RTN Costa del Sol Edition 005

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Your English Newspaper

Arts & Entertainment

COSTA DEL SOL & GIBRALTAR roundtownnews.co.uk 30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010


Issue 005

This week see’s the launch of our new RTN LIFE section. See centre page pull out.


Now open Sundays 10am - 6pm see page 7!

British woman arrested

Jon Gaunt joins RTN by Jack Troughton

She was detained in the early hours of Monday July 26th, as a suspect in the death of her husband in Benalmádena. • p4

CONTROVERSIAL AND outspoken presenter Jon Gaunt has joined the RTN family to pen a hard-hitting column and take a caustic and entertaining look at the World. Starting today and every Friday, award-winning Gaunty writes exclusively for RTN and examines current affairs in The Jon Gaunt Column. After winning legions of expat fans with former radio show SunTalk, Jon bounces back with Spain’s favourite free newspaper to share his ‘direct and honest’ views. And he said: “I am absolutely delighted to be offered the opportunity to write for what I think is the best English language paper on the Costas. “I hope what I write will sometimes infuriate people; sometimes people will be angry with it; and sometimes people will have a laugh.

New entertainment guide find out what’s on in your area • p12

Beauty tips Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup is now available in Spain • p15

Edible flowers Find out which flowers can be used in cooking, as infusions or flavourings • p16

Child pool safety recommendations

A focus on the prevention of child injuries, particularly in the area of water safety • p18

HONEST “It will be direct and honest and say what I really think – I will not be playing devil’s advocate but giving my take on what is happening in the World and, of course, in Spain. Basically, I will be shooting from the lip as usual.” And Jon, who reviews the newspapers every Wednesday morning on Sky TV with Eamonn Holmes at 07.40 and 08.40, believes his RTN articles will provoke an energetic response from readers. “No-one at RTN has told me to tone down the act so it will be exactly what people have come to expect from me,” he said. “I never expect people to agree with

Willie Thorne

Talks with the RTN • p20




Jon Gaunt

everything I say; people would soon get bored and stop listening and reading. It is just my take on the World. “It will be in the same style everyone has come to love. I am more than willing to listen to other people’s opinions – after I have stated mine!” Two week’s ago News International pulled the plug on SunTalk – broadcast live in Spain by Bay Radio and Spectrum FM. SUPPORT

“I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the messages of support I have received from people at my website www. gaunty.com, through Facebook and of course via Bay Radio and Spectrum,” he added. And as well as writing for RTN, Jon will be broadcasting twice a week live on Bay Radio – every Wednesday morning at 11.00 and Friday afternoons at 16.30 – and Costa del Sol readers can listen online at www.bayradio.fm RTN’s managing director Geoff Gartland said he believed readers would find The Jon Gaunt Column an irresistible attraction. “This is a real coup for RTN and marvellous for both the paper and our readers,” he said. “I am absolutely delighted Jon has chosen RTN before other newspapers in Spain. “Jon is a true professional and with his high profile and sometimes controversial views, I think we have a winning combination with the column.” Geoff added: “I know a lot of people were very disappointed when SunTalk was taken off air but now people can still keep in touch with Gaunty and enjoy his very individual style.”

Read “The Jon Gaunt Column” on page



15-21 JANUARY 2010

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Killer whales in the Strait of Gibraltar By Gabrielle Rey EXPERTS STATE that the killer whales like to travel to the province of Cádiz from the middle of July to mid September when the temperatures are at their highest. It is calculated that around fifty of these enormous creatures arrive to the straits in family groups. They are not easy to see, but this does not stop some 70,000 people going out on excursions that leave daily from the port of Tarifa in small boats organized by various different companies on the coast ( Turmares, Firmm, Aventura Marina, Aventura Tarifa & Whale Watch Tarifa), you can find out more about these trips on each company’s web page. BIOLOGICAL STUDIES The adventure, which lasts two hours depends a lot on luck, although many companies offer a free second trip if none are seen on the first.

Some of these companies also carry out biological studies on whales. There have been sightings of sperm whales, common and bottle nosed dolphins, short fin pilot whales and rorquals, which can reach up to 20 metres long and can weigh up to 80 tons. Killer whales can reach up to eight metres long and can weigh up to nine tons. BLUE SHARK We also had a visit to the coast of San Roque some days ago, from a blue shark, which appeared close to the light house on the Carbonera beach. The Guardia Civil and Civil Protection evacuated the beach and put up the red flag, although no one seemed to want to go for a swim at that moment! It was detected just a few metres off the shore at 4:30 pm, when the beach was full of people. Some were even able to take pictures.

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These amazing creatures can be seen of the coast of Tarifa


the Jon Who’s behind cross border smuggling? Jeremy Clarkson is in hot water again By Eddie Taylor A routine tobacco case in the Magistrates’ Court last week offered rare insight into the human circumstances behind the rise in cross-border cigarette smuggling. With over 10,000 people unemployed in La Linea and over 30,000 in the Campo de Gibraltar as a whole, tobacco is seen by many as an easy way of supplementing a low income. They come to Gibraltar from across the social spectrum to buy cigarettes and earn a few extra euros. Some stick to the legal limits, others not. The defendants last week were a middle-aged couple, well dressed, polite. They were out of work and said the unemployment benefits had run dry. They had driven into Gibraltar in the family car, which had been specially converted for the job. The air conditioning unit had been removed, leaving ample space to stash 6,800 Winston cigarettes. They almost got away with it but were stopped in the border loop by officers from HM Customs. In court the woman said the tobacco did not belong to them, hinting at an organized trade exploiting low level contraband. “I was given the money by people in La Linea to buy the tobacco for them,” she said, speaking through a translator. “It’s the only thing we could do.”We had nothing to live on and three kids to look after.” In court, both defendants admitted tobacco-related charges. They were fined £265 each, a small fine for a petty offense. The court ordered the seizure of the cigarettes and the vehicle, which had been valued by the prosecution at £10,000. This case highlights the ways that organized crime exploits the vulnerable victims of the economic crises which is hitting hard in Spain.

THIS TIME the motoring megamouth has upset some Muslims by suggesting that he saw a woman in a full veil trip over in the street to reveal a full set of saucy underwear under her Dalek uniform. Evidently hundreds of viewers (well okay 7!) have complained and now the fanatical arm of Islam is also complaining about a cinema and viral advert that shows a woman putting on stockings and skimpy knickers before donning a burka. There have already been protests outside cinemas and now they are demanding that the advert be pulled from the Internet. How they expect that to happen they don’t explain, but the real question is: How much longer are we in the West going to bend to these extremists? Imagine if the Catholics had reacted in the same way back in the Seventies when the late great Dave Allan constantly ripped the Michael out of their religion and even the Pope! He would have had a fatwa on his head and they would have been burning effigies of the grey haired genius in the streets. Let’s be straight, there is no room for this medieval costume which makes women second-class citizens in modern day tolerant Britain, or any other western country. France is right to ban it and Spain is correct to consider banning it. If I went to Saudi, my wife and the girls would dress modestly and Lisa wouldn’t drive which would be a Godsend (or an Allah send!) But I’m sure you get my drift. Never has the cliché ‘When in Rome’ been more apt. It is time to ban the Burka right across Europe now.

Four fires in Estepona so far this Summer

By Gabrielle Rey LAST SATURDAY a fire that originated inside a home in Calle Juan Ramón Jimenez in Estepona had all the neighbours out on the street in the middle of the night and caused damage to the building, the affected property and the loss of a pet. This summer, Estepona is being particularly affected by fires as this is the fourth so far this year. The largest was in the area of El Padrón, with 19 hectares burnt. Another fire broke out in a home in Calle Santa Ana which occurred during the celebration of the fair four weeks ago. One day before this, the fire brigade had to rush to extinguish a fire on land belonging to the Agricultural Association, which thanks to the rapid intervention of the brigade, was put out in less than an hour.

The fire brigade are particularly busy in Estepona this year

30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010 15-21 JANUARY 2010


See Jon live on Sky News with Eamonn Holmes each Wednesday morning at 7.40 am and 8.40am with a review of the U.K papers and don’t forget you can listen online to Jon on BayRadio each Wednesday morning from 11.00 am and Friday afternoons at 4.30pm with his current affairs review www.bayradio.fm

As a kid, Alex Higgins was one of my sporting heroes. He did truly revolutionise the sport. However, as I grew up to be a father and a husband I realised he was no real man but instead a drunken wife beating moron and the eulogies granted to him this week have not reflected this enough.

Just a quick thought: am I the only person who is fed up with politicians saying that we are all in this together?

For the record, we are not. Most of us haven’t got copper-bottomed pensions, and certainly not a million in the bank as most cabinet ministers have. More importantly, if any of us had fiddled our expenses on the industrial scale they did we would have been sacked at the least and before the beak at worst. Now we hear many of them


A survey this week has declared that not only do some dogs bear uncanny resemblance to their masters but that they can also adopt many of their owners’ mannerisms and habits. So that’s why my mate’s pooch in Javea is constantly trying to hump my leg then?!

are selling their second homes at a healthy profit. Of course the mortgages were subsidised by us but the Dishonourable Members are trousering all the cash as they head to the office to pick up their generous pay offs courtesy of the British tax payer for effectively being sacked at the last election by their so called bosses, us mugs. Not only that, but just you try fiddling your tax or paying your VAT late and see if you get away with it without being pursued like a rabid dog for the cash and the hefty interest on top. I repeat we are not all in this together and it is true that some animals (The self serving pigs of Westminster) are definitely more equal than others.

According to the Sun, Spurs boss Harry Redknapp has adopted that donkey that the cruel Russian was making Para glide as a tourist attraction. ‘Arry should have phoned Cappello - he’s got 22 asses available...


30 JULYJANUARY - 12 AUGUST2010 2010 15-21

A British woman arrested for murder in Benalmádena by Eddie Taylor A BRITISH WOMAN was detained in the early hours of Monday July 26th, as a suspect in the death of her husband in Benalmádena. According to police sources, shortly after 1am they received a call from the Torremuelle urbanization in Torremolinos, Benalmádena, in which it was reported that a British man who was inside his home had stab wounds. A neighbour in the Altavista apartment complex where the couple lived, said that about that time a woman who was his neighbour and appeared distraught, came round to ask for help. He went into the couple’s house and saw the body of a man lying between the hall and kitchen. He then called the emergency services. He

indicated that he found a large amount of blood in the bedroom of the victim’s apartment and that he had taken the pulse of the deceased to see if he was alive. Shortly after the discovery by neighbours, police and emergency services attended, they could do nothing to save the life of the man who had a deep stab wound and he was pronounced dead at the scene. Subsequently, the Violent Crime and Forensic Science, unit attended the small flat on the first floor of the building which proceeded to the arrest of the woman. The detainee, identified only as M.C. 48 years old from Sunderland, was taken to the National Police station in Benalmádena-Torremolinos. On Tuesday she was taken before a judge in Torremolinos and

Spain - an example to follow

By Gabrielle Rey SPAIN HAS obtained maximum points in an international report by the USA which evaluated their efforts in the battle against Trafficking in Persons (TIP). This has been made public this week after a meeting held between the Minister for Equality, Bibian Aidos and the American Ambassador, CdeBaka, who is on a Special Mission to eradicate people trafficking. Following the arrest of Kas Selah, known as the ‘God Father’ and more than one hundred other people involved in Madrid (see article on Operación Afrodita), the report highlights the high level of effort made

ordered to be detained pending further investigations for murder. The next morning you could still see bloody footprints on the pavement outside the door of the apartment, which was cordoned off by the police. The neighbors were all shocked by what happened, and explained that the couple were very “quiet” and even “sociable” and would always talk to the other residents. “We have known this couple more than four years and we’ve never seen anything weird, this is a fairly quiet urbanization,” said Jose Caceres another resident of the block. A National Police spokesperson said that there is no evidence that there were any prior complaints of violence between the couple, and as yet, the real cause of what led the woman to these actions is unknown.

by the government in Spain to eliminate the advertisements offering sexual favours in all national press. More than 180 countries have been studied in this report titled ‘TIP’, which began to be published in the year 2000, and is the only global and integral instrument regarding this matter. The Ambassador acknowledged the legal reforms that have taken place in Spain to combat the problem as well as the funds for the protection of victims and the existence of a national mechanism of coordination. According to the ministry, the meeting between Aidos and CdeBaca is the first of a series of official meetings that have been called by the American Ambassador, which will also include the Minister for Justice, Francisco Caamaño, the Secretary for State Security, Antonio Camacho, the State Prosecutor, Candido Conde-Pumpido and the all NGO’s working on the eradication of human trafficking.

