RTN North Edition 565

Page 1


Your English Newspaper

Issue 565



Gaunt Column

“He’s a full-blown aristocrat with much more than Hancock’s armful of royal blood in him!”


13 - 19 AUGUST 2010

See page 18

Pensioners rescued from blaze

Drowning toll rises The death toll of immigrants trying to reach Spain in ‘pateras’ has risen to five after more bodies have been found on the Costa Blanca. • p3

Feed the animals Following Jack Troughton’s report last week, starving animals rescued from the ‘house of horrors’ urgently need food. Find out how you can help • p6

How to keep your baby safe in the sun If you have a child or are expecting visitors with babies, read Dawn Blythe’s advice on how to keep them safe in the sun. • p32

by Jack Troughton

Do you own your website? Karla Darocas explains how you can find out if you do and what to do if you don’t. • p51

There are still football junkies Read Andy Kay’s exclusive interview with one of them... Peter Drury • p62

George and Kim

BRAVEHEART GEORGE Robertson pulled two pensioners to safety moments before an explosion wrecked their Costa Blanca home. Knowing they have mobility problems, the 46-yearold Scot raced up seven floors into ‘horrendous smoke’ to help his friends as fire alarms sounded at a Benidorm apartment block. However, Dot Wield, 64, and partner Jim Dolan, 71, lost everything in the fire and resulting explosion at their home in Mariscal III, Avenida Juan Fuster Zaragoza. Both were treated in hospital for shock last Friday evening but have since been allowed to return to a vacant flat in the tower. George and wife Kim, who also live on the seventh floor of the block and own K&Gs Bar on the ground floor, have since come to the rescue again – organising an appeal to

help the couple and borrowing mobility scooters. George said he was not a hero but was just glad he was able to help. “I would do it again tomorrow. “Dot and Jim are friends of ours and knowing they were in trouble got me up the stairs. They may have lost everything but as long as they are all right, that is the main thing.” George and Kim were in the bar when a drinker alerted them to the fire as the apartments were being evacuated. Kim told RTN: “I just said to George that Dot and Jim were up in their apartment and knew they could not walk very well and said he should go and help – he just ran off.” George said the fire brigade were evacuating people and knowing the lift was out of action ran up the stairs to the seventh floor. “When I got there Dot and Jim were actually standing by their front door but their buggies were inside and I grabbed them both,” he said. Continued on page 3

See page 17


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See main ads on P18

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13 - 19 AUGUST 2010

continued from front page “DOT WAS shouting she had not got any shoes and I shouted she was not going back inside because it was gas and we needed to get out of there.” PANIC

George added: “Everyone was panicking but I got them to come out. We were about ten yards away when it just exploded – it took the front door off. “I got them down to the bar and gave them a drink and then the paramedics came. I think both of them were in shock.” And Kim said: “They have lost everything –they have not been left with a brass penny, everything has gone. “Their apartment is a real mess, there is absolutely nothing left.” Dot and Jim were sitting on their veranda

when fire broke out – Dot having put a joint of meat in the oven to cook. Dot told RTN: “We are lucky to be here, George got us out and everyone has been so good to us, lending us clothes and money. I am walking around in other people’s clothes. “The flat is absolutely gutted – there is no veranda left but we have lost everything, our passports, credit cards, money, and our three buggies because we are registered disabled.” And she said she was shattered to have lost photographs of her new grandchild and things of sentimental value. “There was all my jewellery and ornaments and things people have bought us. We will never be able to replace them.” Dot thanked everyone for their generosity in helping them and George and Kim for raising funds. The cause of the fire is being investigated by the authorities but residents believe it was caused by a gas leak.


Bring back Brits

Numbers of UK visitors fell as tourists felt the bite of the recession

By Jack Troughton TOURISM CHIEFS are spending €400,000 on an advertising campaign to attract more British holidaymakers to the Costa Blanca. The four month campaign is aimed at the British market and will be launched in

October, running until January of next year. Numbers of UK visitors fell as tourists felt the bite of the recession and further suffered as the exchange rate meant the value of sterling dropped against the euro – at one stage reaching parity with

the European currency. However, the Costa Blanca Tourist Board say numbers of British visitors have risen this year following the strengthening of the Pound and it believes the advertising campaign will boost the numbers of UK visitors in 2011.

Gang busted after robbing

The devastated home


POLICE ARRESTED four people alleged to have bound, gagged and robbed a pensioner in her Costa Blanca home. The 89-year-old Frenchwoman needed medical treatment after thieves struck at

her Parcent home, stealing three gold rings and €500 in cash. Two men and a woman broke into the house while the fourth member of the gang kept watch.


13 -19 AUGUST 2010

Jon shouts “Viva Espana!” by Jack Troughton WEATHERMEN ISSUED a storm warning this week as the Gaunt family flew in for a holiday and a well deserved chance to chill out. There was a touch of ‘busman’s holiday’ for the out-

spoken and often controversial presenter – he still had the Jon Gaunt Column to write and appear twice in person on Bay Radio. However, the busy presenter did promise his wife Lisa and two teenage daughters he would not spend the whole family break in Javea working. There was even time to take in the magnificent pyrotechnics of a Costa Blanca thunderstorm – described in typical Gaunt fashion as “a hurricane”. And staying in a Javea villa, he said: “I totally love it here. I brought the girls and they are having fun. “The kids are really enjoying it – where I take them normally they always say it’s like God’s waiting room because there are no young people. “But they are out down on the Arenal – and say there is a real buzz down there.” STORM

Jon on air at Bay Radio

RTN caught up with Jon as he went on air at Bay Radio’s studios in Javea. “The storm was a bit scary but absolutely tremendous to watch the lightning. “The weather is a bit humid at the moment, a bit sticky, but there are ways of getting round that – like having a beer or two and getting in the pool.” And Jon said he was very appreciative of the villa the family was staying in and the Columbian lady looking after them. “It is a little like Fawlty Towers because we can’t speak Spanish and she does not speak any English,” he said. “It is a bit of a comedy of errors really.” He said he was really pleased at the “amazing response” by expats to his weekly RTN column and twice weekly slots on Bay Radio. “Even our Columbian lady can say ‘Mr Jon’, ‘radio’ and ‘paper’ in English so we are doing something right.”

Fire crews battle rubbish blaze

TWO FIRE appliances from the Torrevieja Fire Station attended a large fire on Calle Caravaca in San Luis on Tuesday. The fire broke out on waste ground behind villas at the point where a pile of rubbish had been left. It took more than an hour to douse the flames and control the blaze and fire crews spent a further hour dampening down the area to ensure that the flames did not return. Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Spencer for the photos.

Photo taken of the blaze

Spanish cops bust Lourdes cocaine ring

SPANISH POLICE have broken up a cocaine trafficking network that used couriers pretending to be pilgrims heading for the Roman Catholic shrine of Lourdes in France. Not only did police arrest seventeen people and seized 36.6 kg (80 pounds) of cocaine, they also discovered a processing lab in Barcelona which was part of the operation. Investigation into the

smuggling ring began last year. The gang brought the drug to Europe using couriers who arrived by air from Latin America. Some couriers passed themselves off as pilgrims traveling to Lourdes, in southwestern France, before taking the drugs to Barcelona. Spain’s close ties with its former colonies in Latin America and its extensive coastline have made it Europe’s main entry point for the drug.

Drowning toll rises by Jack Troughton

THE GRIM toll of drowned illegal immigrants trying to reach Spain has risen to five after two badly decomposed bodies were discovered off the Costa Blanca coast this week. Guardia Civil sources confirmed the corpses were black African men and believed they had been attempting to reach Europe in a frail boat, known as a ‘patera’. Last week a half swamped dinghy was discovered off Altea. Police discovered food and water on board - as well as clothing of six people wrapped in plastic bags. A central theory is the boat overturned somewhere off the Balearic Islands and strong

currents carried the vessel and its occupants across to the mainland coastline. And it is understood all the bodies appear to have been in the water for several weeks, dating the tragedy to the second half of July. AFRICA On 28th July the corpses of two men of North African origin were discovered off Javea one 20 mile and the second 10 miles from Cap de la Nau - and recovered by coastguards from the Marina Alta port. The next day a third body was pulled from the sea off Calpe. And on Saturday swimmers found a fourth body three metres off the beach at San Juan, while on Saturday evening a

boat crew spotted a fifth body in waters off Altea. Both bodies were swollen scientists said they had been in the water at least 15 days - were in an advanced state of decomposition and partly eaten by fish. Police believe all five immigrants lost their lives trying to reach the Spanish mainland and could not rule out they had travelled in the same boat. Fishermen discovered the body of a man floating off the coast between Denia and Oliva on Wednesday. The Guardia Civil said it was a 50-yearold European who had been swimming and been in the water about 24 hours and not an illegal immigrant attempting to reach Spain.

13 - 19 august 2010


The Municipal Museum extends opening hours THE COUNCIL for culture in Villajoyosa is offering extended tours of the Municipal Museum this summer with emphasis on the turn of the 20th Century and highlighting the concession of the title of ‘city’ conferred by King Alfonso XIII in 1911. The councillor of culture, Loly Such, has made the decision to extend guided visiting hours. In July and August, residents and tourists will be able to visit Thursdays and Fridays up to 21.00 and

Saturdays until 22.30. Loly Such explained the guided visits are parallel with the exhibition ‘A letra de medico: ojo de boticario’ or ‘doctors’s letter: apothecary’s eye’. In addition, guided visits will offer tours throughout the summer in English and French, previously only available in Spanish or Valencian. The guided visits are free. To reserve: telephone 965 890 150.

Visits are free

Air traffic strike threat lifted

Javea’s coastguard cutter

By Jack Troughton AIR TRAFFIC controllers have called off an August strike that threatened travel chaos at the height of the holiday season. The vital workers made their decision following appeals from the tourist sector

and airlines and stressed they understood the fears voiced by the travel industry. Spokesman for the air traffic controllers’ union USCA Cesar Cabo said calling off industrial action for August was a “demonstration of responsibility” by his members.

And AENA, the Spanish airports authority, responded by saying it hoped to restart talks with the union in a bid to reach a settlement. The union is in dispute with AENA over working changes in working conditions and pay.


13 -19 AUGUST 2010

Commercial crime prevention

THE TORREVIEJA Town Hall, along with members of the city’s security services, has unveiled a new crime prevention system which the Town Hall hopes will cut commercial crime significantly. The system, PREVECOM, (Prevention of Commercial Crime) is designed to work using the collaboration of local security forces and local shop owners to prevent robberies and thefts. The Torrevieja Councillor for Commerce, Agustina Esteve, announced the new initiative at a press conference earlier this week alongside the President of the Small and Medium Business Association in Torrevieja (APYMECO), José F. Riera, the Chief of the Local Police, Javier Mínguez, the Superintendant of the Local Police, Vicente Gutierrez and the Head of the Guardia Civil Command in

Torrevieja, Lieutenant Sergio Soto. The PREVECOM system has been described as ‘pioneering’ and will be subsidised by the Department of Commerce at the Torrevieja Town Hall, allowing direct contact between the businesses that sign up to the project and the security services. ENCOURAGED

As well as direct contact through an agent based at the headquarters of the Association of Retailers, details of suspects and information regarding incidents will be relayed to other shop owners in the area so that they can be on the lookout for the suspects involved. The system will also eliminate the need to contact the police by telephone and will give greater response

The new system is announced at the Torrevieja Town Hall

speed following the alert. At present a total of 95 businesses of APYMECO have signed up to the system and it is hoped that more businesses, including British expat businesses in Torrevieja, will sign up in the coming months. The association expects that all of its members will be signed up by the end of the year as it costs nothing to join; hence why the Town Hall is keen to publicise the new system and to urge all business owners to become involved. And those businesses that are not already members of APYMECO are encouraged to join the association which, as well as this new system, gives other benefits to its members. This new electronic system has been pioneered by a computer science company in the area and it is believed that it is the first of its kind in Spain.

Hand baggage thefts at airport By Louise Clarke A HAND baggage theft at Alicante Airport prompted a reader to contact RTN: “My father waited in the Departures area of Alicante Airport with three bags. When I returned, one had gone. As we looked for the thief, another returned to distract my Dad again, asking how to use the ticket machines. “There seems to be a gang using the same M.O. The culprits were Eastern Europeans: one was tall and in his mid forties, with greyish hair. He distracted the victim, whilst another thief stole the bag.” NO SECURITY The reader had to board so could not fill in all the relevant police report forms. Back in the UK, she emailed the airport authorities and

security services: “They said that without CCTV they were unable to identify the culprits. I am disappointed with the lack of security in the airport; no security officials and the police reports desk un-manned. “I know a new terminal building is under construction so perhaps the old terminal is not viewed as priority, but more passengers are flying with only hand luggage and this kind of theft is likely to occur more frequently. The police must know these ‘gangs’ are targeting the airport.” She concluded: “After 25 years of flying through Alicante airport, I now feel uneasy. Warning signs in the building would not go amiss. Criminals have ample opportunity to get away, as the car park is only a few metres from the Terminal building.”

Missing Spanish mountaineers found, one confirmed dead TWO OF the three Spanish backpackers reported missing after flash floods swept the Jammu and Kashmir region of the Himalayas in India are safe and ready to return home. Indian police have confirmed the death of Mallorcan hiker Lourdes Morro, who was in the stricken town of Leh when floods and mudslides blasted the town on 6th August. Encarnación Ruiz Montero and Juan Marmolejo Torres, both from Málaga, have been located and confirmed to be safe. The pair left Spain on 5th July and had planned to spend the summer backpacking throughout India. Family members contacted the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs because the pair had not been in contact since 27th July. The Times of India reports that some 165 people have died in the floods and 81 foreigners have had to be rescued.

Altea fireworks by Fiona Hulme

THE FESTIVAL of San Lorenzo took place in Altea last weekend, an annual event culminating in a spectacular display of fireworks over the sea at midnight on Saturday, attracting an estimated 50,000 visitors. Early celebrations began on Friday night with some walking processions along the N332, mostly exuberant teenagers who filled passing cars with confetti and sweets for those naive enough to drive past with their windows open. The main fireworks event (The Castell de l´ Olla) has been going for over 20 years, with several pontoons moored off shore as launching platforms. The local police have the organisation down to a fine art, drafting in some 200 officers to manage the crowds and the traffic. Saturday got underway early as temporary car parks started to fill up at 15.00. By 20.00 there were portable neon signs directing through traffic onto the motorway due to the ´colapsada´ (traffic queues) on the N332. A good alternative to driving was to park at a railway station (Alfas Del Pi had lots of spaces) and get the train in to La Olla station. The trains were packed with entire families out for a midnight picnic with chairs, tables and coolboxes. The return trains ran until after 02.00 so there was time for a few drinks and live entertainment in the local bars after the main event had finished. Those with more

The Castell de l´Olla has been going for over 20 years

staying power could join the ´after party´ on the beach until 04.30. Down at La Olla beach, there were several choices of viewing comfort. The Great and the Good had the linen table cloths and crystal of Villa Gadea hotel; lesser mortals booked a chiringuito table ranging from €35 to €100 per person, but the majority enjoyed a bocadillo and beer sitting on the beach. Those with boats travelled down from Denia or up from Alicante and moored behind the pontoons, and there was even a police boat with a blue light

keeping them in line. The pyrotechnic display commenced at five to midnight with a rocket fired every 60 seconds, counting down to the start. From then the audience sat back to enjoy 20 minutes of dazzling colour and explosions, each new burst eliciting oohhs, aahs and applause from young and old alike. The event is now a firm fixture in the Costa Blanca calendar and is a ´must see´ for residents and visitors. Put it in your 2011 diary now....it is normally held on the second weekend in August.

13 - 19 august 2010


Knockout family fun FUN FOR all the family comes to the Costa Blanca with ‘It’s a Knockout’ in aid of a new charity helping single parents. Television’s old chestnut is at the centre of a fund raising event for the Guardian Angels, a charity supporting one-parent families, initially in Javea, Denia and Oliva. Organised by Jaspas Guardian on Javea’s Balcon-al-Mar, Angels teams of six can challenge founder each other to a series of Tricia funny and unusual outBarr door events – such as snail stalls, tombola and raffle, racing; flip flop flinging face painting, a ball pit and (Spain’s version of welly Disney films showing in hurling), jumble relay and Kids Corner. costume musical chairs. In the evening from It is also hoped businesses will join the fun on 29th Au- around 19.00, new teenage band Night Pollution will gust and battle it out to lift take to the stage. It costs €12 the Angels’ Charity Cup. to enter a team of six and the entrance fee to the fun CASTLE is €1 per person. Jaspas is And during the day there at Cabo La Nao 63, Balconwill be other attractions for al-Mar, call 965 770 625, or the family, including full email lollygm@ymail.com, English breakfasts from or visit www.jaspas.biz for 10.30 and a barbeque for 13.00; kids’ bouncy castle, more information.

Hot dog!

FRIENDS OF popular Marina Alta animal charity APASA are invited to a traditional ‘knees up’ tomorrow night, Saturday 14th August. The summer fiesta takes place at the charity’s animal sanctuary in Cami Les Sorts,

Javea, from 19.00. And as well as meeting the APASA dogs and seeing the improvements to the shelter, guests can enjoy barbeque , drinks, and the homemade cakes sold at every charity gathering. To make the evening go with a swing, the party will also feature the music of DJ Holger.


13 - 19 august 2010

Feed the animals by Jack Troughton

One of the horses

STARVING ANIMALS rescued from a Costa Blanca ‘house of horrors’ urgently need food after months of neglect. Organisers of the rescue operation have launched an appeal for donations as some of the livestock from the Lliber property settle into foster care. Pauline Curtis, of animal charity Amigo Mio, told RTN the animals needed hay, alfalfa, goat’s mix and fruit and vegetables for the pig. “Officers from Seprona have been to Lliber this week with a vet and a case is being prepared for

Denia Court with all the paperwork and photographs of the animals,” she said. “It is all hotting up and we must keep the pressure up. These animals have been cruelly neglected and were in a terrible state.” RESCUE

RTN reported last week how an international group of animal lovers and animal charities had mounted a rescue operation for the three horses, a herd of goats, dogs and the pig. A man who formerly worked for the owner called for help because he said he could not let the animals

starve to death. He raised the alarm after taking a German shepherd to a Benissa vet covered in parasites. Sadly, the dog had to be put to sleep. Bags of food were taken to the ranch-style smallholding just outside Lliber, where animals were found covered in sores and ticks. Seprona, the environmental arm of the Guardia Civil, and Lliber Town Hall were made aware of the situation and promised to take action. Anyone wishing to help the animals with donations can call Pauline on 625 767 781 or email her via finca.abril@gmail.com

Madrid Municipal Mayoral race heats up MUNCIPAL ELECTIONS in Spain aren’t for another ten months. In Madrid, campaigning has already begun. Health Minister Trinidad Jimenez, the Socialist Party’s mayoral candidate in 2007, announced on Tuesday that her priority is to win in Madrid, not against Tomás Gómez, former mayor of Getafe and the leader of the PSOE in the Comunidad de Madrid. Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero surprised many last week by coming out in favour of Jimenez standing against current Comunidad de Madrid president Esperanza Aguirre, who’s held the post since 2003. As opposition leader in the Madrid assembly, Gómez was widely considered to be a shoe-in for the job. Gómez has refused to publicly criticise Rodriguez Zapatero for the supposed slight, pointing out that the final decision lay with the member of the regional socialist party, not solely with the Prime Minister.

Sale now on THE LABELS and Tables August sale offers ‘buy one get one half price’, ON EVERYTHING! You can mix and match in either store, with over 10,000 products to choose from. You won’t get THAT deal anywhere else! Whether you are buying a birthday card or a Marks & Spencer settee, your second item will be half the marked price (the second item must be of equal or less value), and with up to 70% reductions in store, this is an incredible offer. So visit labelsandtables. com or call 966 876 143 for full details. Or see our advert on Page 25 which includes a map.

13 -19 AUGUST 2010



13 -19 AUGUST 2010

Increase confidence using Fast Track Hypnosis

OVER THE 25 years I have been in practice I have helped many thousands of people with severe confidence issues using Fast Track Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy. Some problems are quite simple, such client who are getting married and don’t want to make fools of themselves by becoming too emotional at the service (in fact I also get the parents in for that one as well!) Fast Track Hypnosis is ideal in helping a person to increase their confidence. Listed below are some of the problems people have asked me to help them with:

• Giving presentations (stumbling over their words, perhaps in front of colleagues). • Going on a first date. • Giving reports (very common with the medical profession). • Cold calling, either in person or on the phone. • Asking the boss for a pay rise. • Dealing with the public or groups of people. • Attending lectures. • Inability to communicate effectively. The list is endless! ‘Only superior people can feel inferior. Inferior people don’t know it!’ A very true statement! LACK OF CONFIDENCE CAN BE DUE TO MANY CAUSES

• Being teased in childhood.

• Self conscious about one’s appearance. • Inability to cope at work, and/or being intimidated by bosses. • Constantly being put down by parents or partner. • A previous situation where they did not react correctly or held back and now regret it Fast Track Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy can help a person to overcome their self doubt and insecurities by implanting positive suggestions and removing negative associations or emotions. Fast Track Hypnosis also gives the confidence to overcome self-doubt and gain selfconfidence wherever it is needed. It can also help to create a positive attitude for the client to use before and during meetings, social events, presentations, or any situation that might make them feel self conscious, uneasy, angry or upset. If the problem is simple one, only one session would be required. However if the problem is more deep rooted then the process normally takes approximately 4 sessions depending on the response and commitment from the client. It is impossible to be totally accurate as to how many sessions are required due to the differences in clients, but Fast Track Hypnosis dramatically speeds up the whole process. CDs are also provided to reinforce ongoing results as they progress and finally they are

taught self-hypnosis to give positive suggestions to themselves without the use of CD’s “I am a 35 year old personal assistant who works for a consultant in the NHS. I was a confident person until a few years ago, following problems at my work place when I developed panic attacks. I was off work for several months as it got to the stage where I was terrified to leave my home and I was prescribed anti-depressants by my G.P. My IBS was very severe and when I was able to leave my home, I was always panicking about not finding a bathroom on time and being able to leave meetings etc. if I needed to. This has had a terrible and long lasting effect on my confidence and my perception of who I am. Recently I had been experiencing new stressors and decided to do something about it before I got full blown panic attacks once more. I couldn’t go through all that again and I didn’t want to take tablets. I did an internet search and found Alan Gilchrist who specialises in phobias and rehabilitating thought processes through hypnotism and arranged an appointment to see him. THIS HAS BEEN THE BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE!

