RTN South Edition 559

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 559

No vote, no voice

JULY 2 - 8 2010

by Louise Clarke

The Punta Prima beach is now accessible for all

Pride of Orihuela ORIHUELA MAYOR Monica Lorente, officially raised the ‘Blue’ flag at the Cala Capitan beach in Cabo Roig and later she inaugurated the new lift at the Punta Prima Beach, which is the first of its kind in the Valencian Community. For more on this story turn to page 5.

ALTHOUGH NEXT year’s municipal elections are still ten months away, in order to be able to vote in them, you must be registered to vote in the municipality where you live, by the autumn. As a result, RTN is today officially launching a campaign along with various Town Halls of the southern Costa Blanca to help and assist residents to get registered, not only on the ‘padron’ but also on the electoral census, in order that they can have that all important vote. This is not a political campaign as RTN is working with all political parties; this is a campaign to make sure that the expat residents of the Costa Blanca, whatever their nationality, get their right to vote and therefore have a voice in how their Town Halls are run. This campaign has the potential to change the whole political structure of the Town Halls of the area, the likes of which have never been seen and

RTN is proud that its campaign has been received so well by the various Town Halls that it has approached. INCORRECT PAPERWORK

This week, RTN is focusing its campaign in Orihuela Costa. At the last municipal elections in 2007, there were 25,000 European residents living on the coast and yet only 3,500 actually voted. What happened to the other 21,500 people who had the right to vote? RTN is aware that there were postal problems at the time and that some people were turned away at the polling stations due to the lack of the correct paperwork. RTN is also aware that at the time, it was easier to get access to Iran’s nuclear weapons portfolio than it was to actually get registered on the ‘padron’, let alone get registered to vote. But the Town Hall of Orihuela has assured RTN that this will not be an issue in the coming months and it is happy to put them to the test. continued on page 3

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02 - 08 july 2010

continued from front page So, if you do want to register at the Orihuela Costa Town Hall to vote, please contact RTN’s Southern Area reporter Louise Clarke and she will be happy to come along and witness the process! UP TO DATE INFORMATION

RTN met up with coastal opposition Councillors and party representatives to discuss with them how to get this campaign up and running. With only eight to ten weeks until voting registrations must be in,

it was agreed that time is of the essence and RTN was pleased to bring forward its planned campaign in order to get the message across quickly and efficiently. During the coming weeks, RTN’s campaign will visit various Town Halls, including San Miguel de Salinas, Rojales and Torrevieja to bring its readers up to date information on how to get registered in the various municipalities and it hopes that more Town Halls in the southern Costa Blanca area will also join its campaign. By signing on the ‘padron’, you not only get the right to vote; your Town Hall

will get money allocated for you for health and municipal services. As a result of the large majority of coastal residents not being signed on the ‘padron’, last year, only 3% of the municipality’s €67 million budget was allocated to the coast. So, when you feel that the Town Hall is ignoring you, if you are not signed up to their ‘padron’, it is because they are. In fact as far as they are concerned, you may as well not exist. That is why it is so important to register. Keep reading RTN for specific information on how to register at your Town Hall.

RTN’s Louise Clarke with Orihuela Costa’s opposition party Councillors and representatives

Ex-Mayor on corruption charges THE EX-MAYOR of San Javier, José Hernández, was arrested earlier this week on corruption charges. The former PP Mayor was arrested by Guardia Civil officers along with three others on Tuesday. The quartet is accused of crimes against the Hacienda, misuse of public funds and bribery as well as peddling. José Hernández has already been called to court to explain town planning irregularities in 2006. He and real estate promoter, Santiago Martínez Esparza have been accused of ‘exchanging favours’ when land for an urban development was handed over in exchange for the construction of the district hospital. RTN understands that investigations into this case started as early as 2008,

following a complaint from the Prosecutors’ Office. In December 2008, six people were arrested in connection with the case, including three architects; two of whom worked at the Town Halls of San Javier and Fuente Álamo. Seven properties in Murcia, Cartagena and San Javier; belonging to the four accused, were searched by Guardia Civil officers following their arrests. RTN contacted the San Javier Town Hall to see if they wished to make a comment on the arrest of the former Mayor. They issued a statement saying: “The Town Council of San Javier does not wish to comment on the recent arrests made by the Guardia Civil as the case is totally unrelated to the present Town Hall government.”

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02 - 08 JULY 2010

Crazy golf

Final warning over care benefits

by Jack Troughton THE BUZZWORD at golf clubs along the Costa Blanca is joining the exclusive RTN Golf Club and playing some of the coast’s top courses at an affordable price. Membership is free and wins golfers an unbeatable ‘two for one’ deal at participating clubs. No club member should pay more than €50 each per round, including a buggy. And as well as receiving an attractive credit card sized membership card, members will also get a monthly newsletter detailing exclusive offers and great discounts on equipment and clothing. Next Friday’s RTN will carry full details of how to join – whether it is online via www.roundtownnews.co.uk or by filling in a simple application form at participating clubs. INVITE At present the courses that have agreed to accept the card are: Alicante Golf; El Plantio: Font del Llop, and Javea. This week another 30 have been invited

to join the scheme. Golf professional Noel Eastwell, RTN’s golf guru, believes courses have nothing to lose and everything to gain by welcoming RTN Golf Club members. He said club members would be taking up the slack at courses while spending money in pro shops, restaurants, bars and cafes. Noel believes the RTN Golf Club is the ideal way for residents to play at an unbeatable price – because normally a round costs an average of €80 a head with discounts being offered to golf societies and large numbers of players. “Somehow there is always an excuse not to give discounts for individuals living here for longer periods of time or permanently, who want to play regularly,” he said. “I walked into the clubhouse at El Plantio this week and everyone was asking when they could get their RTN Golf Club membership card.

Burglars using Facebook POLICE IN Spain have warned Facebook users against announcing when they are away on holiday. The warning comes as part of a list of recommendations about action to take to prevent homes from being burgled while owners

REQUEST “We have been bombarded with requests to join the club – it seems there are hundreds of people who want to join.” Noel said he believed more and more golf clubs would want to join the scheme – and golfers would enjoy the opportunity to play all over the coast. “Talking with the golfing public has shown the launch of the RTN Golf Club is greatly anticipated and the clubs themselves see it as a tremendous opportunity to enhance their businesses,” he added. A massive response to the discount card shows the idea is right on the pin – making RTN Golf Club the fair way to play. Read next Friday’s RTN for full details of how to apply.

are away. Police say they think thieves are using the internet and social networking sites in order to establish when homes are empty. The authorities also advise that all windows and doors should be closed, spare keys should not be hidden outside and valuable items such as chequebooks and car keys should be out of sight.

by Jack Troughton THE BRITISH Government faces the prospect of embarrassing court action unless it agrees to pay care benefits to expats living in EU member states. The European Commission has sent a formal request to the United Kingdom demanding disability living allowance, attendance allowance and carer’s allowance is paid to Britons, many of them pensioners. Under EU law, the care benefits are regarded as ‘sickness cash benefits’, which expats are entitled to be paid. And the Government has two months to respond to the commission. In the absence of a satisfactory explanation, the UK could find itself in the dock of the EU’s Court of Justice. The court ruled in October 2007 the allowances were sickness cash benefits and therefore ‘exportable’ under Europe’s rules regarding the co-ordination of social security between member states. However, the UK authorities have continued to ignore calls to amend its rules and sparked controversy in Brussels and with a series of expat groups campaigning for justice. A spokesman for the European commission explained: “The right to live and work in any other European country is a fundamental right of the EU. As part of this the EU guarantees people the right to social security coverage if they move elsewhere in Europe.” He said disability allowance, attendance allowance and carer’s allowance were benefits designed to protect people in need of personal care and the people who looked after them – and under EU law UK citizens were entitled to receive them when resident in another member state. However, “in some cases and contrary to the principle of free movement”, the Government applied conditions contravening European law. Amongst other requirements, the Government could impose a ‘past presence test’, which required a claimant having spent 26 of the previous 52 weeks in the UK. The spokesman added: “this effectively contravenes the provisions of the EU system for co-ordinating social security benefits and infringes the rights of citizens living in another EU country.”

Beaches are the Pride of Orihuela by Louise Clarke THE MAYOR of Orihuela, Monica Lorente and other councillors including the Councillor for the Coast, Jose Antonio Aniorte officially raised the Quality Beach Flags at the popular Cala Capitan beach in Cabo Roig yesterday (Thursday). Councillors also officially unveiled the new disabled access ramps which, unlike other beaches, have been cemented in for added safety, have smaller gaps between the wooden planks to ease wheelchair travel and have now been extended further towards the water’s edge. The new design for the ramps was agreed following meetings with Town Hall technicians and

the Orihuela Association for the Disabled. Snr Aniorte told RTN: “Cala Capitan is a very popular beach on the Orihuela Coast and now it is easily accessible for all beach lovers.” MARITIME PROTECTION After the flag lifting, the Mayor then presented the extended beach safety team, including a team of seven lifeguards, two Protection Civil officers, two local police officers who will patrol the beaches of the coast on bike and two local police officers who will patrol the coastline from Punta Prima to Mil Palmeras by rubber dinghy and will be essential in maritime protection. In total there will be 16 dedicated agents patrolling the

beach, ensuring safety and security for both the beaches and surrounding urbanisations. Ms Lorente told RTN: “The beaches of the coast are symbolic of our municipality and today is a good day for the beaches of Orihuela Costa. We are committed to provide the best safety and security for our residents and visiting tourists and will continue to make it a priority for the Town Hall.” THE FIRST

The Mayor and Councillors then made their way to the Punta Prima beach, where they officially unveiled the very first public lift to a beach that has been installed in the whole of the Valencian community.

Roads improvements completed by Louise Clarke THE RE-ASPHALTING project of the roads in La Mata has been completed. More than 126,000 sq metres of road surfaces have been completely renovated and the small town hamlet has also been given new street signs, road markings and furniture. The roads that have been re-asphalted include: Calle Adriano; Calle Mayor; Calle Antonio Gil; Calle Mabre; Calle San Isidro Labrador; Avenida del Mediterráneo; Calle del Mar; Calle San Antonio; Calle San Antonio; Calle San Roque; Calle Nuestra Señora del Rosario; Calle The newly Benacantín; Calle del Ángel; Calle Alta; Calle asphalted de la Purificación; Calle San Emigdio; Calle San roads of La Juan; Calle Virgen del Carmen and Calle Delfín. Mata

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02 - 08 july 2010


Monica told the gathered members of the press and onlookers; “We are so happy to have solved the access problem on the Punta Prima beach, which was only accessible until now for able bodied people.” Now the lift, which was manufactured by lift experts OTIS, has been installed and officially inaugurated, it is hoped that the beach will be awarded the ‘blue flag’ that it rightly deserves. Ms Lorente continued: “It is very important for the Orihuela Monica, Town Hall to keep up the very Pepe and high standards of maintenance Carmen for all of the municipality’s Diaz beaches. And we are very happy from the to provide this access solution Orihuela Assc. to the residents and visitors of for the Punta Prima.” disabled

Market gets Facebook account THE TORREVIEJA Councillor for Commerce and Markets, Augustinian Esteve, announced this week that the central market of Torrevieja, La Plasa, has created its own Facebook account. The initiative has been brought about by the Town Hall as a direct result of meetings between the Councillor, the town’s residents and the market organisers and it is hoped that the site will bring together the market’s stall holders and users. Fans and friends of the site will get daily updates on special offers and other useful

information about the market. The account was opened only last week and already it has attracted dozens of friendship requests and messages. The Councillor told RTN: “Once again, this initiative has come about because of the communication between the Town Hall, its residents and the market stall holders and the fact that so many people want to be friends of the site shows how emblematic the La Plasa market has become.” The site will also contain photographs, details of opening hours, product information and even cooking videos, which will show site friends how to use the products available at the market to cook typical Spanish dishes. You can join the Facebook site by logging onto www.facebook.com/ mercadolaplasa.

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02 - 08 july 2010

Lights!..Camera!..Action! THE 22ND FESTIVAL de Cine de L´Alfaz del Pi, starts today, Friday 2nd July and continues until the 11th, sponsored by the Alfaz Town Hall; Diputación de Alicante; Costa Blanca Tourism; the Regional Government of Valencia; Filmoteca Valenciana; the City of Light plus many other collaborators including local hotels, banks and businesses. Many thousands of people flock to see the movies being shown, the invited celebrities and the Faro de Plata awards ceremony. It’s great fun! The movies being shown this year are truly international; Spain, of course; France; Italy; China; Iran; Greece; Serbia and Albania; USA and Great Britain. ‘Invictus’ with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon, is a ‘must see’; a truly uplifting movie. ‘Robin Hood’ with Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett provides a different interpretation of the mythical man of Sherwood Forest. An absolutely excellent film although your original historical image of the jolly band of robbers, robbing the rich to give to the poor is knocked sideways. There are too many to mention, with some being shown in their original languages and subtitles in Castellano, documentaries, ‘short films’ plus two or three other categories.. There are three venues, the Playa del Albir, the Cine Roma, (Calle de L’Hort, en l’Alfàs del Pi) and the esplanade of the Casa de

Cultura, Alfaz.. Tickets cost €3.50; €2.00 for children and pensioners for each movie and can be purchased from the Casa de Cultura, Tel: 965 889 423, the Cine Roma: 965 888 266 or ServiCam: 902 444 300. THE PROGRAMME IN ENGLISH IS AS FOLLOWS: Looking for Eric Thursday 8th July, Cine Roma, @ 23.00 Chéri Friday 2nd July Cine Roma, @ 22.30 and Monday 5th July, Casa de Cultura @ 20.00 The Ghost Writer Monday 5th July, Cine Roma, @18.30 Precious Sunday 11th July, Cine Roma,@ 19.00 Two Lovers Sunday 4th July, Cine Roma @ 21.00 Up in the Air Saturday 10th July, Cine Roma @ 18.00 Alice in Wonderland Friday 9th July, Playa del Albir, @ 22.15, Saturday 10th July Casa de Cultura @ 21.00 and Sunday 11th July, Cine Roma, 21.00 Invictus Sunday 4th July, Casa de Cultura @ 22.30, Tuesday 6th July, Playa del Albir @ 22.15 and Wednesday 7th July, Cine Roma @23.00 Robin Hood Wednesday 7th July, Casa de Cultura @ 22.30 and Thursday 8th July Playa del Albir @ 22.15

Mayors grants more rights to Spaniards than foreigners A MAYOR in a town outside Madrid is going against the law and preventing foreigners from signing on the padrón if they can’t produce a contract stating they have a job. The rule is not being applied to Spaniards. The law states that all residents, regardless of nationality, employment status or legality are actually obliged to sign on the padrón. The town in question, Robledo de Chavela, has 3,800 inhabitants and most of the immigrants are Moroccan. Reports state that many foreign residents have complained they are being prevented from signing onto the padrón even if they present residence permits, rental contracts or proof of their mortgages. Without a padrón certificate, citizens cannot buy a car or a house, get a mortgage, register to use the state healthcare system or register their children in school. Furthermore, the government allocates funding for towns based on the number of citizens registered on the padrón, meaning that in this case the town will be under-funded for public services. The Moroccan residents association is pursuing the issue with an ombudsman, but the mayor refuses to comment “…unless asked to do so in court”. One woman is reported as saying that when she objected at being allowed to register on the padrón, a police officer threatened to take her “…by the neck and throw her out on the street”.

02 - 08 july 2010



02 - 08 JULY 2010

Security Services announce new strategy by Louise Clarke FOLLOWING THE decision by the central government to cancel plans for a new National Police station in the city of Torrevieja, the Mayor, Pedro Hernandez Mateo, has announced a new policing initiative. The head of the PP led Town Hall met with the head of the Local Police, senior representatives from the Guardia Civil and the Guardia Civil Traffic department and the National Police representative for the city, who is responsible for the issuing of NIE numbers, passports and residencias. Snr Hernandez Mateo chaired the meeting to discuss how to proceed following the announcement, which he has fervently opposed. The various members of the security services unanimously approved a

new ‘Plan of Security’ for the city and after analysing the foreseeable problems and defining the objectives of the plan as well as a course of action, the Local Police and Guardia Civil agreed to develop a better working relationship. It was also agreed at the meeting to form a working group to look into better promotion of collaboration between various security organisations, to improve preventative security and the management of emergencies between the Protection Civil, Local Police and Guardia Civil. INCREDULOUS

The Mayor has also announced this week that he will not stop his fight to provide the city with a dedicated National Police station. He said that he will continue to insist to the Department of Interior at the central government in

The Mayor of Torrevieja chairs the security meeting

Madrid that the city of Torrevieja needs the station; land for which has been allocated for a number of years. He told RTN: “This station is an important and necessary infrastructure in the matter of citizen security.” He later went onto accuse the socialist central government of discriminating against the city of Torrevieja and said that they have reneged on a signed agreement to have a National Police station there. He said that it cannot be a coincidence that the 12 municipalities given the go ahead for a National Police station such as Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza, Logroño and Sanlúcar de Barrameda are cities that are all run by socialists Mayors. The government cited ‘economic reasons’ for the cancellation of the project. The National Police official responsible for issuing of NIE numbers, residencias and passports for the residents of the city has been given an office free of charge by the Town Hall but Snr Hernandez Mateo has condemned the PSOE government’s contempt of his residents after the office only just recently received signage to say exactly what the office was. He concluded: “I fail to understand why a city like Torrevieja, with more than 100,000 registered inhabitants and double that of tourists during the summer, is not worthy of a National Police station. I am incredulous and will be continuing to fight the central government to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.”

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Drugs family arrested TWELVE PEOPLE from one family, all Spanish and between 25 and 44 years of age, have been arrested for distributing drugs throughout the Vega Baja. The arrests took place at various homes and businesses in La Murada near Orihuela last weekend, following investigations by National Police over a number of months. Following the arrests, some were released on police bail as the judge at Orihuela Judicial Court considered their offences to be ‘minor’, but the ring leaders were remanded in custody pending charges. A police spokesman told RTN that the drug ring was a ‘side line’ for the majority

of the family members; it appears that most of them had jobs and businesses with a regular wage. CLIENT BOOK Among items seized were 25 grams of cocaine; 145 grams of marijuana; 40 grams of hemp seeds; nearly four grams of hashish; 11 ecstasy tablets and 370 grams of various substances to mix with the pure cocaine, along with a clients’ list that included names; telephone numbers and sums owed. More than €5,000 in cash was also recovered, and a shotgun, the ownership of which has yet to be ascertained.

Beach libraries

THE TORREVIEJA Councillor for Culture, Eduardo Dolón, announced this week that from 1st July (yesterday), the Town Hall will be introducing Beach Libraries on the beaches of La Mata, Los Locos, El Cura and Los Náufragos. The libraries will stay open until 22nd August and will give beach lovers the chance to hire out a book for a returnable deposit, read it whilst sunbathing on the beach and then return it at the end of the day when they have finished with it. More than 50,000 books of all descriptions will be available, including ones in English and there will also be magazines and newspapers available. The libraries will be open from 10:00 until 22:00, Monday to Sunday. In order to get a book from the library you must give a small deposit which is fully refundable on return of the book. The libraries will also offer a reserve service so that if a book is not available, they can acquire it from either the central library in Torrevieja or one of the other three beach libraries. Eduardo Dolón told RTN: “We have wanted to introduce this for the last few summers, so I am delighted that this year we can at last offer this service, which we expect thousands of people to benefit from.”

National day to honour victims of terror A NEW law has been passed in congress to protect victims of terror. All parties supported the ruling, which will see compensation given to all victims. Payments will be backdated to 1960. Compensation for death is €250,000; serious disability €500,000; permanent incapacity €180,000 and corrections will be made

based on individual circumstances. Anyone who has received compensation, but not as much as the new law permits, has a year to apply for the remainder of the money. The date of 27th June has been named as the official day to honour victims of terror in Spain. This was the date ETA’s first victim – 18 month old Begoña Urrox – died.

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02 - 08 july 2010



02 - 08 july 2010

Enjoy your flight!

IT’S THAT time of year again when millions people start to put themselves through sheer torture for a few hours, in the pursuit of holiday happiness, because of their fear of flying. Over the years I have helped thousands of people overcome their fear of flying using Fast Track Hypnosis, including a survivor from the Kegworth air disaster, and also people from one well documented case of a Fear of Flying course held by one of the Airlines, where the plane had to make it’s very own real emergency landing! The fear of flying is called ‘aviophobia’ or ‘aerophobia’ and is one of the most common fears; yet according to insurance brokers, flying is 25 times safer than driving a car!’ With over 100,000 international flights taking off and landing each day, people still have the fear of being out of control as a passenger on a plane. Air travel is the safest mode of mass transportation. According to statistics, you would have to fly on average once a day, every day, for 22,000 years before you would encounter a commercial aviation incident. And the reason why it is splashed over the newspapers when an incident happens is because it is so rare! So the TRUE danger is your drive

to the airport! According to statistics, you are much more at risk on that drive than on your flight! Many of my clients often describe their phobia it to me as ‘I just don’t want to make a fool of myself in front of other people’. Consequently they categorise themselves as ‘the white knuckle brigade’, just sitting there, hands clenched to the sides of the seat, staring straight ahead and not talking to anyone, but inwardly praying. It’s not surprising really because, whenever the airline passenger decides to go on a journey, from the time that he or she books the flight a lot of subliminal factors start to emerge, as everything is geared for an impending disaster. These are the prime examples: Whenever the person books their flight they are asked to take out insurance – just in case! On arrival to the airport, the first building they enter is the TERMINAL, usually littered with advertisements for insurance – just in case! Then they enter the DEPARTURE lounge and await their FINAL CALL to their FINAL DESTINATION. Upon entering the aircraft, they are greeted by the smiling stewardesses who show them to their seats. They look down and there are the safety instructions, which they are advised to read – just in case!


Alan Gilchrist The Costa Blanca’s Top Hypnotherapist

The stewardesses walk down the aisles and check that all the seat belts are fastened and the seats are in the upright position for take-off – just in case! As the aircraft is prepared for take-off, the smiling stewardesses then instruct the passengers in safety procedures, complete with life jackets and the brace position - just in case! DOES ALL THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? Little wonder that people can easily become phobic about flying even before the plane takes off, as there is nothing joyful about all this- and yet these procedures are necessary! If you have a phobia of flying then Fast Track Hypnosis is ideal to help you to overcome the fear by implanting into your subconscious mind positive suggestions, and by teaching you to relax. Not only when on the aircraft, but also on the run up to your flight, since your quality of life can be affected by the constant worry about the eventual journey, from the very time that the journey is booked. You are taught, via Fast Track Hypnosis and the CDs supplied, how to relax and transfer this state of relaxation to whenever and wherever you need it - in the

A smiling stewardesses shows passengers the safety procedures

departure lounge; on the plane; during your flight etc. If you want to know what Hypnosis is like you can go onto my web site alangilchrist.com and listen to a complete relaxation session free of charge. “Alan: I can’t believe it, made it to Venice. Flight was fine, even managed to look out the window. Thank you for all your help and at last I can have my special 25th wedding anniversary. Before I could only dream. Now it is a reality... Anne MC”

Alan holds his Fast Track Hypnosis sessions in Cabo Roig, Guardarmar, and Benidorm. Alan is also the Creator of the ‘Stop Smoking in under 30 minutes Fast Track System’ that others are now trying to copy. For an appointment, brochure, or free of charge initial consultation, contact Alan Gilchrist on 659 229 408. Visit his web sites www.alangilchrist.com www.hypnosiscostablanca.com www.fitnosys.com www.thegastroband.com

02 - 08 JULY 2010

Call of the sea by Jack Troughton MEMBERS OF the newly formed Maritime Association are looking for new shipmates on the Costa Blanca to celebrate all things nautical. In January this year, anxious to boost the social side of the club but retain links to ships and the sea, it broke away from the World Ships Society. And six months after the ‘rebirth’, the Torrevieja-based association boasts 31 members and is actively looking for new recruits. Last weekend, the club held its annual ‘away day’ in the north of the Costa Blanca, with a barbeque at the Javea home of Clive Hedge. Clive and President Mel Cook said monthly meetings were well attended and followed by a social lunch, Maritime Association members also going on trips and visits – most recently a guided tour of the cruise liner Black Watch in Cartagena and a three day visit to Gibraltar. “We are always looking out for new

members, they do not have to be seamen or ex-seamen, just interested in ships and the sea,” said Clive. “It is all about the call of the sea – it is restless and will not let you settle. It maybe a romantic notion but I think it is true.” Mel said membership was riding at an all time high but new faces were always welcome. And amongst the current crew are former police officers – joining ex Royal Navy sailors, ships’ captains, engineers, stewards and deck hands. Mel added: “there is absolutely no class distinction.” At the barbeque, former chairman Jim Stevens was presented with a picture of TV Vindicatrix, the ship he trained on as a cadet and finally broken up in 1967. The Maritime Association meets at Hoggies Bar and Restaurant, San Luis, Torrevieja, on the first Monday of every month at noon. Anyone interested in joining can simply turn up or contact Mel by calling 966 716 877 or by email to mel.cook30@yahoo.com


(left to right) Treasurer Mike Smith, Jim Stevens, Mel Cook and Clive Hedge

Beach masseuse arrested for biting police officers

Playa de Glea

A 37 YEAR OLD Chinese beach masseuse attacked two police officers and bit one of them as they tried to arrest her for offering massage services to sunbathers on the Playa de Glea in Dehesa de Campoamor. Police said the incident occurred last Friday afternoon when the two agents, who were monitoring the

beaches of Orihuela Costa by bike, approached the woman and asked her to leave the beach as she had no licence to practice, no permission and was disturbing the bathers. She allegedly got upset at their invitation to leave and started to act aggressively toward them. One onlooker told RTN: “She was pretty

upset.” According to a local police statement, as the officers attempted to escort her off the beach, she pounced on one of them and he then lost his balance and fell to the ground. She then gave him several kicks and slaps without causing visible injuries. As the other officer attempted to restrain her and help his partner, the officer claimed that she bit his left arm. The masseuse, a resident of Torrevieja, was arrested for the alleged crimes of disobedience, resisting arrest and assault on law enforcement officers and was taken to the Guardia Civil station in Torre de la Horadada, where she was charged with the offences.

