NORTH (MARINA BAIXA/BENIDORM EDITION) Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Issue 826
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Council worker struck by mobility scooter
BENIDORM BEGINS enforcing responsible mobility scooter hire and use, with 27 abuses occurring over one weekend.
Photo competition with a difference See page 19.
THE COUNCIL has been inundated with complaints, with 47 being received in just a 15 day period and one council sweeper being struck by one of the battery operated vehicles. The council worker was taken to hospital but luckily was only badly bruised. Jose Ramon Gonzalez de Zarate, councillor for Mobility, said that the worker had been exceptionally lucky. In what is being described as a siege by the scooters in the resort the vehicles designed for those with mobility problems have become increasingly popular with the more than able holidaymakers.
Continued on page 3.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Firecracker safety training day
Children with firecrackers
by Jeanette Rice THE TOWN of La Nucia recently held a safety training day for the responsible use of firecrackers which was organised by the department of Celebrations with 69 attendees. Recent fiesta events have resulted in many parents being cautioned for allowing their young children to use the firecrackers who were under the age of eight. The safety talk reaffirmed the rules for the use of any pyrotechnic products with the ages that are applicable depending on the type of firework being used. The attendees were told that it is strictly forbidden for a child under the age of eight to use anything that in-
volved lighting a fuse. The firecrackers, which are approved for the use of any child over 12 years are classed as category 1, and can be used freely. If the child falls below 12 but above 8 they can use them with permission from their parents. Young people over 16 years old can fire anything that comes under category 2, which includes rockets but again any child over 10 can also fire the rockets with parental permission. Category 3 fireworks must only be used by persons over 18 years old with no younger parental permissions in place. If a child is found to be of questionable age they must produce their written
consent form from their parents which has been obtained via the towns official documentation immediately. The download contains safety information that the parents and children must acknowledge that they fully understand relating to the seriousness of using pyrotechnics. There is a fine of up to 30,000 euros for anyone found to be violating the regional rules including not having their permission form on their person if questioned. With the La Nucia fiestas starting today the town hall felt that it was necessary to organise the free information meeting for parents and children to ensure that the festivities were safe and fun for all.
Nautical Club loses appeal THE ONGOING saga of the concession for the Nautical Club of Altea continues, despite the last temporary permission expiring soon on September 22nd. In what has been a legal battle between the club and the Supreme Court, with no sign of the matter being resolved, the yacht club has been forced to make its application for a temporary authorisation for the 6th time. The club claims that the temporary permits should be annulled and replaced with a permanent authorisation, something which the Supreme Court agreed with but also stated the decision was “discretionary”, and reliant of certain factors, none of which appear clear. The issue, which has now become very complex means that although the club can continue to use the sailing facilities the concession must end on 22nd September unless, once and for all the situation can be resolved. The yacht club has spent the last 15 years trying to get a permanent concession but said that there appeared to be a “lack of political will” to resolve the situation.
Continued from front page... OVER THE weekend of 1st and 2nd August the local police fined 27 people for misusing the scooters, as some young people were seen racing with friends having consumed a quantity of alcohol, along with others carrying more than the vehicles are designed to take. The department of Security in the town have increased the focus on those misusing the mobility aids as well as reminding the businesses who hire them of their responsibilities. The local businesses have been reminded of the legislation that was implemented last year where “people under 55 years who have no physical disability that affects their mobility are not permitted to hire the vehicles”. Some of the tourists that were stopped claimed that they had not been informed of this when they made their hire agreement and that they saw no signs at the hire shop to say that they couldn’t use the scooters unless they suffered from a disability. With the increased focus on their businesses the hire shops were keen to point out that many residents also use the vehicles, having purchased their own and personalised them, even though they may also be very able bodied. The predominantly British users who were stopped from using their hire vehicles took to social media with one saying “the local police confiscated our scooters, searched them and didn’t tell us why”. Snr Zarate confirmed that the previous council had not enforced the legislation as it should have done, and that with the rapidly increasing issues arising from the swarm of scooters the current council was addressing the issue.
Madge from Benidorm
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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Britain refuses extradition request from Spain
by Jeanette Rice
IN A decision that may cause further tensions between the two nations, the UK has refused an extradition request from the Spanish authorities. The person on the warrant is the Rwandan
General Karenzi Karake, who is accused of assassinating nine Spaniards between 1994 and 2000 and also of taking part in the genocide of more than four million people during the wars
General Karake
between the Hutus and Tutsis. The General is head of the Rwandan secret service and has been charged with the crime of terrorism and crimes against humanity. Detained in June at Heathrow airport, following the European arrest warrant being issued, General Karake was released on bail with a bond of 1.4 million euros being set and the removal of his diplomatic passport. Conditions of his bail were that he must report to a police station daily. Thousands of Rwandans have demonstrated that the General should be released immediately and allowed to return home, with the Rwandan Minister for Foreign Relations, Louise Mushiklwaho tweeting that “now he was not being extradited the British must allow him to return home”. In what is fast becoming a battle of words, not only between Spain and the UK but also Rwanda and the UK, the president of Rwanda has accused the British of showing “a colonialist attitude” towards their secret service boss. The Westminster Magistrates Court rejected the extradition request from Spain after the defence team successfully argued that “war crimes” and “terrorism” crimes were different and that the agreement between the nations did not cover the current European warrant. The African Union confirmed that General Karake was “a threat to the security and stability of Rwanda and all Africa, and had been involved in the 1994 genocide where 800,000 people died”.
International news...
China explosions
AT LEAST 44 people have died and over 500 are injured following two major explosions in China on Wednesday. The blasts occurred in the port area of Tianjin at a warehouse that was storing dangerous chemical goods. Amongst the dead were 12 fire fighters and many more are said to be in a critical condition at the local hospital. A huge fireball that could be seen from space affected buildings over 2km away as windows were blown out, office blocks destroyed and cars burnt out. The magnitude of the first explosion was the equivalent of detonating three tonnes of TNT, the China Earthquake Network Centre said. At the time of going to press unconfirmed reports were that a shipment of explosives had detonated.
Providing information for the UK and Spain since 1998
Gibraltar waters violated Spanish chasing suspect in British waters
by Jeanette Rice YET AGAIN Gibraltar is in the news as Spain violates the boundaries in the Strait of Gibraltar. As a battle of words began again between Britain and Spain over the waters of Gibraltar tension are running high in the area. Spanish police began a maritime chase at 2.40am on Sunday morning after three suspect drug traffickers in a small boat began throwing overboard their haul. The Spanish authorities pursued the boat in a helicopter for 11 miles which took them into the Strait of Gibraltar, but failed to get permission from the local authorities in the territory. A spokesperson for Gibraltar said that they were both “astonished and appalled” that the Spanish authorities did not request their assistance in taking over the chase within their waters and that the behaviour was “outrageous”. As video footage of the chase was released to the media it was clear how significant the violation had been, as the three men eventually swam from their boat and ran off up the beach. Two of the men were later arrested but the third managed to escape. The British government stated that Spain had violated its sovereignty, and that the incursion was completely unacceptable, with one conservative MP Colonel Bob Stewart calling for navy vessels to be sent to the area.
Fabian Picardo, chief minister of Gibraltar said “Spain’s actions have ultimately resulted in the escape of a criminal that all parties would have liked to have been captured and sentenced for their drug trafficking”. Mr Picardo went on to say that the Spanish custom guards (SVA) should have alerted the relevant law enforcement agencies and that their failure to do so had meant one man escaped. Lashing out he said “their bravado in illegally and dangerously flying their helicopter in Gibraltar waters served no purpose other than to endanger themselves and the resident on both sides”. The Spaniards were escorted out of the waters and the Gibraltar authorities confiscated the smuggler’s boat. This is just the latest incursion that the Spanish authorities have made, over the past few weeks several more incidents have occurred, as reported in the RTN. Hugo Swire, minister of state at the Foreign Office said “we understand that the Spanish were involved in a pursuit but it is completely unacceptable and unlawful to enter our waters without notifying us”. A formal complaint is being made to the Spanish authorities and the European Union that the sovereignty of the UK has been violated.
news... byNational Patricia Thompson
Dismissed for abuse of position THE CHIEF of the fire department in Ronda, Malaga, has been fired from his position in the city after it came to light that he had been using official equipment to fill his swimming pool. In a case of “don’t do as I do, do as I say” Juan Pimentel had used an official fire engine to fill his pool on several occasions and was reported to the authorities by an anonymous tip off.
Juan Pimentel
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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Local news...
Beach sellers still prevalent
DESPITE THE additional police presence on the beaches of Benidorm the figures for July of complaints made reached 569. The councillor for public safety, Lorenzo Martinez, together with the mayor and chief of the local police met to discuss the issue and form a plan of action to reduce the number of sellers bothering the towns visitors. The local police were keen to point out that the additional beach staff had only just been appointed and that the figures for August should be vastly reduced. During the meeting they also reviewed the figures for theft, where there has been a reduction in recorded incidents compared to the previous year, although the “pea men” figures had doubled from 2014.
Poor water quality in La Nucia
Bath water in La Nucia
by Jeanette Rice AS THE drought continues, with little if no rain falling the Guadalest reservoir is critically low. Residents in the area may have noticed that the water coming out of the taps is now a yellowish colour, although if you are just brushing your teeth or taking a quick shower you may not have noticed any difference. Filling a bath with water, however, is a different story, it gives users a chance to see the actual colour that the water is that they are consuming and it doesn’t look pleasant. The Aqualia office at the Plaza del Sol, in La Nucia has received a steady number of complaints about the water quality from the local residents who are unsure as to the safety of drinking the tap water at the moment. The young lady in the office assured the RTN that the water was still safe to drink, although she did also mention if you had kidney problems you may be better buying bottled water or boiling the tap
water before drinking it as a precautionary measure. She went on to explain that it was not just La Nucia having quality difficulties as the Guadalest source also feeds Altea, Polop and surrounding towns, and that until it rains the situation is unlikely to improve. Whilst this is happening the town hall of La Nucia is continuing with works that are designed to improved the water service to 10,000 citizens of the area. New pipelines and pumps have been installed to take water from the roundabout of Cami de la Monja to the Copet deposit. The improvements have cost 180,000 euros but will allow for easier maintenance should any repairs been necessary. Bernabe Cano, mayor of La Nucia said “we have improved our distribution network for drinking water and continue to optimise the resources to better serve the residents”.
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Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Passengers revolt over VAT at airports by Jeanette Rice
AIRPORT SHOPS are beginning to experience a consumer revolt after it was revealed that showing your boarding pass had nothing to do with security. Many passengers have always felt that when they had made a purchase in one of the duty free shops and were asked to show their boarding passes, this was another form of security. However, it is not a legal requirement to show your boarding pass at the airport shops and the Treasury minister, David Gauke, has accused the retailers of not passing on to consumers savings that they were making on VAT relief for international travellers. Where a passenger is flying out of the European Union it would appear that the stores have being using the boarding card to claim VAT relief on the purchases, with the VAT level being 20% this adds up to a substantial amount. Mr Gauke said “the VAT relief at airports is intended to reduce prices for travellers, not as a windfall gain for shops”. Shops such as WH Smith, Boots and Dixons are now finding that their social media pages are full of people urging others to refuse to show their boarding passes and demanding that the stores declare if they have not been passing on the VAT savings. Mr Gauke went on to say that “whilst many retailers are passing the savings on some choose not to”. In a statement from Boots the spokesperson said “we ask our customers to show their boarding cards to ensure accurate accounting, it is not obligatory for them to do so, our pricing does not take into account VAT when we set the selling price”.WH Smith also confirmed that customers are asked to show their boarding passes but again this was not obligatory. They stated that “dual pricing would be possible to implement”. A rather strange comment considering some stores do show dual pricing for EU and no EU customers. The spokesperson for WH Smiths said “we report VAT relief in accordance with the UK legislation and any relief obtained is reflected in our single price and promotional offers. We use the data gathered to assist us in our product placement for the various locations that we have our airport stores. This is an issue that will not be resolved quickly, but it has always been the case that when a member of staff at the duty free stores has asked for the boarding card members of the public have felt it was obligatory. Pressure from the public may result in the relevant stores having to dual price and guarantee in some way that they have passed on any VAT savings that they have made to avoid a terrible public relations backlash.
National news...
Pounding the Magaluf beat By Jack Troughton BRITISH BOBBIES are on duty on the streets of the Mallorcan resort of Magaluf – the holiday destination that attracts thousands of UK youngsters looking for sun, sex, and cheap booze. The two officers working in tandem with Spanish colleagues are patrolling Punta Ballena, the bar-lined street that welcomes crowds of party people every summer. Sergeant Brett Williams and PC Martina Anderson of West Midlands Police are on duty on Spanish soil for two weeks. Next week the officers will be patrolling in Sant Antoni de Portmany, in neighbouring Ibiza, another resort appealing to British youngsters. Both officers speak Spanish and say they are performing a “valuable role” at the holiday hotspot. Last year the British consulate on the island dealt with 182 arrests and 131 hospitalisations of UK citizens. It is part of a pilot scheme involving various European police forces and aimed at reducing friction between tourists and local residents – German, Italian and French officers have also been involved. The visiting police officers patrol in uniform and under the supervision of either Guardia Civil or National Police officers in a scheme intended to pay particular attention to visitors. The British Embassy in Madrid said the presence of the two police officers was to remind holidaymakers of the importance of “respecting local people” and to enjoy a trip free of problems, including breaking the law. It is hoped that during their stay in Mallorca and Ibiza, the officers will encourage people to behave themselves and reduce the friction with residents who have constantly complained about drunkenness, violence and other anti-social behaviour.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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Telefonica “could do better” meeting
Meeting with Telefonica
by Jeanette Rice ON FRIDAY Benidorm council met with Telefonica to discuss the poor service that the company currently offers. Lourdes Caselles, councillor for new technologies, met with the provincial director of Public Administration Telefonica to discuss the mounting incidents that have affected the services being offered in recent weeks. Many will say that they notice a difference in the network providers connection abilities during the summer, as demand increases from visitors using the services, however in recent weeks business and general customers have had repeatedly complained about the intermittent network failures. During the meeting Telefonica stated that they were aware of the issues and were committed to redoubling their efforts to prevent new intermittent faults occurring in their services, but that some of the failures had
been caused by thunderstorms which had affected their equipment in Denia. Lourdes Caselles also raised the issue that many mobile phone users had been experiencing difficulties getting coverage in the area and that although she was aware that the company had made “investment efforts” Benidorm has an increasing demand which must be met. Telefonica in their defence detailed how there has already been a 60% increase in data traffic this summer compared to last year and that they were working on an “improvement plan”. This meeting was the second between the two parties, with an ongoing communication between then to try and reduce poor service. The first meeting, which was held on 23rd July and was chaired by Toni Perez, mayor of Benidorm, addressed the installation of the fibre optics in the town.
Local news...
