RTN North Edition 541

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 541 Kay and Ian Croft have been with Telefonica for ten years. But for the last three years, they haven’t even had a bill from them! PAGE 16

RTN pairs golf championship 2010

NORTH EDITION roundtownnews.co.uk

we make your business

Brave new world

A €2,000 donation from HELP of Denia and the Marina Alta has helped a young boy communicate with friends and family. • p12

Fed up with Facebook

A READER tells us about a new networking site • p14

Guaranteed annual investment returns?

LUCIO VENTRELLA from OFS, Spain talks about investments and how to get the most from them. • p29

Feb 26 - March 4 2010

On 18th March at Alicante Golf with lots of prizes to be won...p54

our business

High tension Campaigners fighting to protect valuable green belt are to continue a long running court battle over the construction of an Iberdrola electricity substation ‘eyesore.’ by Jack Troughton

Ten winter questions

PRACTICAL GARDENERS and authors Clodagh & Dick Handscombe continue answering your questions about winter gardening.• p40

The Ibedrola electricity station built on green belt land

THE ENVIRONMENTAl group ACEC began its ‘David and Goliath’ struggle seven years ago and despite a legal setback, vowed to take its claims of murky land deals to the highest courts in Valencia. And the Association Cultural and Ecological Calpe alleges illicit sales of the land at the north of Calpe artificially inflated the value of the land from €75,000 to around €300,000 after it was reclassified by the town hall from ‘green belt’ to ‘urban’ – and the substation built. ACEC president Carole Saunders told RTN: “We cannot be more accurate as there was so much fiddling and backhanders going on, and there are no records available.” The controversial plot of land nestles on the slopes of the Olta Mountain and the pressure group launched its campaign against the development to protect rare wildlife, and spare people living in the area being dwarfed by cables and pylons. Continued on page 3

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The weather in Spain THE BEST of the weather will be on the islands with the sun also shining in the north east of Cataluña: the rest of the country could see rain for part of the week, with more in Galicia and central regions of the country and the snow line at 800m in the North and 1300 – 1700 in other areas. Strong SW winds are expected in the west and on the E Andalucia coast. TEMPERATURES Highs: Murcia 24, Alicante, Valencia, San-

ta Cruz de Tenerife 23, Málaga 21, Almería, Palma de Mallorca 20, Cádiz 19, Barcelona 18, Granada, Santander 17, Madrid 13 Lows: Santa Cruz de Tenerife 17, Cádiz, Palma de Mallorca 15, Alicante, Valencia 14, Santander 12, Almería 11, Barcelona 10, Madrid, Murcia 9, Málaga 8, Granada 5, GENERAL The Costa Blanca and eastern Spain will be dry but overcast, with clouds and showers elsewhere.

Fierce wind and rain lashes Spain EXTREME WEATHER has battered the country for the past week. Winds of 100mph in Galicia brought down trees and caused seven-metre waves at sea, which meant that fishing boats had to take shelter. A police helicopter had to airlift an elderly man from the roof of his car in Seville after floods engulfed the vehicle. Most of the reservoirs in the province of Jaén burst and caused floods. The town council in Jeréz Evacuation opened up emergency help centres for in citizens needing assistance and shelter. Guadalvalle

Feb 26 - March 4 2010

Raffle helps transform Refuge

Flamingos on Las Salinas, which is also threatened by development

Continued from front page A legal action was started by the group’s former president seven years ago but the case suffered a setback before Christmas when a Benidorm judge ruled there was a lack of solid evidence of corruption – although in his judgement “it was plainly obvious some misdealing had gone on.” APPEAL Carole, who gave evidence in the witness box, confirmed the battle would go on. “After taking legal advice from three lawyers, ACEC has decided to appeal this judge’s decision.” She explained the land was in private hands but because of its status could not be built on. “The owner was approached and offered €75,000 for the land and of course was delighted because he thought he would never be able to sell.” And she

alleged: “The land was then converted to ‘urban’ and knowing Iberdrola was looking for a piece of land in the area, sold to the town hall for a vast profit. “The town hall then sold it to the electricity company for an even larger amount of money and despite our efforts, the substation constructed.” Carole said the procurator fiscal became involved and former councillors and civil servants summonsed to give evidence, as were officials from the electricity company – although there was no complaint against Iberdrola. “I gave evidence to say we started the court case to try and protect the green belt of Calpe and because of concerns for the health and safety of people living in the area,” she said. UGLY “I was asked whether the substation had ruined the view of Olta and said

yes, because you only have to drive past to see how big and ugly it is – a real eyesore.” Carole admitted some members of ACEC had questioned whether the case should be pursued and if it was an environmental issue. “We believe it is more to do with the culture of the town and the way actions of the people involved have destroyed and are destroying the culture of our town,” she said, and added it was the group’s aim to expose wrongdoing. Carole revealed that the fragile wetland of Las Salinas – and its colourful flamingo visitors – and the historic Roman and Visigoth ruins of the Queens Baths were also threatened by developers. She alleges that despite assurances from Madrid and the local authority that they would be protected, she feared similar pressures behind the scenes could see them lost.

CASH RAISED in a bumper charity draw will help bring electricity to the hospital wing of the Gandia Refuge – a haven for homeless and sick men run by Franciscan monks. Volunteers of Javea’s Original Charity Shop and Library have organised an Easter Raffle as a surge of funds for the transformer appeal at the hospice – where new build rooms, a kitchen and gym also wait for power before they can be used. It is estimated €100,000 are needed to install a transformer and upgrade the waste water system to make the new construction habitable for the 34 men currently being cared for by three Brothers and volunteers. The charity has already raised €10,000 for the project so far and aims to add a similar sum this year. Tickets for the raffle go on sale next week and cost €3 for five – giving the chance to win a flat screen television, a hamper and a host of other prizes. And the Original Charity Shop and Library also hopes other fund raising bodies will join the appeal to provide the equipment, otherwise the new hospice cannot be used. The charity shop is in Avenida Fontana and the library in Javea Park. They are open Monday to Saturday between 10.00 and 13.00. For more information, visit www.charityshoplibrary.com

Brother Guillermo and some residents care for the animals


FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

TV boss accused of sexual harassment THREE FEMALE journalists from Canal 9 have denounced their boss at Ràdio Televisió Valenciana (RTVV), Vicente Sanz, for sexual harassment. The story broke in the Spanish newspaper, El Pais, earlier this week. Sanz is reported as saying that his conscience is “relaxed”, and that the matter is in the hands of the judge, who will decide the outcome.

He refused to comment further. Sanz was previously the provincial president of the Partido Popular (PP) in Valencia from 1993-94. He resigned after a recording came to light in which he spoke of an alleged kickback for awarding contracts in Benidorm, when the city was governed by former president of the Generalitat, Eduardo Zaplana.

British couple killed by falling roof The roof of a house near Motril in Granada fell on top of a British couple last Monday. Torrential rain in the Andalusian region could be to blame for the collapse of the roof. Christopher and Christine M, aged 64 and 63 respectively were seated at the dining room table in a friend’s house when the accident happened. The British couple who own the house were in the kitchen making coffee at the time of the collapse: they escaped with minor injuries and the husband was treated for shock. When the emergency services arrived, it was too late to save the victims. The Guardia Civil have launched an investigation.

New Spanish courses announced by Louise Clarke THE DEPARTMENT of European Residents announced this week that it has organised a new course of Spanish language lessons for European Residents in the Province of Alicante. The Diputación de Alicante, the Provincial Council of Alicante, said that it is aware that one of the main challenges for successful integration into a new country is a sufficient knowledge of the language. Therefore, the Department of European Residents has, since 2005, organised Spanish Courses for the European Residents living in the Province of Alicante. The Councillor for European Residents, Maria Asunción Prieto, told RTN: “It is important to remember that the Alicante Province has more European Residents in it than any other province in the whole country; with more 284.310 registered European residents, which represents 15% of the total population of the area.” She added: “Therefore, the Diputación de Alicante has a special unit devoted to promote the integration of European Residents in our society.” STUDYING MATERIAL

Inside the house after the collapse

Ms Prieto also confirmed that the Department of European Residents will continue helping Town Halls up and down the province to positively

promote the integration of European Citizens. She said: “The Department of European Residents will continue to organise cultural trips, meetings and lectures to promote integration. They are constantly requested, both by the town halls and the European Residents, and it continues to be an important task for the Diputacion in order to integrate the European Residents.” During 2010, the Department of European Residents has programmed a total of 26 courses, both Basic and Intermediate, in different municipalities. The Diputación de Alicante not only organises the classes and teachers but also gives all the necessary study material, such as language books. Courses have a duration of 40 hours, twice a week. The Councillor concluded: “These

Maria Asunción Prieto, the Councillor for European Residents

courses help with the integration of European Residents, so they can express themselves better in Spanish and get closer to other ‘Alicantinos’.” INFORMATION The first 13 courses will start on Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd March, and the other 13 will be done after the summer. The 13 courses to start in March are in the following towns: Rojales; Denia; Villena; Alfaz del Pi; Benitachell; Gata de Gorgos; Guardamar del Segura; Jávea; Orihuela Costa; San Fulgencia; Relleu; Los Montesinos and Alcalalí. In order to obtain further information about how to register, as well as the dates, times and locations, you can check the European Residents Unit website: www.residenteseuropeos.com

Feb 26 - March 4 2010


Recent protests made headline news in Spain

Galicia amnesty gives hope to residents

Galician Regional Parliament. It means that any house built without either a municipal or a regional licence before 1st January 2003 will now be given amnesty, whether it adheres to planning regulations or not. Sources at the Galician Regional Government estimate that there will be tens of thousands of homeowners who will benefit from this amnesty. But those houses that were built on protected land will be excluded.

by Louise Clarke


The Galician Socialists have decided this week to grant an amnesty to all the illegal houses in the region, built before 2003. The Partido Socialista de Galicia (PSdeG) party has decided to officially support the Ley de Suelo and as a result, the move has brought hope to the hundreds of illegal home owners in Catral. Despite rejections by former Councillor María José Caride, the motion to support the law was passed by a majority in the

The agreement states that the houses built without a licence before January 2003 can be legalised by payment of €10 per square metre, so as with the situation in Catral, legalisation comes at a cost to the homeowner. Socialist Councillors opposed to the amnesty described it as “an irresponsible exercise” and argued that the PSdeG Councillors, who voted in favour of the law, were going against party policy and its “official position.”

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Former Galician President, Emilio Perez Touriño, strongly criticised the reform of the law, due be written into the regional constitution next week with the view to implementation by mid March. A regional parliament spokesman told RTN: “A document will be sent to all the municipalities to make sure that they are aware of the new reforms and it is then up to the homeowners to contact their own Town Hall to finalise the legalisation of their houses.” NO LEGAL LIABILITY

Chuck Svoboda of Abusos Urbanisticos No! (AUN) told RTN: “It could be a useful precedent of sorts and could help in many situations, although I don’t like the implications of a ‘wholesale’ amnesty. It lets the bad guys, i.e.; the promoters, developers, Town Halls and speculators off the hook.” He added: “The devil will be in the detail as

the people in Catral have learned. They will get their homes legalised, perhaps, but at what cost, and to whom? The property owners will, no doubt, get stuck with the tab as the other tax payers won’t pay for infrastructure costs and many, if not most, of the developers and promoters turn out to be front companies with no resources and no legal liability once they go bust.” Chuck concluded: “Town Halls don’t have any money and the developers’ bank guarantees, in many cases, are worthless. “There are also situations where those who built houses discover that their dwellings aren’t even on property they own. What sort of amnesty will cover that? How can they ever get clear title or proper registration of their property? Galicia doesn’t have a very large non-Spanish population to prey upon, so I wonder how attractive this would be to the authorities in places that do have one.”

Feb 26 - March 4 2010

Feb 26 - March 4 2010

Monty The Magnificent by Jack Troughton Gentle giant Monty, an Old English Mastiff, enjoys meeting his growing legion of fans every time he steps out to take the air along the Costa Blanca coast. Owners Ian and Shielah Blythen have grown used to their sevenand-a-half-year-old pet – an unusual brindle colour rather than black or beige - stopping traffic as people want to pet take pictures of the canine celebrity. “On Christmas Day we took him down to the beach at Benidorm and we couldn’t move because people wanted to take photos of Monty – people were literally pushing us out of the way so they could get the seafront in the background,” said Shielah. “We had put a piece of tinsel around his neck and everyone was smiling. People ask is he a St Bernard or a tiger or a ‘burro’, so we have to explain – and most of them just describing him as ‘magnificent’.” Monty, now an elderly statesman of the historic breed and suffering a heart murmur, winters

in the Spanish sun and spends the summer in the cooler climes of France. HORSE

work. He will actually lean up against you for a better view – they are quite lazy.” RESCUE

He tips the scales at 80kg (around 12 and a half stone in old money and about the same as this RTN correspondent) and has a 26 inch neck and 44 inch chest. His collar and lead are actually horse tack. Monty eats twice a day, a total of a kilo of dried dog food with “add ons”. Shielah added: “I always cook for three and we always get a ‘doggie bag’ and restaurants where we are known give us pieces of meat, fish and sausages.” Ian said to date, Monty had managed a creditable 45 seconds to devour a meal although the couple are careful to watch the giant’s weight. His party piece is drinking from water fountains or trying to drink rivers dry. Speaking at their home in Altea, Shielah said: “He cannot play as such – he is too big and has actually knocked me over twice. “His favourite occupation is sitting up close and watching you

Moraira marina


Ian and Shielah rescued Monty over three years ago when his original Cheshire owner moved into rented accommodation and could not keep him before emigrating. Originally bred by the Romans for battle and Henry V’s ‘dogs of war’, the dog-loving couple researched the breed and found their pet was well trained and very gentle. “He gets on with other dogs and does like people,” said Shielah. “When he meets children or people in wheelchairs he knows there is something up with folk and is very gentle. However, Monty needed to use all his charm after meeting a little girl whose grandfather had rather cruelly said the mastiff “ate children for breakfast.” Ian remembered: “She did not stop screaming for 15 minutes and was only reassured when Monty sat down and gave her his paw – now she always wants to see him.”

Monty The Mastiff

Costa magnet

By Jack Troughton MOVES TO attract more visitors to the Costa Blanca were firmly in place this week as the region was promoted at the International Tourist Fair in Valencia. Teulada Moraira

showed off its unique character with a colourful stand at the event, with Antonio Valles, councillor for tourism, making a presentation about the area and its beautiful coastline – as well as its traditions, food, animal life

and opportunities on land and sea. And Mayor Joan Bertomeu met with Valencia’s tourism chief Belen Juste to discuss a strategic plan for boosting numbers of holiday makers visiting the area – vital to the recession hit economy. The mayor believes Teulada Moraira is an ideal destination for visitors coming to Spain and making use of the facilities offered by the local authority.

Date: Thursday 11th March, in two sessions: 11am and 4.30pm

Many expats who live in Spain continue to pay their taxes in England or their country of origin, by mistake, believing that as long as they are paying tax somewhere it is OK. Be careful, as paying tax to the wrong authority is a serious issue. The subject of VIVES PONS & ASOCIADOS seminar this month is income tax and we explain the following topics: - Are you filing income tax in the right country? - Tax residency criteria. - How to become a tax resident in Spain and necessary documentation. - Savings by doing proper tax planning in Spain. - A detailed example will be shown.


FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Over 300 pines planted on illegal tip land by Louise Clarke WEDNESDAY FINALLY saw the end to a saga that has dominated the pages of this newspaper for over two years. The PAU 26 area of the Orihuela Costa was the site of an illegal tip, denounced several times by opposition parties and nearby urbanisations; residents of which were left looking at an eye sore and they were regularly disturbed by lorries illegally dumping their waste. Late last year, it was announced by the Orihuela Town Hall that the illegal tip was to be officially closed and that the area would be restored to its natural beauty. After a few false starts, where trees were meant to be planted but were not, this week saw over 300 trees being planted. Councillor Jose Antonio Aniorte, the Orihuela Councillor for the Coast and Councillor for Infrastructure, Manolo Abadia, along with residents from nearby urbanisation, Entre Golf, and over 70 infantil children aged between three and five, from the Colegio Público Playas de Orihuela in Los Dolces, all pitched

One of the pupils from plants a sapling

Town Hall satisfied with Cultural Centre figures THE TORREVIEJA Town Hall has announced that over 75,000 people used the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre in 2009. Amongst that figure are over 1000 people who use the centre on a monthly basis for language, dance, painting and Tai Chi lessons. Over 26,500 people attended various different cultural events and 31,325 people attended the various exhibitions held at the centre. Torrevieja Councillor for Culture, Eduardo Dolón, said that the Town Hall was extremely satisfied with the attendance at the centre, which has increased from the original yearly total of 6,130 users after its inauguration.

€10 million investment to repair Torrevieja’s roads

in to plant the saplings and afterwards enjoyed a snack and a drink, courtesy of the Town Hall. FORMER GLORY President of Entre Golf, Wally Stewartson, a long time campaigner to get the illegal tip closed, is delighted that the story has finally come to a satisfactory conclusion. He told RTN: “The residents of Entre Golf are delighted that, at long last, the area of PAU 26 is now to be fully restored to its former glory.” As well as the tree planting, the Town Hall

used the event to reveal their new mobile Eco Park. The park will be placed in various different urbanisations on the coast from next week; the first scheme of its kind in the Costa Blanca. Aerosols, batteries and oils can now be disposed of safely as well as broken white goods such as fridges and washing machines. Snr Abadia told RTN: “If you have any white goods to dispose of, you can wait until the eco park is in your urbanisation, place it next to the unit and it will be taken away free of charge.” All the

urbanisations will have, at one point during the calendar month, access to the eco park. Times may vary, but the park will be there on the same day every month. There are also two fixed Eco Parks in Villamartin and Campoamor that can be used every day. The Town Hall has said that next week, leaflets will be distributed in Spanish, English, German and French to each home on the coast, detailing exactly when and where the Eco Park will be located in each of the coast’s urbanisations.

AN INVESTMENT of more than €10 million is to be made in Torrevieja in an ambitious programme to re-surface the roads of the municipality. The Mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernandez Mateo, announced the project, alongside the Councillor for Large Projects, Jose Antonio Sanchez and the Councillor for Works and Services, Javier Montoro, on Wednesday. The trio said that a total of 582,000 meters squared of asphalt paving will be repaired, which equates to the majority of the municipality. The project is being part funded by Plan Confianza money from Valencia and will also include the repositioning of street lamps as well as new pavements and kerbs.

Feb 26 - March 4 2010


FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Los Verdes propose coastal youth centre for 2010 budget by Louise Clarke A NEW youth centre on the coast is just one of the proposals made by the Orihuela opposition party, Los Verdes for this year’s annual budget. The budget was to be discussed in this week’s ‘pleno’ meeting and Los Verdes hopes that at least a few of their proposals will be accepted by the ruling PP party. The installation of a youth centre was promised by the PP in their 2007 election manifesto and so far it has yet to come into fruition. The opposition party has also asked that the Town Hall find funds to build an additional pedestrian-way or a separate footbridge to cross the motorway at Lomas de Cabo Roig and to build more natural park areas on the coast. DISABLED ACCESS

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Martina Scheurer, Coastal Spokes person for Los Verdes

Martina Scheurer, Coastal Spokesperson for Los Verdes told RTN: “We have consulted many residents of the coast with regard to how they would like the money from the 2010 budget spent and in turn, we have issued these proposals to the PP party.” She continued: “As well as the youth centre and footbridge, we would like to make sure that the existing ones are accessible for disabled citizens, for example the bridges crossing the N332 really need to be accessible for wheelchairs. And there is a real need

for an additional crossing of the N332 as well as a bus connection from Orihuela Costa and the other suburbs to the city of Orihuela and the Vega Baja hospital.” IMPROVEMENT The party has also called for the installation of solar panels in public buildings to reduce carbon emissions and to make them more energy and cost efficient and they would like to see the introduction of a council-owned bicycle-distribution unit, as in other cities; for example in Barcelona, as well as the creation or expansion of a team whose task would be to mark the public woodlands of the municipality and to keep these clean. Other items on the list include installation of public toilets in parks; improvement of the existing bus stops by the installation of sun/rain protection; a budget for integration-activities for foreign citizens, including teenagers; the extension, improvement and completion of the Paseo Agua Marina and the purchase of decibel-measuring instruments for the Policia Local, to monitor noise levels. Martina concluded: “We are expecting to see at least some if not all of these proposals taken into consideration.” RTN will keep you informed on what has been agreed for the 2010 Orihuela budget once it has been approved.

Youth association formed on the Orihuela coast AN ASSOCIATION has been formed in Orihuela Costa to look after the interests of young people from the area. The association held its first official press conference earlier this week and RTN went along to meet the people behind the group and find out why they felt the need to form the association. Roberto Carlos González Alvarez is the President of the Asociacion de Jovenes de Orihuela Costa (AJOC) which literally translates to the ‘Association of Orihuela Costa’s Young People’. Alongside Roberto is Secretary Laura Pasamar Sacilotto and Aldo Lovati Champagne, the association’s Treasurer. Roberto told RTN: “The main reason that we have created this association has been motivated by what we feel is the great abandonment of young people on the coast.” He continued: “There are more than 2,000 young people living on the coast and they have very little to do with regards to sports and leisure activities. This abandonment has been ignored by the Mayor,

Monica Lorente and the PP ruling Town Hall of Orihuela, which is more than 30 kilometres away from the coast.” AGGRIEVED According to Roberto, every day the young people of the area are forced to abandon the municipality in which they live in order to find activities; sports and cultural events elsewhere. He said: “Many young people have to cross the municipality border into Torrevieja, which is several kilometres from most of the urbanisations, as there is little to do here in Orihuela Costa.” Roberto feels that Ms Lorente and the Councillors of the Town Hall have nothing but apathy toward the young people living on the coast and they say that they feel aggrieved that the coast seems to have been ignored completely in recent times. Roberto said: “The Town Hall sees fit to spend a budget of €120,000 on the City’s Three Kings parade and yet there is nothing for young people to do here on the coast.” Roberto continued: “It is because

of reasons like this that we feel that we need to act and to vindicate our rights; the same rights that are enjoyed by our counterparts in the city.” He added: “The AJOC wants to establish a channel of communication between ourselves and the different departments of the Orihuela Town Hall, so that we can express our needs and tell them what the majority of young people on the coast want. We know that it is not going to be easy but we are well equipped to do whatever it takes. Our immediate priority is to request a building in which to open a youth centre and a library in which to study.” Roberto concluded: “We want to start a survey of all the young people on the coast to determine their wishes and opinions and that way we can decide on our other priorities. We not only want to raise our voices by highlighting our needs, we will also be working with other groups in the municipality, supporting common projects. We want AJOC to become a group which young people will be proud to be part of.”

FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Valencian politicians declare assets


Camps rides out the crisis…

THE VALENCIAN Government’s official online bulletin now reveals the assets of the regional party deputies, with surprising results. Francisco Camps, the Partido popular President of the region, states that his assets only total €900. In comparison, Valencia Mayor, Rita Barberá, claims to have a 21-year-old Lancia Delta car and savings of €295,000. Camps declaration states that he owns a 1995 Saab.

Tea bags charity cash by Jack Troughton IT APPEARS not everything stops for tea - especially when there is some fund raising brewing for the popular Costa Blanca animal charity APASA. This week’s Victorian Tea Party raised €230 for the Javea-based animal sanctuary and such was the demand for tickets, the charity is staging a repeat performance on Tuesday. Guests at the Olive Tree Restaurant in Moraira had pinkies poised as

they enjoyed a cuppa or two and a traditional afternoon tea – with such delicacies as a welcoming buck’s fizz; sandwiches; sausage rolls; cakes; scones and clotted cream. Organiser Maggie Shuck said 45 people sat down for the treat and it was hoped the ‘second sitting’ next week would raise a similar amount. “It has been absolutely super. We are staging a fun Victorian quiz and everyone is enjoying the food which is all home made, including the clotted cream.”

Double celebrations Spain no longer enough in the Ellis family foreign for Brits A BIRTHDAY shout goes out to Joanne, who celebrated (?!) years on Tuesday 23rd and to Tony, who will be 70 at the weekend. You don’t look a day over 69 Tony! Best wishes from all at RTN

The charity is staging a repeat performance on Tuesday

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Joanne Ellis

Tony Ellis

Happy birthday Pat!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Pat Ryder who celebrates his birthday on Saturday 27th February. Have a great day! Lots of love from Gemma, Mark, Jack and Lucia, Mum and Dad, and all your mates from the Petanca Bar.

FIGURES PUBLISHED by the Interior Ministry’s Institute for Tourist Statistics show that the number of Brits visiting Spain in the first month of 2010 has fallen 8.1 percent compared to last January. The presence of too many fellow British tourists is turning travellers off visits to Spain as the country is “not foreign enough”. Some who took part in a sunshine.co.uk survey said they could not travel to the Canaries because they had a phobia of birds! USA, on the other hand, has seen bookings almost double and 48% said they would visit just to try and meet a celebrity. Traditionally, the British make up the largest portion of visitors to Spain. However, tourism on the whole is up 1.1 percent on January 2009. This puts an end to 18 consecutive months of falling tourism numbers. Tourists now are coming mostly from Italy, then Switzerland, Belgium and France.

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FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Brave new world by Jack Troughton

ELECTRONIC WIZARDRY has opened up the World to a severely disabled youngster and allows him to communicate with his friends, family and teachers. A pupil at the Raquel Paya School, in Denia, eight-year-old Nordine uses a computer with state of the art software to ‘talk’ with teachers. And the key to his ‘amazing progress’ was a €2,000 donation from HELP of Denia and the Marina Alta which funded the purchase of the high tech system. The charity has pledged its ongoing support for Raquel Paya, the Marina Alta’s specialised school for youngsters of all nationalities

suffering mental and physical disabilities. Jean Bunn, of HELP, said members of the charity had visited the school, which receives a limited state budget and is dependent on private donations, and after seeing the dedication of staff, decided to provide extra equipment. She said they had also been introduced to Nordine, a Moroccan boy, who had first arrived only able to understand French and was unable to communicate in any way. “He had never attended a school of any kind and was trapped in his own small world. During the two years he has been at Raquel Paya, and through the dedication and patience of staff, he is now able to understand Spanish and communicate

by way of pictures on a card which he could point to,” said Jean. And she said it was a “very limited” means of communication and HELP was so impressed with the “very determined little boy,” the charity wanted to fund the purchase of the computer and its specialised programmes. “In the short time he has been able to use this computer he has made amazing progress,” Jean said. “He can now indicate his needs by touching an image on the screen and the computer ‘speaks,’ translating into words that are acted upon by his teacher.” The school is waiting for the delivery of a special wheelchair on which the computer can be mounted, to

HELP chairman Pat Lee Patton (left) with school director Maite Marti and Nordine

allow Nordine to sit in a position that would not inhibit his breathing while using the machine. “Although Nordine will never be able to speak or communicate in the way we are able to do, eventu-

ally, with the continued care he receives, he will able to use the computer to spell, use numbers, and read a book and write,” added Jean. “It will enhance his quality of life beyond all expectation.”

Emergency centre EMERGENCY SERVICES serving a Marina Alta community are to receive a new €270,000 home under the Valencia’s ‘Plan Confianza’. Benitachell Council is building a centre for the Volunteer Fire Brigade and the Civil Protection Unit on a 3,000 square metre plot of land in the town near the north entrance to the Cumbre del Sol urbanisation and incorporating a meeting room and office for public inquiries. Regional Minister for the Interior Serafin Castilian visited the town to see how a total grant of €1 million was being spent. He applauded the use of cash on the centre which would boost safety, calling it “a basic public service.” And he said the headquarters would be a good base “in which volunteers can operate and play their important role for the citizens to support emergency situations.”

