state pension and boost income for elderly people. Age Concern and Help the Aged – soon to be merged into the single charity Age UK – has mounted a campaign to get all pensions increased by 2.5 percent this April. And expat pensioners are asked to join people in the UK to lobby MPs and demand Pensions Minister Angela Eagle and Chancellor Alistair Darling reconsider and apply the increase across the board. In his Pre-Budget Report, Mr Darling announced the basic state pension would rise by 2.5 percent. However, his House of Commons speech and hundreds of Budget documents failed to reveal that anything other than the ‘basic’ payment would be put on ice. The freeze is expected to save the Treasury up to £350 million in 2010-11 but the Government was accused of a ‘cruel deceit’ and being ‘underhand and shabby’ in its treatment of a vulnerable part of society.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Honda has announced that there is a problem with the driver’s side airbag in some of its vehicles. The trigger device is too sensitive, causing the bag to inflate unnecessarily and then rupture. The breakdown of the airbag during an accident can cause driver injury or death, Honda said. The recall has already begun in the United States with the Accord, Civic, Odyssey and CR-V 2001 and 2002 Acura TL 2002 models. In Japan, the Inspire has also been recalled. So far there have been 12 reported incidents regarding faulty airbags.

Pensions Minister Angela Eagle

the 2.5 percent increase in the basic state pension. But most people see their state pension as a single entitlement and we are very concerned at proposals to freeze the additional pension and other elements of the state pension. “We are writing to the Pensions Minister, urging the Government to reconsider the decision. We would like to see all elements of the state pension increased by 2.5 percent, or at the very least elements such as the additional pension being increased by 1.5 percent in line with other benefits normally linked to the RPI.” And she said individuals could play a part in the campaign to reverse the decision: “Parliament still needs to approve the proposed new rates so people who are concerned about the plans should contact their MP and ask him or her to contact the Pensions Minister and The Chancellor and urge them to reconsider. “If you contact your MP it is helpful to explain why you are unhappy with the decision and what impact this will have on you personally.”

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


Town Halls address Red Palm Weevil problem

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Orihuela Mayor Monica Lorente at the recent meeting

by Louise Clarke BETTER LATE than never! More than two weeks after RTN first reported on the problems of Red Palm Weevil on the coast, the Orihuela Mayor, Monica Lorente met with the Director General of an agricultural technology company and a representative of the Agriculture Department, to co-ordinate a strategic plan to combat the plague of pests killing palm trees all over the municipality, particularly on the coast. The plan to combat the Red Palm Weevil will be a three pronged attack to not only tackle the problem on the historical palms in the city centre, but also the palms on municipal land and others situated on agricultural or private land. The historical palms in Orihuela will be placed in a protection zone; much the same as the ones in Elche, and throughout the coming weeks affected palms will be eliminated and ones that aren’t yet infected by the weevils will be vigorously treated: there will also be a comprehensive programme of detection. COLLABORATION Ms Lorente has assured that the Town Hall has been aware of the problem for several weeks and that the Town Hall has done all it can do to eliminate the affected palms as well as be very careful in the treatment of the palms not yet infected. She added that the problem is a priority for the Orihuela Town Hall and that they will do all they can to eradicate the problem. Jesus Roca, from the Agriculture Depart-

ment confirmed that the Town Hall is in close collaboration with the four surrounding municipalities to ensure that the spread of these pests is kept to a minimum and assured the gathered members of the press that there is a definitive destruction programme underway and that the Town Hall has been in discussions with the University of Miguel Hernandez to fund a long term investigation into the prevention and protection of palms so that this can never happen again. EXACERBATED Meanwhile, in Torrevieja, Eduardo Gil, the Councillor for the Environment, held a press conference on Tuesday to discuss how Torrevieja would be handling the problem. There have been many cases of Red Palm Weevil in La Siesta, San Luis and El Chapparel as well as in the city itself. It has come to the Town Hall’s attention that affected trees are being cut down, either by the owners themselves or by inexperienced tree surgeons who are just leaving the tree trunks by the municipal bins. The Councillor asks anyone with an affected palm not to randomly cut it down as this is only exacerbating the situation. He told RTN: “The palms need to be treated correctly. The palms and the trunks of affected trees must be burnt. At the moment, we are covering the stumps with black plastic bags and trimming healthy trees to protect them from infection. There are also environmental officers making regular patrols with local police officers”. If you have an infected palm and live in Torrevieja, you can call 687 520 972 or 965 706 159 for advice.

Homes urgently needed for puppies on death row

VOUCHER Meal for two people - FREE! MONDAY 15th February 2010 – 13:00 – 13:15h admission. Restaurante “ASIATICO” Gran Alacant/Santa Pola. C/. Finlandia No 1 – beside “CONSUM” super market TUESDAY 16th February 2010 – 13:00 – 13:15h admission Restaurante Chino “FESTIVO” CABO DE PALOS – CARTAGENA C/. La Baliza – beside “MERCADONA” super market THURSDAY 18th February 2010 – 13:00 – 13:15h admission Chinese Restauranr “GRAN MURALLA” Torrevieja.Crevillente Road. After “CARREFOUR – MAC Donald’s” right hand side

Deutsch! MITTWOCH 17.02.2010 – 13:00 – 13:15 Uhr Einlass China Restaurant *BIENVENIDOS* Orihuela/Costa N.-332 – Kreisverkehr –La Zenia – Deutsche Bank – links. FREITAG 19.02.2010 – 13:00 – 13:15 Uhr Einlass Restaurant *ESMARALDA* Urb.Ciudad Quesada Marquesa de Golf 3 – über dem Supermarkt “SUPER VALU”

A DOGS’ home is being closed down and all the dogs are now on death row. It’s such a sad, desperate situation – many of these dogs are just babies & lots are in good condition with lovely natures. Could you or anyone you know foster or even adopt one? We have very little time so please call Linda at Animal Aid tel: 965725794 if you might be able to help.

Smelly exhibition BETWEEN 18th and 28th February, located in the harbour area, there will be a travelling exhibition called ‘Por Narices’. The exhibition is all about the world of smells, natural essences, vapours and gases.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


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12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L.

Ex pats services SOME TIME ago I added to my logo the words “Ex Pats Services.” I am not keen, along with many I am sure, using the words Ex Pats, but that is of course what we all are. Since deciding to use these words, we have been able to offer via my offices, a service which has proved to be very helpful. I realize there are many people who offer the same type of service, but often using a mobile phone number. This always worries me in Spain, maybe I am just a suspicious person, but it doesn’t show commitment of any kind. Also I have noticed there are now other insurance companies/ estate agents offering similar services, due no doubt to many companies experiencing difficult times in a very bad recession and hoping that insurance services plus will help keep them going. The professionals I use are the Company’s associates; they are all legal and regulated and, are always contactable via my company. Meetings can be held either in one of the offices or a venue that is acceptable to both parties. ENGLISH SOLICITOR Known in Spain as a legal advisor Glyn Moran, he can deal with most aspects of the law including Inheritance Tax advice, English or Spanish

wills (yes it is always advisable to have an English will), purchasing or selling a property (not so many happening). I understand people find it comforting to speak about their legal situations in their own language. RESIDENCIA’S, SIP CARDS AND DRIVING LICENSES ETC Wayne and Richard’s services are very special. They save you so much time in organizing appointments ahead, saving you the nightmare of long queues. They can pick you up from home, so no problem in trying to find the various offices or parking. This alone takes away some of the stress, I found the service very helpful, when I had to renew my Residencia. QROPS Qualified Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme; a very specialist subject and one that is wide open to be mis- sold. The financial associates that work with me, are excellent and have, I am assured the best product on the market. Their costs are very reasonable and the choices of the QROPS plan are good. The advice they give is extensive and the report that follows the verbal advice is very comprehensive. If Justin or one of his Colleagues, after studying your


by Jennifer Cunningham

The Costas leading insurance consultant If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net

paperwork feels it is not the correct way for you to go, they will advise you accordingly. MONEY TRANSFERS We work alongside Moneycorp a large company who gives a very good deal on currency exchange. I understand their costs are often less than a bank, and with a far better rate of exchange, especially if you are using the hole in the wall to transfer your pounds. The associates are supported by the company’s own advisors offering specialist insurance. For instance, community insurance, which can be very complex and many times a President receives a policy that is not the correct one for his/her particular urbanization. We offer an excellent service supported by a very comprehensive policy, and on many occasions, you do not have to search around for a tradesman/repairer, my company will do it all for you. We also are able to offer special discounts to the houses /apartment situated on the urbanization. Yes, you do need extra insurance to include contents. A quick message from me regarding contents insurance, I understand some of the banks are quoting prices that appear to be very cheap. On

checking some of the policies for clients, we discover that the contents insured in most cases are hopelessly inadequate, which is very dangerous, think of a fire or flood and the replacement costs. I suggest you check your policy, or take it into one of my offices as soon as possible and we will assist you in checking exactly what you are covered for and at the same time we can also give you a very competitive quotation. Life insurance; good news, we are able to offer this type of insurance at a far better price than any bank can. You could save money every year; legally you do not have to stay with the bank that has your mortgage despite the bank advising you differently. Commercial Insurance; Flor, the specialist who handles this product is often amazed at the polices that clients are sometimes issued with, they think they have sufficient cover, but on many occasions this is not the case. Never ever forgetting Mandy who works tirelessly for Assa clients, organizing appointments, translating and being as helpful as possible, she often gets very upset when people yell at her in anger, due often to not reading their policy documents. I am not surprised at some people’s comments to me that the insurance world can be unpleasant; I am often very saddened to see

people being sold a product that is not what they thought they were purchasing. Even on cars, an incorrect model can be quoted making the price cheaper, but if you have an accident this could invalidate your claim. Also check that you have not been given third party cover when you have asked for fully comprehensive. Yes you’re correct in thinking I now no longer trust in very much!! PS. The PCN walk around the La Pedrera Lake is nearly upon us, February the 28th if you don’t want to walk, run or cycle please come along and support what I know will be a fun day in a beautiful location, with lovely homemade cakes at the finish line! STOP PRESS LATEST NEWS Our LA office has informed me of an issue this week with the DVLA in the UK. According to their website “ no non-uk insurers have chosen to become members of the Motor Insurance Bureau” An official complaint has been submitted by Liberty Seguros requesting that this text is altered. For anyone in doubt, please log on to www.mib.org.uk and visit company information followed by members, and check if your chosen insurer is listed.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net

Join us for the La Pedrera Lake walk on February 28th!

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12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

freesat from a2sat Don’t miss it when you can freesat plus it! a2sat bringing you the latest news

We have seen over the past few weeks other recording boxes being offered as freesat plus boxes, when in actual fact they are just generic twin tuner decoders that require an external hard drive or USB stick. Although there is a place in the market for these type of decoders they are not freesat ones, which means that the Full 8 day programme guide is not supported and all you will have, are now and next listing. So what is so important about the programme guide? without the programme guide you will not be able to say, set the freesat plus box to record a programme that begins at a certain time and for example in 6 days time. The programme could be part of a series so therefore you just tell the freesat plus box that everytime that programme comes on, to record it. There are no timer set ups involved as the freesat plus box is only interested in the name of the programme, meaning that the programme start and end times are irrelivent. So for example if the programme you wish to record in a few days time starts late due to an over run of the previous programme, the freesat plus box will just simply record at the new correct time and all into its built in massive 320GB hard drive !

“If it doesn’t say freesat on the box…. then its NOT freesat in the box.” We have had many many enquiries from callers who have seen adverts across the free press offering freesat and also displaying the freesat logo, this has led, people to believe that the digi box they have purchased is freesat. Our callers have then found that those digi boxes are actually ‘free to air’ and do not offer the services available on freesat; ie, the interactive red button on BBC with sports streams, teletext, 24 hour 8 day programme guide, subtitles, etc. Purchasing a GENUINE freesat digi box is the only way to receive these services. We are finding that people are confused by being offered what they think is freesat when actually they are being offered ‘free to air’ decoders which DO NOT support the BBC red button, etc, so to see what difference a genuine freesat decoder can make, please come to our offices for a demonstration. We guarantee that once you have seen the benefits for yourself you wouldn´t consider the alternatives. WINTER OLYMPICS HD

The opening ceremony BBC HD Saturday 13th Feb 12.00 UK time

Live FA Cup

Southampton V Portsmouth ITV HD Saturday 13th Feb 12.00 UK time

Rugby Six Nations Wales V Scotland BBC HD Saturday 13th Feb 13.30 UK time

Rugby Six Nations France V Ireland BBC HD Saturday 13th Feb 16.05 UK time

freesat is the very latest subscription-free digital satellite service, created by the BBC and ITV and providing a wealth of television channels, together with radio and data services. It was introduced following concerns by the UK’s public service broadcasters that it would not be possible to guarantee access to free digital terrestrial TV to the entire population during the pending terrestrial switchover. It is effectively the satellite equivalent of the digital terrestrial TV Free to Air (FTA) services, and operates in a similar way to Sky but without the monthly subscription costs. If you already own your own dish why not just upgrade the box and recieve freesat Today! ‘a2sat’ remains one of the few companies on the Coast to provide a true freesat package and upholds the philosophy that “If it doesn’t say freesat on the box….then its NOT freesat in the box.” a2sat insist on using only the highest standard equipment, including Portuguese prime focus dishes and Invacom LNB’s, installing new quality satellite cable during each installation and a concrete base or appropriate wall bracket, so that no drilling of the client’s roof or solarium is required. FREESAT PLUS The company’s best-selling system of the moment is the latest addition to the freesat range of Digital Satellite recorders, freesat HD plus. The system operates in a similar manner to the SKY HD Plus but with one major difference: users have access to any of the accepted free to air channels, with no subscription necessary. With freesat Plus, viewers have the freedom to pause, rewind and fast forward LIVE TV without the need to record anything! This is possible as the sophisticated decoder has a massive 320GB hard drive, allowing users to preserve up to 200 hours of Standard Definition or 80 hours of High Definition programming, which is great if someone telephones at a crucial moment in the programme or if you just want to pop to the kitchen to make a brew. Viewers have the flexibility to watch one channel whilst recording another, or even record two channels whilst watching a third show they recorded earlier, providing an entire evening of tailor-made home entertainment! The convenient 8-day programme guide ensures that they will always know when their favorite programmes are showing, and if they are otherwise engaged at that time, they can simply press the record button and their selections will be available to view at leisure.

Get covered

Starting from only 60€ per year freesat Plus viewers have a complete Teletext service at their disposal, combined with the fully interactive service available exclusively from the BBC, featuring news, weather and sports broadcasts. Plus, the system boasts the amazing Sport Multiscreen function, enabling viewers to enjoy a combination of the day’s biggest sporting events, exactly as they happen. COMMUNITY INSTALLATIONS We now offer fibre optics as the new way of installing the larger community systems allowing us to run the cables up to a total of 15km without any signal loss!! Investing in a personal freesat system may seem a little pricey, so why not chat to your neighbours about a shared system? a2sat install systems for up to four homes to share, where a dish of 1.9m is recommended, whilst also catering for larger communities, which can have an almost unlimited number of homes connected to it and the 2.4m dish is the favorable option. With a shared or community system, the quality of the signal and number of channels supplied is equivalent to that of a personal satellite dish, although prices vary in accordance with the demands of the job. A2sat are very happy to conduct a site visit and discuss the possibilities available, and if any planning applications are required, will even complete the paperwork at no extra cost!

rely on same day technical support or a site visit within 24 hours from the original call if necessary. If replacement of any equipment is required, a no obligation quote is given prior to any action being taken, to avoid any nasty surprises later on. The cost of the service contract starts from 5€ per month, which means that for as little as 60€ per year, clients can take advantage of professional support from a2sat all year round! For all shared, community systems and non a2sat installations can also enjoy a2sat support with costs taylored to suit your needs freesat Platform for all of the freesat range including freesat HD plus a2sat is pleased to welcome clients to its office which is situated on C/ Miguel Angel Blanco, Daya Nueva, where they can discuss the options with one of the informed Sales Representatives and view a demonstration of the benefits of freesat over other Digital Television systems. For further information please telephone 966 194 931 or 678 239 193. Opening times are 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm on Saturday´s. Alternatively you may email enquiries to info@a2sat.com or consult the website www.a2sat.com info@a2sat.com

SERVICING CONTRACTS a2sat also extends technical support and servicing to existing clients and also those using other satellite systems. Clients will benefit from a low cost, guaranteed back up service, which secures continuous hassle free television viewing direct from Astra2. The a2sat commitment means that clients can

Questions and Answers Q Can I use my own dish that already picks up UK TV with Freesat? A: Yes. Q. Does my dish need to be realigned to receive freesat? A. No if you are already receiving UK TV from your existing system. Q. What if I cannot have a second feed from my dish as it’s shared or there are no spare ways left on the LNB? A. No problem you can still record and watch something you have pre recorded or with a small link you can still watch some channels while recording others. Q. How long is my guarantee? A. Grundig SD 1 year, Humax HD and the HD plus 2 years! Q. Can I fit my own freesat box? A. Yes you can, however why not have us deliver the box to you and show you how to get the most from your chosen freesat box. Q. I have been told I’m watching freesat, but the box is not one of the boxes mentioned here.? A. Then the box you have purchased is NOT freesat, many people have purchased boxes thinking they are watching freesat, when in actual fact they watching the channels via a FTA box ie free to air, these boxes do not put the channels into a nice logical order and if a new channel comes along and or changes frequency then you will have to perform a rescan on a NON freesat box. Q. Why does my digital box only show NOW and NEXT, and the Red button on the BBC and Teletext does not work? A. You only have a FTA box and definitely not freesat. Q. Where can I see freesat in action? A. We have a full demonstration system on show in our office Q. In the event of a technical query, where can I get help? A. Just call us and we will be able to help. Q would you like to be able to use the red button on the BBC and have teletext? A To get this and so much more you need a genuine freesat box

All Major Credit cards Accepted

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Opposition party’s concerns for illegal nurseries

ones, where they know they can leave their children in safe and capable hands, and in such premises which fulfil all the legal standards to run this kind of activity”.

by Louise Clarke ORIHUELA OPPOSITION party Centro Liberal Renovador (CLR) has demanded a proper census and list of licensed nursery schools and kindergartens in the Orihuela municipality and has also raised concerns regarding illegal nurseries operating in the area, particularly on the coast. The Town Councillor and spokesman of the CLR Party, Pedro Mancebo Gilabert, told RTN how he had tried to obtain a list of all licensed kindergartens and pre-schools in Orihuela town and Orihuela-Costa, only to be informed that such a list does not exist. He said: “This means that there is no relevant information provided by the Orihuela Town Hall for parents wishing to take their children to a fully licensed nursery school that complies with all the legal requirements and guarantees for the safety of our children”. REGISTERED The Town Councillor also told us that not only does such a list not exist, but also he is aware of at least one kindergarten or pre-school actually operating illegally in the area of Orihuela-Costa.



Pedro Mancebo Gilabert

He said: “It was not evident to the Town Hall that the said kindergarten did not have the correct licenses otherwise it would not be functioning at this time”. Snr Mancebo Gilabert explained that the mentioned kindergarten is located in an apartment situated on a steep slope. He commented that the kindergarten has been in operation for a long time; at least since 2006, according to information given by the responsible person at the preschool, and has had sufficient time to obtain the municipal licence. He continued: “In my opinion, it is important that such establishments are registered and a list be available to all residents at the Town Hall, especially to those looking for early educational centres for their little

The Councillor explained that he was running to every department in the Town Hall, from the department of education to the department of activities, and was unable to obtain this important information. He added: “One would have thought that the centres operating legally would be listed and available for the citizens’ perusal, to eradicate the ones who are not”. He also said that to open such a kindergarten, many requirements are necessary and even more so when early educational centres have been requested on numerous occasions. Pedro concluded: “The next school for children from the ages of 0 to three years is due to open in the La Murada district of Orihuela, while the other one is operating in the district of El Palmeral. No early education centres have yet been planned by the Town Hall and the governing PP party to be opened in the Orihuela-Costa area, which is bad and sad news for the residents in this part of Orihuela.”

Torrevieja Library sees 10% increase in users THERE WERE 81,900 individual users at Torrevieja’s municipal library in 2009; a 10% increase on 2008. There was also a 50% increase year on year of internet users at the facility, with 16,000 users going online. Astonishingly, the borrowing of CDs and DVDs exceeded that of books.

Busy schedule for the Sevillanas social club

Sevillanas Flamenco Dancers

RAQUEL PEÑA, founder and director of the Sevillanas Social Club and the Sevillanas Flamenco Dancers, is delighted all the wonderful events going on within the next couple of weeks. As always, the Sevillanas Social Club will hold its monthly meeting on the last Sunday of each month, 28th February this month, and they return to the Hole in One Pub at the Orihuela Costa Resort (La Zenia) starting at 20:00. This is a congenial social group for people who want to enjoy Spanish dance and music in a very friendly informal manner. You do not have to know how to dance Sevillanas, just do palmas(handclapping) and enjoy the Spanish atmosphere. Raquel always invites non dancers to get up in a mini fun class and her more advanced students and members of the Sevillanas Club Flamenco dancers are

always on hand to dance the night away. The Sevillanas Club Flamenco dancers have been invited to take part in the very prestigious event, ‘Ayuda a Haiti’, to be held at the Cine Moderno Teatro in San Pedro on the 27th and 28th February in a Macro Concert lasting two days. This group will be performing at 10:30 on Saturday, 27th February. Tickets are only €3 and are good for the whole day and night: your hand will be stamped if you wish to leave and return later. A soloist from the Raquel Peña Professional Dance Company will perform at 13:00 the same day. Also on the program is the Coro Pilar at 12:00 and Jesus Quiles Flamenco Dancers at 12:30. Ballet Embrujo performs on Sunday 28th at 12:00, plus many more groups. There is a Tombola and food and drink is available. For more information please call 630 689 421.

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12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

RTN READERS have a wonderful opportunity to win a visit to Benidorm’s fantastic Terra Natura and learn about the animals while enjoying an unforgettable experience. There are 10 pairs of tickets up for grabs to this popular Costa Blanca attraction and the chance to enjoy wildlife from around the globe And it could not be easier to win – just tell us on which page the Terra Natura logo is hidden.

Send your answers by email with a contact number to competition@roundtownnews.com by next Wednesday. Terra Natura is a new generation wildlife park where visitors discover a ‘zoo immersion’ experience, enabling people to get up close to the animals as if there were no visible barriers between them. The park’s 320,000 square metres are home to more than 1,500 animals from over 200 species – of which at least 50 are in serious danger of extinction in their natural habitats in the wild. HOME There are also hundreds of trees, shrubs and plants imported from around the world to

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make Terra Natura’s animal guests feel at home as the park hopes to raise awareness of the need for conservation. The park also provides a fun learning experience as there is plenty of opportunity to learn more about the wildlife and its homeland. However, Terra Natura is also about having fun and there is plenty of entertainment on offer as well as adventure activities – making the theme park an ideal place for a family to spend a wonderful day together. And cafes, bars and restaurants offer guests a wide choice of refreshments, from snacks to a full meal – while shops offer a wide range of unusual souvenirs.

Miss England aspirations for coastal girl by Louise Clarke WHEN CHARLOTTE Victoria Buchan got tickets to visit The Clothes Show at the NEC in Birmingham for a birthday present, little did she know that those tickets could change her life forever… Fifteen-year-old Charlotte, who lives in Cabo Roig on the Orihuela Coast, attended the show with her Mum, Ann and some friends in December. While she was wandering through the huge arena, a lady stopped her and asked her if she had ever thought of modelling. The woman explained that she would like Charlotte to enter the preliminary rounds of the Miss England competition and gave her some information on a competition that she was running called Miss Fresh Teens; the prize for which includes a trip to Florida for an exclusive photo shoot with a top American photographer, a full portfolio and cash as well as lots of great media and PR coverage.

RTN would like to take this opportunity to wish Charlotte lots of luck in the competition and we will keep you informed on her progress.

MODEL Charlotte, a size 8 and 5’10”, was obviously delighted, as was her Mum. Last weekend the pair returned to the UK for the heats stage of the Miss Fresh Teens Competition. Charlotte went to an exclusive studio in the south of England, where she had her hair and make up done professionally and had lots of photos taken, one of which will be submitted to the judges of the Miss England competition. The next round of heats for the competition takes place in June and organisers have told Charlotte that she has a good chance of getting through to the next round. Until then she will be concentrating on her GCSE examinations, which she will be taking at the end of May. She told RTN: Charlotte “I would love to be a model, but I also rehopes ally enjoy graphic designing. I am doing my to get to GCSEs in May, so I will be working hard to the finals get good grades and then who knows what of Miss will happen”. England

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


Why the wait? 26

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

by Louise Clarke CHRISTMAS AND New Year seems like a distant memory and we are already into the sixth week of the year, which is why opposition party PSOE are wandering where the 2010 Orihuela budget is. Municipalities up and down the Costa Blanca have already submitted their budgets at recent plenary meetings but Orihuela has not and as a result, the PSOE opposition party has denounced the PP ruling party for its failure to present this year’s municipal budget. Leading PSOE opposition councillor, Antonia Moreno, demanded to know why there is a delay and highlighted the PP’s dubious budget record, which saw the municipality’s coffers plummet to €50 million in debt after only a year and a half into PP mayor Monica Lorente’s reign. The PP government is also being investigated for its failure to formally approve the municipal accounts since 2002, and has failed to cut spending on the salaries of its 700 staff and the extravagant fiestas held in Orihuela city in 2009. CAN’T BE BOTHERED Coastal PSOE opposition Councillor, Rosa Martinez, raised further concerns about the coastal share of municipal spend. She told RTN; “We’re not confident we’ll get any money for the coast seeing as the 2009 allocation was €0. The only work on the coast in 2009 took place thanks to PLAN E funds from the Madrid government, which included work on the N332 and the sports centre”. She added: “In 2009, the PP couldn’t even

Rosa Martinez, PSOE’s Councillor for the Coast

Bodego San Luis Torrevieja theft

be bothered to organise a Christmas market for the coast and voted against our requests for PLAN E money to be spent on essential work, such as a new footbridge over the N332 at La Regia and the re-urbanisation of La Zenia. I fear in 2010 coastal taxpayers will once again bear the brunt of gross mismanagement of public money by the by Cliff Roberts PP government.” The municipal budgets for 2010 The popular Bodego in San Luis Torrevieja became the should have been agreed by December 2009. latest victim in a current crime spree sweeping the area. Owners Craig and Debbie arrived on Monday morning to open for business only to find the grills on the main door had been forced to gain entry to the premises.

Update on Gabriel By Louise Clarke REGULAR RTN readers will recall the harrowing story of Gabriel, the dog with terrible wounds as a result of being hooked to and then dragged along by a moving car, later found by a SAT Animal Charity volunteer. SAT has contacted RTN to tell us that this week Gabriel was moved from the SAT kennels in Dolores into his new foster home. Jackie from the charity said: “I skipped home from SAT yesterday because Gabriel has gone to his new foster home. I gather it was a bit of an ordeal for him, getting in the car and travelling to pastures new, but Julia said that after a while he had settled very well, had explored his new surroundings and felt confident enough to lie on his back in his new bed with all four paws in the air.” RTN is delighted that Gabriel is now well enough to move to his new foster home and we will keep you posted on his progress over the next few months. For more information on SAT and how you can help, please call 966 710 047.


Debbie pointed out the damage that had occurred. The cigarette machine had been dragged outside and its contents removed. Expensive items of jewellery and cash had been taken. Charity tins had been plundered before being discarded nearby and €2,000 in cash had been stolen: the area was left in a mess. And nearby, a Silver Audi was also stolen on Friday evening while the owner was changing a gas bottle for a friend recovering from a hip operation.

