RTN North Edition 587

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 587

Leaving our Politicians well alone?

Paul Watts makes his views known


Mali or bust in African adventure TWO BANDS of Costa Blanca adventurers hit the road on Monday


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011


Incredible journey for loyal pet by Jack Troughton

Back home: Bailey with Glyn, Simeon and Paul

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See page 17

RUNAWAY PET Bailey was reunited with his family this week after surviving 19 days in the wild and a mammoth trek across the Costa Blanca countryside. The sprightly 16-year-old rescue dog – described as a “bag of bones” after his experience – was back appreciating the good life at his El Portet home and enjoying a little pampering. Owners Glyn and Paul Smith appealed to RTN for help in finding the fox-coloured veteran – and animal loving readers immediately responded. The couple received more than 50 ‘phone calls last weekend after Bailey’s plight was made public. He also became something of a media celebrity as his picture and the story was circulated on Facebook and through emails and blog sites. Bailey was being cared for at the Dog House, Moraira, when he went missing after wandering out of the kitchen on December 22nd. His distraught family learnt of his disappearance on New Year’s Eve. They immediately began putting up ‘missing’ posters in the area, drove over 2,000km combing the surrounding countryside, and contacted police and animal rescue centres and pounds as far away as Alicante. However, following the paper’s publication Glyn, Paul and daughter Simeon were given fresh hope. A dog answering Bailey’s description had been spotted on Christmas Day – outside the Parador Hotel. continued on page 3


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By Jack Troughton ROTARIANS PURCHASED musical instruments to help further the occupational therapy involving pensioners attending a Marina Alta day centre. Members of the Costa Blanca Rotary International Fellowship donated €500 to buy a selection of tambourines, triangles and cymbals for the Alzheimer’s Association in Javea.

President Ray Harris presented Madre Sara with a cheque on Wednesday at the Centro de Dia Santa Maria de Betania, the money raised through the club’s luncheons and other fund raising events. Club members, Javea Councillor Doris Courcelles, and centre staff also witnessed the new instruments in action as pensioners sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to one of their number.

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14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

APASA tea party

Continued from front page The Smiths instantly switched their search to the Marina Alta resort and spent days walking up and down the sea front with leaflets hoping for news. It was always positive; people had spotted Bailey near bins, left food out for him, and even tried, unsuccessfully, to recapture the pet. Finally, a Spanish teenager who had picked up a leaflet, spotted Bailey in the family garden on Sunday and alerted her mother, who rang to break the good news. “I think he may have followed them home because the woman and daughter looked a bit like me and Simeon,” said Glyn, who rescued Bailey from a shelter more than 14 years ago. SURVIVE “We never gave up hope of finding him but I don’t think he could have survived much longer. He was so thin, a bag of bones. “We have to thank everyone who helped – RTN and its readers and dog walkers. We are trying to call or email everyone who contacted us, but really, it is just a big thanks to everyone for their help and being so positive. “People have been so kind. One lady rang to say she had been looking for him around Benitachell and when I said he had been seen in Javea said she was off to search there as well.” She said the Spanish family were actually worried they were giving them false hope. “But when we got here and Bailey realised it was us he went absolutely mental. “He just wanted to get into the car and I suppose he realised he was going home at last. His tail has not stopped wagging. “We are so grateful to the girl and have given her a small reward – she was absolutely delighted.” The vet has advised the owners to allow Bailey to relax af-

Bailey’s picture appeared in last weeks RTN

By Jack Troughton ANIMAL CHARITY APASA turns back to clock to stage a traditional Victorian Tea Party – and ter his adventure and will give him a check-up next week, but hopes people will take Glyn said he seemed to be in good health. the time to takes a little “He has obviously spent the time just surviving but he is so afternoon refreshment. friendly I suppose people have been giving him titbits.” Guests at the Olive Tree She believes Bailey was drawn to the coast because he lives Restaurant, off the Moraira to overlooking the sea and is often walked along the shore. Calpe road, will be given the One frequent walk is around Cumbre del Sol – so perhaps chance to “partake” a glass the dog reached the sea and mistakenly turned left to Javea rather than right towards home.

Organ donation numbers fall THE NUMBER of people donating organs in Spain has fallen for the first time in a decade. In 2010, 1,502 organs were given for transplants, while in 2009 the figure was 1,605. Spain has traditionally

Showroom opening times; Monday- Friday 10am-1pm

Enjoying a cuppavictorian style

been one of the World leaders in terms of the number of organs donated. The Health Ministry have commented that fewer traffic accidents, fewer accidents at work, a drop in cardiovascular disease

and more people against the idea of donation are some of the reasons for the drop in organs available for transplant. The Health Ministry has also stated that there is no cause for concern, as although figures have fallen, Spain is still a World leader in the field, especially with lung transplants and live kidney donations.

of Bucks Fizz as they arrive at 15.30 on Tuesday 1st February. They will then be offered a selection of tea sandwiches, home made scones with preserve and clotted cream, finishing with cakes. After the success of last year’s party, reservations are essential and fully inclusive tickets cost €10.50. To book call Sue on 965 741668.

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Shepherd in Jumilla stalls 2,285 approved houses by Zara Menhennet A SHEPHERD in Jumilla has managed to paralyze a project of 2,285 houses to be built by the construction company San José. The development plans had already been approved by the Town Hall planning division and were to incorporate a golf course. San José was the company hired to carry out all the investments and planned projects across the Orihuela region, including the municipality of Jumilla. The Supreme Court has pronounced a repeat sentence put in place four years ago after the project was first approved by the Jumilla Town Hall, by the PSOE. At the time, it was appealed by shepherd Pascual Carrión, on the belief that the construction site would intrude onto his pastures, disrupting his cattle and preventing his goats and sheep from grazing. It was also alleged that there was not sufficient irrigation for the development or a decent water supply in general.

This second judgment, which also involves Pascal Carrión, took place after the Town Hall of Jumilla appealed the first sentence on the grounds that they did not have the opportunity to put forward their case. The judgment by the TS is also proving a setback for the company San José of Orihuela as since the first plans were approved the economic crisis has hit Spain. The stalling of this project has forced the company into financial difficulty resulting in long-term repayments, causing a ‘domino effect’ with Dolores’s Town Hall cancelling an agreement for the Dolores Golf Course, which was to cover 1,600,000 square meters including irrigation and landscaping as well as a housing project of 2,600 houses in Vega Baja. In response to the outcome, the shepherd declares, “I am calm.” For his part, he is not surprised by any mistakes that the TS make. Busy with his agricultural work, he had little more to say on the matter. According to Carrión, he believes

the road ahead to still be a long one for both the Town Hall and the construction company: he will continue defending what he considers to be just until all possible routes have been exhausted. In response, San José has indicated to the newspapers that the annulment of the plan “is temporary” as the water issue has been resolved with an approval from Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura (CHS). “The water availability was fundamental for the project to go forward and one of the principle reasons why now the TS can annul the sentence as the problem has been solved.” In a further statement regarding the shepherd, they claimed his actions as “denial” as the areas of his property are not encroached upon by the project. “We hope that in a short time the precautionary measure of paralyzation should end,” concluded San José. It has also been noted that the original project has now been split into three phases and that the first one does now not affect the shepherd.

SUMA approves credit operation of €246 million SUMA WILL sign a credit operation this year for €247 million to support town halls’ expenditure throughout the province. The Governing Council of SUMA endorsed the proposal last December, presented by the president of the provincial institution, Joaquín Ripoll. The credit operation offers authorised advances for municipalities throughout the province against voluntary taxes put aside in 2011. Taking part in this operation are La Caixa, BBVA, Banesto, Santander and Caja Mediterráneo. Ripoll pointed out, “The importance of this management of advances started by SUMA is that it

provides municipalities with the necessary liquidity to carry out suitable economic planning, even in circumstances as complex as the ones caused by the economic crisis.” SUMA has continued to keep the public in mind throughout the economic crisis as they continue to find ways to help the tax payer. Informative pamphlets on monthly payment options have been made readily available throughout the provinces in Town Halls and often in Tourist Information offices. SUMA’s offices also continue to offer aid to those battling with payments as the level of unemployment continues to rise. Certain requirements are required to qualify: details are available from SUMA.

Pascual Carrión showing his pastures proudly

Mayor hit with six-month jail term FORMER MAYOR of Petrer, José Antonio Hidalgo López, has been sentenced to six months in jail for failing to enforce planning laws on a developer. He will also be banned from office for seven years. Reports say that the mayor did not enforce his authority when a property developer built houses closer together than allowed by law. The court in Alicante recognised that the mayor had told the developer to rectify the situation but then took no further action. The mayor could have ordered the buildings to be demolished.

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Smoking ban fetches mixed results by Zara Menhennet SPAIN IMPLEMENTED the new smoking ban on 2nd January this year, so far producing mixed results. Thanks to a very understanding government, who no doubt suffered hangovers on New Year’s day, the official ‘Prohibido Fumar’ commenced on January 2nd, giving the country time to adjust to its new lifestyle. Visiting restaurants, coffee shops and supermarkets, the overall consensus so far has been a lack of interest, with more interest in “the sunny weather” holding out. Joanne of Ricardos in Guardamar claims, “The weather seemed to change the same day as the ban and with everyone staying outside we have not yet seen a difference in trade.” Another nearby restaurant had a different opinion of the smoking ban. Mario Perlaza of El Raso Restaurante stated, “We did not allow smoking indoors before and all smoking was outside only. For us nothing has changed.” Moving further afield, I visited a quaint bar in La Marina where a group of residents were enjoying coffee. Amongst them were Phyllis Hone, a smoker and Rita Cable, a non-smoker: “I don’t mind going outside,” declared Phyllis, “It’s nice to stretch your legs every now and again and I’ve always had to do it as

the smoker amongst us.” Rita however was one of the first encounters I found that felt a change since the ban: “It’s nice not to be sitting in smoke. In a place like this (Bar Stop) it’s so small it gets smoky very quickly.” One notable point that has come to light so far is that the worse hit appears to be the Spanish establishments. Cafetería Varo’s in Benijofar, located in the high street and on the corner to the Tuesday market, has felt the hit hard: “Far worse,” was the immediate response I received when I asked if there had been any effect on business in the cafe. “Consumption has dropped and people don’t stay. They can’t smoke inside and it is cold outside so they come in, have a coffee and go.” Smoking has been a lifelong tradition in Spain where in the past it was permissible to smoke even while in surgery. However, there is still the loophole of electronic cigarettes whose sales have gone through the roof in the last couple of months. According to records kept by pharmacies, sales have increased from the monthly average of 400 units sold per month to over 2,000 in the run up of the smoking ban. Other products selling out include nicotine patches and gum for those attempting to stop with the introduction of the ban. One example is Flore Poloni who has been try-


Good weather keeps the smoking law at bay

ing to stop for years and with the ban has been given the final incentive: “I stopped two weeks ago. I want to stop for my children. Also, I work in a restaurant and I can’t smoke there now either.” Casa Blanca is an international restaurant and according to Poloni, is another not to have felt any affect yet as 90% of the customers sit outside taking the sun and the sea. There are those however, that are already bucking the system. La Bohemia in Alicante has already received its first fine for allowing smoking indoors. With a sign hanging outside ‘PERMITIDO FUMAR’, it is no wonder that Local Police dropped by, catching both staff members and members of the public lighting up. La Bohemia has since been fined €600 and

any member of the public that caught at the time €30 each. €600 is the minimum fine that can be given to an establishment; it can reach as high as €10,000 for this infraction. Fines for individuals start at €30 but are discretionary. Reaching out to the public, Facua have set up a website so that if one feels an establishment is not following the new regulations, they can be reported at www.facua.org/es/camp.php?seccion=2 You will be asked to provide personal details but these are for the use of the investigation only. With a further cold snap around the corner, perhaps the reality will be felt harder as consumers rush home out of the cold and not to the coffee bars.


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

200 new companies for the industrial park by Zara Menhennet BETWEEN 150 and 200 companies and up to 3,500 workpeople will settle in 426,000 square meters of industrial land generated by the last phase of enlargement of the industrial park in Elche, where development will finish at the end of January as indicated by the manager of the municipal company Pimesa, Antonio Martínez. The manager of Pimesa emphasised that with the enlargement of the Elche Industrial Park (also called Elche Managerial Park) it has now allowed companies such as Tempe to construct a new logistics center on a plot of 90,000 square meters or equally a hospital on the plot if 15,000 meters are added and should in turn generate approximately 800 jobs. The commercialisation of 15 industrial plots of 80,000 square meters (combined total) and five of 7,000 square meters destined for the tertiary (offices, restaurants, hotels etc) sector have resulted from this enlargement and it will be started after the council has officially approved the specifications at the end of the month, when Pimesa will celebrate their new project. Elches Furthermore, there are plots of private property (about Industrial 50 % of the urbanised land) that will be commercialised park in this phase of enlargement, spread over an entire suralmost complete face of 827,000 square meters. Plot owners have supplied

Parents call for better safety at Molivent School By Zara Menhennet

PARENTS OF the Molivent School in Guardamar del Segura are calling for a clear up of the local area and for a fence to be erected to increase the safety of their children. The main area for concern is the section that runs from the park to the south side of the school as people drop extensive litter and dog

owners allow their dogs to soil the pavements. The volume of bottles, glasses and plastic goods are said to present a dangerous hazard to the children who attend the centre. The final call of the parents is for a fence to be put up to prevent accidents from happening as the pavement away from the school borders a very steep and dangerous slope.

The pavement leading to the Molivent School

approximately 50% or €47.6 million of the investment that supports the works of urban development now on the verge of completion. The manager of Pimesa announced that, given the current situation and the fall in demand of industrial land registered throughout last year, the specifications for the commercialisation of the newly acquired plots of this enlargement of the industrial park will be ‘flexible’. Antonio Martínez added that, “…in reality we do not believe that there is a problem with the prices, but with the demand, which is scarce. We know of companies being interested in the acquisition of plots, but we have to provide them with specifications yet to be confirmed. Likewise, as we have done with the Business Center and Boulevard Park, the plots for industrial or tertiary use will be negotiable as we look for new formulae of commercialisation and methods of payment that will make them obtainable for buyers.” The industrial park of Elche, according to information released by the town-planning entity of the Town Hall, has at present 460 companies that are operative (including the Business center) and it is providing approximately 8,000 people with work. Logically, as Antonio Martínez indicates, these numbers can range in accordance with the activity of the companies and the economic circumstances of the crisis.

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Jalon in bloom by Jack Troughton THE ANNUAL almond blossom walk organised by Jalon Valley HELP is being staged on Monday 14th February. A popular event – and something of a tradition –the walk is a circular walk leaving Jalon via the back lanes to the outskirts of Alcalali and returning along the river track. People wanting to take part should gather at Jalon Tourist Office, on the car park site of the weekly rastro, before 09.15 and because of expected numbers, there will be a staggered start of up to four separate groups. The walk takes between three and three-and-a-half hours along mainly good tracks. Suitable footwear should be worn and walkers should carry their own water and refreshments. The event is free, but Jalon Valley HELP would appreciate any donations made on the day.

Benidorm’s Low Cost festival struggling for finance THE HUGELY popular rock music festival, Low Cost, habitually held in Benidorm every summer, has so far been denied financing from its usual sources. The local government revealed last week that they had approached the Ministry for Culture and the County Council, but neither body had agreed to provide funding for the festival. Low Cost brings in thousands of tourists and visitors and is extremely important in promoting Benidorm as a destination for young people. Last year the event was sold out and 24,000 people a day attended. Plans for 2011 are to move the venue to the Foeites sports complex, which houses 42,000 people and to extend the length of the festival, holding it from 21st to 23rd July. However, it’s looking like money for the expansion will have to come from municipal coffers.

Brit drug barons caught

HALF A ton of hashish was seized by police and three British men arrested in Alicante last week. The drug was stored at an industrial estate in Atalayas, Alicante, inside a warehouse. Police report that the hashish was destined for the UK. The men have already appeared in court in Dénia and are awaiting the verdict.

The famous Val de Pop blossom



14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Mali or bust in African adventure by Jack Troughton

TWO BANDS of Costa Blanca adventurers hit the road on Monday as they start the gruelling Budapest-Bamako rally taking them from Europe to Mali. Both Javea teams join other international drivers in The Great Africa Run, the World’s largest charity rally – a two week long scramble through Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, and finally, Mali. Launched in 2005 with 40 vehicles, by 2009 there were 220 cars involved in the thousands of miles making up a ‘crazy adventure’ that carries the motto: “Anyone. By Anything. By Any means.” Some competitors will be racing, others taking part are rising to the challenge – but there is a serious side to the event, raising money to fund the purchase of insecticidetreated mosquito nets to help fight malaria and prevent a dreadful human toll. It is estimated a child dies every 30 seconds from the disease – and there are some 500 million cases of malaria each year, nearly 1 million people losing their lives to a preventable disease. This week RTN met Team 136 – brothers Lawrence and Chris Davies, Alan Dobinson, and their veteran vehicle, a 1997 Toyota Land Cruiser bought for the rally, strengthened and modified, and destined to be finally sold in a Mali market. SPONSOR Alan’s communications company Europa Network is sponsoring the team and backing the charity effort – sending mosquito nets and school equipment to Africa. “I have known Lawrence and Chris for

(left to right) Lawrence, the Beast, and Alan

years and knew they were taking part – and luckily there was space in the car,” said Alan, who grew up in Africa. “It is a challenge, a bit adventurous, and a little bit wild. I am really looking forward to the rally.” He added: “The car is a real beast – it is really high off the ground – and both teams from Javea are driving Land Cruisers. “They say if you want to go to Africa go in a Land Rover, but if you want to go to Africa and come back go in a Land Cruiser.” Lawrence experienced the rally two years ago when he took part in the racing category.

Prostitute ring busted in Alicante and Murcia by Zara Menhennet A PROSTITUTE syndicate operating in Alicante and Murcia areas has been unearthed by the Guardia Civil. The ring was being organised by eight members importing Romanian girls illegally into the country before forcing them into prostitution in the ar-

eas of Torrevieja and Orihuela. The members detained are five from Romania, two from Albania and the last is a Moroccan. The police press release states the investigation began in October 2009 when an Albanian gang were believed to be involved in a series of burglaries

“It was very exciting but a big strain; you are travelling between 100 and 120 kph and a tracking system monitors speed and progress. RIDE “You arrive at way points in the dark and leave in the dark and it is a real teeth chattering ride.” He said the rally involved driving between set daily co-ordinates but each team chose its own route – apart from times where a military escort was needed because of political unrest in the region. “We share the driving, we share the navi-

which later led to the prostitution and sexual exploitation syndicate. It is said that the girls were being recruited by other Romanian nationals in Alicante with the promise of work and on arrival had their papers taken away from them. Thereafter they were threatened with physical harm to themselves or family members if they did not cooperate.

Bible opens living history By Jack Troughton BOUND IN decaying leather, a rare King James Bible has resurfaced on the Costa Blanca hundreds of years after leaving the presses of a London printer. The third ‘authorised’ bible to be published in English after perceived problems with earlier translations from Greek, Hebrew and Latin, James Stuart hoped it would help ease ongoing religious tensions in his kingdom. Work began on the bible in 1604 and was completed eight years later. At Javea Evangelical Church, Pastor Clive Read has a 1615 copy, according to its pages in the English of the time “imprinted at London” by Robert Barker “printer to the king’s most Excellent Majesty.” And a forward by the printer dedicated to the “diligent reader” begins “Dear Christian Reader” and gives a guide on how to use the notes given in the New Testament. However, most fascinating are the handwritten entries of the 17th and 18th Centuries carefully inscribed over the years by earlier owners – etched in quill and ink.

FRAGILE Sadly, the fragile pages are not intact. Clive told RTN the Book of Common Prayer was missing. The most modern entry is dated 1948 and an Arthur Newton - a former elder of the Mosborough Elim church in Yorkshire. “I was given it by the wife of Arthur Newton after he died,” explained Clive. “We moved to Mosborough near Sheffield and I think I was given it between 1972 and 1975. “People say we should get it rebound but in my opinion you cannot, because you would have a modern cover – and there would still be a lot of pages missing.

Clive holds the fragile Bible

“In my mind it has more value being kept in its original leather cover.” In a bid to learn more about the religious antique, Clive has forwarded details to the Bible Museum in London after the book remained for years in a drawer at his home.

gation and share everything,” added Lawrence, who said the best navigator would set the target coordinates each morning. This weekend the English registration vehicle will be loaded with fuel, camping gear, food and water. Cameras will be ready to capture events – not least the chance of spotting African wildlife along the route. And by the time the teams reach their destination, RTN was assured a welcome ice cold beer would be top of a wish list. Find out more about the rally at www.budapestbamako.org or make a donation via info@europa-network.com

Black spots eliminated from Murcia Region IN THE last four years, the registered percentage of traffic accidents has seen a constant decrease so that now the latest figures released show a 57% fall since 2007. To continue this remarkable achievement further, an investment of more than €13 million has been provided for the Road Safety Programme. General Highway Manager José Guijarro has stated that, “The regional Government eliminated a whole 32 black spots from the highway network in the Murcian Region during 2010, which has improved conditions of road safety and diminished the risk of accidents in the most difficult points of different regions throughout Murcia.” He has also pointed out that, “Undoubtedly, the most positive fact is the reduction in the number of fatal traffic accidents, which

since 2007 have dropped by 57%. Original numbers show 56 fatalities per year, now down to 24 per year.” Addressing the Programme of Road Safety 2011, José Guijarro affirmed that, “The safety of our highways will continue to be the priority target for 2011.” The General Manager also reminded the public that, “The Region of Murcia was the first Spanish community to develop road safety signposting and was a forerunner in eliminating the stretches of highways identified as black points; a pioneering initiative in our country that has helped to improve road safety and reduce the indexes of accident rates in our community.” Roadworks between Lorca-Águilas, RM-11 are destined to be completed in the first three months of this year.

Tourist numbers up

SPAIN RECEIVED 53 million foreign tourists in 2010, representing an increase of 1.4 percent over 2009. Good news for the tourism industry as the two years prior to 2009 showed a drop in tourist numbers, according to provisional data from the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade. The Minister Miguel Sebastian said in a press conference that there is also increased spending by tourists, spending has grown by 2.5 percent, rising to €49,140 million. This represents an average expenditure per tourist of about €930, an increase of 0.3 percent on the previous year, with an average daily expenditure of €98 per person.