Though it’s been around for literally thousands of years, the Mangosteen fruit is not commonly known the world over. Typically grown in southeast Asia and other tropical climates, its taste is beyond compare. Containing a dark purple rind and boasting a sweet white pulp, it is roughly about the size of a tangerine. Delicious as it is functional, the Mangosteen fruit is rich in xanthones, which will promote healthy bodily function. In addition, each serving of Mangosteen contains up to 5 grams of fiber.

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By Eddie Taylor BRITISH AIRWAYS and Iberia have been given the green light to join forces, creating the newlybranded flight company ‘Oneworld’. This will make the joint venture between the UK and Spanish state airlines the third-largest in Europe, after Lufthansa and Air France-KLM, and one of the fifth-largest in the world. As a result of this authorization for the merger, from the European Commission, BA shares went up. It is thought Oneworld will be up and running as a brand by the end of this year. Iberia’s CEO, Antonio Vázquez, says the move will ‘benefit all passengers’ since they will have ‘more choice of destinations’. The names British Airways and Iberia will both remain on letterheads and on airlines and publicity material, with Oneworld simply being the holding company. It will have more than 420 airlines and cover over 100 countries. By the time they have been running as a joint concern for five years, Iberia and BA expect to save around 400 million Euros a year by merging. It has taken around two years for the merger to be authorized, since anti-monopoly rules had to be examined to ensure they were adhered to.

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British Airways and Iberia merger agreed

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Operation ‘Afrodita’ by Gabrielle Rey THIS MONDAY has seen the arrest of Kas Selah, (63), originally from Saudi Arabia although he has had Spanish nationality since 1999. He has invested 45,000 Euros per month to advertise his luxury brothels which have made him a respected magnate in the world of prostitution. While the police carried out the raid of his property, he offered them drinks from his well provisioned bar and sat down comfortably on his white leather sofa, looking out onto the large swimming pool. One hundred police agents carried out raids in 35 different properties in Madrid at the same time and closed down an enormous prostitution network that sexually exploited 350 women of different nationalities and monopolized 50% of the ‘contact’ adverts published in the Spanish press daily. 700,000 EUROS PROFIT MONTHLY The business has been working for the past 15 years, providing him with some 700,000 Euros monthly and taking him right to the top. Proof of this being the wardrobes filled with designer garments and suits, silk ties and scarves, not to mention the two Porches and the Jaguar in the garage. The chalet also boasts an underground discotheque open 24/7 for select clients. The organizers of this network had recently called all the girls to

a photo session to promote their services on the internet, in view of Zapatero’s announcement of his intention to forbid this type of advertising in the press.

Ten swimmers cross the Straits on the same day

30 JULYJANUARY - 12 AUGUST2010 2010 15-21

OPERATION AFRODITA The key to the success of this operation, which has been named ‘Operación Afrodita’ has been the scrupulous investigation carried out seven months prior to the detention. This has allowed for the total dismantlement of the pyramid structure of the criminal organisation. From the general director to the admin personnel. There has been a total of 105 arrested, all being directly involved in the girls activities. Employees in the brothels have confirmed that the girls were authentic prisoners, living in the back of the luxurious rooms where the clients were met, with no windows. They were obliged to stay in these rooms until a client would arrive. CALL CENTRES A selection of attractive advertisements that at first glance had nothing to do with each other, were repeatedly placed in all national newspapers and lead to suspicion by police. It has been discovered that all calls went into a room with eight telephone lines, one specifically for each of the different ads. In this way, the girls knew immediately which ad the client would be referring to in order to inform him about the services or tariffs applied.

Arriving at last at the other side

Will President Obama holiday in Marbella?

By Eddie Taylor THE U.S. PRESIDENT is to visit Spain in the first week of August, according to the Spanish press this week. This will be as part of a European tour. It has been reported that members of staff for the Obama family have rented a large number of villas and apartments in the luxury resort hotel Villa Padierna, part of the Ritz-Carlton chain, a luxury golfing resort in Marbella. Diplomatic sources in Washington and Madrid confirmed that it was possible that a visit was planed; a 99 percent chance, said one spokesperson, saying that





By Gabrielle Rey THE ASSOCIATION ‘Cruce a Nado del Estrecho de Gibraltar’ (The Gibraltar Straits Swimming Association) (ACNEG) has certified a new historic record in this challenge, as ten swimmers from four different countries have individually covered the more or less fourteen kilometre stretch last weekend. The swimmers were accompanied by various boats belonging to the Association to guarantee their security. Six of them, among them one woman, arrived at the coastal area of Cruces in Morocco, while the other four arrived at Punta Almansa. The participants were Juan Dominguez, Jorge Estalella, José Antonio Peix, José María López and Jorge Balbas from Spain, Brendan Luke and Ky Hurzt from Australia, Kevin Micheal Owens and Amy Marie Aukstikalnis from the USA and Alan Edward Morelli from England. The ages of the group vary between 25 and 48. The times taken to cross were between 4 hours and 53 minutes and 5 hours and 8 minutes. Congratulations to all!

the family had a cultural empathy with Spain and the fondness of his vice president, John Biden, for this country. Despite the news not being confirmed, sources told RTN that if it were to happen it would be a clear demonstration of the excellent relations currently between Spain and the United States and quite a coo for the town of Marbella. The latest as we go to press is that the White House now confirms that the U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and her daughter, or daughters will holiday in Marbella and will visit the king in Mallorca, but the President will not be in attendance. So the plot thickens, and is it likely that she would be away for his birthday which is on the 4th. I think this is one of those instances that you will just have watch and wait.



30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010

Palm Weevils

TELL DAVID he is doing a good job but time consuming and expensive. I have been dealing with these little blighters for over a year now and cracked it 6 months ago. All you need to do is get some Jeyes Fluid. Put a tablespoon of Jeyes in a 1Lt bottle, along with some good liquid fertilizer. Shake it up and pour it into the middle of the tree so that it cascades down over the trunk. This will kill any Weevil bugs and it also kills off the beetles in a cocoon state. The pungent smell it gives off will deter any Weevil even flying near it. It also fertilizes the tree and they become a much darker green. I do this monthly when pruning the trees and have not seen a weevil for weeks. I also treated six other Phoenix Palms in the street and we have not lost one palm. You should advise all your readers if they own a Phoenix Palm to treat them even if the palm looks healthy, at least every 3 weeks in the summer and 4 in the winter all through the year. Jake

talk tous

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letter of the week

Anonymity when writing publicly

READING AVIDLY as I do, my thoughts have recently been drawn to the subject of anonymity and why persons should feel it necessary to use this option when writing publicly in a modern society. As we all know, people have fought, and indeed still are fighting and dying around the World, defending the freedom of human expression, the most fundamental of human rights. A number of reasons for remaining anonymous spring to mind ranging from the mundane to the more sinister: it may simply be that one does not have the courage of one’s convictions; it may also be that one is prepared

to express views that are not true, that he does not believe to be true or does not care whether the view is true or not. Of course it may also be that one is in breach of or intends to breach National or International Law and is looking out for one’s own interests. I would like to think that most people would agree that just Laws are essential in a modern society in order for citizens to live rich and peaceful lives. It is, however, essential that freedom of human expression is upheld and this responsibility lies not just with Governments and Politicans but also the media in all its forms. There will always be abuses of

Beware! Burglars

I thought you might be interested in letting your readers know of two gypsy ladies attempting to break in on Sunday July 18th at Los Almendros, Campo Mijas... On returning from the communal pool area we found our front gate open, one woman standing just inside holding it nearly closed, another at the front door shaking the reja which protects the door. We immediately started to photograph them with a mobile phone and at the same time attempting

freedoms as we see so often, however on the whole it must be right that we are able to freely express opinions amongst one another. We may not always agree but must always respect another’s right to have an opinion. It always saddens me, therefore, when I read an article submitted by an anonymous writer and indeed it detracts from the content of the article. On the other hand, I would not wish an article to be withheld for this reason alone as valid points are sometimes raised. I am pleased that this newspaper reflects a balanced view of both arguments. Jim Ireland

to call the police. They started to claim that they were looking for water and food for their children. As our house is in a cul-de-sac there was no valid reason for them to be passing. One look at our front gate lock showed that it had been broken (probably by a hammer) - they claimed that they had found it open. They were in no hurry to leave until we said we had phoned the police. We realised that the photos taken on the phone would be poor quality so I got my camera from the house and got in the car to search for them. After 20 minutes driving round the urbanisation I gave up and had just parked the car when they walked past the end of our road. Off

I went again, this time I pulled up alongside them and photographed them. I drove off having said I was taking the photos to the police. When I did look closer at our back doors, 2 of the patio doors had damage from tyre levers or similar and plant pots had been moved around. The next day I took the photos to the community office and the staff faxed them to the police and then posted the warning on the noticeboard. We have been told that some urbanisations have hooters or noisy instruments to warn their neighbours which we think is a good idea. Kind regards, Angie

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30 JULYJANUARY - 12 AUGUST2010 2010 15-21


The Spanish property inheritance tax time bomb NON-DOMICILED property owners in Spain are sitting on a ticking IHT time bomb. Most owners do not understand that their Heirs and their Estate will pay IHT in two jurisdictions: Spain and their Country of Domicile. The reason for this is that in Spain the individual inheritor is taxed, whereas in other countries, like the UK, it is the estate that is taxed. This could mean that on the by death of an owner the surviving partner, or the owner’s Beneficiaries, could have a Tax Bill that virtually wipes out the entire Spanish Inheritance. Added to this is the cost of Probate in both countries for the Inheritors too. Company Director and Spanish Tax Consultant Most Lawyers in Spain recommend to Owners that having a Spanish Will deals with the problem; this is incorrect, as a Will only deals with the issue when there is a death and does not remove Taxation in Spain. Other advice given is that double Taxation treaties between Spain and the UK help with the Tax being reduced. This is true in identical taxes but these are not, as in the UK it is the Estate which is taxed and in Spain it is the Beneficiaries who are taxed. It therefore should not be assumed that one tax can be offset against the other as they are both totally different taxes on totally different entities. Many Owners are advised to re-finance the property as IHT is not charged on the property amount if there is an outstanding mortgage and loan, but this may end up leaving the beneficiaries with a huge debt they cannot pay off and many lenders will only finance the ownership if suitable life insurance is taken out, so the property is paid for on death and the Tax still becomes due.