Man exposes himself in Alfaz del Pi
ALocal MAN exposed himself to a 17 year old girl last week in the Scandinavia Park area of Alfaz news... del Pi. The man, reported by the girl was English sounding, although he attempted to sound Spanish was in his 30’s and had mousy short hair. He was driving a black car with an English registration plate and although she could not confirm the make and model of the vehicle she said that it was about the size of a Seat Ibiza. Coming from the direction of Nucia Park the man exposed himself but the girl luckily ran home, which was not far from the Scandinavian Park area. A neighbour reported seeing a similar vehicle and said it looked like the person was heading for a house near to where the young girl lived, but the car stopped, the man left his vehicle for a short period and then just drove off. The neighbour reported that the man was wearing a bright yellow bandanna on his head. There have been various other reports of similar incidents in the vicinity, including Nucia Park, where a lady saw an English vehicle the following morning stop and shout something to a young girl in the street who was about 14. Another person reported something similar in Polop which involved an English plated vehicle. The young girls mother made a report to the Guardia Civil, but unfortunately without a vehicle make and model or registration number they have been unable to locate the suspect. Additional policing has been put into place and anyone who notices a man acting suspiciously should contact the Alfaz del Pi police station in the first instance on 96 588 71 00/ 96 588 72 00 or the Guardia Civil in Altea on 96 584 05 25.
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Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Benidorm bullring protests FRIDAY NIGHT saw over 200 people protest outside the Benidorm bullring as inside a bullfighter was preparing to meet a bull. by Jeanette Rice THE PROTESTERS gathered around 9pm in preparation for the event which was scheduled to start at 10.30pm. With many banners carrying various slogans such as “bullfighting abolition” and “torture is not a culture” some of the protesters lay on the ground with their shirts showing a bull cross covered with a blood like solution and with the words “innocent” or “killed” written across it. The bullring has a capacity of 10,000 but only 1,800 attended to see the event as the protestors were noticeable with their loud siren horns and chants. The protest had been approved by the central government representatives and the organisers had used the social media to spread awareness of their plans. Bullfighting, although a traditional “sport” in Spain is coming under increasing pressure from its own countrymen, with more and more animal rights groups having their voices heard by local governments, particularly since the May 2015 elections. Some areas, such as Gandia, have suspended all bull runs whilst other municipalities are reviewing their events.
Protesters in Benidorm
Local news...
Collaboration between towns
FINESTRAT AND Villajoyosa town councils met on Monday to discuss joint projects that will benefit both municipalities. The mayor of Finestrat, Juan Francisco Perez Llorca and the mayor for Villajoyosa, Andeu Verdu, met on Monday to coordinate joint actions for La Cala Finestrat and Villajoyosa. With the increasing growth of the La Cala area, which has crept almost to Villajoyosa, there is a need to ensure that the services offered and the infrastructure is sufficient to cope with the increased demand. Amongst the items on the agenda was the continuation of a pathway to Casa Modesto and the opening of a new roundabout to the town of Villajoyosa. Sr Llorca said “it is important that the two councils work together to streamline all actions”, with Snr Verdu stating that “the goal is the welfare of the residents of both towns”. The meeting also welcomed requests from the associations that represent the residents in both Finestrat and Villajoyosa.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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Torrevieja’s missing the train FOR REASONS that Torrevieja’s Town Hall fiveparty Council have yet to make clear, it seems like once again, Torrevieja may be missing the boat, or in this case the AVE Train. by Keith Nicol ALTHOUGH GIVEN the opportunity to enter into discussions with national bus company Alsa regarding the possibility of offering a direct bus service from Torrevieja to the RENFE Train Station in Alicante, according to Alsa, nobody from Torrevieja has contacted them. To date, Benidorm is the only city that has shown an interest in the possibility of shuttles and Alsa are evaluating the shuttle frequencies needed to establish whether or not it will be profitable to offer this service The Mayor of Alicante, Gabriel Echavarri, announced in July that they are prepared to allow shuttle buses to run to and from tourist towns to the AVE train station. Before the Elections, former Mayor of Torrevieja Eduardo Dolon was very keen to organise such a scheme, while an evaluation was made as to whether or not it would ever be feasible to construct a Tram track along the coast, linking Torrevieja to the provincial capital. However, it seems that Torrevieja’s new Mayor and his team have yet to show interest in this vital route. However, Benidorm has shown an interest, linking the two cities and the Mayor welcomed this possibility of a shuttle service, that is already been studied by Alsa in what he thinks would be an appropriate service. On the other hand, regarding Torrevieja, he noted: “although we had previously seen great
Torrevieja has yet to ask about a bus service to Alicante AVE station
interest in such a service, we have yet to hear from them. In the case of Benidorm, the shuttle is proposed as a temporary solution, since both councils agree that the final word would be the culmination of the Luceros Tram line to the AVE train station. The tunnel is already finished, just missing some outfitting and to decide on the location of the new stop. In any case, the mayors agreed that Benidorm would study the necessary shuttle frequencies and propose a plan to Alicante Town Hall; a plan that will affect traffic as little as possible. Echavarri has opened up the possibility of a shuttle to
other tourist towns but is most surprised not to have heard anything from Torrevieja. As we went to press, Torrevieja’s Mayor José Manuel Dolon, Los Verdes, has not contacted Echavarri to enquire about the implementation of the shuttles. The Alicante Mayor said; My intention is for Alicante to be ‘a good host’ and that when travellers reach Alicante by the AVE they can then easily continue on their journey and reach their destinations in other parts of the province. Our aim is to show a ‘good image’ of Alicante so that the next time they visit, they will decide to spend some time here rather than going to another location.”
emails 12
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com
this week’s
email of the week
Gung Ho attitude
Dear Editor, I have recently acquired a disability display card for parking and found that not only are there very few disability spaces, but the few that are available are almost always occupied by able bodied drivers! I love the Spanish people but they really do seem to have a gung-ho attitude towards this and I wonder if they are actually breaking the law which the police are happy to ignore! Moraira only has one space near shops which it is never available for the disabled. I wonder how other disabled drivers manage in our area. Sincerely, Diane
Broken promises I WANT to share my concerns about Orihuela Costa Town Hall. Friends have repeatedly asked for help there and the response is, shall we say, not helpful. The promise of service for all residents whatever the problem is not met. Streets remain littered with broken glass and beer cans, and we never see anyone cleaning them, except that friends from our urbanization pick up disgarded beer cans and put them in the rubbish bins. Our street often has the lights off, which makes it more vulnerable to crime. Why does Orihuela Costa Town Hall allow the street lights to be off? Are they trying to keep us in the dark? If that is the case, they are doing a good job. As ex-pats, let us make our voices heard. Lucy P. Playa Flamenca
Watch out
WE ADORE Benidorm, our home in the sun, but, since there are many scammers, here are some scams to watch out for. As they say, forewarned is forearmed. • The ring scam: A person darts in front of you, pretending to pick up a ring and asking if you have lost it. At the same time an accomplice is behind you, stealing your purse. • The broken arm scam: A person apparently with an arm in a cast approaches you, accidentally bumping into you, but the arm in the cast is fake and the thief’s real arm is hidden, picking your pocket. •The poo poo scam: A person tells you there is some unwanted bird dropping on your shoulder, and offers to clean it off, and, as the scammer is cleaning it, an accomplice is behind, also cleaning out your wallet. • The children scam: Watch out for children swarming around you, holding up cardboard signs in your face. Under the signs they are reaching for your wallet. • The flower scam: A woman with flowers comes in front of you, shoving the flowers in your face and asking for money, and, as you raise your hands to push them away, an accomplice is behind removing your wallet. With so many scams about, you might just think about hiding to avoid it all and staying in rainy UK. Be sober, be vigilant! Brad Wall (in Benidorm)
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Do you have a story? Email rtnmail@roundtownnews.com
Swimming death toll MTV bows figures released to pressure National news...
THE MINISTRY of Health for the region has released its figures relating to swimmers who were at risk of drowning. by Jeanette Rice THE FIGURES show that up until 20th June 69 swimmers received medical treatment directly related to the symptoms of drowning, with unfortunately 16 deaths including two minors. The figures take into account incidents which have occurred on beaches, pools, ponds and rivers in the region. The health authority, using Emergency Information and Coordination centres (CICU), are advising users to take relevant precautions to enjoy swimming and water sports safely. The advice includes not swimming immediately having eaten or consumed alcohol, abide by the beach flag system, try to ensure that a lifeguard is present and ensure children are not left unattended in the water. The CICU has also issued a caution for the elderly, particularly with the extreme heat, where they may over exert themselves and suffer possible heart attacks from the combination of heat and exercise.
Ambulances have been seen at the beaches all over the Costa
MTV, WHO had been planning an Ibiza Shore programme this summer have announced that they have shelved the idea. RTN has been reporting on the ongoing troubles between the makers of the television programme and the islanders of Ibiza over the last few weeks and it appears that the islanders have won their battle. Filming crews were due to arrive in Ibiza this month but with locals refusing to offer catering and the local government doing everything it could to block the “shore” franchise the parent company of MTV, Viacom, announced that they had been forced to review their plans. A Viacom spokesperson said “due to circumstances beyond our control, the next programme of the “shore” franchise will not be filmed in Ibiza. One islander had even patented the name Ibiza Shore to stop MTV from having it, with nearly 25,000 people signing a petition demanding that the show be cancelled. Vicent Torres, president of the island’s local government said “this is a victory for the citizens of Ibiza, the idea of this show was unanimously rejected by the residents of the island”. MTV however have promised that this was not the end of the franchise, believing that many other shores would be happy to receive the production.
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Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Walk Across Borders NOT MANY of us could walk the distance of a marathon a day for even a couple of days, never mind 44 days in a row. But when having access to your child is at stake, a parent must do what a parent must do. by Keith Nicol The parent in this case is Orihuela Costa resident Steven Monk-Dalton whose daughter was abducted by her mother and taken back to England five years ago and he has not seen her since. Steven has been awarded custody of his daughter, but he has to fight the courts once again for the basic right just to see her. Steven shared his heart breaking story on Facebook by saying: “I have always said that I would walk to see my child if I had to. So that is exactly what I intend to do. Parents often try over and over to go through the correct court proceedings in both the habitual residence of the child and the country of abduction but are let down repeatedly. My own experiences and the experiences of many other target parents have prompted me to take a different approach. Thank you all who have liked and shared my facebook page www.facebook.com/ walkacrossborders and asked others to do the same. Steven is a man on a mission and that mission is three-fold: to appear in court again and win the right to see and be with his daughter; to raise awareness of similar child abduction and lack of visiting rights that effect thousands of other fathers; and to walk from the law courts in Orihuela to the Royal Court of Justice in London, in 44 days. On Tuesday Steven announced: “ I am very pleased to announce that a Reunite International Child Abduction Centre charity representative, is going to be present for the first 5 days of my walk. Their presence here in Spain
is very much appreciated.” The walk starts on Sunday 23rd August when Steven starts from in front of the Law Courts in Orihuela on day one of his journey, to El Pinos. Steven added; “This leg of my journey is being sponsored by Vonni and Paul from Casa Almendro and I’d like to thank them very much.” Day two sees him on route to Caudete, where Steven wants to thank Pat for organising for him to stay the evening in Las Virtudes, Villena and on Tuesday 25th, his daughter’s tenth birthday, he’ll be on route to Ayora, followed by marathon long stages to Los Pedrones and La Torre. Steven continued: “If you would like to sponsor the Reunite International Child Abduction Centre Charity, you can do so by the Walk Across Borders JustGiving page - www.justgiving.com/walkacrossborders. Also, if you would like to sponsor accommodation for any of the evenings throughout the walk and support car costs, could you please let me know by emailing onedaycloser.reunite@gmail.com.Thanks to you all.” I hope that my little girl is even a fraction as proud of me as I am of her... I will never give up. Please help me and other families to raise awareness of these issues which might in some small way help to fix the system so that others do not have to go through such a heartbreaking “living bereavement”. It affects the whole target family including the target child that the alienating parent claims to love. I would welcome anybody to walk any of the 44 days with me. Just add your name to the events
that are linked to this page: www.facebook.com/walkacrossborders/events. Steven finished by thanking everyone for their support and donations, even those who just are getting behind him on Facebook, because he knows it all can make a difference. “If you would like to sponsor the Reunite International Child Abduction Centre Charity, you can do so by the Walk Across Borders JustGiving page - www.justgiving.com/walkacrossborders. Also, if you would like to sponsor accommodation for any of the evenings throughout the walk and support car costs, could you please let me know by emailing onedaycloser. reunite@ gmail.com.”
Steve Monk-Dalton
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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Polop plaza dries up by Jeanette Rice THE PLAZA de los Chorros in Polop was left without water when part of the underground piping collapsed. The 221 water pipes that allow anyone to collect free water simply stopped pouring last week as one resident said “it was just like the tap had been turned off”. The lack of water wasn’t from the current drought as some may have thought but because part of the 30 metre channel that feeds the water jets collapsed. The network of irrigation, which dates back to the seventeenth century, is built from limestone and the current underground channel was built approximately 70 years ago so has become affected by the constant flow of water which caused the collapse. Gabriel Fernandez, mayor for Polop, said “this has been most unfortunate and we need to not just patch the problem but seek to perform a thorough renovation of the system”. The loss of water not only affected residents collecting from the plaza but
When the water was flowing
also farmers in the village as the water filters through to an area that then helps them irrigate their crops. Snr Fernandez went on to say “this problem has arisen naturally by the passage of water for many years at the same
place and the drag effect it has caused”. Last year the water jets lost half their output due to a drought which meant that the natural spring water was in short supply during the summer months.
Local news...
Fire at sea
ON WEDNESDAY morning around 9am a fishing boat caught fire just off the coast of Villajoyosa. Onlookers may have initially thought that the rescue services were carrying out a training exercise as fire could be seen out to sea from the coastline, however it soon became clear that it was a real life emergency as the activity of services grew. Emergency services received a call at 9.08am saying that the ship “Poseidon II” was on fire and that the two crew members were in the water. The emergency teams, including the Benidorm local police, Maritime Rescue and Guardia Civil immediately organised the rescue of the two men who were 2.7miles south west of Villajoyosa, using the rescue helicopter and the Red Cross boat. The two Spanish men, aged 48 and 42, received burn injuries from the fire and were sent directly to the hospital at Villajoyosa. The fire extinguished itself once the boat had sunk and unconfirmed reports are that it is likely to have been due to an electrical fault in the engine.
Man arrested for several thefts
Benidorm police station
A YOUNG Spanish man has been arrested having committed several thefts in the Benidorm area. The man, who had been arrested only weeks before and then released, specialised in stealing money from tills in various shops and supermarkets in the town. The National Police have released the information detailing the thief’s crimes on the 30th July and the 4th August. The first incident on July 30th involved the man breaking into a supermarket and stealing the cash register, containing over 1100 euros, he then committed another theft where he smashed the glass of a bar near the Playa de Levante and also stole cash from the till. The officers discovered that the same man was responsible for both crimes and after finding his location he was arrested on 6th August. The 30 year old Spanish man confessed to the crimes whilst in police custody and was then taken immediately to court.
