Rtn south edition 729

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Your English Newspaper


04-10 OCT 2013

Issue 729

Icelandic bank under legal siege VICTIMS of an allegedly corrupt equity release scheme run by failed Icelandic bank Landsbanki Luxembourg have launched a criminal court action in Spain. by Jack Troughton

The Rascals taking a break from their rehearsals

Rascals get ready THE RASCALS will celebrate 30 years of performing next year and in that time they have raised well over 100,000€ for local charities and causes both locally on the Costa Blanca and for disaster relief abroad. Over the years their performances have benefited such local charities as HELP, Age Concern, APANEE, Red Cross, ALPE (including their annual Christmas party where they give gifts to all the students), Alzheimer’s Association Torrevieja (Torrevieja AFA), AECC, Animal Charities and disaster relief among others. Read the full story on page 39.

The bank – ‘in liquidation’ – and its Spanish agents are accused of fraud, mismanagement and false claims over the selling of the financial product. Landsbanki Luxembourg, its officers and appointed administrator already face criminal charges in France and Luxembourg. In Iceland, home to the parent company, directors and officers who had overall responsibility for the bank face charges of fraud and market manipulation brought by the state prosecutor. The flawed equity release scheme was heavily marketed in 2006, 2007, and 2008, at a time a leading financial advisory company, Merril Lynch, warned of the fragile nature of Icelandic banks – and it is claimed Landsbanki continued to market the product even after it knew the bank was in danger of failing. Victims were promised that as well as releasing cash against the value of their homes, the remainder of the loan would be invested by Landsbanki to pay the interest on the advance and even provide an income in a claimed ‘risk free’ enterprise - and returns of 9% were promised. It was a form of equity release already outlawed in the UK. Hundreds of vulnerable pensioners

living in Spain, France and Portugal – the majority British expats – were left facing financial ruin. It is understood 16 have since died. THREAT In addition they have also had to live under the threat of having properties repossessed by Landsbanki’s “aggressive” administrators after the courts ordered it into liquidation in 2008. Scores of pensioners – their homes at the time of signing up had to worth at least 350,000€ - formed the Landsbanki Victims Action Group. Last year there were over 120 members living on the Costa Blanca and Costa del Sol alone. The latest criminal action is being heard by the courts in San Roque – an action in Denia has for the moment stalled because the bank maintains it is a civil rather than criminal matter – and the presiding judge is making a series of investigations. As a result 60 victims who signed contacts with Landsbanki within the jurisdiction of San Roque have been called to give evidence at pre-trial hearings. Mike McInnes, a spokesman for the action group, told RTN: “This is excellent news for these expat residents in Spain as finally, after five years and the deaths of 16 victims; the wheels of jus6 tice are in motion.


04-10 OCT 2013


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04-10 OCT 2013

Training programme for the unemployed by Keith Nicol MORE THAN 200 of Torrevieja’s unemployed will benefit from training and retraining programmes this autumn. This week, Torrevieja’s Councillor for Employment and Promotion, José Antonio Sánchez García, accompanied by technical director of the ADL, Juan Carlos Carmona, announced that the Local Development Agency (ADL) will continue to offer training activities for the city’s unemployed with the aim of improving their chances of employment. Sánchez García said that “this initiative by the ADL continues on the path started in 2011, having trained more than 2,500 unemployed workers, of which 500 have completed the training this year alone.” For the last quarter of 2013 training classes will be offered in Basic German and English as well as new training initiatives such as Hair Dressing, Building Maintenance, Basic Care for Dependants, with which it seeks to respond to the training needs identified as major needs in the municipality. Sánchez García continued “The Local Development Agency deepens its commitment to equip Torrevieja’s unemployed with the necessary tools to facilitate with their work search. For this reason the development of the courses have a practical aspect, as they are directly linked to the reality of work, responding to the demands of the local labour market, and to offer better opportunities for the future.” The training courses will be taught during the last quarter of 2013 offering classes to about 200 people, giving priority to those groups whose are in a more difficult situation and require proper retraining to improve their employability. The Department of Training and Employment, through the ADL, have allocated an amount of 9,000 euros for this training program. To enrol in these courses, those interested should visit the ADL with their identity papers and DARDE (registration document SERVEF) the Local Development Agency (ADL), located on Avenida Habanera No. 20.

Orihuela robberies increased by 45% over 2012 POPULATION GROWTH, economic conditions and other factors have seen the crime rate soar over last nine months in Orihuela! Over the last nine months, officials in the Commissariat Orihuela have arrested the same number of people as they did in the entire year of 2012. According to data that the National Police criminal offences department have released, felonies and misdemeanour’s are up 1.65% so far this year, and the number of arrests for these crimes, compared with the previous year, also increased by 34.87%. The greatest increase was in property crimes in general and in particular, robberies! Property crime has risen by 18.82% while robberies have experienced a disturbing rise of 45%! However the number of arrests has also increased over 2012, up to 48.57% in arrests for property crimes overall and 75.41% for the robberies!

04-10 OCT 2013

Government digs in over voting by Jack Troughton THE BRITISH Government has no immediate plans to change the 15 year time limit on expats voting in important UK elections, the Cabinet Office has revealed. British citizens living abroad are demanding to have a voice in General Elections and the forthcoming referendum on membership of the European Union. And as part of the ongoing fight for universal suffrage for all British people, they have written to Westminster outlining their concerns. Civil servants in the Electoral and Parliament Division of the Cabinet Office have made written replies – and underline there is no intention of changing voting rights. In two letters seen by RTN, campaigners were told: “The Government will keep the 15 year time limit under consideration, but is not minded to change the law at the present time.” Under the Representation of the People Act 1985 Brits living overseas were allowed to vote for five years after leaving the UK and on the electoral register. The Cabinet Office says: “Parliament decided to impose a time limit on the eligibility of overseas electors to vote because it was thought that generally over time their connection with the UK is likely to diminish. “The length of the time limit has been changed on two further occasions, first increasing to 20 years, then being reduced to 15 on 1st April 2002.” And it also confirmed there were “currently no plans” to establish direct representation in Parliament for expats – both France and Italy have members of parliament directly responsible for overseas electors. Addressing the question of EU membership, the Cabinet Office said it was proposed to use the existing franchise for UK Parliamentary elections – excluding those barred from voting under the 15 year rule. But it said: “It is not the intention of the Government that the UK should leave the EU. Britain’s national interest is best served in a flexible, adaptable and open European Union and such a European Union is best served with

Britain in it. The Government will continue to put the case for that point of view.” Margaret Hales MBE – a relation of suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst who fought for universal suffrage 100 years ago – accuses the current Government “of being the least democratic since Lloyd George.” Margaret, who lives on the Costa Blanca and is a member of the campaign team, said: “Brits living throughout the world are getting a very raw deal. To put this right we need the help of expats – not a lot, but a little would help! “Policies to discriminate against anyone who lives in another country are multiplying all the time – even if you are working and contributing to the UK economy, or you are retired and paid your contributions all your working life, and even if you are still paying tax in the UK.” Find our more information at www.votesfor-expat-brits.com. Former MPs can be lobbied via http://www.parliament.uk/mpslords-and-offices/mps/ An electronic petition calling for parliamentary representation for expats can be found at: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/43238 In addition, there is a petition calling for the creation of MPs for expats at: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/55085 And people fighting to retain the Winter Fuel Allowance for pensioners living abroad can go to a third petition at: http://epetitions. direct.gov.uk/petitions/52121

Benidorm: star Imserso destination By Jan Gamm THIS YEAR’S Imserso programme offers pensioners a week’s holiday stay from 165€ during the low season on a scheme that is almost as affordable as staying at home! The Imserso programme is understandably popular with its lucky participants – a government-subsidised jolly for pensioners in Spain needing a break to re-charge their batteries, spend a week taking in the sights, sampling the local cuisine and perhaps throwing down some moves on the dance floor! The season start 14th October and it’s not hard to guess the most popular destination chosen by pensioners: beautiful Benidorm. “It’s our favourite place to be,” one suntanned 70-year-old told RTN as he looks forward to his third jaunt to Benidorm: “There is always something to do here – and everything is close so there is no need to drive anywhere, there is always a bus to take you. At our age you get sick of driving and here the beach is close to the hotel, the shops and restaurants are nearby and you can find great entertainment a stone’s throw away.” Imserso offers a number of destinations from October to June for pensioners resident in Spain of any nationality including the Canary Islands, Portugal and the Balaerics. Length of stay varies from 8 to 15 days and a number of cultural outings are available as well as full board at 3 and 4 Star hotels. If you live in Spain, aged 60 or over and receive a government invalidity pension or early retirement pension; if you are 65 or over; or if you are 55 and receive a widow’s pension, you qualify for the Imserso programme. And you can also take a companion with you who is not a retiree. All Imserso holidays are covered by insurance and also medical cover.

04-10 OCT 2013

277 activities for Torevieja this autumn by Keith Nicol THE NEW Cultural and Leisure programme for Torrevieja was announced this week by the Councillor for Culture, Luis María Pizana, together with the coordinator of the Municipal Institute of Culture, Manuel Esteban Moreno. The new autumn agenda features a total of 277 activities for a budget of 29,621€. The programme features 68 concerts, 20 workshops, 18 plays, 11 conferences, 10 music shows: one that is in English, 10 galas, 8 courses, 8 exhibitions, 7 children’s parades, 6 competitions, six film screenings, 2 ballets, 3 fairs, 3 dance performances, a conference, a musical and an opera! Luis María Pizana highlighted the great efforts of the Municipal Institute of Culture to provide new attractions to Torrevieja as a city and as a tourist destination. The program begins this next week with the celebration of the first International Festival of Arabic Dance ‘Flor de Levante’ (Zahrat Assharq), which will run until 6th October at the Teatro Municipal. Until October 20th the Paseo de La Libertad will feature the twelfth edition of the Book Fair. One of the highlights of the Fall 2013 Schedule will be the Musical Grease’ in the Municipal Theatre from Thursday 17th to Sunday 20th October. On 26th October ‘Opera 2001’, will stage Verdi’s La Traviata with the month ending with a charity event for AFA, ‘The Gala of Illusion.’ In November on Saturday 2nd, Torrevieja will host the VIII

Encuentro Flamenco ‘City of Torrevieja’, organized by the House of Andalusia. Rafael Alberti ‘ while on 9th and 10th, the theatre will host a new Memorial to ‘Ricardo Lafuente.’ On Sunday 24th the UMT band will host a special concert while on the 23rd the glamour event of the year, the Coronation of the Salt Queen will take place. Into December and on the 5th ‘The Nutcracker’ will take to the stage, while on the 13th the International Carol Service will take place in front of the Inmaculada Church. As a teaser for 2014, on January 6th the Municipal Theatre will host the Twelfth Extraordinary Concert, performed by the Symphony Orchestra of Torrevieja ‘Ars Aetheria’.

Collaborative efforts to clean up the beaches by Keith Nicol LAST WEEKEND, groups of volunteers from both the Orihuela Costa and Torrevieja started a clean up campain on La Glea beach on the Orihela Costa. A group from the Association of Torrevieja’ ‘Five Continents’ also banded together and joined in the efforts. Along with other groups individuals, and families, they were responsible for removing solid waste and clean up this natural The initiative was organized by the departments of Costa, Beaches and Environment of the City of Orihuela and also included holding a green market and various workshops for people of all ages to manufacture natural air fresheners, recycled toys with paints or tattoos natural, among others. This clean up was the first of a campain organised by the Department of the Councillor for the Coast, which also offered the added incentive of a serving from a free giant Paella, for all those who volunteered their time and services on the day. Further campaigns have also been proposed by local scuba diving clubs, to rid beauty spots along the coast of a variety of articles that somehow manage to find their way into the Mediterranean, including such items as shopping trollies, to old scooters to plastic bags to just everyday rubbish.

04-10 OCT 2013

Unique is Unique by Keith Nicol UNIQUE LIVED up to their name at the Quesada Country Club last week as Nicky and her team Kayleigh, Josie and Megan from Dona Pepa did a fantastic job of providing makeovers on the new ‘Glamour Glamour’ models. More than 70 ladies were at the Quesada Country Club Fashion and Shoe Show last week. These Fashion Shows are quite Unique in themselves; at the moment as Creana presents a ‘Complete Outfit Show’ with clothes, shoes and jewellery. This time Glamour Glamour and OMG Shoes were joined by Unique Hairdressers from Dona Pepa. Tricia Lee demonstrated Indian Head Massage and gave a short talk on Holistic Healing, Lynn from Beautiful You was there to give advice on Medical Aesthetics and a demonstration on semi permanent make up. Creana was also joined by Jewellery2Go, Perfumes and Make Up from Celia, Men’s Clothes with Wendy, Hand Made Pewter items and information from Steve the man who actually makes them, Aloe Vera products and advice from Elaine, and help and advice from Sue Aid 2 Mobility. Anita provided cheese tasting with the complimentary welcome drinks and pewter pins offered wine tasting. It was quite a family affair as Wendy’s husband Frank and Nicky’s son Ben were the male models. The Elche Childrens’s Home, would like to say thanks to all of the models: Jennie, Rita, Norma, Lynn, Georgia, Eileen and Sue and also to the raffle ticket sellers Katrina, Erika and Jennie. This event raised just over 300€ to support Anita and Dave’s chosen charity The Children’s Home in Elche. The next charity event planned at Quesada Country Club is The Art and Photography Competition on Thursday 17th October.. The next major fashion show will be at Let’s Eat in Benimar. This will be a lunch event on Thursday October 24th and tickets will be 11€. Contact Sue for more details of both events: sueinthesun@hotmail.co.uk or text 629 869 959

The Unique Team who did an absolutely fantastic job of Nicky, Kayleigh, Ben, Megan and Josie

Sports Schools welcome almost 2,000 participants by Keith Nicol TORREVIEJA SPORTS School have opened their doors to more than 1,500 students for the new season. A total of 15 different sports are offered this year in the Municipal School system that includes: in-line hockey, chess, athletics, basketball, handball, cycling, swimming, football, football sala, judo, rowing, tennis, volleyball, gymnastics and rugby. There are also a number of additional activities such as Body Combat, Aerobics, Pilates and, new this year, Zumba, with nearly 500 people enrolled in all these activities, to date. This season the Sports Council has introduced, Aerial Aerobatics, such as one finds in Cirque du Soleil, with 16 students enrolled. When it comes to the most popular of school sports, it should come as no surprise that football, featuring 10 teams, two in each age category, have the largest number of students with nearly 196 players enrolled. And while football may be mainly for the boys, the girls come into their own when it comes to Rhythmic Gymnastics, which this year has 181 students, just one more than the School of Handball with 180, while Basketball and Gymnastics have 167 and Gynastics with 142 students. Outside of the sports schools but also featured at the sports city is Torrevieja’s swimming club and classes for all ages, padel tennis, font tennis, athletics and the fitness centre.

Continued from front page “We hope that those responsible for perpetrating this scam will now have to account for their actions against vulnerable pensioners.” He added: “Even so, some victims died with the knowledge that their spouses had to face the consequences of the Landsbanki criminal actions, which could result in the repossession of their homes, foremost in their minds.” The collapse of Icelandic banks at the start of the financial crisis sent shockwaves around the globe as investors were attracted by overblown interest rates. Since the crisis started officials of other banks have already been jailed for fraud. Mike said Landsbanki was “rapidly developing into one of Europe’s biggest cases against a bank for fraud, mismanagement and manipulation of assets of the group. “This court case is another and new important step for the victims of the Landsbanki scandal.”

Anti-Gibraltar propaganda taken seriously by Jan Gamm THE GOVERNMENT of Gibraltar has put together an investigative team to collate information prior to filing a ‘formal and legal complaint against persons responsible for inciting anti-Gibraltarian hatred’ through the press and social media. Gibraltar Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia is at the head of the British–held territory’s response to a “Madrid-led campaign of propaganda” that Gibraltar is taking “very seriously.” Over the weekend a YouTube video appeared of schoolchildren performing a mock execution of Gibraltarians which Garcia sees as: “The latest disgraceful example of the climate that has been generated in Spain over the last eight weeks.” The government has engaged the services of a local law firm to carry out preliminary investigations with instructions to “leave no stone unturned.”