Funeral of Joyce Gill ON SATURDAY 26th June, the funeral of the late Joyce Gill took place in El Pinar de Campoverde, with the service being relayed outside to the many people who could not be accommodated inside the small church. The Church of England ceremony was conducted by Revd. Chris Scargill from the Chaplaincy of St. Peter and St.Paul, Torrevieja and organist Christine Eames accompanied singers from local choirs who had joined together for this special event. Joyce battled cancer for over two years and finally passed away at home surrounded by her family. She was well-known and loved by a great number of Campoverde residents, many of whom she had helped and attended as a former qualified nurse. Her husband Dennis is also popular in the village, as a leading light in Coro Pilar and other choirs in the area. Both attended Campoverde Church. Joyce leaves three children, Vicky, Chris and Gareth, and three grandchildren, Sebastian, Mia Jasmine and Joshua.


s n end o i t i t e Comp y 8th July da Thurs


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02 - 08 july 2010

Louis gets a Black Belt in karate by Louise Clarke THE KYOKUSHINKAI Karate Club, based at the Golden Gym, Torrevieja, was proud to unveil its newest Black Belt last week. Louis Defreitas, aged 18, has been awarded the converted grade after being a pupil at the club for the past six years. Starting karate at the age of four, the Kyokusinkai style of karate

is the third style that Louis has become proficient in. He first started training in England, studying the traditional Shotokan style before moving on to Ishinryu, where he was a student of the multiple times World Champion Jonathan Mottram. Louis won his first tournament when he was only five years old, and has been collecting trophies ever since; the latest being

Louis and Chief Instructor Antonio

a third place at the Valencia Championships. DELIGHTED Speaking after being awarded his grade, Louis told RTN: “Karate keeps you fit and builds your confidence, and I have had many opportunities to travel around Spain, seeing different cities when competing. Another bonus is that my spoken Spanish has greatly improved!” The Chief Instructor of the Kyokushinkai Club, Sensei Antonio Celdran 2nd Dan is delighted with his newest Black Belt student. He told RTN: “Louis has consistently worked hard in training and richly deserves his grade.” Karate sessions are held


three times a week at the Golden Gym. Children’s classes are from 19:30 until 20:30 on Monday and 20:00 until 21:00 on Wednesday and Friday. Adult sessions start at 20:30 on a Monday and 21:00 on Wednesday and Friday: new pupils of

Let there be entertainment by Louise Clarke THIS WEEK, the Torrevieja Town Hall’s Department of Commerce and the Association of Small and Medium sized Commercial Businesses (APYMECO) have initiated a project to bring entertainment to the streets of Torrevieja. The initiative started yesterday (1st July) and will see performers, musicians, singers and dancers of various different nationalities entertaining residents and tourists as they shop in

the city centre and the nearby Habaneras shopping centre. British expat contributors include Willie Hulme, the renowned and talented bag piper, who will be performing on Calle Concepcion, and JB Brass Band (formerly known as Just Brass) which will be performing every Thursday evening from 19:00 until 21:00, also on Calle Concepcion. The entertainment will continue throughout the months of July, August and September.

Last year saw various street acts in Torrevieja

all ages and abilities are always welcome. For further information ring Antonio (in Spanish) on 616 192 460, or if you would prefer to have your enquiry answered in English, email karatetorrevieja@hotmail. co.uk

Summer School for Disabled Children THE TORREVIEJA Town Hall has announced that it will be subsidising a summer school for some of the city’s disabled children. The Little Seahorses Summer School is in its second year and will provide leisure time activities for children with special needs. The school is open from 19th July until 30th July from 10:00 until 13:30 and will take place at the Habaneras Primary School. The school is open to children born between 1993 and 2006 (4-16 years of age) and there are 17 places available. The Town Hall is subsidising €146 of the €176 cost per child and so parents will only have to pay €30. Activities planned include music, creative drawing and painting, sports and dancing as well as classes in how to relate to other children, working within a team, relaxation and confidence.

- 08 JULY4 2010 FEB 2602- MARCH

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L.

by Jennifer Cunningham

More Advice from Foreign Trust IN MY regular column last week I introduced one of my key associates, Foreign Trust. For those of you who missed the article expressing concerns about overseas pension transfers to New Zealand, I would strongly recommend that if you are considering such an option you contact us for a copy of the article. A 100% lump from your pension fund may seem a very attractive option. However, Foreign Trust are not only concerned about the validity of the advice provided in the eyes of the UK HMRC, but depending on residency, sums realised through Overseas pension funds could be liable to tax in Spain. Foreign Trust believes that, one of the key foundations to financial or income planning for retirement is investment advice. In turbulent times the key to making your investments work harder is, to have an understanding of the options available, while ensuring your investments are closely reviewed and managed in line with your attitude to risk. There are naturally a number of risks to consider. Some of these are obvious, like stock market risk and the risk of your investment provider safely guarding your

capital. Others are less obvious. Many people who have existing investments, or are considering an investment should be asking the following questions. CURRENCY RISK: Should I be holding my deposits and investments in Sterling and or Euros? INFLATION RISK: Can the investment growth keep pace with inflation so that my spending power is not impacted over time. INTEREST RATE RISK: Can I get sufficient returns by leaving my money on deposit over the medium to long terms to meet my growth/income needs. UNDERPERFORMANCE RISK: How are my investment funds performing against their peer group? REVIEW RISK: Are my investments being regularly reviewed to ensure they meet expectations? Foreign Trust’s research shows, that the

unfortunate reality for many investors is that, not only are they still invested with poor performing funds, but also the risks are also not fully understood. Unfortunately this can often lead to clients losing more money than they ever thought possible. Many traditional UK Life and Pension Managed funds have delivered poor returns over medium to long term, compared to cash. Foreign Trust research shows there is over £50billion pounds invested in poorly performing Balanced Managed pension funds alone. The reasons a fund can underperform can vary considerably, this could be a change of investment manager; change of investment strategy; and poor investment decisions will naturally have an impact on returns over both the long and short term. The research conducted by Foreign Trust suggests that many insurance company funds remain invested in periods of significant volatility, even though the fundamentals suggest an assets risk should be decreased. It is important to have a firm grip on these factors. The importance of an ongoing review service is fundamental to ensuring the


The Costas leading insurance consultant risks of investing are managed. A review service not only keeps the client updated with the appropriate information, but also ensures that a client’s attitude to risk is managed during their lifetime. For clients using Foreign Trust for either overseas pension or investment planning there are two options when considering review services. Many people are invested in poor performing investments and, there are just as many who are invested in portfolios which do not reflect the appropriate attitude to risk. If you are concerned about the performance of your investments, or your pension arrangement(s), to include Qrops, I would recommend you contact your nearest Jennifer Cunningham office listed below to access the free review service or for a second opinion. NB: A vacancy is available in the Javea office of JCC, immediate start, for a mature person, excellent communicator, organisational skills and ‘computer literate’ required. Fluent spoken and written English and Spanish is essential. CV to John Marti john@jennifercunningham.net or leave it in the office in Javea Port.

Jennifer Cunningham y Asociados S.L. The Costas leading insurance consultant. If you have a question please email her at: jennifer@jennifercunningham.net Regulated and Authorised by the DGSFP in Spain.

Offices at: JAVEA PORT




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902 373 444 or visit www.jennifercunningham.net


02 - 08 JULY 2010

European residents pay more for the Eurotunnel

TODAY I decide to check with Eurotunnel for the prices to travel to the UK in my car and discovered that if I tell the company that I live in Europe it will cost me 17% more than if I say that I live in the UK. As I currently live in Spain, I was given a price in Euros. I wanted to pay for the trip on my UK credit card and therefore wanted a price in sterling (GBP) so I decided to amend the country in which I live to the UK and obtained a price in £s. What I found to my surprise was that if I paid in GBP, I made a saving of approximately 14.5%, based on the current exchange rate of £ = €1.20. If the exchange rate was at £ = €1.15 closer to the average over the last 3 months, the saving would have been 18%. Why is this? Because Eurotunnel are using an exchange rate of closer to £ = €1.40. How long ago since the exchange rate was that high! I strongly recommend to any UK Expat living in Europe with a UK debit or credit card to tell Eurotunnel that they live in the United Kingdom when booking tickets to use the channel tunnel. It will save them a lot of money!

Ring found ON SATURDAY 20th June, I was handed a wedding ring by a holiday maker. The said item was found on Punta Prima beach. I will be able to identify the rightful owner as there is engraving inside the band. Pat, Torrevieja

Thank you

€700 was raised for PEPA on Saturday at Aladdins. A BIG THANK YOU to all who attended/helped and all who donated goods. Regards Kris

Too much Sauerkraut

FOR THE English football team there are no plaudits. Was it a diet deficiency? Maybe Sauerkraut? The truth is, of course, they were not good enough to be there. £78,000 per week- for heaven’s sake they are not worth that in a year. Our dear Land of Hope and Former Glory – once again another of our sporting stories… Costarhymer


talk tous

Email letters to rtnmail@roundtownnews.com with your full name and address

Email: rtnmail@roundtownnews.com

letter of the week

Spain too hot for winter fuel? ONE OF THE biggest myths of Spain is that the weather is always good; a myth obviously believed by UK politicians. Spain has been described as a cold country with hot summers and this is far closer to the truth. Summer in this country is hot. In some parts it is unbearably hot but in the winter it is cold everywhere: close to and sometimes below freezing. In Granada in Andalucia (the hottest Province in Summer) winter temperatures can drop to -15 centigrade due to the proximity of the Sierra Nevada, the popular ski-ing resort. Far North in Galicia, the annual rainfall is twice that of Manchester. Madrid in the centre of Spain is the highest capital in Europe and it is freezing in winter. Ask anyone who lives anywhere in Spain year-round how they find the winter: cold! Even here on the Costa Blanca, the Winter is wintery: cold winds; rain; sometimes frost and even on occasion snow. When the residents of UK say: “It was your choice to move to Spain - why should you have a heating allowance?” I ask what happened to the freedom of a Briton to retire where he chooses? So we chose Benidorm instead of

Bournemouth or Blackpool. The ex-patriate in Spain already suffers from the ‘unexportable benefits’ that he cannot claim. He would cost the Government far more if he lived in UK and claimed everything he could. He is an ordinary citizen, no more likely to be a millionaire that anyone else. Often he lives on his State Pension and any savings he may have and nothing more. Fluctuating exchange rates have brought genuine hardship and caused many to up sticks and re-patriate, throwing themselves on the mercy of the Social Services. I have lived abroad too long to hold an opinion about the UK Government let alone speak badly of current politicians but I do ask that they do their homework before they make more decisions affecting the lives of their citizens who live outside the UK. The British Embassy, the various British Consulates, the voluntary care associations who deal daily with expatriates are the people who know the problems. Please, Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg, consult with them first. We are still British. Many of us can and do still vote. We all count.

Hunt down the cheats Response from Chairperson of Presidents I AGREE wholeheartedly about hunting down those who are claiming benefits from the UK fraudulently - whatever benefits they may be. It also needs to be said that there are hundreds of expats living in Spain that have paid thousands into the UK’s National Insurance system, only to be told that are unable to claim anything at all. Maybe there is something in the argument that once you have left the UK there should be no claim on its National Insurance benefits, however, it’s sad to see all the immigrants coming into the UK that are seemingly entitled to a number of benefits without having contributed anything at all into the system. Dan Wells

Costa benefit ‘cheats’ ABOUT TIME too: these clever so-and-so’s think they are smart stealing from their fellow countrymen because that is what it is. Make sure you read that properly before you make adverse comments. If people are genuinely unable to work because of genuine sickness

or disability, I have no problem with that. You should be able to live where you like and still receive the payments just as we should and are at the moment receiving Winter Fuel Allowance, although I prefer to call it Summer Aircon Allowance. Thank you. Soldierboy 001

for Entre Naranjos and Laguna Green

FURTHER TO recent correspondence in the papers and the other media exposure that EN and LG have received, I felt I had to put pen to paper to give a non-political view on the situation here. The presidents here work hard for their communities and for the village in general, and have always done so. Over the years since this area has been built up, we are realistic in our views and know that Rome was not built in a day. There are issues to be resolved, and we are aware of them and are constantly working on them. We have created a list of those outstanding issues, which we have passed to the newly appointed Mayor for his attention and like the presidents, he is taking them forward to the best of his ability. He is also communicating with the presidents, through me as chairperson, every step of the way. It is impossible for everyone to be happy and content with his or her lot, but the feedback I am getting from the majority of people who live or own here is that on the whole, we are happy to be here.

Neighbours and friends help each other out and this in turn promotes community spirit. There will always be times when community spirit disappears, we are all human after all, but it generally returns stronger than before. Yes there are things that need to be completed, the main one being the new sewerage plant and this is being addressed. Yes the roads need a topcoat, but having said that, the roads here are in a generally better state than a lot of other MAIN roads in the area. Yes we need a roundabout at the entrance, this was supposed to be put in when the new motorway was built but this project has been cancelled because of financial constraints. (On that point it was the presidents who requested and had put in place the current continuous white line at the entrance to stop overtaking on the CV 945 at the entrance - because of the danger.) There are also other issues, which I will not bore you with, as I am sure that all areas have their own problems. Aileen Colquhoun, Entre Naranjos

02 - 08 JULY 2010

What happened to freedom of expression? John Rowe of Benitachell objects to a letter I wrote and blames the RTN for having printed it. Views expressed in letters represent those of the author and not the paper. The man begins by lamenting the lack of impartiality in our freebies and then reveals rabid right wing views which disclose him as a cross between the PP, the BNP and a Millwall supporter at an away match. (I do not wish to be unfair to Millwall fans and apologise for the last remark). It so happens that I do not appreciate the views he espouses yet defend his right to have them aired. However, I cannot stomach his ignorance or the sloppy English. He writes, “Perhaps I have not had the benefit of 50 years visiting Spain.” Well, he has or he has not, there is no “perhaps” about it. The man simply goes off at tangents and I’m not sure in which direction they lead. For example he tells us that: “...the Civil War was heralded by many as Nazi Germany versus Communist Russia”. I wonder if Mr Rowe has ever heard of Great Britain and France’s policy of Non-Intervention in Spain and Appeasement. Does he realize that since we failed to stop Hitler in Spain we had to take on Nazi Germany four months after the Civil War

ended? Incidentally, did not Churchill welcome the USSR as an ally against the Nazis? Mr Rowe tells us “that atrocities were committed on both sides, possibly in even numbers.” Why “possibly in even numbers?” The figures are in the public domain. In fact 40,000 were executed in the first six months of the Civil War in the Republican Zone while the Government had lost control. All have been identified and received a proper burial. In Franco’s zone 180,000 were executed during and after the Civil War. Terror was used as a deliberate policy. Those corpses have been left lying in mass graves awaiting a decent burial. Would Rowe deny them that? Rowe makes light of corruption and misses the point. He claims “We are living in a country where corruption exists on both sides, not on one side alone.” He seems purely concerned to spread the sleaze and doesn’t have a word of condemnation for corruption as a criminal practice. The point is that courts consistently use the law to shield Partido Popular culprits from justice. How about those abiding reminders of the dictatorship? If Rowe has given them a thought I doubt he cares. Desmond Baxter

CLARO and Puma 22

please. A secondary meaning of CLARO is ‘of course’. They can well be imagined at those first meetings of PUMA22. It campaigns for the restoration of access to healthcare as promised in Law 3/2003 of 6th February, Health Management of Valencia: ‘Of course’, no problem, we’ll go along with that. Meanwhile, just take a look at our pamphlets and sign here against spoiling la Cala Mosca’... Never ever have I been one to say I told you so. Nevertheless, in a ‘worst case scenario’, if CLARO abandons the other opposition parties and teams up with the PP I shall dig out this letter. Genoveva Cassar

BILL BRIDGES puts the record straight and wonders how I came by my assertion about there being an alliance between CLARO and Puma 22. Perhaps I am mistaken but I attended the first meetings held by Puma 22 and seem to remember CLARO being there, together with their political pamphlets. My recollections confirm the view that as much as organizations sympathise with the aims and objectives of Puma 22 (indeed I do myself), they nevertheless have their own agenda. Therefore, I find a

contradiction in Mr Bridges’s claim that: “Should any organisation, or individual, wish to support us in our aims, then of course we would welcome such support. PUMA22 has never, and will never endorse, any Political Party.” On the one hand, we have Puma anxious to put the record straight and CLARO’s silence. Mind you, I hardly expected CLARO to confirm or deny my swipe about climbing into bed with the PP but they usually say something. They are in for the votes and willing to say anything to

Incapacity Benefit

I LIVE here in Spain on Incapacity Benefit. I am ‘ill health retired’ and while my health is much better here than in the UK I would still be unable to hold down a job. IB is a contribution based benefit, based on NI contributions, which is why it is exportable, unlike Income Support. It is incorrect to say that our claims are not reviewed; mine has been reviewed twice since I have been here, and the DWP will send you for a medical here if they want to. If my IB was to be stopped, I would have to return to the UK, which would cost the taxpayer even more as I would then have to claim income support, housing benefit, council tax benefit and child tax credit, to supplement my pension, none of which I get living in Spain. Would the UK taxpayers prefer us to return and claim all these extra benefits? I doubt it! Woodybird

Montebello charity fiesta

ON BEHALF of the two Algorfa based charities we supported this year - Abused Women and Underprivileged Families - we would like to express our most sincere thanks to all who gave freely of their time at our Fiesta on Saturday 19th June. Over €800 was raised. To each and everyone who participated - the enthusiastic artists, the stall holders, the refreshments providers, the commercial outlets throughout the Algorfa area who donated/ provided prizes for the raffle, the residents of Montebello who assisted and of course all those wonderful visitors who saw fit to attend, we offer humble and sincere thanks. The return of the label indicating which helium balloon has travelled the furthest from Montebello - deadline 31st July 2010 - is now awaited! €50 to the ‘owner’ and €20 to the individual who posts back the winning label. Urb Montebello President and Committee

Be flattered of imitation

WITH REGARD to the ‘Benefit Cheats’ and the £46 million they are supposedly receiving as they sun themselves in Spain, maybe these people should be congratulated on being fully integrated into the Spanish and EU way of life. On the Costa Blanca especially, these people are, in their small way, merely following the example of numerous Government, local mayors and council officials. Our cheats are indeed adapting to European Union and Spanish corruption. Many British politicians should be flattered by imitation. Anon E Mouse, UK

Dismal performance

HAVING WATCHED most of the World Cup up till now and obviously England’s dismal performances, in my opinion a subject not many people comment on is the pundits on BBC and ITV. I think it is time for fresh faces and up to date chat instead of Gareh Southgate; Alan Shearer; Kevin Keagan; Andy Townsend; Alan Hansen etc as well as a few I must admit good players from other countries in their day but come on, some of them I am sure everybody does

not recognise. I was more than pleased that “If I Was Chocolate I Would Eat Myself Ian Wright was not on. Even the commentators have not got the magic or quips like John Mottson; Barry Davies; Coleman etc. Let’s see more of Harry Redknap; David Moyes etc, guys that are up there, week in week out at the top level of the game and not just ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ men. These regular pundits in my opinion have had their day: step aside and let’s have fresh faces with different views. It’s time for change as well as the football situation England put itself in. Graham

Hell on earth I THINK these people only have themselves to blame; they seem to think everything works the same as the UK, wherever they go in the World. On holiday they mix with English speaking people; they move abroad and expect everyone to speak English. I came here over 30 years ago; the first 10 for holidays and 20 years ago to live. Only 4 people spoke a bit of English so it was a case of pen paper and dictionary. We were warned then, by the Spanish, ‘never trust a Spaniard’, and we were always told never to buy ‘off plan’ as you never know if it will turn out as planned, and also you never know if the town hall will give you a certificate of habitation. I have had problems over the years but (touch wood) nothing major. I live with a Spaniard and believe me they have the same problems… I can tell you this problem has been discussed many times between both Brits and Spanish and all seem to agree that it will be dragged out for so long, most will not live long enough, like the tax that they are supposed to give back; it’s not in their interest to resolve it. Jenny


Help for HELP Murcia We need help with transportation of goods to the stall at the Autocine market on Sunday mornings - our financial life line. If you have a car or van and would like to offer some help, do please call any of the following telephone numbers: Gerry - 968 371 091 or Brian - 968 170606 Joan - 968 181 943 or The office - 968 570 059 (between 10.00 and 13.30, Monday to Friday) Thank you. Gerry Sherry


02 - 08 july 2010

Las Colinas Golf & Country Club opens to the public “Las Colinas has captured the very essence of this, and integrated one of the finest new golf courses within an environmentally conscious development. The natural beauty and unique terrain have helped create what I feel is a truly exceptional course.” FABULOUS Stephen Follett, Juan Alvarez Lozano and Jon Schauder

by Louise Clarke AFTER MONTHS of anticipation, the Las Colinas Golf & Country Club has officially opened to the public. The Troon Golf managed 18 hole championship golf course, set in the natural surroundings of Dehesa de Campoamor, really is a world apart. Regular RTN readers will be aware that the stunning new course, which has been designed by the highly respected and renowned golf

course architect, Cabell B. Robinson, represents one of Spain’s and Europe’s most exciting and appealing new golf courses. Very proud of his design for the new course, Cabell B. Robinson said: “What has been created at Las Colinas Golf & Country Club is remarkable for not only the region of Valencia, but in Spain.” He added: “There is a rich heritage of golf in Spain and a Mediterranean lifestyle that many people actively seek out.

RTN went along to the opening day and met with Stephen Follett, Troon Operations Director for Europe, Juan Alvarez Lozano, the golf course Managing Director and Jon Schauder, the Director of Business Development for Troon Golf Europe, Middle East and Africa. All three were delighted that the course was now fully open to the public and told RTN that after years of planning and construction, and months of final preparation, it was great to see so many golfers enjoying the fabulous course. The very first people to tee off on the par 71 course on this official opening day were father and son duo, Ken and Matthew Creswell, and they received some special Las Colinas gifts to mark the occasion.

