RTN North Edition 577

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 577

See page 22

5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Conference focuses on Right to Vote Maria Asuncion Prieto and Diego Carcedo

by Louise Clarke NEARLY 150 people attended last week’s European Dialogue Conference which took place in the magnificent MARQ Museum in Alicante last week. This recent gathering was the third annual event in which the Diputacion of Alicante invites European residents to discuss any relevant issues relating to their lives here in Spain, the role that the Diputaction plays and how integration between the various societies can be further improved. This year’s conference concentrated primarily on the forthcoming municipal elections, the rights of European residents to vote at those

elections and, of course, the importance of registering on the ‘padron’. FRUSTRATION RTN was very proud to have its reporter Louise Clarke invited to speak about its No Vote, No Voice Campaign. She explained to the gathered Mayors, Councillors and other dignitaries the reasons behind RTN’s campaign and what the newspaper hopes to achieve by the campaign. She said: “It is important for a newspaper like RTN to be involved in a conference like this as invariably it is newspapers like RTN that people come to when they have problems they cannot

See page 17

solve directly with their Town Hall.” She added: “RTN is the voice of those British residents who cannot speak the language and who are frustrated and feel that they are not respected or listened to by the various authorities.” “This is all well and good,” continued Louise, “but the paper shouldn’t be used as a tool like that unless those people are prepared to integrate properly, get on the ‘padron’ and exercise their right to vote. Why should the RTN get involved in Town Hall disputes on behalf of British residents, if those residents cannot be bothered electing those representatives with which they are having the dispute with?”


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Guidebook for domestic violence victims

5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010


Flamingos arrive in Calpe

The flamingos

THE COLONY of flamingos has returned to the Salinas Lake in Calpe. The birds arrive every year on their way south for the winter. Last week saw the lake dotted with pink again as the birds have arrived The book launch

A BOOK to help victims of domestic violence will be presented to the public on 9th November in La Nucia. The presentation will take place in the Sala Ponent del Auditori de la Mediterránea at 19.00 and the councillor for Women and Youth, Maria Asunción Prieto, together with La Nucia’s mayor, Bernabé Cano, will be present. The book, which is written in Spanish, is called: The Informative Guide to the Welfare Rights of the Victims of Gender

Violence, and the authors Carmelo Hernandez and José Pablo Cuéllar, will also attend the presentation. The guide aims to inform victims of domestic violence about their rights, protection, available resources and the assistance offered to them. Readers will find details about the consequences of reporting an incident to the police, and the guide also gives information to professionals who work with abuse victims.

Not alone at Christmas in Altea OAPS CAN have company at Christmas in Altea. ‘You are not alone at Christmas’ is a programme run by Altea’s councillor for Wellbeing, Gemma Córcoles, that reaches out


to elderly people over 60 years of age who are facing the prospect of Christmas without friends and family. The programme is organised so that the elderly can spend time with other

people during 23rd to 27th December. Those interested should apply no later than 5th November in the Centro Social office on calle Sindic de Greuges, 5, in Altea. Or call 966 882 702.

to take a rest in the important wetlands. The population of flamingos in the lake varies during the year, but now is a good time to see hundreds of the birds in their natural environment.

Police make use of criminal’s boat POLICE IN Dénia have a new motorboat, thanks to criminals they previously arrested. The boat was seized in an operation to crack down on drug traffickers and is now being used for surveillance and rescue. The boat is 2.6 metres long, has two 250 horsepower engines and can reach speeds of 50 knots.


5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Continued from front page THE KEY speaker at the conference was renowned Spanish journalist, author and university lecturer, Diego Carcedo, who has seen his profession completely transformed since he became a journalist during the Franco era. The first ‘round table’ of speakers included statisticians from the INE (the Spanish Statistics Office) and that was very interesting, especially as they broke down, by municipality, how many European residents are on the ‘padron’ but are not yet registered to vote. According to Cesar Garrido, Statistical Delegate for the Alicante Province, the deadline to register to vote has been extended until 15th January 2011 and more than 65,000 letters have been sent out to European residents in the Province inviting them to register. Unfortunately, due to postal address problems, he said that his department is expecting more than 15,000 to be returned unopened. So, he reiterated what RTN has been saying throughout its NV, NV campaign and that is to go down to your Town Hall, check to see if you are on the electoral roll and if not, regisMore than ter again just in case. 150 people The highlight of the afternoon was the attended the presentation by British Consul, Paul Rodwell. conference

Fisherman survives 20 hours in the sea A 58-YEAR-OLD Argentine doctor was rescued early last Monday morning after his boat sank due to high winds. The man, called Ángel Alberto Paz, was tied to the submerged vessel and managed to survive 20 hours in the water. Paz departed from Oliva yacht club in a 3.5m Zodiac boat at 10.00 on Sunday, telling his wife

to come and pick him up in four hours. A strong westerly wind blew up and Paz found himself in trouble. At around midday the boat capsized, rendering emergency flares and lanterns useless once they got wet. Fortunately, Paz was strapped to the boat and so stayed with it. When Paz’s wife went to meet her

husband and he wasn’t there, she raised the alarm and the coastguard mounted a search. However, neither the helicopter nor the coastguard boat managed to find Paz until the following morning. He was suffering from hypothermia and was rushed to Dénia hospital, where doctors reported that his life was not in danger.

He spoke animatedly about how the British Consulate in Alicante is continuing to strengthen its ties with the Diputacion and gave details about the ConeXiones project launched last year and aims to put British charities, such as Age Concern and HELP, in contact with the Spanish Social Services in order so that they can further improve the lives of their beneficiaries. RTN DEBATE What was concerning about the date displayed by the INE statisticians was that the figures indicated that of the 85,000 British residents who lived in the Alicante province and were on the ‘padron’ at the 2007 municipal elections, only approximately 35,000 were actually registered to vote and even less actually exercised their rights and put a X on a ballot paper. RTN really wants to know why this is the case. Do you have any intention to vote in next year’s election? If not, why not? Has the RTN No Vote, No Voice campaign encouraged you to sign on the padron and register to vote? What would make you vote? Do you know enough about the political parties and their policies? Please e-mail your thoughts and views to debate@roundtownnews.com and we will print some of your views in next week’s paper.

Girl of 10 gives birth A 10-YEAR-OLD Romanian girl has given birth to a baby girl in Jerez de la Frontera in Andalusia. Micaela Navarro, the Minister for Social Affairs in the region, has said that officials are currently determining if the mother can keep the child. The baby’s father is believed to still be in Romania – he is 13 years old. The 10-year-old girl’s mother is a Roma gypsy. She is reported as saying that she doesn’t understand why there is so much interest in the daughter because in Romania it is normal for children to marry at this age.

New bus pass for Benidorm

A NEW bus pass has been launched in Benidorm, which eradicates the need to pay cash to the bus driver. Those who purchase a new pass can charge it with €10 or €20 in advance, meaning that once on the bus, the card only has to be swiped in front of a card-reading machine. The cards can be recharged indefinitely, and can be purchased on board buses for €1.50. The card was launched last week by the

The Mayor, Agustín Navarro (centre), with the mayor of Tourism, Manuel Cabezuelo, and the head of Bus Llorente, Luis González

5 - 11 november 2010

Spectacular exam results

Left to right: Jose Angel MoralTajuadura – Business Development Manager (Spain), Suzie Gamm & Katie Crowley

SPECSAVERS NEW Calpe store received a visit from recently appointed Jose Angel Moral – Tajadura, Business Development Manager for Specsavers Spain, to congratulate Llorente Bus Company, in conjunction with Optical Assistants Katie the town hall in Benidorm. Journeys with the Crowley and Suzie Gamm prepaid card also work out cheaper than jouron their fantastic exam neys paid for individually. results, achieving and 90 The town hall is also considering other and 85% respectively in the uses for the card, for example swiping the first stage of the Optical card in order to pay for bike rental, or the card Dispensing course. Jose, could be used in future as a means of paying a qualified Optometrist for parking. with both UK and Spanish

Training programme helps unemployed A PROGRAMME to train unemployed people in new skills is helping to benefit the community as a whole in San Vicente del Raspeig. Mayoress Luisa Pastor visited workshops at the Caserón Haygón School last week to see 66 solar panels that students had constructed on the roof. The panels will provide sustainable energy for the building. Other students are being trained in gardening, and one has already found work through the development of new skills. The workshops, called ‘Direct Employment’, are part of a year-long programme.


qualifications comments: “Specsavers have an international reputation for clear pricing and excellent value for money, but that can only be delivered effectively with highly trained optical staff. Katie and Suzie should be proud of their achievements.” Mike Stone, Director of Calpe and Javea stores, said, “We have just started a marketing campaign to the Spanish community in both stores; the Free Varifocal

and Two for One offers are proving to be very popular.” “In many cases we are serving customers who have been unable to afford varifocal lenses in the past, and are amazed that can get Free Pentax standard varifocal lenses with a frame purchase of just €75. As Katie and Suzie are bilingual, they play an increasingly vital role in getting the message across to a whole new market for Specsavers.”


5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

Did you Know...? blow

Delegates their whistles The delegates at last week’s conference ‘blew their whistle’ for the ‘Sal Pitando’ campaign against domestic violence

FOLLOWING THE European Dialogue Conference at the MARQ Museum in Alicante, all the delegates were invited to ‘blow their whistles’ in support of the Alicante Diputation’s ‘Sal Pitando’ campaign against domestic violence. As reported in RTN last month, the ‘Sal Pitando’ campaign was launched by Maria Asuncion Prieto who as well as being Diputada

for European Residents is also the Diputada for Women. She has been travelling the provincial municipalities handing out whistles to promote the campaign, which bore even greater significance following the death of a woman in Benijuzar last month at the hands of her husband. Nearly 60 women in Spain have been killed this year by

their partners or former partners, already more than were killed in the whole of 2009. November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the Diputacion has lots of activities planned around the province to mark the occasion. Details of all the events will be highlighted in RTN during the coming weeks.

Brit arrested for suspected drug dealing

A 22 YEAR OLD British man was arrested by Local Police in Orihuela Costa for suspected drug dealing. The incident took place outside the Villamartin Plaza on Monday morning after police witnessed several young people exchanging money for small packages. One man was found to be carrying a plastic tub containing small packages of a white powder substance, thought to be cocaine. He was also carrying more than €3,000 in cash, which police suspected was from the sale of the suspected narcotics. The man was taken to the Guardia Civil station in Torre de la Horadada, where he was charged with drug dealing offences.

AS MANY of you are aware, municipal elections take place in all of Spain on 22nd May next year. These elections will decide who will govern the many town halls throughout the whole country. As European residents we have the RIGHT to decide who should front our local government for the next four years, we have a RIGHT to participate in this important election and we have a RIGHT to make our voice heard. Registering on the municipal census, the ‘padron’, is a legal obligation to all those who reside anywhere in Spain. Not only is the ‘padron’ a form of municipal census, it is the basis upon which investment from national and regional government is allocated and is the means through which residents can obtain local services. In fact, being registered on the municipal ‘padron’ is essential when soliciting most social services and benefits. Whilst the ‘padron’ is a legal obligation for residents, those who are not permanent residents (i.e. their permanent residence is elsewhere) should not be registered. For this reason, it is essential to be in possession of a ‘resident’s certificate’ in order to register on the ‘padron’. Apart from the legal obligation, those registered on the ‘padron’ are able to benefit from the numerous and sometimes unique, social benefits such as free urban transport or the annual bonus payment to our pensioners. The ‘padron’ therefore, is the key to securing certain benefits as well as securing our RIGHT to vote in the municipal elections. It should be noted, however, that registration on the ‘padron’ in itself will NOT automatically entitle a non-Spanish EU resident to vote in the elections. In order to clear up any confusion over the obliga-

tion to register on the municipal census and to ascertain how we, as EU residents, can be sure that we shall be received at a polling station to vote on Sunday 22nd May, 2011, the Diputación of Alicante’s European Residents Office will be holding a series of public information conferences throughout the Alicante Province to ensure that EU residents are fully aware of how to sign on the ‘padron’, how to register on the electoral register and what to do on voting day itself. This free explanatory talk will be given in English at the following venues on the following dates: 9th November Villajoyosa at the Centro Social “Llar del Pensionista” at 11:00 11th November Los Montesinos at the Salon de Plenos in the Town Hall at 17:00 16th November Rojales at the Agencia Gestora in Rojales at 11:00 17th November Gata de Gorgos at Calle Duquessa Almodovar, 3 at 18:00 18th November Torrevieja at the Palace of Music at 11:00 25th November Orihuela Costa at the Playa Flamenca Town Hall at 11:00 29th November Denia at the Agencia Gestora in Denia at 11:00 30th November Teulada at the Salon de Actos in the Espai La Senyeta at 11:00

Magical Mystical Molly BAR EMILIO’S in Llosa de Camaxto near Pedreguer was adorned with all the appropriate mystical and magical accoutrements. After all, it was nearly Halloween as the book signing got underway. Thursday, 28th October saw Wendy Bolton Williams attend her first official book signing of her newly published paperback, ‘Miraculous Magical Mystical Molly Captures Her Family’s Treasure’. Wendy was supported by many friends and well wishers, together with two dozen or so individuals who had reserved copies of the book following an article in RTN introducing new author Wendy to a wider audience. The Halloween scene in Emilio’s was the perfect setting to introduce Wendy’s two dogs, Magical Molly and her co star, Millie, the inspiration for the book depicting the mystical Welsh adventures of Molly and

Harvest home

NEWLY FORMED church Benitachell Christian Fellowship donated all the food collected during the harvest thanksgiving to needy people in the community. The congregation staged a special weekend at its home at Benitachell Arts Centre – including guests from Calpe Christian Fellowship and Denia Salvation Army. On the Saturday the church catered for more than 30 people, everyone enjoying a meal together and finishing the afternoon by singing praises together. And at the Sunday morning service the congregation welcomed guest speaker Philip Laver, who led a Marina Alta church for several years. And all the food donated to the Harvest Festival was presented to Don David, the village priest who undertook to distribute it to local families hit by the economic crisis. The church was thanked for its generosity by Councillor Nieves on behalf of Benitachell Town Hall.

Remembrance Service

THE CALPE Branch of the Royal British Legion is staging its Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 7th November at 11.30. All will be welcome to attend this moving tribute at the Hotel Porto in Calpe Port.

her animal friends. They arrived dressed in special cloaks to mark the first event in their social calendar and behaved impeccably, relishing their new found fame. A magical wizard’s hat and a plate of traditional welsh cakes adorned the table where Wendy signed several books, sold all the reserved ones, and took orders for the next shipment which would be arriving shortly. Wendy told RTN she was delighted with the evening and was particularly pleased that Molly’s mentor and second ‘Mum’, Mandy from Maserof Kennels in Bernia, was the first to have her book officially signed. She went on to say, “I really want to give special thanks to Bar Emilio for supporting the venue and the ‘Amigos’ in Parcent for their contribution to the book signing table, and of course everyone who has purchased a copy of the book.”

As a new author, Wendy had received some very encouraging news that her book is being read by Tidy Productions of Cardiff, with the view of adapting the story to screen. Tidy Productions are the producers of the popular TV series, Gavin and Stacey. She is also in dialogue with ‘CADW’, the Welsh National Trust body who look after castles in Wales, as they have also shown interest in the story. Certainly wonderful news for a budding author! Wendy’s next book signing venue will be at Skin Solutions in Parcent on 19th November, when she will have a limited number of copies available to support the charity, Amigo Mio. Wendy Prospective customers can purchase her Bolton book from the internet visit: Williams www.mysticalmolly.com with E-mail: magicalmolly@hotmail.co.uk her book

5 - 11 november 2010



5 - 11 november 2010

5 - 11 novEMBER 2010



5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

Another horse rescued

A PHONE call from Elche police last week led to another starving horse being rescued by the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre in Rojales. The horse was one of three being kept in a terrible state and the police were extremely concerned about their welfare. The grey mare, now named Gipsy Lady by the centre, is enjoying the company of the many other horses living at the centre. There were two remaining horses in the same field which are being checked on a daily basis to ensure they have sufficient food and water. The owner has been given two weeks to comply with police orders and despite the language barrier it was quite evident to Sue Weeding, the owner of the EHCRC, that the police shared the same aim; to help the horses. Sue told RTN: “They were marvellous and really cared about the animals’ plight.” The centre would like to appeal for anyone who can speak Spanish to volunteer to act as an

Hit and run leaves Brit critical

GUARDIA CIVIL officers in Torrevieja are looking for a hit and run driver of a car that caused a serious traffic accident in the city centre. The accident occurred on Monday evening and resulted in three people being injured, two of them seriously. According Local Police sources, the collision occurred at the intersection of Avenida Delfina and the Viudes roundabout, next to the Casa Grande Industrial Park, when a car jumped Gypsy a red light and crashed Lady into the left side of a taxi interpreter to assist in any future rescues; liaising with the carrying two passengers. police etc. If you can, please contact Sue on 652 021 980. The The Volkswagen car, new addition to the centre can be seen during their open confirmed to have been days which take place on Wednesdays and Sundays from a rental car, fled the 13:00 until 16:00. scene with a significant amount of damage. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY On 11th and 12th November, the Horse Whisperer will be holding courses for up to four people and on 13th November he will be conducting a demonstration. On 14th November there will be a Miniature Horse Show. The event starts at 10:00 and there will be awards for best horse and handler. Finally, on 15th November, at Sackos Bar in El Limonar, there will be an evening of live music by Ruby Blues and Spanish dancing in aid of the EHCRC. The event starts at 19:00 and includes food, a raffle and an auction. Entrance is just €5. For more infomation please visit www.easyhorsecare.net

The three injured, the passengers and the taxi driver, were taken to hospital. The most seriously injured is a 26-year-old British man admitted to Torrevieja Hospital with a severe head injury and a fractured tibia. According to a Hospital Spokesman, as RTN went to press, the man is still in a critical condition in the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. The other passenger, a 21-year-old Spanish woman, was seriously injured in the accident and remains in hospital and the 43-year-old male taxi driver was also admitted to hospital for treatment. Police are now trying to locate the occupants of the car through the lease agreement of the vehicle.

Domestic violence rife in city TEN PEOPLE were arrested in a 24-hour period in relation to domestic violence in Alicante last week, according to a statement released by police. Amongst the 10 were six men accused of violent crime against their partners or ex-partners, two accused of violating restraining orders, one arrested for both of those crimes and one man arrested for abusing a family member.

New library set to open early next year by Louise Clarke THE MAYOR of Mazarrón, Francisco Blaya Blaya, accompanied by the Town’s Councillor for Culture, Alicia Jiménez, and the Councillor for Infrastructure, Jose Antonio Roman, has visited the works of the building that will eventually house the new Port of Mazarrón Library. The new library is located on the Avenida Costa Calida and will have modern and functional facilities for all the residents of the Port to enjoy, including rooms available for quiet reading of books and local and national newspapers. According to the Mayor, the 527 metres square library will be ready for use and enjoyment early in 2011, constructed with specific users in mind, including children who will have their own reading area and book department. There will also be an IT room with free internet access and a space for cultural and educational activities.

5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

RTN goes to Africa

The Mayor of Mazarrón visits the new library which will be ready early next year

Located in the centre of the Port of Mazarrón, next to the new Health Centre, the first floor of the new library will offer residents of the municipality the opportunity to speak to Town Hall representatives about any issues and problems, providing an Office for the Attention of Citizens as well as a Registry Office. The library project has been carried out by Mazarrón based company ‘Joseve Constructions SL’ at a budgeted cost of €195,185, made available through the central government’s Plan E investment programme.

The Zulu warrior with his copy of RTN

RTN READERS Peter & Gwen Gallant from Jalon pictured a Zulu Warrior with a copy of RTN while visiting the KwaZuluNatal area of South Africa where they went to a traditional Zulu village.

Hole in the Wall Gang rob tobacconists POLICE BELIEVE that an organised gang are responsible for an audacious robbery in Torrevieja during the bank holiday weekend. A tobacconist on Calle Orihuela in the centre of the city was the target and the gang managed to get into the premises without anyone knowing about it. According to the Guardia Civil, the robbery took place on Sunday and was meticulous in both its preparation and its execution. The gang, taking advantage of the holiday, had calculated in advance


exactly what part of the shop to target and gained access to the apartment building located next to the shop. The thieves then made their way to the building’s lift shaft and into the lift maintenance room, where they blew a hole that police believe could have only been used by a child or a very petite adult, in the wall at the rear of the premises in order to enter the establishment. The thieves managed to steal hundreds of cartons of cigarettes, many of which

were more expensive brands and that police believe will be ultimately destined for sale on the black market below the recommended retail price.

UNNOTICED The gang also made off with a substantial amount of cash taken by the shop on Saturday, yet to be banked. Remarkably, all the cigarette stash was removed via the doors of the apartment building, unnoticed and without any of the neighbours suspecting

anything. In addition, members of the gang also disabled the alarm and the telephone line retail shop so as not to be rumbled. A Police Spokesman said: “They had more than two and half hours to steal their stash calmly and smoothly.” The owner of the tobacconist said that he had suffered high losses although he would not indicate exactly how much stock was taken and its value. Guardia Civil officers in Torrevieja have launched an investigation to try to identify the perpetrators of the robbery and scenes of crime officers have combed the premises and the lift shaft searching for forensic evidence.


5 - 11 november 2010

Going, going, gone Now almost considered an institution, the Friday afternoon auctions held at El Cid Restaurant, Benidoleig to raise funds for various charities in the area, are going from strength to strength. RTN went behind the scenes and chatted to Heather Smith, who together with her fantastic team of helpers, has been running the auctions since 2006. Before this, the event was hosted at Maxims for 13 years proving the ongoing popularity of the auction room to provide patrons with low cost items and charities with regular donations. The fact that El Cid Leisure Oasis has provided a venue free of charge all these years also means that all profits can go straight to the charities that need them. Heather explained that people could earn money selling their unwanted items at auction and could save money by buying at auction. Every week Heather and her team catalogue between 250 and 300 lots in preparation for viewing prior to the auction - viewing begins 1pm and the auction commences at 2pm. “Members of the public can enter ‘lots’ for the normal weekly auction by booking with me either by phone, email or through the website which provides a downloadable form. A commission of 12.5% is deducted from the vendors. A premium of 50 cents for items purchased below 20 euros, and 1 euro for items purchased of 20 euros or more, is charged to the buyer of the lot purchased. We have a minimum 2 euro bid policy in place. Profits from the commissions and the buyers premiums go to the charity,” Heather explained. “Vendors then deliver their lots to El Cid on Wednesday or Thursday between 10am and 4pm via the delivery bay, or be-

tween 9.30am and 11am on the day of the auction. Although it doesn’t happen very often, unsold lots have to be removed by the vendor by 7pm the same day,” she continued. So what sort of item can you sell at the auction? It would seem there are few restrictions; it must be easily transported in a normal sized car, and second-hand clothing, illegal goods and substances, flammable liquids, non-original CDs and electrical/ mechanical goods that are not in guaranteed perfect working order cannot be accepted. Common sense really! SPECIAL AUCTIONS

Heather explained the procedure for the special auctions which they hold every couple of months . “If you would like us to run a Special auction on behalf of your local charity or a good cause, please feel free to contact me for details. But basically, to run a Special auction, the charity or club needs to gather approximately 250 to 300 household items that we will auction for them, free of charge with no commissions deducted, and we will also donate a lump sum to add to the total obtained on the day of the auction.” Heather went on to say, “We have a few special auctions coming up starting with 26th November 2010 when there will be a special auction for the Society for the Care of Animals in Need (S.C.A.N.) and that will be followed on 28th January 2011 with a special auction for the Africa Shop in Jalon. Then on 25th March 2011 there will be a special auction for the Benidoleig School and another very important special auction will be in aid of ‘Help for Heroes’ and this will take place on 22nd April, 2011.”

Calpe seabed clean-up volunteers needed VOLUNTEERS WILL be cleaning Calpe’s sea floor and the Salinas lake on Sunday 14th November. The Municipal Department of Environments and Beaches is working together with diving centres in Calpe to organise the removal of rubbish in the zone around the Peñon de Ifach, the Sierra de Toix and the lake. Volunteers will be given shirts and hats and after the work is done, there’ll be a giant paella served in the port area. Anyone interested in

joining the divers in cleaning the seabed should get in touch with one of the following dive centres: Dive & Dive (965 839 270) www.divedivecompany.com; Cemas Calpe (695 162 006) www.cemas.es; Fun & Dive (965 875 678) or the PDA Training Centre (626 735 849). Anyone interested in helping to clean Las Salinas lake should contact the Department for Environment at the town hall in Calpe: mediambient@ajcalp.es or 607 380 384.

Ideal Lights Spain “Energy saving LED lighting solutions”

We manufacture the brightest LED lamps on the market today and have an extensive range for homes, urbanisations and businesses. From spot lights to tubes, flood lighting to GLS lamps and down lights to urbanisation street lighting, our retrofit LED range will save you money. Fact! Phone us now for a free energy saving report and a 10% discount on your first order. Save money and brighten up your life with LED lighting from Ideal Lights Spain

Tel: 6055 474 67 www.ideallightsspain.com

Heather Smith

It is easy to forget the people behind the scenes when attending these regular auctions, but Heather’s dedicated and hard-working team including auctioneers, Linda Blake and Richard McEnery, put in many a long hour to make sure everything runs smoothly and over the years have helped many charities in the process, and Heather would be the first to admit that it’s the team effort that produces results. And finally, if you wish any further information please contact Heather Smith – website www.elcidauction.com; email elcidauction@yahoo.es; telephone 965 581 205 or mobile 639 482 222

Cleaner streets for Altea FOR THE first time, rubbish collection in Altea is to include urbanisations. A new set of conditions for waste collection and street cleaning has been signed by the Councillor for Infrastructure, Santiago Ronda on 28th October. The councillor stated that areas not previously covered would now benefit from a rubbish col-

lection service on a monthly basis. The council are also planning to provide a daily collection service for waste items such as computer equipment, CDs, fluorescent lights and so on, so that these items can be recycled. The project contract will be put out to tender and has an annual cost of €2,380,000.

5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

Introducing the Noel Eastwell Golf Academy at El Plantio RTN GOLF CLUB members and indeed all golfers from the Costa Blanca will have the chance to have some training in the art of golf with one of the World Golf Teachers Federation’s top 100 coaches at El Plantio Golf in Alicante. From last Monday, RTN’s golf ‘guru’ and top coach, Noel Eastwell, is now basing himself full time at the fantastic El Plantio Resort, which is right in the heart of ‘RTN country’. All RTN Golf Club members will be able to enjoy discounted prices for their golf coaching simply by contacting Noel and giving him their membership number when they book an appointment with him. Services on offer include coaching in all aspects of golf including, full swing, short game, putting, mental game, and video analysis. EXCITING

Noel is excited about working at El

Plantio. He told RTN: “When I decided to establish myself at one particular golf course, it was important that I chose the right one. It had to be of such a high quality that it reflected both the quality of my coaching and the quality and reputation of RTN. I am delighted to be part of the team at El Plantio, where all the team know how important quality of service is and how important it is to make people welcome.” Noel continued: “There are some very exciting things going on at El Plantio Golf Club over the next few years; plans that will establish it as the very best golf resort on the Costa Blanca. I aim to add value to what is already an outstanding place for golfers of all abilities. People who visit my golf school are guaranteed a level of professionalism that only a WGTF Coach can provide.”

