RTN North Edition 568

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 568

Death sentence 3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

See page 17

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Ideal Lights Spain

“Energy saving LED lighting solutions”

Save money and brighten up your life with LED lighting from Ideal Lights Spain


Horse lovers say a beautiful English thoroughbred was deliberately dumped in a country lane and left to die in the sweltering summer heat.

Continued on page 3


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3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

continued from front page By Jack Troughton THE 16.3 hands high gelding was discovered in the narrow road between Aigues, inland from El Campello, and the reservoir at Orxeta. The bay-coloured animal – believed to be aged between 20 and 25 – was emaciated, had earlier suffered a broken shoulder, overgrown hooves, cuts and a once magnificent coat was in poor condition. Despite generous offers to pay for an operation, vets decided the horse could not be saved and seven days later the newly named ‘Aigues’ was put to sleep. However, the once valuable horse was micro-chipped and officers of the Guardia Civil’s animal protection unit are confident of bringing those responsible to justice. Neil Jones, 56, who works at private stables in Aigues, said the horse was brought to the yard after it took more than three hours to

coax the stricken animal into a horsebox. “I think he has just been dumped, thrown off the back of a truck – these people would not have hung around to gently lead him out of a vehicle.” Neil, who lives in La Nucia, and has worked with horses since being a schoolboy said: “This was a death sentence. If he had outplayed his usefulness or they could not afford to feed him, why not ask for help? “There are people who can help rather than loading him onto a truck and kicking him off in a back lane.” Heartbroken at the animal being put down, Neil told RTN: “God could he eat. He was a game animal despite all the pain and injuries he suffered. “For an old guy and the way he had been treated he was a lovely horse and I was so sad to see him go. He has been an absolutely stunning animal – in his prime he must have been an absolute belter. “He had a lovely nature and eye, if you think the way he had been treated you could han-

dle him and there were no ears going back or rolling the eyes, a normal warning sign.” VETERAN He said the final indignity for the veteran was when the lorry sent to recover the horse’s body could not get into the yard and the corpse had to be dragged out by a quadbike. “It was horrendous.” Neil added: “I was crying my eyes out when he went. I would have loved to get him back in condition, put some weight on him and seen him in a horses’ retirement home. “I had to name him – after all, if you take in a stray dog or cat you give it a name and I like to talk to the horses. “But he had a really good last week – probably the best he has enjoyed in many years and I am proud to be able to say that.” Neil said someone must recognise the horse or know those responsible for his condition. “If anyone has any information please get in touch with the Guardia Civil, they are already all over this case and I really want to see justice done here.”


Dip in the baths A mosaic floor at the Queen’s Baths

CALPE’S HISTORIC Queen’s Baths has become an international attraction for archaeological students from all over Europe. Volunteers have been busy over the summer holidays

helping the ongoing dig at the Roman remains – watched by curious tourists enjoying the resorts simpler pleasures. Around 60 university students gave their time for a unique dip into the secrets of history.

Death of dedicated Lion

Bay gelding ‘Aigues’


By Jack Troughton TEULADA MORAIRA Lions Club has announced the sad news that hard working member Bob Nice has died. Fondly known within the ranks of the club as “Bob the Builder” because of his determination and enthusiasm in getting hands on and organising working parties to help those in need, Bob was an ever cheerful member of the community club. A spokesman for the Lions said that although he was aware he had a heart problem; it did not deter Bob from being involved in the club’s many activities – acting as Almoner, membership secretary and as a leading member of the welfare committee. He said Bob left a loving wife, son, daughter and grandchildren “out thoughts and condolences are with them.”


3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

Clampdown on benefit fraud flounders by Jack Troughton

A HIGH profile drive to clampdown on benefit cheats living on the Costas has left the Government red-faced after being branded a failure. The ‘get tough’ campaign to cut benefit fraud by claimants living abroad was intended to slash the estimated £93 million a year being siphoned off by claimants living outside the UK – and claw back some of the cash. The sum represents a fraction of the £5.2 billion lost every year to fraud and error. However, in five years just £47,000 has been recovered by the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP), an average of £9,400 a year. Prime Minister David Cameron has now announced “tough and uncompromising” action to cut welfare and tax credit fraud and error. He announced plans to use third party groups such private-sector credit

reference agencies – the Daily Mail has labelled them ‘bounty hunters’ – to help track down cheats. COSTA

The release of the DWP figures revealed the embarrassing failure to end the flow of cash being fraudulently claimed by expats, many living on the Spanish Costas. Back in September 2008, Labour’s antibenefit fraud minister James Plaskitt said: “Benefit fraud is a crime no matter where it happens. “We are forging strong relationships with governments across Europe to help catch the thieves who pick our pockets from beyond our shores. The sun will now set on the cheats.” Mr Cameron has asked his Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith to cut the losses to the exchequer – a figure the Prime Minister says is equivalent to 200 secondary schools or 150,000 nurses.

‘Phone companies hang up CUSTOMER SERVICE departments at Spanish mobile ‘phone companies hang up rather than answer questions, a report has revealed. A consumer group investigation accuses a number of companies – including giants Moviestar, Vodafone, and Orange – of getting their wires crossed when it comes to sorting out problems. A total of 11 mobile telephone companies were included in a special survey and all allegedly made

“We are looking at different options for reform,” said Mr Cameron. Tougher penalties for fraud, more prosecutions, encouraging those who know fraud is taking place to come forward and making greater efforts to reclaim money that is wrongly paid. CREDIT

“We will look at all these things and more. Including, for example, using more information from third parties such as credit referencing agencies to identify circumstances which are incompatible with the benefit claim.” Law-abiding claimants living on the Costa Blanca will once again feel unjustly singled out by Westminster. And the political speak will no doubt cause further anger amongst expats battling to receive full entitlements of benefits. Only in June the European Commission made a formal request to the Unit-

mistakes when asked set questions about such things tariffs, calling abroad, and internet coverage and how to get access tot he phone when a PIN was incorrectly entered. And the report claims the time it took to get answers regarding six queries ranged from 15 minutes to almost two hours – Telefonica’s Moviestar coming in at 112 minutes. The survey revealed in some cases the company just hung up or researchers were lost in a baffling maze of making automated responses, or were simply given the wrong information.

ed Kingdom to pay care benefits to British citizens – often pensioners – living abroad in accordance with its duty under EU law. Brussels is waiting for a satisfactory response from the Government, which currently imposes a string of conditions on expats, or has warned the matter will go to the EU’s Court of Justice.

Electro switched on BENIDORM IS to host a second ElectroBeach Festival after the success of last weekend’s summer attraction. More than 22,000 people visited the resort to hear 35 DJs from around the globe and the town hall has announced a larger home for the fun in 2011.

Hacienda launches investigation into Town Hall fraud

3 - 9 september 2010


Evening flea market continues

by Louise Clarke TO SAY that the last few months have been uneventful for the Orihuela Town Hall is one hell of an understatement and just when the Mayor, Monica Lorente, and her Councillors thought that it was safe to come out of the Ayuntamiento, the Hacienda, has announced this week that Orihuela Town Hall could be investigated for alleged irregularities in tax payments, specifically those related to urban planning. The Spanish tax office will be requesting information from 150 municipalities, including Orihuela, after finding evidence of irregularities in re-zoning, land awards and the promotion of urban development. The implicated municipalities, which also includes La Vila Joiosa, in the north of Alicante province, are said to be responsible for the ‘urban explosion’ that took place during the ‘boom’ years and are the municipalities which have profited the most in recent years as a result of their urban planning activities. URBAN DEVELOPMENT

A senior official at the Hacienda said: “In the heat of the overwhelming wealth that has arisen from urban planning, there is monumental fraud. The tax office is well aware of this reality and has kept a track of urban development in many of the municipalities with evidence of irregularities. This information is key to unlocking serious real estate fraud cases.” The Spokesman added: “Since 2006, the

The succesful market

Orihuela Town Hall is likely to be investigated by the Hacienda

Tax Office has requested information from 55 municipalities directly and the figure could treble over the coming months if one takes into account the requests made by their own regional government delegations. Therefore, the most optimistic figure would increase the number to over 150.” CORRUPTION

Andalucía tops the list of communities with more municipalities tracked by the Tax Office. The intense urban development in recent years, especially in the Costa del Sol, has placed the Andalucía municipalities in the focus of the Inspectorate. The tax office pointed out that major investigations into corruption, with Marbella as a backdrop, were triggered by data provided by the Hacienda. And it is this data that has come to the fore in most of the investigations into the various municipalities. As well as Andalucía, the regions of Valencia, Madrid and Catalonia are also in the spotlight.

Apache Spain Alfaz has moved to Avenida Europa 142/143 On Costa Car Site opposite McDonalds Albir

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In Valencia, the only confirmed municipality to be investigated by the tax office is La Vila Joiosa. The town has experienced rampant urban development, with what has been described as ‘dubious awards’. It is alleged that more than half of the urban developments in the municipality were awarded to companies and businesses close to the Popular Party. The Tax Office refused to provide the names of the other municipalities under the microscope, but it is thought that Orihuela, with the huge developments on the coast, will be one of them. The tax office spokesman did confirm however that the municipalities that are to be investigated are in the majority, coastal. He said: “The classic cases of fraud tend to involve both public office corruption and illegal businesses and a lot of them are in municipalities along the coast. But some of the alleged fraud uncovers amounts greater than the Treasury could have imagined.”

THE MAYOR of Finestrat Mr. Honorato Algado has decided to continue the eveningflea market also in September and October every Saturday. The evening-flea market started as a summer market but the good atmosphere, music and beautiful location have led to his decision to let the market stay. Children can continue to enjoy the playground while their parents are look for second hand items, jewellery, clothing, . The times remain the same from 7pm to midnight and can be found at the Park “Font de Carre”. This is easy to find by driving from Carrefour in the direction of the village of Finestrat and going straight ahead at all roundabouts until the signs are displayed directing traffic to the market. The rastro is located within walking distance of the cosy restaurants, bars and streets of the village centre which makes for a nice night out for the whole family. If you are interested in to having a stall, which is only 2 euros (including electricity to lighten up your stall) call or e-mail with Natasja: 600 637 046 rastrofinestrat@gmail.com


3 - 9 september 2010

Neighbours Association denounces town hall by Louise Clarke

THE ‘ARCANGEL’ Neighbours Association in San Miguel de Salinas and the owner of a plot of land opposite an illegal dumping ground have denounced the Town Hall for their passivity in getting the area cleared of rubbish. The association has accused the PP led Town Hall of being lazy and demand that they instigate a new file, as the previous one had expired and demand that the area be cleaned up. The site is made up of mainly ‘soil and sweepings’ and has been put there without any permissions by the Town Hall. The previous file imposed a penalty of €1,152,838 and was opened in September 2008, although the illegal dumping began at the end of 2003. An Association Spokesman told RTN: “The city-planning law 16/2005 of the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government says that the ordinary maximum term in which to resolve a complaints file should be six months. This file has been open for nearly two years now and that is just not good enough.”

LAST WEEK, Local Police officers from Rojales started a campaign of inspections of business premises for the protection of infants and youths, looking for activities which may prove dangerous or inadequate for this age group, prior to the start of the school term. A unit comprising of two officers, carried out inspections of businesses known as Chinese bazaars, generally run by Chinese nationals, with the intention of finding pornography and if so, making sure that the business owners comply with the current regulations. The agents inspected all of those establishments that have a licence for these activities; seven in total and found that five of them had x-rated DVDs on sale to the public. VIOLATION These DVDs although aimed at an adult market were on open display within the reach of anyone, with images of all types of sexual activities on the front and back covers. The display of these images violates the constitutional right of youths and infants to be protected from sexually explicit material. Those involved have been cited in a formal complaint for a presumed administrative infraction and the 397 DVDs have been seized.


The Town Hall has said that it has instigated a second file and they are communicating with the responsible parties to reach a resolution. But the Association said: “This illegal garbage dump is in protected ground, is located in the Rambla de Lo Maseras, just at the point where the Segura canal is situated. This type of ground specifically prohibits the location of a garbage dumps, however, it has been there for SEVEN years.

Local Police crackdown on porn

The illegal dump in the San Miguel de Salinas

This in turn has affected the high ecological value of this area and has damaged foliage and fauna, some of which are specialist species and unique to the area, beyond repair. In our

ONGOING CAMPAIGN As a continuation of the campaign for the protection of minors, inspections will shortly be taking place of bars, restaurants and cafeterías, with the aim opinion, the opening of the second file is a of ensuring the compliance with the delaying tactic and we demand that the Town rules for the sale of tobacco, especially Hall eradicates the activity of dumping rubbish those rules referring to sale in vending in this beautiful place.” machines and the sale of loose packets.

Suspected arson attack by Louise Clarke THE GUARDIA Civil is investigating a suspected arson attack at a bar in La Marina. The fire broke out in the early hours of Tuesday morning at Chief O’Neills and all indications are that someone threw a flammable object into the pub, which is a popular bar on the urbanisation. Guardia Civil officers from Guardamar have opened an investigation into the blaze which has completely gutted the premises. The business is run by a Spaniard but has a large number of British expats as clientele and although the investigation is in its early stages and officers still have yet to determine the origin of the fire, they suspect that it was started intentionally. Thanks to the quick action of the fire brigade the blaze was stopped from spreading to other premises adjoining the bar and they suffered no damage from the flames or high temperatures which resulted from the intense fire that destroyed everything inside the pub. It is believed that the fire began short-

Indications are that someone threw a flammable object into the pub

ly after midnight when the bar had already closed for the evening. Officers are working on the theory that someone broke into the building and poured flammable liquid around the premises before setting it alight. The owner of the bar was interviewed by the Guardia Civil as part of their investigations on Wednesday and later made a statement and filed a denuncia.

He is also in the process of evaluating the damage to lodge a claim with his insurers so that the bar can re-open as soon as possible. But the likelihood is that, given the damage sustained by the blaze, the premises may have to pulled down and re-built. The Guardia Civil sealed off the area pending the outcome of a structural survey that is due to be carried out next week.


Boost for culture By Jack Troughton A NEW association has launched its manifesto calling for a revitalisation of a Marina Alta town’s cultural heritage. Cultural associations, academics, artists, businesses and residents, plan to work hand in hand with Javea Town Hall to create a working group and co-ordinate a programme of events in the resort. Asociacion Xabia Cultural believes annual events – with activities in existing venues and in the streets themselves – will fulfil a demand for cultural tourism and attract more visitors to the town. The initiative will also be welcomed in the historic Old Town where four years of misery caused by public works in the narrow streets saw a number of galleries close and a number of valued cultural event vanish. A spokesman for the group said: “The goal should be to

preserve the identity of the people and return to Xabia its cultural heritage.” Pictured is Javea’s historic church.

The fight against tobacco

Madrid Metro threatens to sue workers union over lost earnings

THE MADRID Metro is threatening to sue the workers’ unions for profits lost during strike action by Metro workers on 29 and 30 June. The Metro say they are claiming €6.5 million from the unions and will go to court if necessary. The union CCOO have stated that the threat makes no sense because the two parties has already signed an agreement to end the conflict between them.

3 - 9 september 2010

The new legislation comes into force in January 2011

THE NATIONAL Committee for the Prevention of Tobacco Addiction is calling for stronger restrictions on the sale and use of tobacco. New anti-tobacco legislation is currently being discussed in parliament, and will come into force on 1 January 2011. The Committee want tobacco machines in bars and kiosks to be banned, and they want a ban on smoking near children’s parks, colleges and hospitals. There are also calls for the number of smoking rooms in hotels to be cut from 30 percent to 15 percent.


3 - 9 september 2010

Fire destroys forest by Jack Troughton

Fire-fighting choppers in action

HELICOPTERS, PLANES and a small army of fire-fighters battled to control a fire that swept across seven hectares of Marina Baja pine forest this week. The heart of the blaze was near Callosa d’En Saria but areas of Guadalest and Polop were also affected by the flames. Emergency services were mobilised on Sunday afternoon and it was not until Tuesday morning the fire was fully extinguished – although several fire teams remained on standby to insure it did not reignite. The main site of the fire was at Tossal Moll. It was understood no urban centres were threatened, although a villa was evacuated as a precaution. Five choppers, six specialised aircraft, eleven 112 vehicles were joined by firemen from

Callosa, Benidorm and Denia, together with rural teams from Benimantell, Relleu, Benissa and Alcoy, in fighting the fire, as well as more than 100 troops. The cause of the fire remains a mystery, although it appeared the soaring temperatures across the region last week were to blame – a smaller fire was extinguished outside Alfaz del Pi last Thursday. Mayor of Callosa, Juan Bautista Saval Ferrando said fire teams were manning checkpoints to monitor the forest but said by Sunday evening the flames were brought under control “and I think you can say the fire was almost extinguished and the danger had passed.” He said he was “very pleased” and the “speed and effectiveness” of the response and co-ordination of the operation to fight the forest fire in difficult terrain.

New law sets minimum age at 15 for mopeds THE MINIMUM age for moped riders has been raised to 15. The new ruling came into effect on 1 September – the minimum age was previously 14 years of age. The law applies to the 50cc mopeds and motorcycles. Moped manufacturers are concerned that they will lose sales, but the governments’ traffic department is sticking to the move, saying that it should help reduce the number of accidents.

‘Jolly’ sparks double trouble

Bous a la Mar during Javea fiestas

By Jack Troughton THE MAYOR of a Marina Alta town has accused of going on a foreign ‘jolly’ at the taxpayer’s expense and turning his back on traditional celebrations at home. He heads an official party from Javea visiting Portugal and its twin town Palmela – currently holding fiestas to mark the annual grape harvest. However, the controversial trip which is estimated to cost around 5,000€, comes at a time Javea Port is staging its own annual fiesta and Mayor Eduardo Montfort and other councillors and dignitaries will again miss traditional events at home. At the last meeting of Javea Town Council, the ruling BLOC-Centrist coalition passed a resolution to release cash for the trip to Spain’s neighbour. In response PSOE councillors questioned the relationship between Javea and its twin community. Jose Chulvi asked: Who is twinned with Palmela – Javea or the BLOCCentrist party? “The other political parties know nothing about who will be going or what activities

will be taking place there.” And he said the annual trip was taking place when the socialists were still part of the town hall government – demanding a report on the return of the party to explain what was done to strengthen ties between the two towns. The mayor told the council: “I do not go as the BLOC but as the mayor of Javea.” And he said “as has always happened” he would travel with Councillor for Fiestas Vicent Chorro and their wives, the President of Xabia Fogueres Fiestas, the Fiesta Queen, and their families. Kika Mata – PSOE’s former councillor for Fiestas – said she never travelled to Palmela because the trip always clashed with traditional celebrations in Javea Port. An insider told RTN: The mayor keeps telling us there is no money for important projects in Javea but can justify a ‘jolly’ for friends and family to Portugal. “And should not Javea’s councillor for fiestas be officiating at the town’s celebrations rather than being at fiestas in Portugal.”

3 - 9 september 2010



3 - 9 september 2010


AFTER 25 years as a Hypnotherapist and with over 50,000 clients from all walks of life, I am now getting the children of some of my clients coming to see me. It’s nice and very rewarding to me personally to hear of how their parents have got on with their lives after their session. One I recently had was a young woman for the fear of flying. I was featured a few years ago on the BBC with regards to the fear of flying and also about panic attacks. The panic attacks story was about a young boy of 12 who had them so severe that he refused to go to school and jumped out of a car at 30 mph on the way to school because of them (more about this in the next article). He and his mother appeared on the show (and in the press) about how he was able to overcome them and get back to school. Another part of the show was the fear of flying and it was about a Business Woman who was so frightened on a plane that she locked herself in toilet and wouldn’t come out! After the show was filmed one of the technicians informed me that he was also petrified of flying and consequently made an appointment. After four sessions of fast track hypnosis that was him sorted out and now it was his daughters turn. Hi Alan, I can’t thank you enough. I’ve just had my first holiday with a flight in 7 years. I

the next - generation!

can say that with all honesty I had some nervous times coming up to the holiday. With the help of the CD’s and most of all self hypnosis these were soon settled. The Palma flight was delayed for 1 hour, which meant all the flying time would be in darkness. Even when I liked to fly I didn’t like flying in the dark. As I boarded the plane at Belfast International Airport I felt good, but the really testing time for me was the closing of the aircraft doors. Any other time at this stage I would have been in a really bad way with fear. As the plane taxied towards the runway I could not believe how calm I felt, this in itself gave me a major boost. As we took off I looked at C.... my wife, and gave her a big smile and told her I felt great. She also felt great, because usually by now I’d be gripping her hand with vice grip tightness. I had my mini disc with me which I had copied your CD’s onto (just as a standby), but the cabin crew announced during the safety talk that no electronic equipment was permitted during take off. I still had my back up anyway, the self hypnosis. I used it a couple of times - not that I had problems but I just wanted to top up. The flight lasted 2 hours 15 minutes, on arrival at Palma airport I felt fantastic and I got C..... to take this photo of me in my seat on the plane. As you can see by my smile I was so pleased with my-

self. It’s been a long time since I felt like that getting off a plane. I had a great week and never once worried about the return flight. I’m home now and can’t wait to go on holiday again. The last flight I had was November 2001 from Belfast to Birmingham, we had gone there for a weekend break. I was really frightened even though the flight was a smooth one. I could not make myself board the plane for the flight home, and had to arrange a coach and boat for the return trip to Belfast. Booking the holiday to Majorca was a big step for me, and I could not have done it without your help. I was the target of a few friendly jokes from my work mates when they heard I had gone for Hypnotherapy, but I can say now that I had the last laugh. Alan once again thanks from both of us. C..........” Because of that programme I then had various TV and radio personalities wanting to avail of my services. This ranged from lack of confidence, stop smoking, weight control etc., to one who had developed a shaky hand whilst holding a microphone doing interviews! Glancing through an old life style magazine recently, I came across an article about a hairdresser called Keith Kane being nominated for the British Hairdressing Awards 2009-2010. He is pictured standing beside Graham


Alan Gilchrist The Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist

Norton, in fact it makes him the most nominated hairdresser in the history of the competition - his 14th, and his work can be seen in many publications, e.g. Cosmopolitan, etc. How do I fit into all this? In 1990 Keith came along to see me for confidence to compete in the Schwartzkopf World Championships in Tokyo. So I did some sessions for him to go and do it - and he won! (It was featured back then in one of the Sunday Papers and about how he had come back again to do the weight control session) Over the years I have helped other world champions (as well as people who were competing in world championships) ranging from boxing (world champion), kick boxing (world champion), clay pigeon shooting, motor bike racing (world champion) hairdressing (world champion) to Irish dancing! Alan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Guardarmar, and Benidorm. Alan is also the Creator of the Stop Smoking in under 30 minutes Fast Track System. For an appointment, Brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 659229408. Visit his web sites www.alangilchrist.com www.hypnosiscostablanca.com www.thegastroband.com www.fitnosys.com

Spain’s premier cycle race comes to Vega Baja

An Orihuela Town Hall Official points out which roads will be closed due to the race

THE VUELTA de España cycling race is scheduled to pass through the centre of Rojales at approximately 14.00hrs today, Friday 3rd September. The riders will enter from Benijofar, pass the medical centre in Rojales, then encounter a sprint point where the excitement is guaranteed; followed by a hard left turn over the ‘Carlos III’ old stone bridge which could be even more exciting. They will then head off along Avenida Vega Baja towards Formentera del Segura. Anyone wishing to view this important international sporting event should arrive early on foot as large crowds are expected. Meanwhile, plans are underway to stage the start and finish of the race in Orihuela. The Town Hall Councillor for Security, Mayte Valero, held a press conference earlier this week detailing which roads in the city

would be closed to traffic to allow the race to go ahead. The Vega Baja stage of the race will see cyclists drive 186 kilometres through 14 different municipalities and it is expected that along the route there will be many people eager to see competing cyclists who hail from countries all over the world. If you are in or around the affected municipalities during this afternoon (Friday) please be aware that there will be some traffic disruption and if you do have to pull the car over, do get out and cheer on the cyclists. It really is a great event to see and we should be proud that it is coming to our neck of the woods. The municipalities that the race will be going through are: Orihuela City, Jacarilla, Benejúzar, Algorfa, Benijófar, Rojales, Formentera, Almoradí, Dolores, Catral, Redován, Albatera, Guardamar, Cox and Granja de Rocamora.

Photos of marijuana lead to arrest A 24-YEAR-OLD woman who uploaded photos of her marijuana plants to a website has been arrested. Police saw the photos on a social networking site and used the information along with the photos to track the woman down. It is the first time that the forces have used an internet site to help make an arrest in this way. The plants were in the woman’s garden in Córdoba, they weighed around six kilos and had a street value of approximately €20,000.

Vineyard produces 6,000 bottles of wine THE FARMERS Association of La Mata is in the latter stages of agreeing a deal to market, with a full seal of approval, the wine from the vineyards of the nature reserve. RTN reported earlier in the summer about the La Mata wine route which had been officially opened by the Torrevieja Mayor, Pedro Hernadez Mateo and now this new wine related project plans to initially market six thousand bottles of this unique wine. Simón Pérez García, President of the Association, is confident that the deal

will be finalised within weeks and the wine from La Mata, which has had the all important ‘declaration of origin’ since May, will be available in specific bodegas soon after. Unfortunately, as the vineyard has a limited wine production, which is estimated at only around thirty thousand litres, and the number of traditional winemakers on hand to make the wine from start to finish amounts to only eight, it is unlikely that this wine will rival Ernest and Julio Gallo, but it is a great start. Sadly, this short

production run also prevents the wine, in principle, to be marketed with the quality mark necessary to produce it on a large scale and process it in certified wine making warehouses. The agreement for bottling, with the declaration of origin, is limited between the farmers in La Mata and Bodegas Bernabe Navarro, which is based in Villena. And the agreement will state that they will be allowed to distribute the wine made by the La Mata Octet as a young wine, which is high in quality.