Proposal for new planning laws in Valencia region A PROPOSAL submitted for discussion for new laws to control development in the troubled Valencia Region has been met with a variety of opinions in different sectors. Angel Luna, leader of the opposition in Parliament, maintains that since it is anticipated another law will be presented next year, the new proposals only add to the existing chaos. The abominable figure of “agente urbanizador” is maintained in the new law and it is proposed town halls may declassify land which had been approved for building, if no construction has taken place; a hot potato for the banks which have large amounts of such land on their books.

El Nou Mestalla still not finished The stadium still stands half finished

VALENCIA FOOTBALL club have been waiting for the completion of their new stadium for months. Sources have revealed that construction work ground to a halt a year ago due to lack of funds. Work began back in August 2007 on the Mestalla stadium.

Three months ago, the club announced that work would be continuing and the stadium would be completed ready for the 2011 season. Team sources now say that this is looking unlikely and the stadium still stands half finished.

Vote for the worst company in Spain

FINALLY CONSUMERS can express their dissatisfaction with bad customer service by voting in the Worst Company of the Year Awards. The award has been organised by the Consumers’ Association (FACUA), about businesses operating in Spain. The final five nominees are: Air Comet; Ryanair; Telefónica; Movistar; Vodafone and Orange and votes can be cast online until 15th March, which is World Consumer Rights Day. There are two other awards: Worst Business Practice, and Worst Advert of the Year. Cast your vote at: www.facua.org/lapeorempresa

Road closed due to tigers A PORTUGUESE circus lorry carrying four tigers crashed earlier last week, resulting in the closure of the road while authorities figured out how best to move the disturbed animals. The accident took place on the A52 motorway in Zamora. The tigers were still inside their cages but were moving and showing signs of agitation, so the decision was taken to call a vet to tranquilise them before the overturned lorry could be moved by crane. The road later reopened to traffic.

Spain’s worst drivers are men

STATISTICS FROM the Prison Authority say that only 35 of the 2,982 people imprisoned for driving offences are women. Of those who are in prison, a third were caught driving without a license. Other crimes that have seen people sent to jail include: dangerous driving, and driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The number of people jailed for driving offences has grown from 1,881 at the beginning of 2009, to 2,982 now.

FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010




FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Register your dogs I was recently told that I needed to register my dogs at the local Police Station. It seemed a bit odd, as I thought as they had all the required ‘bumpf’ - micro-chip, vaccinations, etc. I went to Rojales Police station today and asked if ALL dogs had to be registered now. The answer was ‘yes.’ I had to take two photos (one head shot, one full body) of each dog, the plastic card with the chip information, the card with vaccination details from the vet, plus my passport and NIE number (or whoever the microchip is registered to). I was told that a letter to confirm registration would be sent to me. I don’t really know why this is necessary but it costs nothing to do it. Maybe it’s a dog padron? Sharon Wenham, Quesada

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

letter of the week

Fed up with Facebook? IF, LIKE many millions of people all over the world, you are a member of Facebook, why not try the brand new anti-social networking website…Arsebook! The website can be found at www.arsebook.pootcomic.com and is perfect for anyone who is fed up with pretending to be perky, sociable and well-connected! The no nonsense site is a mickeytake of the hugely successful networking site Facebook and invites members to instead of uploading pictures of themselves, friends and family members, just upload photos of – well - their arses! You can use a fake e-mail address but if there is anyone you actually want to get in touch with (although I doubt it!) you can leave your home town and mobile phone number on there! Janice from Guardamar

A pain in the neck I am a 63-year-old women who suffering neck pain and headaches on and off for the past nine months. The pain stopped me doing my keep fit regime and I felt terrible looking to the right and left in the car. I felt depressed yet did not feel happy to take painkillers. A friend suggested I should visit Osteopathic Healthcare where she had been helped with her lower back pain. I did eventually take this advice and made an appointment with Russell Dougall. He took details of my past medical history, and then examined me, advising that I had a compressed disc in the top part of my spine, and was able to help release this immediately. At this next appointment it was suggested that I could see his partner Sonja Van Kommer who could check to discover if there was anything else affecting my headaches. She scanned my whole body and reported that my main problem was my neck, which gave me peace of mind. She then gave me cranial osteopathy.

I had another treatment and began to notice that my sinuses were draining, and that I was not stuffed up so much every morning; something I had suffered with ever since moving to Spain. After a further session, the puffiness and bags under my eyes seemed to dissipate; my headaches became less and less and are now non existent. I can only praise Russell Dougall and Sonja Van Kommer for their professional expertise and thank them profusely for the kind and thoughtful manner with which my neck pain and headaches were handled. They have given me back my health and now I can get back to keep fit and start enjoying life again. If you are suffering, why not make use of their limited period offer of a free check to seek their professional opinion. contact Osteopaths Russell Dougall and Sonja van Kommer on 965352481. Their clinics are located in Pilar de la Horadada and Benijofar, north and south of Torrevieja. June Eyre

Seeking sister I am trying to find my sister and her husband. They left Australia November 2008 from Brisbane for Alicante, Spain. The PO Box number is in Rojales, Alicante, Spain. Their names are Liz and John Foulds and I believe they brought a small British Supermarket. John is British and Liz a New Zealander. Can you help please? Email address supplied. Regards, Jocelyn

Illegal trailer? I have bought a second hand English twin axle box trailer (49 x 182 inches). Does this have to be registered and ITV checked? I have been unable to find any information on the internet, so can anyone help? My car has an official tow bracket from new so that is legal. Ken

Thank you Re Plate Mate I recently imported my English plated car and re-registered it onto Spanish plates. For this process I engaged RE PLATE MATE from their advert in one of the free newspapers. They efficiently arranged all the necessary inspections and via their company solicitors sent off all the paperwork. This was not entirely without its problems, due to my wife’s NIE number instead of mine appearing on one of the many receipt forms, so the application was turned down and returned by Trafico in Alicante. A meeting was arranged with Sandra of RE PLATE MATE and their solicitors who explained that this had never happened

before and the only way around it was to repay the import tax, resubmit the paperwork and then claim back the first import tax. This came as quite a shock, as the import tax was in excess of €2,700.00. Thankfully, this process is now finally settled, the car is legal and the first tax payment has been returned. Without the assistance of the solicitors, RE PLATE MATE and Sandra in particular, who kept us in touch and informed at all times, I don’t know how we would have managed. Thank you again to RE PLATE MATE and Sandra in particular. Graham Hartley, Cabo Roig

Stupid smokers! You do get some stupid selfish gits who are intent on killing themselves writing into this paper and complaining about we ‘normal folk’ who would like to live a little longer! You know the ones: the ones who stand alone by the bar in the pub, creating a haze that you can hardly see through and stinking to high heaven… Think about this: we buried

our mother just before Christmas. She died because she smoked for a lot of her life: she did stop but it was too late. So don’t start dictating to me about smoking: I know already what it can do. My complaint is not only that you stink the place out - if you insist on committing suicide, try sticking your finger in the

electric: don’t kill yourself while intentionally trying to kill those around you as well. Everyone has the right to go where they choose, in Spain or the UK; just have a little thought for the people around you. Oh and by the way, I can read Spanish. Kevin Thompson

8-1426JANUARY FEB - MARCH 42010 2010

Use your vote THE UK general election must be held by 3rd June 2010 but could be called anytime between now and then. There are approximately 2.5 million Britons living overseas who are eligible to vote in the UK (at least 160,000 are believed to be in the Costa Blanca region), but if you aren’t registered you can’t vote. Living abroad doesn’t stop you having your say and it is fairly easy to do this by registering a proxy vote. YOU CAN REGISTER YOUR VOTE IF:

• You are a UK citizen who has been on a UK electoral register within the last 15 years. • You were under 18 when you left the UK provided this was less than 15 years ago. A proxy vote just means that you appoint someone you trust to vote on your behalf. You can apply for a proxy vote as long as you are on the electoral register. When you apply for a proxy vote you have to provide a reason ie you are a British citizen living overseas. Anyone can be your proxy as long as they are eligible to vote in that type of election and they are willing to vote on your behalf. Registering as an overseas voter. You can download and print a registration form from the About My Vote website, www.aboutmyvote.co.uk and send it to the electoral registration office for the area where you were last registered to vote. Or you can contact

the electoral registration office and ask them to send you an overseas voter registration form. You will need to ask someone to sign a witness declaration on your form. They have to be another British citizen living abroad, but not a close relative. They don’t have to live in the same country as you. Or you can visit www.dontleaveyourvoteathome.com (although this one is promoted by the Conservative Party it contains the standard registration form which you can download or fill out online. Some people believe that because they now live in Spain, what goes on in the UK does not affect them, however, any policies the British Government adopt can still have an effect on any British passport holder. There are individuals here in Spain who have lived abroad for more than 15 years and have lost their right to vote but would wish to have it, and the Conservatives Abroad association have been lobbying for a long time for this right. They believe that if you are an adult, and a British Citizen, then it should be your right to vote and they hope that this situation will be resolved in the future. Many individuals around the world are still denied the right to vote and over the years people have died fighting for the right to be part of a democracy. So whatever your politics try not to waste your vote get registered!

New team for Labour International Front Row (L to R) John Othick, Vivienne Sullivan, Tony Sullivan and Lyn Othick Back Row (L to R) Teri Moores, Malcolm Hardy, Lorraine Hardy (Secretary)

NEW OFFICERS have been elected for the Labour International Costa Blanca Branch, with Tony Sullivan as Chair, replacing Kevin Bruton who stood down after four years in office. Tony, who lives in Benitachell, is a former college lecturer. Lorraine Hardy takes over as Branch Secretary from John Mackay. Tony Sullivan said: “The forthcoming UK General Election will be the focus of our activities in the next few months: we will undertake a voter registration drive for expat Labour voters on the Costa Blanca to secure a vote in this vital election. We must not allow the Tories back in to undo the crucial actions taken by Gordon Brown to secure the British economy in the

wake of the US-led sub-prime crisis. Drastic cuts will be the order of the day from a Cameron/Osborne government, hitting jobs and services for UK residents and affecting expats too. This election will be a battle over who is best placed to give people greater control over their lives – and whether the post-recession future is one where we grow together rather than apart”. The website www.aboutmyvote.co.uk contains the forms used for UK citizens living abroad to register to vote. If any Labour supporters have any problems in securing their vote they should contact Labour International on 679 231 412 (Lorraine) or 965 058 237 (Tony).



Feb 26 - March 4 2010

Thursday is Telefonica’s favourite day!

by Louise Clarke KAY AND Ian Croft have been with Telefonica for ten years. But for the last three years, they haven’t even had a bill from them! The Spanish telecommunications company kept taking the money out of their bank and the couple had no idea whether the amount was correct and no way of knowing what calls they were being charged for. Kay told RTN: “We weren’t satisfied with Telefonica and every time I tried to get bills sent to me, all they would say is; ‘…you will have your bill by Thursday.’ Every time they would say I would get my bill on a Thursday; I think it must be their favourite day!” Earlier in their rocky relationship, Kay and Ian had problems with Telefonica. She said: “When we started with them we used to pick up our phone to call out and there was a German voice on the other end of the line. At the time, we were getting bills and there were so many calls to Germany; none of them ours. It was a nightmare trying to get the money refunded.” VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES

Kay Croft is so happy to have changed to RTN Network

Eventually, the couple had had enough. Kay explained: “We saw the advert for the RTN Network in the newspaper and decided to sign up; the only problem was that we didn’t have a Telefonica bill! We went to the shop in Torrevieja and they told us to call 1004.” Kay joked: “I have that number emblazoned on my heart!” After many phone calls, false promises and three months of trying to get a bill, Kay was desperate. She contacted John Stewart from the Network and explained the situation to him. Kay continued: “John was so good about it all and suggested that we phoned Telefonica and ask them for our user name and password; which they gave us almost immediately and hey presto! John managed to get the bill downloaded and we became official customers of RTN Network. And we haven’t looked back since!” Kay and Ian were attracted to the network

because of their very competitive prices. And since RTN Network launched their landline service late last year, hundreds of Telefonica customers have realised the savings that they can achieve, not to mention the lack of hassle, with RTN Network. LOST IN TRANSLATION

With RTN Network, you get more for less! Included in the Network line rental, you get TWO hours per month to call the UK for free and a host of services including voice mail; caller ID and call forwarding all for FREE. You will pay extra to have these services with Telefonica and the saving is a whopping €18.67 per month! But as we all know, price alone is not the main reason to change to the Network where Telefonica is concerned. Just think - no more ‘lost in translation’ moments with the ‘English’ speaking customer service advisors who, despite saying that they speak English, cannot actually understand you! No more telephone bills going astray, and never again being charged for calls that you haven’t made with random amounts being extracted from your bank account for no apparent reason. Never again will you get a bill with things on it that you don’t understand and never again will you be charged for a service that you are not receiving and have to call the company ten times about before you get the money back; explaining the situation over and over again. FREE CALLS

There are lots of reasons to change and now you can! As well as the new landline package, RTN Network can offer call packages which include 120 free calls to the UK, cheaper ADSL with 3MB broadband, unlimited dial-up internet and an 0843 number which means that your friends and family in the UK can call you here in Spain for a fraction of the cost that BT charge. So start the New Year as you mean to go on and sign up to RTN Network now! All you need to do is give the friendly English team a call on 966 463 170 or visit their website at www.roundtownnetwork.com to find out all about their products.

FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

freesat from a2sat Don’t miss it when you can freesat plus it! a2sat bringing you the latest news

On Wednesday we saw the News Channel CNBC join the freesat platform on channel 210 the channel was part of the Sky subscription service, so this is great news for freesat!

what difference a genuine freesat decoder can make, please come to our offices for a demonstration. We guarantee that once you have seen the benefits for yourself you wouldn´t consider the alternatives.

RUGBY SIX NATIONS Italy V Scotland BBC HD Saturday 27th Feb 13.00 UK time

RUGBY SIX NATIONS Time is running out! The digital switchover is about to happen. From the 10th March the Spanish TV analogue signal will begin to lose channels, no need to panic though, as all you will need to do is to either retune your digital TV or purchase a set top box. Once you have switched over, you will be able to enjoy many more channels and switch the audio into English (on certain channels). TDT has a lot to offer, News, Sport including premiership football, films (Sony channel in English) and much much more. The digital switchover does NOT affect your satellite reception in any way either by channels or signal strength the two types of signal are completely different and unconnected. We have seen over the past few weeks other recording boxes being offered as freesat plus boxes, when in actual fact they are just generic twin tuner decoders that require an external hard drive or USB stick. Although there is a place in the market for these type of decoders they are not freesat ones, which means that the Full 8 day programme guide is not supported and all you will have, are now and next listing. So what is so important about the programme guide? without the programme guide you will not be able to say, set the freesat plus box to record a programme that begins at a certain time and for example in 6 days time. The programme could be part of a series so therefore you just tell the freesat plus box that everytime that programme comes on, to record it. There are no timer set ups involved as the freesat plus box is only interested in the name of the programme, meaning that the programme start and end times are irrelivent. So for example if the programme you wish to record in a few days time starts late due to an over run of the previous programme, the freesat plus box will just simply record at the new correct time and all into its built in massive 320GB hard drive !

“If it doesn’t say freesat on the box…. then its NOT freesat in the box.” We have had many many enquiries from callers who have seen adverts across the free press offering freesat and also displaying the freesat logo, this has led, people to believe that the digi box they have purchased is freesat. Our callers have then found that those digi boxes are actually ‘free to air’ and do not offer the services available on freesat; ie, the interactive red button on BBC with sports streams, teletext, 24 hour 8 day programme guide, subtitles, etc. Purchasing a GENUINE freesat digi box is the only way to receive these services. We are finding that people are confused by being offered what they think is freesat when actually they are being offered ‘free to air’ decoders which DO NOT support the BBC red button, etc, so to see

England V Ireland BBC HD Saturday 27th Feb 15.30 UK time


Manchester United V Aston Villa BBC HD Sunday 28th Feb 14.00 UK time freesat is the very latest subscription-free digital satellite service, created by the BBC and ITV and providing a wealth of television channels, together with radio and data services. It was introduced following concerns by the UK’s public service broadcasters that it would not be possible to guarantee access to free digital terrestrial TV to the entire population during the pending terrestrial switchover. It is effectively the satellite equivalent of the digital terrestrial TV Free to Air (FTA) services, and operates in a similar way to Sky but without the monthly subscription costs. If you already own your own dish why not just upgrade the box and recieve freesat Today! ‘a2sat’ remains one of the few companies on the Coast to provide a true freesat package and upholds the philosophy that “If it doesn’t say freesat on the box….then its NOT freesat in the box.” a2sat insist on using only the highest standard equipment, including Portuguese prime focus dishes and Invacom LNB’s, installing new quality satellite cable during each installation and a concrete base or appropriate wall bracket, so that no drilling of the client’s roof or solarium is required.


The company’s best-selling system of the moment is the latest addition to the freesat range of Digital Satellite recorders, freesat HD plus. The system operates in a similar manner to the SKY HD Plus but with one major difference: users have access to any of the accepted free to air channels, with no subscription necessary. With freesat Plus, viewers have the freedom to pause, rewind and fast forward LIVE TV without the need to record anything! This is possible as the sophisticated decoder has a massive 320GB hard drive, allowing users to preserve up to 200 hours of Standard Definition or 80 hours of High Definition programming, which is great if someone telephones at a crucial moment in the programme or if you just want to pop to the kitchen to make a brew. Viewers have the flexibility to watch one channel whilst recording another, or even record two channels whilst watching a third show they recorded earlier, providing an entire evening of tailor-made home entertainment! The convenient 8day programme guide ensures that they will always


Get covered

Starting from only 60€ per year know when their favorite programmes are showing, and if they are otherwise engaged at that time, they can simply press the record button and their selections will be available to view at leisure. freesat Plus viewers have a complete Teletext service at their disposal, combined with the fully interactive service available exclusively from the BBC, featuring news, weather and sports broadcasts. Plus, the system boasts the amazing Sport Multiscreen function, enabling viewers to enjoy a combination of the day’s biggest sporting events, exactly as they happen.


We now offer fibre optics as the new way of installing the larger community systems allowing us to run the cables up to a total of 15km without any signal loss!! Investing in a personal freesat system may seem a little pricey, so why not chat to your neighbours about a shared system? a2sat install systems for up to four homes to share, where a dish of 1.9m is recommended, whilst also catering for larger communities, which can have an almost unlimited number of homes connected to it and the 2.4m dish is the favorable option. With a shared or community system, the quality of the signal and number of channels supplied is equivalent to that of a personal satellite dish, although prices vary in accordance with the demands of the job. A2sat are very happy to conduct a site visit and discuss the possibilities available, and if any planning applications are required, will even complete the paperwork at no extra cost!

The a2sat commitment means that clients can rely on same day technical support or a site visit within 24 hours from the original call if necessary. If replacement of any equipment is required, a no obligation quote is given prior to any action being taken, to avoid any nasty surprises later on. The cost of the service contract starts from 5€ per month, which means that for as little as 60€ per year, clients can take advantage of professional support from a2sat all year round! For all shared, community systems and non a2sat installations can also enjoy a2sat support with costs taylored to suit your needs freesat Platform for all of the freesat range including freesat HD plus a2sat is pleased to welcome clients to its office which is situated on C/ Miguel Angel Blanco, Daya Nueva, where they can discuss the options with one of the informed Sales Representatives and view a demonstration of the benefits of freesat over other Digital Television systems. For further information please telephone 966 194 931 or 678 239 193. Opening times are 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm on Saturday´s. Alternatively you may email enquiries to info@a2sat.com or consult the website

www.a2sat.com info@a2sat.com


a2sat also extends technical support and servicing to existing clients and also those using other satellite systems. Clients will benefit from a low cost, guaranteed back up service, which secures continuous hassle free television viewing direct from Astra2.

Questions and Answers Q Can I use my own dish that already picks up UK TV with Freesat? A: Yes. Q. Does my dish need to be realigned to receive freesat? A. No if you are already receiving UK TV from your existing system. Q. What if I cannot have a second feed from my dish as it’s shared or there are no spare ways left on the LNB? A. No problem you can still record and watch something you have pre recorded or with a small link you can still watch some channels while recording others. Q. How long is my guarantee? A. Grundig SD 1 year, Humax HD and the HD plus 2 years! Q. Can I fit my own freesat box? A. Yes you can, however why not have us deliver the box to you and show you how to get the most from your chosen freesat box. Q. I have been told I’m watching freesat, but the box is not one of the boxes mentioned here.? A. Then the box you have purchased is NOT freesat, many people have purchased boxes thinking they are watching freesat, when in actual fact they watching the channels via a FTA box ie free to air, these boxes do not put the channels into a nice logical order and if a new channel comes along and or changes frequency then you will have to perform a rescan on a NON freesat box. Q. Why does my digital box only show NOW and NEXT, and the Red button on the BBC and Teletext does not work? A. You only have a FTA box and definitely not freesat. Q. Where can I see freesat in action? A. We have a full demonstration system on show in our office Q. In the event of a technical query, where can I get help? A. Just call us and we will be able to help. Q would you like to be able to use the red button on the BBC and have teletext? A To get this and so much more you need a genuine freesat box

All Major Credit cards Accepted


FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Only one week away from marathon by Louise Clarke THE COSTA Blanca Samaritans team have only one week to go until the Barcelona Marathon, due to take place next Sunday, 7th March. President of CBS, Steve Ashley, has been training hard for the event and earlier this week, he told RTN how it was all going. “Well, here we are with just over a week to go before the race and I am very ready to admit that I really wish the date of the marathon was March 2011!” said Steve. “The training has gone reasonably well, but bad weather this winter and a number of colds and coughs have got in the way

somewhat and we are all feeling under prepared.” He continued: “Sadly, ‘All’ isn’t what it was when we started out with this idea back in November last year, as Judy has had to pull out on medical advice, and Mark has Achilles’ tendon problems and is having trouble walking, let alone running.” LOTS OF SUPPORT So it is now just Andy and Steve making the trip up north for the 26.2 mile run next week. Steve added: “We will miss the other two but despite the disappointment of not having our other training buddies coming along, I am really excited by the prospect of my first

marathon and, assuming all goes well, looking forward to another in Marrakesh next January.” Steve concluded: “We have lots of support and two of our ‘marathon groupies’ Pam and Hilda are travelling up with us to Barcelona to arrange the post-marathon celebrations. I just hope I will be able to keep up with them after 26.2 miles! We have to remember this is all in a good cause to raise funds for Samaritans 902 88 35 35 and I hope RTN readers will support us in this.” The team has a Paypal account set up so it is easy and straightforward to spon- Andy sor them. You can find all the details at and Steve www.samsrunners.wordpress.com

Ageing population affecting the province of Alicante Foreign residents are partly the cause

THE LATEST demographic information on the province of Alicante has revealed an ever-older population in 25% of municipalities. These villages have a population of only 10% of children and youngsters aged under 15. The influx of the

foreign retired population is partly the cause. The information comes from the Padron carried out on 1st January 2009 by the National Statistics Institute, showing that under 14 year olds make up less than 10% of the population in 37 municipalities of the

Approved building projects down 56%

province, most of which are inland mountainous areas. Also of note are the municipalities where many people, often foreigners, have chosen to retire. The case in point here is San Fulgencio, where only 1,025 of the 12,030 population is aged under 15.

THE COLLEGES of Architects, which approve all building projects before town halls can issue a building license, report a reduction from 252,845 approved dwellings in 2008, to 110,862 in 2009; a fall of 56%.

Got a story?

902 118 999 rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

Normal Price Homeclean Price 3 Piece Suite from €120 from €60 2 Piece Suite from €100 from €50 Leather Suite Price on application Carpets Price on application Oriental Rugs Price on application Curtains in Situ Curtains Full Length from €90 €45 Curtains Half Length from €80 €40 Mattresses cleaned Single €20 and Double €30 Marble Floors Cleaned and Polished

VOUCHER Meal for two people - FREE!

MONDAY 1st March 2010

13:00 -13:15h admission. Restaurante Asiatico “GRAN MUNDO” Gran Alacant. C/.Finlandia No 1 – beside “CONSUM” super market

TUESDAY 2nd March 2010 13:00 – 13:15h admission. Chinese Restaurant “FESTIVO” Cabo de Palos – Cartagena. C/.La Baliza – beside “MERCADONA” super market

WEDNESDAY 3rd March 2010 13:00 – 13:15h admission. Restaurante Chino “BIENVENIDOS” Orihuela/ Costa. N.-332 Torrevieja – Cartagena – Roundabout “La Zenia – Deutsche Bank” – left hand side.

DEUTSCH : DONNERSTAG 4.März 2010 13:00 – 13:15h Einlass Restaurante Chino “GRAN MURALLA” Torrevieja. Torrevieja-Crevillente – nach Carrefour – Mac Donald`s Auf der rechten Seite.

FREITAG 5.März 2010 13:00 – 13:15h Einlass Restaurant „ESMERALDA“ Urb.Ciudad Quesada. Marquesa Campo de Golf 3 – über dem Supermarkt “SUPER VALU”.

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FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010


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Feb 26 - March 4 2010

School holds open day THE MAIN aim of the Open Day held at El Limonar International School, Villamartin on 17th February was to give new parents the opportunity to tour the facilities and chat to teaching staff and managers as well as talk to pupils. During the morning, parents were accompanied by the management team and staff including José Lorite, one of the school’s founders; Maria Dios, Head of the Infant Department; Danielle Reggiori, Head of the Primary Department; John Porteous, Head of Secondary and Baccalaureate and Justine Brown, Head of Resources. El Limonar International School is renowned not only for its care and attention to a child’s personal development, but also for its bilingual programme and academic rigour. According to its management team, its educational values are based on: “Respect and dignity for each child’s development, which encourages pupils to strive for per-

Fugitives arrested ONE OF the UK’s most wanted fugitives has been arrested as he attempted to return to the UK from Spain on Friday 19th January: Jody Flynn, 28, from Merseyside, featured in the most recent Crimestoppers campaign in Spain, launched

sonal excellence in an environment of democracy and social responsibility, fostering a sense of self-esteem and school community and encouraging each pupil to feel safe, valued and respected.” The school was established in 1990; a private, bilingual school for pupils aged 3 –18. Although the majority of its pupils are Spanish, some 20 different nationalities are represented. The school has four sites: one in Villamartin (Alicante) and three in the region of Murcia. The schools teach pupils at Infant, Primary, Secondary and A – Level/Baccalaureate levels. El Limonar International Schools group is accredited by the Middle States Association and authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Education, belonging to the Cognita group of schools which manages private schools in the United Kingdom and other countries, three of which including the British School of Barcelona are international schools.

in Málaga on 23rd September 2009. His arrest means that half of the ten serious criminals featured in the latest campaign have now been arrested to face justice in the UK within just six months. Flynn is wanted in connection with offences of Grievous Bodily Harm. The overarching campaign in Spain known as ‘Operation Captura’ was first launched in 2006 and helped to achieve 31

Prospective parents were able to look around the facilities

The Open Day is just one of the events the school organises for prospective parents. For information or to make an appointment to be shown around the school, please contact

arrests over the past 4 years. Operation Captura identifies serious criminals wanted by UK law enforcement agencies for crimes committed in the UK. Crimestoppers and the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) work closely with British Embassy in Madrid and British and Spanish law enforcement agencies. The campaign highlights appeals for information on criminals who have European arrest

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warrants issued against them for crimes such as drug trafficking, murder and sex offences. If you wish to pass on information about crime anonymously, call Crimestoppers from Spain for free on 900 555 111 or visit their website www.crimestoppers.es For more information about the work of the British Embassy in Madrid, visit www.ukinspain.fco.gov.uk

the office on 966 722 821, email villamartin@ellimonarinternational.com or visit www.ellimonarinternational.com.

