Rtn edition north 753

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Your English Newspaper


Price of a passport tumbles A new price of an adult 32

21 - 27 march 2014

The Galapagos Islands

page passport will be £83, a

Visits to the islands are strictly controlled and under constant threat.



child’s 32 page one will be £53.

Issue 753

Court backs Lliber victims by Jack Troughton VICTIMS OF an illegal homes scam in a Costa Blanca beauty spot are celebrating a court’s decision to put a builder behind bars for fraud. They believe it is a timely reminder that the wheels of justice are turning against those who duped them into handing over a fortune for outlawed property. More than 300 villas were built on protected and rustic land in the valleys and hills surrounding the village of Lliber between 2000 and 2003 – and sold to unsuspecting buyers, many of them British pensioners. The illicit developments sparked a ten year fight for justice and an ongoing campaign to have the homes made legal and included in a new general plan. At Alicante Provincial courts last Friday builder ‘HMW’, a German national, was jailed for 30 months and fined 2,400€ after being found guilty of fraud after building on a 2,600 square metre plot. The court found the constructor knew the plot of land was classed as ‘rural’ and a licence issued Victim by Lliber Town Hall was merely for the refurbishment of agricultural buildings. Ron The judge said the case was “particularly seriJones

ous” and the builder was “guided by the purpose of illicit enrichment”. Action group AULN – Abusos Urbanisticos Lliber No! – has brought a ‘class action’ involving 107 victims against a group of defendants including a former mayor and town architect as well as builders arrested in 2009, accusing them of fraud and corruption. TRIAL The case is still going through the Spanish judicial system but AULN Treasurer Ron Jones believes the Alicante trial is the first case to show the builders had done wrong. “It is the first sign that judges in Spain, the courts, will reach a judgement in our favour,” he said. “The builder has received a prison sentence and I am told the judge said it was a criminal act. “The judge decided by using these licences, issued by Lliber, it was criminal to build a house when they were issued for restoring agricultural buildings.” Ron said he had spoken to the town hall lawyer who warned another case could have a different outcome. “But how can it be different, the judge ruled it was a criminal act. Continued on page 5


14 - 20 MARCH 2014


from the North & South Costa Blanca and Costa Calida. Oficina Charral, Emilio Ortuño 6, Floor 4, Office 1, Benidorm, Alicante 03501 • Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm

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Oil in troubled waters by Jack Troughton OPPOSITION TO planned oil exploration in the Gulf of Valencia is growing with Costa Blanca politicians directly appealing to Brussels to halt test drilling. Javea Major Jose Chulvi and Councillor for Tourism Antonio Miragall met with European Union commissioners and a group of MEPs on Monday to underline the “potentially harmful” effects to the coast through exploration. And allies at Denia Town Hall led by Mayor Ana Kringe have recruited MEP Eva Ortiz to press the local authority’s opposition to drilling. The European environmental chiefs promised “comprehensive” monitoring of the project and said was waiting for impact reports on an area of the Mediterranean that would be “very sensitive” to any form of disaster. The subject has been controversial since a British company Cairn Energy was awarded licences by Madrid in May 2011 to explore for oil and gas in a bid to make Spain more self-sufficient in its energy resources. If tests were successful, there are many people who believe properly-regulated oil production could create an economic boom for the coast. Mr Chulvi said he and Mr Miragall met with EU commissioners and with a group of MEPs “to express our concern at the planned oil exploration project in the Mediterranean Sea, just over 20

(from left) Councillor Antonio Miragall, Andres Perello MEP, and Mayor Jose Chulvi in Brussels

kilometres from the coast of our town.” SAFETY He said the meetings were arranged by Valencian MEP Andres Perello, a member of the Committee for the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. And he said another Spanish MEP, Teresa Riera – a member of the Committee for Industry, Research and Energy, who had already warned of the “potentially harmful effects of oil exploration in marine and coastal environments.” Mr Chulvi added: “I stressed the meetings are to demonstrate the social rejection of this project, not only in Javea but throughout the region. “In the files for the meeting we have

the full support of Javea and Denia Town Councils, both totally rejecting oil exploration surveys, together with a summary of all actions that are being taken in the Marina Alta to try and stop this.” The Mayor said he had met with representatives of the local Fishermen’s Association who feared the sector could be “severely damaged” by the planned drilling. He said: “Javea Town Hall hopes that the mediation of the European Parliament, as has occurred in the past, will result in curbing this project. “With its high risk of damage to the environment and the economic sectors linked to tourism and fisheries it has generated major opposition on the part of our citizens.”

Truck drama in Albufereta centre

A LARGE refrigerated truck overturned in the Alicante district of La Albufereta on Monday evening at around 10.20pm. Passers-by were frightened by a loud bang as the truck took a turn at excessive speed with a top heavy load before crashing onto tram lines. Emergency services arrived in minutes and began extricating the driver from his cab while fire fighters drenched the scene as a precaution against spilled diesel catching alight. The driver, a man in his 40s, was removed from his vehicle via the passenger window and transferred to hospital with a broken arm: no one else was injured.

21 - 27 march 2014


21 - 27 march 2014

Clean streets

by Jack Troughton CALPE COUNCIL is installing 63 dog bag dispensers in key sites around the town in a bid to keep the streets clear of animal waste. The initiative provides the means for dog owners to pick up after their pets – and the points also serve as bins for depositing the used bag afterwards. Town halls – and the RTN letters page

– commonly receive complaints about dog fouling and Calpe Town Hall believes the move will help reduce the problem. To date 24 dispensers have been installed, mainly along beach promenades, the rest will be sited in parks, squares and the town’s streets. The local authority believes there is now no excuse for failing to ‘scoop poop’ and those who do not clear up dog mess will be fined between 30€ and 600€.

Miss Ukraine pageant not going ahead BENIDORM’S PLANS to host the Miss Ukraine pageant are on hold. Tourism Concillor Gema Amor announced only two weeks ago that the gala would go ahead despite tension over the Crimea. However, it has now been confirmed that the contest has been postponed indefinitely until unrest in Ukraine has been normalised. Opposition councillor Juan Ángel Ferrer noted that hosting the tournament in the city at this time could “…ruin all efforts to attract tourism from the Russian market. Something like this could harm the reputation of Benidorm as a popular destination. Organising such a frivolous contest in Benidorm could pose a threat to our situation in the Russian outbound market.” Ms Amor responded by noting that, “It is regrettable that Councillor Ferrer would use such a conflict to find a headline.”

21 - 27 march 2014

Food on tables BIG-HEARTED VOLUNTEERS from the Charity Shop of Calpe have made a 1,000€ donation of food vouchers to Caritas along with 300€ worth of nappies. by Jack Troughton The vouchers can be exchanged in a local supermarket to buy essentials and help put food on the table of Calpe families hit by the recession. Accepting the donations on behalf of Caritas, Antonio Gonzalez said: “This will make a big difference to the lives of the poorest families in Calpe and I am delighted the Charity Shop of Calpe is able to support us in this way.” The shop, halfway up Avenida Gabriel Miro on the right hand side, re-opens on Monday 24th March filled with the new season’s summer stock.


Continued from front page “I hope this will make other people get their heads out of the sand. They seem to have the firm belief that the builders can solve the problem. They have repeatedly promised to solve the problem, but the reality is they can’t.” He said the German constructor was one of the smaller builders in a problem affecting some 320 homes. The owners of illegal homes are faced with problems selling their dream homes and have endured huge difficulties gaining basic utilities such as electricity and water. Ron lives in ‘El Jardines’, an area also known as Camino Tossal, where residents had formed an association and submitted a project to bring a connection to the Spanish but were still waiting for a response from Valencia. He said the town hall had allowed a ‘temporary’ connection to insure houses were supplied with mains drinking water. Recent demolitions of homes in Andalucía where the ruling ‘junta’ overturned planning permissions issued by town halls and declared the buildings illegal have sparked further worries. Ron wrote to the authorities asking if people were “living on borrowed time” in Lliber. A reply assured him Valencia was not bound by any decisions taken in the south of Spain. – (from left) “I have also questioned our legal team and the only answer I the charity get is ‘don’t worry’ and ‘it will be okay’,” he said. “But it is a great shop’s worry. “Someone must know if this status of protected land can Diana be over-ruled or not, and if it is not a problem why can’t we get Kemp, permission for the electricity project. Antonio “But I take heart from this court case. If you were a builder in Gonzalez, and charity the early days and the only licence the council would issue was shop for a restoration of an agricultural building and you take that and President build a house – unless you are an absolute idiot, wouldn’t you John query why you could not get a proper licence in the first place?” Bridge

Providing information for the UK and Spain since 1998


Russian conflict could affect Spanish tourism by Jan Gamm

GENERALITAT PRESIDENT Alberto Fabra has cancelled his official visit to Moscow where he was to attend a tourism trade fair amid concerns that the conflict in the Ukraine will affect the emerging Russian tourism market Costa Blanca tour bosses have worked tirelessly to ensure this new source of trade reaches its full potential. Industry representatives Antonio Mayor (Hosbec); Cristina Rodes (Provincial Association of Hotels) and Jesualdo Ros (Provia) launched two tourism fairs this week planned to coincide with Moscow events. The Russian market is worth around €500 million annually, divided between real estate investments and visitors with enormous spending power. Fabra justified the cancellation of his Russian visit by broadcasting to RNE, Radio Nacional de España: “It is important that the West unites in its condemnation of current measures The event being taken by Putin. A lack of support must be reflected in the non-presence of people from the is to take West at the fair.” He added: “Russian tourists know what we have to offer in Spain, especially in place this the Valencian Region. I am sure that if they have a choice they will still come here…” weekend

Fake gang of Gas Inspectors smashed THE NATIONAL Police have broken up an organized crime unit, which preyed on the elderly and foreigners – including many Brits, under the pretense of being ´Gas Inspectors´. It is estimated that the gang cheated in the region of 2000 home owners – insisting that they required compulsory inspections and charging between 50 – 390€. Official Repsol inspectors never turn up unannounced – the company always sends a letter by post to arrange an inspection.

The credit card emerges from mothballs PLASTIC IS back! Credit card purchases began to grow again last year with an increase of 1.18% over the previous year according to the Bank of Spain. The figures show a slight turn in the tide of positive spending. However, this does not mean necessarily that Spaniards have more money in their pockets. The total amount withdrawn from ATMs in 2013 was 1.22% less than in 2012, representing the lowest level since 2006. This is despite the number of ATM machines closed down as a result of branch closures throughout the year. However, the number of cards in circulation has increased, in decline since 2009 due in part to the adjustment plans of households and mergers between banks. Last year ended with 69.75 million cards but this is still far from the 76.40 million in use in 2008.

21 - 27 MARCH 2014



21 - 27 march 2014

Join the fun THERE IS still time to make the start line for the MABS Cancer Support Group’s 5km Family Fun Run on Sunday 30th March at 11am. by Jack Troughton The charity looks forward to welcoming everyone to the event which raises muchneeded funds to help cancer sufferers and their families in the Costa Blanca area. And Lyn and Jonnie chambers will be at the MABS Office at the Sol Park Tennis Club today (Friday 21st March) and on Friday 28th March to accept registration forms between 11am and 1pm. The forms can also be downloaded from website www.mabscancersupport.org and taken to Sol Park on the day of the race to register between 9.30am and 10.30am. Family groups, school teams and other organisations entering the fun run can register using only one form with a list of names attached. These must be completed in advance of the day.

Ready to go

Benidorm turns green

by Irena Bodnarec The streets were awash in a haze of emerald green last Monday, as the town celebrated St Patrick´s Day. The central point was Calle Gerona, where many of the bars were decorated with Irish flags and shamrock bunting. Hundreds spilt out onto the terraces, enjoying the blazing sunshine for what turned out to be a fantastic end to a now vibrant weekend event. Many of the participants went to great effort, dressing up in a variety of green led costumes – with numerous leprechauns running around well into the early hours of Tuesday morning. It has certainly joined the British Fancy Dress Day, held in November as a place to head if you want to party and have fun!

Cumbre eyesore: nothing can be done says mayor BENITACHELL’ MAYOR Josep Femenia said this week that he cannot stop discharges of building waste into the Garsivá ravine on the urbanisation of Cumbre del Sol. He explained that in 2005 the area was passed to the developer VAPF on a unanimous council agreement and the company may therefore dispose of rubble in anyway it sees fit. Femenia agreed that the landscape is being “disfigured outrageously” by the tons of debris cascading down the cliffs and is worse in recent weeks with the completion of new luxury villas, but there is nothing he can do about it.


21 - 27 march 2014

OMIC complaints can be made online

Is Benidorm selling too cheap? BENIDORM IS Spain’s second busiest holiday destination yet it is at the bottom of the pile when it comes to making a profit. The city outperforms all other holiday resorts with 10,928,076 stays, second only to Madrid and Barcelona. Yet according to a study published this week by the Business Alliance for Tourism Excellence (Exceltur), Benidorm trails behind Ibiza, Chiclana de la Frontera, San Bartolomé, Gandia and Calpe for profitability! The figures bear out the long held suspicions of the local business community – that Benidorm’s frenetic turnover has been generated in a price-war environment and that despite tourism employment being high, profitability has suffered.