Mark Roach

Owning a property with your children is a favourite; this is not a good idea either as their share of the property may end being at risk through financial or marital issues and if they die before the parents then the parents have to pay taxes to get the property back. Our solution to the IHT/ISD problem in Spain is for the owner/s to invest the property into a UK Private Limited Company which they would own as Shareholder/s of the Company. There would not be a 7% Transfer tax in Spain on this transaction unlike other property transfer transactions. This method may eradicate all taxes in Spain in the future, in respect of the property, as under EU Law a UK Company is only taxed in one jurisdiction, the UK, and no taxes are payable onwardly in Spain. A UK Company is not an Offshore Company like Gibraltar or the Isle of Man as they are charged an annual tax by Spain of 3% for not being part of the EU Community. Shares in the UK Company can be dealt within a UK Will and depending on the structure of the Company; the Shares may be exempt from Inheritance Tax in the UK as well. A further advantage of the Company Structure is that ‘attributable expenses’, such as Mortgage Interest, Council Tax Bills, Water, Electricity, Repairs and Maintenance can all be Tax Deductable by the Company; this may also include car hire and flights for the Directors. Unfortunately if you own a property in Spain in your own name then you may not be allowed to offset income against expenditure by the Spanish Tax Authorities. Also the benefit in kind tax for Directors of a UK Company which owns property abroad has now been removed.

Wincham Consultants Limited, Wincham House, Greenfield Farm Trading Estate, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4TR, England. (Wincham Consultants also have offices located on the Costa Blanca) UK Tel: +44 (0)1260 299 700 | Spain Tel: +34 965 830 991 | Email: iht.info@wincham.com | Web: www.winchamiht.com

This is a simple solution costing less than most probate and legal fees in Spain when there is a death of an owner of the property. Our unique service is available to all Nationalities, including both Residents and Non Residents of Spain and can be completed within 2 to 4 weeks if required. We have been developing our systems and process for many years as we strive to be the market leader in this type of transaction. This is an exciting new opportunity to participate in an emerging and growing market, introducing a concept that can only benefit and protect clients who are failed time and time again by both Spanish and UK professionals, as they are unable to advise on more than one jurisdiction. The clients’ website, where they can register for their free illustration showing the IHT/ISD liability in Spain, is www.winchamiht.com Wincham is an International organisation that has been established since 1994 helping Clients purchase and own property in Spain using a corporate structure to combat Taxation in Spain. In recent years we have seen a significant increase in the number of people who are concerned about ISD in Spain and are now looking to address the situation to protect their Beneficiaries. Wincham has offices in both the UK and Spain and within our organisation we have qualified professionals in both jurisdictions including Gestors, Economistas, Tax Consultants, Lawyers, Will Writers, Chartered Accountants, Members of the Institute of Credit Management and a Companies House Formation Agent.

30 july - 12 August 2010




30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010

Introducing Lawsons Equity LAWSONS EQUITY Limited are pleased to have been invited to write the first Financial Services feature for the RTN here on the Costa Del Sol, for what we are sure will be a professional and long standing business relationship for years to come. Firstly, let me give you a brief overview on our background and the company. Lawsons Equity is authorized and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority and just as importantly has been ´passported´ into Spain to an investment services provider as required by law through the Spanish Regulator ( CNMV, La Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores). Although this may all appear to be legal and technical jargon to some readers, this means you can expect to receive financial advice in the same manner you would receive in the United Kingdom i.e. completing a Personal Financial Analysis with one of our qualified consultants enabling him/her to identify your financial areas of not just strengths but also weaknesses and subsequently

preparing a written set of personal recommendations based upon the information gathered above which enables you, the client, to make an informed decision in your own time and at your own convenience. Our consultants can provide an initial meeting either in the comfort of your home or at our offices in Marbella. The above process helps us to take a snapshot of your current situation and future objectives and help the consultant to ascertain your attitude towards invest risk. This factor is crucial and specific to an investors needs and will be linked to many different factors in relation to the investor’s current situation, salary and/or pension, including investment income and dividends, age, future requirements and personal financial objectives. In other words, in some cases a client may be more comfortable with an investment that is perhaps similar to a bank or building society i.e. in such cases the original capital invested is safe and secure with a minimum growth rate, or conversely whereby a client is

adventurous when considering where to invest and is aware that the potential returns could be very high but indeed could suffer enormous losses. The above two risk levels are at two opposite ends of the tolerance ladder and as such would only relate to a very cautious investor or an adventurous investor. A clients attitude to investment risk enables Lawsons Equity to identify three further categories which sit between the above two whilst ensuring the investor has retained other funds with easy access to cater for unforeseen circumstances in the future, thus enabling the new investment time to achieve the growth and/or income in line with the clients’ financial objectives. Once a risk level has been attained and agreed with a client it is then important to source the type of investments which suits the risk category. This may lead to investments with a capital secure profile combined with a degree of flexibility or perhaps commodities, bonds and other types of assets.

This article is written by Peter Hardy of Lawsons Equity LTD. Regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority and “passported” into Spain as required by law through the Spanish Regulator CNMV. Tel: 952 768 375. Email: info@lawsonsequity.co.uk / www.lawsonsequity.co.uk

Telefonica told to lower prices to other operators

THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS Market Commission has ordered that Telefónica’s wholesale tariffs charged to other operators be reduced. They are demanding a reduction of between 30% and 40% depending on the speed of the line. It takes wholesale prices down to among the lowest in Europe.

Toshiba does U turn over prizes TOSHIBA HAS done a U turn and has now said that it will be giving out free laptops and televisions to those who purchased them as part of their world cup promotion ‘Si la Roja Gana, Tú Ganas’. Earlier the company had refused to pay out to those participants

who had failed to register on a company website, but following complaints from the consumers’ organization FACUA, they will now give the prizes to all who purchased during the promotion, whether they registered online or not.

Tax man missing millions THE SPANISH tax man is missing out on 80 million€ a year because of a legal loop hole regarding online gambling. A 20% jump in online gaming has been matched by a fall in the controls on the business. Last year such companies in Spain saw an income of 1.1 billion €, but the business remains unregulated here. Many of the companies are based in financial havens and their profits are not seen by the Spanish Hacienda.

Arts & Entertainment sponsored by


30 july - 12 August 2010

food: tapas

marbella tapas fair

For All Your Entertainment Needs (0034) 627 652 782

travel: tarifa

wild & windy By Eddie Taylor TARIFA IS the southernmost town in Europe, lapped by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, with claims to have had a settlement there since the dawn of time. There are nearly 38 kilometres of beaches in the municipal area, most consisting of fine, shallow sands, the highlight of which is Los Lances, a veritable complex of beaches, dunes, pine forests and mud flats. It began to take shape with the construction of the 10th-century castle in the time of Abderraman III. The urban layout and narrow cobbled streets of the period are still in evidence today. The tumbling jasmine and beautiful wrought-iron rejas make Tarifa old town a charming place for a stroll. This little fishing town, where local fishermen still use the Almadraba method of fishing using a circle of boats and nets, a practice which has not changed since the 13th Century, was the first point of the Moorish invasion of Southern Spain in AD711. In 1295 Guzman El Bueno defended the town against the invading Moors. According to the local legend, the Moors captured his son and threatened to kill him if Guzman didn’t surrender the town. He refused and threw down his sword with which they then killed his son. Further inland, part of the town belongs to Los Alcornocales Natural Park. Also within the town boundary is Bolonia Cove, a place of great beauty and the site of the Roman ruins of Baelo Claudia.

Kite surfing

Tarifa’s wild coastline attracts surfers and nature-lovers alike, is where the sea meets the ocean, where the mountains tower over the virgin coastline of the Costa de la Luz, and where you can walk on the long white sandy beach or climb the dunes without bumping into another person. World-famous for its wind and kite surfing, but what you might not know is that it is just as famous for its bird watching. It is the ideal spot for combining a laid-back holiday with active sports, horse-riding, hanggliding, kite-surfing, rock-climbing and diving to name but a few. Or visit the delightful, typical


Spanish white villages nearby. Just 14 km across the Straits of Gibraltar at its narrowest point, this southern-most tip of Europe where the Med meets the Atlantic Ocean, enjoys spectacular views of the Rif Mountains of Africa across the water, the ideal spot for a day trip to Tangiers Morocco, but don’t forget your passport!

Bottlenose dolphins

When two large bodies of water such as the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea meet in one place and with just a mere 14km dividing it, it is no surprise that there must be something special going on. The sheer diversity between temperatures, salt contents, currents and natural environment of these two water stretches, generate two distinct animal habitats which, curiously enough, need each other to survive. So many species on land and water use this connecting point to enter new environments for breeding, feeding or simply protection, and Tarifa’s strategic position is ideal to see all this happening. The beauty of whale watching in the Southern most point of Europe cannot be described properly here, the animals surround your boats, nosing around and playing. Three different types of dolphins inhabit the recently established Natural Park of the Strait of Gibraltar: common, striped and bottlenose, and they share the habitat with pilot whales. Furthermore, killer whales, sperm whales and fin whales migrate through the Strait from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, and vice versa. You are almost guaranteed to see some of them during your trip, with most companies offering a discount if you do not see any of these wonderful animals. There is plenty of accommodation in the area to cater for all tastes from camp sites to hostels and some excellent hotels, mainly located to the north of the town, so if you just want to relax, there’s plenty of choice. During July and August it is advisable to book in advance. For more information contact the Tourist Office; Address: Paseo de la Alameda, s/n, 11380 Tarifa (Cádiz). Phone number: 956 680 993, or visit www.tarifaweb.com

By Eddie Taylor THE AVENIDA del Mar, Marbella will host the third gastronomic fair ‘Marbella Tapas’ from the 5th to the 8th August, with three Michelin star judges in the jury, and the participation of 12 catering establishments. The councilor for Festivals and the Historical Centre, Santos Pedrazuela, stressed that with this third edition of the Tapas Fair, it has established itself as one of the best summer food fairs throughout the Costa del Sol. The councilor, Santos Pedrazuela, accompanied by the director of the World Group and the fair producer, Juan Antonio Rodriguez, the director of Mahou the fair sponsor, Miguel de Hoyos, and food critic, Fernando Rueda has provided the details of this gastronomic event which opens on August 5th. The aim is intended to spread the wealth and variety of traditional cuisine, thus, locals and visitors will have the opportunity to taste, over the four days, high quality, native delicacies at very attractive prices (1€ a beer and 1.50€ for beer and tapa) during the

event which will be open from 12pm to 5pm and 7pm to 12am over the 3 days. The catering establishments will compete in the traditional tapas contest, with three tapas in two categories: ‘Tapa Popular’, based on products and recipes of popular and/ or traditional Mediterranean

Don’t miss one of the summer’s best food fairs

diet and ‘Tapa Innovadora’ which is open both in the ingredients and in the techniques of making them. The jury will be composed of renowned professionals from the hospitality industry and gourmets, among whom there will be the three Michelin star judges.


30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010



the Fifth marbella reggae festival By Eddie Taylor THE FIFTH edition of Marbella Reggae Festival will be held on the Playa El Pinillo on Saturday July 31st with a full range of acts and styles taking part. The director of the Youth activities, Diego Lopez, accompanied by the promoter of Slab Rockers, Alejandro González, at the press conference this week announced that the Marbella Reggae Festival for which entrance is free is to be held at The Pinillo beach from 5pm.