Messi in tax mess BARCA STRIKER Lionel Messi appeared in court on Friday 27th September on charges of fraud and tax evasion to the tune of €4.1 million covering the period 2007 – 2009. His father also appeared, admitting sole responsibility for the star footballer’s tax declarations. Messi stated that his “only mission was to play football” and that his Dad took care of ‘the plata’. Jorge Horacio Messi said his son was “not to blame” and added that the striker’s present problems were mostly due to disloyalty on the part of an ex-partner.

Large scale theft foiled by police NATIONAL POLICE in Orihuela have charged five people with house breaking and theft after catching them red-handed in the process of burgling a house in the town on Tuesday 17th September. The thieves were caught while loading a large furniture van with loot, including furniture, after carrying out a surveillance that lasted several days to ascertain that the house was empty. The police surprised the culprits after receiving a tip off from a local resident. The five arrested have no previous criminal records, although the contents of the van led police to believe they had carried out similar robberies in the area.

04-10 OCT 2013


04-10 OCT 2013

Spanish love affair continues

World Heart Day VINALOPÓ HEALTH professionals carried out cardiovascular checks on more than 100 people on the occasion of the celebration of World Heart Day on 29th September. In addition, 84 students of Nursing CEU Cardenal Herrera University developed several workshops for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Risk in the adult population and the study and analysis of the prevention of type 2 Diabetes. Elsewhere in Spain there were several exhibitions, sponsored walks and other events to raise funds for the Heart Foundation.

by Jack Troughton SPAIN REMAINS the number one destination for people looking to buy a dream home in the sun, it emerged this week. Foreign Office advisors from Spain and France – including Alicante Consul Paul Rodwell and property expert Bernadette Gallagher, based at the British Embassy in Madrid – were at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham for the ‘A Place in the Sun’ show. The team was on hand to offer independent advice to prospective purchasers of homes overseas - and noted two thirds of people said their preferred destination was Spain and its ever popular Costas. In total, advisors spoke to 2,209 people considering buying a place in the sun. Over 66% wanted advice regarding Spain, a quarter asked about France, while the remainder were looking at moves to other countries or were still undecided on a location. More than four out of five people said the team’s tips were very useful and would use the advice when buying a home abroad – they were particularly impressed it was impartial and free. And expats who have family or

Ask for advice

friends considering buying property in Spain have been asked to point them towards the Foreign Office guide ‘How to buy property in Spain’ on website www.GOV.UK and a new YouTube video. More than 12,000 Spanish homes have been bought by British people over the past three years – and organisers of the Birmingham exhibition said visitor numbers had increased over 2011 event, suggesting more people were thinking of buying abroad.

Last night Spain featured in an ITV programme ‘Bargains in the Sun’ examining how with property prices tumbling across southern Europe, many Brits are again thinking of owning a home in the sun. The Foreign Office advice falls into three areas – including the importance of following the easy to understand ‘property buyers’ checklist’; the value of getting independent advice about the purchase, including consulting a lawyer; and using the information on the website.

Spain could turn back time

THE SPANISH government is considering a proposal to align the Spanish clock with GMT, i.e. one hour earlier in line with the UK, Portugal and Ireland. Also under consideration is the possibility of adjusting the working day to 9am – 5pm. It is thought that the move could lead to higher productivity and a better balance for working families, shortening the Spanish lunch break and bringing forward the time traditionally set aside for the evening meal, now much later than the rest of Europe. The Spanish ‘CET’ (Central European Time) came about when it was set by Franco to be in tune with Nazi Germany in 1942: it has never been changed back to GMT. Sadly for some, the change would inevitably also see the demise of the popular ‘Spanish siesta’.


04-10 OCT 2013

Torrerífico Horror Film Festival IT’S AUTUMN already and last week Torrevieja’s Councillor for Youth, Rosario Martínez Chazarra, announced the activities scheduled for the Autumn Programme of the Centre for Information and Youth (CIAJ), aimed at young people aged 14 to 35. by Keith Nicol The programme of activities is already underway and includes conversations in English with British volunteers, film forum, Russian course for beginners, leisure monitors, blood drives, hiking trails, solar eclipse observations, computer courses, inclusive leisure activities for young people with disabilities, and one major novelty, the first Horror Film Festival of Torrevieja ‘Torrerífico’. The Horror festival will coincide with Halloween and be held on Sunday October 27th at the Cultural Centre Virgen del Carmen, with free admission, projecting movies from 11:00am to the witching hour of midnight! The festival will screen: The Hills Have Eyes, The vicious brothers, Child’s Play, The 4th Kind, Dawn of the Dead, Buried and 30 Days of Night. Interested participants can learn and enroll for various activities, in the offices of the Centre for Information and Youth (CIAJ) located on the seafront at Juan Aparicio, No. 5 or by Phone: 965 714 072, email: info@ciaj.es and on the web: www.ciaj.es.

Intercambio in Rojales By Keith Nicol IF YOU are looking for a way to improve your Spanish, Rojales Town Hall may have just the thing for you with their new language exchange programme between Spaniards and Foreign Residents. To coincide with the beginning of the school year, the Department of Youth of Rojales Town Hall is promoting their new language exchange programme among Spaniards who are learning a foreign language and foreign residents who have a wish to learn more about Spanish language and culture. Those interested can join this rolling program, that is without any deadlines, by filling in a form at the Municipal Centre of Ciudad Quesada or at Rojales Town Hall. The language exchange will be held at the Ciudad Quesada Cultural Centre and in the Social Centre, in Rojales town centre. There will be two kinds of exchange, either in duos or groups, spending half of the time speaking Spanish and the other half in the chosen foreign language. This programme also wants to promote and help integration between foreign residents and Spanish locals. A further step for social integration. The Department of Youth will run this programme for the whole year, together with other cultural and educational activities. You can join in the course at at any time of your pleasing.

Afecancer Fashion show and Trade Fair AFECANCER TORREVIEJA are putting on a fundraising Fashion Show and Trade Fair next Friday, October 11th. The venue is the popular Cheers Bar in Villamartin/Eagles Nest with the fair open from 11:00 am to 3:00pm. Entry Tickets are just 2.00€ for the Fashion Show on the door, which also includes a complimentary cava reception and canapés. The Autumn Fashion show is presented by ‘Glamour! Glamour!’ The fashion shows includes shoes and accessories and will be performed at approximately noon. The event also features a number of trade stalls including reflexology, hand made wooden gifts and cards, handmade jewellery, cakes and muffins, lavender retreat the beautician plus lots more. Various treatments will be also available from five euros including nails, facials, make up demonstrations, massages, etc.. For more information please contact: 966 775 459 or mobile 687 427 686.

Say ‘hola!’ to RTN Benidorm HITTING THE streets today (Friday) is the first edition of ‘RTN Benidorm’ – a colourful free newspaper dedicated to life in one of the world’s top holiday destinations. by Jack Troughton RESIDENTS AND visitors alike will enjoy reading all the news and views of the Costa Blanca’s most famous resort – keeping in touch with the town’s public face and venturing behind the scenes to see what really makes Benidorm tick. Initially a monthly publication with a print run of 25,000 copies, RTN Benidorm is the fourth ‘stand alone’ quality newspaper published by the RTN Newsgroup, and like its existing and successful stable mates enjoys a proven pedigree. Launching new titles bucks the trend of the current global recession and the paper joins RTN North, RTN South, and RTN Costa Calida on local newsstands...with more specialist titles to follow. All are enjoyed by readers in Spain and thanks to the Internet, across the globe. And RTN Benidorm has already received

the thumbs up from Mayor Augustin Navarro who believes the title will provide a valued service to the whole community – whether people are in town for a weekend, a fortnight, or enjoy the Mediterranean lifestyle all year round. The paper will contain a food and drink guide – critic The Duchess will have her claws out as she tests restaurants - and an introduction to the famous ‘Tapas Alley’; there will be information on everything going on night and day; a guide to markets and shopping, exhibitions and shows. CULTURE Readers will be let into some of the secrets of the hit ITV comedy ‘Benidorm’; see behind closed doors at the resort’s best hotels; enjoy a look back in time with a ‘then and Now’ feature; get a look at the best beaches; and enjoy up to date news. There will also be an easy to read map including all the town’s cultural sites. RTN Newsgroup Managing Director Geoff Gartland said the success of this summer’s ‘Benidorm Weekender’ inside existing titles had prompted the launch of the new edition. “We have always been a community-based newspaper group and we believe Benidorm, which is at the centre of the tourist industry along the coast, deserves its own title to serve residents and visitors alike,” he said. “This is our fourth edition and very important for the RTN brand. Here we are in the middle of a huge economic crisis and again being positive and moving forward. We absolutely refuse to be held back. “The Benidorm Weekender was launched in May and was a massive success – so we feel the time is right to give the resort its own newspaper.” And Geoff believes RTN Benidorm will pave the way for more localised community titles to be launched “in the near future”.

04-10 OCT 2013


04-10 OCT 2013

Gender violence claims another victim by Keith Nicol MURDER AND gender violence reared its ugly head in Madrid again last Saturday morning, when an Ecuadorian woman was allegedly killed by her partner and her 12 year old son suffered knife wounds and has been hospitalized. During the week, the 38 year old was the carer for the mother of a Torrevieja resident however on returning home to spend the weekend with her family, she was brutally attacked by her partner. The incident happened just after 3.00am in the Madrid district of Hortaleza. A resident of the building where the event occurred called police about 3:15am to report a loud argument in the portal in front of his house in the same hall, When police and staff from the 112 Emergency Services arrived, they found the lifeless body of the woman who had a ‘stab wound’ in the neck and Emergency staff could do nothing more than to certify her death. The 12 year old son of the victim had “two deep wounds” in the occipital area of the skull followed by abundant gushing of blood and also a deep cut in his left hand. The child was transferred to a mobile ICU Samur Hospital of the Infant Jesus, where he was admitted with prognosis of “very serious”. The Madrid Court of Violence on Women, No. 3, ordered the imprisonment, without bail of Mohamed C. 42, for the death of his girlfriend, Bélgica María,

and the attempted murder of her son, Frank ML.Bélgica María became the 34th fatal victim of gender violence in Spain, so far this year. The President of the Assembly of Madrid, José Ignacio Echeverría, called for five minutes of silence in the regional Parliament, and condemned the death of this latest victim.

Spain’s 34th victim of gender violence was murdered last Saturday


Roll ups are on the up SALES OF ‘packet’ cigarettes have dropped by 13% this year compared to the same period in 2012, according to data supplied by the Tobacco Market Commission. However, loose tobacco sales have increased by 15% as more smokers ‘roll their own’ to survive the economic crisis.

Smokers roll their own in the economic crisis


04-10 OCT 2013

Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

Don’t bother with the diary – write a best seller! WELL, I’VE been in the shed and I’ve been writing bits in my diary but whether I’m less stressed is hard to gauge. How goes it with you, folks? Have you been diary jotting? If you’re like me you’ll have stared at the blank page and thought, “… erm, I don’t know what to write.” Diarist’s block, I guess… Don’t give up, keep trying. It’s often said that writing is a cathartic process and one person who may well agree with that is Marion Kille. In one of those strange quirks of life, Marion was working at Gatwick Airport (around the time I was there) and one of her workmates was an old school chum of mine. Jeremy told me that just recently, Marion has published the final part of her crime thriller series ‘The Suburban Trilogy’ and I urge you to download them onto your Kindles without delay. Like me and darned diarist’s block, Marion once had a similar affliction. However, for her it was resolved with clearly rewarding results. She says, “Having always enjoyed writing but suffering from writer’s block for many years, the idea for the Suburban Trilogy popped into my mind early one morning in January 2012.” I wish an idea would pop into my head, I find it hard enough

getting your average Watts In Britain out in time for publication. “Oi, shut up Watts, let’s hear more from Marion…” Oh, sorry folks, okay Marion back to you: “The books are about a young, idealistic and moral police officer named Adam Kent and are based in the beautiful city of Chichester, West Sussex. Adam is a probationer with the world at his feet but as we all know, life has a way of testing and shaping us! This is predominantly Adam’s story.” With part one - The Suburban Cage - ‘in the can’ Marion set out to find an agent. However, eight frustrating rejections later she decided to go it alone. Marion says, “I wanted my books out there for people to read, which slowly and steadily, they are. The downside to all this is that there is no giant publishing house behind me to promote my work.” Let’s all say thank goodness for Amazon then. Marion’s philosophy is determination. She says, “Like most things in life, I do believe a great deal of success is hugely down to luck. So I say: what the hell? I’m an ordinary housewife with a dream who believes in her book. I intend to take it as far as I can on my limited budget.” And with that resolve it must surely work. Sales, Marion reports, have been “surprisingly high”

but more than that she’s been thrilled by the number of “complimentary 5star reviews from complete strangers.” Watch out, we could have another multi-million pound JK in the making. “Funnily enough,” Marion says, “it’s not about money it’s about recognition. I really do get a buzz out of people writing to me or telling me how much they enjoyed reading my books. My new motto is: ‘if you have a dream - give it your best shot and nobody can say you haven’t tried!’” Initially Suburban Cage was placed in the wrong genre. Marion says it was released last summer by the e-publisher in the Erotica Section. She adds, “Naturally, there is quite a bit of adult content but it is mainly a Crime/Thriller/Romance. I have now changed the cover to the girl with tears. It reflects the story so much better and thankfully it has recently been placed in the correct genre.” The second part is The Suburban Coven. Marion says, “It was the research into witchcraft and the occult which made this book fun to write.” And the third novel, The Suburban Vendetta brings together “all the unanswered questions with quite a surprising ending”. Hmmm, I wonder if Marion’s Adam Kent will ever bump into dear ole Peter

James’s, Inspector Roy Grace? After all, they must both inhabit Sussex Police HQ in Lewes occasionally. Marion, we wish you all the best… Visit: www.thesuburbantrilogy.co.uk and Facebook page: www.facebook. com/TheSuburbanSeries?ref=hl Watts in Britain, now frantically writing The Benidorm Trilogy…

04-10 OCT 2013


The clock is ticking! by

Jennifer Cunningham

WHAT DOES Spain’s asset declaration mean for you? It is already coming up to that time again! It seems only yesterday that the declaration of worldwide assets abroad and the Form 720 were introduced, but just as quickly as the summer arrived in the seemingly blink of an eye it is gone: it is time to prepare once again. The 720 tax form was new to everyone and mistakes were made, even by the odd accountant giving wrong advice leading to some assets being declared when they needn’t have been. Pensions were one of those. But a pension need not be declared unless it gives rise to a temporary or lifetime annuity. The 720 form must be filled in by all Spanish residents owning assets abroad with values over 50,000€. This obligation must be fulfilled during the first quarter of each year. Whereas with the first year it was possible to fill out the form by April 30th 2013, for 2014 the deadline is March, a month earlier, with the significant date of 31st December for the final balance. If you were resident in Spain last year and own overseas assets worth 50,000€ or more, you should have reported these assets on Form 720 last April. Each of the previous points implies an autonomous obligation of declaration, so, for instance, a taxpayer will have to declare bank accounts albeit she/he would not have stocks or real estate abroad. However, there will be no obligation of submitting the tax form for accounts of banks located abroad if neither the final balance (on 31st December), nor the average balance reaches a total of 50,000€. The submission of the disclosure in successive years will only be obliga-

tory when this limit has been increased by more than 20,000€ in a year. The tax declaration form must be registered electronically, via Internet. Namely, each set of information (bank accounts/stocks/real estate) that must be reported constitutes a separate obligation of presentation. Model 720 was the new tax form adopted in Spain on January 30th 2013 and its aim is collecting, mainly from the Spanish residents (although not only, as it was exposed later on), the data on the assets and rights located in the foreign countries. Adopted as a mean of prevention and combat against tax fraud, the new regulation provides the Tax Authorities with the relevant information on all types of assets and rights necessary for establishing a certain level of control. In order to obtain sufficient information, referring to assets and rights of Spanish residents located abroad, form 720 also clarifies the instruments of improving mutual support with other countries. The exchange of information among states necessary for tax payments, and collaboration in general, was essential for bringing into life this new declaration. It seems that taxpayers are becoming much more aware that they may have to pay more tax as a result of the new declaration. Over €87 billion in overseas assets were declared in the first declaration period. Now there is the mammoth task of comparing that against what the taxpayer actually declared in their annual returns. Working in the financial industry it is very common to see that many expatriates living in Spain choose to place their approved policies/invest-

ments (mainly for tax efficiency purposes) offshore in bonds. When they are approved it means that the vehicle is free from Spanish income or capital gains taxation, assuming you do not withdraw from the bond/contract that is. The declaration tax is a subject widely talked about right now, and rightly so, because many will now start to see their tax bill rise, especially those that produced income or gains. But that does not mean that you cannot now take advantage of the tax efficient structures that are available here in Spain. So it is not all bad news. Just remember if you don’t report/declare, you could find yourself in a whole heap of trouble with a far greater bill than imagined. Therefore the message is clear: there really is no way to avoid declaring, all you need to know is just how and what, and to do this you should always seek professional advice from a wealth specialist. This swiftly brings me on to the deVere group, with whom we are proud to work very closely. DeVere is the largest independent financial consultancy in the world. So If you would like a free no-obligation consultation with one of their Wealth Managers who can discuss your personal investment options with you, giving you the peace of mind that your wealth is not only protected but tax efficient, you can contact me, Tracey Brady on 96 646 1690, via email at tracey@jennifercunningham.net or visit www.jennifercunningham.net for more information and details of a Jennifer Cunningham office near you.