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Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
TRAM night time service announced MANY HAVE asked for an extended TRAM service particularly during the summer months and now the “Mussol Les Marines” service has been announced. by Jeanette Rice THE “MUSSOL Les Marines” service, which means the owl of the night, starts as of tonight 14th August and will offer a service between Benidorm, Altea and Denia. The service will run every Saturday and Sunday until some time in September, although a final date has not yet been established. The announcement was made by the regional minister for housing, public works and structuring for the area, Maria Jose Salvador. Ms Salvador said “we are implementing this service because it is in our interest to ensure that young people can enjoy free movement safely, and hopefully also reduce road traffic accidents”. Trains will run throughout the night between Benidorm and Altea, but will only travel to Denia late at night. Train times are, Benidorm to Altea 22:30, 01:00, 02:30, 04:30, 05:30. Altea to Benidorm 22:55, 02:50, 04:50, 05:50. Benidorm to Dénia 23:30. Dénia to Benidorm 01:00.
TRAM night service announced
MOBILE ITV station
VILLAJOYOSA HAS announced that they will have a mobile ITV unit in the town during the month of October. The unit is for vehicles such as mopeds, motorcycles, quads and agricultural tractors etc, and appointments will be necessary. The unit will be stationed on the CV759, the road to Finestrat, in the old bakery building next to the Eco Park with appointments available from 4pm through until 8pm on 27th,28th and 29th of October. The inspection will cost 17.56 euros and payment can be made with cash or credit card at the mobile unit at the time of the appointment. You can make an appointment at the offices of the local police in Villajoyosa (Avda. Pianist G. Soriano) or call 965 890 050, from 8am to 1pm and will need to inform at the time of booking the make, model and registration number of the vehicle together with a contact number.
Animal news...
Dead dolphin floats into Albir LAST FRIDAY holidaymakers on the beach of Albir saw first hand a dolphin that had died and had been washed ashore. Dolphins which are renowned for seeking areas close to the coast when they are sick often end up on the beaches, some can be rescued but in this instance experts said the dolphin had died several days before and although it had not begun to decompose it was clearly swollen from some illness.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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Chris Froome says ‘yes’ to La Vuelta
Tour de France winner Chris Froome is coming to Torrevieja
by Keith Nicol CHRIS FROOME, two time Tour de France winner and fresh from this year’s win, is coming to Spain next week to participate in the 2015 La Vuelta Tour of Spain. History is in the making as only two previous riders have ever won the Tour de France and La Vuelta in the same year. The added attraction is that Froome and his SKY Team will be travelling through Murcia, starting Stage 9 in Torrevieja, and contuining up the Coast, much to the delight of local cycle fans. Unfortunately news about August 30th, when the event stages the start of Stage 9 from Torrevieja has not been announced by Torrevieja’s Town Hall. They have yet to pass on details to the Tourism Department, as we go to press.
More than 100,000 spectators are expected to cram into Torrevieja for the last August weekend however the exact route, where and when things are happening, parking restrictions, best viewing spots and any additional information have not been announced with the start just two week’s away. This year’s race promises to be something special as all three podium finishers from the Tour de France will compete in the Spanish race. Alberto Contador will not be, but Nibali, Aru, Landa and Puritowill all be there. Chris Froome gave it a ‘yes’ on Tuesday that could adorn a Tour of Spain dream. Teams must now submit a pre-enrolment, with 14 riders
from whom nine will need to be confirmed as the line-up 48 hours earlier. But always on the basis of that list, once included, everything points to Froome starting on the 22nd in Puerto Banus. Eight days later he should be in Torrevieja. Froome admits to having “a soft spot” for La Vuelta, He came a close second in 2011[ was fourth in 2012 and second again last year, in 2014. The last two times behind Contador, the Spanish champion, who is not competing this year. So, with fingers crossed for thousands of British Cycling fans, not to mention TV cameras coming to Town, history is for the making on this year’s La Vuelta.
National news...
Hi ho...it’s off to Spain we go!
By Jack Troughton VOLUNTEERS FROM across Europe have braved the soaring temperatures in Alicante this summer to work on environmental projects. Teams of youngsters have joined work camps organised by De Amicitia – a non-profit making NGO sponsored by the European Union – in Altea, Calpe and Callosa en Sarria. The volunteers from Russia, the Ukraine, France, Germany, Turkey, Serbia, and Ireland, work hard and play hard during their stay in Spain – the town halls where they are based provide food and accommodation. De Amicitia – the name means ‘environment’ in Latin – runs camps across Europe which target environmental protection and sustainable development. This year there were 26 camps across the country involving more than 300 volunteers. Ricardo, one of the coordinators, said: “The international work camps gathers together about 10-15 people from different countries – most are aged between 18 and 25 – and they come from different cultures, with different traditions and customs, and share what they know. “It is a great opportunity for them to get to know different lifestyles, cultures and languages. Each camp is usually led here by a Spanish volunteer, who organises the work and the retime activities which include sightseeing, hiking and going to the beach.” In Altea, there are traditionally four camps throughout the summer and the volunteers clean the River Algar, clearing away invasive species of plants. This summer they also helped with archaeology work. In Callosa en Sarri the work was at the source of the Algar, mainly centred on the maintenance of parks and gardens at the beauty spot. And in Calpe the first camp of the summer was involved with archaeology and later teams worked cleaning the banks of the protected salt lake Las Salinas, including a former rubbish tip. De Amicitia volunteers were also stationed on the Olta Mountain, part of the Sierra de Bernia, as part of a two-month fire prevention project.
Councillor Carole Saunders (right) with volunteers on the Olta
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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Photo competition with a difference ALFAZ DEL Pi and Altea launch their 11th breastfeeding photo competition in conjunction with the department of health for the Marina Baixa and Amamaluna (the Association of nursing mothers in Marina Baixa). by Jeanette Rice The competition is open for entries until 30th October with various categories including “with my dad” in which fathers can enter pictures showing them with their children in everyday situations. Another category is “breastfeeding in the water” along with “mothers breastfeeding”. Amamaluna is a non profit organization that provides information and support to all mothers who want to breastfeed, working to promote breastfeeding and natural parenting the group gather in the Alfaz del Pi health centre on the first Wednesday of each month. For further information about the competition or the support group readers can contact either amamaluna.blogspot.com.es or www.lalfas.es.
Fiesta news...
Fiesta time in Guadalest
THIS WEEKEND the mountain top village of Guadalest celebrates the Fiesta of the Virgen de la Asuncion (Our lady of the Assumption). Starting today, Friday, at 11.30am the picturesque village will host competitions, parades, games for children and a fancy dress party. The municipal pool has also been turned into a water park for the weekend. At 9.30pm tonight the solemn procession takes place with an offering of flowers to the statue of the Virgen de la Asuncion, which is the patron saint of Guadalest. The fiesta carries on throughout the weekend and finishes with a traditional mascleta (fireworks) display on Monday at 11pm. For further information on the timetable of events see www.guadalest.es.
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Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Food Allergens on the Menu
FOR ANYONE who suffers from any food allergy, eating out can be a hit or miss situation and a toss up between a fantastic meal and a trip to the hospital. by Keith Nicol Parents know all about reading each and every ingredients label to try and ensure that items do not contain any items that may cause an allergic reaction. In December 2014, the EU introduced new regulations regarding the labelling of menus and charts in all places that serve food, showing the allergens contained on the menu. However, these guidelines go back to 2011. By law, all eating establishments in Spain will have to have menus and charts so that diners can check out any possible ingredients that may cause a reaction. The law came into force in Spain on July 1st, 2015, and inspectors have already been checking out restaurants, cafes and bars in such places as Quesada, La Marina and some of the markets. At the moment, those that do not have the charts or menus available are being given a short time to bring their establishments up to standard, although Spain has already been given an extra six months to do so, however few to date, have bothered. An allergic reaction can be produced by a tiny amount of a food ingredient that a person is sensitive to (for example a teaspoon of milk powder, a fragment of peanut or just one or two sesame seeds). Symptoms of an allergic reaction can range from mild symptoms such as itching around the mouth and rashes; and can progress to more severe symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, wheezing and on occasion anaphylaxis (shock). Around ten people in the UK die from allergic reactions to food every year. There is not a cure for food allergy. The only way to manage the condition is to avoid food that makes the person ill.
The fourteen allergens that are recognised across Europe as the most common are: Cereals containing gluten namely wheat (such as spelt and Khorasan wheat), rye, barley, oats and their hybridised strains and products thereof: Crustaceans (for example prawns, lobster, crabs and crayfish): Eggs: Fish: Peanuts: Soybeans: Milk and products thereof (including lactose): Nuts (namely almond, hazelnut, walnut, cashew, pecan nut, Brazil nut, pistachio nut and Macadamia nut: Celery: Mustard: Sesame seeds: Sulphur dioxide: Lupin: Molluscs (for example mussels, clams, oysters, scallops, snails and squid) Local Printer Steve Dumbarton contacted RTN to advise readers that the new laws are now in force. Steve said: “The new laws mean that every establishments that serves food must have menus with the allergen symbols beside each meal they produce. They also must have a chart. The Charts must be in Spanish, but the symbols are easily understood,
and many places are having menus and charts printed in different languages depending on their customer base.” For more information on printing requirements and options, you can contact Steve at: sjandatorrevieja@gmail.com or phone: 966 319 253. Some Restaurant owners have just one special menu for those who request it. Other more proactive establishments have printed up entire new batches of menus will all the allergens listed. In Spain the penalties for not following the new regulations are not as harsh as in the UK with a penalty of just15,000€ per offence facing owners who have not complied. However, should someone suffer an allergic reaction while dinning and the correct menus and charts not be available, owners do face both the wrath of the law and possible civil law suits against them, which for many could see them having to close their business.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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HOW TO CONNECT THE SET-TOP BOX Use a standard Ethernet cable connect the set-top box to your router/modem. CAN I RECORD A PROGRAMme? The IPTV set-top box has no Internal hard drive to record but you can connect an external recorder (external hard disk or USB Stick). You can watch a channel and record another at the same time. CAN I WATCH CHANNELS BROADCAST IN HIGH DEFINITION? Yes. Set-top box has a HDMI - meaning you can view HD programming in 1080p picture clarity. IS THIS SYSTEM AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE? Yes. Provided you have 2 Mbps broadband you can use this system anywhere in the world. IS THERE A MINIMUM CONTRACT I NEED TO SIGN UP TO? We offer a pay as you go service, connect or disconnect on the months you wish. WHAT HAPPENS IF I MOVE HOUSE? You simply take the IPTV box with you. Take it on holiday or round to friends and neighbours. The set top box costs just 99€ and from 9.99€ per month what do you have to lose?
Pop into our Benidorm offices in the Rincon opposite Camping El Raco for a free demonstration or call the office on 642 430 677 or see our Facebook page www.iptvcostas.com
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Extended promotion from Másmóvil Call home and speak for an extra 50 minutes for FREE!
HURRY! If you renew your MÁSMÓVIL pay-as-you-go international internet and voice bundles before 31st August 2015, you’ll get an extra 50 minutes for FREE!! This incredible offer is available right now, so don’t delay and extend your bundle now. Just think, you can phone home and speak for 50% longer time free. Imagine calling the UK for example or other European destinations, the States and even Asia and instead of speaking for 100 minutes you can speak for 150 minutes. And prices start from only 7.5 €. MÁSMÓVIL is offering this great summer deal as long as you contract this or renew your existing bundle before or on the 31st August 2015. It lasts for three whole months from activation, should you wait until the end of August to do it. Don’t delay, get 50% more, every time you contract more bundles between now and the end of the offer! These bundles start from as little as 7.5 € including tax! If you’re not already a customer of MÁSMÓVIL, you can move your existing telephone number to us and within a short time be reaping the benefits of this great offer. Make sure you have no penalty clauses before you move your number to us, which, by the way, we do for you, so it’s trouble free! With our Pay-as-you-go bundles, you can top-up your SIM card whenever you wish! Simply go to any of our distributors or find one at our web page: www.masmovil.es or call us on our toll free number 2373. At MÁSMÓVIL you can be assured of transparency! If there is something you don’t understand you can call us on 1473 or ask your distributor. We don’t have fixed terms or penalties either so you can stay with us for as long or as short as want. For just 1€ you can even ‘park’ your telephone number if you happen to be travelling away from Spain for up to 6 months, and you will not have to pay your monthly fees while you’re away. When you return we reactivate your number; all so simple. Go to: <http://www.masmovil.es/int/rates-prepaid/> for all the information on our bundles and how to get this 50% extra promotional offer. MÁSMÓVIL – We are different!
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Do you have a story? Email rtnmail@roundtownnews.com
Terra Mitica donation TERRA MITICA have made good use of their lost property items by donating them to a local association that helps people find work as well as providing social support.
Terra Mitica donate their lost property
by Jeanette Rice NEARLY 400 kilos of clothing, hats, sunglasses, rucksacks and even pushchairs were donated to the Asociación Proyecto Lázaro (Lazarus Project Association). Terra Mitica has been working alongside the association for more than 20 years and has offered continued support with their projects.
The Lazarus Project Association, which was founded in 1994, helps neighbourhoods where people have difficulty in finding work, raising their self esteem and offering practical help. The donation by Terra Mitica will be sent to one of the organisation 6 outlets which raise money for the organisation.
Volunteers needed...
MABS urgently need volunteers
MABS, THE cancer support group, urgently require Spanish to English Interpreters. Going to the doctor can be an uncomfortable and intimidating experience, especially when dealing with cancer in a foreign country. But imagine if you couldn’t communicate with your doctor or nurse to describe your symptoms or explain your what is happening. Anyone that is willing to give their time up for one morning a week to translate for those with cancer, please contact Sue on 664 266 991 or Lauren on 606 335 627. No qualifications needed. Help is also needed in the shop, so if you can spare one day a week please call Sue on the above number.
Make her your Star STAR HAS been in the Benidorm dog pound for 7 months and is becoming depressed. She is a very affectionate girl who craves human contact and love. She is desperate for a new home. Home checks and adoption fee will be required. Please search ‘Star Benidorm shelter’ on Youtube and watch all her videos and fall hopelessly in love with her like all the volunteers have.
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Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Benidorm celebrates the traditional ‘Maratón del Euro’ by Jeanette Rice TOMORROW, SATURDAY, Benidorm celebrates their traditional “Euro Marathon” to raise funds for the November fiestas. The event, which normally takes place in September, has been brought forward to this weekend to take advantage of the high number of visitors to the town. Jesus Carrobles, councillor in charge of the fiesta and Juan Munoz from theThe Festes Majors Comissió Patronals announced that the event would start at 11am at the Paseo de la Carretera. The ‘Marathon Euro’ has been held since 1990, it was the comission of that year, the 250th anniversary of the discovery of the Virgin of the Suffrage, which launched the initiative, then known as the ‘Marathon of 20 hard ‘to raise money for the holidays. Since then it has been organized every year by successive committees. A tape is laid on the ground and the idea is to place a euro coin on the tape to make a continuous row with the fiesta queens and the mayor being amongst the first to place their coins followed by other dignitaries and then hopefully the residents and visitors to the town. The event, in addition to tax collections, marks a three month countdown to the start of the festivities and raising some money for those events as well as for the Lions Club.
Last years Euro marathon
Charity news...
