RTN North Edition 567

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 567

RTN meets the Ambassador LAST FRIDAY, RTN was the only British free newspaper invited to meet Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain, Giles Paxman, during his two day visit to Alicante.



Costa Blanca’s Little Venice 27 AUG - 2 SEP 2010

by Jack Troughton


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The land at Fontana

AMBITIOUS PLANS to boost quality tourism at a Costa Blanca holiday resort include the development of new marinas to create a ‘Little Venice’. The ‘vision’ is to move the economy away from its traditional reliance on the building and construction industry and welcome more visitors to Javea. And political party Nueva Javea believes a key element to the future development of the town is to expand its ‘nautical’ appeal and links to the sea. This includes a reorganisation of the port – rather than the controversial expansion of the harbour which sparked a series of public demonstrations – and building two new marinas. Nueva Javea Councillor and architect Paco Catala outlined the party’s aims at a public meeting to explain the draft general plan for the town, criticised for its lack of new ideas despite taking three years to

See page 17 See main ads on P26

make, “wasting” around €1.8 million. “We have worked with many new ideas to revolutionise the economy and lose up to 60 percent of the dependence on the building sector,” he said. “This (draft plan) is still based on the nineties general plan and still based on building for the economy.” And he said a project to build more than 1,700 apartments on the flood plain at Saladar had been scrapped and the ruling coalition now wanted to protect the 2.5 million square metres. “Yes it is better to protect the land than to build flats,” said Paco, but he said Nueva Javea believed expanding the nautical areas was “important” for the local economy. “One option was at Saladar, which is protected, but a potentially good area for a marina because it will not destroy the coast and it is a fantastic area to develop something special. Continued on page 3


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Beach party 27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

continued from front page “THIS IS a fantastic possibility. It is very well located close to the sea and it is an enormous plot, however we must work within restrictions.” Paco said it was further proposed to build a smaller marina on council owned land at the end of the Fontana Canal – already used for mooring smaller boats. “Here we have the idea of creating more space for boats, a smaller marina for sports boats – larger boats cannot use it because of the bridge at the Arenal.” Both sites also presented the opportunity of developing commercial sites surrounding the marinas and evoking the feel and success of San Tropez. He said the harbour – still a working port needed to be reorganised and also presented the opportunity for the development of commercial premises “to make it nicer and more attractive and a help to the local economy.” And he said it was time to “forget” simply building more homes because Javea was already overcrowded in August and at other key times in the year. MASTER

The meeting was told the town’s “government” had failed to draw up a strategic “master plan” to include a future strategy for problems for such things as roads and services and the “necessities of the town.” “It is very important for any town hall,

Paco Catala

but especially for Javea because we have a big dependency on the tourist industry,” said Paco. “It is a socio-economic document. It is telling us how we will live in the next 10 to 20 years and where we will base the economy. “It can make it easier for businesses in some areas – like the nautical sector – and other commercial areas, or, of course, it can make it more difficult for others.” But the meeting was told that when it was suggested the town hall had failed to set out its future aims, the response was that Nueva Javea councillors were “lying”.

200% increase in jellyfish stings LIFEGUARDS ON the beaches of Pilar de la Horadada have treated more than 3,000 people for jelly fish stings in one month, it emerged this week. The Ambulance Company Horadada SL, license holders for the Lifesaving and Rescue Service on the beaches of Pilar de la Horadada, reported that in the month of July they, along with the municipal rescue service, treated 3,343 people for stings as a result of coming into contact with jellyfish; 200 % more than the same time last summer.


Carl Cox will be DJing


By Jack Troughton THOUSANDS OF youngsters are expected to flood into Benidorm this weekend to celebrate the Electro Beach dance festival. More than 6,000 tickets were sold ahead of the international musical event’s opening last night (Thursday) and with over 81,000 individual hits on the event’s website, organisers are confident many more will pay for entry at the box office. The three day event is part of Benidorm Town Hall’s campaign to attract younger visitors and promote the resort as a dynamic centre for entertainment.

Forest fire devastates bush land

A FOREST fire devastated two hectares of bush land in Guardamar de Segura this week. The incident occurred on Monday evening within a pine forest close to the mouth of the Segura River. Due to the dry conditions the fire spread very quickly and within minutes had covered the large area of land owned by the Generalitat of Valencia. The fire was reported at around 18:00, by an anonymous caller via the 112 emergency service. The caller said a dense column of smoke

was coming from the area, visible at some distance. The fire was located on the beach in Los Tusales, in an area of scrub and bushes. A vehicle from the Fire Brigades’ Command Headquarters and Rural Fire Station in Orihuela and two emergency fire appliances from the local station as well as a forest fire engine, helicopter and two water planes were all in attendance to beat the blaze and officers from both the Local Police and Guardia Civil along with numerous onlookers also helped to douse the flames.


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

British Consulate joins forces to support British nationals by Louise Clarke DURING THE British Ambassador’s visit to Alicante last week, he personally endorsed a new initiative to further help British nationals in the Alicante province. The ConeXiones programme was launched in November last year following an event that brought together 50 representatives from the local authorities, the British voluntary sector, the British Consulate plus key staff from the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department of Health in the UK. At a press conference in the stunning surroundings of the MARQ Museum in Alicante last Friday, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain, Giles Paxman, and the President of the Diputación of Alicante, Jose Joaquín Ripoll, announced a brand new Partnership Directory as the next stage in the ConeXiones programme. They were accompanied by the Diputada for European Residents, Maria Asuncion Prieto and the new British Consul, Paul Rodwell. KEY INFORMATION

The directory has been launched following a growing demand for welfare assistance for British people in the Alicante and the involvement of local organisations such as Age Concern, the Royal British Legion and HELP is set to make a real difference for Brit-

New British Consul Paul Rodwell

ish people experiencing difficulties. The dedicated Pensions, Benefits and Healthcare Team at the British Consulate in Alicante deal with an average of 200 cases per month, in which Britons enquire about financial help and many more welfare cases are referred to the Consulate regularly. The new directory is full of key information and contact details that will be shared between social services and local organisations and

this level of partnership work between the Consulate and local authorities is unprecedented and unique in Spain. INTEGRATION

Plans to extend the ConeXiones programme include Spanish language training for volunteers and combined roadshow events on services available for local people. A central part of the project is en-

couraging British nationals to register on the padron and RTN’s No Vote No Voice campaign has been fully backed by all the authorities involved. Ms Prieto is delighted that RTN has initiated the campaign. She said: “The simple step of registering with Town Hall authorities means British nationals can access social services and other benefits, and allows local councils to receive sufficient funding to provide for residents, as well as meaning that they can also vote in the forthcoming municipal elections.” Ambassador Paxman told RTN: “The online directory will mean cases are referred easily between organisations so that British nationals in need have access to the best support services as soon as they need them. The project also increases understanding between British and Spanish authorities which in turn improves integration. I’d like to thank the Diputación for donating their time and resources to the Directory.” Meanwhile Sr. Ripoll said: “It has been a pleasure to work together with the British Consulate so that the province of Alicante can set an example of integration amongst European residents. We are thrilled to be part of this innovative project and are lucky to have such an active Consulate and Ambassador who care so much about the wellbeing of their citizens.”

RTN meets the Ambassador by Louise Clarke LAST FRIDAY, RTN was the only British free newspaper invited to meet Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain, Giles Paxman, during his two day visit to Alicante. The Ambassador started by telling RTN why he was here in the Costa Blanca. He said: “This is my third visit to Alicante since I took up the post in October 2009. The first was an informal visit to meet the team at the Consulate and the second was when I accompanied the then European Minister Chris Bryant and we visited Torrevieja and had a meeting with residents. We made an announcement during that visit at the consulate that we would be working more closely with the Spanish authorities in the best interests of British citizens who live here.”

to develop support programmes such as the ConeXiones. “We cannot help everybody, obviously, and we do have to prioritise who we can help and who we can’t. But what we can do is help people to help themselves and use our influence to put people in contact with each other and form networks of communication between the British charities which do such a fantastic job helping people here and the Spanish social services.” NEW GOVERNMENT RTN then discussed the new coalition government and the changes that have been made since May’s General Elec-

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Try Hard

By Jack Troughton THE PUBLIC will find it tion, Giles told RTN: “The new Minister difficult to spot Hollywood for Europe’s responsibilities slightly dif- hero Bruce Willis and his fer to when the previous government co-stars during outdoor was in power. Chris Bryant combined filming of The Cold Light of European Affairs with Consular Affairs Day on the Costa Blanca. and was the ideal person to do both. Extra security has been “Within the new set up, David Liding- ordered to keep the curiton deals with just the European side of ous away from locations things whilst Jeremy Brown deals with Consular Affairs. I would like them both to come to Spain and visit Alicante and see the excellent work that is being carried out here. “Supporting British citizens overseas whether they are tourists or residents, is an important part of the new government’s foreign policy.”


at Javea and Denia next month – and other scenes to be shot at Alicante’s El Altet Airport and in Madrid. In Javea it is understood Willis – star of the Die Hard films – has demanded the closure of Granadella cove while shooting and the budget includes the payment of compensation to restaurants and businesses.

NETWORKS OF COMMUNICATION The Ambassador talked about the emerging relationship between the British Consulate and the Spanish authorities, especially in Alicante. He said: “We are seeing more and more residents living overseas. We still have to deal with thousands of holidaymakers but in the past only serious issues involved us, such as a death or an arrest. But that is changing now and we are dealing with residents who feel particularly vulnerable, especially more senior members of the expat community struggling financially and developing health problems. As we have a huge number of British citizens here in Spain we are starting

Bruce Willis is filming his new film on the Costa Blanca

Girl saved by dog

Giles Paxman with RTN’s Louise Clarke

A DOG has possibly saved the life of a 20-year-old girl who fell down a well in the Alicante region. The girl fell into the four-metre well several days ago, and despite shouting for help, no one heard her. She wasn’t reported missing and so the authorities were not searching for her. Her luck turned when a man who was walking his dog was alerted by the dog’s barking at the side of the well. The girl has suffered severe bruising and is recuperating in the Vega Baja hospital in Orihuela.


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Alicante president hints on another term by Louise Clarke THE ALICANTE President Jose Joaquin Ripoll has, despite the recent allegations of corruption, hinted to the Spanish media that he would relish another term in office. As well as the municipal councillors being elected in the elections taking place next May, the various provincial councillors are also chosen and Snr Ripoll has asked to be chosen as the PP representative for the Provincial Government. He has also endorsed Valencian President, Francisco Camps, to remain in his position. The leader of the Alicante PP party believes that he is ‘doing well’ in his role as President and would like to continue in office for another four years from 2011.

the ConeXiones Directory in Alicante last week, that not only was he wanting to do another term in office, but that his ‘boss’ Camps is also the best bet for President of the region. NATIONAL LEADERSHIP

The long ‘unofficial’ election campaign has already started in the opinion of the provincial President and he was quick to put all his cards on the table. Looking relaxed after a short holiday, the President told the throng of media representatives that he will be happy to accept the nomination for

CONTROL The charges in the Brugal case and Operation Gürtel, which saw Francisco Camps accused of accepting fine tailor-made suits in exchange for favours, have joined the political fate of both PP leaders for the past seven years and political observers in the region have openly declared that the pair have struggled to maintain control of their respective sections of the PP party as a result. Snr Ripoll told members of the Spanish press, after the press conference for

candidate for leader of the Alicante Diputacion and that Snr Camps would also be a great challenger for the Generalitat. However, he did hint that he would like to see his regional President also considered for the PP party’s national leadership. RTN understands that the decision on who will lead the PP party in both the provincial and regional elections will not be announced until November at the earliest, so Snr Ripoll has a lot of ground to cover before he can be truly confident in getting the nod for the top provincial job again.

Police officer dies in Murcia

A LOCAL police officer was killed in Murcia City Centre on Monday after he fell through a roof in pursuit of thieves. The 38-year-old father of two, Pascual Antonio Arques, with his partner, Andres Garrido, were chasing a gang of suspected robbers in the El Carmen district of the city across a dangerously precarious corrugated roof over a garage. The roof gave way and the officers fell eight metres to ground level. Antonio, who served in the Murcian Local Police for nearly 20 years, died almost instantly after falling on his head; his partner sustained a broken ankle and other minor injuries. The death has been a huge blow for the entire Local Police community. Antonio’s father was a Local Police officer in Murcia and his brother is also a serving officer. The funeral, held on Tuesday, was attended by the Murcian Councillor for Citizen Security, Nuria Fuentes and the head of the Local Police of Murcia, Angel Marin. The Murcia Municipal Town Hall expressed their condolences: “We feel this loss greatly and want to show our support and encouragement to the family and the whole body of the local police and we thank Antonio for all his years of dedicated service.” The officer had returned to work that day after enjoying his annual holiday in La Manga with his wife and two sons, aged five and two.

Hotel guests injured when pipe blew Snr Ripoll has put all his cards on the table

A HOT water pipe in a hotel exploded last week, leaving three people injured; one seriously. A 50-year-old woman suffered bruising to her brain and skull when shards from the pipe im-

planted in her head. She is now on a ventilator to help her breath. The incident took place in the Hotel Cortijo Blanco in Marbella. The other two injured people have been discharged from hospital.

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010


Benidorm’s diplomatic bag by Jack Troughton AMBASSADOR GILES Paxman’s tour of Benidorm provided a “fantastic boost” to the resort’s business and expat community, businessmen said this week. The diplomat – who predicted British tourists would soon be flocking back to the Costa Blanca – had a series of meetings as well as touring the Old and New Towns. Mr Paxman and consul staff met Mayor Agustin Navarro, businessmen and hoteliers, tour operators, and visited local charities. Patrick Brown, who along with chef Neil Smith runs Paneils Restaurant in Calle de Palma in Benidorm’s Old Town, said the visit added to the growing optimism for the tourist industry on the Costa Blanca. He said the ambassador held a working lunch at the restaurant with representatives of big holiday companies. “The visit was a fantastic boost for the resort. It was very much a working lunch

and from the tour operators’ point of view an excellent meeting. They discussed such things as airport security, the attractions of Benidorm, the hotels, and how safety aspects of the resort. Everyone felt it was a good meeting.” POSITIVE

He said the new mayor and the council were very positive about the future of Benidorm. “We have noticed a big increase in the numbers of visitors over the last couple of months and the hotels have a 95 percent occupancy rate.” And Mr Paxman obviously enjoyed his time at the resort. Although he acknowledged July and August were not the traditional peak times for UK visitors he said there were still plenty of Brits on the beaches and in the bars and restaurants. On his blog site, the ambassador wrote: “I came away impressed by what Benidorm has to offer: a simple no frills holiday by the sea, in excellent weather, an environ-

Ambassador Giles Paxman at Paneils

ment where British tourists are welcome and can find reasonably priced (British and Spanish food) and drink (€1 for a pint of beer can’t be bad). “It’s not surprising that 80 per-

cent of the tourists are repeat visitors, many of whom come back year after year. I heard of two sisters who had been to Benidorm for two weeks every spring and autumn since the sixties.”

Made in the shade By Jack Troughton IT SEEMED everyone wanted to stand under an umbrella as holidaymakers flock to the coast to enjoy the summer. Space and shade became a premium on the Costa Blanca as the thermometer soared and the beaches were packed to capacity. The sand at

award winning l’Ampolla Beach in Moraira virtually disappeared under a rainbow rooftop of canvas as brollies were raised and people relaxed metres from the Med. How many visitors managed to actually chill out as temperatures reached record highs was, perhaps, another question.

And he said it was not all just “cheap and cheerful” as there was also a top end to the resort and he had enjoyed the hospitality he received – joking: “And ambassadors eat a lot!”

Tourist figures up

FOREIGN TOURISTS arriving in Spain increased by 4.5 percent in July - the largest increase in 26 months. According to the Frontier Tourist Movement Survey (FRONTUR), more than 30 million foreign tourists visited Spain during the first seven months of the year. Visitor numbers at all main destinations grew, but the Balearic Islands particularly stood out with 1.7 million tourists in July - its best July on record.


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Woman spends five days trapped in mine

A 20-YEAR-OLD woman was rescued this week after spending five days trapped in a pit in the town of Redován, near Orihuela. The young woman was miraculously found without serious injuries by a man walking his dog on Monday afternoon. It later emerged that she had fallen down the abandoned mine shaft on the previous Thursday. The woman, who had appar-

ently survived without any food or water, was taken to the Vega Baja Hospital where she was treated for exhaustion and several minor injuries. She was found only after the dog had run off from his owner and started to bark at the hole: the owner quickly realised that there was someone trapped down there. An ambulance and fire fighters from the Almoradi fire station were called im-

mediately and the woman was hoisted to safety with a rope. The pit was located in an abandoned brick factory in San Carlos, located between Orihuela and Redován. It is believed recent rains had made the ground unstable and the woman had fallen down the hole whilst walking past the factory. The woman remained in hospital under observation as RTN went to press.

Anger at probate specialist

Lesley Carpenter

by Jack Troughton ANGRY EXPAT Lesley Carpenter this week branded one of the UK’s largest probate specialists, ITC Legal Services, “useless” after months of frustration over her aunt’s will. She said unless a client constantly badgered the company’s ‘case managers’ there appeared to be no progress – while promises to return calls or emails were constantly broken. And Lesley, a former process manager, spoke to RTN to warn others of her experiences with ITC – a company that also handles probate work for high street banks including Barclays and Halifax. Speaking at her Marina Alta home, she said: “My main concern is ITC just do not do what they say they will do – it doesn’t do what it says on the tin.” She said her 80-year-old relative died in July 2009 and an elderly uncle had been appointed executor of her will so the family decided to instruct a company to do the work. When at the registrar’s office they obtained a leaflet for the Bereavement Advice Centre. “They suggested getting a professional company to deal with it and named ITC as the largest probate company in the UK.” OFFICIAL She said the very “official looking” leaflet suggested the advice centre was a government sponsored body – in fact, it is financed by ITC. In June the Daily Mail criticised local authorities for stocking a leaflet that steered grieving families towards a firm it branded ‘coffin chasers’. And Lesley said she was astonished that despite its name ITC Legal Services was unregulated. Solicitors – governed by the Law Society – also criticised the links between the ‘not-for-profit’ advice centre and ITC. Lesley said the family had agreed to ITC’s terms but “four months down the line” nothing was happening and as her uncle was “very stressed”, she took over the matter. She said: “ITC literature says ‘our services are designed to be swift and accessible to minimise the stress of our clients’. To me that means they will do everything and we will not have to worry – they take on the responsibility for everything and we sit back.” Lesley said there was even an ITC probate

progress guide showing the stages of what ITC would do and saying the client would be contacted on completion of every stage. “In reality, I found that unless you telephoned them constantly you did not get anywhere and nothing happened,” she said. She said emails to a central ITC address took up to four days to reach its target. “That’s ridiculous – when I worked as a process manager the company used a central email box and there was a one hour turn around.” And she said in eight months she had spent a total of five hours on the ‘phone to ITC and made more than 70 calls. “And returning my calls as promised was a huge issue. To me the interaction between the various ITC departments was just a joke. “Someone should be there to push things down the line, not wait three and four days; it is incompetence.” In fact she said her aunt’s bungalow in Middleton on Sea, near Bognor, only sold in 10 days after she insisted it was placed on the books of a local estate agent. “And the ITC rep said it was like gold dust in the area.” VALUE “You seemed to have to do everything yourself – we had to look up the value of my aunt’s car so it could be sold.” Lesley, who paid a bill in the low thousands despite it being a very simple will, agreed she had a copy of the pricing structure. She said she was fortunate the aunt’s death was seen as a release. “If it was a close relative, say a parent and you had this experience while still grieving it would be terribly upsetting.” RTN was unable to contact ITC before going to press, but the company insists its fees are highly competitive with solicitors – a claim disputed by trained lawyers. However, chief executive Martin Trees told the Daily Mail: “We have mystery shoppers visit on a regular basis and provide a world-class service. Independent reports have shown ITC is competitive with solicitors when assessed on the same basis. “We are completely transparent about our charges and the fact we support the Bereavement Advice Centre re the business we get from the advice centre, does not even cover its running costs.”

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010



27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

It’s the sky’s fault by Louise Clarke IT IS HARD to believe, given the temperatures that the Costa Blanca has seen this week, that just seven days ago it was raining torrentially. Just one single day of rain in Orihuela Costa was enough to flood La Zenia and other parts of the Coast. And now the residents are that fed up with having to put up with these episodes being repeated year after year, every time there is a storm, they have decided to stand up and be counted. PSOE Councillor for the Coast, Rosa Martinez, told RTN: “The residents that I have spoken to during the last week or so are not just fed up with the flooding, they are also fed up with the Councillor responsible for the coast, Pepe Aniorte, for promising solutions that never materialise and for ‘blaming the sky’ for the floods.” La Zenia Beach gets flooded every time there is any heavy rain

SUCCESSIVE DISASTERS The residents of La Zenia presented Orihuela Town Hall with a petition bearing 167 signatures, demanding a solution and at the November ‘pleno’ meeting at the Town Hall, the PSOE party also presented a ‘mocion’ for a definitive solution and for the necessary work to be undertaken. Rosa continued: “At that ‘pleno’, the PP led council prom-

Police crack down on ETA suspect homegrown cannabis arrested A 23-YEAR-OLD British man has been arrested for growing large amounts of cannabis. Police discovered 337 plants in his home, that weighed 1,160 grams once uprooted. The arrest took place in a Málaga town. The man has been named as Tom N.B and is accused of a crime against public health. He is currently awaiting a court date. The arrest is part of the latest crackdown by the Guardia Civil, who hope to eradicate small distributors of the drug.

USING INFORMATION provided by the Guardia Civil and following a joint investigation undertaken by the two police forces, the Belgian Police have arrested the alleged ETA member Luis María Zengotitabengoa Fernández. The arrest took place in the early hours of Saturday morning in the town of Ostend (Belgium).

ised a solution but once again we see another promise has been broken. Those responsible for these disasters are successive PP Orihuela Town Hall groups and in particular the current PP group led by Mónica Lorente. They are the ones who have permitted the catastrophic urbanisation of Orihuela Costa and have not undertaken the work necessary to prevent the flooding of garages, beaches, urbanisations etc. Just patching up and patching up again to disguise the problem is not an effective solution.” ASSUME RESPONSIBILITIES Rosa concluded: “We, the PSOE of Orihuela Costa, request that Mónica Lorente and her representative for the Costa, Señor Aniorte, stop behaving as mere spectators of the problems on the Coast, to assume their responsibilities and to give the taxpayers of Orihuela those things which they have the right to expect. For certain, next year, election year, we will hear the PP candidates for Orihuela Town Hall promising the re-urbanisation of La Zenia and the works necessary to prevent flooding in Orihuela Costa. We hope that this time nobody believes them. The only sure way to bring an end to their broken promises is to choose a different political party.”

A European Arrest Warrant had been issued by the Spanish National Court for Luis María Zengotitabengoa Fernández, 29 years old and born in Durango (Biscay), in relation to his involvement in attempts by ETA to transport explosives and other materials to Portugal earlier this year and his relationship with a property located in the Portuguese town of Óbidos in February, where the terrorist group was storing

1,500 kilograms of material for the manufacture of explosives. The Guardia Civil suspected that Luis María Zengotitabengoa Fernández, who appears on the list of most-wanted members of ETA, was currently part of a group acting in support of the terrorist organisation. In 2010, 67 alleged members of and collaborators with the terrorist group have been arrested, some in collaboration with the police forces of other countries.

New MRI machine for hospital by Louise Clarke THE VEGA Baja Hospital will have a MRI machine by the end of the year, it was announced this week. The hospital was visited by the Valencian Government Secretary for Health, Luis Rosado, on Monday and it was announced by the Orihuela Councillor for Health, Antonio Ortiz, that it is hoped that the machine will be fully operational by the beginning of January 2011. The new Magnetic Resonance Imagery (MRI) machine will be available to more than 200,000 people who live in the Vega Baja and who use the hospital. The machine will be housed in a brand new Centre of Diagnostic Technology and the both the Secretary and the Councillor were both impressed with the progress of the new department. The new machine will be able to carry out an average of 35 diagnostic scans every day and the introduction of this new equipment finally fulfils the necessary demand for the scans essential to detect problems within the body or brain without surgery, identifying abnormalities from outside the body. CLAUSTROPHOBIA This new technology will allow patients to remain at the Vega Baja Hospital, rather than be transferred

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010


Gay soldier sues army A MARRIED gay soldier is suing the army because they struck him off on the grounds of his sexuality, even though the army itself helped to organise his wedding. Alberto Linero Marchena claims he suffered abuse and threats for two years while serving in the army. He was eventually signed off duty when doctors claimed he was a poor team player, with a poor performance and that he was psychologically unfit for work. Marchena says that the negative report against his psychological state was drawn up by a superior whose sexual advances he had rebuffed.

Spanish hostages are released Luis Rosado and Antonio Ortiz inspect the new hospital department

to nearby Torrevieja Hospital and the MRI machine will be manned and in operation every day of the year. Results from the scans will be available within minutes thanks to the state of the art technology being installed at the hospital and doctors will be able to inspect images from the machine almost immediately, enabling faster diagnosis. The team in charge of the new MRI includes five specialist radiography technicians, five nurses, a radiologist and three tele-radiology support specialists. The new machine will also be

equipped with ‘Visionado’ which allows the patients to be entertained by watching videos, films or listening to music, which will help them to relax and in turn allow better imagery. This entertainment system has been shown to prove that problems caused by patients’ claustrophobia inside the machine are significantly reduced. The Secretary for Health told RTN: “This is a remarkable accolade for the Vega Baja hospital.” An investment of €1,500,000 has been made by the Valencian Government for these new facilities.