Mess and mindless vandalism

Gabriel two weeks after his ordeal

Horse story gets huge response

The horrible conditions being endured

by Louise Clarke IN LAST week’s RTN we featured a story on seven horses locked in a cobbled together corrugated iron and scrap timber shack in Benijofar. The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre (EHCRC), who highlighted their plight to RTN, has been inundated by people wanting to help and raise money for the charity. The Town Hall of Benijofar has also been in touch with RTN to clear up a couple of inaccuracies in the article. Pat Taylor, Benijofar’s PSOE Councillor for the Environment, told RTN: “In response to the article, I would like to fully explain the situation from the point of view of the Town Hall.” She continued: “When the plight of these horses were reported to us, the Mayor immediately invited Sue and Rod from EHCRC into his office for a meeting and we were told there were four horses in the shack”. At that meeting, the Mayor agreed that action needed to be taken and that he would contact the Town Hall solicitor for advice on how to proceed, as the horses were on private land and not Town Hall land as stated in the article. Court Order The Town Hall’s solicitor advised an official letter should be sent to the owners of the land, warning them that the activity will be closed down and giving them 15 days to rectify the situation: the 15 days to start from receipt of the letter. Pat commented: “In the meantime, the Mayor’s decree also means that a vet will assess the condition of the horses and when they report that they are not in a good condition, a file and the signed notification received by the owner will be sent to OCAPA, the office in charge in Orihuela. Then 48 hours will be given to the owner to evacuate the horses to a qualified centre or the Town Hall will remove them.” Cllr Taylor concluded: “In the case that the owner refuses entry to his private land, the Town Hall would have to ask for a court order. These legal steps have to be taken so as when the time comes to remove the horses, all the paperwork is in the

correct order; otherwise the courts will not entertain us. We all want the same outcome but as there is no equivalent of the RSPCA here, we have to go through the correct procedures, which unfortunately take time. We are working as quickly as possible to secure the release of the horses.” POWER The EHCRC responded to the Town Hall’s statement by saying: “We are very pleased that Benijofar council is taking this matter seriously and working hard to save these horses. However, we find it disappointing that they are unable to take more direct action.” According to the centre, Law 4/94, article 21 of the Generalitat de Valenciana clearly states: ‘Town Halls are able to remove animals if there are indications of maltreatment or torture, if they show signs of physical abuse or malnutrition or if they are found in inadequate installations’. Sue from the centre continued: “According to legal advice we have been given, Town Halls do have the power to seize animals immediately and directly under this law and do not have to seek further permissions or powers. In this case, Town Hall lawyers have advised a different course of action, and the council is taking steps to try to save the horses through different means.” She added: “We support any action that saves the horses and puts an end to their suffering. Our main concern is that while we wait for various reports and time limits to elapse, the horses will simply be moved by the owner to an unknown location. We fear that the process of moving the horses may have already started. Due to the conditions, it is very difficult to see how many horses are inside the shack. We have previously counted up to seven, with one horse always being kept outside. There is no longer a horse outside”. RTN will keep you posted on any further developments in this story as soon as we get them. For more information on the EHCRC please visit www.easyhorsecare.net.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010



5-11 FEBRUARY 12-18 FEBRUARY2010 2010



Lucio Ventrella OFS Spain

Luck is a lottery…and financial advice is not for amateurs SOME OF you may remember that soon after the introduction of Britain’s National Lottery, a farmer in Sussex claimed that his Shetland pony had consistently picked five of each week’s winning numbers by tapping its hoof on seven of 49 numbered cards placed at random along the wall of a barn. Over three weeks, the pony netted the farmer almost £40,000 in winnings, or so its owner claimed in the local newspaper…though when a reporter and photographer from a leading national tabloid put the four-legged punter to the test on a Saturday afternoon, it failed to select a single number which appeared in that evening’s draw! Luck is one thing…but the reality is that money is far too serious a matter to be left to the vagaries of chance, to animals or even to well-meaning amateurs… Fortunately, most investors realise this and turn to a regulated Financial Adviser for help and guidance. However, the scope of the advice available to the investor will depend upon whether they are ‘tied’, ‘multi tied’ or ‘independent’. • A ‘tied’ adviser must make their recommendations to you based upon the options available from a single provider. Banks usually fall into this category. • A ‘multi-tied’ adviser makes their recommendation to you based upon the options available from a limited number of providers.

Although this offers slightly more choice, you will not benefit from truly independent advice. • An ‘independent’ Financial Adviser is able to tailor make his advice based upon all the options available so that it is more suited to your personal circumstances and financial objective. Some people may only need relatively simple and straightforward advice to achieve their goal whilst others may require a more sophisticated approach because their needs are more complicated. Irrespective of the level of advice needed, we have all been touched in some way by global economic conditions over the last two years or so and this has naturally affected confidence. The following makes light of these recent bad times for investors and advisers alike! Frightened by the ups and downs of the stock market a small investor went in to see his financial adviser at the Bank and asked him if he were worried. The Banking adviser replied that he slept like a baby. The investor was amazed and asked, “Really? Even with all the market fluctuations?” The advisor replied, “Yes, I sleep for a couple of hours, then wake up and cry for a couple of hours!” …anyone who, like me, is raising a child will understand this comment! Luck and timing have a part to play when receiving

advice…but make sure it’s not from a horse. Improve your chances of success by appointing a regulated, qualified, experienced and independent Financial Adviser. OUR TOP 5 TIPS WILL HELP: 1. Choose a qualified adviser who is suitably experienced in all aspects of the financial services profession. 2. The adviser should only deal with their own field of expertise but at the same time have established professional collaborations with other specialists such as lawyers; accountants; general insurers; mortgage brokers and currency brokers. Be wary of an adviser who is a ‘Jack of all Trades’! 3. The adviser should be truly independent and able to access the entire market in order to provide the best advice for you and your individual needs. 4. Tell the adviser as much as you can about your circumstances and requirements. The more you tell them the better they will be equipped to advise you correctly. 5. Ensure the adviser has an established reputation over a long period of time. Good advice evolves as your circumstances change so a long term relationship with your adviser is essential. Obviously there is also a top tip number 6… just ring OFS Spain!

If you have any financial questions or queries, feel free to email me directly at: lucio@ofs-spain.com

NOTICE TO BRITISH EXPATS By investing your Sterling into the FTSE 100 Protected Note you would receive: 100% capital protection 18% Fixed income after 3 years PLUS 100% capital return if our ‘Early Exit’ feature is triggered, OR... 100% of any growth in the FTSE 100 after 6 years PLUS 100% capital return. 100% protection from a falling market

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Richard Morris Tel: 966 462 960 Mobile: 627 302 742

CALPE/ALICANTE Ian Botterell Tel: 966 462 960 Mobile: 607 687 841

TORREVIEJA / MURCIA & ALMERIA Andrew Berks Tel: 966 199 722 Mobile: 618 390 481

Centro Comercial Arenal, Avenida del Pla 126, 2.17, 03730 Javea Telephone: Lucio Ventrella on 966.112.961 Email: lucio@ofs-spain.com

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010




12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

My off-plan purchase is 2 years late and I am concerned about the developer’s financial situation. I am told by the developer’s lawyers that I have to wait but surely this cannot be right. Am I able to cash the bank guarantee provided in exchange for my stage payment? by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

THERE ARE many off-plan purchases that have run well beyond their contractual completion date. It is important to keep in mind that the developer’s legal team might not be acting in your best interests. Lawyers in Spain are entitled to act for a seller as well as a buyer but the potential conflict of interest is obvious. Where the buyer has a bank guarantee, as they are supposed to, their position will normally be much stronger as they can claim directly against the bank. I have set out below a few pointers to bear in mind before considering approaching the developer: • Everything will depend on

the wording of the contract. No two are the same and ideally the purchaser should possess a signed original of all documents signed. • The breach of the contract needs to be a substantial one. In practice, this tends to mean that a delay needs to be in excess of three months. • Failure by the developer to provide a bank guarantee as per the ‘Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación’ is almost always sufficient reason to rescind the contract. The bank guarantee must cover the amount paid plus interest until the moment when the purchaser receives the habitation certificate. • Completion before the Notary is the purchaser’s last chance to force the production of the habitation certificate, 902 Certificate,

boletins for water and electricity connections and the property being registered as complete (as opposed to ‘under construction’) at the Land Registry. Failure by the developer to provide all of these may well be sufficient grounds to refuse to complete and resolve the contract. Anyone wishing to rescind the contract should ideally do so through an independent lawyer. It may be that the claim will be directly against the bank in order to cash the bank guarantee rather than the developer, and professional advice must be taken. Lastly, the time to act is often as early as possible given that the first to register a charge against the developer’s assets will generally be in a stronger position than those who may follow. I trust the above is clear although please feel free to give call me at any time on 966 426 185 if you wish to discuss the above or any other issues.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2008 - All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com

Spain wants trade in endangered Blue Fin tuna EUROPE HAS been trying to reach an agreement to ban trade in endangered Blue Fin tuna, but Spanish MEPs are attempting to block the ban. The NGOs Ecologistas en Acción, Greenpeace, Oceana, Marviva and WWF have expressed their extreme concern about Spain’s position. They also say that the tuna industry has deliberately put out misinformation to hide the delicate state of the Blue Fin tuna population. Raúl García, Head of Fisheries at WWF Spain, says he w ants the “Spanish Government and the PP and PSOE to change their position” and support the ban.

Grants available for parents THE TORREVIEJA Town Hall has announced that they have issued a record amount of ‘Bono Guarderia’; grants given to parents of children from 0 to three to pay for nursery and

kindergarten care. 430 grants were issued in 2009 and they amounted to a total of €111,000 to help parents, in particular Mums, who return to work after having their baby.


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


Company ownership for your Spanish property by

Mark Roach

Company Director and Spanish Tax Consultant

WINCHAM BELIEVES that it is the market leader in the provision of Consultancy Services in respect of Corporate ownership of Spanish property. Not only has Wincham been operating in Spain for almost 20 years but it owns a portfolio of Residential and Commercial properties using the UK Company structure. As a company we would not recommend our Clients use any methods that we had not proven ourselves. A UK Corporate property ownership can be extremely Tax efficient, especially in the areas of Inheritance Tax. The majority of our Clients already own property in Spain and we can restructure their ownership of their Spanish property into a UK Limited company. We are approached by many Clients who own Spanish property in either Offshore or Spanish SL Companies. SPANISH SL COMPANIES Generally a client, who has structured the ownership of their property, using a Spanish SL, will have done so as they have been lead to believe that this method will protect them against Inheritance Tax in Spain. This is not so, as in Spain, it is the Beneficiaries who have to pay the Taxes on death and not the deceased’s Estate. This means that whether the non Spanish Domiciled Beneficiaries are inheriting the Shares and assets of the SL Company, or the property directly, then Inheritance Tax will still have to be paid in Spain.

OFFSHORE COMPANY OWNERSHIP Offshore Companies registered in places such as The Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey etc, are not part of the EU and, therefore, do not benefit from EU Treaties. Consequently owning a Spanish property in an Offshore Company can be highly expensive as Spain can Tax these Companies annually, it currently taxes the assets of offshore companies at 3% a year. This means they are paying 3000 euros a year for every 100,000 Euros of assets owned in Spain.A UK Company is not an Offshore company but a Non Resident company of Spain and so is not subject to 3% annual Tax . EIRE COMPANY OWNERSHIP (IRELAND) Throughout 2009 we have been approached by a number of Clients who would prefer to use an Eire company to own their Spanish property .We are now able to offer our Clients an alternative by way of an Irish Limited company. As Eire is a member of the EU an Irish company can offer many of the same benefits as a UK company in respect of Spanish property ownership.

It is important to remember that these methods are not loop holes but use EU Treaties which are unlikely to be changed or modified. Whilst Spain and the UK are members of the EU they cannot make local Laws that contravene their International Treaties. It is always necessary to consider every case on an individual basis and our trained Consultants can advise on the best structure to adopt for your own Spanish property ownership. Please call to speak to one of our Consultants on the numbers below or visit our website www.winchamiht. com for further details and to obtain your ‘free of charge’ Spanish Inheritance Tax illustration demonstrating your potential Tax liability and the potential savings you could make by employing a different structure of ownership.

HOW CAN WINCHAM HELP? Whether you currently own a property in Spain, are about to purchase in Spain or own the property in an Offshore or SL Company, we have a solution and method to help to transfer your property into a UK Limited Company or Irish Company.

Wincham Consultants Limited, Wincham House, Greenfield Farm Trading Estate, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4TR, England. (Wincham Consultants also have offices located on the Costa Blanca)

UK Tel: +44 (0)1260 299 700 | Spain Tel: +34 965 830 991 | Email: iht.info@wincham.com | Web: www.winchamiht.com



12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

QROP-ing the bills by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns FOR MANY people this is a difficult time of year. The increased expenditure that we all undertake over the Christmas period has hit the latest credit card bill, adding further to the financial pressures we are all under during these continuing difficult times.

Since the beginning of 2009, we have helped a substantial number of people resolve these short-term difficulties, by arranging for the release of a capital sum from their UK pension fund via a transfer to a QROPS. CAN I RELEASE CAPITAL FROM MY UK PENSION FUND? To be eligible for this you need either to be over the age of 50 (rising to 55 from 6th April this year), or simply to have left the

United Kingdom before 6th April 2004 to live elsewhere. This date moves on a year to 6th April 2005 once we pass into the 2010/11 UK tax year on 6th April in what is now only a relatively short period away. In our collective 40 years or so of experience of dealing with UK pensions, this class of work has produced the largest amount of positive feedback from grateful clients.

ARE YOU DISILLUSIONED WITH YOUR PENSION FUND? Although the longer term purpose of a pension fund as a means of providing for retirement income needs always to be borne in mind, many have become disillusioned by the UK pensions environment, particularly with market conditions where they have seen the value of their UK pension rights diminish over the last few years. Given that provision of a decent income from a UK pension fund requires the accumulation of a substantial pension pot, it is apparent that if the current value is modest (the average UK pension fund is worth about £30,000), then pretty much however well the fund performs in the intervening period between now and the intended retirement age, it is never going to accumulate to a

sum that is meaningful enough to make a significant difference. Thus access to a capital sum from such a fund immediately can be of greater benefit in order to deal with current and pressing financial needs as compared to adding small amounts to the annual income at a later stage. CHANGES TO THE VALUATION OF A ‘FROZEN’ PENSION We have found also that many people underestimate the value that is available to be derived from a so-called ‘frozen’ pension from a company scheme where the individual left the previous employer some years ago. The method that is used to calculate the available transfer value arising from such arrangements is mandatory and was changed in October 2008.

The outcome of that change, despite it taking place during the depths of a financial crisis, was to increase transfer values and in many instances by over fifty percent. Even where the company pension scheme is known to be inadequately funded, we are still seeing full transfer values being offered. WHAT TO DO NEXT? If you think that in your instance this is worthy of investigation then do contact us for a free no obligation pension health check. review@qrops.es or see our website: http://www.qrops.es/ Arbutus Qrops represents Premier Pension Solutions S.L (CIF B55414198) appointed agents of Inter-Alliance Worldwide Insurance and Advisors Ltd authorised and regulated by the Insurance Companies Control Service, Cyprus. Registration number F.O.S.9.

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS, February2010. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 W: www.qrops.es

Economic future grim for Spain UNEMPLOYMENT IN Spain is double the average of other developed countries according to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development). At the end of 2009, unemployment in Spain stood at 19.5 percent. The average for developed countries was 8.8 percent. Spanish unemployment has increased by 10 percent over the past two years. The National

At the end of 2009, unemployment in Spain stood at 19.5 percent

Statistics Institute has just released data saying that the number of Spanish families declaring bankruptcy has doubled over the past year and the number of companies going bust has multiplied by five. The number of families who defaulted on debt repayments in 2009 rose to 938, and the number of businesses that couldn’t repay debts increased to 4,984.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


The holiday scheme that keeps on giving LAST YEAR, RTN told you all about the Spanish government sponsored ‘Imserso Holiday Programme’, organised by the Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social in Madrid. Thousands of Spanish pensioners enjoy fantastic, low cost holidays every year, travelling all over mainland Spain, the Islands and Portugal and the scheme is also open to ex-pat residents. As a result of our article, Costa Blanca Legal and Tax firm Ábaco Asesores was inundated with enquiries and thanks to the company’s help, advice and assistance in handling the applications for the scheme, over sixty Abaco clients chose their holidays and made their reservations.

HIGH STANDARD Two of those lucky pensioners were Anona Christie and Barbara Ford, clients of Abaco. They were told about the programme on one of their visits to the firm’s offices in Torrevieja. The Villamartin ladies were helped to fill in the forms and when the holidays were released in September 2009, they were sent an acceptance letter which also directed them to a participating travel agent. They were given the choice of different destinations in mainland coastal resorts in Spain as well as the Balearics and the Canary Islands and allowed to choose the month and the duration of their trip. Barbara told RTN: “We decided on Tenerife as we thought that it would

The beautiful Lido in Tenerife visited by the ladies on their subsidised holiday

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Barbara, Caroline from Abaco and Anona

still be warm in November. We also got the choice of north or south of the island.” On November 24th, the ladies got on a charter plane and headed for Tenerife and their four star hotel in Puerto de la Cruz. The holiday cost just €311 each for ten days full board (including drinks) and the price even included transfers at the resort. Anona said: “The food was of a very high standard and there was also entertainment at the hotel in the evening. We weren’t tied to the hotel at all and could do our own thing; they even packed us a lunch when we went out for the day.” Barbara added: “You cannot fault the accommodation. They were big rooms and there weren’t just pensioners in the hotel; there were families and other holidaymakers staying there at the same time.” INTEGRATED Although the hotel didn’t have a pool, the ladies were given free tickets to the local Lido, within easy walking distance. Anona said: “It was still warm enough to go in the water and the hotel was close to all other amenities. We hardly spent

any money as everything was included.” The pair was the only English people on this particular holiday, but both Anona and Barbara said that it was a lot easier than they thought it would be. Barbara commented: “By the end of the holiday, we were fully integrated and we learned so much Spanish. They really appreciated us making the effort and even if we got it wrong, they would help us out.” The ladies enjoyed their holiday so much, they have booked again. This time, they are heading for Majorca at the end of the month. At only €238 each for ten days in a four star hotel, full board! If you fancy bagging a bargain like that and are a Spanish resident pensioner, give Abaco a ring. The scheme is still welcoming applications for 2010/2011 until June and Abaco can help you fill in all the forms. This is a free service they provide to expats who want to register themselves in the Imserso Holiday Programme. Call the ÁbacoConnect helpline on 96 670 3748 or at www.abacoconnect.com. The help-line is open from 10:00.

Foreigners invading Spain

The number of foreigners registered as living in Spain has risen six fold over the past decade. The National Statistics Institute has released figures showing that 5,648,671 foreigners are now registered on the padron – this equates to 12 percent of the population. The figures do not account for those who are registered but have left the country, those who are not registered, or those who are awaiting a residency renewal. The largest group of foreigners in Spain are Moroccan, followed by Romanians and then Ecuadorians.

Zapatero speaks at National Prayer Breakfast President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero defended values such as tolerance; freedom; understanding between peoples and respect for all options and beliefs when he spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington recently. The event opens the political year in the US. The Spanish President read a passage

from the Bible: the chosen passage was Chapter 24 from Deuteronomy: “Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your countrymen or a foreigner living in one of the towns of your country. Pay him his wages that same day before sunset because he is poor and is counting on it”.

The long way home Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

ON A SUNNY morning early in September 1934, my Dad stepped out of his house in Ashford Road, Brighton (presumably clutching my grandma’s hand with a vicelike grip) and walked the three-quarters of a mile to start his first day at infants’ school. Three short years later and looking rather resplendent - as our exclusive photo shows - in his new junior school uniform, he started his first day at juniors. The transition from Downs Infant School to Downs Junior School (the two schools are just a short a short distance apart) was a natural progression and was painless and without any glitch. Zip forward seventy-six years and the same couldn’t be said for Adam Campbell’s daughter as she tried to do the very same thing. She lived exactly the same distance from exactly the same school as my dad. However, when seven-year old Isabella wanted to ‘go up’ to the juniors, it wasn’t quite as easy as in Dad’s day. But then this isn’t 1937; its Blair’s Britain and it is top heavy with an army of people that interfere in the lives of everyday folks. Minor factotums abound in every nook and cranny and nowhere more so than in the offices of LEAs (local education authorities). Or should that be the SS (School Stazi?) Isabella naturally wanted to go from Downs Infant to Downs Junior because all of her friends would be going, and also her two elder siblings were already there. So, you’d think, no problem. Adam Campbell thought so too. Wrong! Adam applied for Isabella’s place but was shocked when a letter arrived telling him she lived outside of the zone. “Tell you what though,” wrote the SS, “she can go to a school that is one and a half miles further away”. Apparently, school stazi officers were using a distance calculator computer system and this £20,000 ‘bit of kit’ told the family they lived too far from Downs Junior School. Where, you wonder, were the humans? If there had been anyone in the office with just a modicum of local knowledge they would have quickly sussed out what a preposterous decision this was. But no; like most council factotums in most council offices, the reliance on computers is absolute. This really was a case of, “Computer says, ‘No!’” Back in 1937, when Dad moved into the juniors, the then County Borough of Brighton Education Committee had a huge map of Brighton on their wall with coloured rings that radiated out from the schools, and this allowed the education officers to place pupils in schools closest to their homes. Back then, there was also a system called common sense. But you can’t risk slotting in common sense when the SS has bunged twenty grand of council-tax payers’ money into the impeccable

‘Hometrack’. Huh, Hometrack! - it makes you larf, doesn’t it? This faultless system calculates the quickest ‘drive’ to school. Ah ha, did you spot it folks? There we have the possible flaw - the quickest DRIVE to school; the system cannot work out the quickest WAY to school. Now hang on, but only a few months ago weren’t Brighton and Hove City Council banging on about the health benefits of walking to school? And what about all the current Greenwash we’re having on the telly, telling us all to drive five miles less… Obviously, footprint of the carbonated type is lost on the omniscient Hometrack. Now in defence of this expensive programme, a Hometrack spokeswoman told RTN: “Admissions policies are based on a wide range of criteria set by individual LEAs and Hometrack’s system is tailored by each LEA to meet its chosen criteria.” What chosen criteria? How to get to school, maybe? An irritated Adam Campbell told local BBC, “When the letter arrived, I thought there was no way we could be the distance away they were saying. I checked it and there were a number of shorter routes but [Hometrack] had found the long way around.” To circumvent a stressful appeals process, he undertook his own mileage research. Using Google Earth (that’s the free, not the £20,000 version) he discovered that the family were well within the required distance and promptly plopped that information onto the School Stazi’s desk. Adam was informed by email that “Hometrack had blocked a route [because of] bollards blocking car access”. The SS admitted that these wouldn’t however, stop pedestrian access. The far from contrite letter added loftily: “we are unable to check each individual allocation as we go along but please do be assured that this error would have been discovered in the appeals process”. Yeah right: after little Isabella had probably lost several weeks of schooling and the family put through a lot of unnecessary upset. Adam Campbell posed the question: “How many other children have missed out on a place at their preferred school because of over reliance on this system?” You can bet Adam, that the council will be tight lipped on that one. He added: “I am pleased common sense was applied in my daughter’s case but when a free download beats a hugely expensive software programme, it’s a bit worrying.” Aye, Adam it is indeed worrying. Watts in Britain, worrying my Dad may kill me… If you can think of a better photo caption email p.watts@roundtownnews.com

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


Labour reforms revealed

Prime Minister José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero has revealed new measures to try and combat Spain’s high unemployment rate. Companies will now be allowed to cut costs by shortening workers’ hours but won’t need to make them redundant, as in Germany. The announcement was made after the PM held talks with union and business leaders. The German scheme reduces worker hours for up to two years while the state pays up to two thirds of their regular salary. The government also wants to cut the number of temporary contracts, promote permanent part-time job contracts and encourage the hiring of unskilled workers. “This is an oilfield for employment,” Zapatero said of the reform plans. Unions and the Confederation of Employers and Industries of Spain (CEOE) have given the thumbs up to the reforms. According to Eurostat, by the end of 2009, more than 25 percent of Spanish workers were on a temporary contract compared to an average of 14 percent for the 27-nation European Union in 2008.

Portugal praised for help in fight against ETA The head of the Police and Guardia Civil, Francisco Javier Velázquez, has thanked the Portuguese police for their help in the fight to track down ETA members and prevent terrorist attacks. Velázquez said the operation in Portugal has been “excellent”, and “hundreds of kilos of explosives” had been found. He confirmed that collaboration between the two countries has meant the elimination of one of

ETA’s “fundamental” logistical bases. Velázquez was speaking last Monday at a meeting to launch the SCEPYLT G5 Project (a system for the control and protection of explosives for the prevention of terrorism). The Spanish government begun the project along with the Guardia Civil – the aim is to create a computer system that will improve security in the trading of explosives in Europe.


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

More for you at San Luis Lak RTN moved to new offices on the San Luis Lakeside Commercial Centre in July last year and we couldn’t be happier with our new location. Convenient, easy to access and with ample parking; we couldn’t be better situated. by Louise Clarke OUR OFFICE is not only the base for our Sales and Marketing Director Cliff Roberts, who is available everyday to discuss your sales and marketing requirements, it is also the place to go to place classified advertisements and sign up to RTN Network with our Office Supervisor, Leia Horsnail. But the best thing about our new office are our neighbours. DA VINCI’S Da Vinci’s is an absolute delight. Sue and Nigel are always there to welcome you to the bistro with open arms, with a friendly atmosphere

and a smile. Da Vinci’s has been under new management for four months now, offering all customers good old fashioned home cooked meals. Da Vinci’s is open all day, seven days a week, with a choice of menu of the day; Friday fish and chips; home baked pies and good value for money. There is also a delicious Sunday lunch, a full a la carte menu and much more. With good sized portions at very reasonable prices and entertainment, you can’t beat it. Why not join them for their Wednesday lunchtime Fun Quiz? So what are you waiting for? Get down there: you won’t be disappointed! Telephone 660 850 464 for bookings.

GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY At the other end of the parade is Main Street Sports Bar. The newly named bar officially opened on 31st December and like Da Vinci’s, you are guaranteed to get a very warm welcome from Landlord Adam and Landlady Suzie. They have made themselves at home here in San Luis and in just six short weeks have already established a loyal customer base, offering great value for money on drinks and food; including daily special lunches for just €3.50 and Sunday Lunches at only €5.50 or €7.50 including dessert. They also have Sky Sports shown on a big screen and with three flat screens situated around the bar showing a variety of sports; including top Premiership games and great music videos in between: there is not a better venue in the area for TV viewing. The bar also has a great selection of live music acts performing regularly, including the famous Cutloose Band, featuring Jon Summer and a number of solo artists as well as Karaoke. The bar will soon be entering into the local pool and darts league, so if you want

to be part of the Main Street team, let them know. The Bar also has a large, well appointed sunny terrace. On February 14th, local band Cut Loose are appearing. For more information, call 622 144 417. DON’T BUY IT: HIRE IT! Between Main Street and Da Vinci’s is The Hire Centre. Since opening in 2005, the centre has increased its stock to include a full range of nursery equipment including car seats; cots; prams; highchairs; baby walkers and sterilizers. And for visitors they even have Z-Beds and mobile air conditioning units. You can view all the equipment in the shop before you hire and with spring on the horizon, you can hire carpet and upholstery cleaners and steam cleaners for that spring clean indoors. For outdoors, the centre has jet washers and paint sprayers and to tidy up the garden they also have strimmers; lawn mowers; hedge cutters and garden vacuums. A full range of building equipment and machinery is available and they

TO N Y Loads of parking

Main Street Sports bar

Granny Reeves sausage & pie factory

Cloud 9 soon to be renamed DIVA


Contact Tony Senior & Angie

669 412 238 669 412 237

Joanne and Angie

AND NO QUES More stock t Thousands of item We are the profession Superb Quality – Supe




12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

More for you at San Luis Lak RTN moved to new offices on the San Luis Lakeside Commercial Centre in July last year and we couldn’t be happier with our new location. Convenient, easy to access and with ample parking; we couldn’t be better situated. by Louise Clarke OUR OFFICE is not only the base for our Sales and Marketing Director Cliff Roberts, who is available everyday to discuss your sales and marketing requirements, it is also the place to go to place classified advertisements and sign up to RTN Network with our Office Supervisor, Leia Horsnail. But the best thing about our new office are our neighbours. DA VINCI’S Da Vinci’s is an absolute delight. Sue and Nigel are always there to welcome you to the bistro with open arms, with a friendly atmosphere

and a smile. Da Vinci’s has been under new management for four months now, offering all customers good old fashioned home cooked meals. Da Vinci’s is open all day, seven days a week, with a choice of menu of the day; Friday fish and chips; home baked pies and good value for money. There is also a delicious Sunday lunch, a full a la carte menu and much more. With good sized portions at very reasonable prices and entertainment, you can’t beat it. Why not join them for their Wednesday lunchtime Fun Quiz? So what are you waiting for? Get down there: you won’t be disappointed! Telephone 660 850 464 for bookings.

GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY At the other end of the parade is Main Street Sports Bar. The newly named bar officially opened on 31st December and like Da Vinci’s, you are guaranteed to get a very warm welcome from Landlord Adam and Landlady Suzie. They have made themselves at home here in San Luis and in just six short weeks have already established a loyal customer base, offering great value for money on drinks and food; including daily special lunches for just €3.50 and Sunday Lunches at only €5.50 or €7.50 including dessert. They also have Sky Sports shown on a big screen and with three flat screens situated around the bar showing a variety of sports; including top Premiership games and great music videos in between: there is not a better venue in the area for TV viewing. The bar also has a great selection of live music acts performing regularly, including the famous Cutloose Band, featuring Jon Summer and a number of solo artists as well as Karaoke. The bar will soon be entering into the local pool and darts league, so if you want

to be part of the Main Street team, let them know. The Bar also has a large, well appointed sunny terrace. On February 14th, local band Cut Loose are appearing. For more information, call 622 144 417. DON’T BUY IT: HIRE IT! Between Main Street and Da Vinci’s is The Hire Centre. Since opening in 2005, the centre has increased its stock to include a full range of nursery equipment including car seats; cots; prams; highchairs; baby walkers and sterilizers. And for visitors they even have Z-Beds and mobile air conditioning units. You can view all the equipment in the shop before you hire and with spring on the horizon, you can hire carpet and upholstery cleaners and steam cleaners for that spring clean indoors. For outdoors, the centre has jet washers and paint sprayers and to tidy up the garden they also have strimmers; lawn mowers; hedge cutters and garden vacuums. A full range of building equipment and machinery is available and they

TO N Y Loads of parking

Main Street Sports bar

Granny Reeves sausage & pie factory

Cloud 9 soon to be renamed DIVA


Contact Tony Senior & Angie

669 412 238 669 412 237

Joanne and Angie

AND NO QUES More stock t Thousands of item We are the profession Superb Quality – Supe




15-21 FEBRUARY JANUARY 2010 12-18 2010


Question: I am very worried because my Aunt died of breast cancer 3 years ago and now my sister has been diagnosed. Will my risk of the disease be higher and if so can you offer me any advice? Ask the Specialist by

Dr Colin Evans


ALL WOMEN are at risk of breast cancer with a 1in 9 lifetime chance of being diagnosed with the disease. However 1 in every 20 women carries a faulty gene which puts them at greater risk. These genes are known as BRCA 1, BRCA 2 and TP 53. A woman can have one or more of these faulty genes and there is a 50% chance that they will be passed down to the next generation. Because breast cancer is so common, many women will have one or more relatives with the disease. However, this is no reason to panic and does not necessarily mean that you carry a faulty gene. See your Doctor, who will assess your risk and if necessary refer you for genetic testing. There are several other factors that increase your risk such as: • Blood relatives having been diagnosed with breast cancer • The closer the blood relationship to you of the person with breast cancer • The younger your relatives were when they were first

diagnosed with breast cancer, especially if they were under the age of 40 • If a relative had breast cancer which affected both breasts • If a male relative developed breast cancer • If both breast and ovarian cancer run in the family • If certain other uncommon cancers have developed in family members. For example: ovarian cancer; a sarcoma under the age of 45; a glioma; or childhood adrenal cancer • If you come from certain ethnic backgrounds, e.g Ashkenazi Jewish If you are found to carry a faulty gene, you will be monitored more closely. Women aged 30- 49 carrying BRCA1 or 2 genes, or those aged over 20 carrying TP53 gene, may be offered annual mammograms or MRI scans. You will also need to discuss breast awareness and lifestyle factors that contribute to the incidence of breast cancer with a Doctor.

Article written by Dr Colin Evans (MB.ChB., F.R.C.S., BDS., FDSRCS.) The English Medical Centre, Avda del Albir, 72. Edificio Primavera, Bloque 1. ALBIR, (Alicante) 966 868 013. Email: engmedopt@orange.es

Cranberries - The natural protection against bacteria and bladder infections by

Karl Baumgärtner Natural Practitioner

CRANBERRIES BELONG to the fruits with the highest content in anti oxidants known today. Cranberries are found in Europe, Asia and America. However, the dark reddish cranberry variety (Vaccinium macrocarpon) from North America is especially rich in secondary

plant substances; important for a healthy bladder and good urine conduct function. Various studies have demonstrated the efficiency of cranberry juice or extract in preventing infections in the mouth, stomach and urine conduct, such as caused by the escherichia coli bacteria among others. The active substances of cranberries are most likely proanthocyanidin; methylgalactose; prunin and phlorizin. Various studies confirm that cranberries do not act as static bacteria, that is to say they do not have an antibacterial effect. They function differently, by

preventing the formation of a bio film. Normally, a bio film provides the ground for bacteria and other micro-organisms to build formations and multiply. The increased number of bacteria can lead to an over presence that the body’s natural defence system cannot control, leading to infection. Cranberries have an antiadhesive effect, preventing the bio film formation, therefore taking away the base and nurture ground for bacteria. That way the bacteria cannot multiply fast enough and are naturally controlled and evacuated by the organism via urine or defecation. It also has been observed that people who consume cranberries produce more

salicylic acid. Salicylic acid reduces the infection process, supporting the anti-adhesive effect of cranberries. The cranberry institute reports that the anti-adhesive effect of cranberries can also be beneficial against a number of bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers. Also in case of mouth infections with streptococcus mutants, cranberries might have a positive effect based on inhibition of the bio film. Cranberries have naturally high vitamin C content and antioxidants. Cranberry juice or extract can be taken daily as a food supplement to enhance the immune system’s function and is especially beneficial for people with a tendency of bladder or mouth infections.

Article supplied by Herbal Remedies Sanct Bernhard. For more information on health products go to www.cebanatural.com

Stress massage 12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


Gordon Wheatley BA.

Face of Beauty, La Marina

STRESS CAN be a problem as a result of a fast and hectic lifestyle – yes, even here in Spain. Massage can play an important role in our wellbeing, helping us to relax, easing aches and pains caused be age or injury. Touch is a basic human need (hugging; shaking hands etc) and massage is an extension of this. Ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Indian Hindus have been practising massage since 3000BC. In the Greek and Roman civilisations, the benefits of massage were recognised for athletes and gladiators before and after they competed in the arena. Unfortunately, thanks to a certain Sunday newspaper, many British readers have been given the wrong idea about massage, thinking of it in the same seedy way as ‘roundabout girls’ and the night club scene. In a properly run salon, therapy centre or spa nothing could be more different from this image: ask any Scandinavian – they have been enjoying massage for centuries! Your therapist will have attended college and be professionally qualified and will have a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology, along with knowledge of various massage techniques, and use whichever movements are best suited for your personal requirements. A good therapist will not mind presenting their qualifications and credentials and you are encouraged to ask to see them.

The benefits of massage include enhanced relaxation and contentment; relief from pain such as headaches; back pain; frozen shoulder etc, and from stress and tension. There will also be improvement in the blood and lymph circulation; injury recovery after sport of an accident, increased energy levels and vitality and the release of endorphins – the so called ‘happy hormone’. Massage is suitable for most adults, children and even infants but there are conditions where it should be avoided or adapted to individual needs, so treatment should begin with a consultation and an agreement reached as to goals and outcomes of the treatment. Generally, a full body massage will take about an hour; towels will be used to protect your modesty and your therapist will probably use oil; talcum powder or cream as a massage medium to allow free flowing movement. Techniques include ‘efflearage’, or stroking; kneading; percussion and friction. Often, relaxing music will be played to help you unwind and clients have been known to fall deeply asleep. To gain maximum benefit from your massage, try and rest afterwards, avoid the gym and housework and drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins from the body. If you feel tired, enjoy a Spanish siesta: just kick back and chill and enjoy the benefits of life here in Spain.

Written by Gordon Wheatley BA, Face of Beauty, La Marina, 966 797 759 or 616 110 514, and physio to San Fulgencio football club.

Special Introductory Offer

30€ per month for

per person or


per couple


Opening hours: Mon - Fri 7.45am - 12pm & 6pm - 9pm

Tel: 636

938 093

(Grant) C/ Tomas Perez Castaño - SAN MIGUEL DE SALINAS (above Orbita Bar)


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


Essential Spanish Luz de Murcia brightens

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 94

WE’VE SPENT quite a long time talking about reflexive verbs, so I’m now going to leave the subject alone for a while and briefly look at something that a lot of people tend to confuse with reflexives. This is the particular Spanish way expressing likes, loves and dislikes by saying that something “pleases”, “delights” or “displeases”. For example, you are probably be very familiar with the form “me gusta” and know that it means “I like”. “Gusta” is the third person singular form of the verb “gustar” to please – therefore the literal translation of “me gusta” is “it pleases me” or “he pleases me” or “she pleases me”. In other words, I like it, him or her. This form is not reflexive, because it has nothing to do with anyone pleasing themselves. I suppose someone some time may want to say “me gusto” (I please myself - I like myself) but this is not really what we’re talking about or would normally wish to say. The form “me gusta” is simply a different way round from English of conveying a certain idea. The same thing happens with “me encanta” (literally – It delights me – I love it). Also included in this group of verbs are things like “me sorprende” (it surprises me), “me fastidia” (it annoys me), “me interesa” (it interests me) and so on.

To change the person who is pleased, or who likes, we do not conjugate these verbs in the usual way. THIS IS HOW WE CHANGE “GUSTAR” Me gusta - I like (it pleases me) Te gusta - You like it (it pleases you) Le gusta - He/she likes it (it pleases him/her) Nos gusta - We like it (it pleases us) Os gusta - You like it (plural) (it pleases you “lot”) Les gusta - They like it (it pleases them). Notice that the object pronouns (they are actually indirect object pronouns, for those who wish to know) happen to be the same as the reflexive pronouns EXCEPT in the third person (“le” and “les” NOT “se”). If more than one thing pleases us, then the verb changes to a plural. For example: “Me gustan las patatas fritas” (I like chips - they please me, the chips!) Actually “me encantan las patatas fritas” (chips delight me) and I’m feeling rather peckish so I think I’ll stop here and go and eat a big plate of them! I haven’t done this for a while, but if anyone would like to e-mail me their queries on this subject, I will try to answer them either directly or in the next article – I mean verbs, not chips.

up MABS’ day THE MASTER of the Luz de Murcia Masonic Lodge, Alan Ryal, attended the February meeting of MABS Cancer Support Group, Murcia/Mar Menor, to hand over a cheque for €3,468. Throughout 2009, members of Luz de Murcia Lodge have raised money in various ways, from buying MABS trolley coin key rings and pin badges to filling home collection boxes and holding garden BBQs, functions and lunches. “We raise money for charity every year and during my year of office, Carol and I decided that we wanted to do what we could for MABS because of the vital work they do in the Murcia region”, said Alan. MABS Coordinator for Murcia/Mar Menor, Lyn Baines, is delighted: “This is a fantastic amount for us to receive and we’re extremely grateful to Alan and Carol for choosing us as their charity for 2009”, she commented, “This generous donation will enable us to buy more

equipment to help our patients in the home, such as electric beds and ripple mattresses. It will also allow us to continue driving patients to hospital for appointments and providing translators”. MABS Murcia/Mar Menor always welcomes new volunteers, so if you would like to help as a driver, fundraiser, and translator or just by being there for someone, they’d like to hear from you. MABS also has a ‘Share & Care Group’ for those affected by cancer. They meet on the third Friday of each month at the Centro Civico in Roda village and the next meeting is on Friday, 19th February at 11.00. Call 693 795 247 for further details. MABS Murcia/Mar Menor helps all people in the Murcia/Mar Menor area affected by cancer by providing drivers; translators; information leaflets; equipment; a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on. If you want to volunteer, donate or need help, contact MABS

Left to right: Alan Ryal, Carol Ryal, Peter Horne, Janet Bell and Lyn Baines

Hope for Haiti Appeal FOLLOWING THE Earthquake disaster in Haiti, the Torrevieja Costa Lions Club got to work to raise funds in support of those most affected by the disaster. Lions Clubs throughout the World have raised in excess of US$1,500,000.00 and continue to raise more to support the ‘Lions Hope for Haiti Appeal’. The management of the Iceland stores in Torrevieja and La Marina allowed the Lions to fund raise on consecutive weekends in their stores. Each weekend, the Lions raffled prizes of €75 worth of Iceland goods for the lucky winners. The winners in La Marina Iceland were Susan and George Bright from El Raso and they collected their prize from Lions Club Vice President Iain Bennett on Friday morning. Winners in Torrevieja received their prize last weekend George and from Iain. Lions Club President Diane Susan Walsh wishes to thank all those who are with participated in the draw and to Kenny their and Graham at Iceland stores for their trolley of continued support. goodies

San Javier high school raises nearly 2000 euros for Haiti THE MAR MENOR Instituto in San Javier held a ‘Day for Haiti’ last week and managed to raise a whopping €1732 for the ‘Doctors without Frontiers’ charity, currently concentrating its efforts in Haiti The following the January earthquake. school Children, teachers, staff raised a members as well as parents all massive donated clothes and items to €1732 for the event; a day long market, charity which had a variety of stalls and from their was very well attended. market

Children celebrate day of peace by Louise Clarke

Students celebrating the Day of Peace last week

THE CHILDREN and teachers of Gloria Fuertes Primary School in San Miguel de Salinas, like many around the province, celebrated the ‘Dia de la Paz’, or Day of Peace, last Friday and put on a tremendous show for the hundreds of parents and relatives who stood in the winter sunshine to watch. As part of the celebrations, the 500 strong student body sang ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon and with most of the audience also joining in and singing along, it brought a lump to the throat of even the most hardened heart.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Karaoke fun night

Friday 19th March at 7pm at the New York’s Bar, La Trampoline, near Valle del Sol. Tickets €5 each. Sausage & Mash supper. Ring Diane on 968 206 444

Patchwork group donates to AECC

New start for Legion By Jack Troughton

NEW LIFE was breathed into the Benidorm and District branch of the Royal British Legion with a successful meeting attended by 25 former and prospective members. The gathering at Alfaz del Pi heard of the history of the Legion, its work here in Spain supporting ex-servicemen and women and their dependents, and welfare matters. Committee members are expected to be formerly elected when the branch again meets in Albir on Tuesday February 23rd at the Garden Hotel at 13.00. Once again, any former members of the organisation or any person with a service background or not will be made welcome and able to join the branch. Pictured are Val Travers, standing by as the new chairman, Pamela Dawson Tasker, press officer for District north, Peggy Wyatt, recruitment secretary, and vice chairman Chris Wyatt. For more information call Pam on 966 860 735.

Royal British Legion


JANUARY 14TH in the Centro Municipal Las Claras in Los Alcázares, the ladies of the Patchwork Group met the President and three representatives from the Los Alcázares branch of the AECC. After a pleasant exchange of ideas and also laughter, representatives from the group handed over a cheque worth €700 to the AECC. Mrs Teresa Gonzalez, President of AECC in Los Alcazares, was delighted with this gesture, which is repeated year after year. The

The ladies of the Patchwork Group donated money came from the raffle of five quilts, drawn at the Festival of Euronavidad on Sunday 13th December; a date which also coincides with Saint Lucia Day. The quilts were made throughout the year by this hard working group of women in one of the workshops organised in the Las Claras Municipal Centre. You are welcome to join the Patchwork group: they meet every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 13:00 Time is flexible and there is no obligation to attend every day. And, best of all: It´s Free!


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Swimming pool leak detection

save time, chemicals, water and money! IF YOU have a swimming pool, the chances are your water is being metered by your water supplier. If your pool has a leak, it could be costing you a fortune! We are the Costa Blanca number one specialists for pool leak detection and repair and have more than 4 years experience with both newly built pools and long established pools. We use cutting edge detection equipment so the cost of curing your pool leak need not be expensive. SWIMMING POOL LEAK DETECTION Dyna Pool saves time, money and unnecessary property damage by finding and repairing all kinds of concealed leaks that might cause real problems for a pool owner. A 1mm hole can release up to 350 gallons of water per day, proving costly and wasteful. The lost water is also chemically dosed; therefore you could be throwing away your hard earned cash on both chemicals and water! The water has to go somewhere… this can inevitably lead to structural damage being caused not only to the pool shell itself but to surrounding foundations and footings to buildings. DON’T PANIC! WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: • Initial site visit to carry out a full diagnostic test of the pool plant equipment • Full pressure test / CCTV test using cameras to provide a full picture of the offending pipe work of your pool

Dyna Pool offers a full range of pool services

• A report on all associated pool pipe work • On location of the leak we will submit a realistic quote for repair Dyna Pool also offers a full range of other pool services, including the repair and replacement of: • Skimmers • Hoover pipes • Jets/Impulsion Lines • Bottom Drains • Pool Stairs • Coping Stones • Switch Gear • Pumps • Sand Filters • Electric Junction Boxes • Re-tiling and Re-grouting of pools There is no swimming pool problem we cannot find or fix!

All pools are susceptible to leaks, whether old or new; plaster or vinyl, caused by ground movement and settling; aging; even your pets. Dyna Pool has a complete leak detection service to find and repair annoying leaks before further damage can occur. Call us - all work is undertaken and guaranteed by our legal registered company in Spain. The swimming season is short and many problems commonly experienced can be solved without draining the water from the pool, so downtime for your pool maybe avoided. Call 966 717 229 (evenings) or mob 650 461 394 (during office hours) Website: www.dynadrain.com Email: dyna-drain@hotmail.com

Distress over missing dogs and so I informed the owner that she is a bit of a Houdini! The next day the kennels phoned my friend to say that both Sacha and Bertie had gone!” Joyce added: “They said that they had been out looking for them but couldn’t find them.”

Missing: Sacha

WHEN JOYCE BUN left her two dogs in a kennel for two days while she went to the UK, she expected to come home and find that they had been well looked after and were ready to come home with her. Sadly, when she arrived home, her dogs Bertie and Sacha, not only were ‘not there’- the owners of the kennels had no idea where they were! She told RTN: “I put my two beautiful dogs into the Amber Lodge Kennels in La Marina as I had to go back to the UK briefly. I have never had to do this before.” Joyce took Sacha and Bertie on February 2nd and was due to collect them on February 4th. She continued: “Sacha has a habit of trying to get out of places

POISONED According to Joyce, the owner said that at first they had got out of the open kennel, so he had moved them into a covered kennel. However, he later let them out in the exercise area, from where they both escaped. Joyce continued: “My friends were out looking for them until it got dark, with no luck. The following day, I arrived back to Spain only to be met at the airport by my friends who informed me that my dogs were gone. The next day Bertie was found dead not far from the kennels. We believe that he had been poisoned.” Joyce concluded: “Sacha is still missing and I need help to find her; she is micro-chipped, so if anyone comes across a dog answering her description, wandering in the La Marina area, please take her to the nearest vet who will be able to identify her and then we can be reunited.” She added: “I am moving back to England as my husband died last year and I was hoping to take the dogs with me. I am still hoping to take Sacha.” RTN contacted the kennels but the owner declined to comment. Sacha is medium/large dog with pale brown fur. She has very large pointed ears and is wearing a red collar. If you have seen a dog matching Sacha’s description, please call Joyce on 965 702 454.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Cat show comes to Pilar de la Horadada

Want to be a model? THE FUNHOUSE Modelling Agency is holding open auditions on 21st February at Casa Ventura in San Luis. The doors will open around 14:00 onwards and all would-be models are asked to make sure they tie their hair back and wear minimal make

THE 20th and 21st February sees the town of Pilar de la Horadada hosting the Spanish Feline Association’s annual cat show. Over 200 cats will be shown, including breeds such as Bengali, Sphinx and Devon Rex. Breeders from Spain and other countries around Europe will be showing their feline friends at the show and organisers have said that it will be a unique opportunity for cat lovers to see the great variety of cats on display, many of whom are rarely seen outside of shows like this. The show will have prizes for different classes and the five judges from the UK; France; Spain; Italy and Sweden will have the responsibility of choosing the best cats from each breed and class. The judging will take place during the morning of both the 20th and 21st and in the evening of both days the ‘Best in Show’ competition will take place; the overall winner being announced on the Sunday evening. Each winning cat will receive a rosette and the winning owner a trophy. The exhibition is open to members of the public from 10:00 until 19:00 on both days and entrance is free. There will also be a ‘Domestic Cat’ class, so if you have a particularly pretty pussy you can also enter it into the competition. For more information on that and the exhibition, you can visit the website of the Spanish Feline Association at www.asfe.net.

THIS SUNDAY, 14th February, sees the 12th Orihuela Half Marathon. The event starts at 10.30 at the ‘Gabriel Miro’ roundabout in the city. First prize for both the male and female races is €600. The San Miguel de Salinas Petanca Club is holding a ‘Fun Petanca’ Day on Sunday 14th February. The event starts at 14:30 and there will be LOVE-ly prizes of flowers and chocolates for the winners. There will also be a free hotdog or burger for every player, so go along and have a great day at the Petanca Club situated on the Balcon de la Costa Urbanisation in the town.

St David’s Day Show

singer, conductor, and vocal coach Nigel Hopkins. A warm welcome awaits those singers who wish to belong to the Costa’s ‘friendly choir’, to sing superb music from such shows as ‘The Sound of Music’, ‘The King & I’, ‘Carousel’, ‘Oklahoma’, ‘Flower Drum Song’, ‘South Pacific’ and many other Rodgers & Hammerstein hits!

La Finca de Eduardo’s

s ’ o d r ua

La Finca de Eduardo’s Voted the most beautiful venue on the coast


Open for weekday lunchtimes, and Friday & Saturday evenings in the beautiful surroundings of La Finca de Eduardo´s

Menu del Dia 3 courses 12.95€ inc. a glass of wine

s ’ Friday At La Finca o d r aChips u Eduardo´s Fish & d E 7.95€ “This is not just fish ´n chips, this is Eduardo´s Fish & Chips”

Evenings Full A´la carte menu Friday & Saturday evenings from 7pm Opening Times: Lunch Everyday Mon- Fri 1pm – 4pm Friday & Saturday evening from 7pm


s ’ o d r dua

Urb. Campoamor, Cl. Lomas de Don Juan 36, Orihuela Costa, 03189 Alicante

Tel: 644 498 067 | 965 322 830 www.LaFincaDeEduardos.com

up. Glamour models will have a private session with directors and photographers of FunHouse for measuring and interviews. Fashion models will also have a private session and may be asked to walk the runway. All participants must be eight years or over.

Orihuela Half Marathon

JOIN MARIE JOY, Mike Davies, Bill Singleton, Chris Jarvis and the Cavalcade Dancers are at the Los Arcos Restaurant in Torrevieja for a special St David’s Day show on Sunday 28th February. The show will start at 19:30 and

Melody Makers International seeks new singers for Rodgers & Hammerstein concert MELODY MAKERS International, which recently scored an enormous success with its inaugural concert: ‘From the West End to West Life’, is seeking new singers for its next big concert, ‘An Evening with Rodgers & Hammerstein’. MMI meets each Thursday and singers have the benefit of full training from international


Rehearsals commence on 18th February at the new Asturias Restaurant at Punta Prima. Prospective new members are urged to contact the Membership Secretary either by email on info@melodymakersinternational.com or by telephone on 966 775 976 or 649 570 923. A warm welcome is guaranteed to all.

Roman Catholic Masses Parroquia de Cristo Resucitado La Zenia: Monday to Friday 19.00, Sunday 11.00.

Cabo Roig: Saturday18.00 Campoamor: Saturday 19.00, Sunday 13.00 Confessions: Before each mass Parish Office: Wednesday 17.30 Telephone: 966 733 093 Parish Priest: Don Joaquin Carlos Carlos

Events at Eduardo´s and La Finca de Eduardo´s

s ’ o d r ua


Valentines Day:

Treat that special lady in your life with a romantic night at Eduardo´s Villamartin or La Finca de Eduardo´s. Flower and glass of pink cava on arrival. Sumptuous four course meal with chocolates to finish. With live music at the plaza restaurant for that extra special touch.

Reservations highly recommended:


s ’ o d r a

Mothering Sunday:

Treat that other special lady in your life to our legendary Sunday luncheon at Eduardo´s or La Finca de Eduardo´s. Three course superior Sunday Lunch for a fantastic 10€. Unrivalled quality for sensible prices.

u d E

Eduardo´s, because you love her that much... “This is not just Sunday Lunch, this is Eduardo´s Superior Sunday Lunch ”

Help For Heroes Gala Dinner:

s ’ o d r a

February 25th 2010 In association with RTN & Help For Heroes, Eduardo´s proudly present an evening of fine dining and quality entertainment, with a fund-raising raffle and auction of fabulous items.

u d E

Tickets: 35€ per person (10€ goes direct to H4H) Come and support Our Real Heroes All money raised goes direct to Help For Heroes. www.helpforheroes.org.uk H4H Costa Blanca official event. H4H Charity number 1120920

is just €6 per ticket; all proceeds will go to the SAT Animal Charity. Tickets can be purchased from Bargain Books, the Los Arcos Restaurant and from members of the cast by telephoning 966 706 176.



s ’ o d duar

Eduardo’s Villamartin

The home of Quality Food and Entertainment


From February we will now be open from Wednesday evening through to Saturday evening. We will be serving our fabulous A´la Carte menu and on Friday & Saturday Evenings will be accompanied

s ’ o d duar

with live music


Traditional Sunday Lunch

3 courses 10.00€ “This is not just Sunday Lunch, this is Eduardo´s Superior Sunday Lunch ”

s ’ o d duar

Opening times:


Wednesday – Sunday´s

Saturday evenings from 7pm till late. 1pm till late.

Call Now on 644 543 316

s ’ o d ar u 644 498d067 E Bookings or enquiries to



12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

music scene Out n’ about with Elite Entertainment


Compiled by

Maria O’Hara

Elite Entertainment Tel: 610 076 204 or e-mail info@eliteentertainment.es

ell it’s that time again, when we get to show our loved ones how much we care. We have a variety of entertainment over Valentines weekend and we are sure to make this special time a memorable one. If you are into Soul and Motown then get yourself to the Club in Quesada where Shay Desire and Rob Brown will be performing together. Or if swing is more your thing the Rendezvous in Villa Martin in the answer for you, featuring Simon Small and his Swing show and the Pop Idol finalist Lucinda. On Valentine’s Day itself the Venue in Guardamar will be hosting their Valentines Special featuring the UK’s Pat Martin. During a dreamy Valentines meal, Pat will serenade you with some golden classics for you to enjoy over candlelight before he presents his brilliant 80’s show; a visual and vocal delight and definitely not a night to be missed. Finally, also on Sunday, we are hosting our very own special night featuring the UK’s No 1 Michael Buble tribute at the Lounge bar. All of a sudden, Swing is cool again thanks to the huge success of artistes like Michael Buble and Jamie Cullum. Wayne Samuels and his ‘Michael Duble’ show have enjoyed great success throughout the UK. His presentation to the King of Swing is impeccable and his vocals are extremely accurate. Wayne’s passion for not only his love of music but also this style in particular has enabled him to produce the finest Michael Buble tribute around. Before he decided to put this tribute show together, Wayne was a member of two of the UK’s most successful club bands, Life and Soul Story. The show has a character and appeal to attract audiences young and old and is appearing in Spain for only 3 nights. On 12th and 13th February, Wayne is at Bar Catorce in Benimar and then at the Lounge bar in Torrevieja on 14th February. Bar Catorce is now completely sold out so don’t miss this opportunity to see Wayne at the Lounge Bar. The show starts at 22.00 and reserved seat tickets are only €5, available now from Elite Entertainment on 966 284 784 or 610 076 204 or The Lounge Bar Torrevieja direct on 966 922 134. Also don’t forget our line dancing competition commencing at The Lounge bar on 22nd

February. Closing date is the 15th so if you want to take part; now’s your chance. Visit our website www.eliteentertainment.es for more details on how you can apply. My entertainment tips for the coming week are as follows: Fri 12th Feb - Bonnie’s Bar, Pinoso - ALAN WARDAN Fri 12th Feb - La Taberna Bar, Quesada MARIA O’HARA Fri 12th Feb - Sinfonia De Roma, Doné Pepé - LUCINDA Sat 13th Feb - Las Naciones, Quesada DOUBLE TROUBLE Sat 13th Feb - Inn On the Green, Entre Las Naranjos KEVIN TYLER Sat 13th Feb - Amigos, San Pedro CHRISSEY HYNDE TRIBUTE SHOW Sat 13th Feb - Asis Wok Buffet, Citrus Centre JACK CLAYTON Sun 14th Feb - The Lounge Bar, Torrevieja MICHAEL BUBLE TRIBUTE SHOW Sun 14th Feb - Monties Bar, Urb Montebello, Algofa - JAIME Sun 14th Feb - Hispanola, La Mata - SUZANNE JAMES Sun 14th Feb - Inn On The Green, Entre Las Naranjos TONY KELLY Mon 15th Feb - Black Bull, El Chapperal - WOODY Mon 15th Feb - Abbey Tavern, Playa Flamenca ALAN WARDEN Tues 16th Feb - Horacios, Playa Flamenca - LUCINDA Wed 17th Feb - Celtic Drop - PLAN B Thurs 18th Feb - The Lounge Bar, Torrevieja IRVIN DOOMES For further information on Elite Entertainment and all our artists, view our website at www.eliteentertainment.es Don’t forget to tune into my radio show this weekend, Saturday 12.00 till 15.00 and Sunday 14.00 till 17.00 on Vibe FM 108 and 91.1 FM: playing only the best music. Please support your local live entertainment venue and if you are an entertainer out there wanting to be featured in the local entertainment profile section, send us your biog and a photo and we will feature you in the coming weeks. Give us a call on 966 284 784 or 610 076 204 or e-mail us at yourshowtime@yahoo.co.uk

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column please contact Maria directly.