MABS Mar Menor receives donation
JAMIE SOLERO of Galgos del Sol presented Ellen Moores of MABS with a wheelchair that had been donated to sell in their shop. Janet Bell of MABS thanked Jamie for thinking of MABS as they always need wheelchairs for patients so it will be well used. MABS supplies cancer patients with hospital beds, wheelchairs, walking frames and most types of equipment free of charge. Their shop is in Calle Sierra del Molar 2, San Javier right next door to Caravanning San Javier. Both Charities are grateful for any donations of clothing, bric a brac, books, and furniture. Contact Galgos del Sol on 663 974 660 and MABS on 968 191 300 (between 10 - 2 Mon - Fri) or 615 016 035.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Do you have a story? Email rtnmail@roundtownnews.com
L’Olla myriad of stars
THE L’OLLA firework display on Saturday night was watched by an estimated 50,000 on the beaches and from the hillsides above Altea town for the 29th year. by Jeanette Rice
The firework display was enjoyed by thousands
IT TOOK just twenty minutes for 70,000 euros of pyrotechnics to light up the sea and sky at L’Olla on Saturday at midnight. Using ten platforms the Ricardo Caballer company took charge of ensuring the display started on time as special guests including the mayor of Altea, Jaume Llinares, government delegate in Valencia, Juan Carlos Moragues, the Minister of Economy and Tourism, Rafael Climent, Joan Baldoví national deputy, the vice president of the Provincial Council of Alicante, Eduardo Dolon. As rain threatened to dampen spirits the roads and beaches were packed as everyone vied for the best viewing position. Although there were sporadic small showers the display started on time with the crowds on the beach applauding the spectacular show. The display was as amazing as it had been in previous years with unique shapes forming in the dark sky and although the display was shorter than it had been in past years the general consensus by those watching it was that it had been worth the long evening. Police began closing off all the feeder roads in the area just before 7pm and filtered the traffic through a complex system of routes that had been pre planned. Whilst most of the transportation arrangements worked well there were complaints that the TRAM network did not cope so well, with users unable to get on the sardine packed trains and having to wait longer than anticipated, even though extra services had been laid on. One Spanish family reported that they were waiting in Benidorm for the TRAM at 10.30pm but it was impossible to get on, they finally arrived at L’Olla beach with only minutes to spare and said that it was an unbelievably poor service.
legal&finance Follow us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/roundtownnews
Carlos Baos
from White & Baos Abogados Solicitors Lawyers
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Are you an expatriate living in Spain and with assets in Spain also?
From 17 August 2015 it is vital for you to make a Will for your Spanish assets. DEAR READERS, As we have been informing for some time, the European Regulation 650/2012, ratified by Spain and many other countries, will enter into force on the 17th of August 2015. As per this regulation, the applicable law to an inheritance or succession will be (in principle) the Law of the country in which the testator has his /her habitual residence at the time of death. But as we have said many times, it is possible for the testator or testatrix to opt for the laws of their own country, to be the applicable one applied to their succession. We wish to clarify at this point that many people have been informed and advised that all Spanish Wills made before must be changed, â&#x20AC;Ś. this is not correct, as it will depend on each case, since Regulation 650/2012 has foreseen some transitional provisions relating to Wills made before the 17th of August 2015. This issue will be the subject of a future article, which we are currently working on. Therefore, it is essential to know, if you have your habitual residency in Spain, whether you are
Spanish, English, Scottish, French, German, etc., and you do not have a Will for your Spanish assets, your succession and inheritance in Spain will be intestate (without a will), and according to the new European Regulation, Spanish law will apply, being the law of the country of your habitual residency at the time of death. You should know that under the intestacy rules (when there is no valid will) in Spain, the following would inherit: 1. First the children and descendants (grandchildren, etc.), and failing that, 2. Secondly, parents and ancestors (grandparents, etc.), failing that, 3. Thirdly, the spouse. In addition, if the deceased has descendants or ascendants, the spouse will have a right of usufruct
(use of the assets for the life time, but no right of ownership) of 1/3 or 1/2 of the estate, depending on whether the spouse inherits with the descendants, or ascendants of the deceased. So, if you are habitually resident in Spain and do not want intestacy Spanish rules to apply (preferring your own national law to apply), perhaps because you want your wife or husband to have more rights, or simply because you do not like how the assets are distributed as per Spanish law, it is vital and essential that you make a Will regarding your assets and properties in Spain. This way you will avoid dying intestate, and suffering your inheritance being distributed as indicated by Spanish law. For any questions or query about Wills, Testament, Inheritance in Spain, contact us.
The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: info@white-baos.com White & Baos 2014 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; All rights reserved, Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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Too good to be true
Christina Brady
Regional Manager of Blacktower Costa Blanca
TODAY I read the following article in the Daily Mail : The most heartbreaking mis-selling scandal of all: Richard and Rita Kauffman are losing their home even though they’re NOT behind on their mortgage. THE INVESTMENT was covered by the UK £100,000 compensation scheme, and they got further compensation of £105,000 but this still didn’t cover their losses. This struck a nerve. See link (http://www.dailymail. co.uk/money/mortgageshome/article3194312/The-heart-breaking-mis-sellingscandal-s-costing-Richard-Rita-Kauffmanhome-thought-NOT-mortgage.html) I have seen or spoken to numerous people over the last 10 years that have been sold investments, savings schemes and get rich quick no risk schemes that offered higher than average returns and lost everything. They come to me to try and see if they can recover some of their loses, sadly the answer is usually no. As I say time and time again if something seems too good to be true it usually is, and this is the golden rule as far as I am concerned when it comes to investing. A high than normal
return equals a much higher than normal risk to you losing your capital. Most of us have worked extremely hard for our money, don’t let greed, ignorance or laziness make you lose it all a whole lot quicker than it took you to make it. RULES TO FOLLOW: If it seems too good to be true then 99.9% of the time it is, SO WALK AWAY, unless you can afford to lose it all. Check out the company, how long has it been going? How is it regulated? Check the credentials of the person selling you the investment, not just their qualifications, more importantly what experience do they have ask to see their CV if you have any doubts. If it is complicated i.e the person advising you uses complex terminology you don’t understand, and then cannot explain it is simple English- WALK AWAY The person advising you tries to pressurize
you into doing the deal – WALK AWAY The person advising you doesn’t give you a detailed report ( and I don’t mean a handwritten piece of paper for you to sign) , I mean a suitability typed on headed paper that clearly states the product, its risks and charges – WALK AWAY. Risk- Make sure the risks are clear if not do some research yourself on the internet or just WALK AWAY These are just a few of the things to look out for. If you would like expert independent, professional and impartial advice please contact me via email christina.brady@ blacktowerfm.com or on my mobile 658 892 330.
The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is licenced by the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licenced in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Licence No: 00805B and registered with the DGS in Spain.
life&leisure Gold star for John and Val ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
by Jack Troughton
RETIRED TEACHERS John and Val Blakeman have celebrated their golden wedding anniversary surrounded by family and friends in Alcalali. The couple, who live in Jalon, enjoyed a party to mark 50 years of marriage with a meal and entertainment provided by the Soggy Bottom Band. John and Val met at teacher training college in Alsager, Cheshire, in 1962 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; John is from Staffordshire and Val from Luton. After completing their training, Val returned to Bedfordshire for a time. Read more on page 41.
Ask Sara
I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to upset my parents, but I desperately need to do my own thing... p37
West Coast USA p42 Is it really Range Rover Voque SE over for the Advanced motorist Tim Saunders Frog and reviews all the the Pig? latest cars p44
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Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
life&leisure gardening
Make your garden more useable by
Dick Handscombe Holistic gardener and author
WELL ALTHOUGH temperatures are today below 30 degrees we have had a long dry summer, perhaps the hottest in Spain for 50 or a 100 years, and as the temperatures rose one often head people saying things like: ‘WE LIVE in what was green rural land when we purchased our house, but now it’s like a suburban urbanisation.’ ‘Oh isn’t it hot after the air conditioning. I’ve been indoors for three days with-out going out’ ‘We don’t sit out much in the summer it’s boring. There is not much to see except the pool and it’s large terrace and the wooden decking is so hot to walk on’. ‘ Oh I wish we hadn’t cut down those trees and replaced them with Australian sails – the shade is not as natural or as deep as it used to be when we could swing in a hammock between two thick branches of a carob tree’. ‘ I spend all my time watering the plants but the garden is not as colourful as it was in Britain in the summer’. ‘ Oh I can’t stand another barbecued dinner ’. Luckily there are answers to all such comments. It indeed still possible to enable what you achieve what you came to Spain for – a more outdoor life than in northern Europe. Firstly getting used to the Spanish climate needs gradual acclimatisation. Go out into the sun early in the day and go into the shade when it gets too hot and then go back into the sun in the early evening and turn the air conditioning off or set it to a higher temperature. We don’t have it but keep the house cool in the summer by closing the windows and keeping the persianas down and on the hottest days the
wooden shutters are closed as well. Siesta through the hottest hours in order to enjoy Spanish meals starting at ten pm in the garden or local restaurants. Any urban looking pool can be converted into a natural pool surrounding by oxygenating bog plants and some of the flowers are exotic. An interesting book ‘Converting your conventional pool’ can be obtained via www. ecodesignscape.co.uk . Also enclose your pool by surrounding it by shrubs and succulent plants and sit in real shade for siestas and chats. If you plan a long stay in Spain plant some more trees this coming autumn to hide you from surrounding houses and provide real shade for the family pets wildlife and plants. There are plenty to choose from in the book ‘How to use less water in the garden’ available from Amazon Books. The plant list includes many smaller drought resistant plants also. These are the plants that require little or no watering once they are established. Plant more of these to reduce watering needs and summer losses. There are many interesting types of natural rocks old bricks and terracotta tiles that look more natural and become less hot than timber decking. Go to a local builders merchant or garden centre to check what is possible. If you want more interesting foods than barbecued consider a Mexican oven, Moroccan tagines or a solar cooker. The latter are becoming very popular both in gardens and on
apartment terraces. I purchased a solar cooker kit from www.alsol.es fifteen years ago and it is used several times a week for cooking breakfast lunch and dinner. So to really enjoy Spain set out to develop a garden that is different than the general run of the mill garden in which one often see no one even when Wimbledon or Lords is not on. If you are giving up on Spain to live in northern climes again a different garden might even sell more easily.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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life&leisure people
Pool party MEMBERS OF single-parent charity Guardian Angels and their children enjoyed the annual Pool Day and a chance to relax together. by Jack Troughton HOSTESS DOROTHY Place welcomed 30 members of the charity to her villa in Lliber for the party where the adult took the opportunity to chat and make new friends – and the youngsters cooled down in the pool. The day was tinged with a little sadness – everyone said farewell to one of the charity members who is returning to New Zealand with his five children to start a new life later this month. The occasion was marked with a cake, especially baked by Javea-based Ann Martin, and the gift of a Guardian Angels’ plaque. And charity President and founder Tricia Barr presented a bouquet to Dorothy and thanked her for her kindness and generosity in welcoming everyone to her home. Dorothy said afterwards: “It was such a privilege for me to be able to do something to help such a deserving cause. “I enjoyed the company of all the parents and their lovely children and found the whole afternoon very uplifting.” The charity continues to expand and recently opened a new branch in Benidorm which is staging events locally every Sunday throughout the summer. Anyone wishing to help can email Susana at susana1@angelic.com For further information about Guardian Angels and how it helps single parents and future events can be found at the website www.guardian-angels.es – potential new members can also sign-up online.
Zumba for the love of pets THE PASEO Vista Alegre was filled with music and rhythm on Saturday, all for the love of animals, More than two hundred people participated in a Zumba master class, filling the area just in front of the fountain and Department of Tourism close to bursting point. The “Master Class” Zumba, was organised by the charitable association “Zumba Fitness” to benefit APADAC who rescue animals.
Artists on show
THE MARINA Alta’s Painting for Pleasure group is staging an exhibition to showcase its talents at the Casa de Cultura in Calpe from Friday 4th September. The colourful exhibition has 65 works by 16 artists of the group which is based in Rafol d’Almunia and features animals, flamenco, Spanish and British landscapes, seascapes and flowers. The event launches with a preview party on Friday 4th September from 7pm until 9pm and runs until Tuesday 29th September. The exhibition is open between 9am and 10pm Monday to Saturday. A part of any proceeds raised during the exhibition will be donated to the charity Caritas and for more information visit the ‘blog’ page at www.artonoffer.com
Tuning up for new season
THE POPULAR Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir is busy making preparations for the coming season – early indications pointing to one of the busiest in its history. The summer break is well under way but rehearsals will soon start and new members are always welcome. A series of concert dates are already confirmed, from a concert for the Anglican Chaplaincy in Teulada on 10th October to the Christmas programme in December including a carol concert for Teulada Moraira Lions Club and traditional flagship appearances in Javea and Benitachell churches. The male voice choir is also to undertake its first tour out of the area when it heads north for a Festival in Barcelona next May and also looks forward to welcoming the Basingstoke Ladies Choir the same month for a joint concert. Rehearsals proper start on Tuesday 1st September at Bar Meditteraneo in Teulada at 8pm. The choir looks forward to welcoming new faces of any age, nationality and ability – and there is a very active social section, so something for everyone. For more information visit the website www.costablancamalevoicechoir.wikidot.com or go to the Facebook page, or call Howard on 669 792 291. There was a raffle to raise funds for the Humane society, who also had their own information stand at the event, where you could buy various souvenirs to finance their projects. Instructors for the Master Class were: Conchi López, Andrés Braganza, Rocío Martínez, Cristina Sánchez, Silvia Hortelano, Kriss Sánchez, Liliana Preda, Alina Gren and Andrea Salazar who put all the dancers through their paces. The hard working team keep the dancers moving and sweating for more than two hours, almost without giving the dancers a breather. This fun event was just one of many being designed by the Town Hall to not just keep residents busy and give them something a little special to do but also to keep the profile of animal rights and welfare high. The Dog Pound in Torrevieja has more than 50 dogs and dozens of cats ready for adoption and so the emphasis of the day was make this service known to the passing public.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Read the paper online every week at www.roundtownnews.com by Sara
Life Coach
life&leisure ask Sara
Live my own life
My parents have always been incredibly involved in my life. When I went away to University (four hours drive), they moved with me! I ended up studying for something I never wanted to do, just to please my parents. I play guitar well, and joined a band. The band now wants to go on tour for 12 months. We have an Agent and have been offered some pretty good gigs, and we all think we have a future. I don’t want to upset my parents, but I desperately need to do my own thing. It’s extraordinary that your parents moved to be with you when you went to University. This is normally an important time to claim a life of your own. It is also interesting that you say you ended up studying for a career you did not want. I agree that your parents seem very over-protective. Tell them that you are taking a gap year to pursue your musical interests. When you’re older, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you did.
Write to Sara in confidence. A pseudonym will be used if you wish. Sara reads all letters and can give a personal reply. Email your question to agonyaunt@roundtownnews.com or Sara is available for private consultations, telephone 633 614 476.
WITH A background in family and matrimonial mediation, Life Coach Sara Bell helps Readers with their daily worries. If you are having difficulties with relationships, family, work or any other aspect of your life, then help is at hand.