The Noel Eastwell Golf Academy at El Plantio has use of all the facilities including the par 72 Championship course and the 9-hole par 3 course as well as the short game and practice bunker and putting green. Noel commented: “This will enable all those who visit the academy to make the most of their talents.” To sample some of what is on offer RTN Golf Club members and readers are invited to a special practical seminar on ‘The Mental Side of Golf’ on Tuesday 22nd November at El Plantio starting at 16:30. The seminar will be presented by Peter Hudson, is free to RTN Golf Club members and will include plenty of time on the driving range. Non-members will be asked to pay €25. Please contact Noel on 639 730 891 for more information or email golf@roundtownnews.com

Noel Eastwell

Orba Warblers Abu Dhabi Golf Tour NEXT WEEK the Orba Warblers Golf Society leaves sunny Spain for even sunnier Abu Dhabi on their exciting whistle stop golf tour. The tour will include enviable rounds at Abu Dhabi Golf Club, Saadiyat Beach Golf Club; the links course at Yas Island and Dubai Creek Abu thanks to sponsorship by Dhabi Etihad Airways; Bay Radio; Golf Yas Island Rotana; Mark Club


Petrie SL Insurance Brokers; JaasTourism; Rotunda Central Hotel Group and SR Printers, under the auspices of the Stella Robertson Foundation. The overall winner of the tournament will lift the Stella Robertson Trophy, a stunning glass sculpture designed by Stella entitled ‘Tear Drops on a Wave’ commissioned to Gritti in Murano, Venice, prior to her death.

New auditorium THE PLAZA del Agua in Altea is to host a new auditorium with capacity for more than 400 people. This project is being implemented thanks to the second ‘Plan E’ from the central government and will cost €480,000. The deadline for completion is five months time. The mayor, Andrés Ripoll, went last week to see the initial works along with the Councillor for Town Planning, Veronica Lopez, and the Councillor for Culture, Miquel Zaragoza, together with the rest of the government team.


5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Remembrance Sunday

ALL OVER Spain and the UK the Exhortation is read at the start of Royal British Legion monthly branch meetings and at AGMs. It is always a poignant moment for me, more so now as it is my duty to read it as Chairman of Benidorm & District Branch. The poignancy is magnified at Remembrance Sunday services. This year our branch will be supporting the service on the 14-11-2010 at the eleventh hour in the Cumberland Bar in central Benidorm, our usual meeting place. “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.” Please support the Poppy Appeal. At the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month may I ask your readers to spare a moments silence for the dead and wounded of all wars. Jack Johnson, Chairman, Benidorm & District Branch, Royal British Legion

Goodbye Alicante, hello Catral MY COMPANION and I made our way to Catral to search for an aerodrome that may give financial shivers to the board members of Murcia’s Terminals, both existing and new, and to their competitors just up the road in Alicante. I asked the locals for directions and a local postman motioned me to follow outside, where he pointed up the road and to turn left after the cemetery. On the outskirts of Catral, a rutted track led us through endless bamboo plantations and irrigation ditches. After about 2 miles of rutted track, we both spotted a windsock! Being worked on in the field, were two black, one man helicopters. The reason for my journey to Catral is down to Michael O’Leary and Ryanair falling out with Murcian government tourist arm when they were not prepared to pay his airline €12 per passenger as a thank you for bringing in passengers. It is alleged that Ryanair are looking to build their own airport at Catral. If Mr O’Leary has his way (and he usually does), it could soon be farewell to Alicante and Murcia, and welcome to Catral International Airport! Robert W Barnes


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

10 Rules for dog owners RULES FOR having a dog as a pet as practised by most owners: 1. You must assume that your neighbours love to hear your dog bark and yowl all day and night. 2. Let your pet empty it’s bowels and bladder wherever it wants (though not of course on your property): children’s play areas are good for this. 3. Encourage your dog to leap up at everyone. After all he wants to make friends; if they don’t like it then that’s their problem. 4. Yours is the one dog in the world that doesn’t pass on diseases in its excrement. 5. Never clean up your dog’s mess (best to carry some bags on the dogs lead - that way it looks as though you do). 6. Never use a lead or a muzzle (no matter what breed it is) - after all your dog will never bite anyone will it... 7. If he snarls, barks or bites just use the old “he’s only playing/ defending himself” excuse. If people persist in complaining it is okay to threaten them with physical violence. 8. Get another dog, which will quadruple the noise for the neighbours. 9. Feel safe in the knowledge that dog lovers are saints - other people are second class citizens and their opinions on bad dog behaviour can be ignored. 10. Remember everyone loves an untrained and uncontrolled dog. Dave, Los Balcones

Massacre of Christians YET ANOTHER massacre of defenceless Christians by Muslim thugs. On this occasion, the victims were murdered while at prayer in a church in Baghdad. One can only imagine the mass hysteria that would sweep Britain if Christians stormed a mosque in London and gunned down its Muslim occupants in cold blood. Yet

the murder of Christians by Muslims is a daily occurrence in Iraq with some 500,000 driven out of the country and into refugee camps by their Muslim oppressors. So much for all the rubbish sprouted by Muslims about their religion being one of peace, love, mercy and tolerance! Des Johnson San Miguel de Salinas

A wiser tourist

I AM a recent visitor to Benidorm and would like people to beware of camera shops run by Indian men. Talked into the Panasonic shop with the offer of a video camera at a very reasonable price, we should have realised this was too good to be true. We were passed to the younger of two, who then proceeded to try to sell us a more expensive camera. After about an hour we said we would like our money back. He said we had no receipt and threatened us. I was terrified as he threatened to stab us. We should have gone to the police, but didn’t. We now feel very foolish and would like to warn people not to make the same mistake. From a much wiser tourist

Show your respect LAST YEAR I wrote asking for the support of your readers at the Armistice Service on 11th November. I also asked that maybe Torrevieja could become the ‘Wooton Bassett of Spain’ - well we succeeded! The church holds 220 people and we ran out of chairs. Once again I ask for your support: next year will see the 90th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion whose work is worldwide. We particularly think of those

in conflict in Afghanistan, those who have lost their lives and the families left behind. We do, however, have survivors of ‘Dunkirk’ some 70 years ago, many of whom returned for the ‘D’ Day invasion in 1944. May I ask we show our respect for those who have fought and those still fighting for our freedom? The service starts 10.45 leading to the 2 minutes silence at 11.00. Philip Haward MBE, Chaplain to the RBL Torrevieja

Cowards flinch and traitors sneer WHEN GEORGE Osborne sat down after announcing the biggest spending cuts since the 1920s, the Conservative benches erupted in cheering, jeering and laughter. I was reminded of a line from a famous song that says: “Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer”: Cowards because the cuts hit those who are least able or willing to defend themselves and traitors because they have no mandate from the British people for their actions. Cowards because the £18bn in welfare cuts hits hardest those who are least likely to vote, leaving the rich to

continue evading the £70 - £100bn in tax each year. Their fear of ‘grey power’ left the Winter Fuel Allowance and bus passes alone. However, the elderly will be battered more slowly as council cuts of 27% over four years start to bite. Their bus passes will be almost useless because the 20% reduction in subsidy will mean fewer buses; bed blocking will return as hospitals have to cope with councils cutting care services; libraries and swimming pools close, etc. The cap and cuts in housing benefits will lead to the cleansing of the poor from areas like the East End of

Purse missing WHILST I was singing my heart out for the charity Afghan Heroes on Saturday 30th October in DJ’s Bar Mar Menor, my purse went missing. I am a member of TAABS singing for the Afghan Heroes charity. We were having a great evening with friends and customers of Paul’s at DJ’s Bar Lo Pogan. The atmosphere, as always, was wonderful. My credit cards,

London. Those under 35 will have to share or move back with their parents as they no longer qualify for housing benefit. Victorian exploitation of the poor will return. There is no doubt that mass unemployment will return as the cuts begin to bite. More cuts will have to be made as the £81bn cuts already announced will not pay off the deficit, as tax revenues are lost and benefits increase as a result of unemployment and even greater recession. Thank goodness I moved to Spain when I did! Jack Johnson, La Cala de Finestrat

driving license and SIP card were in my purse. Paul, his chef and other staff have not found the purse so if anyone should come across it I would be grateful for its return. Please, if you speak English translate this to any Spanish folks in the vicinity in case they have found my purse: this was a petty theft as the credit cards were not used (he/she didn’t have the brain to obtain the pin and only €15 was in the purse). If found, please let Paul at the bar know. Many thanks, Marion Maddox

5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Join our focus group RTN WOULD not be the success it is today without you, our readers. But as with all successful companies, we strive to be better and are constantly trying to find ways to improve the newspaper in order to make it an even better read. As a result, we are looking for ten readers in the North and ten readers in the South to join RTN’s very first ‘Focus Groups’. The Southern Focus Group is on Friday 12th November and the Northern Focus Group is a week later on Friday 19th November. In exchange for a slap up lunch, RTN needs just two hours of your time to discuss what you like and dislike about the newspaper and suggest ways in which you think it can be improved. If you are interested in being a member of the RTN Focus Groups, please email your name, location, age and profession to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com. You must be available from 11:00 until 15:00 on the dates mentioned above.

Spanish brown bear dies out in Spain THE LAST remaining native brown bear in Spain has died, signalling the end of the species. The animals were living in the Pyrenees. The Foundation for the Protection of Wild Animals in Spain (FAPAS) say that the

last female bear hasn’t been seen since February this year and is almost certainly dead. There was a plan to introduce bears from Slovenia, but it never went ahead due to controversy surrounding the

idea and accusations that the bears were to be rounded up after release, penned in and used as a tourist attraction. FAPAS is blaming the Spanish and French governments for not doing enough to protect the bears.



Rajoy plans to stop gay marriage LEADER OF the PP opposition party, Mariano Rajoy, has come under attack in the Spanish press after announcing that if the PP were in power, he would overturn the legislation that permits gay couples to marry. A

spokesperson from the gay collective, COGAM, has argued that Rajoy’s comments are out of place, that more than 20,000 gay people have been allowed to marry under the current law and no damage has been done to anyone.


5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

Christmas toy story

by Jack Troughton KICK STARTING the festive season’s fund raising to make sure the youngsters cared for by EMAUS get a Christmas to remember is a special 80’s party night. Monroes Restaurant at Pedregeur is staging the themed evening on Saturday 4th December with €9 from every €14.95 ticket sold going to the children’s charity. With music by DJ Micky B and his Full Monty Disco, members of staff at Monroes are dressing up – and hope guests will also don fancy dress – and will bravely interprete the different eras of pop idol Madonna. And they will also be helping Friends of the Children of EMAUS launch its Shoebox Appeal, where people are invited to fill and wrap a shoebox full of goodies, and aid the charity’s fifth annual toy drive. The shoebox appeal involves donating small presents such as toiletries, clothes, accessories and small toys for children aged from babies to 18 and they can be left at Monroes in Pedregeur, Moraira and Benidorm. By signing up, people can also personalise the box by adding a name – or choose an age range to cater for. SPECIAL

Monroes’ Karen (centre) with Carole Saunders and David Brock of EMAUS

New roundabout for Alfás del Pi

THE LOCAL council has approved a project for a new roundabout on the N332 in Alfás del Pi. The council originally voted on the project in February, but several amendments have had to be passed before work can commence. The aim is for the roundabout to ease the flow of traffic into the town, while ensuring the safety of pedestrians. The project will also ensure the preservation of a nearby hermitage.

Carole Saunders, President of the Friends of the children of EMAUS, said the shoeboxes and toy drive made Christmas even more special for the youngsters in care. “We get the older children a clothes voucher and toiletries but to have lots of presents makes this big day even more exciting,” she said. “They all have great fun opening presents around the Christmas tree in every EMAUS home.” She added: “This is a wonderful idea and we want to thank Heidi of Monroes and all her staff – Heidi is a hard working mum of four and we really appreciate her doing this. The party should be a really great evening.” And people wanting to book tickets for the 4th December party should ring 965 761 731. Toys – the charity asks for all new items – can be dropped off at: Monroes, Heaven Hair and Beauty, and Panache, Moraira; Margaret and Elena’s Book and card Shop, Calpe; The Salamanca Restaurant, Jalon; Monroes, Pedregeur; Fiesta Crafts, Javea; and OCI and FAB FM, Alfaz del Pi.

Work and Play at Anneke: a story of two halves Right to left Aitami, Marisa and Carolina

LAST FRIDAY afternoon at Anneke Residence there was a Halloween Party for the residents of the Care Home. In typical Anneke style, staff members got into the spirit (every pun intended!) of the occasion and dressed up in ghoulish costumes. Scary music was played and there was even a large, tasty chocolate cake in the shape of a ghost, soon devoured by all. Such events are the norm at Anneke where an opportunity is never missed to celebrate an occasion or organise an event, because such experiences are stimuli to the residents – and hence an important part of keeping them mentally active and entertained. At the same time in a different part of the Care Home there was a ‘dental hygiene and mouth care’ course being held for the Anneke staff, given by Dr. Barbara Heissen

of Centro Dental Alfaz del Pi and Calpe. Whilst mental stimulation and psychological care of the residents is one important aspect, obviously their physical care and comfort is vitally important too. For this reason Anneke staff are regularly trained and coached as part of their ongoing roles. Indeed, Anneke Residence achieved the much coveted ISO9001 certification back in December last year - one of the very first care and nursing homes in the Alicante province to receive this award. If you, or any of your relatives, need professional home care assistance or to consider moving to a welcoming care home, then you should contact Anneke Integral Services on 966 814 034 or visit www.anneke.es which is fully translated into English.

5 - JANUARY 11 novEMBER 2010 8-14 2010



5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

5 - 11 novEMBER 2010


Success for APAH Dog Show RBL Gandia and District Branch The APAH Dog Show was a great success

APAH’s RECENT second Fun Dog Show was once again held at Casa La Pedrera in Torremendo. The weather was glorious, with the stunning location of the red ‘Grand Designs House’ basking in blue skies and hot sunshine. The support and enthusiasm shown by the competitors, their dogs and the people who just came to watch and enjoy the day was tremendous. The 12 Classes were judged by professional judge Ann Brooks, who did a fantastic job, providing all the rosettes herself and Ian Morrison from Catz N Dogs Boarding Kennels did a superb job with the microphone holding everything together beautifully. As always, Jenni and Derek, the owners of Casa La Pedrera, along with all the APAH volunteers at the Show, worked very hard in the background to make the Show a success. WONDERFUL

Lily, a beautiful, long haired German Shepherd owned by Pat Young, went on to win Best In Show, but even though there can only be one overall winner, it was wonderful to see how proud both the dogs and their owners were, just to be able to take part, and if they won a rosette, it was even better! Trisha Buitekant from The Post Room in San Miguel, who sponsored the class ‘Handsomest Male Dog’, and printed all

OUR OCTOBER luncheon took place at El Palut in Oliva. As ever the convivial atmosphere was excellent, time flew with the result the staff closed the doors on us at 17.00! Our next major event is The Remembrance Day Service at the Ducal Palace in Gandia at

the programmes for APAH, had success herself after her lovely rescue puppy Pipa came second in the ‘Prettiest Female’ class. She commented on how wonderful it was to see all the dogs out together enjoying the day and how happy they had been to support such a worthwhile cause. A parade of APAH dogs, which featured some of the dogs in APAH’s care and who are still available for adoption, resulted in Tilly, a wonderful, six year old Border Collie cross, being reserved. This is always a great moment for any Animal Charity and a cause for celebration, with her new owners being cheered by the crowd. SUNSET

As the judging finished and the good weather continued, Loose Change, a very talented trio, gave up their evening to entertain the people who stayed behind to enjoy the music, the barbeque and the stunning sunset, as the sun went down behind the Lake. Two members of the band have previously adopted dogs from APAH and are very supportive of the Charity’s work. Once again, they persuaded Derek, who is a professional saxophone player, to play along with the band. When all the adding up was finished, the event raised €1,000, all of which will be used for the benefit of the dogs and cats in APAH’s care.

12.00 on Sunday November 14th followed by lunch at La Canadiense at Oliva Playa. All are welcome and should you wish to join us for lunch please contact our Social Secretary, Janet on 962 865 458 or for further details regarding RBL contact our Secretary, Cilla on 644 113 889.


5 - 11 novEMBER 2010


5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Iron Art Christmas Gift Fair:

Supporting EMAUS

EMAUS IS a charity that currently supports 140 neglected and abused children ranging from 4 months to 18 years in their care homes on the Costa Blanca. Please come along and support us on Saturday 13th November 11.00 to 18.00 so we can add a little happiness to those children.

There is ample free parking and entry is free but the organisers are asking people to “Think Children” and bring with them ANYTHING for children aged four months to 18 years. These donations (which need not be new) will be sorted & used to improve the lives of children far less fortunate than the donors. For further information regarding this Event please make contact with Brian at ironartgata@gmail.com If you can’t think what to buy friends and relations this Christmas, why not come along to our Christmas fair where you’re bound to find something different from the many stalls which will be there on the day. There’ll be everything from plants & shrubs from our Garden Centre, Naked Flame Gel Fires, Jewellery, Clothing, Kitchenware, Embroidery, Glasses, Cards, Moroccan Crafts, Health & Wellbeing, Watches, Paintings & Ceramics, Patchwork & Household Gifts as well as a great range of Garden Furniture, Hot Tubs, Instant Swimming Pools, Awnings and Artificial Grass. We’ll also be serving homemade cakes, cream teas, tea, coffee, cold drinks and even some Christmas mulled wine and mince pies. Come and have an enjoyable time while supporting a great cause on Saturday 13th November. Most Stalls will be under cover (so don’t worry if it’s raining). Iron Art Home & Garden Centre at Gata de Gorgos (N332 Salida Gata to Teulada) . www.ironartfactoryoutlet.com We look forward to seeing you all then.

Mobile ITV station in La Vila A MOBILE ITV (MOT) station will be in La Villajoyosa from 22nd to 25th November. The move is part of the Campaign for Road Safety and Environmental Quality, which aims to reduce noise pollution from motorcycles, mopeds, light agricultural vehicles and quads. The mobile station will be situated on the CV 759 road (to Finestrat) in the old bakery building, next to the Ecopark. Opening hours will be from 16.00 – 20.00. Those wishing to go for an ITV should first make an appointment at the local police station on Avenida Pianista G. Soriano, or call 965 890 050 between 08.00 and 13.00.

English Butcher & Wines Direct

Keith the FRESH AUSTRALIAN, AMERICAN & GALICIAN BONELESS RUMP STEAK 8.95€ per kilo (Min 4 kilos) Cut and packed to your requirements

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Fantastic saver offer Trips to our associated vineyard, Alejandro’s, can be organised for clubs, societies groups and Urbanisations etc. Call Keith Tel 679 985 153 for details

A range of Garden Furniture, Awnings and Artificial Grass are some of the many items available

Home made SAUSAGES €6.95 per Kilo 2 KILOS FOR €12


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Quality Wine direct from Alejandro’s Vineyard in Monovar, Alicante Red, White, Rose - €1.75 per bottle

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All our wines are tried & tasted by a leading wine expert

Annabelle’s famous home-made organic marmalade now on sale again!

Open Tuesday to Saturday 9.00am - 2.00pm (Closed Sundays and Mondays) European Centre, Moraira (Opp Paichi garden centre) Tel/ Fax: 96 649 2311 • 679 985 153 keithall422002@yahoo.com

Delivery Service available

Credit cards accepted



5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010



Email Jon at: jongaunt@roundtownnews.com


See Jon live on Sky News with Eamonn Holmes each Wednesday morning at 7.40am and 8.40am with a review of the UK papers and don’t forget you can listen to Jon on BayRadio each Wednesday morning from 11.00am and Friday afternoons at 4.30pm with his current affairs review.

The lunatics have taken over the asylum

They failed to protect their children I’ve got tremendous sympathy for the parents of Madeline McCann who must be enduring a living hell every day after losing their daughter. However, am I the only person who feels that rather than constantly blaming the Portuguese police and the British authorities for failing to do enough to find their daughter that the ultimate responsibility lies with them as they failed in the first primary duty of any parent, which is to protect their children. If instead of being middle class doctors they had been a couple of chavs who left their kids at home whilst they were down the pub boozing would they have ever raised the millions from the British public that they did and would they still be getting front page coverage in our papers? I don’t think so.

SPINELESS DAVID Cameron may as well hoist the white flag over Downing Street. In the last week he has surrendered over the EU budget rise and handed over at least another £450 million to Brussels despite the fact that 75 percent of Brits wanted a referendum on staying in the EU. He then has the temerity to brag that his actions were a tremendous success. This ludicrous boast is on a par with Saddam’s PR man, Comical Ali, who declared on live TV that Baghdad would not fall as American tanks were rolling down the streets behind him. Not content with cutting15 thousand jobs in the armed services, he now enters into a deal with the French that paves the way for a Euro army.

Then he caves in to The European court of human rights and says that there is nothing he can do about giving muggers, rapists and paedophiles the vote. So Dave, let me get this right then: a bloke who hacked his landlady to death is now celebrating on You Tube with a spliff in one hand and a glass of champers in the other, because the Human rights act will now allow him to have a vote. Cameron has given in to the killers and the loonies in Brussels and accepted that prisoners must get the vote because he doesn’t want to be forced into paying each and every one of them compensation of £750: Cameron continues to say that he is powerless to act no he’s not. He could leave the EU, tear up the Human Rights Act and produce our own Bill of Rights,

Mad Muslim girl

So the mad Muslim girl who knifed former Labour Minister Stephen Timms gets fifteen years and three Muslim fanatics in the public gallery of the Old Bailey shout out curses to the Judge and rant that

because as far as I am concerned and no doubt the majority of people reading this column agree that you should lose your human rights the moment you decide to break into my house through the kitchen window. I’m no bread and water merchant but prison needs to be about punishment first and rehabilitation second but unfortunately our prisons are run by a prisoner Governors Association who actually agree with the idea of convicts getting the vote: clearly the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Just as within the Police, where we need more Gene Hunts from Life on Mars rather than politically correct idiots like Sir Ian Blair, we need our prisons run more by people like Porridge’s Officer McKay than Mr Barrowclough.

“British soldiers must die” Did this enemy within get arrested by the Old Bill for their hate filled rhetoric, which was clearly a hate crime? Did they hell as like! No, they were allowed to continue to spit out their bile on the streets outside the court. Why do we tolerate this behaviour?

Somewhere in that great fictional prison in the sky Fletch will be laughing so much he will be falling out of his bunk.

Why are we so soft on these peddlers of hate? And finally why if they hate this country so much, that keeps them in hot and cold running benefits, do they continue to live in this hellhole called Britain?! Why don’t they go and live somewhere that suits their backward thinking and hate filled ideology more?

Super sale at Looking Good THE LOOKING Good Boutique in La Zenia on the Orihuela Costa is holding a ‘Two Day Super Sale’, this weekend; starting today, 5th November and continuing until tomorrow, Saturday 6th November. The sale, which starts at 10:00 on both days, includes all their occasion wear from ‘Mother of the Bride’ and wedding guest attire to cruise wear and party dresses, just in time for the upcoming party season. And huge discounts are available up to 75% on their €49.00 and €99.00 rails and other offers will also available, but only during the ‘Two Day Super Sale’ days. This is a genuine sale to make space for all the fantastic new collections arriving in the boutique right now. So, why not grab yourself a bargain and take a look at their great selection of stunning clothes and maybe even get a few Christmas gift ideas whilst you are at it? The Boutique will be holding a Charity Fashion Show on Saturday 4th December in aid of the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre. The event starts at 13:00 and there will be lots

of things happening at the event, including a hog roast, live entertainment and hopefully a few surprise guests from the rescue centre. RTN will have all the details about the Fashion Show in the next couple of weeks, so make sure you pick up your copy!





515 - 11- 21 NOVEMBER OCTOBER2010 2010

Join the Santa Fun Run


The event welcomes all Santa’s to raise money for the AECC

CAN YOU believe that Christmas is only seven weeks away? The TV is already full of adverts promoting the delights that Santa can bring you. Here on the Costa Blanca for the last three years, hundreds of Santas have been bringing delights of their own in the form of sponsorship money for the AECC and this year is no different. RTN is proud today to be officially launching this year’s Santa Fun Run in aid of the AECC. The 2010 OK Gym Santa Fun Run will take place on Sunday 5th December in Torrevieja and all proceeds will go to the cancer prevention charity. The 5km circuit will begin and end at the Hombre del Mar, near the pier in Torrevieja and those taking part

can run, walk, jog...or crawl their way around. The entry fee into the race is €10, which includes your Santa suit. However, this year organisers are asking people to let them know when they register if they have a suit already from a previous year which can be used, as this will allow even more money to be donated. This Fun Run is open to all, so bring family and friends as well as the dog. If you want to re-style your suit, even better as there is a prize for the best dressed Santa. And if you see Santa out training for this event, please contact the OK Gym as soon as possible as there is a prize waiting for you; but you will need photographic evidence! If you have never seen or entered this event, it re-

ally is a sight to behold. Last year more than 300 Santas charged along the promenade, complete with artificial snow and a brass band playing Christmas carols. It’s a fun morning out and over the years has raised a fantastic amount of money for the AECC. With fundraising still vital to the charity’s ability to keep its early detection programme operational and coffers low due to the ongoing financial climate, this year the AECC is desperately in need of funds to fight its battle against cancer. Help to support this worthwhile cause and join in the fun! Santa is already training! For more details please call OK Gym on 966 765 755 or Jason at JPS Fitness on 693 596 533. Don’t delay book you spot in the Fun Run today!

“We are mo

re t h an j u

st a v oice on the phone”

Join the Cruz Roja ‘Aa’ Campaign By Louise Clark IT IS a simple idea and one that could mean the difference between life and death. The Cruz Roja has launched a campaign in which it hopes everyone will take part. It won’t cost you a penny but it will allow members of the emergency services to contact a friend or relative in the event of an emergency. Everyone nowadays has a mobile phone, but when you are lying there unconscious





and unable to communicate, it is hard for the emergency services to determine whether you have any specific allergies or ailments that they should be aware of. And that is where the ‘Aa’ campaign comes into play. As part of the campaign, the emergency services are asking that you enter into your mobile phone an emergency contact number of a friend, relative or trustworthy person, who would be able to give any medical details to them and whom you would want advised if you are injured and lying there unconscious. All you have to do is add their number to your contact list under ‘Aa’ and then if the worst comes to the worst, the emergency services will know who to contact. Once inputted into your phone, this number will always appear as the first contact from your list of mobile phone contacts. I have done mine, have you?