3 - 9 september 2010



3 - 9 september 2010

Terror arrest in Costa village by Jack Troughton Anti-terrorist police sealed off a Costa Blanca community to arrest a 26-year-old Moroccan suspected of having links to al-Qaida. The centre of Benitachell was closed down last Friday afternoon as Faical Errai, a Civil Protection volunteer, was detained at his home metres from the historic church of Santa Maria Magdelena. Wearing balaclavas, specialist officers from Madrid raided two homes in the village and a farmhouse in the countryside, removing several computers and associated electronic storage equipment. Errai allegedly used the Internet to recruit Islamic extremists to fight in Jihad insurgencies in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Pakistan, and attempted to raise cash for the ‘Global Jihad Movement.” According to Benitachell’s Mayor Maria Josefa Ronda, Errai had been a registered as a resident for ore than seven years “and was very well integrated into the community” joining in a number of village activities. JIHAD However, a statement from the Ministry of the Interior in Madrid accused the Moroccan of being behind a pro-jihad website. It said the arrest followed a two year international investigation involving police forces in the United States, Belgium, France, Jordan and Morocco. The thought of having a terrorist suspect living in the midst of the community sent shockwaves through a normally sleepy community. One mum told RTN: “All the kids were playing in the village as usual on Friday afternoon when suddenly there were all these police and television crews everywhere. “My son came running down and said the police

Benitachell where the arrest took place

had arrested a terrorist – he said a policeman used the word terrorist – and of course at first we did not believe him.” She said lots of the youngsters knew the man because he often played football, joined in a series of community activities, or simply chatted to them. STIR “He is quite well known and his arrest has caused quite a stir in Benitachell – children are asking if there was going to be a bombing campaign and they are using Facebook to speculate on what was going on,” she added.

RTN understands that Spanish security forces and the Ministry of the Interior have identified links between organised crime in the Province of Alicante and fund raising for al-Qaida. The proceeds of drug trafficking, theft, fraud, and car crime, are all believed to be moved from groups with Jihadist sympathies to the international terrorist organisation. Crime, and particularly drug trafficking, are seen by the authorities as the easiest way of creating funding for terrorism and following a number of arrests in the province, police forces have been ordered to remain vigilant and ready to act.

Advice for foreigners ADVICE FOR European residents regarding paperwork and administrative procedures in Spain is available through Vila Joiosa town hall. Those requiring assistance should go to the Oficina de atención a extranjeros europeos en La Vila. The office is located in C/Costera la Mar, 1 and the opening hours are from 9am to 7pm on weekdays. “The goal of the office is to offer advice on different areas and municipal administrations that can be confusing and difficult for people who do not always speak our language. Also, to try to provide assistance with administration and paperwork which is different to that in peoples’ home countries,” explained Pascual Pastor, the councillor responsible for the office. The office for foreigners has been in operation for a year. European residents can go there whenever they have any doubts regarding administrative procedures in Spain. The telephone number is 619 858 678 and email (in any language) is voluntari@villajoyosa.com with Jacques Struzynski as the public contact.

- 9 SEPTEMBER 2010 FEB3 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L.

by Jennifer Cunningham

Selling your car? Take care I REALISE I have used this article before but it appears to be an ongoing problem. Some of our clients are being assured that there will be no problem when it comes to selling their cars. Of course there won’t be, as long as you understand the rules and regulations and adhere to them. With so many people returning to England at the moment this often means they need to sell their Spanish registered car before leaving Spain. The alternative would be to drive it back to the UK and take the option of keeping it, by either putting it on UK plates or return to Spain every year for an ITV and to pay the road tax. This is all rather inconvenient so, therefore, selling it via a garage, despite the price you are offered, is maybe the best option. You must bear in mind, that, the garage does not transfer the documentation, until they resell the car and, during all that time, the car is your legal responsibility. It is so vital that the insurance is cancelled, and the transfer is carried out properly. Take special care, when sell-

ing privately, as the purchaser is liable for the payment of the transfer and they may be totally unaware that it is their responsibility. I can assure you it’s not unusual for my company to receive a request for cancellation based on a piece of paper signed by both parties, which is useless. If the transfer is not carried out correctly, obviously you are not in control of anything that another driver may do whilst driving your car, this would include a test drive, theft, accident or fire. As the registered keeper, the town hall will continue to charge you for the road tax, any parking or traffic fines and anything that happens to the vehicle or passengers or, should the car be involved in a collision, this will still be your responsibility. Indeed we have a number of clients who have returned to England and, if their cars are not transferred legally, what a nightmare situation they could find themselves in and, you may have seen in the local papers recently, that this has happened to a gentleman who sold his two cars five years ago, the transfers have not been

made, the cars have accrued five years of road tax which the seller is responsible for and he has no idea of the purchasers details, therefore there is little he can do to protect himself against further charges. Until my company is in possession of the full documentation, we cannot apply to Liberty Seguros for the name of the previous owner to be removed and apply for any refund due. Under Spanish law no company is obliged to offer any refund as it is a legal one year contract. However, where applicable, Liberty Seguros will do so, as they understand that the ex pats are used to this service. To enable the insurance company to carry out the cancellation and possible refund you need to submit the following documentation to your insurance agent. • Official proof of the transfer (justificante ). This is usually obtained via a gestor. • Original of your current receipt of payment of the policy Another query was “if we leave our


The Costas leading insurance consultant car in our garage and no one drives it can I cancel the insurance?” No, you cannot, under Spanish law the car has to be insured whether it is being driven or not. You could take out a third party policy to reduce the costs. The system has been designed this way as Spanish Law states that a car must be insured on or off the road. If in any doubt, or you are advised differently than the information in this article, please do not hesitate to check with one of the Consultants in the offices, or contact the company’s claim Manager, John Marti, in the Javea head office. Lastly should you wish to cancel your policy (which I sincerely hope you won’t because of the many benefits that Liberty Seguros offer), for any other reason than selling your car, please be aware that Spanish Law states that you must give two months prior notice or you may be obliged to carry on with the policy regardless. Jennifer Cunningham, as an Agent, is more flexible in this and it may be possible to cancel you house or car policy should you pass the two months notification period.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.

Offices at: JAVEA PORT




Near the cinema

Near CAM

Mercadona Square

Avda Londres 56

966 46 16 90

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TURRE Mojacar Estates Avda de Almeria 34 950 47 20 48


902 373 444 or visit www.jennifercunningham.net


3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

Sorry John SORRY, JOHN from La Zenia, the contributions you paid in during your working life was paid out in pensions to the pensioners during YOUR working life: the present workers and contributors today pay for your pensions. Nobody ‘pays into their own public pension pot’, it’s just that if you have made sufficient contributions you are entitled to a full pension scaled down by how many years worth you have missed: being on unemployment benefit counts as ‘contributing’. Graham E Johnson

Trying to be an animal lover FIRSTLY, THE dog home in Denia is APAD. APASA is the dog home in Javea which initially refused to take the dog found by Anne Sherlock for exactly the same reason as APAD. Both homes are only permitted by the council to take strays from their own areas, this is why they receive a small grant from the council. The grant would stop if dogs are taken from all the surrounding areas and then no dogs at all would be rescued. Both homes have limited space and with the best will in the world it is impossible to accept all stray dogs from other districts. The home does simply not have the capacity. All councils are supposed by law to have their own facilities for strays, but as we all know this simply does not happen. I worked at APAD for four years and am well aware of the distress caused to staff and rescuers of these stray dogs when they can not be taken in. APAD are always looking for extra dog walkers as the dogs get limited exercise, also APAD have a shop run by super OAP betty and her volunteers, any clothes, bric-a brac can always be left at the home in Denia. Jennifer Cooper


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Put your toys back in the pram IS IT just me? Ryanair and now AirBerlin are throwing their toys out of their respective prams, because the Murcian government tourist arm refuses to yield; in the case of AirBerlin, to a financial ‘commitment’ to stimulate tourism, and in the case of Ryanair, to give this company something like €12 per passenger as a way of saying “Thank you,Ryanair, sir, for flying your big shiny airliner, into our airport at San Javier.” Air-Berlin and Ryanair: get off your backsides and explain to your prospective customers the beauty

that is the Murcian Region. Tell people about the beautiful coastline; the breathtaking mountain ranges; its people and their history; and the wonderful food waiting to be enjoyed in the towns and villages, across the region. You will then fill your cabin with happy visitors. It’s not rocket - sorry - jet science, gentlemen: it’s called ‘In House Marketing’. Oh! And put your toys back in your prams; you’re looking like silly children! Robert W Barnes

Care in the community

THINKING THAT I may improve my command of the Spanish Language, I made the mistake recently of tuning into Spanish Daytime television. No matter what channel I tuned into, the programme format appeared to be exactly the same comprising a number of television presenters, panelists and an audience. The only requisite for the presenters appeared to be to have undergone full frontal lobotomies, with the more severely afflicted taking up the role of panelists. At first I thought the programmes might be for children. However, the audience was of an adult age and the subject matter, when intelligible, was of an adult nature. Although my Spanish has not noticeably improved I have become awfully good, when in social circles, at dribbling down my shirt front, shouting and speaking faster and louder than anyone else, waving my arms and legs about, laughing and crying hysterically and hitting people about the body with all manner of plastic toys. Are these programmes by any chance some form of ‘Care in the Community’, devised by the Spanish authorities to alleviate overcrowding in their mental institutions? If so then the system appears to be working wonderfully well with the inmates confined to television studios during the day rather than walking the streets. Jim Ireland, La Cala Finestrat

Bring back Brits’ THE ARTICLE ‘Bring back Brits’ in RTN recently by Jack Troughton informs us that Tourism Chiefs are about to spend a significant amount on advertising campaigns to attract holidaymakers back to the Costa Blanca. May I suggest that the money would be better spent putting plain clothes policemen on the streets in an endeavour to make them safe for people to walk freely, without fear of being mugged and robbed of one’s possessions.

A week ago my wife had her handbag snatched from INSIDE her shopping bag in broad daylight. Is there nothing that can be done to stop these robberies in broad daylight? The police who arrest illegal drinks vendors on the beaches should be transferred to the streets in an attempt to stop these muggings and robberies and the mayor of Benidorm should be asked what, if anything, will be done to make the streets safe. Norman Sennett, Alicante

Do you travel between Alicante and London Luton airports? THIS WEEK I tried booking flights with Easyjet in order to visit my family over Christmas and found that no flights were shown after 1st November. I emailed Easyjet asking when the new timetable would be available and received a most ambiguous reply. I wrote again and received the answer that Easyjet are not flying this route between 1st November 2010 and March 2011! This service has already been reduced but to cut it out altogether seems like madness to me. I fly to the UK frequently and the planes have always been full, to such an extent that it has often been difficult to accommodate all the passengers’ hand

luggage in the overhead lockers. I have checked with the Monarch Airlines site and they are flying that route but not every day, so you need to book early! I find it incomprehensible that Easyjet have taken off this well supported and busy service and will be writing to their head office to complain. If this inconvenience affects you, please write to them, also – if enough passengers complain maybe they will reinstate some flights! I am writing to: EasyJet Scheduling Department, EasyJet Airlines Company Limited, H89, London Luton Airport, Luton Beds LU2 9PF. The CEO is called Carolyn McCall. Liz Lodge

We’re not connected Thank you RTN OVER THE past few months I have received several queries regarding an organisation named MAD. (Making A Difference). I would like to assure everyone that this organisation is in NO way associated with or working in conjunction with our legally registered charity MABS Cancer Support Group Mazarron. MABS do not receive any local or government funding, relying totally on donations and fundraising events to provide help and support to local cancer sufferers and their families. All our volunteers carry a photo ID badge with the MABS logo and charity information. If you require any further information please go to our websites: www.mabsmazarron.com www.mabscancersupport.org Jacquelyne Phillips M.B.E, President MABS Cancer Support Group, Charity No. 7261

ON BEHALF of the Citizens Advice Group in La Marina and the residents, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to your paper for highlighting the problems created by the location of the rubbish tips within the La Marina Urbanisation. As a result of your article, we have been inundated with residents wishing to sign our petition, to have the offensive sites removed.At the time of writing, the site has had almost all of the rubbish and debris removed. Jeff Wiszniewski For The Citizens Advice Group La Marina


3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

Bobbies just ride on by ‘BOBBIES ON BIKES PATROL ORIHUELA COSTA’ was the headline in a local free newspaper together with a photo of 6 policemen on bikes. What they did not say was, ‘THEY CYCLE ON BY’ (remember that famous song ‘WALK ON BY’ - they do the same: they do not police patrol on bicycles in the La Zenia/Cabo Roig beach areas, they ‘CYCLE ON BY’. They ignore Vehicles parked on Zebra crossings; parking on yellow lines, obstructing access for the Ambulances to the La Zenia Beach. They CYCLE ON BY when they see vehicles entering no entry signs, causing danger to young children walking or cycling to the beach, an accident waiting to happen; they CYCLE ON BY when they see vehicles pass them speeding at 50 to 60kph in a 30 kph area; they CYCLE ON BY when they see people taking their dogs onto the beach throughout the day. They CYCLE ON BY when they see dogs not on leads roaming at will, fouling the Paseo and park areas. This is not POLICING: this is Orihuela Council playing lip service to the community. The Orihula Council stated that people will be fined for allowing dogs on the beach; fined for not having their dogs on a lead; and fined for dogs fouling all areas in Orihuela Costa. The council have provided ‘poo bags’ for all dog owners; there is now no excuse. Why do they not POLICE their policies? I live in La Zenia. I walk my dogs on leads daily and I have witnessed all of these situations first hand. It about time Orihuela Council implemented its policies. From P D Toft, Orihuela Costa

This is why pensioners are up in arms ARE YOU aware of the following? The British Government provides the following financial assistance: British old aged pensioner: Weekly allowance: £100 Weekly Spouse allowance: £25 Additional weekly hardship allowance: £0:00

Total yearly benefit:


Illegal immigrants living in Britain Weekly allowance: £250 Weekly Spouse allowance: £225 Additional weekly hardship allowance: £100 Total yearly benefit: £29,900

Learn Spanish!

ONCE AGAIN a letter of complaint regarding Quesada Medical Centre has been published. It must appear to all the Spanish doctors, nurses and general public that British Expats have nothing good to say about the medical service we receive here in Spain. For all the moaners who do nothing but complain, there are hundreds of patients who have received excellent treatment. On top of an excessive workload of mainly elderly patients with numerous medical conditions, there are also holidaymakers, and on top of this, patients newly discharged from hospital are added to the clinics. I could write pages about on the subject and as I worked for a number of years in the NHS, I feel I am in a position to defend the service here in Spain. On top of the letters printed recently, I was in the Medical Centre this week and as usual it was full of complaining Brits. One man, for all to hear, said: “The Doctor is so ignorant; he can hardly speak a word of English.” This person had no interpreter and couldn’t speak a word of Spanish. Why doesn’t he either ‘go private’; employ an interpreter; or even better LEARN SPANISH! But please stop complaining as the medical staff do their best to cope with an impossible workload. Val Daniels

Ship Embarkation Departs Duration Details

Brilliance of the Seas Barcelona 24th September 12 Nights French Riviera, Greece, Italy, Turkey. Brochure Price £2861 Selena’s Price £1049 (No flights or transfers incl)

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3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010



Email Jon at: jongaunt@roundtownnews.com


See Jon live on Sky News with Eamonn Holmes each Wednesday morning at 7.40am and 8.40am with a review of the UK papers and don’t forget you can listen to Jon on BayRadio each Wednesday morning from 11.00am and Friday afternoons at 4.30pm with his current affairs review.

Whatever happened to Buzby? WHATEVER HAPPENED to Maureen Lipman as Beattie talking about “Ologies”? And whatever happened to service at BT? Have you tried, like I have been doing for the last two weeks, to get BT to fix your phone or broadband connection? You end up with your blood pressure through the roof. Shoulder ache from cradling the phone whilst you listen to muzak being played whilst you’re on hold and repetitive strain syndrome from constantly pushing buttons on the phone in the vain hope that you will eventually get through to a human voice. I am convinced that these answer phone systems are designed to make you hang up or hang yourself as you lose the will to live. Then there’s that pre-recorded statement that says, “calls may be recorded for staff training purposes”, which roughly translated means that

if you lose your rag with the moron who will eventually attempt to deal with your problem they will use this as evidence against you and terminate the call!! And then Bingo you are through… to a bloke in down town Calcutta!! Why is that when you buy a product or service off BT you speak to someone in the UK but when the same product or service goes wrong you end up talking to Siddique in Calcutta and feeling like an extra in Slumdog Millionaire? Don’t get me wrong I have nothing personal against the highly educated Indian guys answering the phone, they have a hell of a job and as illustrated in that brilliant movie get paid peanuts and work very hard. However the problem is that they are thousands of miles away and no amount of staff training or watching of old Eastenders videos will allow them in to the psyche of a frustrated British customer who just wants his bloody phone to work!! Why have British companies been allowed to outsource these jobs to India? Haven’t we got four million on the dole in the UK who could answer a blooming phone? Why do companies think it is a good idea to treat customers with such disrespect and why the

hell do we put up with it? My phone made people sound like a constipated Dalek when they called, so imagine how difficult it was to understand the strong accent of Siddique when he was trying to solve my problem. I ended up shouting down the phone, he thinks I am being racist which I am not it is just that I can’t hear him and he can’t understand me. By Wednesday I was asking to be put through to customer complaints, I duly was, but guess where they are based that’s right Central Calcutta!! It’s taken two blooming weeks to actually get that quaint old fashioned thing to happen, you know a bloke is coming round the house to sort the problem. It’s probably been two weeks because he has been dispatched from India!!! Finally if outsourcing jobs to India and other countries is such a good idea why don’t we do the same with our prisoners? Then some of the eighty thousand cons who are presently honing their Nintendo and Play Station fingers in the holiday camps we call prisons could be “looked after” in the Bangkok Hilton (that’s not a hotel by the way) or some Gulag in down town Siberia. Now that’s not a bad idea and I would tell Cameron about it…if my phone was working!

Mary has stress!

COVENTRY CAT cruelty woman Mary Bale is off work with stress…GOOD! However I had to laugh when one of our readers wrote to me to say he didn’t understand what all the fuss was about as Top Cat lived in a bin for years!

Anyone for crayons?

TONY BLAIR’S book costs a whopping 25 quid and really puts the boot into Gordon Brown. I can’t wait for Browns retort in his book which allegedly will be much cheaper and much better value as you get a pack of crayons with every copy!

- 9 september 2010 8-143 JANUARY 2010

Lynda Bellingham speaks to RTN by Louise Clarke LYNDA BELLINGHAM has a holiday home here in Spain which she shares with her husband of two years, Michael. She has returned to the UK this week following a three week break in Spain and before she left, RTN had the pleasure of meeting her to talk about her acting work and more importantly, her role as Patron of the Costa Blanca Samaritans. RTN met Lynda in the stunning surroundings of the Albir Playa Hotel. Accompanied by her husband and close friend and President of the CBS, Steve Ashley, Lynda looked happy and relaxed and before long RTN was chatting away with her like old friends. Lynda had spent the previous weekend entertaining a packed audience during her ‘Evening with Lynda Bellingham’ sell out shows in Moraira and she told RTN how excited she was to take part in the shows, which had been organised to raise money for the charity. She said: “The evenings were a great success and in fact one man walked passed the venue and heard the laughter coming from inside, went into see what all the laughing was and stayed. He just stood at the back and said afterwards how glad he was that he stayed.” AWARD WINNING On her return to London, Lynda will be once again joining the other ‘Loose Women’ for their award winning hourly show, which is on every weekday at lunchtime on ITV1. She said: “I’ll be back on the show on Monday and then we will all be off to the TV Quick Awards later that evening, where the show has, once again, been nominated for an award.” The show, which has been going


for ten years and is a mainstay in the ITV1 daytime schedule, has had Lynda as a regular for five years and she is delighted to be part of such a successful show. As well as the Samaritans, Lynda is also a champion of the Alzheimer’s Association and Barnardo’s as they are both charities that are close to her heart. Both her biological and her adoptive mothers have suffered from Alzheimer’s and as she was adopted she feels a certain affiliation with the children’s charity. She says that it has only been recently that she has felt able to talk about her adoption and about finding her biological mother, who lives in Canada, and that by writing her auto-biography it has helped her come to terms with the situation.

Lynda Bellingham CALENDAR GIRLS with RTN’s The Samaritans link came later in her life when Louise Clarke she married Michael at a small chapel in London called St Stephen Walbrook in the City of London. Lynda explained: “On the wall of the chapel, was a plaque dedicated to the Reverend Chad Varah, who was the founder of The Samaritans, so it was THE CHILDREN of the 11th karma that I would become patron of the Costa primary school of Torrevieja Blanca Samaritans.” will be starting the new term In October, Lynda will resume her role as Chris next week in a brand new in the stage version of Calendar Girls. This tour, building. The ‘Ciudad de which concludes on 11th December, will also take Mar’ Primary School was visin Aylesbury, which is Lynda’s home town. She ited on Wednesday by Torsaid: “I am particularly looking forward to going revieja Mayor, Pedro Herhome. And the best bit about this tour is that my son will be playing the role of the photographer, nandez Mateo and will be so I will get to see him all the time.” The Costa officially inaugurated next Blanca Samaritans offers a free, completely conThursday, when the children fidential, non-judgemental, telephone-based start the new school year. emotional support help-line service for any EngThe new school is located lish speaker. You can call them 902 88 35 35 every in the north of the city, on weekday evening between 20:00 and Midnight.

Mayor visits new school Calle Tirso de Molina and will have both infant and primary departments within it. It has a capacity of 675 pupils and has cost €5,724,423 to construct. The school will have a three class intake and will have nine classes in the Infants and 18 classes in the Primary department. The school also has a large gymnasium and sports area as well as a canteen and a large

dining room. The new and modern centre for education has been built on a 13,500 metre squared plot of land and as a result of its opening there remains only two more primary schools in Torrevieja which use temporary classrooms and are without a constructed building. But the Mayor has told RTN that he expects that these remaining schools will have new buildings within the next year.


3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

Doing the 92: Almost

There… as the song goes YES, BY the time you read this I will be just two weeks from the finish line. I am in Yeovil and will shoot along the south coast, onwards to East Anglia before I finish in London on 16th September. In many ways, I seem to have been cycling for ever and yet in other ways, it all seems like yesterday when I set out from London. The last few days have all been very straightforward – cycling and rain! I am afraid that since I left Cheltenham, it has done nothing but rain. From Hereford through Abergavenny and in through Cardiff and Swansea I have had the rain to accompany me almost constantly and apart from slowing me down 6 hours of rain, drizzle, hail, rain (just swap the order every day!) isn’t the most fun I have ever had. Never mind, it can’t take away from the great receptions I have had at clubs like Cowbridge, Cardiff City and Swansea. The other great bit of news for the project is that Sir Trevor Brooking and Ray Clemence M.B.E. have signed the shirt and offered their support. I met them in Hereford and Trevor Brooking was very interested in the whole project. He called Ray Clemence over and we had a great conversation. Unusually, they did not think I was completely mad and both wished me well. I walked away with a signed shirt and a spring in my step! I am already planning the next stage of this project and if you check my site you will see that Bjørn Heidenstrøm who was the man who started all this off has just announced next year’s ride. From one end of

Norway to the other. No, not the 12 kms from the west coast to the Swedish border in the north of Norway. This time it is from the furthest north to the deepest south. Norway is like Chile – a very long but very thin country and if you spin it on its axis it goes below the southern tip of Italy! It is some 2,500 kms (1,500 miles) so it looks like another couple of months in the saddle for me next summer. I’m looking forward to the tour (if not the cycling!) already. If you are not aware, Norway has some amazing flora and fauna and stunning scenery. Hopefully, they will take my mind off some of the most challenging cycling in Europe! I look forward to updating RTN readers on this trip too. Before that, however, there is the little

Bjørn at Swansea City

New Primark opens

A BRAND new Primark store opened in the L’Aljub Commercial Centre in Elche last week. The store, which is located on the ground floor of the centre, is jam packed full of bargains and is shopping heaven for those expats who live here and truly miss the great shopping experiences that the UK has to offer. The 3,000 metre squared store caters for men, women and children and there are also extensive accessories and home departments. The new store employs 162 people and is the 16th Primark shop in Spain. The company commenced its expansion into Spain in May 2006 with a store in Madrid, which was the first Primark shop outside the UK and Ireland. Since then the company has expanded further across Europe into Holland, Portugal, Germany and Belgium. The Elche store is the first in the Valencian matter of completing the UK tour. I have to Community and the company now employs more finish the last 18 clubs in the next 14 days than 2000 members of staff within Spain. So, which means that it’s a huge push to the what are you waiting for…? Happy Shopping! finishing line! The support of all the Round Town News readers is hugely appreciated. So, please continue following me on www.theshirt2010.co.uk

The new Primark store in Elche

3 - 9 september 2010

Línea Directa’s Road Safety Journalism Awards


El País, RNE and Antena 3 TV, are this years winners

María Dolores Dancausa and Alfredo PérezRubalcaba

LÍNEA DIRECTA Aseguradora, market leader in the direct sale of car, motorbike and home insurance has announced the winners of the VII Road Safety Journalism Awards, in a ceremony presided over by the Minister of the Interior, Alfredo Pérez-Rubalcaba, and attended by a number of celebrities from the world of politics, finance and communication. The Minister of the Interior highlighted that “The work carried out by media professionals and organisations like those which have received an award from Línea Directa is essential, and therefore receives the Department of the Interior’s full support and gratitude. Figures in recent years show a clear improvement in the number of road accidents in Spain, but we cannot forget that there is still a great deal to do and that it is vital to keep fighting to reduce the number of deaths from traffic accidents as far as possible.” HONORARY AND SOLIDARITY AWARDS

In addition, Línea Directa’s Honorary Road Safety Award went to the Federación Española de Bebidas Espirituosas (Spanish Federation of Alcoholic Beverages) (FEBE) for promoting the concepts of the designated driver and responsible behaviour when behind the wheel. Jaime Gil-Robles, President of FEBE, received the award from Pilar González de Frutos, President of UNESPA, (Spanish Association of Insurers and Reinsurers).

