RTN Edition 534

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“An image makeover is more than skin deep‌

...it’s a true reflection of the spirit and energy of everyone involved in the RTN and sends out a positive message to its readers and advertisers who support the publication and contribute to its success.� PUBLISHACK


Your English Newspaper

Issue 534

How to avoid a Telefonica induced nervous breakdown Join the RTN Network! PAGE 16 Your problems solved

A welcome boost for newly weds A report on the new grants being offered from Torrevieja Council to newlyweds which help them get onto the property ladder. p5

with Aunty Virus...p46

Golf factor! .uk


January 8 -14 2010

The fundamentals Last year, RTN and Bay Radio offered the opportunity of a lifetime to four dedicated of weight loss PAULA DENVIR and golf mad youngsters in a competition which gave away a year’s free golf tuition talks about courtesy of professional coach and RTN’s golf expert Noel Eastwell. weight loss, your metabolism and why yo-yo dieting just doesn’t work. p37

Sea experiences across the Costa Blanca ANNA RATCLIFFE explores the sea-based activities available on Costa Blanca. p44

The final whistle

Andy Kay’s weekly round up of sporting news. This week Saracens coach Brendan Venter is in trouble after having a dig at a referee. p66

to kids aged from 11 to 16 and all they had to do was explain

why they should be selected for the prize. On Tuesday, the lucky youngsters were chosen and so began Golf Factor! Two

teenagers were chosen from the north Costa Blanca and two

were chosen from the south. All four of the chosen kids were delighted to be given this fantastic opportunity. As we

stated in the competition rules, they all have to be totally dedi-

cated to the game and want to become the very best they can

be, with ambitions to be a top

class amateur or professional. Having spent most of the day

For a good nights sleep go and see the


New Season Sale Now On

by Louise Clarke THE COMPETITION was open

Page 7

with them earlier this week, we couldn’t have chosen a better group of youngsters.

Continued on page 20


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8-14 JANUARY 2010


FC Torrevieja make changes IT’S ALL change at FC Torrevieja following the resignation of Chairman Eddie Cagigao.

by Louise Clarke

UT HO Sabout your business in

ON TUESDAY, a company called Sports and Media Management (SAMMINC) was granted full commercial and financial control of the club. Mr Cagigao resigned from the club last week and as a result fans were left wondering what would happen next and even if there would be a club at all. It appears that the new company has now taken charge of the club and hailed it as a ‘New Beginning’. SAMMINC issued a statement to RTN saying: “The

function of Sports and Media Management will be to support FC Torrevieja by implementing a strategic recovery plan to re-integrate the club back into the heart of the community, stabilise the unfortunate financial issues the club has been experiencing and push for promotion at the earliest possible opportunity.” It continued: “We are currently working through the due diligence process with the temporary committee and aim to clear outstanding players’ wages and other debts by the 31st January

2010 to ensure the recovery of this historic football club.” HAPPY RELATIONSHIP Tommy Taylor has been appointed as the ‘Director of Football’ and will work alongside Soto to establish a level of football guaranteed to please the loyal and valued FC Torrevieja fan base. The new management have said that this Sunday’s game will now NOT be a ‘Club del Dia’ as previously scheduled. The statement added: “We would be delighted if you could make it to this

Sunday’s game and play a vital part in launching this new and exciting chapter for FC Torrevieja. We would also like to take the opportunity of thanking the officials of the town for the level of courtesy demonstrated during our recent stay, as well as their help and assistance. We look forward to a long and happy relationship serving the community of Torrevieja and we would like to welcome all the fans on Sunday. Please come along, enjoy the atmosphere and watch a great game of football - we look forward to seeing you there!”

Spain cracks down on institutional corruption

8-14 JANUARY 2010

Angry Spaniards are saying “no more!” to the years of corruption that have clouded judgments made within Town Halls and other influential bodies across the country. by Staff Reporter

The former Councillor for Traffic of Marbella City Council, Victoriano Rodríguez.

The decision to take a stand has been triggered by fifteen years of repressible real estate speculation believed to have contributed to the economic crisis currently gripping the nation. Gaspar Llamazares, the leader of the United Left coalition told the Spanish press: “After getting drunk on speculation, we are waking up to a corruption hangover”. Corruption scandals “buried in the books” are continually being uncovered throughout the country, as auditors employed to study the economic trends ask the question: “Where did all the money go?” Construction companies that played a part have gone into liq-

uidation, handing ‘dodgy’ paperwork over to the creditors. As more incidents and extortionate sums of embezzled money hit the headlines and with soaring unemployment levels and no imminent end in sight, Spaniards are not happy with the status quo. CONSEQUENCES Sadly, for those of us living in the Valencian Community, it is officials of our ruling party, the conservative Partido Popular, which have been at the centre of the accusations, along with fellow party members in Madrid. Corruption also raised its head among the Socialist PSOE party earlier this month, when the activities of a party legislator and former nationalists from the northeastern region of Catalonia were placed under scrutiny.

The Spanish daily ‘El Mundo’, estimated that a staggering 4.1 billion euros was embezzled in Spain during the decade long property boom; an investment which could have created “50 modern hospitals.” Police Investigators have suggested that institutional corruption has generated more ‘black’ money than drug trafficking, the country’s second major black market. The majority of cases have related to the unlawful reclassification of land in exchange for favourable payouts from contractors. Mr Gonzalez Pons suggested that concerned parties have “become multi-millionaires without lifting a finger, through an administrative decision”. The Spanish press states that over 300 people, the majority of whom being in positions of power or contractors, will be tried for corruption and influence peddling next year.


8-14 JANUARY 2010

Five injured in blaze

A welcome boost for newly weds

by Louise Clarke A THREE story apartment block had to be evacuated on Tuesday morning following a devastating fire in a second floor apartment. The block, situated in the Sacred Heart Plaza in the town of Los Montesinos, contains 24 apartments. The fire brigade from both Torrevieja and Almoradi were called to the scene at 06:30 on Tuesday following reports of a blaze; the causes of which still remain to be confirmed, under investigation by the Guardia Civil. The residents of the apartment, who were woken by the blaze, managed to escape before the fire devastated the property and some of their neighbours quickly evacuated the rest of the building as the alarm was raised. Other neighbours couldn’t escape via the emergency fire escape due to thick smoke and so had to be rescued from their balconies by firemen using mechanical stairs. GUTTED A fourteen year old and three adults, including two women aged 31 and 59 years, as well as

a 34-year-old police officer from the Los Montesinos local police, were taken to Torrevieja Hospital suffering from the effects of smoke inhalation. The older woman had also suffered cuts to her leg as a result of contact with broken glass during her escape from the inferno. A hospital spokesman told RTN that their injuries were minor and all left hospital the following day. The fire was extinguished quickly and the fire brigade’s appliances left the scene shortly after 09:00. The remaining residents had to stay away from their apartments for the majority of the morning but were allowed to return to their properties later in the day. According to neighbours, the affected apartment was “gutted” and has been sealed by the Guardia Civil whilst they investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident. The fire also damaged the outer façade of the building and the floor of the apartment above: the road outside the apartment block was closed to traffic for several hours after the blaze.

Multinational baby boom in Torrevieja

By Louise Clarke THE TORREVIEJA Hospital has announced that during 2009, its midwives attended a record 1,462 births, with over half of the babies being born to foreign parents. The hospital said that of the 1,462 births, 44% of the mothers were Spanish (646), 11% Moroccan (165) and 7% British (105). Overall, the hospital welcomed mothers from 58 different countries during the year. 33% of all the mothers who gave birth during 2009 obtained an epidural anaesthetic, which although is standard practise in UK hospitals, is rare here in Spain. Pilar Santos Fuster, the head of anaesthesiology at Torrevieja Hospital said; “The fact that we can offer epidurals to mothers giving birth differentiates us from other local hospitals. We have several experienced anaesthetists here able to perform the procedure and give this service to the mums who demand it.” BEST QUALITY CARE She continued: “We are able to offer this procedure to all women who come to the hospital during child birth as long as there is time before the birth to perform it and the risk to both mother and baby is minimal.” She

continued: “We have ample supply of the necessary drugs for this procedure as the demand is quite low.” She also said that many Northern European mums don’t ask for the procedure as they would prefer to give birth naturally. The maternity unit at the hospital officially opened in 2006 and offers many birthing options for mothers-to-be. Juana María Martínez Abellán, head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Torrevieja Hospital said: “We pride ourselves on offering the best quality care, welfare and security for all our patients and babies and we offer privacy and emotional support to new mothers and their infants.” Ms Martínez Abellán also said that the hospital is committed to attending to the cultural diversity of its patients and as a result, the maternity department can offer bilingual and even trilingual care. The maternity department also offers single rooms for all its patients along with an extra bed for partners or other relatives. Ms Martínez Abellán concluded: “The fact that we can offer women from all over the local area this high standard of care when they are giving birth is important and is something that we have attained to achieve since the department opened in 2006.”

The Delegate for Youth of the City Council of Torrevieja, José Manuel Pizana, announced plans to renew the grants for Newlyweds. NEWLYWEDS are being given a valuable bunk up into their love nest thanks to a series of grants from the Torrevieja City Council. The Council is offering grants to young, recently married couples in a bid to help them onto the property ladder. The Delegate for Youth of the City Council of Torrevieja, José Manuel Pizana, announced that the department had chosen to offer a total of 110 grants of €3,000 each. He revealed that applications from couples married during 2009 will be received from the end of January, although with numbers obviously limited recommends early application. The Council launched the initiative in 1999 PREREQUISITES The Youth Delegate outlined the rules: at least one member of the couple must have been registered on the Municipal Padron for the last two years or more, and both at the time that the application is presented. They must also not have any other property registered in their name, as verified by the Registry of Properties and this must be supported by a sworn declaration signed by both parties.

Furthermore, they are not permitted to sell the property for a minimum period of five years and must use it as their main place of residence throughout that period. Finally, they must have been legally married during 2009 to qualify and be in a position to verify this with production of a registered Marriage Certificate or Libro de Familia (book of the family). APPLICATIONS Applicants must enclose the purchase contract or official escritura for the property, and if they have yet to finalise the sale they must instead produce evidence of the deposit or contractual agreement with the real estate agent or constructor. Applications should be collected from the Registry Department of Torrevieja Town Hall and the completed paperwork submitted at the Centro de Información y Animación Juvenil (CIAJ). José Manuel Pizana added that interested parties may prefer to download the application forms and accompanying information from the Youth Council website www.ciaj.es

Elche doctors fight breast cancer with nanotechnology Doctors at Miguel Hernández University have revealed a new method to treat breast cancer. The study is only in its initial phases, but doctors are optimistic about results so far. The drugs used are less aggressive than those used in chemotherapy. The new drugs only attack the cancerous cells, therefore causing less secondary effects than chemotherapy, where the drugs are indiscriminate and damage healthy cells as well as cancerous ones.

Doreen Plumb - Obituary

ON CHRISTMAS DAY 2009, we lost a very dear friend, Doreen Plumb from Quesada. She died on Christmas Day whilst on holiday in Benidorm with her daughter Gillian and son-in-law Martin. Doreen was a member of the NO SMOKING Club for a number of years and an enrolled Friend and enthusiastic member of the Knitting and Craft Club at Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur. As the family requested a quiet and family

only funeral, at the same time more than forty of her friends, neighbours and colleagues gathered at the Laguna Hotel, where Doreen’s lovely smiling face, friendship and kindness was remembered by all, during the one minute silence held as we all said our goodbyes. A collection was made in lieu of flowers, and €150 was handed to Judy Ferris as a donation to Age Concern in memory of Doreen.

, r a e y w e N k o o l w ne


8-14 JANUARY 2010

Ringing in the changes for 2010, Spain’s favourite free English newspaper has a colourful new look to greet the start of a new decade. Now in its eleventh year, it is time to sing Auld Lang Syne for Round Town News - and bid hello to the fresh-faced successor, RTN.

PUBLISHACK, the Costa’s leading design and marketing agency and RTN designers have spent months working on a bright modern look and feel for a 21st Century paper that simply demands to be picked up every Friday morning and read from cover to cover. RTN is packed with news and the important issues affecting expats across the region, and will welcome a series of guest feature writers, as well as some exciting new competitions. NEW And readers will enjoy turning to new dedicated pages such as health, business, and for the first time coming soon, a regular and dedicated women’s section. “This is a very exciting time for all of us,” said Geoff Gartland, managing director of the Round Town News Group. “We strongly believe that RTN will be a better paper for all our

readers to enjoy and a perfect showcase for all our loyal advertisers.” He said after 10 years it was time to change the familiar format of the paper and introduce the crisp clean lines of a state of the art newspaper. “We are constantly striving to improve and better ourselves and this is the ideal way to go forward into a new decade,” added Geoff. “Round Town News served the community and its readership very well but I have felt for some time the paper needed to move forward. RTN is the perfect successor.” And he said his team was set the challenge of taking the best of existing print journalism and moulding a unique new look for the newspaper. “I think we have succeeded in creating a paper that is refreshing to read but still containing the stories and important information our readers demand,” said Geoff. “RTN is your English newspaper on the Costas.”

MBE for Judy

8-14 JANUARY 2010

Amongst the famous names in this year’s New Year’s Honours List, such as Formula One Champion, Jenson Button and World Champion Gymnast, Beth Tweddle is the former Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur President and current Secretary Judy Ferris, who has been awarded an MBE.

by Louise Clarke Judy, who was President of the charity based in La Siesta in Torrevieja for two years, was named on the list which recognises outstanding achievement and service across the whole of the UK, overseas and within the diplomatic corps. Earlier this week, RTN met up with Judy to find out how her well deserved award came about. She told us: “When the former British Ambassador to Spain, Denise Holt, retired last year, she was allowed to nominate someone whom she thought deserved an award in the New Year’s Honours List and unbelievably, she chose me.” New Hat Judy was told about her award over a month ago by current British Ambassador to Spain, Giles Paxman and has had to keep it quiet from everyone, including her family.

She said: “I had to tell my husband, as he saw the look of astonishment on my face when I took the call from Giles, but everyone else had to wait until New Year to be told.” She added: “When he called, I asked ‘Why me?’ and he said that he had it on good authority that it was well deserved and that it was officially for service to the British elderly community in Alicante, Spain.” Judy is still waiting for Buckingham Palace to contact her with possible dates for her investiture but she has been told that it is likely to happen between Easter and June. She joked; “I’ll definitely have to get a new hat for the occasion!” Michael John Holloway OBE, the Regional Director of Consular and Visa Services for Iberia, phoned Judy personally to congratulate her on her award. She said: “MJ told me that my award was a strong signal to say that the hard work that expat charity workers do here in Spain is very

much appreciated by the Embassy and the Foreign Office in the UK.” Surgeries Judy was President of the charity when it established the DWP clinic at the centre. It was a pilot scheme that has been so successful it has been introduced all over Iberia and it was an idea that came from Judy. She said: “So many people were coming to the centre with problems and these people needed help. They couldn’t get into Alicante to visit the Consulate and so I phoned them to ask if it would be possible to open a surgery at the centre. Within half an hour, the then Consul, Juliet Maric, called me back and said, ‘Yes’ and that was the start of it. Now there are similar DWP surgeries all over Spain and Portugal.” RTN would like to congratulate Judy on this amazing and thoroughly deserved achievement. Well done Judy!

Honour: Judy Ferris MBE


8-14 JANUARY 2010

Opposition party denounce municipal webpage Los Verdes in Orihuela has denounced the ruling PP party for their bad management of the municipal website www.orihuela.es MARTINA SHEURER, the Los Verdes Coastal Spokesperson, told RTN: “As well as the site’s faulty maintenance, the way that it is being utilised is a disgrace: the site is supposed to inform the citizens of the municipality about events not only in the city but on the coast as well. It is supposed to be the best point of contact to the Town Hall yet unless you speak Spanish, it doesn’t accommodate anyone.” On the request of Los Verdes, it was agreed by the Town Hall in October 2007, that the webpage of the Town Hall

would be accessible in languages other than Castellano. Martina continued: “We think that citizens and visitors of Orihuela who do not speak Spanish are being discriminated against. In spite of having agreed over two years ago that the page would be translated first into English and then later into other languages, this has not happened. The Municipality of Orihuela has a great number of foreign citizens and visitors and is a town with a high touristic importance.”

The opposition party has also accused the PP for spending a considerable amount of money in maintaining a coastal adviser, who they say doesn’t do the work that he is paid for. They are, of course, referring to Stefan Pokroppa, the Foreign Residents Officer on the coast. He fervently opposes this claim and told RTN that the opposition party has been misinformed about exactly what his duties are. Martina commented: “The majority of the local information given about the coast is no more than PP propaganda.

As a consequence of this terrible misuse of the municipal website, the foreign residents in Orihuela Costa are informed by means of Mr Pokroppa’s own personal web page.” Martina concluded: “This local webpage of Mr Pokroppa appears to try to manipulate the residents and to work for the benefit of the ruling PP party instead of the citizens. The activity of the PP is being confused with municipal activities or news; as a result of Mr Pokroppa’s organisation of such events as beer festivals and Guinness World Record attempts with bikini clad women, which are not beneficial to its citizens and prove the low level of the PP’s cultural and tourist policies and commitments for the coast.”

Bah humbug! By Louise Clarke With the Christmas season well and truly behind us, opposition parties in Orihuela Costa have been questioning whether Christmas actually happened on the coast, as there was no evidence of it. Coastal opposition party C.L.A.R.O have been enraged by the Orihuela Town Hall’s obvious lack of Christmas spirit on the coast and told RTN: “We didn’t even get a Christmas tree!” President of the political party, Bob Houliston said: “With a budget for Fiestas of €1.7 million in 2009, next to nothing has been spent by the Town Hall on Christmas decorations and celebrations in Orihuela Costa, where at least a third of the population of Orihuela are registered, contributing in the same proportion at least to the income of the Town Hall. We do have children in Orihuela Costa and they and their parents as well as other residents and visitors would have appreciated a little effort to celebrate Christmas.” Lack of Concern But official Christmas decorations were worse this year than last when, in response to protests from C.L.A.R.O, for the very first time, some Christmas lights and a Christmas tree appeared in Orihuela Costa just before Christmas. The contrast with Orihuela city and its neighbouring villages was striking. Bob added: “Official Christmas and New Year celebrations, as well as Three Kings Day was celebrated in the city with four Christmas Cribs, one of which cost €6,000; Christmas street lighting and Christmas trees; a Father Christmas visiting commercial centres; a Christmas Market; games and gifts for children; music and carols in the streets provided by the Conservatory of Music; fireworks to bring in the New Year and a procession of the Three Kings.” And according to Bob, as a further token of the Town Hall’s lack of concern for Orihuela Costa, the bulbs used in the few decorated streets were the old fashioned kind and not the energy saving bulbs recommended by the government. He concluded: “As well as not being spent on Orihuela Costa, our hard earned taxes are being wasted!”

8-14 JANUARY 2010


8-14 JANUARY 2010

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Spain, such as, little or no knowledge of the

usually within one hour of the accident occur-

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8-14 JANUARY 2010



8-14 JANUARY 2010

Make your new year’s resolutions a reality by Using the Unique Combination of Fast Track Hypnosis and Laser Therapy

At the start of each New Year, millions of people take the opportunity to try for a better lifestyle and one of the most popular ways is by making New Year’s Resolutions, with the main two resolutions being either, Stopping Smoking or Losing Weight or both! Fast Track Hypnosis and Laser Therapy can help you to stop smoking or to lose weight. Most people know that if they stop smoking they will save thousands of pounds or euros over their lifetime as well as adding years to their life. So why do people continue to smoke even after all the warnings from their doctors and advertising campaigns? With more than 25 years experience dealing with people’s smoking issues, I believe the answer to be the same in all kinds of addictions and unwanted habits... FEAR • Fear that they will have to give up their crutch or pleasure • Fear that they won’t be able to enjoy life or deal with stress • Fear that they will put on weight when giving up • Fear that they will never be completely free of the craving It’s often said that human beings are creatures of habit. Even if we know that a habit is bad for us, such as smoking, and against all the good advice given, we still continue to do it. Cigarettes find their way into everyday life, becoming a part of so many activities. Habits are formed creating associations to things like food and alcohol, or even driving a car - it seems to become a part of them. Perhaps more importantly cigarettes become, for most people, part of a coping mechanism to try to deal with emotional pressures like stress or boredom. When a smoker becomes upset, he or she reaches for a cigarette to try to feel better. Cigarette smoking is a habit and there may be specific occasions with which people associate smoking. Some wake up in the morning and the first thing they do is reach for a cigarette; while others use smoking to reduce stress - they say it relaxes them. The truth is, cigarettes are a false friend that can eventually kill! Millions of people throughout the World have successfully stopped smoking using standard Hypnosis, and over the years I have helped many thousands of people to do so. However, by using this unique method of Fast Track Hypnosis and Laser Therapy, the success rate of quitting smoking is increased even more! People start off with the best of intentions wanting to change something in their life, but usually they fail miserably after a few weeks, saying, “I just didn’t have the willpower to do it and keep going”. This is where Fast Track Hypnosis and Laser Therapy can really help a person stick to their resolution, by reinforcing their own will and determination to stop smoking or lose weight; maximizing the potentials of the mind to work for them, and to reach their personal goals. The Fast Track Hypnosis and Laser Therapy offers two extremely effective and tried and tested methods which when used on their own have a very high success rate. However, by using a unique combination of Fast Track Hypnosis and Laser Therapy together, success rate is improved! So why opt for one type of therapy when you can benefit from two very successful methods in ONE complete session- at NO extra cost to the client? With guarantee!! It’s okay reading testimonials about people

who have been off cigarettes for a few weeks but when you get them years later, that’s the real proof that my unique method works! Hi Alan I came to see you in 1987 and I was smoking between 40 - 60 cigarettes per day. My reason at the time to give up was because I was getting married. Someone mentioned your name as I had tried everything to quit. I am overjoyed with the results. My wife and sister also came to see you and they too are doing well.” Ian N Hi Alan I came to see you almost 17 years ago- 4th October 1993 to be exact - and at that time I was on 30 cigarettes a day. I was suffering from constant colds and chest infections

so it was important for me to give up. Just before the session I had several cigarettes outside your office, but afterwards I threw the remainder of the packet in the bin and I haven’t had one since. The hypnosis was very relaxing. It was incredible!” Deidrie M I got Hypnosis in November 2008 to lose weight. I own a large company in Belfast and ate junk food, sweets and drank fizzy drinks for convenience as I worked long hours. Since I attended Alan Gilchrist for Fast Track Hypnosis I have now lost 6 1/2 stone ( 41 kilos ) in just over a year. I have come back again on Monday 4th Jan 2010 with my girlfriend who wants to lose weight as well. Thank you for all your help Alan. Philip


Alan Gilchrist Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist

Due to the huge response Alan has received from his Fast Track System, he is being featured on Sol TV. Alan is appearing on Sol Television 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd January.

Alan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Guardarmar, and Benidorm. Alan is also the Originator of the Stop Smoking in under 30 minutes Fast Track Hypnosis Session which others are now trying to copy! For an appointment, brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 659 229 408. Visit his web site alangilchrist.com or hypnosiscostablanca.com

8-14 JANUARY 2010

13 13

In the face of the deepest recession that the country has ever seen, CAM Bank sees property rentals as the way forward.

CAM extends lifeline to property buyers by Staff Reporter THE ALICANTE PROVINCE’S leading savings bank ‘Caja Mediterráneo’ (CAM), has removed 480 houses from the flailing property market to rent out with the option to buy, for as little as €160 per month, when the majority of rental contracts available are double the price proposed by CAM. A real estate guru explained, “There are many empty apartments and houses dotted throughout the province, but they belong to the banks, having been repossessed”. He added, “We have noticed a trend of people previously comfortable paying quite a high rental fee, now coming to us in search of a smaller, cheaper property. Others are happy to pay the same price but expect to get more for their money.” PROPOSAL You would normally not expect to pay less than €300 to €400 and certainly not on the ‘Rent to buy’ basis CAM has proposed, even for accommodation located in rural areas. CAM has an additional 890 properties on its books, which can be viewed via its property web portal www.oportunidadescam. es. Two hundred and five of these can be found in Murcia with costs starting from €190; 283 properties are available in Valencia from €180 per month; 70 in

Castellón from €210; 280 in Madrid for as little as €220 and 82 in the Balearics from €280. Various sources from the Real Estate sector have confirmed that these houses are offered unfurnished and often in need of minor reforms and repairs, having been empty for several months following repossession. OPPORTUNITIES CAM claims that these “opportunities” are universal, and should be particularly attractive to youngsters struggling to get on the property ladder, as banks refuse to finance their purchase. A Director of the CAM bank explained that tenants have two years from the

point of moving, in which to confirm the purchase. At this point all money that they have paid in rental costs is deducted from the total price, and in the meantime they have “been granted sufficient time to secure savings for a deposit, or sell existing property to use as collateral”. If they are not in a position to buy until the third year they will benefit from a discount of 80% of the rental money invested, 70% in the fourth year and 60% in the fifth. “It is a wonderful opportunity for people with financial constraints to buy some time and eventually a property in which they will be happy” he affirmed.

Hotel Stays Hit Rock Bottom Spain Takes The EU Reins

SPAIN ADOPTED the role of EU presidency at the end of December, and the event was commemorated with a tremendous light show in Puerta Del Sol in Madrid. Spain took over the Presidency from Sweden and will head the EU until 30th June 2010. The Spanish Government has already vowed to give maximum attention to the controversial Lisbon Treaty which came into effect in November and will focus on methods of smoothing the new decision making process which came with it,

and which critics claim remains as complex as ever. Spain will also be the first country to bear the effects of the recently created positions of President of the European Council and Foreign Policy Supremo, which it is feared may result in a “too many chiefs and not enough Indians” situation. Finally, Spain has voiced its intentions to chair a series of crucial meetings on the economy, energy and environment and will host a number of summits for all members of the bloc.

THE NUMBER of overnight stays taken in Spanish hotels has taken another dive during the festive period. A report released from the National Institute of Statistics (INS) claimed that the number of overnight stays in Spanish hotels during November 2009 stood at 4.5 million, which equated to 8.3 per cent less than last year’s figure for the same month. Hoteliers were alarmed at the significant margin, as the decrease in bookings had appeared to slow during October. It would appear that while the number of Spanish travellers booking into Spanish hotels had increased slightly, the number of non residents had conversely decreased.


8-14 JANUARY 2010

send us your


txt views to 7505*

STAMPS Can anyone help me - I have greetings cards and postage stamps which I hope can be of use to some charity. I am reluctant to throw them away if they can be of use. In the UK there were several charities such as Age Concern; Save the Children to make further use of them. I do not know of any in Spain, so if your readers are able to help I should be most grateful. Many thanks, Pat Howells


So excited to see some car makers taking initiative on pollution issues. They will certainly lead the charge in changing the face of our global climate issues and be heroes for it. I will be doing my part by patronizing my local St. Louis Nissan Dealer for sure. Via RTN Forum llorracnayr


I would be grateful if you would print this in your newspaper. I would like to say a big thank you to the doctors, nurses and staff of Torrevieja hospital who looked after me during my recent illness. Their efficiency, professionalism and care was second to none. Any ex-pats with any worries about the Spanish health service should think again: it is superb. Most of the staff even took the trouble to speak to me in English. Hilary Bouncer, Murcia


Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address or text VIEWS (space) followed by your name, town and message to 7505 (Message should not exceed 150 characters) *Txts cost 90 cents + IVA

letter of the week

CASH OR NOTHING! From the pages of your excellent newspaper, I would like to urge your readers to boycott Alcampo supermarkets unless they wish to be humiliated as my wife and I were this morning. After a pleasant hour or two buying Christmas presents for our boys in various clothes and shoe shops in the Bonaire shopping complex on the outskirts of Valencia, we decided to get some shopping done in Alcampo supermarket in the same complex. After spending an hour or so loading our trolley with Christmas goodies and a few essentials, we were surprised when, after passing all our goods through the checkout, the cashier refused to accept my credit card with my Spanish driving licence as identity. I was incredulous as this was the first time that this had ever happened to me. The official residency document with which

we are now equipped, as most of the readers will know, is now a sheet of foolscap paper which is totally impracticable to carry around and therefore useless as ID. Our passports do not bear the same number as our banking documents...NIF, which makes that useless too, whereas the Spanish driving licence bears the official residency number and is sufficiently small to be the ONLY convenient form of proving that we are who we say we are. We were forced to leave all our shopping, by now in bags, all around the cash till. So you have been warned: if you go to Alcampo, it is cash or nothing. I urge you not to go at all...if they don’t want our money; there are plenty of other supermarkets that do. JONATHAN ANTHONY VALENCIA

BEWARE OF ROAD BANDITS I hope you will allow me to give you my observations on your article about John and Dee under your heading ‘Beware of Road Bandits’, as the article could have planted a lot of worry in the minds of other readers who drive back to the UK. I have driven regularly to the UK and back from Spain through France, using the AP7 in Spain and the E11/A75 through France without any incident. However, I would point out that I will only drive any distance in any country during daylight. I have read in your paper about incidents on the AP7 close to the Spain/France border but not before in France. John, along with three passengers appears, according to your article, to have driven from the Torrevieja area to the Clermont Ferrand area in the same day; a total distance of approx. 1.216km, which would be a driving time of approx. 11/12 hours; a much longer time when you allow for fuel/break stops every 200 miles. This

must have included at least 3 hours night driving, providing he left Torrevieja around 08.00. John says he continued on the motorway from Clermont Ferrand for some time, pulling into two service centres on route but appears to have left both without fuelling up, because he says the two service centres were both dark. On leaving the toll booth at Clermont Ferrand, the first service centre is large, brightly lit with it’s own security patrol and nearly always with police close by: the service centre also has it’s own hotel as do many others service centres on this road. For anyone not familiar with this excellent route, the journey from Beziers to Clermont Ferrand is one of the highest routes in France and is subject to adverse weather conditions, more so in December when the snow falls. It is also a fast duel carriageway toll free road. From reading the article, I can only conclude that the incident John encountered was before reaching Clermont

Ferrand on the toll free section between Beziers and Clermont Ferrand but this does not agree with the article, which says John came off the motorway to an unmanned toll booth. The toll section of the motorway goes a distance of 299.9km from Clermont Ferrand to Orleans. What I find very strange, is what on earth is a man who has had two heart attacks and a triple heart by pass thinking about by putting the life of himself and three passengers in danger, not to forget other road users, by driving such a long distance, a lot of it in darkness, when on this route there are dozens of hotels along side the route every 20km or so with double rooms starting at just 28€? Surely it would have made more sense to drive in the daylight and have a comfortable night’s sleep; then in the morning, after a refreshing shower and breakfast, set off again in the day light. It would appear to me that tiredness caused fatigue, so really we do not know for sure if there were any “bandits”. Finally, I can recommend the route to anyone driving back to the UK. After leaving Orleans in the direction of Paris, turn off to Chatres, then to Rouen missing out Paris (unless you want to look around Paris). This way is far less stressful than driving around Paris. Kind regards, Michael Hayes


The condemnation of China for the execution of a drug trafficker is unfair. It is my opinion that China has done the right thing. Looking at Western developed societies and the way they deal with murderers and drug dealers, who by the way bring misery to many and cause the deaths of many people, is questionable. The way criminals are treated in these developed countries is creating a bad world for us all. Many of them remain in prisons for years at the expense of ordinary citizens who have to contribute through their taxes .Many will die there and those who manage to get released re-commit the same or other crimes and return to incarceration. With the building of more luxurious prisons offering all mod cons, many criminals now are quite content to spend part or most of their life behind bars, where in many cases drug dealers continue to run their illegal activities. We need to eliminate murderers and other serious offenders where there are no doubts of their purposely committing the crime. If we continue to bow to the wishes of human rights organisations, we are going to develop a dangerous world. Many of these organisations’ ideas are highly illogical and about the only thing left for them to announce is the right of human beings to murder each other… It is bad enough now where in certain areas of the World the citizens are afraid the go out at night and are even afraid to walk the streets during daytime. I believe these scenarios set the scene for things to come all across the World. It is therefore vital that those purposely committing serious crimes that bring about the death of other human beings be eliminated quickly. Yours faithfully, GA Marques

8-14 JANUARY 2010

Watch out - Martha’s about! Just when you thought that it was safe to come out of your villa or apartment, it appears that the infamous Martha Harlam is back on the scene. The woman behind the Sweet Charity Hospice Fund (SCHF), later exposed by Round Town News as a money making scam, has been spotted back on the Costa Blanca raising funds for a ‘lonely hearts’ charity. THE AECC issued a statement last week to say that Martha Harlam had been spotted in the Playa Flamenca area of Orihuela Costa promoting a new ‘charity’ with a name that includes the words ‘Lonely Hearts’. It is targeting singles, specifically old and possibly vulnerable pensioners, as people in need of her help. The statement said: “Martha Harlam’s methods are suspect at the very least. Anyone considering making any donation to her ‘charity’ should first of all establish her credibility by requesting proof of her registration with the Spanish Authorities. An official receipt for any monies should also be requested.” CONCERN During the four years that Martha Harlam operated as the head of SCHF, considerable amounts of money raised by the ‘charity’ were never satisfactorily accounted for and despite requests from RTN for full and detailed accounts, none ever materialised. As a result, she was denounced and sadly many other local charities suffered a loss of credibility and reputation.

