RTN North Edition 589

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Your English Newspaper

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Issue 589

Wireless Internet without strings by Jack Troughton HOOK UP to RTN Network’s new fast wireless Internet and enjoy using the Internet at speeds that leave the competition standing. The service provides a perfect solution for people without a landline or suffering a telephone exchange that drags its feet when dealing with technology. RTN Network offers speeds of 2mb, 4mb and 6mb – the most popular - and the service is fully installed for only €69.95 - including a wireless router. There are no expensive add-ons and no extras. There are no ‘strings attached’ or small print. Anyone who is unhappy with their current wireless service provider can switch to RTN Network and enjoy a totally free installation. And satisfied clients moving into the fast lane with the wireless service will be rewarded with a full refund of the installation costs if they refer a friend within 30 days. ROBUST First fully tested in the hostile environment of the wilds of Scandinavia, the service is a fully licensed WiMax solution; robust and dependable. Not only does it work but engineers say: “It works really, really, well.” At present the RTN Network wireless service covers an area from Gandia in the north all the way down the coast to Mojacar in the south. It works better than other systems currently on offer because it uses a private frequency – this exclusive network means equipment is more powerful. The installation fee of €69.95 covers the

labour costs of two engineers, all equipment and a wireless router – each also has four ports to connect other devices so the whole house or business can be wirelessly networked. The optional line rental is €11.95 for a Spanish ‘96’ number, although existing Telefonica numbers can be ported and clients are also given an exclusive UK number – for example 0161 for Manchester, 0151 for Liverpool, 0121 for Birmingham and 0207 or 0208 for London – which allows the folk back home to stay in touch. Local calls in the UK are usually free if the caller has the Internet or at the cost of a local call. SIMPLE

The tariffs have been deliberately kept simple and understandable. The monthly cost of the Internet itself is governed by the speed of the service chosen by the customer: €24.95 for 2mb; €29.95 for 4bm and €34.95 for 6mb. However, there are no up front costs. Get RTN Network’s wireless service installed, get the Internet speed desired, and get online. Customers are simply billed monthly and the set up costs are included in the first bill paid by Direct Debit – there are no advance fees or 12 monthly payment plans. RTN Network brings a premier service without up front fees that tie in customers with an expensive contract offered by many competitors. However, should a customer cancel the service within 12 months there is a €50 charge because the installation costs are subsidised. There are no tricks with RTN Network; just wireless Internet at unbeatable value and gofaster speeds.


Your English Newspaper

Issue 589

Who´ll be your Sweetheart? Send loving words to your nearest and dearest this VALENTINE´S DAY north EDITION

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011


Escaping a house of horror

Pat Sutton at her front door

New Year Special Offer in Denia:

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See page 17

ANGRY HOUSEHOLDER Pat Sutton has been driven out of her terraced Costa Blanca home by a demolition nightmare as builders reform the neighbouring property. She has fled the townhouse in historic Finestrat and fears the unauthorised conversion has caused thousands of euros worth of structural damage. Pat, who has taken refuge in rented accommodation near La Marina, said blundering workmen actually knocked through into her property – leaving a hole in a downstairs room. And she told RTN she felt vulner-

by Jack Troughton

able and isolated by the unwelcome intrusion that had sent her stress levels soaring as walls and ceilings cracked. Pat, who is recovering from a heart attack and shares the home with her cat Molly, put up with weeks of noise before deciding to move out. “It was like living in a jelly,” she said. “Everything wobbled and vibrated and for weeks it was continual – there was no respect for the time of day or night or weekends. Continued on page 3


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Seychelles Tourist Office reopens in Spain By Jan Gamm Seychelles President Michel has confirmed the Seychelles Tourist Office is to reopen in Spain. Spanish tourists comprised 2% of Seychelles’ total tourism figures in 2010 but the Seychelles Tourist Office is committed to targeting and further expanding the Spanish market. Talks have taken place to liaise with airlines on better deals and easier access to facilitate Spanish interest in the Seychelles, confirmed by Alain St Ange, CEO of the Seychelles Tourist Board. The Seychelles Tourist Office was previously represented in Madrid but later streamlined its interests via the French Tourist Office in Paris.

Seychelles’ President Michel pictured with Spain’s King Juan Carlos

New deadline in vote drama

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Continued from front page LIMBO “I am absolutely horrified this state of affairs has been allowed to happen and at the moment my life is in limbo. “I just did not have any quality of life and I need to know how my home will be reinstated. Obviously I am worried by what damage may have been caused to the whole structure.” Pat has made a claim on her insurance policy but because the damage was caused by a third party, the matter is being pursued by the legal department of Liberty Seguros. The adjoining property is owned by an elderly neighbour and is being converted into two flats. Pat said an insurance assessor had issued official ‘denuncias’ as the only licence was for the reformation of the kitchen and there had been no building control regulations applied. “My neighbour has cause me so much stress – I have had to deal with people who would not believe what is happening, that he has been hacking into my walls,” she said. “These were unsupervised builders; not qualified builders - just big village lads with sledgehammers.”

THE DEADLINE for expats to declare an intention to vote has been set at the close of town hall business on Monday, 31st January. The second extension for joining the Censo Electoral has caused confusion amongst various town halls – some foreign residents were turned away after being told the extensions were exclusively for non-EU citizens. The Alicante government’s Ciudadanos Europeos has confirmed the ultimate chance to claim a vote to cast a ballot is open to all. However, after a much publicised campaign to integrate expats, RTN was told the final scenes had become more farce than drama.

Showroom opening times; Monday- Friday 10am-1pm

SLEEP She said she was frequently unable to sleep or was woken up by banging as the work continued into the early hours of the morning. And Pat alleged on one occasion she woke up scarcely able to breathe because of chemical fumes – and presumed some form of sealant was being used next door. “I was left with sore eyes, mouth ulcers and a nose bleed. Molly the Moggy needed treatment at the vet,” she said. A doctor’s report notes Pat had “symptoms of chemical poisoning.” And she has kept a diary of the ongoing situation, noting the details of her plight and when she has had to call the police. “They come round and the work was stopped but then it starts again. Bang, bang, bang! You wonder how much more there was to knock down,” added Pat. She hopes the insurance company will prompt a swift solution and force the town hall to act. “Unfortunately, the builders have no idea of the concept that they have caused damage and they have no idea of the damage they could have caused.”

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

FITUR participation criticised on many levels by Julie Day THE FITUR International Tourism Trade Fair was a popular news item in the media last week, with many of the participating town halls enthusing about their chance to showcase and promote their municipality to all those attending the event. In Torrevieja this week, however, it seems that some of the government’s opposing political parties are somewhat critical of a number of matters, including the cost, the real reason behind the city’s participation and whether promoting the city on the basis of its healthcare is a good enough reason to encourage people to live there. Spokesperson for the Izquierda Unida (United Left) party, José Manuel Martínez Andreu, has complained about the “excessive cost” of participating in the FITUR event, demanding to be told exactly how much the public have had to pay out of their pockets and whether the private companies who were promoted at the fair actually contributed any money at all. It has been reported that the cost of renting out a floor space measuring only 110m2 was €15,147 for the five days, whilst hiring a sound and projection system came to a staggering €70,774. A total of around €86,000 has been paid out to Ifema, organisers of the event, but when also considering the

FITUR floor space was expensive

costs of travel, accommodation and expenses, the end figure is actually several thousand euros more. Martínez goes on to accuse the government of only attending the event as a means to promote the image of Eduardo Dolón, the city’s current councillor for Culture and Fiestas, as the future candidate for the position of mayor of Torrevieja. Not only this, the secretary for Health from the Juventudes Social-

istas de Torrevieja (Socialist Youth Group of Torrevieja) party, David Zapatero, has criticised the way that the mayor has promoted the city through its health system, which he has branded as “populistic and hypocritical” due to the fact that the Valencian Community has been deemed the worst autonomous community for healthcare standards in a study by the FADSP.

Foreign vote could be decisive in forthcoming elections By Julie Day THE SPANISH government has signed an agreement with ten new countries that will allow their residents to vote in local elections in Spain. These countries include Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, New Zealand, Norway, Iceland, Ecuador, Chile, Columbia and Cape Verde. Added to those of the EU that already possess the right to take part in an election in this country, the foreign vote will gain considerable strength, especially in the Alicante province, and could actually be decisive in the forthcoming elections. In some municipalities the number of non-Spanish residents is so high their vote could change the governing political party. Alicante is the province with the highest number of foreigners eligible to

participate in elections, with a total of 303,114 – a quarter of the eligible voting population. By far the British have the most influence, with 119,366 residents of voting age. They are followed by the Germans (34,884), Rumanians (27,564), Ecuadorians (17,564) and the Columbians (14,715). However, it has been commented that in the 2007 elections only a third of foreigners actually filled out the paperwork necessary to cast their vote, a figure further reduced by the high incidence of non-participation on Election Day. According to the councillor for Solidarity, Rafael Blasco: “The Columbian, Bolivian and Ecuadorian communities are more organised than say the Rumanians, Germans and the British when it comes to voting.”

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Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Catholic mass criticism of abortion and same sex marriage A CHILLY open-air Catholic Mass was held in Madrid’s Colon Square last Sunday in celebration of traditional family values. In a service conducted by Archbishop Antonio Rouco Varela, Chairman of the Spanish Bishops Conference, and supported by the Partido Popular, thousands of worshippers heard the present socialist government criticised for its attitude to the traditional family structure, through its relaxation of abortion laws and its recognition of same sex marriages. The archbishop declared that the Chris-

tian family unit was “under attack in Spain” and accused the government of overlooking issues of euthanasia and abortion, deeming such problems were “…of far greater importance than the economy or other political issues in Spain”. He fortified his views by relaying a message from Pope Benedict XVI that, “…the Christian family must be a ‘refuge for loyalty, respect and understanding”. AttendAround 500,000 were expected at the ance service but attendance was estimated by lolower than cal police to be considerably lower, probably expected due to the extreme cold.

Unlucky lottery winner’s ticket home By Jack Troughton. RICHES TO rags lottery winner Lawrence Candlish has fled Benidorm after admitting he had “blown the lot” after scooping £5.5 million in 1997. The Geordie believed all his dreams would come true after winning the National Lottery but this week he was the talk of the Costa Blanca resort – and a host of blog sites – after he returned to the UK penniless.

The big-hearted 36-year-old used the cash to buy himself a double hip replacement and he opened a property portfolio to buy seven homes in the same Gateshead street for relatives so they could live close together. And Lawrence – once 61st on the Sunday Times rich list - later moved to Spain with his family and continued to enjoy the high life funded by the jackpot.

This week the Daily Mail reported he had returned to England and claimed the one time millionaire was so broke he had to borrow his taxi fare to the airport. The paper said the bank had seized Lawrence’s villa and his Irish-themed bar had closed down. And he signed off his life in the sun with a Facebook message to friends: I won the lottery 13 years ago and blew the lot so I have plenty of stories to tell.”


Court bans man from seeing wife after row

A COURT in Alicante has placed a six-month distancing order on a man who insulted his wife. The man threatened to hold back the housekeeping money from his wife when he arrived home and his dinner wasn’t waiting on the table. Reports say he shouted at her and called her a whore. The case first went to a lower court in Elche, where the man was found guilty, but he appealed and the case went to Alicante. The judge ruled that it was clear that the man intended to humiliate and dominate his wife.


Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

The challenge of integration by Jack Troughton COSTA BLANCA citizens should exercise their democratic rights and participate in running town halls and the community, it is claimed. In the fifth talk in the series “Forum for Change”, Javea resident George Thomas urged people to register on the Padron and vote in local elections. A member of the Xabia PSOE executive, George told the meeting: “Instead of criticising or complaining about what happens in the town hall, the foreign residents should exercise their democratic rights and participate more in the governing of Javea. “If only a few thousand of the 14,000 plus EU residents joined the political parties, not only would they integrate better into the local community but the political parties would have to pay more attention to our opinions and wishes to improve Javea.” He revealed that by 20th December 2010, only 1,042 British, 272 Germans and 154 Dutch residents were registered to vote. But George said in other communities expats had successfully played a part in making changes. FIGHT “Most of us have heard of or know the town of Parcent. When the ruling party, the, Partido Popular, decided to try and push through approval for 8,000 new houses, thus doubling

Catalan government save Spanair with €10 million credit

the population and potentially ruining the scenic beauty of the town, local foreign and Spanish residents united to fight this potential disaster,” he said. “By working together they eventually, by a small margin, took control of the local government and put a stop to the project, much to the anger and surprise of some politicians, land speculators and construction companies.” George said Polop was not as fortunate when in a similar situation the mayor opposed a similar development proposed by his party, the PP. “In 2008, the mayor was shot dead by hired gunmen as he left his house one morning.” He said many towns encouraged the integration of foreign residents, frequently resulting in expats being elected as councillors. “What has happened in Javea? Out of over 18,000 foreign residents we have one councillor of Belgium nationality.” And in other towns with high numbers of foreign residents, George said there were multi-lingual town hall websites and guidebooks to municipal services. NORWAY “In the case of Alfas del Pi, which has a population of over 2,000 Norwegians out of a total of 14,000, the Norwegian Prime Minister visited on Norway’s national day in 2010 and was welcomed by the Spanish Prime Minister,” said George. “Obviously for this to happen, the Norwegians have integrated very well into the local community. Could we see this happening in Javea?” He believed there were so many talented foreigners living

THE AIRLINE Spanair has been bailed out with a €10.5 million loan from the Catalan government. Francesc Homs said on behalf of the government, that the loan was “emergency credit” and it was necessary to save the airline from imminent collapse. The move has brought criticism from competing airlines, and also from Spanair’s president, Ferran Soriano, who said that the credit is part of a plan that has been in place since the summer.

George Thomas (left) with PSOE leader Jose Chulvi

in the community that would be happy to become involved if more opportunities arose. And as an example, he paid tribute to the tireless work of volunteers working in charity shops to support good causes. “I am sure the many IT specialists from the Javea computer Club and other associations if asked nicely would be willing to provide expertise and guidance in the implementation of the digitisation of town hall services and much needed improvements to the town hall website.”

Hotel bookings up in 2010 SURPRISING NEWS from hotels in the Costa Blanca: a 2.5 percent increase in the number of bookings in 2010 over 2009. Figures show that hotels received 3.4 million clients during the year, which equals 89,431 visitors more that the previous year. The extra tourists are coming from within Spain. A total of 2.2 million guests last year were Spaniards.

Comic relief over land grab by Jack Troughton VALENCIA’S CONTROVERSIAL and infamous ‘land grab’ legislation prompted author Keith Geddes to pen a novel about a “disgraceful” practice - including a healthy sprinkling of humour. Based on personal experience, the Benissa writer draws on personal experience and adapts the eccentricities of local characters to examine both the folly of the law and the outrage of victims. However, Land Grab is a light-hearted romp rather than a heavy legal work and an enjoyable read alwayslooking on the brighter side of life. It is a story of teacher Tom Thorne and his family moving to the Costa Blanca to take up a post at an international school and

New zones for walkers and cyclists THE FIRST phase of the ‘green corridor’ project has begun in Altea. The aim is to provide more access for cyclists and pedestrians in the town. The project is estimated to cost €1.34 million and will involve improving access to the sports centre and creating several other routes where traffic cannot pass. The Councillor for Transport and Infrastructure, Mario Flores said that the project would create a “space adapted to prioritise the transit of bikes and people over traffic”.

Hunter leaves dogs to die of starvation A HUNTER in Benidoleig has been arrested for letting at least two of his dogs starve to death. The animal protection group, PACMA, took their grievance to the courts in Dénia last week saying that back in 2007 and 2009, they filed complaints against the man as his animals were confined in small cages, covered in ticks and excrement and malnourished – however, the court archived the case. The environmental arm of the guardia civil, Seprona, eventually found the animals dead and arrested the man. The PACMA group, many of them expats, is suing the man for cruelty to animals under Section 337 of the Penal Code.

immediately becoming embroiled in the battle with a local developer and mayor. Readers of the book will recognise some of the locations and wisely note that such unlikely events could only happen in Spain. Keith told RTN he became involved in the pressure group AUN – campaigning for the rights of property owners and protecting the environment – after his home was threatened by a development that would take some of his land. PANIC “We did get into a bit of a panic about it and they would have charged quite a bit for the privilege as well,” he said. “I talked to the AUN and went on a couple of marches – including demonstrations in Parcent and Va-

lencia. “I think the whole thing is a disgrace and needs to be sorted out – and I feel quite strongly about it. I have friends in Benissa who had property taken and had to pay a lot of money.” He said Land Grab was a result of his mental machinations imagining “stupid ways” of getting round the law and “persuading” developers to hold off. “I thought I would write something in a light-hearted manner and include people I have come across and adapt them as characters in the novel. It is meant to be a bit of a jolly romp but include the serious side because I think the laws are very wrong.” Land Grab is available direct from Keith priced €9.95 by emailing dkgeddes@gmail. Keith com or calling 965 731969. Geddes

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011



Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Help for property victims by Jack Troughton HOME OWNERS have won new protection in sweeping reforms announced by the Spanish state to protect against rogue traders. Ambassador Giles Paxman has described the changes as “encouraging property news” that affected all expats whose dream moves to the sun had turned sour – especially in coastal housing hotspots. And he explained that while the Embassy could not get involved in individual cases it did constantly raise general issues with the national and regional Spanish governments. In his official blog the diplomat wrote: “There’s some good news recently for British people faced with property purchases in Spain that have back-fired, building projects that did not meet the requirements of Spanish law, or constructors who’ve simply gone bankrupt and left houses unfinished.” At the end of last month, he said Spain introduced legal reforms in its Criminal Code to increase penalties for town planning crimes and prevented those found guilty from profiting from breaking the law. PENALTY “They include punishing public officials who allow illegal properties to be built and stricter penalties for corruption. Courts can now order the perpetrator to pay the costs of restoring the land to its original state, without affecting the compensation owed to purchasers who bought in good faith.” Mr Paxman said a court ruling also shielded people buying property off plan and issued with a bank guarantee. The Cantabria judge said purchasers had the right to demand the bank refund the money paid in advance if the home was not completed as promised. “This may sound obvious but, surprisingly, many banks had found ways to avoid paying,” he said. And the diplomat said the regional government of Andalucia had announced it was preparing new regulations to deal with the large numbers of illegally built properties – including legalising them where possible and issuing minimum licences to allow homes to remain even when not included in a town plan. “We are working with the regional authorities to get more information on how these proposals will work and the timeframe involved.” PLANNING Further, Mr Paxman said a court in Almeria ruled that although a property built more than six years ago did not comply with town planning regulations, the owners had the right

HM Ambassador Giles Paxman

to basic utilities such as water and electricity. “It is not clear whether this ruling will set any kind of legal precedent for similar cases, but it may be seen as a glimmer of hope for those who are currently living in illegal properties without access to water and electricity,” he added. However, Mr Paxman said while all the changes should offer some comfort to the owners affected, his advice for anyone considering buying property in Spain was to seek independent legal and financial advice throughout the entire process and ensure they had the correct paperwork before signing contracts. “We try to give British nationals as much advice as we can about how to avoid problems when buying property and who to turn to if they find themselves in trouble,” concluded the ambassador. Information can be found in the property section of the website www.ukinspain.fco.gov.uk

Germany offers jobs to Spaniards UNEMPLOYED PROFESSIONALS in Spain could find work in Germany thanks to a new scheme launched by the chancellor Angela Merkel. Reports in the German press say that university educated Spaniards are being sought to fill the deficit of qualified workers in Germany. Germany is targeting Spain and Portugal because both countries have a high level of unemployed graduates and as all countries concerned are part of the EU, immigration will not be a problem. Germany wants between 500,000 and 800,000 professionals in the fields of engineering and telecommunications.


ETA suspects held

Fluvaccines issued

THE HEALTH Department issued 600,000 flu vaccines last week to help guard against the virus. Groups considered a higher risk such as the elderly and those suffering with long term ill health are prioritized for the vaccine and are encouraged to consult their local health centre for advice on how to apply for innoculation. Fear of the H1N1 strain of flu known as ‘Swine Flu’ has lessened considerably and patients that fall into low risk categories are now less likely to seek vaccination. The ordinary flu virus may attack the digestive system or the respiratory system but the H1N1 may attack both and the virus can survive up to 48 hours on surfaces. To combat against infection frequent hand washing is recommended along with a healthy eating and exercise regime. Symptoms include coughing; sore throat; fever; headache; aching muscles and might also include vomiting and diarrhea.

SPANISH POLICE this week apprehended ten people suspected of being linked to splinter groups of the Basque separatists ETA. One of the suspects was in the Basque region and nine in Navarre with computer equipment and software confiscated for further investigation. The suspects are thought to be members of Batasuna, ETA’s political wing, linked to activities connected with ETA protest support group

‘Ekin’. ETA’s ceasefire declaration of 10th January was received with some caution by Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero who demands an unconditional, definitive and permanent commitment from ETA to cease hostilities and all terrorist activities. ETA’s campaign for independent territory has claimed more than 800 lives since the sixties. The arrests were the first since

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011



Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

CAM restructuring costs redundancies by Jan Gamm THE CAJA de Ahorros del Mediterraneo (CAM) Bank has announced further restructuring likely to result in the loss of an estimated 1,000 jobs, despite significant profits declared at the end of 2010. CAM already reduced its network from 1,157 to 974 branches by Autumn 2010. A large percentage of the redundancies are expected to take the form of ‘early retirement’. CAM AND CONNELLS CAM’s partnership deal with UK-based Connells estate agency is marketing thousands of heavily discounted Spanish properties via its high street branches on the CAM-brokered ‘rent to buy’ scheme. Buyers are invited to rent low-priced Spanish homes

for sale with a minimum purchase reduction of the first two years’ rental deducted from the purchase price, with a further sweetener in the form of access to CAM 90% mortgages. The offer precludes ‘off-plan’ builds and is targeted at bank-owned and repossessed properties in Spain. The Connells website advertised prices “…starting at an incredible €25,000 up to €1,000,000 for nearly 3,000 properties ranging from city apartments to villas and holiday complexes” for new or ‘re-sale’ homes. A Connell’s representative assured RTN on Wednesday that a minimum €25,000 would indeed purchase a “…trybefore-you-buy home in the sun” complete with legal paperwork for a Spanish home presently under bank ownership, with properties available all along the Costas. Connell’s ‘Overseas’ Department also confirmed that sales were “brisk”.

