RTN North Edition 556

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 556




See page 25

Where do you think the ball


EnGERland expects! NORTH EDITION

by Jack Troughton THE FIFA World Cup kicks off in South Africa today and bars and restaurants will soon be filled with the red and white cross of St George and the time honoured chant of “EnGERland!” The England team opens its campaign against the USA tomorrow evening at 20.30 in Rustenburg and the Costa Blanca is ready for a power surge as televisions focus in on the pre-match anticipation and excitement in the southern hemisphere. The 19th FIFA tournament has football fans across the globe ready for a feast of football from the 32 countries left in the competition – all with eyes on the sports ultimate prize and the 11th July final. And along the way hearts and minds will be won and lost by the best football players in the World – and expect tears too as teams pay the penalty of failure and drop out as the pace of the competition continues unabated. The England squad know the folk back home are desperate to taste World Cup glory again

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– lifting the silverware at Wembley back in 1966 seems all so very long ago. English expats in Spain are even allowed an honourable double bite of the World Cup cherry given their host country are favourites to win. However, the Three Lions have a great chance of doing well in this year’s tournament but having been constantly told England have a great draw in the group stages, expect nerves to show if the team starts slowly. What price Group C, with England competing with USA, Algeria, and Slovenia to qualify, changing from an easy qualification to a socalled group of death? And sports writer Andy Kay – who pens RTN’s colourful The Final Whistle column – believes Spain can go all the way. “My heart is with England of course, but I think Spain will be crowned both European and World champions,” he said. “With Capello in charge I think England has its best chance ever. “I don’t think you can look beyond Spain as winners to be honest. They are a quality side and have so many good World class players.” Continued on page 5

The World Cup celebrations have started on the Costa Blanca

See page 17

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Guardia Civil officer arrested with armed gang A guardia civil officer is among the nine people arrested today for their alleged involvement in a number of violent armed robberies in the Alicante and Murcia areas. Sources within the Guardia Civil said that the gang’s preferred targets were high-flying businessmen, who were usually kept hostage overnight to provoke fear, but avoid police involvement. The gang members threatened violence and used firearms to intimidate their victims, stealing large sums of money from them by forcing them to hand over credit cards and pin numbers or by stealing their luxury cars and returning them the next day “at a price”. In one case, in Murcia, a businessman was kept tied to a chair until his wife brought 3,000€ in cash and promised to pay a further 20,000€ the following day.

The gang members, eight men and a woman are of Spanish and Romanian nationality and aged between 21 and 50. Six have been charged with aggravated burglary, kidnap, actual bodily harm and holding someone against their will. The seventh member of the gang has also been charged with revealing secrets, given that he is a member of the country’s law enforcement agencies - a Guardia Civil officer based in Murcia. The remaining two members of the gang have been charged with receiving stolen goods, having been found in possession of a mobile ‘phone stolen from one of their victims. Police have also recovered luxury vehicles, with their number plates changed, mobile ‘phones, electronic devices, guns, jewellery and cash.

Smoking not so cheap any more THE PRICE of several brands of cigarettes is going up in Spain and the Balearics. Camel, Winston and Rex will all go up by 25 cents this week. They are produced by Japan Tobacco International and the company has decided that it will follow in the footsteps of other cigarette manufacturers who have also hiked up prices. Winston and Rex will now cost €3.40 per packet, and Camel will cost €3.55. Other brands going up in cost are Corona and Bisonte to €3.25 and Silk Cut to €3.85 per packet.

11 - 17 JUNE 2010

Party invite by Jack Troughton SPARKING CONTROVERSY after being kicked out of a party for alleged treason, local politician Oscar Anton Izquierdo has accepted an invitation to front a new movement. Former and current members of Nueva Javea – itself established to bring a new style of politics to the Marina Alta resort – have voted to found a new independent party to fight next year’s local elections. A show of hands at a meeting called to support Oscar, seen as one of the area’s most dynamic and charismatic councillors, launched the new group, tentatively called Xabia Democratica. It was clear from the people attending the meeting at the A La Brasa Restaurant that the new party would be international and joined by Spanish people disillusioned with the continued ‘family’ politics that has dominated Javea for years. Since democracy was restored in Javea 45 years ago, there have been just four town mayors in a situation labelled “the politics of the school yard.” DENIAL It was also an opportunity for Oscar to explain his actions to voters and as reported in RTN last month completely deny allegations brought against him. The meeting was told how Nueva Javea had haemorrhaged members following the 2007 local elections and there was a growing feeling leader Ana Vasbinder should stand aside. Oscar, who works as a lawyer in the town, claims he was targeted as a rival by the party’s president. “I now know it was a strategy to destroy my reputation.”

Paper trail JAVEA COUNCIL has prepared a consultation paper for its new

He said he joined Nueva Javea because he believed it aimed to fight for the rights of all people living in the municipality “and I am going to keep working and defending their rights.” He added: “I do not have anything personally against anyone. I have come here to give the facts and, secondly, say I have not changed – you voted for me in 2007 with the other councillors and I will not forget that, I still believe in the manifesto I signed in 2006.” HONEST And he said of a new start: “The thing that is important is we must be honest. There was a lot of Spanish looking to Nueva Javea, a lot. But because of things that have happened Nueva Javea will not get their votes. “We must be honest and see things through. If we tell the truth we will have success but if we start to tell lies then in the end the party is finished. It was agreed the new party’s committee would be elected individually by members and not via a list. The “complex” rules of Nueva Javea were said to have been inflexible and to have “destroyed” it. Oscar confirmed that a new party could have its own internal rules – although in local elections councillors would be selected in order from a list. “The majority of people in this town do not want to continue with the same political parties, they do not want to keep the same people (in power) over and over, the same people that have been here for 25 or 30 years,” he said. “The Spanish are also looking for change. They are talking about these things as well. They are angry.” Anyone interested in learning more about the new party and its next meetings is asked to email timdladd@gmail.com

General Plan to be distributed to interested parties and setting out the future growth of the Marina Alta resort. The town has seen new building li-

New m oo showr pen, now opm in 9am-1a Port Jave

cences suspended prior to the publication of the PGOU, which in itself had been long awaited by political and environmental groups.

Oscar Anton


SunTalk’s sharp shooter 4

11 - 17 june 2010

by Jack Troughton FAST TALKING and controversial radio presenter Jon Gaunt takes no prisoners when he hosts the award winning show SunTalk. Tagged as ‘the home of free speech’ it seems no subject is taboo and he enjoys the challenge of broadcasting live and airing opinions from real people – as well as his own views of the world. Yesterday Jon and the SunTalk team were at “sister station” Bay Radio’s Javea studios, the last of three days working live on the Costa Blanca. The World Cup featured strongly – 1966 veteran Jimmy Greaves, who missed the final itself – was interviewed, and bookies gave odds on a whole series of permutations, even an England versus Spain final. GOSSIP There were also reports from Sun reporters covering the Cumbria shootings, attacks on too lenient judges, showbiz gossip, and RTN chipped in as well with a discussion on the Costa del Crime. Adept at jumping from subject to subject, Jon managed to answer a few questions about the SunTalk and its growing impact. “It is a growing success,” said its presenter. “It has been fabulous that people have tak-

en to it so quickly. “I always thought expats would like it but obviously you are never sure – that is down to the hard work here in Spain from our sister stations Bay Radio and Spectrum FM. However, the best publicity is word of mouth.” SECRET Jon said he saw no secret in the programme’s success. “I just say what I feel and people either agree or disagree – I don’t want people to necessarily agree with me all the time because that would be boring, it’s about telling people what I feel.” One long running target is the modern disease of political correctness and, naturally, health and safety. “Life is just too politically correct in Great Britain and maybe you have not got that here in Spain – perhaps that’s why so many people have moved over here – and that resonates through the show,” said Jon. He also invited listeners to tune into SunTalk’s World Cup Show broadcast between 6pm and 8pm Monday to Friday. Sponsored by stanjames.com the programme is hosted by Terry Christian and Ron Atkinson and promises up to the minute reports from South Africa and exclusive access to the England camp.

Pay cuts in Madrid

Jon Gaunt

Madrid has become the first region of Spain to announce a cut in wages for the workers in pubic businesses in the area. It means that workers on the Metro, the Canal de Isabel II water board, and in Telemadrid will see a 5% reduction in wages to save the regional government 400 million €. President of the region, Esperanza Aguirre, will Esperanza see her wage fall by 17%. Aguirre

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continued from front page Expats, at least, could still sing ‘Football’s Coming Home’ if Spain did win. Andy added: “I think expats are allowed to support their host country as well – my first love is always England but on a secondary basis I always hope Spain gets on well!” Bay Radio’s sports presenter Kal Sutherland also believes Spain could net the glory if they reach the final “and you can never rule out Brazil.” However, he continued: “Of course I want to see England do really well – I was only joking about Heskey. In fact he is

a really good foil for Rooney and I just hope he comes good and scores lots of goals.” Kal added: “I simply cannot wait for the World Cup to start – I watched every match of the African Nations as a build up and with Leeds United back in the Championship, football is really back!” At Javea’s Lancashire Bruja Bar the bunting and flags are out. In a twist, however, there are three flags blowing in the breeze – England, Spain and South Africa. Owners Nigel and Karen Rushton are keen sports fans but while Karen hales from Lancashire, Nigel is a native of host nation South Africa. Already prepared to introduce drinkers to some typical South African food, Nigel is also ready with a diplomatic answer. “Of course I hope England do really well.”


Dog attack By Jack Troughton THE OWNER of a pair of Rottweilers that attacked two girls in Rabasa, Alicante, could face criminal charges. A six-year-old was seriously bitten in the chaos and needed 50 stitches to her head, her 21-month-old younger sister received minor cuts after one dog jumped on her back – and the father also needed

hospital treatment after battling to protect his daughters. An investigating judge will determine whether to press criminal charges and the owner – who claims she was looking after the dogs for members of her family – could also face a 17,000€ fine. The girls’ parents could also sue for compensation and have said the youngsters could easily have been killed.

Roaming baths WORK HAS started to cover the ruins of the Roman baths in a Costa Blanca community to open the site of an ancient town as a “museum”. Alfaz del Pi Council hopes the metal framed structure will be completed in four months and allow public access by the end of 2010 or early next year. It is hoped bridges and walkways will allow visitors to discover the delights of the ancient roman town at Albir while archaeologists can still work and continue to unearth new discoveries – another villa has only recently been identified.

Talking shop England will be hoping Wayne Rooney will be on top form

A SUCCESSFUL experiment will see Jalon Valley HELP’s Alcalali shop continue to open its doors six days a week until further notice. The month long trial revealed customers brought business to the charity shop on Saturday mornings. However, the neighbouring shop at Jalon has returned to Monday to Friday openings – both shops are open 10am until 1pm on relevant days.

Sweet freedom for Laura 6

11 - 17 june 2010

SUCCESSFUL PEACE talks have cleared a path for mum Laura Jeremy to return to the UK with her two young children. Desperately short of cash, the 23year-old wanted to join her family on the Isle of Wight but was prevented from leaving Spain by a court order granting her ex-husband eight hours of supervised visits to see the youngsters each month. However, the father has now signed an agreement which will allow Laura, three-year-old Liliana and Diego, two, to leave their ‘Costa prison.’ She insisted she always wanted the children to know their dad but they needed the support network her family formerly provided until her own parents went back to England. “I am very happy we are going home and we are getting the kids’ lives back on track,” she said. ENSURE Laura, who has a job waiting and hopes to qualify as a barrister, said she would ensure their British father would always see his children. “I think out of it all we will get on better now and do what is best for the

children. He is seeing a lot more of the kids now and I hope he keeps on seeing them when we get back to the UK,” she told RTN. “It is best for him and Liliana and Diego – as long as they have their mum and dad it has to be a good thing.” Laura ran a Facebook petition in a bid to get support for her plight and had also received a flood of emails. “One dad said he was glad it was in RTN because it showed he had rights too.” But she said the whole issue was not about the father seeing his children but doing what was best for the children and escaping the constant battle to make ends meet as their lives became nothing more than being at school or home. SENSE

“He has now signed an order. If it was not for him seeing sense about the situation I would still be fighting through the courts,” said Laura. The family plan to leave their home in Finestrat and return to England at the beginning of July. “My mother is absolutely ecstatic. She was spending night and day look-

Sea Turtle dies on beach The turtle died after reaching the beach

THE LOCAL police in Orihuela Costa were called to where the Mil Palmeras beach and the Barranco Rubio Beach meet in Dehesa de Campoamor, after bathers found a badly injured sea turtle. The marine reptile appeared to have been injured by a boat and its shell had been split. Sadly,

Laura & the children

ing for legal solutions and studying human rights, so it is also pure relief on her part,” said Laura – adding she hoped her ex-husband’s family in the UK would also have contact with the children. “The kids have always been brought up by my mother and father because we both worked and are always asking when they could see nanna and granddad. Now they can.”

the turtle had died after it had made its way onto the beach and the local police were unable to do anything to save it. The turtle was taken away by the police officers and later passed on to the Marine Biology faculty of the University of Valencia for tests to determine its exact cause of death.

Double trouble

CHRISTIAN CHARITY Caritas has seen the number of people living in poverty double in 12 months, according to new figures. Across the province of Alicante, people seeking the charity’s help in 2009 soared to 22,145 – compared to 11,276 the previous year. More than 3.3 million euros has been spent by Caritas providing aid to the poor – more than half of the cash coming from private donations. And worried churchmen have not ruled out a similar exponential growth in 2010 as Spain’s economic recession continues to bite. The charity helps provide food, clothing, and money towards utility and rent bills and says it is trying to keep families off the street.

Border patrol €380 was raised

by Jack Troughton KEEN HIKERS David Farndon and Sandie Cushing are ready to walk Hadrian’s Wall knowing the sponsored trek has already raised more than €1,086 for the world famous Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children. The Costa Blanca couple are heading back to the UK this weekend to prepare for the adventure, knowing an original target of €1,000 has been topped. And over 19th and 20th June, David and Sandie, who live in Javea, are confident they will complete the 34km challenge of walking from Lanercost Priory to their journey’s end at Housestead Roman fort, securing the cash for the hospital

known to many as ‘GOSH’. They were keen to tell RTN sponsors that it was all systems go for their walk along the historic wall in Northumberland after weeks of preparation and some training with the Costa Blanca Mountain Walkers. On their return to Spain, David and Sandie will be joined by supporters to draw a special raffle that gives sponsors a free chance to win a prize as an acknowledgement of their kindness. TARGET “I think the fact we have overshot our target is absolutely brilliant – and everyone should know that,” said Sandie. The largest single fund raiser was a spiritual evening at Spencers’ Bar,

Moraira. Host Pauline Kernick donated her time to support the cause – and owners John and Lorraine gave up a night off to help. Pictured (left to right) David, Pauline, Lorraine, Sandie, and John, happy to have raised €380 from door rakings and donations last month. Sandie said they had also been supported by the Spiritual Friends of Teulada and members of the Alfaz Spiritual Foundation, while style coach Angela Zawaga of Simply U had held her own raffle to raise funds. “And a very dear lady, Flo, aged 91, whom we have thanked but have as yet to meet, learned of our walk and sent a cheque through a mutual friend. We think this is a wonderful gesture and hope to visit her after the walk,” she added.

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Taste of Valencia

Waiting for a taste

TRADITIONAL PAELLA easily passed the taste test with youngsters at a Marina Alta school after they watched spellbound as the giant dish was prepared. Enrique Olariaga visited Xabia International College Primary in Javea armed with the essential ingredients and a paella pan large enough to feed around 100 children. And after tucking into the treat, pupils voted the dish as one of the best they had ever tasted – thanking Enrique, his helpers and parents’ association FoXIC for organising the meal.

Massive compensation cheque for addict parents who lost child A DRUG ADDICTED couple whose child was taken away from them are to receive €980,000 in compensation. A judge in Catalonia ruled that social services did not respect the fact that the couple had voluntarily enrolled in a de-tox centre after their

child’s birth. The authorities took the child and gave him to adoptive parents and the biological parents are now no longer allowed any access. Social services say the couple were “extremely fragile” and not capable of taking care of the child.


11 - 17 june 2010

Last call: your chance to earn extra money this summer with Chit Chat By RTN’s Roddy Cunningham FOR 30 YEARS Chit Chat Language School has been running its Summer School program for Spanish students from all over the country to come and study English. During the day, students are taught at the Chit Chat facilities in Javea or Calpe, and at night stay with British host families. If you are a British family living in Benitachell, Calpe, Denia, Gata, Javea, Moraira or Pedreguer, please note that more Host Families are needed for this summer due to unprecedented demand. Many Spanish parents regard their children learning the English language as one of the highest priorities of their education, and despite the recession more and more children want to attend the Chit Chat program. However, the proven success of the programme stems through the fact that the students are not just taught all day in English at the Chit Chat facilities, but that they also are ‘immersed’ in everything English by staying with a British Host family. This way they also get to learn British customs, experience British cooking and get to see how British people live. Being a Host Family is not arduous. My wife Claire and I have been a Chit Chat ‘Host Family’ for 4 years now, hosting more than 30 children on the scheme; a rewarding experience. The students really do leave speaking better English than when they arrived and we have some great fun during their stay. You can request to have 2, 3 or 4

Lisa the Clown

Our daughter Evie with the 4 Chit Chat Students who stayed with us last year

children, and you can also request the sex and age groups, which range from 8 to about 16. One of the courses is for 3 weeks and the rest of the courses are for 2 weeks at a time. The children are with you overnight and go off to either of the Chit Chat schools (depending upon their age) by bus for the day. They return (again by bus) about 17.00(ish) and are with you for the evening. As well as having our evening meal together, we play games such as Monoploy, Cluedo and Scrabble (all good for practising their English) and then they go off to bed. At weekends they usually go on organised trips, leaving you free. It’s not taxing, and

Early goal for EMAUS

there is no need for the Host Family to speak Spanish themselves. Indeed, the very idea is to speak English with the children the whole time; so that for their length of their stay they are exposed fully to the English language. Finally, it should also be mentioned that financially it also pays well to be a Host Family; if you are in need of extra funds throughout the summer this could be a very good opportunity for you. Please see the attached advert for the Chit Chat numbers. If you use the mobile number 650 42 66 77 you will speak with Caroline Sinfield, the Supervisor for Chit Chat locally.

By Jack Troughton CHARITY VOLUNTEERS netted a quick goal for Saturday’s Fiesta in the Park at Calpe by screening the big match, England versus the USA. Worried that people might stay away from the evening’s entertainment and barbeque, Friends of the Children of EMAUS ensured there will be a big screen to show the vital World Cup opener. The fun at San Juan Park, La Cometa, Calpe, begins at 16.00 when Lisa the Clown will be busy entertaining youngsters and entrance is free. The evening’s live music and meal costs €10 for adults (€6 for children under 12) and the stage will be full from 19.00 with a series of talented acts. Tickets for the evening are available from Margaret and Elena’s Bookshop in Calpe or by ringing Carole on 639 637 520.

Pilot error A PENSIONER was treated for shock after his automatic car leapt over a pavement and through the window of a Javea tobacconist and gift shop. The 91-year-old, otherwise said to be unharmed,

is believed to have pressed the accelerator rather than the brake before smashing through the glass of the shop in Carretera Cabo de la Nau-Pla in the town’s Arenal on Wednesday afternoon.

11 - 17 june 2010



11 - 17 june 2010

Model inspiration toes and very few people notice it is false.” WORLD

Vienna will be modelling a range of clothes from Bonita of Moraira

by Jack Troughton TEENAGE MODEL Vienna makes a triumphant debut on the catwalk tomorrow (Saturday) after overcoming the legacy of a childhood disaster. At 18-months-old, the brunette lost part of her left foot and four toes in an accident with a lawnmower and had to learn to walk again. Now aged 18, Vienna is on the books

of Costa Blanca Models and has the opportunity to strut her stuff in heels thanks to a specially made gel prosthesis. “At 18 months I went under a lawnmower,” said Vienna, originally from Belgium. “I lost four toes on my left foot and after six months I had to learn how to walk again. “And now, after 16 years, I have a prosthesis that has changed my life. It looks like a real foot with

She said the artificial foot was made in Holland and was a recent innovation, with few specialists in the World able to work with the special gel. “Thanks to my new foot I can live a normal life and obviously I am very happy with it,” she said. Vienna will be modelling a range of clothes from Bonita of Moraira at a fashion show which is part of the Fun in the Park charity celebration at Torrecremada Gardens, Denia, on Saturday from 10.00 until 22.00. The event has been organised by Jalon and Orba Lions, the Raquel Paya School for disabled children in Denia, and Caritas of Denia, Jalon and Orba to raise money for the charities. Karen Johnson, director of the model agency, said she was very proud of Vienna’s determination to overcome her handicap. DEDICATED

“She is absolutely fabulous. She is dedicated, committed, hard working and an absolute inspiration to every model there is,” said Karen. “She had such a hard time with bullying at school and everything but fought her way through it all.” Karen added: “I wanted to put her in a pair of high heels on the catwalk – and why not? She is no different to everyone else.” For more information on Costa Blanca Models visit www.costablancamodels.com or call Karen on 669 030 892. The agency is always looking for new faces and cute children.

Spain’s WW2 neutrality a myth By Jean Orellana SPAIN MAY not have been as neutral during World War Two as is commonly believed. Millions of wartime documents held at Bletchley Park, Britain’s code breaking centre, are due to be digitalised. Spain will be revealed to have at least the imprint of a swastika on its sleeve. It has been revealed that Franco’s Spain shipped 4,000 tonnes of mercury to Hitler’s war ravaged Germany. Further de-coded messages will be scrutinised to discover for what purpose this was done. The search will also be on to reveal the secrets behind Nazi ball bearing and synthetic rubber manufacture, which helped their war effort. Simon Greenish, CEO of the Bletchley Park Trust says; “I am looking forward to learning how the Germans obtained these materials. There are records in the archives which show countries such as Spain, Switzerland and Sweden were perhaps not as neutral as they were portrayed.” He added: “Volunteers had already unearthed records showing that countries, including Spain, dealt in diamonds with the Japanese and other Axis member states.” When on 24th June, 1941, Hitler approved the recruitment of Spanish volunteers, having reassured Spain’s General Franco they would be used exclusively to fight Bolshevism, recruiting offices were inundated and the Spanish Blue Division was formed. Consisting of 18,104 men, it far exceeded the agreed quota of 4,000 men. They fought on the Eastern Front. The most successful double agent of World War Two is said to be ‘Garbo’; a Spaniard whose real name was Juan Pujol Garcia.

Child killed by dog A THREE-YEAR-OLD child has been killed by a pit bull terrier in Tenerife. The dog was owned by the child’s father and the incident happened in the family home in the La Gallega area last Monday

afternoon. The dog bit the child in the neck. The child was taken to hospital alive, but died a few hours later. The pit bull has been isolated pending the court’s decision on whether to destroy it or not.

Local police station gets a refurb

The Mayor visits the refurbishment works at the local police station

THE TORREVIEJA Town Hall is spending €300,000 on a refurbishment for the local police station. The basement, which houses the cells, will utilise the majority of the budget, with the cell numbers being increased from two to six. There will also be money spent on the changing room facilities which are used by

the 170 officers based there as well as the installation of new air conditioning units. Earlier this week, the Mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernández Mateo, visited the station to see the works in progress and was accompanied by the Councillor for Security, Javier Montoro and the Director General of the Police, Javier Minguez.

Gay Pride Madrid shuns Israelis GAY ISRAELIS have been told not to partake in Madrid’s Gay Pride procession on 3rd July because of worries over security following the Israeli attack on the flotilla taking aid to Gaza. This year was the first year that organisers had invited the Israeli gay community to join in, but the invite has been rescinded. Reports in the Spanish press say that the Israeli gay community is angry and the Israeli Association of Homosexuals and Lesbians, and the Israeli Foreign Ministry say the move is “a victory for the extremists.”

Pilar tapas route NEXT FRIDAY sees the start of the second Pilar de la Hordada Tapas Route. The event, which was a tremendous success last year is being repeated and will involve more than 30 of the town’s bars and restaurants. The Pilar Tapas Route starts on 18th June and continues until 27th June. The route starts in the centre of Pilar de la Horadada and also takes in the bars in Torre de la Horadada and Mil Palmeras. All participating bars will be offering a tapa and a drink for just €2. For more information on the route and to find out which bars

The Pilar Councillor for Culture announces the second Tapas Route

are taking part, please visit the Pilar de la Horadada

Town Hall website at www.pilardelahoradada.org.

11 - 17 june 2010



11 - 17 june 2010

Special dog desperately needs home by Kirsty Tuxford

Dinga needs a home

DINGA IS an adorable, well-behaved dog who has managed to survive so far by patiently waiting for strangers to take pity on her and feed her. She arrived out of the blue at a run-down countryside villa near Lliria, north of Valencia, when the new owners were renovating the building ready to rent it out in the summer. The builders took pity on her, named her Dinga and fed her. Then she had puppies and the villa’s owner found homes for them all and took Dinga to be spayed. Dinga adopted the villa because even though no one lived there per-

manently, it was the only place she could find occasional food, shelter and love. But life is hard when you’re an abandoned dog and Dinga was run over. Fortunately, she made it back to the villa while the owner was there and he took her to the vet to be patched up. Since then, Dinga has befriended all the clients who come to stay in the villa for their holidays. Some weeks she enjoys the best barbequed food, but other weeks the guests don’t want her around. The caretakers of the villa try to leave food for Dinga whenever possible, to worm her and de-flea her,

but really this is no life for a dog. She has taken to wandering off for longer periods of time and returning looking painfully thin. She needs a loving home. Dinga is always happy, never aggressive and children adore her. She’s easily trained, and will already sit and give both paws in turn. She’s a joy to have around and an excellent guard dog. As she is used to living in the open space of the countryside, she needs a home with a garden, and someone who will enjoy taking her for walks and throwing a ball for her. If you are interested in adopting Dinga, please call me on 696 534 228.

Eileen Mary Lesley Himes: Aug 7th 1927 - June 1st 2010

Suffolk born Lesley lived France in her youth and later worked for the International Herald Tribune. She interviewed the well known American author Chester Himes, whom she married, moving to Spain in the 1970s to settle in Moraira. After Chester’s death, Lesley moved to Benitachell until she became a resident of Finca San Antonio. Lesley was cremated quietly in Denia, last Friday: her ashes will be interred with Chester’s in Benissa cemetery on Friday 18th June at 17.00. All are welcome to pay their respects and celebrate the life of this fascinating, vibrant and elegant lady, survived by her sister Anne (UK) and her niece Janey (USA). She will be greatly missed by her partner Ted and her many friends. No flowers by request, please!

Last minute holidays

A TOURIST road show is touring Spain this month to tout for last minute bookings on the Costa Blanca and boost the numbers of visitors over the summer. The trailer carrying a stage and promotional team from the Costa Blanca tourist Board will travel to key cities, starting in Murcia and taking in the Spanish capital, Valencia and Bilbao. And as well as learning about the attractions of the White Coast, visitors will have the chance to win theme park tickets, free holidays, and even taste ice cream made in Alicante.

Got a story? 902 118 999


JUNE 42010 FEB1126- -17 MARCH 2010

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L.

by Jennifer Cunningham

Questions and Answers QUESTION MY WASHING machine broke down recently and in the process it caught fire and burnt the clothes inside. My insurance company will pay for the clothes but not for the washing machine itself. Can you please explain why? ANSWER The clothes are covered because the damage is due to fire and smoke, whereas the machine had a technical failure and your insurance policy is not an extended warranty. QUESTION Recently I broke down in the south of Spain. I phoned the help line who organised a tow truck to take my car to the garage, and to get home I hired myself a car, and I found that I am unable to reclaim this cost. I thought that this would be covered under my insurance. ANSWER Most insurance companies offer some form of assistance to return you to your destination or home, however, this has to be organised through their 24-hour help lines as they have pre-arranged contracts with suppliers, to be able to offer these services without the customer having to put his hand in his pocket, be it a hotel, taxi, hire car train etc. If this

is not arranged via them they will not reimburse you your costs as they cannot control the expenditure. QUESTION I rent my property out, mainly during the summer season but I am thinking of renting it on a long term basis. Am I fully covered under my policy if anyone has an accident whilst staying in the property? ANSWER Any tenant renting your property, be it for 1 day or 1 year should have a rental contract in place, as money will have changed hands; this then allows the tenant cover under the public liability of the property. QUESTION Lately we have seen in Spain on the news that in many areas there have been exceedingly heavy rains and hailstorms. This has provoked movement of the land and house, flooding and tremendously costly damage. Does my policy cover flooding, subsidence and landslides? ANSWER The majority of policies in Spain will cover certain basic risks, with others being taken care of by the Consortium. With our policy


The Costas leading insurance consultant

there is an optional extra available, to cover damage caused by landslides, subsidence, tremors etc. This is a very small premium at outlay but could save you a lot of heartache and cost in the long run. Most people are under the impression that they automatically have the accidental damage included in their policy. Ask your Agent to explain it to you clearly. QUESTION I have been advised that it is no longer a requirement to carry your bank payment receipt in your car anymore, as the police can locate all the necessary details on the national database. ANSWER While my manager was driving home recently he was stopped by the Policia Local at a check point where they requested to see all the car documents including the receipt for the insurance. On asking why they required to see this he was advised that the Traffico Police have it on their computer but they themselves would have to request a check to be done via their police station, so therefore they still require to see the actual payment slip. They then checked the car details against a list of vehicles with outstanding debts and went over

all the safety equipment that must now be carried, i.e. 2 triangles, HV jacket, and first aid kit. QUESTION I understand, Jennifer, you have been advising UK cars to be aware of the law in Spain regarding having road tax paid in the country where the car is registered. I, like many, chose to ignore this advice. I was recently was stopped by the Guardia and asked for all my paper work. They discovered I had no current road tax paid, meaning no MOT. When I said I lived in Spain they then requested my ITV and Spanish road tax, as I drive a UK reg car. This I obviously could not produce. I am now without a car!! Beware all you UK car drivers; it’s not that simple anymore. ANSWER Thank you, for advising me. There are also other implications of driving a UK car in Spain. It has been the case for many years that Spanish police have turned a blind eye to the fact that many UK vehicles do not have mot or car tax. A number of databases are now being made available to all European countries that allow them to check that the car is legally on the road and duty is being paid in the country of origin.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.