The statement added: “This notice is a very unusual step for AECC to take, and has not been taken lightly. The information has been confirmed to the AECC by more than one reputable person. It is not the policy of the Torrevieja branch of AECC to denounce any legitimate organisation, but this new development, if allowed to prosper, will once again cause disruption at a time when charity work is difficult enough for many reasons, not least of which is the lack of available funds. AECC recognises the rights of any legally setup charity to make their case for scarce funds, provided it conducts itself in a right and proper manner.” Age Concern Secretary Judy Ferris MBE agrees with the sentiments of the AECC statement. She told RTN: “When Martha was exposed, it left a sour taste in a lot of people’s mouths and subsequently many legitimate charities in the area suffered from a drop in donations. As a charity dedicated to looking after the welfare of vulnerable elderly people here on the Costa Blanca, we are very concerned that this woman is targeting them with a view to making money from them.”

by Louise Clarke


King Juan Carlos I turns 72 Spain’s much-loved king celebrated his 72nd birthday on 5 January. Born in 1938 in Rome, the king presided over the traditional military parade on the eve of Epiphany. Queen Sofia, the Prince and Princess of Asturias, leading politicians and the heads of the country’s armed forces accompanied him.

The Flowerman Anthony Rabin Buckwald, born 13th Oct 1937, sadly passed away on Sunday 3rd January 2010. He is sadly missed by his lovely wife Coral, his family and multiple friends, including Henry and Christine. Known as ‘Tony The Flowerman’, he had a wonderful personality and love for life and made friends easily. Catherine and I only knew him for a short time but were welcomed with opened arms by Tony, Coral and the group we named ‘Cocoon’, due to their fitness level and zest for life. Tony, I will miss you: I will miss your e-mails that made me chuckle. God Bless. Cliff Roberts

Do not give this woman any money until you establish her credibility by requesting proof of her registration with the Spanish Authorities. An official receipt for any monies should also be requested.

Mr Bean hijacks Spanish website by Jack Troughton JOCULAR CARTOON character Mr Bean gate-crashed Spain’s official website marking the launch of the country’s six month presidency of the European Union. A computer hacker beat security measures to insert a large smiling picture of the bumbling slapstick figure played by British actor Rowan Atkinson. The supposed resemblance between socialist Prime

Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and Mr Bean has been a running joke in Spain for some time. And in a recent edition, the respected newspaper El Pais ran a cartoon portraying the Spanish premier as the comic figure alongside an article critical of the Zapatero government’s handling of the economy during the current recession. This week El Mundo published a screen shot of Mr Bean’s appearance on the website www.eu2010.es and

reported how visitors to the Spanish government website were cheerfully greeted by the character with the words: “Hi there!” A government spokesman in Madrid confirmed the website had been compromised but said no information on the site was affected by hackers.

Drunk driving increase

The Guardia Civil have recently released figures that show 3,000 people were arrested for drunk driving in 2009. That equates to an average of six people per day. Police have been cracking down on intoxicated drivers and anyone caught can face a fine of up to 1,000 euros, but the threat of a fine doesn’t seem to have affected some drivers.

Empty beds in Benidorm

VISITOR NUMBERS to Benidorm in 2009 were at their lowest for 20 years say Hosbec, the association of hospitality businesses in Benidorm and Costa Blanca. The average occupancy rate in 2009 was 74.5 percent, compared to 92 percent in 1999. Tourist occupancy rates have been declining steadily over the past five years, from

80.2 percent in 2005, to 79.6 percent in 2006, 81.7 percent in 2007, 77.8 percent in 2008 and 74.5 percent in 2009. Traditionally, travellers to Benidorm hail from Britain at 43 percent or from Spain at 51.8 percent with the remainder coming from Belgium and Holland at 4 and 3.2 percent respectively.


8-14 JANUARY 2010

How to avoid a telefonica induced nervous breakdown…join the RTN Network! It’s a new year and a new decade. Many people are starting New Year resolutions to quit their vices: giving up smoking; cutting down on alcohol; going on a diet… we have an even better New Year’s resolution for you… why not ditch Telefonica?! By Louise Clarke SINCE RTN NETWORK launched their landline service late last year, hundreds of Telefonica customers have realised the savings that they can achieve, not to mention the lack of hassle, with RTN Network. The price for the landline package is the same as Telefonica at €13.97 + IVA. ‘But that’s what I pay with Telefonica’ I hear you say? It is… but as always, with RTN Network you get more for less! With the Network line rental you also get TWO hours per month to call the UK for free and a host of services including voice mail; caller ID; call forwarding; all for FREE. You will pay extra to have these services with Telefonica and the saving is a whopping €18.67 per month! But as we all know, price alone is not the main reason to change to RTN Network where Telefonica is concerned.

Just think - no more ‘lost in translation’ moments with the ‘English’ speaking customer service advisors who, despite saying they speak English, cannot actually understand you! No more telephone bills going astray and never again being charged for calls that you haven’t made with random amounts being extracted from your bank account for no apparent reason. Never again will you get a bill with items on it that you don’t understand and never again will you be charged for a service that you are not receiving and have to call the company ten times before you get the money back; explaining the situation over and over again. There are lots of reasons to change and now you can! As well as the

new landline package, RTN Network can offer call packages which include 120 free calls to the UK; cheaper ADSL with 3MB broadband; unlimited dial-up internet and an 0843 number, which means that your friends and family in the UK can call you here in Spain for a fraction of the cost that BT charge.

8-14 JANUARY 2010

Smoking ban in bars could save 1,000 lives

El niño lottery won in Barcelona for second consecutive year The winning number if 58,588 was sold in Castelldefels. The El Niño lottery which is drawn in Spain every King’s Day has sent millions of Euro to Castelldefels in Barcelona with the winning number of 58,588. Ticket holders in the town share out 2 million €. It means the top prize in the draw has gone to Barcelona for two consecutive years; last year it was sold in Terrassa. SOUTH COSTA BLANCA TORREVIEJA A EN AG RT CA






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32 N3









SMOKING BAN in bars could save 1,000 lives Banning smoking in all public leisure areas would save the lives of 1,000 workers in the hospitality industry, according to the Coordinadora de Usuarios de la Sanidad (Cus). The organisation has reiterated its request to increase the number of smokefree spaces. In a statement, Cus said that since the adoption of the Anti-Tobacco Act in 2006 there is “sufficient scientific evidence” to show that the legislation has brought “improvements”, especially among workers in the hospitality sector. The Spanish federation of Hotel and Restaurant owners claim that the smoking ban will cause 40,000 establishments to close and 100,000 workers will lose their jobs. Cus have rejected these claims.

Second prize of one million € went to 42,653 sold in Almagro, Ciudad Real. All the ticket parts were sold by Vicente Ruiz in the ‘Al Alarbadero’ lottery office in the town, and he has said that most were sold in the San Francisco bar opposite the local Parador hotel. The bar played with the same number every year.

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8-14 JANUARY 2010

Savings banks supports the hungry Town Halls throughout the country have been forced to implement measures in order to assist those families struggling to survive the crisis. resources to those who need them - food being of prime importance.

by Staff Reporter

SOLUTION: Manuel Martínez Carratalá, presented the compliment of food boxes to ONG’s, María Dolores Canales.


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ONE SUCH initiative which has been invaluable to the needy families of Torrevieja is the ‘Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja’, established to provide a fast and effective solution to those families worst affected by the increase in unemployment and severe grip of the crisis. The Councillor for Social Welfare and Relations with ONG’s, María Dolores Canales, received the latest generous donation from Manuel Martínez Carratalá, the Torrevejense representative of the Fundación ‘La Caixa’, to help provide food for as many as 150 people per day. Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja was created by the City Council in collaboration with the Torrevieja branch of the ‘Hospitalidad de Lourdes’ organization, joined by an alliance of local businesses and associations with the common goal of providing basic, necessary

CONTRIBUTION As a savings bank, La Caixa has a sizeable amount of money at its disposal, which can be used to pledge tax free donations to locally registered charities. However, banks do not employ delegated personnel to oversee the distribution of ‘La Fundación’ so rely on guidance by relevant Council departments to liaise with recommended charities and make the arrangements. Manuel Martínez handed over 300 food parcels. Ms Canales said, “We are extremely grateful to La Fundación La Caixa and to everyone who has contributed to the work of Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja in some way. Every little helps and makes a huge difference to people across the city suffering right now. Please continue this support into 2010 and make the year ahead a good one!”

Food for thought by Jack Troughton Generous ex-pats are mobilising in an urgent campaign to combat the suffering of families relying on food parcels to survive the bitter recession. Stung into action by the RTN front page story ‘Brits Help Fight Crisis at Christmas’, people are urged to ‘make a difference’ by supporting charities along the Costas. Sue and Paul Horey, who live near Benissa, were so moved by the report of thousands of people needing handouts that they launched an appeal to help solve the ‘shocking situation’. They immediately sent an email to everyone in their address book – including a link to the RTN story - in an attempt to recruit help and asking them to forward the message. Sue said: “I felt so strongly about what is happening to the poor of this area: it is a shocking situation and I wanted to do something about it. “I thought if more people sent an email like mine to everyone they know, perhaps we could make a small difference.”

She said as most of Europe appeared to be recovering from the recession, it seemed Spain was falling further into it. “One of our leading ministers reported last week that 2010 is going to be even worse than last year,” Sue added. “We cannot help financially, but we can help physically – we are facing our own struggles but unlike these people, we still have some work and property we can sell.” And she appealed for anyone with spare food, blankets and clothing to donate it to “very worthwhile charities” like the various International Lions Clubs along the coast and the Roman Catholic Church charity Caritas. Sue said she was sure big-hearted ex-pats would respond to the chain letter asking for help. “I hope I have not offended anyone by asking this small thing but I feel so helpless and fear what some of these people face in the coming year.”

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8-14 JANUARY 2010

Some reflections on 2009

19 by

Jennifer Cunningham

The Costas leading insurance consultant If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net

I AM sure like many; I heaved a sigh of relief

few questions here, as to, how, when and who

have been killed in Afghanistan and, being

rights have gone crazy. The latest being two

To say 2009 has been a difficult year for

is the industry to manufacture products to

at the Christmas Dinner table, not only made

numbers two and eleven. I can well remember

when 2010 came into the world with a bang. most people must be an understatement of some magnitude.

will be paying all this money back? Where

export and sell in the UK, therefore, helping

me sad but very angry as well.

stock the shops cannot be good housekeeping.

losing their lives in a place so far away. I for

spend thousands on Boxing Day and to grab a

there. I fully accept that the world is a very

to balance the books. Importing so much to

To have to re balance every month our

accounts, to cancel insurances and other standing orders, to have to watch every

penny, after working so hard for a good

retirement must be very distressing. I am sure many living in Spain have seen their dreams

shattered, not just by losing a job, but also by

finding out that all your money has been tied up in a house which has been declared illegal

one do not really understand why they are

bargain, I compared the life in Spain on Boxing

dangerous place to live in now and, thank

Day and realised I was in the right place.

god that the detonator did not function on

enjoyed a white Christmas; I would have loved

numbers of lives would have been lost. How

However, I was envious of those who

to have been in a small country Hotel with a

log fire and snow outside. Yes, I still remember

better as far as the recession goes, in

I am so glad my children enjoyed one or two

Christmas in the UK with great affection and,

both Spain and the UK. Here, in Spain the

white Christmases.

UK seems to be borrowing millions. I have a

felt, for all of those families of servicemen that

unemployment is at a record high, whilst the

There are so many young men and, woman

When I watched the shoppers queuing up to

and will be demolished.

I appreciate that 2010 will not be much

aware that there would be many places empty

The sadness I, along with others must have

the plane at Detroit airport, otherwise, vast do the do gooders explain, that the young man who tried very hard to kill, came from a very rich and successful family, not as we often hear, under privileged angry young men?

If I lived in the UK, I would, I am sure, be

arrested for hurting people’s feelings on many subjects. Political correctness and human

fat ladies and legs eleven when calling out

these two numbers going back years when

my father held Bingo evenings in the Church hall. How can anyone think this would have

offended people in 2010? I think perhaps I live in a different world sometimes.

Business in 2009 has been so very much

harder, and I am sure this year will not be any easier. I am still here and will do everything I can to remain, for example, Asssa have

helped my clients and me so very much with their wonderful offers on health insurance.

Therefore, I am sure I will be able to keep all of my offices open, and with the excellent staff I am so fortunate to have, together with many

loyal clients, and hopefully more will want to join us, there’s every possibility I will be here to reflect just a little on 2010. I wonder?

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8-14 JANUARY 2010

South winner, Sam & Charlie, with Noel and north winners, Nats and Max

continued from front page THE PRIZE is worth €2,000 for each youngster and in exchange for a year’s tuition, the three boys and one girl must show dedication and commitment not only to the game but also to their lessons and their coach Noel, who is a registered World Golf Federation Coach. “Now we have chosen the final four, it’s all systems go.” Noel said, “They are all expected to be totally dedicated to the game and enter every junior golf competition organised by the Spanish Golf Federation in the Valencia region.” The Southern team will be based at El Plantio Golf

Club, near Elche and the Northern Team will be based in Benidorm. Their progress will be highlighted every month in RTN and also, the kids will make regular appearances with Noel on his Bay Radio show on a Saturday as well as in Viva Magazine. And so without further ado, let’s introduce the lucky winners… SOUTH - SAM CURTIS AND CHARLIE LITTLE Sam is 16 years old and has lived in Torrevieja all his life. He plays golf regularly at La Marquesa Golf Club in Quesada and has a handicap of 10. After a couple of hours with Noel on Tuesday, he said that he felt that his swing had already improved and he enjoyed Noel’s teaching methods. He is hoping to get his handicap to

less than five over the next year and is very excited about seeing an improvement in his game and being able to compete in local competitions. Charlie is 15 years old and lives in Quesada. He plays at La Finca Golf Club off a handicap of 14. He too is hoping to get his handicap to under five and has already noticed that his swing has become more consistent after just a couple of hours coaching from Noel. NORTH – NATASHA WOODHAMS AND MAX BEARD Natasha, or Nats as she prefers, is 14 years old, from Denia. She plays at Javea Golf Course and has a handicap of 36. She is hoping to getting it down to at least 10 over next year and was grateful to Noel for

showing her a technique which means that she will no longer be in danger of breaking her wrist when she putts the ball. And she can now accelerate better through the ball as a result of just two hours of advice from Noel. Last but not least is Max Beard, who is 13 and from Benitachell. He plays off a handicap of 18 and has been lucky enough to have played golf in many different countries as he always takes his clubs with him on holiday. Max is hoping to improve his handicap to scratch during the next year and is looking forward to receiving Noel’s excellent coaching. Golf Factor will be back at the end of the month with an update from both Team Clarke and Team Troughton – Let battle commence!

Why Living in Spain During a Crisis Isn’t That Bad Really - The Positives Currently, wherever you go in Spain people are talking about the ‘Crisis’ and how bad and deep it will be or already is. By Graham Hunt THE DEEP recession in Spain is without doubt difficult for many but positives are already starting to come out of it. This article is written to point out some of them. The recession brought hugely reduced interest rates. Those who have now lost their jobs are experiencing hugely reduced mortgage and loan repayments compared with last year. The drop in mortgage rates from 6% to 2% has had a huge effect on the number of repossessions. The average Spanish mortgage is €500 per month less than it was last year: an extra €6000 per year in your pocket can make a huge difference Next, the combination of lower property prices and low interest rates means that good fixed rate mortgages on property are available; meaning one can actually get a buy to let property at a decent price and give a return on investment if you let it. In 2006-7 this was virtually impossible. There is less competition around for estate agents, which personally I find an excellent piece of news. Around 70-80% of estate agents have disappeared and it is only the best that remain. Spain has a highly qualified workforce waiting for the chance to do a job. A very large proportion of its young people are unemployed and they would love to have a chance to show what they can do. When you ally this to the great transport infrastructure of roads, air and the fantastic rail system, you have a great opportunity to open up a

company here that can be competitive at both a national and international level. The fact that with property values have tumbled is good news for buyers, if not sellers. Bargains under the Spanish sun are now much more prevalent: buying a property for lifestyle reasons as opposed to an investment will get you a much greater value for money compared with a couple of years ago. Spain remains a beautiful place to live as the basic fundamentals of the climate, the location and the lifestyle are all well in place. Spain remains the place that Northern Europeans will come to play, simply because of where it is. The country only needs to believe in itself a bit more. Finally, Spain has a major strength in the field of renewable energy, transport and certain areas of technology related to fields it needs to develop. If the current economic storm forces Spain to become more competitive and more productive, subsequently branching into new technology and exports, perhaps the crisis will be a good thing long term, delivering Spain from its over-reliance on construction and tourism. Whatever happens in the future, Spain is currently in a position that other countries do not envy. However, we need to remember where Spain has come from. In the mid seventies it was a third world backwater emerging from 36 years of a brutal dictatorship. Spain has done a lot of catching up and may fall behind somewhat in the next few years but it has shown its resilience once and can do it again.

operty.com and the websites http://www.valencia-pr About the author: He writes for high quality, great value have to d ain.net which are considere http://www.houses-for-sale-in-sp of buying and selling ess proc the t abou on mati excellent infor properties and more importantly s of what it is like living view issues in Spain as well as unbiased property in Spain and also lifestyle ncia. in Spain and more especially Vale

Iberdrola customers must install power control switch APPROXIMATELY 320,000 Iberdrola clients in Alicante province are being notified that they have to install a control de potencia (ICP) or power control switch within the next four years. The switch will control the electricity flow, disconnecting the supply if the sum of the power demand in the home from appliances running simultaneously exceeds the contracted supply. The interrupter switch also allows Iberdrola to meet new safety standards. So far 5,000 clients have upgraded their systems. Customers failing to do so will pay a surcharge for any increase in the contracted power that they consume.

8-14 JANUARY 2010


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How To Spend Next Christmas In Tenerife MALLORCA, IBIZA, LANZAROTE AND MANY COASTAL RESORTS IN MAINLAND SPAIN If you are resident in Spain and aged 65 or over Receiving a widow’s pension from aged 55 or a any other type of state pension from aged 60 You, and a resident travelling companion of any age could qualify for a

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If you own a Spanish property, it is taxable as income, even if you don’t rent it out. Most owners are unaware of this and could be fined or have assets embargoed, especially as Tax and Land Registry records are now cross referenced. If you don’t pay on time, you can’t appeal and have to pay. Need help to get your Spanish taxes in order? Make the first step a FREE consultation with Abaco, the leading tax specialist.

8-14 JANUARY 2010

by David Mills RECENTLY I had the pleasure to meet a part time resident of Plymouth and Els Poblets, Tony Blonden. He was kind enough to relate his story to me which is best heard from him direct. “I first met George Rutherford in Spain through my dear friend and mentor (now sadly departed) Mike Ayear. It was around 1988-ish.I had had a house built in Setla, near Denia on the Costa Blanca, and was able to arrange purchase of a house just two doors down from me for Mike. Consequently, we were very often out there together and were able to ‘sit in’ with the local band(s) made up of ex-pats; Dutch; German and occasionally Spanish players. The scene was, and is, very much as it is in this country with a mix of ‘pub’ gigs and private functions. Very often at a venue, sat behind a large string bass, was George Rutherford. I first played, accompanied by George, at a venue called ‘Maxi’s’ a restaurant/bar at STILL which a very fine piano player called CharGOING lie Jones was resident. Charlie knew all the STRONG: tunes and more besides. One Sunday, I arGeorge rived just as Charlie was finishing for the afRutherford ternoon. However, he welcomed me and set his gear up once more and we continued for another two hours. George, who was eating at the restaurant, rushed down to his house in Benidoleig, collected his bass and was on the stand within minutes. Thus I became friendly with him, and his charming wife Joan, and we meet up with them whenever my wife and I are in Spain, and I usually sit in with his latest band, ‘The Jubilee Jazz Band’. George and Joan retired to Spain in 1970 and lived initially in Javea but later moved to Benidoleig, a small inland village on a hill, in those days idyllic but nowadays expanded around the periphery with houses build for ex-pats like me, and, to my mind, spoilt to some extent. In 1936, at

90 Years Old and still counting!

next instrument, having sold this one (probably at a “His profit), was a three string bass which he purchased for 30 shillings – a lot of money in 1937.

the age of 17, he was besotted by Nat Gonella and Stéphane Grappelli (particularly by Tiny Winters who played bass for Nat Gonella). His first instrument was a home made bass. He could not afford to purchase one, so he made his own. He used to pass a music shop frequently and took measurements of a bass in the window, and after some time created his first instrument. As it turned out, the sound board was 2 inches too short, because by the time this part of the construction was attempted, the bass in the window had been sold, so George had to guess the measurements. His next instrument, having sold this one (probably at a profit), was a three string bass which he purchased for 30 shillings – a lot of money in 1937. George’s main chosen career was in journalism and he worked initially on a local paper reporting gigs played by his band, ‘The Reg Williams Rhythm Aces’. Then came the war in 1939 and George joined the Army as a PT instructor. He met and played with Bob Sharples (well known band leader and arranger) while in the Army, and played opposite Ronnie Aldrich and the Squadronaires. However, because of another more pressing eventuality (birth of his first born) the bass was sold in favour of a pram. He purchased a bass for the Army Regimental Band and while in the music shop, trying it out, he was approached by an American Warrant Officier who said “You play that thing boy?”, and on replying in the affirmative, the American picked up four hammers and played on a nearby xylophone, accompanied by George. The American was none other than Lionel Hampton!


He started playing again in 1942, by which time he was commissioned and was playing for a band called ‘Troise Mandoliers’, run by the nephew of the band leader, Dick. He played with various other bands during and shortly after the war when he joined Fleet Street and worked for the London Evening Standard and the Daily Mail, where he met Wally Fawkes (Humph’s clarinet player for many years) who was responsible for ‘Trogg’, the cartoon character. As more mature people among us may remember, there was a radio personality called Cyril Fletcher. His radio show contained a feature called his ‘Odes’. Many of these were written by George and he can recite them even now. He also makes a good stab at ‘Eskimo Nell’ – in the appropriate company In 1960, Joan and George moved to Spain to live, but kept a residence in Torrington. They travelled to and fro until six or eight years ago, and he was known to play with local bands and musicians on occasional gigs. Some of the locals that he remembers are Bob Manuel; Stan Thomas; John Baker; Gordon Hunt; Pete Sumner; Bobby Fox; Malcolm Hurrell; Mike Ayear etc. He has been playing with the Jubilee Jazz Band for seven years. They hold down regular venues at various watering holes and restaurants in the Denia area. Joan still writes a food column for the local paper and their social calendar is fully committed – that must be the secret. They don’t get across to the UK these days as George has had a triple heart bypass and Joan has had a little trouble with her joints, but they both love the music and intend to go on for ever. “ Let’s hope 2010 brings yet another good year for you George - we love your music – keep it up!

Freshening Up Art Director Publishack

Simon Tebbenham

Why getting an image makeover is more than skin deep.

FIRST OF ALL, I offer my congratulations to the team at RTN for taking the plunge and making a bold move in very tough times. This re-brand is a true reflection of the spirit and energy of everyone involved in the RTN group and will no doubt send out a positive message to the readers and advertisers who support the publication and contribute to its success. It is something I’m extremely proud to have been part of. I have spent a lot of time with the RTN team developing ideas and delivering design workshops. Witnessing first-hand the knock-on effects of the re-brand inspired me to write this article. The positivity and unifying sense of direction I encountered was something that took me a little by surprise and, in today’s climate, fills me with great motivation and a positive outlook for the future – for those who are willing to take responsibility to create action for their success. A classic motivational book by Napoleon Hill describes Andrew Carnegie’s (the original true rags to riches entrepreneur) secrets to attaining anything he desired. In short, his life success story revolved around the Law of Attraction: whatever you focus on or direct your energy toward is what you’re going to get more of, whether you want it or not! You will encounter plenty of doubters in life, telling you that you can’t do this or that… the truth is THEY can’t. Negatively speaking, the power of associating yourself too much in this environment is quite scary – positively speaking, it is immensely powerful. But the law of attraction goes beyond positive thinking. It is behaving as though your desires have already happened. A visualization and belief that something positive has already happened will turn you into a magnet for what you desire. All of this is great theory, of course, but for me it was amazing to see it happen at RTN. Looking at generating a fresh image has been the springboard, not only to improvements across all areas within the newspaper, but more importantly to carry the motivation and desire for success and deliver a quality product – a process that will no doubt continue developing far beyond this new edition.

The new improved RTN started out as a very simple questionnaire for the production team asking some seemingly obvious questions such as: where are we?; who are our readers?; what do they want?; where do we want to be? and so on. Sounds simple or even unnecessary, but if you have a business, ask yourself some of these easy questions. Now ask yourself if your workforce is likely to come up with the same answers! Going back to basics and unifying your team with a clear focus and sense of direction can suddenly make your marketing; advertising; image and message fall into place incredibly easily! A company’s brand should assist in reflecting its values and beliefs and strengthen and support the company’s message. Creating this in a visual way isn’t always so easy to achieve but when the message is clear, it is achievable in a way that goes far beyond looking pretty or satisfying the wife’s colour preferences! Furthermore, when a brand contains meaning and provides values and motivation for the people behind the product, the power goes far beyond just appealing to clients and potential customers. If your advertising seems to be going in circles, or you feel your message is stale, or simply desperate for something to lift you out of the recession then you’re probably not alone. Times are hard. But one thing is certain; change for the better won’t just happen. Not everyone needs a complete makeover, of course, but asking some very basic questions about your business may reveal a few obvious inconsistencies in your messages and marketing approach. But don’t just leave it there: be prepared to move up a gear and make the changes to be in control of your own success. To everyone at RTN: well done. I can’t think of a better way to launch into the new decade. Keep it up! For a free no obligation chat about improving your image, marketing or advertising, call Publishack on 96 273 75 30 or email info@publishack.com and we’ll be delighted to help you.

Managing Director of the Round Town News Group, Geoff Gartland (left) & Simon Tebbenham, who helped steer the RTN team through their bold rebrand process

8-14 JANUARY 2010



8-14 JANUARY 2010

Danger in the trees PESTS: caterpillars and nests in the Montgo Natural Park

by Jack Troughton PARENTS AND PET OWNERS are warned to be on the alert for one of Spain’s most notorious and dangerous pests, the pine processionary caterpillar. Trees are already laden with the large silken white nests – resembling candy floss – each containing hundreds of the caterpillar ‘thaumetopoea pityocampa’. Known as ‘procesionaria del pino’ in Spanish, they leave the nest at night to avoid predators and gorge on pine needles, returning during daylight hours and positioned to catch the warmth of the sun. However, they take their name from their habit of forming long chains and marching nose to tail across the countryside to another tree, or after the feeding phase when they look for a suitable place to burrow underground and transform into a harmless moth. The danger to both humans and animals is the caterpillars’ own defence mechanism. Each one is covered with tiny barbed hairs. Laden with a venom, the hairs can cause a nasty irritation or in severe cases, anaphylactic shock.

Animals – and especially curious dogs – can get too close to the intriguing procession and inhale hairs or get them on their paws and lick the irritation. This can cause itching, swelling, and vomiting. Immediate medical or veterinary advice is advised for victims who suffer any reaction to contact with the pests. Never attempt to handle the caterpillars or their nests. RTN was contacted by Neighbourhood Watch (Vecinos Colaborando) to warn of the early arrival of the caterpillars. A spokesman said the insects had arrived early for the second year “obviously due to the mild weather we experienced until recently.” He added: “I cannot stress enough the need to be vigilant, especially with animals and small children. “Some of the nests have already been vacated, so the caterpillars have started their trek to find somewhere suitable to burrow to await pupation….so take care out there!” Town halls will deal with nests in urban areas but extra care is needed in the countryside and heavily wooded areas.

Congratulatio ns!

