RTN North Edition 551

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 551

Win tickets to Terra Natura! PAGE 42 NORTH EDITION roundtownnews.co.uk

07 - 13 MAY 2010

Ideal Lights Spain

“Energy saving LED lighting solutions”

Save money and brighten up your life with LED lighting from Ideal Lights Spain


Dale and Jeanette Henshaw

See page 17

Heartbreak home DETERMINED COUPLE Dale and Jeanette Henshaw are still fighting to build their dream retirement home nearly quarter of a century after buying a plot of prime Costa Blanca land. They fell in love with Spain and in 1986 bought land on an approved development commanding breathtaking views over Javea and began to plan for the future. However, fate intervened. When the Henshaws were ready to start

by Jack Troughton building a villa on Phase III of Urbanisation el Tosalet they were devastated to learn it was now impossible to gain planning permission. Dale and Jeanette have continued to battle. “We bought in a development area and retroactively they changed everything.” And for 24 years they have always paid taxes – including the bin tax

– and the community fees owed to Tosalet. They worked in the oil industry around the world, and finally retired in 2008 but live in Dallas rather than Spain. Dale explained: “My career necessitated that we move from country to country but we were not concerned because we knew we have an idyllic location in which we would finally build a home and retire.” Jeanette added: “Unfortunately because we are now in our seven-

ties, it seems we will be dead before we get to live here. “We have returned to Javea 12 times to try and sort things out. Stupidly, we always leave with a smile on our faces because we still love it.” The Henshaws planned to build a home on the hillside with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a family room, downstairs bar, games room and study. “The plans have been drawn, redrawn and redrawn.” Continued on page 3

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07 - 13 MAY 2010

continued from front page PLOT 714 on Calle Ficus cost the equivalent of £12,000 in 1986. A similar parcel of land with planning permission could bring a conservative £150,000 at today’s prices. EMPTY

Originally, the urbanisation had 140 plots. Dale said 112 homes were built and later some people erected buildings without planning permission. Their land and three neighbouring plots stand empty except for pine trees and undergrowth. “Perhaps I am old fashioned but I believe in the legal route,” said Dale. “However, something is wrong. Why

should we be penalised for having purchased a parcel of land in an urbanisation that was approved for development at that time. “Suddenly at the end of the 80’s or beginning of the 90’s, another council decided to suspend development. No one in the council contacted me. No one in the council offered to purchase my plot of land and repay my expenses.” The Henshaws have been told the situation is “temporary” and the town hall was working towards an “imminent resolution.” WAIT

But they are still waiting. Promised deadlines for a green light to build have come and gone. Jeanette said: “It is always the carrot.

We are assured that in a little bit it will be fixed – it has become a farce and it is a crazy situation. “We will not stop our fight. We have spent a lot of time fighting over the years to get what we want and we are really fed up – all we want is peace now.” They have been told that a solution may be to include the plot in Javea’s new general plan and once again grant planning permission. Dale said they still failed to understand why they should be penalised and the council must insure well intentioned foreign investors were not taken advantage of. “I have to be given planning permission or sell the damned thing – but I cannot sell it now when you can not get permission to build.”


Jellyfish alert

A Man of War jellyfish washed up on the beach

By Jack Troughton FLAGS WERE hoisted at Costa Blanca beaches last weekend warning of the danger of the potentially lethal jellyfish, the Portuguese Man of War. The coast was on alert after a number of specimens were sighted

and the authorities ordered the warning flags be raised at Benidorm and El Campello. However, there have been no further sightings of the jellyfish and coastal currents are being monitored to assess the potential risk.

Cheaper parking The empty land

New m oo showr pen, now opm in 9am-1a Port Jave

RESIDENTS AND businesses of Benidorm have been promised a card scheme to allow them cheaper year round parking in the resort. The scheme – which could be implemented in the New Year - was announced by the town council and aimed at “those who reside throughout the year in the municipality or have a fixed workplace.” The town hall is also looking to investigate extending the use of ‘blue zone’ metered parking bays to ease the current parking crisis.

07 - 13 may 2010

Valencia footballer runs car into pedestrians

THE PORTUGUESE footballer, Miguel Brito, who plays for Valencia, hit two elderly ladies while driving his car last Tuesday on his way to a training session. The incident took place in the town of L’Eliana. Brito says he was driving round a roundabout when he was forced to swerve suddenly because a van stopped in his path. Consequently, he veered onto a zebra crossing where the two women were walking. Neither of the women received serious injuries, but both were taken to Valencia hospital.

City’s first dedicated breastfeeding room opens LOCATED IN the ‘Modas Sara’ shop in the City Centre of Torrevieja, the city’s first ever dedicated breastfeeding room officially opened this week. The shop, located on Calle Comercial Canónigo Torres, opened the facilities after the owners realised that breastfeeding mums had nowhere in the city where they could privately feed their babies. Thanks to the collaboration between the Town Hall and the shop owner, it was agreed that the shop would be the best location for the room and in December last year the agreement was signed. The room has been fully endorsed by the General Manager of Torrevieja Hospital, Luis Barcia, as the hospital is actively promoting the benefits of breastfeeding to new mums and their babies.

Youngsters encouraged to say “NO” to drugs

THE TOWN HALL of Rojales launched a campaign this week to encourage all youngsters in the municipality to say “No” to drugs. The project has been instigated by the Department of Youth at the Town Hall and a team of experts were drafted in to discuss the dangers of drugs

The room is easily accessible for mums with their prams and is ideally situated in the city’s main commercial zone. It is also free to use. As well as being a clean, comfy and private place in which to feed your baby, the facility also has the use of nappy changing equipment, a microwave to warm up food, highchairs and bottle warming equipment. AIR YOUR VIEWS

Do you like the idea of being able to go somewhere private to breastfeed your baby and would you like to see more places like this to be opened, or, do you think that you should be able to breastfeed anywhere and that there isn’t a need for rooms like this? Email your views to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and we’ll print the best replies in next weeks paper.

to pupils from the secondary school. Earlier this week, at a special presentation, which was attended by all pupils at the I.E.S. La Encantá, experts including psychologist Nieves Padilla, informed the students of the severe consequences of drug taking, the health implications and affects that drugs

The City’s first ever dedicated breastfeeding room is in the Modas Sara shop

have on the body, as well as the benefits of a better quality of life should they choose to avoid drugs. The presentation was then followed by a debate involving the youngsters, aimed at making them aware of the massive social problem that exists as a result of drug use.

Psychologist, Nieves Padilla, talking to the students

07 - 13 may 2010

Residents take direct action RESIDENTS OF the Sierra have tired of waiting for the Ayuntamiento of Altea to clean their streets and have taken it on themselves. Last month, the Avenida Principal was cleaned, and this week saw the second phase of cleaning, which includes Calle Bernia and Calle L’Agret. A spokesman for the Asociación de Vecinos said that although residents in the Sierra pay some of the highest local taxes, they receive very little by way of services. The roads in the Urbanizations have never been included in Altea’s cleaning contract and are so neglected that plants and small trees

have started to grow in the verges. The problem is that the current PSOE controlled Ayuntamiento still owes the cleaning contractor €4m; a debt inherited from the previous PP administration. Until this debt is paid, a new cleaning contract which would include the Sierra roads cannot be signed. After many years of trying to persuade the town hall to take action, the Asociación has decided to pay a local gardener to undertake a one-off cleaning. The spokesman said, “The cleaning is not our responsibility, but discussions have got us nowhere. We decided it was time to act.”


This week saw the second phase of cleaning

Police Chiefs from around Parking contract clamped the world meet in Benidorm by Jack Troughton

The fight against organised crime is under discussion. Benidorm is playing host, as part of the events to mark the Spanish EU Presidency, to a summit on international crime. Chiefs from Interpol, Europol and Sirene are all in the town to discuss organised crime and how best to coordinate the response against it. The meeting started on Wednesday with 160 police chiefs from 40 countries in at-

tendance. As well as those from the EU there were invited guests from the United States, India, Mexico, Turkey and Colombia. The Spanish Judicial Police Commissioner, Juan Antonio González, told the press that under the current world order, there are ‘new risks and threats which can collectively or individually affect the citizens of all countries’, going on to name terrorism, and drug and people trafficking.

Ash blamed for tourists numbers The cloud of volcanic ash from Iceland has been blamed for a drop of ten points in hotel rooms in Benidorm last month,

with some fifty thousand overnight stays less than was expected. This in fact left the occupancy rate at 68.2% when last year it was

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77.6%, but according to the Benidorm Hotel Association HOSBEC the figure for the first fortnight of this month is expected to be 71.6%

Private business was not entitled to public cash as compensation for the poor use of two controversial underground car parks, a Valencia government body ruled this week. The Consell Juridic Consultiu (CJC) said the arrangement between ECISA – awarded a 30-year concession to run the facilities – and Javea Town Council was “damaging and devastating” to the local authority. The body’s report examined a clause which required the town hall to compensate ECISA if the two car parks did not achieve a minimum occupancy of 85 percent. The CJC was asked to investigate the situation by PSOE spokesman Jose Chulvi as Javea prepares to start paying over millions of euros from town hall coffers. It is a victory for the opposition councillor who has always questioned the legal validity of the agreement between ECISA and the council – and an embarrassment for Mayor Eduardo Monfort, of the nationalist BLOC party, and Partido Popular ally Juan Moragues. The pair maintained that the council had no alternative but to pay 20 million

euros to bring the car parks back into public hands or pay 1.5 million euros compensation every year they under performed.

INTEREST However, the CJC said the 85 percent clause was “very high” and helped “insure” the benefits of the concession taken up by ECISA “at the expense of public interest.” Further, it was ruled the agreement did not comply with the Law of Contracts which required ECISA to bear the risk of building and running the car parks in Javea’s historic Old Town. Mr Monfort was urged by the CJC – and promised its support – and examining the infamous clause so the town hall did not shoulder the risks. A jubilant PSOE insider told RTN: “The CJC has fully endorsed the legal validity of Jose Chulvi’s insistence that ECISA is not entitled to compensation for the underuse of the two car parks. “It will certainly be highly embarrassing for Mr Monfort and Mr Moragues who have previously indicated that Javea Town Hall would have no alternative but to pay out millions in compensation.”


07 - 13 MAY 2010

New AVE train to slash travel time on the coast

PLANS FOR new high-speed (AVE) rail lines connecting Alicante and Valencia were unveiled last week by the Minister for Infrastructure, Mario Flores, the general director of the corresponding AVE Section, Vicente Domine, and the Mayor of Alicante, Sonia Castedo. The ‘Suburban Plan’ will see a total investment of €3.9 billion, an additional 139km of track and provide rail access for 10 additional towns. The project is a joint initiative between the Ministry for Development and the government. Once the link between Alicante and Valencia is built, plans are to then connect Benidorm with Madrid; the journey should take just 125 minutes. Stops between Alicante and Valencia will be in El Campello; Benidorm; Benissa; Teulada; Dénia; Gandia and Cullera. Other sections of track are to be built to connect Xátiva and Alcoy (with stops in Albaida and Ontinyent), and also San Vicente del Raspeig to Villena (with stops in Novelda, Sax and Elda).

Is Torrevieja to be twinned with Melbourne? A DELEGATION from the Melbourne Rotary Club visited the Torrevieja Town Hall this week and met up with the Mayor, Pedro Hernández Mateo. The delegation was accompanied by the President of the Torrevieja Rotary Club,

Hail storm causes havoc The N332 came to a standstill after Monday’s hail storm

THE N332 CAME to a virtual standstill on Monday afternoon as the Costa Blanca was battered by a hail and rain storm; the likes of which have not been seen for many years. The spring storm started just after noon on Monday and by 15.00 the area had been savaged by the heavy rain and unusually large hail stones; so much so that many car drivers had to take shelter under road bridges due to the force of the stones landing upon their vehicles. RTN was driving from Torrevieja to Alicante on the busy coastal road when it came to a halt just after the junction for La Marina beach. The road Juan José Hernández Pascual, who is interested in officially twinning the cities. The Mayor was delighted to meet the delegates and said that he is looking forward to more intercultural exchanges between the cities. He welcomed the young professionals to Torrevieja, which he described as being ‘very similar to Melbourne’. He said that both cities were cosmopolitan and shared the same welcoming and open policies and have historically

was completely covered and it looked as if it had been snowing; with several inches of hail stones on the road surface. The hail significantly affected local citrus, fig and pomegranate crops and farmers are still trying to ascertain the extent of the damage to their future harvest. Oranges and lemons were also damaged and citrus dealers have said that the next harvest will be significantly reduced, with economic losses ‘considerable’. The ice also caused damage to the vineyard grapes of La Murada and various other varieties of fruits and vegetables. The storm severely

both been accustomed to receiving citizens from all over the World; with more than 120 nationalities registered on the city’s ‘padron’. The Australian contingency agreed and the President of the Melbourne Rotary Club, Ken Vázquez, thanked the Mayor for his The time and the excellent treatment that Australian they had received from the Town Hall. delegates He then presented the Mayor and other with the Town Hall officials with various typical Torrevieja Mayor Australian gifts, including a boomerang.

disrupted towns throughout the Vega Baja including Almoradi, Dolores, San Fulgencio and up to Rojales and Guardamar and the ice also covered the Alicante city beaches. Further north in Benidorm, the Levante beach was covered by a cloak of white hail. AIR YOUR VIEWS

Is this year the worst weather that you have experienced since living here in ‘sunny’ Spain? Do you think this is caused by Global Warming? Email your views to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and we’ll print the best replies in next weeks paper.

07 - 13 may 2010

Career opportunity 8

07 - 13 may 2010

by Jack Troughton TEENAGERS NOW have the opportunity to sample the communication skills needed for a successful career in the world of public relations. A Costa Blanca school is the first in Spain to offer students the chance to study for the Chartered Institute of Public Relations’ Foundation Award. Laude The Lady Elizabeth School is offering the prestigious course seen as a key into a major industry employing nearly 50,000 people with a turnover of £6.5 billion in the UK. The chartered institute (CIPR), the industry’s professional body, has responded to public demand and developed the A Level standard award. Headmaster Richard Wijeratne said: “It is very exciting to be the first school in Spain to offer this qualification in PR, a profession which is becoming such a popular career choice for young people today.

“We hope that having this qualification under their belt will help our students as they compete for university places. “However, whatever career path students choose to follow, the communication skills taught by the Foundation Award will help them understand how the media works and how to influence the press.” Chris Tucker, who runs her own PR and media training consultancy and was previously Director of Public Relations for Barclays Bank – working on campaigns involving Nelson Mandela and the late Diana, Princess of Wales, is teaching the course. Students will learn “practical skills” such as writing a press release; discovering what makes news and how to interest a journalist in what they have to say; how to create a good picture for print, the right sound for radio and what might interest television. Chris, who will lecture at the school in November, hopes pupils from other schools will

Chris Tucker

apply to take the award and said: “Working in PR is one of the top three career choices of university graduates. WORK “And of those who choose to study the subject as university, 77 percent found work in

Kilo campaign

By Jack Troughton SUPERMARKET GIANT Carrefour is helping the Alicante Food Bank replenish stocks by helping stage a ‘kilo campaign’ today and tomorrow. The recession has meant more people have relied on charities like Caritas for

the industry within six months and one in five began on a starting salary of more than £20,000: the average PR salary is £46,000.” For further information contact Chris on 659 653 694 or email tucker.chris@hotmail.com or visit Laude the Lady Elizabeth School website.

help which depends on the Food Bank, while the homes run by EMAUS also depend on the vital service. Volunteers will be collecting dried foodstuffs at the supermarkets in Finestrat and San Juan from 10am until 10pm and Carrefour has undertaken to double the amount of food collected in a repeat of last year’s successful operation.

Job creation ALFAZ DEL Pi has announced five new public projects made possible with an award of 2 million euros under ‘Plan E’ which could create up to 70 jobs. One of the biggest



schemes is the building of a day centre for the elderly – the first in the municipality – while the social services’ offices will be expanded and improvements will be made to ac-

cess all local government buildings. And money will also be available to help protect the Roman baths at Albir, viewed as an important archaeological site.

Got a story? 902 118 999

07 - 13 may 2010


07 - 13 may 2010

Jack Tweed visits the coast JADE GOODY’S widower is forever in the headlines in the UK and to say that he has not had an easy time of it recently is an understatement. As well as tragically losing his wife to cervical cancer last year, after being married for just a month, Jack Tweed has recently endured a spell in prison on remand for rape, of which he was cleared last week. He is also constantly being stalked by paparazzi photographers, who follow his every move and after spending several months on a curfew, wearing an electronic tag, this week he flew out to Spain with a couple of friends to enjoy his first holiday abroad since he lost his wife. On Wednesday, RTN met up with Jack and his friends Mark and Joshua, who plays Championship football for Scunthorpe United and is an England under-21 player, for an exclusive chat. Mark and Joshua are the nephews of Eddie from Eduardo’s Restaurant in Villamartin and it was at his restaurant in the Plaza that RTN met up with the UK’s most famous widower. SUNSHINE

Jack came across as a very grounded and down to earth young man and it is hard to believe that at just 22 years of age he has

Jack with Eddie from Eduardo’s alongside Eddie’s nephews and Mark and Joshua

been through so much. On the day that RTN met him it was announced in the British national press that he had been so depressed whilst he was in prison facing a charge of rape, of which the trial jury took just 15 minutes to clear him, that he seriously considered killing himself. Jack told RTN: “I don’t really want to talk about that now here. I just want to say that I am happy to be here in the sunshine, enjoying some time out with my

mates. I want to try to put everything that has gone on during the last few months behind me and start again.” The lads, who are all avid West Ham fans, planned to spend the remainder of the evening watching Manchester City play Tottenham Hotspur in the penultimate match of the Premier League season at one of the neighbouring bars in the Plaza; following a delicious meal at Edu-

ardo’s. Jack continued: “My mates have been there with me throughout the last two years and I owe them such a lot, so it is nice to be here and spend some quality time with them and their family, who have all been really welcoming.” The lads plan to spend the next few days in the area and then will travel down to the Costa del Sol to take in the sights down there.

Monos perform at first coastal Youth Festival LAST SATURDAY saw the first ever celebration of the youth on the coast. The event, organised by the Association of Young People of Orihuela Costa (AJOC) in collaboration with the Department for Young People at Councillor Orihuela Town Hall, took place Playa Flamenca. for Youth, The Councillor for Youth, Jose Manuel Cutillas, officially opened the Jose Manuel fiesta. He told RTN: “We are very happy with the organisation of this Cutillas with event and appreciate all the time and commitment AJOC has put into some of the the festival. It is very important for the young people on the coast to children

have events like this and we intend to make this an annual event. The activities available today have catered for children of all ages as well as young adults and we at the Town Hall intend to work closely with AJOC in the coming months to ensure that the young people on the coast are given the same opportunities that their counterparts in the city enjoy.” To end the event, the amazing Monos performed to a packed crowd and a DJ was then on hand to play some ‘rocking tunes’ into the early hours of Sunday morning.

07 - 13 may 2010



07 - 13 may 2010

Flower power by Jack Troughton

Parcent in bloom

THE STREETS and houses of a Marina Alta village were becoming a blaze of colour this week ready for Saturday’s flower festival. Displays of flowers and plants will transform Parcent and large numbers will be on sale to the public. And the festival will once again raise money for a number of charities, including the Friends of the Children of EMAUS, the Spanish cancer charity AECC, and animal charity Amigo Mio. Parcent’s popular restaurants and bars

are also joining in the fun with specially priced menus and craft stalls and children’s attractions will insure an enjoyable family days out from 15.00 until late. Local bands The Rates and The Brink are performing at the festival from 21.00 until 01.00 in Placa Colon. Deputy mayor Jacqui Cotterill said the town hall fully supported an event which attracted visitors to the area. “It was a great success last year and we look forward to people visiting again this year. “We are happy that people come to discover this beautiful village and what rural tourism has to offer in a lovely part of the area.”

Policeman in child sex abuse scandal

A CHILD of South American origin, under the age of 13, has filed an official complaint saying he was forced to perform oral sex and masturbation on a policeman in the toilets of a shopping centre near Barcelona. The Catalan police have now arrested the accused officer, who is on bail and suspended from duty. The officer admits to having been in the toilets with the child in the Cornella de Llobregat shopping centre, but says that the boy consented to everything that happened.

49.3% want crucifixes in class rooms

RESEARCH BY the BBVA Foundation found 49.3% of Spaniards are in favour of Christian crucifixes being displayed in class rooms; 24.1% are opposed whilst 26% don’t care. In comparison, only 38.1% accepted that Muslim head-dresses should be allowed in schools - 49.6% were opposed. The resistance to Muslim symbolism is highest in the older generation.

Immigrant dies on motorway

A 20-YEAR-OLD immigrant man was attempting to enter Spain illegally by hiding under a lorry and clinging to the axel, but he fell and died. The lorry was passing through the tollbooths on the AP-7 motorway at Manilva in Málaga last Monday evening when the man lost his grip and was run over by the truck. This is the second time an immigrant has died while trying to enter Spain this way.

07 - 13 may 2010

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07 - 13 MAY 2010

Snake oil Cameron I refer to the letter from Jack Johnson (Snake Oil Cameron), which is in fact repeating recent comments made by Gordon ‘the lady’s a bigot’ Brown, and not his own thoughts, and must reply. Like every ex-pat, I have been the following the pound (not just its value against the Euro) over the last 18 months since Gordon Brown single-handedly ruined the British economy for many years to come (he says ‘I saved the World’ - a horrible joke). EVERY time the pound rose against the Euro or US dollar, a government spokesperson would immediately make some comment which would cause the pound to fall back again (I sent letters to papers regarding this). Gordon ‘horrible grin’ Brown has repeatedly said that “A weak Pound would help the recovery...” a misguided comment he made again in one of the recent TV debates. Even poor Jack Johnson must realise that the Pound’s recent rise is... because Gordon Brown is about to be kicked out of No. 10. Bert Esses, La Hoya

Excellent treatment I would like to sincerely thank the staff of both the Torrevieja and Benidorm Levante Hospitals for the excellent treatment my husband received after suffering a subdural haemorrhage recently. The quick action taken by the doctors at Torrevieja Hospital, I am sure, saved my husband’s life. The fast transfer to the Levante Hospital in Benidorm and the subsequent operation he had there cannot be faulted. Both hospitals were clean and the doctors and nurses were very efficient and should be praised for their kindness and care. He is now on the road to recovery thanks to their quick diagnosis, skills and treatment. Many, many thanks to them all. Jean Elcoat, Los Balcones


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Electric cars

I read with some interest the article recently in your paper re: electric cars. It seems to me that the powers that be miss out on one important factor: electric cars are too expensive for a lot of people. Bring the price down to a level somewhere near the price of a normal car and people might be interested. One way to do this is with a payment like the ‘old car payment’ (i.e. €2,000). I am sure there are other ways that the trade could also help. Also, a model that would only do a limited amount of miles (ideal for shopping etc) say 50 or 70, between ‘chargings’. This would help to bring the cost down to make it more affordable for a family man and pensioners and should also help to keep down the cost of insurances as it does not need to be a fast car. I am sure other people have some more ideas to add to mine. John

UK non habitual resident Further to your story about the way in which Lorraine Marsland has been treated by UK DSS, my daughter was treated equally as badly. She used to work as a prison officer and then with disturbed youths as a key worker since leaving school, never claiming any benefit. She was attacked twice; the second time quite badly and had to give up work. She came to live with us in Orihuela for 5 years after which she felt confident enough to return to work in the UK. She has met with a brick wall at the Job Centre and been classed a ‘non habitual

resident’ - hence no JS allowance or any other assistance, until they decide she is resident again. They would not even give her money to attend job interviews she had managed to get. She has seen the attitude of staff towards her and similarly others yet they are handing money and other benefits hand over fist to immigrants (illegal or otherwise). We are struggling to help her with the weak pound, leaving ourselves short. It does not pay to be British - you get nothing. Phil Bulman

Spanish bank charges May I point out to your readers that EU law specifies that transfers of Euros between private individuals within the Eurozone, using the IBAN & BIC/SWIFT facility, should be completed without bank charges at either end of the transaction. It is, I think, high time that account holders started to complain to their banks that this law is being totally disregarded (in Spain and also France). I was alerted to this law several years ago because it was introduced by the Dutch banks on the first day that such free transfers became a statutory requirement.