Alan is so easy to talk to. His warmth and professionalism ensures that you know you can tell him anything without his being judgemental, and from our initial consulta-


Alan Gilchrist The Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist

tion, there have been dramatic changes in my life. I feel more like my old self, more confident, more positive and more aware of who I am and what I want and more importantly, I am no longer afraid to go and get it! In fact, I have - I am in the process of enrolling in an Open University diploma course to further my academic studies; something I would not have dreamed I could do a few years ago. Other things I have noted include situations not getting on top of me as much, as I am much more relaxed; I sleep better and don’t suffer the tension pains in my shoulders and neck the same way I used to. In a strange twist, I’ve started to lose weight as I’m not comfort eating any more. Happy days! I have really enjoyed my sessions with Alan and would sincerely recommend him. He can and will make a difference to your life. Deborah......” Alan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Guardarmar, and Benidorm. Alan is also the Creator of the ‘Stop Smoking in under 30 minutes Fast Track System’. For an appointment, brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 659 229 408. www.alangilchrist.com www.hypnosiscostablanca.com www.thegastroband.com www.fitnosys.com

13 -19 AUGUST 2010



13 -19 AUGUST 2010


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AUGUST FEB13 26-19 - MARCH 4 2010

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L.

by Jennifer Cunningham

We are here for you today and tomorrow QUESTION: Why are there such differences, sometimes, in a car quotation? Does it mean less cover? ANSWER: Car insurance in Spain has never before seen such a price war. The company we work with, Liberty Seguros, refuse to enter the price war. It is both a dangerous and false world, because both the claim service and paying for claims will become a problem for a company charging less than a realistic premium. One car claim via my company was in excess of thirty thousand Euros! This has now been paid to the client in total. It is impossible to cut the prices so drastically and give the same service, as has been proven in the UK; cheap premiums always in the end have a big price attached. Just watch this space… For example, one other way a quotation can appear less than ours is where a basic model is quoted instead of the actual, which of course could be the sports version. Check the model carefully as this could affect any payment made in the case of an accident. Most important are the accessories and the BHP which can easily be seen on your ‘ficha tecnica’. Also always check the cover is the one you have requested and not third party only. Never forget Liberty


The Costas leading insurance consultant

Seguros offers protected no claims bonus, at no extra cost. Yes, I can assure you, all this does happen. We are and will be here for you today and tomorrow.

QUESTION: In the paper you suggest that we come to you for a second opinion on QROPS: why?

QUESTION: Do I need to take out insurance for my apartment if the urbanisation I live on has an insurance policy?

QUESTION: There have been various articles recently regarding who is eligible to drive my car

ANSWER: I have mentioned a few times that QROPS could be the most dangerous product to be sold in the financial market for a while. Advice, that is either not legal or incorrect, could, lead to a bad investment being made for that very precious pension fund, which has taken years of saving. One question to consider is, have you been advised to remove the whole amount of your pension fund and assured that it is all tax free? Should the answer be yes? Despite what you are told, you could have the tax man chasing you in a few years time, because, by law, you can only transfer a certain percentage. Also if you are feeling very uncomfortable with the charges, there is no need to automatically accept them. Why not pick up the phone and call us for an appointment with our associates? They are experienced legally regulated advisors who will arrange to meet you and give their expert opinion, supported by a comprehensive report. The decision you take now could affect your whole future; it is far too important to leave it just to chance.

ANSWER: Good question, and one we are always being asked about. The answer is simply yes, you do need to top up your urbanisation policy in two ways: your apartment will only be covered to a certain level, depending on the community policy that the urbanization have. For example, if you have a leak that causes damage to another apartment you could be liable for the cost of the repairs, should you not have accidental damage cover. It is your responsibility to insure your contents and as always our advice, is to make sure you are realistic about the costs of all your furnishings, clothes, ornaments etc. If in any doubt about any of the above information, please take your policy document into one of JCC’s offices and we will check it for you and advise you accordingly.

ANSWER: I understand about these articles as we have had a number of calls checking what Liberty Seguros’ policy is on this. In Spain it is the car that is insured for use on the road, (whereas in the UK the driver is insured to drive a vehicle). Providing that the driver is over 25 years and has held a license for 3 years he can, with the permission of the policy holder, drive the vehicle. Please ensure that you have cover for all your passengers as per the number of seats in the car. QUESTION: You often inform us your Life Insurance is cheaper than the banks, is it the same cover? ANSWER: Yes exactly the same, bar the premium, often more than 50% cheaper. Life insurance means just that: you die - the insurer pays out.

PS: If you are still without health insurance, remember that we still have the special offers from ASSSA, valid for life.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.

Offices at: JAVEA PORT




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Avda Londres 56

966 46 16 90

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902 373 444 or visit www.jennifercunningham.net


13 -19 AUGUST 2010

No help to the economy

THESE ‘BAZAARS’ contribute nothing to the Spanish economy. I happened to comment to my son, who works in a bank in Madrid, that they were springing up like mushrooms and he said, “You know why, don’t you?” I said no and he explained it’s because they pay no taxes or any contributions for 5 years. After 5 years they close up and start in another name for another 5 years free. I have had a look round a few of them and must admit there is not a lot worth buying. So now your readers can decide for themselves if they want to contribute to the Chinese economy or the Spanish. Jenny

Bad for your health BEWARE OF leaving cheap, disposable plastic lighters lying around in the sun. In the last couple of weeks I’ve had two that have exploded; the first just went pop, but the second exploded with some force, sending fragments of plastic some 2 metres distant. Maybe a good reason to give up smoking! Regards, Brian

Too dumb to think for themselves SO YOU have landed Jon Gaunt as a columnist in (as he calls your weekly) ‘the best English language newspaper on the Costas’. That in itself is an insult coming from a man who waffles from his underbelly in a quality newspaper ‘The Sun’. The fact that a great many expats on the Costas get their information from papers such as The Daily Mail, Express and The Sun doesn’t surprise me at all. 90% of the great British Public is too dumb to think for itself, relying on these ‘quality’ newspapers to form an opinion. His first column in your paper is a good example; an easy target for his sharp wit, the people we all love to hate ‘The Politicians’. Yes a few fiddled their expenses and I am not excusing their conduct but ‘fiddling on an industrial scale’ is a gross exaggeration: less than 4% of all MPs, and the amount involved is peanuts. Most MP’s are hardworking, underpaid, well intentioned people doing their best for their constituents and the country. On average they work 70 to 80 hours per week with no overtime paid. Most of them could double or treble their income working for banks or other crooks in commerce. Many are idealists and mistrusting them is unfair and stupidly shortsighted. No doubt your readers will enjoy Gaunt’s enlightening views on many subjects. From now on I shall not bother. M van Kleef, Javea


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

A fact of life or a life fact I’VE WRITTEN fiction for children, but now just for you I’ll try fact. First a warning: as well as money and health, I’m a little short on tact. I’ve thoroughly researched my subject and I’ve studied it well, Now are you sitting comfortably? Good, then the story I’ll tell. In days of old when Knights were bold, And fairy stories to you all, when children, were told. Back then life was simple; you wore a smile on your face, But as you grew older, things changed, you entered the rat race. For forty plus years you toiled, scrimped and you saved, And for most of the time, ‘tis a fact, you were well behaved. However, the following generations, to your way of thinking, ‘They’ve had it all too easy and their

manners, truly stinking’. But now you are older you’ve wised up not a minute too soon, You can party, dance and if you feel like it, howl at the full moon. You’ve earned the right to live your own lives and do as you please, Every moment of happiness and enjoyment without guilt seize. Should your offspring moan, as some do and occasionally chide, Let them know you love life and that’s a fact you’ll not hide. Ask them why you should not enjoy things, be happy and gay, If that’s raised a few eyebrows, I mean in the pre 1960s way. Saying you’re oldies or past it, that’s the real abomination, The plain simple fact is, you’re the ‘Recycled Teenager Generation’. Juan De La Ribera

Could Harry be right? WHILST HOLIDAYING in La Marina I was stunned by Rev. Southgate’s proposal that ‘No British road tax in Spain is not an offence’. On my return, I took up the issue with my local DVLA office and my next door but one neighbour, an experienced traffic policeman, and I produced the article I had read. The woman in DVLA informed me that so far as she could find, there was no actual law in place empowering the DVLA to enforce road tax legislation outside of the British Isles, but thought a current disc might be advisory. She could find no record of any relating prosecution. My policeman neighbour was of the opinion that British traffic law is not enforceable outside of the British Isles, as jurisdiction ends at our borders. He added that international treaty permitted him to request foreign drivers to produce a valid driving license, registration, insurance, and certificate of roadworthiness on demand, but somewhat oddly, foreign road tax was not an issue he was permitted to inquire into. He had never heard of any prosecution for failure to display road tax abroad, and knew of no act of parliament that made it an offence. He added that action by any police force against those who choose not to pay British road tax when driving abroad would be highly unlikely due to lack of legislation and/or jurisdiction. I sincerely hope my research will be of interest to your readers. Norman Jarvis

No apology IN RESPONSE to the comments made by M Walsh recently in RTN: I totally agree with every aspect of the letter. Following blood and urine tests requested by the doctor I made an appointment with the doctor for the results the following week. I employed an interpreter to accompany me. After waiting to see a doctor, she informed the interpreter the receptionist had made my appointment

with the wrong doctor. To cut a long story short, the correct doctor said I would have to wait until the end of her appointments. We counted 11 patients yet to see her and she was running 45 minutes late: my interpreter was being paid by the hour. I decided the best thing to do was to made another appointment. At no time did anyone apologise. I now have an appointment for 7 day’s time and again have to employ my interpreter. H Walton

I’m still soldiering on I SYMPATHISE with people like John. I have worked hard all of my life and had to go all over the World to find work. I worked in Turkey; Spain; Africa and now I will be going to Saudia Arabia. I have been unable to find work here in Spain and so that means leaving my adopted country for a second time. I brought up my daughters as a single parent without any financial assistance from their father and I am still trying to help them financially. I have not been able to afford medical care for 2 years now and I am not entitled to care in Spain or in the UK. I paid into the British system for 30 years

and paid contributions this year when I was working in London. I paid into the Spanish system for 3 years but that no longer entitles me to benefits. It isn’t nice being unemployed and saddled with a mortgage. My property has dropped 50% in value and my mortgage is much higher than the value of my apartment. In spite of this, I soldier on and know that I will have to keep working until I am well over 65. Even then, I may not be financially secure. It’s a hard life for some, isn’t it? I count my blessings, having worked in povertystricken Africa. C Naylor

The Spanish equivalent of the Conservative Party?

THE PARTIDO Popular (PP) is rocked with corruption charges in Spain. This is no surprise to me, given that the party is born of Franco’s fascists who made corruption an art form and the slaughter of opponents in the night normal practice. Some British ex pats think that the PP is the Spanish equivalent of the Conservative Party. This is nonsense as their only similarity is with the BNP, which is also corrupt and violent. Given the corruption scandals that rock the PP all along the Costas, one would think that they couldn´t win a bun fight yet they are allowed to control many town halls. They are allowed power because ex pats, who often make up large portions of local populations, do not register on the padron. If people register on the pardon, town halls get greater financial support from government with better public services, access to benefits and possible reductions in taxes. It’s not rocket science - if you want a fair deal, get on the pardon; kick out the PP; and elect the PSOE. You know it makes sense. Jack Johnson, La Cala Finestrat

Increase in driving checks

13 -19 AUGUST 2010

The Town Hall has invested in two new mobile radar units

MORE THAN 100 drivers have been stopped for speeding in the San Javier municipality, it was reported this week. The Councillor for Security, Manuel Leal, has announced that the town’s Policia Local has stopped 117 drivers in the last month for speeding after the Town Hall invested in two new mobile radar units, which detect the speed of cars as they pass the units. Fines for speeding drivers varied from €100 to €600 as well as endorsements of two to six points depending on how far the speed limits were exceeded. The Town Hall has also announced a crackdown on drink driving and has told RTN that

the Local Police will continue to increase their breathalysing checks during the coming weeks as the number of visitors to the area increases. During the month of July, a total of 39 drivers were stopped as part of the crackdown, with eleven drivers testing positive for excess alcohol. Please remember that Spain has very strict drink driving laws, allowing only 0.5 milligrams of alcohol per millilitre of blood. This is much stricter than the UK where the limit is 0.8. New drivers are effectively forbidden to drink and drive, and have a very low 0.1 mg/l limit. If in doubt, don’t drink any alcohol at all if you are driving: it is just not worth it.

Gibraltar toll road one step closer to reality

DRIVERS HEADING from Spain to Gibraltar may have to pay a toll of at least five Euros, if one Andalusian town gets its way. Alejandro Sánchez, mayor of La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz) met yesterday with Ministry of Public Works representatives in an attempt to formally divert Gibral-

tar-bound traffic from the N351 highway to Avenida del Ejércitio. Some 27,000 vehicles, mostly cars and light trucks, have been forced to take the diversion since La Línea began renovation work on its sewer system in 2008. Sánchez argues that establishing a toll is the fairest way

of raising funds to maintain road connections between the two municipalities, since Gibraltar authorities are not required to contribute money to road maintenance on the Spanish side. If the plan goes through, La Línea stands to make between €30 and €50 million per year from tolls.

Got a story? 902 118 999





13 -19 AUGUST 2010

-19 AUGUST 2010 8-1413 JANUARY 2010




13 -19 AUGUST 2010



Email Jon at: jongaunt@roundtownnews.com


He’s a full-blown aristocrat! DAVID CAMERON wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth; no - his gob was stuffed full of the whole canteen of cutlery. So I had to laugh when he described himself and his wife as ‘middle class?’ He’s a full-blown aristocrat with much more than Hancock’s armful of royal blood in him. Sam Cameron once said that she grew up just outside Scunthorpe, however she forgot to mention that the place was called Lincolnshire and her Dad owns most of it, including a stately home. So the Prime Minister’s views on council homes are typical of a millionaire aristocrat who has never lived in the real world that most council tenants have to. He wants council house tenants to be evicted from their homes if they get a better job or if their circumstances change, whatever that means. What he fails to

recognise is that that there is no stigma attached to living in a council house and that most tenants are hard working families. After bringing up a family and paying the rent on time for years why should Mum and Dad be evicted from their home when their kids leave the family nest? If he really believes in his so-called ‘Big Society’ he should be encouraging stable, settled communities with generations of the same family living in an area. This would be preferable to opening our borders to every Tom, Dick and Abdul, as he seems to be doing with his crazy idea to allow Turkey full integration in Europe. There is a shortage of affordable homes but these should be allocated first to those who have paid into the collective pot and not to the newly arrived or to young slappers who think

The Camerons that getting pregnant is a short cut to getting a council flat and a lifetime of hot and cold running benefits. Now Cameron has declared war on benefit scroungers; another great headline of course and something that I have been calling for over the years. But… and it’s a bloody big ‘but’, I also hope that Cameron is going to do something about the scroungers closer to home: those MP’s who either fiddled or made mistakes

with their expenses. Why haven’t they all been forced to pay back the cash they weren’t entitled to? Aren’t these dishonorable members just as bad if not worse than a so-called benefit fiddler? As with most politicians, once in power Cameron seems to have forgotten that he should be looking after the decent silent majority and not the feral, the feckless, the foreigners and the long term useless.

See Jon live on Sky News with Eamonn Holmes each Wednesday morning at 7.40am and 8.40am with a review of the UK papers and don’t forget you can listen to Jon on BayRadio each Wednesday morning from 11.00am and Friday afternoons at 4.30pm with his current affairs review.

Postman Pat SO THE Postman Pat look-alike that the blazered buffoons at the FA have allowed to stay in charge of our national team has decided that Becks is too old and that his career shouldn’t be ended with a face to face meeting or even a phone call but via a stilted TV interview before

Wednesday’s friendly against Hungary. Let me ask you, whom would you prefer in the dugout? A true Englishman like David with all his passion, loyalty and pride or the man who can’t even speak English who led us to shame in South Africa?

Low cost airlines

I LOVE low cost airlines and they have opened up destinations that most of us could have only dreamed about visiting just a few years ago. However, their petty rules don’t half wind me up. The latest incident was on the Monarch red eye flight last week when I was stopped from getting on the plane to Javea with a cup of coffee. Evidently hot drinks are banned, even though I had passed security and bought it from the Prêt airside. I could understand the ban if they weren’t selling hot drinks (or should I say lukewarm drinks) on the flight but of course they are. This petty rule, as with many others, is simply another way of ramping up profits.

Cameo’s horse show by Jack Troughton CAMEO ENTERTAINERS earmarked the €80 raised by the sale of raffle tickets at a recent show to support the Epona Horse Sanctuary. The cash was raised at Teulada’s Bar Mediterranean last month when the cabaret group performed the popular Cameo Oscars. Cameo’s treasurer Linda Higgins was at the Murla sanctuary on Wednesday to present Emma Sims of Epona with the donation. Since opening its doors in June, Epona, named after the Celtic goddess of horses,

donkeys and mules, has welcomed a number of horses – with more expected next week. Emma said partner Dhyana had launched horse whispering classes “which we call natural horsemanship lessons and we have had a successful demonstration which about 30 people attended.” The sanctuary has also launched a Saturday Kids’ Club, running from 10.00 until 15.00, costing €10 for the day – parents should call first to book. For more information about the sanctuary visit www.eponahorsesanctuary.com call 696 052 662 or 965 581 818.

Emma and daughter Charley with Angel

Jellyfish plague keeps lifeguards busy LIFEGUARDS ON Elche’s beaches had their hands full on Tuesday as 250 people were treated with First Aid for jellyfish stings. One hundred and twenty swimmers needed assistance at Carbassí Beach during the morning. Beach technicians told EuropaPress that they saw a significant increase in the number of swimmers being stung during the later hours of the day. The infestation forced authorities to raise the red flag and broadcast warnings every ten minutes to advise swimmers not to enter the water. Jellyfish infestations on area beaches are not unknown, but hot weather in August means more possibilities of being stung as the creatures move closer to shore. During peak summer months, some 20,000 swimmers per day head to Elche’s beaches.

Neighbourhood Watch donation

Graham from Ricardo’s Bar accepts the cheque on behalf of H4H and Anne Wylie accepts the cheque on behalf of Debra

THE EL RASO Neighbourhood Watch Association (NHW) made a recent donation of €550 to charity. The money was divided between Help 4 Heroes (€400) and Debra, the Butterfly Children (€150). The presentation

was made during the last NHW meeting at Ricardo’s Bar on the urbanisation. Graham from Ricardo’s very kindly welcomes NHW regular meetings at the bar and Ralph Roebuck, who is the NHW Co-ordinator for El Raso

is very grateful. He told RTN: “Even though our meetings can be quite disruptive to the day to day running of the bar, Graham is always very accommodating.” The money was raised as a result of a car boot sale.

13 -19 AUGUST 2010



13 -19 AUGUST 2010

Tour de Espana comes to Vega Baja by Louise Clarke SPAIN’S EQUIVALENT of the Tour de France will soon be making its way around the Vega Baja. The Mayor for Orihuela, Monica Lorente, announced this week that the prestigious bike race will be going through the city and surrounding municipalities, including Rojales and Benijofar, when the Vega Baja stage of the event takes place on Friday 3rd September. Ms Lorente told a press conference at the Orihuela Town Hall that she is honoured the city is to play host to one of Spain’s biggest annual sporting events and announced a series of projects in the city, such as road surface improvements, to prepare for the big event. She said: “This sporting event is one of the most important of the year and is a great way to promote the city of Orihuela.” The city will be the main base for the seventh stage of the bicycle tour and will welcome cyclists from all over the World. It is the second time that Orihuela has been involved in the Tour of Spain but Ms Lorente says that this year it is even more symbolic as 2010 is also the centenary of the birth of Orihuela born poet Miguel Hernández. FIESTA

The Town Hall has made an enormous effort to get the cycling tour organisers to include Orihuela as one of its stage cities. Ms Lorente said: “The organisation that goes into staging this event is enormous and

Monica Lorente with the Tour’s coveted red jersey

many hours of dedicated work has taken place behind the scenes in order to have this prestigious event in our city.” The Mayor also announced that the 3rd September will be officially classed as a fiesta day for the residents of Orihuela City as it is important that they can personally witness one of the most important sporting events, not only on a national level but internationally. More than 14 municipalities in the Vega Baja will see cyclists from the tour go through, including Jacarilla, Benejúzar, Algorfa, Benijófar, Rojales, Formentera, Almoradí, Dolores, Catral, Redován, Albatera, Guardamar, Cox and Granja de Rocamora.

Nineteen provinces still under heat alert

THE COMUNITAT Valenciana is one of nineteen southern Spanish regions under alert this week at risk of high temperatures. AEMET, the Spanish meteorological agency, has declared a yellow (cautionary) alert for the southern part of inland Valencia and most of the Mediterranean coast, with a forecast high of up to 37 degrees. Further inland, thermometers are expected to reach 40ºC in the areas of Jaén, Murcia and Albacete. The intense heat also brings an increased risk of heavy thunderstorms and possible flooding Friday and Saturday.

Rock Festival this weekend FOLLOWING THE success of the San Javier Jazz Festival, this weekend sees the town host the second annual Legends of Rock Festival. The event started yesterday, Thursday 12th August, and

concludes during the early hours of Sunday morning. It is predicted that more than 8,000 rock music lovers will descend on the seaside town to enjoy some unforgettable performances from some

Pepa Garcia announces the 2nd Legends of Rock Festival

of the World’s best heavy metal and rock bands from Spain, the USA, Finland, the UK and Holland. A total of 40 bands are to perform at the event including Baron Rojo, Los Suaves and tonight War Crime will headline the festival. The Town Hall has allocated the area of San Blas in the town for the event and the San Javier Mayor, Pepa Garcia, told RTN that the area has a capacity for 6,000 tents. There will be free services available such as showers and toilets and there will also be several vendors of food and refreshments in the festival ‘zone’. More information on the event can be found at www.leyendasdelrockfestival.com

HELP Vega Baja Summer BBQ A SUMMER BBQ is to be held at The Olde 9th, La Marquesa Golf, Quesada on Friday 13th August starting at 19.30. Pat Martin will be celebrating the music of the fifties and there will also be a special

tribute to the eighties. A raffle will be held during the course of the evening, with proceeds to the Help Association of Vega Baja. Tickets at only €5 will be available on the night.

13 -19 AUGUST 2010



13 -19 AUGUST 2010

A town without a football team is not a town THE CD ALONE de Guardamar’s Board of Directors formally announced last week that the Club will no longer play in Preferente level football. The statement from the Club’s President, Maureen Burbidge, cited the financial pressure on the Club, a lack of cash injection from the local business sector and general apathy in the town regarding their football team as factors in the Club’s demise. The Club began in 1994 and has had a chequered history, moving up from the lower echelons in Spanish football to 3rd Division in 2005, followed by a return to Preferente in 2008 where it has remained until this season. The Club is sadly no stranger to financial difficulties, although it has managed to ‘keep afloat’ due the passion and limited support of a handful of ‘Alone Die-hards’. TOUGH DECISION

The Alone de Guardamar’s President told RTN: “The Club has come through difficult times and when the present Board of Directors stepped in, we knew that it would be a struggle to keep going. We knew that we, at least, needed to try. It was an unusual situation since we had all followed the Club for many seasons, but found ourselves with the awesome task of becoming its Board of Directors. No one else had come forward and, consequently, we accepted the challenge. The Club this season has had to have its grant

doubled by the local authority in order to sustain its campaign at Preferente level, where costs are high, players are paid expenses and referees collect €300 per match throughout the season. “Clearly, this level of funding from the local Town Hall cannot be maintained. Funding from independent sources has been minimal and we, personally, have all contributed to the Club’s costs throughout the season. It has not been a decision we have taken lightly, following several meetings with the players and staff at the Club. We are saddened by the lack of support for the Club since as football fans a town without a football team is not a town.” CRUCIAL

Maureen added: “We want to take this opportunity however, to thank all of those who have supported the Club throughout the season, particularly those of you who braved the long winter spell in the rain and cold weather. You have not been forgotten. The players appreciate the loyalty of its support and this has gone a long way to helping us in our League campaign. “CD Alone fought hard throughout the season against relegation and the Board were forced to sack the manager at a crucial stage in the team’s football calendar. All ended well and CD Alone, with new manager Pedro Ibañez, stayed up, with the celebrations in the team’s dressing room resembling those of a Cup victory.”