Congratulations to Fiona & Peter de Graaf upon the birth of their son Alexander who was born at the Acuario Hospital at Beniarbeig on 26th December 2009

8-14 JANUARY 2010

More protests planned for the new year by Corry Granger Hunger protests and further demonstrations are planned for the New Year as campaigners step up their fight for the reinstatement of health care in the Valencia region. The PUMA22 group marched to the British consulate in Alicante to deliver an open letter to the Consulate in Alicante on December 10th, also presenting a formal complaint to Francisco Camps Ortiz, President of the Generalitat Valenciana, regarding the withdrawal of free health. The Valencian Regional Health Authority is to charge €270 a quarter for health care, making the bill for a family of four more than €1,000 per quarter: the scheme is run by a private company. The letter to Mr Paxman stated that the majority of people being denied free health care had paid National Insurance contributions in the UK. Some were also being denied access to the European Health Insurance Card: “Some of us continue to pay taxes in the UK, yet our Government is not prepared to assist us. What is happening here is not only wrong; it is dangerous. There are many people who cannot afford to join this new scheme in constant need of medical treatment, care and drugs. If they cannot join and are judged not to be eligible under the ‘sin recursos’ arrangements their treatment will be stopped and they will have no medical assistance”. Mr Paxman has written to PUMA22: “I know that colleagues here and in the consulate in Alicante have had various contacts with the Valencian authorities”, he wrote. “However, your letter raises some complex and detailed points and I want to satisfy

Snow Go AIR TRAVEL between Spain

and Britain was severely disrupted this week as airports were hit by the big freeze, leaving some passengers stranded and faced with long delays and cancellations. Ground crews battled to keep runways clear of snow and ice in blizzard conditions and temperatures plummeted as low as minus 18 degrees centigrade. Airlines warned of “severe disruption” as at times the weather gained the upper hand and airports were forced to shut and suspend operations. Budget airline easyJet made large scale cancellations and rival Ryanair also warned of cancellations and major delays to schedules. Other airlines also used websites to alert people to the chaos and asked passengers to check up to date information before starting their journey. The situation was further complicated by aircraft being grounded at the wrong airports around Europe and crews running out of allowable flight time.

Founder member: Dr Roman Gil myself that we are doing all we reasonably can to help. I cannot promise anything but I will look thoroughly into the problem and reply more fully early in the New Year”. PUMA22’s Bill Bridges responded: “This somewhat positive response from the Ambassador is welcome but as the issues involved have been apparent since the problems first arose in June 2008, PUMA22 is a little concerned that it has taken a public demonstration to achieve such a response. PUMA22 now looks forward to Mr Paxman’s further response, promised for early in the New Year”. Campaigners are setting up new groups at San Miguel de Salinas; Rojales; Torrevieja; Benidorm and Alicante. Founder member Dr Roman Jimenez Gil said two hunger protests are planned for the New Year; one at the entrance to the parliamentary buildings in Valencia and the other at the British Consulate in Alicante, with dates to be arranged. “There will be a demonstration, and events will be recorded on a videotape as part of a documentary to be sent to the UK and distributed in the whole of Valencia”, he said. For the latest news, visit www.puma22.org



The edge of reason 8-14 JANUARY 2010

by Jack Troughton Weeks after sheets of glass plunged 30 metres into the street, a Costa Blanca family remains living – literally – on the edge of a man made precipice. The December storm ripped away the protective glazed side of the balcony of the third floor Benitachell home, damaging a car below. That night, police edged out into the driving rain and wind to secure the remains of the structure with rope on the night of December 14th and later the town hall placed barriers carrying warnings on the pavement. However, Chloe Hooper complained that despite their daily efforts and after taking legal advice, it seemed no-one wanted to help solve the problem and a real hazard remained. The singer, who shares the modern top floor apartment with partner David Rawlings and their 10-year-old daughter Serena, told RTN: “It is so frustrating and absolutely ridiculous that no one wants to take any responsibility.”

INSURANCE She said an assessor claimed the balcony was not covered by their building and contents insurance policy. The constructor appeared uninterested in the problem, and the ‘community’ of six flats had no cash. “On the night of the storm, we could hear the weather getting worse and worse. We were decorating Serena’s room and she was drawing in the lounge,” said Chloe. “You could hear the doors shaking. “Serena shouted me to come into the lounge because there was this massive smash – she was very scared – and outside there was glass flying everywhere.” Chloe said her daughter was old enough to understand the ongoing danger – although they needed to keep a close eye on

Chloe Hooper sitting on her balcony their pet dog – but their next door neighbours had three very small children. “All the apartments have these glass sided balconies. Some builder friends say the actual balcony structure is secure but the metalwork holding the glass panels is just not strong enough,” she added.

DANGER “There is a real health and safety issue here because it is so very dangerous.” Chloe said they had lived in the apartment for three years and it was supposed to enjoy a 10 year builder’s guarantee. “This is just the final straw. I am very angry and just don’t know where to go – I am trying to put a brave face on the situ-

Samaritans stride out in the New Year

Helping hand: L-R Judy, Mark , Steven, Mark

by David Mills Four local business people have decided to demonstrate their powers of endurance and personal commitment and enter the Barcelona Marathon on the 7th March this year. Steven Ashley of the Samaritans, Judy Webber of ‘The Fusion Gallery’ in Altea, Andy Mansel from the Albir ‘Casa Fitness’ and Mark Trowbridge of the Denia based Foncordiax telephone company are starting the New Year with a strict training regime in order to successfully complete the marathon without too much trouble. The reason for their valiant effort is to raise much needed funds to support the ‘SAMARITANS’ organisation here on the Costa Blanca. These funds are desperately needed to cover the attendant cost of operating this vital service that

provides for the needs of those suffering mental and emotional trauma in their lives. The Costa Blanca Samaritans was formed on the 24th July 2008 to provide a free, telephone based, English language support for people experiencing distress and who might be suicidal. The service was initially available on Monday to Wednesday evenings between 19.00 and 22.00 and plans are afoot to extend the hours of operation later this year. Existent and future expansion is entirely dependent on volunteer numbers and funding and this is why the determined four will be running the marathon. Staffed entirely by volunteers, Costa Blanca Samaritans telephone listeners are extensively trained to be with people through their suffering. Such a service was long overdue here on the Costa Blanca, where life can be tough and

where being in a foreign country often exacerbates feelings of isolation and desperation at difficult times. The current crisis, predictably, has increased their workload enormously. The World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics indicate there are more than one million actual suicides and 20 million attempts each year. UK Samaritans have an average of 5.5 million contacts with people each year. Anyone interested in donating can contact Costa Blanca Samaritans by emailing joinus@costablancasamaritans. com or for other enquiries and offers of support at info@costablancasamaritans. com Also feel free to pop into the Fusion Gallery, or the Casa Fitness, to donate. They are ready to hear from you now and the all important number to call is 902 883 535 – ‘You talk - they listen’

ation but sometimes it all gets too much. Someone must take responsibility for this,” she said. Chloe said she still hoped the constructor would intervene, “which at the moment looks unlikely”, or the members of the community would chip in to make all the balconies safe. “We must do something to make it more secure and it will not be cheap to fix – everyone is saying not to worry and it seems we have to play a waiting game,” she said. “It is apparent that trying to take anyone to court would take years and be a pointless exercise anyway. “And we are told one of the problems of small urbanisation communities is they have no money and a very small voice. “You hear of these things happening – it’s just a nightmare really.”

Torry ladies talk tactics Torrevieja Ladies FC is the city’s official ladies football team established 12 years ago to cater for the growing number of women with a passion for the sport and something valuable to contribute on the pitch. The team was pulled together under the guidance of Trainer/ Manager, Javier Gomez Alcaraz, with the 2006/07 season being a particular turning point, when they finished at the top of the 2nd Regional League, winning promotion to the 1st Regional League, and only one league away from the national table, La Liga.

SPONSOR This year, Torrevieja Ladies secured their first major sponsor, ‘Europa Network’, funding all of the team’s kit and equipment as well as organizing a ‘Player of the Game’ presentation at the

The Torry Ladies team are showing the lads that girls can play football!!!

close of every match. Michelle said the package is a huge help for them. Michelle stressed what a positive impact support from the stands has on the players’ performance, and how much it means to them knowing that they have fans behind them during home games. The team is still just one league away from playing in the national ladies league; an awesome achievement for what is essentially a small club. The team meets for training at the Sports centre on Avenida Delfina Viudez, behind the Vicente Garcia Stadium, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, commencing at 21:00, and are always on the lookout for fresh blood. For further information and details of the latest fixture please visit the website www. fctorreviejafemenino.web. officelive.com

8-14 JANUARY 2010


Fury at pensions “deceit” 28

8-14 JANUARY 2010

by Jack Troughton

ANGER IS mounting at the British Government’s broken promise to raise pensions as millions of benefits will be frozen – saving the Treasury up to £350 million in 2010-11

The basic state pension will rise by 2.5 percent in April but additional benefits claimed – including the State Earnings Related Pension (Serps) – will not receive the boost.And pensioners living in Spain are now being urged to join people in the UK and expats around the world in condemning the “cruel deceit”. In December’s Pre-Budget Report, Chancellor Alistair Darling made headlines by pledging: “Basic state pensions will not be frozen, but will rise by 2.5 percent in April.” Nowhere in his speech to Parliament or in hundreds of pages of pre-Budget papers did Mr Darling reveal that increases to parts of the state pension not regarded as “basic” would be put on ice. But as well as Serps, the BBC’s Money Box programme has reported the freeze also applies to the earnings-related supplement called ‘graduated pension’ which is paid to over 10 million people and the additional pension of £57.05 paid to 41,000 men with wives aged under 60. EXTRA Also threatened is any increase to the ‘extra pension’ of £7 a week paid to 1.2 million over 60s who postponed their retirement. Pensions Minister Angela Eagle

said extras such as Serps were frozen to avoid creating “an uneven playing field between the public and private sector.” And she claimed increasing Serps could cause “confusion and unfairness” because it affected company pension payouts.RTN readers are calling for a lobby of MPs and the soon to merge charities Age Concern and Help the Aged (they will become Age UK) to overturn the Government move. One said: “A lot of people may not know of this underhand treatment of pensioners and I think they should be made aware of the situation as a matter of urgency.” Another said she believed Labour hoped its plans would not be discovered until after the coming General election. “We have to put up with MPs claiming money on their expenses that they are not entitled to and which are funded by the taxpayer. “And yet they have the audacity to take it out on pensioners, most of whom do need any extra increases they can get.” CONDEMN Dot Gibson, general secretary of the National Pensioners Convention, said: “Pensioners will be absolutely stunned that only part of their state pension is going to rise next year. This is unprecedented and the fact that the Chancellor never made this public looks underhand and shabby.“Over 2.5 million older people already live in poverty and millions more are struggling to meet the rising costs of living. This decision will certainly push more into financial hardship – we need a state pension that takes older

people out of poverty, not one that pushes them further into it. It is simply unfair that the least able are being asked to shoulder the biggest burden of the recession” Labour’s move was also under fire for once again announcing a seemingly positive budget measure that in reality was punitive.And Liberal Democrat spokesman on works and pensions, Steve Webb said: “Once again things are not what they seem. Most people do not think of their pensions being in bits and when the Chancellor says it will rise by 2.5 percent, they expect it all to go up by 2.5 percent.“Britain’s pensioners will lose money because the Government is shaving off corners where it hopes people will not notice. It is all about getting the maximum good publicity for the minimum spend.” ATTACK The Tories have also attacked the Government for the discrimination over pensions, claiming Mr Darling’s report was the most “political and cynical” of Labour’s term in office.Philip Hammond, Conservative Shadow Treasury Chief Secretary said: As always with this government, the headlines of its announcement unravel when we see the small print. “The pensions minister has revealed Alistair Darling’s 2.5 percent rise will not actually apply to all pensions. “Now we see the cruel deceit of pensioner and benefit recipients who were given false hope on a Wednesday only to have their expectations dashed by Saturday.”

money by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns

The risks of underfunded pension schemes WHAT HAPPENS TO MY PENSION FUND IF BA GOES BUST? When British Airways recently announced that the shortfall in their staff pension had increased in the last 3 years from £2.1 billion to a breathtaking £3.7 billion, the concerns of existing and former employees grew deeper. However, just when they believed things could not get any worse came the news that the UK Pensions Regulator may consider the deficit to be even bigger! As BA’s market value is only £2.2 billion, this could indicate that the situation is even worse than has been suggested. Put bluntly – the value of BA as a whole is worth less that the total of its pension fund. Employees both past and present with BA pension funds must now be thinking the unthinkable – what happens to my fund if BA goes bust? If BA were to go bust then this huge deficit would be foisted upon the pensions’ lifeboat - the Pension Protection Fund (PPF),

8-14 JANUARY 2010


with potentially devastating consequences for the PPF and BA fund members. HOW MANY SCHEMES HAVE DEFICITS WHICH ARE WORSE THAN ANTICIPATED? British Airways are not alone in facing such a difficult scenario and one wonders how many other major UK defined benefits schemes may have pension deficits which are more serious than the Company and the employees, both past and present, are aware of. Take Shell as another example. Last year, Shell reported that a previous pension fund surplus of £6.8 billion had deteriorated to a deficit of £5.6 billion: again truly shocking. SHOULD I TRANSFER MY PENSION FUND OUT NOW? In the past, no one in their right mind would consider a transfer out of a company pension (defined benefit / final salary) scheme. The advantages of keeping with a seemingly cast iron guarantee of a pension with increases in retirement were overwhelming. In recent years, with pensioners living far longer than anticipated, investment returns being lower than predicted and average salaries rising at a higher rate than foreseen, most schemes have rapidly become under-funded and employers have been unable to contribute at the increasing levels actuaries recommended. The end result is that scheme members have serious and justifiable doubts that their pensions will be paid at the levels promised. Is it any wonder that such scheme members have been taking transfer values from their company pension arrangements to secure their share of the fund elsewhere, accepting that whilst they may no longer have the ‘guarantees’ that they had, they feel they now have control over their funds? QROPS TRANSFERS MAY BE THE ANSWER FOR EX-PATS For those former employees who now no longer live in the UK, Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes, (QROPS) offer

them additional benefits such as reduced taxation, the ability to transfer unused funds to future generations, control over investments and no need to buy an annuity. For someone who has been a non UK resident for five or more complete tax years, there is the added benefit of being able to take out the fund as a capital withdrawal – an option in these desperate times that cannot be ignored. It is for these reasons that in recent months the number of enquiries from members of ‘defined benefits’ schemes has risen dramatically: we believe this a trend that will develop further in 2010. For an impartial and unbiased review of your pension funds or for a no obligation second opinion, please contact Stephen Ward or Robert Burns at review@qrops.es or see: http://www.qrops.es Arbutus Qrops represents Premier Pension Solutions S.L (CIF B55414198), appointed agents of Inter-Alliance Worldwide Insurance and Advisors Ltd authorised and regulated by the Insurance Companies Control Service, Cyprus. Registration number F.O.S.9.

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 W: www.qrops.es

New minimum wage still low THE COUNCIL of Ministers has set the Inter-professional Minimum Wage for 2010 at 633.30 euros per month, which is an increase of 1.5 percent on the figure set for 2009. This equates to 21.11 euros per day, or not less than 8,866.20 euros when calculated on an annual basis. For occasional and temporary workers whose services to a single company do not exceed 120 days per year, the wage may be no lower than 30 euros per day. Domestic workers will earn a minimum of 4.96 euros per hour worked.

Can Spain lead the EU out of crisis?

SPAIN TOOK up the baton for an economy that is more and presidency of the European more productive, more and Union this month, with Prime more innovative and more Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez and more sustainable.” Zapatero promising to work to end the continent’s economic crisis. The six-month post was last held by Sweden and was taken over by Spain at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve. Prime Minister Zapatero said Spain’s main goal as EU president will be “to fight for economic recovery, for recovery from the crisis, and make Europe Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero



8-14 JANUARY 2010

How can I protect myself against an airline or travel company going bust? by

Marc White & Carlos Baos English & Spanish Solicitors

MANY READERS will have been directly affected or know someone who has lost out as a result of the collapse of Scotland’s biggest airline Flyglobespan. All of the company’s flights were cancelled without notice and 800 jobs lost. Moreover, 4,500 passengers were stranded, many of them in Spain. The only people who may have benefited in the short term were the hotels and businesses who managed to squeeze a few extra days out of each guest, although those affected are unlikely to hold fond memories of the trip. The UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said it would repatriate about 1,100 of them - those who booked package holidays and are therefore protected through the ATOL scheme. It is possible to take steps and protect oneself to a degree against this happening in the future. DO YOU BOOK FLIGHTS ONLY? Anyone who booked a flight through Globespan Airways is unlikely to be covered by the ATOL scheme which only protects travellers

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2008 - All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com booked through tour operators, not directly with airlines or through ticket agents. If you do use an agent, then make sure the tour operator you book through has ATOL and ABTA accreditation. If you pay for a flight using your credit card or Visa debit card, however, you should be protected. Under section 75 of the UK’s Consumer Credit Act, when you pay for goods or services that cost between £100 and £30,000 on credit, the company providing credit is jointly responsible with the supplier of the goods or services if things go bad. Making payment by credit card is therefore a very simple and cost effective way of protecting yourself. Anyone affected by the collapse of Globespan who paid for tickets by credit card or Visa debit card should contact their card issuer in the first instance to determine whether they can claim a refund under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and/or their insurance provider (see below). TRAVEL INSURANCE? There was a time when almost

every traveller would take out travel insurance when booking a flight. The ease of booking online combined with the fact that many travel more frequently than before has resulted in this being overlooked. If you book flights using a non Visa debit card or by cheque/cash, you will be classed as an ‘unsecured creditor,’ which means you’re basically at the bottom of the list for repayment. As an unsecured creditor, you’ll be unlikely to recover even a fraction of your money - unless of course you have comprehensive airline failure insurance, in which case your insurance company should fully reimburse you for your loss. If you have travel insurance or perhaps an annual policy, check to see if it provides cover for airline or accommodation failure. Your broker may well know the answer to this question without checking. The type of protection provided may vary depending on the type of policy taken out, and a policy may cover all or part of the cost of the original tickets or accommodation purchased.

BUYING A PACKAGE HOLIDAY? Taking the Globespan case as an example, anyone who booked a Globespan package holiday is likely to be protected under the ATOL scheme and should visit the CAA’s ATOL website www.atol.org.uk for further information. The lesson is simply to look for the ATOL badge and make sure the broker’s accreditation is current. There are bookmakers taking bets on which airline will be the next to disappear and I have heard that you can place money on Ryanair’s CEO Michael O’Leary becoming the next boss of British Airways. Either way, the approach when booking a holiday or flights should be the same in every case and payment by credit card can be very useful in this and many other contexts. I trust the above is clear, although please feel free to give Carlos Baos, abogado, or myself a call at any time on +34 966-426-185 if you wish to discuss the above or any other issues. In the meantime; Happy New Year to all.

Pro-Life Defends Abortion Arguments AN ANTI-ABORTION group has

to the reforms; a scenario which

aimed at fighting the imminent

Spanish society if it were allowed

collected a million signatures

abortion law reform in Spain.

The pro-life group has raised its

game in the fight to overthrow the Government’s plans to liberalise legislation relating to abortion

and demand that a referendum

about your business


abortion constitutes “the cruel and violent death of a human being and of the most innocent and

defenceless of all: the unborn”.

The pending reform will permit

a termination of pregnancy

‘Derecho a Vivir’ or ‘Right to Live’,

the governing Socialist, PSOE

Ignacio Arsuago, told the Spanish Press that a petition featuring

some million signatures will be presented to Moncloa Palace at

the end of this month, demanding that the public also be allowed to vote on the controversial issue.

The association claims that the

about it in

to manifest. According to them,

be held to review the arguments that have arisen. President of

Don’t whisper

it says could completely divide

majority of Spaniards are opposed

from the age of 16, although

party has ceded on the most

controversial point of permitting underage mothers to undergo

the procedure without parental consent. Instead they will be

required to inform at least one parent or a guardian, except if

they are at risk of violence or of

being thrown out of their home.

A pro-life group supporter



Karla Darocas

Information Technology & Communications

Co-operation can spark the spirit

IN THIS new frontier of our ever-changing human landscape, co-operation plays a vital role as a kind of glue that keeps the fabric of our existence from tearing into sheds of alienation. The mystical German philosopher and physician, Albert Schweitzer once said that, “In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” For many women over 50, they forget about the flame of their youth and the vibrancy of what good health can bring to their lives. It takes persuasive people like author Nina Bagnall to reignite that spark. In her book, Looking Good Feeling Great Ladies 50 And Over, Nina offers a selection of suggestions and helpful tips to inspire, motivate and assist women to revitalize that ember! From her Costa Blanca retreat, Nina Bagnall shares with us some informational insights on how co-operation has played a role in her life, and her writing. BRIEF PROFILE Name: Nina Bagnall Nationality: British Current Living / Working Location/s: England/Spain

Type of Enterprise/s: A writer/Author Year/s in Operation: 4 years Do you consider yourself an artist, entrepreneur, deal-maker, educator, investor - all or none of the above? Please briefly explain... I am an educator, in health and fitness for mature women. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q: How have you found living in Spain? Do you find the ex-pat community co-operative? Do you find the local Spanish community co operative? A: Our time in Spain has been most delightful; moving around to see the different areas, both South and North. We English can be lazy when it comes to learning other languages, but our experience of the Spanish people is that providing you try and speak a little Spanish, they are more than friendly with you and if they can help you they will. Q: When writing your book, were your family and friends co-operative about the whole thing? Who gave you the most co-operation? A: My husband was very supportive, but to be fair, if the rest of my family had known of what

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I was involved with, they too would have given their support. Q: How did you get on with your editor and publishers? Were they co operative? Were there any funny stories that came about due to their full / lack - of co-operation? A: Because this was my first experience into this world of editing and publishing, I was a little daunted to say the least, but everyone was extremely helpful to bring the book to its published format. An agency in America picked up my manuscript and offered to market it to publishers, but prior to this the book had to have a critique review, which came back, exceeding my greatest expectations. The lady was so complimentary, suggesting with the correct marketing strategy it would be a big hit. The editors and publishers were brilliant and so very helpful, acknowledging I was a novice, yet in no way condescending. We had such fun with the edit. I had been asked if I wanted the book published in English or American English. Without hesitation told them American English, after all it was being published in America! Backwards and forwards, the manuscript went flying to America and back here in Spain, with a little misunderstanding on both sides. Once the text block was completed, it went to the art department for book cover. Black cover with pink silhouette in my mind was classy and the finished published copy turned out to prove me correct. Q: What advice would you give an aspiring writing that was looking for a little co-operation with accomplishing their goals and objectives? A: To become a writer, first you must have an idea, and then develop it over time. It is important not to be in a rush, for the end manuscript will require many hours of review. Also, it can be frustrating to find someone that will be willing to take on

first time authors and even then it is an extremely slow industry. “Patience they say is a virtue”. It is necessary to have it in abundance. Q: Would you co operate with others to write another book? Perhaps there is another book in the works now? A: I have already finished a children’s book, which is waiting publication. My energies at this moment in time are to write another health book for all age groups. Send me your feedback: Karla Darocas info@Darocas.com

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY KARLA DAROCAS, Information Technology & Communications, Repairs & Training * 648 156 066 * www.darocas.com Att: Women - Free Business Development Course - Register Now.

everyday spain 32

8-14 JANUARY 2010

If you have a question, comment or problem you need help with please contact us on: Tel: 968 33 66 06 Email: info@helpcentrespain.com Web: www.helpcentrespain.com Post: The Help & Advice Centre for Spanish Living, Tina Tait, C/ Francisco Franco No 4, Santiago De La Ribera, Murcia 30720 or write to RTN, see contact details on page 2

How to save money Spanish style


Tina Tait

The Help & Advice Centre for Spanish Living

IF YOU are having money troubles and you live in Spain, here are some tips that can help you and your family navigate through troubled times. TELEFONICA If you asked to be transferred to an English speaking operator, have them explain their calling plans. If you have Internet with Telefonica, all national calls are free if you add it to your plan for only €1 more per month. Here are some Telefonica offers for January: If you do not have a Telefonica line and want to get one, now is the time until the end of January. Telefonica offers you free telephone activation which can save you €83 (for new customers only). If you make a lot of international calls, ask them about their new offer on their international calling plan, for as little as €9.95 per month you can call up to 200 minutes anytime, anywhere in Europe or the USA. Also, while Telefonica does encourage you to pay by automatic debit from your bank account, it is not legally required. You can request (or

insist) on having a statement sent by post and pay it at your local bank on the day you want to pay it. This could buy you three weeks of time to pay off the bill: if you are juggling bills around it could help a lot. IBERDROLA ‘Now you can pay the same amount every month for both gas and electricity and you can also choose the day when you want to pay. And because your usage will always vary, once a year we’ll adapt your ‘Fixed Fee’ to your actual usage in the most convenient way. Call us at 901 20 20 20 and apply for the Fixed Fee’. RENT Many people I know have simply asked their landlord to reduce their rent and been given the reduction. Some have saved €100 a month in rent reduction by asking. SPEEDING Remember, now the zero tolerance law is in force, if you are doing 121kph in a 120kph limit area, you will be fined. They will send

this to you on the address you have on your car documents. If this is not your postal address you will not receive the fine and it will escalate. Also, ‘trafico’ might send you a preliminary notice asking you to prove you are the driver. If you do not respond to this notification, they will fine you another €300 on top of your speeding fine. Save yourself hundreds by making sure you are registered to receive your post and responding to the notices. If you pay your fine on time; the fine is reduced. COMPARE PETROL PRICES You would be surprised how much the petrol prices vary. Some stations are 10 to 12 cents less and it all adds up. COMPARE FOOD PRICES There is a big difference in price in products between stores. CAR INSURANCE Shop around. If you find a better rate for your auto insurance, call your existing company and tell them to match the rates.

Often they will do it just to keep you as a customer, and that saves a few hundred per year just for the asking. IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO IMPORT YOUR UK REGISTERED VEHICLE, AND WISH TO AVOID IMPORT DUTY, YOU MUST DO IT AS SOON AS YOU DECIDE TO BECOME RESIDENT Start the process before getting your residency and before getting your padron. This is an extremely complicated process, in my opinion purposely so in order to collect more taxes and to encourage you to purchase a Spanish vehicle. If done properly, within the correct time period, it could save thousands in taxes. The time limit is based on your date of your padron. Car rental agencies have raised their rates as well, so the cost of transferring your vehicle, if it was split between family and friends who come to visit you here and want to use the car instead of renting one, could save you several hundred a year. Do you have a tip to save money? Write to Everyday Spain and let the community know. Every little bit counts.

Spending down in January sales

Disposable income shrinks Four million unemployed in spain

THE SALES officially started on 7 January, and predictions are

ECONOMIC FORECASTS predict that Spanish families will have less disposable income throughout 2010. A report was published recently by the Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros (Funcas), or Foundation Savings Bank, which shows that there will be a 0.8 percent drop in disposable household income despite a growth of 2.1 percent during the last period of 2009. Navarra, Madrid, Catalonia and the Balearics will be the hardest hit, while Valencia will see a fall of 1.2 percent. In contrast, Funcas predicts that the household savings rate will grow over 2010 – a trend that could be due to the crisis, as families cut on spending and save money instead.

that spending will be down 10 percent on 2009. The Federación

de Usuarios-Consumidores Independientes (FUCI) or Federation of Independent User-Consumers conducted a survey of two thousand people which showed that Spanish citizens are

planning to spend an average of 95 euros in the winter sales; 10 percent less than last year.

The biggest spenders surveyed were in Madrid and Catalonia,

where shoppers said they would spend 108 euros and 105 euros respectively. Most purchases would be clothing and textiles.

The sales last for one month in most regions, but two months

in Cantabria and Galicia.

UNEMPLOYMENT IN Spain was recorded at 3.9 million at the end of 2009. Those claiming the dole increased by 54,657 in November; 25.4 percent more than the final month of 2008 and the highest level of unemployment ever recorded.

Despite the bleak outlook, the Labour and Immigration

Ministry say that the rate of job losses is slowing; by

comparison in November 2008, unemployment grew by

139,694 people. However, Spain has now seen five consecutive months of growing joblessness. Unemployment in December 2009 hit the construction sector; job losses were up 7.56

percent. Unemployment dropped among first-time job seekers by 2.73 percent and went down 3.57 percent in agriculture.

Don’t whisper about your business

SHOUT about it in

8-14 JANUARY 2010


The good life turns sour Time for a challenge? by

Kevin Wright

Account Manager, Moneycorp

‘Brits abroad are struggling as a result of the weakening pound’. The result of a global survey from Moneycorp which hardly reveals a well kept secret. However, it is the Brits living in Spain who are suffering the most financially as a result of the property downturn. More than four in five (85%) Spanish expats say the value of sterling has impacted them financially, with three quarters (79%) saying that their spending power has decreased as a result. David Kerns, Head of Private Clients at Moneycorp, comments:

“Our research shows that British expats have had a tough time and the findings reveal that no country has escaped unharmed from the economic downturn. Brits living in Spain are particularly affected by the struggling property market and having to convert sterling to euro for living costs.” Investment in property has hit expats hard. Over half (53%) of respondents in Europe have noticed a decrease in demand and subsequently rental

values in their place of residence, while that figure stands at only a quarter (26%) in nonEuropean countries. Demand/rental values appear to have decreased most in Italy and Spain, where 62% and 60% of expats respectively have noticed the decline House prices in Italy have fallen by an average of 10-20%*, while those in Spain have fallen by as much as 65% David Kerns concludes:

“During challenging times, there is certainly more that expats can be doing to manage their money and make sure that they are making the most of their income.” Although this sounds depressing, at Moneycorp we are determined to help as many of you as possible maximise your income from the UK. From next week we will be issuing the CURRENCY CHALLENGE. With no obligation OR pressure we will help you ascertain whether or not your current method of foreign exchange is giving you the best deal and more importantly the MOST MONEY. So whether you make regular payments, ad-hoc payments or selling your Spanish property and sending the funds back to the UK, make sure you turn to the RTN Currency Zone.


For more information on how Moneycorp can help you to save hundreds of euros on your Spanish bank fees, as well as helping you get more pounds for your euros, contact us on 902 887 243 or email Moneycorp directly at roundtownnews@moneycorp.com

Euro/Sterling Weekly Market Update brought to you by & Sterling Goes Nowhere Over Holiday Period. Quiet and illiquid markets dampen activity and exaggerate exchange rate movements. Third quarter economic performance disappoints. Sterling spent ten days drifting down from €1.1250 to €1.10 and two days climbing all the way back. It opened in London earlier this week unchanged on the fortnight at €1.1250. As anticipated, two shortened weeks and two major holidays made for an inactive and illiquid foreign exchange market. Marketmakers, investors and traders did only what was absolutely necessary. Corporate and other market-users got involved only when they had to. There was less than the usual reaction to economic data. A disappointing revision to figures for

the third quarter of ‘09, confirming that Britain’s economy had shrunk for an 18th month, prompted some selling of the pound. However, the damage was nowhere near as great as it might have been if the announcement had come two weeks earlier or later. There were no pan-Euroland statistics other than the entirely uninteresting money supply figures for November (-0.2% in case anyone cares). The new year will undoubtedly bring new tests for sterling. Dangling over it are still the budget deficit, the risk of a downgrade in Britain’s credit rating and of course the general election. Investors seem happy at the moment to give sterling the benefit of the doubt, in anticipation of a change of government and a change of fiscal policy. Nevertheless, the doubt is still there.

