RTN South Edition 536

Page 1


Your English Newspaper

Issue 536

10 frequently asked line rental questions All your questions answered! PAGE 16 Helping hand for Haiti


Positive advances in the treatment of breast cancer New statistics reveal an 80 percent breast cancer survival rate • p9

Editor’s chair to easel

Former RTN editor Chris Sinclair gave up the hot seat through ill health and discovered she had a natural artistic talent p20

The final whistle

Andy Kay’s weekly round up of sporting news. This week he gives us a cricket special and talks about the test match in Johannesburg p70


Charities across Spain and the United Kingdom have reported a surge in donations for the Haiti emergency... p4

Royals set to visit Orihuela January 22-28 2010

by Louise Clarke

The Mayor of Orihuela, Monica Lorente, has invited the King and Queen of Spain to the municipality during 2010 to join with its residents in celebrating the ‘Year of Miguel Hernandez’; the commemoration of the centenary of the birth of the famous poet born in Orihuela.

For a good nights sleep go and see the


New Season Sale Now On Page 7

Orihuela Mayor Monica Lorente hands King Juan Carlos a gift from the citizens of Orihuela

Ms Lorente met King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia at the inauguration of this year’s FITUR Tourism Exhibition in Madrid and took the opportunity to ask the couple if they would like to visit the city. Their Royal Highnesses were at the exhibition to officially open the event and offer their support to all the municipalities who were exhibiting. The FITUR exhibition is a showcase for municipalities from all over Spain to highlight their tourist attractions and to encourage visitors to visit them. Continued on page 3

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16°c Sunrise 08:12 Sunset 18:15

15°c Sunrise 08:12 Sunset 18:16

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18°c Sunrise 08:14 Sunset 18:13

16°c Sunrise 08:13 Sunset 18:14

Tony Blackburn’s Soul & Motown Show TONY BLACKBURN is one of the most popular DJ’s the UK has ever had. His career spans 45 years and, during that time, he has worked with some of the biggest Soul and Motown artists the World has ever known. 2010 sees Tony launch his new Soul & Motown Show only on TKOFM. The show will be the perfect way to get the weekend party really started. Expect all the great artists in Tony’s personal record collection to be played out. This is a playlist free zone so anything that Tony and his audience loves will get played - Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, The Supremes, Diana Ross, The Jackson 5, Chaka Khan, Mariah Carey, JLS, Michael Jackson, Lemar... the list goes on and on and the hits come with them. Make sure you tune in to TKO FM on Saturday the 30th January from 6-9pm and groove on down!


22-28 JANUARY 2010

continued from front page Tourism is Spain’s biggest industry and recently due to the global economic crisis as well as negative publicity, it has taken a bit of a battering. Hence the exhibition in Madrid holds importance to the national tourist industry and organisers have pulled out all the stops to encourage people to attend; including having the royals officially open the event.

more than ever the wonderful culture of our municipality as its tourist attractions. I was very proud to be able to personally invite the King and Queen to our City.” The Valencian President Francisco Camps and the President of Alicante Province Jose Joaquin Ripoll were also at the event promoting the region and the province. RTN will let you know if their Royal Highnesses accept Ms Lorente’s offer.

WONDERFUL CULTURE Ms Lorente used the opportunity to meet and greet a huge number of Spaniards and other Europeans to encourage them to visit the municipality and as she greeted the King and Queen, she handed them a special gift each. The King received a commemorative anthology of the Centenary of Miguel Hernandez, written by Jose Luis Ferri and to the Queen, she gave the ‘Orihuela Bracelet’, a stunning piece of jewellery hand made by a jeweller from the city. The Mayor told members of the press: “This year is the Centenary of the birth of Miguel Hernandez and as such it is the perfect opportunity to offer an invitation to the King and Queen of Spain to visit our city.” She added: “Thanks to the work we are doing, we are now officially part of the Tourist Map and promoting

Orihuela Mayor Monica Lorente shares a joke with the Valencian President Francisco Camps

Los Verdes conference is a success THE CONFEDERATION of Los Verdes met in Torrevieja last weekend and approved unanimously to reform its statutes. The party members also agreed other political proposals during the conference; the 12th annual event of its kind. More than one hundred delegates from all over Spain met to discuss the party’s future policies and to initiate a process that will take the party’s political positioning in Spain to a higher level; in a similar way to the rest of Europe, where following the European elections last year, the European Green Party has experienced a huge growth in popularity. As well as it’s political growth, there

were other subjects on the agenda, including the Haitian earthquake; the centenary celebrations of the birth of Orihuelan poet Miguel Hernandez and the environmental implications for the area of San Pedro del Pinatar due to the emissions from the local asphalt company. Also under discussion was the phosphorus plant in Huelva and the party’s policies on CO2 absorption, whilst also denouncing the use of drains that feed into the sea. It was agreed that the party will continue to wholeheartedly promote alternative sources of energy for all Spanish citizens and continue to press the central government to introduce cleaner power plants.




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Monday Alicante City


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Helping hand for Haiti 4

22-28 JANUARY 2010

DEVASTATED BY a massive earthquake and with 200,000 people now believed to have perished, Haiti desperately needs the support of the global community. The search for survivors continues amongst the rubble – almost miraculously adults and children are still being pulled alive from the wreckage after being trapped for up to eight days after the disaster of January 5th. However, as the rescue operation winds down the need to secure food, water and shelter for this shattered Caribbean population urgently rises. An estimated 3 million people are said to need aid. And the real challenge for Haiti will be building a future for the poorest country in the Western hemisphere that has for years been allowed by its leaders to grow reliant on foreign aid agencies. Charities across Spain and the United Kingdom have reported a surge in donations for the Haiti emergency and RTN has launched an appeal to allow people along the coast to contribute knowing their money will directly help the stricken community. TRAGEDY

Geoff Gartland, managing director of RTN, said he had spoken with many readers who wanted to donate money after being deeply moved by the human tragedy. “This was a desperately poor country before the earthquake,” he said. “Some 70 percent of the pop-

by Jack Troughton ulation were living on something like a euro a day – so just think what we can achieve by each making even the smallest sacrifice.“The emotional scenes we have all witnessed on our television screens, and the photographs and reports in the press, have had an impact on us all. “The people of Haiti may be helpless in the aftermath of this natural disaster but we can all play a part in giving them real support in their hour of need.” Sadly, ghouls have already gathered across the internet in a bid to cash in on people’s generosity and attempt to solicit money by posing as victims or charities involved in the aid effort. SAFE However, RTN has opened a bank account with Solbank (go to www.solbank.com for your nearest branch) to safely receive donations from readers and the progress of the appeal can be monitored through its pages. In addition, Geoff has pledged the paper’s support in helping publicise fund-raising events across the region as people respond to Haiti’s cry for help. “We all know that expats living in Spain are always very generous in trying to help others and quick to respond to any appeal in a humanitarian disaster,” he said. In Haiti itself violence and looting in the capital Port-au-Prince has

been quelled by patrols of soldiers, and the military has also provided security for water and food distribution – in more isolated regions this has meant parachute drops to zones consolidated by troops. And the presence of US servicemen is to be increased to 16,000 to help in the aftermath of the earthquake as the international relief effort truly gets into swing. PANIC

Refugee camps for quake survivors from the capital have been set up in the surrounding countryside but people remaining inside the city in makeshift street shelters were driven to panic after a powerful aftershock measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale struck. The airport has become a logjam of relief flights, at time hampering attempts to land the most urgent medical supplies. Hospitals have been overwhelmed in a bid to treat an estimated quarter of a million people injured in the earthquake and its aftermath, many said to be at risk of infection. Doctors complained of running short of anaesthesia and operations have taken place in corridors and hospital grounds. However, neighbour the Dominican Republic has set up a land corridor – protected by UN troops – to allow large scale aid convoys to run into Haiti from Santo Domingo. And despite the country’s ruined infrastructure and de-

The search for survivors continues

stroyed road system, help was said to have started arriving in more isolated regions. It was hoped engineers would soon establish facilities to allow ships to unload swiftly after the main port was knocked out in the quake and a second airport is due to open soon. Perhaps most vitally, radio broadcasts are beginning to help communicate with people across Haiti and help put them in contact with aid workers and supplies.

Solbank • Help Haiti Account number: 0081 0629 21 0001429751 • IBAN ES 48 0081 0629 21 0001429751 • Swift BSABESBB

Torrevieja town hall goes ‘live’ By Heidi Wardman THE CITY Council of Torrevieja has provided a convenient on-line information service for over 12 years, with services expanding over time to include, for example, the ‘Buzón del Ciudadano’, enabling residents to air their views and recommendations. The website incorporates useful contact information on principal Councillors, including profiles of the cabinet and helpful advice on how to communicate with services such as SUMA and the ADL. The website has now been developed further to become a ‘handbook’ for residents and visitors alike, presented by the Mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernández Mateo, accompanied by the Councillor for New Technologies, Pedro Valero. The page web www.torrevieja.es is scheduled to go live today and will continue to evolve as new services are introduced, with the investment total of its creation surpassing a whopping €634,000. FEATURES

The Mayor confirmed that the website includes: An integral multilingual-translation service; a development amounted to €40,700. An active system enabling affiliated businesses and organizations to upload public news and information onto

22-28 JANUARY 2010

Tom Vickers 1932-2009

Councillor for New Technologies of Torrevieja City Council, Pedro Valero

the website in real time (for example the local Cruz Roja has the ability to submit current information about the status of the beaches throughout the municipal term). This cost €34,800 to produce. A modern Geographical Information System (SIG) to immediately inform service providers such as the water board; census and statistics; lighting systems; urban maintenance and refuse collection operatives where their input is required at any given time. A system of ‘balance and acceleration’, at €53,000, enabling users without sufficient power from their internet supply to upload the data more rapidly in the ‘http’ safe pages. A supported website domain, at €92,000, providing access to the municipal portal 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. This is possible as the back-up service is activated if the regular server malfunctions. Provisions for those who may not have access to a computer or the internet at home to make use of one of several peripheral terminals or ‘electronic kiosks’, to be installed within various municipal buildings. This service encompassed the largest proportion of the total investment, at €180,000. The Mayor confirmed the Town Hall has posted more than 2,000 bulletins on its website during the past two years. He concluded that he is extremely proud of the new on-line service and hopes that it will bridge the gap between the City Council and Torrevejenses, improving communication and quality of life.

Wendy presents a cheque to Maureen Payne, President of Age Concern, for €450, donated by family and friends in his memory

by Louise Clarke TOM VICKERS was born in Bolton 1932, the only son of Thomas and Kerry Vickers. He lost both his parents whilst very young and his favourite aunt, Aunt Dolly, helped to bring him up. He was educated in Bolton during the Second World War, becoming fluent in mathematics and Latin; he was also a keen sportsman, becoming a good athlete and an excellent footballer. When he left school, Tom eventually became a steel erector working on power stations and went on to become a site liaison officer. LOVE

In 1963, Tom met Wendy and they married the following year: their only

daughter, Andrea, was born in 1965. In 1971, they bought their first flower shop and later that year, they bought Westwell’s Florist in Bolton Market Hall, with Tom now working full time in the business, earning the nickname: ‘Tommy Flowers’. Unfortunately, in the last few years, ill health took its toll but when his health permitted, Tom and Wendy helped to organise several fundraising events for the benefit of Age Concern and other charities. He will be sadly missed by his wife Wendy, daughter Andrea, grandson Michael and his many relations and friends. Tom died on September 17th 2009 in Spain.

22-28 JANUARY 2010

22-28 JANUARY 2010


22-28 JANUARY 2010

Pentagono do it alone By Louise Clarke FOLLOWING OUR article ‘Held to Ransom’ two weeks ago, RTN has been inundated with e-mails and calls from people who are or were in a community in the same position as the one we featured. As a result, we arranged to have a meeting with the community’s new administrator, Pentagano Multiservicios, at their offices in Pilar de la Horadada to find out exactly what their relationship is with Grupo Mediterraneo and its owner, Jose Ramon Ferrer Mesples. The number of e-mails we received this week was astonishing; the majority of them all had one or more complaints about Snr Ferrer and his company’s dealings. RTN arranged to meet him at the Pentagano offices on Tuesday to address these complaints. Pentagono’s Managing Director, Manuel Agüero, although not a registered administrator, is a qualified accountant and economist employing a number of associates throughout Alicante and Murcia who are qualified administrators and lawyers. Last year, Pentagano purchased, from Grupo Mediterraneo 70% of its clients, resulting in 80 communities being taken over by Pentagano Multiservicios. The community in our article was taken over from 1st January 2010. CONFUSION Pentagono is a totally separate and independent company. They have categorically stated

that although Snr Agüero was Snr Ferrer’s accountant, Snr Ferrer has nothing to do with Pentagano Multiservicios. RTN has seen legal documentation to that effect and we are pleased to clear that up. Snr Ferrer was happy to explain the situation with regards to the urbanisation featured in the article. He told us that by law, community fees must be paid from the day that the deeds for the property are signed. He explained that he had sent registered letters to all the residents before he handed the urbanisation over and used Pentagono letter headed paper but signed them with his signature and a Grupo Mediterraneo stamp. He said: “I can see where the confusion came from, but I am just involved in the handing over of these communities. I have nothing to do with Pentagono.” With regard to the e-mails RTN has received, we will be meeting up with Snr Ferrer at a later date to sift through them and determine whether or not they are now Pentagano’s clients. Those that are will be handed to Snr Agüero and those that are still owned by Grupo Mediterraneo will be dealt with by Snr Ferrer. RTN has organised for the Presidentelect and the committee-elect of the urbanisation featured in the article to meet up with Snr Agüero next week to discuss their situation and we will report on that in a future issue.

FITUR: 30th tourism fair bigger and better than ever The 30th edition of the International Tourism Trade Fair, FITUR, opened its doors on 20 January, and runs until 24 January. King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia officially opened the event at the IFEMA building in Madrid. AROUND 11,000 companies from approximately 170 countries or regions attended, occupying 75,000 square metres of net exhibition space. Official representatives from countries such as Uganda, the Republic of Ghana, Kuwait, as well as territories such as Abu Dhabi have attended FITUR for the first time - thus boosting international participation in the trade Fair. These destinations are intensifying the presence of two regions of the world with enormous potential for the development of tourism: Africa and the Middle East. Belize is also there for the first time, represented by its national hotel association. Official bodies representing the Seychelles and Burkina Faso returned after missing the event last year, showing the power of FITUR as a promotional tool and an efficient business platform. There are several specific business initiatives at the event, including: INBOUND SPAIN – which groups together companies promoting Spain as a tourist destination; INVESTOUR – which encourages Spanish investment in tourism projects in Africa, and FITUR GREEN – designed to encourage energy efficiency in tourist destinations.

Last year’s show

In addition to business and investment opportunities, lovers of unique, genuine travel can find the destination they are looking for at the trade fair. Destinations from all over the world have discovered that most traditional features, customs and idiosyncrasies are full of potential and a draw for many tourists, and FITUR offers a forum for every country and culture to display its most interesting side.

Man dies in clothes recycling bin A MAN who climbed into a clothes recycling bin in Valencia on Tuesday was found dead the following morning. Speculations are that the 24-year-old was

attempting to takes clothes that were inside the bin, but the swing door of the bin prevented him from getting out once he was inside. An ambulance arrived at 8am

on Wednesday morning, but the paramedics were only able to certify the man’s death. The bin is used as a place where the public can drop unwanted clothes to help the poor.

22-28 JANUARY 2010

Positive advances in the treatment of breast cancer In Alicante Province, ‘Grupo Español de Investigación en Cáncer de Mama’ has released statistics that reveal an 80 percent breast cancer survival rate. by Heidi Wardman One in ten women will contract this form of cancer, the primary cause of death among women in Spain. Some 16,000 – 17,000 new cases are diagnosed annually, with an average 600 victims living in the Alicante Province. TREATMENT Head of Oncology at elche Hospital, Álvaro Rodríguez, explained that new drugs have been developed, designed to attack specific strains of cancer, enabling a broader range of treatment programmes. these are constantly evolving, to the extent that treatments are becoming almost unique to any particular patient. the ‘erB2’ tumour is currently recognised as being the most aggressive, for which a partial or complete mastectomy is usually recommended. One in four breast

cancer patients receives an erB2 diagnosis. Dr Rodríguez explained that combating this strain is of particularly high priority and alternative therapies are being considered as a supplementary treatment. LOCAL SUPPORT the ‘Asociación española contra el Cáncer’ (AeCC), is dedicated to supporting cancer sufferers and their families. At local levels, the torrevieja branch is primarily concerned with arranging screens for breast, cervical and prostate cancer, whilst simultaneously becoming involved in awareness campaigns to prevent skin and lung cancers. the AeCC is a non- profit making charity relying upon donations and fundraising efforts of members of the public. Screening in Spain is not free and can be costly. However, thanks to the intervention of the AeCC, these costs can

be greatly reduced, to up to 50 percent off the cost of a normal screen. it has endeavoured to maintain the examination costs at the same discounted rate for the last six years. the AeCC is also able to arrange emergency appointments for people who have concerns or who detect irregularities themselves, who would otherwise be forced to wait for consultations via the Spanish national Health Service. the torrevieja branch of the AeCC is located on Calle La Calera, near to the ‘Seat’ garage off the Avenida Corte Valencianas, and is open to those who wish to make an appointment for screening every Wednesday from 09:00 to 13:00. For further information or to make or change appointments, please ring the office on 965 716 679 (Wednesday mornings only).

Amazing advances in Breast Cancer Research have resulted in an 80% recovery rate


22-28 JANUARY 2010

Slim from within! WoW and thanks , that’s the usual response that alan Gilchrist , the Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist gets from his clients after his Fast Track Weight control session. as alan says “there are many ways to lose weight but at the end of the day will power is also required for all of them. Each and every one of us has the ability to lose weight in any number of ways. True weight loss success is often a complex combination of both physical and mental challenges. Half the problem is addressed by the mind and the habitual / behavioural patterns that has caused the person to gain weight in the first place. The other is how their body responds to different foods, caloric intake, fats, etc. My goal is to help them change their relationship with food for good, and also to help change the way they see and feel about themselves “ and that is where alan’s unique powerful combination of Fast Track Hypnosis and Laser Therapy comes into its own. Many thousands of people have used alan’s weight control techniques with great success and if they can do it , then so can you ! Too many people confuse hunger with appetite. Hunger is a real need, whereas appetite is only a habit. THE TWo aRE noT THE SaME! appetite is provoked by suggestion while hunger is the message we send to our brain whenever the body needs essential nourishment. There are various reasons why a person can be overweight such as people with a medical condition because of glandular malfunction or some other physical problem, then hypnosis may not be the solution and medical help should initially be sought. PeoPle who overeat because of early Programming by Parents How many times were you told ”eat it all up and you will grow up to be a big healthy adult” or ”think of all the starving children in the world and you are leaving that on your plate”. PeoPle who overeat by comfort eating This is again by programming from early years, ”don’t cry, here is a piece of chocolate, when you eat it you will feel better”. PeoPle who overeat because of emotional Problems In the case of these people their overeating habits go deeper than the previous ones. Therefore the actual problem would have to be addressed and corrected. alan’s Fast Track Hypnosis plus Laser Therapy is ideal for helping people who want to lose weight because of early programmingor emotional problems and help them achieve their target weight. and all this is completed in one simple session. ( Fast Track Hypnosis and Laser Therapy along with the Cds provided), so there is no need to go for multiple sessions, thus saving time and unnecessary expense. Fast Track weight Control is accomplished by initially helping you to lose your weight in a healthy manner and then maintaining it, instead of losing weight and then regaining it time and time again. Wouldn’t it be wonderful having your weight issues no longer an important part of your life? Have you lost count of the number of diets you’ve started, only to give up after a few weeks of constantly watching everything you eat? Perhaps you’ve tried traditional methods such as slimming organisations or pills, but found that you put the weight back on as soon as you returned to eating ‘normally’ Can you imagine how it would be to look in the mirror and to feel delighted with

fast track your way to a healthier life style in 2010 in one simple 30 minute session - with guarantee ! with alan gilchrist, costa blanca’s top hypnotherapist

how you look. If you want to be slim, One session of Fast Track Hypnosis and Laser Therapy could be the difference between being overweight, depressed and downright unhealthy, to being fit, alert, active and full of energy. You owe it to yourself to be as fit and healthy as you possibly can ! letters from clients Hi Alan

I came to see you 5 weeks ago and to date I have lost 17 pounds. It’s absolutely brilliant. I was addicted to coke and chocolate. I have stopped all that and just drink water instead. I played your Cd everyday for the month as you told me, and now just a few times during the week. I didn’t find it hard at all and I am not even snacking between meals, which is great. Thanks nicky R

Dear Mr Gilchrist I received hypnotherapy last March for a weight problem. at the time I weighed 15 stone and had spent my entire life from the age of 16 on freak diets, which failed to work in the long term. I consulted you as a last ditch- I mean no disrespect, but I didn’t believe that hypnotherapy could help me ; however as I had unsuccessfully tried just about everything else, it was all that remained and I reluctantly decided to give it a go. as I left your clinic after that session, I must confess that I felt no different from when I went in, and politeness prevented me saying so. I did, however want to be fair, and so I carried out you instructions. From the morning following my hypnotherapy, I found that somehow, I only wanted to eat sensible food. Sweet shops and bakeries might as well have been


Alan Gilchrist Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist

selling bits of wood - like magic, their hold over me was gone. I have to date lost 4 stone by eating three sensible meals a day and snacking , if I feel I want to, on fruit or a slice of brown bread. needless to say I am now a confirmed believer in the efficacy of Hypnotherapy. With gratitude Mary alan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Guardarmar, and Benidorm. alan is also the originator of the Stop Smoking in under 30 minutes Fast Track Hypnosis Session which others are now trying to copy! For an appointment, brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact alan Gilchrist on 659 229 408. Visit his web site www.alangilchrist.com or www.hypnosiscostablanca.com

The Sheriff is 50!

RTN’s Cliff Roberts who turns 50 today (Friday)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the one and only, Sheriff! Cliff Roberts, RTN’s formidable Sales and Marketing Director, hits the BIG 50 today and

everyone at the paper, as well as all his clients, would like to wish him lots of love and best wishes on his special day.

Have a whisky or two on us Cliff!

15-21 22-28 JANUARY 2010 2010


by Heidi Wardman


22-28 JANUARY 2010

Tougher controls on domestic violence Representatives from the Department of Justice visited the new Torrevieja Court dedicated to cases of violence against women

By Heidi Wardman

THE VALENCIAN Government has reaffirmed its intentions to crack down on domestic violence throughout the region and improve the assistance extended to victims. Representatives from the Department of Justice of the Generalitat Valenciana joined the Mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernández Mateo, to inspect the new court room reserved for ‘violence against women’. The Councillor for Justice and Public Administration, Paula Sánchez de León, said the department “would like to see a day when it is not necessary to have an entire court dedicated to crimes of domestic violence so they may be transformed back into general judicial chambers”. Presently, however, the service is certainly a requirement to help reduce the back log preventing many other cases from being heard. The Regional Government has invested more than €325,000 in Torrevieja’s new court. Paula Sánchez de León confirmed: “The Judicial team of Torrevieja will benefit from two new courts

Spanish driver wins 2010 Dakar Rally

CARLOS SAINZ has won the South American Dakar Rally. The Spaniard raced to the finish line last Saturday 16th against a late challenge from Volkswagen teammate, Nasser Al-Attiyah. It’s the first time Sainz has won the competition. Al-Attiyah was pipped to the post by just two minutes and 12 seconds. Sainz admitted after his victory that he had hoped to win the Dakar rally after winning the World Championship and he thanked his team, sponsors and close friends for helping him achieve his goal. In the motorcycle rally, however, a six-hour penalty on the Spanish rider, Marc Coma, meant that he lost out to French Cyril Despres, who won for the third time in a row.

during 2010, including a fourth court for primary hearings and a further penal court of Orihuela with headquarters in Torrevieja, dealing only with crimes of violence against women”. She added that the Regional Department of Justice has requested to the Ministry of Justice that the new ‘primary hearings’ court is put into operation by April at the latest. JUSTIFIED

According to statistics supplied by the courts, the number of contentious cases reported during 2007 stood at 3,508, rising to 5,027 in 2008. This equates to almost 1,700 cases per court and 60% more than the number

recommended by the General Council for Judicial Power, which stands at 720. The new penal court will be the second of its kind for this area, justified by the significant increase in cases. SERVICE The Councillor announced: “This data demonstrates that this type of violence continues to be a reality, and that the resources and services which are being put in place as we speak are necessary”. The service will cater for all six towns within the Orihuela Justice network, including Benijófar; Guardamar del Segura; Los Montesinos; Rojales; San Miguel de Salinas and Torrevieja.

22-28 JANUARY 2010



22-28 JANUARY 2010

send us your


txt views to 7505*

Lost friends

Could you please print this appeal for lost friends, last heard of in Torrevieja, Calle Lisboa? Their names are Gigi and Jim Tomkins. My son in law, Nigel Turner, has lost touch and would just like to know they are okay. They may contact him via my email (details supplied).

Tommy Taylor

Is it possible to get a message to Tommy Taylor from Carol and Ron Haynes? We used to be very good friends with Tommy and his wife Pat when he played for West Ham, Leyton Orient and Cambridge. We lost touch as he moved on - we now live in Mazarron, Spain and seeing his photo and reading about him helping Torrevieja, we would love to get in touch. Hope to hear something - many thanks, Carol Haynes

Living in Spain

For many years I have thought about buying and living permanently in Spain but with these stories of houses being demolished how can one risk it? Can your readers tell me how I can buy a house with 100% assurance it won’t be pulled down? I love Spain and want to live there but I’m nervous about making the move. rcubyc@tesco.net


Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address or text VIEWS (space) followed by your name, town and message to 7505 (Message should not exceed 150 characters) *Txts cost 90 cents + IVA

letter of the week

Banks are responsible Further to your article entitled, ‘What a Cheek’ with comments from the previous Mayor Rodriguez Leal, where he said, that “Purchasers of illegal houses are IDIOTS”, he allegedly stated that anyone who went to the Town Hall were told that these houses were illegal. My question is: where do the banks stand in this as they SHOULD have visited the Town Hall as part of their searches BEFORE issuing a mortgage on said properties? Also, in my case, the manager of my bank attended the meeting with the Notary, so I believe that either he DID NOT inform me of the illegality of my property or the bank did not conduct their searches properly. Either way, I hold my bank totally responsible for the position that I am in, as if the bank had done its job correctly I would not have been issued a mortgage and therefore would not have purchased my property. I have taken this argument to the FSA, as my bank is UK owned, with advertisements festooned on the branch walls, saying that they are registered with the FSA. They are trying to wriggle out of it by saying that the mortgage was issued in Spain: so far my bank may have won the battle but they haven’t won the war! Mike Kemp, Details supplied

Keeping him alive With the recent hilarious photofit of a Spanish politician to resemble Bin Laden, someone needs to point out that a photofit is for where you only have a description of a wanted man. With an original photo you can make all the adjustments you want. Bin Laden is either dead or in a coma on a life-support machine. He probably died in an early attack though there may have been some truth to the rumour that at the time he was seriously ill. In this electronic age, where even schoolboys can put videos online, Bin Laden without doubt would have given a monthly appearance. What better way would there be for him to supply an outstanding motivation for his followers? American is ‘keeping him alive’ to excuse their aggressive incursions. Terence White, Alcala.


talk tous



To smoke or not to smoke? Isn’t it about time that the Governments of the UK and now Spain came clean on this ‘No Smoking’ legislation? If, as they say, smoking is so bad for you that it should be banned in bars, restaurants, pubs etc shouldn’t they have the courage of their convictions and ban the sale of tobacco completely? I have no axe to grind on either side: our household has one smoker and one non smoker but it makes me angry when the smokers pay extra tax for the privilege of smoking and yet they are banned from enjoying the product they have legally purchased. They are treated like lepers and have either to leave their tables and go outside or go without a cigarette and why should they? They are contributing in tax payments to the economy of these countries with Governments that grasp the income from tobacco sales with one hand and condemn it with the other.

There is no doubt that in the UK many have lost their livelihoods with pubs closing because of the ban and this will happen here as well. But of course neither Government will put a total ban on the sale of cigarettes because it is too lucrative for them - so they should leave the smokers alone and let tolerance and common sense prevail. By all means, if there are to be separate places for smokers then they should be as pleasant as the areas for the non smokers and until there is a total ban, Ministers should back off because by allowing the sale of tobacco they are condoning smoking. So stop making the puffers feel like criminals and come out in the open and say that you can’t afford to be without the income derived from smoking. The sheer hypocrisy of the situation is shameful and puts both Governments in a bad light. Sincerely, DS Bugden

8-14 JANUARY 22-28 JANUARY 2010

Samaritans Barcelona marathon IN RTN Edition 534, we reported on a dedicated team of four people who are to run the Barcelona marathon in March this year to raise awareness and funds for the Samaritans here in Spain. RTN is pleased to be supporting their efforts and each week in the run-up to the race we will be letting you know how preparations are going and how you can help support the cause. Samaritans have created a special website featuring the individuals and their training progress which offers an opportunity to sponsor the team. You can find this at www.samsrunners. wordpress.com The Samaritan organisation here in Spain is a fully legal organisation, comprised of a growing number of trained volunteers who operate the helpline on 902 883 535 every night between 20.00 and midnight. Samaritans will listen to you confidentially and supportively about any issue whatsoever that might be troubling you – you don’t even have to give your name. Louise Clarke will report next week on progress and give more details about how loyal RTN readers can support this amazing effort.

New airport for Catalunya

THE GENERALITAT Regional Government in Catalunya has funded the construction of a new airport in Lleida. The airport officially opened last Sunday with the landing of an Airbus 320 Vueling flight from Barcelona. The flight carried around 160 journalists and Generalitat de Cataluña President, Jose Montilla. Commercial flights are scheduled to begin on 5th February and the authorities say that the airport has the facility to cater for up to 50,000 passengers in its first year. The aim is to increase passenger numbers to 395,000 annually over the next 10 years.

British Airways and Iberia to merge

A MERGER between Iberia and British airways will probably take place as soon as February 2010. This is according to a statement by Iberia’s biggest shareholder, Caja Madrid. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two airlines last November, with the plan of merging at

Privatisation of the municipal water service DUE TO the situation provoked by the proposed privatisation of the water service, the BLOC Party of Els Poblets would like to clarify their position: We are totally against the privatisation of the water service: the only parties to vote in favour of this were PP and PIREE. In November the previous coalition of PP and PIREE broke up because after voting to privatise the water for 25 years, they could not agree on which company to use. BLOC calls on all council groups to agree to totally suspend the adjudication. If there is not a sufficient

majority to suspend this contract, which is going to cost more money for every citizen, BLOC will adhere to the agreement of the November meeting. BLOC will not let this subject lie on the table as we feel this will only exacerbate the situation and cause more instability in the Town Hall. In conclusion, if we do not have sufficient council support to suspend the contraction, we will vote with our conscience for the company which will cost less for everyone. Salvador Sendra Gasquet, Spokesperson, BLOC, Els Poblets


a later date. Miguel Blasa, Caja Madrid’s chairman has said that the deal looks set to be completed as early as next month, and the strikes threatened by BA staff would not effect the merger. Once the merger is complete, the new company will be the third biggest in the world in terms of revenue.


22-28 JANUARY 2010

Frequently Asked Line Rental Questions 0 1 Q: What do I have to do to change my landline from Telefonica to RTN Network? A: It is simple to make the change; just give RTN Network a call and they will do the rest!

Q: How much does it cost to transfer my line over to RTN? A: We charge a €10 administration fee in the first month your line is with us, and the monthly charge is €13.97. Q: How long does it take to be transferred? A: The transfer process takes between 4 to 6 weeks to complete.

Q: Am I tied to a minimum term contract with RTN landline Rental? A: There is no minimum term contract with landline rental.

Q: Do I need to cancel with Telefonica first? A: NO, you should not cancel your line with Telefonica; RTN will handle the transfer process completely Q: Will I lose my existing phone number? A: NO, you keep your existing phone number! Q: Will I have any loss of service? Will my phone be cut off? A: NO, there will be no loss of service in the transfer process.

Q: I have a Telefonica telephone: do I have to give it back? A: If you rent a phone from Telefonica you should return it after your line has been transferred over. Q: What happens if I have a problem with my phone line after I have transferred over? Do I still contact Telefonica? A: NO, if you have any problems with your phone line you contact RTN and we will fix the issue! Q: How will I know when the line has been transferred to RTN? A: RTN will contact you as soon as your line has been transferred over.

