Your English Newspaper
Issue 549
See pages 19 & 31
23 April - 29 April 2010
The great escape A glimpse of Sun-shine
STRANDED BRITS and a touch of the Dunkirk spirit have seen thousands beat the travel chaos caused by airlines being grounded as the skies were closed over northern Europe. Volcanic ash may have seen civil aviation authorities shut down British and European airspace but true grit and quick thinking has got peo-
by Jack Troughton ple homeward bound. The eruption of an Icelandic volcano came as families were preparing to head back to the UK at the end of the Easter holidays. With all flights cancelled for almost a week and plane journeys
backed up for some time to come after the ban was lifted on Wednesday, alternatives were needed. Visitors on the Costa Blanca were joined by people heading home from across the globe as planes could fly into Spain but not continue further north. The Spanish government allowed its airports to
become a ‘hub’ but a logistic nightmare remained over how to complete the journey. Some airlines were criticised for a lack of information and help to stranded passengers and Gordon Brown was targeted for doing too little too late. Continued on page 3
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