Gold wanted

WE ARE sure that you have seen these adverts on National and Local television and in the press; everybody wants your gold: well, so do we! The difference is we will pay you more for it than any other company. How can we make this statement? Because it is true - we will beat any genuine offer made to you from any other company in Spain. How do we do this? Because we do not have high cost advertising campaigns designed to lure you, the customer, to a hotel or function room to sell your items, therefore we are able to offer you the highest price for your gold; more than any other company - a statement we will honour 100%. We have found that many of our customers prefer the privacy of their own homes where they are much more relaxed, and do not feel under any pressure when deciding whether to accept our offer for their items. Although No more many people are not playing for concerned about having to the ‘Big attend a public sale room, we Team’ at have found the great majority CD Alone prefer the dignity of privacy Sadly, the dressing room at CD Alone in such matters. The amount of items you is now silent and whilst the under 18s and other levels will continue have for sale are also not a this season, the ‘Big Team’ awaits an cause for embarrassment, even if it is only one broken uncertain future with hopes of a rescue earring, if you want to sell it, package. Should anyone out there be then we want to buy it. We prepared to help with the ‘Save Alone’ will pay you the highest price Campaign, please get in touch with the for your Gold, Sovereigns and Club on 618 180 290 or 669 340 528. Kruggerands whatever their

condition. What have you got to lose? The answer is simple: the opportunity to get more money in return for your gold. For a quick response call us first on any of the following mobile numbers, we may just be near to your address at the time, and you could be only minutes away from having the cash you require in your hand. Mobile: 686 058 684/ 669 158 932: Office: 965 992 805 (part of www.giftecspain.com) We are a legally registered business in Spain with a good customer base and as such we have confidence in our statement: ‘We will beat any genuine offer made’.

13 - 19 august 2010

Food glorious food


Top Quality Meats

and quality discount wines Now selling excellent quality Wine direct from the vineyard at amazing prices. Red - White - Rose Single bottle 1.75€ One case (12) Mixed or same 20€ = 1.66€ per bottle. Three cases + 18€ = 1.50€ per bottle

Teulada Moraira Lions President Robert Young with club members and their wives at the new collection point

We also stock Navarra & Rioja wines at discount prices!

by Jack Troughton GENEROUS SHOPPERS at a Marina Alta supermarket are invited to donate food to help feed needy families during the economic crisis. Teulada Moraira Lions Club has installed a new collection point at the Pepe la Sal Supermarket at the Barclays Bank commercial centre, Moraira. Working with the charity Caritas, the idea is to encourage customers to donate non-perishable foodstuffs that can be distributed to help people suffering in the current harsh economic climate. And the initiative comes after the success

of the Lions’ first collection point at the sister Pepe la Sal supermarket at San Jaime, Moraira, which has seen a “tremendous” response from the public. Lions’ club members collect the food and deliver it to branches of Caritas working in Teulada, Moraira, and Benitachell for distribution. Suitable foodstuffs include: olive or sunflower oil; rice; pasta; dry or tinned pulses (lentils, chickpeas, beans etc); tins of tomatoes; canned meat and fish; biscuits; sugar; and powdered or long life milk. Pictured is Teulada Moraira Lions President Robert Young with club members and their wives at the new collection point.

Red Cross graduates

SPECIAL PURCHASE! Fresh Australian Rump. Ideal for steaks, joints, burgers etc. Only 8.95€ per kilo! (Minimum purchase 4 kilo)

Another Special Purchase Whole Beef Fillets Approx weight 3 Kilos - Only 23.95€ per kilo SPEND 40€ - FREE BOTTLE OF WINE,SPEND 50€ - FREE KILO OF SAUSAGES SPEND 60€- FREE CHICKEN (Meat sales only) Open Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 2.00pm and Sunday 10.00am - Midday European Centre, Moraira (Opp Paichi garden centre) CREDIT


VOLUNTEER FIRST aiders have graduated from a Red Cross course on the Marina Alta designed to teach emergency medical care. A group of 24 people aged between 16 and 50

successfully completed the 100 hours of training with the Red Cross at its headquarters in Teulada, learning a variety of first aid techniques. And the Teulada Red Cross will soon

Graduates and teachers offer a specialist lifeguard course, giving 100 hours of theory and practical skills to volunteers. After qualifying they will be able to join patrols watching the area’s beaches.

Tel/ Fax: 96 649 2311 • 679 985 153 Credit cards accepted


13 -19 AUGUST 2010

Friday the thirteenth

Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

DO YOU know what day it is today, folks? I suppose the title kinda gives it away, doesn’t it? Now me, I’m not too bothered by it. Well, I am a bit. I suppose more accurately I’m a little bit worried. But, you see, my worry is that I’ll forget what day it is and that act of forgetting could spell utter disaster for me… You’ll see why as we go along. So then, what do we know about Friday the thirteenth? (Coughs to clear throat in scholastic fashion) - Friday the 13th occurs, quite obviously, when the thirteenth day of any month falls on a Friday. Readers: “Oh wow, anything else we should know?” Just that many differing superstitions hold this to be a day of bad luck. Cue Terry Thomas with wicked grin: “Oooh, bad luck.” How often, dear reader, do you think this occurrence happens? Well, in the Gregorian calendar, a Friday the 13th will occur at least once and at most three times in any year. For the superstitious amongst us a three times repeat in one year is an absolute nightmare! Just imagine arranging all those days off to go sitting in lead-lined bunkers; it must cost a fortune. To calculate if a month will have a ‘Friday the 13th’ in it, (that’s presuming you haven’t got a calendar or a watch or a mobile phone, etc) use this easy to remember formula: If the month starts on Sunday then its 13th day will fall on a Friday. Easy-peasy... So, how did we get to the state of affairs that holds FTT as a day of bad luck?? There is a theory that states the FTT superstition is a modern amalgamation of two much older superstitions. Put simply these are: thirteen is an unlucky

number and Friday is an unlucky day. “Hmmm, not exactly rocket science, is it?” I hear you ask, “So why all the superstition?” What, for example, is wrong with the number thirteen? I mean it’s a neat, prime number and quite shapely in a girlie kind of way. And why pick on Friday? Come on you ancients, lighten up, Friday is the start of the weekend; it’s party time. Well it is down at the RTN office. Let’s take a look at the number first. In numerology, one leading source reveals: “the number twelve is considered the number of completeness, as reflected in the twelve months of the year, and twelve hours of the clock.” And, of course the number of eggs in a Tesco’s egg carton. Okay, leading source - anything else? “Well Wattsie, there are the twelve signs of the zodiac, the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve Apostles of Jesus, the twelve gods of Olympus, etc.” Hmmm I see, against all that smug twelve-ness the number thirteen could be regarded as irregular, a bit like the ungainly roly-poly kid (no, not necessarily me) in the class football team transgressing the near perfect completeness. Opps, sorry the leading source hasn’t finished: “There is also a superstition, thought by some to derive from the Last Supper or a Norse myth, that having thirteen people seated at a table will result in the death of one of the diners.” Crumbs, remember that next time someone decides to invite you to a Baker’s Dozen Party. Against this anti-thirteen background, me and she-who-must-be-

obeyed decided that we would take a conscious stand and rally against anti-thirteenism. We decided that on one August the thirteenth once upon a long ago we would be forever, most happily, joined. And we were. So, now you see why I’m worried about forgetting what day today is. It’s me weddin’ anniversary! Twenty-two years of bliss; this anniversary is copper. Okay, back to the research. So, what’s wrong with a Friday? I mean, to us Baby Boomers the song ‘Friday on My Mind’ is rock and roll’s tribute to that very day. We go eating in fast food joints named after it and the Crunchie bar producers use a slogan proclaiming it to be that bar’s day of choice. Friday is great. But it was not always thus. Cue our leading source again: “Friday has been considered an unlucky day at least since the 14th century’s The Canterbury Tales, and many other professions have regarded Friday as an unlucky day to undertake journeys or begin new projects.” I must remember that as I nose onto the M25 at half-three next Friday, heading north. Hang on, there’s more: “Black Friday has been associated with stock market crashes and other disasters since the 1800s. It has also been suggested that Friday has been considered an unlucky day because in Christian scripture Jesus was crucified on a Friday.” So when you factor in the number thirteen with the day Friday, whoosh we’re away with the fairies or conspiracy theorists – or both. Given the length of human history, you’d naturally expect to find that some ‘nasty’ events had taken place on FTT. Surpris-

ingly, though not that many. In fact, Tuesday the second seems to beat FTT hands down. Here are a few recent events that have happened on FTT: Hurricane Charley made landfall in south Florida on Friday, August 13th 2004; the ‘Friday the 13th Storm’ struck Buffalo New York on Friday, October 13th, 2006 and the Andes plane crash of 1972 occurred on Friday, October 13th 1972. And watch out for this one - it’s a long range event: The asteroid 99942 Apophis will make its close encounter on Friday, April 13th, 2029. Quick, down to the lead-lined bunker! The best advice I can give you is this: pick up your RTN; grab a couple of beers; head down to the beach and allay all of your fears (I’m definitely a poet). You’re far safer down there without ladders to avoid walking under and without magpies in groups of one messing your day up. And just spare a thought for that poor girl who back in 1988 decided to team up with me… See, there’s always someone worse off than you, even on Friday the thirteenth. Watts in Birmingham, saying to Julie, “Happy 22nd wedding anniversary sweetheart.”

A cautionary tale about buying gazebos......

from those nice people at Neater Heater

(Pic A)The EMPTY warehouse in Dec 2009 I KNEW I shouldn’t have waited. It was last year when Cathy, my wife, said to me: “You know what would look good on that terrace would be a gazebo, you know; the one with mozzie nets and curtains.” Autumn came and went and I did nothing. I knew the particular gazebo she wanted, and I knew where to buy it. Then Winter disappeared and her gazebo was still in the shop, along with hundreds of others identical to it. Suddenly Spring was upon us and we were still gazebo-less. Did I say “suddenly Spring was upon us?” That implies I had no warning, but it happens each year without fail, sandwiched somewhere between “Blimey, I never thought I would ever feel this cold in Spain” and “Blimey, this sun is unbearable, I wish we had a gazebo!” Eventually Cathy managed to drag me down to Benidorm to get the gazebo of her choice. We marched up to the sales assistant and confidently asked for one in cream 3 metres by 3 metres with mozzie nets and curtains. “I´m sorry, we´re out of stock,” she said. “I can let you have a 4 metre by 3 metre one in orange, or a blue 3 metre by 3 metre gazebo without curtains. Or I can put you on our waiting list; we are expecting a delivery next month.” “But this is ridiculous!” says I, “You´re a

hypermarket! What do you mean you´re out of stock?” “You should have got one last month” she replied, “We had loads in stock then, but now everyone wants one and the suppliers can´t keep up with the demand.” Now this sad, and actually true, tale of woe should stand as a warning to you all. If you want to be warmer this coming winter than you were last winter, get your Norwegian Neater Heaters now, while all the Northern Europeans are down here soaking up our sunshine. Stocks are plentiful, over 25,000. The transport depots are not cut off by blizzards, and our fitters are raring to go! Remember, ‘THEY’ get the sunbeds early in the morning by planning ahead: make sure you order your heaters now, before ‘THEY’ do...! You know it makes sense! Neater Heater. Sole Spanish suppliers of BEHA Heaters. Contact us on: 634 312 171 E-Mail: info@neaterheater.eu Website: www.neaterheater.eu Neater Heaters can be viewed at Busters Bar in Playa Flamenca; Suzie Screwz in Gran Alacant; and in our new showroom next to Palco in the Tabaira centre, Moraira (open mornings only).

(Pic B) The FULL warehouse now in Aug 2010

There are 25,000 differences between picture A and picture B, can you spot them?”

13 - 19 august 2010




13 -19 AUGUST 2010

Differing debt collecting methods by

Fiona Hulme

Agencia de Cobros Directos

HERE IN Spain, the traditional method of debt collecting was to use the ‘embarrassment factor’. Local debtors would find someone following them, sitting beside them in their local bar or walking outside their home, dressed in some lurid Bugs Bunny or other pantomime costume! This action ensured the whole village knew the debtor owed money. If you wanted Bugs Bunny to leave you alone, you paid up! This is now changing slightly and the Cobrador del Frac now uses cars with prominent logos achieving much the same embarrassment factor. In Poland 15 years ago, personal bank accounts and bank loans were a novelty; the majority of the workforce was paid in cash and there was a mistrust of banks. The elder generation was the source of loans; granny´s under the mattress savings utilised to lend a grandson cash to start a business or get married. In a strong Catholic family culture, loans were rarely left unpaid. This changed rapidly when Western banks opened subsidiaries. The bank I worked for bypassed more traditional instalment loans and offered revolving credit via a credit card. Many UK expats grew up with credit cards and it is obvious to us that we should pay some off and spend up to our credit limit as we wish. Unfortunately, my marketing department colleagues found this idea mystifying. The cards were never re-used after the first purchase, and the pieces of plastic were returned to us after the initial debt amount was repaid: a valuable lesson in not trying to impose new ideas too quickly. In Russia I worked in an emerging market - personal bank accounts and loans. The country bounced back from the August

1998 financial crash with fledgling Western banks geared to the personal banking market. Debt Collecting there as recently as 2008, my team was often advised that the debtor could not pay us, as his employer had not paid any wages for 3 months. Sometimes workers were paid in goods from their factory if cash flow was tight; every evening I walked home past a factory which manufactured vacuum cleaner belts. Their employees would lay out their wares (in lieu of pay) on the pavement in the hope of getting some cash; a novel version of a factory shop. In Britain, Debt Collection is automated, with computer scheduled calls, letters, emails and SMS’s to debtors. ‘Debt Consolidation’ companies offer clients the option to pay them all off, leaving the customer with ‘just one easily manageable monthly payment’. This normally means a huge amount of additional interest over many years. Another associated industry is ‘Payment Protection Insurance’, where customers opt for a small additional payment to protect against illness and disability, affecting their ability to repay the loan. This insurance was heavily sold in recent years, mostly to people who did not need it. There is now a government backed scheme to reclaim these oversold premiums from innocent parties. I know of one lady due a refund of £21k for premiums paid to protect her mortgage... There is also the concept of ‘payday’ loans over the internet or phone, offering a loan for a couple of weeks: I was horrified to see one quoting an interest rate of 2,271%! It will be interesting to see if these secondary industries spring up in newer banking markets such as Poland and Russia and escape local regulators. Agencia de Cobros Directos is a debt collections agency based on the Costa Blanca working on behalf of Spanish and English clients. The agency pursues debtors throughout Spain and the rest of Europe. Visit www.cobrosdirectos.com or call for no obligation advice on 966 888 987. We can offer you a service where you only pay us if we are successful in achieving repayment of the debt. We also offer corporate rates for ongoing contracts.

The Cobrador del Frac’s fleet of distinctive cars

Contact us on 966 888 987, or email us at info@cobrosdirectos.com and we will be pleased to discuss any aspect of our service

13 -19 AUGUST 2010




13 -19 AUGUST 2010

Paying maintenance by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

I WAS divorced at a court in Spain in 2007. In the Court Order it was stated that my now ex-husband must pay me €400 per month. At that time my husband was working and earning a decent salary. Last month I was contacted by him and he told me that his income is now significantly lower and he told me that he will not pay me the maintenance, in fact he has not paid me this month and told me that he will not pay me any more. Is he entitled to do that? What I can do? We understand that your husband is obliged to comply with the Order in the exact terms stated and he is not able to stop paying maintenance of his own accord. The failure to pay maintenance to the spouse (pension compensatoria) fixed by a Court Order could be considered a criminal matter, as per the Spanish Criminal Code (Código Penal) Law ( L.O.) 10/1195, that

deals with this scenario in the articles 618.2 and the 227.As per Article 227 we understand that the failure to pay 2 consecutive months or any 4 months of the compensation in favour of the spouse stated in a Divorce Agreement (Convenio Regulador) approved by a Court or in a Court Order, will have a sanction of prison from 3 months up to 1 year, plus a fine. If he does not have a criminal record then probably he will not receive a custodial sentence, but if he does have a criminal record and if he is found guilty, his situation will be much more complicated. The article 618.2 states: if someone fails to comply with his obligations as stated in a Divorce Agreement (Convenio Regulador) approved by the Court or a Court Order, in the cases of separation, divorce, etc, they will receive a penalty from 10 days up to 2 months and also Community Work from 1 to 30 days. This applies in the case of non-fulfilment - it is not classed as a criminal offence however (i.e. as per the article 227). Therefore if your husband wants to have the maintenance to you stopped or reduced, he will need to start a legal action for the modification of the definitive measures approved in your Divorce Court Order (modificación de medidas definitivas). As per Article 91 of the Spanish Civil Code, the measures and decision of the Divorce Court Order, in this

case the compensation-maintenance in your favour, could be modified by the courts if the circumstances have changed. Should your ex-husband appeal and ask for the maintenance in your favour to be reviewed, he must prove that his circumstances now are substantially different to those at time of the divorce, and must convince the judge that as per his new circumstances the maintenance to you must be reduced or even cancelled. Only if the court agrees with your exhusband will he be able to reduce or stop the payments to you - not before. You will be able to oppose his application to court, by arguing for example that the reduction of his income is not relevant, that your personal circumstances have also changed, etc. We always say in our articles that it is important in order to give you an appropriate advice to study each case independently, study the exact wording of the court order and the relevant circumstances of each case. Should this be your case or the case of someone you know, we will be more than pleased to assist you. Please see our ‘W&B’ ad in following pages. *The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Spanish real estate sales stay steady

SPAIN’S HOUSING market is managing to stay relatively steady through the recession but, as the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) reports, the market is still focusing


Notice is hereby given pursuant to S.27 of the Trustee Act 1925 that any person having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of Leonard WHITE Deceased, late of Ciudad Patricia Costa Blanca, Calle Rumania 26, 03503 Benidorm, Alicante, Spain who died in Alicante on the 28th May 2010 is hereby required to send particulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to the undermentioned Solicitors acting on behalf of the executor, Marc Robert WHITE on or before November 1st 2010 after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to valid claims and interests of which Notice has been given in accordance with the foregoing. Peter Browne Solicitors, 48 Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8BH Tel

on urban housing rather than rural options. Over 78,000 properties were sold in June (10,411 in the Comunitat Valenciana alone), down 1.5% from May of this year,

and 3.9% fewer than in June of 2009. House hunters overwhelmingly favour buying in cities and towns: only 20.8% of properties were located in rural areas.


13 -19 AUGUST 2010


QROPS: The Coalition Government and your UK pension by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns THE LAST few weeks have seen a number of ‘initiatives’ by the UK Coalition Government designed to resolve long running issues on the one hand and to reduce the taxation cost of pensions on the other. None of these matters is good news for the holder of a UK pension fund - far from it. UK final salary pension schemes have been in a mess for years. Poor investment market conditions have led to the assets of these schemes becoming insufficient to meet their long term obligations. This has forced employers to make hundreds of millions in contributions so as to reduce the deficit. These contributions are allowable against tax so have an effect on the amount of tax that the Government receives. The solution is to take another form of action to reduce the deficit by an estimated £100bn (that is by about £4,500 for each member of the UK working population). This is being achieved by changing the way that UK pensions are protected against inflation from the Retail Price Index (RPI) to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). (These are both measures used by the Government to calculate inflation.) WHY A CHANGE TO CPI IS BAD NEWS FOR YOUR PENSION There are several differences in the way these two measures

are calculated, one being that CPI excludes mortgage interest payments. This all sounds harmless enough but as the CPI is in average lower than RPI by about 1.5% pa over the long term, this makes a big difference (a £100bn deficit reducing difference). So if you have a deferred (sometimes referred to as a frozen) pension, it will see its current value (the transfer value) fall significantly. So there is of course an immediate opportunity to take a transfer value before it falls. For the expat the obvious place to transfer is to a QROPS. Over the long term the greater investment flexibility and the fact that the remaining fund following death is available to beneficiaries without tax are of themselves major advantages. Add that to a determination on the part of the UK government to meddle with your pension for their own purposes and the question of whether or not to take control through transferring out surely becomes a no brainer. MORE GOVERNMENT MEDDLING And this is not the only source of the meddling. Some fortunate readers will have put in place a form of protection on their UK pension fund called ‘enhanced protection’, or even ‘primary protection’. The purpose of these measures was to protect those with large pension funds at 6th April 2006, to protect those funds against any possibility of taxation as they grew further. The Government is now proposing to freeze this protection and so renege on a promise that was made only four years ago. THE IMPORTANCE OF ADVICE FROM PENSIONS SPECIALISTS These matters tell you one fundamental thing: you cannot trust the UK authorities regarding your hard earned pension

The Coalition Government

rights. They are willing to do anything that will help reduce the UK deficit. And if this affects your future financial security then so be it. But you can do something about it … come and talk to us and find out how. For a free no cost (with no upfront fees) review of your pension fund from a leading QROPS and QNUPS independent pensions advisory firm please contact review@qrops.es or see www.qrops.es or www.qropsguernsey.com

This article is written by Stephen Ward and Robert Burns, August 2010. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es Tel: 965 790 918 W: www.qnups.com or www.qrops.es

Inditex completes German buyout of Zara INDITEX, THE Coruña-based clothing empire which is Europe’s largest clothing retailer, has completed the purchase of the German affiliate of its flagship outlet, Zara The company reported that it has “... concluded the purchase of Otto Group’s remaining minority stake in the German subsidiary Zara Deutschland. With the purchase of the remaining 22 percent of Zara Deutschland, Inditex has acquired a 100 percent stake in all of its German subsidiaries.” Financial details of the purchase were not made public. Since 1999, Inditex has had a presence in Germany through its Zara and Massimo Dutti brands and currently has 72 stores

in more than 40 German cities. The group, which also owns the Pull and Bear, Bershka and Oysho brands, currently has stores in 77 countries around the globe. The company posted a net profit of €1.31 billion ($1.73 billion) in 2009, up from €1.25 billion in 2008.



13 -19 AUGUST 2010

My fiscal representative doesn’t understand me! by

Suzanne O’Connell

MISTAKES IN your tax declaration can cost you money. We all make mistakes. That’s why when it comes to money matters I’m more than happy to ask the experts. I have no intention of trying to work out my own tax returns or decipher complicated legal documents. It’s best left to someone else; someone who knows what they’re doing. But what happens when that ‘expert’ that you’re relying on gets it wrong? It shouldn’t happen but it does and it is particularly poignant when it happens to people who are trying to do things in the right way. I am shocked to discover that amongst Ábaco’s new clients this year there have been a number whose previous accountants made mistakes. Unfortunately, although the clients thought they were doing the right thing, it turned out that their representatives weren’t. This cost many of them money and all of them the surprise of discovering that what they thought was above board, wasn’t. CASE STUDY ONE Two new clients to Ábaco were

oblivious to the fact that they had been paying tax in Spain on their civil service pensions. The tax on civil service pensions is deducted in England and does not need to be declared in Spain. It’s the only source of income that is treated in this way. By paying it in Spain they had paid tax twice on the same income. Looking at their previous tax declarations it was evident that altogether they had paid over €5,000 too much. We all know how quickly the wheels turn when we owe the tax office some money. Of course, no such urgency can be expected when it’s the tax payer who’s owed the money! The result is countless forms to fill in, documents to produce and the harrowing inspection of all the client’s affairs before any money will be returned. CASE STUDY TWO A new client complained that they’d been approached by the Spanish tax authorities because they were still paying tax in England on their pensions even though they are residents of Spain.