My heart is breaking My marriage broke down several years ago. I don’t think I’ve ever got over it. The family has left home, and I am recently retired. I find with so much time on my hands, my mind dwells on my situation. Our family dog died a few weeks back, and I am grieving for the loss of him. He was my mate, and my heart is breaking, I miss him so much. I think the recent loss of your dog, has brought all your other problems to the fore. Your children of course are living their own lives, and it sounds like you may have never really dealt with the breakdown of your marriage. I urge you to seek some counselling. Go to your GP and have a general check up - they can refer to you to good Counsellor, and you may benefit from a short course of antidepressants. Also, in time you may want to consider getting yourself another ‘mate’ - and by that of course I mean another dog. You are retired now, with time on your hands. It will do your heart good.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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life&leisure horoscopes
Kenny Corris kennycorris@hotmail.com 686 361 594
It would seem that somebody is having to eat humble pie this week...and it certainly isn’t you. Clarity and dignity have backed you all the way for once and who cares if a few home truths had to be told? It was about time others saw things as they really are. Mercury teams with Uranus to bring resolve and peace all around you now. With all the will in the World you couldn’t have seen things coming the way that they did. In a way it is good that everything is now transparent and that there can be no going back. As the Sun conjuncts with Venus midweek you will begin to understand why things had to work out the way that they have, a blessing in disguise! Mercury trines with Pluto, giving a warning to alert you as to your options right now. Whilst others seem bent on taking evasive actions you are all in there to face up to reality and to bring home the bacon, if that’s what it takes. Someone has got hold of the wrong end of the stick, however, as your sincere aims shouldn’t be questioned. Hard to know what to believe and what to disregard as pure fantasy. Accepting that the real truth may never be known, think of yourself for a change, and tell others that you are not to be messed with, now, or ever. Such a show of strength will be one in the eye for anyone who doubts you, and the motivation you need to go on. As the Sun conjuncts with Venus it would appear that love has finally entered back into your life at long last. You have been indecisive and yet unusually calm as a situation has evolved around you; but be sure that it is someone’s good intentions that have helped to open your closed heart, as at last a fulfilling and stable relationship beckons to you. Indecisive behaviour does you no favours this week as the impetus is to go and do what you know you need to. Forget the advice of others and just do what feels right for you for a change. Endearing Mercury clashes midweek with an ebullient and self assuming Pluto, and it is this that seems to have put the cat amongst the pigeons. Sticking to your guns, or just being wilfully stubborn...it is very hard to see where your loyalties lie right now as you are not being yourself. Take time to listen to what somebody is actually saying to you before you poo poo an idea that just could make such a difference to you and those whom you love. Just give in to something new. Plagued by minor highly irritating problems there comes a chance for respite this week and you should accept an offer that may seem to good to be true; but just might be what you need right now. Actions with Ceres point towards the time factor, and it is high time that you took time to look back at things, so take a full inventory.
Go to Gaol!!
DON’T GET me wrong. I am not one of those people who chase ghouls in cemeteries and visit haunted sights with the express motive of linking with souls who have not made their journey into the Spirit World. Though I was always called Spooky in University, it has never entered my head to seek out lost souls; though I am the very first to offer them every assistance whenever I encounter one. O.K. yes, as a child I did drag my dear Mother to Hampton Court Palace whenever I could because I wanted to see Lady Jane Grey wander the Haunted Gallery there. Despite hiding behind curtains at closing time in Henry VIII wonderful Palace, and having a penchant for the Ghost Train at the funfair....nothing else remarkably spooky ever seemed to cross my mind. I did see Spirit, almost daily, but this was a view of those living in the Spirit World, and I knew that my connections were not with phantoms or spectres or the undead, but those who had made their ultimate journey and moved on to the Other Side. Yes death had moved them up and over to where they deserved to be, but they were conscious of their demise and getting on with living, allbeit, in a new dimension. Recently a trip to Dublin saw me taking a tour of the City Gaol with my hostess. The grey Dublin skyline made this Victorian Gaol even more foreboding, and I was made immediately aware that there were lost souls abounding, right from the word go. I found myself amidst crumbling grey walls and climbing well worn steps and stopped listening to the Guide who had such a strong accent it was impossible to understand what he was saying. The warren of dank and foreboding cells were bathed in a gloomy ray, and ever so often, when the tour paused, it was possible to peer through tiny grills and hover at keyholes to glimpse the appalling conditions that would have existed way back then. I heard snippets about famine and pestilence and could imagine life incarcerated with a single daily meal of potatoes and gruel as sustenance for a day’s hard labour of moving boulders around the courtyard. As I climbed a staircase to the very top floor I felt myself going into trance, and my companion knowingly knew that this was natural for me and not to touch or to disturb me. The tour moved on, but we did not. My breathing became very laboured and my chest very weak as I found myself in the presence of a black haired man. His hair had been shaved at the sides and he was wearing a grey uniform. He grabbed my arm and whispered to me that he wanted me to tell his story, and so this I will do for him and for you now. I shall never forget the sadness of those green eyes nor the slight shake in his hand as he turned his gaze away from me and told his tale. It transpired that he was innocent of his alleged crime, and that he had always loved children, having grown up as one of seven brothers and sisters. He had a photo in his pocket but it was crumpled and it apparently showed the family all together on a farm. It was on this farm that a little girl was found dead, and he was accused, tried and found guilty of a crime he did not commit. I will always remember his pleading, the need for someone to believe him, and without telling this truth I felt he could not make his transition to a better place. My companion felt him and heard his voice, whilst I got a vision of him too, those worn hands and the sadness of the eyes. A cold wind blew across the top floor of this gaol block, and the icy silence that followed showed me that this innocent prisoner was hung, and his body buried in unconsecrated ground. Though our tour had moved on there was another not so far behind. As I wiped my eyes and prepared to move on from that place I heard the approaching guide point out that these upper cells were the cells of those who were condemned to death. I left the gaol wondering how many of those inmates were innocent like my prisoner was; as I wished him well on his great journey all the way up to Spirit.
As the Sun trines Uranus, planet of invention and enterprise, you get a bee in your bonnet about something this week. You have known that something just wasn’t quite right, but now with an inkling of knowing what to do about it, you are better prepared for what you know that you now really have to do, so go do it! Uranus dallies with the open channels of communication set about by actions with Mercury. You are not someone who would ever thrive on gossip but this week is all about the revealing of something that you need to know all about. The writing may be on the wall, but you have to be able to see both sides of the coin to succeed. Things have to get more difficult before they will get a lot better, and above all keep that solid faith that you have to let things happen when they can. As others seem to be piling your plate with their woes and foibles, do not lose sight of what has to happen for you right now. This isn’t selfish but it is self assuring and what you need! Nobody who has ever loved you would ever treat you this way. It would seem that you are taking the blame for something which is not your fault. If the truth be known nobody has the right to question what you do, and nothing should stop you doing what you feel is right. After all it is you who has everybody’s true interests at heart.
If It’s Your Birthday This Week
Planetary actions are enforcing controls with a brief to make you decide what it is you want to do right now. Change for changes sake is pointless, but keep an eye on alternatives because this astrological year finally sees you moving on and being closer than you ever were to where you should be!
Kenny‛s Postbag
Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com
KENNY....LOVE the new format and graphics of your page in the RTN....keep writing because even my husband now reads your articles and that is a true breakthrough! Sally N. (sms) Thank you Sally. I love the page too, it has never looked better! I am always inspired by the comments of readers, and wish to warmly welcome your husband into the fold. Keep reading and keep the postbag going, it is always good to hear from you all!
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Read the paper online every week at www.roundtownnews.com
life&leisure puzzles Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 53
Doodle box
Quick Crossword ACROSS 1. Combat (6) 4. Private (6) 9. Invite disaster (3,3,7) 10. Satisfy (7) 11. Creek (5) 12. Rascal (5) 14. Harden (5) 18. Accumulate (5) 19. Disparate (7) 21. Counter-charge (13) 22. Banish (6) 23. Hound (6) DOWN 1. Limb (6) 2. Play safe (4,2,7) 3. Slack (5) 5. Feeling (7) 6. Stirring up the mob (6-7) 7. Negotiation (6) 8. Condition (5) 13. Weighty (7) 15. Enmity (6) 16. Cower (5) 17. Glimpse (6) 20. In high spirits (5)
Cryptic Crossword
ACROSS 1. Liking a bit of a quarrel? I should say so! (6) 4. Engulfs in the fens (6) 9. It offers short cuts for calculating people (5-8) 10. They change battles, and may commemorate them (7) 11. Number of half even shares (5) 12. Filch 20 (5) 14. A number are beaten by a very narrow margin (5) 18. Where a leader should be, presumably (5) 19. Pretentious person is out of bed to begin with (7) 21. Not a capital expression (13) 22. Egghead will be swallowed up yet rise into notice (6) 23. Creatures need new nibs, for example (6) DOWN 1. I tarry, but it’s almost unique (6) 2. Compel to follow the scent? (4,2,3,4) 3. Some nasty legal fashion (5) 5. Vigilant fellow finally gets a fluke break (7) 6. The appearance of ruinous famine at the post (13) 7. Swerves with salver in ship (6) 8. 12 couldn’t be smaller (5) 13. Spoiling by tacking on about fifty (7) 15. Get specimen from politician in auction (6) 16. A fistful of drink? (5) 17. They may pay for corresponding deliveries (6) 20. 8 are not fresh (5)
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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life&leisure people
White nights in Quesada by Keith Nicol AS PART of a weekend of festivities in Quesada, for the second year running a ‘White Night’ was held in the town centre, attracting hundreds of people, party goers and casual onlookers. Although it all started a little later than advertised, the crowd was kept entertained with food and drink along with music. At 10pm, the entertainment begin with different dancers, routines and all ages from about four and upwards on stage. This event runs along the same lines as the White Nights party nights that are very popular in Ibiza and Marbella. And while the crowd might not have been quite as wild s one would find here, certainly nobody had to pay 75€ and up for a bottle of cava just to spray it over one’s friends. On stage was the Sofia Sanchez de Rojales Dance School with spectacular dances Flamenco, Salsa and Bachata, along with a touch of Jive and Latin. Although part of the Town Hall festivities, the entire event was organised, for the second year running, by the company Holding Group who were recently created in Quesada by Grupo Barceló who offer different Real Estate services including sales, rental and construction. Also helping to sponsor the event was A&G Abogados, law firm located in the centre of Torrevieja and Quesada for more than ten years who specialise in conveyance and Spanish Property Law. Right Move Insurance’ who have three offices, Quesada, La Zenia and La Marina also helped with Sponsoring the evening’s entertainment. And not content with just eating, drinking and watching the dancing, along with a prize raffle on behalf of Protection Civil, who are also sponsored by he Holding Group, at midnight on came the DJ and dancing into the early hours of the morning ensued.
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Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
life&leisure people
Trophies in the first night sea swim TO FINISH of the 2014-2015 season Club Natacion Torrevieja swimmers took part in the first night sea swim hosted by PDM San Javier. The “1st Travesia A Nado Nocturna Mar Menor” started as the sun went down on the beach “playa de los Pescadores”. Swimmers were divided into three age categories – the first - children 10 yrs and younger, the second group - 11-14yrs and then the third and broadest category - 14 years and older including all adults. Club Natacion Torrevieja had 11 swimmers participating in two of the races. In the 11-14 yrs category Vicky Pigneur won third place and in the 14yrs and adult category Zoe Connolly won first place, being the first girl back with team mate Paula Garcia following shortly behind with 3rd place. For Vicky and Paula these trophies were complimented by their recent participation in the Spanish National Championships. Vicky has recently travelled to Coruña for the “III Campeonato de Espana Alevin”. Racing in the 100m and 200m backstroke events Vicki was placed 28th in the 100m and 53rd in the 200m race. Colleague Paula Garcia travelled to Sabadell to race in the “XXXVII Campeonato de España Infantil”. Paula raced in the 50m and 100m freestyle events and was placed 70th in the 50m event. The club now takes a break over the month of August and returns to training in September and participation in the Next Torrevieja Travesia at the beginning of September. For more information regarding Torrevieja Swimming Club please contact Rosa 665 454 126, President Felipe on 609 418 776 or Vicki 669 637 015 or by email on info@clubnataciontorrevieja.com
Gordon Lawson
Concert for Nepal COMPOSER, CONDUCTOR, and musical director Gordon Lawson is presenting a fund-raising concert in Orba on Sunday 30th August in aid of earthquake victims in Nepal. The evening of ‘light music for a summer’s evening’ will be presented in the Marina Alta town’s Casa de Cultura from 8.30pm. Many British and Spanish musicians are playing – along with readings of poetry by Vivien Johnson – to aid those who suffered in Nepal after the two massive earthquakes. Entrance to the concert is free but it is hoped that people will make donations as they leave.
Continued from page 33 They married in 1965 and lived in Staffordshire. Both taught primary school children and john became the headmaster of two schools. John and Val have a son and a daughter and are proud of a large family that includes seven grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. After retiring they moved to Spain and have previously lived in Oliva and Gata de Gorgos. They both enjoy dancing and John likes sport and reading while Val relaxes by painting. They are both members of the congregation of Javea International Baptists Church and have been members of U3A Vall del Pop for five years – enjoying the social life of the association and served on the Travel, Culture and Entertainment team for three years – organising the Christmas Dinner every year – before stepping aside because of church commitments, although they still help out when needed.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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life&leisure travel
West Coast USA
SAN FRANCISCO was named by the Spanish colonists, when establishing their mission in the late 1770´s (the name is Spanish for St Francis). This mission, headed by Juan Bautista de Anza, claimed the territory for the Spanish. Following independence from Spain, it was briefly under rule by Mexico, however evolved into the current status following the MexicanAmerican War, which saw California finally
incorporated into the now USA. Although it had relatively few settlers initially, this all changed thanks to the Gold Rush of the mid 1800´s. The city grew rapidly – the lure of gold even encouraged crews to desert their ships and rush off to the gold fields, leaving behind a forest of masts in the city´s harbour. At the height of the Gold Rush, it was the largest city in the California area, however
it was hit with a devastating earthquake in the early 1900s, which destroyed three quarters of the city. It was quickly rebuilt, and now ranks the fourth largest city in California, next to Los Angeles, San Diego and San Jose. It´s a popular tourist destination, and even though it is relatively small in size, you still need quite a lot of time if you want to take in all of it´s tourist attractions. Among the top
destinations are the famous Alcatraz Prison, the Golden Gate bridge, the sea lions at Fishermans Wharf, shopping at Union square and exploring one of the oldest Chinatowns. There are plenty of hotels in San Francisco, in popular areas such as the Fishermans Wharf and Union Square. Getting around the city is easy due to its well connected public transport, even including an old fashioned streetcar system and cable cars too.
A SHORT journey south of San Francisco, the City of Los Angeles is home to many famous stars and of course, the Hollywood Film Industry. This area of Los Angeles is packed full of tourist attractions, such as the ‘Walk of Fame’, a walkway of Hollywood´s most famous, immortalized in the form of brass stars imbedded in the walkway, or visit Universal Studios, a mix between terrifying roller coaster rides set in scenes from famous movies, and of course, the Studio Tour which whisks you through old film sets, punctuated with special effects and surprise elements to keep you on your toes! LA offers many different types of guided walking tours to ensure you see the best of the sights, so sign up for the one that best suits your capabilities. Some include a visit to the iconic Hollywood sign too. For a more leisurely approach, take in a concert at the Hollywood bowl or people watch at Venice beach. In LA, there is something for everyone.