To read the full report click on Currency Guidance at www.moneycorp.com/roundtownnews

Held to ransom 34

8-14 JANUARY 2010

Residents of an urbanisation have reached the end of their tether after administrators, appointed by a now defunct property developer, demanded over €30,000 in community charges. by Louise Clarke LA PLAYA GOLF 3 – R2 in Cabo Roig in Orihuela Costa has 98 houses, 28 of which are owned but only five are occupied full time. The developer of the urbanisation is the now virtually bankrupt. San Jose and they had employed the services of administrators Grupo Mediterraneo, based in Pilar de la Horadada, to look after the interests of the urbanisation. The company has now changed its name to Potegano, but as far as RTN can make out, is still being run by the same administrator, Jose Ramon Ferrer Mesples. CHARGES

The residents have decided enough is enough and formed a committee to oust the administrators in favour of a new company which charges less. But Potegano say that they have a contract and will not let any other company become administrators. According to residents, they have said that as San Jose still owns 66% of the properties on the urbanisation; they get the say as to who runs the urbanisation. However, San Jose will not attend any meetings, does not contribute any money and has not paid any money towards the upkeep of the houses which they own on this urbanisation or any of the nine others on the estate. Once Potegano knew that residents wanted to change their administrator, they told them that they would allow this on the proviso that they paid their owed community charges, which they say amount to over €30,000. This allegedly includes charges for water, electric, pool cleaning, maintenance and insurance. However, the

Bob and Dave with wives Beth and Joan urbanisation has not had any electric supply in the public areas for nearly five months. And no electric to the pool filter has meant that the pool has turned green and unusable. They have neither street lighting nor insurance; making it a burglars paradise. NERVE The new President, Bob Kellaway and Vice President, Dave Jones, told RTN: “We have some 22 out of 28 owners giving us their support

in this matter and have formed a committee but we are still are having difficulties setting up our community.” Bob continued: “I have a copy of the electric bill from Ibedrola at just over €1000. There is no insurance for the public areas and swimming pool and no payments made. There is no bank account set up in the community’s name with our President or any of the committee’s signatures on it and the post boxes have never been commissioned by anyone, yet other administrators we have informed us

Three kings on the Costa By Jack Troughton After a busy night visiting homes across Spain, the Three Kings – Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar – brought smiles to the faces of children in Denia Hospital on Wednesday morning. Their Majesties and their helpers delivered gifts to youngsters in the hospital’s Accident and Emergency Department and took presents to the children’s ward. Accompanied by the Mayoress of Denia, Ana Kringe, the kings ended the visit in the hospital restaurant, meeting staff who enjoyed Christmas sweets

that this is one of the first things they do. “Why is Grupo Mediterraneo sending out bills to the owners of these properties for 2008 and 2009 all of a sudden? All the bills have differing amounts on them and claim they have been sent with the blessing of the President and committee members.” The committee will be holding an EGM in the next three weeks and has invited RTN to attend, so this story will be updated next month. We contacted Potegano for a comment but they have not responded.

By Louise Clarke THE THREE KINGS made their annual appearance in San Miguel de Salinas this week and delighted scores of children. The Kings left the Town Hall at 18:00 prompt and made their way along the main street in the town before stopping off at the church to see Mary, Joseph and, of course, Baby Jesus, at the alter awaiting their arrival. They then made their way to the Casa de Cultura, where they handed out presents to the hundreds of children of all ages and nationalities; all eager to see the delights that had been brought for them.

Don’t whisper

The Three Kings with Linda, Charlie and Lily outside the church in San Miguel

about your business

T U O H S about it in

The Kings in the children’s ward

8-14 JANUARY 2010




8-14 JANUARY 2010

Ask the Specialist

By Dawn Blythe, S.R.N. R.M.

Dear Dawn, My baby grandson has just been diagnosed with Pyloric Stenosis. Please could you tell me a little about this condition? My son and daughter-in-law live in the UK and I don’t like to bother them with a lot of questions at this point in time. Many thanks from a worried Gran!

The pylorus connects the stomach outlet to the small intestine. We don’t know the reason why but sometimes the muscle in the wall of the pylorus is abnormally thick which causes the outlet of the stomach to become ‘stenosed’ (narrowed). This is medically known as Pyloric Stenosis. Approximately 1 in 500 newborn babies are affected and it is more common in baby boys. Symptoms usually begin when the baby is 2-4 weeks old and otherwise healthy. Occasionally symptoms do not appear for two months. Vomiting after a feed is the main symptom. This may be projectile where milk is vomited at force, often reaching quite a distance. Because feed has been lost the baby remains hungry and often feeds well again only to immediately vomit. This creates a vicious circle which is most distressing to the parents and usually gets worse and worse over a couple of days. Because little milk passes through the narrowed pylorus babies do not gain weight and are in danger of be-

coming dehydrated. If left untreated, a baby with pyloric stenosis will become seriously ill. It is important for parents to seek prompt medical advice if their baby is vomiting on a regular basis so that any serious disorders can be detected without delay. A doctor can often feel the thickened pylorus whilst feeling the baby’s tummy. Diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasound. A small operation under general anesthetic whereby the pylorus muscle is cut, thus widening the stomach outlet, usually cures the problem. These days this procedure is performed by ‘keyhole surgery’. Normal feeds are started soon after the operation and the good news is that most babies recover quickly and have no further problems. I do thank you for your enquiry and hope this information helps. There is current research in place whereby a drug called Atropine is being trialed in the treatment for Pyloric Stenosis without surgery. Results look promising so far but further research is needed.

Dawn is a British trained Midwife who has spent over 20 years caring for mothers and babies in ex-pat communities. To speak to Dawn or make an appointment to see her, please call ‘The English Medical Clinic’ Albir, or pop into her free ‘drop in’ clinic on Wednesday mornings. 966 868 013 engmedopt@orange.es

Alison Achieves interior and exterior perfection Alison, who is 56 years old, lives in Rojales, she is an amazingly talented lady who is a leading light when it comes to all things Spiritual. Alison is a lifecoach, a spiritual healer, teacher and medium and as such has strived to enable her and many others to reach perfection with their four bodies, emotional, mental, spiritual and physical. Alison contacted Before Then After because “I felt 100% inside and wanted to feel the same way on the outside”. In Alison’s work attention to detail, listening qualities, the giving of accurate information along with conveying warmth and care are hugely important and she was delighted to be consulted by someone who showed all those qualities. “I am a naturally confident woman but I must admit the thought of having injections of dermal filler in my face scared me a little. After thirty seconds in Gail’s company all those fears had gone. “I was welcomed warmly and asked to talk about the areas and which lines on and around my face bothered me the most. Like most women of my age I felt that the lines running from the side of my nose down to my mouth along with the lines running from the side of my mouth down to my chin were what I focused on each time I looked in the mirror. Gail explained all about the 100% natural products, how they worked and what I could expect to achieve immediately and a few days afterwards. She also told me that I would get approximately six months from the treatment which made it all seem like very good value. What really put me the most at ease was during the questionnaire when Gail asked me about any previous and current conditions? I have Trigeminal Neuralgia which I have to explain to everyone as it is a serious condition but not known. Being the true professional Gail picked up on it immediately and knew which areas of my face to avoid; this knowledge can only be gained by serious study and correct training. Next and perhaps most importantly I asked if the treatment was going to hurt. “Well, I am going to be sticking needles into you!” she replied

but then showed me the size of the needle that is most commonly used which wasn’t that scary, “but I use this one” said Gail holding what seemed no different to an acupuncture sized needle, in fact, I could hardly see it. Gail went on to explain about the topical anaesthetic cream that she was going to apply to the areas first which would have a numbing effect and she was right, it really does work as she blobs it on generously and leaves it to settle for around ten minutes. When the area was feeling quite numb I heard Gail ask “Are you ready?” I nodded apprehensively. “ I’m going to start at the top and work my way down quickly and smoothly, 1 2 3 go” and that was about ten minutes before it was done and I had had hardly felt anything other than when the corners of my mouth were lifted which I was warned about. I looked into the mirror and couldn’t believe the difference as you can clearly see form the pictures it really is incredible. “Right, I’ll see you again in two weeks for your free top-up” said Gail. Free top-up? This is possibly the best bit as everyone who has treatment the first time gets approximately €125 treatment free of charge seven to ten days later when Gail can see and discuss with you the results. Sometimes and area that has been treated may have experienced a little swelling and so can be topped up, or, in my case, as everything was perfect when I returned I had the extra put in between my eyebrows. The Before Then After Clinics are held in Beauty Salons from Gran Aacant all the way down to Los Alcazares, there are four choices for Torrevieja alone and there are inland options. Gail is fully qualified to carry out all the treatments offered and holds her own insurance as well as the cover you can expect from the Salon. Perhaps you have a salon and would like to host a clinic once or twice a month or you may just want to take advantage of the free consultations without obligation. In any case, contact Before Then After on 966 196 798 or 647 782 646. Treatments begin at €125.

The fundamentals of weight loss MOST OF you reading this have probably been ‘yoyo-dieting’ for years, losing 5 or 6lbs and then putting 8 or 9lb back on which - lets be fair – sucks! Now, most people go on these crazy low calorie diets and you lose 3 or maybe even 4 lbs per week for a couple of months, which is great! Until you start to eat like a normal person and the weight just jumps right back on, plus some more. The reason this happens is down to your metabolism (the thing that governs how many calories your body uses per day). As you lose weight through purely dieting, you also lose muscle/lean tissue which in turn decreases your metabolism; really bad in terms of keeping weight off in the long term. So you’ve lost 3 stone from dieting but ½ to 1 stone of that is going to be lean tissue; this means your body now can no longer burn the same amount of calories it once did and as you go back to a normal eating regime, your body is going to stores the excess calories it can no longer use as fat.


Paula Denvir

Qualified health & fitness instructor ‘Why fat!?’ (I hear you screaming!) Well it’s simply that your body likes it: it protects your vital organs; keeps you warm; supports your immune system and its energy efficient - 9 kcal for every gram, whereas carbohydrates (sugar) only have 4 kcal per gram. The problem is that too much of a good thing is bad. To much fat storage leads to major problems, the main one being CHD (coronary heart disease) and other health related issues and low self esteem due to body image which then can lead to other problems. So how to combat this? What you need to do is have a healthy balanced diet containing all the food groups: carbs, proteins and fats (good ones) at the correct ratio, eating small meals at regular intervals through out the day (ideally 5-7 meals in small portions), increase your activity levels and start to introduce resistance training into your workouts to increase your lean tissue.

Paula is a fully qualified health and fitness instructor with 13 years experience. Specialist areas include weight loss, childrens fitness, pilates and medical condition instructing. Call 689 672 594 or email pdtraining@hotmail.com. (Mar Menor and surrounding areas)

A failure for the H1N1 vaccine campaign THE HEALTH Ministry in Valencia says that 800,000 influenza A (Swine Flu or H1N1 virus) vaccines have not been used. The government purchased one million vaccines in November in order to inoculate high-risk groups, but figures show that on 21 December, only 212,597 people had turned up to receive the vaccine. Experts from the Health Ministry say they fear that contradictory information regarding the side effects of the vaccine has put people off, and the inoculation campaign is being labelled a failure. This is despite claims from the Region’s Health Ministry in December, that the jab available was a new, improved vaccine. The authorities spent 54.6 million euros on the vaccines.

8-14 JANUARY 2010



8-14 JANUARY 2010

A new year for gardening awaits AFTER THE yo-yoing of the weather during December it’s any ones guess what awaits gardeners during January and the months ahead. Hopefully we won’t have the record cold snap of 2005 when we had a frozen garden but even then less a few plants the spring garden was fine. But regardless of whether we know the pattern of the weather to come one thing needs doing urgently - setting some New Year resolutions. 2010 GARDENING RESOLUTIONS

New Year Resolutions are about deciding what you want to change and achieve in your garden this year? The following are 10 generic ideas that might help. 1. Complete the annual winter cutback earlier this year. What needs doing is described in Section 6.9 of ‘Your Garden in Spain’. 2. Only plant plants, shrubs and trees suitable for the microclimate of the garden. So many unsuitable ones are purchased each year that never survive more than a few months. 3. If the garden is exposed to the elements concentrate on establishing boundary and internal hedges before investing more on delicate plants. 4. Re-pot all pot plants, changing the compost to a better mix that contains nutrients and has better water holding and draining properties. Many plants die either from thirst or water logging in Spain!! 5. Plant more fruit trees, bushes and plants. The trees don’t need to take up much space if planted and dwarfed in containers. This is possible on apartment terraces as well as in gardens. 6. Grow more vegetables. Again, either in the garden


Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

or on apartment terraces. ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables’ explains how to grow a good number of vegetables in only one square foot or metre. On a larger scale constructing an area of raised beds is a good project for this time of year. 7. Stop co-planting thirsty and drought resistant plants. If not one or both will suffer from insect and fungal attacks. ‘Your Garden in Spain’ has tables that indicate drought resistances. 8. Turn some of the lawn space to better use with continuing tough economic times ahead. Why not a mini orchard and vegetable plot, also perhaps a chicken run! 9. Gain control of the gardener. Over Christmas we have heard several couples saying that gardeners tend to only do cutting back but don’t really deadhead weed and loosen the soil, nor plant plants that they really like and the watering bill still seems to go up and not down with a mature garden. You may not have any intention of starting to do all the gardening your selves but you can arm yourself with the information required to knowledgably nudge the gardener does things differently this year. Our three books await your reading. We hope that will help readers get more out of their gardens this year with less expenditure. A happy New Year to come to all our readers. Don’t forget if you have a question you would like us to answer in this weekly column send it into spanishgardening@hotmail.com.

BY CLODAGH and Dick Handscombe practical gardeners and authors who have enjoyed gardening in Spain for themselves and at times others for twenty five years. ‘Your Garden in Spain’, ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’ and ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ are each packed with valuable practical ideas and advice for making the garden more beautiful and productive and how to save money. They can be obtained from bookshops and internet book shops. Those of Santana Books Amazon and W.H.Smith have special New Year offers at present.

8-14 JANUARY 2010




The home of Quality Food and Entertainment Due to the resounding success of the La Finca de Eduardo´s luncheons, we will now be serving all our Fabulous Lunches & Traditional Sunday Roasts at Eduardo´s Villamartin Plaza for the whole of January

Menu del dia Winter Warmer Menu 3 Courses 10.95€ Friday & Saturday Evenings Will will be serving our fabulous A´la Carte menu Sunday´s Traditional Sunday Lunch 3 courses 10.00€ Opening Times Lunchtimes Mon-Fri 1pm till 4pm Friday & Saturday evenings 7pm till late Sunday´s 1pm till late Bookings or enquiries to 644 498 067 www.eduardosvillamartin.com

La Finca de Eduardo´s is closed until February 1st for holidays


8-14 JANUARY 2010

Lessons now need A New Year & New Reflexive Verbs Identity for AEBE LESSON 89

Spanish lessons

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

with Jane Cronin

I HOPE YOU’RE all enjoying the Christmas season and having a relaxing time, but not so relaxing that you can’t dedicate a little bit of thought to Spanish reflexive verbs. Here is the verb we looked at last week, but this time I’ll put the main meanings in as well. Me levanto – I get up Te levantas – you get up Se levanta - s/he gets up Nos levantamos – we get up Os levantáis – you get up (plu) Se levantan – they get up Before moving on to other examples I’ll just mention that although we are looking at these verbs in the present tense at the moment, they of course work in all tenses. From what we have studied so far we can say, for example: “Me he levantado” (I have got up), “nos levantábamos” (we used to get up), “se están levantando” (they are getting up). Some people find these changes of person and tense rather hard to come to terms with, which is why I’ve mentioned them now so they don’t come as a shock later on. The fact is that the more you learn the more you can apply to previous knowledge to extend the range of things you can say. Back to the present tense though, and let’s think about other things we do for, or to, ourselves which are therefore reflexive in Spanish. Morning is the time we prepare ourselves to face the outside world, and therefore is rich in reflexive verbs.

First things first, before we get up, we usually wake up, although that might not always be the case. First let’s look at the verb “to wake up” in its non-reflexive form. “To wake up” another person is “despertar”. To say that I wake up my children in the morning is: “Despierto a mis hijos por la mañana”. Let’s look at this sentence for a moment. The subject is “I”, which would be “yo”, but here we have missed it out. The verb is “despertar” in its first person singular “I” form. Now we notice something else – it is a root changing verb! Remember them? Despertar is an E to IE verb, so the first person singular is “despierto” (and NOT desperto). The object of the verb is “mis hijos” (my children). They are the ones who receive the action of the verb. The word “a” is added in front of objects of verbs when they are people rather than things, “por la mañana” is the additional information that is tacked on to the end of the main part of the sentence. However, before I wake my children up, I have to wake myself up. When I wake up on my own, rather than waking up someone else, this is expressed by a reflexive verb “despertarse”. Therefore “I wake up in the morning” is “Me despierto por la mañana”, or in full “Yo me despierto por la mañana”. If you’re brain is now hurting, have a few more mince pies and try again later. See you next week!

Jane Cronin’s Spanish courses for January 2010 Restaurante Los Arcos, Avenida Baleares, Torrevieja Starting Monday 18th January 2010 Level Five

Successful Spanish BRAND NEW!!!!! (Mon and Wed 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.) Level Four Grammatical Spanish (Mon and Wed 11.45 a.m. – 1.15 p.m.) Level Three Practical Spanish (Mon and Wed 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m.) Each course consists of two 90 minute lessons a week for eight weeks Price only 45 euro per course (including materials)

Enrolment at Los Arcos restaurant: Mon 11th January, Tues 12th January, Wed 13th January 2010 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. For more information: janejcronin@gmail.com Tel: 968 18 32 58 www.janecronin.eu

Anne pictured with supporters of the Quesada Ladies Club. THE ‘ASOCIACION de Epidermolisis Bullosa de España’ (AEBE) or ‘Butterfly Children’ as it is more commonly known, facilitates the work of the international ‘DEBRA’ charity, supporting children with the rare skin condition Epidermotysis Bullosa (EB) in Spain. EB is an incredibly painful skin blistering condition affecting over half a million people worldwide. One in 227 people can carry the defective gene. The severity of the condition varies but can cause death within the first few days of a baby’s life. Children living with the condition endure up to three hours of intense pain each day while sores are cleansed and dressed to prevent infection. Even changing a nappy can require morphine. Carers must be taught how to lance blisters, bandage and protect sores so that their child can attend school etc without harming themselves. Sadly, researchers have yet to discover a cure for EB, and there is little Government funding available.

NETWORK The Costa Blanca AEBE Charity Shops are located at Pueblo Bravo, opposite Restaurant ‘Downtown Quesada’; Urbanization La Marina and in Sax, Murcia, each relying on volunteers working three to four hours per week. Items sold are donated and profits made go directly to the Charity account. Each branch is exceptionally well supported. The

global support network for sufferers of EB generally takes the name DEBRA (Distrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association). The Spanish arm has now adopted the new name: ‘DEBRA España’ the communal logo to reflect its affiliation with the international charity. Charity Ambassadors stress that they are offering “a different logo, but the same commitment”. It is hoped that the move will help raise awareness and secure wider recognition and respect for their work.

POSITIVE Anne Wylie, Manager and Area Coordinator, explained that positive effects are expected long-term but immediate expenses have arisen, such as the need to produce new promotional material, and the sign writing of the shops and van, for which she is asking support. She said: “This is a really positive move forward for the Spanish organization, which has grown rapidly in strength and support over the past five years. However, the charity is now looking to those supporters to assist us in making this connection.” Anyone willing to organize a fundraising event or make a donation to assist Debra España in fully adopting the new logo is asked to contact Anne on 966 718 134. For further information about the national charity, you may e-mail enquiries to aebe@aebe-debra.org or log on to their website www.aebe-debra.org

Campoverde theatre group

THERE ARE only two weeks to go until the Campoverde Theatre Group’s Pantomime; ‘King Arthur’. Tickets are selling very well with only a few left for Tuesday 2nd February, so if you haven’t bought one, please get on the phone now and order from Margaret on 966 763 783 or Colin on 966 774 127. You can also go along to the Olympia Restaurant on Monday or Wednesday between 14:00 and 16:00. It promises to be an excellent Panto this year, complete with wizards, knights jousting and dragons. Don’t miss it!

8-14 JANUARY 2010

December quiz and nibbles

THE GARDEN Club turned out for the December meeting carrying ‘goodies’ for afternoon tea. Quizmaster Ian prepared a four part quiz comprising of a photo page of celebrity gardeners, a music section related to gardening, anagrams of flowers, and an old Mastermind gardeners’ quiz. Teams of six put on their thinking caps: Chairman Val chose bottles of wine for the winning team; seasonal poinsettias and cyclamen for the raffle prizes. Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be NO meeting in January. The February meeting will be on Monday 1st Februaty at The Venue on the Lemon Tree Road from 14.00-16.00. The speaker will be PETER GREEN, a volunteer at the La Mata Natural Park in Torrevieja, talking on the invasive and alien plant species now growing around the salt lakes. There will be opportunities to ask him relevant questions. New members are always welcome and each meeting only costs €1: any enquiries to Val on 966 716 527.

Thanks to the Brothers of the Patience Lodge THE BUFFALOS or ‘Buffs’ as they are known, have given Paul Cunningham Nurses a Toshiba laptop, with a further sum of €500 lodged for special nursing bags and other equipment. Anne confirmed they are currently nursing 20 patients with a team of 4 nurses and 5 carers – every €10 donated pays for an hour of nursing. Thanks to Jalon and Orba Lions fundraising, PCN is now expanding north of Alicante. Anne is planning interviews for early this year. Susan Reader, fund raising manager for PCN, said, “We want to extend our nursing from Javea to the Mar Menor - there is no quick fix but we are working steadily and consistently to increase funds and in

turn the amount of care and support our nurses and carers can give in the community. I am delighted that ladies’ groups and clubs and businesses offer their support, with much needed fundraising and donations.

To donate or if you need help, you can contact MABS on 693 275 779 or visit our website: www.mabsmurcia.com

Don’t whisper

about your business


about it in


13th January – 11:00 Volunteer Meeting Centro Las Claras, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares


15th January - 11:00 Share and Care Group Don Lorenzo (Peter’s Bar), Estrella del Mar, Los Urrutias If you’re affected by cancer and want to talk to someone, we meet every third Friday of the month. One-to-one counselling available. An informal Group for those affected by cancer. Relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Call 693 824 512 for further details.

29th January - 13:00 Swishing Party Nietos A chance to get a change of wardrobe Swishing - Arrive 13:00 for 13:45 start. All proceeds to MABS Cancer Support Group Call 968 134 978 for full details. NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION Do you want to make a difference? Got some time to spare? Become a MABS volunteer

Anne Muff – Lead Nurse for Paul Cunningham Nurses receiving a Toshiba L300 laptop computer from The Brothers of the Patience Lodge

Goodwill & festive cheer at shape and tone PROFILE OF HELP MURCIA our side.” Paul Eburne joined MABS Murcia/Mar Menor as a volunteer driver, taking cancer patients for hospital appointments and helping to transport equipment. “I enjoy helping people and this is a very satisfying way of giving something back to my local community,” he said. “We need more drivers so, if you think that you can help, please get in touch by calling 693 275 779.” ABS Murcia/Mar Menor helps people in the area affected by cancer by providing drivers; translators; information leaflets; equipment; a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on.


Viva Beach Bar/Bistro, Los

“We would very much like to put more first hand information on our website and ask that if your friends or family have been helped by Paul Cunningham Nurses and you feel comfortable about it, please write to us telling us about your experiences and how Paul Cunningham Nurses have been able to help. sueinthesun@terra.es

A RECENT raffle held at Shape and Tone of Avenida Mariano Ballester in Los Alcázares raised €450. Owners Paul and Charlotte Fernandez collected several prizes from local businesses, including a lady’s cut and blow dry at Infiniti and a round of golf for two (with buggy) at Sierra Golf. MABS volunteer driver Paul Eburne was on hand to help choose the winning ticket for a prize worth over €300; the lucky winner being Mr Allan of Campoverde (yellow ticket 65). Group Coordinator Lyn Baines commented “It’s heart-warming to know that, even in times of recession, local businesses still think of others and help their local charities. Shape and Tone is a staunch supporter of MABS Cancer Support Group and we really appreciate having them on


MAR MENOR CHARITY HELP MURCIA Mar Menor was formed five years ago by a dedicated group of volunteers who give their time and effort to helping people of all ages with all sorts of problems, particularly in times of crisis and emergencies. These problems include break-ins, sudden deaths and incidences that involve medical or police services. HELP is a registered charitable organisation funded by voluntary contributions and monies raised at registered social events. We have a commitment to recruit new members and volunteers from all nationalities. HELP welcomes new members to our monthly meetings and invites old and new members, as well as guests, to a luncheon held on the second Tuesday of the month. See local press for details or contact the office on 968 570 059. HELP can provide Fact and Information Sheets and Interpreters and also has a hospital visiting team available to visit English speaking patients. Books and ‘talking tapes’ are available for loan. HELP loans mobility equipment including wheelchairs; electric scooters; walking aids and all types of bathroom assistance, along with practical assistance with transport; drivers; translation; medical assistance equipment; home visiting and advice during bereavement.

Call 693 275 779 now. For further details, please call 693 824 511 Email: info@mabsmurcia. com or visit our website www.mabsmurcia.com


8-14 JANUARY 2010

music scene out n’ about with ELITE ENTERTAINMENT


Compiled by

Pat Graham

Elite Entertainment Tel: 96 531 9158 or e-mail p.j.graham@btinternet.com

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, please contact Pat directly.

ell now that the Xmas and New Year celebrations are well and truly over and Strictly and X Factor are no longer on the TV it’s time to venture outside the confines of your home and take a trip to your local hostelry and see some great live entertainment. Well you’re in luck - we have just what you are looking for! How do I know that I hear you ask? Well, because on Sunday 24th January at The Lounge Bar in Torrevieja, we have 12 different acts performing in a one off showcase special; a fantastic mixture of solo acts, duos and bands will perform from 20.00 until 12 midnight and there’s even a magician performing table magic to keep you entertained when the acts are changing over. Each entertainer will perform for approximately 15 minutes so there is bound to be something to your taste on the night. Artists appearing are as follows: Suzanne James; Tony Kelly; Maria O’Hara; Tony Francis; Jayme; Kane Anthony; Cloud Nine; Shay; Double Trouble; London Pride; Abba Angels and PDQ. Entrance is just €2 euros and you can purchase a ticket in advance by calling Elite Entertainement on

Friday 8TH Jan MARIA O’HARA Friday 8TH Jan TONY LINCOLN Saturday 9TH Jan GLENROY & DEE Saturday 9TH Jan PAT MARTIN Monday 11TH Jan WOODY Monday 11TH Jan EVERLYS TRIB Tuesday 12TH Jan KEITH MONK JAZZ Tuesday 12TH Jan LUCINDA Wednesday 13TH Jan PLAN B Wednesday 13TH Jan BELLA LUNA

Inn On The Green, Entre Naranjos

Rusty Nail, Campoverde Lounge Bar, Torrevieja Amigos, San Pedro Black Bull, El Chapperal Abbey Tavern,Pl Flamenca Cavalier, San Luis Horacios, Playa Flamenca Celtic Drop,Playa Flamenca

Stray Sod, Campoamor

610 076 204 or the Lounge Bar direct on 966 922 134 or take a chance and pay on the door on the night. It’s going to be a great night, so don’t miss it! PG’s tips will be back to its normal full gig listing when I return from annual holiday in mid January.


Paddy’s Point, La Zenia Bar Catorce, Benimar

For further information on Elite Entertainment and all our artists, please view our website at www.eliteentertainment.es

Please support your local live entertainment venue, and if you are an entertainer out there wanting to be featured in the local entertainment profile section, send us your bio and a photo and we will feature you in the coming weeks. Give me a call on 610 076 204 or Maria on 662 435 311 or e-mail us at yourshowtime@yahoo.co.uk

8-14 JANUARY 2010

BALLROOM / LATIN / SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s NEW VENUE: Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres 34, Torrevieja. SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 19.00 – 22.00: New Beginners class Monday 10.30 - 12.30. Also at the Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant at La Zenia roundabout: TUITION, Beginners Wednesday 20.00 – 22.00; Beginners class Thursday10.30 - 12.30; Intermediates Friday 11.00 – 13.00. Tel: Andrea or Brian 616 478 157


The Gilbert & Sullivan Society performed a successful Saint Cecilia Concert and two Christmas Shows. The Saint Cecilia celebrations and concert were held at the Casa De Cultura, Guardamar. The 300 audience enjoyed songs from a number of G&S familiar operettas, including items from their forthcoming March 2010 show, ‘The Gondoliers’. A piano solo, Debussy’s 2nd Arabesque was performed by Sue Brace Guest. On the lighter side were items from ‘West Side


Bags Over a Grand

Story’ and ‘Cats’ and also ‘Morning Has Broken’.The two Christmas shows at ‘The Venue’ and ‘Restaurante Casa Ventura’ raised funds and public awareness for the charity ‘Asociacion de Epidermolisis Bullosa de Espana’ (Butterfly Children), with shows well attended and consisting of favourite carols and Christmas songs, with a short Panto and other musical items. The Society’s Concert Singers were led by their MD Cyril Willoughby and Susan Brace Guest, the society’s piano

accompanist. Admission was free but a raffle and donations raised over €800 for the Butterfly Charity.After a well earned rest over Christmas and the New Year, rehearsals have recommenced for the next production, the G&S operetta ‘The Gondoliers’, to be held at Casa de Cultura, Guardamar on 24th, 25th and 26th March 2010. Note the dates and look out for further details in the press or the web site www. gilbertandsullivansociety.eu

Susan Reader with four volunteers who packed bags at Iceland in Torrevieja in the run up to Christmas

By Louise Clarke The generous customers of Iceland in Torrevieja donated a massive €1,752 to Paul Cunnigham Nurses after volunteers spent the four days before Christmas packing grocery bags there. The charity’s volunteers each spent two hours at the end of tills in the store and packed the bags of all the customers who had purchased food, drink and

Christmas goodies. Susan Reader, PCN Fundraising Manager, was delighted. She told RTN: “We couldn’t believe how much money we actually raised when we counted it all up. We must say a huge thanks to the staff and management of Iceland in Torrevieja and all their generous customers, as well as the dedicated volunteers who came along to pack the bags.”