Mistakes in your tax declaration can cost you money

They had also used an accountant, but weren’t informed that they needed to complete an FD9 to sign out of their tax residency in England and to make sure they were just paying one set of taxes in Spain. In none of these cases was there any intention of defrauding. Not on the clients part at least. SO WHAT CAN YOU DO TO PROTECT YOURSELF? TIP 1: be informed – find out as much as you can and be aware that if you have a civil service pension such as from the armed forces, police, fire brigade and some teaching posts, you pay this

tax in England but all your other taxes in Spain TIP 2: Insist that your accountant explains to you what you are paying and why. Too often we receive forms and sign them without querying what they say. TIP 3: Do some research about your fiscal representative. Are there people who will give them a reference? Are they familiar with UK and Irish tax laws? Are they prepared to spend the time with you explaining what everything means? After all, you should be paying for peace of mind when you appoint a fiscal representative; not for someone else’s mistakes.

If you would like a FREE, no obligation tax consultation with one of Ábaco’s friendly team of advisers call the ÁbacoConnect Help-line 966 703 748 www.abacoconnect.com

Olé Communicación

Olé offices in La Zenia

ARE YOU interested in hassle free, high-speed internet and telephone packages at the best possible price? Olé Comunicación is a new, innovative telecommunications company offering its clients top quality, high speed broadband internet and landline telephone services. Using the most advanced Wi-Max technology available, their internet and telephone services do not rely on any other providers, so there’s no need for a landline and their customers find that they are able to navigate their way around the web more quickly and easily than ever before. Olé Communicación also provides the all the necessary equipment, maintained by their team of highly trained technicians. IF THIS SOUNDS GOOD, IT’S ABOUT TO SOUND EVEN BETTER! Right now they are offering internet installations with all of the equipment supplied and fitted free of charge. (Some terms and conditions apply). This means that all you need to pay is just €20 per month, for unlimited downloads, no time restrictions and a minimum speed of 2mb. They can also offer you a telephone service that works exactly like a traditional

phone. You can even keep your existing landline number if you have one and their tariffs simply cannot be beaten. There’s no monthly landline rental; you simply select one of their €10 monthly packages: • Unlimited free calls to any landline phone in Spain • Free landline calls to UK, Ireland and other European countries and ALSO the USA and CANADA. There is no better priced Internet or telephone package available. AND NOW WITH A GREATER COVERAGE AREA THAN EVER BEFORE Benijofar, Formentera, Rojales, Jacarilla, Entre Naranjos, Los Montesinos, La Herrada, San Fulgencio, La Marina, La Siesta, San Luis, Torrevieja, Quesada, La Mata, Orihuela Costa, La Zenia, La Regia, Campoamor, Vistabella, Los Balcones, Daya Nueva, Daya Vieja.....and more! To find out more about how you can get connected and start saving money, contact Olé Comunicación on 902 006 757. Or visit their offices at the La Zenia roundabout where you can speak to one of their customer services representatives.

13 -19 AUGUST 2010



13 - 19 AUGUST 20102010 15-21 JANUARY


How to keep your baby safe in the sun Ask the Specialist by

Dawn Blythe S.R.N. R.M.

Dear Dawn, MY SON and daughter in law will be visiting me this month with their new seven month old baby. Please can you offer any tips of how to keep the baby safe in the sun? Answer: I do understand your concern as your family has certainly chosen the hottest month to visit you! However, with care the baby can be kept safe and comfortable. Many of the dos and don’ts regarding care of babies in the sun often apply to adults too. Try to avoid exposure to the sun between 11.00 and 16.00 when the sun’s rays are strongest. If you are out and about with the baby during this period do keep the baby shaded. When pushing the baby in a pram, be sure to use a sun umbrella and adjust it frequently as you change direction. It is always a good idea to get babies used to wearing a wide brimmed sun hat though it is often a feat in itself trying to get the baby to keep it on! As you know, without care any of us can suffer sunburn but for a baby the risk is much greater as their skin is so thin and delicate. It may take only 15 minutes of unprotected exposure for a baby to become burnt. Sunburn can also occur on a cloudy or cooler day as it is not the heat from the sun that causes the damage but the invisible UV radiation. Extra care is needed on the beach as up to 85% of these harmful rays

may be reflected off the sand and sea. At seven months of age it is considered safe to use a sun block that has been specifically designed for children. Never use baby oil as protection. Choose a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 and rather than apply it all over, first do a small patch test on the baby’s back to make sure there is no allergic reaction. When possible, apply sunscreen 30 minutes prior to exposure and re-apply every 2 hours especially if the baby has been playing in water. Take care when applying lotion near the baby’s eyes. It is preferable not to apply sun block to babies less than 6 months old. Babies have a high body surface to volume ratio (more skin to the size of their body compared to an adult) which means that babies and young children get a higher ‘dose’ of sun block which of course is made of chemicals. It goes without saying to dress the baby in light cotton clothing but try to choose clothes that offer as much ‘cover-up’ protection as possible.Don’t allow the baby to become dehydrated. Babies have an immature sweating mechanism (sweating is a way of cooling) which may be further impaired by necessary sun block. Feed the baby frequently and offer extra topups of cooled boiled water. If despite your best efforts the baby does become sun burnt see your GP promptly for specific advice.

It may take only 15 minutes of unprotected exposure for a baby to become burnt

This article has been written by Dawn Blythe SRN, RM. Dawn is a British trained midwife who has spent over 20 years caring for mothers and babies in expatriate communities. She now offers midwifery care (excluding delivery) to the patients of ‘The English Medical Clinic’, Albir. To chat to Dawn, pop into her free ‘drop in’ clinic on Wednesday mornings.

13 -JANUARY 19 AUGUST2010 2010 15-21


Nice people don’t talk bowels (Part 4) THIS WEEK, RTN brings you more information about the second largest killer in the by UK. The 1st article looked at some of the reasons that may contribute to bowel cancer being the second largest killer Prestige Nursing and Social Care Services after lung cancer and the symptoms to look out for. Our second article explained a little of the anatomy, and the initial tests/examinations that you may undergo when first referred to a specialist. The third article explained the need and procedure for CT scans and other tests, which establishes the severity of the cancer growth so that the Doctors can plan the best course of treatment. In this penultimate article, I will briefly explain the different types of operations and why your Doctor has chosen it. Very often these days you will be offered radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy before the operation to reduce the spread of cells and the size of the tumour. If facing a forthcoming operation because of a cancerous growth in the bowel, you can find more indepth information by logging onto www.cancerhelp.org. uk/type/bowel-cancer/ treatment/surgery/which-

Claire Cerro Atyeo, RGN

surgery-for-bowel-cancer I would always advise to be well prepared, both informatively and emotionally, so that you can retain a degree of control, have understanding through knowledge and ask the right questions for you and your family. This type of operation is life altering and there will be a lot of adjustments to be made by you, your family, and even at times your friends. The better prepared you are, the speedier your recovery and the better equipped you will be to deal with some challenging issues. TYPES OF OPERATIONS FOR CANCERS AFFECTING THE LARGE BOWEL The type of operation offered is dependent on where the cancer growth is and on the severity of the growth. Tumours are graded by doctors using one of two grading systems, and this is something you may hear your doctor talking about. If you do not understand – ask! The most commonly known is Dukes A,B,C and D, D being the most severe. The other system is TNM, and this system is most favoured by English doctors as it allows more

accurate information to be communicated with greater ease. TNM stands for Tumour, Node, Metastasis, both T and N are then graded from 1-4 with 4 being the most severe, and M grading from 0-2. THE OPERATION NAME TO REMOVE A TUMOR IN: Left side of the colon Left hemi colectomy Right side of the colon Right hemi colectomy Middle part of the bowel Tansverse colectomy Sigmoid colon Sigmoid colectomy Upper part of the rectum Low anterior resection Middle part of the rectum Colo anal anastomosis Lower part of your rectum Abdominoperineal resection (AP resection for short) If the cancer is found to be in the early stages of growth, some of the above operations can be done using keyhole surgery, minimising the risk of infection and recovery time. The affected area is removed and the tubing (bowel) ends are rejoined (anastomosis). You will be starved for 24 to 48hrs post surgery to allow the swelling of the operation

site to reduce and for healing to commence. On occasions it may be longer because your doctor will be waiting and listening for the movement of the bowel (peristasis) to return before allowing you to eat. If the cancer is at a higher stage of development, the same operation for these areas will be undertaken but by means of open abdominal surgery and often the operation will involve an opening from the bowel

leading to the surface of the abdomen, which is called a ‘stoma’. You will also hear the words ‘colostomy’ and ‘ileostomy’ used; this describes the type of stoma i.e. colon or ileum to the surface. As a nurse with more than 13 years experience in gastroenterology (bowel operations) in the final part of this series I will give advice as to how to live with a stoma, and how to cope with some of the issues that can arise.

This article was written by Claire Cerro Atyeo RGN of Prestige Nursing and Social Care Services, one of the few Caring, Legal, Registered and Professional Nursing and Social Care Service Providers on the Costa Blanca. Tel: 687 015 517 . www.prestigenursingcostablanca.com

13 -19 AUGUST 20102010 15-21 JANUARY


Advice and tips for artists


Julia Evans

BA (hons). Artist & owner of ArtHouse Gallery

THE SHEER number of artists, both amateur and professional, living on the Costa Blanca, never ceases to amaze me. I am constantly bombarded with emails from local artists asking me how and what to paint to sell work in this area: and of course where to exhibit. So in the next two articles I am going to give you a few tips and advice on where to begin. Whether you are a professional artist or an amateur just starting out I will show you ways to get your work out there. Remember, no one will be able to see your work if it’s stashed in a cupboard under the stairs! Being perfectly honest selling art in this market is not easy. So firstly you have to be realistic. Art is a luxury and people are holding on to their pennies now much more than a few years ago. The first thing I tell people is to use this time to build up a good body of work and to show their work without expecting to sell. Saying that, at ArtHouse we have managed to sell pieces in every exhibition we have had so it goes to show that there are people out there still buying art and I am confident that the market will eventually pick up. So don’t be disheartened. It is the same all over the World. Obviously the first thing

you will need is a good body of artwork. Quality is the most important thing here. Make sure that everything you display and exhibit shows the best of your talents. For example if you want to show ten pieces of work produce at least fifteen or twenty and select the best ten. This is generally how most professional artists work. Remember one piece of weak work can bring the standard down of a whole exhibition, so be critical with yourself. Another important point is never paint with the idea to sell. Paint what you enjoy and paint from the heart to produce better work that is more likely to sell. Everybody has such different tastes and ideas on what art they like. You simply cannot please everybody and I promise there will be those out there that love what you do. Once you have a body of work, the next thing you need to do is to try and get your work out there for people to see. The simplest way to do this is to create a website. Now don’t panic at this thought: there are easy ways to create a website completely for free and with basic computer knowledge you can set up the basics in an afternoon.

Calling all artists!

Painting by Wieteka Oosterhaven who started painting three years ago and now has her own website and exhibits and sells regularly

Getting a professional website designer to do a site for you is much better but they tend to be very expensive. For more information on this go to www. arthouseonline.net and become a member of the website where you will have access to the page ‘artists’ help’. This offers more in depth information on everything I am writing about today. If you are computer shy, don’t worry. At ArtHouse we help people to set up websites so please feel free to contact me directly. To compliment the website you should also have some business cards. If you say you are an artist people are nearly always intrigued, so use this to your advantage. After all, being an artist is as interesting as it is different and I guarantee they will ask questions about what you do and will probably want

to see examples. Make sure that you have a few business cards ready to dish out, with your contact details and website address on it. This is the easiest way for those you come into contact with to see your work when you are not exhibiting and it looks very professional. If you print the cards yourself it can work out very cost effective. Get creative with your cards by using your own artwork in the design and perhaps do different versions. That way, when you hand over a card you are also showing an example of your artwork. That should be more than enough to get you started: for more information or help with card and website design, please do not hesitate to contact me or visit www.arthouseonline.net Next time: where and how you can exhibit in the area.

Julia Evans BA (hons), ArtHouse Gallery, Calle San Miguel no. 14, Gata de Gorgos, 03740 Alicante. Tel: 0034 965 756 286 or 0034 687 114 853. Email: arthousemail@gmail.com. Web: www.arthouseonline.net. If you are an artist and have an exhibition coming up or simply just want me to view you work then email arthousemail@gmail.com

AN EXHIBITION and competition is to be held at Procomobel and Moncayo Market, Guardamar, on Sunday 22nd August. The categories are: under 14’s; 14 upwards in pastels; under 14 and 14 upwards in all other mediums, to be rewarded with prizes and certificates. Ideally artists should display work on their own easel. The competition is just €5 per entry. Monies raised will go to Paul Cunningham Nurses. Please email text or call Susan Reader sueinthesun@terra.es 629 869 959 A FREE TO ENTER competition is for children up to 12 – these paintings will be displayed on a flat surface and must have the name, age and registration number clearly on the front of the painting, no bigger than A3 size. The winner in each age section will receive a certificate and a prize. Contact Susan for a registration number and further details. Experienced artists will be on hand on hand to offer advice, so whether you want to take part or just take a look, do come along and be wowed by your local talent. The Moncayo Sunday Market continues to expand and every week from live entertainment to exotic food tasting or flamenco dancing there is always something different and the excitement of the €1 raffle, where for the last 8 weeks with just €1 for 50 numbers some lucky person has won a fantastic bike! Next week, first prize will be a bike, generously donated by The Moncayo Sunday Market; second prize lunch for 2 at La Herradura in Los Montesinos! From next week there are plans to have a children’s area with fun things for children to do!

13 JANUARY -19 AUGUST2010 2010 15-21



13 -19 AUGUST 2010

Street scams and crimes

Part 2

or a tight hold on your handbag. Shout for a policeman and put on a show for the public. He’ll leave eventually.


Danny Collins


THIEVES AT LARGE: PICKY SUBJECTS Pickpockets abound wherever there’s a crowd. You won’t spot them, so take sensible precautions. Never carry valuables in a backpack. Keep handbags under your arm with the lock facing inwards and check it frequently. Wind the strap around your arm if possible. Avoid anyone who tries to hem you in. Keep wallets in an inside, zipped pocket of your jacket. If you need cash when shopping in a market, check the price and find a quiet spot to take out just what you need, secure the bag or wallet and return to make the purchase. Be paranoid - they are out to get you. Solution: all of the above. PHONEY COPS You’re in your car or walking peacefully along the street when you’re stopped by a civilian who shows you a badge and tells you he’s a police officer. No language problem here, he speaks English. He may have a colleague with him. It seems you’re involved in either money laundering or foreign exchange fiddles (these are optional so let him choose) and he’ll need to check your wallet. He looks it over, counts your money, and gives it back to you with a warning. What you didn’t notice was his nimble fingers lifting most of your cash. Would a policeman do that? Probably not but it’s academic. He’s no more a cop than you are. Solution: Don’t be put off by the badge and the official manner. Tell him you’ll be happy to accompany him to a police station (comisaría). Keep your wallet in your pocket

A DOWNLIFTING EXPERIENCE You’re going down to the ground floor or basement parking in a commercial centre. The lift doors open and you step in on automatic, ignoring the occupants. If you’re unlucky, you’ll find yourself in bad company and there’s time to rob you on the way down. Solution - when the lift arrives, stand well back from the doors and check it out. If you don’t like the look of the occupants, err on the side of discretion and wait for the next one. SUPERMARKET SWOPS Pushing your trolley around the supermarket, you’ve managed to tuck your bag down amongst your purchases or, even better, clipped it to the trolley so it can’t be grabbed. That’s all very fine up to now but have you noticed that other trolley following your around? Look familiar? It should do because it’s a doppelganger for your own and the moment you leave your trolley unattended in the aisle while you check out the latest bargain in canned soups your trolley will be exchanged for its double. No loss as you haven’t yet paid for anything and all the goods are the same anyway, but your bag went with it, which was the whole purpose of the swop. Solution: Keep your bag under your arm or on your shoulder. Never leave it in a trolley, on view or otherwise. COME FLY WITH ME Airport robbery is big business, mainly because the police do nothing to stop it and there are no CCTV cameras in place at the terminals. Here’s an example: as you push your trolley into the Arrivals hall, you may spot another fully laden trolley on the other side of the barriers. Odd? Sure it is. Fully laden trolleys surely belong in Departures. But the owner of this trolley isn’t contemplating a journey but plans instead to follow a likely ‘mark’ – that’s you– and ram you from behind as you reach the exit doors. You’ll turn round to see who the idiot is

Keep bags under the arm with the lock facing inwards

while an accessory snatches a bag from your trolley and legs it. Even if you see it happen (you won’t) there’s another gang member lounging outside to trip or block you if you try to give chase. Alternatively, a trolley will be pushed towards you at speed while you’re still in the Hall. See the child sitting on the top of the cases? As the trolley reaches you it will come to a grinding halt and the child will ‘fall’ off. He’ll start hollering like the good little stuntman he is and that’s your cue to stop and pick him up. ‘There, there, little chap. D’you want my hanky?’ No actually, he doesn’t. He’ll much prefer to scamper off after his dad who was pushing the speeding trolley and has just nicked your bag. Ah, but haven’t this tricky duo left their trolley behind? True enough, but what’s a couple of old suitcases stuffed with old clothes and bricks to them when, like the gang who rammed you from behind, they’ve just had your bag with your wallet and bank cards away? Solution: Forget the trolley if possible and get yourself a wheelie suitcase. You’ll tow that behind you so ramming you from the rear will be difficult. If possible, open your suitcase at the carousel and put any handbags or men’s bags inside so you’ll exit with just one unwieldy piece of luggage. A wheelie suitcase is difficult enough to tow along behind you when walking so it’s very unlikely a thief will fancy running off with one wobbling from side to side behind him. Okay, so you can’t

fit your hand luggage into your suitcase. Is the strap long enough to wear it across your body like a numpty postman? Fair enough, you’ll look an idiot but you won’t be a robbed idiot, right? If that doesn’t work, wind the strap around your arm or wrist and keep alert. Don’t be first into the Arrivals Hall, wait and give them a choice of ‘marks’ and keep a lookout for those loaded trolleys. If you see one, point it out to your companion with a loud warning. So what will the thieves do, sue you? INSURANCE TRAP Insurance wouldn’t be a profitable business if the insurers paid out on every claim, so they try hard not to. The newest device in Spain is called robo por distracción. That actually overrides the hurto clause, which meant that no claim would be honoured if you left your bag on a table as easy pickings. Robo itself meant that some degree of violence was involved in the crime and that any claim made under those circumstances was valid if it involved physical contact. But, dear me, those poor old insurance companies were finding that people were being rammed when their bags were being stolen and the physical contact meant they had to pay up. Solution: The introduction of a clause of robo por distracción solved the problem. After all, being rammed to one’s knees or tripped over is undoubtedly distracting enough for you to lose your bags and the insurers to keep your premium.

RTN Competition

Danny Collins with the book

AUTHOR AND RTN book reviewer Danny Collins is a prolific writer of true crime and his latest book, Crimes That Shocked the World, tells the harrowing stories of twenty-three top crimes that have chilled the world in the last forty years. Chapters in this diligently researched book, often based on visits to the crime scenes and interviews with the victims and witnesses, include the abductions and murder of toddler James Bulger from a Liverpool shopping mall, the horrific rape and stabbing of fledgling model Sally Ann Bowman in Croydon, UK, and the horror of the Chipman Street murders in the USA, a crime that caused the US State Department to withhold public knowledge of the circumstances because of the racial

undertones involved. Now RTN is offering its readers a chance to obtain one of five exclusive free copies of the book, personally signed by the author. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ANSWER THIS SIMPLE QUESTION: ‘How many crimes are featured in Danny’s new book?’ Answers by email with telephone contact number to

competition@roundtownnews.com before Monday 23rd August. Winners will be announced in RTN 27th August. The book, which features as Book of the Month at retailer Librería Europa at Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe, Tel: 965 835 824 , is also available at booksellers throughout Spain including branches of Bookworld España and by mail order from www.amazon.co.uk

tv Friday

13 -19 AUGUST 2010

23:35 The Sixth Sense

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:25 Big Brother 09:35 Frasier 10:00 Smallville 10:50 Privileged 11:45 Friends 12:45 Pocket TV 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers & Sisters 13:55 Come Dine with Me 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 10 Years Younger: Bus Pass Challenge 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:25 4thought.tv 20:30 Missing: Claudia Lawrence 21:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Pete Versus Life 23:35 Big Brother 24:05 Omid Djalili Live in London

08:00 Childrens TV 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Build a New Life: Was It Worth It? 14:40 Don’t Stop Believers 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 CSI: NY 16:05 Emma’s Wish 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 The Boss Is Coming to Dinner 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 23:55 Don’t Stop Believers 24:00 CSI: NY

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Escape from Scorpion Island 10:00 Paradise Cafe 10:30 Animals at Work 11:00 Horrible Histories 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 12:30 Evacuation to the Manor House 13:00 Degrassi: The Next Generation 13:25 The Cut 13:50 The Almost Perfect Guide to Life 14:15 The 5:19 Show 14:30 Scene Stealers 15:00 The Burning Hills 16:30 Flog It! 17:00 Live Swimming 19:00 Dad’s Army 19:30 Coast 20:30 BBC Proms 2010 22:40 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 23:20 Grandma’s House 23:50 Sparkle

08:25 Toonattik 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 Children’s Hospital 11:55 Monk 12:55 News 12:59 Granada 13:00 This Morning: Saturday 14:00 People Do the Funniest Things Abroad 14:45 Live and Let Die 17:00 Midsomer Murders 19:00 Granada News 19:15 ITV News 19:35 You’ve Been Framed! 20:05 Odd One In 20:50 Magic Numbers 21:50 30 Years of An Audience With 22:50 Ocean’s Twelve 24:20 ITV News 24:35 Ocean’s Twelve

08:05 The Track and Field Show 08:30 World Sport 09:00 The Morning Line 09:55 T4 on the Beach Sessions 11:00 Friends 11:30 Friends 12:00 Big Brother 13:00 Big Brother 13:30 The Hollyoaks Music Show Playlist 13:55 Scrubs 14:25 T4 Movie Special 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me Down Under 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Elizabeth 21:00 The Queen 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 The Misfits 24:05 Star Trek: Insurrection

08:00 Childrens TV 08:40 Noddy in Toyland 08:50 Milkshake! Bop Box 08:55 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:10 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 Fifth Gear 11:30 Red Bull Air Race 12:30 The Gadget Show 13:30 The Expendables Movie Special 14:00 Don’t Stop Believers 14:05 Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within 16:10 The Last Starfighter 18:10 Lost in Space 20:35 Don’t Stop Believers 20:40 Five News 20:45 NCIS 21:40 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:40 CSI: Miami 24:35 Forensic Files