Diego Lopez pointed out that “as an anti-crisis measure, we have again organized the festival on the beach and with free admission, so we expect a large influx of people.” He also explained that the festival created to raise awareness of new groups and aid their careers, will feature the best music of southern Spain and will cover all styles, including oldies, new roots, dub and dancehall, and others . The 5th Marbella Reggae Festival will include

Benalmádena Branch 1357 presents

70th Anniversary Battle Of Britain Dinner Dance September 11th 2010

Sol Andalusi Resort, Alhaurin De La Torre 1930 for 2000 Hrs Tickets €40 Includes arrival drinks and aperitifs, 3 course dinner (wine, water included), coffee. Dress: lounge suit - dinner jacket optional Tickets from: 95 256 7412, 95 248 4117, 622 865 998 or 622 561 635 B&B available at resort for 69€ per couple See also: www.rafabenalmadena.co.uk

the following groups, representatives of Cadiz, Granada, Seville, Cordoba, Almeria and Malaga: - King Wadada Sound - Positive Sound System. - Chinese Grade - Poor House Rockers - Mufaya Sound - Almighty Selector - Deeper Sound - Bangarang Sound - Vaporetto Sound - Vibrasound - Fuman Selecta - Blood And Fyah Sound - Chalawa Sound - Caleta Sound

Ladies Lunch at El Potro Restaurant THE LADIES lunch, in aid of PAD animal shelter, will be held at El Potro restaurant in Urb La Sierrazuela, just outside Fuengirola. The event will take place on Saturday 7th August and starts at 12:30pm. Attending the lunch will be special guest speaker Maurice Boland from Talk Radio Europe, come and meet the fascinating person behind the voice! The price is €18 for the buffet and half a bottle of wine. To book or for more information please phone Lisa on 658 351 642.

Entertainment listings FRI 30TH JULY

Terri Fox – Buzbys Fun Pub, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Hotel Riu Monica, Nerja Buddy Walker – El Elefante, Benalmadena Revival (Rock N Roll) – El Elefante, Benalmadena Divas – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena



Alhaurin Rock Night, Municipal Park 10pm Terri Fox – Buzbys Fun Pub, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Hotel Riu Monica, Nerja Revival (Rock N Roll) – El Elefante, Benalmadena Buddy Walker – El Elefante, Benalmadena Divas – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena

Faithless – Puerto Banús Bullring 4Sure (Take That) – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena Double O Soul – El Elefante, Benalmadena Revival (TOTP 70’s) – El Elefante, Benalmadena Marbella reggae festival - Playa El Pinillo The Difters, Buddha Beach, Puerto Banús








4Sure – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena Dalton – El Mojito, La Carihuela Ricky Lavazza – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena The Raw – El Elefante, Benalmadena Revival – Ele Elefante, Benalmadena Terri Fox – Buzbys Fun Pub, Benalmadena Dalton – Legends, La Cala Ricky Lavazza –Hotel Riu Monica, Nerja Alan Wallace – El Elefante, Benalmadena Revival (Beatles) – El Elefante, Benalmadena Four Tops – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena Stuart Ashing – Hotel Sol Timor, Montemar Dalton – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola Ricky Lavazza – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena (Moonlight Lounge) Wayne Michaels – El Elefante, Benalmadena


Dalton – Hotel Pez Espada, Montemar Ricky Lavazza – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena (Oasis Restaurant) Revival (60’s) – El Elefante, Benalmadena Jan Brett – El Elefante, Benalmadena 4Sure (Westlife) – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena


Terri Fox – El Elefante, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola Revival – El Elefante, Benalmadena The Jacksons – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena

Terri Fox – Pickled Newt, La Cala 4Sure (Take That)– Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena Dalton – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola Revival (TOTP 70’s) – El Elefante, Benalmadena Double O Soul – El Elefante, Benalmadena 4Sure – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena Dalton - El Mojito, La Carihuela Ricky Lavazza – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena The Raw – El Elefante, Benalmadena Revival – El Elefante, Benalmadena Terri Fox – Buzbys Fun Pub, Benalmadena Dalton – Hotel Rivera, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Hotel Riu Monica, Nerja Revival (Beatles) – El Elefante, Benalmadena Alan Wallace – El Elefante, Benalmadena Four Tops – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena Dalton – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola Ricky Lavazza – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena (Moonlight Lounge) Wayne Michaels – El Elefante, Benalmadena Take a Chance On Us – El Elefante, Benalmadena Rob Stevens – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena


4Sure (Westlife) – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena Dalton – Legends, La Cala Ricky Lavazza – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena (Oasis Restaurant) Jan Brett – El Elefante, Benalmadena Revival (60’s) – El Elefante, Benalmadena


Terri Fox – El Elefante, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola Revival – El Elefante, Benalmadena Jacksons – Bonanza, Benalmadena


Canyoning with Team ADVENTURE ACTIVITIES are one of the best ways to make fitness part of your lifestyle. You can enjoy a very sociable, exciting, healthy experience and not even think about the workout you’re getting. One of the most popular activities Team Xtreme offer is ‘canyoning’, as it is not too physically demanding and they choose routes that match your abilities. Plus there are lots of opportunities to take a break and relax. SPECTACULAR GORGES AND CANYONS Canyoning is a sport where you can explore water gorges, wearing a wet suit, strong shoes and a safety

helmet. Andalucía has some of Europe’s most spectacular gorges and canyons, offering stunning water falls, deep natural pools and breathtaking scenery. Team Xtreme gives you unrivalled access to these amazing rivers, their professional, fully insured guides will teach you new skills, including exhilarating and highly enjoyable abseils, climbs, jumps and of course some swimming! MAKE FITNESS AN ADVENTURE! “Make fitness an adventure!” suggests Babak Alimoradian, the energetic owner of Team Xtreme, “We’re so lucky living here in Andalucía; we have some of the finest scenery and adventure locations right on our doorstop.” Babak has been a adventure junkie since a youngster, so it was only natural that he launch one of Spain’s new breed of adventure activity companies, combining great fun in the great outdoors with some very new and exciting adventures. Take a break from routine on one of their professionally designed canyon routes in Guadalmina or the more demanding Rio Verde. There is a choice of levels, so you will be sure to experience a challenge that is suited to you, and they will also provide

30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010



Terri Fox

TERRI FOX has been in show business for over three decades, and is one of the few female impersonators in the world where versatility has gained him not only the title of “Queen of the Costa’s” but notoriety as a standup comedian, actor, and television personality. Terri’s career started when he won a talent competition at the age of sixteen, performing “Bobby’s Girl” whilst wearing his mother’s dress in a nightclub in his birth town of Manchester. Terri then left the north of England and headed to London where after a lot of hard work and adjustments, he began what we now know as his “Ladies of Legend” show, which headlined at the West End’s Madame JoJo’s. After this, Terri left for America with his one man show and stayed for almost two years, playing to packed houses and rave revues. A national tour followed where Terri played almost every theatre in the UK. Now Terri lives on the Costa del Sol, where he appears in entertainment venues all along the costa, wowing his audiences with his stunning gowns and outrageous humour.

Q & A with Terri Fox

Who does your hair? I don’t know, I’m never there, (Laughs). No seriously, all my hairpieces come from Serge’s in Las Vegas. Who makes your costumes? My closet reads like a who’s who of fashion, with gowns by Bob Mackie, Chanel, Versace, Vera Wang and my latest, Coco Vega of LA. Have you had plastic surgery? Yes, I believe in my field that you have to have maintenance, I’ve had a lot of work done over the years and I regularly have liposuction to keep my girlish figure. In your routine you talk about a grand house


to the first edition of Entertainment News, sponsored by Promonade Productions SL. Every edition, we hope to bring you all the information you´ll need, whether it´s for a night out or a day trip, to help you to decide what to do and where to do it. Each time, we will provide reviews, views and news on what´s on along the coast. If you have live entertainment at your bar / restaurant or venue and would like to appear on this page call 628 932 137 or email whatson@rtncostadelsol.com


Heart and Soul Ska & Reggae Festival Poolside with Miss Terri Fox

in Fort Lauderdale. Is this real or just part of the act? Honestly it’s real. My memory isn’t good enough to make it up and remember what I’ve said every night (Laughs). What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? While studying catering, I ended up as a male “Dinner lady”. I lasted about 2 months and I hated it. What’s your dream job? I have my dream job. I get to wear fabulous dresses and enjoy making people laugh. Is the rumour true that you’re writing a controversial book? Yes... but it’s all true! It should be on the shelves Autumn 2011. Any hints about its contents? You’ll have to wait and see. What’s your philosophy on life? Make the most of everyday, it isn’t a rehearsal.

Review by Promonade Productions S.L. Quality entertainment promotors for the Costa del Sol. Tel: (0034) 627 652 728

Xtreme all the equipment you need and a certified guide. You’re certain to get the most out of the experience in a safe and friendly environment. All canyons are in the remote, rugged Andalucían countryside, yet not too far away from home, and easy to get to. “You’re guaranteed to have a great time!” confirms Babak. WHAT’S INCLUDED: Fully qualified technical guides, Activity specific equipment (Wet suits, Helmet, Abseiling gear etc.) Insurance Coverage, Transport REQUIREMENTS: Minimum Age 18, Good swimming skills Adventure activities are capturing the imagination and attention of residents and visitors alike who want to disconnect from the stress of daily life and reconnect with nature, but with a little excitement thrown in, so ‘adrenalin-rush’ activities are getting more and more popular. Team Xtreme is set to catapult you into a real adventure of adrenalin charged discovery. This highly professional, local business is transforming Andalucía’s great outdoors into one huge adventure playground. For more information and to book your adventure: Team Xtreme – Marbella Office, Calle Miramar 12 Tel: 952 768 349 Email: info@teamxtreme.es Web: www.teamxtreme.es

AS THE end of summer approaches, a oneday Ska and Reggae Festival will be held on the outskirts of Coín to mark the occasion with a musical big band bang. Headlined by the Costa del Sol’s Looney Toonz, it will be supported by Absalut Pantz from Orgiva and Polish group Skadictator, plus others. The event will begin at 2pm on Saturday August 28th with stalls, bouncy castle, artisan and food, with music kicking off around 5pm until 2am. DJs will support the day in between live music sets with a mixture of Northern Soul, Ska and Reggae music. It is being organised by a local group of music lovers in conjunction with local radio station Heartfm Spain, and will be held in the huge function room at Venta Los Arcos on the Coín to Cartama A355 road. The idea behind the event is to promote Ska and Reggae music in a bid to lure hugely

popular South London based Ska band, The Dualers, over to Southern Spain next year. Co-organiser Steve Rowles said: “This is all part of a campaign to show The Dualers we can host an event which will warrant them coming over as part of a possible minitour in this region next summer. As a stand alone festival this year however, we have some great local and international bands supporting us and it should be great family day with some fantastic music for all ages.” Ska music is a genre of Jamaican music which became popular in the early 1960s. Looney Toonz is well known for gigs along the coast. Meanwhile, Flavours of Jamaica will be providing traditional food whilst Los Arcos will also be hosting their BBQ platters. Tickets are Đ5 in advance or Đ7.50 on the door (children under 12 free) and proceeds will go to charity Have a Heart which works with needy people within the Heartfm 95.7 broadcast area. Tickets are available from: Pogs Irish Bar in Fuengirola, Funky Cutz Hair Salon (behind Leslies), Heartfm studios (Alhaurin el Grande) or Los Arcos. For any information, to book a stall, or ticket details email: heartandska@hotmail.com or contact Heartfm Spain.

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30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010


British Romantic Art in Benalmádena By Gabrielle Rey PRIOR TO the War of Independence, Spain did not attract many foreign visitors. It was after the war that it began to acquire an exotic aura of extravagance that brought a number of curious travellers, above all English and French. They came seeking the Moorish Spain, the “Curro Jimenez” characters with long side burns, the antiquated church, the bullfighters, the elegant ladies with their mantillas, the bare footed children, the gypsies...