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22-28 JANUARY 2010

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22-28 JANUARY 2010

Steaming ahead with the sports village The Mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernandez Mateo visited the construction site of the fabulous new Sports Village

by Louise Clarke THE REGION’S Sports village now under construction is set to become one of the most important sports facilities in the country. The Mayor of Torrevieja, Pedro Hernández Mateo with the Councillor for Sports, Daniel Plaza; the Councillor for Large Projects, José Antonio Sánchez and the Council-

lor for Works and Services, Javier Montoro, paid a visit to the ‘Plan E’ project, aimed at inspecting phase one, due to be completed in March. The racket sports zone and multifaceted Sports Pavilion with rugby pitches; cricket; football and grassed hockey pitches, encompasses a budget of almost €7 million. The Mayor examined each zone in turn, covering

the racket zone; expansive tennis zone changing facilities and management offices including lecture theatres, a cafeteria and gymnasium. The pavilion’s size enables it to be used for a range of sports and both national and international matches and tournaments. PROGRESS

The Mayor expressed how delighted he was

at the progress that had been made, suggesting that as much as 80% of the entire Plan Director de Deportes will be completed within the next two months, including the construction of two new football grounds. The pitches will be created from artificial turf and surrounded by four viewing stands to enable their use for competitive

matches. He explained that there will be a large focus on sports during the next two years, stressing, “The city council is very excited about all of these projects, designed to give sports men and women across the city the opportunity to enhance their skills in all sporting genres and put Torrevieja sports on the map.”

US ambassador apologises to Llamanzares

THE UNITED STATES ambassador is being forced to make a personal apology to Spanish politician Gaspar Llamanzares, after his photo was used to describe Osama Bin Laden. The new United States Ambassador to Spain, Alan Solomont, has agreed to meet with Gaspar Llamanzares after the FBI used his photograph to create a photo-fit image of how Osama Bin Laden might look today. Diplomatic sources from the US have already admitted liability, describing the act as “an inacceptable error” while Deputies in Spanish Congress said that they were shocked by the mistake. Mr Llamanzares, who is the ex-leader of the IU left-wing coalition, expressed his deepest gratitude to members of other parties and particularly all political groups of the Spanish parliament who have shown their support. The picture above shows Gasper Llamanzares on the left alongside the photo-fit image of Osama Bin Laden created by the FBI.

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22-28 JANUARY 2010


Editor’s chair to easel 20

22-28 JANUARY 2010

by Jack Troughton

FORMER RTN editor Chris Sinclair gave up the hot seat through ill health and discovered she had a natural artistic talent. Her abdication because of a painful chronic back problem saw Chris with too much time on her hands so she took up a paint brush and began a series of colourful pictures. The selfadministered therapy witnessed the Sinclair home in the scenic Val de Pop become a studio, reawakened a love of art, and led her to start lessons at the ArtHouse in Gata de Gorgos. And now Chris – who says the back is now “fine” - joins 14 other artists in staging an exhibition of work in an exhibition to mark the gallery’s first anniversary. “I have not been taught art before and didn’t study it at school, but I hope have a natural eye for it,” she said. “I started to get depressed with my back problem, not working and being stuck at home, and I started to get back into art and painting.” At home Chris had gone through a ‘flower period’, using oils to recreate the bright eye-catching shades of subjects like sunflowers and birds of paradise.

“I particularly like trying to draw people’s hands and faces and started off doing pen and ink drawings which are quite intricate,” she said. “I heard about Julia (Evans) and the ArtHouse and was introduced to acrylics and painting with ink. “She said have a go with oils and it is a great opportunity to try different mediums which you might not necessarily think about. She has been very encouraging in getting me to start new stuff which is a challenge.” And also backing Chris’ new passion is proud husband Ian – part of RTN’s sales team. She joked how Ian was particularly “patient” when there was a delay in the family timetable because she was preoccupied with a picture. “I am very critical of my work but Ian has always been very supportive about them. However, I am nervous about this first exhibition”. The ArtHouse exhibition opens on Saturday 6th February from 20.00 until 22.00 and runs until February 13th. For more information, ring the gallery on 965 756 286, email arthousemail@gmail.com or visit www.arthouseonline.net

Chris painting at the ArtHouse

New Dean of Lawyers’ Bar Association

LAST FRIDAY, Lawyer Manuel Almarcha Marcos took over as a Dean of the Lawyers’ Bar Association of Orihuela. As a result of the elections held on 18th December, the new members of the Governing Board were also announced. The lawyers, Mrs. The new María del Mar García Calvo as First Deputy; Governing Board of the Mr. Julio Abad Ezcurra as Second Deputy; Lawyers Bar Mrs. María del Milagro Lacarcel as Fourth Association Deputy and as Treasurer Mrs. María Dolores of Orihuela Hernández Ruiz, will all start their new

roles immediately. Among the proposals of the new Dean and his team are the renewal of the institution; the approach to the Bar Association of all lawyers of the Vega Baja area as well as Torrevieja and the rest of the coast; the adaptation of new technologies and the introduction of a code of dignity of the profession with a special emphasis on combating the present professional intrusion and uncertified legal practice mainly existing in the coastal area.

Gastronomy university for Spain

Got a story? 902 118 999


THE FIRST ever gastronomy university is being built in San Sebastian in Spain. Students will be able to study Molecular Gastronomy in English and Spanish. On offer are four-year undergraduate courses in culinary arts, a one-year Masters, or shorter courses for those seeking to improve their culinary expertise.

Spain’s minister for Science and Innovation, Cristina Gamendia, attended a ceremony to oversee the laying of the first stone last month. Famed Spanish El Bulli restaurant owner, Ferran Adria, will be instructing students and other well-known restaurateurs such as Heston Blumenthal are also said to be considering offering their knowledge to budding chefs.

22-28 JANUARY 2010

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L.

by Jennifer Cunningham

Why should I consider a Funeral Plan? MOST OF us will be well aware of funeral plans. Whilst appreciating it is not a comfortable subject for us to even think about, let alone talk about, it should be seriously considered. Why do I say that? The problem with pretending it isn’t going to happen, making no arrangements, just creates extra stress. Spain’s culture is vastly different from the UK, especially when it comes to funerals. It is purely a business transaction, therefore there are far more Spaniards taking out a funeral plan than ex-pats. I find this situation amazing when you consider that they understand their culture and of course speak the language. One basic reason is of course finding a large amount of

money very quickly; the other being all the arrangements are taken care of. Plus it is just part of their culture to talk openly about death and take responsibility for it happening, whilst very sadly we tend to be just the opposite; many not even making a will. You will find the speed that arrangements have to be made can be daunting and would be difficult to handle if you were feeling fine, but having to make instant decisions on possibly one of the worst days of your life will just add extra pressure. There are two types of plans: pre paid plans and insurance plans. A pre paid plan is a one off payment, whilst an insurance plan is a small premium per annum. Some

prefer to pay in total whilst others feel the yearly payment system is more helpful. Many people mistakenly believe that an insurance funeral plan will not provide full cover at the time when it is needed the most. As with all insurance policies, once you have been accepted for cover, the full benefits come into place immediately (agerelated terms apply). There is also a possibility that your bank account could be frozen upon death, making access to instant funds impossible. As payment has to be found instantly, within the region of €4,000, why not think about making life easier by taking out a funeral plan, which not only pays the costs but also makes all the


The Costas leading insurance consultant If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net

arrangements and deals with the entire medical and registry certificates? With just one hour of your time you could save both money and mega stress. Then when the sad day arrives, one phone call only and all the arrangements will swing into place; just ONE phone call: how simple is that? Writing about leaving this world brings me full circle to Paul Cunningham Nurses. Today (Wednesday) is a very sad day for me in many ways, one of them being the anniversary of my son Paul’s death. This was why I started the charity, and after only eighteen months I am so pleased to say that we are helping more and more people. The nurses are wonderful and special people

to be able to carry out their role always with a smile on their faces. All the people who dedicate their time so freely to the charity are for me amazing, tireless givers. Thank you all. On 27th January, The Dining Room along the Crevillente road near San Luis, near where Reeves Butchers, is holding a fund raising night for Paul Cunningham Nurses. On the 29th at the Portobello Bar in Campoverde, there is a race night: please support this event. On 28th February, there is a Charity Challenge at Casa La Pedrera’s. The challenge is to walk, run or cycle a minimum of five kilometres. For more information, please contact the PCN office at La Marina on 966 790 363.

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22-28 JANUARY 2010

New premises for VIAL

RTN and Eduardo’s Help the Heroes

THE CONFLICT in Afghanistan sadly dominates our news headlines on most days. The scenes of dead soldiers being repatriated through the Wiltshire town of Wootton Bassett are viewed by millions on TV on a regular basis. However, for every one of the soldiers who comes home through RAF Lyneham, there are dozens more wounded in need of medical care and help to recover from their devastating injuries. That is why RTN, in association with Eduardo’s in Villamartin, is proud to be supporting Help for Heroes and this year we have lots planned to raise much needed funds for the charity that helps wounded soldiers who have returned from conflict in both Iraq and Afghanistan. SUPPORT

New store in Elche

by Louise Clarke VIAL CARPINTERIAS has been long established in Crevillente and now as a New Year dawns so do new premises. VIAL offers a wealth of supplies for both the building trade and the DIY expert; consistently offering the best value for money and continually extending high quality products at unbeatable prices. Their new premises are just down the road from their old depot and showroom; very easy to get to from the AP7 motorway. With their brand new 3,500 square metres of showroom and their 3,500 square metres of stockroom, double the size of their old premises, VIAL can now offer you more than ever before. Whether you wish to improve your kitchen or redesign your garden, VIAL has everything you could possibly need to enhance your home inside

and out. And in March, the third floor of their massive new premises will be open for VIAL DECO, with all kinds of furniture, lighting and décor available to make your home perfect. CONVENIENT As well as the new Elche branch, there are VIAL branches located in Denia; Malaga and Cobatillas, near Murcia City; all supplied by their central factory in Almoradi. Each store carries the complete range of products from kitchen units; oak interior doors; storage units; wardrobes; solid pine staircases and beech spiral staircases to solid oak patio sets. Other key products include steel fencing; steel gates; gate controls and sun beds. And as well as being able to take most items with you that very day, they also offer a convenient home delivery service for larger items. If you don’t fancy DIY, VIAL can recommend

experienced craftsmen for any job around the home; big or small. To celebrate their new store, they will be open all day on Monday from 09:00 to 20:00 but their usual opening times are 09:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 20:00 and 09:00 to 15:00 on Saturday. RTN will be down there next week to see the new store and will let you know all about it and the fantastic offers they have available in next Friday’s paper. If you can’t wait that long, go down there on Monday and see for yourself! To get to the new showroom, exit the AP7 at junction 719 and head towards Elche. You will be able to see the huge VIAL sign on the left hand side as you travel to the next roundabout. Once at the roundabout, come back on yourself and take the service road down to the store. For more information please call 966 682 539.

Help for Heroes (H4H) was founded in the summer of 2007 and launched in the October of the same year. With the backing and support of celebrities, including Jeremy and Francie Clarkson; the Royal Family; the media and countless ordinary decent people, it has raised over £1m per month since. Help for Heroes is a strictly non-political charity and has no affiliation with any political party. The money they raise is used to support wounded British Servicemen and women of every colour and creed. FINE DINING Eileen Cobb from the charity approached RTN and Eduardo’s and we were both delighted to offer our support. So, the first Help for Heroes Charity Dinner Dance of this year will take place on 25th February at Eduardo’s restaurant in Villamartin Plaza: the event promises to be an amazing night of fine dining, quality entertainment and lots of fundraising in aid of a fabulous cause. Tickets are priced at just €35 per person and include a delicious three course meal with €10 per ticket going to the charity. There will also be a raffle and an auction to raise even more cash for H4H. We are looking for raffle prizes and auction prizes, so if you would like to donate to this deserving cause, please contact either Louise or Garreth at RTN. For more information on the event and to reserve tickets, please call Eduardo’s on 644 498 067.

22-28 JANUARY 2010


Normal Price Homeclean Price 3 Piece Suite from €120 from €60 2 Piece Suite from €100 from €50 Leather Suite Price on application Carpets Price on application Oriental Rugs Price on application Curtains in Situ Curtains Full Length from €90 €45 Curtains Half Length from €80 €40 Mattresses cleaned Single €20 and Double €30 Marble Floors Cleaned and Polished


22-28 JANUARY 2010

Bodies under by Louise Clarke

WHEN RTN got a call on Monday to say that a body had been found under Catral’s town square, given what has been going on in the town over the last few years, we can be forgiven for being a little We immediately went there to find a group of Guardia Civil officers protecting a newly dug area. The town is in the process of having all its mains sewerage system updated and workmen had started work that very morning on the area outside the church. RTN questioned one of the Guardia Civil officers: “Was it a man or a woman?” we asked: “Both” was the reply. “Both?” We confirmed: “Two?” (Just to make sure). “Many people” replied the officer. And there it was: our big scoop was that the workmen had inadvertently come across the town’s old graveyard, concreted over years ago. SAFEKEEPING The bodies had been discovered just over a metre under the ground. Work on the sewage system stopped immediately whilst Guardia Civil officers ascertained whether a crime had taken place. It was soon determined that the site could have been part of the town’s old burial ground

in front of the church and that evening a judicial hearing was opened in Orihuela to investigate the origin of the bodies and decide whether exhumations should take place. After a judge had visited the site, it was decided to transfer the bones in plastic bags to the Palace of Justice in the city of Orihuela for safekeeping until the conclusion of the investigation. The Guardia Civil attended the scene to ensure that members of the public could not interfere with the area. CIVIL WAR

It has since been confirmed that the bones could date back some 200 years, when it was common practice to bury the dead, as in the UK, in the grounds of churches. Once the bones had been removed, work was allowed to continue on the sewage system but Guardia Civil sources have said that the workmen have been told to notify officers immediately if they come across any more. The discovery came as a great surprise to the town’s residents and older residents could not recall there being talk of any incidents occurring in the area around the church during the Civil War, which gives greater validity to the theory that the bones are indeed more than 100 years old.

A finer way to pay penalties EX-PATS WITH a valid Spanish driving licence and those who have successfully transferred their overseas licence to comply with regulations here in Spain can now pay traffic fines at the touch of a button. Since May last year, the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) has made it possible for nationals and foreigners alike to pay fines for their driving offences via the internet, wherever they may be, 24/7. Although not in English, the DGT’s website found at www.dgt. es offers drivers the option to pay their penalties online with a credit or debit card in the comfort of their own homes, rather than via the traditional route of visiting a Banco Santander branch, the post office (Correos) or a local Jefatura de Tráfico office. What’s more – and provided that the driving licence has not been withdrawn for the infraction of a serious

offence – a 30% discount is available for those that pay the penalty within 30 days of receiving the fine. IF YOU WISH TO PAY YOUR FINES ONLINE, HERE’S HOW TO DO IT: 1) Access the DGT’s website at www.dgt.es and enter the ‘Trámites y Multas’ section located on the left hand menu. 2) Select the fourth option on the sub-menu (¿Alguna Multa?) and subsequently, “Pago de Multas”. 3) Select option A – this will allow you to pay the fine without a Digital Certificate or Electronic ID Number. 4) Now enter the following information in this exact order to receive a receipt of payment: document type; document number; first name; 1st surname; 2nd surname; record/file number and the total amount of the fine. Those having cover with Línea Directa, Spain’s largest direct line insurance

provider that offers its expatriate customers ALL documentation and services in English, have yet another option: all policy holders are able to leave the management of their fines and relevant legal matters in relation to road traffic accidents in their hands and at no extra cost. Without a doubt, this market leader within the ex-pat sector is very much committed to its foreign customers. Not only does it’s highly trained bilingual staff speak a language that its policy holders understand, but in the case of an accident or the management of fines, Línea Directa has a dedicated team of professionals available to provide assistance and carry out all necessary procedures as smoothly and as quickly as possible. To find out more about Línea Directa and its comprehensive and very competitive motor insurance policies, call 902 123 104.

the square

22-28 JANUARY 2010

The area where the bones were found

Hospitality industry supports smoking in bars THE SPANISH Federation of Hospitality (FEHR) is opposed to the government’s plan to extend the smoking ban to bars and public spaces. FEHR’s president, José Maria Rubio believes that the ban will lead to the closure of businesses and consequently people will lose their jobs. He cited Ireland as an example, as almost a quarter of all bars there closed because of the effects of the smoking ban between 2004 and 2008. Rubio has said that about 70,000 of Spain’s 360,000 bars may also have to close if the smoking ban extension is enforced. This would then lead to 200,000 people losing their jobs. However, government statistics show that smoking is the main cause of death in Spain, with about 8.3 percent of people dieing from lung cancer.

Cigarette prices rise THE COMPANY Altadis has put up the cost of its biggest-selling cigarette brands by 15 cents. This affects Fortuna, Ducados and Nobel tobacco. The move follows a similar price rise affecting Malboro, Chesterfield and L&M cigarettes. However, prices are still considerably less than cigarettes in the UK, with prices in Spain still falling to between €2.85 and €3.45 per packet.



22-28 JANUARY 2010

Pure evil Gabriel had antisceptic dust put on his wounds

by Louise Clarke THOSE WORDS barely come close to describing what RTN thinks of the perpetrators that showed such unbelievable cruelty to a six month old puppy: the words that do come close to describing them are unprintable. On 4th January, a SAT volunteer was on her way to the kennels in Dolores when she came across a young dog in such a terrible state, she thought he was dead. The dog had a long rope tied around its neck and at the end of the rope was a hook. There was not one part of the dog’s body that hadn’t got a serious wound on it and some of the wounds went right to the bone. The rope the dog was attached to had been hooked to a vehicle and the dog had been dragged along the road; done to either kill the animal or for some sick, disturbed and perverted game. There were even old wounds with rotting flesh.

where he is being closely monitored by volunteers. Still very wary of humans, Gabriel is recovering slowly and thanks to the SAT volunteers, he is getting the love and care clearly lacking in his life before he was found. SAT relies on donations to exist and all the treatment Gabriel has received has been paid for by money donated to the charity. They have over 100 dogs in their kennels, all needing homes. They also need volunteers to help with dog walking, cleaning the kennels and grooming the dogs or even just to go along and give them some TLC. Donations of clothes, blankets and bric-a-brac are also wanted for their shops and market stalls. Gabriel will be released into foster care after he is deemed fit enough to leave the kennels and will remain there until he can trust humans again. He will then be found a permanent home. For more information on SAT please call 966 710 047.

Cruelty The volunteer contacted Julia, the SAT Kennel Manager and she arranged to collect the severely injured and frightened dog and take it to the Euro Centro Veterinary Hospital in Torrevieja. The vets were horrified to see the animal in such distress and said to Julia that this was by far the worst case of animal cruelty that they had ever seen. Julia told RTN: “They have seen neglect but never this kind of cruelty”. The vets quickly sedated the dog, now named Gabriel after the Saint of January, and prepared to clean up his wounds. He was put on morphine to control his pain and was taken to theatre where surgeons attempted to close up the wounds. Sadly, there was not enough skin to graft onto the wounds as the skin had been torn off as his body had been dragged along the road, so the vets had to cover the wounds with a silver antiseptic dust to prevent them getting infected. He was then put on a strong course of intravenous antibiotics and for the next week, he remained in a critical condition at the hospital. lOVe AND CAre A week after Gabriel was found, the vets allowed him to return to the SAT kennels,

Gabriel is now on the way to recovery and is being monitored at the SAt kennels

Got a story? 902 118 999


22-28 JANUARY 2010



22-28 JANUARY 2010

Property insurance in Spain


Philip Rayner

AJB Consultants

OVER THE last few months I have been contacted by a large number of people who are confused about property insurance in Spain.

I feel that this is a very important issue and will try to answer some of the questions that I have received. Firstly, if you own an apartment it is very unlikely that your community insurance covers your apartment. The structure of the block itself should be covered but your windows, doors, tiles bathroom fittings etc will normally not be covered. Community insurances rarely cover for water damage between owners; therefore if a water-pipe in the apartment above you leaks and causes damage to your apartment, you cannot claim from the community insurance. You would either have to claim from the owner directly or from their insurance company. The same would apply if a leak in your apartment caused damage to another apartment. Community insurance never covers the contents of your apartment. The community insurance does not cover you for public liability claims i.e. if a flower pot falls from your terrace and damages somebody else’s property or injures somebody, you are liable for any expenses. In general, community insurance only covers communal areas.

Secondly, if you have a mortgage on your property, you are not obliged to insure through the bank. You can choose any insurance company and the only stipulation is that the insurance policy must show the bank as a beneficiary. Generally the banks are only interested in covering the building (this is the risk that the loan was made on) so the policies that they provide are very basic. Many people have stated that they have never even seen a copy of the insurance policy that they took out with the bank; others that the policy was in Spanish and they did not understand what they were covered for. Those who have tried to make claims have simply been given a telephone number to call and had to deal with everything in Spanish. Remember - banks are not specialists in insurance and the teller in your bank is very unlikely to have any training dealing with insurance claims. Thirdly, always ask for a copy of your insurance in English and make sure that you know what you are covered for. Do not assume that the cover in Spain is the same as that in the UK. As an example: very few insurance companies include jewelry cover as standard and those that do have limits of cover. I cannot stress how important it is that you insure your property correctly. It is only takes a few minutes to ensure what

cover you have and this might not only save you a lot of money in the event of a claim but also a lot of heartache. Last week, a lady from Albox telephoned me after she had had a burglary to say that her insurance company would not pay for the stolen items and could I help her? I explained that I could not act on her behalf but would be happy to have a look at her policy to see if there was any reason for her claim being rejected. The lady sent me a copy of her insurance policy, which she took out with the agent that sold her the house several years earlier. The policy was in Spanish and she had never read it. I explained that with this particular company, theft cover was an option (yes, strange I agree) and unfortunately she had not contracted this particular guarantee. So the company was right in rejecting her burglary claim. Needless to say, the lady was most upset. The agent from whom she purchased the house no longer trades so she could not ask him to help and the insurance companies did not have a local office so she is dealing with a central office in Madrid. She has, of course, now changed her insurance policy. Finally, a ten year builders’ insurance for new properties only covers defects in the structure of the building due to faulty building work or materials: it does not cover for storm damage,

burglary, electrical surges, lightning strikes etc. and definitely does not cover your contents. Too many people take their property insurance for granted. Our house is probably the most expensive item that we own. Hopefully nothing will ever happen to it but if something does, it can be very expensive. People often say to me that they don’t bother to insure the building because nothing could happen – well I don’t agree. Over the years we have had many serious claims for damage to buildings, the most common being gas explosions but also impact from vehicles; lightning strikes; fires and storm damage. In respect to the contents of our properties, we all have different levels but take a look around your house and think how much it would cost to replace everything, including all your electrical goods; furniture; clothes; jewelry and ornaments – you will be surprised. Over the years we collect an amazing amount of contents - just think about the last time you moved house. Again, if something happened to the contents it could be very costly to replace them. So not only is it important to insure your property, it is also important that the insurance cover is correct for your needs. Property insurance in Spain is not expensive; not having any could be.

Contact AJB CONSULTANTS for a free no obligation quote. REMEMBER WE CAN NOW OFFER PROPERTY INSURANCE WITH HALF-YEARLY PAYMENTS AT NO EXTRA COST. TEL 965 796 357 • TEL 965 794 417 • FAX 966 461 316 • E-MAIL info@ajbinsurance.com

NOTICE TO BRITISH EXPATS By transferring your existing pensions to a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS), you could:

Access a cash lump sum. Reduce the effective tax rate on income benefits by up to 98%. Remove the pension fund from UK rules Pass on 100% of pension benefits on death to heirs, free from UK Inheritance Tax. Avoid the need to buy an annuity. Have total investment choice and control of pension assets. Consolidate several pension plans into one scheme.

A Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme could be the answer to improving your lifestyle in retirement. OFS Spain is a member of, and regulated via, Inter Alliance Worldnet Insurance Agents and Advisers Ltd, the largest network of Independent Financial Advisers in the world. Our consultants are authorised to offer financial advice according to current EU regulations.


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CALPE/ALICANTE Ian Botterell Tel: 966 462 960 Mobile: 607 687 841

TORREVIEJA / MURCIA & ALMERIA Andrew Berks Tel: 966 199 722 Mobile: 618 390 481

Centro Comercial Arenal, Avenida del Pla 126, 2.17, 03730 Javea Telephone: Lucio Ventrella on 966.112.961 Email: lucio@ofs-spain.com

22-28 JANUARY 2010




22-28 JANUARY 2010


Marc White & Carlos Baos English & Spanish Solicitors

Until relatively recently it was very difficult to remove one’s pension rights from the UK, which meant that irrespective of where in the world a person had moved, control and associated taxation rules continued to be determined by the UK tax authorities. In April 2006 the rules on transferring UK pensions outside of the UK were considerably relaxed and simplified by the introduction of the Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS). QROPS are plans based in various countries around the world which have applied for and meet certain UK Inland Revenue rules. The main requirements are that the pension must be located in a country which is in the EEA or has a double taxation treaty with the UK and is a regulated pension scheme in the country or territory where it is established. The first point of significance is that if, for example, a person has moved to Spain, they may transfer their

UK pension transfers and QROPS is the mechanism legal/safe?

UK pension rights to any QROPS irrespective of where in the world it is established. The importance of this will be made clear below. The receiving scheme must undertake to meet certain rules stipulated by the UK Inland Revenue, including not to pay more than 30% of the fund as a lump sum and to provide the UK Inland Revenue with certain information on making payments and the investment of capital within the plan. Where this gets really interesting is that the reporting requirements only apply for five complete tax years after the person has left the UK. So if for example a person had left the UK in 2000 there would be no reporting requirements in respect of a transfer made today. I have recently been advised that some schemes will be questioned by the UK Inland Revenue, and that members still in schemes may be penalised where others have drawn down all of their funds.

The vast majority of providers here in Spain servicing the British ex-pat community are subject to little or no regulation and QROPS looks as though it may become the next financial scandal. To summarise and answer the question, QROPS schemes can and do work for many people although my advice is to make sure that the person giving the advice is properly authorised to do so. There is little point in moving the pension fund only to discover that the investment of that fund fails or is subject to extortionate hidden charges. I am happy to put anyone in touch with regulated advisers based in the UK or in Spain who have reputations to protect rather than self interest as their core business. I hope the above is useful and please feel free to give either myself or Carlos Baos a call on 966-426-185, or send an email to: info@white-baos.com if you wish to discuss the above or any issue of either English or Spanish law.

Marc White LL.B. & Carlos Baos (English & Spanish Solicitors) C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located close to the Glorieta Square at the end of Marques de Campo). © White & Baos Abogados 2008 - All rights reserved. Send your questions to thespanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com

Mega boost for Murcia tourism THE CHINESE Government and various businesses have pledged around €1 billion in development money to the Murcia region. The ambitious project, known as ‘Special Zone of Chinese Investments’ (ZEIC) will benefit from 2,000 apartments, shopping and entertainment complexes, with educational facilities as well as a theme park offering an insight into the Chinese cultural heritage. Construction is scheduled to commence early next year in the city of Lorca and rolled out over the three years that follow. The project has come to fruition following two years of negotiation with Chinese and private Asian initiatives. 187,000 square meters of land will be offered to Chinese business companies willing to invest. A commercial area where Chinese products and services will be provided is also part of the plan. There will be a business training school and the leisure zone will have a casino; food services; entertainment services; a five star hotel and a golf course.

Don’t whisper about your business

SHOUT about it in

money Overseas pension transfers 22-28 JANUARY 2010

QUALIFYING RECOGNISED Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS) have been around since ‘A Day’, April 2006. QROPS legislation allows non-UK resident owners of UK pension funds to transfer those pensions overseas, and benefit from a more flexible pensions regime. QROPS may be suitable for anyone that plans to retire overseas or is currently retired overseas, although they will not be suitable for everyone in these categories. The main benefits of QROPS are: • Tax-free cash withdrawal, up to 25% of the fund • UK Income tax not deducted at source – income tax may be payable in your country of residence, or in the jurisdiction of the scheme • Potentially higher income payments than a UK scheme, particularly for those aged 75 and over • UK Inheritance tax (IHT) not deducted at source – IHT may be payable in your country of residence, or in the UK, or in the jurisdiction of the scheme You should note that a QROPS is ineffective until the member has been non-UK resident for 5 complete tax years, and doesn’t offer

any immediate advantages until the member actually begins to draw benefits. Not all UK pensions can be transferred to QROPS; examples include state pension, annuities and some scheme pensions already in payment. As QROPS add an additional charge to a pension scheme, members need to be sure that they also add value. Why was QROPS legislation introduced? • To remove obstacles for an internationally mobile workforce • To make it easier for people leaving the UK for good to simplify their affairs by taking their pension fund with them • To ensure that the UK fulfils its EU obligations When QROPS first emerged, the legislation appeared to suggest that only “occupational” schemes would qualify. This led to some providers of QROPS entering into sham employment contracts with members, which in turn led to HMRC removing QROPS status from these schemes and in some cases issuing the members with tax charges. Subsequently, all Singapore based schemes lost QROPS status. Care must be taken when selecting a QROPS provider and jurisdiction. The QROPS ‘rulebook’ is fluid, so you need to ensure

Written by Jeff Miller, Director of Elementary Financial Ltd, a UK regulated IFA

Free ATM use for Santander clients SANTANDER BANK customers can now withdraw money for free from any ATM machine in Spain. Customers can now also apply for a Zero Credit Card, which comes with zero interest for the first three months and no interest on money transfers for the first year. Anyone with an account or mortgage with Santander can apply for the card, as can clients of Alliance and Leicester. Santander’s director of cards, Emma Roberts, said that that this is an exclusive proposition being offered to customers across Spain and that the Zero Credit Card would be of great benefit to the customers associated with Santander.

Free cash ATM withdrawls are now available

that your scheme does not contravene the intentions or objectives of the legislation. Failure to do so could lead to (and has led to) loss of HMRC authorisation and tax charges for members. There is a list of QROPS on the HMRC website, along with a caveat and a list of the potential charges that may be applied if the scheme does not satisfy the QROPS conditions. QROPS can offer a


diverse range of investment options, but specifically excluded is residential property – an investment in which would lead to loss of approval, and tax charges. It’s vital that anyone thinking of transferring to QROPS seeks advice from an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA), and most schemes will not accept transfers without an IFA verifying this.

everyday spain 32

22-28 JANUARY 2010


Tina Tait

The Help & Advice Centre for Spanish Living

What is the real value of gold? NEWSPAPERS AND TV programmes tell us on a daily basis how the gold price is at an all time high, but how much is it actually worth to those of you wishing to cash in at favourable rates? The amount of misinformation and confusion about this topic is frightening and could cost people considerable sums of money. Like the oil price, this simple question is shrouded in more mystery than it should be. We are innundated with oil price changes on our tv screens. On closer investigation, the market price per barrel bears little resemblance to the price we pay at the petrol station to fill up our vehicles. Fortunately, the gold price is a little more transparent. The current

‘spot price’ quoted on the international bulletin exchanges is roughly US$1,100 per ounce or $38 (€26) per gram of pure gold. ‘Wow’, I hear you say, ‘does that mean I can get €26 for every gram of pure gold I own?’. Not quite, I’m afraid. ‘Spot price’ refers to the price for the actual physical asset on the bullion markets. We have to allow for margins before our gold makes it to the global commoditiy exchanges but how high are these and where should you go? There are three main options. Mail based companies, who offer the convenience of posting your old gold to them from the comfort of your own home . This is the easiest option, but not the most lucrative, with some paying as little as 20 – 30% of spot value. The second option are pawnbrokers and high street jewellers who typically pay 40 – 70% of spot value. Finally, there are the touring valuers and buyers. They can generally afford to pay the best rates as they have fewer overheads. The best known in Spain is the reputable Roadshow EU who will pay 70- 90% of spot value. Payments are made in cash. People who may have purchased an item of gold ten years ago are now looking at a return on investment rate of 2-300%, assuming they sell through the best channels. The financial climate of the early 21st century has been one of the proverbial ‘not all that glitters shines’. This is the very welcome exception to the rule. About the Author who contributed to this article: John Greene is an independent Bullion Markets consultant from London. He was born in 1938 and spent the bulk of his working life as a trader on various commodities exchanges in Europe and the Far East. More recently, John has worked as a freelance investment consultant specializing in precious metals.

If you have a question, comment or problem you need help with please contact us on: Tel: 968 33 66 06

Email: info@helpcentrespain.com Web: www.helpcentrespain.com Post: The Help & Advice Centre for Spanish Living, Tina Tait, C/ Francisco Franco No 4, Santiago De La Ribera, Murcia 30720

€400 fine for sleeping in a doorway

The Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces has approved a new ordinance aimed at preventing people from sleeping rough in doorways of public buildings. Sleeping during the day or night in a public space can bring a fine of up to €400, and it is also forbidden to sleep in bank cashpoint areas or wash in public fountains. The ruling is called Ordinance to Protect Public Space and has been approved unanimously by representatives of the Federation. It will also penalise prostitution, illegal street vendors and people who gather to drink alcohol in the street – known in Spain as a botellón. Anyone caught having sex in a car inside the city can be fined up to €3,000; for selling tissues in the street the fine is €150, and washing car windscreens attracts a €400 fine.

Obama invites Spanish PM for breakfast US PRESIDENT Barrack Obama has invited Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero to Washington to participate in a traditional prayer breakfast next month. The breakfast is an annual event for political and business leaders from all over the world and Zapatero has said that he considers it a “significant and very unique” event. This will be the first time that the two leaders have met this year. Zapatero

previously visited the White House in October 2008, and Obama is scheduled to make his first visit to Spain as president in May this year, in order to attend a summit between the United States and the European Union, which will be hosted by Spain.