Like the British, the Dutch will always charge for something if they can. More recently I received a leaflet from HSBC (UK) which states: The EU has introduced regulations to align charges for local and cross-border payments within the EU. This means that cross-border eurodenominated payments for Euros €12,500 or less, sent quoting the correct IBAN and BIC, will not incur charges. Further, my own UK bank confirmed this to me over the phone but hastened to remind me that although they are in the IBAN zone, they are not in the

Eurozone and consequently are free to charge for cross border transfers - as we all know too well! A Spanish bank charges €3.50 (€1.75 to each party) for an Internet Euro transfer within Spain; more for a cross-border one. One can avoid all these charges by using a Euro account based (for example) in Holland to pay Spanish bills. This situation is scandalous and I suggest that it is high time that the consumer reacted. We all have to win this battle, whatever the health of the Spanish banking system. Yours faithfully, John G Deacon, Jávea

HELP helped us Our Mum recently fell in the bathroom and it was some hours before she was found. Luckily she is a member of Help Murcia Mar Menor. When Joan Mitchell, one of Mum’s friends, called at the house she realised something was wrong and went to Elaine (president) and Brian Dale’s house to let them know the situation. They acted very promptly and immediately contacted us. We found Mum distressed and freezing cold on the floor. She was taken by ambulance to Los Arcos, where she stayed for over a week undergoing substantial tests. Had my mother lain on that floor all evening and into the

Sunday morning, she may not have survived. She was visited by hospital visitors from HELP MMM and whilst she was there, we managed to arrange essential alteration works to her bathroom to ensure her future safety, the work carried out by reputable builder Paul Wallwork. Help MMM arranged a wheelchair, commode and walker and also provided contact numbers for various disability items and safety bells. The care in both the Hospitals was second to none and we have all of the above people to thanks for our Mum’s well being. Kathy and Jayne (daughters)

More good than bad

Through your paper I would like to thank the very kind gentleman who saw my distress on Saturday at the filling station opposite the Torrevieja Hospital. It strengthens my belief that there is more good than bad in this world of ours. My sincere thanks to him.

8-14 JANUARY 07 - 13 MAY2010 2010


Last week we asked for your comments on Iberdrola and the schoolgirl who was banned from wearing her hijab, here are some of your replies. I READ with interest your article on the Iberdrola Subsidy; yet another example of legalised crime in Spain. This is really just the tip of the iceberg. I run my own property management business so unlike most people, I have to continually deal with Iberdrola and all the other utilities and services. With the introduction of monthly billing, Iberdrola brought in a system which in no way benefits the consumer as they only take an actual reading every 2 months if you are lucky. We have one client who had 6 estimated bills in a row - bills of €70 or more in months when the property was empty. This IN MY experience you get these 16-year-old ‘legal’ loudmouths in female form, Muslim or not, trying to take over a class with their immature posturing. When they are taken into a school there is an implicit and often explicit, contract to abide by the rules as they stand. Problems arise when you have the case of weak heads not backing the staff in upholding school policy against disruptive parents and their kids. In this instance, the Head appears to have stood up for the school and the discipline required for good teaching. From Jack Martell, Calpe I LIKED Harry S’s stir on VAT/IVA. We can all now get back the IVA that has been charged on the fuel duty we pay on petrol etc. Some hope! Jack Martell, Calpe SO HERE we go again: when will Muslim people just try to comply with regulations in the workplace and schools? They should realise their attitude towards their adopted country is little more than scandalous. Apparently they show no wish to integrate - only to infiltrate, so if they don’t like the rules they should leave. I’m sure nobody will detain them against their wishes. Should Najwa be allowed to wear her Hijab? No Jorge ONE SHORT reply: You go to a Muslim country and try to wear what you consider your normal clothing, or air your views, and you will end up in jail. DO THE SAME HERE: make them abide by our rules. P Bulman, Orihuela

is just one example. In another case an owner was charged nearly €200 based on the corresponding month the previous year. Legally, Iberdrola are required to read a meter twice a year. So if for any reason a direct debit payment is refused by the bank, someone could actually be cut off for not paying a bill for an amount that they should not have been charged for in the first place. We were also told that a meter reader encountering a ‘Beware of the Dog’ sign may just walk away, my personal favourite: if the meters are on an urbanisation with locked gates they will not be able to read the meter. Yet when someone is

RE NAJWA wearing a ‘hijab’ - surely this should never have been an issue. She and her family knew the school rules when she enrolled at the school but true to the Muslim way of thinking (just keep chipping away and we will get our own way) they accepted the rules at the onset but then started on the first leg of the usual trend, i.e. to change things to the Islamic way of life. On this occasion the Spanish school authorities have not let her get away with it BUT how many other authorities in Spain will give in? Apparently she has now moved to a school that is 40% Muslim; this is something that Muslims want - to brainwash schoolchildren into changing the western way of life

to be cut off, Iberdrola employees develop ‘Ninja’ like qualities to gain access! The final con is the never ending reconnection charge. We had an owner cut off in October for a missed bill back in June, even though subsequent bills had been paid. We paid the bill on her behalf. She was then disconnected and reconnected 3 times over the next 6 weeks. The same owner has recently paid another bill, only to be cut off and is facing yet another reconnection charge. When dealing with various Spanish authorities, logic, fairness and the remotest glimmer of common sense doesn´t feature.

The prediction that the U K will become an Islamic state by 2070 seems to be more obvious as time goes on... Recently a British nurse was banned from wearing a crucifix she had worn for more than 40 years. Within a few weeks the hospital authorities changed the rules about wearing clothing below the elbow: This can be allowed in Muslim cases to protect Muslim women’s modesty’. And this rule can be bent so that Sikhs can wear religious artefacts. My house in the UK has been up for sale for six months; I’m selling because I’ve had enough and want to move to Spain. Hope you feel it’s correct to print this, yours sincerely John Thompson UK online reader

ONCE AGAIN a child is allowed to dictate cultural changes and alter laws, rules and school disciplinary procedures. This is just one of the first cracks in the visibly weakening Spanish culture as a result of the Moslem march for domination. To my knowledge, there is no scripture requiring a female to dress in such a manner; it is purely a matter of choice. Several of my Muslim friends have confirmed this fact. They further said – “why now?” After all, she has been at school a long time? This is just another foolish acceptance of ‘intruder law’ and a clash of wills. This girl will be over the moon at beating the establishment, encouraging further moves along the same lines. One class and style of dress in schools is designed to try to cut out ‘separatism’, so that all look equal and nobody gets singled out, apart from being smart and proud in a school uniform. The Spanish judiciary must fight this type of thing with all the power they can command. JED


07 - 13 may 2010

Victory for Team North at El Plantio by Louise Clarke THE GOLF FACTOR, sponsored by RTN and Bay Radio, continues to produce incredible results for the four lucky schoolchildren chosen to participate in our unique golf scholarship with a whole year’s tuition with RTN’s Noel Eastwell, chosen as one of the World’s Top 100 Coaches of 2010/11. Last Monday, taking advantage of a break from school, the kids competed in the second North versus South challenge at the magnificent El Plantio Resort just outside Alicante. The four lucky students, Sam Curtis and Charlie Little representing Team South and Natasha Woodhams and Max Beard representing Team North, arrived for their 15.00 tee off time only to be greeted by a tremendous thunder storm, complete with hail, which closed the course for over an hour. Thanks to the efforts and hard work of all the staff at El Plantio the course became playable soon after the rain eased and play started just 10 minutes behind schedule, with the course in a condition that all participants and coach Noel had nothing but the highest praise for. DETERMINATION

The format of play was to be medal play with the two net scores of both players in each team added together to produce the total score. Starting off in heavy rain, all four competitors found the going tough for the first two holes until the rain eased. After a few nervous shots that saw more than five golf balls lost in the first three holes, all four Golf Factor kids quickly warmed to the task. The determination to win in all four of them was evident and some very good golf followed.

The Golf Factor kids braved torrential rain for the second North vs South Challenge

The first nine holes passed without any further incident and there were some really impressive shots from all four participants. All the work that Noel has done with them since January was clearly evident as par after par was reeled off and at the turn, the net scores were level with all four on level par; which was very impressive in wet and windy conditions on such a great test of golf. TALENT

The second nine holes saw Team South forge a healthy lead after the first four holes only for Team North to come storming back on the last five. Some fine recovery shots and good putting saw the teams quickly draw level. The final three holes from Team North were the telling factor as they came home in two under par. The final score saw Team North finish at ten over par with Team South’s total of

seventeen over par. At the end of a thrilling day’s golf, all four of the RT N/Bay Radio scholarship winners felt they had learned a tremendous amount from one of the World’s top golf coaches and were already looking forward to the next challenge match later in the year. The final word on the day’s proceedings went to Noel, who congratulated Sam, Charlie, Natasha and Max on the progress they have made under his coaching and the great spirit the challenge was played in. Noel’s admiration for all four was summed up when he said; “Working with people with such a talent is a rare treat and I am really impressed with the quality of the children in our scholarship, they all have big futures in golf and have the ability to go as far as they want to.” RTN and Bay Radio would like to thank El Plantio for all their efforts and hospitality towards Sam, Charlie, Natasha and Max.

Spain accused of overfishing

THE ENVIRONMENTAL group Greenpeace are calling for Spain to stop “plundering” the oceans. They say that Spain’s fishing fleet is using substantial EU subsidies to fund un-sustainable fishing methods. “Despite a collapse of European fish stocks and decades of promises to reduce capacity, Spain’s industrial fishing has actually grown, fuelled by EU subsidies and short-sighted Spanish policies,” says Greenpeace. Spain’s fishing fleet is three times the size of Italy’s and twice the size of Britain’s. “Spain’s fleet has grown into a voracious armada representing nearly a quarter of the entire EU fishing capacity,” stated Greenpeace in a report. EU government officials, fishing professionals and NGO representatives met in La Coruña last week for a meeting to discuss possible fishing law reforms. Greenpeace was present to make its voice heard. “If Europe wants fish tomorrow, Spain must stop overfishing today,” said Greenpeace oceans campaigner Farah Obaidullah. “Ministers gathering here should immediately take steps to reverse Spain’s ocean destruction at this critical time.”

07 - 13 may 2010



07 - 13 may 2010

Millie Munro: Slight change of plan: same level of service

Millie Munroe

WE’VE ALL heard the saying about ‘the best laid plans of mice and men’. Well, just because we’re here in sunny Spain doesn’t mean any of us are immune. We all suffer setbacks from time to time, whether in our personal or business life. The thing that really matters at times like these is what we do to move on and improve. A few weeks ago, Millie Munro found herself in exactly this predicament. For those of you who don’t know, Millie runs a very successful business providing health and life care services including health and funeral plans, predominantly based in the North of the region from her offices in Benitachell. Over many years, she has built a loyal and extremely satisfied client base. The business employs 9 full time people, providing the highest quality of service. Millie recognised a growing demand from the Southern Costa Blanca. With a ‘business partner’, she set up an office in Benijofar. Unfortunately, after only a few weeks, Millie found herself severely let down and due to the legacy of previous tenants was

unable to trade from the business premises her so-called ‘business partner’ had found. A key part of doing business for Millie is ensuring everything is legal and above board: to have carried on in Benijofar would have been a compromise. However, in that short time it was clear that people really wanted Millie’s brand of service: personal yet professional; good value for money; some good solid advice about health insurance, funeral planning and other types of insurance. So, undeterred, Millie is proud to announce that she has now moved into her own office within the Property Salespana offices in San Miguel de Salinas. Millie will be holding regular ‘surgeries’ for clients old and new. Additionally, Millie can ensure that all her clients in the South are able to receive the personal touch which is so vital in providing the standards of care and service for which she is known. Millie’s full range of services is catered for including: Golden Leaves funeral plans; El Perpetuo Socorro health plan; house insurance and car insurance.

If you’d like to find out more, why not pop in - Millie’s office can be found within the offices of Property Salespana, Calle Vega Baja, in San Miguel de Salinas, 03193. It’s easy to find and you won’t miss it because there’s a big sign on the door! To make an appointment call 965 999 059 or just pop in. There’s ample parking and a warm welcome waiting for you. Alternatively, call 966 493 082 during office hours. Existing clients also know that there is a 24/7 mobile – 660 049 460. For more techie people, point your internet browser to www.milliemunro.com Now that’s what I call a real success story!

Alleged ETA terrorists face the courts THREE MEN accused of conducting the Madrid airport bombings in December 2006 have begun their court hearing. When the terminal 4 car park of the airport was bombed by ETA, two Ecuadorians, Diego Armando Estacio and Carlos Alonso Palate, died. Another 41 people were injured. The three alleged terrorists, Martin Sarasola, Igor Portu and Mikel San Sebastián, will face up to 900 years in jail in total, if

they are found guilty of terrorist killings and 41 counts of attempted murder. They are, so far, refusing to plead guilty and claim they have undergone torture while being held in custody. The bomb blast occurred during an agreed ceasefire, and severely damaged peace negotiations between Spain and ETA. Two other ETA members, ex Military Chief ‘Txeroki’ and Joseba Aranibar, are also implicated in the planning of the attack.

Diego Armando Estacio and Carlos Alonso Palate

Police seize two tons of hashish

THREE MEN have been arrested for smuggling hashish in Estepona. The Guardia Civil tracked a sevenmetre-long boat, spotted off shore, and observed while the men unloaded the stash of drugs onto Dos Hermanos beach. Police discovered two tons of hashish and impounded the boat and two vehicles. The traffickers were 32-year-old Spaniard D.B.B, 33-year-old Spaniard F.J.B.S and 29-year-old Ukranian, D.K. A court date is being set to bring charges against the men.

07 - 13 MAY 2010


Mayday in Moraira is a must for me APOLOGIES TO the kind readers who have written into this column lately but due to technical difficulties I’ve been unable to receive any emails. So, please be assured it’s not me being rude and ignoring anyone - just the gremlins in the works. Anyway, p.watts@roundtownnews.com is up and fully functional once again - thanks to Dawn and Ian at the RTN global complex for their help in By all matters technical. Watts Over here in Blighty the May Day holiday came and went. It was a mixture of sun and showers. So, no change there then, just the usual wet UK holiday weather pattern. I blame it all on the Icelandic ash or maybe the amount of hot air generated by electioneering MPs and their acolytes. Thankfully, all the votes will have been cast and we should have an election result by the time you read this week’s copy of RTN. For an election-weary public we’re all looking forward to a period of peace and quiet - before gearing up for the really important events of the year, namely Wimbledon and the World Cup 2010. As I raised my brolly for the fifth time on Monday I reflected that last year on Mayday I had walked along the beach in Moraira. Regular visitors to this column will know that Albir is my favourite place on the planet but Moraira comes in a close second. I love the bustle of the town square and the walks along the seafront. On the beach there is a delightful commemorative plaque to the Brazilian author Paulo Coelho (author of The Alchemist). In 1986, Coelho walked the 500 mile long road to Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain; it was a turning point in his life. On the

Watts In Britain Paul

Moraira seafront

path, Coelho had a spiritual awakening which he described autobiographically, to great praise, in The Pilgrimage. Moraira decided to honour the author with a shore-side plaque. During 2006 I spent a couple of mornings every week in the town. And when we were doing RTN features on the Coast FM personalities I met a couple of them at Holly’s Café in the town square. For example, I interviewed John Curtis and his wife there one warm spring morning. Sitting supping café con leche and scoffing a bacon sarnie we all agreed that life didn’t get much better. Is John still broadcasting? Is Coast FM still going strong on the Costa Blanca? I’ve lost track recently. Dear ole Bob James, who was broadcasting and managing Coast FM, even sched-

VFS Spain - Protected Notes THROUGHOUT THE volatility of the last decade, investors have increasingly sought investments which offer both a high degree of security as well as potential for capital appreciation and flexibility. A product that provides this is a Protected Note, issued by a financial institution. Protected Notes are structured investment products, linked to a broad range of underlying investments. At the heart of each Note is an undertaking to protect the investor against capital loss whilst offering the opportunity for them to participate significantly in the appreciation of the underlying investment. Although these products have the attraction of protection against losses, as well as participation in profits, they may often be illiquid, and may include complex investments. Many are based on a market index or a basket of indices, with the components of the underlying investment remaining unchanged over the period of investment. VFS Spain is offering a novel variation on this theme. This is a protected note offered by Nomura Securities that offers participation in a successful fund: the VAM Driehaus Fund. Recognising the advantages of Notes, but also seeking to remove their traditional disadvantages, this unique offer is available through VFS Spain by way of VAM Funds, who have teamed up with Nomura International plc (Nomura), a leading international bank, to provide a 5 year 90% Note for investors seeking significant medium term investment growth, but also offering a 90% capital guarantee, if held to maturity. The VAM Driehaus Fund offers an exceptional investment in World stockmarkets, managed by Driehaus Capital Management LLC (Driehaus), a Chicago-based and World rated Investment Manager that has provided index beating performance since 1983. Driehaus specialises in domestic US and non-US equities, using an aggressive stock picking style and has produced superior capital appreciation over each investment cycle (for example their US Mid Cap Growth strategy has matched Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway with an 15% plus annualised rate of growth since 1986).

Current recent figures for the Driehaus fund are as follows:

% Growth Q1 2010

% Growth 2009

VAM Driehaus Fund 4.29


MSCI World USD 3.35


Source: Lipper Hindsight

The Note has the following characteristics: 1) It is for a fixed term of 5 years with a launch date on 1st June 2010. 2) Although it should be held to maturity, Nomura will operate a secondary market for the Note if early redemption is required. In this event, no protection will apply. 3) The Note is available in US Dollars. 4) Up to 80% of the investment will be in the Driehaus Fund, which has produced superior returns since launch. 5) On redemption, 80% of The Fund’s investment gain will be realised, together with 90% of the principle sum invested. For example, if the initial investment is 100,000, and after 5 years the gain on the investment is 100,000, the total return will be 80% of the gain or 80,000, plus the protected portion of the investment which is 90% or 90,000, giving a total of 170,000, i.e. a profit of 70% over 5 years. These figures will of course vary depending on the extent of the investment gain. 6) However, should markets decline over the 5 years, the protected portion of 90% of the amount initially invested will be paid out - in this example, it would be 90 000. The maximum loss which can be incurred is 10% of the amount invested. 7) Instead of the static underlying investments normally associated with these Notes, within the Driehaus Fund, the Fund Manager will invest in a varying range of sub-funds within the VAM Funds (Lux) stable, from large cap to medium, small and micro cap, international real estate, World growth and emerging market funds. This gives an enviable degree of flexibility in investment choice.

uled yours truly for a Saturday afternoon show; but before I could spin me first ‘poptastic’ disc my recall to England was implemented. Doh! Life can be so cruel (not if you’re a listener, I hear you say...) One of the locals with whom I remember passing the time of day with on those Moraira mornings, was Percy Miller. Just before I left for Blighty in 2006 Percy had celebrated his 99th birthday (I think we published a photo of him at the time). Percy was a regular presence in the town centre. As I hinted above, when you move away from somewhere you lose track of what goes on and, of course, the regular contact you have with all the personalities of a place. I was delighted therefore, to read Jack’s report in last week’s RTN (549) that Percy has now celebrated his

103rd birthday. Maybe Percy should have a commemorative plaque on the beach, eh? God Bless you Percy. We need characters. I remember his tricks for longevity were simple: fresh air, exercise and avoiding worry. Hmmm, I guess ole Bully Brown (exleader of UK PLC) will have plenty of time to put worry avoidance into practice now. Maybe, he’ll come and visit Moraira. Maybe he’ll have a walk along the sea front and look at Paulo’s plaque and imbibe some of Percy’s philosophy. Maybe... He could do a lot worse. And to whoever we have now placed in charge of Great Britain… you’d better make sure you do a damned good job. Watts in the Midlands, missing Mayday in Moraira

The 90% Protected Note provides Investors with the opportunity to benefit from the high growth potential provided by one of the best performing funds in the world with the safety feature of 90% Capital protection. Key Features of the VFS 90% Protected Note:

• 90% protected means your capital Investment is secure • Exceptional earning potential from the VAM Driehaus Fund • Issued by Nomura International plc • Currency US$ • 5 year term Investment • Offer closes on May 31st 2010

07 - 13 MAY 2010


Top 25 Spanish destinations

Spotlight on property

Javea came 12th

THE TRAVEL website Tripadvisor has named the top 25 most popular destinations in Spain. Granada, Seville and Santiago de Compostela are the top three. Jávea comes 12th and Valencia 19th. The website also surveyed readers to find out the best place to fall in love; Granada again rated highly, followed by Oia in Greece and Venice in Italy. Barcelona is rated as the sixth best city in the world for a night out. The best family destinations are all Spanish: Palma de Mallorca; Salou; Lanzarote; Tenerife; Fuerteventura and Maspalomas. And the best beaches are considered to be at Sitges and Fuerteventura.

See next weeks paper for the exclusive RTN four page pullout on property

by Jack Troughton NEXT WEEK RTN examines the Spanish property market as the first signs of a long awaited recovery become apparent and the professionals sound notes of optimism. An exclusive pull out, Spotlight on Property, brings readers expert advice on buying, selling and renting in 2010. Bricks and mortar go under the microscope, courtesy of spanishhomefinder.com in a detailed ‘no

holds barred’ look at the state of the property world which touches everyone’s life here in the sun. Experts will share their views and forecast developments in a market beginning to gain pace and shake off the gloom of deep recession. BOUNCE RTN’s managing director Geoff Gartland said the first issue of Spotlight on Property would examine the market’s ability to bounce back and the changes forced by the downturn.

Picasso work fetches record amount THE PICASSO painting, ‘Nude, Green Leaves and Bust’, sold for $95 million (€73 million) at Christies in New York last week. With commission, the total rises to $106.5 million – making this the most money a work of art has


R E T U O R ! 0 5 € h t wor

“There is a lot of talk about the green shoots of recovery but we want to look at the real news and views in the market and what it means for people here in Spain,” he said. “Whether we are looking to buy, sell or rent, we all have an interest in property and the health of this crucial market touches all our lives. “And it is important to remember that property is always used as a barometer for the economy and Spotlight on Property will interpret the changes for our readers.”

ever fetched at auction. The bidding war was over in nine minutes and an anonymous telephone bidder purchased the painting. The painting depicts one of Picasso’s lovers from the 20s and 30s, Marie-Thérèse Walter, and was completed in 1932. The previous owner, businessman Sidney Brody, bought the work in the 1950s.

07 - 13 MAY 2010

So what is wrong with the words funeral insurance?

I KEEP noticing in the local papers adverts regarding funeral insurance, and one of the points being made in the advert is the bold statement: ‘please note that this is not an insurance policy’. Whilst at the ‘This Is Spain’ exhibition there were signs saying exactly the same. I fail to understand why this statement should be a selling asset. In Spain for many years most of the Spanish take out a Funeral Plan (and a health one too) at a very young age. It is just part of their culture. Up to a few years ago, a pre paid funeral plan did not exist in Spain; now there are a few companies selling this type of plan to the ex pats. I personally have been a great advocate of all of us taking out a funeral plan, as it is a far better way to plan what is going to happen, rather than leaving it to chance. This is not the UK and things are very different in Spain. The longer I work and live here, the more I realise this. We can kid ourselves that as Spain is part of the EU then all the rules are the same - to this I have one answer: a big ‘NO they are not’. If the Spanish find it an asset to have a funeral insurance in place - why not us? - we who are not natives. They of course find no problem at all in the word ‘insurance’; we insure our health, cars, house, community, golf clubs, pets and so on. Why not add our funeral plans to this list, along with our wills? (40% of us have no will!)

