RTN North Edition 545

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 545

Don’t be invisible online Register your business Drugs arrest in La Florida

Three Bristish people have been arrested and charged by the Guardia Civil after they were found in possession of a variety of drugs • p4

Theme park for Murcia?

Paramount Pictures has initiated a feasibility study into the possibilities of building a ‘Disneyland’ style theme park in Murcia. p18


Clinical cheat

NORTH EDITION roundtownnews.co.uk

March 26 - April 1 2010

Turn to page 12

Top Costa Blanca psychiatrist Dr Lee Bianchi has launched a courtroom battle to try and win back her luxury villa claiming she is the victim of an elaborate scam.

Not for me thanks, I’m on my diet! RTN’S Louise Clarke tries the Hypnotherapy diet with Alan Gilchrist, how did she get on? p34

by Jack Troughton

The great Costa Blanca gardening opportunity Clodagh and Dick Handscombe talk about turning the space around your villa into something you can be proud of! p40

The final whistle Andy Kay’s weekly round up of sporting news. This week he asks the question on everyones lips... Could Bobby Zamora fo the World Cup? p62

Dr Lee Bianchi

See main ads on P4

THE DOCTOR, who runs a busy practice in Benidorm and California, maintains she has been cheated of a prized house on the resort’s exclusive Urbanisation Rocas Blancos. Dr Lee, a French born American citizen, accuses a former patient of defrauding her of the 2 million euro house and casting a web of deceit to make it appear he was the property’s rightful owner. The matter went before a judge in Gandia on March 9 but Angelino Montaner Berto failed to turn up at court and the issue was adjourned. This week RTN tracked down the businessmen to an industrial estate in Gandia who said he did not appear in court because he did not have a lawyer and denied any wrong doing. He said it was “a very simple case”

but he did not wish to discuss the matter in the street. He said: “I will declare everything in front of a judge – things will go all the way to the Supreme Court, it will be in the courts for 10 or 15 years. The guilty one must pay.” TRUST

Dr Lee said: “I trusted this man because he was a respected businessman but I did not expect him to steal from me – and I cannot believe the arrogance of the guy.” She explained she had owned the villa for 25 years but had used a series of complex financial steps to ring fence the property – until she decided to sell the house and recruited Mr Montaner Berto to help market it. “I asked him if he would like to do a deal, and we drew up a contract giving him commission of 30 percent of the sale,” she said. Continued on page 3

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26 march - april 1 2010

Continued from front page And when she believed she was had found a buyer she said she was devastated to discover the home was now registered in the businessman’s name. Dr Lee alleges her signature was forged on documents signed by a Benidorm notary claiming she had sold the house for 630,000 euros. “I immediately went to the notary and asked if he had seen the original contract between me and this man. He was very shocked – and he said ‘you had better get yourself a good lawyer, and quick.” PURCHASE She said in relation to false paperwork, the businessman claimed he had purchased mortgage charges on the villa in 1991 “when I did not even know the guy.” But to further complicate the situation,

she accuses Mr Montaner Berto of selling an option to buy the house to a third party – which could make it difficult to place an embargo on the villa while the court case is decided. “I believe this person falsified, forged, my signature and they made an addition to the escitura, putting the house in his name as if I had sold it to him,” said Dr Lee, who runs the Cybernetics Ultimum Therapy Centre. “At first I was so in shock it took a long time to realise what had actually happened.” And Dr Lee added: “I have become the victim of a tremendous fraud and a big cheat. I believed he was totally dedicated to helping me. I have to bring the case because I am a victim. “It is absolutely hateful – now I want justice. My lawyer Manuel Maza de Ayala is confident we can win.”

Charlotte scrubs up EXPERIENCING MEDICINE at the sharp end, budding surgeon Charlotte Burnham-Stevens spent a week at historic Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. The 17-year-old Laude the Lady Elizabeth School student travelled to Scotland over half term to watch surgery in operating theatres, shadow GPs during holiday vaccination clinics, and attend university medical school lectures. Charlotte, who hopes to make medicine her career, observed a number of angioplasty procedures and stents being placed in blocked coronary arteries during her first day. She was back in surgery to witness a double-lead pace maker being fitted and on her third day was fortunate to be able to watch openheart surgery and a coronary artery bypass graft. Charlotte found the procedure “fascinating”, especially being able to watch the heart beating during surgery. She said she was able to glean advice and

Charlotte BurnhamStevens

information from medical students and doctors and despite finding the trip exhausting, loved the whole experience. “I feel I walked a day in a surgeon’s shoes and got a true feeling for what becoming a surgeon would entail.”

Pool death By Jack Troughton

Businessman A PENSIONER drowned in the swimming Angelino pool of her Marina Alta home, Guardia Civil Montaner sources revealed. The lifeless body of the Berto

Charlotte said she witnessed the trials and tribulations of an operating theatre but also the fulfilment and satisfaction of saving lives – and now appreciated the work and commitment needed for a career in medicine.

89-year-old German expat was discovered by a neighbour at the villa in Calle Salamanca, in Teulada Moraira. Police were treating the death as a tragic accident but are still waiting for forensic reports. However, officers believe the victim slipped and was knocked unconscious before falling into the water.

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

Drugs arrests by Louise Clarke THREE BRITISH people have been arrested and charged by the Guardia Civil after they were found in possession of a variety of drugs. They were stopped by the local police in Las Florida in Orihuela Costa on suspicion of drink driving, as they were travelling in a Peugeot 308. The police said that the driver was acting suspiciously and after being given a breath test, which proved negative, he continued to be anxious. The police officers then searched

the vehicle and found a quantity of powder which later proved to be amphetamine. Further inspection of the car and its occupants revealed that they were also in possession of 11kg of hashish; three sheets of LSD with a quantity of 1,025 doses; 390 ecstasy tablets; 4.5 grams of cocaine and nine grams of marijuana, as well as more than €1,000 in cash. The two men, aged 26 and 30 and a woman, aged 24, were charged with possession with intent to supply and were transferred to the Guardia Civil station in Torre de la Horadada. They appeared in court in Orihuela and were remanded in custody to face trial.

The haul of drugs found during the arrests

Don’t lose your vote: part two By Louise Clarke THE MUNICIPAL elections take place in May 2011. Many of you may think that with more than 14 months to go, you have plenty of time to register to vote. Well, you would be wrong. In order to vote in next year’s local elections, you must be registered to vote and be on the ‘padron’ of your municipality by October. In 2007, only a very small proportion of expat residents here on the Costa Blanca actually voted and many people, when asked, said that the reason they didn’t vote was because they didn’t think that they could. If you are a resident here in Spain and you are on the ‘empadramiento’ at your local Town Hall, you are eligible to vote in the municipal elections. During the next few months, RTN will be launching a campaign to highlight why it is important for expats to get registered to vote. Basically, if you don’t vote, you have no say; it’s a simple as that. If you are on the ‘padron’ you are entitled to subsidies from the Town Hall; they often give Christmas food baskets to pensioners and at fiesta times, you could receive hampers of food and drink. You are also entitled to health and social services as well as school places and in Torrevieja, if you marry, the Town Hall gives you €3,000! (It’s almost worth doing it again!) By being on the ‘padron’, it not only benefits you, it benefits your Town Hall as they get money from central and regional government based on the numbers of people that they have registered in their municipality.

Now, the Town Halls know this and they are as eager as anything for expats to register because it means more money for them. Some towns can lose up to 60% of income from the government because resident expats (not just British, but other nationalities) have not registered. Doctors, the local police and Town Hall employees are all funded by the Town Hall, so with extra funding as a result of more people registering on the ‘padron’, they could have more doctors and more importantly, more police officers; which will help to reduce crime and keep residents safer. HELP It is easy to do; just go along to your Town Hall with all your paperwork (house documents, passport and NIE number etc) and ask to be put on the padron. Essentially, you must also ask for a voting form from the Oficina del Censo Electoral. This is in Spanish but there is a translation on the reverse of the form in English, German and French. If you live in Torrevieja, the International Residents Office can help you to fill in any paperwork and in most of the other municipalities, there are people available to help you with the forms. If you voted in 2007, technically you don’t need to re-register, but the system has been changed since then (surprise, surprise!), and therefore, to be on the safe side, check with your Town Hall that you are still registered or re-submit a form. More information will be made available in RTN in the coming weeks.

Phone home

SAILORS WHO spent 14 hours drifting in a life raft were rescued safe and well off the Costa Blanca coast after using a mobile ‘phone to raise the alarm. The crew, a German couple, were sailing from Cartagena to Ibiza when their yacht mysteriously sank and they were forced to take to the lifeboat. However, they were able to telephone a relative in Cartagena, who immediately called 112 to alert the emergency services in Murcia. A plane, helicopter and three rescue cutters were immediately mobilised in a co-ordinated air sea rescue operation. The two sailors were eventually rescued by a yacht more than 26 miles off Altea and later landed at Oliva in good spirits after their adventure.

26 march - april 1 2010


PUMA 22 and British Consulate to hold super surgeries by Louise Clark AT A press conference on the Orihuela Costa earlier this week, it was announced that the pressure group PUMA 22, who campaign to improve the provision of health care services to non Spanish residents, and the British Consulate in Alicante are to hold a ‘Super Surgery’ in order to set the record straight about healthcare entitlements. The change of the law regarding the provision of healthcare by the Valencian Regional Health Authority, had a detrimental effect on many non Spanish, legal residents, who were either not contributing to the social security system or weren’t of pensionable age. Those affected people were suddenly in danger of not having access to any healthcare provision at all. Last November, the Health Authority put into place a private healthcare insurance scheme for those people, but access to the scheme comes at a price, and the 270 euros which is being charged per person, per quarter, is unaffordable for many. As a result, many of those affected have returned to the UK, which is damaging to the local and regional economy. Over 100 people attended the

press conference on Tuesday and as well as announcing the new ‘Super Surgery’, PUMA 22 representatives, including founder members, Bill Bridges and Dr Roman Gil, detailed the new ‘sin recursos’ rules, which is the scheme in place for people who cannot afford to pay the quarterly charge for healthcare. Alison Davies–Atherton, whose daughter Isabel has been featured in recent issues of RTN, told the audience that there is a new procedure that people must adhere to when applying for the ‘sin recursos’ scheme. She said: “Everyone must now apply for ‘sin recursos’ before you apply for the new scheme, regardless of your financial situation. If you get rejected, then you will be given forms to apply for the quarterly payment scheme.” She added: “If you have already been accepted to the quarterly scheme, but cannot afford to pay the charge, you must come out of the scheme and apply for ‘sin recursos’. If in the meantime you are ill or need hospital treatment, you will be charged.” It appears that the Valencian Health Authority keep changing the rules. Bill Bridges commented: “It’s the bureaucrats who are causing these problems.” The income threshold for ‘sin recursos’ is 615

Over 100 people attended

euros per household. There is no doubt that this is all extremely complex and complicated and because of this, the Consulate has realised that the surgery will be extremely helpful to those affected. Knowledge The ‘Super Surgery’ event will be held later this spring in Orihuela Costa and representatives from the Consulate will provide thorough and up-to-date information and answer questions from British residents. This unique initiative, which

The taxman cometh

By Jack Troughton THE TAXMAN was hailed as the hero behind the seizure of 480 kilos of high purity

cocaine being smuggled into Valencia, it was revealed this week. Customs officers swooped on a container of aluminium

will be held jointly with PUMA 22, comes as a direct result of the recent meeting in Torrevieja where local British residents voiced their concerns about healthcare, among other issues, to the Minister for Europe, Chris Bryant. Martyn Standing, the advisor for the DWP team in Alicante is familiar with the issues raised, and has assured residents that his team is aware of the stress that problems with accessing healthcare can cause. He told RTN: “By representing the UK Department of Health and main-

tubes and discovered the drugs concealed in the 240 pipes imported from Buenos Aires. However, suspicions first fell on a Madrid-based company when the tax office examined records showing the firm was barely active, only importing goods two or three times a year – and much less

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taining communication with local health authorities, we have lots of relevant knowledge useful for British people in the area.” Martyn’s team advises hundreds of people each month on healthcare issues. The ‘Super Surgery’ event will include a presentation on healthcare topics and a question and answer session open to attendees. There will also be an opportunity for British residents to discuss their individual cases with experts. More details will be available in RTN nearer the time of the event.

than expected for a normal trading company. The Port of Valencia is one of the most common gateways into Spain for cocaine smuggles and the half-ton of the drug hidden in the metal tubing was destined for a warehouse on the outskirts of Manises prior to onward distribution.

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

The cap fits for Matt 26 march - april 1 2010

by Jack Troughton DASHING BACK row forward Matt Cook is “honoured” to be winning caps with Spain and playing on Rugby Union’s international stage. The six feet four inches tall No 8 is enjoying playing for La Vila in the country’s top flight and delighted to be selected for international duty – one of the first British expats to make the side after making his debut against Russia last year. RTN caught up with the 31-year-old fresh from beating Germany 21-17 last weekend and shortly before flying to Romania for another tough match. “It was very much an honour to pull on the Spanish shirt,” he said. “It was a great moment. Playing at international level is absolutely great and something you can always look back on.” Matt, who lives in Denia, moved to Spain five years ago and after playing for the Marina Alta town’s rugby club joined La Vila. TIP OFF

His new club’s coach had previously led the international team and tipped off Spain’s

selectors. “I was asked how long I had been here in Spain and whether I had represented any other country, after three years you are eligible as long as you had not played for anyone else.”He joined the squad for the match against arch rivals Portugal last year but did not get off the bench. And Matt, who first played for Jersey, joined Saracens to play at Under 21 level, played in England’s Premiership with Bedford. He said the standard of rugby was quickly improving in Spain as more clubs were launched and more youngsters took up the sport. Matt said there were twin highlights to his playing career so far. “The first was playing in the premiership in England and making my debut for Bedford against Richmond – and actually scoring two tries. “Of course the second was winning my first international cap. These days there isn’t an actual cap, but you do get to keep the shirt!”

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Matt in action



26 march - april 1 2010

The misleading mayor by Louise Clarke ROJALES OPPOSITION leader Antonio Perez Garcia has accused the town’s Mayor, Antonio Martinez Canovas, of misleading the population of the municipality following the recent ‘pleno’ meeting. The PSOE Councillor has accused the Mayor of deliberately misleading the people and says that he has his own agenda which doesn’t take into consideration the needs of the town’s residents. Senor Perez asked why the Mayor systematically refuses to acknowledge all the steps taken by the previous administration prior to the election in 2007; in particular, the plans made by PSOE to improve the educational facilities in Rojales. Perez told RTN: “He constantly displays clear intent to eradicate each and every one of our actions. Why does Senor Canovas claim that it was the Education Department in Valencia who obliged him to change the location of the new school? The result of which has been delay after delay.” He continued: “All the concerned groups, politicians and professionals were in agreement at the time.” DECEIT

The Mayor has accused PSOE of being the instigators of all the demands for information and the protests at the school (which have actually been organised by the parents association, AMPA). Antonio Perez strongly refutes this accusation and has said these accusations show a clear intent to put the blame on others for his own inefficiency and that

of his coalition group PP/GRIP, who have not completed the majority of their manifesto promises. Perez commented that the deceitfulness and inadequacy of the Mayor and his coalition was evident by the number of documents he presented during the recent ‘pleno’ meeting, which clearly demonstrates once more that lies and deception are weapons often used by the Mayor. The opposition Councillor also denounced the Mayor’s ‘infantile’ behaviour towards AMPA and said that, in his opinion, he treats them in a dictatorial manner. He said: “The Mayor ordered the locks to be changed on the office that has always been at the disposal of AMPA without consulting the association and thereby leaving them in the street. This anti-democratic behaviour from the Mayor is not new. In his short time in office, there is a long list of undemocratic acts which show his total lack of political maturity.” CONSENT

In response to the Mayor’s accusations that PSOE are the activists behind AMPA, Antonio Perez made it very clear that PSOE has never been in front or behind AMPA but always together with them. He said: “I can demonstrate, with documentary evidence, that all actions taken by PSOE during our period in office were completed with the full knowledge and consent of all the educational community and PP. This misleading Mayor is unable to correctly deal with interventions and resorts to insulting behaviour to get him through the Town Hall meetings.”

Rojales PSOE Leader Antonio Perez Garcia

He concluded: “I would like to thank all the parents, AMPA and teachers for their recent activities and actions to get the problems of the school publicised. It is just a shame that in this day and age, that this was even needed.”

New park unveiled

THE MAYOR of Orihuela, Monica Lorente, along with the Councillor for Hurchillo, Victor Valverde and the Orihuela Councillor for Local Districts, Antonio Rodriguez Murcia, officially opened a brand new children’s playground in the village of Hurchillo this week. The park, which was constructed using Plan E government money, cost €25,563 to build and has safe rubber floor tiles as well as the usual play equipment which includes a slide, a swing and a balance beam.

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Police arrest kamikaze driver

Traffic police arrested a driver who was travelling against oncoming traffic on the AP-7 motorway last week. The driver tested positive for drugs and alcohol. Police followed the man from the correct side of the carriageway, making a video as they went. The man was driving a white van at 40 kph against the flow of traffic. When he was finally stopped, the driver almost ran over one of the policemen waiting to arrest him at the motorway exit.

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010


26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

No more bets by Jack Troughton

CASINO MEDITERRANEO has closed its Villajoyosa operation with the loss of 121 jobs, blaming the recession and competition from ‘on line’ Internet gaming. The company reported losses of €14 million in 2009 at the casino but pledged continued support for its Alicante and Torrevieja bases. A company spokesman said the continued financial decline of the Vila casino made the situation “unworkable” and it was “impossible” to endure the continued level of losses. And he said: “To save

208 jobs and strengthen Alicante and Torrevieja, we were forced to sacrifice the operation at Villajoyosa, which for two years was losing huge amounts of money.” The casino’s closure came shortly after Villajoyosa Council announced plans to amend its general plan for the town to build exclusive hotels and to boost the local economy and create jobs at the resort. ANGER The controversial closure prompted angry casino workers to claim they had lost their jobs to

allow the company to cut and run by selling to building interests. And they maintain they were “ignored and cheated” because the sudden decision to shut down the casino came after continued assurances that their jobs were safe. Mayor of Villajoyosa Jaime Lloret said he was saddened by the loss of a prestigious business in the town and the “bad news” for the workers. He admitted he was aware the company had run into difficulties but did not realise such a drastic step was about to be taken.

The casino in Villajoyosa has now closed

Officially an abnormal winter

SCIENTISTS FROM the Spanish Council of Scientific Investigation (CSIC) say that this winter in Spain had the most extreme weather since the year 1900. Temperatures throughout the winter have reached new highs and lows for the time of year and rainfall has been above average across most of Spain, apart from the Cantabrian coast and Gerona, where rainfall was less than aver-

age. Scientists have been reported in the daily press as saying the erratic climate has been due to the persistence of atmospheric instability linked to the crossing of polar front Atlantic storms. They continued to say that there is not enough evidence to suggest that the abnormal weather is an effect of global warming.

Habitation certificates are imminent By Louise Clarke THE ORIHUELA Councillor for the Coast, Jose Antonio Aniorte, announced this week that over 1000 homes will be soon issued with their habitation certificates. After months of debate as to whether these vital documents will actually be issued or not, the Town Hall has finally signed off a total of 1075 certificates. Definitive habitation certificates will be issued for the following… 585 houses in La Ciñuelica (PAU 20); 100 houses in Sector C2 in Playa Flamenca and 23 houses in Villamartín. Also, first occupancy licences will be issued for 197 homes in Sector E2, El Barranco; 105 houses in La Ciñuelica (PAU 20); 44 houses in Sector J1, Las Piscinas; 17 houses in Los Dolses (PAU 4) and 4 homes in PAU 2. COLLABORATION Councillor Aniorte also announced that in the next few weeks the Town Hall will further authorise licences for another 600 houses, which up until now have been on builder’s supply electricity and water. He praised the collaboration between the Town Hall and opposition party, Los Verdes, who have been working hard to get the certificates and licences for the affected homeowners on the coast. He also confirmed that he was well aware of the situation faced by residents in Laguna 3 and Marco Polo, which was featured in last week’s RTN and said that unfortunately their certificates will be harder to arrange;

Orihuela’s Councillor for the Coast Jose Antonio Aniorte

mainly due to the serious building and documentary deficiencies of both urbanisations. He added that the Town Hall was in close communication with the residents

of both Laguna 3 and Marco Polo and confirmed that he and the Town Hall’s technical advisors are seeking legal advice on how to progress the matter further.

9,800 traffic guardia on duty over Holy Week THE NUMBER is 500 more than at Easter last year. Tráfico are putting 9,800 Guardia on the roads of Spain over Holy Week when 14.4 million journeys are forecast. The number of traffic police on duty is 500 more than last Easter, while the number of journeys taken is forecast to remain unchanged.

The busiest time is forecast to be Wednesday evening, and last year between 3pm and 11pm tailbacks totalled as much as 120 kms. at times. Reversible and additional lanes with cones will be used as is normal at such holiday times. Last year the Easter traffic operation resulted in the deaths of 47 people on Spain’s roads and 286 were seriously injured.

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

Hospital woes add to Oliver’s fight by Louise Clarke WHEN LITTLE Oliver Struthers was born 15 weeks premature in October, his parents were told that the following days would be critical and that he only had a 10% chance of survival. Karen and Brett were also told there was a strong possibility that Oliver, who weighed just 2lb 2oz, would be blind, deaf or brain damaged. However, instead of succumbing to his fragile state, he gained strength and after two weeks in the neonatal ICU he was moved to a ward where he continued to improve. And much to his parents’ delight, Oliver was not blind, deaf or brain damaged. On December 4th, he was allowed home, but that is when the fun really started! LETHARGIC On their return home, the couple found the mound of documentation from the Naval Hospital in Cartagena was full of inaccuracies, including an incorrect birth weight. On 28th December, Oliver was unresponsive when Karen gave him his feed. She told RTN:

“He wouldn’t feed, was lethargic and looked really pale.” They rushed him back to hospital where he was put on oxygen, except the nurse forgot to turn it on! In the end, Karen did it herself. Over nine days, doctors tried to ascertain what was wrong; eventually diagnosing bronchitis. On 25th January, Oliver stopped breathing, apparently is quite common in premature babies. Terrified, Karen took him to the doctor straight away. They gave him an ECG and told Karen that he was tachycardic and that he must go straight to hospital. Karen was not allowed in the ambulance and made her own way there, waiting nearly an hour before the ambulance arrived with Oliver. During the next three hours, Karen could not see her son but all the while she could hear him screaming. WARY Eventually, she was allowed to see him and noticed that he had several needle pricks on his arms and feet where they had unsuccessfully tried to get to a vein. Karen added: “He looked dead. He was very pale;


Happy to have him home; Karen and Brett with baby Oliver

like a ghost and totally white.” She stayed overnight with him and the consultant visited the next morning. He said that it was probably one of those common ‘forgetting to breathe’ incidents that young babies have. He said Oliver should stay one more night under observation and if he was okay the next day, he could go home. During the next ‘observational’ 24 hours, not one person came to check on Oliver. The next day, his temperature had risen so he had to stay another night. The next day, they told Karen

Alfas del Pi officials visit Orihuela

Orihuela Mayor Monica Lorenteand Mayor Vincente Arques signing the Roll of Honour

LAST WEEK, representatives from the Town Hall in Alfas del Pi visited the City of Orihuela. The move was in recognition of the celebrations of the centenary of the birth of poet Miguel Hernandez. The Mayor of Orihuela, Monica Lorente, welcomed town councillors and the Mayor of Alfas del Pi, Vincente Arques to the Town Hall, where the Senor Arques signed the Roll of Honour to commemorate his visit.

that he had a urine infection. Eventually he was allowed to go home but a few days later was sent for a gamma ray scan to check his bladder; the results of which have since been lost! Karen is now extremely wary of hospitals and doctors: “I am so frightened to take him to any doctors now after the terrible experiences we have had.” RTN is not surprised. On the day that Karen was interviewed, her doctor had prescribed routine medication for Oliver that was not suitable for children under two!

Eco ambulances for Valencian Community Seven new eco ambulances have been incorporated into the Valencian fleet of emergency vehicles. The new ambulances run on liquid petroleum gas – also known as autogas – which emits 90 percent less nitrogen oxide and between 30 – 50 percent less carbon monoxide than previously used fuels. The ambulances will primarily be used to transport patients who need services such as radiotherapy, dialysis, or rehabilitation. Autogas is purer and cleaner than regular fuel and consequently the ambulances will be able to reduce their consumption by up to 40 percent.

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26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010


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26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010



26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

Thank you from AECC Through the pages of your newspaper can I please send the sincere thanks of the Torrevieja and the Vega Baja branches of Associación Española Contra el Cancer (AECC) to all our supporters, fundraisers and volunteers. Also, a big thank you to Dawn and Peter who have now retired, and welcome to our new people as follows: Carol and Ron for Auctions; Julie and Maggie for Car Boot sales; Louise for Car Boot sales and Auctions. Without the support of these people AECC would be unable to provide valuable services. Yours faithfully, Mike Bissett, AECC Press Liaison Officer

Airport thieves

At Alicante Airport Terminal 2 in January, a man distracted us while his accomplice stole my bag. We reported it immediately to security and to the National Police but there was no Police presence outside the airport! An officer said: “When the police are in Terminal 1, the thieves go to Terminal 2 and vice-versa!” WHY AREN’T THE POLICE AT BOTH TERMINALS? In Benidorm, we witnessed several incidents of pick pocketing. Opposite the Hotel Orange there is a row of shops and apartments housing gangs of thieves/muggers. We could see them running after they had robbed someone, jumping over the wall into the apartments. Why is nothing done? Regards, JMC


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Cheated? I am an expat and formerly was legally employed. When unemployed, I registered through the proper system. I sign on every three months, on time as stated. When I go I always take a friend who speaks quite fluent Spanish as I get him to enquire for me whether there is any relevant work available. I noticed in the paper sometime last year that a scheme was coming out where people who were unemployed for more than a year could be entitled to a monthly payment of around €420. I enquired about this when I signed on in October 2009 and was told the scheme had not been passed. I never heard anything else about this, so when I signed on in January 2010, I asked again. The girl at the desk gave me a newsletter saying this was now available and gave me a form to fill in with all my details. I was told the

form had to be returned by 15th February. This was on 27th January. We went home, filled in the form and returned it on 1st February, well within the time specified. I was told to expect a letter. I received a letter which said I had been too late in applying for this entitlement as I had only 60 days to claim from November 2009. Well I was very dismayed as you can imagine, as I had followed the requested information I had been given. We went back on 21st February to appeal and were told by another girl that the date was actually 60 days from August 2009, contradicting the previous timescale. So therefore why was this not related to me in October or beforehand? I feel cheated out of money I was led to believe was due to me and wonder if we British have been hoodwinked. Who knows? Graham

Foreign travellers Around Christmas 2009, you published details of a man and his wife escaping from a French bandit. Many older foreigners are attacked in Spain each year, travelling with motorhomes and caravans. The Guardia are not interested in foreign travellers and that is why there will be a fatality before long as these criminals become more violent and the travelling foreigners respond in kind.