PRIME MINISTER José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has announced the release of the Spanish aid workers Albert Villalta and Roque Pascual, kidnapped 268 days ago by the Al Qaeda Organisation in the Islamic Maghreb. The PM stated that: “These have been almost nine long months of suffering for them and their families, 268 days of concern and preoccupation for the government of Spain, which intensified its political

Albert Vilalta, right, and Roque Pascual gesture after arriving at airport in Prat Llobregat

and diplomatic activity and mobilised its intelligence services to secure their release”. In this respect, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero sought to highlight his gratitude “...to the ministries that have participated in this operation, as well as the intelligence services and the First Vice-President of the government, who effectively and steadfastly coordinated this extremely difficult governmental operation”.


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

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- 2 SEPT 2010 FEB27 26AUG - MARCH 4 2010

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L.

Ex Pats Services SOME TIME ago I added to my logo the words ‘Ex Pats Services’. Since deciding to use these words, we have been able to offer, via my offices, more services which have proved to be very helpful and supportive to many of my clients. I realise there are other companies/ individuals who offer the same type of service, but often using a mobile phone number. This always worries me in Spain. Maybe I am just a suspicious person, but it doesn’t show commitment of any kind. Also, I have noticed there are now other insurance companies/ estate agents offering similar services, due no doubt to many companies experiencing difficult times in a very bad recession and hoping that insurance services plus will help keep them going. The professionals I use are the Company’s associates; they are all legal and regulated and are always contactable via my company. Meetings can be held either in one of the offices or a venue that is acceptable to both parties. An English Solicitor, known in Spain as a legal advisor, Glyn Moran, can deal with most aspects of the law, including Inheritance Tax advice, English or Spanish wills (yes it is always advisable to have an English will), purchasing or selling a property (not so many happening). I understand people find it comforting to speak about their legal situations in their own language.

Residencia’s, SIP cards and driving licenses etc: Wayne and Tim’s services are very special and save you so much time in being able to organise appointments in advance, saving the nightmare of long queues. They are able to collect you from your home so you will have no problem in trying to find the various offices or parking. QROPS- Qualified Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme: a very specialist subject and one that is wide open to be mis-sold. The financial associates who work with me are excellent and have, I am assured, the best product on the market. Their costs are very reasonable and the choices of the QROPS plan are good. The advice they give is extensive and the report that follows the verbal advice is very comprehensive. If Justin or one of his Colleagues, after studying your paperwork, feels it is not the correct way for you to go, they will advise you accordingly. Foreign Trust SL the associate company is now also able to offer you investment advice. Money Transfers; We work alongside large currency companies, able to give you a far better rate on currency exchange. I understand their costs are often lower than a bank, especially if you are using the hole in the wall to transfer your pounds and not forgetting that credit card transfers and transferring from a building society often involves you in a newly


by Jennifer Cunningham The Costas leading insurance consultant

introduced 2% surcharge. The associates are supported by the company’s own advisors offering specialist insurance, for instance community insurance, which can be very complex and not necessarily fully understood or explained prior to purchase. Many times a policy is issued that is not the correct one for that particular urbanization. We offer an excellent service supported by a very comprehensive policy and, on many occasions you do not have to search around for a tradesman/ repairer; my company will do it all for you. Many owners seem unaware that they need to take out extra insurance to support the community insurance, not just on the dwelling but particularly on the contents and, as an added bonus, these policies can be taken at a special discount if the community insurance is issued by us. I understand some banks/insurance companies are quoting prices both on house and contents that appear to be very cheap. On checking various policies on behalf of the clients, we often discover that the contents insured were hopelessly inadequate, which is very dangerous if you have a claim. Think of a fire or flood and the replacement costs. Therefore, I would ask you to go around your house and add up the value of the replacement goods. One further point I would like to make: if

you are tempted by a very cheap price, ask to see the policy document as there are some where there are only a few items covered on your contents and you will possibly have an unpleasant shock when you discover that that you will be paid out only on a total loss, and where there is no accidental damage cover offered or taken, claims again can be affected. I suggest you check your policy carefully, or take it into one of my offices for a comparison, as you may find you have very little cover and we as always will be delighted to offer you a quotation to compare cover and price. Life insurance/ Mortgage Protection: good news, we are able to offer this type of insurance at a far better price than any bank. You could save up to approximately 50% every year and I can assure you that you do not have to stay with the bank that has your mortgage despite the bank advising you differently, providing you give them the legally required 2 months written notice. Commercial Insurance: Flor, the specialist who handles this product, is often amazed at the policies clients have purchased, thinking they are adequately covered, but this is rarely the case and, in our considered opinion, when making a claim for public liability or accident you could be left in a very difficult position. Why not at the same time ask about our very special accident plan.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.

Offices at: JAVEA PORT




Near the cinema

Near CAM

Mercadona Square

Avda Londres 56

966 46 16 90

965 72 47 34

968 57 58 66

966 79 50 82


TURRE Mojacar Estates Avda de Almeria 34 950 47 20 48


902 373 444 or visit www.jennifercunningham.net


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Thank you from AECC

ON BEHALF of AECC Torrevieja can I say thank you to the guests of Alan and Jackie James for collectively donating €258 to AECC funds at their recent wedding anniversary party. The impromptu collection took place at Restaurante Casa Puri where guests had gathered to celebrate the hard-working couple’s 40 years of marriage. Guests were all friends from local golf societies, other charity fund-raisers, La Siesta Church and of course AECC, the charity that Alan and Jackie have been involved with for many, many years. A big thank you to all, Mike Bissett, AECC Torrevieja Press Liaison Officer

A lovely, brave lady I WRITE to salute the many people energetically led by Lynn and Ken Adams who raised so much money for the ‘Laura appeal’ in an attempt to provide the best of treatment for this lovely young woman in her fight against terminal illness. Sadly, Laura lost her battle, but I am sure that she took great comfort from the efforts made on her behalf by so many kindly people in our area. At ‘Coachtrips’, we along with others were delighted to be enlisted to play a small part in the fund raising effort. We were also pleased to be able to arrange, at the request of the charity organizers, a short break to Benidorm in April of this year for Laura, her husband Jose and their four charming children Connor, Callum, Naomi and Cailan. Our thanks go to the Palm Beach hotel in Benidorm for providing accommodation for this treat and for the exceptional kindness shown to the family by staff and management alike. We would also like to thank Mundomar theme park who agreed to give the family a free day in the park, and allowed the children to interact with the dolphins. I imagine that this is a memory of a day out with their mum which will never be forgotten by the children. Our thoughts are with the family as they now try to come to terms with their loss. They can be very proud of a lovely, brave, and uncomplaining wife and mother. Yours faithfully, David (Coachtrips SL)


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Happy to see tears WITH THE abolition of bull fighting having been decided upon in Barcelona recently, the most satisfying spectacle for me personally was to see the Matador crying his eyes out in the public gallery following the decision. No doubt he was contemplating now

having to join the four and a half million others in the country seeking more productive employment. With a CV such as his, perhaps he could continue to entertain us all and take up a career in sword swallowing! Jim Ireland, La Cala Finestrat

Expecting a free ride for nothing

YOUR CORRESPONDENT J. Johnson seems to be suffering delusions. His comments regarding the ‘Witch of Grantham’ are typical of supporters of the welfare state. They expect a free ride through life paid for by someone else. They don’t seem to realise that you get nothing for nothing in life; everything has to be paid for, usually after a spell of Socialist government when someone has to balance the books. ‘The Party of Greed’ by which I assume he means the Conservatives, now have the same problem that Margaret Thatcher faced when she came to power; that is having to pay back all the money squandered by Labour with their: ‘Don’t work if you don’t want to’ attitude. ‘Someone else will pay for you, it’s all free’, and that, my friend, is why so much British Industry had to be sold off: you can’t spend it and have it. The Socialists have left the UK with a staggering nine hundred BILLION pound debt, growing by the hour, due to their ‘Everything’s Free’ policies. I agree with J. Johnson regarding the voting public’s memory loss, because we all know that as soon as the Tories sort out the financial mess the ‘thickos’ will vote the Socialists back in again and so it goes on: ‘Groundhog Day’. Yours, (Slipping back down behind the parapet) Oliver J. West. (No relation to Fred or OJ)

Low Cost Airlines WITH REFERENCE to the Jon Gaunt item in his column entitled ‘Low Cost Airlines’ I have to admit I would not be very comfortable with some idiot holding a hot cup of coffee just in front of me whilst I climbed the boarding stairs cradling a child in one arm and my carry on bag in the other. In addition I am sure I and those seated nearby wouldn’t be happy with someone holding a cup of coffee, trying to squeeze

past me as I stowed my hand luggage. If Mr Gaunt is a seasoned traveller he should be able to gauge when he has to finish his coffee before boarding: full marks to Monarch. I didn’t realise that a flight to Javea from whatever airport could be classed as a “redeye”. Mr Gaunt should try a flight from Heathrow to Los Angeles or Hong Kong; now those are what I would call redeye flights. Pilar Peon, Alicante

Give me a justifiable reason I AM not a religious person but find it hard to understand why a religion would want to cover a woman from head to toe in black material, leaving a small slit so that they can see. Is there someone out there that can give me a justifiable reason for making their women wear this garment? And why don’t they make men wear one?! What I have read about this burkha describes it as a sexist garment and women are made to wear it by their husbands so that other men cannot see their faces, so there is very little chance of an advance from other males! The article in issue 565 the Watani

association says that women have the right to decide what they want for themselves but does this oppressive and demanding religion allow these women a choice? I have not seen in the press that women support the wearing of this garment. Regarding Moslems’ demanding that their local council build them a new mosque: if they want a new Mosque they should pay for it. I am sure if Catholics asked the president of Iran to build them a church he would grant them their wish (but not the one they were asking for!) I am getting good at this - Gaunty watch out. Regards John, La Zenia

Wake up and Spain is a third world country smell the sangria MY HEART goes out to the Goodhalls: this could only happen in a third world country like SPAIN. You cannot trust solicitors and estate agents can get away with murder without any action taken by the courts or town halls. The more you talk to people, the more horror stories you hear. No wonder the economy is in a state. As for Spanish builders: I have never in my life seen workmanship like this lot (yes I know about cowboy Brit builders). Just look at some of the building going up - only the rendering keeps them from falling down. Finally, the British Embassy may as well not exist for all the help they seem to give. I have not heard much in the way of helping ex pats in trouble. THH

IT ALWAYS amuses me that loud mouthed people like Jon Gaunt don’t realise how twofaced they are when expressing opinions on matters about Britain. Writing in your paper, which is mainly for ex pats (or British immigrants to Spain), he condemns immigrants to Britain! Is this a little bigoted Jon? I have

cousins in Australia who do the same: they have moved abroad because Britain is not good enough for them but no ‘Johnny foreigner’ should move to Britain to improve their lives. Wake up and smell the sangria Jon. Ray Slamon from Manchester England and regular visitor to beautiful Benidorm

Who’s getting the profit?

HAVE YOU recently checked the prices of bath prescriptions and everyday toiletries in the local pharmacies? €37 per month for high blood pressure tablets - even more in high problem cases. How can people keep on paying these dreadful prices? Perhaps they just can’t afford them at all and just die. Is this the chemists’ profit or the drug companies? Ellie Kellet, Alfaz del Pi

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010


Tiger Woods to be the ‘best ever golfer Get real, you’re in Spain WHILST YOU and a lot of other commentators consider Tiger Woods to be the ‘best ever golfer’, I think there are more factors than previously considered: The courses are more manicured than was ever the case in the days of Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer and their contemporaries. This includes bunkers, which are far too consistent and present no real challenge to the modern golfer on the majority of courses. The equipment is so fine tuned even mediocre players are only separated from better ones by a few shots; nowhere near as challenged as they used to be. The modern ball offers advantages in design; distance; spin technology. Travel between competitions is much easier and rapid than it used to be. Competitions are more frequent. Injuries are much more easily dealt with

than they used to be. For instance, laser treatment for cosmetic improvements to eye focus and the regular use of hypnosis before each competition to induce positive thought. This is not just giving him an advantage but borders on unfair practise, if not cheating. If everyone in golf did it, there would be a level playing field. Caddies’ advice can be crucial. This seems to me to be worth at least a couple of extra clubs in the bag, and there are more of these expert assistants around these days. There are too many caveats for comparisons to be made between the likes of Woods and Nicklaus. What should be done about it? Halve the number of clubs a player can use in a competition; ban the use of long-handled putters - if a player cannot putt conventionally then should not be

Please help us to help you COMMERCIAL CRIME prevention by Torrevieja Town Hall: what about community police? According to RTN recently, Torrevieja Town Hall, in collaboration with local security forces and local shop owners have launched a commercial crime prevention system to try to prevent more robberies and thefts. Nothing wrong with this, but we also think that Torrevieja needs a consistent ‘policia de barrio’: community police (including covering the beaches), not only to try to prevent more robberies and thefts, but to achieve personal contact between Police and the citizens, where the Police will see with their own eyes the terrible state of many local roads; will hear the loud music near San Luis Urbanization; will see

some dirty and abandoned areas, i.e Torretas Urbanization, etc. Vecinos Colaborando Association always advice the residents to Denounce or Report to the Guardia or Police any suspicious situations that affect their communities; many residents do, but some can’t even write; some can’t walk; some cannot afford to have a telephone; some do not speak Spanish and cannot afford to pay for an interpreter; some have to wait a long time to catch a bus to and from the City; some pensioners do not want to leave their houses as they are afraid, but if they know the community police are around, they might start to live again. Please help us to help you! Jose Rivero Santana, Vecinos Colaborando Costa Blanca, President

given the luxury of an artificial aid to overcome the problem. Severely restrict ball design and the choices of ball player can use; regulate the types of sand and sand mixtures that can be used in a bunker; disqualify courses from holding future competitions should a majority of their competing professional players regularly score well below par over four rounds: they are too easy. Also disqualify from holding competitions any courses where spectators are inebriated and partisan; we regularly watch USA competitions where the spectators are far too vocal and intrusive. God help everyone when the next Ryder cup is held in the USA! Also ban drugs, hypnosis, and caddies from advising players during a competition: players decisions should be theirs alone. Regards, Barry Easton

In the times of Churchill

I FEEL I just have to comment on the very stupid letter in this week’s newspaper from a Mr. Jack Johnson, from La Cala Finistrat, stating that the PP has nothing in common with the conservative party in England. Of course it hasn´t at the present time, but it did have when the conservative party was the real conservative party of late, in the times of Churchill, for example. Obviously Mr. Johnson doesn’t know much about Spain and has not lived here long, or he wouldn´t make the comments he makes; it seems he would prefer to be governed by communists like we are now and live with atheists, corrupt politicians, homosexuals, thieves etc. I have lived in Spain for many years, many of those in the good times when the country was run by General Franco, who was a genuine right winger. That’s why he got on so well with Churchill, and the PP are the nearest we can get to the Conservatives at the moment. Let’s hope they get into power again soon, otherwise I see things very black for the future of us all, so please all you ex pats don’t listen to this communist propaganda and keep voting PP: it’s the only hope we have for the future. MTG, Altea

HAVING READ your item on the new Quesada Medical Centre I would like to comment on remarks made about our lady doctor. I would like to say that both my husband and I, and indeed several of our friends, have nothing but praise for our doctor, who not only speaks to us in English but has also given us great service and we have never found her to be rude. Your correspondent says that the fact that we are English should be taken into account. She should get real. She has chosen to come and live in a foreign country along with many other nationalities; how on earth can she expect the doctors to cope with all these languages? When, shortly after our arrival in Spain, my husband was hospitalised in Alicante (there being nothing nearer and I had to travel on a daily basis) I soon realised that we had to make every effort to learn the language which now enables me to deal with things without the expense of an interpreter. Of course it will be a wonderful addition to our medical facilities to have the new centre and if the service and quality are the same as we have personally experienced at the Torrevieja hospital, everybody should be satisfied. Hopefully, some of the staff at the current medical centre will be there to tend to our needs at the new one. Deidre Leeming, Quesada

IBI tax bills keep rising BENISSA’S TAX hike is mild in comparison with Javea. My IBI which was about €100 five years ago was €900 this year; will be €1,100 next year; and by annual rises of €200 will eventually be €2,000! I do not live in a villa but in a 30 year old bungalow which has a large garden which was grossly overvalued. Over the past four years I have approached local councillors who could offer no help at all, in fact one said that the mayor

‘refused to discuss it’. I am sure that I am not alone, but am at a loss to know how to try to remedy the situation. I was told last year that the valuation was awaiting a ruling from a court in Madrid but have been unable to find out if this is so and of course Javea council, heavily in debt, are not going to rock the boat and I think are still applying the same percentage factor as they did before the revaluation. Sincerely, Eric Brown



27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010



Email Jon at: jongaunt@roundtownnews.com

Guilty & ashamed


See Jon live on Sky News with Eamonn Holmes each Wednesday morning at 7.40am and 8.40am with a review of the UK papers and don’t forget you can listen to Jon on BayRadio each Wednesday morning from 11.00am and Friday afternoons at 4.30pm with his current affairs review.

No furgiveness for Mary

“After the Subo saga I would have thought that the High Waister would have learnt his lesson!”

I AM no real cat lover even though we have two of the snooty beasts in our house: I’m a firm believer that you never actually own a cat - they own you! But I do not and will never tolerate animal cruelty and I am disgusted by the antics of Mary Bale, the old bag from my home town of Coventry who thought it was funny to throw someone else’s cat into a wheelie bin. She’s now pleading for FURGIVENESS but I’m sorry it’s too little too late as when she was first tracked down she said, “I don’t know what all the fuss is about; it’s only a cat!” Now with everyone threatening to PURMINATE her she has

SIMON COWELL has overstepped the mark this time and I am not talking about the use of computer auto tuners to make his talentless wannabees sound better than Lola the dumped cat. I am talking about the shameful exploitation of Shirlena Johnson in the first episode of the new series. I’ll put my hands up and admit that I laughed until I was nearly sick as Shirlena caterwauled her way through an oddball (and that’s being polite) version of Duffy’s song ‘Mercy’ but the revelations that she is actually mentally unstable on Monday

left me feeling guilty and ashamed. Not as guilty as Cowell should be though. I’m sorry but after the Subo saga I would have thought that the High Waister would have learnt his lesson. I don’t buy his pitiful excuse that Shirlena had lied to the production team about her mental fragility. I am not saying that people like Shirlena can’t audition, they can. However, when the show is edited and put on screen it is Cowell who decides who gets exposed to the British public and indeed thrown to the tabloid press. That is why he earns millions. He has reinvented Saturday

changed her tune and wants us all to back off. No wonder that she’s at last saying sorry. She has received death threats, which is a bit over the top, but one has got to ask, for acts of such wanton cruelty, is it time to bring back the cat of nine tails? (Sorry!) It’s crazy that the Police can’t prosecute her and even more galling that she, the villain, is now getting police protection. But that’s hardly a surprise in modern politically correct Britain. I don’t want anyone to harm her but I do think the PURRFECT solution would be for her to lose her cushy bank job so that she has time to reflect on her cruel actions.

night TV and he is a light entertainment genius but along with the fame and the fortune, the house in Barbados, the fake tan and the man boobs comes the ‘R’ word: RESPONSIBILITY. Are we really meant to believe that Shirlena was the star of the first episode, which incidentally drew record viewing numbers, but that Simon and his team only found out on the Monday after that she was poorly?! Why on earth was Saturday’s episode allowed to go out with her as the star? I’ll tell you why, because just like his other vehicle, ‘Britain

Hasn’t Got Much Talent’, there aren’t many people with the X factor but quite a large amount of people who aren’t just delusional or “crazy” as Simon called Shirlena in the first episode but who are mentally ill. And I am afraid that isn’t funny and they shouldn’t be fodder for light entertainment shows. We all love the X Factor for the audition stage and I love laughing at the talentless, the delusional, the arrogant and the plain untalented but a line must be drawn somewhere before we are all participating in a twenty first century freak show.

AUG - 2 SEPT 2010 8-14 27 JANUARY 2010



27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Horse abuse man arrested by Louise Clarke A 19-YEAR-OLD man was arrested by Guardia Civil officers from Alicante last week for mistreating horses. The man, from Daya Vieja, has been accused of allowing the abuse and neglect of animals after two ponies, later taken in by the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre (EHCRC), were discovered close to death. The horses had been found in a small shed and were suffering from extreme malnutrition and mobility problems as well as other diseases. RTN reported on the rescue of these two horses earlier this summer and has also reported on their progress, so it now gives the paper great pleasure to announce that

someone is actually being held to account for the disgraceful treatment these horses had to endure. APPALLING CONDITION

The animals had been living (or existing) in a small hut on a farm in the small pueblo of Daya Vieja and the arrest of the young man came as a direct result of the investigation carried out by SEPRONA, the Protection of Nature Service directly attached to the Guardia Civil. In a statement issued by SEPRONA, RTN was told that officers had learned about the situation from the EHCRC. As a result, the officers started the investigation but upon return to the premises for further information and

to speak to the owners, the animals were no longer there. However, an inspection revealed that the “…habitability, health and hygiene situation of the facilities were unfavourable.” EXTREME MALNUTRITION It was only when SEPRONA found out later that the two horses from the property had been taken in by the EHCRC on payment of €300 that they realised they would now have evidence to prosecute. A veterinary examination of animals determined that they were both suffering from extreme malnutrition and skin disorders and severe orthopaedic problems, probably caused by the conditions in the hut. RTN reported that one of the horses was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital in Alicante but later discharged having gained 18 kilos in weight. COMPLETE DISREGARD

The man who allowed this to happen has been arrested

In addition, SEPRONA learned through a Daya Vieja Local Police report that on 6th December last year, a donkey on the farm had to be put to sleep after falling into a ditch, due to being unable to walk as a result of neglect and malnutrition. The donkey sustained severe injuries as a result of the fall and vets felt that it would be kinder to put it out of its misery. The vet’s report was conclusive and stated that prior to its death the donkey was suffering from diseases that would have required urgent veterinary care. A SEPRONA Spokesman told RTN: “As far as we are concerned, the man in question showed a complete disregard of his ownership status and the health conditions for the welfare of these animals, either by ignorance or passivity to the situation.”

Another accident on the CV95 THE DRIVER of a van had to be released by Torrevieja firemen after he became trapped in his vehicle following a collision at the notorious accident black spot on the CV 95 in San Miguel de Salinas. The man sustained only minor injuries, but the van was a total write off and it once again puts that stretch of road, by the Martinez Ford Garage, into the spotlight. Two years ago residents protested against the lack of significant safety measures on the road and yet nothing has been done about it. In the last three years there have been two fatalities and numerous accidents at the junction of the main Torrevieja – Orihuela road and San Miguel de Salinas. Residents had been told at the time of the protests that funding had been made available by the Valencian Government to improve safety on that stretch of the CV-95 but so far nothing has materialised.

Brit electrocuted climbing pylon A BRITISH man was electrocuted when he climbed up an electricity pylon last week. The 30-year-old was left with burns to 20 percent of his body and a broken leg after the shock, and the emergency services deployed a rescue helicopter as the man was in a secluded area. The incident took place in the Desert de las Palmes Nature Park in Benicàssim. The man is recovering in La Fe hospital in Valencia.

Whale’s head found A SPERM whale’s head measuring over five feet was found floating in the sea just off Torrevieja last week. Early indications suggest that the mammal could be the victim of a ship’s propeller and as the remains were in reasonably good condition, it is supposed that the accident happened recently. The whale’s remains have been transferred to the city’s Museum of Natural History to be preserved as a future exhibit. CURIOUS The remains of the sperm whale were spotted between Cala Piteras and Cala Ferris just before 13:00 last Friday afternoon and the curious finding was soon reported to the Torrevieja municipal services. A City biologist, Juan Antonio Pujol, rushed to the scene and determined that the remains were the head of a baby sperm whale which would have been about five feet long. Together with the Councillor responsible for the city’s beaches, Eduardo Gil Rebollo, they organised a task

force to retrieve the head from the water. The discovery attracted many people in the area of the coves where the head was found and soon hundreds of people witnessed the whale head’s removal. EXHIBITION This is not the first time that the Torrevieja Town Hall has been called to recover a dead whale from the sea. In June 2009, the virtually intact remains of a whale, over 15 metres in length, were found on a Torrevieja beach. The retrieval task for that whale, however, was far less straightforward than last week’s retrieval, due to its weight. On that occasion a large net was used along with a JCB to get the remains out of the water. The remains of the whale’s head will be buried in a marked grave and in a few years, when all that is left is bones; they will be retrieved and exhibited in the Museum of Natural History in Torrevieja to be viewed by residents and tourists.

A sperm whale can grow to up to 20 metres long

British man arrested in San Miguel

LOCAL POLICE in San Miguel de Salinas have charged a 26-year-old British man for resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, threats and criminal damage. The arrest came on Monday evening at around 23:45 when officers were called to an address in El Galan. On arrival the officers discovered the young man banging on the door of the property and also the windows on the front of the house. He held an iron chair and was threatening to kill the people living inside. The police asked him to stop, but the young man began to flee on foot and jumped through the fence of the residential community to the back to the house. He returned brandishing a blunt object and continued to damage a wooden door and a window blind. In addition he threatened and tried to injure the officers by throwing a chair in their direction. He was finally apprehended and was arrested. He has been officially denounced and the owner of the house can now claim damages against the man.