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011



14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Contest forges friendship La Mata’s seaside school will fall La Mata’s square to be extended

Players on finals night

by Jack Troughton AN ANNUAL pool competition has successfully united a Costa Blanca community and forged lasting friendships between Spanish and expat residents. Claimed to be a sign of a misspent youth, the popular barroom sport has united people living in Benidoleig and given locals at Bar Avenida plenty to talk about. And after the winner of the eleventh tournament lifted the Vibessa Trophy last month, organiser David Skinner is proud of the ongoing success of the competition and how it has brought the community together. He was a regular visitor to the area before making Benidoleig his home in 2000 – and noticed how Spanish and expats drinkers used to stand at different ends of Bar Avenida. “Watching everyone in the bar there was a real British group and a Spanish group and no one was talking to each other,” he said. “No one could play pool and I thought I would organise a competition. The idea was to bind the British and Spanish together, create an extra interest and get

a friendly competitive spirit going – everyone said it would not work but I put a board up inviting entries and it took off.” ANTICIPATE The village now eagerly anticipates each October 15th when David puts up the board challenging 32 players pit their skills against each other in a knockout contest – sponsors building company Vibessaproviding a host of prizes and trophies–ending with a December final and a slap up meal and party. “Now we have a situation where the Spanish know the expats and the expats know the Spanish,” said David, who lifted the trophy after victory in 2007. He said each round attracted an audience and the bar was packed for the final. “This year was the first time we have had an all English final, but even so there was a really good turn out as all the Spanish were here to watch it. “The competition brings a lot of business to the bar and everyone gets really excited – and we have all made friends in the community because of it.” He added: “In a sense I hope it may inspire other bars to organise something like it.”

LA MATA’S beautiful seaside school is to be knocked down to make way for a larger town square. In total there are seven planned projects for the town according to Torrevieja. Six of the projects will be the extension of sporting zones in surrounding urban areas to a value of €476,342. The first of the projects will be the Sports Equipment SA (Equidesa) followed by Ingest Obras and Projects. The two projects fall into the main objective to bring the community together and promote a ‘sportier’ environment. It should be executed within two months. The second phase will see the demolition of the school itself and see the remodeling of the town

square at a cost of €600,000. According to Pedro Ángel Hernández, mayor of Torrevieja, it is necessary to pull down the school according to regulations of the coastline: “Although the building of the school has a big sentimental value for many, it will be knocked down as it is crumbling already. This action to eliminate a building next to the sea will also fulfill coastal regulations and increase the surface area of the square.” In total it will take six months to see the projects complete, including the road structure and pedestrian areas, culminating an area of 8,000 square meters with good access to the parish.

ETA declare permanent ceasefire

THE TERRORIST group ETA has announced a permanent ceasefire. The group released a statement to the Basque newspaper, Gara, saying that they are putting an end to armed confrontation. This is not the first time that ETA has said it is calling a permanent ceasefire and in the past the group has later reversed its decision. However, police have weakened the group by arresting hundreds of its members over recent years. Prime Minister Zapatero is cautious about the new ceasefire declaration and has asked that ETA give up their weapons once and for all.

Elche’s PP blamed for delays in new medical centre

First phase of Elche’s medical center opens

by Zara Menhennet ELCHE’S NEW medical centre has opened the first phase of its specialist facilities with 31 new consultants while the second phase draws to completion. In March, the final floor housing the Hospital de Día de Oncología (Oncology) and Surgery Unit will move in. The first four hundred patients have already been admitted to the new centre that began construction in 2004 opposite the principle building of Elche’s General Hospital. The hope is that the centre will be fully open by the beginning of April. “This first phase of opening has materialised with the transfer here of the consultants that worked in San Fermín and in the next few weeks there will be more joining the block of External Consultations of the hospital,” stated the manager of the health centre, Juan Antonio Marqués, who also noted that the building will eventually have “80 more consultants from now on that deal with specialist attention.” In the second phase that is close to completion, Radiology and Rehabilitation will move into the new building and be located on the ground floor before finally the last phase that will include Oncology. At present there is still construction taking place on the bottom floor and according to the General Hospital it is moving along swiftly and the conclusion of the project is at hand. The first phase opened has been constructed with four main corridors in which the specialist divisions have been split and colour-coded. The current layout, however, is temporary as Genoveva Moncho, medical director of specialised attention has pointed

out, “This is provisional as once the External Consultations of the hospital begin, things will change.” At present, the first corridor is home to seven consultants of Ophthalmology and Dermatology (which will be joining next week) where all doors have been made purple in colour, which in turn become yellow in the second corridor that houses Traumatology, Rheumatology and Cardiology. In the third corridor of the building the doors have been made green and are destined for consultation rooms in Gynecology, Midwifery and Urology. Finally in this colourful building are the blue doors denoting Neurology, Otolaryngology and Endocrinology. Bringing the medical world together will also be the implementation of a single computer system based in the General Hospital of Elche, where doctors will be able to gain access to the case history of a patient from any computer within the system. Moncho emphasised that the reason behind this move was, “…to make simpler consultations and to progress with the times.” There has also been criticism of the project by councilman of healthcare, Carlos Ávila, regarding the enormous delays involved. He did praise the partial opening however, and has claimed that it is vitally important to keep moving forward so that more beds can be added to the hospital. He attributed the slowness to the “awful management” of the Peoples Party in Elche that has remained silent. He has made his opinion clear by clarifying that, “The PP always prefers the interests of the party to the interests of the actual people of Elche, as they have not fought to prevent these unjustifiable delays.”

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011



14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Pedrera Museum


finally to open after extensive delays by Zara Menhennet AFTER EXTENSIVE delays, the Pedrera Museum is finally set to open its doors. Originally the museum was set to open last October, as released by the Council of Culture of Orihuela, but due to a fault in the staircase it remained closed. According to the councilwoman Pepa Ferrando, the renovation is now complete and she will be announcing the date of opening this month. The need to renovate the staircase had not been acknowledged when the work began on converting the Palace Sorzano de Tejada into the Pedrera Museum by the Pedrera Foundation and therefore delayed the whole process when it came to light just before opening. Renovation began at the beginning of the summer last year and has been greatly helped along by the businessman Antonio Pedrera himself. As an honoured member of the Friends Association of the Prado Museum, Madrid, Pedrera has transformed 1,600 square meters of the building so that he will be able to exhibit his extensive art collection as well as making the artwork available through the Town Hall. Currently the private collection that the Pedrera Museum holds is the most important in Spain as it carries works by Pablo Picasso, Mariano Fortuny, Francisco de Zurbarán, Salvador Dali and almost the entire collection of Joaquín Agrasot. The first exhibition will see the display of Agrasot with some 85 artworks. The Town Hall is responsible for the majority of the renovation to the old palace and will therefore remain in their charge, although the cellar and ground floor will continue to belong to the Pedrera Museum. According to Antonio


LEVEL 1 Starts Monday 31st of January 2011, finishes Thursday 24th February 2011. Monday afternoon 13.30-17.30, Wednesday and Thursday mornings 9.00-13-00 48 hours @ 5 euros per hour, 240 euros less early payment discount of 10%. Total price 216 euros. LEVEL 2 (option A) Starts Monday 31st of January 2011, finishes Friday 25th of February 2011. Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings 9.00-13-00- 9.00-14-00 48 hours @ 5 euros per hour, 240 euros less early payment discount of 10%. Total price 216 euros.

Pedrera, he intends to turn the open space of the ground floor into a restaurant. Meanwhile, the artworks belonging to the Palace Sorzano de Tejada itself have been appraised by the Town Hall and catalogued, claiming the Pedrera Museum has been hoarding them for forty years. In order to acquire and restore the paintings, Antonio Pedrera is seeking specialist advice from the Prado Museum. The Palace Sorzano de Tejada began construction in the XVIII Century and was eventually completed in the XIX Century by Matías Sorzano Nájera de Tejada. Placed in the centre of historical Orihuela, this new museum will add to the cultural importance and architectural and artistic splendour of the city. As an added bonus, the opening will also be creating jobs to alleviate the pressure of Orihuela’s unemployment that has risen during the last year.

Renewable energy ‘infopoints’

trying out the new Infopoint Gadget FIVE MUNICIPALITIES have received the latest gadget to improve consumer awareness for renewable energy. Cocentaina, Rojales, Dénia, Villena and Alicante are the five localities that have received this new initiative and the information will be available to the public in Castilian, English, French and German. The Delegation of Alicante officially introduced the tactile ‘Infopoints’ on 7th January, putting at citizens’ disposal basic information about concepts regarding renewable energies and energy efficiency, in addition to offering councils ways of saving energy, via a computer with a tactile, easy to use screen. The manager of Área de Medio Ambiente, Alejandro de la Vega, emphasised that, “This initiative is part of the Provincial Agency’s campaign to create awareness of sustainable energy. Also, it provides information to citizens on how to save and consume energy resources with the best efficiency.” According to the director of the Provincial Agency of Energy, Emigdio Tormo, “The idea is to be able to offer the public information without the necessity of calling or visiting an office, since the Infopoints are located in places where the public can gain access to the information and receive advice on renewable energies in an easy and accessible way.”

LEVEL 2 (option B) Starts Tuesday 1st of February 2011, finishes Saturday 26th February 2011. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 13.30-17.30, Saturday mornings 9.00-13-0048 hours @ 5 euros per hour, 240 euros less early payment discount of 10%. Total price 216 euros.


NEW!! LEVEL 3 Starts Tuesday 29th of February 2011, finishes Saturday 26th March 2011. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings 9.00-13-00 48 hours @ 5 euros per hour, 240 euros less early payment discount of 10%. Total price 216 euros. LEVEL 2 Starts Monday 28th of February 2011, finishes Friday 25th of March 2011. Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9.00-13-00- 9.00-14-00 48 hours @ 5 euros per hour, 240 euros less early payment discount of 10%. Total price 216 euros. LEVEL 1 Starts Monday 28th of February 2011, finishes Thursday 24th of March 2011. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons 13.30-17.30 48 hours @ 5 euros per hour, 240 euros less early payment discount of 10%. Total price 216 euros. For further details on these or any other courses please call 965 999 047 or email info@elprincipecentre.com -Spaces can go quickly so book now to avoid disappointment-

“Learn Spanish through a language that you understand-small groups-explanations in English-only 5 euros per hourall levels-San Miguel de Salinas” -Spaces can go quickly so book now to avoid disappointment-


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Bird troubles answered

RE YOUR letter in RTN regarding pigeons in Benijofar: There is a cafe/ bar on the main street called Veros, on the zebra crossing opposite the bank, on the corner of the street where the Tuesday market is held. Inside they have a chart of all the colours of the local pigeons and who they belong to. Also loads of pigeon trophies for past winners. If your Spanish is up to scratch, you could go in and ask them how the pigeon competitions work. Good luck Dolores and Tony


Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Winter fuel payment I WAS pleased to receive your letter recently saying that my winter fuel payment would soon be made. Here on the Spanish Costas we are again having a cold winter like last year. We have had day temperatures below 10º and some nights down to 1º so we need to put on lots of heat to be comfortable as our houses are not insulated as in the UK. I have back problems and need to keep very warm - when the night is cold I keep a small electric heater on all night in my bedroom and use an electric blanket. On cold days, to keep my living area at a comfortable temperature, I use a large electric aircon unit plus a portable

gas heater (we have no mains gas here) to get the room up to a comfortable temperature. We also wear several layers of warm clothes when we go out, including scarves and gloves. This is my experience on the coast but it is much colder near the mountains where many ex Brits live. SO YOU SEE WE DO NEED THE WINTER FUEL PAYMENT. Don´t let anyone tell you that we do not. KP Bigg Torrevieja PS: If you wish to share this letter with another department or Government Minister I am quite happy for you to do so

Thank you Barefaced cheek! everybody 2010 HAS been a very difficult year for everyone, and APAH Animal Rescue Charity would like to take this opportunity to thank not only all the people who have attended our fund-raising events or donated to or bought things from our Charity Shops and our Sunday Market Stall, but also our hard working volunteers. Through their work in our shops and market, and the caring of our dogs and cats, they have ensured that APAH can take its work of rescuing abandoned, abused and neglected animals into 2011. We are unable to thank everyone personally, but we would like to thank everyone who has helped us throughout 2010 and to wish everyone a very Happy New Year.

talk tous

IN REPLY to Mr Capper’s letter, of course you are the problem - it was you who had the barefaced cheek to tell ex pats to go back to England if they did not agree with the way you wanted to enjoy yourself.

You must understand that you are not so important that others should fall into line with your personal way of thinking. You and people like you actually spoil others’ enjoyment with your rudeness and

noise. You complained of whinging Brits - you started the ball rolling a suggestion do not give out what you are not prepared to take back and keep in mind that one man’s enjoyment can lead to another man’s misery: case closed. Rita

Breeding and racing pigeons I MOVED to Spain five years ago, bringing a team of top racing pigeons with me. I have had the pleasure of racing and winning most of the races I have entered including 1st national and breeding 1st and 2nd champion pigeons of all Spain. The coloured pigeons are a breed called BUCHON, bred for the last two hundred years to have only one thing on their minds: SEX. I am serious - all other characteristics have been discarded - they have no homing ability at all. They are harmlessly dyed according to their owners’ registered design, enabling judges to easily recognise individual birds and, as they are without homing skills, all are released in one place. All the coloured males are released and

one female, normally identified by a white feather. The judge marks down which males are the most demonstrative and passionate both in the air and when they land: the coloured males will follow the hen wherever she goes: as I´ve said, they only have sex on their minds. The males are easily retrieved by releasing another hen on a short piece of string. As she is reeled in, the males follow. The coloured pigeons often have a GPS transmitter attached to their tails in case they follow a passing ordinary pigeon and lose contact; they often cost a lot of money and their owners think the world of them! For more information, ring 965 350 429 mobile 677 799 503. John Moss: moss.moxon@hotmail.co.uk

English MOT madness ENGLISH MOT over the internet! Are Brits REALLY that naive? We know most of them leave their brains at the airport on the way over here, but MOT´s ONLINE!? Sorry, but you deserve to be ripped off - sad people… Brendan

No happy ending I STARTED to read this story about the horse Pandora, thinking it was going to have a happy ending. I wish I hadn’t read it now as it really does make me ANGRY. I am hoping there is going to be a follow up story telling us how the owner was dealt with by the authorities or does he just get away with it? Please,

please tell me he will be justly dealt with: if there is no punishment for acts like this, it will never stop. Thanks to all the animal charities for their good work they do throughout the year. Good luck to you all and thank you from an animal lover. Coleen Bryan Los Angles

I don’t believe it

I DON’T believe it - I nearly broke my back again! I never

see the little black and yellow speed ramps! I don’t mind

slowing down for the big ones but those little buggers still do your back in at 5 kilometers an hour - and your suspension! Let’s get a petition to get rid of them!

Victor (Ken Lyons) Meldrew La Marina

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Monarch’s winter 11/12 schedule now on sale! LEADING LEISURE airline Monarch has launched its winter 2011/2012 scheduled programme, enabling people to get a head start on their travel plans for next year and grab a great deal on flights to their favourite UK destinations. For winter 2011/2012, Monarch will operate a huge range of flights from Mainland Spain, the Balearic and Canary Islands and Gibraltar to the UK gateways of Birmingham, London Gatwick, London Luton and Manchester airports. MONARCH’S WINTER 11/12 PROGRAMME INCLUDES: • Alicante – Birmingham, Gatwick, Luton and Manchester • Barcelona - Manchester • Fuerteventura – Birmingham and Manchester • Gibraltar – Luton and Manchester • Gran Canaria – Birmingham and Manchester • Lanzarote – Birmingham, Gatwick, Luton and Manchester • Majorca – Gatwick and Manchester • Malaga – Birmingham, Gatwick, Luton and Manchester


Bulgarian pianist’s son disappears in Cabo roig

• Menorca – Gatwick • Tenerife – Birmingham, Gatwick, Luton and Manchester Fares start from just €33 one way (including taxes) and are available to book now on www.monarch.es until the end of March 2012. In addition to year-round low fares, Monarch also offers a range of hot and cold meals that can be prebooked or purchased onboard. To enable customers to select where in the cabin they sit and ensure that families and groups sit together, seats can be pre-booked from €9 per one-way flight, or from only €19, extra-legroom seats are available, which offer up to six inches of extra space. Passengers travelling on scheduled flights can also avoid the queues at the airport and take advantage of online check-in which is available between 18 days and 4.5 hours prior to departure. For further information or to book Monarch flights, please visit www.monarch.es


Boris Markov

THE BULGARIAN Consulate has announced the disappearance of Boris Markov, son of the World class Bulgarian pianist, Martha Deyanova. Head of the Consulate, Tsvetelin Tsolov, has notified the Guardia Civil of the disappearance that is believed to have happened in the last week of December 2010. Markov had not been in touch with family while residing on an unrbanisation in Cabo Roig for many weeks and an investigation is to be launched into the disappearance of the 24 year-old. According to Tsolov, he has

communicated with the head of the National Police stating, “At the moment we do not know much about what has happened and we do not have any positive information to work with.” He has asked that both the National Police and the Local Police collaborate in the search for Markov. Martha Deyanova herself resides in the UK and has already notified officials of the situation. At this point there has been no communication indicating a joint investigation between Spain and the United Kingdom.


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Ruling the airwaves LEADING ENGLISH language broadcaster Bay Radio has successfully expanded to reach a new audience in Costa Almeria. Expats in the Mojacar area can now tune to 91.5FM and hear the winning combination of music, news, information and interviews after Choice FM was welcomed into the Bay family. Based in Javea, Bay Radio has already grown to cover Spain’s eastern coast and continues a policy of ‘controlled expansion’ to keep its position as market leader. And modern technology allows Bay to remain at the heart of the community – and allows advertisers in different areas to reach a local audience. Bay’s Andy Stammers told RTN that moving south showed the station was on track with its policy of planned expansion. “We have a commitment to the local com-

munity down there and will be carrying unique niche programming for both the already established local audience and the business community,” he said. “Obviously there are advertising opportunities for businesses that are unique to that area.” He said everyone looked forward to working with the existing team from Choice FM after they came under the “Bay banner” and “building our brand and product in the area.” Andy said Bay Radio had become the top station through its professionalism and quality broadcasting. “We have live presenters in the studio from 07.00 in the morning through to 22.00 at night and over the weekends. “And we bring a combination of music, news, information and interviews that help integrate expats into the community.”

Vuelta a España 2011

Orihuela Mayor Monica Lorente (centre)

ORIHUELA MAYOR Monica Lorente is delighted that the 2011 ‘Vuelta a España’ will once again end one of its stages in the municipality when it finishes the second stage of the race this summer, saying, “…the government team is very proud that the coast has been selected as the place for the second stage finale.” The mayor attended the official presentation of the 2011 Vuelta a España at the new Auditorium in Alicante. Also present was President of the Alicante Diputación, Joaquin Ripoll, and the Director General of the Costa Blanca Tourism Board, Gema Amor, who welcomed World cycling representatives: more than 300 attended the official unveiling of the 2011 tour route. Ms Lorente also announced a full programme of activities to coincide with the ‘Vuelta’, including beach and sporting events and a week long gastronomical extravaganza. More than 10,000 people watched the conclusion of the Vuelta a España cycling tour last year during the Vega Baja stage. It is hoped that as this year’s stage takes place on a Sunday, still more people will cheer on the cyclists. The 2010 Vega Baja stage closed in the city of Orihuela and event organisers were wholeheartedly praised by all who took part. The city of Orihuela was also congratulated by all the media corporations, with more than 1.5 million television viewers tuning in to watch last year’s event. A welcome increase in income to businesses is expected all along the route, particularly on the Orihuela Coast; the stage

base for many of the cycling teams. The majority of the event’s expenses will be borne by the Provincial Diputación of Alicante which saw a 400% return on its investment last year. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets and pharmacies also benefitted and the majority of hotels in the city enjoyed 100% occupancy. The 66th cycle race starts in Benidorm on Saturday 20th August and ends in Madrid on Sunday, 11th September: 21 stages will cover more than 3,000 kilometres over the duration of three weeks. The tour Spain will begin with a night time 16 kilometre team time trial in Benidorm. This year’s race will not only see a return to the Basque Country for the first time in 33 years, it will also see the second stage of the high profile race taking in the full beauty of the Costa Blanca coastline from La Nucia in the north to the beaches of Orihuela Costa in the south via Vilajoiosa, Alicante, Santa Pola, Guardamar and Torrevieja. Cyclists from all over the World will take on the 2011 ‘Vuelta a España’ challenge and last year’s winner, Italian Vincenzo Nibali was at the launch, with representatives from Russian Team Katusha, which was victorious in the 2010 team competition. The Vuelta avoids the Cataluña region and the Pyrenees this year but does include ten mountain stages and six summit finishes, two of which have never been climbed before: Estacion de Montaña Manzaneda in Galicia on Stage 11 and La Farrapona in the Asturias region on Stage 14.

Revolutionising insurance SINCE 1995 Línea Directa has revolutionised the insurance market due to its firm commitment to innovation, the quality of its service and personalised customer care, which in 1998 led to it becoming the first insurer to offer its customer services in both English and German. As a result, the processes of purchasing a policy, making enquiries, claims handling, forwarding documentation and 24-hour assistance can be carried out entirely in both English and German, at a convenient time with a single phone call. Línea Directa also offers its policyholders a translation service when dealing with repairers. Línea Directa offers a range of products and services that include car and motorbike insurance, as well as extensive and exclusive home insurance, specially designed to satisfy all the personal requirements of expatriates. MOTOR INSURANCE Línea Directa Aseguradora’s motor insurance division arrived in Spain in 1995, having originated in the United Kingdom, and completely revolutionised the market, due to its highly innovative pricing system, which allows the customer to purchase personalised insurance at the most competitive price. With currently almost 1.7 million custom-

ers in this segment, Línea Directa Aseguradora offers pioneering products on the market with an excellent quality-price ratio. Car and motorbike insurance customers can also enjoy innovative services such as Night-time Assistance or Full Medical Treatment completely free of charge, guaranteeing those injured in traffic accidents complete and immediate medical treatment without having to pay. HOME INSURANCE Since 2008 Línea Directa Aseguradora has offered a business line specialising in Home Insurance, which after hardly three years now has 100,000 customers, due to its simple, transparent products without the small print. For more information call 902 123 104.

Benidorm at FITUR

REPRESENTATIVES FROM Benidorm will be heavily promoting the town as a holiday destination at this year’s tourist fair FITUR, to be held in the IFEMA exhibition hall in Madrid. The show runs from 19th – 23rd January and the Benidorm exhibition will be located in pavilion five, covering 270 square metres. The stand aims to offer information about what there is to see and do for tourists in Benidorm and will offer 21 tables where staff will be available for personal consultations.