Many are already taking personal precautions. Before some ‘local’ Brit type speaks up as to why: We travel and take this risk, let me say, that allows these bandits, many from Eastern Europe, to control our choices in life. I travel and take ‘precautions’ as do many, especially from many Northern European states. (I am being vague for fear of the Guardia ‘targeting’ an easy and law abiding person, rather than getting

to grips with the true problem and earning their corn, so to speak). The number of travellers attacked this last year alone has noticeably increased and one can only see the situation becoming worse. See your recent article re the man and his ID being stolen and the response from the licensing authority over speeding fines. This never happened under Franco and I travelled here in his day! J Roche

Chips and ash

My family and I went to a bar recently and sat down to eat only to have four people sitting next to us immediately light up a cigarette each. Acrid smoke floated over us: between courses, each person chain smoked. I saw the owner’s husband pick up his ‘fag’ from an ash tray behind the bar whilst cooking more food. The landlady was also smoking. This must be the ‘bar of dreams’ for Mr Wise: not only is smoking encouraged, you can have ‘chips and ash’ with your drinks. Mr L M Smith

Classroom revolution

It’s good to see this is in the news again. I recall that three or four years ago, the Town Council in Torrevieja wanted to introduce this scheme, only for it to be overturned by the Valencian Educational Authorities. Over 80% of teachers and parents voted in favour of the ‘continuous day,’ with afternoon activities offered for those children whose parents were working or could not arrange for them to be picked up before 17:00. It’s a great idea. It also means that kids have a chance to enjoy sport, music and culture and even play time after school hours, plus still have time to do the average of the one-hour of homework that my child comes home with almost every day. Many teachers complained that children were lethargic when they returned in the afternoon and by the time they had ‘woken up’ there was only an hour of class time remaining. One problem they previously had in Torrevieja was/is with the School Buses as there were/are not enough of them to collect and drop off at all of the primary and secondary schools more or less at the same time. This might possibly be easier north of Alicante and in the smaller towns than in Torrevieja, while the likes of Valencia, Alicante, Elche, Oriheula and northern Valencia may have basic transportation issues. Vote YES. You know it makes sense. Videokeith

8-14 JANUARY 26 MARCH - APRIL 12010 2010

France and Spain fight together against ETA

French President Nicolas Sarkozy met with Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in France last week and confirmed that there will be unreserved collaboration between their two countries in the fight against ETA. The two leaders attended the funeral in memory of the gendarme murdered by ETA, Jean Serge Nérin, and then discussed ETA over a working lunch. Zapatero thanked France and its President for its “attitude, courage and bravery” in helping Spain combat ETA. He conveyed the “deepest regret” from the Spanish people and their government to the relatives of the police officer murdered by ETA, to the French Police force, to the French Government and to the people of France, and added that “our pain” is felt just as deeply as when ETA murders a Spaniard. “We feel deep sorrow for the death of the French police officer, but those that should be truly concerned now are the members of ETA, because they are going to be hunted down unremittingly,” he concluded. Nicolas Sarkozy confirmed that: “Our cooperation on the fight against ETA will be unreserved.”

France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy and Spain’s Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Baroness Thatcher receives award from Spain

Baroness Thatcher and José María Aznar

Former British prime minister Baroness Thatcher has been chosen to receive a freedom prize from the FAES Foundation, headed by José María Aznar – Spain’s former prime minister. The award is given in recognition for work towards democracy and freedom and this is the second time it has been presented. Last year it went to the king of Spain. FAES considers Mrs Thatcher to be an historical personality, whose valuable work included playing a large part in the fall of the Berlin wall, along with Ronald Reagan, Helmut Kohl and Pope John Paul II. Aznar has already travelled to London to meet Baroness Thatcher and the award will be presented officially this Autumn.

Penélope Cruz in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean 4’

Penélope Cruz will be in the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie alongside Johnny Depp. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer confirmed the news last week. Cruz will play the role of the daughter of the evil character, Blackbeard. Bruckheimer says that the door is being left open for the possibility of a little romance between Cruz and Depp’s character, Jack Sparrow. The fourth Pirates movie Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is due for release in May 2011.



RTN golf winners 16

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

by Jack Troughton HOSTS ALICANTE Golf and generous sponsors were top of the leader board in helping make the RTN Golf Championship 2010 an outstanding success. The championship course was once again home to the annual tournament and its fast greens and tricky bunkers tested the mettle of the region’s golfers. The competition was won by Linda Rees and Danny Herron who lifted the trophy but there were host of sportsmen and women handed prizes last Thursday. Noel Eastwell, the competition’s organiser and RTN’s golf correspondent, told the players afterwards: “We had a course in absolutely perfect condition and we have Alicante Golf to thank for that.” He also thanked health insurance giant

ASSSA for its sponsorship as part of the company’s 75th anniversary celebrations. PRIZE

“ASSSA very generously donated a lot of money to buy prizes, and on behalf of RTN can I say that we hope to have a long relationship with this company playing a part in the competition,” he added. Noel also paid tribute to the important part played by the co-sponsors: Hotel Castilla Alicante, Specsavers Opticas of Calpe and Javea, Horizons Consultants CB, Fast Fit Tyres and buygolfgear.co.uk Competition winners: 1st Linda Rees and Danny Herron; 2nd Natasha Fear and George Pay; 3rd Roger Stott and Steven Ratcliffe; Michael Reeves and Colin Wilson. Nearest pin prizes: Nancy Tatham, John Wheeler, Neil Colbourne and Mark Hampson.

Seve Ballesteros promotes Madrid for 2018 Ryder Cup FIVE-TIME Majors champion Seve Ballesteros appeared in Madrid last week to back Madrid’s bid for the 2018 Ryder Cup. This was the golfing star’s first public appearance after brain surgery and chemotherapy to remove a brain tumour. Although frail, Ballesteros spoke with enthusiasm about his belief in Madrid being the best city to host the Cup. Other contenders are Sweden; Holland; Portugal; Germany and France.

Fast Fit Tyres was one of the sponsors of last weeks event

Bay Radio’s SunTalk picks up a coveted British Press Award HOSTED BY the very popular and Sony award winner Jon Gaunt, the show has won the Digital Innovation category less than a year after launching. He has fronted the show - which you can also access

though our website - since last April. The main stories of the day are discussed at length with Bay Radio Listeners, Sun readers and the journalists at the heart of each story from The Sun’s studios in Wapping, East London. In January, Gaunty

won a historic battle to take media regulator Ofcom to a judicial review over a controversial interview that saw him fired from TalkSport. Gaunty said: “This is a triumph for free speech. I want to thank Bay Radio listeners and The Sun’s

readers for all their support. And I have a message for Ofcom - the British public don’t need Ofcom, because they have an off switch.” Listen to Gaunty on Bay Radio from Monday to Friday between 11am and 2pm. Read more: www.bayradio.fm

17 - APRIL 1 2010 Pr26oMARCH tect you r Equipm ent! We now

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freesat have announced that in less than 2 years they have sold over 1,000,000 decoders

It has been confirmed on the 12th March 2010 that ITV1 HD will be available as a standalone channel (channel 119 – no red button) from 2nd April 2010. The channel which will be a simulcast of ITV1. The ITV1 schedule will be simulcast on the new channel, with the majority of peak time content available in ‘native’ HD, including all live football, and an increasing range of drama, factual and entertainment programming. Other ITV1 content including GMTV and the daytime schedule, will be ‘up scaled’ – giving viewers a better than ever experience of the nation’s most popular commercial channel. Do not adjust your freesat decoder the system is designed to take care of all that for you. To watch the ITV1 HD channel you will require a freesat HD Decoder and to watch this in HD you will then require a HD Ready or Full HD Television We have seen over the past few weeks other recording boxes being offered as freesat plus boxes, when in actual fact they are just generic twin tuner decoders that require an external hard drive or USB stick. Although there is a place in the market for these type of decoders they are not freesat ones, which means that the Full 8 day programme guide is not supported and all you will have, are now and next listing. So what is so important about the programme guide? without the programme guide you will not be able to say, set the freesat plus box to record a programme that begins at a certain time and for example in 6 days time. The programme could be part of a series so therefore you just tell the freesat plus box that everytime that programme comes on, to record it. There are no timer set ups involved as the freesat plus box is only interested in the name of the programme, meaning that the programme start and end times are irrelivent. So for example if the programme you wish to record in a few days time starts late due to an over run of the previous programme, the freesat plus box will just simply record at the new correct time and all into its built in massive 320GB hard drive !

“If it doesn’t say freesat on the box…. then its NOT freesat in the box.” We have had many many enquiries from callers who have seen adverts across the free press offering freesat and also displaying the freesat logo, this has led, people to believe that the digi box they have purchased is freesat. Our callers have then found that those digi boxes are actually ‘free to air’ and do not offer the services available on freesat; ie, the interactive red button on BBC with sports streams, teletext, 24 hour 8 day programme guide, subtitles, etc. Purchasing a GENUINE freesat digi box is the only way to receive these services. We are finding that people are confused by being offered what they think is freesat when actually they are being offered ‘free to air’ decoders which DO NOT support the BBC red button, etc, so to see what difference a

genuine freesat decoder can make, please come to our offices for a demonstration. We guarantee that once you have seen the benefits for yourself you wouldn´t consider the alternatives. FORMULA ONE ROUND 2 F1 QUALIFYING AUSTRALIA BBC1 & RED BUTTON SATURDAY 05.00 AM UK TIME F1 GRAND PRIX AUSTRALIA BBC1 & RED BUTTON SUNDAY 05.00 AM UK TIME Over each Grand Prix weekend you can watch the free practice on the Friday and Saturday, this is only available on the RED Button on the BBC. The qualifying session and the actual Grand Prix itself also offer RED Button services including onboard camera´s and you can also change the commentary, ie watch the Grand Prix with say the Radio Five commentary. Once the main show finishes on BBC1 you can watch the after show on the Red Button too. You can only do all of this if you have a genuine freesat or Sky decoder. ‘a2sat’ remains one of the few companies on the Coast to provide a true freesat package and upholds the philosophy that “If it doesn’t say freesat on the box….then its NOT freesat in the box.” a2sat insist on using only the highest standard equipment, including Portuguese prime focus dishes and Invacom LNB’s, installing new quality satellite cable during each installation and a concrete base or appropriate wall bracket, so that no drilling of the client’s roof or solarium is required. FREESAT PLUS The company’s best-selling system of the moment is the latest addition to the freesat range of Digital Satellite recorders, freesat HD plus. The system operates in a similar manner to the SKY HD Plus but with one major difference: users have access to any of the accepted free to air channels with the ability to record them without any subscription required. With freesat Plus, viewers have the freedom to pause, rewind and fast forward LIVE TV without the need to record anything! This is possible as the sophisticated decoder has a massive 320GB hard drive, allowing users to preserve up to 200 hours of Standard Definition or 80 hours of High Definition programming, which is great if someone telephones at a crucial moment in the programme or if you just want to pop to the kitchen to make a brew. Viewers have the flexibility to watch one channel whilst recording another, or even record two channels whilst watching a third show they recorded earlier, providing an entire evening of tailor-made home entertainment! The convenient 8-day programme guide ensures that they will always know when their favorite programmes are showing, and if they are otherwise engaged at that time, they can simply press the record button and their selections will be available to view at leisure. freesat Plus viewers have a complete Teletext service at their disposal, combined with the fully interactive service available exclusively from the BBC, featuring news, weather and sports broadcasts. Plus, the system boasts

Starting from only 60€ per year the amazing Sport Multiscreen function, enabling viewers to enjoy a combination of the day’s biggest sporting events, exactly as they happen. COMMUNITY INSTALLATIONS We now offer fibre optics as the new way of installing the larger community systems allowing us to run the cables up to a total of 10km without any signal loss!! Investing in a personal freesat system may seem a little pricey, so why not chat to your neighbours about a shared system? a2sat install systems for up to four homes to share, where a dish of 1.9m is recommended, whilst also catering for larger communities, which can have an almost unlimited number of homes connected to it and the 2.4m dish is the favorable option. With a shared or community system, the quality of the signal and number of channels supplied is equivalent to that of a personal satellite dish, although prices vary in accordance with the demands of the job. A2sat are very happy to conduct a site visit and discuss the possibilities available, and if any planning applications are required, will even complete the paperwork at no extra cost! SERVICING CONTRACTS a2sat also extends technical support and servicing to existing clients and also those using other satellite systems. Clients will benefit from a low cost, guaranteed back up service, which secures continuous hassle free television viewing direct from Astra2. The a2sat commitment means that clients can rely on same day technical support or a site visit within 24 hours from the original call if necessary. If replacement of any equipment is required, a no obligation quote is given prior to any action being taken, to avoid any nasty surprises later on. The cost of the service contract starts from 5€ per month, which means that for as little as 60€ per

year, clients can take advantage of professional support from a2sat all year round! For all shared, community systems and non a2sat installations can also enjoy a2sat support with costs taylored to suit your needs freesat Platform for all of the freesat range including freesat HD plus

The TDT switchover has begun a2sat is pleased to welcome clients to its office which is situated on C/ Miguel Angel Blanco, Daya Nueva, where they can discuss the options with one of the informed Sales Representatives and view a demonstration of the benefits of freesat over other Digital Television systems. For further information please telephone 966 194 931 or 678 239 193. Opening times are 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm on Saturday´s. Alternatively you may email enquiries to info@a2sat.com or consult the website

www.a2sat.com info@a2sat.com

Questions and Answers Q Can I use my own dish that already picks up UK TV with Freesat? A: Yes, provided you are going direct to satellite and not rebroadcast! Q. Does my dish need to be realigned to receive freesat? A. No if you are already receiving UK TV from your existing system. Q. What if I cannot have a second feed from my dish as it’s shared or there are no spare ways left on the LNB? A. No problem you can still record and watch something you have pre recorded or with a small link you can still watch some channels while recording others. Q. How long is my guarantee? A. Grundig SD 1 year, Humax HD and the HD plus 2 years! Q. Can I fit my own freesat box? A. Yes you can, however why not have us deliver the box to you and show you how to get the most from your chosen freesat box. Q. I have been told I’m watching freesat, but the box is not one of the boxes mentioned here.? A. Then the box you have purchased is NOT freesat, many people have purchased boxes thinking they are watching freesat, when in actual fact they watching the channels via a FTA box ie free to air, these boxes do not put the channels into a nice logical order and if a new channel comes along and or changes frequency then you will have to perform a rescan on a NON freesat box. Q. Why does my digital box only show NOW and NEXT, and the Red button on the BBC and Teletext does not work? A. You only have a FTA box and definitely not freesat. Q. Where can I see freesat in action? A. We have a full demonstration system on show in our office Q. In the event of a technical query, where can I get help? A. Just call us and we will be able to help. Q would you like to be able to use the red button on the BBC and have teletext? A To get this and so much more you need a genuine freesat box

All Major Credit cards Accepted


26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

Theme park possibilities for Murcia by Louise Clarke IT WAS announced this week that Paramount Pictures has initiated a feasibility study into the possibilities of building a ‘Disneyland’ style theme park in Murcia. The move comes after the Murcian Minister for Culture, Pedro Cruz and the Murcian President Ramon Luis Valcarcel attended meetings in Dubai with Michael Bartok, Executive Vice President of the licencing division of Paramount Pictures, who is interested in constructing what would be a huge theme park. A spokesman for the Murcian Regional Government told RTN that the park could potentially create 20,000 jobs and bring more than

three million tourists a year more to the region, not to mention reinvigorate the flailing housing market in the region. They also said that the companies involved have expressed a specific interest in Murcia because of its favourable climate. Catalunia and Andalucia are also both being considered for the project. INVESTORS The park would also encompass film studios, to be the centre of Paramount filming in Europe and executives from the company, together will technical staff are to travel to Murcia in the next month to carry out the technical and feasibility studies. In the meantime, the Regional government will begin the drive to attract

A Paramount theme park in America

investors for the scheme. According to the Spokesman, several locations are under consideration for the site, but Murcia is considered to be ideal due to the location of the new Corvera Airport, recently completed motorway links, the new high speed rail lines which are currently under con-

struction and the fact that the region is the warmest in Spain, with an average 300 days of sunshine a year. Pedro Cruz told members of the press that €1.800 million would be required for the project and that the region would be required to give land to the project and invest in it financially.

Revolutionary science lab to save Spanish economy? Got a story? 902 118 999

The largest science infrastructure project ever built in Spain was officially opened by President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the President of the Regional Government of Catalonia, José Montilla, and the Minister for Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia last week in Catalonia. The ALBA Synchrotron radiation laboratory is

the first of its kind in south-west Europe and the government hopes it will put Spain firmly on the map in the world of scientific innovation, and consequently encourage private investment and give a much-needed boost to the economy. ALBA will enable Spain to join the select group of countries that make the greatest sci-

entific discoveries and the most important innovations in areas such as material science and structural biology. At the opening ceremony, Zapatero said that the laboratory is “an excellent show of effective public investment, [and] a demonstration of what taxes are for.”

Ancient coral discovered in underwater paradise

New diving technology has led to the discovery of a stunning coral reef more than 40 metres down in the Canary islands. A team of divers and marine biologists dived down to the coral last October, in an area north of Lanzarote, and filmed the animals living there. The footage was shown for the first time last week at the La Laguna University in Gran Canaria. Biologists are saying that what they discovered under water is a ‘jewel’ in the world of marine biology and that the reef is thousands of years old. Species found Urchins are include Gerardia savaglia coral; urchins; one of the sponges and other deep-sea invertebrates species discovered – all at a depth of more than 40 metres.

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

Opposition leader blasts town hall spending by Louise Clarke THE PSOE party leader in Orihuela, Antonia Moreno, has accused the Mayor, Monica Lorente of doing too little too late after she announced just 90,000 euros of spending cuts as part of an ‘anti-crisis’ plan. She said that the Mayor is trying to take Orihuela residents for idiots and is completely ignoring the global economic crisis by not spending the money that the Town Hall has wisely. She also questioned the Town Hall spending, which has included over recent years, four million euros in fiestas and three million euros in publicity and marketing. She told members of the press at a meeting on Wednesday that even the small town of Almoradi has made significant cuts to their budget and they only have a fraction of the residents that Orihuela has. She commented: “They have announced only 90,000 euros of cuts and yet this week, they have also announced that they will be hosting a two hour concert by Alexander Sanz; how much is that going to cost? And is it really necessary when we are in the midst of an economic crisis?” CONSPICUOUS The PP party hit back at the accusations and said that it is easy for Ms Moreno to criticise when

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur

The PSOE party leader in Orihuela, Antonia Moreno

she doesn’t run the Town Hall. They admitted that the 90,000 euros spending cut is just the beginning of planned spending freezes and that this is not the definitive to solution to the economic problems faced by the Town Hall. A spokesman for the Town Hall said: “Whenever a speech on the economy fills the mouth of Ms Moreno, silly things are said. It is very easy to speak without

If you want to smoke, go directly to jail

PLEASE NOTE that the Centre in Calle Paganini, La Siesta, will be closed for the Easter holidays from Friday 2nd April, re-opening on Monday 12th April. Any messages left on their telephone answering machine during these times will be monitored and responded to where possible.

THE TOUGHER anti-smoking legislation in Spain which will ban all smoking in closed public areas will in fact allow smoking in two places – prison and on the psychiatrist’s couch, ‘for humanitarian reasons’ The exceptions date from the Ley28/2005 but it’s understood will be in the new legislation. ‘Prohibit-

ing tobacco, coffee or soft drinks in any jail in the country would be a time bomb which could explode at any moment’, prison union ACAIP told 20mintos.es. The union says official smoking areas in prison don’t in fact exist with the inmates smoking in their cells, and less so in the dining room. The draft of

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governing and even easier to criticise a municipal budget which they have no say in.” Talking of budgets, as we enter the fourth month of 2010, the Orihuela budget is still very conspicuous in its absence. It’s just a suggestion, but maybe the Town Hall ought to enlist the help of Ms Moreno and PSOE so that they can actually get it done before the end of the year!

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the new legislation will be presented by the Minister for Health on June 22nd. It’s understood the text is still being drawn up, but it will see an end to smoking in all closed public spaces, doing away with the current permissions for small bars and smokers areas in larger ones.



26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

Shot for fun

The female German shepherd in the van with two of the other dogs

RTN HAS reported on some horrific cases of animal abuse in the past but nothing can prepare you for this story. Earlier this week, we were contacted by K9, the animal charity based in La Marina and told about four dogs who had all been found with gunshot wounds, apparently as the result of a game of ‘hunt the dog.’ A spokesman for the charity told us: “A Scottish lady living in the campo between San Fulgencio and Dolores telephoned the K9 Club last week to inform us that her neighbour had seen five dogs being thrown from a large white van and that they may need help. According to the lady, the day before, her daughter had heard a couple of local Spanish men having a discussion close to their home. They were talking about the dogs, one of which they had boasted about shooting dead. They then allegedly said that they were going out again to ‘shoot the others.’” The K9 spokesman continued: “Upon hearing this, the lady phoned the Policia Local in Dolores but they did not respond to her pleas for help. She then called the K9 Club and we responded immediately.” HORRENDOUS Two K9 volunteers soon arrived in the K9 Club animal rescue vehicle and they discovered that the lady had managed to encourage three of the surviving dogs into her garden and a short time later they rescued the remaining dog, a small black terrier. Now safe from harm, all four dogs were loaded into the van; a six-year-old German Shepherd; a twelve-year-old Doberman; a one-year-old American Stafford and the terrier, estimated at about eighteen months old. All four are fe-

male dogs and they were immediately taken to the local vet clinic for examination. It was there that the true horror of their experience came to light. The spokesman said: “Since the day they were abandoned, they had been hunted by people with shotguns and rifles. The young American Stafford had bullet wounds to her head and emergency surgery was necessary. The small black Terrier had a bullet wound just behind her right eye and emergency surgery was carried out to remove it. The German Shepherd is very thin, traumatised and has heartworm disease: the Doberman has many health problems including tumours in her mammary glands.” ABANDONED Two of these dogs are currently being cared for by K9 Club fosterers and the other two are in their private kennels. The spokesman concluded: “This story reveals the complete ignorance and uncaring cruelty of people that abandon their dogs in the belief that they will be rescued unhurt and then re-homed. They do this believing that their conscience is clear. The truth is that most dogs that are abandoned succumb to a terrible fate in the harsh Spanish fields or end up in an irrigation canal in the middle of nowhere, or they are run over by vehicles on the roads.” More information and updates on the four rescued dogs can be seen on the K9 club web site: www.petsinspain.info. Please help the K9 Club to provide these poor dejected animals with the care they need by making a donation or volunteering to foster a dog: call Brenda on 966 796 436 or email k9club@lamarina.info

Iberian Lynx cubs dying Ten rare Iberian Lynx cubs will soon die of an incurable kidney disease in the Doñana Nation Park in southern Spain. Four have already died and despite working

on the problem since February, medical experts have not come up with a cure for the illness. There are 70 cubs remaining in the park’s breeding programme and

although specialists say the condition is not contagious, the 10 infected cubs have been isolated and given new food. The illness doesn’t attack cats in the wild.

Client’s testimonials

SINCE WRITING my article last week regarding finding my heart again, I have had some very interesting emails and comments. One being from Hayley, who works in the La Marina office, who informed me I couldn’t fly to outer space as I have not been trained yet to fly any type of space craft! How, I ask myself, could I fit that in as well as everything else I do! Others contacted me, including clients, who just wanted to give me the strength and encouragement to ride the storm out, in exactly the same way as many others are having to. After reading the emails and listening to people’s advice, the JCC Consultants felt it was time I read some of the emails that have been sent to them from happy clients. I have taken this opportunity to include just four of them. As my logo says “We are more than just a voice on the phone.” These testimonials are very much appreciated and confirm that my company policy of being there for you when offering service advice, or helping with a claim is still the correct one for the client, especially helpful in another country where, despite many people not agreeing, the laws are different: “My present policy expires next week and as your company is far more customer orientated with the emphasis on looking after the customer’s requirements and is far more accessible and available for me, I am accepting your quotation and I will be moving over to your company.” “As always, ten out of ten for attention to detail: thank you once again for your excellent skills at client attention.”

“Thank you for all your advice and assistance during our visits to your office recently. It has proved to be of great value to us and your friendly, helpful approach was much appreciated. We shall certainly be recommending our friends to your offices and services.”