In her speech, María Dolores Dancausa, CEO of Línea Directa Aseguradora, pointed out that “Línea Directa’s Road Safety Journalism Awards are only one step in the long journey that we still have to make. But if, year after year, by getting people to talk about road safety we only manage to avoid, at some time – somewhere – a single death – just one – all our commitment and hard work to make these awards a benchmark in the fight against deaths on the road, will have been worthwhile. That is why, in Línea Directa, seven years on, we still believe that road safety – speaking about everybody’s safety - , deserves an award.” MORE PARTICIPANTS THAN EVER BEFORE

Every year Línea Directa Aseguradora gives Road Safety Journalism Awards to those journalists who, in their daily work, help to make people aware of safe driving habits, encouraging all of us to gain a deeper and better knowledge of road safety related topics. In this seventh edition, there were 28% more participants than in the previous one, with a total of 491 projects, which outlines how both our country’s journalists and the public in general are becoming more and more interested in road safety. To find out more about Línea Directa and its comprehensive and very competitive motor insurance policies, call 902 123 104.

Spain to the rescue as Portuguese fire burns on

RTN goes all Scandinavian! WHEN AUDREY Nosworthy, from El Pinet in La Marina, went on her holidays this summer she took her favourite weekly read with her. RTN has been all around the world in recent times following our tenth birthday competition last year and so when Audrey showed us photos of her partner Ken and friend

A firefighter battles to control the blaze

TWO AIRCRAFT from the Spanish Air Force have been helping fight wildfires in Portugal. The fires were too much for the Portuguese authorities to handle alone. The Chief General of the Military Emergency Unit, José Emilio Roldán Pascual, as Operations Commander of the 43rd Air Force Group of the Spanish Air Force, ordered the dispatch of two Canadair CL-215T and CL-415 aircraft to Portugal last week, following a request for assistance received from the National Civil Protection Authority of Portugal.

By the Hans Christian Anderson Monument near the Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen

Di as well as herself, in Sweden and Denmark, it made us want to travel the world again and see how far RTN can go. Audrey told RTN: “We have just returned from Sweden and Denmark in our Motor home and of course, we took our favourite newspaper with us, the RTN.” She added: “Whilst there, we took a

photograph of ourselves reading the RTN and we thought that your readers would like to know that this great paper is read everywhere!” If you are off on your travels soon to far and distant lands, why not take a copy of RTN with you and when you get back to Spain, e-mail it to us and we’ll print it.


3 - 9 september 2010

Charities benefit from Bikini Bash THE BIKINI Bash 2010 turned out to be a very sunny and successful day. SOL TV and sponsors Europa Network would like to thank everyone who the turned up at Chiringuitos del Sol on Campoamor beach and enjoyed a fantastic afternoon basking in the sunshine and enjoying the entertainment. TKO FM hosted the event with sound engineer Snoopy, whilst Suzy G and Everlin Scarpari ensured the party went with a swing; introducing all the acts, from the Ruth Kingsbury Dance Academy to the very talented Marcello and his salsa troop. The male models delighted the crowds with their catwalk session and World Body Building Champion, Bernat Scorus, was on hand to chat to everyone. Tim Mahr, the Spanish National Super Quad champion, was also at the bash with his highly qualified team of mechanics. Our charity volunteers also surpassed themselves, checking raffle prize winning numbers and they all had fun at the same time. To check the raffle prize winning numbers and see if you are a winner please log on to www.solproductions.tv. It could be you who has won the Spa weekend at the luxurious 5* La Finca Golf and Spa resort, Algorfa, which was amongst the many prizes. MIND, BODY AND SOL Thousands were on the beach to

The girls from Europa Network

watch the official photograph taken at19:00 and although we did not break the record, we did beat last year’s count of 144 ladies and had 168 sporting ladies taking part. With charity donations coming in from the registration process, a very generous onlooker donating €300 so that more ladies would enter the photo shoot, and the bouncy castle company, www.BouncyBouncy.es, donating their proceeds, more than €400 was raised which will be equally divided between the charities. But the fundraising does not stop there! We now move forward with producing the Bikini Bash 2011 Charity Calendar.

This will be launched and put on sale at SOL TV’s Mind Body and SOL Exhibition on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th October at La Finca 5* Golf and Spa Resort, Algorfa. The Calendars will be for sale at just €3 and 12 charities will be able to raise €900 each from their sale; a total of €10,800 that, with your support, will benefit some very worthwhile causes here on the Costa Blanca. QUEEN TRIBUTE To round off the afternoon, the Rod Stewart Tribute by Andy McBride was very apt and the International band Chess closed the set with a Queen Tribute.

Fugitive Brit sent back to UK

A 61-YEAR-OLD Brit who has been hiding from British police in Spain, was arrested last week and stood trial in a Spanish court. James Tomkins is wanted in the UK for the murder of Rocky Dawson in Essex in 2006 in a The SOL TV crew also worked very drive-by shooting. Tomkins hard and are now producing the pro- was captured in Marbella, grammes, ‘The Making of the Bikini and was sentenced to jail by a Bash’ and ‘The Making of the Bikini Spanish judge. He will now be Bash 2011 Charity Calendar’ which extradited back to the UK. will be on the SOL TV channel and online to watch from 21st September. Log on to www.solproductions.tv or find them on Simulsat Costa Blanca, AN AMERICAN Airlines aeroTelmicro Levante, Gran Alicant TV, plane made an emergency TV Mar Menor, TV San Miguel, Swiss landing in Madrid’s Barajas Cable, Cabo TV and Europa Network’s airport last Wednesday. The Boeing 757 had a problem On-line TV. SOL TV extends its grateful thanks with its brakes but managed to all those who supported and to touch down safely with helped with this year’s event. Next no injuries to passengers or year, will it be third time lucky? crew. Firefighters and ambulances were on standby. Watch this space!

Emergency landing due to faulty brakes

Ibiza drugs ring smashed Some of the drugs seized

nationals, two Irish, a Czech, a Slovak and a Spaniard.

by Jack Troughton IBIZA’S INFAMOUS drugs scene was left reeling after a successful international operation against a British-run gang. Operation Arrow – a joint initiative between Spanish and UK authorities – saw 25 people arrested on the holiday island last weekend and charged with drug related offences. The investigation by the Guardia Civil and the UK Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) resulted in 12 houses being raided – officers recovering 56,000€, a hydraulic tablet press, several precision weighing scales, and a number of substances used to ‘cut’ drugs. And also seized was a massive haul of narcotics, including: 38,000 tablets of ecstasy, 4kg of cocaine; 250g of ketamine; four litres of GBH; 50g of crystal MDMA; and 1kg of a new substance ‘M.CATS’ described as a mix of drugs. A police spokesman said the operation – Operacion Flecha in Spanish – ended the underworld’s “most active” drugs network on Ibiza, distributing ecstasy and other drugs near nightclubs and other leisure areas. The gang was led from Britain and operated two arms on the island. One branch was responsible for establishing contacts on Ibiza and the second for distributing the contraband. The Guardia Civil arrested 14 men and 11 women during the swoop, 20 British


The investigation was launched a year ago following the Guardia Civil’s Operation Trafalgar, when officers dismantled British criminals running drugs into Ibiza. From information and documents gathered, SOCA was alerted and with Spanish colleagues worked together to identify a gang operating from the UK before surveillance was put in place to gather evidence. Both branches of the illicit organisation were run from Britain and senior members of the gang regularly visited Ibiza to supervise and collect the proceeds. The spokesman added: “The organisation rented several properties on Ibiza, including luxury villas for the ringleaders and flats and apartments in tourist areas for the dealers. “The ring used ‘public relations’ people in nightclubs to distribute drugs and insure similar prices were charged at each point of sale, depending on the time and place.” Dealers were issued with various quantities of drugs for selling each day, while the bulk of the substances were stored in safe houses. Drugs were smuggled onto the island by car or in the luggage of British ‘tourists’ arriving at Ibiza’s airport – on 8th August a young British woman was arrested attempting to smuggle 3kg of cocaine.

Beached whale dies on beach A 10-METRE-LONG whale died last week after becoming stranded on the beach in Mazagón (Huelva). Rescue workers tried in vane to get it back into the sea, but the tide went out and there was nothing they could do. The whale washed up on the beach after it became trapped in shallow water and couldn’t get back out to sea. Fishermen were the first to find the

The whale was stranded on the beach

animal, and alerted the authorities. The exact cause of death is still unknown, but there were several visible injuries on the whale’s body. Experts from the Centro de Recuperación de Cetáceos (Whale Rescue Centre) based in Cádiz and the Centro de Recuperación de Especies Marinas (Marine Animal Rescue Centre) in Málaga are investigating the whale’s death.

3 - 9 september 2010



3 - 9 september 2010

3 - 9 september 2010

Classic classical cocktail


Top Quality Meats

and quality discount wines

Izzy and Robin

by Jack Troughton TAKE ONE highly talented soprano, add the wizardry of a classical guitarist, shake (not stir) and savour the sound of a unique blend of music. Dynamic duo Izzy Cooper and Robin Hill launched their debut album ‘Cancion’ on the Costa Blanca on Wednesday night with a concert under the stars and held an audience spellbound. Both recording artists in their own rights, these two musicians have now laid down a 16 track CD together – much of the material getting an airing live in the gardens of the Salon Canor, Teulada. And by singing ‘My Favourite Things’ from the Sound of Music, songbird Izzy might well as list the Costa as she was very much on home turf, while Robin acknowledges the influence of Spain’s greats on the guitar. TWIST The pair brings a twist to the classical ‘label’ by ability to crossover into more popular and traditional folk music – songs like ‘Scarborough Fair’ and ‘Fields of Gold’ - while still being able to weave magic into the genre for which they are both professionally trained. If divas are actually pigeon-holed, Izzy fits neatly into a box called ‘minx’ – mischievous, friendly, charming - and all with a delightfully crystal clear voice critics have compared to be-

ing midway between Lesley Garrett and Kiri Te Kanawa. And twice she became a female Pied Piper as she picked up the recorder to spread another layer of sound across the concert. Robin’s guitar playing at times simply defies comprehension. An amiable musician, he played slowly to explain a key technique to the audience before upping the tempo to real time, his fingers a blur over the strings. LATIN And from complex Latin and flamenco pieces, he easily slips into contemporary and comfortable pop arrangements. Popular music may have branded a “disease” by one of the all time greats of classical guitar but Robin’s arrangements of the Beatles’ ‘Here Comes the Sun’ and ‘Yesterday’ show why it is so catching. The highlights of the show were when Izzy and Robin strip the sound down to a very simplistic voice and guitar. The filigree of the instrument’s notes holding secure the jewel of the vocal, it was basic but breathtaking. However, they are always ready to spring a surprise and let the good times roll – Robin pulled a Fender Telecaster guitar over his shoulder for an electric rocking version of another modern classic, ‘Fever’. Both musicians were obviously at ease in each other’s company and bringing their talents together. It is a classic cocktail waiting to be tasted.

Spain at Shanghai Expo JOSÉ LUIS Rodríguez Zapatero presided over ‘Spanish Day’ at the Shanghai Expo recently, where Spain is exhibiting its experience in tourism, infrastructures and renewable energies. Spain wishes to convey a modern image of the country and its cities via attractive content for a public that is barely aware of the reality of Spain. The Prime Minister stated that the Government’s intention is for “our contribution to this exposition to be the second knock at the door, following the ‘2007 Year of Spain’, in an effort to show who we are, increase our presence and increase our value in this great country”. Zapatero said that being present as a country at the Shanghai Expo “enables us to transmit the image of Spain as a plural, modern country that is rich in tradition but also firmly committed to technological innovation”. He went on to say that Spain is interested in “strengthening cooperation ties with China, a country of great importance in the world”.

Now selling excellent quality Wine direct from the vineyard at amazing prices. Red - White - Rose Single bottle 1.75€ One case (12) Mixed or same 20€ = 1.66€ per bottle. Three cases + 18€ = 1.50€ per bottle We also stock Navarra & Rioja wines at discount prices! SPECIAL PURCHASE! Fresh Australian Rump. Ideal for steaks, joints, burgers etc. Only 8.95€ per kilo! (Minimum purchase 4 kilo) Another Special Purchase Whole Beef Fillets Approx weight 3 Kilos - Only 23.95€ per kilo SPEND 40€ - FREE BOTTLE OF WINE,SPEND 50€ - FREE KILO OF SAUSAGES SPEND 60€FREE CHICKEN (Meat sales only)

Great day out to Bodegas Alejandro in Monovar • Guided tour of vineyards & working bodega in full swing for the grape harvest • Wine-tasting followed by 3-course traditional Spanish lunch with wine & live music On: Sunday 19th September From: 11.00am to 7.00pm (approx) Luxury coach provided to/from Benissa-Monovar Chance to purchase quality wine at discounted prices Special all-inclusive price of only €38 For more information please contact: Annabelle 966 482 696 or 679 807 476 Keith 966 492 311 or 679 985 153 or by email: annabelle@localinfo.es

Only a few places left so please book early! Open Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 2.00pm and Sunday 10.00am - Midday European Centre, Moraira (Opp Paichi garden centre) CREDIT


Tel/ Fax: 96 649 2311 • 679 985 153 Credit cards accepted


3 - 9 september 2010

A pony for Tony? Gerrof you’re ’avin a Turkish

Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

SEVERAL WEEKS ago in these columns I urged you not to spend your hard earned dosh on The Third Man by Peter Mandleson. This week I have a similar request as I not urge but beg - yes folks, beg you - not to part with any money whatsoever on the publication that was ‘rolled out’ on the first of September. Yes, dear RTN reader this week is that time when Tony’s tome, The Journey sees the light of day - and I prostrate before you to plead, implore and beg you not to buy Blair’s book. Unfortunately, unlike the more prescient amongst us, such as Jon Gaunt or Leapy Lee I was taken in by Blair back then in 1997. I thought that here was the man that would really make a difference to Britain. But as Gaunty and Leapy had already surmised the only difference Tony Blair was going to make was for, erm, Tony Blair. And now as he puffs and struts across the world stage amassing millions, he is beginning to realise that most of us ‘back home’ do not really care for him. Does that really matter to him? Who knows what he thinks about in the dead of night? A bigger property portfolio, maybe? Or plans for criss-crossing continental America with a new glitzy Tony man-ofthe-people Blair Road Show? Or perhaps, just perhaps, the smallest, tiniest germ of the worrying thought that Britain doesn’t love him? So, in order to make himself ‘loved’ once again what does Tony do? Over to the Daily Telegraph: “The former prime minister announced on Monday [Aug 23] that he would donate ‘the proceeds’ from [his] forthcoming book to Britain’s biggest military charity.” Namely, the Royal British Legion.” The Telegraph continued, “The gesture will mean as much as £5 million is paid to the charity, it was widely suggested. It will help pay for rehabilitation facilities for seriously injured Services personnel.” But the paper also pointed out that Blair’s office failed to answer if this charitable donation could also net the author some £1.75m in tax relief. Reports suggest that Blair has received a pre-publication advance of over £4 million from his publishers and that global sales of the book are expected to “generate hundreds of thousands of pounds more”. Since being ousted as prime minister in 2007, Tony Blair has

amassed a personal fortune. By the end of this year his fortune is believed to be in the order of some forty-five million pounds. But as the Daily Telegraph noted: “His finances have been shrouded in secrecy and many politicians and service families remain highly suspicious of him. Relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq demanded that he disclose exactly how much money the charity should expect.” Should we or should we not be cynical? Don’t ever forget this is the bloke that told Chilcot he had “no regrets” over the 2003 invasion of Iraq – despite the failure to find any weapons of mass destruction. However, the Royal British Legion is building a rehabilitation facility called the Battle Back Challenge Centre and Chris Simpkins, the Legion’s director-general welcomes the gift. He said: “Mr Blair’s generosity is much appreciated and will help us to make a real and lasting difference to the lives of hundreds of injured personnel.” So perhaps Tony is doing a good thing. There were, as you might expect, voices of disagreement. Some critics have described the donation as “blood money”. Mark Borkowski, a public relations ‘guru’ called it the “best PR stunt of the year”. While Falklands veteran Simon Weston, who campaigns tirelessly on behalf of ex-service personnel said: “If he donated £460 million it would not be enough to wash his hands clean of all the blood.” Meanwhile, Roger Bacon told the BBC that Mr Blair’s refusal to say sorry at the Chilcot inquiry made it “hard to trust the motivation for his gift”. Roger’s son Major Matthew Bacon was killed in Iraq in 2005. Mr Bacon said: “It makes it very difficult for me to believe that he is doing this simply out of a good heart. I would say that it is a guilty conscience which says that he ought to do something.” He added, “Perhaps if he had not gone into Iraq and he had written these memoirs, he wouldn’t see the need to give the money to charity.” Okay, so how much is the cover price of this long awaited tome of Tone’s? Well as it stands, without shop discounts, it’s twenty-five quid. “What?” yell my Cockney cousins, “a pony for Tony’s book; ’es ’avin a Turkish bath!” Yes indeed, a tad expensive at a ‘pony’ I think you’ll agree. Although, I guess it’ll turn up in

The book

the Tesco bargain-book-bin for a ‘bottle’ soon enough. A bottle: that’s Cockney for two pounds. I’m guessing that the Legion would still be pleased if Tesco book buyers (every little helps) sent them the cut-price cost of a ‘bottle’ a piece.Here’s an idea, why not send the cover price of Blair’s book, whatever you see it fixed at, directly to the Legion. That way they’ll get all of the money – not just that which is left after tax has been taken away, i.e. not just ‘the proceeds’. And what’s more, you won’t have to have the damn thing lying around your house, collecting dust and acting as an un-glorified doorstop. Perfect! Watts in Britain, waiting to see if Tony’s book outsells Gordon Brown’s - currently topping out at whooping thirty-two copies… Is it blood money? What do you think, folks? Your thoughts to p.watts@roundtownnews.com

3 - 9 september 2010

Suzy sings for MABS


Suzy Q will be joining top performers ro raise money for MABS

by Jack Troughton Talented singer Suzy Q takes to a Costa Blanca stage later this month in a special Musical Showcase to raise money for the MABS Cancer Support Group. Based in Altea, she joins some of the region’s top performers appearing at Careline Theatre in Alcalali on Wednesday 22nd September. Suzy Q launched her career singing in the pubs and clubs of Northern England before joining the all-girl group ‘Covergirls’, playing some of the country’s leading cabaret venues, and supporting such artistes as Tom O’Conner, Russ Abbot, and Jimmy Tarbuck on Television shows.

Her performances include a number of songs made famous by the likes of Whitney Houston, Shania Twain, Diana Ross, and The Carpenters. And Suzy Q joins other performers on the Costa Blanca music scene, including Chill Factor, Pauljne McGough, Malcolm Adams., and the Nomad in a benefit being produced by Vernon and Celia Pearce. All the artists are giving up their fees in order to help MABS and the support the charity gives to cancer patients, their families and friends. The showcase begins at 8pm and tickets, priced at 10€, are available from Kelly’s of La Xara or from the Box Office on 96 557 7461.

Renfe stops AVE discounts THE SPANISH railway company Renfe has announced that there’ll be no more last-minute discounts for its AVE high speed train routes. The reason is that the promotion has simply ended, and was never part of any long-term promotion. Discounts of up to 50 percent were available for late bookings, but Renfe says the plan is no longer ‘commercially interesting’. Other discounts on the web, Tarifa Web and Tarifa Estrella are still available.

Let’s dance

Students performing last March

By Jack Troughton A NEW term begins at a dance and stage school in Calpe tomorrow (4th September) where students from tots to adults can have fun and make friends – while learning a new skill. Established in 1979, Marcia Dance Centre and Stage School offers classes in all styles of dance from more traditional classic ballet, tap and modern, to the more specialised steps of Salsa and Flamenco. The school

also offers private and group lessons in Ballroom and Latin American dancing, as well as singing, voice training and acting. And the new cheerleading group ‘The Flamingos’ is also looking for new members. The school is located in Edificio Atalaya, Calle Benisa, Calpe. For more information call 96 583 0980 or 627 723 081, email info@marciasdancecentre.com, or visit www.marciasdancecentre.com

Great day out to Bodegas Alejandro in Monovar • Guided tour of vineyards & working bodega in full swing for the grape harvest • Wine-tasting followed by 3-course traditional Spanish lunch with wine & live music On: Sunday 19th September From: 11.00am to 7.00pm (approx) Luxury coach provided to/from Benissa-Monovar Chance to purchase quality wine at discounted prices Special all-inclusive price of only €38

For more information please contact: Annabelle 966 482 696 or 679 807 476 Keith 966 492 311 or 679 985 153 or by email: annabelle@localinfo.es

Only a few places left so please book early!


3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

And the winners were...

DUE TO a chance remark by Karon Love from Benijofar Post Room there was an art exhibition on Sunday at PROCOMOBEL furniture store. Karen had told Susan Reader the fundraising manager that she thought there could be a lot of interest if she organised and art exhibition and she was right! Forty paintings were on show and the talent was extraordinary. Many were local artists but some came from La Marina and as far as Crevillent. The winners of the experienced artists (over two years painting) were John Boak, who won first prize, and Pat and

Susanne Sayers who won second and third place. In the beginners section, Louise Ryde won first prize with Felicity second and Karen herself sharing joint third with Margaret. Diana Davies, teacher at the cultural centre in Quesada and photographer on the day, said she was over the moon to have two of her pupils take second and third prize in the beginners section. Susan said: “I approached this event with some trepidation as it was unknown ground to me but I am pleased to say for a first, it was a huge success

Susan Reader with the winners

and already I am planning the next one probably for early November and hopefully as word gets around next time we will have even more artists.” Anyone interested in details of the next show please email Susan on sueinthesun@terra.es or text to her mobile 629 869 959. The show raised over €200 for Paul Cunningham Nurses and Susan would like to thank all of the artists, the three judges Lyndis, Steve and Rosemarie and also Cesar from PROCOMOBEL who kindly provided the venue.

Afghan Heroes September Celebrations IT SEEMS like only yesterday that eight mothers set up the Charity Afghan Heroes because their sons had been killed in Afghanistan. Those eight mothers and all their volunteer helpers will have raised over £500,000 by their First Anniversary on September 15th. Jackie Lawson has been Afghan Heroes Regional Coordinator in Spain since its onset last year. She has raised awareness of the charity and also thousands of Euros from the Expat community here in Spain. Jackie has set up a website www. expats4afghanheroes.com which lists all fundraising events and also has a facebook group Expats 4 Afghan Heroes. ANNIVERSARY EVENTS WEDNESDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER Black, White N’ Orange Afghan Heroes 1st Anniversary Party. At Bar Washington, Calle Flecha, La Siesta. Starts at 8.30pm. Starring Cathy Carson, TAABS, Andy Jones

and Nick Barker. Tickets only 5 Euros. Available from Bar Washington, The Post Room Benijofar, or by calling Jackie on 697 501 992. Tickets include BBQ and Indian Food SATURDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER Afghan Heroes 1st Anniversary Party. At Pizzeria Asturias, Punta Prima. Starts at 7.30pm. Starring Cathy Carson, TAABS, The Iceni Dancers and Terry Jay. Raffle. Tickets 5 Euros available from Pizzeria Asturias, The Post Room Benijofar, The Leader Newspaper offices, La Zenia or by calling Jackie on 697 501 992 SATURDAY 25TH SEPTEMBER Afghan Heroes Country Fayre. From 2pm at La Marina Bar, Torretta II, Torrevieja. Stalls, BBQ, raffle, auction and a whole lot of fun to be had. Tickets are now on sale. 2 Euros from La Marina Bar – Tel 966 707 820. Auction and raffle items now being taken. Offers of homemade cakes also required. Call Jackie on 697 501 992.

British woman caught smuggling cocaine A 41-YEAR-OLD woman from Devon was arrested last week at Heathrow airport after being caught carrying cocaine. She arrived in the UK on a flight from Madrid, and had previously been to Panama. Sandra Angrove has already appeared in court on charges of smuggling 4kg of cocaine into the UK, which has an estimated street value of £160,000. She has been remanded in custody until the end of September.

Another RTN success story I REALLY want to say how pleased we all are at Citroen Benijofar with the response from the advertising campaign with you over the last few months. The quality of the artwork and design along with excellent distribution has all added to make our advertising a big success. We´ve even had clients as far away as Gandia, Altea and Benidorm! Many thanks again, Andy Stephenson CITROEN BENIJOFAR

If you would like more information about adverting in RTN contact your local representative on page 2 or call our head office on 902 118 999.