Packages of flights from Madrid, 5 nights accommodation in San Franciso, 4 nights accommodation in Los Angeles and 3 nights accommodation in New York are available from Worldwide Horizons Travel Agency, at around 2653€ per person. Contact travel@whtravel.es or call 966 761 492 for further information.
by Peter Taylor
What’s with all this admiration of plastic boobs, it’s not like anybody´s fooled that they´re real is it? Botox is even worse! Jersey Shore´s Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi last week posted an Instagram pic saying “First session of lip plumps and it’s just fabulous, I’ve always hated my thin lips.” Then in full contradictory mode Snooki said “I hate needles! I love my natural beauty. “Numb-nut!!
TV comedy Peep Show first aired on Channel 4 in 2003 and in 2010 became the longest-running comedy in the stations history. Actors David Mitchell and Robert Webb are the stars of the show, and their many thousands of fans will be delighted to know that after a two year gap filming on a ninth series has begun. Peep Show won 7 major awards including 2 BAFTAS. Hurrah!!
Music Notes
THE LONDON Philharmonic Orchestra have been into Abbey Wood Studios and recorded 14 songs originally sung by Elvis Presley. Using the wonders of modern technology the producers have now created an album called ´If I Could Dream´ that will feature the voice of the great man. The finished work will be available on October 30th to celebrate the day Elvis would have been 80 years old, and will feature: Burning Love/It’s Now Or Never/ Love Me Tender/ Fever/ Bridge Over Troubled Water/ And The Grass Won’t Pay No Mind/You’ve Lost That Loving THE NEW Muppets TV series will premiere in America on September 22nd, and god willing it will reach Feeling/There’s Always Me/ Europe shortly after that, and if you watched the show trailer I highlighted a couple Can’t Help Falling In Love/In of weeks back ´The Muppets First Look Presentation,´ you’ll know it’s heading for a The Ghetto/How Great whole new level of muppet comedy. However this joyous occasion took a Thou Art/Steamroller Blues/ serious blow to the breadbasket when it was announced that An American Trilogy/If I Can Kermit and Miss Piggy are no longer a couple. Dream. Priscilla Presley Kermit posted the terrible news on his Facebook page said of the project “He saying “We will be seeing other people, pigs, frogs, etc.” would have loved to play before adding “we´ve parted ways after considerable with such a prestigious squabbling, but we will remain professional and will work together on symphony orchestra, our new TV show,” brave words indeed. the music, the force Enough already with this idle chit chat, and I won’t bother telling you that is was Miss you feel with his Piggy who wanted to terminate their romantic relationship saying “our personal lives voice and the are now distinct and separate; this is our only comment on this private matter, thank orchestra is exactly you for your understanding.” what he would Believe or not The Muppets first appeared on television in 1955 and, according to have done.” creator Jim Henson, their name came from a blend of the words ´marionette´ and ´puppet.´ After Henson got slots in several late night talk shows and advertising commercials during the 1960s, his Muppets began appearing on Sesame Street in 1969. They then became the stars of multiple television series and films, including; The Muppet Show (1976–1981), The Muppet Movie (1979), and The Jim Henson Hour (1989) to mention but a few. Jim Henson´s very first character Kermit the Frog was created nearly 60 years ago, and here we all are loving him enough to be hoping Miss Piggy and him get back together again. Nuts Huh?
Is it really over for the Frog and the Pig?
Lenny Kravitz, writer of mega song ´Flyaway´ perhaps wished that might´ve happened to him in Stockholm last week. There he was cutting the mustard on stage when his rather tight trousers gave way in the worst possible place, and the fact that he goes commando created quite a stir in the auditorium. Cool as a cuke, he walked off stage, returned with fresh trousers and carried on.
Video of the Week!
Make sure you have some cooling ice standing by when you look at this video ladies ‘Free the Bacon’. Funny, but way out there!
of the “Quote Week
It was an extremely sad day when we lost Cilla Black and also fine actor George Cole the following day. He virtually became Arthur Daley in Minder, a show written for Denis Waterman that ran from 1979 to 1994. He was born in South London in 1925, was adopted when he was 10 days old, and began acting when he was 14. I recall admiring his Flash Harry character in the St Trinians movies. Brilliant!!
Producers of Celebrity Big Brother on courting motor mouth judge Jason Gardiner “were hoping his outspokenness will make him a big hit with viewers.” A physical big hit would be good! ‘Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation! “Better than Bourne! Better than Bond!” With that build-up it better be!
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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TV&Showbiz 14th August - 20th August
friday 14th August BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Close Calls: On Camera 12:30 Heir Hunters 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The TV That Made Me 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Would I Lie to You? 22:00 Ripper Street 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 Mountain Goats 24:05 Pound Shop Wars 24:35 Grosse Pointe Blank
BBC2 07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Close Calls: On Camera 08:30 Heir Hunters 09:15 Gardeners’ World 09:45 Nigel Slater: Eating Together 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Alvarez Kelly 14:45 Yes, Prime Minister 15:15 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 15:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 16:15 Are You Being Served? 16:45 Pets - Wild at Heart 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 22:30 Rick Stein: From Venice to Istanbul 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather 24:05 Edinburgh Nights
saturday 15th August BBC1
07:00 Breakfast
06:50 Dangerous Moonlight 10:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 08:25 San Demetrio London 10:00 More Creatures 11:30 VJ Day 70: Great and Small The Nation Remembers 10:30 More Creatures 13:15 Football Focus Great and Small 11:00 The Women’s 14:00 VJ Day 70: Football Show The Nation Remembers 11:30 Great British Menu 16:30 Escape to the Country 12:00 Great British Menu 17:00 Final Score 12:30 Alex Polizzi: 18:15 Pointless Celebrities Chefs on Trial 13:30 Talking Pictures 19:00 BBC News 14:00 Funny Girl 19:10 BBC London News 16:25 Hidalgo 19:15 Indiana Jones and 18:30 Atlantic: The Wildest the Last Crusade Ocean on Earth 21:15 The National Lottery: 19:30 Gardeners’ World 20:00 Proms Extra Five Star Family Reunion 20:40 Edwardian Farm 22:10 Casualty 21:40 Dad’s Army 23:00 BBC News 22:10 VE Day: 23:20 Match of the Day Remembering Victory 24:40 Rugby Union 23:40 The White Countess
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV News Central 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Guess This House 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Hello Campers 18:00 Freeze Out 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Gino’s Italian Escape 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 BBQ Champ 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 Along Came Polly
07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:10 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Celebrity Fifteen to One 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00 The Last Leg 24:05 Very British Problems
07:00 Childrens TV 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Stop! Roadworks Ahead 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 A Woman’s Rage 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 Aircrash: Terror at Take-Off 22:00 Whitney and Bobby: Addicted to Love 24:00 Whitney Houston: Her Greatest Hits
24:00 Whitney Houston: Her Greatest Hits
07:00 Childrens TV 08:30 Super 4 08:45 Fish Hooks 09:00 Young Justice: Invasion 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 11:20 Jeremy Kyle Show 12:20 Jeremy Kyle Show 13:25 ITV News 13:34 ITV Central Weather 13:35 Jeremy Kyle Show 14:35 Tipping Point 15:35 Celebrity Squares 16:20 Midsomer Murders 18:15 Catchphrase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:15 ITV News 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Keep It in the Family 21:00 Saturday Night Story 22:00 The Bourne Supremacy 24:00 ITV News 24:19 ITV Central Weather 24:20 The Chase
07:10 How I Met Your Mother 07:35 The Grid 08:00 Triathlon 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:25 The Simpsons 12:55 The Simpsons 13:25 The Simpsons 13:55 Rude(ish) Tube 14:25 Channel 4 Racing 17:15 Come Dine with Me 17:45 Come Dine with Me 18:15 Come Dine with Me 18:45 Come Dine with Me 19:10 Come Dine with Me 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 Great Canal Journeys 21:00 Walking Through History 22:00 Red 24:10 Repo Men
07:00 Childrens TV 08:05 Milkshake! Monkey 08:15 Make Way for Noddy 08:25 Paw Patrol 08:45 Little Princess 09:00 Wanda and the Alien 09:15 Zack and Quack 09:30 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:45 Jelly Jamm 10:05 LazyTown 10:30 Dora and Friends 11:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:35 Cowboy Builders 12:30 Cowboy Builders 13:30 Cowboy Builders 14:25 North Sea Hijack 16:20 The Dirty Dozen 19:10 Sinkholes: Buried Alive 20:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 20:55 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Football League Tonight 23:25 Rob Brydon Live 24:20 The Great British Benefits Hotel
07:00 You’ve Been Framed! 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Emmerdale 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Emmerdale 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Judge Rinder 16:40 Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 Jeremy Kyle Show 18:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Matrix 24:45 Two and a Half Men
07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 90210 08:10 Charmed 09:00 The Goldbergs 09:30 The Goldbergs 10:00 Melissa & Joey 10:30 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Melissa & Joey 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 The Goldbergs 17:30 The Goldbergs 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Insidious 24:05 The Big Bang Theory 24:35 The Big Bang Theory
07:00 Jane the Virgin 07:45 Baby Daddy 09:35 Coronation Street 08:10 Baby Daddy 08:35 Rude(ish) Tube 12:00 Take Me Out 09:05 Rude(ish) Tube 13:10 Homeward Bound: 09:35 Suburgatory 10:00 Suburgatory the Incredible Journey 10:30 Baby Daddy 14:55 You’ve Been Framed! 11:00 Baby Daddy 11:30 Melissa & Joey 15:55 You’ve Been Framed! 12:00 Melissa & Joey 12:30 Melissa & Joey 16:25 Jack and Jill 13:00 Made in Chelsea LA 18:20 The X Factor 14:00 Come Dine with Me 15:00 The Goldbergs 19:25 The Amazing Spider-Man 15:30 The Goldbergs 16:00 The Goldbergs 22:00 Practical Magic 16:30 How I Met Your Mother 24:10 The Matrix Reloaded 17:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 24:10 The Matrix Reloaded 24:05 Gogglebox 07:00 Emmerdale
Pick of the Week Partners In Crime Husband and wife team, Tommy (David Walliams) and Tuppence (Jessica Raine), are amateur sleuths and this week the British Secret Service enlist their help to find a Soviet Agent and also a kidnapped scientist.
Sunday 16th August, BBC1, 10pm
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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sunday 16th August BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 08:40 Match of the Day 10:00 BBC News 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Homes Under the Hammer 13:00 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:15 Flog It! 15:00 Escape to the Country 16:00 Animal Odd Couples 17:00 The Great British Bake Off 18:00 Songs of Praise 18:35 Earth’s Natural Wonders 19:35 BBC News 19:50 BBC London News 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Fake or Fortune? 22:00 Partners in Crime 23:00 BBC News 23:20 BBC London News 23:30 Match of the Day 2 24:30 New Town Killers
07:30 The Instant Gardener 08:15 Countryfile 09:15 Gardeners’ World 09:45 Beechgrove Garden 10:15 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:45 Great British Menu 12:15 Great British Menu 12:45 Great British Menu 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 Rugby Union 15:00 Boxing 15:50 Equestrian 17:00 Dancing Through the Blitz: Blackpool’s Big Band Story 18:30 VJ Day 70: The Nation Remembers 20:00 Burma, My Father and the Forgotten Army 21:00 Dragons’ Den 22:00 Odyssey 22:45 Country Strife: Abz on the Farm 23:15 Family Guy 23:35 Family Guy 24:00 Family Guy 24:20 Let Me In
07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Young Justice: Invasion 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 Murder, She Wrote 11:20 Jeremy Kyle Show 12:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 13:25 ITV News 13:34 ITV Central Weather 13:35 Love Your Garden 14:35 Smokey and the Bandit 16:25 The Incredible Hulk 18:30 The Chase 19:30 ITV News Central 19:45 ITV News 20:00 Nature Nuts with Julian Clary 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News 23:14 ITV Central Weather 23:15 Man and Beast with Martin Clunes 24:15 56 Up
07:15 How I Met Your Mother 07:40 How I Met Your Mother 08:05 Volkswagen Racing Cup 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Amazing Spaces Shed of the Year 14:30 The Big Bang Theory 15:00 The Simpsons 15:30 The Simpsons 16:00 The Simpsons 16:25 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 17:30 Location, Location, Location 18:35 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Secret History 21:00 Experimental 22:00 Zero Dark Thirty
07:00 Childrens TV 08:15 Make Way for Noddy 08:30 Paw Patrol 08:50 Little Princess 09:00 Wanda and the Alien 09:15 Zack and Quack 09:35 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:50 Jelly Jamm 10:00 LazyTown 10:30 Dora and Friends 11:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:35 Football League Tonight 13:05 Police Interceptors 14:00 Police Interceptors 15:00 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked 16:40 Willow 19:10 Three Men and a Baby 20:55 5 News Weekend 21:00 Police Interceptors Unleashed 22:00 Yes Man 24:05 Killers
07:00 The Hot Desk 07:10 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:30 Emmerdale 10:15 Coronation Street 12:45 Take Me Out 13:55 The X Factor 14:55 Homeward Bound: the Incredible Journey 16:40 The Shaggy Dog 18:40 The X Factor 19:45 Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous 22:00 Casino Royale 24:55 Safeword
07:00 Rude(ish) Tube 07:30 Rude(ish) Tube 07:55 Suburgatory 08:20 Suburgatory 08:50 Melissa & Joey 09:20 Melissa & Joey 09:55 Made in Chelsea LA 11:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Couples Come Dine with Me 14:35 Couples Come Dine with Me 15:35 How I Met Your Mother 16:00 How I Met Your Mother 16:30 The Goldbergs 17:00 The Goldbergs 17:30 The Goldbergs 18:00 Inkheart 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Rude Tube 23:00 Gogglebox 24:05 Gogglebox
14:55 Homeward Bound: the Incredible Journey
Editor’s Choice
Love Your Garden Alan Titchmarsh and co-presenters David Domoney, Katie Rushworth and Frances Tophill visit locations around the UK helping people to transform their gardens.
Tuesday 18th August ITV1, 9pm monday 17th August BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Close Calls: On Camera 12:30 Countryside 999 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The TV That Made Me 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Panorama 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Sherlock 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 24:20 Have I Got a Bit More News for You
07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Close Calls: On Camera 08:30 Heir Hunters 09:15 Escape to the Continent 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 12:55 The Rockford Files 13:45 The Desperados 15:15 Yes, Prime Minister 15:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 16:15 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 16:45 Great Barrier Reef 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Carol Klein’s Plant Odysseys 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Only Connect 22:00 The Scandalous Lady W 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather 24:05 Dragons’ Den
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Central Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Guess This House 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Hello Campers 18:00 Rebound 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Vet School 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Travel Guides 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 Plebs 24:10 Plebs 24:40 Jeremy Kyle Show USA
07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me Abroad 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Flying to the Ends of the Earth 22:00 24 Hours in Police Custody 23:00 Revenge Porn 24:00 Tattoo Fixers
07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Seduced by Lies 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 Stop! Roadworks Ahead 22:00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 23:00 Under the Dome 23:55 Whitney and Bobby: Addicted to Love
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:05 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Judge Rinder 16:40 Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 Jeremy Kyle Show 18:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Knocked Up 24:40 Two and a Half Men
07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 Charmed 08:10 Revenge 09:00 The Goldbergs 10:00 Melissa & Joey 10:30 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Charmed 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Melissa & Joey 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 The Goldbergs 17:30 The Goldbergs 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 New Girl 21:30 The Mindy Project 22:00 Made in Chelsea LA 23:00 Young, Free & Single 24:05 The Big Bang Theory
tuesday 18th August BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Close Calls: On Camera 12:30 Countryside 999 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The TV That Made Me 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 New Tricks 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 Don’t Take My Baby 24:35 Who Do You Think You Are?