Yet another fantastic result for Mar Azul International School WE WOULD like to congratulate the year 10 students at Mar Azul International School in San Miguel who have taken their Spanish IGCSE Examinations early. Continuing their ongoing success rate with outstanding grades being achieved across the board in exams, head teacher of Mar Azul School, Rachel Pestell, was extremely pleased to inform us that once again her students achieved an outstanding 100% pass rate with all students achieving grades A and A+. Rachel commented, “We are very

fortunate as our students and teachers work extremely hard to achieve the best possible grades, exceeding my expectations every time - I am very proud of all of them.” The Mar Azul’s College Students also achieved success across the board in Maths, English, Biology and ICT; again exam results exceeded all expectations. Well done to all of the students. Mar Azul School provides a high standard of education with enrolment throughout the year in both the college and school.

They continue their success year on year building their extensive portfolio offering children the very best that education can offer. They are a recognised Edexcel and AQA credited exam centre, the leading providers of internationally recognised qualifications, enabling the school to offer a wide range of IGCSEs, GCSEs, ‘A’ Levels and B-Tec courses. For further information please contact the school direct on 965 720 785 or visit marazulschool@hotmail.com

Over 180 branches closed

Zapatero admits youth unemployment a problem IN THE first Government control session of 2011, Prime Minister Zapaterorecognised that youth unemployment “is, and will be for some time, the main problem in our country” but stressed that “we will be able to overcome that problem in the future”. In response to a question from opposition leader Mariano Rajoy, the PM said that the figure for youth unemployment has reached an “extremely high” level and that “it will not be easy to bring it back down” because it is the result of a structural problem existing within the Spanish labour market since the transition to democracy. This problem, he added, “must be resolved once and for all” and explained that, to do so, the government has implemented the labour reform whose purpose is, “above all, to promote employment among young people” by modifying programmes, offering incentives and benefits that are directly aimed at youth employment and training.

XD’s new deal by Jack Troughton NEW POLITICAL party Xabia Democratica was launched on Saturday pledging to put the resort back on its feet after years of incompetent government. More than 400 people packed into Javea’s Parador Hotel to meet XD’s new international committee headed by lawyer Councillor Oscar Anton. He said the party was born of the sense of frustration at the town hall’s leadership of more than 30 years which had seen the resort stumble from one crisis to another – and its vital tourism based economy lose out to competitors Denia and Calpe. He promised XD would do its best to put Javea back on its feet and outlined the four pillars of the party based on citizen participation, honesty and transparency, accountability and integration. The politician said there was a growing disaffection across the municipality as people felt disappointed and betrayed – including expats, local Javienese, former members of established political parties, and businessmen. He said the way to change Javea was introduce a new party “Launch a party that is a fresh new concept, lead by young people and integrated with people of all ages that represent the different sectors of Javea’s civil society.” The event was a launch of the concept of XD and it is expected the new party will unveil its election manifesto in early April for the following month’s elections.

Oscar Anton

Jumbo airline takes off EXPANSION HUNGRY International Consolidated Airlines Group – Europe’s third largest airline – took off on Monday following the merger between British Airways and Iberia. Shares in IAG were traded for the first time on the London Stock Exchange and its Spanish counterparts in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia. Both carriers retain their existing brand for commercial purposes and the AngloSpanish holding group is registered in Madrid where its board of directors will meet – but the financial and operational headquarters are in London. And chief executive Willie Walsh and chairman Antonio Vazquez Romero were in the British capital to fly the respective flags of their countries as trading in IAG stocks began. The £5.7 billion merger was rubber stamped by investors last November after they were told it made “compelling, strategic, and financial logic” and would benefit staff, passengers and shareholders.

FLEET The group currently has a fleet of 406 aircraft and carries around 57 million passengers a year, flying to 250 destinations. Plans for IAG include expanding the oneworld alliance with American Airlines and bringing other carriers into the group – despite BA abandoning merger talks with Australia’s Qantas Airlines in 2009. And Mr Walsh confirmed IAG’s desire to grow and said there were around a dozen airlines already targeted on its shopping list. “British Airways and Iberia are the first two airlines in IAG but they won’t be the last,” he said. “Our goal is for more airlines but importantly the right airlines, to join the group.” However, it is turbulent times for the industry and market analysts maintain IAG’s growth is dependent on the strength of the economic recovery and its ability to cut costs while increasing routes and services. It also currently faces the threat of industrial action and higher fuel costs and taxes which could affect performance in the coming months.

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011



Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Farewell with Scottish flavour by Jack Troughton

Walking on the coast

MEMBERS OF the Javea International Baptist Church were able to toast two of their number along with a haggis at a special dinner. Chris and John Parsons are returning to the UK so the first Christian Fellowship Dinner of the year provided a perfect opportunity to say a fond farewell and thank them for their valued contribution to JIBC. And given the proximity to Burns’ Night last Saturday’s meal at the El Elefante Restaurant in Javea took on a true Scottish flavour with Cock a Leekie Soup, haggis with ‘neeps and tatties’, and a rich whisky marmalade bread and butter pudding. John helped organise the church’s bi-monthly Men’s Breakfast Meetings – the next is on 5th February at the restaurant at 10.15. Ladies Breakfast Meetings are held at the same time at Javea Golf Club.

And John also enjoyed stepping out with the Mountain Walking Group which sets off most Tuesdays to walk local mountains and surrounding countryside – a typical outing is around 10km raking about five hours with rest breaks. In summer months they often set off in the evenings. For more information about the breakfast meetings call Adrian Sant (men) on 965 794 624, or Annie Hawker (ladies) on 965 732 771. And people interested in joining the social walking group can call Adrian on 965 794 624, or James Ward on 966 482 060. Sunday Services are taken by JIBC’s pastor Rev. John Hansford from 11.00 at the Grand Café, Toscamar. A lively church, it holds many weekly activities and has an international congregation of many denominations. To find out more visit www.javeabaptist.com or contact Peter Ball on 965 795847.

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Step up to the tee by Jack Troughton AN EXCELLENT and challenging day’s sport is on offer at the third annual RTN Golf Championship, this year being staged at El Plantio. Entries are already streaming in for the popular contest being staged at the Elche course on Monday 14th March, generously sponsored by foreign exchange specialist Moneycorp. The much anticipated tournament is a chance to win some stunning prizes – and for one pair the opportunity to lift the RTN Trophy. And it is also very much a social event to be enjoyed by golfers of all abilities – friends, business colleagues, and husband and wife teams getting out on the fairway on the big day. Once again it is a Pairs Better Ball Stapleford and run under Spain’s RFEG rules. The first tee time is 09.00 and it is anticipated pairs will set off at eight minute intervals from a two tee start. Players can request a start time for the day and any preference should be submitted with their entry.

PRIZE The RTN Golf Championship winners will each receive a full set of irons and there will be prizes for the first five pairs on the leader board. Prizes will also be on offer in four separate ‘nearest pin’ holes, and there will also be a prize for the longest drive by a man and a woman from the 12th tee. Top golf professional and RTN’s own golf guru Noel Eastwell said El Plantio was making its debut for the tournament and was selected both for its central location and the quality of golf on offer. “The course offers some of the best sport on the Costa Blanca and it features some of the fastest greens and fastest running fairways in the region. The variety of long and short holes is also an excellent test for players’ skills,” he said. “Everyone will appreciate this challenging course. It asks a lot of questions and people rally need to think about how they play their round. The course is both interesting and fair.” Noel added: “There is absolutely no excuse not to enter and have a go. It is all about getting out on the course and enjoying the day.” And he said golfers would enjoy playing at one of the friendliest clubs in the area with its professional staff ready to help visitors. HOST He said an added bonus was the course would be in tip top condition after hosting a professional competition the week prior to RTN’s tournament. And Geoff Gartland, managing director of RTN, said the paper was committed to running an annual competition and backing golf on the coast. We are proud to support golf in the region and keep the paper at the heart of the sport. The RTN Golf Club has been a huge success and the RTN Golf Championship is something extra for players to enjoy,” he said. To enter simply email names, handicaps, and Federation licence numbers to golf@roundtownnews.com. There is a €50 entry fee including a buggy, together with beer and tapas after the close of play. Noel is also standing by to help RTN Golf Club members find a partner if necessary and can arrange a handicap assessment prior to the competition for golfers needing a ranking.

Join in the fun



Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

To all Nationwide members I WROTE to the Chief Executive at the head office of Nationwide about the charges for withdrawals from cash machines here in Spain. I explained that as a pensioner who lives in Spain and has to make withdrawals a couple of times a month, the charges are an extra expense I cannot afford. I received a sympathetic telephone call from Nationwide informing me that others have also written to them and if they receive more letters concerning this, they will review the situation. So if more people write in, they may review their decision about these charges. MF


talk tous

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Terrible reputation I WOULD like to bring to the attention of your readers the subject of estate agents. I, like many, dislike them very much. They were the cause of the problems that the general public in Spain had in the past and I honestly believe they were the cause at least in part of the problems leading to the general recession in Spain, through excessive building, greed and the sale of houses at highly inflated prices, even if it meant dishonesty. The result is that some have a terrible reputation in this part of Spain, tarring other estate agents with the same brush. The greed and selfish attitude of these estate agents are still amongst us - I see it in the papers and their shop windows with

adverts saying that for €10,000 they will sell your house ‘cheap’, preying on vulnerable people that may have a mortgage or be skint and eager to sell because they have no choice. They make big losses selling through these people and the estate agents make a lot of money by reducing the price of properties by over fifty percent and selling at a huge commission. They don’t ask for two or three per cent that isn’t enough for them, it has to be a flat ten thousand on a property worth one hundred thousand - it’s obscene. Sellers beware… Disgruntled reader.

Where have all Thanks for Won the battle the non- the donations smokers gone? CAN ANYONE tell me where are all the non-smokers who wanted to enjoy their coffee and meals in a smoke free environment are? Every bar and restaurant I have passed is almost empty, the waiters are standing around with nothing to do and are probably wondering how long they will have a job. The owners are not pleased either as they can see their livelihoods going down the drain. This extends to the deliverymen that distribute the food to these establishments. No customers - no need for the food, and so on. Will these non smokers be as smug and self righteous when their favourite watering hole closes through lack of customers? I think not - nor will all those who will lose their jobs or businesses. Rita

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Further to your article about my charity dolls, would you kindly give a mention to my neighbour Rosalind and a lady called Win Felse who have donated wools. Also to DOMTI at San Miguel de Salinas who sell my dolls for me. Many thanks, Jo Beeforth

PITY US poor smokers - not only have the non smokers won the battle to ban the fag in bars and cafes, they are also rubbing salt into the wounds by occupying all the extra seating provide outside by the considerate bar owners! In my local, the only available seats are inside, so what do we do? Having won the war perhaps the non smokers could stay inside in the fresh clean atmosphere and leave the outside to us! Brian Calder

Total incompetence in La Cala EX PATS IN La Cala Finestrat finally seem to be waking up to the fact that the governance of their area leaves much to be desired. There is financial incompetence; crazy planning decisions; the lack of services such as adequate street lighting and signage; total failure to deal with dog mess on our streets; many Spanish and ex-pat businesses in La Cala impeded rather than assisted by the council; and the total failure to integrate Spanish

and ex-pats plus the abject failure to put La Cala Playa on the map. How many people are aware that there is only one sign for the beach and that this is down a side road pointing down an alleyway that leads people to a road that floods when it rains? It takes tourists away from the many businesses in Avenida Marina Baixa. I have organised a meeting between the ex-pats and PSOE councillors of Finestrat and Villayosa so that the

councilors can be made aware of what people want them to do when they win control of their respective town halls. This meeting is arranged for 17.30 on 28th January 2011 in Bay View. My first councillors’ advice surgery in Hannibal’s (every Tuesday between 17.00 and 18.00) has given me many excellent suggestions for improving the La Cala Finestrat area which I have passed on to the PSOE councillors. Jack Johnson

What difference does 21 days make? WITH REFERENCE to the letter from Mrs Bridget Stuart regarding the winter fuel payment, I would also like to know the answer to this. My husband and I moved to Spain in August 2006 having become pensioners in January 2006. I was also refused the winter fuel payment. When I queried this, I was advised that if we had stayed in Britain until September 2006, I would have been

eligible! What difference does 21 days make? Does honesty pay, by telling the truth on departure date? When you pay taxes all your life, surely you should receive the benefits when you retire? Life in Spain is still dearer in the winter, with the cost of fuel whether it is gas, electric or wood burning! KH

Got a story? 902 118 999


Looking suspicious MY HUSBAND and I had finished our shopping at Lidl in San Fulgencio and we noticed three Spanish looking women with a trolley hovering outside, looking suspicious. We collected the car and I looked over to the trolley park and they had surrounded a lady and one of them was putting her hand in the open bag of the lady who was getting her trolley. I opened the car door and shouted at her, my husband got out of the car and shouted at them as well, but the women were very nonplussed, told him he was ‘baracho’ (drunk) and just laughed. The Spanish lady who was being robbed had no idea what was going on but I caught up with her before she entered the shop and spoke to her in Spanish and told her what had happened. We drove off and went to Benijofar to do some more shopping and lo and behold! The three women were there, obviously intent on mischief somewhere else. So beware of three Spanish ladies: the older one has dyed blond curly hair, the other two are younger and dark, and they are driving a white Peugeot car, registration number A2177BH. We went to the police in Benijofar but they weren’t interested as a crime hadn’t been committed! Eileen Rose

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Costa Blanca remembers genocide victims by Jack Troughton


CEREMONIES ACROSS the globe yesterday (Thursday) marked Holocaust Memorial Day and the murder of six million Jewish victims by Hitler’s Nazi regime and later genocides. Each year, 27th January is a time to honour the dead and marks the 1945 liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp by Soviet soldiers. They discovered several thousand emaciated survivors of the brutal conditions and the smouldering remains of the gas chambers and crematoria after a failed attempt to destroy the evidence of the crime against humanity. It was the largest of the Nazi killing camps – approximately 1.1 million men, women and children were murdered there – and it has become the symbol of the horror of genocide. And on the Costa Blanca, members of the Benidorm Synagogue returned to Altea where a Service of Remembrance was held with the town’s mayor and other dignitaries. It was also an opportunity to stage a rededication of a memorial tree and its plaque planted 12 months ago to honour the dead of the Holocaust.

Brian Imber, President of the Comunidad Israelita de Alicante, explained the anniversary of the liberation of the camp had become a time for reflection on “where we are now” He said: “We remember the victims of Nazi persecution and murder, and those killed in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. “Our responsibility is to remember those who have been persecuted and murdered. Our challenge is to make the hopes of victims and survivors of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides part of our future.” Holocaust Memorial Day was declared a United National international event and was recognised in the UK in 2001 – a year after representatives of 44 world governments met to discuss education, remembrance and research. Prime Minister of the day Tony Blair had earlier declared in the House of Commons: “I am determined that the horrendous crimes against humanity committed during the Holocaust are never forgotten.”

Three arrested for ‘drink driving’

By Julie Day LOCAL POLICE were kept busy in Orihuela Costa between 16th and 17th January and arrested three people for ‘drink driving’. Each of the detainees was well over the limit with more than 60mg/l of alcohol in their bloodstream.

The first detainee, a 58-year-old British woman, resident of Orihuela Costa, was arrested after she crashed into two cars in the Las Filipinas area, causing costly damage to the two vehicles as well as her own. The second, a 42-year-old Spaniard, was arrested after failing a routine

breathalyser check at a control point in Aguamarina. The third person to be arrested on the 17th was a 55-year-old man of Finnish nationality, who also crashed his car, causing damage to the vehicle and to nearby urban furniture.




Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011



Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Two very different styles at Anneke Residence

Annemarie’s oil paintings are vivid and bright

LAST THURSDAY in Alfaz del Pi at Anneke Residence, two artists opened the exhibition of their paintings, and the two styles could not have been more different! Anneke Residence is a small Care Home situated about 7km from Benidorm. The home has 48 rooms for single use and outside the rooms there are intimate spots amongst different corners in which to sit on patios, terraces and in the gardens. The cuisine and the restaurant play an important role at Anneke; the meals are varied, tasty, presented beautifully and accompanied by a glass of good wine if you want one. Regularly changing the artwork hanging

on the walls of the Care Home is a part of Anneke Residence’s aim of creating an interesting and constantly evolving place to live for the residents. It is part of the Care Home’s ethos of being a protected, secure, stimulating environment with a team of doctors, nurses, carers and service staff always on hand. There are also activity instructors, physiotherapists, a psychiatrist, a dentist and a speech therapist linked to the Care Home. The first artist that RTN spoke with is Annemarie Boesveld, exhibiting paintings in oil and aquarelle. Annemarie finds painting very spiritual and when she starts a piece “I don’t know where it is going to take me; the colours and the design just flow.” Annemarie has exhibited in Eindhoven in Holland, is a member of the Asociación de Artistas de Altea. Her paintings are incredibly bright and vivid and just right to hang in the entrance halls of the Lisette Care Home. De Leeuw The second artist is Catharina van Raad- introducing painters Rennings who is also Dutch, and went to the Academy of Arts in Rotterdam. Her favourite Catharina (on the theme is painting children’s portraits and she left) and goes to enormous lengths to gain and rep- Annemarie resent the child’s character and personality. to the audience She has had exhibitions in Holland, Germany, RTN readers are invited to view this France and Spain and she also is a member beautiful exhibition in Anneke Resiof the Asociación de Artistas de Altea. What immediately strikes you about Catharina’s dence free of charge each day from 10.00 painting style is the incredible clarity that to 18.00. If you are thinking of entering she manages to obtain. Her paintings could a Care Home, or have a relative or friend be mistaken for photographs, they are that needing to do so soon, the Anneke Residetailed. She tells RTN “With a portrait I paint dence is highly recommended for its Many the bones, the structure and muscles under- care, surroundings and ambience. It ofpeople refers a warm and friendly atmosphere neath the skin first, and then I know precisely marked that where to place the eyes, nose and so on. I use a and the care centres entirely upon the Catharina’s drawings really structured approach to try to catch eve- wellbeing of the elderly. have the For more information call Anneke’s rything possible about a character”. Catharina detail of Reception on 966 814 034 or see the is displaying pieces done in oil, pencil, pastels, photowebsite www.anneke.es aquarelle and ink. graphs

Pinafore sends SOS Penzance to Pinafore

THE CREW of the good ship HMS Pinafore desperately need to be thrown a lifebelt after losing key a key cast member for the spring production of the comic opera. The Calpe Gilbert and Sullivan Society has made the urgent appeal for people to help ‘save our show’ after tenor Philip Ashley had to pull out with a strained larynx. The production is scheduled for

performances on 31st March and 1st April so the society is looking for an experienced singer – preferably familiar with HMS Pinafore – to avoid disaster. The part is a key role in the show – the Captain’s daughter falls in love with humble sailor Ralph despite her father’s wish she marry the First Lord of the Admiralty – and is a satire on the Victorian class system and the strict

Man dies in motorbike accident A 46-YEAR-OLD man died last Tuesday night in a motorbike accident in Orba. Reports from Valencia’s Traffic Management press centre said that the man lost control of his bike and veered off the road. The reason why is unclear. The accident took place on the CV715 road between Valencia and Orba at KM20.1.

rules of the Senior Service. The society rehearses at the New Med Dance Studios near Calpe’s Hotel Esmerelda on Wednesday evenings at 19.00 and is hoping to build on the success of the last full production of Pirates of Penzance. Anyone volunteering to join the crew on deck as Able Seaman Ralph can call Aileen Lightfoot on 696 514 613 or Carole Saunders on 639 637 520.

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011



Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

By One Get One Free... I don’t know if you saw it but there was a great story in the Scottish Sun a few days ago about a rogue ATM in Dundee that began discharging excessive amounts of dosh. The Mc-Murdoch red top reported: “Scores of people mobbed a cashpoint after it began dishing out FREE money.” Adding, “Cops raced to disperse around 60 people who flocked to the ATM when the machine started By paying out double.” Can you just imagWatts ine the rugby-scrum to get into that particular line? One eye-witness told the BBC: “It was spitting out money. People were queuing up outside, while others were going around with smiles on their faces.” I’ll bet. It’s amazing how news of such an ‘event’ quickly gets around. A message entitled, “Bank Giving |Oot Double Money” was posted on the Dundee United Mad Board, stating “It’s chaos... cars all over place and about hundred waiting in queue.” But, of course, it couldn’t last and pretty soon the police were alerted by staff at nearby Scotmid supermarket. A Scotmid spokesman said: “Our staff noticed large queues were forming and became concerned. They could not get close enough to the machine to check out what was going on so they called the police.” Or could it just be a case of sour grapes because they couldn’t get to the ATM themselves? That particular ‘hole in the wall’ is operated by Bank Machine Ltd, and quicker than Batman leaving the Batcave their staff put the maverick machine out of commission. It was taken away from the shop for repairs shortly afterwards. The com-

Watts In Britain Paul

pany told Scottish Televison it would not force people to hand back the overpayments but instead will trust them to look to their “conscience”. I obviously wouldn’t condone that which is clearly a ‘stealing by finding’ crime but I do smile when banks start talking grandly about “conscience” especially in the light of all the massive bonuses paid to greedy executives. If you foster a culture of avarice within your executives can you really expect any difference from the rank and file? I mean, look at how much the taxpayer has forked out on RBS bonuses. Any-old-way, a spokeswoman for Bank Machine Ltd said: “We are not going to pursue people. It is up to them whether they return the money or not. If they wish to return the money, the helpline number to contact is on the ATM.” Hmm… How about a helpline for fat-cat bankers and their consciences? Mind you, I do have to take my hat off to Ron Delnevo, the CEO of Bank Machine Ltd, for his phlegmatic approach. “If the people using the ATM see it as a bit of fun, so be it,” Ron said. What do you think, folks? What would you have done, kept the cash or handed it back? Digital Journal notes that in 2008 an ATM in the USA acted similarly, paying out $20 bills instead of $10 notes. It reports, “This took place at a machine on a university campus and people lined up throughout the night to withdraw funds. One student said she and her boyfriend were notified about the malfunction around 1am and then waited in line for about 40 minutes to use the machine.”