“When returning to Spain from the UK, we were unfortunate to have a breakdown in the Pyrenees. We called the Liberty Seguros helpline and were somewhat relieved to find that they spoke good English. We also contacted our local Jennifer Cunningham Office. The grua arrived very promptly but, unfortunately, the driver didn’t speak any English and as we spoke no Spanish we found ourselves in a bit of a pickle. I again contacted the JCC office and a wonderful young lady took over the whole procedure, including ordering a taxi for us, which Liberty Seguros paid for. Full marks for excellence of service and going the extra mile for us.” I understand there are many more for me to read. What stars my loyal, knowledgeable and passionate staff are! Part of my recent doom and gloom has been due to the amount of work the consultants have to do on each house and car quote, just to gain one sale and this is just not viable for the Company. As you are aware, I have for some time been warning people that the low prices being charged on car and house policies are not sustainable, and it is well known in the insurance world that some companies are not leaving enough in the pot for service or claims. Selling just on price alone has happened before in the UK, and the fallout from this type of policy has resulted in disaster; this could easily happen here in Spain. I and many others in the industry, (far larger fish than me)

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010


by Jennifer Cunningham

The Costas leading insurance consultant If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net

foresee major problems for this type of selling in the near future. For example, all last week on the Spanish TV and in the papers was news of a large Spanish insurance company folding, due to cash flow. This news was not unexpected but still unpleasant and very worrying for Spain, especially for the clients insured via the company. I have said it before and I will again: watch this space!! Tomorrow Saturday 27th March is the PCN Fun Day at the Hotel Corazan in Quesada Golf (go through Rojales). Amongst those supporting us will be Kenny Corris, the RTN medium; Saphie the wonderful beautician from the Hotel; Bliss, a local hairdresser; reflexology; Bach flower remedies; PC Nurses offering sugar and blood pressure tests; plus so much more. There will be enough for the children to keep them happy all day. A barbecue will be available with yummy food, followed in the evening by a buffet, (booking necessary), with entertainment from Max Bacon, together with some lovely raffle prizes. Max is a great singer and his music appeals to all ages. He really gets people up and dancing (including me). Plus, of course, all the wonderful sports facilities of the Hotel to include bowls; Gym; punch ball and mini golf for starters. Last, but not least, TKO will be there, so let’s hope it is a wonderful sunny day with lots of joy and laughter from families enjoying themselves. I forgot one very important stand, the Quesada Charity shop with loads of bargains. Looking forward to seeing you there from 11.00 onwards. For tickets please contact Sue Reader on 966 713 503 or the Charity shop in Quesada. PS A big thank you to Carter: we love your cartoons.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net


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26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

Don’t miss a great day out! THE PAUL Cunningham Nurses Charity is having a FUN DAY at El Corazon Hotel in Rojales this Saturday, 27th March. The event is in association with TKO radio, who will host a live roadshow and the fun starts at 11:00 and will continue until about 17:00. There will be lots to do, especially for children with a special children’s corner, which includes face painting, egg decorating and a colouring competition. And adults can have fun as well, as there will be a helium balloon race and the chance to get some extra cash from your unwanted gold with David Marshall, who will value any old bits of gold you might have from 12:00 until 15:00.

There will also be two FREE prize draws, ten pin bowling instruction by a professional player, a sumo wrestling suit, reflexology and RTN’s very own Kenny Corris who will be there to tell you your fortune! On top of all that, there will be hair dressing, Indian head massage, Jewellery, handbags, perfume, clothes, a BBQ, a Chocolate Fountain, Reiki and Saphia with a special selection of beauty treatments. The PCN Nurses will be on hand to test your blood sugar levels and blood pressure, for a small donation, of course and a grand raffle with lots of fabulous prizes will add to the fundraising pot for the PCN charity. The hotel is also offering a spe-

Please support the Paul Cunningham Nurses at this Saturday’s Fun Day

cial priced evening meal for just €7.95 per person and the delicious €2.00 Paul Cunningham Nurses Dessert; proceeds of which are

Egg painting The ‘Arcangel’ Neighbours Association in San Miguel has organised an Easter egg painting ‘eggs-travaganza’ this afternoon (Friday). The event is open to anyone who would like to go along and paint an egg. It starts at 16.30 and takes place in front of the association’s offices on Calle 19 de Abril, which is the main road running through the town. And there are prizes for the best painted eggs.

Open Good Friday Saturday and Easter Monday Book Now For Good Friday

Taste The Quality – Experience the friendly atmosphere

donated to the charity. Evening entertainment at the hotel is the wonderful Max Bacon and he will be on stage at 20:30 to entertain

you. Entry tickets are just €2 Adults and 1€ for children and you can pay on the door. For more information please call Susan on 629 869 959.

Book Fair starts this weekend The Mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernández Mateo and the Councillor for Culture, Eduardo Dolón, will officially open the 14th Annual Book Fair tomorrow, Saturday 27th March in the Paseo de La Libertad, in the city centre, close to the marina. The inauguration starts at 11.00 and the fair’s participants include: Santos Ochoa; Papelería Torrevieja; Bargain Books; Delfos; Librería Feria del Libro; Papelería Trini and Javier Gomis. The book fair will be open to the public until Monday 12th April and will have an array of books in both Spanish and English.

26 March - April 1 2010


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26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

The joys of motoring Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

TODAY MARKS an important day. Well, it does for us boy-racers because on this day back in 1934, transport minister Oliver Stanley, perhaps with an MP’s eye on future money-grabbing schemes like petrol stealth-taxation, introduced to parliament the good ole UK Driving Test. Up to that point you could just buy a car and set off up the road. Hmmm, with a sensible cap on, you can see the problems that might be caused by a lack of regulation; and although we might not care for all of them, an auto-free-for-all wouldn’t be in anyone’s best interest. If you take a look at the following statistics, I suppose the driving test’s introduction was inevitable. The DSA (Driving Standards Agency) reports: “In 1934, 7,343 people were killed on Britain’s roads, despite there being just 2.4 million vehicles on the road, 1.5 million of which were cars, compared to over 30 million in 2003.” The following year Oliver’s successor, Leslie Hore-Belisha (yes, he of the ‘beacon’ fame), saw the driving test’s inauguration. Within a year the above death toll had fallen by nearly a thousand. So, this year marks the 75th anniversary of the first actual driving test taking place. Do you know who the first driver to be awarded the ‘pink slip’ and with it the ‘licence of competence to drive a motor vehicle’ was? I howled with laughter when I found out. Tell you in a bit… Thinking about the driving test brought memories flooding back. I couldn’t wait to be able to drive and as soon as I’d hit seventeen a provisional licence was in my grubby hands. Back in those days, as part of the test – and as the driving convention - you had to

be able to perform manual semaphore through the open window of your car. A lot of arm flapping was required of trainee drivers. I can remember that a straight arm slowly waving up and down indicated your intention to slow down, while a stiff arm poking out the driver’s window meant you were about to turn right. To manually indicate a left turn the driver had to perform anti-clockwise circular motions; for a youngster it took a while to get over the embarrassment of these seemingly esoteric gestures. I am sure that there was another signal too… but I just can’t seem to remember it. It took me two attempts to pass my test. Even now I can still feel the blessed relief that came when the old grump of an examiner said to me those magic words, “Well, that concludes the test and I am able to tell you that you’ve passed.” I could have kissed him. One month on and I got my first car. It cost a fortune at £70. White and gleaming, I thought it was the embodiment of cool. The 598cc of throbbing power were produced by just two pistons and when you gazed into the rear engine compartment you’d be forgiven for thinking that a lawn mower-motor resided there; but I didn’t care the car was mine AND it had ‘sport’ in its title: the NSU Sport Prinz Coupé (go on Google it). The car was produced between 1958 and 1967 and this is what Classic and Performance Car had to say about it: “Rare and unusual today, the Sport Prinz Coupé was a good looking marriage of Italian style and German engineering that should have done better than it did. The bodywork was styled by Scaglione and built in Italy by Ber-

tone. Powered by the Prinz’s air-cooled flat-twin the lightweight coupé was capable of 76mph, and seldom felt underpowered on the road. Its handling and road holding were delightful, and the quick steering was a further positive.” Wow, did you read that? Capable of 76 mph! Well I had it up to sixty-five on occasions but I never knew it was capable of 76 mph. What it did deliver most importantly to a young bloke on £11 per week, was nearly 40mpg (that’s miles per gallon). I used to put 50p worth of petrol in that car every week. The article says it ‘seldom felt underpowered’ but I guess they meant when driven without two teenagers in the front seats and three more on the little bench behind that was meant as a luggage rack! My NSU Sport Prinz used to breakdown more often than the unions held strikes but I was lucky in having a neighbour next door who was interested in cars. Although he seemed old

The infamous NSU Sport Prinz!

to me (being married and with a child) Tony was only five years my senior and, more importantly to an impoverished teenage driver, seemingly ever ready to stick his nose under my bonnet. On one occasion he rescued me from outside Brighton station when the NSU’s gearstick had detached itself in a most alarming way. We drove the four miles home at ten miles an hour in second gear with one of Tony’s screwdrivers jammed into the gear selector. My dad used to regularly remind me that such instances were just, “the joys of motoring”. This was usually followed with such wisdom like, “you’ll never have any money all the time you’ve got a car.” Since that time, apart from my university years, I have never been without a car (or come to think of it much money). So, I guess he could’ve been right. Oh yes, that very first person to gain their driving licence: step forward one Mr Bean. I can think of some funny situations for Mr Bean and my old NSU, now where’s me pen and Rowan’s phone number… Watts in Britain, saluting Belisha…

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

Safety first by Jack Troughton SICK AND injured people can be helped safely down stairs with a special evacuation chair carried on ambulances run by Amigos Euopeos de Javea. The €1,000 needed to buy the vital piece of equipment was kindly donated by the Rotary International Fellowship Costa Blanca North last Friday at Los Leones Restaurant, Moraira. The chair is safer than a stretcher for both the patient and the member of the emergency crew and can carry a person weighing up to 90kg. Director of the ambulance service Juan Crisostomo explained the rear wheels folded

back, allowing the chair to negotiate stairs on runners – rather like a sledge. MEDIC “It will be very important for our paramedics because there are a lot of apartments in the areas that do not have an elevator,” he said. And the services international director, Suzanna Bultitude, added: “It is known as a sledge – in a house and on the level it uses four wheels but when you get to a staircase, the rear wheels fold up and it moves on runners. “It even has a brake and if the patient is unconscious, he can be strapped in. And, of course, it can be very dangerous carrying a stretcher down stairs for the crew and the patient.”

The presentation

The cheque was presented to Mr Crisostomo by Rotary president Malcolm Hughes-Jukes after a demonstration of the

chair in action with Rotarian Ray Harris agreeing to act as patient for paramedic Antonio Cardone.

Home from home By Jack Troughton BENIDORM’S CUMBERLAND BAR has been adopted by the area’s branch of the Royal British Legion as its new home, thanks to landlord and RTN writer Nigel Turner. The newly reformed Benidorm Branch held its first meeting at the bar and members liked the venue so much they decided to make it a permanent base. Branch publicity officer Pamela Dawson Tasker said: “Nigel made us all so welcome that we have decided to make this bar our home. “As an ex-serviceman, Nigel has great respect for the work of the Legion and has a special interest in the well-being of the young men fighting today – through his bar he has raised donations for Help for Heroes and he looks forward to this year’s Poppy Appeal.” The next branch meeting is on Thursday 8th April at 13.00 at the Cumberland Bar, just off Avda Mediterraneo 41, in Edifico Ducato. The bar is closed to the general public during the meeting. “The branch is open to all those interested in joining us and it is not necessary to have been a member of the armed forces,” added Pamela. “All the help we can get to do a good job locally will be gladly received. We hope to build our welfare section, assist the Poppy Appeal and hold some social opportunities for ‘old soldiers’ to meet up and for others to make some new friends.” The branch is acquiring a stock of poppy material and ‘year-round’ collection boxes. Any organisation, club or bar in the Benidorm, Alfaz or Albir that would like a box should contact the branch. For more information, email Pamela on pdawson8021@cv.gva.es or call Nigel at the Cumberland Bar on 685 550 106





26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

UK Budget 2010 – how can it affect me in Spain? by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

THE BUDGET is the UK government’s plan for how to raise and spend money during the coming year. Many people expected a more far-reaching and possibly unpopular budget, but with an election looming, this has been avoided. There will be aspects that are relevant to British ex-pats living in Spain and I have outlined these below. TAXES Tax changes announced in the Budget include: • Buying a house in the UK - a two-year Stamp Duty holiday for first-time buyers on residential property transactions up to £250,000. This only works if the purchaser has never owned a property anywhere in the World. Anyone returning to the UK who has previously owned a house in Spain will not be able to take advantage of this. • A new 5 per cent rate of stamp duty for transactions over £1 million from April 2011.

• UK inheritance tax - a freeze on the threshold for inheritance tax until 2014-15. This means that the current level of £325k remains, and many British ex-pats still domiciled in the UK remain exposed. This nil-rate band can be doubled between spouses but care needs to be taken, particularly where one spouse is not a UK domicile. • Failing to declare taxes - increased penalties are being introduced for those who do not comply with tax disclosure rules, and tax loopholes are to be closed. • The 50 per cent rate of income tax will come in next month but only affects those with earnings over £150,000 a year. • Tax relief on pensions will be restricted from next year, but again only for those with incomes above £130,000 a year. • The government is ready to sign tax information exchange agreements with Dominica, Grenada and Belize. There are no further changes to VAT, Income Tax or National Insurance rates. ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO • Cider duty rates will increase by 10 per cent above inflation. Other alcohol duty rates will increase by 2 per cent above inflation. In addition, all alcohol duty rates will increase by 2 per cent above inflation for two further years, until 2014-15. • Tobacco duty rates will increase by 1 per cent above.

British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alastair Darling

The winter fuel allowance has been increased and this will be good news to those who are eligible in Spain. One could take the view that a non-smoking puritan who does not wish to buy a house in the UK and has given up his UK domicile, will be largely unaffected. This does not apply to the majority of British ex-pats however, and the Budget is likely to be of relevance to many.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2008 - Tel: 966 426 185. All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Spain attacked over property laws LABOUR AND Conservative MEPs from the UK are united in their criticism of Spain’s ‘Ley de costas,’ which defines land next to the beach as public, meaning that only the concession to property situated on that land, not the freehold, can be purchased. The criticism comes after the EU Petitions Commission received dozens of complaints from British, German and Spanish residents who have discovered that the law grants a 60 year concession on occupation of the properties built on public land before 1988, after which time they will be demolished. MEPs say that the Spanish law confiscates assets from those who purchased in good faith. Conservative MEP Roger Helmer said that he is recommending to his constituents that they don’t purchase property in Spain. Those affected by the law are taking their complaints to Brussels this week.

Conservative MEP Roger Helmer

EU’s first electric car will be made in Spain RENAULT WILL be manufacturing Europe’s first electric cars in Valladolid, Spain. The car is called Twizy and will be priced from €5,000- €6,000. The first models available to buy will be ready by the latter half of 2011, by which time the government also hopes to have plug-in recharging stations working all over Spain. Renault and the regional government in Castilla y León have signed a Regional Plan for the Integration of the Electric Car, which will see the government, universities and the private sector working together.

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010


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5-11 26 MARCH FEBRUARY - APRIL 12010 2010

Leave it to Lucy by

Suzanne O’Connell Freelance reporter

LUCY’S PERSONALITY is larger than life. She is one of those people who can make her presence felt in a busy town hall foyer or police station lobby. Bubbly and warm, but also assertive, she has found her vocation. For Lucila Rodríguez works for Ábaco Asesores; she takes their clients by the hand and sorts out their paper work. Anyone who has tried to navigate the system on their own knows just how complicated it is. But for Lucy, sorting NIEs, residencias, padrons and SIPs is just in a day’s work. “I love my job, I love meeting so many different people and I have so many stories to tell!” And the down side? “The queues!” How many times have you heard it said that Spanish people don’t queue? Lucy puts the record straight, “But they

do, it’s just in a different way. You have to ask ‘Quién es el ultimo?’ ‘Who is the last one?’ and then you know when your turn is. In the meantime, you can go for a coffee or have a wander around if you like.” Of course, she can explain this to her clients as she waits with them in the different town halls and police stations across the region. But some still find it difficult to relax and leave it to Lucy. “Sometimes I know they perhaps want to go to the toilet or take a break but they are worried about losing their place. I know it can be confusing when you are used to a different way of working, but you have to be flexible and understand that this is how it is here.” Another frustration for expats is the minefield of different documents you need. “It can seem complicated. Each area has its own list of

what’s necessary to get your NIE or residencia. I travel to all of them and I know the people and their rules. It really depends who is in charge- you have to do your research.” And it helps when you know everybody. “My sons hate going shopping with me because I’m always stopping for a chat. I know so many people.” So how did Lucy get involved in frequenting the official buildings that the majority of us dread? “I was the only Spanish/ English speaking person on our urbanisation. There were constant knocks at the door with someone asking for advice. So why not do it for a living? I love helping people and I’m often approached by people who need a translator. I help where I can. I even help out the officials sometimes. People ask me, “Don’t you mind getting up

early to be at the front of the queue?” No problem for me – I’m divorced and am happy to leave my bed first thing in the morning!” And in her free time, Lucy plays darts; perhaps a fitting pastime for someone who makes dealing with officialdom her bread and butter.

If you’d like Lucy to help you obtain your official documents, call the AbacoConnect Help-line on 966 70 37 48. If you’d like more information about the different documents you need and when you need them, read our article ‘A rough guide to paperwork’ on the website www.abacoconnect.com

Abaco Connect Helpline 966 70 37 48. Website www.abacoconnect.com

ASSSA inaugurates new delegation

ASSSA’s new office in Beniarbeig

CONTINUING THEIR commercial expansion and coinciding with their 75th Anniversary, ASSSA opened a new delegation in Beniarbeig, in the region of Marina Alta, on 1st March. From this new office on the centric avenue Vergel, ASSSA will offer a high quality service to their policyholders. The newly appointed Gabriela Schäfer, alongside Regional Manager Paola Britos, will

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assist and provide information on ASSSA’s services, policies and promotions. In celebration of their landmark anniversary, ASSSA is offering lifetime discounts on any of their health policies. ASSSA may be found at: Avda. de Vergel, 12 Local, Beniarbeig, Alicante Telephone 966 477 694 Fax 966 476 557 email: beniarbeig@asssa.es


26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010


Never a lender be…? by

Fiona Hulme

Agencia de Cobros Directos

IN MY last article, I described a successful debt collection case where the debt was for a genuine reason (an outstanding SUMA bill following the sale of a property), and the debtors had disappeared to Germany. We were able to trace them and recover the money owed for our clients. This was a straightforward case. However, we also get asked to help in cases where there is no hope of recovering any money. Sad to say, these cases are frequently caused by naivety on behalf of the lender and deception on the part of the borrower. It all starts with the move to a new country where everyone is

laid back and you have your UK house sales proceeds happily stashed in the Bank to support your relaxed early retirement in the sun. You quickly find a friendly bar, where people make you welcome and this becomes your second home. Then you start to hear from one or two regulars that life isn’t as rosy for them as it is for you. Their business is not doing well in the recession, they are struggling to pay the bills but they are sure things are turning the corner. They propose that you inject cash into their (ailing) business, to see them through until better times in the summer. And the rate

of interest they offer on the loan (maybe 10% to 20% per annum, far better than you are getting from the Bank) is very attractive. You like these people, their restaurant/bar/hairdressers/etc WAS thriving at one stage, and surely the good times will come back? So you pass over the money, supported by a loan agreement signed by both of you. Two months later, when you realise you have not seen your ‘business partner’ in the local bar, you go to his local to find it empty and locked up. Similarly, his house has been repossessed by the Bank and the neighbours say they have

moved back to England. You are left with no capital and a worthless bit of paper - the loan agreement. BUT surely this is where the debt collectors can help? Yes we can probably find him in UK, but we will likely find a string of UK debts as well. Any legal action you take will cost you money and if the debtor has no assets then you will get nothing back. In some cases, the borrower was genuine and never set out

to lose your money, he was just not a good business man and could not survive the recession. But whatever the background, you are out of pocket. Don’t think it won’t happen to you; I have dealt with ex Company Directors who are now kicking themselves for being so gullible. If you still want to invest in something you hear about in the pub, treat it like going to the Casino, and only gamble what you can afford to lose.

Contact us on 966 888 987, or email us at info@cobrosdirectos.com and we will be pleased to discuss any aspect of our service.

95,000 unsold homes

THERE ARE 95,000 unsold homes in the Valencian Community and half of them are in the hands of the banks, primarily Bancaja and CAM, according to President of the Valencian Federation of Construction Entrepreneurs (Fevec), Juan Eloy Dura. He went on to say that approximately 70 percent of properties held by savings banks and credit unions come from debt compensation agreements with developers or from individuals who couldn’t repay their mortgages. Fortunately for the banks, there has been a slight increase in property prices over the past month. Dura says that homes are now at a “more or less fair price”. However, there are far fewer proposed building projects than previous years.

Spain in more economic trouble than Greece?

US REPUBLICAN Mark Kirk has declared that the economy in Spain is “five times worse than that of Greece.” He was speaking in front of an agency that supervises the markets in the States (SEC). Kirk feels that American companies should declare the extent to which they are dealing with Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. He expressed the desire to know what the effect of a credit rating downgrade on European countries would have on the United States.

Did you know... Inheritance Tax in Spain is levied on the beneficiary and not the deceased’s Estate as it is in the UK. If you were to die first, any assets left to your spouse will be assessed for Spanish Inheritance Tax because, unlike in the UK, there is no exemption between husband and wife. You could be liable to Spanish Inheritance Tax even if you are a non-resident for tax purposes and your property is used only for holidays. You could be liable to pay Inheritance Tax not just in Spain but also in the UK. You could be liable to pay Spanish Inheritance Tax on any worldwide assets left to you by your spouse. The Spanish Inheritance charge on the beneficiary ranges between 7.65% and 34% on the net value of the inheritance. However, under certain circumstances, the actual rate charged could be as low as 1%, but as high as 81.6%. Any jointly held bank accounts that you have with your spouse in Spain could be frozen following death, and remain so until any Inheritance Tax liability is settled. The house in Spain cannot be sold by the beneficiaries to pay for an Inheritance Tax liability. A beneficiary has six months to settle the liability before a possible surcharge, interest or even fines are incurred.

OFS Spain is a member of, and regulated via, Inter Alliance Worldnet Insurance Agents and Advisers Ltd, the largest network of Independent Financial Advisers in the world. Our consultants are authorised to offer financial advice according to current EU regulations.


Richard Morris Tel: 966 462 960 Mobile: 627 302 742

CALPE/ALICANTE Ian Botterell Tel: 966 462 960 Mobile: 607 687 841

TORREVIEJA / MURCIA & ALMERIA Andrew Berks Tel: 966 199 722 Mobile: 618 390 481

Centro Comercial Arenal, Avenida del Pla 126, 2.17, 03730 Javea Telephone: Lucio Ventrella on 966.112.961 Email: lucio@ofs-spain.com



26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

QROPS - raising the (Guernsey) standard by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns Stephen Ward, Robert Burns and Brian Brannan attended a QROPS Masterclass in London last week in their capacity as directors of Premier Pension Solutions SL. A MASTERCLASS was organised by Guernsey Finance to promote a better understanding of Guernsey as a QROPS jurisdiction. The chief executive of Guernsey Finance, Peter Niven, opened the Masterclass by announcing the introduction of a Code of Conduct, which Guernsey QROPS providers will be invited

to sign up to. This welcome development followed input from us and others relating to certain inconsistencies between Guernsey QROPS providers. This was beginning to create some uncertainty relating to technical matters which in time could have affected those who transferred their UK pension fund to a Guernsey QROPS. With luck this will put an end to some of the issues that we have encountered over the last few months from just one or two Guernsey Trust Companies which have been, shall we say, less than helpful. The absence of any Ombudsman service in Guernsey to deal with any dispute between a QROPS member and the QROPS trustees makes the introduction of a Code of Conduct a vital step.

GUERNSEY IS GENERALLY AN EXCELLENT QROPS JURISDICTION Guernsey has a well defined local pensions law and a strong tradition as a trustworthy financial centre. It has to be recognised, however, that peoples’ circumstances change. As a consequence, the structure of the pension scheme that best suits individual needs may also change, perhaps necessitating a transfer onto a different QROPS. Indeed, it may be that other solutions such as a transfer to a QNUPS or even back to a UK regulated scheme becomes the preferred option. So, the flexibility and certainty of any scheme we recommend in our capacity as QROPS advisers and overseas pensions specialists is vital. The importance of obtaining

advice remains paramount but where a Guernsey QROPS is in future recommended to any client, their first question should be one that asks whether that provider has signed up to and is adhering to the Code of Conduct. Guernsey as a QROPS jurisdiction is one we favour, where the client’s fund is of sufficient size to make the arrangement viable - generally for private pension funds with a value of more than about £120,000. For smaller funds (providing the expat has been non UK resident for at least five complete tax years) we tend to recommend New Zealand QROPS as it becomes possible to access a capital lump sum. WHY GUERNSERY IS AN ATTRACTIVE OPTION Guernsey is particularly attractive for those who wish to retain their fund inside the protective wrapper of a pension trust, avoid the necessity to buy an annuity from an insurance company and to ensure that following death, the remaining fund may be passed down free from UK tax. The Masterclass considered

three case studies which were then dissected by the platform speakers with opportunity for input from the floor. The case studies highlighted the key areas of taxation benefits and of the flexibility that the typical Guernsey QROPS offers as compared to UK private pension schemes. THE IMPORTANCE OF CHOICE AND PROPER ADVICE There is plenty of choice of QROPS providers. Choosing the right one for you will depend on your particular needs. For larger funds, greater investment flexibility may be required; for others the greater concern is flexibility in how benefits may be structured. The importance of obtaining professional advice from a firm which has extensive pensions expertise and which offers a transparent charging structure cannot be overstated. For further information and an impartial and unbiased review of your pension funds, please contact Stephen Ward or Robert Burns at review@qrops.es or see http://www.qropsguernsey.com and http://www.qrops.es

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS, February2010. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 W: www.qrops.es

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26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010



26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

Torrevieja Costa Lions 5th charter night anniversary LION PRESIDENT Diane Walsh of Torrevieja Costa Lions Club welcomed District Governor 116a Eduardo Segado Maestre as guest of honour to celebrate the Torrevieja Costa Club’s 5th Charter Annniversary, at the Real Golf Hotel, Campoamor Golf Resort, on Saturday 20th March. Diane’s speech highlighted the excellent fund raising efforts over the last two months for the Lions Club International Foundation ‘Hope for Haiti Appeal,’ for which the Torrevieja Costa Lions raised €5,000. Special thanks went to the staff and pupils of El Limonar schools in Murcia and Villa Martin. The Club’s main initiative this year is to support the needs of disadvantaged children in the Vega Baja. DG Eduardo presented Diane with his Certificate of Appreciation. Diane thanked her Charter Night Organising Committee, particularly Lions Janette Bennett and Annette Bray, along with MC for the evening Lion Dave Bray. The evening concluded with dancing to music by Infinity Duo.