Spain and Morocco working together SPAIN AND Morocco have reached agreements on the fight against illegal immigration, terrorism and drug trafficking. Moreover, the two countries will set up two joint police stations in Algeciras and Tangiers. The Minister for Home Affairs, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, met with his Moroccan counterpart, Taieb Cherkaoui, in Rabat last week. The Minister for Home Affairs highlighted the importance given by Spain to its relations with Morocco, stating that it is “our neighbour, partner and ally”.

Not just close geographically

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010



27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Charity Fun Day for baby unit Crazy golf by Corry Granger FUNDRAISERS HAVE collected more than €800 with a charity fun day held in aid of Torrevieja Hospital baby unit. A spokesman for the hospital’s maternity department has praised the fundraisers for their dedication which has raised thousands of euros for the mother and baby unit. Midwife Sheryl Richardson told RTN how the fundraising, organised over the years by San Luis resident Rara, has made a difference to the unit. She said: “When I was initially approached by Rara to see if a monetary donation would be accepted for the labour ward at Torrevieja Hospital, I was extremely excited,” adding, “This new, hi-tech hospital has benefitted the local area since October 2006, as previously clients would have had to travel to neighbouring areas to have their babies. “I am passionate about my profession and enjoy my work immensely. However, I and the maternity staff welcomed the possibility to improve the service, and ultimately the birth experience for the clients. Therefore additional funds are greatly appreciated.” MATERNITY CARE

Rara’s pipedream was to raise money to benefit local premature babies and she has definitely achieved this goal. Thanks to her energy, determination, and ability to inspire those around her, initial monies raised by friends and regulars at the Watering Hole in San Luis, funded a resuscitaire unit, providing essential medical assistance to babies immediately following birth. Sheryl commented: “We

The resuscitaire baby unit at Torrevieja Hospital

were then able to purchase two birthing stools, allowing freedom of movement in labour.” Currently in Spain the aim is improve maternity care, reduce unnecessary Caesarian births and favour a move towards providing natural methods of care and assistance. Suitably qualified staff, the environment and equipment are key to a positive and safe birth experience.

the Watering Hole, all spurred on by the coordinator, Rara. “These events have united many people, provided much enjoyment and a little stress, but on the whole it has been worthwhile. I would like to thank each and every person that has partaken in the fund-raising and would like to acknowledge that their efforts have made a huge difference in promoting care to pregnant women and their families in the local area.”



Sheryl concluded: “The generosity of additional money will enable us to furnish a ‘natural birthing room’, providing an essential calming environment and equipment for mothers, fathers and their babies. In addition it is our future aim to provide water births. I have seen first-hand the enthusiasm, commitment and dedication devoted to the fund-raising events by friends of

The fundraising event was held on August 14th at the Watering Hole bar in San Luis, Torrevieja. The fun day included a table top sale, barbecue, bingo and musical entertainment. Rara thanked all the volunteers and people who had donated prizes for the raffle and tombola. She told RTN: “Without their help and generosity we would never had achieved this.”

THE CRAZY Golf fun event held recently by the Lion’s Club of Mazarrón Bahía was a resounding success. Thirty four people took part and together they raised over €460 for charity. On the previous day the area had suffered a deluge and there were fears the event might have to be postponed. But on the day, the sun came out again so after the new hole sponsored by the Lions had been inaugurated and pools of water cleared from the course, play could begin. Lion Larry Collins, District Governor for Scotland and NE England, on holiday at la Manga with his family, made the trip over to Scot’tees at El Pareton. Clearly budding expert golfers, they swept the board. Larry’s grandson, Joseph, took the Junior Prize and his daughter Lorraine, the Seniors’. Granddaughter Caroline also won on the Tombola. After their win,

The Lions Crazy Golf Event raised nearly €500

Joseph, Lorraine, Caroline, Pauline and Larry enjoyed the BBQ.

HOLES In keeping with Lions tradition, Club Banners were exchanged to cement Ties of Friendship between the Mazarrón and the Peterlee and District Lions Club clubs. But unfortunately the rains did have another knock-on effect: The Policía Local had used all their barriers to stop drivers falling into holes so the Golden Mile collection on the Paseo at Puerto de Mazarrón has had to be postponed for a week. If you would like to know more about other Lions events phone Diane on 968 431 521 or email mazarronbahialions@ gmail.com (And if you have booked a place on the Barcelona Trip, please remember you must pay the balance by 11th September or you will lose your place to others on the waiting list.)

Parking ticket by Jack Troughton PARKING CONTRACTOR ECIS is demanding a hefty €22 million in compensation after the use of two underground car parks in Javea’s Old Town fell desperately short of targets. The company, which constructed the facilities in return for a contract to operate them, maintains it is entitled to be handed tax payers money to redress the balance should occupancy fall below the 85 percent mark. In reality, the use of the car parks at Clot and the Plaza de Constitucion only reached 17 percent and 22 percent over the first 12 months they were in operation. The town hall believed ECIS would only receive €1.8 million per year should the car parks underperform and the cash-strapped local authority is said to be “horrified” at the demand. Opposition PSOE councillors have already won an opinion from the influential Consell

Juridic Consultiu – a sort of judicial review – that the contract went against public interest. RISK The CJC’s view was the agreement appeared to be a grant and not a contract for a commercial enterprise – with all the risks that involved. A town hall insider told RTN: “ECIS has notoriously failed to make any commercial effort to make the car parks work – residents in the Old Town have never been offered the promised reduction in price for renting spaces on an annual basis.” He said should the council be forced to make such payments it would be disastrous. However, he said there was also a feeling that, as in a game of poker, the company was simply “bluffing” and had little power to force the issue – a demand for cash that would be “disastrous” for town hall coffers.

The car park entrance at Clot

Drinkers cause bottleneck

By Jack Troughton PARTYING YOUNGSTERS have caused a gridlock on the outskirts of a Marina Alta town as they meet to drink through the night. Residents of homes on the Plana – the parkland above Javea – were unable to get home because of the bottleneck caused by abandoned cars.

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

And over the weekend, police manned a road block to bar cars entering unless people could prove they were headed for an address in the area, after roads became “overwhelmed”. The town hall has branded the practice of ‘botellon’ a hazard because the broken glass, discarded cigarettes and even the hot engines of cars could spark a fire.

Chime change By Jack Troughton THE CHIMES they are a changing at Alicante Town Hall after complaints the noise was driving neighbours crazy every 15 minutes. For more than 20 years, the bells have rung the hymn of Alicante. However, technicians have now altered the sequence – the chiming of the hymn will now be heard on the hour between 08.00 and 15.00, and from 17.00 until 22.00.

Alicante Town Hall

Opening hours

By Jack Troughton JALON VALLEY HELP’s two charity shops have returned to normal opening hours offering customers a range of clothes, footwear, bric-a-brac and books. Both the shops open from 10am to 1pm – Jalon from Monday to Friday, and Alcalali from Monday to Saturday – to offer browsers plenty of bargains.



27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Vial Competition winner collects his prize by Louise Clarke THE WINNER of the VIAL Carpinterias competition exclusive to RTN, Jeff Bailey, collected his prize on Wednesday. The €500 rattan furniture suite was donated by the branch in Elche and Jeff, who lives

in La Siesta, near Torrevieja was delighted with it. More than 100 RTN readers entered the competition run over two weeks during July. VIAL’s showroom in Elche, which is triple the size of their old branch in nearby Crevillent, was the venue for the official handover of

Jeff with all the staff from VIAL in Elche

the prize and all the staff were happy to pose for a photograph with Jeff and his new set of outdoor furniture, to take pride of place on his terrace. MUCH MORE VIAL offers a wealth of supplies for both the building trade and the DIY expert and consistently offers the best value for money, continually extending high quality products at unbeatable prices. Their Elche Showroom is easy to access from the AP7 motorway (junction 719) and with their 3,500 square metres of showroom and their 3,500 square metres of stockroom, VIAL can offer you much more than most outlets. So, whether you are after improving your kitchen or redesigning your garden, VIAL has everything you could possibly need to enhance both inside and outside your home, with VIAL DECO offering furniture, lighting and décor to make your home perfect. CONVENIENT As well as the Elche branch, there are VIAL

Spanish ships beat off pirates THE SPANISH military have successfully participated in an antipiracy operation at sea. Accompanied by Chief of Staff José Julio Rodríguez, Chief of the Navy Staff Manuel Rebollo, and Fleet Admiral Juan Carlos Muñoz-Delgado, the Minister for Defence, Carme Chacón, welcomed back the frigate Victoria to the Rota Naval Base after having concluded its participation in Operation Atalanta. The Victoria took part in the

liberation of two merchant ships and escorted 10 other vessels from the World Food Programme. Spain’s contribution to the EU operation to tackle piracy is comprised of the patrol boat Infanta Cristina, a maritime patrol aeroplane and the amphibious assault ship Galicia, currently sailing towards the Indian Ocean. The Minister for Defence expressed her gratitude to the more than 200 military personnel on board the

frigate for their work in combating piracy and the effectiveness they demonstrated during their mission. In her speech to the crew, Carme Chacón pointed out that, so far this year, “the work of Operation Atalanta and the allied countries has enabled 85 criminal gangs to be broken up; a total of more than 1,000 pirates. In seven months, we have multiplied by five the number of pirates arrested in all of 2009.”

branches located in Denia; Malaga and Cobatillas, near Murcia City; all supplied by the central factory in Almoradi. Each store carries the complete range of products from kitchen units; oak interior doors; storage units; wardrobes; solid pine staircases and beech spiral staircases to solid oak patio sets. Other key products include steel fencing; steel gates; gate controls and sun beds. And as well as being able to take most items with you on the day, a convenient home delivery service is offered for larger items. If you don’t fancy DIY, VIAL can recommend experienced craftsmen for any job around the home, big or small. VIAL’s opening times are 09:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 20:00 Monday to Friday and 09:00 to 15:00 on Saturday. To get to the Elche showroom, exit the AP7 at junction 719 and head towards Elche. You will see the huge VIAL sign on the left hand side as you travel to the next roundabout. Once at the roundabout come back on yourself and take the service road down to the store. For more information please call 966 682 539.

Woody Allen promotes Asturias THE 74-YEAR-OLD US film director, Woody Allen, is taking part in a tourism campaign to promote the Asturias region. He was in Spain last week for the opening of his latest film, You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, which stars

Antonio Banderas. Allen was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Arts in 2002, and since first visiting the area has maintained that it is one of the few places that could interest him as a place to live upon his retirement.

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Music for MABS


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Vernon and Cecilia

by Jack Troughton A FAMILY tragedy prompted Careline Theatre’s Vernon and Celia Pearce to organise a one off gala night in aid of MABS Cancer Support Group. The cream of Costa Blanca talent has agreed to take part in the special Musical Showcase on Wednesday 22nd September at Careline’s Alcalali theatre. Vernon and Cecilia, who have lived in Spain for three years, lost Cecilia’s sister to breast cancer 12 months ago and when they heard of the “marvellous work” MABs did to help

cancer patients and their families were determined to help raise money for the charity. As big fans of the singers and musicians across the region, the couple decided to organise a showcase with “every cent” raised going to the charity after performers agreeing to appear for free “to benefit this enormously worthwhile charity.” Already in the line-up are: Chill Factor; Suzy Q; Malcolm Adams; Pauline McGough; and The Nomad – and more acts are expected to join the cast. The showcase begins at 20.00 and tickets costing €10 are on sale at Kelly’s of La Xara and from the Box Office on 965 577 461.

Work kicks off By Jack Troughton WORK HAS begun on a 750,000€ upgrade of a Marina Alta community’s sports facilities to create a state of the art arena. The new complex ‘Football Espai Teulada-Moraira’ is described as a socio-cultural and sports area. A seven-a-side and full size pitch will have artificial turf and there will be

The existing pitch

six changing rooms, a cafe, facilities for the disabled, car park and green area. Mayor Joan Antoni Bertomeu said the project was prompted by high demand and “the necessity for the municipality because existing facilities are badly damaged by the passage of time.” He added: “So it was decided to build it again, to

expand and modernise. “The aim is by December the whole complex can be finished and residents and children can enjoy top quality facilities,” said the mayor. The funding for the various parts of the work come from the State Fund for Employment and the Investment Plan in Productive Municipalities.

Now selling excellent quality Wine direct from the vineyard at amazing prices. Red - White - Rose Single bottle 1.75€ One case (12) Mixed or same 20€ = 1.66€ per bottle. Three cases + 18€ = 1.50€ per bottle We also stock Navarra & Rioja wines at discount prices! SPECIAL PURCHASE! Fresh Australian Rump. Ideal for steaks, joints, burgers etc. Only 8.95€ per kilo! (Minimum purchase 4 kilo) Another Special Purchase Whole Beef Fillets Approx weight 3 Kilos - Only 23.95€ per kilo SPEND 40€ - FREE BOTTLE OF WINE,SPEND 50€ - FREE KILO OF SAUSAGES SPEND 60€FREE CHICKEN (Meat sales only)

Great day out to Bodegas Alejandroin in Monovar • Guided tour of vineyards & working bodega in full swing for the grape harvest • Wine-tasting followed by 3-course traditional Spanish lunch with wine & live music On: Sunday 19th September From: 11.00am to 7.00pm (approx) Luxury coach provided to/from Benissa-Monovar Chance to purchase quality wine at discounted prices Special all-inclusive price of only €38 For more information please contact: Annabelle 966 482 696 or 679 807 476 Keith 966 492 311 or 679 985 153 or by email: annabelle@localinfo.es

Places limited so please book early! Open Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 2.00pm and Sunday 10.00am - Midday European Centre, Moraira (Opp Paichi garden centre) CREDIT


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27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Are your Facebook friends fickle?

Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

OH NO! I’ve been de-friended! Yup, unceremoniously dumped! Not once but twice and if you count a friend’s refusal then it’s three times. Should I be devastated? Should I blubber loudly? Or just should I just shrug my shoulders and say, “Ho, hum… such is the fickle nature of a Facebook friend!” My stepson Tom and work colleague Winston have deleted me from their current list of Facebook friends and ex-RTN co-worker Kirsty Tuxford has never, ever, even agreed to accept my friend’s request. Come to think of it Kenny Corris hasn’t either. Hmmph, I don’t care… No, no I really don’t. Please believe me when I say this, it doesn’t matter to me at all. Nope, not one bit. But then I’m from that generation that still maintains a stiff upper lip in spite of all adversity and never, ever blubbers… But recent research has shown that there are many youngsters who apparently would be grossly upset with this kind of rejection. It could even lead to feelings of despair. I don’t understand that but I suppose for younger generations the social website habit is a more deeply entrenched one. Now, I’ve quizzed Tom and Winston about my ‘de-friending’ and they both claim that it’s purely because they don’t want either, a) a parent or b) a co-worker to know what things on the social networking site that they’re disclosing. Hmmm, sounds intriguing does it not? Well, no – probably. If you look at most of the comments and content on Facebook there isn’t much

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that’s particularly riveting or revealing. Or am I being cynical? Some people do seem hell bent on divulging their work-a-day lives. Even down to the minutiae of their mealtimes. “I’m thinking of havin’ a banana,” wrote one friend. Boring is, more often than not, the Facebook by-word. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with the everyday details of your day but when you think of the years of research and development, not too mention the sheer genius, that has been spent in bringing this mode of communication to the masses, it seems a little sad that sometimes the best use it is put to is, for example, Miss X needing to inform the world that she is “feelin fed up wiv the wevva…” Did I say sometimes, I mean most times (of course, there’s always an exception to prove the rule and I happily waste time doing the quizzes that Vince Tracy regularly sets for his Facebook friends – good ole Vince). Still, I guess the point of Facebook is that it provides an instant conduit for your real-time feelings. It doesn’t matter if they are mundane musings or not, the point is it allows you to broadcast (or more accurately narrowcast) them. It provides both an outlet and an audience. Did you know that in just half a decade sites like Bebo, Facebook and Twitter have transformed the way we communicate with each other? “I don’t believe it,” says Victor Meldrew? Well, consider this Victor: one in five adults and a tad under half

of all 8 - 17 year olds are using sites like these to socialise, make friends and communicate. And the numbers are rising. Maybe, for Tom and Winston above, the need to exclude some people (i.e. me) could be embarrassment prevention. I know that some people liberally sprinkle their comments with profanities, so perhaps it’s not unreasonable to guard against showing someone who you might not want to, your bad language or behaviour etc. Whatever their reasons I actually think they’ve done me a great favour - they’ve lowered my number of Facebook friends and as such have eased my workload. I’ll spend less time on the site as I labour through the daily details. Let’s face it if you’re not careful, you can spend hours on it. I have one chum who has over 400 friends; how long is he stuck on there? All of which had me wondering what the average number of Facebook friends is. What do you think it is: 50, 200, 500, or maybe more? The Economist reported recently that Cameron Marlow - who is widely regarded as Facebook’s in-house sociologist - has revealed that the, “average Facebook user has a network of about 120 friends.” Oh good-oh, that means I’ve got more than the average… But hang on Watts before you get too big headed, Marlow notes that out of this number most people, “only [have] two-way conversations with a very small subset of these ‘friends’”. Interestingly, even for those Facebook

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users with a large number of friends (500+), those “small subset” numbers barely grow. Marlow’s report shows the average is ten for men and sixteen for women. I think the real strength of Facebook is its ease for helping you keep in touch with those friends and family that are geographically removed (for example, keeping up with ex-RTN colleagues). It’s great for grandparents and grandchildren keeping contact with each other and in a strange way I think it helps reduces the socalled generation gap. It certainly is a new form of expression and used in moderation can be for the good. The trouble comes when it’s used without moderation and becomes a dependency. Then what? How’s this for an experiment? Try decimating your number of Facebook friends. Could you bear to take away every one in ten? You could start with people that you don’t actually know; then perhaps go onto those you don’t actually like. Oh, stop it Watts you’re just trying to be controversial. Okay, forget that experiment and add more and more friends. It’ll just take you longer to read through the daily postings, that’s all. Me I’m saying “thanks” to Tom, Winston and Kirsty for not being my friends. It has taught me judiciousness in my Facebook dealings. I aim to be down to just a handful of friends by the weekend… Or will I? Watts in virtual reality; drop me an email at p.watts@roundtownnews.com

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Farewell to summer by Jack Troughton STARTING A new season of fund raising, the Friends of the Children of EMAUS is throwing an ‘end-of-summer’ barbeque on Saturday 11th September. The annual party, a mixture of live music and good food, is again being staged on the new terrace of the idyllic Finca Abril just outside Benissa and the home of Pauline and John Curtis. Poco Loco launch the music and the Band with No Name will keep things rocking during the night – tickets cost €12.50 and include a BBQ supper with salads and an ice-cream dessert. Tickets can be reserved by emailing Pauline in finca.abril@gmail.com or by visiting the website www.fcemaus.es And on Wednesday 22nd September, Bay Radio is hosting a Charity Golf Day

at Alicante Golf to benefit Friends of the Children of EMAUS. The format is Pairs Better Ball Stapleford. Supported by the Stella Robertson Foundation there are great prizes to be won including Nike and Wilson golf equipment. CHAMPIONSHIP Anyone wishing to take part and help raise funds can contact golf@bayradio.fm – the day costs €55 per player including 18 holes at the championship course, buggy, buffet lunch, and a contribution to the charity. The charity’s President Carole Saunders said the last fund-raising event was Fiesta in the Park in La Cometa, Calpe, which “unfortunately” was not as well attended as the previous year – it went head to head with England’s

opening match in the World Cup – but still raised nearly €900. “On the positive side, more children from EMAUS came along this year to enjoy the afternoon or evening entertainment and had a thoroughly good time, which was good to see,” she said. And she thanked the support of charity shops and various groups and associations for donations that had allowed EMAUs children to go to summer camps and to foster parents overt the summer. “It makes sure that all the children get the chance of a break,” added Carole. For further information about EMAUS or fund-raising events ring Carole on 639 637 520, email her at calcalpe@gmail.com, or visit the website www.fcemaus.es

Royal British Legion Gandia Branch: Autumn programme

The meeting in July

THE GANDIA RBL meets Wednesday 1st September and the first Wednesday of every month at their new venue, the Il Giardino Restaurante de Amanzio at Gandia Port, opposite the new Police Local station (previously known as ‘Nelson Port’). A dinner dance at the same venue on Friday September 17th will start at 20.00. The Poppy Appeal runs October and November, with boxes around Gandia and Oliva, particularly remembering our boys

and girls in Afghanistan. A Remembrance Sunday Service is on 14th November at the Ducal Palace, Gandia, followed by a Remembrance Day Lunch at a venue yet to be named. Newcomers do come along Wednesday 1st at 11.45 to a meeting and ‘round table’ lunch: Amanzio serves an excellent 4 course lunch including wine/beer for €10.00. General enquiries: call secretary Cilla on 644 113 889 or social secretary Janet on 962 865 458.

Party night for animal charity By Jack Troughton ANIMAL CHARITY APASA has chosen a new venue for a late summer party night – Font Santa Teulada. Especially designed for picnics and entertaining, the Javea-based charity has extended an open invitation for an evening of free entertainment on 12th September, from 19.00 until late. There will be dancing to the music of the popular Band Popular with No Name and barbeque food and other refreshband No ments will be on sale and there is a bar. Name Profits from the evening will go to help care for the will be dogs and cats rescued by APASA. performing

Tea party in Wonderland

By Jack Troughton CHILDREN CAN expect lots of fun and games at a magical Mad Hatter’s Tea Party being thrown on Sunday 19th September at Benitatxell Arts Centre. Tickets to this colourful Wonderland cost

€5 per child and include food, drink, cakes and entertainment – as well as a bouncy castle and party games. There is also an optional silly hat competition – and adults visiting the bar will be offered a free drink should they dare to sport unusual headgear themselves. The afternoon fun takes place between 16.30 and 18.30 and is open to youngsters of all ages, although very young children should be accompanied by an adult. To book a place call 680 673 871 or email info@benitatxellartscentre.info


The BBQ will be raising funds for EMAUS

Ride to the Rock charity cycle ride ON 28TH AUGUST a team of 11 cyclists from Castle Cary in Somerset are setting off on a 1,600 mile ride to Gibraltar. The Ride to the Rock charity cycle ride is taking place to help raise an estimated £10,000 for Help for Heroes and The Anthony Nolan Trust Fund. The cyclist’s set off at about 22.00 on Saturday 28th, making their way to Portsmouth for an overnight crossing to Caen in France. They will cycle through France over the Pyrenees and into Spain, to arrive in Gibraltar on 10th September. They will average 120 miles per day and sleep under canvas at night. This will be a real test of spirit and de-

termination and at times be both physically and mentally draining. They chose Gibraltar as their destination because it ties in with one of their chosen charities (Help for Heroes) due to its importance as a military base for the British Armed Forces and a Royal Naval Base. One of the team, Bill Dycer, a regular visitor to his apartment in Javea and reader of RTN, is calling on other readers of this popular weekly freebie to support the team on their epic ride by visiting www.ridetotherock.co.uk and donating via the ‘Just giving pages’. Bill will be travel back to Javea from Gibraltar for a couple of weeks rest and recovery.


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Bikini Bash Calendar: female models required Get your bikini on and join the bash!