Agustina Esteve and technician Belén Gómez present the new OMIC web site

by Keith Nicol TECHNOLOGY CAN be a wonderful thing, with Torrevieja’s latest addition to the digital age being to allow you to complain or raise questions about local services, shops and sales online, without having to visit their office in the La Mata Town Hall. Agustina Esteve, Councillor of Commerce and Trade unveiled the new website of the Municipal Office of Consumer Information (OMIC) this week, which you can find at www.torrevieja.redomic.com. This new site has had a complete makeover

to provide you with a more modern and restructured website, which provides more information on various topics of interest, which are updated periodically. The site also contains a FAQs, library and useful links. Esteve stressed that for the first time the ability to perform queries on line and submit claims is now a reality. Another novelty of this new website is that it is a very useful software application for OMIC staff. With it, they can provide statistics and help consumers with more rigorous checks along with streamlining the management of claims. Agustina Esteve also recalled that

since 2012 the OMIC of Torrevieja has been part of a network of OMICs in the Valencian Community. It is precisely this application that will allow them to be in constant contact with both the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs and with the rest of the OMICs allowing the dissemination and exchange of information between OMICs on topics of interest or alerts for products that must be removed, with the ability for an immediate response. You can also find an easy link to the site through the official website of the City; www.torrevieja.es

Valencia markets hit the doldrums

MARKET TRADERS in Valencia are complaining bitterly about poor profits in the run up to the Fallas. Despite floods of visitors arriving in the city over last weekend very little was spent, disappointing retailers who had hoped to ‘clean up’ and compensate to some extent for the low economy throughout the rest of the year. Business owners are now angrily demanding that the local government launch a concentrated street clean-up and also pay some attention to eradicating street crime to encourage trade. Many stall holders commented dismally that by 2pm on one day they had not sold a single item.

Price of a passport tumbles

BRITISH EXPATS applying for a new passport from overseas will see the price slashed by 35% from next month. by Jack Troughton MINISTER FOR Immigration and Security James Brokenshire has announced that from Monday 7th April the fee for the essential travel and identity document will fall by £45 for adults and £28.50 for children. A new price of an adult 32 page passport will be £83, a child’s 32 page passport will be £53, and a jumbo 48 page passport for adults, children and veterans will be £91. According to the Government, the reduction in passport fees is the result of efficiency savings made over the last three years by returning the processing and issuing of overseas travel documents to the UK – including the closure of the former processing centre at the British Embassy in Madrid. Will Middleton, the Consular Director for Spain, said: “This is good news for British citizens applying for a UK passport from Spain. The repatriation of overseas passport centres means overseas applications can now be handled more efficiently and at significantly lower cost. “The new fees will ben-

efit some four million Britons living overseas, including many of the estimated 800,000 living in Spain for all or part of the year.” People needing a new or replacement passport should go to the ‘Overseas British Passport Applications’ page on website www.gov.uk Applications and payment needs to be made online and supporting documents are sent directly to the UK – and not to the nearest consulate or embassy. The turnaround time is said to be four to six weeks and applications are accepted up to nine months before the current passport expires. The fees remain slightly higher than applications made by UK-based people because the average overseas passport takes slightly longer and therefore is more expensive to process – and people applying from abroad will continue to pay an additional courier charge. British nationals can get more information and advice about living in Spain by ‘liking’ or ‘following’ the British embassy’s new Facebook page www.facebook.com/ BritslivinginSpain or on Twitter www.twitter.com/BritsliveSpain

10 sheets between 30 patients!

CUTS OVER the past four years have reduced standards in staffing, equipment, meals and schedules to an all-time low according to health workers. In some hospitals it is claimed that there are now only 10 sheets available for allocation between 30 patients despite the number of ward closures that have taken place over the same period. Surgical gloves are in short supply leading to the dangerous practice of single-use items being re-used. And of course pharmacy cuts have suffered worst of all, with thousands of patients forced to take generic drugs that cause side-affects and many having to fund off-prescription medicines and dressing they can ill afford. José Ramón Repullo, Professor of National School of Public Health, said: “The only thing that could save this situation is a series of structural changes, including clinical management, and the setting up of an alliance with physicians and a change in the way we organise available resources.”

21 - 27 MARCH 2014




21 - 27 MARCH 2014

talk to us

rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email letters to

letter of the week

Bully Putin WITH THE serious situation unfolding daily in Crimea and Russia’s crime in bringing in thousands of troops I felt I must write. ALTHOUGH UKRAINE is far removed from most of our thinking, it deserves consideration when we consider the growing population of Russians buying property on the Costa Blanca. For example, a recent population census estimates there are more than three thousand Russians living in Torrevieja. This growing population of Russian citizens buying here makes the situation in Crimea seem more close to home. Russian President Putin is behaving like a bully and is showing he certainly is not afraid of President Obama shaking his finger at him, feebly attempting to chastise him for being a bully. Russian President Putin is definitely not afraid of Obama’s seemingly insipid threats. In fact, Obama increasingly looks like a weak little boy compared to the bully Putin. Gordon Pringle, Torrevieja

Be Road sense careful I WOULD like to relate my misfortune in renting property to the Spanish. After five years, the last 12 months of which I received no rent, she has moved into another property to rent, just round the corner, taking my conservatory; air conditioning; bathroom wash basin; all furniture; beds; TV; DVD player; fridge freezer and all electrical sockets! All ceiling lights; boiler; curtains; pictures and bathroom mirrors… She has admitted taking the goods yet the Police aren’t doing anything. My Spanish solicitor - whom I will have to pay - is working with the insurance company who may decide at some time in the future whether to give me any compensation. In the meantime I have no property in Spain to live in. No one is really helping me: the injustice of it all is appalling. Jane Palmer

FOLLOWING THE accident at the crossing on Avenida Villamartin why do the authorities not reinstate the parking on this road making it a single carriageway? This would restrict traffic racing up this road. Two lanes allow drivers to race each another to the next roundabout! Sanda Orr

Travelling to and fro I HAVE recently finished radiotherapy at the Hospital Clinic Benidorm on referral by the Denia Hospital. Firstly I found everyone at both hospitals very friendly and caring and wish to thank them. My only problem was I found travelling from Javea to Benidorm every day quite tiring, also quite expensive even using my own car but finding someone to drive me. I talked to another patient who travelled from Pego every day. The reason for this letter is I wondered why the Denia Hospital did not have a radiotherapy facility considering the

number of people being treated for various cancer problems. I realise it is probably a question of funding such a machine and wondered if it were possible for some of the Charity Shops and various Groups to channel some of the money raised or donated to fund such a project. I was lucky that my treatment did not run into many weeks but some of the people I spoke to were having to go for up to 27 weeks. Bearing in mind the number of people of all nationalities requiring treatment please could this be considered? Patricia, Javea

Eyesore? FURTHER TO the letter regarding the motor homes staying in the Mercadona car park in Playa Flamenca, these motor home owners are depriving established caravan parks of their income. One wonders where they are emptying their portable toilets and filling their water tanks. Could they be using the facilities in the Mercadona supermarket? If so, they are also costing Mercadona a tidy sum bearing in mind the vast numbers of motor homes presently in residence there. Many years ago we caravanned in the South of France ‘au sauvage’, occasionally stopping overnight in the campo. In the middle of the night there was a loud banging on the caravan door. Two gendarmes were standing outside telling us to move immediately, as camping other than in recognised caravan sites was prohibited. Why cannot our Policia do the same and remove this eyesore? Frank Colet, Oriheula Costa

21 - 27 march 2014


Dim that lightbox sadman Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

TIME TO put away all those winter blues; and your coats, balaclavas, gloves, furry boots and thermal lined under-garmentation because today – yes today – it’s the start of spring! Yesterday was officially the last day of winter. Yup, all of us SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder) folk can put our light-boxes back into mothballs and go dancing into the sunlight in shirtsleeves - well maybe, although I think rain is forecast for much of today… Talking of rain, I don’t know if it’s because of the amount we’ve had this winter but all around everything just seems so green. It’s the greeny-ist green I’ve known in years; it almost hurts it’s so green. I’m sure someone will know why. Here in Staffordshire the council have been on a planting frenzy, their parks and gardens folk have sown their seeds near and far (I mean that in a non-salacious way) and the benefit is now being realised by all. In Tamworth they go in big-time for St George’s Day (coming soon April 23) and around the castle grounds is a pre-Georgian riot of colour. So, dear RTN reader enjoy today’s equinox; maybe dip your toes into the beautiful blue Med down there on the coast in Albir. Then pop into, It’s A Small World for a nice celebratory lunchtime nosh. Although, our ancestors didn’t understand the equinoxes (and solstices for that matter) as events that occur in the course of Earth’s yearly circumnavigation of the sun they’d surely mark ‘today as being midway between the sun’s lowest path across the sky in winter and highest path across the sky in summer’. And, I’d bet, if they were in Albir they’d pop into It’s A Small World for a celebratory post-winter nosh, don’t you? I wish I could… Today (Friday 21) is also my mum and dad’s 61st welding anniversary. Opps, I meant wedding… Now that is a lot of spring equinoxes spent together! My dad hasn’t enjoyed the best of health these last eight-

A planting frenzy in Staffordshire

een months but he stoically gets on with things, and along with his missus he’ll be heading off to the local gardening centre for a celebratory cream cake and pot of tea this afternoon. They’ll sit for a spell and enjoy the fields of daffodils that surround the centre. They both love daffodils. I guess that as for so many others these flowers represent the coming of warmer days. Happy Anniversary you two... Anyway dear RTN reader here’s a bit of Billy Wordsworth to end with and hopefully get everyone unSAD, spring-like and happy. Take it away Bill: “I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.” Watts in Britain, tossing his head in a sprightly dance.


21 - 27 march 2014

Alejandro running with the Bulls ALEJANDRO FERNANDEZ from Alfaz del Pi took home first prize in the youngest category, for Under 12s, in the Louise Clarke Writing Competition. by Keith Nicol The 11-year-old beat out stiff competition, not from only from around the Costa Blanca but much closer to home, especially from his classmates at the Sierra Bernia School on the outskirts of Alfaz del Pi, with second prize going to Sofiya Eremina and third to Lottie Allegro, from the same school. The multi talented Alejandro speaks fluent Russian from his mother’s side of the family, fluent Spanish from his father and so winning an English language writing competition, his third language, was especially gratifying for him. Alejandro was born in Mislata, Valencia in 2003, then moved to Benidorm followed by Alfaz del Pi, where he has been a student at Sierra Bernia School for the past four years.

Alejandro said; “When I was little I always dreamed of running with the Bulls and so it was a very natural subject for me to write about.” A keen artist, who likes to draw tress, wildlife and fantasy designs, he also enjoys writing and like many of today’s youngsters, has a love for technology, especially smart-phones and tablets. Alejandro also is a big fan of reading and watching films and television about science Fiction. He added; “I love the drawing that goes with my story. When I get home today, I shall be putting this on my bedroom wall.” In his spare time he plays football and during the summer swims. He already is thinking about going to University when he finishes school, possibly to study Technology. But watch out fellow writers, because he fully intends to be entering again next year, for the Second Edition of the Louise Clarke Writing Competition.

Score yourself a new Samsung tablet PENNICK BLACKWELL Financial Services are offering a free Samsung Tablet along with your Pension Transfer and 30% Lump Sum with Pennick Blackwell QROPS. The offer applies to any new customer who contacts the company throughout the month of March. You will receive your free tablet when your funds are transferred. And if you introduce a friend who completes transfer you also get a free night at a Costa Blanca hotel! Call Pennick Blackwell Financial Services on 865 674 038 or 0034 657 076 055, visit www.pennickblackwell.com see Facebook page facebook.com/pennickblackwell or pop into the office at Avda. Albir 73 for a quick chat.


21 - 27 march 2014

Lluna landing YOUNG PUP Lluna was found in Pego and is now being cared for by animal charity LAPS while she waits for a new home. by Jack Troughton Aged between three and four-months-old, she has had her first injection and is happily sharing her living quarters with two other puppies. A spokesman for the Local Animal Protection Society said: “Lluna is full of puppy fun and life is just one long play day for them – just come along and see the pups and be greeted by lots of wagging tails.” Anyone interested in adopting Lluna can ring Chrissie Edwards on 661 199 270. And there is still time to join the 5km sponsored charity Walk in aid of LAPS starting at 10.30am on Sunday 23rd March. Entry is 5€. Information and entry forms are available from the Nexo Centre Veterinario, Pego; Chrissie Edwards on 661 199 270 or email chrissie.mpego@hotmail.co.uk; and Di Slater on 659 021 494 or email housemouse007@gmail.com

U3A holds AGM

By Jack Troughton JAVEA U3A is staging its Annual General Meeting at the Parador Hotel on Wednesday 26th March. Anyone wishing to join the association or existing members wanting to renew their membership must do so between 9.30am and 10.30am. This will be followed by the AGM proper, including the election of the new committee with key posts of president, vice-president and secretary all to be filled.

Denia Campaments Fallas wins First Prize in Ondara’s Facebook Competition

THE HEAD of the Ondara’s Portal de la Marina shopping centre, José Burgos, presented prizes to the three winners of the ‘Tsunami Faller Competition’ on Friday 14th March. The competition was run from the centre’s Facebook page. A bumper 2,250€ in purchasing credit cards were awarded by the Commercial Centre and distributed in three prizes to the three winning Fallas teams. Denia Campaments achieved first prize, winning 1,000€ with a total of 541 votes.

The second, with 393 votes, went to Vila Nova Gandia, winning 750€. And in third position came La Font, Pego, with 364 votes: their prize was 500€. The ‘Tsunami Faller’ was carried out in the Facebook page of the mall from 24th February to 10th March, securing the participation of 2,528 Facebook users. The aim of the competition was to give support and recognition to the regional fiestas through interactive social media.

21 - 27 march 2014

Flower club says it with...a bag!


AFTER YEARS of saying it with flowers, the Marina Alta and Costa Blanca Floral Cub presented retiring chairman Sue Makinson with a handbag as a ‘thank you’ for her hard work. by Jack Troughton Sue has enjoyed a three year term of office and club members chose an appropriate gift – knowing her “passion” for bags and footwear – as she steps aside to become the association’s President. Presented by new Chairman Tina Wallis (pictured), insiders told RTN it would not be long before Sue chose a pair of ‘must have’ shoes to match her present. The club’s next floral demonstration is on Thursday 27th March when it welcomes Pa-

tricia Bashford for the first time. A UK Demonstrator, her presentation is called ‘Tricia’s Treasures’ and everyone is welcome to go along to La Senieta in Moraira to see what gems are on offer. Doors open at 2pm and everyone is asked to be seated by 2.45pm. Entrance is 5€ for members and 8€ for visitors. For more information call Tina on 96 583 3197 or Lynn on 96 640 5426, or visit the website www.marinaaltafloralclub.com or the club’s Facebook page.