Watts in Wylde Green, checking out the ATM

Here is a different perspective from Rachael who lives in Dundee. She emailed local rag, The Courier, saying: “To all those who took the money, you should be ashamed. It is theft and you had no entitlement to the extra cash. The same thing happened to me once and I went straight into the bank and handed the money over. I had a clear conscience as a result.” She has a point and I guess she sleeps well at night. So, into which camp would you fall, the students on the American campus or Rach-

ael from Dundee? Is it a windfall gift or is it a crime? Let me know at p.watts@ roundtownnews.com Okay, let’s end by paraphrasing Hughie Green’s theme from his famous 60s series (I’ve got Chic Gammage standing by on the congas). Double your money, Today in Dundee, Double your money, It’s one big yippee, Double your money, It’s your lucky day, Double your money, And take it away... (cha cha cha!) Watts in Wylde Green, checking out the ATMs

The Drainbusters… don’t miss this! HAVE YOU heard of The Drainbusters? Seen their eye catching toilet humor vans? Well let us tell you they’re a company based in the heart of the Costa Blanca, offering a complete Drain & Locksmith emergency call out service amongst many other services. The unusual thing is, not only do they offer a complete 24 hour call out service to handle

anything from a blocked drain, DIY accident or even being locked out of your premises, but they also offer these services at incredibly low prices! You don’t have to take our word for it, you can find out for yourself; their prices are shown on their website and they are also happy to give you any information required

The eye catching toilet humour van

over the phone! We love finding companies this transparent!! What we especially like about this company is the fact that there is nothing hidden from the customer: they don’t charge a call out fee and they guarantee to have one of their technicians on your doorstep within 2 hours! They show you exactly what the problem is with no obligation to have any work carried out. We think this company is worth a mention as this industry has quite a reputation for being pricey and taking advantage of customers when they are most vulnerable. Fear no more as that’s not the case with the Drainbusters! Having your drains unblocked or a burst pipe fixed is something that can´t wait, therefore all companies offering to fix these problems charge excessively high rates and you never know what the bill is going to be until they’re done, leaving you no option but to pay. Well not anymore! All of us on the Costa Blanca have something to celebrate! The Drainbusters have been born! Drainbusters offer very low prices together with top quality service and no call out fees at all. They’ll travel to you wherever you are on the entire Costa Blanca and inland for FREE, without any obligation to have any services rendered. Incredible isn’t it? Well it´s true! They are happy to give quotes for

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011


most things on the phone, and if they can´t, then they´ll come to you, assess the job and give you a quote with no ties at all. Their main services are 24 Hr Drain Clearance & Locksmiths but they also offer non emergency services such as water heater replacement, root removal from drains, drain repairs, drain maintenance packages for businesses and communities, CCTV drain inspections and surveys, industrial power cleaning, ideal for patios, builders cleans etc, graffiti removal, change of locks and much more. The Drainbusters are a completely legal, taxpaying company in Spain, so all customers receive a complete guarantee for any services performed. The Drainbusters promise to beat any other quote as their motto is “We will not be beaten on service or price! And we keep our promises!” Their price structure is fixed, meaning all jobs will cost the same whether called for at 14.00 or 04.00! Visit their website at www.thedrainbusters.com for more details on all the services provided, and feel free to email their enquiry team to resolve any queries you may have at: thedrainbusters@hotmail.com. Or call 966 115 903/627 724 744. Hope this info helps you all out when you are next in your hour of need!


Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Never a better time to save money and save the planet! WITH A focus on reducing global emissions the Comunidad Valenciana recently introduced incentives with a total value of €600,000 to encourage residents to change their old inefficient boilers to the latest energy saving, high efficiency boilers. With grants available of up to €500 per home, NOW is definitely the time to replace your boiler. Although the ‘Plan Renove Caldera’ is programmed to close on 29th April 2011 this is only if the grant money lasts! The installation of a high efficiency boiler retailing at €1,744 + IVA can cost as little as €1,450 inclusive of IVA and installation once the government grant and current ‘100% Plumbing’ promotions are discounted.

The boiler in the photo is an Ariston, and is the one that 100% Plumbing will install at the price mentioned above. They can also install Junkers, Vaillant, Saunier Duval, Ferroli, etc. In fact, practically every boiler manufacturer is represented in the list of high efficiency boilers recognised by AVEN (Agencia Valenciana de la Energia) and included within the ‘Plan Renove Caldera’ cash-back scheme. They are all top of the range units. You do need a ‘Residencia’ or a ‘Certificate of Residence’ to qualify. Contact 100% Plumbing for more information on 965 835 939 but don’t delay…once the grant money is gone - it’s gone.

An Ariston boiler

Alzheimer sufferer Spanish actor beats Clooney on best-dressed list killed on A7 motorway AN 80-YEAR-OLD man suffering from Alzheimer’s disease was run over and killed on Sunday 23rdJanuary on the A7 motorway in the Vega Baja area. Initially, the man’s body could not be identified, but it later materialised that the man’s family had been searching for him all day once they realised he was missing. According to eyewitness reports in the Spanish press, the man was seen wandering along the carriageway at KM 733.7 when a car passed and caused him to become disoriented. He then attempted to cross the road. Police believe he was hit by at least two cars. The Guardia Civil has opened an investigation.

GQ MAGAZINE has voted tasty Spanish actor Javier Bardem to top the best dressed list in 2011. Bardem’s style is tipped to outshine favourites old and new such as the all-time housewives’ choice George Clooney, pushed into ninth place, and teen heart-crusher Zac Efron. 41-year-old Bardem appeared in his first movie at the age of six and went on to feature in several Spanish television series before being propelled into stardom with his portrayal of a sexy stud in ‘Jamon, Jamon’ (Ham, Ham) in 1992. He went on to receive five Best Actor awards and a Best Actor nomination for his role as Reynaldo Arenas, the persecuted Cuban writer and AIDS victim in the film ‘Antes que Anochezca’. Bardem is married to beautiful Spanish actress Penelope Cruz and the birth announcement of their first child is expected any day. David Beckham hangs onto 16th place for best dressed while British Prime Minister David Cameron placed at 20, faring considerably better than Gordon Brown who was named by GQ in January 2010 as the Worst Dressed Man – unsurprisingly! Stop press

Javier Sources have confirmed that Penelope Cruz has given birth to her first child, Bardem a son, at the exclusive Los Angeles Cedars Sinai clinic. Fiercely protective of and Penelope their privacy, Ms Cruz (36) and husband Javier Bardem (41) are yet to announce the baby’s name. Cruz

- Feb 032010 2011 15Jan - 21 28 october

Benito back to health after successful operation


by Julie Day MANY RTN readers will find it hard to forget the warming yet sad story of Benito, the APAH rescue dog, blind in both eyes, who was left to die because he was no longer able to herd sheep. After being rescued by APAH, he was taken into foster care and nursed back to health, although he remained blind. He was eventually found a new home with a loving and caring new owner whom he accompanied everywhere. Soon after, however, his owner contacted APAH for help, as Benito was in a lot of pain. After visiting a specialist, the conclusion was that Benito needed an operation to remove both eyes. The operation was, unfortunately, extremely expensive and therefore an appeal was launched to help raise funds to carry out the complicated procedure. Part of the operation has since been completed and APAH would like to update RTN readers, in particular those that donated money for Benito’s welfare and future. APAH spokesperson, Margaret McCabe said: “Benito has had one operation to remove the eye that was causing him the most pain and problems. He is recovering well. Once that

Benito after his first eye op

has settled down and he is back to his usual self, the specialist will assess the other eye, with a view to removing that as well.” “Helen (his owner) tells me he was very traumatised by the operation, very disorientated for a little while and extremely stressed, but his family are very loving and caring and he is now getting back to his usual self,” says Margaret. Margaret would like to thank everyone on behalf of APAH, his owners, and of course Benito himself for their wonderful response, which has enabled a very special dog to live a happier, pain-free life for hopefully many years to come.

Bargain €2,000 building plots A VILLAGE 55km from Cuenca has 150m2 building plots for sale priced at €2,000. The mayor, José Luis Regacho, is selling the land in Olmeda de la Cuesta cheaply in an effort to attract new inhabitants to the shrinking village. There are only 32 residents, all of whom are retired apart from the mayor, and no births have been registered in the village for 40 years. The village is 160km from Madrid and has few work opportunities other than farming. Hopes are to attract people who will build holiday homes and attract new life to the area. So far the plan has attracted substantial interest.

Illegal firearm workshop

A 60-YEAR-OLD Spanish man has been arrested for manufacturing illegal firearms in his workshop in Orihuela. The workshop has been in operation for 20 years under the pretence of producing wrought iron items. Police found 39 pistols, five muzzleloader pistols, five revolvers, two submachine guns, a shotgun and mortar, ammunition and night goggles. The man was a specialist in the manufacture of firearms and was selling ‘pen pistols’ on the black market for €250 each – the pistols fire a single shot, but can be quickly reloaded. Gun silencers and other small arms were also made in the workshop. Two other people have also been arrested in connection with the undercover shop.

Got a story? 902 118 999


“We are mo

re t h an j u

st a v oice on the phone”

business Teaching our kids to be entrepreneurs


Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011


Karla Darocas

Information Technology & Communications

THIS IS a topic I feel strongly about and I think that every parent really needs to address this issue for the future of their children. We are no longer living in the age of iron where machines and factories can create a steady source of jobs. We now live in the age of silicon where machines are networked and creating your own work is a large part of modern economics. The reality is that democracy relies on small business to keep its engine running! Sadly, a large part of the educational system is still geared towards teaching children to be followers and aim at a career, becoming a spoke in a wheel. The reality is that educational institutions of all ages need to be focused on teaching children to be creative leaders; to think freely and make dedicated choices and take risks. I was lucky and grew up on a farm in rural Ontario, Canada. I didn’t realise how lucky I was to be a farmer’s daughter until I got older and found that I was taught to be a creative and enterprising thinker. On the farm, no one hands you money, you have to work for it in your own enterprise and a farm is the ultimate entrepreneurial business. Thanks to my parents being entrepreneurs, it was only natural that I became an entrepreneur too. I lived for a short time in California back in 2000 and it was there that I got involved with the Young Entrepreneurs of America association. This group was started in 1987 and grew very quickly, establishing chapters in 38 countries. Here are some tips that I learned about teaching entrepreneurship to kids… START AN ENTERPRISE WITH YOUR CHILD I had a fresh vegetables and egg stand at the bottom

of the driveway when I was a kid. Start a lemonade stand during the summer in your neighbourhood with your child: the profit ratio should be large given the amount of lemons in this country. Besides lemonade, there is dog walking, babysitting, weed pulling, just to name a few. Whatever business you start with your child, they will learn how to create a product or service, how to pitch, advertise, negotiate, take risks, make refunds if necessary – but most importantly, they will learn the value of controlling their own destiny. SET AN EXAMPLE FOR YOUR CHILD You can take your child to rastros and craft and trade shows and introduce them to artists and entrepreneurs. Support small businesses in your community and let your kids know that you do. Best of all, have a small business and show them first hand how to be an entrepreneur. TEACH YOUR KIDS… …that whatever product or service they offer, their creative enterprise matters and needs to be rewarded with money. Too often hard work goes unrewarded because many have been taught to not speak up to get their financial reward. Teach your kids to be tough but tactful when requesting payment. TEACH YOUR KIDS THE IMPORTANCE OF MAINTAINING A FINANCIAL BUDGET Just one look at the amount of teen credit card debit is a prime example that kids do not understand their fiscal responsibilities. You can start young with financial rewards for cleaning their rooms, but then create a budget with them to help them spend their rewards responsibly.

Never too young to start!

TEACH YOUR KIDS TO REINVEST IN THEIR ENTERPRISES The bottom line is – if you have no products, you are out of business. 1. Teach your kids to conserve their cash flow for when business is slow. For example, when running a lemonade stand that makes money on a sunny hot day, but business is sure to slow down on a rainy day. 2. Teach your children to be respectful of their clients and to provide good customer service. Understanding that being an entrepreneur means giving your “word” is “cool” and that if you break your bond – bad things happen, like you lose money, clients and reputation, will go a long way in the world at large. 3. Also, they must learn to take rejection well and not to be disappointed if business is not good. These fundamental learning curves – learned at an early age, will help your children to take challenges in all areas of their life. PS – I will be starting my WEEKLY BIZ WORKSHOPS again this year – Visit the site to see what is on the agenda at www.KarlaDarocas.com

Karla Darocas * Business Communications Software Training & Computer Repairs *Helping You to Help Yourself 965 973 234

Teachers without pay since last July THE EDUCATIONAL organisation UNED has not been able to pay its teachers in Dénia since last July. A university board meeting was called last week and the decision taken to try and save the 27 jobs at stake. Ana Kringe, Dénia’s mayor confirmed that a payment of €40,000 would be paid to UNED by the end of the week, which would complete the grant given to the organisation. UNED’s president, José Joaquin Ripoll also said that 50 percent of the outstanding payments would be made in the next few days and the rest by May.

Valencia fights to stop search for oil and gas in Med shores THE CENTRAL government has given permission for two companies to prospect for gas and oil in the sea off the Valencian coast. The Valencian regional government is fighting the ruling, which it says will destroy the tourism industry and lead to thousands of job losses. The Spanish press reports that the area affected will span 396,000 hectares in the Gulf of Valencia, including areas known as Alta Mar 1, Alta Mar 2, Albufera, Benifaió and Gandia.


Debt collection by

Marc White & Carlos Baos English & Spanish Solicitors

IN TIMES of financial crisis such as now we find that consultations about legal proceedings for debt recovery /collection at professional offices and Law firms are becoming more and more frequent. This week we would like to provide some concepts and a basic explanation about the different legal procedures for debt recovery in Spain. It is undoubtedly recommended, in the first place, to try to recover the debt in a friendly manner and out of the Court when possible. Unfortunately, in those cases when the above is not possible and thus we are forced to start a legal proceeding, it is very important to determine first the solvency and the real possibilities of receiving the payment in the event of a favourable Court Order. Conducting a research on the debtor / future defendant’s assets is highly recommended. The searches are regularly carried out in public registries such as Land Registry, Moveable Assets Registry, Company House, etc, to determine if any property, asset or right can eventually be charged and sold at a

public auction to pay for debts. When the debtor has no assets it could be advisable not to take any court action even though we might sometimes have a very good chance of obtaining a favourable Court decision. If the decision made is to start a legal proceeding then there are, as per Spanish Law, different ways to proceed according to type, amount, and nature of the debt. SPECIAL PROCEDURES Thus Spanish Law foresees some court proceedings which are faster and convenient for the creditor claiming, when the debt is recognised or documented in some kind of legal instruments or agreements: Enforcement or Execution Procedure (procedimiento ejecutivo): It is possible to directly start this process against the debtor and his assets when our credit is duly documented in public deeds, commercial policy contracts formally signed, etc. This proceeding simplifies the debt collection and it is much faster than the standards ones. Thus we recommend, for example that if you give out a loan or a credit, you should try to document in a Public Deed at the time of signing, since in the case of lack of payment it will be a lot easier to recover the debt, just as banks do when giving a mortgage loan. Exchange Procedure (procedimiento

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

cambiario-articles 819 to 827 of LEC): this proceeding is used for claims based on bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques and even though the defendant may object to the claim, once the proceeding is admitted, the Court can order directly to freeze all the assets of the defendant since the idea is to provide special protection to these instruments. As previously stated, in case of debt, our recommendation is to have it documented in bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques. STANDARD PROCEDURES In case of not having your credit documented in any of the previously mentioned special ways, we would then, generally, have to start a Standard Civil Declarative Procedure (procedimiento civil declarativo) which according to the amount of the debt can be an Ordinary Procedure ( Ordinario), when the debt is over €6,000 or a Verbal Procedure, when the debt is €6,000 or less, being the Verbal significantly faster than the Ordinary. We must not forget that these procedures may finish with a Court Order declaring our rights to recover the debt but if the debtor does not voluntarily comply with the Order, an Enforcement or Execution Procedure (before mentioned) must be initiated to force compliance. But usually in debt collection matters the real Star is undoubtedly the Payment Procedure (PROCEDIMIENTO MONITORIO) which allows the creditor in first place and without the need of a lawyer or procurator to request the payment directly at the Court. He must show the Court any documents signed by the


debtor proving the debt acknowledgement, or invoices or any other relevant documents regularly used to establish credit such as registered letter, fax or telegram: the maximum amount for this Procedure has been recently raised up to €250,000. The main characteristic of the Payment Procedure is that if the debtor does not answer or opposes within 20 days, the execution is dispatched and his asset could be seized. In the case of the debtor opposing the claim then an Ordinary or Verbal procedure should take place depending if the debt is more than €6,000 or less (as previously mentioned). The main purpose of these proceedings is to make it easier for the creditors to be able to claim their debts, 1.) without the need of a lawyer or procurator (even though we recommend legal advice in order to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings of the Law, which are quite common) and 2.) to expedite the claim in case of non opposition. We must point out that there is even a EUROPEAN PAYMENT PROCEDURE set out in Regulation (CE) No. 1896/2006 which is very useful in those cases where the debtor is located in another country. If you wish to recover a debt or would like to have it documented for easy future recovery please do not hesitate to contact us. The information provided on this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. *This article is available in English and Spanish in our Web site: www.white-baos.com

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) © White & Baos Abogados 2010 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com



Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Get a good architect – well worth it in the long run IF YOU decide to reform an existing property or build a house from scratch you are taking on a huge project and at some point in the process most likely a severe headache or three! So it is best to be aware of exactly what it is you are taking on... Experience shows that practically nobody, apart from the professionals such as architects, really knows what permissions and licences are required. There are so many differing stories and the general rule, if there is one, seems to differ from town to town. Although the law is the same one for all of Spain, in Comunidad Valenciana there are certain specific requirements and each Town Hall has their own planning parameters to be taken into consideration. For example, distance from house to boundaries can differ depending upon the town where the house is located: same thing with the pool position; heights; square meters allowed; terrace design etc. A town hall can legally order demolition in certain cases. Indeed there was an example of this last week in the RTN where illegal beach bars were demolished.