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11 - 17 JUNE 2010

Lack of police manpower WELL, THERE is no hope to get this famous emergency centre very soon, in spite of what Mr. Prokoppa says on the radio and what the PP promised back in December (that building work would start in February). It has been officially announced in the BOP (Boletin oficial del Estado) only on 22nd April, so that companies interested in getting the building contract can place their offers. You can imagine how long such a procedure will take, from appearing in BOP; to taking in the offers; studying them; forwarding to Valencia etc. A start of the building before Oct/ Nov is impossible. But I am sure that shortly before the coming elections, the first brick will be laid with big publicity, and fiesta and free drinks etc. so that all the voters are impressed by the efficiency of PP. The citizens should follow up those promises closely. Whoever wants more information is welcome to contact me. Martina Scheurer, Spokesperson: Los Verdes, martina.scheurer@gmx.net

Weighty Matters WITH REGARD to the article ‘Weighty Matters’ (Issue 555), surely the Spanish Government should ensure all weighing machines at airports are correct as this could have a knock-on effect on the future of the tourist industry that Spain relies on, as people will not be ‘ripped off twice’ and could avoid Spain altogether. Alex Ongley, Algorfa


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Spain is a better place

It is just over fifty years since my first trip to this country. Spain is a better place. We can now express an opinion without fear. Franco’s hated ‘grises’, the police who would use dogs, truncheons and water cannon to break up demonstrations, has changed the colour of its uniform from grey to brown and is now known as the ‘policía nacional’. The legal system remains unchanged. 180,000 unidentified corpses, victims of Franco’s repression, lie in unmarked common mass graves up and down the country awaiting a dignified burial. Then of course we have corruption. Franco’s dictatorship was rotten to the core. Franco not only turned a blind eye to corruption, he actively encouraged it in the belief that those able to stick their noses in the trough would prove to be loyal to his regime. Franco’s one time cabinet minister, Manuel Fraga Iribarne, founded the Alianza Popular to provide continuity for dictatorship ideas; the AP became the present day Partido Popular. The PP has consistently refused to condemn Francoism and its repression and has repeatedly expressed the view that Franco’s 180,000 unidentified victims should remain where they are, in unmarked graves: the PP intends to

ignore genocide. The Partido Popular reveals its Francoist origins by combining greed with office holding at local, autonomous and central government level. Fabra, chairman of the Castellon regional government, paid €5.3 million into his private accounts in six years; deposits in cash and cheques amounted to 70 times his annual salary. The mayor of Torrevieja stands accused of making over €5 million on the purchase and sale of land. The court has waited five years to see the man’s bank statements: he wines and dines the judge trying the case. The Supreme Court in Valencia disregarded the evidence and shelved investigations into corruption involving Francisco Camps. He described the senior of the three Supreme Court judges as “more than a friend…” The Partido Popular has much to hide. It accused the central government of pressurising the judiciary into persecuting the party. The PP questioned Garzon’s integrity and a right wing judiciary, many of whom received their appointments during the dictatorship, have removed him from duties. Corruption is rife and democracy under threat. Desmond Baxter

Never to be forgotten

I LIVED on Camposol for 3 years and while there I met a lovely lady at a sewing class. I did not know anyone there so joined to meet friends. Joyce started to talk to me and that was the beginning of a great friendship. I came back to England in February 2008 and kept in touch. I went over to see her in February this year as she hadn’t been too well and sadly I have heard that she died on Saturday 5th June. She was my ‘second’ Mum and I will miss her with love and affection. Life never dealt her an ace card but she smiled all the way through and I was proud to have known her. I learnt a lot from her: smile, live life like there’s no tomorrow and enjoy your friends. Please pass my condolences to all her family and as I say - Joyce was a lovely lady. Rest in Peace - You will never be forgotten. Love from Viv x

You’re wrong - it’s a sauce YOU’RE WRONG, Mr Brian Clarence. Ketchup is not a condiment, like pepper and salt, but a sauce. Bars used to give a squirt away with hamburger, sausages and such, but most nowadays have it in mini-packages. The reason the Dutch bars you mention charge a little for it is probably because of tight wads who nearly empty a whole bottle with each helping - on anything! I know - I had a Bar/Restaurant for many years. I defend the Dutch-bars policy against customers like yourself, so stop moaning, be a generous guest and you’ll be amazed how generous the hosts can be...Try it! Anthony Askenback


I WOULD like to reply to Edith Wood of La Florida whose letter you printed in your 4th June edition. Unfortunately, I did not see the article in the ‘Información’, regarding the discontent over the lack of Police manpower in Orihuela and Orihuela Costa to which she is referring. I am not shocked but bewildered as to the reason she should pick on me for her violent attack. I am the leader of the Orihuela Costa Neighbourhood Watch and proud to be so. For her information, we have 153 co-ordinators in 93 groups covering 133 residencias working with the Policia Local, Guardia Civil and the Council of Orihuela for the safety and security of its citizens. We are all volunteers, none of us are paid, nor do we receive expenses and we play a small part in the fight against crime, assisting the police in the task that they are doing professionally and successfully. I do not know how long the lady has been living here; but over the years the number of Police agents has increased. I am informed that this year, Council recruitment will be

curtailed, but the recruitment for Policia Local agents will not be restricted. In addition extra police, some with bicycles and jet skies, will be operating on our beaches during the summer months. Last year, this brought about a 30% reduction in crime. At the Junta Local Securidad meeting in Orihuela on 28th April, the Sub-delegardo of the Madrid Government (PSOE) to Alicante, Sra Encara Llinares, indicated a decrease in crime in the Orihuela area and increases made to Police strength, with numbers of agents stationed at Pilar de la Horadada increased by 300% since 2003. The Spanish government intends to continue with the increases, realising their commitment to citizens’ security. In relation to the building of the new Centre for Emergencies at La Zenia, I have been told that it will start shortly but am not privy to any more information. To close, I am still bewildered as to why Edith Wood has picked me out for her displeasure. Yours faithfully, Chris Poole (Lead Co-ordinator, Vecinos Colaborando - Orihuela Costa)

11 - 17 JUNE 2010

Whining engines I WAS both pleased and saddened to read the letter from Mr Chris P. Bacon. Whoever the person hiding behind this obvious pen-name is, he is obviously one of life’s ‘serial whingers’. I notice that, after having moved to a different country to live, he finally realised - after seven years - that it had different ways of doing things which he was unable to adapt to, so he has packed his bags and gone. That is the part that I am pleased about. The thing that saddens me is that, having gone back to the UK, this pitiful misfit then finds it necessary to write to us with a list of all the petty things that he could not handle. As if anyone is remotely interested in a letter full of moans, demonstrating his own inflexibility! Quite obviously, when you move to another country you have to be prepared to adjust to it; it will never adjust to you. No doubt it was easy to tell when his plane landed; it was the one where the whining continued after the engines were shut down. Alan Hill, Altea

Good and bad in all


A Third World country HAVING READ the letter submitted by Chris Bacon I agree wholeheartedly with his comments. For those who wish to laze on a beach for a couple of weeks, Spain is as good as anywhere, however, I would suggest that anyone thinking of settling here should think seriously before doing so. I myself have lived in Spain for the last 8 years. I speak the language and have a Spanish partner. Unfortunately, however, the more I learn about the country, the less I like. The Spanish culture appears to be no more than displaying their ability to stab to death exhausted bulls, be it in an exhibition ring or just the streets of the local village. The population consists of mainly ill educated, ignorant, arrogant people for whom greed and corruption have become a way of life. They show no respect for their own country in their construction projects. They deface what beautiful architecture they do have and litter what countryside remains. They welcome

the latest technology (e.g. banking facilities; telephone systems; television and computer systems) but are unable to efficiently use any of it. With about as much impact on Foreign Affairs as Outer Mongolia, they have no concept of foreign relations other than to regard foreigners as a source of easy money and for too long have received it. Now, in the midst of a financial recession, unemployment is running at over 20 percent. Property is being repossessed and businesses are folding. In their ignorance they are totally at a loss as to some form of solution and will, no doubt shortly, be looking for further handouts from other nations, most of which will end up in back pockets. To summarise: Spain is a Third Rate, Third World country. As for Mr Bacon, I wish him well in the UK but if he misses sunshine and beautiful beaches then there are plenty of other places where these can be found and it won’t be long before I am there. Jim Ireland, La Cala Finestrat

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AFTER READING the letter As for the good pals Mr Bacon from Chris P Bacon, I had says he will miss in Spain, to write and say that I am I doubt that they will miss surprised that you printed a him after the bleak future of letter that I found rude and Spain he has wished upon offensive to Spain and the them. I am sorry that he has Spanish people. obviously had problems here There are good and bad that have made him angry, in all races. There are also but surely he could have some very good restaurants just directed his anger to in Spain and the majority the people that caused him of Spaniards we have come hassle, not to the whole of into contact with have been Spain and its people. Yours helpful and pleasant. sincerely Pat Pritchard More letters in response to Chris P Bacon’s letter can be found at www.roundtownnews.co.uk

Yes, it’s a con

YES I agree, passengers are being conned on overweight baggage: I took my wife to Reus airport with her case that I had already weighed it on a pair of spring balance scales, which were fairly accurate yet when I put them on the scales it weighed 4kl over. There was no way my scales were 4kl`s (or 10lb) inaccurate. I complained but they said they were calibrated every week: yes - Ryanair are ripping people off. Chris T Moss

How far does imagination stretch?

WELL AT last our 23 footballers have landed and commenced training for the World Cup, after weeks of daily media hype. Dare we imagine success or will it blow-up? For what they do it’s not unreasonable to expect these overpaid young men to win, but unlike Cinderella, Capello cannot guarantee conjuring champions from a pumpkin. The likelihood is a humble return; not in triumph to Heathrow but as bottom-up. Neil Burman, San Miguel de Salinas

Out and out lies The Spanish Ambassador’s comments on the BBC Watchdog programme last week were at best misleading and at worst out and out lies. He tried to trivialise what is a national scandal in Spain. Condemned by the EU parliament the governments at all levels refuse to accept their responsibilities to the foreign nationals who have chosen to invest and add to the economic growth of Spain.

This scandal involves hundreds of thousands of people, of many nationalities, throughout many regions of Spain. Through Spain’s inability to resolve this problem, the lives of these people have been left on hold for months and in many cases for years. Spain has a legal and moral responsibility to act now to bring an end to this ludicrous situation and to give back these to people their lives. Robin Hosking



11 - 17 june 2010

Big city fiction LAST MONTH, at the initiative of the Popular Party but enthusiastically supported by all the Orihuela based political parties, Orihuela was proclaimed as a ‘Gran Ciudad’, or ‘big city’. Coastal political party CLARO has issued a stern statement saying that this ‘Big City’ business is pure fiction and that the party believes coastal residents will not be deceived by the initiative. Bob Houliston, President of CLARO, told RTN: “Big city status required the inclusion of the 30,000 registered population of Orihuela Costa to reach the numbers required and the politicians of Orihuela, whatever their motives or illusions, have used the number to achieve this big city status. “If they need the numbers of Orihuela Costa to achieve the status of Big City, it is only reasonable to ask what we get in return. After all, the coast is some 30 kilometers away from the city. Which other city anywhere has 30,000 inhabitants, one-third of the total population, living 30 kilometres from the city centre?” INADEQUATE

To reach Orihuela from the coast you

have to pass through up to three independent municipalities (Torrevieja, San Miguel, and Bigastro). There is no direct public transport and it is much easier for the residents of the coast to visit Torrevieja or Pilar de la Horadada via the coastal road. Bob continued: “Orihuela promoters and politicians have earned tremendous amounts of money as a result of the development of Orihuela Costa in the past 20 year and in return all they have given residents is inadequate infrastructure, inadequate services, no proper parks or gardens and continuing environmental destruction.” He added: “If we lived in a real, proper functioning city with equal rights and benefits for all, we would not have an inadequate sewage system and a sewage treatment plant that does not have the capacity needed. We would have enough local police to deal with crime; the children of the coast would have proper schools and not be schooled year after year in temporary metal containers with leaky roofs and dangerous electric supplies.” The PP and defenders of the big city idea

Antonio Rodríguez Barberá, Mayor of Orihuela and David Costa at the Big City announcement

have said that this new status will lead to more money for the municipality, decentralisation and citizen participation, but Bob disagrees. He concluded: “Few will believe in the present climate of public spending cuts that there will be significantly more money available for Orihuela as the Town Hall is in such a deep financial hole that it is six months late in presenting its budget for 2010. It is not going to be rescued by receiving extra finance because it has just become a ‘Big City’. “For Orihuela Costa, Big City status is likely to be words and slogans and packaging with nothing inside. It may fool the voters in Orihuela city but people living in Orihuela Costa

Age Aleksanderson comes to Torrevieja

NORWAY’S ANSWER to Bruce Springsteen, Age Aleksanderson, and his band Sambandet will be performing next Monday night at the Eras de la Sal Theatre in Torrevieja. The concert starts at 22.00 and tickets cost €40 per person. There are 6,369 Scandinavians who live

in Torrevieja and 2,268 of them are Norwegian and out of the 20 concerts on his current tour, only this one in Torrevieja is taking place outside of Norway. Aside from ABBA, Age Aleksanderson is the best selling artist to come out of Scandinavia.

will not be taken in by fiction. They know that Big City status is totally unnecessary to deal with the problems of Orihuela Costa. What is needed to provide us with infrastructure, services, parks and gardens and to preserve what little natural environment remains after the unplanned, over-building of the past 20 years is policies and programmes with sufficient finance, manpower and resources and, above all more of our money, from our taxes, spent on our needs. That would begin to compensate for the excessive distance between coast and city. Action is needed not words, slogans and folie de grandeur.”

Musical event

ON SUNDAY 13th June at the Cardenal Belluga theatre in San Fulgencio at 20.00, the local Spanish Band ‘Unión Musical’ led by German Guillen Alcocer, together with ‘Moztly MainZtream’ Big Band, led by John Atkins, will present a three part concert. Tickets are FREE and available from the Tourist Info office in La Marina, Tel: 966 790 021 and from the Medical Centre in San Fulgencio village.

Get pampered for PCN

LADIES, DO you deserve a special day out? Next Thursday, 17th June, Paul Cunningham Nurses will be holding a Ladies Pamper Day at Casa La Predrera. With cava or cool soft drink on arrival, a buffet lunch and optional afternoon tea at this ‘oasis on your doorstep’, as well as all kinds of beauty

treatments available, the event promises to be a fabulous day. For just €12 you can admire the breathtaking views of the beautiful Predrera lake, sit in the tranquil gardens or take a dip in one of the beautiful pools and then completely relax with a facial, neck and shoulder

The views at Casa La Predrera. Photo courtesty of Ken Taylor

massage or foot and leg massage plus many more beauty treatments. The event starts at 11.00 and there will also be a raffle, a book stall and a ‘magazine swap’ to raise funds for Paul Cunningham Nurses. To book your ticket, email sueinthesun@terra.es or text to 629 869 959.

Obama invited to Cantabria

PRESIDENT BARACK Obama is to be invited to Cantabria to see stunning cave paintings in the Altamira cave that was declared a UNESCO Heritage of Mankind in 1985. The cave in question is known as the Sistine Chapel of Cave Paintings, but has been closed to the public since 1977 in order to preserve the delicate images. The cave was re-opened between 1982 and 2002, but under very strict limitations. Obama has previously expressed a desire to visit Altamira, and now that the cave is to be opened to the public again, the president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, says he will be sending an invite to Obama. The decision to re-open the cave was made by the Minister for Culture, Ángeles González-Sinde, but the High Council for Scientific Investigation is not in agreement as it says a new micro environmental climate could be created which would damage the paintings. Visitors can see an exact replica of the cave paintings in the local museum.

- 17 june 2010 2010 8-1411JANUARY



11 - 17 june 2010

Local Police called out to remove bees nest

Happy 90th Birthday Walter! by Louise Clarke

The beekeeper removed the large bees nest

THE LOCAL POLICE in Orihuela Costa needed the help of expert beekeeper and firemen last week when they were called to Urbanisation Torre Zenia on the coast. A neighbour spotted a huge bees’ nest under the tiled roof of a property and five metres high and called the police

to ask them to remove it. After acquiring a ladder from the firemen, it took two hours for the beekeeper to remove the nest. A spokesman for the local police told RTN: “It was a very unusual call out for us but thanks to the expert skills of the beekeeper, it was quickly resolved.”

The Bison’s back BISON ARE being reintroduced to Spain. The European bison lived in Spain until the 11th Century and is a cousin of the North American buffalo. European bison are almost extinct, with a herd of only 800 currently living in forests between Poland and Belarus. Seven animals are being taken from the Polish herd to their new home in the mountains of Palencia in northern Spain. Two males and five females will be allowed to live in the wild within a controlled area. The project represents eight years’ work by the Spanish Association for the conservation of European bison.


ON 12TH JUNE 1920, Walter Thomas Brown was born in Enfield, North London. Walter, who now lives in Entre Naranjos with son Tony and carer Lily, will celebrate his 90th birthday tomorrow (Saturday) and earlier this week, RTN went along to meet him. Walter, who trained to be a painter and decorator before the World War II, joined the RAF in 1941 and was in Bomber Command, with the role of rear gunner on the force’s Lancaster Bombers. He was awarded several medals for his efforts including the Distinguished Flying Medal (DFM) which he received from King George VI at Buckingham Palace in 1945. Tony told RTN: “When Dad got the medal from the King, he miscalculated the amount of steps that he needed to take backwards before bowing and ended up head butting him!” Walter was married to Ruby, who sadly died more than 20 years ago and he has been living in Spain for the last six years. EFFICIENT AND CAPABLE

During his career in the RAF, Walter took part in 51 bombing raids with his squadron over Germany, targeting the cities of Berlin; Munich; Hannover; Leipzig and Frankfurt. He was also awarded the Air Crew Europe Star Defence Medal and the 1939-1945 Star Service Medal. All seven members of the squadron survived the war and Walter ended his


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Walter will celebrate his 90th birthday tomorrow

RAF career in 1946 as a Warrant Officer. On his RAF release book, Walter’s commanding officer wrote: “Walter is a very efficient and capable Warrant Officer.” He returned to his former career as a painter and decorator and lived in Edmonton, North London and Herne Bay, near Margate, before moving to Spain. Walter’s heath has deteriorated in recent months but that hasn’t stopped

him enjoying his watching his favourite TV programmes; Countdown and Deal or No Deal. He also loves watching all the old war films on the Movies for Men channel and is looking forward to celebrating his milestone birthday with a beer tomorrow. RTN would like to take this opportunity to wish Walter a very happy 90th birthday and hopes that he enjoys his birthday beer!

11 - 17 june 2010

Future perfect by Jack Troughton JAVEA BULLS’ mini rugby ‘come and try it’ days have been heralded an “amazing” success with youngsters flocking to join the club. The final coaching session on the sand at Arenal Beach takes place on Sunday and the last day the following week on the turf of the club’s new pitch. By last Sunday, 110 children had signed up to learn how to play with the oval shaped ball – far out-stripping a predicted 50 and with two session to go, Javea Bull’s chairman Peter Sowerby agreed the success “has beaten all our expectations”. He said the progressive coaching sessions were such a success that the future of youth rugby in the town was “already established”. The Javea Mini Bulls coaching team has visited local Spanish schools and undertaken demonstration sessions with the students and with Spanish youngsters joining in the fun at the beach word has spread.

And the club’s head of youth rugby, Xavier Monfort has been contacted by teachers asking how rugby can be introduced into the school sporting curriculum. TEACHER

“Things are moving so fast that the club is already planning a teachers’ training afternoon so teaching staff can learn how to coach pupils,” RTN was told. The International Rugby Board has been contacted by the club to run level one and two coaching courses later this summer to get interested helpers qualified to support Javea Mini Bulls. Registration for Sunday’s Arenal coaching starts at 10am and the action runs from 10.30am until noon. And the ultimate session on Sunday 20th June is at Javea Bull’s home behind CD Javea’s football ground. It will be followed by a family barbeque and prize giving. For more information email stacy.spencerbarclay@javeabulls.com, call 650 231 013 or visit www.javeabulls.com

Fun on the beach

Four arrested for supermarket theft

FOUR MEN have been arrested following a robbery at a supermarket in Orihuela Costa. The men had been seen stealing a number of items from various shops in the commercial centre in Punta Prima. Local police officers were called after staff members witnessed the group of men enter-


ing and leaving after apparently removing various items. The men, aged 28, 33, 31 and 29 years of age, were all of Romanian nationality and had a string of convictions between them including theft, falsification of documentation, possession and supply of illegal currency and robbery.

Two of the men were arrested whilst sitting inside a car which contained numerous objects including perfume and make up, razor blades and stolen property from robberies in Torrevieja and Cartagena. The gang was taken to the Guardia Civil station in Torre de la Horadada where they were charged.

Gambling bad for health SLOT MACHINES in Catalonia are to carry health warnings. The region’s government says it wants to alert people to the fact that gambling can be addictive. Press reports say that a message will display every half hour, informing the player how long they have been gambling. Video games will also turn off after 90 consecutive minutes of play. Statistics show that gambling is popular in Spain, with the average person spending the equivalent of £500 per year on the lottery, sporting bets and casinos.


11 - 17 june 2010

Cookie improving daily

Cookie after

REGULAR READERS of RTN will remember a story that was printed in April about Cookie, the miniature pony rescued by the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre (EHCRC). RTN is delighted to report that despite the appalling condition in which she was found, thanks to the love and care that she has received from the centre during the last two months Cookie is doing extremely well.

As you can see from the photo, her coat has fully re-grown; the bald patches which she had after she had to be clipped following months of lying in her own faeces have disappeared; she has put weight on and looks very healthy. She is still walking with a limp and will need lots of extra care, attention and medication for the foreseeable future, but at she is improving on a daily basis.

Cookie before

Brave RTN rider ‘down with a broken finger…but not out’!

LAST WEEKEND saw the 6th round of the Community of Valencia Motor Cross Championships, and local rider Joseph Lester from Alfaz Del Pi crashed out of the 1st race over a jump. RTN is sponsoring this talented youngster this season, along with Alfaz del Pi food supplier Tindale & Stanton. Joe was taken to the on-site medical centre where he had his hand strapped up with a suspected broken finger and he was told to go for The EHCRC would like to thank all an x-ray. But fearing his the RTN readers who contacted them championship was slipping and donated to the centre following the away, Joe took off the article about Cookie’s plight and has promised to keep sending progress reports on her recovery. The Centre, which is in Rojales, also has a calendar of music events planned for the summer. The music nights will take place in the relaxed atmosphere of the centre’s garden, where you can listen to live music, enjoy food from the BBQ and drinks from the bar. The next music night will be next Friday, 18th June and features Ronnie St James. Ronnie is a popular singer and comedian. He sings music by Neil Diamond, Kenny Rogers, Don Williams and more. The music starts at 19.30 and entry is just five Euros. All proceeds go to helping the rescue centre continue its excelJoe lent work. and his See www.easyhorsecare.net for direc- broken finger tions or call Sue on 652 021 980.

bandage and took part in the 2nd race, where he got 3rd position putting him at the top of the points table. We were obviously concerned to hear about Joe’s accident, and we wanted to know more. After returning home and attending the Villajoisa hospital it was confirmed that Joe had actually broken his finger and had severe swelling of the hand. We are all rooting for you Joe, and the hope is that his dressing will come off before the 25th June for the next round in Guardamar.

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Candy Floss and a stick of rock in Blackpool? Or Tapas and a glass of wine in Guardamar? by Andrew Atkinson AS A frequent visitor to both Guardamar and Blackpool, I was surprised to read that the Torreta de Guardamar radio mast, the tallest structure in Europe - built by the US Navy in 1962 and now part of the Spanish Navy, monitors the movement of submarines. The Torreta de Guardamar radio mast is taller than the Eiffel Tower in Paris, dwarfing Blackpool Tower - which leads me to Europe’s biggest holiday attraction: Blackpool. In 1889, the Eiffel Tower was built in Paris, leading to the mayor of Blackpool, John Bickerstaffe, investing £2,000 of his own money into building a tower. Lancashire architects James Maxwell and Charles Tuke designed Blackpool Tower: the foundation stone was laid in 1891 and the tower opened on 14th May, 1894. A fire in 1956 partially destroyed the Victorian Rococo Ballroom. Now restored, it is the jewel in the Tower’s crown. Blackpool was once a tiny farming and fishing community along the Fylde coast of Lancashire, like so many Spanish fishing villages, with golden sandy beaches - today dubbed The Golden Mile. Blackpool Tower, along with The Winter Gardens, was recently provisionally sold for £40million, purchased by Blackpool Borough Council. The Council secured a £40m deal to buy a package of Blackpool landmarks - with funds from local and central Government - from leisure tycoon Trevor Hemmings’ Leisure Parcs. However, since the cutbacks have been announced by the UK Government in the wake

Blackpool Tower

of the country’s huge debts, the purchase has reportedly been put on hold. During the Second World War, Luftwaffe bombs fell during Hitler’s German Blitzkrieg - but it is said Hitler himself wanted Blackpool Tower. “I’ve heard that Hitler intended to use Blackpool as his personal playground after the war,” said Elaine Smith, chairman of Blackpool Civic Trust. Candy Floss and a bar of rock in Blackpool? Or Tapas and a glass of wine in Guardamar? - looking out for submarines surfacing… Of course, I have the ‘best of both Worlds!’

Charity event 16th June

ON WEDNESDAY 16th June – a daytime event – there will be a Crazy Golf Competition at Ciudad Quesada to raise funds for K9 Club animal charity. Teams of 4 are invited to

partake in this fun day of Crazy Golf. Trophies supplied by San Fulgencio Town Hall will be presented to the person with the highest individual score and also to the team with the

highest score. Entry is seven Euros per person and includes an all day breakfast or lunch. To arrange your team entry and T-off time please phone Brenda on 966 796 436.

Torrevieja Lions ‘Bond’ in Quesada A ‘JAMES BOND evening’ was held in the Lime Bar in Calle los Arcos. Just Brass, a local brass band, played Bond themes, followed by a Bond style quiz with quizmaster Reg. Inside there was roulette and a Bond Vodka Martini basket was raffled along with a meal for two voucher at the Lime Bar, presented by Lion Vice President Iain Bennett and won by Ian Tinsley, Just Brass Musical Director. A Race Night is planned at the same

venue later in the year. In ‘Quesada Fish and Chips’, Tony, Simon and the staff sold tickets for a Lions Club Spring Basket, generating over €116.00 for Lions Charities. The winner was Johnny Vaughn, who generously returned the basket for a future draw. This year all funds raised will help disabled and disadvantaged children in the area. The Lions send grateful thanks everyone who took part.

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11 - 17 june 2010

Help for Heroes

Quiz Night success for the Pink Ladies

€4,670 was raised

THE HELP FOR HEROES fun day which took place on 29th May raised a whopping €4,670 for the charity. Organisers also counted the collection tins from various other events and places and announced earlier this week that they will be sending a grand total of €5,800 to the charity, which is based in the UK and helps servicemen and women who have returned from the Iraqi and Afghanistan conflicts. One of the organisers of the event, Lynne Zaber, told RTN: “The amount that was collected is amazing. I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who was involved in the event, including those that paraded from Consum car park down to The Hop in La Zenia Village; all the artists that sang and danced; our volunteers who were brilliant; Cathy Carson for not only entertaining us but for her PA system; Simon Morton and Sarah Simpson from Sunshine FM; all those who kindly donated gifts for our auction and raffle and to everyone who supported us and dug deep for a good cause.” The organisational team for the event was Lynne and Eddie Coleman and committee members Nick Parrott and Jean Heald.

Theatre show

DRAMATIC LICENCE PRESENTS: Neil Simon’s ‘THE ODD COUPLE’ female version at Cardenal Belluga theatre on17th, 18th and 19th June, each performance, starting at 20.00. Tickets are eight Euros each and available from Cards & More in La Marina urbanization, The Card Shop in Ciudad Quesada and The Card Place in Benimar.

Maria and her Pink Ladies

LAST THURSDAY evening, Maria Wilson and her Pink Ladies, featured by RTN two weeks ago, held a quiz night in aid of the AECC to raise funds for the campaign to raise awareness for early detection of breast cancer. The quiz was held at L M D Bras, formerly TW’s in El Galan and the hosts, Rodney and Kim, put on a fantastic free buffet for the event. A total of €382 was raised from the

event which also included a raffle; the prizes of which were donated by the Pink Ladies and there was also quite a large amount collected in sealed AECC collection tins, to be counted at the AECC offices after the Pink Ladies Walk on 19th June. Maria told RTN: “The Pink Ladies and I would especially like to thank Rodney, Kim, Steve and Jeannette for all their hard work in making the

night both fun for all and successful for the AECC. The Pink Ladies (Men, Children and Dogs!) 5 Kilometre Walk takes place on Saturday 19th June in Torrevieja.” Anyone interested in taking part in the walk can contact the Pink Ladies on 646 099 092 or 648 966 078. Alternatively, just turn up on the day and register. The registration fee is €5 and all proceeds will go to AECC.

Residential centre contract awarded

THE TORREVIEJA Town Hall has awarded the contract for the city’s new residential centre for the mentally and physically handicapped. The centre, which is being built close to the newly inaugurated ‘Number 10’ primary school and aqua park, will cost €4,630,712 to construct and the contract has been awarded

to GUIFERSOL SL that stated the centre will be built within the next twelve months. The centre, to be built on a 5,000 square metre plot, will also include double and single bedrooms; a gym; kitchen and dining facilities; a physiotherapy clinic; a heated swimming pool and gardens. There is also ample space for future extensions to the centre.

11- 17 june 2010


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Short back bacon( lean) 9.95€ kilo - 2.2 kilos only 16.50€ Home-made gourmet sausages 6.95€ per kilo - 2 kilos 12€ Braising steak 11.95€ per kilo - 2 kilos + 22€ Topside of Beef 12.95€ per kilo 2 kilos + 11.95 per kilo (No added fat) Fresh Galician rump 4 kilos + only 8.95€ per kilo Fresh fillet steak 29.85€ per kilo - Whole fillet 23.95€ per kilo Pork chops with crackling 6.95€ per kilo - 2 kilos 12€ Meaty pork ribs 6.95€ per kilo - 2 kilos 12€ Quality Navara/Rioja wine from 1.66€ a bottle We are now making once again our famous home-made pasties, sausage rolls & Scotch eggs SPEND 40€ - FREE BOTTLE OF WINE,SPEND 50€ - FREE KILO OF SAUSAGES SPEND 60€- FREE CHICKEN

We are supporting new local enterprise; Angies Chocolate Fridge Cake & Annabelles Organic Marmalade. These two products are made to the highest standard. Please try & support.