Jayme Jayme loves to sing, whether it’s Shania Twain; Sheryl Crow; Bette Midler or Whitney Houston! Jayme has been performing since she was very young. Once bitten by the performing bug, it was impossible to shake off: her love of singing and acting led to her first professional engagement at the tender age of 14. After studying music with a vocal coach and acting at UKC, Jayme began working within the theatre in England’s South East; holding many lead and chorus roles in popular musical theatre productions and also working within television. It is thanks to her performing ability

that Jayme can be a chameleon; changing musical styles, genres and even characters, depending on the show. It is the gift which enables her to be able to switch from singing jazz to broadway to rock in the space of an evening. Her love of singing is evident when you see her perform; she encourages the audience to participate and will make sure everyone has a great time! Alongside performing as a solo vocalist, Jayme currently coaches drama to children for a local performing arts academy and has also produced the shows ‘Viva España’ and ‘Bonnie Scotland’. These shows give the audience a chance to experience the best of the country’s entertainment with music, dancing and songs.

Jayme has been singing since she was 14

Jayme is an all round performer who loves to entertain! If you would like to see Jaime perform, she is at La Taberna at Entre Las Naranjos for a Valentines special on Saturday 13th February. The show starts at 21.00.

A seasonal recommendation Casa de la Ermita Crianza As the new RTN wine writer, I thought I would begin proceedings with a brief introduction to myself and a rough outline of upcoming columns. Hopefully over the course of the year you will learn to understand, enjoy Wine and appreciate local and other Review by Spanish wines as much as I do. I have very kindly been asked by the RTN team to share Director of Murcia Wine Club my knowledge, thoughts and experience of wine in Murcia and Spain with you. Every month, I will be providing a number of interesting insights into the local and Spanish wine industries; from wine reviews and recommendations to information on different regions, grape varieties, vineyard activity, beliefs and wine-related tips. I will also be sharing my discoveries and experiences travelling through the different wine-producing regions of Spain. I hope you enjoy reading my future articles. Prior to moving out to Murcia to set up the ‘Murcia Wine Club’ I had lived and worked in several countries including France and Spain, and I had always been very passionate about both wine and tourism. While I was in Murcia on

Jonathan Burrows

holiday a couple of years ago I visited the three local wine producing regions of Jumilla, Yecla and Bullas, and they immediately won me over. I decided that I would start a business combining both my interests and my skills, offering all-inclusive, packaged vineyard tours to these charming rural delights. I spend a great deal of time up in the wine regions of Murcia, mainly Jumilla because they have an attraction that keeps drawing me back. Whenever I arrive in any one of these wine regions, I feel as though I have stepped into a different time zone. Things slow right down and suddenly only the things that really matter in life are important. The people and the food are great too. The Spanish are generally very enthusiastic about their wine and their food, usually combined, and Murcia is no exception. Everywhere I visit, from the vineyards and the bodegas to the restaurants and the cafés, people are always ever-so friendly and happy to help. I have travelled extensively around the world and I struggle to think of a more welcoming region anywhere.

Casa de la Ermita Crianza

This month (February) I have asked a good friend of mine called Juani from Bodegas Casa de la Ermita in Jumilla to provide us with information on what they are currently doing in their vineyards. She reports they are finishing the pruning

Article written by Jonathan Burrows, Director of Murcia Wine Club Tel: 608 708 579; e-mail: info@murciawineclub.com web: www.murciawineclub.com

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


of the vines and crushing up the old vine shoots in order to create organic compost. Finally, before I go I would like to leave you with a seasonal recommendation: ‘Casa de la Ermita Crianza’ (Jumilla, Murcia) This is a very nice, heartwarming red wine for you to look out for during this cool Mediterranean month. It retails for around €8 and is an extremely good blend of monastrell (or mourvèdre in French), tempranillo, cabernet sauvignon and petit verdot. The wine is ‘crianza’ aged for 9 months in French and American oak barrels. It has well-defined aromas and a

The tempranillo grape

smooth, lively taste. It goes particularly well with steak or a hearty casserole. Enjoy! If you would like to know more, check out the Murcia Wine Club website at www.murciawineclub.com


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Plant summer shade and fruit now by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

FEBRUARY AND March are good months to plant trees for shade and all year round fruit and nut supplies. Whether you live on the coast or inland there is no shortage of suitable flowering, evergreen and fruiting trees to plant. But don’t rush into the nearest garden centre and but the first trees you see. First do some research. What trees are suitable for your microclimate and height above sea level? What does one need to do to prepare the ground before planting? Should one fertilise or prune the first year? How to water them etc? The best start point is copies of ‘Your garden in Spain’ which lists 27 flowering trees, 20 evergreen trees and 20 fruit trees. Also there is ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’ which is a concise guide to buying, planting, caring for and harvesting some 70 different fruits. All trees chosen for their suitability to the hot/cold Mediterranean climate. They will make good reading over the coming weeks. But at this stage some words of short term advice regarding fruit trees. GUIDELINES FOR FRUIT TREES 1. Buy from a good garden centre with a good turn over of trees. . Try and find labels with

informative labels to ensure that it is a pear tree and not a peach and that you know whether they are early or late varieties. 3. If you want trees for small gardens or apartment terraces see if they have any dwarf (enano)varieties. If you have difficulty locating any look up www.soljardi.com and buy by mail order or ask a local garden centre to order for you. Other wise restrict the growth by planting in 40or 50 cm diameter containers. 4. Buy ecological insecticides, fungicides and fertiliser from day one. We purchased a good fertilizer for an olive grove we are rejuvenating the other day. It worked out at less than 50 cents at tree a year. And some people say ecological products are expensive! Half a kilo of apples or oranges will pay for that. 5. Dig good planting holes. If you are only an occasional visitor and will miss this years best planting time- or are not ready yet - dig holes a half metre deep and wide and fill with green kitchen waste. Then leave for a year to rot down and plant next year. If you are here mix in well rotted manures into the planting holes. 6. If you hunt around you should find a nursery that sells young bare rooted trees. These are what garden centres pot up for sale and are normally less expensive dry rooted. 7. If fruit form the first year take them off to enable the trees to concentrate on forming a string root ball and framework of branches. After a few years fruit trees will provide shade a well as fruit but flowering and evergreens often grow faster.

BY CLODAGH and Dick Handscombe practical gardeners and authors who have enjoyed gardening in Spain for themselves and at times others for twenty five years. ‘Your Garden in Spain’, ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’ and ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ are each packed with valuable practical ideas and advice for making the garden more beautiful and productive and how to save money. If you have trouble in finding them in local shops phone Santana Books on 952 485 838: they will soon deliver by post. www.gardeninginspain.com

GUIDELINES FOR FLOWERING AND EVERGREEN TREES 1. Ensure you know the colour of the flowers before paying.

2. Tall trees with virtually no roots have a good chance of dying the first year. Buy shorter trunks and wider root balls. 3. Leave a year or two before pruning to allow the trees to find their best looking natural form. Sorry space runs out but the books will help you from here.

Clodagh and

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


Why art is good for your kids by

Julia Evans

BA (hons). Artist & owner of ArtHouse Gallery

Chalk drawing by Melissa Shaw who was about 10 when she did this

The idea of doing art at home with our children tends to lead us to one thought: the mess! It conjures up visions of multicoloured handprints sprawled over walls and sofas. Then there is the attention span; lets face it they will probably be watching ‘Dora the Explorer’ after twenty minutes, leaving you to mold a dripping blob of papier mache. At the same time we all know that art is good for our kids but are we aware of how beneficial creative learning can actually be? And is it worth all the mess? As an art teacher and mother I am often astounded at the level of work produced by the children. And it does not stop there: one of the main things I notice is how it can inspire enthusiasm and boost self-esteem. It is the purest form of self expression. Children can share and reflect on their art to learn about themselves, each other and the World in which we live. And when they have finished a piece of work, the feeling of satisfaction and achievement is plainly obvious. So not only does it inspire learning; it makes them feel good.

Do not think for a second that this only applies to children who are naturally artistic. Studies have shown that children who participate in art classes tend to be more advanced in reading, maths and science. It teaches children to think for themselves and form opinions. And what better an area to do this than in a subject that has no right or wrong? It pr esents a culture of questions rather then a culture of answers, enabling open-minded thinking. On a more practical level, it stimulates both sides of the brain, combining logical thinking with a creative process; teaching children that there can be more then one solution to the same problem. And it even helps develop hand-eye coordination so surprisingly also supports sporting ability. If you don’t feel compelled to get creative at home, there are some wonderful classes and workshops on the Costa Blanca: your children

Louis aged 4 creating an abstract painting

can experience the benefits without your having to clear up the mess. And it’s a fun and constructive way to entertain them in the school holidays. If you do want to do stuff at home, here are a few tips to get you started: • Find a shady spot in the garden and paint outside, that way you are less likely to end up with Jackson Pollock style sofas. • Keep it simple: don’t use too many different materials in one go. • Join in: you’ll be surprised how much fun you’ll have and you may unleash hidden talents, or at least the kids can take pride in how much better their artwork is compared to yours! For more tips and ideas on how to get creative with your kids and information on children’s art classes and holiday workshops, go to www.arthouseonline.net or email Julia at arthousemail@gmail.com

Valencia 48

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


Experience Treat yourself

Travelling to the city for the weekend needn’t mean hours of scurrying around busy shops, walking for miles because you can’t find your way or getting stuck in tacky tourist trap restaurants because you don’t know where to go. This week’s guide to Valencia gives you the insider’s view on some delightful hotels and superb spas where your every need is taken care of – the perfect way to unwind after that last-minute dash round the sales. And each hotel and spa has a special offer to help you save a few euros.

Barceló hotel


loads to see and do on the door and spa is an excellent location with


Kirsty Tuxford Freelance writer

Alameda Spa

ALAMEDA SPA VALENCIA BOASTS more than 25 spas and the Alameda Spa is in one of the most emblematic in Valencia, the Casa de la Lactancia; a carefully restored art nouveau palace. Opposite are old tobacco and wool factories, built along with the Casa de la Lactancia especially for the Regional Exhibition held in Valencia in 1909. The waters of the old Alameda spa rise from a depth of 663 metres directly under the building. This makes the spa quite unique, being the only urban spa located in a major city in Spain. The water was declared to be of public use in 1930 and reaches the surface at a temperature of 42º C. From a therapeutic point of view, the waters are beneficial in the treatment of rheumatological, traumarelated and dermatological problems, chronic respiratory conditions and psychophysical exhaustion. The spa has everything from Roman baths, thermal baths and mud wraps, to electrotherapies, sprays, saunas and inhalation treatments. A restaurant, terrace area, gardens, solarium, thermal club, gymnasium and nursery complete this well-equipped centre. Balneario La Alameda, Amadeo de Saboya, 14, tel: 901 222 002. www.balneariolaalameda.com How to get there: By bus: Line 32, and from Paseo de la Alameda: Lines 9, 29, 81 and N2. Metro: La Alameda.

TYRIS SPA AND FITNESS From the moment the glass sliding door swooshes aside and you walk into this spa and fitness centre you feel instantly rested. It’s sleek, luxurious and well equipped. The smell of aromatherapy oils lingers in the air and the comforting warmth of the spa envelopes you as you enter. There’s a large pool with massaging water jets, aroma showers, cold plunge pool (don’t linger in there!), sauna, steam room and sunbeds to laze on at the end of your circuit. The real treat is saved till last: a glass of freshly squeezed juice of your choice and an aromatherapy oil head massage. Strapped for cash? There’s a 25 percent discount on facial treatments until the end of February. Tyris Spa, Reino de Valencia, 10, bajo,

46005, tel: 96 335 49 69. www.tyris.es. How to get there: From the main train station: 10 mins walk. Metro: Xátiva or Colon. WESTIN VALENCIA HOTEL An impressive and stately five star hotel in a modernist building constructed in 1917, located just across the old river bed, a short walk from the centre of Valencia. The interior design is top quality and the hotel also contains an 850 square metre wellness centre with a gym, pool, sauna, hamman, treatment rooms and more. There are two top class restaurants: the Rosmarino Mediterranean Restaurant and Oscar Torrijos Gourmet Restaurant. Unwind in the informal atmosphere of El Jardi, Lobby Bar or enjoy an exotic cocktail at the trendy H-Club Valencia. Looking for a bargain? See the website for details on the ‘More nights, more starpoints’ offer – basically, if you register for the scheme, the more nights you stay, the more discount you can get on later stays. Amadeo de Saboya, 16, 46010, tel: 96 362 59 00. www.westinvalencia.com How to get there: Metro: Aragon. BARCELÓ HOTEL AND SPA Slick and polished are two words that come to mind upon entering this gorgeous four star hotel. It’s a stone’s throw out of the city centre, but very close to the City of Arts and Sciences, the port and the Palau de la Música – an excellent location with loads to see and do on the doorstep. Inside the hotel there are three themed restaurants, a fitness and slimming centre, pilates, wine therapy, chocolate therapy, solarium and massage room, plus you’re allowed to take your pet (to your room, not to the gym!) – provided he or she doesn’t weigh in at more than 5kg. The Barceló is only 10 minutes away from the Malvarrosa beach, and 15 minute s by bus (no. 19) from the historic quarter. The vast Albufera Natural Park – which is next to the beach and the quaint village of El Saler - is 10 minutes away by car or bus. Book online and you can choose from optional extras including: late check out, cava and chocolates and VIP treatment. Barceló, Av. de Francia, 11 (corner Padre Tomás Montañana), 46023, tel: 96 330 63 44. www.barcelovalencia.com How to get there: Taxi from main train station, approx. 15 mins.

Readers’ recipes

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


I WAS introduced to this dish via an Australian friend and although the original dish uses filo pastry top and bottom, I have adapted it with a delicious cheese pastry. This dish can be served hot or cold and is great for a buffet as it can be prepared ahead of time and frozen. Spanakopita is rich and tasty but because it contains four eggs and cheese it is probably not suitable if you have a cholesterol problem. INGREDIENTS For the pastry: • 115g/4oz butter • 225g/8oz plain flour • 2.5ml/½tsp English mustard powder • 2.5ml/½tsp paprika • Pinch salt • 115g/4oz cheddar cheese, grated • 1 beaten egg to glaze

If you wish to use filo pastry you will need 125g melted butter. Remove the filo from wrapper and place on a flat surface. Unfold and cover with a damp tea towel. Place 2 sheets in a buttered baking dish. Butter second sheet well. Continue in this way until half the pastry has been used. Place the spinach mixture on top and then use the rest of the pastry, buttering every second sheet as before. Brush the top generously with melted butter – trim the edges and mark into a diamond pattern. Bake for 40 minutes.

For the filling: • 30ml/2tbsp butter • 2 onions, chopped • 1 clove garlic, crushed • 250g/9oz frozen spinach, thawed • 350g/12oz feta cheese, crumbled • 4 eggs • Freshly ground black pepper • 2.5ml/½tsp ground nutmeg

Enjoy! Anne Martin, San Luis Don’t forget: if you have a recipe that you would like featured in RTN please email to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

TO MAKE THE PASTRY Rub the butter into the flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the mustard powder, paprika, salt and cheese. Bind together with 45-60ml/3-4tbsp water. Knead until smooth and wrap in clingfilm and leave in the fridge to chill for around 30 minutes. TO MAKE THE FILLING Melt the butter in frying pan and fry the onions and garlic until transparent. Allow to cool and add the drained spinach, feta, eggs, pepper and nutmeg. Mix well.

INSTRUCTIONS • Pre-heat the over to 200C/400F/Gas 6. • Roll out two-thirds of the pastry on a lightly floured surface and line a 23cm/9in loose-bottomed tin. Press the pastry well into the edges and remove excess pastry. • Spoon the filling into the dish. • Roll out remaining pastry and either cut with a lattice cutter or score the pastry and with the help of a rolling pin lay it over the filling. Brush the edges with egg glaze and press them together. Trim the excess, brush with the beaten egg and bake for 35-40 minutes until golden brown.

It’s bloomin’ lovely on the Costa! WHAT A wonderful feeling… the days are getting longer, the sun is feeling warmer and there are little sprigs of green leaves appearing on the trees. That means only one thing… it’s almost almond blossom time! It’s a beautiful time to visit the inland areas of the coast, with the blankets of almond blossoms covering the fields, hills and mountains - areas that are usually scorched from summer heat and parched due to little water. The almond blossoms are generally white on the costa but can range from white through to dark pink which determines the quality of the nut. Whatever the colour, the views offer a picture-book scene of nature at it’s prettiest – and thankfully right on our doorstep. A great way to see the blossoms, get the best vantage points, and visit at the right time is to travel with Coachtrips SL on one of their many trips. Most people associate the blossoms with Jalon Valley (and the blossoms can be simply breathtaking there) and this trip now operates on the popular

Saturday market day, which means that as well as all that breathtaking scenery, you get a chance to mix with the locals and maybe pick up some of their quality honey, famous wine or one of the many products made from their very own almonds! Equally as impressive and adding their own unique interpretation on the season is Guadalest (the most visited village on the whole of the Costa Blanca) and in a completely different direction Caravaca de la Cruz, taking you inland within the Murcia region. So, whether you’ve appreciated an almond blossom trip before, why not try out another destination and see just how the seasonal colours differ between the zones: don’t forget to take that camera. Coachtrips SL have been guiding passengers around these areas for many years and their informative guides will not only provide you with regional history and information but also with lots of interesting snippets about the almond trees, the nuts, their uses, growth and harvesting, plus the reasons why the almond tree was

Blankets of almond blossoms

brought to Spain in the first place by a Moorish King - all of this (and a lot more) will be revealed as you journey through these picture perfect areas! For more information or to book any of the excursions during almond blossom

time, call Coachtrips SL on 966 785 910 (Monday to Saturday 10.00 – 17.00 and Sunday 10.00 to 14.00) or click onto their website at www.coachtripsonline.com. Don’t forget to check out their weekly ad on page 3 of RTN.


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Computing Changing a proxy server Barrie via email asks: Good day Aunty, Is there any way that I can configure my PC so that recipients believe that I am in UK? Aunty says: Not completely Barrie but you can certainly make it very difficult to find out where your emails are sent from (I’m assuming you’re talking about emails). The first and fairly obvious thing to do is choose a non Spanish email provider and go for one of the free co.uk ones, Yahoo.co.uk is a good example. You can then use a ‘proxy’ server such as www.daveproxy.co.uk and connect to Yahoo mail through the proxy server which will make it appear you are in the UK.

Skype problems solved

with aunty virus

Phil via email says: Hi Aunty. I read your pages every week and love it. You must have a lot of patience when reading and replying to some of the questions asked. I would feel like saying sometimes, “Please look in the box and you will find a book. It is called a MANUAL”. But then we are all out to help people in their hour of need. Keep up the good work. I feel that I must correct Charlie who had a question about Skype. (Friday 29th January) Skype have a full back up service for questions not in the FAQ’s. I used it last Sunday and within 2 hours I had an email with instructions on what I had to do for my problem. This was not an automated answer either, but a written answer by an engineer. This was followed up the next day with an email for me to complete an online survey on the service I received from Skype. You go to the Skype home page. On the top right hand side you will see a Help Link: click on this. The next page in the ‘Need Help’ box, type your question and hit ‘search’. This will take you to related FAQ’s. If the answer is not there then on the right you will see a column called ‘related’, and click on Get More Help link. The next page, Sign in with your Skype name and password. Next page click the Email Support link and write your full question in the box provided and include your operating system and within a few hours you will have a reply for your question, within 24 hours anyway. Aunty says: Thanks for that Phil. I do have a lot of patience but I thoroughly enjoy what I do so it’s rarely tested. As a lot of people are now using Skype, this information is very useful and I suggest all you Skype users take note.

I can’t open zip files! Peter from Benidorm asks:

Dear Aunty, I have a problem I hope you can help me with. Until recently, when I downloaded a compressed file or compressed

like I have deleted or defaulted the link for zip-files) I hope you can help me with my problem.

a file, a folder with a zip was displayed, indicating it’s a zip-

Aunty says:

must have clicked on the wrong selection in the drop-down

default program for opening zipped or compressed files. There

file. I right clicked on the folder to extract the contents, but

box. Now, it does not display as a zip file, (although it still is when you place your curser on it), but an internet ‘e’. I can no longer open zip files! I have tried the default opening

programs, but there is nothing there for zip files. (It seems

Hi Peter. It sounds like Internet Explorer has taken over as the are two ways of rectifying this and the easiest is to go to ‘Control Panel’, ‘Folder Options’ and ‘File Types’ and re-associate Winzip

with the zip file extension. The second is to re-install WinZip and let it automatically take over your zip files.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


SuperFast Internet!

Using spybot for viruses Antonie via email asks: Hola Aunty, In the past you have always recommended to your readers that they use Spybot to seek out viruses. I noticed in your letter to George this week you have told him to replace Spybot with Superantispyware and Malwarebytes. Before I also decide to follow that advice I would first like to know your reasoning behind this change.

Aunty says: Hello Antoine. Spybot seems to have slipped down the ranks over the last year regarding its ability to detect spyware. It also uses more RAM and processor resources than Malwarebytes and Superantispyware.

CD drive problems Mo from Torrevieja asks: Hi Aunty, I do hope you can solve this problem for me. I was given a digital photo alarm clock for Christmas. (It came from the UK so I can’t go back to the supplier.) The software to set it up is on a small CD that, although it fits into the laptop CD/DVD drive, doesn’t run. When I put the disk in the drive, the cursor just blinks spasmodically but the installation data doesn’t load. I tried to ‘run’ it from START but am told the file cannot be found. Any suggestions as to how I can solve this problem so I can put my present to use, please? Aunty says: Once the disc is in the drive, go to ‘My Computer’ and right click on the DVD drive icon. You will see a small pop-up menu: choose ‘explore’. This will display the contents of the disc and there should be an install or setup file you can double click on.

Burning a CD Tim via email asks; I am using Windows XP Home Word and I am having problems when I copy a document onto a CD. Once I have copied it and then reopened it at work from the CD, it is showing as ‘read-only’. I have tried other documents on different brand CDs but still have the same problem. Aunty says: As far as editing the file directly from the CD, you will need to create or ‘burn’ the CD as what is known as a ‘Multisession’. This basically means you can change the contents after you’ve added them to a normal CD/DVD. The built in XP CD writing program doesn’t allow you to do this so you will need to install a program like Nero or Roxio. I haven’t had any experience with any free ones

but I will look into it. You could of course use rewritable CDs (CR-RW) or invest in a €20 USB memory stick and do away with the CDs altogether.

Sandy via email asks: Hi Aunty, I am hoping you can help me with this message which appears every time I switch my laptop on. I have to press ‘ok’ about 15 times before I can get to my desktop. Also every time I open a programme this appears: GOEC62~IDLL is either not designed to run or it contains an error. Aunty says: This looks like the Google Desktop or Toolbar is having problems Sandy. You could try and uninstall then reinstall any Google related programs from ‘Control Panel’ ‘Add and remove programs’ and see if that cures the problem. Let me know how you get on.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

tv Friday


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under Revisited; BBC News 12.00 Best of Homes Under the Hammer 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 - 14.45 BBC News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; Weather 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Gigglebiz 16.30 CBBC: Tronji. 16.50 Frankenstein’s Cat 17.05 ROY 17.35 Gastronuts 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 - 20.00 BBC News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 A Question of Sport 21.00 EastEnders 21.30 QI XL 22.00 Silent Witness 23.00 - 23.35 BBC News 23.35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 0.35 The National Lottery EuroMillions Draw 0.45 Timecop; Weatherview. 2.20 Sign Zone: An Island Parish 2.50 Sign Zone: Seven Ages

7.00 - 11.10 Childrens Programs 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Schools: Primary Class Clips. 12.15 BBC Primary Geography 12.25 Something Special 12.40 Look and Read 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Panic Attack 14.30 Animal Park 15.15 Car Booty 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Priceless Antiques Roadshow 20.00 Andrew Marr’s History of Modern Britain 21.00 Mastermind 21.30 An Island Parish 22.00 Mastercrafts 23.00 Mock the Week 23.30 Newsnight 0.00 The Review Show; Weather. 0.45 Heroes 1.30 Nurse Jackie 2.00 Robbie Williams: Electric Proms 2009 2.45 Winter Olympics: Opening Ceremony

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Gift 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Coronation Street 21.00 Dancing on Ice Friday 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 Popstar to Operastar 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Maverick 1.50 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Emergency; ITV News Headlines. 2.45 Peeping Tom

7.00 The Hoobs 8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.25 Frasier 9.55 Will & Grace 10.20 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.55 Deal or No Deal 11.40 According to Jim 12.05 Without a Trace 13.00 Channel 4 News 13.05 Cooking It 13.30 The Home Show 14.35 War of the Wildcats 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 18.30 Come Dine with Me 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.30 Young, Angry and White 21.00 Relocation: Phil Down Under 22.00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 23.00 8 Out of 10 Cats 23.50 Rude Tube 0.50 4Music: The Album Chart Show: Mika Special 1.25 4Music: 4Play: Gil Scott-Heron 1.40 Gerry’s Big Decision 2.40 Drifting 2.55 The Schoolboy Who Sailed the World

7.00 - 9.05 Childrens Programs 9.05 Fifi and the Flowertots 9.15 Peppa Pig 9.25 Thomas & Friends 9.35 Igam Ogam 9.50 Funky Valley 9.55 Rupert Bear 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 How Not to Decorate 13.35 Five News 13.45 RSPCA: Have You Got What It Takes? 14.15 Hero Animals 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Animal Rescue Squad 16.05 Hidden Places 18.00 Five News; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Chris Barrie’s Massive Speed; Five News Update. 21.00 Elephant Charge: Austin Stevens’ Adventures; Five News at 9. 22.00 The Fifth Element 0.35 The Sexy Ads Show 1.05 SuperCasino 5.00 Motorsport Mundial

7.00 Breakfast 11.00 Saturday Kitchen 12.35 Rachel Allen: Home Cooking 13.00 BBC News 13.15 Football Focus 14.00 Inside Sport: Michael Johnson, Downhill Skier 14.30 Live Six Nations Rugby Union 16.55 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 17.05 Live Six Nations Rugby Union 19.45 Total Wipeout 20.45 So You Think You Can Dance 22.25 Casualty 23.15 Live at the Apollo 0.00 BBC News; Weather; National Lottery Update. 0.20 The Football League Show 1.35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross; Weatherview. 2.40 BBC News

7.00 - 9.00 Childrens Programs 9.00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab; Leon. 9.30 Jump Nation 10.30 Prank Patrol 11.00 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 11.30 Keep Your Enemies Close 12.00 The Slammer 12.30 Animals at Work 13.00 Winter Olympics: Opening Ceremony 14.00 The Importance of Being Earnest 15.35 Animal Park 16.35 Art of Russia 17.35 Final Score 18.15 A History of Christianity 19.15 Dad’s Army 19.45 Alaska: The Arctic Man Ski & Sno-Go Classic 20.30 Live Winter Olympics 22.15 The Virtual Revolution 23.15 QI XL 0.00 Heroes 0.45 The Persuasionists 1.15 Live Winter Olympics

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10.55 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11.55 Popstar to Operastar 12.55 News; Weather 12.59 Granada Weather 13.00 Live FA Cup Football 15.30 Field of Dreams 17.30 Granada News and Weather 17.45 ITV News and Weather 18.00 Live FA Cup Football 20.15 Harry Hill’s TV Burp 20.45 Take Me Out 21.45 All Star Mr & Mrs 22.45 Benidorm 23.45 ITV News and Weather; Weather 0.00 FA Cup Football Highlights 1.00 The Yakuza; ITV News Headlines. 3.05 American Graffiti

7.10 The Hoobs 7.35 Yo Gabba Gabba 8.05 Freesports on 4 8.30 World Sport 9.00 The Morning Line 9.55 T4: Friends 10.25 T4: Shooting Peter Andre 10.55 T4: Glee 11.50 T4: Mr Hudson Feat. Kanye West: Video Exclusive 11.55 T4: Dave Berry’s Great British Love Songs 12.55 T4: Ultimate Traveller 14.00 T4: Smallville 14.55 Channel 4 Racing from Newbury and Warwick 16.55 Three Hungry Boys 17.25 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.30 Channel 4 News 20.00 Fantastic Four 22.00 My Super ExGirlfriend 23.50 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 0.40 Volver 2.50 Swimming 3.05 Sleep with Me 3.30 Strange Little Girls 3.50 Afterworld 4.10 St Elsewhere

7.00 -9.00 Childrens Programs 9.00 Hana’s Helpline 9.15 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 9.30 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 9.50 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10.00 Olivia 10.15 The Mr Men Show 10.30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11.00 The Gadget Show 12.00 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 13.00 Chinese Food in Minutes 13.30 Zoo Days 14.00 Animal Rescue Squad 14.15 The Staircase Murders 16.05 Michael 18.05 Private Benjamin 20.00 Five News 20.05 NCIS 22.00 CSI: NY 23.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 0.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1.00 SuperCasino 5.05 House Doctor