Their 08.00 tee time was the first of a full day´s tee times, which included the first local Society group booking too, for Fuego´s Golf Society. The feedback RTN received all day was glowing - it was clear that the golfers were not only enjoying the immaculate playing surfaces, unrivalled conditions and intriguing layout, but also the warm, friendly, professional and comprehensive service from the Golf Team - the Las Colinas experience overall is indeed setting new standards for golf in the Costa Blanca. EXCLUSIVE

Out on the course, a fine mix of long and short holes provides great variety for the golfer. The tremendous long Par 5 11th will test even the biggest of hitters, whilst there are a selection of 5 unique par 3’s presenting an array of challenges, all varying significantly in length and topography. Water plays its part on some holes in the form of 6 beautifully formed lakes spread through the golf course, demanding the golfer plays strategically or with

precision to avoid being punished by the hazards, but also inviting them to benefit from the reward. Dramatic bunkering also plays a major part in the nature of the golf course, as many intimidating and visually impacting bunkers guard the entrance to greens or await the slightly wayward tee shot – the highest quality sand within ensures a fair chance for escape without necessarily spoiling your card. The final word goes to Bruce Glasco, Managing Director of Troon Golf Europe, Middle East and Africa: “We are excited to be working with the team at Las Colinas Golf & Country Club. This is truly a unique development which will offer residents and guests an exclusive environment to enjoy the extensive leisure facilities. With its World-class golf course, there is no doubt Las Colinas will have a positive impact on golf, not only in the region, but also in Spain.” For more information on Las Colinas please visit www.aworldapart.es, telephone +34 965 324 004, or email golf@lascolinasgolf.es

02 - 08 july2010 2010 8-14 JANUARY



02 - 08 JULY 2010

My week at RTN by

Henry Caffarena

of The European School in Alicante

MY NAME is Henry Caffarena. I’m a sixteen year old student studying at the European School in Alicante. This year, like every year, my school encourages all students finishing their secondary cycle to do a week of work experience. I suppose they do this so that we can have our first taste of working life. My father being a client of RTN for some years now, arranged for me to work at the newspaper, and this is how it went. My first day, was very exciting as you might imagine. I was introduced to the RTN team and was given my timetable for the week. Next I was off with Roddy Cunningham from the sales department to visit a few of his regular clients such as The English Medical Clinic and Link Point Legal in the Alfas del Pi area. That day I learnt how the revenues are brought into the newspaper and also learnt a little about the paper’s history. Time flew and before I knew it, it was

time to head back to the office, where I was collected by my parents. Tuesday morning I was back at the office, but this time to be with Kirsty in the Accounts department where I was shown how the RTN accounts system worked. After an interesting morning learning all about how contracts are received, recorded and filed into their system, I went to spend some time with Claire in the Production Department with whom I learnt all about the newspaper’s new design and how it is put together on a computer before it goes off to print. My third day of work experience was spent with Mr Jack Troughton, one of RTN’s reporters working in the north of Alicante province. The first thing we did was to visit the awarded MBE Irene Ellis for an interview. This lady is the founder and president of the charity Cancer Care. After a very interesting interview with Mrs Ellis, Jack and I then went off to

OAP in desperate attempted robbery A 65-YEAR-OLD man was arrested last week for smashing up cash machines in Cartagena. Police were called in the middle of the night after the man was seen attacking a cash dispenser with a hammer. He also broke into a bank by shattering the window. He was arrested at approximately 01.00 on Monday morning. The man explained to police that he was broke and needed money. He had also smashed up two further cash machines.

Claire and Henry work on the design for this week’s paper

interview a little English shop surviving the crisis but unfortunately they weren’t ready to be interviewed. After a seagull photography session by the beach for a pending article, it was almost time to call it a day. It was extremely interesting for me to see how a newspaper reporter goes about his daily work. Thursday I was back with Roddy. We were meant to write two promotional articles for two clients, but plans had to change slightly as the clients weren’t ready, so we took to the road

again to visit some more of his regular advertising clients. We then dropped by the RTN office again to do a bit of ‘admin’ and later went to have some lunch at a local restaurant. Working for RTN has been a very interesting experience. I have seen the different stages that lead to the final product; the newspaper every Friday. It has been a wonderful week for me and I’d like to thank the RTN news group for giving me this wonderful work experience opportunity.

Metro strike paralyses city THE MADRID Metro strike last Tuesday and Wednesday affected an estimated two million commuters and brought the economic activity of Madrid to a virtual standstill, according to the city’s mayor, Alberto

Ruiz-Gallardón. He spoke on breakfast TV last week. Workers are striking over a proposed 5 percent wage cut, which is being enforced by the PP Madrid regional government leader, Esperanza Aguirre. The wage cut imposed by

the government for civil servants isn’t applicable by law to the Metro workers, but the regional PP government in Madrid has decided to enforce the cuts. The Metro system only ran at 50 percent on Thursday and Friday, and workers are voting this week on whether to hold an indefinite strike.

02 - 08 july 2010

Doing the 92: A lot has happened

I STARTED my last update with ‘A lot has happened’. I could just as easily have said the same this time! As regular RTN readers will know, I am cycling to all the 92 English and Welsh Football League grounds to raise awareness for the plight of the World’s 45 million refugees. I have to say that the famous Northern hospitality is alive and well: I have been regally treated at some of the biggest clubs in the country. It is always invidious to name names ….but I will anyway! Within three hours I had been welcomed to Tranmere Rovers, Everton and Liverpool. At Tranmere their manager Les Parry came to talk to me for 20 minutes, Liverpool offered me a tour of the stadium and their impressive museum whilst Everton had me photographed on their hallowed pitch and had their commercial department dashing around getting signatures on their shirt. Thanks, ladies! Preston, Wigan, Rochdale, Bury, Oldham all looked after me well but Burnley and Bolton Wanderers both surpassed themselves: they both offered 12-1 tours of the ground, introduced me to key people and showed their clubs in a very positive light. Whilst the history and heritage of Burnley Football Club is impressive, the Reebok Stadium is indeed state-of-the-art.


Children growing up too soon

At Burnley FC

It is on a huge out-of-town retail park with cinemas, bowling alleys, stores and restaurants. An integral part of the stadium is the De Vere Hotel where the local BNI had arranged my stay! So, just one week after sleeping in the back of a lorry when the budget hit zero, I was ensconced in a beautiful bedroom cum hospitality suite with views of the pitch. I deliberately kept the curtains open when I went to bed so that I could wake to see the impressive Reebok Stadium pitch. Now, if only my beloved Gillingham had facilities like this. That made up for the financial challenges and also my rear brake cable snapping at eight o’clock on the Saturday night! Cycling through the Pennines on only one brake is not something I would recommend. Fortunately, it was easily fitted by a bike shop on the Monday and I was off on my travels once more. Yes, highs and lows again this week! Whilst all this has been happening, Bjørn has been getting fantastic media awareness in South Africa and with a last little push we will get to 2010 shirts for the 2010 World Cup Final day (July 11th). Last Sunday was World Refugee Day and he was being interviewed regularly throughout the day. ‘The Shirt’ is now getting bigger by the day and is now on display 24/7 in Johannesburg. The Guinness Book of Records is verifying that this is indeed the biggest shirt ever and I am delighted that many RTN readers will be able to see their shirts on display on 11th July. No, there will be no England, so let’s all get behind Spain …..and ‘The Shirt’. Enjoy the World Cup everybody and please continue following me on www.theshirt2010.co.uk

A NEW report claims that Spanish children are growing up earlier than they used to. The report is entitled: Childhood and Families, examines values and education style, and looks at children aged between six and 14 years. Petra María Pérez, head of the Educational Theory Department at Valencia University produced the report. She says: “Children are no longer living their childhoods.” Children now stop playing with toys such as dolls and cars, at a much earlier age, and instead want mobile phones and are more interested in adult TV shows. Pérez says that there is a culture of ‘wanting everything now’, which is a cause for conflict in 22.3 percent of families studied. Children of parents who are remarried are more likely to have material possessions such as TVs, phones, and video games.

Zapatero defends Spain at G-20 Summit THE SPANISH prime minister and rotating president of the European Union attended the G-20 Summit in Toronto last week. He was one of the speakers at the dinner and he referred to the need to undertake changes aimed at guaranteeing the Spanish pension system. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero also spoke of the

difficult times being experienced by Europe and the financial aid mechanism to prevent future crises. He went on to stress that fiscal consolidation plans should be made compatible with stimulating economic growth, in line with the position held by the president of the United States, Barack Obama.


02 - 08 july 2010

VI Medieval Market THE OLDEST part of La Nucía is to go back to medieval times with its annual Medieval Market, an event that is rapidly becoming a tradition in this charming village just 10 minutes drive from Benidorm. More medieval street characters and musicians than ever will mix with the motley crowd, with a busy programme of events including minstrels; jugglers; stiltwalkers; quacks (warning: NOT on the National Health); beggars; nobles and acrobats. There will also be master craftsmen at work. The square will be gaily decorated with flags and bunting and crowded with more than seventy medieval stalls offering a variety of hand-made quality goods such as pottery and ceramic sculptures; leather belts sized on the spot; shoes and bags; wooden toys, puppets and games for the children; hand painted shawls, blouses and Tshirts; water colours and oil paintings, caricatures and portraits; stained glass and wrought iron; jewellery; perfumes and more. There are stalls with cheese and sausages made to traditional recipes, real ale or scrumpy, corn on the cob and you can eat and drink your fill in the ‘pulpería’ (a place to eat octopus - cooked, not live!) or the Arab tea tent. Master craftsmen (and women) will make coins, carpets and traditional biscuits. The children can join several craft workshops, or ride on a pony or in a medieval hand-powered Ferris wheel. Musicians, a puppeteer and two quacks (called ‘Matasanos’) will explain and demonstrate the wonderful properties

There will be more medieval street characters and musicians than ever before

of their medicines and cures; an elf will try to control a ‘wild faun’ on jumping stilts and jugglers will play with fire. Amata sells products made only by the participants; virtually an outdoor art gallery; in this way, Amata hopes to enable craftsmen and women to earn a living and encourage the public to buy

Golf Course receives distinction from Qualitur THE LA MARQUESA Golf Course in Quesada has become one of only seven golf courses in Spain to have been given a Qualitur award. The Councillor for Tourism, Belén Juste, handed José Ángel Quesada from the Club the ‘Qualitur’ distinction plaque, awarded by the Tourism board of the Generalitat Valenciana. The award ceremony took place in the conference lounge of the CDT (Tourism

Offices) in La Avenida Alameda. There are only six golf courses, as well as La Marquesa, in the whole of Spain, which have the ‘Q’, which is dependent of the Institute for the Calidad Turística Española (ICTE) (Spanish quality of tourism). Amongst them are el Centro Nacional de la RFEG (Madrid), Club de Golf Alcanada de Puerto de Alcudia (Mallorca) and Club de Golf Aloha.

José Ángel Quesada receiving the award plaque

original work. On Friday 9th, Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th July, we are open from 18.00 till after midnight. Arrows with ‘Mercado Medieval’ will direct you to the right spot. There is ample parking space nearby. For more information, telephone 639 979 678.

Golf school starts

THIS SATURDAY, 3rd July at 09:00, the third municipal golf school of Pilar de la Horadada starts. The school takes place at the United Golf Resort in La Tercia and anyone interested in taking part can call the Pilar de la Horadada Town Hall Coordinator on 696 962 351.

Bulls welcome youngsters The family day

by Jack Troughton JAVEA BULLS Rugby Club welcomed 125 boys and girls to the sport over a series of four Come and Try It days at Arenal Beach. The youngsters aged between five and 16 turned out to have a go at the new sport – which teaches a variety of skills and also helps develop children mentally and socially, through teamwork and discipline. Representatives of at least five different nationalities in the community, the majority being Spanish and British, took part in a final session at Javea Bulls’ new ground playing a variety of games. After the final whistle, youngsters and their families were able to enjoy a barbeque and the music played by Coast FM’s Simon Moody. Later each young player was presented with a medal and certificate, as well as a variety of ‘goodies’ and shook hands with coaches and directors of the club. It was a triumph for both the club and the

local community which rallied round after an arson attack destroyed the clubhouse 24 hours earlier. The police are currently interviewing suspects. Club President Peter Sowerby thanked sponsors Continental Wealth Management and Hamiltons of London for their generosity and support. “After the clubhouse was burned to the ground 24 hours before this family event everyone has rallied round and we have managed in the face of adversity to make the day very special for the children involved,” he said. “It just goes to show sport, and especially rugby, is a true team sport which I am proud to say will thrive here in Javea for years to come.” The club has launched an appeal to get a new clubhouse up and running in time for the Summer Sports Camp in August. Anyone able to donate building supplies or their skills is asked to contact Peter on 625 205 125, or Stacy on 650 231 013.

Sunshine on a rainy day CBBA GOLF day raises money for HELP, despite the rain and poor England performance. Many people think of a round of golf as a good walk spoilt, but the only thing that spoilt the Texas Scramble Charity Golf competition on Sunday 27th June, was the thunderstorm that curtailed proceedings, and England’s poor performance against Germany in the World Cup. The competition, sponsored by the Costa Blanca Business Association (CBBA) in collaboration with Campbell Lamont Golf, was held at Oliva Nova golf course, with the aim of raising money for Help of Denia. Members of the CBBA and the other local businesses had donated prizes for a raffle and an auction, which raised €1,760 to enable Help to continue their work of giving assistance to the expatriate community in times of need. A total of 18 teams enjoyed 14 holes of golf in near perfect conditions until the heavens opened and the

course had to be closed. The players, and their guests, were then treated to a three-course meal with wine, whilst watching in agony as England struggled against Germany. However, this didn’t dampen the generosity of the golfers as the auctioneer, John Migan, encouraged them to part with their money for items as varied as the hire of a bouncy castle, to that of a snooker cue. The organisers would like to thank all the companies and individuals that helped in any way to make this event so successful in raising such a magnificent total. The winners of the competition were Pam Beavis, John Beavis, Neil Rowling and Dave Thomas. ‘Longest drive’ was won by Ros Fletcher for the ladies

and by Chris Williamson for the men. ‘Nearest the pin’ on hole 3 was won by Alicia Minaro, and on hole 16 by Dave Pointer. It is hoped that this competition will become an annual event, with the proceeds going to charity once again. The Costa Blanca Business Association (CBBA) is a group of local businesses that offer a wide variety of trades and services operating along the Costa Blanca. All the members are vetted before joining the group so that clients can be sure of getting a reliable, trustworthy service from a business belonging to the CBBA. If you would like more information about the group, please call 902 889 300 or visit their web site www.cbba.es

02 - 08 JULY 2010



02 - 08 july 2010

A new independent supporters’ club for FC Torre FOLLOWING A recent meeting by supporters of FC Torrevieja, it was decided to form a new independent supporters’ club for local football team FC Torrevieja. This will be the third supporters’ club/peña associated with the football club. The sole aim of the new supporters’ club is ‘to support FC Torrevieja’. The name chosen for the new supporters’ club is FC TorryFans (FCTF), to reflect support for this long established and respected local football club. Eduardo (Eddie) Manuel Cagigao Souto, the elected President of the new supporters’ club/ peña, only agreed to form this new club after representation from many fellow fans, who felt that they lacked representation from the other peñas. Eddie has vast experience of this type of association both in Spain and the UK and is seen as the ideal President to help further the cause of these fans.

NON-POLITICAL New President Eddie Cagigao told RTN: “Most big clubs in Spain have many Peñas, with varying aims and levels of support. As a football club, the more supporters’ clubs/peñas it has the greater level of support it can expect and the more

FC Torry Fans new Media Secretary Ian Gully

the stature of the club increases. Although this new supporter’s club/peña is affiliated with FC Torrevieja, it will remain independent and non-political and all major decisions will be referred to the membership for final approval.” He added: “We have now uploaded the Membership form for 2010/2011 and it is available along with payment details from the following link: http://www.fctorryfans.com/showthread. php/253-FCTORRYFANS-Membership-form.” To contact Eddie, please call 637 869 602. Alex Dunn can be contacted on 637 751 301 and Roger and Pauline can be emailed at fctorryfanssocial@hotmail.com.

PALS presents equipment

Ken Payne and a Councillor of Mazarron. Picture courtesy of Mark Stocks


Rock ‘n’ Roll

JEZ WOOD of the Lounge Bar has put together an amazing Rock ‘n’ Roll night for Paul Cunningham Nurses, so guys get your drapes and beetle crushers out, slick back your hair, and ladies dig out those swirly skirts and pumps; there will be prizes for the best dressed and best jive of the night! There will be live music from The Dominos Rock n Roll Trio, featuring Rupert from the Stars n Stripes, and the Lovely Helen. Also just announced, the fantastic Eddie Wallace will be performing. Entrance is on a first come first served basis on the night, Monday 19th July. Doors open at 20.00 for the show at 21.00. Entrance is €3, which includes a strip of raffle tickets. So, get your dancing shoes out and have a great night, at the same time raising funds for Paul Cunningham Nurses: it’s gonna be a good one!

Spanish Night for PCN

EXPERIENCE A committee has been formed for the new club/peña by the supporters, all of whom have a huge amount of experience at running this type of association, and many of the names will be familiar to football fans. The following people were elected to be on the committee: President: Eddie Cagigao; Vice President: Fred Griggs; Vice President: Mike Hewison; General Secretary: Alex Dunn; Treasurer: Howard Yeats; Assistant Treasurer: Alex Dunn; Membership Secretary: Penny Willits; Social Secretaries: Roger and Pauline Waller; Website Manager: Nick Edwards and Media Secretary: Ian Gully. The new e-mail address for general enquiries is fctorryfans@hotmail.com and the website can be accessed at www.fctorryfans.com.

02 - 08 JULY 2010

PALS (Protection and Life Saving) took advantage of the Camposol Fiesta to present to the 112 service in Mazarron equipment to the value of €7,700. This equipment comprises of seven trauma packs with oxygen bottles; resuscitation pimps; pulsometers; blood sugar indications; pressure indicators and a host of other emergency items which include bandages, splints and provisions adequate to deal with

accidents ‘on the spot’. In addition, ten back packs for the 112 service were donated with the same equipment except the oxygen bottles. Ken Payne, President of PALS, made the presentation to 112 and to the people of Mazarron. He also announced that a hospital catastrophe tent to the value of €18,000 was on order. This brings the value of equipment donated by PALS in their ten year existence to €160,000.

ANGELIQUE FROM Los Arcos Restaurant has arranged a fabulous Spanish Themed night, for Paul Cunningham Nurses, with choirs, dancers and a Tapas Menu included on Thursday 15th July. Highlight of the night will be Sevillana Dancers, from ‘Grupo Fontana’ and a host of other artists including Mike Davies and Marie Joy, who will continue the

show until late. An added attraction will be traditional horse and carriage rides for a small additional cost. Doors open at 7pm with the show starting at 8pm. Tickets are €5, and are available from Angelique at Los Arcos Restaurant on 965 710 289, from the PCN Charity Shop in Quesada, or from Lyn Adams of PCN on 648 926 690.


02 - 08 JULY 2010

Sunshine-shielding and a super Slimfast-scheme

Watts In Britain By

Paul Watts

I RECENTLY started to grow a second head and decided to seek medical advice. “Hmmm,” said my Doc alarmingly, “Hmmm, no; nothing to worry about.” Apparently, I wasn’t becoming a two-headed monster, it was just a titchy solar keratoses. All those years of gadding about around the Med was catching up with a chap. I argued, “But Doc, I lived in Cyprus as a small boy and spent recent years in Spain. I must’ve got used to it.” He gave me one of those withering pedagogue looks across the top of his glasses, “It is damage that occurs over time. As a male you produce testosterone which contributes towards it.” He glanced up at my bonce and continued, “and as your, erm, ‘covering’ isn’t as, shall we say, lush as it once was…” He waved a hand at the AXA PPP Healthcare website. It told me: “Solar keratosis tends to occur on areas of the body which are exposed to the sun, i.e., the face or on the scalp of people with little or no hair.” Huh, charming, little or no hair - we folically challenged chaps really do have a lot to put up with. Okay, here’s the science: “Solar keratoses are caused by damage to the skin by ultraviolet light which is part of sunlight. The skin is normally pretty good at repairing any minor damage. But, over the years some areas of skin are unable to cope with the repeat-

ed exposure to sun and a solar keratosis can form. So, it is not a recent bout of sun-tanning that causes them but repeated minor sun-damage to the skin over time.” “So, Wattsie,” said the Doc, “It’s factor-thirty on the bonce for you or the wearing of a hat. Those baseball caps seem to be all the rage, although a nice Panama would be my head cover of choice.” Groan, baseball caps; Brian, the much-missed landlord of The Trevor Arms in Glynde, used to call them ‘IQ reducers’, especially those being worn backto-front. “But Doc,” I pleaded, thoughts of becoming a bornagain-chav a real worry, “can’t I just be treated?” He smiled, “Of course, dear boy, but you’ll still have to wear a hat or factor-thirty.” With my fate sealed I started to rise from the chair. “Uh, oh,” said the Doc, “not so fast, I want to give you a quick MOT.” It just so happened that a week earlier (late in April) I was thinking about my upcoming July trip to Spain. And after taking a quick look in the mirror I realised that it was going to be a tough job to become ‘A1 for Albir; or body beautiful for Benidorm’. The current state then would’ve attracted the couplet, ‘chubby in Calpe; or dumpy in Denia’. My nearest and dearest reading over my shoulder was quick to join in the fun. “Or Watts,” said she-

who-must, “how about, just plain old ‘fat in Finestrat’?” How she made herself laugh. Everyone, these days seems to be a critic. Any ole road, I started that very day to ‘do’ the Slimfast diet (Google it). So, you see, I knew that when the Doc was going to say something about my weight (then 103kgs) I could honestly tell him that I was ‘on the case’. In fact I pre-empted him. “I’ve recently started to diet,” I grovelled. “Hmmm,” he mused and muttered something about BMI, which to be honest I thought was an airline. Is he calling me a Jumbo? Apparently, my Body Mass Index was 30.0 and given my dimensions should be between 18.5 and 25.0 with a top weight of 78kgs “give or take” (give or take what, Doc?) “So you’ve started to cut back. That’s good,” Doc said, “but do you do any exercise?” I told him I try to walk most days for forty minutes. He seemed impressed, and asked, “Do you go to a gym?” I stretched back in the chair and opened my arms in an expansive gesture. “The South Downs are my gym,” I theatrically retorted. He grinned, “Well, just you get through that turnstile a tad more often.” He ‘okayed-me’ to carry-on dieting. Well, as we’ve discussed in these columns before, the mere thought of dieting is enough to bring on cravings of cake, chocolate and no end of naughti-

Doing the ‘do’ with Slim Fast

ness. But, without wanting to become too boringly evangelical about it, I have found that Slimfast (so far) has worked for this old hack. The last score on June 16th was 83.4 kgs with my BMI at 28.2 (still a way to go, although 20 kgs off I’m happy with). Now look folks, I’m no saint and I have lapsed from time to time and boozed a bit; but generally the ugly fat has slowly been wearing away. I think the trick with Slimfast is that little ‘treats’ are built in to it. Also, I didn’t want to get ‘hung up’ on numbers, so I didn’t re-weigh myself for over a month. I guess it has to be viewed as a long term plan. All of which brings me to today and I’m off for another weigh-in. It’ll be my last one

before sitting in giant-silverbird bound for Alicante. Hopefully, I could be reading this very edition of RTN on the terrace - overlooking the Med – of my favourite restaurant La Riviera in Albir on Sunday evening. Come over and join us in a San Miguel or two - I’ll be the pale looking, slightly scraggy-necked bloke wearing a baseball cap or Panama. Pip, pip dear friends… Watts in Britain; getting excited about coming to Spain and really looking forward to seeing me great chum Chic Gammage - Costa Blanca’s favourite batería - banging away on his drums. Go, Chic go… PS: Was Chic on page 22 last week, sporting a natty straw hat, in the ‘linea directa’ ad?

02 - 08 july 2010



02 - 08 JULY 2010

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02 - 08 JULY 2010

‘Among Dinosaurs’ from 14th July at the Umbracle: ‘Star Trek’ at the Science Museum THIS SUMMER, the City of Arts and Sciences invites you on a journey through time from the Jurassic Era up to the 23rd Century, on the Star Ship Enterprise, with new exhibitions at the Umbracle ‘Among Dinosaurs’ and ‘Star Trek: The Exhibition’ at the Science Museum, as announced by the General Manager of the City of Arts and Sciences, Pedro García Ribot, at the presentation of the new programmes. During his talk, he stated: “The exhibitions, activities and film shows are continuously renewed, so that anyone coming back for repeat visits to our complex will always find something different to enjoy.” The new content is completed by the “stunning IMAX films at the Hemisfèric and a submersion into the underwater World of the Oceanogràfic, which will once again be open to the public until midnight. And all this while having fun and learning more about nature, new technologies and the marine environment; broadening our scientific knowledge.” 27-METRE LONG DIPLODOCUS

The Umbracle will be the setting for the ‘Among Dinosaurs’ exhibition, opening on 14th July and continuing until next May: this awe-inspiring exhibition recreates the habitat of these ancient creatures. A total of 26 robotic dinosaurs of different sizes, from the 2.5-metre long Stegosaurus to the 27-metre long Diplodocus, all look utterly real and can make a wide range of movements and sounds to amaze visitors.


