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Friday, November 27 - Thursday, December 3 2015
United against crime p3
Green shoots for Golden Leaves p18
BENIDORM MUST “stand united” against the plague of street crime that threatens to drive tourists away and ruin the holiday resort’s economy, say residents and businesses.
SPRING CAME early on the Costa Blanca on Tuesday with the “rebirth” of Golden Leaves International – an established company of 20 years experience helping Spanish expats.
YOUR ESSENTIAL weekly guide to all things including Charity, Health, Cars, Sport, Horoscopes, TV & Showbiz and much more! See pages 37-77
A QUARTER of a century after the murder of her daughter Alison, Costa Blanca writer Jill Morrison finally felt able to write about the tragedy and its aftermath. U NDER HER pen name Jill Lanchbery, she has penned ‘Memory of a Daughter’, the story starting with the domestic killing – Alison’s husband was later jailed for life – and how a family coped.
Jill and second husband Peter were looking forward to enjoying their middle age when they became parents to three young boys, the eldest just six at the time. “This is not a ‘poor me’ story,” Jill told RTN. “It is a story about survival. When my daughter was killed she left three small boys and they grew up with us – they are grown up themselves now and married – the youngest is 30. “When something as dreadful as that happens, it is a parent’s worst nightmare happening to one of their children.” Jill, who lives with Peter in Lliber, said it was important for readers to know who her daughter was and how she got to the age of 25 when she was married with three youngsters – but had “outgrown” the relationship. See page 12.