07:50 Pingu 08:00 Everything’s Rosie 08:10 Dirtgirlworld 08:25 Dennis & Gnasher 08:35 Bear Behaving Badly 09:00 Escape from Scorpion Island 10:00 Deadly 60 10:30 Gastronuts 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Restoration Roadshow 13:00 Flog It! 13:30 Live MotoGP 15:00 Inside Sport 15:40 Hondo 17:00 Live Swimming 20:00 Dragons’ Den 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 Vexed 23:00 Match of the Day 2 23:50 Mad Men 24:35 Mad Men

07:00 The Fluffy Club 08:25 Toonattik 10:25 Coronation Street 12:45 News 12:50 This Morning: Sunday 13:50 Dinner Date 14:50 Columbo 16:50 The Man with the Golden Gun 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 Granada News 19:45 ITV News 20:00 Stephen Tompkinson’s Australian Balloon Adventure 21:00 Heartbeat 22:00 The Unforgettable Jeremy Beadle 23:00 ITV News 23:15 Drama Trails 24:15 Comedy Classics

07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 The Grid 08:30 British Formula 3 Championship 09:00 Boardmasters 09:25 Friends 09:55 Hollyoaks 12:25 Big Brother’s Little Brother 13:30 Friends 14:05 The Simpsons 14:35 The Simpsons 15:05 Three in a Bed 15:40 Three in a Bed 16:10 Three in a Bed 16:45 Ugly Betty 17:40 Evolution 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Orchestra United 21:00 Amish: World’s Squarest Teenagers 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23:50 Final Destination 3

08:00 Childrens TV 09:10 Little Princess 09:20 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:40 Igam Ogam 09:55 Olivia 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:35 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Zoo Days 12:20 Don’t Stop Believing 13:20 Hotel Inspector 14:20 Bermuda Triangle: The Mystery Revealed 15:20 My Girl 2 17:20 Five News 17:25 Matilda 19:25 Don’t Stop Believing 21:00 Cheryl Cole: Where Did It All Go Right - and Wrong? 22:00 War 24:05 Cobra

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Living Dangerously 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News; 16:05 Green Balloon Scrapbook 16:30 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Trapped 17:35 Hounded 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 My Family 22:30 The Old Guys 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Would I Lie to You? 24:05 The National Lottery 24:15 Ransom

08:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 10:00 Roar 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 11:55 What’s New, Scooby-Doo? 12:15 Furry Facts 12:25 Madame Pimpernel 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Live Athletics 22:00 Home Movie Roadshow 23:00 Roger and Val Have Just Got In 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 The Review Show at the Edinburgh Festival 24:50 That Mitchell and Webb Look

07:00 GMTV

06:30 Our World 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30 What To Eat Now 13:00 BBC News; Regional News 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Live Athletics 17:30 Final Score 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News; Regional News 19:20 Outtake TV 19:50 101 Ways to Leave a Gameshow 20:50 Tonight’s the Night 21:40 The National Lottery: Saturday Draws 21:50 Casualty 22:40 John Bishop’s Britain 23:10 BBC News 23:30 Match of the Day 24:50 The Football League Show

07:00 Breakfast 08:40 Match of the Day 10:00 Breakfast 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Country Tracks 13:00 BBC News 13:05 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 13:50 Bargain Hunt 14:20 Escape to the Country 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 EastEnders 17:55 Lifeline 18:05 Songs of Praise 18:40 BBC News; Regional News 19:00 Great British Railway Journeys 19:30 Countryfile 20:30 Last of the Summer Wine 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Secret Britain 23:00 BBC News; Regional News 23:25 Live at the Apollo 24:10 No Way Out

10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 3@three 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

08:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Must Be the Music: Countdown 22:00 50 Ways to Leave Your TV Lover 24:00 Lie to Me

10:00 Ten Pin Bowling 11:00 Eurosport2 News 11:30 euroCRASH! 11:40 MotoGP 12:40 Live MotoGP 13:45 Live MotoGP 15:10 Live MotoGP 16:15 World Superbikes 17:15 British Superbikes 18:15 MotoGP 20:15 Eurosport2 News 20:30 Live Basketball 21:45 MotoGP 23:30 International Football 24:30 Eurosport2 News


08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Ghost Whisperer 12:00 Nothing to Declare 13:00 Passport Patrol 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Bulging Brides 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Passport Patrol 22:00 Medium 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 09:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Soccer AM 13:00 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice 14:45 Merlin the Return 16:30 Malcolm in the Middle 17:00 Futurama 17:30 Futurama 19:00 My Pet Shame 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 21:00 The Simpsons 21:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 22:00 American Pie 2 24:05 Classic Albums

08:30 Swimming 09:30 Live Swimming 11:30 Diving 12:00 Live Diving 13:00 Diving 13:45 WTA Tennis 14:45 Diving 15:30 Live Diving 16:30 Swimming 17:00 Live Swimming 19:00 European Aquatics Championships: Pool Talk 19:15 Live Diving 20:00 Live WTA Tennis 21:00 Show Jumping 22:15 MotoGP 24:15 Car Racing 24:45 Diving

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings 11:00 Dating in the Dark 12:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 13:00 Dating in the Dark 17:00 All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 19:00 16 and Pregnant 20:00 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Four Weddings 23:00 Britain’s Pushiest Parents 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:30 Swimming 09:30 Live Swimming 11:30 Diving 12:00 Live Diving 13:00 WTA Tennis 14:00 Triathlon 15:00 Live Cycling 16:30 Diving 17:00 Live Swimming 18:45 European Aquatics Championships: Pool Talk 19:00 Live Diving 20:00 WTA Tennis 21:00 Live WTA Tennis 23:00 MotoGP 24:30 Swimming

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:25 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings 13:00 All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 15:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 16:00 Passport Patrol 17:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 18:00 16 and Pregnant 19:00 Dating in the Dark 20:00 Four Weddings US 21:00 Ghost Whisperer 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 Criminal Minds

Dad’s Army BBC 2 , 19.00

08:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 09:00 Oops TV 09:30 Malcolm in the Middle 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 WWE: Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 Glenn Martin, DDS 13:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 14:00 Must Be the Music: Countdown 15:00 50 Greatest TV Endings 17:00 Oops TV 17:30 Oops TV 18:00 UK Border Force 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Must Be the Music 21:00 Must Be the Music 22:00 The Middle 22:30 The Simpsons 23:00 Martina Cole’s The Take 24:00 The Middle 24:30 Must Be the Music

Slumdog Millionaire Vexed Channel 4, 10.00pm BBC 2,


tv Monday

48 38

13Feb - 19 26 august 20104 2010 - March

08:00 Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 11:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 Oops TV 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Biggest Loser US 22:50 The Expendables Special 23:00 Law & Order 24:00 Bones

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Living Dangerously 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News; 16:05 Green Balloon Scrapbook 16:30 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Mission: 2110 17:35 Legend of Dick & Dom 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Saints and Scroungers 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Gears and Tears 24:05 The Armstrong & Miller Show

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Roar 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 11:55 OOglies 12:15 Hell Drivers 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Restoration Roadshow 20:00 Dan Snow’s Norman Walks 20:30 Roger and Val Have Just Got In 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Antiques Master 22:00 Dragons’ Den 23:00 Grandma’s House 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Home Movie Roadshow

07:00 GMTV 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Michael Ball Show 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Real Crime with Mark Austin: PC Sharon Beshenivsky - Death on Duty 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News and Weather 23:35 Matchstick Men

08:05 Big Brother’s Little Brother 09:00 Big Brother 10:00 Smallville 10:55 Privileged 11:45 Friends 12:45 Diana Vickers’ Postcard from T4 on the Beach 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers & Sisters 13:50 The TV Book Club 14:20 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Our Drugs War 22:00 The Hospital 23:00 Big Brother 24:10 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 24:55 RockCorps 2010: Snoop Dogg Special

08:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Thomas & Friends 09:35 Olivia 09:50 The Mr Men Show 10:00 Little Princess 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Lorraine Kelly’s Big Fat Challenge 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Build a New Life in the Country 14:40 Don’t Stop Believers 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 CSI: NY 16:15 Rag and Bone 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 The Boss Is Coming to Dinner 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 The Gadget Show 22:00 Inferno 23:55 Don’t Stop Believers

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Living Dangerously 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News; 16:05 Green Balloon Scrapbook 16:30 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Copycats 17:35 Horrible Histories 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 The Deep 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Ladder 49

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Roar 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 11:55 What’s New, Scooby-Doo? 12:20 They Were Not Divided 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Restoration Roadshow 20:00 Coast 21:00 Great British Bake Off 22:00 That Mitchell and Webb Look 22:30 Shooting Stars 23:00 Russell Howard’s Good News 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 How Not to Live Your Life 24:50 The Normans

07:00 GMTV 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Michael Ball Show 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Grimefighters 21:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 22:00 The Bill 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Ladette to Lady 24:30 October Road

07:55 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:25 Big Brother 09:35 Frasier 10:05 Smallville 10:50 Privileged 11:45 Friends 12:45 JLS’s Postcard from T4 on the Beach 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers & Sisters 14:00 The TV Book Club 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 16:40 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Help! My House Is Falling Down 22:00 Who Knows Best 23:00 Big Brother 24:10 The Inbetweeners 24:40 Pete Versus Life

08:30 Childrens TV 10:00 Little Princess 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Lorraine Kelly’s Big Fat Challenge 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Build a New Life in the Country 14:40 Don’t Stop Believers 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: NY 16:05 More than Meets the Eye: the Joan Brock Story 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 The Boss Is Coming to Dinner 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Chris Barrie’s Massive Speed 21:00 Great Railway Adventures with Dan Cruickshank 22:00 CSI: Miami 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 Don’t Stop Believers 24:00 CSI

08:00 Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 12:30 Oops TV 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Missing Mums: Lorraine Kelly Investigates 22:00 Must Be the Music 23:00 Must Be the Music 24:00 House

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Living Dangerously 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News; 16:05 Green Balloon Scrapbook 16:30 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Copycats 17:35 Little Howard’s Big Question 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Penguin Island 21:00 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 The Secret Tourist 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 The National Lottery Draws 23:45 Reign of Fire

08:00 Childrens TV 08:40 Timmy Time 08:50 Charlie and Lola 09:00 Barney’s Latin America 09:30 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 10:00 Roar 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Pinocchio 13:45 The Mouse That Roared 15:05 Lifeline 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Restoration Roadshow 20:00 This World 21:00 Coast 22:00 The Normans 23:00 Grumpy Old Men 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 This World

07:00 GMTV 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Michael Ball Show 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live UEFA Champions League 23:00 ITV News 23:30 Granada News 23:35 UEFA Champions League: Extra Time 24:35 Celebrity Juice

08:25 Big Brother 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Smallville 10:50 Privileged 11:45 Friends 12:45 Pocket TV 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers & Sisters 14:00 The TV Book Club 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 16:40 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 How to Look Good Naked 22:00 Raoul Moat: Inside the Mind of a Killer 23:00 Big Brother 24:10 School of Comedy 24:40 My Name Is Earl

08:00 Childrens TV 09:35 Olivia 09:50 The Mr Men Show 10:00 Little Princess 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Lorraine Kelly’s Big Fat Challenge 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Build a New Life in the Country 14:40 Don’t Stop Believers 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: NY 16:10 A View from Here 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 The Boss Is Coming to Dinner 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 Emergency Bikers 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 23:55 Don’t Stop Believers 24:00 K-Ville 24:55 Poker

08:00 Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 11:00 Grease: The School Musical 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 21:00 My Pet Shame 22:00 Must Be the Music 23:00 Must Be the Music 24:00 American Pie 2

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

08:30 Cycling 09:30 WTA Tennis 10:30 Cycling 11:30 Swimming 12:30 Diving 13:30 Cycling 14:30 Ski Jumping 15:30 Swimming 17:00 Diving 18:00 Eurogoals 18:30 WTA Tennis 19:00 Live WTA Tennis 2010 Rogers Cup 23:00 MotoGP

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Ghost Whisperer 12:00 Nothing to Declare 13:00 Passport Patrol 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Bulging Brides 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Dating in the Dark 22:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 23:00 Four Weddings US 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Coronation Street for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:30 Eurogoals 09:00 Ski Jumping 10:00 Eurogoals 10:30 Diving 11:30 Eurogoals 12:00 WTA Tennis 13:30 Eurogoals 14:00 Cycling 15:00 Live Cycling 16:30 Cycling 17:00 Live WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Live WTA Tennis 23:00 WTA Tennis 24:00 Cycling

Help! My House Is Falling Down Channel 4, 21.00

08:30 Cross-Country Skiing 09:30 Cycling 10:00 Triathlon 11:00 Cycling 11:30 Cycling 12:00 WTA Tennis 14:30 Live Cycling 16:30 WTA Tennis 17:00 Live WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Live WTA Tennis 22:45 Wednesday Selection 22:55 Riders Club 23:00 Ladies European Tour Golf 23:10 Golf Club 23:15 World Match Tour Sailing 23:45 Yacht Club 23:50 Wednesday Selection 24:00 Cycling

Raoul Moat: Inside the Mind of a Killer Channel 4, 22.00

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Ghost Whisperer 12:00 Nothing to Declare 13:00 Passport Patrol 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Bulging Brides 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 22:00 Dating in the Dark 23:00 16 and Pregnant 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Ghost Whisperer 12:00 Nothing to Declare 13:00 Passport Patrol 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Bulging Brides 15:30 Bulging Brides 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Four Weddings US 22:00 Ghost Whisperer 23:00 Medium 24:00 Criminal Minds

13 - 19 august 2010


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tv Thursday


13 - 19 august 2010 2010 15-21 JANUARY

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Living Dangerously 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News; 16:05 Green Balloon Scrapbook 16:30 Funky Fables 16:40 Mortified 17:05 Animals at Work 17:35 Deadly 60 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 Mistresses 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Galaxy Quest

08:00 Everything’s Rosie 08:10 Dirtgirlworld 08:25 Jollywobbles 08:35 Buzz and Tell 08:40 Timmy Time 08:50 Charlie and Lola 09:00 Barney’s Latin America 09:30 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 10:00 Roar 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Heidi 13:40 Bell-Bottom George 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Restoration Roadshow 20:00 Culture Show at the Edinburgh Festival 21:00 Natural World 22:00 Digging for Britain 23:00 Getting On 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Nurse Jackie

07:00 GMTV 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Michael Ball Show 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Who Cares? Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Police, Camera, Action! 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 The Grudge 2

07:55 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:25 Big Brother 09:30 Frasier 09:55 Smallville 10:45 Privileged 11:45 Friends 12:15 Friends 12:45 Professor Green’s Postcard from T4 on the Beach 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers & Sisters 14:00 The TV Book Club 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 16:40 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Undercover Boss 23:00 Big Brother 24:10 Coming Up 24:40 Coming Up

08:00 Childrens TV 08:45 Make Way for Noddy 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Thomas & Friends 09:35 Olivia 09:50 The Mr Men Show 10:00 Little Princess 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Lorraine Kelly’s Big Fat Challenge 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Build a New Life in the Country 14:40 Don’t Stop Believers 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: NY 16:05 Rosamunde Pilcher’s Winter 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 The Boss Is Coming to Dinner 19:25 Don’t Stop Believers 19:30 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 Megastructures 22:00 The Hotel Inspector 23:00 Manson

08:00 Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Grease: The School Musical 12:00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13:00 Sell Me the Answer 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 21:00 The Real A & E 21:30 Real Filth Fighters 22:00 Lie to Me 23:00 NCIS: Los Angeles 24:00 NCIS: Los Angeles

08:30 WATTS 08:45 Cycling 10:00 MotoGP 12:00 WTA Tennis 14:30 Live Cycling 16:30 WTA Tennis 17:00 Live WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 17:10 Live WTA Tennis 22:45 WTA Tennis 23:45 Cycling 24:45 Cycling

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Ghost Whisperer 12:00 Nothing to Declare 13:00 Passport Patrol 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Bulging Brides 15:30 Bulging Brides 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Drop Dead Diva 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Private Practice 24:00 Criminal Minds

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 564

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 6 Propose; 7 Story; 9 Tweed; 10 Defeats; 12 Bluebottles; 14 Beating time; 18 Implied; 19 Sloop; 21 Alter; 22 Missive. Down: 1 Crown; 2 Appeal; 3 Use; 4 Street; 5 Written; 8 Reports; 11 Reinter; 13 Sea-mile; 15 Teller; 16 Molest; 17 Solve; 20 Bit. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 6 Blunder; 7 Peril; 9 Topic; 10 Aground; 12 Penultimate; 14 Termination; 18 Blatant; 19 Fleet; 21 Bible; 22 Country. Down: 1 Flood; 2 Entire; 3 Pet; 4 Reform; 5 Dignity; 8 Agitate; 11 Turning; 13 Declaim; 15 Mettle; 16 Oblong; 17 Merry; 20 Bog.

Jackie is just the tonic for old grumps

The TV Round Up AM I already becoming a grumpy old man by

that finds little on the TV these days to raise Alex Trelinski a laugh as I’m out of date and out touch? Broadcaster and Please read the next few paragraphs before freelance journalist you answer! Take the new Friday night BBC 2 show, ‘Roger and Val have just got in’ starring the ever-ballooning Dawn French and the versatile Alfred Molina. The premise of the opener is French looking for her vacuum cleaner guarantee, whilst she and hubby Molina ruminate on various aspects of life. What a bore-fest this turned out to be, and the washed-out picture quality, which reminded me of a VHS tape machine of thirty years ago, was an apt comment on the laugh-less thirty minutes that ensued. There are still five more episodes to be screened! The show was meant to be shown in January, so someone knew that this was a dud and that sneaking it onto the air in August would be the best place for it, short of an early morning transmission with sign language. It would have been an improvement, as the little man in the corner would have been giving it the finger or fingers all the way through. At least that would have made me laugh. The night before, as a big fan of Jo Brand, I sat back with great anticipation to watch her new BBC 2 comedy series ‘Getting On’. Brand used to be a nurse, and so she ought to be perfect as a performer and co-writer of a show that’s set in a women’s geriatric hospital ward. What a let down! There was more script pace from Brian the Snail on ‘The Magic Roundabout’ as one of the main plots surrounded analysing a piece of human excrement on a chair, which mercifully

we did not get to see. This was billed as a ‘black comedy’, but barring a couple of good lines from Brand, who incidentally looked geriatric herself without her makeup, there was little cheer from a show that tried but failed to copy the quality and style of ‘The Office’ and ‘The Thick of It’. But hey, what do I know? Series two is already on the way! Thank heavens for an hour later on BBC 2, as I caught up with a vastly superior hospital comedy/drama from the States, namely in the form of ‘Nurse Jackie’. Made for the US cable channel, Showtime, it pulls no punches with its language and material, but it manages to be both funny and sad at the same time. I missed the first series at the start of the year, so I was delighted to see the first couple of episodes which were on another planet compared to the other two shows I’ve had to endure for you this week. Jackie is a nurse with a heart, but full of complications like taking drugs and cheating on her husband, but she calls things at work like she sees them, and despite her faults you really are rooting for her. Edie Falco as Jackie is a perfect fit, and if you can put up with some fruity dialogue, you’ll be astonished as to how much quality is packed into thirty minutes. Two doses of Jackie made sure that my sense of humour was well and truly back, and I’ll return for more. Perhaps I’m not an old grump quite yet, but her medicine might be needed for some British TV programme commissioners who need to work out whether they know anything at all about comedy.

What’s playing

Mother and Child

local Cinemas COLCI Benidorm

Av. Zamora, Rincón de Loix T: 965 853 859 Mother and Child - 6.30pm 8.45pm Weekends and holidays only 6.30pm

IMF Torrevieja Pol San Jose S/10, T: 965 705 414

Grown Ups – 5pm - 7pm 9pm - 11pm Inception - 5.45pm - 8.20pm 11pm 5pm only on weekends and holidays

IMF Ondara

CC Portal de La Marina, T: 966 477 464 Same as IMF Torrevieja 5pm only on weekends and holidays

Almost forty years ago, a young girl of 14 has sex, gets pregnant, and gives her baby up for adoption. Fast-forwarding to the present day, we meet three very different women, each of whom struggles to maintain control of their lives. There’s Elizabeth (Naomi Watts), a smart and successful lawyer who uses her body to her advantage. Any time she feels that she doesn’t have the upper hand, and cannot control the situation, she uses her sex appeal - whether that be starting a romance with her boss (Samuel L. Jackson) when she suspects he is trying to start one himself, or finding some way to control her overly friendly neighbour and husband (Carla Gallo and Marc Blucas). Karen (Annette Bening), meanwhile, is a bitter health care professional who obviously has a lot of heart but never shows it.

“V.O.S” = Original Subtitled Version - “VO” = Original Version (Works With headphones)

Eurostretcher gets electrical! EUROSTRETCHER CASH & Carry in Almoradi are now offering their customers a large range of electrical items for purchase. Any electrical item you can imagine is available, or Anna at Eurostretcher can source the item for you. Anything is possible from an iron or a hairdryer to fridges and washing machines, to (the much needed at the moment) electric fans. All of the items are branded goods, are fully guaranteed and larger items can be delivered to your home. Eurostretcher really has gone from strength to strength. Opening initially in July 2009, Anna and her team have strived to supply their clients with the branded products that they want to see on the shelves on a weekly basis.

13 - 19 august 2010


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Then in February 2010 they opened their ‘stop & shop’ in Catral. Formerly ‘Thomas Green’, the new store opened with great success. Anna and Don are continuing with their ethos of offering REAL value for money, by keeping prices consistently competitive. The Cash & Carry in Almoradi and the store in Catral stocks a wide range of UK goods, newspapers, cards, toiletries and books. DIRECTIONS To find Eurostretcher Stop & Shop,

Abu Dhabi Humax HD box 12 Months subscription exit junction 733 of the AP7 heading towards Catral, in the village opposite the Village Inn. Opening times are Monday to Saturday 10.00 to 18.00 and Sundays 10.00 to 14.00. For Eurostretcher Cash & Carry, exit junction 740 of the AP7 heading towards Almoradi. Turn at roundabout (FAJOVI) to Daya Nueva and they are on the left side, just 150m from the roundabout. Opening times are Monday - Friday 09.30 to 18.00 and Saturdays 09.30 to 15.00.