What a week! by

Kevin Wright

Account Manager, Moneycorp

LAST FRIDAY saw the start of the RTN Currency Challenge for readers with regular payments from the UK to Spain and the response has been overwhelming. Keep them coming as there are a number of you we have been able to help.

This week we are challenging readers who make ad-hoc payments from the UK to Spain. Examples of which include: Living expenses Maintenance School fees Car purchase Renovations All you need to do is contact the Moneycorp team by one of the methods shown below with the following information to hand: Date of most recent transaction

Amounts of currency involved (inc rate if possible) Details of any fees / commission / charges Time for transfer to register in your Spanish account

We will then run the comparison and explain any differences. If your current method is better – great. If it is not then at least you have a choice. AS A SPECIAL CURRENCY CHALLENGE 2010 OFFER – all readers taking up the challenge we will offer a 50% reduction on the Telegraphic Transfer fees for each transaction – FOR LIFE! Remember, there is no fee or obligation to those who take up the challenge and the information provided is to help you make sure that on each currency transaction you are receiving the most for your money. Readers with regular payments can still call to compare.

Call now on 951 319 700 or email roundtownnews@moneycorp.com giving your name, telephone numbers and best time to contact.

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22-28 JANUARY 2010


If you are selling, or have sold your house in Spain, call Moneycorp on 902 887 243, or email roundtownnews@moneycorp.com to see how they can save you money when sending the funds back to the UK.

Euro/Sterling Weekly Market Update brought to you by .uk &

Broad improvement for sterling MPC member sets the ball rolling with talk of higher UK interest rates. Greece’s fiscal problems worry the euro… After a day’s hesitation in the vicinity of Monday’s €1.11 starting point the pound set off higher. It was not quite a straight-line advance (it almost never is) but sterling did not really come to a stop until it topped out at €1.13 on Friday... Sterling had a good week on almost every front. On the rare occasions it failed to make progress - and only the yen springs to mind - it was steady. There was not universal support in every case to start with but by Tuesday there was wind in every one of sterling’s sails. The pound owed its uncharacteristic advance to the Bank of England, specifically to Andrew Sentance, a member of the Monetary Policy Committee. He told The Guardian newspaper that ‘Threadneedle Street has done enough to lift Britain out of its deepest post-war slump and will need to consider raising interest rates this year if a recovering economy poses a threat to inflation… That argument received corroboration the following day in the form of The National Institute for Economic and Social Research suggesting the UK economy grew by +0.3% in the fourth

quarter, contracting by -4.8% in calendar 2009. That last figure was given added punch by simultaneous news that Germany’s economy shrank by -5.0% on the year... By contrast, investors did not have their usual disregard for factors detrimental to the euro. They have at last fallen in with the idea that Greece’s membership of the euro cuts both ways. Total public sector borrowing in Greece is set to reach 120% of gross domestic product this year and could be as high as 140% of GDP in a couple of years’ time... At his press conference on Thursday the president of the European Central Bank made his position clear. First he said the idea of Greece leaving the euro was ‘absurd’. Then he went on to say the ECB would offer no special treatment to Greece… The pound has spent most of the last three months stuck in the €1.10 - €1.12 range. It starts this week right at the top of that range and looking punchy. If it can consolidate its gains there is nothing to prevent it reaching €1.15 without too much effort…

To read the full report click on Currency Guidance at www.moneycorp.com/roundtownnews



22-28 JANUARY 2010


Karla Darocas

Information Technology & Communications

I love Opera

WHILE OPERA is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text (called a libretto) and musical score; the Opera that I am talking about here is a Web browser and Internet suite developed by the Opera Software company. The Opera browser is slowly developing a cult following on the net by both users and industry professionals, but what I like most about Opera is its new technology platform called United that allows you to share content directly with business associates and friends without having to upload anything to a website or jamming up your email. You can stream music, show photo galleries, share files and folders or even host your own web pages directly from your browser. Because I teach business applications, Opera opens up a whole new world for my

students by allowing them to collaborate easily. Even the RTN uses an old form of file sharing (FTP) and could really make good use of Opera Unite to safely transfer articles and photos to be edited for publication. Smart business people know that sharing large files just clogs up their email and this makes it hard to get work done without frustration. But, with Opera United sharing large data such as files or photos, movies and slideshow presentation with other users is a snap. For office work environments, everyone can also communicate directly with others by hosting chat sessions or posting notes. The technology behind Opera Unite uses a compact server inside the Opera desktop browser to share data and applications. With Opera Unite, there is no need to waste time uploading content you want to share. You share the content directly from your

computer rather than loading it and sharing it through a third-party server. A lot of work has gone into making Opera Unite easy and simple enough for anyone to use, not only for installing and setting up applications, but also for creating an easy way for people to interact. Although some operating systems have included Web servers for a long time, the complexity involved in setting these up and using them has meant that they were only used by technically-experienced developers and not the average Web user. Opera Unite is aimed at a wider target audience and offers the ability to share data directly from a computer to all by offering a browser feature that is enabled with a simple login and that is easy and quick to use, without any complex configuration or set up. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO USE OPERA UNITED? • You need to download and install Opera on your computer www.opera.com. • You need to create an Opera account and enable Opera Unite. You can only use your existing account details if your username does not contain any symbols or spaces. DO MY BUSINESS ASSOCIATES, FRIENDS AND FAMILY NEED TO USE OPERA TO ACCESS MY DATA OR COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY? No. They can use any modern browser to access your data and collaborate. You can

also access your own content from another computer with a different browser. You only NEED to use Opera browser to host and run Opera Unite applications. WHAT ABOUT SECURITY? Opera Unite runs in a “secured sandbox”, where only the files or folders you select can be accessed; nothing else on your computer is accessible to anyone else. You grant access to specified files, such as a directory of data you want to share, without allowing access to anything outside the specified area. This is a common feature in Web servers, and keeping data secure has been well-understood for a long time. Learn How To use Opera United software and other business and personal software applications by booking your session online www.Darocas.com or by telephone 648 156 066 FYI: Applications for the FREE Women’s Business Development Course is now closed. Thank you all the women who have signed up. Graduates of this course will be further assisted in their business enterprises by joining a new business “incubator”. WE – Women Entrepreneurs – is a series of workshops designed to accelerate the successful development of entrepreneurial companies through an array of business support resources and services. Successful completion of a business incubation program increases the likelihood that a start-up company will stay in business for the long term. www.WE-spain.ning.com

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY KARLA DAROCAS, Darocas Computers - Hardware & Software Business Solutions * Repairs & Training * www.Darocas.com

A new decade begins! FOR THE networking group Company Women, it is back to business as usual as the new decade begins. They have christened this year the Year of Rejuvenation and are pledging to help female entrepreneurs breathe new life into their businesses that have suffered so much in the recession. They are determined to put an end to doom and gloom, help with the rejuvenation of your

business and your mindset and help you to turn negativity around with an inspirational start to the new decade. Here are some dates for your diary that might help to do just that: SEMINARS Due to requests from members and guests, the first Company Women Seminar, an evening seminar, will be held from 19.00 – 22.00 on Monday 8th February at El Principe Centre in

San Miguel de Salinas, covering sales, shoe-string marketing and internet marketing. The speakers will be Tracey Cavill, Vicki Riley, and Belinda Regan. The room has been donated free of charge; a nominal fee of €5 per person will be charged to cover costs. Please book your place by contacting The Company Women President,Tracey Cavill, on tracey@companywomen.com. This is open to all ladies, members or non-members.

In March it is International Women’s Day and this year they will be celebrating it in style on Thursday 4th March at Fairways restaurant in Villa Martin Plaza. More details will follow in February, but it will be a special lunch with speakers and a very positive and upbeat theme. As usual, the lunch itself is available to members and non-members alike. All ladies are welcome. IN MAY they will be celebrating their 5th anniversary. Again, this

is a very special event they will be making the most of and more details will be available nearer the time. Company Women is a non-profit making female networking support group for any women in business. They meet the first Thursday of every month for lunch, during which social networking and speaker slots are combined with good venues and good food. Lunches are open to members and nonmembers alike.

For further details please either visit the website on www.companywomen.org or contact the President Tracey Cavill on tracey@companywomen.org

Free expert advice “Tax needn’T be taxing” says the UK Inland Revenue in its adverts. Well, maybe that’s true in the UK, but here in Spain many expats are confused about exactly what tax returns they should be filing, to whom, and in which country. Vives Pons, the fiscal, legal, and architectural firm in Denia, are experts in such matters, and during 2010 they are continuing to present their series of free seminars giving advice and examples to Expats.

The next seminars in their programme are entitled “INCOME TAX IN SPAIN AND HOW TO MINIMISE IT” and are being held on Tuesdays 26th January and 11th February 2010 at their Office in the main street in Denia, the Marques de Campo. There are two sessions each day, one in the morning at 11am and one in the afternoon at 4pm, and their office is easy to find being located directly above Restaurant Tasca Eulalia and next to Banco Santender, see their

advert below for full details. During the coming months RTN will be covering the progress of these presentations, because we know the benefits of UK Expats receiving correct advice and completing the correct tax returns. In many cases there are advantages and savings to be had from filing correct tax returns in the right place, so these talks are recommended. To reserve your place at any of the talks please call Joe Bassim on 686 566 106 who is coordinating the events.

Spanish tourism takes another fall ConCerns have been raised over the strength of the country’s Tourism Industry and whether it will be able to give the economy the boost it requires. Two years ago, tourism in Spain accounted for as much as a quarter of European tourism earnings. The once booming industry, which contributed over ten percent to Spain’s economy and provided jobs for over two million people, experienced a continual decline since

2007, with the number of tourists visiting Spain in 2009 falling by over 5 million, from 57.3 million to 52 million, equating to a drop of 8.7 percent in total. The collapse in the industry has been largely blamed upon the global economic crisis hitting Britain as the tourist industry’s largest contributor particularly hard, as well as France and Germany which together contribute to the remaining 50 percent.

The number of tourists visiting spain fell by 5 million in 2009

22-28 JANUARY 2010



22-28 JANUARY 2010

Do you have the ‘S’ Factor? F

by Louise Clarke

ORGET JOE MacElderry, he is so 2009! Forget Simon Cowell and the X Factor, because right here in Spain, we have the S Factor! Spain’s biggest ever talent competition is here again and heats will soon be taking place at the Bali-Hi Bar and Restaurant in Camposol. The talent show with cash prizes proved last year that it was

one of the biggest events to hit the Costa Calida in years. The show is not just for singers and dancers: all kinds of talent are welcome; rather like Britain’s Got Talent, but right here in Spain! The ‘S’ Factor heats start on 12th March and continue every Friday night throughout March and April. The competition has been organised by Bali-Hi Manager Chris Cross who guarantees that every Friday night, Bali-Hi will be THE place to be.

singers and comedians. But the audience will decide who goes through and the two acts who receive the lowest votes will be knocked out. Over €1,500 makes up the prize fund, the event will be covered by RTN and the Grand Final will take place on 30th April. Chris told RTN; “This is what Fridays were made for!” Bali-Hi Bar and Restaurant is in Camposol Sector B, near Mazarron: this brilliant event will be hosted in their prestigious entertainment suite above the main bar and entrance. Meals and snacks will be available in their fantastic restaurant with an extensive bar menu. Although entrants must be over 16, families are welcome and the venue seats plenty, so get some friends together and join in the fun.

VALENTINE SHOW As well as S-Factor, Bali- Hi has lots of acts planned to wow the audiences in the coming weeks. The amazing ‘Just Justin’ JUDGES tribute act is on tomorrow night, Saturday The four judges, all experienced in 23rd January, the ‘Ghost’ Band is performing show business, will give on Saturday 30th January, Café Cubano their opinion on each will be on stage on 6th February and on act, to include dancers, Saturday 13th February, there will be a special Valentine Show for all you lovebirds. Bali-Hi is easy to find; in the commercial centre in Camposol Sector B, just off the RM3, which is off the AP7 motorway. For Last year’s more information finalists on the S Factor and forthcoming shows, please contact Chris at Bali-Hi on 660 192 778 or e-mail bali-hi@ hotmail.co.uk

Valentine’s fair THERE WILL be love all around and hearts and flowers everywhere on 5th and 6th February at Los Arcos Restaurant in Torrevieja. The Valentine’s Fair offers everything from jewellery and flowers to gifts for the home under the auspices of This is Spain Exhibition. The Fair will be open from 11.00 to 18.00 on the Friday and 10.00 to 18.00 on Saturday. For information and stand bookings, call Christine Roche on 627 409 881 or email her at info@exhibitions-spain.com

Medieval market in San Miguel de Salinas ON 29TH, 30th and 31st January, there will be a Medieval Market in San Miguel de Salinas. It will be situated in the Plaza Pozo de Enmedio. The inauguration will be on the 29th at 18:00. Don’t miss it!

A craftsman at last year’s medieval market

Expand your mind with ‘U3A’ T

by Heidi Wardman

HE UNIVERSITY of the Third Age (U3A) was established in Torrevieja in 2006, promoting ‘life long learning for older people’. Volunteers share their expertise with others who wish to expand their knowledge, resulting in a rich learning experience for both parties. The Torrevieja branch enjoyed overwhelming popularity and Acting Chairman Bob Hill is now joined by some 150 members, with interest expanding constantly. Members’ average age is around 50 and over although there is no minimum joining age. New members deliver fresh ideas to the group, who each receive a monthly newsletter of events. Currently themes are offered in the arts; languages; music; history; life sciences; psychology; computing; crafts and relaxation techniques. CLASSES A free exchange of ideas is encouraged, with the emphasis on FUN. Frequency of classes varies, negotiated for convenience with no obligation to attend every session. As the majority of the tutors have no formal teaching qualifications, no assessment or final accreditation is

The U3A offers a wealth of activities aimed at senior members of the community

awarded for the courses; simply the acquisition of a new hobby or skill, a true sense of personal fulfillment and many new friendships into the bargain. The U3A meets on the last Thursday of each month at the ‘Los Arcos’ Restaurant in Torrevieja at 10:30. Members are invited to provide monthly feedback whilst subsequently discussing new subjects according to demand. Meetings usually incorporate a guest speaker, such as Flamenco Maestro Raquel Peña, who discussed the roots of the traditional Spanish Dance; Language Teacher and Comedienne Jane Cronin, who gave a fascinating lecture about Spanish history and Bill Singleton of the Vega Baja Big Band, who enlightened the group on his experiences within the world of industrial espionage! Torrevieja U3A is keen to attract new members and will hold its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 28th January at Los Arcos restaurant, at 10:00. Annual membership renewals, which remain at €12, will be taken on the day while non-members and guests may attend this and one other meeting for a fee of €2 per meeting. All attendees then pay the usual entrance charge of €1 to cover room hire, resources and administration costs. For further information please contact Bob Hill on 965 329 122 or via email to bobhill2002@hotmail.com.

22-28 JANUARY 2010


Picture perfect at the Digital Camera Club ONE OF the most popular and longstanding clubs on the Costa Blanca is Torrevieja Digital Camera Club, with some 50 members of all ages and nationalities sharing a common interest, meeting twice monthly to exchange tips and improve skills under the guidance of accomplished photographers. Chairman John Clarke explained there are no prerequisites required to join: guidance is given at all levels, from beginners to enthusiasts and even professionals willing to pass on their skills and experience to budding newcomers. All that is needed is use of a camera of any make or model and access to a computer for digital enhancement elements. John was proud to boast that Ken Taylor of Passionate About Pictures and Zest Magazine; Mike Perryman and Norman Marks are among contributors, covering all aspects of digital photography as well as advice on how to enhance prints using software such as Photoshop and Picasa. SCHEDULE Meetings are informal, the latest featuring a presentation on digital painting courtesy of Jim Ansell, whilst ‘A night of still life and macro photography’ and a Photoshop presentation with Sue Johnston are among the topics coming soon. Meetings include a competition, with members competing to produce the most striking and original image on a given theme.

There is a buzzing social element to the club, with plenty of opportunities to enjoy great company. Regular trips are organized to ‘combine business with pleasure’, to destinations that have included Alicante; Elche; the Isle of Tabarca and the Jalon Valley and a long weekend at a guest house in Santiago de Espada in Jaen, Andalucia, providing opportunities to capture the breathtaking scenery. FLEXIBILITY There is no annual membership fee, only a minimal payment of €1 paid on the night to cover overheads. Members are under no obligation to attend every week, and have the freedom to attend meetings of individual interest. The forthcoming schedule may be found on the website www.tdcc.es. The club meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at ‘Casa Ventura’, San Luis, Torrevieja, from 18:00 to 20:00. For further information please email enquiries to webmaster@tdcc.es



22-28 2010 15-21JANUARY JANUARY

How exercise can reduce chronic neck and shoulder pain REPETITIVE STRAIN injury has become increasingly common and many office workers report frequent neck pain. The trapezius muscle, the large muscle which extends from the back of the head down the neck and into the upper back, is responsible for most cases of neck pain and shoulder pain. Not surprisingly, repetitive strain injuries have become increasingly common as so many people now spend most of their working days in front of computers. According to a recent Danish survey cited in the study above, more than 50 percent of female office workers experience frequent neck pain. Computer work is associated with neck pain specifically originating from the trapezius muscle, also referred to as trapezius myalgia. But, there’s help, and it doesn’t involve expensive surgical procedures and pain medications. This latest study found that repetitive strain injury caused by office work can be reduced using certain strength training and flexibility exercises; great news if you’re already exercising, and a great motivator to start if you’re not. Another study published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism in 2008 also discovered that strength training targeting

the neck and shoulder muscles is the most beneficial treatment for women with chronic neck muscle pain, as opposed to a general fitness routine. Many people will be thinking of starting an exercise routine to shed that insulation blanket that most of us have built up over the excessive Christmas period. Its most important that your muscles are well balanced before commencing an exercise routine and that any problem areas are identified to avoid injury and dissappointing results. At Ostepathic Healthcare we are offering people the opportunity to have a free spinal and postural assessment, using specialist screening equiptment in addition to our clinical experince to ensure that your spine and muscles are ready for exercise. Gaining muscle strength through resistance exercises is an integral part of any well rounded fitness program. Strength, coordination and flexibilty allow are body to move freely and without pain. Many of our patients initially presenting with pain syndromes often exhibit common postural and muscular imbalance which have reached a level significant enough to produce high levels of pain and disability. Most people appreciate that Osteopaths are able to treat pain but few

realise the most important work is to give advice to prevent reoccurance. The intensity of your resstance training can achieve a number of beneficial changes on the molecular, enzymatic, hormonal, and chemical level in your body, which will help slow down (and many cases stop) many of the pains and other health problems caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

GREAT HEALTH IS ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON AN ACTIVE LIFESTYLE, WHICH INCLUDES THREE MAJOR COMPONENTS: • Exercise • Eating fresh, unprocessed whole foods • Addressing the stress in your life Ignoring any of these basics of health will eventually lead to a decline in health, chronic pains, and any number of diseases. If you’re one of the millions of people suffering from chronic neck and shoulder pain due to the nature of your work, why not make use of this offer of a free postural analysis? If you are suffering from other symtpoms such as headache; lower back pain and sciatica; knee pain or shoulder pain, you too can make use of this limited period offer.

For more information and to arrange an appointment at either our Benijofar or Pilar de la Horadada Clinic, call 965 352 481. Speak to a professional osteopath: Russell Dougall and Sonja van Kommer BSc (hons) Osteopathy, GosC (UK)

Low calorie diets


Paula Denvir

Qualified health & fitness instructor

Don’t whisper

about your business

SHOUT about it in

GENERALLY THESE diets, if you keep to them, allow you to lose weight at a steady progress of roughly 2-3 pounds per week (depending on your size and activity level) which is pretty good. There are no real health issues with them either, so all is good, right? Now the problem with these is you have to stick to meal plans; certain ways of eating and even buying certain products, which can be expensive. Now what’s wrong with that I hear you say?

WELL TWO THINGS COME TO MIND: • The meal plans are going to be pretty low in calories, so to stick to this you’re going to have to be a saint. With this you are also going to be restricting yourself when it comes to going out for meals and socialising. Eventually, unless you have willpower of steel you may fall of the wagon as that nice big roast dinner calls you, followed by that gorgeous warm chocolate fudge cake with cream - then it’s all down hill from there because once you’ve had the forbidden fruit, you’re going to want it again and again... • With most of the ready made meals that you can buy, this is an expensive method. As the companies convince you they

work and you’re going to buy it regardless of the price, which means they can charge what they like and it’s going to total up. Don’t get me wrong - there is an upside to these methods of dieting, with the motivation you get and the buzz from achieving goal weight. Life is about options and for those this has worked for, fantastic and well done but for the others I think it’s just too much hard work for you to stick to permanently when there are other lifestyle changes or options you can make.

Paula is a fully qualified health and fitness instructor with 13 years experience. Specialist areas include weight loss, childrens fitness, pilates and medical condition instructing. Call 689 672 594 or email pdtraining@hotmail.com. (Mar Menor and surrounding areas)

Interior and exterior perfection achieved Alison, who is 56 years old, lives in Rojales, she is an amazingly talented lady who is a leading light when it comes to all things spiritual. Alison is a life-coach, a spiritual healer, teacher and medium and as such has strived to enable her and many others to reach perfection with their four bodies, emotional, mental, spiritual and physical. Alison contacted Before Then After because “i felt 100% inside and wanted to feel the same way on the outside”. in Alison’s work attention to detail, listening qualities, the giving of accurate information along with conveying warmth and care are hugely important and she was delighted to be consulted by someone who showed all those qualities. “i am a naturally confident woman but i must admit the thought of having injections of dermal filler in my face scared me a little. After thirty seconds in Gail’s company all those fears had gone. “i was welcomed warmly and asked to talk about the areas and which lines on and around my face bothered me the most. like most women of my age i felt that the lines running from the side of my nose down to my mouth along with the lines running from the side of my mouth down to my chin were what i focused on each time i looked in the mirror. Gail explained all about the 100% natural products, how they worked and what i could expect to achieve immediately

and a few days afterwards. she also told me that i would get approximately six months from the treatment which made it all seem like very good value. what really put me the most at ease was during the questionnaire when Gail asked me about any previous and current conditions? i have Trigeminal neuralgia which i have to explain to everyone as it is a serious condition but not known. Being the true professional Gail picked up on it immediately and knew which areas of my face to avoid; this knowledge can only be gained by serious study and correct training. next and perhaps most importantly i asked if the treatment was going to hurt. “well, i am going to be sticking needles into you!” she replied but then showed me the size of the needle that is most commonly used which wasn’t that scary, “but i use this one” said Gail holding what seemed no different to an acupuncture sized needle, in fact, i could hardly see it. Gail went on to explain about the topical anaesthetic cream that she was going to apply to the areas first which would have a numbing effect and she was right, it really does work as she blobs it on generously and leaves it to settle for around ten minutes. when the area was feeling quite numb i heard Gail ask “Are you ready?” i nodded apprehensively. “ i’m going to start at the top and work my way down quickly and smoothly, 1 2 3 go”

and that was about ten minutes before it was done and i had had hardly felt anything other than when the corners of my mouth were lifted which i was warned about. i looked into the mirror and couldn’t believe the difference as you can clearly see form the pictures it really is incredible. “Right, i’ll see you again in two weeks for your free top-up” said Gail. Free top-up? This is possibly the best bit as everyone who has treatment the first time gets approximately €125 treatment free of charge seven to ten days later when Gail can see and discuss with you the results. sometimes and area that has been treated may have experienced a little swelling and so can be topped up, or, in my case, as everything was perfect when i returned i had the extra put in between my eyebrows. The Before Then After Clinics are held in Beauty salons from Gran Aacant all the way down to los Alcazares, there are four choices for Torrevieja alone and there are inland options. Gail is fully qualified to carry out all the treatments offered and holds her own insurance as well as the cover you can expect from the salon. Perhaps you have a salon and would like to host a clinic once or twice a month or you may just want to take advantage of the free consultations without obligation. in any case, contact Before Then After on 966 196 798 or 647 782 646. Treatments begin at €125.

Top left before the treatment. Bottom left straight after the treatment. Right - three days after the treatment.

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22-28 JANUARY JANUARY 2010 2010 15-21

Everyday expressions Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 91

TODAY WE are going to look at some reflexive verbs which are used very commonly in everyday expressions. They take the whole concept of reflexives a stage further than what we have learnt so far, as it is difficult in most cases to make sense of them using words like “myself, yourself”. The best approach therefore is to accept that this is how certain things are said and learn them for future reference. The first one is “acordarse” which means “to remember”. An extremely common use of this verb is to say: “no me acuerdo” which means “I don’t remember”. If we wish to mention what it is we don’t remember we have to add the word “de”. So “no me acuerdo de la palabra” means “I can’t remember the word”. The next one is “apuntarse” which means “to sign up”. “Apuntar” on its own means to “make a note”, so there is an idea of “noting” one’s name on a list. If we wanted to put our names down for a course we would say: “Quiero apuntarme a un curso.” “Cuidar” means to “look after” or “care for”, so to look after a child, for example, is “cuidar a un niño”. The reflexive verb is “cuidarse” so if we want to say to someone: “look after yourself” or simply “take care” the expression

is “cuídate”, the “te” part being the reflexive pronoun. A slightly longer expression is “darse cuenta” which means “to realize” or “to take into account”. A phrase we may hear quite often, and which is very useful for us as well is: “No me di cuenta” which simply means “I didn’t realize”. This is one to remember when excusing yourself for putting your foot in it. The same reflexive verb “darse” has various uses, another one being “to turn round” which is “darse la vuelta”. If you want to tell someone to turn round, you would say, “¡Date la vuelta!” And finally, here is the most useful and friendly one of all – “preocuparse” – “to worry”. I’m sure at least once you have heard “¡No te preocupes!” or the formal version “¡No se preocupe!” said to you when you were feeling anxious about something, but you might not have understood it at the time. It simply means “Don’t worry!” and is used in a multitude of situations. It makes a good alternative to the old chestnut “No pasa nada” and is just a nice expression to use to calm someone down who might be getting flustered or upset. So, are you still having trouble with these reflexive verbs? “No te preocupes” - don’t worry yourself about it!

Jane Cronin’s Spanish courses for January 2010

Restaurante Los Arcos, Avenida Baleares, Torrevieja Started Monday 18th January 2010 Level Five

Successful Spanish BRAND NEW!!!!! (Mon and Wed 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.) Level Four Grammatical Spanish (Mon and Wed 11.45 a.m. – 1.15 p.m.) Level Three Practical Spanish (Mon and Wed 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m.) Each course consists of two 90 minute lessons a week for eight weeks

Price only 45 euro per course (including materials) Some places still available For more information: janejcronin@gmail.com

Tel: 968 18 32 58 www.janecronin.eu

Could you be a foster carer for dogs?

PEPA, THE helping hands charity for animals does not have any kennels; all our animals are fostered in private homes, where the aim is to give love, security and guidance in preparation for the big day when it is adopted. We’re urgently seeking kindly people who, for one reason or another, may not have a dog of their own, nor wish the responsibility of owning a pet on a long term basis, but who may enjoy the pleasure of caring for a dog or puppy for a short while. Could you be one of those people? HERE ARE A FEW FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU DECIDE Q How long do I keep the dog or puppy? A This is difficult to assess as it depends on the time it takes to find a new home. It could be a couple of weeks or it could be months. However, everything would be done to find a home as quickly as possible by advertising on our website and in the press.

Q Suppose I need to go away, perhaps on holiday?

A Then we would call on another foster

carer, or place the dog in kennels where we would pay for its keep until you return.

QWill I have to pay the food and vet bills? A No, PEPA will pay for all medical costs

and also food bills if required. Whenever possible, all our foster dogs and puppies are examined by a qualified vet and given any necessary medication before being placed with a foster carer. It would be treated for parasites, vaccinated and in some cases sterilized. Occasionally, we would ask the foster carer to take the dog or puppy to the vet for this initial treatment, but all costs would be met by PEPA.

Q What if I don’t have a garden, or need

special sleeping arrangements for the dog I am fostering? A We do our best to ensure that our foster dog or puppy would fit into your home and lifestyle. If required, we will provide you with a bed; dog bowls etc and if necessary, any other equipment such as a portable kennel or cage to keep the animal away from other pets should the need arise. So many animals need your love and care, if only on a temporary basis. Can you help? – Please think about it! And phone Pat on 962 833 325 for more information or browse our website: www.pepaspain.com

Running away for MABS cancer support group THE SANTA Pola Half Marathon is now just over a week away and at MABS Cancer Support Group we are encouraging everyone to support participant Jake Lowe, Editor of ‘Coastal Press Magazine’, running on behalf of our general charity fund. Spot him by his tee-shirt! Jake is making it very clear he will finish in under two hours – so please sponsor him. By the minute would be great – as an example, just five cents a minute would raise six euros from every gracious supporter! To sponsor Jake, please call one of the Murcia Volunteers on 693 275 779; send Jake a cheque payable to MABS

to the magazine or sponsor through the MABS website. Some of our volunteers will be there next Sunday, January 24th, to spur Jake on; feel free to join them to cheer him and MABS Cancer Support Group! Anyone with any form of cancer finding themselves alone and without support should contact the CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (MABS) on 965 794 083. MABS Cancer Support Group is registered charity number 7261. The charity offers support, kindness and love to cancer patients in the Costa Blanca and Costa del Sol. In 1999, five ladies who had suffered with breast cancer with no one to turn to for advice

and support decided that others should not have to worry as they did about translation between themselves and medical staff; translation of technical information about their cancer; transportation to and from hospital appointments and support for family and friends. There are now seven branches of the charity, all with their Volunteer Carers, Volunteer Drivers and Volunteer Supporters, located from Valencia in the north to Marbella in the south. Please come and join us! We need you! For more information please contact: Linda@Mabscancersupport.org www.mabscancersupport.org

Carry on heroes! by Jackie Lawson

After A magnificent three months, expats 4 Afghan Heroes would like to say a huge thanks to everyone who contributed to the 2009 fundraising for Afghan Heroes. events that took place last year ranged from a fashion show and a craft fayre to line dancing at various venues. there was also a magnificent Christmas Gala, which raised over €1,500 on its own. Whether you gave your loose change, bought a CD, wristband or donated a raffle prize - it all added up! from October until December

What’s On! grand Sale at the ‘helP’ ShoP in la Xara feeLING tHe pinch after Christmas but still need those little ‘extras?’ the HeLP of Denia and Marina Alta Charity Shop in La Xara begins its Grand 50% off SALE on Monday, 1st February 2010. So to pick up that special

2009, a staggering total of €3,866.32 was raised. the money has been received by Afghan Heroes Charity and exchanged to £3,277.99

Small BeginningS It began when a local line dancer group started to raise money in Spain for Afghan Heroes by selling the Charity CD “He Drinks tequila (And She talks Dirty In Spanish)”. the charity was chosen after seeing reports in a British newspaper. Afghan Heroes is known as “the Mothers of the Afghan Heroes Campaign”, as it was started by 8 mothers whose sons all died on July

little outfit, get there early before it’s gone! there is nothing better than searching for that great ‘bargain’ to shake off the post Christmas blues and give a boost into the New year! www.helpofdenia.com helP mar menor Race night at the Bar Vitto in El Mojon, €10pp, Monday January 25th, includes a meal 19.30 start (max 50 persons).

Charity Dance and Show for the AECC A CHArIty Dance and Show will be held 21st February, 20.00 till 23.00, at the Los Arcos Restaraunt in Torrevieja, with donations going to the AeCC. Demonstrations will be from DDC’s professionals, Lyn and Chris, also the Denelle Dance formation team and solos from Harriet Gingel performing flamenco. (Harriet is a student of flamenco under raquel Peña). Overall, 10 Ballroom and Latin dances will be performed. the couples participating will range from beginners to experienced pros and ex competitors: all the couples will be in full costume. this is the first full show that the dancers will perform together. Lyn and Chris were performing through the summer at the Orihuela Costa resort and have several new numbers to offer this time. the dances being demonstrated are Argentine tango; Cha Cha Cha; Samba; rumba; Paso Doble; Merengue; tangos; foxtrot; Waltz and Quickstep. We have tickets at €7.50 available at Bargain Books, AECC Office or phone Lyn on 635 584 431.

Chris and Lyn will be performing

22-28 JANUARY 2010 9th and 10th 2009. The registered charity supports all the troops in theatre in Afghanistan and their families. they help maimed soldiers by re-training them, and are sending gift boxes to all 10,000 troops in Afghanistan. ex-pats living outside the UK have now joined in and the cause has attracted support from as far away as Canada, thailand and Australia. Jackie Lawson, the events coordinator for Charlie’s Angels Line Dance Addicts and whose husband works in Afghanistan, has become so involved that she will be carrying on the fundraising this year too. She is building a website: www.expats4afghanheroes. com which will be dedicated to all the fundraising events for the coming year, and where you will be able to order the Afghan Heroes wristbands, which have already raised over £10,000 in the UK. ValentineS night elite entertainment will be kindly supporting Afghan Heroes throughout the year: their first variety event will be at the Lounge Bar,

HeLP Cancer Support Group Meeting at the el torreon restaurant in Los Narejos. 12.00 helP aSSoCiation of Vega Baja Annual general meeting, Tuesday 23rd february 2010, 10.00 for 10.30, Restaurante Pizzeria Asturias, Carretera torrevieja Cartagena. Next to water tower. Admission on a valid membership card only.