Mal’s fun quiz show Mal’s Fun Quiz Show will take place weekly on Tuesdays at the Casa Ventura Complex commencing on 12th January at 20.30. It will incorporate a starter quiz and a musical memories quiz. A raffle will also be held in aid of a local charity. Good prizes can be won so please lend Mal your support for a couple of hours and attend his unique and stylish quiz. For more information ring Mal on 966 785 769 or Casa Ventura on 966 789 247 or better still, make a visit to the complex, which stands on Calle Arbizu, San Luis Urbanization.

Night at the races

Monday, 25th January, 2010. 7.30 Pm for 8.00 Pm. Venue: bar vitos, El mojon. Price: € 10 including chicken, chips & peas supper. Tickets available from: Joan Mitchell 968 181 943, Help office 968 570 059. Proceeds to help murcia mar menor



8-14 JANUARY 2010

Stormy, serene, tranquil and awesome S

tormy, serene, tranquil and awesome are all words that can describe the scenery that compliments our coastline. Powerful yet sensual, most spending time here witness the changing faces the sea displays. All year round there are sea-based activities one can participate in. Sailing; power boating; wakeboarding and kayaking are popular during the summer and those with a thicker skin can be seen scuba diving, kitesurfing and windsurfing all year round. Clean, golden, spacious beaches are a common occurrence along the whole of the Costa Blanca and those with local knowledge can still find empty beaches in the peak season, although far and few between the packed stretches of coastline. Further out to sea, fishing is a popular recreational pastime and an important part of Spanish culture. Beneath the surface wrecks, reefs and ledges provide interesting spots for scuba divers and marine life. There are also small islands just off our coastline including Tabarca and Ifach. 2009 saw a rise in sporting events been held in the area, both land and water based. The International Windsurf Championships were held in Santa Pola last September and the Gravity Cartel has teamed up with Surf Dude Spain in Moraira to host a new competition to see who can catch the biggest wave this winter. At the end of the summer, I started to write about the Class 1 sports scene and the

Spanish team, who are often based in Torrevieja and had a good season. But there was an upsetting end to the year: the final races in Dubai ended in tragedy as the Victory team boat flipped whilst racing, killing the driver, Emirati Mohammed Al Mehairi and French throttleman, Jean-Marc Sanchez. Last year was an incredibly exciting one and developing Costa Adventures has been exceptionally rewarding. My clients now have a professional and trustworthy place to source experiences and I have ‘My Costa Adventures’, the perfect outlet for my personal experiences, writing and photography. My first experience in kitesurfing was the beginning of it all, on my 30th birthday; a real turning point in my life. I continued my development in sailing and power boating and recently took our power boat out with an Irish rally car driving instructor, who gave me a couple of handy driving tips for the boat. My knee-boarding excursion with Love Alicante was so much fun I ended up buying one, after I had recovered from the unforgettable experience with ‘Double Trouble’, the inflatable ride straight from heart-attack alley! Sadly, we didn’t get the opportunity to dive this year, but we did buy some equipment and will be doing a refresher with Costa Blanca Diving next year. I already have some good excursions lined up for next year, including a kayak safari on the Mar Menor with Aqua

My Costa Adventures by

Anna Ratcliffe

Adventure days & experiences Adicta and jet skiing, which will be a first! I also look forward to fishing trips and banana rides, neither of which I have done since I was a little girl. I just hope that the schools, instructors and companies I collaborate with make it through the winter, as many people are permanently leaving the region due to the unfavourable economic conditions. I have had great fun with so many of them but to be completely truthful with you readers, I have dealt with some pretty nasty people too - those who wish misfortune on others and exert jealousy upon those who have some success. But these people fall by the wayside and are now largely ignored. I hope the festive period was an enjoyable one for all of you and that the New Year brings us all much happiness, prosperity and joy. I look forward to burning off the excess calories in as many different ways as possible and look forward to taking you on that journey with me. Thank you for reading my columns these last few months and I’ll be back again with more adventurous tales at the end of January.

8-14 JANUARY 2010


Getting quizzical on the Costas P

by Staff Reporter

ub Quiz nights have rapidly become a popular way to spend an evening. Dubbed by the media as a ‘British institution’, quiz nights lure in punters; fewer in number due to the recession, smoking ban and raised alcohol taxes. They are cheap to organize and require groups of punters, as opposed to individuals. On the back of this growing thirst for Pub Trivia, The Daily Telegraph and Mastermind winner Gavin Fuller, have joined forces to launch the ultimate Pub Quiz. Aptly entitled ‘The Daily Telegraph Pub Quiz’, the concept is currently being rolled out across the UK and the ‘Lounge Bar’ in Torrevieja is proud to introduce it to quizzers on the Costas. CHALLENGE Gavin Fuller, youngest ever winner of Mastermind and Author of the Daily Telegraph Pub Quiz Book, ‘Genius-in-chief’ at the Telegraph Library, provides the brains behind the weekly pub quiz questions, found in the Telegraph’s Saturday supplement, and will also be mailed to the Lounge Bar ready for the quiz, to take place every Sunday evening. Gavin aims to culminate the best elements of the many different varieties of pub quiz to provide a

resource for landlords. He said, “The key is to try and get the mixture right; something for all ages and interest groups, some easy and some really tricky. There is no point in setting 60 questions that absolutely everyone can answer. Pub quizzes bring us together, reinforcing the community spirit of our local pub and as such should be supported and encouraged.” So what is the difference between taking part in a pub quiz and the final of Mastermind Gavin? “Alcohol”. And a fine addition it is too! SPIRIT The Lounge Bar will enable quizballs in Spain to challenge not only each other but also fanatics across the UK and Gavin the Quiz Master himself!The strategy is to construct a team that represents a broad spectrum and hopefully ensure that all areas and eras are covered. The Daily Telegraph intends to make the project even more exciting by hunting down the premier pub quiz team involved. FUN One reader told RTN that “When we lived in the UK, Quiz night was the only night that we ever made an effort to go out religiously every week. It is totally addictive. I can’t wait for the series to

The Lounge Bar is bringing the traditional British Pub Quiz to Spanish shores start at the Lounge Bar!” Tom Riley, the owner of the Lounge says, “I am sure we have some good quizzers in the local area and a team from here could become a featured Daily Telegraph team, but we won’t know until we have tried! So come on down to the Lounge bar and help put Torrevieja quizzing on the map”. He stressed, “the Telegraph Pub Quiz is not undertaken for financial gain (although the Lounge will provide a bottle of wine for the winning team). It is an excuse to spend a couple of hours among friends in the local, gently exercising the brain cells that remain from previous visits. And of course

Dave Bassett tickets selling fast Los Amigos de Mazarron CF has announced that tickets for the Football Evening and Dinner with Dave Bassett are selling fast. The prestigious dinner is being held at the Sensol Hotel, Camposol on Tuesday 9th February. BASSETT IS ONE of England’s most successful managers and a member of the League Managers’ Association Hall of Fame for managing over 1,000 First Team competitive games. He will reflect on his experiences in the game in his own humorous, colourful and sometimes controversial style. This will be one of the biggest events ever staged in this area and is being jointly sponsored by Kennelly’s, the Costa’s Premier Entertainment Venue and New Images and the No. 1 Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon and Nail Bar, both situated at Centro Commercial, Sector B, Camposol. COMPETITION The compere for the evening will be Andy Daykin, Chairman of the Institute of Football Management and Administration and Corporate Director of Sheffield United Football Club. Andy has been involved in professional football for 25 years and is one of the most respected names in the commercial sector of the game. In addition, there will be a raffle and an auction of football memorabilia, to include an Arsenal football signed by the current Arsenal squad and kindly donated to Los Amigos de Mazarron CF by Steve Bould, the former Arsenal central defender. Tickets are €30 each and include a four course dinner, coffee and mints. To guarantee your seat, call Dennis on 968

956 277 or Andy on 634 040 990, now. RTN has two tickets to give away for the event, so if you would like the chance to go and see Dave ‘live’ in Camposol, please answer the following three questions…

Please go to http://expatbestofbritish. telegraph.co.uk/venues/complete_new_venue/ for further details. For further information, please telephone the Lounge Bar on 966 922 134.

Medieval market in San Miguel de Salinas On 29th, 30th and 31st January, there will be a Medieval Market in San Miguel de Salinas, to be situated in the Plaza Pozo de Enmedio.The inauguration will be on the 29th at 18:00. You can’t miss it!

Zumba in La Marina A new aerobics and dance class starts at the La Marina Youth Club today, 8th January. It’s called Zumba and you can lose up to 1,000 calories per hour, through samba; salsa and merenga dancing with aerobic exercise too. It’s is only €4 per hour, so if keeping fit is your New Year’s resolution, get yourself down there every Friday at 10.30.

1. Which team did Dave Bassett manage when they achieved promotions from the old Fourth Division to the First Division (now Premier League) in the early 1980’s?

Don’t whisper

2. Which league does Mazarron CF play in? a) La Liga b) Segunda Division c) Trecera Division

about your business


3. Which English Football Club is nicknamed the Blades? a) Leicester City b) Sheffield United c) Sheffield Wednesday

about it in

Answers by email to louise@ rtnnewsgroup. com and the first correct answers will get the tickets. Usual RTN competition Ts & Cs apply.

Children’s fair

By Louise Clarke The Town Hall of San Miguel de Salinas treated the children of the town to a free fair between Christmas and New Year. Amongst the activities and attractions, there were five bouncy castles, an inflatable football game and face painting. The event lasted for four hours and over two hundred children of all ages attended and joined in with the fun. This is the first of many free events that the Town Hall has planned for the forthcoming year.

to win!” Battle will commence on Sunday 17th January at 21:00 sharp, when all are welcome, to be followed by a lively Karaoke session. Plus you have the opportunity to nominate your favourite British venue overseas and the chance of winning a trip to London to attend the Best of British Awards ceremony in April - flights and hotel included!

All the fun of the Children’s Fair in San Miguel de Salinas


8-14 JANUARY 2010

Computing Jeff via email asks: Dear Aunty, you answered me once before but I have been waiting for the best example to send you. On the attached forwarded email, why can’t I open the pictures received as jpgs in the ATT part of the message. I have tried going into My Computer, Tools, File types, ATT, ask the web. But all is does is answer “File type unknown.” Jon and Sali via email asks: My nephew somehow managed to change my display 180deg. Even though I have managed to get around it by turning my monitor screen upside down, this isn’t suitable as I have to prop it up with a couple of books and it keeps falling over. Aunty Says: Top marks for the quick fix solution Jon but I can imagine it’s not ideal. Depending on the make and model of your computer and graphics card there will be a control panel where you can configure your all of your video card options. Try right clicking on a blank area of your desktop and choose ‘properties’ or ‘personalise’ in Vista and Windows7. From here you should see a ‘display settings’ option which will allow you to rotate the screen image.

Aunty Says: Hello Jeff. The email you forwarded to me shows a standard jpg format picture attached so I suspect you either have an incorrect security setting within Terence via email asks: Hi Aunty, I had this problem of a Blue Screen everyday. Suddenly after months of this it became less frequent and I have just realised I only get it after I run Spybot Search and Destroy. I was running it everyday but now only once a week. On the last run it took out 28 items, I don’t get to see what these are but I wouldn’t know what not to include anyway. I have Avira Antivir running daily with no problem. My question is; if I uninstall Spybot what do you suggest as the equivalent? Happy Christmas and New Year. Aunty Says: A Happy New Year to you too Terence. You need to be a bit careful here as the only occasions I have seen Spybot cause a Windows Blue Screen of Death have been due to a virus or spyware infection. You could uninstall Spybot and install Malwarebytes and SuperAntispyware (both from download.com) but maybe try scanning in ‘safe mode’ by pressing the F8 key before Windows starts.

with aunty virus your email program, or more likely a basic Windows setting that needs looking at. With Windows XP you need to go into control panel and choose ‘folder options’. You will see a tab named ‘file types’ which will show you a list of file types and the program that is associated with it. Normally for a jpg file you will find Windows Picture and Fax Viewer or Microsoft Office Picture Manage (if you have MS Office installed) looks after your jpg files but you can choose any program that is designed to read jpg files such as Picassa or Flickr which are both brilliant.

Ray via email asks: Hello Aunty. Your advice on how to stop a pop-ups constantly appearing on screen seems to have cured the problem. I uninstalled everything to do with HP and now I hope there is no recurrence, thanks again. Whilst writing I would welcome advice on another subject. I have photographs in “pictures” and some in two other places. Is it possible to bring all photos into one folder? If so would you please explain how to do this. Many thanks for all your help. Aunty Says: It is possible and fairly easy Ray. You need to get your head around the basic ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ functions of Windows, which really is a must these days. If you first open the folder containing the photos that you want to copy and right mouse click on any photo and choose the ‘copy’ option. You can then go to your ‘pictures’ folder, right click on a blank area somewhere in the folder and choose the ‘paste’ option. It’s a good idea to create a new dummy folder (also with the right button) and have a play. You can delete the old folders when you have finished using the very useful right mouse click. Once you have the hang of the basic functions you can move on to selecting multiple files and the drag-anddrop method. You can copy a whole folder (like Pictures or My Documents) and paste it onto a memory stick as a simple backup option.

8-14 JANUARY 2010


SuperFast Internet!

Mike from Campoverde asks:

The underneath of my laptop seems to get extremely hot. I know that this can’t be doing it any good but how can I prevent the heat from damaging the laptop?

Aunty Says:

This is a common problem with laptops Mike, especially during the summers here in Spain. Nearly all laptops are ventilated underneath and anything that obstructs the air vents can cause it to overheat and often cause irreparable damage. If you flip your laptop over, you can easily see and clear the air vents of any fluff or dust that may be blocking them. Try and use the laptop on a firm, flat surface to keep the intakes clear, and certainly not on a duvet or cushion which a lot of people do. For additional cooling, there are plenty of powered cooling stands for under €20 but I would probably avoid the USB port ones if you use your laptop on battery. If you tend to keep the laptop in a permanent location, you can try a bit of credit crunch DIY by propping it up a few centimetres, and having a cheap mini desktop fan blowing air underneath.

Norma from San Miguel asks:

Dearest Aunty. I read your column every week and although some of the articles are a little beyond me, I find most of them really helpful. You recently advised one of your readers about moving some photos from one folder to another using the Windows XP copy and paste function. Could you possibly elaborate on this before I attempt it as I am worried I may do something wrong and lose some of my photos. A Happy New Year to you and all the RTN readers.

Aunty Says:

A Happy New Year to you too Norma. There are various ways to copy and paste photos (and text) in Windows programs and it is arguably one of the most useful and important functions to get to know. Apart from copying or moving photos and documents from one folder to another, I use it to copy and paste text from an email or webpage into a Word document or the Google translator. If you are copying photos, you need to open the source folder where the photos are on your computer (or camera) which you can do easily from ‘My Computer’ and simply double clicking on the drive/folder where the photos are. To highlight the photos, click once on the photo at the top of the list and hold down the ‘shift’ key. With the shift key held down, you can use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the photos/files that you want. Once highlighted, you can then use the right mouse button to bring up a small menu, where you will see the copy and paste options. When you select ‘copy’, Windows temporarily places a copy of the photos into an area of memory known as the clipboard. This does not affect the original copy of the file and they will remain in the clipboard until Windows is restarted. To add or ‘paste’ the photos into another folder or USB memory stick, simply go back to ‘My Computer’ and right click on the folder where you would like to put them and choose paste.

BC from Punta Prima asks:

Dear Aunty, my Dell laptop (run ning Vista home premium) has become infected with the Win 32cryptor virus. Running AVG showed 85 infectio ns of this but could not remove them. Spybot did not show any infections and Malwarebytes showed one which it could not remove. Superantispyware showed 11 but could not remove them. In my attempts to deal with this I decided to use the System Restore function to take the syst em back to the last time I had run all the antispyware programs and where results were clear, which was 24th December. I did this and then ran all the anti spyware and they all came up clear. Not being very clued up on computers, this seems to be too easy. If it was this easy, the experts would have come up with it before now. My question is: have I fooled myself and is the virus still lurking in the innermost parts of my laptop?

Aunty Says:

You are right to be cautious with this virus. System Restore may well have cleared the original virus from your system files, but it is possible (and highly likel y) that it has done its job and dumped a load of other maliciou s and potentially dangerous items on your computer (hence the ‘Troj an Horse’ label). To make matters worse, the Cryptor family of virus are know to have ‘rootkit’ functionality which means they can hide themselves from your security programs and even stop them from working properly. To be 100% sure you are safe, I would recom mend taking your laptop to an expert and get it fully checked out. If you email me with your location I may be able to recomm end someone in your area.

That’s all for this week. Hope you have a great New Year and I will see you all next week. Email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will see what I can do.

tv Friday


8-14 JANUARY 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under 12.00 Britain’s Empty Homes 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 -14.30 BBC News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Missing 16.00 BBC News; Weather 16.05 CBeebies: Big & Small. 16.15 Grandpa in My Pocket 16.30 CBBC: What’s New Scooby-Doo? 16.50 OOglies 17.05 ROY 17.35 The Sarah Jane Adventures 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News; Weather 20.00 A Question of Sport - The 40th Anniversary 20.30 The Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson 21.00 EastEnders 21.30 QI 22.00 Silent Witness 23.00 -23.25 BBC News 23.35 The National Lottery EuroMillions Draw 23.45 Blades of Glory 1.25 Sign Zone: School 3.25 Sign Zone: Ugly Beauty 4.25 BBC News

8.00 CBBC: Tronji. 8.25 Newsround 8.30 Deadly 60 9.00 Planet Ajay 9.30 CBeebies: Wibbly Pig. 9.40 Get Squiggling 10.00 Louie 10.10 Finley the Fire Engine 10.25 Lunar Jim 10.35 Tommy Zoom 10.45 Our Planet 10.55 Telly Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Mr Tumble Shorts 12.10 The Flintstones 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Darts: BDO World Championships 16.45 Flog It! Ten of the Best 17.30 Ready Steady Cook 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Great British Railway Journeys 20.00 Live Darts: BDO World Championships 21.00 Mastermind 21.30 An Island Parish 22.00 History of Now The Story of the Noughties 23.00 Nurse Jackie 23.30 Newsnight; Weather. 0.05 Three Men Go to Ireland

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 60 Minute Makeover 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 A Touch of Frost 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Coronation Street 21.00 Countrywise 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 Dancing on Ice 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Something’s Gotta Give 1.50 Ladette to Lady; ITV News Headlines. 2.45 Anything Else 4.35 ITV Nightscreen

8.20 Celebrity Big Brother 9.30 4Music: The Hollyoaks Music Show 10.00 Frasier 10.30 Will & Grace 11.00 According to Jim 11.25 Friends 12.30 The Big Bang Theory 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 14.05 3 Minute Wonder: Juggling Homelessness 14.10 Robin and Marian 16.10 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 17.10 Deal or No Deal 17.55 Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.30 My Daughter Amy 21.00 River Cottage Spring Collection 22.00 Celebrity Big Brother: Live 23.00 8 Out of 10 Cats 23.35 Celebrity Big Brother 0.05 David Blaine: Vertigo 1.05 4Music: Mercury Prize Sessions 1.25 4Music: Mumford & Sons 1.40 Celebrity Big Brother 4.50 Beach Volleyball

8.00 - 9.50 Childrens Programms 9.50 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 9.55 Rupert Bear 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.10 Milkshake Monkey 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 13.40 Five News 13.50 Monster Moves 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Nigel Marven’s Shark Island 15.50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visits 16.00 Hidden in America 18.00 Five News; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Michaela’s Zoo Babies 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Chris Barrie’s Massive Speed; Five News Update. 21.00 Knight Rider; Five News at 9. 22.00 Murder at 1600 0.10 Police Interceptors 1.10 SuperCasino 5.00 The FBI Files 5.55 Rough Guide to Islands 6.10 Neighbours 6.35 Nick’s Quest

8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 The Real A&E 11.00 Lion Man 11.30 It’s Me or the Dog USA 12.30 Sell Me the Answer 13.30 Project Runway 14.30 Models of the Runway 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 UK Border Force 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 WWE Superstars 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Got to Dance 22.00 Ross Kemp Middle East: Gaza 23.00 Road Wars 0.00 Football’s Next Star 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Miami SWAT 2.50 Road Wars 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 4.30 Nothing But the Truth 5.20 Battlestar Galactica 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

7.00 Breakfast 11.00 Saturday Kitchen 12.35 Rachel Allen: Home Cooking 13.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 13.15 Football Focus 14.00 Live Athletics 15.30 Live Darts: BDO World Championships 17.30 Final Score 18.20 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 18.40 Hole in the Wall 19.10 Total Wipeout - The Awards 20.00 So You Think You Can Dance 21.05 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 21.55 Casualty 22.45 So You Think You Can Dance 23.10 BBC News; Weather 23.30 Match of the Day; National Lottery Update. 0.50 The Football League Show; Weatherview.

8.00 CBBC: Dennis and Gnasher. 8.10 Dennis and Gnasher 8.25 Sportsround 8.40 What’s New ScoobyDoo?; Bernard. 9.00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 9.30 Jump Nation 10.30 Prank Patrol 11.00 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 11.30 Keep Your Enemies Close 12.00 The Slammer 12.30 Animals at Work 13.00 Greek 13.40 BBC Switch: The Season 14.10 BBC Switch: The 5:19 Show 14.30 BBC Switch: The Cut 14.55 The Sky at Night 15.15 Animal Park 15.45 The Wrong Man 17.30 Live Darts: BDO World Championships 19.30 Coast 20.30 By the People - The Election of Barack Obama 22.25 QI XL 23.10 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 0.35 Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii 1.40 Requiem for a Dream

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10.45 The NeverEnding Story 12.35 Torvill and Dean’s Dancing on Ice: The Bolero Tour Live 13.35 News; Weather 13.39 Granada Weather 13.40 Kicking and Screaming 15.25 Catwoman 17.20 Granada News and Weather 17.35 ITV News and Weather 17.50 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 20.00 Harry Hill’s the Best of TV Burp 20.30 Take Me Out 21.30 All Star Mr & Mrs 22.30 Notting Hill 0.45 ITV News and Weather; Weather 1.00 The Day of the Jackal; ITV News Headlines. 3.35 Six Degrees 4.20 ITV Nightscreen

7.10 The Hoobs 7.35 Yo Gabba Gabba 8.00 Freesports on 4 8.30 World Sport 9.00 The Morning Line 9.55 T4: Friends 11.05 T4: T4’s Stars of 2009: Rising Stars of 2010 11.40 T4: 90210 12.40 T4: Sugababes: Video Exclusive 12.45 T4: Celebrity Big Brother 14.25 T4: Scrubs 14.55 Channel 4 Racing from Wincanton and Ffos Las 17.10 Come Dine with Me 19.45 Channel 4 News 20.15 The Simpsons Movie 22.00 Celebrity Big Brother 23.00 Hostage 1.10 Big Brother’s Big Mouth 2.10 Celebrity Big Brother: Live 4.50 Scrapheap Challenge 5.45 The World’s Greatest Musical Prodigies 6.40 The Hoobs

7.00 Sunrise 8.00 Milkshake!: Elmo’s World. 8.15 Fireman Sam 8.35 Milkshake Monkey 8.40 Make Way for Noddy 8.55 Milkshake! Bop Box 9.00 Hana’s Helpline 9.15 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 9.30 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 9.50 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10.00 Olivia 10.20 The Mr Men Show 10.30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11.00 NFL UK 12.00 Zoo Days 12.10 Lost Horizon 14.50 Coroner Creek 16.35 Five News 16.40 Beyond the Poseidon Adventure 19.00 Medicine Man 20.45 NCIS 22.45 CSI: NY 23.45 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 0.40 Women Who Kill 1.10 SuperCasino 5.05 Great Artists

7.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 8.00 Malcolm in the Middle 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 Soccer AM 13.00 Football’s Next Star 14.00 Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza 15.00 Fat Families 16.00 UK Border Force 17.00 Got to Dance 19.00 The Simpsons 20.00 Futurama 22.00 Sleeping with the Enemy 23.50 Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza 0.50 Road Wars 1.50 UK Border Force 2.45 Road Wars 4.05 Crash Test Dummies 4.55 Football Behind Bars 5.45 Hello Goodbye 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

7.00 Breakfast 8.35 Match of the Day 10.00 The Andrew Marr Show 11.00 The Big Questions 12.00 Country Tracks 13.00 BBC News 13.05 Cash in the Attic 14.05 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 14.40 Murder, She Wrote 15.30 EastEnders 17.25 Seaside Rescue 17.55 Songs of Praise 18.30 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 19.00 Countryfile 20.00 Antiques Roadshow 21.00 Lark Rise to Candleford 22.00 Wallander 23.30 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 23.55 1984: A Sikh Story 0.55 Tim; Weatherview. 2.45 Sign Zone: Holby City 3.45 Sign Zone: The Choir: Unsung Town 4.45 BBC News

7.00 CBeebies: Big Cook Little Cook. 7.20 Clifford 7.35 Brum 7.45 Louie 8.00 CBBC: Arthur. 8.15 Dennis and Gnasher 8.40 The Basil Brush Show 9.05 Jinx; Bernard. 9.30 Dani’s House 10.00 Tracy Beaker Returns 10.30 ROY 11.00 Something for the Weekend 12.30 Triple Cross 14.30 Live Snooker: The Masters 18.00 Ski Sunday 18.45 Live Darts: BDO World Championships 21.30 The Best of Top Gear 22.30 Conspiracy Files: Osama Bin Laden - Dead or Alive? 23.30 Match of the Day 2 0.20 Argumental 0.50 Snooker: The Masters 1.40 Snooker Extra 3.40 BBC News

6.30 ITV Morning News 7.00 GMTV 10.25 Coronation Street 12.40 News; Weather 12.44 Granada Weather 12.45 Kojak 15.30 Columbo: Murder by the Book 17.00 Rosemary & Thyme 18.35 Creature Comforts 18.45 Granada News and Weather 19.00 ITV News and Weather 19.15 Harry Hill’s the Best of TV Burp 19.45 Dancing on Ice 21.30 Wild at Heart 22.30 Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 23.00 ITV News and Weather; Weather 23.15 Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous 1.25 Premiership Rugby Union 2.15 Dating the Enemy; ITV News Headlines. 2.40 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Crime 4.25 ITV Nightscreen

7.05 The Hoobs 7.35 Yo Gabba Gabba 8.00 Beach Volleyball 8.55 The Track and Field Show 9.50 T4: The Hills 10.20 T4: Friends 10.55 T4: Hollyoaks 13.30 T4: Celebrity Big Brother 14.35 T4: Big Brother’s Little Brother 15.40 T4: 90210 16.40 T4: The Simpsons 17.45 Deal or No Deal 18.35 Decoded: Dan Brown’s Lost Symbol 19.35 Channel 4 News 20.05 Cheaper By the Dozen 22.00 Celebrity Big Brother 23.00 Forrest Gump 1.40 Celebrity Big Brother: Live 4.20 The History of Mr Polly 5.55 The World’s Greatest Musical Prodigies

8.30 Chiro 8.40 Make Way for Noddy 8.50 The WotWots 9.05 Hana’s Helpline 9.15 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 9.35 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 9.50 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10.00 Olivia 10.15 The Mr Men Show 10.30 Little Lodgers 10.35 Gerald McBoing Boing 11.00 Shake!: Snobs. 11.35 Domino Day 2009 12.10 Ice Road Truckers 14.10 Animal Rescue Squad 14.40 The Mouse that Roared 16.20 Ivanhoe 18.20 Five News 18.30 Are We There Yet? 20.25 Jackie Chan’s Who Am I? 22.30 Rush Hour 0.35 Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation 2.15 SuperCasino 5.05 Great Artists 6.00 Hana’s Helpline 6.10 The Milkshake! Show

7.00 Hour of Power 8.00 Gladiators 9.00 Oops TV 9.30 Malcolm in the Middle 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 WWE Superstars 12.00 WWE: Experience 13.00 Futurama 13.30 Malcolm in the Middle 14.00 Got to Dance 16.00 Fat Families 17.00 UK Border Force 18.00 The Simpsons 19.00 Got to Dance 20.00 Are You Smarter Than Your Ten Year Old? 21.00 Football’s Next Star 22.00 Ross Kemp Middle East: Israel 23.00 War Torn Warriors 0.00 Got to Dance 1.00 Football’s Next Star 2.00 Road Wars 4.05 Football Behind Bars 4.55 So You Think You’re Safe? 5.45 Hello Goodbye

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

8.30 Dakar Rally 9.15 Luge 9.45 WTA Tennis 10.45 ATP Tennis 11.30 Live Alpine Skiing 12.45 Ski Jumping 13.30 Live Ski Jumping 14.30 Live Biathlon 16.00 Live ATP Tennis 17.40 Justine Henin Special 17.45 ATP Tennis 19.20 WTA Tennis 20.20 Dakar Rally 20.30 Eurogoals Flash 20.40 Freeride Spirit Show 20.55 African Cup of Nations 21.10 Strongest Man 21.55 African Cup of Nations Preview 22.10 Ski Jumping 23.00 Dakar Rally 23.45 Poker 0.45 Dakar Rally

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Criminal Minds 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Paul McKenna: I Can Make You Thin 22.00 Criminal Minds 23.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Criminal Minds 3.00 Paul McKenna: I Can Make You Thin 4.00 Charmed 5.40 60 Minute Makeover 6.30 Home Shopping

Murder at 1600 Five, 10pm

8.30 Dakar Rally 9.15 Live Nordic Combined Skiing 10.15 Live Alpine Skiing 12.45 Live Biathlon 14.00 Live Ski Jumping 15.45 Live Cross Country Skiing 16.30 Live ATP Tennis 18.00 Justine Henin Special 18.05 WTA Tennis 19.00 Cross-Country Skiing 19.30 Nordic Combined Skiing 20.05 Wintersports Weekend 20.15 Alpine Skiing 21.15 Bobsleigh 23.00 Dakar Rally 23.30 Biathlon 0.30 Ski Jumping 1.30 Dakar Rally 2.00 Wintersports Weekend

8.00 I Dream of Jeannie 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 My Wife and Kids 11.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 12.00 Will & Grace 13.00 Canada’s Next Top Model 14.00 Exposed: Jordan 15.00 Passport Patrol 16.00 Nothing to Declare 19.00 Passport Patrol 20.00 The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter 21.45 Celebs Off Duty 22.00 Most Haunted Live: The Silent Town 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Exposed: Jordan 3.00 Nothing to Declare 4.50 Will & Grace 5.40 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


Five, 10.45pm

8.30 Wintersports Weekend 8.35 Dakar Rally 9.00 Nordic Combined Skiing 9.30 Live Nordic Combined Skiing 10.15 Ski Jumping 11.00 Live Biathlon 11.45 Alpine Skiing 12.30 Live Cross-Country Skiing 13.15 Live Biathlon 14.00 Live Ski Jumping 14.45 Live Nordic Combined Skiing 15.00 Live Ski Jumping 15.45 Live Cross-Country Skiing 16.25 Wintersports Weekend 16.30 Alpine Skiing 17.30 ATP Tennis 19.00 Dakar Rally 19.30 African Cup of Nations 20.50 Dakar Rally 21.00 African Cup of Nations 22.00 African Cup of Nations 22.15 Wintersports: Breaking the Ice 22.30 Bobsleigh 23.00 Dakar Rally

Osama Bin Laden Dead or Alive? BBC 2, 10.30pm

8.00 I Dream of Jeannie 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 My Wife and Kids 11.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 12.00 Will & Grace 13.00 Bewitched 14.00 The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter 15.45 Celebs Off Duty 16.00 Medium 19.00 Passport Patrol 20.00 Nothing to Declare 21.00 45 Stone Virgin Part 2: The Weight Is Over 22.00 Most Haunted Live: The Silent Town 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Medium 4.50 Will & Grace 5.40 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

tv Monday

8-14 JANUARY 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under 12.00 Britain’s Empty Homes 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 14.30 BBC News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; Weather 16.05 CBeebies: Big & Small. 16.15 Grandpa in My Pocket 16.30 CBBC: What’s New Scooby-Doo? 16.50 OOglies 17.05 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 17.35 MI High 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 -20.00 BBC News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 Inside Out; BBC News 21.00 EastEnders 21.30 Panorama 22.00 Hustle 23.00 -1.30 BBC News 1.30 Sign Zone: Great British Railway Journeys 2.00 Sign Zone: Wonderland: The British in Bed 2.45 Sign Zone: Who Do You Think You Are?