R E T U RO ! 0 5 € h t wor

The public will also have the opportunity to see ‘Among Dinosaurs’ at night, as the exhibition will remain open until midnight up to 31st August. Science and science fiction come together from 22nd July to 22nd February 2011, on the third floor of the Museum in the ‘Star Trek’ exhibition, giving visitors the chance to see real props and costumes from this legendary series for the first time ever in Europe, in a meticulously assembled set that will beam them up to the Star Ship ‘Enterprise’. The replica of the bridge, a flight simulator, models and real objects can all be seen in the exhibition on this series that actually did see into the future as it portrayed inventions such as laser rays, CAT scans, the mobile phone and automatic sliding doors. Pedro García Ribot also announced that in the autumn an assembly of Star Trek fans will be held in Valencia. Another of the new exhibitions at the Museum will be ‘Futuro Agua’ from 29th July to 12th September, presenting the issue of water from a global perspective. From 1st July, the Hemisfèric will be including in its schedule the large-format film ‘Arabia’, on show for the first time in Spain. The film takes us on a journey to exotic lands where ancient and deep-rooted traditions live side by side with an aspiration to modernity. On Thursday 8th July and 19th August, the auditorium will also be. hosting the ‘Nocturnes’, giving access to the summer sky through the Hemisfèric’s digital planetarium, to musical accompaniment

Among Dinosaurs from 14th July

and with explanations provided by a professional astronomer. NIGHTS AT THE OCEANOGRÀFIC

From 16th July to 31st August, the aquarium will be open until midnight, giving visitors the opportunity to enjoy ‘Nights at the Oceanogràfic’, the nocturnal exhibition at the Dolphinarium which this year introduces a theatrical multimedia show, looking at the cultural history of the Mediterranean from mythological times. It incorporates music and images that merge with the acrobatics of the dolphins and emphasise awareness of and respect for the environment. Other new elements soon to be opened at the Oceanogràfic are the two new aquaria

dedicated to corals and to the deep Ocean, as well as the incorporation of new species; four King Penguins and a Hammerhead Shark. And, as every summer, we begin the new Summer School for primary school children. For five days, the children will be submerged into the underwater world accompanied by qualified instructors, where they will play all kinds of games and take part in various workshops. There are four sessions: from 28th June to 2nd July, 5th to 9th July, 12th to 16th July and 19th to 23rd July. For more information visit www.cac.es, click the English version link on the top right hand of the page. To buy tickets online just click the blue button ‘buy online’ tickets. To buy tickets by phone call 902 100 031

Visit magical Galicia with Coachtrips SL COACHTRIPS SL will be taking a trip to Galicia in July. Magical Galicia is the furthest region in the North West part of Spain and is the chunk of land belonging to Spain but which, geographically at least, could almost be a northern part of Portugal. Bordered on the west by the Atlantic Ocean and to the north by the Cantabrean Sea, Galicia is so green you would think that you are in a completely different country. Coachtrips SL has a fantastic eight day trip planned, which will take in some amazing cities and beautiful scenery. This is definitely not the Spain of the holiday brochures; it is a place of great natural beauty and incredible variety. Your holiday starts in Vigo, a large city which sits on the southern Atlantic coast of Galicia. You will immediately notice the natural friendliness and good humour of the Galician people as the hotel staff help you settle in. Galicia is renowned for its culinary expertise, especially fresh seafood and throughout your stay, you can expect to eat well and enjoy the distinctive flavours of the region. After a good night’s rest, you will be treated to a day of sightseeing in Vigo and just a short distance from the hotel, you can board the tourist bus which not only takes you to see places of interest, but also offers a multilingual commentary. Vigo has an old ramshackle fishing district, with restaurants famed for a wide selection of tasty seafood and from the port you can take a small boat to visit the Cies islands, watch the Tuna fishing fleet unloading their catch or just sit and watch the world go by in fashionable seafront cafes.

02 - 08 july 2010


Bay City Roller and Friends rock Camposol Fiesta

Eric and musicians

The cathedral at Santiago de Compostela

The Vigo excursion also includes a visit to the El Castro Park. Here you can visit the Archeological museum and enjoy sweeping panoramic views of the city, the magnificent bay and the islands beyond. In the days that follow you will visit a hillside Celtic settlement; eat in a mountain top restaurant; visit the fortified cathedral at Tui and cross the border to take in the fortified market town of Valenca in Portugal. You will also visit quaint villages set on rocky shores, seaside towns with golden beaches, go aboard the replica of the sailing ship Pinto, which first broke the news of the discovery of America in the Galician town of Baiona and visit a country monastery which owns the largest ‘Horreo’ in the world. You will also have the chance to visit Santiago de Compostella; the most famous city in Galicia and regarded as the 3rd most holy city in Christendom. This year is a special year of pilgrimage, with many more pilgrims than

usual visiting the town. In Santiago, a modern new city rubs shoulders with an ancient historical area with narrow cobbled streets and the beautiful ornate buildings of medieval Spain. A visit to Galicia is a rewarding experience which will leave lasting memories. Not least because of the exceptional diversity of the area, the fascinating history, the gentle warmth of its people, the vibrant yet historical cities and the outstanding beauty of its coastlines and countryside. An extra bonus is overnight stays which allow visits to Madrid and Segovia. The eight day ‘David’s Coachtrips SL’ excursion leaves the Costa Blanca on 18th July returning on 25th July. The price is just €399 and includes accommodation at a four star hotel and all the above mentioned excursions. Contact David’s Coachtrips SL on 966 785 910 for more information or visit their website at www.coachtripsonline.com

BAY CITY ROLLER, Eric Faulkner and three local and talented musicians laid down their guitars and picked up guns in a friendly shoot out at the Sporting Chance laser-clay stand at last weekend’s Camposol fiesta, described by organisers as the ‘best ever’. Eric, an international star better known for his Bay City Roller days, wowed the crowd with an acoustic set and he along with J.J. Kane, John Hutchinson and Jim Craig had the audience boogying away with their fabulous music. J.J.works

tirelessly for Noah’s Ark Dog Rescue and also plays the saxophone and guitar. He surprised all at the fiesta when he jumped on stage with his banjo to accompany Eric for a traditional Irish jig. Meanwhile, John who is a popular local singer/guitarist and a stalwart of the local music scene also joined Eric on stage for the jig. Last but certainly not least is Jim, who as a former guardsman has met Queen Elizabeth II on several occasions. Jim is a much liked local musician and plays guitar/vocals with John in their band Backwater.

Regional councillor defends new school programme THE VALENCIAN Councillor for Education, Alejandro Font de Mora, visited Torrevieja last week to talk about the regional government’s success in constructing new schools in the community. The Councillor told the audience at the presentation at the Palacio de Musica in the city that in the last seven years, the regional government has built 365 new schools, two of which were in Torrevieja (school numbers 10 and 11, which will be finished in September). He also presented the plans for 47 new schools in the region which are either under construction or planned and again one of those is in Torrevieja.


02 - 08 july 2010



02 - 08 JULY 2010

The Emergency budget and your UK pension by

Stephen Ward & Robert Burns GEORGE OSBORNE delivered his emergency budget to the House of Commons last week and ushered in a new age of austerity. There were some important announcements regarding UK pensions and of course it is also necessary to take account of the wider impact on your UK pension fund that will occur because of policy changes generally. First the announcements: 1. The effective compulsion to buy an annuity by age 75 from private pension funds is to be abolished. The details are to be put in place during 2011, but in the meantime the need to secure a pension by age 75 has been changed to age

77 so that no one will be forced to act before the new legislation has been put in place. 2. The ability of those who have UK earnings to pay into a pension and get full tax relief is to be restricted from April 2011. The current limit of £255,000 will be reduced – probably to in the region of £50,000. Again the details of this new restriction will be announced later. 3. Changes in UK state pension age will be accelerated. The details will be subject to consultation but it seems likely that State pension age will rise to 66 (probably for males and females) from as early as 2016. The eventual state pension age may well settle at 68. There are in addition the wider impacts to consider: 4. The reduction in the UK deficit will tend to ensure that UK interest rates will remain very low and for much longer. Annuity rates will therefore continue to fall

from what are already the lowest rates on record. Each £1,000 of pension fund will therefore purchase less and less by way of retirement income. 5. UK policy and the austerity programmes announced by other countries will impact on economic growth - which will be lower. Stock markets may well therefore turn down from what are already reasonably depressed levels. 6. Lower yields on UK gilts may well have the effect of increasing the transfer values available from UK final salary schemes - including public sector schemes but.... 7. There will at some stage be reforms to UK public sector pension schemes. This may include measures that will reduce transfer values so as to protect the public purse from the impact of transfers out generally. So without careful management, your private UK pension fund may

George Osborne

well reduce in value and (because of lower annuity rates) be capable of providing a lower income than is currently the case. Advice regarding your UK pension, the suitability of a transfer to a QROPS or QNUPS and the ongoing careful management is therefore of even greater importance than previously. A free review of your UK pensions As pensions experts our clients come to us and recommend us to others. They recognise that we do

not offer a solution from just one country (e.g. just Guernsey), nor do we profess to offer the best product from just one provider and expect this approach to suit all and sundry. For a free no cost (with no upfront fees) review of your pension fund from a leading QROPS and QNUPS independent pensions advisory firm please contact review@qrops.es or see http://www.qropsguernsey.com or http://www.qrops.es

THIS ARTICLE IS WRITTEN BY STEPHEN WARD AND ROBERT BURNS, May 2010. Please see our advert on Page 2. At the forefront of the industry with over forty years combined experience with pensions, regulated and authorised, liaising directly with providers and HMRC, Stephen and Robert are two of the leading authorities on QROPS. E: review@qrops.es T: 965 790 918 W: www.qrops.es

Link Point are on the move: Bigger and Better! Link Point Legal and Business services are proud to announce that they are moving to larger premises in Alfaz del Pi in order to consolidate their Legal and Business team under one roof. This move comes after 2 years of successful trading at their current offices and ensures a continued first class service to both old and new clients. The office move is scheduled for the end of September 2010 and until that time LINK POINT will continue to operate from their current offices at Calle Ruperto Chapi 12 Local 5 Albir, Alfaz del Pi. From October onwards, the new location will be at Calle Neptuno No.4, 03581, Albir, Alfaz del Pi. All contact and telephone numbers will remain the same; the only thing that will change will be the address. Once the move is complete, it will consolidate Link Point Legal as one of the largest

firms of English and Spanish lawyers on the coast offering a truly unbeatable and first class service. LINK POINT would like to take this opportunity to thank all their clients, whose trust has made them one of the most successful Legal and Business firms on the Costa Blanca. The company assures that this ‘planned’ move will not affect in any way LINK POINT’s day to day work and their high level of service their clients have come to expect. They look forward to welcoming you all to their new premises and as always the LINK POINT team experts may be contacted immediately for professional advice to turn problems into solutions.


Do embargoes really happen? by

Suzanne O’Connell Freelance reporter

IF YOU are a parent, you know how important it is to be prepared to carry out your threats. Children soon get the idea if after half a dozen warnings the TV still isn’t switched off or the ‘grounding’ still hasn’t happened. It’s not just children it applies to. There can be a sense of ‘all threat and no action’ in relation to the Spanish authorities too. This isn’t helped by the general feeling of impunity which being in a different country with a different language can encourage. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you are untouchable and that the warnings and sanctions that are publicised are nothing but a lot of hot air. Take ‘embargoing’ for example. An embargo is where the Spanish authorities freeze your bank account or places a charge on your property. It might be implemented if you owe money and are making no effort to remedy the situation. Or this is what we’re told. It sounds a little extreme and begs the question - does this really happen or is it just a modern Spanish myth? The best way to find out if its fact or fiction is to look for examples of it in practice: we all know how living in Spain you can usually find someone prepared to give the answer you want to the question you ask. Proven case studies are a little more difficult to contradict. Pablo Arteaga, lawyer at Ábaco Asesores, gives me an example of an embargoing order being implemented and more worrying still – it was a mistake! “We very recently had an example where forced recovery of money was set in motion because of a computer error. The nonresident had sold his house but records showed that the compulsory 5% retention to cover capital gains tax had not been lodged. The retention was, in fact, already with the Treasury.

Does this really happen?

Because he was a non-resident and there were gaps in his receiving post, he didn’t find out what was happening until it was almost too late. When he did it was to discover that there was already an auction date booked for his house!” Fortunately, this owner, with Ábaco’s help, was able to demonstrate that the retention had been paid and the auction was avoided. Had it gone through, then the house sale would have been honoured and all he might have retrieved was compensation for damages caused by the authorities. And the message? Yes, threats of embargoing and seizing assets are carried out – sometimes wrongly. So how can you protect yourself? ‘What we emphasise is that non-residents must make sure that there is some reliable means of checking for important communications. If a letter arrives and you are not aware of it – for whatever reason – this will not be accepted as an excuse.’ But that’s not easy when you’re thousands of miles away in another country. ‘That’s when you need a reputable fiscal representative. If you don’t live in Spain, your fiscal representative can help ensure that any communication is responded to and that you are alerted to anything you need to know - before it’s too late.” It is a real threat; embargoes do happen but they’re nothing to worry about as long as your interests are in good hands. For more information about embargoes or ÁbacoConnect - Fiscal Representation Service call the help-line 966 703 748 or visit www.abacoconnect.com

02 - 08 july 2010



0215-21 - 08 JULY 2010 2010 JANUARY


Question: I really have a sweet tooth and have to have some chocolate every day; although I don’t want to give it up would colon hydrotherapy help with this addiction? by

Carol West

The Kamala Centre, Calpe

ANSWER: THIS IS quite a common question we get asked as people don’t like the fact that chocolate has a control over them. Firstly we need to look at why this is a problem; we never hear of people being addicted to apples or broccoli! The addiction can be split into two: the mental addiction and the food addiction. The mental addiction we have had since childhood. Most of us have been brought up with the link that chocolate or sweets are a reward for being good, they are also given to us when we are sad, to cheer us up and eaten at every celebration in our lives including birthdays and Christmas so a very strong mental link is in place and the brain loves happiness so tries to re-

find it through eating chocolate. Secondly, the food addiction; and this is split into two. It has been discovered that if a certain drug is taken that is used to get people off opiates it also removes their desire for chocolate. In other words, the chemicals used in chocolate are an additive drug. The other drug is sugar and this causes us major problems as it causes our blood sugars to spike and whenever they get low, the body craves more. Now this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t eat chocolate but many people would like to get a control of it and this is where colon hydrotherapy can help. The 3 day detox programme we offer at The Kamala Centre is the ideal program to get a control of our

addictions, both mental and physical. By combining 3 days of juicing along with 3 days of colon hydrotherapy treatments, your taste buds will change and your desire for the addictive elements will be removed or reduced. Once you are in control, life is amazing and you can decide what you eat and when. If you would like to know more, please give us a ring at The Kamala Centre on 965 875 869 or visit our website www.thekamalacentre.com

For an appointment please contact The Kamala Centre, Calpe on 965 875 869 or visit www.TheKamalaCentre.com

Hair loss associated with stress? Ask the Specialist by

Dr Colin Evans


QUESTION: I am 52-years-old and my hair has suddenly started falling out. I don’t have bald patches but the hairbrush and plug hole are full of hair and it is noticeably thinner. I have been under a lot of stress, could this be the cause? ANSWER: Stress as such, is not a reason for hair loss. That said, if you have had any illnesses or major surgery, it is not uncommon to lose large amounts of hair about 3 to 4 months later. This is known as Telogen effluvium. It is important to see your Doctor re-

garding this because hair loss can be a symptom of underlying disease. Thyroid disease, both over-active and under-active can cause hair loss. Look out for other symptoms such as tiredness, dry skin, constipation and weight gain, or the opposite: restlessness, excessive perspiration, palpitations and weight loss. When the thyroid function is stabilised, hair will re-grow. Other illnesses that can cause hair loss are diabetes and lupus. Amongst other things, diabetes can cause weight loss, increased thirst, excessive urination and frequent infections. The disease known as Lupus also causes hair loss but this is normally

in the form of patches. Hormonal problems can also be a culprit. Imbalances of male or female sex hormones, androgens and oestrogens, can cause hair to fall out. Certain medications can also be responsible such as oral contraceptives, antidepressants, anticoagulants (blood thinners,) blood pressure tablets and medications to treat heart disease. Medications used to treat gout and even vitamin A if taken in too large quantities can also cause excessive hair loss. Annoying isn’t it: the question sounds so simple! Please see your Doctor.

Look our for other symptoms if you experience hair loss

Article written by Dr Colin Evans (MB.ChB., F.R.C.S., BDS., FDSRCS.) The English Medical Centre, Avda del Albir, 72. Edificio Primavera, Bloque 1. ALBIR, (Alicante) 966 868 013. Email: engmedopt@orange.es


San Luis Lakeside by Reeves Butcher

• Mini pedicure or manicure (polish + 3€) • Sea salt foot scrub and massage (20 mins) • Thai oil or hot stone back massage (20 mins) • Reflexology (20mins - Not Thursdays) • Facial cleanse and massage • Eyebrow, lip and chin wax

10.00€ 10.00€ 10.00€ 10.00€ 10.00€ 10.00€

TEL 687 032 822 AND 664 614 337

02 - 08 july 2010



02 - 08 JULY 2010

Hypno-Band: life changing hypnotherapy


Mark Phoenix Murphy Dhp MIAPH MNRAH

ANYONE WHO is, or ever has been, overweight will understand how excess pounds can debilitate and spoil your life. In Spain, the weather is terrific and the quality of life on offer is unsurpassed; a true paradise. Unfortunately, paradise can sometimes be a nightmare if you are too heavy to wear shorts; too uncomfortable to be in the sun for more than a few minutes; or too self conscious to be out on the beach. All of that can change in just a few Hypnotherapy sessions. Long term fad dieters with the unhappy experience of seeing their dreams of a slim and healthy figure turn sour when more weight is piled on later, respond well to the Hypno-Band®, in spite of other weight loss methods failing miserably. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF THE HYPNO-BAND? Quite simply the effects of the surgical procedure of having a gastric band fitted are achieved without having to go through the actual surgery. The process of having the band fitted is ‘virtual’ in the sense that the Hypnotherapist will ‘suggest’ to his client that the band is fitted by going through a ‘virtual’ operation. The client leaves feeling relaxed and confident. There is no smoke and mirrors; simply a feeling of well being. DOES IT WORK? It certainly does. Clients who have never been able to keep weight off develop a totally healthy attitude to food and the quantities they feel they want to consume. Habits are changed

forever and Hypno-Band clients never diet again; they simply eat healthily. WHAT DOES IT COST? Not as much as you might think. The cost of the treatment is recovered very quickly in savings on junk foods and unhealthy eating! The therapy is charged at a total of €295. CAN I START STRAIGHT AWAY? No. Clients are properly and responsibly assessed for suitability (in a free thirty minute, no obligation consultation). Mark Phoenix Murphy clinics have been awarded ‘Flagship’ status, as licensed Hypno-Band Practices with more than 100 successfully treated clients. Clients who are unsuitable for therapy are refused the Hypno-Band initially but might be offered a different type of therapy in preparation for HypnoBand at a later date, depending on the individual. A note of caution: While imitation is seen as the sincerest form of flattery, we would like to point out that potential clients should be aware when they think about having Gastric Band Hypnotherapy that since its inception the Hypno-Band has become the World leader in the field and is imitated by many. Genuine HypnoBand practitioners are licensed and authorised to use the Hypno-Band system; a Registered Trademark and subject to copyright. Always check and ask your therapist for proof that he is a Hypno-Band Licensed Practitioner. If he is not, he is unlikely to be properly registered and insured.

MARK’S CLINICS ARE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: The International Clinic, Moraira English Medical Clinic, Albir near Benidorm Consultas Medicas ICA, Camposol Physical Therapy Clinic, Villamartin Medaesthetics, Punta Prima www.hypnospain.com www.hypnosisspain.com www.hypnotherapyGastricband.com Telephone 654 202 996 Mark Phoenix Murphy, Dhp, MIAPH, MNRAH

To change your life, pick up the phone. For a free initial consultation, call Mark direct on 654 202 996 or visit www. HypnoSpain.com, www.HypnosisSpain.com or www.Hypnotherapygastricband.com for more details. NB: Every other week you will find the Phoenix Hypnotherapy advert on page 2.

02 - 08 JULY 2010

Satellite Television Installations

a2sat bring you the latest news Five new channels are set to join the freesat platform. BBC1 HD, NME TV & True Entertainment. As always there is no need to retune your genuine freesat decoder as these channels will automatically update to your full 8 day programme guide. (sd decoders 7 day guide) Three of the changes are the JML Channels. JML Direct is now on 808 (formerly 809), JML COOKSHOP is now on 809 (formerly 810) and JML HOME & DIY is now on 810 (formerly 808) The other two changes are: Ideal World and Create & Craft changed transponder however all those customers who are using a genuine freesat and Sky decoders will have automatically changed over for those who only have FTA i.e non freesat decoders will now have lost those channels without a re-scan!

a2sat is pleased to announce its all new, decoder recycle scheme. So how does it? Its really quite simple, we offer a trade in on your old Sky, FTA or freesat decoder when you purchase a new genuine freesat decoder from us. The offer is limited to certain models and the trade in rates vary. The old decoders must be in full working order with full working order remote controls. Please consult our website www.a2sat.com for the trade in rates! Very limited offer



freesat from a2sat & no subscription

All Major Credit cards Accepted

How to get the best signal from your satellite Dish !

a2sat constantly strive to improve the service as much as possible and only offer the best equipment available. When installing a system we only ever use Invacom LNB’s. These LNB’s are widely known to be the market leader and always out perform other makes. All installations come with a minimum of a twin LNB even if only one feed is required, as we know the single LNB is not as good. By using the Invacom LNB on a 1.9 Dish we know we can get the maximum signal that is available, and in many cases meaning the customer receives BBC2 etc at certain times of the day, although this is not guaranteed. We have been working on a new design of feed horn that really does make a difference when paired with the twin, Quad and Quatro Invacom LNB’s. These feed horns are now available.

Not sure which LNB you have? Here are some examples of LNB’s used, which under perform and cost less! Why not sign up to receive our newsletters via email. The system is very secure and your email address is never passed onto any third parties and is controlled by constant contacts and you can unsubscribe at anytime. Just go to www.a2sat.com and follow the instructions on how to join.

Freesat HD Plus

a2sat’s BEST-SELLING System! The system operates in a similar manner to SKY HD Plus but with one major difference: users have access to any of the accepted free to air channels with the ability to record them without any subscription required. With Freesat HD Plus, viewers have the freedom to pause, rewind and fast forward LIVE TV without the need to record anything! This is possible as the sophisticated decoder has a massive 320GB hard drive, allowing users to preserve up to 200 hours of Standard Definition, or 80 hours of High Definition programming, which is great if someone telephones at a crucial moment in the programme or if you just want to pop to the kitchen to make a brew!

This a2sat combination is the very best! Invacom twin, Quad and Quatro LNB’s with the all new a2sat feedhorn so why not upgrade today. Prices start from as little as 164€ fitted!