THIS YEAR, the Bikini Bash, sponsored by Europa Network and the Orihuela Costa Town Hall, is going to be bigger and better than ever at Chiringuitos Del Sol on Campoamor Beach, Orihuela Costa. Following the event, a calendar for 2011 is being produced with proceeds going to 12 local charities. Some of our lovely ladies who ‘dare to bare’ at the event on Saturday 28th August will be featured so ladies, if you have modelling potential and have ever fancied gracing the pages of a calendar, now is your chance. All you need to do is turn up to Campoamor Beach by 16:00, take part in our record-breaking attempt and fill out a model registration form. A casting session will be held on Wednesday 1st September for the chance to feature in the 1st Bikini Bash 2011 charity calendar. 12 finalists will also receive a portfolio courtesy of Paul Sellers from Simple Treasures Fotografo. CHARITIES The calendar will be sold to benefit local charities who will each receive 350 copies which they can sell in store/charity shops at a small price of €3 each, gathering a healthy €1,050 for their cause. Our main sponsors will receive 300 copies each as Christmas presents for their customers from Sol TV. Sol TV will also give away a further 200 copies of the calendar through competitions amongst other fantastic prizes. The calendar will be launched at SOL TV’s Mind, Body

and SOL exhibition being held at La Finca 5* Golf and Spa Resort, Algorfa on Saturday 24th October, just in time for Christmas. Gina Marks from SOL TV told RTN: “As always SOL TV is working in the community for the community and we hope you support these charities too by purchasing this must have calendar for 2011.” For more information call 966 761 050 or 691 477 771 (Spanish, German and Dutch). Any businesses wanting to show their support with sponsorship or advertising on the calendar to support the charities can call or email office@solproductions.tv. Stay tuned to www.solproductions.tv or find them on Facebook to get the latest updated information. BIKINI BASH EVENT RUNNING ORDER 16:00 – TKO introduction to the event 16:10 – Ruth Kingsbury Dancers 16:25 – TKO/Presenter 16:30 – Spanish singer, dance and congas 17:00 – TKO/Presenter 17:15 – Male fashion show 17:45 – Chess 18:30 – Bikini photo shoot 18:45 – TKO Comparing 18:45 – Bikini parade 18:45 – Tribute to Rod Stewart by Andy McBride 19:15 – Queen tribute by Chess 20:15 – DJ Gabe David 21:15 – TKO Close

Georgie May is set to hit the big screen TEENAGE BEAUTY Georgie student in Harry Potter 7, split May is visiting family on into two parts in 3D. Georgie the Costa Blanca, where she appreciates the support of has commenced studies at her friends and family, with college after gaining increased a special mention for Carrie recognition across Europe. Leanne Marrie, her Manager. Georgie is looking forward to promoting her first leading role in a short entitled ‘Alone’, as Katie Walker. Georgie said: “I would rather chase after my dreams than wait for them to come to me. You have to dare to dream to get what you want from life, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.” Her next role is to be small and in a horror series called ‘I’ve Been Watching’, as a young office worker. Next year, Georgie May has a significant role in the feature length horror, ‘Be My Valentine’, to be released on DVD and premiered in London. Since Georgie’s Georgie first casting for Twilight in her she has aimed high and this Hogwarts uniform year appears as a Gryffindor

Los Arcos sponsors PUMA22

LOS ARCOS Restaurant is now sponsoring PUMA22 through an international live music event every Friday night, with free entry for everyone. Last Friday they had a fantastic Dutch duo playing and raised €96 for PUMA22 via a raffle with various prizes, with first prize a complementary meal for two at Los Arcos restaurant, Avda. Baleares, Torrevieja. PUMA22 would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support. Funds raised are going towards meeting PUMA22’s website overheads, as well as translation fees, leaflet printing costs, etc. For more information or assistance with healthcare related matters, please visit www.PUMA22.org

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010




27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Capital Gains Tax by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

I live in the UK and am selling my Spanish house at a small loss. I will not have any Capital Gains Tax to pay as I bought it for €220,000 and I am selling it for €210,000. The purchaser’s lawyer advises me that a retention of €6,300 must be made to pay my Capital Gains Tax. I have explained to him that there is no Gain at all but he insists on making the retention. Is this correct? Why do I need to pay €6,300 if have no gain at all? Can I reclaim this retention? Yes, as per your question, if the figures are correct you are right in assuming that you will not have to pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT) (Ganancia Patrimonial) because, as mentioned in previous articles, the difference between the acquisition cost/value (price, taxes, notary fees, land registry fees, and other costs e.g. legal fees that you paid when you bought the house) is higher that the transmission costs/value (selling price, less: plusvalia tax, agents fees, etc

that you will get and pay when you will sell the house). Despite the fact that you will not have to pay CGT as there is no gain at all in the transfer, as per the article 25.2 of the Income Tax Law for Non Residents (RD 5/2004) in the event of a sale of a property in Spain by a person with no permanent establishment (i.e: a Non Tax Resident like you), the person that will acquire the property (i.e: buyerpurchaser) is obliged to make a retention of 3% and pay it to the tax authorities. If this is not fulfilled by the purchaser, apart from the sanctions that the Taxman can ask for, the property transferred will be charged with the unpaid amount and retained in favour of the Taxman. Therefore this 3% in your case being the selling price €210,000 as per your information, corresponds to the €6.300 that the lawyers informed you about. Therefore we understand that the Lawyer is correct and if you are not tax resident in Spain this retention of the 3% needs to be done and paid to the tax man by means of the form (modelo) 211 even if you have no future Capital Gains Tax to pay. Nevertheless the fact that the retention 3% needs to be paid, if you have no gain and therefore no Capital Gains Tax (CGT) (Ganancia Patrimonial) is to be paid, you would be able to claim for the whole 3% retention back by means of the form (modelo) 212.

Always we like to remind to our clients that this will apply as far as you have made and presented your Income Tax declaration as Non Tax Resident to the Tax Authorities every year before the sale. If it is not like that, when you apply for the retention of 3% back, the Taxman will communicate you that you have not fulfilled your tax obligations and you have not presented your Income Tax declaration as Non Tax Resident for the last years. In this situation you should (and we can do it for you) pay your Income Tax as Non Resident in Spain for the last 4 years, in order to update your tax situation with the taxman and be able to reclaim for the whole €6,300 ( 3% retention). To sum up, we can say that in the event of a sale when the vendor is non tax resident in Spain, even if there is no gain and you are selling at a loss, a retention of 3% of the price needs to be made by the purchaser (by means of the form 211) and pay it to the Tax Authorities like a payment on account of the vendor’s potential Capital Gains Tax Bill. The vendor will then make his CGT declaration (form 212) and if there is no CGT to be paid, or less than the sum retained, he will be able to claim for the funds to be repaid. But the vendor should have complied with his tax obligations as a non tax resident. If he has not then he should update his situation, presenting the relevant tax declarations, in order to be able to get the retention back. Should this be your case, or you want to know the taxes that you should pay or how to reduce them, we will be more than pleased to assist you. *The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Spanish pension increase

THE STATE retirement pension has risen to an average of €886.40 per month, according to data released by the Ministry of Employment and Immigration. This is a 3.5 percent increase on August last year. Overall, pensions – including those for widows, the disabled and orphans – are at €781.34 per month. At the beginning of August, 8.7 million pensions were being paid out.


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010


QROPS or SIPP: which option is best for your UK pension? by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns GIVEN THE impending changes in UK pensions law to be introduced by the Coalition government, this is a good opportunity to revisit the relative merits of using a UK Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) or a QROPS as a long term home for your UK pension fund. WHY NOT LEAVE IT WHERE IT IS? This is the first question you may well ask. Well the answer to that one depends on where your UK private pension is currently held. If it’s a deferred (or ‘frozen’) pension in a final salary pension scheme, the awaited new UK legislation will reduce the current ‘transfer value’ by typically 10% to 30%. So

if you know that the value of something is going to fall then surely now is the time to do something about it. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOUR FUND IS WORTH? HOW IT IS INVESTED? If your UK pension is with a UK insurance company can you answer these two questions? If the answer to at least one of these questions is ‘no’, you need to consider what you have and compare it to what is available - namely SIPPS and QROPS. As pensions experts first and foremost, we can gather all this information for you and provide you with our free no obligation review. THE KEY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A SIPP AND A QROPS FOR A NON UK RESIDENT ARE: 1. A SIPP will generally be a lower cost option than a QROPS. 2. A SIPP will provide fewer investment options than a QROPS. 3. Upon your death, QROPS always allow the remaining funds to be passed on tax free to your named beneficiaries.

4. With a SIPP, any remaining funds upon death passed onto your beneficiaries attract a penal tax charge of 82 percent (soon to be reduced to 55 percent). 5. A SIPP restricts you to a single chance of taking a lump sum of 25% of the fund. New rules from April 2011 may allow you to take more as a lump sum but it will be taxed. 6. A QROPS can allow you to take up to 100% of the fund as a lump sum if you have been out of the UK for at least five complete tax years. 7. Income when drawn from a SIPP will be fully taxed here in Spain. 8. Income when drawn from a QROPS will for a Spanish resident be taxed at no more than 2.6%, and this can be as low as 1.5%. You will begin to see how it is that the extra cost of a QROPS is well worth it on consideration of the advantages that are delivered. But above all a QROPS takes you outside UK legislation once and for all and away from the risks associated with

the ongoing meddling underway by the UK authorities. THE IMPORTANCE OF ADVICE FROM PENSIONS SPECIALISTS For a free no cost (with no upfront fees) review of your pension fund from a leading QROPS and QNUPS independent pensions advisory firm please contact review@qrops.es or see http://www.qrops.es or http://www.qropsguernsey.com

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS, August 2010. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 W: www.qrops.es

What? Padron - a list of all the people who live in a certain town Empadronarse - the act of registering yourself on this list with your local town hall Who? All residents in Spain are required by law to register on the padron How? Fill in the form provided by your town hall. You will need to show your passport, an NIE card or residency certificate, a recent utility bill in your name and the deeds to your house or a copy of a rental contract Why? Better public services including provision of health centres, police officers, fire fighters and schools. Access to financial benefits and social care. A potential reduction in local taxes. Voting rights in local and European elections. An easier life! More information can be found at: www.residenteseuropeos.com/padron_en.php



27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Selling up and paying out by

Suzanne O’Connell

SELLING OR buying, the whole task can require the most monumental effort. You find a property but can’t sell yours; you have an offer but can’t find what you’re looking for; getting everything to slot together at the right time at the right price can seem like the most unlikely prospect since snow on Christmas day – in Spain! Even when that miraculous offer comes through and the purchase/sale is in the bag you wait with trepidation, always expecting that last minute hitch. And when it doesn’t come? Eureka! The purchase/sale is complete and that’s it. Isn’t it? Of course you have one or two minor details to sort out - moving furniture; re-registering at the doctors; changing all those hundreds of documents into your new address. And then there’s the little matter of Capital Gains Tax.

The fact remains that if you are in that enviable position of having made a profit on your house then you are likely to have something to pay. But how much? It all depends upon your fiscal residency status and the purpose of your move. If you have been a fiscal resident for more than 3 years, are selling your principle residence and re-investing the money in another one, you have nothing to pay. If you’re over 65 you don’t even have to reinvest in another property. Sounds good doesn’t it? But there is a catch. You need a little more proof than a green certificate to satisfy the authorities of your status. The best way of proving that you have been a fiscal resident for more than three years is by completing your annual tax declaration. This ‘fixes’ you as ‘residing in Spain’.

And if you’re a non-resident or the house is not your principal property? Then, unfortunately, it’s a little more expensive. Capìtal Gains is currently 19% on any difference there is between the selling price and what is written on the escritura (Title Deed). But there is some good news for the non-resident: you can offset your costs against your profit. So for example legal costs, Notary fees, transmission tax are all deductible. A chink of light and be thankful that the CGT charge is no

longer the 35% levied previously! When working out what’s left to spend celebrating your sale, remember that there is a retention of 3% on the current sale price of non-resident property. This is paid to the Hacienda Pública and you won’t see this money until you’ve presented form 212 and the actual calculation of Capital Gains Tax is made. At last, CGT sorted you’re one step nearer to putting your feet up and indulging in a nice cup of tea. Now, which packing case was that teapot in?

If you would like a FREE, no obligation tax consultation with one of Ábaco’s friendly team of advisers call the ÁbacoConnect Help-line 966 703 748 www.abacoconnect.com

Social security statistics THE AVERAGE number of foreign contributors to the Spanish Social Security system for July stands at 1,900,157. Last week, the Ministry of Work and Immigration published the statistics on foreign contributors to the Spanish Social Security system for the month of July per autono-

mous region, province, sector and country of origin. Also included are data on self-employed foreign contributors per sector of activity. The Valencian Community has the third-most contributors after Catalonia and Madrid. The most self-employed foreign contributors are in Catalonia, followed by Madrid and then the Valencian Community.

Longer to work before retirement SPAIN IS planning to raise the age of retirement. The Minister for Tax and the Economy, Elena Salgado, confirmed the move in an interview with the Spanish

Público newspaper. She stated that there is no other option. The new retirement age has not yet been confirmed, but indications are that it could change from 65 to 67.

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010



27 AUG -JANUARY 2 SEPT 20102010 15-21


The “dipstick” test DEAR DAWN, I know that this is a simple question but please can you tell me why every time I go for a prenatal check-up my midwife asks me for a specimen of urine? What is she testing for? You are quite right, you will be Ask the asked to produce a urine specimen Specialist by at every visit. Believe it or not we can actually glean a lot of information just by doing a ‘dipstick’ test on your urine. S.R.N. R.M. Specifically we are looking at:

Dawn Blythe

KETONES: Ketones appear in urine when the body starts to break down fats. This may be because your intake of carbohydrate is insufficient or due to nausea and vomiting. In severe cases of

vomiting (hyperemesis gravidarum) a large presence of ketones may indicate that intravenous fluids are needed. The presence of ketones along with glucose may be a sign of diabetes. GLUCOSE: An occasional trace of glucose is considered normal during pregnancy. However, should glucose be detected on 2 consecutive visits, or a high level of glucose at any visit, it could indicate that you have gestational diabetes (diabetes in pregnancy). Further investigations including a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) would be ordered. This is a painless test that involves fasting from the night before, then a series of blood tests after drinking

a special glucose drink. The test is complete in about 3 hours. PROTEIN: Protein in your urine may be an indication of various disorders. Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) occur commonly in pregnancy and one of the signs of a UTI is the presence of protein in urine. If protein is detected on ‘dipstick’, a sample of your urine will be sent to the laboratory for culture to determine whether indeed you do have a UTI. Later in pregnancy, protein in your urine may be a sign of pre-eclamsia, especially if accompanied by high blood pressure and / or oedema. This is a serious disorder which needs to be diagnosed and managed without delay.

urinary tract infection. A specimen of urine will be sent to laboratory for further testing. So, as you can see, we do gain a lot of information just from routine testing of your urine. Interesting isn’t it?

BLOOD CELLS: Traces of blood cells found on dipstick again may be a sign of

This article has been written by DAWN BLYTHE S.R.N. R.M. Dawn is a British trained Midwife who has spent over 20 years caring for mothers and babies in expatriate communities. She now offers Midwifery Care (excluding delivery) to the patients of ‘THE ENGLISH MEDICAL CLINIC’, ALBIR. To chat to Dawn pop into her free ‘drop in’ clinic on Wednesday mornings.

27JANUARY AUG - 2 SEPT2010 2010 15-21

Jackie’s story by

Mark Phoenix Murphy Dhp MIAPH MNRAH

“I’M STANDING in the shower and my partner’s near. If he’s not there, I know it will start. As long as I can see him, touch him, I’ll be fine. At least I hope I will. My panic attacks start at the drop of a hat. There’s no one thing that starts them and for the last twenty years, they’ve gradually but effectively taken over my life. Every single day is dominated by them. I can’t control them; they’re uncontrollable. My only option is to take a Valium, but if I do that, I’ll become addicted. Adding another problem to my already stress-filled life is not an option.” I’m tired of talking on the phone and suddenly feeling

my heart rate start to speed up, feeling so short of breath that I may pass out. I’m tired of not being able to live a normal life; and tired of the simplest things triggering an attack. How am I supposed to live with this constant threat? For over twenty years, panic attacks were my life. I’ve been to GPs in the past and been told that a bad relationship was the original trigger. The stress created within our partnership started the hideous panic attacks that dominated my very existence. For seven of those twenty years I was constantly on Valium and anti-depressants; that was the support I received from my GP…i.e. medication.

Jackie with Mark


Don’t let fear or panic attacks take over your life

Well, in my case and I think a lot of other cases, it didn’t work. I can remember the day when enough was enough. I sat with my partner and I told him that I just couldn’t take anymore. I couldn’t stand being a prisoner in my home, and I could no longer take the constant feelings of uselessness and worthlessness that assailed me. I’d seen Mark Phoenix Murphy’s advert in one of the local papers and seen that he treated all kinds of issues, so I decided to take a leap of faith. It was a decision that would eventually change my life and for the better. If it weren’t for Mark, I’d still be living a halflife, instead of the fulfilled and normal life I’m leading now. Over three months, Mark

helped me to resolve some past issues that unbeknown to me were still heavily affecting my life. I’d taken the sole responsibility for them, when I shouldn’t have done. Looking back it is bizarre how they gained such a hold on my life. It wasn’t instantaneous, but I never expected that. Every session with Mark, I noticed a small difference. I felt better about myself, had more confidence; and when a panic attack struck, I could deal with it. I didn’t have to reach for a tablet: I had the strength to control it without needing medication. Suddenly my course of therapy was over and I can honestly say, such a feeling of freedom and wonder sailed

through me. I’d gone through a complete overhaul of my life and I was ready to start living again. I know without a doubt that had I not visited Mark, I would still be a prisoner in my own life. He’s helped me so much that there’s no easy way to just thank him. Now, I can drive. I had the self-belief to start the learning process. Thanks to him I can go shopping and stand around in a queue. I no longer need someone with me, just to cope. Mark has completely reshaped me and thanks to him, I feel normal again.” If you’re in the same boat as Jackie once was and are ready to start living again, then call Mark now for a free consultation on 654 202 996.

To change your life, pick up the phone. For a free initial consultation, call Mark direct on 654 202 996 or visit www.HypnoSpain.com, www.HypnosisSpain.com or www.Hypnotherapygastricband.com for more details. NB: Every other week you will find the Phoenix Hypnotherapy advert on page 2.

27 AUG -JANUARY 2 SEPT 20102010 15-21


Insect bites and stings MANY PEOPLE have been plagued by itchy red lumps caused by bites or stings from various insects here on the Costas. Mosquitoes have been particularly prevalent due to the warm, wet Spring weather. Not only do these cause unsightly and troublesome spots by but more seriously they can spread infection and various diseases. Biting insects such as mosquitoes BPharm(hons) MRPharmS that feed on a host’s blood can cause a local reaction due to an allergy to the insects’ saliva and / or anti-coagulant proteins present in the saliva, which are injected into the skin to allow feeding. These are generally small local areas of redness and itching which generally fade away over 1-2 weeks. If a larger area of redness develops which is hard, hot and painful then this may signify the bite has become infected which may need treatment with an antibiotic, either orally (Cloxacillin) or topically (Fucidin cream). Whilst most biting insects cause only mild irritation, some can cause

Michael Lord

various diseases and even death. The most serious worldwide is of course malaria which affects 250 million people and causes about 1 million deaths annually. Other diseases spread by biting insects include Leishmaniasis; Encephalitis; West Nile Fever; Yellow and Dengue Fever and Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness). Stinging insects which inject venom include wasps, bees and hornets. These tend to produce a much more painful reaction and can, in a small number of individuals, cause anaphylactic shock which is a medical emergency. People who are susceptible to these severe reactions generally carry an adrenaline injection (Epipen) just in case! Wasps and hornets can sting multiple times whereas bees only sting once before dying. However, their sting has an attached gland which continues to pump toxin into its victim after stinging. For this reason don’t use your fingers or tweezers to remove a sting, but better to scrape it out with a credit card or blunt side of a knife: stings on the lips or inside the mouth need urgent medical examination due to the possibility of inflammation and closure of the airways. PREVENTING BITES The most widely recommended repellent is DEET available as sprays, roll-ons, wipes and lotions. As most

biting insects are more active in the evening, repellents should be applied to exposed skin from dusk onwards. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colours, so dressing in lighter shades is advisable. They are also attracted by carbon dioxide (from breath) and some odours such as perfumes, sweat or deodorant. Young children may not be able to use DEET so an alternative such as Icardin can be used for under 2’s. A number of natural products are thought to deter biting insects; the most widely used are Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and Garlic. TREATMENT OF BITES AND STINGS Reactions tend to be red, itchy and painful, so generally anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory or steroid creams are recommended or those containing local anaesthetics. Natural ingredients that can be helpful include witch-hazel, tea tree and calamine. For severe or multiple bites and stings anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory tablets may be required or, if infection sets in, antibiotics could be needed. Remember prevention is better than cure so use a repellent, available from only €1. If you are unfortunate enough to be bitten there are a variety of products available to help soothe and calm the irritation such as After-bite, Anthisan, Xpel and Dr. Johnson’s.

Michael Lord BPharm(hons) MRPharmS. UK Pharmacist with 20 years experience. Now at Health & Beauty Abroad, Flamenca Beach Commercial Centre, Orihuela Costa. Tel: 96 532 5116 Web: HealthandBeautyAbroad.com

Celebrations for Afghan Heroes First Anniversary A MONTH of events celebrates Afghan Heroes First Anniversary on the 15th of September. 2ND SEPTEMBER The Golden Era of Swing, Los Arcos Restaurante at 21.00: Organised by Phoenix Promotions and Starring Patti Ross, Tony Kelly and Keith Monk. Expats 4 AH will be selling merchandise, Mega Raffle tickets and taking entries for the competition to win 2 nights in Benidorm. Tickets: €5 from Los Arcos Restaurante; The Post Room Benijofar and Phoenix on 677 222 352. 3RD & 4TH SEPTEMBER Mega Raffle – Iceland Store, La Marina 10.00 – 16.00: 3 tickets for €5 could win a €50 Iceland voucher, a pair of emerald and diamond earrings from Quesada Gold Centre, gym membership to Howards Gym, a DVD player or tickets to Benidorm Palace. The draw will take place at 16.00 on Saturday 4th. 11TH & 12TH SEPTEMBER Solid silver 60’s Night: Wayne Fontana and Dave Berry will be performing for 3 more sell-out shows, part of the profits to be donated to Expats 4 Afghan Heroes, at Pizzeria Asturias on Saturday 11th and The Emerald Isle on Sunday 12th. Tickets are €10 from either venue or by calling Bob on 697 867 068. These will be the last dates that you can enter the 2 night trip to Benidorm Competition.

Put on your running shoes for MABS MABS MURCIA/Mar Menor’s Race for Life in Los Alcázares on Sunday, 14th November starts at Club Nautico and ends at the Playa Los Narejos 3 kms away. MABS welcomes the Tren Habanero team this year; owners Dawn and Jeff Binns-Willis are kindly taking runners back to the start line on this colourful train, free of charge: “We are pleased to be able to help MABS, who do so much in our local community and it promises to be an exciting event.” Entry and sponsorship forms from 1st September at: Centro Las Claras (Los Narejos); The Arches (Urb El Oasis; Legs & Co (opposite K2); Shape & Tone (Av Mariano Ballester); New Salsa Bar, (Urb El Oasis); The Post Room (Av Rio Nalón); Time Out (San Javier) or register online: www.mabsmurcia.com Phone 689 897 866 for full details. Fancy dress encouraged! MABS Murcia/Mar Menor helps people in the Murcia/Mar Menor area affected by cancer. If you want to volunteer, donate or need help, contact MABS on 693 275 779 or visit: www.mabsmurcia.com

The Tren Habanero will be taking runners back to the start line

MABS Cancer Support Group, Mutxamel MABS CANCER Support Group announces that Mrs Cynthia Waldock no longer represents MABS Cancer Support Group and that

the telephone number 652 835 063 is no longer associated with MABS. An announcement will be made in the next few

weeks regarding leadership of MABS in Mutxamel. In the meantime, please direct all enquiries to Pauline on 966 470 897.

AUG - 2 SEPT2010 2010 15-2127JANUARY



27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Where to sell your art IN THIS week’s article I will give you a few tips on where to exhibit your artwork. Sadly it is a very difficult time for selling work but I would still suggest that you get your art out there as much as possible and begin to build up a reputation for when the market by eventually picks up. Even though it is more difficult, it is not impossible so please keep positive! Firstly I would recommend a good BA (hons). Artist & owner of ArtHouse Gallery portfolio. This will save you lugging around big paintings. The most important part of this is having good photos of your work. As always be selective and only choose your best pieces. It is better to have a smaller one filled with high quality work. This will show you at your best; remember one piece of weak work can bring down the standard of a whole portfolio. I suggest printing the photos A4 size making sure that they are cropped and colour corrected. Always take photos of your work before you put it in a glass frame. Keep it simple, sleek and professional on either black, white or grey mounts. Get a good folder, a black ring binder will do the job and do not get fussy; let the work speak for itself. For more information and tips on how to photograph paintings and how to create a good portfolio, visit my website www.arthouseonline.net

Julia Evans

WHERE TO SELL: 1. Cafes, bars, and restaurants. This is a good place to start and less

intimidating then approaching a gallery. I would recommend that you try the places closest to where you live. Most restaurants and bars love to exhibit artists’ work as they get to fill their walls for free and you get to exhibit so everybody benefits... It is even better if you can show your work in places that you visit regularly. As I said in last week’s article, being an artist is a great conversation starter and people will be able to see your work then and there. 2. Casa de Culturas, town halls, libraries and other public buildings. The Spanish are particularly good at supporting local art and culture and nearly every town or village has a casa de cultura. Also town halls regularly hold exhibitions. Generally speaking you do not have to pay to exhibit but they very often will want to keep a painting as payment. They normally have quite long waiting lists too so I suggest that you get your name down as soon as possible. Every town hall has its own website where you can find out about this. You simply Google the name of your town followed by ‘Ajuntament’ and their websites should come up although not all of them have English translations. Tourist information centres can be helpful here as there is nearly always someone there who speaks English. 3. Galleries – Approaching galleries can be a daunting process and there are so many different types of galleries out

The ArtHouse gallery space

there. This is quite an in-depth subject so if you need more information please see the arthouse website. The main quick tip that I can give you is to make sure that the standard and style of your work fits that of the gallery you want to approach.

and only this week one of the arthouse students sold a piece in this way. It is the perfect place to start and you will not need to think about commissions or have to go through the process of approaching other places.

4. Other Places. Basically there is nothing to say that you can’t put your work everywhere so think outside the box. Try doctors, dentists, vets and do not forget your own home. Fill your own walls with your paintings. Or perhaps if you have the space think about creating your own home studio where people can come and see your work. I’ve managed to sell quite a few paintings from having them on show in my house

The ArtHouse website holds more tips and information on the artists help page. You will need to become a member of the website to access this page. It is completely free to join and you can upload photos of your work onto our online gallery section. I would like to apologise if some of you have had trouble getting onto the website in the last few days but it is now up and running again.