Cliff Roberts (Sales and Marketing Director, RTN), Andy Stephenson, Geoff Gartland (Managing Director, RTN)

3 - 9 september 2010




3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

Cracks have appeared in my house, what should I do? by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

I BOUGHT a house 3 years ago from a developer in Denia (Alicante); unfortunately, significant cracks have appeared in the house. We have engaged the services of an architect, who has visited the property and is preparing an expert report on the defects of the construction. According to the architect, the problem is that in the design and construction of the property the slope of the plot and the soil on which the house is built (composed of a type of clay that moves) was not properly taken into account. I would like to know who is responsible and who I should contact about this problem, whether it should be the developer, builder or architects, etc. and what steps I need to take to solve the problem. As mentioned in previous articles, for construction works in respect of which planning permission was requested after 5th May 2000 (as appears to be your case), in addition to the civil code, the Law of Construction Planning (L.O.E. 38/1999 November 5, 1999) will also apply. We understand that missing or incorrect inclusion in the draft of the work of the slope of the plot and/or soil material, problems, other circumstances etc. are within the responsibility of the senior architect (arquitecto superior)

as it is he who, as author of the project, should assess the quality and type of soil and make decisions for proper construction. His involvement in the process of building a home is treated as a professional and technical guarantee, as to ensure that the buildings are built correctly, avoiding risks, and overcoming the problems (as in your case), the land may have. Therefore, the senior architect should have taken into account the circumstances of the plot, but not only that he should also have been able to foresee whether these would affect future construction and if so he should have taken the necessary steps to design a solution that would avoid what unfortunately appears to have occurred. The Provincial Court of Alicante (Audiencia Provincial de Alicante) has already made a decision in this type of case and in the Court Order number. 592/2009 of 2 November, quoting other decisions of the Supreme Court of Spain (Tribunal Supremo) stated “the prior examination of the soil, verifying it or at least checking its analysis and subsequent geological survey personally is a fundamental obligation of the senior architect’s obligations that in any case are demanded by the dignity and competence inherent to their profession” The fact that the senior architect is responsible does not mean that you cannot claim against the other persons involved in the construction process as per the L.O.E. such as the technical architect, contractor, insurance company, etc. All possibilities should be studied. Regarding the next steps to be taken, we recommend that first of all you inform your current architect that he should place “markers” that indicate at least the date, length and width of the cracks and makes photographs and includes all this information in his report so that you can keep track of how the

cracks evolve, increase in size etc. This can be very important and interesting to determine the seriousness of the damage. Once you have the report from your current architect it should determine the extent of the problem and, if possible, its causes and who is responsible. He should also provide you with positive solutions to adopt. We understand that you must see a lawyer to determine whether your case is legally eligible to sue, your lawyer must develop a legal strategy and decide against who you can and should claim. It is not always advisable or possible to claim against all the parties involved in the construction process: developers, builders, architects, insurance company, a company that performed the geotechnical report, etc… Sometimes a decision is taken not to claim against some of these parties, particularly if it is clear that they have no responsibility for the problem, or if they can cause a delay in the procedure, etc. It is not necessary to claim against all of them, even if they are responsible. As in previous articles, we recommend a visit to our office or to another lawyer to examine your case thoroughly. It is sensible to involve the lawyer from the beginning, even before contacting the developer or hiring an architect, to avoid errors that could affect possible prosecution. If this is your case or of someone you know do not hesitate to contact us. Please see our W&B ad on the following pages. * The information contained in this article does not constitute legal advice, being simply a general overview of legal issues. * This item is available in English and Spanish on our Website: www.white-baos.com

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

General strike planned for September

THE WORKERS unions, CCOO and UGT are proposing a general strike across the country on 29th September. The strike is to protest about the government’s new labour reform legislation, which the unions say will result in worse working conditions. The government has yet to fully approve the reforms, but is expected to do so by 9th September.

3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

Damages for road accident victims in Spain by

Michael Olmer

Solicitor, Link Point Legal and Business Services

FOR CLIENTS who come to us seeking compensation following a road accident here in Spain, it can come as a shock to discover that the amount of compensation that they will receive is fixed by law. Royal Decree 8 of 2004 for Civil Liability and Insurance of Motor Vehicles sets out a fixed scale of compensation, known as a “baremo”. This scale of compensation is revised annually to reflect inflation and changes in wage levels. If you who enjoy watching American court room dramas on television, the amounts payable may seem minuscule by comparison. The highest payments are to those who suffer permanent total disablement who will require help for the rest of their lives with their most basic needs. In this case the highest amount payable is €352,254.05. To this can be added supplements of up to €88,083.51 for special adaptations to their home, and a total of €132,095.27 as overall compensation to their immediate family members for the destruction of their previous home life as a consequence of the accident. For those so unfortunate as to suffer the death of a family member in a road accident, the highest amount

payable is to a child under the age of 18 who loses their sole parent. In that case the basic compensation payable is €158,514.32 plus a supplement to take account of the age of the child of €44,031.76 making a total of €202,546.08. If more than one child has been orphaned by the accident the compensation is increased by €44,031.76 for each additional child, and the total amount is shared between all the children. Basic compensation for a child under the age of 18 of divorced or legally separated parents 18 is reduced to €123,288.92 which reflects the shared responsibility of the surviving but absent parent, and there is a further reduction of the basic compensation to €105,676.22 if the parent who was killed in the accident was living with their partner. Fortunately it is only a minority of who suffer devastating injuries or death in a road accident. In other cases compensation is payable on a scale depending on the degree of injury, and whether there is any permanent disability resulting directly from the accident. There is also a daily rate of compensation for days spent in hospital or officially registered as

If you have been involved in an accident it is essential that you take proper qualified legal advice

off sick, referred to as being given “baja”, as a result of the accident. For each day spent in hospital the sum of €66.00 per day is payable. For each day spent convalescing out of hospital €53.66 is payable if you are unable to look after yourself, or €28.80 if you are simply recuperating at home. If you are an accident victim and choose to use a private hospital or specialist for treatment, perhaps because you do not speak Spanish, you are not entitled to any additional payments. If you have been in an accident and want to claim compensation for your injuries it is vital that you obtain a written medical report or “informe” from the hospital where you are treated, and from any doctor who

Link Point Legal and Business Services www.linkpointlegal.com - michaelolmer@linkpointlegal.com

What? Padron - a list of all the people who live in a certain town Empadronarse - the act of registering yourself on this list with your local town hall Who? All residents in Spain are required by law to register on the padron How? Fill in the form provided by your town hall. You will need to show your passport, an NIE card or residency certificate, a recent utility bill in your name and the deeds to your house or a copy of a rental contract Why? Better public services including provision of health centres, police officers, fire fighters and schools. Access to financial benefits and social care. A potential reduction in local taxes. Voting rights in local and European elections. An easier life! More information can be found at: www.residenteseuropeos.com/padron_en.php


treats you at their surgery. In the more serious cases you should expect to have to undergo an examination by a doctor appointed by the insurance company for the insured from whom you are claiming compensation. Needless to say, insurance companies prefer the system of compensation on a fixed scale set by law to the anglo-saxon system of litigation as it reduces their costs and discourages litigation. If you have been involved in an accident it is essential that you take proper qualified legal advice at the earliest opportunity so that you recover as much as you can under this restrictive system. Your adviser may also be able to recommend insurance schemes that can supplement the compensation fixed by law.


3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

Florida’s gold rush By Jack Troughton INVESTORS CAN strike gold in the land of opportunity and get their money working for them again through the purchase of a US property and offering it to the booming rental market. The credit crunch left North America awash with repossessed homes and the chance for European investors to snap up incredible bargains and enjoy a healthy rental income. Bricks and mortar make a secure investment and the tenants are selected from the US Federal Government’s ‘Section 8’ programme, which provides a guarantee on a landlord’s income. And with interest rates at record lows, expats may be tempted to look across the Atlantic to invest money in an approved scheme offering returned of around 12 percent. REO Capital Properties LLC is a specialist in the field and concentrates on getting client’s money working again in Florida – currently undergoing massive job recreation schemes with families searching for rental homes.

KEY It offers a complete ‘turnkey’ operation to clients – they locate suitable properties and take on a full refurbishment of the house, find and install a tenant, and all before an investor even puts a dime into the property. Once the investor purchases the property the company then takes on the task of not only managing the property but also handling all the legal side for its property owners. Bob Eaton, REO Capital Properties’ representative in Spain, believes investors are in a ‘win win’ situation because they have the security of the property and if the tenant is in the ‘section 8’ programme they have a government guarantee of the rent. “Section 8 tenants are working people who need that little extra help from the Federal Government to afford the far market rent for the area, the good thing is the Fed Gov pays 70 percent of their rent – that’s guaranteed,” he said. “So if a tenant did fall behind in the

rent there is still 70 percent coming into the client’s account. “And if the tenant loses his job, the Federal Housing Authority picks up 100 percent of the tab – that’s 100 percent guaranteed.” Bob said the company had looked at the possibility of launching a similar scheme in the UK – or even France, Spain, Italy, or the Balkans – but ruled them out because of high taxes, a complex legal situation, language difficulties and even regional variations. Whereas in America the buying and selling of property is so highly governed by rules set out by the federal government that everyone involved has to be licensed. The expected return on the original capital outlay would also be far lower in these countries when compared to America.

THE CATCH Asked if there was a catch, he replied: “I’ve tried to find one myself but without success! I think the biggest reason that people will find not to invest is the property is across the pond - but that’s not a catch. “You have to get over the distance thing. It is an investment and the click of a computer mouse away. Most people see property investment as an emotion but you have to get any emotion out of the investment in order to get it to start working for you.” And Bob said if a client wanted to pull out, the company would sell it or possibly return the property to its own portfolio. “Everything else is checkable through government resources in America – you can look at property prices, the individual appraisal of the property, the Section 8 situation. “And we never touch the client’s money – it goes straight from the investor to the lawyer and once it leaves the lawyer to buy the property, the client has the deeds to the house in their name.” BANK Every new client has a bank account opened for them in Florida and rents are paid directly into

The type of property REO purchase for their clients in Florida the bank – enabling customer to check on their balance over the Internet. “The client is king in this,” added Bob. “We never touch a client’s money ourselves.” He said REO Capital Properties was also committed to looking after the tenants as part of its management duties. “We have to make sure the property is 100 percent correct for the tenant as well as the client – happy tenants pay the rent. “Every step of the way we make sure everything is all right for the client, tenant and for us as the company.” Bob said the company had recently bought a five bedroom, two bathroom house just south west of downtown Orlando and had carried out a full refurbishment – including all 32 details noted in the full survey it had carried out, which it has done on every property they buy. REO Capital Properties has also installed a new fridge freezer, cooker, grill and microwave, washing machine and dryer. RENT He said the cost to the client was 67,000€ including ‘closing costs’ and taxes. “In Orlando the Fair Market Rent for a five bedroom home is over $1,700 but we feel for the area our rent will be positioned at $1,550. “This means after outgoings that our client will be getting as return before personal tax of

12.9 percent. That is what we call getting your money working for you again.” And Bob said the investment opportunity was also available to a group of people clubbing together to buy a house or houses – an ideal situation, for example, a golf society or a group of friends. “Everyone can earn out of this investment and see money going into their bank account every month. In two or three year’s time should the housing market pick up again, the client might want to sell the property and realise a further return or continue renting it out – it is their property,” he said. He added: “REO Capital Properties gets rid of anything that could be a problem for the client and we are totally transparent because the client has to feel safe. Everyone can earn money out of this.” REO Capital Properties are one of the sponsors of the 13th Iberian Open being held at the Javea Green Bowls Club from the 6th to the 16th of September so if you would like more information please go along and see them there, telephone 627 024 514 or email bob.eaton@reocapitalproperties.com.

Economy on the up

THE SPANISH economy grew by 0.2 percent in the second quarter: one 10th of one percent more than at the start of the year. Data from the National Statistics Institute show that domestic consumption and investment in consumer goods are the main reasons behind this growth. Furthermore, the economy stabilised in year-on-year terms with a decline of one 10th of one percent to June compared with the -1.3 percent that was recorded in the first quarter.

Protest against Gibraltar toll

La Linea

SPANISH WORKERS who work in Gibraltar are protesting against a proposed €5 toll for visitors entering Gibraltar from the neighbouring town of La Linea. The workers themselves would be exempt from the toll, but they fear there will be job losses in Gibraltar as a consequence. La Linea’s mayor, Alejandro Sánchez, wants to introduce the toll as a way of recuperating some money for the impoverished town of La Linea, which misses out on tourism spending when most visitors go directly to Gibraltar.

Iberia announces profit IBERIA AIRLINES have revealed profits for the second quarter of the year. The company has embarked on several cost-cutting measures, and they state that they’ve experienced an increase in demand. Net profit for the quarter was €31 million, which comes after six preceding quarters in the red. The Icelandic volcano is estimated to have cost the airline €20 million.

3 - 9 september 2010


health Psychotherapy and 32

315-21 - 9 september 20102010 JANUARY

seminars for an integral life

Do I want to improve my life and keep on evolving? Do I want to give it more meaning? Do I want to maintain happiness? THESE WOULD be the three questions that any human being could consider every day when waking up and also during every conflict or uncertain time of their life. When these questions are not even thought of, it could be that the person may be living an apparently comfortable life. But, if they stop for just a second, what they may find are feelings of sadness, anger, jealousy, despair, apathy and the sensation of being lost or alone. My name is Raquel Torrent and I can help you find the impulse to ask those questions and respond in your body, heart and mind and also recognise the dimension of the transcendence of life in order to allow you to become at peace with everything and everyone. I’ve just arrived from Madrid where I’ve been a successful psychologist, psychotherapist and personal development teacher

for more than 23 years. After my mother’s death, in January of this year, I decided I wanted to fulfill one of my dreams which it was to live out in the country and close to nature. Several signs drove me to San Miguel de Salinas and my new home, at Las Ramblas, near Cabo Roig. I have dedicated one room of my home as a consultation area to meet with people for coaching, consultancy and/or spiritual guidance and I will also be working throughout Murcia and Alicante. There were two funny things that happened to me as soon as I arrived three weeks ago. Thinking that it was important and smart to be prepared, in advance I had some leaflets and cards printed as publicity for my consultancy, Integral Annual Training and Transformation Game Facilitation. As soon as I got here though, I realised that this promotional

material didn’t serve me very well at all, as more than 90% of the people I was speaking to were English or English speaking, and all my publicity was in Spanish! That made me realise that I may also need to change my website as that is also in my native language. All this will serve me right for not being prepared, but it has allowed me to be able to expand my business and offer my services to a larger group of people. The second funny story is that my English comes from my American teacher who taught me during the four years that I lived in the United States. Therefore, when I hear English people speak it is generally very difficult for me to understand what they’re saying as they speak with an accent that’s not familiar to me. This became even more apparent when I contacted, Cliff Roberts,

Raquel Torrent

RTN’s Sales and Marketing Director. To my astonishment I couldn’t understand him at all when we spoke on the telephone as he was born near Glasgow and has a very strong accent. Thankfully, he realised very quickly that I was Spanish but spoke English with an American accent, so he kindly offered to

speak with an American accent and to my surprise I could understand nearly every word that he spoke! If you would like to know more about my courses please contact me on 622 77 36 95 or 966 775 925. www.raqueltorrent.es and raqueltorrent@movistar.es. My advert can also be found page 48.

3 - 9JANUARY september2010 2010 15-21


Trooping the Colour at Anneke THE BRITISH custom of Trooping the Colour reportedly dates back to the time of King Charles II in the 17th Century when the Colours of a regiment were used as a rallying point in battle and were therefore trooped in front of the soldiers every day to make sure that every man could recognise those of his own regiment. Last Thursday RTN was invited to Anneke Residence in Alfaz del Pi to see their own version of how the staff there have been smartly dressed in colourful new tunics and gowns. A different colour is assigned to every category of staff to make everyone easily identifiable in their role, which will help the residents and visitors alike. The new garments are also another uplifting and colourful way in which Anneke presents itself, and goes to every effort to be bright and cheerful. Often we at RTN have written about the excellent care, facilities, staff and ambience provided to the residents at Anneke. And we regularly report on the changing art displays on show in the Residence’s main rooms which are re-energized with

The happy Anneke Troop proudly displaying their Colours

consider professional home care assistance, or a full time move to a care home. For more information please call Anneke Integral Care Services at 966 814 034 or see the website www.anneke.es

Nurse Jonathan is all smiles about his new tunic (pink colour)

Ana (left) & Maribel are both Carers (lilac colour)

every new display to keep the home interesting and evolving for its residents. These new uniforms are a lovely refreshment too. And every member of staff seems delighted with the move away from the old clinical white traditional uniforms. Well done to everyone at Anneke; which is without doubt the place of choice when you, or any of your relatives, need to

Physiotherapist Carolina (yellow colour) with resident Andres

315-21 - 9 SEPTEMBER 20102010 JANUARY


Insider’s guide to Valencia’s restaurants

If you don’t live in the city it’s hard to know where to eat. So we’ve spotlighted what we think are some of the best restaurants in Valencia.


Kirsty Tuxford Freelance writer

A SPECIAL mention goes to the innovative restaurant, Appetite, in the charming and bohemian district of Russafa, just a 10-minute walk from the city centre. Avoid the masses of swaggering tourists and head to where locals in the know go to dine in style. It’s intimate, with a clean, modern and fresh feel and specialises in a multicultural mix of dishes with an oriental twist, expertly prepared in the open kitchen by superchef Bonnie, who hails from Australia. The tasting menu gives you the chance to try either six or eight dishes, and Bonnie can cater for vegetarians and other special dietary requirements. To give you an idea and set your mouth watering, you could try the white pizza with rocket and parmesan, which is warm, perfectly crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a sweet balsamic and honey dressing. Follow that with nem nuong, which are fresh rice rolls with bbq pork, satay sauce, mint and crispy rice, accompanied by a vinegar, sugar and sweet chilli dip. Choose from arancini, small balls of arroz a banda (rice and fish) with fresh ali oli, or the delicious wonton of goats cheese, with pear, grapes, walnuts, cranberries and honey – it is warm and creamy and melts-in-the-mouth. Here’s something different: soft shell Thai-style crab. Bonnie explained that these crabs are specially caught in Thailand on the day they shed their shells to reveal a softer shell underneath, which only stays soft for one day, so timing is critical. This is a delicious dish – the crabmeat is delicate and the crunchy sweet coating is the perfect finish. Seafood fans will love the hokkien mee mixed noodles with seafood and bean sprouts and carnivores will delight in the matambrito: slow-roasted

Appetite’s dishes have an oriental twist

Argentinean pork belly served in its own juice – divine – moist and full of flavour. A delectable dessert is the Appetite version of black forest gateaux – a sumptuous chocolate cake served with mascarpone and juicy berries. Wines are reasonably priced; try the white d.o. rueda, Martivilli at €12.90, for something fresh and crisp or finish with a sweet desert wine. The food is of a very high standard, and excellent value, what’s more, there’s a discount voucher available

GALERIA ART and Soul is hosting a free social evening on 21st September with a pleasurable mix of art, champagne, music, socialising and pampering. View our variety of exhibits including fine art, mixed media, water colours, glass ware, ceramics, jewellery, greeting cards and much more. Each item in the Gift Shop Gallery has been handcrafted by local Spanish, Dutch and English artists. Enjoy a complimentary glass of champagne, classical harp music and a free taster session of Indian Head Massage. Our free social evenings will be held every month, providing the opportunity to make new friends, network and enjoy being

part of your local community. In October we are celebrating the ‘Powers of Ten’ day with an all day free social event on the 10th October from 10.00 until 22.00, to include: Live art and craft demonstrations; classical music concerts; art class tasters; taster well-being treatments and more. We have free spaces available for artists, musicians and well-being practitioners to participate. A selection of exquisite wines will be available to try from local vineyards, and a programme of musical entertainment. To find out more, visit www.elclubcasero.com see our Facebook page at: Galeria Art and Soul or telephone Tanya on 636 929 326.


ORIENT XPRESS NOODLE BAR Authentic Thai cuisine, cooked in an open kitchen and served in a fresh, modern location. Each dish can be served with meat, fish or tofu. Delicious crab cakes and pad Thai. Central, just near the famous Torres de Serrano. C/Roteros, 12. Tel: 96 391 42 26. www.orientxpress.es


The team at Appetite

to print from the webpage. Appetite also does private and corporate catering, and cookery classes. Appetite, C/Pintor Salvador Abril, 7, 46005 Valencia. Open: Wed–Sat, 9-11pm and Sat-Sun, 2-3.30pm. Reservations recommended. Telephone 96 110 56 60 or 607 765 256. Average price per head €28. Tasting menu: six dishes, €20; eight dishes, €25. www.appetite.es www.lotuscatering.es info@appetite.es

One of the delicious desserts on offer at Appetite

Free social evening

Valencia’s best restaurants

Art hanging in Gata By Julia Evans AN EXHIBITION of paintings is currently being held in Gata de Gorgos. Artists from all over the world have come to exhibit their work. The unusual thing about this exhibition is that it is not held in a gallery. In fact it is not even held inside. Instead the paintings are hung from the balconies of houses and shops throughout the town. “Art Al Vent” is an annual tradition in Gata, holding an unusual range of highly diverse paintings that deck the traditional Spanish streets, infusing them with colour. The artists have used a variety of different techniques and materials, each painting holding a flavor of the country from which it came. There is work from Holland, Germany, South America and Iraq. This really is a must see and there is something for everybody Art is with a huge range of very different styles including hung some very contemporary work. The exhibition is from balconies on now and runs until September 12th

LAMBRUSQUERIA One of the most popular and charming restaurants in the city. Fine Italian food and their own delicious Lambrusco served in a traditional ‘trattoria’-style restaurant. Spans both sides of the picturesque, tree-lined street, Conde de Altea in the upmarket district of Canovas, just 10 minutes walk from the centre. Olde worlde with a romantic ambiance. No menu, they just keep bringing out dishes: salads, cheeses, meats, pastas – and will cater for vegetarians. Absolutely divine and a must for all loved-up couples! C/Conde de Altea, 31-36. Tel: 96 334 07 53. http://lambrusqueria.wordpress.com/about/


EL RALL Popular paella restaurant with the locals, nestled in a cosy plaza in the centre on the charming Carmen district in the heart of the city. Book early if you want to eat on the terrace. Not far from the UNESCO La Lonja building. Tundidores, 3. Tel: 96 392 20 90. http://www.elrall.es


CREPERIA BRETONNE An authentic French crepe restaurant in the heart of the city, just across from the cathedral. Buckwheat, slightly crunchy French crepes with a myriad of fillings to choose from – the chef stands cooking inside the shell of an old bus! Bordadores, 6. Tel: 963 153 524. http://creperiebretonne.com

3 - JANUARY 9 september2010 2010 15-21


We will take good care of you RESIDENCIAL ROJALES is a unique place where young and elderly people will feel at home surrounded by all the care that they deserve. Whether it’s for someone just out of hospital or in need of respite care, Residencial Rojales will take very good care of them and provide all the medical assistance that they need. The care home, which overlooks the stunning La Marquesa Golf Course in Quesada, offers luxury living accommodation in a two bedroom apartment complete with an en-suite bathroom, kitchen, living room and balcony. The home caters for short term and long term residents as well as weekend and overnight stays and has a full team of qualified doctors, nurses and carers on hand to ensure the best possible care for every one of their patients. They also offer rehabilitation and it is the perfect destination for people who would like

to have a holiday with their family member but also have all the medical assistance and support that they would have in the UK.

RESPITE CARE Included within the package are all meals, drinks, such as coffee, tea, water and juices, whenever you want them throughout the day and a full laundry service, as well as daily excursions to various attractions within the local area. Rojales Residencial offers permanent 24 hour professional care with an individual alarm system and a dedicated doctor and physiotherapist on call 24/7. They can also organise care holidays for care homes in the UK and have 32 apartments in total, all with one or two bedrooms and bathroom facilities. It is an ideal location for people recovering from surgery or intensive treatment and especially good for carers who need to take some time out and be able to put their loved ones

The pool area

Residential Rojales

in the capable hands of the professional, qualified and caring team.

with free internet access. If you would like to know more about Residencial Rojales, please call 966 715 071 or e-mail wendy.r.rojales@hotmail.com or rita.r.rojales@hotmail.com

BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS The centre caters for patients of all ages from the elderly to young people and even children. It also has a swimming pool and lovely gardens as well as a terraced area and they offer physiotherapy and hydrotherapy sessions in the pool for patients. The home also acts as a hospice and many patients who stay there spend the last few weeks of their lives in the beautiful surroundings of the centre. Close family members can stay with them throughout the time that they are being cared for and extended family members can stay at the nearby El Corazon Hotel at a reduced rate, whilst also enjoying all of its facilities. The centre also houses a large dining room, an activity room, a library containing books in various languages and an IT room The beautiful



3 - 9 september 2010

Back to work for the Velvetones

New International Children’s Choir by Louise Clarke

A The Velvetones

THE VELVETONES will soon resume practice sessions once more, following their summer break. Wednesday September 8th will see the ladies refreshed and eager to recommence rehearsals at 10am at the Hotel Cabo Cervera, La Mata, Torrevieja. So come on Ladies if you are looking for a new hobby, if you love to sing, or just want

to meet new friends and have a great social life, come along to have a go, or just listen to our fun loving chorus. They sing Pop, Swing, musicals, classics and many more. No previous experience necessary, you learn as you go. Check out the website www.velvetones.org or give Kristoff a call on 966 714 973 if you have any questions!

BRAND new Children’s Choir for the Costa Blanca has been announced this week by international singer, conductor and vocal tutor, Nigel Hopkins and RTN is proud to also announce that it will be promoting it all the way to the top! The choir will be known as ‘Cantemos!’ (Let’s Sing!), and will be open to children between the ages of eight and 16 years. Nigel’s musical pedigree is well-known in Spain. For some years he has run an international choral workshop in Torrevieja, and this resulted last year in the formation of two choirs, Melody Makers International and In Harmony, both of which have proved to be of the highest calibre. Nigel conducted a famous Children’s Choir in the UK for 26 years, during which time they made several recordings, and toured Europe on six different occasions including Spain, where they performed at Barcelona Cathedral and Montserrat Monastery in 2000. OPEN TO ALL NATIONALITIES The choir will meet each Saturday

morning in term time at the OK GYM in Costa Shopping in Los Dolses, above the SupaValu Supermarket. Rehearsals will be from 10:30 until 13:00 and full training will be given to members by Nigel Hopkins. Music will generally be sung in English, although other languages (particularly Spanish) will be included as the choir progresses. It must be stressed that the choir is open to ALL nationalities and that they will strive to attain the highest standard possible. There will be a huge variety of music performed, which will include arrangements of modern and popular music to suit the taste of both the young performers and their audiences.