WHAT ABOUT POOLS AND GARAGES? Yes, we all know examples of where someone has built himself a garage without permission and never got a fine. If you do the same and build without the proper permissions, firstly it doesn’t mean that you will get away without a fine, and secondly, in any case the garage will never be legal until you declare it. So why run the risk? If you build without permission you would have to pay the Town Hall around 20% of the build costs as a fine, or at worst the authorities could make you take the offending building down. The answer is to get proper advice. Involving an Architect to obtain the proper permissions for the build might cost, say, €3,000 on a €40,000 building project, but how reassuring to know that: • Your building has been designed properly to add value. • The building process has been overseen to ensure proper construction. • The licences and permissions are properly in place. • If you ever come to sell the property there won’t be any legal issues with the sale as a result of your improvements. Carlos and Ana Franco run CDF Arquitectura in Calpe and about 90% of their clients are British. Why? Because they are fluent in English and understand the exact needs, requirements and concerns of British owners. They have numerous satisfied customers who will provide testimony to their expertise. Visits can be arranged, or examples seen on their website. CDF specialise in more traditional British styles together with the local Spanish styles. And

Make sure you seek advice

whether you require a modest renovation, a total house refurbishment, or a build from scratch, working with CDF will add value to your property, design according to your needs, protect you from fines and give you total peace of mind. Call Ana and Carlos now to get a step closer to your peace of mind. A visit to their office is recommended where a no obligation discussion can take place to discuss your needs. CDF is located on the Calle Pedro Garcia Ortiz 25A, Plaza dels Mariners, Calpe 03710: Telephone 965 832 922 or 660 928 037: carlosfranco@cdf-arquitectura.com and www.cdf-arquitectura.com

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My holiday home’s better than yours By Guest Writer Michael Rushe of House Proud Property management & Letting WHAT MAKES one holiday home more su c c e s s f u l a t attr acting bookings than another? W hat fac t o r s s e p ar ate success f rom failure and, more impor t a n t l y, c a n you as an owner influence them? In this a n d s u b s equent ar tic les I wil l explore these factors a n d h o p eful l y demonstr ate that success in the holiday p ro p e r t y market is not the lotter y that it might see m t o b e a t the outset. W hen talking about proper t y, whether s e l l i n g o r letting, one word, usual l y repeated three t i m e s l i k e some magic al mantr a, comes to mind: loc a t i on , l o c ation, loc ation. L etting a luxur y, ultr a-moder n, five bedro om b e ac h f ront vil la with glor ious vie ws across the Ind i a n O c e a n could pro ve a tad difficult if the beac h is l o c a t e d i n Mogadishu. This example may be extreme an d p e r h a p s a little facetious but it il lustr ates the imp o r t a n c e o f loc ation in the holiday making decision. Not e ver y proper t y has the ‘per f ect ’ loc ation w h a t e ve r that may be and one person’s ‘per f ect loc at i on’ m ay b e a ‘ living hel l ’ f or someone else. Holiday p ro p e r t i e s come in al l shapes and siz es and are situat e d i n v a r i ous loc ations throughout the Costa Blanc a . S om e a re

b e s i d e t h e b e ac h a n d s om e a re i n t h e h i l l s . S om e a re i n t ow n c e n t re s a n d s om e s t a n d a l on e i n t h e c o u nt r y s i d e. A l l a re c a t e r i n g f o r t h e d i ve r s e n e e d s o f t h e m o d e r n h o l i d ay m a k e r b u t t h e re a re p ro p e r t i e s s i t u a t e d i n t h e s a m e l o c a t i on t h a t a t t r ac t m o re c l i e n t s t h a n o t h e r s . To b e s u c c e s s f u l yo u n e e d t o k n ow w hy. T h e s e p ro p e r t i e s a re n o t a l l l u x u r y d e t ac h e d v i l l a s w i t h a s w i m m i n g p o o l . Fo r i n s t a n c e, on e o f m y m o s t s u c c e s s f u l p ro p e r t i e s i s a t wo b e d ro om a p a r t m e n t i n a l a r ge u r b a n i s a t i on w i t h a c om mu n i t y p o o l . A t wo b e d ro om a p a r t m e n t c a n n o t c om p e t e w i t h a f o u r b e d ro om l u x u r y v i l l a b u t t h e n a g a i n i t d o e s n o t h a ve t o. E ac h p ro p e r t y c om p e t e s w i t h s i m i l a r p ro p e r t i e s i n i t s l o c a t i on a n d s p e c i fi c m a rk e t . H owe ve r, t h e s u c c e s s f u l a p a r t m e n t s h a re s s i m i l a r q u a l i t i e s w i t h t h e s u c c e s s f u l v i l l a t h a t a n ow n e r c a n h i g h l i g h t a n d i n f l u e n c e. W h e n a h o l i d ay m a k e r i s l o ok i n g f o r a p ro p e r t y on t h e i n t e r n e t t h e i r i n i t i a l c h o i c e s a re d i c t a t e d by d e s t i n a t i on a n d l o c a t i on – a c o u n t r y, a re g i on , a t ow n e t c . T h e n t h e h o l i d ay m a k e r c h o o s e s t h e t y p e o f p ro p e r t y t h a t w i l l s u i t t h e i r n e e d s b e s t – a v i l l a o r a n a p a r t m e n t f o r e x a m p l e. O n l y n ow w i l l a p ro p e r t y ow n e r h a ve a c h a n c e t o i n f l u e n c e t h e h o l i d ay ma k e r ’s d e c i s i on . I nv a r i a b l y, t h e y w i l l on l y h a ve s e c on d s t o i n f l u e n c e t h a t d e c i s i on a s t h e h o l i d ay m a k e r s c ro l l s t h ro u g h s c o re s a n d s c o re s o f p ro p e r t y ph o t o s t h a t c a n

House Proud Property Management & Lettings Tel 96 578 1731 or 680 274 831 | info@houseproudindenia.com | www.houseproudindenia.com

e n d u p l o ok i n g t h e s a m e. I n m y n e x t a r t i c l e I ’ l l g i ve s om e t i p s on h ow t o m a k e yo u r p ro p e r t y s t a n d o u t f rom ‘ t h e l i t t l e b oxe s on t h e h i l l s i d e, l i t t l e b oxe s f u l l o f t i c k y - t ac k y… a n d t h e y a l l l o ok j u s t t h e s a m e ’ .


Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Casa Segura Locksmiths your 1-Stop Security Shop

SINCE STARTING our service several years ago, we have added our 1-Stop Security Shop in Javea, offering all kinds of products including great gift ideas such as book-safes, candle-safes and Cheekeys, but two products could be of important interest: THE DISTRESS ALERT SYSTEM This is designed for the person living alone. There are no monthly payments after initial purchase making it very affordable. The system uses your existing telephone line and allows two-way hands-free communication, enabling your contact to ‘listen in’ to the situation and react accordingly. It works by simply pressing a button on a wireless pendant, which dials up to three numbers of your choice (e.g. to a friend, neighbour or relative) and will cycle through to the next programmed telephone number if an answer machine or engaged tone is detected. Once connected to an answering person, it will relay a message asking for emergency assistance, allowing the friend or relative to speak to the person through the system. The pendant can be worn around the neck using the lanyard supplied or in a pocket and its range is effective up to 30 metres from the phone base. This product is ideal for anyone wanting security and peace of mind knowing that an alarm may be raised in either an emergency or non-emergency situation automatically.

It is also very useful for warning of a medical condition or even as a panic alarm during a burglary. PROTECTOR STRIP This is an effective, low cost deterrent against unwelcome intruders, be it birds, cats or people. It fits to tops of fences, gates, walls, railings or balconies and is designed to deliver maximum discomfort but minimum harm. The unique double-hinge allows easy fixing to angled surfaces and can be screwed, nailed or glued. Protector Strip is made from unobtrusive neutral grey/ brown polyproplylene and it is weatherproof and durable, re-usable and recyclable. ONLY ONE CAR KEY? Finally, how many of you have only ONE car key? You probably need another but don’t want to pay high dealership prices? We can duplicate most car keys, but we can also programme a transponder chip that will then start the engine; we can programme chips for about 65% of the car market prices. Don’t wait until you’ve lost your only key - call now for more information. We recommend calling us for more information on all products and prices. Casa Segura offers many products, mostly related to security, and if we haven’t got it, we can probably arrange to get it! Our shop is located on Avenida del Pla 116, opposite Solbank and Specsavers, Javea. Carl Barclay, Casa Segura Locksmiths: 659 853 645.

Spotlight: Property

Carl Barclay is probably the best known Locksmith in Javea

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Properties of the week brought to you by spanishhomefinder.com Search- view -enquire

Large 3 bed, 3 bath town house with garage Built on 3 levels with 155 square metres, 3 balconies, southfacing, fully furnished with air con, TV, internet and telephone. Communal pool and close to amenities and beaches.

174,000 euros

4 bed, 2 bath villa with pool, inland location

Quiet village inland location, 20 mins to Tavernes & Gandia beaches. Built in 2003. Air con, central heating, wood burner, alarm system and private pool.

275,000 euros

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Brought to you by spanishhomefinder.com




Jan 28 -JANUARY Feb 03 20112010 15-21

Motivation is key to new life by Jack Troughton GET MOTIVATED under the watchful eye of a personal trainer and make the important switch to a new healthy lifestyle while getting fit, says instructor Karen Clarke. Fully qualified, Karen is “passionate” about helping people get off the sofa and working out to achieve personal goals. And she can tailor make a fitness programme to suit the young and old alike – and is keen to help those who profess a phobia for public gyms. Karen, of KC Fitness and Personal Training, has opened her own fully equipped studio gym in Benitachell and can coach people in private one-to-one sessions or cater for small groups of friends. Should clients choose not to work out at the studio, KC Fitness and Personal Training has portable equipment so Karen can coach at people’s homes, on the beach or in the park and can travel between Moraira and Denia. KICK-START “People are very poor at motivating themselves,” Karen told RTN. “The three most important things to kick-start a healthy lifestyle are motivation, motivation, motivation. “Speak to any professional sports person; every single one has a trainer to make sure that they push themselves that little bit further to get the results.” She added: “I am fairly passionate about keeping fit myself and passionate about helping everyone else get fit.” Karen said her job was to make sure people were exercising properly without the risk of injury and insuring when the going gets tough they stick to the task and achieve the goals they have set with the personal trainer. “Most people who train on their own give up when it starts to get hard, but this is

when it is most important to keep on going as this is when it all starts to work and you begin to see and feel the benefits,” she said. QUALIFIED Karen specialises in helping older people and her own training means she is qualified to work with clients who are pre or post natal, obese, suffer arthritis, diabetes types 1 and 2, angina, hypertension or osteoporosis. “The first thing to do is check out the health of people. For example, there is high blood pressure, the silent killer. This is dangerous but there are ways of controlling it - and the stronger the heart is the better it is,” she said. And diet obviously plays a big part in helping people make lifestyle changes and part of an initial interview will also discuss this as well as set goals and identify any existing injuries before Karen works out a unique exercise programme. KC Fitness and Personal Training does not have membership fees but utilises an evolving programme, with a one hour session costing €35. Another option is to visit the gym with a couple of friends reducing the cost of an hour to €15 (a minimum of three people) or to take circuit training classes at the gym on Tuesday evenings – places at €10 each are popular and limited so booking is essential. Call Karen on 675 875 936 or 965 058488, email info@kcfitness.net or visit www.kcfitness.net for more information or to book a no obligation consultation. Special Offer!! Free Session for the first 10 people who call from this advert! No gimmicks......Genuinely Free!! Health Check is also included

Karen Clarke

Got a story? 902 118 999



Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Part 2

QUESTION: I have had repeated attacks of cold sores and my sister has recently had a bad attack of shingles. I understand that the two conditions are related, am I at risk of shingles?

The herpes viruses actively live in the nerve cells themselves, in the spinal cord. Typically when a person’s immunity is low, Ask the the cunning little virus will venture out of its lair and travel Specialist by along the nerve between the protective sheath to the skin cells around the mouth and nose where they multiply and form blisters. It is during this time that the infection can be passed MB.ChB., F.R.C.S., BDS., FDSRCS to other people. People are infective from 3-4 days before the condition shows itself and until the blisters (vesicles) become dried scabs. Herpes simplex can also attack other sites including the gums, the eyes and can also be responsible for genital herpes. In the early stage, before the actual blisters occur, people experience a tingling or pricking sensation. This is the time to see your Doctor so that the appropriate diagnosis can be made and the most suitable medication prescribed. Shingles occurs when the latent chickenpox virus is re-activated. It occurs in 1 in 25 of the population; more commonly in the elderly or those with lowered resistance but can occur at any age. It presents as one sided pain which precedes a vesicular (blistered) rash by 2-3 days. Crops of blisters appear over 3-5 days following the skin distribution of the nerve cell in which the normally de-activated chicken pox virus ‘lives’. The affected area is hypersensitive and pain may be severe. The lesions scab and fall off in less 14 days. However, when each blister is at its height it is full of ‘breeding’ viruses and each is very contagious if broken and the viruses escape. If you have symptoms you should consult your Doctor as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis and to start the correct treatment immediately, even if the blisters have not yet appeared. Failure to do so can result in pain which can last for months or years after the shingles has cleared up.

Dr Colin Evans

Girl gets miracle operation in Alicante A 12-YEAR-OLD girl with no fingers has had one of her toes implanted onto her hand in order to give her the ability to grip. The girl suffered burns as a baby and lost all her fingers. The 14-hour operation took place in the University General Hospital in Alicante on Friday 21 January and was the first of its kind in the Community of Valencia. The girl is already at hope recuperating well.

Article written by Dr Colin Evans (MB.ChB., F.R.C.S., BDS., FDSRCS.) The English Medical Clinic, Avda del Albir, 72. Edificio Primavera, Bloque 1. ALBIR, (Alicante) 966 868 013. Email: englishmedicalclinic@gmail.com

Flu Jabs now€15 available



Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011


Good to know

Michael via email says: HI AUNTY. I read your page in the UK and when I am in Spain. While I was in Spain last time I bought a USB dongle from the copy shop on Calle Esperanto in Benidorm using the MASMOVIL system on Orange network. I found it worked well speed wise and for purely checking emails (no streaming or youtube etc) it is very good. Obviously you do not get the same MBs you would in the UK but I would check my emails morning and evening and €10 lasted me for approx 24 days. The charge was 6.25 cents per MB inc IVA. Aunty Says: Thanks for that Michael - very useful bit of information.

Troublesome wireless Pam from Torrevieja asks: Hi Aunty and a Happy New Year. My problem is no technical knowledge of using a computer as I am in my later years (50s). I have received a netbook as a Christmas present and was told it was easy to connect to WiFi in Spain but I am unable to do this. It was working in the UK previous to returning here: I hope you can find time to instruct me to overcome this problem.

Aunty Says: Hi Pam. Wireless connections can be a little troublesome and complicated but here’s a few pointers that may get you working, and I’m assuming as it’s a new laptop that you have Windows7. Firstly, you need to make sure the wireless is switched on and working on your router. This would be normally be a light, with either a symbol like a beacon or ‘wlan’ or ‘wifi’ or similar. If this light is on then you should be able to scan for wireless networks

within range from your PC by clicking on the small icon that looks like a meter in the bottom right corner of your screen. A window will appear and your wireless network name should appear in the list (known as the SSID). If you click on your wireless network and ‘connect’ you should be then prompted to enter a security code. Both the SSID and WEP/WPA code should be written on a sticker on/under the router or on paperwork you received from your ISP.

with aunty virus

Any ideas?

Brian via email asks: Hi Aunty. I have had a problem with my AVG in that I can’t start it up! I tried to remove it but the following message came up. “Initialization of languages failed or files count is zero.” No matter what I try I can’t get rid of it to uninstall and re-install: any ideas? Aunty Says: This could be caused by a number of things Brian, but the most likely are either some spyware on your machine or a corrupt AVG installation. The latter you may be able to resolve with AVG’s own removal tool which you can download here: www.avg.com/usen/download-tools To check for spyware you will need to scan your machine with SuperAntiSpyware and MalwareBytes which you can get from www. enetcomputers.net. Let me know how you get on.

in No connection to iTunes Plugging microphone Derek via email asks: Dear Aunty. I have just purchased an iPod Touch 4G but cannot connect to iTunes. I get an error message “This iPod cannot be used because the Apple Mobile Device service is not started) or “error occurred 0xE8000065” or “Mobile Device Driver has stopped working.” I have tried for several weeks now since purchasing the iPod and everything on the Apple support Web Site to no avail. I’ve tried the iPod on another computer running Windows 7 and there is no problem. I have the old classic iPod and Nano 5G and I don’t get any problem on either computer. I cannot believe Apple could have produced an iPod touch that is not compatible with Window Vista.

driver updates for your motherboard. As with any USB devices it’s always worth trying a complete uninstall/install with the device unplugged and with the latest software from the manufacturers website (www.apple.com in your case).

Aunty Says: I’m afraid you already know more than I do about iPod’s and iTunes Derek so I can only offer you some possible Windows solutions. This looks like it could be a USB problem so certainly check out your computer manufacturer’s website for any

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

Bob via email asks: Hi Aunty, please help if you can. My laptop microphone is muted and I`ve tried all sorts to un-mute it, but alas no luck. When I plug in a mic it works okay. I have a Toshiba with 64bit Vista: can you help me?

Aunty Says: You can normally control all your audio settings from Control Panel, Sounds & Audio Devices and check that all mutes are off and all volumes turned up 75% of the way. It is possible the built in mic is disabled but we’ll cross that bridge if we need to.

Forwarding emails with pictures Ray via email asks: Hello Aunty, when I forward an email to one of my friends they can read the email but not see any pictures which originally arrived with the email although other recipients can do so. My friend is with btinternet and myself with Gmail. Any suggestions where the fault lies and how to make a correction? Aunty Says: This is normally caused by a security setting in Outlook Express so try this: Start Outlook Express and on the ‘tools’ menu click ‘options’ and click the ‘security’ tab. Clear the check box ‘do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus’. Click OK and restart OE.

More answers FIRSTLY I must confess to a

Spanish small error two articles ago: the lessons by difference was only one letter

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish

Lesson 142

in English (men instead of man) but this meant that the answer I gave you in Spanish “el hombre alto” should in fact have been “los hombres altos”. My humble apologies go to anyone who was confused by this error. The first group of questions last week combined monotony with an unavoidable truth about verbs and how their changes affect meaning. Here are the answers: “tenemos” – we have “tienen” – they have “queremos” – we want “quieren” – they want “vivimos”- we live “viven” – they live “podemos”- we can “pueden” – they can “vamos” – we go “van” – they go (half point each – total 5) There were then some longer sentences which you had to translate. The beauty of these is that although they have a lot of words, they are actually rather simple in construction. Don’t worry if you have the odd word different here and there translation is an imprecise art. Prefiero vivir en San Pedro,

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011 aunque mis hijas prefieren vivir en Asturias. I prefer to live in San Pedro, although my daughters prefer to live in Asturias. Podemos jugar al tenis mañana si quieres. We can play tennis tomorrow if you want. Vamos a comer en un restaurante este sábado. We are going to eat (have lunch) in a restaurant this Saturday. Los extranjeros en España viven bien en general, pero necesitan hacer mucho papeleo. Foreigners in Spain live well on the whole, but they need to do a lot of paperwork. Cuando los españoles hablan rápido, los británicos tienen problemas para entenderlos. When Spanish people speak quickly, the British have problems in understanding them. (3 points each – total 15) Next you had to put some short sentences into Spanish using either the verb “tener” on its own, meaning “to have” or the combination “tener que”, meaning “to have to” I have a Siamese cat. Tengo un gato siamés (or in my case – una gata siamesa) Do you have any pets? ¿Tienes mascotas? My daughter has to study a lot. Mi hija tiene que estudiar mucho. We have to buy more food. Tenemos que comprar más comida. Parents today have a lot of problems with their children.

Los padres hoy en día tienen muchos problemas con sus hijos. (3 points each – total 15) I will leave the marking to your own discretion and conscience. Notice, by the way, that in the last sentence I translated “today” as “hoy en día” (nowadays) because that is what is meant by “today” in this sentence. Now back to some Spanish to English translations using the “present action” tense, to talk about things we are doing right now. Estoy escribiendo un artículo. I am writing an article. Estoy tomando un té. I am having a cup of tea. ¿Qué estás haciendo? What are you doing? Mi madre está haciendo las compras. My mother is doing the shopping. Mi hermana está trabajando. My sister is working (1 point each – total 5) That was a walk-over, but the last exercise I admit, is a little bit tricky. Here it comes: I don’t say anything. No digo nada. I don’t see anybody. No veo a nadie. I don’t understand anything No entiendo nada I never go to the cinema. No voy nunca al cine. Nunca voy al cine. Nothing happens in this village. No pasa nada en este pueblo- or – Nada pasa en este pueblo. (2 points each – total 10)



Jan - Feb 03 2011 8-1428JANUARY 2010

Growing trees from seed by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

OVER THE years we have grown a good number of trees from seeds or transplanted self-seeded trees and since we have recently had a number of enquiries about this we have dedicated this week’s column to the subject. THE MAIN BENEFITS FROM GROWING TREES FROM SEEDS It’s inexpensive. There are a wide range of seeds available, many that are never offered in garden centres. It’s interesting and educational to children and teenagers. It’s a challenge to those who like to have something different in the garden. If growing native trees, you are preserving and increasing the population of trees felled on construction sites or destroyed by fires. Many are suitable for growing in containers on apartment terraces and roof tops where they will help reduce air pollution. There are trees for each type of microclimate – varieties of pine trees change as one climbs from to the coast to a thousand metres. Many trees can be grown on steep banks. Some are easy to germinate but others

need to be chilled in a fridge first. However, in such cases this should be indicated on the seed packet. Seeds can be sown in pots or planted directly into the soil. In the latter case, ensure they are clearly marked and not forgotten. Also plant several seeds and keep the strongest sapling when they grow. Success will come by choosing seeds appropriate to your microclimate; mixing up good composts; not allowing young trees to become waterlogged; not letting young trees dry out; staking young trees; putting plastic protectors around the trunks if planting insituations occupied or visited by rabbits; and having patience. By the way, although citrus seeds germinate easily they will not in most cases produce trees that fruit as they are non-reproducible crosses propagated by growing from cuttings or grafting. The best sources of tree seeds that we know are as follows. Collect your own from your own or friends’ gardens, from the pavement or ground under interesting trees when they go to seed or drop fruit, from fruits and nuts purchased to eat. We have Avocado, Acacia, Carob, Pine, Palm, Bay, Tamarix and Bird of Paradise trees in our current garden from such sources. Good collections of seed-grown native Bonsais can be soon established. Chiltern seeds – www.chilternseeds.co.uk - based near Ulverston in the UK – have an amazing collection of seeds from all around the World including tree seeds. Notice that

the 2010 catalogue had 12 types of Acacia seeds for instance. Semillas Silvestres – www.semillassilvestres.com - based in Cordoba – have a good collection of native tree, shrub and herb seeds collected from around Spain. Jungle seeds – www.jungleseeds.co.uk - based in Oxfordshire – have an interesting collection of tree seeds especially for those with subtropical microclimates along the coast. Many trees are relatively easy to grow. Not everyone has the time or has green fingers so you might be interested in purchasing native trees. We know of two particularly useful nurseries. Cultidelta – www.cultidelta.com - based just outside Delta Ebro in Cataluña - grow several hundred types of native trees, shrubs, herbs and bulbs mainly for supply to programmes for replanting hillsides after fires and to stock public gardens, where councils are attempting to show people what used to grow before the mass building of apartments and urbanisations. However, they do sell to the public by mail order and by visiting the nursery by appointment. When we visited members of Fundem, who run the l’Albarda garden in Pedreguer which has interesting plantings of native trees, we received a 10 % percent discount. Proyecto Forestal Iberico – www.projectoforestaliberico.es - based near Albacete – probably grow most of the native varieties of trees – their catalogue indicates the areas in Spain where they are normally found and therefore best planted.

Sepona – the government forestry commission can sometimes be a source of saplings. Check local address with Medio Ambiente department of your local town hall. HOW TO GROW FROM SEED You will find appropriate chapters in Clodagh and Dick’s books ‘Your Garden in Spain’ and ‘ Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’ available from main bookshops and internet sites such as Santana Books, Bookworld, Amazon UK and The Royal Horticultural Society in the UK.

Clodagh and Dick’s practical gardening books will be found to be useful for both experienced and new gardeners coming to Spain. The useful quartet of books can be obtained from bookshops or by email from the websites of Amazon, Santana Books, Bookworld and The Royal Horticultural Society. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com January 2011.