Tony Poole is on holiday for the next couple of weeks and will be back with Vibes from the Costas on the 27th August with more details about the Andy Ward music event on the 17th September


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13 - 19 august 2010

Masculine and feminine Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 120

THE IDEA of “gender” in the Spanish language is something most students have to come to terms with quite early on in their learning. The idea that a chair can be “female” and a car “male” usually gives rise to a few jovial remarks, followed by general incomprehension as to why “bolso” (handbag) and “vestido” (dress) are masculine, although for some reason no one ever worries that “camisa” (shirt) and “corbata” (tie) are feminine. There is possibly some strange psychological reason for this, but I have no idea what it is. In any case I always insist on people realising that the “masculine” and “feminine” genders belong to the words themselves, and not what they represent. Anyway, hopefully my present readers have overcome this initial shock and the fact that there is often no way of telling when a word is masculine or feminine. The characteristic “o” ending for masculine and “a” ending for feminine helps, but of course there are notable exceptions, such as “la mano”, “la radio”, “el sofá” “el

planeta” and so on. Added to this problem, there are many words that have other endings which do not indicate gender in any way, for example “el reloj” (the clock) “la pared” (the wall). These are words we just have to learn gradually, often getting them wrong at first. There are some very common endings that are always feminine (I’m very nervous of the word always, but in this case I have never come across any exceptions). These are “– ción, -sión and –xión” (la estación, la television, la conexión), and also the “– dad” endings (la comunidad, la universidad, la felicidad). On the other side you have the “-ema” endings (el dilema, el problema, el tema) and a few other bits and pieces. Apart from that, you are more or less on your own. I’ve always found the gender issue a little strange when it comes to people. We have the usual clear distinctions (el niño – the boy, la niña – the girl), but I also mentioned in a recent article that some people words are always feminine (la persona, la victima)

Afghan Heroes upcoming events REGRETTABLY THE Swing, Rattle and Roll show at Los Arcos Restaurante on August 18th has been CANCELLED due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have already purchased tickets you may get a full refund or exchange for another Expats 4 Afghan Heroes show by calling Jackie on 697 501 992.

irrespective of who they refer to. There is a certain amount of argument and variation when it comes to feminine job words, particularly professions that used to be in the hands of men. For example, some people accept the word “la médica” whereas others change the article “la” but keep the original ending (el médico – male doctor, la médico – female doctor). In other cases we add an “a” as is “juez” male judge, “jueza” female judge. Other jobs which do not alter their endings are: “el piloto, la piloto” (pilot) and more surprisingly “el modelo, la modelo” (model). I say more surprisingly because modeling is traditionally a femaledominated profession, but then I’m falling into the trap I tell other people off for, which is forgetting that this masculine – feminine thing is essentially to do with words, and not people. Now here’s a thought to finish off with – is the word “agua” masculine or feminine? Answers and a riveting discussion on the matter will follow next week.

Sept 3rd and 4th: Mega Raffle 4 Afghan Heroes. Iceland Store, La Marina: loads of prizes to be won including gold, emerald and diamond earrings donated by Quesada Gold Centre; show tickets for Benidorm Palace; DVD Player; meals for two and lots more. Raffle tickets (3 for €5) will be on sale on the day and at selected venues to be announced. The draw will take place at 16.00 on Saturday 4th.

Costa Blanca Performing Arts THE VERY first Costa Blanca Performing Arts awards took place on recently at the New Asturius restaurant. The event (organized by the Ghost Academy) was an amazing display of regional talents, with a huge variety of acts, well supported by numerous performance schools. Three independent judges from the SIPBE Spanish dance board, Rockschool Music examination board and the RTN marked every performer on technical ability, confidence /stage presence, grooming, choreography/arrangement and knowledge of their routine. These awards were totalled to give 1st, 2nd and 3rd medals for every section along with trophies for the category winners, who were given boxes of prizes from Bloch dancewear and Roland Iberia. All the entrants worked extremely hard but a special mention must go to the very young and gifted Elise Macgregor, who triumphed with 4 trophies and the outstanding talents of Sophie Milne who walked away with the highest mark of the festival and senior dance championship. CATEGORY WINNERS Junior Vocalist - Elise Macgregor Senior Vocalist - Paige Hollier Junior Dance champ - Danielle Dickie Secondary Dance Champ - Elise Macgregor Senior Dance Champ - Sophie Milne

Sophie Milne

Junior Musician - Kara Lumley Senior Musician - Thomas Lumley Actor of the Year - Dan McCurdy/Jay Bryant Junior Band - Elise Macgregor/Olivia Carmichael/Kara Lumley Senior Band - Off Ya Head Junior Dance Group - Jordi Tinney & Anita Senior Dance Group - Isamelle & Chantel Junior Dance Troup - Flamingo Juniors Senior Dance Troup - Phoenix Dancers Most Promising Pupil - Elise Macgregor Highest Mark of the festival - Sophie Milne (Modern)

The event organizer, Kerry Carlton, stated, “It was a very enjoyable day and an absolute pleasure to observe and appreciate the work of so many talented individuals. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the schools that have given their huge support and involvement to the event, along with the sponsoring companies.” We look forward to the return of this well organized and much appreciated event in 2011.

13 - 19 august 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.

Euromillions Draw Friday 6th August

13 25 28 29 42 4


One Spanish ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros (£12,502,500) jackpot prize


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 40. Crossword winner for issue 564: Lorraine Crighton Orihuela Costa

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



1. Agreement (4)

1. At intervals (8)

3. Yield (8)

2. Waterway (5)

9. In succession (7)

4. Consider (6)

10. Of the nose (5)

5. Electoral district (12)

11. Erasure (12)

6. Slacken (4,3)

13. Adulterated (6)

7. Vend (4)

15. Suppress (6)

8. Skiing, skating, etc. (6,6)

17. Understood (12)

12. Inclination (8)

20. Smell (5)

14. Exasperate (7)

21. Division (7)

16. Minor (6)

22. Compelling influence (8)

18. Bore (5)

23. Perform (4)

19. Masterstroke (4)

ACROSS 1. The essayist was a gentle creature (4) 3. How old is that frock? Ask the horse! (8) 9. Short and rude letter in the play at the very end (7) 10. Mountains show in its pages? (5) 11. Apparently making an approach in low spirits and going under (2,3,3,4) 13. Removes clothes on excursion in ship? (6) 15. Suit for diggers? (6) 17. Initial crept out with two spare copies (2,10) 20. In the trial I bid to have a let-out (5) 21. He’s dear, and clings (7) 22. Not a heavy responsibility in the theatre (8) 23. Married with a ring while still in debt (4)


DOWN 1. Lose cars in game (8) 2. For a change remit credit (5) 4. Course for athletes to be taken up? (6) 5. No engagement for an army marching on its stomach! (5-2,5) 6. Let 23 after all (7) 7. Soldier won’t have difficulty in standing it (4) 8. Imaginative painter needed in the theatre (4-2,6) 12. Rated idiot who mixed seeds (8) 14. Telephoning round, perhaps (7) 16. Injury to limb right in the country (6) 18. Quiver inside (5) 19. Post armour (4)


13 - 19 AUGUST 2010

music scene Compiled by

Eric Taylor

ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, please contact Eric directly.

Dave Lewis International Entertainer M

ULTI-TALENTED singer/songwriter Dave Lewis is a master of his art. To hear him sing and play wakes up feelings you never knew you had… He can carry you away on the heartfelt journeys of passion and then have you up on your feet to full-throttle rockers from the past five decades. Dave is a natural at flowing with the ambience and enjoys a rapport with the crowd as 14 years as resident entertainer at premier London West End restaurant and cocktail bar ‘Smollensky’s on the Strand’ goes to prove. Dave Lewis is currently performing (piano/guitar and vocals) at the Monte Pego Restaurant, Friday night summer barbeques throughout August from 21.30, with dancing until 02.00. There is an incredible array of ‘all you can eat’ salads, paellas, meat and fish dishes, desserts - entry is €35 and includes wine, beer and soft drinks. For information and bookings contact the Monte Pego Restaurant on: 965 571 973. Alternatively, Dave is performing most Sunday’s from 13.00 – 16.00 at the fabulous Sunday brunch buffet in the Denia Marriott Hotel (La Sella Golf Resort). See website for further events: www.davelewis.es or Tel: 676 335 821.

Rob Sweeney Singer/Entertainer

Try our A La Carte Menu

All dishes freshly prepared by our Masterchef. New opening times;

Open 7 days a week from 7pm -11pm Sunday Lunch 1pm – 4pm

Tel 96 648 0125 • Calle Inglesia 14, Jalon

ROB ALWAYS knew he was destined to sing and entertain. As well as singing in the school choir he would also spend long hours in his bedroom writing rock/pop songs on his Casio keyboard, dreaming of stardom. After leaving school he was never off the road as lead singer of various rock/pop bands, gaining numerous accolades for his vocal talents. So when he went solo in the mid-nineties, he never looked back. He even won the Bass brewery ‘Star Search’ competition in Blackpool, gaining even more exposure. Extensive tours across the UK as well as the Canary Islands followed. Recently he studied and performed in musical theatre, resulting in a versatile and polished performer with a rich, powerful voice singing everything from sixties pop to the present, show-songs to soul classics. He now lives and works on the Costa Blanca, where he will be performing as a guest artist on Friday 13th August in Platino’s Lounge Bar, Arenal, Javea. Your first chance to hear Rob perform - you won’t be disappointed. Tel: 609 320 924 or email: rob.vocalist@gmail.com Website: robsweeney-singer.tumblr.com

The Splashes – Popular Dance Band ‘THE SPLASHES’ are a popular local band consisting of: Niamh (vocals), Matthias (guitar), Rose (guitar) and Michael (Saxophone). Offering an extensive mix of pop, rock, soul, blues and jazz favourites, they offer a fresh approach to all the old favourites. Apart from their regular bar and club gigs, ‘The Splashes’ are available for weddings, private parties and exhibitions. For future gigs or more information, phone Niamh: 676 507 791 or check out their web site: www.thesplashes.com

GIGS FOR AUGUST: Saturday 14th Quo Vadis Bar, Javea Friday 20th El Paraiso Restaurant, Parcent Friday 27th The Blus Bar, Marina De Denia

Chloe Hooper – Female Vocal Entertainer CHLOE HOOPER is an international vocalist singing a versatile mix of country, blues, soul, jazz and easy listening. She has been singing for nearly twenty years, twelve of that professionally, both as a successful solo/tribute artist and as a session singer. Her latest project is a tribute to legendary rock diva Bonnie Tyler and the lovely Duffy. Chloe is the resident performer at Rusty’s Bar & Bistro, Benitachell, on a Friday night and is also part of ‘Acoustica’, a newly formed duo with Shuggy (Electric/Acoustic guitarist). Phone Chloe: 607 621 699 for more details or visit her website: www.chloehooper.net


Friday 13th - Rusty’s Bar/Bistro,Benitachell (Every Friday) Saturday 14th - Bonnie Tyler/Duffy Tribute Show, The Club, Quesada, Torrevieja Sunday 15th - Bonnie Tyler Tribute Show Casa Limon, Benimar, Torrevieja Wednesday 18th - La Martineta Club, Arenal, Javea Saturday 21st - Private Function, Calpe Sunday 22nd - Montgo Di Bongo Bar Javea, 18.00 Sunday 29th - Montgo Di Bongo Bar Javea, 18.00

13 - 19 AUGUST 2010

A night to remember NEW SUMMER

Menu de la Casa Sounds Familiar on stage

by Jack Troughton


INGING GROUP Sounds Familiar and its director Philip Ashley are presenting an evening of music and dance on the Marina Alta on Thursday 2nd September. Philip – who has produced a number of different shows on the Costa Blanca - was approached by the Jalon and Orba Lions Club to organise a special night of entertainment to raise money for good causes. And the event begins at 8pm in the theatre at Rafol de Almunia Town Hall with Sounds Familiar performing a version of their acclaimed show ‘Musical Magic’, first staged at Calpe in June. Slightly shorter than the original, it will last about an hour and 20 minutes and include songs from Grease, Mary Poppins, Blood Brothers, the Producers, Les Miserables and

more – including spectacle of the Sounds Familiar ladies and their rendition of ‘Hey Big Spender.’ The night continues a short walk down the road in the Piscina Bar with a performance by local band ‘Menage a Trois’ and a musical comedy cabaret. The trio will round off the evening with a selection of dance music featuring hits from the fifties and sixties – and hopefully get the audience on their feet. Tapas and the first drink at the Piscina Bar are included in the evening’s 15€ ticket price. Because of limited numbers of seats and the need to arrange the food, tickets are only available by advance booking – call 96 558 1483 or visit www.soundsfamilar.es Sounds Familiar will be performing further shows in December and details will be announced later.

Lemon squeeze By Jack Troughton REGULARS AT The Lemon Tree in Jalon are planning to pip last year’s charity total with a second annual Fun Day at the popular bar. The family fund-raiser begins at noon on Sunday 29th August with all proceeds from a series of events going to support the work of Jalon Valley HELP. Ten events include a strongman competition, kids’ egg and spoon race, ladies’ race, and traditional attractions like tombola, a raffle, and auction. And The Lemon Tree has put forward suitable thirstquenching prizes, including a three litre bottle of vodka and a crate of beer.

Lemon Tree volunteers take stock

For further details call 966 480 800 or visit www.jalonvalleyhelp.com Meanwhile, Jalon Valley HELP’s shop in Jalon is open every Tuesday in August from

10.00 until 13.00 for ‘bargain day’. Its sister shop in Alcalali opens Monday to Saturday at the same times but offers special bargains on Thursdays for the remainder of the month.

Final fanfare for Lions Youth Brass Band Pictured, Hugh Stewart, President of Calpe Benissa Lions, presents the band leaders with a certificate

THE EVER popular Lions Youth Brass Band ended its nine date Costa Blanca tour with a rousing concert in Jalon. The young musicians won a host of new friends playing to appreciative audiences in Albir, La Nucia, Denia, Benidorm, Moraira, Teulada, Calpe and Lliber. Based in Sandbach, Cheshire, it was the third successive annual tour of Spain

and individual Lions clubs along the coast arranged the venues – taking the opportunity to raise funds by collecting donations at the free performances. And while most of the band’s time was spent rehearsing or on stage for the concerts themselves, the musicians enjoyed visits to Terra Mitica; Aqualandia; the beach at Moraira, and stops at various weekly markets.

from 14.95€ Inc IVA. Also Full A La Carte Menu

New Class starting 7th September


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13 - 1926 AUGUST 2010 FEB - MARCH 4 2010

Summer sulphur and other eco treatments by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

DURING THE summer months a box of inexpensive sulphur powder – only around two euros a kilo – is a must buy for many gardens. WHAT IS IT? Sulphur powder (azufre in castellano) is a natural chemical that has several important uses in summer and autumn gardens. It is a yellow powder and should not be confused with copper sulphate (sulfato de cobre in Castellano and sulfat de coure in Valenciano) The latter can be used for similar purposes but is not as ecological and environmentally friendly. USES OF SULPHUR Dusting of plants to prevent and combat mildew and other fungal attacks of leaves and fruit, especially tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, melons, courgettes, cucumbers, squashes and most importantly grape vines. Also flowering plants that get mildew problems.

A dusting of the soil when preparing flower beds and vegetable pots and raised beds to help clean the soil of unwanted pests and achieve a slight increase in acidity levels. A dusting of lines of ants and holes to nests and around containers attacked by ants. HOW TO APPLY? Dust by gloved hand but it is easy to overtreat and do so patchily. Fill a sock and shake over and within plants. If you have a large area to treat such as a vineyard, buy a dusting machine from the local horticultural shop, agricultural machine shop or agricultural cooperative. It is best to do on still evenings. WHEN NOT TO APPLY When it is windy as the powder will go everywhere except where you intend. When the leaves are damp. We aim to do our dustings on still evenings. GARLIC A cooled garlic infusion is a useful insect control including for geranium moths. NEEM Neem oil has even wider applications. This natural oil extracted from the kernels of the fruit from Neem trees is becoming more widely available each year but if you still have

an example of a dusting machine

problems look up the website of Trabe and buy by mail order. You can contact Francisco Ibanez on 968 572 004. They also stock Propolis, which is a natural fungicide that we use to spray our fruit trees. ECO SNAIL KILLER Likewise Neudorff’s ecological snail killer Ferramol Antilimacos is finding its way into more gardening shops and garden centres. Again, if stuck buy via mail order. Contact Juan Luis on 646 725 434 to do so. GERANIUM OIL A few drops of geranium oil in water is a useful deterrent to the geranium moth.

This oil is distilled from the rose scented Graveolen variety. If you have a block or line of geranium plants, plant one of these plants amongst the other varieties as it is not attacked by the geranium moths. Each of our books include chapters on useful ecological/natural insect and fungal controls. BOOK SIGNING We enjoyed chatting with readers who came along to the book signing at Bookworld Javea. Naturally they and other Bookworld branches and some other bookshops stock the books on a regular basis. Autographed copies for special gifts can be obtained by emailing us on yourgardeninspain@hotmail.com

Clodagh and Dick’s books collate their twenty five years of gardening in Spain to help newcomers to Spain, whether experienced or beginner gardeners living in houses or apartments. Because of the financial situation, some book distribution companies are no longer in business so if you have a shop and wish to stock Santana Books about gardening, travel, law etc contact Gertud or Alan Roberts on info@santanabooks.com. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com

Sniper One Book Review by

Danny Collins


IRAQ 2004. Saddam Hussein had been deposed and the Paras and the Marines were long gone. The World had almost forgotten about Iraq but was about to be sharply reminded with the emergence of Shia firebrand Moqtada al-Sadr. The author and his Sniper Company of the 1st Battalion The Princess of Wales Royal Regiment were barely hours at their posting to CIMIC House in the city of Al Amarah when a grenade bounced off a battalion land rover, rolled underneath and detonated. The ambush marked the beginning of a full scale fire fight that was to see CIMIC House attacked repeatedly during a 23day siege during which the British defenders survived 230 mortar bombardments; 57 RPG attacks; and five 107mm rocket launches. On the last day, CIMIC House was reduced to rubble with the insurgents literally scaling the walls when a relief column from nearby Abu Naji battered its way through to relieve the exhausted defenders. Medals awarded included the Victoria Cross to Private Johnson Beharry, two Conspicuous Gallantry Crosses, ten Military Crosses, and 17 Mentions in Dispatches, one of the latter to the author himself. The siege of CIMIC House parallels that of Rourke’s Drift

in that a valiant band of British soldiers, low in ammunition and food and outnumbered by tremendous odds, beat off repeated attacks by a savage enemy again and again. The sniper’s motto is ‘Never run from a sniper – you’ll only die tired’. A cynical reminder of just who is holding the gate for us. Let’s not forget their sacrifices, their tale is here so buy the book and learn why you can sleep well in your beds. Author: Sgt Dan Mills Publisher: Penguin Michael Joseph (paperback) Price: €20.80 ISBN: 978 0 718 15347 2

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

Oasis Garden Club

AN INFORMAL inaugural meeting of the Oasis Garden club will be held on Thursday 2nd September 2010. Anyone interested in plants, fun gardening and meeting like-minded people are invited to attend.

Venue: Oasis Country Park Camping Natura, 46842 Rugat Meetings: 2nd September 2010 and 1st Thursday in every month. Time: 10.30 – 12.30 Contacts: Tina 962 131 711 or Leatitia 620 120 444

- 19 AUGUST 2010 FEB 26 -13MARCH 4 2010

Discover the Costa Blanca

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Derek Workman continues his series of excursions from his book ‘Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’ which features 22 detailed trips that lead you to spots you’d never find by yourself.

Way out West: Valle de Ayora THE VALLE de Ayora, the Valencian region’s most westerly valley, was historically an important north-south communication route and also marked the border between Christian and Muslim territories. There are vineyards and beautiful broad vistas of pine forests marred by the two vast cooling towers of the nuclear power station at Cofrentes, but a mere blip in the otherwise stunning mountain scenery. As you drop down from the wine town of Requena at the northern point of the Valle to Cofrentes, you see its castle standing four-square on a rocky promontory above the village and, as you get nearer, you pass a large wetland, the confluence of the rivers Júcar and Cabriel. On the opposite side of the valley to the over-restored Arab castle is Mount Agrás, an extinct volcano. You can feast your eyes from the Mirador del Chulo on Calle Las Eras, a paved area with a fountain that gives you splendid views of the valley. Most people come to Cofrentes to take the waters at the modernista spa of Los Hervideros (the boilers). Built in 1908, the Balneareo de Hervideros is almost a small modernista village, with a hotel, cottages, gardens, swimming pools, sports centre, mini-golf, supermarket, chapel, a theatre, hairdresser and gift shop. The scent of pine trees fills the air and aged ladies and gentlemen sit in the shade playing cards after their treatments in the baths. You can also see them walking along the byways aided by stout bamboo poles, which they carry with all the solemnity of a pilgrim on the road to Santiago, propelling himself along with his trusty staff. While the nearby volcano might be extinct, its volcanic activity keeps the water at a constantly warm temperature. The salts and minerals it contains are said to be beneficial for those suffering from rheumatics and locomotive problems, while taking a tipple will also do your digestive system a power of good. You can even have a top-to-toe beauty treatment of vaporisation, hydro-massage, body peeling and power-shower, amongst a host of other ‘pamperings’.

Jalance is the second village of any size you come across as you drive down the Valle de Ayora. With a registered population of ten more than neighbouring Cofrentes, it could think of itself as being a bit of a ‘big brother’, although lacking the clout of the nuclear power station of Cofrentes which must make that particular village one of the richest in the Valencian Community, given the subsidies paid for having it there in the first place. Wandering the streets up to Jalance Castle, you tread over the painted designs used as part of the decoration for the Fiesta de los Locos held on 28th December, but they must use pretty good paint because they seem to be there all year round. At various parts of the town you’ll see large

Cofrentes castle

have views over the rooftops and across the valley. Take the effort to go all way up, though, and you get wonderful views of the Valle de Ayora. If you are there at a weekend or during August, you can visit the Cueva de Don Juan, a 60,000 cubic-metre cave at the end of a 12 km drive through a ravine that cuts into the Júcar valley. There are approximately 400 metres of stalactites and stalagmites to ponder on and archaeological remains from the Bronze Age to mull over. If you want to stay far from the madding crowd, four kilometres from the cave is El Moragete, a

Jalance church

tiled panels, part of a series telling the stories of the Moors and Christians turbulent history in the valley. Jalance has its fair share of little corners and arches and if you don’t fancy a trudge all the way up to the ruined 11th-century castle, at least climb the steps to the open plaza in front of the church, from where you

Cofrentes mirador

To discover more about Spain, visit www.derekworkman-journalist.com and http://derekworkman.wordpress.com. http://valpaparazzi.wordpress.com are random notes about life in Spain. Derek Workman’s books, Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca and Small Hotels and Inns of Eastern Spain are available from most good books shops or direct from the publisher, Santana Books, www.santanabooks.com or Tel. 952 485 838.

nature area with a campsite and the fonts of Fuente Bella and El Tobarro. The Valle de Ayora is well known for its hearty country grub and gives its name to the famous gazpacho ayorinos, a rabbit and chicken stew with wafer-thin pasta. Each town in the valley has its own version of the dish. Cofrentes offers olla cofrentina, stewed pork, potatoes, pinto beans and cardoons (a vegetable of the thistle family) and in Jalance they serve up ajotono, mashed potato, cod and tomatoes. For dessert you could be offered grullos, honey cakes, or aguamiel, baked pumpkin slices with honey.