STANDING OVATION Recently, a sell-out concert of ‘An Evening with Rodgers & Hammerstein’ was given by Melody Makers International at the Orihuela Costa Resort. During this concert Nigel introduced 14 pupils from the El Limonar International School in Villamartin who he had specially trained for that performance. They delighted the appreciative audience and received an enthusiastic standing ovation. Anyone interested should email:

Nigel Hopkins

info@westendworkshop-spain.com or telephone 966 775 976 or 64 957 0923 for details of how to apply to join this exciting new venture, which will commence on 11th September. Places will be limited, so early application is advised.

In memory of ‘Elvis Geoff’

Geoff entertained many thousands of expats

Geoff Allen (Thompson), affectionately known as ‘Elvis Geoff’ has passed away in hospital in Scarborough on 25/08/2010. The ill health he had fought against for the past eighteen months finally got the better of him. He had lived in Santiago de la Ribera for nine years and entertained many thousands of expats and tourists with his singing and humour. He is sadly missed by all who knew him.

tv Friday

3 - 9 september 2010

24:45 Cops with Cameras

08:05 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:35 Ultimate Big Brother 09:45 Frasier 10:15 Hoot 12:00 Friends 12:30 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers & Sisters 14:00 Jamie at Home 14:35 Big Business 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:25 4thought.tv 20:30 Who Do You Think You Were? 21:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 22:00 Ultimate Big Brother 23:00 Pete Versus Life 23:35 Ultimate Big Brother 24:25 Tim Minchin: Live

08:00 Childrens TV 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas & Friends 09:35 Olivia 09:50 The Mr Men Show 10:00 Little Princess 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Miami 13:40 Five News 13:45 The Hotel Inspector 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: NY 16:05 Expecting a Miracle 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Panda Week with Nigel Marven 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 24:00 CSI: NY 24:55 Cops in Crisis

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Escape from Scorpion Island 10:00 Paradise Cafe 10:30 Animals at Work 11:00 Horrible Histories 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 12:30 Evacuation to the Manor House 13:00 Degrassi: The Next Generation 13:25 No Hats, No Trainers 13:50 Shelfstackers 14:15 The 5:19 Show 14:30 Single, Together, Whatever 15:00 Revealed 15:15 Escape to the Country 15:45 Coast 15:55 Two Men Went to War 17:40 Dad’s Army 18:10 The Heroes of Telemark 20:15 Rigoletto Live From Mantua 21:30 Coast 22:00 BBC Proms 2010 24:10 Vexed

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 The Fluffy Club 08:25 Toonattik 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 Children’s Hospital 11:55 Monk 12:55 News 12:59 Granada Weather 13:00 This Morning: Saturday 14:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 14:25 Moonraker 16:45 Midsomer Murders 18:45 Granada News 19:00 ITV News 19:15 You’ve Been Framed! 19:45 Odd One In 20:30 The X Factor 21:45 The Bourne Ultimatum 23:45 ITV News 24:00 Blood Work

08:00 The Grid 08:25 British Formula 3 International Series 08:55 The Morning Line 09:50 The Hollyoaks Music Show Playlist 10:15 Friends 10:45 Ugly Betty 11:45 Ultimate Big Brother 13:25 Friends 13:55 Scrubs 14:25 That Paralympic Show 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me Down Under 17:25 Come Dine with Me Down Under 17:55 Come Dine with Me Down Under 18:30 Come Dine with Me Down Under 19:00 Come Dine with Me Down Under 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 102 Minutes That Changed America 22:00 Ultimate Big Brother 23:00 My Funniest Year: 2000

08:00 Childrens TV 08:40 Noddy in Toyland 08:55 Milkshake! Bop Box 09:00 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:10 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 Red Bull Air Race 12:00 The Gadget Show 13:00 Megastructures 14:00 Nature Shock 15:00 Ten Wanted Men 16:35 Law and Jake Wade 18:10 Gremlins 2: the New Batch 20:20 Five News 20:25 NCIS 21:15 NCIS 22:10 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:10 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:10 CSI: Miami

08:00 Arthur 08:15 League of Super Evil 08:25 Sportsround 08:40 Bear Behaving Badly 09:00 Escape from Scorpion Island 10:00 Deadly 60 10:30 Gastronuts 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Miss Sadie Thompson 13:55 Rigoletto Live from Mantua 14:35 Flog It! 15:05 Burghley Horse Trials 17:05 Sailing 17:35 Athletics 18:05 Emma 20:00 Dragons’ Den 21:00 Mountain Gorilla 22:00 Grumpy Old Schooldays 23:00 Have I Got Old News for You 23:30 Rigoletto from Mantua 24:10 Mad Men

06:30 ITV Morning News

07:20 The Hoobs

07:00 The Fluffy Club

07:45 The Hoobs

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:10 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:20 The Mr Men Show 10:35 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Animal Rescue Squad 12:25 Michaela’s Wild Challenge 13:00 Renee Fleming: From Mozart to Muse 13:30 Going the Distance Movie Special 14:00 Egypt’s Lost Queen 15:00 Torpedo Run 16:50 Fort Worth 18:25 License to Wed 20:10 Five News 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 The Pursuit of Happyness 23:20 Ali

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:30 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Diagnosis Murder 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Green Balloon Scrapbook 16:30 Eliot Kid 16:40 Wingin’ It 17:05 Trapped 17:35 Hounded 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Animal 24:7 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Would I Lie to You? 24:05 The National Lottery Draws

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Prank Patrol 09:30 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 10:00 Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 10:30 Gimme a Break 11:00 Copycats 11:30 Deadly 60 12:00 What’s New, Scooby-Doo? 12:25 Odd Man Out 14:15 Ready Steady Cook 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Restoration Roadshow 20:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 Home Movie Roadshow 23:00 Roger & Val Have Just Got In 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 The Review Show

07:00 GMTV

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 What To Eat Now 13:00 BBC News; Regional News 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Bargain Hunt Famous Finds 14:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 15:15 Father of the Bride 16:55 Snow Dogs 18:25 BBC News; Regional News 18:50 Outtake TV 19:20 Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 20:40 The National Lottery’s Big Night 21:45 Casualty 23:15 BBC News 23:35 Live at the Apollo 24:20 The Football League Show

07:00 Breakfast

10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Michael Ball Show 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live International Football 23:10 ITV News 23:40 Granada News 23:45 International Football Highlights

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Country Tracks 13:00 BBC News 13:05 Cash in the Attic 13:35 Live MotoGP 15:00 Escape to the Country 16:00 EastEnders 17:55 Lifeline 18:05 Songs of Praise 18:40 Halcyon River Diaries 19:40 BBC News; Regional News 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 Secret Britain 23:00 BBC News; Regional News 23:25 The Armstrong & Miller Show 23:55 The Invisible

08:25 Toonattik 10:25 Coronation Street

08:10 Basketball 09:05 Ironman Triathlon 10:00 Pocket TV

12:20 News

10:15 Hollyoaks

12:29 Granada Weather

12:45 Big Brother’s

12:30 This Morning: Sunday 13:30 Dinner Date

Little Brother 13:50 Friends 14:20 The Simpsons

14:30 Columbo

14:50 The Simpsons

16:00 The X Factor

15:20 Ugly Betty

17:15 For Your Eyes Only

16:20 Three in a Bed

19:35 Granada News

16:55 Three in a Bed 17:30 Three in a Bed

19:45 ITV News

18:00 Deal or No Deal

20:00 Coronation Street

18:50 Channel 4 News

21:00 Heartbeat

19:15 4thought.tv

22:00 U Be Dead

19:20 Transformers 22:00 Ultimate Big Brother

24:00 ITV News

23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man

24:15 Comedy Classics

24:05 The Waterboy

08:00 Crash Test Dummies 09:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 10:00 Oops TV 10:30 Oops TV 11:00 Missing Mums: Lorraine Kelly Investigates 12:00 Wedding SOS 12:30 New Parent Nightmares 13:00 The Real A & E 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Middle 21:30 Must Be the Music 22:45 Must Be the Music 23:30 Lie to Me 24:30 Football’s Greatest

08:30 Tennis 09:00 Tennis 14:30 Tennis - Daily LIVE show presented by Annabel Croft with top consultant Mats Wilander, former triple Roland Garros Champion. 15:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 16:00 Cycling: Tour of Spain 17:30 Tennis - US Open in New York - Day 5 19:00 Football: Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Tennis 03:00 Tennis


08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Shortland Street 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Bulging Brides 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Shortland Street 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Passport Patrol 21:30 Passport Patrol 22:00 Medium 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:00 Crash Test Dummies 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Football’s Next Star 11:00 Soccer AM 13:00 Fat Families 14:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 15:00 Project Runway 16:00 Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza 17:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 18:00 Vet Adventures 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 21:00 Oops TV 22:00 Notting Hill 24:20 Camp Bestival 2010

07:30 Tennis 08:00 FIA World Touring Car Championship 08:30 Tennis 10:30 Tennis 11:00 Football 12:00 Football 13:00 Car Racing 14:00 FIA World Touring Car Championship 14:45 Cycling: Tour of Spain 16:30 Tennis 00:00 Tennis 02:00 Tennis

08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings 11:00 Dating in the Dark 12:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 13:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 14:00 Dating in the Dark 15:00 Dating in the Dark 16:00 Dating in the Dark 17:00 Charlie’s Angels 18:55 Celebs 24/7 19:00 16 and Pregnant 20:00 Nothing to Declare 20:30 Nothing to Declare 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit BBC 1 , 19.20

08:00 Crash Test Dummies 09:00 Oops TV 09:30 Oops TV 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 WWE: Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 Futurama 13:30 Futurama 14:00 Must Be the Music 15:15 Must Be the Music 16:00 The Simpsons 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 The Simpsons 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Middle 20:00 Must Be the Music 21:15 Must Be the Music - Meet the Semi-Finalists 22:00 An Idiot Abroad 22:30 The Simpsons 23:00 Martina Cole’s The Take 24:00 Must Be the Music - Meet the Semi-Finalists 24:45 House

08:30 Tennis 09:00 FIA World Touring Car Championship 09:30 Tennis 11:15 Tennis 11:45 Superbike 12:00 Superbike 12:45 FIA World Touring Car Championship 13:45 Formula 2 14:45 FIA World Touring Car Championship 15:45 Superbike 16:30 Cycling: Tour of Spain 17:30 Motorsports: Motorsports Weekend Magazine 17:45 Tennis 03:00 Tennis Slumdog Millionaire An Idiot Abroad Channel 4, 10.00pm Sky 1,


08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings 10:30 Four Weddings 11:00 Four Weddings 11:30 Four Weddings 12:00 Four Weddings 12:30 Bulging Brides 13:00 Charlie’s Angels 14:45 Celebs 24/7 15:00 Changing Faces 17:00 Nothing to Declare 18:00 Passport Patrol 18:30 Passport Patrol 19:00 Teen Mom 20:00 Four Weddings US 21:00 Ghost Whisperer 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Monday

48 38

3 Feb - 9 september 2010 26 - March 4 2010

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bondi Vet 10:30 Bondi Vet 11:00 Missing Mums: Lorraine Kelly Investigates 12:00 Wedding SOS 12:30 The Secret Guide to Women’s Health 13:00 The Real A & E 13:30 The Real A & E 14:00 Project Runway 15:00 Bones 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Biggest Loser US 23:00 Law & Order 24:00 Bones

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Helicopter Heroes 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:10 Diagnosis Murder 16:00 BBC News; 16:05 Junior MasterChef 16:35 Wingin’ It 17:00 Legend of Dick & Dom 17:30 Blue Peter 17:55 Shaun the Sheep 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Saints and Scroungers 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Who Do You Think You Are? 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Gears and Tears 24:05 The Case for God?

08:00 Childrens TV 11:00 Waybuloo 11:20 Clifford 11:30 Pablo the Little Red Fox 11:35 3rd & Bird 11:50 Wibbly Pig 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Living Dangerously 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT 14:00 Animal Park 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Climbing Great Buildings 20:00 Timothy Spall: Somewhere at Sea 20:30 Roger & Val Have Just Got In 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Antiques Master 22:00 Dragons’ Den 23:00 Grandma’s House 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Home Movie Roadshow

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Michael Ball Show 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Bouquet of Barbed Wire 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Surgery School 24:35 Stephen Tompkinson’s African Balloon Adventure

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 09:05 Ultimate Big Brother 10:05 Hollyoaks Music Show 10:35 Friends 11:05 The Good Wife 12:05 Desperate Housewives 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers & Sisters 14:00 Do Not Disturb 15:55 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 My Family’s Crazy Gap Year 23:00 Ultimate Big Brother 24:10 This Is England

08:00 Childrens TV 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Thomas & Friends 09:40 The WotWots 09:50 Big School 10:00 Pocoyo 10:10 Milkshake! Show Songs 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:15 The Boss Is Coming to Dinner 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Britannic 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 The Gadget Show 22:00 The Last of the Mohicans 24:15 Police Interceptors

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Helicopter Heroes 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Diagnosis Murder 16:00 BBC News; 16:05 Junior MasterChef 16:35 Wingin’ It 17:00 MI High 17:30 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:25 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Motorway Cops 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 My Story 24:05 La Bamba

08:00 Childrens TV 10:50 Pingu 11:00 Waybuloo 11:20 Clifford 11:30 Pablo the Little Red Fox 11:35 3rd & Bird 11:50 Wibbly Pig 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Living Dangerously 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT 14:00 Animal Park 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Climbing Great Buildings 20:00 Coast 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:00 Big School Lottery 23:00 Mercury Music Prize 2010 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Mercury Music Prize 2010

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Michael Ball Show 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Grimefighters 21:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 22:00 Help! I Caught It Abroad 2 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Swingtown 24:30 Ladette to Lady

08:00 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:25 Ultimate Big Brother 09:35 Frasier 10:05 The Hollyoaks Music Show 10:35 Friends 11:05 The Good Wife 12:05 Desperate Housewives 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers & Sisters 14:00 Indiscreet 15:55 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Help! My House Is Falling Down 22:00 Ultimate Big Brother 23:00 This Is England ‘86 24:05 Footloose

08:00 Childrens TV 09:25 Thomas & Friends 09:40 The WotWots 09:50 Big School 10:00 Pocoyo 10:10 Milkshake! Show Songs 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:15 The Boss Is Coming to Dinner 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visit 16:05 A Kiss at Midnight 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Nature Shock 22:00 CSI: Miami 23:00 CSI: NY 24:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bondi Vet 10:30 Bondi Vet 11:00 Bones 12:00 Wedding SOS 12:30 Brain Doctors 13:00 The Real A & E 13:30 The Real A & E 14:00 Project Runway 15:00 Bones 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 UK Border Force 22:00 Batman 24:25 An Idiot Abroad 24:55 House

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Helicopter Heroes 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:10 Diagnosis Murder 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Junior MasterChef 16:35 Wingin’ It 17:00 Little Howard’s Big Question 17:30 Hounded 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Bang Goes the Theory 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 Crimewatch 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 National Lottery Draws 23:45 Crimewatch Update 23:55 Reggie Perrin 24:25 The Singing Detective

08:00 Childrens TV 10:10 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:25 Garth and Bev 10:35 Ethelbert the Tiger 10:45 Pingu 11:00 Waybuloo 11:20 Clifford 11:30 Pablo the Little Red Fox 11:35 3rd & Bird 11:50 Wibbly Pig 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Living Dangerously 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Climbing Great Buildings 20:00 Queens of Heartache 21:00 Coast 22:00 Big School Lottery 23:00 Grumpy Old Holidays 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 E Numbers: An Edible Adventure

07:00 Daybreak

07:20 The Hoobs 07:45 Big Brother’s Little Brother 08:10 Ultimate Big Brother 09:05 Frasier 09:35 Hollyoaks Music Show 10:05 Friends 10:35 Friends 11:05 The Good Wife 12:05 Desperate Housewives 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Brothers & Sisters 14:00 The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex 15:55 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 How to Look Good Naked 22:00 Ultimate Big Brother 23:00 Derren Brown Live 24:05 Ultimate Big Brother 24:35 School of Comedy

09:00 Childrens TV 09:40 The WotWots 09:50 Big School 10:00 Pocoyo 10:10 Milkshake! Show Songs 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:15 The Boss Is Coming to Dinner 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:00 The Family Recipe 16:10 Love’s Enduring Promise 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Michaela’s Zoo Babies 21:00 Emergency Bikers 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 24:00 Law & Order

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bondi Vet 10:30 Bondi Vet 11:00 Bones 12:00 Wedding SOS 12:30 Babies at Risk 13:00 First Love 14:00 Project Runway 15:00 Bones 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Vet Adventures 22:00 Must Be the Music 23:15 Must Be the Music - Meet the Semi-Finalists 24:00 Notting Hill

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday 09:30 Lorraine

10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Michael Ball Show 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The Unforgettable Mollie Sugden 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Words of the Blitz 24:35 Send In the Dogs

08:30 Tennis 09:00 Snooker 11:30 Supersport 12:00 Car Racing 12:30 FIA World Touring Car Championship 13:15 Motorsports: Motorsports Weekend Magazine 13:30 Snooker 16:30 Tennis 17:00 Tennis 17:30 Football: Eurogoals 18:15 Tennis - US Open in New York - Day 8 03:00 Tennis

08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Shortland Street 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Bulging Brides 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Shortland Street 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Dating in the Dark 22:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 23:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Coronation Street for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:30 Tennis 09:00 Snooker 11:30 Car Racing - in Nürburgring, Germany Review 12:00 FIA World Touring Car Championship - a Full Review of the Weekend as Well as a Preview of the Next Round 12:30 Tennis 13:00 Tennis 13:30 Snooker 16:30 Cycling: Tour of Spain 17:30 Tennis 19:00 Football: Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Tennis 01:00 Tennis 03:00 Tennis

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? ITV 1, 21.00

08:30 Tennis 09:00 Snooker International Masters in Shanghai, China - Day 3. Coverage and reaction from the latest Snooker event taking place 11:30 Football 12:30 Football 13:30 Snooker 16:30 Cycling: Tour of Spain - Stage 11, Murcia / Caravaca de la Cruz 17:30 Tennis 19:00 Football: Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Tennis 01:00 Tennis 02:00 Tennis - US Open in New York - Women - Quarter-Finals. Coverage of the latest tennis action.

The Unforgettable Mollie Sugden ITV 1, 20.30

08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Shortland Street 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Bulging Brides 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Shortland Street 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Britain’s Next Top Model 22:00 Drop Dead Diva 23:00 Teen Mom 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Shortland Street 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Bulging Brides 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Shortland Street 16:30 Shortland Street 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

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tv Thursday 315-21 - 9 september 20102010 JANUARY


07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Helicopter Heroes 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Diagnosis Murder 16:00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News 16:05 Junior MasterChef 16:35 Wingin’ It 17:00 Animals at Work 17:30 Deadly 60 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News Programmes 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Watchdog 22:00 Small Teen, Big World 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 The Spending Review: The London Debate 24:25 Underclassman

08:00 Childrens TV 10:25 Garth and Bev 10:35 Ethelbert the Tiger 10:45 Pingu 10:50 Pingu 11:00 Waybuloo 11:20 Clifford 11:30 Pablo the Little Red Fox 11:35 3rd & Bird 11:50 Wibbly Pig 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Living Dangerously 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Animal Park 15:00 Wanted Down Under 16:00 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Escape to the Country 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Climbing Great Buildings 20:00 Mountain Gorilla 21:00 E Numbers: An Edible Adventure 22:00 Gareth Malone’s Extraordinary School for Boys 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Nurse Jackie 24:45 Nurse Jackie

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 Granada News and Weather 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Michael Ball Show 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Inspector Morse 18:00 Britain’s Best Dish 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Law & Order: UK 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Granada News and Weather 23:35 United 93

08:10 Ultimate Big Brother 09:05 Ultimate Big Brother 09:35 The Hollyoaks Music Show 10:05 Friends 10:35 Friends 11:05 The Good Wife 12:05 Desperate Housewives 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Brothers & Sisters 14:00 Casablanca 15:55 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Ultimate Big Brother 22:00 Alan Davies’ Teenage Revolution 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats: Big Brother Special 23:50 My Funniest Year: 2000

08:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Thomas & Friends 09:40 The WotWots 09:50 Big School 10:00 Pocoyo 10:10 Milkshake! Show Songs 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: NY 13:40 Five News 13:45 Chinese Food in Minutes 14:15 The Boss Is Coming to Dinner 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Family Sins 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Escape from Apollo 13 21:00 The Wright Stuff 10th Birthday Special 22:00 9/11 Crime Scene Investigators 23:00 Nowhere to Run

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Bondi Vet 10:30 Bondi Vet 11:00 Bones 12:00 Wedding SOS 12:30 Adoption Diaries 13:00 The Real A & E 13:30 The Real A & E 14:00 Project Runway 15:00 Bones 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Real A & E 21:30 An Idiot Abroad

07:00 Tennis - US Open in New York - Men Quarter-Finals Coverage of the latest tennis action. 08:30 Tennis 09:00 Snooker International Masters in Shanghai, China - Day 4. Coverage and reaction from the latest Snooker event taking place 11:30 Tennis 13:00 Tennis 13:30 Snooker 16:30 Cycling: Tour of Spain 17:30 Tennis 19:00 Football: Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Tennis 03:00 Tennis

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Shortland Street 11:30 Shortland Street 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Bulging Brides 13:30 Bulging Brides 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 Shortland Street 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 21:00 Private Practice 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

Suduko Answer

22:00 Lie to Me 23:00 NCIS: Los Angeles 24:00 NCIS: Los Angeles

CROSSWORD ANSWER 567 CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 4 Abandon; 8 Season; 9 Charger; 10 Result; 11 Loafer; 12 Dividend; 18 Penelope; 20 Forego; 21 Fencer; 22 Obvious; 23 Fierce; 24 Leagues. Down: 1 Astride; 2 Passive; 3 Toiled; 5 Beholden; 6 Norman; 7 Opener; 13 Exposure; 14 Concern; 15 Degrees; 16 Rouble; 17 Sewing; 19 Eyelid. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 4 Emptied; 8 Amazon; 9 Interim; 10 Riches; 11 Agency; 12 Customer; 18 Languish; 20 Talent; 21 Rotten; 22 Fancied; 23 Overdo; 24 Deplete. Down: 1 Caprice; 2 Sarcasm; 3 Bolero; 5 Mandarin; 6 Teeter; 7 Evince; 13 Maltreat; 14 Cistern; 15 Phantom; 16 Manage; 17 Pencil; 19 Groove.

Spare a copper for the bill? The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist

TUESDAY NIGHT was an occasion for ITV executives to hang their heads in shame when we saw the last edition of the longrunning cop show, The Bill. Over the lifespan of 26 years, the programme has had its ups and downs, but overall it has been a highly watchable drama, and when it has chosen to deal with gritty issues like gangs on estates it has been quite brilliant. The death of The Bill was as easy to predict as a Jeremy Kyle lie-detector test with his daily quota of council house trash, when over a year ago, ITV bosses said that the show was going to be trimmed to a weekly format and placed an hour later at nine. It was quite clear that it was being put out to grass, and it even got rid of its iconic signature tune for a piece of electronic garbage. Prior to the changes, the ratings were entirely respectable and it pretty much always won its timeslot, except when it came up against the BBC’s school drama, Waterloo Road. Budgets were almost certainly the big factor in play to cut back on the programme and eventually to kill it off. The same factor that has led to the demise of Heartbeat and The Royal, as well as the popular Stephen Fry series, Kingdom. The spin from the ITV director of programmes, Peter Fincham, is that they are looking for new formats and ideas, but that seemed to be a smokescreen for the fact that money is tight, along with a lack of creativity to come up with some new series that will be hits. The great days of ITV saw them running memorable drama series virtually every weekday evening at 9pm and they gave the BBC a real kicking both with the audience ratings and the quality of what they produced. Their cupboard now is almost bare with Doc Martin, Wild at Heart and an inferior

version of the US show, Law and Order in their list of returning series, whilst there are short runs to look forward to of Lewis, Miss Marple, Midsomer Murders, Foyle’s War, Poirot and Whitechapel. Not a massive list. Meanwhile, the BBC have had the 9pm drama slot sewn up with loads of short run series like Criminal Justice, or like in this week, the final episodes for The Deep and Mistresses. They have a portfolio of returning favourites like New Tricks, Spooks, Hustle, Torchwood and Waking the Dead; all shows that would have been a natural fit for ITV not that long ago, and they’re rubbing further salt into the wound with a new series of the ITV classic, Upstairs Downstairs, which we’ll see next year. But, I live in some optimism that this autumn may see a few new ITV dramas that might be worth watching, albeit mini-series. This Monday night for example, sees the start of a new version of the controversial seventies show, Bouquet of Barbed Wire, with Trevor Eve taking the Frank Finlay role. Also coming up this month is a glitzy costume drama called Downton Abbey. It stars the fantastic Maggie Smith and was penned by Julian Fellowes, who wrote the Oscar-winning screenplay for Gosford Park. Credit to ITV for commissioning these programmes, but there is still no sign of them finding any long-running favourites that will hit the mark with the viewing public like The Bill did. By all means they should come up with new ideas, but calling time on popular shows when you don’t have anything decent to put in their place, seems to me to be a very risky strategy. Let’s hope for our viewing enjoyment that it pays off, or my ITV 1 button will get little weekday use once the final credits for Corrie have rolled!