International Day in La Nucia

By Irena Bodnarec THE TOWN of La Nucia will host an International Day on Sunday 30th March. The event is being organized by Bart Gomens, the Councilor for Foreign Residents and 84 different nationalities will take part. Over half of the registered residents of La Nucia are foreign, with Brits, Dutch and Germans heading the list. All the different countries taking part will be exhibiting things from their homeland, including the opportunity to sample some traditional food and drink. Throughout the day there will be performances of music and dance from the participating countries and associations. The event is being staged at the ´Camilo Cano Sports Complex´ and on from 11am until 5pm.

Paying the bill By Jack Troughton ANIMAL CHARITY BARC, the Busot Animal Rescue Centre, has set off on a fund raising spree to pay an outstanding vet’s bill. A dog has had a leg amputated after a number of failed operations and the charity needs cash to pay for the treatment.

The BARC charity shop in El Campello is currently offering a ‘Spring Madness Sale’ with almost all items of clothing priced at just 1€ - so there are many bargains to grab. And the shop, situated bear the railway station, also welcomes any donations of clothing, books,

bric-a-brac, and small items of furniture. BARC is also staging its annual fashion show at Brown’s Restaurant in El Campello on Thursday 8th April at 8pm. It again offers an evening of free entertainment and all the clothes featured on the catwalk can be purchased afterwards.


21 - 27 march 2014

She’s in fashion

102 and still dancing!

by Jack Troughton DETERMINED STUDENT Jenie Keane has successfully raised the cash to continue her university fashion degree threatened by government education cuts. Helped by EKA – the European Kids Association – the 22-year-old organised a fashion show and with some grants moves a step closer to her dream of working for a costume department in the world of theatre. Jenie’s best friend is Babs Javori – EKA’s events co-ordinator – and they organised a successful fashion show and party last Saturday night in the Metro Bar, Calpe, to raise money. Together with a donation from Grant A Wish and Teulada Moraira Lions, they raised nearly 600€, insuring enough money in the pot to complete the penultimate year of the course. Last year Jenie, from Calpe, was about to start her fourth year and was told her grant was being cut. She decided to go part time and work to have enough money. However, when she registered and effectively stretched her final 12 months over two years, she was told there was no grant at all. “The plan was to go part time so I could work at night – but because the timetable was so badly thought out, you still had classes in the mornings, afternoons and evenings, which stops you

Jenie (left) with Babs – already wearing the themed makeup

having a part time job,” she told RTN. “And when I registered for part time they then conveniently told me I couldn’t have any money – I had already matriculated and there was nothing I could do. It was a real Catch 22 situation.” EDUCATION Babs, who has known Jenie for 12 years, added: “The current PP government has taken huge chunks out of education – that’s not just student grants but everything from infants through to university.” And Jenie said it meant teaching at university had become chaotic – disheartened lecturers sometimes failing to turn up or not being replaced and vital equipment – such as sewing ma-

chines – not being maintained properly. Babs said: “Jenie told me what was happening and I spoke to EKA and suggested a fund raising evening – I organised the fashion show and Jenie kept going making the clothes. “And EKA is also looking to get Jenie some work experience over the summer in the UK.” The fashion show was supported by Javea-based rock band The $tash and DJ Darrell from Gata de Gorgos to complete a memorable party night. The clothes were themed ‘Victorian Neon’ and models wore dramatic glowing makeup. Jenie said: “I was determined the last three years should not be wasted and thanks so much to everyone who has helped out.”

THE BON RETIR the Care Home in Javea helped Norah Davies celebrate her 102nd birthday last week. The home’s owners Eva Sorribes and Matt Board presented Norah with a beautiful birthday cake and arranged a delicious buffet to mark the occasion. Johnny Mowton and his wife Christa provided top entertainment to accompany the dancing throughout a memorable afternoon.

Brain capers

By Jack Troughton MEMBERS OF the Vall de Pop and Calpe U3A went head to head in a tantalising quiz competition with the visiting Jalon Valley teams repeating last year’s victory. The contest was staged at Calpe’s Club de Tenis and 24 members of the Vall de Pop associations travelled to the coastal town to take part. Hopes of Calpe overturning the earlier defeat were dashed – the Vall de Pop quiz teams tool the top three places and overall victory. The winning team was ‘Strangers in Paradise’, made up of Clair and Geoff Warren, Steve Taylor and Mike Burgess (pictured).

21 - 27 MARCH 2014

Update on health by

Jennifer Cunningham

I THOUGHT it was time that an update was given on various issues within the Spanish Health System. The first news which has come to light is that the British Government is set to scrap a facility by which UK citizens under state retirement age can access free cover when they do not qualify for Spanish Social Security through employment. This means the NHS will no longer reimburse another European state for health costs incurred by nonworking Britons under pensionable age. This is to be put in place on 1st April. It has been in the news recently that according to some estimates the total cost of medical services for ineligible persons could amount to as much as £2 billion a year. Obviously they are looking for ways to save money in this time of crisis. This will NOT affect pensioners, or people who already hold the S1, which in the case of early retirees has given them up to 30 months free health care access, nor does it affect citizens seeking emergency care through the European Health Card (EHIC), which as you know is valid for emergency use only during your stay abroad for up to a maximum of six months. However, there is as usual some controversy regarding stays abroad. On the National Police Website it states (in Google ‘Sede Electrónica-Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la UE’) “Citizens from a member state of the EU that are going to reside in Spain for a period of more than

three months are obliged to personally solicit in the ‘Oficina de Extranjeros’ (Foreigners office of the province) their inscription in the central register of foreigners. They will immediately be issued with a certificate of registration with all the pertinent details.” It could possibly be that if you stay over the three months and need medical attention, your EHIC would not be accepted except on an immediate emergency. Now to obtain a residence certificate (depending on your province) you have to show various documents: 1) An up to date Padron certificate; 2) A bank certificate confirming that you have a regular income of 619€ per month and for the previous three months; 3) A certificate of Private Health Insurance paid for one year. Regarding the Padron, I am well aware that there are many people who do not register as they are worried this will make them liable to pay taxes in Spain. However, this is not the case. It simply enables the local council to claim sufficient funds from the Government to cover the services that we are all using, such as police services, medical services, fire services etc. In fact everything is calculated on the number of inhabitants registered in the Town. Anyone who owns a house or rents long term and does not register puts an obvious burden on the infrastructure of each town to maintain the most basic of services. And if you are not registered, you do not actually exist, which could become a problem in case


you are ever in need of any of the official services, for example the police? Obviously if you are here for longer than the required period within the EU then you have to seriously consider taking residency. However, you must bear in mind that unless you are a pensioner you will not receive health care here. Also please take into account that once you have joined the Spanish System you will be removed from the National Health in your country as you are only entitled to use one health system within the E. All the other countries will be accessible via the EHIC, which of course is only usable in a temporary emergency. If you are not entitled to the State System then obviously to protect you and your family you need to take out private health insurance and that is where my company can help you. There is an enormous bonus doing health cover with us. One is that we have a dedicated administrator who many of you know already. Mandy assists in making appointments and generally guiding you through the way the system works here, which is completely different to England. It can be extremely daunting to handle Doctors, Consultants and Hospitals when you are feeling unwell. We take this stress away from you as much as possible. ASSSA the company I work with have, as usual, some excellent lifetime offers. For example, free upgrade from basic to the standard policy; 8% discount on the plus and master and a 10% on the top policy. You can pay monthly with no extra surcharge or alternatively enjoy a further 2% discount if you choose to pay annually.

Jennifer Cunningham Insurances S.L The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.

21 - 27 march 2014


Randy Greer sings Nat King Cole JAZZ AT The Parador is on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd March at the Javea Parador located at the Arenal Beach. The concert starts at 8.30pm and features American singer Randy Greer. Tickets at 10€ are available from the Parador Reception. Randy Greer, grandson of Duke Ellington’s drummer and one of the stronger male voices of jazz on the international scene, is considered one of the few heirs to the vocal style of the inimitable Nat King Cole.

Ticket to ride by Jack Troughton

EXCITED YOUNGSTERS at the Raquel Paya School for children with special needs are looking forward to their annual spring trip thanks to a Javea charity’s 1,000€ donation. The Original Charity Shop and Library sponsors the annual outing – this year the Denia schoolchildren are visit-

ing Barcelona, Spain’s second city. In previous years the charity has donated funds to help treat the youngsters to a spa or ski trip and visits to a number of Spanish cities. The charity also uses its Christmas raffle to insure Santa visits the kids at school loaded with presents every December and has also generously provided much-needed equipment

over the last 25 years, including a hydrotherapy pool, air conditioning in classrooms, a training kitchen, video equipment, a floor in the assembly hall, bicycles, and mattresses. Pictured (centre left) Original Charity Shop and Library President Georgie Harvey with charity volunteers presents the cheque to Margaret Ash.

An Evening of Clairvoyance Charity Fundraiser for AKIRA CARLA KOVACS is flying over from Holland to join Pauline Kernick, LSSNU, live on stage in an Evening of Clairvoyance at the Senieta Theatre, Moraira on Friday 21st March. The event is to raise funds for Animal Sanctuary AKIRA, with tickets at 10€ available either from Pauline on 96 574 5606 or from Akira on 625 767 781. Alternatively buy them from the Akira shop in Avenida d’El Portet, Moraira. Some tickets will be available at the door but early arrival is recommended. The show starts at 7pm: the bar is open beforehand and during the interval. If you have not seen trained Mediums working before it is a most enjoyable, happy, thought-provoking experience and gives an insight into what to expect at private sittings: so come along and enjoy!


21 - 27 march 2014

Karate club’s medal haul

Velocity Racing is back: and better than ever! The team, flanked by instructors Geovanny Sanchez and Sarah Lakin with Mayor Chulvi and councillor Cardona

by Jack Troughton MEMBERS OF Javea-based Club Deportivo Washinkai Karate proudly showed off the medals they won at UK championships during a special town hall reception. The 18-strong team scooped a total of 32 medals at this year’s Washinkai National Championships in London and were invited to meet Javea Mayor Jose Chulvi and Councillor for Sports Juan Luis Cardona. Instructors Geovanny Sanchez and Sarah Lakin coached the team for the tournament over four months and they responded by taking 11 gold medals, eight silver and 13 bronze.

The students practiced three and four times a week preparing for the competition and took part in three disciplines; the individual ‘kata’, showing a sequence of techniques; team ‘kata’ where three people demonstrate synchronised movement; and ‘kumite’, free fighting. The mayor congratulated the team members for their achievement and for being ambassadors for Javea in a contest that featured 170 people from around the world. CLASS Club Deportivo Washinkai is the largest karate club in Alicante and runs classes in Javea at the Municipal sports

centre, Xabia International College, Laude Lady Elizabeth School, and the Maria Magdalena School in Benitachell. The Over 16 medal winners were: instructor Geovanny Sanchez, Elliot Morton, David Borras Ortega, Harry Gillies Ripoll, and Mohamed Moujtahid. And the Under 16 competitors were: Charlie Macwhinnie, Kyle Cochrane, Nicholas Cannon, Stella Simons, Charlie Longley, Angelo Gatoli King, Sisia Simons, Anna Maria Kopylova, Frankie Wijeratne, Charlie Quince, Charlotte Tennant, Joshua Higginson, and Andres Miralles. For more information about the Club Deportivo Washinkai call Sarah on 679 055 990.

AFTER LAST year’s fantastic season we decided to shake things up a bit and introduce an exciting new point system… below are the placement points that will be awarded in each of the Rookie Rod and Lighting Rod races: 1st - 25 2nd - 18 3rd - 15 4th - 12 5th - 10 6th - 8 7th - 6 8th - 4 9th - 2 10th - 1

Watch as our racing drivers get more competitive than ever, trying to secure that crucial first place! Regular spectators will also notice another change this year – the roof colour of each driver’s car will now be white, yellow, blue

or red … reflecting the performance and the points the driver accumulated last year. In addition, our 2013 Champions, Caroline Capel for the Rookies and Nick Kelly for the Lightnings, will both have a silver roof which they are guaranteed to retain until the end of the season… marking them out as the ones to beat! To give you a better idea of how your favourite drivers are performing, set out below are the points they need to achieve for each of the colours: White - 0 Yellow - 150 Blue - 350 Red - 550 The first race night of the season will be held this Saturday 22nd March - Check out our advert on page 56/59 for full details!

21 - 27 MARCH 2014



Suzanne O’Connell Customer Care at Ábaco


Tackling Spanish paper work IF YOU are a resident in Spain, how did you approach the paper work? A. No time like the present – I tackled it straight away and got everything done as soon as I could B. Poco a poco – no rush I just took one piece of paper at a time C. What paper work? Presuming you didn’t answer ‘C’ both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. If you answered ‘A’ then you are at risk of a nervous breakdown. There is just too much to do all at once and there is a natural order in which you have to do things. You cannot rush out and obtain your SIP (health card) until you have your padron. You cannot obtain your residencia without an NIE. If you answered ‘B’ you are less likely to collapse from funcionario (Spanish civil servant) fatigue but you are in danger of leaving an important step too late. For example, having a SIP card is vital if you are living in Spain and do not have health insurance here.