Community Installations a2sat now offer FIBRE OPTICS as the new way of installing the larger community systems; allowing us to run the cables up to as far away as 10km without any signal loss! Community systems can be installed in various ways, primarily in normal copper cored cabling or using fibre optics. There is only one real way of doing it, and that is correctly! We supply many customers on existing communal systems with genuine freesat decoders and whilst we are there we are often asked to inspect their community installation. Many of the systems run perfectly however we do come across some, where if your home is close to the dish you have no problem but the further away from the dish you are the more signal problems you have. The main reason for this is where the wrong type of coax has been used, we have seen some installations where the Spanish FM community cable has been used. The Price of their installation is the normal tell tale sign, if it sounds too cheap then it probably is. a2sat only offer quality installations using either the right size and grade of copper coax and now after investing in the latest technology, we can also use FIBRE OPTICS. By using this type of equipment we know we will have all of the signal all of the time, meaning the distance between the satellite dish and the home could be up to 10km away! So to summarise, if your community would like a quality installation, without compromise, without touching the Spanish community cables (TV or FM which you should never do) and want a full working genuine freesat system then look no further than a2sat. We are very happy to conduct a no obligation site visit, free of charge to discuss the possibilities available, and if any planning applications are required we will complete the paperwork at no extra cost! a2sat also design smaller systems for neighbours who just want to share the cost with each other. The cost for this is as little as 399€ for 4 to share using a genuine freesat SD decoder with a superb picture, 7 day programme guide, ceefax, teletext, subtitles, BBC RED button. Or why not step up to full HD in time for the world cup for an extra 85€ each. Most types of installations large or small, cost less that two years subscription charges than that of a rebroadcasted system, and most importantly you own the system and pay out nothing more!!

We now offer community systems as a rental package subject to terms and conditions

For further information Please telephone 966 194 931 or 678 239 193.

Opening times are 10.00 – 16.00, Monday to Friday and 10.00 to 14.00 on Saturdays. Alternatively you may email enquiries to info@a2sat.com or consult the website www.a2sat.com Office Calle Miguel Angel, Blanco 1, 03159, Daya Nueva (near Almoradi) Alicante. Next door to the town hall, Ayuntamiento


0215-21 - 08 JULY 2010 2010 JANUARY

Discover the Costa Blanca By Derek Workman. Derek Workman begins a series of excursions from his book ‘Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’ which features 22 detailed trips that lead you to spots you’d never find by yourself.

The Ice Man Cometh AREA: Inland towns of the Sierra Mariola, Alicante province. ROUTE: Cocentaina – Agres – Bocairent – Alcoi – Cocentaina DISTANCE: 66 kilometres DRIVE THROUGH glorious countryside and discover two medieval gems on a trip that’s short on kilometres but long on history. At first glance, Cocentaina looks little more than an industrial estate and rarely gets a mention in a tourist guide but, like many other small mountain towns in these parts, an historic heart beats behind all those factories producing textiles and furniture. Towards the end of the 11th Century, Cocentaina was the capital of a large Islamic

Cocentaina alley

region that covered the entire northern part of present-day Alicante province. Around the mid-12th Century, the Christians began their conquest of the town, and in 1258 Jaime I raised his standard as its saviour. Less than 50 years later, in 1304, the Moors of Granada attacked and burned the town, earning the locals the soubriquet of ‘socarrats’, the ‘scorched ones’. The historic part of Cocentaina is divided into two zones: El Raval, the ancient Moorish neighbourhood whose streets rise in terraces up the hill towards the Ermita Santa Bárbara, and La Vila, the Christian part that contains most of the town’s architectural and historical points of interest. The epicentre of Cocentaina was the Palau Comtal, historic home of the Corella family, whose crest features a woman’s head atop the body of a serpent. When the Countess Corella took over the building in the 15th Century, she wasn’t happy with the 13th Century Gothic appearance and turned it into a Renaissance palace with lots of painted and carved ceilings, ornate tiled floors and columned arches. And she did a good job. The Sala de los Embajadores, (d’Ambaixadors in Valenciano) now a museum of Gothic art, has stunning ceramic tiles and

Agres view

carved paneled ceiling, and the Sala Dorada has an impressive painted ceiling. Panels depicting the kings of Navarra (the Countess’s family) are surrounded by scenes of the battles between Moors and Christians, notably that of Jaime I sitting on a hilltop prior to his successful invasion of Valencia city. Adjoining the Palau, the church of Virgen del Milagro convent and monastery is a haven of ornate intimacy, where the locals pop in and out while doing their morning shopping. The decoration and artistic embellishment is worthy of a cathedral, in a structure that, when packed, could hardly accommodate more than a couple of hundred souls. Elaborate paintwork covers large areas of the walls and huge sections are painted to imitate irregular stone blocks, the overall effect being of a slightly kitsch rustic church with a nod in the direction of decadence. While Cocentaina has a number of splendid edifices, it also has tiny, twisting streets with magnificent charm. Sneaky little alleyways lead to dead ends and worn narrow flights of steps lure you on Alice-in-Wonderland style. The streets are decorated with beautifully painted plaques depicting the lives of saints and religious goings-on. Just around the corner from the Santa María church, stone steps lead up to the street Mare de Déu del Miracle. If you turn left here you will come across the oldest ceramic panels in Cocentaina. They date from the mid-18th Century and represent the suffering of the Virgin, giving their name to the street in which they are located. Keeping a watchful eye over the town is the recently restored castle. More tower than castle, this emblem of Cocentaina was built in Gothic military style during the 13th and 14th Centuries. You can reach it by car, but it’s a steep climb and the view is marred somewhat by the industrial buildings spread out below. Alternatively, enjoy the vista from

the picnic area around the chapel of San Cristóbal, where you can sit on stone blocks (it’s advisable to take a cushion) with a huge stone slab as a table and with the aroma of rosemary in the air. Agres is one of those delightful mountain villages of narrow twisting streets, bougainvillea-covered cottages, ornate tiled plaques and fountains gushing sparkling mountain water. The latter come together particularly well at the fountain on Calle Mayor, and there’s even a route map to guide you around the loveliest of the fountains. To get to the Santuario at the top of the village by car, take the first right after the Restaurant Mariola, onto Calle Mayor, a very narrow road despite its grand name. When you reach the first square, the Plaza de España, turn right again and immediately turn left after the church. This leads you directly to the Santuario. The Santuario is dedicated to the Mare de Déu de Agres (Mother of God of Agres) and commemorates a 15th Century miracle. On the night of August 31st, 1484, the church of Santa María in Alicante was destroyed by fire. The statue of the Mare de Déu was seen to disappear into the sky. The following day she was discovered near Agres castle by a disabled shepherd, who instantly and miraculously was cured. The Mare de Déu de Agres, now kept in the Franciscan monastery, became the destination for a major pilgrimage, and on 1st September each year her discovery is re-enacted by villagers, the texts handed down from father to son. At other times it is a delightfully peaceful place to sit and ponder awhile. The Sierra Mariola is rich in flora. Thyme, rosemary, lavender, sage, all make walking in these mountains an aromatic delight to complement the visual pleasures of rockroses and orchids. There are numerous walks around Agres.

The snow cave at Agres

This article is an excerpt from ‘The Ice Man Cometh’, featured in Derek Workman’s book ‘ Inland Trips From the Costa Blanca’, twenty-two excursions throughout Alicante, Valencia and Castellon. Available from Santana Books at www.santanabooks.com. To read the excursion in full, and to discover more about Spain, visit http://derekworkman.wordpress.com/

Crimes That Shocked The World AUTHOR AND RTN Book Reviewer Danny Collins moved to the Costa Blanca with his wife in 1991 and joined a local newspaper group as an investigative reporter before retiring as deputy executive editor in 2004. Since then he has written an average of a book a year on true crime. The first was ‘Nightmare in the Sun’, the story of the kidnap and murders of Anthony and Linda O’Malley while seeking a retirement home on the Costa. The second was ‘Vanished’, the international best-seller that told the noholds-barred story of the controversial and Danny flawed investigation into the disappearance Collins of three year-old Madeleine McCann in Praia new de Luz in Portugal. book is Since then he has written of the bloody released battles and hardships suffered by British on the 15th July troops in Afghanistan, published under the title of ‘The Bloodiest Battles in 2009’. On 5th July, London publisher John Blake in the USA, when young lovers Chris Newsom releases ‘Crimes That Shocked the World’, a Jr and Channon Christian were kidnapped, grisly portrayal of twenty of the most horrific raped, and murdered by a drug-inflamed international crimes committed over the last gang. Many of the details revealed by the 40 years, including the chilling accounts of author were suppressed by the US authorities the Columbine High School and Virginia Tech due to the horrific nature of the crime and massacres and a journey into the insane mind the racial overtones. of Green River serial killer Gary Ridgeway. ‘Crimes That Shocked the World’ is Also revealed are the never before told published by John Blake in paperback and details of the 2007 Chipman Street murders will be released on 15th July priced £6.99.

Sophisticattzz’s Ascot Day celebrations! The ladies have raised a lot of money for charities

SOPHISTICATTZZ’S LADIES’ club celebrated its third ‘Ascot Ladies Day’ as 29 ladies enjoyed a day at the races, at Treetops Restaurant, Campoverde. The afternoon included a meal and dancing to the sounds of vocalist ‘Keely’. ‘Most Original Hat’ went to Margaret, and Avril won the Pampering Hamper: the ladies sipped Pimms and lemonade and finished with a traditional English Cream tea! The Troupe dances at Fibber McGee’s Irish Bar, Campoverde on Saturday 17th July, around 17.00, for the AECC. Fibber McGee’s has several entertainers throughout the day and evening including a ‘Blues Brothers Tribute and ‘Elvis Tribute’. For more information about Sophisticattzz’s call Debbie 966 762 931 or visit debbie@sophisticattzz.com or www.sophisticattzz.com

Artesania gallery & well-being centre opening day

ALL ARE welcome at the Artesania Gallery & Well Being Centre opening party on 5th July at13:00, at Urb. Cumbre del Sol, C.C. Adelfas, Local 5, Benitachell. You will find us round the corner from the Pepe La Sal supermarket, next door to Sol-Bar. • Browse the gallery • Meet the artists • Complimentary wine and nibbles • Face painting & glitter tattoos • Easy access and ample free parking Artesania Gallery is an ethical and community focused enterprise. We proudly showcase artwork of a very high standard. Every item has been designed to bring pleasure and harmony to your home or workplace and budget. With over 50 local artisans regularly exhibiting their talents, you are sure to find something unique, inspiring and affordable. Artesania Gallery not only appeals to your visual senses, we cater to your spiritual and physical needs as well. We offer a range of holistic treatments and classes created especially for you by local and caring holistic practitioners. We want to offer everyone a wealth of new and exciting opportunities to explore. Local artists will be holding a range of art classes at the Gallery suitable for all skill levels. We look forward to seeing you soon. For further details and location map visit our website at www.elclubcasero.com or telephone Tanya on 636 929 326

02 - 08 JULY 2010


tv Friday


02 - 08 july 2010

Happen on a TV Ad

08:20 Big Brother 09:30 Frasier 09:55 Melanie and Denise’s 5 O’Clock Show 10:55 Deal or No Deal 11:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 12:05 Friends 12:35 Friends 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Relocation, Relocation 14:00 Come Dine with Me 14:30 Come Dine with Me 15:00 Come Dine with Me 15:25 Come Dine with Me 15:55 Come Dine with Me 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Melanie and Denise’s 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 The IT Crowd 23:35 Big Brother 24:05 Stand Up for the Week 24:55 The Album Chart

08:00 Childrens TV 09:05 Fifi and the Flowertots 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Thomas & Friends 09:35 Milkshake Monkey 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:05 Castle Farm 10:15 The Wright Stuff 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Life on Liberty Street 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Random Hearts 23:05 The Mentalist 24:05 Grey’s Anatomy

08:00 Dennis & Gnasher 08:15 Dennis & Gnasher 08:25 Sportsround 08:40 Wolverine and the X-Men 09:00 Deadly 60 09:30 Paradise Cafe 10:00 Animals at Work 10:30 Da Dick and Dom Dairies 11:05 BAMZOOKi 11:40 Roar 12:10 That Summer Day 13:05 The Lizzie McGuire Movie 14:30 Escape to the Country 15:30 And Then There Were None 17:05 Sacred Music 18:05 Flog It! 18:35 Wimbledon 2010 21:00 Coast 21:10 Dad’s Army 21:40 Stephen Fry on Wagner 22:40 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 23:25 Today at Wimbledon 24:25 Skin

07:00 Jim Jam and Sunny 07:15 Boblins 07:25 Engie Benjy 07:35 Odd-Jobbers 07:45 Fireman Sam 08:00 Dora the Explorer 08:25 Planet Sketch 08:30 Chop Socky Chooks 08:55 Ben 10 09:15 Horrid Henry 09:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 09:50 Aaron Stone 10:25 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25 Children’s Hospital 11:55 Monk 12:55 ITV News 13:00 This Morning: Saturday 14:00 Columbo 15:30 World Cup Live 18:00 Kangaroo Jack 19:35 Granada News 19:45 ITV News 20:00 World Cup Live 22:30 James Corden’s World Cup Live 23:00 ITV News 23:30 Hannibal Rising

08:00 The Grid 08:30 Quaife MSA British Rallycross 09:00 The Morning Line 09:55 Friends 10:25 Countdown to T4 on the Beach 2010 11:25 Being N-Dubz 11:55 Big Brother 12:55 Big Brother 13:25 Hollyoaks Music Show 14:00 Smallville: Superman the Early Years 14:55 Channel 4 Racing 16:55 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 17:25 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 17:55 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 18:25 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:30 The Magnificent Seven 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Russell Brand: Scandalous 24:05 Star Trek III: the Search for Spock

08:00 Childrens TV 08:30 Chiro 08:40 Noddy in Toyland 08:55 Milkshake! Bop Box 09:00 Hana’s Helpline 09:10 Little Princess 09:35 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 Zoo Days 11:15 Fifth Gear 11:45 Red Bull Air Race 12:45 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up 14:25 The Bounty Hunter 15:55 Sphere 18:25 End Game 20:10 Five News 20:15 Cricket on Five 21:00 NCIS 22:00 CSI: Miami 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:55 Law & Order 24:55 Cops in Crisis

08:00 Dennis & Gnasher 08:15 Dennis & Gnasher 08:25 Muddle Earth 08:35 Bear Behaving Badly 09:00 Wingin’ It 09:20 Sam and Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 09:30 Prank Patrol 10:00 Big Babies 10:15 OOglies 10:30 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 11:00 Something for the Weekend 12:30 Escape to the Country 13:30 MotoGP 2010 15:00 Dragonslayer 16:40 Flog It! 17:25 Songs of Praise 18:00 Coast 18:20 James May’s Toy Stories 19:20 Wimbledon 2010 21:00 Top Gear 22:00 How to Build... 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Today at Wimbledon 24:30 Two Days in Paris

08:00 My Friends Tigger and Pooh 08:25 Planet Sketch 08:45 Back at the Barnyard 09:10 The Replacements 09:30 Shaggy and Scooby Doo Get a Clue 10:00 Phineas and Ferb 10:25 Coronation St Omnibus 12:45 ITV News 13:00 This Morning: Sunday 14:00 House Gift 15:00 Columbo 17:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 19:00 Ladies of Letters 19:30 Granada News 19:45 ITV News 20:00 Gazza’s Tears: The Night That Changed Football 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Lewis 24:00 ITV News 24:15 World Cup Rock ‘n’ Goal Years 24:45 World Cup Rock ‘n’ Goal Years

06:25 Countdown 07:10 The Hoobs 07:35 The Hoobs 08:00 Catching the Impossible 08:55 Windsor Triathlon 09:50 The Hills 10:20 Friends 10:50 Hollyoaks Omnibus 13:20 Big Brother’s Little Brother 14:30 The Simpsons 15:00 T4 On The Beach 2010 18:45 Deal or No Deal 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 River Cottage 21:00 Come Dine with Me 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23:50 The IT Crowd 24:25 Stand Up for the Week

08:00 Childrens TV 08:30 Noddy in Toyland 08:50 Milkshake! Bop Box 08:55 Fireman Sam 09:05 Hana’s Helpline 09:10 Little Princess 09:25 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:45 Igam Ogam 10:00 Olivia 10:15 The Mr. Men Show 10:35 Gerald McBoing Boing 11:00 iCarly 11:35 True Jackson, VP 12:10 Zoo Days 12:20 Family Food Fight with Flora 12:50 Chinese Food in Minutes 13:20 Revealed 14:25 Quo Vadis 17:40 Clash of the Titans 19:50 Five News 19:55 Ghost Busters 22:00 Be Kind Rewind 24:05 The Woods

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Cowboy Trap 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Wimbledon 2010 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 Animal 24:7 20:30 Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers 21:00 Inspector George Gently 22:30 Outnumbered 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 24:35 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 24:45 MOTD

08:00 Childrens TV 09:50 Bob the Builder: Ready, Steady, Build! 10:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:15 Postman Pat 10:30 Guess with Jess 10:45 Show Me Show Me 11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 Yesterday at Wimbledon 12:30 The Daily Politics 13:00 Animal Park 13:30 Wimbledon 2010 16:25 League of Super Evil 16:35 League of Super Evil 16:50 OOglies 17:05 Trapped 17:35 Deadly 60 18:00 Newsround 18:10 Gimme a Break 18:40 Shaun the Sheep 18:50 Wimbledon 2010 21:00 Today at Wimbledon 22:00 Gardeners’ World 23:00 Grumpy Old Men 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Glastonbury 2010

07:00 GMTV

08:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 The Delicious Miss Dahl 13:00 BBC News 13:10 Regional News and Weather 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 Wimbledon 2010 18:35 BBC News 18:50 Regional News and Weather 19:00 Walk on the Wild Side 19:30 Hole in the Wall 20:00 Total Wipeout 21:00 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 2012 21:50 Casualty 22:40 Live at the Apollo 23:25 BBC News 23:45 MOTD 24:45 The Relic

08:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Country Tracks 13:00 BBC News 13:05 EastEnders 14:30 Wimbledon 2010 19:20 Great British Railway Journeys 19:50 BBC News 20:05 Regional News and Weather 20:15 Countryfile 21:15 Antiques Roadshow 22:15 Who Do You Think You Are? 23:00 BBC News 23:15 Regional News and Weather 23:25 The Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson 23:55 Dragonfly

10:25 Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News 12:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News & Weather 15:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 Midsomer Murders 18:00 The Chase 19:00 Granada Reports 19:30 ITV News & Weather 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Taggart 23:00 ITV News at Ten & Weather 23:35 World Cup Highlights 24:35 It Shouldn’t

tv Saturday

tv Sunday

08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 Road Wars 12:00 X-Weighted: Families 13:00 Angela and Friends 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 Project Runway 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 WWE: Superstars 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Missing Children: Lorraine Kelly Investigates 22:00 Bones 23:00 Bones 24:00 Lie to Me

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Cycling 09:30 Cycling 10:30 Planet Armstrong 11:00 Soccer City Live 11:30 Cycling 13:00 Live Beach Soccer 15:35 Live Soccer City Flash 15:45 Cycling 17:30 Planet Armstrong 18:05 Live Soccer City Flash 18:15 Beach Soccer 19:00 Eurosport Flash 19:05 Live Soccer City Flash 19:15 Beach Soccer 20:05 Live Soccer City Flash 20:15 WATTS 20:30 Strongest Man 21:30 Bowling 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:15 Cycling 23:45 Cycling 24:30 Planet Armstrong

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 14:00 Celebrity Four Weddings 15:00 Nothing to Declare 16:00 Medium 17:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Passport Patrol 21:30 Passport Patrol 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Miami 24:00 Criminal Minds

Watch Eastenders for Free with Europa call 902 050 999

08:00 The Lion Man 08:30 Malcolm in the Middle 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Football’s Next Star 11:00 Got to Dance 12:00 Got to Dance 13:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 14:00 Girls Aloud: Out of Control 15:30 Malcolm in the Middle 16:00 Fat Families 17:00 The Real A & E 18:00 Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 19:00 Glenn Martin, DDS 19:30 Modern Family 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 Best of Oops TV 22:00 The Librarian: Return to King Solomon’s Mines 23:45 Classic Albums 24:50 Girls Aloud: Out of Control

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Inside World Touring Cars 09:30 Planet Armstrong 10:00 Cycling 10:30 Live Canoeing 12:30 WATTS 12:45 Live World Series by Renault 14:00 Live Formula Two 15:00 Cycling 15:35 Live Soccer City Flash 15:45 Canoeing 17:00 Cycling 17:30 Live Cycling 20:05 Live Soccer City Flash 20:15 Boxing 22:00 Boxing 22:35 Soccer City Live 23:10 Eurosport Flash 23:15 Cycling 24:10 Planet Armstrong 24:15 Fight Club

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Maury 10:50 Celebs 24/7 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Will and Grace 12:30 Will and Grace 13:00 Changing Faces 14:00 Four Weddings 16:30 Bulging Brides 17:00 Stepmom 19:30 Nothing to Declare 20:00 Nothing to Declare 20:30 Nothing to Declare 21:00 Nothing to Declare 21:30 Nothing to Declare 22:00 Four Weddings 23:00 Cougar Town 23:30 Cougar Town 24:00 Criminal Minds

Total Wipeout BBC 1, 20.00

08:00 The Lion Man 08:30 Glenn Martin, DDS 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Road Wars 11:00 WWE: Superstars 12:00 WWE: Experience 13:00 Steve Jones in The Jones’ Boys Amazon Adventure 14:00 Modern Family 14:30 Modern Family 15:00 Oops TV 16:00 Fat Pets, Fat Owners 17:00 UK Border Force 18:00 Futurama 18:30 Futurama 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 The Simpsons 20:00 Pineapple Dance Studios 21:00 Fat Families 22:00 House 23:00 House 24:00 Fringe

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 FIA World Touring Cars 09:30 Live FIA World Touring Cars 10:00 Live Canoeing 11:30 WATTS 11:45 Live Cycling 12:45 Live FIA World Touring Cars 13:45 Live Cycling 17:30 Live FIA World Touring Cars 18:30 World Series by Renault 19:00 Motorsports Weekend 19:15 Canoeing 20:05 Soccer City Live 20:45 Show Jumping 22:00 Beach Soccer 22:30 Soccer City Live 23:00 Cycling 23:55 Planet Armstrong 24:00 FIA World Touring Cars 24:45 Motorsports Slumdog MillionaireCarr: Alan Channel 4, Chatty 10.00pm Man

Channel 4, 23.00

08:00 Jerry Springer Show 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Maury 09:55 Maury 10:50 Celebs 24/7 11:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 12:00 Four Weddings 14:30 Bulging Brides 15:00 Stepmom 17:30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 18:00 Nothing to Declare 18:30 Nothing to Declare 19:00 Passport Patrol 19:30 Passport Patrol 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Ghost Whisperer 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 24:00 CSI: Miami

tv Thursday

48 42

02FEB - 0826 JULY 2010 4 2010 - MARCH

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Estate We’re In 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Real Rescues 12:45 Cash in the Attic 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Murder, She Wrote 16:00 BBC News 16:05 ZingZillas 16:25 Zoo Factor 16:50 OOglies 17:05 Safari 8 17:35 Deadly 60 18:00 Newsround 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Regional News and Weather 20:00 Fake Britain 20:30 EastEnders 21:30 Outtake TV 22:00 Traffic Cops 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 Regional News and Weather 23:35 Question Time 24:35 This Week

08:00 Pinky and Perky

06:30 ITV Morning News

08:15 League of Super Evil

07:00 GMTV

08:25 Newsround 08:30 Raven 09:00 Prank Patrol


09:30 Timmy Time

10:25 The Jeremy Kyle

09:40 Chuggington


09:50 Brum 10:00 Tinga Tinga Tales 10:15 Postman Pat

11:30 This Morning 12:25 ITV News

10:30 Guess with Jess

12:30 This Morning

10:45 Show Me Show Me

13:30 Loose Women

11:10 Waybuloo 11:30 In the Night Garden 12:10 The Flintstones

14:30 ITV News & 15:00 Dickinson’s Real

12:35 The Flintstones


13:00 The Daily Politics

16:00 Celebrity

13:30 Working Lunch 14:00 The World at War 14:50 Hands on Nature

Pressure Cooker 17:00 Midsomer Murders

15:00 Open Gardens

18:00 The Chase

15:30 Ready Steady Cook

19:00 Granada Reports

16:00 Diagnosis Murder

19:30 ITV News &

16:45 Flog It! 17:30 Ben Fogle’s


Escape in Time

20:00 Emmerdale

18:15 Escape to the

20:30 Tonight


21:00 Emmerdale

19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Antiques Road Trip

21:30 Coronation Street

20:00 Natural World

22:00 Homes From Hell

21:00 Hampton Court

23:00 ITV News at Ten

Palace Flower Show 2010

& Weather

22:00 Dive 23:00 Mock the Week

The Weakest Link 18.15

09:30 GMTV with

23:35 Crash Scene

23:30 Newsnight


24:20 Golf

24:35 Superhuman

08:20 Big Brother 09:15 Frasier 09:45 Vernon Kay’s 5 O’Clock Show 10:45 Deal or No Deal 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:55 Friends 12:25 Friends 12:55 Kicking Ahead: The Power of Sport 13:00 Channel 4 News Summary 13:05 Grudge Match 13:15 Relocation, Relocation 14:15 Channel 4 Racing 16:25 Countdown 17:10 Deal or No Deal 18:00 Vernon Kay’s 5 O’Clock Show 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 20:55 4thought.tv 21:00 Big Brother 22:00 The Sex Education Show: Am I Normal? 23:00 Underage and Having Sex 24:05 Skins