7.00 Breakfast 10.00 The Andrew Marr Show 11.00 The Big Questions 12.00 Country Tracks 13.00 The Politics Show 14.00 EastEnders 15.00 Live Six Nations Rugby Union 17.30 A Question of Sport 18.00 Songs of Praise 18.35 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 19.00 Countryfile 20.00 Antiques Roadshow 21.00 Lark Rise to Candleford 22.00 Seven Ages of Britain 23.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 23.25 Great British Railway Journeys 23.55 Rabbit-Proof Fence 1.25 The Sky at Night; Weatherview. 1.50 Sign Zone: Dear Diary 2.50 Sign Zone: Holby City 3.50 Sign Zone: Wonderland - The Trouble with Mother

7.00 CBeebies: Jakers! 7.20 Clifford 7.35 Boo! 7.45 Louie 8.00 CBBC: Arthur. 8.15 Dennis and Gnasher 8.40 The Basil Brush Show 9.05 Jinx; Leon. 9.30 Dani’s House 10.00 Tracy Beaker Returns 10.30 Spirit Warriors 11.00 Something for the Weekend 12.30 Gardeners’ World 13.00 Winter Olympics 15.00 EastEnders 16.00 Escape to the Country 16.30 Two Brothers 18.10 Natural World 19.10 Lost Kingdoms of Africa 20.00 Porridge 20.30 Top Gear Winter Olympics Special 21.30 Live Winter Olympics 23.00 Apocalypto 1.10 Live Winter Olympics 5.00 The Super League Show

7.00 GMTV 10.25 FA Cup Football Highlights 11.25 Coronation Street 13.45 News; Weather 13.54 Granada Weather 13.55 Live FA Cup Football 18.55 Granada News and Weather 19.05 ITV News and Weather 19.20 Harry Hill’s TV Burp 19.50 Dancing on Ice 21.45 Wild at Heart 22.45 Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 23.15 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Gordon Brown 0.15 ITV News and Weather; Weather 0.30 Premiership Rugby Union 1.30 Champions League Weekly 2.00 All That Heaven Allows; ITV News Headlines. 3.35 Dating the Enemy 4.00 ITV Nightscreen

7.00 The Hoobs 7.25 The Track and Field Show 8.20 Powers of Three 9.00 The Best of the NBA 9.45 T4: The Hills 10.15 T4: Valentine’s Day: T4 Movie Special 10.50 T4: Hollyoaks 13.20 T4: Ultimate Traveller 14.25 T4: Outside-In Festival 15.45 T4: 90210 16.40 T4: The Simpsons 17.45 Deal or No Deal 18.30 Glee 19.30 Channel 4 News 20.00 The Bible: A History 21.00 X-Men 23.00 Derren Brown: Evening of Wonders 0.35 The Talented Mr Ripley 3.05 My Boyfriend: The MI5 Hoaxer 3.30 The Bypass 3.45 Afterworld 4.10 St Elsewhere 5.00 Hill Street Blues

7.00 Sunrise 8.00 Milkshake!: Elmo’s World. 8.15 Fireman Sam 8.25 Chiro 8.35 Make Way for Noddy 8.45 The WotWots 9.00 Hana’s Helpline 9.15 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 9.30 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 9.50 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10.00 Olivia 10.15 The Mr Men Show 10.30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11.00 Shake!: Hannah Montana. 11.35 Wizards of Waverly Place 12.10 Top Trumps: Warships 12.40 Ice Road Truckers 13.40 Lost and Found 15.40 The Prince of Tides 18.00 Five News 18.05 Mickey and the Seal 18.15 Mulan 19.55 50 First Dates 21.45 Click 23.50 Reign Over Me 2.10 SuperCasino 5.05 House Doctor

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 The Real A&E 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 WWE Superstars 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Got to Dance 22.00 Lost 23.00 Modern Family 0.00 Football’s Next Star 1.00 Road Wars 2.50 Ross Kemp: Return to Afghanistan 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 4.30 Battlestar Galactica

8.30 Cycling 9.30 Live America’s Cup Sailing 12.00 Live Cycling 13.00 Live WTA Tennis 14.45 Cycling 15.00 Live WTA Tennis 16.45 Football: World Cup Preview 17.15 Eurogoals Flash 17.30 Winter Olympics Countdown 18.00 Live Winter Olympic Ski Jumping 20.00 Winter Olympic Alpine Skiing 20.45 Live Winter Olympic Alpine Skiing 22.45 Winter Olympic Ski Jumping 23.45 Olympic Magazine 0.15 Freeride Spirit Show 0.45 Winter Sports 1.15 Winter Olympic Ski Jumping 2.15 Winter Olympic Alpine Skiing

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 Four Weddings 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Grey’s Anatomy 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Nothing to Declare 22.00 Criminal Minds 23.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Boston Legal 3.00 Diet on the Dancefloor 4.00 Charmed 5.40 10 Years Younger US

7.10 - 8.25 Winter Olympic Breakfast and Ski Jumping 8.25 Winter Olympic Games: Opening Ceremony 11.00 W.O Ski Jumping 12.00 W.O Finish Line 12.30 Winter Olympic Games: Opening Ceremony 15.00 W.O Finish Line 15.30 W.O Alpine Skiing 16.30 W.O Ski Jumping 17.30 W.O Finish Line 18.00 Live W.O Ski Jumping 18.15 W.O Countdown 18.30 Live W.OSki Jumping 20.30 Live W.OAlpine Skiing 22.00 Live W.O Biathlon 23.15 Live Winter Olympic Speed Skating 23.30 W.O Ski Jumping 1.00 W.O Biathlon 2.00 Live W.O Speed Skating 4.30 Live Winter Olympic Freestyle Skiing

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 I Dream of Jeannie 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 My Wife and Kids 11.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 12.00 Will & Grace 13.00 Canada’s Next Top Model 14.00 Ghost Whisperer 15.00 Four Weddings 18.00 Nothing to Declare 19.00 Nancy Drew 21.00 Criminal Minds 22.00 Most Haunted: The Live Series 0.00 Medium 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Canada’s Next Top Model 3.00 Boston Legal 4.00 Exposed: Take That 4.50 Will & Grace

7.15 W.O Breakfast and Biathlon 8.25 W.O Ski Jumping 10.00 W.OAlpine Skiing 11.00 Winter Olympic Biathlon 12.00 W.O Finish Line 12.30 W.O Ski Jumping 14.00 Winter Olympic Biathlon 15.00 W.O Finish Line 15.30 W.O Alpine Skiing 16.15 W.O Ski Jumping 17.00 Winter Olympic Biathlon 18.00 W.O Finish Line 18.30 W.O Countdown 19.00 Live W.O Alpine Skiing 20.15 Live W.O Biathlon 21.30 Winter Olympic Nordic Combined Skiing 22.00 Live W.O Alpine Skiing 23.00 Live Winter Olympic Nordic Combined Skiing 23.30 W.O Speed Skating 0.00 Live W.OLuge 2.00 Live W.O Figure Skating 3.45 Live W.O Freestyle Skiing

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 I Dream of Jeannie 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 So You Think You Can Dance 12.00 America’s Next Top Model 13.00 Nancy Drew 15.00 Grey’s Anatomy 19.00 Nothing to Declare 20.00 Psychic Sally: On the Road 21.00 Changing Faces 22.00 Criminal Minds 23.00 Supernatural 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 America’s Next Top Model 3.00 Grey’s Anatomy 4.50 Boston Legal 5.40 Exposed: Kate Moss

Elephant Charge: Austin Stevens’ Adventures Five,


7.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 8.00 Malcolm in the Middle 9.00 Football’s Next Star 10.00 Soccer AM 13.00 The Simpsons 14.00 Oops TV 15.00 Got to Dance 16.00 Fat Families 17.00 Bite Size Brainiac 17.20 Modern Family 17.50 Got to Dance 19.00 Futurama 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Oops TV 22.00 Die Hard 2 0.20 Got to Dance 1.20 Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza 2.20 Road Wars 3.10 NCIS: Los Angeles 4.05 Road Wars

Winter Olympic Games: Opening Ceremony Eurosport,

8.25 &12.30

7.00 Hour of Power 8.00 Oops TV 9.00 Malcolm in the Middle 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 WWE Superstars 12.00 WWE: Experience 13.00 The Simpsons 14.00 Futurama 15.00 The Real A&E 16.00 Fat Families 17.00 Got to Dance 18.00 The Simpsons 19.00 Got to Dance 20.30 Pineapple Dance Studios 21.00 Football’s Next Star 22.00 24 23.00 House 0.00 Modern Family 0.30 Pineapple Dance Studios 1.00 Football’s Next Star 2.00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 2.50 Road Wars 4.55 Drugs Wars: DEA


Millionaire X-Men Channel 4, 10.00pm 4, Channel 21.00

tv Monday

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 The Real A&E 17.30 Pineapple Dance Studios 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Are You Smarter Than Your 10 Year Old? 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Football’s Next Star 22.00 How to Get What You Want 23.00 House 0.00 24 1.00 Road Wars 2.50 Ross Kemp in Afghanistan 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Animal 24:7 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 - 14.45 BBC News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC:Dennis and Gnasher; Leon. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 17.35 MI High 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 - 20.00 BBC News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 Inside Out; BBC News 21.00 EastEnders 21.30 Panorama 22.00 Cars, Cops and Criminals 23.00 - 23.35 BBC News 23.35 Sue Johnston’s Shangri La 0.30 Late Kick Off 1.00 American Cousins 2.35 Sign Zone: Delia Through the Decades 3.05 Sign Zone: The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best

7.00 - 9.00 Childrens Programs 9.00 CBBC: Arthur. 9.30 Dennis and Gnasher 9.40 What’s New Scooby-Doo? 10.00 Copycats 10.30 League of Super Evil; Angus & Cheryl. 10.45 Prank Patrol 11.15 Doctor Who: Dreamland 12.00 Animal Park: Wild on the West Coast 13.00 Castle in the Country 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Car Booty 14.45 Winter Olympics 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Instant Restaurant 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Priceless Antiques Roadshow 20.00 Seven Ages of Britain 21.00 University Challenge 21.30 Raymond Blanc: Kitchen Secrets 22.00 Generation Jihad 23.00 Nurse Jackie 23.30 Newsnight; Weather 0.20 Live Winter Olympics

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Gift 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Coronation Street 21.00 The Lakes 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 Law & Order: UK 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Brits Hits 30 0.35 Crossroads; ITV News Headlines. 2.15 Loose Women 3.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show

7.10 The Hoobs 8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.20 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.50 Deal or No Deal 11.40 According to Jim 12.05 Without a Trace 13.00 Channel 4 News 13.05 What’s in a Word? 13.20 Cooking It 13.50 Bad Day at Black Rock 15.25 Glamour Puds 15.55 The TV Book Club 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 17.55 Coach Trip 18.30 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 The Political Slot 21.00 Dispatches: Kids Don’t Count 22.00 Tower Block of Commons 23.00 The Good Wife 23.55 Elektra 1.45 Clay Pigeons 3.40 Volvo Ocean Race

7.00 - 9.25 Childrens Programs 9.25 Thomas & Friends 9.35 Igam Ogam 9.50 Funky Valley 9.55 Rupert Bear 10.05 Mio Mao 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 How Not to Decorate 13.35 Five News 13.45 RSPCA: Have You Got What It Takes? 14.15 Wild Animal ER 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Animal Rescue Squad 16.05 Earthstorm 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 How Do They Do It?; Five News Update. 21.00 The Gadget Show; Five News at 9. 22.00 Paul Merton in Europe 23.00 Se7en 1.30 Urban Legends 2.00 SuperCasino

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Animal 24:7 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 - 14.45 BBC News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 Deadly 60; Street Monsters. 17.35 Blue Peter 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 - 20.00 BBC News; 20.00 The One Show 20.30 EastEnders; BBC News 21.00 Holby City 22.00 Survivors 23.00 - 23.35 BBC News 23.35 Having a Baby to Save My Child 0.15 Film 2010 with Jonathan Ross 0.45 The Apprentice USA 2.15 Sign Zone: See Hear 2.45 Sign Zone: My Child Won’t Speak

7.00 - 9.00 Childrens Programs 9.00 CBBC: Arthur. 9.30 Dennis and Gnasher 9.40 What’s New Scooby-Doo? 10.00 Copycats 10.30 League of Super Evil; Angus & Cheryl. 10.45 Prank Patrol 11.15 Shaun the Sheep 11.30 Basil’s Game Show 12.00 Animal Park: Wild on the West Coast 13.00 Castle in the Country 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Car Booty 14.45 Winter Olympics 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Instant Restaurant 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Priceless Antiques Roadshow 20.00 Andrew Marr’s History of Modern Britain 21.00 Live Winter Olympics 23.00 Muslim Driving School 23.30 Newsnight; Weather. 0.20 Live Winter Olympics

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Gift 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 The Krypton Factor 21.00 The Brit Awards 2010 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 8 Mile 1.40 Premiership Rugby Union; ITV News Headlines. 2.30 Loose Women 3.20 The Jeremy Kyle Show

7.10 The Hoobs 8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.20 Coach Trip 10.50 Deal or No Deal 11.40 According to Jim 12.05 Without a Trace 13.00 Channel 4 News 13.05 The Home Show 14.00 Blossoms in the Dust 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 17.55 Coach Trip 18.30 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 The Political Slot 21.00 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 22.00 One Born Every Minute 23.00 Shameless 0.10 The Big Bang Theory 0.35 8 Out of 10 Cats 1.25 Late Night Poker 2.30 World Sport 3.00 The Best of the NBA 3.40 Bullrun

7.00 - 9.50 Childrens Programs 9.50 Funky Valley 9.55 Rupert Bear 10.05 Mio Mao 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 How Not to Decorate 13.35 Five News 13.45 RSPCA: Have You Got What It Takes? 14.15 Wild Animal ER 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 The Family Recipe 16.00 Rescuers: Stories of Courage - Two Couples 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Chinese Food in Minutes; Five News Update. 21.00 Ice Road Truckers; Five News at 9. 22.00 Crime Scene Investigation 23.00 CSI Trilogy; Five News 0.00 CSI: NY 1.00 NCIS 1.55 SuperCasino 5.00 Wildlife SOS

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 The Real A&E 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Are You Smarter Than Your 10 Year Old? 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Stargate Universe 22.00 Caprica 23.00 Fringe 0.00 Lost 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Caprica 2.50 Road Wars 3.40 Ross Kemp on Gangs 4.30 Don’t Forget the Lyrics

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Animal 24:7 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 - 14.45 BBC News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: Dennis and Gnasher; Leon. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 SMart; Street Monsters. 17.35 Blue Peter 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 - 20.00 BBC News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers; BBC News 21.00 Holby City 22.00 New Tricks 23.00 - 23.35 BBC News 23.35 The National Lottery Draws 23.45 Material Girl; National Lottery Update. 0.45 The Color of Money 2.45 Sign Zone: Antiques Roadshow 3.45 Sign Zone: Country Tracks

7.00 - 9.00 Childrens Programs 9.00 CBBC: Arthur. 9.15 Arthur 9.30 Dennis and Gnasher 9.40 What’s New Scooby-Doo? 10.00 Copycats 10.30 League of Super Evil; Angus & Cheryl. 10.45 Prank Patrol 11.15 Shaun the Sheep 11.30 Basil’s Game Show 12.00 Animal Park: Wild on the West Coast 13.00 Castle in the Country 13.30 Nature’s Calendar 14.00 See Hear 14.30 Working Lunch 15.00 Winter Olympics 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Instant Restaurant 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Live Winter Olympics 21.30 The Hairy Bakers 22.00 Horizon: What Makes a Genius? 23.00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 23.30 Newsnight; Weather 0.20 Live Winter Olympics

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Gift 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Live UEFA Champions League 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Champions League Extra Time 1.00 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Emergency 1.50 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Mystery; ITV News Headlines. 2.45 Loose Women

7.00 The Treacle People 7.10 The Hoobs 8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.45 Will & Grace 10.15 Coach Trip 10.45 Deal or No Deal 11.35 According to Jim 12.05 Without a Trace 13.00 Channel 4 News 13.05 3 Minute Wonder: The Estate 13.10 Cooking It 13.35 Air Force 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 17.55 Coach Trip 18.30 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 21.00 Relocation, Relocation 22.00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 23.00 Desperate Housewives 0.00 Shameless 1.05 4Music: 4Music Intros: Mumford & Sons 1.10 4Music: 360 Sessions 1.45 4Music: 4Music Intros: Taio Cruz

7.00 - 9.50 Childrens Programs 9.50 Funky Valley 9.55 Rupert Bear 10.05 Mio Mao 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 How Not to Decorate 13.35 Five News 13.45 RSPCA: Have You Got What It Takes? 14.15 Wild Animal ER 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Animal Rescue Squad 16.00 The Family Recipe 16.10 Murder Without Conviction 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Monkey Life; Five News Update. 21.00 Natascha: The Girl in the Cellar; Five News at 9. 22.00 NCIS 23.00 Numb3rs 0.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 0.55 Poker 1.55 SuperCasino

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 The Real A&E 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Are You Smarter Than Your 10 Year Old? 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Got to Dance 22.30 Pineapple Dance Studios 23.00 Die Hard 2 1.20 Road Wars 3.15 Ross Kemp on Gangs

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday


7.15 W.O Breakfast 7.25 W.O Alpine Skiing 8.15 W.O Breakfast 8.30 W.O Figure Skating 10.00 W.OAlpine Skiing 11.00 W.O Biathlon 12.00 W.O Finish Line 12.30 W.O Figure Skating 13.30 Winter Olympic Nordic Combined Skiing 14.00 W.O Alpine Skiing 15.00 W.O Finish Line 15.30 Winter Olympic Nordic Combined Skiing 16.00 W.O Biathlon 17.00 Champions Club 18.00 W.O Finish Line 18.30 W.O Countdown 19.00 Live Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 20.15 W.O Figure Skating 21.30 Live Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 23.00 LiveW.O Snowboarding 0.15 - 3.45 Live W.O Speed Skating

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 Four Weddings 13.30 Will & Grace 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Grey’s Anatomy 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Britain’s Worst Neighbour 22.00 America’s Next Top Model 23.00 Changing Faces 0.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Boston Legal 3.05 Diet on the Dancefloor 4.00 Charmed

7.15 W.O Breakfast 7.30 W.O Cross-Country Skiing 8.15 W.O Breakfast 8.25 W.O Figure Skating 10.00 W.O Cross-Country Skiing 12.00 W.O Finish Line 12.30 W.O Figure Skating 14.00 W.O Cross-Country Skiing 15.00 W.O Finish Line 15.30 W.O Cross-Country Skiing 16.30 W.O Figure Skating 18.00 W.O Finish Line 18.30 W.O Countdown 19.00 Live W.O Alpine Skiing 19.30 Live W.O Biathlon 20.15 W.O Alpine Skiing 20.30 W.O Cross-Country Skiing 21.15 Live W.O Snowboarding 21.45 LiveW.O Biathlon 22.30 Live W.O Alpine Skiing 23.30 Live W.O Speed Skating 1.00 W.O Luge 1.30 Live Winter Olympic Figure Skating

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 Four Weddings 13.30 Will & Grace 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Grey’s Anatomy 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 America’s Next Top Model 22.00 Psychic Sally: On the Road 23.00 Most Haunted 0.00 Supernatural 2.00 Grey’s Anatomy 3.00 Hotel Babylon 4.05 Diet on the Dancefloor

Elektra Channel 4, 23.55

NUMB3RS five, 23.00

Animal Park: Wild on the West Coast BBC two, 12.00

7.15 W.O Breakfast 7.25 Live W.O Ice Hockey 8.15 W.O Breakfast 8.25 W.O Figure Skating 10.00 W.O Biathlon 11.00 W.O Alpine Skiing 12.00 W.O Finish Line 12.30 W.O Biathlon 13.45 W.O Alpine Skiing 15.00 W.O Finish Line 15.30 W.O Biathlon 16.30 W.OFigure Skating 17.50 Eurogoals Flash 18.00 W.O Finish Line 18.30 W.O Countdown 19.00 Live Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 20.00 Live W.O Alpine Skiing 21.30 Live Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 23.00 W.O Figure Skating 0.30 W.O Alpine Skiing 1.00 Live W.O Speed Skating 4.15 Live W.O Snowboarding

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 Four Weddings 13.30 Will & Grace 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Grey’s Anatomy 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Grey’s Anatomy 22.00 Supernatural 23.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 0.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Hotel Babylon 3.05 Diet on the Dancefloo

tv Thursday


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Animal 24:7 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 - 14.45 BBC News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher; Leon. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 Horrible Histories 17.35 Relic: Guardians of the Museum 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News; Weather 19.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 20.00 The One Show 20.30 EastEnders; BBC News; Regional News. 21.30 MasterChef 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News; Weather 23.35 Question Time 0.35 The Weather Man; Skiing Weatherview. 2.15 Sign Zone: Panorama 2.45 Sign Zone: Art of Russia 3.45 Sign Zone: Countryfile

7.00 CBeebies: Jakers! 7.20 Clifford 7.35 Boo! 7.45 Louie 7.55 Pingu 8.00 Green Balloon Goes on Holiday 8.25 Finley the Fire Engine 8.40 Kerwhizz 9.00 CBBC: Arthur. 9.15 Arthur 9.30 Dennis and Gnasher 9.40 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 10.00 Copycats 10.30 League of Super Evil; Angus & Cheryl. 10.45 Prank Patrol 11.15 Shaun the Sheep 11.30 Basil’s Game Show 12.00 Animal Park: Wild on the West Coast 13.00 Castle in the Country 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Car Booty 14.45 Winter Olympics 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Instant Restaurant 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Priceless Antiques Roadshow 20.00 The Culture Show 21.00 Simon King’s Shetland Diaries 22.00 Mock the Week 22.30 Rab C Nesbitt 23.00 Bellamy’s People 23.30 Newsnight; Weather 0.20 Live Winter Olympics

Ghost Whisperer Living, 20.00

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Gift 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 CCTV - Cashing in on Cameras: Tonight 21.00 Emmerdale 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 The Bill 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Road Warriors 0.35 The Krypton Factor 1.05 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Crime; ITV News Headlines. 2.00 Loose Women 2.50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.35 CCTV - Cashing in on Cameras: Tonight

7.00 Sali Mali 7.05 The Hoobs 8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.15 Coach Trip 10.50 Deal or No Deal 11.35 According to Jim 12.10 Without a Trace 13.00 Channel 4 News 13.05 3 Minute Wonder: The Estate 13.10 The Home Show 14.05 Torpedo Run 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 17.55 Coach Trip 18.30 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 21.00 My Dream Farm 22.00 My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding 23.00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23.50 Derren Brown: The Gathering 1.00 PhoneShop 1.35 4Music Intros: Codeine Velvet Club 1.40 4Music Intros: Erik Hassle 1.50 Daredevils: The Ice Man 2.50 Behind Enemy Lines: Axis of Evil

7.00 - 8.00 Childrens Programs 8.00 Peppa Pig 8.05 Little Princess 8.20 The Mr Men Show 8.30 Roary the Racing Car 8.45 Noddy in Toyland 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots 9.15 Peppa Pig 9.25 Thomas & Friends 9.35 Igam Ogam 9.50 Funky Valley 9.55 Rupert Bear 10.05 Mio Mao 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 How Not to Decorate 13.35 Five News 13.45 Animal Rescue Squad 14.15 Wild Animal ER 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Animal Rescue Squad 16.05 Jane Doe: The Wrong Face 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Live UEFA Europa League Football 23.10 Cobra 1.00 SuperCasino

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 13.30 Oops TV 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 The Real A&E 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Are You Smarter Than Your 10 Year Old? 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Modern Family 21.30 Two and a Half Men 22.00 Bones 23.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 0.00 Cold Case 1.00 Road Wars 2.50 Ross Kemp on Gangs 3.40 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? 4.30 Don’t Forget the Lyrics US

7.15 W.O Breakfast 7.25 Live W.O Ice Hockey 8.15 W.O Breakfast 8.25 W.O Alpine Skiing 10.00 W.O Ice Hockey 11.00 Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 12.00 W.O Finish Line 12.30 W.O Speed Skating 13.00 W.O Alpine Skiing 14.00 Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 15.00 W.O Finish Line 15.30 W.O Speed Skating 16.00 W.O Alpine Skiing 17.00 Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 17.50 Eurogoals Flash 18.00 W.O Finish Line 18.30 W.O Countdown 19.00 W.O Olympic Biathlon 20.45 Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 22.00 Live W.O Biathlon 23.45 W.O Speed Skating 0.45 W.O Biathlon 1.45 Live Winter Olympic

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 Four Weddings 13.30 Will & Grace 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Grey’s Anatomy 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Medium 22.00 Criminal Minds 23.00 Grey’s Anatomy 0.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Hotel Babylon 3.05 Diet on the Dancefloor

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 538

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Plain clothes; 7 Bantu; 8 Nadir; 9 Leo; 10 Decameron; 11 Enmity; 12 Itself; 15 Boy Scouts; 17 Air; 18 Radii; 19 Fibre; 21 Alternatives. Down: 1 Parallel bars; 2 Nun; 3 Launch; 4 Tinsmiths; 5 Eider; 6 Transformers; 7 Broom; 10 Detective; 13 Erase; 14 Puffin; 16 Yodel; 20 Bit. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Plain clothes; 7 Aspic; 8 Enrol; 9 Opt; 10 Antipathy; 11 War-cry; 12 Parson; 15 Religious; 17 Oaf; 18 Eaten; 19 Watch; 21 Reverberated. Down: 1 Prison warder; 2 Nip; 3 Locate; 4 Thespians; 5 Egret; 6 Playing field; 7 Alter; 10 Arrogance; 13 Sloth; 14 Cobweb; 16 Lithe; 20 Tor.

Bible study in English Ideal Lights Spain BULGARIAN PLAMEN and Maria Petrov run a successful Christian ministry and are much in demand, pastoring a number of small Bulgarian churches. Plamen’s main gift is preaching and teaching: Marya is also an extremely gifted and talented artist (not just in painting but in all art forms) and an exhibition of her work was held in the Guardamar library last August. Plamen and his family all communicate effectively in English and he wishes to start a Bible study group for English speakers. He does not want to take people away from churches they may be involved in but feels there may be people who cannot attend a local English-speaking church who would appreciate the opportunity to study the Bible on a weekly basis. Anyone interested in taking part or perhaps hosting a Bible reading may contact Plamen and Marya on 966 725 355 or plamenpetroff@yahoo.com

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Book Review by

Danny Collins


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

New Moon NEW MOON is the second book in a ‘cuartology’ (that’s my word, like it?) by Stephenie Meyer about a normal world inhabited by us, werewolves, and vampires. It is the sequel to Twilight, which launched the series and caught on so much that New Moon has been filmed as a TV mini series and has the girls swooning over the pale good looks of its principal character, Edward. Edward’s a vampire but a nice one; probably the kind you’d bring home to meet Mum but not allow near the jugged hare. Nice vampires control themselves when they’re around us – evidently we smell delicious so this one had never caught me first thing in the morning – and don’t eat people. Nonetheless, there are a few bad ones about who do. Edward is loved by human Bella Swan but as vampires, good or bad, have a body temperature


Author: Stephenie Meyer Publisher: atom (paperback) Price: €9.10 ISBN: 978 1904 233886

of zero degrees and are psychically hard as marble, I can’t really see what she sees in him. Mind you, they’re all beautiful but it must be like trying to get your leg over Michelangelo’s David. Never mind; love is never easy. Especially so when Edward and his family decide to leave the area after Bella cuts her finger and having Bella for dinner almost becomes more of a reality than an invitation. So Bella’s left to pass the time with Jacob Black, a sophomore college friend who’s a Red Indian, who also turns out to be a werewolf like most of the young men of his tribe. The werewolves turn out to

be ancient, traditional enemies of the vampires, which makes social gatherings rather fraught. Nonetheless it all comes right in the end; well, almost, since New Moon continues into Eclipse, the third book in the cuartology (love that word). As one who always enjoys a well written book that stretches credibility, I enjoyed this work immensely and shall now wade through the series, having met the characters. Actually I once had a girlfriend who had a very pale complexion and always disappeared around dawn but I believe she worked on the buses. copy@dannyjpcollins.com

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.