Palm Tree Preservation & Maintenance IT HAS been widely reported in the local press over the past few years; people are discussing the problem over their garden walls; and conversations can be overheard at the local garden centres - what is this problem? RED WEEVIL AND THE PAYSANDISIA MOTH

monthly visits, the palm injected each visit. The treatment for the Paysandia Moth which attacks the Fan Palm and is stated to be more destructive than the Red Weevil is carried out by spraying the Palm with a special mixture of approved chemicals that are not harmful to humans or pets. This mixture is complemented by adding a glue that allows the mix to stick to the palm leaves and stops the moth from eating and laying eggs. However, if the tree is already infected then they revert to the same treatment as that used for the Phoenix Palms. John and Kevin offer continual service over 6 or 12 month periods: infestation may be at a slower pace in winter. It is only eight weeks until summer begins here in Spain when the clocks jump forward for spring and the beetles and the moths will be on the move. For further information see the advert on this page or contact the experts on 654 559 715 or 606 706 126: don’t wait until it is too late!

Did you know that the red weevil beetle lays between 200 and 300 eggs and once hatched they burrow and eat at the heart of the palm tree: each larva eats up to one metre of the tree’s heart before forming a cocoon and hatching and the cycle starts all over again. The paysandisia moth does basically the same, however this moth can remain dormant in the heart of the palm tree for up to three years. We now have a solution; John and Kevin Ellis from Catral were so appalled at the vast amount of destruction being done to our Date, Phoenix and Fan palms by the red weevil and the paysandisia moth they decided to take action. John has worked and studied with Spanish agricultural experts where he has been taught and experienced first hand the modus operandi as to dealing with this problem. John and Kevin have set up the company ‘Palm Tree Preservation & Maintenance’. Prior to setting up they have investigated products, solutions and various methods to prevent infestation of palms. The treatment they use for the prevention and treatment of infestation by the red weevil that attacks all forms of (phoenix) date palms and is now in some areas attacking the fan (Washington Palm). The treatment was designed and approved by the Spanish agricultural society. This is a method of drilling a hole into the heart of the tree and inserting a plastic sleeve John into the drilled hole, injecting with a special and formula and following up by eleven more Kevin

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011


Discover the Costa Blanca

Derek Workman continues his series of excursions from his book ‘Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’ which features 22 detailed trips that lead you to spots you’d never find by yourself.

Tumbled-down Town Chulilla has the reputation of being one of the most picturesque villages in the area, and with its tiny, traffic free streets it’s certainly one of the quietest. When you first see it as you swing round a bend from Vanacloig, the village seems to be virtually hanging onto the cliff face ahead of you, with the walls of the castle suspended above. As you get closer it comes as no surprise to see that some of the houses have actually tumbled into the canyon below.


(The one thing you don’t want to try and do is drive through the streets searching for somewhere to park. There’s some parking ground just behind the main square, the Plaza del Baronia.) The narrow streets of white painted houses are full of twists and turns, steep curving stairways and dead ends. The high elegance of the parish church, Nuestra Señora de los Angeles, suddenly becomes a low wall as you wander up the little alleyway behind it on your way to the Castillo. To find the castle, follow the signs from the Plaza de la Baronia and you come to a metal barred gate set in a breeze-block wall tucked away in a corner with no announcement that you have arrived at the entrance to the castle. Despite a hand-painted sign that says prohibido el paso, the gate is unlocked and you are free to wander in. A very rough stone path runs up the high wall that obliterates any view except for occasional niches that give a narrow perspective of life in the village below. The castle is Moorish in origin but underwent rebuilding in the 14th to 16th centuries. During its lifetime it served as the residence of the local nobility and as an ecclesiastical prison. Not much is left of the castle but the views across the valley and the weathered orange tiles of the village rooftops are splendid. Be there on the weekend nearest the 15 September and you will see the streets filled with crosses, but not just any old crosses. These are made entirely of recycled material and are limited in design only to the maker’s imagination. One of the main reasons people visit Chulilla is for the

Chulilla Cross Square

Hotel Balneario de Chulilla, sitting on the banks of the river Turia, four-and-a-half kilomertres from the village. It is both a hotel and a health spa with a heated spring that spews out over 180,000 litres of water an hour. Rich in lime, magnesium and sulphates, it has been recognised for its medicinal properties for over 200 years. If you fancy going with the flow you can settle yourself in the large naturally heated swimming pool or choose from a number of water-based treatments. The cuisine of the region is represented by ollas, thick stews rich in beans, vegetables, meat and mountain herbs. You might try cocotes, small pastry parcels filled with spicy sausage.

To discover more about Spain, visit www.derekworkman-journalist.com and http://derekworkman.wordpress.com. http://valpaparazzi.wordpress.com are random notes about life in Spain. Derek Workman’s books, Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca and Small Hotels and Inns of Eastern Spain are available from most good books shops or direct from the publisher, Santana Books, www.santanabooks.com or Tel. 952 485 838.


Jan - Feb 03 2011 8-1428JANUARY 2010

Dirty cash i need you People say that money and Spirit do not mix, and yet everyone who inhabits the Spirit World has lived an Earthly life, paying bills and managing money as they lived day to day. However many myths exist that it is wrong to ask for money, and that it is a dirty word. Life does very often revolve around the monetary system that is developed Worldwide. Money comes and money goes, and the intelligence is to keep hold of some of it, for whatever reason, even a rainy day. It is true that money cannot buy happiness, but the lack of it has its problems too, and we are experiencing a cash crisis in which it is harder to earn money, and easier to spend it. When we spend we send out an instruction with the amount of cash we proffer. A 5EUR note will buy you coffees, a 10EUR would pay for a menu of the day for one ( maybe a glass of wine too), and 20EUR slotted into an envelope may be a small gift for someone in the family. If money was so bad we wouldn’t put it in the hands of children, and we do. In each case when we pay our bills with cash, we send out the instruction to so do that which our debt demands. Pre crisis we paid all our bills, and what was left was for us to spend. Then came a time when we had enough to just pay our bills, and now we have to decide which bill we are going to pay first. Money itself isn’t wrong, but the distribution of it leaves a lot to be desired. There are people who have nothing, whilst others are rich beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. I can say that my abundance isn’t in cash. I am lucky to have a gift I can share, and I am rich in Spirit, but this doesn’t pay my mortgage or fill my petrol tank, or pay my Supermarket bill. Whilst on the subject of food shopping have you noticed that now each and everyone checks their till receipt before they leave the store? A sign of the times for sure! I have had a number of requests for my spell to ask for money. I am pleased to pass it on because it works. It uses a spiritual principal, and it is empowering. It isn’t black magic, but it is white magic, and as

postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

Kenny, I awoke last night and felt a heavy weight on me holding me down. It only lasted for a few seconds but it frightened me. What was going on? Have you ever heard of this? Jean K. Hi Jean! You are obviously someone who has experienced an out of body experience. The feeling of pressure bearing down on your body is the very reverse of the freedom of being free to leave it. Acting like an anchor the pressure may feel odd, but it is compensating the pressure of the body and ensuring a strongly earthed connection. I have felt it many times, so much that, when it comes, it feels like a strong protection. Have no fear the sensation passes quickly and heralds that you have some spiritual work to do, if only out there in your dreams!

such therefore more powerful. I have used it myself, so abolish any shame attached, and do not, above all, see it as begging, in any way. You are going to ask for what you deserve, and that cannot be wrong. The spell is done always on a Thursday, which is a day for asking. Take a plain white plate and place a plain white candle in the middle of it. Make a small circle of coins around the candle; this doesn’t have to be fortune, but the more generous that you are the more the spell works. Light the candle and allow it to burn all day. If you go out, place the plate, and the candle, and the money in the bath. Be safe. As the candle burns ask that the coins around it are blessed. At midnight blow out the candle and save the coins in an envelope or old purse. You then have 24 hours to place your blessed coins into the hand of someone who needs this money more than you. Try to make this a personal thing. There are many begging on the streets these days, and as you pass the coins over you must say to yourself that you pass these coins on with love, and ask that you should also be blessed with the money that you need. Be unafraid, ask for what you really need. Spirit likes to reward. If you ask for nothing then you get nothing, and if you ask for what you deserve then you should get it. An American friend here on the Costa Blanca paid a fortune to have the outside of her house painted. She was angry at having to part with so much money, but it was necessary. She did the money spell the very next Thursday out of curiosity. Next day a surprising cheque in USA dollars arrived to more or less cover the cost of the paint job. During a reading one day with a client who had financial worries, she felt in her pocket and there were three very old black coins there. How they got there was up to Spirit, no doubt, a spiritual apport induced by contact with a Medium; but someone should tell them up there that there is such a thing as inflation here on Earth, and don’t we know it?

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Kenny’s diary Readings at Bistro Maya, Albir on Monday 31st January and Wednesday 2nd February, from 16.30 to 19.00. Call Els or her team at: 966 868 213 for information or to make a booking. Free parking nearby. Workshops and Courses begin in the Spring. Please call or email me to be included in the current mailing list for 2011. February 17th: Demonstration of Clairvoyance and Spiritual Service at the Forum Mare Nostrum in Alfaz, for the Alfaz Spiritual Foundation, at 18.30. A warm welcome to everyone!

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris Jupiter brings you new energies and some good fortune just when you need it. You are working with your inner self and this will help you to make some vital new connections and show you some possibilities, which will need taking in hand. There is so much more to you than you think, and putting everything together right now shows you the direction that you have to take, with the wisdom to know the difference.

You are right to be strong and stubborn right now, but this is all because you know what’s really going, and want to make a difference, any which way that you can. Your total elimination of fear puts you in pole position and ready to move on, however somebody has a brief to waste your time and wind you up, and you’re about to lose your temper. Stay on track, things are happening fast, keep cool! A very flirty Venus squares with mighty Uranus and the message is like music to your ears. Take the chance to tune into new directions, and take care to know who your friends really are, since they are about to take on new roles, and may eclipse you. When the time is right make your move, but have your escape route ready and waiting, as things are progressing faster than was previously thought. Just lately you have taken the rough with the smooth, but there is now a light at the end of a dark tunnel and the time is right to move on. Do not see this as running away, more a time to face facts and maximise your potential. Whilst the work front changes impetus there is a need to be closer to where you need to be and a need to conserve what needs to be saved whilst you bring in the new. A call to lend a hand to an event, which needs your expertise, is inspiring and comes at a time when you just needed to get your teeth into something. You’ll get things your way and have the chance to show those who seek to judge you, just what you can do if you try. You may even surprise yourself and show yourself what you can do when the going gets tough and you are in charge. Mercury hits on Saturn, and brings some surprises during the end of the week when you catch up for lost time with a friend who needs your tender love and care. All around you there seems to be emotional upset and turmoil, but, as ever, you are able to take on that which you must and shoulder the blame. A midweek call will stop you in your tracks, and this changes things for the better somewhat. Your romantic planetary leader, Venus is making many connections with a profound Neptune, an inspiring Chiron and a powerful Uranus; and all this just before chumming with Capricorn at the end of the week. All this activity shows clearly your new pace of life. It is amazing just what you can do if you try, and you haven’t really started yet. Enjoy working things round to your way of thinking. Mercury enters Aquarius at the end of a busy week, bringing a positive energy right to your door and illuminating what has to be done to resolve things. You know you can’t please everyone, and it is conservational not to bother to try, except you are used to getting good results, and you have done absolutely what you could under the pressure of current exacting and provoking circumstances. Venus visits and brings a little sunshine into your life. It is high time that you learned to help yourself to just what it is you want, rather than to beat about the bush. This isn’t being selfish, it is self preserving and gets you what you need to get going. In the midst of it all take some time for yourself and you may be surprised how things work out on a romantic level as a friendship grows. Venus spreads a little magic into your life and starts to make changes to routines bringing, once and for all, new challenges closer to you than you ever thought that they were. For personal reasons you will make a decision not to complete something that you have started but that you know will never ever finish satisfactorily. Putting someone in his or her place this week is both necessary and high time! Things are moving on at long last, and not before time. Mercury enters into your first house towards the end of the week, and this brings you the chance to ensure that a message reaches open ears. Many have been waiting for you to make a decision, but they won’t like hearing what you have to say because they do not want to take on new responsibilities, and they must admit you were right all along. Chiron is en route to bring open doors to a project that seems to have been discarded before it really got going. You have so much to share with others and such a sensitive and warm approach to all that you do, but there are others, who do not understand your way of doing things; or, who just don’t want to get involved right now. Let nothing put you off the main event, it is closer than you think.

If it’s your birthday this week... Time and time again you crumble and give in, but now you are playing right down the line, and will receive the help that you know you need, when you need it! Have faith.

28 - Feb 03 2011 8-14Jan JANUARY 2010


Word Ladders The key rule is that you must only change one letter at a time as you move from one rung to another, and the word you make must be a proper word! Therefore you may move from BATH --> BATS but not from BATH --> CASH because that changes two letters in one go which is not allowed.

Cryptic Crossword

Sudoku ACROSS 6. Sack and what may be put in it (7) 7. Strange evils and disguises (5) 9. A person who discredits an old woman (3) 10. Tendered - with or without its head (9) 12. It’s not a rigid rule (4,7) 15. A tailor may make his mark with it (6,5) 17. His speech is never straightforward (9) 19. Happy to be back from Italy again (3) 21. Long time coming to the point (5) 22. He has to wait for his money (7)

DOWN 1. Not keen to be outspoken (5) 2. Finish within ten days (3) 3. A noble look (4) 4. Crossword addicts should be used to such setbacks (9) 5. It means musicians are not to loiter in the bar (7) 8. A new combination again (6) 11. Tell people you’ve had enough, then keep quiet (3,2,4) 13. Gave encores, naturally! (6) 14. Squander food? (7) 16. Compulsory premarital reading-matter (5) 18. They sound agreeable organs (4) 20. Might she grow on you? (3)



6. Melodious (7)

1. Silence (5)


Quick Crossword 2. Intention (3)

7. Trivial (5)

3. File (4)

9. Spray (3)

4. Portray (9)

10. Estimation (9)

5. Odd (7)

12. Own (11)

8. Mason’s tool (6)

15. Meditate (11)

11. Strewn (9)

17. Compliance (9) 19. Skill (3)

13. Figure (6) 14. Alien (7) 16. Solemn (5)

21. Concur (5)

18. Jargon (4)

22. Etch (7)

20. Epoch (3)

You can play these wordwheels by whatever rules you like. But there is at least one nine letter word hidden in each wordwheel (and thus using every letter in the wordwheel). For many players the fun element and biggest challenge of the wordwheel is to find a nine letter word. Other than that, the rules are up to you - but generally you should restrict yourself to only finding words that contain the central letter, as otherwise you will find huge numbers of words in many puzzles!

Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in Torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at Nemos (Next to RTN offices in La Nucia) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 585 60 54

Euromillions Draw Friday 21st january


11 13 18 21



One Spanish and one Portuguese ticket each won a 14,502,127 Euros (£12,354,361) jackpot prize

Answers & Winner Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 41/42. Crossword winner for issue 588: From Keith Spencer, Cabo Roig

music scene




Compiled by

Eric Taylor

he London Palladium celebrated its 100 birthday on Boxing Day 2010, and to mark the occasion Philip Ashley is proud to present Chris Allen and Barry Britten in their show “Palladium Nights” at the Casa de Cultura in Benissa on Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th of February. The Palladium is acknowledged as the worlds greatest Variety Theatre, and Chris and Barry will bring to life the stars who have entertained over the years, in an evening of comedy and musical memories. Anyone who has seen Chris and Barry in their show “The Wireless Years” should not miss this tribute to the

stars of the London Palladium, and if you have never seen Chris and Barry before, but want an evening of fun, laughter and good entertainment, this is a show not to be missed. The show starts at 8.00pm and tickets are priced at 12 euros. As with all shows Philip produces 25% of the ticket price will be donated to charity and on this occasion the charity is The Friends of the Children of EMAUS. Tickets are available by calling 96 558 1483 or by credit card on line at www.philipashley.com. For groups of more than 10 discounts are available please call for details.

BUDDY HOLLY TRIBUTE - LE CABARET, CUMBRE DE SOL On February 3, 1959, a small-plane crash near Clear Lake Iowa killed three American Rock & Roll legends: Buddy Holly, Riichie Valens & JP (The Big Bopper) Richardson. The day was later called ‘The Day the Music Died’ by Don McLean in his song “American Pie”. To commemorate the day of Buddy’s death,and pay tribute to his music, Danny Ray will be performing a tribute show in Le Cabaret, Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell on Saturday 5th, February. Danny evokes the spirit of Buddy by playing all the hits such as: “That’ll Be The Day”, “Peggy Sue”, True Love Ways”, “Rave On” & “It Doesn’t Matter Anymore”, etc. He will also perform

songs from the many artists that copied Buddy’s style, including Tommy Roe and Bobby Vee who ironically was to replace Buddy on the fateful Winter Dance Party Tour. The enormous joy that his music still brings is an inspiration for why it is said that Buddy Holly lives whenever rock ‘n roll is played. Entry 5 euros – meal available. For bookings and details of future events in Le Cabaret phone: 663 733 811 or check out their web site: www.lecabaretspain.com. Le Cabaret is located in the Lirios Centre, on Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell.

ET’s Golden Oldies Disco Tel: 965 748 199 or 659 921 875 or email: etinspain@hotmail.com If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column,please contact Eric directly.

Renaissance songs for Caritas “HEAT GOLD” RADIO STATION – 94.1 FM

Heat FM is your local radio station broadcasting to the Costa Blanca, on 106.8 fm and 96.2 fm. At Heat FM their goal is to create a radio station that appeals to the local community, with some great music from modern day tunes, to old classics. Hence Heat FM are launching a new radio station “Heat Gold”, and will be broadcasting from Friday 4th February on 94.1 FM. Your presenters are: Mike Lee – Ray Peters – Barry Moon and Eric Taylor (ET). Watch out next week for details of the Launch Party. For more information – check out their website: www.heatfmspain.com.

By Jack Troughton CHORAL GROUP Cantores Sanctis Diebus makes a welcome return to the Costa Blanca to perform music of the Renaissance in aid of people suffering in the recession. Based in Salisbury, England, the choir has been singing together for around 30 years and is making its third visit to Javea. Specialising in the music of 1500 to 1650, the Golden Age of the Renaissance, the group are marking the anniversary of the death of Tomas Luis de Victoria, the greatest Spanish composer of his time who died in Madrid in 1611. And the programme will feature music by Victoria for the Feast of Purification – Candlemas, 2nd February, and by English composers marking the Accession to the throne of Queen Elizabeth II on 6th February, 1952. The free concert is on Saturday 5th February at 21.00 in the Fisherman’s Church, Javea Port, and a collection will be taken afterwards in aid of Caritas. FEED Organised by the Catholic Church in

Spain, Caritas helps people without distinction who need aid. Over the last 12 months, it helped to feed more than 250 people in the port area of Javea. And new donations will enable Caritas to continue and expand its services for people in need through 201. At present, some 23 volunteers provide a food bank and clothing store, household essentials and school supplies for children, as well as advice for those who face eviction, help in improving job prospects, and grants for electricity, gas and water.

Members of the choral group

A spokesman told RTN: “It is hoped that as many people as possible will come along to the concert and give their support. Every cent of the donations will reach the people who are in such desperate need – people who are completely dependent on the public’s help just to exist, with little opportunity for a better future. “We know the difficult economic crisis in Spain will continue and we must muster the resources to enable us to act as a social safety net for all those people who can expect little or no state assistance.”

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Tasty pub grub by Jack Troughton TRADITIONAL HEARTY pub food in the heart of Jalon is a popular attraction to tempt people into the welcoming atmosphere of a newly opened bar. The Pub is part of the popular La Pista Restaurant operation and just the place to meet friends, relax, and enjoy a drink at down to earth prices. However, it is the food – the satisfying pub grub – that hosts Jill and Peter Brannan believe will attract people looking for a taste of something different in Spain, but very familiar to British expats and visitors. Made from the same quality fresh ingredients used in the kitchen to keep La Pista diners happy, the bar snacks served in The Pub bridges the gap for people looking for a meal but not a full blown three course lunch or dinner. The menu will constantly change in a “nothing is set in stone” policy, but expect fare like homemade soup and a roll for €3, cottage pie and chips, BBQ ribs and chips, lasagne and chips, or pasta and sauces or a grilled goat’s cheese salad for €4.95. UNWIND The Pub is a place to unwind and spend some quality time. During the winter months the roaring log fire is a central and comforting feature, while background music still allows guests to make conversation without having to shout. There are huge and comfortable leather sofas to sink into and plenty of tables, chairs and pews to ensure everyone can get a seat – especially important when grabbing a bite to eat. And along with the food, plans for The Pub also include keeping customers entertained with the type of events popular in the UK. Watch out for quiz nights, raffles and wandering minstrels. No public house is complete without television and there is space to accommodate groups of friends to watch any particular match or contest – just arrange

Peter chats to RTN’s Ian Sinclair, at the bar

GALERIA ART and Soul on theUrbanisationCumbre del Sol, Benitachell,has often been referred to as ‘the secret gallery’. Tucked away around the side of the Adelfas Centre, near the Pepe La Sal supermarket, the Gallery represents 30+ local artists from all nationalities; members of a group called El Club Casero. Their exhibits range from fine art, sculptures, glass ware, ceramics, embroidery, mixed media, greetings cards, home-ware, jewellery and even home-made preserves. They sell everything that has been hand-

Suduko Answer

Comic chorus By Jack Troughton COMEDY TONIGHT is a fun musical review being performed by the talented singing group Sounds Familiar in aid of charity. Under the direction of Phillip Ashley, the 11th March show promises to be full of laughter and surprises – and raise cash for Jalon Valley HELP. The majority of numbers being performed in Comedy Tonight are upbeat routines with a comic slant and include numbers plucked from shows like ‘Chicago’, ‘Annie Get Your Gun’, ‘Easter Parade’, ‘Cabaret’, ‘Little

Shop of Horrors’ and ‘The Sound of Music’. And in a ‘stop press’ it has just been confirmed the celebrated Sounds Familiar ‘Ladies’ will appear on the stage of the Careline Theatre, Alcalali, on the night with a hilarious rendition of ‘Big Spender’. Tickets for the show are €10 and are available from the HELP shops in Jalon and Alcalali, by calling the Box Office on 965 581483, or by visiting the Sounds Familiar website www.soundsfamiliar.es. Doors open at 19.00 and the performance begins at 20.00.