Prison for bringing immigrants by boat The trial of a fisherman who was caught bringing five Algerian immigrants to Spain has been settled with a prison sentence of four years. The boat was captured two years ago, 30 miles off the coast of Jávea. The immigrants have since been expelled from Spain. The maximum sentence could have been eight years, but the accused man claims he was not the owner of the boat, nor the instigator of the trip, and that he was only paid by the real owner to collect the money and transfer the passengers. Each immigrant paid €2,000. The prison sentence must be carried out in Spain.

FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

‘Just stay…’ I OFTEN receive beautiful emails regarding sick and brave people, including children. The “Just Stay” story below really got to me and it reminded me why the Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity was started. All of us who work tirelessly for the charity are often asked what we do and who we represent. For those who are still unaware, in the main we look after terminal care patients and their families. The nurses and carers are wonderful and cope with the role with great compassion and I know there are many families who have been helped through a very bad time, by someone being there for them. None of this would take place without all the tireless volunteers who either work in the charity shop or fund raise through clubs, associations, bars etc; never forgetting the press who promote the charity whenever requested to do so or when space allows them to do so. In Spain, as we are all well aware, aftercare has historically been left to the families but, unlike the Spanish, we don’t often have extended

families here, so it can be quite a frightening and lonely time. Unfortunately, until there are fund raisers in the different areas of the coast, the service is limited to a radius of twenty five kilometers of the office in La Marina. The hours and energy the volunteers give so freely always makes me aware of the good out there. I, like all of us, despair sometimes at the pain some inflict on others, and the wars that never seem to go away. Therefore, when the volunteers or myself are accused of the charity either being illegal or vast amounts of money being used for other purposes, it is really upsetting for all of us. Just think, one day you or your family may need us: no one in this life knows what is round the corner, so instead of accusing us of ‘misdemeanors’ why not spend the day with one of the nurses or in the charity shop or best of all Susan Reader; the most tireless fundraiser the charity could be blessed with, and see just how hard these generous people work to help others. I


by Jennifer Cunningham

The Costas leading insurance consultant If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net

can guarantee you will be tired at the end of the day and hopefully have more understanding about the charity. This following story is sad but generous and especially current, due to the wars our wonderful service men/women are fighting… JUST STAY The nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside. “Your son is here” she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the patient’s eyes opened. Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his limp hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man’s limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement. The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed. All through the night the young Marine sat there in the poorly lit ward, holding the old man’s hand

and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine move away and rest awhile. He refused. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her and any other noises of the hospital. Now and then the Marine said a few gentle words, whilst the dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son all through the night. Towards dawn, the old man died. The Marine released the now lifeless hand he had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited. Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of sympathy, but the Marine interrupted her. “Who was that man?” he asked. The nurse was startled: “He was your father,” she answered. “No, he wasn’t,” the Marine replied. “I never saw him before in my life.” “Then why didn’t you say something when I took you to him?” “I knew right away there had been a mistake, but I also knew he was too sick to tell whether or not

I was his son. Knowing how much he needed me, I stayed… I came tonight to find a Mr William Grey. His son was killed in Iraq today, and I was sent to inform him. What was this gentleman’s name?” The nurse, with tears in her eyes, answered, “Mr. William Grey…” The next time someone needs you… just be there... Stay. PS: Friday 26th (tonight) at the Hotel Corazan: Max Bacon sings for you (what a voice!) Great raffle prizes for PCN. Also, don’t forget the walk this Sunday at La Pedrera Lake. Plus a date for your diaries: 27th March – Fun Day at the Hotel Corazan: BBQ; Mini Golf; PCN Charity Shop; loads of games for the whole family; beauty treatments by Saphie; medium offering private readings plus a workshop and much, much more. Plus: Max Bacon with a special dinner in the evening. Tickets and information from the Charity Shop or PCN Tel: 966 790 363 Email: sueinthesun@terra.es or Karen@paulcunninghamnurses.com

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net


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Feb 26 - March 4 2010

Why is nobody ever punished? by Louise Clarke TWO WEEKS ago, RTN reported on the terrible conditions that seven horses were enduring in a shack made up of bits of wood and corrugated iron; with only a two foot gap in the wood as a window to the outside world. That story is ongoing and RTN will have more on the plight of those horses in the coming weeks. As if that story wasn’t bad enough, last week, the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre (EHCRC) was alerted to another group of horses and donkeys in appalling conditions. Sue from the centre told RTN what happened: “One of our volunteers made the horrific discovery. Around 25 horses and donkeys, plus goats, sheep and dogs are being kept in the grounds of a private house. They are crowded into tiny enclosures and are obviously badly

Two ponies in a tiny pen

malnourished and suffering. She saw one horse rolling on the ground, clearly in pain, visibly sick and possibly dying; with nobody at the property to care for the horse.” She added: “According to the volunteer, other mares that are little more than skin and bones also appear to be in foal. Unbelievably, starving animals are being used for breeding!” PAIN Sue immediately investigated the situation and discovered that the owner of these animals is well known to the local police. Sue continued: “We already have some animals at the Centre that belonged to him. We bought them after finding them tied up and starving on waste ground with no food or water: we will not buy more as this does not solve the problem.”

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Recently, EHCRC and local police were involved in trying to save a donkey that belonged to this man and the story was highlighted in RTN just before Christmas. The donkey had been left tethered and dying on waste ground after suffering a hernia giving birth. She had simply been dumped and left to die and by the time she was found, she was paralysed and in considerable pain. She could not be saved and local people paid for a vet to put the donkey down as the owner refused to pay to end her suffering. Sue commented: “There are laws against such mistreatment of animals, with penalties including seizure of animals; fines; bans from keeping animals and even prison. But nobody is ever prosecuted. How bad does it have to be before the authorities will take action and enforce the laws? We have again reported this man and the appalling way he

treats his animals to the police. We wait and hope that finally something will be done.” STOP PRESS The Benijofar Town Hall contacted Sue’s husband Rod on Tuesday afternoon to say that they are going to issue a seizure notice to the owner of the seven horses that have been entombed in the wooden and corrugated iron shack in Benijofar. According to the Town Hall, the notice was due to be issued on Wednesday and the owners will have 48 hours to rectify the situation before action is taken. Therefore, if the horses have not been moved by today (Friday), the EHCRC should be able to go and pick them up. Sue concluded: “We will continue to fight for the well being of those seven horses.” Whatever the outcome of this seizure notice is, RTN will keep you informed in next week’s paper.


Feb 26 - March 4 2010


Now in our seventeenth year selling top quality meat & fine wines to people who value quality, price and service Special purchase of 200 Fresh Beef Fillets ( Solomillo) ideal for Chateau Briand, Beef Wellington, Fillet Steak . Approx weight 3 kilo’s. Only 23.95€ per kilo. Supermarket price 31.90€. First come. First served.

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FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Dates confirmed for exhibition THE DATE you all been waiting for! The next This Is Spain Exhibition trade fair will take place over the weekend of 23rd, 24th and 25th April 2010. Due to unforeseen obstacles this will not be in Algorfa as planned but at the four star luxury Orihuela Costa Resort at La Zenia, just south of Torrevieja. Event organizer, Christine Roche is returning to this venue after a successful show there two years ago. Marketing the show strongly across the Costa Blanca region, the main sponsors are RTN; Costa Blanca News; The Post; Female Focus and TKO Radio, all of whom will be promoting the show. Christine is advertising the show in a wide range of local media magazines, including the Inland Magazine; Insight Magazine; SolTimes; Gran Alacant Advertiser; The Leader and Euro Weekly. She is also promoting the show in the Dutch, German and Scandinavian press. As well as media advertising, 50,000 leaflets will be distributed between Gran Alacant and

Los Alcazares. A number of charities will also have stands at the event including AEBE, better known as the Butterfly Children charity; The Lions; Age Concern and, of course, HELP. There will a fashion show and lots to entertain everyone. This is a great day out for all the family. To reach the Orihuela Costa Resort, come off the N332 at the La Zenia roundabout, head towards the sea, take the second right and follow the signs: you will find the resort on your left. ‘This Is Spain Exhibitions’ trade fairs are an ideal way for businesses along the Costa Blanca to reach their target audiences and to show their new, and often innovative products to the thousands of people who always attend. For more information, and to book your stand, Linea call Christine Roche on 627 409 881 or email Directa are her at vivachristine@gmail.com one of many See the website at www.exhibitions-spain.com companies for regular updates. at the show

Torrevieja votes for 20 skyscrapers on the beach Tower blocks could be placed on the beach

TORREVIEJA’S SKYLINE could change dramatically after the local town council decided on Tuesday to push ahead with a plan to build 20 thirty-story tower blocks along the beach front. The council has approved for the blocks to be erected in six areas

next to the beach but that decision now has to be ratified by the Generalitat Valencian Government. Información newspaper reports that the areas concerned are Campico San Mamés between the Acequión beach and the International Marina; the

Playa de los Náufragos; the Curva del Palangre, next to the Los Locos beach or Las Lomas in La Mata. The project was carried in Torrevieja with the votes of the Partido Popular, while the opposition parties, PSOE, IU and LV, all voted again

23.3% of economy in black

THE MINISTRY of Finance reports that in 2009, the ‘black’ sector of the economy represented 23.3% of Gross Domestic Product, or €244,918 million. This is an increase of 0.7% on the previous year. Fraud in fiscal payments was responsible for a fall of €27,362 million tax income up to November. Navarra +6.8% and Valencia +5.6% are the Regions where the black economy increased most during the past 10 years.

Feb 26 - March 4 2010


Brown on voting: “I ‘AV a dream” Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

BOTTLA BROWN has recently decided that he will push through a new law, prior to the election, which will pave the way for a referendum on voting reform: the so called, AV (alternative voting) system. “It is about giving people a choice,” fantasises Gordon. Oh come on, how many times have we heard that one? I’ve become increasingly wary of anyone offering me choice because it seems the more choice I appear to be getting the less choice I actually have. I am also wary of referenda. If a referendum is held will the wishes of the voters be of any consequence? Did we have a choice about the Lisbon Treaty? Did we get a vote? No. But the Irish did and yet when they voted a clear NO to the motion that was on offer, they then had to vote AGAIN! The second time they voted yes; which was the result the EU masters wanted, er sorry, the EU needed to ratify the agreement (and from that treaty we got dear old President Rumpy-pumpy and the prospect of a lot more Euro-taxes). Maybe I’ve gotten too cynical but the above example of manipulation produces my wariness of referenda. A certain Mr Hitler held plebiscites on no end of issues and strangely always got the result he wanted. Or am I, dear reader, as usual being too simplistic?

Anyway, the discussion on a referendum apart, there are many people who would like to see some electoral reform. The Guardian recently stated: “It is a shocking fact that not a single one of the 646 members of the current House of Commons was elected by the majority of their constituents.” So, in a late spree of fair mindedness Bottla wants to initiate some changes. Or does he? Until his last Labour Conference speech back in the autumn Bottla Brown had never shown any inclination for electoral reform. In fact he has always been against it. The Guardian thinks Bottla’s embracing of AV “stops well short of the fair electoral system that many prefer”. The paper proposes that it could be a pre-election ruse, attempting “…to expose the Conservatives as enemies of reform” but concedes that “British political life would be better off with this new voting system”. It says: “[AV] could help draw constituents and their MPs more closely together.” After the expenses scandal, something is desperately needed to give a modicum of credibility back to our creaking old system. I contacted the Electoral Reform Society at 6 Chancel Street, in London and quickly learnt from their 2005 election report that Blair and Bottla’s mandate was pretty thin. The percentage

of turnout was just 61.4%. The report states: “No majority government in British history has ever rested on a flimsier base of public support.” And no other election has had such a poor turnout since the franchise was extended back in 1918 (which coincidently was the next poor turnout year at 57.2%). The report added: “In historical terms, 2005 is clearly in the relegation zone of the turnout league table of elections in the last century.” So then, in reality what we have at the moment is this: an unelected PM who was forced on the British public by the departure of the former PM, who himself was voted in by a wafer thin minority of the population. If you bear that in mind it makes you wonder why Bottla would want to mess with the system. I wondered how things had panned out across the country. For example, I was interested to know, percentagewise, the results for my home town time in the 2005 election. The report made interesting reading: “In East Sussex (so that includes Brighton) the Labour Party astonishingly managed to win 4 out of the 8 seats in the county despite being third with just over a quarter of the vote (25.4%).The Conservatives were well ahead in votes, with 39.8%, but won only three seats, while the Lib Dems had one seat for 26.2% of the vote.”

Gordan Brown - an unelected PM forced upon us by the departure of the former PM?

That single Lib Dem voice is known to me; it’s dear old Norman Baker in Lewes (who I’ve worked with on the town’s local radio) and Norm is always banging on about electoral reform. When you see that his party had more popular votes than Labour but won only one of the seats… Well, I’ll let you do the maths. And if you think all of that is a tad unfair just consider the example of MP George Galloway, only one in every five of his electorate voted for him. It’s amazing to note but Georgieboy cast more votes in Celebrity Big Brother - a reality show! In a nutshell then, out of an electorate of 44.4 million, some 27 million people voted and of those who ventured into the booths, it took just 21.6% of them (or

9.6 millions) to return the bigeared, grinning war criminal back to Number Ten. Democracy or what? By those percentages it’s almost a similar result as elections in Afghanistan. So how does the alternative vote system work? Voters will rank the candidates in order of preference, with second preferences transferred until one candidate has more than 50% of the total vote. But what about the 17 million folks who didn’t vote? As fewer people turn out to vote how can they be encouraged? Maybe if it had been a reality show they might have voted. What do you think, folks? AV you got any good ideas for electoral reform? Let us know: p.watts@roundtownnews.com Watts in Britain, well, for a percentage of the time…



FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010


Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

Are you resident in Spain or the UK for tax purposes?

THE RECENT UK Judicial Review decision in the case of Mr GainesCooper casts doubt on the issue. Here’s a brief outline of the law. It comes as a surprise to many British citizens living in Spain that they may still be domiciled in the UK with regard to inheritance tax (IHT). This case involves the UK Revenue’s position concerning non-resident tax status, however, and is a different point, although the test for each is similar and can have very broad implications. Mr Gaines-Cooper is a wealthy businessman, originally from the UK, who claimed to be non-resident in the UK for many years. He lives in the Seychelles and has spent less than 90 days in the UK during any year for the past 20 years. The UK Revenue deemed him to be tax resident in the UK, however, as he had kept his ‘chief residence’ in the UK and he now faces a whopping tax bill. The

Judges in the Judicial Review hearing declared that the HMRC had used the correct interpretation of the UK’s non-resident policy, known as ‘IR20’, and stated that England had remained ‘the centre of gravity of his life and interests.’ The test applied is basically the ties and connections a person has maintained or developed with the UK. Many readers will have friends and family in the UK, a bank account there and possibly investments or Premium Bonds. Some will also have kept a property in the UK as well. For some people this could mean that they are considered by the UK Revenue to be resident in the UK for tax purposes, and domiciled in the UK for Inheritance tax purposes. All of this will seem incomprehensible to many. The fact that the UK is effectively insolvent in the eyes of some experts suggests

that the UK Revenue will continue to adopt a tough stance across the board. The determination of non-resident tax status and domicile for British people living abroad is important for a number of reasons and advice should be taken. I hope the above is useful although it is no substitute for detailed professional advice. Please feel free to give either myself or Carlos Baos a call on 966 426 185, or send an email to info@white-baos.com if you wish to discuss this or any other issue.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2008 - Tel: 966 426 185. All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Spain in favour of EU membership for Turkey PRIME MINISTER José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero has said that Spain will try to assist Turkey in its bid to become a member of the EU. Spain is currently President of the European Union and will use its position to open up further negotiations for Turkey. Zapatero made the announcement at a press conference

Got a story? 902 118 999 rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

in Madrid last week, while Turkish Prime Minster Recerp Tayyip Erdogan was present. Zapatero went on to say that Spain and Turkey share the same opinions on many issues and that Turkey plays an important role in relations between the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

Feb 26 - March 4 2010


business Good advice not gossip 5-11 26 Feb FEBRUARY - March 4 2010 2010



Suzanne O’Connell Freelance reporter

Caroline Clinton

MISINFORMATION: The more information there is, the more likely it is that some of it is wrong. My name is Suzanne O’Connell, I’m a writer and teacher and in this regular feature I’m going to be quizzing Ábaco Asesores about staying legal, the easy way, in Spain. I’ve been living in Spain for 18 months. I look back with horror at my first attempts to sign up on the padrón. When I got to the right building I’d not have the right paper work: when I had the right paper work I’d be at the wrong place. It seemed to go on and on, week after week. All I wanted to do was do things right! Another time I would ask for help much earlier. There are people who sort out padróns for a living and could have saved me all that time and frustration. But who do you trust? I’ve always been a little wary of legal advisers; worried that if I ask them something, even informally they are going to whack a large bill in front of me. And they can look a little intimidating. When I met Caroline Clinton, the image of the haughty legal adviser disappeared. She goes to my local gym so it’s hard to retain any dignity when you’re on your 15th squat or bench press. Caroline works for Ábaco Asesores in Torrevieja. She’s part of a team who are experts in different aspects of the legal system in Spain. During our first conversation, we both agreed that a major problem for British

and Irish residents and non-residents in Spain is misinformation. The letters in the papers and the postings on forums demonstrate the level of confusion there is. It’s not helped by the frequency with which rules and regulations seem to change. And so the idea for this feature was conceived. But first I’ll introduce you to some members of the team. After all, they get to know lots about their clients why shouldn’t their clients know a little about them too?

MEET MARTIN Martin Pickering works with Caroline in the rafters of Ábaco’s premises in Calle Maria Parodi. Together they man and woman the Ábaco Help-line. Lots of clients will have spoken to him over the phone – here is their chance to see what he looks like! Martin evidently enjoys his job but he also enjoys his pastimes. He is into aerobatics. This was completely new to me but Martin enthusiastically explained the technical side of flying model aeroplanes. This is no flash-in-the-pan Sunday interest; he’s been the Spanish National Champion for two years running. I’m impressed! MEET CAROLINE Caroline Clinton deals with business development and helps with customer care. During the last year she has been

Paloma Paris

Martin Pickering

Gema Sánchez

working on the ÁbacoConnect total service package. ‘I love the variety of what I do. Every day is different.’ She’s also helped lots of British and Irish pensioners access the Imserso programme: “We weren’t sure at first whether it was just restricted to Spanish people but when we found out anyone could apply for a bargain holiday we helped our clients through the process. We help non-clients too”. Caroline is one of Ábaco’s longest serving employees and she introduced me to the company and its aims. She has lived in Spain for 24 years and has two boys, now 21 and 25. When she has time she enjoys skiing in the Sierra Nevada with the Costa Blanca Ski Club and goes to the gym, of course.

MEET GEMA Gema Sánchez works in the legal department as an official translator. Obtaining her degree from Alicante University, she also studied for a year at Bangor University in Wales: “I had lots of opportunity to travel around. I went to Ireland; London; Liverpool; all over really. It was my first time living away from home. A wonderful experience although it did rain rather a lot”. Gema manages to cram lots of leisure activities into her life and practices one I’ve never heard of before: Padel. “It’s a bit like tennis”, she explains. Add to that the gym; dancing; playing the guitar and she takes the starring role at the Christmas Karaoke!

MEET PALOMA Paloma Paris has the accolade of winning the Company Women Customer Service Award in 2008. Paloma’s main role is organising property conveyancing as well as arranging NIEs and Residencias. “I like my colleagues; I like organising; I like coming here every day.” Her enthusiasm is infectious. Having lived in Belgium for thirty years from the age of 6 months, she speaks fluent French as well as English and Spanish. Now living back in Spain, she is delighted to be here and working at Ábaco.

AND THERE’S MORE… It’s not possible to meet all 30 employees and cover everything that Ábaco has to offer. Instead it is better to take a look at their interactive website www.abacoconnect.com or just keep reading this feature. With Ábaco’s help, I’ll be researching the legal issues that are worrying the community and providing answers from experts - not just the gossip. Don’t miss our next article if you want good advice on registration and residence.

Millie Munro Services announces opening of new Benijofar office MILLIE MUNRO Services today announced the opening of a new office in Benijofar, to be run by Malcolm Sol. Products to be offered are Golden Leaves Funeral Plans; El Perpetuo Socorro Health insurance and Caser Insurance. The new office will be shared with Sol Vista Estate agents. Millie Munro Services was launched in Spain in 2003 and despite the recession, 2009 was her best year yet. Millie’s philosophy of offering good quality products at highly competitive prices has created a demand met through expanding her sales team and appointing a new Sales and Office Manager: more branch openings are planned this year. Millie and her team bring a wealth of experience and work only with long established market providers, with expert knowledge and an outstanding reputation for integrity and client satisfaction. A friendly team is on hand to deal with any

queries and always available to clients for ‘out of hours’ emergencies; approachable, caring and highly professional with a perfect understanding of the needs of the ex-pat client in Spain. Malcolm Soll has many years experience in the health and funeral market. Malcolm commented: “I am delighted to be opening an office with Millie and we believe that we can offer an excellent opportunity to grow the business: backed by our experienced team we would like to think that we will be able to help our clients, current and new, during these turbulent times”. Benijofar office will open Tuesday 2nd March from 10.00 to 16.00, with refreshments provided. As an opening special, we are offering 10% discount on El Perpetuo Socorro health plans and the opportunity to talk directly to the Directors of the company. We are also offering €50 cash back on any Golden

Leaves Funeral Plan taken out on the day; 15% discount on any home and motor insurance quotation with Caser Seguros; plus our expert Mark Harrison of World Wide Brokers for Investments and QROPS will be on hand to discuss the benefits that this pension solution can give. For further information contact: Millie Munro 660 049 033 Malcolm Sol 660 763 248 Millie Munro Services Benitachell office: Avenida Lepanto 6, Benitachell: Telephone: 966 493 082 Mob: 660 049 033 Fax: 966 493 100 www.milliemunro.com Email: millie@milliemunro.com Details of Benijofar Office: Avenida Federico Garcia Lorca 14, Benijofar, 03178, Alicante Tele/Fax: 966 716 626 Mob: 660 763 248 Visit www.milliemunro.com for testimonials Email: Malcolm@milliemunro.com


FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010


Do you want guaranteed double-digit annual investment returns with absolutely no risk whatsoever to your capital? by

Lucio Ventrella OFS Spain

Or would you like to try for the easier option of turning lead into gold and water into wine? Understandably, investors want the highest possible return on their money for the least amount of risk but given the current economic turmoil and low interest rates, this has become much more difficult to achieve. However, for many investors, an alternative may be to consider a ‘Structured Product’ as part of their investment portfolio. These come in many forms but at its most basic, a Structured Product has two main objectives: The first is to provide a financial ‘safety

net’ that subject to certain conditions can guarantee a percentage, or even the full return of your money, provided the investment is held to a set maturity date. These conditions are declared at outset so you know what needs to happen for the ‘safety net’ to work. The second objective is to generate either growth that is paid at maturity, or income that is paid at regular intervals during the term of your investment. Some even offer a mixture of both. The growth or income objective is also declared at outset so again you know what to expect of the product. For example, the terms may state

that a guaranteed annual income of 8.5% will be paid for five years up to a specified maturity date. At this point, 100% of your investment capital will be returned, provided that at maturity neither the FTSE 100 nor S&P 500 indices has gone down by more than 50% from their starting level on day one. If either index is down by more than 50%, your capital will be reduced on a one for one basis. It does what it says on the can. If you think neither index will have fallen by over 50% in five years time then include it as part of your portfolio. If you are unsure, then keep looking for

alternative investment opportunities. Of course there are risks. There are risks with everything. For example, the institution underwriting the capital protection may become insolvent or a performance level might not be met. Generally speaking, the higher the performance claims, the higher the risk. But at least you know what needs to be achieved in order to get the benefits before you commit to the investment. We might not be able to turn lead into gold or water into wine, but OFS Spain can show you an alternative and hopefully more rewarding approach to investment. Give us a call now.

If you have any financial questions or queries, feel free to email me directly at: lucio@ofs-spain.com or call 966.112.961

€10 million mortgage Trade unions plan to strike

fraud exposed

POLICE IN Madrid have arrested four men for using false documents in order to apply for millions of euros worth of mortgages. The men used forged title deeds to a fictional 45,000m2 estate in northwest Madrid to convince lenders that they had collateral. The men had successfully applied for and received mortgages amounting to €10 million, in quantities of €0.5 million; €1.4 million; €2.4 million and €5.7 million respectively. A top-of-the-range car was also seized from the fraudsters.

HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT in Spain and the government’s plan to raise the age of retirement has pushed trade unions to threaten mass strikes. Workers have already held protest marches against Prime Minister Zapatero’s insufficient attempts to boost the Spanish economy and create jobs. Statistics show that one in five Spaniards is out of a job, the economy has remained in recession for almost

New car sales increase

two years and total unemployment stands at four million. Protests have been held in Madrid and Barcelona – although the Spanish press reported last week that the protests were “weak”. The leader of the General Worker’s Union (UGT), Mr Mendez, is reported as saying that the government has made a “grave error” with its choice to raise the age of retirement as a means of helping the economy.

The government’s Plan 2000E, designed to encourage consumers to buy new cars and hence boost the economy, has been a success throughout 2009. The Plan was launched by the Ministry of Industry. Figures released show that 45.8 percent of buyers have chosen new cars with less than 120 gr. CO2/km. Second-hand car dealers however, are not so pleased with the plan, which leaves them with fewer customers.

How it works Your investment is split into two equal parts Part 1:

5% fixed interest plus 100% capital guarantee on maturity in 12 months Part 2: Unlimited potential returns based upon stock market growth plus 100% capital guarantee at maturity in 5 years Available in £, € or $ 100% protection from falling markets Underwritten by Major International Bank

OFS Spain is a member of, and regulated via, Inter Alliance Worldnet Insurance Agents and Advisers Ltd, the largest network of Independent Financial Advisers in the world. Our consultants are authorised to offer financial advice according to current EU regulations.


Richard Morris Tel: 966 462 960 Mobile: 627 302 742

CALPE/ALICANTE Ian Botterell Tel: 966 462 960 Mobile: 607 687 841

TORREVIEJA / MURCIA & ALMERIA Andrew Berks Tel: 966 199 722 Mobile: 618 390 481

Centro Comercial Arenal, Avenida del Pla 126, 2.17, 03730 Javea Telephone: Lucio Ventrella on 966.112.961 Email: lucio@ofs-spain.com



FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

‘QROPS Digest’ by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns UK PENSIONS made headlines again this week but it is entirely possible that you did not notice.