Jennifer Cunningham Insurances S.L The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.


04-10 OCT 2013

Abaco’s Holiday Day

Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity Shop set to re-open THE PCN charity shop at Playa Flamenca Beach has been closed for a month undergoing extensive alterations but the doors are to open again on Monday 7th October at 10am. The shop has a fantastic range of clothing and household items and is always looking for more stock to raise more money for the charity. Opening hours are Monday to Saturday, 10am to 2pm: for more information, please contact Chris on 650 695 482.

Rib Ticklers for AFA Part of the team from Abaco Asesores

by Keith Nicol ABACO ADVISORS organised a fun day event at Nikki Beach, part of the Marina Salinas Complex last week, which was attended by hundreds of local residents. Along with staff from Abaco, other local travel companies, those offering day trips and recreational facilities were also there to give advice to those attending, to help further residents enjoyment of utilising their leisure time better in Spain. One of the programs that has been popular with Spanish pensioners for almost three decades is called Imserso, which is is the name given to the subsidised holidays sponsored by the Spanish Government. During the fun day, Abaco and other services gave a number of talks about different holi-

days and leisure activities in Spain, to a captive audience, many of whom were finding out first hand new initiatives, at excellent prices, to avail themselves of even more opportunities. Abaco is one of the most pro-active English Language companies when it comes to helping clients complete their booking forms and process their applications, and learn more about online booking. It’s a service that’s all free of charge. For those learning more about Imserso for the first time, the holidays are heavily subsidised by the Spanish Government and open to Spanish residents who are over 65 or are over 60 with a state pension. Holidays are not limited to just mainland Spain but also include the Balearics, Canary Islands and Portugal and are set-up outside of the high

season, allowing you to pick and chose from different options, to travel any time between October and June for 8, 10 or 15 days. Don’t worry if your partner is not of retirement age as you can take a partner who isn’t a pensioner but they must be a resident and register with you. There is a full range of three and four day packages to choose from with the majority being for full board in three and four star hotels. Abaco Asesores is a well-respected firm of lawyers and tax advisers established in 1999. Since then the number of customers they take care of has increased to over 15,000. More information about all of their services can be found at www.abacoadvisers.com, by visiting their offices in Torrevieja or Alicante or by phone on 966 703 748.

by Keith Nicol DAVID WHITNEY is at it again! This time writing a new comedy show for the Actors Studio called ‘Rib Ticklers’ which he shall also be directing. The show is a collection of original comedy sketches and tickets are on sale now. The show is on for two nights only, on Friday and Saturday 25th and 26th. October at 7.30 pm in Casa de Cultura in San Miguel. Tickets are just 6 Euros and can be obtained from Bargain Books in San Miguel, The Alzheimers Charity Shop Torrevieja or, space permitting, can be purchased on the door each night. You can also reserve by telephone 966 704 097. All ticket proceeds will go to the AFA Alzheimers Association in Torrevieja.The evening looks set to be a load of laughs so please support this popular group and help the charity.

First night nerves NERVOUS MEMBERS of Benidoleig and District Royal British Legion are anxiously watching ticket sales for the first night of ‘Old Time Music Hall’ in Alcalali. by Jack Troughton NERVOUS MEMBERS of Benidoleig and District Royal British Legion are anxiously watching ticket sales for the first night of ‘Old Time Music Hall’ in Alcalali. The charity will receive the proceeds of ticket sales from the opening show by Careline Theatre and is hoping for a bumper crowd on Thursday 17th October – helping boost this year’s Poppy Appeal. It is hoped the audience will add to the atmosphere by dressing up for the evening and joining the overall fun of the occasion. Tickets are 10€ - with a 10% discount for parties of more than 20 – and are available from the Careline Box Office on 652 294 750, or the Legion’s Ron Clements by calling 96 558 3373.

500€ for Noa

KIKO GARCIA, a 30-year-old Teulada taxi driver, has been collecting bottle caps to help little Noa Alvarez, a little girl who suffered brain damage following an attack of meningitis. The driver spent three weeks filling the boot of his vehicle with caps and transporting them to a collection point. Then Kiko went one step further and made a generous personal donation of 500€ to help with Noa’s treatment. Noa’s mother Natalia accepted Kiko’s cheque gratefully and extended her thanks for his outstanding generosity.

Rock ‘n’ Roll at El Alto La Dolores

IT’S TIME to roll back the years and enjoy the sounds of a real Rock ‘n’ Roll Band. Woody & The Peckers will perform many of the old ‘rock ‘n’ roll’ hits of the late 50s and 60s as well as a superb tribute to Buddy Holly & The Crickets at El Alto La Dolores Restaurante on Wednesday 9th October. Be there or be square! Smile Charity Group, in association with El Alto La Dolores, have also organised another night of top entertainment on Friday 25th October, with ‘Just Woody’ showcasing his excellent guitar skills and diverse vocal range with songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Joining Woody will be everyone’s favourite comedian ‘Justin Sane’, who delivers a superb Elton John tribute. This promises to be another great night, and one not to miss. Tickets for both events are available from El Alto La Dolores, The Post Room Benijófar, and The Card Place in Benimar, or by phoning the ticket hotline on 692 866 536. Priced at just 10€, this represents excellent value for a two course meal and top entertainment: doors open at 7pm.

04-10 OCT 2013


Home & Garden

Brought to you by spanishhomefinder.com

Home Garden

04-10 OCT 2013


Brought to you by


Earthing or RCD? WHY DO I need an RCD if I have a good earth? We’re getting a little technical this week, my little bright sparks, in concluding the recent articles about RCDs. This week, Earthing vs. RCDs: Earthing is a method of protection for an electrical system, whilst an RCD is a device that disconnects the electricity supply when there is a fault. The big advantage of using earth over a RCD as the primary means of earth fault protection is that earth is all around us in abundance and it connects everything. Basically we can tap into it anywhere anytime. In contrast, a RCD is a mechanical device, and like any device it can malfunction. However, an RCD does provide some protection that earth, sometimes, cannot. RCD protection is not a substitute for an earthing system, however well the system has been installed and maintained: one should not replace the other - they simply complement each other to improve safety. Across Spain the protective earth connection in a dwelling

is provided by a local connection independent of any earth connection at the generator of the electricity utility company.This is usually achieved by installing a copper earth spike (grounding rod) near the Consumer Unit. This method is technically referred to as a ‘TT earthing system’, and whilst other systems use the neutral as a means of earthing, the advantage of a TT system is that it does not carry the risk of a broken neutral. In locations where power is distributed overhead and TT is used, installation earth conductors are not at risk should any overhead distribution conductor be fractured by, say, a fallen tree or branch. A disadvantage of a TT earthing system is high earth fault loop impedance. Ground conditions can vary, especially during the summer compared to the winter. The resistance of soil can change and when the earth fault loop impedance is too high for a circuit breaker to disconnect the electricity supply quickly in the event of a fault, an RCD is what’s needed. Hence, TT earthing systems require proper RCD protection.

An RCD is not there simply to back up the earthing system - they both have an important job to perform. Earthing provides a direct path for electricity to dissipate into the ground rather than through you, and the RCD provides additional protection to ensure that this happens very quickly. Always use a RCD with a sensitivity of 30 mAmps or greater, which provides protection against serious electric shock. Periodically test it say every three months by pushing the test button. Contact info@sparksinspain.es or visit www.tonysparksinspain.blogspot.com


04-10 OCT 2013

Garden wild life by

Dick Handscombe Active gardener and author

EACH YEAR the urbanisations of the Costas and aerial spraying of agricultural areas diminishes the extent of wild life of all sorts to the detriment of individual gardens and the countryside in general. But luckily there are things that all gardeners can do to arrest and perhaps reverse the trend. Read through the following list and tick off those things you do and those that you could start to do from this autumn onwards. HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN FARE IN ATTRACTING WILD LIFE? Do you have a thick hedge in which birds can shelter and hedgerow type birds nest? Are leaves left to rot under the hedges to attract worms and insects to be found by foraging birds? How many mature/maturing trees do you have in which birds can perch and shelter? Have you fixed up nesting boxes on the upper trunks of the trees? Have you left holes in old or new walls that might attract a nesting hoopoe? Do you have a bird bath in which birds can wash and drink? Do you have a pond to which birds and dragon flies are attracted to drink and frogs to live? Are there bunches of herbs or hanging plants in the covered terrace that give shelter for geckoes? Do you have a ‘bat box’ under the eves? Are there thickly-growing climbing plants on walls that

can offer shelter to birds and insects and therefore a natural feeding ground for the former? Some butterflies also ‘over winter’ as chrysalises in the deep shade of the wall plants. Do you put coconuts, nuts or seeds out to attract birds and in a few lucky situations squirrels? Have you banned chemical warfare through manufactured inorganic insecticides, weed killers and fertilizers in favour of more environmentally friendly ecological/organic solutions both in the flower and vegetable gardens? Have you stopped using weed killers so that the essential microbes multiply? Have you one or more active compost heaps to recycle green kitchen and garden waste to produce microorganism and worm rich compost? Blackbirds in particular love to scavenge around the bottom of the heaps. Have you placed damp layers of RTN newspapers every foot down in the compost heap to attract worms and stimulate them to multiply? Have you stopped burning bonfires that can asphyxiate insects and deter birds etc? Do you grow a few sunflowers to attract seed eating birds? Do you leave a pile of rotting logs and leaves in a corner to attract insects for birds and possible a lost hedgehog? If you live in a rural area do you put water and food outside the fences for foxes, badgers, wild cats and wild boar?

How does your garden fare? To how many questions can you say yes? If you score very low do consider making a few changes over the coming months. Wildlife is an essential and interesting feature of a complete and balanced garden. In many cases birds, beneficial insects and reptiles can help avoid unwanted insect plaques.

The Handscombe’s books can be most conveniently purchased from Amazon Books, Santana Books website or 95 248 5838, The Book Depository or The Royal Horticultural Society Bookshop. ©Dick Handscombe www.gardenspain.com



04-10 OCT 2013


Wayne Martin

International Financial Adviser

Its okay I have a pension!

IT’S PARTY conference season and the government is accused of cruel austerity, though the Chancellor continues to spend £100 billion a year more than he receives in taxes. IF LABOUR is serious about closing that gap, it needs to find fresh sources of revenue. High on the target list are committed savers, workers who aim to free themselves from state dependency. These are employees who have built up a private pension pot for a secure old age. The economic war of attrition against them has been going on for many years. Terrified by the size of their potential pension liabilities, companies began ditching final salary schemes in favour of cheaper, defined-contribution schemes, the vast majority of which have resulted in smaller pensions for recipients. In his Budget speech this year, Mr Osborne said: “For years people have felt that the whole system was tilted against those who did the right thing: who worked, who saved, who aspired.” Since taking over from Alistair Darling, Mr Osborne has cut the annual amount that can be put tax free into a pension from £255,000 to £50,000 and it will fall again to £40,000 next April. He reduced the total amount that can be compiled tax free from £1.5 million to £1.25 million. According to HMRC, that will hurt about 360,000 pension savers. The shadow chancellor is reported to be looking at imposing a limit on the lump sum that savers can take tax-free from their pension pots from 25 per cent to a maximum of £36,000. This would hit all those with a nest egg worth more than £144,000. How long before some think tank comes up with a plan for direct raids on pension pots, encouraging the state simply to help itself to our retirement savings? It may sound mad but it has already either happened or been proposed elsewhere in the European Union. In the current uncertain economic climate I would urge you to speak to a professional financial adviser today and arrange a review of your circumstances. Don’t delay: get in touch today. Look after your wealth and your wealth will look after you. If you have any questions or need any advice regarding the above you can contact me on 636 361 588 or email wayne.martin@blacktowerfm.com

The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is licenced by the UK by the Financial Services Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licenced in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Licence No: 00805B and registered with the DGS in Spain.



Carlos Baos

of White & Baos Abogados

English & Spanish Solicitors

04-10 OCT 2013


Invest in Spain How to get a residency permit or visa through investing in Spain FINALLY, THE Investor ‘s Support and Internationalization Act ( Law 14/2013) has been approved. From this law, we wish to highlight the regulations governing the possibility for foreign investors to legally reside in Spain, if they make a substantial investment here. These regulations do not make any substantial difference for European Citizens, rather it could be a good opportunity for Non European Citizens to attain legal Spanish legal residency status. In its article 62, the Law states the general conditions that applicants must fulfill to be able to apply and get the residency permit or visa: They must not be irregularly in Spain. They must be older than 18 years old. They must not have a criminal record in Spain or in the country where they lived for the last 5 years.

They must have health or medical insurance. They must have money or means enough to support themselves and their family during the residency period in Spain. ETC Also article 63 ruled which investments will be considered relevant to apply for the residency permit: An Initial investment of 2 million Euros or more in Spanish Public or Government Bonds, or 1 million Euros in a Spanish Companies’ shares or participations or bank deposits or bonds. The Purchase of a Real Estate Property in Spain for at least 500.000€ for each applicant. Be part of a company project to be developed in Spain, considered of a general interest, which would mean: employment creation, geographic area developments, etc.)

Also, this Act foresaw 2 different kinds of authorisation to reside in Spain: Residency Visa ( visado de residencia) covered in article 65, this will allow the investor to reside in Spain legally for the period of 1 year. Residency Permit, ( autorización de residencia) covered in article 66, this will have a length of 2 years, which can extended for an extra 2 years, giving a maximum 4 years. The investor will need to prove that the inversion has been kept, and that they have travelled to Spain at least once, etc. This law’s aim is to get investors to come to Spain and invest their money here, thereby stimulating the economy. It is relevant for all of who are not a European Citizen, and it could be their key to get residency in Spain and therefore in Europe.

