Rtn north edition 786

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 786

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NORTH EDITION roundtownnews.com


3-9 JAN 2014 7 - 13 NOVEMBER 2014

Family petition demands vote by Jack Troughton

11monthold Giuseppe

Early release By Jack Troughton ENJOYING A Halloween Party for the first time last Friday night was young 11-month-old Giuseppe – out with his mum in Moraira. The youngster was spotted at the Teulada Moraira Lions Club annual party and proved all ages enjoy dressing up for a bit of fun. To read more go to page 8.

LOCAL POLITICIAN Jacqui Cotterill travels to the European Parliament in Brussels this week calling for expats to have a voice in elections and be spared the current “intolerable” problem of disenfranchisement. She will address the influential petitions committee to ask for “rapid action so that being a European citizen means having full democratic rights”. Jacqui, Deputy Mayor of Parcent, will present a petition co-signed by her three adult daughters, highlighting how people who have exercised their right of freedom of movement have no voice at the ballot box. Currently, Britain denies expats in national elections after they have lived abroad for over 15 years – they are also unable to vote in national and regional elections in Spain. Jacqui said as a local councillor for almost eight years, she could vote in Spain’s municipal elections and the European elections – yet in the town hall she was obliged to uphold national and regional laws in which she had not say. And she told RTN “no one has woken up to the fact” that second generation migrants, like her family, were completely disenfranchised.

“Shocking as it is that I have not been able to vote in any national election for 10 years now, what is even more inconceivable is that my three adult daughters, co-signatures on this petition, have come of age, work, pay tax and contribute to Spanish society but have no vote in Spain or Britain,” Jacqui added. FREEDOM “This second generation of EU migrants, whose parents have enjoyed the benefits of freedom of movement, is completely disenfranchised, an outcome that is obviously unacceptable.” She said the 15 year rule operated by the UK had already been the subject of much campaigning and lobbying – Italian resident Harry Shindler MBE particularly active in petitioning the EU and writing to the UK government. And she accepted the European Commission had responded to numerous complaints, writing to a number of governments – including Great Britain – calling for action. Jacqui said in September the ruling Tory government announced in September that if they won next year’s General Election, it would “extend a full right as a British citizen to vote in British elections for life.” Continued on page 3

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