Many times in this column we have warned people that their UK pension rights are not necessarily safe even if they are in a so-called ‘copper bottomed’ or ‘gold plated’

final salary pension scheme. There is a common misconception that benefits in such arrangements are guaranteed. That is pretty much the case for those who are receiving their pensions already, or if you have deferred benefits in a public sector scheme like the Civil Service or the Teachers pension scheme. THE COLLAPSE OF READERS DIGEST AND THE IMPACT ON ITS PENSION FUND But if you left UK private sector employment leaving behind a deferred or frozen pension and

are enjoying life in Spain patiently awaiting payment of your pension benefits from retirement age then there is a possibility that you might be disappointed. Certainly you would have cause for concern if you used to be employed by Readers Digest. Deferred pensioners in the Reader’s Digest pension scheme are possibly going to be very disappointed. Apparently, from what we have read, the pension scheme had a deficit of a whopping £125 million. Mind you, when you compare that to the British Telecom scheme deficit of over £9 billion, then this does seem like loose change. WHAT HAPPENS TO A PENSION FUND IF A COMPANY LIKE READERS DIGEST GOES BUST? The American parent company of Reader’s Digest made proposals to the United Kingdom Pensions Regulator as to how to deal with the deficit and the Regulator was not happy with those proposals. As a consequence, Reader’s Digest in the UK has now been put into Administration. In other words they have been allowed to go bust and

the pension scheme will no doubt end up in the arms of the lifeboat called the Pension Protection Fund. Okay, this does provide some security but benefits are capped and based on an objective to provide a particular level of benefit not a commitment. HOW SECURE IS A COMPANY PENSION FUND? We have said many times before in this column that deferred benefits in a final salary scheme are only as secure as the ex-employers ability to fund that promise. Given that private sector pension schemes depend on contribution income from the employer and the returns achieved on the assets in which the fund invests, tough market conditions have played a big part with the problems many schemes are now facing. Ironically the method used to calculate the alternative transfer value changed in October 2008 and has had the effect of increasing transfer values - sometimes by more than 50%. So you do not have to retain your deferred benefits: you can have the cash

value transferred to a personal scheme or a QROPS. WHY QROPS ARE VIABLE ALTERNATIVES FOR EXPATS For non UK residents, transferring to a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) will achieve more than simply taking control. You may be able to access an immediate capital sum for example. You will certainly have much more benefit flexibility and be able to leave the remaining fund after your death to your chosen beneficiaries. What is certain is that in a QROPS, your pension fund is not dependent upon the ongoing ability of an employer to continue funding the scheme. Much to ‘digest’ here, but the message remains the same - deferred benefits in final salary pension schemes are not necessarily as safe as they are cracked up to be. For an impartial and unbiased review of your pension funds or for a no obligation second opinion, please contact Stephen Ward or Robert Burns at review@qrops.es or see: http://www.qrops.es

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS, February2010. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 W: www.qrops.es

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Feb 26 - March 4 2010



Feb 26 - March 4 2010

Feb 26 - March 4 2010




15-21 FEB 26JANUARY - MARCH 4 2010 2010

Dear Dawn: My last baby became jaundiced a few days after birth and I never really understood the reason why. I always thought that jaundice was related to liver problems, is this not correct? Ask the Specialist by

Dawn Blythe S.R.N. R.M.

JAUNDICE (yellow discoloration of the skin and membranes, often most visible in the eye) is caused by excessive bilirubin, a pigment produced from the breakdown of red blood cells. You are quite correct: in adults, jaundice is often associated with liver dysfunction. However, in newborns this is called Neonatal Jaundice or Physiological Jaundice which is a ‘normal’ event affecting 60% of newborns. Neonatal jaundice occurs commonly for two reasons: • Babies are born with surplus red blood cells and it is the body’s natural response to break these extra blood cells down. This in turn produces an excessive amount of bilirubin. • The liver of a newborn is immature and unable to cope with this excess bilirubin. Hence there is a backlog of bilirubin which is deposited in the tissues where it is temporarily stored. This gives the skin a yellowish tinge: jaundice. Occasionally there are other factors which cause an infant to become jaundiced. Two of these conditions are AOB (blood group) incompatibility and Rhesus incompatibility which is why

blood group and rhesus factor are part of routine pre-natal investigations. Jaundice is also more common in pre-term infants. Neonatal jaundice usually develops about 2-3 days after birth. Jaundiced babies tend to be sleepy and are often slow to feed. Although we normally encourage ‘demand feeding’, with a jaundiced baby it is important to wake the baby for regular feeds as it is vital to keep the baby well hydrated. In most cases, with correct feeding management (your Midwife will advise), neonatal jaundice will disappear gradually without any further treatment. Jaundice is assessed by physical examination of the baby and by measuring the level of bilirubin in the blood. In some cases, phototherapy may be prescribed whereby the baby’s skin is exposed to fluorescent light, which helps to break down bilirubin in the skin. The baby will be nursed naked and placed in an incubator to keep the baby warm. The eyes will be protected. Phototherapy does not cause any distress or discomfort to babies. Treatment may be required for a couple of days and

A jaundiced baby is treated with phototherapy

again, it is important to keep the baby well hydrated. The blood bilirubin levels will be measured repeatedly as it is vital that levels do not go too high. In the most extreme cases of jaundice, an exchange blood transfusion may be required.

The most important thing is for new mothers and babies to have regular post-natal check-ups whereby neonatal jaundice can be detected promptly. Once the jaundice has resolved, there are no lasting affects to the baby. For more information contact Dawn.

This article has been written by Dawn Blythe S.R.N. R.M. Dawn is a British trained Midwife who has spent over 20 years caring for mothers & babies in ex-patriate communities. To speak to Dawn or make an appointment to see her, please call ‘The English Medical Clinic’ Albir, or pop into her free ‘drop in’ clinic on Wednesday mornings. 966 868 013 engmedopt@orange.es

15-21 Feb 26JANUARY - March 4 2010 2010


FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010


Essential Spanish

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 96

LAST WEEK we were looking at verbs that go “back to front” compared to English, following the pattern of “me gusta” which translates as “I like it, I like him, I like her” but literally means “it, he, she pleases me”. We not only saw that “gustar” itself can appear in all sorts of persons and tenses, but also how a number of other verbs work in the same way. This week we are going to continue on the same lines and point out yet more of these verbs. One that is extremely popular is the verb “faltar” (to be missing). “Me falta”, which literally means something like “it’s missing to me”, therefore means “I’m missing “or “I have something missing” as in the sentence “me falta un papel” (I have a piece of paper missing) – the permanent condition of anyone who is sorting out paperwork in Spain. Similar to this is meaning is the expression “hacer falta” although this has more the idea of need – as in “me hace falta otro papel” ( I need other piece of paper).

Equally common is the verb “importar” (to be important). “Me importe” (it is important to me), and also “no me importa” (it isn’t important to me), are both very useful with the latter being used in situations where we would say “I don’t mind” or even “I don’t care”, depending on the context. Here’s a nice colloquial phrase – “me importa un pepino”. Yes you’re right, “pepino” does mean cucumber, and we are in fact looking at an expression which uses an inoffensive vegetable to say: “I don’t give a damn”. (It’s about as important to me as a cucumber). “Sobrar” is an interesting word, and other one that is quite difficult to translate directly into English. It basically means to have an excess of something. So, we could say “me sobra mucha comida”. That means, “I have a lot of food left over”. I can use it more figuratively as well, as it “me sobran tus comentarias”. There a number of ways to say this in English “I don’t need your comments”

Best of Musicals BEST OF Musicals is on March 17th at 20.00 and stars starring Adam Slater; Andrea Merlau; The Velvetones; La Marina Tappers and Coro Alegre, at Auditorium Los Arcos Avd. Baleares 34, Torrevieja. Entrance €10. Bookings are advisable, via Monica. Phone: 966 920 698 and Los Arcos Phone: 965 710 289. Email: artandmusictours@lycos.com

or even “your comments are surplus to requirements”. We can invert this idea using a negative “Ahí no sobra dinero” - there isn’t too much money there, in other words, there’s very little. Finally here is a very nice expression which we use when we like people. The verbal phrase is “caer bien”, which you will probably realize literally means “to fall well”. “Ese hombre me cae muy bien” (I really like that man). “¿No te gustó esa chica? Pues a mí me cayó bien.” (Didn’t you like that girl? Well I quite took to her, or, I thought she was nice). As you can see, there is no actual “falling” involved, but then we don’t usually end up flat on our faces when we “fall in love” in English. As you can see some of these phrases are quite idiomatic and therefore do not have an exact equivalent in English. Both languages have their own way of expressing certain ideas, which is what makes learning a foreign language so interesting! See you next week.

Haiti fundraiser in Pilar de la Horadada

THIS SUNDAY, 28th February, there will be a special fundraiser for the Disasters Emergency Fund, supporting the survivors of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The event will take place at the Duques de Palma pavilion, next to the municipal swimming pool and will include performances from all the municipal dance schools of Pilar de la Horadada; including the gymnastics group from the town’s branch of the University of the 3rd Age. The fundraiser starts at 13:00 and costs just €2 per person to enter.


Taxi 24 Torrevieja by Cliff Roberts WE HAVE all read the recent stories regarding illegal taxis operating in our area. Why take the chance? It will be a certainty that a friend of a friend will not be fully insured, or licensed for that matter, to convey passengers for reward. TAXI 24 is a private taxi - meaning the licence is held by the owner and the taxi is driven by the same person - not part of a fleet, yet fully licensed to carry up to 4 passengers with relevant insurance cover. The vehicle itself is a Citroen Picasso and is fully air conditioned with plenty of boot space for luggage. The owner, Ricardo, has been driving taxis in this area for over 6 years now; prior to this he was an ambulance driver. His new business partner Ian has been working for four years with a car hire firm, transporting cars back and forth to the airports so both are very familiar with quickest routes, black spots and the usual delays caused by roadworks. The taxi is licensed in Torrevieja, meaning it can pick up passengers anywhere within Torrevieja boundaries and drop off anywhere in Spain: unfortunately, it cannot pick up from Orhihuela Costa or Los Montisenos etc, out of the said boundaries. However, passengers may be collected from airports without any problems, providing you pre-book; as it is a required to have the booking legally stamped by the police at the airport. You can pre book via e-mail at rvicentetaxi24@gmail.com - with your name, flight number and date and time of arrival. You will then be informed where you can collect your taxi.

LOCAL PICK UPS The aim of Taxi 24 is to be with you within ten minutes of calling provided it is in the area; if this is not possible, another trusted driver in the area will pick up on behalf of Taxi 24. LONG DISTANCE We can also service long distance runs, eg Madrid or Barcelona, however these journeys are pricey and normally only used by business people in emergency situations, although Taxi 24 has regular clients who use this service.

DISABLED CLIENTS Taxi 24 also collaborates with another taxi owner whose vehicle is adapted to carry four persons plus one wheelchair; this service is also available from airports through pre booking. Other services include transportation of pets, accompanied by their owners at all times and properly restrained for safety reasons. Please note for the comfort and safety of all passengers, damage caused to the vehicle by pets (chewing seats or fouling) will be charged for, as will any damage caused by passengers such as disposal of chewing gum or spillages. Please note we accept all major credit cards and you can find our advert in the RTN every week. Contact us on 692 665 575: your call will be answered in English. Use a proper fully licensed – fully insured taxi: you would in the UK, so why not here in Spain?

Feb 26 - March 4 2010



FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

music scene The Nomad - live music show


Compiled by

Eric Taylor

ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, please contact Eric directly.

RUCE IS the incredibly lively singer, blues harmonica and saxophone player with the trademark long black coat, top hat, and stuffed white rat on his shoulder. Previously Bruce specialised in rock and blues music, but now The Nomad - Live Music Show contains a much bigger and wider, range of songs. Bruce can be contacted on: 629 809 638, or via his website: www.nomadshow.piczo.com BOOKINGS FOR FEBRUARY Friday 26th - Bonnie’s Bar, Pinoso Saturday 27th - Bar Wifi, Camping Los Llanos, El Verger BOOKINGS FOR MARCH Saturday 6th - Private Party, Altea Saturday 13th - Coll De Rates Restaurant (CV715) @ 1.30pm Saturday 13th - “So What International” Bar, Calpe Port Friday 19th - Bar 23, Jalon Saturday 20th - Bar Wifi, Camping Los Llanos, El Verger Tuesday 23rd - Private Party, Calpe Saturday 27th - Coll De Rates Restaurant (CV715) @ 1.30pm

Terry Rowley – singer/entertainer SINCE ARRIVING on the Costa Blanca from the UK, Terry Rowley has established himself as a one man entertainment force to be reckoned with. His audiences are made up of all ages who delight in the fact that he just ‘gets it,’ performing the kind of music that people want to hear. Terry has a laid back approach and an authentic vocal talent to match and you can be sure of a fun filled night out with him. For more information and bookings phone: 664 871 693 or email: terryrowley11@btinternet.com GIGS FOR FEBRUARY Friday 26th Bar Quo Vadis, Javea

DON DIMO has it all: he is a brilliant guitarist whose act ranges from breathtaking Spanish guitar to Dire Straits; Jimmy Hendrix; Gary Moore; Pink Floyd; BB King and many others. Don is flying to Germany for a week from February 26th to do four concerts. He will be back in Spain to do a gig at Bar 23, Jalon; a new bar doing live music nights on a Friday - please support this venue. He is a true International performer who interacts well with his audience. Bookings: 627 657 073 - Web site: www.dondimo.com

GIGS FOR MARCH Monday 8th - El Chiringuito Beach Bar, Calpe Friday 12th - Private party Sunday 21st - Bar Manhattan, Javea Port, Javea, 17.00 Wednesday 24th - Bar Quo Vadis, Javea Saturday 27th - Bar Quo Vadis, Javea (Cabaret Night)




Don Dimo - guitarist extraordinaire

GIGS FOR MARCH Friday 5th - Bar 23, Jalon Saturday 6th - Magnum’s Bar, Oliva Friday 12th - El Pozo Bar, La Nucia Saturday 13th - Sascha’s Bar, Paichi Centre, Moraira Thursday 18th - Monte Vista Bar, Cumbre del Sol Friday 19th - Bar Quo Vadis, Javea Sunday 21st - Bar So What, Calpe Port, 17.00 Friday 26th - Pizza Time, Albir

Evergreen – all round show duo YVONNE AND Henk de Boer are ‘Evergreen’ – a musical duo who started working together in 1990. Over the years they have built up a large repertoire of some 2,000 numbers, starting with the big hits from the 50s to the tunes of today and including songs from ABBA; Bruce Springsteen; Dean Martin;

Dire Straits; UB40; Robbie Williams and many others. They also have a Dutch and German repertoire. They are suitable for large parties/ dinner/dance functions as they can adapt to whatever is required. Interested? Call: 629 952 158 email: b.inkybagwan@hotmail.com website: www.everyoneweb. com/evergreen

Every week Nigel Turner, Cumberland Bar, Benidorm will be doing a Focus report on the nightlife of Benidorm and the artists performing there. Should any artist/venue wish to be included :– contact Nigel on 685 550 106, email: ngltur@aol.com, web site: www.cumberlandbarbenidorm.com

Cheryle Louise - female vocalist/radio personality

CHERYLE LOUISE has continued to entertain the crowds with her Cabaret Show which has been updated and includes songs from artists including Celine Dion, Shania Twain, Bonnie Tyler, Tina Turner and Amy Winehouse to name but a few. Cheryle works very hard to keep her show up to date and is constantly looking for ways to improve which is already a very polished act. Her backing tracks are very good and clear and she is always turned out immaculately on stage. For the past year she has seen a

development in her career as she has been working as a presenter on Benidorm’s Cool FM Radio as Cheryle Dale. You can catch Cheryle at the following venues, Saturday, Rachel’s Tavern at 21.15, Sunday, Rachel’s Tavern 21.15 followed by the Beatles Bar at 22.30 Monday she can be seen at the Bar Tropical on the Rincon at 21.30 and Thursdays at the Clansman again on the Rincon at 23.00. She will be more than happy to play a request or dedication for you on her Sunday show so why not tune in to Cool FM or go and see her in one of her shows.

FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

The spice of life by Jack Troughton CURRY TOPS the charts as Britain’s favourite dish and expats looking for first class Indian food will find a warm welcome at the Namaste in Jalon. Spice is king at this little gem that specialises in Nepalese cuisine, with an extensive choice of lovingly cooked food to suit every palate: great value set menus mean there is also something for diners eating out on a budget. And curry fans can be an extremely loyal bunch, casting a net far and wide to discover a favourite and then doggedly sticking by it.

Friends of mine moved from the coast to Jalon in search of views, walking, bird-watching and generally, the great outdoors. Their worry was not being able to find a good curry house. However, they were soon on the ‘phone, recommending Namaste as the place to eat in the area for a good Indian meal. TEST The restaurant has now been subjected to the discerning Troughton Family taste test and Namaste is definitely a hit. We arrived on a cold night but were immediately made at home.

The restaurant


Take time over the menu – there are 151 items listed, the last being chips – and each dish is explained in the text or to double check, the friendly staff will help out and even make a recommendation. And while making a choice, there was the opportunity to smash a poppadom and savour the crunch with some excellent pickle and creamy raita. Chicken madras has long been a favourite of mine and seemed an appropriate yardstick to help judge the food. Mrs T is a big fan of veggie dishes. Combining the two and sharing has always proved to be a banquet and this was no exception. FLAVOUR Madras, with its coconut gravy, spices, coriander and lemon juice, really hits the spot and the Namaste dish did not disappoint. The chicken (I daringly asked for Chicken Tikka), was moist and full of flavour while the sauce was a wonderful blend of tastes with just enough kick. Mrs T ordered aubergine in a curry sauce (Brinajle Bhaji) and this proved to be the discovery of the evening. The vegetable still had

Manager Rudra

bite, tasted divine and the grated ginger on top was a revelation. She also picked a sag paneer; cubes of home made cheese with grated spinach, tomato, onion, and naturally spices. The cheese was excellent and its accompanying vegetables and fruit cooked to perfection.

Our thanks to manager and chef Rudra Nath Jaisee and the Namaste team for a thoroughly successful meal and their efficient service. Namaste is open seven days a week from noon until 15.30 and 18.00 until 23.30 and a takeaway service is available. For reservations call 966 481 330 or 677 833 668.

Postcard from Portugal By Jack Troughton CHAOTIC COMEDY comes to the Costa Blanca stage with Javea Players’ spring production ‘Holiday Snap’, the tale of two adulterous couples double booked in a time share villa. Directed by David Garnett, rehearsals are ongoing for this play by Michael Pertwee and John Chapman to be presented between April 19th and 23rd at the Union Musical in Gata de Gorgos. Norman Dunnington plays Commander ‘Chitto’ Chittenden, the too-fond-of-the- bottle rep attempting to sort out the mess as the couples – Keith Livesey, Lynne Martin, and Lee and Gillian Hodges – arrive for their getaway. And things get even more confusing with the sudden and unexpected arrival of Carole Saunders – the mother-in-law of one of the characters. Will there be a happy ending? Find out by reserving a ticket by calling Mabel at the Box Office on 965 794 937.

Menu de la Casa from 14.95 euros

Full A La Carte Menu

Don’t forget to book for Mothers Day March 14th. Holiday Snap director David Garnett at work

However, the first production of 2010 is an Evening With Alan Bennett, being staged at the Javea Players Studio between 15th and 20th of March. Director Sybil Kent has assembled a first class cast to guarantee a night of first class entertainment. The studio is in Javea town behind Bookworld and

the Box Office number is 966 404 086. Finally, Javea Players return to the Macheta Restaurant overlooking the Ifach Golf Club, Moraira, for the June outdoor summer production and barbecue. Hugh Norton directs a brace of Frank Vickery comedies: Split Ends and A Night Out.


FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Ten winter questions (continued) by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

THIS WEEK, we continue to answer the ten winter questions started last week. 5. When would you start to grow tomatoes and peppers from seed? On the coast: already. Inland: now if you have a propagator or greenhouse with a small heater. 6. I live inland and have had two nights down to minus three during February. As a result many succulents in the garden are blackened. What should I do? Nothing. Leave the burnt leaves to shelter the remains of the plant until the risk of frost is past. Then cut back the frost burnt leaves and stems. Many plants will recover as the roots will not have been frozen. Next year, take cuttings and raise new plants in a greenhouse or cold frame over winter to produce replacement plants if you lose any next winter. 7. When does the Albarda Fundem garden in the La Sella urbanisation between Pedrequer and La Xara open? Every Saturday at 10.00. Non members need to book a visit through the cultural office of Pedrequer Town Hall or Fundems office on 963 523 099 to ensure that sufficient guides and guides who speak English, Spanish, German and Dutch etc are arranged. We believe that a small charge of €5

is being introduced for non members. For more information, look up Fundems website.

8. Should limes be picked green as they are in most supermarkets or yellow as they become on the tree. Limes are picked early but are not coloured artificially as are some green picked mandarins and oranges. Whether green or yellow, they will normally be more acidic than lemons. Harvest according to use and taste. 9. What should I look for when buying trees? Whether buying flowering, fruiting or evergreen trees look out for the following: a. Trees that have a good root ball compared to the height and width of the tree. If roots are going through the bottom of the pot into the surrounding grit or soil, that’s great. You should carefully cut off the pot and then spread out the roots when you plant the tree. b. No physical or frost damage. c. The beginnings of a balanced shape.

Pick limes depending on the taste and the use

BY CLODAGH AND DICK HANDSCOMBE practical gardeners and authors who have enjoyed gardening in Spain for themselves and at times others for twenty five years. ‘Your Garden in Spain’, ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’ and ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ are each packed with valuable practical ideas and advice for making the garden more beautiful and productive and how to save money. If you have trouble in finding them in local shops phone Santana Books on 952 485 838: they will soon deliver by post. www.gardeninginspain.com

d. A label that tells you the colour of the flowers or time of ripening of fruits for many types of fruit have early and late varieties e.g oranges, mandarins, peaches and apricots. e. A realistic price. The price of a fruit tree can vary from €8 to €20 between garden centres. f. Their suitability for various heights above sea level. Charts in ‘Growing Healthy Fruits in Spain’ will help you with this. 10. Is it best to seal terracotta containers before filling with compost? Yes. This stops the water loss by capillary action through the walls of the containers. You will find the whole matter of choosing and preparing containers for flowers, fruit, herbs and vegetables in our new book due out in March titled ‘Mediterranean Apartment Gardening’. What is said applies equally well to container gardening in patios and on covered or open garden terraces.

Clodagh and

Readers’ recipes

THIS RECIPE has been sent in by RTN reader Joan Deacon from Benigembla, who has a reputation as a brilliant cake maker among her neighbours. As Joan says, this recipe could not be easier and is also very versatile as you can use other fruits such as strawberries; peaches; apricots - in fact, any fruits you fancy as long as they make up a 1lb in weight…

FEB FEB26 26- -MARCH MARCH442010 2010

41 41

INGREDIENTS 1lb/450g mixed dried fruit 1 mug of tea made without milk 1 mug of soft brown sugar (you can use less with no loss of quality) 2 mugs of self raising flour 1 egg You will also need a 2lb loaf tin or cake tin lined with greaseproof paper METHOD 1. Put the dried fruit in a bowl 2. Make the tea and pour over the fruit. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and leave overnight. 3. Set oven to Gas Mark 3/170ºC 4. Add sugar, egg and flour to soaked fruit.

5. Mix well and transfer to a lined loaf or cake tin 6. Bake for approximately 2 hours. (You can test the cake is cooked by placing a clean knife in to the centre, holding it for ten seconds and then remove. The knife should come out clean.) 7. Turn the cake out on to a cooling rack. 8. When cool, slice and serve or wrap in airtight clingfilm or foil or put into an airtight container and leave until required.

Enjoy! Joan Deacon from Benigembla Don’t forget: if you have a recipe that you would like featured in RTN please email to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

19-25 FEB 26FEBRUARY - MARCH 4 2010 2010


An ‘art full of memories OWNING A piece of artwork can be a wonderful thing. Unlike prints and posters, a piece of art is a ‘one off.’ A beautiful item carefully hand crafted by a person that has put thought, care and feeling into by a creative process, resulting in something completely unique. A painting can give endless pleasure year after year and BA (hons). Artist & owner can be passed on to generation of ArtHouse Gallery after generation. Many of you may have paintings or even sculptures that have been passed down from parents or grandparents. Think of how lovely it would be to be able to do the same for your own children and the reminiscent qualities it would possess. The art we buy is the perfect

Julia Evans

Work in Progress, a commission I am working on at the moment

illustration of who we are and our tastes. Not only can it show our personalities but it can also capture stages in our lives. Ultimately it is a timeless recollection of the places we have lived and travelled to, helping us to recall where we have been in our lifetime and the experiences that make us who we are. A piece of artwork can also make a very special and unusual gift. To make it even more personal, why not commission a local artist to produce a piece of artwork for you? Most artists will do commissions and with so many local artists on the Costa Blanca it will not be difficult to find one in your price range. Here are a few tips to help you get the perfect commission: 1. Find an artist you like. Using an artist whose style you enjoy is probably the most important part of getting a commission. That way you are sure to like the end result. I would strongly suggest looking at local exhibitions to find the right artist for you. Go to www. costablanca.angloinfo.com the ‘what’s on’ section has a full and easy to use list of up and coming exhibitions. 2. When you have found an artist you love, contact them to arrange a meeting to

Commission I did in 2009

discuss exactly what you want. Most artists think visually, so try and take along some images or photos to help them understand your vision. If you are not sure what you want then the artist should be able to help you with this. All galleries and exhibition organisers will have the contact details of their artists.

3. The artist should provide you with at least a rough sketch of what the final result will look like. This is important for you to see to be sure that you are both on the same wave length. 4. Choose an artist whose work is in your price range to begin with. Be sure to let them know your budget right from the beginning and make it clear

that you cannot go above this. It is quite normal for an artist to ask for a deposit of at least 50% up front. 5. When the commission is underway, leave the artist to work on it. Very little artwork looks amazing right from the beginning. So let them do their thing before you take a sneaky peak!

Julia Evans BA (hons), ArtHouse Gallery, Calle San Miguel no. 14, Gata de Gorgos, 03740 Alicante. Tel: 0034 965 756 285 or 0034 687 114 853. Email: arthousemail@gmail.com. Web: www.arthouseonline.net. If you are an artist and have an exhibition coming up or simply just want me to view you work then email arthousemail@gmail.com

Canadian in Villajoyosa

Lesley’s paintings capture moments in Villajoyosa

THE TOWN hall will offer a painting exhibition from a Canadian artist in love with Villajoyosa’s old town. THE COUNCILS of Culture and Women of Villajoyosa town hall organised a new exhibition in the social center ‘Llar del Pensionista’, to celebrate Womens’ Week. ‘Canadian in Villajoyosa’ is the title of the sample of paintings from the Canadian artist Lesley Dubey, after her visit to Villajoyosa. The Canadian artist felt a special sensibility for the old town and the people in that zone near the sea front. The exhibition will be inaugurated on 4th March (Thursday) at 12.00 and will be open to the public until 31st March (Wednesday), on the first floor of the social center from Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 22.00. Lesley captured daily moments of Villajoyosa’s citizens with her brushes and has completed 51 exhibitions in Japan, USA and Canada, achieving 7 awards.

Feb 26 - March 4 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.

Euromillions Draw Friday 19th February

12 31 37 38 43 2


No ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros (£13,222,500) jackpot prize


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 48. Crossword winner for issue 540: MARION DEVINE, CIUDAD QUESADA

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 1. In addition (11) 9. Glided (7) 10. Granted (5) 11. Cancel (5) 12. The Merchant of Venice (7) 13. Generous (6) 15. Slumbering (6) 18. Excess (7) 20. Characteristic (5) 22. Oust (5) 23. Exhilaration (7) 24. Enterprise (11)

ACROSS 1. Failing to notice what supervisors are doing (11) 9. This sheet keeps moving - and it’s very cold! (3-4) 10. Suffering from lack of money, but drunk (5) 11. Sample some of Rita’s teacakes (5) 12. It’s a ban that may be revised - don’t! (7) 13. Italian city is almost without sleep (6) 15. At which pot-shots are taken (6) 18. This acts as a destroyer when put to sea at great speed! (7) 20. Clubs - they are used for evening out (5) 22. Name one in love, maybe (5) 23. North African bird? (7) 24. Railwaymen who prepare the tables for a meal? (5-6)


DOWN 2. Marriage (5) 3. Burial mound (7) 4. Charm (6) 5. Power (5) 6. Income (7) 7. Permanent (11) 8. Incapable (11) 14. Interpretation (7) 16. Relapse (3-4) 17. Climb (6) 19. Supple (5) 21. Foreign (5)

Who said that?