8.00 CBBC: Tronji. 8.25 Newsround 8.30 Deadly 60 9.00 Planet Ajay 9.30 CBeebies: Wibbly Pig. 9.40 Get Squiggling 10.00 Louie 10.10 Finley the Fire Engine 10.25 Lunar Jim 10.35 Tommy Zoom 10.45 Our Planet 10.55 Telly Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Nature’s Calendar 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Open Gardens 14.30 Live Snooker: The Masters 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Great British Railway Journeys 20.00 Live Snooker: The Masters 21.00 University Challenge 21.30 Delia Through the Decades 22.00 The British Family 23.00 Nurse Jackie 23.30 Newsnight; Weather. 0.20 Snooker: The Masters 1.10 American Football 2.10 Snooker Extra

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News 15.00 60 Minute Makeover 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 A Touch of Frost 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Coronation Street 21.00 The Lakes 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 Law & Order: UK 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Out for Justice 1.20 Take Me Out; ITV News Headlines. 2.15 Loose Women 3.00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.55 ITV Nightscreen

8.35 Celebrity Big Brother 9.30 Frasier 10.00 Will & Grace 10.25 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.55 Deal or No Deal 11.40 According to Jim 12.05 ER 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 3 Minute Wonder: Juggling Homelessness 13.10 Back to You 13.35 The Ritz: Checking into History 14.00 Pony Express 15.50 How Clean Is Your House? 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 18.30 Come Dine with Me 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 3 Minute Wonder: Good to Know 21.00 Dispatches 22.00 Generation XXL 23.00 Celebrity Big Brother 0.10 Cruel Intentions 2.05 Celebrity Big Brother: Live

8.00-9.35 Childrens Programms 9.35 Milkshake Monkey 9.40 The WotWots 9.50 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 9.55 Rupert Bear 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 13.40 Five News 13.50 Monster Moves 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Rough Guide To 16.05 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 How Do They Do It?; Five News Update. 21.00 Police Interceptors; Five News at 9. 22.00 Paul Merton in Europe 23.00 Traffic 1.50 SuperCasino 5.00 The FBI Files

8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Got to Dance 10.00 The Real A&E 11.00 Lion Man 11.30 It’s Me or the Dog USA 12.30 Sell Me the Answer 13.30 Project Runway 14.30 Models of the Runway 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 UK Border Force 17.30 Malcolm in the Middle 18.00 Got to Dance 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 Simpsons - Access All Areas 20.30 The Simpsons 21.00 Football’s Next Star 22.00 Road Wars 23.00 Ross Kemp Middle East: Israel 0.00 UK Border Force 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Night Cops 2.50 Road Wars 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 4.30 Nothing But the Truth 5.20 Battlestar Galactica 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under 12.00 Britain’s Empty Homes 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 -14.45 BBC News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; Weather 16.05 CBeebies: Big & Small. 16.15 Grandpa in My Pocket 16.30 CBBC: What’s New Scooby-Doo? 16.50 OOglies 17.05 Deadly 60; Street Monsters. 17.35 Blue Peter 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 -20.00 BBC News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 EastEnders; BBC News 21.00 Holby City 22.00 Survivors 23.00 -23.35 BBC News 23.35 The Man Who Can’t Stop Hiccuping 0.15 Film 2010 with Jonathan Ross 0.45 The Apprentice USA 2.20 Sign Zone: See Hear 2.50 Sign Zone: Andrew Marr’s The Making of Modern Britain

8.00 CBBC: Tronji. 8.25 Newsround 8.30 Deadly 60 9.00 Planet Ajay 9.30 CBeebies: Wibbly Pig. 9.40 Get Squiggling 10.00 Louie 10.10 Finley the Fire Engine 10.25 Lunar Jim 10.35 Tommy Zoom 10.45 Our Planet 10.55 Telly Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Nature’s Calendar 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Open Gardens 14.30 Live Snooker: The Masters 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Great British Railway Journeys 20.00 Live Snooker: The Masters 21.00 The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best 22.00 Simon Schama on Obama’s America 23.00 Muslim Driving School 23.30 Newsnight; Weather. 0.20 Masters Snooker 1.10 Snooker Extra 3.10 BBC News

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 60 Minute Makeover 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 A Touch of Frost 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 The Krypton Factor 21.00 Send in the Dogs 22.00 Piers Morgan On 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News 23.35 Doctors and Nurses at War 0.35 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Crime 1.30 Premiership Rugby Union; ITV News Headlines. 2.25 Loose Women 3.10 The Jeremy Kyle Show 4.05 ITV Nightscreen

7.50 Celebrity Big Brother 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.25 Frasier 9.55 Will & Grace 10.20 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.50 Deal or No Deal 11.35 According to Jim 12.05 ER 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 Back to You 13.35 Gunfight at the OK Corral 15.50 How Clean Is Your House? 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 18.30 Come Dine with Me 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 3 Minute Wonder: Good to Know 21.00 My Big Fat Diet Show 22.00 Celebrity Big Brother 23.10 Girl Who Cries Blood 0.15 The Big Bang Theory 0.40 8 Out of 10 Cats 1.10 Late Night Poker 2.10 World Sport 2.40 Celebrity Big Brother: Live

8.00 -9.50Childrens Programms 9.50 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 9.55 Rupert Bear 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 13.40 Five News 13.50 Monster Moves 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Zoo Days 16.00 Children of My Heart 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Monkey Life; Five News Update. 21.00 Ice Road Truckers; Five News at 9. 22.00 CSI: Crime Scene 23.00 CSI: Miami 0.00 CSI: NY 1.00 The FBI Files 2.00 SuperCasino 5.00 The FBI Files 5.55 Rough Guide to Activity Holidays

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 The Real A&E 11.00 Lion Man 11.30 It’s Me or the Dog USA 12.30 Sell Me the Answer 13.30 Project Runway 14.30 Models of the Runway 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 UK Border Force 17.30 Malcolm in the Middle 18.00 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 Simpsons Mischief & Mayhem 20.30 The Simpsons 21.00 Stargate Universe 22.00 Stargate - Ark of Truth 0.00 Ross Kemp Middle East: Israel 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Night Cops 2.50 Road Wars 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 4.30 Nothing But the Truth 5.20 Battlestar Galactica

8.35 Dakar Rally 9.15 WTA Tennis 11.30 African Cup of Nations 13.30 Snooker: The Masters 14.30 Live Snooker: The Masters 16.30 African Cup of Nations 16.45 Live African Cup of Nations 18.55 Eurogoals Flash 19.05 African Cup of Nations 19.15 Live African Cup of Nations 20.20 Dakar Rally 20.30 Live African Cup of Nations 21.30 African Cup of Nations 22.45 Freeride Spirit Show 23.00 Dakar Rally 23.45 African Cup of Nations 0.45 Dakar Rally

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under 12.00 Britain’s Empty Homes 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 14.45 BBC News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; Weather 16.05 CBeebies: Big & Small. 16.15 Grandpa in My Pocket 16.30 CBBC: What’s New Scooby-Doo? 16.50 OOglies 17.05 SMart; Street Monsters. 17.35 Blue Peter 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 - 20.00 BBC News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 Cowboy Trap; BBC News; Regional News. 21.00 Traffic Cops 21.30 Inspector George Gently 23.00 -23.35 BBC News 23.35 The National Lottery Draws 23.45 Breaking and Entering; National Lottery Update 1.45 Sign Zone: Country Tracks 2.40 Sign Zone: Antiques Roadshow 3.40 Sign Zone: The Truth About Crime

8.00 CBBC: Tronji. 8.25 Newsround 8.30 Deadly 60 9.00 Planet Ajay 9.30 CBeebies: Wibbly Pig. 9.40 Get Squiggling 10.00 Louie 10.10 Finley the Fire Engine 10.25 Lunar Jim 10.35 Tommy Zoom 10.45 Our Planet 10.55 Telly Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Nature’s Calendar 12.30 Daily Politics 14.00 See Hear 14.30 Working Lunch 15.00 Live Snooker: The Masters 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Great British Railway Journeys 20.00 Live Snooker: The Masters 21.00 Natural World 22.00 Horizon: Why Do Viruses Kill? 23.00 The Persuasionists 23.30 Newsnight; Weather. 0.20 Snooker: The Masters 1.10 Snooker Extra 3.10 BBC News

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 60 Minute Makeover 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 A Touch of Frost 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Live FA Cup Football 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Inside Man 1.55 October Road; ITV News Headlines. 2.40 Loose Women 3.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 4.25 ITV Nightscreen

7.50 Celebrity Big Brother 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.25 Frasier 9.55 Will & Grace 10.20 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.50 Deal or No Deal 11.40 According to Jim 12.05 ER 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 Rescue Remedies 13.20 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 14.25 Thunder Over Arizona 15.50 How Clean Is Your House? 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 18.30 Come Dine with Me 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 3 Minute Wonder: Good to Know 21.00 Celebrity Big Brother 22.00 Slumdog Millionaire 0.30 Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?: India Special 2.15 Rang De Basanti 5.10 St Elsewhere

8.00 -9.50 Childrens Programms 9.55 Rupert Bear 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 13.40 Five News 13.50 Time Bomb Tunnel: Megastructures 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Animal Rescue Squad 16.05 Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Highland Emergency 21.00 The Da Vinci Shroud - Revealed; Five News at 9. 22.00 NCIS 23.00 Numb3rs 0.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 1.00 Poker 2.35 SuperCasino 5.00 The FBI Files 5.55 Rough Guide to Short Breaks 6.10 Neighbours 6.35 Home and Away

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 The Real A&E 11.00 Lion Man 11.30 It’s Me or the Dog USA 12.30 Sell Me the Answer 13.30 Project Runway 14.30 Models of the Runway 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 UK Border Force 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 Simpsons Celebrity Friends 20.30 The Simpsons 21.00 Fat Families 22.00 Got to Dance 23.00 Wives 0.00 Fat Families 1.00 Songbook 2.00 Night Cops 2.50 Road Wars 3.40 All Star Don’t Forget the Lyrics 4.30 Cold Case 5.20 Battlestar Galactica

8.30 Freeride Spirit Show 8.45 Dakar Rally 9.30 Live WTA Tennis 11.15 WTA Tennis 12.30 African Cup of Nations 15.00 Live Snooker: The Masters 16.30 African Cup of Nations 16.45 Live African Cup of Nations 18.55 Eurogoals Flash 19.05 African Cup of Nations 19.15 Live African Cup of Nations 20.20 Dakar Rally 20.30 Live African Cup of Nations 21.30 African Cup of Nations 23.00 Dakar Rally 23.45 African Cup of Nations 1.00 Olympic Magazine

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

8.30 Wintersports Weekend 8.35 Dakar Rally 9.15 Sport Traveller 9.30 Olympic Magazine 10.00 Ski Jumping 11.15 Dakar Rally 12.00 Live Snooker: The Masters 14.15 African Cup of Nations 14.30 Live African Cup of Nations 16.45 African Cup of Nations 17.00 Live African Cup of Nations 19.00 African Cup of Nations 19.15 Live African Cup of Nations 20.20 Dakar Rally 20.30 Live African Cup of Nations 21.30 African Cup of Nations 23.00 Dakar Rally 23.45 African Cup of Nations 0.45 Dakar Rally


8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Criminal Minds 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22.00 Most Haunted Live: The Silent Town 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Criminal Minds 3.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 4.00 Charmed 5.40 60 Minute Makeover

Cruel Intentions Channel 4, 10pm

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Criminal Minds 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22.00 Most Haunted Live: The Silent Town 1.00 Medium 2.00 Criminal Minds 3.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 4.00 Charmed 5.40 60 Minute Makeover

My Big Fat Diet Show Channel 4, 9pm

Why Do Viruses Kill? BBC 2, 10pm

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Criminal Minds 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22.00 Most Haunted Live: The Silent Town 1.00 Medium 2.00 Criminal Minds 3.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 4.00 Charmed 5.40 60 Minute Makeover

tv Thursday


8-14 JANUARY 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under 12.00 Britain’s Empty Homes 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 - 14.30 BBC News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; Weather 16.05 CBeebies: Big & Small. 16.15 Grandpa in My Pocket 16.30 CBBC: What’s New Scooby-Doo? 16.50 OOglies 17.05 Horrible Histories 17.35 Animals at Work 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News; Weather 19.30 Regional News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 EastEnders; BBC News 21.00 Material Girl 22.00 Silent Witness 23.00 23.25 BBC News 23.35 Question Time 0.35 This Week; Skiing 1.25 Sign Zone: Panorama 1.55 Sign Zone: Countryfile 2.50 Sign Zone: Great British Railway Journeys 3.20 Sign Zone: Horizon: The Secret Life of the Dog 4.20 Sign Zone: The Rat Pack 4.50 BBC News

8.00 CBBC: Tronji. 8.25 Newsround 8.30 Deadly 60 9.00 Planet Ajay 9.30 CBeebies: Wibbly Pig. 9.40 Get Squiggling 10.00 Louie 10.10 Finley the Fire Engine 10.25 Lunar Jim 10.35 Tommy Zoom 10.45 Our Planet 10.55 Telly Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Nature’s Calendar 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Open Gardens 14.30 Live Snooker: The Masters 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Great British Railway Journeys 20.00 Live Snooker: The Masters 21.00 Jimmy’s Global Harvest 22.00 Simon Schama on Obama’s America 23.00 QI 23.30 Newsnight; Weather. 0.20 Snooker: The Masters 1.10 Snooker Extra 3.10 BBC News

7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News 15.00 60 Minute Makeover 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 A Touch of Frost 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Can You Save a Grand in a Day?: Tonight 21.00 Emmerdale 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 The Bill 23.00 ITV News at Ten 23.30 Granada News 23.35 Real Crime with Mark Austin: Tobin 3.20 Sign Zone: Horizon: The Secret Life of the Dog 4.20 Sign Zone: The Rat Pack 4.50 BBC News

8.00 Celebrity Big Brother 8.55 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.25 Frasier 9.55 Will & Grace 10.20 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.50 Deal or No Deal 11.40 According to Jim 12.05 ER 13.00 Channel 4 News 13.05 Back to You 13.35 The Sons of Katie Elder 15.50 How Clean Is Your House? 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 18.30 Come Dine with Me 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.55 3 Minute Wonder: Good to Know 21.00 My Big Fat Diet Show 22.00 Kevin McCloud: Slumming It 23.00 Celebrity Big Brother 0.10 The World’s Strongest Child and Me 1.10 4Music: 360 Sessions 1.45 4Music: 4Play: Hadouken!

Don’t whisper

about your business

SHOUT about it in

8.00 - 9.35 Childrens Programms 9.35 Milkshake Monkey 9.40 The WotWots 9.50 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 9.55 Rupert Bear 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 13.40 Five News 13.50 Megastructures: Rocket Launch Demolition 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 Zoo Days 16.00 The Family Recipe 16.10 Circle of Friends 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Zoo Days; Five News Update. 21.00 Build a New Life in the Country; Five News at 9. 22.00 Attack Force 23.55 Police Interceptors 1.00 SuperCasino

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 The Real A&E 11.00 Lion Man 11.30 It’s Me or the Dog USA 12.30 Sell Me the Answer 13.30 Project Runway 14.30 Models of the Runway 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Lost 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Simpsons - Access All Areas 19.30 The Simpsons 20.00 Simpsons Celebrity Friends 20.30 The Simpsons 21.00 Simpsons Mischief & Mayhem 21.30 The Simpsons 22.00 Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza 23.00 Bones 0.00 Ross Kemp Middle East: Israel 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Night Cops

8.30 Dakar Rally 9.15 WTA Tennis 11.15 Dakar Rally 12.00 African Cup of Nations 13.15 Biathlon 14.30 Live Snooker: The Masters 16.30 African Cup of Nations 16.45 Live African Cup of Nations 18.55 Eurogoals Flash 19.05 African Cup of Nations 19.15 Live African Cup of Nations 20.20 Dakar Rally 20.30 Live African Cup of Nations 21.30 African Cup of Nations 23.00 Dakar Rally 23.45 African Cup of Nations 0.45 Dakar Rally

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Criminal Minds 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Medium 22.00 Most Haunted Live: The Silent Town 1.00 Medium 2.00 Criminal Minds 3.00 Trolley Dollies 4.00 Charmed 5.40 60 Minute Makeover

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 532 Cryptic Solutions Across: 6 Plunder; 7 Veils; 9 One; 10 Proffered; 12 Tape measure; 15 French chalk; 17 Stammerer; 19 Gay; 21 Yearn; 22 Servant. Down: 1 Blunt; 2 End; 3 Peer; 4 Reversals; 5 Allegro; 8 Afresh; 11 Say no more; 13 Echoed; 14 Fritter; 16 Banns; 18 Eyes; 20 Ivy. Quick Solutions Across: 6 Musical; 7 Petty; 9 Jet; 10 Appraisal; 12 Acknowledge; 15 Contemplate; 17 Deference; 19 Art; 21 Agree; 22 Engrave. Down: 1 Quiet; 2 Aim; 3 Rasp; 4 Delineate; 5 Strange; 8 Trowel; 11 Scattered; 13 Number; 14 Foreign; 16 Grave; 18 Cant; 20 Era.










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Connecting within PEACE, THE ability to connect, and the knowledge of our inner selves brings us closer to Spirit and closer to our wants and needs. Quiet please! Sometimes we need to just be lost in ourselves and the natural energy released by meditation can help somewhat. This doesn’t mean that you have to be a stoned hippy sitting on a bean bag because that’s the way some people look at meditation. I see it as a life saver, since it has the power even to lower blood pressure and it makes you feel so very good in the process. Sadly, attempts at meditation fail when we cannot clear our cluttered minds. Ask someone to clear their thoughts and you automatically subscribe them into focusing on what’s going on at the moment. The debris of our life comes through and we begin to question ourselves. We have to clear, but what about that Electricity bill, did I pay it? Hovering in our consciousness is an inability to disconnect, especially given as we are usually required to make whatever connections that we can. This going against the working energies of our mind is a stumbling block for many. It takes time to work towards a state of true meditation. Messages are conveyed from the left side of the brain, where they are received

and are then successfully transferred to the right side of the brain where such actions are assimilated. Meditation carefully bridges the bridge between these two actions and brings an autonomic control to the working of the body through the mind. Meditation may cause drowsiness, and if affected do not use or operate machinery. If you fall asleep when you begin meditation, then sleep. You must have been tired, and you probably chose the wrong time of day to meditate. Nevertheless, use the action of meditation

to help you get a good night’s rest if it helps to calm and rest you. The very best meditation exercises take the fully conscious into subconscious by self will, self control. So the act of meditation is best performed when you are very wide awake, and in the middle of a busy day rather than left until you are half asleep or winding down from a hectic day. Establishing such a control does take time, but it is well worth it to be able to experience the benefit time spent in meditation will always bring.

8-14 JANUARY 2010


NEW ONLINE FORUM!! www.kennycorris.net/forum Please feel free to ask questions of Kenny and read questions and comments of others. Where you meditate is up to you. Whilst peace and quiet are much prized, I have made successful meditation on planes and trains. The challenge of entering a temporary state in public brings a fresh energy and challenges the process of tuning successfully. Escaping consciousness yet maintaining control is a fine line that it takes time to cross and there are borders that facilitate it. Achieving an inner peace and holding a focus heralds successful results. Improvement will be under your control and experience is brought about by personal levels and specific needs. There is no complication and all you need is a decision and commitment to make a start. Practise control and exercise the deep connection that you will establish with your own body. Concentrate on your breathing as you learn to hold a breath. Breathe slowly and rhythmically, as you feel that peace and energy starts to enter into your body and your mind. Just enjoy the freedom within and the growth of an inner control that will be sourced within you, and know that this feeling of good comes from your own hidden depths; and just where they may take you.

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Kenny’s diary

20 mini-Readings at Bistro Maya Albir on Monday 11th and Wednesday 13th January from 16.30 to 19.00 - call: 686 361 594 for further information. A warm welcome to all at the Costa Blanca’s Premier Spiritual Café, next to the BBVA bank in Avenida de Albir. Free parking close by. Start the Year with an active reading and a spiritual fresh start!


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com Kenny, can anybody attend your workshops? What would you recommend for someone who hasn’t had much of a chance to work with Spirit, and needs to find out where they are? Kate E Yes Kate, all are welcome to attend any of the workshops, but they are tailor made to work on different levels of Spiritual energy and so can meet the needs of those who are wanting to learn more about Spirit. Any workshop can be followed by a tutorial which can help greatly in coming to terms with the content, reviewing any progress, and giving individual attention to any problems. The connection with Spirit is an individual one, but with a two pronged attack of workshop and tutorial much ground can be covered. The very popular Angelworks© course helps to connect and many find it the very best place to start. I will discuss anything that you need me to prior to any workshop. Check listings for courses at: www.kennycorris.net

contact kenny

Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net. Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!


8-14 JANUARY 2010


Book Review by

Danny Collins


AZINCOURT? SURELY that rings a bell, but shouldn’t that be Agincourt? Well no, not really. Even Shakespeare got it wrong. The problem is we English make a hash of pronouncing French, though as Bernard Cornwell famously pointed out: ‘we won the battle so we can call it what we like.’ But the area on the map is called Azincourt, where on the feast day of Saints Crispin and Crispinian in 1415, the 6,000 strong English and Welsh Army of Henry V saw off 25,000 plus French men at arms under the Marshal of France who stood in their path on the road to Calais. Historians tell us, and Cornwell doesn’t disagree, that the French made several tactical errors, one of which was advancing in heavy armour over a deeply ploughed battlefield after a night of heavy rain. Another was a failure to attack when the English moved their battle line 600 yards forward – yes, ‘yards’, this was before Brussels – in full view of the mounted French knights, who omitted to charge the disarrayed enemy. But the true heroes of Azincourt were the longbowmen of England. Those massive longbows could throw a bodkin-tipped ash arrow more than 250 yards and were capable of piercing even plate armour. The result was a slaughter of the contemporary aristocracy of France as heavily armoured knights who were struck and fell in the thick mud either drowned or were dispatched by the poleaxes of the freely roaming lightly dressed archers of Henry V. Bernard Cornwell weaves his

Brussels sprouts

recipe book

Two South Yorkshire mums have published a recipe book in which every dish features Brussels sprouts. Deborah Kershaw and Rachel Peck hope to boost the popularity of many people’s least favourite vegetable, reports the Daily Mail. Dishes range from sprouts bubble and squeak and sprouts masala to a cake with sultanas and coconut - and even Brussels sprouts ice-cream. Mrs Kershaw, 46, from Doncaster, said: “Other people couldn’t understand why I was getting all passionate about sprouts - but I think they’ve had a raw deal over the years with people just steaming them and boiling them to bits.” Miss Peck, 28, from Sheffield, said: “People either love sprouts or hate them, it’s the one vegetable that seems to divide opinion very strongly.” Their recipe book, Once A Sprout, Always A Sprout... Or Maybe Not? is available online for £5 from www.forestschoolsblog.com.

Actions with Mars bring some earth shattering changes to routines and work schedules, but allow you to keep a cool head and give everything your very best shot. A chance to shine and showcase the wealth of talent that lies within you as well as letting all concerned know that you are innovative and ready to take on responsibilities; greatly inspiring others as you do so. The cutting edge is a step in the right direction midweek. Venus, your trusty planetary leader, harnesses the strong energy of wayward and maverick Mars, as a Saturn conjunction appears to alter things from the roots upwards in turn. The impossible may be about to happen as the serendipity of chance and fate hover around the second house, with portents of success and new venture. For once put all your eggs in one basket, give this just what it deserves, and don’t hold back whatever you do.

authentic story of this great English victory around the tale of Nick Hood, an English outlaw who joins the expeditionary army to escape his vengeful pursuers in England. Nick is a crack archer and soon commands his own band of longbowmen for the English king. Add a love interest and the confused political history of early 15th century France that saw the English ensconced in Calais and Brittany and Gascony under the English crown and we have a tale of dash and daring in true Cornwell style that will have us revelling in an era when Europe trembled at the whicker of a plucked English longbow. Bernard Cornwell, a prolific writer, has done it again. copy@dannyjpcollins.com Author: Bernard Cornwell Publisher: Harper (paperback) Price: 10.40 euros ISBN: 978 0 00 727122 1 All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe @gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

Mums launch

horoscopes by Kenny Corris

Nik wins with ‘Thrilling Wartime Story’ LOCAL AUTHOR Nik Morton, from La Marina, San Fulgencio, has won an international writing competition for his short story set in the Second World War. The story, about SOE operatives in France, won The Book Awards Short Story Competition 2010. Judges said, “Codename Gaby is a thrilling wartime story by the accomplished author Nik Morton. The atmosphere and rich character depiction in this story convinced the panel of judges it was the outright winner of the competition and a prize of $100, along with our hearty congratulations, has been sent to the author.” You may download this story free of charge and discover more about the author and his other works at the following website; www.freewebs.com/nikmorton. The story can also be read online at http://thebookawards.com

You are right to have doubts as the truth surrounding an ongoing situation brings light onto something untoward. Confirming your suspicions and allaying your fears somewhat, there is now a time for action and this must speak louder than words if the solution is to overcome the shock of reality. Don’t gloat because you were right: put your energies into a resolve that actively helps all involved and you would be getting it right. The Full Moon that began this year carries you on to new unchartered depths, though your initial reaction is to hold back and wait for things to happen safe within the confines of your shell. Whilst you waste time like this someone else is trying to make things happen their way, and that simply can’t be right, nor can it be allowed to happen. A period of rest and relaxation is close, but right now give this your very best shot! You have to content yourself with second best, since you have played the field and lost your direction somewhat. With strong aspirations and a desire to succeed you have to be listened to, but this will not take place until the debris of the past is swept up once and for all. Heavy baggage may be carried, but when faced with the collision course you currently call your life, it is high time that you began to rise above all this and make your mark. The Saturn retrograde at the end of the week rings the changes and empowers you. It is an unexpected friendship that helps you to consolidate and allows you the closure that you need right now. Though the past shouldn’t be able to hurt you, there is a haunting part of your life that brings conflicts of conscience and you would be best to seek the help and guidance you need to stop this right in its tracks and to rewrite the immediate future. Venus, your planetary leader, heralds a period of love and luck as fortune smiles and there is now nothing to hold you back. Even the impact of the forthcoming action with Saturn midweek, as retrograde commences in your midpoint, means that after a suitable time of contemplation you can start to ask for just what it is you really want this time around, rather then to waste time on unrealistic goals and ambitions that do you no favours. Uranus is in sextile with Mars, and this serves to shake your foundations as you are forced to eat humble pie for a change. You got it wrong, very wrong, and got the wrong end of the stick. Try putting your positive energy into something you can really get your teeth into, and then a project showcasing your talent will result. You belong in the spotlight, but are at present lurking somewhere in the shadows of missed opportunity. A great time to spend some quality time with friends, especially those who have supported you through thick and thin just recently. You haven’t been easy to get along with, but those who love and support you know full well that you were being tried and tested every which way, and that your friendship means that they all want and need for you to be yourself once more. You have turned a corner now; thankfully there is no going back. Venus resides and her love and attention are a deciding factor in this week of hurdles as you face the truth with your open heart and rewrite the rules. You may forgive but you will not forget the actions that force you to take unwarranted further action. Now you are emotionally in pole position to take on new ventures and to see a way forward that will be right for you and those that you love. Be sure that what you seek is what you want. Positive actions mean eliminating someone that you cannot continue to carry. We all have to stand on our own two feet sometimes, but this is self preservation at its highest level, and you won’t be judged by those who sincerely love your truthful honesty. In a situation where there is some doubt, you must stick to your guns and refuse to take signs, though everyone knows just where your true loyalties lie and what you have to do. Take some time to study or review something so that you get it right, and so that you can use it as the useful tool that it is. You may surprise yourself but your natural talent cannot help to shine through, illuminating a way forward brought about by decision and ambition, not regret and hearsay. Since you don’t do things by halves, put your heart and soul into something that you well know could make a difference to all concerned.

if it’s your birthday this week... Nik Morton with one of his recent novels ‘Pain Wears No Mask’

Continued progress feels right and is about to make changes to your schedule as you are about to take on something that tests you to the limits, but lifts you higher to where you really should be!





9 22 24 27 36 5 No ticket won the 28,412,329 Euros jackpot prize

Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found in the TV Guide. Crossword winner for issue 532 Brian Green, San Luis


Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword


ACROSS 6. Following a night of bereavement apparently (7) 7. Grit needs fortune at the pithead (5) 9. Externally dispose of half the girl. That’s stiff (5) 10. Sleeping man stepped back outside (7) 12. Depressed about own odd trend (11) 14. A number fit in presently with a loud start - must be a city bloke (4-7) 18. Fleece the chap at the dairy (7) 19. Open up and confess (5) 21. Intends assets (5) 22. Running payment for the dog house? (7)


6. Exceedingly (7) 7. Begin (5)

9. Devoutness (5) 10. Advent (7)

12. Incitement (11) 14. Disbelief (11)

18. Clearness (7) 19. Amusing (5)

21. Grown-up (5) 22. Aid (7)

DOWN 1. Characteristic (5) 2. Rope for holding animal (6) 3. Beer (3) 4. Severe (6) 5. Maker (7) 8. Dribble (7) 11. Greed (7) 13. Contain (7) 15. Seldom (6) 16. Three times (6) 17. Mock (5) 20. Colour (3)

Who said that?