Hairy Georges raises €440 for PCN

Torrevieja Lions have raised 5000€ for Haiti

Haiti fundraising

AT BAR 23 in Jalon, Geoff Smith and regulars Leo Kroese and Kieran Churchill generated a hair raising €600: Kieran had his legs waxed, Geoff his arms and Leo went for the shaved head look. However, half way through and while sporting a Mohican, Leo was offered an irresistible further €100 to keep his new look and dye it a violent colour! After 10 days he completed the head shave! Thanks go to all sponsors and to the guys who went through pain (in the cases of Geoff and Kieran) and laughter (in the case of Leo’s bright Mohican): also to the hairdresser and beautician, Rebecca Poole from Dragonfly Geoff, Essential Therapies and Ali of Bar 23 who also Leo and ran a raffle. Kieran Money raised was sent to Haiti via PLAN UK. raised over 600€ For further charity ideas, see www.plan-uk.org

A hairless George with the money raised

SOUNDS LIKE a nickname for a spider doesn’t it? But Hairy George was a very brave man who put himself forward for a complete Body Wax to raise money for Paul Cunningham Nurses. George is Chief Barman at PJ’s Bar and Restaurant in Campoverde

and local beautician Susan Nash was the lady with the WAX! Hairy George - now hairless George - also continues to support the nurses and he along with a group of friends took part in The Charity Challenge Walk around the fabulous La Pedrera Lake in Torremendo.

MIX Bar St. Patrick’s Day fun run & celebration

Rachel and the Mayoress

RACHEL AND MICK organised a Fun Run/Walk to support San Fulgencio Cricket Club, Totally Dance and K9, prompting a great turnout and €1384.30 raised by 52 participants dressed in green, with hats and faces painted, who ran, jogged or walked the 3km route. The San Fulgencio Town Hall provided trophies and bottled water for the entrants and the Mayoress presented the prizes. Jimmy Culloty was the first adult back to MIX Bar: Michael Baker and Megan Culloty (daughter of the adult winner), were joint winners for the Juniors. 8-year-old Emily-Jo Bentley raised the most money as an individual; a massive €150. Home-made Irish Stew was served by MIX Bar, with ‘Paddyoke’ by Kill Kenny and a wonderful dance display by the Totally Dance School. Rachel and Mick are to make the ‘MIX Bar St. Patrick’s Day Fun Run/Walk’ an annual event.

Easter fun at the Petanca Bar EASTER MONDAY, 5th April, sees the Petanca Bar in San Miguel de Salinas host a special Easter Fun Day in aid of the Torrevieja Lions. The event starts at 14:00 with a traditional Easter Bonnet Parade, where there will be prizes for the best bonnet as well as runners up prizes. At 15:00 a 26 piece brass band will be performing and during the day there

will be a raffle with all proceeds to go to the Lions. There will also be a BBQ and basket meals available. With a pint priced at just €1.99 and a glass of wine for just €1, everyone is a winner at the Petanca Bar! The bar is situated on the Balcon de la Costa Urbanisation opposite the Ford Garage. Follow the signs and you can’t miss it!

Crafting kindness

Almost 200€ was raised

by Jack Troughton THE UNITED Craft Clubs’ popular annual spring gift fair raised almost €200 to help look after disadvantaged children in EMAUS’ care. Although a lower key than its sister event at Christmas, Monday’s fair drew a large crowd to soak up the friendly atmosphere at the Inn on the Green, Javea, where the good

weather meant stalls were also outside in the sunshine. And President of the Friends of the Children of EMAUS charity, Carole Saunders, said the money would go towards paying for summer excursions for the youngsters. “A big thank you to hard working organiser Lesley Clark and all the craft clubs for once again supporting EMAUS,” she said. “They are dedicated supporters who have raised a lot of money for us over the years.”

Enjoy a flutter THE SPORT of kings joins a charity race when punters can back horses, pocket winnings and help an appeal to bring electricity to the

Franciscan Refuge in Gandia. The Javea-based Original Charity Shop and Library, together with the Unstable Lads Racing Team have

organised a Grand Horse Racing Dinner on 17th April, promising all the fun and thrills of the real thing. And profits from the evening at the Flor Azahar Restaurante, Real Gandia, will go to the refuge transformer appeal. Tickets for the evening, which

Chip in for Jayden

Supporting Comic Relief

By Jack Troughton AMATEUR GAMBLERS can have a night at the gaming tables without risking their shirts and help raise funds for a very ill Costa Blanca schoolboy at a Fun Casino. Young Jayden, from Javea, has cancer and has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Stage 3. He has endured a very difficult time and been admitted to hospital on several occasions – once with a dangerously high temperature. He also developed swine Flu and suffered a cardiac arrest. The youngster’s friends in the UK are raising cash to send Jayden and his mum on a special holiday and also to support the family: his mum can no longer work as she looks after her son and accompanies him to hospital.

Costa Fun Casino and Monroe’s Carvery are joining the appeal to help Jayden and are staging the fun casino at the Pedregeur restaurant on Saturday 10th April. Tickets cost €15 – including a two course meal – and €10 of each ticket sold will go to help the youngster. The ticket price also includes entry to the casino and ‘fun’ money to gamble with – no real cash can be used at the tables. Anyone unable to attend can always make a donation of money or a prize. A similar night for Comic Relief was a sell out and raised €571 for the charity. Tickets can be purchased from Monroes Carvery, Avda Garrofer, Local 1, Pedregeur, or from David and Jayne at Costa Fun Casino, by calling 966 074 034 or 699 836 251.

By George! A SPECIAL St George’s Day Dinner and Dance on the Costa Blanca will help raise funds for the Help For Heroes campaign. The event is being held at

the Monte Pego Function Room on Friday 23rd April with guests asked to arrive at 20.00 for 20.30. And being a celebration of the patron saint of England,

the dress code is red and white – with a three course dinner followed by music and dancing to Johanna and Matt of Amethyst. Tickets cost €25 each and include a donation to Help for Heroes. They are available from Stan or Chrissie on 965 977 228 or 617 647 395.

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010


Help on line

John presents the cheque to Steve

TEULADA MORAIRA Lions have donated €540 to the Samaritans to help the cost of training counsellors to man the important emergency helpline. Pictured are John Snell, the Lions’ president, presenting a cheque to Steve Ashley, the president of the

starts at 19.00, cost €15 and include a four course dinner with a bottle of wine per couple. Punters will find a minimum bet of €1 and the final kitty will be shared between those with winning horses – less a donation to the appeal. There will also be prizes for

Costa Blanca Samaritans and the money will go towards preparing four new counsellors to join the team. Anyone wanting more information about Teulada Moraira Lions or the club’s fundraising can contact John on 965 744 253 or visit www.teuladamorairalions.org

the best turned out lady and gentleman, and a winning ticket prize draw, as well as Tombola. For more information or to reserve a ticket, email info@charityshoplibrary.com or telephone 96 280 7610 / 7579/7381.



15-21 JANUARY 26 March - April 12010 2010

Not for me thanks, I’m on my diet! by Louise Clarke I HAVE been on more diets than you can shake a stick at: Atkins; Carbs Only; Cabbage Soup; Slimming World and Weightwatchers to name but a few! I have lost weight on all these diets, but inevitably put it all back on again. When I heard about Alan Gilchrist’s Hypnotherapy and that he could help me to lose weight in less than 30 minutes, I was intrigued! I know my weaknesses when it comes to food and drink (white wine and I are really good friends!). So when I went along to see Alan at his clinic in Cabo Roig, I explained that I needed help to stop eating. I sat down in his comfy chair and relaxed. To begin with, Alan placed a laser pen onto acupuncture points on my ears as this enhances the production of the body’s own natural endorphins, which in turn enhances my determination to lose weight. Alan then placed goggles over my eyes, which had red lights inside and a set of earphones on my ears. He told me to close my eyes and then began to talk to me through a microphone which was connected to the earphones. DISTRACTION During the session, I had to visualise placing all my ‘bad’ foods on a table. I then

had to dramatically use my arm to sweep them away from the table and replace them with good, healthy foods. The only problem was that I forgot to put a bottle of white wine on my ‘naughty’ table and so I kept trying, in my mind, to put it back on there and ended up getting distracted! Anyway, Alan continued to talk to me throughout the session, reiterating the fact that I now know what foods I have to eat and from now on, I would finish my meal when I was full instead of clearing my plate (a habit instilled on me since I was a child). He also said that I should start chewing my food slowly and appreciate the taste of it. Also from now on, Alan told me that whenever anyone offered me something that I know that I shouldn’t eat, I have to say: “Not for me thanks, I’m on my diet!” The session seemed like it was only minutes long, but in actual fact when I took the eye mask and earphones off, over half an hour had passed. Alan then gave me a CD which he told me to listen to every day for a month. BIZARRE That night, I was invited out to dinner and by the time we got there, I was ravenous! Usually, my starter would have taken seconds to consume, but all of a sudden I found myself devouring every individual prawn in

Alan talking to me during the session

my prawn cocktail. It was truly bizarre! I had no idea why it was happening, but it was! It took 20 minutes to finish that starter and the main course took even longer! My husband was convinced that I was being slow on purpose, but I promise you that I wasn’t! I only had one glass of wine throughout the whole meal as I was sipping it so slowly, which as anyone who knows me will tell you, is VERY unlike me! In the last two weeks, I have noticed that I am doing that more and more often and I

suspect that is because the CD that I listen to every night before I go to bed is reinforcing the suggestions that Alan initially gave to me. I know that this is working and it is, in my opinion, the best weight control exercise that I have ever experienced. As far as I’m concerned, Alan Gilchrist is a God! For more information see his advert on page 15, and to book an appointment at one of his three clinics here on the Costa Blanca: Cabo Roig; Guardamar or Benidorm, call 659 229 408 or visit www.AlanGilchrist.com

EU to pass new law on organ donation The quality and safety of organ transplants is to be determined by a new EU law in June of this year. Spanish Health Minister, Trinidad Jimenez, speaking at an EU conference last week, said that there is also an action plan to encourage organ donations across Europe. Spain currently holds the presidency of the EU and is also a world leader in organ transplants, despite a drop in the number of road deaths – where most donated organs come from. In 2009, Spain performed the most organ transplants of any

country in the world, and has done so consistently for 18 consecutive years. Spain carried out 4,028 organ transplants last year, from 1,605 donors – the highest number for the country yet. Jimenez wants Spain to be taken as an example for other EU countries. Portuguese Health Minister Ana Maria Teodoro Jorge explained the need for in increase in organ donors: “Ten European citizens die every day for the lack of a organ donation,” she said. And 60,000 Europeans are currently waiting for a transplant.

15-21 JANUARY 26 March - April 12010 2010



26 march - april 1 2010

Regular verbs

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 100

YOU HAD some homework last week, and it was to conjugate in the past simple tense the verbs that I gave you at the end of the article. Here they are again: Ayudar, buscar, cambiar, cocinar, comprar, escuchar, firmar, limpiar, pagar, pensar, soñar, trabajar, viajar. The verbs were chosen at random but are all completely regular. This means that all you needed to do was remove the ending ‘ar’ to find the root of the verb (ayud, busc, cambi etc.) and then add the standard past simple tense endings é, aste, ó, amos, asteis, aron). So if you’ve done that, you’ve got them right! Only one small rider to that statement is that, as I mentioned last week, there are two verbs in that list that make minimal spelling changes in the “I” (first person singular) form in order to keep their spellings phonetic. In other words, whilst the sound of the verb is completely regular, the spelling has

to change to reflect that regularity. I think I’ll stop trying to explain that now and tell you which ones they are: busqué and pagué. Just so that we’re clear about why …If we were to follow the ending rules as stated with the verb buscar, then the first person singular (meaning “I looked for”) would be “buscé”. However, this spelling gives us a soft “th” sound for the “c” as it comes before an “e” (so it would sound something like “boosthay”). In order to preserve the “k” sound, we have to change the “c” to “qu” “busqué”. With the other person endings this is not a problem as the “c” is followed by “a” or “o” so is pronounced like a “k”. A similar problem arises with “pagar” in the first person singular. Here the letter “u” is added to keep the hard sound to the “g” before the letter “e”. These kinds of spelling adjustments occur throughout the Spanish language when parts of words are changed. They should never be considered

as irregularities and they can be worked out logically, once you understand the basic principle. Soon we will need to talk about regular”–er “and “-ír” verbs in this tense, but before we do that, I think it would be rather a good idea to practise what we’re learnt so far. So, for example: “Ayer me levanté a las siete y media. Me duché y después desayuné té y cereales. Llevé a mis hijas al instituto y empecé a trabajar. Trabajé muchas horas, pero entre clase y clase tomé un café. Por la tarde paseé por el centro de San Pedro y cené en casa. Me acosté temprano para ir a trabajar al día siguiente”. ¿Y tú? ¿A qué hora te levantaste? You may notice I’ve deliberately stuck to regular “–ar” verbs and avoided all others for the moment. You might want to practice talking about a day of yours in the past tense, also being careful to use the verbs you know so far! One of the “tricks of the trade” when speaking a foreign language is to tailor what you want to say, to what you can say! I can assure you that this principle never changes, however good you get. See you next week.

Jane Cronin Spanish language courses for Spring 2010 Start date 26th April at Los Arcos Restaurant, Torrevieja Tuesdays and Thursdays Level One: Survival Spanish 10.00 –11.30 Level Two: Essential Spanish 11.45 - 13.15 Level Three: Practical Spanish 13.30 –15.00 Mondays and Wednesdays Level Four: Grammatical Spanish 13.30 - 15.00 Level Five: Logical Spanish 11.45 - 13.15 Level Six: Successful Spanish 10.00 –11.30 From absolute beginners to intermediate – there is a course for you! ONLY

45 euros per eight-week course

Enrolment: at Los Arcos Restaurant from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on: Mondays: March 29th - April 12th, 19th Wednesdays: March 31st - April 14th, 21st Course descriptions on my homepage at www.janecronin.eu

For more information phone: Adrian 619 488 903 - 968 18 32 58 Or e-mail: janejcronin@gmail.com

Sevillanas social club

GUEST ARTISTS attended the February Sevillanas Social Club meeting at El Coro Rociero de Lo Pagan, Murcia, under the direction of Juani Osuna, with a mini show of singing and dancing. Raquel Peña has been named ‘Orihuela Costa Woman of the Year’ for the formation of The Sevillanas Social Club and the Sevillanas Club Flamenco Dancers. SCHEDULE: 27th March at the Mercadona Plaza, Los Alcazares for MABS: 13:30 till 14.00. ‘This is Spain’ on Saturday, April 24th at The Orihuela Costa Resort: 12:00 and on 1st May at The Asturias Pizzeria. The once yearly Alicante performance of The Raquel Peña

Flamenco Dance Company is at Rojales Capitol Theatre on Sunday, 23rd May, at 17:30. Tickets are €10, with a generous donation to The Association of Alzheimers, Torrevieja. The next meeting for the Sevillanas Social Club: Sunday, March 28th at the Hole in One Pub, 20.00. TICKETS FROM: The Bridge Bar, Rojales, Gift Shop, Rojales, Tylers Bar, Rojales, The Post Room, Benijofar, Card & Gift Shop, Quesada, The Card Place, Benimar & Punta Prima, Tienda/Store Alzheimers, Torrevieja, Bargain Books, Torrevieja, Centro de Flamenco Raquel Peña, Pilar de la Horadada. For more information, call 630 689 431.

For all your transportation and storage needs: ask Helen!

Ask Helen for any removal needs

HELEN’S TRUCKS has been established on the Costa Blanca for over eight years and offers a careful, reliable and efficient way to undertake your removals. They cater for any of your transporting needs from small part loads right up to a full house removal and are here to cater for all your requirements. And the best part is that you only pay for the volume that your goods occupy! You are always kept fully informed of costs and they are extremely conscious of packing the truck well to ensure you get the best value for money. Helen’s dedicated team offers a friendly service to ensure your possessions are transported very carefully. Helen told RTN: “We take our time with your removal. Rushing is not an option and is something that we pride ourselves on, as we want your items to arrive safely and be handled with the care they deserve.” They also offer free no obligation estimates and welcome any questions and concerns you may have. Helen added: “We

want our customers to have peace of mind.” As well as an excellent transport service, Helen’s Trucks can also offer cost effective storage facilities. Their warehouse, which is fully insured and alarmed, is located between Catral and Crevillente, so is close to major motorway links. Their warehouse facilities can be the ideal solution if you need to move back to the UK quickly and you have moved back ahead of your items leaving. It is also ideal if you simply require short or long term storage for any reason. Helen concluded: “If there is anything that you are unsure of, we are here to help and guide you through the process and try to make this as stress free as possible.” Helen’s Trucks can be contacted on either the landline, which is 965 400 616, or the mobile number, which is 667 815 081. If you are calling from the UK, call them for the price of a local call on 0843-2073 313 or email: helenstrucks1@yahoo.co.uk or visit their website www.helenstrucks.com

26 march - april 1 2010



26 March - April 1 2010

music scene Johnny Mowton guitar/vocals Compiled by

Eric Taylor

ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com


Got a story?


902 118 999

96 686 5049


If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, please contact Eric directly.


ne of the most popular entertainers on the Costa Blanca over the past twenty years is ‘Johnny Mowton’ – guitar/vocalist. Johnny is best described as an entertainer who is there for his audience, by using his vast repertoire of songs to ascertain the mood of the night. He can do medleys ala Elvis; Buddy Holly; Johnny Cash; Roy Orbison; Rolling Stones; Beatles, etc. Even sing-along’s of the Max Bygraves ilk, some French and German, several songs in Spanish and even one or two in Dutch; Hebrew; Welsh; Italian and Greek. He also does Irish; some Scottish; Country and various ‘Hits,’ mainly from 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Johnny is also the lead guitarist/vocals of a recently formed band – ‘Big Jack’s Rhythm & Blues Band.’ His next solo gig is on Monday 29th March: El Chiringuito Bar, Playa Arenal, Calpe

El Paraiso pub and restaurant, Parcent El Paraiso Pub and Restaurant, set against a majestic backdrop of the Col de Rates mountain, boasts a tranquil, scenic view of Parcent, overlooking peaceful emerald landscapes. Owners David and Victoria invite you to discover their rustic retreat hidden in the depths of the Jalon Valley, with fireside tables, unusual nooks and crannies and homemade hearty fayre to tempt all tastes. They also hold regular ‘Music Nights’ which involves

some of the Costa Blanca’s finest entertainers. Join them for dinner or just pop in for a drink and enjoy the live music. MUSIC NIGHTS IN APRIL Friday 2nd - The Nomad – vocal entertainer. Friday 23rd - Menage a Trois The El Paraiso is also available for weddings, private parties, etc. For more information and bookings phone: 966 405 398.

Another Night On The Street Wednesday 31st March The first public appearance of ‘The Cleverly’s’ will be at the El Chiringuito Beach Bar, Calpe, on Saturday 27th March, at 21.00. Some of you may recognise three of the band members: Vic Ryan (Lead Vocals and rhythm guitar); Paco Moncholi (drums),; Filipe Cortijo (bass guitar) and introducing Brian Jones (on lead guitar). This is a Calpe based Anglo/Spanish Band specialising in Pop/Rock. Let’s welcome in the Spring with a good old knees up to some of your old favourites and some more up to date ‘Classics.’ The El Chiringuito Bar is located on the Playa Arenal (bottom of Gabriel Miro), in Calpe overlooking the sea.




The first public appearance of ‘The Cleverly’s’ will be at the El Chiringuito Beach Bar, Calpe, on Saturday 27th March, at 21.00. Some of you may recognise three of the band members: Vic Ryan (Lead Vocals and rhythm guitar); Paco Moncholi (drums),; Filipe Cortijo (bass guitar) and introducing Brian Jones (on lead guitar). This is a Calpe based Anglo/Spanish Band specialising in Pop/Rock. Let’s welcome in the Spring with a good old knees up to some of your old favourites and some more up to date ‘Classics.’ The El Chiringuito Bar is located on the Playa Arenal (bottom of Gabriel Miro), in Calpe overlooking the sea. For further information about the venue or the Band please call Vic or Chris on 606 994 625.

Every week Nigel Turner, Cumberland Bar, Benidorm will be doing a Focus report on the nightlife of Benidorm and the artists performing there. Should any artist/venue wish to be included :– contact Nigel on 685 550 106, email: ngltur@aol.com, web site: www.cumberlandbarbenidorm.com

Ricky Dale – Singer / Entertainer RICKY DALE is a man with many talents. He is an accomplished horse rider whose first job was a jockey and a prolific song writer who has written and recorded many of his own songs. Ricky has entertained people all over the World with his unique style, super personality and caring attitude towards his fans: he’s an instant hit. His fans have stayed loyal through the eighties up to the present day. The mood may have changed over the decades, but Ricky still belts out old favourites in tandem with modern sounds and some super songs

Introducing ‘The Cleverly’s’

he has written himself. The 1990’s saw Ricky headlining many venues in the USA, appearing in major productions and singing at the Academy Awards ceremony. He has made his home on the Costa Blanca and for the past few years has been entertaining crowds in and around Benidorm. You can catch Ricky in many venues in Benidorm including the Tower Lounge on Calle Gerona at 21.30 on Saturdays. For more information log on to his web site: www.rickydale.net or call him on 670 324 512

26 March - April 1 2010


What a result! Fairy tale T

HE VALERIE JEAN School of Dance annual examinations on Saturday 13th March at the L’Ancora Studio, Javea brought their students 12 ‘Honours’ and 5 ‘Highly Commended’ in Grades 3 Tap; Grade 4 Jazz and Grade 2 Ballet. Examiner Francena Reston from Blackpool remarked that the standard was very high. Teacher Lucy Glister gained Honours with 91 percent for her ‘Member’ Jazz exam, making Lucy a fully qualified

Dance teacher Lucy with the students

teacher for both British Ballet Organisation and SIPBE syllabus. Principal Valerie Jean says she is very proud of her students, now in full rehearsals for their forthcoming spectacular ‘Gotta Dance’ at the Careline Theatre, Alcalali, Saturday 29th May and also for the Javea International Festival on Saturday 19th June. Sister school the Stage School of Performing Arts students’ outstanding LAMDA results included students from 7 to 17 years gaining 9 distinctions, 7

merits and a pass. Pupils are looking forward to their next production of ‘The Adventures of Peter,’ being staged at The Careline Theatre Alcalali, on June 12th. The Stage school is running an Easter playscheme at L’Ancora studios, Javea from 5th – 9th April: egg hunts; arts and crafts; pop academy; ‘It’s a knockout’ and more! For details visit www.valeriejeandance.com or www.thestageschool.com or call Lucy 634 324 630

Brenda Taylor (left), Father Jose Luis Beneito, Pedro Torres and Candy Wright

by Jack Troughton

Easter flea market

P.E.P.A. charity auction (plus book sale)

THE BALCON Al Mar (Javea) Volunteer Firemen will be holding their Annual Easter Market on Sunday 28th March at Centro de ISVH and Restaurant Casa Pepe, Balcon al Mar, 11.00 – 17.00. There will be a wide selection of stalls as well as our famous Ladies Cake stall. Food and drinks and a warm welcome to all! Proceeds in aid of APASA.

Conducted by Laurie and Kris Rapier Friday 26th March 2010, 11.30am. (For those entering the auction please register at 10.45 am). Falconera Hotel, Marxuquera, Ermita. (Take Barx Road from Gandia (CV675) to Marxuquera and follow directions to hotel. So please bring along items you wish to sell and make some money! And bag a bargain to support this worthy charity. 30% of proceeds of sale of auction goods donated to P.E.P.A.

THERE IS no magical end for the scourge of leprosy but a pantomime fairy can always cast a spell to help research to rid the World of the disease. Helped by the cast and crew of Careline Theatre’s Beauty and the Beast – and especially the show’s audience - Rose Fairy Brenda Taylor waved her wand to produce a sophisticated microscope for a laboratory in the vanguard of the fight to combat leprosy. Careline was able to buy the €1,775 needed for the essential piece of equipment for the research

centre at Fontilles. Fontilles was established more than a century ago to provide care for leprosy victims. The disease is rare in modern Spain but the World Health Organisation estimates that every year 150,000 people join the 3 million disabled by leprosy globally. And today Fontilles is an internationally recognised centre for research and training in leprology, actively engaged in projects in Asia, South America and Africa. Careline has supported Fontilles since the Alcalali-based theatre group was founded in 1996, raising money from ticket sales for a range of successful productions.