Sounds Familiar

with the hosts in advance. The Pub is open from noon until 16.00 and 18.00 through to 23.00 daily but at present closed Sunday evenings, Mondays and Tuesdays. For more information call 966 480 125.

Galeria Art and Soul crafted, designed or made by the members of their group. As well as providing a pleasing place to view local art they have a social and community side as well. Every third Tuesday in the month they have an open social evening from 18.00 – 20.00. It’s free for anyone to come along and enjoy a glass of Cava, a slice of cake and possibly a musical concert. They also hold regular all day fiestas which include a varied outdoor market, DJ & dancing, live art and crafts plus entertainment included

Parcent for the children. Entry to these events is free. The next party will be on the 13th February to celebrate Valentine’s Day, open from 10.00 to 18.00. Complimentary glasses of Pink Cava will be served while stocks last. If you are a local artist and feel you have something to offer our club, please get in touch with samples of your work. We welcome new members. www.elclubcasero.com, elclubcasero@gmx.com or Tel. 636 929 326.


Valentines Night Monday 14th February Romantic Candlelit Dinner live music from guitarist John Antony Tel 96 640 5398 For reservations

ers Newcom e Welcom

40 61

Jan 03 2010 2011 14 -2820- Feb may

Missing ‘Nasty Simon’ The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist

VERY FEW British TV comedies have survived an American journey, becoming an instant hit. Would you believe that there were three awful attempts to make Fawlty Towers, one of which didn’t even have Basil Fawlty in it? Just two UK shows have become massive successes. Firstly, ‘All in the Family’, based on ‘Till Death Us Do Part’ introduced American viewers to their equivalent of Alf Garnett, namely Archie Bunker. Then more recently there’s been ‘The Office’, with Steve Carell splendidly taking on the Ricky Gervais mantle. A lot of the reasons behind the failures of British comedies to translate to the American market are very well covered in BBC 2’s Monday night show ‘Episodes’. Two writers are flown to Hollywood to bring over their hit sit com starring Richard Griffiths as a headmaster. We then see their show being painfully morphed, Matt Le Blanc playing a sports coach in a format that is barely recognisable as the original. ‘Episodes’ is not a bad half hour at all, and a lot better than many poor attempts at comedy that BBC 2 trundled out recently. Le Blanc is also good at ‘sending himself up’, especially when his career nosedived after the dreadful Friends spin-off, ‘Joey’. I love Mary Portas and what she is doing in her new Channel 4 series, trying to improve the quality of service in British chain stores. The arrogance of these so-called business people has to be seen to be believed, as they fail to understand the meaning of customer service. I could not resist thinking about Mary being flown over here to do something similar to a well-known French-owned chain of hypermarkets. Her flowing red locks would quickly smoulder into a shade of dirty grey! If only all my school history lessons could have been like The Tudors, which returned last Saturday night to BBC2 for a final season. It’s an absolute load of factual twaddle from start to finish but full of jolly japes as the bed-hopping continues in an unrelenting fashion. And bless my eyes that nice Jonathan Rhys Meyers hasn’t aged or grown a belly at all in his reign as Henry the Eighth! And straight after, BBC 2 has the second series

Simon Cowell

of Nurse Jackie with the fantastic Edie Falco in the title role. Its thirty minutes of comedy and drama beautifully mixed together, which is a must view for anybody who enjoys quality television. I always thought American Idol would struggle when Simon Cowell left last year, and it’s already lost twenty per cent of its viewers on its Stateside return last week. Idol is back on this side on the pond on ITV2 with new judges Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler. Both are fun and knowledgeable, and gel well with Randy Jackson, but it all feels different and I badly miss the Cowell sarcasm, ego and put-downs. It’s what made him one of the biggest names on American TV. The judges now just seem to be too nice, but at least having just three of them is better and we are seeing fewer tedious nutters in the auditions. Cowell

will now be licking his lips for his autumn American premiere of the ‘X Factor’. He hates coming second and he’ll be following those falling ‘Idol’ ratings closely as he eyes up the number one ratings crown. Finally, my recently reported fears of the imminent axing of the delightful ‘Lark Rise to Candleford’ came to pass last week. Two BBC executives, barely out of nappies, talked a load of trash in a Soviet style press release, with no actual comment from anybody to do with the programme. They even came up with the old horse chestnut in saying that after four series, it was “time to try something different”. On that basis, why are shows like ‘New Tricks’, ‘Holby City’, ‘Waterloo Road’ and ‘Spooks’ still running? You really need to do better than that, guys, in telling porkies to cover up your ageist and trendy agenda!

tv Friday 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Saints and Scroungers 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News; Regional News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Scoop 17:00 Dani’s House 17:30 Tracy Beaker Returns 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 QI 22:00 Hustle 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Graham Norton Show 24:20 National Lottery

07:00 Childrens TV 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:40 Chuggington: Badge Quest 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Due South 14:45 Climbing Great Buildings 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Julia Bradbury’s German Wanderlust 20:30 An Island Parish 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein 22:00 Can’t Take It with You 23:00 Fast and Loose 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 The Review Show 24:50 Requiem for a


Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Children’s Hospital 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Take Me Out 24:50 30 Years of An Audience With

07:20 Sali Mali 07:25 The Treacle People 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Freshly Squeezed 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 Frasier 09:25 According to Jim 09:55 Wife Swap USA 10:55 Desperate Housewives 11:55 Gok’s Clothes Roadshow 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Three in a Bed 13:35 River Cottage Bites 13:50 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:25 4thought.tv 20:30 Head Over Heels in Rats 21:00 Relocation: Phil Down Under 22:00 Embarrassing Bodies 23:00 The Million Pound Drop Live 24:20 10 O’Clock Live

07:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Rory and Paddy’s Even Greater British Adventure 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Fairfield Road 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Michaela’s Zoo Babies 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 NCIS 24:55 Cops in Crisis

09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me Or The Dog 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 X-Weighted: Families 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 WWE Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Futurama 21:30 Futurama 22:00 Victoria Wood’s Angina Monologues 23:00 Louie Spence’s

08:30 Australian Open Tennis 09:30 Live Australian Open Tennis 12:00 Australian Open Tennis 14:00 Live Figure Skating 18:00 Live Ski Jumping 19:00 Game, Set and Mats 19:30 Live Figure Skating 22:30 Ski Jumping 23:30 Video Gaming 24:00 Football

09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Bones 22:00 Criminal Minds


CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 7 By word of mouth; 8 Shipmate; 9 Tugs; 10 Swedes; 12 Ideals; 14 Typist; 16 Garish; 18 Bolt; 20 Light ale; 22 Criminal class. Down: 1 By the way; 2 Torpid; 3 Idea; 4 Offering; 5 Sortie; 6 Stag; 11 Settling; 13 Listless; 15 In time; 17 Rattle; 19 Ours; 21 Gold. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 7 Comprehension; 8 Adhesive; 9 Earn; 10 Lights; 12 Ordeal; 14 Edison; 16 Yearly; 18 Bear; 20 Treasury; 22 Advertisement. Down: 1 Woodwind; 2 Speech; 3 Peri; 4 Ceremony; 5 Ascend; 6 Poor; 11 Sanctity; 13 Alluring; 15 Survey; 17 Assume; 19 Eddy; 21 Ease. Word Wheel: NUTRITION



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tv Saturday

42 40

Jan 03 2011 Feb28 26- -Feb March 4 2010

07:00 Brainiac: History Abuse 08:00 Vet Adventures 09:00 Guinness World Records Smashed! 10:00 Best of Oops TV 11:00 Soccer AM 13:00 My Pet Shame 14:00 UK Border Force 15:00 Oops TV 16:00 Futurama 17:00 The Simpsons 17:30 The Simpsons 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 The Middle 19:30 The Middle 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Futurama 22:00 Lethal Weapon 2 24:10 Road Wars

23:45 FA Cup Highlights

07:05 Sali Mali 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Track and Field Show 08:25 GT Academy 08:55 The Morning Line 09:55 Friends 10:25 Shooting Tinie Tempah 10:55 Friends 11:25 Glee 12:25 Friends 12:55 Lady Gaga: Real Stories 13:55 Big Bang Theory 14:25 Big Bang Theory 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me 17:25 Come Dine with Me 17:55 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 Come Dine with Me 19:30 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Fantastic Four 22:00 The Million Pound Drop Live 23:20 Along Came a Spider

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:30 Play! 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:30 The Milkshake! Show 11:00 Meals in Moments 11:10 Animal Rescue Squad 11:30 How Do They Do It? 12:00 Time Bomb Tunnel: Megastructures 13:00 Ice Road Truckers 14:00 Before Winter Comes 16:00 Corrina, Corrina 18:20 Five News 18:25 Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde 20:05 NCIS 20:55 NCIS 21:50 CSI: Miami 22:50 CSI: NY 23:50 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:50 Cops in Crisis

07:00 Harry and Toto 07:10 Everything’s Rosie 07:20 Dirtgirlworld 07:35 Jakers! 08:00 Basil and Barney’s Game Show 08:30 Arthur 09:00 ChuckleVision 09:15 Live Australian Open Tennis 13:05 Flog It! 13:35 Diagnosis Murder 14:20 Becket 16:45 Figure Skating 18:15 Ski Sunday 19:00 Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness 20:00 The Funny Side of TV Talent 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 Arctic with Bruce Parry 23:00 The Paedophile Hunters 24:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 24:35 Once

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Mini CITV 08:25 CITV 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 10:55 FA Cup Highlights 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning: Sunday 13:30 Dinner Date 14:30 Live FA Cup Football 17:25 Midsomer Murders 19:00 Granada News 19:15 ITV News 19:30 Dancing on Ice 21:30 Wild at Heart 22:30 Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 23:05 That Sunday Night Show 23:35 ITV News 23:50 FA Cup Highlights 24:50 Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford

07:10 The Hoobs 08:00 FIS World Championships 08:30 That Paralympic Show 08:55 Battlefront 09:10 Friends 09:40 Friends 10:15 Hollyoaks 12:45 Glee 13:50 The Simpsons 14:25 The Simpsons 14:55 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 15:25 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 15:55 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 16:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 17:00 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 17:30 Deal or No Deal 18:35 Big Momma’s House 2 20:30 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 PS I Love You 24:30 Alan Carr: Chatty Man

07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Little Princess 09:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:30 Family! 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr Men Show 10:30 The Milkshake! Show 11:00 Animal Rescue Squad 11:15 Emergency Bikers 12:15 Cowboy Builders 13:15 Red Sea Jaws 14:20 The Fifth Element 16:40 RV: Runaway Vacation 18:40 Five News 18:45 Jackie Chan’s Who Am I? 21:00 Britain’s Secret Schindler: Revealed 22:00 The Patriot

07:00 Hour of Power

07:00 Childrens TV 11:20 Pingu 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Due South 14:45 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Escape to the Country 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Baking Made Easy 22:00 Horizon: The Secret World of Pain 23:00 Episodes 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Mad Men

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 The Lakes 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Biggest Loser 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Total Emergency 24:35 That Sunday Night Show

07:05 Sali Mali 07:10 Treacle People 07:20 The Hoobs 08:10 Freshly Squeezed 08:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Frasier 09:35 According to Jim 10:05 Wife Swap USA 11:00 Desperate Housewives 11:55 Relocation: Phil Down Under 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 The TV Book Club 13:35 Pickup on South Street 15:05 Cookery School 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Birth of Britain 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 24:05 Joy of Teen Sex

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Roary the Racing Car 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Rory and Paddy’s Even Greater British Adventure 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:10 Aces ‘n’ Eights 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 Emergency Bikers 22:00 Murder at 1600 24:10 Slow Burn

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Baking Made Easy 13:00 BBC News; Regional News 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 Australian Open Tennis 15:00 Live Athletics 17:30 Final Score 18:15 BBC News; Regional News 18:40 Hole in the Wall 19:10 All New Total Wipeout 20:10 The Magicians 21:10 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 22:00 Casualty 22:50 Come Fly with Me 23:20 BBC News 23:40 Live at the Apollo 24:25 The Girl Next Door

07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 09:30 Project Parent 10:00 Dick & Dom’s Funny Business 11:00 Trapped Ever After 11:25 OOglies 11:45 The Slammer 12:15 My Life 12:45 MOTD Kickabout 13:00 Never Cry Wolf 14:40 Coast 14:50 Diagnosis Murder 15:35 Flog It! 16:35 Escape to the Country 17:35 Rabbit-Proof Fence 19:00 Are You Being Served? 19:30 The Story of Are You Being Served? 20:30 Dad’s Army 21:00 From Haiti’s Ashes 22:00 QI XL 22:45 The Tudors 23:40 Nurse Jackie 24:10 Fast and Loose 24:40 Everything

06:30 ITV Morning News

07:00 Breakfast 10:00 Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Country Tracks 13:00 The Politics Show 14:00 Bargain Hunt 14:30 Escape to the Country 15:30 EastEnders 17:25 My Family 17:55 Songs of Praise 18:30 BBC News; Regional News 19:00 Antiques Roadshow 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Lark Rise to Candleford 22:00 Terry Wogan’s Ireland 23:00 BBC News; Regional News 23:25 Gavin & Stacey 23:55 Gavin & Stacey 24:25 Houseguest

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Save My Holiday 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News; Regional News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Scoop 17:00 Big Performance 17:30 Blue Peter 17:55 Shaun the Sheep 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 The Battle for Bomb Alley: Panorama 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 A Question of Sport

tv Sunday

07:00 Mini CITV 08:25 CITV 10:25 Coronation Street 12:45 This Morning: Saturday 13:45 Rosemary & Thyme 14:45 ITV News 14:50 Hulk 17:20 Granada News 17:30 ITV News 17:45 Live FA Cup Football 20:20 Primeval 21:20 Take Me Out 22:35 Benidorm 23:30 ITV News

tv Monday

08:30 Australian Open Tennis 09:15 Game, Set and Mats 09:30 Live Australian Open Tennis 12:00 Live Alpine Skiing 13:30 Live Biathlon 14:30 Biathlon 15:15 Alpine Skiing 16:00 Live Ski Jumping 17:45 Live Luge 18:25 Wintersports Weekend 18:30 Game, Set and Mats 18:45 Figure Skating 20:00 Live Figure Skating 22:30 Football 24:00 Poker

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:30 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 America’s Next Top Model 13:00 Biggest Loser US 14:50 Celebs 24/7 15:00 Nothing to Declare 15:30 Nothing to Declare 16:00 Nothing to Declare 16:30 Nothing to Declare 17:00 Loch Ness 19:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 20:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Criminal Minds 24:00 Criminal Minds

08:30 Australian Open Tennis 09:00 Game, Set and Mats 09:30 Live Australian Open Tennis 12:30 Alpine Skiing 13:00 Live Alpine Skiing 14:00 Live Ski Jumping 15:45 Alpine Skiing 16:30 Biathlon 17:15 Biathlon 17:55 Wintersports Weekend 18:00 Australian Open Tennis 18:45 Game, Set and Mats 19:00 Figure Skating 21:00 Ski Jumping 22:30 Australian Open Tennis 24:15 Game, Set and Mats 24:30 Figure Skating

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:30 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 Four Weddings 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Four Weddings 13:00 Loch Ness 15:00 Nothing to Declare 15:30 Nothing to Declare 16:00 Passport Patrol 16:30 Passport Patrol 17:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue 17:30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 18:00 America’s Next Top Model 19:00 Fat Families 20:00 Four Weddings US 21:00 Criminal Minds 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

Primeval ITV 1, 20.20

08:00 Vet Adventures 09:00 It’s Me Or The Dog 10:00 It’s Me Or The Dog 11:00 WWE Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 The Real A&E 14:00 UK Border Force 15:00 Real Filth Fighters 15:30 The Middle 16:00 The Middle 16:30 Futurama 17:00 Futurama 17:30 The Simpsons 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 Got to Dance 20:30 The Simpsons

22:00 Wall Street

PS I Love you Channel 4

24:25 Drugs Wars: DEA


07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 X-Weighted: Families 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 It’s Me Or The Dog 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 UK Border Force 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Emergency Animal Rescue 19:30 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Road Wars 22:00 Dream Lives for Sale 23:00 Mental 24:00 Inside: Prison Tactical

08:30 Biathlon 09:15 Biathlon 10:00 Football 11:00 Australian Open Tennis 12:15 Biathlon 13:00 Ski Jumping 14:15 Alpine Skiing 14:45 Football 16:15 Australian Open Tennis 18:15 Eurogoals 18:30 Football 19:45 Strongest Man 20:45 Australian Open Tennis 22:30 Eurogoals 22:45 Biathlon 23:30 Biathlon 24:15 Ski Jumping

21:00 The Simpsons 21:30 The Simpsons

Watch New Season TV for Free with the RTN Network 966 463 170

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Nikita 22:00 America’s Next Top Model 23:00 Four Weddings US 24:00 Criminal Minds

tv Tuesday

28 - Feb 4032010 2011 Feb Jan 26 - March

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Save My Holiday 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News; Regional News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Scoop 17:00 My Almost Famous Family 17:30 Blue Peter 17:55 Shaun the Sheep 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman

07:00 Childrens TV 11:05 Postman Pat 11:20 Pingu 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Due South 14:45 Climbing Great Buildings 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Natural World 21:00 A Farmer’s Life for Me 22:00 Do We Really Need the Moon? 23:00 How TV Ruined Your Life 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Mad Men

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Grimefighters 21:00 The Betty Driver Story 22:00 Taggart 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Half Light

07:10 Treacle People 07:20 The Hoobs 08:10 Freshly Squeezed 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 09:35 According to Jim 10:00 Wife Swap USA 11:00 Desperate Housewives 11:55 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jesse James 15:05 Cookery School 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Gok’s Clothes Roadshow 22:00 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 23:00 Shameless 24:05 Derren Brown: Behind the Mischief

07:00 Childrens TV 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Build a New Life in the Country 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Dancing at the Harvest Moon 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Extraordinary Dogs 21:00 Gladiators: Rome Unwrapped 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 CSI: NY 24:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

07:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 08:00 X-Weighted: Families 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 UK Border Force 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 UK Border Force 15:00 Stargate SG-1 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Emergency Animal Rescue 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Let the Stories Begin 22:00 Got to Dance 23:30 A League of Their Own 24:00 Lie to Me

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Save My Holiday 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News; Regional News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Scoop 17:00 Copycats 17:30 M.I. High 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 Motorway Cops 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 23:45 Match of the Day

07:00 Childrens TV 10:40 Big & Small 10:55 Guess with Jess 11:05 Postman Pat 11:20 Pingu 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:35 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 See Hear 14:30 Car Booty 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Michel Roux’s Service 22:00 Who Gets the Best Jobs? 23:00 Have I Got News for You 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Mad Men

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The Unforgettable Les Dawson 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 The Secret Caribbean with Trevor McDonald 24:35 Police, Camera, Action!