All from just:



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5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

Room with a view

A fitted system

by Jack Troughton GLASS CURTAINS SL provides a perfect solution to using outside space all year round while protecting against the elements. The company’s unique glass curtains can be fitted to almost any terrace, patio or balcony area and effectively creates a scenic Spanish lifestyle without seasons. Whether open or closed, the panels of the seamless glazing system employed by Glass Curtains SL provide an uninterrupted view of the great outdoors without any negative impact on the appearance of the building. Each individual panel of the glass curtain moves individually and they silently fold back to completely open the area to the fresh air or close to cut out the cold, wet, breeze, dust, and noise. And professional fitters with Glass Curtains – based at Senija, near Benissa on the Costa Blanca – will tailor this highly versatile system to suit clients’ individual requirements. DESIGN Established in Spain 10 years ago, Glass Curtains designed its own system using 10mm tempered glass, aluminium and stainless steel. All are locally produced and the product carries a five year guarantee. It provides both strength and security. In a one word, one delighted customer’s ver-

Glass Curtains’ Senija home

dict after the system was fitted at his home was: “Stunning!” The company offers a free survey of a property and a quote for installation and potential customers are encouraged to see a model of the system in operation –and meet the team. During the visit it will be explained to clients why Glass Curtains only uses 10mm glass while most competitors use 8mm glass. RTN was told: “It is stronger and the best available – the others use thinner glass because of the weight but our system tracks across the floor rather than the panels hanging.” It is a system now being installed worldwide. The Senija-based operation covers the whole of the RTN area and fitters have travelled to the Balearic Islands, Madrid and even the UK to fit glass curtains. RECOMMEND Satisfied customers recommend the Glass Curtains operation to friends and the team finds itself working hard to satisfy the demand of a growing market. And a new product being offered by the company is swimming pool surrounds to help prevent tragic accidents. It is understood the Spanish government is soon to pass legislation that private pools that can be accessed by the public must be fenced off. Glass Curtains has an unobtrusive glass surround designed for pools using 12mm tempered glass. At the end of a visit, potential clients still concerned about the strength and durability of a seamless glazing system should ask to witness the hammer test. It is somewhat unnerving to watch a glass panel being hit with a heavy tool but the hammer simply bounces off the crystal. Head Office 902 433 435 Lee Director (English/Spanish) 622 848 633 Bob Sales Manager (English) 686 342 256 Dan Production Director (English) 678 520 586

5 - 11 november 2010




5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Access your UK pension fund before it falls in value! by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns WE CONTINUE to receive enquiries on a daily basis from people who, either because they are short of funds now, or because they are simply disillusioned with the UK pension system and prefer to control their own investments, wish to transfer their UK pension elsewhere in order to meet their requirements. The attraction of doing so is compounded by technical changes in UK law which will, for those who have deferred pensions in final salary pension schemes, soon result in dramatic reductions in their transfer values. In fact the nature of this change can easily be thought of as an effective confiscation by the State of part of your pension fund. There are other proposed changes which

will, if implemented, result in further future ‘confiscations’ for some. So what can you do about it? ‘Take control’ is the simple answer. HERE ARE SOME OF THE METHODS OF TAKING CONTROL THAT WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER YOU: If you left the UK before 6th April 2005 you can transfer your UK pension fund to New Zealand and receive a capital sum of 100% of the fund value, irrespective of your age. If you are a UK resident (or left the UK recently) we can arrange through a process known as pension reciprocation, access to a capital sum irrespective of your age. If you left the UK before 6th April 2005, do not need a capital sum immediately but may do so later, or if you require maximum flexibility, confidentiality, and investment freedom then we can deliver this and more by a transfer (via a QROPS) to a New Zealand Foreign Trust. If you do not need a capital sum and are content with a conventional investment

strategy then consider a transfer to a Guernsey, Maltese or Isle of Man QROPS. If you prefer a more conventional UK based solution for your pension fund, but all the same want to have control, we can arrange a UK based self invested personal pension (SIPP) for you. This may have particular relevance if you are planning to return to the UK. If you have substantial assets and wish to achieve protection from UK IHT then a Qualifying non UK pension scheme (QNUPS) may be the answer. And for anyone who lives outside the UK, but is employed by a UK employer carrying out their duties overseas, a ‘section 615’ pension fund can deliver some amazing tax planning accompanied by total investment flexibility. We can say with absolute confidence that we are the only firm in Spain (and probably the only firm in Europe) who are able to consider your requirements and deliver them using one or more of the arrangements set out briefly above.

THE IMPORTANCE OF ADVICE FROM PENSIONS SPECIALISTS For a free no cost (with no upfront fees) review of your pension fund from a leading QROPS, QNUPS and independent pensions advisory firm please contact review@qrops.es or see http://www.qrops.es , http://www.prempensions.com or http://www.qropsguernsey.com

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS, PREMIER PENSION SOLUTIONS S.L, November 2010. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 W: www.qnups.com or www.qrops.es

5 - JANUARY 11 novEMBER 2010 8-14 2010




5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Contract with a S.L by

Marc White & Carlos Baos

English & Spanish Solicitors

WE HAVE businesses in Holland and England and are in the process of negotiation with an important Spanish Company (SL) to sell the shares of these two companies. We are close to finalising the wording of the Share Purchase Agreement that will be subject to English and also to Dutch Law depending on the company. We would like to know what formalities the Spanish Company would need to comply with to be able to sign the agreement formally under the Spanish Law and if, for example, it would be necessary to have a resolution of the board. Could you please advice on that? We understand that the first thing that should be done is to apply for the relevant information from the Company Registry (Registro Mercantil), the equivalent in Spain to Company House, mainly to have an overview and general information about the company: capital base, administration, annual accounts presented, etc. and also to get the statutes (Estatutos) equivalent to the articles of the company. By checking the Estatutos of the company we will be able to know if this Spanish company has any limitation in buying

shares of a company outside the country or in joining this kind of business, also if any special agreement or formality is required to agree or to proceed in this case. In general and regarding the formalities required to sign an agreement please remember that under Spanish Law a Spanish SL (Limited Company) is represented by the Governing Body (Organo de Administracion) which could be 1 person (director), 2 or more persons or also a Board of Directors etc - it will depend on how the company was legally based and what the share holders decide in their meetings, as the governing body can be changed at any given time, according to the formalities and legalities of the Spanish Law. To know who the legal representative of the company is and therefore who must sign on behalf of the company, we will need to see the Estatutos and the information from the Company House that should confirm to us who appears registered as representative or director, etc. Also the Deed, where they were appointed as representatives, should be checked in order to confirm if they can sign this agreement or not. Remember that the directors of a Spanish Company could have a limit in their representation; in some cases they are only able to sign agreements up to a maximum amount of money, or not allow to sell properties, etc; or for some transactions they will need a special resolutions from the Board of Directors or the General Meeting of the share holders, depending on each case. If the company that you mentioned is big, it is probably

possible that it is represented by a Consejo de Administración (board of directors). Also, by law the Consejo de Administración is able to delegate their faculties to one or several consejeros delegados that we can translate as CEO or managing directors that can act on behalf of the company. Normally the CEO is able to sign these kinds of agreements (purchase of shares) as they normally have general faculties to represent the company. But it is possible that the CEO / managing directors have limited faculties by the estatutos of the company or by the agreement when they were appointed. Also if there are different managing directors it needs to be checked if they are solidarios (that means that any of them could sign according with his faculties without the need of the agreement of the other managing directors) or mancomunados, where all of them should sign together in order for the agreement to be valid. The new law 1/2010 of capital companies (sociedades de capital) in its article 249.2 states that some faculties cannot be delegated to the CEO by the board, i.e: presentation of the balances to the meeting, etc, but this limitation has no implications in your agreement. Therefore in your case should be checked if there is any limitation to the CEO or managing directors in the statutes / articles of the company. Finally, it also should be checked if the agreement where they were appointed as CEO was signed in front of a Spanish notary and registered at the company house, and whether there is any limitation that can influence this purchase. *The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. *This article is available in English and Spanish on our website: www.white-baos.com

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

Company Women nominees Karen Love, Norma Reilly, Deborah Macklestone, Ellie Blagden, Ena Cummings, Chrissy Hayes, Gina Marks, Sandra Cunningham, Shirley Adams

THE NOMINEES for the Company Women 2010 Awards in La Fuente demonstrate clearly that the most challenging economic climate can be vanquished by a positive attitude, a flexible approach and attention to customer service. The range of occupations of women nominated for these celebrated business awards is vast but what they all have in common is a passion for their trade. Although Company Women celebrate the entrepreneur, it’s not all about owning your own business. Some nominees are employees recognised as doing that bit extra. “I didn’t think I would be nominated because I don’t have my own business,” explains Shirley

Adams, Business Development Manager of Lloyds Bank International. “But I’m delighted that I have been.” Debbie Mackleston, from ‘The Electrical Shop’ was made redundant recently, “I decided to open my own shop rather than work again for someone else.” Ellie Blagden-Williams from ‘Perfect 10’ admits, “I don’t like blowing my own trumpet. I just try and look after my staff and customers and do a good day’s work.” Karen Love of the Post Room says: ‘We aim to make your life in Spain just a little bit better.’ She has many more catch phrases – if you’ve time! Norma Reilly of Phoenix promo-

tions was one of the founder members: Chrissy Hayes has just started to attend. Some previous nominees know what to expect like Gina Marks managing director of Sol Productions and Sandra Cunningham owner of the ‘Hair and Beauty Academy’. The next stage is the interviews, when selected judges ask each nominee a series of questions about their business: Last year’s winner Ena Cummings explains: “Whenever I’m feeling a little fed up I look at the award and remind myself that I can do it and I have.” We wish them all the best of luck; whatever the outcome, they’ve all lots to be proud of.


5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010


Company ownership for your Spanish property by

Mark Roach

Company Director and Spanish Tax Consultant

WINCHAM BELIEVES that it is the market leader in the provision of Consultancy Services in respect of corporate ownership of Spanish property. Not only has Wincham been operating in Spain for almost 20 years but it owns a portfolio of residential and commercial properties using the UK Company structure. As a company we would not recommend our clients use any methods that we had not proven ourselves. A UK Corporate property ownership can be extremely tax efficient, especially in the areas of Inheritance Tax. The majority of our clients already own property in Spain and we can restructure their ownership of their Spanish property into a UK Limited Company. We are also approached by many clients who own Spanish property in either Offshore or Spanish SL Companies who would like our help. SPANISH SL COMPANIES Generally a client who has structured the ownership of their property using a Spanish SL will have done so as

they have been led to believe that this method will protect them against Inheritance Tax in Spain. This is not so, as in Spain, it is the beneficiaries who have to pay the taxes on death and not the deceased’s estate. This means that whether the non Spanish domiciled beneficiaries are inheriting the shares and assets of the SL Company, or the property directly, then Inheritance Tax will still have to be paid in Spain. OFFSHORE COMPANY OWNERSHIP Offshore Companies registered in places such as The Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey etc, are not part of the European Union and, therefore, do not benefit from EU Treaties. Consequently owning a Spanish property in an Offshore Company can be highly expensive as Spain can tax these Companies annually. It currently taxes the assets of offshore companies at 3% a year. This means they are paying €3,000 a year for every €100,000 of assets owned in Spain. A UK Company is not an Offshore Company but a Non Resident Company of Spain and so is not subject to 3% annual tax.

HOW CAN WINCHAM HELP? Whether you currently own a property in Spain, are about to purchase in Spain or own the property in an Offshore or SL Company, we have a solution and method to help to transfer your property into a UK Limited Company. By owning a property in Spain using a UK Limited Company structure, the individual owners are not required to submit a Tax Declaration (Return) in Spain for the ownership. Instead the UK Company submits a single Declaration once a year which is submitted and filed at zero as a UK Company does not pay this tax in Spain. It is important to remember that these methods are not loop holes but use EU Treaties which are unlikely to be changed or modified. Whilst Spain and the UK are members of the EU they cannot make local Laws that contravene their International Treaties. It is always necessary to consider every case on an individual basis and our trained Consultants can advise on the best structure to adopt for your own Spanish property ownership.

Wincham Consultants Limited, Wincham House, Greenfield Farm Trading Estate, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4TR, England. (Wincham Consultants also have offices located on the Costa Blanca) UK Tel: +44 (0)1260 299 700 | Spain Tel: +34 965 830 991 | Email: iht.info@wincham.com | Web: www.winchamiht.com

Please call to speak to one of our Consultants in the UK or Spain or visit our website www.winchamiht.com for further details and to obtain your ‘free of charge’ Spanish Inheritance Tax illustration demonstrating your potential Tax liability and the potential savings you could make by employing a different structure of ownership. Wincham has offices located in the UK and Spain and our Organisation consists of Gestores, Economistas, Lawyers, Will Writers, Tax Consultants, Chartered Accountants, Members of the Institute of Credit Management and a Companies House Formation Agent who are all part of our team and work on the process and supply support to our clients. You will notice that we are part of the Association of International Property Professionals and therefore must have Professional Indemnity insurance for services both in the UK and Europe which covers our Group of Companies. We also have a Money Laundering Regulation Licence approved by HMRC in the UK so clients can trust the services and solutions that we supply.


5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Time to choose by

Suzanne O’Connell Customer Care at Ábaco

LET’S IMAGINE you could create your own country: that you could choose the climate; the people; the traditions. What would it be like? Would it have the weather of Spain and the greenery of Britain? Would it have the Italian passion for cars and the French passion for haute couture? Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to pick and choose from all your favourite countries the bits that you like and leave aside the bits you don’t? After all, every country has its high and lows; you just have to live with them. Or do you? Some people feel they don’t have to. They are the ones that ignore the 183 days ruling and live simultaneously in both Spain and the UK. They might have health care in Spain but visit their GP in the UK. They might have British plates but no MOT and they might pay their taxes in England and complain about the roads in Spain. Of course, some prefer not to pay their taxes anywhere. Susan Partridge, tax advisor at Ábaco Asesores, describes the situation

perfectly, “I ask my clients who live in Spain but pay tax in the UK, ‘what happens if your house is burgled? Do you dial 999 and ask for the police or do you dial 112 and ask for the Guardia Civil?’ The fact remains that people who are resident here use Spanish hospitals, Spanish schools and Spanish emergency services. They should pay Taxpayers need to Spanish taxes too.” make their Its common sense and yet it is minds surprising just how many don’t. It is not up about unusual to hear people saying that they where they live are resident in two countries. It’s a bit deducted at source. For example, if like pick and mix: they select from each you have a public services pension. of the barrels according to what they But for everyone else living in Spain, fancy rather than working their way tax should be paid here. And if you through the whole packet. think you’re exempt from paying taxes Aside from it being very confusing, – why not let the Spanish authorities having your feet in both countries is decide by completing an annual tax also getting more financially risky. With both Spain and England keen to grab as declaration? Even if you do have to pay it’s no great hardship – in fact, much tax as they can there is less and generally the tax rates in Spain are less opportunity to play authorities off more favourable than in the UK. against each other: taxpayers need to Make your declaration and you are make their minds up. guaranteed proof of residence and it Admittedly some UK pensions are

Tax man to crack down on lawyers and doctors

THE SPANISH tax man has said that more inspectors are to be sent into the workplace. New attention is to be placed on professionals, such as doctors and lawyers. It comes after the revelation that currently a mere 89 people are in prison for fiscal fraud. Hacienda notes that although 70% of cases which reach court result in a guilty verdict, but few found guilty are sent to jail.

should keep those UK tax inspectors with their hands in their pockets. So, we can go on choosing between bangers and mash or paella, Johnsons or Mercadona, siesta or shopping at 3.00. But as for HM Revenue and Customs or El Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda – it’s time to take your pick. If you would like a FREE, no obligation tax consultation with one of Ábaco’s friendly team of advisers call the ÁbacoConnect Help-line 966 703 748 www.abacoconnect.com

2,000 applications for 48 job posts MORE THAN 2,000 applications were received for 48 posts as new air traffic controllers in Spain, at the new wage of 45,000 € a year. When the application period opened there were more than 900 in the first five minutes.

The applicants have already been narrowed down to 150 ‘finalists’ according to the Services and Studies department of AENA, the Spanish Airports Authority. Meanwhile AENA has told the air traffic controllers ‘If you

want to take strike action do so, but legally’. AENA called on the controllers to stop making threats, and president, Juan Ignacio Lema, admitted that if the Authority was privatised the air traffic control section would be broke. What? Padron - a list of all the people who live in a certain town Empadronarse - the act of registering yourself on this list with your local town hall Who? All residents in Spain are required by law to register on the padron How? Fill in the form provided by your town hall. You will need to show your passport, an NIE card or residency certificate, a recent utility bill in your name and the deeds to your house or a copy of a rental contract Why? Better public services including provision of health centres, police officers, fire fighters and schools. Access to financial benefits and social care. A potential reduction in local taxes. Voting rights in local and European elections. An easier life! More information can be found at: www.residenteseuropeos.com/padron_en.php

5 - 11 novEMBER 2010



5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

Piscimar Pool is second to none by Louise Clarke PISCIMAR POOL SL has been established for 27 years and is a family based Spanish company. Owned by Alfonso Blaya, the company has an unrivalled reputation throughout the locality for excellence and value for money. Alfonso built his first swimming pool in 1983 and since then has become an expert in his trade and now not only builds swimming pools but also undertakes renovations and other building projects, including garages and driveways. Piscimar Pool is based in Cabo Roig but Alfonso and his team of nine equally dedicated and qualified workers will travel all over the Costa Blanca and beyond. They build all types of swimming pools and splash pools in all shapes and sizes. All designs are available and if in doubt Alfonso and his English speaking assistant Anna will be there to help you. And with prices from €8,600 for a 6m x 3m pool, you cannot go wrong. Especially because that price includes; the excavation of the land; application of the Gunite system; which is a water resistant concrete based filling process with steel, which provides the best and strongest resistance; impermeable paint to make the pool impenetrable to moisture; quality mosaic tiling from one of Spain’s leading mosaic tile companies and of which there are many designs to choose from; grouting; lights and a shower. Now you cannot argue with that can you? SAFE HANDS As well as the construction of swimming pools, Alfonso and his team also offers a comprehensive maintenance service and is on hand to help with all your swimming pool needs; from pool clearing and repairing to changing filters and checking chlorine levels, you know that your pool is in safe

hands with Piscimar. They are a fully legal company, well established and most importantly, you can trust them. All the workers are Spanish but speak English and they are fully contracted to work for the company, so there are no fly-by-night characters at Piscimar. The company is moving forward and growing every year, introducing new items into stock all the time; their latest innovation is chlorine free pool cleaning products. Piscimar also has a range of excellent pool heaters so that you can use your pool for longer every year and pool covers to protect it during the winter months. For the safety conscious, Piscimar has a large selection of removeable fencing which is light, rollable and retractable in minutes. These adaptable and maintenance free additions to your pool area are essential if you have young children and grandchildren as you can restrict their access to the pool and prevent any accidents. GUARANTEE The quote they give you is the price you pay and that includes all costs for architects, licence applications, solicitor’s fees, notary fees and skip charges. The company ensures not only that the quality of their work is second to none, but also the materials. They start with discussing with customers their exact needs and requirements and they continue this dialogue with the client until the work is finished. There is constant supervision of the workforce which enables them to give the pool itself a ten year guarantee and a two year guarantee on all the accessories and their after sales service (should you need it) is only a phone call away, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To find out more about Piscimar Pool SL, please call 965 320 379 or 670 280 818. You can visit their website at www.piscimarpool.com or email piscimarpool@gmail.com

5 - 11 november 2010



5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

Watts, answer those emails will you... Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

AS THE long dark nights of autumn begin to bite and we draw the curtains ever earlier and the prospect of Seasonal Affected Disorder hangs over my head like the sword of Damocles, I can at least be cheered by the fact that it does present me the opportunity to catch up with some Watts in Britain housekeeping. I seem to have several weeks of it to do. And it’s all because I’ve been playing Silly Billies messing around on local radio recently. It is nothing less than an irresponsible neglect of duty, I’m afraid... so sorry. I’d like to start by thanking everyone that emailed on the subject of road signs. It seems that lots of regular RTN readers have plenty of examples similar to the “we’ve run out of Os...” motorway-sign story from two weeks ago. Grant Smithers has seen the actual sign that I was writing about and it made him “laugh out loud” when he read the excuse offered by West Sussex. Grant emailed, “Not far from the sign you mentioned was a route board on the M23 Junction 9 roundabout that for several years had East Grinstead marked as East

Grimstead.” Grant wondered if it might have been a “personal comment made by some disgruntled sign-maker who hated East Grinstead?” Who knows, Grant? It could well be. It might even have been the chap that ran out of Os. As for East Grinstead I do know it as a destination and it’s not that bad... and I am prepared to vouch, here and now, that it is not at all grim. Well, apart from the hideous one way system. There was much reaction too, regarding last week’s interview with Martyn Oliver. Martyn has reproduced the same as an unabridged and fully fledged article for his website. This site is well worth a visit and Martyn has much to say on many subjects. Do visit his web page - it’s called, Oliver’s Twists and is quite simply a treasure trove. Martyn tells me he is most happy to respond to emails on any of the articles. Also, he’s not as grumpy as me... The quick way there is: http://martynoliver.wordpress. com And finally, in this WIB housekeeping section I’d like to thank David, all the way up there in the beautiful hillside

Dull and overcast?

town of Finestrat, for picking me up on some sloppy geography. Dave emailed, “I have today read your article in the RTN regarding councillors of Birmingham City, one of which is Mr Ian Ward, whom you state as having his ward in Sharp End. No, no, Paul... It is in fact Shard End.” Oh er, sorry David I must have been looking at the map drawn by the guy that made the East GRIMstead sign. And don’t forget folks I am geographically challenged - as I’ve admitted in these columns before Mr Cooke, my geography master, always felt I did well in getting home. David, an expat native Brummie, tells me he lived for many years only

a short distance from my current Birmingham billet, just down the road in Walmley. They filmed Crossroads down there didn’t they, Dave? Who remembers Amy Turtle and Benny? Bob Monkhouse once said he thought that weather man Michael Fish was actually referring to Crossroads when he said, “it’s dull and overcast...” Naughty, Bob! Any road, crossroads apart, let me tell you Dave, it’s a lot warmer in Finestrat than Walmley. Hmmmm, I remember filming some scenes with Dene Michael of Black Lace fame in Finestrat for one of his music videos. Also, my first reporting assignment for the Costa Blanca’s favourite week-

ly RTN was in Finestrat. And I spent a splendid evening there as guest of Kenny Corris, when Kenny had just joined RTN back in 2005. Watts, stop it you’re a shameless name-dropper! I’m sorry folks blame it on this time of year - because it’s about now that I miss being in Spain the most; and, of course, it’s the whole reason and remit for this column. Yup, when I reminisce about Finestrat and Albir and La Nucia it reminds me to tell anyone who is thinking of coming back to Blighty to think again. Oh well, time to go. And time to go rake up all the fallen leaves in the back yard... again. Watts in Britain, specifically so you don’t have to be...

5 - 11 novEMBER 2010



515-21 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010 JANUARY 2010


Make a difference to your life … I did and so can you


Mark Phoenix Murphy Dhp MIAPH MNRAH

SUMMER HAS passed, the heat was unbearable, the temperatures difficult to withstand and if you’re overweight, it will have been even more difficult for you. The extra pounds you’re carrying make your day even harder. It may seem like a natural progression- it’s hot, so you sweat; you’re sweating, that’s why your skin chafes. But if those extra pounds didn’t exist, you wouldn’t sweat as much and the excess skin on your body wouldn’t chafe and become sore. Speaking as someone who understands how detrimental being overweight can be, I can totally sympathise. I’ve just lost 20 kilos and whilst my BMI is still a little high, I’ve never felt better. It’s amazing the difference those kilos have made to the quality of not only my life, by my mental wellbeing. It’s easy to discount your low confidence and low self esteem, but you’d be amazed at how much brighter your day is when a pair of pants fit correctly. Amazing how much happier you feel when you look in the mirror and see how good you look. Having been there and done that and bought the T-shirt, I can totally empathise with you, if you’re just about to start your weight loss journey. Hypnotherapy is a wonderful complimentary therapy that focuses on discovering the root cause of any and all issues. Rather than focusing on the superficial, it investigates why you reach for that pack of biccies,

when you’ve had a bad day at work. It finds and deals with the problem and gives you the courage and strength to handle the truth of why you comfort eat or why you’re overweight. For those of you with a high BMI, the Hypno-Band™, a revolutionary new technique that acts as a virtual gastric band, helps with the pervading issues whilst giving you the security of a crutch. It reduces appetite and strengthens your willpower. You may think it’s easy to eat less and do more and in truth, it is. But if you find yourself unable to stick to that weight loss regime or unable to control your dietary intake, then using Hypnotherapy to discover the ‘whys and why nots’ can really help. Please be advised that the Hypno-Band™ is not purely visualisation; it is a programme utilising CBT and Hypnotherapy. Not everybody is suitable but this is discussed at your FREE initial consultation. READ A FEW OF THE TESTIMONIALS BELOW (ALL AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION) “I am writing to say how delighted I am to say that in 4 months I have lost 13.5 kg (29.8 lbs) and that I certainly could not have done it without your help”. “Hi Mark. I will just tell you that I have lost 5 kilos during the first 3 weeks. Everybody is commenting on this, and I feel GOOD!” “I have recently been attending sessions with Mark

Mark Phoenix Murphy in June 2010 at 117.7kg

of Phoenix Hypnotherapy for the Hypno-Band and although it cost more money, I am convinced it is better to have weekly sessions - four in all. It is so important to feel that your therapist is supportive from the first session and throughout the overall treatment. Mark has been a great support and has encouraged and praised me for losing my first stone, I have one more stone to go and although I have now had my last session, Mark continues to give advice and support. I believe in value for money and I also believe you get what you pay for.” I am the only registered consultant

To change your life, pick up the phone. For a free initial consultation, call Mark direct on 654 202 996 or visit www.HypnoSpain.com, www.HypnosisSpain.com or www.Hypnotherapygastricband.com for more details. NB: Every other week you will find the Phoenix Hypnotherapy advert on page 2.


5 - 11JANUARY NOVEMBER2010 2010 15-21 Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Pure HypnoAnalyst and Licensed Hypno-Band™ Practitioner and the sole IAPH member on the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida. If you’re suffering with a phobia that is effecting your life, visit me at The English Medical Clinic in Albir (nr Benidorm); International Clinica Moraira, Moraira; Consultas Medicas ICA, Camposol and The Physical Therapy Clinic, Villamartin (Torrevieja). Hypno-Band™ has featured on C5, C4, BBC, The Daily Mail, The Sun, STV and soon to be on Embarrassing Bodies (C4). There are over 300 HypnoBand Clinics Worldwide and I am the only one offering this genuine Hypno-Band™ programme on the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida. In May 2010, I was awarded the prestige HypnoBand™ Flagship Clinic by John Maclean, the inventor of the Hypno-Band™ technique and I have helped clients worldwide with my online programme. For your free initial consultation please feel free to call Mark Phoenix Murphy directly on 654 202 996 or visit his websites: www.HypnosisSpain.com or www.HypnoSpain.com for more details.

Mark Phoenix Murphy now after Hypno-Band technique at 97.8 kg

Fair to benefit EMAUS THE CHRISTMAS Fair at the Inn on the Green is on Wednesday 10th November starting at 11.00. Held to benefit Emaus Children at Christmastime, it has been a local fixture for many years. Held inside (anyway) and outside (if dry) the Event brings together friends for coffee and scrumptious snack lunches at the Inn where the Javea Bowling Club meets. This November more stalls than ever will be starting their Christmas Season at the fair. Further information from Lesley Clark on 965 794 462 lesleyclarkjavea@gmail.com

Calpe U3A THURSDAY 11th NOVEMBER will be a very busy and exciting day for U3A. At 10.00 for 10.30 the Annual General Meeting will be held in the Casa de Cultura, when retiring committee members will be thanked and the new team will be welcomed. We are very fortunate in Calpe to have so many members ready and willing to take office without having to resort to ‘the big hammer’. After the AGM we shall enjoy a glass of wine and savouries made by the ladies. Last year the gentlemen provided lots of delicious mince pies - a hard act to follow! Later in the day, the choir will join with the ‘Women in Business, White Ribbon Day’ in leading Christmas Carols in the Diamante Hotel, Calpe. We look forward to a successful AGM.



