Your English Newspaper
Issue 542
Total fiasco
RESIDENTS OF a Spanish beauty spot are growing increasingly angry at months of isolation caused by the closure of a key road linking them to the outside world. Tempers are fraying and frustrations growing
March 5 - 11 2010
by Jack Troughton
at delays in the completion of road works to modernise and straighten 5km of the CV-720 linking Castell de Castells to Benichembla and the coast.
The road was scheduled to reopen in December last year. However, the deadline was missed as was last month’s revised target and villagers in Castell have now been told the new road will not be com-
pleted before the end of May. While the stretch of road remains shut, traffic from the village and communities beyond is forced to negotiate the winding road to Tarberna and the bends of the Coll de Rates pass
down to Parcent. And winter storms twice cut off Castell, while even in good weather the detour means a normal 20 minute down the valley to Jalon can take up to an hour. Continued on page 3
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