Like many aspects of life, finding the middle ground is probably best. As soon as you have made the decision to live in Spain, then you should write down a list of the paper work you need. For example, this might include: NIE (tax recognition number for those with a financial interest in Spain) Residencia (registration of foreigners with the national police) Padron (town hall register of residents) SIP (the health card of the Spanish National Health Service) Spanish driving licence Tackling them in this order is probably not a bad idea. Regions do vary as to whether you need the residencia before the padron or the other way round but take this as the pecking order and you probably won’t go far wrong. Running parallel to this, the majority of residents must complete an annual tax declaration. Making this declaration will help demonstrate that you are a fiscal resident in Spain, a status that can have benefits such as reducing the amount of inheritance tax to pay and preventing the

retention of 3% from the sale price if you sell your home. You don’t have any choice when you make the declaration. The deadline is 30th June each year and applies to the income from the previous year. This means that you should have plenty of time to navigate other paper work before embarking on your resident tax declaration. The other good news is that it is a much easier process than you might think. In most cases only half an hour is needed and the form is completed online. Your fiscal representative will be able to tell you there and then whether there is income tax to pay or not. In some cases there might even be a refund. Whatever your preferred method of becoming ‘official’, the resident tax declaration is not something you should overlook and the process is nearly as easy as ‘abc’.

Ábaco provide fiscal representation to non-resident and resident Spanish property owners. You can contact us for free advice and information by calling our helpline 96 670 3748 or visiting our website www.abacoadvisers.com

21 - 27 MARCH 2014



Carlos Baos

of White & Baos Abogados

English & Spanish Solicitors


Be careful with some contracts offered by the banks (Interest SWAP, CLIP) I HAVE a problem with my bank. They asked me to sign a kind of insurance to avoid any rise in the interest rate of my loan (Euribor). Now they charging me because they say that the loan interest I am paying is less than the agreed rate, but this is not what they had told me before. Is this normal, or even legal? Legally, what action can I take? Thank you for your enquiry. Although it would be necessary to study your documents in detail, we understand that you are talking about an interest rate swap contract IRS, normally known as SWAP, and named also by some banks as CLIP, etc. While it is true that many banks sell them as an insurance contract to guarantee that if the interest rate increases (in the Euribor for example), it will not affect your payments, in reality it is not actually an insurance.

Normally, in this type of contract, if the variable interest (i.e. Euribor) rises and the result is higher than the agreed interest rate levels, then the client is better off, but if the opposite happens (which in is what normally happens, because the Euribor is very low), there is a loss payable by the client to the bank. The problem is that many banks do not explain the product correctly and present it as insurance for possible fluctuations and increase in the interest rates, but without duly informing of the risks in case of a drop on the interest rate, which would mean significant losses. If you were not correctly informed, if the bank did not test if the product was suitable for you, etc., you could request to nullify this interest rate swap, (SWAP CLIP), and the return of the amount paid. In this respect, there are many court precedents in Spain, including Court Decision number 392/2011 from our Alicante Provincial Court, where the bank was condemned to repay the amounts charged based

on this kind of contract, stating that the consent given by the consumer was based on a mistake, because the consumer signed without being previously informed, with sufficient clarity, about the advantages and disadvantages of the contract, and therefore the consumer was unable to make an informed decision. The court declared the contract null and void, recalling also that the General Terms and Conditions Act establishes the prohibition of illegible, ambiguous, obscure and incomprehensible clauses, which could be declared null and void if they produce a damage to the consumer. Therefore, if you find yourself in this situation, and you think that you have been “cheated” by your bank, our firm can help you . You can follow the Spanish Legal Issues that affect you and consult us by following us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ WhiteBaosAbogadosLawyers

Carlos Baos (Lawyer) © White & Baos Abogados 2012 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located 1 minute away from the La Via underground car park). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com. This article is available in English and Spanish at www.white-baos.com. The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. Visit our blog at http://www.white-baos.com/blog/ and Facebook (White-Baos-Abogados-Solicitors)

21 - 27 march 2014

advertising feature

Millie Munro Services FOR PRIVATE health insurance and pre-paid funeral plans Millie Munro Services provide the best possible advice and service available on the Costa Blanca. OUR CHARITABLE COMMITMENT TO HELPING OTHERS A lot of local people do not know where their next meal is coming from. So please don’t forget that we have a ‘drop box’ in our office where you can leave any non-perishables you can spare to help members of our local community. We thank you for your continued support for our long-running campaign to help the needy in our area. MAKING AN EXHIBITION OF OURSELVES Why not come and see us at the Homes, Gardens and Lifestyle Show at the Diamante Beach Hotel in Calpe on 3rd and 4th April 2014?

From 10am to 5pm on both days we will be hosting an exciting new game called ‘Crack the Safe’- and the prize is a fantastic 500€! We are hoping that this will be as popular as the very successful Art Exhibition we ran last year at La Finca Golf & Spa Hotel in Algorfa. You will find us on stands 20 and 21, upstairs in the grand ballroom. We will also be at La Finca on 15th and 16th October from 10am to 5pm. OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU At Millie Munro Services our years of providing an honest, respectable and high-quality service have built up a strong reputation with our customers. We pride ourselves on giving an

excellent 24/7 preand post-sale customer service and this is paramount - we always like to go that extra mile! For your other insurance requirements – home, car, travel, commercial and life insurances – please ask Millie’s office manager, Simon Nathaniel. We hope to see you at the Show, but remember you can always drop into the office. Millie Munro Services Avenida Lepanto 6, Benitachell, Alicante. Tel: 96 649 3082 / 660 049 460 Office hours: Monday to Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm millie@milliemunro.com www.milliemunro.com



21 - 27 MARCH 2014


No hope in sight for Savers


Christina Brady

Regional Manager of Blacktower Costa Blanca

IT IS estimated that savers have been robbed of nearly £300 billion over the five years since the Bank of England decided to lower the base rate to 0.50%. EXPERTS ARE now warning that interest rates are unlikely to increase in real terms for several years. Even when interest rates start to rise the Bank of England has made it clear these increases will be small and gradual. The only reason interest rates will rise in the UK and across Europe is if inflation starts to rise: in the UK inflation is remaining steady and in the EU the opposite is happening and there is a real threat of deflation. Also banks and building societies just don’t want or need your money. According to the British press, banks and building societies have built up a £130billion war chest of dirt-cheap cash. These intuitions have been stockpiling money and paying little or no interest on it. As a result for the foreseeable future they don’t need to pay struggling savers any extra interest. The Bank’s governor, Mark Carney, used his first speech as governor last August to express his

‘tremendous sympathy’ for savers. He said they had “…done the right thing, set money aside and now they are earning returns that are substantially below what they would have expected.” Yet little is being done to remedy the situation. For those of you that still have ISAs or are thinking of investing in ISAs in the UK, beware - for top returns you are going to have to lock your cash in for years or take a punt on the equity market. So what should you do with your money? Of course we should all have some readily available as a contingency fund: the rest should be invested in the best way to work effectively for YOU. There is no time like now to act. If you are unsure

as to what is available and what option is best for you just call me at Blacktower and I will be more than happy to run through the options with you. My advice is free so why not take advantage of this and see what your money could be doing for you. If you need independent, impartial advice on your financial future please contact me by email christina.brady@blacktowerfm.com or call me on 658 892 330 to arrange a free consultant.

The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is licenced by the UK by the Financial Services Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licenced in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Licence No: 00805B and registered with the DGS in Spain.


21 - 27 MARCH 2014

home & garden

Some useful gardening info


Dick Handscombe Holistic gardener and author

HAVING A growing list of requests for information from readers I hope to satisfy all needs in one go. GARDENING BY THE MOON Several readers and visitors at recent talks have asked for details of the Lunar Calendar that we use. We have used a Spanish translation of a French calendar for the past fifteen years. The title and publisher are as follows. ‘Lunario 2014 – Calendario lunar para el huerto y el jardín ecológicos y para salud’ Edita Artus Porta Manresa. You will be able to obtain it from good Spanish bookshops or via calendario@lunario.es. The calendar is updated and improved each year and publication date is around October each year. An introduction to using a lunar calendar is provided in Chapter 4.15 of our book ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’. COOKING BY THE SUN The photograph shows the solar cooker that I use on a regular basis. It was assembled from a kit purchased from a Spanish company called Alsol. There are two sizes: a one meter one as illustrated and a larger 1.4 metre version. Full details may be found on www.alsol.es. TERRACOTTEM SOIL IMPROVER This is a gel product for mixing into soils and composts for planting holes, new beds and containers. Originally developed for growing vegetables in Africa it found a major market in Spain from golf course constructors and vegetable growers, for under the right conditions irrigation

can be reduced by up to 50 to 70 per cent. Full information, including in English, may be found on www.terravida.com or www.terracottem.com. The easiest and most economical way of buying Terracottem is to buy a five kilo container from Terravida. This can be shared between neighbours of members of a gardening club for instance. SAN JAVIER SUPPLIER OF ECOLOGICAL GARDEN PRODUCTS The name of the company is Trabe. Their website is www.trabe.net and email number trabe@trabe.net. The address is Poligono Industrial los Urreas no.31. Their products include Neem oil, a useful general insecticide; Propolis, an eco-fungicide; and Potassium Soap a useful insecticide for the flower garden. A SUPPLIER OF DWARF FRUIT TREES Fruit trees on dwarf rooting stock can be difficult to trace in Spain. However, if you are travelling by car from the UK, a diversion towards the coast around Gerona in northern Cataluña to visit Soljardi could be of interest. They also sell triple-fruited grafted citrus trees. Their location and other information will be found on www.soljardi.com. MINI WORM COMPOSTERS The best supplier we know of is www.wigglywigglers.co.uk.

They normally have a number of designs and sizes for sale and their stocking worms travel okay by road or post. THE HOMES GARDENS AND LIFESTYLE SHOW A number of readers have asked if I will be at the show 3rd/4th April at the Diamante Beach Hotel in Calpe. The answer is a definite yes and you will find me on Stand 66 inside rather than by the pool. I will be there to help you solve current gardening problems, assist you in designing/redesigning your garden, discuss and autograph books and talk about our 52-day trek across the Pyrenees. Many thanks to those who have already read the book and indicated they enjoyed the journey in the comfort of an armchair! As for all our other books they may be obtained via Amazon Books but I will have a few copies in Calpe.

The Handscombe’s books can be most conveniently purchased from Amazon Books, Santana Books website or 95 248 5838, The Book Depository or The Royal Horticultural Society Bookshop. ©Dick Handscombe www.gardenspain.com


21 - 27 MARCH 2014


The Galapagos Islands LOCATED IN the Pacific Ocean approximately 650 miles from the coast of Ecuador, The Galapagos Islands are one of the world’s most unspoilt areas and the birthplace of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.

THE REMOTELY located animals and natural plants found in this area are totally unique, their existence and evolution shaped by the landscape all around them. Formed over a volcanic hot spot, lava continues to flow deep under the water until at some point it breaks the surface to form a new Galapagos Island, such as Isabella or Fernandina, the scene of the last volcanic eruption in 2009. The area is rich in wildlife boasting amongst others Pelicans and Penguins; the Flightless Cormorant; Waved Albatross; the Blue-Footed Booby, the Iguanas and of course, gigantic Tortoises. There are opportunities to see the unique plant life by taking a walk over the lava fields to explore natural pools and swim with the Turtles and

Sea Lions. And if the season is right, watch a variety of Whales as they swim past. Visits to the islands are strictly controlled and under constant threat that the numbers that travel there each year may be further curtailed. Arrival is via Quito in Ecuador for most visitors, then a short flight to Baldrá, where the cruise ships await for all the passengers. Whilst there are options for all budgets, most agree that to get the best experience it pays to join one of the specialist cruises which can take you around a combination of the 18 islands that make up the archipelago. Flight packages are available from Alicante to Baldra at approximately 1,400€ per person: Seven night 5* Luxury All-Inclusive Cruises from 4750€ pp.

Article supplied by Worldwide Horizons Travel Agency, La Zenia. Tel: 966 761 492, visit www.whtravel.es, email travel@whtravel.es, or see their advert on page 9.

21 - 27 MARCH 2014



Uncork some vintage Spain ENJOY A seven day tour through La Rioja, Asturias and Castilla Leon. Departing on 10th April, this picturesque trip offers a taste of history and culture. DAY 1 An early morning departure takes the tour to Teruel and Albarracin, one of Spain’s most beautiful towns, en route to Zaragoza. Arrival at the hotel, dinner and accommodation.


490€ rson

per pe

Leon cathedral


Book early!

Galicia 7 days

Bodega Martinez Cuesta in Haro

DAY 2 Zaragoza - Haro – Burgos: Breakfast is followed by an extensive visit to the city, bordering the Ebro river with its Cathedral and Aljafeira Arab Palace. Departure towards Burgos, through the spectacular wine area of La Rioja, visiting a bodega in Haro on the way. Arrival in Burgos will be followed by free time, dinner and accommodation. DAY 3 Burgos - Sahagun – Leon: Breakfast and free time for visiting Burgos with its impressive cathedral and old town. In the afternoon departure towards Leon, along the Jocobs Walk route with Carrion de los Condes and Sahagun. Arrival at the hotel, dinner and accommodation. DAY 4 León: Breakfast and a free day to visit the city of León, where all the walks of Santiago converge, with the Plaza Mayor, Gaudí’s Casa, the Convent of Carvajal and the cathedral - one of the most

beautiful in Spain - with its prized stained-glass windows. Dinner and ‘alojamiento’ at the hotel. DAY 5 Leon - Gijon - Oviedo – Leon: Breakfast and a day trip to Gijon with its old quarter of Cimadevilla and its port. Return visit to Oviedo palaces and the historic centre of the city. Back to Leon, dinner and accommodation. DAY 6 Leon - Rueda - Tordesillas – Torrejon: Breakfast and departure towards Torrejon, visiting Tordesillas and the wheel path with its wine cellars Ribera Duero’’. Arrival at Torrejon, dinner and accommodation. DAY 7 Torrejon - Cuenca - Costa Blanca: Breakfast and departure to Costa Blanca, visiting Cuenca en route. To book your seat call Gandia Tours 966 106 872.