5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

Blowing your chance! The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist

I’M ABSOLUTELY all for television finding new talent and trying out new ideas, but have you noticed the current obsession to put every stand-up comedian into their own TV series? Despite the ratings holding up on ‘The One Show’, I have to say that Jason Manford looks too ill at ease for my liking, whilst John Bishop’s summer series, ‘John Bishop’s Britain’, was far too stretched out as an idea to sustain six shows. Bishop is a funny guy and is currently in top form as a regular panellist on Sky 1’s very entertaining sports quiz, ’A League of their Own’, despite the hosting presence of the untalented James Corden. Bishop popped up again last week as a guest host of the BBC’s ’Have I Got News for You’, and was found wanting with a ponderous delivery of the autocue with some of the scripted gags misfiring. Much as I’m a big fan of the show, I think it is waning as the ‘guest host’ idea has got boring, and Paul Merton doesn’t know whether he really wants to join in or not (despite being paid well to be there and to be funny): Alexander Armstrong for full-time host please, and as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I feel sorry for the funniest man out of Wales since Max Boyce (which isn’t saying a lot), namely Rhod Gilbert. He’s been lumbered with the dreadful BBC 1 panel show, ‘Ask Rhod Gilbert’, as a Monday night penance for us to endure. A poor format for a talented performer has emasculated his talent and produced forty weekly

minutes of tedium. You end up asking yourself whether any pilots are made prior to a series being given the go-ahead, and how many units of alcohol had been consumed by the channel controller before the green light button has been pressed. No wonder she’s running away to Channel 4 in the New Year! I presume there was no pilot made for my stinker of the week, which hit BBC 2’s screens last Friday night in the shambolic form of ‘The Stephen K Amos Show”. Amos is a reasonable enough comic, who is entertaining for ten minutes, but being given a six programme series is a leap too far, unless it is close to a cliff. I was feeling in a masochistic mood, so I watched the programme twice in a professional capacity to make sure that my brain was functioning properly. It was a fifth-rate ragbag mixture of poor sketches, stand-up, and two unamusing second-rate guests who seemed to be embarrassed to be there. Eight people, including Amos himself, were credited with scripting this garbage which was decidedly short on humour, but high on uncomfortable guffaws from a studio audience that must have been drugged heavily to sit through the whole recording. There were so many low points to choose from, but two of the worst included Amos interviewing himself, dressed as his mother, and a sketch about Nigerian Television that had me staring in disbelief. Amos has peddled the line over the years (including to me in an

Totally Dance medal presentation & fundraiser


John Bishop

interview), that Lenny Henry filled the annual quota of black people being allowed to front comedy shows for the BBC, thus stopping anybody else getting their foot in the door. I think he has a point, but what a shame then that he’s blown his chance in such an emphatic sky high fashion. One comedian though has got it totally right, namely Michael McIntyre. He’s refused offers of presenting chat shows and stuck to what he does best, namely his recent run of the ‘Comedy Roadshow’. Some of the folk that I’ve mentioned above may well be knocking on his door for a slot on next year’s series to repair their soiled reputations.

A Medal Presentation & Fundraising Party at ‘The Club’ Quesada was well supported by over 100 people. €360 was raised on the raffle in the first of several events to fund the school’s trip to Disneyland Paris next year, where they have been invited to take part in an International Dance Competition followed by a parade with the Disney characters. The dancers were awarded with their BATD (British Association of Teachers of Dancing) medals and certificates, against an outstanding 100% pass rate of which 97% passed at Highly Commended level. An examiner from the BATD was flown out especially from the UK to conduct the exams in June this year. The fabulous Suzanne James compered the party and also sang, joined later by ‘The Showgirl’ Maria O’Hara. Thanks go to both of them for giving up their time and performing free. The dancers gave spectacular performances in Baton Twirling and Disco/Freestyle. 13year-olds Tom Willett and Rebecca Holt’s duet wowed the audience and finally a performance from ‘Jet’ the human dog and 9-year-old Libby Meehan had to be seen to be believed. Special thanks go to Marina at The Club for the use of her wonderful venue free of charge and to Jamie Barnes Photography; also to the many businesses that donated raffle prizes.

Success for charity fundraiser

THANKS TO the brilliant publicity in all the local newspapers, especially RTN, the recent evening of Song and Dance held in the Casa de Cultura in San Miguel de Salinas, by the Footwork Dance Group, in support of APAH, was sold out two days before the event. The Footwork Dance Group, along with Kevin Tyler, Mike Peters, Alan Warden and Spanish group ‘Thader Blues’ gave up their Sunday evening to perform in aid of the charity. The

The Footwork Dance Group

audience was amazed by the variety of dances and costume changes and the children of the group earned a deserved “…ahhh” for their performance. The evening raised €714, all of which APAH will use for the animals

This weeks special offer Beds from €20

in their care The audience were unanimous in their praise of all the entertainers and APAH cannot thank each of them enough for giving up their evening for us. Everyone there said they couldn’t wait for the next one!

Pantomime ‘Red Riding Hood’ RED RIDING HOOD is to be staged at the Rojales Theatre on the evenings of 3rd & 4th December with a matinee on the 5th. Tickets will be on sale at a reduced price 12.00 – 14.00 at the Christmas Shop & The Hire Centre. On Saturday 13th November, other events will be happening on San Luis Fun day at the Christmas Shop Commercial Centre Salt lake side. Proceeds from the Panto will go to local charities in Rojales. For further ticket information, telephone Tina on 966 797 683.

tv Friday

5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Animal 24:7 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 BBC News; 16:05 Copycats 16:30 Big Babies 16:50 Shaun the Sheep 17:00 Fee Fi Fo Yum 17:30 Horrible Histories 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Helicopter Heroes 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 QI 22:00 New Tricks 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Graham Norton Show 24:20 National Lottery Draws 24:30 EuroTrip

09:55 Big Barn Farm 10:05 Buzz and Tell 10:10 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:25 The Large Family 10:40 Toddworld 10:50 Pingu 11:00 Waybuloo 11:20 Clifford’s Puppy Days 11:30 Pablo the Little Red Fox 11:35 3rd & Bird 11:50 Wibbly Pig 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Animal Park 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Due South 14:45 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 16:00 Diagnosis Murder 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 The Big Silence 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 David Attenborough’s First Life 23:00 Stephen K Amos Show 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 The Review Show

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News and Weather 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Cheetah Kingdom 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Paul O’Grady Live 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Granada News and Weather 23:35 The Hitcher

08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Frasier 10:25 According to Jim 10:55 Three in a Bed 11:55 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 River Cottage Bites 13:15 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 14:15 Carry On Dick 15:55 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:25 4thought.tv 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 The Event 23:00 The Million Pound Drop Live 24:20 Lee Mack Live

08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Mio Mao 09:35 Thomas & Friends 09:50 Igam Ogam 10:00 Pocoyo 10:05 Milkshake! Music Box 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 House 13:40 Five News 13:45 Warship 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Meals in Moments 16:15 The Memory Keeper’s Daughter 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Fifth Gear 21:00 White Van Man 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 23:55 CSI: Miami 24:50 Cops in Crisis

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Nigella Kitchen 13:00 BBC News 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Rowing 15:15 Four Nations Rugby League 16:00 Formula 1: The Brazilian Grand Prix - Qualifying 18:20 BBC News; Regional News 18:45 Walk on the Wild Side 19:15 Strictly Come Dancing 20:40 Merlin 21:25 The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws 21:40 Casualty 22:30 The Armstrong & Miller Show 23:00 BBC News 23:20 Match of the Day 24:40 The Football League Show

08:15 League of Super Evil 08:25 OOglies 08:40 What’s New Scooby-Doo? 09:00 MI High 09:30 Mission: 2110 10:00 Live ‘n’ Deadly 11:00 Little Howard’s Big Question 11:20 Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 11:50 Dennis and Gnasher 12:00 Roy 12:30 Big Performance 13:00 The Cut 13:25 Teensville: My Two Mums’ Gay Wedding 13:50 Popatron 14:20 The 5:19 Show 14:30 The Season 15:00 Live International Rugby Union 20:30 Coast 21:00 Dad’s Army 21:30 Timewatch: The Last Day of World War One 22:30 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 23:15 Robert Plant: By Myself

08:25 Toonattik 10:25 The Cool Stuff Collective 10:50 Planet Sketch 11:00 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 11:30 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 12:30 This Morning: Saturday 13:30 News 13:40 New You’ve Been Framed! 14:10 Free Willy 16:15 You Only Live Twice 18:30 Granada News 18:45 ITV News 19:00 All Star Family Fortunes 19:45 New You’ve Been Framed! 20:15 Harry Hill’s TV Burp 20:45 The X Factor 22:30 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Susan Boyle 23:30 Bon Jovi: One Night Only 24:30 ITV News 24:40 FA Cup Highlights

07:35 Yo Gabba Gabba 08:00 World Sport 08:30 Freesports on 4 08:55 The Morning Line 09:55 One Tree Hill 10:55 Friends 11:25 Friends 11:55 The Hollyoaks Music Show Playlist 12:25 Katy Perry: Real Stories 13:30 Kings of Leon: Live T4 Special 13:55 Scrubs 14:25 Scrubs 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me 19:25 The Political Slot 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Grand Designs 21:00 Apocalypse: The Second World War 22:00 The Pillars of the Earth 23:00 The Million Pound Drop Live 24:20 Scary Movie

08:05 The WotWots 08:20 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 08:35 Make Way for Noddy 08:55 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:05 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:55 Olivia 10:10 The Mr Men Show 10:30 George Shrinks 11:00 Your Sport 11:05 UEFA Europa League Highlights 12:10 Fifth Gear 12:40 How Do They Do It? 13:10 The Gadget Show 14:10 Zoo Days 14:40 The Witches 16:30 Beetle Juice 18:20 Operation Daybreak 20:35 Five News 20:40 The Mentalist 21:30 NCIS 22:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:30 Forensic Files

06:30 The Record Europe 07:00 Breakfast 08:40 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Country Tracks 13:00 The Politics Show 14:00 Match of the Day Live 16:10 Formula 1: The Brazilian Grand Prix - Live 19:15 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 19:30 Countryfile 20:30 Strictly Come Dancing 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 The First World War from Above 23:00 BBC News; Regional News 23:25 The Apprentice 24:25 Spooks

07:40 Postman Pat 08:00 Arthur 08:15 League of Super Evil 08:25 Sportsround 08:40 Bear Behaving Badly 09:00 Scoop 09:25 Hotel Trubble 10:00 Deadly 60 10:30 Gastronuts 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 International Rugby Union 13:30 Live MotoGP 15:00 Rowing 16:00 EastEnders 17:55 Points of View 18:10 Songs of Praise 18:45 Coast 19:00 The Great British Bake Off 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Stephen Fry and the Great American Oil Slick 22:00 James May’s Man Lab 23:00 The Trip 23:30 Match of the Day 2 24:40 Never Mind the Buzzcocks

07:00 The Fluffy Club

07:15 Planet Cook 07:35 Yo Gabba Gabba 08:00 MSA British Rallycross Championship 08:30 Adventure Race 09:25 World B-Boy Series 09:50 Friends 10:20 Hollyoaks 12:55 Live and Lost 13:05 Ugly Betty 14:00 The Simpsons 14:35 The Simpsons 15:05 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 15:35 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 17:45 Deal or No Deal 18:30 Time Team 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Genius of British Art 21:00 Undercover Boss USA 22:00 Secret Millionaire 23:00 Desperate Housewives 24:00 Seven Days

08:00 Mio Mao 08:05 The WotWots 08:20 Roobarb and Custard Too 08:30 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 08:40 Make Way for Noddy 08:50 Castle Farm 08:55 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:10 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Hana’s Helpline 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:30 George Shrinks 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Street Market Chefs 12:40 Great South Run 2010 13:40 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 14:40 Cowboy Builders 15:40 Stand by Me 17:25 The Aristocats 19:00 Five News 19:05 The Dirty Dozen 22:00 Shallow Hal

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

08:25 Toonattik 10:25 The X Factor 12:10 News 12:14 Granada Weather 12:15 Live FA Cup Football 15:35 Coronation Street 17:55 Downton Abbey 19:00 Granada News and Weather 19:15 ITV News 19:30 Harry Hill’s TV Burp 19:55 Susan Boyle: Video Exclusive 20:00 The Cube 21:00 The X Factor 22:00 Downton Abbey 23:30 ITV News 23:45 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Susan Boyle 24:45 FA Cup Highlights

08:00 Bite Size Brainiac 08:10 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Kim’s Rude Awakening 12:30 New Parent Nightmares 13:00 Biggest Loser US 14:00 Customs 15:00 Stargate Atlantis 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 WWE Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:30 The Middle 21:00 Oops TV 22:00 House 23:00 Thorne: Scaredy Cat 24:00 Stargate Universe

08:30 Rowing 10:00 Live Rallying 11:00 Rowing 14:00 Live Cycling 15:00 Live Rallying 16:00 Rowing 19:00 Eurogoals Flash 19:10 Strongest Man 20:15 Live Cycling 22:30 Rowing 23:30 Poker 24:30 Freeride Spirit Show 24:45 WATTS


07:00 Home Shopping 08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:25 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Miami 15:00 Criminal Minds 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 19:00 Four Weddings 20:00 CSI: Miami 21:00 Nikita 22:00 Medium 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 Criminal Minds

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08:30 The Zoo UK 09:00 Malcolm in the Middle 09:30 Malcolm in the Middle 10:00 Best of Oops TV 11:00 Soccer AM 13:00 Best of Oops TV 14:00 Malcolm in the Middle 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 Oops TV 16:00 My Pet Shame 17:00 The Middle 17:30 The Middle 19:30 Futurama 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Man Who Had Minutes to Live 22:00 The Scorpion King 23:45 Fringe 24:45 Classic Albums

08:30 Freeride Spirit Show 08:45 Rowing 10:00 Live Rallying 11:00 Rowing 13:00 Live Cycling 14:30 Rallying 15:00 Live Rallying 16:00 Live Fencing 17:00 Rowing 18:00 Live Cycling 21:15 Live Boxing 23:00 Kickboxing 24:30 Rowing

08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:25 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 11:00 America’s Next Top Model 12:00 Party Wars 12:30 Baggage 13:00 Psychic Sally: On the Road 16:00 Short Circuit 2 18:15 Celebs 24/7 18:30 Passport Patrol 19:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:00 Criminal Minds

Whats new Scooby Doo BBC2 08.40

08:30 The Zoo UK 09:00 It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00 Customs 10:30 Customs 11:00 WWE Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 Futurama 13:30 Futurama 14:00 The Real A&E 14:30 Super Nurses 15:00 Fat Families 16:00 Fat Families 17:00 Fat Families 18:00 Futurama 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Middle 19:30 The Middle 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Simpsons 21:30 Modern Family 22:00 Thorne: Scaredy Cat 23:00 House

08:35 Rallying 09:00 Live Motor Racing 11:00 Live Rallying 12:00 Rowing 14:00 Live Rallying 15:00 Live New York Marathon 18:00 Live Cycling 20:30 Boxing 22:30 Rallying 23:00 Rallying 24:00 Motorsports Weekend 24:15 New York Marathon

Harry Hill ITV1, 19.30

08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Ghost Whisperer 14:00 Exposed: Jordan 15:00 Short Circuit 2 17:15 Celebs 24/7 17:30 Passport Patrol 18:00 Nothing to Declare 18:30 Nothing to Declare 19:00 Honey I Suckled the Kids: Hidden Lives 20:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 21:00 Nikita 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Monday

48 40

5 Feb - 11 novEMBER 26 - March2010 4 2010

07:00 The Biggest Loser US 08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Super Nurses 12:30 The Real A&E 13:00 Biggest Loser US 14:00 Dog Squad 14:30 Dog Squad 15:00 Stargate Atlantis 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 22:00 Wives 23:00 NCIS: Los Angeles 24:00 Bones

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Remembrance Week 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Copycats 16:30 Big Babies 16:50 Shaun the Sheep 17:00 Hotel Trubble 17:30 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Are You Paying Too Much Tax?: Panorama 22:00 Spooks 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Ask Rhod Gilbert 24:15 Graham Norton Show

10:05 Buzz and Tell 10:10 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:25 The Large Family 10:40 Toddworld 10:50 Pingu 11:00 Waybuloo 11:20 Clifford’s Puppy Days 11:30 Pablo the Little Red Fox 11:35 3rd & Bird 11:50 Wibbly Pig 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Animal Park 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT 14:00 Due South 14:45 Film 2010 with Claudia Winkleman 15:15 Ben Fogle’s Escape 16:00 Murder, She Wrote 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Michael Wood’s Story 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 MasterChef: 22:00 Giles and Sue Live The Good Life 23:00 The Trip

09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News and 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Wild Britain with Ray Mears 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Little House 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Eric Cantona: Looking for Manchester 24:20 Monte Carlo or Bust

08:50 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 09:50 According to Jim 10:20 Cook Yourself Thin 10:50 Three in a Bed 11:55 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 River Cottage Bites 13:15 Jamie at Home 13:45 Hope Floats 15:55 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Celebrity Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Dispatches 22:00 Coppers 23:00 Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night 23:55 Rory Peck Awards 2010

09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Mio Mao 09:35 Thomas & Friends 09:50 Igam Ogam 10:00 Pocoyo 10:05 Milkshake! Music Box 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 House 13:40 Five News 13:45 Warship 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Generation Gap 17:45 Five News 18:00 Be a Star on Neighbours 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 The Gadget Show 22:00 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 23:00 Se7en

Watch New Season TV for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Remembrance Week 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Copycats 16:30 Big Babies 16:50 Shaun the Sheep 17:00 My Genius Idea 17:30 Blue Peter 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Turn Back Time - The High Street 23:00 BBC News 23:35 Film 2010 with Claudia Winkleman 24:20 Remembrance

09:00 The Slammer 09:30 LazyTown 09:55 Big Barn Farm 10:05 Buzz and Tell 10:10 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:25 The Large Family 10:40 Toddworld 10:50 Pingu 11:00 Waybuloo 11:20 Clifford’s Puppy Days 11:30 Pablo the Little Red Fox 11:35 3rd & Bird 11:50 Wibbly Pig 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Animal Park 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT 14:00 Due South 14:45 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 16:00 Murder, She Wrote 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Coast 21:00 Alan Titchmarsh’s Garden Secrets 22:00 BP: $30bn Blowout 23:00 Later Live - with Jools Holland 23:30 Newsnight

09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 River Monsters 21:00 The Zoo 22:00 Ocean’s Thirteen 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Granada News and Weather 23:35 Ocean’s Thirteen

08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 According to Jim 10:25 Cook Yourself Thin 10:55 Three in a Bed 11:55 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 A Brief History of Fun 13:25 Can-Can 15:55 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Celebrity Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Kirstie’s Homemade Home 22:00 Ramsay’s Best Restaurant: The Finals 24:10 Rory Peck Awards 2010 24:15 Seven Days

08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Mio Mao 09:35 Thomas & Friends 09:50 Igam Ogam 10:00 Pocoyo 10:05 Milkshake! Music Box 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 House 13:40 Five News 13:45 Combat Chefs 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Ambulance Girl 17:45 Five News 18:00 Be a Star on Neighbours 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Street Market Chefs 21:00 Sea Patrol UK 22:00 CSI: Miami 23:00 CSI: NY 24:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Kim’s Rude Awakening 12:30 The Real A&E 13:00 Biggest Loser US 14:00 Dog Squad 14:30 Dog Squad 15:00 Stargate Atlantis 16:00 Stargate Atlantis 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 UK Border Force 22:00 Stargate Universe 23:00 Fringe 24:00 A League of Their Own 24:30 A League of Their Own

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Remembrance Week 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 BBC News; 16:05 Copycats 16:30 What’s New Scooby-Doo? 16:50 Shaun the Sheep 17:00 Little Howard’s Big Question 17:30 The Sarah Jane Adventures 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Wallace & Gromit’s World of Invention 21:00 Jimmy’s Food Factory 21:30 Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers 22:00 The Apprentice 23:00 BBC News 23:35 The National Lottery Draws 23:45 Match of the Day

09:30 LazyTown 09:55 Big Barn Farm 10:05 Buzz and Tell 10:10 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:25 The Large Family 10:40 Toddworld 10:50 Pingu 11:00 Waybuloo 11:20 Clifford’s Puppy Days 11:30 Pablo the Little Red Fox 11:35 3rd & Bird 11:50 Wibbly Pig 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 16:00 Murder, She Wrote 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 Escape to the Country 21:00 Edwardian Farm 22:00 Ancient Worlds 23:00 The Apprentice: You’re Fired! 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 BP: $30bn Blowout

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Farewell Jack 21:00 The Pride of Britain Awards 2010 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Granada News and Weather 23:35 Air America

08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:20 Frasier 09:50 According to Jim 10:20 Cook Yourself Thin 10:55 Three in a Bed 11:55 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 River Cottage Bites 13:10 Jamie at Home 13:40 The Opposite Sex 15:55 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Celebrity Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Animal Madhouse 22:00 Grand Designs 23:00 Rude Tube: Rude Tunes 24:05 Rory Peck Awards 2010

09:30 Mio Mao 09:35 Thomas & Friends 09:50 Hana’s Helpline 10:00 Pocoyo 10:05 Milkshake! Music Box 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 House 13:40 Five News 13:45 Combat Chefs 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 The Family Recipe 15:55 Rough Guide to Eco Escapes 16:10 Murder in Greenwich 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Highland Emergency 21:00 Battle of Arnhem: 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 24:00 Law & Order 24:55 Poker

07:00 Biggest Loser US 08:00 Brainiac 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Kim’s Rude Awakening 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Biggest Loser US 14:00 Dog Squad 14:30 Dog Squad 15:00 Stargate Atlantis 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Little Couple 21:30 Emergency Animal Rescue 22:00 Bones 23:00 Lie to Me

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

01:15 Motorsports Weekend 01:30 Close 08:30 Motorsports Weekend 08:45 Rallying 09:45 Rowing 11:15 New York Marathon 12:30 Cycling 14:15 Rowing 15:15 Rallying 16:15 Cycling 18:00 Eurogoals: One to One 18:15 Eurogoals 18:45 Champions Club 20:00 Strongest Man 20:45 Rowing 22:30 Fight Club 23:30 Eurogoals 24:00 Champions Club

01:15 WATTS 01:30 Close 08:30 New York Marathon 09:30 Eurogoals 10:00 Champions Club 11:15 Eurogoals: One to One 11:30 Rowing 13:15 Fencing 14:30 Eurogoals 15:00 New York Marathon 16:00 Rowing 17:30 Live Fencing 19:00 Olympic Magazine 19:05 Eurogoals Flash 19:15 Live Fencing 20:30 WATTS 21:30 Boxing 23:00 Freeride Spirit Show 23:45 Rallying 24:30 New York Marathon

08:25 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Miami 15:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 19:00 Four Weddings 20:00 CSI: Miami 21:00 America’s Next Top Model 22:00 Four Weddings 23:00 Sex Change Soldier 24:00 Criminal Minds

CSI Miami LIVING, 14.00

08:35 Rowing 10:00 New York Marathon 11:00 Fencing 12:00 Eurogoals 12:30 Champions Club 13:45 WTA Tennis 15:00 Cycling 16:45 Rowing 17:00 Women’s Football 18:15 WATTS 18:30 Eurosport for the Planet 18:50 Eurogoals Flash 19:00 Women’s Football 21:00 Wednesday Selection 21:10 Equestrian 22:10 Riders Club 22:15 European Tour Golf 22:45 Golf 23:15 Golf Club 23:20 Sailing 23:50 Yacht Club 24:00 Olympic Magazine 24:15 Cycling 24:30 Sport Traveller

Stargate Atlantis SKY1, 15.00

08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:25 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Miami 15:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 19:00 Four Weddings 20:00 CSI: Miami 21:00 Dating in the Dark US 22:00 America’s Next Top Model 23:00 Party Wars 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:25 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Miami 15:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 19:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 20:00 CSI: Miami 21:00 Four Weddings 22:00 Ghost Whisperer 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Thursday 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Remembrance Week 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Moving On 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Copycats 16:30 What’s New Scooby-Doo? 16:50 Shaun the Sheep 17:00 Deadly 60 17:30 The Sarah Jane Adventures 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News Programmes 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Watchdog 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Reggie Perrin 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

09:30 LazyTown 09:55 Big Barn Farm 10:05 Buzz and Tell 10:10 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:25 The Large Family 10:40 Toddworld 10:50 Pingu 11:00 Waybuloo 11:20 Clifford’s Puppy Days 11:30 Pablo the Little Red Fox 11:35 3rd & Bird 11:50 Wibbly Pig 12:00 Green Balloon Scrapbook 12:30 Animal Park: Wild in Africa 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Due South 14:45 Ready Steady Cook 15:15 Ben Fogle’s Escape in Time 16:00 Murder, She Wrote 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Pointless 18:15 The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 The Culture Show 21:00 Nigella Kitchen 21:30 Autumnwatch 2010 22:30 Autumnwatch Unsprung 23:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Culture Show


5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News and Weather 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The Cost of Caring: Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Monte Carlo or Bust 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:30 Granada News and Weather 23:35 Memphis Belle

07:35 Yo Gabba Gabba 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:25 Frasier 09:55 According to Jim 10:25 Cook Yourself Thin 11:00 Three in a Bed 12:05 Supernanny USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 River Cottage Bites 13:20 Jamie at Home 13:50 Barefoot in the Park 15:55 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Celebrity Coach Trip 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 River Cottage Every Day 22:00 Britain’s Trillion Pound Horror Story 23:30 True Blood 24:40 Rory Peck Awards 2010 24:45 Reaper

08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:30 Mio Mao 09:35 Thomas & Friends 09:50 Hana’s Helpline 10:00 Pocoyo 10:05 Milkshake! Music Box 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 House 13:40 Five News 13:45 Combat Chefs 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 The Family Recipe 15:55 Rough Guide to Weekend Breaks 16:10 Jane Doe: Til Death Do Us Part 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Jaguar Adventure with Nigel Marven 21:00 Battle of Arnhem: Tour of Duty 22:00 Heartbreak Ridge 24:40 The World of Stupid Criminals

08:00 Brainiac:

01:30 Close

Science Abuse

08:35 Snooker:

09:00 Oops TV

Shanghai Masters

10:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Kim’s Rude Awakening 12:30 Medical Emergency

10:00 Cycling 11:00 Fencing 12:05 Champions Club 12:30 WATTS 13:30 Rowing

13:00 Biggest Loser US

15:15 Winter Olympic

14:00 Dog Squad

Figure Skating

15:00 Stargate Atlantis

16:45 WTA Tennis

17:00 Cold Case

18:00 WATTS

18:00 Malcolm in the Middle

18:50 Eurogoals Flash

18:30 Futurama

19:00 Live Fencing

19:00 Oops TV

20:15 Fight Club

19:30 The Simpsons

23:00 Rowing

20:00 The Middle

24:30 Strongest Man

07:30 Home Shopping 08:00 The Jerry Springer Show 08:25 The Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Miami 15:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 19:00 Four Weddings 20:00 Private Practice 21:00 Drop Dead Diva 22:00 Nikita 23:00 Chuck 24:00 Criminal Minds

20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Modern Family 21:30 The Simpsons

Suduko Answer

22:00 An Idiot Abroad 23:00 A League of Their Own 24:00 NCIS: Los Angeles


CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Letter-writer; 7 Prong; 8 False; 9 Ill; 10 Container; 11 Theory; 12 Divans; 15 Raise Cain; 17 Man; 18 Smart; 19 Tread; 21 Heartrending. Down: 1 Love interest; 2 Ego; 3 Wagons; 4 Inflation; 5 Ellen; 6 Representing; 7 Pulse; 10 Carpenter; 13 Aimed; 14 Castor; 16 Image; 20 Eon. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Extravagance; 7 Fleet; 8 Mourn; 9 Cur; 10 Interfere; 11 Potent; 12 Obtuse; 15 Tolerance; 17 Dud; 18 Olden; 19 Infer; 21 Interminable. Down: 1 Emancipation; 2 Awe; 3 Astute; 4 Admirable; 5 Cause; 6 Independence; 7 First; 10 Ignorance; 13 Under; 14 Infirm; 16 Laden; 20 Fun

Wordwheel 9 letter word: MATERNITY



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515-21 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010 JANUARY 2010


Your UK TV questions answered - Part 3


Bill Pole

ConeXionS TV Solutions, professional sales, service, support & advice

WELCOME BACK to RTN’s monthly features about the world of British TV here on the Costa Blanca. Last month we answered some common TV questions, and this month we untangle some more mysteries. Thanks for all your emails and calls; I hope I’m able to help! Q: What the heck has happened to the BBC signals recently? I have a 2.4m dish and was using BBC Channel Islands, but this is now fading at around 6pm. I have checked with my friends and neighbours, and they all have the same problem. What can I do to get BBC back? A: The bad news: The BBC has shifted its frequencies to allow room for BBC1 HD, which will launch in November. This means that BBC1 Channel Islands is no longer the strongest BBC signal. The GOOD news: There are replacement frequencies available. BBC1 Wales is now the strongest signal, and can be found on Sky channel 972; BBC2 Wales is now available all day on channel 991 for owners of big dishes. Furthermore, because these channels are now accessible through the Sky EPG (Electronic Programme Guide) rather than the ‘SERVICES > OTHER CHANNELS’ method, they can be recorded by owners of Sky+ and Sky+HD boxes, unlike in the past! Thanks, Mr. Murdoch!