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8-14 JANUARY 12-18 FEBRUARY2010 2010

A pearl of wisdom MANY CLIENTS call me regarding previous readings that they have had, recalling past messages sent from Spirit, passed on through me. I love these updates and to hear how progress has been made seems to bring continuity and some closure for both my clients and myself. Sometimes these calls refer to things that happened way back in the past, and sometimes I can remember so very well, and others are hazy memories meaning that I need a prompt. Only too often though, when working with someone that I have met and worked with, the Spiritual energy starts to shine through and I can pick up the threads. When Margaret rang me last week I quickly remembered her sitting with me. Recalling that her Grandfather was a much travelled man, and a merchant seaman, we had shared together some tales during the appointment, and his energy had come through commensurate with the dynamic and positive energy he had. I recalled that this man had brought back many souvenirs of his travels across the seas. A capuchin monkey was smuggled back on one occasion, and this was a good trigger to help me remember him. My client had played with that monkey when she was a little girl. Margaret reminded me that I had described in detail some of those wonderful gifts, and I had to ask her whether they were still in her possession. Some were and some weren’t, but I remembered asking her where the sapphires were, and what was the black stone she kept? This part of the sitting meant nothing to her since there were no precious stones in his bequest to her, just a lot of very beautiful and exotic memories brought about by many little gifts. Mementoes of the regular ports of call had survived, but these were wooden

or ceramic, glass or cotton, and whilst their financial value was very low, they had a sentimental value and had helped me to link in with the old grandfather himself; so they had served their purpose. Margaret couldn’t wait to tell me that she had always treasured a carved black wooden box which she believed came from Java. It was always in pride of place on her coffee table, and was much admired by visitors always. One such visitor just recently was an antique dealer and her future son in law. He immediately noticed the box, and commented that this type of Chinese box often had a secret compartment but they were hard to open because the mechanisms often ceased up within the box and kept the secret only too safely. He examined the box, and after several attempts a secret drawer was revealed. It was lined with cotton wool, and in a silk pouch were sapphires, a quantity of jade, a diamond and a black misshapen pebble. Nobody was more surprised than Margaret, and nobody happier than me at this great discovery, and the confirmation that grandfather had brought back such a valuable gift. Though it was in a bad condition, the black pebble was actually a rare grey pearl. In good condition, and blacker, and it would have been worth a fortune, but even so, a collector paid enough for it to stump up for the impending wedding and a good honeymoon for her daughter. Spirit did their job, and I did mine. We had to wait patiently for the tale to be qualified, and the right result to be known, but we got there in the end!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

When my husband departed, he appeared to be so calm and resolved. He was a Church goer and I never really accepted religion in my life, though I was happy for him to defend his faith. Now I am wondering if he will be able to make contact with me. I only followed my own atheist principles which I fear maybe may stop any spiritual contact. Mrs. Mc.K. Contact is brought about by love and can only be experienced by those who have faith in the system. Contact transcends all religions, and I think that you are more agnostic than atheist if you have any feelings regarding even the possibility of spiritual contact. Keep an open mind because that’s your right, but remember that love connected you with your husband, and that Spirit will so too connect you if you allow it to happen. Light a candle for your partner and tell him that you want to hear anything that he may have to say. Religions and faith do not stop sending evidence of survival, which I feel is just what you need right now!

New online forum!

www.kennycorris.net/forum Please feel free to ask questions of Kenny and read questions and comments of others.

Kenny’s Diary The popular afternoon Spiritual Teaparty at the Bistro Maya continues on Wednesday 17th February at 16.00. After giving a talk to the group, amidst the cucumber sandwiches, there will be a chance for private readings with Kenny. Also attending will be Spiritual Workers who will offer their services of healing and clairvoyance; angel divination; tarot and a host of others. Come and spend the afternoon at the Costa Blanca’s uniquely Spiritual Café. Details and appointments on: 966 868 213. Mini readings with me are available on Monday 15th from 16.30 too!

Contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 www.kennycorris.net

Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Happy Valentine’s Day as Venus reacts positively with both Mars and Saturn and anchors in Pluto. This may cause you to question a new relationship and will find you looking for a sign to confirm that all is well with affairs of the heart before you start shooting the golden arrows. Positive actions will not fool you into making any decisions but they are better than waiting for the proof that you need, which may be some time in coming. Venus, your powerful and romantic leader, re-acts with Jupiter at the end of the week, bringing luck and positive energies just when and where they are needed to make the right connections. Time to take a chance on what you now know you have to do. Luck and good fortune floods into your life and this minimises risks, putting you for once in the right place at the right time and in a position to make the most of it all. Mars is in quadrant with Leo and it is your stupid pride that is stopping things right now. Either agree to what’s on offer, or just agree to disagree and walk away. Any prolonging of the situation is unwarranted and unnecessary and this reflects on you. With Venus inconjuncting with Saturn, your heart is all over the place but you have to make sure that prompt actions will speak louder than any words ever could. Neptune enters into Aquarian territory and this heralds a new phase in which your innermost energies combine with practicalities to move you to new levels. There is so much inner creativity that needs to see the light of day, rather than be hidden within the safety of your resilient shell. Ignore all that others tell you; any further instructions should come from within, as you find your own way and set your own ground rules. Firmly embedded with Mars, Leo is once again on the defensive and looking for a way to keep everything together once more. Conserving energies right now is a clever move since although there is work to be done it isn’t your turn right now. And you are only waiting until the time and the tide is right before you make your move. Shortly, Mars sextiles with Saturn so your chance may be a lot closer than you think, and your success a certainty. With Chiron in Aquarius this is a good time to make plans for travel, as long as the decisions are yours. A corner has developed that allows you to look further afield and your expertise in organisation will assure this is a job well done. With a destination in mind this escape will be something to look forward to and it will reconnect you with a friendship from the past as you play the houseguest and enjoy the hospitality for a change. Your Planetary Leader is enjoying a busy time connecting with Mars and Saturn to bring you balance, and with Jupiter, Planet of Destiny to help you along the pathway. Do not see your next move as anything more than connecting with the hand of fate. There can be no regrets and nothing must stand in your way as you open to that which you know that you must right now. Keep options open and your mind fixed on your own priorities. Mars connects with Venus highlighting you current need to be loved and understood. Your current level of hard work acts as a smokescreen for the real event right now: the healing of a broken heart. Your courage and your faith will help you all along the way, but you do not need to be alone right now when there are suitable alternatives, and the time is right. Open your heart to let in the love that you need. Your trusty and lucky Planetary leader confronts Mars whilst residing in Piscean territory. This serves to fan the flames of discontent as you can see things aren’t exactly going your way. You appear to need to make changes but are held back by current pressures and a temporary inability to see a clear way forward. When the time is right you will be poised to strike, but even you do not know just when that will be. Playing host to Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, it is hardly surprising that you have mixed energies within. Pluto lets you see deeply into your negative energies, and ensures, however, that you look at things from a different angle. Use this unique opportunity to make sure you see the whole picture, and fearlessly make plans in which you and you alone are the focus. With this instruction sent, others will fall in with your wants and needs right now. Neptune comes to the rescue right at the end of the week, just as you are ready and finally resolved to allow bygones to be bygones. Your own spiritual connection is showing you a clear way forward, but you are very independent and stubborn when you need to be, and things must be on your terms if they are to grab your attention right now. Ask for the guidance you need and be true to yourself and all that you hold dear. As the Sun enters on the 18th, we are bathed in the light of the mystical, the magical and the free thinking. Piscean time brings love and light just when for many there is darkness and fear. Your energies are boundless and you are, this time around, very unafraid by the newly found responsibilities that will show you more than ever that you have a specific task to do. The next few weeks will see you calmly taking control and calling the shots!

If it’s your birthday this week... Expect an emotive and positive response to all that you attempt and the very best results to confirm your hopes, wishes and desires for the year ahead.

8-14 JANUARY 12-18 FEBRUARY2010 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.


34 35 38 39 46 3


No ticket won the 100,000,000 Euros jackpot prize


ANSWERS & WINNER Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 54. Crossword winner for issue 538: Hilary Clarke, Los Balcones

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 1. Founding (6) 4. Fit (6) 9. Discomfiture (13) 10. Right (7) 11. Banish (5) 12. Impediment (5) 14. Blemish (5) 18. Intelligence (5) 19. Take out (7) 21. Prosaic (13) 22. Give (6) 23. Made smooth (6)

ACROSS 1. Cut the corner? (6) 4. As drunk as a herring! (6) 9. Could they be hard-fought sewing contests? (6-7) 10. Organise a place for firing practice, we hear (7) 11. One has a nose for this (5) 12. Light meal container required about the end of the afternoon (5) 14. Transport by sea is a matter of skill (5) 18. This peg is fixed in the window elsewhere (5) 19. Where Arthur arrived with many more (7) 21. This provides solidity for one on the way to the bank (8-5) 22. Famous seaman shows a hold one can’t escape from (6) 23. Twists and relaxes, we hear (6)


DOWN 1. Rupture (6) 2. Inferiority (13) 3. Cherish (5) 5. Esteem (7) 6. Rainfall (13) 7. Decaying (6) 8. Offensive (5) 13. Touch (7) 15. Ridiculous (6) 16. Send (5) 17. Be present (6) 20. Track (5)

Who said that?

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.



Mark Twain




DOWN 1. The sort of weight for cockfighting? (6) 2. It’s enough to drive you round the bend! (8-5) 3. Stop and pass on (5) 5. Exit in the open air (7) 6. They help to fill up a form at the same time (6-7) 7. Make an unauthorised departure in a private capacity! (6) 8. Brown figure without a head (5) 13. Extempore song and a variety of plays taken in by the company (7) 15. Describing the strong favourite “Rum Boy” (4,2) 16. Street contains one bin - hardly enough (5) 17. Aquatic creatures made to rest (6) 20. A man of endless wretchedness (5)

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

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12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


New look for the Fiat Bravo

New stylistic features for the Fiat Bravo which this 2010 has decided to be even more modern and stylish. FOR THE exterior: front section grille in black or metallic finish, just like the grillle (in metallic finish on all versions except the Emotion, on which it is chromed), door mirrors and handles in matching bodywork paint, burnished headlights and clear indicator lights. There are also novelties in the range of colours, with two new shades: one grey and the other pearl. The Active and Dynamic versions also feature new interiors: in the former, the dashboard now has a “carbon look” effect, which is trendier and The new more stylish, while in interior the Dynamic version the those who want to save on fabrics have a new pattern the pennies, the Bravo 2010 and new colours, such as offers new optional “packs”. Sand, making the interiors The Active Sound pack brighter and improving the containing fog lights, radio feeling of spaciousness. CD and MP3 player in the The range of engines Active version; the Blue remains the same but the 9 Dynamic pack offering engines available cover any Blue&MeTM, rear parking type of requirement, and sensors and rear electric among these, if you care windows in the Dynamic for the environment, then version; the Blue Emotion pick the 1.4 90 HP (which pack which includes is already Euro 5) and the Blue&MeTM, front and LPG versions, also available rear parking sensors, in Emotion version. And for

rain and dusk sensor, and electric folding door mirrors in the Emotion version; and last but not least the Blue Sport pack with Blue&MeTM, 18” alloy wheels, and tinted rear windows and screen in the Sport version. One last piece of good news: the prices of the Bravo 2010 remain the same as the corresponding 2009 versions. For a really “bravo” 2010.



12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

Costa Blanca South Age Concern C/Blanca Sur 966786887 Mon-Fri 10-1.30pm. Centre, C/Paganini, Urb La Siesta, Torre. Charity Shop C/Patricio Zammit 41, T orre. Alcoholics Anonymous C/Blanca North 648169045. C/Blanca South 625912078 www.aa-costablanca.org Animal Aid Charity Linda 965725794 www.animalaidcostablanca.org A.E.C.C. (Assoc Española Contra el Cancer) C/Calera, 2 Torre. Wed 9am-1pm 965716679. A.E.C.C. Pilar de la Horadada Branch Wed 10-12pm Una Europa building. Autos y Caravanas de España (ACE) Caroline 965842562. Badminton Pilar de la Horadada John McGilvray 966786774 carolejohn_3@hotmail.com Badminton San Pedro del Pinatar 651483809/965727816. Baobabs Club Ted 966709881, Jean 966784735, Brian 966791970. Benijofar Chess Club Richard 660825390. Benimar Social Club Richard 660825390/Marlene 626407362. Boule Grp Guardamar 690338115. Campoverde Theatre Grp Dorothy Gates 966761812. Cancer Support (MABS) Gran Alacant Jan & Agnie 966697754. Caring Together Regional Hospice Asn. (RPA 5377) 649956365/ 965894240 www.caringspain.com info@caringspain.com Carp-R-Us Angling/Social Club New Members’ Sec 966712351 rojales1@gmail.com Catral Model Railway Grp Mike 662022190. Church On The Way Quesada Reg SG1265 sec A. Pastors: Rod/Janet 966712584/666001543 info@churchontheway.es www.churchontheway.es C.L.A.R.O Independent Party Orihuela Costa office Mon-Fri 111pm Rest Asturias. Classic Scooter Club Del 966765026/617998265 Club 600 y Clásicos de Orihuela y Vega Baja 965716360 www.club600orihuela.com info@club600orihuela.com Coro Pilar Dennis 966762954. COSTA BLANCA BIKERS Contact Pete 644143678 Bob 600677583, pete@frstyres.co.uk Costa Blanca Big Band 966731723. Costa Blanca Samaritans Helpline: 902883535 Mon-Fri 8pm-12am. info@costablancasamaritans.com www.costablancasamaritans.com Dama de Elche Lodge No163 Philip Dawe (sec) 968150244. Denelle Dance Club Ballroom/ Latin Lyn 635584431. Diabetic Support Grp Benijofar Ivy Medcare 966860258. Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS (G5380655) 966460063/965744426. Fellowship C.B. 965322484 patfee2005@yahoo.co.uk Freewheelers Classic Car Grp 686765297 www.TorreviejaInformation.com/ freewheelers freewheelers08@ yahoo.co.uk Friends 4u Abroad Karen 622033582 friends4uabroad@gmail.com www.friends4uabroad.com Gilbert & Sullivan Society Cindy/ Cyril Willoughby 966785877 cwillo.es@gmail.com www.gilbertandsullivansociety.eu Guardamar Badminton Club 690338115. Guardamar No1 CSC Steve 669340528/Maureen 618180290.

HELP Vega Baja 966723733 10-1.30pm www.helpvegabaja. com 24hr helpline 965704282 Hondon Bridge Club Pat 637993667/Eddie 677240656. Int. Motorhome Assoc John Sanderson Volunteered Co-ordinator 966474532/662032131. Int. Motorhome Club 965851671/ 667508217 rayjeanbarber@hotmail.com DerekLoveday@telefonica.net (mark subject IMC) L A Concert Band Lorraine/David 965724291/687429144. Ladies Friday Club Rojales Dee 966712504/Jan 966712679. La Marina & San Fulgencio Cardinal Belluga Theatre Grp Maria 966715891/Alan 966795523. mariamosley3@hotmail.com La Marina & San Fulgencio computer club. Albert 966797704 / Ron 966790396. www.lamarinacomputerclub.com La Marina & San Fulgencio Residents Asoc lmsfra@gmail.com www.lmsfra.webs.com M & M’s Dance Club Horadada Michael 610981795/965350762. Manchester City F.C. Official Supporters Club (1949) Spanish Branch Rob Hudson (Sec) 608511437 bluerob64@live.co.uk Medcare Mum/Baby Clinic Benijofar Hazel 966860258 doctors@medcarespain.com Modern Jive Paso o Paso 670711408 www.modern-jive-spain.com Mums/Tots La Marina Marianne 966790117/Hilary 966790738. Nifty Fiftys Fitness Jason 693596533. jason@jpsfitness.net Orihuela Costa Neighbourhood Watch Chris Poole 966761379/ Graham Jones 965327838. Orihuela Scooter Club Lee 630142317/Ian 664367512 Ostomates Support Grp Alan 965319029/Sylvia 966791837 thelovelies70@hotmail.com sylviaajohnson@gmail.com Paul Cunningham Nurses 966790363 Palm Tree Hse Avda de Londres 56, urb La Marina. P.E.P.A. Animal Charity 650304746. www.pepaspain.com Phoenix Car Club www.phoenixcarclub.com info@phoenixcarclub.com Phoenix Retired Firefighters Club Iain Bennett 966731495 idsbennett@hotmail.co.uk Pilar Christian Community Church 966763725/968575417 PilarChristian.CommunityChurch@ gmail.com Pilar Sol Club Trevor Hook 966769655. Radio Control Howard 965415410. Rascals Jill 966727282 www.therascals.info RAOB GLE The Philip Scott Lodge No:10671 Tel: Sec. Kevin Dent 626664101. Rojales & Quesada Neighbourhood Watch Helen 966717582 helentudor22@gmail.com Rojales Pantomime Grp Bridget 966717977 www.rojalespantoespana.webnode.com Rojales Studio 17 Life Drawing Club Martin 965724927. Royal British Legion Gran Alacant’s Branch Barbara Turnbull 966699828 b_dmt1966@yahoo.co.uk Royal British Legion Hondon Valley Branch 677376770 davesyl@gmail.com Royal British Legion La Manga Branch 691982724 www.lamangarbl.com Royal British Legion La Marina Branch 966790798 kei-jan@hotmail.com Royal British Legion Spain Welfare: 676451780/952352300

Please note that the DEADLINE for clubs announcements is Friday at 12.00 noon. Please email your details to clubs@roundtownnews.com or fax to 965 705 328

(ans/phone). www.spainnorth. legionbranches.net Royal Marines Assoc, C/Blanca Branch Bert Moye 965725659/Phil Prince 966700731. San Miguel Amigos Greyhound Racing Club Brian 965720492/ Wayne 966723999. San Miguel Baobabs Club Brian 966791970, Jean 966784735, Doug 966791849 San Miguel Cage/Aviary Bird Club Mathew 966780336/Ian 966723235. Santa Pola Dollshouse & MIniatures Grp Janette 965415410 Table Tennis San Luis Del 653564831. The Aircrew Assoc Costa Blanca Branch 966495042 www.acacostablanca.org THE MARITIME ASSOCIATION For more information contact Mel Cook 966716877/ mel.cook30@yahoo.com The Phoenix Concert Band Di Hedley 965716601. www.TorreviejaInformation. com/phoenix Toastmasters Int. Las Palmeras Club Eamon 678105007/Jan 965329642 ernstandjan@gmail.com Torre de la Horadada Neighbourhood Watch Frank Reid 646255696/Trevor Hook 606562347. Whist Drive Jacky 965322361/ 629963279.

Los Alcazares Acacia Centre for Spiritual Awareness 968537243/ 679824008. Centro Cristiano La Vina San Javier/Mar Menor Jan 618779532. Freemasonry Mar Menor Brian 968199596 briandelect@aol.com LA Digital Camera Club Trevor 968574877/Mike 968582217 www.ladigitalcafe.webeden.co.uk/ Los Alcazares Duplicate Bridge Margaret/ Ron Odell 968575760/ 676346118 romar.odell@yahoo.co.uk Spangles 968334527/968432525. www.spangleschorus.com The Mar Menor Art Grp Eli 968170571 eli@spainmagic.com The Nosmo-King Club 968546817 Alcoholics Anonymous 679385105. Badminton Totana Ric 680782076. Calida Country Music Club Tom Wills 610632152. Camposol Bridge Barry 609925497/Norma 650418887. Cañadas del Romero www.CanadasdelRomero.es Cancer Support (MABS) Help Line 620422410 www.mabsmazarron.com Ex-Servicemen’s Assoc Mazarrón District Bill 626209419/ Ian 629818611. Freemasonry Mazarron Reg 649296658/Peter 699261828. Mass In English 968424386/ 676219445 Father Peter Escribano/ Father Octavio Carpena. Mazarron Bowls Club Richard Cooper 968131619. www.mazarronbowlsclub.webs.com Mazarron Friendship Grp Len 689113494 mfg30875@yahoo.co.uk P.A.L.S. Protection & Life Saving Pres. Ken 626460465/V.Pres. Pat 628879284. www.pals.com.es Puerto de Mazarron Ladies Circle Anne 669338885/Linda 616112879. St.Nicholas Ecumenical Church Len Eaton 968138952/660969243. Choir Master, Stuart Burnley 618869376 www.st-nicholaschurchcamposol.com The Coffin Dodgers Rock ‘n’ Roll Club Carol 628590014 casacarol@hotmail.com

The Lions Club of Mazarron Bahia Diane 968431521/Beryl 616277389. The Olive Branch Christian Fellowship Pastor Ralph/ Margaret Locke 968199622/618720181. www.olivebranchfellowship.com Welcome Grp 620105179/ 618254143 Mon-Sat 11-7pm. www.welcomegroupspain.com Wellspring Victory Church Pastor Andrew 968635875/Duncan 607382033/968130530. www. wellspringvictorychurch.com

Murcia 1 Metre Radio Control Sailing Club Richard 965325009/ hextinspain@gmail.com Alcoholics Anonymous English 646290420. Alcoholics Anonymous La Manga 679385105. Amigos de los Coches Clásicos del Levante Harry 629529656/ Hans 968419256 www.a-c-c.es acclevante@hotmail.com Cancer Support Grp (MABS) 693275779 www.mabsmurcia.com Cloud Nine Drama Pat Hunt 968664429/627791577 patsy. hunt@gmail.com Community Church Los Nietos Miguel/Vivien 968133724 losnietoschurch@gmail.com www. aqua-adicta.co.uk/alphacentre/ Friends & Buddies Social Club Ann Lambert 968163758/ 628153329 friendsandbuddies07@ hotmail.com Friends In Totana (F.I.T.) Pat 630941377. Guiding/Scouting 608174485. info@murciasur.org Harmony Ladies Grp Jenny 680858836. HELP Murcia Mar Menor Office: 968570059 Mon-Fri 10-1.30pm. info@helpmurciamarmenor.org www.helpmurciamarmenor.org Evt/tkts: Joan Mitchell 968181943. Mar Menor Sailing Asso(SAMM) Cdre: John Curtis 966764664. M/ship: Brian Blackburn samm. membersec@hotmail.com www.sailingmarmenor.com

Torrevieja 4-10 Yrs! Football! Kids-Mini Soccer Tony 678955501 tonyssoccerschool@yahoo.co.uk www.tonys-soccer-school.net 50+ Solos Ruth 966786320/ Anne 966786281. AFA Torrevieja, Assoc Alzheimer de Familiares y Amigos de Torrevieja 966702500 Fax: 966702203 Al-Anon Family Grp Helpline: 692799318 (9am-9pm). Alcholics Annonymous English 625912078. Anglican Chaplaincy St Peter & St Paul Alicante-Cartagena. Church ser: 968193117. Funerals, Wedding Blessings, Baptisms 965720911. Asn. de las Rutas y Caminos de la Sal Pres. Maureen Moss 966923113/Sec. Jenny Dodd 965718483. Asn. of Retired Police Officers ARPO (Police) Mike Peters 966797015 mlspeters@hotmail.com Bon Bon Club Anna 966789470. Bridge Club Rojales Coby 966714266. Cafe Con Senoritas June 966731113/680384738 junesullivan@hotmail.co.uk Cantabile Int. Ladies Choir Jennifer 966796866/655471787 jenmorton@terra.es Henny 966703247 www.cantabilesingers. bravehost.com Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 637460864/664551627. Church Mtg C/Formentera, Torre Lesley/Brenda 965870911/ 629623706.

Club ‘93 965080339 yvonneblake4@hotmail.com Club Torrevieja Classics & Specialists Cars David 965716360 www.ClubTorrevieja.com Costa Blanca Runners John 966786774 carolejohn_3@hotmail.com Crescendo Int. Choir M/ship sec Phyl Webb 966785332. C/man Lawrence Gee 966261663 www.crescendo-choir Crime Watch Spain VG-82612000 Fd:1999. Torre: 966786266 Ted. Catral: 965992838 Jose. jrivero-smith@skynetlink.com http://vecinos-colaborando.tripod. com/ Crisol Pensioners Club Civic Centre, Alameda del Mar Mon-Fri. 4-6pm. http://www.NetHatcher.de Euro Divers Diving/Watersports Social Club Bob 966723024/ Eric 965328941 eurodivers34@yahoo.co.uk Football In Torrevieja Dougie 628789335 www.CostaBlancaFootball.com Forty Something Dining/Social Club Angie 686367421 jessang563@hotmail.com Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship Int Torrevieja Stuart 968575417/664673863. Gardening Club (Vega Baja) C.man Val 966716527. Int. Christian Assembly Rev Rafael Restrepo 968282049/ 660127276. www.icatorrevieja.org Just Brass Band John 966706959 Ian 966191734 iangibson@hotmail.es La Bamba’s Ballroom/Latin Dancing Andrea/Brian 616478157. Labour Int. (CB South) Christine Montano 966784720 /Sarah Hill 966260352. La Marina Bridge Club Peter 966790328/Trevor 966795869. La Marina & San Fulgencio Computer Club Albert 966797704/Ron 966790396. www.lamarinacomputerclub.com La Marina Tappers Yvonne 966796820/Bill 966760032. La Mata and Torrevieja Nature Reserve Volunteers Group. Tel Joy 966 797 765 La Siesta & El Chaparral Neighbourhood Watch/ Residents Grp Bruce 966786079. La Siesta Charity Lending Library Tue 10.30-12.30pm C/Weber 12, Urb La Siesta, Torre. La Siesta Evangelical Church Rev. Daniel Reyes B.D. 968508028. Sec Fiona Cook 966700131 www.TorreviejaInformation.com/ lasiestachurch Masonry Torrevieja Barrie Mansell 966719653 provincialsec@hotmail.com Mothers Union Debbie 679501543 capewell4@hotmail.com Netball Tracey 679539995. New Gospel Choir 966927551. Nirvana Dining Club Janet 667863495. Norwegian Church La Siesta Paul Hammond-Poe 636948446 Norwegian/Dennis Beecroft 965720732 English. P.A.L.S (Pleasure & Leisure in Spain) Carole 965080351/ 671986781. Petanca Club San Miguel 966723522. Phoenix Solo’s Club Beryl 629891482/Trevor 966708175. Portsmouth Football Club Supporters Steve 656579423. R.A.O.B. Costa Blanca Lodge 976717084 ronkmcgreevy@yahoo.co.uk Rhythm Rascals 662441258. Road Bowling Club Brendan C/man 677868566. Neville Hancox Royal Air Forces Association 965724256 nwhancox@hotmail.com http://www.rafacostablanca.com/ RAFA/idex.html

Royal British Legion V/c.man Steve Ironmonger 966719985/ 628034962. Royal Naval Assoc Gillian Burden 638512056 www.torreviejarna.info Scottish Country Dancing Torrevieja Stewart 966722724/ Wilma 966730666. Sequence Dancing Derek 965716647. Showgroup Torrevieja Jennifer 966261627. Sole Mates’Main Street’, Formerly the Dining Room, San Luis. Jim 606744861/Karyn 663399027 Spanish Classes (Crime Watch) 965992838. T.A.A.B.’ s Singing Show Grp Helen 965070413 www.TorreviejaInformation.com/taabs The Baker Foundation for Spiritual Awareness Tel/fax: 966760665. The Brit Club Barbara 965702003. The Costa Blanca Branch of the World Ship Society Mel Cook 966716877 mel.cook30@yahoo.com www.worldshipsociety.org The Dolly Mixtures Irene 966712924 The Good Life Non Smoking Club Hazel 966921558. The Iceni Dancers Jacqui 965323673/Joy 966715848. The Int. Club Torrevieja Sue 965703803/Mandy 966920428. The Oddballs Motorbike Club Paul 638187890/Carol 661375716. The Seekers Mary Brewer 966784033. The Spiritual Awareness Society of Quesada Mandy 699691236. The Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonies Barry 966717262/ Eberhard 966773145 www.theharmonisers.com The Torrevieja Scottish Country Dancing Group 966730666 The “Velvetones” Kristoff 966714973 www.velvetones.org The Vivace Mixed Voice Classical Choir 965720919. Torre Foundation for Spiritual Awareness 647189135/ 966786651 www.torrespirit.com Torrevieja Aglow Barbara 965702871/Marcia 966760585. Torrevieja Christian Fellowship 966700391 www.tcf-spain.org Torrevieja Computer Club 966786281. www.torreviejacomputerclub.com Torrevieja Costa Lions Club Dave Bray 965013088 brayer50@yahoo.co.uk Torrevieja Craft Club Kathy 678901237. Torrevieja Flower Club Sandra 966707330 Cynthia 965703547 www.torreviejaflowerclub.com Torrevieja Philatelic Society Harry Alderson 966789018. Torrevieja Pipes & Drums Joan/ Barry 966712076 waddingtonjoan@gmail.com Torrevieja Rugby Club Jerry Josee 695953137/ Jeff Davies 677607424. Torrevieja Stroke Support Grp Louie 966718964/Carol 966765488/Margaret 966193311 strokesupportgroup@hotmail. com www.torreviejastrokesupportgroup.net Torrevieja Writers’ Circle Nik Morton 966796866. Total Crafts Maureen 966789977/ Sue 966706268. TRAC: Torrevieja Retired Activity Club M.ship Pam 966790648/ C.man Graham 966775282. U3A Torrevieja www.u3atorrevieja.com

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


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12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