21st May Hotel ***/**** from HB Hotel in Santiago

540€ per person

city centre Official guide

Life Max Vila with resin figures

Valencia talent on show VALENCIA-BASED SCULPTOR Max Vila uses stones he picks up wandering the region’s mountains to create his surreal figures – many currently populating an outdoor gallery in Alfaz Del Pi. by Jack Troughton Max, from Manises, is showing a selection of his work at the Sculpture Garden of Foundation Klein-Schreuder from Sunday 23rd March until Sunday 11th May. The artist is inspired by the human form and all his work – from the tiny pieces that can be held in one hand to larger creations – have a real charm and are extremely tactile. Max studied art at Valencia universities but first concentrated on painting before turning to his “life work” as

a sculptor, using stone, resins, and ceramics. “When I start a piece my mind is always empty – it is only when I finish I give a name to the work,” he said. “I don’t have a name while I am working. My pieces are surrealist; it is like being a surrealist painter. “I also work directly on the stone or in ceramics – I never make a sketch first.” And he told RTN at a preview of the exhibition – Max’s first in Alicante – that many of the local stone contained fossils while one rock cracked as he transformed it into a reclining figure because

of the effects of water and ice over hundreds of years. “I look for my own stone as I wander the mountains, I find my materials myself. Onyx is very difficult to work with and there are figures in local stones like ‘roja de Alicante’ and ‘crema de Alicante’.” The Sculpture Garden can be found at Cami del Pinar 23, Alfaz Del Pi, and is open on Sundays between 10am and 2pm. For more information visit www.klein-schreuder.com or call 96 686 0230.


21 - 27 MARCH 2014

showbiz goss

Captain Cowell and his sinking ship! IT’S BEEN many a haircut since I went about the business of Cowell bashing, and although this is what is on the menu today, you will have to keep on your toes as it unfolds in two very distinct parts. FIRST UP we have the new Sy ‘wilting’ a tad, possibly in the wake of his new role as a Daddy, offering Chezza mega bucks to save the ailing show, then announcing after wining and dining Louis Walsh that he might well hang in there, although chances are Louis has little else in his diary. Cowell said “We’re looking to get X Factor back to No 1 in the ratings… I’m not going to lie - if we are second to ‘Strictly’ I am going to be disappointed.” A strong statement that suggests it’s more about his bank balance than quality television. In case you are not aware, X Factory USA is no more due to low ratings, and this outpouring of cash and nicey-nicey tactic is nothing more than Cowell trying to convince the UK television audience that the X Factory is not on its knees. And this takes us rather smoothly to the second part of this beleaguering tale… When I have got to this subject matter in the past I have always stated that giving new singers the opportunity to perform on TV is commendable and should be part of our television experience, but when it is driven by greed the new talent become nothing more than bit players. With this brief, mistakes get made, like the one last year’s winner Sam Bailey highlighted last week. Talking about Bailey, Cowell said “Sam? … We will wait and see … Is she going to be as good as the final year we did? No! … That was a very special year…” Not something you say if you are truly supportive of your artists is it? … And why does he say these things? … Because all he wants is to be No1 and beat Strictly!

by Peter


Writer and Broadcaster

Celebrity Clips

IT’S NOT very wise of me to suggest you cancel all other engagements and watch a movie when I haven’t even seen it yet. But when every review says “Don’t miss it,” and one says “It’s a gorgeous, six-tiered confection of a movie,” you really must make sure you find the time to check out ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’. I stake my reputation on it! … What reputation? To get the full benefit of this next item you need to go to YouTube so let’s hope you have the internet. Go to ´The Simpsons Lego Couch Gag´ and see a fan´s version of the show’s famous opening sequence. It’s rather sweetly timed as later this year you´ll see Homer battling his way out of a Springfield where everything is made of Lego – including his family.

You can now buy a colouring book that will give you the opportunity to recreate your very own version of Sherlock Holmes. The brainchild of British artist Mel Elliot, users will be able to colour in stuff like Benedict Cumberbatch posing with some kittens in a kind of Sherlock cuteness ‘face-off.´ Sorry Benedict but this is a felt pen too far mate! It was announced last week that Glastonbury, the mother of all music festivals, is to carry on a further 10 years. Somerset Mendip District Council said, “We saw no reason not to grant the festival its new licence.” Available tickets remain at 135,000, and already Dolly Parton, Blondie, and Lily Allen have confirmed for this year’s event, commencing 25th June - Hoorah!


21 - 27 march 2014


21st - 27th March

Friday 21st March BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Rip Off Britain: Food 12:45 Watchdog Test House 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 James Martin’s Food Map of Britain 17:15 Sport Relief Does Glee Club 18:15 Pointless Celebrities 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 Sport Relief 2014 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Sport Relief 2014

07:05 Tom Kerridge’s Proper Pub Food 07:35 Homes Under the Hammer 08:35 Rip Off Britain: Food 09:20 Wanted Down Under 10:05 The Great Interior Design Challenge 11:05 Pound Shop Wars 11:35 The Travel Show 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 A to Z of TV Cooking 14:20 War Walks 14:50 The Nature of Britain 15:40 Cagney & Lacey 16:25 Bergerac 17:15 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Revenge of the Egghead 19:30 Sport Relief’s Top Dog 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 A Very British Renaissance 23:00 Sport Relief 2014

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Auf Wiedersehen My Pet 16:00 Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Student Nurses: Bedpans and Bandages 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Edge of Heaven 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:35 Duplicity

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:10 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Phil: Secret Agent Down Under 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Coach Trip 13:35 River Cottage Bites 13:45 The Man from Colorado 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Deal or No Deal 17:30 Four in a Bed 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 22:00 Gogglebox 23:00 The Last Leg 23:50 8 Out of 10 Cats

07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Police Interceptors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Diagnosis Murder 16:20 Jane Doe: Ties that Bind 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 NewsTalk Live 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 22:00 Soho Blues 23:00 NCIS: Los Angeles 24:00 CSI: NY 24:55 Access

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Emmerdale 07:55 You’ve Been Framed! 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 08:45 Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30 The Real Housewives of New Jersey 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Emmerdale 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of New Jersey 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The 40 Year Old Virgin 24:20 Take Me Out

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Made in Chelsea 11:00 New Girl 11:30 Happy Endings 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Rules of Engagement 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 New Girl 16:30 Happy Endings 17:00 Rules of Engagement 17:30 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 Troy 22:00 Aliens

Saturday 22nd March BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 James Martin: Home Comforts 13:00 Football Focus 13:45 Sportsday 14:00 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 14:15 Bargain Hunt 14:45 Escape to the Country 15:45 Davina: Beyond Breaking Point 16:45 Reflex 17:30 Final Score 18:10 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 18:25 Sport Relief 2014 19:45 The Voice UK 21:40 The National Lottery Live 21:50 The Voice UK 22:25 Casualty 23:15 BBC News; Weather 23:30 Match of the Day

07:45 Sport Relief’s Top Dog 10:15 Life on Earth 11:10 The Nature of Britain 12:00 Fred Dibnah’s Made in Britain 12:30 Great British Railway Journeys 13:00 James Martin: Home Comforts 13:30 Mary Berry Cooks 14:00 Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers 14:05 Talking Pictures 14:35 Spellbound 16:25 Talking Pictures 17:00 Notorious 18:40 Flog It! Trade Secrets 19:40 Don’t Panic! The Dad’s Army Story 20:30 Dad’s Army 21:00 The Perfect Morecambe & Wise 21:30 The Plantagenets 22:30 QI XL 23:15 Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle 23:45 Glasgow: Big Night

07:00 Dino Dan 07:25 Matt Hatter Chronicles 07:45 Canimals 08:10 Om Nom Stories 08:15 Om Nom Stories 08:20 Sooty 08:30 Scrambled! 10:25 ITV News 10:30 Dinner Date 11:25 Murder, She Wrote 12:20 ITV News and Weather 12:29 ITV Central Weather 12:30 Crocodile Hunter Diaries 13:00 The Chase 14:00 The Unforgettable 14:30 Midsomer Murders 16:30 Kindergarten Cop 18:35 ITV News Central 18:45 ITV News and Weather 19:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 21:25 The Cube 22:25 The Americans 23:20 ITV News and Weather 23:35 Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason

07:00 Close 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Trans World Sport 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:25 Frasier 10:55 The Big Bang Theory 11:20 The Big Bang Theory 11:45 How I Met Your Mother 12:15 How I Met Your Mother 12:45 The Simpsons 13:15 The Simpsons 13:40 Undercover Boss USA 14:40 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Come Dine with Me 17:40 Come Dine with Me 18:10 Come Dine with Me 18:45 Come Dine with Me 19:15 Come Dine with Me 19:45 Channel 4 News 20:05 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 21:00 Hostages 22:00 Rush Hour 3 23:40 Daredevil

07:00 Childrens TV 08:40 City of Friends 08:55 Little Princess 09:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:45 Rupert Bear 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 Jelly Jamm 10:30 LazyTown 11:00 The Dog Rescuers 11:30 It Takes a Thief to Catch a Thief 12:30 Police Interceptors 13:30 Ice Road Truckers 14:30 Bridge at Remagen 16:45 Stone Cold 18:30 Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder 19:50 The Road to Hell 20:40 NCIS 21:35 NCIS 22:25 5 News Weekend 22:30 Live International Boxing

07:00 Emmerdale 09:35 Coronation Street 12:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 13:00 The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 13:55 The Only Way Is Essex 14:40 The Only Way Is Essex 15:25 You’ve Been Framed! 16:25 Britain’s Got More Talent 17:25 Babe: Pig in the City 19:15 About a Boy 21:15 Mr Bean’s Holiday 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 Crazy Beaches 24:20 Educating Joey Essex

07:00 Switched 07:25 Make It or Break It 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Made in Chelsea 11:00 The Mindy Project 11:30 Rules of Engagement 12:30 Rules of Engagement 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rude(ish) Tube 16:30 Rude(ish) Tube 17:00 How I Met Your Mother 17:30 How I Met Your Mother 18:00 2 Broke Girls 18:30 2 Broke Girls 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 How I Met Your Mother 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 The Tomorrow People 22:00 Lake Placid 23:40 Rude Tube 24:45 The Big Bang Theory

Sunday 23rd March

Babe: Pig in the City 17:25








07:00 Breakfast 08:25 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 BBC News 14:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:15 Sport Relief Games Show 16:15 Alex Against the Rock 16:45 Deadly 60 on a Mission 17:15 Escape to the Country 17:45 Songs of Praise 18:20 Pointless Celebrities 19:05 Blandings 19:35 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 20:00 Countryfile 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 The Musketeers 23:00 BBC News; Regional News and Weather 23:25 Match of the Day 2 24:25 Butterfly on a Wheel

07:00 Angels One Five 08:35 Mountain 09:35 Countryfile 10:30 Gardeners’ World 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 12:30 James Martin: Home Comforts 13:15 Michel Roux’s Service 14:15 Michel Roux’s Service 15:15 Ex-S 15:45 I Know Where I’m Going! 17:15 Flog It! 18:00 Collectaholics 19:00 The Hairy Bikers: Restoration Road Trip 20:00 Wild Burma: Nature’s Lost Kingdom 21:00 Lambing Live 22:00 Louis Theroux’s LA Stories 23:00 Mock the Week Looks Back at 23:30 Line of Duty 24:30 London River

07:00 Dino Dan 07:25 Matt Hatter Chronicles 07:45 Canimals 08:10 Om Nom Stories 08:20 Sooty 08:30 Scrambled! 10:25 ITV News 10:30 Murder, She Wrote 11:30 Dickinson’s Real Deal 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:34 ITV Central Weather 12:35 The Unforgettable 13:05 Agatha Christie’s Marple 15:00 Crocodile Hunter Diaries 15:25 All Star Family Fortunes 16:10 River Monsters 17:15 The Spy Who Loved Me 19:35 ITV News Central 19:45 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Catchphrase 21:00 Harry’s South Pole Heroes 22:00 Mr Selfridge 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:14 ITV Central Weather 23:15 You Saw Them Here First 24:15 Premiership Rugby Union

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Freesports on 4 08:30 Triathlon 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Frasier 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:35 Secret Eaters 14:35 The Big Bang Theory 15:05 The Big Bang Theory 15:35 How I Met Your Mother 16:05 How I Met Your Mother 16:35 The Simpsons 17:05 The Simpsons 17:35 Deal or No Deal 18:40 Channel 4 News 19:10 Rio 21:00 The Million Pound Necklace: Inside Boodles 22:00 The Tourist 23:55 Dogma

07:00 Childrens TV 09:10 Milkshake! Monkey 09:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:40 Rupert Bear 09:50 Toby’s Travelling Circus 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 Jelly Jamm 10:30 LazyTown 11:00 Power Rangers Super Samurai 11:35 Access 11:50 Arthur and the Invisibles 13:30 Hoodwinked 15:05 Zoom 16:50 The Witches 18:35 5 News Weekend 18:40 The Great Escape 22:00 The First Great Escape 23:00 Revealed 24:00 A Bridge Too Far

07:00 Beauty and the Geek 07:45 The Hot Desk 07:55 Emmerdale 10:50 Coronation Street 13:10 Britain’s Got More Talent 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 15:15 Honey 17:10 Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 18:40 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 20:50 Whip It 23:00 The Only Way Is Essex 23:50 Party Wright Around the World 24:50 The Big Reunion