Q: I had a Spanish TDT aerial installed by you a year ago, and was enjoying the new digital channels. Now some of them (especially the ones showing football) seem to have disappeared. What’s happened, and how can I get them back? A: As many local and national broadcasters have switched over to digital only six months ago, there have been inevitable teething problems. New channels have been added, whilst others have changed frequency since their launch. Some TDT boxes and TVs have an auto-update feature, and you may need to do nothing to stay current. Other models will require manual updating. To do this, go into your TDT menu, find the Installation option, and auto-scan for channels. Don’t worry if you’re asked to delete existing channels first – they will all be rediscovered during the scan process. If your TDT system doesn’t update automatically, make a point to do it manually every three months or so. This will ensure you are receiving everything you’re supposed to. Any trouble, give us a call for free, friendly advice… Q: When I first had my Sky installed, it worked fine. Recently, and particularly after the wind and rain this past weekend, it’s started to ‘pixelate’. Any advice?

A: Pixellation is the digital symptom of bad reception; it’s as simple as that. Satellite channels tend to be weaker during the evening anyway, but if you are losing some or many channels earlier than expected you may simply need a dish re-alignment, or there may be an external factor affecting your system’s performance. Call us to arrange a full system check, and watch your favourite shows again this evening! Q: More and more companies seem to be offering a thing called IPTV. What is it, and do I want it? A: IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) is a new method of watching UK TV on your PC or laptop via the internet. Now that broadband speeds are on the rise, it is quite possible to stream live and pre-recorded UK TV shows over the web, in decent quality. An IPTV service will bounce your internet connection off a UKbased server, meaning you can access restricted UK-only content, such as BBC’s iPlayer and other sites which depend upon you having a UK-based PC. These websites will often allow you to watch TV live over the net, and also often give access to shows broadcast up to thirty days or more previously so that you don’t miss out on previous episodes in a series.

Three years and this time it’s Simply Red for Café Vienna

Party time at Café Vienna Bar

IT’S PARTY TIME and Café Vienna Bar in Almoradi goes Simply Red for their third anniversary, in aid of Paul Cunningham Nurses and the AECC. Saturday night, November 13th at 20.00, everyone has been asked to wear something red that is visible – red underpants are okay but must be worn outside your trousers! The less adventurous will be allowed on payment of a forfeit and the wearing of a red carnation. There are to be 20 raffle prizes and a special PCN teddy bear will be joining guests, with Andy Ramage singing.

Ricky Valance in San Pedro LODOSOL RESTAURANT in San Pedro will be the venue for Ricky Valance and the Jukebox Legends’ next show. The event will take place on Thursday 18th November at 20:30 with tickets priced at only €6 and the show is a fund raising event for PUMA22. A pre show meal is also available

at a great price. For ticket information you can call Alan on 606 727 346 or, if you want to pick up tickets from the Torrevieja area, 695 135 124. “Tickets have just been released for this show and we expect them to sell very fast so please don’t hang around,” says organiser Peter.

Bill Pole owns and runs ‘ConeXionS Digital Satellite Solutions’ (based in Javea). Phone on (+34) 660 638 975 or visit www.conexions-javea.com for the latest news, info and special offers.

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5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Ticket sales rush for Macy Gray and The Manhattan Transfer T Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

ICKET SALES for the thirtieth edition of the Cartagena Jazz Festival have surpassed expectations according to the organisers. Music fans are rushing to purchase tickets to see their favourite artists perform at this year’s festive edition and concerts are selling out fast. 250 festival passes at just €75 that include entrance to all of the concerts have completely sold out, and at the time of going to print the booking office was about to run out of tickets for tonight’s performance (Friday 5th) by The Manhattan Transfer, and Macy Gray in a double bill with David Sanborn on Friday 19th. Plus tickets are almost sold out for tomorrow night’s much anticipated concert featuring sax supremos Wayne Shorter and Maceo Parker. So if you are going without a ticket, best telephone first to check availability. At 20:00 this evening the inaugural concert takes place at the Puertas de Murcia. The Afro Cuban All Stars are performing for free in what promises to be a spectacular open air show. Spectators will find more than a thousand seats arranged in tiers by the Concejalía de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Cartagena. Later on at 22:30, The Manhattan Transfer will perform at the Nuevo Teatro Circo, the home of the festival. On Wednesday 10th there’s another freebie, this time at the Centro Cultural ‘Ramón Alonso Luzzy’ at 20:30 with Rob Mazurek’s Starlicker. Mazurek is a jazz

trumpeter from the Miles Davis School, along with avante garde players like Don Cherry, a sound/vision abstractivist, cornetist, improviser, composer and multi-media artist with a very unique style. He will be accompanied by John Rendon on percussion, a member of progressive rock group Tortoise, and Jason Adasiewicz on vibraphone. Announced earlier this week is a late addition to the programme, the Cartagena band Traffic Jam will perform on Thursday 18th, for free, at the Nuevo Teatro Circo after the Latin jazz/Flamenco duo Michel Camilo & Tomatito. The quartet of local musicians was formed in 1997 to create a Latin jazz/fusion project. In 1998 the band released their first album ‘Traffic Jazz.’ They plan to release their second album soon featuring ten original songs. Other artists appearing at the two-week long festival until November 21st are the Buena Vista Social Club, Stacey Kent, Eli “Paperboy” Reed, Maria de Medeiros, Howe Gelb & the Band of Gypsies with Raimundo Amador, Zenet, Esperanza Spalding, the Portico Quartet and Sax Summit featuring Joe Lovano, Dave Liebman and Ravi Coltrane. Tickets are available from the Nuevo Teatro Circo, tel. 968 501 615, or ticket agents www.ticktackticket.com – Tel: 902 150 025. More information at www.jazzcartagena.com Torrevieja Dixieland jazz band, All That Jazz, gigs for November are as follows;


Macy Gray

Tuesdays at Marina Bar, Torreta 2, Torrevieja, at 13:00, tel: 966 707 820 for food reservations. Sundays at Bar Carlos, area of the Friday Market, Torrevieja at 14:00: both are very popular places for jazz so best to book or get there early. Saturday 20th November at the Hillside, Urb. La Marina, no start time as yet, there is an admission charge going to charity. More info at www.allthatjazz.talkspot.com

More festival and concert information at www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

Spectacular Suzy G!

Allo ‘Allo at the Casa de Cultura

TONIGHT, 5TH NOVEMBER, at Tyler’s Bar in Rojales, there will be a special bonfire night spectacular with entertainment courtesy of TKO’s very own Suzy G! This fantastic night is all in aid of Animal Aid and there will be bonfire night food served as well as a full menu. Suzy has taken time out of her busy schedule to support the Animal Aid charity and has been really busy rehearsing her new ‘Diva’ show, which has its opening night at O’Neill’s in San Miguel de Salinas on Sunday 14th November. Booking for this fantastic show is advisable, so please call Suzy G 639 986 715 to book a table. at her In the meantime, get yourself down to Tyler’s Bar in Rojales Halloween tonight for a bonfire night to remember. performance

Fundraising events for Debra: Help Association The Butterfly Children Charity Christmas Market TUESDAY 9TH November - The La Marina Tappers present ‘An Evening of Variety’ at The Sports Complex, La Marina starting at 20:00. La Marina Tappers will be appearing with Bill Kelsall - Music Hall Comedy and Tom Marr who performs a vocalist tribute to the Rat Pack. Admission will be €3 with a donation to The Butterfly Children Charity.

SATURDAY 27TH NOVEMBER A Charity Evening with TAABS at The Restaurant Castilla (Lemon Tree Road) in Guardamar starts at 20:30. All monies raised will be donated to The Butterfly Children Charity. Tickets are available now at both the Pueblo Bravo and La Marina Charity Shops at €5 each.

The HELP Association Christmas Market is to be held on Saturday 20th November at the Pizzeria Asturias, from 10.00 until 14.00. Stalls will feature crafts, gifts and jewellery as well as home produce, puzzles and games, linen and bric-a-brac and as assortment of ladies’ and gents’ clothing. There will be a raffle and Tombola to make things interesting. The Pizzeria Asturias is off the N332, near the Water Tower.

7TH NOVEMBER: Ad-Hoc Theatre Group presents ‘Allo ‘Allo at the Casa de Cultura, Guardamar in aid of AECC. Curtain up 19.30: Tickets €8 available from The Post Room, Benijofar; The Card Place, Benimar;

Razorsedge, San Luis; Kennedy’s Supermarket, Los Montesinos; The Pantry, San Luis or via www.adhoctheatregroup.com. For further information about AECC in the Torrevieja area visit www.aecctorrevieja.org

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5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

Translating “was”

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 132

ONE OF the hardest things for any of us to learn is that we cannot translate word for word from one language to another. This is basic cornerstone of language learning but it can still catch us out. In some instances we can get away with it, for example “chair” really is “silla” and “bailar” really is “to dance” even if styles of chairs and forms of dance vary from one country to another. However, the more we learn about a language the more differences we find. Sometimes they can be very subtle, sometimes they can create bizarre misunderstandings, and sometimes they are just plain complicated and grammatical. So, before we get onto the “complicated and grammatical”, here are examples of “subtle” and “bizarre”. There are many subtle differences in the ways we describe people and their personalities. Let’s take the word “nervioso” as an example. If we translate this into English as “nervous”, we assume it means “shy” or “retiring”. However, in Spanish “nervioso” means active, that is someone who can’t keep still. Really it is the opposite of “tranquilo”. I think “bizarre” might describe the translation mistake I read about the other day whilst doing some research. Apparently Alfonso XIII of Spain was the special guest of Edward VII in London in 1905 at a dinner in which he met his future wife. During the course of the evening he was reported to have said “I am sorry I am very constipated”. It would seem that poor old Alfonso had a cold which he mistranslated

into English. And you thought your mistakes were embarrassing! The good news is that apparently his humorous behaviour at the dinner endeared him to his future bride Victoria Eugenia – so you just never can tell. So, that’s your amusement for this week – now to the boring grammatical bit. We’re going to have a go at the word “was”. It would be so nice if we could just look up “was” in the dictionary and come up with a single word replacement to suit all circumstances. If only it were that simple! However, “was” is not like “chair” and there are several different things we need to realize before we even approach the word “was”. I’m now going to summarize them and hope you’ll have the will left to continue reading next week. Firstly, in English “was” can refer to “I”, “he”, “she”, or “it”. As I’m sure you know, we cannot assume in Spanish that a verb following “I” will be the same as a verb following “he or she”, although sometimes they are the same. Secondly, the word “was” comes from the verb “to be”, and as you also know, there are two verbs that translate “to be” in Spanish, namely “ser” and “estar”. Thirdly, (and I won’t assume you know this although I have gone into it on an earlier occasion), there are more past tenses in Spanish than there are in English and fourthly, there are expressions in English which use “was” which in Spanish use “tener” – for example “I was hungry” is “tenía hambre”. Now that I’ve got this far I might as well finish the

VIP Party time with Paul Cunningham Nurses PARTY WITH Paul Cunningham Nurses on Wednesday November 10th at Hotel El Corazon, at 19.30. Tony Lincoln, Infinity and Tony Marr will be entertaining, with tickets at €8 but for VIP members we have a special price of just €3 and drinks at two for the price of one.* Every person with a VIP ticket will receive a free gift.

To find out how easy it is for you to become a VIP call, text or email Susan Reader 629 869 959 sueinthesun@terra.es COMING EVENTS SATURDAY 13th NOVEMBER Father Christmas at The Christmas Shop: train rides and more! The Christmas Shop

job of frightening you by listing the words that most directly translate “was” – here they are: “estaba, estuve, estuvo, era, fui, fue”. I’m not sure how long it will take, but I am going to try and explain the difference over the next week or two – wish me luck.

is just off the San Luis roundabout on the Crevillente road between Quesada and Torrevieja SATURDAY 20th NOVEMBER Tickets are €12 for Black and White Night at the Quesada Country Club – Splendid Carvery on Saturday night and the fabulous PDQ to entertain you! Sittings will be 19.30; 20.00 and 20.30. For tickets or more details call,

text or email Susan at sueinthesun@terra.es or 629 869 959 or visit www.paulcunninghamnurses.com for a complete list of events until Christmas. *This is offered with a voucher obtainable by prior arrangement from Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity shops. The offer is one voucher per person - vouchers can also be sent via email - contact sueinthesun@terra.es and put VOUCHER in the subject line.

5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010


Word Ladders The key rule is that you must only change one letter at a time as you move from one rung to another, and the word you make must be a proper word! Therefore you may move from BATH --> BATS but not from BATH --> CASH because that changes two letters in one go which is not allowed.

Cryptic Crossword

Sudoku ACROSS 1. He has a divine gift for finding water (6) 4. Asserts there are many in America (6) 9. Realise and convey how to act like a servant (5,3,5) 10. Thwarted by interbreeding? (7) 11. Not a bow; nor even a smile apparently (5) 12. Room for mental improvement, perhaps (5) 14. Expose oneself to some vain curiosity (5) 18. Mason’s house? (5) 19. Burnt a cleaner colour (7) 21. Noisy debate is still logical (5,8) 22. Satisfying giants perhaps (6) 23. Ensured one had a nap standing up (6)

DOWN 1. To desert is a failing (6) 2. Certainly confident (7,1,5) 3. Those reformed show spirit (5) 5. Eats heartily and puts snugly to bed (5,2) 6. Just a fraction of a Rugby team (5-8) 7. Work of intelligence (6) 8. A poem of positive significance (5) 13. China’s place in Western Europe (7) 15. Curses the results of explosions (6) 16. An account to settle? (5) 17. Revised a muddled deed about it (6) 20. A smart kind of accent (5)



1. A planet (6)

1. Protect (6)

4. Formality (6)

2. Mozart opera (3,5,5)

9. Callow (13)

3. Drive back (5)

10. Handbill (7)

5. Foot pedal (7)

11. Dig (5)

6. Memories (13)

12. Temptress (5)

7. Concealed (6)

14. Gem (5)

8. Thin soup (5)

18. Allude (5)

13. Furious (7)

19. Entwine (7)

15. Emergency (6)

21. Contraband (8,5)

16. Dulcet (5)

22. Stable (6)

17. To flavour (6)

23. Sanity (6)

20. Bird of prey (5)


Quick Crossword

Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 585 60 54

Please call 966 709 893 for reservations or to pre-order your takeaway. Call for directions on 678 571 117

You can play these wordwheels by whatever rules you like. But there is at least one nine letter word hidden in each wordwheel (and thus using every letter in the wordwheel). For many players the fun element and biggest challenge of the wordwheel is to find a nine letter word. Other than that, the rules are up to you - but generally you should restrict yourself to only finding words that contain the central letter, as otherwise you will find huge numbers of words in many puzzles!



16 20 22 32 42

Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 41. Crossword winner for issue 576: Joseph Haynes, Benitachell


No ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros (£13,042,500) jackpot prize



5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

music scene MP7 – Party Band Compiled by

Eric Taylor

ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com


P7 ARE a totally live band that play a fantastic array of party songs that will keep you entertained and hopefully dancing all day or night long. The band is based in the Moraira, Javea area but also travel around the Costa Blanca as required. The band has three beautiful girls and two not so beautiful men who have been performing together since 2008:- Debbie (bass guitar), Jude (lead & backing vocals), Mark (drums), Sherry (lead & backing vocals) and Steve (guitar & vocals). MP7 are available for private parties, corporate events, weddings, etc.

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, GIGS IN NOVEMBER please contact Sunday 7th - Don Quijote Bar, Paichi Eric directly. Centre, Moraira

Friday 12th - Cultural Bar, Adsubia Sunday 14th - So What Bar, Calpe Port from 17.00 For more information please call Simon (band manager) on 679 352 327 or check out their website: www.simonheard.co.uk/MP7

The Fugitives – Rock/Blues Band THE FUGITIVES are a newly reformed three piece band featuring Stewart Collier (guitar/vocals), Celo Crocetti (bass) and Alvaro Styx (drums). Stewart is known locally as ‘The Human Jukebox’ because of his knowledge of songs and outstanding guitar abilities. Before moving to the Costa Blanca, Stewart spent the previous 12 years touring with ‘Teen Spirit’, the worlds biggest Nirvana tribute band. Bassist Celo Crocetti hails from Argentina and he and Stewart are both band instructors at the Javea Rock Academy. Bursting with energy, talent and more than a few rocking tracks, the band play everything from

Talking Heads, through The Police, Prince, The Eagles, Jimi Hendrix, U2, Pink Floyd and some rocking original songs too. The Futivies are performing on Saturday 6th November in Bar Quo Vadis, Javea, and Sunday 21st November in Don Quijote Bar, Paichi Centre, Moraira; for more details contact Stewart on 608 861 331.

Dolce Divas – Claire Post & Kirsty Orr

DOLCE DIVAS are a duo comprising of Claire Post (soprano and flute) and Kirsty Orr (piano) who play and sing an assortment of classical, jazz, ballads and songs from the shows. They are not only talented but look good as well. For more details contact Claire on 676 164 048.

Sharni – Vocal Entertainer

SHARNI HAS over twenty years experience in the entertainment business with residencies in five star hotels in the Middle East and major holiday/leisure resorts in the UK. Since arriving in Spain, Sharni has been in great demand at many venues in the area. She is ideal for cabaret, dancing or easy listening – singing hits from the 60’s to the present day. For bookings and more information check out her new web site: www.thesharnishow.com GIGS FOR NOVEMBER Friday 5th - Bar Quo Vadis, Javea (Re-Opening) Sunday 7th - Metro Gastro Bar, Calpe (Every Sunday) Monday 8th - Tower Lounge Bar, Benidorm (Every Monday) Friday 12th - Bar Fustera, La Fustera Friday 19th - Bar Meson del Paco, Ctra. Javea-Benitachell Saturday 20th - Platino’s Lounge Bar, Arenal, Javea Sunday 21st - Bar Quo Vadis, Javea: 16.00 Friday 26th - Restaurante El Trinquette, Albir Saturday 27th - Bar Fustera, La Fustera



The ers Newcom e Welcom

Every week Nigel Turner, Cumberland Bar, Benidorm will be doing a Focus report on the nightlife of Benidorm and the artists performing there. Should any artist/venue wish to be included :– contact Nigel on 685 550 106, email: ngltur@aol.com, web site: www.cumberlandbarbenidorm.com

Two megastars on one stage THIS WEEK we look at a very unique tribute act: Ricky Price and Lorraine Caney have got together to form a tribute to Elton John & Tina Turner. Ricky has been working the town’s clubs successfully for many years as Elton John but has decided to enter into a new venture which is packing them in. If you visit this show you can expect all the usual hits from the two artistes which complement each other and also treats the audience to two stars in one show. The Tina Turner side of the show

is performed by Lorraine Caney who hails from Sunderland and was part of Abba Fever, so is no stranger to the tribute circuit. In 2008 she won the Tribute Idol Competition at the Lounge Bar in Torrevieja. This show is a must for all fans of the two artistes concerned and can be seen at Benidorm’s Broadway situated on Calle Gerona every Wednesday at 22:15. They are currently looking to take the show to other venues and anyone interested should call 620 721 099 for more information

5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Exhibition at ArtHouse IT HAS all been a little chaotic at my gallery at the moment as we have an exhibition starting tomorrow night! The exhibition is entitled ‘Fragile’. A group of local artists including myself will be exploring the by concept of ‘fragile’ with individual artists showing what this word means to them. So many things in the world BA (hons). Artist & owner around us are fragile, from simple of ArtHouse Gallery objects that we touch every day to the relationships we encounter in our lives; the very young and the very old; the gentle flutter of a butterfly’s wing; the delicate balance of our ecosystem; easily broken bodies, souls and minds; a skeletal leaf falling from a tree. Fragility can be a thing of beauty or a state that invokes fear. This is quite an unusual exhibition holding decorative pieces in a diverse range of styles and materials. The exhibition runs for three weeks. All of the exhibitors are professional artists living on the Costa Blanca, producing a range of modern and unusual pieces from large canvases to more delicate works on paper. The range of materials used varies from traditional oils on canvas to mixed media collage. This is a fresh and original collection of work unlike any other in the area.

Julia Evans

ABOUT THE ARTISTS The artists exhibiting include fellow RTN writer and well known artist Chris Sinclair. Chris will be exhibiting a new range of work that has never been seen before. Darren Whiting studied fine art

up to MA level in both England and Cyprus. Darren has held a successful career in the R.A.F and now, as well as painting, is a highly accomplished tattoo artist owning Cobra International tattoo studio in Benidorm. Keith Barnes is a self taught artist with a background in marine law. Keith began painting early on in life but his highly successful career in law halted his art career. Keith moved to Spain ten years ago, and has since produced a prolific amount of beautiful work. Sylvia Mason has had a long, successful and varied arts career in the UK where she also studied and obtained her art degree. Sylvia now lives in Spain. She produces large works on paper using mixed media and collage. Her Main subject is the female form and her work centres on the perception of women. Mary Atkinson acquired her BA in art at Manchester School of Art. She had a successful career in the UK with her ceramics work before moving to Spain ten years ago. Now Mary mainly exhibits in Indigo, a beautiful shop in Javea Port. She also holds regular art workshops. The exhibition is being held at ArtHouse gallery in Gata de Gorgos. For all information please visit www.arthouseonline.net. Opening night is Saturday 6th November from 20:00 – 22:00. Please come and join us for a glass of cava. It runs for three weeks, ending on 30th November. Our opening hours are: Monday – Friday 10:00 – 16:30: Wednesdays 10:00 – 14:00: Saturdays 10:00 – 14:00.

Butterfly by Darren Whiting

Julia Evans BA (hons), ArtHouse Gallery, Calle San Miguel no. 14, Gata de Gorgos, 03740 Alicante. Tel: 0034 965 756 286 or 0034 687 114 853. Email: arthousemail@gmail.com. Web: www.arthouseonline.net. If you are an artist and have an exhibition coming up or simply just want me to view you work then email arthousemail@gmail.com

3 course lunch from 12.95€ 3 course Fine Dining evening Menu from 14.95€ 3 course Gourmet Sunday lunch from 14.95€

Book now for your Christmas parties.

Monday – Saturday throughout December ( Excluding Xmas Day) Champagne cocktail on arrival and festive crackers etc Special 4 courses meals with choice of menus available. Only 14.95€ Now taking bookings for Xmas lunch & New years eve Visit our new web-site; www.lapistajalon.com BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISAPOINTMENT!

Telephone: 966 480 125

Bar Quo Vadis, Javea BAR QUO VADIS, Javea, has recently been sold and the new owner is Irene (formally Platino’s Bar, Arenal, Javea). The bar has been closed for a couple of weeks due to re-furbishment and is re-opening on Friday 5th November with live music from Rob Sweeney and Sharni. The Quo Vadis will be featuring live music every Friday, Saturday and Sunday – for more details: 672 857 423.


PROBABLY THE BEST RESTAURANTE IN JALON! Now taking bookings for the Christmas Festivities including; Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Year’s Eve

58-14 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010 JANUARY 2010


Gardening in shorter days by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

OVER THE past month we have been asked a wide variety of questions at talks, on mountain walks and on the river bank fishing, some of which are worth sharing with RTN readers. WHERE CAN COMFREY BE OBTAINED? Import from UK suppliers and try healthyplants@live.com by the way, we try to always take a few plants to talks we are invited to give, as we did at the oasis garden club in Rugat last week and talks to the U3A Javea and Moraira rotary groups this week. DO OLD FASHIONED ROSES DO WELL IN SPAIN AND WHERE CAN THEY BE OBTAINED? The answer is they can do. In theory they can be grown everywhere but they will do best

Abraham Darby variety

in the cooler areas and when planted in clay top soils to which plenty of composted horse manure has been added before planting and used to mulch plants each winter. They are available from some better garden centres but these are often plants imported from Austin Roses from the UK. However, for the best choice contact Austin Roses via www.davidaustinroses.com email wholesale@davidaustinroises.co.uk and buy direct by mail order or bring out by car. Ensure you order early as there can be a two year waiting list for some of the best known varieties. By the way, over the years, Austin’s old fashioned roses have been bred for continuity/repetitive flowering and perfume. WHAT PLANTS CAN BE PLANTED IN WINDOW BOXES DURING WINTER MONTHS? This question is considered in chapters 2.2 and 4.5 of our latest book, ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’. The choices include pansies and violas, ageratum, cyclamens, freesias for very early spring, poinsettias, chrysanthemums, decorative, brassicas, heathers, and red lettuces We would like to buy some pruners for gardening friends who have arthritis and find it increasingly painful to keep their garden tidy. Can you suggest anything? Yes, look out for the Fiskars range of pruners in the better stocked garden centre and horticultural shops and Leroy Merlin who we notice now stock them. If you look up Fiskars on the internet you will find that they are recommended by the National Arthritus Association in the United States. During the summer months we forgot to

Beautiful window box

top up our mini worm composter and as a result lost a lot of the worm population. WHERE CAN WE BUY A TOP UP SUPPLY? The easiest thing is to contact the mail order shop on www.wigglywigglers.co.uk and ask them to send a supply by post from the UK. From our experience they travel well. Autumn and winter fishing can be spoilt by the amount of loose weed that catches on ones line both on the beach and in rivers. Can the caught weed be added to a compost heap? Yes. However beach weed can be added directly to asparagus beds but is best left to dry and be washed free of excessive salt deposits before adding to compost heaps. River weed is also full of nutrients and does not have a salt problem. If you want to combine collecting river weed with catching lifetime best carp or catfish, especially during winter months, contact ace fishing coach/ ghillie Nick Chaddock, who fishes a wonderful stretch of the river Ebro, an easy drive from the Costa Blanca. Dick recently spent a great day’s fishing with Nick discussing fishing and growing vegetables as Nick and his wife Mandy have a productive riverside allotment.

His mobile number is 680-820-728. We still have problems finding bottles of Neem Oil, except in large bottles in agricultural cooperatives. Have any of the major garden supply companies started to pack bottles suitable for gardeners? Three reputable current suppliers are Sepaisa, Trabe and importing from Germany - Niem-Handel. Interestingly, Flower is launching a handy spray as well concentrated oil for dilution for 2011. So start to look out for it at your local garden centres. Next week we will review some interesting products seen at the annual Iberflora Gardening Trade Show a fortnight ago.