11 - 17 june 2010


Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

West Country Council to remake Mama Mia? I HEARD a plop on the front door mat and charged downstairs with the anticipation of a teenager on a first date. This was, I thought, my fortnightly fix of Private Eye - more satire than I can shake a stick at. Wrong… The glossy mag on the hall carpet was the truly terrible ‘Your County’, a 16-page ‘glossy’ with all the appeal of cold porridge. It is a selfdeluded attempt by East Sussex County Council to become a leading magazine publisher. And who pays for it? Yup, ole Mr, Mrs, Ms, Master and Miss Taxpayer. Mind you, if East Sussex’s patronising publication is a waste of tax payers’ money, down in deepest Dorset their county council’s misuse of funds has really hit a, shall we say, bum note with the locals. Not content with also producing a similar magazine, Dorset County Council have gone one better: they’ve entered into music video production too. I kid you not. Simon Cowell - watch out, old son, your days could be numbered... Some Cecil B Wannabe down at Deranged Dorset County Council has clearly been on a council-taxpayer-funded video editing course and the dire consequents of this are now on public display. If you’ve ever thought that some of the early 80s pop videos were cringe

making, “you ain’t,” to quote Bachman Turner Overdrive, “seen nothing yet.” If you want a truly multi-media experience folks, why not watch the video while reading your RTN by going on t’internet to the following link: http:// www.purbeck-gazette.co.uk/funstuff/ default.aspx?p=other Of course if you’re reading this on-line then just click on the preceding sentence. Okay, so what it’s all about? DCC have decided that what the world really needs is a pop video entitled ‘The Promise’ to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of UNICEF’s Convention on the Rights of the Child. “Hmmm,” I hear you ask, dear reader - “Why?” I spoke to Fiona McEvoy of the Tax Payers’ Alliance who has an idea. She answered: “Dorset County Council clearly think that singing makes the World a better place but unfortunately we can’t help but feel the World is a poorer, and more tuneless, place thanks to this frankly horrendous effort.” Oh, ouch Fiona! She added, “Putting their musical credentials aside though, we’re paying these people’s salaries to work, not warble.” True enough Fiona and as local Dorset paper the Purbeck Gazette asked, “How much did this little ditty cost? Shouldn’t these staff have been working on the

things that matter to the people of Dorset?” Well, if you look at the video it seems that a large number of them have been interrupted in work meetings to mime to this masterpiece. You can’t help but feel sorry for the obvious embarrassment caused to many of them. One does wonder though, why none of the ‘press-ganged’ council staff members didn’t question or object to this particular form of madness? Hmmm, fear perhaps. That or maybe the fact that Deranged County Council’s chief executive David Jenkins (reputedly in receipt of a handsome £170,000 pa salary) appears to be the special guest star. That’s him, just towards the end - if you can last that long. Fiona McEvoy marvelled at his “disembodied appearance, [with] his floating head mouthing the toe-curling lyrics of this bizarre dirge.” Toe-curling indeed, Fiona, even my dog objected to it. My daughter at 16-years of age did video production at college and could produce far better results than this abject drivel. Leaving aside the current economic climate with most people having to tighten their belts, would this ever, even in the good times, really be an acceptable use of a county council’s time and resources? Fiona smiled, “If they want to look good they should do some real work and devote less time to strange initiatives designed to prove to us all that they really like children.” Maybe they’re still feeling guilty about the Tollpuddle Martyrs, Fiona. In case you haven’t seen it, the ‘pop video’ presents the viewer with a series of images of children from third world villages, through to children (presumably in Dorset) with special needs, who fade in and out while a poorly effected animation of a pair of hands grabs in from both sides of the screen, imply-

ing somehow that through the grace of Dorset County Council, children from all over the World will be safely gathered up. A caption flashes at two minutes fiftyfive seconds quoting Article Four of the UNICEF document: “governments must do all they can to fulfil the rights.” Yes, you deluded communications people at Dorset CC – governments - NOT county councils. What has UNICEF initiatives got to do with you? Are you trying to take over the sterling work of BBC’s Children in Need? The Purbeck Gazette wryly notes, “Some people might say that the video has a creepy, quasi-religious feel to it - and that a good number of the participants look decidedly uncomfortable. We couldn’t possibly comment, of course.” Fiona McEvoy again: “It is, in short, deeply patronising or at least it would be if we could ascertain who on earth it’s actually aimed at.” The new government promises transparency in the administrations that run our towns and counties. Hopefully, accountability amongst those recalcitrant councils that seem to spend the coffers on whatever whims they deem fit will be high on the list. Oh well, if you did like The Promise you’ll probably like this, coming soon from the Dorset County Council film production unit a brand new hard hitting documentary: it’s all about why Dorset needs to spend £10.7 million on new council offices. Riveting, eh? I can just see all the punters queuing up outside the Tollpuddle Odeon for that one. Me, I’ve gotta get up onto the Downs quickly - for sanity and fresh air. You never know, Your County might even pay me for some nice pictures… Watts in Brighton. Oh no! It’s seeped into my brain; I’m singing The Promise… Heeeelp!

11- 17 JUNE 2010



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Boogie roll for MABS 26

11 - 17 june 2010

EVERY WEEK, these lovely ladies meet at the Arches Café, El Oasis, Los Alcázares to indulge their passion for line dancing. Lin Chitty heads up the group and teaches beginners and intermediate standard. “I collect subs each week and at the end of the year, we choose a charity to donate the money to,” says Lyn. “This year, we chose the MABS Cancer Support Group, because they have given my husband such tremendous support throughout his recent illness. The hospital had lost all his records and, as our Spanish is limited, we were getting nowhere with the authorities, so I spoke to MABS. “Elvira, their translator, was marvellous and was soon able to get everything sorted out so that he could start his much-needed treatment. Their volunteers were always on the end of a ‘phone whenever we needed them and I really don’t know what we would have done without MABS; I can’t thank them enough.” MABS Translator, Elvira, Group Co-ordinator, Lyn Baines, and MABS volunteers were invited to receive the donation of €1,300 from Lin and her dancers at The Arches. “We’re absolutely delighted

to receive this,” commented Lyn Baines,“We’ve had fantastic support from Ali, the owner of The Arches, who provides facilities for our training courses, and from Lin’s line dancers, who are so generous to local charities. It’s a real honour to receive this donation, which will enable us to continue helping those affected by cancer in this area. “MABS is a registered charity, totally reliant on people like Lin and her dancers, whose donation will stay within the Murcia/Mar Menor region to help cover the costs of transporting people to and from hospital appointments and translating. We also provide equipment, such as orthopaedic beds, hoists and wheelchairs to make life easier for those affected by cancer, and these all have to be stored and transported, so all donations are most welcome.” If you’re interested in line dancing at beginner or intermediate level, classes begin again at the The Arches Café, El Oasis on Wednesday 6th October from 15.00 to 17.00 and every Wednesday throughout the winter months. To find out more about MABS Cancer Support Group, visit their website: www.mabsmurcia.com or call 693 275 779.

Quality beach flags awarded

TORREVIEJA TOWN Hall has been awarded Quality flags for 23 of its beaches, including two European blue flags. The Qualitur flags are awarded for cleanliness, water quality, disabled access and environmental friendliness. No blue flags have been awarded this year at La Mata and Naufragos because there are currently files open on properties that have been built too close to the beach and are therefore the subject of infringements against the ‘Ley de Costa’.

The line dancers

Musical event

ON SUNDAY 13th June at the Cardenal Belluga theatre in San Fulgencio at 20.00, the local Spanish Band ‘Unión Musical’ led by German Guillen Alcocer, together with ‘Moztly MainZtream’ Big Band, led by John Atkins, will present a three part concert. The Finale will be Artie Shaw’s Clarinet Concierto performed by Guillen Allcocer. Tickets are FREE and available from the Tourist Info office in La Marina, Tel: 966 790 021 and from the Medical Centre in San Fulgencio village.

The Celts –v- The English Charity Darts Match in aid of Age Concern

Crescendo and Q4 hit the high notes AFTER THEIR successful Christmas concert at the Torrevieja Christian Fellowship, Crescendo were invited to give a further concert recently, with their guests, barbershop quartet Q4. The evening began with a rousing ‘Gloria’ followed by ‘My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose’ a new arrangement by Musical

Director Chas Smiths’ younger brother. Q4 entered in yellow oilskins to sing ‘Shine on me’. The audience joined in ‘A Wonderful World’ with the words projected on the wall above the stage. Q4 took the stage with a varied selection including ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’, finishing with ‘Fat

Bottomed Girls’. The choir filled the aisles to sing ‘Blessing of Aaron’ before Chas called the children from APANEE on stage. Their collecting buckets brought in a fantastic €715. Ticket money of €5 per head went to the TCF itself and amounted to over €950.

Crescendo choir

The cheque is presented to Age Concern President Maureen Payne

A RECENT fund raising darts event took place at The Windsor Tavern in San Luis, affectionately named ‘The Star Wars Bar’ by The Sheriff. The event was organized by Barney Rubble (JB). The match raised €216, which was handed over to Age Concern in The Bar on Tuesday

8th June. A special thanks to all the players who took part and a special thanks to Phil and Donna, the proprietors, who provided a lovely buffet and Sandy, just for being Sandy. Also thanks to the cribbage team for their kind donation and last but not least The Sheriff, for coming along to the presentation.

11 - 17 june 2010



11 - 17 JUNE 2010

Don’t just take our word for it DURING THE eighteen months since its inception, RTN Network has gone from strength to strength and now boasts thousands of customers all over the Costa Blanca. If you have not yet signed up for their amazing telecommunications package, why not?! During the last few weeks, RTN has been talking to Network customers from as far afield as Cartagena and Denia and if you don’t believe us when we say that RTN Network is the best thing since sliced bread, read on! Mike Boone lives in Benijofar and has been a RTN Network customer since last year. RTN asked him what he liked best about the Network and why he moved from his previous telephone and internet supplier. He said: “My previous internet provider was useless. I was sometimes going for days every month without any connection and even though I have a good knowledge of Spanish, trying to get any proper information from the company as to why it was happening was a nightmare.” He continued: “They told me that they had a problem with a transmitter in Los Montesinos which resulted in me having no or very little internet service and it frustrated the hell out of me!” CHAT ONLINE

Mike has two grandchildren aged 22 and 16 in England and is a member of the Facebook social networking site so that he can


R E T U O R ! 0 5 € h wort

keep a track of what they are up to. He added: “With the previous provider, I was lucky if I got internet for an hour a day and every day I like to send a weather report to a friend of mine who lives in the UK (usually to make her jealous) so I decided enough was enough and contacted RTN Network and it was the best thing I did.” He said: “I like to chat online with friends every day and now I am with the network, I can. I also use the phone line a lot and friends and family call me using the low cost 0843 number which saves them money too.” He concluded: “I have nothing but praise for the Network and everyone I spoke to, especially Kate, who was pleasant and very friendly.” Mike isn’t the only customer who is delighted with the Network; Mrs Hawkins from Playa Paraiso near La Manga was referred to the Network by her friend who was another satisfied customer. Mrs Hawkins told RTN that she would like to marry Network Manager John Stewart one day; such was the fabulous service that she received! SPANISH BULL

She told RTN: “I used to have ADSL with Telefonica but one day it just stopped. I called them to report the fault and they eventually sent out a technician who tested the line.” The technician told her that because her power lines shared the same conduit as her telephone cable, it had “burnt

HAPPY NETWORK CUSTOMERS: Mr and Mrs Hawkins from Playa Paraiso, near La Manga

out her telephone cable”, it could not be repaired and she could no longer have ADSL. Mrs Hawkins continued: “When I called the Network to see if they could help, John told me that sounded like the famous “Spanish Bull” we hear so much about!” If the line had been “burnt out” then she would not be able to make calls either and it would still be Telefonica’s responsibility to fix the problem. John from the Network told her that

he thought that he could fix her problem and apply for her ADSL. Mrs Hawkins concluded: “Within ten days of applying, my 1Mb ADSL was up and running and it’s so much faster than the old service! I am over the moon with the RTN Network and I am officially in love with John Stewart! He was so helpful and kind and in fact all the staff is great; it’s a pleasure speaking to them all.” So what are you waiting for…?!

11- 17 june 2010




11 - 17 june 2010

For more information on how Moneycorp can help you to save hundreds of euros on your Spanish bank fees, as well as helping you get more pounds for your euros, contact us on 902 887 243 or email Moneycorp directly at roundtownnews@moneycorp.com

Currency boring? Not at the moment! There has been so much activity and speculation over the past few weeks that it is often difficult to keep a track of what is happening and where. One thing is for certain and that is the fragility of the Euro. Under pressure but still fighting is perhaps the best way to describe what is happening to the Euro zone single currency. The weakness in Europe means a glimpse of relief for those by Britons in Spain living off a UK income. Pensioners and others transferring sterling into euro are achieving the best rates for a good while and are hoping for even better. For the beleaguered tourist industry there is also the hope that Account Manager, Brits travelling to Spain on holiday buy a few extra drinks Moneycorp with the extra meals they can afford! The problems of the Euro zone centre around concerns over sovereign debt and Spain is now the central focus. If foreign investors walk away from Spanish bonds the effect may be felt throughout Europe. By contrast, the UK pound has been boosted by several ‘good news’ announcements relating to the economy and will be hoping to continue its rise. Given the activity we have expanded the weekly update and would suggest that any RTN readers with currency requirements, questions etc get in touch with the Moneycorp team – we will be delighted to help.

Kevin Wright

Market Update Sterling appreciates against the euro to levels last seen in December 2008 Sterling’s appreciation against the euro continued last week with a new 18-month high recorded at €1.2114… The main releases from the UK saw the publication of the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) figures, which are leading indicators of economic health and seen as a good barometer of the sustainability of the current recovery in markets around the world. The UK’s Manufacturing PMI maintained a 15-year high reading of 58 (above 50 is expansionary, below is a sign of contraction in activity) despite a small fall being forecast. The construction sector also continued its recent

resurgence with a reading of 58.5 (which was marginally above expectations), while the services number – the most important of the three – was slightly down on expectations, but still strong at 55.4. All of this lends further credibility to the UK recovery gathering pace. Elsewhere, the pound also gained on news that UK house prices rose to the highest levels in more than two years. The Nationwide Building Society said the average cost of a home increased 0.5% in May to the highest level since July 2008. They maintain their view that the current supply and demand balance in the market is still consistent, with relatively stable to modestly increasing prices. The other main news of the week was the collapse of the ambitious attempt by Prudential to buy AIG’s Asian arm. This prompted the unwinding of currency hedges put in place in anticipation of a deal, when the initial bid was announced back in March. AIG’s outright rejection of a reduced offer from The Pru’ put an end to the deal once and for all, with the UK insurer confirming that the deal was off on Wednesday. Sterling rose broadly on Tuesday as anticipation grew that the deal was close to collapse. The currency was still benefitting when the deal was finally taken off the table. The euro has continued to struggle, as risk aversion at one point waned, resulting in renewed buying of riskier assets, including sterling. The recent downgrade of Spanish sovereign debt by credit ratings agency Fitch left the euro on the back foot due to ongoing structural weaknesses, particularly in the southern Mediterranean area of the eurozone. Despite assurances from China and Kuwait that the euro’s current troubles would not affect their purchases of the single currency, rumours surfaced that Iran planned to sell some of its euro holdings as a result of the volatility. A Chinese news agency report that the Iranian central bank would sell €45bn of its foreign exchange reserves to buy dollars and gold further dented investors’ desire to hold the single currency. This adjustment to their reserve holdings was expected to be conducted in three stages, with the first

tranche already underway. It was also claimed that other Gulf states had started to cut their euro holdings. Data flows have had limited impact on the single currency in recent weeks and the same was true this time around. German retail sales and employment figures were better than forecast, whereas the Europe-wide unemployment rate remained constant. European retail sales were down 1.2% against the forecast of a small rise and revised GDP was unchanged at 0.2%. As mentioned above, this had almost no effect on the euro, with investors preoccupied with more serious matters. However, the data is not supportive of a broad-based recovery in Europe, which will be of concern to those nations about to embark on significant spending cuts that will only hinder growth further. A more specific indicator of future growth rates was the composite European version of the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI). This showed a fall to 56.4 from 57.3 in April – although this was still above an estimated 56.2. The service sector component rose to 56.2 from 55.6, whereas the manufacturing figure declined to 55.8 from 57.6. The outlook for the region’s economy has darkened in recent months, as the threat of contagion from Greece’s fiscal crisis raises investors’ concern about the future of the euro area. While the problem has pushed the euro lower this year, making exports more competitive, governments have had to respond with tougher austerity measures to cut budget deficits. This, in turn, has dampened consumer confidence. Further alarming news from the eurozone came from an eastern European member state. Last week saw Hungary’s new Prime Minister, Viktor Orban reveal that his nation’s finances were in a “very grave situation” and that his predecessor had falsified the true state of his country’s finances. Whilst Hungary is not the biggest economic power in the world, this news will further undermine confidence in the eurozone due to the lengthening list of nations that may need to seek emergency funding from the European Central Bank (ECB) in the future. To read the full report click on Currency Guidance at www.moneycorp.com/roundtownnews


Parental responsibility by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

Question: My ex-boyfriend and I had a baby boy who is now 3 years old. We are both British (English) and our boy, though born in Spain, also holds British nationality. We all live in Spain but I live with my son and my ex boyfriend has never lived with us. Since we decided to split up the father is not paying any maintenance and he takes our son away when ever he feels like it. I do not know what we should do regarding the boy, if we need to sign an agreement, go to the court or something else. My relation with my ex boyfriend is Ok and we are in agreement, he is prepared to pay maintenance, but I do not know what to do. YES, YOU can sign an agreement with your ex-boyfriend in order to determine rights and obligation regarding your son. Our advice in this kind of scenario is always to try to reach an agreement and then apply to the court, by consent, to get a court confirmation of this agreement. The court will then define the obligations of the parties in a Court Order. Therefore, if someone does not fulfil the agreement he/ she will be in a breach of a Court Order.

If it is not possible for you to reach an agreement, then it might be necessary for you to file a claim against your son’s father in order to ask the court to determine his obligations in regards to your boy. In the agreement you should agree mainly about: CUSTODY/ RESIDENCE: determines who will be the parent that will have custody of the boy and which one will live with the minor. It is possible to agree joint custody. MAINTENANCE: you should aim to agree the maintenance to be paid to the children. That means: how much; from when; until when; etc. VISITS AND CONTACT: if one of the parents has custody, a visit regime should be agreed in favour of the other: when will be able to visit the son; what will happen on holidays, etc. It is important to keep in mind that the Judge and the Ministerio Fiscal (State Prosecutor) will review the agreement and they could refuse it if they understand that the interests of the minor are not properly protected. Regarding the Court case as such, it can be by consent (parties are in agreement) or contentious (parties are not in agreement) it is important for you to know some legal issues such as: 1. Given that Spain is the place of residence of the minor, and also the place of residence of both parents as well as being the last family home, the Spanish Courts will have jurisdiction. 2. This kind of court process are set out in the Law 1/2000LEC (Spanish Civil Jurisdiction Law) and mentioned in Article 748.4 (claim for custody-maintenance for the children).

11 - 17 JUNE 2010


The procedure closely follows that of a normal divorce, as set out on the articles 770 and followings of the LEC, with some differences. 3. Regarding the applicable law, as per Article 9 of the Spanish Civil Code: Paragraph 4: the relation between parents-children will be governed by the national law of the son, if not, then by the law of the habitual residence. Paragraph 7: the maintenance between relatives will be governed by the common law between the person obliged to pay the maintenance and the person that will receive them. As per the above, in your case English Law would normally be the substantive law, so it would be a court case in Spain, in front of the Spanish Courts, following the Spanish process and formalities, but governed by English Law. The fact that you obtain a Spanish Court order ratifying your agreement is also relevant and interesting, in case the father should go back to the UK to live. Were he to do so and then not pay the maintenance or fulfil other obligations agreed, the Spanish Order will be effective in England. The reason is that the UK courts will recognise the Spanish Court Order immediately and you will be able to execute it in UK, as per the European Regulations number 2201/2003 regarding the relation between parents-children (visits, custody, etc) and the regulation number 44/2001, regarding maintenance (alimentos) for the children. Should this be your case, or the case of someone you know, we will be more than pleased to assist you. *The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - Tel: 966 426 185. All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Spain needs to tighten purse strings more THE EU wants Spain to be more aggressive with measures to reduce the country’s debt in 2011. The Minister for Tax and Economy, Elena Salgado, attended a meeting of EU finance ministers in Luxembourg last Monday and was told that Spain had to take further action

to reduce debt and calm the markets. European ministers are not satisfied with the structural reforms that Spain has made, although they did acknowledge that actions taken so far were bold. Spain has until 15th June to submit its proposals to the Commission.

Increased movement in housing market PEOPLE HAVE bought and sold more property in Spain during the first quarter of 2010 than at the same time last year. During the first quarter of this year, sale agreements increased by 117,911, which is a 7.04 percent increase on 2009. The sale and purchase of homes during the first quarter are also up 16.28 percent on the final quarter of 2009. Resale properties are selling fastest, with a 16.9 percent increase in sales compared to the end of 2009. New build property sales increased by 15.6 percent.



11 - 17 JUNE 2010

Beefing up your brand on your website by

Karla Darocas

Information Technology & Communications

“YIPPY COWBOY that is a mighty fine brand you got there!” Did you know that the word ‘brand’ comes from the practice of putting your name on your cattle with a hot iron? Today, in the age of consumerism, a brand is a business identity that can be a product or service or a business name. A checkmark can mean Nike shoes and golden arches can be McDonalds. Brands take on many forms and finding one to suit your needs is a very personal and professional thing to do. That is why businesses get their brand names or logos trademarked – to keep them legally protected. If you are in business, then of course your website will have your brand and logo on it – most likely in the header or

A checkmark can mean Nike shoes

on the sides, background or footer – but here are some more interesting tips to keep your brand looking buff! BRAND YOUR FILE NAMES When creating your filename, add your business name. This can be done to html files and graphics. Search engines look at the file names as part of their search algorithm and using our brand name as a keyword in the file name will help to improve anyone’s search when looking for your name. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Include your brand name in your copyright notice on the bottom of each page contained on the website, and keep it current! It may seem trivial, but

an out-of-date copyright notice can send a message to your visitors that the website and its content and brand may be out-of-date as well. ALTERNATE DOMAINS When protecting a brand name, you might want to register multiple domain versions and extensions in order to protect your brand. The varied domains can be parked on the main website, simply to prevent others from obtaining them. Registering alternate domain

versions will help protect your brand and domain names are relatively inexpensive. FAVICON Add a Favicon, which means favorite icon - to your website, so that your company branded logo appears in the URL box. This icon will also show up in a bookmark list, and gives the web site an added level of professionalism. Stay Tuned Next Week for More DIY Website Development and Internet Marketing Tips

Karla Darocas * Business Communications Software Training & Computer Repairs *Helping You to Help Yourself 965 973 234

Public buy clothes despite crisis THE INDITEX group, owner of several clothing stores in Spain, has announced a 63 percent increase in profits for the first quarter of 2010. Inditex is Europe’s largest clothes retailer with brands including Zara, Bershka

and Massimo Dutti under its belt. Net profit for the first quarter is €301 million, compared to just €184 million for the same period in 2009. Sales for the first five weeks of the second quarter are also up by 13 percent.

Government focus on rural zones THE COUNCIL of Ministers has approved the first Sustainable Rural Development Programme for the 2010-2014 period, which will benefit 10.5 million people. The First Vice-President indicated that this is “the largest ever rural development planning project in Spain” and has been allocated funding of more than €1.8 billion by the government and the autonomous regions. The programme will focus on increasing the quality of life and social welfare of the people who live in these areas, maintaining employment levels, improving public services and infrastructures, with the aim of lowering the rural depopulation rate. In order to implement this programme, a total of 219 plans will be drafted in the coming months aimed at separate rural areas, with priority given to those with the lowest levels of social, economic and environmental development.

Rajoy speaks out on economy MARIANO RAJOY, the leader of the opposition PP party, has said that Spain should “learn” from the economic situation in Greece. He was speaking in Almería last Tuesday, and said: “We need to be strict. We cannot spend any more than the country is able to, and we need to create a national reform plan so that we don’t fall into the same trap as others, such as Greece and Hungary.” Rajoy went on to say that the public has to pay for the government’s mistakes, listing pensioners; those who can’t work; self-employed people and civil servants as those who are suffering.

Mariano Rajoy

11 - 17 june 2010

Rugby Sevens Tournament ONE OF the first tournaments at the brand new Torrevieja Sports City will take place next weekend at the Nelson Mandela Rugby Stadium. The SRUGBY rugby 7s tournament starts next Friday, 18th June at 16:00 and will continue throughout the weekend. The event, which has been organised by 4 GEST SPORT EVENTS SL who are experts in organising large sporting events like this all over Spain, is being fully endorsed by the Torrevieja Town Hall and the Mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernandez Mateo and the Councillor for Sports, Daniel Plaza. International rugby


personalities assisted the organisers by conducting the draw which decided which teams will play against each other. INTERNATIONAL The three day tournament includes both male and female teams from Spain, Portugal, Andorra and Holland and will include professional and amateur rugby teams. It will be the biggest rugby 7 event organised in Spain with more contestants competing than any other event; nearly 600 players are expected to travel to the city. Together with the rugby 7

tournaments in Shanghai, London, Paris and Rome, the Torrevieja tournament will be one of the most important international rugby tournaments in the World. FREE to spectators, it promises to be a great day out for all the family and with 4,000 seats available during the three days, everyone will get the chance to see some great rugby being played at one the best rugby stadiums in the country. A male and female rugby shirt, signed by the winning team, will also be given away in a competition during the event. EXPATS The confirmed male professional teams are: CRC La Vila Selection of Catalu単a Selection of Alicante Alcobendas Barbarians and Industriales

There will also be a womens league

The confirmed male amateur teams are: Charranes A Mixto Complutens Charranes B

Guadalajara CRC B La Vila B Cau Canal Metropolitano Atleti de Madrid Sanse Scrum Rugby Matematicas Rugby Derecho Rojales Nomadas Elche Universidad de Alicante Denia Rugby Club Industriales B Quijote Rugby Illescas Novelda Nebrija Universidad Francisco de Vitoria Javea Rugby Valdemoro Madrid Barbarians (who are Madrid based English expats).

For more information on the tournament please visit www.srugby7.com.


15-21 JANUARY 1117 JUNE 20102010


Dr Lawrence has changed my life! - We interview a patient from the Costa Blanca Chiropractic Centre: Amanda from Finestrat


Lawrence King

The Costa Blanca Chiropractic Centre

WHAT WAS YOUR MAIN REASON FOR ATTENDING THE CHIROPRACTOR? I have suffered from low back pain since the birth of my first child and I have experienced sciatica on and off many times. In this last year, things have been getting dramatically worse and I also began to experience some pain in my neck as well. It was then I decided something needed to be done. WHAT WAS INVOLVED IN YOUR FIRST CONSULTATION AT THE CLINIC? I attended the clinic for nearly an hour on my first visit. To start with, a history of my complaint was taken followed by a detailed examination of my spine and my nervous system. Dr Lawrence explained I was to return in the next

couple of days for my report as well as the first treatment. DID THE CHIROPRACTOR FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH YOUR SPINE? Yes. In the report my problem was explained thoroughly. It was explained that many changes in my spine probably occurred during my pregnancy, causing areas of my lower back to be misaligned, putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. He also explained that nerves from the same area in the lower back controlled the function of some of the organs in my abdomen A detailed and this might be the source of some examination abdominal pains I was experiencing. of the back Also, my neck pain maybe a result of is carried compensations made due to the lower out back problem. The doctor explained that a series of adjustments would be needed to re-align the areas in my lower back and neck. WHAT WAS INVOLVED IN THE TREATMENT SESSIONS? Each session Dr Lawrence re-assesses my spine to find out how much progress I have made. He then gives me my adjustments, which involves having the vertebrae adjusted back into a better position.

Dr Lawrence with Amanda Collins

WERE THE ADJUSTMENTS PAINFUL? No not really, Dr Lawrence explained that I may feel a slight pinch the second of the adjustment and that would be it. Afterwards I was given advice on how to maximize the benefits of each session.

For an appointment with Dr. Lawrence, please contact The Costa Blanca Chiropractic Centre on 966 865 432 or call Dr Lawrence direct on 656 589 740.

HOW HAVE THINGS CHANGED SINCE SEEING THE CHIROPRACTOR? The results have been amazing. After just 3 weeks the sciatica has gone, the pain in my neck has gone and my spine as a whole has much more movement. I am able to stand for up to an hour at work compared with before only 5 minutes. Interestingly, the pains in my abdomen have also resolved. Dr Lawrence has changed my life! WHAT DOES FUTURE TREATMENT INVOLVE? I have been advised there is still a bit more work to do to get rid of the last bit of back pain. We have talked about my daily routine which I am working to improve and I am about to start some exercises to strengthen my spine.

