Rtn north edition 774

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 774

Osborne targets expats BRITISH EXPATS are in Chancellor George Osborne’s sights in controversial plans to stage a £400 million tax raid and strip nonresidents of their personal allowance 13 PAGE 16

4G for Benidorm north EDITION


14 - 21 AUGUST 2014

Benidorm has been chosen as the first region in the country to benefit from 4G technology due to it’s densely populated environment. Turn to page 3.

The world mourns the loss of two acting greats

This week the world was shocked to learn of the deaths of Lauren Bacall and Robin Williams. Read the full stories on PAGE 2 and PAGE 11

Bullfight protest goes global HUNDREDS OF PROTESTERS failed to prevent a controversial bullfight going ahead in Gandia on Saturday night as Mayor Arturo Torro staged the fourth ‘corrida’ since coming into office in May 2011. by Jack Troughton

Margaret and Joan Luis Soler with the petition

In a demonstration organised by the vets of animal charity SPAMA in the town, National Police herded people away from the temporary bullring near the Club Nautico at Playa Gandia. And they were helpless to prevent six bulls being put to the sword by three matadors – although an international online petition is calling for the mayor to halt the “barbaric” practice. The petition was posted by animallover Margaret Snowden and attracted over 4,000 signatures during the six days before the bullfight. And Margaret and husband Mike, who live just outside the city in Ador, met with Green Party Councillor Joan Luis Soler on Monday to lodge the petition at Gandia Town Hall – another has already been started in a bid to halt any repeat of the bullfight.

Until August 2011, Gandia had not seen a bullfight for 25 years. It is understood one in seven Spaniards want the whole country to follow Catalonia and ban the ‘sport’ thought to date back over 4,000 years. Margaret told RTN: “I hope the petition reminds the mayor that the world is watching. This is what Mr Torro has done; he has harmed the image of Spain.” TORTURE She said the petition was not an attack on Spaniards or their country but a bid to stop the torture of animals forced into the ring. “I don’t want the world to judge the Spanish themselves because there are so many groups working so hard for animals and to stop the abuse of animals,” said Margaret. “They have moved on so much and I do not want them all to be tarred with the same brush.” Continued on page 3

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