What’s The Karate Kid playing local Cinemas COLCI Benidorm

Av. Zamora, Rincón de Loix T: 965 853 859 The A Team 6.30pm - 8.45pm Weekends and holidays only 6.30pm

IMF Torrevieja Pol San Jose S/10, T: 965 705 414

The Karate Kid - 6pm - 8.30pm 11pm Salt – 5pm - 7pm 9pm - 11pm 5pm only on weekends and holidays

IMF Ondara

CC Portal de La Marina, T: 966 477 464 Same as IMF Torrevieja 5pm only on weekends and holidays

12-year-old Dre Parker could’ve been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother’s latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei Ying - and the feeling is mutual - but cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre’s feelings make an enemy of the class bully, Cheng. In the land of kung fu, Dre knows only a little karate, and Cheng puts “the karate kid” on the floor with ease. With no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han, who is secretly a master of kung fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his life.

“V.O.S” = Original Subtitled Version - “VO” = Original Version (Works With headphones)

Natasha Watts: Soulful House Diva Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com


NDY WARD’S Vocal Booth Weekender continues to gain momentum as Campoamor gears up for the biggest house party ever to hit the Costa Blanca. Over 400 visitors are already booked for the event which features a huge international line-up of DJ’s and live PA’s for a weekend of poolside parties and night time raves at the Jardines del Mar Beach Club and Club Xairo. Performing live for the lucky ticket holders is the wonderful Natasha Watts. She’s on course to be the UK’s next official house diva. Natasha possesses a powerful, soulful voice and performs varied styles; from funk to soul, to house to neo soul. Originally the lead singer with the band Funkshone, Natasha has performed globally sharing her vocal talents with Mr. Nugget (Hot Yoga), Aaron Ross, The Funk Agendas, Vanessa Freeman, Victor Simonelli, Reel People and many other producers and acts worldwide receiving excellent rave reviews in the process. Natasha says “My musical influences are Stevie Wonder, Donny Hathaway, Dionne Warwick, Jocelyn Brown, Barbara

Tucker, Gwen McCrae, and many more. My guidance in music has come from my sister, my dad, and people that came to my parents house to rave.” She continues, “Having started out many years ago, it has been an uphill battle to carve out a career. Nevertheless, my perseverance and dedication have taken pride of place and my dreams are starting to be fulfilled.” Now destined for big things in the world of dance music, it has been predicted for her to set the precedence as one of the leading female singers in house music stemming from the UK. There is no stopping this young lady in her quest to dominate the house charts. Last year’s single with Aaron Ross “Time to Shine” released on Defected Records was a stomping sunshine groove, backed with the West District Allstars “Reach Up”. Check ‘em out on her official MySpace site or at www.traxsource.com. Ahead of the weekender, August saw the release of Natasha’s new single “Gameplayer” with London based DJ producer Mr. Nugget on Andy Ward’s Sounds of the Booth Records. Andy says “We have been waiting for the right time to release this for over a year.” He describes Natasha as “one of the finest talents to emerge in recent times.” September sees the release of her latest collaboration with Speedometer, one of the UK’s premier funk bands, on their new album The Shakedown on Freestyle Records, together with a new single “Again & Again” backed with DJ Format remixes, out Sept 13th. Her much anticipated debut solo album is expected later in 2010.

Natasha Watts Natasha Watts promises to be a force to be reckoned with in years to come, and if hard work and determination was a prize Natasha would certainly be the forefront prize winner. Catch her for what promises to be an amazing performance at the Vocal Booth Weekender in Campoamor, Sept. 17th-18th. Earlier this week, Andy told me that the official garments are now available from the Threads of the Booth on-line store. So you can turn up looking cool in one of the three official tee shirts. More details plus all the ticket info at www.djandyward.net or telephone 699 663 508.

ALTEA JAZZ DATES 7 Claves Jazzsextet ft. Pepe Fuster on tenor sax play a programme of Duke Ellington, Charlie Parker, George Gershwin, at the Fundaction Ithaca, Sunday 5th Sept, 20:30. Entrance €12. Tel. 965 842 350.

More festival and concert information at www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010



3 - 9 september 2010

Rules of word stress

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 123

THOSE OF you who have children at Spanish schools, or have contact with the way Spanish children learn their own language, may be aware of how they are taught the rules for the accents on words. Of course they already know how to pronounce each word perfectly, so what they need to learn is a series of written rules, and they learn wonderful words in the process like “esdrújula”; although we will never need to know what it means! Although they plough through these things at school, many Spanish people are unsure of where accents should be written on words, because to them the subject is purely academic. We as foreign language learners need to have a completely different approach to the subject from Spanish school children, as we do not have their advantage of already knowing how each word should sound. So for us, the accents on words provide us with essential information about how we should pronounce a word. The great thing about Spanish, as I never tire of telling my students,

Go Dutch is back THE FAMOUS and popular “Hollandsche Middag” (Dutch music afternoon) is back after a long summer, in the beautiful restaurant of Camping Marjal, on Wednesday September 8th from 1.30pm to 5.30

is that it is a regular language with consistent spelling rules which tell us everything we need to know about how a word should be said. This means that what might seem irrelevant to a Spanish school child is a life-saver for those of us who are learning the language. Before we get on to the accents though, we need to learn the basic rules of word-stress. They are very straightforward - so here goes. Rule number one: when a word ends in a vowel, or the consonants “s” or “n” the beat of the word falls on the last but one syllable, (a syllable is the section of sound in a word.) For example: MEsa, doMINgo, HoraDAda, LIBros, JOven. Rule number two: when a word ends in a consonant other than “s” or “n” the beat goes on the final syllable. For example: fenomenAL, reLOJ, reguLAR, feLIZ. That in theory covers all eventualities, but there is a third rule, and here it is: any variation from these two previous rules is marked with an accent. For example: sábado, sofá, lápiz, estación. These four words

pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet English and Dutch friends after the summer. The music will be presented again by the very populair DJ “Alegria”. There will be a choice of music from the 60s and 70s. There will also be a mini-market with a wide selection of Dutch products like

“should” obey either rule one or rule two, but as their pronunciation does not fit in with either, an accent shows us how the rule is broken. This might take you a while to “get your head round” (as they say) but I can assure you that all Spanish words work in exactly the same way. This means we can have confidence to give the right emphasis to every word we say, as we never have the awful “to deSERT someone in a DEsert” problem that we have in English. There is one more rather important thing I haven’t told you about this which completes the whole picture, and that is exactly what can be described as a syllable. I said before that it is a “section of sound” in a word, and with simple words like “cortinas”, I think it is easy to work out that it has three syllables. However, there is something we need to know about vowel combinations, which sometimes count as one beat, and sometimes count as two beats. This will take a while to explain so I will leave it till next week. It’s very exciting.

the famous Dutch cheeses, smoked sausages, peanut butter, coffee and of course the salted herring and maybe the rollmops. The admission and parking is free and you will find the Camping Marjal restaurant at the Ctra. N332. km 73,4 , 03140 Guardamar del Segura

Visit the Jaipur Palace for a brilliant buffet

This week, they are launching their brand new buffet

THE JAIPUR Palace, located in La Herrada Urbanisation in Los Montesinos, is a delightful restaurant, which is situated within the Monte La Herrada Commercial Centre. The restaurant offers an extensive menu which includes two lunchtime menus (priced at either €5.95 or €9.95) and an evening menu (€12.95) and with Bollywood weekends with authentic Punjabi dance shows as well as flamenco dancing every Friday and Saturday evening, the Jaipur Palace doesn’t just offer excellent Indian food, their entertainment is also second to none. The restaurant specialises in tandoori style cuisine as well as balti, curry, muglai and handi dishes and their chef, who is Indian, has years of experience cooking traditional Indian food. BUFFET This week, they are launching their brand new buffet and you will be able to enjoy a huge variety of their amazing

dishes, four days a week, for under a tenner! Served seven days a week, all day, the Jairpur Palace Buffet is second to none. There is a large selection of tandoori and curry dishes to choose from and they cater for adults and children, with kids under twelve being charged just €6.95 Monday to Thursday and €8.95 from Friday to Sunday. Adults’ buffet price is €11.95 from Friday to Sunday. RTN has eaten at this fabulous restaurant and can wholeheartedly recommend it. The curries can only be described as deliciously tasty and RTN had to resist the urge to lick the plate when we had finished! The restaurant is open from 10:00 until 23:30 Monday to Sunday and offers 10% discount for take away. They also offer free delivery to areas in the near vicinity including Quesada, Vista Bella and Los Montesinos. For more information on the Jaipur Palace please call 966 720 519 or 633 189 736.

3 - 9 september 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 585 60 54

Euromillions Draw Friday 27th August


6 13 30 49



One Spanish and one Swiss ticket each won a 7,500,000 Euros (£6,173,250) jackpot prize


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 40. Crossword winner for issue 567: Sue Kent, Moraira

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



1. Eccentricity (12)

1. Unconcern (12)

7. Big (5)

2. Observe (3)

8. Squeeze (5)

3. Indigenous (6)

9. Charge (3)

4. Disgusting (9)

10. Exploiter (9)

5. Precipitous (5)

11. Lure (6)

6. Loss of affection (12)

12. Plunger (6)

7. Salute (5)

15. Bowdlerise (9)

10. House-painter (9)

17. Chopper (3)

13. Tread heavily (5)

18. Map (5)

14. Clergyman (6)

19. Impress deeply (5)

16. Clear (5)

21. Violation (12)

20. Mimic (3)

ACROSS 1. & 12 Across. Great actor, glad pens have changed, joins prohibitionist to show 21’s flag (4-8,6) 7. Admit he was a former 10 down of the 21 (5) 8. Mindful of hostilities out east (5) 9. Attempt to score in a game? (3) 10. Only half proper and harsh, but keep on trying (9) 11. How the car crossed the river? (6) 12. See 1 Across 15. Got rid of sailor who scattered oil on hut (9) 17. Acquire some strange things (3) 18. Glee a bird disturbed (5) 19. Former turn is accurate (5) 21. Being as one avers great power results (6,6)


DOWN 1. What a writer might have on his bed? (5,2,5) 2. Father goes to southern resort (3) 3. They have a definite stage in their lives (6) 4. Six feet under here - it’s serious having three feet! (9) 5. Escape publicity during the night before... (5) 6. ....Eric’s notable festivities (12) 7. A grey made brighter (5) 10. I’d go in now as leader of the 21 (9) 13. When such a mare can be quite fearsome (5) 14. Could be dearth of fibre (6) 16. Groan about a music-maker (5) 20. Fitting beginning to 8, 10 and 9 (3)


3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

music scene Matt Mason/Curtis - Singer/Entertainer

Compiled by

Eric Taylor

ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, please contact Eric directly.


ATTHEW MASON (The artist formally known as “Curtis”) is an extremely accomplished vocalist, with a very strong, powerful voice, indulging in every type and genre of music, from the infectious ‘swing’ era, to a fine selection of music from all the decades that will have you dancing. If you haven’t had the pleasure of hearing Matthew’s singing then look out for him at a venue near you. There has been some confusion in the past between his name “Matt Curtis” and “John Curtis”, another well known local entertainer. Hence, as he is not a relation, he has decided to change his stage name to his birth name of “Matt Mason” to avoid further confusion in the future. Matt even runs an entertainment company providing Race Nights, with horses, greyhounds and pigs. To contact Matt you can email him on matthewcurtis09@yahoo.co.uk or call 662 504 969. GIGS FOR SEPTEMBER Saturday 4th: Leonardo Restaurant, Javea Thursday 9th: Oliva Nova Golf Club *Race Night* Saturday 11th: La Luna Bistro, Alcalali Monday 13th: Beni Asia Restaurant, Benitachell Tuesday 14th: La Marina Hillside *Race Night* Thursday 16th: Benitachell Bowls Club *Race Night* Saturday 18th: Los Naranjos La Taberna, Torrevieja Monday 20th to Tuesday 28th - UK Cabaret dates

Calpe International Folk Club Bar La Placeta

New Class starting 7th September

THE CALPE International Folk Club is re-opening at 8.30 pm on Monday 6th September in the Bar La Placeta, Plaza Santiago, Calpe and will meet on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. The club caters for anyone, of any nationality, who likes to sing folk songs, shanties, madrigals or something of their own either taking the lead or just by joining in a chorus from their seat in the bar as there is no obligation to perform – just turn up and enjoy the evening. For further information/directions please contact Sheila or Ron Hopkins on: 96 649 8719 or email: sherons.divein@gmail.com.

Soggy Bottom Band

THE SOGGY Bottom Band consists of Malcolm Adams (guitar-vocals), Nigel Clegg (drums), Phil Mogg (guitarvocals) and Paul Adrians (bass guitar-vocals). Other “Soggy” regulars are Pauline McGough (bass-vocals) and Dutch Rick (pianovocals) with over 240 years experience between them in the music scene. The Jammin’ Sessions are at Emilios Bar, Llosa (first Sunday in the month); Lees Bar, Orba (second Sunday); and Bar 23, Jalon (third Sunday). The “Jams” are very popular and they get many es-

tablished, intermediate and beginner musicians turn up to play and sing from all nationalities. The two rules are, everyone gets a go and its fun, especially the young kids that come because they are the future, and a lot of them are great players. The “Soggys” can be contacted on 616 595 389. Sunday September 5th Bar Emillo, Llosa de Camacho @ 3 pm Sunday September 12th The Lees Bar, Orba @ 3 pm Sunday September 19th Bar 23, Jalon @ 3 pm

3 - 9 september 2010

Cameo Oscars is back


The Cameo girls

by Jack Troughton


ACK BY popular demand, Cameo Entertainers are returning with a hit production based on the classic music, song and dance numbers from Hollywood. The ‘Cameo Oscars’ sees the group roll out the red carpet again on Saturday 18th September and putting on the glitz for another fun trip to Tinseltown. The show is making a return visit to La Piscina Restaurant, Parcent, for the first outing of this successful cabaret since Cameo took a well-deserved

summer break. Launched in spring of this year, the Cameo Oscars has deservedly won hearts and minds of audiences up and down the Costa Blanca with a show that brings to life the hits of films like Titanic, South Pacific, Dirty Dancing, Officer and a Gentleman, and James Bond. All the money raised at La Piscina will be donated to the Spanish cancer charity AECC. Tickets including lunch and the show cost 16€ and reservations can be made via the Cameo Box Office on 656 483 645. The meal is served from 12 noon and the show starts at 3pm.

OCI Radio is back broadcasting in English!!

And to prove it Pauline McGough will be on 94.6fm Mon-Fri from 3pm-4pm starting Sept 6th. Tune in all you old and new Onda Cero listeners, you’ll love it! All your local news, information, keeping you up to date with what’s going on around the area plus much, much more. One whole hour of talk radio in English every day, Mon–Fri 3pm-4pm. Don’t miss it!

Step into the Manhatton groove

Jeff Hatton

MUSIC FANS can look forward to a popular blend of traditional jazz and gospel - washed down with a side order of comedy - when the Manhatton Jazz Band makes a welcome return to Moraira on Sunday. Taking the stage by the side of the castle at 8pm, Jeff Hatton and the band bring the curtain down on the annual series of concerts organised by Teulada Moraira Lions Club. Once again, the concert is free but members of the Lions – resplendent in high visibility jackets – will move through the crowd with buckets to collect donations. All the money collected will support Caritas and other local charities working in to support families fallen on hard times in the current recession.

The Nomad - Live Music Show

BRUCE IS the incredibly lively singer, blues harmonica and saxophone player with the trademark long black coat, top hat, and stuffed white rat on his shoulder. Previously Bruce specialised in rock and blues music, but now The Nomad - Live Music Show contains a much bigger and wider, range of songs. Bruce can be contacted on: 629 809 638, or via his website: www.nomadshow.piczo.com BOOKINGS FOR SEPTEMBER Saturday 4th: Coll De Rates Restaurant (CV715), Parcent. 13.30 Thursday 9th: “So What International” Bar, Calpe Port Friday 10th: Bar Bla Bla, (opp Pepe la Sal), Ctra Moraira-Calpe Saturday 11th: Bar Wifi, Camping Los Llanos, El Vergel Monday 13th to Tuesday 21st: – Away on Tour Wednesday 22nd: Musical Showcase, Careline Theatre, Alcalali Thursday 23rd: The Lees Bar, Orba Saturday 25th: “So What International” Bar, Calpe Port. 21.30 BOOKINGS FOR OCTOBER Saturday 2nd: Magnum’s Bar, Oliva

If your business would like to advertise on Onda Cero call Pauline on 669 315 657 or email paulinemcgough@gmail.com

Reopening for lunches 8th September Opening times 12.30pm - 3pm Evenings 7pm -10pm Open 6 days a week Ring for details. ------------------------------------Fantastic menu specially prepared by our World Masterchef Michael Yaffe. BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISAPOINTMENT! Telephone: 966 480 125 Open every night 7 till 11 and Sunday lunch 1 till 4


Menu de la Casa from 14.95€ Inc IVA. Also Full A La Carte Menu


Restaurant El Paraiso Open every night and Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday lunchtimes.

Top Quality Argentinian Fillet Steaks now available! Live Music Sun 5th Sept With Al Morton, Come and watch the Vuelta de Espana.( Road closes at 12.30) Daily 5 course menu 12.95€

Tel 96 640 5398 For reservations

46 40

3FEB - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010 26 - MARCH 4 2010

Growing autumn and winter vegetables (part 1) by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

AS MENTIONED in last week’s column, we will now focus on vegetable growing for three weeks. THE POSSIBILITIES Wherever you live, whether in an apartment, town house, villa, finca or mobile home, a wide range of seasonal vegetables can be grown by anyone in Spain.You can do so on a mini, small, medium or large scale, as illustrated in our books ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ (recently called in the Journal of the Mediterranean Gardening Society the ‘bible for growing vegetables in Spain’) and ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’ which has a section describing how to grow vegetables in containers on terraces, balconies and windowsills.

more than twenty types of sprouting seeds; 45 succulent leeks, three to a cut down 1.5 litre water bottle; a box of healthy shitake mushrooms; cut and come again salad leaves in a plastic tub and new potatoes for Christmas in a plastic pot or plastic sack etc. As illustrated in the books, the possibilities are endless. ON A SMALL SCALE Long carrots grow well in an old bath; herbs, lettuces, onions, Swiss chard etc can be grown in window boxes - a dozen

ON A MINI SCALE We regard this as A4 gardening: in the space of an A4 sheet of paper you can grow

Terraced raised beds

vegetables at least can be grown at the same time in a collection of large pots or a growing table in one square metre of space. And if you have three square metres you can combine pots, window boxes and a growing table and grow an amazing amount of produce as illustrated in the photo. ‘Grow bags’ are now available in Spain and although they tend to dry out very fast in the summer they are very practical for the autumn. In the garden, raised beds of one to four square metres can grow similar amounts of produce. ON A MEDIUM SCALE Expand your area of raised beds, start a small vegetable plot, mix in vegetables with evergreen and flowering plants in a cottage style garden or grow rows of vegetables between rows of fruit trees in an orchard. ON A LARGE SCALE You can expand your vegetable plot, dig up half the lawn or take on an allotment. Yes allotments do now exist, in Denia, Javea and Rojales for instance. The first is a U3A activity, Javea is council run and Rojales is an Anglo/ Spanish private venture. For more information An about the Rojales set up which has several apartment sizes of allotment contact 644 144 656 or terrace 620 543 114. They present anyone who takes allotment on an allotment with a free copy of ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ to ensure that 18.00 until 20.00 to answer any gardening everyone makes a good start. questions you may have and autograph copies of their four latest books which will BOOK SIGNING 18th SEPTEMBER all be on sale. Gardening columnist Dick Handscombe Namely Your Garden in Spain, Apartment will be at the Bookworld shop in the Eroski Gardening Mediterranean Style, Growing shopping centre near Ondara on Saturday Healthy Vegetables in Spain and Growing 18th September from 11.00 to 14.00 and Healthy Fruit in Spain.

Clodagh and Dick’s Books collate their twenty five years of gardening experience in Spain. They are suitable for those still struggling with their Spanish gardens after several years and newcomers. They can be obtained from high street and internet book shops including www.santanabooks.com. Due to the financial situation some book distribution companies have gone out of business so if you have a shop and wish to sell the books contact Gertrud or Alan Roberts on info@santanabooks.com or 951 485 838. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com September 2009

Ghosts Of Spain Book Review by

Danny Collins


GILES TREMLETT is The Guardian’s Madrid correspondent. He has lived in Spain for almost twenty years and during that time, unlike many long term residents, has formed deep insights into the Spanish psyche. In Ghosts of Spain he takes time out on various journeys around the country to pause and examine the social strata reviewed by Gerald Brenan back in 1949 and finds that little has changed. El pacto de olvido still clouds Spanish society – no one cares to discuss the civil war yet its repercussions are so obviously present in today’s politics. Yet whereas Brenan was discussing a society still emerging from the wrath of three years of conflicts and the subsequent years of the Great Hunger, Tremlett has a broader canvas on which to work and he does so magnificently. Discussing the Spanish adulation of their offspring, the entwinement of drugs and the gypsy culture, regional nationalism, the remnants of Franco’s Banda Azul of the Russian Front, whose widows still occupy stately apartments off Goya and the Gran Vía in Madrid and the eternal optimism and defiant character of a divided nation whose only common denominator is to live in close proximity and to celebrate

everything from births to funerals en masse with great outpourings of joy and grief. He writes of Flamenco and duende, of the Spaniard’s tolerance of homosexuality and prostitution, and the inbred chauvinism that dates back to the Moorish occupation. I found the book absorbing and a worthy addition to any bookshelf. It is thoroughly recommended as essential reading to anyone who wishes to feel the true pulse of Spain. Author: Giles Tremlett Publisher: Faber and Faber (paperback) Price: 10.50 euros ISBN: 978 0 571 22168 4

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

Calling all gardeners in Vega Baja THE GARDEN Club of Vega Baja will hold its first meeting of the autumn on Monday 6th September from 14:00 until 16:00 at the Restaurante Los Rosales on the Lemon Tree Road (same venue as before, but different name). The speaker for the month will be Dennis James talking about the joys and problems of beekeeping. As always there will be a question and answer time. Members are invited to bring produce for sale e.g. fruit, vegetables, preserves etc. Membership costs only €1 each time you come, just to cover overheads and there is NO annual fee. Coffee and drinks are available from the bar. Please come along and be part of a friendly group of people who are interested in all aspects of gardening from tiny patios to 10,000 m. plots. All enquiries to Val on 966 716 527.

- 9 SEPTEMBER 2010 FEB 26 -3MARCH 4 2010

Discover the Costa Blanca

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Derek Workman continues his series of excursions from his book ‘Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’ which features 22 detailed trips that lead you to spots you’d never find by yourself.

Away with the fairies! Casa Xana, Sierra de Albarracín ¡FRESQUITA! SAYS the dumpling of a lady for winter evenings, sheep and pigs would with rosy cheeks and a big smile, and once have lived, their body heat warming wearing a shapeless, colourless frock that the living area above. The trough now holds doesn’t look as if it’s seen the inside of a magazines and books, and other than that all washing machine for a couple of decades. trace of the room’s former occupants is gone. ¡Muy buena! I reply, as she trundles off to “I wanted to keep as many of the original her allotment to begin the day’s ritual of features as possible, and that’s why we kept watering, weeding and digging. the trough. I like the idea that people can I continue my stroll along narrow lanes now relax in a place that you can genuinely edged with dry stone walls, behind which the say was once only fit for pigs!” villagers grow their veggie basics of potatoes, Most of the rooms have double beds beans, onions, lettuces and cabbages, passing – not common in Spanish hotels – with a field with three horses slowly chomping hanging drapes that add an air of luxurious the grass, their tails swishing the flies away. romanticism. The theme of classic/modern The only sounds I can hear are the whistling runs through the house, but each bedroom of the breeze in the trees, the chirruping of has its own little design idiosyncrasy; a birds, and the occasional bleat of sheep: deep Chinese black lacquered cupboard here, a tranquillity and ‘rural-ness’ reign. creamy white distressed table there, and a I’m in Terriente, in the Sierra de Albaracín, and I’ve spent the night at Xana, a delightful casa rural, sleeping under billowing white drapes suspended from the ceiling, like some minor potentate in the days of the Raj, and tucked under a thin blanket to guard against the welcome cool of the night – splendid after the mind-numbing heat of the coast. We’re so used to hearing people say that the property they bought was ‘love at first sight’, and that’s how it was for Ana Gijon when she saw the house for the first time. She felt the same about the village and the Sierra de Albaracín, so her fate was sealed. “I think the most important thing for a casa rural is that it must show the personality and the character of the owner. I live here, so it’s my home as well as my business, and I like to make my home welcoming to visitors, and I Cascada de San think that’s what people feel when they walk Pedro through the door. Ana’s ‘home’ is a delightfully eclectic mix of modern and classic; the beautiful arched mosaic-like Klimt image of gold leaf and a wooden entrance door leads into a foyer with vivid patchwork of colours elsewhere. The walls washed in yeso de Albaracín, the rich overall effect is stimulating and relaxing at red earth of the region mixed with plaster the same time. that gives a lovely pale pink finish, exposed The restoration of the house took almost stone, old wooden beams, all providing a a year, with Ana supervising everything. A backdrop to eastern carvings, ornate silvercouple of afternoons a week she’d get into framed mirrors and chunky rustic furniture. her car to explore the area. “I wanted to find I smile at the decadence of the rich cream out about my new home, but I also wanted to chaise longue in the entrance, tantalisingly know places I could recommend to visitors, draped with a mock leopard skin. and you can’t do that if you don’t actually go Where clients now relax in the long cosy and look yourself. lounge, with its fireplace tucked in the corner “I know the area well enough myself now that I can show people where to go, what are the best walking routes, (and having done the Camino de Santiago four times, she knows all about a walker’s requirements), and what are some of the more unusual sites and places to visit.” (The River Guadalaviar is close by, one of the richest trout rivers in Spain, where the annual national trout fishing competition is held; Ana can arrange permits.) I get a brief guided tour of some of them, my favourite being El Molino de la Cascada de San Pedro, a series of fresh water swimming pools, with glittering turquoise-blue dragon flies skittering across the surface. Sadly, not having had the foresight to bring swimming trunks, the best I can do is dabble my toes in the cool water. But next time… While the house was being restored, Ana Romantic came across the word xana, and discovered bedroom it’s the name of a fairy from the north of at Casa Spain, and they are the favourite of the gods. Xana

To discover more about Spain, visit www.derekworkman-journalist.com and http://derekworkman.wordpress.com. http://valpaparazzi.wordpress.com are random notes about life in Spain. Derek Workman’s books, Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca and Small Hotels and Inns of Eastern Spain are available from most good books shops or direct from the publisher, Santana Books, www.santanabooks.com or Tel. 952 485 838.