In tune for charity

15-21 11-JANUARY 17 JUNE 2010 2010


Helping schools spend

Sounds Familiar

by Jack Troughton SINGERS FROM Sounds Familiar and Theatre Express provided a magical evening of music to help raise more than €1,100 for charity. Proceeds from the Calpe concert will go to the Friends of the children of EMAUS and help pay for summer holidays for the youngsters cared for in special homes across the region. The show itself was a tour of musical theatre from Calamity Jane to Chicago

and from Les Miserables through to the most recent stage production ‘13’ and the performers were kept on their toes singing in the styles of composers like Andrew Lloyd Webber and Cole Porter. Theatre Express performed six numbers - including reprisals of a Michael Jackson Thriller medley and a medley from Glee they presented on the stage of London’s Her Majesty’s Theatre earlier this year. Dressed in their customary black, Sounds Familiar added colour during

the first half of the show sporting coloured scarves for the women and ties for the men. After the interval, the group unveiled its new range of designer and handmade coloured waistcoats. The group will next appear in Benissa on 24th September to perform ‘Celebration of Song’ before beginning rehearsal for its Christmas programme. For more information call Philip Ashley on 965 581 483 or email philip@philipashley.com

Charity Day

On song for charity

THE BUSY Lounge Bar at Meson de Paco is staging a special fund raising day tomorrow (Saturday 12th June) in aid of the children of the Raquel Paya Special

€1,830 was raised

A SELL out concert by the Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir raised €1,830 for charity and was enjoyed by all lucky ticket holders. Boosted by takings for a raffle at Teulada’s Casa de la Cultura, the money will later be presented to Cancer Care in Javea. The evening started with a rousing ‘You Raise Me Up’ and continued with a mix of songs by Elvis Presley, West End shows and Negro spirituals. The choir was expertly guided by musical director and conductor Heather Butcher, and accompanied by pianist Christine Squires.

Jalon and Orba Lions Fun in the Park

THE JALON and Orba Lions, together with the Denia Raquel Paya School for disabled children, and Caritas from Denia, Jalon and Orba are planning a Charity Fun Day at the Torrecremada Gardens, Denia, on Saturday 12th June, 2010. The event will feature Flamenco dancing provided by Viva Espana of Oliva; fashion shows; musical entertainers; a ‘Children’s Corner’; a classic car parade,

JALON VALLEY HELP has been out and about visiting Val de Pop schools to present cheques to funs a spending spree. The charity donated money to help the Lliber Infant and Primary School buy a new colour printer, while youngsters at Benigembla will enjoy a range of equipment bought with a €1,133 gift. The Benigembla Infant and Primary School has just 24 pupils aged between three and 12 and HELP purchased a play supermarket and kitchen – described as “invaluable teaching tools” by grateful teaching staff – as musical instruments. Pictured are Elias Andres, Director at Lliber, with Jalon Valley HELP’s Rhonda Ryan and smiling pupils.

motorcycle parade and food stalls. It will run from 10.00 to 22.00. Paul Cunningham Nurses are looking to expand their services to cover the Northern Costa Blanca and our nurses will be there to check blood pressure and blood sugar levels, at the same time raising awareness of the services we can provide. The admission charge for all above 5 years will be €2 per person.

Needs School in Denia. The fun starts at 16.00 and sponsored by a number of local businesses, it promises to be a fun day for all the family with a barbeque, fashion show, music with DJ Marcus, a live performance from singer Janette Galbraith, and use of the swimming pool.


11 - 17 june 2010

Come see the professionals Selling vintage watches is an excellent way of turning old, unwanted or broken items into cash. It’s amazing how many people own, but no longer wear, old and often broken timepieces that could make them a very healthy profit. It’s even more remarkable how many private individuals across Europe collect these seemingly redundant watches. Roadshow EU’s core business has always been valuing and buying these watches on behalf of the afficionados who restore these watches to keep them in their collections. In that process you could recoup more than what you, or a relative, originally paid for your old watch in the 1950’s, 60’s or 70’s. For example a broken watch, last worn by the owner over 20 years ago could yield enough instant cash to finance a used car in optimum working condition. Here are some examples of minimum prices paid for gentleman’s watches in any condition (except rust) Rolex Submariner (without date) - €1,800 Rolex Submariner (with date) - €1,900 Rolex GMT I - €1,950 Rolex GMT II - €1,850 Rolex Sea Dweller - €2,200 Rolex Explorer I - €1,800 Rolex Explorer II - €1,700 These are the absolute minimum amounts paid. In many cases sellers realise considerably higher sums. For valuations on other Rolex, Omega, Heuer, Longines, Patek, military or any other vintage watches visit one of the last Roadshows near you before we break for the summer, and have your old watch valued by someone with a genuine passion for timepieces.

Morne Botes buying

Sharni and Morne Botes

Gold Roadshow EU remains the longest established and biggest buyer of gold in Spain. Do you have broken gold items or jewellery? Do you have jewellery you no longer wear or do you simply want to cash in on the highest gold price in history? Come and visit one of Roadshow EU’s events at one of the quality hotels listed overleaf and sit down with a professional buyer. They love to hear the history behind your items and offer the best possible prices. Roadshow EU is a registered Business. If you do prefer to visit one of Roadshow EU’s competitors, please make sure that they are as well . Don’t be too frightened to ask for a registered business address and CIF number and make sure not to give your personal details to a company who cannot provide these. Have fun, most importantly make sure you have a fun day out when visiting. Even if you have no intention of selling your items, go in for a chat and coffee and hopefully Roadshow EU can surprise you with their offers.

Visit www.RoadshowEU.com for more details

11 - 17 june 2010



1115-21 - 17 JUNE 2010 2010 JANUARY

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Delicious as it is functional, the Mangosteen fruit is rich in xanthones, which will promote healthy bodily function. In addition, each serving of Mangosteen contains up to 5 grams of fiber.

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Stop smoking and change your life in thirty minutes MANY SMOKERS find that giving up smoking is the one of the most difficult challenges they have faced. In fact, the pleasure found in smoking is one of the reasons why giving it up seems impossible to someone with this destructive addiction. There is nothing nicer to a smoker than that after dinner cigarette or the first puff of the day with a hot cup by of coffee. As Spain debates a total ban on smoking, even more pressure is placed on smokers to give up the Dhp MIAPH habit. Finding a place to smoke in peace is becoming MNRAH impossible as more and more bars and restaurants enforce a no-smoking policy. Despite the angry protestations of some smokers under pressure to quit, most smokers understand only too well that smoking is a killer; they do want to give up smoking but find the process itself too daunting. The road to reform seems just too long to manage! Some smokers have tried to give up before and found that supportive products on the market help slightly but not enough to complete the process of quitting. The effects of smoking are unsociable to say the least: smelly clothes; smelly hair; bad breath; stained fingers and lips. Many smokers are unaware of the pervading smell until they are smoke free for several weeks. Hypnotherapy is available to help or even completely eradicate all manner of addictions. Some of these therapies require an extended period of cognitive help to conquer cravings but in the case of quitting smoking, the help that is so desperately needed can be given in a short and effective session that takes just 30 minutes.

Mark Phoenix Murphy

11 - 17 JUNE 2010

GIVING UP SMOKING IN JUST 30 MINUTES Clients requiring help to quit smoking, as with all other clients seeking help through Hypnotherapy, receive an initial consultation and suitability assessment FREE OF CHARGE. The process of Hypnotherapy is comfortable, soothing even. You will not feel ‘out of it’ in any way or even feel you are in a hypnotic state. On the contrary, you will feel completely in control at all times and leave the clinic feeling refreshed and totally able to turn your back on smoking. WHAT IF I CAN’T AFFORD THE THERAPY? The Quit Smoking programme costs just €140 – the cost of around four or five cartons of cigarettes. You will find that the cost of your therapy will be recovered in saved expense on cigarettes in a very short time!

No smoking day 2010

CREDENTIALS As with any service that affects your health, it is imperative to seek the services of a qualified and fully registered and insured Hypnotherapist, check me out by visiting www.iaph.org. MARK PHOENIX MURPHY’S CLINICS ARE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Clinica Tarraula, Javea English Medical Clinic, Albir near Benidorm Consultas Medicas ICA, Camposol Physical Therapy Clinic, Villamartin Medaesthetic, Punta Prima I look forward to helping you!

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To change your life, pick up the phone. For a free initial consultation, call Mark direct on 654 202 996 or visit www.HypnoSpain.com, www.HypnosisSpain.com or www.Hypnotherapygastricband.com for more details. NB: Every other week you will find the Phoenix Hypnotherapy advert on page 2.


tv Friday


11 - 17 june 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 I Can Cook 16:20 Zigby 16:30 Dennis & Gnasher 16:40 OOglies 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Prank Patrol 17:35 What’s New, Scooby-Doo? 17:55 Shaun the Sheep 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 MOTD Live 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 24:35 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 24:45 Extreme Measures

08:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Timmy Time 09:40 Chuggington 09:50 Bob the Builder: Ready, Steady, Build! 10:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:15 Postman Pat 10:30 Guess with Jess 10:45 Show Me Show Me 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:00 3rd and Bird 12:10 The Flintstones 12:35 The Flintstones 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Tennis 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Grow Your Own 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 When Romeo Met Juliet 23:00 MOTD 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 The Review Show 24:45 It’s All Gone Pete Tong

07:00 GMTV 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 ITV News & Weather 14:00 World Cup Opening Ceremony 15:30 World Cup Live 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Taggart 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 World Cup Highlights 24:35 The Sting

08:10 Big Brother 09:20 Frasier 09:50 The 5 O’Clock Show 10:50 Deal or No Deal 11:35 Will and Grace 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Kicking Ahead: The Power of Sport 13:10 Designers Under Pressure 13:25 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 15:25 Coach Trip 15:55 Cook Yourself Thin 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 Glee 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats World Cup Special 23:50 Ricky Gervais Show 24:25 Ricky Gervais Show

08:00 Childrens TV 09:40 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Vets in Action 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 The Family Recipe 15:55 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:10 Annie’s Point 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Sea Patrol UK 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 Grey’s Anatomy 24:55 Cops in Crisis

07:00 Breakfast 10:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30 Trooping the Colour 13:15 BBC News 13:25 Regional News and Weather 13:30 The Delicious Miss Dahl 14:00 Tennis: Queen’s 2010 15:30 MOTD Live 18:20 BBC News 18:35 Regional News and Weather 18:45 Total Wipeout 19:45 Doctor Who 20:30 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 2012 21:20 Casualty 22:10 BBC News 22:20 Meet the Fockers 24:10 Die Hard with a Vengeance

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Deadly 60 09:30 M.I. High 10:00 Paradise Cafe 10:30 Animals at Work 11:00 Horrible Histories 11:30 Da Dick and Dom Dairies 12:00 BAMZOOKi 12:30 Hai! Karate: Journey to Japan 13:00 Degrassi: The Next Generation 13:25 The Cut 13:50 No Hats, No Trainers 14:15 The 5.19 Show 14:40 Revealed 14:55 Revealed 15:10 The Sky at Night 15:30 Tennis 18:00 Formula 1 20:15 Trooping the Colour 21:45 When Romeo Met Juliet 22:45 Have I Got Old News for You 23:15 MOTD 2010 FIFA World Cup 24:05 American Beauty

08:00 Dora the Explorer 08:25 Planet Sketch 08:30 The Secret Saturdays 08:55 Ben 10 09:15 Horrid Henry 09:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:00 Aaron Stone 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 The Lakes 11:55 This Morning: Saturday 12:55 ITV News 13:00 World Cup Live 15:30 Death on the Nile 18:15 Granada News and Weather 18:30 ITV News 18:45 You’ve Been Framed! 19:15 World Cup Live 22:45 James Corden’s World Cup Live 23:15 ITV News 23:30 World Cup Highlights 24:45 TV’s Naughtiest Blunders

08:00 World Sport 08:30 The Grid 09:00 The Morning Line 09:50 Friends 10:20 4Music Meets Rihanna 11:20 Big Brother Exposed: The Inside Story 12:25 Big Brother 13:25 Hollyoaks Music Show with Matalan.co.uk 13:55 Smallville: Superman the Early Years 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 17:05 Come Dine with Me 17:35 Come Dine with Me 18:05 Come Dine with Me 18:40 Come Dine with Me 19:10 Come Dine with Me 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:10 Sense and Sensibility 22:45 Big Brother 23:50 8 Out of 10 Cats World Cup Special 24:40 Oasis: What’s Your Story? 24:55 Oasis: Lord Don’t Slow Me Down

08:00 Childrens TV 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 Brits Who Made the Modern World 11:30 Fifth Gear 12:00 Britain’s Greatest Machines with Chris Barrie 13:00 Tutankhamun: The Mystery Revealed 14:00 Murder Ahoy 15:50 To Sir, with Love 17:50 Accidental Hero 20:00 Five News 20:05 NCIS 20:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:45 CSI: Miami 22:45 CSI: NY 23:45 Law & Order 24:45 Cops in Crisis

07:00 Breakfast

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Wingin’ It 09:20 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 09:30 Prank Patrol 10:00 Big Babies 10:15 OOglies 10:30 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:35 Escape to the Country 13:35 EastEnders 15:30 Tennis 18:00 The Hairy Bakers 18:15 Coast 18:45 Miss Potter 20:15 Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections 21:05 Top Gear 22:15 An African Journey with Jonathan Dimbleby 23:15 MOTD 2010 FIFA World Cup 24:05 Somers Town

08:05 Special Agent Oso 08:25 Planet Sketch 08:30 Supernormal 08:45 Back at the Barnyard 09:10 Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue 09:30 Batman: The Brave and the Bold 10:00 Phineas and Ferb 10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:45 This Morning: Sunday 13:45 ITV News 13:50 Columbo 15:20 World Cup Live 18:00 Midsomer Murders 19:30 Granada News 19:45 ITV News 20:00 World Cup Live 22:30 James Corden’s World Cup Live 23:05 ITV News & Weather 23:30 World Cup Highlights 24:30 Fearless

08:00 Catching the Impossible 08:55 British GT Championship 09:25 GE Strathclyde Park Triathlon 09:55 The Hills 10:20 Friends 10:55 Hollyoaks Omnibus 13:25 Big Brother’s Little Brother 14:25 Glee 15:30 Rihanna: Video Exclusive 15:35 Big Brother’s Big Awards Show 16:40 The Simpsons 17:10 The Simpsons 17:40 Deal or No Deal 18:30 Scrapheap Challenge 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 River Cottage 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 100 Greatest World Cup Moments of All Time

08:00 Childrens TV 08:30 Noddy in Toyland 08:45 Fireman Sam 09:00 Hana’s Helpline 09:10 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:20 The Mr. Men Show 10:35 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Animal Rescue Squad 12:30 Extraordinary Animals 13:00 David Jason: The Show Must Go On! 14:00 Scaramouche 16:10 Jane Doe 17:50 The Next Karate Kid 19:50 Five News 19:55 Bewitched 22:00 Perfect Stranger 24:10 Dressed to Kill

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 The Politics Show 13:10 MOTD Live 15:30 Junior Apprentice 16:30 Songs of Praise 17:05 Formula 1 20:15 BBC News 20:25 Regional News and Weather 20:30 Countryfile 21:30 Antiques Roadshow 22:15 Who Do You Think You Are? 23:00 BBC News 23:15 Regional News and Weather 23:25 Signs

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bones 11:00 Medical Emergency 11:30 Medical Emergency 12:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 13:00 Angela and Friends 14:00 Bones 15:00 Project Catwalk 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Best of Oops TV 22:00 Bones 23:00 Bones 24:00 A League of Their Own

08:35 Rally Raid World Tour 09:00 Le Mans 24 Hours 10:00 Olympic Games 10:30 Soccer City Live 11:00 Cycling 12:00 FIFA World Cup Giants 12:30 ATP Tennis 13:30 Live ATP Tennis 15:00 Live Cycling 15:30 Soccer City Flash 15:40 Live Cycling 16:30 Live ATP Tennis 18:00 Eurosport Flash 18:05 Soccer City Flash 18:15 Live ATP Tennis 19:30 Le Mans 24 Minutes 20:00 Eurosport Flash 20:05 Soccer City Flash 20:15 ATP Tennis 21:30 Strongest Man 22:30 Eurosport Flash 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:10 Eurosport Flash 23:15 Bowling

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Nothing to Declare 13:30 Nothing to Declare 14:00 Passport Patrol 14:30 Passport Patrol 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Passport Patrol 21:30 Passport Patrol 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:00 The Lion Man 08:30 The Lion Man 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Football’s Next Star 11:00 Road Wars 12:00 Oops TV 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 Futurama 14:30 Futurama 15:00 Malcolm in the Middle 15:30 Malcolm in the Middle 16:00 Fat Families 17:00 The Real A & E 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Futurama 20:30 Futurama 21:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 22:00 Notting Hill 24:20 A League of Their Own 24:50 Fringe

08:30 Rally Raid World Tour 09:00 Live Le Mans 24 Hours 09:45 Eurosport for the Planet 10:15 Cycling 11:00 Live Le Mans 24 Hours 12:00 FIFA World Cup Giants 13:00 Eurosport Flash 13:05 ATP Tennis 14:15 Live Le Mans 16:15 Live Cycling 18:20 Eurosport Flash 18:25 Live Soccer City Flash 18:30 ATP Tennis 19:15 Eurosport Flash 19:20 Live Soccer City Flash 19:30 Live Le Mans 24 Minutes 20:00 Eurosport Flash 20:05 Live Soccer City Flash 20:15 WATTS 20:30 Live Showjumping 22:00 Live Le Mans 24 Hours 22:30 Eurosport Flash 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:10 Eurosport Flash

08:00 Maury 08:55 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Will and Grace 10:00 My Wife and Kids 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 13:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 14:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Four Weddings 15:00 Four Weddings 15:30 Four Weddings 16:00 Four Weddings 17:00 The Avengers 18:50 Celebs 24/7 19:00 Nothing to Declare 19:30 Nothing to Declare 20:00 Nothing to Declare 20:30 Nothing to Declare 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Criminal Minds

Trooping the Colour BBC 1, 11.30

08:00 The Lion Man 08:30 The Lion Man 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 WWE: Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 Body Language Secrets 16:00 Oops TV 17:00 Modern Family 17:30 Modern Family 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 21:00 Fat Families 22:00 House 23:00 House 24:00 A League of Their Own 24:30 Football’s Next Star

09:00 Live Le Mans 24 Minutes 10:30 Soccer City Live 11:00 Cycling 12:00 FIFA World Cup Giants 13:00 Eurosport Flash 13:05 Live Le Mans 15:30 Eurosport Flash 15:35 Soccer City Flash 15:45 Live ATP Tennis 17:15 Cycling 18:00 Eurosport Flash 18:15 FIFA World Cup Giants 19:15 Eurosport Flash 19:20 Live Soccer City Flash 19:30 Le Mans 24 Minutes 19:45 Motorsports Weekend 20:00 Eurosport Flash 20:05 Live Soccer City Flash 20:15 ATP Tennis 21:00 Boxing 22:30 Eurosport Flash 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:10 Eurosport Flash 23:15 Rally Raid World Slumdog World Cup Millionaire Channel 4, Live 10.00pm

ITV 1, 20.00

08:00 Maury 08:55 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Will and Grace 10:00 My Wife and Kids 11:00 The Avengers 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Cougar Town 13:30 Cougar Town 14:00 Cougar Town 14:30 Cougar Town 15:00 Cougar Town 15:30 Cougar Town 16:00 Extreme 17:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 18:00 Nothing to Declare 19:00 Grey’s Anatomy 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Cougar Town 21:30 Cougar Town 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 CSI: Miami

tv Monday

17 JUNE4 2010 2010 FEB 11 26 - MARCH

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bones 11:00 Medical Emergency 11:30 Medical Emergency 12:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 13:00 Angela and Friends 14:00 Bones 15:00 Project Catwalk 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Oops TV 19:00 A League of Their Own 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Futurama 21:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 22:00 Girl Who Never Ate 23:00 NCIS: LA 24:00 A League of Their Own 24:30 Football’s Next Star

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 11:45 Cowboy Trap 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Escape to the Country 15:45 MOTD Live 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 MOTD Live 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 24:20 Deceived

08:00 Childrens TV 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:10 The Flintstones 12:35 The Flintstones 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Ready Steady Cook 14:45 The Battle of the Sexes 16:05 I Can Cook 16:20 Zigby 16:30 Dennis & Gnasher 16:40 OOglies 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:05 Trapped 17:35 Deadly 60 18:05 Newsround 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Make Me a New Face: Hope for Africa’s Hidden Children 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 Mary, Queen of Shops 23:00 MOTD 2010 FIFA World Cup 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Tribal Wives

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:00 ITV News & Weather 13:10 World Cup Live 15:30 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Taggart 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 World Cup Highlights 24:35 Total Emergency

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:55 Big Brother 09:50 The 5 O’Clock Show 10:50 Deal or No Deal 11:35 Will and Grace 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie at Home 13:30 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 15:25 Coach Trip 15:55 Cook Yourself Thin 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The 5 O’Clock Show with Natalie Cassidy 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 22:00 Gladiators 23:00 Big Brother 24:15 Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:15 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Mercy Mission: the Rescue of Flight 771 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Extraordinary People 23:00 Crimes That Shook the World 24:00 Justin Lee Collins: Good Times

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 11:45 Cowboy Trap 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:00 BBC News 13:10 Regional News 13:15 MOTD Live 15:30 BBC News 15:50 Regional News 16:05 I Can Cook 16:20 Zigby 16:30 Dennis & Gnasher 16:40 OOglies 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:00 Natural Born Hunters 17:35 Horrible Histories 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Crimewatch 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Imagine... Nigel Kennedy’s Polish Adventure 24:25 Crimewatch

08:00 Childrens TV 09:40 Chuggington 09:50 Bob the Builder: Ready, Steady, Build! 10:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:15 Postman Pat 10:30 Guess with Jess 10:45 Show Me Show Me 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:10 The Flintstones 12:35 The Flintstones 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Ready Steady Cook 14:45 Royal Ascot 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Mary, Queen of Shops 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 Tribal Wives 23:00 MOTD 2010 FIFA World Cup 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Young, British and Angry

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 15:30 World Cup Live 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 World Cup Live 22:30 James Corden’s World Cup Live 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 World Cup Highlights 24:35 October Road

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:25 Big Brother 09:35 Frasier 10:00 The 5 O’Clock Show 10:55 Deal or No Deal 11:40 Will and Grace 12:05 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie at Home 13:30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 15:25 Coach Trip 15:55 Cook Yourself Thin 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Gok’s Fashion Fix 22:00 Inside Nature’s Giants 23:00 Big Brother 24:10 The Good Wife

08:00 Childrens TV 09:40 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:15 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 The Waiting Game 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Family Food Fight with Flora 21:00 Revealed 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 CSI: NY

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bones 11:00 Medical Emergency 11:30 Medical Emergency 12:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 13:00 Angela and Friends 14:00 Bones 15:00 Project Catwalk 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Oops TV 19:00 A League of Their Own 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Futurama 21:00 Stargate Universe 22:00 House 23:00 House 24:00 A League of Their Own 24:30 Football’s Next Star

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 11:45 Cowboy Trap 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Escape to the Country 15:30 MOTD Live 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 MOTD Live 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 The National Lottery Draws 23:45 Children’s Emergency 24:15 Poseidon

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:15 Postman Pat 10:30 Guess with Jess 10:45 Show Me Show Me 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:05 The Flintstones 12:30 The Daily Politics 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Working Lunch 15:00 Royal Ascot 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 The Beauty of Maps 20:30 South Africa Walks 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 Tribal Wives 23:00 MOTD 2010 FIFA World Cup 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 An African Journey with Jonathan Dimbleby

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:00 ITV News & Weather 13:10 World Cup Live 15:30 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 World Cup Highlights 24:35 Spain: Paradise Lost

08:20 Big Brother 09:30 Frasier 09:55 The 5 O’Clock Show 10:55 Deal or No Deal 11:40 Will and Grace 12:05 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:30 Come Dine with Me 14:00 Come Dine with Me 14:30 Come Dine with Me 14:55 Come Dine with Me 15:25 Coach Trip 15:55 Cook Yourself Thin 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Three in a Bed 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Desperate Housewives 24:00 The Big Bang Theory 24:30 Rick Astley: Video Exclusive 24:35 My Name Is Earl

08:00 Childrens TV 10:05 Ebb and Flo 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:15 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Little Girl Lost: the Delimar Vera Story 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Daring Raids of World War II 21:00 Secrets of the Jesus Tomb 22:00 NCIS 23:00 CSI: NY 23:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:55 PartyPoker.com: The Big Game IV

07:00 The Biggest Loser USA 08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bones 11:00 Medical Emergency 11:30 Pineapple Dance Studios 13:00 Angela and Friends 14:00 Bones 15:00 Project Catwalk 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Oops TV 19:00 A League of Their Own 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Futurama 21:00 Fat Families 22:00 Kimberley Walsh: Blue Jean Girl 23:00 Notting Hill

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Rally Raid World Tour 09:30 Le Mans 24 Hours 10:30 Soccer City Live 11:00 ATP Tennis 12:15 Cycling 13:00 Eurosport Flash 13:05 Le Mans 24 Hours 14:30 ATP Tennis 15:30 Eurosport Flash 15:35 Live Soccer City Flash 15:45 Cycling 16:30 Le Mans 24 Hours 18:00 Eurosport Flash 18:05 Live Soccer City Flash 18:15 ATP Tennis 18:55 Eurosport Flash 19:00 Live Soccer City Flash 19:10 FIFA World Cup Giants 20:00 Eurosport Flash 20:05 Live Soccer City Flash 20:15 FIFA World Cup Giants 20:45 All Sports 21:00 Pro Wrestling 22:25 All Sports 22:30 Eurosport Flash 22:35 Soccer City Live


08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Nothing to Declare 14:00 Passport Patrol 14:30 Passport Patrol 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Changing Faces 22:00 Four Weddings 23:00 Cougar Town 23:30 Cougar Town 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Coronation Street for FREE with Europa call 902 050 999

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Cycling 09:45 WATTS 10:00 FIFA World Cup Giants 10:30 Soccer City Live 11:00 FIFA World Cup Giants 11:30 ATP Tennis 12:25 Eurosport Flash 12:30 Live Tennis 15:30 Eurosport Flash 15:35 Soccer City Flash 15:45 Live Tennis 18:00 Eurosport Flash 18:05 Soccer City Flash 18:15 Live Tennis 20:15 Eurosport Flash 20:20 Live Soccer City Flash 20:30 Boxing 22:30 Eurosport Flash 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:10 Eurosport Flash 23:15 Le Mans 24 Hours 24:15 Inside WTCC 24:45 Rally Raid World Tour

James Corden’s World Cup Live ITV 1, 22.30

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Paralympics World Cup 10:00 FIFA World Cup Giants 10:30 Soccer City Live 11:00 Tennis 12:25 Eurosport Flash 12:30 Live Tennis 15:30 Eurosport Flash 15:35 Live Soccer City Flash 15:45 Live Tennis 18:00 Eurosport Flash 18:05 Live Soccer City Flash 18:15 Live Tennis 20:15 Eurosport Flash 20:20 Live Soccer City Flash 20:30 Wednesday Selection 20:35 Riders Club 20:40 US PGA Golf 21:40 European PGA Golf 22:10 Golf Club 22:15 Yacht Club 22:20 Wednesday Selection 22:30 Eurosport Flash 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:10 Eurosport Flash 23:15 Eurosport for the Planet 23:45 Sport Traveller

A League of Their Own

Sky 1, 19.00

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Nothing to Declare 14:00 Passport Patrol 14:30 Passport Patrol 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Four Weddings 22:00 Cougar Town 22:30 Cougar Town 23:00 Drop Dead Diva 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Nothing to Declare 14:00 Passport Patrol 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Supernatural 23:00 Most Haunted 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Thursday 11FEB - 1726JUNE 2010 - MARCH 4 2010

48 42

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 11:45 Cowboy Trap 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Escape to the Country 15:45 MOTD Live 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 MOTD Live 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

08:00 Pinky and Perky 08:15 League of Super Evil 08:25 Newsround 08:30 Raven 09:00 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 09:30 Timmy Time 09:40 Chuggington 09:50 Bob the Builder: Ready, Steady, Build! 10:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:15 Postman Pat 10:30 Guess with Jess 10:45 Show Me Show Me 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:10 The Flintstones 12:35 The Flintstones 13:00 The Daily Politics 13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 Ready Steady Cook 14:45 Royal Ascot 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 The Summer Exhibition 2010: A Culture Show Special 21:00 Springwatch 22:00 Gareth Malone Goes to Glyndebourne 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 MOTD 2010 FIFA World Cup 24:50 The Summer Exhibition 2010: A Culture Show Special

07:00 GMTV 09:30 GMTV with Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:00 ITV News & Weather 13:10 World Cup Live 15:30 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Taggart 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 World Cup Highlights 24:34 Party People

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:25 Big Brother 09:20 Frasier 09:50 The 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:30 Will and Grace 12:05 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Celebrity Come Dine with Me 13:30 Celebrity Come Dine with Me 14:00 Celebrity Come Dine with Me 14:25 Celebrity Come Dine with Me 14:55 Celebrity Come Dine with Me 15:25 Coach Trip 15:55 Cook Yourself Thin 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Tiger Woods: The Rise and Fall 24:25 Skins

08:35 Roary the Racing Car 08:50 Make Way for Noddy 09:05 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas & Friends 09:40 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Castle Farm 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:15 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 Deadly Visions 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Fifth Gear 21:00 Britain’s Greatest Machines with Chris Barrie 22:00 Heartbreakers 24:15 Police Interceptors

07:00 The Biggest Loser USA 08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bones 11:00 Medical Emergency 11:30 Medical Emergency 12:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 13:00 Angela and Friends 14:00 Bones 15:00 Project Catwalk 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Oops TV 19:00 A League of Their Own 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Futurama 21:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 22:00 A League of Their Own 22:30 Modern Family 23:00 Lie to Me 24:00 A League of Their Own 24:30 NCIS: LA

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Tennis 10:00 FIFA World Cup Giants 10:30 Soccer City Live 11:00 Tennis 12:25 Eurosport Flash 12:30 Live Tennis 15:30 Eurosport Flash 15:35 Soccer City Live 15:45 Live Tennis 18:00 Eurosport Flash 18:05 Live Soccer City Flash 18:15 Live Tennis 20:15 Eurosport Flash 20:20 Live Soccer City Flash 20:30 Fight Club 22:30 Eurosport Flash 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:10 Eurosport Flash 23:15 All Sports 23:20 WATTS 23:25 Pro Wrestling 23:55 Pro Wrestling 24:55 All Sports

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 555

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 3 Forestall; 8 Paid; 9 Set-square; 10 Region; 11 Seven; 14 These; 15 Romp; 16 Relic; 18 Rout; 20 Route; 21 Third; 24 Switch; 25 Resembled; 26 Lion; 27 St. Bernard. Down: 1 Spare tyre; 2 Single out; 4 Open; 5 Ensue; 6 Tourer; 7 Lark; 9 Sober; 11 Solid; 12 Not up to it; 13 Upper hand; 17 Crowd; 19 Thieve; 22 Robin; 23 Beat; 24 Seer. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 3 Unsavoury; 8 Roar; 9 Samaritan; 10 Absent; 11 Blend; 14 Demur; 15 Turn; 16 Eight; 18 Wind; 20 Amble; 21 Yearn; 24 Disown; 25 Interpret; 26 Knot; 27 Legendary. Down: 1 Breakdown; 2 Parsimony; 4 Neat; 5 Avail; 6 Orient; 7 Real; 9 Snare; 11 Begin; 12 Dumbfound; 13 Indemnity; 17 Tacit; 19 Delete; 22 Rapid; 23 Once; 24 Dear.