Carlos Baos (Lawyer) © White & Baos Abogados 2012 - All rights reserved. C/Diana 19, 2º-D, 03700 Dénia (located 1 minute away from the La Via underground car park). Tel: 966 426 185. Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com. This article is available in English and Spanish at www.white-baos.com. The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. Visit our blog at http://www.white-baos.com/blog/ and Facebook (White-Baos-Abogados-Solicitors)



04-10 OCT 2013


Andrew Gregory

Company Director and insurance Consultant

Considerations for Motor insurance in Spain GREETING TO readers, my name is Andy Gregory and I am the owner of Insure In Spain (IIS). I have over 40 years Insurance experience working here in Spain and the UK. My company offers all types of insurance for Expats who live in Spain. In this article I thought I would just make you aware of some the basic differences between Insurance here in Spain and the UK. DATABASE Similar to the police in the UK, the Guardia can now check the Registry of Insured Vehicles (FIVA) to see if a car is insured or not. Please do not risk driving in an uninsured car. ITV ITV stations will not give you an ITV certificate if your vehicle is not insured, as they also have access to FIVA database. CAR OFF THE ROAD Despite what many people think it is illegal not to

insure your car even if it is off the road. As stated above, it is easy for the Guardia to check if the car sitting on the drive is insured. WHO CAN DRIVE IN SPAIN VS UK I am regularly asked if a clients Spanish motor insurance policy (covering their Spanish plated car) will cover driving another car (very often when the client goes to the UK and wants to drive their family/friends cars) The answer is simply no –the Spanish insurance policy will allow the car to be driven by drivers other than the policy holder (for instance any driver between 30 and 75 provided they have held a full driving licence for at least 2 years) but it does not cover you for driving other cars. So, If you are going back to the UK for instance and want to drive another vehicle you will need your family/friends to contact their insurers and get you specifically included. HERE ARE JUT A FEW POINTS TO REMEMBER WHEN DRIVING IN SPAIN: Do not drive in bare feet, flip flops or open

backed sandals Properly restrain your pet, petshops can advise on harnesses All persons in a car must wear a seatbelt and it is the driver’s responsibility to check that they do so Do not use your mobile or headphones whilst driving Eating or drinking is also forbidden Drink driving laws are stricter than the UK - 0.5 mg per ml in Spain compared to 0.8 mg per ml in the UK Do not drive when under the influence of drugs or if you are taking strong medication, always check with your doctor if in doubt. Do not throw objects outs of your vehicle. All of the above can incur a fine and/or points on your licence I hope you found the above interesting. Apart from Motor Insurance, Insure in Spain also can arrange your Home and Contents, Pet, Travel and other types of Insurance. If you have any queries in relation to your insurance, please do not hesitate to contact us on 966 482 667 or info@insureinspain.com

“QROPS� (Qualifying Recognized Overseas Pension Scheme) have been available to ex-pats since April 2006. There is no mystery to them, they are basically the same as your UK pension but offer better benefits than the UK. Benefits: I. Return of fund to spouse on the death of the member, then left to your depends on spouses death. (not so in the UK) II. No Inheritance tax. (not so in the UK) III. Possibility of no income tax. (not so in the UK) IV. Freedom of investment choice. (not so in the UK) V. Income paid in a currency of your choice, plus many more benefits. (not so in the UK) The process is very simple and takes approximately three months to complete. In the UK you may not take any benefits before you are 55 years of age. If you are 50 or above and have been outside the UK for 5 complete tax years you may withdraw 25/30% and then an income at 55. If you are pension rich but cash poor, this could be a way of solving temporary financial difficulties.

To find out if you qualify to release money now call 951 206 138 or email admin@kennedyfinancialservices.com or visit www.kennedyfinancialservices.com and complete the free assessment form.


04-10 OCT 2013


What’s going on with taxes? by

Suzanne O’Connell Customer Care at Ábaco

WE ARE all aware of how politicians can create any spin from any set of data. COMING UP to a general election it can be even worse. It’s so hard for everyday mortals to be able to cut through the performance and actually understand exactly what we can expect in the short and medium term to come.

The news might be good on taxes but it is not as positive as it might seem at first. Some taxes are planned to increase, they might not be new announcements exactly but they mean that not everyone will see their tax bill standing still in 2014:

On the lead up to the next Spanish general election to take place in 2015, there are many messages to dissect and lines to read between. When the Finance Minister Cristóbal Montoro presented the 2014 budget he insisted that there are to be no new tax increases next year. Sounds like a reason for celebrating. However, the money must come from somewhere. Additional revenue is to be clawed instead from the budgets of government departments. The health budget is to see a reduction of 35.6% - a massive reduction which must have repercussions for us all. Not all departments will be hit as hard as this. Industry, energy and tourism will increase by 31.6% and Economy and Competitiveness by an additional 19.5%.

CHANGES TO VAT Spain operates VAT at three different levels: superreduced, reduced and general. Some services and products have had their VAT level changed and others have become taxable. They include: Some types of hospital medical equipment and products e.g. scanners, surgical equipment, bandages and plasters, syringes, thermometers, lenses and glasses Documents validated by the notary: e.g. those relating to mortgages, personal loans and guarantees VEHICLE CONTAMINATION There will be changes to current vehicle tax to link it

with the horsepower of the car and how much carbon monoxide and other pollutants it emits. AIR CONDITIONING TAX A tax on fluorinated greenhouse gases: this will have an impact on air-conditioning systems and refrigeration. You have probably quickly scanned this list to identify what it will cost you financially. For most people, it will mean a little here and a little there. What it doesn’t reveal is the way in which these taxes might also be passed down to you indirectly. So, for example, the air conditioning tax might have an impact on the cost of keeping cool some products you purchase daily. It is likely that at least some of these additional costs will then be transferred to consumers. Politicians tell us that things are improving. They are keen that the message on taxes is positive too. Only time will tell how far they can live up to their promises…

Ábaco provide fiscal representation to non-resident and resident Spanish property owners. You can contact us for free advice and information by calling our helpline 96 670 3748 or visiting our website www.abacoadvisers.com

Life Rascals getting ready for Christmas THE RASCALS will celebrate 30 years of performing next year and in that time they have raised well over 100,000₏ for local charities and causes both locally on the Costa Blanca and for disaster relief abroad. By Keith Nicol Over the years their performances have benefited such local charities as HELP, Age Concern, APANEE, Red Cross, ALPE (including their annual Christmas party where they give gifts to all the students), Alzheimer’s Association Torrevieja (Torrevieja AFA), AECC, Animal Charities and disaster relief among others. This association was founded in 1984 with the objective of raising funds for charities through music and dance concerts and raffles among its members. In their early years, they performed in the streets and squares of the urbanization of La Siesta, performing on a stage for the first time in Torrevieja Municipal Auditorium in 2004, as part of the Cultural Programme. The Rascals give 100% of their ticket sales towards charity, relying on other donations, and sponsorship to help with costumes, scenery, music and incidental expenses, to keep the shows on the road. This week a group of Rascals took a break from their rehearsals for their December production of Odyssey.

The Rascals taking a break from their rehearsals

Although most of the Rascals may be pensioners, they are certainly young at heart and new members are always welcome to come along and be part of this well established group. At present they are looking for somebody to join their team who is interested in music and has a reasonable

knowledge of computers and how to download/splice tracks from the internet and who would be willing to play the music through the theatre sound systems. For further information of the group look on their website www.therascals.org or contact Jill on 966 727 282 or mobile 676 363 465.

Life Showbiz Goss Celebrity Clips

CH4 HAVE come up with a new show called Sexbox, and yep! You guessed it! couples will be put into a box in a studio and they will have sex. Mariella Frostrup will be hosting the show, date not yet set, and the couple will be analysed by sexperts once they´ve finished their cigarettes. Keep an eye in your TV paper. The business of next James Bond has reared its ugly head again, and the author of the new Bond novel William Boyd stated “Daniel Day-Lewis actually resembles the Bond that Ian Fleming describes … tall, lean and rangy like Hoagy Carmichael” he added … Who? I hear you say! A movie called ´Filth’ went on general release today and James McAvoy who plays the lead role said “It asks a lot of the audience, and there will be people who´ll walk out of the cinema.” James, who plays a bent cop in the film which is filled with sex, drugs and violence then added “some people won’t understand it and get totally lost, but for those who don’t, I think they’ll really love it.’ You´ve got me hooked mate.

04-10 OCT 2013



Peter Taylor

Writer and Broadcaster

It Never Rainiers But it Pours THERE IS, and always will be, a great chasm between true art in the cinema and what is purely a financially driven exercise strapped to the desire to earn vast amounts of cash. Jack Nicholson was here last week on a similarly related subject and I have a tale for you today that seems to have got itself stuck somewhere in the middle of this sad old scenario. A movie called ´Grace of Monaco´ was shown at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year and unfortunately for the producers Prince Albert II of Monaco and his sisters sat and watched the film and afterwards the Prince was quoted as saying “the movie contained ´major historical untruths´ and a series of purely fictional scenes”… oh dear oh dear, and just wait till you find out what has since happened. The release date of the film, which was supposed to be next month, now has no actual release date, only that it will be sometime next year with a statement coming from makers The Weinstein Company who said about director Olivier Dahan “he has been given more time to complete the Grace Kelly biopic.” … oh dear oh double dear. What is even more of a disaster for the Weinstein peeps is that by

taking the movie off the scheduling for next month they are going to miss all the awards ceremonies that take place in the early months of the year, and they attempted to cover up this dodgy old faux pas when they said “The Weinstein Company are now more focused on commercial success at the box office rather than hoping to pick up any awards at the BAFTAs or Oscars.” The film sounds very promising focusing on Prince Rainier´s fierce battle of wills with French president Charles de Gaulle over Monaco’s status as a tax haven, and with it coming out of Hollywood that Nicole Kidman´s portrayal of Grace Kelly is sure to get an Oscar nomination, she must be a very unhappy bunny right now.

Has Gary Scored an Own Goal? THE SUBJECT matter of this next item is football, so if there are any grass widows out there you might find this storyline a tad useful as Match of The Day has recently come under some serious criticism. In 1999 the then golden boy of football

Gary Lineker took over the show from Des Lynham and he seemed to step into the hot seat with the greatest of ease. However the whole show has come in for a verbal lashing with a statement that read “the highlights programme is of poor quality and doesn’t provide enough analysis”, yep! That’s pretty much straight to the point. But our Gary boy was not short in coming forward with his reply when he told Digital Spy “any lapse in quality

is down to the small amount of time we have to put the show together,” then biting in he added “it´s difficult since viewers expect different things,” then he nailed it when he said “there are some people who would like more analysis and less action and there are some people that would like no analysis and all action.” Who was it that said … ´You can’t please all of the people all of the time´… how right they were.


04-10 OCT 2013

Life TV

4th October - 10th October

FRIDAY 4th October BBC1





07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Rip Off Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Real Rescues 12:45 Claimed and Shamed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Country Show Cook Off 17:15 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Ronnie’s Animal Crackers 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Miranda 22:00 Have I Got News for You 22:30 Citizen Khan 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Kevin Bridges - The Story Continues 24:35 The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Real Rescues 08:45 Claimed and Shamed 09:15 Wanted Down Under 10:00 Flog It! Trade Secrets 11:00 Question Time 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Gymnastics 16:00 Great British Menu 16:30 Animal Park 17:15 South Pacific 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 21:00 Mastermind 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 Natural World 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather 24:05 Later with Jools Holland

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Gino’s Italian Escape 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:35 Mickey Blue Eyes

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 According to Jim 08:30 Will & Grace 08:55 Frasier 09:25 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Four Rooms 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 River Cottage 14:05 Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures 14:25 The Black Knight 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 24:10 Big Fat Quiz of the 90s

07:00 Childrens TV 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Police Interceptors 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 The Mentalist 16:15 Ice Twisters 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 NewsTalk Live 20:00 World’s Strongest Man 21:00 Monster Moves 22:00 NCIS 23:00 Under Siege

CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS 728 CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 3 Impassive; 8 Look; 9 Paralysed; 10 Warden; 11 Revel; 14 Agree; 15 Sift; 16 Ruffs; 18 Poop; 20 Wheel; 21 Manse; 24 Senior; 25 Foresight; 26 Veto; 27 Beats time. Down: 1 Blow-lamps; 2 Court-room; 4 Mean; 5 Aware; 6 Styles; 7 View; 9 Peter; 11 Rifle; 12 Life-lines; 13 Stillroom; 17 Sweet; 19 Patent; 22 Shift; 23 Moke; 24 Sham.

QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 3 Precision; 8 Real; 9 Overpower; 10 Meagre; 11 Deter; 14 Terse; 15 Name; 16 Ratio; 18 Void; 20 Clasp; 21 Teach; 24 Junior; 25 Indicator; 26 Just; 27 Statement. Down: 1 Primitive; 2 Maladroit; 4 Rove; 5 Curse; 6 Spoken; 7 Open; 9 Order; 11 Ditch; 12 Rapacious; 13 Temperate; 17 Occur; 19 Desist; 22 Charm; 23 Unit; 24 Join.


07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Emmerdale 07:55 Life’s Funniest Moments 08:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 The Real Housewives of New York City 11:35 The Real Housewives of Vancouver 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Emmerdale 14:30 Life’s Funniest Moments 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Vancouver 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 The X Factor USA 23:00 Fast & Furious


07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Glee 11:00 New Girl 11:30 The Mindy Project 12:00 Rules of Engagement 12:30 Charmed 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 New Girl 16:30 The Mindy Project 17:00 Rules of Engagement 17:30 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 How I Met Your Mother 22:00 Marley & Me 24:20 Rude Tube

What’s on Viva TV this week Viva TV broadcasts on the Torresat Network every day from 2.00pm until 10pm And you can watch all our programmes and find our full listings at www.vivatv.es Friday 4 Oct Let’s Talk – Simon is with young local international model Emma Busson who has walked the catwalks around Europe and appeared in the best known glossy fashion magazines. 18.30 Saturday 5 Oct Celebrity Archive – Keith Barron, actor and TV presenter who’s roles included the lead in TV sitcom Duty Free. 18.00 Sunday 6 Oct Buying A Car In Spain – If you are looking to purchase a new car here then check this out for some important hints and tips. 18.30 Monday 7 Oct Easy Horse Care Foundation – an in depth look at what EHC has done over the past 5 years, some of

the heartbreaking stories of the horses and looking positively to the future. 18.30 Tuesday 8 Oct Run For Your Wife – the AdHoc Theatre Group present this hilarious comedy farce at the San Fulgencio Theatre, written by Ray Cooney. 18.05 Wednesday 9 Oct An Evening With... A Welsh Male Choir live at the Palacio de Musica in Torrevieja singing a fantastic mix of traditional and international songs. 19.00 Thursday 10 Oct Let’s Talk Special – Viva TV were invited to the Ambassador’s residence in Madrid to conduct the last TV interview with Giles Paxman before he leaves the post. He talks about the highlights of his time in Spain as well as his views on Gibraltar. 18.05

SATURDAY 5th October BBC1







07:00 Breakfast

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:50 Johnny Angel 09:05 San Demetrio London 10:40 Reel History of Britain 11:10 The Life of Birds 12:00 Fred Dibnah’s Industrial Age 12:30 University Challenge 13:00 The A to Z of TV Cooking 13:45 Rachel Allen: Bake! 14:10 EastEnders 16:00 The House That £100K Built 17:00 The Wonder of Dogs 18:00 Flog It! 19:00 Robert Peston Goes Shopping 20:00 Count Arthur Strong 20:30 Natural World 21:30 Dad’s Army 22:00 The 70s 23:00 The Sarah Millican Slightly Longer Television Programme 23:40 Mock the Week 24:10 Precious (Base on Nol by Saf) (Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire)

07:00 Childrens TV 08:15 Canimals 08:25 Sooty 08:35 Horrid Henry 08:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 09:15 Bottom Knocker Street 09:30 Munch Box 10:25 ITV News 10:30 Saturday Cookbook 11:25 Murder, She Wrote 12:25 ITV News and Weather 12:35 Surprise Surprise 13:35 Catchphrase 14:20 Doc Martin 15:20 The X Factor 16:50 Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 18:35 ITV News Central 18:45 ITV News and Weather 19:00 New You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 Fool Britannia 20:00 The Chase 21:00 The X Factor 22:50 Through the Keyhole 23:50 ITV News and Weather 24:05 Mercury Rising

07:05 The Treacle People 07:15 Rallycross 07:40 FIM Superbike World Championship 08:05 Great Scottish Swim 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 The American Football Show 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:00 The Big Bang Theory 12:30 The Big Bang Theory 13:00 The Simpsons 13:30 The Secret Millionaire USA 14:30 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Come Dine with Me 17:40 Come Dine with Me 18:10 Come Dine with Me 18:40 Come Dine with Me 19:10 Come Dine with Me 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 21:00 Grand Designs 22:00 Friends with Benefits 24:05 Easy A

07:00 Childrens TV 08:55 Little Princess 09:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:35 Angelina Ballerina 09:50 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 09:55 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:10 Toby’s Travelling Circus 10:25 Roary the Racing Car 10:40 Jelly Jamm 10:55 Power Rangers: Megaforce 11:30 Slugterra 11:55 Inside Hollywood 12:00 Animal Maternity 13:00 Columbo: Short Fuse 14:30 The Magnificent Seven 17:00 Battle of the Bulge 19:45 Blood Alley 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Lethal Weapon 3 24:25 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