Agua Nueva in torrevieja at 22.00 on February 14th. The Valentines night line up will be Wayne Samuels performing his tribute to the ‘King of Swing’; Mr Michael Buble plus sensational Pop Idol finalist Lucinda. reserved seat tickets are only €5, available now from Elite entertainment on 610 076 204 or 662 435 311 or the Lounge Bar torrevieja direct on 966 922 134. All proceeds from the raffle will be going to Afghan Heroes. there is also the opportunity to buy the Afghan Heroes wristbands – as worn by HrH Prince Harry. ContaCt expats 4 Afghan Heroes are making up a register of entertainers, venues and groups to be part of this year’s events. Also, if you have any donations, whether it be money or raffle prizes, or would like help organising a fundraising event for Afghan Heroes at your club or pub, please call Jackie. to make this a bumper fundraising year, please contact Jackie Lawson on 966 796 863 or mobile 697 501 992.

LAMBS raise money for AECC DeCeMBer GOLf for the Ged Beecroft Memorial trophy and a raffle at ramons raised €345 for the AECC, courtesy of LAMBS. the money was presented to AeCC representatives Jackie and Bea by the Baldricks president Archie Grier. Bea, who is almost 90 years old, is the charity’s representative on La Marina Urb and does a fantastic job.

In memory of Big ‘G’ By Louise Clarke GrAHAM POrter, or ‘Big G’ as he was known to his friends, was a well known and popular character in San Luis. On 14th December 2009, he passed away after a brief illness. On 27th January, there will be a charity event in remembrance of Big ‘G’ at Main Street, formally known as the Dining room, in San Luis and all the proceeds will be donated to the Paul Cunningham Nurses who helped Graham during his final weeks. the event promises to be a great night of entertainment. It starts at 20:00 and tickets cost just €5. Ricky Powell, Jon Summers and Dodgy Diva will all be performing: a delicious buffet will be included. SuPPort Graham’s partner tracy and daughter Stacy were so grateful to Paul Cunningham Nurses: Ann; Sharon; Kim and Anna, for all the help and support that they gave both Big ‘G’ and themselves during the last weeks of his life; they are forever indebted to them. tracy told rtN: “Instead of flowers at his funeral, we asked for donations to the PCN charity and the donated €225 will be added to the money that we will generate at the event. We intend to present all the money to the nurses in february.” tracy would also like to thank all her colleagues and the management of Iceland in torrevieja for the support they have given

her during Graham’s illness and especially since he has passed away. She said: “It means a lot to me to know that I have that kind of great support from my boss and work colleagues”. rtN will be at the cheque presentation in february to let you know how much in total has been raised for the charity in memory of Big ‘G’.


A warm welcome to Karen

A WArM welcome was given to Karen Mountfield of Paul Cunningham Nurses, from all the shipmates of the royal Navy torrevieja Branch, when she was invited to accept a generous donation in memory of Julian Macrae-Clifton, fondly known as Mac. In the picture is Mike Wright, the Chairman, handing the cheque to Karen, who gave sincere thanks on behalf of Paul Cunningham Nurses, explaining the importance of such donations to help Paul Cunningham Nurses continue to support our family, friends and neighbours in the community. the shipmates meet once a month at el Paraiso in torrevieja.

MABS cancer support group Tuesday 26th January at 8:00pm, Fish & Chip Quiz Night. At the russian Bar, Valle del Sol (just off the C3319 San Javier-Murcia Motorway). fun quiz night with home cooked fish and chips available. Call 693 824 511 or the russian Bar: 868 000 210 for further details. Friday 29th January at 1pm, Swishing Party. At the Viva Beach Bar/Bistro, Los Nietos (near feve railway Station). Arrive 13:00 for 13:45 start. €3 admission. All proceeds to MABS Cancer Support Group. Call Lesley on 968 134 978 or Viva Bar on 968 133 111 for full details. Wednesday 3rd February at 11am, Volunteer Meeting at Centro Las Claras, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares. New volunteers always wanted. Friday 19th February at 11am, Share and Care Group at Centro Civico, roldan. An informal group for those affected by cancer. relaxed and friendly atmosphere. One-to-one counselling available. Call 693 795 247 for further details.


22-28 JANUARY 2010



The home of Quality Food and Entertainment Due to the resounding success of the La Finca de Eduardo´s luncheons, we will now be serving all our Fabulous Lunches & Traditional Sunday Roasts at Eduardo´s Villamartin Plaza for the whole of January

Menu del dia Winter Warmer Menu 3 Courses 10.95€ Friday & Saturday Evenings Will will be serving our fabulous A´la Carte menu Sunday´s Traditional Sunday Lunch 3 courses 10.00€ Opening Times Lunchtimes Mon-Fri 1pm till 4pm Friday & Saturday evenings 7pm till late Sunday´s 1pm till late Bookings or enquiries to 644 498 067 www.eduardosvillamartin.com

La Finca de Eduardo´s is closed until February 1st for holidays

Farndale Townswomen’s Guild are at it again

NOT CONTENT with inflicting their Murder Mystery play on the unsuspecting residents of San Fulgencio, they have now taken their production on tour and will be staging it at the Virgen Del Carmen in Torrevieja on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th February. If you missed it the first time around, this is an absolute must-see and a hilarious insight into the pit-falls of AmDram . . . fluffed lines; collapsing scenery and miss-timed entrances. Written by David McGillivray and Walter Zerlin Jnr and directed by Colin Bird, this

latest Dramatic Licence production will have you rocking with laughter. Tickets can be obtained from the Box Office at the Municipal Theatre in Torrevieja, or ordered on-line at www.servicam.com priced at €8. All proceeds will be donated to The Alzeimers Society. So if you want to escape the gloom of the current economic climate for a couple of hours and put a broad smile on your face, this is a sure-fire certainty! For more information, ring 96 671 6623.

New year, new start NOW THAT the New Year and new decade has established itself, how about doing something new yourself by singing with Coro Pilar? Why not come along and give it a trial run? You will then see how much you will enjoy it! Coro Pilar is not just about singing as it also has a social side to it, so come and make some new friends at the same time! Following its successful end of year concerts under its relatively new Ukrainian musical director, Zinovy Harvat, the choir is now preparing itself for the year ahead with an exciting programme for its first concert at Easter. The AGM will be held at the end of January, following which the new term starts on Friday 5th February. The choir meets every Friday evening in Local 4, in Pinar de Campoverde and sings a wide variety of songs. If you are interested, please phone John on 966 763 446 (English) or Kerstin 966 762 846 (Scandinavian, German and Spanish)

Classical concert at Los Arcos restaurant LIRICA nostra International Group of singers and musicians, directed by Angel Conzales, are presenting a classical concert at the Los Arcos Restaurant on 34 Avenida Baleares in Torrevieja on Sunday 31st January at 20:30. The group’s repertoire is mainly classical and includes opera, oratorio, habaneras, zarzuela (Spanish light opera) and traditional music. Tickets priced at only €5 are available from the bar and at the door on the night.

Rojales Town Council joins ski programme 2010 FOR THE second time, the Youth Department of Rojales Town Council offers a trip to Sierra Nevada (Granada) at affordable prices, sponsored by Alicante Provincial Council. Citizens from Rojales will enjoy a weekend on snow with youngsters between 18 and 24 paying a reduced price. Everyone can join the programme which includes accommodation in a three star hotel with half board; transport; two days

of “forfait” and ski insurance but excluding equipment rental. This trip is part of the Provincial Council programme “Esquía con la Diputación”, promoting sport among local residents. Rojales Town Hall hopes the initiative will facilitate cheaper sport to encourage healthy living; quality of life and social interaction. Registration is at the Youth Information Centre in Rojales Town Hall: limited seats.

David’s Coachtrips do it again! by Louise Clarke EVERY YEAR at about this time David’s Coachtrips SL set about raising funds for a local charity. Last year, a fantastic amount of money was raised for the Cruz Roja Ambulance appeal and the previous year, the company raised a tidy sum for the AECC Scanner Appeal. This year, the Coachtrips SL team hopes to raise much needed funds for an important and prominent local charity; Paul Cunningham Nurses. David Malcolm, Managing Director of David’s Coachtrips SL, told RTN: “Most of us have heard of the fabulous work done in the UK by the MacMillan Nurses, who care for terminally ill patients and their families. Well, this is the type of work envisaged by the founders of PCN; a charity that has set up its own charity shop and enlisted over 40 volunteers in just over a year”. Jennifer Cunningham set up the charity in memory of her son Paul, who died with spinal cancer at just 33. HIGH QUALITY Already some of the community have leapt to the aid of the PCN charity, including La Marina Bowls Club, Bar Rincon de Luna and Elite Entertainment, who have released a CD, ‘Love Collection’, available at a number of local bars or at the PCN charity shop in Quesada. David commented: “I was delighted to hear of this connection and without hesitation, asked Maria of Elite Entertainment

to provide the live entertainment for our charity event. We have worked with these very nice young people previously and not only do they provide shows of very high quality, they genuinely share our view that all businesses should seek to put something back into their community.” David concluded: “All that we ask now is that the local community take this chance to help raise funds for these kind people at PCN, who are prepared to give so freely of their time and their talents to relieve the suffering of others.” DAZZLING So, would you like to go to the ball? This amazing special event will cost only €115 per person, for three full days, full board, in a four star Benidorm hotel. The hotel will provide one night of in-house entertainment: the other night will feature a dazzling tribute show provided by Elite Entertainment. With fully costumed tributes to Abba; Blondie; T Rex; Queen; The Pretenders and other amazing 80’s tributes, the night promises to be a brilliant event and the compère for the night will be the ever popular Tony Lincoln. This fantastic three day event is from 8th until 10th February. Why not join Coachtrips SL for a low cost, pre Valentine’s Day, three day holiday at an unbelievably low price and at the same time raise funds for PCN? You can reserve your place now by calling Coachtrips SL on 966 785 910.

22-28 JANUARY 2010



22-28 JANUARY 2010

music scene Out n’ about with Elite Entertainment


Compiled by

Pat Graham

Elite Entertainment Tel: 96 531 9158 or e-mail p.j.graham@btinternet.com

If there are any music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column, please contact Pat directly.

ere’s acouple of nights out coming up that you won’t want to miss! On Sunday 24th January at The Lounge Bar in Torrevieja, we have 12 different entertainers performing in a one off showcase special: a fantastic mixture of solo acts; duos and bands will perform from 20.00 until midnight and there’s even a magician performing table magic to keep you entertained while the acts are changing over. Each entertainer will perform for approximately 15 minutes so there is bound to be something to suit your taste on the night. The artists appearing are as follows: Suzanne James; Tony Kelly; Maria O’Hara; Tony Francis; Jayme; Kane Anthony; Cloud Nine; Shay, Double Trouble; London Pride; Abba Angels and PDQ. Entrance is just €2 and you can purchase a ticket in advance by calling Elite Entertainement on 610 076 204 or the Lounge Bar direct on 966 922 134 or pay on the door on the night: it’s going to be a great night so don’t miss it! Are you thinking about Valentine’s night yet? It’s just round the corner and your loved one will be expecting something special. We have just what you need! On the evening of Sunday 14th February at The Lounge Bar,Torrevieja for one night only and direct from the UK, Wayne Samuels performs his tribute to the ‘King of Swing’, Mr Michael Buble. All of a sudden, swing is cool again thanks to the huge success of Michael Buble and Jamie Cullum and with Wayne’s Michael Buble tribute show you not only get an extremely accurate live vocal performance but also the personality and stage persona that goes with it. Also appearing as support on the night will be sensational Pop Idol finalist Lucinda to serenade you with all the love songs made famous by female artists such as Eva Cassidy and Celine Dion. The

Friday 22nd Jan Inn On The Green, Entre Naranjos TONY KELLY Friday 22nd Jan Rusty Nail, Campoverde GREG MARCH Friday 22nd Jan The Lansdowne, Playa Flamenca THE MONOS Saturday 23rd Jan Amigos, San Pedro THE 70’S SHOW Saturday 23rd Jan La Taberna, Entre Naranjos ALAN WARDEN Saturday 23rd Jan Inn On The Green, Entre Naranjos TONY LINCOLN Saturday 23rd Jan Lounge Bar, Torrevieja GLENROY & DEE Sunday 24th Jan Lounge Bar,Torrevieja ELITE ARTIST SHOWCASE12 Different Entertainers on the night Starts 20.00 Monday 25th Jan Black Bull, El Chapperal WOODY

show starts at 22.00 and reserved seat tickets are only €5, available now from Elite Entertainment on 966 284 784 or 610 076 204 or The Lounge Bar Torrevieja direct on 966 922 134

Tuesday 26th Jan Cavalier, San Luis KEITH MONK JAZZ Tuesday 26th Jan Horacios, Playa Flamenca LUCINDA Wednesday 27th Jan Celtic Drop,Playa Flamenca PLAN B Wednesday 27th Jan Stray Sod, Campoamor BELLA LUNA Wednesday 27th Jan Paddy’s Point, La Zenia SUNFLOWER VALLEY From next week’s edition, my partner in Elite, Maria O’Hara, will be taking over the column for a couple of months whilst I am back in the UK, and she will be highlighting some of the places to get your ‘fix’ of live entertainment in your area so watch this space... You can

Michael Buble

also hear Maria every Sunday afternoon between 14.00 and 17.00 on Vibe FM on 91.1FM. For further information on Elite Entertainment and all our artists view our website at www.eliteentertainment.es Please support your local live entertainment venue and if you are an entertainer out there wanting to be featured in the local entertainment profile section, send us your biog and a photo and we will feature you in the coming weeks: so give us a call on 966 284 784 or 610 076 204 or e-mail us at yourshowtime@yahoo.co.uk

freesat from a2sat a2sat bringing you the latest news

We have seen over the past few weeks other recording boxes being offered as freesat plus boxes, when in actual fact they are just generic twin tuner decoders that require an external hard drive or USB stick. Although there is a place in the market for these type of decoders they are not freesat ones, which means that the Full 8 day programme guide is not supported and all you will have, are now and next listing. So whats so important about the programme guide? without the programme guide you will not be able to say, set the freesat plus box to record a programme that begins at a certain time and for example in 6 days time. the programme could be part of a series so therefore you just tell the freesat plus box that everytime that programme comes on, to record it. There are no timer set ups involved as the freesat plus box is only interested in the name of the programme, meaning that the programme start and end times are irrelivent. So for example if the programme you wish to record in a few days time starts late due to an over run of the previous programme, the freesat plus box will just simperly just to record at the new correct time and all into its built in massive 320GB hard drive !

“If it doesn’t say freesat on the box….then its NOT freesat in the box.” We have had many many enquiries from callers who have seen adverts across the free press offering freesat and also displaying the freesat logo, this has led, people to believe that the digi box they have purchased is freesat. Our callers have then found that those digi boxes are actually ‘free to air’ and do not offer the services available on freesat; ie, the interactive red button on BBC with sports streams, teletext, 24 hour 8 day programme guide, subtitles, etc. Purchasing a GENUINE freesat digi box is the only way to receive these services. We are finding that people are confused by being offered what they think is freesat when actually they are being offered ‘free to air’ decoders which DO NOT support the BBC red button, etc, so to see what a difference genuine freesat decoder can make, please come to our offices for a demonstration. We guarantee that once you have seen the benefits for yourself you wouldn´t consider the alternatives. A great weekend for FA Cup Football on ITV1 HD

to guarantee access to free digital terrestrial TV to the entire population during the pending terrestrial switchover. It is effectively the satellite equivalent of the digital terrestrial TV Free to Air (FTA) services, and operates in a similar way to Sky but without the monthly subscription costs. If you already own your own dish why not just upgrade the box and recieve freesat Today! ‘a2sat’ remains one of the few companies on the Coast to provide a true freesat package and upholds the philosophy that “If it doesn’t say freesat on the box….then its NOT freesat in the box.” a2sat insist on using only the highest standard equipment, including Portuguese prime focus dishes and Invacom LNB’s, installing new quality satellite cable during each installation and a concrete base or appropriate wall bracket, so that no drilling of the client’s roof or solarium is required. FREESAT PLUS The company’s best-selling system of the moment is the latest addition to the freesat range of Digital Satellite recorders, freesat HD plus. The system operates in a similar manner to the SKY HD Plus but with one major difference: users have access to any of the accepted free to air channels, with no subscription necessary. With freesat Plus, viewers have the freedom to pause, rewind and fast forward LIVE TV without the need to record anything! This is possible as the sophisticated decoder has a massive 320GB hard drive, allowing users to preserve up to 200 hours of Standard Definition or 80 hours of High Definition programming, which is great if someone telephones at a crucial moment in the programme or if you just want to pop to the kitchen to make a brew.

Get covered

a little pricey, so why not chat to your neighbours about a shared system? a2sat install systems for up to four homes to share, where a dish of 1.9m is recommended, whilst also catering for larger communities, which can have an almost unlimited number of homes connected to it and the 2.4m dish is the favorable option. With a shared or community system, the quality of the signal and number of channels supplied is equivalent to that of a personal satellite dish, although prices vary in accordance with the demands of the job. A2sat are very happy to conduct a site visit and discuss the possibilities available, and if any planning applications are required, will even complete the paperwork at no extra cost! SERVICING CONTRACTS a2sat also extends technical support and servicing to existing clients and also those using other satellite systems. Clients will benefit from a low cost, guaranteed back up service, which secures continuous hassle free television viewing direct from Astra2. The a2sat commitment means that clients can rely on same day technical support or a site visit within 24 hours from the original call if necessary.

If replacement of any equipment is required, a no obligation quote is given prior to any action being taken, to avoid any nasty surprises later on. The cost of the service contract starts from 5€ per month, which means that for as little as 60€ per year, clients can take advantage of professional support from a2sat all year round! For all shared, community systems and non a2sat installations can also enjoy a2sat support with costs taylored to suit your needs freesat Platform for all of the freesat range including freesat HD plus a2sat is pleased to welcome clients to its office which is situated on C/ Miguel Angel Blanco, Daya Nueva, where they can discuss the options with one of the informed Sales Representatives and view a demonstration of the benefits of freesat over other Digital Television systems. For further information please telephone 966 194 931 or 678 239 193. Opening times are 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm on Saturday´s. Alternatively you may email enquiries to info@ a2sat.com or consult the website


Questions and Answers

Q Can I use my own dish that already picks up UK TV with Freesat? A: Yes.

Q. Does my dish need to be realigned to receive freesat?

A. No if you are already receiving UK TV from your existing system.

Q. What if I cannot have a second feed from my dish as it’s shared or there are no spare ways left on the LNB?

A. No problem you can still record and watch something you have pre recorded or with a small link you can still watch some channels while recording others.

Viewers have the flexibility to watch one channel whilst recording another, or even record two channels whilst watching a third show they recorded earlier, providing an entire evening of tailor-made home entertainment! The convenient 8-day programme guide ensures that they will always know when their favorite programmes are showing, and if they are otherwise engaged at that time, they can simply press the record button and their selections will be available to view at leisure. freesat Plus viewers have a complete Teletext service at their disposal, combined with the fully interactive service available exclusively from the BBC, featuring news, weather and sports broadcasts. Plus, the system boasts the amazing Sport Multiscreen function, enabling viewers to enjoy a combination of the day’s biggest sporting events, exactly as they happen. TDT

Q. How long is my guarantee?

A. Grundig SD 1 year, Humax HD and the HD plus 2 years!

Q. Can I fit my own freesat box?

A. Yes you can, however why not have us deliver the box to you and show you how to get the most from your chosen freesat box.

Q. I have been told I’m watching freesat, but the box is not one of the boxes mentioned here.?

A. Then the box you have purchased is NOT freesat, many people have purchased boxes thinking they are watching freesat, when in actual fact they watching the channels via a FTA box ie free to air, these boxes do not put the channels into a nice logical order and if a new channel comes along and or changes frequency then you will have to perform a rescan on a NON freesat box.

Q. Why does my digital box only show NOW and NEXT, and the Red button on the BBC and Teletext does not work?

A. You only have a FTA box and definitely not freesat.

Q. Where can I see freesat in action?

A. We have a full demonstration system on show in our office

Q. In the event of a technical query, where can I get help? A. Just call us and we will be able to help.

Preston V Chelsea 12.00 to 14.55 UK time Saturday 23rd Jan Spurs V Leeds 17.00 to 19.15 UK time Saturday 23rd Jan Stoke V Arsenal 13.15 to 15.30 UK time Sunday 24th Jan Scunthorpe V Manchester City 15.45 to 18.10 UK time Sunday 24th Jan freesat is the very latest subscription-free digital satellite service, created by the BBC and ITV and providing a wealth of television channels, together with radio and data services. It was introduced following concerns by the UK’s public service broadcasters that it would not be possible


Starting from only 60€ per year

Don’t miss it when you can freesat plus it! BY HEIDI WARDMAN

22-28 JANUARY 2010

It is not just British television back in the UK that will be affected by the terrestrial switchover, as those who are currently enjoying Spanish terrestrial TV will also lose their signal by next April. However, there is also an awesome digital package available here: ‘Televisión Digital Terrestre’ (TDT), incorporating popular news, sport, entertainment and film channels such as CNN+, Teledeporte, the Sony Channel and The Disney Channel. Many of the pay-to-view premiership football matches that are available on sky are shown free of charge on TDT, whilst many films etc originally recorded in English can be converted back if required. COMMUNITY INSTALLATIONS We now offer fibre optics as the new way of installing the larger community systems allowing us to run the cables up to a total of 15km without any signal loss!! Investing in a personal freesat system may seem


would you like to be able to use the red button on the BBC and have teletext?

A To get this and so much more you need a genuine freesat box

The state of the art Freesat Plus Box

All Major Credit cards Accepted


22-28 JANUARY 2010

The garden might

trigger a sale by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

RECENTLY, PEOPLE who have dropped the asking price on their property by even fifty percent don’t get a sniff and when sales are achieved it is often a well thought out and maintained garden that tips the scales. But is that so surprising? No. For two reasons: Firstly, the main reason that many people think of coming to Spain is the possibility of living outside for most of the year. Secondly, many ex-pat gardens are not designed for outdoor living and do not look appealing, especially in the winter. Recognise that a well thought out garden can result in the exquisitely designed decorated and furnished house only being used for a few hours a day from Spring to Autumn and for entire days only on the colder wetter days of winter. So we are highlighting some of the garden related things you can do now to present your property as an attractive proposition. BASIC TIDYING As with the interior of the house, potential buyers will be attracted by a tidy, uncluttered

garden that suggests maintenance will be manageable with or without the help of a gardener. So ensure that the following is done to present a good image at all times: 1. Ensure that the swimming pool and jacuzzi are kept pristine even in winter. 2. Keep all paths and terraces swept and edging plants trimmed neatly back. 3. Clean dirty and mossy surfaces with a pressure hose. A well 4. Re-point damaged surfaces and the facing of kept garden walls and repaint where necessary. garden 5. Prune back straggly plants and deadhead can tip plants that continue to flower. the scales 6. Complete the major winter cutback as soon as possible, explaining to potential and minimalism and others a more complex buyers that you are doing it to improve the holistic style of garden? In many cases, the shape sizes and spring/summer flowering former are non gardeners and the latter are potential of plants. What to do is explained in gardening enthusiasts. Chapter 6.9 of ‘Your Garden in Spain’. 1. All year round colour. 7. Tidy the garden shed, clean tools and 2. All year round perfume. remove smelly, out of date or leaking 3. Well framed vistas beyond the garden and chemical products. strategically placed seats. 8. Check that the watering system is working 4. Sheltered, winter sunny spots and shade effectively. Turn off unnecessary tubes and under trees for hot sunny days. drip jets and stop leaks… 5. Large terraces for entertaining and an 9. Clean up potted plants and their pots outside kitchen. or containers. 6. An interesting network of paths and 10. Tidy the area around the compost heap. internal vistas. 7. A collection of fruit trees and the facilities for a comprehensive herb collection and the LIKELY ATTRACTIONS growing of some vegetables, especially if the Beyond a tidy garden, what sort of things potential buyers are doing this in the UK or might be attractive to potential buyers other northern European countries. recognising that some will look for simplicity

8. Plants and shrubs that don’t require lots of watering. 9. High thick hedges for privacy and security. 10. Colourful and tidy containers and window boxes. 11. Fountains or waterfalls. 12. The sound of water and the sight of fish, adding a touch of nature in an urban as well as rural situation, with evidence of reasonable water bills A FRIENDLY HANDOVER KIT As a final touch in the negotiations, offer a special moving in kit to smooth the take over. We suggest you include the following: 1. A month by month resume of the essential maintenance that you have been carrying out and the gardener’s tasks if you employ one. 2. A copy of ‘Your Garden in Spain – From planning to planting and maintenance’ to help them understand how different gardening in Spain is to gardening in Northern Europe. We hope the above ideas speed your property sales.


Are you proud of your apartment terrace or roof garden? Do you have a good photograph of it? Are you willing to let us use it in an article and new book in return for a credit and copy of the new book? If so please send to: yourgardeninspain@hotmail.com

BY CLODAGH and Dick Handscombe practical gardeners and authors who have enjoyed gardening in Spain for themselves and at times others for twenty five years. ‘Your Garden in Spain’, ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’ and ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ are each packed with valuable practical ideas and advice for making the garden more beautiful and productive and how to save money. They can be obtained from bookshops and internet book shops. Those of Santana Books Amazon and W.H.Smith have special New Year offers at present.

22-28 JANUARY 2010

NOW DON’T get me wrong - I think snow is lovely, especially to look out at. It makes a Christmas card of your boring home and transforms even the dullest industrial vista into something quite beautiful. And for kids it’s fantastic; remember the great cry to your parents, “Can we play out in the snow?” Yeah, snow can be wonderful By stuff. Creating that huge snowperson Watts (see I’m as PC as ever) in the garden and having snowball fights against the grown-ups; until finally the aching cold in your extremities forces you back indoors. Then reviving your feet in a warm bowl of water, while waiting for mum to cook the sausages and heat up the soup. One of my favourite Just William stories is a winter adventure in the snow. It features our schoolboy hero bringing down an overbearing colonel by means of an extended and

Watts In Britain Paul

unyielding snowball attack. As I say, snow is lovely – well, for about a day and a half. Then you start to get a bit fed up with it. To paraphrase that little Pooh bear from Hartfield: “The more it snows, tiddly pom; the more everything slows, tiddly pom.” And here in the UK, tiddly pom, everything has slowed right down recently. That’s the trouble with snow. Everything slows down, everywhere is hard to get to and you slide and fall about. Now on the subject of falling about, please permit me a brief aside - I don’t know if I’m being a bit agesensitive here, but when you go base over apex in the snow you don’t expect your kids to say “Dad has had a fall” you expect them to say “Dad fell over in the snow” (followed by a chortle). For some reason “had a fall” seems to refer to someone rather elderly doesn’t it? Well, I think it does. When you hear that someone’s Aunt Mabel “had a fall” you know instinctively that this is someone who at the very least is in possession of a county council bus pass… At Gatwick Airport, things got really slow; in fact on three occasions during the current mini ice-age, the runway closed completely. Naturally, this has caused a lot of disappointed people. And that’s another thing about snow while it can bring out goodwill in many people, it also brings out the moaners. One fellow moaned on insufferably about the airport’s inability to provide continuing airborne transportation. He kept on about how Budapest has snow for six months every year but still

keeps planes flying. I heard a fellow passenger explain that Budapest does not handle anywhere near the passenger numbers that Gatwick does so it’s a bit easier for them to keep a few planes aloft. And he calmly pointed out that it’s extremely expensive to have equipment in reserve that might only be used infrequently. I thought, “Good answer mate.” I remember while working for East Sussex County Council in the mid 80s we spent over £500,000 on two snow vehicles (a snow blower and plough) that, because of a lack of snow, didn’t see the light of day for over nine years! I think the problem in a lot of cases this winter has been the speed of the incoming bad weather fronts. At Gatwick the snow inundated us in a very short period of time. In fact, one poor mug had to be put up for the night because he couldn’t get back to Brighton. Another problem, greater even than the snow, has been the media. Night after night we’ve been party to the telly’s tally of which town is stranded, cut off and/or abandoned. We’ve had to watch region by region as some hastily despatched oik in a high-viz, hard hat and goggles stands in front of an Everestian mountain of salt telling us how it’s all running out. Why the reporters don such protective gear against salt beggars belief. As Squaddie Pete down at The Brewer’s Arms so eloquently remarked: “Look at that flippin’ burke. Bleedin’ Dimbleby reported the allies’ advance from

Normandy to the Rhine with just a tin ‘elmet for protection!” Good point simply made, Pete… As for the print medium, I think some of the tabloids should hang their shameful heads in utter disgrace. We’ve had scaremongering on a colossal scale. We’ve been led to believe that food supplies were in short supply and that monumental queues had formed for petrol and other commodities. Some nameless papers didn’t stop far short of: ‘lock up your daughters, watch out for the roaming gangs and hunker down for the duration’. I must report here and now that I did not suffer any shortages of anything, nor did anyone I know. Doing my own wee bit of research across the country, I found no shortages anywhere. In Scotland my mate Stewy McForbes said, “All was well in Peterhead.” My in-laws in Paignton, Devon couldn’t get out for a few days but have suffered no loss in actual body weight. In Brum my daughter had a day off from work but still managed to get her essentials - like OK Magazine. The post, mostly, got through in East Sussex said my son, Postman Matt; and in the Home Counties my friend Terri-with-an-I reported that not one single Waitrose had shut its doors. So, friends in Spain don’t worry about us: we’re fine - it’s just a lot of press hyperbole… Watts in Blizzard Britain going out - I might be gone some time…

How To Spend Next Christmas In Tenerife MALLORCA, IBIZA, LANZAROTE AND MANY COASTAL RESORTS IN MAINLAND SPAIN If you are resident in Spain and aged 65 or over Receiving a widow’s pension from aged 55 or a any other type of state pension from aged 60 You, and a resident travelling companion of any age could qualify for a

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If you own a Spanish property, it is taxable as income, even if you don’t rent it out. Most owners are unaware of this and could be fined or have assets embargoed, especially as Tax and Land Registry records are now cross referenced. If you don’t pay on time, you can’t appeal and have to pay. Need help to get your Spanish taxes in order? Make the first step a FREE consultation with Abaco, the leading tax specialist.

Valencia 42 48

15-21 JANUARY 2010 22-28 2010



WIN a trip to Kenya! If you haven’t been tempted to visit Valencia yet, then how about the opportunity to combine your trip with a visit to Africa? This week, we’re at Valencia’s safari park, Bioparc, because the park is running a photography competition, and the best photographer wins a photo safari trip to Kenya!

Bioparc flamingoes

How to get there: Bioparc is a new-generation zoo based on the philosophy of preserving the animals’ natural habitats, and there’s not a single cage in sight. The park is more like a safari park, the difference being that you travel through it on foot. The only barriers between you and the wildlife are natural: lakes; waterfalls; trees and ditches. This stunning landscape, coupled with the freedom given to the animals results in the desire to snap loads of photos. And because visitors have been so enthusiastic about taking pictures in Bioparc, the park is now running a photography contest from now until 21st February with the aim of encouraging creativity and conservation values and the love of nature that is part of the mission and commitment Bioparc. The ‘Fotoparc’ competition offers five prizes: the first is a photography safari in Kenya for two and two B!* entry tickets; second prize is a €1,000 gift voucher to spend in the Nuevo Centro shopping centre and two B! entry tickets; third and fourth prizes are a €250 gift voucher for Nuevo Centro and two B! entry tickets; the fifth prize is two B! entry tickets. A selection of finalists’ photos will be published on the Bioparc website, and there will be two exhibitions; one in Bioparc and one in Nuevo Centro. The competition theme is: ‘What is Bioparc to you?’ and the jury is comprised of three photography experts. Bioparc is divided into zones: you start with Madagascar and its quirky wildlife and then move into the equatorial forest where you can see

Valencia’s bike lane network travels all the

public bus number 7.

the old riverbed. Bike parking is available at

From Valencia’s main train station, take EMT


Public EMT buses within the city that go to


Kirsty Tuxford Freelance writer

Bioparc are: 7; 17; 29; 61; 81 and 95. Metro: lines 3 and 5. Follow Bioparc signs when leaving

the Metro station; turn left up Avenida Nou d’Octubre, cross the bridge and head up

Avenida Pío Baroja. Bioparc is on the left opposite Carrefour.

the wonderfully cute pigmy hippo: the latter part of the experience takes you to the savannah, where elephants and rhinos reign. There are more than 54 species of animal and the landscape is nothing short of stunning. This autumn Bioparc saw the birth of a new baby Blesbok, a type of antelope, in the park. Not so long ago, the number of Blesboks in the wild was falling rapidly due to over-hunting, but thanks to conservation efforts, they are recovering. In the wild, Blesboks live in the plains of South Africa, but they have adapted well to life in Valencia. You’ll also see hundreds of colourful fish that keep 370,000 litres of water clean in the Kitum Cave. The process is completely natural and provides a safe environment for the fish. It is well worth taking a trip to Valencia to see this park and learn about its wildlife. Allow at least three hours to see everything.



