Rtn north edition 775

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Your English Newspaper


Issue 775

22 - 28 AUGUST 2014

Hunt victims speak out COSTA BLANCA residents are calling for stricter controls on hunting as more incidents come to light where stray bullets endanger family pets and even their owners. by Jan Gamm

Sky Vaghela

Sky wins Disney adventure EXCITED SIX-YEAR-OLD Sky Vaghela is off to Disneyland Paris to represent Spain in the fun charity pageant Face of Europe and the World. Read the full story on page 37.

ONE LADY, whose name has been withheld for her own security, has told RTN her shocking story: “For the past six years we have lived in the beautiful campo near Pedramala, Benissa. Naturally we expect hunting in the summer and at fiesta time but we are having difficulties with hunters who think it is acceptable to enter our garden and start hunting with dogs and rifles, firing shots around our house and our tennis-court. Our dog, a beautiful white poodle, was savagely attacked by their dogs. VICIOUS “Four years ago the hunters started to become more vicious and while guests swam in our pool bullets would pass just over their heads. Since then we had a few minor quarrels with the hunters, complaining to them about hitting our house with their bullets and so on…

“This last week things have become more sinister… They shoot over our heads while we are in our garden; dead pigeons fall into our garden or on the road directly outside our house and our four-year-old granddaughter was upset when she found a dead pigeon just four metres from the house. FED UP “We are totally fed-up. We can’t use the tennis-court on weekends and fiestas. Eating breakfast outdoors is extremely dangerous and we are afraid to swim in our pool. We are not living in a remote campo but in a desirable neighborhood with clearly defined boundaries and gates but the hunters choose to disregard residents’ safety.” There are so-called strict regulations in place regarding hunting in built up areas but the hunters are determined to blatantly flout the law and continue to endanger the lives of residents. Continued on page 4

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