07:00 Coronation Street 09:00 Emmerdale 11:50 The X Factor USA 12:45 The X Factor USA 14:30 Girlfriends 15:30 Peter Andre: My Life 16:30 You’ve Been Framed! 17:00 You’ve Been Framed! 17:30 You’ve Been Framed! 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 18:35 Mr Bean’s Holiday 20:20 The Lost World: Jurassic Park 22:50 The Xtra Factor 23:50 Celebrity Juice 24:35 The Magaluf Weekender

07:00 Being Erica 07:45 Gok’s Style Secrets 08:35 Ugly Betty 09:35 Charmed 10:35 Glee 11:35 90210 12:35 Rules of Engagement 13:05 Rules of Engagement 13:35 Rules of Engagement 14:05 Rules of Engagement 14:35 The Mindy Project 15:05 The Big Bang Theory 15:35 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 The Spy Next Door 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 How I Met Your Mother 20:30 Suburgatory 21:00 New Girl 21:30 New Girl 22:00 Run Fatboy Run 24:00 Slither

11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Paul Hollywood’s Bread 13:00 Football Focus 13:45 Sportsday 14:00 BBC News; Regional News 14:15 Formula 1 15:30 Live Gymnastics 17:30 Final Score 18:10 BBC News; Regional News 18:30 Pointless Celebrities 19:20 Strictly Come Dancing 21:25 Atlantis 22:10 The National Lottery Live 22:25 Casualty 23:15 BBC News; Weather 23:30 Match of the Day 24:55 The Football League Show

SUNDAY 6th October BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 08:40 Match of the Day 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Sunday Morning Live 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 MOTD2 Extra 14:00 BBC News 14:15 Bargain Hunt 15:00 Formula 1 17:00 Points of View 17:15 Songs of Praise 17:50 The Great British Year 18:50 BBC News; Regional News 19:20 Countryfile 20:20 Strictly Come Dancing 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 22:00 By Any Means 23:00 BBC News; Regional News 23:25 Match of the Day 2 24:45 The Sky at Night

07:00 This Is BBC Two 08:05 Dance, Girl, Dance 09:30 Gardeners’ World 10:00 The Beechgrove Garden 10:30 James Martin’s Food Map of Britain 11:00 James Martin’s Food Map of Britain 11:30 Live Athletics 14:30 Live Gymnastics 17:30 Flog It! 18:00 Super League 19:00 Great British Railway Journeys 19:30 The Great British Bake Off 20:30 The Ginge, the Geordie and the Geek 21:00 The Crane Gang 22:00 The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors 23:00 The Wrong Mans 23:30 QI XL 24:15 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 24:45 The Year of Living Dangerously

07:00 Babar and the 08:15 Canimals 08:25 Sooty 08:35 Horrid Henry 08:45 Horrid Henry 09:00 Almost Naked Animals 09:15 Bottom Knocker Street 09:30 Fish Hooks 09:45 Fish Hooks 10:00 Big Time Rush 10:25 Ade in Britain 11:20 Columbo: Last Salute to the Commodore 13:15 ITV News and Weather 13:25 Inside the National Trust 14:25 The X Factor 16:15 Fool Britannia 16:40 Big Star’s Little Star 17:45 Downton Abbey 18:45 ITV News Central 18:55 ITV News and Weather 19:10 Surprise Surprise 20:10 The X Factor 22:00 Downton Abbey 23:05 ITV News and Weather 23:20 The Classic BRIT Awards 2013 24:50 Premiership Rugby Union

07:35 The American Football Show 08:30 Hard Knocks 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Simpsons 14:00 Channel 4 Racing 16:45 Turner & Hooch 18:40 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:00 World’s Weirdest Weather 21:00 Kevin McCloud’s Man Made Home 22:00 Homeland 23:05 Was It Something I Said? 23:40 Gogglebox 24:30 Alan Carr: Chatty Man

07:00 Childrens TV 08:55 Little Princess 09:10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:45 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 09:50 Mio Mao 10:00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:10 Toby’s Travelling Circus 10:25 Roary the Racing Car 10:40 Jelly Jamm 11:00 The Mr Men Show 11:15 Power Rangers: Super Samurai 11:50 Slugterra 12:20 Inside Hollywood 12:25 Cowboy Builders 13:25 Cowboy Builders 14:25 Cowboy Builders 15:30 Innerspace 17:50 The Time Machine 19:30 Superman II 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Killers 24:05 Date Movie

07:00 Beauty and the Geek 07:45 Emmerdale 10:20 Coronation Street 12:50 You’ve Been Framed! 13:50 You’ve Been Framed! 14:50 Step Up 2 the Streets 16:50 The X Factor 18:50 The Xtra Factor 19:50 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 22:00 The Xtra Factor 23:00 The Only Way Is Essex 24:00 The Wedding Singer

07:00 Charlie’s Angels 07:40 Charlie’s Angels 08:20 Ugly Betty 09:10 Charmed 10:05 How I Met Your Mother 10:35 How I Met Your Mother 11:05 Hollyoaks 13:40 2 Broke Girls 14:10 2 Broke Girls 14:40 Rules of Engagement 15:05 Rules of Engagement 15:35 The Mindy Project 16:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:30 The Big Bang Theory 17:00 How I Met Your Mother 17:30 How I Met Your Mother 17:55 How I Met Your Mother 18:25 The Big Bang Theory 18:55 The Big Bang Theory 19:20 The Big Bang Theory 19:50 How I Met Your Mother 20:15 Rules of Engagement 20:45 Bandslam 23:00 Rude Tube 24:00 Rules of Engagement 24:30 Don’t Trust the B**** in Apartment 23

04-10 OCT 2013


monday 7th October BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Real Rescues 12:45 Claimed and Shamed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Keeping Up Appearances 15:45 Keeping Up Appearances 16:15 Perfection 17:00 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Inside Out 21:00 EastEnders 21:30 Panorama 22:00 Motorway Cops 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 24:20 Citizen Khan 24:50 Sparkle

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Real Rescues 08:50 Claimed and Shamed 09:20 Wanted Down Under 10:05 Watchdog 11:05 The Incredible Spice Men 11:35 Click 12:00 BBC News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Mastermind 14:30 Weakest Link 15:15 Great British Menu 15:45 Floyd on Food 16:15 Are You Being Served? 16:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:20 Cagney and Lacey 18:05 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 21:00 University Challenge 21:30 Tom Kerridge’s Proper Pub Food 22:00 The Midwives 23:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Countrywise 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:35 The Agenda 24:05 Through the Keyhole

07:00 The Treacle People 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 According to Jim 08:30 Will & Grace 08:55 Frasier 09:25 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Four Rooms 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 River Cottage 14:05 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 14:10 Only the Valiant 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Jamie’s Money Saving Meals 21:30 Gadget Man 22:00 999: What’s Your Emergency? 23:00 Sex Box 24:00 Educating Yorkshire

07:00 Childrens TV 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:45 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:10 Peppa Pig 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Nature Shock 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Castle 16:15 Goodnight for Justice: the Measure of a Man 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 NewsTalk Live 20:00 Beat the Ancestors 21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 Inside Broadmoor 23:00 Under the Dome 23:55 Reservoir Dogs

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Coronation Street 08:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 The Real Housewives of New York City 11:35 The Real Housewives of Vancouver 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Vancouver 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 The X Factor 22:00 Peter Andre: My Life 23:00 Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Glee 11:00 New Girl 11:30 The Mindy Project 12:00 Rules of Engagement 12:30 Charmed 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 New Girl 16:30 The Mindy Project 17:00 Rules of Engagement 17:30 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 New Girl 21:30 New Girl 22:00 90210 23:00 Hollyoaks Later 24:00 Big Fat Quiz of the 80s

tuesday 8th October BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Real Rescues 12:45 Claimed and Shamed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Keeping Up Appearances 15:45 Keeping Up Appearances 16:15 Perfection 17:00 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Holby City 22:00 DIY SOS 23:00 BBC News 23:35 The Day I Got My Sight Back


07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Real Rescues 08:50 Claimed and Shamed 09:20 Wanted Down Under 10:05 Britain’s Big Wildlife Revival 11:05 The Incredible Spice Men 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Mastermind 14:30 Weakest Link 15:15 Great British Menu 15:45 Floyd on Food 16:15 Are You Being Served? 16:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:15 Cagney and Lacey 18:00 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing 20:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:00 The Wrong Mans 22:30 The Sarah Millican Television Programme

wednesday 9th October BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Real Rescues 11:45 The Queen’s Baton Relay Launch 13:00 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Keeping Up Appearances 15:45 Keeping Up Appearances 16:15 Perfection 17:00 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 20:00 The One Show 21:00 Watchdog 22:00 The Great British Year 23:00 BBC News 23:35 Father Figure 24:05 Room 101 - Extra Storage 24:45 Trust the Man


07:00 Homes Under the Hammer 08:00 Real Rescues 08:45 Animal Park 09:15 Wanted Down Under 10:00 Hairy Bikers’ Meals on Wheels Back on the Road 11:00 The Incredible Spice Men 11:30 See Hear 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Mastermind 14:30 Weakest Link 15:15 Great British Menu 15:45 Floyd on Food 16:15 Are You Being Served? 16:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:15 Cagney and Lacey 18:00 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing 20:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 21:00 The House That £100K Built 22:00 This World 23:00 The Culture Show 23:30 Newsnight

ITV1 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 The Pride of Britain Awards 2013 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:35 Hearts in Atlantis

ITV1 07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News and Weather 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News and Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Big Star’s Little Star 22:00 Whitechapel 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:35 Exposure 24:35 James Nesbitt’s Ireland

CHANNEL 4 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 According to Jim 08:25 Will & Grace 08:55 Frasier 09:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Four Rooms 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 River Cottage 14:05 Bear Island 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Sex Box 21:00 Double Your House for Half the Money 22:00 Masters of Sex 23:15 London Irish 23:50 8 Out of 10 Cats 24:50 The Simpsons

CHANNEL 5 07:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Animal Maternity 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 16:10 The Boy She Met Online 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 NewsTalk Live 20:00 Jungle Babies: Tarsier Tails 20:30 The Dog Rescuers 21:00 Cowboy Builders 22:00 CSI: NY 23:00 Castle 24:00 Body of Proof

itv2 07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Coronation Street 08:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 The Real Housewives of New York City 11:35 The Real Housewives of Vancouver 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Vancouver 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Peter Andre: My Life 22:00 The Magaluf Weekender 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 The Chronicles of Riddick


07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Glee 11:00 New Girl 11:30 The Mindy Project 12:00 Rules of Engagement 12:30 Charmed 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 New Girl 16:30 The Mindy Project 17:00 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Rules of Engagement 22:30 Happy Endings 23:00 Hollyoaks Later 24:00 The Cleveland Show 24:30 The Big Bang Theory





07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 According to Jim 08:25 Will & Grace 08:55 Frasier 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Four Rooms 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 River Cottage 14:05 Gambit 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Sex Box 21:00 The Three Day Nanny 22:00 Grand Designs 23:00 Gogglebox 23:50 My Tattoo Addiction 24:50 More Sex Please, We’re British

07:00 Childrens TV 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 The Railway: First Great Western 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:15 Nora Roberts’ Tribute 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 NewsTalk Live 20:00 Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 21:00 Animal Maternity 22:00 Fat for Cash 23:00 Wentworth Prison 24:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

07:00 Emmerdale 08:00 Life’s Funniest Moments 08:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 The Real Housewives of New York City 11:35 The Real Housewives of Vancouver 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:30 Life’s Funniest Moments 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Vancouver 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 The Wedding Singer 23:00 The Only Way Is Essex 24:00 Whip It

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Glee 11:00 New Girl 11:30 The Mindy Project 12:00 Rules of Engagement 12:30 Charmed 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 New Girl 16:30 The Mindy Project 17:00 Rules of Engagement 17:30 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Ever After: a Cinderella Story 23:00 Hollyoaks Later 24:00 Rude Tube


04-10 OCT 2013

THURSDAY 10th October BBC1






07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Fake Britain 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Real Rescues 12:45 Claimed and Shamed 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News; Weather 14:30 Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Keeping Up Appearances 15:45 Keeping Up Appearances 16:15 Perfection 17:00 Escape to the Country 17:30 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Waterloo Road 22:00 Truckers 23:00 BBC News 23:25 Regional News 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Real Rescues 08:50 Claimed and Shamed 09:20 Wanted Down Under 10:05 Robert Peston Goes Shopping 11:05 Plan It, Build It 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Mastermind 14:30 Weakest Link 15:15 Great British Menu 15:45 Floyd on Food 16:15 Are You Being Served? 16:45 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:15 Cagney and Lacey 18:00 Flog It! 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two 20:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 21:00 Trust Me I’m a Doctor 22:00 Peaky Blinders 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 This World

07:00 Daybreak 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 14:55 ITV News Central 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News Central 19:30 ITV News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Pat and Cabbage 22:00 Breathless 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News Central 23:40 Gone

07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 According to Jim 08:25 Will & Grace 08:55 Frasier 09:25 Frasier 09:55 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:00 Four Rooms 12:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 River Cottage 14:05 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 14:15 The Anderson Tapes 16:10 Countdown 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 Sex Box 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Educating Yorkshire 23:00 My Tattoo Addiction 24:05 999: What’s Your Emergency?

07:00 Childrens TV 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Police Interceptors 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 NCIS 16:15 Living with the Enemy 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 NewsTalk Live 20:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 21:00 The Railway: First Great Western 22:00 Countdown to Murder 23:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 23:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:55 Inside Hollywood

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Life’s Funniest Moments 08:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:10 You’ve Been Framed! 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 The Real Housewives of New York City 11:35 The Real Housewives of Vancouver 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Life’s Funniest Moments 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Vancouver 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 The X Factor USA 22:00 Tricked 23:00 Celebrity Juice 23:50 The Magaluf Weekender 24:50 Crazy Beaches

E4 07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Glee 11:00 New Girl 11:30 The Mindy Project 12:00 Rules of Engagement 12:30 Charmed 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 New Girl 16:30 The Mindy Project 17:00 Rules of Engagement 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 How I Met Your Mother 22:00 Don’t Trust the B**** in Apartment 23 22:30 Suburgatory 23:00 Hollyoaks Later

Life tech

04-10 OCT 2013

with Aunty Virus

Email auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com

Laptop power problem have a problem with my laptop when I switch on - the power LED comes on, I hear the fan and the hard drive for couple of seconds but then it goes all quiet as if the fan goes off and the drive stops spinning and then nothing happens. However, the LED on the ON/OFF switch stays on. I then switch it OFF and then switch it ON several times before it boots up. I would be grateful for your advice. Many thanks, Saeed DEAR AUNTY Virus: Hope you are keeping well and still helping readers with their problems as I have not been able to get RTN where I live now. I

Aunty says: If the laptop starts but does not boot up to Windows, then it sound like some form of hardware issue, and it could be the first indications of

Outlook Express Dear Aunty: Could you help please? A friend of mine likes to use Outlook Express for sending emails, but for some reason she needs to sign-in again to her Outlook Express account and unfortunately she can’t remember her password. I have had a look at her computer and I can’t see on the Outlook Express signing in page anywhere that you can click on if you have forgotten your password like you get on some websites. Could you tell us how to contact Outlook Express to find or reset her password? Thanking you - Tony. Aunty says: Outlook Express is purely an email ‘reader’. Email account settings will not be able to be changed or found within Outlook Express - and so Outlook Express will not be able to help you with a password reminder. To find these settings, you must go to the ‘web email’ service for your email provider. For example, for a Gmail account, go to gmail.com, and go into your account or try their password reminder service.

things getting worse, the start of a cry for help. So do a back-up onto a disk or USB stick of any important files on there just in case! Before they start, PCs go through a series of checks, like a memory check, to make sure things are all working. Sometimes they show these checks on the screen whilst they boot up, and so you can see what is causing the problem. And sometimes the ‘beeps’ during boot can give a clue as to what the problem can be… By the way RTN is available online at www.roundtownnews.com - which has ‘electronic’ versions of the newspaper - so no excuse not to read!