08:00 Childrens TV 09:30 Thomas & Friends 09:40 Hana’s Helpline 09:50 The WotWots 10:00 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 10:10 Castle Farm 10:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 10:25 Milkshake Monkey 10:30 Igam Ogam 10:45 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 11:45 Trisha Goddard 12:45 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 13:40 Five News 13:45 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Home and Away 15:50 Animal Rescue Squad 16:05 Mystery Woman 18:00 Five News 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Live From Studio Five 20:30 Fifth Gear 21:00 Cheetah Man 22:00 Conspiracy Theory 24:40 Cricket on Five

06:10 Are You Smarter Than a Ten-Year-Old? 07:00 The Biggest Loser USA 08:00 Brainiac: Science Abuse 09:00 Oops TV 10:00 Cold Case 11:00 UK Border Force 12:00 X-Weighted: Families 13:00 Law & Order 14:00 Cold Case 15:00 Project Runway 16:00 Stargate SG-1 17:00 Stargate SG-1 18:00 Malcolm in the Middle 18:30 Malcolm in the Middle 19:00 Oops TV 20:00 The Simpsons 20:30 The Simpsons 21:00 The Real A & E 21:30 Real Filth Fighters 22:00 A League of Their Own 22:30 Modern Family 23:00 Lie to Me 24:00 NCIS: LA

08:30 Soccer City Live 09:00 Inside Superbike 09:15 World Series by Renault 09:45 Cycling 10:55 Planet Armstrong 11:00 Soccer City Live 11:30 Bowling 12:30 Soccer City Live 13:00 Cycling 14:10 Planet Armstrong 14:15 Live Cycling 17:30 Creative Breaking 18:00 Incredible Dog Challenge 19:00 Cycling 20:00 Eurosport Flash 20:05 Soccer City Live 20:40 Eurosport Flash 20:45 Fight Club 22:30 Soccer City Live 23:00 Cycling 23:55 Planet Armstrong 24:00 Pro Wrestling

Suduko Answer

Crossword Answers 558

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Press; 4 Backing; 8 Natural; 9 Mason; 10 Oily; 11 Malinger; 13 Sofa; 14 Left; 16 Reviewer; 17 Data; 20 Dogma; 21 Aground; 22 Epsilon; 23 Green. Down: 1 Pontoon bridge; 2 Extol; 3 Sure; 4 Ballad; 5 Compiler; 6 Insight; 7 General pardon; 12 After all; 13 Savages; 15 Regain; 18 Amuse; 19 Brag. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Prior; 4 Stumble; 8 Reclaim; 9 Inert; 10 Earn; 11 Sinister; 13 Doom; 14 Cede; 16 Ceramics; 17 Keen; 20 Learn; 21 Elevate; 22 Retreat; 23 Sweet. Down: 1 Perpendicular; 2 Incur; 3 Roar; 4 Summit; 5 Utilised; 6 Breathe; 7 Entertainment; 12 Commence; 13 Dormant; 15 Accent; 18 Evade; 19 News.

Ross changes channels The TV Round Up by

Alex Trelinski

Broadcaster and freelance journalist

I’M GOING to miss Jonathan Ross and his Friday night show on BBC 1 when it finishes in a fortnight’s time. It’s always been a great way of wrapping up a week, as I watch with a glass of wine in hand. Ross smartly took the decision to quickly quit the Beeb on his own terms at the start of the year when it became clear that the Director General, Mark Thompson was about to veto (for purely political reasons) a new cut-price deal that Ross had already negotiated with Corporation executives. The floppy-haired presenter may not be to everybody’s taste, but it leaves a big hole in the Friday evening schedule, where he easily got the biggest viewing figures. Not surprising then, that there is an announcement pending from ITV that Ross is about to join them to present, wait for it… a Friday night chat show! I like the unpredictability of Ross and the occasional moments when you don’t know how one of his guests is going to react. But his shows are only as good as who he interviews and last Friday was a great example of that. Kylie Minogue was terrific and had plenty to say, as well as doing the business with a couple of songs. But before the Australian strode onto the couch, we had to endure 35 minutes of boredom with a singer that nobody in the studio audience had heard of, preceded by an unimpressive exchange with the tedious Sean Lock. Ross claimed that the bespectacled

balding Lock was one of the best comedians in Britain, yet he made me hanker for a colonic procedure in the hope of raising a smile. No such problems tonight, as Robin Williams will be in the studio. But I hope that Jonathan’s new bosses will tell him that quality is better than quantity, rather than putting on a cheap time-filler at the top of show. Time was certainly all over the place in last Saturday’s final episode of Dr Who. I’m surprised that a number for a Helpline did not appear over the closing credits, where you could call the producers to ask them what actually happened, as we spun through the best part of two thousand years. Never mind. It all looked great, along with a happy ending, and a James Bond style caption at the end telling us that Dr Who will return at Christmas. Perhaps the Tardis can be used in the meantime to dump Sean Lock in another universe before he appears on the next series of QI? I’m a sucker for puppets on TV, ever since the early days of me being a toddler and quickly spotting all the strings of the characters created by Gerry Anderson for Supercar and Fireball XL5. I think though that Gerry would need immediate resuscitation if he watched BBC3’s new series, Mongrels. It’s about a bunch of animals that live round the back of a British pub by the rubbish bins. The show is screened well after the UK watershed, as at times the language is foul, the subject matter depraved and full of tasteless jokes about people like the serial killer, Harold Shipman. I loved it.

08:00 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:50 Celebs 24/7 09:00 Four Weddings 10:00 America’s Next Top Model 11:00 Maury 11:55 Maury 12:50 Celebs 24/7 13:00 Australia’s Next Top Model 14:00 Four Weddings 15:00 Nothing to Declare 15:30 Nothing to Declare 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 17:00 Charmed 18:00 Charmed 19:00 America’s Next Top Model 20:00 Four Weddings 21:00 Cougar Town 22:00 Grey’s Anatomy 23:00 Private Practice 24:00 Criminal Minds

Got a story? 902 118 999


02 - 08 july 2010

What’s Date Night playing local Cinemas COLCI Benidorm Av. Zamora, Rincón de Loix T: 965 853 859 Date Night - 6.30pm – 8.40pm Weekends and holidays only 6.30pm

IMF Torrevieja Pol San Jose S/10, T: 965 705 414 Robin Hood – 10.30pm Marmaduke – 6.45pm – 8.30pm 5pm only on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and holidays

IMF Ondara CC Portal de La Marina, T: 966 477 464 Same as Torrevieja 5pm only on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and holidays

Phil and Claire Foster are a couple who have been married for several years. Their days consists of them taking care of their children and going to work and coming home and going to bed. But they find time to have a date night wherein they go out and spend some time together. They go into the city and try to get into a new popular restaurant. But when it’s full and still wanting to do this, Phil decides to take the reservation of a couple who doesn’t show up. While they’re having dinner two men approach them and instructs them to stand up and go with them. They think the men are with the restaurant and want to talk to them about taking someone else’s reservation. But it appears the couple whose reservation they took crossed someone and the two men work for this person. The men are after something, but whatever it is they don’t have it.

“V.O.S” = Original Subtitled Version - “VO” = Original Version (Works With headphones)


02 - 08 JULY 2010 2010 15-21 JANUARY


Getting thinner and younger but more confused

Spanish lessons by

Jane Cronin

A weekly ‘cut out and keep’ feature helping you to learn basic Spanish for everyday needs

Lesson 114

WHEN PEOPLE start learning Spanish they sometimes have the idea that all you have to do is translate individual words. Then they learn that the Spanish have a lot of different ways of saying things and that word for word translations just don’t work. Then comes the realisation that the whole structure of the language is completely different, and that’s where the real fun begins. One of the ways English works is by putting lots of unchanging little words together into an endless variety of combinations. To express many of the ideas formed in this way into Spanish, one has to use an entirely different approach. For example, sometimes people ask me how to say “get” in Spanish. If I hesitate then someone else will suggest the word “conseguir” which means “get” in the sense of “obtain”, as in “I’m going to get a job” “Voy a conseguir un trabajo”. However, the real problem is that “get” can mean a thousand other things, depending on the context. For example, we have “to get up” (levantarse) “to get over” (recuperar, superar) “to get out” (sacar, escaparse) “to get on with” (llevarse con, seguir) “to get through to” (comunicar, entenderse con). Even within these few examples there are many shades of meaning in English. For example “to get on with” can mean to have a relationship with someone (llevarse con) or to continue doing a task, as in “get on with your work!” (seguir). “To get over” can mean to recover from an illness or other setback (recuperar) or it can mean to find your way through a difficulty (superar). If you are already “getting confused” you might wish to know the word to use is “confundirse”.

As you are probably aware, I am merely scratching the surface of how to express “get” in Spanish, and already endless alternatives have opened up before us. One particular way we use “get” in English is with an adjective meaning to “become more ….” For example, we say “to get fat” which means “to become (more)fat”. The Spanish language has a completely different way of dealing with this idea. They take the word for “fat” (gordo) and turn it into a verb “engordar”. In English we would often say “I have put on weight”, where the Spanish say “he engordado”. “To lose weight”, or in other words “to get thin or thinner” is formed by the word for “thin” (delgado), giving us “adelgazar” (to get thinner). “This summer I want to lose a lot of weight” in Spanish is “Este verano quiero adelgazar mucho”. Just look at any woman’s magazine if you don’t believe me. We are all “getting” older, and in Spanish we “envejecer”, from the word “viejo”. Interestingly, we cannot literally get younger, but we can “rejuvenecer”, from the word “joven”. All of a sudden the English uses a Latin based word to express this: “to rejuvenate”, although we still retain phrases like: “You’re not getting any younger, dear!” English is an interesting language. Here are some more “get” words that work in a similar way. “Largo” means “long” and “alargar” is to “get longer” or “lengthen”. “Corto” means “short” and “to get shorter”, or “shorten”, is “acortar”. To “get more expensive” is “encarecer” from the word “caro” (expensive), whilst “to get cheaper” is “abaratar” from “barato” meaning “cheap”. “To get softer” is

Famous English visitor in Madrid By Jean Orellana

ONE OF England’s most celebrated artists is taking centre stage at the Museum el Prado in Madrid. The museum’s art gallery, the largest in the World, is exhibiting 80 great works by various international artists; 42 are works by

William Turner (1775 – 1851) and will run until 19th September. Organised by Tate Britain in conjunction with Grand Palais in Paris and the Reunion des Musées Nationaux, Turner and the Maestros has already been shown in London and Paris.

“ablandar” from “blando” meaning “soft”, whilst the opposite is “endurecer” “to harden” from “duro” meaning “hard”. Not all adjectives work this way and as you can see, the verbs vary in their formation too, but this might set you on the road to new discoveries, or you could always make a new one up and see what happens.

Mind Body and Soul Experience at The New Moncayo Sunday Market THIS SUNDAY, July 4th, at the Moncayo Market, behind the PROCOMOBEL furniture store in Guardamar, Paul Cunningham Nurses will be holding a ‘Mind, Body and Soul Experience’. The event runs from 10.00 until 14:00 and will be a fabulous opportunity to shop until you drop with bling, blouses, begonias and pink champagne at just €1 a glass. Special offer beauty treatments will be there for ladies and for the men, a cool FREE beer will be handed out in exchange for an ‘Experience’ leaflet. To get a leaflet all you have to do is call into PROCOMOBEL before Sunday to collect the leaflet, which is not only for the FREE beer or soft drink, but also a 10% discount on store and selected market purchases. You can also pick up a leaflet from the PCN charity shop in Quesada. There will be bacon butties, books and copies of RTN to read, as the lovely Leia from RTN’s

Here come the girls

SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR Jerry Lane has launched the fabulous ‘Here Come The Girls’, following a working trip to Britain. He had the idea of creating a daily radio show based on the ‘Loose Women’ format, also starring Calendar Girl Lynda Bellingham, Patron of Costa Blanca Samaritans, Jerry’s chosen charity. Jerry approached Fab FM Spain for support and the show is a huge success. If you think you could be one of ‘Jerry’s girls’, drop him a line at jlp.es@hotmail.com or contact the studio. Jerry is planning on shooting a nude calendar with all his girls for the Costa Blanca Samaritans, to be available for Christmas with all proceeds to the charity, so watch this space. Tune into Here Come The Girls on 99.5FM, Monday to Friday 12.00 till 13.00 or listen live on www.fabfmspain.com. Costa Blanca Samaritans may be contacted on 902 88 35 35.

Torrevieja office will be there handing out copies of your favourite weekly freebie. As well as the inside exhibition stands, which includes Linda Sage from Quesada Wellness Centre; Sue Campbell with her Body Shop Products; Medium, Sammy Fitzsimmons; Fitness Expert and Personal Trainer, Jason Scawthon; Clare Gale from the Natural Health Centre; Beautician Saphia and Jackie from Hair Enhancers, there will also be stands by Bling Jewellery; Val Duckworth, the leader of the Vega Baja Garden Club; Michaela for Fashions with a vast selection of outfits in sizes 12 to 22 and all the usual market stalls, plus entertainment, food and wine tasting. This Sunday there will be a special raffle with extra prizes; just €1 for 50 numbers, but you must be there at 13:00 to claim your prize. E-mail sueinthesun@terra.es for a leaflet for a FREE drink, more details or directions.

02 - 08 JULY 2010


Feria de Julio - Valencia

Valencia is buzzing in July with its month-long Feria de Julio, encompassing music, culture, art, theatre, crafts and ear-blasting firework displays. There’s something happening every single night, and the event ends with an enormous flower fight!


Kirsty Tuxford Freelance writer

THE CITY’S parks will be home to arts and crafts fairs, where you can taste everything from crepes to falafel, and buy handmade trinkets. Every Saturday at midnight there’ll be a huge firework display in the Paseo Maritimo, which you can watch from the beach. And the Virgen del Carmen plays an important role in the celebrations too. There’ll be a mass in her honour, and a procession from the Plaza de Carmen at 20.30 on Friday 16th July, where you can see the giant statue of the ‘Virgen’ paraded through the streets. Earlier that same day, at 11.00, there’s a floral offering to the sea in the Port area. The Moors and Christians will also be in town from 1st till 4th July, based around the Port area and the Paseo Maritimo. They’ll invade the shores and stage a mock battle, and the following day they’ll be marching through the streets in full costume. You’ll also see all the falleras out and about in traditional costume. Then, on Saturday 10th July, there’s a chance to escape to another world by watching the dance group “Bailes y ritmos del mundo” (Dance and rhythms from the World) from 23.00 in the Port. FOR THE KIDS… There are several concerts and

events organised for kids. And for big kids who love bikes and cars, there will be a collection of old Vespa’s and Lambretta’s on display in the port on Sunday 4th July from 10.00. FOR THE ELDERLY (BUT YOUNG AT HEART...!) If the heat gets to you then you can sit and relax with a fresh, icy horchata drink, made from tiger nuts, sugar and water, courtesy of the company CRDO Chufa de Valencia. They’ll have plenty of healthy and refreshing horchata available at 19.30, on Wednesday 7th and Tuesday 20th July in the Palau (Palau de Valencia – musical concert hall in the old river bed) gardens. Once refreshed, how about a dance? In the same picturesque gardens at 20.00, right after the horchata tasting, there’s a specially organised dance for the elderly. Twirl the evening away in the shady park gardens surrounded by water fountains, leafy trees and the sound of birdsong. THE BIG NIGHT! Known in Valenciano as the ‘Gran nit de Juliol’, (actually, two nights): Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th July are the time to visit the city and experience many different cultural aspects. Just a

The Battle of the Flowers

Traditional costume

few of the activities include the opening of several of the city’s museums at 22.00, an orchestral performance at the UNESCO World Heritage Site, la Lonja at midnight, flamenco in the Plaza de la Virgen at midnight and many more concerts and theatre performances throughout the city. Museums that will be open from 22.00 until 02.00 are: la Lonja, the Historical Museum (in the town hall), l’Almoina, the Museo de La Rocas and the Almudín – not to mention the vast IVAM. Entry will be free. The great Battle of the Flowers takes place on the Paseo de la Alameda on Sunday, 25th July at 20.00. Last year 2,000 kilos of flowers were thrown by 25,000 people! The event begins with a parade of floats that are adorned with flowers – it’s an amazing sight. There is much, much more taking place in Valencia as part of this fair. For a full schedule (in Spanish) visit www. feriadejulio.com THE FAIR’S HISTORY The first fair was inaugurated on

21st July 1871 in order to try and take peoples’ minds off the heat and provide something fun to attract outsiders to the city. 1891 saw the first Battle of the Flowers, which lasted an hour, and afterwards the city was carpeted in carnations. LIVE CONCERTS IN THE VIVEROS GARDENS Thursday 8th - Muchahito bombo infierno Saturday 10th - Revolver Tuesday 13th - David Bisbal Thursday 15th - Pereza + invited artist Friday 16th - Calle 13 + La Mala Saturday 17th - Estrella Morente Sunday 18th - Deep Purple + Southill Monday 19th - The Wailers Tuesday 20th - Joan Manuel Serrat Tuesday 21st - Paco de Lucia Saturday 24th - The Cult All concerts start at 22.00. Doors open at 20.30. Tickets available through El Corte ingles and online sellers such as www.ticktetmaster.es


02 - 08 july 2010

Performing arts awards festival


HE FIRST accredited performing arts awards festival is coming to Torrevieja in just a few weeks’ time. With Bloch dance and Roland music company donating lots of equipment, prizes are up for grabs include top of the range amplifiers, dancewear and recording equipment, along with training scholarships for the winners of each category. Sections in which to compete include singing, musicians, bands, dancers, streetdance groups and many more... This festival is an amazing opportunity for all children in the area to showcase their skills and gain exposure, as the audience will be made up of professional entertainment agents, booking scouts and local press and media. Entrants will perform for 3-6 minutes and be marked by a judging panel of UK examining boards, along with professional performers and representatives of the sponsoring companies. The festival is pleased to announce that UK dance champion Faye George will be one of the judges. Faye has toured the world as a professional dancer and runs both a performing arts school and agency in the UK. Other judges include James Uings of Total Guitar magazine and Phaedra Vaughan, SIPBE Spanish dance examining board. Anyone can enter the competition and compete in as many categories as they choose. This exciting annual event has been organized by the Ghost academy in conjunction with Rockschool music exam board (the World’s leading assessment and examination board for rock and pop music), allowing winners to receive recognised titles such as ‘Young musician of the year’. Local dance schools and secondary education establishments are excited about this festival and have all come forward to support the event. If your school would like to be involved or you would like to compete, there are just a few weeks left to enter.

Examiner Faye George

The competition is open to all entrants in the Costa Blanca area under the age of 18. Entrants have until 10th July to submit their application forms. For a form or details, contact 966 765 607 or info@ghostpromotions.com

Outstanding exam success Sevillanas Club HUGE CONGRATULATIONS are due to the students of Totally Dance in Quesada and La Marina. Over 50 young dancers entered and passed their first set of BATD dance exams. The exam session was held in Howards Gym, Quesada on 5th June for candidates aged under 16 with the youngest being only 2½! It was a busy day for the girls with exams in the morning and dancing at the annual Funday, outside Howards Gym in the afternoon. Of the 89 exam entries, a remarkable 97% were awarded the highest possible mark with the other 3% achieving the 2nd highest mark. Classes will continue throughout the summer, with work commencing on new routines for the next show. Now is the perfect time to join in classes in Quesada or La Marina. For more info visit www.totally-dance.com or phone Susan on 619 690 469. Susan also offers classes for adults. The next exam session will be at the same time next year when all the totally dance students hope to maintain their 100% pass rate so watch this space for updates!

(L to R: Jackie, Adele, Val, Wendy). Raquel Peña (centre) with Irene Martinez and the Sevillanas Club Dancers

Elvis tickets going fast! A TOP UK Elvis tribute is ‘All Shook up’ at the amazing response that he has received to his Costa Blanca summer tour. Last month RTN told you about the forthcoming tour of Darren Price’s Elvis tribute act. He will be appearing alongside the Jukebox Legends and the acclaimed Elvis 2000 show. Darren told RTN that since the article appeared in the newspaper, he has been overwhelmed by the interest shown for the three show tour, promoted by Jukebox Legends. He said: “I have had a great response from expats and from people coming to the Costa Blanca on holiday at the time the shows are on. One venue has virtually sold out of tickets and the other two are selling very quickly.” He added: “This is a new venture for me as I have never performed the show in Spain and I am very excited about being there with one of the top

Flamenco Dancers voted first and second

The tour starts on July 16th

International Elvis Vegas tributes, Elvis 2000. It should be a great tour.” Following their recent four show sell out events with Ricky Valance, Jukebox Legends are also really excited about the ‘Double Elvis’ tour. Peter Day from Jukebox Legends told RTN: “This really is a unique opportunity for Elvis fans to come along and see a superb illustration of the 60’s years and the 70’s years of The King. It is important that people

get tickets booked as soon as possible though as it looks as if the three show tour will be a sell out success.” The three show tour kicks off on Friday 16th July at Casa Ventura in San Luis. It then moves to Los Arcos in Torrevieja on Monday 19th July and onto the Rocajuna in Punta Prima on Wednesday 21st July. All shows start at 20:30 and tickets at just €6 each are available from each venue or by calling 695 135 134.

AT THE Mazarron Festival de Baile, co-ordinated by Murcia Dance College at the Camposol Fiestas held Sunday 27th June, over fifty talented dancers competed at various levels. In the Adult Division, the Sevillanas Club captured 1st and 2nd places. The awards are significant recognition for this popular amateur flamenco dance company. Teacher and artistic director Raquel Peña says she is delighted and proud of her troupe; especially in view of the fact that it has been performing for little over a year. Twelve members competed in two different dances; an Alegrias and a special choreographic Sevillanas. The dancers are non-Spanish, making the award particularly praiseworthy. Wendy, Janet, Adele, Jackie, Ann, Linda, Val and Joan are British. Rainer is Austrian; Tina and Sergio are Swiss whilst Valda is from Latvia. Over fifty performers and enthusiastic followers from the Costa Blanca/Calida areas joined the dancers on an especially charted coach for the trip to Mazarron to join in the celebrations of the winners achievements. The Sevillanas Club Flamenco dancers are able to perform at registered charity-related events. Information is available from 630 689 431.

02 - 08 july 2010

Q4 and Texas Ted get together for AECC

Q4, THE popular close harmony quartet, and Texas Ted, the experienced Country and Western singer, are holding their first ever musical evening on Friday 30th July, at the Los Arcos Bar and Restaurant, Torrevieja. It will be the first time the two acts have organised an event together and hope that the very different styles of music will attract a sellout evening, in aid of the AECC Charity. As always, in their unique style Q4 will have people laughing, clapping and singing. Texas Ted, on the other hand, plans to have the crowd dancing to his Country Music so don’t forget that piece of straw for the corner of your mouth! If you still have any energy left, Raymond Jay will finish off the evening with his 60`s disco music. Tickets at only five Euros are available from the Los Arcos Restaurant: 965 710 289 or from Ray on 966 712 987.