America is a country of inventors, and the greatest of inventors are the newspaper men.



Alexander Graham Bell




DOWN 2. Wives will change opinions (5) 3. Take over the security arrangements and remove anxiety (7) 4. Knowing the score is essential to one who play in these (6) 5. As fliers, they may come to the end of the line (5) 6. The skinflint is trailing’ back (7) 7. The difference achieved by outstanding examination candidates (11) 8. They build a nest on moss, maybe! (5-6) 14. Incomplete description of one who shows bias (7) 16. This provides support after the partnership breaks up (7) 17. Punctilious pattern followed by nearly everybody (6) 19. Carry out a put up job (5) 21. Not the same parent losing her head (5)


8-1426 JANUARY FEB - MARCH 42010 2010

Dilly Dally MOVING HOUSE is commonly known as one of the most psychologically stressful activities we ever undertake. When I moved to a studio when I was in university I once accompanied all that I owned in one taxi. I felt strange that all my worldly possessions were housed in that vehicle and that I was able to move in to my new home and settle down very quickly. When I moved into my present home ten years ago the removal truck had to make three journeys. My partner and I both had apartments in London, and had also furnished a holiday home in Denia. Hey presto, all three homes moved into one and I haven’t moved since, thank goodness. No matter how well you label the boxes, the kettle and the biscuits are never quite where you think that they are. Something always gets broken too, but for me this was something that made me very happy on my last move! Memories are found in each and every trinket we keep. I can go around my house and tell you the story behind every object, each picture, and all the furniture that has found its way into my life, never to leave. However I have only ever kept items that bring good feelings and good memories, with one exception. One very beautiful amphora was presented to me by two houseguests in Denia. I have always loved the shape of amphoras, and this one was encrusted over the years with rust and salt deposits, housed in a black wrought iron frame to support it. In Denia it lived in the garden, and many commented on it as if it really was the Etruscan ware it was imitating; sadly it wasn’t. And sadly the two house guests who gifted the amphora turned out to be aggressive alcoholics and had to be asked to leave. From that day onwards the amphora took on a new

vibration. My partner Carl wouldn’t allow me to throw it away, or give it to a charity shop, so the object remained and with it the negative energies of the guests from hell lingering on! Imagine my surprise when the removal company sadly informed me that the amphora had cracked and broken to bits in transit. They probably thought I was quite mad seeing my happy reaction. When you eliminate things that you don’t want or need, then you can love more that which is left: that which you treasure! Many have asked me what happens when I move house. Keenly they ask me if my Spirits travel with me. They clearly do, since I have established quite a few offices in my time and have had the continuity to work within them for the express purpose of contacting Spirit. Spirit does follow me to any destination I have to work in as I travel the World, but I am happiest working in my office. Spirit guides us throughout life, and yet we do dilly dally on the way. Some of us do not see the progress that Spirit brings naturally as we travel from destination onward through destiny. This is not running away, it’s moving on, and if you need to do then just what are you waiting for. Achievements through the embracing of Spirit into our lives help us pack, unpack, and relocate. We can carry a beacon for the rest of our lives, and we can make changes, since changes are good for us. Many fear change, but the dawning of a new day in a new light is a re- location in itself, and if anything does get broken on the way, well then maybe it just wasn’t meant to be!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com My son doesn’t appear to pay much attention to his schoolwork, yet he knows all the right answers. He appears to be in a dream state much of the time. I feel that Spirit could be responsible: both his father and grandfather were very spiritual, but they aren’t around to help me now. Penny C. Hi Penny! Well, it sounds as if your young man is a chip off the old blocks. School doesn’t always stimulate especially bright, open, and different children. Many who are spiritually led feel, like me, that their education began when the school doors thankfully closed behind them. Okay, so this doesn’t help with the exam procedures that are a part of our life. Whilst he may make achievements, the spiritual child is buffered by an inner core of intelligence that will always see him through. If he were my child I would worry about only one thing, “Is he happy?” I strongly think that this young man can call all the shots when he has to! Monitor his progress and let me know!

New online forum!

www.kennycorris.net/forum Please feel free to ask questions of Kenny and read questions and comments of others.

Kenny’s Diary Popular mini readings are available with me at the Bistro Maya, Albir on Monday March 1st and Wednesday March 3rd. Each and every Winter/Spring Wednesday afternoon there will be in attendance Spiritual Workers who will offer their services of healing and clairvoyance, angel divination, tarot, and each week a guest speaker. Appointments can be made on: 966 868 213. Call for details. The Bistro Maya is next to the BBVA bank in the Avenida del Albir and free parking is available close by. Looking forward to meeting with you.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Mercury manages to help you get a vital message through, now it is up to you to make sure that it is not misunderstood and that you stick to your guns. Others are waiting for your interpretation of recent events but someone has the wrong end of the stick and there is bound to be a conflict of interests. You must be true to yourself and ensure that all this comes to a natural conclusion mutually beneficial to all concerned for everyone’s sake. Venus, your romantic planetary leader is in cahoots with mighty Uranus, and you can expect a bumpy ride whilst someone is making things more difficult than they need to be. You may have your stubborn streak but this time around there are no holds barred as you need to know just where you stand. There are pressing reasons for you to take sides but since your loyalties are divided it is currently unwise to do any more than to stall for time. Mercurian energies are rocking the boat right now as you contemplate your next move and re initiate a plan B! The fact that you have to move on does not mean having to reinvent yourself but the options ahead are better than having to bite your tongue, and to suffer in ways others may not be able to understand. The new beginning you are part of means that your need for action is fulfilled and your escape plan is bound to work. Saturn currently sulks in restrictions currently imposed by Libra. This is a time to think only of yourself, and not to listen to those who do not truly have your interests at heart. The fear you have shed and the expectations you encourage must see you safely to the other side. Don’t think of running away, you are finally moving on and it’s certainly not selfish it’s self preserving, and within your own very sincere and boundless capabilities. Venus and Uranus arouse the love energy within and you finally get the courage to make a request and to see it through. Love is a constant companion this week and you do not have to spread yourself thinly on the ground where romance and nostalgia merge to bring good result. Somebody needs your help right now, but they are finding it very hard to face you with their problems, especially as they know that you have decisions of your own to make. Libran balance will restore your energies whilst you should leave no stone unturned in starting out how you mean to continue. Cast regrets out right away, you currently need nothing to hold you back, and only a strong belief in yourself to guide you onwards. This is the start of a positive phase and any changes are subject to your own conscious and control. There is a need to make a connection with an acquaintance who will prove they’re a friend this week. Saturn in your fourth house connects with Mercury. This highlights changes, especially in plans already made. The twists and turns unexpected this week will serve to show you what can be done and just what possibilities can bring to your door. Seeing things in a different light, you are advised to take a well deserved break and to look back at all that is going on from a different angle. You are presently too close for comfort! Hard work is what you enjoy, so stepping into someone’s shoes brings responsibilities that will showcase your enthusiastic wants and needs right now. Take time to get to know your innermost energies since it is changes from within that are set in motion, and which will inspire you the most. Whilst conflicts rage around you, pay attention to those whom you hold dear because they and they alone have your true desires and wellbeing at heart. Slow down! Letting things happen right now will inspire and direct you the right way and show others that you’re not to be messed with. If anyone can take over control it is you, but you now have the impetus and the encouragement that you need. Your sage and wise responses are sought after because they will bring clarity to a complicated situation, and in so doing simplify greatly your current situation which demands attention. Time is right to have your say no matter what others may think is right or appropriate. Someone has to bring everyone together since the future will demand that you open your heart and make the love connection, thinking of yourself and whatever pleases you. Your heart has been closed for some time and you have questioned enough the one person who can repair the damage: now make sure that you do what you instinctively know you can. Venus conjuncts with Uranus in the seventh house and anything is possible if it is what you really want. Though you love your routines, there is a strong need to get up and go right now, accepting changes and broadening your horizons. Opportunities are about to come your way but for once, think of yourself and where you really want to be and don’t let your loyalties, or the past, hold you back from what really could be. A lot of planetary action this week may bewilder you somewhat. With Venus, Uranus and Mercury vying for your attention it will be very hard to prioritise and to move on to new ideas and concepts. There is a nostalgic corner brought in by Venus, and a message you will send through Mercury that may do the trick and solve an irritating problem. Uranus is poised to move you on to where you should be, if that’s what you really want right now.

If it’s your birthday this week... Tried and tested may not be what you need right now; when you are currently itching to make changes all across the board, for all concerned!

8-1426 JANUARY FEB - MARCH 42010 2010


A caveman came a calling Tattoo Experience by

Darren Whiting Tattoo artist

BELIEVE IT or not, most scientists believe the origins of tattoos date back to about 3300 BC. They believe that certain marks found on the skin of the ‘TZI’, a mummified body of an iceman found in the Italian Alps, were considered tattoos back in his day. If their acceptance is true, these marks on his body represent the earliest known evidence for tattoos in history. All we know for sure, up until now, is that there are tattoos found on Egyptian and Nubian mummies dating from about 2000 BC. Classical authors also mention the use of tattoos in ancient societies such as the Greeks; Germans; Britons; Romans and Gauls. The tattoos we know nowadays were discovered by Europeans while exploring North America and the South Seas of the Pacific Ocean. Their first contact with

A Maori tattoo

cultures like the American Indians and Polynesians were the first contact of so called ‘civilised’ people with tattoos. The word ‘tattoo’ was first mentioned in James Cook’s records from his 1769 journey to the South Seas. The natives of Tahiti, Cook’s destination, called the marks on their bodies ‘TATTAU’ which was translated into TATTOO by the explorer. Due to their exotic appearance, tattooed Indians and Polynesians where showcased at circuses and fairs during the 18th and 19th Century all over Europe and the US. Different cultures have developed a vast variety of different tattooing methods. In many North and South American Indian tribes, tattoos were applied by simply pricking the skin with bone or sharpened wooden needles. Other tribes simply rubbed colour, mostly made out of ash, into scratches carved into their skin. Some tribes in eastern Siberia made needle punctures through the skin and a thread was then drawn under it; coated with pigment to apply the colour. In Polynesia and Micronesia, the pigment was pricked into the skin by tapping on a tool shaped like a small rake. A similar method is still used today by famous tattoo artists in Asia and other different countries. It is still almost the same procedure as 300 years ago, except for the sterilising and it is considered an honour to receive a tattoo that way by a Japanese Tattoo Master. The Maoris of New Zealand, probably the most famous people in the world for their tattooing, used the same technique for tattooing as they used to carve wood. A small bone-cutting tool was used to carve shallow, coloured grooves in complex designs on the face and buttocks. The tool would be struck into the skin. Maori tattoos (like those in many other cultures) signify different events and rites of passage during life; from manhood to prowess in battle.

Darren Whiting is owner and tattoo artist at Cobra International Tattoo and Piercing Studio in Benidorm Old Town. He has been tattooing across Europe for over 18 years and here in the Costa Blanca for the last three. He is a trained artist, holding three fine art degrees to Master’s level. Letters and questions are welcomed, send them to nutzandboltz13@hotmail.com.

Paul Jones and Fiona Hendley visit Torrevieja Christian Fellowship PAUL JONES is widely known as the lead singer of Manfred Mann, whose hits included ‘Do Wah Diddy’ and ‘Pretty Flamingo’. Paul and his wife of fifteen years, accomplished actress and singer Fiona Hendley, will be visiting Torrevieja Christian Fellowship (TCF) on the Avenida de las Valencianas 68 (opposite Maxi Dia on the Old Alicante Road) in Torrevieja on Saturday, 6th March at 19.00. Paul and Fiona will share their stories of how they became Christians, as well as their life together. Pastor Roy Davies says, “We are all delighted to welcome such talented individuals to our church. We hope the evening with Paul and Fiona will enable Christian and non-Christian families and friends to attend to hear the gospel presented in a clear and relevant way”. Tickets at €3 may be purchased from TCF, the RTN office in San Luis or at the door. For further information call 966 760 282 or 617 660 209.

Legion salute for Don by Jack Troughton FAMILY, FRIENDS and colleagues attended the funeral service of Donald Eric Henke to pay a final farewell to the popular and tireless charity worker who died in Denia Hospital earlier this month after suffering a major stroke.

Don, 80, was a member of the Javea Branch of the Royal British Legion and until recently co-ordinated the annual Poppy Appeal for the northern half of Spain – utilising marketing skills gained as a manager with the multinational Kellogg’s brand. Denia Crematorium was filled to capacity for the service taken by Stephen Carden of the Costa Blanca Anglican Chaplaincy and a number of

moving tributes were made to Don, who had served with the Royal Air Force. In a special tribute, a Royal British Legion standard was placed against alongside the Union Jack draped coffin – on which was placed a floral tribute from his family and a Legion poppy wreath. The Legion’s exhortation was also read and a minute’s silence held. After living many years on the Costa Blanca, Don had become associated with many groups and organisations and representatives of the Society of St George. Friends from the Moraira dining club, joined by Freemasons for a number of Spanish and English Masonic Lodges, as well as Legion colleagues

Don Henke

paid their last respects. In accordance with his wishes, Don was cremated and his ashes placed alongside those of his late wife Berenice. Devoted to his family, he leaves three sons Mark, Malcolm, and Clive, his daughtersin-law, grandchildren and grandchildren. The family had asked there be no flowers but a collection was held for the Cancer Support Group and the Royal British Legion.

A Maori making a tattoo

In the 1700s, after the Europeans arrived and introduced metal to the natives, the Maoris began using the metal which settlers brought. This paved the way for a more conventional style of puncture tattooing. I’ll endeavor to explain more on the Tattoo history of different cultures in future articles. Tattooing has a huge and diverse heritage to draw from: for now just these few words to scratch the surface!

tv Friday


Feb 26 - March 4 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Animal 24:7 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News; . 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.30 Cash in the Attic; 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News; Weather 14.30 Regional News; 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher; Leon. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 ROY 17.35 Gastronuts 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News; Weather 19.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 20.00 The One Show 20.30 MasterChef 20.55 Live Six Nations Rugby Union 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News; 23.35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 0.35 The National Lottery EuroMillions Draw

8.00 CBBC: Arthur. 8.15 Arthur 8.25 Newsround 8.30 Barney’s Barrier Reef 9.00 League of Super Evil 9.15 Dennis and Gnasher 9.30 CBeebies: Zigby. 9.40 Pinky Dinky Doo 10.05 Louie 10.20 Ethelbert the Tiger 10.30 I Can Cook 10.45 Guess with Jess 11.00 Tinga Tinga Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Animal Park: Wild on the West Coast 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Living in the Sun 14.45 Winter Olympics 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Instant Restaurant 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Priceless Antiques Roadshow 20.00 Live Winter Olympics 21.00 Mastermind 21.30 Wainwright Walks 22.00 Mastercrafts 23.00 The Bubble 23.30 Newsnight

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News 14.55 Granada News 15.00 May the Best House Win 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports 19.30 ITV News 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Coronation Street 21.00 Dancing on Ice Friday 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 Michael Winner’s Dining Stars 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Death Wish 1.25 40 Days and 40 Nights; ITV News Headlines. 3.00 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Crime 3.55 ITV Nightscreen

8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.20 According to Jim 10.50 Deal or No Deal 11.35 Coach Trip 12.05 Without a Trace 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 The Home Show 14.00 Murder Most Foul 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Coach Trip 18.30 Jamie at Home 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.35 The Other Michael Jackson 21.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 22.00 Embarrassing Bodies 23.00 Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night 23.55 8 Out of 10 Cats 0.25 NME Awards 2010 1.55 Comedy Showcase: The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret 2.25 The Flying Car: Daredevils

8.00 - 10.15 Childrens TV 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 Getting on the Property Ladder 13.35 Five News 13.45 RSPCA: On the Frontline 14.15 Lights, Camera, Animals 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Property List: Top Spots 16.05 Dancing at the Harvest Moon 18.00 Five News; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Building the Ultimate; Five News Update. 21.00 Highland Emergency; Five News at 9. 22.00 The Mentalist 23.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 0.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1.00 SuperCasino 5.00 Motorsport Mundial 5.25 Wildlife SOS

8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 UK Border Force 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 WWE Superstars 19.00 Are You Smarter Than Your 10 Year Old? 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies 22.00 Lost 23.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 0.00 Modern Family 0.30 Road Wars 2.30 Ross Kemp on Gangs 3.30 Don’t Forget the Lyrics US 4.30 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? 5.20 Battlestar Galactica

8.15 Winter Olympic Breakfast 8.25 WO Figure Skating 10.00 WO Cross-Country Skiing 11.00 Winter Olympic Nordic Combined Skiing 12.00 WO Finish Line 12.30 Winter Olympic Figure Skating 13.30 Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 14.15 Winter Olympic Nordic Combined Skiing 15.00 WO Finish Line 15.30 Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 16.30 Winter Olympic Figure Skating 18.00 WO Finish Line 18.25 euroCRASH! 18.30 Winter Olympics Countdown 19.00 Live Winter Olympic Alpine Skiing 20.15 Live WO Biathlon 22.00 Winter Olympic Alpine Skiing 22.30 Live Winter Olympic Alpine Skiing 23.30 Live WO Bobsleigh 0.45 Winter Olympic Snowboarding

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Australia’s Next Top Model 15.00 Four Weddings 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Medium 22.00 Criminal Minds 23.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Hotel Babylon 3.05 Dirty Dancing: The Time of Your Life 4.00 Charmed 5.40 Extreme: Skinny Celebrities 6.05 10 Years Younger US

7.00 Breakfast 11.00 Saturday Kitchen 12.35 Rachel Allen: Home Cooking 13.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 13.15 Football Focus 14.00 Live Six Nations Rugby Union 19.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 19.20 Total Wipeout 20.15 Let’s Dance for Sport Relief 21.30 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 22.20 Casualty 23.10 BBC News; Weather 23.30 Match of the Day; National Lottery Update. 0.40 The Football League Show 1.55 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross

8.00 CBBC: Dennis and Gnasher. 8.15 Dennis and Gnasher 8.25 Sportsround 8.40 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 9.00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab; Leon. 9.30 Jump Nation 10.30 Prank Patrol 11.00 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 11.30 Keep Your Enemies Close 12.00 The Slammer 12.30 My Life 13.00 Winter Olympics 14.30 BBC Switch: Greek 15.15 BBC Switch: The 5:19 Show 15.25 On Moonlight Bay 17.00 Flog It! 17.30 Final Score 18.15 Alaska: The Arctic Man Ski & Sno-Go Classic 19.00 British Columbia: Canada’s Olympic Wilderness 20.00 Live Winter Olympics 3.00 Nurse Jackie 3.30 Honeydripper

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10.55 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11.55 Dickinson’s Real Deal 12.55 Michael Winner’s Dining Stars 13.55 News; Weather 14.04 Granada Weather 14.05 Murder, She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle 15.50 Kids Do the Funniest Things 16.50 Bean 18.30 Granada News and Weather 18.45 ITV News and Weather 19.00 All Star Family Fortunes 19.45 New You’ve Been Framed! 20.15 Harry Hill’s TV Burp 20.45 Ant and Dec’s Push the Button 21.45 All Star Mr & Mrs 22.45 The Break-Up 0.45 ITV News and Weather; Weather 1.00 Mermaids; ITV News Headlines.

8.05 World Sport 8.30 Road to the 2010 FIFA World Cup 9.00 The Morning Line 9.55 T4: Friends 10.55 T4: Glee 11.55 T4: NME Awards 2010 12.50 T4: Ultimate Traveller 13.55 T4: Smallville 14.55 Channel 4 Racing from Kempton Park and Newcastle 16.55 Three Hungry Boys 17.25 Come Dine with Me 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.30 The Russians Are Coming 21.00 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 22.45 Under Siege 0.45 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 1.35 Raising Victor Vargas 3.15 The Dead Zone 3.55 St Elsewhere 4.45 Flood 5.00 The Wild Gourmets 5.25 Scrapheap Challenge 6.20 Countdown

8.00 - 9.30 Childrens TV 9.50 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10.00 Olivia 10.15 The Mr Men Show 10.30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11.00 UEFA Europa League Highlights 12.05 The Gadget Show 13.05 Build a New Life in the Country 14.10 Chinese Food in Minutes 14.35 Zoo Days 15.05 Animal Rescue Squad 15.20 Silencing Mary 17.10 Five News 17.15 Fools Rush In 19.20 Happy Gilmore 21.00 NCIS 22.00 CSI: NY 23.00 Law & Order 0.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 SuperCasino 5.05 House Doctor

7.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 8.00 Malcolm in the Middle 9.00 Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker 10.00 Soccer AM 13.00 The Simpsons 14.00 Oops TV 15.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 16.00 Fat Families 17.00 Oops TV 18.00 Got to Dance 19.00 Simpsons - Access All Areas 19.30 The Simpsons 20.30 Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies 21.30 Pineapple Dance Studios 22.30 Dante’s Peak 0.35 Fringe 1.35 NCIS: Los Angeles 3.30 Road Wars

8.15 Winter Olympic Breakfast 8.25 WO Bobsleigh 9.25 WO Alpine Skiing 10.30 WO Biathlon 12.00 WO Finish Line 12.30 WO Alpine Skiing 13.30 WO Biathlon 15.00 WO Finish Line 15.30 WO Bobsleigh 16.30 WO Biathlon 18.00 WO Finish Line 18.25 euroCRASH! 18.30 WO Countdown 19.00 Live Winter Olympic Alpine Skiing 20.00 Winter Olympic Biathlon 20.45 Live Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 22.15 Live Winter Olympic Snowboarding 22.45 Live Winter Olympic Alpine Skiing 23.45 Live WO Bobsleigh 0.30 WO Speed Skating

8.00 I Dream of Jeannie 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 My Wife and Kids 11.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 12.00 Will & Grace 13.00 Canada’s Next Top Model 14.00 Four Weddings 17.00 The Karate Kid 19.30 Nothing to Declare 21.00 Criminal Minds 22.00 Most Haunted: The Live Series 0.00 Exposed: Victoria Beckham 1.00 Medium 2.00 Canada’s Next Top Model 3.00 Dirty Dancing: The Time of Your Life 4.00 Exposed: Kylie 4.50 Will & Grace 5.40 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

8.00 CBBC: Arthur. 8.15 Dennis and Gnasher 8.40 The Basil Brush Show 9.05 Jinx; Leon. 9.30 Dani’s House 10.00 Tracy Beaker Returns 10.30 Spirit Warriors 11.00 Something for the Weekend 12.30 Escape to the Country 13.00 Winter Olympics 15.00 EastEnders 16.00 In Search of the Castaways 17.35 Songs of Praise 18.10 Banded Brothers - The Mongoose Mob 19.10 Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections 20.00 Top Gear 21.00 Live Winter Olympics 23.55 Match of the Day 2 0.45 The League Cup Show 1.30 The Persuasionists 2.00 Live Winter Olympics: Closing Ceremony 4.45 The Super League Show

7.00 GMTV 10.25 Britain’s Favourite View 10.40 Coronation Street 13.00 News; Weather 13.09 Granada Weather 13.10 Mutiny on the Buses 15.00 Columbo Goes to College 16.55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18.55 Granada News and Weather 19.05 ITV News and Weather 19.20 Harry Hill’s TV Burp 19.50 Dancing on Ice 21.30 Wild at Heart 22.30 Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 23.00 ITV News and Weather; Weather 23.15 Syriana 1.35 Premiership Rugby Union 2.25 Champions League Weekly 2.55 The Yakuza; ITV News Headlines 4.50 Dating the Enemy 5.15 ITV Nightscreen

8.20 The Great Swim Series 9.15 The Best of the NBA 10.00 T4: The Hills 10.25 T4: Friends 11.00 T4: Hollyoaks 13.30 T4: Ultimate Traveller 14.35 T4: Friends 15.10 T4: 4Music Favourites: Kesha 15.45 T4: 90210 16.40 T4: The Simpsons 17.45 Deal or No Deal 18.30 Glee 19.30 Channel 4 News 20.00 The Bible: A History 21.00 Come Dine with Me 22.00 Saving Private Ryan 1.10 4Music: NME Awards 2010 2.40 School Disco 2.50 The Dead Zone 3.30 The War at Home 3.55 Hill Street Blues 4.45 The Kitchen Pharmacy 4.55 The Wild Gourmets 5.20 Dispatches: Kids Don’t Count 6.15 Countdown

8.00 - 9.30 Childrens TV 9.30 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 9.50 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10.00 Olivia 10.15 The Mr Men Show 10.30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11.00 Shake!: Hannah Montana. 11.35 Wizards of Waverly Place 12.10 Wild Animal ER 12.40 The Gadget Show Shorts 12.50 Ice Road Truckers 13.50 Shoot-Out at Medicine Bend 15.35 Dracula: Dead and Loving It 17.15 Five News 17.20 Big Fish 19.40 Big Daddy 21.30 Anger Management 23.35 Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo 1.10 The Gadget Show 2.10 SuperCasino

tv Saturday

tv Sunday 7.00 Breakfast 8.45 Match of the Day 10.00 The Andrew Marr Show 11.00 The Big Questions 12.00 Country Tracks 13.00 The Politics Show 14.00 EastEnders 15.00 Match of the Day Live 18.35 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 19.00 Countryfile 20.00 Antiques Roadshow 21.00 Lark Rise to Candleford 22.00 Seven Ages of Britain 23.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 23.25 Great British Railway Journeys 23.55 My Name is Muhammad 0.25 Runaway Jury; Weatherview. 2.30 Sign Zone: Holby City 3.30 Sign Zone: History of Now - The Story of the Noughties 4.30 Sign Zone: Generation Jihad

Ant and Dec’s Push the Button itv1, 20.45

8.00 Malcolm in the Middle 9.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 WWE Superstars 12.00 WWE: Experience 13.00 The Simpsons 14.00 Futurama 16.00 Bones 17.00 UK Border Force 18.00 The Simpsons 19.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 20.00 The World Wild Vet 21.00 Noel’s Are You Smarter Than Your 10 Year Old? 22.00 24 23.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 0.00 House 1.00 Bones 2.00 Road Wars 2.50 Night Cops 3.40 Road Wars 4.55 Inside Prisons 5.45 Hello Goodbye 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

8.15 Winter Olympic Breakfast 8.25 WO Figure Skating 10.00 WO Alpine Skiing 10.45 Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 12.00 WO Finish Line 12.30 WATTS 13.00 WO Figure Skating 14.00 WO Bobsleigh 15.00 WO Finish Line 15.30 WO Figure Skating 16.45 Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 17.30 WATTS 17.55 euroCRASH! 18.00 WO Countdown 18.30 Live Winter Olympic Cross-Country Skiing 20.45 Live WO Ice Hockey 0.00 WO Finish Line 1.00 WATTS Slumdog Saving Millionaire Channel 4, Private 10.00pm Ryan

Channel 4, 22.00

8.00 I Dream of Jeannie 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 My Wife and Kids 11.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 12.00 Will & Grace 13.00 America’s Next Top Model 14.00 So You Think You Can Dance 16.00 The Karate Kid 18.30 Passport Patrol 19.00 Changing Faces 20.00 Psychic Sally: On the Road 21.00 Medium 22.00 Criminal Minds 23.00 Supernatural 0.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 America’s Next Top Model 3.00 Dirty Dancing: The Time of Your Life

tv Monday

Feb Feb26 26- -March March442010 2010

8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Grimebusters 11.00 Lion Man 11.30 Airline 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Project Runway 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 22.00 How to Get What You Want 23.00 House 0.00 24 1.00 Road Wars 2.50 Ross Kemp on Gangs