13 - 19 AUGUST 20102010 8-14 JANUARY

Let it be WE ARE all so much more than we think that we are. Spiritually we make connections throughout our lives, and as more is revealed to us we make gradual progress along the pathway of our own conception. Sometimes on that journey we miss the point, or struggle with concepts, but sometimes too we surge on ahead with the development of new skills, or we receive, and subsequently act upon, the strongest messages. Our Lives do become more interesting, and we accept or reject as we think fit because always and forever our own interpretation is foremost. After all, each and every one of us is different and individual. One man’s meat is for sure another man’s poison, and any work taken on must reflect this and allow us to work things out for ourselves. There are always dangers when people are forced to follow blanket observations of the creed of others. Usually within such an organisation there is an abuse of power somewhere along the line; and more than likely this happens at the top. Followers can endure anything from asset stripping to mind control, and the scary result is that strength comes only from the elected power of leadership. It depends who is steering the ship, and therefore, too, who is paying the bill! Why should any organisation wish that families are destroyed, people disorientated and bereft of financial gain, to satisfy somebody’s power trip? We are not slaves to Spirit. Never have we been, or could we be; it doesn’t work like that. When asked by a journalist recently when I had first starting working for Spirit, I had to reply that I do not work for anybody. Like all of us out there who have embraced Spirit, or would really like to, we establish a connection to work with Spirit. Thus we work together as colleagues. I always say that I do Spirit’s work here on Earth and they do my work in the realm of the Spirit World. Anyone worried that they are being engulfed into a Secret Society need worry no further. With principles centred on Love and Light, and with a brief to spread a message of comfort, trust and

understanding to all involved, it is no wonder that Spiritualism is one of the fastest growing World religions. Whilst it is true that the majority of people do not believe in the Spirit World, the number who do or who want to know more is spiralling very nicely upwards. It is a religion of the soul, and it isn’t sold door to door. As we move on through life our Spirituality grows naturally with the respect that we have for ourselves. Often people are brought to me after bereavement, but there are more and more that simply come because they want so much more from life. Their set of experiences has therefore brought them to my door, and I am honoured to work with them, and to bring them into touch with the inner Spirituality they have not fully connected with. When you show someone something that they already have and don’t know how to use it, it changes their life. A better connection with the soul brings so many to starting to walk along the Spiritual pathway. Yes, at any time you can fall, but you can also pick yourself up, and if that’s hard for you to do, then anyone on that same path alongside will help you. Spiritualism spans the World. Spiritual contact these days is fuelled by poignant television programmes, public demonstrations, and shows, boosted by a host of well written books and the open doors of Spiritual workers to help, direct and support your journey; remember that this is an individual journey supported by the faith and devotion of others. Those others know as well as you should that one day it may very well be your help that they will need. Step by step we walk towards the embracing of life as it is now and the acceptance of the inevitable death that we must all face one day, knowing that we learnt to use the energy of our soul whilst living here on Earth and felt that special love within; a love that once experienced will always be the part of us that it should be.

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com KENNY, I have been badly let down by my son, who has now proved to me that he has taken his Father’s side and will no longer support me. I am grieving as if I have lost him, and in a way I have! Anonymous I am so sorry that you are faced with a situation whereby you stand to lose your son. He is angry, I suspect with the break up of your relationship, but he has no right to take sides unless he is fully sure that whatever you did was so wrong. There are a few home truths needed here, and your son doesn’t have to take sides unless he himself wants to, or chooses to. Most sons´ would want the very best for both their parents whatever happens; and if he is in this blaming frame of mind just tell him that you are there if ever he needs you, and close your door. He will come knocking one day soon, just you wait and see, and whether you choose to open that door to him, or not, is entirely up to you!

Kenny’s Diary READINGS AT: Bistro Maya in Albir: 16th and18th August from 16.30 to 19.00. Please call or email me for info. Séance on Thursday 26th August in Finestrat at 18.30: Limited spaces: no prior experience necessary. Come and experience physical contact! Appointments for private readings, consultations and private parties continue throughout August. Workshops resume in September. Check

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris It is all very much up in the air at the moment, and this long period of indecisiveness is governed by strong planetary influences that are merely prolonging your agony. Since a rapid solution has not found its way to your heart then you must start to look for alternatives, and remove stubborn energy from your agenda because you will shortly be sorely tempted to just throw in the towel. Coming up to the Retrograde of Mercury this is a time to put all your cards on the table. Review what is not happening at the moment and see this as your inability to state just what you really want right now, rather than opening yourself to the very best options, which are currently very thin on the ground. In hindsight a lot of this could have been made very much simpler, but it’s your baby! Sheer determination sees you moving on at last after a negative and static period in your life brings you to realise just how fortunate you are. Someone close has whispered something in your ear and it is with the help of others that you start to make the necessary improvements in your newly streamlined life. This is not a time to be selfish, but it is a focus on a vital self preservation. A week in which your careful plans are disrupted and you’re really thrown off track. This however gives you the very best chance to review that which you must right now. The entry of strong Piscean values this week connects with your fifth house and you will embrace the very changes you feared. You are about to take on new responsibilities, and there is nobody better than you for the job. A great time for rest and relaxation of your body and mind. You now need to have a closer connection all around you as you concentrate on bringing a Libran balance into your hectic life. Though you can see where someone is going wrong right now, know that sometimes people have to do things the hard way and discover things for themselves, although you will be there to pick up the pieces. Mercury is moving towards retrograde in the comparative peace of your seventh house of mystery and imagination. Accept that things aren’t clear at the moment, but that considering your options right now is inspiring and carefree, and nobody must hold you back from what you know is the right way to go. Organise nothing and do not sign on the dotted line until well into next week! Currently you are feeling very empty as somebody leaves your life, albeit on a temporary basis. The resultant space in your life would be well spent in thinking of yourself and your own needs, because it is the caring of others that provides you with a smokescreen, and allows you to tempt fate and connect with your all important destiny. Be very sure that what you now do is a precedent. Fear turns quickly into anger this week as you are set to fight once more over something that begs resolve but shows you no mercy. It is no wonder that your levels of stress are through the roof as you wait for something out of control to be well and truly dealt with. Move on, and whatever you do, make it your very best shot: when the going gets tough the tough get going. With wily Jupiter in command and the actions of Mercury to soon command a nostalgic look back at your life, there are plans to be made, people to see and your organisational skills to hone as you prepare for something rather wonderful. Your gregarious skills can unite others and your luck and great timing bring a sense of magic into the current proceedings, which benefit from your ubiquitous charm. You’ve got a feeling inside that things are not right, not what they seem and that something has to be done. Though you are a font of knowledge, you know that sticking your oar in right now is not the best solution and that you must delegate to someone who can reflect your sincere wish to bring forward clarity in a relationship problem. Tread very carefully to avoid anything coming back on you. With Pluto ensconced in Capricorn and the freedom of Pisces, you are able to see a solution with rose coloured glasses. This is just the start and you need to be on your toes if you are to eliminate the negative energy that current resides. Tread softly, and trust nobody until it is well known what your wants and needs are and how they should be aired: it’s your business after all! Mighty Uranus enters and starts immediately to stir from within. This causes you to look at your recent decision with a view to expanding it and maximising the potential of a situation. Your own specific psychic skills can be brought into play to show you just how far you have come, and how sensitive you are at finding the real root of the problem for all who are concerned.

If it’s your birthday this week... Just take a back seat and see what happens. This will tell you what you are really up against right now, and prepare you for your next step. Life changing energies are just around the corner, if you have the patience and the faith.

- 19 AUGUST 2010 8-14 13 JANUARY 2010

Priorat (D.O.Ca.) Wine Review by

Jonathan Burrows

Director of Murcia Wine Club

THE SPANISH wine region of Priorat (or Priorato in Castellano Spanish) is the second Spanish wine region to have acquired the prestigious classification status of ‘Denominación de Origen Calificada’ – the first of course being the wine region of la Rioja. Priorat is a very remote and rocky wine region, relatively well-known among the ‘true’ wine connoisseurs for its intense, minerally red wines. Many wine journalists and collectors consider Priorat to be one of the World’s best wine producers; along with the likes of la Rioja and Bordeaux. There is a very distinctive type of soil native to Priorat and this consists predominantly of a slate-and-quartzite substance providing an abundance of minerals; which is what gives the wines of Priorat such a special taste and character. Priorat is also a very beautiful, picturesque area of Spain, with a long and interesting history. Priorat is a mere two hours from the bustling city of Barcelona but it is nonetheless remote and therefore difficult to reach - regardless of means of transport. Vineyards in the Priorat region tend to be planted on very steep terraced land which can often resemble large staircases. The vineyards

are very beautiful on the eye but not so great for the workers come the harvest, because it requires more effort than harvesting vines planted on flat land. The main varieties found in the region of Priorat are Garnacha and Cariñena, although you can also find some of the more common or popular foreign varieties like Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. The majority of the vineyards here are planted at altitudes of between 100 meters to 700 meters above sea level. The best wines from Priorat are concentrated and bursting with character. Yields tend to be very low due to the harsh climatic conditions experienced in the area. Due to these low yields and the labour involved in harvesting, wines from Priorat are among the most expensive in Spain; sometimes more than €500 per bottle (L’Ermita)! Priorat wines are fresh and expressive with little suggestion of oak compared to some of the more traditional Spanish reds (although having said that, oaky Spanish wines are more a thing of the past now anyway). A devastating phylloxera attack took place here in the 19th Century and this forced local farmers to turn


Priorat (D.O.Ca.)

their efforts toward other crops like almonds and olives which could still be cultivated. Only in the past few decades have these local farmers started to concentrate on vineyards and on the production of wine again. It is because of this that very few people have actually heard of the region. It tends to be only true wine enthusiasts that have come across Priorat. The majority of the Priorat wine region is completely unspoilt; with beautiful, natural landscapes comprising stone farm houses, small quaint villages, castle complexes and historic churches and monasteries. Naturally, Priorat cuisine is the ideal accompaniment to

the potent native wines, tending to consist of very hearty game meals. If you are looking to sample the delights of the Priorat D.O.Ca, then I recommend you try the Clos de l’Obac. We (www.murciawineclub.com) will be adding this wine, along with another twenty or so Spanish wines in the next few weeks. The Clos de l’Obac retails for around €45 per bottle and is made using the Garnacha, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot and Cariñena grape varieties. It is a very elegant, cosmopolitan wine, with a long, complex, minerally taste; created by the multiple varieties and the crianza ageing in new French oak barrels.

Article written by Jonathan Burrows, Director of Murcia Wine Club Tel: 608 708 579; e-mail: info@murciawineclub.com web: www.murciawineclub.com

RAFA commemorates Battle of Britain

U3A Marina Baixa meetings

THE ROYAL Air Force Association is to hold a concert at the Virgen del Carmen Theatre in Torrevieja to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, curtain up at 19.30 on Tuesday 7th September. Included on the bill will be Just Brass; Hot Ice and All That Jazz. Tickets at only €5 are available from the Municipal Theatre kiosk and from Brian Bourdon on 965 329 864, with all proceeds to go to charity.

THE U3A Marina Baixa covers Albir, Altea, Callosa, La Nucia, Finestrat and from Villajoyosa to Benidorm. Members are either retired or semi-retired, with annual membership €12. Many activities/

groups are free, some led by volunteer members: Spanish classes for all levels, Cafe Philo; sugar craft; floral art and keep fit classes (more men please!) A Hairy Biker’s Club now rides out the first Sunday each month!

We meet the 4th Monday each month at 10.30 for 11.00 at Forum Mare Nostrum, Alfas del Pi. Come along and see what the U3A is all about at the next meeting: Monday 23rd August. Information: contact Angie, Public Relations on 687 211 722 or visit www.u3amarinabaixa.com.

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13 - 1926 AUGUST 2010 FEB - MARCH 4 2010


Adobe Reader 9

Patricia via email asks: Dear Aunty, if I have an email with an attachment that is a PDF File I am unable to open it. As I click to open it says ‘This file does not have a programme associated with it. Create an association in the

Folder Options Control Panel’ but I cannot find a Folder Options icon! I work with XP. Aunty says: Probably the easiest way around this is to download the free Adobe Reader 9

from www.adobe.com as that is the program PDF files most like to open. If you still need to go to the ‘Folder Options’ in control panel you will need to click on the ‘switch to classic view’ option in the left hand pane.

Not receiving mail

Ken via email asks: Hi there Aunty. On a small number of occasions people say they have sent me emails which I have not received. I have also sent emails that they say were not received. Is this possible? Can some disappear? Aunty says: They don’t normally ‘disappear’ as such Ken but emails can easily be blocked or dumped at various checkpoints along the way. You should regularly check your spam/junk folder as genuine incoming emails can get flagged as spam simply by having a particular word in them, also perhaps ask the recipient to look in their spam/junk folder for the same reason. Make sure your antivirus and antispyware programs are all up to date and that your system is clean. If you continue to have problems it may be easier to change email address and even move over to another email service such as Google or Yahoo.

Got a story? 902 118 999

Moving my PC around Al via email asks: Hi Aunty. I have disconnected and moved my pc 2 or 3 times recently and had no problems with it working again. This time however the monitor keeps shutting down & the tower makes a beeping noise. I know it’s not major as I have come across it before but can’t remember. Can you help please?

with aunty virus

Aunty says: Quite a common problem Al, and normally this is caused by something inside becoming dislodged. The beeping noise is a sure sign there is a hardware problem, and although this is not a major issue for an engineer, I wouldn’t recommend taking the thing apart unless you know your way around the insides of a PC.

Google language tools Alan from Benidorm says: I see in this week’s issue a problem with translating. Please remind your readers that if they open the Google search page they will find on the right of the search box the words ‘language tools’. If they click on this they will get a page that will enable them to translate from any language to any other language they can think of!

You can use cut and paste with this. I do enjoy your column and read it via email even when I’m back in London.

Aunty says: Thanks Alan. I use the Goole translate regularly and it seems to get better all the time. There is also an audio button where you can hear the translated text which has proved very useful.

Windows acces problem

Bill via email asks: Hola Aunty, I have problem when trying to save to my CD drive from excel or word, I get this message: ‘you do not have access to the folder d:/ see your administrator for access to this folder’ Keep up the good work. Aunty says: This hopefully is a simple matter of the CD isn’t formatted correctly, I say hopefully because things can get rather messy sorting out Windows file access problems. I would suggest saving the file to your My Documents folder first and then using the right mouse click and ‘send to’ option and see what happened. I’m not a great fan of using Windows to write data to CDs as you have very little control over what’s going on. Maybe try CD Burner XP from these people http:// www.cdburnerxp.se which I’ve used regularly in the past.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

13 - 19 AUGUST 2010 FEB 26 MARCH 4 2010

Do you own your website? Are you sure? by

Karla Darocas

Information Technology & Communications

IF YOU have paid for a domain name for your website then you own it – right? That is the theory, however many unsuspecting business people don’t understand how the domain name ownership process works. They get someone else to register their domain name and don’t check to make sure that the domain registration was put in their name. Owning a domain name, which is your website’s name, is really much like owning a car. It has to be registered under the name of the owner. For business people, a domain name becomes a legal asset of your company. When you sell your company, the domain name goes with it. After printing flyers and business cards, many people find out that they in fact don’t owe their domain name, but the registration was put in the name of the person they trusted to register it for them, often a website designer. This is an illegal process, but sadly it happens all the time. Corrupt website designers will often take advantage of the naivety of a client and register that clients’ domain name in their own name. Then they will go ahead and design the website and get paid. However, when the client has a falling out with the website designer and wants to move his/her website to another provider or learn how to work on his/her website alone,

51 45

the client finds out that they don’t own their own domain name – even though they paid for it. NOW WHAT? THE DOMAIN NAME (WEBSITE NAME) IS ON ALL YOUR BUSINESS CARDS AND MARKETING ADVERTISING In the USA, it is easy enough to take a website designer to court under the “intellectual property law” process and get the domain name back. However, here in Spain, if the website designer doesn’t want to give it back, even though it is yours and you paid for it – it is basically impossible to get the domain name back. Sad but true! HOW DO YOU CHECK TO SEE IF YOU OWN YOUR OWN DOMAIN NAME? Depending on where the domain name was registered, you can try these websites to search for your ownership entitlements. www.WhoIs.net – for your most popular domains like .com; .net; .org. For Spanish registrations you can go to www.nic.es however, I find that www.GoDaddy.com/Whois has a better presentation and in English. WHAT TO DO ONCE YOU FIND OUT THAT THE DOMAIN YOU BOUGHT IS NOT REGISTERED IN YOUR NAME? You will need to sign up to a different registration company and file for a ‘domain registration transfer’. Normally,

the new registration company will charge a fee to start this legal process of transferring the domain and changing the name servers and registration names. It seems a shame to have to pay this fee, when you have already paid for the domain name in the first place. Once this fee is paid, a legal document is sent to the original person who registered the domain name on your behalf. Then, here comes the snag – if that corrupt website developer who basically stole your domain name doesn’t want to give it up – then your domain transfer will not be completed and you will be screwed. But, if they do sign the legal paperwork then you have a good chance to get it back. Next, comes part two of the process: both parties, the releasing owner and you as the new owner, have to fill

Karla Darocas * Business Communications Software Training & Computer Repairs *Helping You to Help Yourself 965 973 234

out another legal form and submit a photocopy of your passport to the new registration company. Again, if all this process goes well, you will get your domain name back. In conclusion, your best solution is to be prepared and know the facts before you get involved with a website designer and make sure that your domain name is registered in your name. Learn how to buy your own domain names from reliable registration companies who have long track records. I use www.Serv2. net as it has an incredible support team and everything is within my control. It is totally a DIY registration and hosting company and it offers .es domain names for less money than to buy them with a Spanish registration company.


13 2010 14--1920AUGUST MAY 2010

61 52

Importing a UK car HI BRIAN, just a short question on importing cars to Spain: If the car you are importing has been smashed and repaired is that okay with the old Trafico? As the logbook in UK might not say ‘cat c,d,’ or might say that it’s been repaired, i.e. written off and put by back on the road after repair. Also may I say that after reading your book I now have a Spanish Driving Author of license; so simple to do and have now Motoring in Spain helped my friends to do the same (at a fee). Also the old police are now cracking down on people that flaunt the 183 day rule up in Alicante. So keep up the good work by telling people through your column in the papers to be LEGAL: you know it makes sense. Gavin Coupland

Brian Deller

Many thanks for your query. What a nice surprise to receive one from

a ‘very nice man’ and thanks for your compliment. If your car has a good V5C UK registration document and has been professionally repaired to be as good as new with no signs of damage, then it will pass the CEE inspection stage at the local ITV station as part of the importation process but I would tend to use the services of a local ‘gestor’ who knows the staff and has a good relationship with them to possibly smooth over any problems. It may pay to have it thoroughly checked here by a local garage skilled in such work so you also have an invoice to show. In the long run, the vehicle must be safe and roadworthy and that is one of the main points of the inspection. I assume that it has not previously been written off and is not an older car of say ten years? The exhaust-pollution

If the car has been professionally repaired it should pass the ITV

factor is important now. If it is historic, over 25 years old, then there is another way of importing it with a Spanish historic plate which will also enhance the value by about 25 to 30% or even more. What is the car please? And when was it first registered? British

classic cars, although when new most were rust buckets and overheated in traffic jams, will keep their prices as many older drivers yearn for the experiences of their youth and pay good money to buy them as I did for 35 years with motorcycles.

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com

More information released on the 2011 Volkswagen Beetle FRESH INFO referring to the 2011 Volkswagen Beetle has appeared in the British press. According to unknown sources the next generation Volkswagen Beetle will feature a completely refreshed exterior with a modern look and even though it will not enter the MINI territory, the car will be wider and longer.

Ride quality will be improved and as far as engine choices the 2011 Volkswagen Beetle is expected to come with the company’s 1.2, 1.6 and 2.0-litre engines which will output 105 bhp, 160 bhp and 210 bhp respectively. On the US spec version 2011 Volkswagen Beetle the German automaker is expected to offer a 5-cylinder 2.5-

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litre unit supercharged and turbocharged, delivering 170 bhp. As for diesel choices the 2011 Volkswagen Beetle will most probably be fitted with either the 1.6-litre unit producing 105 bhp or the 2.0-litrethat packs 140 bhp. The 2011 Volkswagen Beetle hybrid and cabriolet versions are also part of the German automaker’s plans and sales acorss Europe are expected to start next year.

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13 - 19 august 2010



13 - 19 august 20102010 8-14 JANUARY

Classified Ads 55

13 - 19 AUGUST 2010

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SOLAR ENERGY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Solar Energy Business Opportunity . Long established company, own product range. First class training & support. Telephone 606586587 RESTAURANT DELIVERY FRANCHISE Territories Available Throughout Spain. From 18.000€ Excellent and Innovative Business Opportunity from well established company. Full Prospectus Available. Tlf:-608-586-587. LEMON TREE MARKET Busy Bar Cafe For Sale Recently refurbished with S/Steel kitchen equipment, 44 covers Includes fixtures/fittings Bargain Offer €19.000. 617-238-237 GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Earn from 120euros per hour immediately, brand new 200ft cctv drainage inspection camera c/w transmitter and receiver,Toshiba laptop,pressure washer,2 drain rod sets c/w fittings,50ft hose reel and fittings.05 vauxhall combo tdi van(excellent condition)tax and mot,sliding rack inside and roof rack.9500 euros. Tel:-626-570-121 MARKET STALL ON EL CISNE FOR SALE Including stock, Fixtures and fittings. Tlf:-966-864-460/618-894-793 SNS PROSEEDS TECK We specialise in info products for improving your business and profits like copywriting jv´s and affiliate army´s so here is my website www.snsproseedsteck.com BAR/BISTRO FOR SALE on popular lemon tree market.

ONLINE E-BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES INCLUDES: Promotional website marketing slideshows, banners, videos, audio files, graphics, logos, photo retouching, ebusiness consulting & training. Monthly fee covers hourly support and training services by email or telephone. Contact: Karla Darocas - info@Darocas. com or 648 156 066

JOB OFFER apply to work for my company from anywhere in Spain. I will pay you up to 1500euros per month or more if you are fast and honest. You will work less than 3 to 6 hours per wk at your own chosen time. Interested applicant should email me at containmentchemical MILLION DOLLAR HOLE IN ONE GOLF COMPETITION is now looking for full or part time staff to work as competition

officials.. enjoy working outside in a fun relaxed environment, and are an active female between 25 and 50 years old with you own transport, then please contact Lynn on 608 167 446..A Happy and bubbly personality is essential. Areas La Finca, Alicante and Benidorm.. EXPERIENCED CHEF REQUIRED for busy Restaurant in Quesada Tlf:-645-200-527 AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit you. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520 COOK/CHEF REQUIRED Postion available in local bar/ restaurant in area near la torre golf resort. Be part of small team. Ave 30hrs a week. Evenings. Experience required. 693-230-630

WE REQUIRE DISTRIBUTORS and advertising Sales Agents for established Magazine. Good Rates paid for both Distribution and Advert Sales. Call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487” EARN MONEY Tax Free, Legally. 250+€ P/Week. Work Self Employed from Home, PM, with a Computor & ADSL in Sportsworld activities. E Mail: horces@gmail.com for Details. FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842.

PALM & TREE TRIMMING/ REMOVAL All Garden Maintenance Call 619336762

13 - 19 august 2010

NEED A WEBSITE? Websites start 395euros, free domain name, free hosting. www. websitedesignscostablanca.com Tlf:-966-182-275

Bonnington 1982, Coastwise Navigation-GG Watkins, 1962, Navigation for Yachtsment-Mary Blewit 1973, The Sailing ManualBob Bond 1973,Cruising Under Sail-Eric Chiswick 1965, Man O´War-The Fighting Ship In History-Richard Hough 1979. 6 Hardback books for 25euros. In Spanish: Set of 20 Non Fiction new books (still wrapped) Assorted authors suit student. 35euros the lot. Tlf:691-202-307 FURNITURE SALE Pine Table w/4 Chairs€50; Over-Under Bed w/Linnens & Throw Pillows 80€; Large Blue Wooden Box €30; Diving Equipment/surface supplied breathing system a three man gas powered unit by J Sink €1300 obo, Call Judy 966-717-507. VILLA CLEARANCE SALE Dining table, chairs, matching sideboard, single beds, Mountain bikes, bed settee, many other items. 696655028. MOBILITY SCOOTER Has Everything! Never used. Cost 3000€! Price to you 1000€ Tlf:615-474-139 WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, hardly used, LIKE NEW. 150.00€. Tel: 627-019-403.