How to delete a folder in outlook HI AUNTY: Please could you tell me how to delete empty folders in Outlook e-mail? I can’t find any way to do it. Many thanks, Terry. Aunty says: In Outlook, simply right click on the folder and a small menu will appear with various options, one of which is ‘Delete’. When you select this, you will get a warning / confirmation message: ‘Are you sure you want to delete your folder? Any emails in this folder will be moved to the Deleted items folder’. Other options include ‘Rename’ the folder, ‘Empty’ the folder, and create a new subfolder.


04-10 OCT 2013


Gadget Inspector Investigates:

IncrediSonic Digital Mini Media Player THIS WEEK the Inspector takes a look at the IncrediSonic Ultra Play IMP150 - HD TV Digital Mini Media Player. The Incredi-What? This nifty little device will play your downloaded media files (movies, video and picture files) directly onto your HD Ready (720/1080p) TV set. How do you know if your TV set is HD Ready? Well if it has an HDMI input then this little player will work with it! All you need to do is copy the downloaded content you want to watch from your PC onto a USB flash/hard drive (up to 1TB, NTFS or FAT32 filesystem) or SD/MMC/MS memory card (up to 64GB), plug into the IncrediSonic port, connect up to the TV set using an HDMI cable (not included) or the included AV cables, connect to the mains (UK/EU adapter supplied) and away you go! And you won´t need to be clearing all the ornaments away from the TV set either, this little unit is a mere 10.2 x 10.2 x 15.2cm – absolutely miniscule! No worries about controlling the IncrediSonic Digital Mini Media Player either: it is supplied with a full function remote controller allowing you access to the simple and easy to follow on-screen menus. With the IncrediSonic Ultra Play IMP150 - HD TV Digital Mini Media Player you´ll soon be enjoying Full-HD video playback and crystal-clear digital audio. And there’s no up-scaling either – this is a process by which a video is converted to display on a larger size screen – the IncrediSonic plays at the original full HD resolution, whether that be 720p or 1080p resolution. And with support of RM/RMVB/AVI/DIVX/MKV/MOV/ HDMOV/MP4/PMP/AVC/FLV/ VOB/MPG/DAT/MPEG/H.264/

MPEG1/2/4 and WMV file formats there shouldn’t be many that this little wonder won´t take in its stride. The Inspectors Verdict: The IncrediSonic Ultra Play IMP150 - HD TV Digital Mini Media Player is a compact and easy to use solution to playing media files on your TV set and removes the need to keep plugging in your laptop/PC when you want to watch downloaded content. Sweet! Please note the following is for information and is not intended as an advertisement visit www.gadget-hound.co.uk/mini-media-player to purchase the IncrediSonic Ultra Play IMP150 - HD TV Digital Mini Media Player for 35€. Price quoted includes delivery to Spain and is subject to availability (Euro cost subject to exchange rate at time of purchase).

Stress Check by Azumio

We all get stressed out....fact! This Android app is an innovative tool available for quantifying your level of psychological or physical stress. By measuring your heart rate through the camera and light features on your Android device, Stress Check can estimate your level of stress in real time. Using Stress Check by Azumio you will be able to: -Quantify your level of stress -Determine the effects of different stressors -Control stress and observe progress -Reduce chances of certain chronic diseases known to be correlated with stress You can save the data and then monitor your stess levels wherever you are. Available to download from Google Play on all Android devices.

04-10 OCT 2013

Life travel


Albocera´s church and Castle house

IT COMES to something when you’re trying to describe a place and the best thing you can think of is, “Well the stones on the church steps are laid out in a pretty pattern.” That’s about it for Albocera, I’m afraid. Someone was practising scales on a xirimita, the Valencian wind instrument that sounds wonderful in the hands of an expert but like a cat with its nuptials caught in a vice when in the hands of a learner, while I stood in front of the church, the Iglesia de la Asunción, admiring the stones. Apart from that and a few pigeons cooing and the rustle of papers blowing across the square, all was silent. I was in a forgiving mood, though, because I’d just driven from Morella where it was freezing and the drop from Ares de Maestre, at 1,137 metres, plus the evening sun breaking through the heavy grey cloud that had hung over me all day had warmed the cockles a bit. In the square which bore no name but housed both the Town Hall and the church so could equally correctly be called Plaza de Ayuntamiento or Plaza de la Iglesia,

I saw something completely inexplicable – at least to me. There was a very nice mock Victorian street lamp fixed to a wall covered by a tin shield. At first sight I imagined that it must be a bin put there by some of the village lads by way of a jape, but when I looked around, all of them were like that: very strange. I took a walk to the Calvario in the hope that I might find something interesting. It might have been the most interesting in Spain, but I’ll never know because the gates were well and truly fastened with a big padlock and chain. I did learn, though, that it was built between the 18th and 19th Centuries and inside is an image of Christ on the cross with at his feet the three Maries and San Juan Evangelista. All this from a stick-on information panel fixed to the gate pillar. I also saw a nice little cuco, the small round stone houses that farmers used to use in the fields for storage and, in this case, with a curved pole sticking out the roof that would be attached to a donkey who would walk round and round the building pumping the water up from the well inside. There are some very nice houses, even


a strange sort of castle keep place, which I thought may be part of something bigger but turned out to be another house. There are some nice arches, a few decent Modernista buildings, a few little cobbled alleyways, a tiny Gothic chapel, closed, as ever, and there’s even the novelty of a bench set in the dried up river bed, so Lord alone knows where the pensioners sit if there’s ever a flood. Anywhere I saw anything that had even a semblance of history the stick-on information sheet had been torn off, leaving the odd corner still fixed to the backing board. I assumed that the anti-history vandals couldn’t be bothered to walk all the way to the Calvario otherwise I’d not have found so much enthralling information. Desperate for something to write about I went into the old village washhouse (info sheet missing) and for the first time in Spain found someone actually using it. I was so pleased that I stayed and chatted with the lady for a while and she said it was by far the best place to wash clothes when they were very dirty. Personally, I prefer the Zanussi. When I returned to the square to collect my car dusk was just settling and the lights on the church front were beginning to glow. It occurred to me that the bins over the street lamps were to diffuse their light. I’ve got one right outside my flat in Valencia, but I’d rather have the glow of a halogen lamp filling the room that look out on a dustbin!

This article is taken from Inland Trips from the Costa Blanca, a series of five ebooks, each of four excursions that cover the whole of the Valencian region. For further information and immediate download from Amazon.co.uk, visit www.spainuncovered.net


04-10 OCT 2013

Life fashion

Another first from Legs and Co LEGS AND CO is proud to announce the arrival of Nicola Jane mastectomy bras in Spain, new and exclusive to Legs & Co in the area. Legs and Co received requests in the past for mastectomy bras and they are now pleased to say that at long last they are going to be in stock, starting with a couple of lines from Nicola Jane recommended to MABS members as a first for value and fit. And they will be able to order other styles and sizes. The big advantage is that you can try the bra on with the help of friendly staff to make sure it fits properly, without any risk of having to pay return post. Legs and Co plan to invest in more full ranges of Nicola Jane lingerie and swimwear ready for next year and in addition, Naturana are also introducing a mastectomy bra early next year already on order to provide customers with a wider choice. With two shops, one in Los Alcazares and one in Puerto de Mazarron, Legs and Co is the longest established British Lingerie retailer in the region, offering a wide range of beautiful UKbranded lingerie, swimwear and

clothing from M&S, BHS and others, all in British sizes for that perfect fit. With bra cup sizes from 30C to 44J and swimwear in Sizes 8 to 24, Legs and Co caters for all shapes and sizes. And if you’re not sure, a FREE measuring and bra fitting is always available. Other items in Legs and Co shops include Surefit Seamless Bras, proving extremely popular for comfort and versatility and also the Naturana Shapewear range which Legs and Co can order directly from the manufacturer upon request in a size to suit you. Donna, Owner of Legs and Co said: “We have been established in the area for more than 10 years and are very grateful to the many loyal customers who come back to us year after year. We have more choice than any of our competitors and offer an unrivalled personal service.” Legs and Co is open from 10am to 3pm on Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm on Saturdays. Both shops are really easy to find. In Los Alcazares they are located on the beautiful Rio Nalon, opposite hombres and in Puerto de Mazarron, above the Mercadona Supermarket. You just drive up the ramp next to the Teapot Café or use the stairs or lifts inside either Mercadona or Furniture Plus stores.

Life recipe Sausage and Mash BACK TO basics, I thought, but then I couldn’t resist tinkering with something just a bit different. You might prefer baked beans with your sausages and why not? But if you fancy a change, give this a try? The magic ingredient is Marmite so you’ll either love it or hate it. • Your favourite mashed potatoes (enough for 4 people) • 1 kilo of your favourite sausages • 2 medium onions, peeled, halved and thinly sliced • ½ tsp Marmite • 6 tbls single cream or crème fraîche • 1 tsp ready made mustard • Oil for frying 1. While the potatoes are cooking, fry or grill the sausages until evenly brown. 2. Meanwhile, gently fry the onions in a little oil over a low heat for about 10 minutes until they are soft and just beginning to turn brown at the edges. Stir in the Marmite and mustard then add the cream and continue to heat until bubbling.

3. When everything is ready, pile the mashed potato in the middle of each plate and lean the sausages against the sides. Spoon over the onions and serve immediately with or without a good dollop of tomato ketchup. Serves 4 Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes Tip Try something different in your mash. Chopped leeks or finely shredded cabbage are good with a splash of olive oil, or try a mixture of potatoes and parsnips. A spoonful or two of mustard makes a change, perhaps with a little grated cheese or some chopped parsley.

If you have a recipe you would like to share with RTN Readers, email your recipe and if possible a photo to rtnmailroundtownnews.com

04-10 OCT 2013


Zumba with the Pink Ladies by Keith Nicol THE GRAND Design House, Casa La Pedrera, is holding an event for the AECC, Maria and the Pink Ladies, this Sunday, October 6th. It’s going to be ‘All day Dance Explosion’ Zumba party featuring talented pupils from the Kingsbury School of Dance, Christine from Polenastic introducing ‘Booaika’, the new dance! The event will also feature a lunch time show with ‘Suzy G’ and lots of other artists, plus an all day BBQ, afternoon tea and lots more going on. Maria and her Pink Ladies will be there joining in the fun and also making appointments for early detection program for Men and Ladies, offering a very important free service. It’s going to be a full, fun day for all.


04-10 OCT 2013

Life health

Back Chat

ONE OF life’s important things that can help to keep us healthy is having friends to talk to, someone to listen, to laugh with and share a story or two. IN SPAIN, it is a way of life for many people, who regularly meet with friends at a local bar or café. If you live on your own, this intended lifestyle can sometimes be difficult to achieve. One man, who lives on his own near Benijofar, often spends time in the local ‘El Graniano’ Café, after his treatment at The Benijofar Chiropractic Clinic next door. He enjoys the atmosphere and the company of the people at the café so much that he has come up with an idea to share this with other like-minded people. He is German and speaks good English and Spanish. At the clinic, we also thought it would be good to encourage other patients, living alone, or without many social plans through the weekdays, to come along and join in, have a coffee or a glass of something and enjoy the company of other people with similar interests. As part of this idea, the clinic is offering the opportunity to anyone attending the café to pop into the clinic and have a look around. You will be able to see our treatment rooms, understand more about the treatments offered and find out about the various problems we successfully treat. Dr Madsen has been a chiropractor for over 30 years, and has more than 21years experience with the use of lasers. In

Denmark, he was a pioneer of lasers, developing his own specific, patented laser systems. The lasers treat specific areas as opposed to the whole area. Laser light penetrates to the affected area and encourages the body to regenerate new cell growth, resulting in healthier joints, discs etc. Laser treatment has been particularly helpful in cases of stubborn, persistent and ‘difficult to treat’ conditions including chronic back pain, hip pain, neck pain and arthritis. Apart from the usual manipulation treatments available, the Chiropractic Clinic offers another professional treatment - Shockwave Therapy. This is an excellent and very popular addition to the treatment for osteoarthritis. If you would like to join in the fun of coffee and conversation for an hour or two, the group meet at 10am onwards every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesday, starting 8th October. Look for the man in the red cap. There is no agenda. Just come along, meet people and maybe make new friends. If you wish to find out more about the Benijofar Chiropractic Clinic, we would love to meet you on Tuesday mornings too, between 10.00 and 11.00 am. Please see our advert opposite, check our website, or call 96 618 5242 for more information.

Feel the difference At the Benijofar Chiropractic Clinic we have a plan to

get you moving. When our patients have continued with their individual treatment plan, many feel able to resume normal lives free of the inhibitions that they previously experienced.

Open Day

Tuesday 8th October 10.00 – 11.00am

Treatment for Osteoarthritis of the joints:

Dr Madsen has many years experience using Shockwave Therapy. Over time, calcification can build up affecting the joints of the shoulders, hips and knees, for example. Shockwave therapy removes these calcifications that builds up around joints which help to release trapped nerves resulting in more movement and less pain.Patients are then treated with laser therapy, which helps to regenerate new cell growth. You don’t have to put up with pain. Please see our website for more information or come and talk to us. We can help you to feel better.

TEL: 966 185 242 / 693 371 616 / 617

www.chiropractor-benijofar.es | info@chiropractor-benijofar.es _____________________________________________ MON & WED: 10.00 - 13.50 & 15.00 - 18.00 TUES & THURS: 15.00 – 18.00 FRI: 10.00 – 13.30 Calle Federico Garcia Lorca, No. 90 L-8 03178 Benijofar (opposite Citroen Garage)

The El Graniano café is situated next door to the Chiropractic Clinic, on Calle Federico Garcia Lorca, No. 90 in Benijofar.

Algorfa Chiropractic Clinic Dr Xavier Dutey-Harispe D.C Carretera Almoradi, No.18 Bajo. 03169, Algorfa Tel: 965 071 898 / 618 337 616 (out of clinic hours)

The importance of Good Posture The human body craves alignment. When we are properly aligned, our bones, not our muscles, support our weight, reducing effort and strain. The big payoff with proper posture is that we feel healthier, have more energy, and move more easily. Good posture is a way of doing things with more energy, less stress and fatigue. Without good posture, you can actually damage your spine every time you exercise. Poor posture distorts the alignment of the bones, leading to conditions such as sciatica, lower back pain, neck pain etc and in some cases in later life, can result in osteoarthritis of the joints. “the more mechanically distorted a person is, the less energy is available for thinking, metabolism, and healing.� Chiropractic care realigns the spine resulting in optimal health for the whole body. Why not take advantage of our free Posture Screening Analysis.. Our patients have been amazed by the results Hours of opening: Tuesday & Wednesday: Thursday:




9.00 - 14.00 16.00 - 21.00



04-10 OCT 2013

Life horoscopes Guided by mighty Uranus as Saturn inconjuncts and soothes a troubled Scorpio. The reaction of this corner takes us to new heights just as new directions beckon to cover on some much wanted personal territory. This is a time when it is hard to please others, but a great time for you to take on something inspiring and new. All is not what it seems and this could very well be the calm before the storm. Venus trysts with a buoyant Neptune and a discerning Sagittarius. You may feel as if you have held things back for as long as you possibly can, but you are advised to look before you leap and not rock the boat just yet, your time will come sooner than you think. Mercury is fuelled by a stubborn and dominating aspect of Scorpio. You may have your work cut out, but above all just go with the flow for the sake of all concerned, since this is a time for resolution and transparency. Others have judged you unfairly, but you have a chance to make amends whilst showing you are not to be messed with. Expect that plans will change as new criteria brings with it a boost of energy towards completion of something very close to your heart. Nothing motivates you more than the truth of your actions and your sincerity in trying to make everybody happy in your actions. Say what you will, the best of times is now, and all this entails. Reverse energies of an ebullient Pisces works very well in your favour and allows you to examine aspects that currently need your attention. Sometimes you can be too close to see what really has to be done, but there comes a time to take the bull by the horns and to make a stand. Somebody will thank you for your honesty and positivity. You may be weighing up the pros and the cons, but the impetus for action has long gone. You need something to get your teeth into now that you have the chance. Mars is en route across the Cosmos right now to give you the heavy arm you need to fight your corner and win; since there is now no going back! Venus is enthralled by Sagittarius and working with the wisdom of Jupiter to bring about changes long overdue. Support you once had has gone, but there is a need for you to prove to yourself one way or another. This week may very well release the energy that you need to bring reality back into the equation, but still somebody isn’t listening. Saturn and Mercury ply for your attentions, and both have their take on with what you need right now. Above all seek some much needed calm and relaxation and stall for time if you have to, so long as your thoughts are translated into actions that all can see. There is something just around the corner so be patient and all will be revealed. Venus spreads a web of love around a project that is surviving on a wing and a prayer. You have put so much love into this that it cannot be allowed to fail; whatever has been said and however heavily you have been criticised. Love makes things happen, and you thrive on it, pity others can’t take a leaf out of your book. The actions of Pluto seem to be working well in your favour, especially as you have walked away from what must have been a sticky patch. Sometimes being analytical can help you best see things from all directions, and this makes it easier to see just what it is missing in the current scheme of things, and how you can get it back again. Uranus slides into Aries this week and makes things a lot easier since alternatives are eliminated and you were right all along. Getting your head down to study your way forward right now has revealed a loophole that could just work to your advantage if you let it. Take what has been said with a pinch of salt, you know what’s at stake. Neptune makes big and bold suggestions as you yourself start to examine a situation that is running out of control. If you knew then what you know now then things might not have turned out the way that they have. All this has brought change to your doorstep, and the final plans of yours will be the icing on your cake.