Tourist dies of swine flu

A MAN from Valencia has died of swine flu while on holiday in Colombia. The 61-year-old was already suffering with symptoms when he arrived in Colombia on 29th December. He was reportedly coughing and suffering with headaches, fever and congestion. The man was admitted to a private medical clinic in Barranquillla, where he later died. The Health secretary for the Atlantic Department of Colombia, Humberto Mendoza, has said that the authorities suspect that the man was suffering from the AH1N1 swine flu virus.

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011



14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Karate club enjoys record year by Jack Troughton HARD WORK by the instructors of Washinkai Karate supported by loyal students and parents has seen the Javea-based club enjoy a record year. Washinkai Karate runs clubs in Benitachell, Javea sports Centre, Xabia International College, the Laude Lady Elizabeth School and this week started its 2011 season. It opened three new clubs over the last 12 months at XIC Secondary School, the Rainbow Nursery, and women-only classes at Javea Sports Centre. And students won seven new black belts – taking the total number within Washinkai to 20 – while the club also won 16 gold medals at the British Traditional Karate Championships, as well as over 40 medals and trophies in competitions throughout 2010. LAUNCH

The club also launched new classes for youngsters aged between four and 11, teaching the important principles of karate whilst the children have fun and enjoy themselves. RTN was told the junior syllabus was unique to Washinkai, the largest karate club in Valencia, and popular with both kids and parents. Support for sick children over the year saw the club raise more than €1,200 for Dreamflight, a charity that sends terminally ill children on the holiday of a lifetime. The cash was raised through a number of events, including a trip to watch the newly released Karate Kid movie.

Action in black belt exams

Toast the haggis Bank robber A SPECIAL Burns night party is being held to celebrate the life and work of Scotland’s national poet and raise money to support youngsters on the Costa Blanca. The ‘post-Burns Night Celebration’ takes place on Saturday 29th January - four days after the anniversary of Robert Burns’ birth on 25th January 1759. In aid of charity ‘Friends of the Children of EMAUS’, the €20 tickets

e l sa S Y A D W E F T LAS

at the Benissa include a traditional four course Burns Supper, served with a dram of whisky and including wine, beer and soft drinks. The party at Finca Abril, Binyent, near Benissa, begins at 19.30 and according to veterans of previous years “is always an excellent night!” Tickets are available by emailing Pauline on finca.abril@gmail.com and to find out more about the charity news visit www.fcemaus.es


A 33-YEAR-OLD Italian man has been arrested in Calpe for bank robbery. The man entered a bank on 4th October, wearing sunglasses and with his face covered. He told staff that he had a gun under his jacket, and managed to get away with €600. He also attempted a robbery in Jávea a few hours earlier. The man was finally tracked down by police who captured him in the Calle de Calp where there are many banks.

Brand new in Pedreguer... Costa Car Clinic RICHARD LISTER has been a car mechanic for 20 years in the UK and five years in Spain, and he and his wife Helen have just taken the natural step in his career progression to open Costa Car Clinic. Richard’s main employer in the UK was Jennings Ford, the largest Ford and Mazda dealership in the North East of England with 12 branches. Richard was a fully trained mechanic there before becoming a Quality Controller and MOT tester, undertaking numerous Ford recommended courses. He also became a specialist in automotive air-conditioning systems and obtained many Ford recognised diplomas. For the last five years, Richard has been living in Spain and working at Spanish and English garages and now he and Helen have ‘taken the bull by the horns’ and achieved their desire to open their own garage. They believe that there is a niche in the market for an honest and professional car mechanic who will repair all makes and models of vehicles to the highest standard. All of Richard’s mechanical qualifications can be viewed on site, and Helen and Richard’s aim is to deliver a quick, professional, reliable and honest service no matter what the job is. Costa Car Clinic is situated on the Pedreguer Industrial Estate (site of the Sunday market) and Richard and Helen will welcome anyone who wants to call in for a look around, for a talk with Richard, or to get a quote. As an opening offer to celebrate the launch of the garage, Costa Car Clinic will undertake

Richard and Helen

a full service, including parts, labour and IVA for all makes and models of vehicles of 2 litres and under for just €110.00. (Please call for prices of vehicles over this category.) This offer is valid throughout January and February so be quick and get your car booked in. Richard and Helen’s belief is that, “Honesty and reliability is rewarded with loyalty” and they look forward to helping you soon. Costa Car Clinic – keeping you on the road – situated on the Pedreguer Industrial Estate (site of the Sunday market). Tel: 965 761 023 Email: costacarclinic@gmail.com

Law banning begging quashed A CONTROVERSIAL bylaw in Alicante that stated beggars were not allowed to ask for money has been withdrawn due to immense opposition. The PP mayor, Sonia Castedo, was forced to back down and retract the law after complaints from the socialist party and police were heard. The bylaw stated that police had to confiscate money that beggars collected in the street. Police argued that there is no national law in Spain against begging and that the bylaw was unconstitutional. Castedo has now promised to focus more on stamping out prostitution and the so-called ‘gorillas’, the name given to fake parking attendants.

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011



14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Leaving politicians well alone? Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

A FEW weeks ago the RTN office received a somewhat surly email saying that since the departure of Gordon Brown this column had left politicians well alone. The authors of this email seemed to equate my boredom with the antics of MPs was actually concrete proof that I’m a mate of David Cameron (I did write about Brown but have not written about Cameron therefore, I must be a Cam-fan and a Tory boy). Eh? I don’t fully understand that line of reasoning. Especially since, in the past, I’ve had a dig at Westminster Monkeys of all hues; even the Lib-Dems. Hmmm, the Lib-Dems, remember them? They’re the sort of orangeyhued ones. One revealing aspect of this new coalition government is the Lib-Dems’ new attitudes – the phrase “cake and eat it” comes to mind. Unfortunately, for them, the Lib-Dems can no longer claim that they won’t break election promises if they get into power. Because, against all odds, they have gotten into power and they have (like so many before) proceeded to break pre-election promises. Both sides of our current governing alliance have broken pledges. Poshmate-Dave of the blue hue categorically stated he would not cut frontline services, and yet now we’re told police officers are going to be culled. Er, hang on a bit; you don’t get much more frontline than police officers, do you? It’s alright to banish diversity officers, street football co-ordinators and even Tower Pamphlet’s walk-to-work facilitators to the pages of history but police

officers - oh no, especially right now. Meanwhile, Cleggy, of the orangey hue, promised loudly that there would be no increase in student tuition fees were he ever to come to power. Now that, rather strangely and some might say against all odds, he is in power, guess what? Yes, you guessed it the deputy prime minister IS now in favour of increasing the fees - another promise broken. Still, never mind all you students - be comforted by the fact that when old Cleggy went to university his fees were still being paid for by the local authority. Another case of ‘I’m alright Jack’, eh? Anyways folks, what with all the above plus the snow, endless traffic jams, potholes the size of Rutland and generally gloomy days it’s enough to give an ex-expat an attack of ‘missing the Costa Blanca blues’. Add to that the ever increasing petrol prices (it was £1.14:99 per litre at supermarkets in the Midlands before Christmas, rising three times in the last two weeks to over £1.26:99), the VAT hike to 20% and ever present pessimism in the press (reading the Daily Mail should come with a health warning) it’s enough to make you slit your wrists. Everything has gone up; your pound buys you less. On the streets people grumble. Meanwhile, government spokes-people pop up on the telly to tell us “it’s really not so bad” and don’t forget “VAT isn’t on everything”. They always give the example of no VAT on food and kid’s clothes. Okay fine, so food is not ‘VAT able’ - but the means of production is; as is the transport that delivers it to the supermarket

Our very own Mr Brown!

shelves. Ergo, it goes up too. And as we plebs struggle away we look to the country’s rulers for inspiration. Maybe we shouldn’t... So, in the true spirit of solidarity, what does Chancellor of the Exchequer, George “we’re all in this together” Osborne go and do? He jets away on an expensive skiing holiday abroad, that’s what. Yup, he clears orf. It really doesn’t matter which colour a politician is - red, blue or a sort of orangey hue, their mantra will always be, “Me, me, me.” A source close to the Chancellor said of the trip: “George has flown out for a few days to be with his family...” Quite reasonable too. Mind you where he went to wasn’t for the rank and file, oh no. It’s more for your Kinnock and Hancock variants of the Westminster club.

The exclusive Klosters resort is amongst the World’s most expensive: chalets can cost up to £10,000 a night. Apparently, the Osborne’s didn’t go that mad though. Their ‘few days’ was a snip at just eleven grand. It’s a way to beat all these winter blues I guess. Me, I’d have settled for a nice weekend in Albir; walking up to the lighthouse and having a cosy meal in La Riviera, listening to that parrot that mimics all the guests. I mean, where would I even get eleven grand for Klosters anyway? The only way for me would be by going to see that nice Mr Edmunds on ‘Deal or No Deal’. Hmmm, now there’s an idea. I think Plan C has finally come to mind... Watts in Britain, looking for Endemol’s number…

Donation for PCN The Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonisers

THE TORREVIEJA Barbershop Harmonisers have presented Paul Cunningham Nurses with a cheque for €2,000; the proceeds of their fourth annual variety show staged at the Capitol Teatro Rojales in November, featuring Dennis Christian of TKO Radio, ABBA Elite, The Phoenix Concert Band and Flamenco dancing by ‘Al Andaluz’. Talented local singer Javier Ramon completed the entertainment line-up for a highly successful show. PCN’s Fund Raising Manager said, “These events do not just magically happen, it takes loads of hard work and dedication not just to perfect a performance but to sell

tickets and carry out the organisation that goes with an event as big as this one. Well done and thank you to the Harmonisers and their supporters!” The Harmonisers, an all-male Barbershop Chorus, are always looking for new singers, so if you live on the Costa Blanca within travelling distance of Torrevieja, why not visit a rehearsal on any Tuesday morning at 10.00 at Hotel Cabo Cervera, La Mata Torrevieja. For information visit www.theharmonisers.com/members, ring committee Chairman Tony Wagstaff on 966 713 342 or email anthonywagstaff@gmx.net.

Dog is rescued from burning building TENSION RAN high as firemen worked hard to contain a fire that had become out of control in an apartment building. Onlookers watched on through tears and screams as firemen lowered both neighbours and family members alike from the

balconies and windows as the flames continued to ravage the block. One woman in particular (name withheld) was particularly distraught as her dog had been trapped inside. However, once the flames were under control and the firemen were able

to enter the building, the dog was found alive and unharmed after taking refuge under the sofa. Much to the relief of the owner and supporting bystanders the woman was able to cuddle her bundle of joy before making a trip to the veterinarian.

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011



14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Success for first coastal Cabalgata in Orihuela by Zara Menhennet HUNDREDS TURNED up last Wednesday evening to witness Orihuela Costa’s first ever ‘Three Kings Parade’ or ‘Cabalgata’, featuring dancers and drummers and a huge ‘Woody’ and ‘Scarlett’ from the popular Pixar animated film ‘Toy Story’. The Sanbartukada percussion band provided an excellent musical accompaniment and brilliant visual entertainment with their group of talented dancers. Hundreds of people followed the Kings down Calle Nicolas de Bussi and Calle Pablo Picasso to the Town Hall at Playa Flamenca. Traditional sweet and toy throwing was well received by young and old alike and dozens of children waited patiently in line to meet the Kings and hand over their ‘gift wish list’. Great music and a fabulous firework display concluded this successful event organised by Orihuela Town Hall. Councillor for the Coast, Jose Antonio Aniorte said: “We are very pleased that the traditional Cabalgata has been so well received by coastal residents and we will work hard to make next year’s event bigger and better.”

Orihuela Costa’s first ever ‘Three Kings Parade’

PUMA 22 seeking volunteers for HAH

VOLUNTEERS ARE wanted to assist PUMA 22 in organising HAH (Help at Home) activities in the Torrevieja and Orihuela areas. Co-ordinators, fund raisers, carers, nurses, hospital sitters, respite carers, translators and drivers are all invited for assessment and mobility equipment is also wanted to help the HAH free home service, a sub group of the existing HAH group in Los Alcatheres, Costa Calida. For further details or you are interested in becoming an ‘active’ HAH volunteer, please phone 659 245 552 or email: admin@puma22.org

MABS Mazarron Cancer Support Group MABS MAZARRON was delighted to receive recently a cheque from Hacienda del Alamo Golf Resort for the sum of €2,410. 19 teams played in the popular ‘Texas scramble’ and by all accounts had an enjoyable day. Thanks must go to all the players who took part and the generous sponsors, Kevin Fly Screens; C&M Construction; Halifax España; The Great Golf Company; Tropicana Bar; Bolnuevo Cars & Mr & Mrs Keys. Particular thanks must go to – Billy Simms, Isabel Garcia Hernandez & Lee Harrington and also to Consum Supermarket Camposol for providing the welcome refreshments. Unfortunately the number of people

Golf cheque

needing our help continues to grow and without events such as these which raise much needed funds, we could not continue. MABS Mazarron helps and supports local people of all


nationalities suffering from or receiving treatment for cancer. Helpline number: 620 422 410: General enquiries: 620 582 418 email mazmabs@hotmail.com

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2010 a busy year for animal protection services by Zara Menhennet BRIGADA AZUL officers responded to an incredible 1,723 call outs in 2010. Run by the charitable foundation Fundación Internacional para la Protección de los Animales (FIPARM) more than 100 abandoned animals were rescued, including dogs, cats, horses and exotic animals, and 963 cases of cruelty, mistreatment and neglect were handled. The Brigada Azul, worked closely with the Guardia Civil’s Seprona unit (responsible for animals, nature and the environment), made an average of five denucias per working day – around 1,200 over the year. 90% resulted in action being taken against the person alleged to be guilty of mistreatment. Brigada Azul South was launched by FIPARM in December 2010 to cover the Alicante area south of Elche. Presently voluntary, the service is expected to expand in 2011. A new animal sanctuary opened in Roal in 2010 to provide emergency care for exotic animals. More than 100 animals are in residence and with no other centre of its kind in the region all of these animals would have been destroyed.

14- -21 20october JANUARY2010 2011 15

Dogs seized by the Brigada Azul

FIPARM held more than 100 talks in schools and colleges in 2010 to educate on the importance of animal protection and care. FIPARM President Raúl Merida stressed the successes of the year were made possible thanks to the foundation’s many supporters: “We are proud of all we have achieved this year, but there is more to do. We rely heavily on donations; our work can only continue and develop thanks to the generosity of the public. We are very grateful to all our volunteers and supporters and would like to thank them for everything they have done to help animals in 2010.” To find out more about the work of FIPARM or the Brigada Azul and learn how you can help email bluebrigade@fundacionraulmerida.es Animal mistreatment can be reported via email or in emergencies on 648 498 668. FIPARM is a charitable foundation legally incorporated under Spanish law and registered with the Ministry of the Environment in Madrid. For more information on the Brigada Azul or FIPARM email news@fundacionraulmerida.es www.fundacionraulmerida.es

ESAMD raise over €2,000 for RBL 2010 Poppy Appeal THE EX-SERVICEMEN’S Association of Mazarrón District (ESAMD) raised the grand sum of €2,510 for the Royal British Legion’s (RBL) 2010 Poppy Appeal. Restaurants and bars throughout the area sold poppies to raise the money and a special mention must go to the Trevi Bar/ Restaurant, which raised over €300. The photograph shows members of ESAMD with the presentation cheque. L to R: Mags Downes, Secretary,


Gerry Downes, Chairman, Ian Wilson, founder member of ESAMD and Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator,

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Ann Lambert, Welfare Secretary, Bill Roberts, Deputy Membership and Les Dryden, Deputy Chairman.

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Spain’s first ecological building THE FIRST ever certified ‘bio’ aparthotel is in L’Alfas del Pi, just outside Benidorm. The building is devoid of any artificial energy such as electrical, electromagnetic or microwave and is constructed from totally natural materials, including clay and stone. The Venus Albir is the brainchild of a German couple, who have successfully overseen the project and are now selling the accommodation at prices matching that of conventionally built properties. Most clients are from Germany or Madrid.

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14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Failing business by

John Edwards

The Business Doctors, emergency sevice for business in Spain

BUSINESS FAILURES occur at an alarming rate – but they are not always the fault of tough economic conditions, such as the ones we are experiencing today. Rather, they are the result of business owners taking an ‘ostrich approach’ to their enterprises: burying their head in the sand and ignoring warning signs. But if these indicators are identified and tackled in time, not only can companies be rescued, their fortunes can be turned around dramatically. That’s the view of The Business Doctors, a company established in Spain to provide what it calls ‘an emergency business service’ for ailing companies. With over 40 years’ experience in all aspects of enterprise, the company’s know-how can be harnessed to identify problems before they get out of hand. If you are having to deal with any – or maybe all – of the following issues, you need to take urgent action to sort them out: • Your marketing, advertising and promotional efforts are being misdirected and not delivering the results you were hoping for • Your IT set-up may not be

appropriate to your needs, and you may be experiencing administration or legal problems • Your overdraft is always at the limit • Your bank always wants more information • Your bank has returned cheques • Your bank has refused to increase your overdraft, and refuses to provide a loan. • Your bank has reduced your facilities and is asking for increased security • Your bank wants security against your own personal property • Cash flow is always tight so paying creditors is difficult • Your production is inefficient, and you cannot get stock because you cannot pay creditors on time • You cannot get new credit, and you cannot extend existing credit • You don’t meet agreed payment terms, and you have lots of failed deals with creditors • You are ‘Peter & Pauling’ – using lots of suppliers and spreading credit around • You are always fighting ‘creditor fires’ and handling creditors’ calls every day. At a time and place convenient to you, The Business Doctors will be glad

Failing businesses can be a result of the ‘ostrich approach’

to come and see you for an informal chat. This first step towards a healthier, more viable business is free – all you need to contribute is a small amount of your time. Comprising a team of entrepreneurs familiar with all aspects of enterprise –both large and small – The Business Doctors have, over the years, assisted companies to become more effective and more profitable. The company also has a dedicated legal team to guide you through the complexities of running a business in Spain without encountering any pitfalls. Whatever your budget, or size of business, The Business Doctors can

devise a strategy guaranteed not only to solve your problems, but also to increase your turnover, maximise your profits, remove unnecessary stress and give you the rewards you deserve for all your hard work. And if you are considering launching a new company, The Business Doctors can be of enormous assistance too. Their team of experts is always on hand to discuss the viability plan, and assist you through the process of setting up a new venture. So if you’re ready for a business health check, or on the brink of launching a new business, do give us a call now. You have nothing to lose, but a considerable amount to gain.

The Business Doctors are a registered Business Development Consultancy with over 40 years experience. Email: info@thebusinessdoctors.es Web: www.thebusinessdoctors.es Tel: 965 889 125


Notice is hereby given pursuant to S.27 of the Trustee Act 1925 that any person having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of Peter James MANSFIELD Deceased, late of Aldea de las Cuevas 227, Benidoleig, 03759 Alicante, Spain who died in Alicante on the 17th October 2010 is hereby required to send particulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to the undermentioned Solicitors acting on behalf of the executor, Marc Robert WHITE of Peter Browne Solicitors on or before May 1st 2011 after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to valid claims and interests of which Notice has been given in accordance with the foregoing. Peter Browne Solicitors, 48 Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8BH United Kingdom Tel 00 44 (0)117 944-1966 (Ref:WH6/4-27)

Spain and China work together on energy THE SPANISH and Chinese governments have agreed to strengthen their collaboration on issues related to energy and to effectively work together on the promotion of foreign investments. These were two of the focal points in the memoranda of understanding signed by the Spanish Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade, Miguel Sebastián, and the Chinese Vice-Premier, Li Keqiang. The Chinese leader stressed that his country is “a responsible and long-term investor in the Spanish financial market and has a great deal of confidence and interest in it.”


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011


Buying a commercial property: Determining the taxes payable by

Marc White & Carlos Baos English & Spanish Solicitors

WE WANT to buy a restaurant in Alicante from its current owners, and have received contradictory information about the taxes to be paid for the purchase. Could you please confirm what taxes we should pay and how we should do it? Dear reader, thank you for your enquiry. When buying commercial premises in Spain with a view to developing a professional activity, i.e. restaurant, hotel, professional office, etc., one of the most important elements to be considered are the taxes payable: VAT or Transfer Tax. In this answer we are not considering other possible taxes to be paid, such as Stamp Duty, etc. Thus the transmission and acquisition of commercial premises may be subject to Transfer Tax TPO (Transmisiones Patrimoniales Onerosas) of 7% in the Valencia Community; or to the VAT normally at 18%. Although we may think that the 7% TPO is the best option, normally it is not, as

VAT could be recovered, so it is not a real cost or expense. Thus, in most cases it will be more advantageous to buy a property for the development of our activity subject to VAT tax, than to TPO. If you bought the restaurant directly from the developer (first transmission) this purchase would be subject to VAT. In your case, we understand that it is a resale (second hand purchase) from the current owner. According to VAT Law (Law 37/1992), these second and subsequent transfers of a property are exempt from the VAT and should be Tax for TPO (ITP-AJD). But the law foresees the possibility that the taxpayer waives the VAT exemption and opts to pay VAT instead of TPO. For this resignation to take effect and be valid, and therefore VAT payable, a number of requirements and formalities must to be met, which basically are: 1. The buyer and vendor must be VAT payers, acting in the exercise of their activities. In your case, you must be a businessman buying the property (restaurant) for your business. You could not hold the operation to VAT if you were buying a house to live in it, since in that case it would not be as a part of your business activity. 2. Also you as the buyer should be entitled

to the full deduction of the VAT. This does not occur when for example a person has a VAT exempt activity, in this case would not be entitled to deduct the VAT. 3. The renunciation to the VAT exemption and therefore the subjection to it, must be communicated prior to or simultaneous to the handing over of the property. We recommend that this waiver and compliance with the above requirements are expressly stated in the Purchase Title Deed itself to avoid problems and comply with the formalities required. Also be aware that Landlords who let out their properties in a habitual and professional way may be considered VAT payers and therefore could take advantage of the possibility to pay VAT rather than TPO in a resale of a property. For all the above, before buying a property for your business (commercial property) or a property only to the purpose to be let out in a professional way, you should consult your lawyer about the most convenient way to do it, as subject the purchase to a one tax or another can potentially save you many thousands of euros. In the case you mentioned, you meet or can meet the requirements specified by the law, we recommend you opt to subject

Eating out

the purchase to VAT, but do not forget to meet the legal requirements to avoid problems with the settlement Tax Offices of the Valencia Community (Consellería) or the National Tax Authority (Agencia Tributaria), if you have any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us. The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. *This article is available in English and Spanish at: www.white-baos.com

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

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Is your holiday home alone (part 2)

Magnificent Villa with Pool and Garage near Pinoso

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge/diner, kitchen and utility room. Satellite TV, private pool, security system.English satellite TV and Spanish TV through aerial. Telephone and Internet. 5 minutes drive from the inland town of Pinoso, with all the usual facilities of Bars, Restaurants, supermarkets, schools and a modern health centre.