BARGAIN PRICE APARTMENTS 2 STUDIO APARTMENTS 39,999€ EACH - Torrevieja near town centre, communal pool, balcony, bargain price holiday base, great investment. 2 BED APARTMENT 75,000€ - Villamartin (Playa Flamenca), large sunny f/f apartment, terrace, communal pool/ gardens, lovely quality development. For photos/ brochures call vendor direct, Jill 669135853 or email jilleth@hotmail.com PINE CHALET ON CAMPING TOTANA holiday/ residential use. 2 Bedrooms, Bathroom, Open Plan Lounge Diner Kitchen. Large south facing verandah. Communal pool and jacuzzi. Furnished. 32,000 pounds. Visit our website http:// www.totanachalet.co.cc Tel 639-459-173 PINE CHALET Totana. 2 bedrooms. On quiet and secure site. Private plot at end of cul-de-sac. Workshop/ shed. In good order inside and out. Parking alongside. Sensible ground rent. Fully furnished. 30,000€ ono.685-219-155

JACARILLA 3 bed, end terrace, Large Bathroom, Downstairs, cloakroom, Lounge, Kitchen, Diner, Garage. 190.000€ now 145.000€. Phone 622-380-290

EXCLUSIVE SMALL HOLDING 20mins from Benidorm. 3 bed log cabin. 10,000m2 of land. Water/solar. 4 stables. Padock and plenty of out building. 145,000€ o.n.o. Tel: 650-554-908. LUXURY STUDIO, BENIDORM 2nd line, fab views, fully furnished to high standard. 140,000€ ONO. 0044-1912626-898/ 0044-8799-743-599

LA NUCIA - LOCAL FOR SALE OR TO RENT Close to town hall, 100m2, parking close by. Inside fully equip., A/C, 2 toilets 1 with shower, seperate office, storage rooms... ideal for any activities. For more info. tel: 667-055-377/ 966-873-781. MOBILE/ PARK HOMES ready to move into on permanent site. Carol. 968-192-425/ 626-055-622 Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT offering a complete and competitive service for all your property rental needs including: Keyholding, cleaning & laundry, meet and greets, airport transfers Los Alcazares. Tel: 628-772-418 email: rosaliamews@live.co.uk

CABO ROIG BEACHSIDE 1 minute from beach Cala Capitan. Apartments or terraced house for rent. Long term or short term. Tel: 966 773 985 PROPERTIES REQUIRED for holiday lets in Javea area. Free advertising & professional photography 697-432-226 www.javeapropertyservices.com LONG TERM RENTAL In the Beautiful village of Daya Nueva, 3 bed, 2 bath spacious Fully Furnished detached villa, sun terrace, A/C, TV, Tel/ Internet, off street parking, comm. pool. Close to all Amenities. Please call 687-084-899 LA NUCIA - LOCAL TO RENT OR FOR SALE Close to town hall, 100m2, parking close by. Inside fully equip., A/C, 2 toilets 1 with shower, seperate office, storage rooms... ideal for any activities. For more info. tel: 667-055-377/ 966-873-781.


apt. in Alicante city, easy access to auto route A-70 (Exit 69)

ONLY 375€ month 62 034 0548 Juan

1 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with large garden & parking, for yearly rental on Camping pueblo, San Javier. Carol 968-192-425/ 626-055622 Email: haydn47@ hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com LA ZENIA ALTOS LIMONAR ,TORREVIAJA Two beds from 350€. Paul 966-785-891/ 659-647-616

NOW AVAILABLE.... A large, modern, semi-detached house in El Galan. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a very spacious underbuild connected internally which can be sectioned off to make 2 or 3 rooms. Gorgeous brand new fully fitted kitchen, walk-in wardrobe in master bed, A/C, roof solarium, garden and private pool. Must be seen! A fantastic opportunity at just €144,950.Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 DETACHED VILLA on 400m corner plot in Las Filipinas. 3 bed, 2 bath, A/C, fully fitted separate kitchen, good size lounge and separate dining area. Garden with room for pool, balcony and off-road parking. €199,450. Phone 628 932 137. ENTRE GOLF, VILLAMARTIN 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse. Separate kitchen, good size lounge/diner, A/C, glazed galleria, garden, roof solarium with views to the salt lakes and communal pool. The property is only 2 years old and a fantastic price of €143,350. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. ALGORFA APARTMENT 2 bed, 1 bath, fully furnished. Ground floor with garden and patio to the front, communal pool. Ideal holiday home at a very good price, ONLY € 72,995. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. LADERAS DEL SOL 3 bed, 2 bath quad house in a secure, gated complex with a central communal pool area. Corner plot with a nice garden and patio area and a spacious solarium.. Lounge/diner, separate kitchen and utility area . The master bedroom has a walkin wardrobe. Part furnished.

Extras include air conditioning throughout and a car park for residents. €121,450. Phone 628 932 137. BLUE LAGOON chalet-style terraced 2 bed, 1 bath property Entrance is via the conservatory which is currently being used as a dining area. Good size lounge, modern, fully fitted American kitchen, utility room. 2 beds with fitted wardrobes. The main bedroom has access to the tiled rear terrace. Roof solarium with a handy storage igloo. Beautiful views to the sea and salt lakes. €86,000. Phone 628 932 137. PLAYA FLAMENCA 2 bed, 1 bath, top floor apartment with sea views. Glazed balcony, bright & spacious lounge/diner, fully equipped American kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, fully furnished. Large, private roof solarium with lovely views of the sea, communal pool and off-road parking. Ideal holiday home. REDUCED €98,000. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. LAS PALAS, IN FUENTE ALAMO 2 bed, 1 bath terraced village house on a private plot with views of the surrounding countryside. Private courtyard, lounge with wood burning stove with double doors to private pool and patio. Fully fitted separate kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, and family bathroom. Sat TV, outside storage room and toilet. 10 minutes from Cartagena. Fantastic price of only €73,500. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. LOS BALCONES large, modern detached villa with 3 beds and 3 baths. Recently refurbished throughout, large loung/diner, separate kitchen, master bed with large en suite, central heating. Tiled garden,

off-road parking, comm pool. €188,500 Phone Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.pricecrashproperty.com for more bargain properties on the Costa Blanca. VILLAMARTIN South facing villa, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, partly furnished, big lounge, garden, terrace, big solarium with seaviews, conservatory, huge garage, community pool. 162.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA FLORIDA Large one bedroom apartment, fully furnished, aircon, glazed in balcony with nice views, southwest facing, off road parking, close to all amenities. 62.700 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com PUNTA PRIMA Penthouse apartment, private solarium, 2 bedrooms, storage rooms, furnished, balcony with sea views, community pool, quiet area, walking distance to the beach. 82.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Detached house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 terraces, furnished, a/c, storage, central heating, sea views, conservatory, sunny side, parking, community pool. 156.600 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Furnished apartment, 80 m² living area, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, balcony with lovely sea view, terrace overlooking green area, 3 min walk from the beach. 119.600 Euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com CABO ROIG BEACH Top floor apartment, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a/c, fire place, balcony, sunny side, storage

FOR SALE IN ALTEA LA VELLA Spacious furnished 3 bedroom apartment for sale in middle of beautiful village. 110m². New kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy all within a couple of minutes walk. Large terrace at back of the apartment overlooking orange groves and balconies off 2 bedrooms. Trastero and private parking. AP-7 3 minutes by car.

€200,000 Tel: 617 893 036 or email kath_poole@hotmail.com

room, new windows, off road parking, 20m² garden. 103.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Terraced house, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, large kitchen, a/c, terrace, front and back garden, solarium, storage room, quiet area, close to all amenities. 79.000 euro Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com PLAYA FLAMENCA Corner house, 2 bedrooms, furnished, a/c, garden, patio, storage room, terrace, solarium, community pool, close to amenities & beach. ONLY 97.900 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com CABO ROIG Cala Capitan. Terraced house, 2 bedr., 2 bathr., furnished, balcony, terrace, central heating, priv. parking, sunny side, lovely seaviews, 1 min walk to beach. 164.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Detached villa, 400m² plot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining room, fire place, furnished, nice garden, large storage room and garage, pool possible. 176.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com PLAYA FLAMENCA Detached villa on 350² corner plot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large lounge, a/c, fire place, furnished, conservatory, storage, solarium, garage. 226.900 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com WE ARE LOOKING FOR RESALE PROPERTIES ON THE ORIHUELA COSTA. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOURS, PLEASE CONTACT US. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985 MARBELLA, COSTA DEL SOL Luxury Villa, 5 bedr., 5 bathr., fire place, furnished, terraces, garden, garage, security guard, sea views, priv. pool, etc. 1.450.000 Euro Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com

WWW.SURVEYORSPAIN.COM Buyer’s structural surveys, defects reports & solutions Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB.

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12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

MAIL ROOM, CARD AND GIFT SHOP fully stocked mail boxes. Etc. 45,000€. All inclusive. More details 617-489-625

BUSINESS OPPPORTUNITY Offers invited for a well established storage business for sale on the southern Costa Blanca. Fully equipped new buildings with 24 hr access, security systems and staffed. High occupancy rate, high gross margins with room to expand. Please contact gary@ securistore.com to arrange a viewing. (NO TIME WASTERS) GET UP AND GO FOR IT jayne NORTHERN COSTA BLANCA RESTAURANT TRASPASO FOR SALE, CURRENTLY OPERATING AS A SUCCESSFUL INDIAN

RESTAURANT. 45 COVERS, FULLY EQUIPPED. AVAILABLE IMMEADIATLY. FOR FURTHER DETAILS TEL 966-481-330 BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on the popular lemon tree market, very busy. Due to ill health, quick sale required. Tel: 966-180-168/ 655-479-753 ICE CREAM BUSINESS Run your own ice cream business. Excellent profits low overheads. Includes 6 legal markets with all Spanish paperwork. Everything you need to run your own recession proof business. Call now for information 619-063-940 SECURITY ALARM BUSINESS Franchise opportunities available on Costa Blanca. Everything you need to run your own security business. Full training and on going support using the latest technology in alarms. Easily run from home no large overheads. Areas available from €1800. Phone now for more information 965-322-986

AIR-CONDITIONING supplied/ fitted services and repaired, by Engineers with 15 years experience. All work guaranteed. Free quote. K&M’s. Calpe. Shop: 965-874-838. Mob: 636-119-648 SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz

EXCEL AIRCONDITIONING See main ad on page 27. Tel/Fax (Head Office) 966897-772. Mobiles: 680-154432/676-265-675. Email: excelairconditioning@hotmail. com. All credit/debit cards accepted.

BAR CARVERY FOR SALE Busy Walking Street in Benidorm

In the Middle of the Hotel and Apartment complexes. Regular clientelle as well as holiday and passing trade Sale due to husband´s work commitments.

REDUCED to 10,000€ for Goodwill, Fixtures and fittings. Very Low Rent just 600€/month

Tlf: 664-093-851

LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839 MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email van. man@hotmail.co.uk

LOCKEDOUT LOCKSMITH 24h Emergency Service. Houses & Cars Opened. Locks changed or Upgraded. Call Dan 965-888-418/ 657-890-830 www.lockedout.es

INTERIOR PAINTING One bedroom property from 135€. Two bedroom property from 200€. Three bedroom property from 265€. Fast, reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info. tel: 634-793-984

INTERIOR PAINTING 70euros per day, also Handyman, Garden and Pool work. Benidorm to Javea. Tlf:676-842-815

ALL PLUMBING central heating & Aircon work undertaken including installation of your own units. Re-gas and full Aircon service €49. Trade work also. 965-638-529


REGISTERED LOCKSMITH For emergency safe opening. Tel. Michael Rice: 686-513-510. Denia - Alcante.

SPANISH LINKS LTD Low budget door to door fast collection & quick delivery removals or storage. Weekly reliable service. Full or part loads and even small deliveries. Spain/UK/Spain. Credit or Debit cards accepted www. spanishlinks.co.uk Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 GRAHAM’S TRANSPORT 24/7 Deliveries, Collection. Spain- UK- Spain or any where in Europe. Reasonable rates. Storage facilities are available in Spain and UK. Tel: Lyn or Graham 661-752-010/ 0044-7733-329-305

BMC TRANSPORT High volume box van, deliveries, collections 24/7 All types of work undertaken, full or part loads UK and Europe covered. For a professional and reliable service call Sue daytime/ evening 620 044 983. MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600-247-535

SAXOPHONE, FLUTE, CLARINET & KEYBOARD lessons, all levels from beginners to advanced. Grahame qualified teacher. Tel: 966-495-607/ 691-640-029 Benitachell area BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ Mathematics. Tel: Margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687

SKY SUPPLIES pace, Thompson, Amstrad digi-boxes. White cards, fault finding. Dish’s returned, sold, wanted. LNB’s. Spanish TV. 966-194-013/ 600-899-096 UKTV SPAIN Reliable Satellite Technicians, Installations, Fault-Finding, Sky Contracts arranged, Freesat cards.Tlf:689205-137/965-888-348. SKY UK ENGINEER Famaval Satellite Dishes, Trade prices from 395€. Sky Sports Cards, Sky HD, Home Cinema. Tel: 965-070-458/ 618-585-051 CRYSTAL CLEAR SATELLITE & TELEVISION Forget the rest go to the best for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660186-505 Ros 965-584-097 www.ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Largest supplier and installer of famaval satellite equipment on the costa blanca. A genuine registered company with genuine registered premises. Mon-fri 8:00- 4:30. Www.digitalsatsystems.com 965-852-251/ 965-866-999/ 965-854-528/ 966-804-748 (or see our main ad in the tv section)

TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, eco salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966774199 or 678080500 Email info@ pristineswimmingpools. com www. pristineswimmingpools.com

WELD IT RITE Mobile welding/ repair service, Metal carpentry/ Fabrication projects. Time served & quallified. tel: 966490-338 Mobile 638-479-467 Email iwanegan@hotmail.co.uk (Moraira based) REPAIRS TO WASHERS fridges/freezers, dishwashers, cookers. etc. All work guaranteed. K&M’s. Calpe. Shop: 965-874-838. Mob: 636-119-648

English Carpenter Fitted wardrobes, kitchens, storage solutions, shelving, cupboards, doors, etc... Reliable and professional Torrevieja area

For your free estimate, call Dave on

693 215 192


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/ uppgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966-470-163/ 662-570-702.

FORD FUSION 2007 1.4 engine, 45,000km, red, excellent condition. 6,900€. Wendy 691-770-017 OPEL COMBO 2005 (combivan) 1.7CDTi, 84,000kms, 3 owners, fully serviced, AC, PAS, ABS, E.Windows/ mirrors, CD, central locking, rear head restraints, tow bar, rear privacy glass, metallic gun metal grey. 6,250€. Call Frank 600-726-221 or visit www.fwreurocars.com FORD FIESTA 2003 5 door hatch, 1.4, 63,000kms. 1 owner, full service history, AC, PAS, ABS, front fogs, CD, remote locking, rear head restraints, metallic silver. 5,450€. Call Frank 600-726-221 or visit www.fwreurocars.com CLASSIFIED BLOCK LINEAGE ADVERT CLASSIFIED BLOCK LINEAGE ADVERT FOR FWR EUROCARS SPAIN S.L. FOR ISSUE 539 UK, AUTOMATIC MERCEDES 300SL CABRIOLET 3 LTR1990,Spanish LHD, metallic silver, power hood, electric memory seats, air con, cd player, alloys 8495€. www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT KANGOO 2001 blue, 1.9 ltr diesel, Spanish LHD It is very clean throughout with air conditioning. It has 2 seats and side loading door.3995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274

MERCEDES 300 CE CABRIOLET 1992 blue,Spanish LHD 3.0ltr petrol automatic 4 Door convertible with leather, air conditioning, excellent condition throughout. This car can only appreciate in value. 10995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 PORSCHE CAYMAN S 2006 22000km, black, as new Spanish LHD 39995€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 YAMAHA MAJESTIC 2004 250CC Champagne 2500€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 DERBI GPR 125CC 2005, Red, 2500€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 PEUGEOT 307 CABRIOLET 2003 Spanish LHD metallic daytona violet, one owner, full leather, excellent condition 10995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT LAGUNA HATCHBACK 2003, Spanish LHD, silver 2.0 ltr 16V petrol, 2 owners, full Renault service history, excellent condition throughout. 6495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 BMW 320 I 170 BHP, Spanish, LHD, Petrol, 2001, silver, alloy wheels , central locking, air con, very good condition. FSH 10495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 DAEWOO MATIZ 2004 , Spanish LHD, Turquoise, 800cc, petrol, FSH, one owner from new, low Klms, 4495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 MITSUBISHI SPACEWAGON UK RHD, 2001, Red, Long tax & MOT, 7 seater Automatic 2.3 petrol, DVD, CD, full leather 4995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 SEAT ALTEA XL SPORT UP SPANISH LHD, 2007 silver ,all usual sport refinements, one owner from new. 14995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS ZETEC, 2004 1.6 ltr petrol, silver, Spanish, LHD, 5 door hatchback, remote locking, climate control, CD only 56000 Klm, excellent condition 6995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS CMAX TREND PLUS 2008 Spanish LHD, red,

1.6 ltr diesel, one owner from new, cruise control, climate control, rain sensors, automatic lights, alloys, roof bars & top box included 13995€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS ESTATE TDCI ,2002, Spanish LHD, Green, 1.8 Ltr Diesel, air con, electric windows excellent condition throughout 5995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT MEGANE HATCHBACK 2003, Spanish LHD ,Champagne Silver, 1.5 Ltr DCI, Diesel, CD player, new shape 4995€. www.venuscars. com 965 368 274 FORD FUSION 2004, 1.4 Ltr TDCI Diesel, Spanish LHD, mint green. 5 door hatch,35000 Klms, outstanding condition throughout, air con, cd player 6995€ www.venuscars.co. 965 368 274 HYUNDAI ACCENT 1999, 1.3 Ltr Petrol, Spanish LHD, Burgundy red, 5 door hatch, air con, low Klms, power steering, nice clean car 2995€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 MINI ONE, 2004 blue with white roof, 1.6 ltr petrol, Spanish LHD, CD player, excellent condition. 8995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 KIA SPORTAGE CRDI Diesel CONCEPT, 2008, 4X2, 2.0 Ltr diesel , Spanish LHD, Graphite, CD Player, Electric windows climate control, privacy glass, roof bars, alloys, as new condition, one owner from new, much sought after vehicle. 15995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS 1.8 Ltr Diesel Trend, 2004, Spanish LHD,silver, air con, electric windows, remote locking, total main dealer service history. Excellent condition throughout. 6495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS automatic 1.6, Navy blue, good condition. reason selling going UK. 4,800€. Algorfa 965-702-454 LAND ROVER FREELANDER 2.5 ES Automatic, year 2000, Spanish plated, RHD, Tow bar, ITV. 3,500€. Tel: 966-875-240/ 618-182-500. WHITE MERCEDES C220 petrol, RHD automatic 1998, low milage for year, long itv,

Mercedes service history, good condition, 3,250 euros.Tel 634763311 GALAXY GHIA 7 seats, TDI diesel auto/tiptronic. Parking sensors, CD. Twin air-con. Fantastic condition. UK 2002 Regd. UK MOT. V.W engine. 6,000€ ono. Tel: 676-673-285 NISSAN VANETTE CARGO 2.3D 1998, 5 doors, 2 seats, window tint, 180,000kms, service history, many new parts, to many to list. 3,500€ ONO. Torrevieja 679-876-926

BMW 325I CABRIO INDIVIDUAL August 2001. Aquamarine blue with grey leather sports seats, 111,000kms with fsh, many extras, reason for sale is my new baby son! VGC. Priced realistically at 13,900€. Telephone: 608-218-629 PEUGEOT 206CC (CABRIO) 1.6, year 2003, skye blue, CD player, AC, Alloy wheels, Spanish LHD, Woman owner, ITV 2011, Petrol. Good condition. 5,500€. 966-716-727/ 699-809-850 WANTED UK registration right hand drive cars. Immediate cash settlement. Please phone Rod 687-434-950 or 966-462-089 CARS WANTED cars/ vans bought and sold, uk or spanish upto 3000€ cash today 678-808-837 WANTED BRITISH OR SPANISH CAR 4X4, Van, Caravan. Etc. Immediate cash. Buyer going home. 600-781-873 WE BUY AND SELL quality late vans and combis. For an instant decision phone 605-669-388/ 680-665-883 WANTED WANTED WANTED for cash cars vans lorries 4x4 any condition good bad or ugly runing or non runner forigen or english any vehicle any condition call ray 633-385-068. CAR 2 POSTER RAMP FOR SALE very good condition 1200€ call ray on 633-385-068.


Tel 661 362 005

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

BENIMAR MOTORHOME 2.8 JTD 2003 LHD English Reg. TAXED and MOT. June 24,950€ ONO 966193732/ 665256740 BESSACAR E425 MOTORHOME UK registered 2001, VGC. Fiat Ducato 2.8 Diesel returning 25-30MPG. Mileage 26,000. 4 months MOT, 7 months TAX. 4 berth, L shaped lounge with 3 large windows, removable carpet, plenty of cupboard space. Separate bathroom with hot water (gas/electric) shower, cassette toilet. 70Ltr. Fresh water tank. Large waste water tank. 3 burner hob, grill, full oven. Sink unit, 3 way fridge, 3 UK and 3 Spanish gas bottles. Gas heater. 12V and mains electric. Rear motorcycle carrier, TV aerial, wind out Fiamma awning, TV with DVD. Fly

screens. Worth 18,000 pounds in the UK. For sale at 16,500€ ONO. Situated 14KM inland from Gandia, but can be viewed at agreed location between Javea and Gandia. Tel: 962807610 or 606-931-998 NO DEALERS please MOTORHOME FOR SALE HYMER Tramp 1994, 2.5 Diesel, Fiat base, LHD manual, many inclusive extras, excellent condition, fixed rear bed, solar panels. 10,000€. Tel: 678204630 HOBBY EASY DELUXE CARAVAN late 2005, lovely condition, very little use, complete with awning, twin single bedroom, superb seating area, air conditioned, double bike rake, ladder & roof rack, all usual features by hobby, as new a must to see. ALSO HYUNDAI SANTO FA JEEP CRDI, 2 litre, 2003, very good condition, service hostory, ITV

etc. 16,500€ ONO. (OR SELL SEPARATE) Phone 966-180-168 or 655-479-753 TABBERT COMTESSA 680 - 2002 Inaca Mirage 300 3M wide Awning, Island Bed, wardrobes, fridge, 3 ring hob and sink, Thetford and sink cubicle, Air Conditioner, Truma fire and water heater. Many extras available. Price: 12,000€. Phone: Joan Brotton 607324350 MOBILE/PARK HOMES from 18.000€. TV, A/C, Tel. Some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, Tennis, bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier. All amenities, 3km beach & hospital. 7 mins Murcia airport by car. Also bungalows to rent. Carol 968-192-425/ 626-055622. Email: haydn47@hotmail. com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com

MERMAID BOAT CARE For all your boat valet and management requirements. Serving the marina’s in Torrevieja and the surrounding areas. Experienced, professional and trustworthy service at competitive rates. Ad-hoc arrangements and boat-sitting welcome. For more details or just an informal chat contact Anna on: 680-297-955 mermaidboatcare@yahoo.com

FAMILYBIKEHIRE.COM HireSales-Repairs. The largest selection of bike hire equipment on the Costa Blanca, free delivery and collection. Tel: 966 774 598 - 655 338 066. See us at WWW.CostaBlancaBikeHire. COM (Spanish registered)

HOLIDAY COMPANY in Benidorm require enthusiastic self motivated marketing staff. Fantastic earning potential and great working hours, no experience needed, full training

and contract provided. call Nicky 966-813-210 (office hours only) SALES VACANCY Are you smart in apperance? Do you have empathy for people? Are you a compassionate person? The why not join Millie Munro and her successful team. Contact Rose on 966-493-082 for interview www.milliemunro.com AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit yo. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520 EARN MONEY HOSTING GOLD BUYING PARTIES! Fantastic earning potential with no outlay! Just gather your friends with their unwanted, broken or scrap gold for sale and we’ll do the rest! Call for more information on 630-867-924 BRITISH REGISTERED PRACTICE NURSE required to join ‘The English Medical Clinic’ in Albir. Initial temporary position to cover career break. Applicants must have recent practice experience and E.U. verification. Enquiries and applications by e-mail only to: engmedopt@orange.es attention Dawn Blythe, Practice Manager. JOINER 30 YERAS EXPERIENCE works to very high standard. Looking for

COYS RENT-A-CAR OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR We are currently seeking someone to work in our very busy car rental office in Torrevieja. Excellent customer relations both on the telephone and face to face is essential. You will have a good knowledge of general office duties, computer skills and the ability to work


employment. Contact Stewart 634-320-963 ANN SUMMERS PARTY ORGANISERS WANTED Earn €40-€50 per night with NO OUTLAY! Call Anne 966-462317 or 675-860-665 or www.spanishsummers.com TELEMARKETERS WANTED for our Moraira office. Must be able to speak Spanish. Tel 965-050-200

BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. NEW VENUE: Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres 34, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7.00pm-10pm: New Beginners class Monday 10.30am 12.30pm. Also at the Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant at La Zenia roundabout: TUITION, Beginners Wednesday 8pm - 10pm; Beginners Thursday11.30am - 1.30pm; Intermediates Friday 11am - 1pm. Tel: Andrea or Brian 616 478 157 LINE DANCING every Friday, absolute beginers 11.00AM12noon. Improver intermediate 12Noon -1.30PM. Car Patricia’s, Torreta’s Torrevieja. Call John or Amanda 606-783-989/ 688-611-789 DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free full memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es

well within in a team. The start date for this vacancy is 15th March 2010 The deadline for applicants is 15th February 2010 To apply for the above position, please forward a current CV, hand written letter of application and recent passport photo to:

Part-time Optical Assistant required. Previous dispensing experience

COYS RENT-A-CAR Buzon 3, Calle Del Azahar, Galeria 3B Urb Torreta II, 03184, Torrevieja ALICANTE

is essential. Must be flexible and reliable. Please send your c.v. to specsaverstorrevieja@hotmail.com


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021 THE WEATHER MAY HAVE COOLED but Tanya is still hot! All inclusive 40€. Tel: 626-324-088 DANI 23, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534 Torrevieja area. CHARMING BI-SEXUAL MALE 50 and my beautiful 25 year old girlfriend, both British, offer erotic massage and more, we also have other girlfriends who you may visit either alone or together. In addition we have a selection of home made DVDs for collection or by post. Very discreet private villa near Torrevieja, call Steve 697-892-969 YOUNG SEXY COUPLE Fit. Together or seperate. Ladies, couples, men. Visit our relaxed villa or we came to you. very discreet. Discretion assured. Escorts4Pleasure. Call Jasmine/ Sebastian 663-478-337 LADIES young fit athletic male, W/E, will make your dreams come true, come to my relaxed villa or can visit you. Discretion assured. Escorts4pleasure. Call Sebastian 663-478-337 SEXY FEMALE ESCORT offers pleasure with discretion for woman. At my villa or can visit. Escort4pleasure Jasmine 663-478-337 MALE MASSEUSE late 30’s, ready to pamper you. Out calls only, any area. Tel: 681-266-077 ATTRACTIVE MATURE ENGLISH LADY For escorting, dinner dates & more. My Villa is between Torrevieja & Alicante. Also available as an m/f couple. Call (0034) 648-676-277 SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA Near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€, full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412. ADULT TOYS IN SPAIN For the best prices visit www.Discretion. me Fast discreet delivery. Satisfaction Guaranteed. NEW FIT HORNY MARRIED COUPLE offering four hand erotic massage to ladies, men and couples. Home visits. 696-063-027. Torrevieja area. DVDS! Gay, Sado, Bestial, you name it! 7 for 25€. Tel: 697-647-367

NEW BLACK LADIES 18/20 years, slim, big breasts, pretty. All services, massage erotic. Escort service. 600-064-423 Torrevieja. JAVEA, MORAIRA East European lady, super erotic massage and more. 661-034261 Hotel & Home visits ENGLISH LADY 42 Provides various services for mature gentlemen. Torrevieja 685-436-065. FREE VISITS FROM THE SPANKING HEADMASTER Guardamar to Alcazares & inland. For Details Email: headmaster@fsmail.net NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609573-468 or 639-832-118 GOOD FUN 62 year old Dom/ Sub switch, specialising in males, cross dressers. Loves the more mature woman and great fun with couples. Low rates. Full body massage and much much more. 655-058-554

WWW.MYSPACE.COM/ KERRYKNIGHTTRIBUTES www.myspace.com/ kerryknighttributes SOLO GUITARIST/ VOCALIST seeks work, blues & Country. In bars etc. No set price. Pay what you can afford. Tel: Charlie 691-622-804

JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English Call Centre now to find your nearest Meeting. 900-818-794

CREATIVE NAILS ‘Creative’ acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

PETZBACK HOME LTD Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK. Travel in our petmobile with your pets for free (subject to availability). Or treat yourself in one of our air conditioned luxury vehicles with our fully chaperoned Limo Service. A regular, reliable and safe service. Defra pet passport advice given. ww.petzbackhome.co.uk Credit or Debit cards accepted. Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 SMALL TO MEDIUM DOGS looked after in our home. San Luis Urb. Torrevieja. 966-318-175/ 666-296-130 THREE LARGE SHOST KOI various goldfish and shubunkins. Resonable offers. Buyer collects, Torrevieja. Tel: 669-047-031 PAWS PET TRANSPORT door to door service, all pets are fully insured, vehicle has a/con. your pet will be exercised every 2/3 hours, and be rest assures your pets will be treated as if they belonged to us, we may have the cheapest rates in Spain so why not give us a ring for a chat on 966-074-576/ 650-341-087 or email pawspettransport@ hotmail.com Web: www.pawspettransport.com YORKSHIRE TERRIER PUPPIES cute, funloving and loyal companions available at reduced prices to kind and caring homes. 616965833 HOME FROM HOME Caring dog boarding with experienced owner in my rural home nr La Marina. No Kennels. Inspection welcome. Tel: 616-459-599. LABRADOR MIX PUPPIES 8 weeks old, looking for a loving home! Must come see! Call Jodie on 622-244-613. HOME FROM HOME Caring dog boarding (max. 3) with experienced owner in my home nr La Marina. No Kennels. Inspection welcome. Tel: 616-459-599 SMALL FRIENDLY BRITISH KENNELS 5km inland from La Marina (N332), 25 mins Alicante Airport, Individual runs, exercise area. Tel: 628-244-712 NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 FELINE FRIENDS CAT HOTEL The Purrfect place to stay. Free pickup and delivery. tel: 965-967-081/ 665-080-885 www.felinefriendscathotel.com TRANS-PET SPAIN-UK door 2 door service, professional driver with pet care experience, kennels and cattery, passport service. Contact Sharon 965960-658/ 600-552-030 www. trans-pet.co.uk or sharon@ trans-pet.co.uk DEANACAONA BOARDING KENNELS & CATTERY Social training for dogs. Home delivery and collection service. English trainer. Balsicas, 10 minutes from San Javier. Tel 639-286428 www.deanacaona.com

Email: k9club@lamarina.info website: www.petsinspain.info

K9 CLUB 676 447 682

P.E.P.A 650 304 746 www.pepaspain.com


Ally & Betty were found wandering along the middle of a main road. They are Pointer cross puppies approx 8 weeks & and both female. They are in excellent condition.