PERSONAL TRAINER Ex-world kickboxing champion. All martial arts taught, weight loss, all ages, private gym. 965-326-442/ 659-696-455 HAIRDRESSER, EXPERIENCED IN LADIES & MEN’S HAIR Competitive rates. In the comfort of your own home or mine. Calpe, Jalon, Moraira & Javea areas. Tel Gill:-618508649 PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613.

KARAOKE EQUIPMENT 40,000 songs. Computer Screen with Stand. 8 Books. 400€. Ideal Clubs/Hotels. Tlf:-619-809-506 AEG A-RATED UPRIGHT FREEZER stainless steel, 5 draws, new condtition. StainlessSteel front. Tlf:-619-809-506 MOBILITY SCOOTER Like NEW. 30Km range. 599€ - HOIST with sling, hydrolic, electric, 499€. 600-866-506. BOOKS FOR SALE In English: Quest for Adventure-Chris


7pm-10pm; ALSO Starting 20th July SOCIAL DANCE: Tuesday 8pm-10.30pm [except second Tuesday of the month] : Classes now finished, restart 1st September 2010. Tel: Andrea 616 478 157 WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our Free English call centre now to find your nearest meeting. 900818-794

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IFOR WILLIAMS COVERED BOX TRAILER Length-206, Width-129, Depth-118. Includes Wheel Clamp, Ball Clamp. 750€ Tlf:-619-809-506

FOR SALE Technics kn 6000 keyboard and stand also Carlsbro speaker. 550euros tel966-791-807 POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666-933-726


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CITROEN PICASSO DIESEL 2007 Low Mileage 1 owner 10,200euros tel:696-640-747 RELUCTANT SALE: 2002 FORD FIESTA 1.4 TREND 5 door Low Km, Good Condition and excellent running order Full 2 years ITV Suma Paid Alloys A/ C CD and Radio Power Steering 3500€ o.n.o 650-095-772 BUMPERS, WINGS AND MIRRORS All body panels for all cars supplied. Tel:-966-875-497 or 618-592-396 HEADLIGHTS4U.COM Left hand drive headlights supplied and fitted. All makes. Tel:966-875-497 or 618-592-396 CITROEN BERLINGO 1.9D 1999 120K A/C Elect & Tinted Windows C/Locking Roof Rack


Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD 3500e Torrevieja Tel:679-876-926 FORD FOCUS 1.8 TDI ESTATE 2004 Family Car Silver Metallic Electric Windows, Locks, CD Radio A/Con Full ITV, Very Low Klms 5,500e,o.n.o Tel:966-785-048 or 609-267-648 MERCEDES B200 CDI Late 2005, Met Black Family Car 60 MPG Electric Tinted Windows, Locks, Sat Nav, Phone CD Radio A/con Heated Seats 15,000€ O.N.O Tel:-966-785-048 or 609267-648 LOOKING FOR A CAR? FWR Eurocars have over 75 LHD and RHD vehicles in stock. New and Used Vehicles sourced. Tlf:-600726-221/965-687-976. www.fwreurocars.com PEUGEOT 206 ESTATE 2002 2LDI 86000 milesRHD UK Tax/ MOT Cheap tax/insurance VGC 2000e ONO 600899096 V/W CLUB JOCKER Highroof 1600cc Diesel Camper Van Fully

Kitted out ITV October 2500€ 965-321-211 VAN FOR SALE volkswagon LT 35 diesel van in good condition with english plates offers in region of 2000euros.Tlf:966-897-635 MGF SPORTS CAR for sale. Silver, Black Top New, ITV, One previous Owner, RHD, Spanish Plates, Price 3750€ ONO. Good Condition Throughout. Tlf:965-323-446 OPEL CORSA 1.5 YEAR 1995 Ideal as a first car for a new driver, well maintained and cared for. 3 new tyres, MOT to Jan 2011, DVD player etc. 800€ tlf 691-202-307. Altea area (close to Benidorm) WE BUY AND SELL quality late vans, cars and combis. For an instant decision phone 605-669-388/ 680-665-583


13 - 19 august 2010

2001 Renault Megane, 1.6 Dynamique, 189,000 KM, Silver with black soft top, Electric Windows, Central Locking, Power Steering, ITV until 2011, Needs a little TLC. 1,700 euros. Tel: 639582645 GMC Astro Van 1996, 4.3, Silver Metallic, 7 Seats, Cruise Control, Electrics, Back seats convert into double bed, English Plates, LHD. 3500 euros Tel: 639582645 Yamaha FX160 High Output Jetski Blue, 3 Seater, 2004 Model, Comes with trailer, Max speed 70mph, Reluctant sale 3000 euros. Tel: 639582645 Sea-Doo Speedster 5 Seater speedboat, comes with NEW trailer, twin rotax engines, banana boat and ringo included, Spanish registered, 4200 euros: Tel:639582645

GENERIC VIAGRA safe effective 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€. Also Kamagra oral jellies, effective in 15 minutes and generic Cialis, effective for 36 hours. Confidential postal or collection service. Call Ron at TT Marketing 966-499-204 BI MAIL bi mail 60y looking to meet same or group daytime fun must be your place gen.half an hour round mazarron email bilko6096@yahoo.co.uk TORREVIEJA TRANSVESTITE Brownskin, Brazilian, 23 years, 26cm, Expert Novice s, boys, couples. Tlf:-610-132-207 TORREVIEJA New Columbian lady 100% Pure passion.! I am Johanna, 35 years old, sweet, educated, sexy brown-skinned girl with large breasts and large curvy bottom, horny, party girl. Find me in Avda Las Olas, 5-4º2, Urb. Rocia del Mar. Tlf:676-009-402 XXXXX PORNOGRPHIC DVD’S nearly all interests. 7 for 25€. Tel: 615-474-139 MALE 55 & MY STUNNING GIRLFRIEND 25 both British, Voyeur shows & threesomes with A, DP & SR, Bi-Curious Welcolme. Also home-made DVD’S by post or collect. Torrevieja Call Steve 697-892-969 TORREVIEJA Columbian Lady. Ardent, Obliging, Urb. Rocio del Mar.Avda. Las Olas,5-4º-2. Tlf:610-054-612 SHIRLEY 29 QUALIFIED MASSAGE. Oriental tecnics retarding erection ejaculation and much more big natural breasts, la zenia 600-784-461 CINDY IS BACK The most passionated venezuelan woman.....all the fantasies u can imagine....beautiful body...la zenia 10 minutes torrevieja 600-784-461

Cement Mixer 350 Litre, Tows behind vehicle, Honda petrol engine, 400 euros.Tel: 639582645 Utiform Master Plastering/Monocap Machine, only been used on 2 houses, 6000euros new, Only 1400 euros. Tel: 639582645 Bobcat 322 Minidigger digger bucket and dyking bucket, Piped for breaker, extendable tracks, 3300 euros. Tel: 639582645 Car Trailer/Machine Trailer with Ramps, 2700 Kilo, Twin Axle, Spanish registered, All paperwork, 800 euros. Tel: 639582645 20 ft Container, Good Floor, Good Condition, 650 euros. Tel: 639582645 3 x Naish Kiteboarding Kites, 12m, 9m and 7m, Boxers, 2 Pumps, 2 Sets of Lines, Excellent Condition, 600 euros. Tel: 639582645

SWEDISH BEAUTIFUL GIRL 26 Authentic model.....all your fantasies...qualified massage 4 hands... Great promotion in mornings...la zenia 600 784 461 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS TO PAMPER YOU showers and drinks free, satisfaction guaranteed, Playa Flamenca Tel:-660308993 or 619229217 KAMAGRA 100MG 12 tablets for 30€ or 24 tablets for 50€ also fast acting jellies and weekenders. Free discreet delivery. Quesada & surrounding area. Derek 685-207-378 DANI 23, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apatment. 650-104-534. Torrevieja DAVID TORREVIEJA 24 years old, gym body, Very sexy and hot, come see it for yourself for men and couples.call me 678-179-616. TORREVIEJA TRANS Nicolly, stunning blonde, Huge breasts, sculptural body. Speciality erotic masage. Very feminine and sexy. Call me 671 42 44 56 http://www. taiakashemales.com/modelos/ espana/nicolly_escobar.shtml TORREVIEJA TRANSVESTITE Dark skin complection, Big Breasts & Big Surprise. Tlf:610-934-279 SPANISH LADY PLAYA FLAMENCA near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€. Full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412 ELEGANT, SLIM, SEXY LADY Available Santa Pola-Mazarron. Tlf-693-357-526 HEY LADIES enjoy a Spanking to Dreamy Ecstasy, NO FEES, Guardamar to Alcazares, Details: headmaster@live.co.uk” SEXY COUPLE OR SEPARATE Offers pleasure for couples, women, men, girl on girl, relaxed, discrete. At our apartment or yours. Call Jasmine/Sebastian 663-478-337 NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118 TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021

22 Plastic Chairs, Perfect for Bar, Burgundy/Red with silver legs, Very solid, clean 450 euros. Tel: 639582645 Cement Mixer, 170 litre, Electric, 200 euros. Tel: 639582645 3 x PVC Wood Effect Windows, Georgian bar, 800 x 150, 300 euros. Tel: 639582645 Full Multigym, including: Treadmill, Exercise Bike and Ski Machine, 500 euros. Tel: 639582645 Swimming Pool/Bar/Restaurant,Villa Martin Area fully operational kitchen, client base already formed, 12 x 5 swimming pool plus seperate baby pool, large 800sqm terrace, all licences... FREEHOLD 250,000 euros. Tel: 639582645

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XIRLES, POLOP 2 bedroom top floor apartment with large sun terrace and underground parking, mountain and sea views peaceful and tranquil in traditional Spanish village 15 minutes from the coast and 15 minutes from the famous Guadalest and Fonts del Algar ideal location for walkers 115,000euros tel 603177556

SAN LUIS TORREVIEJA 3 Bed Semi Detached House 1½ Bathrooms 6 x 3m Swimming pool Furnished .140,000 € Tel 966785174 Mob 6563696440 DOLORES We have villas from 186.000€. More information at 695-923-194

NEW APARTMENT TO LET 3 bedroom 2 bathroom beautiful apartment in gata de gorgos. private 70m2 terrace. long,medium term lets. tel 639878-892/0044-7704-318189 Mark or Kath SAN MIGUEL DE SALINAS Beautiful Finca Country house. Must be view it!! 600sqm built, luxury details, surrounded by orange trees. 2100€. 695-923-194.

CIUDAD QUESADA 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms detached villa. 600€. 695-923-194. LA MARINA 3 bedrooms detached house. 600€. 695-923-194 DOLORES DETATCHED VILLA, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, s.pool. 600€. 695-923-194... LARGE VILLA, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, storage, garage, summer kitchen, s.pool, 850€. 695-923-194. LONG LET APARTMENT Luxury 2Bed groundfloor Apt Benitachell Moriara, F/F in Private Villa,C/H, TV,5mins to beach etc, large South Patio,superb views. 550E p/m , services included. Telephone 646700236 BY LAKESIDE 2 Bedrooms, Wheelechair Friendly, Double GFlazed, Air Con, Shady Garden. 280€PCM + Bills. Tlf:615-474-139 PINOMAR One Bed Bungalow A/C H/C Fully furnished quiet location, frontline long or short let tel 660132125 or 625257831 VILLAMARTIN 3-bed, 2-bath, villa, f/furninshed, roof terrace, communial pool, 550pcm inc, English owned, tel:0044-7920-427451 ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool, furnished 250€ per month. Ring 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail.com

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13 - 19 august 2010

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13 - 19 august 2010

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13 - 19 AUGUST 2010

The final whistle

RTN exclusive Interview with Peter Drury (part 1)

EVEN AFTER England’s woeful performance at the World Cup, I’ll wager that the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea will still pull in more than a couple of dozen of fans for their first home games of the season. Club tribalism will of course take hold as the dreams of a successful campaign holds sway once more, blowing asunder reality, considered expectation and all concerns about your dodgy left back and over the hill midfield dynamo. That said, it’s fair to say that the Premier League has lost a little of its lustre. What was once the best league in the world is probably better described now as the most exciting. The technical skills regularly on show in La Liga have surely propelled it to the top of the ratings and it’s also hard to ignore the claims of the Bundesliga after Germany’s performances in South Africa. Say what you like about the German’s but boy oh boy, do they know how to prepare for a tournament. They were ordinary in World Cup qualifying and some of their better known players had less than impressive domestic seasons. Did that matter when push came to shove? Not in the slightest. Nonetheless, Sky Sports will do their best to big it up. Richard Keys and Andy Gray will doubtless describe every match as the most important since......well, since the last one (mind you, even they might have their work cut out for West Brom v Wigan on a wet Monday evening in February), while Lineker, Hansen and Co will issue their usual Saturday night musings with at least one in joke per show to keep them in the pink. But those of us, like me, who look on to the Premier League without a vested interest (OK, I’m a QPR fan) could be forgiven for perhaps falling out of love a little with the competition. It’s clear that ‘our’ players aren’t up to it. That it’s the foreign imports that provide the vast majority of the weekly highlights and none of us need reminding that football’s governing bodies in England are about as effective as Prince Phillip’s political awareness coach. Thankfully, there are still football junkies. ITV commentator Peter Drury being one of them. Speaking exclusively to RTN after an exhaustive schedule in South Africa, Drury has been enjoying some R & R but will be more than ready for the challenges a new season brings. “I’ve always been an enthusiast” he told us. “You shouldn’t be in my job if you’re not excited by a new season. Truthfully it’s been good to have a break from the game after the intensity of the World Cup. But, once we’re into the first weekend of action it’ll be all-systems-go!” And what of those England players who flopped so badly on the biggest stage of all? Drury has no doubt that we haven’t seen the last of at least some of the bigger names. “There are some from Fabio’s starting XI who will want to show that they are not yet has-beens. However disappointing England’s World Cup campaign was, those were still - broadly speaking - England’s best players and I suspect you’ll see the likes of Lampard, Gerrard and Rooney setting out to re-emphasise that fact in August. Their reputations are too big to be shot to pieces in one rotten month, but they could do with a little repairing!” But even Drury acknowledges that the days of some of the elder statesmen might be numbered. Let’s not forget that at average age of nearly 29, England had the oldest squad in South Africa. A clear example that experience doesn’t count for too much when you are being run ragged by an impetuous 22 year old. So, who are Drury’s picks from England’s youthful pool talent? Find out next week as the exclusive interview continues.

Charity Maggots end Golf Day Fishing

Costa Blanca round-up


THE COSTA Blanca’s number 1 radio station, Bay Radio, is to host a Charity Golf Day in aid of The Children of EMAUS, generously supported by The Stella Robertson Foundation, to be held at Alicante Golf on September 22nd 2010. The format of play will be a pair’s better ball Stableford competition played over 18 holes. Bay Radio’s aim is to generate enough money to purchase a new computer system for the Relleu home for handicapped children, supported by The Friends of The Children of EMAUS, and to purchase a WII Sports package for the children to keep fit and active. Bay radio’s Director Andy

Stammers asks all golfers to support this worthy cause by entering the tournament which will provide the winners with a 4 hour cruise on a 60 foot luxury motor yacht and Nike Golf Equipment. Runners up will receive Wilson Golf Equipment and third place winners will receive Nike Apparel. Lots of other prizes will also be on offer to golfers of all abilities. The cost of the day’s golf will cost €55 per player, which will include a buggy for the 18 holes of golf, buffet lunch and a donation to the charity. To enter the competition or for more information please email golf@bayradio.fm

David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS AND REELS PLEASE NOTE: the AGM will be held on Sunday 26th September at 10.00 at Cagney´s bar, La Marina. Subscriptions must also be paid prior to the AGM. At present there are no vacancies for membership. If you are interested and wish to be registered on the waiting list, please apply to Sue Swann on 966 729 293. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Further to the pictures shown in the last week’s paper, here is a more detailed account of the World Angling Competition: The original venue was Lake Viccario at Cuidad Real, but was changed with some 6 weeks to go to the Rio Guadiana at Merida, Extramadura. The team of Alan Scotthorne; Sean Ashby; Steve Gardener; Des Shipp; Stu Conroy and Will Raison practiced on the Rio two weeks prior to the event, but could only fish the match length one week prior to the match. The three main species to fish for were Carp, Catfish and Bleak. The 3 lines of attack on match day were to fish the pole long (rules state that 13 meters is the maximum length of pole). Bait was put in at 12 meters to allow fishing to the bait or just further as the fish hang back. A slider line was also ground-baited, hoping for bonus fish and also slop for a bleak line at 7 to 8 meters but using a short line. Day One results showed that the tactics had worked well with the team winning the day with 21 points, with Scotland on 23 points and Italy on 26.5 and Wales on 28. Day Two the tactics were the same as the team felt they had got things spot on. Everyone was doing well with the exception of Sean Ashby who was well down in his section, but with just minutes to go, he hooked and landed a 1.5 kilo carp that pushed him up to 10th in his section. RESULTS ON THE DAY WERE 1st Italy, with 16 points 2nd Drennan Team, England, 19 points 3rd Holland, with 22 points ANGLERS TOGETHER It costs €10 to join for the first year and €5 per annum for each year after. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Alan: anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com Meetings are held generally on the second Friday and Saturday of each month depending on other public holidays and local fiestas. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting to see what we’re about. The next meetings will be held on Friday 10th September at 12.00 at Mary’s Bar in Campoverde (north of Pilar de la Horadada) and on Saturday 11th September at 12.00 at Los Galayos Bar, opposite the beach front at Puerto de Mazarron. WARNING Anglers are being checked by the Police for their licenses and insurance so don’t take chances and make sure you have all relevant documents to hand. Also, and this is a one off, when the Soprona checked a couple of colleagues at Blanca last week they also checked to see if they were using barbless hooks. Maybe a sign of things to come! Tight Lines, Dave Hoare

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

13 - 19 AUGUST 2010


Swimming Club: Why pay so much? Torevieja Club Natacion Torrevieja Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

MY ARTICLE of two weeks ago certainly caused a bit of a stir in some quarters as we discussed the merits of using a third party to make society and group bookings. The overwhelming opinion of many golfers is that the golf clubs would be much busier places if the same prices that are being charged to agents were passed directly to the golfers. One reader who has asked me not to name him quoted a very interesting example. For reference we will refer to him as ‘Mr J R from Alicante’. “I was quoted €40 by a local golf club here in The Costa Blanca to play their course when I enquired directly. When I approached an agent I was quoted €36 to play the same course. How stupid! The club is paying commission of some sort to the agent yet he can sell to me cheaper than I can buy direct from the clubs. Let’s say the club sells to the agent for €30; why don’t they sell direct to the golfer for €36? They won’t have to pay the commission and they will earn a bigger profit. It’s time the golf clubs started thinking about the resident golfer and not the holidaymakers. It’s people like us that they will ultimately rely on.” Well, Mr J R from Alicante, you have many people who think just as you do from the telephone calls that I have received. Sadly there is still some way to go before we see a one price green fee charged by the golf clubs towards their loyal customers who provide their ‘bread and butter’ income. But then again, whom do the clubs consider as providing the bread and butter income: the resident or the tour operator? The only way we are going to change the minds of the golf course owners and managers is to constantly remind them of just who pays the majority of their bills throughout the year. I have said for a long time that the resident golfer is not being treated fairly: I will continue through the pages of RTN and with their assistance to fight for fairness until it arrives. How on earth we are going to get this message through to them quickly I don’t know but the only way is for you the golfing public to demand greater discounts when you make your bookings. By standing up for our fellow golfers we have a chance of some sort; by turning a blind eye we are short selling the needs of every golfer in Spain.

THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS It’s hard to believe but next Thursday we see the final ‘Major’ of the year. It seems just a few weeks ago that we were looking forward to The Masters. The US PGA Championship is seen by many as the weakest of the Majors. I agree and don’t think it should be classed as one of ‘The Big Four’. The fourth of the year’s major championships should be played in Australia. Far too long the Americans have had 3 out of 4 and that cannot be fair. Very many people outside America play golf and the powers that be should recognise this. WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR AUGUST 13TH 2010: Where is the 2011 Open Championship to be staged? A. Royal Lytham & St. Anne’s B. Royal St. George’s C. Royal Birkdale All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 31st August 2010 to be entered into August’s draw, to be made on 1st September. The winner will be announced in RTN on September 3rd 2010. QUALITY GOLF LESSONS To enjoy golf lessons with a qualified WGTF coach recommended as one of The World’s Top 100, call Noel on 639 730 891.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com


THE RTN Golf Club is free to join and members are entitled to a generous ‘two for one’ offer to ensure the sport is affordable for everyone – making sure golfers are out enjoying themselves rather than worrying about the cost of a game. The club is open to every resident – all that is needed to qualify is an NIE number – and a round of golf, including a buggy, will cost no more than €50 per head – slashing the current club average green fee of €80. Go to www.roundtownnews.co.uk and tap in a few details – or inquire at golf clubs taking part in this exciting new venture! Well? What are you waiting for!

Emma & Julio

THE LAST few weeks have once again proved historic for the Torrevieja Swimming Club which, this season under new head coach, Juan Manuel Martinez, has reached the very highest levels of swimming in Spain. SPANISH NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Saturday 17th July saw, for the first time in the Club’s history, a swimmer compete in the Spanish National Championships at the Infantil age group (1996 and 1997) which took place at the fantastic Olympic swimming pool complex in Palma de Mallorca. Over 200 clubs and 1,000 swimmers from all over Spain competed throughout the year to get below the qualifying time which would enable them to compete with the best swimmers in the whole of Spain at this level. From the thousands of swimmers involved, only the top 80 managed to qualify, including for the first time ever, Emma Cagigao Blight from the Torrevieja club. Emma eventually finished 45th in her age group, a fantastic effort at this level and an experience which has made her all the more determined to compete at this level again next season. For that to happen, she will have to start the qualifying process all over again when training resumes in September. VALENCIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS (Infantil Group) The following weekend (24th and 25th July), Tor-

revieja Swimming Club once again proved how far they have progressed by having three swimmers competing individually as well as the boys competing in the 4 X 100 freestyle relay event, at the Valencian Community Championships in Elda. This championship is for the best swimmers in the whole of the Valencia Community, who have achieved the required qualifying times. Emma Cagigao Blight qualified for five events but the championship rules only permit any one swimmer to enter four individual events, so she competed in the 50m Freestyle; 100m Freestyle; 100m Backstroke and 200m Backstroke, where she finished 5th, 3rd, 5th and 4th respectively in her age group (1997). Anton Bergerus qualified for three events, the 200m individual medley, the 100 and the 200 Breast Stroke finishing in 38th, 17th and 21st respectively. Joshua Lorente Imbernon competed in the 50m, 100m and 200m freestyle where he finished in 20th, 27th and 28th places. In the relay, the boys’ Infantile team comprising of Joshua Lorente Imbernon, Anton Bergerus, Sergio Andreu and Gabriele Bianchini finished in 14th place but improved on their best time by over six seconds. The club takes a well earned rest for the month of August and training resumes in September. To contact Torrevieja Swimming Club, please telephone 637 869 602 or visit www.cntorrevieja.netii.net

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