Kenny corris www.kennycorris.net Mobile: 686 361 594 Telephone: 965 878 424


MY MOTHER, Dodi, always spoke much about her life as a young woman in the Second World War. Whenever she did there was always a glimpse in her eye that saw her transported back to such a difficult time, but with many happy memories for her, despite the hostilities. One tale has always lodged in my mind, forever in my memory, as it certainly was in hers during her lifetime. London began to be bombarded with flying bombs, sent pilotless and unexpectedly, and they were mechanically controlled to fall and explode in specific situations. Such bombs were the Nazi’s V1 bombs. They noisily stuttered through the sky and were safe whilst they were flying. However when the control stopped, the whirrings ended, and an eerie silence prevailed, as then the bomb fell to Earth to reek devastation. They were nicknamed Doodlebugs. Dodi was working at the time in the Windmill Theatre. After three years of being a statue she had progressed to a moving role which involved two exquisite ostrich feathers being crossed over, exposing a leg, or two, or maybe a little more. Her body was liberally decorated with gauze in strategic areas whilst on stage, and she had satisfied an inspection in the front row, by the Office of the Lord Chamberlain, whose invitation to a subsequent dinner she declined politely. She was also earning an extra 30 shillings a week because she could move during the tableau. In these days she shared a flat in Pimlico with some other dancing girls. Her route to work at night was thus via St.

Kennys diary Coming Soon: Autumn Spiritual Fair in Altea La Vella. Please contact for information and further details. Readings in Albir: Mini readings available Monday October 7th and Wednesday October 9th at: Bistro Something Else (formerly The Maya Bistro) from 16.30. Bookings 966 868 213. DNA: A Workshop: A one day workshop that helps you to charge your own unique Spiritual DNA. A comprehensive workshop, open to all, that intensifies, accelerates and inspires Spiritual progress and indicates the clear way ahead. Dates in September/October, or can travel to your own group or organisation. For details please call Kenny directly on 686 361 594 or leave a message on: 96 587 8424. Meditation Workshop: Working with your Sanctuary is a half day workshop in Meditation technique. No previous experience necessary and all welcome as we explore our hidden depths. New dates. Call for info.

If it’s your birthday this week

James’s Park and Green Park, and it was such good exercise to walk to work. London in the blackout must have been so very strange. I have only ever known it as a city of light! One night Dodi set off at dusk, and walked the length of St James’s Park and was just crossing into Green Park when she heard the sound of a Doodlebug above her. She prayed for it to continue its journey, but it did not. The whirring faded away and there was a loud crack, and the bomb silently fell to the ground several feet away from her. Thinking she was going to die in the explosion, and having flung herself in a rose bush for protection, she nervously waited to see what would happen. Nothing did, and she remembered that a Warden appeared from nowhere and took her and another terrified young woman into his hut for some hot sweet tea. She was in shock, but the show did go on that night, amidst a `particularly violent bombardment of the East End as a backdrop. The tale of the lucky escape was fortunately the closest that Dodi ever got to the harsh reality of war was a few rose thorn scratches. Coming home to find your neighbours’ house had been bombed and that the whole family had died makes me wonder how anyone coped…..but they had to and so they did. Life can feel like a bomb has dropped. The eerie silence can be the calm before the storm. Let Spirit guide you safely along your pathway. Fate determines so much for us, but we have to do what we have to do, with no regrets and then we can look back at a life we have lived; and look forward to everything coming our way in the future, whatever comes, with no compromises. And the show must go on.

Love & Light... Kenny Corris


Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

Kenny, my daughter tells me off for living in the past, but I have so many good memories there. She doesn’t understand that getting old changes you, and I doubt she will until she is my age. I still mourn the death of my wonderful husband, Gordon, and I think that I always will. Betty K. Hi Betty. Nostalgia is good for the soul. Provided that you have space for the good times of now, that is. You can choose to mourn your entire life, but Gordon should be able to move on knowing that you have come to terms with things, and that no amount of sorrow or tears can bring him back. Yes you have the wonderful memories but they are the past, and new memories of now and the future are what your daughter is talking about. She obviously does love you very much and she wants you to have the very best, not a life spent in sorrow for what was and can never ever be again. Strike a balance here, Gordon wouldn’t want you to be unhappy…that I do know!

Take a second look at the negativity you have recently experienced and turn it around to your advantage once and for all. Everything comes to those who wait……but this wait has now to come to an end for every good reason you can imagine!


04-10 OCT 2013


Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword ACROSS 1. Objects of ridicule, but not to marksmen (5) 4. Musical swindler? (7) 8. His wife will be late (7) 9. Jargon used in various languages (5) 10. This month in Westminster (4) 11. Not a mind prepared to be masterful (8) 13. Knot sailors try to avoid (4) 14. Desert one’s post, though left in charge? (4) 16. It’s not right having more surplus (4,4) 17. A number with deposit money (4) 20. Often nuisances are a source of boredom (5) 21. Get together about a thousand odd police (7) 22. Confused Danes on board showing melancholy (7) 23. I hurried outside and collected private information (5)

Last weeks crossword answers can be found with the TV listings.

Word Ladders

DOWN 1. Where one may hear pins drop? (7,6) 2. Naturally they have their ups and downs (5) 3. Joined four quarters (4) 4. Small pigs making a distant noise (6) 5. Follower lacking in discipline (8) 6. A breach of security (7) 7. A conservative all one’s life? (5,2,3,3) 12. It may make a girl lightheaded (8) 13. Cultured and splendid in crimson (7) 15. Responds by breaking up crates (6) 18. Some material I bid for was not there, it’s said (5) 19. A doctor’s name (4)

The key rule is that you must only change one letter at a time as you move from one rung to another, and the word you make must be a proper word! Therefore you may move from BATH --> BATS but not from BATH --> CASH because that changes two letters in one go which is not allowed.

ACROSS 1. Vigilant (5) 4. Expand (7) 8. Right (7) 9. Traverse (5) 10. Encounter (4) 11. Beat soundly (8) 13. Hint (4) 14. Amusing activity (4) 16. Odd (8) 17. Motor-cab (4) 20. Perfect (5) 21. Sketch (7) 22. Chivalrous (7) 23. Foe (5)

DOWN 1. Obliging (13) 2. Weird (5) 3. Row (4) 4. Waver (6) 5. Gregarious (8) 6. Thrift (7) 7. Grievously (13) 12. Irregular soldier (8) 13. Hide (7) 15. Brigand (6) 18. Nimble (5) 19. Tardy (4)

Euromillions Draw Friday 27th September 2013

11 15 38 41 43



One single ticket purchased in Luxembourg won the jackpot Tuesday 1st October 2013

19 23 25 44 48

No ticket won the Jackpot




04-10 OCT 2013

TALKIN’ BALLS with Andrew James Sponsored by “The Three Lions” (Carrer de Manuel de Falla, Albir) The Best Footy Bar on the Costa Blanca; Showing Every Game, Every Week!

Unsung Heroes IN MY humble opinion, both Arsenal, and even more so Everton, have surpassed all expectations so far this season. THE GUNNERS currently lead the league with five wins from their opening six games while The Toffees lie in fourth spot having not yet tasted defeat this campaign. Most of the

credited for their respective club’s early season form has been lavished on Mesut Ozil, Aaron Ramsey, Romelu Lukaku and Ross Barkley but there is an unsung hero in each side that, for me, deserves an equal amount of praise – and neither of them cost a penny! As the transfer window began to close at the end of August, Arsene Wenger brought free agent Matthieu Flamini back to The Emirates while Roberto Martinez was able to snag Gareth Barry from Man City on a season-long loan and while neither signing particularly stood out as a master-stroke at the time, both have gone on to be invaluable for their new managers. The presence of Flamini as Arsenal’s holding midfielder has provided solidity far beyond fans’ expectations, but more importantly he is the base from which the likes of Ramsey, Ozil, Jack Wilshere and Santi Cazorla can operate and do their damage. Likewise, Barry enables prodigious talent Ross Barkley to operate with carte blanche in the final third, while wingers Steven Naismith and Kevin Mirallas can concentrate solely on providing striker Lukaku with the ammunition in front of goal. These unsung heroes remind me of Real Madrid’s Claude Makelele during the ‘Galacticos’ era. Of course, Zidane, Figo, Beckham, Raul and Ronaldo were all incredible players but it was the safety net of Makelele that gave them the license to go out and show the world what they could do - Flamini and Barry could be just as important this season.

THIS WEEK IN “THE LIONS”: Sat 5th Oct: Man City v Everton (1.45pm) Cardiff v Newcastle (4pm) Liverpool v C. Palace (4pm) Sunderland v Man United (6.30pm) Boxing: Klitschko v Povetkin (9.30pm) Sun 6th Oct: Norwich v Chelsea (2.30pm) Southampton v Swansea (2.30pm) Spurs v West Ham (5pm) West Brom v Arsenal (5pm) Plus all the action from Spain & Germany!

Racing…because golf, football and rugby only require one ball! VELOCITY RACING will be playing host to a stock car racing tournament to end all tournaments this coming Saturday. Taking place at Spain’s premier race track, the Cartagena Oval, the fun will begin at 6.30pm and continue for a full action-packed three hours. Dubbed ‘The Run to the Real Sun’, as this article went to print drivers from across the UK and Germany were making their way to Spain to join the men and women of Velocity. Drivers such as Mark Pope, an experienced banger racer and former Cornish Champion and Mark Sear, a driver experienced in racing bangers, national hot-rods and stock-rods. Their goal: to determine who has what it takes to become a Velocity Racing European Champion. With their pride at stake, the thrills and spills on the race track are expected to surpass even those of previous race events, providing a real family spectacle not to be missed. Normally priced at 5€ per adult, readers of the RTN can enjoy a 2 for 1 offer on the gate price – simply cut out the advert in this edition of the paper and bring it to the race track with you. And it doesn’t stop there – Velocity Racing has organised an evening of food and entertainment for Sunday to be

held at The New Tavern in San Miguel de Salinas. For just 10€ per head, guests can enjoy a delicious carvery followed by entertainment from Elvis tribute act Nigel Burchill. The fun will start at 7pm and all are welcome to come along. For directions to the Cartagena Oval, please visit www.velocityracing.eu

Three cheers for Elche: the girls and the boys IT MIGHT have been a bit of a ‘David and Goliath’ contest, but for Donna Welch the eventful and historic match between Elche CF and Real Madrid had another significance. Donna, at just 19-years-old, was signed earlier this year to play for Elche CF ladies’ team. She was spotted whilst playing for her local team, Rojales, and now, into her first season, she is delighted to be able to play a higher level of football against teams from all over the country. She is also delighted that her new signing means she is able to attend Elche home games: “We knew this year would be eventful the moment we learnt Elche had been promoted to ‘La Liga,’” explains Donna. Being part of the crowd at the Martinez Valero stadium in Elche was the chance of a lifetime. “…it was a very enjoyable match and the atmosphere was brilliant. I feel very privileged to have been part of it.” And the final score? “In many people’s opinion the penalty should never have been given. What a shame that Elche just missed out on the dream of taking a point from the almighty Real Madrid.”

Fishing Maggots End by

David Hoare 968 199 279

THE COMPETITION this week was the 4th round of the Winter Championship, held on the Eden canal stretch of the Rio Segura. This was a change from the original venue of Benijofar, as nature again is claiming its own and there are only eight pegs available. The river was the best it had been for some time with little flow and a reasonable colour. Mullet are now becoming more present but are still a nightmare to catch! However, the terrapins are now from small saucer size up to dinner plate size! There will be no club match next week as the club is away on a fishing festival at Arcos de la Frontera. TOP RODS ON THE DAY 1st: Lenny (Ex Cutural Attache) Bolton fishing the pole using pellet and paste with 11.35 kilos 2nd: Bill (The Master) Reade fishing the pole using pellet with 9.17 kilos 3rd: Ian (Irish Wizard) Dalzell fishing the pole using pellet with 6.80 kilos

PLEASE NOTE The club has some vacancies at present: if you are interested in joining please contact Derek Swann on 96 672 9293 or 603 535 771. ABBEY ANGLING RESULTS: Supplied by Terry Screen The 5th round of the Winter League was fished on the right hand side of the Mercadona Stretch on 24th September. With the stretch behind the Mercadona getting overgrown and with not enough pegs available it was decided to fish the other side of the road. Unfortunately, it was not the best decision that we have made as it did not produce: over the previous weekend four of the Club members practised on this water and all had 3kgs plus the best weight was 31 fish for just over 5kgs weighed - but the Carp on the day did not show and the weights were made up of Mullet with the occasional Carp. We decided to give this stretch of water a try, as at present the venues available are limited:

1st: Dave (Yours Truly) Hoare with 2.706kgs fishing the pole using bread 2nd: Tony (The Flower Man) Price with 2.062kgs fishing the feeder using maggot 3rd: Lennie (Ex cultural attaché) Bolton with 2.058kgs fishing the feeder using bread There will be no Club Match this coming week as most of the Club members are away at Arcos de la Fronteria on a fishing festival: all details are available at www.abbeyangling.com or from the Match Secretary Terry Screen on 96 532 8368. Anglers Together THE OBJECTIVE of Anglers Together was to introduce anglers to each other, who otherwise had no one to fish with or didn’t know where to fish. It was successful in bringing together many anglers who established friendships and which continue to this day. No meetings are held now but information is still available at: anglerstogether@hotmail.co.uk.

04-10 OCT 2013


They are getting clever Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Teaching Professional Alicante Golf 639 730 891

OVER THE next few weeks practically all the major golf club manufacturers will be launching new ranges of golf clubs and equipment to catch the Christmas season and to coincide with similar launches in America. This is the first time the manufacturers have launched new ranges in Europe alongside the launches in America but already I have seen fake clubs in the new colours and looks of the new ranges. I have barely seen the originals yet already the imitators are on the market and being bought by unsuspecting customers who mistakenly think there is no difference in performance to the real thing. Sadly, nowadays we even see websites set up to sell fake clubs, so be very careful where you buy. The fake clubs now look so good that the manufacturers are getting very worried about how they are going to stop this rapidly growing problem. Here in Spain we are very used to seeing fake items from watches to clothing and we all know that whilst they look good they do not perform the same and do not last; nor do they have any resale value if you want to sell them. The only real way to purchase golf clubs is to go an authorised retailer and try them, getting a proper fitting for the clubs that you want and that suit you personally the best. The days of buying golf clubs just because you like the look of them or because you

like a certain make because they are used by your favourite player are over. By going to an authorised retailer you will be given a guarantee and be able to register your purchases online with the manufacturer. All sets of irons and the vast majority of other golf clubs come with serial numbers attached to the label or on the label on the shaft, usually on irons on the six or eight iron, if you are in doubt about the authenticity of your clubs write down the serial numbers and email the manufacturers from their website and they will confirm if they are genuine clubs they have made. This may be a little time consuming but it is much better than buying a set of clubs and finding that after a month the shafts break and the paint is peeling and the labels are falling off. You cannot be too careful now as the fakes get more and more like the real thing in appearance. WIN A DOZEN SRIXON GOLF BALLS COURTESY OF GOLF MED Answer the question below correctly to have a chance to win. The winner of this fantastic prize will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection.