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26 MARCH - APRIL41 2010 2010 FEB 26 - MARCH

The great Costa Blanca gardening opportunity by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

MOST READERS who purchased a villa have made a good effort to turn the space surrounding the villa into a garden they are proud of and something they are happy to look out onto, wander round, relax in, cook and eat al fresco with the family and friends. But few who purchased an apartment have done likewise even though apartment gardening is in many respects easier than in the larger space surrounding a villa. The result is that many apartments, entire apartment blocks and apartment neighbourhoods look bare and unattractive, reducing the enjoyment of living in the wonderful Mediterranean climate – most of the year – and making it difficult to sell and move on. We have therefore written a new book ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style – Terraces, balconies and windowsills’ to help readers make their apartments both more attractive and productive places to live whether they only have ten square metres of terrace space or a 400 square metre penthouse terrace. It is packed with practical

ideas and advice with photographs and plans of what ten to fifteen percent of apartment dwellers have already done. We will discuss some of the possibilities this week and next. THE SPACE YOU HAVE What space you have will depend on the type of apartment block you live in and the mix of window sills, balconies and open and covered terraces the architect designed into the building. Apartment blocks vary from a converted village house with two or three floors of apartments; ten storey blocks with one or two rows of apartments on each floor or pyramid buildings where every apartment has an open and covered area: up to forty storey Benidorm and Torrevieja skyscrapers with the higher floors glazed for protection from the winds and for safety. Many town and village houses will have only similar open air areas waiting to be greened. WHAT CAN BE DONE WITH THOSE AREAS • To varying degrees, due to their relative size windowsills balconies and terraces can all be used to grow flowering and evergreen plants, herbs, fruit and vegetables. The book is packed with illustrations of practical possibilities. • Privacy can be created by growing flowering plants in two rows of pots or window boxes on railings, flowering hedging plants in troughs, climbers on trellis work or miniature trees etc.. • A simple improvement may be just two

The new book helps apartment owners with their limited outside space

window boxes and a perpetual lunar lemon tree for the daily G&T. • A more complex conversion may use plants, trellis work, and ornaments to turn even a small terrace into a very attractive place to use both during the day and after dark. • Flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruit can all be grown successfully. ITS NOT DIFFICULT OR ONEROUS • With outside lights you can garden at any time of the day or night • On covered terraces you can work even when it rains. If the rain is being blown in pull down the blind. • Stop attempting to use annuals in window boxes – especially in the summer and on south facing terraces. There are plenty of perennials that can last for years that enjoy the sun as interesting alternatives and others for semi shaded and shaded areas at the back of covered terraces. Over a hundred such plants are illustrated in the book together with buying and caring tips. • You can complete the design and layout of a terrace in a couple of days or weekends

BY CLODAGH AND DICK HANDSCOMBE practical gardeners and authors who have enjoyed gardening in Spain for themselves and at times others for twenty five years. New book ‘Mediterranean Apartment Gardening’ is to be published this month and can be obtained from high street and internet bookshops including www.gardeninginspain.com for the fastest deliveries.

versus months or years in a garden. • It’s very possible for part time owners as well as full time residents. With ‘Mediterranean Apartment Gardening’ available next week, it could be an Easter project! More ideas next week. OBTAINING THE NEW BOOK Naturally new books take a little while to get into all the book shops but books can be ordered for speedy postal delivery from www.santanabooks.com and www.bookworld.com. COMPETITION Clodagh and Dick Handscombe are donating a copy of the new book to the first person who emails RTN (rtnmail@roundtownnews.com) with the nearest answers to the following questions: • How many numbered pages are in the new book? • What is photographed on the front cover? You need to answer both questions to be considered.

Readers’ recipes

Red Onion and Goat’s Cheese Tart THIS IS such an easy recipe and you can make it a little more special by spreading the pastry base with pesto sauce or tapenade. Mmmmm delicious!

FEB 26 MARCH 26 - MARCH - APRIL 4 2010 1 2010 METHOD 1. Heat the oil in a large, heavy based frying pan, add the onions and sauté over a low heat for about 10 minutes or until nice and soft – you will need to stir them occasionally to stop them browning. 2. Add the thyme and balsamic vinegar and seasoning. Continue to cook for a further five minutes. Leave to cool. 3. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/ Gas 7. Unroll the pastry and cut four rounds – you can use a 15cm/6in plate for this. Dampen a baking sheet and place the pastry on top. Using the point of a knife score a border approximately 2cm/¾in inside the edge of each round.

INGREDIENTS 15ml/1 tsp olive oil 450g/1lb red onions, sliced 30ml/2tbsp fresh thyme or 10ml/2sp dried 15ml/1tbsp balsamic vinegar 425g/15oz packet ready-rolled puff pastry 115g/4oz goat’s cheese, cubed 1 egg, beaten Salt and freshly ground black pepper Thyme sprigs for garnish

The Garden Club of Vega Baja March meeting NEXT MONTH, the speaker will be Ron Harris, a rose expert, who will share some of his vast knowledge of rose growing. The meeting will be at the ‘Venue’ on the lemon tree road on Monday 5th April (Easter Monday), 14.00 – 16.00. Later in the month there is a coach trip planned to the Torre Pacheco market gardens to learn about vegetable growing from ‘seed to dish’. This is a tour lasting about three hours and should be of interest to all. All enquiries to Val on 966 716 527.

41 41

4. Divide the onions between the pastry rounds and place the goat’s cheese on top. Brush the edge of each round with the beaten egg and bake for 25-30 minutes. 5. Garnish before serving.

Mary, Los Montesinos Don’t forget: if you have a recipe that you would like featured in RTN please email to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

Walking routes in Almoradí NEXT SATURDAY 3rd April, starting at the Tourist Info, there will be a Guided Tour of the interesting buildings of Almoradí. The Holy Week will turn this route into the most special of the year. At the end of the tour, the group will be given a concert by the students of the Music Conservatory at the Chapel of C/España. The tour starts at 10.30 and you can join either at the Tourist Info or by sending an email to almoradi@touristinfo.net. This year a new Green Walk is to take place on Saturday 3rd April, at 10.30. The route is to be the ‘Mazones Route,’ estimated to take about 1 hour 45 minutes. Those interested might enroll by sending an email to almoradi@touristinfo.net or to Tourist Information.

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19-25 26 march FEBRUARY - april 12010 2010


Palma de Mallorca With just a 45 minute flight and less than 30 minutes transfer time, Palma de Mallorca is a great choice for a quick getaway, as Gemma Quinn finds out…


Gemma Quinn Freelance writer

MALLORCA HAS long been a top spot for package-holidaying Brits looking for some fun in the sun, but now, thanks to the introduction of the route from Alicante airport from some low-cost airlines, it is quickly becoming more popular for those wanting a break from the mainland and it is easy to see why. The Capital offers everything you could want from a city break; seeped in history and splendid architecture, it is a haven for the culture vultures amongst us. At its heart is the famous La Seu cathedral, originally built on a previous mosque, dominating the skyline overlooking the broad bay below and the Parc de la Mar recreational area. A maze of narrow streets and secret squares exude from the cathedral and hold a trove of delights. Characteristic

private houses open to the public as discreet galleries or museums and the area has a somewhat Parisian feel as artisans scatter the streets, little boutiques bejewel under the Spanish sunshine and street performers delight curious visitors. This Old City splendour juxtaposes elegantly next to the more modern commercial district which houses all the high street and designer shops you would expect to find in a major cosmopolitan city along with international cuisine and classic tapas bars. ESCAPE THE CITY At the other end of the Bay of Palma, set amongst the hills just 3km from the city centre, you’ll spy an impressive round castle. The 14th century castle

Palma Cathedral

Lazy days on Arenal beach

of Bellver, was built for King James II of Aragon and is one of the few circular castles in Europe. Once a private residence for summering royals, it is now home to a museum and proves a memorable backdrop to the numerous concerts it often hosts. If you fancy escaping the bustling city life and sampling something a little more serene and calm, pay a visit to Palma Aquarium; a joyous marine park that takes you on a journey of underwater discovery. The 55 aquariums faithfully recreate marine ecosystems and natural animal habitats and are home to some 8000 species. BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Much like Alicante city, Palma de Mallorca is the best of both worlds as you can easily combine a classic city break with some time out on one of the many neighbouring beaches. The hedonistic beach resort of Magaluf lies to the west of the Capital. With a buzzing nightlife, it has long been the Island’s most favourite and popular resort for party loving Brits. However, for a quieter and lazier lounge along the tranquil coastline, go east and relax in S’Arenal. With views over to Palma, its own harbour and beachfront restaurants

and cafes make it a destination choice in its own right. So whatever you’re looking for in a short break, Palma de Mallorca and the surrounding area has it all for all tastes and budgets.


Ryanair offers the destination as a seasonal route. Flights resume on 30th March 2010. Air Europa has flights all year round. Public transport is excellent and the Plaça d’Espanya is the transport hub of Palma. Buses regularly leave to and from the airport. Bus route 21 is direct from the airport to S’Arenal costing just €2. Route 1 will take you directly to Palma port and the city centre, also costing just €2. See www.emtpalma.es for full route details. Palma Aquarium is a popular day out for families. Avoid weekends and fiesta days to escape the crowds. The aquarium is easily accessible from the city centre and is served by bus routes 15, 17 and 23. Take Route 23 if travelling from S’Arenal or enjoy the walk there along the seafront. Visit www.palmaaquarium.com for more information.

26 march - april 1 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.


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Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



7. Shares (6)

1. Largest bird (7)

8. Visitor (6)

2. Pardon (7)

10. Uniform (7)

3. Aptitude (5)

Across 7. It breaks up these endless taxes (6) 8. I’m more confused by this biographical sketch (6) 10. Stop the Spanish officer (7) 11. See 9 Down 12. We turn and hesitate but became a pitcher (4) 13. A practice that attracts a considerable amount of interest (5) 17 & 4 Down. Inexperienced zoo attendants become groundsmen! (5-7) 18 & 1 Down. William, a persevering type, is in the advertising business (4-7) 22. An inclination after tea to go for a walk (5) 23. Come home after everybody else, but live longer (7) 24. A number of notes we hear producing harmony (6) 25. Physical strength for which there could be a thousand different clues (6)


11. Concise (5) 12. Small bay (4) 13. Tell-tale (5) 17. Memento (5) 18. Daybreak (4)

4. Warlike (7) 5. Vigilant (5) 6. Command (5) 9. Head (9) 14. Effective (7) 15. Main city (7)

22. Perfect (5)

16. Vehement (7)

23. Eager desire for wealth (7)

19. Essential (5)

24. Stress (6)

20. Educate (5)

25. Bog (6)

21. Truck (5)

Down 1. See 18 Across 2. Describing any flower deliberately sought after (7) 3. A deceptive movement is not easily distinguished, one hears (5) 4. See 17 Across 5 & 6 Down. What tennis-players wear when invited to the Palace! (5-5) 6. See 5 Down 9 & 11 Across. What French capitalists use when facing the wall? (7,2,5) 14. Material per yard as arranged (7) 15. Monetary affairs can get mixed up in legal penalty (7) 16. To be sycophantic is not so sharp! (7) 19. Illegally acquire southern bird (5) 20. Be inclined to favour a caprice (5) 21. Overweight porter (5)


8-14 JANUARY 26 MARCH - APRIL 12010 2010

Spooky ride WHEN I was a young boy, I loved the Ghost Train. If I am honest, I still do! There is something about a ride in the dark that is very exciting. My ultimate Ghost Train was ‘Haunted Mansion’ in Disney World with its 1001 spooks, mostly friendly and in hologram form. Like telling children ghostly tales, there is a comfort in knowing only safety and losing yourself in the fantasy at the same time. Ghosts are no fantasy for me any more. When people ask me if I have seen ghosts, and they love to do it, I have to tell them the truth…of course I have. There are many spirits who wander around this World, knowing in their phantom heart of hearts that they do not belong here! And they don’t belong in any living energy. Trouble is rather where they do belong, especially those who have spent more time dead than alive on this Earth. Perpetual haunters are tortured souls that live always in the shadow. They are usually transparent because they have worn away their etheric layer and what is left is a grey emanation of variable translucence. Yes they do get a close up opportunity sometimes, but what exactly are they waiting for? The answer is that there are many who are not ready to move on and up. They will have a reserved space in the Spirit World, but they do not take their place very often because they do not accept that they are dead. Some know full well but hang pathetically onto past lives because they cannot, or will not, move on. They see transition to the Spirit World as running away rather than moving on. Many return to childhood homes, or bask in grey splendour at times and in places where they used to be; places where they were once happy. A friend of mine was terrified to sleep in the guest accommodation in his family home. Apparently the master suite used to be a garage and an old wrinkly

man can be seen walking through the walls wearing overalls. When he lived in the house, and it was his, there was no wall where now there is, you see. Ghosts travel here on Earth in diagonal lines. I spent hours as a young man in the Tower of London trying to work out the exact movement of Lady Jane Grey and her walk to her death. Proud and unafraid she still may be, dead she certainly is, but she is seen, and has been seen each and every year since she died. And she died on February 12th 1554. She often appears headless too. Ghosts are best helped back to their rightful place. Here in Spain there are a lot of Ghosts that refuse to leave their homes and have to be encouraged to leave. I say encouraged because I treat them initially as naughty children and have to work up to exorcism levels if they won’t go. Poltergeists attach themselves to people, and they love to live amongst broody teenagers because then they can have some real fun throwing things around and making mayhem; for which they think they can’t be punished. Even they can be enticed away to wreak their havoc somewhere where their ‘hijinks’ will be rightfully ignored. All Ghosts love attention of any kind; starve them of this focus and they soon realise they must move on. Spooky though it may sound, Ghosts have regular routines and repeat actions they can remember from the past. Some people unable to move on in life often take on the mantle of the Ghost. They may not be dead but they condemn themselves to repeat the unnecessary mistakes of the past that they feel are inevitable. Let us not be a Ghost of our former selves, and then we can move on in time from our ‘haunts’ of yesteryear!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Kenny’s Diary

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

Kenny what’s up there? Don’t you get a glimpse of the other side? You never say much about what we can expect to find. Simon (SMS) Very good question Simon! Yes I do see, and I do not want to spoil other peoples’ vision of what to expect; since everyone has their own idea of what will be there. I have heard of crystal fountains and white doves, or maybe I will end up on the Philadelphia Cream Cheese set, amidst those fluffy white clouds? I would settle for freedom and peace and happiness, and my surroundings would have to support this. As for the mighty palaces and the constant rainbows, well, I’d rather be amongst those whom I love and be given some work to do with which I could make a difference! Oh, and a view across Central Park too…

New online forum! www.kennycorris.net/forum. Please feel free to ask questions of Kenny and read questions and comments of others.

Readings are offered in Quesada on Saturday March 27th in aid Of Paul Cunningham Nurses. Fun Day at Hotel El Corazon in Quesada/Rojales. Please come and meet me! Afternoon Readings at Finestrat Medieval Fair on Sunday 28th March. Mini readings at Maya Bistro Albir on 29th and 31st March from 16.30. ‘Higher Realms’ One day workshop to help you find that higher guide: a great chance to accelerate your spiritual progress and move on to higher levels. Sunday April 11th at 10.30. www.kennycorris.net for details of all courses.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

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horoscopes by Kenny Corris Your heart is open to new energies and love will find a way this week if you just let it in and stop questioning. The entry of Venus, Goddess of Love, sees interactions with both Uranus and Chiron. The mighty actions of Uranus herald change whereas Chiron is known for its healing properties, and the combination could make a great difference to your life. There will be a time of resolve and a time for passion, and you will wonder why you didn’t open your heart long ago! Venus, your planetary leader, brings light and love to you midweek. This is one of those rare planetary occlusions whereby great energy is sent to you, but it will be open to your own interpretation; just what you decide to do with it will be your decision. Love enters all across the board to annihilate conflict, restore friendship and strengthen throughout the bonds of love for those whom you love. The love energy also inspires your work and your achievements right now. You’re in two minds this week and the conflict of interests is a self destructive element that is brought about by your closely examining the negative side of things. In connecting with the positive, you will find that you have a free rein in which to make the vital progress you need and in accepting this you will find that new possibilities and new positive power is achieved. Since you do not abuse your powers, see them taking a step forward. There is work to be done! If ever there was a time to retreat within your shell that time is here and now. A pause in events will restore you to pole position and greatly influence the actions of now. Timing is absolutely of the essence and stalling now will ensure that hook or by crook you get the support and the care that you need. Keep your temper, even if it seems that all around are losing theirs. There is only one direction for you to follow, and as you throw caution to the wind, see what happens! Renegotiate the love energy that you hold within because your stubbornness has brought the curtain down on a wonderful relationship; and you are way too stubborn and too full of pride to see that it is your fault. Your pride often kicks in to make you feel better at the time, but you have to see the error of your ways this week and realise that you and you alone made the mistake. Forgiveness isn’t easy, especially as you have chosen to walk away; but true love finds a way back. Saturn in Libra brings balance and achievements, whereas Venus in transit brings the love energy just when and where it is needed. Remove all obstacles from your defensive nature and examine just what it is that you really want right now, and then go for it! Negative energies are there to ensure that you see things from both directions this week, particularly as there is a need to release freedom and creative energies from within. You don’t know what you can do until you try. Saturn weaves a wonderful spell this week. Known to herald news and to bring about catalytic action, this mighty planet is trying to give you all that it’s got so you can make a difference. Stop living in the past, because in the real world you can and will make a difference. Expect to give your shoulder this weekend because somebody needs to unload, and to cry themselves out just there, and you will not turn them away, however uncomfortable it is to get involved. Anger is such a bitter element and you have currently stored so much of it inside you. Truly it has put a smile on your face, but the main event is to clear and strengthen, and that can mean only one thing: confrontation. Whilst you lose and somebody wins, you are disconnecting form yourself to promote balance within, when healing and self preservation cannot find a way in to do the job. Planetary actions urge caution, but everything is on your side. You have been given scope to help you to find a way forward. Your intelligence tells you that there is no longer a solution in just brushing things under the carpet and that you have to take over, because you can. With all the will in the World, people can choose to misconstrue what you are saying, but then that is because they have a guilty conscience. Jupiter directs the action, so make a start right now because there is no time like the present to gain momentum and support from others. A great time to plan an escape, since you need a breather and love to travel. Though plans may change somewhat, establish control and check all details and fine print as you go. Actions in your planet of opposition bring you good luck and fortune, and a monetary award long overdue finds its way back to you at long last. With such direction, do not hesitate to take a companion along for the ride; it will cement a friendship that will lead to some new experiences. Tune into your sensitivity and establish your connection within. You are gifted and guided and free thinking and the current actions in the Cosmos with planets Mercury, Neptune and Chiron all serve to pave your way forward, with their blessings. Connect with your soul, because you know now that you can and because this will bring you more energy and strengthen your resolve. Spiritual energies can and will help you all along the way; only you hold yourself back. You are not about to give in. You have come a long way and for much of your journey, you have been alone. This has brought you into new territory, and you are about to make some sweeping changes; so go for it. There is the luck of Jupiter inspiring you, and bringing you that spark that you need to allow you to follow your well made plans. Somebody close to you needs your attention right now but they seem to appear to be trying to get your attention the wrong way!

If it’s your birthday this week... The start of your blueprint for a solution to combat the pressure placed on you. Use your influence to ensure you and those whom you love get the very best deal this astrological year.

Art on fire by

Julia Evans

BA (hons). Artist & owner of ArtHouse Gallery

I OFTEN think I am lucky to be an artist. The process of making a piece of artwork is a magical thing. It is so tactile, so personal and so ‘hands on.’ There is something intently pleasurable about getting your hands dirty. Whether you are creating your own art or simply absorbing the culture around you, art is something everyone can enjoy. Not only is it gratifying, art is also good for you. Art stimulates our brains and inspires creativity. The process itself is extremely therapeutic and can be the perfect way to relax. Creating an artistic piece can be a soothing hobby: many of my students think of their time in the studio as an escape from the pressures of everyday life, a time to focus on themselves and

the work they are making. Even if your work is never displayed in a gallery, the benefits of self expression can be tremendous. Not only can it help us relax, it can also boost self esteem and confidence. I teach students of all levels of ability, including complete beginners. I believe that everybody has the capability to draw but it is not just the end result that is important. The sense of selfsatisfaction is obvious when a student completes their first painting. It can be extremely confidence boosting, especially when many people do not believe they have the talent or capability to produce a piece of artwork. If you do not want to create your own art, simply

An Arthouse students first drawing (After one lesson, previously this student had never drawn or painted)


8-14 JANUARY 26 MARCH - APRIL 12010 2010

An Arthouse students first painting

observing art and culture can be good both for the soul and the brain. Living in Spain, you do not have to go far from your door to experience culture and art. You don’t even have to step into a gallery or museum. Where else, other then the streets of Spain, would you get 20 ft paper maché sculptures, beautifully crafted to perfection, only to be set alight into a fiery blaze, all in the name of ‘fiesta?’ This wild Valencian festival, held yearly, inspires teams of local artists, designers and architects to slave away for months, designing and constructing giant and elaborate structures of wood and papiermaché, created for the sole purpose of being set on fire! Of course I am talking about Las Fallas. This inferno of dazzling colours and blasting sounds is an artist’s visual heaven, as are many of the Spanish fiestas and traditions.

Although I have to say the Spanish freedom of expression with fireworks may not be so good for the stress levels! If you are an artist and

have an up and coming exhibition or event, then please contact me (see details below). The area is thriving with artistic talent and I want to hear about it!

Julia Evans BA (hons), ArtHouse Gallery, Calle San Miguel no. 14, Gata de Gorgos, 03740 Alicante. Tel: 0034 965 756 285 or 0034 687 114 853. Email: arthousemail@gmail.com. Web: www.arthouseonline.net. If you are an artist and have an exhibition coming up or simply just want me to view you work then email arthousemail@gmail.com

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tv Friday


26 march - april 1 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Missing Live 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Decade of Doctors 15:20 Missing 16:05 3rd and Bird 16:15 dirtgirlworld 16:25 Dennis & Gnasher 16:45 Shaun the Sheep 16:50 Muddle Earth 17:05 ROY 17:35 Gastronuts 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 MasterChef 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 QI 22:00 Over the Rainbow 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Budget Statement 23:40 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 24:40 National Lottery 24:50 Godsend

08:00 - 10.30 Childrens TV 10:30 I Can Cook 10:45 Guess with Jess 10:55 Big and Small Songs 11:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:00 Primary Class Clips 12:15 Emotional Literacy 12:25 Primary Class Clips 12:40 Look and Read 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Open Gardens 14:30 Car Booty 15:15 Animal 24:7 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Cycling 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 Indian Hill Railways 23:00 The Bubble 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Budget Statement 24:05 The Review Show 24:55 Heroes

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Auction Party 17:00 Rosemary and Thyme 18:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 19:55 Budget Response by the Liberal Democrats 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Dancing on Ice Friday 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 Deep Blue Sea

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 10:20 Will and Grace 10:50 Deal or No Deal 11:35 Coach Trip 12:05 Wife Swap USA 13:00 Channel 4 13:05 It’s Me or the Dog 13:30 Location, Location, Location 14:35 The Time Machine 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Coach Trip 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 22:00 Embarrassing Bodies 23:00 Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night 23:50 28 Days Later

08:00 - 09.20 Childrens TV 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas & Friends 09:35 Funky Valley 09:40 Igam Ogam 09:50 Castle Farm 09:55 The WotWots 10:05 Mio Mao 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:50 Axe Men 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:00 Plainsong 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Building the Ultimate 21:00 Highland Emergency 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 24:00 NCIS

08:30 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:35 Rachel Allen: Home Cooking 13:00 BBC News 13:10 Regional News and Weather 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Formula 1 15:15 Cycling 17:30 Final Score 18:10 BBC News 18:20 Regional News and Weather 18:30 Total Wipeout 19:30 Over the Rainbow 21:00 The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 21:50 Casualty 22:40 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow 23:10 BBC News 23:30 Match of the Day 24:50 The Football League Show

08:00 Dennis & Gnasher 08:40 Scooby Doo? 09:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 09:30 Dr Who: Dreamland 10:15 The Secret Show 10:30 Prank Patrol 11:00 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 11:30 Keep Your Enemies Close 12:00 The Slammer 12:30 My Life 13:00 No Hats, No Trainers 13:25 Shelfstackers 13:50 Single, Together, Whatever 14:20 The 5.19 Show 14:35 The Cut 15:00 Revealed 15:15 Anchors Aweigh 17:30 Cycling 18:30 Victoria: A Royal Love Story 19:30 Edward VII: Prince of Pleasure 20:30 The Great Offices of State 21:30 Mrs Brown 23:10 Heroes 23:50 Good

08:00 - 10.00 Childrens TV 10:00 Power Rangers: RPM 10:25 Horrid Henry 10:40 Emu 10:55 Tricky Quickies 11:00 Michael Winner’s Dining Stars 12:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 13:00 ITV News 13:10 This Morning: Saturday 14:10 Midsomer Murders 16:15 Granada News 16:25 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 19:20 ITV News 19:30 Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 Harry Hill’s The Best of TV Burp 21:00 Ant & Dec’s Push the Button 22:00 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 23:00 The World is Not Enough 24:30 ITV News 24:45 The World is Not Enough

07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 World Sport 08:25 Road to the 2010 FIFA World Cup 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Friends 10:30 The Album Chart Show Introduces... 10:45 Glee 11:40 Leona Lewis Special: Under The Skin 12:40 Ultimate Traveller 13:45 Smallville: Superman the Early Years 14:40 Channel 4 Racing 16:40 Come Dine with Me 18:15 Dubai World Cup Special 19:00 Come Dine with Me 19:30 Come Dine with Me 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Time Team Special 22:00 Walk the Line 24:35 Rendition

08:00 - 09.25 Childrens TV 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:40 Funky Valley 09:45 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 Highland Emergency 12:00 The Gadget Show 13:00 Chinese Food in Minutes 13:30 Zoo Days 14:05 Kermit’s Swamp Years 15:45 The Odessa File 18:20 Five News 18:25 The Magnificent Seven 20:45 NCIS 21:40 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:40 CSI: NY 23:40 Law & Order 24:40 Crime Scene Academy

07:00 Formula 1 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Fern Britton Meets... 12:00 Country Tracks 13:00 The Politics Show 14:00 Formula 1 15:55 EastEnders 17:50 Lifeline 18:00 Songs of Praise 18:35 BBC News 18:50 Regional News and Weather 19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 21:00 Lark Rise to Candleford 22:00 Enid 23:25 BBC News 23:40 Regional News and Weather 23:50 Great British Railway Journeys 24:20 Jersey Girl

08:00 Arthur 08:15 Dennis & Gnasher 08:30 Spirit Warriors 09:00 The Legend of Dick and Dom 09:35 Match of the Day 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 On Thin Ice 13:15 Monk 14:00 Escape to the Country 15:00 Cycling 18:30 Dad’s Army 19:00 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Tropic of Cancer 22:00 Wonders of the Solar System 23:00 Match of the Day 2 23:50 Football League Trophy Highlights 24:30 Mean Streets

08:00 My Friends Tigger and Pooh 08:25 Tom and Jerry Tales 08:35 Dork Hunters from Outer Space 09:00 Penguins of Madagascar 09:25 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 10:00 Power Rangers: RPM 10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:45 ITV News 13:00 This Morning: Sunday 14:00 Columbo 15:35 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 16:40 Foyle’s War 18:45 Granada News 19:00 ITV News 19:15 Harry Hill’s The Best of TV Burp 19:45 Ultimate Movie Toons 20:45 Dancing on Ice 23:00 ITV News 23:15 The South Bank Show Revisited: Andrew Lloyd Webber 24:15 Guinness Premiership Rugby