179,995 euros

A Rare Treasure 3 Bed Property in Oliva

Located in the Centre of Oliva. 10 minutes walking distance of all the towns amenities, you will find this haven of tranquility. 3 double bedrooms 2 bathrooms (en suite). Large entrance hall leading to lounge/dining room with separate kitchen. 8m x 4m sunken swimming pool.

275,000 euros

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Now is the time to check the pool and garden

By Guest Writer Michael Rushe of House Proud Property management & Letting

IN TODAY’S challenging economic climate of increased job insecurity and falling property values it makes sense to let your home in the sun as a holiday destination. Properties can be successfully let throughout the year here in the Costa Blanca but it is more likely that the majority of holiday lets will occur during the peak season between June and September. With this in mind and realising that the holiday home market is becoming more competitive every year, it is important that your property is prepared properly for the season ahead. Many properties are left ’alone’ during the quiet winter months and this is the perfect time to check that your property is up to scratch. An objective assessment of your property, both inside and out, is essential if your holiday letting season

is going to be successful. It could cost a lot more than just goodwill if something breaks or goes wrong during your client’s holiday that could have been put right or foreseen months before. The pre-season check of your property should be extensive and comprehensive. Do not take anything for granted, the devil is in the detail and something that is overlooked now could stand up and bite you very hard when you least need it to do so. For instance, if your property has a sceptic tank, when was it last mechanically emptied? A sceptic tank that becomes constipated during the long, hot summer can leave you with a lot more than just a bad smell. Not only do you have to consider the financial loss as you compensate your clients for the inconvenience and annoyance but also the loss of goodwill which could affect the potential to attract future lets. Now is the time to check the exterior

fabric of your property, refresh the paintwork and identify any necessary repairs. The garden and the pool - if you have one - should not be ignored. Do not check just their physical appearance but also what provisions are in place to look after them during the holiday season. The interior of the property is just as important. Electrical equipment should be checked and replaced where necessary. An inventory count is an excellent idea as it will highlight what things need repair or replacement and you should not forget to check the condition of the linen and towels. A reliable property management and lettings agent can complete these checks for you and save you money in the long run. They can offer objective advice on what to do, highlighting areas which many home owners overlook, helping to achieve a financially rewarding holiday season.

House Proud Property Management & Lettings Tel 96 578 1731 or 680 274 831 | info@houseproudindenia.com | www.houseproudindenia.com


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Save time, chemicals, water & money on your swimming pool with Dyna Pool IF YOU have a swimming pool the chances are that your water is being metered by your water supplier.If your pool has a leak it could be costing you a fortune! We are the Number 1 specialists on the Costa Blanca for pool leak detection and repair. We have over five years’ experience with both newly built pools and established pools. We use cutting edge detection equipment so the cost of curing your pool leak need not be expensive.

SWIMMING POOL LEAK DETECTION An unrepaired leak could mean real trouble to a pool owner. For example, a 1mm hole would release up to 350 gallons of water per day. Not only is this wasting our most precious resource it could also prove to be costly. It is important to remember that the water that you are losing is also chemically dosed. You are therefore, throwing away your

hard earned cash on both chemicals and water. More important than this is the fact that the water has to go somewhere and this can inevitably lead to structural damage being caused not only to the pool shell itself but to surrounding foundations and footings to buildings. HAVING SAID THAT, DON’T PANIC, WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING LEAK DETECTION SERVICES: · Initial site visit to carry out a full diagnostic test of the pool plant equipment. · Full pressure test andCCTV test using cameras to provide a full picture of the offending pipe work of your pool and report on all associated pool pipe work. · On location of the leak we will submit our quote for the repair should you require us to do so. Dyna Pool also offers a full range of other pool

Dyna Pool also offers a full range of pool services

There is no swimming pool problem we cannot find or fix

services including the repair and replacement of: - Skimmers & Hoover pipes - Jets/Impulsion Lines - Bottom Drains - Pool Stairs - Coping Stones - Switch Gears & Pumps - Sand Filters - Electric Junction Boxes - Re-tiling & Re-grouting of pools There is no swimming pool problem we cannot find or fix! All pools are susceptible to leaks, whether old or new, plaster or vinyl. Leaks can be caused by ground movement and settling, aging, even your

pets. Fortunately, Dyna Pool has a complete leak detection service to find and repair annoying leaks before further damage can occur to the pool or surrounding area. Call us to make an appointment so that we can find and repair that leak! All work is undertaken and guaranteed by our legal registered company in Spain. The season to enjoy pools is short. Many problems that are commonly experienced can be solved. Downtime for your pool may be avoided. It is likely we can provide a solution to your problem without draining the water from the pool. Call 966 717 229 (evenings) or 650 461 394 (during office hours) Website :www.dynadrain.com Email: dyna-drain@hotmail.com

Fantastic apartment for holiday rental and also available through the winter months either weekly or monthly. A beautifully furnished one bedroom apartment, comfortably sleeping 4 people with fantastic sea views and a very short walk to Poniente beach. Contact us for availability and prices starting from an amazing 200€/week. OPI Alfaz S.L. Calle Ferrería 16, Local 2. 03580 Alfaz del Pi. (Alicante) UK Tel: 020 30062346 Spain Tel: 966 860 084 Fax: 0034 965 889 014 www.opialfaz.com

Spotlight: Property

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Luxury Villa available for holiday lettings This amazing property is located close to

the lovely Spanish town of Altea la Vella, not far from the beaches of Altea, Calpe, Albir and Benidorm. The villa will sleep

14 people comfortably and offers a high standard of accommodation which is

available all through the year. For winter visitors we can offer a heated private

pool and for keep fit enthusiasts, a fully equipped gymnasium can also be found.

OPI Alfaz S.L. Calle FerrerĂ­a 16, Local 2. 03580 Alfaz del Pi. (Alicante) UK Tel: 020 30062346 Spain Tel: 966 860 084 Fax: 0034 965 889 014 www.opialfaz.com

Brought to you by spanishhomefinder.com



14 - 20 JANUARY 2011



15-21 JANUARY 14 - 20 JANUARY 20112010

Question: I recently heard an acquaintance mention that he had Herpes in his eye. Is it really possible to get Herpes in the eye and if so, how do you catch it?

Ask the Specialist by

Amanda Collins Dip HE

Unfortunately you did hear your friend correctly as it is possible for Herpes to develop in or around the eye. There are two types of the Herpes Simplex virus. The Type 1 virus is the usual cause of cold sores around the mouth, and Herpes Simplex infection in the eye. The Type 2 virus causes Genital Herpes. It rarely causes cold sores or eye infections. The first time you are infected is called the ‘primary infection’. This frequently occurs in childhood and is often passed on through a kiss from a close contact or family member. In many people the primary infection does not cause any symptoms. Following the primary infection, the virus stays with you for life. It

stays inactive (dormant) in the root of a nerve in the face (the trigeminal nerve.) In fortunate individuals, the virus remains inactive and causes no problems. In other cases, the virus reactivates and travels down a branch of the nerve causing either a cold sore on the mouth or herpes infection of the eye. About 1-2 people in every 1,000 will develop at least one episode of active herpes simplex eye infection at some stage in their life. The most common age for a first episode is aged 30-40. Half of those will have a recurrence within 10 years. Symptoms include: • Redness of the eye.

Red and pain in the eye is a sympton

• Ache or pain in the eye. • Photophobia (discomfort when opening the eyes in bright light). • Watering of the eye. • Blurred vision. When a doctor suspects a herpes

eye infection, the patient will be referred urgently to an eye specialist. Although 9 in 10 people will maintain good vision, herpes infection of the eye can result in blindness and therefore prompt diagnosis and treatment is essential.

Article written by Amanda Collins Dip HE. Amanda is a British trained Nursing Sister from London. Having specialised in General Practice in the UK, she is now the Senior Practice Nurse at The English Medical Centre, Avda del Albir, 72. Edificio Primavera, Bloque 1. ALBIR, (Alicante) 966 868 013. Email: engmedopt@orange.es

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Stress and Chinese medicine by

Robert Vandevelede

Ex-president Australian Acupuncture & Chinese medicine Association

MOST OF us have experienced it at least a couple of times, a lot of us suffer from it all the time. There is a positive side to stress - truly. It causes our body to produce more adrenaline, increases our heart rate, and as such helps it to respond quicker to unsuspected situations. This is known as the ‘fight or flight’ response. Another hormone, cortisol, is produced through stress. This increases our blood sugar level, giving us more energy. Stress also helps us to stay focused, concentrated and alert. However, stress gives us many more unhealthy symptoms such as high blood pressure; digestive problems; migraines; any kind of pain; insomnia; depression and even skin problems and stroke. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING STRESS IT COULD BE THE RESULT OF ANY ONE OR A COMBINATION OF THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS: Emotional: the breakdown of a relationship; the loss of a loved one or a pet; shouldering a heavy workload; reaching the expectations others set for you; constantly having to perform in your job, profession or sport or simply having to pay the bills. Physical: Taking on extra work; heavy training sessions. Hormonal imbalances: such as PMS syndrome Low blood sugar: as a result of poor

diet or inadequate exercise or possible stress-related digestive disorders. Poor immune function caused by poor diet and lifestyle: recurring allergies such as hay fever and food sensitivities; possibly the result of chronic infection. What is stressful for you is very often different from what is stressful for your spouse, best friend or the person next door. For example: Some people like a change; others hate it. Some people enjoy speaking in public; others are terrified. Can you protect yourself against it? Unfortunately, we cannot simply walk away from those things that created stress in the first place, like our job, financial problems, relationships etc. In fact trying to do so may make the stress worse. The first thing to do is to actually acknowledge that you’re suffering from stress. Then there are many different approaches to manage it effectively such as exercise, meditation, massage, breathing exercises etc. STRESS FROM A CHINESE MEDICINE POINT OF VIEW Chinese medicine tends to focus on the emotions that stress can create. In Chinese medicine the body and mind are connected. Treating one always has an effect on the other. Different emotions relate to different organ systems in Chinese medicine. For example, anger affects the Liver


Stress gives us many more unhealthy symptoms such as high blood pressure

function. One of the functions of the liver is to send energy (Qi) through the body, so anger will blocks the Qi flow, called Qi stagnation resulting in physical problems like a stiff neck and general muscle tension. HOW DOES ACUPUNCTURE HELP? For stress related problems, acupuncture works by stimulating the body to heal itself. Acupuncture treatment can balance the harmony in your body, putting everything back in tune and restoring the natural balance of your mental, physical and emotional functions. Your Acupuncturist will specifically devise your individual treatment depending on

the kind of stress you are experiencing, and its effects. Generally after a treatment you’ll feel much calmer, more relaxed and aware of the improvement in your sense of wellbeing. The reason? Your acupuncture treatment will release the ‘Happy hormones’- body chemicals known as ‘endorphins’, which give you that ‘great to be back on the road again’ feeling. Acupuncture provides a drug- free alternative to help you manage the stress of modern society. It’s so simple and so effective, and it’s been proven over thousands of years. Try it for yourself, but make sure you see a properly trained Acupuncturist for best results!

Written by Robert Vandevelde Former President Australian Acupuncture and Chinese medicine Association, Contact him on 660 032 862 Write to me at robertvdvelde@telefonica.net

Flu Jabs now€15 available

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 140

More answers

THESE ARE the answers to the questions I gave you to think about last week. The first task was to translate some phrases with adjectives. The correct way to do this is to work out first the gender and number of the noun (that is whether it is masculine or feminine, singular or plural) and then change the adjective accordingly. Here goes: The blue table – la mesa azul The tall men – el hombre alto The big shirt – la camisa grande The shy children – los niños tímidos. The happy girl – la niña contenta (or: la chica contenta, la niña feliz, la chica feliz) The funny programme – el programa gracioso. The green fields – los campos verdes. The old car – el coche viejo. (2 points for each correct answer)

Notice that when the adjective ends in “o” (alto, tímido, contento, gracioso, viejo) it can make the change to a feminine ending (alta, tímida, contenta, graciosa, vieja). However, if the adjective ends in any other letter (azul, grande, verde) it cannot change to a feminine form. Both types of adjectives add “s” or “es” to make the plural forms. The next question gives us a basic but important insight into the difference between the two verbs that mean “to be”, namely ser and estar. The two examples you were supposed to look at are good illustrations of one of the main differences between these verbs. Here is a brief answer to the two questions. “Mi marido es muy tranquilo” means that my husband is a quiet-natured person. “Mi marido está muy tranquilo” means that my husband is in a calm state. “¡Qué guapa es tu hija!” is exclaiming what a

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011


pretty daughter you have. “¡Qué guapa está tu hija!” is exclaiming how pretty your daughter looks. So, you get a maximum of 20 points if you managed a similar explanation! The next task was meant to be straightforward, so I’m hoping that it was! The phrases I was looking for are: el hombre viejo – el viejo la chica guapa – la guapa el niño gordo – el gordo la mujer tonta – la tonta el niño gracioso – el gracioso la chica fea – la fea. You really need to see these phrases in context to make full sense of them, but they really mean: the old one, the pretty one, the fat one, the silly one, the funny one, the ugly one. In English we lose the reference to gender implied by the article (el, la) and word ending, so they don’t have the same flexibility that they have in Spanish. Finally, here are the eight sentences you had to translate into English. ¿Puedo verlo? Can I see it? Tengo que limpiarlas I have to clean them (e.g. “mesas”) ¿Necesitas tomar medicamentos? Do you need to take medication? ¿Quieres aprender más sobre España? Do you want to learn more about Spain? ¿Vas a visitar a tu familia este verano? Are you going to visit your family this summer? ¿Te gusta comer verduras? Do you like eating vegetables? Mi marido no va a trabajar mañana. My husband isn’t going to work tomorrow ¿El señor Smith prefiere comer pescado? Does Mr. Smith prefer to eat fish? You get one point each for translating these correctly. Now double your total to get a percentage mark. I hope this is helping you to learn, which is the whole point of doing it!

Burns Night Dinner THE CITIZENS Advice Group is inviting everyone to come along to their annual Burns Night Dinner at 19.30 on Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at the Sports & Bowls Complex, Urb La Marina (next to the satellite roundabout). Dave the Piper from Bardoi will ‘bring in the Haggis’ and there will be Karaoke and a three coarse meal. Tickets at €15 are available from the Sports & Bowls Complex and also from Jeff on 620 675 289.


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011 8-14 JANUARY 2010

Look after your fruit trees today and have great harvests tomorrow by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

IN ADDITION to doing the winter cutback and cleaning up flowering plants and trees during the winter months, fruit plants, bushes and trees also need attention, the main tasks being pruning, winter sprays, fertilising, clearing away weeds and cleaning up rotting oranges and persimmons. It is also a good time to plant up new fruits except in very frosty gardens when it is wise to wait until the worst of the frosts and ice are past. Pruning needs to take into account the type of tree, it’s age, it’s health, the most appropriate shape and size for your garden and whether the prime reason for your having fruit trees is the spring blossom or the maximum fruit crop. For instance, our 22-year-old perpetual lemon tree has just been pruned to improve its visual shape. Take out half the central growth to let air in and reduce the chance of pests, and

trim back recently fruited end growth to stimulate a larger crop of flowers and fruit. Being a perpetual flowering tree and creating fruit to harvest throughout the year we have also applied some well rotted horse manure around the tree – not against the trunk as this can cause rotting of the bark but from two feet away to the drip line where fine roots below the earth wait for raindrops to fall off the tree and dissolve some of the nutrients from the rotting manure. Come the spring we will also give the leaves a nutrient spray if some leaves have been caught by air frosts during the winter. By the way, if you do not have a perpetual fruiting lemon tree, plant one up this winter or spring. Look out for the Lunar, Cuatro Estaciones or Eureka varieties. In the soft fruit area of the garden we have pruned the redcurrant bushes and planted up the longer prunings as a row to hopefully double the dozen bushes we currently have and runners from our cultivated and wild strawberries were removed and planted up this week to replace some oldish plants and expand our production. Likewise raspberry cuttings invading an adjacent asparagus bed

Pruning needs to take into account the type of tree, it’s age, it’s health

have been dug out and used to create an additional row and to enable a friend to also have a tasty row of raspberries this summer. THERE IS A BOOK TO PREVENT AND SOLVE PROBLEMS As often happens we run out of space which is why we wrote ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain- from strawberries to oranges and watermelons’. It will help you prevent and solve the many problems, often selfcreated, experienced by expatriates in their Spanish gardens and orchards and when growing fruit trees in containers on apartment terraces and rooftops. The book covers the growing of some 70 types of fruits with advice on which are best on the coast and in inland situations,

what in pots on rooftops and what in mixed gardens and orchards, what and how to buy, how to plant correctly, watering feeding and pruning needs, avoiding and reducing pest problems etc.. It is now recognised as the bible for growing fruit in Spain – in a Google search a minute ago the book came up as six of the first page of ten items out of an internet listing of six million related items. Now is a good time to buy it as many plantings can be made now and many need pruning during the winter cut back season. You will find it in bookshops such as Bookworld and the book section of Carrefour if not sold out, or you can buy from internet bookshops such as Santana Books, Amazon and The Royal Horticultural society.

Clodagh and Dick’s practical gardening books will be found to be useful for both experienced and new gardeners coming to Spain. The useful quartet of books can be obtained from bookshops or by email from the websites of Amazon, Santana Books, Bookworld and The Royal Horticultural Society. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com Januray 2011.



1/2 Pineapple 1 small red finger Chilli 3 oz of Watercress 1/2 Lime with skin 1/2 Avocado (makes 2 glasses)

THIS JUICE is very energising owing to the combinations of sugars: a good source of beta-carotene and folic acid for strong growth and immunity. It cleanses the liver of toxins and aids digestion. The chilli helps to lower cholesterol and stimulates circulation. Peel the pineapple and halve the chilli and remove the seeds. Juice the pineapple, chilli, watercress and lime. Add the juice to the blender along with the flesh of the avocado and blend until smooth. PINEAPPLES contain vitamin C, potassium, iron and folic acid. Their juice cleanses the intestines and also helps to boost the immune system. CHILLI PEPPERS contains vitamins A and C, iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium. They have a

positive effect on blood cholesterol, stimulate, tonic, antiseptic, anti-bacterial, relieves mucous, decongestant and a stomach muscle relaxer WATERCRESS contains beta carotene, iron, vitamins A, C and E and potassium. It is a diuretic, cleanses the intestines, stimulates appetite and a natural antibiotic LIME contains beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, potassium and bioflavonoids AVOCADOS contain potassium, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C and E, riboflavin, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorous, zinc, niacin, magnesium and folic acid. A great anti oxident and one of the most energy dense fruits

These recipes are supplied by The Kamala Centre. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at The Kamala Centre on office@thekamalacentre.com or call us on 965 985 869. If you would like a copy of any of these recipes you can download them at our website www.thekamalacentre.com www.obsidianretreat.com

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011


Discover the Costa Blanca

Derek Workman continues his series of excursions from his book ‘Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’ which features 22 detailed trips that lead you to spots you’d never find by yourself.


POSSIBLY THE best approach to Simat de Valldigna is on the road from Barx. As the road begins to wend downwards, you see a picnic spot and photo opportunity to the left, where you can look down on the vast fertile plain of Valldigna, laid out below like a decorated green quilt with the roof tile red and bright wall white of Simat, Benifairró and Tavernes, and the magnificent Monastario de Santa Maria de Valldigna as its majestic centrepiece. As you enter Simat, follow the one-way sign into the village and, just as you reach the

Simat Town Hall

end of the street, you will see the grand twin towers of the Monestario to you right. Legend has it that Jaime II passed through the valley then known as Alfandec, on his way from waging war against the Moors in Alicante and Murcia. He was impressed by the beauty and fertility of the area and said to his chaplain, Friar Bononat de Vila-Seca, Abbot of the Cistercian monastery of Santes Creus: “Vall digna per un monestir de la vostra religió (a valley worthy of a monastery of your religion)”, to which the abbot replied “¡Vall digna! (a worthy valley indeed!”). In March 1298, the land was given to the abbot for the foundation of a new Cistercian order and the valley has been known ever since as Valldigna. The monastery shows three different stages of construction – the original 14th Century Gothic, renovations undertaken after serious damage was caused by an earthquake in 1396 and a second major renovation in the Baroque style after another earthquake in 1644. In 1835, with the expropriation of church lands, the monks were expelled and the monastery sold into private hands. Many of the buildings were destroyed and the great stone blocks sold for construction. This splendid physical prayer to the glory of God fell into ruin. In 1991, the Valencian government began a massive restoration project, spurred on by the 700th anniversary of its foundation. The monastery will never again be seen in its former glory but it is a delight to behold nonetheless.


The Iglesia de Santa Maria is stunning. Sacked of its alters and artworks, the bare walls at first seem pitiful in their nakedness, but look heavenward as you pass through the enormous brass covered doors and you see a ceiling of such ornate plaster and paintwork that it makes you gasp. In its former glory it must have been absolutely breathtaking, but even now, awaiting the restorer’s caring hands, it is one of the gems of the artistic heritage of the Valencian Community. Other than the Monastario, Simat is a rather unpretentious little town – for ‘unpretentious’ read ‘unremarkable’, although the young lady in the Casa bel Poble, the Ayuntamiento, obviously wouldn’t agree with me. She is from Simat ‘and very proud’ – Lord knows why – and insisted on turning every page of the leaflets she gave me, pointing out the most

interesting places in the town. It didn’t take very long! Much of the village gathering takes place around the Font Gran, a big pool so shallow that you wonder how the fish don’t scrape their stomachs as they lazily drift around. An enormous conifer at the side of ‘El Gran’ provides shade in the summer and protection against winter drizzles for groups of men yarning away over football and the other tedious narratives of small town existence. Meanwhile, the ladies are probably having a far better time chatting over a cuppa somewhere. Simat de Valldigna is worth the visit though, even if it’s just for the Monastario, especially if you go when the have one of their concerts or exhibitions on. English guides can be arranged by appointment.

To discover more about Spain, visit www.derekworkman-journalist.com and http://derekworkman.wordpress.com. http://valpaparazzi.wordpress.com are random notes about life in Spain. Derek Workman’s books, Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca and Small Hotels and Inns of Eastern Spain are available from most good books shops or direct from the publisher, Santana Books, www.santanabooks.com or Tel. 952 485 838.