Nick Chaddock with Dick

Clodagh and Dick have now lived and gardened in various parts of Spain for 25 years. There books are packed with useful information with vivid illustrations that are gardening bibles for many expats and English speaking Spaniards, whether experienced or beginners. You will find ‘Your Garden in Spain, ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’, ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ and the latest one, ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’ in high street and internet bookshops. www.santanabooks.com has an autumn offer for the first three. You can always keep the one you don’t already have and use the other two as birthday or Christmas presents. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com October 2010.

Mavericks Book Review by

Danny Collins


AUTHOR ROBERT HARVEY is a military historian so we can expect the title to have some reflection on historical war leaders. Indeed it does, providing twelve pen portraits of such unconventional warriors as Clive of India; Nelson; Field Marshal Montgomery of Alamein; Wolfe of Quebec and that old warhorse George Patton.

It is the author’s contention that such men who commanded in the thick of battle won or lost on the personality of their leadership, making snap decisions that often countermanded the orders of backroom generals who commanded from far behind troop lines. Thus Harvey’s book is a gripping investigation into what made these maverick commanders so different as they emerged as charismatic leaders of men, rational under fire, unafraid to improvise and lead their loyal troops to victory against the odds fate had stacked against them. The book is illustrated with contemporary photographs in black and white and

Pear pressure 2 Pears Cucumber 1 Carrot Ice THIS IS a simple juice to make, containing some great ingredients. Another great one for kids as the sweetness of the pears disguises the goodness of the carrot and cucumber. It is very refreshing on a hot day. Juice all the ingredients and add ice as required.

Author: Robert Harvey Publisher: Constable & Robinson (paperback) Price: €11.70 ISBN: 978 1 84529 929 3

contains maps of some of the most famous campaigns:

definitely worth slipping into Grandad’s stocking.

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

PEARS contain Vitamin C, potassium and fibre. Their juice helps protect the colon CUCUMBER contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6, folic acid, calcium, chlorine, iron, potassium and beta-carotene. It is highly diuretic, a fantastic cleanser, good for the hair, skin and nails. Cucumber is also good to reduce cholesterol. CARROTS contain Beta-carotene, vitamins A, B and C, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. They help to cleanse the liver and digestive systems. They are great antioxidants: anti-cancer, antiseptic, diuretic, immune booster, anti-bacterial and they help to lower cholesterol. And aid eye and skin problems. These recipes are supplied by The Kamala Centre. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at The Kamala Centre on office@thekamalacentre.com or call us on 965 985 869. If you would like a copy of any of these recipes you can download them at our website www.thekamalacentre.com Andy and Carol, The Kamala Centre

5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010 8-14 JANUARY 2010


Discover the Costa Blanca

Derek Workman continues his series of excursions from his book ‘Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’ which features 22 detailed trips that lead you to spots you’d never find by yourself. Race tracks and bulls tarts

FOR SUCH a small town hovering just off the motorway a short drive from Valencia, Cheste has three major sporting venues; the motor racing track, Circuito de Velocidad Ricardo Tormo; the Valencian Community’s hunting grounds, said to be one of the best in Europe; and the regional Archery centre, used for national championships. The circuit was opened in September 1999 and is named after one of Cheste’s most famous son’s, Ricardo Tormo, twice motorcycle world champion, who died less than a year before it’s opening, sadly of leukaemia. Prior to the opening of the track, probably the most notable event to have happened in Cheste’s recent history was in 1864, when a collection of coins and gold and silver artefacts dating from the Iberian period were found just outside the town. Not surprisingly it became known as the Tesoro de Cheste, the Treasure of Cheste. The restoration bug has hit Cheste in a reasonably big way. In the main square, the Plaza del Dr Cajal, the Fuente del Ayuntamiento, designed in 1802 by Vicente Marzo, president of the Real Academia de Bellas Arts de Valencia, spouts forth in front

Cheste motorbike sculpture

of the elegant town hall. Keeping it company is the splendidly ornate Sindicato Agricola y Caja Rural, the town casino (a kind of gentlemen’s club where the town’s solid citizens socialise) with its sinuously curving Modernista wrought iron work and colourful tiled panels showing agricultural abundance. Sadly, the interior is rather a let down. The Chestanos are said to be very proud of the hexagonal bell tower of the Iglesia de San Lucas Evangelista. At 51 metres, it matches that of the Micalet tower of Valencia’s cathedral. In 1982, the church was declared a Monument of National Artistic Interest, and has been completely restored, with its rich cream stonework glowing as if it were completed last year and not in 1770. High above the main doorway cherubs perch precariously, praying on a high pointed pediment, while to the left of the main alter is a mural attributed to the 18th Century artist, José Vergara (or one of his students). Unfortunately, the charm of the church is somewhat marred by the appalling 80’s apartment block that sits beside it, but the Modernista façade of the building that houses the Salon de Te Verdi, opposite, helps restore the ambience of the plaza, and you can nip in to try some of the home-made local specialities such as Tortas de Toros, small pastries with raisins and nuts, or Testaminos, made with sugar, flour, and egg yolk and occasionally with an assortment of fillings such as chopped almonds. The municipal market, sensibly placed in the Plaza Mercado, is currently under restoration, so as you approach, it looks as if it is derelict; it isn’t, half is working while half is being restored – a very sensible approach. Tucked behind it, the Ermita de la Virgen de la Soledad Gloriosa, named after the town’s patron saint, was originally built in 1573, but has been considerably restored since, as witnessed by the numerous plaques signifying its various face lifts. Most notable amongst these is the medallion just below the twin bells that informs the public in bold 3D lettering that the façade of the church was restored in 1904 at the expense of one José Rodrigo Martinez. In such manner do the rich pave their way to heaven...

Chest casino balcony To the side of the market the rickety hand-made sign for the long closed Cine Goya – a building that looks more like a barn with balconies than a centre of entertainment – recalls a time long before the onset of 16-screen multicines when every tiny village had its own cinema. As you wander the streets take a glance at some of the tiled side panels that frame the front doors of many of the Modernista houses. In fact the town has maintained quite a lot of architectural gems, although the town architect in the ‘70’s and 80’s has something to answer for. Fortunately most of the new developments, at least in the town itself, seem to be in keeping with the original styles. One oddity is the police station, a combination of public building, garage, water tower and public broadcast system all in one.

To discover more about Spain, visit www.derekworkman-journalist.com and http://derekworkman.wordpress.com. http://valpaparazzi.wordpress.com are random notes about life in Spain. Derek Workman’s books, Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca and Small Hotels and Inns of Eastern Spain are available from most good books shops or direct from the publisher, Santana Books, www.santanabooks.com or Tel. 952 485 838.

Gastronomic Fair this weekend

Alicante Provincial President Joaquin Ripoll

THIS WEEKEND sees the seventh Gastronomic Fair take place at the IFA Exhibition Hall near Alicante Airport. The event which starts tomorrow, 6th November and continues until Tuesday 9th November, includes an intense programme of events and cooking demonstrations from some of the most talented and well known

chefs not only in Spain but from around the world. A large number of the province’s top restaurants and vineyards will be represented and will have stalls at the event to highlight their culinary delights and specialist wines. For more information, please visit www.lomejordelagastronomia.com which has all the details in English.

See Jupiter and the Moon

THE VEGA BAJA Astronomy Group is having an ‘observing evening’ on Saturday 13th November from 19:00 until 22:00 on the Punta Prima Promenade, Orihuela C3osta, observing the Moon and Jupiter as well as its four largest moons; always a stunning sight. Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System, is more than twice the size of the other planets combined, with 63 known moons. A ‘gas giant’, it is about 90% hydrogen and 10% helium: gas planets do not have solid surfaces: when we look at Jupiter we see the tops of clouds high in its atmospheres, the atmospheres segregated into several bands at different latitudes, resulting in turbulence and storms along interacting boundaries. The Moon is best observed in its first quarter when the sunlight is falling on the moon from its right side. At the first quarter, three lava filled craters dominate the moon’s surface. From north to south these are the Mare Serenitatis (Sea of Serenity), the Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility), and the Mare Nectaris (Sea of Nectar). For more information, call Derrick 965 720 967 or Pat 966 716 211. Also visit http://sites.google.com/site/vegabajaastronomy/

50 44

5FEB - 11 NOVEMBER 26 - MARCH2010 4 2010

Murder he wrote!

SCARCELY DOES an evening watching television not include a death, or two or even more. We become blasé about violent death even after witnessing the most appalling and grisly murders, or being the fly on the wall in forensic laboratories where rank and decomposing bodies await dismemberment. This is then presented to us as entertainment. Death brings a great divide for many. Having lived all our life, however short, however long, we inhabit a body assigned to us. This body becomes the vehicle in which we can adapt to living on this planet, and it is the body we have to learn to connect with. Within our bodies lies the soul; the, ‘black box’ of the emotion and the spirit individually tuned to the frequency that we ourselves deserve, as a result of our lifelong connection or disconnection with all we encounter. This soul channels our expectations and records our progress all through our life, and will always reflect that which we have done to enlighten; and the sheer love that we have expressed, and saved within. However, the body dies. We cannot stop the vehicle of our life becoming lass agile, more fragile and weakening. One day our tired and worthless body will release to the tender care of the Spirit World an eternal and individual soul. The journey of the living soul is affected by the outer layer of an etheric coating which permits transport, and the whole process is designed so that souls can leave Earth both quickly and efficiently. Ask anyone who has watched anyone’s last minutes of life, or any nurse or hospice worker and they will tell you about the teleportation of the soul and how it renders the body it leaves behind a cold and lifeless cadaver. Which brings me back to just where I started: the murder business always has its dead body, from which motive and

accusation, coupled with cues and clues, brings evidence, forensics and conviction, the process of which we watch as an entertainment. Crime series began on our screens as the dangerous gun running streets of downtown American cities. It was a while before Dixon took his place in Dock Green, the Z Cars began their policing American style, in motor vehicles, and even Cagney and Lacey as women detectives were allowed to clean up Manhattan; even if the opening credits revealed that they had to go window shopping in Bergdorf and Goodmans and eat the occasional hot dog, all whilst they were on duty. Call it the signs of the times. Nowadays crime scenes are diversifying. Murder hits our screens from the vaulted halls of Oxford Universities, and in the leafy Home Counties where Midsomer Madness seeks to provide us with an endless stream of corpses between the hollyhocks of the herbaceous border and the resplendent oak tree of the village green, and even the vicar is suspect. Agatha Christie’s prolific encounters of death are, for sure, a warning to us all. Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot always get to the point of things as their sleuthing reveals the clues that the author scatters haplessly in our direction amongst the many red herrings to throw us off track. Agatha made her money from dead bodies, knowing that we cannot all survive, and that some of us are indeed victims to untimely deaths in this, the dying game of life. For her crime paid very nicely. We have survived the birth process and we are, each of us, living our lives, but one day, inevitably, will be our last, and that dear reader won’t be by murder, but it is a dead cert!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Kenny’s Diary

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com KENNY, IT’S close to the anniversary of the death of my youngest son. I know that I should be strong, but every year I go to pieces around the date of his death, and I have to accept that I probably always will. I hate myself for feeling this way - does it get any better? Mandy V Mandy, it never seems to be right that a Mother has to bury her son. The grieving process does kick off around anniversaries as you think what could have been, and what was. Nothing anyone can say or do can make a difference to the way that each of us deals with death; or the memories we treasure and savour, and those that we would rather forget. Your son is with Spirit now, and I don’t think he would want you to be feeling so bad. Time is a great healer, and your love for your son will never ever die. Try to celebrate the anniversary of something very special that you shared as Mother and Son too, it may help.

Reading at Bistro Maya in Albir: Monday 8th and Wednesday 10th from 16.30 to 19.00. Spiritual Fair at the Maya on November 20th! Please call: 966 868 213. Readings at Hair Zone in El Limonar, Torrevieja on Tuesday November 9th. Mini readings back by request at this popular and friendly salon from 17.00 onwards. Book now to avoid disappointment: 966 786 722 or 627 065 301. Sunday November 14th: Lightworkers Workshop for all those wanting to better see the way to help with changes in 2012: Held in Finestrat: €45 including a soup and sandwich lunch! For details ring 686 361 594.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

Calpe Christian Fellowship Church SATURDAY 30TH October was a memorable day for Calpe Christian Fellowship Church. Approximately one hundred attended the induction service of their new pastor, The Rev. Dr Tony Hobbs, BA (Hons), Ph.D., and his wife Ann. The service was conducted by Rev. Huw Williams from Wales with the day’s message presented by one of the churches’ elders, Clive Anning. Tony Hobbs follows John Adamson, who has given ten years of faithful leadership to the Calpe Fellowship and who has decided to retire from full time service.

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Curious planetary complications with networking Mercury and a wayward Uranus see things becoming more difficult than they really need to be. There is a real need to just walk away with your head held high, but if you stay around it is to be on your terms and with your own specific needs, because things have gone too far and you really do not have to compromise to be happy. Venus the Goddess of Love finds an opening in your astro sister, Libra. Seems to be a time to keep all options open because you really do not know what you want right now; but it is not a rod for your own back! History repeats itself, so look beyond the passion and the flattery of this love and ask yourself well and truly if you really are seeing the whole picture that now clearly emerges. Something doesn’t feel quite right, and no matter what is said or done nothing seems to make it happen for you. What you see is not what you’re getting, and the disillusion is not a part of your fantasy, nor is it anything to hold you back. You are on the edge of making a decision that brings changes all around and nothing and nobody should stop you experiencing the wind of opportunity. You are currently experiencing a healthy whiff of nostalgia as you take a resolutely positive step along memory lane. The past cannot be repeated but putting things back together is good therapy for the real job in hand. You need above all to make a contact with your inner self since a boost to your ego would see you making all the right connections that deny you the total happiness you deserve. Fortune smiles, so strike while the iron is hot, and just go for gold. The last few weeks have seen you spiralling and acting in a detached manner that does you no favours whatsoever. Taking conscious control means just that, and if you want to get mad then better to get even and show someone just what you can do. Keep your temper even if all around you seem to be losing it just now! Stubborn pride stops you saying what has to be said right now. In hindsight things should have been nipped in the bud, but without further delay, take control of a wayward situation and you will, at least, be closer to achieving your goals. Time is of the essence this week as you seem to be burning the candle at both ends in a bid to make things work. Be yourself and that’s good enough for anyone. Venus enters just after the weekend bringing love to you on all levels. Your devotions open your heart and hey presto, someone is to walk into your life bringing diversion and happiness. Fuelled by Piscean energies and pampered by love energy and commitment at last, you are more than you think that you are; and are in pole position to steer this romance to ultimate and passionate conclusions. Where is your sting when you need it? Hard work may be your forte but not if you have to bite your tongue. Time to thrash things out, and in so doing watch the smile go from someone’s face as they realise just how things are, and how they could be. Take steps to organise a treat for yourself. Not only do you deserve it, but actions with Mercury are suggesting something rather special is on the way! Gregarious actions put you in charge of an entertainment that makes the most of an impending celebration. Forget the hard work and the organising, nobody does it better, and it will take your mind off things. Mercury enters midweek and this brings you the chance to spread the word as a warning to those who seek to control you right now, and let them see what you can do when left alone. Pluto allows you to examine something from the grass roots upwards, highlighting something you have been concerned about for some time. With resolve and resolution you will win hands down if you just stick with the tried and tested and keep your cool. Behind recent events is the jealousy of someone who should know better. Try putting them in touch big time, because you can! With Mercury in Scorpio and both Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius there is a need to greatly simplify the complication of what will be a challenging time for you. As you finally find something that you have been looking for, you then spend the rest of the week playing your part, only to find that others have something else in mind for you! Go with the flow, and enjoy yourself. Jupiter brings you good luck and fortune, especially with an impending investment, or any financial transaction, and all aspects of money! Money needs to work for you, and a subtle adjustment now will save you money and bring you a little extra for current spending, right when it is needed. Now all that you have to do is make priorities that spin your windfall into play!

If it’s your birthday this week... Pictured: Jean & Don Baskerville (Deacons) Elizabeth & Rev. Huw Williams (Wales): Ann & Rev. Tony Hobbs (our new Pastor): Miriam & Clive Anning (Deacon)

Timing is of an essence, and you may find that the plan up your sleeve allows you to experience new, vibrant, and highly positive energies coming your way. Just make sure you call all the shots!

Costa Blanca North Alcoholics Anonymous Tel: C/Blanca North 648169045. C/Blanca South 625912078 www.aa-costablanca.org ARNAAP Tel: Susan/David Hollister 966404650 shollister@hotmail.com Autos y Caravanas de España (ACE) Tel: Caroline 965842562. Benimarco Doll Grp Tel: Carolyn 965731198. British Sub Aqua Club Diana 966495197 Steve 966470163 www.bsacmarinaalta.co.uk Caring Together: Regional Hospice Asn. (RPA 5377) Tel: 649956365/965894240 www.caringspain.com info@caringspain.com Christian Worship/Fellowship Cocentaina & Muro del Alcoy N340. Mark/Carla 965590442/ 618987649 cjhmeh@gmail.com Church of England Campello: Paul 965562008. Orba/Fontilles: Richard 965584240/Hazel 965587585. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Costa Blanca Anglo Spanish Assoc. Tel.Geoff 965757847 or visit www.anglospanish.org Costa Blanca Ex-Tablers Club Javea.Tel: Jim/Chris 962833749 www.costablanca41club.org Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir Teulada. Tel: Mike Evans 965744577 tikievans@teleline.es Costa Blanca North Gardening circle. Tel. Joy 966498681 Brian 965790253 Costa Blanca Samaritans Helpline: 902883535 Mon-Fri 8pm-12am. info@costablancasamaritans.com www.costablancasamaritans.com Costa Blanca Yacht Assoc. Tel: Rachel 965740923/Jacki 965995223. www.cbya.org Els Poblets English Speaking Resident’s Grp Tel: Heather 966475429 hcrowe@europa-network.com Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS Tel:966460063/965744426. Gardeners’ Circle Tel: Jenny Bussey 966405365. Harley Owner’s Grp C.B Chapter Calpe Tel: Max 625011892. HELP Charity Shop, La Xara Mon–Sat 9.30-1.30pm (Sat 1pm) tel 966422988 (24hr a/phone) www.helpofdenia.com Int. Motorhome Assoc Tel: John Sanderson Volunteered Coordinator 966474532/662032131. Int. Motorhome Club Tel 965851671/667508217. rayjeanbarber@hotmail.com DerekLoveday@telefonica.net (mark subject IMC) Labour Int. Costa Blanca North Javea Tel: Kevin/Ann 962808731. www.labintspain.org.uk Ladies Club of Busot Tel Teresa 965699407. Pres.Mary Holden john_marybusot@hotmail.com Masonry North Costa Blanca Tel Barrie Mansell 966719653 provincialsec@hotmail.com Medcare Mum & Baby Clinic Tel Hazel 966860258. doctors@medcarespain.com Pego & District Branch Royal British Legion Tel Fred 966400812/Brenda 663348565. Social: Ron 965583373. P.E.P.A Charity Shop C/Cervantes 26, La Font d’En Carròs, nr Gandía. Tue-Sat 101pm/Fri 5-7pm. 650304746 www.pepaspain.com P.E.P.A Stall Sat 10am-2pm at Bar Celtica Rastro, Novele nr Xativa. 650304746 www.pepaspain.com R.A.F. Transport Command Old Boys Assoc Jim Semple, 187 Severn Ave, Swindon, Wilts, SN25 3NB UK my_ last_three176@btinternet.com


Royal British Legion,Gran Alacant, Brian Hunt 639-917-971 secretarybr3606@gmail.com Royal British Legion Spain Welfare: 676451780/952352300 (ans/phone). www.spainnorth. legionbranches.net Tennis Club Los Amigos Pego Fred Moeling 630113123 The Aircrew Assoc C.B Branch Tel Sec 966495042 www.acacostablan ca.org The Costa Blanca Branch of the World Ship Society Tel Clive Hedge, Javea 965795981. www.worldshipsociety.org United States Navy League Stewart 629478007 Various Craft Clubs Tel: 965794462 lesleyclark@craftclubsjavea.com Women in Business Club Tel 669219088 www.wibc-spain.com Xàbia Public Lending Library C/Mayor, Xàbia Tel Alma Dorndorf 966470885/636898162 dorndorf@wanadoo.es Xativa Social Club Tel Sandra Kynes S.Sec. 962281047/Sue Drummond C.man 962287549.

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Please note that the DEADLINE for clubs announcements is Friday at 12.00 noon. Please email your details to clubs@roundtownnews.com or fax to 965 856 054 RTN clubs is printed monthly. You can also find clubs listed on our web page www.roundtownnews.co.uk

Tasker 96 686 0735 pdawson802t@cv.gva. es Thursdays at 13.00hrs Cumberland Bar, Benidorm The English Church Rev. Eddie & Mrs M. McMillan 966804215. Villasol Squares Benidorm Tel Peter 686208730, plot 1512 Villasol Camping.

Benitachell BENITACHELL HELP Coordinator 664-573-360. help.denia@gmail.com Benitachell Ladies Club Tel: Carole 966493566/Pam 966493341. Marina Alta Pensionista Assoc (MAPA) Tel: 966490840 pauline.winfield@gmail.com Tai Chi Tel: Julia 619613236 Tap Dancing-Children Tel: Sherry/Ann 680673871. Therapeutic DRU Yoga Tel: Trudi 639361999 Tienda Benefica Shop Mon-Fri 10-1pm.Trish 610-829-405

Benissa Altea • Albir • Alfaz Alcoholics Anonymous Altea (English) Wed 8pm. Tel: 648169045. Altea English Library 1st Fl Bar Miramar Mon/Thur/Fri 11-1pm. Linda 965844707. Alteatro Tel Kate 965845039. Costa Blanca Computer Club Sierra Bernia School, Alfaz 965889187. Dru Yoga Tel Louise 644132836 www.thetransformation.com English Theatre Group, Helen on 644 543 146. New Hope Church Alfaz del Pi Cami la Querra Nº2, centro Mar Local Nº2, Alfaz del Pi. Pastor Stuart Wilson 625720347/ 965013230. Piecemakers’ Patchwork Quilting Grp Alfaz Tel Jean 639566692/Linda 965790731. Second Chance Charity Shops Albir 966865342 Alfaz 966860222 Finestrat 965878229. Tigers Golf Society Albir Lills Lounge, Boulevard de los Musicos 692 749 478. U3A Marina Baixa Alfaz Tel Angie 687211722 angietaylor222@yahoo.co.uk www.u3amarinabaixa.com U3A Café Philo, The Forum, Alfaz. Kate 965-845-039 meeting

Benidoleig El Cid Fri charity Auctions 639482222 elcidauction@yahoo.es www.elcidauction.com Paquitas Country Club V.C/man Janet Hills 966404306 Sec. Doug Farrow 966425281 www.paquitascc.com The Valleys Int Bridge/Social Club Tel Sec. Brenda Russell 966404533.

Benidorm Alcoholics Anonymous Benidorm English Thur 5pm 648169045. Flemish Wed 5pm 635074053. Al-Anon Benidorm English 634758539. Church of England Tel: Gary 965878995/Hazel 966895306. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Help Int. Benidorm Pres 607387040/Sec 608971223/ Equip 663495396/Visits 607386964/ Interpreters 607385842. Modern Jive, Benidorm. Tel Martin 965882119 Royal British Legion Benidorm. Chairman Jack Johnson 688-805488 jackjohnson88@googlemail. com Secretary Pamela Dawson

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Costa Barber Singers Tel: Press Officer John Turner 965973612 johnraymondturner@ gmail.com or Music Director, Roger Gallant 966497657. The King’s Church Tel: 665278801/685006562 www.thekingschurch.net Reg No. 1384-SG

Calpe ACEC, Assoc Cultural & Ecological Calpe Tel: Carole 639637520 www.acecalpe.org AFPO Calpe Tel: Keith 965830106 www.afpocalpe.com Alcoholics Anonymous Calpe English 648169045. German 645456075. Amigos de los Ñinos de EMAUS. (Friends of the Children of EMAUS) Calpe Tel: Carole 639637520/Lin 679813462. Calpe & Benissa Lions Club Tel: Pres. Calpe & Benissa Lions Club Tel: President Hugh Stewart 965834852 Calpe & District 41 Tel: Ian Ritchie 965833102. Calpe Bowls Club Tel: Terry Street 965834924. Calpe Bridge (Winter Club) Tel: David 965832116. Calpe Christian Fellowship Tel: Pastor John Adamson 965832607/ Clive 965835502. www.calpechristianfellowship.org Calpe Craft Club Tel: Dilys 650312555. Calpe Gilbert & Sullivan Soc (CAGSS) Tel: Andy akheadfordlord@hotmail.co.uk or Aileen 696514613 (eve). Calpe HELP Co-ordinator 616 237 135 help.denia@gmail.com Calpe Men’s Dining Club (1986) Tel: 620307903/ 965638081. Calpe Port Christian Assembly Tel: C.Westaway 965834738/ B.Muir 965841910/ K.Merrit 965839157. Bible tel ministry: 965875128. Charity Shop of Calpe half way up Avda Gabriel Miro behind Margaret’s Book Shop. Open Mon-Fri 10-1pm. Church of England Tel: Bill 965973276/Gillian 965838698. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Club de Bridge Calpe Tel: John Parsons (English) 965744814. Gerlinde Eder (German/Spanish) 965747241. Cultural Painting Club Tel: Pieter 965835212. Extreme Sports Club Tel: Christian 629987062 www.GravityCartel.com www.KitesurfingCostaBlanca.com

Footlights Musical Theatre Grp Tel: Trevor Harder 965870198. ‘Little Stars’ Playgrp Tel: Kate 965832314 (English) Canin 965837977 (Spanish). MOFTAG Tel: Michelle 965874284 Non Smoking Grp for Singles Text/tel: 637160545. Probus of Calpe & District Tel: Sec Ian Ritchie 965833102. Rodeo Stompers Linedancing Calpe Tel: Barbara 630113649. Rotary Int. Fellowship Club of Calpe Tel: 965731701 www.calperotary.org.uk Royal British Legion Calpe Enq: Harvey 965831026 Welfare: Ursula 965747847. U3A Calpe Tel: Pres-Roger Milsom 965-748827, m/ship-Edith Watson 965-837542. www.u3acalpe.com. Meeting 09.09.10 Casa de Cultura, Calpe.

Denia Alcoholics Anonymous Denia English 648169045. German 645456075. Armchair Internationals Denia Rugby Club Supporters. Tel: Dave 629351266 or John 646650566 www.tuktuktours.co.uk/rugby.htm Castle Theatre Tel: Christine 626201636. Church of England Tel: Gillian 966421256/Carol 965783176. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Denia Tai Chi Tel: Vincent 966426588 Denia Choir Tel: Chris 966421776. Denia Craft Club Tel: 966420723. Denia English Lending Library 91 Passeig de Saladar wkday 10–1pm. Denia Int. Bridge Club Tel: Kees 965785387 vaneckcornelis@gmail.com Denia Int Rotary Fellowship Tel: Chris Potter 965755349/ Anwen Hughes-Jukes 965748909. Denia Writers Circle Tel: Sue 965-789-456 suem42658@gmail.com jean.oasis@telefonica.net Elite Friends Lee albrown1113@yahoo.co.uk Guardian Angels supporting one parent families 11-12.30 third Thursday each month Tlf 634-786-808 www.guardian-angels.es HELP of Denia and Marina Alta 966427044 help.denia@gmail.com Salvation Army Evangelical Church C/San Jose 14B Denia Tel: 648191227. The Cancer Support Grp (M.A.B.S.) Tel: Maureen 690756836. U3A Denia Tel: Hugh Martin 965782262 u3adenia.org

Gandia Barx/La Drova Petanque Team Tel: Mike/Mary Cowherd 962807018 commodorepopeye@yahoo.com Church of England Tel: Wyndham 962853199. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Gandia Area Social Club (Int) Tel: David 962878298 www.gandiaareasocialclub.com Oasis Garden Club, 1st Thursday each month. Camping Natura,Rugat. Tina:-962-131-711 Leatitia:-620-120-444 Royal British Legion Gandia Tel: Cilla Ewers 676938739.