Obviously there are a few rules to a funeral insurance plan, one being of age and the other health. If you are suffering from a serious illness and sadly are expected to die sooner than later, then of course the answer would be no, a pre paid plan would be far more suitable, plus of course after a certain age, similar to Life Insurance, you would be declined. The main difference is just the method of payment, despite what you may hear. It is not a Life Insurance policy, which would not pay out until a death certificate had been issued, also of course no arrangements would be carried out on your behalf. With the funeral insurance, the arrangements are carried out, including all the medical certificates and the registration of the death, and full payment is made by Asssa direct to the funeral director: it is only one telephone call - imagine how much easier this is than to struggle in a foreign country when in great distress. The complete coverage for those under 70 years starts within 20 days; for those over 70 – 75, conditions apply. There are a couple of differences however, with the Asssa plan and they are in my opinion very fair ones: if you should die whilst on holiday anywhere in the World, there is a choice of either being repatriated back to Spain with a partner, or your estate claiming an amount of money if the funeral/ cremation is carried out in the country


by Jennifer Cunningham

The Costas leading insurance consultant If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net

you died in. I honestly believe that there are far too many negative statements made against an insurance policy. The last remaining criticism I have often heard is that you would be paying for years and years for something that could be paid for once. Agreed, if you lived forever, it would cost a lot extra, but when you consider that approximately €300 per annum or less is the premium, there are years before your payments would start to even get close to the price of a funeral. It is also very helpful if you don’t want to pay a lump sum. At the end of the day, it is your choice to either do nothing, go with a pre paid plan or an insurance plan. No, contrary to popular hearsay, if you haven’t paid all the four thousand into the fund before you leave this world, your estate will NOT, I can assure you, be asked to pay any extra. An insurance plan is just that; a risk taken by both parties. I do hope this will go some way to dispel the rubbish being talked about an insurance plan. If I am missing something please let me know. In the meantime if you wish to know more contact us and see for yourself that what I am saying in this article is the absolute truth. It means you could protect yourself and your family from a lot of extra stress at a very affordable annual premium. You never know, if you pick up the phone and talk to us about our

money transfer scheme, the savings could even pay your premium. Now, onto happier subjects: PCN are going from strength to strength and it is so rewarding for all of us who work long hours organising functions, then attending them: the nurses who do such a dedicated job twenty four hours a day seven days a week, then the amazing support from everyone who works in the Charity shop and to those who continually bring wonderful items for us to sell. We are at present looking for suitable premises in the Playa Flamenca area for another charity shop. Now we have the support of TKO and never forgetting the RTN, we are really starting to get the word around that we are legal and are there for you when needed. I do hope we soon start to grow in other areas, but until people come forward to help us generate funds we cannot do this. This month, as many of you know, is Carnation month. If anyone would like to support us with selling carnations, please contact us on 966 173 503, or the PCN office on 966 790 363, or alternatively at the charity shop in Quesada. NB: Please note we are still looking for an experienced sales person for the Los Alcazares office. The CV’s we are receiving are for administration - we need somebody with a proven record in sales. Please send your CV to info@jennifercunningham.net

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net


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07 - 13 may 2010

Animal magic

07 - 13 may 2010


by Jack Troughton ENJOY BEING pampered with a range of mini beauty treatments and help raise much needed funds to help rescued animals by attending a special Ladies Day on 14th March. Skin Solutions in Parcent has organised a second animal charity barbeque when beauticians will be at work with a number of 15 to 20 minute treatments at very affordable prices. And tickets for the delicious food cost €12 – including a free bar offering wine, cava, beer, and soft drinks – and will be available from 12.30 until 15.00. The proceeds go to Benissa-based charity Amigo Mio and last year the event raise €300 for the animal sanctuary. Javea’s High Street Heaven will also be on hand to support the cause, selling Marks and Spencer’s and other British branded clothing. The beauticians will be at work from 10.30 and it is advisable to book in advance by ringing Eileen on 902 888 187. Try a Priadara facial, Indian head massage and reflexology costing €8 each; a combined

Special purchase of 200 boneless sirloins. (Steak or joints) Buy 2 kilos + only 12.95€ per kilo

Short back bacon( lean) 9.95€ kilo - 2.2 kilos only 16.50€ Free-range chickens 2½-3 kilos - 3.85€ per kilo Home-made gourmet sausages 6.95€ per kilo - 2 kilos 12€ Lean beef minced steak 10.95€ per kilo - 2 kilos 20€ Braising steak 11.95€ per kilo - 2 kilos + 22€ Topside of Beef 12.95€ per kilo 2 kilos + 11.95 per kilo (No added fat) Fresh American rump 4 kilos + only 8.95€ per kilo Fresh fillet steak 29.85€ per kilo - Whole fillet 23.95€ per kilo Pork chops with crackling 6.95€ per kilo - 2 kilos 12€ Lean belly pork 5.95€ per kilo - 2 kilos 10€ Meaty pork ribs 6.95€ per kilo - 2 kilos 12€ Lamb joints 550-600 grms 5.95€ each - 4 for 20€ Bert supports Ladies Day

Quality Navara/Rioja wine from 1.66€ a bottle SPEND 40€ - FREE BOTTLE OF WINE,SPEND 50€ - FREE KILO OF SAUSAGES SPEND 60€- FREE CHICKEN

head massage and reflexology €14; a mini manicure €6; mini pedicure €8; and combined manicure and pedicure €12. An eyebrow ‘tidy’ is €3; while an eyelash tint is €5 and an eyebrow tint €3 (a patch

test is required for both tints at least 24 hours earlier). Tickets for the Ladies Day are available from Pauline by calling 625 767 781; Nicola by calling 679 428 570; and Eileen by calling 660 319 697.

Black and White Ball DANCE THE night away and help raise essential funds for the MABS Cancer Support Group on Friday 11th June at the Salon Canor Teulada. Once again the charity is throwing ‘a bit of a do’ and this summer’s theme is a Black and White Night of fun and fund-raising. Tickets cost €45 per person and usually sell quickly so guests should reserve their places by calling Jacqui on 686 305 006, Frances on 636 986 301 or Coral on 661 993 998. The fun starts at 19.30 and the dress code is DJ or smart casual for men and ‘posh frocks’ for the ladies. However, the rule is black and white for all.

Medium visits bistro A CHARITY evening with medium Pauline Kernick is being held at Spencers’ Bar and Bistro to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity. Entrance to the event on 18th May costs €10 and guests will meet the spiritual-

ist, clairvoyant, medium and healer from 20.00. Doors open at 18.00 and a meal at €5 is available. Spencers’ is at 231, Ctra. Moraira Calpe and advanced bookings are advisable by ringing 965 749 129 or 620 822 006.

New enterprise: We are selling Annabelle’s Organic Marmalade. Fantastic product. Please try and support.


07 - 13 MAY 2010


Consumer guarantees and repairs by

Michael Olmer

Solicitor, Link Point Legal and Business Services

WE ARE often asked to help clients having problems getting domestic appliances or cars repaired under guarantee and this is one area where it always pays to know your legal rights and how to protect them. In Spain, guarantees to consumers are regulated by the Ley de Garantias which came into force on 11th September 2003. The law relates to goods bought for private use from a retailer. Items bought from private individuals, or for business use, or at auction are not covered by this law. It does not apply to services or land and buildings. It may seem obvious, but always keep the receipt for your purchase and take the trouble to ask the retailer for a ‘factura’- an invoice. Also, make a separate note of the model and serial number so that you have this information to hand should you need to make a claim on the guarantee. This is especially important with electrical goods, as models can change frequently. Also resist the temptation to try and repair the item yourself as this could release the dealer from their

responsibilities towards you. Products bought new from retailers must be guaranteed for two years and second-hand goods, including cars, must be guaranteed for one year. Products must be fit for their purpose under normal conditions of use as set out in advertising or the instruction manual. The guarantee must cover parts, labour, and call-out charges. In addition, while you are waiting for a repair or a replacement, the guarantee period is suspended, and restarts when your item is replaced or returned to you. If it turns out that a new product does not live up to the claims made, you can choose either to return it to the retailer and obtain a replacement, or have it repaired, provided that the cost of repair is not disproportionate to the original cost of the item. Importantly, with second-hand goods you do not have the right to demand a replacement, only a repair. It is your responsibility to report any fault to the retailer within two months of the fault occurring. If the fault occurs within the first six

Secondhand cars bought from a dealer must be guaranteed for one year

months after the purchase of the product, the law presumes that product was defective when it was sold; the retailer cannot refuse to replace or repair the product. If the retailer tries to wriggle out of their obligations you should demand a ‘hoja de reclamacion’ – a complaint form. If the fault occurs after the initial six month period it is your responsibility to show that the product was defective and that the fault was not caused by misuse of the item. If the item is repaired under guarantee, the repair is itself guaranteed for six months and if it fails again for the same reason you can have the right either to have the item repaired again,

Link Point Legal and Business Services www.linkpointlegal.com - michaelolmer@linkpointlegal.com

provided that the cost of repair is not disproportionate to the original cost, or to have a reduction in the price, or to return the product and obtain a refund of the price paid. Second-hand cars bought from a dealer are subject to the Ley de Garantias and must be guaranteed for one year. There are a number of car-lots operating which display many cars offered for sale by private individuals. A second-hand car sold in this way is a private sale and is not covered by the one year guarantee. In an effort to foster customer goodwill, many retailers offer guarantees which go beyond the legal minimum, but as with many things in life you ‘pays your money and takes your choice’.

Face transplant patient appears in public SPAIN’S SECOND face transplant patient has appeared before the media for the first time. Rafa underwent a face transplant operation in Sevilla’s Virgen del Rocio hospital three-and-a-half months ago, and has now been allowed to go home. He suffers from a congenital condition called neurofibromatosis, which results in the growth of benign tumours. Doctors say that it will take another six months before Rafa makes a full recovery, but he can already shave himself and has some feeling in his face. During his public appearance last Tuesday, he appealed for more face donations, and then said that he hoped the media would now leave him in peace.

Rafa with the doctor who operated on him

Prevention of Colorrectal Cancer FOLLOWING LAST week’s article about EOS (Expatriate Ostomates of Spain), President of the national charitable association, Cynthia Robinson, has asked RTN to clarify the ‘simple test’ quoted in the article. Cynthia told RTN, “The ‘Valencian Programme for the Prevention of Colorrectal Cancer’ has made available a simple test to those aged between 50 and 69 years who are in receipt of a SIP card. Outside of these years, if there is any cause for concern, one should go promptly to discuss with one’s GP at the Health Centre.” EOS offers support and assistance before and after surgery for colon cancer or for other conditions that result in the need to wear a pouch. Run entirely by volunteers, EOS tries to ensure the availability and selection of the necessary equipment and better care for ostomy patients through the Spanish social services. The association has a dedicated ‘helpline’ on 966 460 063 or they can be contacted by email on esotext@gmail.com or visit their website www.ostomyinspain.org

07 - 13 may 2010




07 - 13 MAY 2010

My tenant is not paying the rent, what can I do? I have been advised that now the eviction process is faster in Spain and I can get back the property in weeks, Is this correct? by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

Yes, as per the Laws 19/2009 and 13/2009, the last one applicable from the 4th of May 2010 there have been important changes of the Spanish Civil Jurisdiction Law, (1/2000- LEC) that affects the Eviction Process and claims for the rents due for the letting contracts. SOME OF THE MOST RELEVANT CHANGES ARE: 1. The creation of OSI Office (Oficina de Señalamiento Inmediato) has been approved. This office will set at the moment of the presentation of the claim a date for the court hearing, for these kind of cases should be within 20 days. It is true that at the moment the OSI has not yet been implemented, but it is expected to be within the next months, and then, the evictions will be incredibly faster than now. 2. The verbal process, which on of the fastest court process, will be applicable for these kind of cases; claim for the rents (independently of the amount claimed for), termination of the letting contract, etc.

3. Following some other systems, like the one in UK, where solicitors serve the claim to the respondent, as per the new wording of the article 152 of the LEC, it would be possible in Spain to serve the claim to the respondent directly by the procurador of the applicant. This could save quite a lot of time in the process, as the procurador will be able to serve the claim just one day after its admission, faster than it is done now by the courts. 4. The new wording of the law also foresees the possibility of the execution of the Court order directly without the need to present a new execution claim, and without having to wait for 20 days from the date of the notification of the Order to the respondent. Again this would save quite a lot of time to the applicant-Landlord. To sum up the new changes in the Law already in place will make the eviction and claim for rent processes faster and more efficient. Once the OSI is implemented and working it would reduce the length of these processes from months/ years to weeks. Should this be your case, or the case of someone you know, we will be more than pleased to assist you. *The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - Tel: 966 426 185. All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Spanish stock market down, but not out

THE INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund (IMF) squashed rumours last week that Spain has been looking for a loan. The lending institution issued a statement saying that: “There is no truth to these rumours.” The statement was provoked by numerous media enquiries after the Spanish stock market fell by more than five percent. Spain’s

long-term sovereign credit rating was lowered from AA+ to AA last week, stimulating rumours that Spain wanted an IMF loan of €280 billion. The head of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) also spoke out, saying that Spain and Portugal’s economies were not comparable to that of Greece.

Polaris World stave off bankruptcy THE MURCIA property company Polaris World has managed to avoid bankruptcy, at least for the time being, by selling off assets to creditor banks, amongst them Bancaja, CAM, Banco Popular and Caja Murcia. The law allows companies in bankruptcy proceedings four months to reach refinancing agreements with their creditors.

New debts in 2010: €222,774 million

IN ORDER to meet its financial requirements this year, Spain will have to increase its national debt by €222,774 million. So far, only 26% of it has been placed, or €70,892 million. This week, the country had to pay a premium of 100 points more than Germany for insurance to cover its debts, the so called ‘Country Risk’.

07 - 13 may 2010



5-11- 13 07 FEBRUARY may 20102010

07 - 13 may 2010




07 - 13 MAY 2010

A new international pension opportunity … QNUPS by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns WE WERE amongst the first advisers to identify and promote the opportunities arising from the introduction of QROPS in 2006. Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS) were introduced to receive transfers of UK pension rights. Their main application, as it has turned out over the last year or so, has been to enable long term expats to release a capital sum from their UK pension fund. Qualifying Non UK Pension Schemes (QNUPS) ironically exist as a consequence of legislation introduced to correct a mistake

in the QROPS legislation. The outcome is so remarkable that some have suggested that the QNUPS provisions are so generous that they must be a mistake. We do not think this is right as the QNUPS legislation was drafted in mid 2008 and so there was 18 months worth of opportunity to adjust it to fit HMRC intentions. QNUPS represent an Inheritance tax shelter first and foremost. These schemes (established as offshore pension trusts) are able to receive payments in cash or in the form of assets transferred into the ownership of the QNUPS. But as the QNUPS is a pension scheme the payments into it represent a fund that may of course be accessed. This is not just about locking funds away for the next generation, although the assets that remain in the QNUPS following the death of the QNUPS member are outside

of the deceased’s estate for Inheritance Tax purposes. THE KEY ELEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH QNUPS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Unlimited contributions. 2. Unlimited fund size. 3. Complete investment freedom - the fund may be invested in property for example. 4. A QNUPS may receive a transfer in of UK pension funds via a QROPS providing the expat left the UK before 6th April 2005. 5. The assets in the QNUPS are immediately free from UK Inheritance tax. 6. The IHT free treatment remains even if the QNUPS member is a resident of or returns to the UK. 7. Lump sums may be paid to the member from the QNUPS. 8. Income payments may be paid to the member from the QNUPS. 9. The member can borrow from

QNUPS represent an Inheritance tax shelter first and foremost

the QNUPS - the loan can be repaid from the member’s estate following death which reinstates the Inheritance tax protection. We thought that QROPS when introduced represented a fabulous planning opportunity. Now we have QNUPS. In isolation or alongside a QROPS this takes the use of international pension schemes to

a new level. In reality this has little to do with pension provisions but everything to do with tax planning and wealth generation. For further information about QNUPS and QROPS please see our advert on Page 2 and contact Stephen Ward and Robert Burns via e-mail: review@qrops.es or see: http://www.qnups.com or http://www.qrops.es

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS, April 2010. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 W: www.qrops.es

07 - 13 may 2010


15-21 07 - 13JANUARY MAY 20102010


Wasp problems by


from Pestkill: Pest Control Solutions

BEING STUNG by wasps and hornets isn’t much fun and can be very painful as some of us know. Unfortunately, as Dr Colin Evans has written, for some people, getting stung by a wasp can turn into a serious life threatening experience (see page 34). Approximately 3% of the population is hyper sensitive to wasp and hornet stings and have severe allergic reactions as a consequence. These people suffer anaphylactic shock if they get stung and require immediate medical attention. Small children, especially those under the age of five and the very elderly,

A Queen wasp

are most at risk from being stung. Kids playing in the shallow end of the swimming pool during the warm summer months, and elderly people sitting out in the sun enjoying their refreshments are all typical scenarios. Getting rid of a wasp or hornets’ nest is usually quite a difficult and sometimes dangerous task. For this reason, I strongly advise people against DIY solutions using supermarket spray cans: some things are best left to a pest control professional who knows what to do and is equipped to do the job properly and efficiently. The queen wasp comes out of her hibernation in late spring and then looks for a suitable spot in which to build her nest. The common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) usually builds its nest under the roof tiles, in wall cavities or in the ground. All the wasps need is to be protected from the elements and have easy access to the outdoors and fresh water not too far from the nest site. Finally, I recommend wasp infestations are dealt with during late spring before the weather gets

A wasp’s nest

too warm. It is far harder to control a wasp infestation during the hot summer months when all the colonies are fully established. For advice or

assistance with ridding your home of wasp or hornet infestation, call me, Charles at Pestkill on 625 160 325 or 965 699 335.

You don’t want these at your house

Horse whispering Horse care in Spain by

Sue Weeding

Easy Horse Care tack shop and Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, Rojales

THERE’S A real buzz at the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre just now as in a few weeks we will be hosting renowned UK horse whisperer Adam Shereston. But while Adam’s forthcoming visit has everyone talking, it’s also got a lot of people asking, ‘Just what exactly is horse whispering?’ Well, the first thing to know is that there is no actual whispering involved, although it is not a complete misnomer as horse whispering is about quiet, calm communication. The term dates back to the early nineteenth century when an Irish horseman, Daniel Sullivan, became famous for rehabilitating aggressive or disturbed horses. Sullivan was secretive about his methods, but people noticed he would stand quietly facing the horse and assumed he was whispering. Today, there are many practicing horse whisperers, often referred to as ‘natural horsemen’, each bringing their own ideas and methods to build on Sullivan’s work. No two horse whisperers are the same but all have one thing in common – they work in a way that is natural for the horse, building a partnership through mutual respect, trust and understanding. The horse whisperer learns to listen to the language of horses, skillfully reading body language

and working with the horse’s natural instincts. This gentle approach creates happy, secure horses, in contrast to the rougher approach of mastering horses, which can leave them fearful. Unfortunately, many horses are still trained through force, punishment and pain, with pressure halters, whips and spurs alarmingly popular. We have a number of horses at the centre that have suffered psychological trauma from such methods. Adam Shereston describes his method of working as being about behaving like a horse, mirroring it physiologically and psychologically. Through body language he communicates with the horse in a way that is inspirational to watch. Horses quickly trust him, follow him and move with him. As well as training horses, Adam is a healer whose incredible successes have been well documented in the British press. One of his most celebrated cases was curing a race horse, Esperance, after vets had given up. Knowing nothing about the horse’s ailment, Adam amazed the trainer by diagnosing the condition exactly. After a few sessions the horse appeared completely well. Adam says when a horse is in pain he can feel the pain in

Horse whisperer Adam Shereston

his own body and is sometimes able to visualise the cause. When examining one horse, Adam felt a pain in his ribs and saw an image of the horse being hit in the ribs with a shovel, an event the horse’s astonished owner confirmed had taken place. Sounds unbelievable? Adam would be the first to agree, saying he was a man of science before he discovered his incredible affinity with horses. When you see this affinity at work it is easy to believe that anything is possible. See Adam in action at the EHCRC on May 15th from 10.00 to 17.00: Details www.easyhorsecare.net

For free advice on keeping your horse healthy in Spain, call Sue on 652 021 980, email info@easyhorsecare.net or visit the shop any time. The rescue centre is open to visitors Sundays and Wednesdays 13.00 – 16.00.

07 - 13 MAY 2010

The whole World under one roof by Louise Clarke AS SOON as you enter the Asian Store in Torrevieja, the fragrant and spicy aroma hits you. The store, which is situated on the industrial estate opposite the water park, has a vast array of herbs and spices from all over the World, right there, ready and waiting. With over 200 different dried spices from India, America, South America, Eastern Europe, Asia and the Middle East, there isn’t a recipe in the world that

cannot be catered for. In fact, if the Store doesn’t stock what you are looking for, it can, through its various worldwide suppliers, be sourced for you. CULTURE The store was recently bought by Manu, a Persian man, who speaks five languages. Manu originally trained as a chemical engineer and worked on the design for natural gas pumps. He hasn’t returned to his native country for 42 years but has

The Asian Store in Torrevieja


travelled the World extensively through his job and during that time has visited nearly 50 different countries. He has sampled many different cultures, traditions and of course, food. Now that he has settled down with his British born wife here in Spain, he wants to bring the traditional ingredients from the dishes that he sampled on his travels to the people of Torrevieja and beyond. FRESH As well as dried spices, the Asian Store has a plethora of fresh and dried herbs. It is an ideal place to visit for any competent cook or chef as there are ingredients in the shop that most people wouldn’t even know existed! From mint and lemon grass to chillies and radishes, the Asian Store has fresh ingredients available four days of the week and they stock individually wrapped spices as well as 14 different types of mixed spices and herbs, made up to compliment various types of cuisine, including Chinese, Jamaican and Indian. They also stock pure Spanish saffron; perfect if you want to make authentic paella and fresh Iranian

The shop sells a wide variety of spices

Nan bread, made especially for the store. For all you vegetarians out there, the Asian Store has a vast supply of different tofu and other fresh herbs which are difficult to get here in Spain, such as tarragon and chives, available on request. ARRAY Oils such as sesame, coconut, jasmine and almond as well as cooking sauces, curry powders and ready to use pastes fill the shelves of the Asian Store and there are all kinds of ingredients on display that most chefs and cooks would find difficult to

get hold of in the UK, let alone here in Spain! All the stock has its ingredients clearly marked in English so that you can be sure of what you are buying and the spices even state what kind of dish it is ideally suited for. With an array of Iranian dishes in stock as well as cooking utensils, eight different types of poppadoms and even Tiger Balm, which helps soothe away aches and pains, the Asian Store has it all. They also do large catering sized sauces and spices for restaurants and bars. For more information and directions, please call 965 710 567 or 670 421 233.

What will your kids be doing this summer? FOR SOME lucky children the Summer just got better! RTN is proud to sponsor the Sol Park Summer School 2010. QUALITY The unique Sol Park Summer School will provide professional training in tennis, football, fitness and languages. Class sizes are guaranteed to be very small so each student will be provided with individual care, attention and training. Artificial grass football pitches and tennis courts will be used along with cool spacious classrooms. CONVENIENCE The school begins on the last week of June and ends on the first week of August. Children can be dropped off from 09.30 and collected at 16.30, Monday to Friday so working parents can continue their careers and businesses while their children enjoy sports and languages in a fun, action packed environment. VALUE Children can attend the Sol Park Summer School either weekly, daily or half daily and programmes will be designed

Win a free week at the Summer School

to suit the needs of individual students (for example bi-lingual students do not need to sit through the language classes). The children will be separated by age and skill levels and the emphasis will be on high energy, hard working training without forgetting that this is a holiday time where we all should have the chance to enjoy ourselves SO- WHAT IS YOUR CHILD DOING THIS SUMMER? Why not join us and make the 2010 Summer a beneficial, exciting and memorable experience. Sol Park is situated on the outskirts of Moraira and convenient for Javea, Denia and Calpe. The Sol Park Summer School may be contacted on 696 860 992 or e mail summerschool@javea-tennis.com for more information and to make this a special summer.

The school starts on the first week of August

WIN A FREE WEEK AT THE SUMMER SCHOOL If you would like to win a fun packed week at our Summer School this year simply email to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and tell us exactly why you deserve to be our lucky winner. Please make sure you give us a daytime contact number. The lucky winner will be notified before the first week of Summer School good luck! Terms and conditions apply


15-21 07 - 13JANUARY MAY 20102010


Question: My Grandson is coming to stay with me for the summer. There are always a lot of bees and wasps around at this time of year and I am concerned that I don’t know how to treat a sting or allergic reaction.