07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 The McCain Track and Field Show 08:30 Mobil 1 The Grid 09:00 GT Academy 09:25 Freesports on 4 09:55 The Hills 10:25 Friends 11:00 Hollyoaks Omnibus 13:30 Ultimate Traveller 14:30 Friends 15:05 T4 at Fight Cervical Cancer in Style 15:55 90210 16:45 The Simpsons 17:50 Deal or No Deal 18:35 Glee 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Embarrassing Bodies 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 The Restoration Man 23:00 28 Weeks Later

08:00 Elmo’s World 08:15 The WotWots 08:30 Make Way for Noddy 08:45 Milkshake! Music Box 08:50 Fireman Sam 09:00 Hana’s Helpline 09:15 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:30 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill 09:45 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 Hannah Montana 11:35 Wizards of Waverly Place 12:10 Animal Rescue Squad 12:30 Megastructures 13:30 Ice Road Truckers 14:30 The Ascent 16:20 Driven 18:25 Five News 18:35 Scooby-Doo 20:20 The One 22:00 Chaos 24:10 Sniper 3

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

08:00 The Simpsons 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Lie to Me 11:00 The Real A & E 12:00 The Lion Man 12:30 Airline 13:00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14:00 Lie to Me 15:00 Angela and Friends 16:30 UK Border Force 17:30 The Lion Man 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 21:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 22:00 Lost 23:00 A League of Their Own 23:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 24:00 Pineapple Dance Studios

08:30 WATTS 08:45 Biathlon 09:45 Figure Skating 10:45 Curling World Championship 12:30 Biathlon 13:30 Live Figure Skating 14:15 Live Biathlon 15:45 Live Figure Skating 17:45 Biathlon 18:30 Live Track Cycling 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Live Track Cycling 21:00 Live Figure Skating 22:45 Strongest Man 23:45 YOZ 24:15 Freeride Spirit 24:45 Figure Skating World Champs

08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Nothing to Declare 10:30 Nothing to Declare 11:00 America’s Next Top Model: What the Divas Are Doing Now 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Canada’s Next Top Model 15:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model: What the Divas Are Doing Now 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Most Haunted Live

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 10:00 Soccer AM 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 Futurama 16:00 Fat Families 17:00 Oops TV 18:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 19:00 Noel’s Are You Smarter Than Your TenYear-Old? 20:00 Futurama 20:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 21:00 Lie to Me 22:00 Dude, Where’s My Car? 23:40 Fringe 24:40 A League of Their Own

08:35 Biathlon 09:15 Biathlon 10:00 Live Track Cycling 12:15 Live Biathlon 13:00 Biathlon 14:15 Live Biathlon 15:00 Live Figure Skating 17:00 Live Track Cycling 18:30 Live Horse Racing: World Cup 19:00 Biathlon 19:30 Biathlon 20:00 Live Curling World Championship 21:55 Planet Armstrong 22:00 Fight Club 24:30 Pro Wrestling

08:00 I Dream of Jeannie 09:00 Bewitched 09:30 Bewitched 10:00 My Wife and Kids 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 11:30 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 13:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 16:00 Nothing to Declare 19:00 Drop Dead Fred 21:00 Most Haunted Live

Edward VII: Prince of Pleasure BBC 2, 19.30

07:00 Hour of Power 08:00 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 10:00 Futurama 10:30 Futurama 11:00 WWE: Superstars 13:00 The Simpsons 14:00 Glenn Martin, DDS 14:30 Oops TV 15:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 16:00 UK Border Force 17:00 Oops TV 17:30 Futurama 18:00 The Simpsons 19:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 20:00 The World Wild Vet 21:00 The Simpsons 22:00 24 23:00 House 24:00 Bones

08:35 Curling World Championship 10:00 Live Track Cycling 12:15 Superbike Corner Live 13:00 Live Superbike World Championship 14:00 Live Biathlon 15:00 Live Track Cycling 15:15 Live Cycling: Criterium International 16:00 Live Track Cycling 18:00 Superbike World Championship 18:30 Supersport World Championship 19:00 Motorsports Weekend 19:15 Figure Skating 21:00 Live WTA Tennis 22:55 Planet Armstrong 23:00 Live Curling World Championship Slumdog The Restoration Millionaire Channel 4, Man 10.00pm

Channel 4, 22.00

08:00 I Dream of Jeannie 08:30 I Dream of Jeannie 09:00 Bewitched 10:00 My Wife and Kids 11:00 New America’s Next Top Model 12:00 New America’s Next Top Model 13:00 Drop Dead Fred 15:00 Will and Grace 15:30 Four Weddings 18:30 Jade: A Year Without Her 20:00 Celebrity Restaurant in Our... 21:00 Most Haunted Live

tv Monday

26Feb march 26 - March - april 14 2010 2010

08:00 The Simpsons 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Lie to Me 11:00 UK Border Force 13:00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 13:30 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 17:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 21:00 Body Language Secrets 22:00 House 23:00 NCIS: LA 24:00 24

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal 24:7 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 3rd and Bird 16:15 dirtgirlworld 16:25 Dennis & Gnasher 16:45 Shaun the Sheep 16:50 Muddle Earth 17:05 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 17:35 M.I. High 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Bang Goes the Theory 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Crimewatch 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Crimewatch Update 23:45 The World’s Strictest Parents 24:45 Late Kick Off

08:00 - 10.00 Childrens TV 10:00 Planet Ajay 10:30 The Slammer 11:00 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 11:30 Prank Patrol 12:00 Horrible Histories 12:30 Castle in the Country 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Open Gardens 14:30 Car Booty 15:15 Animal Park 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Seven Ages of Britain 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets 22:00 Blood and Oil 23:20 Coast 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Newswipe with Charlie Brooker 24:50 Inside John Lewis

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Rosemary and Thyme 18:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Married Single Other 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 The 40-Year-Old Virgin

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 09:50 Coach Trip 10:20 Hollyoaks Music Show 10:55 Friends 11:25 Friends 11:55 Pixie Lott’s Sexy Pop Top 10 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Location, Location, Location 14:05 Merrill’s Marauders 15:55 The TV Book Club 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Coach Trip 18:30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Ask the Chancellors 22:00 The Secret Millionaire 23:35 The Good Wife 24:30 The Escapist

08:00 - 9.55 Childrens TV

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal 24:7 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 3rd and Bird 16:15 dirtgirlworld 16:25 Dennis & Gnasher 16:45 Shaun the Sheep 16:50 Muddle Earth 17:05 Deadly 60 17:35 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Richard Hammond’s Invisible Worlds 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 The Man Who Cycled the Americas 24:25 The Flying Scotsman

08:00 - 10.00 Childrens TV 10:00 Planet Ajay 10:30 The Slammer 11:00 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 11:30 Prank Patrol 12:00 Horrible Histories 12:30 Castle in the Country 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Open Gardens 14:30 Car Booty 15:15 Animal Park 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Wonders of the Solar System 21:00 Grow Your Own Drugs 21:30 The Delicious Miss Dahl 22:00 Blood and Oil 23:20 Coast 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Mad Men

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Rosemary and Thyme 18:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Children’s Hospital 21:00 Cops with Cameras 22:00 Law & Order: UK 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Martina Cole’s Lady Killers 24:35 River Monsters

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Coach Trip 10:25 Hollyoaks Music Show 11:00 Friends 12:00 Beyonce: I Am Yours 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Location, Location, Location 14:05 How to Steal a Million 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Coach Trip 18:30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Supersize vs Superskinny 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 Shameless 24:05 8 Out of 10 Cats 24:40 Dom Joly and the Black Island

08:05- 10.00 Childrens TV 10:05 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:10 Hana’s Helpline 10:20 Olivia 10:30 The Mr. Men Show 10:45 Build a New Life in the Country 11:45 The Hotel Inspector 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 CSI: NY 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Home Song 18:00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Chinese Food in Minutes 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 22:00 CSI: 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 CSI: NY

08:00 The Simpsons 08:30 The Simpsons 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 UK Border Force 12:00 UK Border Force 13:00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 13:30 Oops TV 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 A Town Called Eureka 17:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 UK Border Force 22:00 Caprica 23:00 Fringe 24:00 Lost

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal 24:7 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 3rd and Bird 16:15 dirtgirlworld 16:25 Dennis & Gnasher 16:45 Shaun the Sheep 16:50 Muddle Earth 17:05 SMart 17:35 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Life of Riley 21:00 MasterChef 22:00 New Tricks 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 The National Lottery Draws 23:45 Damages 24:25 Two for the Money

08:00 -10.30 Childrens TV 10:30 The Slammer 11:00 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 11:30 Prank Patrol 12:00 Only Angels Have Wings 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Working Lunch 15:00 Lifeline 15:10 Coast 15:15 Animal Park 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip 20:00 Simon King’s Shetland Diaries 21:00 Coast 22:00 Who Needs Fathers? 23:00 Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Bubble 24:50 The British Family: Our History

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Rosemary and Thyme 18:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 UEFA Champions League 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 UEFA Champions League Extra Time 24:35 Cops with Cameras

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 09:50 Coach Trip 10:25 Hollyoaks Music Show 10:55 Friends 11:55 Alexandra Burke: Under the Skin 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Location, Location, Location 14:05 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Coach Trip 18:30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Relocation, Relocation 22:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 23:00 Desperate Housewives 24:00 Shameless

08:35 - 10.00 Childrens TV 10:05 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:10 Hana’s Helpline 10:20 Olivia 10:30 The Mr. Men Show 10:45 Build a New Life in the Country 11:45 The Hotel Inspector 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 CSI: NY 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 A Nightmare Come True 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Heads or Tails 21:00 The Business Inspector 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 24:00 Numb3rs 24:55 PartyPoker: The Classics

07:00 Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00 The Simpsons 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 UK Border Force 13:00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 17:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 21:00 The World Wild Vet 22:00 The Real A & E 23:00 A League of Their Own 23:30 Dude, Where’s My Car?

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

09:55 The WotWots 10:05 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:10 Hana’s Helpline 10:20 Olivia 10:30 The Mr. Men Show 10:45 Build a New Life in the Country 11:45 The Hotel Inspector 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 CSI: NY 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 NYC: Tornado Terror 18:00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 The Gadget Show 22:00 FlashForward 23:00 Justin Lee Collins 24:00 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

08:30 Motorsports Weekend 08:45 Live China Open Snooker 11:30 Biathlon 12:00 Biathlon 12:30 Biathlon 13:30 Live China Open Snooker 16:30 Biathlon 17:00 Biathlon 17:30 Biathlon 18:00 Eurogoals 18:45 Champions Club 19:45 Football 20:15 FIFA World Cup Giants 20:45 All Sports 20:50 WATTS 21:00 Pro Wrestling 21:30 Pro Wrestling 22:25 All Sports 22:30 Live WTA Tennis 24:15 Champions Club


08:00 Charmed 10:00 Nothing to Declare 11:00 America’s Next Top Model 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Canada’s Next Top Model 15:00 Passport Patrol 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 22:00 Four Weddings 23:00 New America’s Next Top Model 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Coronation Street for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:30 Live China Open Snooker 11:30 Eurogoals: One to One 11:45 Eurogoals 12:30 Champions Club 13:30 Live China Open Snooker 16:30 WTA Tennis 18:00 WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Live WTA Tennis 21:00 Boxing 23:00 Freeride Spirit 23:15 Superbike World Championship 24:00 Superbike World Championship 24:30 Motorsports Weekend 24:45 China Open Snooker

The Delicious Miss Dahl BBC 2, 21.30

08:30 Freeride Spirit 08:45 Live China Open Snooker 11:30 Champions Club 12:00 WTA Tennis 13:30 Live China Open Snooker 16:30 WTA Tennis 17:30 WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Live WTA Tennis 20:50 Wednesday Selection 20:55 Riders Club 21:00 US PGA Golf 22:00 US PGA Golf 23:00 European PGA Golf 23:30 Ladies PGA Golf 23:40 Golf Club 23:45 Yacht Club 23:55 Figure Skating World Champs

The Business Inspector FIVE, 21.00

08:00 Charmed 10:00 Nothing to Declare 11:00 America’s Next Top Model 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Canada’s Next Top Model 15:00 Passport Patrol 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Four Weddings 22:00 Cougar Town 22:30 Cougar Town 23:00 Changing Faces 24:00 Criminal Minds

07:30 Home Shopping 08:00 Charmed 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Nothing to Declare 10:30 Nothing to Declare 11:00 America’s Next Top Model 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Canada’s Next Top Model 15:00 Passport Patrol 15:30 Passport Patrol 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next

tv Thursday


Feb- april 26 - March 26 march 1 2010 4 2010

07:00 Breakfast

07:20 Zigby

06:30 ITV Morning News

10:15 Animal 24:7

07:30 Wibbly Pig

07:00 GMTV

11:00 Homes Under the

07:40 Pinky Dinky Doo

09:35 GMTV with


08:00 Green Balloon

12:00 To Buy or Not



to Buy

08:25 Finley the Fire

10:25 The Jeremy Kyle

12:45 Cash in the Attic


13:15 Bargain Hunt

08:35 Kerwhizz

14:00 BBC News at One

09:00 Pinky and Perky

14:30 Regional News

09:15 ChuckleVision

12:30 This Morning

and Weather

09:30 Copycats

13:30 Loose Women

10:00 Planet Ajay

14:30 ITV News &

10:30 The Slammer


11:00 Sorry, I’ve Got

15:00 60 Minute

No Head


11:30 Prank Patrol

16:00 Daily Cooks

14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 3rd and Bird 16:15 dirtgirlworld 16:25 Dennis & Gnasher 16:45 Shaun the Sheep 16:50 League of Super Evil 17:05 Horrible Histories 17:35 Relic: Guardians of the Museum

12:00 Doctor in the House 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Open Gardens 14:30 Car Booty 15:15 Animal Park

Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News

Challenge 17:00 Rosemary and Thyme 18:00 The Alan

16:00 Diagnosis Murder

Titchmarsh Show

16:45 Flog It!

19:00 Granada Reports

17:30 Pointless

19:30 ITV News &

18:15 Escape to the


and Weather


20:00 Emmerdale

20:00 The One Show

19:00 Eggheads

20:30 Tonight

20:30 EastEnders

19:30 Antiques Road Trip

21:30 MasterChef

20:00 Simon King’s

22:30 Have I Got News

Shetland Diaries

for You

21:00 Museum of Life

23:00 BBC News at Ten

22:00 Gracie!

23:25 Regional News

23:20 Coast

& Weather

and Weather

23:30 Newsnight

23:35 Car Crime UK

23:35 Question Time

24:20 Amazing Gracie:

24:35 Nightwatch with

24:35 Lord of War

The Gracie Fields Story

Steve Scott

18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News

21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Bill

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 09:50 Coach Trip 10:20 Hollyoaks Music Show 10:50 Friends 11:55 Leona Lewis Special: Under The Skin 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Location, Location, Location 14:05 British Made 14:20 Sunset Boulevard 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Coach Trip 18:30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Country House Rescue 22:00 Lost Abroad: The Parents’ Story 23:30 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 24:20 Hung 24:55 360 Sessions

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Cower; 4 Learned; 8 Upright; 9 Noted; 10 Test; 11 Bearably; 13 Cord; 14 Race; 16 Assisted; 17 Brag; 20 Talon; 21 Silence; 22 Redhead; 23 Press. Down: 1 Court disaster; 2 Words; 3 Rage; 4 Letter; 5 Abnormal; 6 Notable; 7 Daddylong-legs; 12 Presence; 13 Castled; 15 Ceased; 18 Range; 19 Clap.

23:00 ITV News at Ten

Quick solutions Across: 1 Tread; 4 Crammed; 8 Breathe; 9 Jests; 10 Eats; 11 Delusion; 13 Bare; 14 Knee; 16 Normally; 17 Late; 20 Adieu; 21 Matelot; 22 Nursery; 23 Bated. Down: 1 Table Mountain; 2 Erect; 3 Duty; 4 Clever; 5 Adjourns; 6 Massive; 7 Disinterested; 12 Creature; 13 Barrier; 15 Clumsy; 18 Allot; 19 Stub.

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07:00 Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00 The Simpsons 08:30 The Simpsons 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 UK Border Force 12:00 UK Border Force 13:00 The Biggest Loser: Australia 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 A Town Called Eureka 17:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 22:00 A League of Their Own 22:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 23:00 Bones 24:00 NCIS: LA

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Feb 26 march 26 - March - april41 2010 2010

Cathedral Of The Sea Book Review by

Danny Collins


IN 14th CENTURY Spain a young serf is on the run from his feudal lord: life in the shadow of the mighty Cathedral of the Sea, a magnificent church being built by the poorest and humblest citizens of Barcelona. The fortunes of Arnau Estanyol, who has seen his father hanged for the sin of demanding more bread for the populace, begin to turn only when his courage in battle brings him to the notice of King Pedro and he is awarded a baronetcy. But fate has a cruel plan for Arnau, who must now battle against jealousy and the devastating consequences of a plot against him. This is Charles Dickens and CJ Sansom with a touch of Bernard Cornwell set against a towering

Author: Ildefonso Falcones Publisher: Black Swan (paperback) Price: €10.40 ISBN: 978 0 552 77397 3

mediaeval Spanish backdrop, meticulously researched by one of Cataluña’s greatest modern authors, masterfully translated from the Spanish by Nick Caistor. Like all good historical novels, it’s a whopping 750-odd pages and the reader

is sucked into every one of them. Cathedral of the Sea is a towering and very readable adventure novel that will have the reader enthralled from start to finish. Falcones’ characters breathe off every page. Live the adventure with them.

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

Easter antiques & collectors fair at the SALON CANOR, TEULADA on FRIDAY 2nd APRIL (Easter Friday). This fair has become an increasingly popular local event & is the key fair of its kind in the area. As always the fair promises to be an interesting & enjoyable occasion, attracting visitors of all nationalities. There will be approximately 80 stalls exhibiting a variety

of Antiques & Collectables at prices to suit all pockets. The fair will be open from 09.00 until 15.00 and the parking and entrance is free. The venue, located off the main N332 between Benissa and Gata-de-Gorgos, will be well sign-posted on the day. For more information tel. 96 648 0783 mob. 620 570 627


50 44

FEB 26 MARCH 26 - MARCH - APRIL41 2010 2010


with aunty virus

Keyboard pressure June via email asks: Dear Aunty, my problem is that my security updates won’t download, and each week I have more and more of them (up to 10 as I write).When I switch off the computer at night it is taking longer and longer to finish downloading them. It can be anything up to 30 minutes. I hope you can help me with this. I have searched with my limited knowledge and have got nowhere. Aunty says: Hi June, There are a lot of updates for XP, Vista and 7, and they can take a long time to download and install. If you are on ADSL it is just about bearable, but on a dialup connection it can be intolerably slow. You may find going to the www. microsoft.com/security/updates/ website and do a manual update will give you a more accurate error message as to which particular update is causing a problem. You can view your Windows update history from Control Panel which may also give you a clue as to which ones are playing up. Elizabeth via email asks: I have a problem in printing a booking confirmation. It will not print and the message is “an error off line”. I’ve no idea what this means. Aunty says: An off-line error message usually indicates that your computer has detected your printer software is installed but the printer is either switched off, the USB cable is disconnected or the printer is in off-line mode. Check the USB cable first as this is relatively easy, failing that go to ‘control panel’ ‘printers and faxes’ and right click on the printer icon and see if you can switch it online from there.

Steve via email asks: Hi Aunty, the keypad on our Acer laptop needs more pressure on each key than my wife, a trained touch typist, is used to using. She has problems with characters not registering on the screen, especially when I have turned the sound off using the fn+f8 keys simultaneously. This means that she has great difficulty in getting the sound back on and the air turns a trifle blue. Is there a way

to make the keys need less pressure? My wife suggests using WD40 but I think that would only work on purely mechanical typewriters! Aunty says: I’m not sure about this to be honest Steve. You may find there is an option under ‘control panel’ somewhere or via one of the many Acer applications that should appear under ‘start’ ‘all programs’. Certainly WD40 won’t help as

Spanish scripts Les via email asks: Thank you for your recent advice on Ccleaner which I will try next time I run it (about once a month). Another small problem is that it is very irritating when some UK web pages I contact start showing script or advertising material in Spanish, or worse still present me with a

registration page in Spanish (Paypal for example), which I don’t want and can hardly read anyway. This presumably comes through my computer’s IP address or physical address being read by the web site. Is there any way that I can stop this address info being read? Would operating in Private Browsing be a solution?

Aunty says: You can often get around this automatic location detection problem by using a co.uk or .ie extension. For example, if you type in ebay.co.uk rather than ebay.com it will force the UK and English language site. If there is only a .com version of the website, and you don’t see a link on the site where you can change your location, you may have some success by changing your regional settings through ‘control panel’.

Spam emails John via email asks: Dear Aunty, I have tried to block an address sending me unwanted sensitive subject messages but I have not been successful. Could you please advise or let me know how I can change my Email address.

Aunty says: Hello John. This will depend on what email provider you use and whether you use

webmail or a local email program such as Outlook or Live. I know with Google’s free Gmail you can simply click the ‘report spam’ button which dumps the offending email to your spam folder and sends a report to the Gmail security team who will hopefully flag that address as malicious. To get a free Gmail address simply go to gmail.com and click on the ‘create an account’ button. During the setup change, your location to the US or UK or the Gmail page will appear in Spanish.

you are right in your assumption that computer keyboards are primarily electrical rather than mechanical. You could simply purchase a €15 USB keyboard that your good wife could plug in whenever she needs to type any great amount.


June via email asks: Dear Aunty, I have had AVG8.5 on my Toshiba laptop since I acquired the laptop six months ago. I am perfectly happy with it but in the last week or so a message keeps popping up saying that “time is running out and you have not updated to AVG9 version yet”. When I click on this window it appears to be nothing more than an advert for AVG Internet Security with only a facility to upgrade to this paying version. My question is: are they about to pull the plug on AVG8.5 (and is it therefore essential for me to update to AVG9) or can I just go on happily the way I am and ignore this popup? Would you advise me to update to AVG9 anyway, and how to do it? and many thanks for your help. Aunty says: Your best bet, June, is to uninstall AVG 8 from ‘control panel’ and download the latest free install of version 9 from either download.com or enetcomputers.net.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

FEB 26 MARCH 26 - MARCH - APRIL41 2010 2010

51 45

Are YOU ready for free digital TV? by

Bill Pole

ConeXionS TV Solutions, professional sales, service, support & advice

WELCOME BACK to a new series of monthly features about the world of British TV here on the Costa Blanca. My aim is to keep you up to date with the latest news, products and developments in the field of digital TV. Each month we will cover different items of interest to the local British-speaking expat community, in a plain, easy to understand format. Last month we covered different types of flat-screen technologies. Thanks to so many of you who wrote in offering your thoughts, compliments and questions – keep up the good work! This month we take a look at TDT, or Terrestrial Digital Television on the Costa Blanca, and what it means for you. The current analogue TV signals are being switched off all over Europe, with the permanent move to newer digital technologies. The last signals are due (at the time of writing) to disappear on or by 3rd April 2010. We are expecting a huge local rush in demand for TDT boxes and aerials in the weeks after this date – much better to be prepared beforehand! If you currently watch Spanish TV and are not sure if you have analogue or digital, ask yourself these questions: 1) If I stand outside my property and look at the TV aerial on the roof (not the dish), do the ‘wings’ open horizontally, or vertically? Horizontal wings imply an aerial set up for analogue reception. Vertical wings usually mean digital reception. Don’t let any old fool talk you into spending unnecessary

money on a brand new aerial if you don’t need one. Many newer aerials can be mounted sideways to allow the reception of either type of signal! Rule of thumb: if your TV aerial is less than 5-7 years old, looks in reasonable condition and has ‘wings’ or side-panels, it may well not need replacing – simply adjusting. This alone can save you up to €200! 2) Is my aerial lead plugged directly into the back of my TV set (or VCR) or does it go through a box with a ‘DVB’ symbol on the front? DVB or Digital Video Broadcasting is the new format and means you have nothing to worry about. If your aerial plugs directly into your set, is your TV one of the newer (4-5 years or less) flat-screens? Most ‘HD Ready’ TVs come with an integrated digital tuner, although early models often had the option of a TDT tuner, OR an internal hard disk recorder, OR a DVD player. Again, look for the DVB symbol on the front of the TV set. You might also have a button on your remote control marked A/D or similar, which switches the TV between its built in analogue and digital tuners. Old CRT TVs (the deeper sets with glass screens) which are directly connected to an aerial (without a box) are unlikely to be able to pick up digital signals without adding such a receiver. 3) Does my picture go slightly snowy, or blocky in very bad weather? Snowy pictures are soon to be a thing of the past, relegated to the days of analogue. A blocky picture

means you have a digital (if poor quality) signal. 4) When I change channels, do I get an information bar containing not just the channel number, but also the name of the current programme, as well as what’s on next? These info bars are typically digital. A channel number in the corner of the screen, with no further info, is likely to be analogue. So, you’ve established that you don’t yet have digital Spanish TV (forget Sky, it’s been digital since 1998). What can you do to get ready? 1) Convert your existing aerial, or buy a new high-gain digital TV aerial from a trusted local firm. If in doubt, ask them to install it for you, too. Expect to pay around €200 for a good installation by a qualified technician, including the cost of the antenna itself, the mounting pole, brackets and sundries. 2) Look for the DVB symbol on your TV, to see if you have a digital tuner built in. If so, your new aerial can plug directly into the back of the TV. If NOT, you will need to purchase a suitable receiver - again, best is from a reputable source. There are various types of receiver available, at different prices: standard TDT, HD TDT (yes, future broadcasts will move towards HD), recordable TDT, which often has a USB slot for connecting flash drive sticks to record onto, and even PAY TDT, which features a card-slot for optional pay-TV channels. If in doubt, consult us, or another trusted installer...