Jalon Int. Music Circle Tel: Sec. 966405380. Jalon & Orba Lions Tel: Bob 675377473/John 666446366.

Jalon Ladies Lunch Club Tel: Jacqui 669987976/966480830. Jalon Pensionistas Club Tel: 966481215/1425. Jalon Valley Help Health/ welfare 659624643. Also new shop in Alcalali. www.helpofdenia.com jalonvalleyhelp@hotmail.com Jalon Valley Wargames Grp Tel: Paul/Jan 966405335 paulleniston@hotmail.com Jalon Valley Writers Grp Tel: Jill 965973393/Agnes 966482549 U3A Vall de Pop Tel: Bruno 690192976.

Javea Anglo Spanish Assoc www.anglospanish.org APASA Dog Pound Shelter: 10-2pm 966463976 Events: Maggie 965744449. Art Centre Assoc. Javea Tel: Lorely Griffiths 966472049. artcentrejavea@yahoo.com Cancer Care - Javea (Charity No. 8270) Advice/Info, Javea Park. Mon-Sat 10-12.30pm tel: 965796846. Church of England Javea Tel: Jenny 965794463/Eunice 966471182. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Conservatives Abroad Tel: Margaret Hales: 966197239 or Jenny Decker: 966471666 Free Parent/Toddler Play Xabia Int College Tel 966472121. Guardian Angels, supporting One Parent Families 10.30 – 12.30 third Thursday each month Tlf 634-786-808 www.guardian-angels.es Int. Christian Family Center Tel: 966460950/607470221 Javea & District Astronomical Society Tel: Ed Morley 965744612 Javea Backgammon Club Tel: Steve 966471708/635377335. Javea Book Circle Tel: Tim Upton 966470885. www. xabiabookcircle.eu Jávea Bridge Club Tel: Margaret 965793413 www. javeabridgeclub.com Javea Camera Club chris@chrisrobin.co.uk Javea China Painting Tel: Eve 966461537. Jávea Community Grp Tel:Jeni 965790470/619270493. jenijacksonphillips@telefonica.net Javea Computer Club www.javeacomputerclub.org Javea Craft Club Tel: Jo 676679541. Jávea Evangelical Church Rev. Clive Read 966462848 europe@mercuryin.es Javea Int. Baptist Church Pastor John Hansford 638205280 www. javeabaptist.org (539 SG) Javea Int. Civic Society Tel: Jeni 965790470 jenijacksonphillips@telefonica.net Javeamigos Tel: Mike Smith 600215808 www.javeamigos.com Javea Netball Club Tel: Anita Grayson 966472169. Jávea Public Lending Library Tel: Alma Dorndorf 966470885 /636898162 dorndorf@wanadoo.es Javea School of Bridge/Social Club Tel: 965-770-509 www.javeaschoolofbridge.com Javea Taoist Tai Chi. For information contact China on 637 597 776 or Sheila on 608 861 278 Javea Yoga Club Tel: Magali Fradet 647541034 www.javeayoga.com JITC www.javeatennis.net tel: Sec. Janis Barber 965771855/ C.man Barbara Rogers 966471832.

Lighthouse Church Tel: 965731006 www.lighthousechurch.eu Masonic Lodge Javea No: 40. Tel: Sec. Vince Dawson 966497485. Montgo Vegetarians www.montgo-vegetarians.com Rotary Int. Fellowship Costa Blanca North Tel: 965795421. Roundabout Charity Shop MonSat 10-1.30pm. Royal British Legion Javea Scallops, Arenal. 2/4 Tue 11am Tel Sheila 965791270/Roger 965790123. Stamp Collectors/Post Cards/ Philatelists Tel: Derek Guyett 965795499/Dave Anderson 966476034. Taoist Tai Chi Society of Javea Tel: 649161290. The Javea Players Tel: Geraldine Livesey 965790379 membership.jp@gmail.com The Original Charity Shop/ Library Javea Reg Charity No 3586 Open Mon-Sat 10-1pm Av de la Fontana, Javea. Tel: 966460803/ 653630413. UFO Discussion/Research Grp Javea Tel: Jeanine (Pres) 658957102 ufojavea@gmail.com http://ufo-javea.wetpaint.com.

Moraira Church of England Tel: Martin965744657/Andrew 965875070. www.costablancaanglicanchaplaincy.org Costa Blanca Minatures Club Tel: 966472901. Crafts Club Tel: Julie 646569907. Marina Alta & Costa Blanca Floral Club Tel: Pat, C/man 966471526 www.marinaaltafloralcub.com Moraira & District Royal Naval Assoc Tel: John Sanderson 966474532. Moraira HELP Tel: Ian Jackson 667036188. www.helpofdenia.com Moraira Int Choir ‘Los enCANTAdores’ Tel: 966495117/650684621 Fred or Janny. Royal British Legion Moraira Tel: Ed 966495617. Teulada/Moraira Lions Club Tel: John 965744253 www.teuladamorairalions.org U3A Moraira/Teulada Tel: Pamela Kershaw 966497098. www.u3amoraira-teulada.org

Oliva Guardian Angels, supporting One Parent Families First Wednesday each month Tlf 634-786-808 www.guardian-angels.es Squash/Racquetball Club Tel: John 680595203. U3A Oliva www.u3a-oliva.org

Teulada Alcoholics Anonymous Teulada English 648169045. Asoc. Benefica de Teulada Tel: Pat Bramah 966471526. Marina Alta “Int. Choir” Teulada Tel: Edith 965730014/680630765 Spiritual Friends Tel: Jan 600837054 spiritualfriends.teulada@gmail. com http://sites.google.com/site/ spiritualfriendssite/Home The English choir Tel: June 965786712/Colin 965771287. Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir Bar Mediterraneo, Teulada.

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Deleting a Facebook account David via email asks: Dear Aunty, please, please, please save me from going mad! I have been trying to permanently delete my Facebook account and it is driving me crazy. I keep going around in circles, how can it be so difficult to simply install a simple switch to close down a program? Obviously Facebook just won’t let anyone leave. I hope you can help me and I am sure thousands more to escape their clutches. Aunty says: I think you first need to deactivate your account from the ‘account’ ‘account settings’ option’ and make no attempt to access it for two weeks. The Facebook servers should then automatically delete your information.

Unsolicited emails Raymond via email asks: Dear Aunty, I am receiving totally unsolicited emails from Ebay almost on a daily basis! I have NEVER had any dealings with them nor am I ever likely to in the future. Some guy, who unfortunately has the same name as myself and who unfortunately has the same email address as myself is the prime cause of this persistent and extremely annoying invasion. To give you an example, can you imagine what I could do with a ‘hen coop’ in a fourth floor apartment in the centre of Pego? Perhaps you’d better not answer that! As if that’s not bad enough the guy’s dragging his feet with paying his debt to Ebay for the damn thing and I’m getting a telling off on my computer. Should I try to change my email address?

with aunty virus

Aunty says: My first concern Raymond is that two people cannot have the same email address (it would be like having the same phone number) so if you are receiving emails not intended for you it’s possible he has registered your email address with Ebay instead of his, maybe a @hotmail.com instead of hotmail@co.uk. You can add any unwanted emails addresses to your Hotmail junk/ spam email list and they will automatically go in the junk folder. You could also try contacting Ebay and the other Raymond but personally I would just set up a new email address with Gmail or Yahoo.

Desktop icons not working Laptop to TV viewing

Trevor via email asks: Hi Aunty, I have started having problems with my desktop icons not working. They work okay after starting the computer but some days they stop working and the only way to get them going again is to reboot my computer. The small icons on the tool bar at the bottom of the screen work okay even when the desktop ones have stopped. I have tried all the usual checks i.e. AVG, Spybot and Malwarebytes but

all are saying there isn’t a problem. Aunty says: Hello Trevor. I have seen this problem caused by a number of different

things, and the most common ones recently have been due to the wrong graphics drivers or a conflict between Internet Explorer 8 and Windows 7 (I’m assuming that’s what you have). If you could experiment for a while and see if there is any specific time when it starts happening then I will be able to look into this further. For example check if it happens just after you have been on the internet, or maybe when your computer comes out of hibernation.

Alan via email asks: Hello Aunty, I have a Toshiba laptop and when I connect to my TV via the HDMI socket the display area on the laptop reduces by about 10% and the display area on the TV is a small square in the centre of the screen. Also the audio is confined only to the laptop and not on the TV. The HDMI cable is good quality. This problem has only arisen since I changed from Vista to Windows 7. Do you know of a problem with Windows 7 to cause this and if so how can I cure it? Aunty says: This sounds like a driver problem Alan. You will need to go to the Toshiba website and follow the link to the support section where you can enter the model of you laptop and download the latest Windows 7 drivers for your video card. Most of the new generation of video drivers also has a configuration wizard that will help you ‘clone’ your laptop display onto your TV. A useful tip is to have the TV plugged into your laptop before you start Windows.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

Task bar moving Glyn via email asks: Hi Aunty, I use windows XP media center edition and I wonder if you can help me? I opened my computer the other day to find my task bar (usually at the bottom of the screen) was now on the right hand side. On my old computer the task bar could be moved by simply clicking and dragging but I’ve tried everything and can’t seem to find a command that allows me to move the task bar to its original position. Even when I right click on the task bar and select properties it shows the task bar at the bottom, I’m obviously doing something wrong. Aunty says: There’s a couple of easy things you can try Glyn. First make sure that the ‘lock the taskbar’ option is unticked, go to the task bar properties and choose the ‘auto hide taskbar’ option. Apply the settings and go back and untick the auto hide option. This sometimes works but don’t ask me why, let me know how you get on.


Impounding illegal vehicles by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

AS WE all know, if you import a vehicle into Spain as a resident here (183 days a calendar year living here), you must put it onto Spanish plates. If you do it when you first arrive, there are no import taxes, only the cost of matriculation (and converting the vehicle to use on the left side of the roads) which depends on the official pollution values now. Also if it is a classic (over 25 years old) there are concessions. There are no regular reports of those who have had their illegal vehicles impounded or the owners fined and given 30 days to get them re-registered. Amazing really, for in the UK this happens almost weekly. After a brief chat with our local constabulary including the local Guardia Civil commander I was told that the reason stopping and fining was not done so often in our area was because the authorities do

not have a compound where the impounded vehicles can be stored until the fines are paid and the registration changes made. I asked the question because the Guardia Civil who patrol and police the main roads in Spain had just a few days before stopped four vehicles, fined the drivers and given them the 30-days’ notice, and one vehicle was reported by some aggrieved expat who was fed up with paying all the correct taxes while the others did not: there are a lot of such expats. The Policia Local does not apparently get involved in catching the dodgers as they do not receive any of the fines income; it goes to the Guardia Civil. So there we have it. Many “new” resident expats are still getting away with not reregistering their foreign EU vehicles because there is nowhere to safely impound them: in

5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010


Marbella a few years ago, they had a large compound but certain locals and even the police knew where to go after dark to obtain free second-hand parts for their vehicles! I have had requests from some expats to start a campaign to make sure those who are illegal are caught, but I am just a retired expat - but be warned as the eyes of local officials lit up when another expat whose Spanish is far better than mine advised that thousands of Euros are lost in taxes to the Ayuntamiento each year. There are 15 plus cars on our urbanisation alone that are not properly registered. The rainy season is here again so make sure you have tyres with 3-plus mm of tread depth all over and kept at the correct pressures (check every 10 days or less. Please make it a habit). Incidentally, the legal minimum is 1, 6mm all over but on really wet roads it has been proven with tests that 3mm is the absolute minimum needed to be safe.

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com. Brian Deller, author, book Motoring in Spain, ISBN No 978 84 611 9278 6. Shops’ addresses in my web site at: www.spainvia.com/bookshopslist.htm

Fast Fit Tyres: from strength to strength WITH EIGHTEEN months of successful operations behind them, Martin Kyme and Kim Lowenstein explain the reason why their mobile tyre fitting service, available to all Costa Blanca residents, has become so popular. With 40,000 tyres at their disposal in a very large warehouse in Alicante, it means that Fast Fit Tyres can have any make and any size of tyre available to

the customer the very same day. As a Spanish registered company, they are able to buy tyres direct from the two largest tyre suppliers in Spain. Many people are surprised that even if they require large tyre sizes, these can be fitted from stock on the same day, as many are told by local garages that it will take several days for their tyres to arrive from abroad. Take a look at the easy to use, customer friendly, Fast Fit website where you can enter your own tyre size and choose from the full range of makes available - from the budget tyre all the way up to the top brands, with the total prices all shown clearly.

As it says on the web page - the price you see is the price you pay, as this includes fitting, computer balancing, new valves, and IVA. No hidden costs and no added extra charges: all this - and we come to you! Fast Fit Tyres have become the first choice on the Costa Blanca when it comes to tyres and the reason why? Fast, professional and friendly service, and having low overheads can almost always guarantee the lowest price. For more information call Kim 663 996 393 English/ Danish or Martin 663 995 393 English/Spanish. Please visit our website www.fast-fit-tyres.com

Peugeot 307cc (2005) 1.6 16v Petrol Ford Focus (2008) 1.6 TDCi Diesel Seat Leon (2007) 1.6 Petrol Mitsubishi L200 Twin Cab (2003) 2.5 TDi Diesel Citroen Xsara (2007) 1.6 SX 110 Petrol Citroen Xsara Picasso (2007) 1.6 SX 110 Petrol Citroen Xsara Picasso (2007) 1.6 SX 100 Petrol - Saving: ! Citroen C4 (2007) 1.4i 16v LX 90cv Petrol Renault Scenic (2005) 1.9 DCi Diesel Renault Megane (2006) 1.5 DCi Diesel Chevrolet Aveo (2008) 1.4 16v 70ps LS Petrol Chevrolet Aveo (2008) 1.4 16v 70ps LS Petrol Ford Focus (2006) 1.6 TDCi Diesel Opel Tigra Cabriolet (2004) 1.4 16v Twinport Petrol Ford Fiesta (2007) 1.4 TDCi Ambiente Diesel Ford Fiesta (2008) 1.4i Futura Petrol Ford Focus Estate (2005) 1.6 TDCi Diesel Ford Focus Estate (2005) 1.6 TDCi Diesel Opel Astra Estate (2005) 2.0 DTi Diesel Ford Focus (2005) 1.6 TDCi Diesel Ford Mondeo (2004) 2.0 TDCi Diesel Suzuki Ignis (2006) 1.3 DDIS Diesel Chrysler PT Cruiser (2003) 2.0 Petrol Audi TT Coupe (1999) 1.8 180 Petrol Ford Focus (2005) 1.6 TDCi Diesel Ford Focus (2005) 1.6 TDCi Diesel Hyundai H1 (2003) 2.5 SVX Diesel Chevrolet Aveo (2006) 1.4 Petrol Kia Rio (2005) 1.5 LS Petrol Saving: ! Smart Fortwo (Auto) (2005) 700cc 3 Cylinder Petrol VW Golf Cabriolet (1999) 1.6 Petrol Citroen Xsara Diesel Auto (2003) 2.0 HDi Diesel Peugeot 206 (2003) 2.0 GTi Petrol Hyundai Getz (2005) 1.2 Petrol Ford Focus Estate (2002) 1.8 TDDi Trend Diesel Kia Joice 7 Seater (2001) 2.0 Petrol Landrover Freelander (2002) 1.8 16v Serengeti SE Petrol Hyundai Atos (2004) 1.1 Prime Petrol Renault Megane Auto (2000) 1.6 Petrol Renault Kangoo (2002) 1.9 Diesel Renault Megane (2001) 1.9 Dynamic Diesel Opel Astra Estate (2001) 1.6 16v Comfort Petrol Hyundai Accent Auto (2001) 1.6 Petrol -

€11,995 €10,995 €10,495 €8,995 €8,995 €8,995 €8,995 €8,995 €8,995 €8,695 €8,495 €8,495 €8,495 €7,995 €7,995 €7,995 €7,995 €7,995 €7,995 €7,995 €7,995 €7,695 €7,695 €7,695 €7,495 €7,495 €6,995 €6,995 €6,295 €5,995 €5,995 €5,995 €5,695 €5,695 €5,695 €5,495 €5,295 €4,995 €4,995 €4,995 €4,995 €4,695 €4,695

61 54

5 NOVEMBER 2010 14- 11 - 20 MAY 2010

Used Cars

Fiesta 3 door Steel 1.6TDCi Silver Mar 06 Fiesta 5 door Ambiente 1.3 Black Feb 08 Fiesta 5 door Trend 1.25 Squeeze Green Sep 08 Fiesta 5 door Trend 1.25 Mediterranean Blue Sep 09 Fiesta 5 door Newport 1.4 TDCi Ceramic Blue Jan 07 Focus 5 door Trend 1.6 TDCi Ceramic Blue Mar 06 Focus 5 door Trend 1.6 TDCi Ceramic Blue Dec 06 Focus 5 door Trend 1.6 TDCi Grey Jan 08 Focus 5 door Trend 1.6 TDCi Beig Sep 09 Focus 5 door Trend 1.6 TDCi White Jan 10 Focus 5 door Trend 1.6 TDCi Silver Jan 10 Focus 5 door Trend 1.6 TDCi Black Jan 10 Focus Estate Trend 1.8 TDCi Silver Jul 03 Fusion Trend 1.4 TDCi Silver Mar 06 Fusion Trend 1.6 TDCi Black Jul 07 Ka Titanium 1.2 Black Oct 09 Chrysler Sebring 2.0 Auto Silver Apr 01 Opel Astra GTC 1.7 CDTi Black Feb 06 Opel Astra GTC 1.7 CDTi Black Feb 06


Focus 5 door Trend 1.6 TDCi Black-Silver-Grey-Sand Sep 10 Ka Titanium Plus 1.3 TDCi Celeste Blue Oct 10 Ka Titanium Plus 1.3 TDCi White Oct 10 Ka Trend Plus 1.3 TDCi Blue or Grey Oct 10

€7,600 €6,800 €11,000 €11,500 €8,200 €8,500 €10,300 €12,500 €14,800 €15,500 €15,700 €15,700 €5,700 €8,000 €9,000 €9,700 €4,800 €10,500 €10,500

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5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

Crossover Korando – reborn to meet the needs of the European market

Silverdale transport Covering all of Spain, the UK and Europe

SILVERDALE TRANSPORT & Removals has been an established Company for over ten years; professional and reliable, with many satisfied customers. All the work is carried out by Silverdale from start to finish and no goods come off the vehicle until they reach their destination. This way there is no chance of goods being lost or damaged. They also transport cars and motorbikes door to door. In all the years that Silverdale has been trading there has never been a claim in any way made against the company; and there are not a lot of companies that can say that! Silverdale covers all of Spain, the UK and Europe and from collection to delivery all goods can be delivered within seven to ten days, sometimes even sooner. Their vehicles are fitted with air suspensions, giving a smoother ride for goods over the continent. For more information please visit www.silverdaletransport.net email silverdaletransport@hotmail.com or telephone 01270 664690 or 07952 170 306.

NEW PLATFORM, new design, new engine – SsangYong’s new Korando brings an entirely fresh approach to the crossover market. Introducing a number of significant firsts for SsangYong, the Korando is ready to take a bold step into one of the most buoyant sectors of the European car market. Merging the low running costs and dynamic abilities of a conventional family hatchback with the visual appeal, adventurous spirit and rough-road capability of an SUV, the Korando is aimed at the heart of the crossover market. With the focus on quality and desirability, the Korando has been designed and jointly developed in Europe by renowned stylist Giorgetto Giugiaro. With one of the most famous names in automotive design behind it, the new Korando takes on a modern, stylish SUV shape reflecting the rugged appeal that lies at the heart of today’s

The interior


.0%&BL 8F TQMJFTI &OH New Ford Ka 1.2i Trend







New Ford Ka 1.3i TDCi Titanium




Fiesta Trend 1.4TDCi 5dr




Fiesta Trend 1.4i 5dr




New Fiesta Titanium 1.4i 5dr




New Fiesta Trend 1.4 Tdci 5dr




Fusion Trend 1.4 Tdci 5dr




Focus Trend 1.6i 5dr




Focus Trend 1.6i Automatic 5dr



10.600 9.500


Focus Trend 1.8 Tdci 5dr



C-Max Trend 1.6 Tdci 5dr




C-Max Trend 1.6 Tdci 5dr




Mondeo Trend 2.0 Tdci 5dr




New Mondeo Trend 1.8 Tdci 5dr




S-Max 2.0 Tdci Automatic




Renault Space 2.2 Dci Automatic




Opel Corsa 1.3 Cdti 5dr




Peugeot 107 1.4 Hdi 5dr




Volksw.Polo 1.4i 5dr




Renault Twingo 1.2i 3dr




Transfer costs and taxes INCLUDED plus 1 Year guarantee &OUSBODF UP %&/*" OFYU UP &SPTLJ %�/*" "WFOJEB EFM 3FJOP EF 7BMFODJB T O 1PTUBM $PEF %šOJB 5FM 13&4&/5*/( 5)*4 "%7&35



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Focusing on quality the Korando has been designed in Europe

SsangYong Motor Company. Looking outside of Europe, the Korando brand is already one of the strongest in the SUV market. Indeed, Korando is listed in the Korean Guinness Book of World Records as the country’s longest surviving automotive brand. With its roots stretching as far back as 1974, the Korando started a new chapter in Korean car making as the first-ever self-developed four-wheeldrive model to come from the country in 1983. The next significant evolution in 1996 was the adoption of MercedesBenzdiesel technology when the third generation model was introduced. Now, after a five year absence from the World’s car market, Korando is back in an all-new form to claim its place among the world’s new C-segment SUV crossover models. Epitomising today’s economic ethos

of spending less without compromising on quality, the Korando is perfectly placed to meet the needs of downsizing drivers. The compact C-segment sized SUV market now accounts for more than half of the total SUV market in Europe, and this proportion is expected to grow in the coming months and years. Designed and developed over the last five years to deliver the environmentally conscious efficiency expected of every class leading crossover, the Korando offers high fuel economy and low CO2 emissions to rival the best in class. Add the proven strength and safety that comes from the DNA of an SUV specialist, and every need is met - environmentally friendly interior materials, comfort, refinement, practicality and versatility all featureto make the Korando a crossover that’s sure to stand out in a busy marketplace.

Tricky parking made easy with Active Park Assist (optional)

Park Assist is available on the new Ford C-MAX and Grand C-MAX

ACTIVE PARK Assist not only finds the right space for you – it will actually perform a semi-automatic parallel parking manoeuvre. It uses a series of body-mounted sensors, so the driver only has to press the accelerator, shift gears or brake – the steering is all done for you! Audible warnings and information displayed on the centre console’s screen guide the driver until the parking manoeuvre has been successfully completed. Available as an option on both the new C-MAX and Grand C-MAX. Information supplied by Ford Autochristian in Denia, please see their advert on this page.

Classified Ads 56

5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

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5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

DRIVING TO THE UK? English owned B&B in France close to the Spanish border. Christmas Special Offer Bed, Breakfast and Evening Meal - 50 Euros per couple. See website for details: www.millefleursbb.co.uk

SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz

PRESSURE WASHING. New Powerfull system. Ideal for Boat Hulls, Bilges, Decking, Engines, Vehicles, Caravans, etc. Javea, Moraira, Denia and Area. All jobs considered. Contact Graham on 680-501-404 or email: cbpressurewashservices@ live.co.uk 14-FOOT DAY BOAT Removable Hard Cabin, 30hp Long-shaft Yamaha. Pull Start. Launching trailer. 2x25lt fuel tanks on pump system. Benidorm Area.1000€ ONO Tlf:- 639-223-510/ 965-870-899

LIVERY AVAILABLE near Gata de Gorgos. tel 689-619-007 SMALL FRIENDLY BRITISH KENNELS individual runs, large excercise area. 25 mins Alicante airport. www. parkbark.co.uk 628-244-712 PETZBACK HOME Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK. www.petzbackhome.co.uk Ring us on 678-756-644 or UK 01209 843971


PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND RENTAL BUSINESS FOR SALE.Established since 2003. Can offer whole business or split into smaller areas from 9,000€ to 40,000€ plus IVA.Training and continued support, includes web site and additional advertising already in place. Please call Lee for more details 966-775-248 or 600092-957. See web site for more details at www.property management businessforsale. info ZOCO MARKET Permanent market stall for sale, wooden shed 4m x 5m with electrics, currently trading as a butchers. call dave on 620028038

JP BUILDING SERVICES Renovations, Roofing, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Tiling, Decorating. Established 35 years. No job too small. Tlf:965-847-284/627-706-405 20% OFF RRP ON AWNINGS & BLINDS Price match guarantee! ALL types supplied and fitted inc. repairs. For Advice and Free Quotations call 639-561-262 or visit www. vistaawningsandblinds.es

SOLAR ENERGY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Long established company, own product range. First class training & support. Telephone 606586587

AFFORDABLE BUILDING SERVICES Specialising in Renovations, Extensions & Under builds. Reliable and Honest builders covering the whole Costa Blanca 965-770-374 DRAGON REFORMS PROPERTY RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE. Tel:-966807-098. Mob:-639-917-798. Apartments/Shop/Bar Refits. New extentions, patios, underbuilds, tiling. Complete new Kitchens/Bathrooms refits, all electrical, plumbing, carpentary work undertaken. References given, free quotes, work guaranteed. Benidorm and Surrounding areas. www.dragonreforms.com

CCTV DRAIN CAMERA FOR SALE 200ft cctv drain camera c/w transmitter and receiver, DVD recording, toshiba laptop and various drain clearing items. equipment is brand new and unused.Tlf:- Graham 626-570-121 MARKET STALL on El Cisne for sale including stock fixtures and fittings tel 966-864-460 618-894-793 MOTIVATED ENTREPRENEUR? Tired of businesses that don\’t work? If you are financially motivated,driven and want to excel in life, www. freeurlifenow.com PART/FULL TIME BUSS OPPORTUNITY www. prosperandlearn.com details on website. Also free Smart Bar product www.prosperandlearn. gosmartmedia.com

MOBILE/PARK HOMES On Camping Pueblo in San Javier, from 15,000€ also bungalows for rent Carol 968-192-425 Mob 626-055-622 www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com AITANA STATIC 4 YEARS OLD 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Living-Room Fully Fitted Kitchen, Patio doors to large veranda, Full sun Canopy. Fully Furnished and Equipped to a high standard. All Included 35,000GBP. Tlf:600-362-223/ 0780-5144697


5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

MOBILE HOME Benimar Landhouse, 11x4mtrs, Large Lounge, Dining, Kitchen,Bathroom, Two Bedrooms, Fully fitted. Sited Fortuna, Murcia. Offers to:653-441-334

Spanish languages and basic knowledge of computers required. Established Client base. Contact Manuel Caneda on 965-855-600 AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit you. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520

MANTENANCE/ HANDYMAN AND HOME HELP/CLEANER CLEANERAvailable Quesada and surrounding areas. 8€ hourly. Also, Pool Cleaning, from 70€/Month including chemicals. Tlf:-966-716-271


679 907 398

SINGER/GUITARIST Country/Blues seeks work musician not karoke Charlie 691622804 can travel

SECURED LOANS, CAPITAL RAISING, Cash Advances Whilst You Sell Your Property, Equity Release 902-585-569/652-986-088

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/upgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424

PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517

CONSERVATORY 5 x 3 mtrs, 3 years old to include vertical blinds. Buyer to dismantle and take away. 2.000 euros ono Telephone:

968 191 538 or 634322904 PALM & TREE TRIMMING/ REMOVAL All Garden Maintenance Call 619-336-762

FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842 TELESALES STAFF WANTED 12,000 basic plus commission roles available. Wanted experienced and driven telesales staff to work from our new office. please submit your CV to recruitment@l-gdesign.co.uk or call 968 972 311. PART-TIME REPRESENTATIVE WANTED For a large Insurance Company in Benidorm. Fluent English/

PRESSURE WASHING. New Powerfull system. Ideal for Patios, Pre-Painting, Walls, Drive Ways, Pools, Coronations, Pathways, Floors, Beer Gardens, Vehicles, Boats, Decking, Engines, Caravans. Javea, Moraira, Benitachell Area. All jobs considered. Contact Graham on 680501404 or email:cbpressurewashservices@ live.co.uk

GENERATOR 8.5KW DIESEL Fransvicar 48, needs attention,cost over 10,000€ 1500€ ONO, 2 outside spa (jacuzzi) for 2 persons. vgc. 1500€. 3 washing machine, 6 months old, 100 euros. tel 689-619-007 WHEELCHAIR Light, Foldable, Hardly used, like new, 150€. Mobility Scooter 40km range 499€ Tlf:627-019-403 ITALIAN DINING TABLE And six chairs 120€. Italian Wall Unit and Corner Unit 150€. Spanish Acro-props 5€ each. Spanish Wall Unit 50€. Double Glazed Door 30€. Mountain Bike 35€. Fire Guard 20€. Kids See-Saw 40€. Double Swing 40€. Slide

10€. Phillips 32” Flat Screen TV 40€ Butane Heater 40€. Tlf:-627-362-045 SUMMER COVER FOR 8 X 4 POOL as new 100 euros. ring dave movil 650-794-588 ELECTRIC CHAIN SAW vgc, 50€. 3 x portable heaters. oil filled, electric type, new in box. 15€ each. 2 portable electric heaters vgc 10€ each. tall, round glass and chrome designer bistro table with 2 x matching stools. like new. bargain 50€ steve 646-686-448 JVC CAMCORDER Never used!. In case, Ideal present. 90€ Tlf:-663-559-806 Benidorm area GENERATOR KUBOTA 10KVA diesal 3 cylinder good condition 1650.00 euros phone:-669-023-938 5000LTR DEPOSITO AND PUMP with on demand valve used only for drinking water 850.00 euros phone:6690-23-938 HAIRDRESSING EQUIPMENT Hairdressing Chair, Hairdryer and 2 Back Wash units. Climazon 300€. Tumble Dryer 200€. Tlf 620-408-678 IDEAL XMAS GIFTS Radio/ cd players, table top or wall mounted. (rrp 140€) our price 45€ top of the range dvd players. Play dvd’s,cd’s,mp3’s including divx. (rrp 60€) our price 30€. Call 699-333-374.

WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewellery, vintage watches bought sold part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafron near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003. Tel:965-792-595

We require sales people who will help sell our product with passion. Ongoing commission based income. If you are interested and think you have what it takes; please contact Jonathan on (+34) 608 708 579, or visit our website and get in touch: www.murciawineclub.com.

BALLROOM/LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Baleares, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCES: Saturday 7pm10pm & Tuesdays 8pm10.30pm (except second Tuesday of the month) TUITION:- Beginners Monday10.30am. Bienvenido Chinese restaurant, La Zenia: Beginners Wednesday 7.30pm, Improvers Thursday 11.30am, Intermediates Friday 11.00am. Tel: Andrea 616 478 157 DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free membershipsJoin Now! www.datemed.es WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our Free English call centre now to find your nearest meeting. 900-818-794

DEWALT DW 733 THICKNESSER €200 Dewalt DE 712 216mm diameter Chopsaw with Dewalt DE 7023 table €200, Arc welder Sealey 190a, turbofan welder single phase,190amp,three phase 210amp, complete with automatic eye shield €175. Tlf:-965-319-232 KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER “Brand New” 500GB. 70,000songs, software, songbooks, bar/home use. 275euros Tlf:-654-925-679 POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666-933-726

FORD FOCUS TITANIUM PLUS AUTOMATIC, 2009, black metallic, Spanish LHD, 4000 KLM, duel zone climate control, cruise control, IPod connection plus more, one owner 15495€ www. venuscars.com 965-368-274

5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

KYMCO QUAD, 2006 250CC road legal, Spanish 1595€ www.venuscars.com 965-368-274 RENAULT MEGANE GRAND TOURER ESTATE Privilege,2004 Spanish LHD, Blue, one owner, FSH, climate control, alloys, auto xenon lights,cruise control 7495€ www.venuscars.com 965-368-274 KIA CARENS, EX, 2 LTR CRDI, 2006 champagne, Spanish LHD, elec windows & mirrors, MP3 CD player, parking sensors, cent locking, alloys. Excellent cond only 37000 klms 8995€ www. vensucars.com 965-368-274 OPEL CORSA COSMO, 2008 1.3 Ltr TDCI diesel, Spanish LHD, graphite, half leather interior, one owner, FSH, 18000 klms, climate control, all round elec windows, cd player, alloys 10995€ www. vensucars.com 965-368-274 HYUNDAI GETZ, 2005 1.1 Ltr petrol, Spanish LHD,5 door hatch, pale blue, full Hyundai service hist, CD player, elec windows, air con, economical, only 48000 klm, excellent condition 6495€ www. venuscars.com 965-368-274 CITROEN C3 SX PLUS, 2005 1.4 Ltr petrol, Spanish LHD, champagne, Cd player, elec windows, air con, one owner, only 49000 klm, excellent condition 6495€ www. vensucars.com 965-368-274 SMART FORFOUR, PASSION, 2004 1.3 ltr petrol, Spanish LHD, 2 toned black & silver, alloys, cd player, air con, electric windows 5995€ www.venuscars.com 965-368-274 FORD FOCUS GHIA

ESTATE, 2002 1.8 ltr TDCI diesel,115 BHP, Spanish LHD, blue, alloys, air con, all round elec windows, 6 CD player, one owner, excellent cond 5995€ www.vensucars. com 965 368 274 FIAT PUNTO, 2007 1.2 Ltr petrol, Spanish LHD, blue, 5 door hatch, one owner, 23000 klm, air con, economical, outstanding condition 5995€ www.vensucars.com 965-368-274 FORD KA, COLLECTION, 2006, 1.3 Ltr petrol, Spanish LHD, pale blue metallic, FSH, CD player, air con. 5995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 SEAT TOLEDO, 1998, Petrol Automatic, white, Spanish LHD,air con, all round elc windows, good condition 2495€ www.venuscars.com 965-368-274 RENAULT KANGOO COMBI VAN 1.5DCI PRIVELEGE, late 2004, TOP OF THE RANGE. 5 seats, twin side rear doors, air con, PAS, ABS, CD/stereo, you name it this has it. WE GUARANTEE YOU WONT FIND BETTER.5950e tel:680-665-583 RENAULT KANGOO VAN 1.5DCI LATE 2005 top of the range, air con, ABS, remote central locking, elec windows and mirrors, roof hatch, side door, genuine 73,500kiloms like a new van 5500e tel:680-665-583 HYUNDAI ACCENT 4 DOOR 1.3 PETROL,2000 air con, PAS, cd/stereo, fantastic condition,fully serviced,near perfect, insured until April 2011 2250e tel:-680-665-583 OPEL ASTRA AUTOMATIC 1.6 PETROL, 1999 5 door, air con, central locking, limited edition,New ITV, alloys,and much more, perfect drive and condition, has to be seen. 2950e tel:-680-665-583 FOR SALE - RHD 2002 RENAULT SCENIC RX4 MOT May 2011, Taxed April 2011, many extras incl 6 CD player, OBC, towbar etc. €2500euros ono includes dog guard & continental headlights. Trailer 250euros ono. Tel:-677-702-764 FRONTERA SPORT Dark Green,4x4,2.0L Petrol, LHD, Spanish reg 1998, 4 new tyres, good cond. full service Feb08, stored since May08, 155,500km, Tel 962131128 or 650342676, 995 euros FORD MONDEO 98-R 1.8 MANUAL rhd, uk reg,

Experienced mechanic required for busy workshop in San Miguel De Salinas. The position is Full time with immediate start, undertaking all types of mechanical work in our state of the art workshop. You will be working alongside our existing mechanics to deliver a high standard of work and customer care. Please forward your CV and covering letter to


green, 89k miles. air con, drives perfect, no faults, tatty bodywork. Bargain 395€. Steve 646-686-448 WANTED Scrap cars, vans, lorries, plant and caravans. Turn your scrap into cash. Free collection. Tel.689929395 MERCEDES BENZ SPRINTER 313 CDI LWB Panel Van Year 2007, RHD, 9 months MOT, 12 months Tax, 1 owner from new. Ply-lined, FSH, Excellent condition.Tlf:628-499-448 VAUXHALL ZAFIRA 2.2I 7 seater, Silver, Black Leather, FSH, 86,000 miles.Taxed and ITV. 3750 euros Tlf654-925-679 JAG XJ6 SPORT AUTO for sale silver right hand drive with private number plate OIL 2423 15 years old, fantastic to drive, in good condition.Offers over 2000euros.966-897-635. BUMPERS, WINGS AND MIRRORS All body panels for all cars supplied. Tel:-966875-497 or 618-592-396 HEADLIGHTS4U.COM Left hand drive headlights supplied and fitted. All makes. Also air conditioning rechargeTel:-966-875-497 or 618-592-396 WE BUY any car,van,motorhome,boat, jet ski. Instant decision at good prices. Tel 680 -665-583

PAINTER - CALPE TO DENIA Internal and external painting. Reliable & Honest professional service at an affordable price. Free quote - 965-770-374 or 634-346-412

GENERIC VIAGRA safe effective 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€. Also Kamagra oral jellies, effective in 15 minutes and generic Cialis, effective for 36 hours. Confidential postal or collection service. Call Ron at TT Marketing 966499-204 MAN RECENTLY MOVED TO SPAIN man,60

The Costa Blanca International College in Benidorm is seeking to appoint a fully qualified, experienced science teacher to teach physics or chemistry in KS 3,4 and 5. We are also looking for a temporary teaching assistant for foundation who is fluent in both English and Spanish. costablancacollege@hotmail.com

Tel: 966 88 94 10

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5 - 11 novEMBER 2010

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5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010

The final whistle Let Harry speak

Happy Days Golf Society Fishing


David Hoare

968 199 279

AFTER MOST of our members gathered at our base camp, Marinasol Bar & Restaurant within Cabo Roig, for breakfast and directions, we set off in convoy to play this course for the first time. Thanks need to go to Maz, Steve and staff at Marinasol for the fantastic breakfast and service. Being a new course to our society, the Captain decided to play a combined stableford pairs competition and considering that no one had played this course before some very respectable scores were achieved. The course was in excellent condition with the green speeds challenging Augusta, but this made for some interesting putting. Harry Redknapp

HARRY REDKNAPP has escaped punishment from the FA for his criticism of referee Mark Clattenburg following Nani’s bizarre goal against Spurs last weekend. And a good job too. Whilst the referee was right to award the goal according to the rules of the game, his handling of the situation was, as Redknapp said, farcical. Redknapp didn’t accuse him of cheating or bias, he simply suggested that Clattenburg had made an almighty cock up. Now, while the real fault lies with Spurs goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes who should know by now to play to the whistle, I’m stunned that the FA has even issued a warning to Redknapp who is, by order, instructed to speak to the media directly after the game. What is he supposed to say? That all is fine and dandy and that Manchester United’s second goal was just one of those things? He gave an honest response following a quite extraordinary situation and I see nothing wrong with that at all. SHIFT RUGBY LEAGUE INTO NEUTRAL The sport of rugby league has done as much as any other to embrace technology but having watched the 4 Nations tournament for the past two weeks, you have to question how they are using it. England was outplayed by both New Zealand and Australia but it didn’t help that they were on the wrong end of some awful decisions. Against the Kiwis, the TMO denied England a perfectly good try and 8 days later, it was the Aussies who benefited from the TMO, who awarded them two first half tries, the first after a knock on and the second despite the attacker having a foot in touch. The referee wasn’t much better either, allowing the Kangaroos a second half try, which came from a forward pass that Dan Marino would have been proud of. And, just for the record, have a guess of the nationality of both the referee and the TMO for the game in Melbourne? Yep: both Australian. If officials make rubbish decisions, then it’s probably best that they come from neutral countries; a fact rugby league needs to wake up to very quickly. BULLY BOY If the rugby union fans amongst you think that the big game this weekend is England v New Zealand at Twickenham, then you are sadly mistaken. It is in fact taking place 24 hours later when Javea Bulls meet Orihuela at 14.00 on Sunday. And, thanks to smooth talking Bulls President Peter Sowerby, Yours Truly at the age of 47 has been tempted out of a decade long retirement for a debut appearance. It should be fun and of course, we are looking for as much support as possible. Javea’s new pitch is behind the football club (Camp d’Esport Municipal) to the south of the Old Town. Meanwhile, the Bulls Xmas Ball takes place on 4th December at Carrasco between 08.00 and 15.00. Tickets are just €55 and include a 3 course meal and free bar. For more details, you could contact Peter, but as he’s even older than me, perhaps you’d be best to speak to Debbie Bowen on 638 574 325 or debbie.bowen@hotmail.co.uk

Maggots End

RESULTS: 1st Dave Eadington & Phil Hargadon with 76 pts: a special mention needs to go to Dave, who scored a marvellous 43 points: hope you like your new handicap. 2nd Mike Downton & Andy Shuttle with 63 pts 3rd Ken Farrow & Stewart Black with 60 pts BEST INDIVIDUAL SCORES OUT WITH THE TOP THREE PAIRS 1st Dave Naylor 36 pts 2nd Nigel Cawthra 33 pts 3rd Gordon Anders with 32 pts on c/b from 5 others NTP WINNERS WERE Hole 2 Robin Hanna Hole 7 Dave Naylor Hole 9 Dave Butler Holes 12 & 17 Dale Wood Our next fixture is on Thursday 11th November. This year and future years we have decided to play within the Poppy Day Appeal tournament and thus this year this event replaces our usual Tuesday fixture. Please pay your fee on the Monday (8th) between 17.00 and 19.00 as usual. The fixture afterwards is the Captains/Charity day on Tuesday 23rd November at Roda. The Captains and society presentation evening will be held the following Friday (26th November) at Marinasol Bar & Restaurant, where the trophies for 2010 will be awarded as well as other events. The society AGM is also to be held next month on Monday 22nd November at Marinasol from 18.00 onwards. Any problems or questions call Nigel on 679 182 917, Fred on 600 695 997 or Robin on 965 326 943 or email: happydayzgolf@hotmail.com

THIS WEEK’S match was the 4th in the winter championship, the venue being the Rio Segura at Murcia. Well it appears the autumnal weather is really here, as this week it was 6 degrees at the start of the match, and considering that this is in the centre of the city… The water level is still low; hopefully it will be raised in the next few weeks. The road has still not been finished so anybody going - you still have to drive up the far bank and cross the bridge. Top rods on the day: 1st Dave (Yours Truly) Hoare, fishing the pole using bread with 17.42 kilos 2nd Stan (The Man) Roberts, fishing the pole using corn and bread with 16.12 kilos 3rd Mick (The Arsenal) Hill, fishing the pole using paste with 8.92 kilos: this included a carp of 4.48 kilos. At present there are no vacancies for membership. If you are interested and wish to be registered on the waiting list, please apply to Sue Swann on 966 729 293. ABBEY ANGLING RESULTS Supplied by Terry Screen The 11th and final match of the Summer Series was fished on 26th October at the 8ft Drain. After the recent dredging, the banks have now returned to their natural state, with the reeds hanging into the water making lots of natural features. The water temperature has now fallen and the fish have lost their warmth, and bites were hard to come by for the 15 anglers who fished the match. 1st Mark (Kens Mate) Harrington, fishing the Pole using Maggot with 4.825kg 2nd Terry (Swing Em) Screen,

fishing the Pole using Maggot with 2.420kg 3rd Bob (The Major) Rafferty, fishing the Pole using Corn with 1.580kg FINAL RESULTS OF THE SUMMER SERIES 1st T Screen 69pts 2nd M Hill 62pts 3rd B Rafferty 49pts Anglers Together ANGLERS TOGETHER was formed to introduce and encourage anglers of all abilities to meet up and get together to fish, either sea or freshwater. Firm friendships have been formed during the time the group has been active and information on fishing venues and licenses required are available at the meetings or by regular emailed newsletters. Meetings are held in two locations on the second Friday and Saturday of each month (depending on public holidays and local fiestas). Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting to see what we’re about. The next meetings will be held on Friday 12th November at 12.00 at Mary’s Bar in Pinar del Campoverde (north of Pilar de la Horadada) and on Saturday 13th November at 12.00 at Los Galayos Bar, opposite the beach front at Puerto de Mazarron. Come along to a meeting nearest to you. Members please note there will be a tour of the waters around Murcia on Monday 1st November. Please contact Alan if you are interested in taking part. For further details ring Alan Roscoe 968 570 876 or email anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com


Next Javea Bulls game

JAVEA BULLS V ORIHUELA Sunday 7th November at The Bull Ring, Javea. Kick-Off 2pm After losing their opening game of the season 15-3 to Novelda, the Javea Bulls are looking for their first win against Orihuela, who drew 10-10 against Novelda last week. Javea`s lack of experienced players this year shows that they must work hard in training to get into winning ways. With a lot of injuries from the first game and some new players arriving at the club it promises to be an exciting and interesting match. The game kicks off at 2pm after the junior rugby which is from 10-12pm every Sunday morning, so it will give a great opportunity for the kids to watch the seniors play. Additionally for the first time there will be

food and drinks available to purchase at the new pitch for our supporters. Tickets for the Annual Christmas Ball are selling fast with about 200 sold so far, but there is enough room for another 150 people, so we are reaching out to other sports clubs, businesses and organisations to use this extravaganza for your own festive celebrations. Tickets are only 55 euros each and include a 3 course traditional Christmas dinner, music, dancing and a FREE BAR ALL NIGHT. So come along and join in what is proving to be the best event of the year. For reservations and ticket enquiries please call event organiser Debbie Bowen on 638 574 325.

PLAYING GOLF for RTN Golf Club members could not be better as everyone scores a hole in one to enjoy a complete discount package at the best prices possible. Players can get out on 30 Costa Blanca courses and pay the most competitive green fees available. This ‘superb’ deal means a RTN Golf Club member and up to seven guests can all be enjoying spectacular discounts at clubs along the coast. To book a round, all members have to do is to send their requirements to the two agents, who will deal with requests quickly and efficiently. For the south email: mike@roundtownnews.com and for the north email: dennis@roundtownnews.com To apply for your membership card go to www.roundtownews.co.uk and click on the Golf club logo on the homepage. Allow 21 days for delivery

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

Swing to the left Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Teaching Professional Campo de Golf El Plantio 639 730 891

LEFT HANDED golfers are a fairly rare breed and ones who always feel left out, (pardon that expression please all you lefties). Are they really not treated as well as the righthanded golfer or is this just a myth? I have no doubt in my mind that in the past this has definitely been the case. In recent years, though, quality club manufacturers such as Callaway and Nike Golf have developed golf clubs for the people who stand on the other side of the ball to most of us. There is still a big discrepancy, however, when it comes to the range of putters available for lefties; I am sure over time this will also change. One of the biggest problems I have seen lately comes after an enquiry from a RTN reader who told me that a local golf professional had told her that if her son wanted to be a success as a golfer he would have to play right handed. Try telling that to Phil Mickelson’s parents and seeing what they say. I have never heard such rubbish. Nike and Callaway both offer a good if not comprehensive range of equipment for the budding Mickelson. There is no reason whatsoever for a young left handed golfer to play any other way than the way he or she wants to, although equipment for left handed ladies and girls is almost as rare as hens’ teeth. That’s another story and one that will eventually have to be addressed by many equipment manufacturers. We right-handed golfers at times fail to observe the proper etiquette in golf when we play with a left-handed golfer. Many of us stand on the wrong side of the player and indeed in their line of sight - not out of any malice, we merely don’t think enough. Please remember to be observant in these circumstances; it makes the game more enjoyable for all. Just a word for all those budding Phil Mickelsons out there: do not under any circumstances change to playing golf right handed because of peer pressure or difficulty in finding equipment. Find a good coach or equipment

supplier and they will be able to look after all your golfing needs. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS At last it’s happened. After 5 years at the top, Tiger has been toppled. Lee Westwood took top spot without actually playing on Sunday evening and it could not have happened to a nicer or more deserving golfer in my opinion. Long may it last that we British have a World Number 1. WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 5TH NOVEMBER 2010 Who was the last English golfer to be World number 1? A. Tony Jacklin B. Nick Faldo C. Peter Oosterhuis All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 30th November 2010 to be entered into November’s draw, to be made on 1st December. The winner will be announced in RTN on 3rd December 2010. October’s winner: Jaqi Brown NOEL EASTWELL GOLF ACADEMY AT EL PLANTIO For the very best in golf tuition, contact Noel on 639 730 891.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

5 - 11 NOVEMBER 2010


Denia Rugby Club DENIA PUT their Valenciana Liga 1 campaign back on track last Sunday, with a fine win against Akra Barbara from Alicante.The score was 25 v 12 but the referee thought different and gave each side an extra try: referees score was 27 v 17. Before the game the Denia squad was presented with new playing kit from one of their main sponsors, ‘Il Fratelli’ restaurants in Denia. The second change this week was the mood and attitude of the Denia players, and following last week’s poor display they needed to lift their game plan against a good Akra Barbara side. The game started at a fast pace with Akra Barbara pinning Denia back in their own half of the field. The Denia defence showed that the training undertaken in practice worked very well and they stopped Akra from getting the first points. Stern defence and a disciplined approach saw Denia turn the game round and create many attacking moves. Constant Denia pressure saw Ariel break through a number of tackles and score near the posts with Gonzo converting (7 v 0). Denia increased their lead ten minutes later when winger Guil-

liano created space on the outside to score near the corner. Then Gonzo added a penalty (15 v 0). Akra had not given up and the players were trying different ways to get through the Denia defence. Just before half time they scored a try from a forward thrust off a penalty move. Half time score (15 v 7). Denia forwards started the second half with more determination than the first and soon scored from a driving maul and a try for Nico who was at the bottom of the pile of players. (20 v 7). Akra replied with a try created by the quick thinking forwards (20 v 12). On the hour Denia made many changes and brought on all their replacements. The refreshed Denia team still continued to test the Akra defence and from a quick ball from a scrum, a practiced three quarter move saw captain Yovanni burst through the defence and score under the posts: conversion by Guilliano. Final score: 25 v 12. Denia now look forward to their next game, this coming Sunday at home against a strong Abelles team. Kick off 12:00

Weekend rest for Casilla horror show proves costly:

Orihuela RFC

AFTER LAST weekend’s mixed results it was a weekend off for the league in order to get the players fit ready for the coming league matches. It is also very good that with such a short league season, with only 4 teams in the league, the club have started to organise ‘friendlies’, with another planned for this Tuesday. This will, hopefully, give the players a bit more of a cutting edge playing against teams at a slightly higher level. This coming weekend, the seniors are also away to Javea Bulls on Saturday, while the juniors, infantiles, cadetes and juveniles, are at home to La Vila. Orihuela RFC have a stand again at the, ‘This is Spain Exhibition’ on 19th - 21st November with the Butterfly Children at Hotel Thalasia, in San Pedro del Pinatar, stand 82. So come along and find out a bit more about the club and other rugby events in the area, and maybe organise some tours for your teams back home or take part in the local tournaments. The club trains on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Miguel Hernandez University, the seniors and older juniors, juveniles from 20.30 to 22.30, while the younger juniors from 18.15 to 20.00. So if you are interested, dig out those rugby boots and come along. New players are always welcome no matter what age or skill level. You can contact the club by phoning the president Álvaro on 630 313 298 or Garry on 692 767 242. For the juniors contact Oscar on 600 871 606 (Spanish)

Villarreal ‘B’ - 2 FC Cartagena - 0

By Steve Hibberd TWO BAD goalkeeping errors inside 5 minutes of each half presented Villarreal with a victory they were hugely fortunate to get away with. The games first tester produced a goal. A delightful through ball found Nicki on the edge of Cartagena’s penalty area, and to his great delight realised that a sudden rush of blood to the head of Casilla had left him stranded close by, leaving the Villarreal striker with the simple task of virtually walking the ball into the back of the net unchallenged. Cartagena hit back admirably, Cala’s rasping 25 yard drive hitting the post before bouncing to safety. Midway through the half, Cartagena had a clear cut penalty denied them when the outstanding Botelho had his legs taken from under him by a last line of defence keeper, but an unimpressed ref waved play on (video replays later confirmed the obvious). Lafuente deserved better, but his goal bound shot was superbly headed off the line by a home defender. When the ref blew for half time bang on 45 minutes (why are stoppages in the 1st half always minimal, regardless of incidents warranting extensions?) Los Albinegros must have been cursing their normally reliable keeper for his irresponsible schoolboy error, as they had completely dominated the half. Playing in their customary all yellow strip (hence the yellow submarine bit), Villarreal were fastest out of the

blocks in the new half, Nicki forcing a save from Casilla in the 1st minute. Then it was two! Gullon struck a shot from the edge of the box, which the diving Casilla amazingly failed to stop with his outstretched arms, as the ball somehow passed through them. It should have been a routine save, which most keepers at this level would save 9 times out of 10. That was the end of Casilla’s contribution to the horror show, but his team mates (especially the strikers) did their best to join him. Brazillian Botelho is a class act (on loan from Arsenal - says a lot about his pedigree), and when his well aimed cross found the feet of top scorer Toche 5 yards out and the goal gaping, you’d have bet your house on him scoring - and you’d have lost. His sudden loss of form is very worrying, clearly demonstrated as he ballooned the ball high over the bar. Next, it was defender Cala who got on the missed opportunities act, when he shot over the top from only 3 yards. Substitute Keko forced a brilliant save on the hour mark, then fellow substitute Goiria headed just over with only 13 minutes remaining. On 85 minutes Victor’s stooped header was well saved, before Goiria was unlucky when his blockbuster brought out another excellent save from the home keeper. Having dominated for large periods, Cartagena almost found themselves 3 down in the 3rd minute of stoppage time; only the post prevented what would have been a cruelly unjust scoreline. More bad news, in the form of unwanted bookings for Julien, Cala, Cygan, Clavero and Toche, meant that the 4 hour return journey down the AP7 would be an unhappy one. FC CARTAGENA LINE UP Casilla, Clavero (Goiria), Cala, Cygan, Moral (Keko), Botelho, Victor, Julien, Toche, Lafuente, Longas (Muñoz) FORTHCOMING FIXTURE Next week it’s back to Cartagonova Stadium for another div 2a fixture. In form Granada, 5-0 weekend winners over Xerez, are the visitors on Saturday 6th November, KO 18.00. Visit www.nosoloefese.es or www.futbolclubcartagena.com for regular updates on FC Cartagena.

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