07:10 Treacle People 07:20 The Hoobs 07:45 The Hoobs 08:10 Freshly Squeezed 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Frasier 09:30 According to Jim 10:00 Wife Swap USA 11:00 Desperate Housewives 11:55 Country House Rescue 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie at Home 13:30 Cattle Empire 15:05 Cookery School 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Beauty and the Beast: The Ugly Face of Prejudice 22:00 Mary Portas: Secret Shopper 23:00 Joy of Teen Sex 24:05 Shameless

07:00 Childrens TV 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Build a New Life in the Country 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Extraordinary Dogs 16:25 Murder at the Gallop 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Monkey Life 21:00 Cowboy Builders 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 23:55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 24:55 Poker

08:00 X-Weighted: Families 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 UK Border Force 11:00 Cold Case 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 UK Border Force 15:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Emergency Animal Rescue 19:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Dream Lives for Sale 22:00 Louie Spence’s Showbusiness 23:00 Lie to Me 24:00 Victoria Wood’s Angina Monologues

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Save My Holiday 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Escape to the Country 16:00 BBC News; Regional News 16:05 Deadly 60 16:35 Scoop 17:00 Copycats 17:30 Serious Explorers: Livingstone 18:00 Newsround 18:15 Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Regional News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Human Planet 22:00 Outnumbered 22:30 Not Going Out 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

07:00 Childrens TV 11:25 64 Zoo Lane 11:45 Waybuloo 12:05 In the Night Garden 12:35 Ready Steady Cook 13:00 Daily Politics 13:30 GMT with George Alagiah 14:00 Due South 14:45 Climbing Great Buildings 15:15 Instant Restaurant 16:00 To Buy or Not to Buy 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Perfection 18:15 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Great British Railway Journeys 20:00 Who Does What? 21:00 Michel Roux’s Service 22:00 Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists 23:00 The Grumpy Guide to Food and Wine 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Mad Men

06:30 ITV Morning News 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 Granada News 15:00 May the Best House Win 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 Granada Weather 17:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 The Value of a Degree: Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Marchlands 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 Granada News 23:35 Odd One In 24:20 Send in the Dogs

07:10 Treacle People 07:20 The Hoobs 08:10 Freshly Squeezed 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05 Frasier 09:30 According to Jim 10:00 Wife Swap USA 11:00 Desperate Housewives 11:55 Help! My House Is Falling Down 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Jamie at Home 13:30 The Raid 15:05 Cookery School 16:10 Countdown 16:55 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Come Dine with Me 18:30 Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Relocation, Relocation 22:00 Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day 23:00 10 O’Clock Live 24:05 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

07:00 Childrens TV 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:00 The Vanessa Show 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Build a New Life in the Country 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Family Recipe 15:55 Animal Rescue Squad 16:10 Mystery Woman: At First Sight 18:00 Five News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live from Studio Five 20:00 Five News at 7 20:30 Top Trumps: All Terrain Vehicles 21:00 Secrets of the Vanishing Sphinx 22:00 Justin Lee Collins: Turning Japanese 23:00 The Punisher

tv Wednesday

tv Thursday

08:35 WATTS 08:45 Eurogoals 09:15 Ski Jumping 10:15 Biathlon 11:00 Biathlon 11:45 WATTS 12:45 Football 14:00 Eurogoals 14:15 WATTS 14:30 Figure Skating 16:30 Ski Jumping 18:00 Live Ski Jumping 19:00 WATTS 20:00 Boxing 21:00 Boxing 23:00 Extreme Sports: Freeride Spirit 23:15 Ski Jumping 24:15 Football

43 43

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Let the Stories Begin 22:00 World’s Youngest Daredevils 23:00 40 Days and 40 Nights 24:50 Celebs 24/7

Silent Witness BBC 1 22.00

08:30 Extreme Sports: Freeride Spirit 08:45 Ski Jumping 09:45 WATTS 10:00 WATTS 11:00 Figure Skating 13:00 Ski Jumping 14:00 Football 15:00 Snooker: The Masters 17:00 Ski Jumping 18:00 Live Ski Jumping 19:45 Olympic Magazine 20:15 Sport Traveller 20:35 Wednesday Selection 20:40 Show Jumping 21:40 Riders Club 21:45 PGA Tour Golf 22:45 European Tour Golf 23:15 Golf Club 23:20 Yacht Club 23:30 Sport Destination 24:45 Biathlon

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 14:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Four Weddings US 22:00 Bones 23:00 Grey’s Anatomy 24:00 Criminal Minds

The Unforgettable Les Dawson ITV1 20.30

08:00 X-Weighted: Families 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 UK Border Force 11:00 Lie to Me 12:00 Medical Emergency 12:30 Medical Emergency 13:00 Project Runway 14:00 UK Border Force 15:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Cold Case 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Futurama 19:00 Emergency Animal Rescue 19:30 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Middle: Access All Areas 21:30 The Simpsons 22:00 Thorne: Scaredy Cat 23:00 A League of Their Own 23:30 A League of Their Own 24:00 Inside: Prison Tactical

08:30 Luge 09:00 Luge 09:30 Ski Jumping 10:00 Live Snooker 13:00 WATTS 13:30 Ski Jumping 15:00 Live Snooker 18:00 Snooker 20:00 Live Snooker 23:00 Snooker 24:45 Ski Jumping

Watch New Season TV for Free with the RTN Network 966 463 170

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 09:00 Maury 09:50 Celebs 24/7 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Four Weddings 12:00 Maury 12:55 Celebs 24/7 13:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 15:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 16:00 Criminal Minds 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Ghost Whisperer 21:00 Criminal Minds 22:00 40 Days and 40 Nights 23:50 Celebs 24/7 24:00 Criminal Minds


Jan 03 2011 Feb28 26- -Feb March 4 2010

Sponsored High Heel Hike for Help for Heroes

Sunday 27th March

AFTER LAST year’s phenomonal success, it’s back - The Sponsored High heel Hike for Help for Heroes! Only this year’s event has a few changes... Firstly, the ‘high heels’ are optional! However, fancy dress will be worn, with some fabulous prizes on offer for the best costumes! Secondly, the hike will have two starting points: one in Alfaz del Pi and the second in Benidorm (meeting up with the Alfaz hikers). The route takes approximately seven hours to cover, including the numerous ‘pitstops’ in about thirteen bars en route! Lots of fun will be had by all and many of the bars are offering FREE drinks and FREE nibbles. A few wheelchairs will be on loan from

Eurocare Mobility so there’s no excuse not to come! A €5 registration fee will go directly to Help for Heroes and in return hikers will be given a Help for Heroes wristband plus drinks and food in various bars on route. If you would like to take part in this event or would like to donate to this worthy cause, please contact Sam on 672 184 894 or email sam@coast2coast-magazine.com We often hear of the brave soldiers killed in combat but little is said about those poor heroes who are terribly injured. This is where Help for Heroes has an invaluable role, providing practical and direct support. Please take a moment to read their mission statement...

“It’s about the blokes; our men and women of the Armed Forces. It’s about Derek, a rugby player who has lost both his legs, it’s about Carl whose jaw is wired up so he has been drinking through a straw. It’s about Richard who was handed a mobile phone as he lay on the stretcher so he could say goodbye to his wife. It’s about Ben; it’s about Steven and Andy and Mark; it’s about them all. They are just blokes but they are our blokes: they are our heroes. We want to help our heroes.” So please, dig deep for our endeavours or put your Sam (right) heels or fancy dress on and join in. with friend The more, the merrier! And bring a at last bucket to collect money on the way! years event

New charity shop opens in L’Olleria PEPA, THE ‘helping hands charity’ for animals, has opened its second charity shop. Following the success of PEPA’s first charity shop in La Font d’En Carròs, near Gandia, the charity has taken the plunge and opened a second shop in L’Olleria (calle de Isabel la Católica). The new shop opened its doors for business in mid January. Whilst there were not the long queues waiting for opening time that one sees outside Harrods on sale day, the first day of opening saw a steady stream of people entering the shop and even more heartening, a steady stream of paying customers! The shop sells reasonably priced good quality clothes, bric-a-brac, books, toys, household items

etc. So please do visit it and help support this worthwhile animal charity! For more information please telephone the PEPA helpline on 650 304 746 or visit our website www.pepaspain.com

PEPA’s new opening

Supermarket sweep By Jack Troughton LUCKY WINNER Fran Chandler can look forward to picking up a few luxuries after winning the Teulada Moraira Lions Club’s Christmas Draw. Fran was presented with a €350 voucher to spend at Iceland by Lions President Robert Young at the club’s twice monthly bookstall at Moraira Market. A second prize of a voucher for €150 was won by Gary and Julia Cotton – who kindly donated it to supFran port local families in need because receiving her prize of the economic crisis.

Mijas La Cala Lions Quiz Evening THE MIJAS La Cala Lions club recently organised an informal dinner and quiz competition at Dibley’s Bar in La Cala. The place was packed and a great time was had by all! A big thank you to Lesley and

Leader of the pack By Jack Troughton MEMBERS OF Calpe and Benissa Lions Club raised over €1,300 in the run up to Christmas helping pack customers shopping bags in a Marina Alta supermarket. Assisting at the check-outs of the Iceland store in Benissa earned the club a stream of donations from grateful customers. And the funds helped support needy people over the festive period itself in a campaign which will continue over the coming months. Calpe and Benissa Lions continue fund raising with its annual quiz next month and a special Calpe show on 8th April by Barry Britten and Chris Allen, perhaps best known for the hi-

Claire at Dibley’s for helping to make it such an enjoyable evening and for their generous donation to our ongoing charity work in the community. Here’s to the next one!

larious performance of the Wireless Years. For more information about the club call President Hugh Stewart on 965 834 852 or email hughstewart@telefonica.net

Hugh stewart hands Iceland’s Carol Gordon a certificate of appreciation.

Table top sale for BARC

BARC (BUSOT Animal Rescue Centre) are holding a massive table top sale at the Naharro Bar, Los Patos, Busot on Saturday, 5th February at 11.00. Tables are to include books, cards, bric-a-brac, small electrical items, jams & pickles etc., with all proceeds to BARC. Due to the overwhelming success of our first sale at the Naharro in December, all tables are fully booked for this month. However, please phone Sally on 620 421 073 for cancellations or to make enquiries for our next sale in March. Please come along to sample the special breakfast deals on offer and to help us raise money for abandoned animals in this area.


Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011


The human condition Part One by

Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

THE TITLE of this piece may seem a little strange but please read on. Many readers may know of me for the book I have written over the last six years, with its on-going editions that update information, called ‘Motoring in Spain’. It was conceived in late 2003, after asking at a branch of a well-known book-shop chain here that specialises in English language books if they had any detailed information on owning and operating motor vehicles in Spain. The reply was no but I was told that this branch alone was asked for such information several times a week. So - being retired with an active mind (retirement can be so boring) I decided to kill two birds with one stone and find out what I wanted to know as well as write it all down to produce the book which is now in its Third Edition with a website to keep the information up to date. The book has been a great success considering the ‘narrowness of the appeal’. Why write that? Because there are only so many English-speaking resident expats in Spain, some estimates are about 750,000, and only a small proportion of us seem to be bothered about knowing and complying with all the legal aspects of moving and living here. The terrible ‘illegal’ house demolitions as well as other fines being imposed by the Spanish authorities tend to prove this. But the laws about motor vehicles are the same throughout the EU

and the police in Britain are even more ‘on the ball’ than the Spanish ones as readers who have written to me have confirmed. One piece of advice that is essential to avoid much stress and loss of cash is that a new expat, a new ‘resident’ as defined by the tax laws within the EU, has to comply with the re-registration of their foreign motor vehicle onto Spanish plates. Now reading the UK Press we see that there are estimated to be about 1.4 million motorists on Britain’s roads who have no insurance, or no driving licence (banned?) or have not paid the road fund licence, or all three. In fact, the British authorities have seen it to be so serious that they have made it law that any vehicle that has no road fund tax paid is to be seized and crushed regardless of the value of the vehicle. Spain’s Government is now expected to introduce that law here for that and other offences such as no insurance. So perhaps that mentality has been imported here? Remember that to be legal in any country within the EU even as a tourist, the vehicle must be correctly taxed and insured in the country of registration as well as the MOT etc. Brokers who insure foreign vehicles here do not use Spanish insurance companies. Trafico is proposing that foreign vehicles be

allowed to be ITV-d here for safety’s sake but that will also give them a list of potentially illegal vehicles.

Brian’s book

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com. Tel: 666 888 870 Brian Deller, author, book Motoring in Spain, ISBN No 978 84 611 9278 6. Shops’ addresses in my web site at: www.spainvia.com/bookshopslist.htm

Jan 03 2011 Feb28 26- -Feb March 4 2010

46 44


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RESTAURANT LEASE FOR SALE Fully fitted and licensed restaurant for sale at a very realistic price.The restaurant has been trading for 8-years and is well established. tele:687-913-775 FOR TRESPASO. BARRESTAURANT. Center of Torrevieja. Same owners for 23 years. Reason for sale, retirement.telephone:966-707-580 LARGE QUANTITY OF FLAT PACKED Pine Furniture from Denmark. Beds, Robes, Bedside Chests, Bookcases etc.Tlf:-628-499-448 10 COLD DRINK/SNACK VENDING MACHINES with sites,€39,900.excellent cash income, no overhead, work from home, work only one day per week, €31,000 nett yearly. 25 pringle vending machines with sites €14,900.€250 per week guaranteed. 965-326-442/659-696-455 BANKRUPT CLOTHING STOCK Womens,girls & boys clothing.Jeans,Trousers,Skirts Tops All 1euro each.Minimum order 50€. With invoice. Torrevieja, 651-885-200 INTERESTED IN MAKING MONEY? and giving to Charity at the same time! Go to www. referlife.com/1080 or Tlf:663-559-806 SOLAR ENERGY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Long established company, own product range. First class training & support. Telephone 606586587

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/upgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS All your computer needs carried out in our workshop, or at your home or office. Sales, repairs, upgrades, etc. Call Jim on 966-790-520 or 616-211-023

candidate can be expected to earn High Commissions and Performance Related Bonuses. Please forward your CV to simon@milliemunro.com or call 966-493-082 AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit you. For info Phone Rosh 966-785-520 LOOKING FOR FANTASTIC EARNINGS with no outlay? We are looking for Experienced S/E Sales Consultants for the Costa Blanca/Murcia regions Selling Golden Leaves Funeral plans to the ex pat market. Fantastic commissions paid! Phone SOS now for further details!Tel:966-787-123/665-096-710 CARERS WANTED TO WORK IN THE UK 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off. Must be good cook, happy nature.Training given. If you think you are the right person for this job email CV to 24hourhomecareservices@ googlemail.com FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842.

QUALIFIED BUILDER All Building Work Undertaken. Kitchens, Bathrooms, Extentions, Plumbing, Tiling etc. Alfaz del Pi and surrounding areas. George:-966-860008/637-181-116. No Job Too Small

TEETH WHITENING Professional Treatment, from 99€. Javea, Denia, Calpe, area.Tel:-680-501-404 Also wanted, more Self Employed franchised technicians, ideal for Beauty Salons, Hairdressers, mobile operators. Contact: nulookteeth@gmail.com WEIGHT LOSS GUARANTEED/GET FIT world class personal trainer €50 per hour.659-696-455. PSYCHOTHERAPIST/ COUNSELLOR Uk Qualified Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with life? Trapped by circumstances or stuck in a rut? You can take the first steps towards taking control of your life and feelings, by contacting me today. First consultation FREE.Tel No 655-912-044 email nlhwellbeingsolutions@ gmail.com PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517

WORK WANTED. JAVEA AREA Semi-Retired Male. Anything Considered. General Maintenance, Working from Home, Word and Data Processing etc.Tlf:-680-501-404 FULLY QUALIFIED UK ELECTRICIAN with 10 years experience on the CostaBlanca. All jobs undertaken-extra sockets, rewires, fault finding. Tlf:-Hugh-690-275-223

SAILING BOAT ARAEZ 22FT moored MarMenor. Good condition. Marina 8 engine. Spinnaker, Depth Finder etc. Offers. Tel 618-489-904/968-582-358

MOBILE/PARK HOMES FROM 15,000€ Fully furnished ready to move into, A/c, tel, eng tv, on permanent site, bar/res, pool,tennis,gym, shop. Walking distance to San Javier. 5mins to beach, Airport, hospital by car. Also bungalows for rent. Alucasa park home with 34mtr l/shape conservatory 3 sheds 2 a/c eng tv. Tel. Completly furnished. Must sell 25,000 euros o n o Carol:-968-192425. Mob:-626-055-622 www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com CAMPING LOS GALLARDOS Come to Mojacar! Large campsite + mobile home park open all year, great expat community site, all welcome. 950-528-324. www. CampingLosGallardos.com

SOLO SINGER/GUITARIST can travel Country/Blues/ Rock´nRoll. available for pubs/ clubs/private parties, musician not karoke Charlie 691-622-804

PALM AND TREE TRIMMING/ REMOVAL All Garden Maintenance Call 619-336-762

MILLIE MUNRO SERVICES Requires Experienced Sales Consultants to work from home or in conjunction with your existing line of work, to promote our Golden leaves Funeral Plans and Private Health Insurance. Full product training will be provided. The successful

S.O.S. INSURANCE CarHome-Health-Comercial. Funeral Plans and Insurance. Tlf:-966-787-123/622-275-561

MATCHING TWO SEATER and Three Seater Bed Setee. Beige/Brown. 180€ ONO. Buyer Collects. 677-361-805 JACUZZI FLEXA SHOWER CABINET with Multi Jet, Steam & Hydromassage functions.300€ phone:966-499-022 PRORUN TX500 RS heavy duty treadmill as seen in health clubs. As new, with speed, timer and distance indicators.150€ 966-262-762

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

AT MICHAEL’S you also get NEW high quality Spanish beds. All sizes available as we deal directly with the manufacturers! Famous brands like United Colors of Benetton, etc www.michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S Chest freezer with large drawer at bottom. Top loading washing machine, etc 2-door fridge/freezer, as new. Large Phillips solarium. Over 600 photos: www.michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S Beautiful 3-piece suite in beige wicker/cane. Several large carpets,very high quality. Large modern corner suite in in 2colour green fabrics See over 600 photos: www.michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S you can get part exchange on certain beds when you buy a New bed from our New Bed shop in the Arenal. See photos (updates every 5-6 days): www.michaels-javea.com MICHAEL’S 28 YEARS IN JAVEA ENSURES YOUR SATISFACTION! We sell high quality pre owned furniture, many from show apartments etc. Look at: www.michaelsjavea.com Tel 96-579-1328 2 X MATCHING SOFA TABLES Circular, Diameter 60cm, Height 55cm, 3 legged pedestal base, Light oak finish. VCG. Altea area, Buyer collects. 50€ the pair. 691-202-307 CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEM COMPLETE Large 28k Valiant boiler with instruction,11 large gas bottles,gas distribution board,10 radiators,dismantled, private sale,Javea, 1400euros. Tlf:-965-770-594 WHEELCHAIR Light, Foldable, Hardly used, like new, 150€. Mobility Scooter 40km range 499€ Tlf:-627-019-403

WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewellery, vintage watches bought sold part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafron near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003. Tel:965-792-595

BALLROOM/LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Baleares, Torrevieja, New Beginners class Monday 10.30am-12.30pm. SOCIAL DANCE Saturday 7.30pm-10pm. Tuesday Improvers Lesson 7.30pm8.30pm plus SOCIAL DANCE 8.30pm-10.30pm. New Venue: The Wok Royal, Benijofer (966714-820) New Beginners Class: 7.30pm-8.30pm plus SOCIAL DANCE: 8.30pm-10.30pm. Bienvenido Chinese restaurant, at La Zenia roundabout.New Beginners Class: Wednesday 7.30pm-9.30pm. Tel: Andrea and Brian 616-478-157 WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our Free English call centre now to find your nearest meeting. 900-818-794 DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free memberships-Join Now! www.datemed.es

PINE SHOP SALE Double Bed. 270€ Tlf:-628-499-448 PINE SHOP SALE Hall Mirror 85€ Tlf:-628-499-448 PINE SHOP SALE Gate Leg Table 85€ Tlf:-628-499-448 PINE SHOP SALE Sideboard 155€. Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE Large Bookcase 135€ . Tel:628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE Treble Robe 150€ . Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE Double Robe 180€.Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE 5+2 Chest. 135€. Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE Bookcase 57€.Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE King size bed. 285€.Tel:-628-499-448. PINE SHOP SALE Bedside Chest. 20€.Tel:-628-499-448. KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER “Brand New” 500GB. 70,000songs, software, songbooks, bar/home use. 275euros Tlf:-657-766-341 POOL, SNOOKER TABLES Also Table Tennis and Darts. Will beat any price!. Tlf:666-933-726. www.spainpool.com

QUAD BIKE Hamel 250cc auto Road legal G/condition Tel 608572719 1200E o.n.o

FUEL SET FUEL TREATMENT Are you worried about your car failing the ITV because of emissions? Check out www. liquidengineeringspain.com for details of Fuel Set, which could solve your fuel emission problems. FORD TRANSIT CONNECT T200, 2005 1.8 TDCI, diesel, Spanish LHD, only one owner/driver. Very well maintained.5495€ www. venuscars.com 965-368-274 SUZUKI VITARA, 2002 4X4, Spanish LHD, Burgundy/Silver, 1.9 Ltr diesel, manual, only 43000 KLM 5995€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 CITROEN C3 SX PLUS, 2005 1.4 Ltr petrol, Spanish LHD, champagne, Cd player, elec windows, climate control, one owner, only 49000 klm, excellent condition 6495€ www. vensucars.com 965 368 274 SEAT TOLEDO, 1998 Petrol Automatic, white, Spanish LHD,air con, all round elc windows, good condition 2495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 PEUGEOT PARTNER COMBI, 1998, 1.9 Ltr Diesel, Spanish LHD, Silver, air con, roof rack, power steering very good maintenance record. 3495€ www.venuscars.com 965-368274 KIA CARNIVAL, CONCEPT EX, 2007 Spanish LHD, Silver, manual, diesel, 7 seater, MP3 Bluetooth, alloy wheels, front & rear air con, sliding rear doors, one owner 14995€ www. venuscars.com 965-368-274 MERCEDES C180 ELEGANCE 1999 Facelift Model. Silver, LDH, Low Milage, Service History, Excellent Condition inside and out. Very Econimical. €4000 ONO Tlf:-696-981-082 FORD FOCUS ESTATE 2004 1.6 AUTO, 75,000kms, Full service history - Petrol, Metallic silver, PAS, ABS, Front fog lights, E. windows/mirrors, R. luggage cover, A/C, Remote locking, Cd player, Multi airbags, Rear head restraints. 5750€ Stunning condition! Call Frank 600.726.221/965.687.976 or simply view our website www.fwreurocars.com JEEP WRANGLER - 4X4, RIGHT HAND DRIVE, English Reg. July ‘01 - 4.0 Sahara, 29,000kms, Full service history - Petrol, Dark metallic green, Chrome bumpers bullbar, side bars, Front spot lights, A/C, Central locking, Alloys, Driver’s airbag, ABS, PAS, Cd player, Tow pack, Anti roll bar, Original handbook and service books. Stunning Condition! Call Frank 600.726.221/965.687.976 or simply view our website www. fwreurocars.com LOOKING FOR A CHEAP CAR? Look! Suzuki Swift Spanish reg rhd 1.3 year 2000 fsh beautiful condition finished in met skyblue & alloys! Bargain only 1,350e or an Opel Corsa 1.2 millenium 5 door lhd 95,000kms 2 owner fsh high spec, met paint with a/c alloys cd & much more only 2,350e or rhd English reg Vauxhall Vectra 2.0 diesel, 5 door hatch 05/1997 mot´d & taxed only 1,250e or an Opel Corsa swing 5 door 1992 lhd 78,000kms only 1,100e these & many more for sale or exchange just call Frank 600.726.221/965.687.976 or simply view our website www.fwreurocars.com BARGAIN FORD FIESTA 1.4 TDCI Turbo Diesel. Sep/2003,LHD 5door, only 69,000klm, approx 43,000 mls, F/S/history, air/con e/

VILLAPAINTING.ES Spray application specialists.Interior and Exterior, wood-doors and metalwork Telephone 678-179346 info@villapainting.es

windows, remote c/locking, remote CDplayer, possible px, lady owner. Very economical. 4395euros ONO, 656-676-541 VW BEETLE. LHD. 2000 English Registered 1600€. Call:-627-463-523 BUMPERS, WINGS AND MIRRORS All body panels for all cars supplied. Tel:-966-875497 or 618-592-396 HEADLIGHTS4U.COM Left hand drive headlights supplied and fitted. All makes. Also air conditioning rechargeTel:-966875-497 or 618-592-396 MITSUBISHI PAJERO RHD English Plates. 7 seater, 2.8L diesel, 2500€ ONO. Call for more information. Tlf:664-535-755 WANTED Scrap cars, vans, lorries, plant and caravans. Turn your scrap into cash. Free collection. Tel.689929395 WE BUY any car,van,motorhome,boat, jet ski. Instant decision at good prices. Tel 680 -665-583 WANTED I buy any car, van,Caravan,4x4 Etc.British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600781-873 ibuyanycar@hotmail. com

PAINTING AND DECORATOR Exterior/interior Villa Painting Specialist. Woodwork, iron work, all aspects. For a free friendly, no obligation quote call Kevin Guilfoyle. 965831-209/636-653-516 or Guifoyle.kev66@gmail.com


GENERIC VIAGRA SAFE AND EFFECTIVE 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€ or fast acting oral jellies. Call Ron TTMarketing Tlf:-966-499-204 SINCERE MAN WOULD LIKE TO MEET A Sincere Lady with a view to Companionship and Happiness. Very Fit and Active. Tlf:-966-784-665 TRANSVESTITE TORREVIEJA Transex Kamila.Skin brown,big breast,big surprise,erotic massaje,full services. 610-934-279 www.negratrans.blogspot.com GENERIC VIAGRA 100MG 12 tablets for 30€ or 24 for 50€ also fast acting jellies and weekenders. Free discreet delivery. Quesada & surrounding area. Derek 685-207-378 ELEGANT, SLIM, SEXY LADY ESCORT My Place, Home or Hotel visits. Torrevieja-La MangaMazarron Areas. Tlf:-693-357-526 DANI 24, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534 Torrevieja TANYA is back and needs help to burn off all those Xmas calories. Tel:-626-324-088 PORNO DVD´S! The Best You´ve Ever Seen! Gay, Bestial, SheMale, BDSM 10€ each. Tlf:-636929-511 SEXY FUN AND GAMES 63 year old. Sub/Dom Switch. Your place or mine. Available for females, males and couples. Specialising in more mature females and cross dressers. Torrevieja to Benidorm. Low Fees. Tlf:-655-058-554 SPANISH LADY PLAYA FLAMENCA near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€. Full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412 NEW IN BENIDORM MATURESUSI, 49 discrete, dedicated flute player, made in Switzerland. Offers from sensual massage to full premium service as outcalls or incalls. 7days 10am - 8pm Call 672-836-234 or www.maturesusi.com CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118 NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40?. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285


Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011 CLASSIC SPANISH OLD TOWN HOUSE CALLOSA. 3 double bedrooms (one en-suite) new kitchen, large living room/ diner. Bbq terrace and LOTS more. Recently reformed/fully furnished. 135,000€ Tel:609-177-032.