Feeling Patriotic? ARTIST, BENJAMIN Cooper, has recently finished his latest works. He has previously shown his work in Beirut, Buenos Aires, London and Bali. He paints houses and public buildings in the style ‘trompe d’oeil’ which uses techniques of light, shadow and texture to fool the eye into thinking a painting is three dimensional. FLAGS Because of the changes in interior design, he has developed a new way to display classic, decorative painting... in flags. The flags are hand painted using the same technique, in false marble and false wood and have been commissioned by clients already in South Africa, in fact one has been made for Nelson Mandela himself, and in the States for Al Gore. The flags are personalized with the name of the recipient, grained into the marble.

19th CENTURY SPAIN Some twenty British Artists from the 19th century - Edwin Long, Robert Kemm, John Bagnold Burgess and Trevor Haddon, among others, show us aspects of traditional Spain in an exhibition titled ‘British Romantic Artists of the 19th Century. Forty paintings that are a pleasure to view can be seen at the Centro de Exposiciones in Benalmádena throughout the whole summer (until the 26th of September), giving real insight into the life and customs in Spain in the 19th century, seen through the eyes of the romantic British artists. PRIVATE COLLECTION The exhibition is made up of thirty oil paintings and ten watercolours that belong to a private collection, the owner of which has preferred to remain anonymous. It shows us traditional Spain, with scenes of life in the country, the influence of the church, folkloric moments such as that shown in the painting by John Haynes Williams of a bullfighter titled ‘Enhorabuena’, and that

Spain through the eyes of 19th century British artists

of a young man flirting with a pretty young lady in a garden, by William Oliver. ‘Pintores Románticos Ingleses en la España del siglo XIX’. will be on show at the Centro de Exposiciones de Benalmádena, Avda. Antonio Machado 33, until the 26th of September from 10am to 2pm and from 6:30pm to 9pm. Sundays and holidays from 11:30am to 1:30pm. Telephone: 952 562 820.

Third Alhaurin Rock Night

Next Friday the 6th of August sees the third annual Alhaurin Rock Night taking place at the municipal park in in the centre of the inland town. Starting at 10pm and with free entry it will be a great night out. Two local bands Maestropajo (funk, rap & fusion) and La Tapadera (classic Rock) will be playing, backed up by two tribute bands Karkoma and A pelo y Tu, playing well known covers and music by Platero y Tu respectively.

THE SPANISH CROWN Due to Spain’s football success, he is currently working furiously on Spanish flags, the jewel of the collection being the Spanish Crown encrusted with gold painted shells and stones. Benjamin Coopers’ work will be seen this summer in various different venues along the coast and in different galleries in Puerto Banús, Marbella, (venues to be confirmed) and an example of his previous work can also be seen on the large column situated in the centre of the ‘Siglo 21’ building in Puerto Banús. You can contact him personally if you are feeling particularly patriotic and would like to order a flag yourself at textycooper@gmail.com

The South African Flag was sent to Nelson Mandela himself with his name engrained in the marble


30 JULY 12 AUGUST 2010 FEB 26 - -MARCH 4 2010

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Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup is now available in Spain! By Michelle Bromley DURING THE hot summer months in Spain it can be a challenge to look after your skin and keep your makeup looking fresh throughout the day. So it’s good news to know that Magda Skincare and Beauty Clinic in Puerto Banús have the answer for those women who want to look good without compromising the health and well-being of their skin. The Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup range is formulated exclusively from natural ingredients resulting in long-lasting, natural looking results. WHY USE MINERAL MAKEUP? Jane Iredale makeup offers a luxurious alternative to conventional makeup and is designed for women of all ages and skin types, including those with sensitive skin. All of the products are free of preservatives, talc, oil, fragrance, dyes, and other chemicals that can irritate skin, and are composed of 100% pure minerals with no additives whatsoever. Importantly, Jane Iredale makeup does not block pores, is hypoallergenic, and many products include minerals and elements which nourish the skin during use which helps calm and soothe irritated skin. The makeup is even recommended by dermatologists and plastic surgeons. THE BEAUTY RANGE Magda Skincare and Beauty Clinic have the full range of Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup to choose from. The selection of foundations include liquid minerals, loose mineral powders, tinted moisturisers and the 4 in 1 foundation - a concealer, foundation, powder and sun protection all in one

fantastic product. I can highly recommend this foundation, it feels so light on your skin so you know that your skin can breath. At the same time it provides superb coverage resulting in an airbrushed, matte finish leaving your skin looking and feeling amazing! There is a wide choice of eyeshadows to choose from in every colour imaginable as well as a large selection of lipglosses, and lipsticks. Prices are from €45 for the foundation, €19 for a lipgloss, €20 for the lipsticks, and mascaras start at €22. The concealer is ideal for covering dark circles and contains green tea to help heal spots-a popular choice with acne sufferers. The bronzer is gorgeous and doubles up as an eyeshadow, like the foundation this is a wonderfully light powder that feels lovely on your skin. I have to mention the hydration sprays; after the makeup is applied you then spray this onto the face to hydrate the skin and set the minerals to ensure longlasting results! SUN PROTECTION One of the most unique and highly acclaimed products is Powder-Me SPF, a silky sunscreen in powder form – perfect for repeat applications and keeping your cool in the height of the Spanish summer. It comes in an innovative dispenser, complete with a washable sponge, and a mirror for simple, instant retouching. Simply brush on to face or body, either in a tanned or translucent shade, for all over protection. With an SPF factor of 30, this product is also highly water resistant. Formulated with ingredients such as titanium dioxide and an unique clay which nourishes and calms the skin, even

when skin has been overexposed to the sun. At last, an alternative to the thick, greasy facial suncreams! MAKEUP LESSON Magda and Sandra offer a special makeup training session giving you expert advice. If you find it difficult to choose the correct colour foundation for your skin tone or you don’t know what colour eyeshadow you should be wearing to compliment your eye colour, then this is for you. I found this extremely informative and fun, and I soon realised I knew a lot less than I thought when it comes to wearing colours that suit me. Sandra explained how to apply the makeup and what products would be best for me and my skin type. At just €20 for a one hour session, this is fantastic value for money and you’re guaranteed to look stunning!. If you spend over €100 on Jane Iredale products, the makeup lesson is free. Jane Iredale is available exclusively at Magda Skincare & Beauty Clinic in Puerto Banús, located next to Karen Millen on the second floor (near the Cines Gran Marbella). For a map visit the website on www.beautyclinic.es. To book your makeup training session please phone for an appointment on 952 814 671. If you would like to see the Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup range just drop into the salon and Magda and Sandra will be happy to help!

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30 JULY AUGUST4 2010 FEB 26- -12MARCH 2010

Edible flowers by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

ONE OF the delights of a well stocked seasonal garden is the number of garden flowers that are edible and can be added to garnishes salads and drinks etc., provided you use ecological sprays in the garden and low plants are not fouled by cats or dogs. FLOWERS FOR INCLUSION IN SALADS The obvious ones are fresh young broccoli and cauliflower and also those from nasturtium plants, the seed buds of the latter also being added as substitutes for capers that we have failed to grow in our part of Spain. If you are lucky enough to have a caper plant then use the real thing. When rocket starts to flower, we cut off the flowering tips for inclusion in salads which slows down their going to seed. From the herb garden, the flowers of pineapple sage, chives, garlic, thyme, basil and rosemary add flavour and colour. When we visited Cuba for an informal study tour of organic gardening practices some years ago we were entertained to a salad of hibiscus flowers at the end of an edifying tour of the botanical gardens outside Havana. They now grace many of our summer and autumn mixed salads as have rose petals. Viola flowers are

also popular in Spain and are often seen sealed in plastic containers in top class greengrocers. Lemon and orange flowers are also edible. FLOWERS FOR COOKING Sunflower buds can be steamed like globe artichokes. Courgettes, pumpkins and squashes produce many flowers but only the female flowers produce fruit so why not pick and add the male flowers and stuff them with a spicy meat or fish filling before steaming or baking for a delicate dish. Naturally broccoli, Romanesque and cauliflowers are favourite winter possibilities. Come the spring, globe artichokes which are in fact flower buds, become available. The flowers and seeds of many herbs such as anise, oregano, coriander, dill and fennel are useful flavourings. In some households, marigold flowers are used to flavour and colour soups and rice dishes, no doubt from the days when many could not obtain or afford saffron. And don’t forget that the invaluable and expensive Spanish flavouring saffron is the dried stamens of autumn crocus flowers. FLOWERS FOR INFUSIONS Popular infusions include the tips of lemon verbena, including the leaves and flowers, spent passion flowers, rosemary flowers and leaves, fennel flowers and seeds, mint flowers and leaves, hibiscus flowers – a refreshing summer drink, and of course jasmine, the basis of jasmine flavoured teas.

Orange flowers are edible

FLAVOURINGS FOR KOMBUCHA The several thousand year old Asian health drink is now becoming popular in Spain, including in our household It is easy to prepare and very much less expensive than buying in bottles from health stores. The basic green tea recipe can be enhanced by the addition of elderflowers found alongside inland rivers to give it a champagne-like effect. FESTIVE USES FOR FLOWERS Rosemary and lavender flowers soaked in brandy make an excellent filling for seeded grapes before covering them with chocolate to produce homemade after dinner chocolates. The flowers, fresh or sugared, can also be used to decorate the tops. Thinking of sugared flowers, remember the sugared violet flowers that used to be used

for cake decorations? Well violets do grow in sheltered semi shaded spots of Spanish gardens. Pansies, viola and citrus flowers can also be candied. Remembering the rose water produced in vast quantities in Morocco, we recently made some subtly rose flavoured ice cream. If you live inland or in northerly climes, you may be lucky enough to live near an elderberry tree or even have one in the garden. How about making home made elderberry flower champagne, a favourite activity of Clodagh before coming to Spain. When we visited Cazalla de la Sierra inland from Sevilla, we were reminded that the local Cartesian monasteries used to make a local version of Chartreuse using carnation flowers. No doubt there are others that we don’t as yet use or have forgotten.

Clodagh and Dick’s books collate their twenty five years of gardening in Spain to help newcomers to Spain, whether experienced or beginner gardeners living in houses or apartments. Found in bookshops, they are available by mail order from internet bookshops including Bookworld, Amazon and Santana Books. If you are interested in stocking them in your shop, contact Gertrud or Alan Roberts on 952 485 838. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com

Centrally located between Fuengirola and Marbella, with easy access from both the A-7 and N340, five minutes from La Cala de Mijas, and set in the Golf Valley with 12 courses in the vicinity. A peaceful and tranquil setting with easy access to everything. • Secure underground parking • 24 hour security • Gated with video phone entry • Swimming pool with fabulous views • Spa and gym area • Exclusive elevators with private access to just two apartments per floor • Large terraces • Air conditioning • High quality fittings throughout • Satellite television. 1 BEDROOM 400€ unfurnished - 450€ furnished 2 BEDROOM / 2 BATHROOM 550€ unfurnished - 650€ furnished

PENTHOUSE 2 BEDROOM / 2 BATHROOM 700€ unfurnished – 750€ furnished PENTHOUSE 3 BEDROOM / 3 BATHROOM 750€ unfurnished – 850€ furnished

30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010



with aunty virus

Disappearing content

Peter via email asks: Dear Aunty, I have used Yahoo mail for nearly ten years without problems. A few days ago all emails in my inbox dated prior to July 2005 disappeared. I have never deleted or moved them. Yahoo cannot explain why this happened. Have you come across this problem?

Steve from Denia asks Hi there Aunty. Love the column, which has provided lots of handy tips over the years. I have a problem which I sincerely hope you can help me with. I have a new Acer aspire with Windows 7 and when I forward an email onto someone else, the ‘content’ disappears leaving only my email address on view when it

arrives at their end. Please can you tell me the reason for this? Many thanks.