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Animal 24:7 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News; 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.45 Cash in the Attic; 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News; 14.30 Regional News; 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher; Leon. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 17.35 MI High 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News; 19.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 20.00 The One Show 20.30 Inside Out; BBC 21.00 EastEnders 21.30 Panorama 22.00 Five Days 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News; 23.35 Who Made Me Fat?: Mischief 0.35 Late Kick Off

8.00 - 9.15 Childrens TV 9.30 CBeebies: Zigby. 9.40 Pinky Dinky Doo 10.05 Louie 10.20 Ethelbert the Tiger 10.30 I Can Cook 10.45 Guess with Jess 10.55 Big & Small Songs 11.00 Tinga Tinga Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Schools: Who Are We? 12.20 BBC Primary Geography 12.40 Food Stuff 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Animal Park 14.45 Winter Olympics 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Priceless Antiques Roadshow 20.00 Seven Ages of Britain 21.00 University Challenge 21.30 Raymond Blanc: Kitchen Secrets 22.00 Why Did You Kill My Dad? 23.00 QI 23.30 Newsnight; 0.20 Newswipe

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Guest in the Sun 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Coronation Street 21.00 The Lakes 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 Married Single Other 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Along Came Polly 1.15 In Plain Sight; ITV News Headlines. 2.05 Loose Women

8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.20 According to Jim 10.45 Deal or No Deal 11.35 Coach Trip 12.05 Without a Trace 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 Celebrity Life Skills 13.10 Bataan 15.20 Glamour Puds 15.50 The TV Book Club 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Coach Trip 18.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 The Political Slot 21.00 Dispatches: Britain’s Islamic Republic 22.00 The Secret Millionaire 23.00 The Good Wife 0.00 Date Movie 1.35 Dogville 4.45 The Wild Gourmets 5.15 St Elsewhere

8.05 - 9.20 Childrens TV 9.20 Peppa Pig 9.25 Thomas & Friends 9.35 Igam Ogam 9.50 Funky Valley 9.55 The WotWots 10.05 Mio Mao 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 House Doctor 13.40 Five News 13.45 RSPCA: On the Frontline 14.15 Lights, Camera, Animals 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 The Family Recipe 15.55 Property List: Top Spots 16.10 Derby 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Building the Ultimate; Five News. 21.00 The Gadget Show; Five News at 9. 22.00 A Fistful of Dollars 0.10 Young Guns 2.10 SuperCasino

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Animal 24:7 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News; . 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.45 Cash in the Attic; 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News; 14.30 Regional News; 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher; Leon. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 Deadly 60; Street Monsters. 17.35 Blue Peter 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News; 19.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 20.00 The One Show 20.30 EastEnders 21.00 Holby City 22.00 Five Days 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News; 23.35 Secrets for Sale 0.20 Open Range; 2.40 Sign Zone: See Hear

8.00 - 10.20 Childrens TV 10.20 Ethelbert the Tiger 10.30 I Can Cook 10.45 Guess with Jess 10.55 Big & Small Songs 11.00 Tinga Tinga Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Schools: BBC Primary Geography. 12.20 KS2 Science Clips 12.30 Telling Tales 12.40 Let’s Write a Story 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Nature’s Top 40 14.30 Castle in the Country 15.00 Living in the Sun 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Priceless Antiques Roadshow 20.00 Coast 21.00 The Hairy Bikers Come Home 22.00 Horizon 23.00 Mock the Week 23.30 Newsnight; 0.20 Mad Men 1.55 BBC News

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News 15.00 House Guest in the Sun 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports 19.30 ITV News 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 The Krypton Factor 21.00 Live International Football 23.00 ITV News at Ten 23.30 Granada News 23.35 Piers Morgan On 0.35 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Emergency 1.30 Premiership Rugby Union; ITV News Headlines. 2.25 Loose Women 3.15 The Jeremy Kyle Show

8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.20 According to Jim 10.45 Deal or No Deal 11.35 Coach Trip 12.10 Without a Trace 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 A Brief History of Fun 13.20 The Home Show 14.15 Saddle the Wind 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Coach Trip 18.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 The Political Slot 21.00 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 22.00 One Born Every Minute 23.00 Shameless 0.10 The Big Bang Theory 0.35 8 Out of 10 Cats 1.05 Late Night Poker

8.05 - 10.15 Childrens TV 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 House Doctor 13.40 Five News 13.45 RSPCA: On the Frontline 14.15 Lights, Camera, Animals 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Zoo Days 15.55 Property List: Top Spots 16.05 A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Chinese Food in Minutes; Five News Update. 21.00 Ice Road Truckers; Five News at 9. 22.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23.00 CSI: Miami; Five News Update. 0.00 CSI: NY 1.00 NCIS

8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Grimebusters 11.00 Lion Man 11.30 Airline 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Project Runway 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Stargate Universe 22.00 Caprica 23.00 Fringe 0.00 Lost 1.00 Caprica 2.00 Road Wars 2.50 Ross Kemp on Gangs 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics US 4.30 Brainiac: Science Abuse 5.20 Battlestar Galactica

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Animal 24:7 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News; 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.45 Cash in the Attic; 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News; 14.30 Regional News; 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 Dennis & Gnasher; Leon. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 SMart; Street Monsters. 17.35 Blue Peter 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News; 19.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 20.00 The One Show 20.30 Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers; 21.00 MasterChef 22.00 Five Days 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News; 23.35 The National Lottery Draws 23.45 Damages; National Lottery Update. 0.25 Film 2010 with Jonathan Ross

8.00 -10.05 Childrens TV 10.05 Louie 10.20 Ethelbert the Tiger 10.30 I Can Cook 10.45 Guess with Jess 10.55 Big & Small Songs 11.00 Tinga Tinga Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Nature’s Calendar 12.30 Daily Politics 14.00 See Hear 14.30 Working Lunch 15.00 Living in the Sun 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Priceless Antiques Roadshow 20.00 Yellowstone 21.00 Becoming Jane 22.55 Grumpy Old Women 23.30 Newsnight; Weather. 0.20 The Bubble 0.50 The Virtual Revolution 1.50 BBC News

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News 14.55 Granada News 15.00 House Guest in the Sun 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; 19.30 ITV News 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Live International Football 23.10 ITV News and Weather 23.40 Granada News and Weather 23.45 International Football Highlights 0.45 Cops with Cameras 1.40 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Mystery; ITV News Headlines. 2.30 Loose Women 3.20 The Jeremy Kyle Show 4.15 ITV Nightscreen

8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.20 According to Jim 10.45 Deal or No Deal 11.35 Coach Trip 12.10 Without a Trace 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 Designers Under Pressure 13.15 The Home Show 14.15 The Law and Jake Wade 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Coach Trip 18.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 The Political Slot 21.00 Relocation, Relocation 22.00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 23.00 Desperate Housewives 0.00 Shameless 1.00 4Music: Paul Weller: Video Exclusive 1.05 4Music: Music Academy 2010

8.05 - 10.05 Childrens TV 10.05 Mio Mao 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 House Doctor 13.40 Five News 13.45 RSPCA: On the Frontline 14.15 Lights, Camera, Animals 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Property List: Top Spots 16.05 Mystery Woman: Oh Baby 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Monkey Life; Five News Update. 21.00 Extraordinary People: The World’s Oldest Conjoined Twins; Five News at 9. 22.00 NCIS 23.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 0.00 Numb3rs 0.55 Poker 2.00 SuperCasino

8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Grimebusters 11.00 Lion Man 11.30 Airline 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Project Runway 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 The World Wild Vet 22.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 23.00 Dante’s Peak 1.05 Naked Britain 1.35 Road Wars 2.35 Ross Kemp on Gangs

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

47 47

8.30 Winter Olympic Games: Closing Ceremony 10.00 GP2 Asia Series 11.00 British Superbikes 12.00 Winter Olympic Finish Line 13.00 Winter Olympic Ice Hockey 14.30 Winter Olympic Figure Skating 15.30 WATTS 16.00 Winter Olympic Games: Closing Ceremony 17.00 Winter Olympic Finish Line 18.00 Eurogoals 18.45 Champions Club 20.15 Eurogoals: One to One 20.30 WATTS 20.55 World Superbikes 22.55 Eurogoals 23.40 Champions Club

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Passport Patrol 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Australia’s Next Top Model 15.00 Four Weddings 15.30 Nothing to Declare 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Britain’s Worst Parent 22.00 America’s Next Top Model 23.00 Changing Faces 0.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Hotel Babylon

8.30 Eurogoals 9.15 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview 10.15 Winter Olympic Ice Hockey 11.30 Winter Olympic Finish Line 12.30 WATTS 12.45 Eurogoals 13.30 Champions Club 15.00 FIFA World Cup Giants 16.30 Eurogoals 17.15 Champions Club 18.45 Eurogoals: One to One 19.00 Eurogoals Flash 19.10 Winter Olympic Finish Line 20.00 Planet Armstrong 20.15 Eurogoals 21.00 Boxing 23.00 Freeride Spirit Show 23.15 World Touring Car Championship 23.45 World Superbikes 1.15 Eurogoals

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Passport Patrol 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Australia’s Next Top Model 15.00 Four Weddings 15.30 Nothing to Declare 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 America’s Next Top Model 22.00 Psychic Sally: On the Road 23.00 Most Haunted: The Live Series 0.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene

Married Single Other

itv1, 22.00

Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers BBC 1, 20.30

Fringe sky1, 23.00

8.30 Freeride Spirit Show 8.45 WO Finish Line 9.45 World Touring Car Championship 10.15 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview 12.00 World Superbikes 14.00 World Touring Car Championship 14.30 Eurogoals 15.15 Champions Club 15.45 FIFA 2010 World Cup Preview 17.30 FIFA World Cup Giants 18.30 World Touring Car Championship 19.00 Eurogoals Flash 19.15 Wednesday Selection 19.20 Show Jumping 20.20 Riders Club 20.25 US Tour Golf 21.25 Golf Club 21.30 Yacht Club 21.35 Wednesday Selection 21.40 Abu Dhabi Challenge 22.10 WO Finish Line 22.55 Planet Armstrong

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Passport Patrol 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Australia’s Next Top Model 15.00 Four Weddings 15.30 Nothing to Declare 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Grey’s Anatomy 22.00 Supernatural 23.00 Medium 0.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.00 Hotel Babylon 3.05 Living with Kimberly Stewart

tv Thursday


26 - March Feb 26Feb - March 4 2010 4 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Animal 24:7 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer; BBC News; 12.00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12.45 Cash in the Attic; BBC News; Weather. 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News; 14.30 Regional News; 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 16.05 CBeebies: Timmy Time. 16.15 Pinky Dinky Doo 16.25 CBBC: 16.25 Dennis and Gnasher; Leon. 16.40 Bear Behaving Badly 17.05 Horrible Histories 17.35 Relic: Guardians of the Museum 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News; 19.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 20.00 The One Show 20.30 EastEnders; BBC News; Regional News. 21.00 MasterChef 22.00 Five Days 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News; 23.35 Question Time 0.35 This Week; Skiing Weatherview. 1.25 Sign Zone: Panorama 1.55 Sign Zone: Countryfile 2.50 Sign Zone: Natural World 3.50 Sign Zone: MasterChef

8.00 CBBC: Arthur. 8.15 Arthur 8.25 Newsround 8.30 Barney’s Barrier Reef 9.00 League of Super Evil; Angus & Cheryl. 9.15 Dennis and Gnasher 9.30 CBeebies: Zigby. 9.40 Pinky Dinky Doo 10.05 Louie 10.20 Ethelbert the Tiger 10.30 I Can Cook 10.45 Guess with Jess 10.55 Big & Small Songs 11.00 Tinga Tinga Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Schools: BBC Primary History. 12.20 KS2 Science Clips 12.30 Primary Class Clips 12.45 Primary Creative Arts 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Nature’s Top 40 14.30 Castle in the Country 15.00 Living in the Sun 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Priceless Antiques Roadshow 20.00 The Culture Show 21.00 Natural World 22.00 How Safe Are Our Skies? Detroit Flight 253 23.00 Bellamy’s People 23.30 Newsnight; 0.20 The Culture Show 1.20 The Persuasionists

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Guest in the Sun 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 Midsomer Murders 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Internet My Life: Tonight 21.00 Emmerdale 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 The Bill 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Car Crime UK 0.35 The Krypton Factor 1.05 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Mystery 2.00 In Plain Sight; ITV News Headlines. 2.45 Loose Women 3.35 The Jeremy Kyle Show 4.30 Internet My Life: Tonight 4.55 ITV Nightscreen

8.00 Freshly Squeezed 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.20 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.20 According to Jim 10.45 Deal or No Deal 11.35 Coach Trip 12.10 Without a Trace 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 The Old People’s Home Show 14.05 Party Girl 15.55 Glamour Puds 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Coach Trip 18.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 The Political Slot 21.00 Country House Rescue 22.00 My Daughter Grew Another Head and Other True Life Stories 23.00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23.50 Hung 1.00 Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night

8.05 -10.00 Childrens TV 10.05 Mio Mao 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 House Doctor 13.40 Five News 13.45 RSPCA: On the Frontline 14.15 Lights, Camera, Animals 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 The Family Recipe 16.00 Property List: Top Spots 16.10 Jane Doe: Eye of the Beholder 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Zoo Days; Five News Update. 21.00 Build a New Life in the Country; Five News at 9. 22.00 Hang ‘Em High 0.25 The Sexy Ads Show

8.00 The Simpsons 9.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10.00 Grimebusters 11.00 Lion Man 11.30 Airline 12.00 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 13.00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 13.30 Oops TV 14.00 Bones 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Project Runway 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Modern Family 21.30 Two and a Half Men 22.00 Pineapple Dance Studios 23.00 Bones 0.00 Cold Case 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Songbook 2.50 Road Wars 3.40 Ross Kemp on Gangs 4.30 Don’t Forget the Lyrics US 5.20 Journeyman

8.35 Winter Olympic Figure Skating 10.00 International Football 14.25 Planet Armstrong 14.30 International Football 19.00 Eurogoals Flash 19.05 Eurogoals: One to One 19.15 International Football 20.00 World Superbikes 22.00 World Touring Car Championship 22.30 GP2 Asia Series 23.30 Planet Armstrong 23.35 Fight Club

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Passport Patrol 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Australia’s Next Top Model 15.00 Four Weddings 15.30 Nothing to Declare 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22.00 Criminal Minds 23.00 Grey’s Anatomy 0.00 Criminal Minds 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 540

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Mastiffs; 5 Quid; 9 Fowl; 10 Carousal; 11 Rigid; 12 Evident; 13 Tender-hearted; 18 Note-book; 19 Norm; 20 Inverse; 21 Coach; 22 Gash; 23 Asserted. Down: 2 Aconite; 3 Tallied; 4 Flame-throwers; 6 Unspent; 7 Diluted; 8 Godiva; 13 Tanning; 14 Natives; 15 Embark; 16 Rancour; 17 Earache. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Splendid; 5 Adds; 9 Prop; 10 Assassin; 11 Funny; 12 Globule; 13 Objectionable; 18 Teutonic; 19 Sick; 20 Amnesia; 21 Cover; 22 Tell; 23 Strident. Down: 2 Perturb; 3 Expense; 4 Insignificant; 6 Disturb; 7 Sincere; 8 Baboon; 13 Outcast; 14 Journal; 15 Choose; 16 Abscond; 17 Lectern.

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Feb 26 - March 4 2010

Killer Year Book Review by

Danny Collins


Imagine being made redundant by the BBC and moving to the USA in the hope of finding work – you’re a TV scriptwriter by the way. While you wait for the right interview, you decide to try your hand at a novel. You invent Jack Reacher, a hard US ex military policeman as your protagonist and suddenly you’re in the big time; your work optioned by Paramount and your book bestsellers on both side of the Atlantic. So what do you do? You go back to Bush House in London and you blow a big fat raspberry through the letterbox. Well, okay, forget the raspberry because that’s just me, but all the foregoing actually happened to author Lee Child who has compiled this collection of short stories by 16 emerging US thriller writers. I thought the back cover blurb that promises the book will ‘get your blood pumping and hold

Edited by: Lee Child Publisher: Mira (hardback) Price: €16.25 ISBN: 978 0 7783 0275 9

you breathless on the razor’s edge of suspense….’ a trifle hysterical; come on, I’ve seen some of my own dust jackets – but each story is well-crafted and written to capture the reader’s attention. Each new writer is introduced by an old hand at the game – people like James Rollins

and remember David Morell of First Blood fame? – And their comments are worth noting. All in all, I found it an ideal book to pick up when my eyes had crossed at the monitor and I felt like half an hour’s break and a cup of Redbush: easy reading from some of tomorrow’s bestselling authors.

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

Hearts and flowers

ROMANCE WAS in the air at the Laude Lady Elizabeth School in the week leading up to Valentine’s Day, raising money for the Haiti Appeal and the Calpe Red Cross. More than 200 orders were taken for delicious heart-shaped brownies and red roses – the baking taking place the previous weekend using a secret recipe.

The treats were cut into shapes, carefully wrapped in cellophane, tied with a ribbon, and decorated with red roses and with a card delivered to happy recipients. Organised by citizenship and Red House students, the last day before half term also involved running a cake stall and ‘non-uniform’ day to boost the cash raised.


50 44

FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010


CLI error Steve via email asks: Dear Aunty, I think I may have all your pages from the RTN as I cut them out and save them. I have been waiting to see if someone may have a similar problem as mine but alas I have to email you: I hope you can help solve my problem. With my Nero CD Burning program, when I go into the help tab all the data comes through in Spanish. All the other parts are in English. I have tried various things but still no results, hope you can help. Keep up the good work. Aunty says: Hi Steve. I can only think that Nero is assuming you are in Spain and has either downloaded the Spanish version of the help files or is connecting you to the Spanish area of the Nero server to access the help files. You can easily download the full help files and documentation from here; www.nero.com/enu/ manuals-helpfiles.html which should sort the problem out. Philip from Benijofar asks: Hi Aunty, I have tried to load Malwarebytes from enetcomputers.net, and it comes up saying this is suspect software and not safe to download, any clues? Aunty says: This is most probably your computer warning you that the program you are about to download is an executable file (.exe) and could be harmful. As long as you know and trust the source of the download then it is okay to allow the download. If you are unsure of any website then do not download from it. Note that Malwarebytes is free as long as you don’t select the realtime protection or scheduler. It is perfectly usable without these and I think they charge around €20 for the full version. Norwyn via email asks: Hi Aunty. I am having a problem of late with my Google Gmail emails being very slow to open, view and scroll through. My Norton 360, Spybot and Superantispyware don’t detect any problems. Hope you can help. Aunty says: Is only your email Norwyn? The only thing I can think of is possibly Norton is scanning your emails and using up a lot of your system and internet resources. Try opening a few web pages and maybe a couple of Word documents to see if they behave properly. You can temporarily switch off any real-time scanners by right clicking on the small icon in the bottom left corner to see if they have an adverse effect. Keep me posted.

with aunty virus

Katherine via email asks: Hi Aunty, I saw your excellent article in the paper while in Moraira for a holiday and hope you can help me with my problem. I am running windows XP and for the last few months, when my laptop is starting up, a box pops up headed “CLI.EXE Application Error” When I click as instructed, the box disappears but I have no idea why it is appearing in the first place. Please can you explain what it refers to and how I can stop it occurring? Aunty says: This has something to do with the ATI CLI control center and is associated with your graphics software/drivers. It is a process that you can live without but the message will continue to pop up until you get to the root cause. The most likely problem is caused by something called the ‘Microsoft.NET framework’ (pronounced dot net) which is either missing or out of date. You should first try and fix the problem by downloading the latest version of .NET for XP from the Microsoft website. If this fails then you may have a more serious problem. To temporarily get rid of the CLI error you can use msconfig to switch off the relevant ATI programs under startup, but only ever attempt this if you know and understand msconfig. Let me know how you get on.

ADSL advice Graham from Villajoyosa asks: Dear Aunty, I don’t have a landline and I am looking for a wireless internet provider, I have tried Telitec but they don’t reach this far. A company called Comenersol in Novelda said, “Yes no problem we’ll ring you when we’re coming”. A week passed and I rang to ask what was happening: “We’ll ring you” was the only response I could get, no explanation and it’s now been 2.5 weeks and still nothing. At this time of year nobody is that busy. Can you recommend any other companies please?

Aunty says: Hi Graham. I don’t know of any wireless provider your way I’m afraid, but I know Jazztel were advertising in that region a few months back so it may be worth popping on their website. If any of you out there know of a reliable ADSL provider in or around Villajoyosa then let me know and I will forward the suggestion to Graham. Saeed via email asks: Dear Aunty, firstly I would like to thank you for the advice on a previous question regarding Security Software. I now have

another question that I hope you might be able to help me with. I have had a Telefonica fixed phone line plus ADSL since December 2008. However as I am NOT a very heavy Internet user, maybe about 1 to 3 hours a day, is there a ‘pay as you go’ ADSL provider in Spain? I have already eliminated the Mobile ADSL as the signal in my area (Formentera del Segura) is NOT good. I would be grateful for any advice on this subject. Aunty says: I don’t think the pay-as-you go option exists with any of the fixed ADSL packages Saeed but if you are looking to cut costs and aren’t a heavy downloader then one of the 1MB packages may suit you a lot more. Have a browse through the RTN and give Europa a call on 902 050 999; mention me and you will be looked after.

Attachment trouble Peter via email asks: Dear Aunty, I hope you can help me. For some weeks now, if I receive an email with an attachment I can click on it and it opens a small screen showing the size and the down load speed. On completion it goes to the next screen saying setting up. This is about 1/2 second long and as you wait for the attachment to open, nothing happens - as if you had not tried to open anything. This happened some weeks ago so we restored the computer to a earlier date and all was okay, only to return 2 or 3 days later.

so if you could forward me one of the emails I will have a closer look. You may find that you have actually downloaded the attachment and it is sitting in a folder waiting for you to tell Windows what to do with it. You should have an option just before you download it to choose a folder where to store it. If you look in this folder you may find the file.

Aunty says: Before you try anything you will need to scan your computer with an updated version of AVG9, Malwarebytes and SuperAntiSpyware, just to be sure this isn’t the result of a virus. I need to know what type of attachment you are downloading,

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Detecting a termite infestation The Asian Store by

Charles Caffarena de Witt

Woodtech, Woodworm & Termite specialists

THE SUBTERRANEAN termite (Reticulitermes Lucifugus) is found in most southern European countries and is responsible for millions in damage to property every year. With this in mind it is important to have some basic knowledge so you can recognise the first signs of termite infestation and take appropriate action. Subterranean termites live underground in colonies harbouring hundreds of thousands of insects; each colony composed of different types of termite such as workers, soldiers and reproductive aletes, all physically distinct and performing different tasks within the colony. What things should you look out for? SWARMING Large numbers of swarming winged termites in your garden or inside your house are quite often mistaken for flying ants. The swarming occurs when adult male and female reproductive aletes leave their nest to pair and start new colonies. Swarming usually occurs in the spring, on a warm sunny day after a few days of rain. However, swarming can also take place indoors during the winter months if the conditions are right. Once the swarming has taken place, these termites will shed their wings before they bury

A termite nest

Termite damaged wood

themselves underground, so this is something else to look out for. MUD TUBES Mud tubes are built by the worker termites to enable them to tunnel across exposed areas in order to get to the wood they want to feed on. These mud tubes are clearly visible and are a sure sign of termite activity. WOOD DAMAGE Termites excavate galleries within the wood as they feed on it, leaving a characteristic honeycomb appearance. More often than not, people don’t realise they have a termite infestation and it remains undetected for months or even years until the timbers are severely damaged and they exhibit surface changes. With this in mind, it is recommended to check door frames and support beams etc for signs of termite damage every so often.

Written by Charles Caffarena de Witt of Woodtech, the costa’s top Woodworm & Termite specialists. Call Charles on 625 160 325 or 965 699 335.

THE ASIAN Store situated directly across from GM cash & Carry and near to the main water park in Torrevieja is now under new Iranian management. Mansour Foruuzan Sanedi (Manu) has been a trader in food and spices for 48 years. Travelling all over the World buying and selling spices and various foodstuffs, he knows exactly where to find the finest spices and therefore will stock only the best ingredients in his shop. He has been living in Spain now for over 27 years and has been supplying many restaurants from different cultures with their vital spices: this includes Indian; Greek; Turkish and

51 45

Indian spices

various other Asian and South American themed restaurants. If you fancy cooking up a nice home made curry, pay Manu a visit and get some expert advice on preparing your dish of choice and the ingredients required. Manu is also a renowned chef and has promised to prepare a special dish for The Sheriff; I will let you know how it went. Contact Manu Tel/Fax 965 710 567 or mobile 670 421 233.

Volunteers needed The HELP Association Vega Baja helps people of all ages, with all sorts of problems. We operate a 24 hour help line (965 704 282) and their aim is to assist in practical ways at times of crisis, or when police or medical services are involved. If you think you can help by giving them just one morning a week, please contact Richard in the San Miguel office on 966 723 733.

Homeclean Property Management Services HOMECLEAN: WHAT it says on the packet is exactly what is inside. This is certainly the case where Homeclean Property Management Services are concerned. Having run a similar business back in the UK for over twenty years, John and his partner Jean decided to move to Spain, bringing with them their expertise. Established in Spain for over ten years, Homeclean offers various services such as property management; cleaning of upholstery and carpets; supply and fitting of security grilles and air

SuperFast Internet!

conditioning units; pool cleaning and maintenance. HOMECLEAN: will also look after your property; arrange short or long term lettings on your behalf; ensure that all interior and exteriors are well maintained and ensure the property is spic and span for new clients. HOMECLEAN: can totally re-design your garden if required, supplying all labour and materials. All you have to do is let them know your requirements and the job will be completed professionally with no mess or inconvenience to you.

HOMECLEAN: also specialize in polishing and restoring marble floors. They can also clean your curtains in situ; repair broken locks and respond to emergency plumbing or electrical calls. As I said, “…what it says on the box” - or within the advertisement they have retained with RTN since arriving in Spain. HOMECLEAN: for the first five years operating in Spain, concentrated their business around the coastal areas. Three years ago, when expats began buying property inland and John’s brother Paul

moved to Spain, they decided to expand their services and open a new base in Pinoso to service inland areas. SYNOPSIS: Read the packet or see their advert every week in your favourite free weekly newspaper here in Spain, the RTN. The list of services on offer is endless. Villamartin office 966 791 029 or 629 430 907, email homecleanspain@hotmail.com. Pinoso office telephone 628 824 587, email paulthomas@hotmail.com HOMECLEAN Also have properties available for short and long term rentals.

John from Homeclean

FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

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FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

The 2010 Golf AT FIRST glance, it doesn’t make much sense to have a car with the same name as a pricey athletic pastime. Trouble is, the 2010 Volkswagen Golf is ostensibly a modern-day “People’s Car,” a practical runabout for the masses, whereas the eponymous game tends to be the province of those with ample disposable income. A closer look, however, reveals an interesting commonality. Like the sport, the car costs more than its rivals but if you give the Golf a try, you’ll likely find it worth the extra investment. Volkswagen actually rechristened the car “Rabbit” from 2006-’09, evoking the original U.S.-market Rabbit hatchback of a few decades

ago, but for 2010 the Golf is back and if you’ll forgive the cliché, it’s better than ever. Perhaps the biggest news is under the bonnet, where the carryover 2.5-liter fivecylinder engine is joined by the excellent “TDI” turbodiesel fourcylinder from the Jetta sedan. Paired with one of two sixspeed manuals, a conventional unit or a dual-clutch automated version (DSG), the TDI delivers a punchy 236 pound-feet of torque and an estimated 34 mpg in mixed driving. The sixth-generation Golf also features a redesigned interior with even nicer materials than before, along with subtly altered sheet metal that clearly conveys the car’s sophisticated character.