Ask the Specialist by

Dr Colin Evans


FIRSTLY, OF course the best thing is to avoid being stung in the first place if possible. So if you do spot any nests forming or if you have a problem with wasps in your house, then the best solution will be to remove these, or seek the help of a professional exterminator. Wasp and bee stings differ in that a bee will leave the sting in the skin and will die after the attack, whereas a wasp can sting, remain fully intact and use his apparatus again on his next unfortunate victim! Always examine the wound to see if indeed there is a sting left behind. If there is: • Scrape out the sting left in the skin as quickly as possible. Use the edge of a knife, the edge of a credit card, a fingernail, or anything similar. • Do not try to grab the sting to pluck it out as this may squeeze more venom into the skin. LOOK OUT FOR A generalised allergic reaction (Anaphylactic shock) - rare but serious. This may cause one or more of the following:

• Rash and itching which can appear anywhere on the body • Swelling of the face which may extend to the lips, tongue, throat, and upper airway. • Abdominal cramps and feeling sick. • A rapid pulse. • Wheezing or difficulty in breathing. If any symptoms of a generalised allergic reaction develop: • Call an ambulance immediately. • If you have been issued with an adrenaline pen, use it as directed straight away. If there is a localised allergic reaction (swelling around the site of the sting) then: • Take an antihistamine tablet as soon as possible. • Use a cold compress to ease pain and to help reduce swelling. • Painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can help to ease the pain. • Continue with antihistamines until the swelling eases. This may be for a few days. • See a doctor if the swelling is severe.

The sting can be clearly seen and has caused swelling

Whether or not there is any allergic reaction, the following will help with inflammation and itching: • Crotamiton ointment. • A steroid cream. • Antihistamine tablets. A sedative antihistamine at night may help if the itch is interfering with sleep. As a father and grandfather, we never travel without an aerosol spray containing mepyramine 0.5 %, an

anti-histamine and benzocaine 1% which is a local anaesthetic. This combination gives rapid relief from the pain and itching of stings. One such preparation is sold under the trade name of Wasp-eze. There are many alternative treatments around such as vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to name but two. Some of these remedies may indeed offer some relief but there is, as yet, no clinical evidence to support their use.

Article written by Dr Colin Evans (MB.ChB., F.R.C.S., BDS., FDSRCS.) The English Medical Centre, Avda del Albir, 72. Edificio Primavera, Bloque 1. ALBIR, (Alicante) 966 868 013. Email: engmedopt@orange.es

15-21 07JANUARY - 13 MAY 2010


Question: I own a hairdressing and beauty salon and have been thinking of adding Colon Hydrotherapy as a treatment. Is it easy to become qualified and what is involved in setting up? SINCE SETTING up in Spain we have been surprised at how few clinics there are. I have clients travelling over 100 miles for treatments and there seems a real shortage of trained therapists in Spain. by I travel back to the UK six times a year to run a Colon Hydrotherapy course. Many The Kamala Centre, of my trainees are beauty Calpe therapists, chiropodists, masseurs etc, looking to add an additional service to their business. I have now been asked to set up a training centre out here in Spain. The first one will be at the end of September this year. Firstly you will need a basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology (this can be trained). The training is then split into two sections: the first involves 60 hours of home study with assignments to be completed. Once you have completed the

Carol West

home study you then attend the practical training over six days. At the end of the practical course you are awarded your certificate and you are able to practice straight away. To set up, a key consideration is privacy for your clients. Ideally you should have a room with a toilet in it or next to it. You will need a hot and cold water supply, a massage bed and finally the colonics machine. I use a machine that is portable so it can be used at various venues, but there are a number of different types and styles available, and during training we would look at which one would best suit you. There is a great link between colonics and beauty – in fact a colonic is now known as the new facial. It leaves people glowing with great skin. It is an excellent addition to any beauty or hair dressing salon.

If you would like any further information on training to become a colon hydrotherapist,

For an appointment please contact The Kamala Centre, Calpe on 965 875 869 or visit www.TheKamalaCentre.

follow the link on our website www.thekamalacentre.com or visit

www.thekamalatraining.com or give us a call to discuss further details on 965 875 869.

07 - 13 may 2010


Past simple verbs Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 106

WE HAVE now covered many past simple verbs, including the most common irregular ones, namely “dar”, “hacer”,” ir”, “ser”, “decir” and “estar”. Most of these are verbs with meanings that are fairly easy to grasp in the past tense. Perhaps the most tricky ones are “ser” and “estar”, with the usually confusions about which one is which, but hopefully my explanations have helped to clear this up. With those two verbs in any tense I like to stick to a basic rule of thumb which I find very useful, which is that “estar” is used to express “how and where” and “ser” is used for “who and what”. I know this doesn’t fit every single case but it does go a long way to clearing up the basic difference between the two. There is another difficulty in Spanish for nonnative speakers, in addition to the “ser” and “estar” issue. That is the correct use of the “past simple” tense in contrast with the other tense we looked at a while ago, which we called the “past continuous tense”. (Remember? Things like “vivía” - I lived – I used to live). I’m sure I have mentioned before that the main problem here, especially for us native English speakers, is that there are more past tenses in Spanish than in English. This means that there are finer points of difference between these two past tenses which tend to escape us because they do not exist in our language. I’m actually opening up a large can of worms which cannot be dealt with very easily in a weekly article. However, as I am not one to be faint-hearted when it comes to explaining grammar, I will use one

particular verb as an example of what I’m talking about and then leave it at that. The chosen verb is “tener”, which of course means “to have”. First of all here it is in the past simple tense, and it’s quite a nasty little irregular verb, as you can see. tuve tuvimos tuviste tuvisteis tuvo tuvieron This verb is commonly used in the “past continuous” tense, which makes sense as it describes possession: something we do not usually associate with a single or completed event. Possession is a state of being and therefore a description. For example: “cuándo yo tenía 10 años mi familia tenía una casa grande” (when I was 10 my family had a large house). So, when can we use this verb “tener” in the past simple tense, to talk about one-off finished events? Well, here are two examples which should help: Tuve un accidente de tráfico el año pasado. I had a traffic accident last year. “El pintor nació en 1900 y tuvo tres hijos con su primera mujer.” The painter was born in 1900 and had three children with his first wife. In the first sentence we are referring to a completed event rather than a description, and in the second sentence we are focusing on an historical fact, or sequence of biographical details. I think I’ve got about as complicated as I can on this subject, so next week I’ll try and lighten it up a bit. See you then.

New Vice President for Paul Cunningham Nurses LYN ADAMS, along with her husband Ken, has done an incredible amount of charity fundraising in recent years and is a well known and popular character in the southern Costa Blanca. Earlier this week, she was confirmed as the new Vice President for Paul Cunningham Nurses. President and founder of the charity, Jennifer Cunningham said: “I could not be more delighted to have such a respected member of the community as our new Vice President, for the charity that was set up in my son’s name.” Lyn decided to join the charity after a final meeting at the end of April and her position became official on 1st May, which is an appropriate time as Carnation Day, the symbolic day for the charity on 31st May, it is the charity’s busiest time of the year. ENERGY AND ENTHUSIASM Lyn told RTN: “I first started fundraising eight years ago when I and a group of ladies better known as Lyn’s Lively Ladies, dressed up as clowns going around local bars and restaurants doing keep fit exercises. This then

Lyn Adams

progressed to Fundays at various locations and then onto organising charity shows. I am honoured of being appointed Vice President of Paul Cunningham Nurses and look forward to joining the team of such a worthy charity.” Susan Reader, the charity’s Fundraising Manager is also ‘over the moon’ with the decision. She said: “Lyn and I often manage to communicate without speaking! It must be

woman witchery! We prefer to call it wizardry!” She added: “To have someone with Lyn’s energy and enthusiasm helping with fundraising will be just magic. Perhaps this year, with Lyn as Vice President, I will get to see my family and get back to using my swinging hammock on the odd occasion!” For up to date news on Paul Cunningham Nurses, visit their website on: www. paulcunninghamnurses.com

07 - 13 may 2010


07 - 13 MAY 2010


music scene Soul and Motown Show - Le Cabaret Compiled by

Eric Taylor

ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, please contact Eric directly.


N SATURDAY May 8th the Le Cabaret, Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell is presenting ‘The Soul and Motown Show’. Two fantastic singers, Rob Brown and Shay Desire, create a pefect duo bringing you the impeccable sounds of Soul and Motown. Not only fantastic vocals but also very entertaining and a fun night out. Entry is €5 (Menu available). Le Cabaret is located in the Lirios Centre, on Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell, overlooking the sea, Javea and Moraira. For details of future events phone: 663 733 811.

Chill Factor – Vocal duo

Book now for our 1st Anniversary of the terrace opening. Saturday 29th May Fantastic gourmet B-B-Q & dancing with live music NOW OPEN EVERY DAY Lunchtimes. Mon-Sat Evening Sunday Lunch

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Menu de la Casa from 14.95€

Full A La Carte Menu

PAM AND JOHN Pearson are Chill Factor: a self-contained musical duo who perform a repertoire of classic songs from bands such as Pretenders, Police, Beatles, Crowded House, Coldplay, Oasis and many more. They also perform in an acoustic band ‘Sanfaryan’ with Andy and Debby Price (The View). Together they are also part of ‘Lapse of Reason’ the Costa Blanca’s top Pink Floyd tribute band. For more details phone John or Pam

on 696 731 290 or check out their web site: www.pamandjohn.net

The Brink – Rock/blues duo

THE BRINK comprises Billy and Janet Brink, who sing and play all the instruments between them and Billy sequences the bass line, drums and some additional keyboard in his own recording studio. Their repertoire contains a wide selection of hits from groups such as Dire Straits, Pink Floyd, Cream, Santana, Bill Hayley and the Comets, Chuck Berry, Jethro Tull, among others from that era of music. The Brink also host the Monday Night weekly Jam Sessions in the Don Quijote Bar, Moraira as ‘The Brink Band’. The Brink Band will be performing at the Moraira Music Festival on Sunday 6th June.




GIG GUIDE FOR MAY Fri 7th Bar La Luna, Alcalali Sat 8th Coll de Rates Mountain Rte, Parcent: 13.30 Sat 8th The Royal Beach Bar, Moraira: 19.00 Fri 14th Bar 23, Jalon Sun 16th The Royal Beach Bar, Moraira Sun 23rd Chez Flo Bar, La Fustera, Moraira/Calpe coast road Thur 27th Private Party (Oliva) Sat 29th Coll de Rates Mountain Rte, Parcent: 13.30 Sun 30th The Royal Beach Bar, Moraira

Check out their website: www.brink.demon.co.uk or if you want a guitar lesson, do some recording or book them, phone: 635 831 922. GIG GUIDE FOR MAY/JUNE Fri 7th El Faro Bar, Balcon al Mar, Cap de Nao, Javea (Every Friday) Mon 10th Jam Session, Don Quijote, Paichi Centre, Moraira (Every Monday) Sat 15th Melodia Bar, Sanet y Negrals Wed 19th Bar Quo Vadis, Javea Sat 22nd So What International Bar, Calpe Port Sun 30th Arena Bar & Restaurant, Denia: 15.30 Sun 6th June International Music Festival, Moraira

Every week Nigel Turner, Cumberland Bar, Benidorm will be doing a Focus report on the nightlife of Benidorm and the artists performing there. Should any artist/venue wish to be included :– contact Nigel on 685 550 106, email: ngltur@aol.com, web site: www.cumberlandbarbenidorm.com

Girls Aloud - The Tribute AN ACT which is currently packing ‘em in down in Benidorm is Girls Aloud – The Tribute. The show runs every night at 23.15 at Rockerfellas Nightspot situated on Calle Gerona in the heart of Benidorm’s nightlife. The performers themselves, namely Jessie Brooke; Tasmin Roberts; Jo Lynn and Joanne Lloyd, put a lot of energy and power into a

show which certainly has the feel good factor about it. Their dance routines have obviously been worked on and looked good together with their costumes to give it that extra oomph sometimes missing from tribute shows. It was quite obvious to see these girls are enjoying what they do and also never lose sight of the fact they are a tribute act by

telling the audience which member of the Band they are going to be! If you go along and see the show you are treated

to all the music you would expect to hear including Sound of the Underground, Love Machine and The Promise.

07 - 13 may 2010

The seventh International Moraira Music Festival T

HE SEVENTH International Moraira Music Festival will take place on Sunday 6th June, on the stage by the castle in Moraira, starting at 19.00. The Festival will be part of the Moraira Moors and Christians Fiesta Celebrations and sponsored by Panache; Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon, Moraira; Cool Solutions; Mobile Re-Gas Company and Tallers-Larry of Benitachell. We have a web page with the events and plenty of pictures from the previous festivals together with details of this year’s performers. For details follow the link from the web page - www.amigo-dodge.com Last year, around 3,000 people attended the concert and seating by the stage is very limited. The bars and restaurants that surround the castle and have outside terraces will be reserving seating, so to make sure of a seat please contact them direct. As this is an open air concert, come prepared for the weather - should it rain, the concert could be delayed or cancelled. The Moraira Moors and Christians Fiesta Committee will be running a bar near to the stage and we ask you all to please support this bar, as the money raised goes towards the Moors and Christians Fiesta Fund. THE FOLLOWING ACTS WILL BE PERFORMING AT THE FESTIVAL: JAVEA ROCK ACADEMY The Javea Rock Academy provides workshops for live performance; confidence; stage awareness; sound recording, etc. They will be represented by ‘Blue Snoopy’, featuring Hannah (vocals); Alex (bass); Hugo (guitar); Jacob (guitar); Barney (guitar) and 8-year-old Olivia ‘Animal’ (drums). Guesting with the band will be Freddie Fingers (Saxaphone) and Harley Trinder (crazy lad on guitar).

SFM – new young rock band ‘SFM’ (SEX For Money) are a new young band made up of some of the best young musicians from the local area. They perform their own original material along with a choice of some of the best covers – Cocaine, Green Days, Freebird, Summer of 69 and Chasing Cars. The band is a four piece made up of Bradley, Danny, Harry and Tom who regularly play in the Moraira area. Last weekend they performed at the Gastronomico Fair in Moraira to a raptuous audience. You can next see ‘SFM’ perform on Saturday May 8th at the Don Quijote, Paichi Centre, Moraira.



SHARNI – VOCAL ENTERTAINER Sharni is in great demand at many venues in the area and is a regular performer in Platino’s Lounge Bar, Arenal, Javea; Bar Quo Vadis, Javea and the So What Bar (Calpe Port). She is ideal for cabaret, dancing or easy listening – singing hits from the 60’s to the present day. SOUL FINGERS – SOUL BAND Soul Fingers come from Madrid, but once a month they perform on the Costa Blanca. The band consists of Josele (bass guitar); Antonio (lead guitar); Alvaro (local drummer) and the amazing Angie Herna (vocals), who actually comes from New York, USA. They provide a truly fantastic atmosphere, playing some great Soul, Funk and Blues classics. SUSIE Q – VOCAL ENTERTAINER Susie Q is a local female vocal entertainer based in Altea. She has appeared at all the major cabaret venues in the UK as well as touring abroad and has supported many stars in cabaret and corporate functions. Susie regularly performs in the El Presidente Bar, Arenal, Javea. THE BRINK BAND – ROCK/BLUES BAND The Brink Band are: Billy Brink (guitar/saxaphone); Janet Brink (keyboards/guitar); Jack Hazebroek (drums) and Luc Van Breda (bass). They are the resident band every Monday at the popular Jam Session at the Don Quijote Bar, Paichi Centre, Moraira: great atmosphere and music. JANETTE GALBRAITH – VOCAL ENTERTAINER Janette is one of the most popular female vocal entertainers in this area. She is based in Javea and has appeared at all the major venues on the Costa Blanca. Whether she is fronting a

band or performing solo, Janette always gives a great show. She regularly performs in Platino’s Lounge Bar, Arenal, Javea. OFF LIMITS – ROCK/BLUES BAND Off Limits, are one of the north Costa Blanca’s finest rock/ blues bands, who consist of Rafa (guitar), Luc (bass) and Walter (drums). They play extensively in the Benidorm area, but regularly perform at the Don Quijote Bar, Paichi Centre in Moraira.

Hollywood nights

Cash on Delivery

The Cameo entertainers

by Jack Troughton CAMEO ENTERTAINERS bounce back to start a new season with an exciting show packed with all the glamour of Hollywood and celebrating the hit movies made in Tinseltown. Called the Cameo Oscars, this new exciting production will be staged up and down the Costa Blanca and bring music, songs and dances from the silver screen to life. And audiences will have the chance to relive treasured memories of films such as the James Bond franchise; South Pacific; Titanic;

Dirty Dancing; An Officer and a Gentleman; Carwash and many more. The first show is at Restaurante Bar Nou, Senija, on Saturday 22nd May. Dinner is served at 19.30 and the show starts at 21.00. Tickets for the performance and the meal cost €12. And the second performance is staged at The Lounge Bar Restaurant, Javea, on Saturday 29th May. Again, dinner begins at 19.30 and the show is at 21.00. Tickets are €15. Monies raised at the two performances will support EMAUS and MABS Cancer Support respectively. To book, ring the Box Office on 966 497 965 or 965 730 440.

AT THE Alcalali Theatre next Thursday, Friday or Saturday (13th – 15th May) you can enjoy a laughter packed evening at Careline Theatre’s production of ‘Cash on Delivery’. Eric Swan learns that life can become complicated if you defraud the DSS and then decide to go straight! Two years later, as Eric starts to kill off his fictitious lodgers, he finds himself coping with a lodger the DSS now thinks is dead; his wife who thinks he is a cross-dresser! Opening night tickets are €10 and for the Friday and Saturday performances €12, on sale at Kelly’s La Xara, from the box office on 652 294 750 and (subject to availability) on the door. Pre-booked parties of ten and more enjoy a 10% discount for the Friday and Saturday performances. Curtain-up is at 20.00. www.carelinetheatre.com

Eat in Menus:

Lunch Menu


Namaste House Menu


Namaste Special Menu


Drink included with Lunch menu only.

Restaurant El Paraiso, Sunday 2nd May 5 course lunch and live music with Los Trinantes only14.95 euros Friday Evening May 14th 5 course dinner with Suzie Q only 14./95 euros

Daily 5 course menu 12.95€ Tel 96 640 5398 For reservations

19-25 07 - 13 MAY FEBRUARY 2010 2010


Summer Vibes Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

JAZZ FESTIVALS are like London buses; you wait ages for one then several come along. July is a festival frenzy on the Costas, full of fantastic fixtures for your musical diary and a chance to see some of best bands on the planet. Now is a good time to plan your summer concert-going, as tickets start to go on sale. Major decisions have to be made: for example July 25th, George Benson at San Javier or David Sanborn in Alicante? I do ponder why organisers can’t work closely together on schedules to avoid major artists clashing. My major disappointment aside, here is the rundown of concerts to look out for this summer: This year’s main attractions at the XIII edition of the San Javier International Jazz Festival are George Benson; Chris Isaak; Paul Carrack; Dr John; Canned Heat and Dianne Reeves. In last week’s RTN, we printed a full feature together with an interview - if you missed it, visit my blog www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com for all the info. During the coming weeks I will be writing more about the artists appearing at San Javier. La Mar de Musicas in Cartagena is a melting pot of World music: the XVI

edition celebrates Columbia. Latest news on the advanced programme: Salif Keita, ‘The Golden Voice of Africa’ and leader of the first African group to be nominated for a Grammy (10th); American singer/songwriter Melody Gardot, one of the finest modern-day jazz divas (11th); Toumani Diabate and Orquesta Sinfonica Region de Murcia (13th); Senegalese singer and percussionist Youssou N’Dour, part of his ‘Dakar-Kingston Tour’, a tribute to Bob Marley (15th). Godmother of Punk and one of the most influential women in rock Patti Smith and Congolese street musicians Staff Benda Bilili (16th); Toto La Moposins y sus Tombores, tango/electronica/nu-jazz Paris combo the Gotan Project and Syrian folk/pop musician Omar Souleyman (17th); the Simon & Garfunkel of Norway, Kings of Convenience (21st); Latin/electro group Macaco, Columbian rock band Los Aterciopelados (The Velvety Ones) and The Very Best, an Afro/western collaboration of dance, hip-hop, pop and traditional music of Malawi (24th) www.lamardemusicas.com The Alicante Jazz Festival will be

George Benson

staged over 5 consecutive nights from July 21st - 25th. Appearing in order are: the Brazilian pianist and renowned scat singer Tania Maria; Binomio jazz and flamenco music with Dominican pianist Michel Camilo together with Spanish guitarist Tomatito; jazz-funk outfit The Yellowjackets, originally formed in 1977 by guitarist Robben Ford who is appearing at San Javier earlier in the month; king of acoustic and electric bass, the innovative Stanley Clarke together with Japanese pianist Hiromi; six-time Grammy Award winner and giant of the saxophone David Sanborn together with pianist Joey De Francesco

and influential drummer Steve Gadd: www.comunitatvalenciana.com The V edition of Jazz at Torrecremada in Denia is newly named ‘Summerjazz’. The organisers state this year’s festival is a far more ambitious affair, promoting an unfamiliar cultural musical style to the local population in the magnificent natural urban setting of the Torrecremada Gardens, which give the event a big plus. Elma Sambeat Quartet (19th); Fabio Miano Quartet & Celia Mur (26th); Troupe Orquesta (Aug 2nd). www.summerjazz.es … and that’s just for starters - there’s more to come.

Full details www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

Classical Music Society

Laura Boschetti

THE FIFTH concert in the 2010 programme of the Sociedad de Conciertos de Música Clásica de L’Alfàs del Pi will be on Saturday 15th May at 20.15 in the Casa Cultura, L’Alfàs Del Pi. The Artemps Trio - Anton Serra, flute; Albert Romero, viola; and Laura Boschetti, harp - will present a programme of works by G Raphael; Mel Bonis; Salavador Brotons and Claude Debussy. Full details of the concert are on the Society’s website: www.alfasmusica.com. Tickets may be purchased at the Casa Cultura from one hour before the concert, at €9 or there is an annual membership available. For further information, contact: Domènec Fuster, Secretary, Alfàs Del Pi Classical Music Society: 965 888 865, or email: musicsoc.alfas@gmail.com

Velvetones encore YES, IT was another repeat concert for the Velvetones, when they were asked to appear with the German choir Coro Alegre, Adam Slater, Andrea Merlau and La Marina Tappers, at the Olympia in Mil Palmeras. Avid listeners were enthralled by songs from Les Miserables, Chicago, Evita, My Fair Lady, Cabaret and Phantom of the Opera, to name but a few! If you would like to come to a rehearsal of this popular Ladies Harmony chorus, the girls meet each Wednesday morning from 10.00 to

The Velvetones picture by Kristoff

13.00, at the Hotel Cabo Cevera, La Mata. Call Kristoff for details or visit the website for forthcoming events www.velvetones.org

Look out for more details of the next charity event, 31st May 2010 at Spencers, Campo de Golf, for the Paul Cunningham Nurses.

Dynamic Duo

Cantabile Singers to perform

EVER POPULAR Double Impact is providing the entertainment at a Marina Alta dinner and dance on Friday 14th May. Effervescent couple Ian and Gill Henry are appearing at Satari’s Restaurant, Moraira, with their blend of easy listening during the meal and get up and boogie afterwards – together with Ian’s ever sparkling wit throughout. Tickets, to include the meal, cost €25. For reservations, call 965 747 134.

THE CANTABLE Singers, with the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums, are to perform at a concert in aid of the Torrevieja Stroke Support Group (Affiliated to the Stroke Associatian in the UK), on Saturday 22nd May at The Virgin del Carmen Theatre, Torrevieja, at 20.00. Cantable Singers, a talented ladies choir, have joined forces with The Torrevieja Pipes and

Drums to support this extremely worthy cause. The Torrevieja Pipes and Drums are now in their third year and have performed many concerts up and down the Costa. Tickets may be purchased at the door on the night or prior to the concert at The Municiple Theatre, Torrevieja: Price: €5 www.torreviejastrokesupportgroup.com www.cantablesingers.es

07 - 13 may 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.