Julia Evans BA (hons), ArtHouse Gallery, Calle San Miguel no. 14, Gata de Gorgos, 03740 Alicante. Tel: 0034 965 756 286 or 0034 687 114 853. Email: arthousemail@gmail.com. Web: www. arthouseonline.net. If you are an artist and have an exhibition coming up or simply just want me to view you work then email arthousemail@gmail.com

tv Friday

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes under the Hammer 11:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News 13:30 Regional News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Murder, She Wrote 15:00 BBC News 15:05 Green Balloon Club Goes on Holiday 15:30 Frankenstein’s Cat 15:40 Wingin’ It 16:05 Trapped 16:35 Hounded 17:00 Newsround 17:15 The Weakest Link 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 Regional News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 A Question of Sport 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 QI 21:00 My Family 21:30 Outnumbered 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:35 Would I Lie to You? 23:05 National Lottery Draws 23:15 The Ring

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Roar 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Holiday 13:30 His Girl Friday 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Restoration Roadshow 20:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 Home Movie Roadshow 23:00 Roger and Val Have Just Got In 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 The Review Show at the Edinburgh Festival 24:50 Swimming with Sharks

07:00 GMTV

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Football Focus 13:00 BBC News 13:05 Regional News 13:10 F1: Grand Prix Qualifying 15:05 Rugby League: Challenge Cup Final 17:30 Final Score 18:15 BBC News 18:25 Regional News 18:35 Over the Hedge 19:50 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show 20:50 Tonight’s the Night 21:40 National Lottery Saturday Night Draws 21:50 John Bishop’s Britain 22:20 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow 23:05 BBC News 23:25 Match of the Day 24:45 The Football League Show

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Paradise Cafe 10:30 Animals at Work 11:00 Horrible Histories 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 12:30 Evacuation to the Manor House 13:00 Degrassi: The Next Generation 13:25 Scene Stealers 13:55 The Cut 14:20 The 5.19 Show 14:35 The Almost Perfect Guide to Life 15:00 Coast 15:20 Oklahoma! 17:35 The Eagle Has Landed 19:45 BBC Proms 21:30 Dad’s Army 22:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:45 Vexed (Drama) 23:45 Grandma’s House 24:15 Russell Howard’s Good News

06:00 GMTV

07:00 Breakfast 08:40 Match of the Day 10:00 Breakfast 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Country Tracks 13:00 BBC News 13:05 F1: Grand Prix 16:10 EastEnders Omnibus 18:05 Songs of Praise 18:40 Halcyon River Diaries 19:40 BBC News 19:50 Regional News and Weather 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 The Very Last of the Summer Wine 21:30 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Secret Britain 23:00 BBC News 23:15 Regional News and Weather 23:25 Trackers 24:15 Bandits

08:00 Everything’s Rosie 08:10 Garth and Bev 08:25 Dennis and Gnasher 08:35 Bear Behaving Badly 09:00 Escape from Scorpion Island 10:00 Deadly 60 10:30 Gastronuts 11:30 The Youth Olympics 13:00 Bargain Hunt Famous Finds 13:30 Flog It! 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 South Pacific 17:25 Finding Neverland 19:00 The Great British Bake Off 20:00 Dragons’ Den 21:00 Mountain Gorilla 22:00 Vexed 23:00 Match of the Day 2 24:10 Mad Men 24:55 Mad Men

07:00 GMTV

10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Michael Ball Show 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Anglia Tonight 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 UEFA Super Cup Highlights 24:35 Cops with Cameras

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

01:30 The Zone

09:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 10:25 Children’s Hospital 10:55 Monk 11:50 This Morning 12:50 ITV News 13:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 13:30 The Spy Who Loved Me 15:50 Midsomer Murders 17:50 Anglia News 18:00 ITV News 18:15 You’ve Been Framed! 18:45 Odd One In 19:30 The X Factor 20:45 Magic Numbers 21:45 The Bourne Supremacy 23:45 ITV News

10:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 12:45 This Morning 13:45 Dinner Date 14:45 ITV News 14:55 Planet’s Funniest Animals 15:25 The X Factor 16:40 Moonraker 19:00 Anglia News 19:15 ITV News 19:30 Stephen Tompkinson’s Australian Balloon Adventure 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Heartbeat 22:00 Martin Clunes: Horsepower 23:00 ITV News 23:15 Drama Trails 24:15 Comedy Classics

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:30 Ultimate Big Brother 09:40 Frasier 10:05 Under the Skin 11:05 Privileged 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers and Sisters 13:55 Come Dine with Me 14:25 Come Dine with Me 14:55 Come Dine with Me 15:25 Come Dine with Me 15:55 Come Dine with Me 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:25 4thought.tv 20:30 The Incubator 21:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 22:00 Ultimate Big Brother 23:00 Pete Versus Life 23:35 Ultimate Big Brother 24:25 Stand Up for the Week Best Bits

08:00 Childrens TV 09:20 Thomas and Friends 09:30 Mio Mao 09:35 Olivia 09:50 The Mr. Men Show 10:00 Little Princess 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 The Trisha Goddard Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 The Hotel Inspector 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:05 A Step Toward Tomorrow 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 The Boss is Coming to Dinner 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 Law and Order: Special Victims Unit 24:00 CSI: New York 24:55 Cops in Crisis

08:00 World Sport 08:30 Mobil 1 The Grid 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Katy Perry: T4 Special 10:30 Ugly Betty 11:30 Video Exclusive 11:35 Ultimate Big Brother 12:35 Ultimate Big Brother 13:25 The Hollyoaks Music Show Playlist 13:55 Scrubs 14:25 That Paralympic Show 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me 17:25 Come Dine with Me 17:55 Come Dine with Me 18:25 Come Dine with Me 18:55 Channel 4 News 19:20 4thought.tv 19:25 The Battle of Britain 22:00 Ultimate Big Brother 23:00 In Bruges 01:05 Stand by Me

08:00 Childrens TV 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:10 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottletop Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 How Do They Do It? 11:30 The Gadget Show 12:30 Great Railway Adventures with Dan Cruickshank 13:30 Sword and The Rose 15:15 The Odyssey 18:15 Jason and the Argonauts 20:10 Five News 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 NCIS 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 CSI: Miami 24:55 Cops in Crisis

08:00 Rat Race Urban Adventure Edinburgh 08:30 British Basketball 09:25 Friends 09:55 Friends 10:30 Hollyoaks 13:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 14:05 Friends 14:40 The Simpsons 15:15 The Simpsons 15:45 Ugly Betty 16:45 Three in a Bed 17:15 Three in a Bed 17:50 Three in a Bed 18:20 Deal or No Deal 19:10 Stormbreaker 20:45 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Ultimate Big Brother 22:00 Inside Incredible Athletes 23:30 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 24:20 The Seeker: The Dark is Rising

08:00 Childrens TV 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 08:55 Milkshake! Bop Box 09:00 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:10 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottletop Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Michaela’s Wild Challenge 12:40 The Family Recipe 12:45 The Hotel Inspector 13:45 Egypt’s Lost Queen 14:50 The Law and Jake Wade 16:30 Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home 18:20 Yours, Mine and Ours 20:10 Five News 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 White Chicks 23:15 Panic Room 01:25 UFC 91

08:00 Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Grease: The School Musical 12:00 Wedding S.O.S. 12:30 The Secret Guide to Women’s Health 13:00 The Real A and E 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 A Town Called Eureka 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 21:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Biggest Loser USA 23:00 Law and Order 24:00 Bones

08:30 Beach Soccer 09:30 Beach Soccer 10:30 Ski Jumping 12:00 Cycling 13:00 Football: UEFA Europa League 13:30 Beach Soccer 18:15 Tennis 19:00 Football: Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Tennis 19:45 Bowling 20:45 Strongest Man 21:45 Pro Wrestling 22:45 All Sports: Watts 23:00 Beach Soccer 24:30 Cycling


08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Shortland Street 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Bulging Brides 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Shortland Street 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Best of Passport Patrol 22:00 Medium 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 09:00 Best of Oops TV 10:00 Football’s Next Star 11:00 Soccer A.M. 13:00 Fat Families 15:00 Project Runway 16:00 Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza 17:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 18:00 Vet Adventures 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Glenn Martin DDS 21:00 Best of Oops TV 22:00 The Fast and the Furious 24:05 Classic Albums

08:30 Ski Jumping 10:00 Beach Soccer 11:00 Cycling 12:00 Ski Jumping 13:15 Ski Jumping 15:00 Beach Soccer 17:00 Beach Soccer 18:15 Tennis 19:00 Tennis 21:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 23:00 Equestrian 24:30 Rally 01:00 Ski Jumping

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Dating in the Dark 11:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 12:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 13:00 Ghost Whisperer 14:00 Ghost Whisperer 15:00 Ghost Whisperer 16:00 Ghost Whisperer 17:00 The Birdcage 19:30 16 and Pregnant 20:25 Celebs 24/7 20:30 Nothing to Declare 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

The Spy Who Loved Me ITV 1 , 13.30

08:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 09:00 Oops TV 09:30 Oops TV 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars 12:00 WWE Experience 13:00 Futurama 13:30 Futurama 14:00 Must be the Music 15:00 Must be the Music 16:15 Must be the Music 17:00 Best of Oops TV 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Middle 20:00 Must be the Music Live 21:15 Must be the Music 22:00 Michael Jackson’s This is it 24:10 Martina Cole’s The Take

08:30 Rally 09:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 10:15 Ski Jumping 11:45 Car Racing 12:30 Ski Jumping 14:15 Tennis 15:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 16:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 17:30 Beach Soccer 18:00 Beach Soccer 19:15 Ski Jumping 20:30 Boxing 22:15 Rally 22:45 Ski Jumping 24:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 01:15 Motorsports: Motorsports Weekend Magazine Slumdog The Very Last of the Millionaire Channel 4, Wine Summer 10.00pm

BBC 1, 21.00

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 10:00 Four Weddings 10:30 Four Weddings 11:00 Four Weddings 11:30 Four Weddings 12:00 Four Weddings 12:30 Bulging Brides 13:00 The Birdcage 15:30 Changing Faces 16:25 Celebs 24/7 16:30 Nothing to Declare 17:00 Best of Passport Patrol 18:00 Teen Mom 19:00 Dating in the Dark 20:00 Four Weddings USA 21:00 Ghost Whisperer 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Monday

48 38

27Feb AUG26 - 2-SEPT 20104 2010 March

08:00 Crash Test Dummies 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Grease: The School Musical 11:00 Grease: The School Musical 11:30 Oops TV 12:00 Wedding S.O.S. 12:30 The Secret Guide to Women’s Health 13:00 The Real A and E 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 19:30 Malcolm in the Middle 18:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Biggest Loser USA 23:00 Law and Order 24:00 Bones

07:00 Breakfast 10:00 Heir Hunters 10:45 Homes under the Hammer 11:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15 Cash in the Attic 13:00 Bargain Hunt 13:45 BBC News 14:05 Regional News 14:15 Sky High 15:50 Superman Returns 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:20 Regional News 19:30 The One Show 20:00 Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2010 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:15 Regional News 23:25 Cars, Cops and Criminals 24:25 Churchill: The Hollywood Years

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 12:30 Ooglies 12:45 Legend 14:10 An American in Paris 16:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Restoration Roadshow 20:00 Dan Snow’s Norman Walks 20:30 Roger and Val Have Just Got In 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Antiques Master 22:00 Dragons’ Den 23:00 Grandma’s House 23:30 Dara O’Briain Live at the Theatre Royal 24:30 The Life and Death of Peter Sellers

07:00 GMTV 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 60 Minute Makeover 12:25 ITV News 12:30 House Gift 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Michael Ball Show 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Anglia Tonight 19:15 ITV News 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 24:00 ITV News 24:15 Stephen Tompkinson’s African Balloon Adventure

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 09:00 Ultimate Big Brother 09:55 The Hollyoaks Music Show with Matalan.Co.Uk 10:25 Privileged 11:20 Scrubs 11:50 Friends 12:20 Friends 12:50 IPC World Swimming Championships 13:45 Tora! Tora! Tora! 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:25 4thought.tv 20:30 Dispatches 21:30 I Am Slave 23:00 Ultimate Big Brother 24:10 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 24:55 Ultimate Big Brother

08:00 The Wotwots 08:10 Rupert Bear: Follow the Magic 08:20 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:45 Make Way for Noddy 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas and Friends 09:35 Olivia 09:50 Mr. Men Show 10:00 Wright Stuff 11:30 Trisha Goddard Show 12:30 CSI: New York 13:25 CSI: New York 14:15 Neighbours 14:50 Ambush at Tomahawk Gap 16:20 Torpedo Run 18:10 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Panda Week with Nigel Marven 19:30 Michaela’s Zoo Babies 20:00 Five News at 7 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 The Gadget Show 22:00 Jerry Maguire 24:45 Down and Out in Beverly Hills

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Diagnosis Murder 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Green Balloon Scrapbook 16:30 Eliot Kid 16:40 Wingin’ It 17:05 Horrible Histories 17:35 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 The Deep 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Gears and Tears 24:05 In the Bedroom

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 12:30 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 12:40 The Boatniks 14:15 Ready, Steady, Cook 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Restoration Roadshow 20:00 Coast 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:00 Zimbabwe’s Forgotten Children 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Home Movie Roadshow

07:00 GMTV

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:30 Ultimate Big Brother 09:40 Frasier 10:05 The Hollyoaks Music Show with Matalan.Co.Uk 10:35 Privileged 11:30 Scrubs 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers and Sisters 14:00 Jamie at Home 14:30 Three Came Home 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Help! My House is Falling Down 22:00 The Hunt for Britain’s Sex Traffickers 23:00 Ultimate Big Brother 24:10 The Inbetweeners

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas and Friends 09:35 Olivia 09:50 The Mr. Men Show 10:00 Little Princess 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 The Trisha Goddard Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 The Hotel Inspector 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: New York 16:05 Back to You and Me 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Panda Week with Nigel Marven 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Massive Speed 21:00 Nature Shock 22:00 CSI: Miami 23:00 CSI: New York 24:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

08:00 Crash Test Dummies 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Missing Mums: Lorraine Kelly Investigates 12:00 Wedding S.O.S. 12:30 Brain Doctors 13:00 The Real A and E 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 UK Border Force 22:00 Michael Jackson’s This is it 24:10 House

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Diagnosis Murder 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Green Balloon Scrapbook 16:30 Eliot Kid 16:40 Wingin’ It 17:05 Little Howard’s Big Question 17:35 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Saints and Scroungers 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 Crimewatch Solved 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News 23:35 National Lottery Draws 23:45 Reggie Perrin 24:15 On a Clear Day

08:00 Childrens TV 10:00 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 12:30 Blackbeard’s Ghost 14:15 Ready, Steady, Cook 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Restoration Roadshow 20:00 The Tony Blair Interview With Andrew Marr 21:00 Coast 22:00 Alex Higgins: The People’s Champion 23:00 Grumpy Old Men 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Tony Blair Interview With Andrew Marr

07:00 GMTV

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:30 Ultimate Big Brother 09:40 Frasier 10:05 The Hollyoaks Music Show with Matalan.Co.Uk 10:35 Privileged 11:30 Scrubs 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers and Sisters 14:00 Jamie at Home 14:35 On the Town 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 How to Look Good Naked 22:00 The Hunt for Britain’s Sex Traffickers 23:00 Ultimate Big Brother 24:10 School of Comedy

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas and Friends 09:35 Olivia 09:50 The Mr. Men Show 10:00 Little Princess 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: New York 16:05 Love Comes Softly 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Panda Week with Nigel Marven 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Michaela’s Zoo Babies 21:00 Emergency Bikers 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law and Order: Criminal Intent 23:55 K-Ville

08:00 Crash Test Dummies 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Missing Mums: Lorraine Kelly Investigates 12:00 Wedding S.O.S. 12:30 Babies at Risk 13:00 First Love 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Vet Adventures 22:00 Must be the Music 23:15 Must be the Music 24:00 The Fast and the Furious

tv Tuesday

10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Michael Ball Show 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Anglia Tonight 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Grimefighters 21:00 Who Wants to be a Millionaire? 22:00 The Bill 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Farewell the Bill

tv Wednesday

24:35 Ladette to Lady

10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Michael Ball Show 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Anglia Tonight 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The Lakes 21:00 Poirot 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Send in the Dogs 24:35 Celebrity Juice

08:30 Rally 09:00 Motorsports: Motorsports Weekend Magazine 09:15 Ski Jumping 10:45 Beach Soccer 11:45 Tennis 13:15 Ski Jumping 14:45 Cycling: Tour of Spain 16:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 17:30 Football: Eurogoals 18:15 Tennis 01:00 Tennis 03:00 Tennis

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Shortland Street 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Four Weddings 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Four Weddings 16:00 Shortland Street 16:30 Shortland Street 17:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 18:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Dating in the Dark 22:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 23:00 Four Weddings USA 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Coronation Street for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

03:00 Tennis - US Open in New York - Day 1. Coverage of the latest tennis action 15:30 Rally Intercontinental Rally Challenge in Czech Republic 16:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 17:30 Tennis - US Open in New York - Day 2. Coverage of the latest tennis action 19:00 Football: Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Tennis 03:00 Tennis

Panda Week with Nigel Marven Five, 19.00

03:00 Tennis 08:30 Tennis 09:00 Tennis 14:30 Tennis 15:00 Olympic Games 15:30 Cycling: Tour of Spain 16:00 Cycling 19:00 Football: Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Tennis 01:00 Tennis 03:00 Tennis

The Tony Blair Interview With Andrew Marr BBC 2, 20.00

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Shortland Street 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Bulging Brides 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Shortland Street 16:30 Shortland Street 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 22:00 Dating in the Dark 23:00 Teen Mom 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Shortland Street 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Bulging Brides 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Shortland Street 16:30 Shortland Street 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 21:00 Four Weddings USA 22:00 Ghost Whisperer 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010


Got a story? 902 118 999



tv Thursday 27 AUG -JANUARY 2 SEPT 2010 2010 15-21


07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Diagnosis Murder 16:00 BBC News 16:30 Eliot Kid 16:40 Wingin’ It 17:05 Animals at Work 17:35 Deadly 60 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 Motorway Cops 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 10 Things You Need to Know About Sleep 24:35 The Abduction Club

08:00 Everything’s Rosie 08:10 Garth and Bev 08:25 Jollywobbles 08:35 Buzz and Tell 08:40 Timmy Time 08:50 Charlie and Lola 09:00 Prank Patrol 09:30 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 10:00 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 12:30 All the King’s Men 14:15 Ready, Steady, Cook 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Restoration Roadshow 20:00 Natural World 20:50 Coast 21:00 E numbers: An Edible Adventure 22:00 Digging for Britain 23:00 Have I Got News for You 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Nurse Jackie

07:00 GMTV 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News and Weather 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 The Michael Ball Show 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Anglia Tonight 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Real Crime 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:35 City Slickers 01:40 The Zone

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:30 Ultimate Big Brother 09:40 Frasier 10:05 The Hollyoaks Music Show with Matalan.Co.Uk 10:35 Garfield Gets Real 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers and Sisters 14:00 Jamie at Home 14:30 Broken Lance 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 The Hunt for Britain’s Sex Traffickers 23:00 Ultimate Big Brother 24:10 Cha’mone - Mo’fo’ Selecta!: A Tribute To Michael Jackson

08:00 The Wotwots 08:10 Rupert Bear: Follow the Magic 08:20 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:45 Make Way for Noddy 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas and Friends 09:35 Olivia 10:00 Little Princess 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard Show 12:45 CSI: Miami 13:40 Five News 13:45 The Hotel Inspector 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: New York 16:10 The Family Recipe 16:15 Sex and Lies in Sin City: The Ted Binion Scandal 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Panda Week with Nigel Marven 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Escape from Alcatraz 21:00 Egypt’s Lost Queen 22:00 The Shepherd 24:00 Britain’s Ugliest Models

08:00 Crash Test Dummies 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Missing Mums: Lorraine Kelly Investigates 12:00 Wedding S.O.S. 12:30 Adoption Diaries 13:00 The Real A and E Widescreen, Subtitles, 2 Star) 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Real A and E 21:30 Real Filth Fighters 22:00 Lie to Me 23:00 NCIS: Los Angeles 24:00 NCIS: Los Angeles

08:30 Tennis 09:00 Tennis 14:30 Tennis 15:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 16:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 17:30 Tennis 19:00 Football: Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Tennis 03:00 Tennis

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Shortland Street 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Bulging Brides 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Shortland Street 16:30 Shortland Street 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Private Practice 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 566

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Showed fight; 9 Peg; 10 Moonshine; 11 Align; 13 Scarlet; 14 Incite; 16 Alcove; 18 Gamboge; 19 Music; 20 Untainted; 21 Sac; 22 Exaggerated. Down: 2 Hog; 3 Woman; 4 Dropsy; 5 Install; 6 Heirlooms; 7 Speaking out; 8 Weather-cock; 12 Income-tax; 15 Tooting; 17 Settle; 19 Media; 21 She. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Cold-hearted; 9 Rub; 10 Automaton; 11 Dodge; 13 Terrier; 14 Muffle; 16 Depart; 18 Non-stop; 19 Eject; 20 Nobleness; 21 Wed; 22 Leaseholder. Down: 2 Orb; 3 Drape; 4 Estate; 5 Remorse; 6 Extricate; 7 Predominant; 8 Ingratitude; 12 Definable; 15 Letters; 17 Speech; 19 Easel; 21 Woe.

The good, the bad, and the truly awful What’s The Twilight playing Saga: Eclipse The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist

THE CIRCUS rolled back into town last weekend in TV land, and I’m not talking about Billy Smart or the leaden looking new partnership on the ‘One Show’ of Jason Manford and Alex Jones. No, it was the juggernaut that is ‘The X Factor’ with a full ninety-minute premiere of auditions from Glasgow and London. After an awful summer schedule devoid of any inspiration (and frankly any expenditure), ITV’s bosses must have had grins on their faces akin to a mixture of the Cheshire Cat and Tony Blair, as they had their big ratings banker back with an amazing Saturday night August figure peaking at twelve million viewers. Despite the protests of snobbish critics who rarely show any interest in what the viewing masses watch, it is a brilliantly packaged and entertaining piece of television. We had the usual mixture of the good, the bad, and the truly awful from the erstwhile pop stars to the future, as they were propelled into the limelight to face the judges and an equally critical arena audience, who at times appeared to be baying for their pound of flesh. What has always amazed me with such shows is the sheer quantity of deluded human beings that believe they can sing, and then are totally shocked to be told the harsh but honest truth. Of course, that’s what we like to watch, especially when the ringmaster, Simon Cowell, gets his claws into his hapless victims. Cowell’s act is nothing new. The best part of forty years ago, Tony Hatch and Mickie Most were laying into rubbish on the talent show ‘New Faces’ and Cowell himself said that as a youngster he admired Most’s style, and attributes what he does now with judging to the sadly

deceased pop supremo. I like Cowell a lot. He’s funny and honest as well as being a shrewd operator (and apparently a decent guy as well…off camera) who more often than not makes the right calls on almost anything. Next year, he launches ‘The X Factor’ in the States, after bravely calling time on his judging stint on ‘American Idol’; that show made him an American and international star, and his departure from it has led to panic and questions being asked about the future of ‘Idol’. There are very few people in the television industry that have that kind of an impact. That’s why ITV treat him with respect, as well as giving him what he wants, because it would be disastrous for them if Cowell took ‘The X Factor’ and ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ elsewhere. But back to last Saturday’s opener, and I detected that Simon must be getting mellow in his older age. He actually put through a woman called Shirlena Johnson to boot camp, who ended the show with a hilarious and bizarre version of Duffy’s Mercy. It was almost as if she was on an LSD trip but it was spellbinding. That’s why Cowell said yes, knowing exactly that the viewers would be curious to find out what she does next. You could call that madness, but I would say that is another example of having your finger on the pulse. It seems to me that the pressure is very much on the BBC for a successful run of ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ starting in October, after many self-inflicted wounds in the last season, notably the nonsensical replacement of Arlene Philips. Cowell said last year that he’s a fan and would love to buy the show. Based on his track record it may not be such a bad idea!

local Cinemas COLCI Benidorm Av. Zamora, Rincón de Loix T: 965 853 859 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 6.30pm - 8.45pm Weekends and holidays only 6.30pm

IMF Torrevieja Pol San Jose S/10, T: 965 705 414 Salt – 5pm - 7pm 9pm - 11pm 5pm only on weekends and holidays

IMF Ondara CC Portal de La Marina, T: 966 477 464 Same as IMF Torrevieja 5pm only on weekends and holidays

The third film in the Twilight series explores a love triangle between Bella (Kristen Stewart), Edward (Robert Pattinson), and Jacob (Taylor Lautner) as the werewolf pack and the Cullen clan join together to fight a new breed of vampires. Melissa Rosenberg provides the screenplay for the Summit Entertainment adaptation of Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling novel, with director David Slade calling the shots behind the camera. Bryce Dallas Howard joins the cast as Victoria, the role originally played by Rachelle Lefevre in the first film.

“V.O.S” = Original Subtitled Version - “VO” = Original Version (Works With headphones)

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Getting serious to party!



Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

IBES FROM the Costas kick starts the autumn music season with an event that is a welcome throw back to the Soul Weekenders and glory days of the super clubs. So prepare your liver; it’s party time! Maybe, like me, those of us of a ‘certain age’ initially got hooked on jazz and soul music as a club goer during the Disco Era. If you were from the south east of England back in the day and wanted your weekly fix of jazz funk and soul, Saturday morning with BBC Radio London’s Robbie Vincent was essential listening. Robbie’s catch phrase for many years was “If it moves, Funk it!” but more importantly he was responsible for the ‘1st National Soul Weekender’ at Caister Holiday Park in 1979. Over the years it spawned a multitude of similar events and hybrids, at home and abroad, and this month sees one such event, the return of ‘Andy Ward’s Vocal Booth Weekender’. After the success of the inaugural event last year, take #2 continues with the same winning formula of staging an all-star collective featuring a rostrum of international DJ’s and artistes from the Deep House scene. The Costas are about to shake to the sounds of soulful house and jazzy vibes for a whole weekend in September. All the action begins on Friday 17th September and takes place in Campoamor at Club Xairo and Jardines del Mar Beach Club. It’s non-stop entertainment in the company of clubbers travelling from the four corners of the globe. They even have an NYC legend from the early disco days and the famous Club Zanzibar in New Jersey. Andy relocated to the area from Birmingham in 2003. Already a successful DJ, his career rocketed in 2005 when he hit the UK Top 10 with his Soul Central track ‘Stronger on my Own / Strings of Life’. He presented his Vocal Booth radio show on TKO for many years and continues to broadcast globally on internet radio.