SO AFTER ALL THIS TECHNICAL TALK, WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF DIGITAL OVER ANALOGUE? First and most obviously, there are many more channels available on digital than on analogue – expect around 35 TV channels in high quality, and maybe 15 radio channels, again in ‘crackle-free’ digital format. Next, the information provided about each programme and the upcoming schedule is provided digitally on an EPG (electronic programmed guide) at the press of a button. No more hunting for outdated paper guides. Third, many programmes dubbed or subtitled into Spanish from other languages (e.g. Hollywood movies and much, much more) can often be switched BACK to their native language. For many, this has

been reason enough over the last few years to ditch analogue: free movies and TV series, in English? Surely not! To ensure continued viewing of your local Spanish channels in high quality, the time to act is NOW! If this has whetted your appetite, please contact us for free advice and info, or with your questions. We exist to help you make the right choice for YOU, and your family! Next month: Getting the most out of Sky Digital in Spain. What is all this ‘red button’ stuff? How can I record a whole series, even if I don’t have Sky Plus? How can I set multiple recordings on multiple channels while I’m away, and have my Sky box change channels automatically for me, with no added equipment costs? If you can’t wait till then, feel free to contact us to find out more...

Bill Pole runs ConeXionS Digital Satellite Solutions, based in Javea. Established in 1988, they are one of the original satellite TV firms on the Costa Blanca, surviving through our success, customer loyalty and recommendation. Phone them on (+34) 660 638 975 or visit at www.conexions-javea.com for the latest news and special offers.

Spain’s World Cup matches will be broadcast open by Telecinco THE REMAINING games will also be open to all on the Cuatro channel. Telecinco has won the broadcast rights to eight games in this year’s World Cup in South Africa at public auction. They are the opening match, the three Spanish games in the first round, and one match from each of the remaining rounds including the final. It amounts to all the Spanish games should the side go all the way to final.

SuperFast Internet!

For those following other teams, the remaining 16 games in the competition will also be broadcast on an open channel, Cuatro. Sogecable, who had previously purchased the broadcast rights says it is happy with the Telecinco bid, but have admitted it was the only one they received. The amount has not been revealed but Sogecable said it was in line with the conditions of the auction. The sub-licence deal still has to be approved by FIFA.


26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010


Mandatory medicals in the UK & Spain by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

From John in Roquetas del Mar: A few months ago you advised us about changes to the mandatory medical periods, not only in Spain but in the UK. Is there any further news, please? As we all know, the standardisation of the rules across the EU is gradually taking place and at the moment, UK driving licences (UKdl) have to be renewed every ten years for a photo change. If you have a UKdl and you are resident here, this means that when it expires at age 70 or for a photo change, (see the Para (4 (b) date near the photos), you will have to change your UKdl for a Spanish DL and this is quite simple. You can easily do it yourself as I have explained in detail in my book. But the rules have just changed (ref: the new Regulation for the Centros de Reconcimientos) regarding driving medicals. In the UK (to change with a new government later this year) medicals are required only if you have a serious problem, if you drive a heavy or public

service vehicle and for the bulk of drivers with cars and motorbikes, from the age of 70 years. In the UK this means getting a letter from a GP stating that you are fit to drive. This will be changing so that all drivers have to take a similar medical to that taken in Spain for some years now: and rightly so. It looks as if it will be every 10 years from passing the driving test. In Spain, until February this year, it was every 10 years until the age of 45; 5 years up to age 70 and then every two years or one year if for a commercial heavy vehicle licence. The new law requires every 10 years from passing the test up to age 70, then every 3 years until you stop driving, whether by choice or because you are declared medically unfit, etc. Addresses of official clinics where medicals can be taken are at: http://www.dgt.es As a resident here, driving legally on a UK DL, you still have to take these medicals, despite what anyone has told

Changes to medical rules

you. If you are told by your insurance company that it is not necessary, get it in writing on their letterhead in case it is required in court after an accident. Incidentally, when drivers with Spanish DLs take medicals at the clinics, it is easier to get the new DL as the clinic staff take your original Spanish DL and forward it safely to Trafico. In about three weeks your new DL will be forwarded by mail and giving you a DL receipt that can be used should

you be stopped on the road. By the way, it is important that Trafico has your correct address if you have a Spanishplated vehicle or a Spanish DL. I have had phone calls and emails full of woe where expats have been sent fines for speeding but never received them because Trafico had an old address. It costs you nothing to advise Trafico but you need to send originals of vehicle documentation so address details may be changed as appropriate.

No more space: more next week. Email your questions to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com We Buy, Sell & Part Exchange Quality British & Spanish Cars Transfer Documents Completed Competitive Insurance Quotes All cars Fully serviced and valeted


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26 march - april 1 2010


The new Koenigsegg Agera KOENIGSEGG CELEBRATES 15 years of outstanding performance with their latest creation: The Agera – the new supercar to take the Koenigsegg experience to the next level on the road and track. Agera (the Swedish verb ‘to act,’) symbolizes the Koenigsegg philosophy, seeking challenges beyond limitations. The Agera responds well to its name. Development has been evolutionary with the end result maximising the driving experience; cornering speed; braking and adaptability, says Christian von Koenigsegg. A TESTAMENT TO TIME The original shape and concept of the Koenigsegg CC, created 15 years ago, is

still fresh and highly competitive today. The Agera is true to the original philosophy, shape and size of the original CC yet with a futuristic look and feel. Koenigsegg has a lengthy collaboration with Michelin when it comes to tyre development. The Agera program is expected to set new standards when it comes to overall performance - wet as well as dry handling. The Agera is as wide at the front as in the rear, giving good corner balance and minimising body roll. The latest in braking technology incorporates an adjustable ABS system, 392x36 and 380x34 ventilated and drilled ceramic discs, for unparalleled braking performance and zero fade, regardless

of road conditions. Thanks to optimized breathing and Twin Turbo, power is now 910 hp, running on regular petrol. Torque is maximum 1100 nm and is reached at 5100 rpm, with over 1000 nm of torque available from 2680 to 6100 rpm. The new traction control is the fastest reacting in the industry, with auto adapt functionality for different road conditions and driving styles as well as several manual settings. Interior illumination is a World first Ghost Light. The illumination shines through the billet aluminium buttons and surfaces via invisible nanotubes, creating excellent visibility and a clean, stylish appearance framed by an all-new carbon fibre centre console and tunnel assembly. An all new

multi-info cluster information display ranges from basic functionality to G force meter; power meters; Sat-nav; music; lap-timer or compasses – to best suit driving conditions. The interior features the new Agera stitching and seams; beautiful fluidity. Still maintaining the largest luggage space in the industry and the novel Koenigsegg doors and detachable/stowable hardtop, Koenigsegg cars stand out, with the Agera to be produced in parallel to the Award winning CCX and CCXR models. The Agera was on display at the 80th Salon International de l’Auto in Geneva. The pre-production show car will be put through its phases for the coming six months prior to the production launch.


26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

Are you driving illegally on a UK driving license? MANY OF US who drive in Spain do so under a UK issued license and after speaking to Tom Milligan of Legal Solutions, it soon becomes clear that many of us shouldn’t be. If you drive in Spain more than 183 days of the year and have taken residency in Spain, you are obligated to make the change to a Spanish issued license. If you no longer have a home in UK and you travel back and hire a car, you will be committing an offence as the address on your license will be incorrect. Plus if you have to make an insurance claim, potentially this could invalidate the claim, leaving you liable for the damages. This is because in all EU states when you change your address it is obligatory to inform the traffic authority of your new permanent address.

Many people wrongly assume that because the UK licence has the EU flag on it that they don’t need to change it to a Spanish license. The case is when you have been resident in Spain for six months or more, it is obligatory to change your EU British driving licence to an EU Spanish licence with your current address on it. CHANGING OVER Legal Solutions in La Marina have many years of experience in helping people deal with the Spanish bureaucracy, from car reregistrations and trafico fines to ITVs, car insurance and changing your UK license to a Spanish one. Tom Milligan provides a one stop service and deals with the Alicante trafico department on a

Is your licence legal?

daily basis, which is a blessing as most procedures can involve several trips to Alicante and many hours queuing. THE PROCESS You need the following original documents: residencia certificate; recent pardon; passport; both parts of the UK driving licence; medical certificate and two photos. Legal Solutions have all the forms necessary that you can sign within their office. They will present these on your behalf to trafico. Trafico will then seek conformation from the UK DVLA that your driving licence is

current and valid. When trafico receive this conformation they will send you a letter and Legal Solutions will then present your documents a second time; you will then receive a temporary licence valid for 90 days. However, you should receive the full licence within 14 working days. This whole process can take up to two months. If you would like to apply for a Spanish driving license or have any questions regarding trafico or car re-registraion, contact Tom Milligan at Legal Solutions in La Marina, Avenida Londres. Telelphone: 966 796 060 or 600 630 026.

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010


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FANTASTIC PLACE TO ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS. RURAL HOUSE SUITABLE FOR 8 PEOPLE 652 756 085 www. casalastreshermanas.com DOLORES Spanish village house in the country side. 3 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, lounge. 300€ 695923194. 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. Large terrace. garage, s. pool 350€ 695923194. Detached large villa with option to buy 700€ 695923194 CABO ROIG 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 500€ 695923194 CATRAL Semidetached villa. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, utility room, community swimming pool. 600€ 695923194 CALLOSA DEL SEGURA 5 bedrooms villa. 13.000sqm plot. Swimming pool 850€ 695923194 LA MARINA 1 bedroom bungalow 320€ 695923194 GUARDAMAR DEL SEGURA 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 450€ 695923194 /1 bedroom apartment fully furnished 300€ SHORT OR LONG TERM. 695923194 SALADAR (Almoradi) 2 bedrooms detached house. 2 bathrooms, toilette, open fitted kitchen, lounge, utility room, courtyard, terrace & solarium. 4Air conditioning & central heating. 450€ FOR SALE: 120.000€ 695923194 VALVERDE 3 bedrooms country house. Big plot of land. 400€ 695923194 CLOSE TO ELCHE 1 bedroom country house. 320€ including bills.695923194 ROJALES FULLY FURNISHED. New Detached and semidetached villas from 800€ 695923194 WWW.VENDOPISO. COM CABO ROIG BEACHSIDE 1 minute from beach Cala Capitan. Apartments or terraced house for rent. Long term or short term. Tel: 966 773 985 FOR RENT 2 BED 2 bath for rent, fully furnished modern in San Luis, Torrevieja. 635-347-467 DETACHED VILLA FOR RENT 2 Bed villa for rent 1,200sqm garden, high walls private pool. 2 rent 4 short/ long term. Torrevieja La Siesta contact dorothydevos@gmail.com TO LET (LONG TERM) 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom with Pool, Garden & Winter Garden Close To Shops & Beach For Information Ring 966-760-201 or 628-428-313 BLUE LAGOON 2 Bed/ 1 Bath townhouse. Superb views, Large Solarium, open plan new fitted kitchen. Gardens to front and rear of the property. Pets o.k. Please call 663 836 990. Contract provided

FOR SALE OR RENT Classic Spanish Old Town House. 450€ per month. Tel: 609-177-032. (See main advert description under General - For Sale) LARGE APARTMENT IN GATA DE GORGOS 3 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, laundry area. Close to local rail station. 450€ pcm + bills. Tel: 966-482-285. Mob: 679-921-046. ROOM TO RENT IN LOS MONTESINOS big spacious apartment to share. Reasonable rates. Suit single person. References required. Tel: 678-192-099 1 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with large garden & parking, for yearly rental on Camping pueblo, san Javier. Carol 968-192-425/ 626-055-622 Email: haydn47@hotmail. com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool, furnished 300? per month +100? bills. Ring 966-783555/ 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail.com PROPERTIES REQUIRED for holiday lets in Javea area. Free advertising & professional photography 697-432-226 www.javeapropertyservices.com

VISIT OUR WEB SITE WE HAVE THE BEST PRICES!!!!! WWW.VENDOPISO.COM PLAYA FLAMENCA Corner house, 2 bedrooms, furnished, a/c, garden, patio, solarium, immaculate condition, community pool, ONLY 89.900 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com CAMPOAMOR South-facing apartment with 2 bedrooms, furnished, air con, garage, storage room, large balcony with excellent seaviews. 199.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com CABO ROIG Large luxury corner house, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished, large balcony, garden, solarium, south facing, off road parking, community pool. 138.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Detached house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 terraces, furnished, a/c, storage, central heating, sea views, conservatory, sunny side, parking, community pool. 149.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Furnished apartment, 80 m² living area, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, balcony with lovely sea view, terrace overlooking green area, 3 min walk from the beach. 109.000 Euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com

GUARDAMAR Lovely 2 bedroom, apartment, furnished, balcony with sea views, lift, only 500m to the beach and close to the centre but quiet area. 129.450 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLAMARTIN Terraced house, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, large kitchen, a/c, terrace, front and back garden, solarium, storage room, quiet area, close to all amenities. 79.000 euro Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com PLAYA FLAMENCA Terraced house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished, balcony, sunny side, off road parking, community pool, quiet area and close to all amenities. ONLY 109.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com CABO ROIG BEACH Cala Capitan. Semi detached house, 2 or 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fire place, furnished, 2 balconies, 2 terraces, big cellar, great seaviews, 1 min walk to the beach. 239.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Detached villa, 400m² plot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining room, fire place, furnished, nice garden, large storage room and garage, pool possible. 176.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Terraced house, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, guest toilet, alarm, roof terrace, off road parking, community pool, lovely sea views, quiet gated community. Only a short walk to the beach! 164.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com WE ARE LOOKING FOR RESALE PROPERTIES ON THE ORIHUELA COSTA. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOURS, PLEASE CONTACT US. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985

For Rent Luxury 2 & 3 Bedroom (2 Bathroom) apartments in the centre of San Miguel de Salinas, video entry, marble entrance,lift to all floors – underfloor heating, roof top pool,next to supermarket, stunning views From: 385€ per month Call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487


Spacious furnished 3 bedroom apartment for sale in middle of beautiful village. 110m². New kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy all within a couple of minutes walk. Large terrace at back of the apartment overlooking orange groves and balconies off 2 bedrooms. Trastero and private parking. AP-7 3 minutes by car.

€200,000 Tel: 617 893 036 or email kath_poole@hotmail.com


Buyer’s structural surveys, defects reports & solutions Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB. T 0034 962 807 247 M 0034 653 733 066

RIOJA, VILLAMARTIN terraced bungalow, 2 bed, 1 bath. Well presented, garden,terrace, large roof solarium with planning permission for additional bed & bath. Fully furnished, comm pool, close to amenities. BARGAIN PRICE €99,900. Phone 628 932 137. TORREVIEJA 2 bed, 1 bath light and airy corner apartment close to all amenities. Good layout, lounge/diner with balcony overlooking comm pool, american kitchen, fully furnished, lift, communal roof solarium. €84,450 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. PUNTA PRIMA apartment with 2 beds, 1 bath. Secure property with intercom system and lift. 2 balconies, fully furnished, separate kitchen, communal pool, option to buy garages. Now Reduced €78,500 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137

26 march - april 1 2010 MONTEBELLO 3 bed, 2 bath Quad House situated in a quiet road close to local amenities. Good size lounge, a separate raised dining area, and a separate fully equipped kitchen leading to a utility room. The master bedroom benefits from its own private terrace. The property comes fully furnished and has a private garden, off-road parking and a communal pool.€122,500. Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. TERRACE HOUSE IN ROCAJUNA 3 bed, 2 bath property in a secure, gated urb over-looking the large communal pool. Good size lounge/ dining area with a fireplace, fully fitted separate kitchen and a g/f shower room. 2 bedrooms and a family bathroom on the 1st floor, master bed with private balcony. Large 3rd bedroom on the top floor with a glazed balcony, ideal for an extra sitting room or a study. €117,400 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. REDUCED Stunning Detached Villa in Lake View Mansions, San Miguel de Salinas. Good sized bright and airy lounge with built in fireplace, spacious separate dining area and fully fitted separate kitchen.. Very well furnished and decorated and is sold as seen. Large master bedroom with en suite, 2 further bedrooms and family bathroom. Private pool, garage, terraces and a roof solarium with fantastic views. Lovely villa in a beautiful location. JUST REDUCED €199,500. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 TORREBLANCA La Mata top floor apartment/bungalow. 1 Bed, 1 bath, sun room, new fitted american kitchen. Balcony off bedroom with beautiful sea views, use of 2 communal pools. This is an ideal holiday retreat at a bargain price of €64,450. Phone Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 DETACHED VILLA IN BLUE LAGOON San Miguel de Salinas. 400sqm plot. Separate dining room with a beamed ceiling, large lounge and good sized separate kitchen. On this floor there are 2 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. Marble heating, A/C, sat TV. Downstairs are 2 further large bedrooms which have independent access; however the under build can easily be connected internally if required. Beautifully landscaped garden with extensive terraced areas and a large roof solarium with lovely views, garage and a hot tub! €256,000. Phone Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. CREVILLENTE finca currently being used as a B&B business. 2000sqm plot in the countryside with pool and BBQ area. Finca has 3 beds and 2 baths (divided into an owners and a letting suite). There are also 2

cassitas in the grounds each with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom €300,000. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137 VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.pricecrashproperty.com for more bargain properties on the Costa Blanca.

3 IN 1 BUSINESS Large premises (snooker hall, restaurant & bar) Sale or rent. Benidorm 600-302-824.


rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600-247-535 SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz EXCEL AIRCONDITIONING See main ad on page 27. Tel/Fax (Head Office) 966-897-772. Mobiles: 680-154-432/ 676-265-675. Email: excelairconditioning@hotmail. com. All credit/debit cards accepted.

DO YOU WANT TO SPEAK SPANISH? Spanish lessons 652756085 BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ mathematics. Tel: margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687

SKY SUPPLIES Full Range Pace, Thompson, Amstrad digi-boxes. White cards, Fault finding. Dish’s Realigned, sold, wanted. LNB’s. 966-194-013/ 600-899-096 PROFESSIONAL SATELLITE INSTALLATIONS At unbeatable prices. All work guaranteed. 25 years experience. Call Steve 617-911-118. SKY UK ENGINEER Famaval Satalite Dishes, Trade prices from 395?. Sky Sports, Sky HD, Home Cinema. Tel: 965-070-458/ 618-585-051 CRYSTAL CLEAR SATELLITE & TELEVISION Forget the rest go to the best for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660186-505 Ros 965-584-097 www. ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com SKY FREE TO VIEW Small dish & mesh upgrades, yes back on 90?. BBC, ITV, CH4 & lots more. Also installations/ repairs. 10 years. Torrevieja. 679-876-926 UKTV SPAIN Reliable Satellite Technicians, Installations, FaultFinding, Sky Contracts arranged, Freesat cards.Tlf: 689-205-137/965-888-348. DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Largest supplier and installer of famaval satellite equipment on the costa blanca. A genuine registered company with genuine registered premises. Mon-fri 8:00- 4:30. Www. digitalsatsystems.com 965-852251/ 965-866-999/ 965-854-528/ 966-804-748 (or see our main ad in the tv section)

GENERAL BUILDING AND GARDEN MAINTENANCE No job to small. Reliable service. Competitive prices. Tel. 671442998

ALL PLUMBING central heating & Aircon work undertaken including installation of your own units. Re-gas and full Aircon service ?49. Trade work also. 965-638-529/ 618-036-611

INTERIOR PAINTER One bedroom property from 135€. Two bedroom property from 200€. Three bedroom property from 265€. Fast, reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info. tel: 634-793-984

SPANISH LINKS LTD Low budget door to door fast collection & quick delivery removals or storage. Weekly reliable service. Full or part loads and even small deliveries. Spain/ UK/Spain. Credit or Debit cards accepted www.spanishlinks. co.uk Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839 GRAHAM’S TRANSPORT 24/7 Deliveries, Collection. Spain- UK- Spain or any where in Europe. Reasonable rates. Storage facilities are available in Spain and UK. Tel: Lyn or Graham 661-752-010/ 0044-7733-329-305 STORAGE/ VAN HIRE/ REMOVALS First class storage facilities north and south CB with free access, low cost van hire with or without driver, local and international removals, boxes and packing materials for sale. Call 965-681-605 CB south or 965-760-111 CB North www.securistore.com MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email van. man@hotmail.co.uk BMC TRANSPORT High volume box van, deliveries, collections 24/7 All types of work undertaken, full or part loads UK and Europe covered. For a professional and reliable service call Sue daytime/evening 620 044 983. MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly

RELIABLE TRANSLATION SERVICE in Torrevieja, Orihuela Costa and surrounding areas. Fluent Spanish and English for any personal or administrative assistance. Tel 685-647-906 TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743048 www.pooltechspain.com


26 march - april 1 2010

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966-774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@ pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools.com

Chef required for busy pub / restaurant in Villamartin plaza. Good rates of pay. Full time only

Contact Albert 606 775 913 or Roy 606 690 973

70€ PER DAY electrical handyman, gardens, painting. Benidorm to Gandia. 676-842-815 TAXIS OMEGA airport transfers in the Costa Calida. Tel: 605-871-331 email: taxis_omega@yahoo.es PALM & TREE TRIMMING and removal. Also all garden maintenance carried out. reliable service. 619-336-762 ENGLISH HANDYMAN AVAILABLE plumbing, roller shutter blind repairs. Odd jobs. IKEA assembly. Tel: 646-236-291 WILLS BY UK QUALIFIED MEMBER of Society of Will Writers. Dual UK/ Spanish recommended. Home call service. Wills Trusts. Probate, Powers of Attorney, etc. Tel David Richardson 966-188-941 ALARMS all types including grillguards extensions repairs and servicing. Tel: 966-797-370/ 600-237-223 DRESSMAKER/ DESIGNER Also alterations. Tells:686-453-827/ 965-771-397 WANT YOUR GROCERY SHOPPING DONE FOR YOU? Javea to Benidorm Area. 9am to 8pm, Call one day in advance. Contact Lynn 620-526-263 or Email:maitailynn@hotmail.com GUALIFIED TRADESMEN Air Conditioning. Satalitle TV installation, plumbing, electrical, boilers, fencing, painting, balustrades, tiling & general maintenance. Small jobs welcome. Torrevieja surrounding area. Tel: 965-328-361/ 680-934-549 WELD IT RITE Mobile welding/ repair service, Metal carpentry/ Fabrication projects. Time served & quallified. tel: 966-490-338 Mobile 638-479-467 Email iwanegan@hotmail.co.uk (Moraira based)

WOODWORM, BORING BEETLE, OR TERMITE problems? Call Woodtech now on 625-160-325 COCKROACHES, RATS, MICE, WASPS OR HORNET problems? Call Pestkill now on 625-160-325

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966-470-163/662-570702.