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966-774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@ pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools. com SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743048 www.pooltechspain.com

No Annual Fees on Sky Cards. Steve:-660-186-505/Ros:965-584-097. www.ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com LNB SATELLITES The No 1 Satellite Company covering all the Costa Blanca since 2000. Telephone 965-873-726 or 669686-587 or see our advert on Page 2 every week.

SPECIAL OFFER Los Altos, Detached Villa, 220 square metre plot, only 113,000€ 669-283-973

RECORDS AND CD´S WANTED Top cash paid. Pop, Rock, Blues.Tlf:-630-665-363 TURN YOUR UNWANTED FURNITURE Electrical, Household Goods and Brica-brac into Cash. Anything! Anywhere!965-319-220/ 618-165-877

QUALIFIED TRANSLATOR Bi-Lingual Spanish-English, High Level French and German. Confidential and Reliable Service. Competative Rates. Torrevieja Area. Call Virginia on 629-201-192. TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

LONG TERM RENTAL, JAVEA Small Villa preferred, or ground floor apartment. Retired male, with dog. Needing secure garden, TV, Internet. Tel.:680-501-404.

LOOKING TO RELOCATE We have new and pre-owned luxury park homes for sale throughout the UK 12 month occupancy part exchange considered on your Spanish or UK home for more information call 0044151633-2321 or email :alan. aitken@hotmail.co.uk MOBILE/PARK HOMES On Camping Pueblo in San Javier from 15,000€. Alucasa park home with 34mtr l/shape conservatory 3 sheds 2 a/c eng tv. Tel. Completly furnished. Must sell 25,000 euros ono. Carol:-968-192425. Mob:-626-055-622 www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com

MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email:-van. man@hotmail.co.uk VAN LEAVING FOR THE U/K every two weeks space both ways. Great rates contact Joe on 966-074-189 or 650-341-087 or email civic1235@msn.com SPANISH LINKS LTD Removals & Deliveries. Spain/ Uk/Spain www.spanishlinks. co.uk Ring 0044-1209-843971 MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600247-535 LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839

Two 25 litre single standing fryers. 6 months old. Hardly used. 2250€ new. Selling for 1000€

VILLAMARTIN AREA Middle Town House, 2/3 Bedrooms, Bathroom, Seperate Toilet, Garage, F/F, Fitted Kitchen, 89.000€. Tlf:-669-283-973

ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT TO LET Apartment in Oliva, comprising lounge, kitchenette, double bedroom, bathhroom, nicely furnished and heated. €250 pcm including bills. tlf:962-855-900 APARTMENT FOR RENT 3 bedroom, clean spacious apartment in Pedreguer town, close to all amenities. 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, aircon and lift. Available now €450 per month bills included. Call 638-207-343 TORREVIEJA 2 Bed 1 Bath, 1st floor apartment, for long let. with lift, separate good sized kitchen with serving hatch to lounge/Diner. Galleria, and large balcony.TV, A/C. 1 min from sea front.609-550-734 1 BED BUNGALOWS on Camping Pueblo in San Javier with lots of ameneties.Carol 968-192-425 mob 626-055-622 www,mobilehomesmarmenors pain.com


COMPUTER TUTOR Software training, ebusiness education, website publishing, photography, videography and more DIY tips and tricks for all of your business and personal needs. Karla Darocas - certified instructor since 1990. Tel: 96 597 3234 info@KarlaDarocas. com Referrences www.KarlaDarocas.com BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER Offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ Mathematics. Tel:-Margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/616-660-687

SMALLDISHTV@HOTMAIL. CO.UK UK TV no subscriptions fitted from 299.00 Euros Games consoles repaired. 605-547-662 ALL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Installed, Maintained and Repaired. 10 years experience with Satellites in Spain. All areas covered. Tlf:-Hugh690-275-223 SKYSUPPLIES Sky+/Humax HD/SD Digibox`s, White cards, LNB`s. Faults/realignments. Advice. 966-194-013/600899-096. CRYSTAL CLEAR SATELLITE AND INTERNET TV for all your digital and TV requirements.

each or 1750€ for both. Call Paul on

636 889 232

benidorm theme park TICKETS FOR SALE 2 FOR JUST 10€ CALL 620 340 548

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011


Book an advert on this page and get a FREE premium listing worth 100€ on thebizspain.com. Contact your local representative or call 902 118 999 T’s & C’s apply Airport Parking

Awnings & Blinds


Buyers Surveys


Energy (Solar)






Man with a Van •Removals •Drop offs •Pick Ups

Call 603 108 778



Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011 With Andy Kay

The final whistle A ‘Gray day’ for Andy

f l o G N T R e t a d p u Club Dennis Jordan



Assistant Referee Sian Massey THE ANDY Gray / Richard Keys saga at Sky Sports has thrown up some intriguing questions and opinions. Their supporters suggest that the original off-air conversation regarding assistant referee Sian Massey was nothing more than banter. Sorry, but having listened to the tape, it’s far more than that. The argument that it was a private conversation doesn’t hold water either, particularly as their comments would have been clearly heard by everyone in the TV production gallery. That aside, and also discounting the fact that Sky may have been looking for an opportunity to get Gray out of the door due to his legal action against another Murdoch media outlet, what will worry his previous bosses more will be the negative comments on the message boards over Sky’s football coverage, of which Keys and Gray have been the head honchos for the past 2 decades or so. It’s clear that many people don’t like either of them and feel that Sky will be a better place now that Keys has joined Gray on the side lines. Personally, while accepting that the duo has been instrumental in the changing face of football coverage since Sky started up, I won’t miss Gray’s rather pompous view of the sport. I never liked the fact that he always seemed to discount the views of people who’d never played the game and I hated it when he used to call players by their nicknames when commentating. Whilst he may be mates with Steven Gerrard, or ‘Stevie G’ as Gray relentlessly called him, I’m not. And I’m the viewer. Additionally, it’s hard to knock the views of many that Gray and Keys often behaved as if they were the story, rather than the 22 blokes out on the pitch. His sacking means that in the near future at least, we won’t be hearing one of Gray’s often used phrases “I don’t know what he was thinking there.” A phrase that rather sums up this sorry tale… ARE WE NEARLY THERE YET? England’s schedule in Australia is beginning to take its toll. Players seem to be suffering injury after injury and a number of them, including Graeme Swann and Tim Bresnan face a race against time to be ready for the World Cup. Although a second string side managed to win the fourth one-day international on Wednesday, I can’t help thinking the tour itinerary was drawn up more with money in mind rather than player welfare. Even worse, on the back of a five match Ashes series and nine cash-cow one-day encounters of various lengths, the players will only get three days at home before they head off to Asia and the World Cup. That’s hardly enough time to kiss the wife and kids and wash their smalls! True, they are all professionals and should be able to deal with it, but it’s hardly the ideal preparation for a major tournament is it?

NEWS ON the courses in the North is that in general they are in good condition, although Bonalba is still struggling with contamination on the greens. Let’s hope it gets sorted soon. Some of you may have seen that Mercedes has taken over part of the car parking area at Villaitana golf course - they have business with the hotel there for approximately three months and have erected marquee-style awnings, but parking in the larger car park is uninterrupted. As I am sure many golfers are aware of the Hotel Golf complex at El Plantio, we had some friends stay there for a few nights and said the standard of the rooms were first class – a five star rating. For anyone wanting a short break including a round or two of golf then then it is certainly recommended. To book any of the courses with information on prices, see the details opposite.

Mike Probert SOUTH


WELL IT looks like the winter has finally arrived on the Costas with the temperatures dropping dramatically over the last week but don’t let this prevent you from playing as for many courses this is the last week of the winter deals and these price levels will not be seen again until the Summer. We sometimes criticise the local courses for a lack of invention but congratulations must go to Vistabella who have now introduced a scheme for every green fee booked for the weekend you will receive a FREE 15-20 minute quick-fix golf lesson from the professional either before or after your round. Las Colinas have also announced an extension of their special 4 ball deal to include tee times from 08.00 – 09.00 but book urgently as the deal ends on 15/02/11

NORTH Region Golf Course

RTN Price




Single Green fee

Alicante Golf


Single Green fee + Buggy



Single Green fee

Don Cayo


Single Green fee

El Plantio


Single Green fee

Font del Llop


Two Green fees

Villaitana Par 62


Single Green fee + Buggy

Villaitana Par 72


Single Green fee

For more information email Dennis at dennis@roundtownnews.com or direct to www.benidormgolf.com on 630 714 373.

SOUTH Region Golf Course

RTN Price




2 Players and 1 Buggy (Fridays)

Las Colinas


4 Players and 2 Buggies


(8am-9am and 12pm-1pm)

La Finca


Single Green Fee

Las Ramblas


Single Green Fee

La Serena


2 Players and 1 Buggy

Lo Romero


2 Players and 1 Buggy



2 Players and 1 Buggy



2 Players and 1 Buggies (Weekend) 2 Players and 1 Buggy (From 2.00pm)


2 Players and 1 Buggy

There many more winter deals available and to obtain more information contact Mike at mike@roundtownnews.com or direct at Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

Joinourclub! PLAYING GOLF for RTN Golf Club members could not be better as everyone scores a hole in one to enjoy a complete discount package at the best prices possible. Players can get out on 30 Costa Blanca courses and pay the most competitive green fees available. This ‘superb’ deal means a RTN Golf Club member and up to seven guests can all be enjoying spectacular discounts at clubs along the coast. To book a round, all members have to do is to send their requirements to the two agents,

who will deal with requests quickly and efficiently. For the south email: mike@roundtownnews.com and for the north email: dennis@roundtownnews.com To apply for your membership card go to: www.roundtownews.co.uk and click on the Golf club logo on the homepage. Allow 21 days for delivery

FC TorryFans investigate formation of Football Club AT A General Meeting on Thursday, 13th January, the Members asked the committee of FC TorryFans to carry out a further and more in-depth investigation on the forming of a new football club in Torrevieja. President Eduardo Cagigao stated that more time was required to formulate a complete plan before a definitive proposal could be put to all members. President Cagigao presented detailed financial information to those present and a full discussion followed, with a unanimous decision to carry on researching the proposal. After the meeting, Eduardo Cagigao stated that, “Only when all the facts are available and presented to members should a vote be taken on whether a new football club is to be formed.”The next General Meeting will take place within a month when it is hoped a firm decision will be made.

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

Jan 28 - Feb 03 2011

Play El Plantio for just €30 Fishing Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Teaching Professional Campo de Golf El Plantio 639 730 891

FEBRUARY PRESENTS the chance for RTN Golf Club members to pit their skills against one another and The Championship course at El Plantio. This will be the first of our attempts to provide competitive golf for our members in 2011. In the January edition of The RTN Golf Club Newsletter we asked what our members wanted and the vast majority asked for a monthly competition that could be fun and also affordable. Well now thanks to El Plantio we can offer 18 holes of golf over one of the area’s top courses for just €30 per player including prizes. Each month, Moneycorp will sponsor the tournaments so that every month we will see a member of RTN Golf Club walk away with a beautiful trophy to keep. Each month we plan to move The Members Monthly Stableford around the courses that offer us the best price so that as many members as possible will be able to play. Our agents in both the North and the South will be enlisted to obtain the best possible prices at courses up and down the Costa Blanca. We will run the competition along the guidelines laid down by RFEG and handicaps will be adjusted in accordance with their recommended system. The first of our competitions will take place at El Plantio on 8th February starting at 12.00. Players can choose their start times by advising us when they would like to start. Tee times will be allocated at 8 minute intervals with play taking place in groups of four wherever possible. Email your entries including handicap to golf@roundtownnews.com and we will confirm your start time. Should you require buggy hire this can be arranged for an extra €10; please advise in advance if possible. The most successful golfer over the year will win a weekend stay in a fabulous luxury apartment in Benidorm and tickets to the shows at Benidorm Palace. The winner will be decided on the highest number of Stableford points gained over the year

from your 4 best scores from the tournaments you have entered. You must play in a minimum of 4 events to be eligible. In the event of a tie the winner will be decided on handicap or final round scores. Come on, don’t delay, get your entry to us now so that we can get the competitions organised. Remember if you are not a member of RTN Golf Club it costs nothing to join so sign up now by following the instructions on the adjoining page.

WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews. com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. QUESTION FOR 28TH JANUARY 2011: Who is disqualified from last week’s Abhu Dhabi HSBC Championship for not replacing his ball on the green? A. B. C.

Padraig Harrington Elliott Saltman Paul Casey

All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 31st January 2011 to be entered into January’s draw, to be made on 31st January. The winner will be announced in RTN on 4th February 2011. NOEL EASTWELL GOLF ACADEMY AT EL PLANTIO For the very best in affordable golf tuition, contact Noel on 639 730 891: reduced prices for RTN Golf Club Members.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

Orihuela Juniors disappointing weekend WELL CONTESTED games over the last two weekends saw the lead changing hands on several occasions. However, Orihuela RFC thought they had won the game with a converted try with a minute to go to make the score 24-23, but when Elche took the ball into the Orihuela 22 and met a great try saving tackle by Bing Tou, the Elche player did not release the ball - Pablo ripped the ball from the Elche player but the referee gave a penalty try to Elche instead of Orihuela. This meant that Elche went onto win the game 30-24: disappointing. The referee “…did not see what happened.” Maybe he should not referee - standards should be checked. The infantiles also went down to Elche 26-10. Next league match for the juniors is away to Denia on 12th February. Club training is Tuesdays and Thursdays, Miguel Hernandez University: seniors and older juniors: juveniles from 20.30 to 22.30; younger juniors from 18.15 to 20.00. New players are welcome. For more information, I’m at the Moncayo market most Saturdays, call 692 767 242 or contact club president Álvaro on 630 313 298. Juniors contact Oscar on 600 871 606 (Spanish).

Top international football on the Costa Blanca and La Manga!

Maggots End by

David Hoare

968 199 279

For further details ring Alan Roscoe 968 570 876 or email: anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com THIS WEEK saw the start of the RTN Challenge cup. It is a series of 4 matches with the best overall team weight to win. The 2 teams are Rods and Reels and Abbey Anglers. All members of both clubs are eligible to fish with the top 8 weights from each team to be added up for the overall weight; these are then added together from each match to give the winning team. The match was fished on the 8 foot drain. At the start of the match, the drain was running like a raging torrent and some 2-3 feet below normal level. When the match started, the water was only just flowing and the drain filling back up to its normal level. So through most of the day it was constant replumbing to check depth accuracy. TOP ANGLERS ON THE DAY 1st Bill (The Master) Reade, fishing the pole using maggot and corn with 13.64 kg 2nd Dave (Yours Truly) Hoare, fishing the pole using maggot with 9.82 kg 3rd Marlene (Dave´s Wife) Hutchinson, fishing the pole using maggot with 7.26 kg I think Dave´s cooking for the week again! OVERALL WEIGHT ON THE DAY Rods and Reels: 32.22 kg Abbey Anglers: 40.75 kg Please note there are two vacancies within the club if anyone is interested in joining: please contact Sue Swann on 966 729 293.

FOR THE first time since the 1982 World Cup, Alicante will host a major football tournament. 16 teams from eight different countries will meet in the second edition of Copa del Sol, including Champions League contenders Shaktar Donetsk and FC Copenhague, and Europa League contenders Spartak Moscow, led by Valeri Karpin, who spent 11 years playing in Spain. Also participating are teams that will play in European championships the coming season: Norwegian champions Rosenborg; Swedish champions Malmo FF; Czech Champion Viktoria Plzen; Danish Cupwinners Nordsjaelland; runners up Wisla Krakow (POL) and Vaalerenga (NOR); Rapid Bucarest; Sportul (ROM) Tromsoe; Aalesund (NOR); Karpaty Lviv (UCR) and IFK Gothenburg (SWE). It will also be interesting to see the participation of the ambitious Molde FK (NOR), led by former Man U player Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. FORMAT The 16 teams will meet in 4 eliminatory rounds, played in a tennis-style format, with one arm playing in La Manga and the other one in Elche. In total 15 tournament matches will be televised live in the participating countries, as well as shown in countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. VENUES The official tournament matches will be played and televised at La Manga and the Elche Stadium (‘Martinez Valero’ - host to the 82 World Cup) between 27th January - 7th February. Consolation games will be played in La Manga and on different pitches around the Benidorm area.


ABBEY ANGLING RESULTS supplied by Terry Screen This week saw the last Match of the Winter League fished at Murcia. The river was pushing through with good colour; the water temperature was 10º and the air temperature rose to 14º through the day with the fishing patchy. 1st Lenny (Ex Cultural

Attachee) Bolton with 11.200kg fishing pole, maggot and bread 2nd Pete (The Peg) Hampshire with 5.760 kg fishing pole and maggot. 3rd Terry (Swing ‘Em) Screen with 5.400kg fishing pole bread and maggot. This now concludes the Winter League and the final results are: Winner: Bill Reade Runner up: Terry Screen The next Match is on Tuesday 25th January and will be the start of the Abbey Angling Cup: meet on the bank at 07.30. All details available from the Match Secretary Terry Screen on 965 328 368 ANGLERS TOGETHER Anglers Together was formed to introduce and encourage anglers of all abilities to meet up and get together to fish, either sea or freshwater. Firm friendships have been formed during the time the group has been active and information on fishing venues and licenses required are available at the meetings or by regular emailed newsletters. Meetings are held in two locations on the second Friday and Saturday of each month. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along. The next meeting is at Mary’s Bar, Campoverde (near Pilar de la Horadada) on Friday 11th February at 12.00. There is a new venue for the Puerto de Mazarron meeting starting in January 2011. On Saturday 12th February at 12.00 the meeting will be held at The New Royal Bar and Restaurant at El Alamillo, opposite the sea-front between Isla Plana and the Port. Refreshments and lunch are available at each location. Come along to a meeting nearest to you.

The football ground that will be used in the Benidorm area for training and consolation matches, are the following: Alfaz del Pi, Albir (Albir Garden), Altea, Polop and La Nucia. The organisation wishes to thank these municipalities for the use of their facilities. COPA DEL SOL Copa del Sol was held for the first time last year at Costa del Sol, with the participation of eight teams. The move to Costa Blanca and La Manga is a joint venture between the Norwegian Professional Fotball League and the Swedish TV producer IEC in Sports, seeking more venues in order to expand the tournament and gaining more prestige. As a result, the tournament will be televised in more than 30 countries. The idea of the Copa del Sol is that teams from countries that normally have a winter break, i.e. Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, get some international matching before the kick off of the European championships. If the tournament is a success this year, including a solid and enthusiastic fans base at the stadiums, this could be an annual sporting event for years to come. For more information about schedules and match-ups: www.copadelsol.org

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