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011 8-14 JANUARY 2010

Psychic makeover

MAKEOVERS ARE now even more popular than they were. In the past they were limited to magazines, but as soon as they hit the little silver screen and began to enter our homes they have started to entertain us in what they set out to do. The distant image of the housewife transposed into a supermodel with a change of hairstyle, new makeup, and a stunning new wardrobe is a format for other women who too can be ever more beautiful if they makeover just a little. Then makeovers began to attack our own homes. Maureen Lipman once said that she was paying her television licence and as entertainment was watching paint dry…literally. Room, and whole house make over is cheap but watchable television of today. I often wonder if the recipients of a house makeover (one does this with an army of workers in 60 minutes) actually like what has been done to their homes. Or do they hanker for a return to the shabby surfaces and that old sideboard that was their pride and joy before everything changed!? Makeover means change being heaped upon you, and on a spiritual level, for many this is what needs to happen as soon as possible. It may not curl and tint your hair, or convert your lino to shagpile, or squeeze you into a Vivienne Westwood Basque, but it will, if done properly, change your life for now and for ever. You will be able to look back and wonder why you didn’t go for it a long time ago. There is no time like the present. Over the years I have been doing makeovers with my clients. Blessed with a gift that allows me to see just what’s missing, and enough spiritual energy to turn all this into expert and individual guidance the seed is sown. Everybody is a complex and unique individual, and they are treated as such. However when you start to examine yesterdays and connect with the tomorrow you really want, then the change element is well and truly up to you. Spirit naturally unravels and encourages transmutation. This means the past can be

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com KENNY, I am having some very strange dreams lately. My husband died last year, and he comes to me with his hands open. I am frightened that this may mean that I am going to die, or does it mean that he is lonely and needs me, or both? Annie A. Annie we do get some vivid dreams sometimes. This dream is sending you a message of love and light to you, as well as confirming that your husband is alive and well in the Spirit World. Open arms usually do show unconditional love. He won’t be lonely if you are there when he calls, and he knows that your place is here on Earth right now. Your husband needs to show you that he loves you, and he has found a way of making contact. Tell him that you love him and that you wish to communicate with him. One day you will be together in Spirit but that certainly is not now.

eliminated, as much as you want, or need, and the future can be so much more of what you want it to be, as a result. You will love the difference that you can make, and from that point onwards you start to work with yourself. Nostalgia allows you to revisit the past, but selective energies allow you to obliterate anything you choose to forget. It isn’t escape and it certainly isn’t running away. It is however self preserving and greatly changes lives. When you enter into a new dimension you can feel the difference. You start to check in heavy baggage, feel more in tune and start to work with positive energies. When Spirit gets involved, there is a sweep right into the soul, and an almost immediate elevation of the positive with promise of a return of the love that many lose, for themselves. I often get only one chance to work with clients, but just showing them a future that rids them of fear, and connects them with the sheer wonder of just what is to come; brings emotional freedom, strength and courage. It restores and revitalises, balances and supports. Sorry I don’t have photographic evidence to back what I do. One client, however, returned to her native Scotland only to have her family closely examine her face and neck at the airport on her return. She thought she had smudged her makeup, and went to look for a mirror just as her daughter said to her, “Mum you’ve had a face lift!” She explained that she had made an appointment with me, and together we worked to eliminate a secret of the past that didn’t belong in her present or future. She looked a million dollars when she left me, and in the photo I got this Christmas, in my Card, she still does. She herself was amazed at the difference that a Spiritual connection made to her, and the lasting effect that it has. A before and after makeover, then, for heart and soul; and not a cosmetic, or a paintbrush in sight, promise.

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Kenny’s Diary Readings at Maya Bistro: Albir on Monday 17th and Wednesday 19th January. Contact Els on: 966 868 213 for all information, or to make a booking. Workshops start in January 2011. Please check website for details and information regarding classes, circles and day workshops to be held in Winter/Spring.2011. Please call or email for further information or to be listed for a specific workshop. Groups and Organisations: To book demonstrations, workshops, after dinner speeches, or group readings at your location, please email or call for diary dates or further information. Development Circles and Séances start in January. Call or email for further dates and reservations.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris A warring Mars enters into Aquarian energies at the weekend and sparks off a time of peace and resolve. Whilst some things had to be said, and undeniably, you were the right person to say them, there comes a chance to get the record straight and to see a way forward. See this time as a cooling down period, and then put your strengths and energy into a project really worthy of your expertise and guidance. The midweek arrival of the Sun and its arrival into Aquarius brings you some hope at a very difficult time. There is so much more to look forward to than you think, and you have weathered the very worst of the storm, which has had devastating effects for others. Leave any major decisions until your planetary leader, Venus, enters into Sagittarius later next week and tune into some good new vibrations. You can’t rewrite the rules, but you can see a loophole and you have to just go for it! Strike while the iron is hot in a matter that benefits from your love and support, and stand firm for the sake of those who depend on you. As things become somewhat clearer you can slip away and know that you did what you could, and that nobody could have done things any better than you did; whatever they say. A wonderful time to take a break and to look forward to planning a trip away somewhere. Being the great organiser that you are, take control. You don’t need a carrot dangling to motivate you, but you do need to have a chance to relax and enjoy a real rest for a change. With Mercury encountering Pluto in conjunction you are sure to have some chance to do something different which becomes something special. You may find yourself retracing a recent action and having to internalise your anger within. Blame any mistakes on the action of Pluto in its hostile actions with Mercury, bringing you a mixed message open to be misconstrued. All will be well, and you will look back on what you now see as disaster with a positive view that takes you out on a new limb, and gets your adrenaline going, literally. With Mercury in Capricorn, and the interactions of Pluto midweek you may find it harder to establish a balance in your life. Admit that things have to change and use this time to see your current situation, and just how you could change things. Whilst Capricorn brings unpredictability and you have a current need for a firm footing, Pluto forces you to examine things right from the base upwards. You are able to see both sides of a disagreement, and as the conflict does involve you there is a tendency to just give up on it just to keep the peace. You need to develop a stronger plan of action, since the fault is not on your side, and because some things are worth fighting for, including your dignity. It is so easy to walk away, but examine just what it is that stops you from doing just that! Mighty Mars sends out a strong message you will ignore at your peril. Someone is too proud to call for help, but here your highly tuned psyche is telling you that something just isn’t right. Use your intuition and powers of bargaining to intervene and save what you can, and alert others who should be able to help you with the ground work needed to steer the ship safely through. Venus is en route to your side, and it is true that you need some tender love and care to see you through this week. With an absent Jupiter it is as if you have the worries of the World on your shoulder, but you can have some respite sharing it. Do not be afraid to show your wants and needs, and your vulnerability because someone is coming along shortly to be as close to you as you want them to be. Mercury’s clear and defined message to you should be captivating, since you have been lost and found and now you are free to move on to pastures new. If ever you were waiting for a sign it is now, since there is nothing to hold you back from your true wishes, hopes and desires. There is no looking back, and the thrill of a new direction that beckons you to follow your heart and your intuition. The Sun enters midweek bringing a time that many will wish to connect with; as Aquarian energy brings positive power, and highlights a time for contemplation and inner peace. This is a great time to get to know the inner you, and to balance spiritual energies with your thirst for knowledge and your inquisitive nature. You are far more than you think you are and may even surprise yourself.

Benefitting from Aquarian energies and the soulful balance of both the Sun and Mercury the way is cleared for you to take on some course, workshop, or study. There is a current need to achieve and to change ideas, especially if this means working with yourself and your potential. What you will learn will greatly benefit others and change the way that you feel about yourself into the bargain!

If it’s your birthday this week... Though you may feel that something is missing right now it simply means that you must take hold of the current situation, and use your talents to see things safely taken care of; once and for all, for everyone’s sake!

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011 8-14 JANUARY 2010


Word Ladders The key rule is that you must only change one letter at a time as you move from one rung to another, and the word you make must be a proper word! Therefore you may move from BATH --> BATS but not from BATH --> CASH because that changes two letters in one go which is not allowed.

Cryptic Crossword

Sudoku ACROSS 1. Chooses a different spot (4) 8. Ruffle a sea-expert perhaps (10) 9. It shows intelligence! (4-4) 10. Country in AsiaMinor (4) 12. Wanders away from the street lights (6) 14. Not a good mark to get (6) 15. Manage to show the way (6) 17. They’re laid down by our betters (6) 18. This preposition is involved in the end (4) 19. Shows part of a book on insects (8) 21. One may have to pick one’s way here (10) 22. Has scattered snow (4)

DOWN 2. Not very exciting for one lacking drive (10) 3. Looks up and down (4) 4. They may be cut and pickled (6) 5. Upsets to make light of (6) 6. Nudists dislike this sauce (8) 7. Some light or heavy timber (4) 11. One may be lost in it (10) 13. The porter of this house is often drunk (8) 16. They start to perspire - from overdrinking? (6) 17. The home of the brave (6) 18. Chin out - but not far (4) 20. Too wrapped up in local society (4)



1. Barrel (4)

2. Change (10)

8. Impracticable (10)

3. N. Zealand bird (4)

9. Conclusive (8)

4. Elf (6)

10. Every (4)

5. Regard (6)

12. Take risks (6)

6. Manager (8)

14. Revolt (6)

7. Network (4)

15. Expand (6)

11. Appropriate (10)

17. Ignoble (6)

13. Bangle (8)

18. At one time (4)

16. Accompany (6)

19. Shrink (8)

17. Reason (6)

21. Valued too low (10)

18. Responsibility (4)

22. Pitcher (4)

20. Offensive (4)


Quick Crossword

Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in Torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at Nemos (Next to RTN offices in La Nucia) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 585 60 54

North Winners, meal for 2 at the Nemos. La Nucia’s newest, Bistro and takeaway

Nemos call 682 707 580

You can play these wordwheels by whatever rules you like. But there is at least one nine letter word hidden in each wordwheel (and thus using every letter in the wordwheel). For many players the fun element and biggest challenge of the wordwheel is to find a nine letter word. Other than that, the rules are up to you - but generally you should restrict yourself to only finding words that contain the central letter, as otherwise you will find huge numbers of words in many puzzles!

Euromillions Draw Friday 7th january

1 22 32 48 50 6 One Portuguese ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros (£12,487,500) jackpot prize


Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 41. Crossword winner for issue 586: Hilary Clarke Los Balcones, Torrevieja


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

music scene Jess Conrad - Le Cabaret, Cumbre De Sol

Compiled by

Eric Taylor

ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, please contact Eric directly.


ESS CONRAD is appearing at Le Cabaret, Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell on Tuesday 25th January. Jess is one of the most versatile of British artistes to emerge from the 1960’s. From his early success as a pop star in England, Jess went on to become an accomplished actor appearing in many films and television, where he appeared in the original ‘Oh Boy!’ show. During the 1970s Jess made the transition from ‘Pop Singer’to ‘Musical Star’, playing Jesus in ‘Godspell’, for which he received rave reviews, then on to Joseph in ‘Joseph & His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’. Today Jess continues to perform in various roles. Entry €12: meal available. For bookings and details of future events in Le Cabaret phone: 663 733 811 or check out their web site: www.lecabaretspain.com Le Cabaret is located in the Lirios Centre, on Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell.

Chill Factor – Vocal Duo

CHILL FACTOR are Pam and John Pearson, a highly professional musical duo with a difference as their repertoire focuses on classic pop/rock songs performed in their own style. They began a professional writing and recording career in the 90s, working in RAK studios, London with the legendary music producer Mickie Most. This duo is a delight to listen to: they perform two sets – acoustic and electric. Their acoustic set combines the unique sound of John’s ten string acoustic guitar with Pam’s edgy and soulful vocals, giving a performance of flair and originality followed by an electric set which is....electric!. Together with Jack Hazebroek

(drums) and Luc van Breda (bass) they are ‘Rio’, (a new melodic rock band). For more details telephone John or Pam on 696 731 290 or check out their web site: www.pamandjohn.net JANUARY GIGS: Friday 14th Bar Quo Vadis, Javea Sunday 16th Coll de Rates Mountain Restaurant, Parcent, 13.30 Sunday 23rd Coll de Rates Mountain Restaurant, Parcent, 13.30 Saturday 29th Bar Quo Vadis, Javea (RIO) Sunday 30th Coll de Rates Mountain Restaurant, Parcent, 13.30

Soggy Bottom Band – Jam Sessions June & Bill’s Nights of Rock N Roll - Denia THE SOGGY Bottom Band consists of Malcolm Adams (guitar-vocals), Nigel Clegg (drums), Phil Mogg (guitar-vocals) and Paul Adrians (bass guitar-vocals). Other ‘Soggy’ regulars are Pauline McGough (bass-vocals) and Dutch Rick (piano-vocals). The Jammin’ Sessions are at Emilios Bar, Llosa – (first Sunday in the month), Lees

Bar, Orba – (second Sunday) and Bar 23, Jalon – (third Sunday). The ‘Jams’ are very popular as many established, intermediate and beginner musicians turn up to play and sing. The ‘Soggys’ can be contacted on 616 595 389. Next session: Sunday 16th January: Bar 23, Jalon, at 15.00.

FOR THE last six years, June and Bill Crook have been organising Rock n Roll nights around the Denia area. Their popularity is such that they attract over 80 people to each of the nights. The Rock n Roll nights are held in the Restaurant El Comercio, Marques de Campo, Denia, starting at 20.00. The cost is €14 per person and there will be a meal followed by dancing to Rock n Roll music, during the rest of the evening. Come along and relive the great days of Rock n Roll music as it used to be. The next night is Friday 14th January: live music with Rick. Future dates are: Friday 4th February

Friday 25th February Friday 25th March For more details contact June: 628 071 258 or 966 420 193 or check out: www.rockandrolldenia.com

I Contramilonga THE CLASSICAL Music Society of Alfas del Pi is proud to present ‘I Contramilonga’ for a concert of Tango music and dance on Saturday 22nd January at 20.00 at the Casa de Cultura, Alfas del Pi. I Contramilonga presents a selection of the most representative pieces of A. Piazzolla and other Tango composers,

which give life to the passion and nostalgia evoked by the tango: the dream of a better life, the longing for the homeland, the sadness of a life away from loved ones and the hope of many who emigrated to Argentina, joining moments of joy and passion in the taverns and brothels of Buenos Aires. This wonderful music is

interpreted and adapted by Artistic Director Fabio Furia, with pianist Marcello Melis, violinist Joaquín Palomares and bassist Francesco Sergi. They are joined by the famous Argentinian tango couple Eloy Souto and Laura Elizondo. For non-members, tickets are €9 on the door. Full details of this concert and the Society’s 2011 programme may be found at: www.alfasmusica.com or telephone 965 888 865.

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011


Rags to riches by Jack Troughton


HE MEAN streets of downtown Cairo provide a colourful setting for the rags to riches and very enjoyable adventure of Careline Theatre’s Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Everyone is looking to beat the poverty trap of the struggling bazaar and pull on the silks and satins – and some absolutely stunning headgear – of high society. However, it is the mischievous meddling of the immortal Morgana – and the darker murderous magic of her counterpart Avarice – that dish out the fateful lottery win that takes Ali Baba to fame and fortune. A blood-curdling tale of the Arabian Nights rather than a fairy story, Wednesday’s first night audience was treated to a hybrid panto frequently relying on comic one liners rather than traditional slapstick. But Careline always puts on a seasonal show to remember and Ali Baba was no exception. The good guys win, the baddies get their just desserts, and the audience wanders into an oasis of entertainment – a tasty selection box of song, dance, and accomplished acting.

Andy Crabb made an excellent Ali Baba, a hapless, bumbling, down at heel woodcutter destined to become a rich merchant – and for a time dangerously forgetting his roots by becoming more like his tight-fisted and snobbish rich brother. His ever optimistic son Haroun, a fine performance by Ben Davies, was the romantic lead hoping to marry the beautiful slave girl and very much the heroine of the story, Marsaina. Grace Sanchez made her debut as Marsaina – she shares the role in alternate performances with Olivia Partington – and proved to be an outstanding and talented young actor. Golden handcuffs needed here Careline! Everyone hissed and booed the evil Al Rashid – leader of the feared band of cutthroats with a treasure trove hidden in a magic cave near the Oasis of the Seven Palms. Neil Carter had the enjoyable task of filling the pointy boots of Cairo’s most wanted.

TINBAD Central to the pantomime feel and getting the boys and girls out front involved was Tinbad the Tailor, a lovable teddy bear hugging Robin Baxter. He was being chased by man-eating Cascara, newcomer Phil Panter

Robin Baxter gets to the bear necessities

a more risqué dame than the normal buxom man in skirts but with a huge wardrobe of wigs, slinky gowns and heels, and some barbed wit. Every panto needs laughs by the bucket load and Careline brought together The Two Brendas to be a winning comic duo – Brenda Taylor and Brenda Smethurst as the endearing Hanki Panki and Jiggeri Pokeri – and introduced Mustapha, a delightful pantomime camel. Ali Baba was not quite Midsomer Murders but there are some gruesome endings – the

vengeful Thieves cut a body into pieces, the bad guys are boiled in oil, and Al Rashid stabbed before he can ruin a happy ending. Kids will love it. Talking of endings, the drive home was a singalong to the night’s number one musical number, a platinum performance of ‘Jai Ho!’ - a little slice of Bollywood from the blockbuster ‘Slumdog Millionaire’. Just a few tickets remain for tonight (Friday) and the evening and matinee shows over the weekend. To get a slice of eastern promise, call the box office on 652 294 750.

Palladium hits century By Jack Troughton THE WORLD famous London Palladium celebrated its 100th birthday on Boxing Day and to mark the event a special charity show is being staged on the Costa Blanca. Philip Ashley is presenting Chris Allen and Barry Britten in their highly entertaining production ‘Palladium Nights’ at the Casa de Cultura, Benissa, on 16th and 17th February. The Palladium is acknowledged as the world’s greatest variety theatre and Chris and Barry will bring to life the stars that have graced its stage over the years in an evening of comedy and musical memories. Philip told RTN: “Anyone who has seen Chris and Barry in their show ‘The Wireless Years’ should not miss this tribute to the stars of the Lon-

don Palladium. “And if you have never seen them before, but want an evening of fun, laughter and good entertainment, this is a show not to be missed.” Tickets are priced at €12 and as with all shows produced by Philip, 25% of the ticket price will be donated to charity. “On this occasion I am pleased to be once again supporting the work of the Friends of the Children of EMAUS.” The show starts each night at 20.00 and doors open at 19.30. Tickets are available by calling 965 581 483 or by credit card on line via www.philipashley.com. A discount is available for groups of more than 10. Booking is advisable as previous shows have successfully sold out.

Don Dimo - Guitarist Extraordinaire DON DIMO has it all. He is a brilliant guitarist whose act ranges from breathtaking Spanish guitar to Dire Straits, Jimmy Hendrix, Gary Moore, Pink Floyd, BB King and many others. Don is also a great entertainer who interacts well with his audience. For bookings: 627 657 073 - Web site: www.dondimo.com

The choir with musical director Heather Butcher and pianist Christine Squires

Get on song

By Jack Troughton THE COSTA Blanca Male Voice Choir is looking to welcome new recruits to boost numbers for up and coming concerts. Singers need no experience or an ability to read music – just a commitment to attend the weekly Tuesday evening rehearsals “70% of the time”.

GIGS FOR JANUARY: Friday 14th - Blue Tomato Jazz Club, N 332, Altea Wednesday 19th - Private Party Friday 28th - Blue Tomato Jazz Club, N 332, Altea Saturday 29th - Magnum’s Bar, Oliva Sunday 30th - Bar So What, Calpe Port

Spokesman John Walker told RTN the choir was back after its Christmas break and preparing for a season of concerts. “We will teach people to sing in harmony with their fellow singers – about 35 of us – and to just enjoy the full sound of a good choir,” he added. The choir meets on Tuesdays between 19.00 and 21.00 in the back room of Bar Mediterraneo, Teulada. New singers are invited to turn up on a rehearsal night or call Mike Evans on 965 744 577.

1414 - 20 JANUARY 2011 - 20 may 2010

40 61

Local gig news D

Vibes From The Costas by

Tony Poole

from www.vibesfromthecostas. blogspot.com

ON MATHER’S Miller Men featuring singer Ron Rogers are back with an evening of Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra and big band music on Sunday 23rd January at Los Arcos Restaurant in Torrevieja. This concert will be the forth in a series dedicated to the famous big bands and singers of a bye gone age. The first three have proved extremely popular, with all the tickets being sold at least a week in advance of the performance. The music of Glenn Miller remains the most popular part of the band’s programme, and the songs of Frank Sinatra are always the most requested from the band’s star vocalist Ron Rogers. In order to keep the programme fresh however, both band and vocalist include the music of other popular big band’s and singers. The band has 15 members which includes Enrique Simon, one of Spain’s leading jazz pianists, and a fine Norwegian trumpet player called Inge Sunde. It also has three ladies, Nicky Dick on trumpet, Rosemary Butson on trombone and Gloria Grimshaw on tenor

saxophone. The rest of the band is drawn from the whole of the Costa Blanca. Don says “In my band I want the best in the region and I believe that’s what I have got! Ron Rogers is the most polished big band vocalist I have come across and it is a great pleasure to work with him.” Los Arcos is an ideal venue for the concert, ticket holders can book meals with the restaurant and make their evening even more complete. Tickets are €10 available from Los Arcos Restaurant, Avd. Baleares 34, Torrevieja, tel. 965 710 289, Cards and Things, Quesada tel. 690 371 419, Don Mather tel. 966 717 039, or Ron Rogers tel. 966 720 455. Concert starts at 20:30. John Hutching’s emailed the latest news for Dixieland band ‘All That Jazz’. Clarinetist Roy Hubbard has had the second of his cataract operations, so unfortunately the band starts the year without his playing, though he is able to sing... best wishes from the RTN to you sir. All That Jazz gigs for January are; Tuesdays from at 13:00 at the Marina Bar, Torreta 2, Torrevieja, tel. 966 707 820 to order food. Sundays

Big Band

from 16th January 13.30 at Bar Carlos at the area of the Friday market in Torrevieja. Saturday 29th January, in the evening, times tba, at La Marina Urbanisation, in the social centre behind the police station. Also, on Wednesday 13th April, All That Jazz will be playing with the ‘Natural Gas Jazz Band’ from San Francisco, www.ngjb.com at the ‘Teatro’ in Torrevieja. The tickets are €5. More info about All That Jazz at

www.allthatjazz.talkspot.com I have just started a new music blog called ‘Rhythm And Groove’ which features new releases, music downloads and charts. This week I posted an article about my first memories of black music titled ‘Tits And Tamla’ … it’s all good clean fun. There’s my top 20 favourite tunes from 2010, with winners charts for jazz, soul, and funk, all three are available to stream or download. Visit the blog at http://rhythmandgroove.blogspot.com

More festival and concert information at www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole. Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com Keep the ViBES ALiVE!