08:00 Close Calls: On Camera 08:30 Countryside 999 09:15 The House That £100K Built 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 12:55 Super League Show 13:40 On Moonlight Bay 15:15 Yes, Prime Minister 15:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 16:15 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 16:45 Great Barrier Reef 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 The House That £100K Built 22:00 Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School 23:00 Scrappers 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Central Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Guess This House 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Hello Campers 18:00 Rebound 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The Dales 21:00 Love Your Garden 22:00 School Swap - The Class Divide 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 Benidorm 24:40 Murder, She Wrote
07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Fifteen to One 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Three Day Nanny 22:00 Terror On Everest Surviving the Nepal Earthquake 23:00 How to Get a Council House 24:00 Revenge Porn
07:00 Childrena TV 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Bop Box 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 A Time to Remember 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 22:00 Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 23:00 Joined at the Head: Twin Life 24:00 The Benefits Estate
07:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:05 Coronation Street 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 Coronation Street 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Judge Rinder 16:40 Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 Jeremy Kyle Show 18:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:00 Final Destination
07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 Charmed 08:10 Revenge 09:00 The Goldbergs 10:00 Melissa & Joey 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Melissa & Joey 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 17:00 The Goldbergs 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 Turner & Hooch 23:00 Tattoo Fixers 24:05 The Big Bang Theory
21:00 Turner & Hooch
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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wednesday 19th August BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Close Calls: On Camera 12:30 Countryside 999 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The TV That Made Me 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Pound Shop Wars 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:00 Britain’s Spending Secrets 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 A Question of Sport 24:05 Mountain Goats
08:00 Close Calls: On Camera 08:30 Countryside 999 09:15 Claimed and Shamed 09:45 Antiques Roadshow Detectives 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 12:55 The Rockford Files 13:45 I Know Where I’m Going! 15:15 Yes, Prime Minister 15:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 16:15 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 16:45 Great Barrier Reef 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Horizon 22:00 Natural World 23:00 Scrappers 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather 24:05 The Fast Show
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Central Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Guess This House 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Hello Campers 18:00 Rebound 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Foyle’s War 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 UEFA Champions League Highlights 24:40 Tipping Point
07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:10 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Supervet in the Field 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 Witnesses 24:00 Sex Party Secrets
07:00 Childrena TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Bop Box 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Badge of Betrayal 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Trauma Doctors 21:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 22:00 Undercover Benefits Cheat 23:00 Wentworth Prison 24:00 The Benefits Estate
07:00 You’ve Been Framed! 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 You’ve Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:20 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 The Cube 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Judge Rinder 16:40 Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 Jeremy Kyle Show 18:55 Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Casino Royale 24:55 Safeword
07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 Charmed 08:10 Revenge 09:00 The Goldbergs 10:00 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Melissa & Joey 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 16:30 Melissa & Joey 17:00 The Goldbergs 17:30 The Goldbergs 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Jane the Virgin 23:00 Nashville 24:00 The Big Bang Theory
thursday 20th August BBC1
07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Close Calls: On Camera 12:30 Countryside 999 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 The Link 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The TV That Made Me 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Traffic Cops 21:30 EastEnders 22:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC London News 23:35 Parking Mad 24:35 Britain Beneath Your Feet
08:00 Close Calls: On Camera 08:30 Countryside 999 09:15 Coast 10:15 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 12:55 A to Z of TV Gardening 13:00 The Rockford Files 13:50 The 39 Steps 15:15 Yes, Prime Minister 15:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 16:15 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 16:45 Madagascar 17:45 Great British Railway Journeys 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Two Tribes 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 20:30 Great British Menu 21:00 Building the Ancient City 22:00 That Day We Sang 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather 24:05 The Fast Show 24:35 Horizon
07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 11:55 ITV News 11:59 ITV Central Weather 12:00 This Morning 13:30 Guess This House 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Tipping Point 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Hello Campers 18:00 Rebound 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Coronation Street 21:30 Flockstars 22:00 The Wonder of Britain 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 Sports Life Stories 24:40 Murder, She Wrote
07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 The Big Bang Theory 11:30 The Big Bang Theory 12:00 The Simpsons 12:30 The Simpsons 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 French Collection 18:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Very British Problems 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 24:00 24 Hours in Police Custody
07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Stop! Roadworks Ahead 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 I Dream of Murder 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket on 5 21:00 Supersized 22:00 Trapped in a Cult? 23:00 Person of Interest 23:55 Person of Interest 24:55 Access
07:00 You’ve Been Framed! 07:20 Psych 08:05 Emmerdale 08:35 Coronation Street 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date 10:35 Psych 11:25 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 13:10 Emmerdale 13:40 Coronation Street 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:40 Dinner Date 15:40 Judge Rinder 16:40 Jeremy Kyle Show 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:00 Safeword 23:45 American Pie 2
22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA
07:00 Hollyoaks 07:25 Charmed 08:10 Revenge 09:00 The Goldbergs 10:00 Melissa & Joey 11:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Melissa & Joey 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Melissa & Joey 17:00 The Goldbergs 17:30 The Goldbergs 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Melissa & Joey 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 New Girl 22:30 The Mindy Project 23:00 Rude Tube 24:00 The Big Bang Theory
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Do you have a story? Email rtnmail@roundtownnews.com
life&leisure whats on
La Nucia fiestas begin today THE FESTIVAL of “Our Lady of the Assumption and San Roque” starts today in the town of La Nucia.
by Jeanette Rice STARTING TODAY, 14th August, the fiesta runs until 18th with a packed schedule of events for everyone. This is a fiesta where all the Penyas in the town are involved as well as many tourists
who can participate in the parades, concerts and masclataes (loud firecrackers). This morning there was a parade of classic cars and this evening there will be a bouncy
castle, brass bands and a parade of the Penyas with the new Queen of fiestas. Saturday starts early with the grand awakening at 8am (loud bangers) and another full day of
entertainment including petanca competitions and a firework display at the end of the evening. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday will see more fun and games for the family, parades and loud
bangers in what is one of the most popular fiestas in the town. For further information, or to download the programme of events in English go to www.costablanca.org
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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with Aunty Virus life&leisure tech ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Email auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com
Windows Installer HI AUNTY: I have set my desktop to let me know when various updates are available, including Windows Updates. I also from time to time check myself if there are any Window Updates and if they are updated as necessary. I have, however, encountered a problem in installing what Windows describes as two important updates, in that they “failed” and the following Error Codes are given: 80070570 and 800B0100. Updates: KB2761217 and KB982018. I would very much appreciate it if you could let me know how I can overcome the Window Update problems described, which incidentally I do not have with my laptop. John from Moraira. Aunty says: Rather than see if Windows update can automatically install the updates, you can always try to manually install them. Each update has its own page: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2761217 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/982018 where you can download the update package and install manually - making sure you
Freezing Google
install the correct Windows 7 version. Windows Update error 800B0100 usually means that a file needed by Windows Update is corrupted or missing. That file could be part of the update package, or another file in Windows that the update package needs. The Windows System Update Readiness Tool may also help solve Update issues- http://windows.microsoft.com/ en-gb/windows7/What-is-the-System-Update-ReadinessTool Response: Having followed your steps, I first used the link and downloaded the “System Update Readiness Tool”, then went back to the two specific “kb” links with numbers 2761217 then 982018 and I am pleased to say that everything went well.
Hi Aunty, can you help, after a full computer restore in W7, every time i click to open a page in Google the page freezes for minutes. This is happening every time. Help Please. Mike
Aunty says: Is this happening in Google Chrome? If so you have two options: The first one is that you have an addon / extension that is not working correctly. The simply way
of sorting this out is to reset Chrome back to basics, and let it load addons as and when it needs to,. Or you do not have a required addon for the website you want to use, hence why it is freezing.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Need to place an advert? Call 902 118 999
Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin
life&leisure Spanish
Past Continuous Continued Continuing with our “past continuous” theme, we have now resolved all possible doubts regarding –ar verbs in this tense, as they all behave in exactly the same way. Sometimes there just isn’t anything else to say about something! Now here is even more good news about this remarkably easy tense, which is that the –er verbs and the –ir verbs do exactly the same things as each other. In both of these two groups the endings contain an “í” instead of an “ab” as follows: -ia -íamos -ías -íais -ía -ían So here is an –er verb for you: Beber Bebía - (I was drinking) Bebías - (you were drinking) Bebía - (he or she was drinking – or formal “you”) Bebíamos - (we were drinking) Bebíais - (you were drinking – plural) Bebían - (they were drinking) And now for an –ir verb, just so you can see I’m telling the truth. Vivir Vivía - (I was living) Vivías - (you were living) Vivía - (he or she was living – or formal “you”)
Vivíamos - (we were living) Vivíais - (you were living – plural) Vivían - (they were living) Some people might still be guilty of confusing the pronunciation of these two very different verbs, (beber and vivir) but really at this stage there’s no excuse! It all hangs on the correct differentiation between the “e” and “i” vowels in the roots of the verbs “beb” and “viv”, since the “b” and “v” is practically indistinguishable. As far as the endings are concerned, notice that the letter “í” at the beginning of all the endings is accented, placing the beat of the word always on that same place. Now you have a perfect sentence to practise on unsuspecting passers-by. “Cuando yo vivía en Inglaterra, bebía todos los días, pero ahora bebo todo el tiempo” – just my little joke. Once we start reminiscing about years gone by and the things we used to do (which you can now do in Spanish with no problem at all) you will soon discover you need at least two of our three irregular verbs, so here is a small advance on these to get you going. Era (I was, from ser) and iba (I used to go/I went, from ir). So here’s a sentence to start you off: “When I was a child, I used to go to school by bus”. “Cuando yo era niño/niña, iba al colegio en autobús”. Next week we’ll see what else ser and ir do in this tense.
Crossword Solutions for Last Week CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Star-spangled; 7 Grant; 8 Aware; 9 Try; 10 Persevere; 11 Forded; 12 Banner; 15 Abolished; 17 Get; 18 Eagle; 19 Exact; 21 United States. Down: 1 Sheet of paper; 2 Spa; 3 Actors; 4 Graveyard; 5 Evade; 6 Celebrations; 7 Gayer; 10 President; 13 Night; 14 Thread; 16 Organ; 20 Apt. quick SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Idiosyncrasy; 7 Great; 8 Press; 9 Fee; 10 Developer; 11 Entice; 12 Piston; 15 Expurgate; 17 Axe; 18 Chart; 19 Stamp; 21 Infringement. Down: 1 Indifference; 2 See; 3 Native; 4 Repulsive; 5 Steep; 6 Estrangement; 7 Greet; 10 Decorator; 13 Tramp; 14 Parson; 16 Plain; 20 Ape.
Suduko Answer
International family reunion in Denia
NANA AND GEORGE Irving, having retired to the Costa Blanca 13 years ago from Scotland and now living in Las Marinas, Denia, are happy to announce the occurrence of a family reunion. Their daughters Nicola and Melissa, after University, went respectively to America and Australia where each had two sons. Cameron is now 14 years of age and born in Chicago and Will, now 12 years of age, born in Minneapolis; while Sonny is now 3 years of age and baby Flynn is now 5 months and both were born in Sydney, Australia. They have all travelled to Spain in celebration of the baptism of Flynn Alexander Baxter on Sunday 9 August 2015 in the International Church in Las Rotas by Father Steve, Anglican Priest, where we were all well received. All the family were present except David, Melissa’s husband, who was engaged in business in Sydney. Nicola and Scott McCubbin were Flynn’s Godparents. After the baptism, a lunch was served in the Miramare Restaurant in Las Rotas.
Read the paper online every week at www.roundtownnews.com
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
life&leisure food
Granny’s Tea House FOR THE best cream tea in Town...
WE ALL know that there are many places to eat in Benidorm but if you want truly home baked food then get yourself along to Granny’s Tea House. Open since 1981, Granny’s is one of the Old Town’s favourite places to go. Pauline welcomes everybody to her quaint traditional Tea House and can cater for any number of diners. Granny’s Tea House offers everything from main meals and snacks including such favourites as Cottage Pie, Spaghetti Bolognaise, Chilli con Carne and Spicy Spare Ribs as well as Jacket Potatoes, Sandwiches and Burgers. If you are a lover of home baked goods such as Sausage Rolls or Quiche Lorraine then Granny’s Tea House is a must, and for those with a sweet tooth then the Deep Apple Pie and Lemon Meringue will definitely whet the appetite. If you looking for a hearty breakfast then you will not be disappointed at Granny’s Tea House. Served with a proper pot of tea (complete with tea cosy) and juice, this breakfast will definitely set you up for the day. The piece d’ resistance has to be Granny’s Cream Tea. Well known throughout Benidorm this is an absolute MUST. Served with tea or coffee and cream and jam this has to be one of the best indulgences you can think of, but if you are watching that waist line or fancy something a bit more savoury then Granny’s also makes cheese scones. Everything is prepared and baked fresh at the premises and don’t be surprised if you catch Granny up to arms in flour and sultanas! Granny’s Tea House is open 6 days a week from 9.30am until 5.30pm but closed on Sundays but is remaining open all through August.
Go on and treat yourself at Calle San Vicente 8, Old Town Benidorm.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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life&leisure health
The importance of checking diabetic feet Recently there has been a lot of coverage in the English press regarding unnecessary diabetic amputations and how with regular checks a lot of these can be avoided. The Daily Mail for example quoted Diabetes UK whose survey showed 80% of diabetic amputations are avoidable. With type 2 diabetes increasing 62% in the last decade and diabetic amputations reaching 135 per week in the UK, this is a very serious problem. Let’s be also clear about the nature of diabetic limb amputation. This is not similar to someone who loses a leg in a road traffic accident and is given a prosthesis (false leg and foot) and before you know it is working towards competing in the paralympics. Following diabetic limb amputation there is an average of 50 days in hospital followed by another year of dressing and care at home. Few diabetics end up with a prosthesis due to the complications of the pressure of the prosthesis on the stump causing further ulceration. After five years 28%-51% of diabetic amputees had undergone a second amputation. For those of you reading this online this is a link to an NHS paper on the costs, financial and human associated with diabetic foot complications. www.diabetes.org.uk/upload/News/Factsheet%20Footcare%2 0for%20people%20with%20diabetes.pdf
Yet it seems every day in my clinic someone tells me “Oh I just have mild diabetes, a touch of sugar I only need to control with diet or tablets” Again let’s be clear, there is no such thing as mild diabetes. You are either diabetic or you are not. Diet, tablets or insulin are just the ways you control your diabetes. The disease is the same and the consequences of poor control and foot complications are the same. Phew! That was a bit of a rant, but as stated at the beginning, 80% of diabetic amputations are avoidable, and in my view that figure is even higher. So what can be done to avoid problems? First and foremost, good control of diabetes. Well controlled diabetes has very little impact on the body and the feet. Poor control on the other hand can damage peripheral nerves and microcirculation which can cause many problems in feet. If you are diabetic you should have a full diabetic foot check at least once a year by a podiatrist. So what does this involve? There are really three parts to a diabetic foot assessment: general, neurological and vascular. General is things like health, mobility, eyesight and normal foot problems like callous, corns and thick nails. Neurological
involves testing various nerves in the foot as one of the problems with diabetes is that it can cause nerve damage in the feet causing loss of protective pain sensation. This means that people can injure themselves without realizing. In diabetes often pain and pressure sensing nerves are damaged before nerves that transmit sensations like light touch leading people into a false sense of security. Also nerves control thermoregulation, so nerve damage can cause excessively dry feet, as sweating is restricted. This in turn can lead to cracks and hard skin. Nerve damage accounts for the majority of ulceration in diabetic feet and most people have no idea about the neurological state of their feet. On the other hand everyone seems to know a little about diabetics losing circulation in the feet and of course damage that can be caused to the circulation by diabetes, particularly in the feet. This is why a vascular assessment using a doppler is essential to see if there are problems with circulation in the feet. Once the assessment is finished then advice regarding diabetic footware and care is discussed and any treatment given as required.