The Valencia Tourist Bus historical tour also stops off at Bioparc. BY CAR

Once in Valencia look for Avenida Pío Baroja, which joins Avenida Manuel de Falla by the Nueve de Octubre bridge.

Bioparc has parking facilities. BY BUS

way to Bioparc. The best way to go is through Bioparc. PRICES: Adults






Bioparc Valencia

Avenida Pío Baroja, 3 46015 Valencia

Tel. 902 250 340

http://www.bioparcvalencia.es *B! entry is a one-year entry pass for Bioparc. Bioparc was created with the premise

that preserving the habitat of a species is prerequisite to saving the species itself.

Valencia bus station is next to the old riverbed.


From there, take the EMT public bus number

The Bioparc webpage also has offers of

Buses from all over Spain arrive to this station.

Winter: 09.30 – 18.00 (later in the summer)


accommodation and group discounts.

Bioparc Valencia is located in the Cabecera Park, a 200,000m2 section of the extensive Turia Gardens. The Turia Gardens, more than 11km in length, were created when the Turia River was re-channelled safely out of the city; it was decided to make the old riverbed a place for the people, offering diverse possibilities for recreation.

22-28 JANUARY 2010


Veggie chieftain O’ the puddin’ race

ecipes by Chris Sinclair A NEW year and a new look for RTN and to continue with this theme we are introducing a new look and style to the recipe section - and we would like your input! Do you have a family favourite or your own version of a traditional dish? Then we want to hear from you. If you love to cook and would like to share your recipes, then all you have to do is email rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your recipe and a photograph of the finished dish. I am going to kick off our recipe section, and as a vegetarian I will be periodically providing a range of recipes to include some of my favourites. Now don’t shy away thinking it’s going to be boring nut cutlets and grass on toast because that couldn’t be further from the truth: I have not eaten meat for twenty years and in that time I have enjoyed some extremely tasty and imaginative dishes. So for those of you out there who are tired of turkey, bored with beef, lacklustre for lamb or cheesed off with chicken, keep an eye on


these pages for some alternatives. If you cannot imagine a dish without meat, most of the vegetarian dishes can be adapted. I still smile at a memory of a waiter’s reaction in a Malta hotel I stayed in, who said to me after I requested vegetables only: “You don’t eat meat you die!” He followed this statement with – “Have chicken: chicken not meat!” Anyway, as we are approaching the anniversary of the birth of Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns; and as I will be attending a Burn’s Night celebration on 25th January with good friends Norrie (of Scottish descent) and his lovely wife, Maggie, I thought it might be appropriate to share a tasty vegetarian alternative to the ‘wee timourous beasty’ – the mighty Haggis! This recipe is suitable for 6-8 people but I have divided it into three portions and cooked them in 0.5 litre aluminium containers which I can freeze. They can then be defrosted and used either for a meat-free Sunday lunch alternative or sliced up with a salad. Or you can just halve the ingredients.

INGREDIENTS Tip: I always buy lentils and kidney beans in jars or tins from the Spanish supermarkets as it saves the soaking and cooking time. 110g/4 oz whole mixed nuts roasted until golden brown 1 tbsp oil 1 medium onion, finely diced 1 medium carrot, grated 1 small turnip, very finely chopped or grated (optional) 110g/4oz mushroom, finely chopped Clove of garlic crushed (optional) 350g/12oz jar cooked lentils 400ml/¾ pint vegetable stock 415g can cooked red kidney beans roughly mashed 2 tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp dried or fresh rosemary ½ tsp cayenne pepper ¼ tsp ground nutmeg 2 tsp dried thyme salt to taste black pepper to taste (be generous) 75g/3oz oats 2-3 tbsp Scotch Whisky 2tsp Marmite (optional) 1 tbsp lemon juice DIRECTIONS 1. Pre-heat oven to 350F/180C and roast nuts until they are a light golden colour (do not over-roast), allow to cool, then chop them finely or use a blender. (I find it very satisfying to put them into a ziplock bag and bash them with a rolling pin!) 2. Turn the oven up to 375F/190C. 3. In a large frying pan or saucepan, saute the onion in the oil for approx 5 minutes, then add carrot, turnip, mushrooms, and garlic and carry on cooking for a further 5 minutes. 4. Add the lentils and ½ pint from the stock, bring to boil then reduce to a simmer.

5. Mix the kidney beans with remaining stock and add to the pan with the nuts, soy sauce, herbs and seasonings. Cook for 5-10 minutes stirring regularly to avoid it catching on the bottom of the pan. 6. Add oats and whisky and simmer another 10-15 minutes, adding more water if necessary. Mixture should end up moist, but not runny. 7. Add the Marmite and stir in lemon juice. 8. Spoon mixture into a lightly oiled loaf tin or into three 0.5 litre aluminium freezer containers, cover with foil and bake for approximately 30-35 minutes (if using a loaf tin, allow another 10 minutes). Remove foil lid and bake a further 10 minutes. 9. Serve with mashed neeps (turnips) and tatties (potatoes) and, of course, copious amounts of whisky, lots of poetry and good company. Haggis, veggie or otherwise, also goes well with whole roasted onions. (Put in the oven approximately 10 minutes before the haggis).


22-28 JANUARY 2010

Computing Error 1706

Terry via email asks: Hi Aunty, I am running Vista Home Edition and lately when I try to change a Word document I get a message “The list of common (Spanish-Modern Sort) Auto Corrections is not available. This feature is not currently installed. Would you like to install it now” If I press ‘no’, the message disappears but if I press ‘yes’ then it attempts to install but I get another message stating, ‘The feature you are trying to install is on a network source that is unavailable Error 1706’. Please advise if there is any way I can get rid of this. I have tried various options within my limited computer knowledge without any luck. Aunty says: This message appears if you have the ‘auto correction’ function enabled in any of the Microsoft Office programs (Word Excel etc). You can switch it off from the ‘tools’ ‘options’ menu or if you have the original disks you can put the CD into the drive and let Office install the additional language the spell checker is looking for. Saeed Shirazi via email asks: Dear Aunty, please can you recommend what Security Software (free please) I need to install on my Laptop as there are so many of them to choose from? I use my laptop for banking, emails, some surfing. Many thanks. Aunty says: Hi Saeed, I’m still highly recommending AVG9, SuperAntiSpyware and Malwarebytes.

Removing Norton security software

with aunty virus

Derrick via email asks: Hi Aunty, I read your column every week and have picked up a lot of useful information, this time I need your help. When I bought my new PC it came with Norton 360 preloaded but as I use Zonelabs’ Zonealarm firewall I wished to uninstall it. I could not find an uninstall programme so I went to control panel and clicked remove, I removed part of Norton but the files still remain; the only way I can locate them is through windows explorer. If I try to remove Norton in the control panel I get the error message No.21. The reason I would like Norton removed is Zonelabs have a new upgrade and it will not let me load it while Norton is on my PC. Aunty says: You may be lucky Derrick, as there is a tool written by Norton specifically to address the problem removing their software. It doesn’t always work but certainly worth a go. Go to Symantec.com and to the ‘downloads’ section. In the list you will see Norton Removal Tool under the support section. Download and run this and let me know how you get on.

2nd generation speed Janet via email asks: Dear Aunty, I have a mobile Vodafone USB Dongle which I use for Internet access and emails. It uses something called 2G and 3G settings? For the past week or two, when it connects with 3G I continually get ‘Internet Explorer Cannot display this page’ yet if I use 2G I can surf the web successfully but it is painfully slow. Is there something wrong with my laptop or is there a problem with the dongle? Any ideas please?

Aunty says: Hello Janet. The problem is almost certainly due to the signal strength of the Vodafone mobile phone service where you are. The main difference between 2G (2nd Generation) and 3G is speed, 2G being a lot slower. Try moving to different parts of the house and you should see the signal strength increase or decrease considerably. You can buy a USB extension lead to make it easier to move the dongle but make sure you get a good quality one and stay to about a meter in length.

22-28 JANUARY 2010


SuperFast Internet!

Optical character recognition HP ready? Derek via email asks: Hi Aunty, on my new laptop I bought in Ireland over Christmas it says its HP ready and HP updates are available, could you please tell me what this is for and do I need to do anything with it. Also what is Java Update all about? I have that on my laptop as well but I do not know what it does either.

Aunty says: Hello Derek. The HP messages are telling you that there are some updates from the Hewlet Packard website. If it is an HP or Compaq laptop then you may as well go ahead and click on the message which should then download and install the updates, and likewise if you have an HP printer. Java is a program written by Sun and is necessary to run certain website content and OpenOffice. You can run these updates by clicking on the orange Java logo in the bottom right corner of your desktop or from the sun.com website.

Alan from San Miguel asks: Hi Aunty, hope you had a good Christmas and New Year and that you can help me with my problem. I need to scan a load of Spanish letters and translate them into English, I use the online Google translator but typing them in will take forever. I believe there is a way of doing this with a special printer but I’m not sure where to get one. Thanks in advance for the brilliant column you do every week.

‘Multifunction’ or ‘all in one’ printer/ scanner/copier devices support OCR and cost as little as €50. As much as I dislike Carrefour’s service and support, they do tend to have the cheapest range. Go for an Epson, Canon or HP and you should be fine.

Aunty says: What you need Alan is a scanner that supports OCR (Optical Character Recognition) This is a function that enables the scanner to actually read the contents of the letter and convert it to text which you can then copy and paste into the Google translator. When you scan a document without using OCR it is stored as a picture. All of the new

Start up error message

Ted from Los Dolces asks: Hello Aunty. Every time I start my computer I get the following message pop up: “Error deleting file or folder. Cannot delete file. Cannot read from the source file or disc” I cancel this and the same thing comes up again and I have to cancel again. Have I done something to cause this to happen? I am, by the way, a complete novice at all this.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out.

Aunty says: You may have some damaged or corrupt data on your PC Ted. The first thing to try is to run the disk checker within Windows. Go to ‘my computer’ and right click on the C: drive and choose ‘properties from the drop down menu’. Go to the ‘tools’ tab and click on the ‘check now’ button. Tick the two boxes and press start. You will get a message telling you that you cannot check this disk until you restart your PC.

tv Friday


22-28 JANUARY 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under 12.00 Britain’s Empty Homes 12.30 Cash in the Attic; BBC News; Weather. 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News 14.30 Regional News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; 16.05 CBeebies: Big & Small 16.15 Grandpa in My Pocket 16.30 What’s New Scooby-Doo? 16.50 OOglies 17.05 Horrible Histories 17.35 Prank Patrol 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News 19.30 Regional News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 A Question of Sport 21.00 EastEnders 21.30 QI 22.00 Silent Witness 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News 23.35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 0.35 The National Lottery EuroMillions Draw 0.45 The Devil’s Advocate 3.05 Sign Zone

7.00 -11.30 Childrens Programmes 12.00 Schools: Primary Class Clips. 12.15 BBC Primary Geography 12.25 Something Special 12.40 Look and Read 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 Live Bowls 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! Ten of the Best 17.30 Ready Steady Cook 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Great British Railway Journeys 20.00 Andrew Marr’s History of Modern Britain 21.00 Mastermind 21.30 An Island Parish 22.00 Empire of the Seas: How the Navy Forged the Modern World 23.00 Mock the Week 23.30 Newsnight 0.00 The Review Show; Weather. 1.05 Bowls Extra 2.05 Heroes 2.45 Medium 3.30 Blue Car

6.30 ITV Morning News 7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News 15.00 60 Minute Makeover 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 A Touch of Frost 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Coronation Street 21.00 Dancing on Ice Friday 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 Popstar to Operastar 23.30 ITV News and Weather 0.00 Granada News and Weather 0.05 The Life of David Gale 2.25 Ladette to Lady; ITV News Headlines. 3.20 The Missouri Breaks 5.25 ITV Nightscreen

7.00 The Hoobs 7.25 Big Brother’s Little Brother 7.50 Celebrity Big Brother 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.25 Frasier 9.55 Will & Grace 10.25 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.55 Deal or No Deal 11.40 According to Jim 12.05 ER 13.00 Channel 4 News 13.05 3 Minute Wonder: The Wall 13.40 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 14.45 Destination Gobi 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 17.55 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 18.25 Come Dine with Me 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 20.30 Ambreen: The Girl Boxer 21.00 Relocation: Phil Down Under 22.00 Celebrity Big Brother: Live 23.00 8 Out of 10 Cats 23.35 Celebrity Big Brother: Live 0.10 David Blaine: What Is Magic? 1.05 4Music: Mercury Prize Sessions

7.00 - 9.55 Childrens Programmes 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 13.40 Five News 13.50 Megastructures 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visits 16.05 A Child’s Cry for Help 18.00 Five News 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Celebrity Quitters; Five News Update. 21.00 Knight Rider; Five News at 9. 22.00 The Contractor 0.00 Paul Merton in Europe 1.00 SuperCasino 5.05 Motorsport Mundial 5.30 Divine Designs 5.55 County Secrets 6.10 Neighbours 6.35 Home and Away

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 UK Border Force 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 It’s Me or the Dog USA 13.00 Sell Me the Answer 14.00 UK Border Force 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Lost 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 WWE Superstars 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Got to Dance 23.00 Fat Families 0.00 Football’s Next Star 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Night Cops 2.50 Road Wars 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 4.30 Cold Case 5.20 Battlestar Galactica 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

7.00 Breakfast 11.00 Saturday Kitchen 12.35 Rachel Allen: Home Cooking 13.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 13.15 Football Focus 14.00 Australian Open Tennis 15.30 Live Bowls 17.30 Final Score 18.10 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 18.30 Hole in the Wall 19.00 Total Wipeout 20.00 So You Think You Can Dance 21.00 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 21.50 So You Think You Can Dance 22.20 Casualty 23.10 Live at the Apollo 23.55 BBC News; Weather; National Lottery 0.15 The Football League Show 1.15 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 2.20 BBC News

7.00 - 8.40 Childrens Programmes 9.00 Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 9.30 Jump Nation 10.30 Prank Patrol 11.00 Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 11.30 Keep Your Enemies Close 12.00 The Slammer 12.30 Animals at Work 13.00 Greek 13.45 BBC Switch: The 5:19 Show 14.10 BBC Switch: The Cut 14.40 BBC Switch: Revealed 15.00 All Saints 15.45 Cromwell 18.00 A History of Christianity 19.00 Empire of the Seas: How the Navy Forged the Modern World 20.00 The Legacy of Lawrence of Arabia 21.00 Newsnight at 30 22.00 QI XL 22.45 Heroes 23.30 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 1.45 Bowls 2.45 The Princess and the Warrior 4.50 Close

6.30 ITV Morning News 7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10.55 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11.25 Popstar to Operastar 12.55 News; Weather 12.59 Granada Weather 13.00 Live FA Cup Football 15.55 Police Academy III: Back in Training 17.30 Granada News 17.45 ITV News and Weather 18.00 Live FA Cup Football 20.15 Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed! 21.00 Take Me Out 22.00 All Star Mr & Mrs 23.00 Brits Hits 30 0.00 ITV News and Weather; Weather 0.15 FA Cup Football Highlights 1.40 Spartan; ITV News Headlines. 3.30 Plain Truth 5.00 ITV Nightscreen

6.55 The Treacle People 7.10 The Hoobs 8.00 Freesports on 4 8.30 World Sport 9.00 The Morning Line 9.55 T4: Friends 11.00 T4: Glee 12.55 T4: Celebrity Big Brother 14.30 T4: Friends 15.00 Channel 4 Racing from Haydock Park and Ascot 17.00 Three Hungry Boys 17.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19.30 Channel 4 News 20.00 Kevin McCloud: Slumming It 22.00 Celebrity Big Brother 23.00 Shooter 1.25 Big Brother’s Big Mouth 2.25 Celebrity Big Brother: Live 4.55 Scrapheap Challenge 5.50 Countdown 6.35 The Hoobs

8.00 Milkshake!: Elmo’s World. 8.20 Fireman Sam 8.30 Milkshake Monkey 8.35 Chiro 8.40 Make Way for Noddy 8.55 Milkshake! Bop Box 9.00 Hana’s Helpline 9.15 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 9.30 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 9.50 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10.00 Olivia 10.15 The Mr Men Show 10.30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11.00 NFL UK 12.00 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 13.00 Build a New Life in the Country 14.00 Zoo Days 14.10 Christy: Return to Cutter Gap 16.00 Little Women 18.10 Five News 18.15 Patch Adams 20.20 NCIS 22.10 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23.10 CSI: NY 0.10 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 1.05 SuperCasino

7.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 8.00 Malcolm in the Middle 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 Soccer AM 13.00 Football’s Next Star 14.00 Got to Dance 19.00 Futurama 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Oops TV 22.00 American Pie 23.50 Got to Dance 0.50 Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza 1.50 NCIS: Los Angeles 2.50 Road Wars 4.30 Prison Break 5.20 Road Wars 5.45 Hello Goodbye 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

7.00 Breakfast 10.00 The Andrew Marr Show 11.00 The Big Questions 12.00 Country Tracks 13.00 The Politics Show 14.00 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 14.20 EastEnders 16.15 Only Fools and Horses 18.00 Songs of Praise 18.35 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 19.00 Countryfile 20.00 Antiques Roadshow 21.00 Lark Rise to Candleford 22.00 Rock & Chips 23.30 BBC News; Regional News; Weather 23.55 Right at Your Door; Weatherview. 1.30 Sign Zone: Hannah: The Girl Who Said No to a New Heart 2.25 Sign Zone: Wonderland: Seven Pups for Seven People 3.05 Sign Zone: The Choir: Unsung Town 4.05 BBC News

7.00 CBeebies: Big Cook Little Cook. 7.20 Clifford 7.35 Brum 7.45 Louie 8.00 CBBC: Arthur. 8.15 Dennis and Gnasher 8.40 The Basil Brush Show 9.05 Jinx; Leon. 9.30 Dani’s House 10.00 Tracy Beaker Returns 10.30 Spirit Warriors 11.00 Something for the Weekend 12.30 Escape to the Country 13.15 All Saints 14.00 Figure Skating 15.30 Live Bowls 18.05 Ski Sunday 18.55 The Terminal 21.00 The Best of Top Gear 22.00 The Great Rift: Africa’s Wild Heart 23.00 Lost Kingdoms of Africa 0.00 Five Minutes of Heaven 1.25 The Persuasionists 1.55 Heaven 3.25 BBC News 4.05 Close

6.30 ITV Morning News 7.00 GMTV 10.25 FA Cup Football Highlights 11.50 Coronation Street 14.05 News; Weather 14.14 Granada Weather 14.15 Live FA Cup Football 16.30 Granada News 16.45 Live FA Cup Football 19.10 ITV News 19.25 Dancing on Ice 21.45 Wild at Heart 22.45 Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 23.15 ITV News and Weather; Weather 23.30 FA Cup Football Highlights 0.30 Quadrophenia 2.45 Charley Varrick; ITV News Headlines. 4.45 Dating the Enemy 5.10 ITV Nightscreen

7.00 The Hoobs 7.30 Yo Gabba Gabba 8.00 Beach Volleyball 8.55 Freesports on 4 Freeze 9.55 T4: The Hills 10.20 T4: Friends 10.55 T4: Hollyoaks 13.25 T4: Celebrity Big Brother 14.35 T4: Big Brother’s Little Brother 15.40 T4: 90210 16.40 T4: The Simpsons 17.45 Deal or No Deal 18.30 Glee 19.30 Channel 4 News 20.00 The Bible: A History 21.00 Celebrity Big Brother 22.00 Slumdog Millionaire 0.30 The World’s Smallest Man and Me 1.35 Celebrity Big Brother: Live 5.00 The Slumdog Children of Mumbai 6.00 Countdown 6.45 The Hoobs

7.00 Sunrise 8.00 Milkshake!: Elmo’s World. 8.15 Fireman Sam 8.30 Chiro 8.40 Make Way for Noddy 8.55 The WotWots 9.05 Hana’s Helpline 9.20 Mist: Sheepdog Tales 9.35 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 9.55 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 10.05 Olivia 10.20 The Mr Men Show 10.35 Gerald McBoing Boing 11.00 Shake!: Hannah Montana. 11.35 Wizards of Waverly Place 12.10 Rogue Raiders: Wild Boar 13.00 Ice Road Truckers 14.00 Doctor Zhivago 17.40 Five News 17.45 Atlantis: The Lost Empire 19.40 Force 10 from Navarone 22.00 Payback 0.05 Storm Catcher 1.50 SuperCasino

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

6.00 Live Australian Open Tennis 14.15 Live Biathlon 15.45 Alpine Skiing 16.15 Live Ski Jumping 18.00 Game, Set and Mats 18.30 Justine Henin Special 18.35 Africa Cup of Nations 18.50 Eurogoals Flash 19.00 Live Rallying 20.45 euroCRASH! 20.50 Figure Skating 23.00 Live Rallying 0.45 Australian Open Tennis 1.00 Live Australian Open Tennis

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 60 Minute Makeover 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Criminal Minds 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 22.00 Criminal Minds 23.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Criminal Minds 3.00 Trolley Dollies 4.00 Charmed 5.40 60 Minute Makeover

Celebrity Big Brother: Live Channel 4, 10.00pm

6.00 Live Australian Open Tennis

1.00 Live Australian Open Tennis

8.00 I Dream of Jeannie 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 My Wife and Kids 11.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 12.00 Will & Grace 13.00 Canada’s Next Top Model 14.00 Ghost Whisperer 15.00 Passport Patrol 16.00 Nothing to Declare 20.00 Little Shop of Horrors 21.50 Celebs Off Duty 22.00 Most Haunted Live 0.00 Medium 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Criminal Minds 2.30 Nothing to Declare 4.50 Will & Grace 5.40 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

6.00 Live Australian Open Tennis 14.00 Alpine Skiing 14.30 Biathlon 15.15 Live Biathlon 16.00 Nordic Combined Skiing 16.25 Wintersports Weekend 16.30 Africa Cup of Nations 16.45 Live Africa Cup of Nations 19.00 Game, Set and Mats 19.25 Justine Henin Special 19.30 euroCRASH! 19.35 One to One 19.50 Africa Cup of Nations 20.15 Live Africa Cup of Nations 22.30 Africa Cup of Nations 22.45 Figure Skating 0.25 Wintersports Weekend 0.30 Game, Set and Mats 0.55 Justine Henin Special 1.00 Live Australian Open Tennis

7.00 Home Shopping 8.00 I Dream of Jeannie 9.00 Bewitched 10.00 My Wife and Kids 11.00 The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 12.00 America’s Next Top Model 14.00 So You Think You Can Dance 16.00 Little Shop of Horrors 17.50 Celebs Off Duty 18.00 Passport Patrol 19.00 Psychic Sally: On the Road 20.00 Passport Patrol 21.00 Nothing to Declare 22.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23.00 Criminal Minds 0.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Passport Patrol 3.00 Nothing to Declare 4.00 Wacky Weddings

11.30 Alpine Skiing 13.15 Figure Skating 14.15 Live Biathlon 15.45 Live Ski Jumping 17.45 Cross-Country Skiing 18.10 Wintersports Weekend 18.15 Africa Cup of Nations 18.30 Australian Open Tennis 19.30 Game, Set and Mats 19.55 Justine Henin Special 20.00 euroCRASH! 20.05 Figure Skating 21.30 Live Boxing 23.30 Australian Open Tennis 0.30 Game, Set and Mats 0.55 Justine Henin Special


7.00 Hour of Power 8.00 Gladiators: Champion of Champions 9.00 Malcolm in the Middle 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 WWE Superstars 12.00 WWE: Experience 13.00 Futurama 14.00 Got to Dance 15.00 Fat Families 16.00 Fat and Proud 17.00 Got to Dance 18.00 The Simpsons 19.00 Got to Dance 20.00 Are You Smarter Than Your 10 Year Old? 21.00 Football’s Next Star 22.00 24 0.00 Modern Family 1.00 Football’s Next Star 2.00 Road Wars 3.40 Inside: Miami Vice 4.30 Road Wars 4.55 Martina Cole: Girls in Gangs London 5.45 Oops TV 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

Slumdog Millionaire Channel 4, 10.00pm

tv Monday

22-28 JANUARY 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under 12.00 Britain’s Empty Homes 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News 14.30 Regional News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News 16.05 CBeebies: Big & Small. 16.15 Grandpa in My Pocket 16.25 CBBC: Tronji. 16.50 OOglies 17.05 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 17.35 MI High 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News 19.30 Regional News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 Inside Out 21.00 EastEnders 21.30 Panorama 22.00 Hustle 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News 23.35 Britain’s Really Disgusting Food 0.35 Late Kick Off 1.10 Sign Zone: Delia Through the Decades 1.40 Sign Zone: The Man Who Can’t Stop Hiccuping

7.00 - 11.30 Childrens Programmes 12.00 Schools: Victorian Scotland. 12.20 Maths Channel 12.30 BBC Primary Geography 12.40 The Romans 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 All Saints 14.45 Animal Park: Wild in Africa 15.15 Car Booty 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Ready Steady Cook 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Great British Railway Journeys 20.00 God Bless You Barack Obama? 21.00 University Challenge 21.30 Delia Through the Decades 22.00 The British Family 23.00 Nurse Jackie 23.30 Newsnight 0.20 American Football 1.20 An Island Parish 1.50 BBC News

6.30 ITV Morning News 7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News 14.55 Granada News 15.00 House Gift 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 A Touch of Frost 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Coronation Street 21.00 The Lakes 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 Law & Order: UK 23.00 ITV News at Ten 23.30 Granada News 23.35 Assassins 1.55 Take Me Out; ITV News Headlines. 2.50 Loose Women 3.40 The Jeremy Kyle Show 4.35 ITV Nightscreen

7.10 The Hoobs 7.35 Big Brother’s Little Brother 8.30 Celebrity Big Brother 9.25 Frasier 9.50 Will & Grace 10.20 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.50 Deal or No Deal 11.35 According to Jim 12.05 ER 13.00 Channel 4 News 13.05 The TV Book Club 13.35 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 14.35 The Thirty-Nine Steps 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 18.30 Come Dine with Me 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 21.00 Britain’s Big Freeze 22.00 Celebrity Big Brother 23.00 The Good Wife 0.00 Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam 2.20 Celebrity Big Brother: Live 4.55 Fanny by Gaslight 6.40 The Hoobs

7.00 - 9.55 Childrens Programmes 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 13.40 Five News 13.50 Megastructures: Built from Disaster 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visits 16.05 Avalon: Beyond the Abyss 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Celebrity Quitters; Five News Update. 21.00 Police Interceptors; Five News at 9. 22.00 Paul Merton in Europe 23.00 The Wicker Man 1.05 America’s Toughest Prisons 2.05 SuperCasino 5.00 Divine Designs 5.55 County Secrets 6.10 Neighbours 6.35 Home and Away

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 UK Border Force 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 It’s Me or the Dog 13.00 Sell Me the Answer 14.00 Oops TV 14.30 The Simpsons 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Lost 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Football’s Next Star 22.00 Got to Dance 23.00 24 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Night Cops 2.50 Road Wars 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 4.30 Cold Case 5.20 Battlestar Galactica 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under 12.00 Britain’s Empty Homes 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News 14.30 Regional News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News 16.05 CBeebies: Big & Small. 16.15 Grandpa in My Pocket 16.25 CBBC: Tronji. 16.50 OOglies 17.05 Deadly 60 17.35 Blue Peter 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News 19.30 Regional News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 EastEnders 21.00 Holby City 22.00 Survivors 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News 23.35 Too Old to Be a Mum? 0.15 Film 2010 with Jonathan Ross 0.45 The Apprentice USA 1.30 The Apprentice USA; 2.20 Sign Zone: See Hear 2.50 Sign Zone: Andrew Marr’s The Making of Modern Britain

7.00 - 11.30 Childrens Programmes 12.00 Schools: BBC Primary Geography. 12.20 KS2 Science Clips 12.30 Telling Tales 12.40 Let’s Write a Story 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 All Saints 14.45 Animal Park: Wild in Africa 15.15 Car Booty 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Ready Steady Cook 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Great British Railway Journeys 20.00 The Great Rift: Africa’s Wild Heart 21.00 The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best 22.00 How Earth Made Us 23.00 Muslim Driving School 23.30 Newsnight 0.20 Summer 1.40 BBC News

6.30 ITV Morning News 7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News 14.55 Granada News 15.00 House Gift 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 A Touch of Frost 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports 19.30 ITV News 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 The Krypton Factor 21.00 Send in the Dogs 22.00 Amanda Holden’s Fantasy Lives 23.00 ITV News at Ten 23.30 Granada News 23.35 Piers Morgan On 0.35 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Crime 1.30 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Crime; ITV News Headlines. 2.25 Loose Women 3.15 The Jeremy Kyle Show 4.05 ITV Nightscreen

7.05 The Hoobs 7.30 Big Brother’s Little Brother 8.00 Celebrity Big Brother 8.55 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.25 Frasier 9.55 Will & Grace 10.25 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.55 Deal or No Deal 11.40 According to Jim 12.05 ER 13.00 Channel 4 News 13.05 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 14.10 Escape to Athena 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 18.30 Come Dine with Me 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 21.00 How to Look Good Naked with a Difference 22.00 Celebrity Big Brother 23.00 Shameless 0.05 The Big Bang Theory 0.30 8 Out of 10 Cats 1.05 Late Night Poker 2.10 Celebrity Big Brother: Live

7.00 - 9.55Childrens Programmes 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 13.40 Five News 13.50 Megastructures: Built from Disaster 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visits 16.00 Home Fires Burning 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Celebrity Quitters 21.00 Ice Road Truckers; Five News at 9. 22.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23.00 CSI: Miami; Five News Update. 0.00 CSI: NY 0.55 The FBI Files 1.55 SuperCasino 5.00 Wildlife SOS 5.55 County Secrets 6.10 Neighbours 6.35 Home and Away

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Got to Dance 10.00 UK Border Force 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 It’s Me or the Dog USA 13.00 Sell Me the Answer 14.00 Oops TV 14.30 The Simpsons 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Lost 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Got to Dance 22.00 Justin Lee Collins: Ballroom Dancer 23.00 Ross Kemp on Gangs 0.00 UK Border Force 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Night Cops 2.50 Road Wars 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 4.30 Cold Case 5.20 Battlestar Galactica 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under; BBC News 12.00 Britain’s Empty Homes 12.30 Cash in the Attic 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News 14.30 Regional News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News 16.05 CBeebies: Big & Small. 16.15 Grandpa in My Pocket 16.25 CBBC: Tronji. 16.50 OOglies 17.05 SMart; Street Monsters. 17.35 Blue Peter 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News 19.30 Regional News 20.00 The One Show 20.30 Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers 21.00 Holby City 22.00 Crimewatch 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News 23.35 The National Lottery 23.45 Crimewatch Update 23.55 Match of the Day; National Lottery Update 1.30 Sign Zone: Antiques Roadshow

7.00 - 11.30 Childrens Programmes 12.00 Nature’s Calendar 12.30 Daily Politics 14.00 See Hear 14.30 Working Lunch 15.00 Animal Park: Wild in Africa 15.30 Car Booty 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Ready Steady Cook 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Great British Railway Journeys 20.00 Munro: Mountain Man 21.00 Natural World 22.00 Tsunami: 5 Years On 23.00 The Persuasionists 23.30 Newsnigh 0.20 Jonathan Meades Off Kilter 1.20 BBC News 4.25 Close

6.30 ITV Morning News 7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News 14.55 Granada News 15.00 House Gift 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 A Touch of Frost 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports 19.30 ITV News 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 Lion Country 21.00 Midsomer Murders 23.00 ITV News at Ten 23.30 Granada News 23.35 Frantic 1.50 October Road 2.40 Loose Women 3.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 4.25 ITV Nightscreen

7.05 The Hoobs 7.30 Big Bro’s Little Bro 8.00 Celebrity Big Brother 8.55 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.25 Frasier 9.55 Will & Grace 10.25 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.55 Deal or No Deal 11.40 According to Jim 12.05 ER 13.00 Channel 4 News 13.05 A Place in the Sun 13.35 Property Snakes and Ladders 14.40 Bless This House 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 18.30 Come Dine with Me 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 21.00 Relocation, Relocation 22.00 Celebrity Big Brother 23.00 Desperate Housewives 23.55 Celebrity Big Brother 0.30 Shameless 1.35 4Music: Editors Live at Fabric 2.05 Celebrity Big Brother: Live

7.00 - 9.55 Childrens Programmes 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 13.40 Five News 13.50 Megastructures: Built from Disaster 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visits 16.00 Separated By Murder 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Celebrity Quitters; Five News Update. 21.00 Secrets of Egypt: Valley of the Kings; Five News at 9. 22.00 NCIS 23.00 Numb3rs 0.00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 0.55 Poker 2.25 SuperCasino 5.00 Wildlife SOS 5.55 County Secrets 6.10 Neighbours