Galeria Art and Soul free social evening 18th January THE GALERIA Art and Soul social evening offers the opportunity to view a wide variety of fine art; glass ware; ceramics; greeting cards and jewellery. Enjoy a complimentary glass of wine and a slice of delicious chocolate cake while meeting new

friends. The monthly social evenings are open to anyone who loves being part of the community with small donations welcomed to support local animal shelters. Valentine’s Day will be celebrated with a romantically themed free social party on Sunday 13th February from 10.00 until 18.00 – it is not just about love between lovers, but love between

friends and having a happy and relaxing day. Spaces are available for artists, musicians, stall holders and well-being practitioners, with a selection of exquisite wines to try from local vineyards. Get in touch to book a stall. For information please visit www.elclubcasero.com, see our Facebook page at: Galeria Art and Soul or telephone 636 929 326.

tv Friday 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Me and My Monsters 17:00 Dani’s House 17:30 Tracy Beaker Returns 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 QI 22:00 Hustle 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Graham Norton Show 24:20 National Lottery Draws

08:00 Childrens TV 11.25 64 Zoo Lane 11.40 Waybuloo 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Animal Park 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Ready Steady Cook 14:25 Coast 14:30 Live Snooker: The Masters 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein 22:00 Can’t Take It with You 23:00 Fast and Loose 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 The Review Show 24:50 Snooker: The Masters


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

07:00 Daybreak

07:55 Freshly Squeezed 08:25 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:50 Frasier 09:40 According to Jim 10:10 Supernanny USA 11:10 Blithe Spirit 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Three in a Bed 13:35 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Come Dine with Me 14:35 Come Dine with Me 15:05 Come Dine with Me 15:40 Come Dine with Me 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Celebrity Five Go To 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:25 4thought.tv 20:30 The Pawn King 20:55 Jamie’s Fish Supper 21:00 Relocation: Phil Down Under 22:00 Heston’s Fishy Feast 23:00 Shameless 24:10 Hot Shots! Part Deux

09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Doc Martin 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Children’s Hospital 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Take Me Out 24:50 30 Years of An Audience With

07:55 Childrens TV 10.00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Emergency Bikers 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:05 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Monkey Life 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Michaela’s Zoo Babies 21:00 Pirates of the Caribbean: The True Story 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:55 NCIS 24:55 Cops in Crisis

08:00 X-Weighted 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me or the Dog USA 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 WWE Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Futurama 21:30 Futurama 22:00 A League of Their

08:35 Dakar Rally 09:00 Luge 09:30 Live WTA Tennis 11:30 Biathlon 13:00 Alpine Skiing 14:00 Live Alpine Skiing 14:45 Live Biathlon 16:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 17:30 Football 19:00 Biathlon 20:15 Live Dakar Rally 20:45 Live Snooker: The Masters 23:00 Dakar Rally 23:30 Biathlon 24:30 Freeride Spirit Show 24:45 Football

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Bones 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 Criminal Minds

Suduko Answer

Own: Best of 23:00 Got to Dance 24:00 Got to Dance

CROSSWORD ANSWERS 586 CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 7 Extra; 8 Theseus; 9 Rookery; 10 Plump; 12 Open secret; 15 In good part; 18 Droop; 19 Teacher; 21 Concern; 22 Three. Down: 1 Bear in mind; 2 Stool; 3 Take; 4 Stay on; 5 Leap year; 6 Require; 11 Put in order; 13 Prompter; 14 Aground; 16 Patent; 17 Sharp; 20 Alto. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 7 Torch; 8 Illness; 9 Tearful; 10 Deter; 12 Settlement; 15 Adolescent; 18 Tenon; 19 Uniform; 21 Excuses; 22 Often. Down: 1 Statecraft; 2 Great; 3 Chef; 4 Billet; 5 Bludgeon; 6 Heathen; 11 Retirement; 13 Evenness; 14 Cornice; 16 Cruise; 17 Worth ; 20 Idol. Word Wheel: HILARIOUS



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tv Saturday

42 40

14 - 2026 JANUARY 2011 Feb - March 4 2010

06:00 BBC News 07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Baking Made Easy 13:00 BBC News 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 17:30 Final Score 18:10 BBC News 18:30 Hole in the Wall 19:00 All New Total Wipeout 20:00 The Magicians 21:00 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 21:50 Casualty 22:40 Come Fly with Me 23:10 BBC News 23:30 Match of the Day 24:50 The Football League Show

08:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 09:30 Deadly 60 10:00 Dick & Dom’s Funny Business 11:00 Trapped Ever After 11:30 OOglies 11:45 The Slammer 12:15 My Life 12:45 Match of the Day Kickabout 13:00 Coast 13:05 Trust Me, I’m a Dealer 13:35 El Cid 16:30 The Bear Family and Me 17:30 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 100 Years of the London Palladium 20:00 Dad’s Army 20:30 Pete Postlethwaite: A Tribute 21:20 Live Snooker: The Masters 23:30 QI XL 24:15 Fast and Loose 24:45 Goodbye Solo

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 The Fluffy Club 08:25 Toonattik 10:25 Coronation Street 12:45 This Morning: Saturday 13:45 Monk 14:45 ITV News 14:50 Kangaroo Jack 16:30 Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones 19:05 Granada News 19:15 ITV News 19:25 Harry Hill’s the Best of TV Burp 20:00 Primeval 21:00 Take Me Out 22:15 Benidorm 23:15 I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry 24:30 ITV News 24:45 I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry

Seriously lacking Zen The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist

IT’S ANOTHER new year and it’s another new detective, in the form of Zen. No, it’s not a new cleaning bleach or a friendly alien from a distant planet. He’s an Italian detective played by Rufus Sewell with a non-Italian accent in BBC 1’s new Sunday night series, amazingly enough called ‘Zen’, based on a series of novels that I‘ve never heard of. The pace of these ninety minute long dramas make an episode of Wallender seem like a five minute Fatty Arbuckle and Keystone Cops movie, as my tedium was only broken in the two episodes screened so far by trying to identify all the spots I had visited in one of my favourite world cities, namely Rome. At times, I thought I was watching an Italian tourist promotion, as opposed to an entertaining piece of television. Just because something looks glossy and well made, does not mean that it will be something worth watching. It was slower

tv Sunday 06:00 BBC News 06:30 Our World 07:00 Breakfast 08:35 Match of the Day 10:00 Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Big Questions 12:00 Country Tracks 13:00 The Politics Show 14:00 Cash in the Attic 15:00 Escape to the Country 15:55 EastEnders 17:50 Lifeline 18:00 Songs of Praise 18:35 BBC News 19:00 Antiques Roadshow 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Lark Rise to Candleford 22:00 Zen 23:30 BBC News 23:55 Match of the Day 2

07:00 Harry and Toto 07:10 Everything’s Rosie 07:20 Dirtgirlworld 07:35 Jakers! 08:00 Basil and Barney’s Game Show 08:30 Arthur 08:55 Leon 09:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 09:30 Deadly 60 10:00 Barney’s Latin America 10:30 Roar 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 13:00 The Long Duel 14:55 Live Snooker: The Masters 17:45 Ski Sunday 18:30 Legally Blonde 20:00 James May’s Toy Stories 21:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 24:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 24:30 Battle in Seattle

08:00 GT Academy 08:30 Freesports on 4 08:55 The Morning Line 09:50 Live and Lost 10:05 Friends 10:40 Tinie Tempah’s Hot List! 11:45 Glee 12:50 Friends 13:20 Friends 13:50 Big Bang Theory 14:20 Big Bang Theory 14:50 Channel 4 Racing 16:50 Come Dine with Me 17:20 Come Dine with Me 17:50 Jamie’s Fish Supper 17:55 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 Come Dine with Me 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Jamie’s Fish Supper 20:05 Dispatches: Fish Unwrapped 21:00 The Devil Wears Prada 23:05 British Comedy Awards: The Nominations 24:10 Shameless

08:00 Childrens TV 08:25 Make Way for Noddy 08:40 The WotWots 09:00 Little Princess 09:10 Castle Farm 09:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:30 Play! 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Olivia 10:15 Mr Men Show 10:30 The Milkshake! Show 11:00 How Do They Do It? 11:30 Silver Pharaoh Mystery 12:30 The Naked Spur 14:15 Mary Higgins Clark’s Lucky Day 16:20 Steel Magnolias 18:40 Chisum 20:40 Five News 20:45 NCIS 21:40 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:40 CSI: NY 23:40 CSI: Miami 24:35 Forensic Files

than a Telefonica operator dealing with a complaint and right up its own backside. It just might have worked as a one hour drama, but you can bet your life that it will be back for a new series, as the critics have been smooching over it like a salivating dog on heat. One of these days the ordinary viewer might be asked what he or she thinks. Take the much-awaited return last Sunday night of ‘Lark Rise to Candleford’ on BBC 1. This beautifully made gentle drama, has run neck and neck in audience terms over recent years with the heavily-hyped ‘Dancing on Ice’ over on ITV1. Its average audience figure of seven million is higher, with the exception of Sherlock, than any BBC drama transmitted at 9pm last year, and so it is ‘rewarded’ by having the number of episodes halved amidst speculation that this is the last series. What a joke, but this series may at least have everybody’s favourite postmistress, Dorcas Lane, at last finding true love. Let’s hope that the BBC’s Head of Drama, Ben Stephenson finds a brain cell and doesn’t axe this successful show. Mind you he’s the idiot who said last year that British viewers had had enough of period drama. I’ll just say two

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 The Fluffy Club 08:25 Toonattik 10:25 May the Best House Win 11:25 The Biggest Loser 12:30 This Morning: Sunday 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 ITV News 14:35 Columbo: Etude in Black 16:35 Midsomer Murders 18:40 Granada News 18:50 ITV News 19:05 Harry Hill’s the Best of TV Burp 19:35 Dancing on Ice 21:30 Wild at Heart 22:30 Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 23:15 That Sunday Night Show 23:45 ITV News 24:00 Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford

08:35 That Paralympic Show 09:00 Friends 09:30 Friends 10:00 Hollyoaks 12:35 Glee 13:40 The Simpsons 14:10 The Simpsons 14:40 Four in a Bed 15:10 Four in a Bed 15:40 Four in a Bed 16:10 Four in a Bed 16:40 Four in a Bed 17:15 Jamie’s Fish Supper 17:20 Deal or No Deal 18:25 School of Rock 20:25 Jamie’s Fish Supper 20:30 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Jamie’s Fish Supper 22:00 Gordon Ramsay: Shark Bait 23:00 Comic’s Choice: Alan Davies 24:05 Shameless

08:00 Vet Adventures 09:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 10:00 Best of Oops TV 11:00 Soccer AM 13:00 My Pet Shame 14:00 UK Border Force 15:00 Oops TV 16:00 The Librarian: the Curse of the Judas Chalice 17:50 Futurama: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow 18:00 Futurama 19:00 The Middle 19:30 The Middle 20:00 The Simpsons 21:00 Futurama 21:30 Futurama 22:00 UK Border Force 23:00 Road Wars 24:00 Road Wars

08:35 Dakar Rally 09:00 Live Ski Jumping 10:45 Live Alpine Skiing 11:45 Nordic Combined Skiing 12:30 Live Alpine Skiing 14:00 Live Alpine Skiing 14:45 Live Biathlon 16:00 Live Nordic Combined Skiing 16:30 Cross-Country Skiing 17:20 Wintersports Weekend 17:25 Live Snooker: The Masters 19:00 Ski Jumping 20:15 Live Dakar Rally 20:45 Live Snooker: The Masters 23:30 Dakar Rally 24:00 Fight Club

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:30 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings US 11:00 Four Weddings US 12:00 America’s Next Top Model 13:00 Biggest Loser US 14:50 Celebs 24/7 15:00 Half Ton Teen 16:00 Nothing to Declare 16:30 Nothing to Declare 17:00 All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 18:30 Nothing to Declare 19:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

Pete Postlethwaite: A Tribute BBC2, 20.30

words. Downton Abbey. boil is that CNN+ has been replaced I couldn’t give a stuff about realistic by Gran Hermano….a 24 hour feed drama and social messages and of Big Brother!! A blank screen contemporary this, that, and the other. would have been better rather than I’m after being entertained, and if one of the few quality commercial you want glossy TV mixed with some services being junked for this infantile genuine fun, then Friday night’s return garbage. Not surprisingly, the silence of ‘Hustle’ on BBC 1 was perfect. It has been deafening over this from the doesn’t try to be anything that it isn’t, authorities in Madrid. Perhaps they are and is hardly a Nobel Literature prize contender. But after seven series, it still makes for a good hour of escapist hokum, and what is wrong with that? It’s so obvious everybody involved with this is having a good time, and we the viewers are allowed to join in the fun. Full credit as well to creator and writer Tony Jordan for keeping the whole thing moving along so briskly. Finally the most outrageous bit of TV stupidity of this year has already happened. I’m talking about the only national Spanish commercial news channel, CNN+, being closed down during the recent holidays. If nothing else, I enjoyed seeing my town of Torrevieja being featured on the weather maps, but this decision means we have only one national Rufus news channel left:- 24 Horas from Sewell TVE. What really makes the blood as Zen

08:00 Childrens TV 08:25 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 08:30 Make Way for Noddy 08:45 The WotWots 09:00 Little Princess 09:10 Play! 09:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:35 Family! 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Olivia 10:15 Mr Men Show 10:30 The Milkshake! Show 11:00 Zoo Days 11:10 Megastructures 12:10 Pirates of the Caribbean: The True Story 13:10 Eddie Stobart: Trucks, Trailers and Tinsel 14:10 3 Ninjas Kick Back 15:55 Dracula: Dead and Loving It 17:35 Five News 17:45 Logan’s Run 20:05 Are We There Yet? 22:00 Bad Boys II 24:50 Ripped from the Cockpit: BA Flight of Terror

07:00 Hour of Power 08:00 Vet Adventures 09:00 It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 WWE Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 The Real A&E 14:00 UK Border Force 15:00 Futurama 15:30 Futurama 16:00 The Middle 16:30 The Simpsons 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 The Simpsons 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Got to Dance 20:00 Got to Dance 21:00 Raising Hope 21:30 Raising Hope 22:00 King Arthur 24:25 House

08:35 Ski Jumping 09:30 Live Alpine Skiing 10:15 Live Alpine Skiing 11:00 Live Luge 12:00 Live Alpine Skiing 13:15 Live Biathlon 14:00 Live CrossCountry Skiing 15:15 Live Biathlon 15:55 Wintersports Weekend 16:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 18:00 Ski Jumping 19:00 Biathlon 19:30 Biathlon 20:00 Live Snooker: The Masters 24:00 Dakar Rally 24:30 Tennis Stories

Wild at Heart ITV 1, 21.30

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings US 11:00 Four Weddings US 12:00 Half Ton Teen 13:00 All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 14:30 Nothing to Declare 15:00 Nothing to Declare 15:30 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 17:50 Celebs 24/7 18:00 America’s Next Top Model 19:00 Fat Families 20:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 21:00 Criminal Minds 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:15 Celebs 24/7 24:30 Golden Globes Red Carpet Live

tv Monday

JANUARY 2011 Feb 14 26--20 March 4 2010

07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 X-Weighted 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me or the Dog USA 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Road Wars 22:00 Dream Lives for Sale 23:00 Mental 24:00 Inside: America’s Toughest Jail

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Land Girls 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Me and My Monsters 17:00 Big Performance 17:30 Blue Peter 17:55 Shaun the Sheep 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Where’s Dad?: Panorama 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 A Question of Sport 24:05 Late Kick Off

08:00 Childrens TV 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Live Bowls 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Simon King’s Shetland Diaries 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Baking Made Easy 22:00 Horizon: What Is Reality? 23:00 Episodes 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 American Football

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Doc Martin 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 The Lakes 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Biggest Loser 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 The Zoo 24:35 That Sunday Night Show

08:10 Freshly Squeezed 08:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Frasier 09:35 According to Jim 10:00 Supernanny USA 11:00 Desperate Housewives 11:55 Relocation: Phil Down Under 12:55 Jamie’s Fish Supper 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie’s Fish Supper 13:10 Three in a Bed 13:40 The TV Book Club 14:10 The Herd 14:15 Quentin Durward 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Birth of Britain 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 24:05 Comic’s Choice: Lee Mack

08:15 Mr Men Show 08:30 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Emergency Bikers 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Cool Money 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 Emergency Bikers 22:00 Eraser 24:20 Replicant

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Land Girls 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Me and My Monsters 17:00 My Almost Famous Family 17:30 Blue Peter 17:55 Shaun the Sheep 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Kara Tointon: Don’t Call Me Stupid 24:35 Trust the Man

08:00 Childrens TV 11:20 Pingu 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Live Bowls 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Simon King’s Shetland Diaries 21:00 Natural World Special: Miracle in the Marshes of Iraq 22:00 Britain’s Banks: Too Big to Save? 23:00 Have I Got Old News for You 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Planets

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Grimefighters 21:00 Secret Mediterranean with Trevor McDonald 22:00 Taggart 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Highlander

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Frasier 09:25 According to Jim 09:55 Supernanny USA 10:50 Desperate Housewives 11:50 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:55 Jamie’s Fish Supper 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie’s Fish Supper 13:10 Three in a Bed 13:40 Great British Brands 13:55 The Password Is Courage 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 The Year Britain Froze 22:00 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 23:00 Shameless 24:10 Comic’s Choice: Jo Brand

08:15 Childrens TV 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Business Inspector 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 A Risk Worth Taking 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Zoo Days 21:00 Jurassic Park: The True Story 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 CSI: Miami 23:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 X-Weighted 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me or the Dog USA 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Got to Dance 22:00 Got to Dance 23:00 Lie to Me 24:00 Mental

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Land Girls 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Me and My Monsters 17:00 Copycats 17:30 MI High 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Rip Off Britain 21:00 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 23:45 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 24:25 Amistad

08:00 Childrens TV 10.10 The Koala Brothers 10.25 Sesame Tree 10.40 Big & Small 10.55 Guess with Jess 10.55 Postman Pat 11:20 Pingu 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:40 Waybuloo 12:00 In the Night Garden 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Lifeline 14:40 Live Bowls 16:15 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Simon King’s Shetland Diaries 21:00 Michel Roux’s Service 22:00 Edwardian Farm 23:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Planets

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Doc Martin 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Live FA Cup Football 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Police, Camera, Action! 24:35 FA Cup Football Highlights

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Frasier 09:25 According to Jim 09:50 Supernanny USA 10:45 Desperate Housewives 11:50 Country House Rescue 12:55 Jamie’s Fish Supper 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie’s Fish Supper 13:10 Three in a Bed 13:35 Great British Brands 13:55 Scaramouche 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Will My Crash Diet Kill Me? 22:00 Mary Portas: Secret Shopper 23:00 Joy of Teen Sex 24:05 Comic’s Choice: Jessica Hynes

08:15 Childrens TV 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Business Inspector 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Let Me Call You Sweetheart 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Monkey Life 21:00 Cowboy Builders 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 23:55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 24:55 Poker

08:00 X-Weighted 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me or the Dog USA 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Dream Lives for Sale 22:00 Louie Spence’s Showbusiness 23:00 Raising Hope 23:30 Raising Hope 24:00 Lie to Me

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

07:00 Live Australian Open Tennis 14:00 Live Football 16:15 Australian Open Tennis 17:45 Game, Set and Mats 18:15 Eurogoals 18:30 Snooker: The Masters 20:45 Alpine Skiing 21:45 Football 23:30 Australian Open Tennis 24:30 Game, Set and Mats

43 43

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Nikita 22:00 America’s Next Top Model 23:00 Golden Globes Red Carpet Highlights 24:30 Criminal Minds

Watch New Season TV for Free with the RTN Network 966 463 170

07:00 Live Australian Open Tennis 14:00 Live Football 16:15 Australian Open Tennis 19:30 Game, Set and Mats 19:55 Olympic Magazine 20:00 Boxing 21:00 Boxing 23:00 Dakar Rally 23:30 Football 24:30 Game, Set and Mats

Shameless Channel 4, 23.00

07:00 Live Australian Open Tennis 14:00 Live Rallying 15:15 Dakar Rally 15:45 Eurogoals 16:00 Live Rallying 17:15 Live Football 19:15 Game, Set and Mats 19:45 Rallying 20:20 Wednesday Selection 20:25 Riders Club 20:30 US Tour Golf 21:30 European Tour Golf 22:00 Golf Club 22:05 Sailing 22:35 Yacht Club 22:55 Australian Open Tennis 24:30 Game, Set and Mats

Cowboy Builders five, 21.00

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Fat Families 22:00 Half Ton Teen 23:00 Little Man: Looking for Love 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Half Ton Teen 22:00 Bones 23:00 Grey’s Anatomy 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Thursday


14 - 2026 JANUARY 2011 Feb - March 4 2010

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Land Girls 16:00 BBC News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Me and My Monsters 17:00 Copycats 17:30 Horrible Histories 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Human Planet 22:00 Come Fly with Me 22:30 Not Going Out 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

08:00 Animals at Work 10:10 The Koala Brothers 10:25 Sesame Tree 10:40 Big & Small 10:55 Guess with Jess 11:05 Postman Pat 11:20 Pingu 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Live Bowls 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Who Does What? 21:00 Michel Roux’s Service 22:00 Men of Rock 23:00 The Great Outdoors 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Planets

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Doc Martin 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Daylight Robbery: Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Kidnap and Ransom 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Odd One In 24:20 Send in the Dogs

08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Frasier 09:25 According to Jim 09:55 Wife Swap USA 10:50 Desperate Housewives 11:50 Help! My House Is Falling Down 12:55 Jamie’s Fish Supper 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie’s Fish Supper 13:10 Three in a Bed 13:40 River Cottage Bites 13:50 River Cottage Bites 14:00 Halls of Montezuma 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Relocation, Relocation 22:00 Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day 23:00 10 O’Clock Live 24:05 Comic’s Choice: Sean Lock

Local man organises dinner dance for Help for Heroes LOCAL MAN George Scammell (65) and his wife Ellen, (57) from La Marina Urbanisation, San Fulgencio are to organise a Dinner Dance to raise funds for Help for Heroes, at 20.00 on Friday 4th March at La Marina Sports Complex. Tickets at €25 are to include a three course meal with wine and dancing the night away to the sound of The Saviours of Soul, featuring Jimmy Mac, JJ Soulman & Shirelle. Raffle prizes are to be donated by local ex pat businesses. George commented: “As an ex-

serviceman I would like to do something for the service personnel in conflict now. It is a shame we have to do things like this. It should be a government responsibility, but as they do not contribute enough. I feel this is a good cause.” Please contact George on 966 184 133 or Carl on 966 796 052 for further information or to obtain your ticket to reserve your table and pre-order your meal from a selected menu. For more information on Help for Heroes, visit www.helpforheroes.org.uk

AECC Torrevieja: Forthcoming Events 21ST JANUARY: An Evening of Variety at La Marina Sports Complex, Urbanisation La Marina, 20.00 to 22.30. Also on 17th February: an Evening of Variety at Olympia Restaurant Mil Palmeras, 20.00 to 22.30. Headed by the La Marina Tappers, the show will include music and comedy to suit all tastes: Proceeds to AECC. Auctions are held at: Buddie’s Bar, Playa Flamenca (near Saturday Market and Judges Chambers) Thursday; Emerald Isle, Playa Flamenca, Friday - 13.00 to 16.00. Donated items for auction - contact Carol and Ron 965 319 929: Mobile 688 238 879. AECC are also looking for fundraising volunteers to help continue its life-saving subsidised cancer screening. AECC offers its screening service to detect cancer in its early stages. It is also vitally important to remember your own cancer screening, so please call AECC on 965 716 679 or Jackie on 966 722 358 if you can help in any way or to arrange appointments. For further information visit www.aecctorrevieja.org

HELP MMM Tea Dance THE CARAVAN Club at San Javier is the venue for HELP MMM’s Tea Dance on Thursday 27th January. Tea and delicious scones will be on offer for only €2 with music supplied by Terry Morgan. Tickets at €6 are available from Joan Mitchell on 968 181 943 or Tony at the Caravan Club.