DJ Andy Ward

Natasha Watts

Andy’s loyal fans are dedicated music lovers and serious party people. Last October he decided to throw a small celebration in Los Alcazares for the 10 year anniversary of the brand that began at The Ministry of Sound Bar. What followed saw 300 fans travel across Europe for three days of parties and fun in the sun. Andy says, “Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy themselves in a relaxed, non pretentious atmosphere without having to worry about whether they fit in, or are too old. The music will be focused purely on quality, soul and jazz influenced grooves, with daytime poolside parties suitable for all the family. As night falls, you can move into the club to rock to the early hours of the morning.” DJs from the UK, Switzerland, Estonia, Serbia, Dubai, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, New York and Croatia will be joined by three of Britain’s finest house performers; Natasha Watts, Kaysee and Diana Waite. Local star DJ Snoopy is joined by Paul Groove, alongside Spanish heroes Fidias Abellan and the Housebox crew from Alicante. A weekend pass is €45 which gains entry to all the events. Alternatively, you can pay €20 on the door on any night. Andy explains “The door admission is purposely set so as to deter the locals and youngsters who just want to see what all the fuss is about, and ensure only the serious party people are inside. I can’t stress enough that the people coming are all the finest representation of pure music lovers, without being musical snobs. If you don’t really know house music but like underground Soul or Jazz, I assure you of a great time, regardless of your age or background.” This is the biggest deep house music event ever to hit the Costa Blanca; be sure to say you were there! More info www.djandyward.net or telephone 699 663 508.

More festival and concert information at www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

An entertaining evening at La Marina

AN ENTERTAINMENT evening for K9 featuring Cathy Carson; Tubby Hubby; TAABS and the Icene Dancers is to be held at the Hillside Club, La Marina Urbanisation on Friday, 3rd September at 19.30.

Tickets at only €5 are available from the Hillside Bar. Ring Brenda on 966 796 436; Mark on 676 447 682 or Sue on 965 728 456 for further information.

Call 96 679 5552 / 96 618 2707 / 696 566 940

See demonstration on LA MARINA Sunday Market

Poppin & lockin JORDAN SIMPSON began dancing seriously in 2008, watching videos on YouTube and dance films, taking an interest in streetdance/ breakdance; trying out moves, making up routines. 17-year-old Jordan performs all dance styles including ‘poppin & lockin’, ‘krumpin’, ‘jerkin’, ‘funky’ and a bit of contemporary, appearing in various shows and featuring on radio and in the press. Jordan came first in his first real competition back in 2009, resulting in his being asked to teach some routines. Since then he has become a semi finalist in other competitions and has performed at charity events, galas, showcases and festivals. Earlier this year he entered the UDO (United Dance Organisation) competition, becoming Streetdance Challenge Winner 2010. He hopes to teach and entertain not only around the Costa Blanca but also Worldwide, to showcase his talents and inspire kids of all ages. For more information visit www.phoenix-promotions.eu

Jordan in action

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27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

The rhythm of speech

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 122

Quesada Ladies Club

THE QUESADA Ladies Club will commence their 2010/2011 programme on Tuesday 7th September at a new venue. The club has moved to the Coopers Arms, Dona Pepa, Quesada; a much larger venue. The club extends a warm welcome to all regular members and any new members wishing to join. Meetings are held weekly on a Tuesday afternoon and members are requested to be there at 14:00 for a 14:30 start. The club meetings are interspersed with trips out, dining out, cultural visits, quizzes, and guest speakers. For further details and membership details, please contact the Club President, Wendy Vickers on 966 717 449.

WE FINISHED last week’s article talking about where the “beat” goes on a word, and how important that is to understanding what is said. It is surprising how little attention is often given to this subject, considering how fundamental it is. You have almost certainly been a victim of this problem in your daily life, without even realizing it. An early experience of mine was when I asked a chemist for “paracetemol”, which I pronounced with an English rhythm, like this “paraCETamol”. I had remembered to make my “c” into a “th” and all my vowel sounds were correct, but there was still something the chemist couldn’t understand. He stared at me blankly while I repeated the word several times and then said “Ah sí, paracetaMOL”. Well, that’s what I said, wasn’t it? How difficult is it for a chemist to understand such a basic word? I’ll bet you’ve been in very similar situations. Often the correct version which the barman or chemist repeats back to you sounds exactly the same to you, and to be honest, when we’re talking about beer in a pub, or pain killers in a chemist, what exactly is their problem? The problem, ladies and

gentlemen is “beat”, “stress”, “emphasis”, “rhythm” – whatever you want to call it. Getting it in the right place is fundamental to understanding, even when the situation almost speaks for itself. What follows might seem like a digression from learning Spanish, but believe me, if you stick with it, and take it on board, it could transform your ability to communicate, and ultimately to your understanding of the spoken word as well. A very important thing to realize is that every word has its own rhythm, and it is this rhythm that makes the word recognizable even when we can’t hear every sound clearly. Let’s look at a few examples in English to make the point: “reject”, “record”, “present”, “refuse”. As they are written here, you as English speakers have no way of knowing how they should be pronounced. For example “I reject your offer”, “that product is a reject”. Now say “reject” in both ways and notice what the difference is between them. You will find that it is essentially the “beat” on the word. “I reJECT your offer”; “This product is a REject”. In English we have the additional complication that the beat alters the vowel sounds, something that does not

occur in Spanish. Now do the same sort of exercise with the remaining three words, and then with the dozens of others in English which do exactly the same thing. Sorry to be laborious about this, but your next step in the experiment is to imagine hearing one of these words mispronounced by a foreigner in an obvious situation. Let’s say we are watching some sporting achievement and someone tells us it is “a reCORD”, or there is some rubbish on the ground and we hear “look at all this awful “reFUSE”, or even better “My father is a reFUSE collector”. Now let’s return to Spain and Spanish. Every Spanish word has a rhythm, and unlike English, there are very precise rules as to how this rhythm works. As foreigners we all have a non-Spanish accent to a greater or lesser extent, and we all have ways of saying things that aren’t exactly the same as native speakers. In addition to this we pronounce the most important word in the sentence with the wrong emphasis, and hey presto, the barman doesn’t know we want a beer, and the chemist can’t recognize a basic word for painkiller. Now all we need to learn are rules for correct word emphasis.

Raquel Peña Flamenco Dance Company NEW SEVILLANAS and Flamenco dance classes start on 15th September. Existing classes resume on 1st September on the same days and times as last season. Raquel will hold classes in three locations this year, the Beginners’ Class Schedule as follows: The main studio in Pilar de la Horadada: Thursdays: 12.30 – 13.30 or 18.30 – 19.30. At the Asturias Restaurant: Wednesdays & Fridays: 13.30 – 14.30. Maria’s (Marys) Restaurante, Campoverde: Thursdays & Saturdays: 16.30 – 17.30. Call 630 689 431 to register or for more information. The Company’s youngest member, 9-year-old Irene Martinez, has been chosen as a finalist in the ‘Young Achiever’ category of the Pride of Spain awards on Friday 10th September in the municipal theatre, Torrevieja. Next sevillanas social club meeting: Sunday, 26th September, 20.00 in the ‘Hole in One Pub’, Orihuela Costa Resort (La Zenia): Call the above number for information. The Raquel Peña Flamenco Dance Company is back at Rojales Theatre on Sunday,7th November, 17:30 curtain: always a sell Irene out, reserve your tickets by calling 630 689 431. Martinez

PCN wins again! SHIRLEY AND Richard, who live near Moncayo Market, met recently with Susan Reader, fundraising manager for Paul Cunningham Nurses, to offer their support by selling raffle tickets at an Art Exhibition the following Sunday. Shirley bought a few tickets herself but was totally surprised to find she had the winning ticket! Shirley felt she could not keep the prize so generously donated her prize to friend Jean Paul to help

him continue with his studies! Every week there are two fabulous raffle prizes at the Moncayo Market, with a bicycle as first prize, and lunch for two at La Herradura Restaurant, in Los Montesinos as second prize. For details of future Paul Cunningham Nurses events please visit the PCN website www. paulcunninghamnurses. com or text Susan Reader on 629 869 959.

Mabs Cancer Support Group Murcia/Mar Menor Wednesday 1st September: 11:00: Volunteer Meeting, Centro Las Claras, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares. New volunteers always welcome. Friday 17th September: 11:00 – 13.00: Share & Care Group, Centro Civico, Roda Village: every third Friday of the month. An informal group for those affected by cancer - relaxed and friendly atmosphere: one-to-one counseling is available. Call 693 795 247 for further details. Tuesday 21st September – Quiz Night with Chicken and Chips Supper: Camping La Encina, San Javier. 19.00 for 19.30 start - Tickets €8: For further info phone Val 968 135 346 Become a MABS volunteer: call 693 275 779 or 693 824 511. Email: info@mabsmurcia.com or visit www.mabsmurcia.com

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.

Euromillions Draw Friday 20th August

5 27 31 40 42 1


One UK ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros (£12,202,500) jackpot prize


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 40. Crossword winner for issue 566: Jack Micklefield Ciudad Quesada

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



4. Deprived of contents (7)

1. Whim (7)

8. Female warrior (6)

2. Irony (7)

9. Meantime (7)

3. Spanish dance (6)

10. Affluence (6)

5. Orange (8)

11. Means (6)

6. Stand unsteadily (6)

12. Client (8)

7. Show (6)

18. Droop (8)

13. Abuse (8)

20. Ability (6)

14. Reservoir (7)

21. Decayed (6)

15. Apparition (7)

22. Favoured (7)

16. Regulate (6)

23. Carry too far (6)

17. Writing instrument (6)

24. Exhaust (7)

19. Rut (6)

ACROSS 4. Leave while an orchestra is performing (7) 8. Time for a sailor-boy? (6) 9. Does he fix the price of a horse? (7) 10. Outcome of Ulster riot (6) 11. Idler who needs bread to eat? (6) 12. Finished about six to return from capital (8) 18. Girl to run away with writer (8) 20. Resign because of one’s selfimage? (6) 21. Perhaps he used swords to keep people out (6) 22. It’s clear the old boy has five debts (7) 23. Savage versifier, censorious in part (6) 24. The lengths associations will go to? (7)


DOWN 1. It’s dear with legs apart (7) 2. Entry ticket I have acted upon (7) 3. Worked, having been lubricated to a T (6) 5. Had gone round cargo store, and was indebted (8) 6. He could be French like William (6) 7. Writer in over-poetic beginning (6) 13. Unmasking in dark room? (8) 14. Anxiety for the firm (7) 15. Steps by which letters are obtained (7) 16. Bother going topless currency needed (6) 17. Needlework is displayed in the south-east part of the building (6) 19. Look at the cover - the pupil’s cover (6)


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

music scene Abba Elite - Le Cabaret, Cumbre De Sol

Compiled by

Eric Taylor

ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, please contact Eric directly.


N SATURDAY 28th August, Abba Elite are appearing at Le Cabaret, Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell. Abba Elite is a live tribute to the World’s favourite pop group that is continuing to entertain and amaze audiences from every generation. The cast of Abba Elite takes you on a magical journey through Abba’s finest years, recreating and performing all of those classic dance floor hits. The live musical arrangement, flawless 4 part harmonies, dynamic stage costumes and breathtaking choreography unite to make this show a huge success, considered by audiences and venues as one of the most entertaining and

convincing live shows to be seen. For more info: 600 426 185 or visit their website: www.abbaelite.com. Tickets are €15, to include a two course meal. For bookings and

Barry Moon & Terry Rowley Bar Quo Vadis, Javea

details of future events phone: 663 733 811. Le Cabaret is located in the Lirios Centre, on Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell, overlooking the sea, Javea and Moraira.

Acoustica - The Live Lounge ACOUSTICA ARE a newly formed duo: Chloe Hooper (vocals) and Shuggi (Electric/Acoustic guitarist) have known each other for many years and have played together on numerous occasions. Chloe is well known along the Costa Blanca as a versatile performer who is the resident performer at Rusty’s Bar & Bistro, Benitachell, on a Friday night. Shuggi the legendary ‘Scotish Rocker’ plays

mainly in Benidorm with the party band Strikland. They play a mixture of acoustic/ electric songs with great harmonies and cover most genres of music including Blues, Soul, Rock, Reggae and Pop. Acoustica will be performing in the Montgo di Bongo Bar, Rocky Beach, Javea on Sunday 29th August from 18.00. For more details visit www.chloehooper.net or telephone 607 621 699.

Vocalist Terry Rowlet

ON SUNDAY 5th September, the Bar Quo Vadis, Javea are holding a Sunday Cabaret featuring local entertainers Barry Moon (Comedian) and Terry Rowley (Vocalist). This fun event will commence at 16.30 and bookings are recommended. Why not book for Sunday lunch (prebooking only), served from 14.30 - 17.30 and make sure you get a great seat for all the entertainment. To book a table, phone Quo Vadis: 966 463 734. Directions: From the roundabout by SOL Bank/CAM Bank in Javea Park, turn inland alongside the Club de Tenis. Take the 2nd left turn (Calle Cannes) and marked Camping Naranjal. Bar Quo Vadis is at the end of the road.

Chloe and Shuggi of Acoustica

Strikland - Don Quijote bar, Moraira Got a story? 902 118 999


STRIKLAND ARE the amazing rock, pop and soul band who play well-known music ideal for dancing - with energy, passion and a desire to give the audience a great night out. The band’s formation is: Phil Cox (drums), Rowdy Willemsun (bass), Nick Hollings (keyboards), Shuggy (lead guitar) and Adam King (vocals). Adam is a great energetic showman as well as a versatile singer; a fantastic front man well supported by all members of the band. They will be performing at the Don Quijote Bar, Paichi Centre, Moraira, on Sunday 29th August; your chance to give them another huge welcome at this great venue. For more information phone: 659 285 347 or check out the web site: www.strikland.info

27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Poetry in motion

One enchanted evening

Sounds Familiar singing for fun

by Jack Troughton


OETRY LOVERS have the chance of enjoying a little rhyme and rhythm with a second competition for spoken verse. Club Monte Pego is staging the Spoken Poetry contest and the competition is open to everyone of any age. Last year it was a close run contest – there was a mere half point separating first and second places – and the final was enjoyed by all those listening and watching in the audience. Winner Ian Thomas pocketed €100, received a poetry book, and had the opportunity to read live on Bay Radio. Organisers Jane and Jeff Corbett are hoping for more entries this autumn and for a €10 entrance fee, competitors have the opportunity to read poetry and receive a syllabus containing a large selection of verse. POST Entry forms must be submitted by post and received by 30th September and entrants will be notified when to appear for the first heat at Monte Pego, near Denia – probably a Monday in October. The finals will be staged on Monday 30th November, again at Monte Pego, when the six finalists will present the audience with a 10 minute rendition of a programme taken from set

Last year’s winner Ian Thomas

poems and including one of their own choice. The winner will again receive a cash prize, a poetry book, certificate and an invitation to read a Christmas poem at the Carol Service on Monte Pego on 23rd December, Please send the entry fee together with a full name, address, telephone number and email address to Jane Corbett, Buzon 1055, Urb, Monte Pego, 03780 Pego, Alicante, and a syllabus will be dispatched. For more information call Jane and Jeff on 627 400 465.

By Jack Troughton MUSIC, CABARET and dancing are at the heart of a special evening of entertainment on the Marina Alta to raise money for Jalon and Orba Lions Club on 2nd September. Show group Sounds Familiar – motto Sing for Fun - launch the event with a return to their successful show ‘Musical Magic’ at the theatre in Rafol de Almunia Town Hall – presenting songs from such West End hits as Grease, Mary Poppins, Les Miserables and many more. And the night continues a short distance away at the nearby Piscina Bar and a performance by Menage a

OCI back on air POPULAR BROADCASTER Onda Cero International Radio returns to the airwaves with presenter Pauline McGough. Aimed at the English-speaking community of the Costa Blanca – and particularly the Marina Baixa and Marina Alta – she took the helm of OCI’s Prime Time Show for five years. Now Pauline is back on 94.6FM from Monday 6th September with a daily show from 15.00 – 16.00, Mondays to Fridays. And having lived on the Costa Blanca since 1990, she is in touch with what is happening and able to reach out to an audience and bring to its attention all the news and issues affecting expats. Pauline told RTN she hoped the hour long show would trigger a return to full time OCI programming. “With any luck we can extend it and bring it back to what it was. CHAT “It’s all me at the moment to see how it works – it’s talk radio, just chat – but I have plenty of ideas. There will be a ‘walk of life’ spot, where I interview people in the community, local news and weather, markets, town hall talk and a number of



Menu de la Casa from 14.95€ Inc IVA. Also Full A La Carte Menu

Pauline McGough

guests,” she said. “We will have reviews of upcoming Sky films and I hope to feature professionals such as a doctor, vet and nutritionist.” And for the first time, Pauline has to extend her role from just presenting to selling advertising space and programming. “I am really looking forward to it, it is really exciting and putting the show together is great fun,” she said. For more information, email altea@ondacero.es or call 669 315 657.

Parcent Restaurant El Paraiso

Terrace Now Open LIVE MUSIC Aug 20th The Splashes

Open every night and Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday lunchtimes.

Top Quality Argentinian Fillet & Rump Steaks now available!

Daily 5 course menu 12.95€ Tel 96 640 5398 For reservations

New Class starting 7th September

Trois and a musical comedy cabaret – to be followed by the sounds of the sixties to the nineties to get everyone dancing. The audience will be treated to tapas at the bar and the ticket price of €15 also includes the first drink. The Lions devised the format of the evening and approached Sounds Familiar’s musical director Philip Ashley to arrange the end of summer entertainment. However, because of the limited number of seats and to arrange the food, tickets for the night are only available by advance booking – either by ringing 965 581 483 or via the sounds Familiar website at www.soundsfamiliar.es

46 40

27 AUG26 - 2- SEPT 20104 2010 FEB MARCH

Turned on schools and gardening by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

DURING THE summer there have been several articles in prestigious English newspapers about the benefits of schools offering gardening activities, not just to fill up a lunch time per week with no real objectives or meaningful support but with a positive link to the educational curriculum and in preparing pupils for the post school rat race of the 21st Century. Claims include that an involvement in school gardens develops observation skills, literacy in being required to write up their gardening plans and progress, numeracy, problem solving skills and patience, especially in watching edible plants slowly mature to the point where they can be eaten. The reports we have seen quoted were commissioned jointly by the National Foundation for Educational Research and The Royal Horticultural Society. Must admit that we see the logic and in

addition there may be the stimulus of a new generation of young gardeners with the interest and ability to grow their own healthy foods, recognising the risks of getting on the bandwagon of fast foods or imported foods. Interestingly, we wandered around a local market recently: it was interesting to observe how many of the boxes of fruit and vegetables indicated the contents had been grown in green houses in other regions of Spain, or had been imported. Long gone are the days when a high percentage of the tomatoes for Benidorm were grown on both sides of the AP7 motorway above the hotels! The next day in our village store we picked up and paid for a bag of frozen fish fillets expecting them to be our normal buy of north of Spain Merluza fillets …they turned out to be farmed Panga fish from Vietnam! In the paper that day they claimed that a new breed of GM bred salmon soon to be on the market would be safe as it was unisex and would not interbreed with wild salmon! But trout and salmon has been GM bred since the 1960’s! What damage has been done in the meantime... Getting back to basic vegetables, we gave an assortment of traditional varieties of Spanish tomatoes that we had grown

The stimulus of a new generation of young gardeners

with seeds from the regional seed bank to the local Spanish Pensioners Club for their fiesta lunch. Many of the reactions were “These can’t be tomatoes. They taste good, have thin skins, are not attacked by bugs and we have never seen them before!” No, because the commercialisation of seeds in the last century stopped the growing of ninety percent of the old varieties of vegetables passed on from generation to generation, because they were good on the plate, to varieties that could be grown by industrialised farms and be processed through packing stations, warehouses, transportation and supermarkets without

bruising or rotting. There is no wonder that more and more families are having a number of fish and meat free days each week. But for the vegetable substitutes to be really fresh and wholesome they need in many cases to be home grown and to be grown ecologically. So for the next three weeks we will focus our columns on how you can start to grow your own vegetables this autumn with some real treats, not only for the autumn but also Christmas and early spring... Buy your own copy of our book ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ to get a head start and avoid early mistakes.

Clodagh and Dick’s books collate their twenty five years of gardening in Spain to help newcomers to Spain, whether experienced or beginner gardeners living in houses or apartments. Because of the financial situation, some book distribution companies are no longer in business so if you have a shop and wish to stock Santana Books about gardening, travel, law etc contact Gertud or Alan Roberts on info@santanabooks.com. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com

Fighting for Franco Book Review by

Danny Collins


IN 1936 a young Spanish general, Francisco Franco Bahamonde, agreed to join a plot by three other senior generals. Mola headed the conspiracy and was supported by Sanjurjo of the Guardia Civil, and Quiepo de Llano y Sierra. Both Mola and Sanjurjo died in plane crashes before plans for the invasion of Spain by Franco’s Army of Africa, leaving Franco to naturally assume his role as leader of the Nationalist forces. Spain has never quite gotten over Franco, whose dictatorial influence in Spain ended with his death in a Madrid hospital in November 1975. I lived in Madrid during those times and witnessed the outpouring of grief when half a million people filed past his coffin to pay their last respects to their fallen leader, so opposed to the flippancy with which his name and memory are treated by today’s society save for a few diehard Nationalists now in their 80s and 90s. There is no doubt that if the Republicans had been victorious in 1939, Spain would have fallen under Communist control and the face of Europe would be very different today. Wooed by Hitler and Mussolini who had supported his campaign throughout the civil war in Spain, Franco nimbly also avoided the cajoling of the German and Italian Fascists – though he was undoubtedly a Spanish one – to enter the World War II theatre in Europe. Judith Keene’s book does not particularly discuss the ideologies of

the Spanish civil war but emphasises the part in the Nationalist victory played by the columns of European fascists, conservative Catholics, and those uneasy with liberal democracy in general who flocked to the nationalist banner. This book reconstructs their motivation and the mindset which took them to Spain and casts a new light on Nationalist Spain and on the specific concerns of a wide variety of right wing movements between the wars. A few years before his death in Madrid I found myself in the presence of the frail and ageing Caudillo. I shook his trembling offered hand – he was in the latter stages of Parkinson’s Disease at that time... Author: Judith Keene Publisher: Hambledon Continuum (paperback) Price: €23.80 ISBN: 1 85285 593 2

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

RTN Competition winners The winners of a signed copy of Danny Collins new book “Crimes That Shocked the World” are: David & Kathy Hedy Price Sandra Meigh Lena Tvede Peter & Shirley Bambridge They correctly answered that

23 crimes are featured. If you would like a copy of the it can be brought at retailer Librería Europa at Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe, Tel: 965 835 824, is also available at booksellers throughout Spain including branches of Bookworld España and by

mail order from www.amazon.co.uk

AUG - 2 SEPT 2010 FEB 26 -27MARCH 4 2010

Discover the Costa Blanca

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Derek Workman continues his series of excursions from his book ‘Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’ which features 22 detailed trips that lead you to spots you’d never find by yourself.

Walking for wimps

RUBIELOS DE MORA is one of those wonderful Spanish villages that seem forever set in Sunday afternoon mode. In the narrow, twisting medieval streets within the walls of the historic centre you may see the occasional granny pulling a wheelie basket and you know it’s rush-hour when a cat gets up to stretch its legs after a couple of hours doze in the sun. The size of the village belies the fact that it was once one of the most important religious centres in Aragón, with not just one but two convents, one of which is still home to five monjas claustradas; elderly nuns who never leave the confines of the convent. Enter through either of the 14th Century portals, del Carmen or de San Antonio and you pass through a time warp where grand palacios and stunning casas señoriales, noblemen’s houses, fill the squares. Many of the houses can be almost Tyrolean in their appearance, with their overhanging roofs and wooden balconies, and it is in one of these that Sylvia and David Maddock (she Spanish, he Irish) have created their delightful casa rural, incorporating the style and hospitality of the two nationalities. “We hadn’t specifically intended to come to Spain permanently,” says Sylvia, “but when we came to visit my parents in 1997 I began to think, “Wouldn’t it be lovely to take a year’s sabbatical and see some of Spain.” Her paternal grandfather came from rural Teruel and her father had bought a village house in Rubielos de Mora decades ago, where the family would spend a month during the summer. “I’d been on holiday here loads of times to visit the family,” adds David in musical Irish (regularly interspersed with the northerners’ “y’know”), “but I’m a city boy and it never occurred to me to actually live here.” It may not have occurred, but it’s what happened! In mid ‘97 Sylvia and their daughter Carla arrived in Rubielos, leaving David to sell the house in Belfast and haul its contents to Spain. When he arrived three months later, the house-hunting sparkle was in Sylvia’s eye and before he new it they’d spent every penny they owned on the village house.