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 UK Border Force 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 It’s Me or the Dog 13.00 Sell Me the Answer 14.00 Oops TV 14.30 The Simpsons 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Lost 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Fat Families 22.00 Got to Dance 0.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 1.00 Songbook 2.00 Road Wars 3.40 Cold Case 4.30 Battlestar Galactica 5.20 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 6.10 Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

tv Tuesday

tv Wednesday

6.00 Australian Open Tennis 14.15 Australian Open Tennis 16.00 Game, Set and Mats 16.25 Justine Henin Special 16.30 Africa Cup of Nations 16.45 Live Africa Cup of Nations 18.55 euroCRASH! 19.00 Eurogoals 19.45 FIFA World Cup Giants 20.15 Live Africa Cup of Nations 22.30 Africa Cup of Nations 22.45 Justine Henin Special 22.50 Australian Open Tennis 0.30 Game, Set and Mats 0.55 Justine Henin Special 1.00 Live Australian Open Tennis


8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 Four Weddings 13.30 10 Years Younger US 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Criminal Minds 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Criminal Minds 22.00 America’s Next Top Model 23.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Criminal Minds 3.00 Trolley Dollies 4.00 Charmed

Hustle BBC1, 10.00pm

7.15 Australian Open Tennis 9.15 Australian Open Tennis 14.15 Australian Open Tennis 17.45 Alpine Skiing 18.50 Eurogoals Flash 19.00 Game, Set and Mats 19.25 Justine Henin Special 19.30 Africa Cup of Nations 19.45 Live Snooker: The Welsh Open 23.00 Rallying 23.30 Alpine Skiing 0.00 Luge 0.30 Game, Set and Mats 0.55 Justine Henin Special 1.00 Live Australian Open Tennis

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 Four Weddings 13.30 10 Years Younger US 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Criminal Minds 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 America’s Next Top Model 22.00 Psychic Sally: On the Road 23.00 Most Haunted Almost Live 0.00 Medium 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Criminal Minds 3.00 Trolley Dollies

Got To Dance Sky1, 9.00pm

7.15 Australian Open Tennis 9.15 Live Australian Open Tennis 14.15 Australian Open Tennis 17.30 Game, Set and Mats 17.55 Justine Henin Special 18.00 Eurogoals Flash 18.10 Africa Cup of Nations 18.20 Wednesday Selection 18.25 Show Jumping 19.25 Riders Club 19.30 US Tour Golf 20.30 Golf Club 20.35 Yacht Club 20.40 Wednesday Selection 20.45 Live Snooker: The Welsh Open 23.00 Australian Open Tennis 1.00 Game, Set and Mats 1.25 Justine Henin Special 1.30 Close

Holby City BBC1, 9.00pm

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 Four Weddings 13.30 10 Years Younger 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Criminal Minds 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Grey’s Anatomy 22.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Criminal Minds 3.00 Trolley Dollies 4.00 Charmed 5.40 Maury

tv Thursday


22-28 JANUARY 2010

7.00 Breakfast 10.15 Heir Hunters 11.00 Wanted Down Under; BBC News 12.00 Britain’s Empty Homes 12.30 Cash in the Attic; BBC News; Weather. 13.15 Bargain Hunt 14.00 BBC News 14.30 Regional News 14.45 Doctors 15.15 Murder, She Wrote 16.00 BBC News; 16.05 CBeebies: Big & Small. 16.15 Grandpa in My Pocket 16.25 CBBC: Tronji. 16.50 OOglies 17.05 Gastronuts 17.35 Relic: Guardians of the Museum 18.00 Newsround 18.15 Weakest Link 19.00 BBC News 19.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather 20.00 The One Show 20.30 EastEnders; BBC News; Regional News. 21.00 Material Girl 22.00 Silent Witness 23.00 BBC News 23.25 Regional News 23.35 Question Time 0.35 This Week; Skiing 1.25 Sign Zone: Panorama 1.55 Sign Zone: Countryfile 2.50 Sign Zone: Great British Railway Journeys 3.20 Sign Zone: Natural World 4.20 Sign Zone: The Rat Pack 4.50 BBC News

7.00 CBeebies: Big Cook Little Cook. 7.20 Clifford 7.35 Boo! 7.45 Louie 7.55 Pingu 8.00 CBBC: Tronji. 8.25 Newsround 8.30 Deadly 60 9.00 League of Super Evil; Street Monsters. 9.15 Arthur 9.30 CBeebies: Wibbly Pig. 9.40 Get Squiggling 10.00 Louie 10.10 Finley the Fire Engine 10.25 Lunar Jim 10.35 Tommy Zoom 10.45 Our Planet 10.55 Telly Tales 11.10 Waybuloo 11.30 In the Night Garden 12.00 Schools: BBC Primary History. 12.20 KS2 Science Clips 12.30 Primary Literacy 13.00 Daily Politics 13.30 Working Lunch 14.00 All Saints 14.45 Animal Park: Wild in Africa 15.15 Car Booty 16.00 Diagnosis Murder 16.45 Flog It! 17.30 Ready Steady Cook 18.15 Escape to the Country 19.00 Eggheads 19.30 Great British Railway Journeys 20.00 The Culture Show 21.00 Jimmy’s Global Harvest 22.00 Mock the Week 22.30 Rab C Nesbitt 23.00 Bellamy’s People 23.30 Newsnight 0.20 The Culture Show 1.20 BBC News

6.30 ITV Morning News 7.00 GMTV 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11.30 This Morning 13.30 Loose Women 14.30 ITV News and Weather 14.55 Granada News and Weather 15.00 House Gift 16.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16.59 Granada Weather 17.00 A Touch of Frost 18.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 19.00 Granada Reports; Weather 19.30 ITV News and Weather 20.00 Emmerdale 20.30 CCTV - Cashing in on Cameras: Tonight 21.00 Emmerdale 21.30 Coronation Street 22.00 The Bill 23.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather 23.30 Granada News and Weather 23.35 Real Crime with Mark Austin: Sally Anne Bowman - Death on the Doorstep 0.35 The Krypton Factor 1.05 Nightwatch with Steve Scott: Emergency; ITV News Headlines. 2.00 Loose Women 2.50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 3.45 CCTV - Cashing in on Cameras: Tonight 4.10 ITV Nightscreen

7.05 Big Brother’s Little Brother 7.30 Celebrity Big Brother 8.55 Everybody Loves Raymond 9.25 Frasier 9.55 Will & Grace 10.25 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 10.55 Deal or No Deal 11.40 According to Jim 12.05 ER 13.00 Channel 4 News Summary 13.05 A Place in the Sun 13.35 Property Snakes and Ladders 14.35 Above Us the Waves 16.25 Countdown 17.10 Deal or No Deal 18.00 Wogan’s Perfect Recall 18.30 Come Dine with Me 19.00 The Simpsons 19.30 Hollyoaks 20.00 Channel 4 News 21.00 My Dream Farm 22.00 Celebrity Big Brother 23.00 Girl with Eight Limbs Grows Up 0.05 Gok Wan: Too Fat Too Young 1.05 Wild Things 1.40 Celebrity Big Brother: Live 5.00 The Bible: A History 5.50 Countdown 6.35 Sali Mali 6.40 The Hoobs

7.00 - 9.55 Childrens Programmes 10.05 Milkshake! Music Box 10.15 The Wright Stuff 11.45 Trisha Goddard 12.45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 13.40 Five News 13.45 Megastructures: Built from Disaster 14.45 Neighbours 15.15 Home and Away 15.50 I Own Britain’s Best Home: Flying Visits 16.05 Crimes of Passion 18.00 Five News with Natasha Kaplinsky; Weather 18.30 Neighbours 19.00 Home and Away 19.25 Live from Studio Five 20.30 Celebrity Quitters; Five News Update. 21.00 Build a New Life in the Country; Five News at 9. 22.00 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 23.00 Renegade Justice 1.05 SuperCasino 5.00 Wildlife SOS

7.00 Good Morning Sports Fans 8.00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 9.00 Oops TV 10.00 UK Border Force 11.00 Lion Man 12.00 It’s Me or the Dog USA 13.00 Sell Me the Answer 14.00 Oops TV 14.30 The Simpsons 15.00 Angela and Friends 16.30 Lost 17.30 Lion Man 18.00 Malcolm in the Middle 18.30 Futurama 19.00 Oops TV 20.00 The Simpsons 21.00 Modern Family 21.30 Simpsons Mischief & Mayhem 22.00 Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza 23.00 Bones 0.00 Fat Families 1.00 Road Wars 2.00 Night Cops 2.50 Road Wars 3.40 Don’t Forget the Lyrics 4.30 Cold Case

7.15 Australian Open Tennis 9.00 Live Australian Open Tennis 12.45 Australian Open Tennis 16.30 Africa Cup of Nations 16.45 Live Africa Cup of Nations 19.00 Eurogoals Flash 19.10 Game, Set and Mats 19.40 Justine Henin Special 19.45 Football: World Cup Preview 20.15 Live Africa Cup of Nations 22.30 Africa Cup of Nations 22.45 Australian Open Tennis 1.00 Game, Set and Mats 1.25 Justine Henin Special 1.30 Close

8.00 Bewitched 9.00 Maury 9.55 Celebs Off Duty 10.00 Nothing to Declare 11.00 America’s Next Top Model 12.00 Maury 12.55 Celebs Off Duty 13.00 Four Weddings 13.30 10 Years Younger US 14.00 Nothing to Declare 15.00 Criminal Minds 16.00 Ghost Whisperer 17.00 Charmed 19.00 America’s Next Top Model 20.00 Ghost Whisperer 21.00 Medium 22.00 CSI: Miami 23.00 Grey’s Anatomy 0.00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.00 Supernatural 2.00 Criminal Minds 3.00 Trolley Dollies

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 535

Cryptic solutions Across: 1 Itch; 3 Bend over; 9 Swathed; 10 Strip; 11 Lamentations; 13 Eleven; 15 Pliant; 17 Disorientate; 20 Their; 21 Narrows; 22 Patients; 23 Stud. Down: 1 Insulted; 2 Charm; 4 Endear; 5 Disciplinary; 6 Veranda; 7 Ripe; 8 Change course; 12 Stressed; 14 Exigent; 16 Linnet; 18 Aloft; 19 Stop. Quick solutions Across: 1 Sash; 3 Dethrone; 9 Exploit; 10 Theme; 11 Play for money; 13 Sherds; 15 Apathy; 17 Thankfulness; 20 Ennui; 21 Elector; 22 Preclude; 23 Pass. Down: 1 Sheepish; 2 Sepia; 4 Extort; 5 Hot-gospeller; 6 Overeat; 7 Ever; 8 Confidential; 12 Eyesores; 14 Enhance; 16 Offend; 18 Extra; 19 Deep.

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by Jack Troughton PRIESTS ACROSS Spain watched congregations swell last Sunday for the popular and symbolic Blessing of the Animals. 17th January was the feast day of San Antonio, the patron saint of animals – an important festival in the Valencia region – when both working animals and pets are taken to churches to be blessed and receive a sprinkling of holy water. APASA BLESSING It was an especially busy day for Javea priest Don Joaquin Sendra. After performing his duties at the Fisherman’s Church in Javea Port, he went to the APASA Animal Sanctuary to bless the rescued dogs and pets belonging to supporters of the charity – many of them found their new homes by the charity. Don Joaquin visited each of the kennels at the pound and also chatted with owners and petted dogs before reading the blessing and anointing the pets.

Javea priest Don Joaquin Sendra blesses a dog

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22-28 JANUARY 2010


The Gathering Of The Storm

Author: William Napier Publisher: Orion (paperback) Price: 9.80 euros ISBN: 978 0 7528 8142 3

THE NAME rings a bell because we’ve all had an Attila in our lives: mothersin-law, bosses, ex wives, tax men; mine taught Latin at the grammar school and also went by the name of Adolf, so you get the idea. Attilas are social misfits who get their titles from a very nasty Attila indeed. I suppose that was his real name but since nobody had the balls to ask him I suppose we’ll never know. We know him as Attila the Hun. Enough said. In AD 441 the Roman Empire was looking a bit battered. Pax Romana was at an end and the Empire that once stretched from Africa to Hadrian’s Wall had been kicked into touch by the Visigoths and the Vandals, who had settled in what they had left of her borders after a few years of pillage and rape. In the East, however, the Scythian Huns were gathering under their returned leader Attila who had been kicked out and had his family slain by the king, who also happened to be his uncle, 30 years before. Attila being Attila knew how to bear a grudge and suitably worked up had come out of exile to

Almodóvar bags Critics’ Choice Award Book Review by

Danny Collins


seize the Scythian throne and convince the king that he’d had it wrong all along – if beheading and burning the ex monarch can be classed as convincing enough. Once in charge, Attila gathered the tribes of Scythia and Sarmatia – now southern Russia and the Ukraine with a few ‘stans’ thrown in – and marched on Rome and the rest is history. Author William Napier had put together a fine ‘faction’ on this daunting character, who finally brought tottering Rome to its knees and changed the face of Europe forever. Read it and you’ll understand why even today the name Attila is redolent of everyone’s worse nightmare. I thoroughly enjoyed the read and now behold my motherin-law in a new light.

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

Penelope Cruz and Pedro Almodóvar

CULT FILM director Pedro Almodóvar has won his first Critics’ Choice Award for Best Foreign Language Movie, for the film Abrazos rotos starring his favoured actress Penelope Cruz. The prize is given by the BFCA Movie Association (Broadcast Film Critics) and the ceremony took place last week in LA. Almodóvar was competing against the French box-office hit Coco Before Chanel; the German production The White Ribbon; the Chinese film Red Cliff, and the Mexican-US hit Sin nombre. Abrazos rotos was also nominated for a Golden Globe, but lost out to The White Ribbon.










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8-14 JANUARY 22-28 JANUARY 2010 2010

horoscopes by Kenny Corris

Salvation I ONCE worked as a volunteer with the Salvation Army. Mindful that this was an organisation that was non judgmental and one that cared for those members of society others tried to forget, I set out to help with the “down and outs” under the arches in Charing Cross in London. I never wore a uniform; I felt that I didn’t need one and initially I helped to make soup and drove a van to pick up unsold sandwiches from Marks and Spencer branches in the West End. So many people were generous to a fault, and none more so than the stallholders in Berwick Street market who allowed us to salvage vegetables and fruit and kept it for the express purpose of redistributing it amidst the poor and needy sleeping on the street. The street was a far different experience. There in the darkness were people of all ages. Some drunk; some drunk and disorderly and all were in need of urgent counselling; therapy; love. Though I could offer a blanket, soup and a sandwich I was very aware that these were only immediate needs and that far more needed to be done. What I hadn’t bargained for was the animosity of those in need, and their response to me. Walking arm and arm with only Spirit to help me, and my heart pounding somewhere deep in my chest, I never knew what was coming. Indeed I didn’t expect to have urine thrown at me, to have to act to stop fights and to be subjected to verbal abuse, but I was. The Sally Army girls were wonderful and their bonnets and femininity somehow protected them. They, like me knew that they could make a difference, and that they were doing God’s work, but they too were open to the abuse and the anger of the homeless who seem to blame anyone and everyone for their own choices. Those who wished to move on were helped and housed and taken away from their unfortunate surroundings. But a core remained. They saw their territory as


A double whammy with Planet Mars means Mercury inconjuncts, but Venus opposes and this has an effect on relationship issues and emotional states. With the ‘inner you’ wanting resolve, and your pride not allowing you to reveal your sincere wants and needs right now, there is a stalemate that will be hard to handle if it is left unchecked. Put into action what you know you must, and put yourself first for a change in the scheme of things. Venus is playing a flirting game with Mars, and you may feel as if someone is playing with your heartstrings right now. Since you get very passionate about things in general it is high time you played it cool and saw things from all angles, before making your move. A Taurean in love is a joy to behold: happy because they are ruled by the Goddess of Love, but bullish and brusque in action in their spontaneous love of life and all it is about to bring. Michelle Obama is a weekly volunteer in a Washington soup kitchen

theirs, and we were trespassing on it. ‘Do Gooders’, we did exactly what was on the package, and we looked for no reward. Spirit was my protection on those dark nights. They were times when I had to appear to be very unafraid, times when I was alone with my instincts and had only my guides to protect me. Now when homeless are sleeping on the streets of all Spanish cities every night, and refugees die swimming across to the supposed safety of Spanish shores each and every day, nothing appears to have changed. See the shanty gypsy townships around Alicante station and hear the cries of children left alone whilst parents are forced to earn a living working all the hours that God sends. Still there is suffering in the World, and maybe, just maybe, there always will be. Hopefully too there will always be people who can help all they can. Michelle Obama is a weekly volunteer in a Washington soup kitchen: good for her – the first ‘First Lady’ to care in this way! For all those out on the street tonight, for those afraid and running scared and all those who need to be loved as they must learn to love themselves…may Spirit show you the way to resolve and for God’s sake motivate you on to where you should be.

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

My Mother suffered much in her life, my Father was a very unloving man; and I left home as soon as I could. Just after her death she came to me and asked me to forgive my Father. She sat on the end of my bed and I could feel her weight. I couldn’t forgive my Father, and he died last month. Now I am worried that my Father will say something to my Mother in Spirit, but I could never love my Father after what he did to us both. Anonymous Your Mother loved you; loved you enough to make a return journey to ensure that you were safe. You both suffered with your Father, and she knew that. Because you weren’t able to follow her wish that you forgive your Father doesn’t mean that she stopped loving you. Since your Mother has proved her psychic survival, please make contact with her. Tell her that you love her; tell her the truth and know that your Mother and Daughter love will never, ever die!

Kenny’s Diary Limited places are available at a Séance for Thursday 28th January at 18.30 in Finestrat. No previous experience needed. You may list for further Seances by calling or emailing for more details. Mini readings continue at the Bistro Maya in Albir on Monday 25th and Wednesday 27th January. Please call: 966 868 213 for further information and appointments.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

NEW ONLINE FORUM!! www.kennycorris.net/forum Please feel free to ask questions of Kenny and read questions and comments of others.

Someone has got the wrong idea and it would appear that they are guilty of pre judging you unfairly. You will have your say, and when it comes (and you may have to wait) then you get a good chance to tell the truth, dismissing the myths. There is more than just a tinge of jealousy here, but you are to be admired for keeping your faith and being true to yourself. Standing up for yourself brings a necessary boost to your self respect. Give someone the benefit of the doubt this week though you know the truth of the matter in hand and cannot condone what is currently going on. Adopting a wait and see policy you may gain a valued insight into another aspect that has seen you pause recently. Once you’re back on track you will see that it may be true that he who hesitates is truly lost, but he who pays the piper calls the tune. Go for it! Follow your heart for once. Conserve energies right now as there is a need to concentrate on an event that moves nearer. You’re distinct and powerful strength has to shine through as you enter well and truly outside of your comfort zone and safely into pastures new. Since you do nothing by halves, the next stage is not one of compromise though you may find that things are not exactly what you thought that they would be. You must take control and share the responsibilities. Time and tide wait for no man, so you must strike while the iron is hot this time. Resolve and commitment are the highlights of a week in which you find yourself getting your way and opening doors to higher things. You have a wealth of talents and have recently lacked ambition; however currently in your seventh house is a genuine need to prove you can do something new, and now is the ideal time to make a fresh and determined start. Venus, your trusty and amorous leader calls the shots and leaves a trail of confusion to try to put you off an action of your heart and soul right now. In accepting the challenge, you will consolidate all that you hold dear but in so doing may find that there are some things you will never be able to change, with all the will in the world. Put your best foot forward and be prepared for some fireworks as your mood changes and your passions are aroused. Actions with Mars show that it is time to call it a truce and to put some calm and peace back in your life. There are no winners in the game of uphill struggle and chances are that you need that lucky break to score your best shot. With Mercury delivering the right message and Venus plotting something that’s currently way above your head, you may feel somewhat out of control, however things happen for a reason and you are soon to be back on track. Jupiter is in residence with Pisces and that dreamy and romantic energy it inspires does much to elevate your mood and point you in the right direction during the week ahead. It hasn’t been very easy lately and any support you can get will be welcome: any interference won’t! With a clear cut scheme in place, and faith in the future with all that it brings, you are about to move on and upwards, without any complication and trauma. With best intention you have to say a very big, “No” this week and then stick to your guns. Nobody wants to have to take the negative stance that’s nevertheless so right for you now, given the current circumstances. However one thing is very sure, and that is that moving on is not running away, and making changes right now will put you in the right place for the development of future plans, and will illuminate your future destiny. With the Sun shining down on your sign and with a long term visit with Venus on the cards there is magic in the air, which may act as a catalyst for you all along the way. Changes are hallmarked, and your response right now will set the scene for the next few weeks. Serendipity shines on you, as does luck and fortune, as Jupiter sidetracks and Saturn prepares you for future events and the inevitable facing up to a whole new you. With Jupiter bringing luck and fortune, it is time to take a risk in a situation that has stagnated and begs for recovery. Don’t see this as putting all your eggs in one basket, but do see it as an investment in your future, as you make plans that may even surprise you yourself. The world is your oyster, and with new horizons and a new agenda anything and everything is possible if you keep a clear head and embrace your destiny for just what it is.

If it’s your birthday this week... Be prepared for some opposition to recent events. You need to better know where you are and to make exactly sure where your priorities really are just before you stick your neck out!



11 26 29 49 50 4


One UK and one French ticket each won a 29,703,685 Euros jackpot prize

Quick Crossword


ANSWERS & WINNER Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 54. Crossword winner for issue 535: WALTER HAMILTON LA FLORIDA

Cryptic Crossword


ACROSS 1. Own (11) 9. Criticise harshly (3) 10. Watchfulness (9) 11. Happen again (5) 13. Attire (7) 14. Meditate (6) 16. Defeated (6) 18. Fancy (7) 19. Military student (5) 20. Fruit (9) 21. Fire-arm (3) 22. Leading performer (11)

DOWN 2. Study (3) 3. At no time (5) 4. Tepee (6) 5. Oval (7) 6. Produced (9) 7. Suitable (11) 8. High boots (11) 12. Receptacle (9) 15. Distinguished (7) 17. Needlework (6) 19. Purify (5) 21. Fuel (3)

Who said that?

Every positive value has its price in negative terms…The genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima. Pablo Picasso






ACROSS 1. Not the first form to be not very good (6-5) 9. Help first-rate dunderhead (3) 10. Small letters not acceptable in a higher court? (5-4) 11. Chooses implements for excavating (5) 13. Before noon, one clever enough to be worth loving (7) 14. Obviously a small amount of time (6) 16. Worse than the duckling who turned out well (6) 18. Steeped as far down as one can go (7) 19. It may sound very small, but there’s power there! (5) 20. Subordinate to worker, being sly (9) 21. Confinement for the writer (3) 22. 2 or 3 for example offering a first-class anaesthetic? (5,6)

DOWN 2. The purpose of having brokendown vehicles (3) 3. Gives amorous looks as learner goes about (5) 4. Rise, friend, and marry and get a loose double chin! (6) 5. Bird having a frolic? (7) 6. Limbs hang loosely when walking awkwardly (9) 7. Successful trance presumably produces one - it does avoid extremes (5,6) 8. The sort of effect a sharp tone of voice has, perhaps (11) 12. Competitor will study offer (9) 15. Take me up on other changes: it is to be proved (7) 17. Filter needs considerable effort (6) 19. Mother is twice a lady (5) 21. Mixed type of dish (3)

22-28 JANUARY 2010

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22-28 JANUARY 2010

Peugeot 207 with added Verve

From this month (January) the popular Peugeot 207 Verve will be available with two new engine options, the 1.4 VTi 95 bhp petrol and 1.6, and in three new exciting exterior colours. THE INTRODUCTION of Aluminium, Shark Grey and Moroccan Red to the already available, Flamenco Red and Onyx Black gives the Peugeot range added “Verve”. The popularity of the 207 Verve is due to its comprehensive standard equipment, which includes: Power steering, driver airbag, passenger airbag, side airbag, remote control central locking with deadlocks and split folding rear seats and much more. For music lovers the new 207 Verve is also fitted as standard with Peugeot Connect USB with Bluetooth. This system enables a Bluetooth compatible mobile phone to be paired with the car. Once paired, the phone can be operated via the remote controls on the steering column. High-quality telephone communications can, therefore, be carried out in complete safety using both the car’s speakers and inbuilt microphone. The system also includes a USB Box which consists of a connection box located in

the centre console with a USB connector and jack socket, all protected by a hinged cover. Once connected, an MP3 player or an iPod can be operated via the radio controls or controls under the steering wheel, with the units screen information also shown on the car’s multifunction display. The unit is also capable of “streaming” music via the Bluetooth function, making it possible to play recorded music from the memory of a Bluetooth phone or from a portable music player equipped with a Bluetooth module. To help maximise the fuel efficiency of the 207 Verve, the Euro 5 1.4 litre 8v 75 bhp model is also fitted with a Gear Shift indicator (GSI). This feature helps the driver to adopt a more economical driving style by indicating the optimal gear to be selected, thereby ensuring the lowest possible fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. The 207 Verve range starts at approximately €12,330.




22-28 JANUARY 2010

Costa Blanca South Age Concern C/Blanca Sur 966786887 Mon-Fri 10-1.30pm. Centre, C/Paganini, Urb La Siesta, Torre. Charity Shop C/Patricio Zammit 41, T orre. Alcoholics Anonymous C/Blanca North 648169045. C/Blanca South 625912078 www.aa-costablanca.org Animal Aid Charity Linda 965725794 www. animalaidcostablanca.org A.E.C.C. (Assoc Española Contra el Cancer) C/Calera, 2 Torre. Wed 9am-1pm 965716679. A.E.C.C. Pilar de la Horadada Branch Wed 10-12pm Una Europa building. Autos y Caravanas de España (ACE) Caroline 965842562. Badminton Pilar de la Horadada John McGilvray 966786774 carolejohn_3@hotmail.com Badminton San Pedro del Pinatar 651483809/965727816. Baobabs Club Ted 966709881, Jean 966784735, Brian 966791970. Benijofar Chess Club Richard 660825390. Benimar Social Club Richard 660825390/Marlene 626407362. Boule Grp Guardamar 690338115. Campoverde Theatre Grp Dorothy Gates 966761812. Cancer Support (MABS) Gran Alacant Jan & Agnie 966697754. Caring Together Regional Hospice Asn. (RPA 5377) 649956365/ 965894240 www. caringspain.com info@caringspain. com Carp-R-Us Angling/Social Club New Members’ Sec 966712351 rojales1@gmail.com Catral Model Railway Grp Mike 662022190. Church On The Way Quesada Reg SG1265 sec A. Pastors: Rod/Janet 966712584/666001543 info@ churchontheway.es www.churchontheway.es C.L.A.R.O Independent Party Orihuela Costa office Mon-Fri 111pm Rest Asturias. Classic Scooter Club Del 966765026/617998265 Club 600 y Clásicos de Orihuela y Vega Baja 965716360 www.club600orihuela.com info@ club600orihuela.com Coro Pilar Dennis 966762954. Costa Blanca Big Band 966731723. Costa Blanca Samaritans Helpline: 902883535 Mon-Fri 8pm-12am. info@ costablancasamaritans.com www. costablancasamaritans.com Dama de Elche Lodge No163 Philip Dawe (sec) 968150244. Denelle Dance Club Ballroom/ Latin Lyn 635584431. Diabetic Support Grp Benijofar Ivy Medcare 966860258. Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS (G5380655) 966460063/965744426. Fellowship C.B. 965322484 patfee2005@yahoo.co.uk Freewheelers Classic Car Grp 686765297 www. TorreviejaInformation.com/ freewheelers freewheelers08@ yahoo.co.uk Friends 4u Abroad Karen 622033582 friends4uabroad@ gmail.com www.friends4uabroad.com Gilbert & Sullivan Society Cindy/ Cyril Willoughby 966785877 cwillo.es@gmail.com www. ilbertandsullivansociety.eu Guardamar Badminton Club 690338115. Guardamar No1 CSC Steve 669340528/Maureen 618180290. HELP Vega Baja 966723733 10-1.30pm www.helpvegabaja.com 24hr helpline 965704282 Hondon Bridge Club Pat

637993667/Eddie 677240656. Int. Motorhome Assoc John Sanderson Volunteered Coordinator 966474532/662032131. Int. Motorhome Club 965851671/ 667508217 rayjeanbarber@ hotmail.com DerekLoveday@telefonica.net (mark subject IMC) L A Concert Band Lorraine/David 965724291/687429144. Ladies Friday Club Rojales Dee 966712504/Jan 966712679. La Marina & San Fulgencio Cardinal Belluga Theatre Grp Maria 966715891/Alan 966795523. mariamosley3@hotmail.com La Marina & San Fulgencio computer club. Albert 966797704 / Ron 966790396. www.lamarinacomputerclub.com La Marina & San Fulgencio Residents Asoc lmsfra@gmail.com www.lmsfra.webs.com M & M’s Dance Club Horadada Michael 610981795/965350762. Manchester City F.C. Official Supporters Club (1949) Spanish Branch Rob Hudson (Sec) 608511437 bluerob64@live.co.uk Medcare Mum/Baby Clinic Benijofar Hazel 966860258 doctors@medcarespain.com Modern Jive Paso o Paso 670711408 www.modern-jive-spain.com Mums/Tots La Marina Marianne 966790117/Hilary 966790738. Nifty Fiftys Fitness Jason 693596533. jason@jpsfitness.net Orihuela Costa Neighbourhood Watch Chris Poole 966761379/ Graham Jones 965327838. Orihuela Scooter Club Lee 630142317/Ian 664367512 Ostomates Support Grp Alan 965319029/Sylvia 966791837 thelovelies70@hotmail.com sylviaajohnson@gmail.com Paul Cunningham Nurses 966790363 Palm Tree Hse Avda de Londres 56, urb La Marina. P.E.P.A. Animal Charity 650304746. www.pepaspain.com Phoenix Car Club www. phoenixcarclub.com info@ phoenixcarclub.com Phoenix Retired Firefighters Club Iain Bennett 966731495 idsbennett@hotmail.co.uk Pilar Christian Community Church 966763725/968575417 PilarChristian.CommunityChurch@ gmail.com Pilar Sol Club Trevor Hook 966769655. Radio Control Howard 965415410. Rascals Jill 966727282 www.therascals.info RAOB GLE The Philip Scott Lodge No:10671 Tel: Sec. Kevin Dent 626664101. Rojales & Quesada Neighbourhood Watch Helen 966717582 helentudor22@ gmail.com Rojales Pantomime Grp Bridget 966717977 www. rojalespantoespana.webnode.com Rojales Studio 17 Life Drawing Club Martin 965724927. Royal British Legion Gran Alacant’s Branch Barbara Turnbull 966699828 b_dmt1966@yahoo.co.uk Royal British Legion Hondon Valley Branch 677376770 davesyl@gmail.com Royal British Legion La Manga Branch 691982724 www.lamangarbl.com Royal British Legion La Marina Branch 966790798 kei-jan@hotmail.com Royal British Legion Spain Welfare: 676451780/952352300 (ans/phone). www.spainnorth. legionbranches.net Royal Marines Assoc, C/Blanca

Please note that the DEADLINE for clubs announcements is Friday at 12.00 noon. Please email your details to clubs@roundtownnews.com or fax to 965 705 328

Branch Bert Moye 965725659/Phil Prince 966700731. San Miguel Amigos Greyhound Racing Club Brian 965720492/ Wayne 966723999. San Miguel Baobabs Club Brian 966791970, Jean 966784735, Doug 966791849 San Miguel Cage/Aviary Bird Club Mathew 966780336/Ian 966723235. Santa Pola Dollshouse & MIniatures Grp Janette 965415410 Table Tennis San Luis Del 653564831. The Aircrew Assoc Costa Blanca Branch 966495042 www. acacostablanca.org The Phoenix Concert Band Di Hedley 965716601. www. TorreviejaInformation.com/ phoenix Toastmasters Int. Las Palmeras Club Eamon 678105007/Jan 965329642 ernstandjan@gmail.com Torre de la Horadada Neighbourhood Watch Frank Reid 646255696/Trevor Hook 606562347. Whist Drive Jacky 965322361/ 629963279.