A rollercoaster of action The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist


WHAT WOULD have happened to my linguistic skills without John Logie Baird’s invention? Being born of Polish stock in Manchester, my first baby mumblings of English were courtesy of a 22 inch flickering cathode ray tube, as a shoe advert popped up and I uttered the word ‘Clarks’, before the 30 second promotion had finished. Thank heavens that condom advertising was not around in the early sixties! From that moment my love affair with television had started. My infantile Polish babblings had started to be supplemented by rounded English tones, courtesy of the BBC and Granada ITV. I was prevented from watching any programmes in Welsh to avoid total chaos! But that piece of censorship did not stop my passion for television and broadcasting and some 18 years later, I ended up beginning a 30 year career with the BBC, albeit on the radio! I moved to the Costa Blanca just over a year ago after a mid-life Reggie Perrin moment and I found you got two for the price of one over here, namely both Spanish and British TV. Paradise indeed! So, I’ve gone back to my baby days of learning a language via television and am still looking for a top Zapatero manufacturer to take on Clarks! I have to admit to having severe withdrawal symptoms nearly a week on after the end of my nightly fix of ITV’s ‘Britain’s Got Talent’. Who says

Jack Bauer that variety is dead, especially after last Saturday’s final, where we got a teenage gymnast close to mercifully decapitating Amanda Holden, as he was hurled above her onto the stage. Spelbound were a great winning act in the tradition of Cirque du Soleil, genuinely exciting and a timely reminder of what I could have achieved had I kept to my annual New Year’s resolution for a better fitness regime… Thumbs up as well to Ant and Dec. In this era of TV presenters, just reading autocues like a heavily rehearsed parrot they can handle a live situation brilliantly and laugh at themselves if they make a mistake. They also deal well with any distress suffered by the younger contestants; no easy task. A live show sorts out who can do what, and along with the ageless Bruce Forsyth (didn’t he do well again a fortnight ago on ‘Have I Got News For You?’) these two really know what they are doing. And it’s farewell to the best TV hero of recent years: Jack Bauer, as played by Kiefer Sutherland on the ground-breaking American drama, ‘24‘. The show wisely went out on a high last Sunday on Sky 1, with a movie follow-up coming next year. It’s been a brilliant rollercoaster of action and occasional implausibility, but that’s entertainment, offered in spades. Remember where you first saw split-screens, real-time action and ticking clocks on a TV drama? I’m certainly pleased that Jack Bauer will at least be allowed to go for a comfort break when he hits the big screen!

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Passport Patrol 09:30 Passport Patrol 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Nothing to Declare 13:30 Nothing to Declare 14:00 Passport Patrol 14:30 Passport Patrol 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Drop Dead Diva 22:00 Grey’s Anatomy 23:00 Private Practice 24:00 Criminal Minds

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UK’s “special relationship” with the USA. But before this controversy has started, the ghost-writer gets unmistakable signs that the turgid draft he is tasked to put into shape inexplicably constitutes highly sensitive material.

Kick Ass

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Dave Livewski is a regular high school student who loves comic books. One day he is inspired by all these comic books to become Kick-Ass, a superhero with no powers. Later, he is joined by Red Mist, Hit Girl and her father Big Daddy and they form a vigilante team, fighting drug dealers and vandals.

“V.O.S” = Original Subtitled Version - “VO” = Original Version (Works With headphones)


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Expressions with ‘Tener’

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 110

SOMETHING WE find out at the beginning of our language lessons is that English and Spanish often have very different ways of saying the same thing. This sounds like an obvious statement, but some people take longer than others to realise it. In other words, we have to let go of the need for word for word translation, and just understand that “that is how the Spanish say it”, so that’s what I have to learn. A good example of this difference is the way the Spanish talk about “having” something when we say “being” something. For example, let’s start with age. We say “I am 21 years old” (yeah, right) or “he is 60 years old”. In Spanish this is “Tengo 21 años” (literally, I have 21 years) and “tiene 60 años” (he has 60 years). Naturally the tense can change any way we want, for example: “El año que viene tendré 22 años” (Next year I will be 22). Something you may not have considered is what happens when we are talking about babies who are months, weeks or even days old. Well, we replace the word “años” for other time periods like this: “¿Cuántos meses tiene tu nieto?” “Solo tiene 6 semanas”. We might ask someone with a very young baby “¿Cuánto tiempo tiene?” (Literally: “How much time has he/she got?”) which really doesn’t sound right in English at all. Some other expressions of this sort are fairly well known, for example “to be hungry” is “tener hambre” (to have hunger). On occasions we may hear, possibly just before lunch, “¡Qué hambre tengo!” (literally: What hunger I have!) The same thing applies to being thirsty; we have to say that we “have thirst.” For example “Cuándo llegaron, todos tenían mucha sed”

meaning “When they arrived they were all very thirsty.” Similarly, in Spanish we “have cold (or coldness)” and “have heat” when we experience different temperatures. This leads to is one of those classic mistakes that non-Spaniards make from time to time. “Tengo calor” means “I am hot” (i.e. the weather is hot and I am feeling the consequences). If you translate literally from English and say “Estoy caliente” you are saying “I am feeling randy” or as the Americans would say “horny”. Apart from the obvious implications of saying this to the wrong person at the wrong moment, my dictionary also informs me that this is a “vulgar” expression – so you have been warned on two counts. You probably know the word “entiendo” (I understand), but if you understand something really well, or are convinced about something, you can also say “lo tengo claro” (literally “I have it clear” or perhaps “it is clear to me”). For example, someone might have just given you some complicated instructions and then checked that you know what to do. You can say “Si, lo tengo claro” (Yes, it’s all clear) or perhaps “No lo tengo claro de todo” (it is not absolutely clear to me). That’s a useful one when you want to disguise the fact that you haven’t understood a thing! And lastly, another expression which really doesn’t have a good equivalent in English: “tener ganas”. It means to have the “desire” for something. Our nearest equivalent is to “feel like” something. This is often used in the negative “No tengo ganas” (I don’t feel like it). Whatever it is, is entirely open to your imagination. “Vamos a dar un paseo” “No, no tengo ganas” is the sort of thing I mean, or if you are thinking of following

Fun day charity auction for PEPA AT ALADDINS (Pedreguer Industrial estate). Saturday 26th June. From 10.00 – 14.00 (auction starts midday) All proceeds to the PEPA

animal charity. Donated items warmly welcomed. All items accepted for auction from 10am onwards (any items not sold must be taken away).

www.therealaladdins.com www.pepaspain.com Tel. 650 304 746 Plenty of bargains to be had over a glass of wine and nibbles.

up the “estoy caliente” theme, you can try “tengo ganas de ti”. Please report back the results to my contact details in the adjoining advertisement: thank you.

New Sunday market A SECOND fantastic Sunday for Paul Cunningham Nurses at the new Sunday market directly behind PROCOMOBEL! Watch out - this market is going places! Cesar, one of the family members of PROCOMOBEL, is always on hand to help the charity and this week as well as the regular incredible raffle at just €1 for 50 – yes - 50 numbers - this week there will be a super bike and a garden patio table and chairs to be won. There was also food tasting at just one Euro for a really decent portion – La Heradura Los Montesinos was in charge of 80 generous portions of traditional Paella and The Spice Hut Indian Restaurant Quesada a similar amount of Cabbage and Onion Bhaji – yes that’s right, not just onion but cabbage too! And if you would like to sign up for a cookery demonstration and tasting session in weeks to come – email sueinthesun@terra.es to put your name down! Apparently the secret is in the spices and just choosing one to get the best flavour! Because it was so popular, next week there will be tasting again - this time with WINE! Also Bosnian food – (I’m not sure what will be on offer but I sure want to try it!) In weeks to come we will have a full programme of exciting events happening at

Jennifer Cunningham at the new market

the new Sunday market and these events will be displayed on boards as you come into and leave the market – if you want to know what’s on – you can also look on www.paulcunninghamnurses.com or text Susan on 629 869 959.

U3A Moraira-Teulada: General Meeting Monday 5th July THE VENUE for this meeting is Salon de Banquettes, Avenida Mediterraneo, Teulada. The meeting will start at 10.30. The doors will open to Members at 09.45. New members are welcome and they will be able to join the U3A, join Groups and find out about travel and cultural events. Our entertainment for this meeting will be provided by Des McGillicuddy from The Shamrockers. For further information please contact the U3A President, Ann Colclough on 965 747 343. www.u3amoraira-teulada.org

Exhibitions, competitions and a fireman that paints


Julia Evans

BA (hons). Artist & owner of ArtHouse Gallery Painting by Maggie Batchelor

I AM a little bit excited this week about the exhibition I want to tell you about. I love what I do. I count my blessings that I finish my working day smothered in oil paint and stinking of turps! As much as I love to create art, I especially love the teaching side. Painting is very often a solitary profession and can be quite frustrating at times. Let’s face it, is any artist truly happy with their work? But teaching is extremely rewarding and has allowed me to meet other artists and like-minded souls who have inspired me as much as I hope I have inspired them. This is why I am so excited about this exhibition, as it features two artists that regularly attend ArtHouse classes. The artists involved are Maggie Batchelor and Chris Sinclair as well as two other very talented painters, Chris Moor and Lionel Bott. Three of these artists have not only come to my classes but also go to classes with another very wonderful artist who I must mention called Claire Gourlay. Claire holds regular weekly classes at her house in Jalon and has exhibited in ArtHouse. You can see her work on the ArtHouse website. Not only does she produce absolutely stunning work with a hugely diverse range of styles from traditional to very abstract but she is also a brilliant tutor. In the words of exhibiting artist Maggie Batchelor: “I started taking my art more seriously in 2005 when I started attending art classes in Jalon with Claire Gourlay, who gave me tremendous encouragement. It was there that I discovered that I just loved painting and now I’m totally hooked and paint almost every day.”

Painting by Maggie Batchelor

Going back to the exhibition, all the artists mentioned are self taught. You may recognise the name Chris Sinclair as she used to be the editor of RTN, whereas Maggie comes from a hairdressing background and Chris Moor used to be a fireman! All of the artists took up painting later in their lives and it just goes to show that anyone can pick up a paintbrush at any time! As the quote above shows all of the artists are highly enthusiastic painters and this is illustrated in their work. I have seen these guys develop over the past year, and not only is their work of an extremely high standard, they have been an absolute pleasure to work with, producing some of the best artwork I have seen in the area. The selection is truly diverse, with works in oils, acrylics, inks and pencil. The exhibition is held in the Resturante Awaraba from Sunday 20th June to Saturday 26th June. The exhibition will be on during the restaurant opening hours, 12.00 – 15.00 and 19.00 – 22.00. For all inquiries please call 965 583 866. You can also view the work of Chris Sinclair at www.artisces.com. I am always rattling on about how art and artists can help in the community and here is the perfect opportunity for artists or anyone out there feeling arty for that matter, to help raise money for the school and medical centre in Benigembler. On 3rd July, there will be a fete held in the village and they are also holding a painting competition. The competition is split into adults and children. For the adults it is 5€ per entry and all levels of artist are welcome, so even if you do not consider yourself to be an artist why not take this opportunity to have a dabble! All mediums and sizes of painting can enter and you can paint whatever you want. All entries will be shown on the day with prizes including art materials, art classes and the opportunity to exhibit at ArtHouse. If you are interested in entering please contact Chris on 965 581 871 or email her at chris@artisces.com The children’s competition is free to enter, split into two categories: under 14’s and 14-18 years. Again, the children can use any medium and paint whatever subject they want.

Julia Evans BA (hons), ArtHouse Gallery, Calle San Miguel no. 14, Gata de Gorgos, 03740 Alicante. Tel: 0034 965 756 286 or 0034 687 114 853. Email: arthousemail@gmail.com. Web: www.arthouseonline.net. If you are an artist and have an exhibition coming up or simply just want me to view you work then email arthousemail@gmail.com

11 - 17 JUNE 2010



11 - 17 june 2010

“And the award goes to… The Cameo Oscars!”

Peter with his Pretty Women


T LA PISCINA Restaurant in Parcent last Saturday, the Cameo group rolled out the red carpet to sing and dance a wonderful selection of unforgettable music from a host of Hollywood Hit Movies. The performers performed a total of 23 titles and gave an appreciative audience the opportunity to live again the magical musical moments that became synonymous with the films in which they featured. All monies raised at the Cameo performances are for the benefit of local charities and in June and July the Cameo Oscars are being held at the following venues:

Forum Mare Nostrum, Alfaz del Pi: Saturday 12th June – that’s tomorrow! – Bar open at 19.15 with the Show starting at 20.00. There will be a charity raffle for AECC (Asociacion Espanola contra el Cancer). Tickets are six Euros for the show only. Box Office 966 497 965 or Don on 965 730 440 or at Forum Reception Office. Restaurant Mediterraneo, Teulada: Saturday 3rd July – Dinner at 19.30. The show starts at 21.00. Tickets for the dinner and show are €15 including wine, bread and alioli. Box Office 966 497 965 or Don on 965 730 440 or at the bar – Restaurante Mediterrraneo. Next Show: SATURDAY 12th JUNE!

Mid summer madness karaoke

Invited by HELP Murcia Mar Menor and hosted by Terry on Thursday 24th June 2010 at 19.30 until midnight at the Novo Carthago Restaurante, Los Urrutias. €10 including a two course meal and raffle. TICKETS: Telephone Joan Mitchell on: 968 181 943 or the Restaurant on: 968 134 777

Elvis is in the building A COMPLETELY unique cabaret and dance show is coming to the Costa Blanca in July, put together for lovers of Elvis Presley. A three gig tour of the area has been arranged between 16th and 21st July. Jukebox Legends star Peter Day, whose Elvis 2000 show has been acclaimed as the best Elvis sound around, agreed a deal to bring one of the UK’s top Elvis tributes, specialising in the mid / film years of the King, over to Spain to join the tour. Tickets for the ‘Double Elvis’ tour, with Fiona McLean singing the songs of Connie Francis, Brenda Lee and Patsy Cline as support, are just six euros for shows that will last a full three hours. Peter Day (Elvis 2000) told RTN: “We were able to link up with Darren several times in the UK and put on sell out shows together. Elvis fans rarely see a full three hour show featuring TWO Elvis acts from different stages

of his amazing career. In fact, we don’t think that it’s ever been done before in the region. Then to have the incredible voice of Fiona McLean with her fantastic interpretation of Connie, Brenda and Patti on the bill too means that people are about to see one of the greatest shows from that period of music ever presented locally. “Darren is an amazing artist with the exact voice of the King from the 60s film era. Elvis 2000 will portray the Vegas era with an uncanny resemblance to Elvis’ ‘jumpsuit’ days in the 70s.” This show is a must for Elvis fans and lovers of 60s and 70s music. Order your Jukebox Legends tickets early to avoid disappointment star at all of the three venues listed below, Peter or ‘phone 695 135 134 or email Day jukeboxlegends@hotmail.com. Mon 19th July - Los Arcos, Avd Baleares VENUES AND DATES 34, Torrevieja - 20.30 Fri 16th July - Casa Ventura, San Luis Wed 21st July - Rocajuna, Punta Prima - 20.30 - 20.30

Back together By Jack Troughton TALENTED DUO clarinettist Abel Vilaro and guitarist John Anthony are ‘Together Again’ for a concert in Alcalali on Friday 11th June.

The pair will perform at Heredad de Elias Ferrer, the Bullring – at 20.00 and it is a rare opportunity to enjoy the smooth sounds of one of Spain’s most respected virtuoso clarinettists, accompanied by one of Europe’s finest and most versatile guitarists. Tickets are €20 or €18 in advance and available via www.palmaconcerts.webs.com, by calling 966 480 594 or 686 508 634, or at the door.

Storm fails to dampen the Rascals

Last week’s Rascals show

THE RASCALS would like to thank their audience for turning out on a very rainy evening last Friday, 28th May. When the storm arrived, the cast were very concerned that they would have no audience, but only 17 people who had ordered tickets did not turn up and those that did were very appreciative of the show. It was a rewarding evening for the Rascals as the contributions from last week’s event which amounted to €1,250, donated to Alzheimer’s Association, means that the group has now reached the

€100,000 mark for charitable donations during their 15 years; not bad for expats who had come over here to retire, especially as many of the group had never treaded the boards before! The last two shows of the early season for the Rascals, Musical Mayhem, are at the Virgen del Carmen in Torrevieja on Wednesday 16th June, MATINEE at 16.00 and Thursday 17th June, at 19.00. Tickets are only six euros and may be obtained at the box office outside the Municipal theatre or telephone Sue on 966 784 874.

11 - 17 june 2010

As summer finally arrives... let’s raise our glasses to a busy season


T HAS been a long winter, and no one has felt it more than those in the hospitality industry. We have all seen bars and restaurants close this winter and our hearts go out to those who have put their all into a business, only to see it fail through no fault of their own. A combination of the recession and a terrible exchange rate forced a downturn in business but the long winter was the final nail for many. For those that are left however, and there are still many, now is the time to look forward to what we all hope is going to be a busy summer. The RTN popped down to one of the most popular pubs in Torrevieja, the Lounge Bar in Aguas Nuevas and caught up with Tom the owner to see how he thinks the season is going. “It’s a little early to say yet,” he said, “but things are definitely picking up. The Irish visitors are starting to come over now and we have had a few golf groups, which were missing last year. Also we have had quite a few Brits coming over to stay in their friends’ houses; with

cheap flights from Ryanair this can make it a reasonably cheap holiday. “I am quietly confident that we will have a good summer. I hope so anyway, as we are starting our live entertainment seven nights a week from now until October! The thing is, now people are looking for value for money. They haven’t the cash they had three years ago. Spain is getting expensive, and if you have a couple of kids you have to take things easy.

“That’s one of the reasons the Lounge Bar is so popular. 99% of the time the entertainment is free, the drinks are the same price as any other decent pub and the food is cheap and tasty - basket meals - just what you want when you’re having a drink.” So there you have it. If The Lounge Bar is feeling good about this summer there’s hope for all! We’ll raise a glass to that! The Lounge Bar, Agua Nuevas, Tel: 966 922 134

Black and White Puddings back in stock



11- 17 JUNE 2010

music scene The Splashes – popular dance band

Compiled by

Eric Taylor

ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, please contact Eric directly.


HE SPLASHES are a very popular local band consisting of: Niamh (vocals); Matthias (guitar); Rose (guitar) and Michael (Saxophone). Offering an extensive mix of pop, rock, soul, blues and jazz favourites, they offer a fresh approach to all the old favourites. Apart from their regular bar and club gigs, ‘The Splashes’ are available for weddings,

private parties and exhibitions. On Friday 11th June, they will be performing in Bar Quo Vadis in Javea.

Abba Elite - Le Cabaret, Cumbre De Sol

Menu de la Casa from 14.95€

Parcent Restaurant El Paraiso

Terrace Now Open Boccies & Snacks from 1.50€ + Usual menu Friday June 11th 5 course dinner with Double Impact Sunday June 13th 5 course lunch with Los Trinantes. 14 .75 euros

Full A La Carte Menu

Daily 5 course menu 12.95€ Tel 96 640 5398 For reservations

ON SATURDAY 19th June, ‘Abba Elite’ are appearing at Le Cabaret, Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell. ‘Abba Elite’ is the live tribute to the World’s favourite pop group that is continuing to entertain and amaze audiences from every generation. The Cast of Abba Elite takes you on a magical journey through Abba’s finest years, recreating and performing all of those classic dance floor hits. With the huge success of ‘Mamma Mia!’, the show and the movie, ‘Abba Elite’ also feature key songs from this

The Hot Dogs Jazz Band, Calpe – 17th June

CALPE’S POPULAR jazz band, ‘The Hot Dogs’, who play their entertaining brand of Dixieland and Swing to an enthusiastic audience every Thursday at Restaurante Bolero on Playa La Fossa, have planned a Special Jazz Night for Thursday 17th June at the Bolero in memory of their much missed banjo player Peter Rampton who died in January. Peter was a superb musician with a wonderful personality who was very popular with regular ‘Hot Dogs’ followers wherever the band performed. The gig on 17th June will feature, as well as the resident Hot Dogs Jazz Band, other local musicians who knew and played with Peter. The event starts at 20.00 and a special menu at €12, including wine, is being put on by the Bolero for the occasion. Table reservations on 965 838 522 are recommended as the band is expecting a ‘full house‘. There will be a raffle and donations to Epilepsy Research UK will be invited.

Monday – Closed Tuesday – Saturday Lunch 1pm – 3 pm Dinner 7pm – late Sunday lunch 1pm – 4pm


Open for Tapas & snacks for all the World Cup games on our big screen TV

Tel 96 648 0125 Calle Inglesia No 14

JALON Large Parties catered for



The Try our gourmet Sunday lunch, specially prepared by our Master Chef Michael Yaffe.

fabulous ‘feel-good’ musical. The live musical arrangement, flawless 4 part harmonies, dynamic stage costumes and breathtaking choreography unite to make this show a huge success. For more info phone: 600 426 185 or visit their website: www.abbaelite.com. Tickets are €15, to include a two course meal. Le Cabaret is located in the Lirios Centre, on Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell, overlooking the sea, Javea and Moraira. For details of future events phone: 663 733 811.

For future gigs or more information, phone Niamh: 676 507 791 or check out their web site: www.thesplashes.com

One Spirit – Acoustic Duo

Des and Kirsty

‘ONE SPIRIT’ is a duo featuring Irish Des on guitar/vocals and Kirsty Orr on piano/vocals. Their wide ranging repertoire derives from the best of contemporary songwriters, combining smooth cocktail music and classic love ballads with a hint of Celtic. Des and Kirsty produce a melodic sound, and if you like the music of Burt Bacharach, Elton John, Sting, Billy Joel, Van Morrison and many more, you will certainly enjoy ‘One Spirit’. They will be performing in the Vacas Bar/ Restaurant in Javea Port on Friday 11th June and Friday 25th June from 21.00 – 23.00. It is a totally live, without backing tracks, and Kirsty is delighted to play their fabulous inhouse piano. For more information call 966 471 875 / 665 917 772.

Every week Nigel Turner, Cumberland Bar, Benidorm will be doing a Focus report on the nightlife of Benidorm and the artists performing there. Should any artist/venue wish to be included :– contact Nigel on 685 550 106, email: ngltur@aol.com, web site: www.cumberlandbarbenidorm.com

Bee Gees Tribute Show

THIS WEEK we focus on a relatively new act on the scene here in Benidorm. The Bee Gees Tribute Show is currently showing at the Talk of the Coast situated off Calle Gerona and directly opposite the main doors of the Hotel Ruidor. I went along last week and thoroughly enjoyed what I saw. The three guys performing are Pete Oliver from Manchester, Ricky Reed from Hull and Charlie Joss from Argentina. There is obviously a great deal of work gone into this show as the harmonies, which are always very close and high with the Bee Gees, work very well. All three members are accomplished entertainers in their own right and work as solo artistes at various venues. They originally started out as a duo, just Pete and Ricky and still sometimes do perform as such but adding another dimension gives them more scope with various

songs. The show contains all the old favourites and is a must for any Bee Gees fan. You can catch them 7 nights a week at 00.30 at the Talk of the Coast or for more information call Ricky on 633 364 797.

11- 17 june 2010

Moraira rocks


Chinese takeaway

by Jack Troughton


PENING CHORDS to thunderous closing riffs, the seventh Moraira International Music Festival was enjoyed by thousands as a festival of rock ‘n’ roll. Youngsters of Javea Rock Academy launched into a tight and well-rehearsed set to open Sunday’s show which

Colin Worrell and Brenda Smethurst

Rock Academy


blasted into Monday morning with the talented Off Limits Band. In between were the familiar voices of some of the region’s best female voices with sets from Sharni, Susie Q and Janette Galbraith. And also sandwiched into an enjoyable evening’s fare were The Brink Band and the Madrid-based but monthly visitors to Marina Alta venues, the Soul Fingers Band. Local bars and restaurants were literally crammed with punters and it

was standing room only in front of the stage alongside Moraira Castle. Organiser Eric Taylor, writer of RTN’s own Music Scene pages, said he was told there were about 4,000 people packed into the centre of the town. “The feedback from everyone has been superb. Everyone is saying it was the best yet,” he said. “It was also the best sound and best lighting we have achieved to date. “It has set a real benchmark for next year for the musicians and the crew.”

By Jack Troughton MEMBERS OF Careline Theatre tucked into a light-hearted and highly original Chinese classical nonsense for their end of season Club Night. Penned by Andy Crabb – hero of this year’s pantomime Beauty and the Beast – Lady Lemon Duck was a play set in the Imperial Palace sometime in the mists of time. Characters included the power hungry Lady Lemon Duck, an under-the-thumb Emperor, a wimp of an heir, beautiful peasants, an executioner, war lords, courtiers, musicians and hangers on. Aided and abetted by a well-stocked and run bar, the Careline crew thoroughly enjoyed acting out the silly and complex fare.


11 - 17 JUNE 2010 2010 19-25 FEBRUARY

Chris Isaak opens Jazz San Javier Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

ROCK STAR Chris Isaak opens the XIII edition of the San Javier International Jazz Festival this summer at the Almansa Park Auditorium. The American singer/ songwriter/guitarist and occasional actor brings his rock ‘n’ roll show to the Costas for the very first time in July. Chris has been compared to legends like Elvis Presley and Roy Orbison for his movie star good looks and musical talent. He was ranked #68 on VHS’s 100 Sexiest Artists. Chris signed a contract to Warner Bros. Records in 1984 for his first album Silvertone. The tracks ‘Gone Ridin’ and ‘Livin’ for Your Lover’, from this album, were featured in David Lynch’s cult classic Blue Velvet. Chris’ second self-titled album Chris Isaak was photographed by fashion photographer Bruce Weber. His contract was renewed in 1988 when Warner Bros. moved him to their Reprise Records label. His best-known song is ‘Wicked Game’. Though released on the 1989 album Heart Shaped World, an instrumental version of the song was later featured in the 1990 David Lynch film Wild at Heart. Lee Chesnut, an American radio station music director in Atlanta who was obsessed with Lynch films, began playing the vocal version and it quickly became the station’s most-requested song. Chesnut spread the word to other radio stations around the country and

the single became a national Top 10 hit in February 1991 and spread the World over. The music video for the song was a big MTV and VH1 hit; shot in black and white by American fashion B&W specialist photographer Herb Ritts, it starred Chris and Danish-Peruvian supermodel Helena Christensen rolling on a beach, embracing and whispering in each other’s ears. Another less-seen version of the ‘Wicked Game’ is directed by David Lynch and comprises scenes from the film Wild at Heart. In 1999, Chris’ ‘Baby Did a Bad, Bad Thing’ was featured in Stanley Kubrick’s final film, Eyes Wide Shut, starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. The song is on his 1995 album Forever Blue. The music video for the song was again directed Herb Ritts, this time shot in colour and starred Isaak and French supermodel Laetitia Casta in a motel room. His track ‘Two Hearts’ was featured in the closing credits of the 1993 film True Romance, directed by Tony Scott, written by Quentin Tarantino, and starring Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette. Chris has recorded a series of consistently good albums both on-stage and in the studio; Silvertone (1985), Chris Isaak (1986), Heart Shaped World (1989), San Francisco Day (1993), Forever Blue (1995), the largely acoustic Baja Sessions (1996), Speak of the Devil (1998), Always Got Tonight (2002), the

Chris Isaak 2009 album “Mr Lucky”

Chris Isaak

seasonal-themed Christmas, a Best Of compilation (2006) and now 2009’s Mr. Lucky. Like some of Chris’ best known past compositions, the songs on Mr. Lucky have a deeply felt sense of the consequences of good love gone bad, and bad love gone good. Stand out tracks on Mr. Lucky include the opening ‘Cheaters Town,’ his intimate travelogue of heartache, the tormented yet transcendent ‘We Let Her Down’, the first single from the new album, and ‘You Don’t Cry Like I Do,’ a searing song of love and loss that reaches the operatic heights of Roy Orbison, one of Chris’ greatest heroes and a kind man who generously made the effort to help

Chris out on his way up. So what exactly is it that makes Chris feel like such a lucky guy? “Well, first, I’m blessed that I’ve got a great family that’s still healthy and here. I have my dream job, and I’m still working,” explains Chris “And you just can’t get any luckier than that.” Chris Isaak is performing at the San Javier International Jazz Festival on July 2nd, doors open 22.00. Tickets are €30 or €24 with the 10 night festival pass for €100, available from the San Javier Festival Office, Disco’s Carrots in Cartagena and ServiCaixa www.servicaixa.com More info at www.jazz.sanjavier.es

Free tickets to see Chris Isaak

THE RTN are proud to be the official English newspaper for the San Javier International Jazz Festival. Starting this week we are giving away loads of free tickets to see some amazing concerts throughout July: this week - two pairs of tickets to see Chris

Isaak live in concert on Friday 2nd July at the beautiful open-air 2000 seater Almansa Park Auditorium in San Javier. WHAT IS CHRIS ISAAK’S BIGGEST HIT? A . Silly Games B . Wicked Games C . Olympic Games

Full details www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

Email your answer, together with your name and telephone contact details. Winners will be notified on Friday 25th June. Entries by email only to vibes@ roundtownnews.com More free tickets to give away next week in the RTN.

11 - 17 june 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.