This article was written by Philip Mann, Podiatrist/Chiropodist. Visit www.footpodiatrist.com or call 686912307 for more information.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
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life&leisure music //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Simply Chris and Rob IF YOU are out enjoying the summer evenings in Benidorm the chances are you will have seen this amazing duo performing in one of the local bars or hotels. by Jeanette Rice Chris (Chronos) and Rob (Wolf) make a great partnership in their duo act but it is possible you would have seen either of them performing with other artists. Chris also performs with Paul Carnaby as a duo and Rob has been a guitarist in the local rock band White Coast Rebels, both are also solo performers in the town. Chris said “I met Rob back in 2009 and our paths kept crossing, he was one of the first Spanish guys that I had met who could talk to me in English. A few years later when I was in a band I thought he would be an excellent addition to our group as he is an excellent guitarist”. The duo “Chris and Rob” was initially set up as a side project to the other work that they were both doing but has gone from strength to strength as fans follow them from venue to venue. Chris said “we play in quite a few venues to
all sorts of people, our shows cover anything from country and rock to modern styles, we play for our audience not for ourselves and because of this we are fortunate to have very appreciative audiences”. If you haven’t seen the lads perform you can catch them at the following venues over the next few days. Friday 14th: Brew Rock, Altea - 9pm, Riviera Hotel, Benidorm - 11pm. Saturday 15th: Rivera Hotel, Benidorm - 10pm, Western Saloon, Benidorm - 11pm.
Chris and Rob
Sunday 16th: Riviera Hotel, Benidorm - 9pm, Brew Rock, Altea - 10:30pm. Wednesday 19th: Surprise Attack, Benidorm - 8:30pm, Western Saloon, Benidorm - 11pm.
Sunday blues?
Thursday 20th: Heart Break, Benidorm 4:30pm, La Plaza, Benidorm - 9:30pm. Or visit their facebbok page www.facebook.com/ChrisAndRobDuo.
THE FIRST Sunday Jam session takes places this week, 16th, at the L’Estacion bar in Alfaz del Pi and promises to be full of musicians wanting to play along with others as well as those who just appreciate listening to live music. Starting at 5pm anyone is welcome to join in the fun with the PA system already set up ready to go. Food will be available throughout the afternoon. The event will be held every Sunday until further notice.
Read the paper online every week at www.roundtownnews.com
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
life&leisure sport
CD Torrevieja hold Hercules LOCAL FOOTBALL fans were treated to a fourth entertaining pre-season football match at the Vicente Garcia Stadium on Friday evening. by Keith Nicol Being the underdogs against former La Liga side from just a few seasons ago, did not put the hosts off and the teams played out to a goalless draw. Chris Darwen, the Club’s PR guru said: “To quote a famous Portuguese manager who had just seen his team fail to win a single pre-season game, “the real football starts soon.” I doubt Jose Mourinho was really too bothered at Chelsea’s inability to claim a victory in their glorified exhibition matches and the CD Torrevieja coach, Pedreno, would be wise to follow suit. Torrevieja were excellent on Friday night. The Vicente Garcia welcomed its biggest crowd of the preseason campaign and saw its team not just match, but out-play a side being tipped to win promotion from Segunda B. Pedreno shuffled his pack once more, giving first starts to Matheu and Sanchez and rested Luis Carlos. He was looking to Junafran to break his duck from open play and the striker, being supported from the flanks by Brani and Adrian, had a gilt-edged chance after just eleven minutes. Once again
the burly front-man, signed with a reputation for being the poacher much needed by the club, fired straight at the ‘keeper. There was also an early sign of the preseason weakness that has troubled Pedreno’s men. The coach prefers a zonal marking system when defending corners, whilst leaving three men in attacking positions, and whilst the attacking intent must be applauded the fact that 50% of the goals conceded in pre-season have come from set-pieces must be a concern. Hercules should have gone ahead when a corner was delivered from the left. The big centre back Connor had a free header but was only able to direct the ball straight into the arms of Oscar. As ever, the second half had more substitutions than chances, the best of which falling to Sanchez on the final whistle. The ball fell to him just inside the area and the combination of ungainly bounce and horizontal body position saw the ball sail over the bar. It may have been 0-0 but it would be a hard man who suggest this was not Torrevieja’s strongest pre-season showing.
Pego Golf Society
AS THE summer and early start continue to take it’s toll on numbers we had twenty six members and one guest (Martin Livesey) for a combined pairs stableford. There was only one “two” and that was by Malcolm Wise. Nearest the pin on hole 5 was Martin Livesey and on hole 16 Donna Green. The result was 1st with 68 points Brian Barden and Ian Robertson, 2nd with 67 points Peter Brown and Penny Barden, 3rd with 67 points Trinnie Sutherland and Donna Green. Congratulations to all and if you would like to join us fo a game you can contact us through the website www.pegogolfsociety.com
Torrevieja matched Hercules all the way in Friday’s goalless draw
Defensively they were solid, well marshaled by Matheu and Eddy. In midfield they combined the grit of Jorge and Burguillos with the energy and vision of Sanchez, and in the front three they showed pace and movement that will, in time, lead to goals.” The season starts August 23rd with CD
Torrevieja’s first home game on October 30th. Season tickets are just 125€ for the covered stand and 100€ for general admission. Great value. More information on Season tickets, shop hours, replica shirts and merchandise and much more information available at: www.clubdeportivotorrevieja.com
Alfaz Fantasy Football League THE 22ND Alfaz Fantasy Football League kicked off last week along with the start of the Premier League in which the 9 games produced for the Fantasy League 27 goals,4 clean sheets,42 yellow cards and 1 red one which was Chelsea’s Courtois who disappointed 50 Fantasy League Managers who had selected the talented shot stopper giving them a minus 5 to start the Season off. There were 2 own goals courtesy of Spurs Walker and Swansea’s Fernandez and a couple of Penalties which were converted by Leicester City’s Mahrez and Swansea’s Gomis.The Referees couldn’t wait to get their cards out after a quiet Summer by dishing out 43 in all. Phil’s Team Flixton Sunshiners were quick out of the traps to take over the top spot of the Fantasy League on the 1st Week. David’s Scousejackop City are 7 points behind in 2nd place followed by Tommy’s Quatrill’s Raiders and Nikki’s Liverbird 94 who are both on 33 points.Ann’s Team Bolton Wanderers are in the bottom spot with a score of minus 10 mainly because 3 of her Players finished up with a minus score. John Terry(-2),Courtois(-5)and Spur’s Kaboul(-4) were the culprits. Two Teams will go into our Premier Imports Monthly Draw for a case of Cava and the are Phil’s Team Flixton Sunshiners who top scored with 41 points and Ann’s Team Bolton Wanderers who had the lowest score of a remarkable -10 which puts in the running for the lowest score of the Season. Top Lady is Nikki’s Team Liverbird 94 who have a narrow 3 point lead over Winnie’s Team Le Hombre Rioja at the top of our Mark Carter Ladies Section.She is also leading the race for a 20€ voucher sponsored by Quick Save in Albir.At the other end of this Section Ann’s Bolton Wanderers trail Linda’s Bar Tapas V.I.P. by a minus 7 points. U.K.T.V.SPAIN are to continue sponsoring our Junior League and at the moment Gino’s Minions have a 7 point advantage over Marcus’s Salford Sausages at the top.One of the former Winners of the A.F.F.L, Abby’s Team Abby’s Prom is floundering in bottom spot 2 points behind Just Joes F.C. Manager of the Month for August is being sponsored by Bar Tapas who are right on the front in Albir who provide a super Inernational Manu as well as serving up some top class Tapas.With only one Week gone Phil’s Team Flixton Sunshiners are in pole position 7 points ahead of David’s Scousejackop City. Two Teams are in joint 3rd spot,Quantrill’s Raiders and Liverbird 94 both on 33 points 8 points behind the Leader. Our Golden Boot League which is sponsored by Leonard Knowles Construction is not up and running just yet along with all our MiniLeagues as it takes a bit of time to set them all up. This Season has seen a record number of Teams entered in the A.F.F.L.So Folks fasten your Seat Belts and enjoy the rollercoaster ride of Premier League in the next 37 Weeks. Don’t forget to follow your Team as the Season unfolds by visiting our website which is www.alffl.com. Reports will appear each week in RTN as well all the League Tables which can be viewed in the Local and Wyndhams in Albir and also in Moraira Barilecho.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Powered by Campbell Lamont Golf, partnered by BayRadio
life&leisure focus on golf
The long hot summer of 2015 Now just before you start digging out the duvet...
By Tony Myles AS THE year moves on towards September and autumn approaches you will shortly be looking back at the highlights of the past few summer months and reliving some of the best bits. It has been a hot and sticky one and whilst in early August the bewildered hordes of tourists gazed at the dark clouds and wondered why it was
head 2 head So far so good...
raining, the vast majority of locals were splashing about like demented Gene Kellys. However before we consign Summer 2015 to the book of reminiscences there is one piece of exceptional good news. Let’s face it you deserve a break. You have looked after the guests, cooked meals, washed, cleaned, entertained and without a thought for yourself. You have provided accommodation and taxi services without any recompense. Now it is your turn. Campbell has negotiated a great End-ofSummer deal for golfer and non-golfer alike. Come and stay with your partner in the five star Marriott in Denia from 1st to 20th September. Chill out by the pool. Forget the washing and the washing-up. You don’t even need to make the bed. Wake up in air-conditioned luxury and wander down to the restaurant for a leisurely five star breakfast.
THEN YOU HAVE TWO OPTIONS Option One -make your way down to the first tee and enjoy a round of golf on one of the top courses in Spain. Option Two - be pampered in the Spa facility. HOW DOES THAT SOUND? The only obstacle may be the price as the typical room rate at the Marriott is €150 and the La Sella Golf fee is €75. However... the Costa Blanca’s favourite golf retailer has negotiated a deal which is irresistible and will ensure that you regain that sense of wellbeing that you lost somewhere round about Mid-July.Overnight accommodation in a shared double or twin room with breakfast PLUS Golf or Spa - €75 per person. That is not a misprint or a mistake. Just €75. Tell your best mates and book via Campbell on info@clgolf.es.
Campbell - Have you been playing golf for a while? Tony M - Well I was a late starter but I guess I have been playing for about twenty five years. Campbell - You must have a different view of the game these days. Tony M - Yes indeed that is true. I notice that the hills feel steeper, the bunkers appear bigger and deeper and the fairways seem longer. Campbell - Well I think that there is a consolation that you are still on the right side of the grass.
Friday August 14 - Thursday August 20 2015
Need to place an advert? Call 902 118 999
life&leisure motoring
Tim Saunders Independent unbiased car reviewer
Range Rover Voque SE
THE RANGE Rover has long been associated with the aristocracy. In fact the Duke of Cambridge drove the Duchess and Prince George home from hospital in the latest Range Rover after the birth. Externally it is a masterpiece, sharing the design of its predecessor but with more rounded edges and arguably greater elegance and road presence. It is a privilege to find myself behind the wheel of this large beast, which seems to be one of the highest vehicles on the road. “It’s like a bus or a motorhome,” says my wife, sitting in the front passenger seat. There is so much to this vehicle that you only discover it bit by bit over a period of time and I only discover certain features with the help of my four year old daughter Harriett! For instance, the fact that she can move the front passenger seat back and forth with the help of a switch on the right hand side or indeed the television screens in the back of the headrests. I am not a lover of this technology for children
simply because they watch too much television already. But I can see that it is useful on a long journey because it does avoid any complaints or arguments from the little backseat passengers who are quite simply mesmerised by CBBC. We actually find this system easier to operate than the television in the house. The large folding rear armrest houses the remote control for the rear television screens and passengers can also use headphones so that the driver has some peace and quiet. Rear passengers also benefit from heated and adjustable rear seats as well as air conditioning controls. It’s an easy vehicle to drive on the road with its automatic eight speed gearbox and there are paddle shifts either side of the steering wheel for more engaging driving. Driving the Range Rover is like sitting in your favourite armchair and piloting it to wherever you wish to go. It’s pretty quick too for a 3-litre turbodiesel bearing in mind the size and weight of this vehicle. The sound of the V6 is music to the ears and not something that you would typically associate with a diesel. It returns an average of 40 or so mpg which again is pretty impressive and far better than its predecessor. But driving on the road is really only half the experience of driving a Range Rover. This is a vehicle that is targeted at farmers and the horse riding fraternity. For the cost of a small house in northern England you get suspension that can rise and fall by the push of a button. There is an electrically operated tow bar that again can be operated by the click of a switch. There are some videos at testdrives.biz showing how these functions operate. Designers have clearly thought long and hard about
what will make the life of a Range Rover owner easier. Even the boot opens and shuts electrically. It is very much a vehicle that you can drive anywhere without discomfort. On the open road it can travel fast and in a field it will travel competently. Its intelligent cruise control automatically brakes and accelerates and stop/start technology helps the efficiency. To make the driving experience even more user-friendly there is a touchscreen information system in the centre of the luxurious dashboard. While parked the driver and front passenger can watch most of the Freeview channels. We drive to Sussex and there didn’t seem to be any problems with reception or streaming, putting our laptop to shame when we try to stream iplayer etc. The front seats can even be heated or cooled by using this touchscreen. The cameras can also be viewed. Basically there are cameras all around the Range Rover providing good all round visibility when parking or manoeuvring. There is even a kerb view camera. We all like the large fixed panoramic roof, which really does let a good deal of light into the cabin. This can be covered by the click of a switch. When I open the driver’s door at night I am pleasantly surprised by the light on the floor with a hologram of a Range Rover in it. I can’t think of anything else that could be improved upon and this new Range Rover is certainly a worthy successor to its forebears. FACTS AT A GLANCE New price: £80,650 0-60mph: 7.4secs Top speed: 130mph
Power: 254bhp Economy: 40mpg Watch the videos at www. testdrives.biz
Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former Business and Motoring Editor of the Bournemouth Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar. For more independent unbiased car reviews and videos visit www.testdrives.biz
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