Los Alcazares Acacia Centre for Spiritual Awareness 968537243/ 679824008. Centro Cristiano La Vina San Javier/Mar Menor Jan 618779532. Freemasonry Mar Menor Brian 968199596 briandelect@aol.com LA Digital Camera Club Trevor 968574877/Mike 968582217 www. ladigitalcafe.webeden.co.uk/ Los Alcazares Duplicate Bridge Margaret/ Ron Odell 968575760/ 676346118 romar.odell@yahoo. co.uk Spangles 968334527/968432525. www.spangleschorus.com The Mar Menor Art Grp Eli 968170571 eli@spainmagic.com The Nosmo-King Club 968546817 Alcoholics Anonymous 679385105. Badminton Totana Ric 680782076. Calida Country Music Club Tom Wills 610632152. Camposol Bridge Barry 609925497/Norma 650418887. Cañadas del Romero www. CanadasdelRomero.es Cancer Support (MABS) Help Line 620422410 www.mabsmazarron.com Ex-Servicemen’s Assoc Mazarrón District Bill 626209419/Ian 629818611. Freemasonry Mazarron Reg 649296658/Peter 699261828. Mass In English 968424386/ 676219445 Father Peter Escribano/ Father Octavio Carpena. Mazarron Bowls Club Richard Cooper 968131619. www. mazarronbowlsclub.webs.com Mazarron Friendship Grp Len 689113494 mfg30875@yahoo.co.uk P.A.L.S. Protection & Life Saving Pres. Ken 626460465/V.Pres. Pat 628879284. www.pals.com.es Puerto de Mazarron Ladies Circle Anne 669338885/Linda 616112879. St.Nicholas Ecumenical Church Len Eaton 968138952/660969243. Choir Master, Stuart Burnley 618869376 www.sticholaschurchcamposol.com The Coffin Dodgers Rock ‘n’ Roll Club Carol 628590014 casacarol@ hotmail.com The Lions Club of Mazarron Bahia Diane 968431521/Beryl 616277389. The Olive Branch Christian Fellowship Pastor Ralph/ Margaret

Locke 968199622/618720181. www.olivebranchfellowship.com Welcome Grp 620105179/ 618254143 Mon-Sat 11-7pm. www.welcomegroupspain.com Wellspring Victory Church Pastor Andrew 968635875/Duncan 607382033/968130530. www. wellspringvictorychurch.com

Murcia 1 Metre Radio Control Sailing Club David 968170870 davidlees66@hotmail.com Alcoholics Anonymous English 646290420. Alcoholics Anonymous La Manga 679385105. Amigos de los Coches Clásicos del Levante Harry 629529656/ Hans 968419256 www.a-c-c.es acclevante@hotmail.com Cancer Support Grp (MABS) 693275779 www.mabsmurcia.com Cloud Nine Drama Pat Hunt 968664429/627791577 patsy. hunt@gmail.com Community Church Los Nietos Miguel/Vivien 968133724 losnietoschurch@gmail.com www. aqua-adicta.co.uk/alphacentre/ Friends & Buddies Social Club Ann Lambert 968163758/ 628153329 friendsandbuddies07@ hotmail.com Friends In Totana (F.I.T.) Pat 630941377. Guiding/Scouting 608174485. info@murciasur.org Harmony Ladies Grp Jenny 680858836. HELP Murcia Mar Menor Office: 968570059 Mon-Fri 10-1.30pm. info@helpmurciamarmenor.org www.helpmurciamarmenor.org Evt/tkts: Joan Mitchell 968181943. Mar Menor Sailing Asso(SAMM) Cdre: John Curtis 966764664. M/ship: Brian Blackburn samm. membersec@hotmail.com www.sailingmarmenor.com

Torrevieja 4-10 Yrs! Football! KidsMini Soccer Tony 678955501 tonyssoccerschool@yahoo.co.uk www.tonys-soccer-school.net 50+ Solos Ruth 966786320/Anne 966786281. AFA Torrevieja, Assoc Alzheimer de Familiares y Amigos de Torrevieja 966702500 Fax: 966702203 Al-Anon Family Grp Helpline: 692799318 (9am-9pm). Alcholics Annonymous English 625912078. Anglican Chaplaincy St Peter & St Paul Alicante-Cartagena. Church ser: 968193117. Funerals, Wedding Blessings, Baptisms 965720911. Asn. de las Rutas y Caminos de la Sal Pres. Maureen Moss 966923113/Sec. Jenny Dodd 965718483. Asn. of Retired Police Officers ARPO (Police) Mike Peters 966797015 mlspeters@hotmail. com Bon Bon Club Anna 966789470. Bridge Club Rojales Coby 966714266. Cafe Con Senoritas June 966731113/680384738 junesullivan@hotmail.co.uk Cantabile Int. Ladies Choir Jennifer 966796866/655471787 jenmorton@terra.es Henny 966703247 www.cantabilesingers. bravehost.com Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 637460864/664551627. Church Mtg C/Formentera, Torre Lesley/Brenda 965870911/ 629623706. Club ‘93 965080339 yvonneblake4@hotmail.com

Club Torrevieja Classics & Specialists Cars David 965716360 www.ClubTorrevieja.com Costa Blanca Runners John 966786774 carolejohn_3@hotmail.com Crescendo Int. Choir M/ship sec Phyl Webb 966785332. C/man Lawrence Gee 966261663 www.crescendo-choir Crime Watch Spain VG-82612000 Fd:1999. Torre: 966786266 Ted. Catral: 965992838 Jose. jrivero-smith@skynetlink.com http://vecinos-colaborando.tripod. com/ Crisol Pensioners Club Civic Centre, Alameda del Mar Mon-Fri. 4-6pm. http://www.NetHatcher.de Euro Divers Diving/Watersports Social Club Bob 966723024/Eric 965328941 eurodivers34@yahoo. co.uk Football In Torrevieja Dougie 628789335 www. CostaBlancaFootball.com Forty Something Dining/ Social Club Angie 686367421 jessang563@hotmail.com Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship Int Torrevieja Stuart 968575417/664673863. Gardening Club (Vega Baja) C.man Val 966716527. Int. Christian Assembly Rev Rafael Restrepo 968282049/ 660127276. www.icatorrevieja.org Just Brass Band John 966706959 Ian 966191734 iangibson@ hotmail.es La Bamba’s Ballroom/Latin Dancing Andrea/Brian 616478157. Labour Int. (CB South) Christine Montano 966784720 /Sarah Hill 966260352. La Marina Bridge Club Peter 966790328/Trevor 966795869. La Marina & San Fulgencio Computer Club Albert 966797704/Ron 966790396. www. lamarinacomputerclub.com La Marina Tappers Yvonne 966796820/Bill 966760032. La Mata and Torrevieja Nature Reserve Volunteers Group. Tel Joy 966 797 765 La Siesta & El Chaparral Neighbourhood Watch/ Residents Grp Bruce 966786079. La Siesta Charity Lending Library Tue 10.30-12.30pm C/Weber 12, Urb La Siesta, Torre. La Siesta Evangelical Church Rev. Daniel Reyes B.D. 968508028. Sec Fiona Cook 966700131www. TorreviejaInformation.com/ lasiestachurch Masonry Torrevieja Barrie Mansell 966719653 provincialsec@ hotmail.com Mothers Union Debbie 679501543 capewell4@hotmail. com Netball Tracey 679539995. New Gospel Choir 966927551. Nirvana Dining Club Janet 667863495. Norwegian Church La Siesta Paul Hammond-Poe 636948446 Norwegian/Dennis Beecroft 965720732 English. P.A.L.S (Pleasure & Leisure in Spain) Carole 965080351/ 671986781. Petanca Club San Miguel 966723522. Phoenix Solo’s Club Beryl 629891482/Trevor 966708175. Portsmouth Football Club Supporters Steve 656579423. R.A.O.B. Costa Blanca Lodge 976717084 ronkmcgreevy@yahoo.co.uk Rhythm Rascals 662441258. Road Bowling Club Brendan C/man 677868566. Neville Hancox Royal Air Forces Association 965724256

nwhancox@hotmail.com http://www.rafacostablanca.com/ RAFA/idex.html Royal British Legion V/c.man Steve Ironmonger 966719985/ 628034962. Royal Naval Assoc Gillian Burden 638512056 www.torreviejarna.info Scottish Country Dancing Torrevieja Stewart 966722724/ Wilma 966730666. Sequence Dancing Derek 965716647. Showgroup Torrevieja Jennifer 966261627. Sole Mates The Dining Room, San Luis. Jim 606744861/Karyn 663399027 Spanish Classes (Crime Watch) 965992838. T.A.A.B.’ s Singing Show Grp Bonnie 966926294 www.TorreviejaInformation. com/taabs The Baker Foundation for Spiritual Awareness Tel/fax: 966760665. The Brit Club Barbara 965702003. The Costa Blanca Branch of the World Ship Society Mel Cook 966716877 mel.cook30@yahoo. com www.worldshipsociety.org The Dolly Mixtures Irene 966712924 The Good Life Non Smoking Club Hazel 966921558. The Iceni Dancers Jacqui 965323673/Joy 966715848. The Int. Club Torrevieja Sue 965703803/Mandy 966920428. The Oddballs Motorbike Club Paul 638187890/Carol 661375716. The Seekers Mary Brewer 966784033. The Spiritual Awareness Society of Quesada Mandy 699691236. The Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonies Barry 966717262/ Eberhard 966773145 www.theharmonisers.com The Torrevieja Scottish Country Dancing Group 966730666 The “Velvetones” Kristoff 966714973 www.velvetones.org The Vivace Mixed Voice Classical Choir 965720919. Torre Foundation for Spiritual Awareness 647189135/ 966786651 www.torrespirit.com Torrevieja Aglow Barbara 965702871/Marcia 966760585. Torrevieja Christian Fellowship 966700391 www.tcf-spain.org Torrevieja Computer Club 966786281. www. torreviejacomputerclub.com Torrevieja Costa Lions Club Dave Bray 965013088 brayer50@yahoo. co.uk Torrevieja Craft Club Kathy 678901237. Torrevieja Flower Club Sandra 966707330 Cynthia 965703547 www.torreviejaflowerclub.com Torrevieja Philatelic Society Harry Alderson 966789018. Torrevieja Pipes & Drums Joan/Barry 966712076 waddingtonjoan@gmail.com Torrevieja Rugby Club Jerry Josee 695953137/Jeff Davies 677607424. Torrevieja Stroke Support Grp Louie 966718964/Carol 966765488/Margaret 966193311 strokesupportgroup@ hotmail.com www. torreviejastrokesupportgroup.net Torrevieja Writers’ Circle Nik Morton 966796866. Total Crafts Maureen 966789977/ Sue 966706268. TRAC: Torrevieja Retired Activity Club M.ship Pam 966790648/ C.man Graham 966775282. U3A Torrevieja www.u3atorrevieja.com

22-28 JANUARY 2010


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22-28 JANUARY 2010

LAS PALAS house consisting 2 double bedrooms, fully fitted kitchen, all white good, bathroom with bath, W.C, separate shower, lounge with aircon, Sky TV, patio, outside toilet, pool. Fully furnished. 75,000€ ONO. Tel: 0044-1278-787-161 PINE CHALET ON CAMPING TOTANA holiday/ residential use. 2 Bedrooms, Bathroom, Open Plan Lounge Diner Kitchen. Large south facing verandah. Communal pool and jacuzzi. Furnished. 34,000 pounds. Tel 639-459-173 PINE CHALET Totana. 2 bedrooms. On quiet and secure site. Private plot at end of cul-de-sac. Workshop/ shed. In good order inside and out. Parking alongside. Sensible ground rent. Fully furnished. 30,000€ ono. 685-219-155 WANTED RESALE PROPERTIES In Orihuela Costa that are priced to sell, phone Price Crash Property on 628-932-137.

JACARILLA 3 bed, end terrace, Large Bathroom, Downstairs, cloakroom, Lounge, Kitchen, Diner, Garage. 190.000€ now 145.000€. Phone 622-380-290 NEED TO SELL NOW? If your property is in the Orihuela Costa then Price Crash Property want to hear from you. Contact 628-932-137.

MOBILE/ PARK HOMES ready to move into on permanent site. Carol. 968192-425/ 626-055-622 Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com PROPERTY MANAGEMENT offering a complete and competitive service for all your property rental needs including: Keyholding, cleaning & laundry, meet and greets, airport transfers Los Alcazares. Tel: 628-772-418 email: rosaliamews@live.co.uk

FINCA CHALET outside Los Montesinos, close to amenities. 700€ month Long term. (maximum 10 months) Granny Annex 1 bedroom apartment, fantastic view in a finca outside Los Montesinos. 250€ month. Long term. Car is compulsory. 648-899-800/ 965-967-359 1 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with large garden & parking, for yearly rental on Camping pueblo, San Javier. Carol 968-192-425/ 626-055622 Email: haydn47@ hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com FANTASTIC PLACE TO ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS. RURAL HOUSE. SUITABLE FOR 8 PEOPLE 652 756 085 www.casalastreshermanas. com

BEAUTIFUL PLACE TO ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS: WOODEN HOUSE SUITABLE FOR 5 PEOPLE. 695923194 WWW. VENDOPISO.COM DOLORES Beautiful villa. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, air conditioning hot and cool. s.pool. 800€ 695923194. 3 bedrooms apartment 390€ 695923194. 3 bedrooms ground floor 350€ 695923194 CABO ROIG Apartment fully furnished. 2 bedrooms, lounge, Air conditioning hot and cool. Car port, community swimming pool and tennis court. 500€ 695923194 CATRAL Detached villa fully furnished. 3 bedrooms, garage, s.pool, central heating. 700€ 695923194 PINOSO 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 350€ 695923194 DAYA NUEVA 2 bedrooms bungalow, community s. pool. 400€ 695923194 LA MARINA 1 bedroom bungalow 320€ 695923194. 2 bedrooms bungalow, swimming pool 400€. Detached villa with swimming pool. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. 500sqm plot. 1.000€ 695923194


apt. in Alicante city, easy access to auto route A-70 (Exit 69)

ONLY 375€ month 62 034 0548 Juan

LONG TERM RENTAL IN ALTEA LA VELLA Spacious furnished 3 bedroom apartment to rent in middle of beautiful village. New kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, 1 bathroom and 1 shower room. Bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy all within a couple of minutes walk. Large terrace at back of the apartment overlooking orange groves and balconies off 2 bedrooms. Trastero and private parking. AP-7 3 minutes by car.

€600 plus bills per month. Tel: 617 893 036 or email kath_poole@hotmail.com

LA MARINA Country house, 2000sqm plot. 4 bedrooms, s.pool 550€ 695923194 BETWEEN GUARDAMAR AND LA MARINA 2 bedrooms bungalow, garden, s.pool. 450€ SHORT OR LONG TERM. 695923194 GUARDAMAR DEL SEGURA 2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 2 bathrooms, kitchen, utility room, lounge and balcony. SHORT OR LONG TERM. 450€ 695923194 LA MATA 2 bedrooms Spanish duplex style apartment fully furnished. BBQ. and s. pool. Close to the beach. 500€ to let and 106.000€ for sale. 695923194 SANTA POLA 2 bedrooms bungalow fully furnished.695923194 LAS BAYAS ( ELCHE) Country house. 4 bedrooms, bathroom, swimming pool. 750€ INCLUDING BILLS. 695923194 ALMORADI Large 3 bedrooms apartment fully furnished. 450€ 695923194 WWW.VENDOPISO.COM BLUE LAGOON Bed/2 Bath detached villa.Beautifully furnished, off road parking, Alarm, Separate kitchen. South facing. Available now. long term only. Please call 663836990. Rental contract provided. LOS DOLCES 2 Bed bungalow set in beautiful gardens.2 communal pools, solarium,front and back gardens. sat t.v many extras. Available now long term only. Please call 663836990. LOOKING TO RENT Properties all areas. Please call 663-836-990 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED HOUSE to let at Monte Pedreguer, only 15 minutes from Javea. Rental 280€ per month excluding bills. Restaurant and supermarket close by, wonderful views from garden. No pool. For further details e-mail: melwrafdiver@ hotmail.com or call UK +44(0)7919533512 LOVELY VILLA link detached in Gata Res 3 bed 2 bath 1 on suit nice garden com pool. 600€ plus bills Tel 966-457201/ 676-506-531 LONG TERM RENTAL In the Beautiful Village of Daya Nueva, 3 Bed 2 Bath Spacious Fully Furnished Detached Villa, Sun Terrace, A/C TV Tel/ Internet Off Street

Parking, Comm. Pool. Close to Amenities. Please call 687-084-899 LA ZENIA ALTOS LIMONAR ,TORREVIAJA Two beds from 350€. Paul 966-785-891/ 659-647-616 COTTAGE AVAILABLE IN DENIA 2 bedroom fisherman\ ’s cottage opposite Club Nautico, Denia, for long-term rent. Available now. €475 pcm excl. 660-364-878 AL FAZ DEL PI. ARABI PARK Spacious fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment with large south facing terrace. Shared pool. 550€ per calendar month + bills. Tel. 0044-1875-612-229 or e mail billwaddell@talktalk.net TORREVIEJA Two bed 1st Floor Apartment. (lift) for long let, large terrace, TV, seperate kitchen. 1 min from sea. Near all amenities. 609-550-734 DAYA NUEVA (ALMORADI) 3 bed, 2 bath furnished appartment with large garage (suitable for storage) 500€ pm. + bills. Rent or sale. Details 679-634-272 ALTEA - ONE BEDROOMED ground floor apartment, dining/living room, double bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, study, terrace. Fully Furnished. Private pool, garden and parking. Transport necessary as situated in the countryside. Between Altea and Altea la Vella. No Pets or children. Tlf and internet connection. Suit young working couple or single person. 350€ per month + bills. Under reformas but ready Jan 2010. Tlf 691-202-307. PROPERTIES REQUIRED for holiday lets in Javea area. Free advertising & professional photography 697-432-226 www. javeapropertyservices.com

FANTASTIC FINCA COUNTRY HOUSE IN DOLORES. 24.000sqm plot. 652sqm living area. Ideal for rural house or similar. 695923194 DOLORES HUGE COUNTRY HOUSE IDEAL FOR B&B, HOTEL OR SIMILAR. 280.000€ MORE INFORMATION AT 695923194

DOLORES Beautiful 3 bedrooms villa. 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, utility room, large glazed terrace, s.pool. Mains w electricity and sewer system. 239.500€ 695923194 BETWEEN GUARDAMAR AND ROJALES 3.500sqm plot fully fenced. 3 bedrooms country house. Swimming pool. 205.500€ 695923194 LA ROMANA Ask for building plots. We have the best prices. From 60.000€ 695923194 FINCA COUNTRY HOUSE TO REFORM IN CATRAL 4.000sqm plot. 317sqm living area. Potential to make a large house or to make a farm house. Water and electricity. 60.000€ 695923194 VALVERDE 4 bedrooms villa, 240.000€ 695923194. WWW.VENDOPISO.COM NOW AVAILABLE.... A large, modern, semi-detached house in El Galan. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a very spacious underbuild connected internally which can be sectioned off to make 2 or 3 rooms. Gorgeous brand new fully fitted kitchen, walk-in wardrobe in master bed, A/C, roof solarium, garden and private pool. Must be seen! A fantastic opportunity at just €144,950. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. DETACHED VILLA on 400m corner plot in Las Filipinas. 3 bed, 2 bath, A/C, fully fitted separate kitchen, good size lounge and separate dining area. Garden with room for pool, balcony and off-road parking. €199,450. Phone 628 932 137. ENTRE GOLF, VILLAMARTIN 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse. Separate kitchen, good size lounge/diner, A/C, glazed galleria, garden, roof solarium with views to the salt lakes and communal pool. The property is only 2 years old and a fantastic price of €143,350. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. ALGORFA APARTMENT 2 bed, 1 bath, fully furnished. Ground floor with garden and patio to the front, communal pool. Ideal holiday home at a very good price, ONLY € 72,995. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137.

22-28 JANUARY 2010

BARGAIN PROPERTY.... detached 3 bed, 2 bath property on a 250 sqm corner plot with room for a pool. A lovely, spacious family home in El Galan. Enclosed porch area, bright and airy lounge/ diner with fireplace. Fully fitted open kitchen and leading to a utility room. On the ground floor is one of the 3 bedrooms and a WC. Upstairs are 2 double bedrooms both with fitted wardrobes and a private balcony and a modern family bathroom. Ample outside space with room for a carport and a swimming pool to the side of the villa. To the front of the villa is a green area and the property is close to all amenities. ONLY €135,000. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. LADERAS DEL SOL 3 bed, 2 bath quad house in a secure, gated complex with a central communal pool area. Corner plot with a nice garden and patio area and a spacious solarium.. Lounge/diner, separate kitchen and utility area . The master bedroom has a walk-in wardrobe. Part furnished. Extras include air conditioning throughout and a car park for residents. €121,450. Phone 628 932 137. BLUE LAGOON chaletstyle terraced 2 bed, 1 bath property The entrance is via the conservatory which is currently being used as a dining area. Good size lounge, modern, fully fitted American kitchen, utility room. The 2 bedrooms have fitted wardrobes. The main bedroom has access to the tiled rear terrace. Roof solarium with a handy storage igloo. Beautiful views to the sea and salt lakes. €86,000. Phone 628 932 137. PLAYA FLAMENCA 2 bed, 1 bath, top floor apartment with sea views. Glazed balcony, bright & spacious lounge/diner, fully equipped American kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, fully furnished. Large, private roof solarium with lovely views of the sea, communal pool and off-road parking. Ideal holiday home. REDUCED €98,000. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137. LAS PALAS, IN FUENTE ALAMO 2 bed, 1 bath terraced village house on

a private plot with views of the surrounding countryside. Private courtyard, lounge with wood burning stove with double doors to private pool and patio. Fully fitted separate kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, and family bathroom. Sat TV, outside storage room and toilet. 10 minutes from Cartagena. Fantastic price of only €73,500. Call Price Crash Property on 628 932 137.

NEED TO SELL NOW? If your property is in the Orihuela Costa then Price Crash Property want to hear from you. Contact 628-932-137. WANTED RESALE PROPERTIES In Orihuela Costa that are priced to sell, phone Price Crash Property on 628-932-137.

BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on the popular lemon tree market, very busy. Due to ill health, quick sale required. Tel: 966-180-168/ 655-479-753

ICE CREAM BUSINESS Run your own ice cream business. Excellent profits low overheads. Includes 6 legal markets with all Spanish paperwork. Everything you need to run your own recession proof business. Call now for information 619-063-940 SECURITY ALARM BUSINESS Franchise opportunities available on Costa Blanca. Everything you need to run your own security business. Full training and on going support using the latest technology in alarms. Easily run from home no large overheads. Areas available from €1800. Phone now for more information 965-322-986 LOCALE FOR RENT Main Road position on N332 in Gata de Gorgos, comprising of small kitchen,toilet & shower, 140sqmt locale.300euros pcm Tel 96 575 7036 / 628499448 PINE FURNITURE ge stock of flat packed pine furniture from Denmark for sale ( Crazy price) Ideal stock for Furniture shop,Rastro or Market Trader. Tel 96 575 7036 / 628499448 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ON THE COSTA BLANCA (NORTH) Currently operating as a small B & B accommodation. Delightful 9 bedroom Spanish Villa. Built to a very high standard. Has the potential for other uses. Spa Centre,Care Facility etc. Property incorporates large pool and tennis court. Opportunity not to be missed. Tel. 96 575 7036 / 628499448


MICK WITH HIS VAN Removals Collections Deliveries. For a reliable effective service. Hourly rate or quote. Call Mick anytime 600247-535 SPANISH LINKS LTD Low budget door to door fast collection & quick delivery removals or storage. Weekly reliable service. Full or part loads and even small deliveries. Spain/UK/Spain. Credit or Debit cards accepted www.spanishlinks.co.uk Telephone UK office 00441209-843-971 GRAHAM’S TRANSPORT 24/7 Deliveries, Collection. Spain- UK- Spain or any where in Europe. Reasonable rates. Storage facilities are available in Spain and UK. Tel: Lyn or Graham 661-752-010/ 00447733-329-305 SPACE IN VAN TO UK Leaving end of January, 11.5 cu mtrs space to UK/ Europe. 962-135-749. Mob 689-925-522 LARGE EMPTY VAN with experienced owner, driver returning to UK regularly. Dave: 965-329-610/ 686-767-839 MAN & LWB SPRINTER VAN going to UK- Spain twice a month. Tel: 610-846-260 or 0044-7519-186-355 email van. man@hotmail.co.uk

AIR-CONDITIONING supplied/ fitted services and repaired, by Engineers with 15 years experience. All work guaranteed. Free quote. K&M’s. Calpe. Shop: 965874-838. Mob: 636-119-648 SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865-883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz EXCEL AIRCONDITIONING See main ad on page 27. Tel/Fax (Head Office) 966-897-772. Mobiles: 680-154-432/676-265-675. Email: excelairconditioning@ hotmail.com. All credit/debit cards accepted.

DO YOU WANT TO SPEAK SPANISH? Spanish lessons 652756085 BRITISH GRADUATE TEACHER offers secondary/ primary tuition. English/ Mathematics. Tel: Margaret Johnson B.Ed. 965-350-516/ 616-660-687

INTERIOR PAINTING One bedroom property from 135€. Two bedroom property from 200€. Three bedroom property from 265€. Fast, reliable service. Will quote for exterior painting. No job too small. For more info. tel: 634-793-984 INTERIOR PAINTING 70euros per day, also Handyman, Garden and Pool work. Benidorm to Javea. Tlf:676-842-815

ALL PLUMBING central heating & Aircon work undertaken including installation of your own units. Re-gas and full Aircon service €49. Trade work also. 965-638-529 LOCKEDOUT LOCKSMITH 24h Emergency Service. Houses & Cars Opened. Locks changed or Upgraded. Call Dan 965-888-418/ 657890-830 www.lockedout.es REGISTERED LOCKSMITH For emergency safe opening. Tel. Michael Rice: 686-513-510. Denia - Alcante.

1.9M AND 2.4M FAMAVAL DISHES Second Hand, Fully Installed and Guaranteed. From 495euros.Call UKTV-Spain. Tlf:689-205-137/ 965-888-348. UKTV SPAIN Reliable Satellite Technicians, Installations, Fault-Finding, Sky Contracts arranged, Freesat cards.Tlf: 689-205-137/965-888-348. BROADBAND USERS all British TV on your laptop or PC. Can connect to TV. One off payment of 75€. No monthly charges.Tel 634-306-324 / tv4u@live.co.uk SKY UK ENGINEER Famaval Satellite Dishes, Trade prices from 395€. Sky Sports Cards, Sky HD, Home Cinema. Tel: 965-070-458/ 618-585-051 CRYSTAL CLEAR SATELLITE & TELEVISION Forget the rest go to the best for all your digital & TV requirements Steve 660-186-505 Ros 965-584-097 www.ccsattv.com info@ccsattv.com SKY FREE TO VIEW Small dish & mesh upgrades, yes back on 90€. BBC, ITV, CH4 & lots more. Also installations/ repairs. 10 years. Torrevieja. 679-876-926 DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEMS Largest supplier and installer of famaval satellite equipment on the costa blanca. A genuine registered company with genuine registered premises. Mon-fri 8:00- 4:30. Www.digitalsatsystems.com 965-852-251/ 965-866-999/ 965-854-528/ 966-804-748 (or see our main ad in the tv section) SKY SUPPLIES Full range

Pace & Thompson digiboxes. White viewing cards. Fault finding. Dish Realignment . LNB upgrade. 966194-013/ 600-899-096


22-28 JANUARY 2010

TRANSLATOR Spanish and English speaking. Available for medical visits etc. Benidorm and surrounding areas. Tel Dawn: 626-337-258.

POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, eco salt systems, ph regulators and accessories

supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966774199 or 678080500 Email info@ pristineswimmingpools. com www. pristineswimmingpools.com

DO YOU MISS YOUR GARDEN allotment plots available. Close to Guardamar. Phone 965-728-178 aliciamuddle@ononix.com PROBLEM GARDENS We undertake all garden work, from general maintenance to mambrane and gravel. Tel: 626-918-833.

INTERIOR PAINTING 70€ per day. Also doing handyman gardens and swimming pools work. Tel: 676-842-815 REPAIRS TO WASHERS fridges/freezers, dishwashers, cookers. etc. All work guaranteed. K&M’s. Calpe. Shop: 965-874-838. Mob: 636-119-648 WELD IT RITE Mobile welding/ repair service, Metal carpentry/ Fabrication projects. Time served & quallified. tel: 966-490-338 Mobile 638-479-467 Email iwanegan@hotmail.co.uk (Moraira based) QUALIFIED CARER OFFERING SERVICES from Torrevieja to Villamartin. Hospital aftercare, Home care, Terminal illnesses, Domestic assistance. Competitive rates. Contact Nicolla 650-783-046 ENGLISH HANDYMAN AVAILABLE for plumbing, roller shutter blind repairs, odd jobs. Torrevieja area. Tel: 646-236-291

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966-470-163/662-570-702.

WANTED UK registration right hand drive cars. Immediate cash settlement. Please phone Rod 687-434-950 or 966-462-089 BMW 325 CONVERTABLE black, 1994, electric hood, leather heated seats, recent service. Good Condition. 4,000€. ONO. 696-981-082 Denia. FORD FIESTA 1.4 petrol, 5 door, Met. Blue, excellent condition, private sale. 6,200€. Tel: 666-887-949 LOOKING FOR A CHEAP CAR? www.fwreurocars. com We buy, we sell, we exchange. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 VW GOLF, automatic 1.9TDi plus auto tiptronic 2007,

1 owner, FSH, has all the refinements including climate, cruise control, alloys, front fogs, CD and much more. Cost new 25,000€ 2 years VW warrant remaining. Showroom condition. 13,250€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com PEUGEOT 307 2.0HDI XR 2002 77,000kms, fully serviced, choice of 2 from 5,950€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com LANDROVER FREELANDER 4X4 2.0 turbo diesel, 5 door, 1999, 150,000kms, new ITV, just serviced, aircon, alloys, etc. 5,750€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com RHD CARS FOR SALE or exchange 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com CITROEN SAXO 1.4I auto, 5 door, 2001, aircon, CD Etc. 114,000kms, nice economical car, fully serviced, white. Only 3,250€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com NISSAN NAVARA pickup twin cab 2.5 turbo diesel, 2007, showroom condition, 2 owner, 30,000kms, FSH, met. Black with alloys and chrome. Special price 15,950€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com CITROEN XANTIA ESTATE 2.0HDI 2000, aircon, CD, just serviced, met. Blue. Special price 2,250€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com


22-28 JANUARY 2010

CITROEN XSARA PICASSO 07/2004, 2.0HDi, Exclussive, 72,000kms, 1 owner, full Citroen service history, AC, alloys, PAS, ABS, front fog lights, E.windows/ mirrors, CD, high spec. model. Met. Silver/ green. 7,750€. www.fwreurocars.com or call Frank on 600-726-221 UK, AUTOMATIC MERCEDES 300SL CABRIOLET 3 LTR1990,Spanish LHD, metallic silver, power hood, electric memory seats, air con, cd player, alloys 8495€. www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT KANGOO 2001 blue, 1.9 ltr diesel, Spanish LHD It is very clean throughout with air conditioning. It has 2 seats and side loading door.3995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 MERCEDES 300 CE CABRIOLET 1992 blue,Spanish LHD 3.0ltr petrol automatic 4 Door convertible with leather, air conditioning, excellent condition throughout. This car can only appreciate in value. 10995€ PORSCHE CAYMAN S 2006 22000km, black, as new Spanish LHD 39995€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 PEUGEOT 307 SW 2005 2Ltr HDI estate Silver Spanish LHD Excellent condition throughout 8995€ www. venuscars.com. 965368274 YAMAHA MAJESTIC 2004 250CC Champagne 2500€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274

DERBI GPR 125CC 2005, Red, 2500€ www.venuscars. com 965 368 274 SEAT IBIZA SPORT 2007 Spanish LHD, red, 1.6 petrol 105 BHP air con, elec windows,low klms 9495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 PEUGEOT 307 CABRIOLET 2003 Spanish LHD metallic daytona violet, one owner, full leather, excellent condition 10995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 RENAULT LAGUNA HATCHBACK 2003 Spanish LHD, silver 2.0 ltr 16V petrol, 2 owners, full Renault service history, excellent condition throughout. 6495€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 BMW 320 I, 170 BHP Spanish, LHD, Petrol, 2001, silver, alloy wheels , central locking, air con, very good condition. FSH 10495€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 DAEWOO MATIZ, 2004 Spanish LHD, Turquoise, 800cc, petrol, FSH, one owner from new, low Klms, 4495€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA DLX, 2004 Spanish LHD, silver , 2 ltr petrol, automatic, FSH, one owner, climate control, this is a rare automatic in excellent condition throughout. 9995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 MITSUBISHI SPACEWAGON UK RHD, 2001, Red, Long tax & MOT, 7 seater Automatic 2.3 petrol, DVD, CD, full leather 4995€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274

SEAT ALTEA XL Sport UP, SPANISH LHD, 2007 silver ,all usual sport refinements, one owner from new. 14995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 FORD FOCUS, ZETEC 2004 1.6 ltr petrol, silver, Spanish, LHD, 5 door hatchback, remote locking, climate control, CD only 56000 Klm, excellent condition 6995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 CITROEN C4 GRAND PICASSO 2006, 1.6 Ltr Diesel Automatic, Graphite, Spanish LHD, FSH, Excellent condition throughout 13995€ www.venuscars.com 965 368 274 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF, 1999 1.6 Ltr Petrol, silver, Spanish LHD, 5 door hatch, air conditioning. 3995€ www. venuscars.com 965 368 274 LAND ROVER FREELANDER 2.5 ES Automatic, year 2000, Spanish Plated, RHD, Tow Bar, ITV etc. BARGAIN 3500euros. Tlf:966-875-240 PEUGEOT 106 1.1 1999, white, 3 door, A/C, ideal little runaround, 1200€, Moraira area. Tel: 966-495-761 or 609-752-930 CARS WANTED cars/ vans bought and sold, uk or spanish upto 3000€ cash today 678-808-837 SEAT CORDOBA 2006 Spanish LHD, silver, 1.4 petrol, air con, electric windows, low kms, 5200€. Tel 691-747-030 WANTED BRITISH OR SPANISH CAR 4X4, Van, Caravan. Etc. Immediate

cash. Buyer going home. 600-781-873 WE BUY AND SELL quality late vans and combis. For an instant decision phone 605-669-388/ 680-665-883 WANTED WANTED WANTED for cash cars vans lorries 4x4 any condition good bad or ugly runing or non runner forigen or english any vehicle any condition call ray 633-385-068. CAR 2 POSTER RAMP FOR SALE very good condition 1200€ call ray on 633-385-068.