Aunty says: I have Peter and it’s a total mystery. The fact that your messages are stored on the Yahoo mail servers indicates the problem is definitely with Yahoo. There is an option where you can untick the “delete mail after so many days” box and you may be lucky and find the missing emails in your trash folder. Alas if Yahoo are unable to provide an explanation then I’m afraid you may simply have to right them off.

Val via email asks: Something wrong with my keyboard! It misses, jumps, and if two letters are together (as in good, food etc.,) it misses the second o! It is a new Computer that I purchased in England. I have had computers for the last fifteen years and never experienced this before. It has taken me ten minutes to type this short message. I have to keep going back to correct missing letters and it wouldn’t type the second r in correct or the second s in missing or the second s in message? Also, the space bar doesn’t always work?

Aunty says: Hi Steve. Quite a strange one this so we may have to try a few things to get an idea where the problem lies. I do remember there was a problem with Firefox and Hotmail so maybe try this temporary fix.

From the top menu in Firefox, click on ‘tools’ and select ‘options’. Click on the ‘advanced’ button and the ‘network’ tab. Under the ‘offline storage’ section click on the ‘clear now’ button and send a test email. If this resolves the problem then try updating Firefox to the latest version or experiment with Google Chrome or Internet Explorer 8.

Missing letters when typing

Aunty says: Difficult to diagnose without seeing the machine Val as this could be a Windows issue or a faulty keyboard. There are settings in control panel to set the clicking speed and sensitivity and it’s easy enough to buy/try a €5 USB keyboard and see if that resolves the problem. You maybe lucky identifying a Windows problem by testing the computer in ‘safe mode’ (press F8 before Windows starts) I have seen a lot of problems with wireless keyboards where the batteries aren’t up to scratch or the sender/receiver unit is out of range. Let me know how you get on.

Windows fax service John via email asks: Dear Aunty, I have just started to use Microsoft Outlook because I like the facility to print out an address booklet of all my contacts. However, after a few minutes of using the programme I get a message which says: “WFXMSRVR Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this programme, your computer administrator can unblock this program for you” I am the computer administrator but without the faintest idea of what sort of can of worms I may open up by unblocking this program so just delete the message each time,

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

preferring to live without whatever features I may be missing out on. Am I missing out on anything special? I would very much appreciate your comments. I am using Windows XP. Aunty says: I think this is something to do with the Windows fax service so if you aren’t using the fax facility then you should be able to safely ignore the message and tell your firewall to allow the feature access to the internet. You should see a popup which lets you allow this program access and remember the setting in the future.

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30 july August Feb 26- -12March 4 2010 2010

Renewed focus on Child Pool Safety in Spain SPAIN IS part of the European Child Safety Alliance and has recently made a commitment to place greater focus on the prevention of child injuries, particularly in the area of water safety. In March 2010 Eurosafe announced that the Spanish Ministry of Health were to encourage a series of actions targeting drowning and water safety, including the adoption of Water Safety Guidelines for Recreational Service Providers.

This recommendation states that pools at villas or apartments rented out for holidays should have ‘four-sided isolation fencing with self closing gate.’ Details relating to these recommendations can be found at www.eurosafe.eu.com. As a pool owner it is essential to provide a safe environment around your pool. The facts Children are naturally drawn to water

and you only need to turn your back for a minute for a tragedy to occur. You can help to prevent the tragic loss of life by erecting a fence or protective barrier around your swimming pool. • Children and animals can drown in less than 2 minutes. • There is often no warning, no splashing. • Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional death of children under 5. • Statistics show that pool safety fencing can reduce the chance of a child drowning by 95%. Increased Rental Income By installing a pool safety fence it will primarily offer you and your guests total peace of mind. The investment also offers a secondary benefit - it can actually increase your bookings dramatically. Gordon D owns a 3 bedroom villa in Fuerteventura and states; “Since the beginning of June 2009 to September 2010, our villa has not had a single full week vacant, of these bookings, almost 60% booked on the strength that the pool was equipped with a pool safety fence.”

An example of a frameless glass pool safety fence

Types of Pool Fences • Removable Option, The fully removable option is constructed from mesh and is available in a range of colours to suit the

Suduko Answer

Got a story? 902 118 999


aesthetic surroundings of your pool. The gate has a patented Magna latch™ self closing gate to help ensure total peace of mind. • Steel Fences, Simple, safe, but still discreet. • Aluminium with polycarbonate, Stylish, safe and fully compliant;- a more affordable alternative to frameless glass. • Frameless Glass, The contemporary option, frameless glass systems are made from 12 mm toughened glass with rounded and polished edges. The clamps are made from marine quality stainless steel and designed to hold the glass above the ground whilst allowing water to flow underneath. Advasol Solutions can supply and install all ranges of Pool Safety Fencing products. All comply with Afnor NF P90306 Certification (the EU safety standard.) Panels range from €70 per metre supplied and installed plus gate. DIY systems also available. To find out more or to book a no-obligation site survey and free quotation call Advasol Solutions on 951 965 309 / 664 871 133 (Malaga to Gibraltar) or visit www.advasolsolutions.com.

Crossword Answers 004

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 7 In so many words; 8 Cogitate; 9 Shed; 10 Knight; 12 Intern; 14 Manful; 16 Drills; 18 Levi; 20 Vivacity; 22 Set his teeth on. Down: 1 Insomnia; 2 Boring; 3 Gala; 4 Lyre-bird; 5 Posset; 6 Edge; 11 Televise; 13 Relation; 15 Flight; 17 Incite; 19 Eyes; 21 View. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 7 Reprehensible; 8 Nonsense; 9 Oust; 10 Hinder; 12 Verify; 14 Infant; 16 Lessen; 18 Chic; 20 Rigorous; 22 Uninteresting. Down: 1 Devotion; 2 Prised; 3 Shun; 4 Interval; 5 Vigour; 6 Alas; 11 Retarded; 13 Frequent; 15 Accent; 17 Sprite; 19 Hunt; 21 Glee.

30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010

horoscopes by Kenny Corris

Cryptic Crossword


With Jupiter in Aries and actions pending with Mars in opposition to Pluto expect that you cannot, and probably never will be able to, please everybody. This week is all about making subtle adjustments that reflect on you and illuminate a way forward that’s going to be good for all. However you do have to put yourself first once and for all, and then see what happens in the scheme of things. Your passionate planetary leader, Venus, is working with Virgoan energies that are currently putting a spoke in the wheel and this is serving to unsettle your all important routine. Stress is something you need to knock well and truly on the head, since the Taurean powerbase is a sensitivity finely tuned to work without pressure. Make sure that you have cleared all options before losing your temper. Love enters into your heart, and timing is of the essence this month as you balance a busy life with what could be the start of something big. You have waited so long, and it is time to make an investment with your heart and to see just what happens, and how you feel about all of this. Eliminate stubborn pride and just be your wonderful self as passion and commitment finally come your way. You have been entrusted with a secret, but you couldn’t know that everything would move on so fast, and things start to veer out of control. Though your friendship means a lot, it is time to value your upholding of what you know is the truth. There is a story to be told here, and time will tell that story one day, implicating you, and what version of the matter will be heard loud and clear? ACROSS 1. Others keep to the rates they fix (4-6) 7. Film about the capital of Portugal to be the reverse of attractive (5) 8. Even what the serviceman assumes (7) 10. Said earl could be paid for services (8) 11. The highest point of irritation one hears (4) 13. Artist interrupting with spirit (6) 15. Is found in wet weather, but is dried before being eaten (6) 17. Pits a label on classical quotations (4) 18. In which many a low song is sung (4-4) 21. Maybe I bath at the usual place of residence (7) 22. No return in public transport premium (5) 23. One who strides among the birds - they’re a hazard to traffic (3-7)

DOWN 1. This will observe one in form (5) 2. The speed with which salad food absorbs it (8) 3. Mother gets employer a firearm .... (6) 4. ....weapon used in Greek rising... (4) 5. ....they are stirred to rise about the end of December! (7) 6. Time-keeper near at hand (5-5) 9. Going into quick production and causing something to be secure (6,4) 12. Fair description of a reasonable examination (8) 14. It involves calculations that are observed to the letter (7) 16. Crayon and adhesive used by learner (6) 19. Rows will produce school imposition (5) 20. Pack some of the trains to Wales (4)

Quick Crossword

DOWN 1. Amulet (5) 2. Explode (8) 3. Empty (6) 4. Stagger (4) 5. Let loose (7) 6. Promotion (10) 9. Jarring (10) 12. Under obligation (8) 14. Permission (7) 16. Purpose (6) 19. Diminish (5) 20. Irritate (4)

Euromillions Draw Results Friday 23rd July 4


35 37 46

Lucky Stars



No ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros (£12,592,500) jackpot prize

Who said that? I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them.


Pablo Picasso


The unexpected this week brings you a very pleasant change of scenery and kindles a friendship that has previously been on the rocks. The change of heart is an action brought about by resident Mercury and the Arian conjunction with Jupiter. Things will seem lighter and more negotiable, and you are for once in the right place at the right time and in the right frame of mind to make a difference. With Mars and Saturn in cahoots you are now in very comfortable control, and it is a great time to plan your way forward, and who goes with you! Powerful energy is coming your way to give you the push inside that has held you back for so long. Say what has to be said to whom you need to say it, and clear your chest. Feathers will be ruffled, but the keeping it back has done you no favours whatsoever.

Answers next edition

ACROSS 1. Corpse-like (10) 7. Respond (5) 8. Compelled (7) 10. Female (8) 11. Overtake (4) 13. Tell (6) 15. Type of shed (4-2) 17. Every (4) 18. Perverse (8) 21. Can be stretched (7) 22. Gutter (5) 23. Contrition (10)

Mercury slows down a little as the reverberations of retrograde Jupiter send a powerful message that is begging to be delivered. You are about to use your innate powers to make a very big difference, and it is about time that you took control, because nobody else could do what you now have to do. Fate and destiny sent from Jupiter combine with your need for commitment and justice.

A time for nostalgia and happy memories of the past as things are coming together quite nicely for you. Final sorting and the elimination of any clutter will make you feel so much better, and then you can simply love what is left! Give a positive response to an invitation you may wish to refuse, and see what happens when you allow yourself a time to switch off and enjoy yourself. With your trusty leader Jupiter in retrograde, and attached to the fifth house of Aries, avoid any conflicts that may just take you over the edge. It isn’t worth losing your temper right now, but that stored anger within could do with a speedy exit, in your own time and place. You’ll find the very best way of dealing with someone this week however, and they won’t know what has hit them! Pluto calls the shots and sees to it that you take things in your stride right now, without making commitments you may live to regret. Someone has seriously underestimated you and they may have to learn the hard way that you are not to be messed with. All this power hasn’t gone to your head but it serves surely to show you what you are capable of when left to your own resources? Neptune brings a need to examine your finances and to closely examine ways of making instant economies and tightening your belt. With a reduced income and with increased outgoings there has to be a way forward in which you get some financial support somewhere along the line. Until changes can be made, curb spending, and check expenditure at each, and every, appropriate level. The spring in your step shows you just what is available out there in the diversifying world of opportunity. A relationship problem forces you to make alternative arrangements and you may just find yourself giving in to something you saw as impossible, but now can relate to in a different way. Life needs to become simpler and you need to maintain your strength because the real action hasn’t started yet.

If it’s your birthday this week... Tune into yourself by establishing a balance and eliminating any doubts, which seriously hold you back right now. This year is all about conserving that which you love and eliminating negative and past energies!