Casa Xana

It was such a lovely name that she decided to use it for the casa rural. So I suppose you can say that when you stay at Casa Xana you are staying in fairyland! Ana is creating a number of two- and three-night stays for those wishing to discover the Sierra de Albarracín and its beautiful historic towns and villages. Her first package (a minimum of three nights stay) includes dinner with wine on one night or a guided walk in the Parque Natural Dorñaque. During their stay visitors might like to discover the delights of Albarracín, sample the sparkling waters of the Casacada de San Pedro, or fish in the River Guadalaviar.

Ana can also arrange local sightseeing itineraries to suit every need. The price is €75 per double room per night, which includes breakfast and IVA. For further information please contact Ana on 636 394 967, quoting Ref: RTW via www.xana-ana.com. As part of your trip, you can explore Teruel and Rubielos de Mora, which, along with Albarracín form part of the excursion ‘Disney’s Mountain-Top Village’ and can be seen at http://derekworkman.wordpress.com Next week Derek takes us on a stroll around the Disneyesque town of Albarracín, with it narrow twisting alleyways and hanging houses clinging precariously to the hillside.

Win two nights bed and breakfast at Casa Xana, see page 36


38-14 - 9 SEPTEMBER 20102010 JANUARY

All cried out BLAME THE heat of a hot summer, but so many deaths have occurred in the past two weeks, and many have made their transition into the Spirit World under the bluest of Mediterranean skies; leaving their loved ones grieving in a vale of tears. Bereavement takes people on a very different journey. The loss of a partner is never going to be totally free of stress and trauma. A tear is shed even by the strongest Spiritualist as they await patiently the connection of a loved one through subsequent survival evidence; often brought about by the apt connection with a professional Medium. Many who have passed over cannot wait to make contact, and they will do so in many ways. Clients have experienced lingering wafts of perfume, flashing lights and fluttering feathers sent as apports directly from the other side. These messages sent with love are easily sent because the departed are to be generally found closer to the Earth plain than they really should be. Sometimes they hanker after past experiences, and sometimes they refuse to accept their demise and try to assume earthly duties and habits. Dead husbands can sometimes be felt sleeping back in their beds, whilst grandparents sit at the foot of their grandchildren’s beds watching over as they sleep. But, back to the grieving. It takes as long as it takes. Some bereaved people will mourn for ever, whilst others want their loved ones in Spirit to see that they are doing just fine, so that the final transition can be made and everyone, on both sides, can go to the right place. I have been told that there is a calculation that can be made that allows for a portion of time to be multiplied by the amount of years and the result is the total time of the

bereavement process. What a load of rubbish, I must have been away when they did adding. I say it again, it takes as long as it takes! Nostalgia is a positive reaction to demise. Sometimes it is a trip down Memory Lane that resolves and strengthens. The sooner that the extreme shock that passing can bring is forgotten, positive energy leads us to being able to choose to treasure selective memories and savour them. When a lifetime together has brought celebrations, moving home, changing jobs and the birth of offspring, then so too did it bring problems, stress, and a range of negative things too. Selective memory can obliterate the bad and emphasise the good, and the host of memories can reflect the wonderful experiences that a lifetime together can bring. I am used to work amongst the living and the dead as I have to support both sides of the coin as it were, and love them both. Bereavement means that someone is greatly missed by someone here on Earth. Even knowing that a loved one has survived is not the same as being able to share a current life with them. Death divides, but life brings changes and the spontaneity that brings us closer together. That’s why we have to grasp every minute of our life, support and strengthen our partners, neighbours and friends, and celebrate life with them and all those we love here on Earth. Take nothing for granted. Life handed to us one day will end inevitably in death, and meanwhile we have, all of us, got a lot of living to do. Take time to love all those you can while you can. The gift of life isn’t for ever, and we must remember that the very best of times is now!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com KENNY, I live in an old village house, and there are areas of cold energy on the staircase and in one bedroom. Guests this summer said that there are sounds of people moving around during the night, and cold winds blowing. My partner thinks that I am mad, but what could be here. Karin.M Hi Karin, I too live in a village house, built in 1799, and it too had cold spots when first I moved in. Since then I have moved whatever on and established my home, and the safety for me, my partner and any guest who comes along. You can do the same, establishing control of the house each and every time that you cross the threshold. Ask sensitively that anyone who does not belong here on the Earth Plain return to where they belong, and politely ask them to leave your house. Sprinkle a line of salt across each and every exit door. The lighting of a candle should help anything that should not be there to go. Handle this yourself, but if there is no change then call me and I will advise you further.

Kenny’s Diary Readings at: Bistro Maya in Albir: 6th and 8th September from 16.30 to 19.00. Please call: 96 686 8213. Readings at: Reflections Hair and Beauty Salon Calle Castillo30, Moraira. On Tuesday September 7th from 17.30. Info and bookings: Sue Jones on: 691 230 641 or 96 649 2415. Spiritual Café: Peri Pera in Javea: Readings on Tuesday September 14th from 17.30. Info and Bookings: Penny Smith: 687 926 021.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris No matter what others say there is something that just doesn’t add up right now. With Venus bringing a dreamy romantic smokescreen and mighty Uranus calling the shots from all angles, something needs your attention, and you won’t rest until you find just exactly what it is that is demanding your patience and resolve. Intuition tells you to just let things happen, but only take a sidestep when you have clarity. Anger has fuelled you recently, but it has spurred you on to complete some tasks that were on hold for some time. Remember that you are driven by love, and your planetary leader the Goddess of Love, Venus, is seen to be with inspiring Scorpio, powerful Uranus and lucky Jupiter. Here is the opportunity you wanted, and the chance to be rewarded for what you really do best, with a brief to open your heart. Eliminate foolish pride which hasn’t got you anywhere. As Jupiter enters Pisces towards the end of the week you can relax and just be yourself for a change, and things will quickly return back to basics. Start to ask for just what you deserve, and then be content with what you get, since it is high time you were rewarded for all that you do; although you hold back constantly when it’s time to give yourself that pat on the back. Actions in Scorpio take you back to unfinished business that you may have thought you had swept under the carpet. A time for plain speaking with someone who is not toeing the line, and who needs your tender love and care, but is going the wrong way to receive it. A time for confusion and mixed messages midweek when stubborn Scorpio is greatly influenced by a wayward and bold Venus. Just waiting for things to happen is not in your current aspect, but you are understandably hesitant and confused now that Venus is pressuring in so many directions. This is a good time to work on yourself, from the anxiety stored within, to the correct use of your significant inner powers which are much needed to help you get through a significant and complicated week ahead! Mercury is on the way, and you have to take into consideration the current action of Venus and face a romantic situation that isn’t going anywhere very fast. Be honest with yourself and weigh up the future plans you wish to make, together with the current force of someone intent with pinning you down to something you certainly shouldn’t be signing up for. Slow and sure, and wriggle out of this once and for all. At the end of a difficult week comes the action of Mars entering into your life to resolve with stealth, and to stir your innermost energies and powers. You have chosen to take a back seat and you are called right now so that you can awaken to the opportunities that will be presented to you. It will be all the reward that you seek to find that you are making all the right moves with Neptune and Chiron acting as witnesses. Romantic Venus enters midweek and stirs much within. Make of this what you will, but realise that when love comes knocking it is for a reason, and if you yourself loved yourself a little bit more you would know that this is a time to jump, not hold back. Usually you like to see a clear way forward; and if this stops your judgment then what a shame. Be inspired, dare, and see what you get! Romantic Venus enters midweek and stirs much within. Make of this what you will, but realise that when love comes knocking it is for a reason, and if you yourself loved yourself a little bit more you would know that this is a time to jump, not hold back. Usually you like to see a clear way forward; and if this stops your judgment then what a shame. Be inspired, dare, and see what you get! Inspiring Chiron connects you with a project which will benefit greatly with your skills and talents. Working as a team brings a new reflection, so abandon all thoughts of compromise. Great minds do think alike, and you might just learn something yourself on the way; since there is more here than first meets the eye, and it will start a precedent in which you will feature very nicely. You feel very close to banging two people’s heads together right now as you are in the middle of a dilemma and quite rightly won’t take sides. As the peacemaker and the truth seeker of the horoscope you may feel that you have to hold back on your comments and ride the storm of anger which engulfs you; but this is not a time to internalise your feelings. Say just what has to be said, and put an end to all this nonsense. Jupiter enters bringing luck and providence into all that you currently seek; so aim high and make your decision once and for all. Jupiter brings a deep inner wisdom into the scene and combines with your dreamy and romantic side; for good result. You gave up making everybody happy as a lost cause, but now see what you can do if you really try, and what a great difference you can make.

If it’s your birthday this week... Celebrate a new you. For once you have steered the ship and taken control, and the astrological year ahead puts you in charge of all that you must now continue to achieve, as you leave behind the rocky shore and plain sail to new destinations.

- 9 SEPTEMBER 2010 8-143JANUARY 2010


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3FEB - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010 26 - MARCH 4 2010


with aunty virus

Changing internet provider John Hogwood via email asks: Hi Aunty. At the moment my internet provider in Spain is Terra and I wish to change to gonuts4free. My old computer which sadly is no more was being provided by Gonuts. I now have a laptop and wanted to use Gonuts on this. A local computer engineer put the laptop on terra.es even though I asked

him to put me with Gonuts and now I’m asking, how do I change the provider to Gonuts? Either with my old account or a new one. My telephone number here in Spain has not changed and it would have to be a dial-up connection. Aunty says: You simply need to set up a new dialup connection and enter the

necessary gonuts4free details (phone number and login name etc.) when prompted by the wizard. In XP you will find ‘create a new connection’ via ‘start’ ‘control panel’ ‘Network and Internet Connections’ then ‘Network Connections’. In Windows 7 you go to the ‘Network and Internet’ link in control panel and then the ‘Network and Sharing Center ‘ As far as I know the number is still 908 274 413

Unable to close the internet Transfering files Romeo from Moraira asks: Dear Friend. I am just an OAP amateur so please have patience with a simple soul. When I start (IE) Internet Explorer on my laptop I cannot then close it to go to other items on my desktop (i.e. Outlook Express) without going to ‘Start’ and from there onto Outlook Express. However when closing Outlook I am again stuck with IE and have to close down the entire computer and start all over again. My AVG free does not indicate a virus so did I press a wrong button somewhere?

Got a story? 902 118 999

Aunty says: Hi Romeo. This could be a number of things but here’s a fairly simple one that usually fixes this problem. Start IE and click on ‘tools’ ‘Internet options’ and select the ‘advanced’ tab. You should see a list with ‘browsing’ as the second or third heading and if you scroll down a bit further you will come to an entry “Enable Third-party browser extensions”. Simply remove the tick and restart IE.

Tool bars disappeared Brian via email asks: Hi Aunty, I use Google & Gmail and both used to have tool bars but these have disappeared. Where are they hidden? Why do they make things awkward for mature computerists? Aunty says: I know exactly what you mean

here Brian. Probably one of the oldest and most used facilities of most programs was the toolbar (file, edit, view etc.) and they’ve started to do away with it! You should be able to get it back by right clicking somewhere around the top of the screen but a bit of trial and error is needed. It’s sometimes called a menu bar.

Robin via email asks: Hope you can help. I am trying to transfer a 4.37GB file from my external hard drive to an almost empty (14.9GB available) 16GB Sandisk Cruzer USB stick. Every time I try I get a pop up message saying ‘The file is too large for the destination file system’. I have tried ‘sending’ the file to ‘documents’ but when I then try to transfer from there to the memory stick I get an identical message. Aunty says: This is probably due to the way the Sandisk

is formatted Robin. The old Windows file system used something called FAT32 which among other things was limited to a file size of 4GB. If you right click on the drive in My Computer then you can see whether it is FAT32 or NTFS, the latter being capable of unlimited file size. Reformatting the USB drive to NTFS can be a bit tricky, so we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Connection was reset Sandra via email asks: Hi there, don’t know if you can help but I’m having problems connecting to bmibaby.com. When I try to connect I get a box with a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark saying “The Connection Was Reset” even when they send me emails I can’t access them

and I need to organise some flights pretty soon. I know other friends who are having problems as well, any thoughts? Aunty says: Hello Robin. It sounds like Windows may have stored an old link somewhere on your computer that no

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

longer points to the correct webpage. This will either be in a ‘cache’ folder or ‘temporary internet’ folder. It can be a bit tricky removing these files as sometimes they are hidden or marked ‘read only’ but I’ve found the wonderful free ccleaner from download.com does a good job of getting rid of them.

2010 FEB 326- 9- SEPTEMBER MARCH 4 2010

The new Iberdrola switch in plain English Electrics in your home by

Tony Poole

from Sparks Electrical Services

MUCH HAS been written in the local press about the new ICP (Interrupter de Control de Potencia) or MI (Mains Isolater) switch Iberdrola are insisting every home should have. Yet there is much confusion and debate surrounding what the switch is for: do I have one; if not, am I likely to get ripped off getting one fitted; and why the hell should I have one... The Postie is appearing with circulars and recorded letters (which you must sign for) from those nice people at Iberdrola informing it’s customers to fit an ICP within 20 days or be charged a higher electricity rate! A Royal Decree passed on July 1st 2008 declared that electrical installations must have a device for controlling the contracted power. In domestic dwellings that means an ICP must be fitted. So there you have it and there is no getting round it. It is mandatory for all homes contracted on 15 kW or less. So what is an ICP? Solely for the purpose of the Royal Decree, Iberdrola are using the ICP primarily as a power limiter rather than a safety device. The switch disconnects the electricity supply when the power required for the appliances in use exceeds the contracted power supply. Should this occur frequently, it indicates insufficient power has been contracted. It’s normally fitted alongside the General Interruptor in your Consumer Unit, housed in a separate compartment. The ICP functions the same way as the General Interrupter, (yes, you have two switches doing the same job,) however, the ICP must be sealed and ‘tamper proof’. It’s hit and miss whether you have an ICP already fitted; if your property is less than 10 years old you probably do. You may have the standardised ICP compartment in your existing box but without an ICP fitted. Or the compartment may house different types of switches, in which case some rewiring is

necessary. In the event of the standardised compartment not being fitted you will have to arrange for a box to be installed by an approved electrician. Once the box is fitted Iberdrola should be contacted to inspect and seal the ICP. You will then be billed in accordance with the tariff rate corresponding to the supply, without penalty. How much will it cost to install the ICP? Expect an electrician to charge €40-50 to fit the standardised box: a small surface mounted box can be bought for €2.47 and a larger flush mounted box with cover for €10.39. Based on the assumption that a small standardised box is needed, around €65 should cover the labour and parts. In addition, Iberdrola charge €9.04 for inspecting and sealing the ICP. A rental option is also available from €0.03 cents per month, depending on the type of installation, but still requires the inspection and sealing charge. These amounts will be charged to your electricity bill excluding IVA. Arrange to have an ICP fitted or do nothing and wait for the ‘20-day’ warning letter. Use an approved electrician (insist on seeing his Electrician’s Certificate) or an Iberdrola approved contractor. This is not a job for your local DIYer; pay peanuts and you’ll get monkeys. Visit my blog where I’ve posted a variety of photos of Consumer Units with and without ICP’s @ http://tonysparksinspain.blogspot.com. Comments invited...

The ICP switch

Article written by Tony Poole, Sparks Electrical Services. Tel. 626 693 440 www.sparksinspain.es Plus we’re on Facebook for free advice

Telmicro Free TV Service Now Available

After weeks of hard work, the new free television service provided by Telmicro Levante S.L. can now be received across the Orihuela Costa from Punta Prima and down the N332 corridor south into the Murcia region. The service is being provided from various transmitters that cover an area as far south as the Mar Menor and from there inland in the direction of Murcia. Telmicro uses legal frequencies with the according permissions for their use. The service comprises at the moment of sixteen free to air channels, including all the main British channels for no monthly fee. There are already plans to extend the 16 channels to offer a wider variety, but the goal remains the same: to provide FREE basic television service in the long term for the region. In the near future the company will offer Internet and Phone services, and optional subscriptions to additional channel packages. This free service can be received by anyone with a round satellite dish, a box and the right LNB.

Telmicro will not allow this low cost equipment to be sold for a high profit by anyone. The following agents are authorised vendors of the required LNB and equipment:Alexei Federlein 659 430 869 Dave Ireland 605 637 483 John Carrington 608 279 075 Kevin Smith (T.V. on Demand) 620 797 132 or 608 772 157 Mike Kaylor 687 301 004 Nigel Gosnold 676 473 617 Look out for their advertisements in the Round Town News for more details. Telmicro Levante can be contacted at info@telmicrolevante.com

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3 - 9-SEPTEMBER 2010 14 20 MAY 2010

61 52

Genuine EU driving licences by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

I HAVE just found a web-site where we are offered, at a price, genuine EU driving licences even if we have been banned “unfairly by a judge” or if we wish to have another classification that we have not been tested for. This cannot surely be legal? Richard & Judy Goddard, by email. I have advised on this scam before and only the desperate and ignorant would fall for it. How it usually works is that the people who offer the licences have an arrangement, I guess, with “accomplices” in an Eastern European EU country and employees at the offices that issue the driving licences for that country must be involved for the offer states that the licences are genuine, not forgeries. The offer states “Due to a loophole in the EU regulations, etc…..” But consider this. To qualify for a driving licence you have to be officially resident in the country of issue or, have been as in the case for example of us Brit expats here where we can drive here as residents (and visitors, of course) on a current UK licence which we are not forced to change until it

expires as long as the rules for the drivers of the new country of residence are followed. So there you are driving around several hundreds of £/€ worse off as you have bought such a licence thinking that you are covered after possibly being banned in the UK or in Spain, etc. And you get stopped for an offence where you have to go to Court or by a policeman, fresh out of police training college so he knows all the rules, who is keen to earn as many bonus points as possible. The Spanish lawyers are well clued up on the motoring laws as some offenders have already discovered, so the licence is challenged with you having to prove with legitimate documents that you have lived in the EU country where the licence was issued and paid taxes there. Cannot do it? Not only driving without a licence but fraud, which is serious, will be added to the charge sheet. So my advice which is unnecessary for the bright ones amongst us who know that if it looks too good to be true it usually is, will smile and go to the next web-page. From 2010 as advised two years ago, the

The now bountyhunting Guardia Civil

EU plan is to issue driving licences EU wide and all countries will have access to each other’s databases so not only can legalities such as the licence having been withdrawn (banned) be checked but penalty points etc. can be advised by all countries within the EU. Many of the local insurance companies are aware of this scam and will refuse insurance cover if you obtain one. Most of course photocopy your licence when you take out cover for the first time anyway and most of the policies state that you must advise the company of any changes

in your circumstances such as health problems convictions for motoring offences, etc. To not do so could well mean that your cover (First party) could be refused in the case of an accident. So many of us do not study the policy documents and that is a shame. Driving a foreign plated vehicle? You could have to pay any fines at the road-sides if stopped for an offence according to the Spanish rules that are now being strictly enforced. You could be treated as a visitor by the now bounty-hunting Guardia Civil.

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com

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38-14 - 9 september 2010 JANUARY 2010

Costa Blanca North Alcoholics Anonymous Tel: C/Blanca North 648169045. C/Blanca South 625912078 www.aa-costablanca.org ARNAAP Tel: Susan/David Hollister 966404650 shollister@hotmail.com Autos y Caravanas de España (ACE) Tel: Caroline 965842562. Benimarco Doll Grp Tel: Carolyn 965731198. British Sub Aqua Club Diana 966495197 Steve 966470163 www.bsacmarinaalta.co.uk Caring Together: Regional Hospice Asn. (RPA 5377) Tel: 649956365/965894240 www.caringspain.com info@caringspain.com Christian Worship/Fellowship Cocentaina & Muro del Alcoy N340. Mark/Carla 965590442/ 618987649 cjhmeh@gmail.com Church of England Campello: Paul 965562008. Orba/Fontilles: Richard 965584240/Hazel 965587585. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Costa Blanca Anglo Spanish Assoc. Tel.Geoff 965757847 or visit www.anglospanish.org Costa Blanca Ex-Tablers Club Javea.Tel: Jim/Chris 962833749 www.costablanca41club.org Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir Teulada. Tel: Mike Evans 965744577 tikievans@teleline.es Costa Blanca North Gardening circle. Tel. Joy 966498681 Brian 965790253 Costa Blanca Samaritans Helpline: 902883535 Mon-Fri 8pm-12am. info@costablancasamaritans.com www.costablancasamaritans.com Costa Blanca Yacht Assoc. Tel: Rachel 965740923/Jacki 965995223. www.cbya.org Els Poblets English Speaking Resident’s Grp Tel: Heather 966475429 hcrowe@europa-network.com English Theatre Group. Helen 644543146 Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS Tel:966460063/965744426. Gardeners’ Circle Tel: Jenny Bussey 966405365. Harley Owner’s Grp C.B Chapter Calpe Tel: Max 625011892. HELP Charity Shop, La Xara Mon–Sat 9.30-1.30pm (Sat 1pm) tel 966422988 (24hr a/phone) www.helpofdenia.com Int. Motorhome Assoc Tel: John Sanderson Volunteered Coordinator 966474532/662032131. Int. Motorhome Club Tel 965851671/667508217. rayjeanbarber@hotmail.com DerekLoveday@telefonica.net (mark subject IMC) Labour Int. Costa Blanca North Javea Tel: Kevin/Ann 962808731. www.labintspain.org.uk Ladies Club of Busot Tel Teresa 965699407. Pres.Mary Holden john_marybusot@hotmail. com Masonry North Costa Blanca Tel Barrie Mansell 966719653 provincialsec@hotmail.com Medcare Mum & Baby Clinic Tel Hazel 966860258. doctors@medcarespain.com Pego & District Branch Royal British Legion Tel Fred 966400812/Brenda 663348565. Social: Ron 965583373. P.E.P.A Charity Shop C/Cervantes 26, La Font d’En Carròs, nr Gandía. Tue-Sat 101pm/Fri 5-7pm. 650304746 www.pepaspain.com P.E.P.A Stall Sat 10am-2pm at Bar Celtica Rastro, Novele nr Xativa. 650304746 www.pepaspain.com

R.A.F. Transport Command Old Boys Assoc Jim Semple, 187 Severn Ave, Swindon, Wilts, SN25 3NB UK my_last_three176@btinternet.com Royal British Legion Spain Welfare: 676451780/952352300 (ans/phone). www.spainnorth. legionbranches.net Tennis Club Los Amigos Pego Fred Moeling 630113123 The Aircrew Assoc C.B Branch Tel Sec 966495042 www.acacostablan ca.org The Costa Blanca Branch of the World Ship Society Tel Clive Hedge, Javea 965795981. www.worldshipsociety.org United States Navy League Stewart 629478007 Various Craft Clubs Tel: 965794462 lesleyclark@craftclubsjavea.com Women in Business Club Tel 669219088 www.wibc-spain.com Xàbia Public Lending Library C/Mayor, Xàbia Tel Alma Dorndorf 966470885/636898162 dorndorf@wanadoo.es Xativa Social Club Tel Sandra Kynes S.Sec. 962281047/Sue Drummond C.man 962287549.

Altea • Albir • Alfaz Alcoholics Anonymous Altea (English) Wed 8pm. Tel: 648169045. Alfaz Spiritual Foundation Tel 966878469/616319725. Alfaz English Theatre Grp Tel June 965844786. Altea English Library 1st Fl Bar Miramar Mon/Thur/Fri 11-1pm. Linda 965844707. Alteatro Tel Kate 965845039. Costa Blanca Computer Club Sierra Bernia School, Alfaz 965889187. Dru Yoga Tel Louise 644132836 www.thetransformation.com English Theatre Group More info & booking. Helen 644543146 New Hope Church Alfaz del Pi Cami la Querra Nº2, centro Mar Local Nº2, Alfaz del Pi. Pastor Stuart Wilson 625720347/ 965013230. Piecemakers’ Patchwork Quilting Grp Alfaz Tel Jean 639566692/ Linda 965790731. Second Chance Charity Shops Albir 966865342 Alfaz 966860222 Finestrat 965878229. Sculptural Gardens Alfaz Tel 966860230. info@klein-schreuder.com www.klein-schreuder.com Tigers Golf Society Albir Lills Lounge, Boulevard de los Musicos 692 749 478. U3A Marina Baixa Alfaz Tel Angie 687211722 angietaylor222@yahoo.co.uk www.u3amarinabaixa.com U3A Café Philo, The Forum, Alfaz. Kate 965-845-039 meeting 08.09.10 5pm.

Benidoleig El Cid Fri Auctions 639482222 elcidauction@yahoo.es www.elcidauction.com Paquitas Country Club V.C/man Janet Hills 966404306 Sec. Doug Farrow 966425281 www.paquitascc.com The Valleys Int Bridge/Social Club Tel Sec. Brenda Russell 966404533.

Benidorm Alcoholics Anonymous Benidorm English Thur 5pm 648169045. Flemish Wed 5pm 635074053.