Euromillions Draw Friday 4th june

Answers & Winner

One Portuguese ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros (£12,442,500) jackpot prize

Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 51. Crossword winner for issue 555: AIMEE ROSE, LOS MENTESINOS

4 17 34 40 42 4 9

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



1. Accumulate (5)

1. Cluster (13)

Across 1. The spirit of the over-venturesome (5) 4. Does old inconsequential designs (7) 8. They pinch children (7) 9. Musician seen in Chapel Gardens (5) 10. Restricted, we hear, but free to come in and go out (4) 11. In which there’s many a patient rehearsal (8) 13. Poisonous growth from Pennsylvania in America (4) 14. See 23 Across 16. He has progressed to some degree and remains unmatched (8) 17. Stimulus needed to produce endless acceleration (4) 20. One needs to do business to achieve this (5) 21. Beginning to make a breach (7) 22. Shows contempt for a bad deed, sir (7) 23 & 14 Across. Excellent pace in bottom gear? (5-4)


4. Salary (7) 8. Delight (7) 9. Squeeze (5) 10. Frank (4)

2. Proverb (5) 3. Team (4) 4. Vocalist (6)

11. Cape (8)

5. Cheeky (8)

13. Dash (4)

6. Raise (7)

14. Advance payment (4)

7. Drawbacks (13)

16. Exactness (8) 17. Saucy (4) 20. Unsuitable (5) 21. Ruin (7)

12. Story-teller (8) 13. Charm (7) 15. Real (6)

22. Innate (7)

18. Banish (5)

23. Lock of hair (5)

19. Revise (4)

Down 1. Italian unable to see window fitting (8,5) 2. Quick and quiet in attack (5) 3. A word of agreement by eastern observers (4) 4. What is wanted of French king (6) 5. Garment that’s worn out (8) 6. Fuel to set fire to after the end of the coal! (7) 7. Waits upon you and me properly - it’s our fault! (6,2,5) 12. Put a name to the boy embracing the pretty girl (8) 13. Faint - when relative arrives? (7) 15. This clue won’t hold water (6) 18. Previously the Father of the House? (5) 19. Chain of rocks here - furl the sails (4)

52 40

11FEB - 1726JUNE 2010 - MARCH 4 2010

Colour matching and mixing a useful art for all by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe

A herb window box

Practical gardeners and authors

MAKING THE best of your garden and apartment terraces, balconies and windowsills includes making the important decisions associated with selecting flower, leaf and bark colours that create interest individually and mix in a variety of ways. The possibilities are enormous, as illustrated by the colour chart and photograph of typical leaf colours shown in the colour chart and the typical leaf colours photo. In practice, the range of natural colours hues and tints is even greater so in our books ’Your Garden in Spain’ and ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’ we

then take a window box with you, or buy or borrow one at the garden centre and sit various mixes of plants in the window box to see what the effects will be before committing yourself. At the same time, check Typical leaf colours

included chapters on our concepts of colour combining and painting with plants. Our ideas include the concept of seven styles of colour mixing as illustrated in the table shown. Coloured photographic examples in the books include a herb window box, a complementary window box and a clashing container. So before you next go to a garden centre intending to spend money on plants, consider how best to spend that money to create special effects in the garden rather than just something that catches your eye that day and fitting it into the garden somehow, regardless of the relationship to surrounding plants. If you are buying to plant up window boxes, consider the style you want and

that the plants tentatively chosen are either all relatively thirsty or drought resistant plants: mixing them can result in losing plants by over or under watering and unnecessarily attracting various insects and fungal spores.




Common colours

Plant single type or mix of plants with a single flower/leaf colour

Summer blue petunias; winter yellow pansies

Compatible Colours

Use plants with different harmonious hues and shades of a single colour.

Summer busy lizzies; winter cyclamens

Complementary Colours

Mix plants with vividly different colours which look good together.

Summer geraniums; winter chrysanthemums

Clashing Colours

Purposely mix plants with very different bright colours to create a bold effect.

Summer portulacas; winter pansies

Calming Colours

Mix plants flowers and foliage which create no clashes but a sense of harmony.

All year round lavenders or grey cacti

Cold/cool Colours

Only use cold white and mauve flowers and grey foliages.

Summer white petunias; winter white azaleas

Calient (Hot) Colours

Use only bright reds, oranges and yellows.

Summer red geraniums; Winter poinsettias/yellow crotons

CLODAGH AND DICK HANDSCOMBE have lived and gardened in Spain for some twenty five years, sharing their ideas and experience with others through their articles and books. The books shown, plus ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ and ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’ can be obtained from high street and online bookshops including Bookworld, Amazon and Santana Books. Descriptions will be found on Clodagh and Dicks’ website www.gardeninginspain.com.

Adult and children’s painting competition SPONSORED BY the Arthouse Gallery in Gata de Gorgos, the village of Benigembla will be hosting a painting competition for all ages. The event will take place during the annual Summer Fayre in the main plaza, to be held on Saturday, 3rd July. The Children’s competition is FREE and open to children in two categories – under 14’s and over 14’s and individuals are asked to bring their artwork along on the day (by 15.30 please). Julia Evans of The Arthouse will judge the competition and has kindly donated four free art lessons at The Arthouse plus a selection of art materials for the winner of each category. The paintings

can be in any media and the child’s name, age and a contact telephone number should be on the reverse. For adults there will be a small fee of five Euros per entry (only one entry per person) in any media and on any topic. The winner will receive a free lesson at the Arthouse Gallery courtesy of Julia Evans and the option of displaying his or her painting at The Gallery. There will also be a voucher for art materials. If you wish to enter the adult’s competition or would like further details please contact Chris Sinclair as soon as possible on 965 581 871 or email chris@artisces.com. The Benigembla Summer Fayre com-

Sign up now for Debbie’s Walk THIS YEAR’S walk takes place on the 17th October at 16.00 with the support and collaboration of Rojales Town Hall and will be the same route as last year but starting at the Recinto Ferial (where the Rojales Market is held). Remember, this is a FUN walk, not a race. You will need to be at Recinto Ferial at least 30

minutes before the start. Again there will be no entry fee but we expect each person to raise at least €20. There will be prizes for the best decorated female, male and team bras. There will also be a Raffle (Prizes drawn after the walk) and Tombola. To give us an idea of numbers, the earlier you get your registration forms in

mences at 15.00 and is going to be a great afternoon and evening out, especially if you want to avoid the football! There will be several stalls including fashion; jewellery; health; art and crafts; tombolas; food; rastro; books; raffles and many more. There will also be children’s games and stalls. The evening will see outdoor entertainment commencing at 20.00 with Tony Dean of FAB FM followed by Johnny and The Cougars. The profits from this event will be split between Benigembla School and the new Medical Centre. The village of Benigembla is situated in the Val de Pop (Jalon Valley) near Alcalali and Parcent.

the better. Either submit the form electronically via www. breastcancerwalkspain. com or print the form out and hand it into The Cards and Gift shop in Quesada or send to Debbie Weedon, Apartado de correos 348, 03170 Rojales, Alicante. Or contact Debbie on 96 671 9847 or on her mobile 630 771 296. On the day of the Walk one of the team members

should please go to the Registration Desk to sign in so that we know who is present and who has yet to come. We are also going to try to organise money raising events leading up to the walk, such as a 9-hole golf competition, so look out for details in the local press or on the website. As more details are finalised they will be posted on the website.

11--MARCH 17 JUNE 2010 FEB 26 4 2010

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Chicken sticks with mango-teriyaki sauce TAPAS FOR 4 PEOPLE 3 breasts of chicken 30 ml sesame oil 1 lemon 1 tbsp sesame seeds 2 ripe mangoes 50 ml teriyaki 1 tbsp seschuan pepper Some parsley


1. Cut the chicken breasts in slices so that you have 16 slices. Peel the lemon with a potato cutter and keep the RTN AND RESTAURANT Casa ‘Mola Mola’ are proud to present a series of recipes. We will take a closer look at the Spanish tradition of eating, in particular the fabulous world of TAPAS. Eating tapas is typical to Spain and entertaining. It is a way to enjoy the company of friends or family whilst sampling several different flavours in small portions. OVER THE NEXT 10 WEEKS, CHEF SASSEN WILL BE PREPARING THE FOLLOWING TAPAS: 1. Patatas Bravas ‘New Style’ 2. Goat’s Cheese with Lavander and Vanilla Syrup 3. Dices of Tuna with Tomato-Pistache Marmalade 4. Fish Cakes Thai Style 5. Chicken Sticks with Mango-Teryake Sauce 6. Smoked Salmon filled with fresh Goat’s Cheese and Herbs 7. Boquerones with Sundried Tomato and Quail Egg 8. Shrimps with Papaya and Moscatel sauce 9. Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon and Caviar 10. Bavarois of Horchata and Granizado of Moscatel

skin aside. Now put the chicken in a plastic bag with the sesame oil and the juice of the lemon. Keep in the fridge for about 12 to 24 hours. 2. Peel the mangoes, and take out the stone and put them in a food processor. Mix and pass them through a colander to separate the juice from the pulp. Now mix the juice with the teriyaki. The dip is ready and storable for up to a week in the fridge. 3. Cut the skin of the lemon in small pieces and mix with the seschuan pepper. Now pass the chicken through this mixture. Fry the chicken, put on a stick and place on an oventray. Before serving place for 5 minutes in a preheated oven (180c). 4. Presentation: Devide the dip over 16 small glasses and top with sesame seeds chopped parsley. Now place the chicken sticks in the glasses.

Restaurant Casa ‘Mola Mola’ in the old town of Calpe is a must for every food lover! For reservations call 965 839 554 / 628 057 138 Casa ‘Mola Mola’ C/la justicia 6 C/campanarie 5 03710 Calpe


11 - 17JANUARY JUNE 20102010 8-14

If it feels good... EVER HAD a hunch about something? You know what I mean - a strong feeling about maybe that things aren’t right, or all is not what it seems to be. An inner energy from within seems to be wanting to warn you, and maybe, just maybe it was right! We all have a natural inbuilt intuition, and as we use it throughout our life it can come up trumps for us time after time. Intuition is tuned very much to us as individuals, and it is calibrated to show us the truth, to emphasise what is wrong so that we can shift our focus and tune into what we have to do. Call intuition an early warning system, if you like, because that is just what it is; and forewarned is forearmed. Our hunches are intuitive states that reveal the truth to us, often allowing us to see things from a different and all important angle, so we can act appropriately. Intuition is a spiritual gift. The base energy of working with the powers of divination is to have a positive gut reaction to things. Thus if it doesn’t feel right there is a possibility that there is something wrong and intuition can stop us in our tracks, allow us to see through things and help us to find our correct way in, or out , of a situation that beckons. It keeps us safe when danger strikes, or demands our attention when there are experiences coming we neither want nor need, allowing us an easy way out. Our intuitive energies work to the full when we are initially introduced to someone new. Our first chemical reaction is vital as we read and feel the energy of the stranger. We usually form an opinion immediately, and then after time we can change our mind. However, it is the first reaction that is the correct one whether or not we feel, with remorse, that we have jumped to conclusions, or are guilty of having judged them unfairly. First impressions always count. That’s why first dates are such an ordeal. We so want to impress others and hope to be able to

generate that mutual spark, if it feels right. Okay, yes, we sometimes get it wrong, but mostly Spirit gets it right. When we add the spiritual to the intuitive then we are shown a way forward that is enlightening and revealing. We can start to use our intuitive forces to help us through life. Use them to avoid mistakes, to keep us safe and to better prepare us on our individual journey of destiny. Intuition can connect with the soul. This brings wonderful energies and brings good results. It helps us to attune to interviewers, helps us to help others who feel that they have the need not to tell us the truth, and is the silent friend that we need when there are decisions to be made. We are never alone if we develop our intuitive powers. The greatest end result is brought about by our natural wisdom, our inner expectations and a strong dose of our intuition, fuelled all along the way by our own special feelings and expectations and desires. This intuition follows our direction throughout life. It guides and guards and reveals. It is personal and connects our heart and soul. Spirit may guide us all along the way, but it is the natural and instinctive energy within us that fuels us, egging us on to make the rightful choices that will take us onward through life, and being true to our feelings is subscribing to our fate, which a step nearest to our individual survival, our destiny and our very being. Put some Spirit into your life and you can nudge your intuition into touch, make it work better for you, and use it as the diagnostic tool that it really can be. Best results are achieved with an open heart and soul since love makes everything possible, and gets the job done. Tune into you, and you’ll manage to do all that you have to by harnessing the energy and power that intuition can, and will bring to your door...

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com I am very close to a friend in the UK and we have some kind of telepathy together. We call each other when we think we need each other by thought. When we talk then we know what each of us is going to say next. Is this a spiritual connection, Kenny? Bibo You two have a very strong psychic connection with each other. Not ruling out that you may have met in past lives, you currently both attune to each other’s frequencies! That’s great. I too have a friend, Angie, in London that I have quite spooky telepathic connection with. Yesterday we sent each other emails at exactly the same time, and we hadn’t made contact for around a month or so! It is good to feel that someone is so very special that they can be on your very own specific wavelength. Long may your spiritual connection continue with you both!

Kenny’s Diary READINGS AT Bistro Maya in Albir on Monday 14th and Wednesday 16th June from 16.30. Please call: 966 868 213 for further details and bookings. Readings at the Castalla Meeting Centre, Calle Pedro Juan Leal 2. Castalla. Tuesday 15th June. Info from Sarah on 630 142 442. Demonstration of Clairvoyance at the Spiritual Awareness Society of Quesada. Calle Toledo 14, Cuidad Quesada on Tuesday 22nd June at 19.30. Admission by ticket only. Information : Wendy Keets 626 602 904.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Your planetary leader makes an entrance with Virgo this week and this means that there are two choices ahead, and you have a decision to make. Eliminate any pressure and play for time, because there is no hard and set rule to adhere to, only a strong need to do the right thing at the right time. Forget actions of the past and show others just what you are capable of. Bear in mind that a peaceful conclusion to all this clears your mind and puts you back where you belong. Venus and Saturn combine to turn the tables on omnipresent Cancer as Virgo looks on. If this sounds very complicated then you must know that things aren’t exactly easy at the moment because someone has chosen to dig in their heels. As your stubborn streak comes into play also, it is a game you can surely play to win, however, a quick solution is sought this time since you have something rather better and far more important on the current agenda. The pressure is on to make hay while the sun shines. There are rich rewards awaiting you, and whatever you do, know now that you are going to have to wait for the results for some time. Testing patience and reserve, the following weeks will serve to show you just what you can achieve, and you often do your very best work under pressure. Give something new a chance; you never know what you can really do until you try! Venus continues to reside in your fifth house, taking on Saturn and Virgo, but also, later on in the week both Aquarius and Neptune. The power of these mighty Planets rubs off on you and brings some timbre to a new venture or project. It is high time that you got your teeth stuck into something and whilst others may say that you have bitten off more than you can chew, this is a chance to silence them forever, if you are left alone to put things right. Venus enters midweek and gives you a chance to get some things right off your chest. Set the books right because you are being unfairly judged and something needs now to be well and truly nipped in the bud. The romantic energies within take you one very definite step forward and it is a soul connection within that bowls you over at the end of a difficult week ahead. Take the chance to show all that love that you hold inside; keep your defences down. Saturn weaves a magic spell this week to awaken innermost energies and to charge your energy levels just when you need it. Be positive about something that you have to admit that you have no control over, and realise that the solution to this is to go with the flow and to gently move on with the tide, while you still can. Your emotional side reaches out to someone who needs you, but who remains silent, but not by choice. You can and you will make a difference. Your heightened sense of balance pays dividends this week as you help someone to see the hidden agenda in their life and urge them to move on. This serves to show you that you are gifted with intuition, and that now is a time to put all your eggs into one basket, and aim at future changes that will influence you all across the board. The wind of change blows in your direction, and for once you are not frightened of making the same mistakes of the past. Anger within sees that you are currently going about things completely the wrong way. By eliminating some of the pressures this week, and seeing what you are capable of, you will learn to make changes all around. The time has truly come to sort out that which you must, and it is surely a drama that you face and not a crisis. Take a long step back to see things from a different angle, and be aware of just what you can do when you set your mind to it. Financial warnings sent by a hefty corner led by Neptune. A time to check your figures; invoices and do your costings all along the line, to consolidate and strengthen that which you must. A financial burden here and now means that you are out of control of your immediate assets, and something has to be done to balance the books. A windfall, though small, does show you the way things are going and what you now must do, but don’t rely on it. Pluto remains in a powerful position in your ninth house building a corner that you would be foolish to avoid. Working around obstructions with new levels of inspiration there is a forensic investigation now necessary, and it must be made by you because you know, in your heart of hearts that somewhere, somehow, something is wrong, very wrong; and you have the power to look from the grassroots upwards. Leave no stone unturned! Neptune and Venus shine a light on your achievements. You are so very good at keeping the peace, and this you will surely achieve this week by your openness and honesty and by sheer persistence. Keeping cool and calm is your forte, but as Neptune balances your temper, so Venus shows you, with a passion, that there is now a sure fire way to enter into your inner emotions, and that somebody is aiming to influence your personal life with a play for your heart. Chiron influences you and encourages new beginnings and the start of a new period in which you are bound to achieve and move on. There is no running away, but you need, above all, to stay focused as Saturn and Virgo direct you every which way. You are pulled literally in each and every direction at the moment. Stand firm, because others are looking towards you for guidance and advice, and because you know what you do well; or you simply wouldn’t do it.

If it’s your birthday this week... A great start to your new plans. No compromise can be allowed at this stage, however; because the way forward is paved by being true to yourself, and believing in what you know that you can do!

Heretic Book Review by

Danny Collins


THIS IS the last book in Cornwell’s trilogy of the quest for the Holy Grail, brought to England and then lost by Thomas of Hookton’s eccentric father, a French hermit and selfappointed missionary. Thomas is an English longbowman in the King’s service and prefers to remain so but fate catches up with him in France, when his wife and confessor are murdered by his evil cousin Guy of Vexille in his own belief that they hold the Grail’s secret. Bent on revenge, Thomas pursues him across France and the Grail Quest begins in earnest. I had spotted the author’s hidden reference to the whereabouts of the Grail in Harlequin, the first book of the trilogy, so was interested

- 17 JUNE2010 2010 8-1411 JANUARY


Thank-you from the Butterfly Children Charity

to see if I was right. I was, but I won’t spoil your pleasure by telling you, so read on. When Heretic begins, Calais is in English hands and hostilities are suspended but the cousins are due to meet in the midst of the greatest battle fought on French soil. Cornwell describes the screams of the wounded; the callous Author: violence of the fighting Bernard men; and the blood Cornwell soaked soil of battle as if Publisher: Harper he has lived the scene. (paperback) I was never much for Price: €10.40 listening to teachers at ISBN: 978 0 00 school and preferred 731032 6 to watch the sparrows outside the windows but French wars of succession. I finished this trilogy feeling Beautifully written and like an expert on the Anglodescribed with an eye for

historic detail that leaves the reader breathless. Cornwell is a master.

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

Summer fayre success

OUR FIRST Summer Ball was held on Friday 4th June at Camping International in La Marina. Many thanks go to organisers Mary Chambers and Sue Rogers, after all their hard work; the event was a sell out and an outstanding success. A big thank you must go to Di Ennis for arranging the Tombola and Anne Wylie for obtaining many of the prizes we had in the raffle on the night, as well as all the raffle helpers. We would like to thank everyone who attended our Ball and for their generosity on the evening as we raised €4,100 from Tombola, Raffle, Auction and individual donations throughout the evening. A big thank you also goes to Tommy Rogers for hosting the event and Tony Kelly for a very professional evening’s entertainment. Their support through generously donated prizes in turn allowed us to raise this fantastic amount of money which will go to the Respite Home Project for our Children and their families.

New homes wanted

The kittens needing a new home Nearly 2,800€ was raised

LAST SATURDAY, 5th June, Age Concern held its annual Summer Fayre at the Centre in Calle Paganini in La Siesta. The President, Maureen Payne declared the Fayre open at 10.45 but the crowds were already gathering long before the Fayre was even opened! There were many varied stalls including homemade cakes and pastries; jewellery; linen; bric-a-brac; soft toys and jigsaws; videos; electrical goods; clothes and plants. Inside the centre on display were excellent raffle prizes which included a 32” LG flat screen TV which was the first prize and of course there was the usual Tombola. There was also a raffle for an excellent food hamper and around the corner at the an-

nexe refreshments were on sale; with a cup of tea and a piece of cake for just one euro! There was also ample seating to enjoy your drink and check out the bargains that had been purchased. The Fayre was very well attended with approximately 250 people coming through the doors to snap up the bargains and was once again a huge success for the charity with nearly €2,800 raised. After the raffle was drawn, Maureen Payne thanked everyone for coming along and for helping to make it another great fundraising event. She also thanked all the volunteers and helpers for their time and devotion given on the day.

WE ARE four beautiful kittens who are in need of new homes. We are five weeks old, born on 26th April 2010. Our mum is looking after us really well at the moment, but she has to be spayed soon so we will have to go out into the big World. Our foster parents are really kind but they have lots of grown up cats to look after themselves and cannot keep us. All we want is nice homes to go to where we will be looked after and loved lots. Please remember though, that we are not toys and we are looking for nice people who will love us forever and not just until we grow up and are not so cute anymore. We love to play and refuse to sit still long enough at the moment for our foster parents to find out if we are boys or girls. We will be weaned and ready to go to our new homes in about two weeks’ time: approx 14th June. Can you help? Please call Lesley and Vic on 966 765 700 or 626 886 292

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11FEB - 1726JUNE 20104 2010 - MARCH

Computing Internet TV

with aunty virus

Jim via email asks: Hi Aunty. I get a constant message from Adobe Flash telling me to update but when I try a message shows saying that the update is only available on 32 bits not 64!! What does that mean and does it mean I cannot update ever? Aunty says: The 64bit version of Adobe Flash is not quite ready for release yet Jim. Maybe try using Firefox from www.enetcomputers.net instead of Internet Explorer until the 64bit one is available. Marcia via email asks: Hi Aunty, some time ago I downloaded Google Chrome but so far have not found a use for it! Please can you tell me if I make it my default browser as it suggests will it be better than the old Google which we love & hate? Aunty says: I like Google Chrome, and as I seem to spend more and more time using Google products such as Google Earth, Maps, Picasa and Gmail I have made it my default browser.

Karen via email asks: Hi Aunty, I am writing for some advice. I have recently moved to Spain and I am in the process of arranging to have English TV from Europa network. I have brought my laptop from England with me which already had Kaplensky 2010 security loaded. Europa had supplied us with our internet connection but I had problems receiving the TV programmes. The Europa technician logged onto my computer to check it and told me he had to remove some items including the firewall from my security! The TV now works but I am concerned because I keep receiving messages from Kaplinsky to say my computer is at risk! The Europa technician tells me there is no problem as there is a firewall on the router. As I have very little knowledge of computers could you advise me on this? I have done internet banking on my computer and I am worried that this is now not safe.

Aunty says: He’s partly right Karen. Most routers come with good firewall protection but their weakness is that they are only checking anything coming into your computer and not any nasties that are already on your computer trying to access the Internet. A good example is how a lot of spyware works. Spyware will quite often reside on a computer and send out requests to connect to dodgy websites; your Kaspersky firewall software will trap that, whereas the router firewall won’t. All firewall software can be configured to allow (or disallow) certain software programs from accessing the internet and this is what you need to do. You need to set a ‘rule’ within Kasperskey to always allow the Europa TV player full access to the Internet. You may be lucky and be able to do it like this: go to the Kaspersky main window and choose ‘settings’ from the right corner. Choose ‘threats and exclusions’ and go to ‘settings’. Browse and add the TV player to the exclusion list.

Coping photos to disc Factory restore Mo via email asks: I am trying to copy photos to a disk and in the past I have either used right click and ‘send-to’ to put on the relevant disk, or copy and pasted to disk in drive E. Now I put the new disk into the drive but when I try to copy or send to it says put disk into drive. I can play a CD or a DVD but for whatever reason, I now cannot copy data to a disk. I have tried different new disks in case of faulty disk but there is no change. Aunty says: Sounds like Windows has got a little confused Mo and this kind of problem can be quite difficult to resolve. I started using ‘Free Easy CD DVD Burner 4.0’ from www.download.com a while back and I find it really easy to use and faster than the ‘send to’ option in Windows.

Steve via email asks: Hi Aunty, hope you can help. I had a few problems with my laptop so I did a factory restore, installed all the updates and now it is running perfect, but my memory stick will not install. Also when I go into my computer the stick is not recognised so I tried it on a friend’s PC and I have the same problem. Is there a way to extract the files

from the memory stick or have I lost all the data for good? Aunty says: Sounds a bit ominous I’m afraid, Steve. If you can’t even see the memory stick on both computers it may well be dead. You could try using the USB ports at the back (if you haven’t already) as they are often more powerful than the front ones.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

FEB 11 26 - 17 MARCH JUNE4 2010 2010

The rays of the sun can be dangerous! SCIENTISTS AND the Medical profession now say that too much exposure to the sun can cause big problems. UV rays can cause premature ageing in the form of wrinkles, skin cancer, eye cataracts, and may even cause problems with your immune system! The good news is that you can protect yourself from UV rays and prevent this from happening. SO HOW DO WE PROTECT OUR CHILDREN AND OURSELVES? During the summer months, it is crucial to wear sunscreen and seek as much shade as possible, especially between the hours of 11.00 and 15.00. We can help you with these recommendations by suggesting that you

utilise our product COOLASHADE. Coolashade material was developed in Australia 15 years ago, utilising a high-density polyethylene knitted cloth that is manufactured solely for tensioned fabric structures. The material is treated with UV stabilisers to give it a long life in direct sunlight. The fabric allows air to pass through and has no heat retention. This stops the material heating up and radiating this heat to you below (which is the common problem with other types of shade). The advantage of this is that when you are sitting in shade you are actually cool, not having heat radiated to you from above, making you sweat while in the shade. Coolashades are the ideal solution to provide shade in areas that are subject to

Coolashades are the ideal solution to provide shade

strong wind conditions as the material is placed under extreme tension, so strong wind deflects off the surface and the material will not flap. Coolashade material will not rip or fall apart as the material is knitted and the threads used are tested to extreme conditions in the lab. Coolashades can be attached to existing buildings using the latest epoxy resin chemical fixings that fill the cavities in bricks giving the strongest possible fixing points. They can also be attached to Timber or Steel posts that can either be placed in deep footings or bolted to terrace walls. COOLASHADES CAN BE SUPPLIED IN 5 STANDARD SIZES 3.6mtr square 5.4mtr square 3.6mtr equilateral triangle; 5mtr equilateral triangle new for 2010 - 5.0mtr x 3.0mtr rectangles

Coolashades can be attached to existing buildings

AND 6 STANDARD COLOURS Desert Sand; Terracotta; Evergreen; Polar White; Ocean Blue and Charcoal. We also make Coolashades to suit any size or shape to provide shade in difficult areas.

Windows Live Messenger Colin via email asks: Hello, please can you help? As I am in UK at the moment could you please advise me by email, as I will not see RTN for the next issues. I use Windows Live Messenger. However, somehow I seem to have two versions which both load themselves on my PC on startup, then start conflicting with one another. I seem to get two versions of the Live page with news etc, one on top of the other, and when I minimise the system logs out of Messenger with the message that I have logged in to another version

SuperFast Internet!

of Messenger and that I cannot run two versions. My question is: how can I remove one of the versions? Trying to locate one via Add/Remove programs does not show Messenger as a programme. Aunty says: Hi Colin. You should be able to remove the old version of messenger from ‘add/remove programs’ if you choose the ‘add/remove windows components’ option (I’m assuming you’re using XP here). This is a button that you will see when you first run it from control panel.

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Simply scroll down the list and untick Windows Messenger. I have emailed this to you but you can always read my column from the www. roundtownnews.co.uk website under the ‘features’ ‘RTN technology’ menu option.

FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Especially designed to withstand areas with strong wind conditions • Protects humans, pets and assets from the heat and sun • Highlights feature areas such as swimming pools, hot tubs, garden areas, solariums • Adds elegance and casual beauty to its environment • Can be used in places impractical for full steel frame shade structures • Cost effective relative to other shade products • Commercial or residential application • Maintenance-free • Class A fire rating Coolashade will not fade, will not rot like canvas does, will not sag or flap in the wind like many others do and will not suffer from mildew. So, what next? Please contact us on the number provided and we will arrange a visit to ascertain the practicality and costing on a no obligation basis. We look forward to meeting you. The whole of Spain is our market place. Contact Coolashade to arrange a no obligation visit on 697 571 248 or visit www.coolashade.com for more information

iPhone 4 will not be tied to a single operator in Spain THE NEW iPhone 4 will arrive in Spain in July and all indications are that for the first time the Apple device will not be tied to any single operator here. There have been tweets from two of the three main companies in Spain, Vodafone and Orange, who have said that they will be financing the iPhone 4 in Spain, but as yet there has been no official statement from Movistar who have had the exclusivity on the iPhone in Spain up to now, but some reports say they will be selling the device as well. None of the three companies have issued any pricing plans as yet. Meanwhile the European Court has concluded that the European Commission can impose maximum prices on mobile companies for roaming connections in Europe. It means a 2007 ruling on data itinerancy is valid despite being challenged by Vodafone, Telefónica, T-Mobile and Orange, and now Brussels is set to impose new maximum charges.