48 40

02FEB - 0826 JULY 2010 4 2010 - MARCH

music scene

96.7 (TKO GOLD) - 91.9 - 87.7 - 87.5 • STUDIO SMS: 667 287 588 • STUDIO@TKOFM.COM


Q4 Close Harmony Quartet

ALTHOUGH Q4 have only been together and rehearsing since December, they have already started to cause a stir amongst those who appreciate close harmony singing. The foursome have years of vocal experience between them individually and have gelled to create an impressive sound collectively. Rob is lead vocalist and started singing whilst still at school, until his voice broke and he was forced to retire! However, upon moving to Spain he re-discovered his angelic voice (if not his schoolboy looks!) and has gone on to become the lead in the group. Ray sings tenor, having started his musical journey in the 70s as a drummer and backing vocalist. When

the lead singer was taken ill, Ray was asked to step forward and, from then on, took a more active role in singing. Whilst living in London he also became a DJ, earning himself a good name with his taste in music and easy interaction with audiences. Slim sings bass and is the joker in the pack. After wine and women his favourite pastime is singing. Having sung for his supper for more than 30 years, Slim has an easy confidence about him and a great voice too. Barry provides baritone vocals and, again has more than 30 years experience in singing various styles of music. He has sung in many close harmony groups and can be relied upon

Keyword Pop Quiz

to convince people that baritones aren’t strange individuals at all! Q4 would be happy to provide entertainment for any type of party, event, or as in-house singers. So for something a bit different at your venue or party call Ray on 966 712 987. DATE FOR YOUR DIARY On Friday 30th July, Q4 are team up with country singer, Texas Ted, to provide an evening of entertainment in aid of AECC, at Restaurant Los Arcos, Torrevieja. They are hoping for a sell out to help this very worthwhile charity and if you would like to attend, call Ray now. Tickets are just €5.

Find the keyword and win win two tickets to Aqua Natura. Just listen to Davy Jones between 14.00 – 17.00 on TKO FM on Monday 7th June to enter.

FIND THE keyword and win two tickets to Aqua Natura. Just listen to Davy Jones between 14.00 – 17.00 on TKO FM on Monday to enter by texting the keyword to 667 287 588. Don´t forget, any Groups with ‘The’ as the first word will be the main name only.. (i.e. The Rolling Stones will be Rolling Stones). First names will be used for answers (i.e. Billy Idol). 1. Who had a hit, in 1995, with ‘Wake Up Boo?’ 2. Which band had hits with ‘Viva Bobby Joe’ and ‘Baby Come Back?’ 3. Which group featured Dave Grohl on drums and a singer who committed suicide? 4. Which supergroup had a hit with ‘Fanfare For The Common Man?’ 5. Which hairtastic band had a hit with ‘Ooh To Be Ah?’ 6. Which band had their only UK top 10 hit with ‘Calling All The Heroes?’ 7. Gwen Stefani sang lead vocals for which band? 8. Who was ‘Only 24 Hours From Tulsa?’

Listen to Davy Jones on TKO FM, Monday between 14.00 and 17.00. Davy will ask you to text in the keyword. The winner and this week’s answers will then be announced.


Music venues or acts that wish to be featured in this column should email music@tkofm.com with details and photo...

Bobby Dazzler BOBBY STARTED singing at the tender age of fifteen, sneaking into the local pub to take part in ‘open mic’ nights hosted by Robbie Williams’ dad! This was just the start of a long and successful semi-professional career, as Bobby honed his skills by singing swing, Rat Pack and Englebert Humperdink to name a few. Realising he may be able to make a name for himself, he played the opening night at a friend’s pub and ran successful karaoke nights there for a number of years. Having established himself, he got offers to run other karaoke nights and ended up working in various venues, seven nights a week. This continued for several years until Bobby met his future wife and decided to have a break. In 2005 they relocated to Costa Del Sol and, again, Bobby took up singing and built up a reputation as a great entertainer before moving to Quesada in 2007. Now Bobby is back doing what he loves, entertaining people with great vocal performances, covering a wide range of styles and eras and as he has just upgraded all his equipment can guarantee the highest quality of sound. Bobby is available for any special occasion, bar and restaurant performances, or private parties. BOBBY CAN BE SEEN AT THE FOLLOWING VENUES July 1st, 9th, 16th, 24th and 29th - Claptons Bar, Quesada July 3rd, 17th and 31st - Bobby’s Bar, Quesada July 10th - Sacko’s Bar , El Limonar July 23rd - Bistro Alex, Montebello July 30th - Long Bar, Catral

TKO News

KEEP IT LOCKED… Don´t forget you can hear TKO FM on the following frequencies: 91.9, 89.9, 87.7, 87.5FM. Broadcasting from Gran Alacant, in the North to La Manga in the South and inland to Orihuela, Catral, Dolores, San Miguel, Crevillente and Elche. TKO Gold is available on 96.7FM Gran Alacant to Orihuela Costa and inland. TKO COMES OUT TOPS AGAIN! TKO is proud to announce that in an independent media survey results showed that two out of three radio listeners chose TKO. The survey was commissioned by a local company who wanted to identify which British radio

service to advertise with. They wanted to be sure they were advertising with the most listened to radio station on the southern Costa Blanca. TKO had no knowledge of this survey until they were contacted by the company, who asked to advertise with them, as they had proof that TKO was the most successful radio service on the Costa Blanca. TKO has been established for over six years, offering a quality mix of music for all ages and tastes and it’s proven that they have maintained their position as the most listened to station. TKO says a big thank you to all their loyal listeners for their continuing support and if you are one of the few who haven’t tuned in yet why not give them a go? You can text requests for your favourite tunes on 667 287 588.

Spangles in great demand


FRIENDS UNLIMITED brought their present season to a close at The Club in Quesada, with a Summer Special,

49 49

Irene Martinez overall winner

1000€ has been raised for charities

HE PAST week has been a hectic one for Spangles Ladies’ Harmony Chorus which started off with an invitation to open a charity show at the Casa de Cultura in Pilar de la Horadada, helping to raise €1,000 for local charities. This was followed by their own concert, ‘At the Hop’ in Los Alcázares, with guest stars ‘Fourmidables’, an upcoming young cappella group from Torrevieja. Co-Choras Manager of Spangles, Lyn Baines, told RTN: “We met Fourmidables in Madrid and were so impressed with their performance we invited them to appear with us. We hope to organise another concert with them in Torrevieja later this year.” Two days after the concert, Spangles were again out in force, entertaining members of SAMM (Sailing Association Mar Menor) at their dinner dance, in the beautiful setting of

Friends Unlimited

- 08 JULY 2010 FEB 26 -02 MARCH 4 2010

the Restaurante Gorbea, overlooking the Marina. Spangles won’t be resting on their laurels as they will be performing at a private birthday party in the Emerald Isle in La Florida this week and August will see them enjoying some poolside rehearsals and then it’s back to some serious work in September, in readiness for their show, ‘Oh What a Night’, with The Jersey Boys on 1st October. They will also be adding more new songs to their repertoire and gearing up for their busy Christmas season. If you’re looking to make new friends and enjoy singing, why not visit Spangles when they rehearse at Las Claras? They meet every Thursday from 10.30 to 13.00. Please call Lyn on 968 432 525 or Anthea on 968 334 527 to book Spangles or to find out how to join or visit the website: www.spangleschorus.com

on Thursday 24th June. The fabulous local Abba tribute group, Abba Elite, entertained over 100 members of Friends Unlimited, the social arm of HELP Vega Baja and their guests. Pat Perrin from Friend’s Unlimited told RTN: “We would like to thank Abba Elite for giving their time to entertain us and enabling us to make a donation of just

under €300, to the HELP Association of the Vega Baja.” Pat added: “Marina from The Club also kindly put on a variety of snacks that were enjoyed by the audience during the afternoon. A very big thank you goes to all of them, both from HELP and from those who attended during the afternoon.”

Irene Martinez

MANY IN the Costa Blanca / Calida have seen Irene Martinez, who has been performing her dance routines with the Raquel Peña Flamenco Dance Company since she was just five-years old. This highly talented youngster is now just nine-years old. On Sunday 27th June, at the Mazarron Festival de Baile coordinated by Murcia Dance College at the Camposol Fiesta, she was awarded 1st place in her division: 9 to 11-year-old contestants. In addition to this honour, the judges gave her a special prize for the most talented dancer and another for receiving the overall highest points. Tutor Raquel Peña says she is delighted but not surprised at her pupil’s success and feels sure that she has a promising future. Irene’s performances can be enjoyed at The Asturias Restaurante, Punta Prima where she performs each Tuesday evening with the outstanding Raquel Peña Flamenco Dance Company. For more information call 630 689 431.


02 - 08 JULY 2010 19-25 FEBRUARY 2010

Festival fever hits the Costas tonight (Friday) with the opening night of the XIII edition of the San Javier International Jazz Festival. Americian rock musician and occasional actor Chris Isaak kicks off the festivities with an evening of rock and roll. Chris was voted No 68 on VH1’s Sexiest Artists so there is plenty of eye candy on offer for the ladies.

Vibes From The Costas by Tony Poole from www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com HERE AT the RTN as we are proud to be associated with Jazz San Javier as the official English newspaper for the festival. Our series of free concert ticket competitions is well under way and we’re pleased to announce the first winners. Congratulations to Lizzie McCombe in San Miguel and Peter & Anne Allen in Rojales; they won a pair of tickets to see Chris Isaak on opening night. Both correctly answered the question that ‘Wicked Games’ was Chris Isaak’s biggest hit. Many thanks to all those who entered. Over the past few weeks, we have put the RTN spotlight on many of the artists who will be appearing over the next 4 weeks. Here’s an update: The programme will stage 21 performances over 12 nights from July 2nd to July 31st at the 2,000 seater open air Almansa Park Auditorium. This year’s edition is dedicated to the memory of the late guitarist Willy DeVille who performed at the festival in 2007 and American jazz pianist Hank Jones who died recently and performed in 2005. The programme includes jazz greats George Benson; American jazz singer Dianne Reeves (my personal pick of the festival); legendary Cuban pianist Chucho Valdes with his Afrocuban Messengers; vibes and marimba player Bobby Hutcherson together with pianist Cedar Walton; saxophonist James Carter with his quintet; and Italian accordionist Richard Galliano with his Tangaria Quartet. Blues fans are well catered for with performances from New Orleans great Dr. John; Canned Heat who had big hits with ‘Going Up the Country’ and ‘On the Road Again’; Murcian blues rock group Los Bluesfalos; Robben Ford and Bill Evans with ‘Soulgrass meets Blues’; Women of Chicago Blues featuring Deita Farr, Zora Young and Grana Louise; and the collaboration of blues piano and boogie-woogie virtuosos Barrelhouse Chuck and Lluis Coloma. Jazz fans should check out rising sax star Marcus Strickland with his quartet; young gun trumpeter Christian Scott heralded as the ‘the future of jazz’; world renowned bassist Avishai Cohen with his quintet; the Festival Director’s pick and ‘one to watch’, Dhafer Youssef and his quartet with their music rooted in mystical middle eastern vibes; the brilliant Catalonian virtuoso guitarist Javier Vaquero with his fusion group; and two of the most prestigious jazz musicians in Spain, the Javier ColinaAntonio Serrano Project with singer Carmen Rodriguez.

The final concert features two British greats, Carol Kidd and Paul Carrack. Ms. Kidd has a long line of admirers including Prince Charles and Tony Bennett. Frank Sinatra said; “Carol Kidd is the best kept secret of British jazz”. This endorsement from Ol’ Blue Eyes gave Carol the confidence to make singing her career. In 1998 she was awarded an MBE. Carrick is best known for his work with Ace, Mike & The Mechanics and Roxy Music. His distinctive voice appears on some of these bands’ best known hits. The concert is dedicated to Brits in Spain in recognition to those who have faithfully supported the festival every year since the beginning. Tickets can be purchased from the festival office on the ground floor of the San Javier Town Hall (Tel: 968 191 588 or 968 191 568, email festivales@sanjavier.es), opening hours are 10:30 to 13:30 and 18:00 to 20:30. Saturdays from 10:30 to 13:30: Also Discos Carrots in Cartagena (Tel: 968 522 080) and ServiCaixa www.servicaixa.com Full details www.vibesfromthecostas.blogspot.com plus you can find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tony.poole Email news and views to vibes@roundtownnews.com. Keep the ViBES ALiVE! FREE TICKETS FOR WOMEN OF CHICAGO BLUES & THE JAMES CARTER QUINTET THE RTN is giving away free tickets for some fantastic concerts at this year’s festival. Here is a chance to win two pairs of tickets to see Women of Chicago Blues and the James Carter Quintet on Friday 23rd July at the Almansa Park Auditorium. The previous competition is also still open, so there is still a chance to win free tickets to Robben Ford & Bill Evans ‘Soulgrass meets Blues’, together with Los Bluesfalos by checking last week’s edition of the RTN or my blog. Here’s this week’s question; WHAT YEAR WAS THE FIRST SAN JAVIER JAZZ FESTIVAL? A : 1997 B : 1998 C : 1999 Email your answer, together with your name and telephone contact details. Women of Chicago Blues/ James Carter Quintet competition winners will be notified on Friday 16th July. Entries by email only to vibes@roundtownnews.com

James Carter

02 - 08 july 2010 Win a meal for 2 at the Inn Plaice in torrevieja (Mon-Thu) or at La Pista Restaurante In Jalon (Mon-sat Lunchtimes Only) by answering the Cryptic Crossword correctly. Answers by email to: office@roundtownnews.com or Fax: 96 570 5328.


Euromillions Draw Friday 25th june

Answers & Winner

One French ticket won the 27,989,077 Euros (£23,090,988) jackpot prize

Last week’s Crossword and Suduko answers found on page 42. Crossword winner for issue 558: Josie Walsh CAMPOAMOR

1 8 18 28 31 8 9

Quick Crossword

Cryptic Crossword



7. Freshwater fish (5)

1. Transmits (10)

ACROSS 7. It’s stupid to begin in an easy job (5) 8. Where certain chessmen are bred? (7) 9. Hothead joins American company - he’s married, of course (7) 10. The tree is not so young (5) 12. There will be no repetition - because no profit was made? (5,5) 15. He will knock lots down for people to pick up (10) 18. Engaged couple’s expectation after breakdown? (5) 19. Naval sword wounded girl (7) 21. There could be no sense in unity (7) 22. It produces a fine sort (5)


8. Ingredient (7) 9. Contrary (7)

2. Bisect (5) 3. Burn slightly (4) 4. Discover (6)

10. Deserves (5)

5. Fortifications (8)

12. Shelter (10)

6. Region (7)

15. Singer (10)

11. Father Christmas (5,5)

18. Healthy (5) 19. Local (7)

13. Inmate (8) 14. Ask (7) 16. Go to bed (6)

21. Sailor (7)

17. Pungent (5)

22. Goodbye (5)

20. Fruit (4)

DOWN 1. Out of which love shines? (5,5) 2. Flower or kitchenware given to youth leader (5) 3. Wager article is letter in Greek (4) 4. The captain’s game? (6) 5. A number are too old for the scope insurance risks (8) 6. The chief road to progress (7) 11. Telephone teacher - he’s needed in the circus (4-6) 13. Lied over wicked person (8) 14. Looked angry when milk producer got in sleigh (7) 16. The tidiest street on the French Riviera? (6) 17. The manuscript about beer is not for the fair sex (5) 20. Thanks ship for news agency (4)

52 40

02FEB - 0826 JULY 2010 4 2010 - MARCH

Summer saviours by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

OVER THE years we have watched out for and evaluated things that can make summer gardening less of a problem for little cost. SULPHUR POWDER – AZUFRE For only €1.60, we purchased 750 grams of pure yellow sulphur powder from our village general store this morning. What value for money! A basic natural product easily applied that solves several problems. a. We use it shaken through an old sock - we have a drawer of odd ones waiting to be productively used! – to dust tomato, courgette, squash, bean, pepper, melon and aubergine plants to prevent or cure mildew attacks. b. It can also be used on flowering plants that show sign of mildew. c. When preparing flower beds and vegetable plots it can be used by mixing into the soil to raise acidity levels and kill off some unwanted pests. d. It is useful to control or prevent ant attacks by dusting holes to nests or around vulnerable plants attacked last year. If you control the loss of left socks so that an odd sock never appears in the house,

one can buy a dusting machine from a local agricultural co-operative.

SCENTED GERANIUMS It would seem that the geranium bug will never be obliterated but there are things that can be done to minimise their negative effect. One is to plant a lemon or rose scented geranium amongst other types of geranium - this is the geranium from which geranium oil is distilled - as we do. A few drops from a bottle of geranium oil in water are also a useful twice weekly spray. SAVING WATER Water conservation can be improved by the mixing in of Terra-Cottem soil improving gel into container composts and garden beds. Soils can reduce watering needs by up to 70 %, according to Murcia University. Attractively priced bulk containers can be purchased from www.terra-vida.com based in Mijas Costa. SEMI SHADE As discussed in our latest book ‘ Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’ the provision of shade on apartment terraces and balconies by blinds, awnings and gazeboes can enable a much larger diversity of plants to be grown in containers to create attractive and productive terraces, balconies and windowsills. In our view, plant covered gazeboes and trees in gardens are much more attractive

A lemon scented geranium

shade alternatives to Australian stimulated canvas sails. SHELTER FROM SOTHERN GALES FROM AFRICA Wherever one is in Spain, one suffers the red dust from southern gales and dirty rain. However, this has gone on for millions of years and the only practical thing one can do is to wash plants with a water spray from a hose. But the strongest gales are a greater menace. They can dry out plants in an hour unless precautions are taken. A few years ago, we visited a parched garden in September almost bare of plants. In conversation we were shown of colourful photograph of a recently planted garden in May – amazingly, the same garden. Troubleshooting the

CLODAGH AND DICK HANDSCOMBE have lived and gardened in Spain for some twenty five years, sharing their ideas and experience with others through their articles and books. Each of the books includes advice on sensible plants and ecological solutions to plant problems. They will be found in bookshops or can be obtained by mail order from the Bookworld, Amazon or Santana Books internet sites. The latter are the publishers and presently have a special summer offer for a collection of three books. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com July 2010.

garden with the owners, several important things soon became apparent... 1. Water retaining quality of soil not really improved before planting 2. Shallow rooted plants planted 3. Insufficient drips on the watering system, and not opened up as the temperatures rose 4. Southern boundary an open balustrade wall with nothing between it and Africa. Hot gales channelled through the gaps and hit plants full blast: a hedge of even tall lavenders would have given some protection to smaller plants 5. But the biggest problem was that prissy, thirsty plants had been selected rather than tough drought resistant plants. The site would have been great as a cacti and succulent garden.

- 08 JULY 2010 FEB 26 -02 MARCH 4 2010

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Shrimps with papaya and moscatel Sauce TAPAS FOR 4 PERSONS 16 Shrimps (16/20 kg) 1 Papaya Some fresh Coriander Some fresh Fennel 50cl Moscatel 50cl Cream 30cl Seafood stock


2 kg of Seafood scraps and heads 2 tbsp Brandy 4 dl dry White Wine 5 Shallots 3 Carrots 1 Leek 1 Celery stick 3 Cloves Garlic 4 Tomatoes 3lts water 1 tsp Pepper and Salt

PREPARATION RTN AND RESTAURANT Casa ‘Mola Mola’ are proud to present a series of recipes. We will take a closer look at the Spanish tradition of eating, in particular the fabulous world of TAPAS. Eating tapas is typical to Spain and entertaining. It is a way to enjoy the company of friends or family whilst sampling several different flavours in small portions. OVER THE NEXT 10 WEEKS, CHEF SASSEN WILL BE PREPARING THE FOLLOWING TAPAS: 1. Patatas Bravas ‘New Style’ 2. Goat’s Cheese with Lavander and Vanilla Syrup 3. Dices of Tuna with Tomato-Pistache Marmalade 4. Fish Cakes Thai Style 5. Chicken Sticks with Mango-Teryake Sauce 6. Smoked Salmon filled with fresh Goat’s Cheese and Herbs 7. Boquerones with Sundried Tomato and Quail Egg 8. Shrimps with Papaya and Moscatel sauce 9. Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon and Caviar 10. Bavarois of Horchata and Granizado of Moscatel

For the seafood stock, fry the seafood in a pot and flame with the brandy. Add the dry wine, the vegetables (chopped) and the rest of the ingredients. Simmer for about an hour. Then pass through a colander and set aside... Take the papaya and peel, then with a round molder cut out 32 balls. For the sauce, blend the Moscatel, cream and seafood stock together and simmer until reduced by half. Shell the shrimps and remove the black line running through the backs. Fry them quickly on both sides. Thread the shrimps and the papaya balls on a stick (ball-shrimp-ball) and put for a minute or two into a preheated oven. Prepare 16 glasses and divide the muscatel sauce between them. Garnish with some fresh coriander and fennel. Now put in the sticks.

Restaurant Casa ‘Mola Mola’ in the old town of Calpe is a must for every food lover! For reservations call 965 839 554 / 628 057 138 Casa ‘Mola Mola’, C/la justicia 6 C/campanarie 5, 03710 Calpe

Black and White Puddings back in stock

02 - 08 JANUARY JULY 2010 2010 8-14


Double feature WHEN I was a teenager and living in the UK, the cinema was a place to escape, and I loved the variety of the films that I saw. Though I was only fourteen, my moustache and my height and weight meant I was never questioned when I first started going to see my favourite horror films of the time. Vincent Price in glorious Technicolour heralded the horror film market of today. His films, and other grisly ones, were given an ‘H’ Certificate (presumably for ‘Horror!’) however, I was never ever scared. Science fiction too was finding its way onto the silver screen. I used to love the double features, and thrill that when one film ended another would begin. I even discovered plastic orange juice, otherwise known as ‘Ki-ora’, amidst the American B Movies of the time, yes that, and the usherettes that walked backwards selling Lyons Maid ice cream tubs, and choc ices. Science Fiction has become science fact in the new reality of today. When we watched Star Wars, way back when, we were left with a blazing trail of wonderful scientific achievements, and we were told that they would possibly become reality, ‘transmugerating’ from the fantasy of Hollywood production and moving into the necessary hands of future technology. When we were told therefore that the USA were developing ‘Star Wars’ technology, we saw this as a natural step into a wonderful future and marvelled at the possibilities of what would happen. Perhaps with one eye on reading George Orwell’s, ‘1984’ and Aldous Huxley’s, ‘Brave New World’, we saw a future developing with computers and house robots and space travel. Thus we may not be afraid of the technology developed now; unless, that is, it could be turned around to harm us in any way. Spirituality is the antidote for any fear, and it is the way forward for increasingly larger numbers of the population. As ‘Natural?’ disasters seem to criss-cross our Planet bringing sudden destruction without warning, there are thankfully many who can now think outside the box.

Planetary changes are now becoming evident. Cassini exploratory and observational N.A.S.A spacecraft have located a rotating hexagon of swirling clouds attached to the north pole of Saturn. The swirling mass has a triangle on top, clearly visible, and there is an all seeing eye in the middle of it. It may shock you to know that the size of this phenomenon is sixty miles deep and 15,000 miles wide, means that it is four times larger than Planet Earth! Planet Jupiter lost a red ring just lately too: I wonder what happened to that? The famous rings are, in fact, varying storm conditions connected to the polarity of this mighty Planet. People say that the weather is changing. It is. I usually sort out a Summer wardrobe, and wear those clothes for six months. Nowadays, here in Spain I have a Summer/Autumn wardrobe, and it gets worn for four months. 2012 isn’t to be feared. My workshops tell the truth as we know it, and as I perceive it. I hope that survival will combine with our spirituality to save lives and cope with changes all across the board. If you are semi aware, you have a duty to be now as fully aware as you can be. Be assured that Spirit can help, and will eliminate any fear. In the words of my favourite song from the ‘Rocky Horror Show’; “When Worlds collide”, said George Pal to his bride, “I’m going to give you such a terrible thrill…….at the late night double feature picture show!!” Trouble is the features of 2012 are not to be confined to the silver screen, and acts must become actions! 2012 THE TRUTH WORKSHOP 17th July: The Open Door Centre in San Miguel de Salinas from 10.00 to 17.00. Contact Patricia on: 965 717 394 or 672 109 432. 2012 THE TRUTH WORKSHOP August 1st: Finestrat from 10.00 to 17.00 Check contact info: www.kennycorris.net or 686 361 594.

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

Postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com Kenny, my husband talks in his sleep. I can actually make out distinct words, but often his voice seems to change. It is as if someone is talking through him. When I tell him this, he never believes me! Angie M. Well, Angie, a lot of spiritual tuition takes place at night. Whilst we are sub conscious and approaching a dream state, we can be the receptors of Spirit messages. Through years of working I now get messages in my conscious awakening, but generally it is less scary to get verbal messages in course of normal sleep patterns, so Spirit does it that way. Why don’t you record your partner next time, and see what is being actually said? Keep in touch and please let me know if you get anything interesting!