08:15 Mr Men Show 08:30 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Business Inspector 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Hard to Forget 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 Secrets of the Blitz: Revealed 22:00 Jack the Ripper - The Definitive Story 23:00 From Hell

07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 X-Weighted 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me or the Dog USA 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 House 22:00 Thorne: Scaredy Cat 23:00 A League of Their Own: Unseen 24:00 Inside: America’s Toughest Jail

07:00 Live Australian Open Tennis 14:30 Live Biathlon 15:45 Wintersports: Breaking the Ice 16:00 Live Rallying 17:45 Live Ski Jumping 19:00 Game, Set and Mats 19:30 Rallying 20:00 Fight Club 22:00 Biathlon 23:00 Australian Open Tennis 24:30 Game, Set and Mats

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:30 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Home Alone 3 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

Jack the Ripper - The Definitive Story five, 22.00

Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking Book Review by

Danny Collins


WITH THE anti-tobacco lobby firmly entrenched in the Spanish government, January 2011 has seen the end of smoking in public places in Spain. The legislation is late compared to other European states but nonetheless it’s here and here it will stay. Smokers have become pariahs on the public scene and, like it or not, the habit is seen as antisocial. Seven years ago I received a copy of Allen Carr’s book for review and was so impressed by its contents – and by the promptings of my wife who read the book before I did and was living proof that it worked - that I changed from a 40 a day addiction to a non smoker overnight. Just like that. And the smokers’ law of 2011 is why I’ve decided to review it once again. Carr’s explanation of some of the myths of nicotine addiction – like why don’t we wake in the night gasping for a cigarette when we can’t last an hour without one during our waking day – makes strong sense. His claim that the boost of nicotine from one smoke actually conditions

us to craving for the next seems logical. In truth there seems to be only one requisite besides this book to give up the loathsome habit – and habit it is, for how often did I use to find myself lighting up with that first cup of coffee or the moment my bum hit the seat in an editorial meeting? That requisite is surely why without it even with Carr’s help some fail. You have to want to stop, but linked with Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking that’s all it takes. There are no gimmicks, pills or patches involved. Over the years I’ve loaned the book to many smokers who subsequently kicked the noxious habit and found myself having to buy a replacement as they passed the message –and my book – on to their friends, so I suggest you buy your own and keep it on a string. Your health will certainly benefit as mine did from taking Carr’s advice. After years of suffering from chronic bronchitis I found my lungs clear and I no longer felt the need to clutch at railings

to get my breath every 200 metres. Personally, as an ex smoker I don’t agree with a complete smoking ban. I believe the government would be better off educating the smoker rather than listening to the carping of the anti tobacco brigade but it’s a fait accompli that if you smoke after January you’ll be confined to smoking at home with the window closed or seeking a large private field. The alternative is to buy Allen Carr’s book, feel healthier and live longer. Put that light out! Author: Allen Carr Publisher: Penguin Price: €11.25 ISBN: 978 0 141 03940 4

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

Registering a car in Spain by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

WE BOUGHT your book for Xmas and I have just finished it. With the cost of car hire in peak periods being so high for a six-seater (I have 4 children so a six-seater is required), I have bought a Ford Galaxy in the UK from a friend for £1,400. As it is going to cost me £1,200 for three weeks hire in the summer alone I thought it makes sense. I looked at buying in Spain but the prices are out of my resources. (Note by BJD: the year of registration is not given so the Exhaust Standard cannot be determined.) I have an apartment in the Costa Blanca and spend 5-6 weeks there each year. I share with a work colleague and he would also have use of the car. I am planning to drive it to Spain at the beginning of April using Britanny Ferries Portsmouth to Santander, stopping off in Barcelona. I want to register the car in Spain. Sean and Samantha Smith

to drive and cheap to run. Although my wife and I can afford to own such cars as a small Mercedes or BMW now, since 2001 when I had a very bad servicing experience with a local BMW main dealer I have deliberately chosen Ford Focuses (diesels) and they are excellent cars to own. The main dealer servicing is very good in our experience. I only wish that I had had one when I was in my early 20s as it has a back seat “para las chicas.” Anyway, what you have to watch is that as you are importing it, when changing to Spanish plates there will/may be small tax to pay based on 4% of the Agencia Tributaria’s valuation of the vehicle, as well as the matriculation tax which will be based on the CO2 reading as in the Trafico tax listings based on the pollution reading. But try and bring it in as a personal belonging, although that normally only applies when you move here full time, i.e. tax resident. Especially if it is a diesel (but if petrol, check the catalytic converter is functioning well) make sure that the engine exhaust is clean as if it is not it may fail the CEE/ITV testing during the matriculation procedure (as described in the book). Regarding a local expert to carry out the importation, I live near Gibraltar and have no referrals local to where you are. But maybe the local

The Ford Galaxy is a very good vehicle. I have had BMWs; Chevrolets; Dodges (when I worked in the USA in the 1960s), and various other makes but all the Fords I have owned have been reliable, good fun

Make sure that the engine exhaust is clean

Ford agency can help or someone who has good references as the Spanish tend to know the local officials. I hope your Galaxy is not too old with high exhaust pollution figures. Get it checked it before you take it in to the ITV Station. If it is diesel I would also drive it for a couple of hundred kilometres or more (from the UK?) until after the test on the cleanest diesel fuel as it pollutes less and with a few bursts of high engine rpm (2,500 to 3,500) in say 3rd gear, and this will clean out the exhaust system. Also do this just before you take it to the ITV station. Happy New Year and a prosperous one for us all…

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com. Brian Deller, author, book Motoring in Spain, ISBN No 978 84 611 9278 6. Shops’ addresses in my web site at: www.spainvia.com/bookshopslist.htm

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14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

APPROVED USED CARS 2009 CITROEN Xsara Picasso Hdi Exclusive Aluminium Grey € 12.000 38.000 kms, A / C, rear parking assistance 2007 CITROEN C2 1.4i “CODE” Special Edition with brown € 8.000 leather upholstery, Black Paint 34,000kms 2007 CITROEN C4 Picasso 2.0 HDI 140 SX CMP Black with €14.000 A / A 7 seats 60,000kms 2007 CITROEN Jumpy 120Hdi white paint 6 speed, A / A € 13.000 and 6 squares, only 52.000 kms (P) 2006 CITROEN C4 1.6 HDi 110 Premier Polar Blue €8.300 79.000 kms A / C Alloy Wheels 2004 CITROEN C2 1.6i VTR SENSO AUTO only 30,000 kms €4.000 A / C Radio Cd (P) 2004 CITROEN C15 diesel van, white paint, well kept. €2.000 The last factory c15 (P) 2006 AUDI A8 4.2 TDI Audi All options and with only €60.000 27.000 kms, car Super lux (P) 2006 FORD KA 1.3i Collection 70 57.000 kms €4.200 Aluminum Grey Perfect for a first car

2006 SEAT ALTEA 2.0 TDi 140 Reference blue, 70,000 kms 6 speed 2007 FORD FIESTA 1.3i Newport yellow paint, A / C, CD radio with trim Newport 2008 FIAT BRAVO 1.9MJT Dynamic 5 door Climate 120CV well maintained, as new 2003 OPEL ASTRA 1.6i LX A / CD radio and alarm system high quality, 2003 RENAULT Espace 2.2 Dci 160.000 A / A, 7 seat (P) 2001 RENAULT MEGANE Expression 1.6i Automatic 135.000 kms well maintained 5 doors 1999 NISSAN Truck EWhite Paintwork CABSTAR steel boxes 140,000 (P) 1997 MERCEDES CLASE E 230 Azul ocsuro todos opciones 78,000kms 1996 MERCEDES CLASE- C 220 Cdi aluminum grey 158.000 kms well maintained (P) 1998 FIAT CINQUECENTO 900cc in white 89,000kms good runner, Ideal holiday car

€8.500 €6.000 €9.500 €3.800 €8.000 €3.500 €7.500 €4.000 €5.000 €1.000

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14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

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14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

FORMER WORLD KICKBOXING CHAMPION lessons in kickboxing/martial arts. one on one, get fit, blackbelt programs. 659-696-455

SMALL FRIENDLY BRITISH KENNELS individual runs, large excercise area. 25 mins Alicante airport. www.parkbark. co.uk 628-244-712

SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz

YORKSHIRE TERRIER 4years. Adorable Male. Free to Dog Lovers Only. Excellent with children/dogs. Torrevieja:966-785-448 PAWS PET TRANSPORT Spain-UK-Spain every month. We look after your pets as if they belong to us. Call Joe for a chat on 966-074-576 or 650-341-087. email:pawspettransport@hotmail.com PETZBACK HOME Professional pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK www. petzbackhome.co.uk Ring 0044-1209-319204

BANKRUPT CLOTHING STOCK Womens,girls & boys clothing.Jeans,Trousers,Skirts Tops All 1euro each.Minimum order 50€. With invoice. Torrevieja, 651-885-200 INTERESTED IN MAKING MONEY? and giving to Charity at the same time! Go to www. referlife.com/1080 or Tlf:663-559-806 MAKE 2011 A FRESH START Start your own Business Time and Financial Freedom www.freeurlifenow.com SOLAR ENERGY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Long established company, own product range. First class training & support. Telephone 606586587

Blocked Drains

COMPUTER SOLUTIONS All your computer needs carried out in our workshop, or at your home or office. Sales, repairs, upgrades, etc. Call Jim on 966-790-520 or 616-211-023 BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/upgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424

AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit you. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520

WORK WANTED. JAVEA AREA Semi-Retired Male. Anything Considered. General Maintenance, Working from Home, Word and Data Processing etc.Tlf:680-501-404

SOLO SINGER/GUITARIST can travel Country/Blues/ Rock´nRoll. available for pubs/ clubs/private parties, musician not karoke Charlie 691-622-804

FULLY QUALIFIED UK ELECTRICIAN with 10 years experience on the CostaBlanca. All jobs undertaken-extra sockets, rewires, fault finding. Tlf:Hugh-690-275-223

10 COLD DRINK/SNACK VENDING MACHINES with sites,€39,900.excellent cash income, no overhead, work from home, work only one day per week, €31,000 nett yearly. 25 pringle vending machines with sites €14,900.€250 per week guaranteed. 965-326-442/659-696-455

TWO BERTH CARAVAN Green, Excellent Interior, Tatty exterior Located Guadalest. 300€ Tlf:-650-554-908 MOBILE/PARK HOMES FROM 15,000€ Fully furnished ready to move into, A/c, tel, eng tv, on permanent site, bar/res, pool,tennis,gym, shop. Walking distance to San Javier. 5mins to beach, Airport, hospital by car. Also bungalows for rent. Carol:968-192-425. Mob:626-055-622 www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com CAMPING LOS GALLARDOS Come to Mojacar! Large campsite + mobile home park open all year, great expat community site, all welcome. 950-528-324. www. CampingLosGallardos.com

PALM AND TREE TRIMMING/ REMOVAL All Garden Maintenance Call 619-336-762

Experienced telesales

person required

for busy, pro-active Estate Agency in La Zenia. Basic plus commission offered. No cold calling necessary. High earning potential. Please e-mail your full CV to Jamie@homeespana.co.uk

PSYCHOTHERAPIST/ COUNSELLOR Uk Qualified Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with life? Trapped by circumstances or stuck in a rut? You can take the first steps towards taking control of your life and feelings, by contacting me today. First consultation FREE. Tel No 655-912-044 email nlhwellbeingsolutions@gmail.com WEIGHT LOSS GUARANTEED/GET FIT world class personal trainer €50 per hour.659-696-455. PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

S.O.S. INSURANCE CarHome-Health-Comercial. Funeral Plans and Insurance. Tlf:-966-787-123/622-275-561

250 ORIGINAL CDS 100 assorted records, 250 music casette tapes. 60euros for the lot. Tlf:-626-918-833 2 X MATCHING SOFA TABLES Circular, Diameter 60cm, Height 55cm, 3 legged pedestal base, Light oak finish. VCG. Altea area, Buyer collects. 50€ the pair. 691-202-307 1 SILVER GAS BOTTLE €15 and 1 white wall panel heater very economical €10 Benidorm area Tel 663 559 806 CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEM COMPLETE Large 28k Valiant boiler with instruction,11 large gas bottles,gas distribution board,10 radiators,dismantled, private sale,Javea, 1400euros. Tlf:-965-770-594 MOUNTAIN BIKES X 2 Hybrid, Off Road or On Road, as New Giant Catcher x1800, 150€ and Conor AF88SP 100€ Tlf:-965-795-428 GENERATOR Petrol, 2.4KVA, 75€. Generator Gas, Electric Start, 7KVA 475€. Three Seater Setee, Yellow, VGC. 50€. Pego Area. Tlf:675-878-601 ALUMINIUM SCAFFOLDING by Youngmans.Strong and light with wheels and 5 walkways.600e ono telephone 678-179-346 WHEELCHAIR Light, Foldable, Hardly used, like new, 150€. Mobility Scooter 40km range 499€ Tlf:627-019-403

WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewellery, vintage watches bought sold part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafron near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003. Tel:965-792-595

BALLROOM/LATIN DANCING/SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. NEW VENUE: The Wok Royal, Benijofar. NEW BEGINNERS CLASS: starting Monday 17th January 2011, 7.30pm-8.30pm plus SOCIAL DANCE: 8.30pm10.30pm.Tel: Andrea & Brian 616 478 157 BALLROOM/LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Baleares, Torrevieja, New Beginners class (Starts 10th January 2011) Monday 10.30am12.30pm. SOCIAL DANCE Saturday 7.30pm-10pm. Tuesday Improvers Lesson (starts 18th January 2011) 7.30pm-8.30pm plus SOCIAL DANCE 8.30pm-10.30pm. Also at the Bienvenido Chinese restaurant, La Zenia roundabout.New Beginners Class (Starts 12th January 2011): Wednesday 7.30pm9.30pm. Intermediates Friday 11.00am-1pm. Tel: Andrea 616-478-157 WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our Free English call centre now to find your nearest meeting. 900-818-794 DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free membershipsJoin Now! www.datemed.es

KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER “Brand New” 500GB. 70,000songs, software, songbooks, bar/home use. 275euros Tlf:-657-766-341 POOL, SNOOKER TABLES Also Table Tennis and Darts. Will beat any price!. Tlf:666-933-726. www.spainpool.com MITSUBISHI PAJERO RHD English Plates. 7 seater, 2.8L diesel, 2500€ ONO. Call for more information. Tlf:-664-535-755 SEAT TOLEDO, 1998 Petrol Automatic, white, Spanish LHD,air con, all round elc windows, good condition 2495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 CITROEN C3 SX PLUS, 2005 1.4 Ltr petrol, Spanish LHD, champagne, Cd player, elec windows, climate control, one owner, only 49000 klm, excellent condition 6495€ www.vensucars.com 965 368 274

SUZUKI VITARA, 2002 4X4, Spanish LHD, Burgundy/Silver, 1.9 Ltr diesel, manual, only 43000 KLM 5995€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 PEUGEOT PARTNER COMBI, 1998 1.9 Ltr Diesel, Spanish LHD, Silver, air con, roof rack, power steering very good maintenance record. 3495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 SEAT CORDOBA, 2000, 1.9 TDi ltr diesel, Spanish LHD, white, 4 doors, electric windows, air con, alloys. 2995€ www.vensucars.com 965 368 274 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT T200, 2005 1.8 TDCI, diesel, Spanish LHD, only one owner/driver. Very well maintained.5495€ www. venuscars.com 965-368-274 KIA SORENTO EX - LUXURY 4X4, 2005 2.5 CRDi, 99,000 with 3 owners, Full service history - Diesel, Metallic grey, PAS, ABS, E. windows/ mirrors, Electric mirrors, Front fog lights, A/C (Climate), R. locking, Side steps, Cd player, Multi airbags, 5 spoke alloys, Rear head restraints, Roof rails, Detatchable tow-pack, Parking sensors Rear luggage cover. 10750€. 600-726-221/965-687-976. www.fwreurocars.com PEUGEOT 207CC CABRIOLET, FEB 2009 1.6 THP Sport, Manufacturers warranty! - Petrol, Light metallic blue, PAS, ABS, Front fog lights, E. windows/ mirrors, A/C (Climate), Remote locking, Multi-spoke alloys, Cd player, Multi airbags, 150bhp! Stunning condition! 13,750€. Contact Frank on 600-726221/965-687-976 or visit our website for more details and pictures www.fwreurocars.com MITSUBISHI GALLOPER SUPER EXCEED DIESEL 7 seater, 2000, Good Condition, any trial. 3500€ 609-417-110 or 965-699-910 WANTED Scrap cars, vans, lorries, plant and caravans. Turn your scrap into cash. Free collection. Tel.689929395 WE BUY any car,van,motorhome,boat, jet ski. Instant decision at good prices. Tel 680 -665-583 BUMPERS, WINGS AND MIRRORS All body panels for all cars supplied. Tel:966-875-497 or 618-592-396 HEADLIGHTS4U.COM Left hand drive headlights supplied and fitted. All makes. Also air conditioning rechargeTel:966-875-497 or 618-592-396 WANTED I buy any car, van,Caravan,4x4 Etc.British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600-781-873 ibuyanycar@hotmail.com

VILLAPAINTING.ES Spray application specialists.Interior and Exterior, wood-doors and metalwork Telephone 678-179-346 info@villapainting.es PAINTING AND DECORATOR Exterior/interior Villa Painting Specialist. Woodwork, iron work, all aspects. For a free friendly, no obligation quote call Kevin Guilfoyle. 965-831209/636-653-516 or Guifoyle. kev66@gmail.com

EXCHANGE 2 Bed immaculate apartment with Garage in Superb Location in Torquay, England. Value 150,000GBP for similar value property on Costa Blanca. Tlf:965-699-910 or 609-417-110

GENERIC VIAGRA SAFE AND EFFECTIVE 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€ or fast acting oral jellies. Call Ron TTMarketing Tlf:-966-499-204 ELEGANT, SLIM, SEXY LADY ESCORT My Place, Home or Hotel visits. Torrevieja-La Manga-Mazarron Areas. Tlf:693-357-526 DANI 24, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534 Torrevieja TANYA is back and needs help to burn off all those Xmas calories.Tel:-626-324-088 PORNO DVD´S! The Best You´ve Ever Seen! Gay, Bestial, She-Male, BDSM 10€ each. Tlf:-636-929-511 SEXY FUN AND GAMES 63 year old. Sub/Dom


Switch. Your place or mine. Available for females, males and couples. Specialising in more mature females and cross dressers. Torrevieja to Benidorm. Low Fees. Tlf:655-058-554 SPANISH LADY PLAYA FLAMENCA near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€. Full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412 NEW IN BENIDORM MATURESUSI, 49 discrete, dedicated flute player, made in Switzerland. Offers from sensual massage to full premium service as outcalls or incalls. 7days 10am - 8pm Call 672-836-234 or www.maturesusi.com TORREVIEJA TRANS CORAL stunning blonde,Huge breasts, sculptural body. Speciality erotic masage.Very feminine and sexy. Call me 671 42 44 56 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118 NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40?. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 GENERIC VIAGRA 100MG 12 tablets for 30€ or 24 for 50€ also fast acting jellies and weekenders. Free discreet delivery. Quesada & surrounding area. Derek 685-207-378 GAY MASSAGE by masculine sexy boys nr Benidorm Tel. 646 642 575 Discretion assured. Staff wanted www.gaymassage4u.com


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

MOBILE/PARK HOMES On Camping Pueblo in San Javier from 15,000€ Carol:-968-192425. Mob:-626-055-622 www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com LOOKING TO RELOCATE we have new and pre-owned luxury park homes for sale throughout the uk 12 month occupancy part exchange considered on your spanish or uk home for more information call 0044-151633-2321 or email : alan.aitken@hotmail.co.uk CLASSIC SPANISH OLD TOWN HOUSE CALLOSA. 3 double bedrooms (one en-suite) new kitchen, large living room/diner. Bbq terrace and LOTS more. Recently reformed/fully furnished. 135,000€ Tel:609-177-032.

benidorm theme park TICKETS FOR SALE 2 FOR JUST 10€ CALL 620 340 548

SPECIAL OFFER Los Altos, Detached Villa, 220 square metre plot, only 113,000€ 669-283-973

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966-774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@ pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools. com SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743-048 www.pooltechspain.com

VILLAMARTIN AREA Middle Town House, 2/3 Bedrooms, Bathroom, Seperate Toilet, Garage, F/F, Fitted Kitchen, 89.000€. Tlf:-669-283-973