Sento is a medium sized pointer type. He’s a well-balanced, naturally obedient dog who is very trainable. Sento is very friendly and mixes well with his foster carers own dogs.

Four beautiful toy terriers, 3 male, 1 female, approx 9 weeks old. Found in a tied sack, in a box, at the side of a busy road. Now over their trauma ready to start again.

Noahs Arc

619 938 955

Contact 699 352 818, admin@noahsarcmurcia.com

info@pawsanimalrescue.com www.pawsanimalrescue.info

PAWS 646 645 035

Animal Aid Linda 96 572 5794 www.animalaidcostablanca.org

Monty a small and pretty male terrier 36 cms high. Very affectionate, energetic and playful. Walks in the countryside off lead and never goes far away.

Raven & Tinkerbelle, are brother and sister of around 12 weeks old. Raven is a very affectonate, loving and playful little man. Tinkerbelle is a sweet little thing.

TOM is 3 years old, with a gorgeous nature & he looks rather like a Shih Tzu. He just wants to be loved & misses having an owner to cuddle & a place to call home. Interested?

A.P.A.H. Natasha 616 210 850 www.apahrescue.com

Joe the Catman 96 671 9272

EASY HORSE CARE RESCUE 96 596 7033 or 652 021 980 www.easyhorsecare.net

Jack was rescued by the Guardia Civil, along with Henry who could be his father, from terrible conditions. They were given to APAH to look after, and to find homes for.

S.A.T. 966 710 047

Dixie is a beautiful black, shorthaired girl who has been abandoned. She is very friendly and needs a home where she is the only cat. ALDEA FELINA-DENIA LYNDA - 648 100 629



CLINT is a four year old energetic small dog. He loves playing with his kennel mates and gets on well with both male and female dogs. He walks well on the lead.

Kimi is a gorgeous Norwegian Forest or Siberian cross with very s-o-f-t semi-long fur; so pretty! She is about 2 ½ years old and would make a great pet.

When we found Taffeta we didn’t think she’d last the night. It was a long battle, but now Taffeta’s happy and healthy. Help us help them. Open days Wed & Sun 1-4pm.

A.P.A.S.A. 618 754 635 www.apasa-javea.org

MARITA, female, Labrador Mix, DOB 15.01.2009 – young dog. Other dogs do not give her any worries and she walks well on the lead. Marita likes to play.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

You can now place your Round Town News classifieds adverts directly with us

GOOD PROFESSIONAL GUITAR Tape-loop echo chamber (Dynachord or Echorec or similar). Must be in good working order. 627-607-012. WANTED FOR CASH washers/ fridges/ freezers/ cookers/ microwaves etc. working or not. Benidorm Area. Tel: K & M’s 965-874-838 mobile: 636-119-648 WANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Instant cash payments. Furniture, electrical, tools etc. Tel John: 626-918-833.

AT MICHAEL’S Large wicker complete bedroom suite. For children’s bedroom, a Mickey Mouse child´s bed with matching chest of drawers. See them all on: www.michaelsjavea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Customer-tocustomer Service: you can sell your furniture on our website for only 3:- euros per item! For more info look at: www.michaels-javea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S You get very high quality designer pre-owned furniture for half price or less. Quick delivery. Stock changes daily! See photos (updates every 5-6 days): www.michaelsjavea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Large beautiful desk with green leather top. Very large modern corner suite in two green colours. Several leather recliners. See over 600 photos on: www.michaels-javea. comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S you also get

NEW high quality Spanish beds. All sizes available as we deal directly with the manufacturers! Famous brands like United Colors of Benetton, etc www.michaels-javea.com 50X50 WOODEN DECKING PANELS approx. 20m² total, excellent condition 100€. Tel: Richard 678-419-691 LOOSE COVERS curtains Erc. Made to measure. Choose from a wide range of beautiful materials in your own home. Javea based. Tel: 965-771-397/ 686-453-827 POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666 933 726 KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER 500GB. inc 70,000 songs, software/ song book, ideal for bar/ home use. Only 275€. Tel: 654-925-679

GOLD WANTED Gold wanted english jeweller wishes to buy any broken or unwanted gold items- pendants, watches, coins etc. Immediate cash payment. Call peter on 664-890-990 (7 days) home visits WANTED Instant Cash Paid. GOld and Jewellery Bought and Sold. VAluations, repairs and retail. Nikolas Michael, London Jewellers & Pawnbrokers @ No 17 Calle Los Arcos Ciudad Quesada Rojales 03170. Telephone 634 043 060

AMIFUEGO COAL EFFECT GAS FIRE G.W.O. 150,00€. ONO. Outdoor patio heater uses bottle gas, used twice only 75€ ONO. 965-352-543 LEATHER SOFA beige 3 seater and black dining table & chairs. Both excellent condition 400€ each OBO. Wendy 691-770-017 FULL SIZE FLOSS BOSS candy floss machine, good as new. 1,200€. Phone 672-946-250 CARPET RAJHAL 2M X 2.20M Cleaned 50€. Drawer chest pine 24” wide 45€. Mountain bike 50€. 966-873-385 evenings. INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINES Siruba Flat Bed. Sewmaq 3314E Overlock. Global Binder WF13356. All in excellent condition and full working order. Call Anna on 618-818-721. FULL SIZE SNOOKER TABLE & full size American pool table. Best made, nearly new. Tel: 600-302-824. WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, LIKE NEW. 175.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

CITIZENS ADVICE GROUP (C.A.G) from San Fulgencio have organised a Burns Night evening on Tuesday 26th Jan 2010 at The Sports Complex. Starts 7.30. Full scottish Piper.For tickets please call Pam 966 796 445.Citizens Advice Group offer help and advice to anyone & meet on a Tuesday morning 10-12 at the Sports Complex. VIVES PONS & ASSOCIATES the leading Legal, Fiscal and Architectural based in Denia are conducting a series of free, informative talks on fiscal, legal and architectural issues which are very relevant to expats. Each session is approx 30 minutes long and will be followed by questions and answers. This is your chance to receive free expert advice direct from the experts. Please contact Joe Bassim on 686-566-106 or see our half page advert in this weeks RTN for details.

Don’t whisper about your business


TEL 965 792 595

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291 WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewelley, bought sold & part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafront near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003 Tel: 965-792-595.



12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

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ASSSA pitches in

12-18 February 2010


by Jack Troughton SPECIALIST PRIVATE healthcare provider ASSSA has agreed to sponsor this year’s RTN Golf Championship as part of the insurance company’s 75th anniversary celebrations. This year’s competition is again hosted by Alicante Golf and the superb 18-hole course will provide an excellent day’s sport for every golfer taking part – and the chance to win some excellent prizes. The contest tees off on 18th March at the course close to the beach at San Juan, on the outskirts of Alicante and has excellent transport links to the north and south of the RTN region thanks to the A7 motorway. And the competition is a pairs ‘better ball’ – allowing friends, business colleagues, and husbands and wives to compete together and test their skills on this championship rated course. The entry fee is €55 which includes a full round of the 18 holes, a buggy, and a traditional English slap-up feed – sausage, egg, chips and beans, followed by apple pie and custard. PRIZE And thanks to ASSSA, the prizes so far confirmed are a pair of Nike Access golf bags for the winners; a Wilson TW9 wedge each for the second placed pair; the third placed duo will each scoop a Wilson 888 series putter; while the fourth placed team will each win a pair of Nike air tour classic shoes. Prizes for ‘nearest pin’ and ‘longest drive’ contests are still being discussed but are sure to whet the appetite of everyone taking part in this exciting day of golf. Geoff Gartland, RTN’s managing director, said: “We are proud that ASSSA has chosen to sponsor this year’s competition and congratulate the company on its achievement of providing 75 years of quality healthcare cover in Spain. “Our first championship at Alicante Golf 12 months ago was enjoyed by all that took part and it is with great pleasure we are able to invite golfers across the Costa Blanca and Murcia to take part again. “I had always envisaged the RTN Golf Championship becoming an annual event and I wish all the players the best of luck in the 2010 contest.”

Professional Noel Eastwell, RTN’s golf guru, believes the course at Alicante Golf will again be ready to challenge those taking part in the competition. “As far as I am concerned, it is one of the fairest tests of golf on the Costa Blanca. “It also has some of the best greens in the area and the bunkers are superb. The course has the reputation of being the best maintained in the area. “The facilities are excellent and the staff friendly. Altogether, Alicante Golf presents a great challenge – it has been home to good high quality professional championships in the past.” And ASSSA will have a stand at the course on 18th March, when company representatives will be on hand to explain its huge range of health policies – part of its commitment to ‘face to face’ lasting relationships with clients and offering individual confidential help and advice about its affordable cover. The company has close relationships with local clinics and hospitals and can point to the best specialists and treatments for any condition – very helpful for a golfer looking for physiotherapy to ease any sprains and strains suffered out on the course. An ASSSA spokesman told RTN: “A player’s health is vital for their long term golfing prospects. “And just think - savings made on healthcare could pay for those all important rounds of extra golf!” To enter the competition on 18th March, players should apply to Noel by email at golf@roundtownnews.com

Vistabella Golf SINCE ITS opening back in September last year, Vistabella golf has been popular from the start with our local golfers. The course was carefully designed by the prestigious Spanish golfe Manuel Piñero, who is ex international pairs with national treasure Severiano Ballesteros, and ex world champion.

The attractive citrus grove course is suited to all types of players. You’ll find the course has an array of styled holes; dynamic greens; wide fairways; strategically situated raised bunkers and of course the large lake area, which will delight even the most expert players. If you are not one of these expert players, Vistabella offers

There’s no need to take it so seriously however, as Simon is also organising group lessons, ideal for those new to the game, available for two different levels and lessons on a weekly basis just that little extra in the form of over a six week period. Make its amazing golf academy run by new friends in the golfing PGA professional Simon Foster. community and learn with Individual tuition is reasonably people of a similar ability to your priced and one on one specified own. These lessons are based tuition helps highlight the areas of on 4-6 people per group and your swing that need improving, classes last one hour.Getting the setting a structured programme kids involved too is no problem of development to activate with the junior academy. these goals. If you would like your son or daughter to learn to play golf, now is the ideal opportunity. Simons’ success with the juniors is undoubted, providing weekly, fun and structured lessons that teach all the fundamentals of the golf swing; technical aspects of the game; rules and etiquette. Simons’ team of future golfing superstars will be competing their way throughout the region this year and hopefully we will see them do well. The other alternative, now the better weather is coming around, is the offer available for father and son. What better way The beautifully to spend a Sunday than quality landscaped time bonding and improving course your game together; although

in many cases it’s the little ones that end up showing Dad a thing or two! Although the course still only has 11 holes open, we are promised the long awaited remaining 7 will not take much longer to be inaugurated. The course has good facilities, with good practise areas and a driving range with views to die for. The temporary club house isn’t looking quite so temporary theses days and all in all, a quality golf course is born… Vistabella is situated just 12km from the beaches of the Mediterranean, between the municipalities of Jacarilla and Orihuela, in an area with a tradition of golfing and an enthusiastic resident golfing community known as Entre Naranjos. There is a good link from the AP7 motorway very nearby (3km from exit 751, Los Montesinos). This makes for easy access to the area’s major cities, with the airports of Alicante and Murcia less than half an hour distant. This course offers enjoyment for the expert professionals and also to amateurs who are new to the game. For more information go to www.vistabellagolf.com or call 966 107 846


12-18 FEBRUARY 2010

The final whistle Field of dreams

MEMBERS OF Javea Bulls Rugby Club celebrated the ‘symbolic’ raising of a set of posts at their new home in the Marina Alta town. The club’s ground is behind the CD Javea football stadium and has been painstakingly levelled, an irrigation system installed, and top soil is being delivered before the pitch is seeded to grow into ‘the sacred turf’. At present, Javea Bulls play Club members their ‘home’ games at Gandia get but planning permission has bullish been granted for a modern

Terry’s rest With Andy Kay JOHN TERRY can usually be relied upon to give his all for Chelsea as they continue their push for the Premier League title, whatever his off-field indiscretions. Over the past couple of weeks, while the media has dissected every inch (ooer Missus!) of his personal life, the Blues skipper has hardly put a foot wrong; but he was out of sorts against Everton and striker Louis Saha took full advantage to score twice in a 2 – 1 victory. Now it’s been revealed that Carlo Ancelotti has given Terry some time off and he’ll miss the FA cup tie against Cardiff. You might question Ancelotti’s steadfast loyalty towards Terry but you can’t question his man management skills. In World Cup year, Terry cannot afford too many performances like the one against Everton and the quicker he sorts himself out the better it will be for the London club and England.


I’ve got a few trips to the UK coming up to cover a number of sporting events and while I’m there, I’m thinking of clubbing together with a few of my best mates and buying Portsmouth FC. Why not? Everyone else seems to have had a go recently.


Regular readers of this column will know that I’ve been critical of the England rugby union captain Steve Borthwick, questioning both his ability to lead the side and indeed, his right to be in the team at all. But fair’s fair: he was excellent in the 6 Nations opener against Wales, inspiring through example, carrying the ball forward and dismantling the Welsh line out. In fact, it was from a Borthwick turnover that England scored one of their three tries. More performances like that from the Saracens man and I’ll gladly shut up.


I’m in two minds about the decision of England cricket captain Andrew Strauss to miss the tour of Bangladesh. On the one hand, I can understand that he needs a break. The work load on him, and of any international cricketer these days come to that, is pretty relentless with domestic cricket, a home series and at least one tour every 12 months. And let’s be honest, after recently securing a 1 – 1 draw with South Africa, Bangladesh shouldn’t cause England too many problems in the Test match arena. But on the other hand, I just wonder how England will react if his expected replacement, Michael Carberry, plays exceptionally well? What if he scores a couple of centuries? His reward is likely demotion to the A squad or a return to his county when Strauss comes back. It’s not much to look forward to: is it?

The England cricket team

by Jack Troughton clubhouse complex including changing rooms, bar and restaurant, gym and stand. Last Friday night, players and club officials gathered to unveil a temporary base – a wooden hut – at the ground, christened ‘the Bull Ring’, while around them work continues, the posts were planted, and the dream becomes closer to reality. And as Kevin Costner almost says in the Hollywood blockbuster Field of Dreams – similar beginning, different sport: “If you build it, they will come…”

Cartagena inflict capital punishment RAYO VALLECANO 2 - FC CARTAGENA 3 TERESA RIVERO Stadium, central Madrid, was the venue for Cartagena’s latest div 2a triumph against mid table Rayo Vallecano. They not only completed a double, but more importantly reduced table toppers Hercules’ and Real Sociadad’s lead at the top to only 4 points. A superb thunderbolt from the edge of the penalty area by Lafuente sneaked inside the far post on 24 minutes to give the visitors the lead. Shortly afterwards, a clear cut penalty award for a foul on De Lucas was squandered by top scorer Toche. Toche spectacularly made amends on 29 minutes, when his audacious 15 yard chip shot sailed into the back of the net, doubling his sides’ advantage. Back came Rayo, scoring twice within 3 minutes. Lucas netted their first with a firm header and Michel restored parity with

a powerful drive through a pack of players. The post came to Cartagena’s rescue just before the interval as the home side exerted intense pressure on their opponents’ goal. The 2nd half was ‘one way traffic’, with a combination of the woodwork; poor finishing and the brilliance of keeper Ruben, denying Rayo the lead. But as so often happens, failure to take one’s chances is so cruelly punished. On 74 minutes, Txiki headed home a well taken in-swinging corner, triggering prolonged celebrations within the Los Albinegros ranks. Protecting their lead became even harder for Los Albinegros after 83 minutes, following a dismissal for debutant Moreno (2nd yellow card). But hold out they did, knowing full well that they will not be faced with many stronger tests than this for the remainder of the season.

FC TORREVIEJA 1 – OLIMPIC XATIVA 1 THE ONLY good thing about Sunday’s noon kick off was the chance for the spectators to enjoy the fine weather and perhaps the Carnival, which led to the match being brought forward. The main interest in countering the boredom was counting the yellow cards issued by the fussy referee, Carbonell Hernandez: he easily notched up double figures and included the Torry coach, Soto, into the bargain. It was a minor miracle that nobody was upgraded to a sending off. The promotion chasing visitors dominated the first half but only had a one goal advantage to show for it, as FC Torrevieja struggled to put together anything of consequence. Clearly Piquero’s skills were missed, with his move to Caravaca. Olimpic’s goal was down to farcical defending between Jorge and Green, as the ball bounced in the penalty area

between them, and whilst they decided who should go for it, Alberto Pomer pounced to put the leaders ahead. Torrevieja’s lack of creativity continued in the second half until the hour mark, when Olimpic blundered with poor keeping from Busquets, which helped to set up Aitor to score. The home side finished in a brighter fashion, but in truth there was little cheer for either set of supporters. FC Torrevieja now has two away matches, starting with Saturday’s game at Catarroja with a 17.00 kick off.

FC CARTAGENA LINE UP Ruben Exposito Txiki Cygan Clavero Hector (Moreno) Longas (Balboa) De Lucas Falcon Lafuente (Tato) Toche FORTHCOMING FIXTURE Saturday 13th February, KO 17.00, at Cartagonova Stadium, sees 2nd to bottom Real Union arrived as the next opponents, in what promises to be another exciting div 2a encounter.

Torry fans find their voice by Alex Trelinski FC TORREVIEJA is giving its supporters a chance to voice their opinion on what positive changes they would like to see implemented. Fans are requested to come up with their thoughts and positive suggestions for the Club’s future by sending an E-mail to yourvoice@fctorrevieja.es The messages will go straight to Peter Fulford, CEO of SAMM Inc, who recently bought the club and want to hear the supporters’ views. “I’m keen to take the pulse of what the fans want and discover what ideas they have to take FC Torrevieja forward”, says Fulford, “….I’ll try to answer some of their points directly, though I cannot guarantee a reply to everybody as there is so much work to be done on and off the field. The committee and I are extremely committed to FC Torrevieja and welcome the thoughts and positive feedback from our valued fan base and community. “There is a strong bedrock of Spanish and British support here but I do want to hear from people who have not been recently and what we can do to encourage them to cheer on their local side”.

FC Torrevieja players to be fully paid by Alex Trelinski FC TORREVIEJA’S players are to get all the wages they are owed, including those for this February, by the end of this month. Getting everything up to date has been a priority of SAMM Inc since they got involved with the club, with no player salaries going out for over three months. Director of Football, Tommy Taylor, and club treasurer, Jefferson Scott, met with the

squad to tell them the latest. Taylor said that the players were “happy and delighted with the news”, and that they were “looking forward to continue giving their best for the remaining matches of the season”. The payments are being made as installments to the players due to management reasons; the whole process being finished by 28th February.

12-18 FEBRUARY 2010


Noel’s world of golf Maggots end Fishing Costa Blanca round-up


Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

Do They Really Want Us on Their Courses?

A few short weeks ago we discussed service levels at our golf courses here on The Costa Blanca compared to other golf holiday destinations. Inevitably, price was a big part of the discussion. Far from going away after a few weeks, my article is still being discussed amongst the British expatriate community and by the golf course managers. In the time that has elapsed, I have had many meetings and discussions with either golf course owners or their representatives and golfers regarding the way we feel the courses treat the British golfers. The British expatriate golfer and holidaymaking golfer accounts for more of the income of our local courses than any other single nationality yet the vast majority feels they are shown little or no respect and many feel they are completely ignored. At the end of last month on Focus on Golf on Bay Radio we discussed this very subject at great length. Some of the emails and telephone calls we received were not aired or discussed because of the time constraints we are under during a one-hour show. Without wishing to protract the discussion to the point where readers get bored and don’t want to read this column, I do think we need to discuss the matter a little further in light of what came about subsequently. Very disappointingly, one email from one of our local courses clearly stated that if we cannot afford to play golf here we should perhaps return to Britain where golf is better value for money. Well I have news for you Mr. Golf Course Manager: very many British golfers are doing just that and many more are not even thinking of coming to our part of the world for a golf holiday. This attitude is what we expatriate golfers have felt many of our Spanish hosts have thought of us for a long time and it is very sad to receive such comments in writing. Still the golf course owners and managers here think they have a God

given right to have golfers play their courses because they think that our courses here on The Costa Blanca are amongst the best in Europe: it’s high time they entered the real world! A quick look at the top 100 golf courses in Spain reveals that only El Saler is in the top 10 and that is not really in our area. El Bosque is next, in 22nd spot; again hardly on our doorstep. The first local course is Villamartin, which is rated 40th; hardly impressive but a start. La Manga then comes along down in the fifties. As anyone can see - the list as far as The Costa Blanca is concerned is not exactly impressive. I would like to make it clear that I am not saying our local courses are bad but they are not as good as owners think they are. The course owners need to acknowledge this and make them value for money in the eyes of their customers. Maybe then we will attract the visitor numbers that we once did and we can all benefit. There is no doubt that our golf courses do provide a challenge and very many are enjoyable to play but they are not worth anything like the €80per round that some of them are trying to charge. Then you have to add on a buggy if that is required and they don’t come as value for money at most golf courses as they are seen as money making machines that courses can overcharge for. What the correct price is for a round of golf is a matter of opinion. The biggest customers of local golf courses are British expatriates and their opinion is that golf here is far too expensive. What would happen to most businesses that don’t listen to their biggest customers? We all know the answer to that one: they go broke. I wonder sometimes if that is what some people want when I see and hear what they are saying. I ask that any golf course manager reading this to listen to what your biggest customer is saying before it’s too late. It’s time someone broke ranks from what looks to outsiders like a Cartel and looked after their own business instead of sticking together and looking after no one. Spain’s national tourist board has stated that in 2009, spending from tourists was down by 14.2%: do golf course owners want to see a further reduction in 2010? Well I guess they don’t so it’s time they did their bit for us all.


The Gulf Swing is over for 2010 and Dubai provided a stern test for Europe’s finest with a strong wind affecting the play on Sunday. Overnight favourite Lee Westwood lived up to expectations and was tied for the lead after 72 holes but is was Spaniard Miguel Angel Jimenez who took the top prize after 3 extra holes. Jimenez has had his fair share of close calls in this event but this was to be the fulfillment of a dream for him as he picked up the giant coffee pot at the end of a strange 3 weeks for him. The first week he missed the cut, then he finished 66th and then won: what a contrast.


The Northern Trust Open in Los Angeles provided the test for The PGA players last weekend. Steve Stricker had a 7 shot lead when he went to bed on Saturday night. On Sunday that was quickly reduced to 2 by our own Luke Donald. Stricker’s one under round was enough however to give him the title and 2nd place in the world rankings. Luke Donald’s return to form was long overdue; let’s hope his change of caddy will see him fulfill the promise he once showed.

WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection.

Question for 12th February 2010: Who won the 2009 US Masters?

A. Angel Cabrera B. Phil Mickelson C. Lucas Glover

Answers must be received by 17.00, 1st March 2010, to be entered into February’s draw to be made on 1st March 2010. The winner will be announced in Round Town News on March 5th 2010.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

player profile John Bickerton

Exemption:European Tour, Cat 3, Rank 43 Exemption:Challenge Tour, Cat 0, Rank 0 Residence:Watchet, England Attachment:Tower Links GC Date of birth:23/12/1969 Place of birth:Redditch, England Height and weight:6ft 14st (183cm 89kgs) Family:Wife: Annette (m. 2008); Child: George Edward (1999) Interests:All sports Web Site:www.golfmi.co.uk Turned Pro:1991 (plus 3)Qualifying School:(1991), 92, (93), 96*, 97*

A TIE for fifth place in the Johnnie Walker Classic in February proved to be the highlight of the 2009 season for the Englishman who claimed his third European Tour title in 2008 when he won the Alfred Dunhill Championship in South Africa; a victory that helped him keep his card for the 2010 season via the two-year exemption. Started the game as a caddie for his father, in whose sheet metal business he used to work as a welder on the shop floor. Gained England boy and youth honours as an amateur, but missed out in three attempts at the Qualifying School before graduating from the Challenge Tour in 1994. Repeated that in 1998, and since then has been a permanent fixture on The European Tour. After five second place finishes and 287 events, he finally made his breakthrough in October 2005 with victory in the Abama Open de Canarias. Went on to claim his second title in 2006 when he won the Open de France ALSTOM at Le Golf National; a victory which helped him equal his career high Order of Merit finish of 20th. Disproved the theory that lightning does not strike twice – he was hit on two different occasions as an amateur but, remarkably, escaped injury both times.


David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS and REELS THIS WEEK’S match was fished on the Rio Segura at the Eden canal stretch. The match was an open match. The day started with a heavy frost, never a good thing anywhere; even more so here. In saying that, the day turned out a little better with some sunshine and people fishing in just a shirt. The fishing, on the other hand, was awful, with half the field not only failing to catch, but not even registering a bite. And to think we left the UK for sunnier climes and no frosts! I have been in the UK this week and that was probably the best decision. Quality anglers on the day as follows: 1st Clive (Golf no more) Cleghorn 3.600kg 2nd Harold (H) Clark 3.370kg 3rd Ian (From the darkside) Houghton 2.670kg All the above fished a long pole to the far bank and used maggot. Just a reminder to say that it is best not to fish on your own: if you must fish alone, find a prominent position so that you can be seen by all if help is required. ANGLERS TOGETHER IMPORTANT NEW MESSAGE: The friday Campoverde meetings will now be held at Mary’s Bar/ Restaurant. Taking the CV 925 from Pilar de la Horadada, turn right at the 1st roundabout into Pinar de Campoverde, first left and following the slip road up (past Fibber Mcgees and Lounge bar 6) until you get to the next parade of shops. Mary’s Bar is the 3rd / 4th unit up. The next meeting will be held on Friday 5th March at 12.00. The Puerto de Mazarron meetings remain at Los Galayos bar/restaraunt on the paseo adjacent to the beach: the next meeting will be held 6th March at 12.00. Work is still continuing on the Rio Segura at Murcia but it is still fishable. Embalse de Pedrera: The water level has risen dramatically and is over the road at the broken bridge. Sweetwater: The final dredging has taken place and the works personnel have cleared the surrounding road of all the silt deposited there. The banks are now angled and swims need cutting in! Anglers Together continues to grow as a club with many friendships formed over the past 3 years. Many members fish together regularly and say they are pleased that they have taken up a sport they once followed in their youth. We have the occasional organized outings but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding fishing venues. The joining fee is €10 for new members and €5 for renewing members. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Dave (Alan is away on his annual trek to Oz ) on anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or telephone 968 199 279.


Noel is available for lessons at El Plantio and Alicante Golf by prior arrangement. Call him on 639 730 891 to book an appointment and tell him you got his number from RTN for discounted rates.

Rio Segura, Murcia

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