30 JULY AUGUST FEB 26- -12MARCH 4 2010 2010

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motoring Age restrictions for drivers DEAR MR Deller, a few months ago you wrote of talks being held about age restrictions for drivers on public roads. What is the latest, please? Gethin Jones, Murcia (a long way from the valleys but loving it) You are correct about the talks in

by Brussels and throughout Europe that

have been in-session on and off for over a year now about some sort of restriction on the maximum age we can Author of be allowed to hold a driving licence. It Motoring in Spain has just been announced that Italy has a Bill before its Parliament to stop anyone driving on public roads when they reach the age of 80. Many at 80 are still very ‘compos mentis’. I do approve of regular strict medicals to prove they are still competent, but we have those in Spain already. Why am I concerned? My next birthday is 73, so not long to go... Now I do not have the accident statistics for Italy but just about everywhere else. The most risky ages are from 18 to 35 years, according to official statistics, so can there be any good reason for such a move everywhere else? I think not, for it is downright discriminatory and I have

Brian Deller

driven with drivers of 80 plus who have been very competent; I have also been with drivers of 30 to 50 and been glad to get out of the car with wobbly legs; the last one being a lady taxi driver here who took us to Malaga Airport. The acknowledged dangerous ages are younger, so why axe the older and much smaller group? I believe that it is the intention of the EU and governments to get as many drivers off the roads as possible. WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT? MPs exist to be voted in again, so Spain must object with an organised letter and internet campaign. Watch this space but if it goes through in Italy, other EU countries will be following the same path if we allow them to. The roads are very busy again with holiday makers who seem determined not to return home after their accidents so be careful out there. If you see anyone getting into a car to drive it and they are obviously very drunk, do the bright thing and take their keys. IN ANSWER TO MR SOUTHGATE ABOUT ILLEGAL CARS ON FOREIGN PLATES The rather insulting correspondent,

Italy are looking to stop over 80s from driving

on the letters page in RTN, Mr (reverend) Harry Southgate recently disputed the need for foreign plated vehicles owned by foreign residents in Spain needing to be changed to Spanish plates. The tone of the letter would infer that he himself is one of the law-breakers, frustrated that he has to go through this procedure to avoid the indignity and cost of being caught and fined and given (usually) 30 days to change the vehicles’ plates. Mr Southgate – you ask for proof that this is indeed so: well I have that proof several times over, the last example a Brit, a neighbour, (name withheld for obvious reasons), who had his private UK-plated car with estate agent’s advertising all over it, with local addresses and local telephone numbers on a UK-plated car. He had driven like

this for 2 years. When he was stopped at a road-block and told of the error of his ways, he was fined €300 and given 30 days to get the plates changed; which he did. I receive emails regularly from people with similar problems. Many expats take their move to Spain seriously and read up the correct information available from other reputable sources here, in English. Incidentally, while we may drive foreign-plated cars throughout Europe for limited periods the vehicles must all be legally registered, insured and mechanically sound and all taxes paid in the country of registration, so anyone driving around with an out-of-date or missing Road Fund tax receipt, beware. I will leave it to the readers of this newspaper to decide who the real ‘idiot’ is.

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com

Willie Thorne

‘Mr. Maximum’. However, first and foremost Willie has established himself as one of the great characters of the game for over 25 years. ‘Mr. Maximum’ is well known as a TV celebrity with numerous appearances including Wogan, Big Break, Noel’s House Party, Question of Sport, They Think It’s All Over, Des O’Connor, Breakfast TV, Fantasy Football and Through the Keyhole, to name but a few. Willie also hosted 16 shows for Sky TV called Cue Masters. Willie is now a TV commentator for all the major snooker championships, on Sky TV, ITV, BBC and an after dinner speaker, maintaining his status as a household name. Willie RTN: Do you know why your Thorne parents selected this name for you? By Eddie Taylor WT: My fathers name was Joseph VISITING THE COAST this week William Thorne hence me being supporting the Club la Costa Smile called William Joseph. Mile Charity, was Willie Thorne, RTN: When and where were you born? World Seniors Snooker Champion. WT: I was born on the 4th March His playing career was showered 1954 in Leicester, England with success, with a total of 14 RTN: What is your earliest tournament victories worldwide. ‘The childhood memory? Great WT’, as he was affectionately WT: Well snooker didn’t really known, was a regular in the Top 16 feature at all at school; I played World Ranking players for well over football, cricket, and basket ball, and a decade. Willie is the World Record represented my county at football. holder of the highest number of RTN: Did you play snooker when 147 breaks in the history of snooker you where growing up? (190) earning him the nickname WT: My father who was a miner

talks with the RTN

got made redundant, he managed to get a job at the local Conservative club where they had a snooker table. If he had not got that job I might never had played. I used to go and play whilst he was working and within a very short time I was beating all the locals. RTN: Did you have any childhood heroes in the snooker? WT: I suppose watching John Spencer play and when he got 147 in an exhibition match, which was nearly unheard of in those days. RTN: What was it that made you choose your profession? WT: After doing so well locally, I went on to regional championships and then became national under16 champion at both snooker and English billiards in 1970. At 21 I was the youngest pro in the world. RTN: If you could have had any other profession what would it have been? WT: I am not sure I might have been a tic tac man at the races as I had a friend who I used to help at the races, but I met him through snooker so I don’t know. RTN: Do you consider the after dinner speaking as a natural progression? WT: Yes its great, I go out two or three times a week and you are

always meeting interesting people and getting paid to enjoy yourself. RTN: When and how did you meet your wife Jill? WT: Jill was a Miss Great Britain winner, we met when she was helping out a friend at the crucible in Sheffield in 1996. What she saw in me, I’ll never know. RTN: Do you get time for a family life? WT: Yes, I have twin boys and a girl from my first marriage and Jill had two children who moved in with us. RTN: Do you spend much time on the Costa del Sol? WT: Yes, I have been coming down here for a long long time. I come down to play golf around the Marbella area. RTN: What got you involved in the Smile Mile Charity and are there other charities close to your heart? WT: I have been doing work for the Club la Costa for about 3 years and they asked me to start the race, it is great fun and over the years it has generated lots of interest and grown. I am a patron for the children’s hospice, Rainbows, which is dedicated to meeting the needs of the children and young people from the East Midlands who come to the hospice. These children and young people are all affected by life-limiting

and life-threatening conditions. RTN: And finally, what is the one thing you most want people to remember about you? WT: As somebody who entertained when I was playing snooker, and for my charity work. Thank you Willie for your time, and RTN wish you all the best in the future.

The smile mile

By Eddie Taylor THE SMILE MILE which took place on Friday 23rd July, was again this year well supported. Set on a circular route around the Club La Costa resort near Fuengirola. It started with a race for serious club runners and was followed by a charity fun run for anyone including this reporter. The Smile Foundation was set up by the Club La Costa to help to build a brand new state-of-the-art, €3 million Cruz Dias Hospital ‘ADIMI’ Centre, for the Mentally & Physically Handicapped People of Mijas. To date they have raised a staggering €32,000 since the first run in 2008. For more information you can contact them at: smilefoundation@ clublacosta.com

Why use a third party? Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

ALL OF the local golf courses we play in our part of Spain rely heavily on golf societies for their income. The golf course managers and staff also rely on the representatives of the various golf societies for information regarding the feelings and concerns of the golfing public. This is an important method of feedback for the golfing public at large and one that should be kept alive and strong. There is concern amongst many clubs that the day to day contact with the society secretaries is being eroded because so many societies are using third parties to arrange their bookings in the mistaken belief that they are getting a better deal this way. The golf clubs are telling me a different story and want to retain the happy and successful relationships that have been developed over many years. They want to deal directly with the societies in the way they always have. This is important to all of us. The vast majority of expatriates play their competitive golf in

a society environment; it is important that their feelings and concerns are passed to the clubs’ management. There is no better way than face to face dialogue with contacts at the golf clubs; they appreciate dealing with the people who really know the concerns of the golfing public. I can understand that some golf societies feel they are getting a better deal and doing less work by using an agent to do their bookings for them. The secretaries at the societies are letting their members down by taking such a view. Many of the golf clubs give discounts for larger numbers and some give free playing places to captains or secretaries or in some cases both. These free places are a good way of further reducing the cost of golf to the society members if the free green fees are spread about the society. All elected officials of all organisations have a duty to do their best by their members and were elected on that understanding. Maybe some need to take a step back and think if they are really doing the best they can for the people

who elected them. There is also a duty to think long term: what happens when the agent disappears as so many do after a few short years here in Spain? Only by dealing direct with the golf clubs can the long term good of the golf society be preserved. They must remain independent and develop close relationships with the golf clubs. That way, every golfer can benefit. Through dialogue I have had with the golf clubs, deals can be reached that will see golf societies pay no more than they pay to agents and in very many cases they can pay less. Remember, loyalty goes a long way with our Spanish hosts. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS Bernhard Langer is one of golf’s gentlemen and I for one was delighted that he won last week’s British Seniors Open at Carnoustie. Langer has had such a burning desire to win on a links course that he will value this win alongside almost any of his other victories and will probably be the proudest of all the winners of golf’s major championships this year.

30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010


The final whistle Dirty Deeds SPAIN HAS enjoyed a wonderful summer of sporting success: Rafael Nadal at Wimbledon, the nation’s footballers at the World Cup and Alberto Contador in the Tour De France. However, Fernando Alonso’s win at last week’s German Grand Prix isn’t in the same bracket. Alonso’s victory was quite simply a disgrace; an insult to sport itself and to the viewing public. For those of you who missed it, Alonso was running second to his Ferrari team mate Felipe Massa when the team gave Massa a coded message to let Alonso through; this is despite team orders being banned. The dirty deed done, Massa’s race engineer Rob Smedley came on the team radio to first apologise to his driver and then to thank him for being magnanimous. On the podium after the race, Massa looked about as happy as a French footballer at a ‘we love Raymond Domenech’ rally.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

Jorge Lorenzo wins US Grand Prix By Eddie Taylor SPAIN’S JORGE Lorenzo has moved another step closer to winning his first Moto GP world title after winning the US Grand Prix at Laguna Seca in California. The Spaniard capitalized on an error by his closest rival Dani Pedrosa, who crashed at the corkscrew section when he was out in front with 21 laps to go. Casey Stoner came Jorge Lorenzo second and Valentino Rossi put in a

superb performance to secure third place in only his second race since breaking his leg just six weeks ago. The victory was Lorenzo’s fourth in the last five races, and puts him firmly in control of the championship. Lorenzo started badly and fellow Spaniard Pedrosa appeared to have the race under control until he made a mistake in the corkscrew, handing his bitter rival maximum points.

Contador wins third Tour de France By Eddie Taylor SPAIN’S ALBERTO Contador won his third Tour de France title in four years, with Britain’s Mark Cavendish producing a spectacular finish over the final 100m to win the final stage in Paris for the second successive year. The Spaniard reached the Champs Elysées to win the Tour by 39 seconds from Luxembourg’s Andy Schleck, Russia’s Denis Menchov in third. “I had some tough moments on this year’s race, as much from a mental as physical point of view,” said 27-year-old Contador, who is the fifth Spaniard in five years to win the Tour. “I think that managing to cope during those days was the reason I won the Tour. I suffered a lot to get this result. Words don’t explain what it means to me.” Cavendish was overjoyed having won his fifth stage of this Tour and his 15th in total. “You have got to be happy with just one stage win at the Tour de France,” said the 25-year-old from the Isle of Man. “It is the hardest and biggest bike race in the world and you have to show respect for it.” Seven-time winner Lance Armstrong finished 23rd in what he says will be his final Tour.