Bed and breakfast hardly existed when they bought the house, and it wasn’t long before they began to get visitors travelling up from Valencia for the peace and quiet of rustic Teruel. The rooms are cosy and colourful with lots of light, mainly furnished in pine and with a beautiful Irish dresser that reminds David and Sylvia of their years in Ireland. If David takes a liking to you, and he seems to take a liking to everyone, he might invite you into his ‘glory hole’ - a wonderful kitschy little bar full of Irish memorabilia – the perfect place for the ‘craic’. Staying at Casa del Irlandes is almost like having a couple of days with pals because the couple will go out of their way to make your stay an enjoyable one, not just in their home but with their extensive knowledge of the area and the best things to see. And there are plenty of things to see, in both the village and the beautiful countryside. A short drive away are the ski-slopes of Valdelinares and there are 500 kilometres of way-marked footpaths to explore or dozens of tiny, undisturbed villages if you prefer to travel by car. During July and August there’s a fiesta practically every week and through the spring and autumn the surrounding mountains are a naturalist’s delight. “David’s mum is a very keen walker,” says Sylvia, “...and one day she said to me that the walks around this area are some of the most beautiful she’s ever been on, and why didn’t I start doing walking holidays? I suppose it’s just one of those things; when you live in an area you don’t always use it the way visitors do, so I began to explore and then did some courses about leading walking groups, and suddenly we found them getting very popular.” One of the reasons for their popularity could well be that Sylvia likes to offer the walking version of ‘Cycling for Softies’; not quite ‘Walking for Wimps’, because she can take people on as gruelling a hike as they’d find anywhere, but she thinks that a lot of people are put off by the thought of having to walk for hours over rough terrain, when

Casa del Irlandes

To discover more about Spain, visit www.derekworkman-journalist.com and http://derekworkman.wordpress.com. http://valpaparazzi.wordpress.com are random notes about life in Spain. Derek Workman’s books, Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca and Small Hotels and Inns of Eastern Spain are available from most good books shops or direct from the publisher, Santana Books, www.santanabooks.com or Tel. 952 485 838.

View of Mora de Rubielos

they’d love to just wander in the countryside and take in the wonderful scenery. “Probably the two most popular walks we do are one where we begin in Mora de Rubielos, look around the town and then take a reasonably easy walk for a couple of hours before stopping for a barbeque at a lovely fuente out in the country. There’s no rush over the meal and then we take about an hour-and-a-half to walk back to the casa rural. The other has an element of pampering to it, because after a walk of about three-and-a-half hours we have a picnic and a bathe in the wonderful thermal

springs at Montanejos, and anyone who wants to can try some of the treatments at one of the spas in the town.” The walks have become so popular that Sylvia and David have created a three-night programme that also offers the opportunity to try some of the wonderful regional cuisine in local restaurants and tapas bars: a perfect way to indulge yourself and then gently walk it off. For further information on the Casa del Irlandes three-night walking package, contact Sylvia or David Maddock on 978 804 462/649 612 635 or via email at casairlandes@gmail.com


27 AUG JANUARY - 2 SEPT 20102010 8-14

One way ticket SOMEBODY ASKED me this week how I am able to write so many articles on aspects of Spirituality. Week after week a different aspect or idea is brought to you by the generosity of RTN and I am inspired by you, the readers. Since I began to write this page I always wanted to pass on the message that Spirituality has brought me so much over the years, and that I want to share the good times with those of you who enjoy reading this page. Yet Spirituality remains a very private and a personal thing. Each and every person I meet is travelling on their subscribed pathway. The purpose of this lifelong journey is to preserve the love energy inside, to learn more, and grow along with the individual needs of our progressive lives, and surely, to share all that we hold dear with those who need us. The individual journey is therefore lived with a set of personal beliefs spread around. Some we conceptualise very early on, some are challenges to be faced one day, and others are the rewards that come from living an enriched life here on Earth. Add a pinch of blind faith and stir in some desire and destiny and we are wholly united in living in this World, with a view to our inevitable calling to the other side when the time comes, and come it will. You could say that we are born with the DNA that will one day kill us, and this is right, it is what happens; only a Spiritualist knows that when the tired Earthly body is burnt or buried, that the transition of the soul has taken place and that choices ahead may mean that we survive in a new, and very different concept. Death alone releases the Spirit and sends it on its way. We have for our entire life lived within our body and have been guided utterly by the soul within. The difference with Spiritualists is that they have identified their soul in their Earthly lifetime. We are, and without exception, a race of people living in a body. The message that we choose to send to the World is a combination of our intelligence, borne by our beliefs and our fears, our strengths and our weaknesses, and that which we have taken on

and dealt with during our lives. Sometimes we really had to learn the hard way, and just sometimes we experienced the joy of success and tasted the sweetness within. Through good and bad we have travelled a long distance, and our individual journey saw us walking roughshod over the proverbial bed of roses if that was the right thing to do at the time. We are creatures of habit, sailing in a sea of chances with often a change of crew, change of tactic, or a turn of the skipper’s wheel to alert us of a need to avoid the rocky shore of fatality. Is it not the dying person’s cry to ask for God to help? Faith never leaves us, but sometimes we do not know the impact or get the full picture until we are drowning in a sea of need. These are difficult and trying times. Some of us are finding it hard to stay afloat, no matter how well we can swim. Like the waves of a perilous sea we can ride things out and weather the tumult of the impending storm. As the waves get higher and dry land seems increasingly further away, this may seem more difficult, but not impossible. Many will get a great comfort from talking to Spirit, whilst others will turn each and every way to connect with their own beliefs and creeds; as well they should. Spirit will always be there for you. Their loving energy and their devotion to mankind is simply because each and everyone who has passed over had a life here on Earth. They well know how we suffer, and they too have cried out for help and felt alone. They have experienced every emotion as we do, and they know simply just how hard things can be. The empathy of Spirit is overwhelming, and they do care and share like no others; all they need is for us to acknowledge their need to make contact; and to be remembered in the hearts and minds of those that they left behind when they began the final journey of the soul on a one way ticket, hoping, nevertheless, to return.

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com Kenny, my Father died in 2006, and I haven’t come to terms with it. He talks to me in vivid dreams, and I am not frightened. What I need to know is that is this my subconscious calling to me, or something more? My Father often appears alongside my grandparents. Jan K Well Janet, much Spiritual contact takes place when we are sub conscious or unconscious. Your father could well be sending you some message of contact. These vivid dreams at least prove his survival in another world, and your lack of fear makes the whole thing work. Though I would have to ask you some more questions personally before being able to answer this question, use the chance to make contact with him. Next time you dream, try to talk to him. He loves you enough to keep coming back, and he is united with your grandparents as well, which shows a great solidarity. Good luck.

Kenny’s Diary READINGS AT:

· Bistro Maya in Albir: 30th August and 1st September from 16.30 to 19.00. Please call: 966 868 213.

· Bar Chez Flo between Calpe and Moraira on Tuesday 31st August from 17.30. Info and bookings: Penny Smith on: 687 926 021.

· Reflections Hair and Beauty

Salon Calle Castillo30, Moraira on Thursday September 7th from 17.30. Info and bookings: Sue Jones on: 691 230 641 or 966 492 415.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Seek new horizons and let yourself relax a little. The hard work of now is the reward of your intelligence and ingenuity, but it is high time that you rested to recharge for further responsibilities which loom close. Looking back, you wouldn’t want things any way different, but now is a great time to give yourself a treat and to take a sideways look at what is to come, and your part in it. Venus is set to lodge with Libra, and this event brings you some balance and equilibrium in your emotional life at last. Having decided to open your heart once more it is vital that you work with your own intuition and take things in your stride. Establishing your footing and preparing yourself for the future can’t be easy, but then why make it so difficult? You’ll get what you deserve. Actions of others have led you to think that there is no alternative plan this week when dealing with a conflict close to your door. There are always alternatives, and you are able to think on your feet, so that there is a strong need to just wait and see, rather than to go in with all your guns blazing. Whatever you do, do not lose that gut reaction within, that sees an alternative solution that’s best. A great time for organising something very special. Your thoroughly disciplined energies always see so quickly the pros and the cons; and quite honestly your powers of delegation are inspiring. Make sure of one very important thing too, that you have some fun too along the way: bringing people together is a joy for you, but accept the help others will want to give you. A start of something creative, as you are finally motivated to join in something of a joint project that will showcase your talents and get you noticed. There is a strong need to succeed right now, and it is for all the right reasons that you take all this to where it really can go rather than see yourself working on lower levels. Just know that nobody works better than you when under pressure! With the Sun exalted, this is for you a very exciting phase of the year. Nagging doubts need to be replaced with a plan of action that will see you taking better control and practicing what you have preached. Taking care of somebody rather special midweek will bring you down a peg or two, and show you that your innermost powers of healing are ready and waiting to help you move on. Venus is set to commence her heavenly journey and pay you a brief visit. Unlike your undemonstrative sister, Taurus, you are fixed in your ideas and prepared for something to happen. It won’t be until you come to your senses and realise that this time around it is you who is being unreasonable and who must back off to make alternative plans that embrace the needs of each and everyone. Venus is set to commence her heavenly journey and pay you a brief visit. Unlike your undemonstrative sister, Taurus, you are fixed in your ideas and prepared for something to happen. It won’t be until you come to your senses and realise that this time around it is you who is being unreasonable and who must back off to make alternative plans that embrace the needs of each and everyone. With Jupiter dominating at the moment, any doubts you have had about a close relationship will fade, and you will see just how much that you both have to give. You certainly will find it a lot easier to empathise in a situation and avoid saying something that you know may have a negative effect and upset those whom you love. Nevertheless something has to be done. Planetary energies assist you greatly in your work. Be very open about your current objectives, and share with others because they will be open to your ideas and help you to move that mountain. A more open approach is needed if you are to move on with all this, and quite frankly anything that gets you out and about will be welcomed with open arms and a new vigour. You seem to be very restless and on edge at the moment, yet this unleashes a highly creative phase in which you can even surprise yourself on the way. Take a fresh look at your wants and needs and see them in a different light with you in safe control of the situation. Nobody gives better advice to others; now look to yourself to solve that which worries you so much now. Listen to what your inner voice is telling you. You need to feel more relaxed and happy with yourself. You have nothing to prove, and no specific agenda to tie you down, so relax and await some further instructions. Emotional details will be highlighted and dealt with on a high level, so just let them go. You have nothing to prove, so settle for being yourself, as others love you.

If it’s your birthday this week... Believe and trust in your ability to make changes where necessary. Taking control will show you how far things need to move on, and that you are the best possible person for the job!

AUG - 2 SEPT 2010 8-14 27 JANUARY 2010

Keep an eye out for ‘Spanish Eye’ Table top sale By Louise Clarke DURING THE summer months RTN be printing reviews and interviews with some of the latest authors on the Costa Blanca, starting this week with Nik Morton from La Marina, whose tenth book has just been released. Spanish Eye has been published by Solstice Publishing as an e-book and can be obtained online from the publisher or you can get the Kindle version, available at amazon.com for just €4. The book is bound to appeal to readers on the Costa Blanca as it is set on the Costas of Spain and features 21 tales from Leon Cazador, a half-English, half-Spanish Private Investigator who is wholly against the un-Godly. Read his tales and glean insight into his past and the people with whom he rubbed shoulders; his connections run wide and deep. Dive into his fascinating stories, based on real events. DRIVEN TO HUNT Author Nik told RTN about the book’s main character: “Cazador translated into English means ‘hunter’, but I think that the Spanish word sounds less pretentious. The character is indeed a man driven to hunt down felons of all kinds, to redress the balance of good against evil. Sometimes, Cazador

operates in disguise under several aliases, among them Carlos Ortiz Santos, a modern day Simon Templar. He combats drug-traffickers, grave robbers, al-Qaeda infiltrators and conmen. Dodgy Spanish developers and shady expat Englishmen face his wrath, while traders in human beings, stolen vehicles and endangered species meet their match. Kidnappers, crooked Mayors and conniving Lotharios come within his orbit of ire.”

MORE TALES Nik continued: “In his adventurous life, he has witnessed many travesties of justice so, as a private investigator, he uses his considerable skills to right wrongs in the most clever and unexpected of ways. Leon Cazador fights injustice in all its forms and often metes out his own rough justice: it’s what he does.” Nik started writing Cazador’s stories in 2005 and they’ve been published in several magazines and a couple have won awards. All the stories for this collection have been revised and enlarged. He concluded: “Cazador has plenty more tales to tell,” The Solstice Editor says of Nik: “He is an amazing storyteller and puts together a short story better than anyone I have read in

quite a while. His book is a joy to read!” Whilst another review states that the stories are: “…as thought provoking as they are entertaining.” If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download for free the Kindle for PC which enables you to read e-books on your computer screen. Amazon’s Code for the book is (231KB), ASIN B003UNKYW8

Nik Morton

U3A Moraira-Teulada General Meeting: Monday, 6th September, 2010 THE VENUE for this meeting is Salon de Banquettes, Avenida Mediterraneo, Teulada, the doors will open to Members at 09.45 and the meeting will start at 10.30. New members are welcome and they will be able to join the U3A, join Groups and find out about both Travel and Cultural events. U3A loooks forward to seeing everyone in September. For further information please contact the U3A President, Ann Colclough on 965 747 343. www.u3amoraira-teulada.org

A TABLE top sale is to be held in aid of the Javea Feral


Cat Association at Marples Tearooms, Javea, on Saturday 28th August from 10.00. There will be books, gifts, CDs, clothes, shoes, household items, bric-a-brac and much more on offer. For information, telephone Liz on 966 461 166.

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27 AUG SEPT 2010 FEB 26- 2- MARCH 4 2010


with aunty virus

Bluetooth dongles on Amazon

Alan from Benidorm says: I THOUGHT my experience might interest your readers. I wanted to download photos from my Nokia phone to my computer but was told by Nokia that they did not make a data transfer cable and the only way was to use Bluetooth which my computer does not have. What they did not tell me was that you can easily buy a Bluetooth dongle which works with your computer. I paid £1.55 incl postage

(yes £1.55!) through Amazon and it was easy to install (I had to download drivers but the computer did all the brain work for me) and now I can easily download my pics. I don’t think you can get Amazon in Spain, but the packet is only normal letter size so it would be cheap and easy to get someone in the UK to order it and send it on. I have just ordered another one for Spain and the price has dropped to £1.45 incl postage!

IE blocking internet sites

Enabling cookies Owen via email asks: Dear Aunty for some reason all the cookies on my computer are disabled. Can you tell me how to enable them please?

Got a story? 902 118 999

Aunty says: Hi Owen. This will vary depending on which browser you use so I’ll cover the two most common ones. In Internet Explorer you need to click the Tools button and ‘Internet Options’. Click on the Privacy tab and move the slider down to enable all cookies. On the menu

Aunty says: Hi Alan. It’s not that I didn’t believe you but £1.45 for a Bluetooth dongle! I had to check for myself and ended up ordering 3 of them. As an added note I recently discovered a service that Offex are offering where you can get stuff sent to their Offex Kent depot and they will deliver it to Spain. This gets round the problem of ‘UK Mainland only’ delivery and works out cheaper than most of the online international delivery prices.

bar in Firefox click on ‘tools’ ‘options’ and click on the privacy tab. There should then be an option to tick the box ‘accept cookies from sites’

Dave from San Fulgencio asks: Dear Aunty. For years I have been able to upload photos from Windows Live Photo Gallery, to attach them to an e-mail. At the moment I am getting a message below the toolbars that says; “IE (Internet Explorer) has blocked this site from using an ActiveX control in an unsafe manner. As a result this page might not display correctly”. When I click it, it displays this message; “What is the risk?” and “Information bar help” but neither gives me info to correct this problem. A couple of days before this I had been using some streaming to find a live football match. Do you the computer may have picked up a bug from this? I did scan with SuperAntiSpyware

Genuine Windows software James via email asks: Hi I wonder if you could help me? I recently bought a new Acer laptop with Windows7 from a shop in Spain and the shop changed it to English from Spanish but now I keep getting a notice saying “This Computer Is Not Running Genuine Windows” They tried to reinstall

it but it still comes up and now they say they are waiting for a new disc to reinstall it again and not to worry as it is a common problem. I didn’t get a disc with the laptop but I am told this is quite normal now and not all computers come with discs. They also said the problem arose because they

and Malwarebytes but picked nothing up. On another topic a few weeks ago did you mention that you did not like to do Registry Scans, can you tell me why?

Aunty says: I think you’ll need to adjust the way IE is prompting you regarding ActiveX plugins. Go to the ‘tools’ menu option in IE and choose ‘internet options’. Select the ‘security’ tab and click the ‘custom level’ button. Scroll down until you see the option “Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting” and chance the setting to ‘prompt’. Click OK etc. and restart IE. You should now get the option to allow this active script.

changed the language over. Could you let me know what you think and what I should do? Aunty says: Hello James. I would take the laptop back and ask them nicely to install a genuine copy of Windows that passes the validation check on the MS website. Bill Gates’ cronies have spent millions of hours/dollars

building security features into Windows 7 to crack down on the counterfeiters, so unless you are fairly computer savvy, those good old days of free copies of Windows are history. Most new laptops don’t come with any discs these days, but they all prompt you to create a set of restore DVDs (usually 2 or 3) incase you need to reinstall your system back to its original state.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

27 -AUG - 2 SEPT 2010 FEB 26 MARCH 4 2010

51 45

moves for Espaneura Your network New Movers and Storers is your net worth STRATEGIES TO EXPAND YOUR CONTACT LIST IT’S NOT what you know – but who you know. How often have you heard that when looking for work? It is a fact that knowing the right people will make your professional life a lot easier and more lucrative. In order to get to know those profitable people, you will need to work at it and gain their trust. Here are a few strategies that will help you to expand your valuable contact list.


Karla Darocas

Information Technology & Communications

REFERENCE LETTERS A good reference letter is used to introduce you as a professional and vouch for your integrity, character, and abilities. When I moved to Spain from Canada, I realised very quickly that no one was going to give me teaching or consulting work until I had a few local references under my belt. Even though I have two college diplomas and a university degree, those academic certificates were not as impressive as a juicy testimonial letter from a well known member of the business community. Because I have been teaching since 1990, I am very confident at what I do so it was easy for me to email a well respected publisher and ask him if he didn’t pay his employees enough money because his website looked like a dog’s breakfast! Of course, he emailed me back within minutes and asked if I could do better? My answer was – sure I can do better, in my sleep – and for FREE – if you give me a written testimonial. From that first reference, my network started to grow and within a few months I had over 2000 names on my contact list. My teaching, name and reputation spread quickly and I was able to achieve many of my goals and objectives. NETWORKING Networking is another way to grow your contact list. It is only by repeated visits to a networking club meeting that you can breed a confidence level with other members. It might take two or three meeting before you decide to break out of your personal space and connect with a member either for professional or personal reasons. There are several networking clubs on the Costa Blanca. The largest is the Women in Business Club: www.wibc-spain.com. This club networks 4 times per month in different locations from Javea down to Alicante. Their first meeting of their 7th season is on 6th September at the Diamante Beach hotel at 14.00. The Marina Alta Business Club is for mixed members – male and female - and has their meetings in the evenings. Check them out on 2nd September - 19:15 at Peri Pera in Javea Port (www.mabusinessclub.com) Although it takes more time to get to really know someone, business networking via social networks is now very popular all over the Internet. Eavesdropping is a common practice on a social networking websites. Only after observing how someone conducts themselves within a group environment, will an online social member reach out to make a connection. I use LinkedIn.com for my business networking and there are some really active groups if you search for groups within Spain or the Costa Blanca. Networking can also be done while off duty. Never discount the interesting and high profile people that your bartender or hairdresser might know. I have acquired tremendous contacts through strangers on airplanes, massage therapists, beach goers… you just never know who is going to aid your career advancement unless you network. WRITING & BLOGGING If you are indeed an expert at what you do or you have a product that you know everything about, then write about it and have people sign up for more information. This is a great way to increase your network. If you can help a person in trouble by writing troubleshooting tips from cooking to computers, you have gained a fan. If that fan signs up for your newsletter then there is another person in your network. If that person raves about you to their friend and they sign up – your contact list grows. The more people you have in your network, the more chances you will have to sell your products or services, it’s that simple!

Karla Darocas * Business Communications Software Training & Computer Repairs *Helping You to Help Yourself 965 973 234

More new companies

WHILST 43,773 new companies were established in the first half of the year, 3.79% more than in the same period last year, 59,989 ceased trading. More than one fifth in the construction sector. And of the more than 4 million Spanish registered as unemployed, almost three million receive some financial support, whilst 1.5 million receive none. The percentage of unemployed is the highest in the Canaries, 29.1%; Andalusia, 27.8; Extremadura, 26.4 and the Valencia Region, 23.5%.

Espaneura have linked up with a Car Transporter

THE REMOVAL business may have slowed down considerably in the current recession but established removal company Espaneura SL, based in Catral, is fighting back and expanding its UK base with a new warehouse in North Wales as well as their existing two warehouses in the Costa Blanca. “With the uncertainty of the property market we are now able to offer free storage in both countries as part of our removal package,” quoted TinaParkinson, one of the company owners: “People lucky enough to sell their home here but who have not found anything suitable to

move into find this a beneficial solution. We understand that flexibility is a very important part of our service. “We are also offering a personal touch with our valued Estimator, Tony Humphreys, who visits to assess and discuss the individual needs of each customer… we find it is best to look at each potential job and gauge the volume and packing needs and vehicle requirements for ourselves.” Another progressive move by the Company is to link up with a Car Transporter service based in the UK. OB Trucks are based in Manchester but cover the whole

of Europe, providing transporter and breakdown assistance of the highest quality. Anyone wishing to move a vehicle in Europe can ask for a quote and be assured of the best service. For storage or warehouse facilities for cars, boats, or any type of goods, Espaneura can offer safe, secure premises. Visit for a chat with them in Catral. Espaneura also has a self contained office for rent. For a complete removal package and a safe, reliable method of transporting your vehicle, contact Tina, Les Parkinson or Tony Humphreys at Espaneura on 966 788 023.

Telmicro Free TV Service Now Available

THE NEW free television service provided by Telmicro Levante S.L. can now be received across the Orihuela Costa from Punta Prima and down the N332 corridor south into the Murcia region. The service is being provided from various transmitters that cover an area as far south as the Mar Menor and from there inland in the direction of Murcia. Telmicro uses legal frequencies with the according permissions for their use. Telmicro is counting on numerous qualified professional installers in this area to attend all those interested in receiving this free service. We will also offer the necessary equipment for the installers. Telmicro will not allow this low cost equipment to be sold for a high profit by anyone. The service comprises at the moment of sixteen free to air channels - these channels include all the favourite channels from Britain including those that cannot be received on even the larger satellite dishes throughout the day. The full channel list will be released next week. There are already plans to extend

the 16 channels to offer a wider variety, but the goal remains the same: to provide an affordable television alternative in the current economical climate. We are working to provide a FREE basic television service in the long term for the region. This free service can be received by anyone with a round satellite dish and the right LNB. For more information, please contact info@telmicrolevante.com Sol TV will shortly commence their service on channel 16, bringing you programming that will include local, national, international news and information regarding special events across the region, its charitable and fund raising events as well as other specialist programming of interest to many, helping the international community integrate into the Spanish way of life. Over the next few weeks there will be more information released to our potential customers regarding plans of other services that will soon be available. We are working extremely hard and with great enthusiasm to get everything ready.


27 SEPT 2010 2010 14AUG - 20- 2MAY

61 52

Re-registering imported motor vehicles


Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

IN ANSWER to the on-going discussions about re-registering imported motor vehicles when a foreigner becomes resident in Spain or any EU country, the facts are contained in the EU Directive rules in English at: http://ec.europa.eu/ youreurope/nav/en/citizens/ services/eu-guide/living/ index_en.html#11324_8 Those who lack the integrity or the willingness to find out the facts by reading the above will not settle the arguments for good until the laws are changed. The notes are far too long to print in the RTN so it is a case of those who are concerned going to their PC and reading it on their screens or printing it out so they can reliably inform all their mates in the local bar! Having taken the trouble to research and write my book which is now in its Third Edition and having it checked by reliable Spanish legal sources for accuracy, it can be a little galling to have to keep repeating the facts to those who listen to bar

room lawyers: that they may soon be caught and fined as well as given say 30 days to do what they should have done perhaps years ago, especially as the Guardia Civil is now working on a bonus scheme. I have a denuncia of someone, a Brit expat, who was caught and fined (he had been driving around for two years) and it is somewhere in a box in my garage as I moved home recently. Any imported vehicle (and that includes personal possessions, owned and used by new residents/expats), must be fully road worthy and legal in the country of registration. After up to six months in any one calendar year it is okay to use it but after that it must be reregistered onto the resident’s new country. That includes a current MOT certificate which can only be obtained legally from the same country and proof that all taxes have been paid... An ITV is no good and will only attract the attention of any officer who will be wondering

why with a foreign registration? You cannot even get an MOT done in Gibraltar for such vehicles, but you can get a fraudulent one through the post at a fairly high cost and without taking the vehicle to the UK. But do not get caught when you are asked for the ferry tickets as proof for the date of the MOT. A UK SORN means that the vehicle is off the road, FULL STOP, so it is not legally registered for use on any roads within the EU and as in Spain asking a clerk by phone for confirmation on a subject that he/she personally may never get involved in is very dangerous as even a British Consulate here has discovered. Get it in writing with the relevant checkable places where it is officially written down as I have with all my research. And beware of the fines (up to £1 000) imposed by the UK-VOSA and DVLA for not telling the truth about your vehicle. Enjoy the rest of the summer holidays…

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com

Tel: 966 723 718 Sales Rojales & San Miguel For more information visit www.AutosDirect.es

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Kia POP electric concept to be unveiled in Paris

The POP has zero emissions

KIA MOTORS will continue its tradition of unveiling convention-challenging and design-led concept vehicles at motor shows when it reveals an all-new electric concept car at the Paris Motor Show on the 30th September. Called the ‘POP’, Kia’s latest concept car boasts zero-emissions – whilst in use – and at three metres long, yet with a three seat layout, brings innovative design chic and dramatic styling to the city car segment. Further information will be released in due course. The 2010 Paris Motor Show runs from the 30th September to the 17th October.