Euromillions Draw Friday 30th april

6 22 24 25 36 3


No ticket won the 60,297,781 Euros (£52,603,784) jackpot prize


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 48. Crossword winner for issue 549: Sam Wright, Javea

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



1. Taking Hostage (10)

1. Recognises (5)

7. Perch (5)

2. Explode (8)

8. Secluded (7)

3. Apprehend (6)

10. Stronghold (8)

4. Compassion (4)

11. Overtake (4)

5. Recount (7)

13. Tell (6)

6. Promotion (10)

15. To this (6)

9. Jarring (10)

17. Every single (4)

12. Under obligation (8)

18. Perverse (8)

14. Permission (7)

21. Defensible (7)

16. Contrive (6)

22. Overwhelm (5)

19. Expiate (5)

23. Contrition (10)

20. Clever (4)

Across 1. Nevertheless, there’s no variety (3,3,4) 7. It has been known to be tickled to death (5) 8. I left the priest in church (7) 10. Told but possibly not needing to be (8) 11. Given a start in life (4) 13. What the unsatisfied audience may shout!! (6) 15. Afternoon service? (3-3) 17. He employs us with hesitation (4) 18. Continues to make money (8) 21. Drunk, but not canned! (7) 22. A small island passage (5) 23. The aggregate is an impressive sum (5,5)


Down 1. A fool disposed to be distant (5) 2. Possibly it rarely is about books (8) 3. Play for the village (6) 4. Invest capital in kitchen equipment (4) 5. Became acquainted with brickcarriers’ ways of working (7) 6. Surprise someone more than they can say? (6,4) 9. Gets blooming old? (4,2,4) 12. An inclination to write and sing (8) 14. He makes a new reactor (7) 16. Believe one side of the account (6) 19. Stand by a new lease (5) 20. Blueprint for a tail-less aircraft (4)

42 40

07 2010 FEB- 13 26 -MAY MARCH 4 2010

Plants for the summer by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

FIRST IT was great to have a chance to meet, discuss gardening successes and failures and solve problems for so many readers at the La Zenia ‘This is Spain’ show. We were kept busy throughout the three days. For the benefit of others, we will discuss some of the issues that came up time and again: Many are still attempting to create English gardens and terraces and finding that many plants they buy don’t last that long, for three main reasons. 1. Thirsty versus drought resistant plants are chosen, which are difficult to grow in full sun in the hottest periods of the summer. 2. Many gardeners over-react and overwater plants. 3. Poor compost and soil mixes are used.

plants in both ‘Your Garden In Spain’ and ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’ will avoid these problems. Clay soils create difficulties. As we have often explained one needs to mix good composts for containers and soils for flower and shrub beds and tree planting holes before planting, for real success. Each of our books gives advice on mixes. Citrus trees are disappointing. The causes are often not thinking about the seasons in which the variety purchased will fruit; poor

As discussed at the show, the plant lists and descriptions and sections on caring for

Citrus trees can be disappointing

Dick, Clodagh and RTN’s Managing Director Geoff Gartland at ‘This is Spain’

planting; watering; pruning too early and over feeding. For this reason, the section on citrus trees is the longest in the book: ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’. Not realising that many plants do best when they have sun only for part of the day and that many do best in semi or dappled shade, especially when grown on apartment balconies and terraces. We were pleased to hear that many people we spoke to had retained or planted trees in their gardens and installed blinds and awnings to create semi shade on covered and open terraces to protect plants as well as people and pets. On a positive note, visitors were interested in the collection of plants with health benefits that we had on our stand and we will discuss

This weekly column is contributed by Clodagh and Dick Handscombe, practical gardeners and authors living and gardening in Spain for twenty five years. Their quintet of books published by Santana Books are best sellers, of benefit to both beginner and experienced gardeners, finding that gardening in Spain is very different to being in Northern Europe. Descriptions of the books will be found on their website: www.gardeninginspain.com © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe May 2009.

RTN READERS have a wonderful opportunity to win a visit to Benidorm’s fantastic Terra Natura and learn about the animals while enjoying an unforgettable experience. There are 20 pairs of tickets up for grabs to this popular Costa Blanca attraction and the chance to enjoy wildlife from around the globe And it could not be easier to win – just tell us on which page the Terra Natura logo is hidden.

Send your answers by email with a contact number to competition@roundtownnews.com by next Wednesday. Here’s a clue: Internet and calls cheaper than telefonica! Terra Natura is a new generation wildlife park where visitors discover a ‘zoo immersion’ experience, enabling people to get up close to the animals as if there were no visible barriers between them. The park’s 320,000 square metres are home to more than 1,500 animals from over 200 species – of which at least 50 are in serious danger of extinction in their natural habitats in the wild. HOME There are also hundreds of trees, shrubs and plants imported from around the world to make Terra

Natura’s animal guests feel at home as the park hopes to raise awareness of the need for conservation. The park also provides a fun learning experience as there is plenty of opportunity to learn more about the wildlife and its homeland. However, Terra Natura is also about having fun and there is plenty of entertainment on offer as well as adventure activities – making the theme park an ideal place for a family to spend a wonderful day together. And cafes, bars and restaurants offer guests a wide choice of refreshments, from snacks to a full meal – while shops offer a wide range of unusual souvenirs.

them next week. They were also interested in locating garden centres that stocked ecological insecticides and pesticides to ensure that gardens and apartments are safe for family, friends, pets and beneficial wild life. We have been promised a list of some in the Alicante to Cartegena area so will inform readers when received. Also many visitors were interested in growing vegetables on a small scale on their roof top terraces and the design of houses on the La Zenia urbanisations certainly offered plenty of them. On a larger scale we noticed that 50 English style allotments are now on offer in the Rojales area. We will be visiting them next week and will tell you more after the visit.

FEB 26 07- -MARCH 13 MAY 4 2010 2010

Enjoy the Port Nautic experience NESTLED INSIDE the stunning International Marina in Torrevieja, Port Nautic is one of the city’s newest and best restaurants and it is certainly one of those restaurants that has to be experienced. Last Friday, Port Nautic, which overlooks the impressive marina which is home to dozens of multi million euro yachts, held a special welcome evening for distinguished guests and RTN was privileged to be amongst them. The evening was designed as an opportunity for guests to experience all that there is to offer from their extensive international menu. And with a large outside

43 43

terrace as well as extensive seating inside, Port Nautic is the perfect setting for any occasion; from an intimate meal for two to a large family get-together.

SCRUMPTIOUS Friday’s tasting event gave all the guests the opportunity to sample various dishes from the menu in easy to manage canapés and with some stunning wines to accompany the dishes, served by friendly and attentive waiters. The evening was perfect and amongst the delicious dishes that RTN sampled was a selection of different starters placed on small pieces of Melba toast,

The restaurant

including roasted vegetables and garlic and a particularly scrumptious smoked salmon canapé topped with a stunning dill sauce. The guests were also treated to a selection of soups and traditional Serrano ham and cheese, as well as a melon cocktail and Mojitos. With marinated sausages wrapped in bacon to small but delectable smoked ham rolls as well as octopus and an amazing paella, if this was just a sample of what is on the Port Nautic menu, RTN will be returning time and time again. EXPERTLY PREPARED The restaurant has a relaxed and friendly

The two owners of Port Nautic with the chef (center)

atmosphere and the owners, who both speak several languages, have succeeded in opening a restaurant that will suit all tastes. And as it is situated within the International Marina, it offers a truly international menu, all of which is expertly prepared by their experienced and well trained chef. RTN will be back at the restaurant in the coming weeks to sample some more divine dishes from the Port Nautic menu. If, in the meantime, you would like to go and experience this wonderful restaurant yourself, please call 965 717 178 or e-mail portnautic@hotmail.com.

The restaurant is situated next to the marina


8-14 07 - 13JANUARY MAY 2010 2010

Angel connections MANY PEOPLE write to me with their Angel stories, yet so many still haven’t realised the power behind the network of those Angels whose job it is to care for us and keep us safe. Angels are messengers of God, and since they do not inhabit the Earth, they have to be invited here. Angels of all kinds work together to bring peaceful solutions to conflict - they bring positive energy to negative situations and each Angel has a specific title and job to do. We all have one very specially appointed Angel: Our Guardian Angel. This vital Angel connects with us at our birth, and is selected for us from one of the pool of dutiful Guardian Angels; whose job it is to see us safely into the World, to take good care of us, and to facilitate our departure and monitor our safe journey to the Spirit World on the day of our demise. No mean feat eh? So it may surprise you that we don’t all know our Angel by name. This appointed Angel shadows us on our lifelong experience in both this world and the next, and yet we are not able to call them by their name! How can you thank someone who you cannot call by name? It isn’t easy. But connecting with your Guardian Angel isn’t so difficult as it would appear to be. The Guardian Angels of the Soul each take on specific days of the Year on a rota inscribed in Aramaic. Each Guardian therefore has the right to host a candle lit vigil on the specific day of birth, and this can be celebrated, once you know your Guardian, and make the contact. Whatever you do, your Guardian never leaves you, and will love and support you forever. They live for your future success and comfort with a divine love and respect, and a good working knowledge of the many temptations and failings of us, poor mortals, here on the Planet Earth. It is important that we are totally unafraid to

make contact. Successful relationships amongst our friends begins with a name, then, everything happens, and with the Guardian Angels it is the same We ask a lot from friends, and when we connect with the Guardian Angel assigned to us, they respond very well to a direct contact or request. Eliminate any begging or humble displays of ingratiating need. Ask for what you deserve, and send a short request that is direct and dynamic, straight to the point and practical, because this will surely provoke the very best of responses. Be patient too, it may not be in your current now to have exactly what you want, but sending a true message that reflects your true feelings, and needs, is inspiring for those Guardians, and they will put everything on hold if they really have to. Be patient! My highly successful one day workshop, ‘Angelworks’ has taken me to many destinations here in Spain and across Europe and the USA. It closely examines the role of the Angel, helps with making contact, and helps people to release the power of the Angels so they can use it to live more enriched lives. I also provide a service of Guardian Angel assignment. All that is needed to reveal your very own special Angel is your date of birth. The information is sent in the form of an email or it can be printed and mailed to any address. Payment is handled by PayPal, and a donation is made from each assignment to be sent to HaitiAid. For any further information you may require, including the dates of the next Angelworks, please check out my website at: www. kennycorris.com or telephone, or text, for further information. Angels really can bring something very special into your life, if you will let them!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

Kenny, the Spirit World took my son, Anthony, when he was very little. How can I believe in all the good that Spirit brings, and which you promote, if they took such a little boy away from me? Fiona P Fiona, the Spirit World is not responsible for the tragic death of your son. It isn’t part of the natural process of life for parents to have to bury their child; rather that the child would bury their parents in time. Whatever caused the premature death of your son cannot possibly be blamed on the actions of the Spirit World, whatever happened. However, the Spirit World was on call at the time to accept the soul of your departed son and to ensure his safety, and encourage his survival after his passing over. He was young and vulnerable as such, and the Spirit World would have pulled out all the stops to ensure that he wasn’t alone, and that expert care was offered to him. Contact with the Spirit World now may reveal his destiny, and he may just be waiting for your call, before he moves on to take his rightful place.

Kenny’s Diary Friday 7th May: 2012 The Truth: Talk at UFO Society, Javea Sunday 16th May: 2012 The Truth: Day Workshop in Finestrat Tuesday 18th May: An Audience with Kenny Corris at the Castalla Meeting Centre, Calle Pedro Juan Leal 2, from 15.00 to 17.00. Information: Sarah 630 142 442.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Time was when you took things in your stride, now just look what has happened to test your faith in yourself. Mercury is back on track to deliver once and for all that message you have yet to send. Why protect the interests of others when your own need to survive tells you that the truth and the whole truth should be told now? You won’t get any thanks for what you know that you have to do, but you will have a clear conscience. Scorpio’s vitriolic attack has meant that negativities are fighting within you. This is surely the very best motivation to get that which you have started into motion once again, and this time leave no stone unturned until you are satisfied with the end result. Wipe out compromise and go for what you know that you can, while you can and whilst the momentum is there. Feel free to offer any assistance en route to your destination. Venus resides and brings love to you on all levels. This means learning to love yourself, because though you are great at dispensing love to others and pleasing them in the process you now need all your wits about you. Strengthen the inner you and eliminate doubt from the programme; after all, you’ve got so far on so little, and it is true that you have so much more to do. Think now where all this may take you, and enjoy the ride. The Moon’s phases bring you determination and a strong need to fight, however when all is said and done, just staying around to challenge recent events shows you that you are more than ready. You shouldn’t have to lower your levels, but start action from the bottom upwards and just see what you can come up with when you try. Friends will shortly see what you are capable of, but you are about to surprise even yourself! Pausing to lick wounds gives you time of to see what went wrong all by yourself. As someone who doesn’t have compromise, usually, on the menu, you can say that your ‘all or nothing’ has brought you something; and let’s now see what you do with what you now have. The sun still shines on Taurus, and the stubborn streak within you rises and responds to this, as you are ready to fight another day, but please not now. Right now calm and collected is the way forward. Mercury rises to support and energise just when and where needed. You have been travelling along a very long dark tunnel, and now there is a light burning strongly at the end beckoning you on. This week is a challenging one, but as you take it in your stride then so it unleashes a lot of hidden emotion and contempt, best dealt with than stored, and best faced so it can affect the future calm that you so need and the restoration of your equilibrium. Venus squares Jupiter and touches on the good luck and the gifts of fortunate blessing known to be experienced at this conjunction. A great week all around and you can’t seem to put a foot wrong. Something you’ve been dreading brings a change to plans, but even this is for the best, and resolve and forward planning comes from airing your thoughts in such a positive way. Start looking around for substantiation for new roles and have fun, above all! Hard work shouldn’t be done in anger. Whilst you are still hurting it is all right to delay the process, and you don’t have to do any single thing that you don’t want to right now. Take the time to look within yourself, and to use this temporary period as a time to catch up. Your friends have supported you all the way along, and if you turn to them now then they will be as open and honest as they can be. After all they saw all this coming! Jupiter’s connection with Venus brings love with a passion. An affair of the heart brings you to act on impulse, but follow your instincts this week. Your spiritual energies are very apt, and psychic powers, especially intuition, are heightened and awaiting good usage. Do not refuse an invitation because something rather magical is on its way for you, and that closed door to your heart may very well have to open to love, passion and desire. You are not resting on your laurels, but you do have a right to all the attention you deserve after handling things so well. Much personal sacrifice has had to be made, and your actions have been just what was wanted to minimise any unnecessary complication. All this has served to show you just what you can do if you are left alone and one further action will be seen to be a final act of your love and devotion, if and when you are ready. The work front isn’t without complication right now, and though you hate to be involved in decisions, there are some to be made this week, for the general good. Taking sides just isn’t an option whilst there is a main issue that others want to brush under the carpet. Using your excellent skills of reconciliation you find yourself, ‘in’ far deeper than you would wish, but then you are to be the deciding factor in a speedy solution for all concerned. Time and tide wait for no man, and it is, for you, the start of some hard work and a new way of working. People may say that you are re inventing yourself, but you really are moving on to pastures new because it feels right, and just because you can. Actions are to speak for you far louder than words ever could, and you can only be judged by what you do - not by what you don’t! Never underestimate what you know that you are capable of!

If it’s your birthday this week... Show your true colours as you lend support to someone who needs your tender love and care. The development of personal relationships will see you turning a corner this astrological year as love enters your life in many ways.

8-14 JANUARY 07 - 13 MAY2010 2010


tv Friday


07 - 13 may 2010

07:00 Breakfast Election Special 11:00 Election 2010 15:00 BBC News at One 15:30 Regional News 15:45 Escape to the Country 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 QI 22:00 Ashes to Ashes 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 24:35 National Lottery EuroMillions Draw 24:45 Moonlight Mile

08:00 Childrens TV 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:00 Yoko! Jakamoko! Toto! 12:05 The Moon-Spinners 14:00 Castle in the Country 14:30 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Car Booty 16:00 Penelope 16:05 Grandpa in My Pocket 16:15 Gigglebiz 16:30 Leon 16:35 Piggley Winks 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Tracy Beaker Returns 17:35 Gastronuts 18:05 Newsround 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 The Genius of Design 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 How to Live a Simple Life 23:00 Frank Skinner’s Opinionated 23:30 Newsnight 24:30 Later... with Jools Holland

07:00 GMTV 10:25 Election 2010 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 18:00 Divided 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Marco’s Kitchen Burnout 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 The Outlaw Josey Wales

08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Frasier 09:30 Will and Grace 10:00 Will and Grace 10:25 Supernanny US 11:20 Deal or No Deal 12:05 Wife Swap USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 14:05 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Iron Chef UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Glee 22:00 Embarrassing Bodies 23:00 Facejacker 23:35 Ricky Gervais Show 24:05 Peep Show 24:35 Peep Show

08:00 Childrens TV 09:55 The WotWots 10:05 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:50 Combat Chefs 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Prayers for Bobby 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Highland Emergency 21:00 Sea Patrol UK 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 Grey’s Anatomy 23:55 NCIS 24:55 Cops in Crisis

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Football Focus 13:00 BBC News 13:10 Regional News and Weather 13:15 Formula 1 15:15 Rugby League 17:30 BBC News 17:50 Regional News and Weather 18:00 Total Wipeout 19:00 Doctor Who 19:45 Over the Rainbow 21:10 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 22:05 Casualty 22:55 BBC News 23:25 Live at the Apollo 24:10 The Football League Show

08:00 Childrens TV 12:30 OOglies 12:45 VE 65th Anniversary 13:30 Degrassi: The Next Generation 13:55 The Cut 14:20 The Cut Audition Special 14:35 No Hats, No Trainers 15:00 The 5.19 Show 15:15 Off the Hook 15:45 The Sky at Night 16:05 Bargain Hunt 16:30 Escape to the Country 17:30 Final Score 18:20 The Rabbits of Skomer 18:30 Coast 19:30 Newsnight 20:10 Dad’s Army 20:40 Timewatch 21:30 Nation on Film: VE Day Special 22:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:45 I’m in a Rock ‘n’ Roll Band! 23:45 Frank Skinner’s Opinionated 24:15 Guitar Heroes at the BBC

08:00 Dora the Explorer 08:25 Kid vs Kat 09:00 The Secret Saturdays 09:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:50 Aaron Stone 10:25 Planet’s Funniest Animals 10:55 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 The Lakes 11:55 Monk 12:50 ITV News 13:10 This Morning: Saturday 14:10 Midsomer Murders 16:15 The Mummy 18:25 Granada News 18:40 ITV News 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 The Whole 19 Yards 21:00 Britain’s Got Talent 22:00 The Prisoner 23:00 ITV News 23:20 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

08:00 World Sport 08:30 Road to the 2010 FIFA World Cup 09:00 The Morning Line 09:55 Friends 10:25 Faithless 10:55 90210 11:55 Friends 12:25 Friends 12:55 Frock Me 13:30 Koko Pop 14:00 Smallville: Superman the Early Years 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me 17:25 Come Dine with Me 17:55 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 Come Dine with Me 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Blitz Street 21:00 SAS: The Real Story 22:00 The Transporter 2 23:40 Alien: Resurrection

08:00 Childrens TV 09:10 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:30 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 The Gadget Show 12:00 Justin Lee Collins: Good Times 13:00 The Family Recipe 13:05 Chinese Food in Minutes 13:40 Ice Patrol 14:40 Britain’s Greatest Machines with Chris Barrie 15:40 Genghis Khan 18:00 The Bridge at Remagen 20:10 Five News 20:15 NCIS 21:05 NCIS 22:00 CSI: NY 23:00 Law & Order 24:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 The Politics Show 13:10 Formula 1 16:15 Escape to the Country 17:15 Points of View 17:30 Songs of Praise 18:05 BBC News 18:20 Regional News and Weather 18:30 Final Score 19:15 Countryfile 20:15 Over the Rainbow Results Show 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Modern Masters 23:00 BBC News 23:15 Regional News and Weather 23:25 Match of the Day 24:55 Undisputed

08:00 Childrens TV 08:25 Muddle Earth 08:40 Bear Behaving Badly 09:00 The Legend of Dick and Dom 09:30 Prank Patrol 10:00 Big Babies 10:15 OOglies 10:30 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Great British Menu 13:00 Monk 13:45 EastEnders 15:40 Flog It! 16:10 Rugby League 18:30 Coast 18:40 Porridge 19:10 Theo’s Adventure Capitalists 20:10 Top Gear 21:10 Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections 22:00 When Moyles Met the Radio 1 Breakfast DJs 23:00 Blood on the Carpet 23:40 Smashie and Nicey: The End of an Era 24:25 Wogan: Radio 1 20th Anniversary Special

08:00 Special Agent Oso 08:25 Kid vs Kat 09:00 Penguins of Madagascar 09:25 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 10:00 Phineas and Ferb 10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 13:05 ITV News 13:10 This Morning: Sunday 14:10 Columbo 15:45 Survival with Ray Mears 16:45 Britain’s Got Talent 17:45 The Perfect Man 19:35 Granada News 19:45 ITV News 20:00 The Seasons with Alan Titchmarsh 21:00 Lewis 23:00 ITV News 23:15 The South Bank Show Revisited 24:15 Robbie Coltrane: B-Road Britain

08:00 The Grid 08:30 British F3 International Series 08:55 Abu Dhabi International Triathlon 09:50 The Hills 10:20 Friends 10:50 Hollyoaks Omnibus 13:20 Running in Heels 13:50 Frock Me 14:25 Glee 15:30 Cheryl Cole: Real Stories 16:35 The Simpsons 17:10 The Simpsons 17:40 Deal or No Deal 18:30 Time Team 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 The Landscape Man 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 The Restoration Man 23:00 Hitman 24:50 Parakh

08:00 Childrens TV 09:05 Hana’s Helpline 09:20 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:35 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:50 Igam Ogam 10:05 Olivia 10:20 The Mr. Men Show 10:35 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Zoo Days 12:15 BUPA Great Edinburgh Run 2010 13:15 Monkey Life 13:45 Build a New Life in the Country 14:45 Cowboy Builders 15:50 Who’s Harry Crumb? 17:30 Fluke 19:15 Five News 19:20 Godzilla 22:00 Windtalkers 24:40 Justin Lee Collins: Good Times

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 UK Border Force 12:00 The Lion Man 12:30 The Lion Man 13:00 The Biggest Loser USA 13:55 Bite Size Brainiac 14:00 Medical Emergency 14:30 Cold Case 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Runway 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 A League of Their Own 21:30 The Simpsons 22:00 Lost 23:00 Chris Ryan’s Strike Back

08:30 Olympic Games 09:00 Cycling 10:15 Planet Armstrong 10:45 Cycling 11:00 Cycling 12:00 Snooker World Championship 14:30 WTA Tennis 16:00 Live WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Live WTA Tennis 20:00 Strongest Man 21:00 Live Boxing 23:00 Bowling 24:00 Eurogoals Flash 24:10 Football 24:30 Freeride Spirit 24:45 Planet Armstrong

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Medium 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Ghost Hunters International 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:00 Malcolm in the Middle 08:30 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Soccer AM 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 The Simpsons 14:30 Futurama 15:00 Futurama 15:30 Futurama 16:00 Futurama 16:30 Pineapple Dance Studios 17:30 Bite Size Brainiac 17:45 Back to the Future Part III 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Lie to Me 22:00 Chris Ryan’s Strike Back 23:00 Chris Ryan’s Strike Back 24:00 Fringe

08:30 Planet Armstrong 09:00 Cycling 09:15 WTA Tennis 11:00 Cycling 12:00 Planet Armstrong 12:30 Cycling 12:45 Cycling 14:45 Planet Armstrong 15:15 Cycling 15:30 Live Cycling 18:30 WTA Tennis 19:45 Showjumping 21:00 Fight Club 24:00 Cycling

08:00 Maury 08:45 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Will and Grace 10:00 My Wife and Kids 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 13:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Four Weddings 15:00 Four Weddings 15:30 Four Weddings 16:00 Four Weddings 17:00 Matilda 18:55 Celebs 24/7 19:00 Nothing to Declare 19:30 Nothing to Declare 20:00 Nothing to Declare 20:30 Nothing to Declare 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Ghost Whisperer 23:00 Ghost Whisperer

Back to the Future Part III Sky1, 17.45

08:00 Malcolm in the Middle 08:30 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 WWE: Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 The Simpsons 14:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 15:00 Futurama 15:30 Futurama 16:00 Futurama 16:30 Westlife: Here We Are 17:00 Modern Family 17:30 Modern Family 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 20:30 Pineapple Dance Studios 22:00 24 23:00 House 24:00 Bones