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much. Oscar Wilde






DOWN 1. Harmful side in a Christian Fellowship without aspiration (5) 2. One dingo mongrel is almost blue (6) 3. How many on a point? (3) 4. Silently came into view, apparently with feathers (6) 5. Put houses up having tin with metre (7) 8. Company right and right again. Also no love for enclosures (7) 11. Eskimo? (7) 13. Idle Pat is upset and becomes braided (7) 15. It’s captivating. Thanks to the monarch (6) 16. Last aim on the river (6) 17. Joints disrupted. Beastly pride (5) 20. Smuggling includes pot (3)


8-14 JANUARY 2010

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8-14 JANUARY 2010


Renault, Targeting Zero Emissions

ELECTRIC VEHICLES represent the clean-break solution that can put zero-emission mobility within everybody’s reach. In line with the brand’s Renault eco² environmental policy, Renault Z.E. electric vehicles are poised to be marketed on a large scale with a view to taking a decisive stand on the environmental front.2011 will see Renault begin the marketing of affordable production electric vehicles. The Renault- Nissan Alliance is targeting to be the leader in the sale of mass market zero-emission vehicles. TWIZY Z.E. Concept Twizy Z.E. Concept is an innovative response to the challenge of urban mobility. With its four-wheel chassis, Twizy Z.E. Concept offers the driver and passenger – seated one behind the other – an allelectric means of transport which produces no CO2 emissions. Twizy Z.E. Concept is compact, nimble and practical – everything you need in city traffic. The wraparound bodywork creates a safe, reassuring cocoon which offers first class protection for both the driver and the passenger. Power comes from a 15kW electric motor which develops 70Nm of torque, making Twizy Z.E. Concept versatile and easy to drive. The acceleration performance of Twizy Z.E. Concept in urban and suburban traffic is comparable to that of a 125cc motorbike. ZOE Z.E. Concept Zoe Z.E. Concept is evidence that an all-electric zero-emission vehicle can also boast smart, appealing looks. Zoe Z.E. Concept’s special roof optimizes the management of the climate control system to ensure extended range. Over and above its traditional role, the climate control system breaks new ground thanks to its hydrating, ‘detox’ and active scent functions which combine to enhance the travelling experience. Zoe Z.E. Concept is a compact, versatile daily driver which represents a

new way of experiencing mobility thanks to a choice of three battery-charging techniques. FLUENCE Z.E. Concept Fluence Z.E. Concept is a genuine family car which demonstrates that attractive styling, comfort and space can go hand in hand with respect for the environment. It is an all-electric car with a range of 160km. The battery can be charged using one of three methods: a standard charge (between four and eight hours), a quick charge (20 minutes) or an immediate solution (three minutes) which takes the form of the exclusive ‘Quickdrop’ rapid battery exchange system. ENERGY MANAGEMENT Three options when it comes to ‘filling up’ on energy: •The standard charge: takes between four and eight hours, via a charging socket situated •on the outside of the vehicle. •The quick charge: in 20 minutes, using the same socket at specific charging points. •The exclusive ‘Quickdrop’ system: three minutes at a rapid battery exchange station. Range optimization is the greatest challenge for electric vehicles. This is why Renault is working hard to make the process as simple and efficient as possible by planning for all types of charging needs and methods.

8-14 JANUARY 2010


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Torrevieja and surrounding areas plus Costa Calida

8-14 JANUARY 2010

PINE CHALET Totana. 2 bedrooms. On quiet and secure site. Private plot at end of cul-desac. Workshop/ shed. In good order inside and out. Parking alongside. Sensible ground rent. Fully furnished. 30,000€ ono.685-219-155 WANTED RESALE PROPERTIES In Orihuela Costa that are priced to sell, phone Price Crash Property on 628-932-137.

VILLAGE HOUSE in San Felipe Neri, near Catral 20 mins. Alicante Airport.3 bed., lounge dinner, 1 bathroom, internal courtyard with decking, new kitchen,ample utility room/ Storage. large roof terrace, sat. TV.,heating, furniture.150m2 . Price: 153.000€. Call: 636-641-225 Countryside views. NEED TO SELL NOW? If your property is in the Orihuela Costa then Price Crash Property want to hear from you. Contact 628-932-137.

TO RENT OR FOR SALE IN CALLOSA D’en Sarria. Classic Spanish old town house. Three double bedrooms, one with en suite bathroom. New kitchen, master bathroom, downstairs toilet, large living room & dining room with chimney. Roof garden with built in bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Seperatre sun terrace. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 450€ p.m. OR 135,000€ for quick sale. Tel: 609-177-032.

FANTASTIC PLACE TO ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS. RURAL HOUSE SUITABLE FOR 8 PEOPLE 652 756 085 www. casalastreshermanas.com BEAUTIFUL PLACE TO ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS: WOODEN HOUSE SUITABLE FOR 6 PEOPLE. 695923194 WWW.VENDOPISO.COM DOLORES Beautiful villa. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, air conditioning hot and cool. s.pool. 800€ 695923194. 3 bedrooms apartment 390€ 695923194. 3 bedrooms ground floor 350€ 695923194 CABO ROIG Apartment fully furnished. 2 bedrooms, lounge, Air conditioning hot and cool. Car port, community swimming pool and tennis court. 500€ 695923194 CATRAL Detached villa fully furnished. 3 bedrooms, garage, s.pool, central heating. 700€ 695923194 PINOSO 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 350€ 695923194 DAYA NUEVA 2 bedrooms bungalow, community s. pool. 400€ 695923194 LA MARINA 1 bedroom bungalow 320€ 695923194 2 bedrooms bungalow, swimming pool 400€. Detached villa with swimming pool. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. 500sqm plot. 1.000€ 695923194 BETWEEN GUARDAMAR AND LA MARINA 2 bedrooms bungalow, garden, s.pool. 450€ SHORT OR LONG TERM. 695923194 GUARDAMAR DEL SEGURA 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 2 bathrooms, kitchen, utility room, lounge and balcony. SHORT OR LONG TERM. 450€ 695923194 SALADAR Spanish village house. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 450€ to let and 110.000€ for sale.695923194

LA MATA 2 bedrooms Spanish duplex style apartment fully furnished. BBQ. and s. pool. Close to the beach. 500€ to let and 106.000€ for sale. 695923194 SANTA POLA 2 bedrooms bungalow fully furnished.695923194 VALVERDE (ELCHE) 5 bedrooms luxury villa. 300sqm living area, 700sqm plot with s. pool. 1.200€ 695923194 LAS BAYAS ( ELCHE) Country house. 4 bedrooms, bathroom, swimming pool. 750€ INCLUDING BILLS. 695923194 CIUDAD QUESADA Detached villa. 3 bedrooms, s.pool, central heating. 600€ to let and 249.000€ for sale. 695923194 ALMORADI Large 3 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 450€ 695923194 WWW.VENDOPISO.COM LOCALE FOR RENT Main Road position on N332 in Gata de Gorgos, comprising of small kitchen,toilet & shower, 140sqft locale.300euros pcm Tel 96 575 7036 / 628499448 DAYA NUEVA (ALMORADI) 3 bed, 2 bath furnished appartment with large garage (suitable for storage) 500€ pm. + bills. Rent or sale. Details 679-634-272 NUEVA TORREVIEJA south facing 2 bedroom bungalow, fully furnished in quiet secure location, communal pool, internet, UK TV, seperate utilities, private garden, pet and child friendly, close to all amenities. 395€ PM. + bills. 677-839-342 ALTEA - ONE BEDROOMED ground floor apartment, dining/living room, double bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, study, terrace. Fully Furnished. Private pool, garden and parking. Transport necessary as situated in the countryside. Between

LONG TERM RENTAL IN ALTEA LA VELLA Spacious furnished 3 bedroom apartment to rent in middle of beautiful village. New kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy all within a couple of minutes walk. Large terrace at back of the apartment overlooking orange groves and balconies off 2 bedrooms. Trastero and private parking. AP-7 3 minutes by car.

€600 plus bills per month. Tel: 617 893 036 or email kath_poole@hotmail.com PROPERTY MANAGEMENT offering a complete and competitive service for all your property rental needs including: Keyholding, cleaning & laundry, meet and greets, airport transfers Los Alcazares. Tel: 628-772-418 email: rosaliamews@live.co.uk


Altea and Altea la Vella. No Pets or children. Tlf and internet connection. Suit young working couple or single person. 350€ per month + bills. Under reformas but ready Jan 2010. Tlf 691-202-307.

ROOM TO RENT In lovely villa near Catral. Double bedroom, private bathroom. Long term. Reasonable rates. Tel: 626-941-569. TO RENT OR FOR SALE IN CALLOSA D’en Sarria. Classic Spanish Old Town House. Three double bedrooms, one with en suite bathroom. New kitchen, master bathroom, downstairs toilet, large living room & dining room with chimney. Roof garden with built in bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Seperatre sun terrace. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 450€ p.m. OR 135,000€ for quick sale. Tel: 609-177-032. PROPERTIES REQUIRED for holiday lets in Javea area. Free advertising & professional photography 697-432-226 www. javeapropertyservices.com

FANTASTIC FINCA COUNTRY HOUSE IN DOLORES 24.000sqm plot. 652sqm living area. Ideal for rural house or similar. 695923194 DOLORES Spanish village house. 1 bedroom, lounge, kitchen, large utility room. 42.000€ 695923194 // 3 bedrooms villa, central heating, swimming pool. 247.500€ 695923194 BETWEEN GUARDAMAR AND ROJALES 3.500sqm plot fully fenced. 3 bedrooms country house. Swimming pool. 205.500€ 695923194 LA ROMANA Ask for

building plots. We have the best prices. From 60.000€ 695923194 FINCA COUNTRY HOUSE TO REFORM 4.000sqm plot. 317sqm living area. Potential to make a large house or to make a farm house. Water and electricity. 78.000€ 695923194 CREVILLENTE: Country house. 2800sqm plot. 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms. 126.000€ 695923194 WWW.VENDOPISO.COM NEED TO SELL NOW? If your property is in the Orihuela Costa then Price Crash Property want to hear from you. Contact 628-932-137. WANTED RESALE PROPERTIES In Orihuela Costa that are priced to sell, phone Price Crash Property on 628-932-137.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ON THE COSTA BLANCA (NORTH) Currently operating as a small B & B accommodation. Delightful 9 bedroom Spanish Villa. Built to a very high standard. Has the potential for other uses.

Spa Centre,Care Facility etc. Property incorporates large pool and tennis court. Opportunity not to be missed. Tel. 96 575 7036 / 628499448 ESTABLISHED 8 YEARS Distribution Business up and running, Established clients. Genuine reason for sale. 30,000€. Suitable for couple or two couples. Got too much for one person. Tel: 687-175-270

AIR-CONDITIONING supplied/ fitted services and repaired, by Engineers with 15 years experience. All work guaranteed. Free quote. K&M’s. Calpe. Shop: 965-874-838. Mob: 636-119-648 EXCEL AIRCONDITIONING See main ad on page 27. Tel/ Fax (Head Office) 966-897-772. Mobiles: 680-154-432/ 676-265-675. Email: excelairconditioning@ hotmail.com. All credit/ debit cards accepted.

8-14 JANUARY 2010



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BAILEY SENATOR WYOMING SERIES 6 2007 twin axle caravan with movers, air con, immaculate condition today´s price £20,000. £13,500 sterling or Euro equivalent, telephone 661 682 863. MOBILE HOME FOR SALE located on the Mar Menor, fully equipped. Tel: 630-055-418 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE Never used, A/C, C/H, D/G, on new site between Pinoso and Fortuna, ready to move into. No hidden taxes. 38,000€ ono for quick sale. 606-687-461. MOBILE HOME PLOTS AVAILABLE IN PINOSO Fantastic mountain views, large swimming pool, 10 minutes to Fortuna Hot Springs, 25 minutes to Nueva Condomina. Plot size 200 sqm. Tel: 620-761-643.

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AVON AGENTS AND LEADERS NEEDED be your own boss. Phone Rosh for info. 966-785-520

BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. NEW VENUE: Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres 34, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7.00pm-10pm: New Beginners class Monday 10.30am-12.30pm. Also at the Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant at La Zenia roundabout: TUITION, Beginners Wednesday 8pm -10pm; Beginners class Thursday10.30am12.30pm; Intermediates Friday 11am-1pm. Tel: Andrea or Brian 616-478-157 BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. Asturias Restaurant, N332, next to Go Karts, SOCIAL DANCE: Monday 8pm10.30pm; BEGINNERS CLASS: Thursday 10.30am - 12.30m. Also at the Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant at La Zenia roundabout, TUITION: Beginners Wednesday 8pm - 10pm; Intermediates Friday 11am- 1pm. Tel: Andrea & Brian 616-478-157 DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free full memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es

COYS RENT-A-CAR OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR We are currently seeking someone to work in our very busy car rental office in Torrevieja. Excellent customer relations both on the telephone and face to face is essential. You will have a good knowledge of general office duties, computer skills and the ability to work well within in a team. The start date for this vacancy is 15th March 2010 The deadline for applicants is 15th February 2010 To apply for the above position, please forward a current CV, hand written letter of application and recent passport photo to: COYS RENT-A-CAR Buzon 3, Calle Del Azahar, Galeria 3B Urb Torreta II, 03184, Torrevieja ALICANTE

Do you have the skills, commitment and drive to sell for the most popular free newspaper on the Costa Blanca?

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8-14 JANUARY 2010

NAUGHTY JAPANESE HOUSEWIFE age 24 alone or together with my English husband for DP and SR. Role play, humiliation and punishment also available. Torrevieja, call Saki 687-891-139 CHARMING BI-SEXUAL MALE 50 and my beautiful 25 year old girlfriend, both British, offer erotic massage and more, we also have other girlfriends who you may visit either alone or together. In addition we have a

selection of home made DVDs for collection or by post. Very discreet private villa near Torrevieja, call Steve 697-892-969 FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842 ATTRACTIVE MATURE ENGLISH LADY For escorting, dinner dates & more. My Villa is between Torrevieja & Alicante. Also available as an m/f couple. Call (0034) 648-676-277 MALE AND FEMALE COUPLE who provide an erotic massage service at our very discreet private villa near Torrevieja seek

an attractive female to join us, excellent earnings for working a few daytime hours each week. Please call Steve on 697-892-969 GOOD FUN 62 year old Dom/ Sub switch, specialising in males, cross dressers. Loves the more mature woman and great fun with couples. Low rates. Full body massage and much much more. 655-058-554 THE WEATHER MAY HAVE COOLED but Tanya is still hot! All inclusive 40€. Tel: 626-324-088 TORREVIEJA CENTRE Calle Radio Murcia 27, 2-8, Chinese lady, 20 years old, natural French massage and more. Complete

service. 24 hours. Tel: 658-172-337 TORREVIEJA, ALICANTE Brazilian, loving, sexy lady, silk hands. Best massage, relax- erotic. Escort service. 664-664-390 SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA Near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€, full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412. CHINESE. SUPER SEXY GIRL! Young and beautiful. Torrevieja, Calle San Pacual Nº 251 -3ªA.

SOPHISTICATED EUROPEAN Beautiful body, English speaking, intelligent and open minded, enjoys giving you great pleasure. Playa Flamenca near Flamenca beach C.C. 600-784-461 www.sensualspain.com PORNOGRAPHIC DVD’S 7 for 25€. Most interests. Mike 697-647-367 NEW BLACK LADIES 18/20 years, slim, big breasts, pretty. All services, massage erotic. 600-064-423 Torrevieja. JAVEA, MORAIRA East European lady, super erotic massage and more. 661-034-261 Hotel & Home visits

GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118

8-14 JANUARY 2010




Tel: 620 738 023 10am to 5pm


Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD

NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285

SOLO GUITARIST/ VOCALIST seeks work, blues & Country. In bars etc. No set price. Pay what you can afford. Tel: Charlie 691-622-804

NEW PROFESSIONAL MODELLING COURSE starts February 6th 2010 in Javea, aged 14 +, males & females. Limited places available. Also looking for new models, dancers, actors & lookalikes of all ages. Alicante School of Modelling and Model & Actors Agency. www. AMA-Spain.com (formally PH Models) call 96649 33 70, 619 733 198 or email info@AMA-Spain.com. CREATIVE NAILS ‘Creative’ acrilic nails. You

Agents Wanted to work with national mortgage/credit broker to launch new exciting product Huge earnings potential Marketing and support package Tel now

home use. Only 275€. Tel: 654-925-679 BOTTLE FRIDGES s/s benches, grills, ovens, potatoe peelers, chairs, tables, crockery, cutlery, catering equipment. Bought sold. 966-703-304/ 666-429-562 POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666 933 726

British & Spanish used car sales

696 421 199 or reply to


come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 POTBELLY PIG six months old, well trained, needs loving home with company. Male castrated. tel: 687-175-270 FELINE FRIENDS CAT HOTEL The Purrfect place to stay. Free pickup and delivery. tel: 965-967081/ 665-080-885 www. felinefriendscathotel.com ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL puppies, bundles of fun, both parents can be seen. 671-844-055/ 965-327-040 BABY TORTOISE’S For Sale 40€ each. Tel: 626-941-569 (near Catral). TRANS-PET SPAINUK door 2 door service, professional driver with pet care experience, kennels and cattery, passport service. Contact Sharon 965-960-658/ 600-552-030 www.trans-pet.co.uk or sharon@trans-pet.co.uk DEANACAONA BOARDING KENNELS & CATTERY Social training for dogs. Home delivery and collection service. English trainer. Balsicas, 10 minutes from San Javier. Tel 639-286-428 www.deanacaona.com

WANTED OTTOMAN FOR LINEN STORAGE ETC either Rattan or Light Wood Tel 966 881 413 Mob 679 303 995. INSTANT CASH FOR YOUR BRIC A BRAC tools, household items, linen, small furniture, almost everything. Torrevieja, Playa Flamenca, San Javia. Ring Bill 676-527-348 or Rita 676-527-186 WOODEN SUMMER HOUSE/ SHED (good condition) aprox. size 3m5m x3m-5m. Concrete table set (table, chairs, benches) (good condition) 966-198-056 (Catral) WANTED 3 bed 2 bath property direct with the owner in December/ January in the Orihela Costa region. I can pay 6570,000€ plus tax. I am not fussy about the condition, it’s location that matters to me. Please e-mail me with your property description, location and your selling price to: stevestuartdj@ hotmail.co.uk WANTED FOR CASH washers/ fridges/ freezers/ cookers/ microwaves etc. working or not. Tel: K & M’s 965-874-838 mobile: 636-119-648 WANTED. CLOSING DOWN? Need to sell your stock? We buy bankcrupt/liquidation stock. Anything considered. We also sell to traders/car booters. Call 675-218-436 or see our website www. liquidacionfinal.es WANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Instant cash payments. Furniture, electrical, tools etc. Tel John: 626-918-833.

LOOSE COVERS curtains Erc. Made to measure. Choose from a wide range of beautiful materials in your own home. Javea based. Tel: 965-771-397/ 686-453-827 AT MICHAEL’S Unusual dark green Canadian leather sofa, very high quality with matching armchair. Beige corner suite. Wooden church pew. See them all on: www. michaels-javea.comTel 96579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Customerto-customer Service: you can sell your furniture on our website for only 3:euros per item! For more info look at: www.michaelsjavea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S You get very high quality designer pre-owned furniture for half price or less. Quick delivery. Stock changes daily ! See photos (updates every 5-6 days): www. michaels-javea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S From our 3 shops - free quick delivery every day in our area! We also arrange long-distance deliveries. Choose from over 600 photos on: www. michaels-javea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S you also get NEW high quality Spanish beds. All sizes available as we deal directly with the manufacturers! Famous brands like United Colors of Benetton, etc www. michaels-javea.co KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER 500GB. inc 70,000 songs, software/ song book, ideal for bar/

GOLD WANTED ENGLISH JEWELLER WISHES TO BUY ANY BROKEN OR UNWANTED GOLD ITEMS- PENDANTS, WATCHES, COINS ETC. IMMEDIATE CASH PAYMENT. CALL PETER ON 664-890-990 (7 DAYS) HOME VISITS WANTED Instant Cash Paid. GOld and Jewellery Bought and Sold. VAluations, repairs and retail. Nikolas Michael, London Jewellers & Pawnbrokers @No 17 Calle Los Arcos Ciudad Quesada Rojales 03170. Telephone 634 043 060

PINE FURNITURE ge stock of flat packed pine furniture from Denmark for sale ( Crazy price)


Ideal stock for Furniture shop,Rastro or Market Trader. Tel 96 575 7036 / 628499448 TUMBLE DRYER FOR SALE Hardly used only 50€ Torrevieja area 667-306-453. BRIC A BRAC Tel: 966791074. New towels, radiators, coffee machine, fondue, books, bedding, grill machine and more NEW TOWELS BOOKS, BEDLINEN, RADIATORS, FONDUE SET, COFFEE MACHINE, JUICER, & MUCH MORE, VILLA MARTIN AREA. 966-791-074 HEADBOARD FOR DOUBLE BED bedside cabinets with glass tops, blanket box in dark red draylon. 50€. 966-718-324 WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, LIKE NEW. 175.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883.

10TH JANUARY FREEWHEELERS will be visiting the ancient IberoRoman city of Lucentum. Provided enough wish to go an English speaking guide will be requested. Book now on freewheelers08@yahoo. co.uk To read more about Freewheelers go to www. TorreviejaInformation.com/ freewheelers


8-14 JANUARY 2010

• Genuine uncapped earning potential, Apply now and have an

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Brand new telesales office opening in Albir in 2 weeks!


BAR CARVERY FOR SALE Busy Walking Street in Benidorm In the Middle of the Hotel and Apartment complexes. Regular clientelle as well as holiday and passing trade Sale due to husband´s work commitments.

25,000€ for

Goodwill, Fixtures and fittings.

Tlf: 664-093-851

You can now place your Round Town News classifieds adverts directly with us

INSTANT CASH PAID Wanted Antique & modern jewellery Bought, sold & part exchanged. ALEXANDERS JAVEA PORT (Nr Bar Esquina) EST.SINCE 2003

Tel 965 792 595

8-14 JANUARY 2010

S.A.T. 966 710 047


A.P.A.H. Natasha 616 210 850 www.apahrescue.com

TUCKER is a one year old hairy terrier type who came to the kennels in November. His coat was very matted but with some careful grooming it is now in a beautiful condition.

Jack was rescued by the Guardia Civil, along with Henry who could be his father, from terrible conditions. They were given to APAH to look after, and to try to find loving homes for

P.E.P.A 650 304 746 www.pepaspain.com

Blaze is small to medium sized nice natured dog. She walks well on the lead and a bonus is that she is good with cats. Her foster carers say she would make a delightful relaxed companion. Blaze is health vaccinated

PAWS 646 645 035

info@pawsanimalrescue.com www.pawsanimalrescue.info

Cookie and Cream are two beautiful little siamese boys of around 12 weeks old. They are looking for a home together, if possible, as Cream is very nervous without his brother.

Noahs Arc

Contact 699 352 818, admin@noahsarcmurcia.com

Monty a small and pretty male terrier 36 cms high. Very affectionate, energetic and playful. Walks in the countryside off lead and never goes far away.

Joe the Catman 96 671 9272

Lea is a part Burmese about three years old, has been spayed and is very loving and affectionate. Unfortunately her papa has to return to the UK .

K9 CLUB 676 447 682

Email: k9club@lamarina.info website: www.petsinspain.info

This pure bread Boxer is living with a Spanish family and he has been well looked after. They have recently moved house and he is too big to stay there. His name is Zarpas


Xilo is a large bundle of pale red fur, who just loves to be cuddled and will make a real lap cat. If you would like to adopt Xilo, or any of our other cats/ kittens please call

M.A.R.A Annette 660 251 624,or Susana 685 311 599


Animal Aid Linda 96 572 5794 www.animalaidcostablanca.org

Sonny and Cher are

Sophie is a lovely little

about 1 year old,very

girl who is only a few

lovable and love to play,

weeks old. She was found

we would like to rehome

abandoned & she now

them together but will

desperately needs a new


permanent or foster home

EASY HORSE CARE RESCUE 96 596 7033 or 652 021 980 www.easyhorsecare.net

George used to bite his stable door, so his owners cut off his teeth with an angle grinder! George is safe from cruelty now, but many horses are still suffering. Help us end the cruelty. Open days Wed & Sun 1pm-4pm.

A.P.A.S.A. 618 754 635 www.apasa-javea.org

DAVIDOFF, male, Pound since 03.04.2006 Alsatian Mix, DOB 15.04.2004 – 69 cm Davidoff is a very calm male.


8-14 JANUARY 2010

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HORIZON CONSULTANTS INSURANCE, Calle San Rafael 45 - 1, Jalon, 03727, Alicante. (Near Kwik Save) Aaron 966 481 382 • info@horizonconsultants.com JALON MICHAEL’S FURNITURE SHOP, Avenida Lepanto, 9, Javea Port. Cristina 965 791 328 • astorga@telefonica.net


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Services Wanted

Costa Blanca South Age Concern C/Blanca Sur 966786887 Mon-Fri 10-1.30pm. Centre, C/Paganini, Urb La Siesta, Torre. Charity Shop C/Patricio Zammit 41, T orre. Alcoholics Anonymous C/Blanca North 648169045. C/Blanca South 625912078 www.aa-costablanca.org Animal Aid Charity Linda 965725794 www. animalaidcostablanca.org A.E.C.C. (Assoc Española Contra el Cancer) C/Calera, 2 Torre. Wed 9am-1pm 965716679. A.E.C.C. Pilar de la Horadada Branch Wed 10-12pm Una Europa building. Autos y Caravanas de España (ACE) Caroline 965842562. Badminton Pilar de la Horadada John McGilvray 966786774 carolejohn_3@hotmail.com Badminton San Pedro del Pinatar 651483809/965727816. Baobabs Club Ted 966709881, Jean 966784735, Brian 966791970. Benijofar Chess Club Richard 660825390. Benimar Social Club Richard 660825390/Marlene 626407362. Boule Grp Guardamar 690338115. Campoverde Theatre Grp Dorothy Gates 966761812. Cancer Support (MABS) Gran Alacant Jan & Agnie 966697754. Caring Together Regional Hospice Asn. (RPA 5377) 649956365/ 965894240 www.caringspain.com info@ caringspain.com Carp-R-Us Angling/Social Club New Members’ Sec 966712351 rojales1@gmail.com Catral Model Railway Grp Mike 662022190. Church On The Way Quesada Reg SG1265 sec A. Pastors: Rod/ Janet 966712584/666001543 info@churchontheway.es www.churchontheway.es C.L.A.R.O Independent Party Orihuela Costa office Mon-Fri 11-1pm Rest Asturias. Classic Scooter Club Del 966765026/617998265 Club 600 y Clásicos de Orihuela y Vega Baja 965716360 www.club600orihuela.com info@club600orihuela.com Coro Pilar Dennis 966762954. Costa Blanca Big Band 966731723. Costa Blanca Samaritans Helpline: 902883535 Mon-Fri 8pm-12am. info@ costablancasamaritans.com www.costablancasamaritans. com Dama de Elche Lodge No163 Philip Dawe (sec) 968150244. Denelle Dance Club Ballroom/ Latin Lyn 635584431. Diabetic Support Grp Benijofar Ivy Medcare 966860258. Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS (G5380655) 966460063/965744426. Fellowship C.B. 965322484 patfee2005@yahoo.co.uk Freewheelers Classic Car Grp 686765297 www. TorreviejaInformation.com/ freewheelers freewheelers08@ yahoo.co.uk Friends 4u Abroad Karen 622033582 friends4uabroad@ gmail.com www.friends4uabroad.com Gilbert & Sullivan Society Cindy/ Cyril Willoughby 966785877 cwillo.es@gmail.com www.gilbertandsullivansociety. eu Guardamar Badminton Club 690338115. Guardamar No1 CSC Steve 669340528/Maureen 618180290. HELP Vega Baja 966723733


10-1.30pm www.helpvegabaja. com 24hr helpline 965704282 Hondon Bridge Club Pat 637993667/Eddie 677240656. Int. Motorhome Assoc John Sanderson Volunteered Co-ordinator 966474532/662032131. Int. Motorhome Club 965851671/ 667508217 rayjeanbarber@hotmail.com DerekLoveday@telefonica.net (mark subject IMC) L A Concert Band Lorraine/ David 965724291/687429144. Ladies Friday Club Rojales Dee 966712504/Jan 966712679. La Marina & San Fulgencio Cardinal Belluga Theatre Grp Maria 966715891/Alan 966795523. mariamosley3@hotmail.com La Marina & San Fulgencio Residents Asoc lmsfra@gmail. com www.lmsfra.webs.com M & M’s Dance Club Horadada Michael 610981795/965350762. Manchester City F.C. Official Supporters Club (1949) Spanish Branch Rob Hudson (Sec) 608511437 bluerob64@live.co.uk Medcare Mum/Baby Clinic Benijofar Hazel 966860258 doctors@medcarespain.com Modern Jive Paso o Paso 670711408 www.modern-jive-spain.com Mums/Tots La Marina Marianne 966790117/Hilary 966790738. Orihuela Costa Neighbourhood Watch Chris Poole 966761379/ Graham Jones 965327838. Orihuela Scooter Club Lee 630142317/Ian 664367512 Ostomates Support Grp Alan 965319029/Sylvia 966791837 thelovelies70@hotmail.com sylviaajohnson@gmail.com Paul Cunningham Nurses 966790363 Palm Tree Hse Avda de Londres 56, urb La Marina. P.E.P.A. Animal Charity 650304746. www.pepaspain.com Phoenix Car Club www. phoenixcarclub.com info@ phoenixcarclub.com Phoenix Retired Firefighters Club Iain Bennett 966731495 idsbennett@hotmail.co.uk Pilar Christian Community Church 966763725/968575417 PilarChristian. CommunityChurch@gmail.com Pilar Sol Club Trevor Hook 966769655. Radio Control Howard 965415410. Rascals Jill 966727282 www.therascals.info RAOB GLE The Philip Scott Lodge No:10671 Tel: Sec. Kevin Dent 626664101. Rojales & Quesada Neighbourhood Watch Helen 966717582 helentudor22@gmail.com Rojales Pantomime Grp Bridget 966717977 www. rojalespantoespana.webnode. com Rojales Studio 17 Life Drawing Club Martin 965724927. Royal British Legion Gran Alacant’s Branch Barbara Turnbull 966699828 b_dmt1966@yahoo.co.uk Royal British Legion Hondon Valley Branch 677376770 davesyl@gmail.com Royal British Legion La Manga Branch 691982724 www.lamangarbl.com Royal British Legion La Marina Branch 966790798 kei-jan@hotmail.com Royal British Legion Spain Welfare: 676451780/952352300 (ans/phone). www.spainnorth. legionbranches.net Royal Marines Assoc, C/Blanca Branch Bert Moye 965725659/ Phil Prince 966700731.