Jaguar to launch an armored XJ Sentinel JAGUAR IS launching an armoured version of its stunning new XJ luxury sports saloon at the 2010 Moscow International Motor Show. The new XJ Sentinel offers the ultimate in discreet protection, being virtually indistinguishable from the standard XJ model, yet featuring a state-of-the-art

04 Tigra Cabriolet


01 Rover 75 Auto


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armouring package which provides occupants with up to B7 levels of ballistic protection. Benefiting from Jaguar Land Rover’s extensive experience in the armoured vehicle market, the XJ Sentinel is supplied with a full three-year 50,000 mile factory warranty, along with after-sales support from specialised technicians.

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27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010


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27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010 with LA BAMBA’s. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Baleares, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCES: Saturday 7pm-10pm & Tuesdays 8pm-10.30pm (except second Tuesday of the month) TUITION:- Beginners Monday10.30am. Bienvenido Chinese restaurant, La Zenia: Beginners Wednesday 7.30pm, Improvers Thursday 11.30am, Intermediates Friday 11.00am. Tel: Andrea 616 478 157 WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our Free English call centre now to find your nearest meeting. 900818-794

Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613.

MOBILITY SCOOTER Like NEW. 30Km range. 599€ - HOIST with sling, hydrolic, electric, 499€. 600866-506. BOOKS FOR SALE In English: Quest for Adventure-Chris Bonnington 1982, Coastwise Navigation-GG Watkins, 1962, Navigation for YachtsmentMary Blewit 1973, The Sailing Manual-Bob Bond 1973,Cruising Under SailEric Chiswick 1965, Man O´War-The Fighting Ship In History-Richard Hough 1979. 6 Hardback books for 25euros. In Spanish: Set of 20 Non Fiction new books (still wrapped) Assorted authors suit student. 35euros the lot. Tlf:691-202307 WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, hardly used, LIKE NEW. 150.00€. Tel: 627-019-403.

AUM HOMEOPATH in Cuidad Quesada www.aumhomeopath. com Also GENTLE YOGA classes twice a week for 3 weeks @ Euro 2 per session. Tel: or Text on 672983-934 or 0044-7846- 316300 or email aumhomeopath@gmail.com to book PERSONAL TRAINER Exworld kickboxing champion. All martial arts taught, weight loss, all ages, private gym. 965-326-442/ 659-696-455

FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842.

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PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 JODIE’S GELS Nail technician:

RENAULT MEGANE COUPE 1.6 16V 1999 Silver RHD Spanish reregistered. One lady owner 57,000 miles. Sunroof, air-con, leather seats,new ITV,Renault full service history,radio/6CD player,electric windows.Excellent condition. Euro 2,900 ONO.962-807-028/ 600-8531-27 WANTED I buy any car, van,Caravan,4x4 Etc.British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600-781-873 ibuyanycar@hotmail.com BUMPERS, WINGS AND MIRRORS All body panels for all cars supplied. Tel:-966-875-497 or 618-592-396 HEADLIGHTS4U.COM Left hand drive headlights supplied and fitted. All makes. Tel:-966-875-497 or 618-592-396 FORD FOCUS 1.8 TDI ESTATE 2004 Family Car Silver Metallic Electric Windows, Locks, CD Radio A/Con Full ITV, Very Low Klms 5,500e,o.n.o Tel:-966-785048 or 609-267-648

DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es

IFOR WILLIAMS COVERED BOX TRAILER Length-206, Width-129, Depth-118. Includes Wheel Clamp, Ball Clamp. 750€ Tlf:-619-809-506 KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER “Brand New” 500GB. 70,000songs, software, songbooks, bar/home use. 275euros Tlf:-654-925-679 POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666-933-726


LOOKING FOR A CAR? FWR Eurocars have over 75 LHD and RHD vehicles in stock. New and Used Vehicles sourced. Tlf:-661321-036/965-687-976. www.fwreurocars.com RENAULT CLIO 3 door hatch, Sep 2006 - 1.4i Special Edition, 57,000 with 1 owner, Full Renault history - Petrol, Metallic red, PAS, ABS, Cruise control, Front fog lights, E. windows/mirrors, A/C, Remote locking, Cd player, Multi airbags, Rear head restraints, Multi-spoke alloys, Rear privacy glass. Tlf:-661-321-036/965-687976. www.fwreurocars.com CHRYSLER PT CRUISER - 5 door hatch, Oct ‘04 - 1.6, 70.000 with 1 owner, Full service history - Petrol, Metallic silver, PAS, ABS, Front fog lights, E. windows/mirrors, Isofix system, A/C, Remote locking, Alloys, Cd player, Multi airbags, Rear head restraints. choice of 2, also available in red.Tlf:-661321-036/965-687-976. www. fwreurocars.com BSMART AUTOS Top cash prices paid for your quality l.h.d. car with service history. All legal paperwork undertaken. N332, next to go karts, orihuela-costa or phone 965-329 436 for free home appraisal anywhere on the costa blanca. Bsure, bsafe, bsmart CITRON PICASSO 2L HDI 2004, Elec Windsow,a/c etc. Ex Cond. 20mths ITV Poss exch for smaller car. €5,500 ono. 965-831-209, 636-653-516

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DANI 23, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House

and Hotel visits or in my apatment. 650-104-534. Torrevieja


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YAMAHA SR250 Very good condition low ks only 25k all good easy starter only 500e for quick sale. San Pedro del Pinatar Steve 968178426 1998 HONDA GOLDWING SE Only 35627 miles. Candyapple red some extras only 5500euro, in good condition on spanish plates. Phone 659-137-295 no offers BIKERS ESPAÑA Forum, Events, News, Favourite Roads www.bikersespana.com or www.bikersespaña.com

NISSAN TERRANO 2004 74000km 2 years ITV red exellent condition 1 owner €9995 tel 968-686-284 PICASSO CITROEN DIESEL SX HD110 2007 Low Mileage . Returning to UK. 9950€ tel:696655-028 or briansierra@hotmail.com



Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

2001 Renault Megane, 1.6 Dynamique, 189,000 KM, Silver with black soft top, Electric Windows, Central Locking, Power Steering, ITV until 2011, Needs a little TLC. 1,700 euros. Tel: 639582645 GMC Astro Van 1996, 4.3, Silver Metallic, 7 Seats, Cruise Control, Electrics, Back seats convert into double bed, English Plates, LHD. 3500 euros Tel: 639582645 Yamaha FX160 High Output Jetski Blue, 3 Seater, 2004 Model, Comes with trailer, Max speed 70mph, Reluctant sale 3000 euros. Tel: 639582645 Sea-Doo Speedster 5 Seater speedboat, comes with NEW trailer, twin rotax engines, banana boat and ringo included, Spanish registered, 4200 euros: Tel:639582645

TORREVIEJA TRANS Nicolly, stunning blonde, Huge breasts, sculptural body. Speciality erotic masage. Very feminine and sexy.. Call Me 671-424-456. www. hisparelax.com/nicollyescobar DAVID TORREVIEJA 24 years old, gym body, Very sexy and hot, come see it for yourself for men and couples.call me 678-179-616. FIT ABLE GENTLEMAN, 70 New to the Area, would like to meet Lady 60´s for friendship and companionship. La Zenia. Tlf:-696-717-327 TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 TORREVIEJA Columbian Lady. Ardent, Obliging, Urb. Rocio del Mar.Avda. Las Olas,5-4º-2. Tlf:-610-054-612 GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662049-021 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS TO PAMPER YOU showers and drinks free, satisfaction guaranteed, Playa Flamenca Tel:-660-308-993 or 619-229-217 LATINA GIRL 39 YEARS Looking for 60 year old man for serious relationship. Tlf:-697-756-075 LATINA 45 YEARS Looking for serous long term partner. Tlf:-649570-438 SPANISH LADY PLAYA FLAMENCA near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy

Cement Mixer 350 Litre, Tows behind vehicle, Honda petrol engine, 400 euros.Tel: 639582645 Utiform Master Plastering/Monocap Machine, only been used on 2 houses, 6000euros new, Only 1400 euros. Tel: 639582645 Bobcat 322 Minidigger digger bucket and dyking bucket, Piped for breaker, extendable tracks, 3300 euros. Tel: 639582645 Car Trailer/Machine Trailer with Ramps, 2700 Kilo, Twin Axle, Spanish registered, All paperwork, 800 euros. Tel: 639582645 20 ft Container, Good Floor, Good Condition, 650 euros. Tel: 639582645 3 x Naish Kiteboarding Kites, 12m, 9m and 7m, Boxers, 2 Pumps, 2 Sets of Lines, Excellent Condition, 600 euros. Tel: 639582645

22 Plastic Chairs, Perfect for Bar, Burgundy/Red with silver legs, Very solid, clean 450 euros. Tel: 639582645 Cement Mixer, 170 litre, Electric, 200 euros. Tel: 639582645 3 x PVC Wood Effect Windows, Georgian bar, 800 x 150, 300 euros. Tel: 639582645 Full Multigym, including: Treadmill, Exercise Bike and Ski Machine, 500 euros. Tel: 639582645 Swimming Pool/Bar/Restaurant,Villa Martin Area fully operational kitchen, client base already formed, 12 x 5 swimming pool plus seperate baby pool, large 800sqm terrace, all licences... FREEHOLD 250,000 euros. Tel: 639582645

lingerie, economical prices from 40€. Full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412 BI MALE bi male 60y looking to meet same or group daytime fun must be your place gen.half an hour round mazarron email bilko6096@yahoo.co.uk XXXXX PORNOGRPHIC DVD’S nearly all interests. 7 for 25€. Tel: 615-474-139 MALE 55 & MY STUNNING GIRLFRIEND 25 both British, Voyeur shows & threesomes with A, DP & SR, Bi-Curious Welcolme. Also home-made DVD’S by post or collect. Torrevieja Call Steve 697-892-969 SHIRLEY 29 QUALIFIED MASSAGE. Oriental tecnics retarding erection ejaculation and much more big natural breasts, la zenia 600-784-461 SWEDISH BEAUTIFUL GIRL 26 Authentic model.....all your fantasies... qualified massage 4 hands... Great promotion in mornings...la zenia 600 784 461 GENERIC VIAGRA 100MG 12 tablets for 30€ or 24 tablets for 50€ also fast acting jellies and weekenders. Free discreet delivery. Quesada & surrounding area. Derek 685-207-378 ELEGANT, SLIM, SEXY LADY Available Santa Pola-Mazarron. Tlf-693-357-526 SEXY COUPLE OR SEPARATE Offers pleasure for couples, women, men, girl on girl, relaxed, discrete. At our apartment or yours. Call Jasmine/ Sebastian 663-478-337 NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40?.

NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118

British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools.com SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743-048 www.pooltechspain.com

more information. Barry or Jean Williams, Tlf:-0044-1427-873487, Mobile:-0044-7939-114-123 or email:- barry.williams08@ btconnect.com MOBILE/PARK HOMES IN SAN JAVIER FROM 15,000E CAROL 96-819-2425 MOB 626-055-622 www,mobilehomesmarmenorsp ain.com CLASSIC SPANISH OLD TOWN HOUSE CALLOSA D’EN SARRIA. 3 double bedrooms (one with en-suite bathroom), master bath, downstairs loo, new kitchen, large living room diner with real fire. Terrace with bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Seperate sun terrace with views to the mountains. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 135,000€ Tel: 609-177-032.

XIRLES, POLOP 2 bedroom top floor apartment with large sun terrace and underground parking, mountain

and sea views peaceful and tranquil in traditional Spanish village 15 minutes from the coast and 15 minutes from the famous Guadalest and Fonts del Algar ideal location for walkers 115,000euros tel 603-177556/966-897-023

LA FLORIDA DETACHED VILLA 400M2 Plot. 100M2 Living. Three Bedrooms, Lounge, American Kitchen. 1.1/2 Bathrooms. Securely walled. Large terraces, Room to extend. Private driveway. Satellite TV. Communal Pool. Partly Furnished. New grills and Gates. Close to Bars, Shops and Beach. 149,000€ Tlf:-607616-832 SAN LUIS TORREVIEJA 3 Bed Semi Detached House 1½ Bathrooms 6 x 3m Swimming pool Furnished .140,000 € Tel 966785174 Mob 6563696440

Accommodation required

Do you own a small hotel or Bed & Breakfast accommodation? Would you like to rent it out for 2011? We are looking for this kind of premises with 8-10 bedrooms and separate living accommodation to run retreats. The premises must have own grounds. Within 30/40 minutes of Calpe (including inland). Please contact us on

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BRAZIL. 50% SHARE 2 Bed detached villa with community pool, next to beach Joa Pessoa. Fantastic investment at half price. £13,000. ph 696-655-028. www. sierravillas.com STRESS SALES 3 Bed, det Villa. Reduced from 260k to 145,000€. 4 Bed, 3 Bath, 10m pool, 1300m2. Reduced to 278,000€. Aparts From 70,000€, El Campello. Rents and Sales. www.sierravillas. com Tel:-696-655-028 sales@ sierravillas.com LIVING ABROAD AND NEED AN ENGLISH BASE? Then look no further than WOODCARR PARK. Do you have a home abroad or in the UK and would like to have a secure, luxury holiday home in England. We are open 11 months of the year and can supply most makes of Luxury Caravans and Lodges. Woodcarr Park is in the small Lincolnshire village of Belton. We are just 20 minutes from Humberside and Doncaster Airports. Contact us for


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

Classifieds Agents

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27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010

The final whistle Bruce the Basher

Steve Bruce

THE SEASON is but a few weeks old but it hasn’t taken long for the usual suspects to get up to their old tricks. First off, let’s take a look at Steve Bruce and the FA. Bruce wasted no time in having his first public bash at a referee, describing the performance of Anthony Taylor during the 2 – 2 draw at Birmingham as “totally inadequate” and suggesting that the official was “out of his depth”. Despite his barbed comments, the FA has decided not to take any action against him. How can that be? How much worse can it get from a manager than saying that an official is not fit for purpose? Bruce is a serial ref basher and his former record should have been taken into account. The FA needed to make an early season statement in support of their own ‘Respect’ campaign and they have, in this instance, entirely failed to do so. FICKLE FERGIE At least when Bruce does speak to the media, he includes BBC TV. His former boss, Sir Alex Ferguson hasn’t spoken to the corporation for the last 6 years. Back in 2004, the Panorama programme made a documentary entitled ‘Fergie & Son’, which looked at the agent dealings of Ferguson’s son Jason. Fergie described the programme as ‘nonsense and made up’, yet interestingly, has never sued; make of that what you will. Instead, he has snubbed the BBC microphones. Now, blaming BBC Sport for the actions of an entirely different department is a bit like having a dig at your local Renault dealer for the performances of Fernando Alonso on the Formula One circuit. After years of standing by and letting Fergie get away with his petulant behaviour (remember, the BBC has paid millions of pounds for the highlights broadcast rights) the Premier League has put in place a new rule which demands that manager’s speak to all media after matches. Not surprisingly, Ferguson was a no-show for his post-game interview with Match of the Day following United’s 2 – 2 draw with Fulham. As a result he’ll probably be fined, but the amounts mentioned will hardly bother a multi-millionaire. I can’t help feeling that it’s the Manchester United fans that are missing out here. Fergie really needs to get over it and move on. GAMES GAMBLE I’ve been fortunate enough to work at the last two Commonwealth Games in Manchester and Melbourne. Both were fantastic fun because of the excellent organisation. Looking on from afar, I’m not sure the same will be said of Delhi. At least two colleagues, one a broadcaster the other whose identity I’d rather not reveal, have described the situation in India as ‘chaos’. Organisers meanwhile, rather than concentrating on immediate problems, seem intent on briefing against Western companies who, to my knowledge, have raised millions of pounds for the Games through TV sales and sponsorship. I sincerely hope the Games succeed but the Commonwealth Games Federation took a massive gamble in awarding India its four-yearly prize and at the moment that gamble hangs in the balance.

The 18 Denia RFC Beach Sevens Tournament th

XVIII DENIA RFC Beach 7’s Competition, held on ‘Playa Abaranas’ opposite the Oasis Hotel last Saturday, was a great success, providing some skillful rugby played by seniors, Feminino and Juveniles (U19). The Feminino competition was played between Denia, Tatami and Universidad Catolica; the worthy winner of the close-fought three way competition. The seniors’ competition was contested by eight teams: Denia, Javea, Universidad Alicante, Tatami, Akra Barbara, Valencia, Alcobendas (Madrid) and M.A.G.O.S. The M.A.G.O.S. team comprised veteran rugby players from the Marina Alta area. Each player had to be over 35years-of-age. The final was contested between Alcobendas and Valencia which was 1 v 1 at full time. In extra time Alcobendas got the ‘Golden Try’ to win the competition. Denia beat Universidad Alicante to take third place. The competition was a huge success and attracted a large crowd of spectators throughout the day. ‘Player of the Tournament’ was awarded to Juan Silva from Denia who had strong opposition from the Alcobendas team which included two Spanish 7’s Internationals and the Spanish coach. The M.A.G.O.S team

The seniors’ competition was contested by eight teams was challenged by Denia’s young players to play off for the wooden spoon trophy following a team’s retirement: after an open enjoyable game of rugby M.A.G.O.S retained the trophy.

Following the presentation of awards to players and referees, everyone was served chicken and chips supplied from the Oasis Hotel who supported Denia RFC throughout the day.

FC Cartagena update By Steve Hibberd LAST WEEK saw Cartagena play out the remaining two preseason ‘friendlies’, making probably the last two signings before the new season starts, but we’ll start this week’s roundup with details of the opening div 2a fixture. The visit to newly relegated side Xerez has been pencilled in for Saturday 28th August, but what is strange for this time of the year is that the KO is a surprisingly early 18.00 (in previous years it has been 20.00 or even 21.00). Another two midfielders (hopefully of the attacking variety!) have joined JIM and his merry band of players. First to sign

on the dotted line was 20-year-old Jordi Pablo, who makes the move from La Liga side Malaga in the deep south. Toni Moral (29) also leaves a La Liga club, but this time from the far north - Racing Santander. Finally, news of the last two warm up matches before the new season starts in earnest. A visit to div 3 side Molina ended in a 1-0 defeat, courtesy of a 55th min goal by Illan. Then 3 days later, another div 3 side hosted, this time Honours Even. Inside the Artes Carraso Stadium, Lorca Atletico drew first blood when Yosimar scored after 33 minutes, only for that man Victor to level 6 minutes inside the 2nd half.

Former player welcomed

Joe Hutchinson ENGLISH JOE Hutchinson has returned to La Vila eager to start the new season after a successful sojourn playing for Gernika in the Basque Country: “It’s really good to be back in La Vila,” he said, “There is some tough competition this season but I think we are going to hold our own on the field.” Hutchinson started out with England’s ‘Sale Sharks’ and went on to play for England U19’s, before starting his professional career in Spain. He replaces former player

Mark George, who has returned to England. La Vila Rugby Club is situated at Carratera Pantano, Villajoyosa. Take AP-7 exit N° 66 (Villajoyosa). At the first roundabout head for the mountain. The club is about 1km from Motorway exit N° 66. Or take the Villajoyosa by-pass, and take the middle exit. At the first roundabout bear right towards the motorway entrance and at the second roundabout bear left towards the mountain.

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

Golf Societies: big or small? Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

IN RECENT years we have seen more and more golf societies split and form new and more informal groups for various reasons. In the past big was always beautiful, mainly because there was a bigger discount for larger numbers of players. This discount was usually available when numbers got to 32 or more players and inevitably led to those in either end of the draw having long waits at one end of the day. Needless to say this, along with many other causes, led to the formation of smaller, more intimate societies of 12 or 16 players. The smaller societies are better in many ways as they make it easier to keep everyone happy. Those who have run large societies know full well how difficult it becomes when one starts complaining: it leads to another and another and so it goes on... The idea of a smaller golf society is one I particularly favour and certainly one I would adhere to if I ever got involved in running another golf society. Membership would be by invitation only and very select indeed. However, what would happen when good times returned and the clubs started to demand bigger numbers for bigger discounts again? Well that’s where the problems would begin, unless a good relationship was built up with the golf clubs right from the very start. Personal visits to the golf club manager’s count for an awful lot here in Spain. The locals still like to do things the old ways although email and telephone conversations are becoming more and more acceptable. There is no replacing the personal touch and many golf clubs rely heavily on the information fed back to them from the golf societies that play in their local areas. The personal touch counts for more than just loyalty. By entering into regular dialogue with the golf clubs we can all do our bit to feed back how things such as price, course condition, and service matters to the local golfer. More respect will always be given to those who take a few minutes regularly to meet and talk to the decision makers. The benefits can only be good for all the society golfers in the area and

even the social golfers who just have their regular fourball once or twice a week. You never know; you may even get better deals than the big groups as a result of your efforts.

RTN GOLF CLUB – MEMBERS OFFERS Exclusive golf competitions for members of RTN Golf club have been arranged for 3rd September at Font Del Llop and for 4th October at El Plantio. Both competitions are only open to those who have joined or applied to join The RTN Golf Club. For the competition on September 3rd, email caddymaster@fdlgolf. es together with your handicap to enter. Golf costs €40 per person and is an individual Stableford competition. Please reserve a buggy if one is required. WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 2010: WHO WON THE 2010 PGA CHAMPIONSHIP AT WENTWORTH? A. Simon Khan B. Simon Dyson C. Simon Hobday All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 30th August 2010 to be entered into August’s draw, to be made on 31st August 2010. The winner will be announced in RTN on 3rd September 2010. QUALITY GOLF LESSONS To enjoy golf lessons with a coach recommended as one of The World’s Top 100 call Noel on 639 730 891.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com


THE RTN Golf Club is free to join and members are entitled to a generous ‘two for one’ offer to ensure the sport is affordable for everyone – making sure golfers are out enjoying themselves rather than worrying about the cost of a game. The club is open to every resident – all that is needed to qualify is an NIE number – and a round of golf, including a buggy, will cost no more than €50 per head – slashing the current club average green fee of €80. Go to www.roundtownnews.co.uk and tap in a few details – or inquire at golf clubs taking part in this exciting new venture! Well? What are you waiting for!


27 AUG - 2 SEPT 2010


Costa Blanca round-up

Maggots end by

David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS AND REELS PLEASE NOTE: the AGM will be held Sunday 26th September at 10.00 at Cagney’s bar, La Marina. Subscriptions must be paid prior to the AGM. At present there are no vacancies for membership: if you are interested and wish to be registered on the waiting list, please apply to Sue Swann on 966 729 293. Working parties will be required early October as nature is reclaiming its own: venues and dates to be notified nearer the time. ANGLERS TOGETHER ANGLERS TOGETHER continues to grow with firm friendships formed since the group started 4 years ago. Many members fish together regularly and say they are happy to have taken up a sport to replace golf for instance, which has become so expensive. We have the occasional organised outing but the main aim is to introduce members to fishing companions and to assist in finding the venues. It costs €10 to join for the first year and €5 per annum for each year after.

If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Alan: anglerstogether@ gonuts4free.com Meetings are held generally on the second Friday and Saturday of each month, depending on other public holidays and local fiestas. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting to see what we’re about. The next meetings will be held on Friday 10th September at 12.00 at Mary’s Bar in Campoverde (north of Pilar de la Horadada) and on Saturday 11th September at 12.00 at Los Galayos Bar, opposite the beach front at Puerto de Mazarron. WARNING Anglers are being checked by the Police for their licenses and insurance so don’t take chances and make sure you have all relevant documents to hand. Tight lines… Dave Hoare

Katie Reillys Golf Society CHLOE CUP: August is traditionally the time of year when members of Katie Reilly´s Golf Society compete in their premier singles competition – the Chloe Cup – a medal event, this year at the new local course of Las Colinas. Las Colinas is a marvellous course, a true challenge of anyone´s golfing ability and as the competition was played off the white tees and in searing heat – with little or no breeze – the conditions were very testing. Fortunately the course itself was in magnificent condition; even the lightly sanded greens still ran true and fast. Scoring was very good all round but one person was head and shoulders above the rest. Carding a most impressive gross 79 and therefore a net 67 was bar owner Jim Hough who easily won the event outright. Second was Paul Rooney with a net 71, while Peter Deaves was third on 73. The guest prize was won by Fred Wareing on 79, despite having a neck injury – he certainly sported a pretty ugly scar – received when the rope of a motorboat wrapped around his neck and dragged him under a banana boat the previous day. He also managed to win one of the nearest the pins, claiming it was a miss-hit. If only we were all that fortunate... Las Colinas sports five par threes but there were only four winners as the fourth defeated us all – if it had been a contest for nearest the middle of the lake then maybe half the field would have had a chance! And so it was back to the Great Banguetting Hall at Katie Reilly´s for a wonderful chicken supper prepared as always by Carmel and the official prizegiving where Chloe Deaves – after whom the Cup was named – handed out the major prizes as follows – Chloe Cup Winner Chloe Cup Runner Up Chloe Cup Guest

Jim Hough Paul Rooney Fred Wareing


Not won

7th 10th 14th 17th

Fred Wareing Steve Finch Steve Ansell Nigel Hubert

67 71 79

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