Please note that the DEADLINE for clubs announcements is Friday at 12.00 noon. Please email your details to clubs@roundtownnews.com or fax to 965 856 054 RTN clubs is printed monthly. You can also find clubs listed on our web page www.roundtownnews.co.uk

Al-Anon Benidorm English 634758539. Church of England Tel: Gary 965878995/Hazel 966895306. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Help Int. Benidorm Pres 607387040/Sec 608971223/ Equip 663495396/Visits 607386964/ Interpreters 607385842. Modern Jive, Benidorm. Tel Martin 965882119 Royal British Legion Benidorm Albir Tel Megan Howell 965887076/Luigi Samaden 965865899. The English Church Rev. Eddie & Mrs M. McMillan 966804215. Villasol Squares Benidorm Tel Peter 686208730, plot 1512 Villasol Camping.

Benitachell Amigos de Benitachell Colabora con Cruz Roja Espanola Donations/ proceeds: local Red Cross Ambulance Serv. Open Mon-Fri 10-1pm. BENITACHELL HELP Co-ordinator 664-573-360. help.denia@gmail.com Benitachell Ladies Club Tel: Carole 966493566/Pam 966493341. Marina Alta Pensionista Assoc (MAPA) Tel: 966490840 pauline.winfield@gmail.com Tai Chi Tel: Julia 619613236 Tap Dancing-Children Tel: Sherry/Ann 680673871. Therapeutic DRU Yoga Tel: Trudi 639361999

Benissa Costa Barber Singers Tel: Press Officer John Turner 965973612 johnraymondturner@ gmail.com or Music Director, Roger Gallant 966497657. The King’s Church Tel: 665278801/685006562 www.thekingschurch.net Reg No. 1384-SG

Calpe ACEC, Assoc Cultural & Ecological Calpe Tel: Carole 639637520 www.acecalpe.org AFPO Calpe Tel: Keith 965830106 www.afpocalpe.com Alcoholics Anonymous Calpe English 648169045. German 645456075. Amigos de los Ñinos de EMAUS. (Friends of the Children of EMAUS) Calpe Tel: Carole 639637520/Lin 679813462. Calpe & Benissa Lions Club Tel: Pres Eunice Hancy 965830819. Calpe & District 41 Tel: Ian Ritchie 965833102. Calpe Bowls Club Tel: Terry Street 965834924. Calpe Bridge (Winter Club) Tel: David 965832116. Calpe Christian Fellowship Tel: Pastor John Adamson 965832607/ Clive 965835502. www.calpechristianfellowship.org Calpe Craft Club Tel: Dilys 650312555. Calpe Gilbert & Sullivan Soc (CAGSS) Tel: Andy akheadfordlord@hotmail.co.uk or Aileen 696514613 (eve). Calpe HELP Co-ordinator 616 237 135 help.denia@gmail.com Calpe Men’s Dining Club (1986) Tel: 620307903/ 965638081. Calpe Port Christian Assembly Tel: C.Westaway 965834738/ B.Muir 965841910/ K.Merrit 965839157. Bible tel ministry: 965875128. Charity Shop of Calpe half way up Avda Gabriel Miro behind Margaret’s Book Shop. Open Mon-Fri 10-1pm.

Church of England Tel: Bill 965973276/Gillian 965838698. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Club de Bridge Calpe Tel: John Parsons (English) 965744814. Gerlinde Eder (German/Spanish) 965747241. Cultural Painting Club Tel: Pieter 965835212. Extreme Sports Club Tel: Christian 629987062 www.GravityCartel.com www.KitesurfingCostaBlanca.com Footlights Musical Theatre Grp Tel: Trevor Harder 965870198. ‘Little Stars’ Playgrp Tel: Kate 965832314 (English) Canin 965837977 (Spanish). MOFTAG Tel: Michelle 965874284 Non Smoking Grp for Singles Text/tel: 637160545. Probus of Calpe & District Tel: Sec Ian Ritchie 965833102. Rodeo Stompers Linedancing Calpe Tel: Barbara 630113649. Rotary Int. Fellowship Club of Calpe Tel: 965731701 www.calperotary.org.uk Royal British Legion Calpe Enq: Harvey 965831026 Welfare: Ursula 965747847. U3A Calpe Tel: Pres-Roger Milsom 965748-827, m/ship-Edith Watson 965-837-542. www.u3acalpe.com. Meeting 09.09.10 Casa de Cultura, Calpe.

Denia Alcoholics Anonymous Denia English 648169045. German 645456075. Armchair Internationals Denia Rugby Club Supporters. Tel: Dave 629351266 or John 646650566 www.tuktuktours.co.uk/rugby.htm Castle Theatre Tel: Christine 626201636. Church of England Tel: Gillian 966421256/Carol 965783176. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Denia Tai Chi Tel: Vincent 966426588 Denia Choir Tel: Chris 966421776. Denia Craft Club Tel: 966420723. Denia English Lending Library 91 Passeig de Saladar wkday 10–1pm. Denia Int. Bridge Club Tel: Kees 965785387 vaneckcornelis@gmail.com Denia Int Rotary Fellowship Tel: Chris Potter 965755349/ Anwen Hughes-Jukes 965748909. Denia Writers Circle Tel: Sue 649400336 suemerce@gmail.com jean.oasis@telefonica.net Elite Friends Lee albrown1113@yahoo.co.uk HELP of Denia and Marina Alta 966427044 help.denia@gmail.com Salvation Army Evangelical Church C/San Jose 14B Denia Tel: 648191227. The Cancer Support Grp (M.A.B.S.) Tel: Maureen 690756836. U3A Denia Tel: Hugh Martin 965782262 u3adenia.org

Gandia Barx/La Drova Petanque Team Tel: Mike/Mary Cowherd 962807018 commodorepopeye@yahoo.com Church of England Tel: Wyndham 962853199. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Gandia Area Social Club (Int) Tel: David 962878298 www.gandiaareasocialclub.com Oasis Garden Club, 1st Thursday each month. Camping Natura,Rugat. Tina:-962-131-711 Leatitia:-620-120-444

Royal British Legion Gandia Tel: Cilla Ewers 676938739.

Jalon Int. Music Circle Tel: Sec. 966405380. Jalon & Orba Lions Tel: Bob 675377473/John 666446366. Jalon Ladies Lunch Club Tel: Jacqui 669987976/966480830. Jalon Pensionistas Club Tel: 966481215/1425. Jalon Valley Help Health/welfare 659624643. Also new shop in Alcalali. www.helpofdenia.com jalonvalleyhelp@hotmail.com Jalon Valley Wargames Grp Tel: Paul/Jan 966405335 paulleniston@hotmail.com Jalon Valley Writers Grp Tel: Jill 965973393/Agnes 966482549 U3A Vall de Pop Tel: Bruno 690192976

Javea Anglo Spanish Assoc www.anglospanish.org APASA Dog Pound Shelter: 10-2pm 966463976 Events: Maggie 965744449. Art Centre Assoc. Javea Tel: Lorely Griffiths 966472049. artcentrejavea@yahoo.com Cancer Care - Javea (Charity No. 8270) Advice/Info, Javea Park. Mon-Sat 10-12.30pm tel: 965796846. Church of England Javea Tel: Jenny 965794463/Eunice 966471182. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Conservatives Abroad Tel: Margaret Hales: 966197239 or Jenny Decker: 966471666 Free Parent/Toddler Play Xabia Int College Tel 966472121. Int. Christian Family Center Tel: 966460950/607470221 Javea & District Astronomical Society Tel: Ed Morley 965744612 Javea Backgammon Club Tel: Steve 966471708/635377335. Javea Book Circle Tel: Tim Upton 966470885. www.xabiabookcircle.eu Jávea Bridge Club Tel: Margaret 965793413 www.javeabridgeclub.com Javea Camera Club chris@chrisrobin.co.uk Javea China Painting Tel: Eve 966461537. Jávea Community Grp Tel:Jeni 965790470/619270493. jenijacksonphillips@telefonica.net Javea Computer Club www.javeacomputerclub.org Javea Craft Club Tel: Jo 676679541. Jávea Evangelical Church Rev. Clive Read 966462848 europe@mercuryin.es Javea Int. Baptist Church Pastor John Hansford 638205280 www. javeabaptist.org (539 SG) Javea Int. Civic Society Tel: Jeni 965790470 jenijacksonphillips@telefonica.net Javeamigos Tel: Mike Smith 600215808 www.javeamigos.com Javea Netball Club Tel: Anita Grayson 966472169. Jávea Public Lending Library Tel: Alma Dorndorf 966470885 /636898162 dorndorf@wanadoo.es Javea School of Bridge/Social Club Tel: 965-770-509 www.javeaschoolofbridge.com Javea Yoga Club Tel: Magali Fradet 647541034 www.javeayoga.com JITC www.javeatennis.net tel: Sec. Janis Barber 965771855/ C.man Barbara Rogers 966471832. Lighthouse Church Tel: 965731006 www.lighthousechurch.eu

Masonic Lodge Javea No: 40. Tel: Sec. Vince Dawson 966497485. Montgo Vegetarians www.montgo-vegetarians.com Rotary Int. Fellowship Costa Blanca North Tel: 965795421. Roundabout Charity Shop Mon-Sat 10-1.30pm. Royal British Legion Javea Scallops, Arenal. 2/4 Tue 11am Tel Sheila 965791270/Roger 965790123. Stamp Collectors/Post Cards/ Philatelists Tel: Derek Guyett 965795499/Dave Anderson 966476034. Taoist Tai Chi Society of Javea Tel: 649161290. The Javea Branch of the Royal British Legion is now closed for the summer months. 965790123 The Javea Players Tel: Geraldine Livesey 965790379 membership.jp@gmail.com The Original Charity Shop/ Library Javea Reg Charity No 3586 Open MonSat 10-1pm Av de la Fontana, Javea. Tel: 966460803/ 653630413. UFO Discussion/Research Grp Javea Tel: Jeanine (Pres) 658957102 ufojavea@gmail.com http://ufojavea.wetpaint.com. Next meeting 03.09.10, 10am, Social Club Coffee Bar, Javea Old Town

Moraira Church of England Tel: Martin965744657/Andrew 965875070. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Costa Blanca Minatures Club Tel: 966472901. Crafts Club Tel: Julie 646569907. Marina Alta & Costa Blanca Floral Club Tel: Pat, C/man 966471526 www.marinaaltafloralcub.com Moraira & District Royal Naval Assoc Tel: John Sanderson 966474532. Moraira HELP Tel: Ian Jackson 667036188. www.helpofdenia.com Moraira Int Choir ‘Los enCANTAdores’ Tel: 966495117/650684621 Fred or Janny. Royal British Legion Moraira Tel: Ed 966495617. Teulada/Moraira Lions Club Tel: John 965744253 www.teuladamorairalions.org U3A Moraira/Teulada Tel: Pamela Kershaw 966497098. www.u3amoraira-teulada.org

Oliva Squash/Racquetball Club Tel: John 680595203. U3A Oliva www.u3a-oliva.org

Teulada Alcoholics Anonymous Teulada English 648169045. Asoc. Benefica de Teulada Tel: Pat Bramah 966471526. Marina Alta “Int. Choir” Teulada Tel: Edith 965730014/680630765 Spiritual Friends Tel: Jan 600837054 spiritualfriends. teulada@gmail.com http:// sites.google.com/site/ spiritualfriendssite/Home The English choir Tel: June 965786712/Colin 965771287. Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir Bar Mediterraneo, Teulada. First rehersal 07.09.10 7pm

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ZUMBA & GIRLY BITZ Fun, calorie burning Salsa, merengue,samba and more. Dance fitness class. Beginners classes too! Javea,Benitachell & Benissa, ALL SUMMER. Body Tone/Stretch classes also. Call Kimberley 696-746-091 or email info@zumbacostablanca.com. www.zumbacostablanca.com BALLROOM/LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Baleares, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCES: Saturday 7pm-10pm & Tuesdays 8pm-10.30pm (except second Tuesday of the month) TUITION:- Beginners Monday10.30am. Bienvenido Chinese restaurant, La Zenia: Beginners Wednesday 7.30pm, Improvers Thursday 11.30am, Intermediates Friday 11.00am. Tel: Andrea 616 478 157 WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our Free English call centre now to find your nearest meeting. 900-818-794




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3 - 9 september 2010

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3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010

The final whistle Cricket in a tight spot

Mohammad Amir

I WAS listening to BBC Radio 5 Live the other day and heard some faceless ECB official banging on about how the media was blowing the Pakistan spot fixing saga out of all proportion. His main contention was that the bowling of a few no balls hadn’t affected the Fourth Test against England. Whilst missing the point that any three of the offending deliveries could have claimed a wicket if bowled legally, he seemed more intent on lecturing the cricketing press corps over their reporting of the story. His attitude has mirrored that of the governing body. The ICC have said it will make no comment while the police enquiry continues but ask yourself this....what have they done so far to get to the truth? Whilst their anti corruption and security unit has been pooling evidence since the story broke, there has been no public move of any kind. They haven’t even demanded that the players be suspended and separated from the rest of the tour party whilst the investigation continues. Faced with such damning charges and with the News of the World providing pretty convincing evidence, it’s hard to think of any other profession that wouldn’t have immediately ordered that the suspects be sidelined on full pay. Of course, all sports lovers want justice to be done it’s just with cricket, you get the feeling that the truth will take longer to come out than Geoff Boycott took getting off the mark. RUNNERS AND RYDERS Europe has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to players looking to make the Ryder Cup team. But the selection process is an embarrassment of another kind. If someone can explain to me how Justin Rose, a two-time winner on the US tour this year and Paul Casey, the World number eight, can be overlooked, then I’d love to hear it. Please send your explanations to our brand new web site -


CROSS DRESSER After the shocking performances in South Africa, you might have expected England’s footballers and their bosses to try and win back the affection of the fans by performances, starting with tonight’s European qualifier against Bulgaria. Instead, they’ve launched a new kit. Unbelievable. Although the FA plans to distribute the money raised by the £49.99 shirt throughout the game, the timing couldn’t be worse. It comes just six months after the FA and Umbro released the all-red kit and a mere seventeen months from the unveiling of the last home shirt. But perhaps it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. The FA’s marketing department facing a crisis having lost team backers Nationwide plus other sponsors National Express and Carlsberg. So who better than to make up the shortfall than the fans? Well sorry boys, not this time! BETS ARE OFF Rumours have reached me that there is a spot-fixing gang on the Costa Blanca, betting large amounts on certain words that might appear in this column. I just wanted to assure you all that this is complete budgerigar.

Winning start for FC Torrevieja! FOR A long time, RTN has wondered what all the fuss is about. Why do expats get so passionate about Torrevieja Football Club? Well on Sunday, RTN discovered exactly why. In front of more than a thousand spectators and on a blistering hot late August afternoon, FC Torrevieja, with a much changed line up and a new Manager, took to the field against newly relegated Levante ‘B’ to a rousing reception from the local supporters. RTN joined in with the ‘Come on Torre’ chants, saw all the families, Spanish and expats, sitting together and enjoying the beautiful game and it became very clear just what a great outing it can be for ALL the family. TRANSFORMATION With a much reduced playing budget, most of those fans understand that games will be tough for the ‘Salineros’ this season but if they show the fighting spirit as they did on Sunday, FC Torrevieja will be a team to be proud of. With Abel holding in front of the back four and lone striker and Captain, Corcoles, up front, the first half, to be fair, was poor in quality. Levante certainly passed the ball around much better and looked like a decent side. A shot just before the break by Abraham was the best effort from the home side in the whole of the first 45 minutes but what a transformation there was in the second half! EXCITEMENT One can only assume that new Manager, Barrera, gave the players some-

Pablo who scored the goal Sunday

thing similar to Sir Alex Ferguson’s ‘hairdryer treatment’ as FC Torrevieja came out all guns blazing and took the game to the opposition. A great early chance for Abel, who should have scored but fired wide, started the excitement for the Torre fans. Then, from a corner, a bout of head tennis was played out in the Levante box and eventually the ball was won at the far post by Abel. Pablo had the easy task of a close range header into the net and the locals went crazy for what was now a fully deserved lead. DOMINATION Almost straight away, skipper Corcoles was sent clean through but his shot was

well saved by the keeper’s legs to keep Levante in the game. Down to ten men, after a second bookable offence for Jorge, it was backs to the wall for Torre but they defended well as a unit and special praise must go to the two centre halves Keko and Diego, who fought and dominated everything in the air. It was a tense and nervous final few moments but Torre held on for a first day home win and three well deserved points. It was a real team performance which hopefully will bring much confidence to this new team and hopefully more victories in the coming weeks. Vamos FC Torrevieja! (www.bluelagooncasas.com and www.fctorryfans.net)

Torry Army players lunches Opening day massacre We are delighted to announce that in conjunction with the Torry Army, the Players Lunches this season will be held at Hoggies Bar in San Luis commencing September 23rd comprising a 3 course meal with half a bottle of wine, all for only 12 euros. To book your seat contact Pat Stewart at the Torry Army Office 688 698 894 or at the ground on match days. The Torry Army are holding a Quiz at the Windsor Arms, San Luis, on Saturday, September 25th - 5 euros to include a buffet. Contact Pat Stewart or Arthur Leivers via the Torry Army office or on match days. TORRY ARMY - SEVILLE TRIP September 6th - 9th. Meet at 8.00 am in the car park, San Luis. Due to the Seville Trip the Torry Army office will be closed on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th September. Any monies raised from the above events will be used for the good and benefit of FC Torrevieja.

Xerez CD 1 FC Cartagena 4 By Steve Hibberd NOT ONLY did Cartagena open their div 2a account with an emphatic victory over newly relegated Xerez (Jerez), but for large periods of the 2nd half they completely ran the show. Manager JIM elected to start with only two of his new signings, midfielders Botelho and Moral, although two more were to enter the fray as 2nd half substitutes - striker Goiria and Frenchman Julien Fernandes (joining only last week from div 2b side Montaneros). Starting the brighter of the two sides, Los Albinegros took the lead after only 7 mins, when Toche coolly side footed home a pin point cross by fellow striker Victor. Keeper Alejandro Rebello produced a vital save on 13 mins, pushing a powerful Xerez free kick to safety. The reprieve lasted for all of 4 mins, before a suicidal back pass by Botelho was pounced on by Bermejo, who made light work of rounding Rebello before slotting the ball home. Shortly afterwards, Xerez almost scored again, but a great long range effort just missed the target. But it was the visitors who almost nicked a 2nd goal just before the interval, when a great effort by Toche forced an equally good save. An exquisite piece of one two play, resulted in an assist by Longas to Lafuente, being lashing home for a 2nd Cartagena goal on 51 mins. Having been responsible for gifting Xerez with the equaliser, Brazillian Botelho made

amends on 56 mins, when his fine individual run was finished off in style with a nonchalant side foot flick into the back of the net. You could be excused for thinking that being 3-1 up away from home, Cartagena would shut up shop and settle for the 3 points on offer, but you would be so wrong. Just after the hour mark, Toche came close to adding another, but his shot went just wide. Botelho was becoming a real handful for the Xerez defence, but when he was brought down just outside the box, Victor’s free kick came to nothing. First Lafuente, then Victor, saw good efforts well saved, but the last word fell to last seasons top goal scorer. A delightful through ball by Longas found Toche, who ran fully 25 yards before planting the ball wide of a helpless keeper, for his 2nd and Cartagena’s 4th goal of the match. FC CARTAGENA LINE-UP Rebollo, Exposito, Txiki, Cygan, Botelho, Mariano, Longas (Julien), Moral (Clavero), Toche, Victor (Goiria), Lafuente FORTHCOMING FIXTURES Cartagena now have the luxury of three home matches, at Cartagonova Stadium, in a row. First up is a Spanish FA cup match against Rayo Vallecano on Weds 1 Sep, ko 9.30pm. Then on Sat 4 Sep, ko 6pm, it’s back to league action when Elche are the visitors. Finally, the following weekend (details yet to be confirmed) Barcelona ‘B’ ride into town.

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

Well; now we know Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

THE RYDER Cup is now just a month away and Europe will field their strongest team ever in an effort to regain the trophy lost so easily two years ago. Europe’s Captain, Colin Montgomerie made a brave pick on Sunday afternoon including Harrington, a player in form that can only be described as moderate at best by his own standards. The inclusion of Luke Donald is much less of a gamble considering his superb record in the event; he has only ever lost one match out of seven. Eduardo Molinaro gave the best performance I have ever seen at a European Tour event last weekend to secure his place in the team and will surely make a great partner for his equally talented brother. Looking at the team on paper we must be favourites to win. Europe has three on the world’s four major championship winners in their team and that alone will mean that their opponents will give them some respect. The exclusion of talent as rich as Justin Rose and Paul Casey show just how strong European golf is at the moment. Montgomerie has surrounded himself with some really strong and experienced Vice Captains and the last minute inclusion of Sergio Garcia is nothing short of inspirational. Garcia will give the whole team an abundance of passion that may well have been missing with his absence. There will be some that will say that this will be one of our most inexperienced teams ever. I agree but take a look at who’s playing, look at the depth of talent, I don’t think we have too much to worry about and feel confident we will bring The Ryder Cup back home on October 3rd. Player Lee Westwood Rory McIlroy Martin Kaymer Graeme McDowell Ian Poulter Ross Fisher Francesco Molinari Peter Hanson Miguel Angel Jimenez Padraig Harrington

Ryder Cup record 14-10-5 1st Ryder Cup 1st Ryder Cup 2-1-1 5-2-0 1st Ryder Cup 1st Ryder Cup 1st Ryder Cup 2-7-3 7-11-3

3 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2010



Costa Blanca round-up

Maggots end by

David Hoare

968 199 279

Padraig Harrington Luke Donald Edoardo Molinari

5-1-1 1st Ryder Cup

WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over 180 euros will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR SEPTEMBER 3RD 2010: WHO WAS THE LAST ENGLISH CAPTAIN OF EUROPE’S RYDER CUP TEAM? A. Sir Nick Faldo B. Tony Jacklin C. Peter Allis All answers must be received no later than 5pm on 30th September 2010 to be entered into September’s draw, which will be made on 1st October 2010. The winner will be announced in Round Town News on October 8th 2010. Winner for August: James Gaw from Quesada. QUALITY GOLF LESSONS To enjoy golf lesson with a World Golf Teachers Federation coach recommended as one of The World’s Top 100 call Noel on 639 730 891.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com


THE RTN Golf Club is free to join and members are entitled to a generous ‘two for one’ offer to ensure the sport is affordable for everyone – making sure golfers are out enjoying themselves rather than worrying about the cost of a game. The club is open to every resident – all that is needed to qualify is an NIE number – and a round of golf, including a buggy, will cost no more than €50 per head – slashing the current club average green fee of €80. Go to www.roundtownnews.co.uk and tap in a few details – or inquire at golf clubs taking part in this exciting new venture! Well? What are you waiting for!

RODS and REELS THE A.G.M. will be held on Sunday the 26th of September at 10.00am at Cagney’s bar, La Marina. Subscriptions must also be paid prior to the A.G.M. At present there are no vacancies for membership, if you are interested and wish to be registered on the waiting list, then please apply to Sue Swann on 966 729 293. Working parties will be required early October as nature is reclaiming it’s own. Venues and dates to be notified nearer the time. Next week is the start of the new season for 2010/2011 and it is very intense. It starts with the winter championship, but inter mingled with this is the Gary Smith Challenge Cup, The Coast Rider Challenge Cup and the RTN Challenge Cup. All the above cups are a series of 4 matches with 6 anglers per team. Also for the season are Presidents Trophy, Summer Championship, Summer League and the Knockout Competition. There are only two open matches for next season. So as from next week it is full on all year. ANGLERS TOGETHER Anglers Together continues to grow with firm friendships being formed since the group started 4 years ago. Many members fish together

regularly and say they are happy to have taken up a sport to replace golf for instance, which has become so expensive. We have the occasional organised outing, but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the venues. It costs €10 to join for the first year and €5 per annum for each year after. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, then either come along to one of the meetings or contact Alan e mail: anglerstogether@ gonuts4free.com. Meetings are held generally on the second Friday and Saturday of each month depending on other public holidays and local fiestas. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting to see what we’re about. The next meetings will be held on Friday 10th September at 12 o’clock at Mary’s Bar in Campoverde (north of Pilar de la Horadada) and on Saturday 11th September at 12 o’clock at Los Galayos Bar, opposite beach front, at Puerto de Mazarron. Warning: Anglers are being checked by the Police for their licences and insurance so don’t take chances and make sure you have all relevant documents to hand. TIGHT LINES DAVE HOARE

Charity golf tournament

OVER THE coming weeks Lo Romero Golf and UGR La Tercia (5th and 12th September respectively), will host the 1st Aidemar Charity Tournament to raise funds to help Aidemar. The money raised will be put towards players participating in the Intellectually Disabled Championship of Spain, which will take place in September at Santi Petri. AIDEMAR (Association for the integration of the disabled in the region of Murcia) A tournament is always a great reason to play a round of golf, but if you need more reason to play, what bigger reason than helping a local charity to improve social integration and help those that need it most, through in this instance sport and more directly golf Aidemar hand crafted trophies will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed players in each category as well as the scratch, longest drive and nearest the pin winners. Furthermore, we have a charity raffle with greenfees donated by various golf courses in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida region, so that they can themselves help this cause. Registrations for this tournament are open and you can register by email, telephone or in person in either of the Caddy Masters Offices. • LO ROMERO GOLF - 40€ Visitors - 25€ Members y 15€ Juniors. info@loromerogolf.es Tel: 902 18 09 18 • LA TERCIA UGR - 25€ Visitors. 20€ Members y 15€ Juniors. info@ugr-laterciagolf.com: Tel: 968 10 44 99 If you wish to make a donation please make a transfer to the following bank account number: 2100 44 7131 0200003097

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