RIEJU SPIKE 2002, 49cc, July 2011, many spare parts. Moraira. 695€. 662-102-677/ 661-218-713 YAMAHA VIRAGO 535CC 18month ITV, new tyres, battery &disc pads. Recent service. 1,900€. 966-198-932/ 678-385-308 HONDA CB 1300 midnight blue, ABS model, year Sep. 2005, miles 11,420, extras include- Datatool series 3 alarm/ immobiliser. Front screen, centrestand, rear hugger and heated grips. Taxed and MOT. Just had full service + 3 main dealer stamped history. 5,950€. 966-718-363/ 609-923-452

HYMER MOTORHOME 1989 new ITV, Spanish Reg., LHD, 5 berth, kitchen, bathroom. 5,500€. ONO. Tel: 647-945-214


British & Spanish used car sales



Tel: 620 738 023 10am to 5pm


Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD

MOBILE/PARK HOMES from 18.000€. TV, A/C, Tel. Some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, Tennis, bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier. All amenities, 3km beach & hospital. 7 mins Murcia airport by car. Also bungalows to rent. Carol 968-192-425/ 626055-622. Email: haydn47@ hotmail.com Web: www. mobilehomesmarmenorspain. com MOBILE HOME FURNISHED Airconditioned, two bedrooms, shower/ bathroom (fully tiled), kitchen/ diner, conservatory (furnished), double sofabed, washing machine, tumble drier, many more extras. 22,000€ o.v.n.o. Tel: 965-878-750/ 649-109-241. MOBILE HOME ALBATERA 2 bed, 1 bath, outside living space, summer house, garden, front, rear. 26,000€. 622-258-072

MERMAID BOAT CARE For all your boat valet and management requirements. Serving the

Agents Wanted to work with national mortgage/credit broker to launch new exciting product Huge earnings potential Marketing and support package Tel now

696 421 199 or reply to


marina’s in Torrevieja and the surrounding areas. Experienced, professional and trustworthy service at competitive rates. Ad-hoc arrangements and boat-sitting welcome. For more details or just an informal chat contact Anna on: 680-297-955 mermaidboatcare@yahoo. com

FAMILYBIKEHIRE.COM Hire-Sales-Repairs. The largest selection of bike hire equipment on the Costa Blanca, free delivery and collection. Tel: 966 774 598 - 655 338 066. See us at WWW.CostaBlancaBikeHire. COM (Spanish registered)

COYS RENT-A-CAR OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR We are currently seeking someone to work in our very busy car rental office in Torrevieja. Excellent customer relations both on the telephone and face to face is essential. You will have a good knowledge of general office duties, computer skills and the ability to work well within in a team. The start date for this vacancy is 15th March 2010 The deadline for applicants is 15th February 2010 To apply for the above position, please forward a current CV, hand written letter of application and recent passport photo to: COYS RENT-A-CAR Buzon 3, Calle Del Azahar, Galeria 3B Urb Torreta II, 03184, Torrevieja ALICANTE

GOOD EARNING OPPORTUNITY Networkers required for new internet Business. Ground floor opportunity, get in at the top let the others below earn for you. For more info call Paul on 688-803-104 TELEMARKETERS WANTED for our Moraira office. Must be able to speak Spanish. Tel 965-050-200 JOINER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Works to very high standard. Looking for employment. contact Stewart 634-320-963 AVON AGENTS AND LEADERS NEEDED be your own boss. Phone Rosh for info. 966-785-520


22-28 JANUARY 2010

Part-time Optical Assistant required. Previous dispensing experience is essential. Must be flexible and reliable. Please send your c.v. to specsaverstorrevieja@hotmail.com

DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free full memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es BALLROOM/ LATIN/ SEQUENCE DANCING with LA BAMBA’s. NEW VENUE: Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenida Balaeres 34, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7.00pm-10pm: New Beginners class Monday 10.30am - 12.30pm. Also at the Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant at La Zenia roundabout: TUITION, Beginners Wednesday 8pm - 10pm; Beginners Thursday11.30am - 1.30pm; Intermediates Friday 11am - 1pm. Tel: Andrea or Brian 616 478 157

SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA Near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€, full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412. JAVEA, MORAIRA East European lady, super erotic massage and more. 661-034-261 Hotel & Home visits ENGLISH LADY 42 Provides various services for mature gentlemen. Torrevieja 685-436-065. FREE VISITS FROM THE SPANKING HEADMASTER Guardamar to Alcazares & inland. For Details Email: headmaster@fsmail.net THE WEATHER MAY HAVE COOLED but Tanya is still hot! All inclusive 40€. Tel: 626-324-088 GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021 NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€.

NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118 DANI 23, SWEET GERMAN GIRL Offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534 Torrevieja area. NAUGHTY JAPANESE HOUSEWIFE age 24 alone or together with my English husband for DP and SR. Role play, humiliation and punishment also available. Torrevieja, call Saki 687-891-139 CHARMING BI-SEXUAL MALE 50 and my beautiful 25 year old girlfriend, both British, offer erotic massage and more, we also have other girlfriends who you may visit either alone or together. In addition we have a selection of home made DVDs for collection or by post. Very discreet private villa near Torrevieja, call Steve 697-892-969 ATTRACTIVE MATURE ENGLISH LADY For escorting, dinner dates & more. My Villa is between Torrevieja & Alicante. Also available as an m/f couple. Call (0034) 648-676-277 GOOD FUN 62 year old Dom/ Sub switch, specialising in males, cross dressers. Loves the more mature woman and great fun with couples. Low rates. Full body massage and much much more. 655-058-554 TORREVIEJA CENTRE Calle Radio Murcia 27, 2-8, Chinese lady, 20 years old, natural French massage and more. Complete service. 24 hours. Tel: 658-172-337 SOPHISTICATED EUROPEAN Beautiful body, English speaking, intelligent and open minded, enjoys giving you great pleasure. Playa Flamenca near Flamenca beach C.C. 600784-461 www.sensualspain. com

SOLO GUITARIST/ VOCALIST seeks work, blues & Country. In bars etc. No set price. Pay what you can afford. Tel: Charlie 691-622-804

JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays, gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. PERSONAL TRAINER exGym owner. Train and be Trained in private. 12€ per session (Torrevieja) near

Carrefour. Tel: Ray 657-327-890 WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English Call Centre now to find your nearest Meeting. 900-818-794

Email: k9club@lamarina.info website: www.petsinspain.info

K9 CLUB 676 447 682

P.E.P.A 650 304 746 WWW.PEPASPAiN.Com

Archie is 1 yr old, housetrained, vaccinated, has a microchip and pet passport. He is now ready to travel to the UK. He is very playful and good with other dogs.

Tess is medium sized and is approx 3 years. She’s an affectionate nice tempered dog who mixes well with her carers own dogs and has an obedient nature. Tess is sterilized, health vaccinated and has been tested negative for leishmaniosis

Noahs Arc

Contact 699 352 818, admin@noahsarcmurcia.com

PAWS 646 645 035

info@pawsanimalrescue.com www.pawsanimalrescue.info

m.A.R.A Annette 660 251 624,or Susana 685 311 599

Sonny and Cher are about 1 year old,very lovable and love to play, we would like to rehome them together but will separate.

ANimAL AiD LiNDA 96 572 5794 www.animalaidcostablanca.org

CREATIVE NAILS ‘Creative’ acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281 .

Monty a small and pretty LABRADOR MIX PUPPIES 8 weeks old, looking for a loving home! Must come see! Call Jodie on 622-244-613. HOME FROM HOME Caring dog boarding (max. 3) with experienced owner in my home nr La Marina. No Kennels. Inspection welcome. Tel: 616-459-599 PETZBACK HOME LTD Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK. Travel in our petmobile with your pets for free (subject to availability). Or treat yourself in one of our air conditioned luxury vehicles with our fully chaperoned Limo Service. A regular, reliable and safe service. Defra pet passport advice given. ww.petzbackhome. co.uk Credit or Debit cards accepted. Telephone UK office 0044-1209-843-971 SMALL FRIENDLY BRITISH KENNELS 5km inland from La Marina (N332), 25 mins Alicante Airport, Individual runs, exercise area. Tel: 628-244-712 NEED YOUR DOG TAKING CARE OF? No Kennels, Just a friendly home. Larfe fenced garden (Altea) Tel: 699-790-080 FELINE FRIENDS CAT HOTEL The Purrfect place to stay. Free pickup and delivery. tel: 965-967-081/ 665-080-885 www.felinefriendscathotel.com ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL puppies, bundles of fun, both parents can be seen. 671844-055/ 965-327-040 TRANS-PET SPAINUK door 2 door service, professional driver with pet care experience, kennels and cattery, passport service. Contact Sharon 965-960-658/ 600-552-030 www.trans-pet. co.uk or sharon@trans-pet. co.uk

male terrier 36 cms high. Very affectionate, energetic and playful. Walks in the countryside off lead and never goes far away. A.P.A.H. NATASHA 616 210 850 www.apahrescue.com

Jack was rescued by the Guardia Civil, along with Henry who could be his father, from terrible conditions. They were given to APAH to look after, and to try to find loving homes for

Lily is a beautiful 7 year old lady. We are not sure if she has been abandoned or lost so, if you are her owner, please contact us. She has been neutered and is a very laid back cat.

Joe the Catman 96 671 9272

Lea is a part Burmese about three years old, has been spayed and is very loving and affectionate. Unfortunately her papa has to return to the UK .

BUSTER is a pedigree Cairn Terrier. He is 7 years old & a very friendly little chap. He has all his documents including his passport. EASY HoRSE CARE RESCUE 96 596 7033 or 652 021 980 www.easyhorsecare.net

Princess was suffering appalling neglect and facing a brutal death at the hands of a local butcher when we found her. She will never fully recover. Help us care for Princess and save other horses from cruelty. Open days Wed & Sun 1pm4pm.


S.A.T. 966 710 047


A.P.A.S.A. 618 754 635 www.apasa-javea.org

QUEENIE is a 10 year old crossbreed. She is a friendly dog who enjoys the company of both other dogs and people. If you´re looking for an older dog Queenie could be the one

Cora is a an affectionate and playful young cat. If you would like to adopt Cora, or any of our other cats/kittens please call. See our website http:// aldea-felina.blogspot.com.

DOEDEL, female, Shelter since 07.05.2009 Pointer Mix, DOB 15.03.07 - 50 cm Long walks as well as meeting dog friends would make her happy.

22-28 JANUARY 2010 DEANACAONA BOARDING KENNELS & CATTERY Social training for dogs. Home delivery and collection service. English trainer. Balsicas, 10 minutes from San Javier. Tel 639-286-428 www.deanacaona.com

WANTED FOR CASH washers/ fridges/ freezers/ cookers/ microwaves etc. working or not. Benidorm Area. Tel: K & M’s 965-874838 mobile: 636-119-648 WANTED. CLOSING DOWN? Need to sell your stock? We buy bankcrupt/ liquidation stock. Anything considered. We also sell to traders/car booters. Call 675218-436 or see our website www.liquidacionfinal.es WANTED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Instant cash payments. Furniture, electrical, tools etc. Tel John: 626-918-833.

INSTANT CASH PAID Wanted antique & modern jeWellery Bought, sold & part exchanged. ALEXANDERS JAVEA PORT (NR BAR ESquiNA) EST.SiNCE 2003

TEL 965 792 595

AT MICHAEL’S Large wicker complete bedroom suite. For children’s bedroom, a Mickey Mouse child´s bed with matching chest of drawers. See them all on: www.michaels-javea. comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Customerto-customer Service: you can sell your furniture on our website for only 3:euros per item! For more info look at: www.michaelsjavea.comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S You get very high quality designer pre-owned furniture for half price or less. Quick delivery. Stock changes daily ! See

photos (updates every 5-6 days): www.michaels-javea. comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Two white leather sofas. Very large modern corner suite in two green colours. Several leather recliners. Choose from over 600 photos on: www.michaels-javea. comTel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S you also get NEW high quality Spanish beds. All sizes available as we deal directly with the manufacturers! Famous brands like United Colors of Benetton, etc www. michaels-javea.co POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666 933 726 LOOSE COVERS curtains Erc. Made to measure. Choose from a wide range of beautiful materials in your own home. Javea based. Tel: 965-771-397/ 686-453-827 KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER 500GB. inc 70,000 songs, software/ song book, ideal for bar/ home use. Only 275€. Tel: 654-925-679

You can now place your Round Town News classifieds adverts directly with us



22-28 JANUARY 2010

GOLD WANTED Gold wanted english jeweller wishes to buy any broken or unwanted gold itemspendants, watches, coins etc. Immediate cash payment. Call peter on 664-890-990 (7 days) home visits WANTED Instant Cash Paid. GOld and Jewellery Bought and Sold. VAluations, repairs and retail. Nikolas Michael, London Jewellers & Pawnbrokers @No 17 Calle Los Arcos Ciudad Quesada Rojales 03170. Telephone 634 043 060

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291

household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, LIKE NEW. 175.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. GAS BUTSIR fridge freezer, 2 years old, excellent condition. 395€. Tel: 679-723-589 GUITAR FENDER electro acoustic fishman dual pickup systems, nylon or steel strung. VGC. 190€. 696-028-250 TUMBLE DRYER FOR SALE Hardly used only 50€ Torrevieja area 667-306-453. FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand

CLASSICAL CONCERT Lirica Nostra International group of singers and musicians, directed by Angel Conzales, are presenting a classical concert at the Los Arcos restaurant 34 Av Baleares, Torrevieja on Sunday 31st Jan at 8.30pm. The groups repertoire is mainly classical and includes opera, oratorio, habaneras, zarzuela (Spanish light opera), and traditional music. Tickets priced at only 5€ are available from the bar and at the door on the night. HELP INTERNATIONAL BENIDORM wish to

announce that their AGM will be held at the Jose Llorca Social Centre, Foietes on 4th February 2010 at 10.30am. All fully paid up members are invited to attend, bringing their current membership card with them and we would ask that you arrive by 10.15am in order to sign in VIVES PONS & ASSOCIATES the leading Legal, Fiscal and Architectural based in Denia are conducting a series of free, informative talks on fiscal, legal and architectural issues which are very relevant to expats. Each session is approx 30 minutes long and will be followed by questions and answers. This is your chance to receive free expert advice direct from the experts. Please contact Joe Bassim on 686-566-106 or see our half page advert in this weeks RTN for details.


22-28 JANUARY 2010

Classifieds Agents Now it’s even easier to place a classified advert with the RTN by using our official agents listed below! Cars, Houses, Boats, Computers find them all in the classifieds section. Or maybe you have unwanted items to sell or something to offer? Our classified agents will be happy to help you whatever your needs.


ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 1, Avenida Dr Severo Ochoa, 1, Urb. El Admiral, Local 1, Rincon Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. Lisa 966 811 123 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRAVEL 2, Calle Gerona, 39, Benidorm, 03503, Alicante. (Next to Hotel Ambassador) Kerry/Gemma 966 813 261 BENIDORM ROUND TOWN TRIPS, Calle Narcisco Yepes, 4, Local 8, Albir, 03581, Alicante. (Opp. Golf Course, next to Kwik Save) Lee/Jackie 966 867 294 • lee@roundtowntrips.com ALBIR PROMINENT, Teulada Industrial Est. Calle Llanterner, 2 alto, 03725, Teulada, Alicante. Marja 965 793 229 • espana@prominent.nu MILLIE MUNRO INSURANCE, Avenida Lepanto, 6, 03726, Benitachell, Alicante. Millie 966 493 082 • millie@milliemunro.com


HORIZON CONSULTANTS INSURANCE, Calle San Rafael 45 - 1, Jalon, 03727, Alicante. (Near Kwik Save) Aaron 966 481 382 • info@horizonconsultants.com JALON MICHAEL’S FURNITURE SHOP, Avenida Lepanto, 9, Javea Port. Cristina 965 791 328 • astorga@telefonica.net


CENTRO GANDIA, Calle Ciudad de Barcelona 1, 46702 Gandia (Near the Hospital & Local Police Station) Rob 962 867 760 • info@centrogandia.com GANDIA


BARGAIN BOOKS, Plaza Juan Carlos 1, Nº 2, San Miguel de Salinas, 03193, Alicante. (Opp. Tourist Info) Gaynor/Lee 688 667 389 • leeshaw.evans@gmail.com SAN MIGUEL JOHNSONS EL LIMONAR,JCP Commercial Center, Local 31, Los Altos Del Limonar, Torrevieja, 966 785 600 TORREVIEJA JOHNSONS QUESADA, Ava. Las Naciononies 1a -17, Quesada, 966 717 848


JOHNSONS ALGORFA, Local 30, Commercial Center La Finca Golf, Algorfa, 966 729 647

ALGORFA THE POST ROOM, Centro Comercial 5, Via Park III, Calle Panticosa Nº 2, Los Altos, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Aoife/Chris 965 319 665 • aoifesweeney@hotmail.com ORIHUELA PENNYS SUPERMARKET, Flamenca Beach Comercial Centre, Unit 123, Playa Flamenca, 03189, Orihuela Costa, Alicante. Peter/Sarah 966 733 257 • bulldogstores@live.com ORIHUELA PRINT SOLUTIONS, Avenida Londres 136, La Marina Urb, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante. Jim/Trish 966 790 520 • jim@printsolutionsspain.com SAN FULGENCIO INTERPOST, Avenida de la Alegria Nº 32, La Marina, 03194, Alicante. Malika/Malcolm 965 419 673 • Inter-post100@live.com

LA MARINA VILLAMARTIN SATELLITE CENTRE, Avenida Las Brisas 33, Villamartin, 03189, Alicante. (Near Supervalu, Los Dolses) . Sarah/Heather 966 764 878 • villamartinsatellitecentre@yahoo.co.uk VILLAMARTIN BEST WISHES, Local 30, Comercial Centre Hispania, Avda de la Union 72, San Javier, 30730, Murcia. Kathy 968 192 235 • kaffywalker@hotmail.com MURCIA ONONIX MAR SL, Calle Mayor 30, bajo derecha, Guardamar, 03140, Alicante. Ron/Alicia 965 728 178 aliciamuddle@ononix.com GUARDAMAR

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22-28 JANUARY 2010

The final whistle Cricket special Reviewing the review

With Andy Kay

FIRST OFF, let’s be honest: South Africa fully deserved to win the fourth and final test match against England and to level the series at one match a piece. They were on their game from the very first ball and twice blew away the England batsmen. However, the test match at the Wanderers in Johannesburg will always be remembered for ‘snickgate’, the incident where the on-field umpire, third umpire, the ICC and SABC were all found wanting. It was on day two when England were convinced that they had snared the home skipper Graeme Smith, who seemingly having played at a wide delivery from Ryan Sidebottom, edged it behind to Matt Prior. However, their appeal wasn’t upheld by Tony Hill so Andrew Strauss decided to refer it. And this is where all the fun started. Despite the nick being clearly audible on the Sky TV broadcast, third umpire Daryl Harper said he couldn’t hear anything and backed the original decision. Smith had made 15 at the time and went on to make 105. It was a plainly ludicrous decision and we subsequently found out that either Harper or the South Africa Broadcasting Company hadn’t got their volume settings right. Not that you really needed much volume. My wife heard the nick of the ball on bat and she was at the fish counter in Mercadona at the time! Hilariously, the farce continued as the ICC match referee Roshan Mahanama backed Harperl, stating that the correct protocol had been followed. Why can’t these cowardly officials for once put their hands up and admit that they’ve made a cock-up? At least the ICC has decided to hold an inquiry although it took an official complaint from the ECB to get them to agree to that. To be honest, I’m all for the review system but I can’t understand why it’s not been rolled out in its entirety. For the Australia v Pakistan series, the officials there had the Hawk-Eye system (as in South Africa) but also Hot Spot and Snicko. Whilst the latter is more of a commentator’s gizmo, Hot Spot is a required necessity if the third umpire is to be given every chance to make a ruling on whether the bat has made contact with the ball. Even more so if you can’t work a simple volume control! Indeed, if the ICC test match championship ever comes off, the procedure must be standardized. If the host broadcaster can’t afford the technology (as seems to be the case with SABC) then the ICC should stump up (pardon the pun) and hire it in for the duration. It seems bonkers that a batsman can be given not out in one part of the world while another is dispatched to the pavilion for making a similar ‘error’ somewhere else. Additionally, all umpires should be given a few hours training on how the technology works. As it turned out, Harper made another howler 24 hours later simply because he didn’t ask the host broadcaster to slow a replay down sufficiently. Perhaps he didn’t know he could make such a request. The referral system has been employed to prevent the howler; the obvious on-field error. Sadly, rather than cutting down on controversy, it’s become the controversy. It will work though, provided the ICC back it financially whilst at the same time backing umpire Harper into a darkened room. One without a TV might be an idea.

Marital bliss for Torry CD Eldense 1 FC Torrevieja 2 THIS MATCH can best be described as being officiated by the official Cintas Menas otherwise nick-named ‘Mad Max’, or ‘El Buro’ by both sets of supporters: his incompetence could have resulted in some heavy fireworks by the players and it’s a credit to them that this did not explode into something more serious. In the 15th minute, he awarded Torry a penalty for a suggested elbow in the box by their captain Giuseppe on Jorge, which I have to say looked dubious, with the offending player being sent off. But the penalty was missed by Maikel who tried to be clever in his step up and booted it way over the bar. A minute later, Jorge was given his marching orders when he went up for a ball together with Joseto. The challenge was an innocent one as Jorge was behind the player but he was adjudged to have elbowed his opponent. Joseto went down squealing like a pig and holding his face, so the Referee wanting to redress the balance gave Jorge a red card; so both teams were down to ten men.

A legitimate goal by Piquero in the 35th minute was disallowed for off-side; another dubious decision. By half time, both sets of supporters were united in their dismay at the officials but this was overshadowed early in the second half, when a bride in full wedding regalia came into the ground searching for her groom. Eventually she found him in the main stand and proceeded to give him a good hiding: eventually both left the ground with the groom grovelling for forgiveness (not a match made in heaven then…!) With 16 minutes gone, a free-kick by Ramiro found the head of Lotfi, who ghosted into the box and headed Torry into the lead. The second goal for Torry came 5 minutes later, when Torres persistence down the left flank managed to take the ball of the defender as it was going out of play, he ran inside and passed the ball to Lotfi who made no mistake from close range. Eldense were awarded a penalty 5

Torry record vital win

minutes later and was converted, but Torry held firm. Torry dominated this game irrespective of the officials and brought home all three deserved points, climbing three places up the table to eleventh. Next week Torry are at home to Burjassot for a 17.00 kick-off.

San Luis bowling three day event sponsored by New2You

LAST WEEKEND saw a three day event held at San Luis Bowling club within the Casa Ventura complex, Torrevieja, sponsored by local business woman Karen Dowsing, owner of New2You second hand and new furniture shops in Torrevieja, Mar Azul Winners receiving Prize and Dolores. Karen asked if I would from Karen attend the prize giving (New2You) & John ceremony on Monday 18th Featherstone January. John Featherstone, Company the Secretary, said this was Sectetary an event that included

Victor penalty does the trick By Steve Hibberd A 13TH MINUTE penalty by veteran striker Victor was enough to earn all 3 points for Cartagena. The remainer of the 1st half belonged to Huelva, with keeper Ruben pulling of 2 great saves. Although the 2nd half was fairly even, neither keeper was tested to any real degree. Match referee Perez booked 11 players (5 home and 6 away), one of which was ex Cartagena favourite Carmona, whose goal against Alcoy in

last seasons play offs won Cartagena promotion to Div 2a. Missing for the next match will be Clavero; Exposito and Victor (suspension); Pablo; Txiki and Cygan (injured). FORTHCOMING FICTURE Next up for Cartagena is a div 2a fixture on Saturday 23rd Jan, kick off 18.00, away at 16th place Albacete Balompie. Details on FC Cartagena can be found by visiting www.gotocartago.com or www.futbolclubcartagena.com.



THE COSTA BLANCA’S favourite free newspaper is throwing down the gauntlet again and challenging golfers to take part in the Round Town News Golf Championship 2010 with the chance of lifting the RTN Trophy and bag some tremendous prizes. Space is limited so send your application without delay to Noel at:


various local clubs from the area, including Greenlands; La Forida; San Miguel etc. He explained that this was a triples event over three days; the big surprise being that the two teams who made it to the final both came from San Luis Bowls Club! Overall winners pictured included husband and wife Graham and Pat Bird and Mal Hughes, who share the first prize of €250: the runners up share €150 . Mr Featherstone thanks Karen for sponsoring the event; a great success.

22-28 JANUARY 2010


Noel’s world of golf Maggots end Fishing Costa Blanca round-up


Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

Service levels are still not good enough! THE LEVEL of service we are getting from our local golf clubs is still not anywhere near good enough. Despite several warnings, our host golf clubs are still resting on their laurels. Many think that nothing has changed and the holidaymaking golfers of the United Kingdom and Ireland are going to flood through the gates this spring and autumn. For what I hope is the last time, I warn them this will not happen unless things change considerably. Our local clubs can no longer expect to sit back and see golfers flock to play their courses. We now live in a very hard world. There are fewer golfers on The Costa Blanca than there has been for many years and they must be won over from other clubs if a club is to be a success. It is now time to get out and sell what is on offer. Just because a course has been popular in the past does not mean that it will be popular in the future. This simple fact will be hard for our Spanish hosts to get used to. They have never been faced with this type of problem in the past and will find it hard to change. The biggest thing to sell is a competitively priced green fee. With the whole of the world still in recession, despite what our politicians tell us, this is gong to be a harder year than 2009 for any business to make a profit. However, price alone will not bring golfers back to the fairways. Golf courses that are in top condition are just as important. The Costa Blanca is competing with The Algarve and other cheap golf destinations with golf courses in top condition and offering such things as buggies that don’t pack up after nine or so holes. Many of the world’s best golf destinations now offer a ‘caddymaster service’, where your bag is put on your buggy before you play and taken back to your car after you have

finished playing. Where locally do we get that level of service? Most of the caddymasters I see spend most of their days doing little or nothing other than disconnecting the buggy from the power supply and driving it to an area where you can put your clubs on it. This is not the only place where the level of service falls below what we need for success. How many times has anyone at one of our clubs said to you: “I hope you enjoy your game” before going out, or asked you if you enjoyed your round after you have finished? I think you could probably count them on one hand and still have some change. These pleasantries cost absolutely nothing but make a golfer feel not only welcome but also that their custom is valuable. The big question to be answered is will our clubs ever learn that service and customer care matters almost as much as price? When was the last time the caddymaster carried your clubs to your car? Indeed, have they ever done so here in Spain? I am well aware that I have been harsh in my assessment of service levels here in this week’s RTN but it is high time clubs realised that they are in the most competitive environment ever. Service levels have to rise: the prices charged for golf are already more expensive than most other golfing holiday destinations and if the courses are to charge more they have give more in return. If they don’t, the customer will go elsewhere. I hear from many golfers from the United Kingdom and many will not even consider having a golf holiday in our part of the world because the prices are too high and there is little or no customer care compared to other developing golf destinations. For the good of all who play golf on The Costa Blanca, the attitudes of the local course owners must change and very soon if we are to avoid losing some of them forever. It is no good having some of Europe’s best golf courses if nobody uses them. Costs this year will be more important than ever for both the golfer and the course owners. What we now need to see is green fees that represent value for money; some customer care and service and then just maybe

Player profile Charl Schwartzel

Exemption: Challenge Tour, Cat 0, Rank 0 Residence: Verceeniging, South Africa Attachment: Blair Atholl Date of birth: 31/08/1984 Place of birth: Johannesburg, South Africa Height and weight: 5ft 11in 10st 6lb (180cm 66kgs) Interests: Hunting and cars Web Site: www.sportism.net Turned Pro: 2002 (plus 4) Qualifying School: 2002*

our part of Spain can weather the recession a bit better than other areas. People from the United Kingdom will be hard hit this year with very few getting pay rises and some even having to take pay cuts in real terms; this includes those on pensions. And if we are to get golfers walking our fairways we must see value for money return to the golf courses of The Costa Blanca.


The European Tour stayed in South Africa for the second consecutive week and Charl Shwartzel thinks the tour should stay there. In his own homeland, he has now won on consecutive weeks, a rare feat with the amount of talent on tour. The PGA Tour is now in full swing and the second event of the season was again in Hawaii. This was the first full field event of the year and the competition was intense. Ryan Palmer is one of the new crop of good young American’s coming through and it was he who took the title.


To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@ roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of Round Town News will be final in making the winning selection.


How many majors has Tiger Woods won? A. 12 B. 14 C. 16 The winner will be announced in Round Town News on 5th February 2010.


Winner of three European Tour titles and only the second player to win three consecutive Sunshine Tour Order of Merit titles between 2004 and 2007. Continues a fine family tradition of golfers as his father, George, was fine amateur before turning professional and his brother, Adrian, who caddies for his older sibling on occasion, is also making a name for himself as an amateur. Claimed his third European Tour title when he overcame illness to win the inaugural Madrid Masters in 2008, having considered withdrawing before the second round due to a virus and a shoulder injury. A phone call to his father changed his mind and the rest is history. It was his second victory in the Spanish capital following his victory in the 2007 Open de España at the Centro Nacional de Golf.


In a competition at Peace Haven, Sussex in 180 A J Lewis had 156 putts on one green without holing out. And you think you can’t putt!


Noel is available for lessons at El Plantio and Alicante Golf and Villaitana Golf by prior arrangement. Call him on 639 730 891 to book an appointment and tell him you got his number from RTN for discounted rates.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com


David Hoare

968 199 279


This week’s match was an open match held on the Rio Segura at the Eden canal stretch. The weather was kind to us but the fishing was not, with 11 dry nets: another winter league in the sun. The river water was very cold - whether there had been some snow water into the river to cause this we don’t know. The small fish which are normally abundant failed to feed and all the fish caught were 1+ kilo. Top anglers on a very difficult day as follows: 1st Lenny (Ex Cultural Attachee) Bolton, fishing the pole using maggot, with 4.4 kilos 2nd Ian (From the Darkside) Haughton, fishing the pole using maggot, with 3.56 kilos 3rd Alan (The Quiet One) Reid, fishing the pole using sweetcorn, with 2.56 kilos


The 9th and penultimate round of the Winter League was this week, fished on the 8ft Drain. The series is fished over 10 matches with the best 8 results to count. This was the club’s first visit to the drain since last winter. The fishing was mixed on the day with gale force winds hampering all anglers. The results on the day were: 1st Paul Baxter 11.740 kgs Fishing the long pole with pellet 2nd Ian Houghton 9.140 kgs Fishing the short pole with maggot 3rd Bob Rafferty 6.800 kgs Fishing the pole with sweet corn After 9 rounds the top of the league table is as follows: Paul Baxter 109 points Bob Rafferty 75 Mick Hill 70 Austin Veith 59 The final round 8 will be fished on January 21st at the Pedrera.



The Friday Campoverde meetings will now be held at Mary’s Bar/ Restaurant. Taking CV925 going inland from Pilar de la Horadada, turn right at the first roundabout into Pinar del Campoverde, then first left and follow the slip road up (past Fibber McGees and Lounge Bar 6) until you get to the next parade of shops. Mary’s Bar is 3rd or 4th unit up. The next meeting is on Friday February 5th at 12.00. The Puerto de Mazarron meetings remain at Los Galayos Bar/Restaurant on the Paseo alongside the beach. Next meeting is Saturday 6th February at 12.00. FISHERIES REPORT: Work continues on the River Segura in Murcia City but is still fishable in areas away from where the work is being carried out. Embalse de Pedrera: levels are rising again as water is being pumped in. At Benijofar, bank clearance is being carried out on some stretches. Sweet Water: both roads at the side of the river are still covered with all the mud that has been dug out, leaving very little access to bank side. Also the banks are at quite a steep angle so a ledge will be needed to be cut out for placement of a tackle box. Anglers Together continues to grow as a club with firm friendships being formed over the last 3 years. Many members fish together regularly and report they are pleased they have taken up a sport they once followed in their youth. We have the occasional organized outing but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the venues. The joining fee is €10 for new members and €5 for renewing members. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Dave. (Alan is away on his annual trek to Oz).

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