11 - 17 june 2010

Costa Blanca North Alcoholics Anonymous Tel: C/Blanca North 648169045. C/Blanca South 625912078 www.aa-costablanca.org ARNAAP Tel: Susan/David Hollister 966404650 shollister@hotmail.com Autos y Caravanas de España (ACE) Tel: Caroline 965842562. Benimarco Doll Grp Tel: Carolyn 965731198. British Sub Aqua Club Diana 966495197 Steve 966470163 www.bsacmarinaalta.co.uk Caring Together: Regional Hospice Asn. (RPA 5377) Tel: 649956365/965894240 www.caringspain.com info@caringspain.com Christian Worship/Fellowship Cocentaina & Muro del Alcoy N340. Mark/Carla 965590442/ 618987649 cjhmeh@gmail.com Church of England Campello: Paul 965562008. Orba/Fontilles: Richard 965584240/Hazel 965587585. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Costa Blanca Anglo Spanish Assoc. Tel.Geoff 965757847 or visit www.anglospanish.org Costa Blanca Ex-Tablers Club Javea.Tel: Jim/Chris 962833749 www.costablanca41club.org Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir Teulada. Tel: Mike Evans 965744577 tikievans@teleline.es Costa Blanca North Gardening circle. Tel. Joy 966498681 Brian 965790253 Costa Blanca Samaritans Helpline: 902883535 Mon-Fri 8pm-12am. info@ costablancasamaritans.com www.costablancasamaritans. com Costa Blanca Yacht Assoc. Tel: Rachel 965740923/Jacki 965995223. www.cbya.org Els Poblets English Speaking Resident’s Grp Tel: Heather 966475429 hcrowe@europa-network.com English Theatre Group. Helen 644543146 Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS Tel:966460063/965744426. Gardeners’ Circle Tel: Jenny Bussey 966405365. Harley Owner’s Grp C.B Chapter Calpe Tel: Max 625011892. HELP Charity Shop, La Xara Mon–Sat 9.30-1.30pm (Sat 1pm) tel 966422988 (24hr a/phone) www.helpofdenia.com Int. Motorhome Assoc Tel: John Sanderson Volunteered Co-ordinator 966474532/662032131. Int. Motorhome Club Tel 965851671/667508217. rayjeanbarber@hotmail.com DerekLoveday@telefonica.net (mark subject IMC) Labour Int. Costa Blanca North Javea Tel: Kevin/Ann 962808731. www.labintspain.org.uk Ladies Club of Busot Tel Teresa 965699407. Pres.Mary Holden john_marybusot@hotmail.com Masonry North Costa Blanca Tel Barrie Mansell 966719653 provincialsec@hotmail.com Medcare Mum & Baby Clinic Tel Hazel 966860258. doctors@medcarespain.com Pego & District Branch Royal British Legion Tel Fred 966400812/Brenda 663348565. Social: Ron 965583373. P.E.P.A Charity Shop C/Cervantes 26, La Font d’En Carròs, nr Gandía. Tue-Sat 101pm/Fri 5-7pm. 650304746 www.pepaspain.com


P.E.P.A Stall Sat 10am-2pm at Bar Celtica Rastro, Novele nr Xativa. 650304746 www.pepaspain.com R.A.F. Transport Command Old Boys Assoc Jim Semple, 187 Severn Ave, Swindon, Wilts, SN25 3NB UK my_last_three176@btinternet. com Royal British Legion Spain Welfare: 676451780/952352300 (ans/phone). www.spainnorth. legionbranches.net Tennis Club Los Amigos Pego Fred Moeling 630113123 The Aircrew Assoc C.B Branch Tel Sec 966495042 www.acacostablan ca.org The Costa Blanca Branch of the World Ship Society Tel Clive Hedge, Javea 965795981. www.worldshipsociety.org United States Navy League Stewart 629478007 Various Craft Clubs Tel: 965794462 lesleyclark@ craftclubsjavea.com Women in Business Club Tel 669219088 www.wibc-spain.com Xàbia Public Lending Library C/Mayor, Xàbia Tel Alma Dorndorf 966470885/636898162 dorndorf@wanadoo.es Xativa Social Club Tel Sandra Kynes S.Sec. 962281047/Sue Drummond C.man 962287549.

Altea • Albir • Alfaz Alcoholics Anonymous Altea (English) Wed 8pm. Tel: 648169045. Alfaz Spiritual Foundation Tel 966878469/616319725. Alfaz English Theatre Grp Tel June 965844786. Altea English Library 1st Fl Bar Miramar Mon/Thur/Fri 11-1pm. Linda 965844707. Alteatro Tel Kate 965845039. Costa Blanca Computer Club Sierra Bernia School, Alfaz 965889187. Dru Yoga Tel Louise 644132836 www.thetransformation.com English Theatre Group More info & booking. Helen 644543146 New Hope Church Alfaz del Pi Cami la Querra Nº2, centro Mar Local Nº2, Alfaz del Pi. Pastor Stuart Wilson 625720347/ 965013230. Piecemakers’ Patchwork Quilting Grp Alfaz Tel Jean 639566692/ Linda 965790731. Second Chance Charity Shops Albir 966865342 Alfaz 966860222 Finestrat 965878229. Sculptural Gardens Alfaz Tel 966860230. info@klein-schreuder.com www.klein-schreuder.com Tigers Golf Society Albir Lills Lounge, Boulevard de los Musicos 692 749 478. U3A Marina Baixa Alfaz Tel Angie 687211722 angietaylor222@yahoo.co.uk www.u3amarinabaixa.com Benidoleig El Cid Fri Auctions 639482222 elcidauction@yahoo.es www.elcidauction.com Paquitas Country Club V.C/man Janet Hills 966404306 Sec. Doug Farrow 966425281 www.paquitascc.com The Valleys Int Bridge/Social Club Tel Sec. Brenda Russell 966404533. Benidorm Alcoholics Anonymous Benidorm English Thur 5pm 648169045. Flemish Wed 5pm 635074053.

11- 17 JUNE 2010


Please note that the DEADLINE for clubs announcements is Friday at 12.00 noon. Please email your details to clubs@roundtownnews.com or fax to 965 705 328 RTN clubs is printed monthly. You can also find clubs listed on our web page www.roundtownnews.co.uk

Al-Anon Benidorm English 634758539. Church of England Tel: Gary 965878995/Hazel 966895306. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Help Int. Benidorm Pres 607387040/Sec 608971223/ Equip 663495396/Visits 607386964/Interpreters 607385842. Modern Jive, Benidorm. Tel Martin 965882119 Royal British Legion Benidorm Albir Tel Megan Howell 965887076/Luigi Samaden 965865899. The English Church Rev. Eddie & Mrs M. McMillan 966804215. Villasol Squares Benidorm Tel Peter 686208730, plot 1512 Villasol Camping.

Benitachell Amigos de Benitachell Colabora con Cruz Roja Espanola Donations/proceeds: local Red Cross Ambulance Serv. Open Mon-Fri 10-1pm. BENITACHELL HELP Coordinator 667034576 help. denia@gmail.com Benitachell Ladies Club Tel: Carole 966493566/Pam 966493341. Marina Alta Pensionista Assoc (MAPA) Tel: 966490840 pauline.winfield@gmail.com Tai Chi Tel: Julia 619613236 Tap Dancing-Children Tel: Sherry/Ann 680673871. Therapeutic DRU Yoga Tel: Trudi 639361999

Benissa Costa Barber Singers Tel: Press Officer John Turner 965973612 johnraymondturner@gmail.com or Music Director, Roger Gallant 966497657. The King’s Church Tel: 665278801/685006562 www.thekingschurch.net Reg No. 1384-SG

Calpe ACEC, Assoc Cultural & Ecological Calpe Tel: Carole 639637520 www.acecalpe.org AFPO Calpe Tel: Keith 965830106 www.afpocalpe.com Alcoholics Anonymous Calpe English 648169045. German 645456075. Amigos de los Ñinos de EMAUS. (Friends of the Children of EMAUS) Calpe Tel: Carole 639637520/Lin 679813462. Calpe & Benissa Lions Club Tel: Pres Eunice Hancy 965830819. Calpe & District 41 Tel: Ian Ritchie 965833102. Calpe Bowls Club Tel: Terry Street 965834924. Calpe Bridge (Winter Club) Tel: David 965832116. Calpe Christian Fellowship Tel: Pastor John Adamson 965832607/Clive 965835502. www.calpechristianfellowship. org Calpe Craft Club Tel: Dilys 650312555. Calpe Gilbert & Sullivan Soc (CAGSS) Tel: Andy akheadfordlord@hotmail.co.uk or Aileen 696514613 (eve). Calpe HELP Co-ordinator 616 237 135 help.denia@gmail.com Calpe Men’s Dining Club (1986) Tel: 620307903/ 965638081. Calpe Port Christian Assembly Tel: C.Westaway 965834738/ B.Muir 965841910/ K.Merrit 965839157. Bible tel ministry: 965875128.

Charity Shop of Calpe half way up Avda Gabriel Miro behind Margaret’s Book Shop. Open Mon-Fri 10-1pm. Church of England Tel: Bill 965973276/Gillian 965838698. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Club de Bridge Calpe Tel: John Parsons (English) 965744814. Gerlinde Eder (German/Spanish) 965747241. Cultural Painting Club Tel: Pieter 965835212. Extreme Sports Club Tel: Christian 629987062 www.GravityCartel.com www.KitesurfingCostaBlanca. com Footlights Musical Theatre Grp Tel: Trevor Harder 965870198. ‘Little Stars’ Playgrp Tel: Kate 965832314 (English) Canin 965837977 (Spanish). MOFTAG Tel: Michelle 965874284 Non Smoking Grp for Singles Text/tel: 637160545. Probus of Calpe & District Tel: Sec Ian Ritchie 965833102. Rodeo Stompers Linedancing Calpe Tel: Barbara 630113649. Rotary Int. Fellowship Club of Calpe Tel: 965731701 www.calperotary.org.uk Royal British Legion Calpe Enq: Harvey 965831026 Welfare: Ursula 965747847. U3A Calpe Tel: Pres-Roger Milsom 965748827, m/ship-Edith Watson 965837542. www.u3acalpe.com Denia Alcoholics Anonymous Denia English 648169045. German 645456075. Armchair Internationals Denia Rugby Club Supporters. Tel: Dave 629351266 or John 646650566 www.tuktuktours.co.uk/rugby. htm Castle Theatre Tel: Christine 626201636. Church of England Tel: Gillian 966421256/Carol 965783176. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Denia Tai Chi Tel: Vincent 966426588 Denia Choir Tel: Chris 966421776. Denia Craft Club Tel: 966420723. Denia English Lending Library 91 Passeig de Saladar wkday 10–1pm. Denia Int. Bridge Club Tel: Kees 965785387 vaneckcornelis@gmail.com Denia Int Rotary Fellowship Tel: Chris Potter 965755349/ Anwen Hughes-Jukes 965748909. Denia Writers Circle Tel: Sue 649400336 suemerce@gmail.com jean.oasis@telefonica.net Elite Friends Lee albrown1113@yahoo.co.uk HELP of Denia and Marina Alta 966427044 help.denia@gmail.com Salvation Army Evangelical Church C/San Jose 14B Denia Tel: 648191227. The Cancer Support Grp (M.A.B.S.) Tel: Maureen 690756836. U3A Denia Tel: Hugh Martin 965782262 u3adenia.org

Gandia Barx/La Drova Petanque Team Tel: Mike/Mary Cowherd 962807018 commodorepopeye@yahoo. com Church of England Tel: Wyndham 962853199. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org

Gandia Area Social Club (Int) Tel: David 962878298 www.gandiaareasocialclub.com Royal British Legion Gandia Tel: Cilla Ewers 676938739.

Jalon Int. Music Circle Tel: Sec. 966405380. Jalon & Orba Lions Tel: Bob 675377473/John 666446366. Jalon Ladies Lunch Club Tel: Jacqui 669987976/966480830. Jalon Pensionistas Club Tel: 966481215/1425. Jalon Valley Help Health/ welfare 659624643. Also new shop in Alcalali. www.helpofdenia.com jalonvalleyhelp@hotmail.com Jalon Valley Wargames Grp Tel: Paul/Jan 966405335 paulleniston@hotmail.com Jalon Valley Writers Grp Tel: Jill 965973393/Agnes 966482549 U3A Vall de Pop Tel: Bruno 690192976.

Javea Anglo Spanish Assoc www.anglospanish.org APASA Dog Pound Shelter: 10-2pm 966463976 Events: Maggie 965744449. Art Centre Assoc. Javea Tel: Lorely Griffiths 966472049. artcentrejavea@yahoo.com Cancer Care - Javea (Charity No. 8270) Advice/ Info, Javea Park. Mon-Sat 1012.30pm tel: 965796846. Church of England Javea Tel: Jenny 965794463/Eunice 966471182. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Conservatives Abroad Tel: Margaret Hales: 966197239 or Jenny Decker: 966471666 Free Parent/Toddler Play Xabia Int College Tel 966472121. Int. Christian Family Center Tel: 966460950/607470221 Javea & District Astronomical Society Tel: Ed Morley 965744612 Javea Backgammon Club Tel: Steve 966471708/635377335. Javea Book Circle Tel: Tim Upton 966470885. www.xabiabookcircle.eu Jávea Bridge Club Tel: Margaret 965793413 www.javeabridgeclub.com Javea Camera Club chris@chrisrobin.co.uk Javea China Painting Tel: Eve 966461537. Jávea Community Grp Tel:Jeni 965790470/619270493. jenijacksonphillips@telefonica. net Javea Computer Club www.javeacomputerclub.org Javea Craft Club Tel: Jo 676679541. Jávea Evangelical Church Rev. Clive Read 966462848 europe@mercuryin.es Javea Int. Baptist Church Pastor John Hansford 638205280 www.javeabaptist.org (539 SG) Javea Int. Civic Society Tel: Jeni 965790470 jenijacksonphillips@ telefonica.net Javeamigos Tel: Mike Smith 600215808 www.javeamigos.com Javea Netball Club Tel: Anita Grayson 966472169. Jávea Public Lending Library Tel: Alma Dorndorf 966470885 /636898162 dorndorf@wanadoo.es Javea School of Bridge/Social Club Tel: Ed 965744612 www.arenalbridgejavea.com Javea Yoga Club Tel: Magali Fradet 647541034 www.javeayoga.com

JITC www.javeatennis.net tel: Sec. Janis Barber 965771855/ C.man Barbara Rogers 966471832. Lighthouse Church Tel: 965731006 www.lighthousechurch.eu Masonic Lodge Javea No: 40. Tel: Sec. Vince Dawson 966497485. Montgo Vegetarians Tel: 966471748 www.montgo-vegetarians.com Rotary Int. Fellowship Costa Blanca North Tel: 965795421. Roundabout Charity Shop Mon-Sat 10-1.30pm. Royal British Legion Javea Scallops, Arenal. 2/4 Tue 11am Tel Sheila 965791270/Roger 965790123. Stamp Collectors/Post Cards/ Philatelists Tel: Derek Guyett 965795499/ Dave Anderson 966476034. Taoist Tai Chi Society of Javea Tel: 649161290. The Javea Players Tel: Geraldine Livesey 965790379 membership.jp@gmail.com The Original Charity Shop/ Library Javea Reg Charity No 3586 Open Mon-Sat 10-1pm Av de la Fontana, Javea. Tel: 966460803/ 653630413. UFO Discussion/Research Grp Javea Tel: Jeanine (Pres) 658957102 ufojavea@gmail.com http://ufo-javea.wetpaint.com

Moraira Church of England Tel: Martin965744657/Andrew 965875070. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Costa Blanca Minatures Club Tel: 966472901. Crafts Club Tel: Julie 646569907. Marina Alta & Costa Blanca Floral Club Tel: Pat, C/man 966471526 www.marinaaltafloralcub.com Moraira & District Royal Naval Assoc Tel: John Sanderson 966474532. Moraira HELP Tel: Ian Jackson 667036188. www.helpofdenia.com Moraira Int Choir ‘Los enCANTAdores’ Tel: 966495117/650684621 Fred or Janny. Royal British Legion Moraira Tel: Ed 966495617. Teulada/Moraira Lions Club Tel: John 965744253 www.teuladamorairalions.org U3A Moraira/Teulada Tel: Pamela Kershaw 966497098. www.u3amoraira-teulada.org

Oliva Squash/Racquetball Club Tel: John 680595203. U3A Oliva www.u3a-oliva.org

Teulada Alcoholics Anonymous Teulada English 648169045. Asoc. Benefica de Teulada Tel: Pat Bramah 966471526. Marina Alta “Int. Choir” Teulada Tel: Edith 965730014/680630765 Spiritual Friends Tel: Jan 600837054 spiritualfriends.teulada@gmail. com http://sites.google.com/ site/spiritualfriendssite/Home The English choir Tel: June 965786712/Colin 965771287.


14 -- 17 11 20JUNE MAY 2010 2010

61 60

Certificate of ownership by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

Question: I make it a point to always read your column in the RTN each week. I enjoy the information that you provide but until now I have not had need of it. The help I need is as follows: I changed my car towards the end of April and the dealer gave me a temporary certificate of ownership. What would you consider a reasonable period of time to wait for the official certificate? If I am stopped by the police will they accept the temporary certificate? If when my car is due to be ITV’d in July will the ‘temp’ be acceptable at the ITV station? The temporary certificate will be okay for say, 5 weeks, depending on the time of year as Trafico is busier at certain times, before you should start getting concerned. Carry any other document referring to the sale such as the bill of sale or receipt to show along with the certificate and if possible a copy of the TASA form sent in with the transfer request. (TASA 9.07/A). You can never have too much of a good thing as the police/Guardia Civil like to see you are keen to obey the law. I have been stopped with my wife on more than one occasion by the Guardia Civil in the countryside and as soon as they saw my wife go to the glove compartment to get the vehicle docs, the officer said nicely, “Vale. Pasa por favor.” (Okay, you can go - loosely translated). I have shown my ‘Permiso de Conducir’ as well (Spanish Driving Licence) and they have nicely remarked on how

many classifications I have. I did not of course tell them that some were given to me when I changed my old 1979 UK licence for the Spanish one in 2001, when it was then compulsory... However as we visit that area regularly I gave them a copy of my book so they will probably not stop us again but being 72-years-old helps and sometimes they even salute me; takes me back to my days in the RAF. We love Spain... Question: I have a copy of your book which I find very useful and informative, but I have a question which you might be able to answer: I am sure that I read somewhere that it is illegal to drive a car in Spain wearing open-toed shoes or sandals but when I was talking to a friend about it he said it only applied to flip flops. Can you tell me which is correct? Thanks for buying the book. The law in Spain is the same as in most Western-type countries. You must be able to stay in full control of your motor vehicle at all times and not wear ANY clothing or do anything that may inhibit the maintenance of that control. In the case of open-toed sandals, you are in the hands of the ‘investigating’ officer who will make a reasoned decision that must be supported by his superiors if the officer decides to lay a charge. It really comes down to the driver using his/her common sense by making sure that footwear is totally

Carry the bill of sale and a copy of the TASA

safe. But some drivers, as we know, will often go overboard to stretch the law and their own mortality. Those who drink a lot of alcohol/take drugs and still drive are a prime example. Personally I never wear footwear that is not laced up. If you are wearing sandals that are in the least likely to get trapped in the pedals or any other control, they could reasonably be declared dangerous. I always have played safe and after years of riding motorcycles (over 40 years, including moto cross, track racing, etc) I have always worn a crash helmet even when by law I did not have to, a sturdy thick leather jacket and trousers and gloves as well as proper motorcycle boots, goggles etc. And I have needed them on the odd occasion as I used to ride a lot in the winter (I was in the RAF and rode every weekend from camp to my parents’ London home, in fog, on icy roads and generally on slippery wet roads all year). I hope that answers the question.

No more space: more next week. Email your questions to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com and 666 888 870


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2 NEW EXCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENTS on the wirral. Luxury lodges and park homes for sale 12 month occupancy px considered call 0044-1516-332-321 or email alan@hill-brothers.com FOR SALE OR RENT Classic Spanish Old Town House. 3 double bedrooms (one with en-suite bathroom), master bath, downstairs toilet, new kitchen, large living room diner with real fire. Terrace with bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Separate sun terrace with views to the mountains. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 135,000€ or 450€ per month.Tel: 609-177-032. CLASSIC SPANISH OLD TOWN HOUSE CALLOSA D’EN SARRIA. 3 double bedrooms (one with en-suite bathroom), master bath, downstairs loo, new kitchen, large living room diner with real fire. Terrace with bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Seperate sun terrace with views to the mountains. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 135,000€ Tel: 609-177-032. STRUCTURAL SURVEYS Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB.

Free 15pg buyer’s guide via website www.surveysspain. com Tel 962807247 / 653733066

LONG LET Nice properties Two bedrooms from 360€ various locations. Call Paul 659-647-616/ 966-785-891 VILLA FOR RENT CALPE/ MORAIRA COAST ROAD Long let 2 bed detached villa, furnished,garden, parking, 500m to beach & shops. 550€pcm Call Ray 0034-619-196-632. 2 BED 1 BATH detach villa with a nice garden for rent in quiet area of San Luis 550€ or ONO for details please call 650-379-342 or 966-785-901 CABO ROIG AREA detached house, 2/3 bed, 1.5 bath, F/F garden, close shops and beach. 500euros PCM + bills 966-760-201/628-478-313 ROOMS TO RENT IN SHARED APARTMENT IN PEDREGUER. 1 double bedroom + 1 twin bedroom + 1 huge bathroom available for rent during the months of June, July and August. Swimming pool, underground parking space and nice

mountain views. Suit family or individual. Easy access to the apartment (no need to go through Pedreguer town if coming from Denia). A block away from the Sunday flea markets. Available for flexible periods i.e. a day, weekend, week or month. Contact Isabel on 606 290 682 or at Isabelberrendero@hotmail. com VILLA TO SHARE in La Nucia, large garden with pool, rent 325€ a month plus bills (must like dogs). Call ALISON: 619-569-805. ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool, furnished 250€ per month. Ring 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail.com FOR SALE OR RENT Classic Spanish Old Town House. 450€ per month. Tel: 609177-032. (See main advert description under For Sale - General)

BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on popular lemon tree market.

RECESSION Proof Business. Vending machines with locations. Nett. 40,000€ P.Aa One day P.W to service. 965326-442/ 659-696-455 LUXURY VILLA For sale on the Costa Blanca North. A luxury 9 bedroom villa, set in a quiet area, 15mins walk to the blue flag beaches of Calpe. Currently operating as a small bed and breakfast accomodation. The property could be used for many other activities. This property must be viewed to be appreciated. This is an opportunity not to be missed! For further details contact 628-499-448 or 965837-948. CONTAINER OF PINE FURNITURE Large quantity of flat pack solid pine furniture for sale, includes double and treble wardrobes, bedside cabinets, chest of draws, mirrors, tall boys, side boards, dressing tables, single beds,

Villamartin Hot Tub Centre

Well established business for sale

EXCHANGE OR SALE Los Montesinos Village, 3 double bed 2 full bathroom, Aircon Lounge- Separate Kitchen Diner- Galleria Utility Balcony Solarium For 2 Bed Beach Side Guardamar La Marina 600-754-677/ 672-943-003/ 965-003-472

120sq m Unit for rent within our very very busy shop and showroom Please call the office on 966 764 878 or mobile 685 442 656 for more info


Spacious furnished 3 bedroom apartment for sale in middle of beautiful village. 110m². New kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy all within a couple of minutes walk. Large terrace at back of the apartment overlooking orange groves and balconies off 2 bedrooms. Trastero and private parking. AP-7 3 minutes by car.

€200,000 Tel: 617 893 036 or email kath_poole@hotmail.com

Excellent potencial. 88 cover. Sale due to ill health. Tel: 966180-168/ 655-479-753 BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on popular lemon tree market. Excellent potencial. 88 cover. Sale due to ill health. Tel: 966180-168/ 655-479-753


Buyer’s structural surveys, defects reports & solutions Mark Paddon BSc Hons Building Surveying. MCIOB. T 0034 962 807 247 M 0034 653 733 066

On 4 permanent markets. Inc. stock, 6m stall, van and goodwill 90,000€ fixed price Phone for more information

634 523 922

double beds, king size beds, bookcases, etc. Too much to list, for details tel 628-499-448.

11 - 17 june 2010

MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email van.man@hotmail.co.uk MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600-247-535


INTERPRETER cheap rates, I can help out with: Medical, Police, Schools, Admin. Call Olivia 605-778-559 TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding

SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz

DRAGON REFORMS PROPERTY RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE. Tel 966807-098. Mob 639-917-798. Property Renovations/Shop/ Bar Refits. New extentions, patios, underbuilds, tiling. Complete new Kitchens/ Bathrooms refits, all electrical, plumbing, carpentary work undertaken. References given, free quotes, work guaranteed. Benidorm and Surrounding areas. www.dragonreforms.com

ONLINE SPANISH LESSONS ON SKYPE. Improve your speaking ability and gain confidence. Call Martin 600400668 www. howtospeakspanish.es BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ mathematics. Tel: margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687

INTERIOR PAINTER One bedroom property from 135€. Two bedroom property from 200€. Three bedroom property from 265€. Fast, reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info. tel: 634-793-984

areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa

ENGLISH TV FULLY INSTALLED ITV, 1/2/3/4, BBC 1 AND MUCH MORE. No Monthly Payments. 149euros. Also Installations and repairs. JIM: 628-048-206 FORGET THE REST GO TO THE BEST for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660-186-505 Ros 965-584097 www.ccsattv.com info@ ccsattv.com SKY FREE TO VIEW Small dish & mesh upgrades, yes back on 90?. BBC, ITV, CH4 & lots more. Also installations/ repairs. 10 years. Torrevieja. 679-876-926

For Rent Luxury 2 & 3 Bedroom (2 Bathroom) apartments in the centre of San Miguel de Salinas, video entry, marble entrance,lift to all floors – underfloor heating, roof top pool,next to supermarket, stunning views From: 385€ per month Call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487

Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966-774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@ pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools. com SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc.

LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767839 VAN LEAVING FOR UK 16th June Returning 23rd June, Space both ways. All collections done door to door. Collections from B&Q, Tesco´s etc. Call Joe on 966074-576 or 650-341-087 or Email: civic1235@msn.com

DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Largest supplier and installer of famaval satellite equipment on the costa blanca. A genuine registered company with genuine registered premises. Mon-fri 8:00- 4:30. Www. digitalsatsystems.com 965852-251/ 965-866-999/ 965854-528/ 966-804-748 (or see our main ad in the tv section)

re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743-048 www.pooltechspain.com


11 - 17 june 2010

DRAIN SOLUTIONS Problems with constantly blocked drains? Need to trace the direction of your drains runs? Our drain camera gives you DVD evidence of your problems and above ground locators pinpoint the position. Tel Graham 626-570-121

LEMON TREE INTERIORS Home-visit soft furnishing company. Curtains, all types of blinds, loose covers. Excellent quality work at reasonable prices. Wide range of fabric and pole samples. Full fitting service. Call Claire to arrange a noobligation visit in the comfort of your own home. Tel.968698-770/ 626-614-850 Website: lemontreeinteriors@ hotmail.com CHAIN LINK FENCING Chain Link Fencing, Rigid Fencing & Perimeter Walls. Free No-Obligation Quote www.Billericky.com or call 962-384-094/ 628-613-350 NEED A WEBSITE? Websites start 395euros, free domain name,

free hosting. www. websitedesignscostablanca. com Tlf:-966-182-275 ANY REFORMS, MAINTENANCE, GENERAL REPAIRS. No job to big or small. Pices cannot be beaten. Free estimates. Call Hrista 667-339-588/ 965-709-203 PRINTING SPECIALIST in brochures and magazines. Unbeatable prices! 616-493487 or 965-720-817 DEBTS COLLECTED Europe or Worldwide. Investigations and attorney service. 965-326-442/ 659-696-455 WELD IT RITE Mobile welding/ repair service, Metal carpentry/ Fabrication projects. Time served & quallified. tel: 966-490-338 Mobile 638-479-467 Email iwanegan@hotmail.co.uk (Moraira based)

WOODWORM, BORING BEETLE, OR TERMITE problems? Call Woodtech now on 625-160-325 COCKROACHES, RATS, MICE, WASPS OR HORNET problems? Call Pestkill now on 625-160-325

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966470-163/662-570-702.