1 BED BUNGALOWS on Camping Pueblo in San Javier with lots of ameneties.Carol 968-192-425 mob 626-055-622 www,mobilehome smarmenorspain.com VILLAMARTIN HOUSE FOR RENT PRIVATE POOL Description: Lovely 2-3 bed house for long term rent in quite area, Air conditioning, Furnished and an 8m x 4m Private swimming pool and Garden, english owned. 475euro PCM Tlf:-626-822-014 LUXURY 2/3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS in San Miguel de Salinas.Underfloor heating, lift, roof top with swimming pool from 385€ month, also holiday lets. 965-720-817/616-493-487

MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email:van.man@hotmail.co.uk VAN LEAVING FOR THE U/K every two weeks space both ways. Great rates contact Joe on 966-074-576 or 650-341-087 or email civic1235@msn.com SPANISH LINKS LTD Removals & Deliveries. Spain/ Uk/Spain www.spanishlinks. co.uk Ring 0044-1209-843971 MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600-247-535 LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839

LONG TERM RENTAL, JAVEA Small Villa preferred, or ground floor apartment. Retired male, with dog. Needing secure garden, TV, Internet. Tel.:-680-501-404. LONG LET VILLA WANTED Min 1 year for very active retired couple, not the normal holiday let, more private and personel. Javea, Moraira, Benitachell areas. tel:628-461-328

Ideal Lights Spain

We manufacture the brightest LED lamps on the market today and have an extensive range for homes, urbanisations and businesses. From spot lights to tubes, flood lighting to GLS lamps and down lights to urbanisation street lighting, our retrofit LED range will save you money. Fact! Phone us now for a free energy saving report and a 10% discount on your first order. Save money and brighten up your life with LED lighting from Ideal Lights Spain

IBERBANDA part of the Telefónica and Corte Ingles groups, can now supply high quality WIMAX wireless broadband in Alicante and Murcia.Free installation. 1Mb Broadband (symmetrical), Landline Number, Line Rental, 300 Mins/month free calls to UK landlines. 902-636-630 www.iberbandainenglish.com/

TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

COMPUTER TUTOR Software training, ebusiness education, website publishing, photography, videography and more DIY tips and tricks for all of your business and personal needs. Karla Darocas certified instructor since 1990. Tel: 96 597 3234 info@KarlaDarocas.com Referrences www.KarlaDarocas.com BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER Offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ Mathematics. Tel:-Margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/616-660-687

TURN YOUR UNWANTED FURNITURE Electrical, Household Goods and Brica-brac into Cash. Anything! Anywhere!965-319-220/ 618-165-877 WANTED, ADULTS AND CHILDS BIKES Any Condition, Cash paid. Tlf Andy 966-790-986 Mob 689-112-080

CHEFS KNIVES FOR SALE Brand new unused WEBER & KOCKMANN 9 piece professional

ALL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Installed, Maintained and Repaired. 10 years experience with Satellites in Spain. All areas covered. Tlf:-Hugh690-275-223 SKYSUPPLIES Sky+/Humax HD/SD Digibox`s, White cards, LNB`s. Faults/realignments. Advice. 966-194-013/ 600-899-096. CRYSTAL CLEAR SATELLITE AND INTERNET TV for all your digital and TV requirements. No Annual Fees on Sky Cards. Steve:-660-186505/Ros:-965-584-097. www. ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com LNB SATELLITES The No 1 Satellite Company covering all the Costa Blanca since 2000. Telephone 965-873-726 or 669-686-587 or see our advert on Page 2 every week.

chefs knives set complete with secure carrying case. Unwanted gift 100 euros. Moraire area Phone

966 491 711 BUSH FREEVIEW HD Terrestrial Receiver HD Tv DVE HDMI Digitial/ DVB 680 Receiver to receive all channels. Brand New still in box €125.00 Moraira area

RECORDS AND CD´S WANTED Top cash paid. Pop, Rock, Blues.Tlf:-630-665-363

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14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

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Round Town Travel 1, Avenida Dr Severo Ochoa, 1, Urb. El Admiral, Local 1, Rincon Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. Lisa 966 811 123 Benidorm Round Town Travel 2, Calle Gerona, 39, Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. (Next to Hotel Ambassador) Kerry/Gemma 966 813 261 Benidorm Round Town Trips, Calle Narcisco Yepes, 4, Local 8, Albir, 03581, Alicante. (Opp. Golf Course, next to Kwik Save) Lee/Jackie 966 867 294 • lee@roundtowntrips.com albir ProminenT, Teulada Industrial Est. Calle Llanterner, 2 alto, 03725, Teulada, Alicante. Marja 965 793 229 • espana@prominent.nu Millie Munro Insurance, Avenida Lepanto, 6, 03726, Benitachell, Alicante. Millie 966 493 082 • millie@milliemunro.com EasyBuy, Avenida del Portet 24, Moraira. 03724 Alicante 965 745 969 Quicksave, Partida Murtar 2/2, Pedreguer, Alicante. Andrew Thomas 966 456 157 • beverleyethomas@yahoo.co.uk ICUK Foods sl, C/Gulliem de Casto, 8 Bajo, Oliva 46780, Valencia 962 839 830 • icukfoodssl@hotmail.com

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Bargain Books, Plaza Juan Carlos 1, Nº 2, San Miguel de Salinas, 03193, Alicante. (Opp. Tourist Info) Gaynor/Lee 688 667 389 • leeshaw.evans@gmail.com san miguel Johnsons El Limonar,JCP Commercial Center, Local 31, Los Altos Del Limonar, Torrevieja, 966 785 600 Torrevieja Johnsons Quesada, Ava. Las Naciononies 1a -17, Quesada, 966 717 848 Quesada Johnsons Algorfa, Local 30, Commercial Center La Finca Golf, Algorfa, 966 729 647

Algorfa The Post Room, Centro Comercial 5, Via Park III, Calle Panticosa Nº 2, Los Altos, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Aoife/Chris 965 319 665 • aoifesweeney@hotmail.com orihuela Pennys Supermarket, Flamenca Beach Comercial Centre, Unit 123, Playa Flamenca, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Peter/Sarah 966 733 257 • bulldogstores@live.com orihuela Print Solutions, Avenida Londres 136, La Marina Urb, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante. Jim/Trish 966 790 520 • jim@printsolutionsspain.com SAN FULGENCIO Interpost, Avenida de la Alegria Nº 32, La Marina, 03194, Alicante. Malika/Malcolm 965 419 673 • Inter-post100@live.com

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Villamartin Satellite Centre, Avenida Las Brisas 33, Villamartin, 03189, Alicante. (Near Supervalu, Los Dolses) . Sarah/Heather 966 764 878 • villamartinsatellitecentre@yahoo.co.uk villamartin Best Wishes, Local 30, Comercial Centre Hispania, Avda de la Union 72, San Javier, 30730, Murcia. Kathy 968 192 235 • kaffywalker@hotmail.com murcia Ononix Mar SL, Calle Mayor 30, bajo derecha, Guardamar, 03140, Alicante. Ron/Alicia 965 728 178 aliciamuddle@ononix.com GUARDAMAR


14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011


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14 - 20 JANUARY 2011

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Mike Probert





Sebastian Coe

WHEN SEB Coe and his team won the right to stage the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Britain, the watchword was ‘legacy’. After the shambles of the botched 2005 World Championship bid, when Tony Blair went back on his word to build a new stadium at Picketts Lock, it was a central part of the bid team’s strategy to win over the IOC and the IAAF by ensuring that the sport of athletics in the UK would be in a stronger position after the Games than it is now. As it stands, there are two football clubs vying to take control of the Olympic Stadium post 2012. West Ham want the stadium to remain as a multi-use arena with a running track while Spurs say they will rip up the track and instead, provide funds to upgrade Crystal Palace, the current home of the Aviva London Grand Prix. As someone who has worked in the sport of athletics for the past 15 years I can tell you that West Ham have the only bid worth considering. While the Crystal Palace National Sports Centre scrubs up well once a year, it’s not exactly state of the art, it remains a nightmare to get to for the public and on-site facilities are somewhat basic. It plays host to a wonderful two-day Diamond League meeting each year but let’s remember that other Diamond League venues such as Brussels, Oslo, Berlin, Paris, Doha and Stockholm all have new, purpose built or vintage stadiums in which to hold their meetings, all of which are far superior to what the UK can offer. A new stadium would provide the sport with a welcome shot in the arm and give an ever increasing pool of young talent a bespoke venue to show off their skills for many years to come. FLOWER CONTINUES TO BLOOM I can’t help but compare the current England cricket set up to the 2005 England rugby team. Then, as now, England had a group of sportsmen who believed that it was their right to win. As individuals, Clive Woodward’s men might not have been World beaters but as a collective, they were unstoppable. England’s cricketers seem to be in exactly that position right now. And for Woodward, read Andy Flower. The Zimbabwean, fresh from overseeing a 3-1 Ashes success, is now in charge of England’s one-day campaign which will culminate in the World Cup later this year. His latest example of genius was to promote Chris Woakes up the batting order in the first T20 international in Adelaide. And what did the 21 year old do? First he smashed a 90mph delivery from Shaun Tait for six and then hit the winning run from the final ball. That’s a World record - eight T20 wins on the bounce for England and another victory over the convicts. Keep it going boys...keep it going…

Hi Folks: A little bit of light hearted golfing humour Q- Why do golfers always carry two pairs of trousers with them? A- Just in case they had a hole in one. Golfer: Please stop checking your watch. It’s too much of a distraction.” Caddy: It’s not a watch: it’s a compass. Any golfers that fancy playing Don Cayo golf course in Altea, now is a good time, as work on a new water feature will be starting on the 4th hole within the next few months, (exact dates not confirmed): a 9 hole par 72 course with different tee positions on the front and back 9 built in 1969, a tight hilly course with great views and a good test of golf.

THE MOST important news from the South of the region this week is that the management of the La Tercia golf course has reverted back from the Horadada Golf Center to the original builders and so we can expect some changes there. I will keep you updated as the information becomes available. The weather in the area remains good and so the courses remain in relatively good condition although wearing their winter ‘coats’. Many of the winter deals expire on 31st January 2011 as get your golf booked early to avoid disappointment. The hot deal of the week is at the exclusive La Peraleja course designed by Seve Ballesteros, where the price is €112 for two players and a buggy (usual price €215).


NORTH Region Golf Course

RTN Price




Single Green fee

Alicante Golf


Single Green fee + Buggy



Single Green fee

Don Cayo


Single Green fee

El Plantio


Single Green fee

Font del Llop


Two Green fees

Villaitana Par 62


Single Green fee + Buggy

Villaitana Par 72


Single Green fee

For more information email Dennis at dennis@roundtownnews.com or direct to www.benidormgolf.com on 630 714 373.

SOUTH Region Golf Course

RTN Price




Las Colinas


4 Players and 2 Buggies (Restricted Times) 2 Players and 1 Buggy

La Peraleja


2 Players and 1 Buggy

La Marquesa


2 Players and 1 Buggy

La Serena


2 Players and 1 Buggy

Lo Romero


4 Players and 2 Buggies

La Torre


2 Players and 1 Buggy



2 Players and 1 Buggy



2 Players and 1 Buggy (Weekends)

2 Players and 1 Buggy (Fridays)

There many more winter deals available and to obtain more information contact Mike at mike@roundtownnews.com or direct at Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

PLAYING GOLF for RTN Golf Club members could not be better as everyone scores a hole in one to enjoy a complete discount package at the best prices possible. Players can get out on 30 Costa Blanca courses and pay the most competitive green fees available. This ‘superb’ deal means a RTN Golf Club member and up to seven guests can all be enjoying spectacular discounts at clubs along the coast. To book a round, all members have to do is to send their requirements to the two agents, who will deal with requests quickly and efficiently. For the south email: mike@ roundtownnews.com and for the north email: dennis@roundtownnews.com To apply for your membership card go to www.roundtownews.co.uk and click on the Golf club logo on the homepage. Allow 21 days for delivery

Los Albinegros in ‘seventh heaven’: FC Cartagena 1 - UD Salamanca 0

NOT SINCE mid-November has Cartagena tasted defeat in div 2a, whilst this solid victory over mid table Salamanca takes their unbeaten run of matches to an impressive 7 (5 wins, 2 draws). Following last week’s draw at Girona, manager JIM recalled linchpins Mariano and Botelho to form part of what is possibly his ‘first choice’ team. Salamanca meanwhile included ex Cartagena favourite Hector Yuste, who played a major part in the promotion winning match at Alcoyano 2 seasons ago. Shouts for a penalty when Victor appeared to be bundled off the ball after 4 minutes fell on deaf ears as Cartagena started the game brightly. Following a somewhat tranquil period in proceedings, in which neither keeper were tested, Casilla pulled off a magnificent double save, which proved to be Salamanca’s only chance of the first half on 20 minutes. Once again, another period of inactivity was in evidence, before Toche rudely

awoke the cast from their slumbers! It was Lafuente who provided the all important low cross to the far post, for the long legs of Toche to stretch to their limit and stroke home the ball into an empty net, giving his team the lead after 33 minutes. The remainder of the half was pretty uneventful, apart from bookings for Lafuente and Herrero; the latter became engaged in a tasty running battle with an opponent, who also went into the book. During the half time interval, it suddenly dawned on me that the much awaited smoking ban had evidently not stretched to inside sports stadiums, but it was so nice to nip into the supporters club for a quick coffee without coughing my guts up! Within 2 minutes of the restart, Victor had the ball in the net, but his effort was disallowed for offside. Shouts for a penalty echoed throughout Cartagonova stadium, this time for handball, but once again ref Lopez decided against awarding the home side a spot kick on 10 minutes. Around this time the game stepped up a gear, as chances for both sides came thick and fast: a lovely one-two between Botelho (his cheeky back heel totally bamboozled the Salamanca defence) and Toche, resulted in keeper Ribas pulling off 2 brilliant point-blank saves. From the very next attack, a goal bound header by Toche was athletically tipped onto the bar by Ribas. Next, it was Casilla’s turn to show off his skills, when he in turn saved well from an Eduardo header,

as Salamanca produced a fine counter attack on the hour mark. Salamanca was now on the ascendancy and could easily have scored when an inviting pass across the face of the goal just lacked a finishing touch. On 72 minutes, Juanjo headed just over, in what was Salamanca’s last attack on goal. With 13 minutes remaining, Botelho almost doubled Cartagena’s advantage, but his curling-shot smacked against the base of the far post before being cleared. Apart from a further 3 bookings (Keko for handball and 2 visitors), there were no further incidents in a thoroughly enjoyable game of football: Attendance 9,000. FC CARTAGENA LINE-UP Casilla, Cygan, Clavero, Mariano, Herrero Botelho, Toche (Goiria), Longas, Lafuente (Keko), Cala, Victor (Muñoz) FORTHCOMING FIXTURE Up next for Cartagena is a trip to fellow play-off contenders, Rayo Vallacano. Channel 7RM will be showing the game live on Saturday 15th January, KO 18.00. For further info on FC Cartagena, visit www.nosoloefese.es or www.futbolclubcartagena.com. A group of ex pats have formed an FC Cartagena supporters club (pena), and meet up at bar El Fraile in Los Nietos. They attend all home matches and intend to travel to some away fixtures including Elche and Granada. For further information contact Colin Clarke on 968 133 420 or visit www.elfraile.co.uk.

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

Qué quieres? Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Teaching Professional Campo de Golf El Plantio 639 730 891

OVER THE last few months I have constantly heard golf clubs defend their price structure by telling me that ‘their case is different’. These courses seem to think they offer better value for money than the other golf courses in the area. Well what exactly are they offering that the others are not? What do local golfers want and consider as value for money? Is there enough price flexibility? Is there enough loyalty shown to those who play one course regularly? These questions and many more are some that have to be answered in the coming year if we are to see successful growth in golf tourism in 2011. To me the obvious question that all golfers in Spain should be asked is: What do you want from your local golf course? I have never seen or heard this asked by any golf club so we at RTN are now asking you the golfing public. What exactly do you want to see? Is it reduced prices or free range balls or a full English breakfast or toast and coffee? Do you want buggies that are more comfortable or that go faster? Do you want to get a free bottle of water and some fruit to take onto the course? Do you want the caddymaster to collect your clubs from the boot of your car and take them to your buggy and return them after you play along with a clean pair of shoes? There are very many questions here and they need to be answered. I still see far too many of our golf courses ploughing along with their heads down ignoring what the local golfer wants. I think that what the local golfer wants will be reflected in what the holidaymaking golfer wants as well. Just what that is I would like you to tell us at RTN, we will then tell the golf courses through this column. Send your letters to golf@ roundtownnews.com I think it is time that the golfing public was heard and their views and opinions listened to. Whether our Spanish hosts care to take notice

14 - 20 JANUARY 2011 or not will be up to them to decide but one thing I am sure of will be that if they do not their businesses will suffer. I am well aware that some golf course staff make golfers more than welcome and do their utmost to make sure they enjoy their golf at their course. Is that enough though? Some of our golf courses are struggling to survive and they need a radical change in the way they think if they are to continue in business. The opinions of the British expatriate community here in Spain can help them. That is something that can benefit all who play golf here in Spain. We live in a great country: we play a great sport. Let’s all try to do our best for golf in Spain. WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. Question for 14th January 2011: Where does Padraig Harrington have his main home? A. Dublin B. Cork C. Kerry All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 31st January 2011 to be entered into January’s draw, to be made on 31st January. The winner will be announced in RTN on 4th February 2011. NOEL EASTWELL GOLF ACADEMY AT EL PLANTIO For the very best in golf tuition, contact Noel on 639 730 891. Special offers available for January.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

La Vila winning streak breaks LA VILA Rugby Club suffered their first defeat in months after an unsatisfactory away game against Gernika on Sunday. The 33-14 score was a big disappointment to the team that had been gaining momentum with a strong, six game winning streak. The game was indisputably lost in the first half and the team went into the break with a shocking 23-0 score against them. Weather and muddy conditions were against them from the outset but the unforced errors and general performance was disproportionate, even to unfavourable conditions. The Basques, strong contenders under any conditions, capitalised on their advantage, scoring twice and kicking 3 penalties. After the break and a team talk with Coach Mark Hewitt, La Vila regrouped with more composure, managing to renter the game. Despite their vast disadvantage and the discouragement of an early drop goal for Gernika, the team scored twice in succession. Ryan le Roux and Paco Martínez crossed the line [minutes 52 and 59 consecutively] with Luke Cozens converting. Just as it seemed the momentum was swaying, Gernika sprung another try. The remaining ten minutes of play were spent in concentrated battle, the Basques looking for an offensive bonus, and La Vila to reduce the gap. The score did not change, however, and the final whistle

announced a 33-14 score to Gernika. Disappointed with their loss, La Vila has little time to lick its wounds before their next game, also away, against Santboiana on Sunday 16th January. Thereafter, the next game takes place at home against Seville on Sunday 30th January at 12:30.

Ifach Golf Club THE FINALS Day took place in December and despite poor weather, supporters and family members turned up to watch the action. The men’s Scotty Cup was won by Dave Finch; the Ladies’ Cup went to Yvonne Holtel. Rita Linder and Norman Bain conquered Roger and Sandy Coates in the Mixed KO and the Men’s Captain’s Salver was won by Geoffrey Rowe and Jon Bareham. The Ladies Captain’s Salver final was won by Ann Jones and Gail Brumham. Señor Gonzalo officially opened the men’s new 9th tee prior to the Hardman Trophy competition. This is part of a major makeover taking place within the club and course.

The course is being returned to its original design and the clubhouse is shut for January whilst a complete refurbishment takes place. The course remains open as usual. The Three Kings competitions was played in glorious sunshine and a prize presentation took place in the Micheta restaurant, which is providing a room for the use of golfing members while the clubhouse is unavailable. The winners were Jan Bareham, Brian Eastham, Helena King and Rick Bates. On 10th January the ladies held Ann Jones and Gail their AGM when Barbara Lane Brumham handed over to this year’s vocal, with the Rita Linder who will be assisted by Captain’s Hedda Kuhnzach. Salver


Fishing Maggots End by

David Hoare

968 199 279

THIS WEEK’S competition was the 3rd in the Gary Smith Challenge Cup. These team matches consist of 4 rounds contested by 2 teams of 6 anglers per team. The venue for this round was the Eden canal, but due to the colder weather of late, it did not fish very well and there were several blanks. TOP RODS ON THE DAY 1st Bill (The Master) Reade, fishing the pole using bread with 7.74 kg 2nd Dave (Yours Truly) Hoare, fishing the pole using corn with 5.26 kg 3rd Terry (Swing ‘Em) Screen, fishing the pole using bread and maggot with 4.08 kg TEAM MATCH SECTION RESULTS Section 1-6 Clive Cleghorn with 1.40 kg Section 7-12 Bill Reade with 7.74 kg POINTS DAVE’S TEAM Section 1-6: 11 Section 7-12: 11 Total: 22 Total to date: 70 ABBEY ANGLING Section 1-6: 4 Section 7-12: 9 Total: 13 Total to date: 39 ABBEY ANGLING RESULTS Supplied By TERRY SCREEN The last Match of the year was a friendly match to help get rid of the cob webs, and was fished at Nancy’s. The temperature was way down and the wood on the bridges was white with frost when we first arrived. The water was very cold and bites were at a premium. 1st Bill (the Master) Reade with 6.600kg 2nd John (Silverback) Marsh with 5.040kg 3rd Terry (Swing Em) Screen with 4.060kg All on swim feeder maggot and corn. The 9th round of the Winter League was fished on the 8ft Drain on 4th January,

with still a lot of water in the drain up to 9ft in places. Most anglers caught fish but they were hard to come by, the Master keeping up his recent winning form with another win 1st Bill (The Master) Reade with 7.160kg 2nd Terry (Swing Em) Screen with 6.360kg 3rd Mark (Ken’s Mate) Harrington with 3.520kg All fishing pole with maggot and corn. Remember 2011 Membership is now due, and all details available from the Match Secretary Terry Screen on 965 328 368. Anglers Together ANGLERS TOGETHER was formed to introduce and encourage anglers of all abilities to meet up and get together to fish, either sea or freshwater. Firm friendships have been formed during the time the group has been active and information on fishing venues and licenses required are available at the meetings or by regular emailed newsletters. Meetings are held in two locations on the second Friday and Saturday of each month. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting to see what we’re about. The next meeting at Mary’s Bar, Campoverde (near Pilar de la Horadada) will be held on Friday 14th January at 12.00. There is a NEW VENUE for the Puerto de Mazarron meeting starting in January 2011. On Saturday 15th January at 12.00, the meeting will be held at The New Royal Bar and Restaurant at El Alamillo, opposite the seafront between Isla Plana and the Port. Refreshments and lunch are available at each location: come along to a meeting nearest to you. For further details ring Alan Roscoe 968 570 876 or email: anglerstogether@ gonuts4free.com

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