8-14 JANUARY 2010


Strict Deadlines: Please note that the DEADLINE for clubs announcements is Friday at 12.00 noon. Please email your details to clubs@roundtownnews.com or fax to 965 705 328

San Miguel Amigos Greyhound Racing Club Brian 965720492/ Wayne 966723999. San Miguel Cage/Aviary Bird Club Mathew 966780336/Ian 966723235. San Miguel Dollhouse & Miniatures Club Mary 966791539/Jean 965720726. Santa Pola Dollshouse & MIniatures Grp Janette 965415410 Table Tennis San Luis Del 653564831. The Aircrew Assoc Costa Blanca Branch 966495042 www.acacostablanca.org The Phoenix Concert Band Di Hedley 965716601. www. TorreviejaInformation.com/ phoenix Toastmasters Int. Las Palmeras Club Eamon 678105007/Jan 965329642 ernstandjan@gmail. com Torre de la Horadada Neighbourhood Watch Frank Reid 646255696/Trevor Hook 606562347. Whist Drive Jacky 965322361/ 629963279.

Los Alcazares Acacia Centre for Spiritual Awareness 968537243/ 679824008. Centro Cristiano La Vina San Javier/Mar Menor Jan 618779532. Freemasonry Mar Menor Brian 968199596 briandelect@aol. com LA Digital Camera Club Trevor 968574877/Mike 968582217 www.ladigitalcafe.webeden. co.uk/ Los Alcazares Duplicate Bridge Margaret/ Ron Odell 968575760/ 676346118 romar. odell@yahoo.co.uk Spangles 968334527/968432525. www. spangleschorus.com The Mar Menor Art Grp Eli 968170571 eli@spainmagic.com The Nosmo-King Club 968546817 Alcoholics Anonymous & Al-Anon 646290420. Badminton Totana Ric 680782076. Calida Country Music Club Tom Wills 610632152. Camposol Bridge Barry 609925497/Norma 650418887. Cañadas del Romero www. CanadasdelRomero.es Cancer Support (MABS) Help Line 620422410 www.mabsmazarron.com Ex-Servicemen’s Assoc Mazarrón District Bill 626209419/Ian 629818611. Freemasonry Mazarron Reg 649296658/Peter 699261828. Mass In English 968424386/ 676219445 Father Peter Escribano/Father Octavio Carpena. Mazarron Bowls Club Richard Cooper 968131619. www. mazarronbowlsclub.webs.com Mazarron Friendship Grp Len 689113494 mfg30875@yahoo.co.uk P.A.L.S. Protection & Life Saving Pres. Ken 626460465/ V.Pres. Pat 628879284. www.pals.com.es Puerto de Mazarron Ladies Circle Anne 669338885/Linda 616112879. St.Nicholas Ecumenical Church Len Eaton 968138952/660969243. Choir Master, Stuart Burnley 618869376 www.stnicholaschurchcamposol.com The Coffin Dodgers Rock ‘n’ Roll Club Carol 628590014 casacarol@hotmail.com The Lions Club of Mazarron Bahia Diane 968431521/Beryl 616277389. The Olive Branch Christian

Fellowship Pastor Ralph/ Margaret Locke 968199622/618720181. www. olivebranchfellowship.com Welcome Grp 620105179/ 618254143 Mon-Sat 11-7pm. www.welcomegroupspain.com Wellspring Victory Church Pastor Andrew 968635875/ Duncan 607382033/968130530. www.wellspringvictorychurch. com

Murcia 1 Metre Radio Control Sailing Club David 968170870 davidlees66@hotmail.com Alcoholics Anonymous English 646290420. Alcoholics Anonymous La Manga 679385105. Amigos de los Coches Clásicos del Levante Harry 629529656/ Hans 968419256 www.a-c-c.es acclevante@hotmail.com Cancer Support Grp (MABS) 693275779 www.mabsmurcia. com Cloud Nine Drama Pat Hunt 968664429/627791577 patsy. hunt@gmail.com Community Church Los Nietos Miguel/Vivien 968133724 losnietoschurch@gmail.com www.aqua-adicta.co.uk/ alphacentre/ Friends & Buddies Social Club Ann Lambert 968163758/ 628153329 friendsandbuddies07@hotmail. com Friends In Totana (F.I.T.) Pat 630941377. Guiding/Scouting 608174485. info@murciasur.org Harmony Ladies Grp Jenny 680858836. HELP Murcia Mar Menor Office: 968570059 MonFri 10-1.30pm. info@ helpmurciamarmenor.org www.helpmurciamarmenor. org Evt/tkts: Joan Mitchell 968181943. Mar Menor Sailing Asso(SAMM) Cdre: John Curtis 966764664. M/ship: Brian Blackburn samm.membersec@ hotmail.com www.sailingmarmenor.com

Torrevieja 4-10 Yrs! Football! KidsMini Soccer Tony 678955501 tonyssoccerschool@yahoo.co.uk www.tonys-soccer-school.net 50+ Solos Ruth 966786320/ Anne 966786281. AFA Torrevieja, Assoc Alzheimer de Familiares y Amigos de Torrevieja 966702500 Fax: 966702203 Al-Anon Family Grp Helpline: 692799318 (9am-9pm). Alcholics Annonymous English 625912078. Anglican Chaplaincy St Peter & St Paul Alicante-Cartagena. Church ser: 968193117. Funerals, Wedding Blessings, Baptisms 965720911. Asn. de las Rutas y Caminos de la Sal Pres. Maureen Moss 966923113/Sec. Jenny Dodd 965718483. Asn. of Retired Police Officers ARPO (Police) Mike Peters 966797015 mlspeters@hotmail. com Bon Bon Club Anna 966789470. Bridge Club Rojales Coby 966714266. Cafe Con Senoritas June 966731113/680384738 junesullivan@hotmail.co.uk Cantabile Int. Ladies Choir Jennifer 966796866/655471787 jenmorton@terra.es Henny 966703247 www. cantabilesingers.bravehost.com Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

637460864/664551627. Church Mtg C/Formentera, Torre Lesley/Brenda 965870911/ 629623706. Club ‘93 965080339 yvonneblake4@hotmail.com Club Torrevieja Classics & Specialists Cars David 965716360 www.ClubTorrevieja.com Costa Blanca Runners John 966786774 carolejohn_3@hotmail.com Crescendo Int. Choir M/ship sec Phyl Webb 966785332. C/ man Lawrence Gee 966261663 www.crescendo-choir Crime Watch Spain VG-82612000 Fd:1999. Torre: 966786266 Ted. Catral: 965992838 Jose. jrivero-smith@skynetlink.com http://vecinos-colaborando. tripod.com/ Crisol Pensioners Club Civic Centre, Alameda del Mar Mon-Fri. 4-6pm. http://www.NetHatcher.de Euro Divers Diving/ Watersports Social Club Bob 966723024/Eric 965328941 eurodivers34@yahoo.co.uk Football In Torrevieja Dougie 628789335 www. CostaBlancaFootball.com Forty Something Dining/ Social Club Angie 686367421 jessang563@hotmail.com Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship Int Torrevieja Stuart 968575417/664673863. Gardening Club (Vega Baja) C.man Val 966716527. Int. Christian Assembly Rev Rafael Restrepo 968282049/ 660127276. www.icatorrevieja. org Just Brass Band John 966706959 Ian 966191734 iangibson@hotmail.es La Bamba’s Ballroom/Latin Dancing Andrea/Brian 616478157. Labour Int. (CB South) Christine Montano 966784720 /Sarah Hill 966260352. La Marina Bridge Club Peter 966790328/Trevor 966795869. La Marina & San Fulgencio Computer Club Albert 966797704/Ron 966790396. www.lamarinacomputerclub. com La Marina Tappers Yvonne 966796820/Bill 966760032. La Siesta & El Chaparral Neighbourhood Watch/ Residents Grp Bruce 966786079. La Siesta Charity Lending Library Tue 10.30-12.30pm C/ Weber 12, Urb La Siesta, Torre. La Siesta Evangelical Church Rev. Daniel Reyes B.D. 968508028. Sec Fiona Cook 966700131www. TorreviejaInformation.com/ lasiestachurch Masonry Torrevieja Barrie Mansell 966719653 provincialsec@hotmail.com Mothers Union Debbie 679501543 capewell4@hotmail. com Netball Tracey 679539995. New Gospel Choir 966927551. Nirvana Dining Club Janet 667863495. Norwegian Church La Siesta Paul Hammond-Poe 636948446 Norwegian/Dennis Beecroft 965720732 English. P.A.L.S (Pleasure & Leisure in Spain) Carole 965080351/ 671986781. Petanca Club San Miguel 966723522. Phoenix Solo’s Club Beryl 629891482/Trevor 966708175. Portsmouth Football Club Supporters Steve 656579423. R.A.O.B. Costa Blanca Lodge 976717084 ronkmcgreevy@ yahoo.co.uk Rhythm Rascals 662441258. Road Bowling Club Brendan C/man 677868566. Neville Hancox 965724256

nwhancox@hotmail.com http://www.rafacostablanca. com/RAFA/idex.html Royal British Legion V/c.man Steve Ironmonger 966719985/ 628034962. Royal Naval Assoc Gillian Burden 638512056 www.torreviejarna.info Scottish Country Dancing Torrevieja Stewart 966722724/ Wilma 966730666. Sequence Dancing Derek 965716647. Showgroup Torrevieja Jennifer 966261627. Sole Mates The Dining Room, San Luis. Jim 606744861/Karyn 663399027 Spanish Classes (Crime Watch) 965992838. T.A.A.B.’ s Singing Show Grp Bonnie 966926294 www.TorreviejaInformation. com/taabs The Baker Foundation for Spiritual Awareness Tel/fax: 966760665. The Brit Club Barbara 965702003. The Costa Blanca Branch of the World Ship Society Mel Cook 966716877 mel.cook30@ yahoo.com www.worldshipsociety.org The Dolly Mixtures Irene 966712924 The Good Life Non Smoking Club Hazel 966921558. The Iceni Dancers Jacqui 965323673/Joy 966715848. The Int. Club Torrevieja Sue 965703803/Mandy 966920428. The Oddballs Motorbike Club Paul 638187890/Carol 661375716. The Seekers Mary Brewer 966784033. The Spiritual Awareness Society of Quesada Mandy 699691236. The Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonies Barry 966717262/ Eberhard 966773145 www.theharmonisers.com The Torrevieja Scottish Country Dancing Group 966730666 The “Velvetones” Kristoff 966714973 www.velvetones.org The Vivace Mixed Voice Classical Choir 965720919. Torre Foundation for Spiritual Awareness 647189135/ 966786651 www.torrespirit.com Torrevieja Aglow Barbara 965702871/Marcia 966760585. Torrevieja Christian Fellowship 966700391 www.tcf-spain.org Torrevieja Computer Club 966786281. www. torreviejacomputerclub.com Torrevieja Costa Lions Club Dave Bray 965013088 brayer50@yahoo.co.uk Torrevieja Craft Club Kathy 678901237. Torrevieja Flower Club Sandra 966707330 Cynthia 965703547 www.torreviejaflowerclub.com Torrevieja Philatelic Society Harry Alderson 966789018. Torrevieja Pipes & Drums Joan/Barry 966712076 waddingtonjoan@gmail.com Torrevieja Rugby Club Jerry Josee 695953137/Jeff Davies 677607424. Torrevieja Stroke Support Grp Louie 966718964/ Carol 966765488/ Margaret 966193311 strokesupportgroup@ hotmail.com www. torreviejastrokesupportgroup. net Torrevieja Writers’ Circle Nik Morton 966796866. Total Crafts Maureen 966789977/ Sue 966706268. TRAC: Torrevieja Retired Activity Club M.ship Pam 966790648/ C.man Graham 966775282. U3A Torrevieja www.u3atorrevieja.com


8-14 JANUARY 2010

Cup is Not European Gateway

Orihuela Rugby Club

French farce

Scoreless Tie


With Andy Kay

JEFF POWELL of the Daily Mail wrote an impassioned plea recently arguing that the winners of the FA Cup should be awarded with a place in the Champions League. Anyone else agree? No, thought not.Winning a place in European football’s premier club competition should be based on a team’s results for an entire season, not just because they’ve managed to win 6 matches over the course of a few months. Indeed, taking the 2008 competition as an example, the route to the final for the winners Portsmouth was as follows: Ipswich; Plymouth; Preston NE; Manchester United; West Brom. Are those 5 wins plus victory over Cardiff City in the final really worth qualification to the UCL? Answers on a postcard please. Last year’s winners, Chelsea, finished 3rd in the league so the question didn’t arise but if it had, then I’d suggest that victories over Southend; Ipswich; Watford; Coventry and Arsenal don’t merit a place alongside the likes of Barcelona; AC Milan or Bayern Munich.

A NEW Year, a new start for Orihuela RFC, with the seniors playing against the league leaders Denia on 17th January, so a couple of weeks to get the Xmas excess off and get some fitness back.The juniors are also away on 16th January against Denia; an interesting start to the new year after a disappointing year ended with 2 successive defeats. After finishing second in the league last season and qualifying for the play offs, the seniors are hoping to do the same again this year but with the same number of defeats as for the whole of last season. With such a promising start to this season we will have to just wait and see. The junior sides are also hoping to replicate last season and qualify for the play offs and like the seniors go one step further and gain promotion, just like all the other teams.


Nelson Piquet, Flavio Briatore and Fernando Alonso WHEN IS a governing body not a governing body? When it’s the FIA by all accounts. Having found former Renault boss Flavio Briatore guilty of conspiring with Nelson Piquet Jr to organise a deliberate crash during the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix, the rich kids’ club that runs motorsport banned him for life. But a French court not only lifted the ban but also awarded Briatore £15,000 in compensation. Even worse, it’s reported that the Paris court didn’t find fault with the case against Briatore or his co-accused Pat Symonds, but rather came up with its findings based on procedural or technical issues. So in other words, it sounds as if they were guilty as proved but because someone signed the wrong piece of paper of forgot to cross a ‘t’ somewhere down the line, they both get off. The FIA may appeal and let’s hope they win their case if they do so. If not, we can also hope that Briatore or Symonds never have the chutzpah to show their faces in a Formula One paddock again

ALTHOUGH CARTAGENA had the lion’s share of this div 2a match against mid table Cordoba, it was a combination of too many basic errors and terrible finishing that contrived to make it a goalless draw. The first half belonged entirely to the home side. Leading goalscorer Toche produced the half’s highlights, first on 15 minutes when his long range shot sailed over the bar, then on the half hour mark when from close range he hit the side netting. It was a different story in the second half. Twice within 6 minutes either side of the hour mark, Cartagena keeper Ruben produced first class saves to thwart Cordoba’s efforts at goal. Ruben came to the rescue again on 78 minutes with a superb block from a goal bound shot. Frustration got the better of Cordoba’s

Denia RFC

Rugby La Vila

THE BOYS in the squad have had a full week off to recharge their batteries and are now back into training for the top of the table clash against El Salvador on 10th January.Just to let you all know, Rugby La Vila TV have now filmed the second episode of their exploits and it is up and running on ‘Youtube’. This episode features an interview in English between the Club PR secretary Jo le Roux and her husband Ryan. Here are the links: Rugby La Vila TV Nº2 (1 de 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwWuOBiFSf0 Rugby La Vila TV Nº2 (2 de 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaVtp3SFfwg Feel free to check it out and provide any feedback via Louise Neave on 965 890 376.

manager towards the end, when his comments towards the match officials were punished by him being sent to the stands. With only 3 minutes remaining, sub Quintero almost won the match for Cartagena, but his shot from the edge of the box was just too high to trouble the keeper.This point was enough for Cartagena to remain in third position, 1 point ahead of fourth place Numancia. FC CARTAGENA LINE-UP Ruben; Txiki; Exposito; Herrero; Ruiz; Lafuente; Longas; Mariano; Toche; Tato; De Lucas FORTHCOMING FIXTURES Next up for Cartagena is a friendly against German Bundesliga side VFB Stuttgart at Cartagonova Stadium. The match is on Thursday 7th January at 16.30, costing just €3 admission charge.The next div 2a match is a tricky visit to 2nd in the table Alicante based Hercules. Also to be shown live on Spanish TV, this match is on Sunday 10th January, with a 12.00 (midday) kick off.

Torry Forget About the Winter Blues Line-up

Aurelio; Carrasco; Bailen; Jorge; Arrazola; Green; Heredia; Torres; Matias; Aitor; Corcoles

Venting venter SARACENS COACH Brendan Venter is in trouble with the RFU by living up to his surname and having a dig at refereeing standards in the English game. Venter launched a 40 minute broadside last week, having a bash at the laws of the breakdown, referee’s seemingly random interpretations and the lack of incentive for teams to attack. He may get hauled over the coals for it, but he’s got a point. The English game is dying on its feet (or not on it’s feet, like most of the players contesting for the ball during a ruck these days). Much of what Venter said is what many of we rugby fans feel. The fun, inventive and spontaneity has gone out of the game and the vast majority of match ups are about as exciting as watching a sloth recovering from a big night out. While the RFU will surely come down hard on Venter, they would do well to think about what he said rather than they way he said it.

And the good news for the club is that with the Xmas break, our injury list should be quite a bit shorter. A number of touring sides are coming over, starting off with Old Brods Vets on 14th March and then the Golden Oldies tournament at Elche at the end of April, while the seniors will be entertaining the crowd at the break against the Rosslyn Park Nomads, with more to follow in May. Training starts again on 7th January on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with the juniors training from 18.15 to 20.15, while the seniors and juveniles are training from 20.30 to 22.30. If you would like more information about what is going on in the club, phone the president Álvaro on 630 313 298 or myself, Garry, on 692 767 242. For the juniors, contact Oscar on 600 871 606 (Spanish) Come along and join in the fun and great friendly atmosphere at the club.


DENIA RFC continued playing during the fiesta break, playing an inter club game between Denia A and the Denia team visiting London in early February. The tour, over a long weekend, is to stay in London, play a fixture against Eltham RFC and visit Twickenham to see England v Wales. The touring side, some of whom are pictured here and including several ‘veteranos’, was put under early pressure from Denia A and both sides passed the ball well, making use of the width of the field, giving an open, skilful match which was very entertaining for both players and spectators. The Touring side came out winners in an evenly contested game: 17 tries to 15. Last weekend Juan Acuna, (Juvenil) Pedro Acuna and Daniel Sala both (Cadete), attended a two day training camp in Alfaz del Pi with the Academia Nacional de Rugby; another big step towards selection into the Spanish national teams for their age groups.Also progressing well in the regional Federation Valenciana de Rugby squad are: Aitor Josa (Cadetes) and Valentino Ianuzzi (Infantiles) who also attended numerous squad sessions and are awaiting news of selection for the regional squad.Denia arranged training on Thursday after the Three Kings fiesta and will travel to Tavernes for a friendly return fixture on Saturday 9th January, kick off 16.00.Any player interested in joining a team with ambition may contact the club through Coach Les Campbell: mobile 638 408 107.

Maikel; David; Lotfi; Javi; Piquero FC Torrevieja forgot about the winter blues as they fought hard in a scrappy 1-0 victory over Valencian rivals Levante “B”. The Torry faithful turned up hoping that despite financial difficulties, the team would get their play-off hopes back on track: it wasn’t long before the fans started getting on the back of the referee with what they thought was some bad decisions including a few offside calls against Torry and a possible handball offence against the visitors’ keeper, who was possibly still just inside his area when he blocked a Torres shot, but that didn’t stop the fans calling for a card. A penalty appeal was also waved by the official as Corcoles went down in the box maybe a little too dramatically. Bailen had a chance with a free kick which took a deflection off a defender and just went wide of the goal. Just before half time, the referee started waving cards, booking Carrasco on 42 minutes for a challenge halfway into the Torry half and then No.21 for Levante “B” for not retreating his yards for a home side free kick. Then on the stroke of half time, Captain Marvel Corcoles pops up after a through ball from Aitor to put the

home side ahead and the fans more than happy. The start of the second half didn’t really see many chances and on 17 minutes Soto, who was suspended from the bench after being sent off at Onda just before Christmas, called a substitution from the tunnel, bringing on Piquero for Aitor. Things got a little bit ugly in the 23rd minute as Arrazola went down with a head injury: initially the referee played on but eventually blew the whistle for the ‘physio’ to assist as Torry and Levante players squared up to each other while tensions grew. FC Torrevieja substitute goalkeeper David was booked in the melee as was the Torrevieja delegado for throwing a ball onto the field to stop play. Piquero had a decent header on 27 minutes, just putting it over the bar. Soto then made his final two substitutions bringing on Lotfi and Maikel and taking off Matias and Green. Corcoles had a great opportunity to finish of the game after another great ball from Torres, slotting it past the keeper but also just wide. xt week, FC Torrevieja are at home against play-off contenders Torrellano, 17.00 kick off.

Ian Gully

Director of Media and Press FC Torrevieja Mob. 0034 650107553 www.fctorrevieja.es

8-14 JANUARY 2010


Noel’s World of Golf Maggots End



Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

A Lot to Look Forward t o in 2010 The Ryder Cup is p erhaps the biggest sporting event in the World now and this year’s event will see two very evenly matched teams trying to win in what will probably be a cool and damp Wales. The season of 2009 didn’t lack for excitement or drama, but Ryder Cup years always seem to have a special intensity. Maybe we over obsess on this biennial clash between Europe and the USA but the intrigue of the qualification period provides a strong reason to keep a close eye on both The European Tour and PGA Tour rankings for the season and the match itself never fails to deliver. The October date at Celtic Manor provides concern over autumnal conditions in the Usk Valley but this already feels as though it will be a very special match, especially with Europe so desperate to recapture the trophy. Judging by the 2009 year end rankings, we will be watching the best players in the World. Europe and America each have 11 players in the World’s top 30. The captains, Colin Montgomerie and Corey Pavin are such strong competitors they will be their own sources of interest throughout the year and once again golf will be the winner no matter who wins the matches themselves and attract general sports fans as well as die-hard golf enthusiasts. New rules on the shape and depth of grooves will add a fascinating dimension to the new season. Groove edges in the professional game will have to be more rounded and will have less depth. The result should be less control on shots from the rough so there will be a greater premium on finding fairways from the tee. “As much as it won’t suit my game it is a good decision,” says three-time major winner Padraig Harrington. He is not alone in thinking like this and I personally feel this rule should have come in years ago. The feeling among the pros is that the move will put the onus on skill and accuracy and courses will be able to chop back some of the rough that has become such a negative aspect to course set-up in recent years. It seems that golf will again be the winner in this situation, while there is plenty of grace time for the rest with the new rules not kicking in until 2014 at elite amateur level and 2024 for the rest of the amateur game. The Masters is the years first Major Championship and for many this is the real start to the golfing year; even non golfers love to see the fantastic colours around Augusta in April and tune in to the TV coverage. Angel Cabrera won in 2009 and was a somewhat surprise winner. This year I expect to see the European players do better, particularly the British contingent who used to do well at Augusta. The tournament is played just after the Easter weekend: let’s just hope that we can see it on BBC TV. Out of the expected field I would expect Paul Casey to be amongst the front runners. The big question at the moment though is: will Tiger be back? The US Open returns to Pebble Beach. Said by many to be the best golf course in the world, it is 10 years since America’s national championship was last played on this special piece of California coastline and so anticipation could not be higher for the second major of

the year. Having trodden the fairways there, I feel only an American would say that but it is a good golf course that always seems to produce worthy champions. Many of us will remember Watson’s chip in at the 17th to defy Nicklaus, Kite flying in the wind to deny Monty and Woods winning by fifteen shots a decade ago. Pebble never fails to deliver. I am looking for an American to win this, possibly Anthony Kim if Tiger is not playing; otherwise Tiger will be desperate to win another Major to get him closer to Nicklaus’’ record of 18 majors. Harrington could also be a contender if the wind blows. The Open Championship sees The R & A move the tee on the 17th tee on the Old Course at St Andrews by 35 yards. A collective groan often meets news of a course being extended to cope with the distances traveled by the modern day golf ball. I think they would have been better to move the tee to the left as the hole is played and make players hit in over the famous old bunker in the front of the green. However if this move makes the famous Road Hole once again the most feared par 4 in the game at this year’s Open then it should be welcomed. We want a player with a two-shot lead not to feel comfortable until this hole has been completed. With this alteration to the hole, there is also a chance to get rid of the rough down the right-hand side, which was a blight on this majestic hole. I expect Harrington to come back to be a major force here but McIllroy fancies St. Andrews and has always played well around it as an amateur.

Player Profile Sam Torrance

Exemption:European Tour, Cat 15, Rank 0 Exemption:Seniors Tour, Cat 1, Rank 1 Residence:Virginia Water, England Attachment:Fairmont St Andrews Date of birth:24/08/1953 Place of birth:Largs, Scotland Height and weight: 5ft 11in 13st (180cm 86kgs) Family:Wife: Suzanne; Children: Daniel (1988), Phoebe (1992), Anouska (1995) Interests:Family, all sports Turned Pro:1970 (scratch)

Question for January 8th 2010: What golf course is known The Home of Golf? A. St Andrews B. Carnoustie C. Prestwick

Won the 2009 European Senior Tour Order of Merit with a third place finish at the season-ending OKI Castellon Senior Tour Championship. That was good enough to see him leapfrog Ian Woosnam at the top of the Order of Merit to secure the third John Jacobs Trophy of his Senior Tour Career. Victory in the 2009 DGM Barbados Open, the 11th Senior Tour win of his career, was the highlight of a solid season that yielded a further five top six finishes, including fifth spot at the Senior Open Championship presented by MasterCard. Claimed his 10th Senior Tour title when he won the 2008 OKI Castellón Open España – Senior Tour Championship. That win moved him up to eighth in the Order of Merit and took him past the €1million career earnings mark on the Senior Tour. It also ensured he maintained his record of winning at least one title in each of the full seasons he has played on the Senior Tour, which he continued in 2009. An injured right arm has affected him for much of the past two seasons. His ninth victory in the 2007 Bendinat London Seniors Masters was all the sweeter given that son Daniel had only taken on his caddie duties four weeks previously. Topped the Order of Merit for the second year in succession in 2006 after a hugely impressive season, during which he notched four victories and four runner-up finishes en route to earnings of €347,525 – the third highest total in the history of the Senior Tour. Captained the European Ryder Cup Team to victory in The Ryder Cup at The Belfry in 2002, 17 years after holing the winning putt at the same venue which ended a 28 year drought in the event. An early pioneer of the broom handle putter, was awarded an MBE in 1996 for services to golf and the OBE in the 2003 New Year Honours List for his inspired Captaincy of Europe’s Ryder Cup Team. Won 21 times in a glittering European Tour career and won the team event at the 2003 Dunhill Links championship at St Andrews in partnership with his son Daniel.

Answers must be received by 17.00 on 31st January to be entered into January’s draw, which will be made on 1st February 2010. The winner will be announced in Round Town News on 5th February 2010.

Appointments with Noel Noel is available for lessons at El Plantio by prior arrangement. Call him on 639 730 891 to book an appointment and tell him you got his number from RTN for discounted rates.

European Tour This year there is a drop from 52 to 47 events on tour but we see some good venues return and The Race to Dubai will continue. England has only one tournament all year, The PGA Championship at the rebuilt West Course at Wentworth. Spain has gained a few events and we expatriates will get the chance to see more of the world’s top players here at close quarters as a result.

Ladies European Tour Once again this year The LET will start their season locally at La Sella for the European nations Cup. This year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever and I hope it will be well supported by our local golfing communities. The drop in prize money from last year is to be expected but there is optimism on tour that maybe one or two more events will come along as the year progress. Win a round of golf for 2 including buggy at the beautiful El Plantio resort in AlicanteTo enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of Round Town News will be final in making the winning selection.

fishing the pole using maggot with 6.83 kilos 3rd Dave (Yours Truly) Hoare, fishing the pole using maggot with 5.74 kilos

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com



Alan Roscoe

anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or 968 570 876


The match this week was another open and held on the Rio Segura at the Eden canal. This being the last match in 2009, we all hoped for a reasonable day’s fishing and for a change we weren’t disappointed. All anglers caught with reasonable weights for the winners. In saying that, not all was smooth for several anglers. Stu Taylor managed to lose his top 2 sections of pole, after snagging on the far bank. So the next we saw was Stuart leaving the venue and we watched him drive down the other side: eye witness accounts state that he spent some 30 minutes cutting down the foliage on the far bank in order to retrieve his lost pole section. Alan Roscoe got snagged halfway across and in pulling his pole to release from the obstruction he watched his top 2 sections release themselves from his pole and slowly sink into the river. Quick thinking, he rigged his feeder rod and spent some 40 minutes dragging through the swim to try to hook the sections. Lucky for him he did, but after the disturbance it left the swim with little fish for sometime. Well, that’s fishing in Spain for you!


1st Stan (The Man) Roberts, fishing the pole using maggot and pellet with 7.33 kilos 2nd Harold (H) Clarke,

Anglers Together enjoyed another successful year with members enjoying both sea and freshwater days out. We also had a couple of day-trips around a lot of the waters in the Murcian region; also a trip along the river Segura and surrounding area in the Valencian region. Those who took part found it very useful as it is not always easy to describe which track to take. We shall be having more trips in 2010, starting with a Trout fishing trip to Hondon Trucha in February, weather permitting. Anglers Together continues to grow as a club with firm friendships being formed over the last 3 years. Many members fish together regularly and report they are pleased to rejoin a sport they followed in their youth. We have the occasional organized outing but the aim mainly is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the venues. The joining fee is €10 for new members and €5 for renewing members. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, then either come along to one of the meetings or contact Dave below. The next meetings are Friday 5th February at Pinar del Campoverde near Pilar de la Horadada and Saturday 6th at Puerto de Mazarron, Los Galayos Bar/Restaurant. Both start at 12.00.

COSTA CALIDA GOLF TOURS GOLFERS OF all standards are invited to play in the Los Alcazares Golf Day on Tuesday 26th January 2010 This event has been arranged by COSTA CALIDA GOLF TOURS (www.ccgt.co.uk) and The Celt Bar The itinerary for the day is as follows – Breakfast in the Celt bar Los Alcazares 18 Holes at Roda Golf including buggy – Individual Stable ford Event

Prize giving and refreshments in The Celt Bar Fantastic value at € 45 per person Places are strictly limited, so to reserve yours call Andy on 650 718 172 or Keith on 646 814 203 Or e mail – andy@ccgt.co.uk Discounted green fees on many of your favourite courses are also available by visiting – www.ccgt.co.uk

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