07:00 Make It or Break It 07:50 Ugly Betty 08:35 Charmed 09:30 How I Met Your Mother 10:00 How I Met Your Mother 10:30 How I Met Your Mother 11:00 Hollyoaks 13:35 Revenge 14:35 Rude(ish) Tube 15:00 Rude(ish) Tube 15:30 2 Broke Girls 16:00 2 Broke Girls 16:30 The Tomorrow People 17:30 Troy 18:35 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 19:05 The Big Bang Theory 19:35 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 Doctor Dolittle 22:40 The Big Bang Theory 23:10 How I Met Your Mother 23:40 My Mad Fat Diary 24:45 Rules of Engagement






07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Auf Wiedersehen My Pet 16:00 Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 I Never Knew T hat About Britain 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 The Widower 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:35 The Agenda 24:10 The Secret Mediterranean with Trevor McDonald

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Phil: Secret Agent Down Under 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Coach Trip 13:35 River Cottage 14:00 The Man behind the Gun 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Deal or No Deal 17:30 Four in a Bed 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 The Political Slot 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Shop Secrets: Tricks of the Trade 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats 23:50 Gogglebox

07:00 Childrens TV 09:10 Peppa Pig 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Police Interceptors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Benidorm ER 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Ties That Bind 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 NewsTalk Live 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 My Spiral into Debt Hell 23:00 Born to Kill? 24:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Coronation Street 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 08:45 Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30 The Real Housewives of New Jersey 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of New Jersey 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Mom 22:30 Mom 23:00 American Pie 2

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Rude(ish) Tube 10:00 Made in Chelsea 11:00 New Girl 11:30 Happy Endings 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Rules of Engagement 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Happy Endings 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 21:30 Rude(ish) Tube 22:00 Revenge 23:00 My Mad Fat Diary 24:00 How I Met Your Mother

Monday 24th March BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Rip Off Britain: Food 12:45 Watchdog Test House 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 More Creatures Great and Small 17:15 Flog It! Trade Secrets 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Bang Goes the Theory 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Silk 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Michael McIntyre Chat Show 24:20 Late Kick Off


07:20 Homes Under the Hammer 08:20 Mountain 09:20 Wanted Down Under 10:05 The Restaurant Man 11:05 Great British Railway Journeys 11:35 Click 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Coast 14:45 The Nature of Britain 15:35 Cagney & Lacey 16:25 Bergerac 17:15 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Revenge of the Egghead 19:30 The Voice: Louder on Two 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Mary Berry Cooks 22:00 The Plantagenets 23:00 Rev 23:30 Newsnight

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 18:40

21 - 27 march 2014


Tuesday 25th March BBC1







11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Rip Off Britain: Food 12:45 Watchdog Test House 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 More Creatures Great and Small 17:15 Flog It! Trade Secrets 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Shetland 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Keeping Britain Safe 24/7 24:35 Swansea: Living on the Streets

07:25 Homes Under the Hammer 08:25 Mountain 09:20 Wanted Down Under 10:05 Great British Garden Revival 11:05 Great British Railway Journeys 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Super League Show 14:45 Coast 14:55 South Africa Walks 15:25 Himalaya with Michael Palin 16:25 Cagney & Lacey 17:15 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Revenge of the Egghead 19:30 The Voice: Louder on Two 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Lambing Live 22:00 Great British Sewing Bee 23:00 The Culture Show 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 A Very British Renaissance

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Auf Wiedersehen My Pet 16:00 Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 River Monsters 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:35 Sports Life Stories 24:35 Crocodile Hunter Diaries

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:10 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Phil: Secret Agent Down Under 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Coach Trip 13:35 River Cottage Bites 13:50 On the Fiddle 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Deal or No Deal 17:30 Four in a Bed 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 The Political Slot 21:00 Kirstie’s Best of Both Worlds 22:00 Food Prices: The Shocking Truth 23:00 The Missing 24:00 Secrets of the Vatican

07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:10 Peppa Pig 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Police Interceptors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Hotel Inspector 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Back to You and Me 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 NewsTalk Live 20:00 Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun 21:00 Benidorm ER 22:00 The Mentalist 23:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 24:00 Body of Proof 24:55 Body of Proof

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Coronation Street 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 08:45 Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30 The Real Housewives of New Jersey 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of New Jersey 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Vampire Diaries 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 American Pie Presents Band Camp

07:00 Rude(ish) Tube 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Made in Chelsea 11:00 New Girl 11:30 Happy Endings 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Rules of Engagement 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 16:30 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Happy Endings 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 Grease 23:15 Bodyshockers 24:15 The Big Bang Theory 24:45 The Big Bang Theory

wednesday 26th March BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Rip Off Britain: Food 12:45 Watchdog Test House 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 More Creatures Great and Small 17:15 Flog It! Trade Secrets 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 19:55 Party Political Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Holiday Hit Squad 22:00 MasterChef 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 A Question of Sport 24:05 Michael McIntyre Chat Show 24:50 Blandings

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:15 Homes Under the Hammer 08:15 Mountain 09:15 Wanted Down Under 10:00 Horizon 11:00 Food & Drink 11:30 See Hear 12:00 BBC News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Coast 14:05 South Africa Walks 14:35 The Nature of Britain 15:25 Himalaya with Michael Palin 16:25 Cagney & Lacey 17:15 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 18:55 Party Political Broadcast 19:00 Revenge of the Egghead 19:30 The Voice: Louder on Two 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Lambing Live 22:00 The Greatest Knight: William Marshal 23:00 W1A 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Restaurant Man

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Auf Wiedersehen My Pet 16:00 Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:25 Party Political Broadcast 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Big Star’s Little Star 22:00 Law & Order: UK 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:35 Exposure 24:35 Harry’s South Pole Heroes

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:10 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Phil: Secret Agent Down Under 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Coach Trip 13:30 River Cottage 14:00 Gun Fury 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Deal or No Deal 17:30 Four in a Bed 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 The Political Slot 21:00 Secret Eaters 22:00 Dead Famous DNA 23:00 First Dates 24:00 Embarrassing Bodies Down Under 24:55 Random Acts

07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:10 Peppa Pig 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Police Interceptors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Gadget Show 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Chinese Food in Minutes 16:20 Murder on the 13th Floor 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 NewsTalk Live 20:00 Dangerous Drivers’ School 21:00 Killing Spree 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Castle 24:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

07:00 Emmerdale 07:30 Britain’s Got More Talent 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 08:45 Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30 The Real Housewives of New Jersey 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of New Jersey 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Party Wright Around the World 23:00 The Only Way Is Essex 23:50 The Big Reunion 24:50 Two and a Half Men

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Made in Chelsea 11:00 New Girl 11:30 Happy Endings 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Rules of Engagement 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 16:30 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Happy Endings 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 How I Met Your Mother 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 The Tomorrow People 23:00 Rude Tube 24:00 My Mad Fat Diary

thursday 27th March BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Heir Hunters 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Rip Off Britain: Food 12:45 Watchdog Test House 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 More Creatures Great and Small 17:15 Flog It! Trade Secrets 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Room 101 21:30 EastEnders 22:00 MasterChef 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:20 Homes Under the Hammer 08:20 Mountain 09:20 Wanted Down Under 10:05 Fake or Fortune? 11:05 Gardeners’ World 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Coast 14:05 South Africa Walks 14:35 The Nature of Britain 15:25 Himalaya with Michael Palin 16:25 Cagney & Lacey 17:15 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Revenge of the Egghead 19:30 The Voice: Louder on Two 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Lambing Live 22:00 The Worricker Trilogy 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Greatest Knight: William Marshal

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Auf Wiedersehen My Pet 16:00 Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Ade at Sea 22:00 Dangerous Dogs 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:35 Edge of Heaven 24:35 The Cube

07:00 Countdown 07:45 Will & Grace 08:10 Will & Grace 08:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Phil: Secret Agent Down Under 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Coach Trip 13:35 River Cottage Bites 13:50 The Cross of Lorraine 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Deal or No Deal 17:30 Four in a Bed 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 The Political Slot 21:00 The Hoarder Next Door 22:00 Mayday: The Passenger Who Landed a Plane 23:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 24:05 One Born Every Minute

07:00 Childrens TV 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Police Interceptors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 It Takes a Thief to Catch a Thief 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 16:10 My Neighbor’s Keeper 18:00 5 News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 NewsTalk Live 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 It Takes a Thief to Catch a Thief 22:00 The Hotel Inspector 23:00 Person of Interest 23:55 CSI: NY 24:55 Access

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 You’ve Been Framed! 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 08:45 Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30 The Real Housewives of New Jersey 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of New Jersey 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 The Big Reunion 23:30 Celebrity Juice 24:20 Dads 24:50 Mom

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Made in Chelsea 11:00 New Girl 11:30 Happy Endings 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Rules of Engagement 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 16:30 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Happy Endings 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 How I Met Your Mother 22:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 22:30 The Inbetweeners 23:00 Fresh Meat 23:55 Rude Tube

21 - 27 march 2014

what’s on

Cooking it up! IN TIME for the Homes Gardens & Lifestyle Show! Meet our first two local celebrity chefs, David Ellaway from Patio de la Fuente and Jim Goodrich from Laura’s at Saffy’s who will be producing some delicious dishes in our new feature The Costa’s Cook Off! on 3rd & 4th April at the Diamante Beach Hotel, Calpe. You the audience can decide if it’s the Red Chilli Pepper Kitchen or the Green Olive Kitchen that will win on the day! The cooking demonstrations are being staged from 12 noon and 3pm on both days. Creating the kitchen sets is the talented CCM Quality Services team, and spicing up the proceedings keeping our chefs in check is John Migan from Spectrum FM who will compere our first ever cooking feature. Will

it all go to custard or will our chefs pull it out of the bag?! Come along and join in the fun! And for anyone thinking the winter has piled on the pounds and you are now thinking it’s time to ‘bare all’ in time for the summer, our sponsor, Cambridge 800, is on hand to advise! Their sole aim is to help you lose weight and keep it off … for good! So if you tried all the diets, Cambridge 800 is your solution. Lose weight and regain your old self and a healthy relationship with food. We have it all at the Costa’s Cook Off! Fun, food and healthy options! Don’t miss the Homes Gardens & Lifestyle Show, Diamante Beach Hotel, Calpe 3rd & 4th April... see www.gmpromotions.es for more information.


21 - 27 MARCH 2014

Just after the Vernal Equinox there comes a time to feel the impact of the forces of change throughout the Cosmos. With a scheming Mercury conjuncting with an inductive Neptune, this is a time to work with power and to produce that which you need to right now. Others will be inspired by your direction and you may surprise yourself! With Venus in actions with Uranus it is probably too soon to see what the next step should be, but time to stand by your guns in the current shift. New beginnings often start with a testing period and you are being watched to ensure that what you give is also what you get right now. Mercury slides into the generous and positive good fortune of Planet Jupiter, who appears to be stepping up to accommodate your every wish and desire. Be careful what you ask for because it is yours for the taking if that is the destiny you can muster right now. Don’t listen to what others say this week as you have a fixed and certain agenda. Reeling from a fall out with a trysting Libra and Ceres it would seem that you may very well have bitten off more that you can chew. It is better that you put action on the menu rather than have to hide behind the words which may very well mean nothing whatsoever to you at this time. Better times are so close, it’s just a whisker of time to wait. Keeping the flow is essential and there are not many who could do what you are doing right now. Because you have the knack of making all that you do look so easy, others may have copied into your strident energies and your determined ways. Blame any fall out on a wayward Mercury sliding towards the analytical power of a transient Pluto. Conflict comes from within as you are made to feel that what you have done wasn’t the right thing to do. When survival is on the menu it is certain that you would do anything to shield those whom you love and to keep them from harm, however you could. Defensive and ready to fight is because prewarned has made you prearmed, thankfully! Fleeting energes of Venus in opposition puts you in stubborn mode as you can be as difficult as your sisterly starsign of Taurus, if you want to be. Keeping your balance is harder when conflict rears, and this current nonsense is really a waste of your time, since you have other fish to fry right now, and ironically so, the boot is on the other foot. Neptune is controlling the current situation and your patience may be very well about to be rewarded since you have adopted, quite rightly, a softly softly approach. Unperturbed by the vilification that others seem to have heaped upon you, it is high time that you just walked out with your head held high and got on with your own life. The cat may very well be out of the bag this week as Jupiter reveals to Mercury, opening, rather than closing new channels of communication. Many won’t like what they hear, and may have proffered closed ears, which has got them nowhere fast, but then there are none so blind as those who cannot see. Moving on is not running away!! Saturn, your wise and influential Planetary leader actively enjoys allowing you to see things from both sides; which is convenient this week when all around you seems to be chaotic and disorganised. Your focus and determination will see you through as it always does, and do allow that there may be changes to schedule and timings. Ceres is imbued with the energy of the Sun, and putting out ideas that may sway you on your current pathway of discovery. You never know what you can do until you try, but you are about to find out the difference that you can make if you aim a little higher and showcase you inimitable talents for all to see and benefit from as well. Same old same old as a break from routine is a breath of fresh air this week. Life has not been a walk in the park just lately, and yet you have managed to hold things together, as you so often have to. Something has got to give in a pressing domestic situation, so play to win because your inner you tells you the truth, and you can turn things.

If it’s your birthday this week


The power of positive thinking is the solution to the recent knockback. It was sent to inspire and direct you, and it is what comes next that will show you the way ahead as the Cosmos currently awards those who deserve.