QUESTION FOR OCTOBER 4TH 2013 Which three golf courses are used for The Dunhill Links Championship? All answers must be received no later than 5pm on 31st October to be entered into October’s draw, to be made on 31st October 2013. The winner will be announced in RTN on November 8th 2013. To collect your prize you will have to come along to an RTN Golf Club day and meet with Noel Eastwell.

Which one is real and which one is a fake?

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com - Free golf lesson for all new RTN Golf members! Sign up now, limited offer

Tour Talk THE EUROPEAN Tour visited Scotland for The Dunhill Links Championship last week and as usual the links provided the supreme test of golfing ability. Too often now we see golf played on all too similar courses where shot making and imagination are frequently left redundant. That cannot ever be said when golf returns to its roots at the seaside and the traditional links ask the questions. David Howell is one of the nicest tour players you could possibly spend time with and after a very long seven and a half years he returned to winning ways after two extra holes against the American Peter Uhlien by holing for birdie on hole 18 at St Andrews. He now gets back amongst Europe’s golfing elite where he belongs. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 8th October, RTN weekly golf meeting at Alicante Golf 12th October, Callaway Demo day at Alicante Golf 19th October, RTN weekly golf meeting at Alicante Golf 26th October, RTN Weekly golf meeting at Alicante Golf

04-10 OCT 2013

Life cars Road Test - Hyundai i30 Tim Saunders Independent unbiased car reviewer

DIESEL ENGINES are still too noisy, in my opinion. I’ve driven Jaguars, Audis and BMWs and found that it is still easy to distinguish a diesel from a petrol-driven car by the tell-tale rattle. The appeal of diesels has also been tarnished by the fact that petrol engines are now becoming increasingly efficient; it is not uncommon for one to return over 50mpg these days. But if a diesel car is packaged correctly it can still be an attractive proposition. This brings me to the second generation Hyundai i30, which has frankly surprised me. The designers have gone to town and produced something that is noticeably different from the usual Fords, Vauxhalls, Renaults and Peugeots; I do like that grille and the sweeping curves. The most striking thing about this car though is its sheer quietness. It’s that quietness that led me to believe I was driving a petrol-fuelled car for the first day of the test. It was only when I read the specification that I realised this was a diesel. Stand outside with the engine running it is barely audible, as you can hear in the video at testdrives.biz. Sit inside with it ticking over and again you can barely hear it. This is a phenomenal achievement especially in a car that is priced at well under £20,000. This really does put far more expensive competitors to shame. This model is also fitted with engine stop/start

which is very reliable and cuts in at all the right points, helping return over 70mpg. Usually that diesel rattle kicks in on start-up but again a very smooth operation. My surprise doesn’t stop here either because inside this 1.6-litre model there is plenty of room, too. Bear in mind that this is a very similar sized car to the upmarket Audi A3 I recently tested and yet it is far more spacious. In the Audi it really was a struggle to get two cumbersome baby seats in the rear, mainly because the front seats did not fold far enough forward. In the Hyundai this wasn’t an issue. There was also more legroom front and back. With steering mounted controls for the cruise control, radio and telephone, the important things are close to hand. My one qualm is that because the volume controls etc.

are on the steering wheel they do not stay in the desired position when going round a bend or a roundabout. Therefore, if the volume needs to be turned down for any reason the driver ends up resorting to the volume knob on the stereo. Price: 20,972€ FACTS AT A GLANCE: 0-60mph: 11.5secs Top speed: 115mph Economy: 74.3mpg (extra urban) Power: 109bhp Watch the video at: www.testdrives.biz

Advanced motorist Tim Saunders is the former Business and Motoring Editor of the Bournemouth Daily Echo. His regular test reports appear in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites throughout the UK, Ireland and Gibraltar. For more independent unbiased car reviews and videos visit www.testdrives.biz

NEW CARS available to view in our showroom in CALPE 2009 MODEL,RENAULT CLIO 1.2 EMOTION Eco 2, (50mpg) 5 dr, aqua blue met, with grey trim, a/c, c/d, cruise, high spec, low kms

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04-10 OCT 2013

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EARN £400-500 PER WEEK As a Live-in carer for Helping Hands in the UK whilst still living in Spain. Full training provided through our award winning training team. Take the first step in starting a new career with Helping Hands and make a real difference to someone’s life by calling +44(0)1789 767966 or visit www.hhjobs.co.uk FEMALES OVER 40 required for adult Internet modelling. No males. Excellent rates. 966 182 714

MICHAELS AT MICHAEL´S Several very high quality coffee tables, large & small. See more than 600 photos: www.michaelsjavea.com AT MICHAEL’S Fantastic black recliner / massage chair with built in soothing music. Must try! Photos on: www.michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S we specialize on very high quality pre-owned furniture for half price or less. www. michaels-javea.com Tel 96-579 1328 MICHAEL’S 30 YEARS IN JAVEA - ENSURES YOUR SATISFACTION! We sell high quality pre owned furniture, many from show apartments etc. Look at: www.michaels-javea.com Tel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S part exchange on certain beds when you buy a New bed from our New Bed shop in the Arenal. Photos: www.michaels-javea.com LIGHTWEIGHT WHEELCHAIR Folding, immaculate.150 euro. Mobility scooter.40km range. Road legal. Hardly used.499 euro.627019403 AT MICHAEL’S part exchange on certain beds when you buy a New bed from our New Bed shop in the Arenal. Photos:

PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICE for your home or business at a fair price. References available. (Altea area) Tel: 965843781 or 622514980

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/upgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424

LADIES DANCEFIT WITH L.A DANCE at 4kwatro in Albir, Mondays at 7.30pm, call Louise on 655 781 068 for more information TAPPY TOES DANCE CLASS FOR BABIES from 18 months, at 4kwatro in Albir, 11am, call Louise on 655 781 068 for more information. LA BAMBA’S - BALLROOM / LATIN / SEQUENCE DANCING Los Rosales Restaurant, Guardamar CV895 [near Lemon Tree Sunday Market] Monday - Social Dance 8.30pm - 10.30pm [Sequence class 7.30pm - 8.30pm] Friday - Social Dance 7.30pm - 10.30pm Wednesday - New Beginners Class starting 4th September 2pm -3pm Improvers Class 3pm - 4pm Intermediate Class 4pm - 5pm For more information contact Andrea and Brian 616 478 157 FUNKY FREESTYLE DANCE with Louise, every Saturday morning at Villamar Campsite in Albir/Benidorm, come and learn all the moves and routines to your pop idols! Call Louise on 655-781-068 for more information!

DO YOU NEED EXTRA HELP AT HOME? I can help you at home with light duties, cleaning, cooking, housework, shopping etc as a carer. References available. Altea, Benidorm, Alfaz del Pi area. Call Trisha for more information on 622 514 980 or 965 843 781

ALEXANDERS ANTIQUE JEWELLERS pay Top London prices, Est. 2003. Open MonSat, 10am - 2pm. Javea Port seafront. Tel: 965 792 595 / 667 270 969

SOS INSURANCE www.sosinsuranceinspain.com Best prices available. CALL US FIRST for all your insurance needs, includ-

www.michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S Two grey leather sofas and also several high quality beige sofa sets + 3-piece suites. Photos: www.michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S we specialize on very high quality pre-owned furniture for half price or less. www.michaels-javea.com Tel 96-579 1328 AT MICHAEL’S Now you can see all our NEW beds on our site (over 100 items!) Look at: www.michaels-javea.com

GOLD WANTED English Jeweller wishes to buy broken or unwanted Gold and Silver jewellery & coins for cash. Call for an appointment. Peter (7 days) 664 890 990. Member of the Nat. ASSN of Goldsmiths

ADVICE WITH THE SPANISH SYSTEM Whatever you need to integrate into the spanish system, we can help you. NIE, residencia, empadronamiento, car import transfer, driving license transfer, schools, doctors,

04-10 OCT 2013 WANTED I BUY ANY CAR van,Caravan,4x4 Etc.British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600-781-873 ibuyanycar@hotmail.com

social security.(Benidorm and surrounding areas) Tel: 619 269 408 email: pammcmurchie@hotmail.com ADVISORY SERVICE Need advice on making a will, buying or selling property, tax, resident or non resident, starting a business in spain, we can talk you through and give you the best advice and help you settle in spain. (Benidorm and surrounding areas) Tel: 610 634 506

LOOKING FOR A CAR? Good selection of automatics, cabriolets and 7 seaters in stock. We have over 75 LHD and RHD vehicles in stock for sale or exchange. We have a good selection of vehicles to clear from only 800€ Tel Frank 600726221/965687976 www. fwreurocars.com

PROBLEMS WITH INSECTS? Cockroaches, rats & mice. Call 626 828 974 All insects

MR FIXIT For all your electrical, Plumbing, General & appliance & Bolier repairs. No call out charge. 698 320 434


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WANT TO DRIVE your LHD car to the UK and sell it when you get there? Call 658 670 777

Cars wanted dead or alive

FORD FOCUS 1.6I TREND 5 DOOR HATCHBACK 2011, 36,000kms, 1 owner, FSH, PAS ABS, Cruise, CD, Front fogs, Electric windows/mirrors, AC, remote locking, multi airbags, Light Metallic blue. 10,950€. Tel Frank 600726221/965687976 BMW 320CI CABRIOLET 2.2LITRE SPANISH REG Right Hand Drive, June ‘01, 97,000kms, FSH, PAS, ABS, cruise, 18” M-Alloys, front fogs, electric windows/mirrors, AC, memory seats, Alpine CD, remote locking, rear parking sensors, Mid Metallic Blue with full cream leather and matching blue power hood. 4,950€. Tel Frank 600726221/965687976 www.fwreurocars.com RENAULT LAGUNA ESTATE 2.0 DCI PRIVILEGE 6 speed, 2006, 69,000kms, 2 owners, FSH, AC, alloys, PAS, ABS, cruise, electric windows/mirrors, roof rails, CD, rear privacy glass, headlamp wash, Metallic grey. 8,450€. Tel Frank 600726221/965687976 www.fwreurocars.com

Working or non working Spanish or English All paperwork sorted Also, caravans motorbikes etc.

Call Velocity now on 674 256 147

MJB MOBILE WELDERS Gates, grills, hinges etc., repaired or new. No job too small. Fast service. Low prices. Free Quotes. Call Terry: 966 845 414 / 625 995 470


JAVEA TOSCAL 4 BED 3 bathroom, pool, BBQ, mature gardens, very quiet area, garage and pond. 355,000€. Tel: 0044 (0) 7729 618 775 2 BEDROOM OLGA URB SAN LUIS extended dining room with pool. 125,000€ or nearest offer. Tel: 698279838 FINCA BENISSA 9,000 SQUARE METRES 3 beds, 2 baths, mains electrics/water. Woodburner/central heating. 9x5 pool. Ring for info. 275,000€. Tel: 685626557 ALGORFA 5 MINUTES TO GOLF COURSE 2 bedroom apartment, large living area, separate kitchen, utility, 2 terraces, 55,000€. Tel: 966782031 VILLAGE HOUSE, GOOD DECORATIVE ORDER 2 bedrooms, new roof, woodburner. Oil Fired central heating, peaceful location, fully furnished. 120,000€. Tel: 965 587 632 / 07717 407 610 SPACIOUS GROUND FLOOR 2 BEDROOM 2 bathroom duplex. Fully furnished. In Dreamhills 2 with 2 communal pools. 79,950€. Tel: 672 532 790


04-10 OCT 2013

ALMORADI HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, separate lounge, solar water heating, large porch. 153,000€. Offers considered. Tel: 965 702 521 200,000€ 2KMS FROM ONTINYENT 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom villa, 145 in 1600 metres squared. Air conditioning, central heating, pool, garage. Tel: 962 135 223 VILLA FOR SALE NEAR CATRAL 3 bed, 2 bath and pool. 2500 square metres of landscape gardens. 229,000€. Tel:966 190 878/693 371 945 EL CAMPELLO, 3 BEDROOMS 2 bathrooms, large lounge, kitchen, dining room, summer kitchen, established garden with 3 garages. 299,000€. Tel: 965630186 MOBILE/PARK HOME 2 bedrooms en-suite fully fitted. Camping Pueblo San Javier 22,000€. Carol 96 819 24 25 Mob 626 055 622. www.mobilehomesmarmenorspain.com SELLING YOUR HOUSE? Sold your house? Moving funds back to the UK? Don’t let your Spanish Bank take up to 1% of your sale price, Talk to MoneyCorp now about how to save up to 4,500€* Moneycorp’s repatriation service can help you drastically reduce or even eliminate Spanish bank fees when sending your property sale proceeds back to the UK. Call Moneycorp +34 902 887 243 and quote RTN to get more out of your money. www.moneycorp.com/roundtownnews

PARK HOMES 2 BEDROOMS Both en-suite fully fitted. Camping Pueblo San Javier. Carol Tel 96 819 24 25 Mob. 626 055 6622 Email. Haydn47@hotmail. com. www.mobilehomesmarmenorspain.com PROPERTY TO RENT 3 BEDROOM 1.5 bathroom house near Villamartin. Furnished, private swimming pool, Air conditioning, quiet neighbourhood. 450€ per month plus bills Tel:0044 7932761087 or email neilchate-

2 OR 3 BED / 2 BATH APARTMENTS in San Miguel. Lift, communal rooftop pool & solarium, video entry system. Available for short or long term rent from 350pcm. 96 672 3437 or 616493487

lier@blueyonder.co.uk Register your property for FREE at www.rapidpropertysales.com and when we sell your property we will charge you absolutely nothing! The average time it takes us to sell a property is 8 weeks. Register now at www. rapidpropertysales.com – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN LA ZENIA UKTV, Aircon. 350€ per month. Tel: 648 155 655

ANÚNCIATE TLF: 628 191 897 eduardo@roundtownnews.com FIFTY SHADES OF GREY Ladies, live the fantasy at home and get paid! Details: headmaster@live.co.uk FEMALES OVER 40 required for adult Internet modelling. No males. Excellent rates. 966 182 714 64 YR OLD MALE SUB/DOM SWITCH If your looking for some real fun contact me now. Speciality more mature women. Xdressers. Home visits/low fees. Tel: 693478573 GENERIC VIAGRA EXCLUSIVE First time in Spain 120mgs. Also Kamagra 100mgs, Generic Cialis 20mgs, and jellies. Local and Nationwide service. Pay on Delivery. www.costablues.com or phone Colin 680 878 735 SOPHIE ESCORT Slim elegant naughty lady. Hotel/home visit available. Tel:693 357 526 ASHLEY- 29 ENGLISH/MIXED RACE- Absolutley stunnning, near Torrevieja Hospital, 665 883 576 THE BLUE PILL NOW EVEN BETTER. Other products available. Don’t miss out. Derek 685 207 378

SPANISH LADY PLAYA FLAMENCA near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€. Full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118


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04-10 OCT 2013 VAN LEAVING FOR THE UK/ SPAIN EVERY 2 WEEKS great rates please contact Joe on 966 074 576 or 650 341 087 or civic1235@msn.com


CAMPUS ACADEMY English Language school in Cartagena looking for people keen to teach english to children and adults. Experience & qualifications preferred but not essential. contact Chris Eden info@campusacademy.es or tel 687324379. DON’T WORRY ABOUT LOSING YOUR TV CHANNELS Free UK TV, Free Movies, Free Sports, Free Catch-up, Free Adult NO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION! For more information visit: www.costasmarttv.com or call Tel: 657 766 341

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JAVEA SKIP HIRE 626 670 038 Moraira, Benissa, Calpe, Denia from S&W TOOL HIRE & FERRETERIA MORAIRA


Cash. Anything! Anywhere! 965-319-220/618-165-877

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