08:30 Le Mans Endurance Series 09:30 World Superbike Championship 10:00 Cycling 11:15 Live Le Mans Endurance Series 12:00 Live World Superbikes 13:00 Live Superbike Corner 13:15 Live Supersport 14:15 Live Le Mans Endurance Series 15:15 Live Cycling 17:30 Le Mans Endurance Series 18:00 Superbikes 18:45 Motorsports Weekend 19:00 Snooker World Championship 21:00 Strongest Man 22:00 Boxing 23:05 Cycling 24:30 Superbikes Slumdog The Seasons with Millionaire Channel 4, Alan Titchmarsh 10.00pm

ITV 1, 20.00

08:00 Maury 08:45 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Will and Grace 10:00 My Wife and Kids 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 13:00 Matilda 14:55 Celebs 24/7 15:00 Ghost Whisperer 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Ghost Whisperer 18:00 Nothing to Declare 18:30 Nothing to Declare 19:00 Grey’s Anatomy 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Cougar Town 21:30 Cougar Town 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 Supernatural

tv Monday

Feb 26 -07 March - 13 may4 2010 2010

08:00 Brainiac: Best of Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 Stargate SG-1 12:00 Stargate SG-1 13:00 UK Border Force 14:00 The Lion Man 14:30 Cold Case 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Runway 17:30 Malcolm in the Middle 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 UK Border Force 22:00 House 23:00 NCIS: LA 24:00 24

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Hospital Heroes 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 12:00 Best of Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:45 Doctors 15:45 BBC News 15:50 Nina and the Neurons 16:05 Grandpa in My Pocket 16:15 Gigglebiz 16:30 Leon 16:35 Piggley Winks 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Tracy Beaker Returns 17:35 Junior Masterchef 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Bang Goes the Theory 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 High Street Dreams 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:35 The Graham Norton Show

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Charlie and Lola 10:15 Postman Pat: SDS 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 dirtgirlworld 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:05 The Flintstones 12:30 Castle in the Country 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Car Booty 14:30 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Animal 24:7 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 A Question of Genius 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 Hairy Bikers Ride Again 20:30 TOTP 2 22:00 The Grumpy Guide to... The Eighties 23:00 Have I Got News for You 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Eyewitness

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 18:00 Divided 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Goodbye Blanche 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Wormwood Scrubs 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Dirty Harry

08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Will and Grace 09:55 Will and Grace 10:25 Supernanny US 11:20 Deal or No Deal 12:05 Wife Swap USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 14:05 Designers Under Pressure 14:15 The One That Got Away 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Iron Chef UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Young, Autistic and Stagestruck 22:00 Blitz Street 23:00 Derren Brown Investigates 24:05 Big Trouble in Little China

08:00 Childrens TV 09:40 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:50 Castle Farm 09:55 The WotWots 10:05 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Highland Emergency 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Bridge of Time 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Top Trumps 21:00 The Gadget Show 22:00 FlashForward 23:00 Justin Lee Collins: Good Times 24:00 Trapped

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Hospital Heroes 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 12:00 Best of Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Grandpa in My Pocket 16:15 Gigglebiz 16:30 Leon 16:35 Piggley Winks 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Natural Born Hunters 17:35 Junior Masterchef 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Luther 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Children’s Emergency 24:05 The Graham Norton Show

08:00 Childrens TV 10:15 Postman Pat: SDS 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 dirtgirlworld 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:05 The Flintstones 12:30 Castle in the Country 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Car Booty 14:30 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Animal 24:7 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 A Question of Genius 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 Coast 21:00 Theo’s Adventure Capitalists 22:00 The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion 23:00 Later Live... with Jools Holland 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Eyewitness

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 18:00 Divided 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Children’s Hospital 21:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 22:00 The Bill 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Joanna Lumley: Catwoman 24:35 Half Light

08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Will and Grace 09:55 Will and Grace 10:25 Supernanny US 11:20 Deal or No Deal 12:05 Wife Swap USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 14:05 Jamie at Home 14:35 Flying Tigers 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Iron Chef UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Supersize vs Superskinny 22:00 Heston’s Eighties Feast 23:00 Shameless 24:10 The Good Wife

08:00 Childrens TV 09:50 Castle Farm 09:55 The WotWots 10:05 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Highland Emergency 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 See Jane Date 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Cowboy Builders 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 CSI: NY

08:00 Brainiac: History Abuse 09:00 Malcolm in the Middle 09:30 Futurama 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 Stargate SG-1 12:00 Stargate SG-1 13:00 UK Border Force 14:00 The Lion Man 14:30 Cold Case 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Runway 17:30 Bite Size Brainiac 17:45 Back to the Future Part III 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Stargate Universe 22:00 Glenn Martin, DDS 22:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 23:00 Fringe 24:00 Lost

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Hospital Heroes 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 12:00 Best of Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Grandpa in My Pocket 16:15 Zigby 16:30 Dennis & Gnasher 16:40 Big Babies 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Dani’s House 17:35 Junior Masterchef 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 DIY SOS 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 Junior Apprentice 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 National Lottery Draws 23:45 Damages

08:00 Childrens TV 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 dirtgirlworld 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:05 The Flintstones 12:30 Castle in the Country 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Animal 24:7 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 A Question of Genius 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 Out of the Frying Pan 21:00 The Edible Garden 21:30 Cracking Antiques 22:00 Monty Halls’ Great Hebridean Escape 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Eyewitness

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 18:00 Divided 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Lion Country 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Eight Legged Freaks

08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 09:30 Will and Grace 09:55 Will and Grace 10:25 Supernanny US 11:20 Deal or No Deal 12:05 Wife Swap USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Relocation, Relocation 14:05 Jamie at Home 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Iron Chef UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Three in a Bed 22:00 Jamie Does... The French Pyrenees 23:00 Desperate Housewives 24:00 Shameless

08:00 Childrens TV 09:40 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Highland Emergency 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 While My Pretty One Sleeps 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:00 Europa League Football 23:05 The Corruptor

08:00 Brainiac: History Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 Stargate SG-1 12:00 Stargate SG-1 13:00 UK Border Force 14:00 The Lion Man 14:30 Cold Case 15:30 Angela and Friends 16:30 Project Runway 17:30 Wedding SOS 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Pineapple Dance Studios 22:00 Chris Ryan’s Strike Back 23:00 Chris Ryan’s Strike Back 24:00 Ross Kemp: Battle for the Amazon

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

08:30 Motorsports Weekend 08:45 World Superbikes 09:15 Superbikes 10:00 Cycling 11:00 WTA Tennis 12:00 Live WTA Tennis 14:00 Live Cycling 17:15 WTA Tennis 18:00 Eurogoals 18:45 Champions Club 19:30 Eurogoals: One to One 19:45 Football 20:00 FIFA World Cup Giants 20:30 Eurogoals: One to One 20:45 All Sports 20:50 WATTS 21:00 Pro Wrestling 21:30 Pro Wrestling 22:25 All Sports 22:30 Eurogoals: One to One 23:15 Champions Club 24:00 Cycling


08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 09:30 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Passport Patrol 15:00 Medium 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 22:00 Four Weddings 23:00 Cougar Town 23:30 Cougar Town 24:00 Criminal Minds

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08:30 Eurogoals 09:15 Champions Club 10:00 Cycling 11:00 WTA Tennis 12:00 Live WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Live WTA Tennis 20:00 Champions Club 20:45 Eurogoals: One to One 21:00 Boxing 23:00 Le Mans Endurance Series 24:00 Porsche Supercup 24:30 Eurogoals

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 09:30 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Passport Patrol 15:00 Medium 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Four Weddings 22:00 Cougar Town 22:30 Cougar Town 23:00 Drop Dead Diva 24:00 Criminal Minds

Luther BBC 1, 22.00

08:35 Cycling 09:30 Eurogoals 10:15 Champions Club 11:00 WTA Tennis 12:00 Live WTA Tennis 13:45 Cycling 14:30 Live Cycling 17:30 Live WTA Tennis 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Live WTA Tennis 19:30 Wednesday Selection 19:40 Badminton Horse Trials 20:40 Riders Club 20:45 US PGA Golf 21:45 European PGA Golf 22:15 Ladies PGA Golf 22:25 Golf Club 22:30 Sailing 23:00 Yacht Club 23:05 Wednesday Selection 23:15 Olympic Games 23:45 Football 24:00 Cycling

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 09:30 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Passport Patrol 15:00 Medium 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Supernatural 23:00 Medium 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Thursday


Feb2010 26 - March 4 2010 07 - 13 may

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Hospital Heroes 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 12:00 Best of Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News 16:05 I Can Cook 16:20 Zigby 16:30 Dennis & Gnasher 16:40 Big Babies 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Safari 8 17:35 Junior Masterchef 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Watchdog 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Outnumbered 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

08:00 Skunk Fu 08:15 Eliot Kid 08:25 Newsround 08:30 Raven 09:00 Gimme a Break 09:30 Timmy Time 09:40 Chuggington 09:50 Louie 10:00 Charlie and Lola 10:15 Postman Pat: SDS 10:30 LazyTown 10:55 dirtgirlworld 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:05 The Flintstones 12:30 Castle in the Country 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Car Booty 14:30 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Animal 24:7 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 A Question of Genius 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Menu 20:00 Monty Halls’ Great Hebridean Escape 21:00 Bill Oddie’s Top 10 Aliens 22:00 History Cold Case 23:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 I’m in a Rock ‘n’ Roll Band!

07:00 GMTV 09:35 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Daily Cooks Challenge 17:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 18:00 Divided 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 All at Sea 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 Greatest Cities of the World with Griff Rhys Jones 24:35 Supersize Teens: Can’t Stop Eating

08:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Frasier 09:30 Will and Grace 10:00 Will and Grace 10:25 Supernanny US 11:20 Deal or No Deal 12:05 Wife Swap USA 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Relocation, Relocation 14:05 Jamie at Home 14:35 Channel 4 Racing 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Iron Chef UK 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 How the Other Half Live 23:00 You Have Been Watching 23:55 The Sum of All Fears

08:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Thomas & Friends 09:40 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Highland Emergency 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 The Family Recipe 15:55 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:10 The Hollywood Mom’s Mystery 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Britain’s Greatest Machines with Chris Barrie 22:00 Pistol Whipped 24:05 Shops, Robbers and Videotape

08:00 Brainiac: History Abuse 09:00 Oops TV

08:30 WATTS 08:45 Football

10:00 Cold Case

09:00 Cycling

11:00 Stargate SG-1

10:30 WTA Tennis

12:00 Stargate SG-1 13:00 UK Border Force

12:00 Live WTA Tennis

14:00 The Lion Man

13:45 Cycling

14:30 Cold Case 15:30 Angela and Friends

14:30 Live Cycling

16:30 Project Runway

17:30 Live WTA Tennis

17:30 Wedding SOS

19:00 Eurogoals Flash

18:00 Malcolm in the Middle

19:10 Live WTA Tennis

18:30 Futurama

19:30 WTA Tennis

19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons

20:00 Live WTA Tennis

20:30 The Simpsons

21:45 Fight Club

21:00 Modern Family

24:30 Cycling

21:30 Modern Family 22:00 A League of Their Own

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:25 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 09:30 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 60 Minute Makeover 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Passport Patrol 15:00 Medium 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Drop Dead Diva 22:00 Grey’s Anatomy 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

Suduko Answer

22:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 23:00 Bones 24:00 NCIS: LA

Crossword Answers 550 Cryptic solutions Across: 6 Arising; 7 Clock; 9 One; 10 Reservoir; 12 Stand at ease; 15 Painstaking; 17 Wrestlers; 19 Ate; 21 Gamut; 22 Convert. Down: 1 Crank; 2 Ass; 3 Knee; 4 Old Vienna; 5 Eclipse; 8 Remark; 11 Stands out; 13 Nettle; 14 Fairway; 16 Stork; 18 Rook; 20 Eve. Quick solutions Across: 6 Compare; 7 Snake; 9 Try; 10 Manifests; 12 Second sight; 15 Short-handed; 17 Community; 19 Bad; 21 Agony; 22 Massive. Down: 1 Worry; 2 Spy; 3 Area; 4 Undecided; 5 Sketchy; 8 Hidden; 11 Detriment; 13 On hand; 14 Through; 16 Halve; 18 Tear; 20 Ask.

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07 - 13 may 2010

Costa Blanca Walking Guide Book Review by

Danny Collins


HERE WE go again, with 50 walks to wear our boots out in glorious tramps across and along the Costa Blanca, as spring gives way to early summer. As previous readers of this review column will know, I shall accompany the walker in spirit only – Laphroaig of Islay would do rather nicely – since I suffer from vertigo and have a non predilection for long puffing walks through any of nature’s habitats that are more than a metre above sea level and don’t have wide verges with stout railings. Gill Round, on the other hand, does and has set out these graded walks for fellow hill-walkers to enjoy. The routes are coloured to give an idea of what you’re letting yourself in for and, I must be honest here, just reading through some of them had me thinking of my late cat – a fat Persian, itself unable to jump onto the sofa without a trembly wobble. Blue means mostly (yes, but what about the un-mostly?) wide paths, possibly steep in some short sections, and okay in poor weather conditions. Red means moderate but strenuous - some experience and sure footedness is a must. Black are difficult and poorly waymarked. And you’ll need a good sense of direction (possibly to the nearest bar, where with any sense you’ll stay). I’m sure Gill knows what he’s talking about – and I do apologise for that personal pronoun if he’s a she as the first name is ambiguous. Mind you that also means he/she was never in the news when I was a journalist reporting walking accidents and rescues, so well done him/her. The photographs are quite breath-taking, if a little butt-clenching for the likes of me and I can imagine hordes of you lacing on your walking

Author: Gill Round Publisher: Rother of Munich Price: €14.40 ISBN: 978 3 7633 4837 4

boots and grabbing the camera to see if you can do better. There are also handy and informative sections on equipment, seasons, maps, walking times, and dangers (of which I note falling off isn’t mentioned although it does contain a few words on something called a ‘scree traverse’ which might mean the same thing for all I know). Whatever, they are also plenty of maps to guide the hardy souls through the passes of romantically named places like ‘Sierra de Safor’ and ‘Peña Mulero’, or how about ‘Barranco de los Ojos?’ Possibly because someone’s eyes stood out like chapel hat pegs when he or she looked down… Certainly, if you are so inclined – there might be a pun there somewhere – the price is cheap enough for all the information within that would make any hill walker’s day. Me? I’ll leave mine on the parcel shelf of the car and enjoy the admiring glances from passers-by. Why not try Puig Campana? A literal walk in the park, pal…

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.


50 44

FEB- 13 07 26 -MAY MARCH 2010 4 2010


with aunty virus

Genuine HP cartridges

Skype Video Terry from Torrevieja asks: Hi hope you can help. Having recently discovered the world of Skype, and wishing to show off our gorgeous weather to family in UK, I cannot get a good outside picture (inside is fine) on any of my 3 cameras, despite fiddling with the camera settings. Is it my laptop (which is a Toshiba Equium A100) that won’t show the sunny climate, or can you recommend a better camera? Aunty Says: I doubt very much it’s your laptop Terry. Most cheap (sub €30) webcams are designed for indoor use and simply cannot handle the amount of natural light when outside. I know the Logitech QuickCam Pro works great outside, and is designed especially for laptops, I used to have one as a security camera until it got robbed.

Les via email asks: Dear Aunty, I have an HP printer/scanner and since the original HP cartridges ran out I have used INKJET cartridges. When inserting these, the PC has always come up with a warning that these were not genuine HP cartridges and the ink level diagram would not display. Nevertheless, they always worked. I have just tried inserting two new colour cartridges, but neither would print. Could it be that in recent HP updates they have blocked any ‘foreign’ cartridges from working? Strangely, the printer seems to try and print, but only blank sheets come out. If HP has done this, is it legal? Aunty Says: Difficult one, Les. I have certainly come across similar situations before and I do remember a big fuss where certain copy cartridges were

being ‘blocked’ by a printer manufacturer (Lexmark I think) but whether it’s legal or not, I don’t honestly know. In your case I would also have to include the possibility that there is something malfunctioning on the printer as you have tried two separate cartridges to no avail. I recently bought two very cheap cartridges via Ebay, and although they worked okay for a while, they seem to have upset the Epson software and now the Windows print process has to be restarted a few times before it prints. There is certainly a huge difference in the ink quality between most copy and genuine cartridges and this can definitely affect the printer’s internal workings.

Windows Ken via email asks: Hi Aunty, I inadvertently (don’t ask) installed Windows 7 on my separate backup hard drive and I removed it by formatting the drive and reinstalling my backup. When I boot up now I get a choice of two Windows7 to choose from, but of course only one exists. How can I get rid of this choice at start up? Keep up the good work.

BBC iplayer

Jon via email asks: Did you not print a way to watch BBC iPlayer here in Spain? If so, could you give me the details as I have mislaid the original. Thanks. Aunty Says: I did indeed Jon and it was basically how to use a ‘proxy server’. It’s a long, tedious and complicated subject so I’m going to point you to the ‘How Do I’ section on www.enetcomputers.net and see if that helps.

Aunty Says: Hi Ken. There’s a couple of ways of doing this and I think the safest way is to set the original as the default operating system and set the timer down to zero. Go to ‘start’ and right click on ‘computer’ and ‘properties’. Click on ‘advanced’ and the ‘settings’ button next to the ‘startup and recovery’ section; here you can choose the default OS from the drop down list and the time to zero by unticking the ‘time to display’ box. Don’t be tempted to edit the startup option file as this invariably ends in tears.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

FEB 07 26 - MARCH 13 MAY4 2010 2010

Sleeping Skype Doreen via email asks: Hi Aunty, I have just connected to Skype but am having trouble with incoming calls. My laptop is left on (as you suggested) but when a call comes through it does not wake up my laptop so I miss them (or they call me on their landline to tell me they are trying to get through) I would appreciate your expertise. Thanks in anticipation. Aunty Says: I’m not 100% sure Doreen. The fact that your laptop is in stand-by (or hibernate mode) will more than likely show you as ‘offline’ to the Skype community, but you may be able to get around this by configuring your laptop not to go completely to sleep. Somewhere under the power options (in control panel) you will find an option where you can set only the hard disk and screen to go into stand-by so maybe try experimenting with these

settings. There’s also a ‘Wake-On-LAN’ option that may work but it does involve messing around with Windows so let me know how you get on with the first option.

51 45

Spain leads in green funding SPAIN IS the first country to make a contribution to the Climate Change Adaptation Fund for 2010. Spain has pledged €45 million to the Fund, which finances programmes and projects related to adaptation whilst also contributing to sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Development objectives. By making this voluntary contribution, the Spanish Government hopes to encourage other countries to follow suit. The Adaptation Fund, created

during the 7th Conference of the Parties, is financed by resources taken from applying a 2 percent fee on all transactions carried out with Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs) within the framework of the Clean Development Mechanism. In the Copenhagen Accord, the countries of the European Union made a commitment to contribute ‘fast start’ financing of €7,200 million over the 2010-2012 period. Spain has promised to contribute €125 million per year (€375 million for the entire period).

07 - 13 MAY 2010



We have just traded in our Spanish registered Motorhome against a new one (contract dated 9th March). We have now paid the balance of the purchase price and are awaiting the Trafico registration before picking up the new vehicle. Shortly after 9th March, the 2010 SUMA invoice for the old motor-home arrived. Am I right in thinking that as we owned this motorhome on 1st January, then we are liable to pay the full year? If not, can you please tell me what the position is? Thank you in anticipation of your assistance, Derek Swann. by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

FIRST OF all, did you trade in the motor-home through a proper dealer or a private sale? If the former, then legally as soon as you took delivery of the new motor-home, the old one became the property of the dealer. And the dealer is responsible for the transfer as long as no other different agreement was made between you. Please note that there are a lot of tips and procedure advice on this matter with many caveats, some emailed to me by

expat victims: trust nobody. The same applies in the case of a private sale but the seller not being a dealer (registered business), you cannot go to the local Oficina Municipal de Informacion de Consumidor (OMIC) to get them to help, although all they can do is put pressure on the dealer to take the right action. What I would do (although my book gives advice on how to prevent this happening so I have never needed to do it) is

to obtain a TASA Form 9.060 which is the ‘notification of vehicle being scrapped’, and then take it completed but not submitted to Trafico. Inform the new owner to whom you traded (dealer or private) your old motor-home and tell him that he has three days to take transfer, supply you with the original documents from Trafico confirming this. You can further check a little later that he/she has not cheated later by applying to Trafico with

a free TASA 9.060 form which, if you apply to Trafico for the information, will cost you about €8 for the service to give you the current owners details, i.e., yours or the person you traded it to as on the Trafico system. If you are friendly with your local police or a Guardia Civil Officer and your Spanish is good enough, they can check on their new PDA system, which have access at the roadside or in the police offices where the computers are also connected to the Trafico system. Needless to say, if you cannot speak Spanish or do not have a bilingual friend to help, you will have to use the services of a specialist such as gestor or lawyer. As an aside, I have been

told by expats of personal experiences where they have bought a vehicle, paid for it with the condition being that the transfer is included in the price and as much as 18 months later, they have still not received the new documents. The extra costs and the stress... Also, vehicles that have been used as taxis or driving school cars etc and were not identified before the purchase mean higher mileages and early ITV inspections being necessary. The book was written to try to stop this happening, but do not think that the criminals are all Spanish; a considerable number are also expats trading on other expats’ ignorance. Good luck and please let us know what happens.