54 FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

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FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010


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Feb 26 - March 4 2010


LOOKING FOR A HOUSE INSURANCE? 100.000 building - 20.000 contents for just 185€/pa. contracts in English. Call 661-362-131 for your personalized quote >>>> 250,000€ <<<< 3 story semi, underbuild to be finished as you desire. 1st floor - lounge, fitted kitchen, bedroom, back and front balcony. 2nd floor - 2 beds, large and small balconies, sea and mountain views, his and hers bathroom. 200m2 house, 425m2 land with private parking. A/C, alarm, tel, cetral heating. Lots of green, fantastic views, ideal for family. Call Tony: 699-843-553. MOBILE/ PARK HOMES ready to move into on permanent site. Carol. 968-192-425/ 626-055-622. Web: www.mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com LA NUCIA - LOCAL FOR SALE OR TO RENT Close to town hall, 100m2, parking close by. Inside fully equip., A/C, 2 toilets 1 with shower, seperate office, storage rooms... ideal for any activities. For more info. tel: 667-055-377/ 966-873-781. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT offering a complete and competitive service for all your property rental needs including: Keyholding, cleaning & laundry, meet and greets, airport transfers Los Alcazares. Tel: 628-772-418 email: rosaliamews@live.co.uk

DET.VILLA TO LET LONG TERM 3 bedroom, winter garden, swimming pool, garden situated in La Regia close to beach and shops. Available now, fully furnished. For info ring 966-760-201/ 628-478-313

HOUSE IN QUESADA FOR RENT 2/3 bedrooms, overlooking community pool. Good views. Close to all amenities. Tel: 965-702-170/ 625-830-776 FANTASTIC PLACE TO ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS. RURAL HOUSE SUITABLE FOR 8 PEOPLE 652 756 085 www.casalastreshermanas.com BEAUTIFUL PLACE TO ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS: WOODEN HOUSE SUITABLE FOR 5 PEOPLE. 695923194 WWW.VENDOPISO.COM DOLORES 3 bedrooms apartment 390€ 695923194. 3 bedrooms ground floor 350€ 695923194. Spanish village house in the country side. 3 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, lounge. 300€ 695923194 DOLORES 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. Large terrace. garage, s. pool 350€ 695923194 DOLORES Large 3 bedrooms detached villa for rent with option to buy!! 700€ 695923194 CABO ROIG Apartment fully furnished. 2 bedrooms, lounge, Air conditioning hot and cool. Car port, community swimming pool and tennis court. 500€ 695923194 CATRAL Semidetached villa. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, utility room, community swimming pool. 600€ 695923194. 3 bedrooms terraced house. 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, utility room. 450€ 695923194 CALLOSA DEL SEGURA 5 bedrooms villa. 13.000sqm plot. Swimming pool and jacuzzi. 850€ 695923194 MUDAMIENTO 3 bedrooms detached villa. 600€ 695923194 SAN BARTOLOME 3 bedrooms Spanish village house in the country side. Bathrooms, kitchen and lounge. 400€ 695923194 PINOSO 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 350€ 695923194 DAYA NUEVA 2 bedrooms bungalow, community s. pool. 400€ 695923194 LA MARINA 1 bedroom bungalow 320€ 695923194. 2 bedrooms bungalow, swimming pool 400€. Detached villa with swimming pool. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. 500sqm plot. 1.000€ 695923194 LA MARINA 3 bedrooms detached villa fully furnished. S.pool and large garage. 750€ 695923194 BETWEEN GUARDAMAR AND LA MARINA 2 bedrooms bungalow, garden, s.pool. 450€ SHORT OR LONG TERM. 695923194 GUARDAMAR DEL SEGURA 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 2 bathrooms, kitchen, utility room, lounge and balcony.

FOR SALE IN ALTEA LA VELLA Spacious furnished 3 bedroom apartment for sale in middle of beautiful village. 110m². New kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy all within a couple of minutes walk. Large terrace at back of the apartment overlooking orange groves and balconies off 2 bedrooms. Trastero and private parking. AP-7 3 minutes by car.

€200,000 Tel: 617 893 036 or email kath_poole@hotmail.com


apt. in Alicante city, easy access to auto route A-70 (Exit 69)

ONLY 375€ month 62 034 0548 Juan

SHORT OR LONG TERM. 450€ 695923194 LA MATA 2 bedrooms Spanish duplex style apartment fully furnished. BBQ. and s. pool. Close to the beach. 500€ to let and 106.000€ for sale. 695923194 SALADAR (Almoradi) 2 bedrooms detached house. 2 bathrooms, toilette, open fitted kitchen, lounge, utility room, courtyard, terrace & solarium. 4Air conditioning & central heating. 450€ FOR SALE: 120.000€ 695923194 SANTA POLA 2 bedrooms bungalow fully furnished.695923194 ALMORADI Large 3 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 450€ 695923194 VALVERDE 3 bedrooms country house. Big plot of land. 400€ 695923194 CLOSE TO ELCHE 1 bedroom country house. 320€ including bills.695923194 SANTA ANA (ELCHE) 2 bedrooms country house. For rent with option to buy. 500€ 695923194 MATOLA 4 bedrooms country house. Fully furnished. 600€ 695923194 WWW.VENDOPISO. COM CABO ROIG BEACHSIDE 1 minute from beach Cala Capitan. Apartments or terraced house for rent. Long term or short term. Tel: 966 773 985 ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool, furnished 300€ per month +100€ bills. Ring 966-783-555/ 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail.com 1 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with large garden & parking, for yearly rental on Camping pueblo, San Javier. Carol 968-192-425/ 626055-622. Email haydn47@hotmail.com Web www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain.com DETACHED VILLA FOR RENT 2 Bed villa for rent 1,200sqm garden, high walls private pool. 2 rent 4 short/ long term. Torrevieja La Siesta contact dorothydevos@ gmail.com PROPERTIES REQUIRED for holiday lets in Javea area. Free advertising & professional photography 697-432-226 www. javeapropertyservices.com LA NUCIA - LOCAL TO RENT OR FOR SALE Close to town hall, 100m2, parking close by. Inside fully equip., A/C, 2 toilets 1 with shower, seperate office, storage rooms... ideal for any activities. For more info. tel: 667-055-377/ 966-873-781.

VISIT OUR WEB SITE WE HAVE THE BEST PRICES!!!!! WWW.VENDOPISO.COM CLOSE TO MATOLA Country house with 2.600sqm plot fully fenced. 4 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, large lounge with 2 fire place, terrace, storage with barbecue, 10x5 swimming pool, garden. Mains water and electricity. 257.500€ An exchange is accepted 695923194 DOLORES URGENT FOR SALE Beautiful 3 bedroom detached villa. Central heating, air conditioning, swimming pool, summer fitted kitchen. 219.500€ 695923194 ALBATERA Country house. 2500sqm plot fully furnished. 2 double bedrooms, swimming pool, barbecue. Fantastic views. 186.000€ 695923194 CREVILLENTE 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms country house fully refurbished. OPPORTUNITY 195.000€ 695923194 SAN BARTOLOMÉ 3 bedrooms village house, bathroom, kitchen, lounge. 115.000€ 695923194 VILLAMARTIN South facing villa, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, partly furnished, big lounge, garden, terrace, big solarium with seaviews, conservatory, huge garage, community pool. 162.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com

LA FLORIDA Large one bedroom apartment, fully furnished, aircon, glazed in balcony with nice views, south-west facing, off road parking, close to all amenities. 62.700 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com PUNTA PRIMA Penthouse apartment, private solarium, 2 bedrooms, storage rooms, furnished, balcony with sea views, community pool, quiet area, walking distance to the beach. 82.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Detached house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 terraces, furnished, a/c, storage, central heating, sea views, conservatory, sunny side, parking, community pool. 149.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Furnished apartment, 80 m² living area, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, balcony with lovely sea view, terrace overlooking green area, 3 min walk from the beach. 109.000 Euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com CABO ROIG BEACH Top floor apartment, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a/c, fire place, balcony, sunny side, storage room, new windows, off road parking, 20m² garden. 103.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Terraced house, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, large kitchen, a/c, terrace, front and back garden, solarium, storage room, quiet area, close to all amenities. 79.000 euro Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com PLAYA FLAMENCA Terraced house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished, balcony, sunny side, off road parking, community pool, quiet area and close to all amenities. ONLY 109.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com CABO ROIG BEACH Cala Capitan. Semi detached house, 2 or 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fire place, furnished, 2 balconies, 2 terraces, big cellar, great seaviews, 1 min walk to the beach. 239.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Detached villa, 400m² plot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining room, fire place, furnished, nice garden, large storage room and garage, pool possible. 176.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Ground floor apartment, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, office, furnished, terrace, patio, off road parking, community pool, 7 min walk to the beach. 109.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com WE ARE LOOKING FOR RESALE PROPERTIES ON THE ORIHUELA COSTA. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOURS, PLEASE CONTACT US. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985 MARBELLA, COSTA DEL SOL Luxury Villa, 5 bedr., 5 bathr., fire place, furnished, terraces, garden, garage, security guard, sea views, priv. pool, etc. 1.450.000 Euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com RIOJA, TERRACED BUNGALOW 2 bed, 1 bath. Well presented, garden to front and back, large roof solarium with planning permission for additional bed & bath. Fully furnished, comm pool, close to amenities. €114,000. Phone 628 932 137 TORREVIEJA 2 BED 1 bath light and airy corner apartment close to all amenities. Good layout, lounge/ diner with balcony overlooking comm pool, american kitchen, fully furnished, lift, communal roof solarium. €84,450 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 PUNTA PRIMA APARTMENT with 2 beds, 1 bath. Secure property with intercom system and lift. 2 balconies, fully furnished, separate kitchen, communal pool, option to

WWW.SURVEYORSPAIN.COM Buyer’s structural surveys, defects reports & solutions Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB.

T 0034 962 807 247 M 0034 653 733 066

buy garages. €84,500 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. MONTEBELLO 3 bed, 2 bath Quad House situated in a quiet road close to local amenities. Good size lounge, a separate raised dining area, and a separate fully equipped kitchen leading to a utility room. The master bedroom benefits from its own private terrace. The property comes fully furnished and has a private garden, off-road parking and a communal pool.€122,500. Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 TERRACE HOUSE IN ROCAJUNA 3 bed, 2 bath property in a secure, gated urb over-looking the large communal pool. Good size lounge/ dining area with a fireplace, fully fitted separate kitchen and a g/f shower room. 2 bedrooms and a family bathroom on the 1st floor, master bed with private balcony. Large 3rd bedroom on the top floor with a glazed balcony, ideal for an extra sitting room or a study. €117,400 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. STUNNING DETACHED VILLA in Lake View Mansions, San Miguel de Salinas. Good sized bright and airy lounge with built in fireplace, spacious separate dining area and fully fitted separate kitchen.. Very well furnished and decorated and is sold as seen. Large master bedroom with en suite, 2 further bedrooms and family bathroom. Private pool, garage, terraces and a roof solarium with fantastic views. Lovely villa in a beautiful location. €202,000 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. TORREBLANCA La Mata top floor apartment/bungalow. 1 Bed, 1 bath, sun room, new fitted american kitchen. Balcony off bedroom with beautiful sea views, use of 2 communal pools. This is an ideal holiday retreat at a bargain price of €64,450. Phone Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. DETACHED VILLA IN BLUE LAGOON San Miguel de Salinas. 400sqm plot. Separate dining room with a beamed ceiling, large lounge and good sized separate kitchen. On this floor there are 2 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. Marble heating, air con, alarm and sat TV. Downstairs are 2 further large bedrooms which have independent access; however the under build can easily be connected internally if required. Beautifully landscaped garden with extensive terraced areas and a large roof solarium with lovely views, garage and a hot tub! €256,000. Phone Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. CREVILLENTE finca currently being used as a B&B business. 2000sqm plot in the countryside with pool and BBQ area. Finca has 3 beds and 2 baths (divided into an owners and a letting suite). There are also 2 cassitas in the grounds each with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom €300,000. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 VISIT OUR WEBSITE www. pricecrashproperty.com for more bargain properties on the Costa Blanca

BUSY BAR RESTAURANT near Torrevieja located in popular urbanisation. It has a 5 year renewable lease, 90sqmtrs inside plus 90sqmtrs outside with total seating for 100, plus excellent furnishings and equipment. The current owner is retiring and this is a rare opportunity for an experienced husband and wife team to own a successful business at a very low cost. Telephone 696-263-558 COSTA BLANCA NORTH Well established retail shop. curtains, bedding, mattresses etc. high turnover high margins. Fully fitted inc air con. possibilty of second shop included in the price of 25.000€ plus SAV. more info 625-546-111 POSTROOM mailboxes, cards, gifts, books, internet Etc. More Imformation. 617-489-625

Feb 26 - March 4 2010 BMC TRANSPORT High volume box van, deliveries, collections 24/7 All types of work undertaken, full or part loads UK and Europe covered. For a professional and reliable service call Sue daytime/evening 620 044 983. MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600-247-535 LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839

COSTA BLANCA NORTH Well established retail shop. curtains, bedding, mattresses etc. high turnover high margins. Fully fitted inc air con. possibilty of second shop included in the price of 25.000 euro plus SAV. more info 625546111

DO YOU WANT TO SPEAK SPANISH? Spanish lessons 652756085 BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ Mathematics. Tel: Margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687


BUSINESS OPPPORTUNITY Offers invited for a well established storage business for sale on the southern Costa Blanca. Fully equipped new buildings with 24 hr access, security systems and staffed. High occupancy rate, high gross margins with room to expand. Please contact gary@ securistore.com to arrange a viewing. (NO TIME WASTERS)

6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743-048 www.pooltechspain.com


English Carpenter Fitted wardrobes, kitchens, storage solutions, shelving, cupboards, doors, etc... Reliable and professional Torrevieja area For your free estimate, call Dave on

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966-774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools.com

693 215 192

DRESSMAKER/ DESIGNER Also alterations. Tells:- 686-453-827/ 965-771-397 WELD IT RITE Mobile welding/ repair service, Metal carpentry/ Fabrication projects. Time served & quallified. tel: 966-490-338 Mobile 638-479-467 Email iwanegan@ hotmail.co.uk (Moraira based)


INTERIOR PAINTING One bedroom property from 135€. Two bedroom property from 200€. Three bedroom property from 265€. Fast, reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info. tel: 634-793-984

LOCKEDOUT LOCKSMITH 24h Emergency Service. Houses & Cars Opened. Locks changed or Upgraded. Call Dan 965-888-418/ 657-890-830 www.lockedout.es REGISTERED LOCKSMITH For emergency safe opening. Tel. Michael Rice: 686-513-510. Denia - Alcante.

• ITV • BBC1 • BBC2 • CH4

• CH5 • ITV2 • ITV3


RING 634 306 324

ALL PLUMBING central heating & Aircon work undertaken including installation of your own units. Re-gas and full Aircon service €49. Trade work also. 965-638-529/ 618-036-611 SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz EXCEL AIRCONDITIONING See main ad on page 27. Tel/Fax (Head Office) 966-897-772. Mobiles: 680-154-432/676-265-675. Email: excelairconditioning@hotmail.com. All credit/debit cards accepted.

GENERAL BUILDING AND GARDEN MAINTENANCE No job to small. Reliable service. Competitive prices. Tel. 671442998

VAN LEAVING UK TO SPAIN early March. Great Rates. I’ll even do your shopping whilst there. Tesco, Argos, B&Q Etc. Any other goods required bringing over. Contact Joe 966-074-576 or 650-341-087 or email civic1235@msn.com STORAGE/ VAN HIRE/ REMOVALS First class storage facilities north and south CB with free access, low cost van hire with or without driver, local and international removals, boxes and packing materials for sale. Call 965-681-605 CB south or 965-760-111 CB North MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519186-355 email van.man@hotmail.co.uk REMOVALS- SPAIN- UK Local and long distance. Competitive rates, credit cards accepted. Tel. 671442998 SPANISH LINKS LTD Low budget door to door fast collection & quick delivery removals or storage. Weekly reliable service. Full or part loads and even small deliveries. Spain/UK/Spain. Credit or Debit cards accepted www.spanishlinks. co.uk Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 GRAHAM’S TRANSPORT 24/7 Deliveries, Collection. Spain- UKSpain or any where in Europe. Reasonable rates. Storage facilities are available in Spain and UK. Tel: Lyn or Graham 661-752-010/ 0044-7733-329-305

SKY UK ENGINEER Famaval Satalite Dishes, Trade prices from 395€. Sky Sports, Sky HD, Home Cinema. Tel: 965-070-458/ 618-585-051 CRYSTAL CLEAR SATELLITE & TELEVISION Forget the rest go to the best for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660-186-505 Ros 965-584-097 www.ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com SKY FREE TO VIEW Small dish & mesh upgrades, yes back on 90€. BBC, ITV, CH4 & lots more. Also installations/ repairs. 10 years. Torrevieja. 679-876-926 SKY SUPPLIES Pace, Thompson, Amstrad digi-boxes. White cards, Fault finding. Dish’s Realigned, sold, wanted. LNB’s. Spanish TV. 966-194-013/ 600-899-096 UKTV SPAIN Reliable Satellite Technicians, Installations, FaultFinding, Sky Contracts arranged, Freesat cards.Tlf:689-205-137/ 965-888-348. DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Largest supplier and installer of famaval satellite equipment on the costa blanca. A genuine registered company with genuine registered premises. Mon-fri 8:00- 4:30. Www. digitalsatsystems.com 965-852251/ 965-866-999/ 965-854-528/ 966-804-748 (or see our main ad in the tv section)

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966-470-163/662-570-702.

TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for

YOUR INSURANCE OFFICE IN LA ZENIA CAR-HOUSE HEALTH. Get your car insurance from 199€/pa. Call 661-362-131 for your personalized quote PALM & TREE TRIMMING and removal. Also all garden maintenance carried out. reliable service. 619-336-762


Feb 26 - March 4 2010


REPAIR & SOLD & BUY Pickup from your home second hand motorbikes and Scooter for reasonable Price and quick service open 7 days Tel: 680-644-010


Tel 661 362 005

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/ uppgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424

BMW 325 CABRIOLET 1994 black fully loaded, power hood, heated leather interior. Unmarked paintwork, sports alloys. 3,500€ ONO. 966-475-965 or 696-981-082 FORD FOCUS 2003 automatic 1.6

low mileage, navy blue, lady owner going UK. Algorfa 4,800€. 965-702-454 PORSCHE 911 CARRERA 4 engine rebuild mileage 200K. Offers 19.500€. 669-555-938 UK, AUTOMATIC MERCEDES 300SL CABRIOLET 3 LTR 1990,Spanish LHD, metallic silver, power hood, electric memory seats, air con, cd player, alloys 8495€. www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT KANGOO 2001 blue, 1.9 ltr diesel, Spanish LHD It is very clean throughout with air conditioning. It has 2 seats and side loading door.3995€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 MERCEDES 300 CE CABRIOLET 1992 blue,Spanish LHD 3.0 ltr petrol automatic 4 Door convertible with leather, air conditioning, excellent condition throughout. This car can only appreciate in value. 10995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 PORSCHE CAYMAN S 2006 22000km, black, as new Spanish LHD 39995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 YAMAHA MAJESTIC 2004 250CC Champagne 2500€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 DERBI GPR 125CC, 2005 Red, 2500€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 PEUGEOT 307 CABRIOLET 2003 Spanish LHD metallic daytona violet, one owner, full leather, excellent condition 10995€ w ww.venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT LAGUNA HATCHBACK 2003 Spanish LHD, silver 2.0 ltr 16V petrol, 2 owners, full Renault

service history, excellent condition throughout. 6495€ www.venuscars. com 965 368 274 BMW 320 I, 170 BHP Spanish, LHD, Petrol, 2001, silver, alloy wheels , central locking, air con, very good condition. FSH 10495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 DAEWOO MATIZ, 2004 Spanish LHD, Turquoise, 800cc, petrol, FSH, one owner from new, low Klms, 4495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 SEAT ALTEA XL Sport UP, SPANISH LHD, 2007 silver , all usual sport refinements, one owner from new. 14995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS, ZETEC 2004 1.6 ltr petrol, silver, Spanish, LHD, 5 door hatchback, remote locking, climate control, CD only 56000 Klm, excellent condition 6995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS CMAX TREND PLUS 2008 Spanish LHD, red, 1.6 ltr diesel, one owner from new, cruise control, climate control, rain sensors, automatic lights, alloys, roof bars & top box included 13995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS ESTATE TDCI ,2002, Spanish LHD, Green, 1.8 Ltr Diesel, air con, electric windows excellent condition throughout 5995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT MEGANE HATCHBACK 2003, Spanish LHD ,Champagne Silver, 1.5 Ltr DCI, Diesel, CD player, new shape 4995€. www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 HYUNDAI ACCENT, 1999 1.3 Ltr Petrol, Spanish LHD, Burgundy red, 5 door hatch, air con, low Klms, power steering, nice clean car 2995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 MINI ONE, 2004 blue with white roof, 1.6 ltr petrol, Spanish LHD, CD player, excellent condition. 8995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS, 1.8 LTR DIESEL Trend, 2004, Spanish LHD,silver, air con, electric windows, remote locking, total main dealer service history. Excellent condition throughout. 6495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT CLIO, AUTOMATIC, 2002 Silver, Spanish LHD, 1.4 Ltr petrol 5 door hatchback, Privilege, air con, power steering, alloys, CD player, only 68000 Klms. A rare automatic in excellent condition. 4995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 MG ZR, 2002 Spanish LHD, Red, 1.4 Ltr petrol 105 BHP, 2 owners from new, FSH, excellent condition

throughout. 5995€ www.venuscars. com 965 368 274 FORD FUSION 2004, Silver, Spanish LHD, Trend ,TDCI, 1.4 Ltr Diesel, CD player, air con, electric windows. 6995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS,2002 AUTOMATIC, Spanish LHD, Graphite Grey metallic, 1.6 Ltr petrol automatic trend, 5 door hatchback,, air con, CD, excellent condition throughout, much sought after automatic. 5995€ www.venuscars.com. 965 368 274 IMPORTING YOUR CAR need headlights. Contact www. headlights4u.com Tel: 966-875-497 or 618-592-396 IRISH REG RHD Volvo V70 1999 Petrol Auto FSH 120000miles. Ex condition. For Sale or Swop for similar Spanish Reg LHD. Phone 968136952 GALAXY GHIA 7 seats, TDI diesel auto/tiptronic. Parking sensors, CD. Twin air-con. Fantastic condition. UK 2002 Regd. UK MOT. V.W engine. 6,000€ ono. Tel: 676-673-285 NISSAN VANETTE CARGO 2.3D 1998, 5 doors, 2 seats, window tint, 180,000kms, service history, many new parts, to many to list. 3,500€ ONO. Torrevieja 679-876-926

WANTED UK registration right hand drive cars. Immediate cash settlement. Please phone Rod 687434-950 or 966-462-089 CARS WANTED cars/ vans bought and sold, uk or spanish upto 3000€ cash today 678-808-837 WANTED BRITISH OR SPANISH CAR 4X4, Van, Caravan. Etc. Immediate cash. Buyer going home. 600-781-873 WE BUY AND SELL quality late vans and combis. For an instant decision phone 605-669-388/ 680-665-883 WANTED WANTED WANTED for cash cars vans lorries 4x4 any condition good bad or ugly runing or non runner forigen or english any vehicle any condition call ray 633-385-068. CAR 2 POSTER RAMP FOR SALE very good condition 1200€ call ray on 633-385-068.