Alberto Contador

Seeing red: Ferrari principal Stefano Domenicali is flanked by Fernando Alonso (left) and a clearly unimpressed Felipe Massa

The race stewards certainly took a dim view of events and fined Ferrari $100,000 and referred the matter to the sport’s governing body. However, the result was allowed to stand. The BBC’s post race coverage was both brilliant and awful. Eddie Jordan was apoplectic, arguing that both drivers should be disqualified. David Coulthard and Martin Brundle were more measured, explaining that this type of thing goes on all the time, but not as obviously. This was the good stuff. They let themselves down by interviewing both Ferrari team boss Stefano Domenicali and Smedley but not asking either of them the killer question: namely ‘why did you feel the need to break the rules?’ Astonishingly, as time went on Ferrari tried to insist that it was Massa’s idea to let his team mate through; an argument with more holes in it than the road leading up to my urbanisation. The whole thing stinks and for the good of the sport, Ferrari must be punished. It’s not as if Alonso and his team haven’t got form. Talented driver though he is, Alonso doesn’t waste any time in throwing his toys out of the pram, expecting others to do his dirty work when things aren’t going right. And he obviously doesn’t understand the word ‘hypocrisy’ as only last month he raged on about the result of the European Grand Prix, during which old rival Lewis Hamilton had over taken the safety car, saying that racing fans hadn’t turned up to Valencia to watch a “manipulated race.” As for Ferrari, motor sport’s history is crammed with examples of the Italian team thinking that there is one rule for them and one for everyone else; a feeling that the FIA does little to knock back. Many pundits are now suggesting that team orders should once again be legal. But where does that leave the sport? Going forward, it would certainly be difficult to call it motor racing. As one incensed contributor wrote on the BBC web site, how about renaming it “an orchestrated procession of some fast cars driven by blokes that can’t race.” Couldn’t have put it better myself!

Calling all Sports clubs & Golf societies. Do you have a sports story for us? Email: eddie@rtncostadelsol.com

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ALFA ROMEO SPIDER -2001 Mettalic yellow, black leather uk reg LHD, factory hard top 44,000 miles FSH 8995 euros tel 68 68 97 101 MERCEDES-BENZ SLK 230 Kompressor AMG Style Roadster, 1999, 61000 km, convertible, petrol, 2295cc, automatic, black, 2 door, new MoT, immaculate, fsh, private seller, 1000.00 € ovno, Call: 606 853 912. PEUGEOT - 206, 2004, 24000 km, hatchback, petrol, 1600, manual, blue, 5 door, MoT Sep 10, tax May 11, vgc, fsh, private seller, ABS, Immobiliser, cd player, c/locking, e/windows, p/steering, radio, airbags, Climate Control, 3995.00 € ono, Torredel Mar, 00447576454299 / 678736447 Audi A8 , Grey, 2000, please call for more information +34 952 890 455 €2999.00, Manilva Autos, Puerto de la Duquesa, Malaga, 952 890 455 Audi TT , Silver, 2002, please call for more information +34 952 890 455 €9999.00, Manilva Autos, Puerto de la Duquesa, Malaga, 952 890 455 Ford Focus 1.6TDCI Trend 90, Grey, 2007, 60649 miles, ABS, Air conditioning, Airbag, Airbag passenger, CD, Central door lock, Fog lights, Immobilizer, On-board computer, Power steering, Power windows, Radio, Side airbags €9500.00, Autos Marbemotor, Marbella, 67 08 03 38 0 Renault Kangoo 1.5 DIESEL, White, 2003, €4999.00, Manilva Autos, Puerto de la Duquesa, Malaga, 952 890 455 Ssangyong Actyon Turbo Diesel, Black, 2007, Very High Specification €15999.00, Manilva Autos, Puerto de la Duquesa, Malaga, 952 890 455

YAMAHA BANSHEE 350 2stroke spanish plates 3000€, Honda 250 4stroke enduro 2006 english plated 3200€/Yamaha fz1 2007, 15500km 1000cc 150bhp Blue alarm german plated, 6000.00 € ono, 951972085 / 608405158. KAWASAKI, 1999, tourer, petrol, 500 twin, manual, chain drive, electric start, private seller, 25600 km, red, no MoT, no tax, vgc, part service history, crash bobbins, Excellent for year, used daily, economical commuter 1495.00 € ono, 952663811 / 667433580. KTM, 2002, enduro, petrol, 200 exc, manual, chain drive, kick start, private seller, 6000 km, orange, new MoT, good condition, nsh, race exhaust, spanish plates, fully road legal, 1year 5 months itv, very fast, ideal for the campo and road use 2200.00 € ovno, 958464407 / 663704157. HONDA, CBF600. 2004 UK Reg. Only 8, 000 miles from new. Silver. All extras, ABS, etc. Immaculate condition. Current road tax. Great touring bike. 2450.00 € Mijas Costa, 692 78 49 75. Motorbikes Wanted Dead Or Alive 250cc and Above Crashed Damaged Write Offs Non Runners Stolen Recovered Financed Call 669 162 786 Cash Waiting

BOWRIDER BAYLINER 2350SS, Superb 23 foot Bayliner Bowrider new in 2000, low hours, one owner from new, SSR registered 5.0 V8 Mercruiser 15, 000 euros may px 15.00 € , 661351877. INFLATABLE BOAT & Engine For SaleWaveline 2.9m no patches. Yamaha 5hp outboard. with fuel line, tank & pump included. photos available upon request. 495.00 € ono 0034 634270496. BOATS, PRIVATE seller, trailer, boat cover, cockpit, Bass Boat, Engine and Trailer. Good condition. Seats need recovering. First to see will buy No Offers Bargain Must Go Bargain Bargain 677291723. SUNSEEKER, MEXICO 24, power boat, petrol, white, good condi-

30 JULY - 12 AUGUST 2010 tion, private seller, trailer, boat cover, cockpit, Mer Cruiser, 260 Hp, satelite navigation, sounder, bathing platform, toilet, cooker and shower. 5500 € ono, 952513182. KAWASAKI JETSKI ultra 150, trailer, boat cover, cockpit, this two seater jetski has only done 54 hours from new and is in very good condition it comes complete with a roller trailer for ease of launching, trailer board, and a fitted cover.the jetskiis small ship registered which is not a problem to insure and use in spain.it is very powerful and fast price 3000 euros , 950406518 / 678831066. KAWASAKI STAND-UP jetski, petrol, white, good condition, private seller, 1997 Kawasaki 750 SXi Pro, twin carb standup jetski Well maintained, used regularly & runs well.New mats, New aftermarket aluminium handle bar pole, Deep intake scoop. Stainless impellor, Set-up for wave jumping.Cosmetics need attention (hence price). Time-wasters pls abstain. San Pedro, 95288 0501 / 607541264.

WEST HIGHLAND White Terrier ( Westie ) Puppies, Fully vaccinated, both parents can be seen.395,00 euros.Licensed breeder. , 952112978 / 630197435. LABRADOR ( Yellow ), Males, Fully vaccinated, both paremts can be seen, licensed breeder. 295.00 € , 952112978 / 630197435. RUSSIAN BLUE Kittens, Champion English lines, from specialist English breeder, fully vaccinated, for pets only not for showing or breeding, beautiful affectionate kittens. www.russianbluecats.net 550.00 € 952112978 / 630197435. MARINE FISH tank with live rock , starfish and 4 fish tank holds 300 litres and comes with table, 350.00 € ono, , 952382303 / 677493295. BREEDING CAGES, Bird, Canaries, private seller, Selling a set of 4 double breeding cages with stand. Comes complete with

feeders, nest etc. Only 6 months old. Paid €400, will accept €200, , 952932502 / 667378621. PAIR INDIAN Ringnecks, Bird, Parakeets, Hand bred in Aviary. Pristine condition. Young birds, ready for breeding again. La Cala de Mijas. 195.00 € ono, 670766740.

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TECHNICS 1210, Two Technics 1210 turntables in flight cases good condition but both power buttons need a service, sale due to moving back to UK, 952462454 / 636885584. VINTAGE GIBSON SUNBURST, Incredibly special and incredible history Reluctant sale as given to me as a very sentimental gift and sadly never played and enjoyed, 850.00 € ovno, 655649362. 40W BASS practice amp, 40W Stagg 40BA Bass practice amp, excellent quality hardly used 60.00 € , , 952 930 578 / 653089935.

STERNER ACOUSTIC guitar, jumbo size and sound.No pickup but a wow sound and quality at a price of 125 euros.Ring Mel on 690083961

HAIR DESIGN and colour specialists E b O n Y, Centro Nordico, Ctra de Mijas 4,5 Call 952465876 for appointments

TELESALES STAFF required to join our Marbella based office. Hardworking individuals with out going personalities is a must. Basic salary plus good commission. Contact Philippa on 659179524. RESPONSIBLE CLEANING maid in Marbella - Elviria. Preferred hotel experience. 952836391 - 607253333

ARE YOU looking for a flexible part time job? We need a person who can work from home for our real estate company. Job description: updating several internet sites with our offers, responsible for internet and article marketing on blogs and other back office work to be done from home. Requirements: normal computer, internet skills, English/ Spanish speaking/ writing, flexibility, you have a computer and internet connection at home. What do we offer: fixed monthly fee of 350 euros, around 40-45 hours monthly. Applications by email info@home-exposuremarbella.com we will call you RELAXED working environment, we are expanding our sales operation and looking to employ up to 5 new self motivated, hard working telesales staff for our Marbella office. Applicants must have English as a 1st language. We are a fully licensed company helping people with long term debt solutions in the UK. We offer a small basic +

This is Suzy. She is approximately 2 years old and is a podenco cross. She is extremely shy and unsure of people but will definitely be an outstanding dog with time, patience and caring. She has a kind nature and gets on well with other dogs.

commission. For more details call James 667393511 waitressing in 24 hr. Square, Benalmadena, must be lively and outgoing. 18+. 679308694 HAIRDRESSER, Colorist and Beautician wanted for salon Spejos in Puerto Banus. Luis Miguel 622308021/ 608265524 CLEANER required to organise small team of cleaners. Must have car for use every day, proven cleaning experience, able to speak English and Spanish. info@casacomplete.es YOUNG English waitress from Fuengirola for Bar/ Restaurant. Full/ part time. 634265629 EXPERIENCED Telesales staff required for offices in Fuengirola and Benalmadena. Timeshare or investment experience an advantage. Excellent data and rates of pay, basic salary plus commissions available. Native English only. Not resale. 620675247

This is Brenda. She is approximately 2 years old and is a happy, playful dog. She loves to run and be outside and she gets on well with other dogs.

This is Chiga. She is approximately 2 years old and is a happy, playful dog. She loves to run and be outside and she gets on well with other

This is Polly. She is only 12 weeks and will be a very small dog. She dogs. is very friendly and playful. She gets on well with other dogs.



This is Lily. She is approximately 6 months old and is a pretty, sweet young girl and will be a small to medium size dog. She gets on well with other dogs.

This is Alice. She is only 12 weeks and will be a very small dog. She is very friendly and playful. She gets on well with other dogs.

The idea of F.A.M.A. was originally conceived by Pat Coleman and Veterinarian Javier Delgado Sanchez in the summer of 2003. Shortly after, the bringing together of a small group of dedicated like-minded individuals saw the formation of what is now the F.A.M.A. committee. The F.A.M.A. Foundation was originally based at the CAN. ES veterinary clinic and boarding kennels in Mijas Costa, but has subsequently grown and founded its own adoption centre in El Coto, Mijas Costa where it houses and cares for the abandoned dogs until a new home can be found for them.



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