Jennifer Cunningham Expats Services require an English/Spanish speaking person to work in the Javea office. Good selling ability necessary, confident on the telephone and computer literate. Apply with CV to info@jennifercunningham.net

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/ uppgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424

26 march - april 1 2010

motorbikes and Scooter for reasonable Price and quick service open 7 days Tel: 680-644-010



LOOKING FOR A CAR? FWREUROCARS might just have what your looking for. Quality left/ right hand drive vehicles, saloons - MPVs - Vans - 4X4’s - commercials - sports - Performance - Cabriolet. Ring Frank on 600-726-221 or 965-687-976 or check out our website www.fwreurocars.com

MERCEDES A CLASS 17” alloy wheels X4 with good tyres, 205/40- Z17, complete with studs. Excellent condition. Fit most mercedes with 5 stud fitting. 325? ONO. Picures and details. Tel: 962-838-529 Oliva MERCEDES C240 AUTO ELEGANCE estate, Dec. 2001, W203 model, 119,000kms, LHD, Spanish Reg, Recent major service, service history, fully loaded, beautiful car. 12,750?. Pictures and details. Tel: 962838-529 Oliva WANTED RHD UK REG large estate car/ MPV, diesel, year 2000 onwards. Realistically priced. 965-976-756/ 637-994-096 IMPORTING YOUR CAR need headlights. Contact www.headlights4u.com Tel: 966-875-497 or 618-592-396 WANTED UK registration right hand drive cars. Immediate cash settlement. Please phone Rod 687-434-950 or 966-462-089 CARS WANTED cars/ vans bought and sold, uk or spanish upto 3000? cash today 678-808-837 WANTED BRITISH OR SPANISH CAR 4X4, Van, Caravan. Etc. Immediate cash. Buyer going home. 600-781-873

REPAIR & SOLD & BUY Pickup from your home second hand


or call 666 888 870

PRACTICAL INFORMATION ISBN No. is 978-84-611-9278-6

MOBILE HOME PLOTS AVAILABLE IN PINOSO Fantastic mountain views, large swimming pool, 10 minutes to Fortuna hot springs, 24 mins to Nueva Condomina. Plot size 200spm. Tel: 620-761-643 CARAVAN WITH BEN EISLER CONSERVATORY Sleeps 4 on permanent site near Benidorm. Fully equiped, plumbed in. Site rental 286euros monthly. Video on YOU-TUBE. for details Tlf617-923-578 or 670-668-518. 7000GBpounds or offers MOBILE/ PARK HOMES from 18.000? tv, A/c, Tel, Some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, Tennis, bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier. All amenities, 3km beach & hospital. 7 mins murcia airport by car. Also bungalows to rent. Carol 968-192-425/ 626-055-622. Email: haydn47@ hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com


FAMILYBIKEHIRE.COM HireSales-Repairs. The largest selection of bike hire equipment on the Costa Blanca, free delivery and collection. Tel: 966774-598/ 655-338-066. See us at WWW.CostaBlancaBikeHire. COM (Spanish registered)

We Want You Enthusiastic and commited sales people wantedto work on commission only basis, must have own transport, if you can close adeal and have a desire to work for an established company call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487

AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit yo. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520 EXPERIENCED SALES ADMINISTRATOR required for our busy office in Benitachell. Full Time position, smart appearance, Spanish language an advantage, call Rose or Millie on 966-493-082 www.milliemunro.com DRIVER - MALE 35, FULL CLEAN LICENSE 1 year exp. of driving in Spain, cars - 3.5tons. Available for work, please call Warren on 615-201-182. CAR SALEMAN WANTED must have at least 5 years experience in used cars. Torrevieja area. Please enclose a recent photo. Email CV to automabiles@live.co.uk ANN SUMMERS PARTY ORGANISERS WANTED Earn ?40-?50 per night with NO OUTLAY! Call Anne 966-462317 or 675-860-665 or www. spanishsummers.com TELEMARKETERS WANTED for our Moraira office. Must be able to speak Spanish. Tel 965-050-200


26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

LINE DANCING every Friday, absolute beginers 11.00AM12noon. Improver intermediate 12Noon -1.30PM. Bar Patricia’s, Torreta’s Torrevieja. New classes commencing 30th March @ Vistabella Gold Club 10,00am12.00. Call John or Amanda 606-783-989/ 688-611-789 SINGLE IN SPAIN? DON’T BE! www.iwant2meetyou.com Spain’s No1 online dating site. Bringing Ex-Pats and other English speakers together BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA?s. NEW VENUE: Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres 34, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7.00pm10pm: New Beginners class Monday 10.30am - 12.30pm. Also at the Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant at La Zenia roundabout: TUITION, Beginners Wednesday 8pm - 10pm; Beginners Thursday11.30am - 1.30pm; Intermediates Friday 11am - 1pm. Tel: Andrea or Brian 616 478 157

DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free full memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es

LUKE 36 offers 1 hour full body massage to ladies and gents. Home visits, discretion assured. New advert opening offer 35€. 681-266-077 EUROPEAN SOPHISTICATED LADY 30 blonde, blue eyes, so sweet, soft for a sensitive relaxing massage and more. La Zenia 10 Min Torrevieja 600-784-461 NACHULI IS BACK!!!! Passionate Argentinian 43. Unforgettable experience. Tantric massage. Protate massage and much more. Nice atmosphere. Privacy. La Zenia 10 minuets from Torrevieja. 617-709-701 NATACHA divorced very sexy erotic complete massage. Private apartment. Discreet and hygenic. Call La Loma 97, near Avda. Habaneras. Torrevieja centre. 677-676-554 JADE my new 21 year-old blonde British girl friend is wearing me out, please help. Men, women and couples - she likes it all. I can join in or you can have her just to yourself in private. In addition we have a selection of our own home made DVDs for collection or by post. Call Steve 697-892-969 ENGLISH LADY 42 Provides various services for mature gentlemen. Torrevieja 685-436-065 SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA Near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40?, full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412. THE WEATHER MAY HAVE COOLED but Tanya is still hot! All inclusive 40?. Tel: 626-324-088 GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021 ATTRACTIVE MATURE ENGLISH LADY For escorting, dinner dates

& more. My Villa is between Torrevieja & Alicante. Also available as an m/f couple. Call (0034) 648-676-277 NEW GHANA & SPANISH LADY slim, tall & nice body. All services. 634-318-386 NEW 2 BLACK LADIES nice body, big breasts. All services, massage. 24 hour escort service. 600-064-423 SEXY MALE MASSEUR offers pleasure to women. Treat yourself to an experience of pure indulgence and desire at my villa. Safe and discreet. Call Sebastian 663-478-337 SEXY COUPLE together or seperate offers erotic pleasure to couples, woman, men. Also girl on girl enjoyment. Visit our apartment, relaxed and discreet, or we come to you. Call Jasmine/ Sebastine. 663-478-337 COUPLE 40’S seek females for adult fun. Torrevieja area, low rates. Tel. 689-133-384 JAVEA, MORAIRA East European lady, super erotic massage and more. 661-034-261 Hotel & Home visits GOOD FUN 62 year old Dom/ Sub switch, specialising in males, cross dressers. Loves the more mature woman and great fun with couples. Low rates. Full body massage and much much more. 655-058-554 FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842. NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40?. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118

SOLO GUITARIST/ VOCALIST seeks work, blues & Country. In bars etc. No set price. Pay what you can afford. Tel: Charlie 691-622-804

“REIKI TERAPHIST” Alternative therapy which treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects; relaxation, feeling of peace, security and well being. Fantastic results are reported. Monica Peral in La Zenia 626-726-861 close torrevieja

PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing / domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English Call Centre now to find your nearest Meeting. 900-818-794 CREATIVE NAILS Creative acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

YORKSHIRE TERRIERS 5 month old, beautiful & healthy youngsters, vaccinated, adult weight 4 kilos. Bargain at 275€ each to caring homes. 616-965-833 SMALL DOGS CARED FOR IN OUR OWN HOME so if you need to go away on holiday but don’t want your dog to go into kennels then we will look after them. References available on request. Call Diane and Trish: 965843781 or 622514980 (Altea Area) PETZBACK HOME LTD Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK. Travel in our petmobile with your pets for free (subject to availability). Or treat yourself in one of our air conditioned luxury vehicles with our fully chaperoned Limo Service. A regular, reliable and safe service. Defra pet passport advice given. ww.petzbackhome.co.uk Credit or Debit cards accepted. Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 ENGLISH BULLTERRIER PUPPIES for sale full pedegree, English stock, both parents can be seen. Deposits now being taken. Call 966-193-470/ 689-645-946 HOME FROM HOME caring dog boarding with experienced owner in my rural home near La Marina. No Kennels. Inspection welcome. Tel: 616-459-599 NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 LABRADOR MIX PUPPIES 8 weeks old, looking for a loving home! Must come see! Call Jodie on 622-244-613. PARK & BARK small friendly British kennels, individual runs, large excercise area, 25mins Alicante airport. www.parkbark. co.uk Tel: 628-244-712 TRANS-PET SPAIN-UK door 2 door service, professional driver with pet care experience, kennels and cattery, passport service. Contact Sharon

965-960-658/ 600-552-030 www.trans-pet.co.uk or sharon@trans-pet.co.uk DEANACAONA BOARDING KENNELS & CATTERY Social training for dogs. Home delivery and collection service. English trainer. Balsicas, 10 minutes from San Javier. Tel 639-286-428 www.deanacaona.com

WANTED FULL SIZE CELLO Phone 669-594-461 DINGY The SAMM Catamaran Group is looking for a fibreglass rowing boat about 10 feet long. Any condition considered. Please contact mike 968-572-315

DRIVER - MALE 35, FULL CLEAN LICENSE 1 year exp. of driving in Spain, cars - 3.5tons. Available for work, please call Warren on 615-201-182. HOUSE/ PET SITTER AVAILABLE July & August, UK - Spain. Call Gail 669-126-281.

WANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Instant cash payments. Furniture, electrical, tools etc. Tel John: 626-918-833.

Ideal Lights Spain “Energy saving LED lighting solutions” CALLING ALL BUSINESS AND HOME OWNERS! By swapping 10 standard halogen spot lights like you may have in your kitchen, bathroom or office to our LED lamps, you will save over €2500 in power costs. That’s a fact. We have an excellent product range and our LED lamps can last up to 10 times longer than energy savers. They look better too! Phone us now for a free energy saving report and a 10% discount on your first order.

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26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

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2nd Hand Furniture bought for cash 966 723 437 or 965 720 817 OZ KENNELS 968 431 265 OR 968 431 590 Hoppy is a 3 year old (approx) Tibetan spaniel He was found outside our kennels with a broken back leg but has now had his operation had has made a full recovery,he is a loving and funny little boy but is jealous of other dogs as he wants all the love,would make a good companion for an older couple

APAH CONTACT NATASHA ON 616 210 850. Sandy is an 18 month old medium sized, mixed breed male. He is a really lovely dog. Gentle and trusting, he has an awful lot of love to give, and needs someone to give it to. Sandy would make a fantastic companion dog as all he wants is someone to call his own! To arrange to meet Sandy or any other APAH dog, please contact Natasha


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EASY HORSE CARE RESCUE 96 596 7033 or 652 021 980 George used to bite his stable door, so his owners cut off his teeth with an angle grinder! George is safe now, but many horses are still suffering. Help us end the cruelty. Open days Wed & Sun 1pm-4pm

JOE THE CATMAN 96 671 9272



pretty, 3 year old Husky Cross who needs a loving new home because her owner is very ill indeed and can not keep her. If interested please call Linda tel: 965725794 www.animalaidcostablanca.org Gracie and Macie are two beautiful sisters. Born in September 2009, they were found as tiny kittens in a sewer pipe. They are very loving towards each other, but also get on well with other cats. It would be wonderful to be able to home them together, rather than have to separate them. To arrange to meet Gracie and Macie or any other APAH cat, please contact Yvonne on 630 422 563.

new home. If you would like to adopt Kia, or any of our other cats/kittens please call. See our website http://aldea-felina. blogspot.com. LYNDA - 648100629

K9 Club 676 447 682 k9club@lamarina.info www.petsinspain.info

Harry was thrown from a moving car so is nervous in and around cars. He has a face only a mother or father could love, but is very loving and kind. He is fully vaccinated, neutered and housetrained PAWS LINDA ON 646 645 035

Jo is a beautiful boy of around 6 months. His owners have to move back to the UK and can´t take him with them so he needs someone to love and look after him. He is a sweetheart and will make a loving companion. If you are interested in Jo, or any of the cats or kittens that we have, please contact Linda on 646 645 035

DESIREA, female, Shelter since 14.10.2007 Spaniel Cross, DOB approx. Oct. 2006 – 45 cm She’s rather like a jack-in-thebox and is continually ready for affection and a game. Desirea would like to have a sportive family who would have a lot of action with her. She walks well on the lead and she is very fond of water Benji is a 3 year old Podenco X. He gets on great with other dogs and is also fine with cats. He’s very, very loving towards people; he was brought up with children and has a great sense of fun. Benji has been neutered and vaccinated. He desperately needs rehoming asap as his owners are returning to the UK and cannot take him.

Mastine Pups 3 Purebred female Spanish Mastine puppies, 9 weeks old. Fabulous breed, loyal and loveable. Must be a lover of large breeds for thiese little beauties.

Urgent! Baños de Fortuna. Female dog, German Shephard type, 9 years old, ca. 25kgs, 21 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all her vaccinations, shy and loving. Male dog, large mix-breed, 4 years old, ca. 25 - 30 kgs, 28 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all his vaccinations, friendly and loving. Owners must return to England for assisted living and cannot take the dogs with them. Call Ayisha or Michael at 968 685 837

DANDY and BEEZER are two cute three month old brothers who were found in a field in Dolores. They are playful terrier types who enjoy the company of people and other dogs. Although brothers they don´t need to be homed together. Dandy and Beezer have had all their vaccinations and are micro chipped.

Rocky is a gorgeous blue Persian type boy in need of a loving new home. Please call Joe (the Cat Man) on 966719272 if you would like to meet Rocky. Lucy is a small Yorkie cross was found outside the house of one of our volunteers in Catral. She is 18 months, she has a quiet temperament, she is housetrained and very good with cats and other dogs.


26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010

The final whistle With Andy Kay

Is Bobby Fabio’s man?

Zamora scoring another goal for Fulham

THERE’S A growing feeling that England coach Fabio Capello could well inclue Bobby Zamora in his World Cup squad for South Africa. If so, it would represent a huge turnaround for the Fulham striker. Often ridiculed during his spell with West Ham, Zamora stroked in his 17th goal of the season in midweek, and a magnificent finish it was too, with Capello watching from the stands. Elevation to the senior squad would be a huge reward for Zamora, who four years ago, turned down the advances of Trinidad and Tobago, feeling that he had the talent to feature for the country of his birth rather than that of his father. Fair play to him: he’s gone from missing barn doors to banging on Capello’s. A RETURN FOR SIR CLIVE? Why is it that the RFU seem to be happy living in their own little bubble? Despite widespread criticism of the England coaching team from some of the most respected writers in the business and ex-captain Lawrence Dallaglio, they maintain that speculation about their elite rugby management is unwarranted and unsubstantiated. Surely they can’t be happy with the way the national team has gone since that glorious day in 2003 when England returned from Australia with the World Cup? Indeed, there are now reports that Sir Clive Woodward, who wanted to radically overhaul English rugby soon after securing the Webb Ellis trophy, could well be asked to do just that, albeit 7 years late. Wouldn’t that just sum up the suits at Twickenham? Seven years down the drain because they wouldn’t support the man who had delivered the greatest prize in the sport. SPINNER SWANN

Groundhog day Elche Ilicitano 2 FC Torrevieja 1

NOT FOR the first time this season, FC Torrevieja squandered a one-nil lead on their travels on Sunday and returned to having a player sent off in what is now becoming the local footballing equivalent of ‘Groundhog Day.’ Torrevieja’s Director of Football, Tommy Taylor, scrambled for words afterwards to describe it all, but said that, “We should have converted early pressure and chances into goals,” and… “The other team kept the ball better.” In fact, both outfits hardly lifted spirits on a damp Sunday lunchtime, in a match that will not live on in many memories, except for the fact that there was no admission charge to watch this particular version of the so-called ‘beautiful game’. Torrevieja, though, did look the better of the teams in a lacklustre first half. But as on similar occasions during the season, they just did not press home what advantage they had,

especially in launching attacks, which often had timidity and a lack of ambition about them. Corcoles, back in the side, had the best of the first half chances. After the interval, Torrevieja got the important first goal: a Cristian Green header in the 54th minute from a Ramiro cross, with the Elche defence looking static. Elche’s response was to make a series of substitutions that eventually woke them up from their comatose state, as Torrevieja failed to press home their advantage. With the novelty of keeping a full team on the pitch the previous weekend, the fans were able to return to the weekly sweepstake to find out which Torrevieja player would get his early marching orders. The turning point in the 71st minute featured the regular man of the match, Aurelio, who bundled down one of those Elche substitutes, Pachu, in the penalty area, and was shown the red card. The spot kick was unconvinc-

Junior strikers

Sport needs characters and English cricket has got one in Graeme Swann. Not only that, but the spinner, who has a nice line in post match press conference quips, has got himself up to number two in the ICC bowling rankings. He performed beautifully in South Africa and continued his good form on the recent tour of Bangladesh. English cricket has been crying out for a match winning spinner for years and Swann has answered the call. He will be a key man in the next Ashes series and could well end up being the difference between the two sides. DRAPER LTA chief executive Roger Draper insists that Britain doesn’t need a big name as coach of the Davis Cup team. And he’s right; because appointing the next man will be the same as taking on a new deckchair attendant on the Titanic. British tennis spends £27 million a year on grass roots projects and Andy Murray aside, a player who didn’t even come through the LTA system; they have failed to unearth another genuine World class talent - and spectacularly so. After defeat to Lithuania, Britain now finds itself just one defeat away from ending up in the lowest tier of international tennis. Rather than worrying about the identity of the next captain, perhaps Draper should be more concerned on providing the new man with some genuine playing talent.

Motorcross third round

Junior strikers THESE ARE exciting times for Junior Strikers Football School, as they are now competing in the local children’s Vega Baja Football League. Junior Strikers has been running for two years and continues to go from strength to strength. They currently have two teams in the league: an under 10’s Benjamin Team and a under 8’s Pre Benjamin Team. Junior Strikers have gained local support and sponsorship from three companies here on the Costa Blanca, Discount

Electrical Appliances, Quesada Fish & Chips and 8 Ball Leisure.com. Junior told us, “To get support from three great local companies is fantastic and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for being a big part in the Junior Strikers Football School progression.” Junior Strikers also offer holiday football schools and fun filled football parties. For further info about Junior Strikers Football School please visit www.juniorstrikers.com

Action galore in Galicia Swann takes another wicket

ingly converted by Raul against the new keeper, David, and Torrevieja were then right on the back foot. It was no surprise then when Elche got their winner just six minutes later. A telling cross from Pachu for a spectacular header coming from the Cameroon player, Obele, as the Torrevieja players stood as statues. Successive away defeats in poor matches against struggling sides have done absolutely nothing to lift the spirits or hopes of the Torrevieja fans. Tommy Taylor said, “It was a bad result and we need to be getting points from all of our remaining matches for the rest of the season to avoid relegation.” Taylor’s comments come as something of an understatement and FC Torrevieja will certainly have to raise their standards significantly this Sunday. Promotion hopefuls Gandia roll into town for a 17.00 kick off at the Vicente Garcia stadium.

Celta Vigo 1 FC Cartagena 0 By Steve Hibberd GALICIA, NORTHERN SPAIN, was the venue for FC Cartage-

na’s latest div 2a fixture, which they unfortunately lost by the odd goal in an exciting ‘end to end’ battle. But it could have been so very different had a Toche goal inside the 1st minute not been ruled out for offside, although video replays proved that he was a good yard onside. Lowly Celta tested keeper Ruben with powerful long range shots, marginally missing the target twice within the first 5 minutes. Moreno twice came close to opening the scoring for Cartagena - first when he just failed to get onto the end of a low cross, then shortly afterwards his header eased over the bar. Toche had a great opportunity to add to this season’s tally of 15 goals, but when faced with a 1 on 1 with Celta’s keeper, he shot straight at his opponent. Celta scored the game’s only goal on 32 minutes, through a delicate cross into the path of Trashorras, who hammered the ball into the back of the net from just inside the penalty

area. The visitors had the lion’s share of 2nd half action, with sub Victor twice (correctly this time) being denied goal scoring opportunities by the assistant referee’s flag. It was Toche who once again came close to scoring, but his firm header just missed the target.

Celta Vigo had the last word, when Ruben brilliantly blocked a Damilo power drive with his out-stretched legs. FC CARTAGENA LINE UP: Ruben Txiki Etxeita Cygan Clavero (Signorino) Mariano Longas Balboa (Tato) Toche De Lucas Moreno (Victor) FORTHCOMING FIXTURE On Sunday 28th March KO 12.00 (midday) Cartagena play host to near rivals Elche at Cartagonova Stadium in another div 2a match.

THIS WEEKEND saw the third round of the Community of Valencia Motorcross Championships in Benicarlo Castellon. On Sunday 21st March, a damp and foggy morning, local lad Joe Lester of Alfaz Del Pi, after two exciting races, took overall 2nd place putting him only 8 points off the lead in the championships. Joe would like to thank his sponsors: Tindale and Stanton; RTN and Alfaz Motorcross Club. If you would like to see the action from the races, click onto mfcv.org and then onto ‘Television FMCV reportajes 2010.’ Next round: 2nd May 2010 in Alcora.

26 MARCH - APRIL 1 2010


Noel’s world of golf Maggots end Fishing Costa Blanca round-up


Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891


REGULAR READERS of this column in RTN will know that for many months now I have been banging on about the price of green fees on the Costa Blanca and how they relate to other golf holiday destinations. For a few years now many others and I have thought that the price of a casual green fee here is far too expensive. I know as well anyone else that all our golf courses have to make a profit. The vast majorities are businesses that have shareholders or are family owned businesses that need to make profits to pay wages. For some time now I have felt that the prices of green fees are being kept artificially high. I have my own idea of who is responsible for this but cannot get enough proof to name the organisation responsible and boy would I love to get that proof! I have been after this organisation for a few years because I think they let the golfing community on The Costa Blanca down badly. After speaking to many people who work in the golf industry in recent weeks, I am sure that many feel the blame lays where I think it should. There is one question I would like to ask our readers: is it just a coincidence that many of our local golf courses start their prices from the same level, around €80 per player? We all know that from this starting point there are various percentage discounts applied for societies with the actual discount applied, to vary depending on the size of the society and the number of times in a year that they may visit. I have recently persuaded a few of our clubs that they need to review their prices and was with the manager of one when they received a telephone call from someone who accused them of devaluing golf on The Costa Blanca because of their actions. I am certain that I would not have been told of this telephone call if I had not been

present at the time it was received. To say that I and the person with me were flabbergasted is an understatement. Sadly, because of the position I am in, I have been sworn to secrecy about this conversation and had to agree to not divulge who was on the other end of the telephone when this call was made. I would love to tell everyone who was behind the call but I would be cutting my own throat here on The Costa Blanca and would almost certainly be ostracised if I did. My family likes where I live and I don’t fancy having to start again somewhere else, so for the time being I will keep my promise. Rest assured though that if I ever get the chance to divulge the information I have I will do so without hesitation if it does not affect my family and their lifestyle. The amazing thing, though, is that the person who made the call is involved in society golf on The Costa Blanca and actually contacted a club where a society meeting was prebooked to ask for a reduction in the already agreed price or he would be forced to cancel the booking. Is that two-faced or am I being naïve here? For some reason I want our beautiful part of the world to be enjoyed by as many people as possible and I want our local golf courses to prosper and that is the point of this article. Let’s get into the real world and see the local golf courses actually compete as rival businesses as they should. Maybe if they do we will see the golf tourists return and we can see growth return and the numbers of business failures begin to decline. The number of British tourists and residents is reducing at an alarming rate. Something has to be done to arrest this decline. The answer is not to be found in golf alone but golf can do its bit. It is amazing how many small businesses rely on the golf industry to make a living: if golf is not thriving on The Costa Blanca it is because there is better value for money to be found elsewhere. The big question is: will the course owners ever learn that we live in a very competitive World now and they must change their ways or sink into oblivion? Competition is good, it is what drives countries to be successful and able

to provide stable conditions for all its residents to enjoy and prosper in. Competition on the Costa Blanca would be a great thing for all us golfers who feel that prices are still too high.


The European Tour and the Ladies European Tour went to Morocco last week. Rhys Davies of Wales took his first tour title and having threatened to do so in the last few weeks, no one should have been surprised. His final total of 25 under par was very impressive and gave him a two shot victory. The European ladies found the going a little tougher. Germany’s Anja Monke won the Lalla Meryiam Cup by one shot from Carin Koch. The PGA Tour continued its adventures in Florida at The Transitions Championship. Jim Furyk picked up the title from KJ Choi by just one shot after a difficult scoring day, thanks to the blustery conditions and fast greens. Luke Donald was the best of The Brits in 6th place.


To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@ roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 26th MARCH 2010: Who was the winner of the 2009 Open de Espania? A. Thomas Levet B. Miguel Angel Jimenez C. Alejandro Canizares All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 29th March 2010 to be entered into the draw to be made on 29th March. The winner will be announced in RTN on April 2nd 2010.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com


Exemption: European Tour, Cat 15, Rank 0 Exemption: Seniors Tour, Cat 4, Rank 65 Residence: Ascot, England Date of birth: 09/02/1949 Place of birth: Bathgate, Scotland Height and weight: 5ft 9in 12st 7lb (175cm 79kgs) Family: Wife: Lesley (m.1974); Children: Kirsty (1976), Jamie (1977), Laura (1987) Interests: Keeping fit, reading, dog walking Web Site: www.profsports.com

ENDED A three year wait for his first Seniors Tour title when he won The 2002 Mobile Cup at Stoke Park. Took up golf at the age of 11 and after a brief amateur career, during which he won the 1967 Scottish Amateur Open Stroke Play Championship, he went on to become one of the leading figures on The European Tour during the 1970s and 1980s. Started his professional career by winning the 1968 Sir Henry Cotton Rookie of the Year Award. Altogether he won 13 times in Europe and eight times elsewhere with his banner year in 1969, when he became the then youngest winner of the Harry Vardon Trophy. In the same year, Gallacher also became the youngest man ever to represent Great Britain and Ireland in The Ryder Cup, a record that has subsequently been beaten by Nick Faldo, Sergio Garcia and Paul Way. He went on to compete in eight Ryder Cup Matches before becoming the non-playing Captain of the European Team in 1991, 1993 and 1995. GOLF QUIPS Golf is probably the only known game that a man can play for as long as a quarter of a century and then discover it was too deep for him in the first place. TOP QUALITY COACHING WITH NOEL Noel is a member of The World Golf Teachers’ Federation. Call him on 639 730 891 to book a coaching appointment and tell him you got his number from RTN for discounted rates.


David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS AND REELS THIS WEEK’S match was the final in the 1 to 1 Car Hire series. It has been a series of 4 matches with all scores counting. The match was held on the Eden canal stretch of the Rio Segura. The river had fined down and looked good, with the flow as normal. However, looks can be deceiving. The current leader and second place angler both blanked, leaving the overall winner to come from down the field. Although a few pegs fished reasonable well, the majority of anglers struggled for a few fish. Despite Tony Price catching some good fish, he also paid the price. Halfway through the match, he latched onto one of the resident animals that lurk up and down the stretch. After playing it into clear water, the fish decided to head for the weeds again. Remembering his ‘Mr Crabtree’ books, he gave it some side strain but to no avail, not only losing the fish but also to have a rod of two halves. I believe his Mr Crabtree book is in the bin! TOP RODS ON THIS PATCHY DAY 1st Terry (Swing ‘Em) Screen, fishing the pole, using maggot with 6.80 kilos 2nd Bill (The Master) Reade, fishing the feeder, using maggot with 5.18 kilos 3rd Dave (Yours Truly) Hoare, fishing the pole, using maggot and bread with 4.86 kilos OVERALL POINTS 1st Bill Reade with 17 points 2nd Dave Hoare with 22 points 3rd Clive Cleghorn with 29 points ANGLERS TOGETHER IMPORTANT MESSAGE: The Friday Campoverde meetings will now be held at Marys Bar/ Restaurant. Taking the CV 925 from Pillar de la Horadada, turn right at the 1st roundabout into Pinar de Campoverde,then first left and follow the slip road (past Fibber Mcgees and Lounge Bar 6) until you get to the next parade of shops. Mary’s Bar is the 3rd / 4th unit up. The next meeting will be held on Friday 9th April at 12.00. The Puerto de Mazarron meetings remain at Los Galayos bar/restaraunt on the paseo adjacent to the beach. The next meeting will be held on Saturday 10th April at 12.00. Work is still continuing on the Rio Segura at Murcia but is still fishable. Embalse de Pedrera: the water level has risen dramatically and is over the road at the broken bridge and still rising. At present the road by the bridge is some 8 -10 feet under water. Sweetwater: the final dredging has taken place and the works personnel have cleared the surrounding road of all the silt that was deposited there. However, there are still workmen there. The banks are now angled and swims need cutting in! Anglers Together continues to grow as a club with many friendships formed over the past 3 years. Many members fish together regularly and say they are pleased that they have taken up a sport that they once followed in their youth. We have the occasional organized outings but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding fishing venues. The joining fee is €10 for new members and €5 for renewing members. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Dave. (Alan is away on his annual trek to Oz). anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or telephone Dave Hoare on 968 199 279. TIGHT LINES, DAVE HOARE


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.