BURSTNER TOURING C/VAN 2002 excellent condition h/c air con, h/c water, tv airiel, fixed island bed, toilet shower, fridge 3 hobs, awning, alko lock. fully spanish registered. 8,750€. Tel 968-193-818/ 626-770-083 CARAVELAIR ANTARES DELUXE TOURER 4MTRS Used only twice, fixed end bedroom, many extras, 7450€. Tel: 666.718.276. MOBILE HOME FORTUNA British owned site, bar, restaurant, pool. Secluded pitch, lounge sofas, dining table & chairs, bathroom, bedroom twin beds, extension with fitted kitchen, large patio with awning. Many extras. 12,000€. 628-550-092 MOBILE/ PARK HOMES FROM 18.000€ TV, A/C, Tel. Some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, Tennis, bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier. All amenities, 3km beach & hospital. 7 Mins Murcia airport by car. Also bungalows to rent. Carol 968-192-425/ 626-055-622. Email haydn47@hotmail.com Web www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain.com BENIMAR MOTORHOME 2.8 JTD 2003 LHD English Reg. TAXED and MOT. June 24,950€ ONO 966193732/ 665256740 MOTORHOME FOR SALE HYMER Tramp 1994, 2.5 Diesel, Fiat base, LHD manual, many inclusive extras, excellent condition, fixed rear bed, solar panels. 10,000€. Tel: 678204630

Feb 26 - March 4 2010

OUTLAY! Call Anne 966-462317 or 675-860-665 or www. spanishsummers.com TELEMARKETERS WANTED for our Moraira office. Must be able to speak Spanish. Tel 965-050-200

MERMAID BOAT CARE For all your boat valet and management requirements. Serving the marina’s in Torrevieja and the surrounding areas. Experienced, professional and trustworthy service at competitive rates. Ad-hoc arrangements and boatsitting welcome. For more details or just an informal chat contact Anna on: 680-297-955 mermaidboatcare@yahoo.com

NETWORKERS REQUIRED for new business. Call Paul 966-796-854 BENIDORM HOLIDAY COMPANY needs 5 marketing staff for a 5 day week of fun in the sun with great earning potential and working hours. Contract and full traning provided. Call carlie 966-813-210 (office hours) VR PROPERTY GROUP are looking for experienced telemarketers to work in a torrevieja based office. Experience in essential and a knowledge of real estate and investments would be an advantage. Applicants must be self motivated. Office hours are monday to Friday 10- 6 call Paul on 636-889-232 EXPERIENCED CHEF REQUIRED to join our team, must have some experience but willing to learn. Top Jalon Valley restaurant. Tel 966-480-125 NETWORKERS REQUIRED for new business. Call Paul 966-796-854 BRITISH REGISTERED PRACTICE NURSE required to join ‘The English Medical Clinic’ in Albir. Initial temporary position to cover career break. Applicants must have recent practice experience and E.U. verification. Enquiries and applications by e-mail only to: engmedopt@orange.es attention Dawn Blythe, Practice Manager SALES VACANCY Are you smart in apperance? Do you have empathy for people? Are you a compassionate person? The why not join Millie Munro and her successful team. Contact Rose on 966-493-082 for interview www.milliemunro.com AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit yo. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520 ANN SUMMERS PARTY ORGANISERS WANTED Earn €40-€50 per night with NO

Jennifer Cunningham Expats Services require an English/Spanish speaking person to work in the Javea office. Good selling ability necessary, confident on the telephone and computer literate. Apply with CV to info@jennifercunningham.net

BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. NEW VENUE: Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres 34, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7.00pm-10pm: New Beginners class Monday 10.30am - 12.30pm. Also at the Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant at La Zenia roundabout: TUITION, Beginners Wednesday 8pm - 10pm; Beginners Thursday11.30am - 1.30pm; Intermediates Friday 11am - 1pm. Tel: Andrea or Brian 616 478 157 LINE DANCING every Friday, absolute beginers 11.00AM12noon. Improver intermediate 12Noon -1.30PM. Car Patricia’s, Torreta’s Torrevieja. Call John or Amanda 606-783-989/ 688-611-789 DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free full memberships - Join Now! www. datemed.es

COUPLE 40’S seek females for adult fun. Torrevieja area, low rates. Tel. 689-133-384 DVDS! Gay, Sado, Bestial, you name it! 7 for 25€. Tel: 697-647-367 JAVEA, MORAIRA East European lady, super erotic massage and more. 661-034-261 Hotel & Home visits NAUGHTY JAPANESE HOUSEWIFE age 24 alone or together with my English husband for DP and SR. Role play, humiliation and punishment also available. Torrevieja, call Saki 687-891-139 CHARMING BI-SEXUAL MALE 50 and my beautiful 25 year old girlfriend, both British, offer erotic massage and more, we also have other girlfriends who you may visit either alone or together. In addition we have a selection of home made DVDs for collection or by post. Very discreet private villa near Torrevieja, call Steve 697-892-969

SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA Near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€, full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412. ADULT TOYS IN SPAIN For Best Products & Prices visit WWW. Adulttoysinspain.com. Fast Delivery & Discretion Assured. NATACHA Divorced very sexy, erotic complete massage, private apartment, discreet and hygienic, Calle La Loma 97, near Avda Habanas, Torrevieja. 677-676-554 TORREVIEJA, ALICANTE Brazilian, loving, sexy lady, silk hands. Best massage, relax- erotic. Escort service. 664-664-390 GOOD FUN 62 year old Dom/ Sub switch, specialising in males, cross dressers. Loves the more mature woman and great fun with couples. Low rates. Full body massage and much much more. 655-058-554 FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842. GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021 THE WEATHER MAY HAVE COOLED but Tanya is still hot! All inclusive 40€. Tel: 626-324-088 DANI 23, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534 Torrevieja area. YOUNG SEXY COUPLE Fit. Together or seperate. Ladies, couples, men. Visit our relaxed villa or we came to you. very discreet. Discretion assured. Escorts4Pleasure. Call Jasmine/ Sebastian 663-478-337 LADIES young fit athletic male, W/E, will make your dreams come true, come to my relaxed villa or can visit you. Discretion assured. Escorts4pleasure. Call Sebastian 663-478-337 SEXY FEMALE ESCORT offers pleasure with discretion for woman. At my villa or can visit. Escort4pleasure Jasmine 663-478-337 ATTRACTIVE MATURE ENGLISH LADY For escorting, dinner dates & more. My Villa is between Torrevieja & Alicante. Also available as an m/f couple. Call (0034) 648-676-277 ADULT TOYS IN SPAIN For the best prices visit www.Discretion.me Fast discreet delivery. Satisfaction Guaranteed. NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118

WWW.MYSPACE.COM/ KERRYKNIGHTTRIBUTES www. myspace.com/kerryknighttributes www.myspace.com/ SOLO GUITARIST/ VOCALIST seeks work, blues & Country. In bars etc. No set price. Pay what you can afford. Tel: Charlie 691622-804

PROFESSIONAL BRITISH PHYSIOTHERAPIST Offering therapeutic massage in your home. Contact Paul 681268248. 15km radius of Los Montesinos JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English Call Centre now to find your nearest Meeting. 900-818-794


NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 PETZBACK HOME LTD Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK. Travel in our petmobile with your pets for free (subject to availability). Or treat yourself in one of our air conditioned luxury vehicles with our fully chaperoned Limo Service. A regular, reliable and safe service. Defra pet passport advice given. ww.petzbackhome.co.uk Credit or Debit cards accepted. Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 SMALL TO MEDIUM DOGS looked after in our home. San Luis Urb. Torrevieja. 966-318-175/ 666-296-130 HOME FROM HOME Caring dog boarding with experienced owner in my rural home nr La Marina. No Kennels. Inspection welcome. Tel: 616-459-599. LABRADOR MIX PUPPIES 8 weeks old, looking for a loving home! Must come see! Call Jodie on 622-244-613. HOME FROM HOME Caring dog boarding (max. 3) with experienced owner in my home nr La Marina. No Kennels. Inspection welcome. Tel: 616-459-599 SMALL FRIENDLY BRITISH KENNELS 5km inland from La Marina (N332), 25 mins Alicante Airport, Individual runs, exercise area. Tel: 628-244-712 FELINE FRIENDS CAT HOTEL The Purrfect place to stay. Free pickup and delivery. tel: 965-967081/ 665-080-885 www.felinefriendscathotel.com TRANS-PET SPAIN-UK door 2 door service, professional driver with pet care experience, kennels and cattery, passport service. Contact Sharon 965-960-658/ 600552-030 www.trans-pet.co.uk or sharon@trans-pet.co.uk DEANACAONA BOARDING KENNELS & CATTERY Social training for dogs. Home delivery and collection service. English trainer. Balsicas, 10 minutes from San Javier. Tel 639-286-428 www.deanacaona.com

CREATIVE NAILS ‘Creative’ acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

PAWS PET TRANSPORT door to door service, all pets are fully insured, vehicle has a/con. your pet will be exercised every 2/3 hours, and be rest assures your pets will be treated as if they belonged to us, we may have the cheapest rates in Spain so why not give us a ring for a chat on 966-074-576/ 650-341-087 or email pawspettransport@hotmail.com Web: www.pawspettransport.com

WANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Instant cash payments. Furniture, electrical, tools etc. Tel John: 626-918-833.


FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

DRIVING TO THE UK? English owned B&B in France close to the Spanish norder. Peaceful location, ideal for your stopovers. Please ring for details: 0033-562-33-19-62 or visit website: www.millefleursbb.co.uk

AT MICHAEL’S Large wicker complete bedroom suite. For children’s bedroom, a Mickey Mouse child´s bed with matching chest of drawers. See them all on: www.michaels-javea.com Tel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Customerto-customer Service: you can sell your furniture on our website for only 3:- euros per item! For more info look at: www.michaels-javea.comTel 96-579 1328

AT MICHAEL’S You get very high quality designer preowned furniture for half price or less. Quick delivery. Stock changes daily ! See photos (updates every 5-6 days): www.michaels-javea.com Tel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Big black quality leather corner suite. 2 beige leather sofas (3+2). Pale blue leather sofa. Several leather recliners. See them all and over 600 photos on: www.michaels-javea.com Tel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S you also get NEW high quality Spanish beds. All sizes available as we deal directly with the manufacturers! Famous brands like United Colors of Benetton, etc www.michaelsjavea.com KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER 500GB. inc 70,000 songs, software/ song book, ideal for bar/ home use. Only 275€. Tel: 654-925-679 LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FLYING FLOWERS beautiful bouquets to any UK address. Order by credit or debit card. Call Kelly’s 965-761-595/ 966-425-713 ORDER FOR MOTHER’S DAY NOW

LOOSE COVERS curtains Erc. Made to measure. Choose from a wide range of beautiful materials in your own home. Javea based. Tel: 965-771-397/ 686-453-827 POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666 933 726

ENGLISH JEWELLER wishes to buy broken or unwanted gold jewellery & coins. Immediate cash payment to book home appointment. Call peter 664890-990 (7 days) WANTED Instant Cash Paid. GOld and Jewellery Bought and Sold. VAluations, repairs and retail. Nikolas Michael, London Jewellers & Pawnbrokers @No 17 Calle Los Arcos Ciudad Quesada Rojales 03170. Telephone 634 043 060

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291 WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewelley, bought sold & part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafront near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003 Tel: 965-792-595.

2 KARAOKE DISC PLAYERS WITH 350 DISCS Sunfly complete 1-227, Sunfly most wanted, Exp, Legend, Ezh etc. For more info call 699-065-448 INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINES Sewmaq 3314E Overlock. Global Binder WF13356. In excellent condition and full working order. Call Anna on 618-818-721. LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen,

Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966443-370 or 625-985-491 WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, LIKE NEW. 175.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

VIVES PONS & ASSOCIATES the leading Legal, Fiscal and Architectural based in Denia are conducting a series of free, informative talks on fiscal, legal and architectural issues which are very relevant to expats. Each session is approx 30 minutes long and will be followed by questions and answers. This is your chance to receive free expert advice direct from the experts. Please contact Joe Bassim on 686-566-106 or see our half page advert in this weeks RTN for details.

K9 CLUB 676 447 682



Bella is a quiet little girl that just wants to be loved, she is a little timid on a first date but her tail soon starts to wag. She is 9 months old and will always be loveable. Bella is a quiet little girl that just wants to be loved

Oriana was found in a bin on Cami de Gandia. She is now very cute and friendly and would

Ringo 4 month old male terrier , last of 3 born here. Paul & John have gone, Rin-

make a wonderful pet. please

go’s still waiting. Call us or visit

call or See our website

our website




Natasha on 616 210 850

A.P.A.S.A. 618 754 635 www.apasa-javea.org

Penelope on 966 855 357 or 659 145 554

Ebony is a young, brindle coloured female around 7 months old. She is a medium size dog, who is full of energy and loves to play with other dogs. Ebony would be happy in a home with a garden, or with a family who like to take long walks

EDITH, female, Pound since 17.01.2008. Shepherd cross, DOB. approx. Jan 2007 – 54 cm. Wild, kiss, sit, down, jump – EDITH wants to do all these things for you, but all in once! She wants to please you

These adorable puppies born to Holly our latest rescue, a cross labrador, are ready for new

Email: k9club@lamarina.info website: www.petsinspain.info

K9 Club


619 938 955

loving homes. Mum has a wonderful calm nature and these puppies are a delight

PEPA 650 304 746

676 447 682

Linda on 646 645 035


Randy is a Fox Terrier cross and was rescued after nearly being hit by passing vehicles. He is 2 years old, a very friendly little chap and will make a great pet. k9club@lamarina.info www.petsinspain.info

Lily is a beautiful 7 year old lady. We are not sure if she has been abandoned or lost so, if you are her owner, please contact us.If Lily has been abandoned then she needs a loving, gentle home. She has been neutered

Benji is a Podenco X, aged approx 3 years. He gets on great with other dogs and is also fine with cats. He’s very, very loving towards people; he was brought up with children and has a great sense of fun. Benji has been neutered

Joe the Catman 96 671 9272

EASY HORSE CARE RESCUE 96 596 7033 or 652 021 980


Dixie is a beautiful black, shorthaired girl who has been abandoned. She is very friendly and needs a home where she is the only cat.

When we found Taffeta we didn’t think she’d last the night. It was a long battle, but now Taffeta’s happy and healthy. Help us help them. Open days Wed & Sun 1-4pm. www.easyhorsecare.net

S.A.T. 966 710 047

LIZZY is a 16 month old black and white crossbreed. She was found wandering outside the kennels last June a bit muddy and with lots of fleas. After a bath and de fleaing she is now a clean and attractive dog.

Feb 26 - March 4 2010


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Round Town Travel 1, Avenida Dr Severo Ochoa, 1, Urb. El Admiral, Local 1, Rincon Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. Lisa 966 811 123 Benidorm Round Town Travel 2, Calle Gerona, 39, Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. (Next to Hotel Ambassador) Kerry/Gemma 966 813 261 Benidorm Round Town Trips, Calle Narcisco Yepes, 4, Local 8, Albir, 03581, Alicante. (Opp. Golf Course, next to Kwik Save) Lee/Jackie 966 867 294 • lee@roundtowntrips.com albir ProminenT, Teulada Industrial Est. Calle Llanterner, 2 alto, 03725, Teulada, Alicante. Marja 965 793 229 • espana@prominent.nu Millie Munro Insurance, Avenida Lepanto, 6, 03726, Benitachell, Alicante. Millie 966 493 082 • millie@milliemunro.com

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Centro Gandia, Calle Ciudad de Barcelona 1, 46702 Gandia (Near the Hospital & Local Police Station) Rob 962 867 760 • info@centrogandia.com gandia


Bargain Books, Plaza Juan Carlos 1, Nº 2, San Miguel de Salinas, 03193, Alicante. (Opp. Tourist Info) Gaynor/Lee 688 667 389 • leeshaw.evans@gmail.com san miguel Johnsons El Limonar,JCP Commercial Center, Local 31, Los Altos Del Limonar, Torrevieja, 966 785 600 Torrevieja Johnsons Quesada, Ava. Las Naciononies 1a -17, Quesada, 966 717 848


Johnsons Algorfa, Local 30, Commercial Center La Finca Golf, Algorfa, 966 729 647


The Post Room, Centro Comercial 5, Via Park III, Calle Panticosa Nº 2, Los Altos, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Aoife/Chris 965 319 665 • aoifesweeney@hotmail.com orihuela Pennys Supermarket, Flamenca Beach Comercial Centre, Unit 123, Playa Flamenca, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Peter/Sarah 966 733 257 • bulldogstores@live.com orihuela Print Solutions, Avenida Londres 136, La Marina Urb, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante. Jim/Trish 966 790 520 • jim@printsolutionsspain.com SAN FULGENCIO Interpost, Avenida de la Alegria Nº 32, La Marina, 03194, Alicante. Malika/Malcolm 965 419 673 • Inter-post100@live.com

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Villamartin Satellite Centre, Avenida Las Brisas 33, Villamartin, 03189, Alicante. (Near Supervalu, Los Dolses) . Sarah/Heather 966 764 878 • villamartinsatellitecentre@yahoo.co.uk villamartin Best Wishes, Local 30, Comercial Centre Hispania, Avda de la Union 72, San Javier, 30730, Murcia. Kathy 968 192 235 • kaffywalker@hotmail.com murcia Ononix Mar SL, Calle Mayor 30, bajo derecha, Guardamar, 03140, Alicante. Ron/Alicia 965 728 178 aliciamuddle@ononix.com GUARDAMAR

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FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010

The final whistle With Andy Kay

Clever Carlisle

THERE’S A common belief that most footballers are a bit thick. And hearing them speak after matches (“over the moon Brian” and “I just sort of hit it and it and it ended up in the back of the onion bag”) it’s not hard to understand why many people hold that opinion. But the Burnley defender Clark Carlisle could be about to change all that. Already crowned as Britain’s brainiest footballer, Carlisle was on Channel 4’s Countdown show this week and promptly beat the reigning champion to secure another appearance. However, wonderful though his achievement was, he was trumped by presenter Jeff Stelling who quipped that Carlisle had reached 40 points far quicker than Burnley ever could!


Inter Milan’s José Mourinho

As his team’s 2 – 1 win over Chelsea in the Champions League showed, Inter Milan’s José Mourinho doesn’t just talk the talk; he walks the walk. I still fancy Chelsea to go through after the second leg but this week’s pre-match build up reminded me of just how much I’ve missed the Special One. I was lucky enough to go to his first ever Chelsea press conference and long after it had finished, I sat there with a group of colleagues absolutely flabbergasted at what we had just witnessed. He may have an ego the size of Valencia, but he’s box office and I hope he returns to the Premier League one day. Mourinho to succeed Sir Alex anyone?


Tiger Woods making his apology

Talking of press conferences, just how appalling was the 13 minute ‘I’m sorry show’ given by Tiger Woods. I don’t blame him for not taking questions, I mean, what could the journos have asked...which one was best, Tiger? However, anything would have been better than the performance he put on. I couldn’t help thinking that this was more about Tiger the brand rather than Tiger the man. As for his poor mother sitting in the front row, I got the impression that she’d rather have been at home removing her own lower intestine with a rusty spoon.


Rugby Union may have gone professional years ago but much of the game remains amateurish, particularly at Welsh regional side the Ospreys. Already fined for fielding 16 players during a Heineken Cup match, they now face being thrown out of the competition for fielding an ineligible player. Rules state that any player appearing in the tournament must have a 3 month contract; the Ospreys Ricky Januarie only had a 2 month deal. My youngest son knows the difference between 2 and 3. How come some rugby administrators don’t?

A million times better FC Crevillente 1 FC Torrevieja 1

“A MILLION times better” was the description that FC Torrevieja’s director of football, Tommy Taylor used to described his side’s performance in last Sunday’s local derby, watched by over 600 spectators, including a healthy contingent from Torrevieja. Recent memories of the ball being ungamely hoofed around in the air in the last home match against Olimpic were banished, as the side reverted to the basics of passing along the ground, and at times frustrating Crevillente. Taylor had particular words of praise

for the forwards, whom he said had an excellent first half. (Or perhaps for Corcoles, that should been 37 minutes, when he was shown a red card). The striker jumped for the ball with two Crevillente players, one of whom was struck in the face by his arm, which resulted in bleeding, and after the referee consulted with his linesman, a different sort of red was shown to Corcoles. That took the gloss off what had happened before, especially when Aitor had put Torry deservedly into the lead. Torres was fouled and from the resulting precise Carrasco free kick into the penalty area, Aitor popped up to head

Unbeaten run continues CD Castellon 2 FC Cartagena 2

By Steve Hibberd THIS HARD earned point at lowly Castellon extended Cartagena’s unbeaten run to 6 matches. They had to come from behind, conceding in the 21st minute when a teasing left wing cross was powerfully headed into the net by Ulloa. Three minutes later, the home side had doubled their lead. Although keeper Ruben managed to punch away a threatening cross, it landed perfectly for Mallecon to head home at the 1st bounce. Full back Txiki connected perfectly from a corner, hammering home a loose ball, reducing the deficit just before the break. The second half was fairly even but it was that man De Lucas who salvaged a point for Los Albinegros when his 10 yard angled shot rifled past a helpless Castellon keeper into the net on 77 minutes. Castellon had 2 glorious chances to regain the lead but the visitors hung on for grim death. FC CARTAGENA LINE UP: Ruben Exposito Cygan Clavero Longas (Balboa) De Lucas Lafuente (Tato) Toche

Txiki Hector (Moreno) Falcon

On Sunday 28th February, KO 12.00 (midday) 3rd place Cartagena play Spanish giants Real Betis at Cartagonova Stadium. Seville based Betis are expected to bring a large following for this div 2a match, predicted to be a sell out; so advance ticket purchase is advised. Check out details on FC Cartagena using websites www.gotocartago.com and www.futbolclubcartagena.com.

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged Between 20 - 40 Call Doug on 628 789 335

the ball into the net to put the visitors up on the half hour mark. The second half saw Crevillente clearly find another gear, with Torrevieja down to ten men. It just took 5 minutes for the home side to level up matters through Lee, who was free to strike the ball into the net from the back post. It really then became a question of trying to hang on for the draw, with once again Aurelio performing well in goal to help his side to a deserved point. The result leaves FC Torrevieja fifteenth in the table and their next match sees them return to the Vicente Garcia stadium to entertain Novelda with a 17.00 kick off.

Super Mario strike not enough Santa Pola 1 Alone de Guardamar 1

By Steve Hibberd IT MAY sound like sour grapes but at least 7 times this season Alone have let potentially winning results cruelly slip away in stoppage time when late, late goals have destroyed all their previous hard work. So when substitute Mario scored totally against the run of play on 81 minutes, you just knew that history would repeat itself. This result leaves Guardamar perilously close to the preferente league relegation zone, urgently requiring a win from somewhere to stop the rot. The second half was ‘one way traffic’, requiring man

of the match Julen to make a number of top-drawer saves to keep his team in the game. Mario had only been on the pitch for 5 minutes when he converted a well worked move to give his side an undeserved lead. In the 4th minute of the 8 allotted for stoppage time, a goalmouth scramble resulted in Miguel scoring an equalising goal. Keeper Julen protested that he had been fouled in the build up to the goal but all he got for his troubles was a yellow card. On Sun 28th February KO 16.30, table toppers Benisa visit Las Rebosas stadium, Guardamar, for another preferente div match.

FC Torrevieja Committee man quits

ANDY HERMIDA has resigned as a committee member of FC Torrevieja with immediate effect. Mr Hermida cited personal circumstances for his decision. Peter Fulford, chief executive of SAMM INC, the new owners of FC Torrevieja, said he respected Mr Hermida’s decision. “I am sorry to hear Andy has decided to leave the committee but I want to thank him sincerely for his efforts on behalf of the club. I wish him well for the future.”

FEB 26 - MARCH 4 2010


Noel’s world of golf Maggots end Fishing Costa Blanca round-up


Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

PITCH MARKS; DO WE REPAIR THEM PROPERLY? SOME PEOPLE will think I am insulting them by asking this question but in the interest of all who play the game, the correct procedure is essential to maintain good quality greens. I am absolutely sure that many golfers do their very best to repair any damage they do the courses they play. Sadly, a lot of people do not know the recommended way to repair a pitchmark on our greens because they have never been shown. Unfortunately, many coaches do not think that teaching this particular skill is within their remit: I think it is when they are teaching newcomers to the game, as they would teach other etiquette of the game. The method described below is what the people who should know, the head greenkeepers of Great Britain and Ireland, recommend. By following this simple procedure we can all ensure that our greens recover as quickly as possible. BALL MARK REPAIR TOOL The ball mark repair tool is the right tool for the job of repairing ball marks. The tool should be familiar to every golfer; it’s a simple tool, just two prongs on the end of a piece of metal or hard plastic. There are some newfangled ball mark repair tools on the market, but the jury is still out on whether any of them really do a better job at helping greens heal than the standard, oldfashioned tool pictured above. The ball mark repair tool is an essential piece of equipment that every golfer should have in his or her golf bag and one that I would like to see course marshals and starters check for when golfers are waiting to start their game. Repairing any

damage to the course is a very large part of the etiquette of golf and is only fair to those who are following behind. The first step in repairing ball marks is to take your ball mark repair tool and insert the prongs into the turf at the edge of the depression. Note: Do NOT insert the prongs into the depression itself, but at the rim of the depression.

The next step is to push the edge of the ball mark toward the centre, using your ball mark repair tool in a “gentle twisting motion”. This is the step where golfers who incorrectly ‘repair’ ball marks usually mess up. Many golfers believe the way to ‘fix’ a ball mark is to insert the tool at an angle, so the prongs are beneath the center of the crater, and then to use the tool as a lever to push the bottom of the ball mark back up even with the surface. Do not do this! Pushing the bottom of the depression upward only tears the roots, and kills the grass. SO REMEMBER: Wrong: Using the prongs as levers to push up the bottom of the depression. Right: Using the prongs to push grass at the edge of the depression toward the centre. Just use your ball mark repair tool to work around the rim of the crater, so to speak, pushing the grass at the edge toward the centre of the depression. One way to envision this is to picture reaching down with your thumb and forefinger on opposite sides of the ball mark and ‘pinching’ those sides together. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS The WGC Accenture Matchplay

was the centre of attention last weekend. With Tiger missing, the chance was there for someone to make a big name for themselves and score some world ranking points. My pick was Paul Casey and he looked in top form in his first 4 matches. Over his first 4 rounds Casey won all his matches 5 & 4. His semi final on Saturday was a different affair, going to 25 holes against Camillo Villegas. Ian Poulter was the other finalist. He set a record winning score for the event by beating Garcia 7 & 6 in his semi final. Poulter was the man who maintained his form and thanks to some very impressive putting, he picked up the winner’s cheque of $1.4m and the biggest title of his career. Casey had to make do with runners up spot for the second consecutive year. The LPGA season got under way in Thailand and the players from the orient took up where they left off last year. Ai Miyazato won The Honda LPGA with a 21 under par total. Susanne Pettersen was second.

WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR TWO INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews. com. The decision of the editor of Round Town News will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR FEBRUARY 2010: How many majors has Padraig Harrington won? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 1st March 2010 for entry into the draw to be announced in RTN on 5th March 2010.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

player profile Karrie Webb

HEIGHT: 5’6” BIRTH PLACE: Australia TOUR STATUS: Priority List Category: 1 ROOKIE YEAR: 1996 Priority List Category: 1 LPGA Career Victories: 36* Career Earnings (rank): $15,279,620(2) Career Low Round: 61 LPGA Career Holes In One: 4 International Victories: 9

IN 2009, Karrie won the J Golf Phoenix LPGA International Presented by Mirassou Winery; her 36th victory on the LPGA Tour. Recorded runner-up finishes at both The RICOH Womens’ British Open, her season-best finish at a major championship, and at the CN Canadian Womens’ Open. Additional top 10 finishes included a tie for fifth at the Evian Masters, a tie for eighth at the Kraft Nabisco Championship and a tie for ninth at the HSBC Women’s Champions, where she carded a season-low 66 in the final round; carded her ninth LPGA career hole-in-one during the first round of the Safeway Classic Presented by Coca-Cola. In 2008, best finish was runner-up at the Ginn Tribute Hosted by ANNIKA, where she lost to Seon Hwa Lee in a one-hole, sudden-death playoff; also posted a runner-up finish at the season-ending ADT Championship. GOLF QUIPS Jose Maria Olazabal to Seve Ballesteros at The Ryder Cup; “Well done Seve: I knew if we kept at it you’d hit a fairway.” TOP QUALITY COACHING WITH NOEL Noel is available for lessons at El Plantio and Alicante Golf by prior arrangement. Call him on 639 730 891 to book an appointment and tell him you got his number from RTN for discounted rates.


David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS AND REELS THIS WEEK’S match was the 9th round of the Winter Championship: a series of 11 matches with the best 8 to count. The match was held on the aptly named 8 foot drain due to the fact that although it is only 6 meters wide, the depth is anywhere between 8 – 10 feet. It does seem strange fishing the top 3 sections of your pole to hand and catching fish. The drain fished well on the day with only a couple of dry nets. Big fish are scattered throughout the stretch, with Stu Taylor weighing in 6+ kilos with 2 fish; one being 4.300 kilos - in old money: 91/2 lbs.

The 8 foot drain

TOP RODS OF THE DAY 1st Terry (Swing em) Screen, fishing the pole using maggot with 7.980 kilos 2nd Lenny (Excultural Attache) Bolton, same method with 7.00kilos 3rd Bill (The Master) Reade, same method with 6.62 kilos ACCUMULATIVE POINTS TO DATE 1st Paul Baxter with 58 points 2nd Dave Hoare with 59 points 3rd Bill Reade with 69 points. 2 matches to go and still anybody’s trophy. ANGLERS TOGETHER Important message: The Friday Campoverde meetings will now be held at Mary’s Bar/ Restaurant. Taking the CV 925 from Pilar de la Horadada, turn right at the 1st roundabout into Pinar de Campoverde then first left and follow the slip road (past Fibber Mcgee’s and Lounge bar 6) until you get to the next parade of shops. Mary’s Bar is the 3rd / 4th unit up. The next meeting will be held on Friday 5th March at 12.00. The Puerto de Mazarron meetings remain at Los Galayos Bar/Restaraunt on the paseo, adjacent to the beach. The next meeting will be held on Saturday 6th March at 12.00. Work is still continuing on the Rio Segura at Murcia but it is still fishable. Embalse de Pedrera: The water level has risen dramatically and is over the road at the broken bridge and still rising. Sweetwater: The final dredging has taken place and the works personnel have cleared the surrounding road of all the silt that was deposited there. The banks are now angled and ‘swims’ need cutting in! Anglers Together continues to grow as a club with many friendships formed over the past 3 years. Many members fish together regularly and say they are pleased that they have taken up a sport that they once followed in their youth. We have the occasional organised outings but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the fishing venues. The joining fee is €10 for new members and €5 for renewing members. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Dave (Alan is away on his annual trek to Oz). anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or telephone Dave Hoare on 968 199 279. TIGHT LINES, DAVE HOARE

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