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/ upgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424 ONLINE E-BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES INCLUDES: Promotional website marketing slideshows, banners, videos, audio files, graphics, logos, photo retouching, e-business consulting & training. Monthly fee covers hourly support and training services by email or telephone. Contact: Karla Darocas - info@Darocas.com or 648 156 066

RENAULT MEGANE SCENIC 1.6 2004, 55,000KMS. 8,750€. Plus RENAULT MEGANE 1.5DCi Saloon (i see you baby!) 2004, high spec. Alloys and much more. Only 52,000kms, pearl silver. 7,250€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com LOOK! RHD Z4 2.5I June 2003, Roadster Cabrio, silver, full leather, only 69,000 miles, full BMW history, taxed & MOT’d 2011, stunning example. 9,750€ or exchange 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com GOING HOME? RHD CITROEN XZARA PICASSO 2.0HDi exclusive 2003, 60,000 miles, FSH, MOT’d & taxed, fully equipt. 5,450€. Or exchange. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com GOING HOME? RHD PEUGEOT 206 1.4HDi, 3 door, zest, 2006, only 38,000 miles, alloys, aircon,

SUN BLINDS - AWNINGS Established in 1992 and still offering a reliable service for: Installation of all types of sun blind, manual or electric. Material replacement and repairs. Mosquito blinds for doors and windows. Roller shutter blind repairs. Contact Tony Bowers on 659-464-992 or 965-831-272. www.toldosalchemy.com email info@toldosalchemy.com English/ Spanish spoken.

silver, stunning. 5,450€ or exchange. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com LOOK! AUTOMATIC FORD FIESTA 1.4, duroshift, 5 door, late 2004, only 26,000kms, FSH, showroom condition, champagne. 6,950€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com CHEAP CAR FOR SALE www.fwreurocars.com 600-726-221 FORD FIESTA VAN 1.4 TDI Spanish reg. LHD 2004 ITV June 2011. Roof bars, Aircon, Stereo. VGC. 130,000k. Returning to UK. €3,995 Tel 968543128 or 696658093 FORD FIESTA 1.4 TDI 2003 Automatic/ manual. LHD. 5 door. Spanish reg. ITV Oct 2011. 55,000 kilometres. VGC. Returning to UK €4,995 Tel 968-543-128/ 696-658-093 FOR SALE KANGOO 1.9 diesel 98 white 107K/ km fair condition ITV 08/ 10 roofrack 2,300€. 620-647-995 PEUGEOT 206, 2002 1.4 petrol. Full ITV, Air con, all electrics, usual spanish kisses. 2500€. Call 627 463 523. BUMPERS, WINGS AND MIRRORS All body panels for all cars supplied. Tel: 966875-497 or 618-592-396. HEADLIGHTS4U.COM Left hand drive headlights supplied and fitted. All makes. Tel: 966-875-497 or 618-592396. RENAULT MEGAN II COMFORT EXP 1.9DCI 2004, 5dr, L/H/D, 87,000klms, 2yrs ITV, SILVER. Climate Control. Trip comp, E/W, E/M, Remote C/L, Keyless start. CD Stereo player, 6 Air Bags, Censor lights/mirror Alarm & Imob. Recent tyres, battery, front disks& pads. Very economical, VGC, genuine reason for sale, 5495 euros ono. Tel: 680-159-391. RENAULT BOX VAN 2.5 diesel, Spanish Reg, Year 2007, New Condtition. Cost 26.000euros, except 13.000euros. Tlf:628-499-448 VAN FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE English plated Fiat Ducato 2.ltr JTD 2005, SWB. 2,995€ or may swap for Spanish reg. Smaller van or estate car. Dave 693-211-542 OPEL CORSA 1.4 - YEAR 1995 Ideal as a first car for a new driver. A few “dings” in the bodywork but well maintained and cared for. 3 new tyres, MOT to Jan 2011, DVD player etc. 995€ ONO tlf 691-202-307. Altea area (close to Benidorm) WANTED I buy any car, van, Caravan, 4x4 Etc. British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600-781-873 ibuyanycar@hotmail.com

second hand motorbikes and scooter for reasonable price and quick service open 7 days. Tel: 680-644-010 TRIUMPH 955I English Reg. 2000 plate, speed triple 43000 miles, reluctant sale, recent service and new parts. 2,000€ ONO. Dave 693-211-542

YAMAHA FZS1000 FAZER Dec 2005, UK reg. 11k, immaculate, 4250 euros. Email gerry@smoothkam. co.uk 965-748-846 Benissa. SUZUKI GRX 600 gorgeous bike, good condition. 3,000€. Tel Allan 625-985-491 REPAIR & SOLD & BUY pickup from your home

MOBILE/ PARK HOMES From 15.000€ TV, A/C, TEL, some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, tennis, new lounge bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier, all amenities, 3KM beach & hospital. 7 mins Murcia airport by car. Carol 968-192-425/ 626055-622. Email: haydn47@ hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com

11 - 17 june 2010

MINI SAIL DESIGNED BY IAN POCTOR For Richmond Marine Limited. One New Sail, Beautiful Boat, Four Meters x One Meter. 1500euros 965-873-417

FAMILYBIKEHIRE.COM Hire-Sales-Repairs. The largest selection of bike hire equipment on the Costa Blanca, free delivery and collection. Tel: 966 774 598 - 655 338 066. See us at WWW.CostaBlancaBikeHire. COM (Spanish registered)

“THESALON” We are looking for an energetic, creative stylist to join our customer focused salon located in Aguas Nuevas, Torrevieja, good rates of pay and a contract offered to the

right person. Call 966-709620 or 696-884-292 CHEF/ COOK REQUIRED for busy restaurant near Guardamar. Part time hours, evenings only. Call 636-889-232 EXPERIENCED BAR STAFF REQUIRED For busy restaurant near Guardamar. Part time evening hours. Tlf 636-889-232 EXTRA INCOME MONTHLY Tax Free. Would 200€ + Per Week Help? Then try the HRC Daily Sports System. Working from Home with Computer & ADSL for 1-2 hrs per day, afternoons/ occasional evenings. Details: EMail -horces@gmail.com AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit yo. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520



Karen is organizing a fashion show for the LIONS Charity and is still looking for models who are interested to show on the catwalk. Unfortunately this is not paid, as it’s for a charity. But certainly good exposure and experience for yourself. Pictures will also be taken for free which you can use in your portfolio. This will happen JUNE 12TH. Call Karen for all details 669 030 892 Costa Blanca Models


required. Fully Legal in Spain. Own van, own tools essential, as is the ability to provide references. Contact New Creative Design on 96 645 6269 www.creativedesignkitchens.com


Fully Qualified Nail Technican, working with Acrylic and Gel nails, required for well established Hair and Beauty Salon in Moraira. Must be competent in all aspects of the business. Telephone Angie at: Shop 96 574 5357 or Mobile 659 921 877.

FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842.


11 - 17 june 2010 various services for mature gentlemen. Torrevieja 685-436-065 DANI 23, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apatment. 650-104-534. Torrevieja

LINE DANCING every Friday, absolute beginers 11.00AM- 12noon. Improver intermediate 12Noon -1.30PM. Bar Patricia’s, Torreta’s Torrevieja. New classes commencing 30th March @ Vistabella Gold Club 10,00am-12.00. Call John or Amanda 606-783-989/ 688-611-789 DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es SINGLE IN SPAIN? DON’T BE! www.iwant2meetyou. com Spain’s No1 online dating site. Bringing ExPats and other English speakers together

YOUNG 65 YEARS OLD English man, looking for female friendship (English Spoken) Orihuela Costa. 636-196-660 NATACHA divorced, erotic massage, very hygenic apartment, outings. Minimum 60€. Calle La Loma, Close to Avenida Habaneras. 677-676-554 SINDY SUPER SEXY 36 years old, massage, private apartment, La Loma, Avenida Habeneras. Tel: 677-676-554 GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021 SEXY COUPLE OR SEPERATE Offers pleasure for couples, women, men, girl on girl, relaxed, discrete. At our apartment or yours. Call Jasmine/Sebastian 663-478-337 TRANSESTITE TORREVIEJA Dark Skin, Big Breasts and Big Surprise. Tlf: 610-934-279 A PERFCT LOVE LIFE ONCE AGAIN With libidus suitable for male and females, increases libido guaranteed product - Call: Keith 687-357-529 LOVELY GIRLS TO PAMPER YOU 24HRS, Free Drinks. Great Time Guaranteed. Playa Flamenca. 660-308-993/ 619-229-217 ENGLISH LADY 42 provides

SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA Near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40?, full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412. NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40?. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118

STARDREAM MOBILE KARAOKE For a professionaly presented evening of high quality entertainment. Fully Self Contained. All the latest tracks. Call Dave 626-496-735 DARK CAVE STUDIOS We specialise in Vocal Recording, Backing Tracks, Music for Poduction Shows, Original music for TV and Radio advertising and Audio Restoration. Good Discounts for block bookings. Record and produce your own CD fro 399euros. We are halfway between Benidorm and Torrevieja. Call Dave 626-496-735

our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English Call Centre now to find your nearest Meeting. 900-818-794 CREATIVE NAILS Creative acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281

DOVERMAN DOG Extremely kind, excellent temperament, good home required. Tel: 606-679-504/ 659-198-402. PURE BRED WELSH SECA STALLION Super blood lines, nicely marked, 4 white socks. 1250€, genuine sale. 16.2HH IRISH CHESNUT MARE - Not novice ride. 100% in every way. 2500€. Tel: 606-679-504/ 659-198-402. NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 SMALL DOGS CARED FOR IN OUR OWN HOME so if you need to go away on holiday but don’t want your dog to go into kennels then we will look after them. References available on request. Call Diane and Trish: 965843781 or 622514980 (Altea Area)

WANTED FOR RENTAL VILLA Sunbeds, Large Table and Chairs, Small terrace tables and chairs. Tlf: Mark:648-155-975 HOUSE/ PET SITTER AVAILABLE July & August, UK - Spain. Call Gail 669126-281. WANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Instant cash payments. Furniture, electrical, tools etc. Tel John: 626-918-833.

EXCLUSIVE LADIES DRESS HIRE - FORTUNA Ideal for weddings, parties and special occasions for hire or buy. Tel: 606-679-504/ 659-198-402. PERSONAL TRAINER/ Exworld kickboxing champion. All martial arts taught, weight loss, all ages, private gym. 965-326-442/ 659-696-455 PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by

DRIVING TO THE UK? English owned B&B in France close to the Spanish border. Peaceful location, ideal for your stopovers. Please ring

We Want You Enthusiastic and commited sales people wantedto work on commission only basis, must have own transport, if you can close adeal and have a desire to work for an established company call 965 720 817 or 616 493 487

POOL TABLES, SNOOKER TABLES Table Tennis Tables Tel; 666-933-726

for details: 0033-562-3319-62 or visit website: www. millefleursbb.co.uk

HOUSE CLEARANCE SALE House clearance, furniture, household and garden items Sat 19 June 2 till 6 127 Urb. Les Fonts Benitachell. 620647-995 DINING CHAIRS pine with Rafia seat, good condition. Four for 45€. 622-706-868 KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER “Brand New” 500GB. 70,000songs, software, songbooks, bar/home use. 275euros Tlf:-654-925-679

LOOSE COVERS Curtains etc. Made to measure. Choose from a wide range of beautiful materials in your own home. Javea based. Tel: 965-771-397/ 686-453-827 PINE FURNITURE SALE www.gata-discount-pine.com PINE FURNITURE SALE King size bed + under-bed drawers 285€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Double bed + under-bed drawers 270€. Tel: 628-499448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Double wardrobe 180€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE CD stand 80€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Hall mirror 85€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Gate leg table 60€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Bookcase 57€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Wine table 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Treble robe 200eurosTel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE Dressing table mirror 30€. Tel: 628-499-448. PINE FURNITURE SALE 2 drawer bedside 23€. Tel: 628-499-448. LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625-985-491 FLYING FLOWERS beautiful bouquets to any UK address. Order by credit or debit card. Call Kelly’s 965-761-595/ 966425-713

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291 WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewelley, bought sold & part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafront near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003 Tel: 965-792-595.

HP PSC 1410 all-in-one printer/ scanner/ copier 50€. ONO. SONY 15” COMPUTER MONITOR 50€ ONO. 627-192-528 SATALITE DISH 2.4 metre, Fortecstar, petal type (dismantals, fits in boot of car) LNB & Enigma smart digi box. All new. 120€. Steve 646-686-448 ICE COLD AIRCONDITIONING UNITS “Plug n Go” two sizes available 9000 BTU €199 or 12’000 BTU €249 no mess, no fuss! FREE delivery 622-727-430 SUPERB 7 DRAWER CHERRY-WOOD DESK Suit superior office setting. 4 drawers each side plus central locking drawer. Desk top has black leather inlay trimmed in gold. Perfect for executive office. Cost 3500euros, due to urgent sale, accept 650euros. Tlf:626-918-833 FOLDING MOBILTY SCOOTER Very good condition. 350€ o.n.o. Tel: 0044-7542-512-542. MOBILITY PASSENGER SWIVEL SEAT Adapts all cars. Swivels and Pulls out. All Certificates. 1000euros new, 450euros ONO. 966-875-850/679-358-494

TURN YOUR UNWANTED FURNITURE Electrical, Houshold Goods and BricaBrac into Cash. Anything! Anywhere! 96-531-9220 618165-877 BATTERIES FOR MOBILITY SCOOTERS all sizes, from 12v 10ah to 12v 100ah, very good prices from 25€. Fully guaranteed. Ring Gary on 610-344-273 PERGOLA 5MX3M Never erected. High quality solid timber, Treated. Ideal for Garden or Carport. 385€ Will Delivery Free. 622-024-539 si.whitworth@gmail.com WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, hardly used, LIKE NEW. 135.00€. Tel: 627-019403. LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966-443-370 or 625985-491 FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750?ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291


11 - 17 JUNE 2010


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ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 1, Avenida Dr Severo Ochoa, 1, Urb. El Admiral, Local 1, Rincon Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. Lisa 966 811 123 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 2, Calle Gerona, 39, Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. (Next to Hotel Ambassador) Kerry/Gemma 966 813 261 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRIPS, Calle Narcisco Yepes, 4, Local 8, Albir, 03581, Alicante. (Opp. Golf Course, next to Kwik Save) Lee/Jackie 966 867 294 • lee@roundtowntrips.com ALBIR PROMINENT, Teulada Industrial Est. Calle Llanterner, 2 alto, 03725, Teulada, Alicante. Marja 965 793 229 • espana@prominent.nu MILLIE MUNRO INSURANCE, Avenida Lepanto, 6, 03726, Benitachell, Alicante. Millie 966 493 082 • millie@milliemunro.com MICHAEL’S FURNITURE SHOP, Avenida Lepanto, 9, Javea Port. Cristina 965 791 328 • astorga@telefonica.net EASYBUY, Avenida del Portet 24, Moraira. 03724 Alicante 965 745 969



BARGAIN BOOKS, Plaza Juan Carlos 1, Nº 2, San Miguel de Salinas, 03193, Alicante. (Opp. Tourist Info) Gaynor/Lee 688 667 389 • leeshaw.evans@gmail.com SAN MIGUEL JOHNSONS EL LIMONAR,JCP Commercial Center, Local 31, Los Altos Del Limonar, Torrevieja, 966 785 600 TORREVIEJA JOHNSONS QUESADA, Ava. Las Naciononies 1a -17, Quesada, 966 717 848 QUESADA JOHNSONS ALGORFA, Local 30, Commercial Center La Finca Golf, Algorfa, 966 729 647

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www.roundtownnews.co.uk ANIMAL AID TEL: 965725794 WWW.ANIMALAIDCOSTABLANCA.ORG

TOMMY is an adorable little Shih Tzu type dog. He has a very lovely nature & he has just been to the hairdressers, so he is all cute & ready for the hot weather! This lovely boy will be the perfect pet. Please call Linda, Animal Aid tel: 965725794 www.animalaidcostablanca.org

OZ KENNELS 968 431 265 OR 968 431 590 This mum and her pup are to be sent

APAH CONTACT YVONNE ON 630 422 563 Aurea is a beautiful, young long haired tri-colour female cat with blue

to the pound if they cannot be homed

eyes. She loves people, but is nervous around other cats, so we need

or fostered could someone please help

to find a loving home for her on her own. To arrange to meet Aurea or


any other APAH cat, please contact Yvonne on 630 422 563.


A.P.A.S.A. 618 754 635 WWW.APASA-JAVEA.ORG


ALDEA FELINA-DENIA LYNDA - 648 100 629 Sol and his friend Pinky are both now ready for new homes. If you would like to adopt them or any of our other cats/kittens please call Lynda or visit our website http:// aldea-felina.blogspot.com.



K9 Club 676 447 682 k9club@lamarina.info www.petsinspain.info Foffi is a discarded 6 yr old sheepdog, he is very friendly and we urgently need someone to either adopt him or foster him so we can take him from the Spanish farmer who has him. For more information please call 676 447 682 Email: k9club@lamarina.info

EASY HORSE CARE RESCUE 96 596 7033 or 652 021 980

JOE THE CATMAN 96 671 9272

SPAMA CONTACT GAIL ON 962 896 118 OR LESLEY ON 962 813 226 This is Aidia, Ref. no. 1781. She is 6 years old and weighs 8 Kilos.

WWW.GIVEADOGAHOME.ES 619 938 955 Ebony Beautiful female Podenco mix 14 weeks old Found in a dumpster. Now recovered from ordeal and a delight to be with ! for more info on any of our dogs call 619938955 or visit our website www.giveadogahome.es


Shandy (2 yrs) and Sheba (4 yrs) are two beautiful German Shepherds, were rescued after being picked up on the street, completely infested with ticks. Fully recovered now, they are very well behaved dogs who have had some training. To arrange to meet APAH’s dogs please contact Natasha on 616 210 850.

She has lived at the S.P.A.M.A. shelter For most of her life, but now she is being Bullied by the others. Desperately needs a home, and if you Ignore the unfortunate tooth, she has Such kindly eyes.

DESIREA, female, Shelter since 14.10.2007 Spaniel Cross, DOB approx. Oct. 2006 – 45 cm She’s rather like a jack-in-thebox and is continually ready for affection and a game. Desirea would like to have a sportive family who would have a lot of action with her. She walks well on the lead and she is very fond of water Ned was born end of April. He’s a tri-coloured Podenco X and will be medium sized. He’s bright and alert and loves cuddles and a fuss made of him. Ned has 6 other brothers and sisters all being fostered in private homes, all are bonny and healthy and are receiving their puppy vaccinations. For more information please telephone P.E.P.A. on 650304746 www.pepaspain.com Ginger was found in foal and starving. We were just in time. Any longer and she’d have been dead; her unborn foal inside her. A few months later, Ginger gave birth to Linda-May. Today, both are flourishing. Open days Wednesday & Sunday 1-4pm.

Urgent! Baños de Fortuna. Female dog, German Shephard type, 9 years old, ca. 25kgs, 21 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all her vaccinations, shy and loving. Male dog, large mix-breed, 4 years old, ca. 25 - 30 kgs, 28 inches high at the shoulders, sterilized and with all his vaccinations, friendly and loving. Owners must return to England for assisted living and cannot take the dogs with them. Call Ayisha or Michael at 968 685 837

SALLY is a one year old brindle crossbreed. She was abandoned outside a house opposite the kennels during the night tied to the handle of a travel box with another dog inside the box. She was in a good condition and seemed none the worse for the experience of being abandoned. Sinatra is a pedigree Bengal cat in need of a very special home with people who have experience of Bengal cats or at least oriental cats. His beautiful silky coat is a reddish brown colour with black spots and he has green eyes. We have Sinatra’s documents and he has been neutered. For more information please call Joe (The Cat Man) on 966719272. “Male puppy 12 weeks looking for a loving “forever home”. Currently in a foster home. Already house trained and living happily with two other dogs”. Contact Annette Oddie Tfl: 672849836


11 - 17 JUNE 2010

Don’t stop World Cup believing A to Z

The final whistle

Club de Golf Ifach

FC Cartagena 0 Hercules CF 0

With Andy Kay

WORLD CUP A: Africa. The first time the World Cup has been held on African soil. B: Beer. The perfect opportunity to stock up the fridge on a daily basis without getting into trouble with the wife. C: Capello. England’s coach oversaw a stunning qualification campaign but will need to rally his troops if recent friendlies are anything to go by. D: Diego Maradona. The Argentinean coach has promised to run naked around Buenos Aires if his team lifts the trophy. A revolting thought. E: Extra Time. The nail biting 30 minute period after which England will invariably be knocked out on penalties by Germany. F: France. Shouldn’t be in the finals after their controversial play-off win over the Republic of Ireland. Recently beaten by China. Serves them right. G: Group of Death. Brazil, Portugal and the Ivory Coast will battle it out in Group G along with North Korea. H: Martin Hansson. The Swedish referee who missed Thierry Henry’s blatant handball against ROI (see F), but who will still be officiating in South Africa. I: Injuries. Never has a World Cup lost so many star players before getting underway. J: Jabulani. The World Cup ball produced by adidas. Looks great but not well liked. A bit like Naomi Campbell. K: Dirk Kuyt. No, I couldn’t think of a good one either! L: Linesmen. What assistant referees ought to be called. Why did they ever change it? M: Lionel Messi. Can the diminutive Barcelona star translate his club form to the international stage? Could be difficult with Maradona in charge who’s clearly as mad as a box of weasels. N: No chance. The answer to your kids when they ask if they can watch children’s TV when there’s a game on. Any game. Even one involving North Korea. O: Orange. The colour that will dominate any stadium which hosts a Dutch match. Also the colour of some England WAGs. P: Passing. A discipline that all teams have mastered with the exception of England. Q: Question. Will Wayne Rooney get through the tournament without seeing red? For England’s sake, he’ll need to. R: Cristiano Ronaldo. See S. S: Simulation. Fifa’s word for cheating. See R. T: TV replays. Despite most other major sports employing video replays to sort out difficult or contentious decisions, football is still stuck in the dark ages. Expect controversy as a result. U: Underachievers. There’s always one big name nation that fails dismally in the group stages. Let’s hope its France eh? V: Vuvuzela. The loud trumpets that will get on everyone’s nerves after the first week. Could also drown out the sound of Clive Tyldesley on ITV. So not all bad then. W: Theo Walcott. Will be looking for golf partners for the next six weeks. X: Xavi Hernandez. There are bigger name players in the Spanish squad but surely none more influential. Y: Yellow Pages (Paginas Amarillo) What you’ll need to look through to find a good deal on a TV, having smashed the old one in a fit of rage during England’s demise in the inevitable penalty shootout. Z: Zakumi. The official mascot of the tournament who’s described as a leopard with green hair. Just weird.

By Steve Hibberd ALTHOUGH NOW 5th place in div 2a, promotion is still very much on the cards for Cartagena. Okay, with only 2 games remaining, and 2 points adrift from the last automatic slot, the odds have been drastically reduced, but as Jimmy Greaves once famously said – “It’s a funny old game, Saint!!” Following the weekend’s games, Real Sociadad is now promoted, leaving 4 teams fighting for 2 remaining places. The good news is that 2nd place Levante visit 3rd place Real Betis on the last day of the season, meaning that if Cartagena can win next week’s match at Recreativo Huelva, their final game at home to lowly Albacete will be massive. A capacity 15,000 crowd gathered inside Cartagonova Stadium, knowing full well that a defeat for either side would almost certainly mean that their promotion dream would be over for another season. Policia local escorted a dozen or so Hercules supporters coaches into the city (I should know, as I was stuck behind them!) as they completed the relatively short journey from Alicante. Within 5 minutes, these blue and white hordes would have been celebrating their team opening the scoring, had it not been for a glaring miss by Danciulescu - shooting wide from close range, with the goal at his mercy. Although end to end stuff, the next notable incidents (highly controversial at that) didn’t arrive till midway through the half. Ref David Torres controlled this match quintessentially, except for denying two clear cut penalties inside a minute. Toche was not only firmly pushed off the ball inside the area, but on trying to get to his feet he was again given a nudge for good measure. Hercules then played the ball out of defence to Tote, who at speed was sent sprawling by a desperate Ruben. It appeared that having realised what a blunder he had made at one end, ref Torres evened it up by denying a spot kick at the other. Shortly afterwards, De Lucas let fly a scorcher from all of 25 yards, just easing over the Hercules cross bar. But it was Hercules who finished the half strongest. Ruben

needed to get his body behind a powerful drive by Farinos, before Gomes saw his long range shot just miss the target. Reading the match programme at half time, I noticed ex-Pompey favourite Noe Pamarot amongst the Hercules substitutes (although he didn’t get to come on). Now for the ‘IF ONLY’ moment: Six minutes into the 2nd half, an arcing cross by De Lucas was firmly headed onto the crossbar by Cartagena’s Captain Marvel, Mariano, before being cleared upfield. Back came Hercules with a vengeance - sub Kiko having his goal bound shot deflected behind. At the other end, Victor just failed to reach a free kick at the far post. Cartagena manager JIM decided to shake the side up a bit, bringing on pacey front men Quintero and Balboa. With 10 minutes remaining, De Lucas struck another good effort just over the bar, then in stoppage time it was Hercules’ turn for shooting practice, when Danciulescu emulated the feat. 1. Real Sociadad 71 points 2. Levante 68 3. Real Betis 67 4. Hercules 65 5. Cartagena 65

Alan Roles

ALAN ROLES played a fantastic two days of Golf to win both the Club Championship and the Presidents¡ Trophy for best net at the Club de Golf Ifach. The thirty six hole scratch and net competition was played over the weekend of the 5th and 6th June. Thirty five players took part and the first three players hotly contended for the ultimate prize. Results were announced by Alan Neish, competition and handicap secretary: 1st Alan Roles: 139 gross, 115 net 2nd Norman Bain: 140 gross, 3rd net 120 3rd John Bailey: 142 gross, 2nd net 118 Alan thanked Don and Tricia Groves with their team of lady helpers for keeping a running scoreboard on the club house terrace; the Green keepers for preparing the course to such a high standard; Peter Busby for sorting the results and the club house staff for their preparation with the buffet and donating wine for the raffle. The Captain, Richard Trinder, reinforced his thanks to all, particularly the players, presenting the prizes for both days and for the overall competition. He supplied roast pork and apple sauce to supplement the buffet and ran a tote on the President’s Trophy, which paid out at 10 to 1 to over 20 who backed the winner. Obviously the favourite! Proceeds from this and the raffle contributed over €200 to the improvement of the Men’s ninth Tee. Alan Roles asked everyone to join him in a celebration drink.

CARTAGENA LINEUP Ruben Clavero Mariano Herrero Toche Lafuente (Quintero) Falcon (Longas) Etxeita Victor (Balboa) De Lucas Exposito FORTHCOMING FIXTURE For the final away trip of the season, Cartagena must venture almost to the Portuguese border - the Andalucian town of Huelva. Thankfully it doesn’t clash with England’s opening world cup match, for it’s on Sun 13th June, KO: 18.00. Recreativo Huelva v FC Cartagena should be one hell of a match! www.gotocartago.com or www.futbolclubcartagena.com for regular updates on FC Cartagena.

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

Residents Discounts

LAST MONTH in RTN we talked about a Residents Discount Noel’s world Scheme that would see many golfers on our fairways. The of golf more response from the readers of RTN By Noel Eastwell was incredible and came from Professional coach people who now live here on The and RTN golf expert Costa Blanca having arrived from 639 730 891 all over Europe; we even had some responses from Spanish people who agreed such a scheme should be in place. The simple hard facts that our golf clubs have to face is that we don’t have any spare cash anymore and playing golf is way down the list of priorities for most families in these hard times. The only way the clubs will get golfers back on the fairways is to reduce their prices. Residents certainly cannot afford €50 or more for a round of golf - that’s €100 for a couple without other expenses and before travelling. The Residents Discount Scheme is the way forward for all of us if it is administered correctly. The proposal to our clubs is simple: Allow a 2 for 1 discount for people who have homes here. Allow them to prove they have homes are here by asking them to produce a utility bill or their NIE numbers when they arrive in reception. Then let them play golf as often as they wish using the 2 for 1 rate. The benefits are there for all to see. Profits at the golf clubs will rise from the increased number of people playing the game. There will be bigger sales in the bars and restaurants and professionals shops. Operating the Residents Discount Scheme will see residents bring guests to the golf clubs who in turn may become members or residents themselves. We know from the response to our article last month that this scheme will bring back golfers who have left the sport and encourage others to play more often. The vast majority of residents are retired so will have plenty of time on their hands. They can easily play golf two or more times a week if the price is affordable. The time has arrived for the golf club owners to listen to their customers. Golf is far too expensive: bring the price down a bit and we’ll come and play your courses. Continue to ignore what your customers are telling you and it is only a matter of time before we lose one or more of the

11 - 17 june 2010



Costa Blanca round-up

Maggots end by

David Hoare

968 199 279

Rods and Reels THIS IS now a very busy time for the anglers in the club as we currently have 3 competitions going on at the same time. This week started the Knockout Championship: 4 rounds of 6 anglers per round. The best 3 of each round go through to the final at the end of the month. Also there is the Summer Championship and the Summer league. Firstly, the knockout: this was held on the Rio Segura at the Eden canal stretch. The first set of qualifiers for the final are as follows:

Captain marvel

golf courses that are so valuable to many of us. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS

Colin Montgomerie encouraged his potential Ryder Cup players to Celtic manor for The Wales Open last weekend. Many obliged and for some it was a great experience for when the inevitable get picked for the Ryder Cup team. Rhys Davies was the local favourite and his course record of 62 on Sunday would normally be enough to secure top spot in most events. Not last week though; Graeme McDowell shot 64 on Saturday and 63 on Sunday to finish top of the pile. Luke Donald continued his fine form shoot two rounds of 65 and finished in 3rd. The European Ryder Cup team is looking very strong at the moment and I for one don’t envy Monty with his Captain’s Picks. WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer

will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 11TH JUNE 2010:

Who is the current US Ryder Cup Captain? A. Corey Pavin B. Ray Floyd C. Jack Nicklaus All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 28th June 2010 to be entered into June’s draw to be made on 1st July. The winner will be announced in RTN on 2nd July 2010. GOLF LESSONS Noel is a member of The World Golf Teachers Federation and has been nominated for inclusion in the list of the World’s Top 100 coaches. Call him on 639 730 891 to book an appointment and tell him you got his number from RTN for discounted rates.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

FC Oranje Juvenil Champions 2009/10

Well done to FC Oranje Juvenil’s who last week picked up the championship trophy! Keep up the good work lads!

1st Rob (Lenny’s Mate) Harrop, fishing the pole with 7.360 kilos 2nd Malcolm (Scottie) Scott, same method with 5.400 kilos 3rd Pete (I don´t swear) Kerr, same method with 2.880 kilos The other match this week was the second in the Summer League series and was held on the Rio Segura at Murcia. We were a bit fortunate during the day as there was some cloud cover keeping the temperature down slightly. The fishing was good throughout, although the river is running slightly lower than normal. There is also the standard amount of debris still rising up of the bottom of the river. This did cause some problems later in the day, as the wind blew upstream keeping the debris in a lot of swims. TOP RODS ON THE DAY 1st Dave (Yours Truly) Hoare, fishing the pole using bread with 29.100 kilos 2nd Ian (Irish Wizard) Dalzell, fishing the pole using bread and corn with 26.94 kilos 3rd Paul (Poco Loco) Baxter, fishing the pole using corn with 25.880 kilos While fishing this match it has been noticed that a lot of the carp appear to be blind, i.e. the eyes are covered like a cataract. We don’t know whether this is a disease or not. As a suggestion, any nets used at the river should be dried thoroughly in the sun to avoid transferring disease to other venues. For those of you that reside on urbaniza-

tion with Mick Hill, please note that Mick is alive and well. He decided not to venture into the murky depths of the Rio Segura, to retrieve the top section of his pole. PLEASE NOTE Several anglers were asked by the Soprona (Environmental police of the Guarda Civil) for not only their licences but also their insurance. They did not have the insurance and were given 7 days to acquire it, and show it to the police. So be careful out there. Anglers Together Anglers Together continues to grow with firm friendships being formed since the group started 4 years ago. Many members fish together regularly and say they are happy to have taken up a sport to replace golf and the like which have become so expensive. We have the occasional organised outing but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the venues. It costs €10 to join for the first year and €5 per annum for each year after. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Alan below. e mail: anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or ‘phone Alan Roscoe on 968 570 876. Meetings are generally held on the first Friday and Saturday of each month depending on other public holidays and local fiestas. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting to see what we’re about. The next meetings will be held on Friday 2nd July at 12.00 at Mary’s Bar in Campoverde (north of Pilar de la Horadada) and on Saturday 3rd July 12.00 at Los Galayos Bar, opposite the beach front, at Puerto de Mazarron. General: Fishing seems to have improved at all venues with some big catches on the River Segura, to name one. There is an outbreak of fish disease on the Murcia town stretch of the Segura: we would seriously recommend that all nets are disinfected or dried thoroughly in the sun for a couple of days to prevent the spread of disease to other waters. Tight Lines Dave Hoare

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