Kenny Corris For Readings, Consultations and Castings email: kennycorris@hotmail.com / www.kennycorris.net Mobile: 686 361 594 / Tel: 965 878 424

Teddy bear JUST BEFORE Christmas last year I attended a Christmas Fair supporting a favourite charity. There was a table of knitted toys with everything from crinoline embellished toilet roll covers to a woeful under stuffed droopy lion. However I spotted immediately a wonderful teddy bear in green and couldn’t resist buying him. I couldn’t help but to wonder at the time who it was who had knitted and stitched such a fine bear…..one that stood out from all the rest of the knitted items on display, because of a highly professional finish. My answer came quicker than I thought, when I was surprised to be introduced to Maisie, a dear old lady with white hair in a floral suit. Maisie was an inspiration to me because she was blind and in her eighties. Though she had been knitting for years and specialised in her smart teddies, she had never ever seen one. This made me ask her how her knitting was so special, and her bear by far the best on sale, and

Kenny’s Postbag

the answer was inspiring. The teddy bear had to feel right, and Maisie could, after all, only feel any imperfection. Her neat and perfect stitching and her even knit was all hand checked because she wasn’t able to make visual quality control. When I told her that it was by far the best knitted teddy I had ever seen, Maisie beamed and told me that many people had told her this, and she made as many bears for good causes as she could from unpicked jumpers and bargain buy skeins of wool. How something so perfect could be made by someone with such a major handicap was amazing…and made me feel very humble. Thankful that I have always had the gift of sight and hearing; and not always finding the time to be grateful, brought me to a level. The fact that Maisie created beauty at all costs, and could never see the perfection that was hers, put me right back to where I should be, thankful and a proud owner of the best little knitted teddy in the World!

Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

KENNY, I have been experiencing very vivid dreams just lately, and I wake up having learned a lesson, and then I forget it all ten minutes later. Each night is a new learning experience…then it has gone. How can I remember? Denny K. Denny…. we lose 95% of any dream within ten minutes of waking, even if the dream makes you feel as if it has taught you something very special. Within four days any memory of the total dream fades away too. Spirit often sends instruction as tuition whilst we are asleep, and you may very well be experiencing this. If you keep a pen and paper by the bed, write things down as you wake up because this can act as a great aide de memoire!

Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 50.



Quick or Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 1. Profound (4) 3. Ready (8) 8. Tastes (4) 9. Star (8) 11. Confusion (12) 13. Wanders (6) 14. Grab (6) 17. Incarceration (12) 20. Mitigated (8) 21. Eyot (4) 22. Pause (8) 23. Burden (4) DOWN 1. Undeceive (8) 2. Authorise (7) 4. Duty list (6) 5. Excelling (3-7) 6. Rule (5) 7. Ditch (4) 10. Skip school (4,6) 12. Movable possessions (8) 15. Treachery (7) 16. Climb (6) 18. Hebrew leader (5) 19. Reckless (4)

ACROSS 1. Select tool (4) 3. The bird is heather after the chief actor (8) 8. The only sound spirit (4) 9. Worthless stuff from tricky card-players? (8) 11. The reason for the command is a matter of formal procedure (5,2,5) 13. Charge for hire could have been learnt (6) 14. Allow mischievous child to be included - he’s a sticker! (6) 17. Does nobody take the chair in the chamber? (8-4) 20. Tore tape up to make short musical drama (8) 21. The sort of performance one would expect from a recluse (4) 22. Freedom from restraint on the map, perhaps (8) 23. Abandoned socialism, perhaps (4) DOWN 1. Travel document shows father’s a good fellow! (8) 2. Warning; confused education deal is out (7) 4. Economy in the garden? (6) 5. Coupling made again? (10) 6. She figures in their energetic display (5) 7. The artist should leave yawning at first (4) 10. The taint meant an accomplishment (10) 12. Completely get rid of the latest philatelic issue? (5,3) 15. Suggest work in writing other than poetry (7) 16. Dismissed from the prospect of becoming the better half (6) 18. Pilfering article 12 in. long (5) 19. Fathead, the wise bird is a bird! (4)


21 - 27JANUARY march 2014 2010 8-14


Sculptra: the liquid facelift

NOW IT is possible to look years younger naturally with Sculptra, a new facial treatment at Medcare in Benijofar and Alfaz del Pi.

Sculptra is revolutionising the way we treat lines and wrinkles as rather than artificially filling or smoothing them, Sculptra prompts skin to restore itself naturally by producing the skin’s own youth-giving substance - collagen. It is the loss of collagen as we age that causes lines, wrinkles and a gaunt, aged look. So there is no better way to restore youthful plumpness and elasticity than by the skin replacing its own lost collagen. It really is like turning back time. When Sculptra is injected into the face its active ingredient triggers cells to secrete collagen. Over the coming weeks and months more collagen is produced, lines diminish, gauntness is improved and skin becomes firmer. The effects last up to three years. As with all injectable treatments, results depend on the skill of the practitioner. Medcare’s Dr Hussain

is experienced in all types of anti-ageing injections and has undergone specialist courses in Sculptra in the UK. She is registered and qualified to administer these procedures in Spain, where only specially trained doctors can legally give anti-ageing injections. Book a free consultation to find out how Sculptra can regenerate your looks - call Medcare on 96 686 0258 or email doctors@medcarespain.com Medcare offers a range of antiageing treatments and all types of cosmetic surgery. Find out more at www.medcarespain.com For great deals and special offers join the Medcare Beauty Club. Membership is free and you will receive a regular e-newsletter packed with information about Medcare’s beauty treatments. Plus Beauty Club members get exclusive offers. Email doctors@medcarespain.com with the subject ‘Join Beauty Club’.

21 - 27 march 2014



Top tips for looking gorgeous in glasses GLASSES ARE a great accessory and even those people who don’t need to improve their vision are incorporating glasses into their fashion toolbox. The key is to select the style carefully to flatter your face, colouring and style. Specsavers Opticas have put together the following advice to help you look your best in glasses: CONSIDER YOUR FACE SHAPE Different styles of glasses will suit different face shapes, so make sure you know your face shape before you shop and choose your styles accordingly. Here’s a rundown of face shapes and the best styles for each: Oval: Be adventurous as this shaped face suits almost all frame shapes Rectangle: Consider a wide frame with a strong top line. Avoid small, square shapes and try a frame style with all-over colour Round: Consider angular or geometric styles as they draw attention to the top half of the face. You should avoid oval or round shaped frames Square: Consider oval frames as they soften the jaw line. Avoid angular frames as these will emphasise the angular facial features.

Choose frames that are right for you

TAKE INTO ACCOUNT YOUR COLOURING There are so many colours and materials to choose from that it can be hard to know where to start. By choosing colours that match your hair colour and skin type, you can find the glasses which complement you perfectly: Dark brown: Try metal frames in antique silver or gold colours, as well as softer browns. Avoid pastels or very dark colours and heavy styles. Black: Try any of the metallic frames, especially simple shapes and colours. Avoid bright colours unless you want to make a strong impact.

Blonde: Try lightweight styles with delicate colour effects. Experiment with colours that add warmth to your skin tone. Avoid dark, heavy styles, cold colours such as blues and greens, and light-coloured metals. If you blush easily, avoid pinks and amber. Dark grey: Try lighter coloured metal or plastic frames. Avoid heavy dark frames. Specsavers Opticas’ staff can help you choose the right frame, colour and style to suit you. For more information or to find your nearest store visit www.specsavers.es


21 - 27 march 2014


Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin

Agreement FOR THE few weeks we have been looking at the concepts of masculine and feminine genders in the Spanish language. We saw that a noun is a word that represents a thing or an idea and than in Spanish each of these words has a gender which we need to know about to help us form correct Spanish sentences. The gender of the noun in a sentence affects many of the words around it. We also looked at a few guidelines to help us determine what the gender of a particular noun is, but in many cases we just have to learn each one individually and gradually, knowing that if we make a few mistakes along the way it is not going to affect people’s understanding of what we say. One of the things that is affected by the gender of a word is the accompanying word for “the” and “a”. We are lucky in English as these words have only one form. “The” in Spanish actually has five forms, but only four that concern us now. These four words depend on whether they apply to masculine or feminine nouns and also whether the nouns are in the singular or plural. Let’s take a practical example – the word for “child” or “boy” – niño, and the word for “girl” which is niña. This is how the “the” bit works: El niño - the boy; la niña - the girl; los niños - the boys; las niñas - the girls. So we have four different words for “the” el (masculine singular), la (feminine singular), los (masculine plural) and las (feminine plural). Now we’ll look at the words meaning “a” or “an”. There are two of these: masculine singular un and feminine singular una. Logically we cannot have a plural of “a”. So that gives us for example “a boy” un niño and “a girl” una niña. All of these forms apply to words for things as well. Let’s use two more examples of words for things rather than people. Vestido (dress – masculine) El vestido (the dress); los vestidos (the dresses); un vestido (a dress). Camisa (shirt – feminine). La camisa (the shirt); las camisas (the shirts); una camisa (a shirt). One of the indicators of word gender we have already mentioned is the characteristic “a” ending for feminine and “o” ending for masculine nouns. Niño, niña, vestido, camisa all follow this pattern. However as I mentioned,

there are other words that don’t do this at all. For example: Reloj (clock – masculine) El reloj (the clock); los relojes (the clocks); un reloj (a clock) Pared (wall – feminine) La pared (the wall); las paredes (the walls); una pared (a wall). Notice in both these cases the words end in consonants (j and d). When this happens we make the word into plural by adding –es, rather than just –s. Now to complete this picture let’s look again at a couple of words that have endings the opposite way round from what we expect, to see how they deal with this “agreement” business. Here they come: Problema (problem – masculine) El problema (the problem); los problemas (the problems), un problema (a problem). Mano (hand – feminine) La mano (the hand); las manos (the hands); una mano (a hand). Most foreigners learning Spanish get these wrong to start with. The Spanish are quite used to people saying things like “tengo una problema” and this kind of mistake would never prevent someone from understanding that you had a problem! Just to round this up and lead on to our main point for next lesson. There are other things that are affected by the masculine/feminine divide as well as “the” and “a”. It also influences the adjectives, or describing words, that go with the nouns. Here is what I mean: the word from “small” is pequeño. It can be applied to all the above nouns. We can talk about a small boy, girl, shirt, dress, clock, wall, problem or hand. Here are some examples of how we would do this, by making the word pequeño match the noun each time. El niño pequeño; la niña pequeña; los niños pequeños; las niñas pequeñas. El vestido pequeño, los relojes pequeños, la camisa pequeña, las paredes pequeñas. Un problema pequeño, una mano pequeña. We will start off at this point next week, as there are plenty more things to say about adjectives. See you then.

An evening of European Music

IN A first for Vivace Classical Choir members they are to host visiting Copenhagenbased choir The Lyngby Kammerkor for a joint concert of European music. Vivace is already an international choir and the music chosen for this combined concert will reflect a truly international theme. The varied programme will include music by Purcell, Elgar, Lange-Müller and others, sung by the Danish choir, and by Bach, Fauré and Rutter sung by Vivace. This concert promises to be a most enjoyable international event, to take place in the Casa de Cultura, San Miguel de Salinas, on Friday 28th March at 8pm. For more details call: 96 572 0919: Entry to the concert is free. Vivace members will also be presenting extracts from Handel’s Messiah the following weekend, on Thursday 3rd April in the Casa de Cultura in San Miguel, on Friday 4th in La Siesta Church, and on Sunday 6th in the Colegio de Santo Domingo in Orihuela.

21 - 27 march 2014



Agrizoo: a one-stop shop for your pet

AGRIZOO HAS served its clientele for more than 30 years from two shops in Altea and Pego. A vast range of pet foods and accessories include big name brands such as Royal Canin; Advance; Pet Plan and many more. All pets are catered for, even chickens and turkeys - in fact all varieties of birds and fish and of course dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs won’t go hungry either! Apart from a comprehensive range of food and treats they also have available bedding, cages and carrying cases in all sizes and colours as well as grooming products, toys, collars and leads and over-the-counter medication. And livestock There is is also available. The professional and friendly staff is fully a large trained and always ready to help, providing expert advice on range of food and your pets’ requirements, selling not only to owners but also to the trade. treats

Party animal sings

By Jack Troughton TALENTED SINGER Tony Francis has been entertaining people on the Costa Blanca for 10 years and treating audiences to a great night out. A self-confessed ‘party animal’, he is based in the Alicante area but can travel with a repertoire that stretches through the decades – right back to the Big Band era. Tony is performing tonight (Friday 21st March) at Stan and Ollies. El Raso Guardamar; Saturday, Meson La Estrella, Busot; and Sunday at Restaurant La Venteta, Muchamiel, a barbeque event from 2pm. For more information or to book Tony, call 678 029 919 or francis_tony_@hotmail.co.uk

With your pet’s welfare at the heart of its business Agrizoo is committed to supplying the best quality products at the lowest price, to enable owners to continue to care for pets to the highest possible standard even in these difficult times. Regular clients will also receive special offers via SMS or you can visit www.nutrisala.com for attractive offers. Opening hours are from 9am – 1.30pm and 4pm – 7pm, Monday – Friday: Saturday mornings 9am – 1.30pm. The shops are located in Altea on the Altea –Benidorm road km 1035 and in Pego on the Pego to Adsubia road at km1037. You can also call Altea on 96 584 3366 and Pego on 96 557 0429. Alternatively their mobile number is 637 747 334 or email fernando@nutrisala.com. Come along and experience the Agrizoo way.

Spring Fair By Jack Troughton ANIMAL LOVERS can help support Javea charity APASA by supporting its Spring Fair on Saturday 5th April from 1pm. There will be drinks, cakes, and a barbeque as well as stalls, tombola and music. For more information call Sue on 96 574 1668.

21 - 27 MARCH 2014



Pure Gold Radio Station 94.1 fm PURE GOLD is a Community-based radio station in the Northern Costa Blanca area. No other radio station supports the amount of charities that we do, hence these charities are keen to support us because if we were in it for the money we wouldn’t be doing it. Pure Gold is a local station run by local people for local people. We would like to thank all our sponsors and listeners for continuing their support. Further more we pledge to maintain the much needed free advertising of fund raising events for recognised charitable associations and organisations. Support your local station and it will support you. Pure Gold plays the greatest hits of all times plus all your favourite golden oldies. For requests and dedications – text 65 66 34000 or email: studio@puregold.fm. For more information phone the studio on: 96 649 3674 or check out their website:

www.puregold.fm or “Like” our Facebook page.