No more space: more next week. Email your questions to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com and 666 888 870 We Buy, Sell & Part Exchange Quality British & Spanish Cars Transfer Documents Completed Competitive Insurance Quotes All cars Fully serviced and valeted


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MOBILE/ PARK HOMES Ready to move into on permanent site. Carol. 968-192-425 Mob. 626055-622. Web. www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com 2 NEW EXCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENTS on the wirral. Luxury Lodges and Park Homes for sale 12 month occupancy px considered call 0044-1516-332-321 or email alan@hill-brothers.com COMMERCIAL UNITS IN VILLAMARTIN Two fitted units. Sold as one with a total of 135m2 or separately with

67m2 with terraces. Good established location and position. rental considered. 657-964-702 CLASSIC SPANISH OLD TOWN HOUSE CALLOSA D’EN SARRIA. 3 double bedrooms (one with en-suite bathroom), master bath, downstairs loo, new kitchen, large living room diner with real fire. Terrace with bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Seperate sun terrace with views to the mountains. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 135,000€ Tel: 609-177-032. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT offering a complete and competitive service for all your property rental needs including: Keyholding, Pools mainmatined, cleaning & laundry, meet and greets, airport transfers Los Alcazares. Tel: 628-772-418 email: rosaliamews@live.co.uk STRUCTURAL SURVEYS Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB. Free 15pg buyer’s guide via website www.surveysspain. com Tel 962807247 / 653733066


RURAL HOUSE SUITABLE FOR 8 PEOPLE 652 756 085 www.casalastreshermanas. com DOLORES Detached large villa with option to buy 700€ 695923194 Detached unfurnished villa. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 550€ 695923194 ALBATERA 2 double bedrooms country house with swimming pool 650€ 695923194 CATRAL Semidetached villa. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, utility room, community swimming pool. 500€ 695923194 LA MARINA 1 bedroom bungalow 320€ 695923194 SALADAR (Almoradi) 2 bedrooms detached house. 2 bathrooms, toilette, open fitted kitchen, lounge, utility room, courtyard, terrace & solarium. Air conditioning & central heating. 450€ FOR SALE: 120.000€ 695923194 LAS BAYAS Country house 1000sqm plot 1 double bedroom, bathroom, large lounge, kitchen. 500€ 695923194 ROJALES FULLY FURNISHED. New Detached and semidetached villas from 800€ 695923194 WWW. VENDOPISO.COM CABO ROIG AREA detached house, 2/3 bed, 1.5 bath, F/F garden, close shops & beach. 500€ PCM + bills. 966-760-201/ 628-478-313 CABO ROIG BEACHSIDE 1 minute from beach Cala Capitan. Apartments or terraced house for rent. Long term or short term. Tel: 966773-985 ALTEA - CAP NEGRET two double bedroomed apartment, glazed terraces, beautiful views, private beach and parking, walking distance to town. tlf:686-535-154. HOUSE IN QUESADA FOR RENT 2/3 bedrooms, overlooking community pool. Good views. Close to all amenities. Tel: 965-702-170/ 625-830-776 ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool,

furnished 300€ per month +100€ bills. Ring 966-783555/ 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail.com FULLY FITTED APARTMENT for rent, quiet urbanization, mountain views. 220€ per week all included. Rafol de Almunia 679-285-161 LOW RENT COMMERCIAL UNITS Large commercial unit 110m2, fitted as restaurant, Playa Flamenca. 600€ p.m Unit in La Finca, fully fitted 600€ p.m. 657-964-702 1 BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR FLAT IN TORREVIEJA telephone line, English TV, pool. Near Friday market and Iceland, walking distance to bars, shops and sea front. Long let min 4 months.300€ pcm including bills. 966-708-573 or 660-859-862

MENDITXU S.L 695923194 966710315 VISIT OUR WEB SITE, WE HAVE THE BEST PRICES IN ALL THE VEGA BAJA AREA. WWW. VENDOPISO.COM LA ZENIA BEACH Terraced house, 2 bed, 2 baths, large rooms, garden, furnished, comm. pool, off-road parking, gated community, quiet area, walking distance to the beach. 139.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Luxury corner apartment, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, balcony, solarium with nice views, south facing, off road parking, comm. pool, only 8 mins walk to beach, 99.900 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com VILLARMARTIN Luxury detached villa, large rooms, 2 bed, 2 baths, storage, balcony, carport, furnished, comm. pool, marble radiators, air con, double glazing, fire place, 196.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA FLORIDA Large corner house, 3 bed, 2 baths, furnished, large balcony, solarium, sea views, garde,

off-road parking, comm. pool, reduced to 117.800 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA FLORIDA Penthouse apartment, 2 bed, furnished, balcony, solarium, conservatory, garden, southfacing, fire place, off-road parking, storage, comm. pool, 84.700 Euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com GUARDAMAR Lovely 2 bedroom, apartment, furnished, balcony with sea views, lift, only 500m to the beach and close to the centre but quiet area. 129.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Terraced house within walking distance to the beach. 2 bed, 2 bath, conservatory, patio, comm. pool, air con, fire place, storage, furnished, close to amenities, 123.000 euro Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com PLAYA FLAMENCA Terraced house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished, balcony, sunny side, off road parking, community pool, quiet area and close to all amenities. ONLY 109.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Semidetached on 280m2 plot, 2 bed, 1 bath, terrace, private pool poss. , in need of renovations, quiet location, short walk to the beach. 129.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA Detached villa, 400m² plot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining room, fire place, furnished, nice garden, large storage room and garage, pool possible. 176.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com LA ZENIA BEACH Terraced house, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, guest toilet, alarm, roof terrace, off road parking, community pool, lovely sea views, quiet gated community. Only a short walk to the beach! 164.000 euro. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com

For Rent Luxury 2 & 3 Bedroom (2 Bathroom) apartments in the centre of San Miguel de Salinas, video entry, marble entrance,lift to all floors – underfloor heating, roof top pool,next to supermarket, stunning views From: 385€ per month Call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487


Spacious furnished 3 bedroom apartment for sale in middle of beautiful village. 110m². New kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy all within a couple of minutes walk. Large terrace at back of the apartment overlooking orange groves and balconies off 2 bedrooms. Trastero and private parking. AP-7 3 minutes by car.

€200,000 Tel: 617 893 036 or email kath_poole@hotmail.com


Buyer’s structural surveys, defects reports & solutions Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB. T 0034 962 807 247 M 0034 653 733 066

WE ARE LOOKING FOR RESALE PROPERTIES ON THE ORIHUELA COSTA. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOURS, PLEASE CONTACT US. Tel: 616 939 326, 966 773 985, www.hf-immo.com REDUCED Stunning Detached Villa in Lake View Mansions, San Miguel de Salinas. Good sized bright and airy lounge with built in fireplace, spacious separate dining area and fully fitted separate kitchen.. Very well furnished and decorated and is sold as seen. Large master bedroom with en suite, 2 further bedrooms and family bathroom. Private pool, garage, terraces and a roof solarium with fantastic views. Lovely villa in a beautiful location. JUST REDUCED €199,500. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. BLUE LAGOON large detached villa with a pool on 300m plot. Spacious living area, 3 bedrooms all en suite, roof solarium with views of salt lakes and Mar Menor. Central heating, sat TV, off road parking. Large terrace, private pool, roofed bar and BBQ area! €268,500. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. ENTRE GOLF, VILLAMARTIN 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse. Separate kitchen, good size lounge/diner, A/C, glazed galleria, garden, roof solarium with views to the salt lakes and communal pool. The property is only 2 years old and a fantastic price of €143,350. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. BLUE LAGOON chaletstyle terraced 2 bed, 1 bath property Entrance is via the conservatory which is currently being used as a dining area. Good size lounge, modern, fully fitted American kitchen, utility room. 2 beds with fitted wardrobes. Main bedroom has access to the tiled rear terrace. Roof solarium with a handy storage igloo. Beautiful views to the sea and salt lakes. €86,000. Phone 628 932 137. LA APARACIDA NEAR ORIHUELA Lovely ground floor apartment in a small gated community in a traditional Spanish village next to the mountains. 2 bed, 1 bath, fully fitted American kitchen, balcony, lounge/diner with patio doors to a small patio/garden to the front overlooking communal pool and gardens. Fully furnished with garage space included in the price. Only €78,000. Phone 628 932 137.

07 - 13 MAY 2010

LADERAS DEL SOL 3 bed, 2 bath quad house in a secure, gated complex with a central communal pool area. Corner plot with a nice garden, patio area and a solarium.. Lounge/diner, separate kitchen and utility area . The master bedroom has a walkin wardrobe. Part furnished. Extras include air conditioning throughout and a car park for residents. €121,450. Phone 628 932 137. TORREVIEJA 2 bed, 1 bath light and airy corner apartment close to all amenities. Good layout, lounge/diner with balcony overlooking comm pool, american kitchen, fully furnished, lift, communal roof solarium. €84,450 Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. VISIT OUR WEBSITE www. pricecrashproperty.com for more great deals on the Costa Blanca. SICKNESS FORCE SELL Villamartin Blue Lagoon,Villa, 400qm plot, 180 qm livingspace, garage, 2 sep apartments 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms,seaview Make an Offer 669 283 973 www. costablancaproperties24.com LOS ALTOS Bungalow,2 bedrooms,terrace, 96.000 €, 669 283 973 www. costablancaproperties24.com

VILLAMARTIN HOT TUB CENTRE 120sq m Unit for rent within our very very busy shop and showroom

700€ per month

Please call the office on 966 764 878 or mobile 685 442 656 for more info

SICKNESS FORCE SELL Villamartin EL Galan,Villa, 240qm plot 4-5 bedrooms, pool, seaview, southwestfacing Make an Offer 669 283 973 www.costablancaproperties24. com SPECIAL OFFER, LOS ALTOS Detached Villa, 2 bedrooms, terrace, furnished com - pool, roofterrace, 220 qm plot, only 117.000 € 669 283 973 FOR OUR RUSSIAN CLIENTS we require looked after 2nd hand properties pref. near the beach) from La Mata to Cabo Roig Palmera Mar Inmobiliaria since 2000 Tel/Fax (Manfred) 966 764 678 669 283 973

RECESSION Proof Business. Vending machines with locations. Nett. 40,000€ P.Aa One day P.W to service. 965326-442/ 659-696-455 BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on popular lemon tree market. Excellent potencial. 88 cover. Sale due to ill health. Tel: 966180-168/ 655-479-753

LUXURY VILLA For sale on the Costa Blanca North. A luxury 9 bedroom villa, set in a quiet area, 15mins walk to the blue flag beaches of Calpe. Currently operating as a small bed and breakfast accomodation. The property could be used for many other activities. This property must be viewed to be appreciated. This is an opportunity not to be missed! For further details contact 628-499-448 or 965-837-948. PINE FURNITURE Large quantity of flat pack solid pine furniture for sale, includes double and treble wardrobes, bedside cabinets, chest of draws, mirrors, tall boys, side boards, dressing tables, single beds, double beds, king size beds, bookcases, etc. Too much to list, for details tel 628-499-448.


CONSTRUCCIONES PASTOR Building and maintenance without complications. Call 96-584-7284 Mobile. 627-706-405. www.construccionesaltea.com

INTERIOR PAINTER One bedroom property from 135€. Two bedroom property from 200€. Three bedroom property from 265€. Fast, reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info. tel: 634-793-984

SUN BLINDS - AWNINGS Established in 1992 and still offering a reliable service for: Installation of all types of sun blind, manual or electric. Material replacement and repairs. Mosquito blinds for doors and windows. Roller shutter blind repairs. Contact Tony Bowers on 659-464992 or 965-831-272. www. toldosalchemy.com email info@toldosalchemy.com English/Spanish spoken.

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SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz

DRAGON REFORMS PROPERTY RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE. Tel 966807-098. Mob 639-917-798. Property Renovations/Shop/ Bar Refits. New extentions, patios, underbuilds, tiling. Complete new Kitchens/ Bathrooms refits, all electrical, plumbing, carpentary work undertaken. References given, free quotes, work guaranteed. Benidorm and Surrounding areas. www.dragonreforms.com


07 - 13 may 2010



or call 666 888 870

PRACTICAL INFORMATION ISBN No. is 978-84-611-9278-6 LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839 STORAGE/ VAN HIRE/ REMOVALS First class storage facilities north and south CB with free access, low cost van hire with or without driver, local and international removals, boxes and packing materials for sale. Call 965681-605 CB south or 965-760-111 CB North www.securistore.com MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email van. man@hotmail.co.uk MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600-247-535

DO YOU WANT TO SPEAK SPANISH? Spanish lessons 652756085 SPANISH CLASSES MondayFriday (mornings) My house or your house. Good prices. Sara(La Nucia) 677-340-292. PRACTICE YOUR SPANISH WEEKLY with a native teacher. Improve your speaking ability. On the internet or personally. From 5€/ person. Call Martin 600-400-668 www. howtospeakspanish.es BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ mathematics. Tel: margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687

GRAHAM’S TRANSPORT 24/7 Deliveries, Collection. Spain- UK- Spain or any where in Europe. Reasonable rates. Storage facilities are available in Spain and UK. Tel: Lyn or Graham 661-752-010/ 0044-7733-329-305 SPANISH LINKS LTD Low budget door to door fast collection & quick delivery removals or storage. Weekly reliable service. Full or part loads and even small deliveries. Spain/UK/Spain. Credit or Debit cards accepted www.spanishlinks.co.uk Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 BMC REMOVALS High volume new luton vehicle. We have over 15 yrs of experience covering all of Europe and the UK providing a professional and reliable service with a personal touch. If you want the best removal company then call Sue on 620-044-983 or email bmctransport@live.com

WILLS & Elimination of Spanish Inheritance tax. By UK qualified member of Society of Will Writers. UK & Spanish wills. Home call service. Trusts. Probate, Powers of Attorney, etc. Tel David Richardson 966-188-941

SKY FREE TO VIEW Small dish & mesh upgrades, yes back on 90€. BBC, ITV, CH4 & lots more. Also installations/ repairs. 10 years. Torrevieja. 679-876-926 SKY UK ENGINEER Famaval Satalite Dishes, Trade prices from 395€. Sky Sports, Sky HD, Home Cinema. Tel: 965070-458/ 618-585-051 FREE VIEW TV SKY SPORTS Freeview TV, World Cup, Digital Box Upgrade, Sky Sports 1 2 3. No Contract Required Short Term Hire Availiable Details Paul 680-938-184

CRYSTAL CLEAR SATELLITE & TELEVISION Forget the rest go to the best for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660-186505 Ros 965-584-097 www.ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Largest supplier and installer of famaval satellite equipment on the costa blanca. A genuine registered company with genuine registered premises. Mon-fri 8:00- 4:30. Www.digitalsatsystems.com 965-852-251/ 965-866-999/ 965-854-528/ 966-804-748 (or see our main ad in the tv section)

RETURNING TO HERTFORDSHIRE LONDON ESSEX with large Luton and back to Javea please Call 644-136-829/ 965-050-291 Danny INTERPRETER cheap rates, I can help out with: Medical, Police, Schools, Admin. Call Olivia 605-778-559 TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades

undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966-774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@ pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools. com

07 - 13 MAY 2010 SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743-048 www.pooltechspain.com

GARDEN SERVICES private or community gardens. Cut costs not quality. 619-336-762 PALM & TREE TRIMMING/ REMOVAL all gardening maintenance. 619-336-762

GENERAL BUILDING WORK carried out. Competitive rates. 619-336-762 DEBTS COLLECTED Europe or Worldwide. Investigations and attorney service. 965-326442/ 659-696-455 WELD IT RITE Mobile welding/ repair service, Metal carpentry/ Fabrication projects. Time served & quallified. tel: 966-490-338 Mobile 638-479467 Email iwanegan@hotmail. co.uk (Moraira based) QUALIFIED BRITISH TELEVISION SATELLITE SERVICE ENGINEER... Same day service, all work guaranteed. Call Steve 617-911-118.

QUALIFIED TRADESMEN Air Conditioning. Satalitle TV installation, plumbing, electrical, boilers, fencing, painting, balustrades, tiling & general maintenance. Small jobs welcome. Torrevieja surrounding area. Tel: 965-328-361/ 680-934-549

WOODWORM, BORING BEETLE, OR TERMITE problems? Call Woodtech now on 625-160-325 COCKROACHES, RATS, MICE, WASPS OR HORNET problems? Call Pestkill now on 625-160-325

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966-470-163 662-570-702.

ONLINE E-BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES INCLUDES: Promotional website marketing slideshows, banners, videos, audio files, graphics, logos, photo retouching, e-business consulting & training. Monthly fee covers hourly support and training services by email or telephone. Contact: Karla Darocas - info@ Darocas.com or 648 156 066

RENAULT SCENIC 2006 1.5 diesel, aircon, ITV May 2012. Good Condition. Only 48,000kms. 8,500€. Tel: 637-224-058 OPEL ZAFIRA 1.9 CDTI 120CV 2007 7 seater immaculate condition, full service history 50.KM. 11,000€ ONO. Tel: 966-790-806/ 966-790-009 OPEL VECTRA ESTATE 1.8 PETROL AUTOMATIC 1998, 1 years ITV, €1950 ono, Tel: 628-412-196. FORD FOCUS TDCI ESTATE 2003 130,000km, manual, years suma, ITV, Spanish car. New car coming, hence 3,995€, no offers. 686-624102. Denia. HYUNDAI GETZ 1.2 2004, 75,000kms, CD, aircon, 5 door, white, 4,500€ ono. Call 661938-806 SEAT IBIZA, RED 1.4 petrol, 4 door, 1998. All electric, ITV, 1195€ ono. Call 966-772-153 or 616-343-218 WANTED I buy any car, van, Caravan, 4x4 Etc. British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600-781-873 ibuyanycar@ hotmail.com


WANTED UK registration right hand drive cars. Immediate cash settlement. Please phone Rod 687-434-950 or 966-462-089

MOBILE/ PARK HOMES From 15.000€ TV, A/C, TEL, some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, tennis, new lounge bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier, all amenities, 3KM beach & hospital. 7 mins Murcia airport by car. Carol 968-192-425/ 626055-622. Email: haydn47@ hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com FOR SALE Static Home with large extension,views of mountains- fully furnished with outside store- Pine Sheds3Km to Albetera. MUST SEE owner moving back to UK Contact Cheryl on 608-021-331 Price 12,000€

Bahia Yacht Centre, Port of Mazarron.Worth 20,000 euros. 10,250€ for quick sale, owner immigrating. Phone 968-199070 or 646-754-124 SPORTS POWERBOAT 5M comes with 90hp engine, trailer and all equipment, can be seen working. Excellent condition only €6500 call 638-056-224

FAMILYBIKEHIRE.COM Hire-Sales-Repairs. The largest selection of bike hire equipment on the Costa Blanca, free delivery and collection. Tel: 966-774-598/ 655-338-066. See us at WWW. CostaBlancaBikeHire.COM (Spanish registered)

Don’t whisper about your business

FISHING BOAT Mercruise 700EF. 6.8m X2.4m,150HP inboard diesel engine,15HP auxiliary outboard included, 2 berth cabin, on board toilet, on board fresh water supply, VHF Marine radiotelephone, Garmin 340c colour fish finder,max personnel 8, Moored a the

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07 - 13 may 2010 No set price. Pay what you can afford. Tel: Charlie 691622-804 www.myspace.com/ bluesmancharlielindsay EXPERIENCED & ENTHUSIASTIC CHEF required to join our team at La Pista Restaurant in Jalon. Tel Michael on 966-480-125 EXTRA INCOME MONTHLY Tax Free. Would 200 Euros approx + Per Week Help? Members Only Club - Free Membership for first 25 joining. Work From Home With A Computer&Internet in Afternoons approx 1-2 Hours Details: EMail to - horces@ gmail.com AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit yo. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520

DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7pm10pm: TUITION: Beginners Monday 10.30am. Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant La Zenia: Beginners Wednesday 7.30pm; Thursday 11.30am; Intermediates Friday 11am. Tel: Andrea 616-478-157 SINGLE IN SPAIN? DON’T BE! www.iwant2meetyou.com Spain’s No1 online dating site. Bringing Ex-Pats and other English speakers together LINE DANCING every Friday, absolute beginers 11.00AM12noon. Improver intermediate 12Noon -1.30PM. Bar Patricia’s, Torreta’s Torrevieja. New classes commencing 30th March @ Vistabella Gold Club 10,00am-12.00. Call John or Amanda 606-783-989/ 688-611-789


Fully Qualified Nail Technican, working with Acrylic and Gel nails, required for well established Hair and Beauty Salon in Moraira. Must be competent in all aspects of the business. Telephone Angie at: Shop 96 574 5357 or Mobile 659 921 877.

NEW SWINGING PARTY VENUE for couples. Near Guardamar. Call 676-133-507 for info & website SEXY COUPLE OR SEPERATE offers pleasure for couples, women, men, girl on girl. Relaxed, discreet. At our apartment or yours. Call Jasmine/ Sebastian 663-478-337 TORREVIEJA, ALICANTE Brazilian, loving, sexy lady, silk hands. Best massage, relaxerotic. Escort service. 664-664-390 NATACHA divorced very sexy erotic complete massage. Private apartment. Discreet and hygenic. 50€ half hour. Call La Loma 97, near Avda. Habaneras. Torrevieja centre. 677-676-554 JAVEA, MORAIRA East European lady, super erotic massage and more. 661-034-261 Hotel & Home visits DANI 23, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534 Torrevieja area. GENERIC VIAGRA safe effective 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€ also Kamagra oral jellies effective in 15 minutes and generic Cialis effective for 36 hours. Confidential postal or collection service. Call Ron at TT Marketing 966499204 MISTRESS JASMINE will see you now for all your needs in her fully equiped Dungeon near Benidorm. 608-250-649 NEW ONLINE SEX SHOP Over 3000 items privacy assured. bigmelonssexshop. com LETS HAVE FUN! 63yr old sub/ Dom, switch for men, woman, couples, love mature woman, same sex, couples & crossdressers. Call me (low rate) 655-058-554 TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY GIRL! Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 DVDS! Gay, Sado, Bestial, you name it! 7 for 25€. Tel: 697-647-367 SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA Near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€, full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412. NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118


Karen is organizing a fashion show for the LIONS Charity and is still looking for models who are interested to show on the catwalk. Unfortunately this is not paid, as it’s for a charity. But certainly good exposure and experience for yourself. Pictures will also be taken for free which you can use in your portfolio. This will happen JUNE 12TH. Call Karen for all details 669 030 892 Costa Blanca Models

SOLO GUITARIST/ VOCALIST seeks work, blues & Country. In bars etc.

PERSONAL TRAINER/ Exworld kickboxing champion. All martial arts taught, weight loss, all ages, private gym. 965-326442/ 659-696-455 WE SELL & HIRE mobility scooters and wheelchairs. Very cheaply. Janet 697-647-367 PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing / domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English Call Centre now to find your nearest Meeting. 900-818-794 CREATIVE NAILS Creative acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

PETZBACK HOME LTD Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK. Travel in our petmobile with your pets for free (subject to availability). Or treat yourself in one of our air conditioned luxury vehicles with our fully chaperoned Limo Service. A regular, reliable and safe service. Defra pet passport advice given. ww.petzbackhome.co.uk Credit or Debit cards accepted. Telephone UK office 00441209-843-971 HOME FROM HOME caring dog boarding (max 4) with experienced owner in my rural home near La Marina. No kennels. Inspection welcome. Tel 616-459-599 SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPIES 2 male pups lovely markings, pedigree parents, calm, intelligent, excellent family pets.Tel 699-203-136 NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 SMALL DOGS CARED FOR IN OUR OWN HOME so if you need to go away on holiday but don’t want your dog to go into kennels then we will look after them. References available on request. Call Diane and Trish: 965843781 or 622514980 (Altea Area)

WANTED BASS PLAYER/ SINGER or Keyboard player/ Singer. to join working band playing general covers from the 60\’s to present day music, any age group considered, must be enthusiastic and willing to gig. WE BUY YOUR STOCK FOR CASH We purchase closing down stock, over runs, buy bankrupt stock, salvage and clearance stock. Contact us NOW for quick cash on 675218-436 or 966-196-777. or email your inventory or queries to insolvencyespana@yahoo. es. Or if you’re looking for stock to buy, visit our website at www.liquidacionfinal.es HOUSE/ PET SITTER AVAILABLE July & August, UK - Spain. Call Gail 669-126-281 .

DRIVING TO THE UK? English owned B&B in France close to the Spanish border. Peaceful location, ideal for your stopovers. Please ring for details: 0033-562-3319-62 or visit website: www. millefleursbb.co.uk

AT MICHAEL’S Customer-tocustomer Service: you can sell your furniture on our website for only 3:- euros per item! For more info look at: www.michaels-javea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Two matching swivel chairs with foot stools, as new. Yellow leather suite (3+2+1). Dark brown mock leather recliners. See photos (updates every 5-6 days): www.michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S Industrial

07 - 13 MAY 2010

Miele tumble dryer. Two industrial large fridges with locks. Large American fridge. Portable Jacuzzi (NEW in box). Video players. Look at: www.michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S English divans (New and pre owned). Beds with motors. Guest beds. Large King size pine bed and more. Quick delivery! See over 600 photos on: www.michaelsjavea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S you also get NEW high quality Spanish beds. All sizes available as we deal directly with the manufacturers! Famous brands like United Colors of Benetton, etc www.michaels-javea.com SHOP FITTINGS & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Shop racking to fit 90m2 area. Chest Freezers, glass fronted fridges, open fronted chiller, Epos till system, flat screen and scanner plus much more. Please contact 688 666 999/ 622 380 570 or email tollica@ aol.com for further details LOOSE COVERS Curtains etc. Made to measure. Choose from a wide range of beautiful materials in your own home. Javea based. Tel: 965-771397/ 686-453-827 PINE FURNITURE SALE www.gata-discount-pine.com PINE FURNITURE SALE King size bed + under-bed drawers 285€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Double bed + under-bed drawers 270€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Double wardrobe 180€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE CD stand 80€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Hall mirror 85€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Gate leg table 60€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Bookcase 57€. Tel: 628-499448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Wine table 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Side table 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Dressing table mirror 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE 2


Classifieds Agents

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ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 1, Avenida Dr Severo Ochoa, 1, Urb. El Admiral, Local 1, Rincon Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. Lisa 966 811 123 BENIDORM drawer bedside 23€. Tel: 628-499-448. RECORDS AND CDS WANTED Pop, Rock, Jazz, Etc. Specially collections and lots. Top cash paid. 630-665363 LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625985-491 FLYING FLOWERS beautiful bouquets to any UK address. Order by credit or debit card. Call Kelly’s 965-761-595/ 966425-713 POOL TABLES, SNOOKER TABLES Table Tennis Tables Tel; 666-933-726

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291 WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewelley, bought sold & part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafront near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003 Tel: 965-792-595.

ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 2, Calle Gerona, 39, Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. (Next to Hotel Ambassador) Kerry/Gemma 966 813 261 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRIPS, Calle Narcisco Yepes, 4, Local 8, Albir, 03581, Alicante. (Opp. Golf Course, next to Kwik Save) Lee/Jackie 966 867 294 • lee@roundtowntrips.com ALBIR PROMINENT, Teulada Industrial Est. Calle Llanterner, 2 alto, 03725, Teulada, Alicante. Marja 965 793 229 • espana@prominent.nu MILLIE MUNRO INSURANCE, Avenida Lepanto, 6, 03726, Benitachell, Alicante. Millie 966 493 082 • millie@milliemunro.com MICHAEL’S FURNITURE SHOP, Avenida Lepanto, 9, Javea Port. Cristina 965 791 328 • astorga@telefonica.net EASYBUY, Avenida del Portet 24, Moraira. 03724 Alicante 965 745 969



BARGAIN BOOKS, Plaza Juan Carlos 1, Nº 2, San Miguel de Salinas, 03193, Alicante. (Opp. Tourist Info) Gaynor/Lee 688 667 389 • leeshaw.evans@gmail.com SAN MIGUEL PERGOLA 5MX3M Never erected. High quality solid timber, Treated. Ideal for Garden or Carport. 385€ Will Delivery Free. 622-024-539 si.whitworth@gmail.com GENTS PETROL MOTOR BICYCLE price 230euros. Altea area, tlf 686-513-510 KINGSIZE SLEIGH BED Polished Cherry Wood, as new, 275.00euros La Nucia Area. Tlf : 966-873-279 WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, hardly used, LIKE NEW. 175.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

JOHNSONS EL LIMONAR,JCP Commercial Center, Local 31, Los Altos Del Limonar, Torrevieja, 966 785 600 TORREVIEJA JOHNSONS QUESADA, Ava. Las Naciononies 1a -17, Quesada, 966 717 848 QUESADA JOHNSONS ALGORFA, Local 30, Commercial Center La Finca Golf, Algorfa, 966 729 647

ALGORFA THE POST ROOM, Centro Comercial 5, Via Park III, Calle Panticosa Nº 2, Los Altos, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Aoife/Chris 965 319 665 • aoifesweeney@hotmail.com ORIHUELA PENNYS SUPERMARKET, Flamenca Beach Comercial Centre, Unit 123, Playa Flamenca, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Peter/Sarah 966 733 257 • bulldogstores@live.com ORIHUELA PRINT SOLUTIONS, Avenida Londres 136, La Marina Urb, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante. Jim/Trish 966 790 520 • jim@printsolutionsspain.com SAN FULGENCIO INTERPOST, Avenida de la Alegria Nº 32, La Marina, 03194, Alicante. Malika/Malcolm 965 419 673 • Inter-post100@live.com


VILLAMARTIN SATELLITE CENTRE, Avenida Las Brisas 33, Villamartin, 03189, Alicante. (Near Supervalu, Los Dolses) . Sarah/Heather 966 764 878 • villamartinsatellitecentre@yahoo.co.uk VILLAMARTIN BEST WISHES, Local 30, Comercial Centre Hispania, Avda de la Union 72, San Javier, 30730, Murcia. Kathy 968 192 235 • kaffywalker@hotmail.com MURCIA ONONIX MAR SL, Calle Mayor 30, bajo derecha, Guardamar, 03140, Alicante. Ron/Alicia 965 728 178 aliciamuddle@ononix.com GUARDAMAR

2nd Hand Furniture bought for cash 966 723 437 or 965 720 817


ANIMAL AID TEL: 965725794 WWW.ANIMALAIDCOSTABLANCA.ORG This lovely boy is a 7 month old Doberman pup. He has a wonderful temperament & will make a lovely companion. He’s still young & so needs some training. His ears are natural & his tail is docked. He’s a gorgeous lad. Please call Linda, Animal Aid tel: 965725794 www. animalaidcostablanca.org

OZ KENNELS 968 431 265 OR 968 431 590 This mum and her pup are to be sent


A.P.A.S.A. 618 754 635 WWW.APASA-JAVEA.ORG


ALDEA FELINA-DENIA LYNDA - 648 100 629 Zinia is a fluffy chocolate siamese who was abandoned at the shelter and is desperate for a new home. If you would like to adopt Zinia, or any of our other cats/kittens please call. See our website http://aldea-felina.blogspot.com.



K9 Club 676 447 682 k9club@lamarina.info www.petsinspain.info

EASY HORSE CARE RESCUE 96 596 7033 or 652 021 980

JOE THE CATMAN 96 671 9272

WWW.GIVEADOGAHOME.ES 619 938 955 Samantha - Beautiful female puppy, 3 months old. Found on roaming the groves Going to be a large dog but looks amazing !! for more info on any of our dogs call 619938955 or visit our website www.giveadogahome.es


APAH has puppies from different litters who will grow to be between small and medium/large dogs. They have all had their puppy vaccinations and are ready to be adopted into loving homes. To arrange to meet any of APAH’s dogs and puppies, please contact Natasha on 616 210 850.

JJ was dumped in a bin outside an office in Torrevieja. He was found when one of their office staff went to deposit some waste in the bin. He is just 8 weeks and is going to be a big dog. Phone: 676 447 682 PAWS LINDA ON 646 645 035

Jo is a beautiful boy of around 6 months. His owners have to move back to the UK and can´t take him with them so he needs someone to love and look after him. He is a sweetheart and will make a loving companion. If you are interested in Jo, or any of the cats or kittens that we have, please contact Linda on 646 645 035

to the pound if they cannot be homed or fostered could someone please help them DESIREA, female, Shelter since 14.10.2007 Spaniel Cross, DOB approx. Oct. 2006 – 45 cm She’s rather like a jack-in-thebox and is continually ready for affection and a game. Desirea would like to have a sportive family who would have a lot of action with her. She walks well on the lead and she is very fond of water Ferdi is a Pointer about 2 years old. True to his breed, he is extremely obedient and quick to learn. He’s also an affectionate placid dog who settled down straightaway with his foster carers and their own dogs. Ferdi is castrated, health vaccinated and tested negative for Leishmaniasis. For more information please telephone P.E.P.A on 650304746. www.pepaspain.com A riding accident left Palomo with a terrible eye injury and his owner scared to go near him. His damaged eye meant nobody wanted him. He was left alone in a yard for two years before coming to the centre, where he has the expert care he needs. Open days Wednesday & Sunday 1-4pm.

APAH CONTACT YVONNE ON 630 422 563 Emily and Tess are two beautiful sisters, who are very affectionate towards each other. Both of them are quite large cats, and have lived together since birth. They are happy to be stroked and handled by people, but Tess the tabby female is the more confident and outgoing of the two and Emily a ginger/white is gentle and shy. Urgent! Baños de Fortuna. Female dog, German Shephard type, 9 years old, ca. 25kgs, 21 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all her vaccinations, shy and loving. Male dog, large mix-breed, 4 years old, ca. 25 - 30 kgs, 28 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all his vaccinations, friendly and loving. Owners must return to England for assisted living and cannot take the dogs with them. Call Ayisha or Michael at 968 685 837

THE R GANG are a litter of 6 puppies who came to the kennels last month. They are cute little dogs who love playing with their siblings and their toys, running around one minute and sleeping the next. They have started their course of vaccinations and will soon be ready for a new home.

Dixie has been in our pen for over two months, she is very friendly and loves to sit on your lap. She gets along well with the other cats in the pen and will make a very loving addition to any family. Please call Joe (The Cat Man) on 966719272 Luna is a 20 month old miniature Poodle and was left with a neighbour when he moved away. She has a microchip and full record of vaccinations. She has a lovely appealing nature and loves to sit on your lap. or more information please call 676 447 682


07 - 13 MAY 2010

The final whistle Twenty / 20 With Andy Kay

Fulham’s Roy Hodgson

I WONDER what qualifications you need to be part of the ICC’s World Twenty / 20 planning team. Perhaps knowing your arse from your elbow might be a start. Let me explain: a section of the group games have been played in Guyana. It’s a beautiful country, 75% of which is covered by rain forest. It’s also the start of the rainy season. Perhaps, you can see where I might be going with this! Not surprisingly, of the six games that were played at the Providence Stadium, four were affected by the weather with one game abandoned and three others settled by the Duckworth Lewis method; a system that works well in 50 over cricket but just doesn’t come close to providing fair targets in the shorter version of the game. So with all the West Indies to choose from, just why did the ICC think it was a good idea to use Guyana? Were they looking to make a killing out of the sale of surplus ICC umbrellas or perhaps they were trying to make use of the little known ICC ‘kagool glut’: answers on a postcard please. MANAGER OF THE YEAR You have to go back 10 years to find the last winner of this award who didn’t guide his team to the Premier League title. Well, since you are asking, it was George Burley of Ipswich. Since then, this annual accolade has gone to Arsene Wenger, Jose Mourinho and Sir Alex Ferguson for directing their teams to the summit of the EPL. Could I suggest that this season it should be different? The manager of the year is surely Fulham’s Roy Hodgson who has overseen a solid run of domestic results laced with an incredible journey to the final of the Europa League. Fulham entered the competition at the third qualifying round, went through the play-offs, the group stage, the round of 32 then 16 plus the quarter and semi finals. A total of 18 matches during which they saw off the likes of Juventus, Wolfsburg and Hamburg. That’s a run that deserves to be rewarded with the highest honour. MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU Just one observation on the cast iron guarantee of Rafael Bentiez that Liverpool would finish fourth in the Premier League and claim a Champions League spot for next season: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. GETTING ON To steal and change line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, “I’m 46; I’m not old.” Well, I feel it now. The reason? Because Martina Hingis and Anna Kournikova are joining forces to play at Wimbledon this summer...in the senior doubles tournament. That’s right, the veterans event. And how old are these two ancient, creaking, once great but now wrinkly former stars? Hingis is 29 and Kournikova 28. To nick another great comedy line...I’ll get my coat.

Snooze fest to goal fest! FC TORREVIEJA 3 ONDA 0

BEING A football manager has its fair quota of highs and lows, but for the FC Torrevieja boss, Soto, he must have had a lot of satisfaction from Sunday’s win, as at half-time he transformed a ‘snooze-fest’ into a ‘goal-fest’ to give the supporters something to cheer about, and to completely banish the slim chance of relegation. In the final home match of the season, Torrevieja and Onda served up some of the most boring football imaginable in a simply dreadful first half, which got everybody wondering why they had sacrificed their Sunday morning to come to the ground. Soto’s vocal chords then wheeled into action with a candid interval team talk bolstered by an immediate double substitution, which saw the already relegated visitors torn apart, and lucky to escape with such a modest scoreline. The first half was a true classic stinker as the sun shone over the ground and the early kick-off time of 11.45. Snoring, tedium, and thoughts of the post-match barbeque were the order of the day, as the two sides offered an exquisite display of poor passing, balls in the air, amateurish set-pieces and in Torrevieja’s case, a string of offside decisions. It was right up there, if not worse than some of the mid-winter drivel that had been served up at the Vicente

Garcia stadium. The only incident or chance of any note came for Onda just before half-time as David, deputising for the injured Aurelio, got well down to his left to stop the visiting striker (a Pep Guardiola look-alike), Yelco, from opening his account. But the most exciting moment came shortly afterwards, as Carrasco woke up the snoozing spectators in the VIP stand, by smashing the ball into the back of it, and the noise and resultant pinball-style movement stirred the local faithful from their state of rigor-mortis. When the halftime whistle appeared as a merciful release, mystified glances were cast in the direction of the one misguided spectator who tried to applaud the players off the field. Fortuntely for Torrevieja, this became the classic ‘game of two halves’, as Lotfi and Maikel immediately replaced Corcoles and Matias for the second period. In fact the contrast between the first and second half really did sum up the sheer inconsistency of Torrevieja’s season. The second half brought back memories of the high quality that the side produced in recent weeks against Gandia and J Barrio Cristo. It also saw Torrevieja actually tear apart a side that was below them in the table; something which has been missing over the months. Some good interplay between

Ramiro and Aitor led to indecision from the keeper as to whether he should go for the ball, as Lotfi went round him to pop it into the net. Torres should have made it two-nil a couple of minutes later, after Ramiro set up the header, but it was nudged straight into Ruyman’s hands. Lotfi got his second in the 67th minute with a header, as the Onda defence was all at sea, and then Jorge sealed it in the 73rd minute. Onda had given away a free kick some ten metres outside the penalty area, and whilst the keeper and the defenders were trying to sort themselves out, Maikel just got on with taking it, as they stood as statues, with the ball going to Aitor, laying it on for Jorge to put it into an unguarded net. The match had turned into a one-sided stroll, and Onda offered absolutely nothing at the other end of the field, to almost the complete point of embarrassment. Aitor and Arrazola both had good chances to get onto the scoresheet, but the points had been well and truly sealed. “See you next season” was the phrase being bandied around by the Torrevieja fans at the end of the game, but the kind of season that lies ahead remains to be seen. This current campaign, though, still has one last match remaining this Sunday, as Torrevieja travel to Levante B.

Manchester City veterans Normal service play Albacete veterans has been resumed

SD HUESCA 0 FC CARTAGENA 2 By Steve Hibberd INSIDE THE tiny Alcoraz stadium, Los Albinegros recorded a superb victory, playing with only 10 men for the last half hour. Following last week’s disappointing home draw with Real Sociadad which saw them drop outside the play off slots, these 3 points push them up to joint 2nd with Levante on 58 points, 5 points off the top of div 2a. In a dull 1st half, the visitors could have scored inside the 1st min, had Toche connected with a cross by Longas. Five minutes later, keeper Ruben almost gifted Huesca with a goal, but when his mis-kick fell to an opponent with the goal at his mercy, it was the post which felt the full force of the return shot. On 11 minutes it was De Lucas’ turn to rattle the woodwork, following a well worked Cartagena move. The post came to the rescue once again on 29 minutes - this time it was Ruben´s brilliant diving finger tip save which forced the ball onto it. Cartagena took the lead on 56 minutes, following Falcon be-

ing brought down in the penalty area by Helguera. Up stepped De Lucas to send the keeper the wrong way, but as players had encroached into the area, the ref ordered a retake. Once again, De Lucas executed the spot kick brilliantly, giving the keeper no chance. Unbelievably, on the hour mark the impressive Etxeita pushed an opponent, for which the ref scandalously showed him a straight red card. It was now ‘backs to the wall’ stuff for Cartagena as the home side made numerical advantage count. Ruben was magnificent, twice pulling off breathtaking saves to keep his side in the game. Completely against the run of play on 88 minutes, top scorer Toche collected the ball inside his own half (where the majority of the opposition were camped in search of an equaliser), kept his head by beating 2 defenders, before coolly planting it past the keeper to make the game safe. Next up for Cartagena is a home div 2a fixture against Numancia. This match is at Cartagonova Stadium on Sat 8th May, KO 18.00.

WHILST MANCHESTER City battle it out for fourth place in the Premiership, its veteran team is preparing to fly to Spain for a match against Albacete. Supporters will have the opportunity to meet the players for a meal or a drink at the Meson Don Pancho, which is next to the hotel from 19.30 on Friday 14th May and the cost of the meal is €10. For those who wish to watch the game in Albacete, a coach has been arranged to take the players and supporters and again the cost for the coach is €10, departing the hotel at 10.00 on Saturday 15th May, calling at the Torre Army office in San Luis at 09.15; Quesada Arches at 09.20 and finally at the Breeze Bar in Benimar at 09.30. Those who wish to attend on either day should contact Jeff on 966 787 676 (mobile 610 263 456) or Howard on 966 785 886.

Noel’s world of golf by

Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

Water Shortage? FOR MANY years the people who object to the development of golf courses have argued that they use too much of our valuable water. These people no longer have much of an argument thanks to the efforts of Manuel Ferry, owner of El Plantio Golf Club. On World Water Day, the European Water Partnership (EWP) organized the 2010/2030 Aquawareness Policy Forum that took place in Brussels from 22nd to 23rd March 2010. El Plantio golf course is a member of Green Business Club. As such, they have been invited to participate actively in the Policy Forum in which the European Commission recognise the needs and goals that need to be achieved in relation to sustainable water management in Europe until 2030, in particular the areas of Europe where sometimes water can be scarce are areas that need to use water intelligently: the leisure industry uses it’s fair share of water and has a big responsibility to ensure it’s correct use. Along with one golf club from France and one golf club from Belgium, the Directorate General of the European Energy Commission will have the owners of El Plantio Golf Club to help promote and celebrate the Week of Sustainable Energy every year in the European Community. El Plantio and their staff and their expertise and experience in using sustainable water for leisure purposes will be invaluable, as we use this valuable commodity in the best ways possible. At conferences, lectures and around tables meetings were held and the leaders have visited the various European Union institutions, as well as leading representatives of businesses, industries, organizations and civil society in general to get their opinions. This is all in the best interest of the golf industry, which is setting the benchmark amongst the leisure industry in the use of recycled water. Importantly, El Plantio Golf Club was the first private Spanish company belonging to the European Water partnership and recognised as an Active Member of Project Steering Committee and Partner in the Aquawareness project and programs relating to the uses, consumption and water management in agriculture, industry, tourism and golf. Within the framework of the European Water Partnership program, ‘Aquawareness’, the Water Management Programme, will focus its objectives to: • change behaviors and practices • integrate water modeling and policy agendas and strategies • enhance water saving and efficiency culture among private users, as well as industrial, commercial and agricultural users • promote information, education and training to achieve a balanced supply and proper

management This is a massive project and it is a credit to the owners of El Plantio that they are at the forefront of water sustainability in not only their own field, leisure, but that they are also involved in other industries as well. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS The Open De Espania at The Real Club de Golf de Seville was the place to be for Europe’s best golfers last week as they competed for one of the oldest championships in golf. Many of Spain’s best were hoping to get their hands on the national championship and it was a severe test of golf that awaited them. Thick rough and hard greens made hitting the fairways vital if you were to get control of the ball. Sunday dawned with a host of players in with a chance of winning. The home support rested with the biggest hitter in golf, Alvaro Quiros. James Morrison of England had the expatriate support as both ended the regulation event tied for the lead. Quiros was the man who won, thanks to a solid par after Morrison put his ball in the water at the first extra hole. In America, The Quail Hollow Championship saw Tiger return to action but only for 2 days as he missed just the 6th cut in his professional career. Rory McIllroy looked like he was going to miss the cut but scrambled through. On Saturday his enormous talent returned and he finished in contention. Sunday dawned with Mickelson the favourite to take the title but McIllroy’s fine form continued and he went on to become the youngest winner on tour since Tiger. His course record of 62 on Sunday gave him a 4 shot victory; the first of very many to come in his career in America. WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 7TH MAY 2010: Who is the current US Open Champion? A. Lee Westwood B. Lucas Glover C. Steve Stricker All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 30th May 2010 to be entered into May’s draw to be made on 1st June. The winner will be announced in RTN on 4th June 2010. April’s winner: Allan Davies GOLF LESSONS Noel is a member of The World Golf Teachers Federation and has been nominated for inclusion in the list of the World’s Top 100 coaches. Call him on 639 730 891 to book an appointment and tell him you got his number from RTN for discounted rates.


07 - 13 may 2010


Costa Blanca round-up

Maggots end by

David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS AND REELS THIS WEEK’S match was the third in the summer championship series, this being 9 matches with the best 6 scores to count. The match was held at the Embalse de Ojos at Blanca, the venue well noted for not producing big weights and everybody having to work hard to catch fish. Bleak are reasonably abundant in all pegs, however, the majority of anglers set their stall out for the big fish. For a change there were no dramas on the day, the only highlight being a young Spanish lady turned up and after a brief one sided conversation with one of our members (no names) sat a few yards from him as he was the end peg and proceeded to start fishing. Our member who had caught only bleak at this point watched and learned as some 20 minutes later she hooked into and landed a barbel. Well, was he red faced or what! After she had gone, our man who had thoroughly noted how she caught the fish, to his credit managed to catch one barbel but lose two. TOP ANGLERS ON THE DAY 1st Lenny (Ex-Cultural Attache) Bolton, fishing the feeder using maggot with 11.520 kilos 2nd Bill (The Master) Reade, fishing the feeder using pellet with 10.360 kilos 3rd Richard (Tricky Dicky) Kendall, fishing the feeder using maggot with 7.260 kilos ACCUMULATIVE POINTS TO DATE 1st Paul Baxter, with 10 points 2nd H. Clarke and Dave Hoare, with 16 points 3rd Bill Reade with 18 points

ANGLERS TOGETHER Important new message: The Friday Campoverde meetings will now be held at Mary’s Bar / Restaurant. Taking the CV 925 from Pillar de la Horadada, turn right at the 1st roundabout into Pinar de Campoverde, then first left and following the slip road up (past Fibber Mcgee’s and Lounge Bar 6) until you get to the next parade of shops. Mary’s Bar is the 3rd / 4th unit up. The next meeting will be held on Friday, 7th May at 12.00. The Puerto de Mazarron meetings remain at Los Galayos Bar/Restaurant on the paseo adjacent to the beach. The next meeting will be held on Saturday 8th May at 12.00. Subs will be due at these meetings for the forth coming year. Work is still continuing on the Rio Segura at Murcia but is still fishable and fishing well. Embalse de Pedrera: The water level appears to be still rising as there is more going in and very little being taken out. Sweetwater: the final dredging has taken place and the works personnel have cleared the surrounding road of all the silt that was deposited there. However, there are still workmen there. The banks are now angled and swims need cutting in! Anglers Together continues to grow as a club with many friendships formed over the past 3 years. Many members fish together regularly and say they are pleased that they have taken up a sport that they once followed in their youth. We have the occasional organised outings but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the fishing venues. The joining fee is €10 for new members and €5 for renewing members. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Dave. (Alan is now in the UK and will be joining us mid May). anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or telephone Dave Hoare on 968 199 279. Tight lines, Dave Hoare

Javea Bulls ready to charge this weekend in Valencia

TOMORROW SEES Javea’s rugby team the ‘Bulls’ travel to Valencia to take on established CAU B in the second and final leg of the 2nd Division Semi Final. The first leg, two weeks ago, ended in a superb victory for the Bulls who won 18-14, which was the first time that CAU had been beaten all season. However, a slender 4 points lead going into the game may not be enough to beat the Northern league champions who will no doubt throw

everything but the kitchen sink at the Bulls. Javea have trained hard and are well prepared and will take on their opponents up front with their superior strength and size. In the first leg, Javea played most of the second half with 14 players due to lack of discipline with two yellows and a red card and will have to stop the mistakes if they are to win. The game Kicks-Off at 17.30 at the El Rio pitch in Valencia Saturday 8th May and the winners will take

on either Denia or Elche who play the other semifinal. Denia are 6 points behind Elche after the first leg but play this weekend with a home advantage. Come along and support the Bulls at this vital game. Mini Bulls Beach Rugby starts Sunday May 23rd at 10.30 for ages 6-16 years, boys and girls welcome. To register or for further information, email stacy.spencerbarclay@ javeabulls.com or lee. jones@javeabulls.com or call Stacy on 650 231 013.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

Ifach Golf - Tee for Two The usual Wednesday devoted to Ladies’ competitions was taken over by the annual mixed competition ‘Tee for Two’. Traditionally a lady invites a gentleman to play in this Foursome medal competition with half combined handicaps. Forty four players turned out to compete for the Trophy, presented by the Captain, Richard Trinder to the winners, John Bailey and Julie Mighall

who achieved an amazing 51 net. Second was George Harding and Rita Linder and third Norman Bain and Marlis Achar. A sweepstake was held to raise funds towards some major improvements taking place on the 8th tee. However, as the winners of the sweepstake were the favourites there were many prizes of €12 each. Alan Neish, competition and handicaps secretary,

organised the event. Lunch was served in the clubhouse to complete yet another happy and successful occasion at this very social club. Members are continuing to return from their homelands and the numbers playing in the competition are now greatly increased. The Texas Scramble on Saturday mornings is always popular and well worth getting up a little bit early! 08.15 for first tee off at 08.30.

The game KicksOff at 17.30 at the El Rio pitch in Valencia

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