OUR REGULAR PRESENTERS: Mike Lee: Bigger Breakfast Show. 8.30 to 10.45 am. Stephane de Maurier: 11.00 am to Noon. Barry Moon & Susie Bond: Noon to 2 pm. Eric Taylor: ET in the Afternoon. 2 pm to 5 pm. Johnny Tornado: Drive Time Show. 5 pm to 7 pm. Barry Silver: Saturday Sports Show. 1.30 pm to 6 pm.

“New“ Jubilee Jazz Band THE JUBILEE Jazz Band is an authentic six-piece vintage jazz band based in the Northern Costa Blanca, that performs in restaurants, jazz clubs, town hall concerts and private functions. It interprets music mainly from 1910-1930, with ragtime, marches, and spirituals from New Orleans, blues and stomps from Chicago and

Freddie Kool – Singer/ entertainer ‘FREDDIE KOOL’ is a great entertainer and a brilliant singer with a wide range of songs from Ballads to Swing, Pop, Blues, Reggae and Country. HE WAS a semi-pro singer with several bands until four years ago when he decided to embark on a solo singing career in Spain. On Friday 21st March he is performing in The White Swan British Bar in Palma de Gandia at 9 pm. Don´t miss him! Let him entertain you!! For more info phone: 634 349 569.

popular songs from New York. There is a web site: www.newjubileejazzband.weebly.com, plus a new Facebook “Group” called: New Jubilee Jazz Band Fan Club. The band still continue to perform at Monroe’s Carvery in Pedreguer, every other Tuesday night – next night is 25th March.

Phone: 96 576 1731 for table bookings. An inexpensive buffet is supplied and there is a very welcoming atmosphere. A voluntary music contribution of €3 is normally collected at the same time as the meal bill. (Don’t forget that the Limehouse Quartet performs at Monroe’s on the alternate Tuesdays). For more info Mike on 96 617 2139 or email: mpsjazz@hotmail.com


21 - 27 march 2014


with Aunty Virus

Email auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com

PC protection HELLO AUNTY: I have a Toshiba laptop, four years old now, running Windows Vista with a free Avira Antivirus. After a recent automatic update a red shield has appeared on my lower toolbar. I normally click and it says to turn on Malware Protection which I do and it goes away - all fine. Now I’m getting ‘Malware Protection Check Settings - virus protection, windows did not find antivirus software on this computer - find a program’. I have checked Avira and it says, with a big green tick, ‘your computer is secure’. PC protection - green tick, Internet protection - green tick! Should I be worried that Windows Vista is not recognising Avira Antivirus now? I would appreciate your advice. Thanks in anticipation, Jacky. Aunty says: There is a known issue where sometimes Windows will report that there is no Antivirus on your PC, even if you have Avira installed. Avira say as long as all the Avira settings are green and ticked, then your antivirus is working, and it is simply a reporting issue between Avira and Windows. You can always turn off the windows notifications about your Antivirus problems if you want. And Avira have also posted a fix that should clear the issue: http://www.avira.com/en/support-for-home-knowledgebase-detail/kbid/1409

Adobe Flash player Hacked?

DEAR AUNTY: My ASUS EEe Pad TF 101 tells me it needs Adobe Flash Player. Adobe tell me that they no longer support the TF101. Any ideas? Barrie

Aunty says: Adobe has not supported Flash on many Android devices for a few years now simply because most devices use their own apps /browsers to play such things. So you may have to manually install an archived and unused versions. I found this which may help: http://www.transformerforums.com/forum/guides-tipstricks/23948-how-get-adobe-flash-player-best-browser-experience-your-tablet.html

HELLO AUNTY: I hope you can help me please. I have had two emails purporting to be from a friend - who I know hasn’t sent them - I haven’t opened them. Have I been ‘hacked’ and what should I do please? Sandy Aunty says: If you have received the emails then you have not been ‘hacked’ but your friend’s account may have been. If you think your email account has been compromised, then changing your password to a more complex one will help prevent further hacks.

Crossword Solutions for 752 Cryptic Solutions Across: 1 Midnight oil; 9 Observe; 10 Watch; 11 Extra; 12 Curtain; 13 Ogress; 15 Tissue; 18 In force; 20 Clara; 22 Hoard; 23 Castled; 24 Intemperate. Down: 2 Inset; 3 Normans; 4 Greece; 5 Tower; 6 In tears; 7 Come to light; 8 Change hands; 14 Refrain; 16 Incisor; 17 Tea-cup; 19 Ridge; 21 Allot. Quick Solutions Across: 1 Promiscuous; 9 Plunged; 10 Prior; 11 Opera; 12 Termite; 13 Treaty; 15 Effete; 18 Neglect; 20 Dodge; 22 Trait; 23 Islamic; 24 Belligerent. Down: 2 Rouse; 3 Migrant; 4 Sedate; 5 Upper; 6 Utilise; 7 Opportunity; 8 Irreverence; 14 Engrave; 16 Fiddler; 17 String; 19 Extol; 21 Demon.

Lost wi-fi connection HELLO AUNTY VIRUS: Can you help me? I have recently changed my ISP to Movistar. My lap top which we use downstairs won’t let me connect to the WiFi, i.e. I cannot find where I can put the password in to try to get the WiFi connection. Prior to this I was using a mini port to connect to the internet. I hope you can help. Barry. Aunty says: Usually when you select your wireless internet connection from the list of available wireless internet connection the laptop can receive, it will prompt you to input a password if it knows a password is required. Of course how this works depends on what operating system you are using, and which software you are using to control your WiFi connection.

Suduko Answer

21 - 27 march 2014


Gadget Inspector Investigates:

Toshiba 22-inch HD TV/DVD THIS WEEK the Inspector takes a look at the Toshiba 22 inch widescreen 1080p full HD LED TV with integrated DVD player. A lot of people these days have more than one television at home – a large set in the living room and a second smaller one in the bedroom or kitchen. But the days of the bulky colour portable with sticky out aerial and tiny screen are long gone – people now want a slim, multi-media capable TV with a decent screen and HD capabilities. The Toshiba fits the bill nicely. The widescreen 1080p full HD LED screen delivers crisp, bright colours with decent clarity. And with full HD capability the Toshiba can display HD images from any connected HD source. This is ideal for enjoying sports, movies and documentaries. The LED technology also incorporates an advanced backlighting system that enhances picture clarity by adapting to the images being displayed on the screen. Colours are brighter and crisper and the contrast between light and dark enhanced. Fast moving image reproduction is also improved with response times that are much quicker than conventional CCFL LCD TVs. This doesn´t have any effect on size or power consumption as the set is compact and has an ‘A’ Energy Rating. The integrated DVD player will play your favourite DVD movies, music mp3 CDs and jpeg picture CDs. A fully featured remote control is also included.

The Toshiba also features built-in Freeview digital TV with an 8 day electronic programme guide for scheduling your TV programmes. But do note that you will need to be in the UK to use this particular feature. Sound is enhanced by Dolby Digital Plus surround sound

capability. But don´t worry if you don´t have any media with this type of audio, the standard reproduction is perfectly adequate given the dimensions of the TV. If you still have a VHS player this can be connected via the included SCART socket. An HDMI socket is provided for connecting HD devices such as tablets, media streamers, games consoles and blu-ray players. Compatible USB drives containing videos, music or photos can also be connected and played. And if you want to connect a PC or laptop a VGA port is also supplied. The Toshiba comes complete with a stand for use on a flat surface, but can be wall mounted using a suitable 75cm by 75cm wall fitment (not included). The Inspectors Verdict: The Toshiba is ideal as a second set for a bedroom, kitchen or any other small room. And with the convenience of a built in DVD player you can watch your favourite films too! Please note the following is for information and is not intended as an advertisement - visit www.gadget-hound.co.uk/toshiba-tv-dvd/ to purchase the Toshiba 22 inch widescreen 1080p full HD LED TV with integrated DVD player for 190€. Please note the mains lead is fitted with a UK style 3-pin plug which will require a Spanish 2-pin adapter. Price quoted includes delivery to Spain and is subject to availability. Euro cost subject to exchange rate at time of purchase.


21 - 27 MARCH 2014

Focus on Golf Powered by Campbell Lamont Golf, partnered by BayRadio

Why is there always one WALLY?! AND DO we have to accept it? by Tony Myles HOW DO you feel if, when you are a spectator at a competitive round of golf, you happen to find yourself standing alongside a brain donor who insists on shouting “Get in the hole!” or “You’re the Man!!”. Even when watching the sport on TV the strident shouts of the intellectually challenged can be very intrusive. It’s not as if this is a sharp judicious observation. It is akin to shouting at Usain Bolt “Go quickly!” or “You’re a fast runner!” Can you imagine a cricket spectator shouting at the bowler “Try to hit the wickets!”. What would you think of someone watching Rafa Nadal shouting “Hit the ball over the net!” NO ABUSE PLEASE WE’RE GOLFERS On the other hand in many other sports this type of behaviour would go unnoticed and of course in football it has become almost a requirement to hurl abuse at the referee, and today no one is criticised for doing so. But anyone who plays golf would surely deplore the possibility that this type of abuse could ever enter into everyday play. Furthermore as golf is essentially a game that demands concentration from the participant, a distraction which creates a loss of focus at any point during the shotmaking process can be disastrous. We have all witnessed even the most skilled players cave-in when a simple event causes them to mishit a shot. So delicate is this process that the mindset of a player can be disturbed by a cough or a camera clicking. There are players at all levels whose concentration is such that even the slightest intrusion can lead to a complete disassembly of their swing. We have all seen the Montgomery stare! Fortunately most players don’t reach that level and so they demand little more than a few minutes silence from spectators and opponents. Nevertheless I suspect that the mere anticipation of knowing that as you reach the top of your swing there is a wally clearly his throat in order to bellow those inane entreaties, must have an effect on even the most focussed of golfer.

WHAT IF ANYTHING SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT IT? Is it now a fundamental part of the game and so, whether we like it or not, will it be with us as a permanent fixture? SHUT THE WALLY! Rather than merely accepting this kind donation to our culture from our US cousins I think that there should be a campaign in this Ryder Cup year to “Shut the Wally”. This campaign should empower other spectators to retaliate with their own expletives. So that every “You’re the Man!” would be met with a chorus of “You’re the Wally!”. Each time the annoying “Get in the hole!” is uttered it would be countered with a “Get a brain cell!” Would this type of anarchic behaviour ever happen. Not a chance and that is probably a good thing.

Head 2 Head

Campbell - I think you must have entered our golf competition? Tony M - Why? Campbell - Well the question is “Who is the current Golf world number one?”. Tony M - That sounds easy.

Campbell - Well yes I agree and of course we have received a number of correct answers . . Tony M - I can feel a ‘but’ coming here. And when I say I can feel a but I don’t necessarily want you to take that the wrong way.

Campbell - We have received a lot of correct answers BUT one of them says Rafa Nadal and I naturally thought that might have been from you. Tony M - Now that is just rude - even I know it is er . . whatsname. Campbell - That’s close enough!

There is still time to enter our competition and win a round of golf for two at La Sella against Campbell and Tony. All we need is an email from you with the answer to the question:Who is the current GOLF world number one? (By the way - it is not Rafa Nadal!) Email info@clgolf.es


21 - 27 MARCH 2014

road test

Tim Saunders Independent unbiased car reviewer

Peugeot 5008 MPV TRANSPORTING SEVEN people in comfort can present a problem, unless of course you don’t mind Transit vans. Peugeot has a solution though in its 5008 MPV (multi-purpose vehicle). Unlike the earlier Peugeot 807 people carrier the 5008 is more compact, making it more enjoyable to drive but this does mean that if there are seven passengers there’s not a huge amount of room for luggage. Importantly for the driver it’s not too difficult to reverse or manoeuvre. This style of vehicle is quite van-like in terms of appearance but it is very much like a car to drive and driver appeal is one of the advantages of the Peugeot. The test model, a two-litre diesel Allure – top-of-the-range - is equipped with a six-speed automatic gearbox but it can also be driven like a manual. At low speeds, typically up hill, this gearbox is a little indecisive, not sure whether to go for third gear or second, which does make for the occasional uncomfortable jolt. It is quite frugal for a vehicle of its size, returning over 40mpg on average. I put it through its paces over a long weekend to Pembrokeshire where we experienced a variety of roads. On the motorway (the M4, over the Severn Bridge) it was very capable, happily cruising at 70mph, even though it was heavily laden with five passengers and luggage. Cruise control makes life so much easier on such travels and the electric child lock engaged by the click of a switch on the

driver’s door is easy to operate. The one-way streets, invariably up sharp inclines in this part of the world, certainly cause the tired motorist some confusion but thank goodness I’m driving the 5008 because the auto box makes light work of the hills. I’m not usually a fan of electronic handbrakes but the one fitted to this vehicle is quick and simple to engage and disengage. Inside, the Allure benefits from an enormous panoramic glass roof (with electric sliding cover), which makes the vehicle really light and airy as you can see in the video at testdrives.biz. The front passengers get captain style seats with pull down armrests that can be adjusted to the desired height. The driver’s seat is certainly comfortable, hardwearing and supportive although I do find that when my daughter’s baby seat is in place behind I cannot push my seat back quite as far as I might desire. There are all the

gadgets the modern day motorist could dream of including sat nav, a useful head-up display showing the speed and ensuring the driver doesn’t take their eyes off the road. Air conditioning and a good quality sound system are all part of the package. New price range: 22,223€ - 30,892€ Power: 163bhp 0-60mph: 10.2secs Top speed: 118mph Economy: 40mpg

Watch the video at www.testdrives.biz

Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former Business and Motoring Editor of the Bournemouth Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar. For more independent unbiased car reviews and videos visit www.testdrives.biz

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21 - 27 march 2014


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21 - 27 march 2014


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