Kenny’s Diary SUNDAY 25th July: The Maya Spiritual Café: Psychic and Spiritual Fair with readings; treatments; crystals...all our welcome: come and meet me! The Open Door Centre: San Miguel de Salinas: July 17th Workshop: ‘2012 The Truth’ 10.00 to 17.00. Contact Patricia on 672 109 432 or 96 571 7394. Summer Workshops in Finestrat: July 24th : ‘Higher Realms’. July 29th: Sanctuary Half Day Meditation. August 1st:’ 2012 The Truth’. Contact information on this page.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

horoscopes by Kenny Corris The Uranus Retrograde in your first house at the end of the weekend signifies a change; to go in deep and to analyse a current relationship, current practise, and be unafraid to balance the books. Justifications are the way forward to making some sweeping changes, as you see just where it was you went wrong, and how to gain vital energy from this to be used positively in the dawning of a new future. We learn sometimes the hard way! With cosmic energies showering you with mixed blessings, it is your job now to extract just what it is that you both want and need to make a significant difference. For once you cannot think of others because what you are geared up to do isn’t selfish, but it is self preserving, and you need to respect your own immense capabilities. In the current scheme of things maintain your stance with the same stubborn pride which motivated you to do what you did to start with. You’ll be in two minds this week, so take a back seat and just allow the situation to develop to new dimension. Others have to have their say somehow, but their advice goes in one ear and out of the other because changes are not for change sake this time around. New territory beckons you, and whatever is holding you back from making a quick get away is giving you the upper edge on what should be in process right now, but must wait! Mercury rests in your fourth house, and will at the end of the week inconjuct with Neptune, bringing a triad into play. Watch finances and underline your specific wants and needs right now as a wave of unexpected energy knocks you for six. It is what you weren’t expecting that will now affect you and your current desires. Balance needs to be restored, but is good to feel that the shift around you is really confirming your way forward and illuminating your options. Have ready an escape plan as you are to be placed in a situation this week that tries to establish control, by taking away your own set or personal choice. The imminent retrograde of mighty Uranus has a prescribed effect on your immediate plans, and it would be wise not to sign any paperwork, or compromise on any contract or service plan, until next week. If you feel under pressure this week just take things in your inimitable stride and in so doing you will stall for time. Know just exactly what you are about to take on, because you haven’t really taken into account what all this will meant to you in the future. Look for a hidden agenda that decides to show what you are doing in a negative and yet highly emotive way, because flaws show, and they should be taken into immediate account if you are to capitalise in the process. Embrace the energies of a friend who knows that you will offer help just when and where it is needed. Cosmic balance right now shows you in a new light, and prepared and ready to make amends. Fair enough, you elected to take the reigns, and so it is up to you now which direction that you take ahead, and how you face the final conflict. Simplicity allows you a free hand to greatly soften what could be a mighty blow for someone, without hiding the vital importance of the actions you are bringing valiantly into play. Making the right connections right now would help. Your anger is best stored within this week, because you were right all along, and some time wasting has brought you right back to square one once more. As you look back, the writing on the wall is easy to see, but only you were able to see it. With everything now in place around you there is the need to make a start on the true journey of life, with all the thrills and spills that it may bring you, and above all you make a start on the pathway of your choice by deserving to be there. Your vast inner powers tell you that when all is said and done that something isn’t quite right, and nothing that anyone could do or say right now would stop you from making your own way through a minefield not of your own creation. Above all it didn’t have to come to this, but since it has then you are best left alone to your own devices to smooth things over under your terms and within your own jurisdiction. Time will tell others your way is the best solution. Before you rush in to defend recent actions you should know the whole story, especially the part wherein you are implicated in some way, through no fault of your own. You may find that you change your response entirely, since it is more powerful to walk away than to support this tangled mess of lies and the web of deceit, not of your making. You may have felt that you were in too deep; now actions have brought to you to your senses in more ways than one. Peace has always been your mission, and this week sees you getting the chance to update others just where you are, where you are going and how happy that you are to be left alone to just get on with it. Several people seem to want to live your life for you, and whilst you have steadfastly ignored what they had to say to you, you have developed strategies now that have changed the way that you think. Hey Presto, you are set to work wonders! Subtle changes can be felt, and you are highly excited by something you cannot wait to get your teeth into! It may be a new project, but whatever it is you are diversifying and using your talents for the good of others. That dreamy and romantic energy is well used to seeing the best in people, and working with their potential. This week it is Chiron directing and healing wounds from the past which you yourself will help to eliminate in good time and your own way!

If it’s your birthday this week... Accept the challenge offered, because poise and balance are gifts brought to your door, right now, at the start of what will be a very enlightening astrological year of depth and discovery from within the real you!

02 - 08 JULY2010 2010 8-14 JANUARY

The Face Of Spain Book Review by

Danny Collins


AT THE end of the First World War Gerald Brennan had fought at the Somme and Passchendale, had been twice wounded and was awarded the Military Cross and the Croix de Guerre. He was 24. A year later he moved to a remote village in the Sierra Nevada and later he settled with his American wife, the poet Gamel Woolsey, near Málaga where they lived until 1934 before returning to England as the war clouds gathered over Europe and Spain was plunged into the anarchy that precluded the Spanish Civil War. In 1949 Brennan and his wife revisited Spain, a land in the grip of famine where bandits roamed the mountains and thousands of people were reduced to living in caves. The result was the book The Face of Spain, a witty and sympathetic account of a chapter in Spanish history that remains almost unknown to this day. Of particular interest to me was the author’s search for the grave of my particular literary hero Federico García Lorca, murdered by the Nationalists in 1936. Today, Franco’s regime has vanished but its ghosts still haunt Spain – but when they were alive no one described the aggressors and their victims more vividly than Brennan. His account, now reprinted in this 2010 edition by Serif, is an unforgettable classic that should be on the shelf of any serious student of Spain’s social past.

Los Pistoleros Westerners Association

‘The American Trilogy’ being performed

Author: Gerald Brennan Publisher: Serif (paperback) Price: 13 euros ISBN: 978 1897 959633

All the featured books are available off the shelf or by mail order from Librería Europa, Calle Oscar Esplá 2, 03710 Calpe. Tel: 96 583 58 24; e-mail: libreria.europa.calpe@gmail.com Take along or send this review for a discount of 5% on your purchases.

Armed Forces Day

The happy prize winners

THE HONDÓN Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion celebrated Armed Forces Day with an afternoon of Cream teas and entertainment. Members and guests arrived at the Mercado building in Hondón de los Frailes to find the hall decorated with red, white and blue bunting and flags. The tea was reminiscent of summer afternoons in the UK; with scones, strawberry jam, lovely Cornish clotted cream and individual pots of tea just to set the scene! Cathy Carson entertained with a variety of songs, ending with a ‘sing along’. On show were photos and memorabilia from WWII. The poppy fans designed by the Branch, were much in evidence. The raffle, in aid of the Poppy Appeal, had prizes reflecting the 1940’s. The Branch meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month and information on any future events may be obtained from the secretary on 677 376 770 or by e-mailing secretary. hondonvalley3577@gmail.com

Cat adoption day UTOPIA CATS, the group that re-homes abandoned cats and kittens, is to hold an ‘adoption day’ at the Patricia Pet Shop on the main road, La Marina village, Monday 5th July from 11.30 to 13.30. Cats and kittens of all shapes, sizes and colours are ready for adoption on the first Monday of every month and donations of cat food, cat litter or even a few Euros are always gratefully received. To visit the cattery, or for further information, please call 654 886 108.


Roman Catholic Masses Orihuela Costa - Parroquia de Cristo Resucitado La Zenia:

A summer BBQ night

Monday to Friday 10:00 Saturday 19:30 Sunday 11:00, 19:30 Cabo Roig: Monday to Friday 20:00 Saturday 20:00 Sunday 10:00 Campoamor: Monday to Friday 20:00 Saturday 20:00, 21:00 Sunday 09:00, 11:00, 20:00, 21:00 Punta Prima: Monday to Friday 20:00 Saturday 20:00 Sunday 10:00, 20:00

MABS Cancer Support Group, Mazarron is hosting a BBQ night on Friday 30th July, 7.30pm at SENSOL GOLF CLUB. Music by Julia & Cliff. Raffle. Tickets 15 euros. Available from Sue on 679 871 593.

Confessions: Before each mass. Parish Office: Monday 11:00 – 13:00 Telephone: 966 733 093 / 807 499 067 Parish Priest: Don Joaquin Carlos Carlos

ON SATURDAY 19th June, Los Pistoleros entertained people as part of the Montebello Fiesta. Los Pistoleros is a growing group of enthusiasts interested in the old American history and romance. As well as performing an American Trilogy and a traditional shoot out, the group also did two Western partner dances with the ladies in their traditional western costumes. For more information, please contact them via their website at www.lospistoleros.info or ring Marshall on 617 620 627 or Doc on 966 795 824. Everyone is welcome, young and old. Go as a stranger; leave as a friend.

Ladies who lunch support Paul Cunningham Nurses A VERY successful inaugural lunch was held for this brand new group of lunching ladies at the ‘Club Nautico’ restaurant in Guardamar last week. Sergio and his team at the restaurant did a wonderful job as 30 ladies, including Susan Reader and Karen Mountfield from Paul Cunningham Nurses, enjoyed the ambience as well as the food! The group’s motto is ‘We meet as strangers and leave as friends’. For more details of this group please ring Janine on 966 261 359.

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02FEB - 08 26 JULY 2010 4 2010 - MARCH

Computing Problems connecting to Wifi with aunty virus

Help me Aunty! Len from Hondon asks: Dear Aunty, as I write the vertical bar to the right of the text keeps disappearing so that I have to bring it back with the mouse. Tkn me ags to rite ths. I use XP wth wils k/bd & mose. Pls hlp. Aunty Says: I can clearly see you have a problem there Ken. I’m guessing that says “I use XP with a wireless keyboard and mouse” and I suspect this is where the problem lies. The first and obvious thing is to check your keyboard is near enough to the wireless receiver and that you have new and good quality batteries. If this does not solve the problem then maybe the driver software need reinstalling. Try the first options and let me know how you get on.

Tina Burgess from Rugat asks: Dear Aunty, Thanks for your interesting and enlightening article. Since moving to Spain I have kept many of the pages however the problem we are experiencing with our new laptop does not seem to have been mentioned. We recently purchased in the UK an Advent Roma 2001 T3100 series laptop with Windows 7 to use here in Spain. The problem we are experiencing is that the laptop is saying it is connected but will not let us online. We have successfully tried a friend’s laptop and that connects with no problem but if we take our laptop to their house no connection is made. We have recently read elsewhere that this is a problem with Windows 7 but

not sure. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Aunty Says: I don’t know of a widespread connection problem with Windows7 Tina, but the most common one is usually associated with the WiFi security code that you are required to enter when trying to connect to a Wireless router. If you can successfully connect to the Internet using an Ethernet cable (usually supplied by your ADSL provider) plugged directly into the router then we can focus on the WiFi card settings. However if this doesn’t work you may have a more widespread issue. Try it and get back to me.

French & Spanish accents Eliane via email asks: Hello Aunty. Could you please help? I use a laptop with English keyboard but I can’t find how to type French and Spanish accents. Could you give me some advice what to do? Aunty says: Hi Elaine. I normally use the ‘Alt’ key method which simply involves holding down the Alt key and pressing a 3 number code, but in your case as you are using a laptop I’m not too sure how easy this will be. This method is very straightforward on a standard PC keyboard because they have a separate number pad which you need to type in the number codes, whereas laptops generally share the number pad keys with the J - K - L and U - I - O keys and you will have to toggle the num pad on and off. This will vary model by model but it usually involves holding down the Fn key and pressing one of the F (function) keys. Once you have worked out how to use the number pad you can get all of the character number codes from www.asciitable.com

Can’t get onto google! Terry via email asks: Hi there Aunty, I am 99% sure you have written something similar about this a while ago but I didn’t keep a copy so could you go over it again, por favour? My neighbour upstairs has recently got ADSL from Telitec with a wireless router and said it is fine if we share his connection. I have setup the WiFi on our Sony laptop and we get a signal of about 45%. I have entered the correct WiFi security code but I cannot seem to get onto Google or Hotmail or any website. Can you please help? If it’s any help, we still get the old Telefonica dialup connection box and the laptop won’t work in our local bar either.

Aunty Says; Hello Terry. I’m sure I have covered something similar sometime in the past but as it’s a fairly common problem I will go through it again. From what you’ve told me you’ve probably set the WiFi up correctly and you are getting a good enough signal so I think the problem is your browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox) trying to connect via your old Telefonica modem. Open up Firefox or IE and choose the ‘tools’ option from the menu bar, then select: ‘Internet Options’. Click on the ‘connection’ tab and choose the ‘Never Dial a Connection’ option.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

- 08 july 2010 Feb 26 02 - March 4 2010

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What is Olé Comunicación? OLÉ COMUNICACIÓN is a new broadband operator that, thanks to the deployment of its very own telecommunications network, and with the most advanced Wimax technology, can offer its clients top quality highspeed internet and landline telephone.

month with everything included. But take note, this monthly payment isn’t just for a limited time as with other operators (for example: pay x euros for the first three months…), with us, the cost of €20 is just that – no small print or extra expenses.

DO I NEED A LANDLINE TO ENJOY OLÉ’S SERVICES? No. This is one of the great benefits we offer. Our internet arrives at your house through the airwaves.

SO, CAN I SAVE A LOT OF MONEY? There’s simply no better priced internet. You can do the maths yourself: you’ll see it’s easy to save; in relation to other operators you can save more than €120 per year by taking out a contract with Olé Comunicación.

IS THIS TECHNOLOGY COMPARABLE TO CABLE? Not only is it comparable, but in many aspects it’s even better. You’ll notice that you can navigate at a truly fast speed and that you’ll benefit from a high quality service. WHAT IS THE ‘SUMMER OFFER’? Right now you don’t have to pay any installation costs, only the monthly payments that amount to just €20 per

WHAT’S THE SPEED OF OLÉ’S INTERNET? Unfortunately Spain has been deceptive about the speed of the internet. Operators usually announce the maximum possible speed. We want to be clear, and so we tell you the minimum speed, which is 2 megabytes, but megabytes aren’t always the same. To give you an idea, with us you’ll

notice the speed is faster than that of other operators who offer 6 megabytes. HOW DOES THE LANDLINE WORK? It works exactly like a traditional phone. Also, you can keep your current telephone number if you already have one. Our tariffs are extraordinary; you only pay €10 per month, and we offer a flat rate for calls so you can call the UK, Ireland and other European destinations without additional cost. It’s that simple. HOW CAN I CONTACT YOU? It’s very simple, call us on 902 00 67 57, or visit our centrally located offices on Avenida Villamartín nº 2, in Orihuela Costa; on the same roundabout as La Zenia. We speak English, Spanish, German and Russian. We’re waiting to hear from you!

Ideal Lights Spain “Energy saving LED lighting solutions” We manufacture the brightest LED lamps on the market today and have an extensive range for homes, urbanisations and businesses. From spot lights to tubes, flood lighting to GLS lamps and down lights to urbanisation street lighting, our retrofit LED range will save you money. Fact!

Phone us now for a free energy saving report and a 10% discount on your first order.

Save money and brighten up your life with LED lighting from Ideal Lights Spain

Tel: 6055 474 67 www.ideallightsspain.com


02 - 08 july 2010

Costa Blanca South Age Concern C/Blanca Sur 966786887 Mon-Fri 10-1.30pm. Centre, C/Paganini, Urb La Siesta, Torre. Charity Shop C/Patricio Zammit 41, T orre. Alcoholics Anonymous C/Blanca North 648169045. C/Blanca South 625912078 www.aa-costablanca.org Animal Aid Charity Linda 965725794 www. animalaidcostablanca.org A.E.C.C. (Assoc Española Contra el Cancer) C/Calera, 2 Torre. Wed 9am-1pm 965716679. A.E.C.C. Pilar de la Horadada Branch Wed 10-12pm Una Europa building. Autos y Caravanas de España (ACE) Caroline 965842562. Badminton Pilar de la Horadada John McGilvray 966786774 carolejohn_3@hotmail.com Badminton San Pedro del Pinatar 651483809/965727816. Baobabs Club Ted 966709881, Jean 966784735, Brian 966791970. Benijofar Chess Club Richard 660825390. Benimar Social Club Richard 660825390/ Sue 619147801 Boule Grp Guardamar 690338115. Campoverde Theatre Grp Dorothy Gates 966761812. Cancer Support (MABS) Gran Alacant Jan & Agnie 966697754. Caring Together Regional Hospice Asn. (RPA 5377) 649956365/ 965894240 www.caringspain.com info@caringspain.com Carp-R-Us Angling/Social Club New Members’ Sec 966712351 rojales1@gmail.com Catral Model Railway Grp Mike 662022190. Church On The Way Quesada Reg SG1265 sec A. Pastors: Rod/Janet 966712584/666001543 info@churchontheway.es www.churchontheway.es C.L.A.R.O Independent Party Orihuela Costa office Mon-Fri 111pm Rest Asturias. Classic Scooter Club Del 966765026/617998265 Club 600 y Clásicos de Orihuela y Vega Baja 965716360 www.club600orihuela.com info@ club600orihuela.com Coro Pilar Dennis 966762954. COSTA BLANCA BIKERS Contact Pete 644143678 Bob 600677583, pete@frstyres.co.uk Costa Blanca Big Band 966731723. Costa Blanca Samaritans Helpline: 902883535 Mon-Fri 8pm-12am. info@ costablancasamaritans.com www.costablancasamaritans.com Dama de Elche Lodge No163 Philip Dawe (sec) 968150244. Denelle Dance Club Ballroom/ Latin Lyn 635584431. Diabetic Support Grp Benijofar Ivy Medcare 966860258. Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS (G5380655) 966460063/965744426. Fellowship C.B. 965322484 patfee2005@yahoo.co.uk Freewheelers Classic Car Grp 686765297 www. TorreviejaInformation.com/ freewheelers freewheelers08@yahoo.co.uk Friends 4u Abroad Karen 622033582 friends4uabroad@gmail.com www.friends4uabroad.com Gilbert & Sullivan Society Cindy/ Cyril Willoughby 966785877 cwillo.es@gmail.com www.ilbertandsullivansociety.eu Guardamar Badminton Club 690338115. Guardamar No1 CSC Steve 669340528/Maureen 618180290. HELP Vega Baja 966723733 10-1.30pm www.helpvegabaja.com 24hr helpline 965704282


Hondon Bridge Club Pat 637993667/Eddie 677240656. Int. Motorhome Assoc John Sanderson Volunteered Coordinator 966474532/662032131. Int. Motorhome Club 965851671/ 667508217 rayjeanbarber@ hotmail.com DerekLoveday@telefonica.net (mark subject IMC) L A Concert Band Lorraine/David 965724291/687429144. Ladies Friday Club Rojales Dee 966712504/Jan 966712679. La Marina & San Fulgencio Cardinal Belluga Theatre Grp Maria 966715891/Alan 966795523. mariamosley3@hotmail.com La Marina & San Fulgencio computer club. Albert 966797704 / Ron 966790396. www.lamarinacomputerclub.com La Marina & San Fulgencio Residents Asoc lmsfra@gmail.com www.lmsfra.webs.com M & M’s Dance Club Horadada Michael 610981795/965350762. Manchester City F.C. Official Supporters Club (1949) Spanish Branch Rob Hudson (Sec) 608511437 bluerob64@live.co.uk Medcare Mum/Baby Clinic Benijofar Hazel 966860258 doctors@medcarespain.com Modern Jive Paso o Paso 670711408 www.modern-jive-spain.com Mums/Tots La Marina Marianne 966790117/Hilary 966790738. Nifty Fiftys Fitness Jason 693596533. jason@jpsfitness.net Orihuela Costa Neighbourhood Watch Chris Poole 966761379/ Graham Jones 965327838. Orihuela Scooter Club Lee 630142317/Ian 664367512 Ostomates Support Grp Alan 965319029/Sylvia 966791837 thelovelies70@hotmail.com sylviaajohnson@gmail.com Paul Cunningham Nurses 966790363 Palm Tree Hse Avda de Londres 56, urb La Marina. P.E.P.A. Animal Charity 650304746. www.pepaspain.com Phoenix Car Club www. phoenixcarclub.com info@ phoenixcarclub.com Phoenix Retired Firefighters Club Iain Bennett 966731495 idsbennett@hotmail.co.uk Pilar Christian Community Church 966763725/968575417 PilarChristian.CommunityChurch@ gmail.com Pilar Sol Club Trevor Hook 966769655. Radio Control Howard 965415410. Rascals Jill 966727282 www.therascals.info RAOB GLE The Philip Scott Lodge No:10671 Tel: Sec. Kevin Dent 626664101. Rojales & Quesada Neighbourhood Watch Helen 966717582 helentudor22@gmail.com Rojales Pantomime Grp Bridget 966717977 www. rojalespantoespana.webnode.com Rojales Studio 17 Life Drawing Club Martin 965724927. ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION Chairman Noel Cork 966723451 www. rafacostablanca.com Royal British Legion Gran Alacant’s Branch Barbara Turnbull 966699828 b_dmt1966@yahoo.co.uk Royal British Legion Hondon Valley Branch 677376770 davesyl@gmail.com Royal British Legion La Manga Branch 691982724 www.lamangarbl.com Royal British Legion La Marina Branch 966790798 kei-jan@hotmail.com Royal British Legion Spain Welfare: 676451780/952352300 (ans/phone). www.spainnorth. legionbranches.net

02 - 08 JULY 2010


Please note that the DEADLINE for clubs announcements is Friday at 12.00 noon. Please email your details to clubs@roundtownnews.com or fax to 965 705 328 RTN clubs is printed monthly. You can also find clubs listed on our web page www.roundtownnews.co.uk

Royal Marines Assoc, C/Blanca Branch Bert Moye 965725659/Phil Prince 966700731. San Miguel Amigos Greyhound Racing Club Brian 965720492/ Wayne 966723999. San Miguel Baobabs Club Brian 966791970, Jean 966784735, Doug 966791849 San Miguel Cage/Aviary Bird Club Mathew 966780336/Ian 966723235. Santa Pola Dollshouse & MIniatures Grp Janette 965415410 Spiritualist Awareness Society of Quesada Contact 965323028 Table Tennis San Luis Del 653564831. The Aircrew Assoc Costa Blanca Branch 966495042 www.acacostablanca.org THE MARITIME ASSOCIATION For more information contact Mel Cook 966716877/ mel.cook30@yahoo.com The Phoenix Concert Band Di Hedley 965716601. www. TorreviejaInformation.com/ phoenix Toastmasters Int. Las Palmeras Club Eamon 678105007/Jan 965329642 ernstandjan@gmail.com Torre de la Horadada Neighbourhood Watch Frank Reid 646255696/Trevor Hook 606562347. WELCOME GROUP Social group meets 1st Sat. of the month. 620105179 Whist Drive Jacky 965322361/ 629963279.

Los Alcazares Acacia Centre for Spiritual Awareness 968537243/ 679824008. Centro Cristiano La Vina San Javier/Mar Menor Jan 618779532. Freemasonry Mar Menor Brian 968199596 briandelect@aol.com LA Digital Camera Club Trevor 968574877/Mike 968582217 www.ladigitalcafe.webeden.co.uk/ Los Alcazares Duplicate Bridge Margaret/ Ron Odell 968575760/ 676346118 romar.odell@yahoo.co.uk Spangles 968334527/968432525. www.spangleschorus.com The Mar Menor Art Grp Eli 968170571 eli@spainmagic.com The Nosmo-King Club 968546817 Alcoholics Anonymous 679385105. Badminton Totana Ric 680782076. Calida Country Music Club Tom Wills 610632152. Camposol Bridge Barry 609925497/Norma 650418887. Cañadas del Romero www.CanadasdelRomero.es Cancer Support (MABS) Help Line 620422410 www.mabsmazarron.com Ex-Servicemen’s Assoc Mazarrón District Bill 626209419/Ian 629818611. Freemasonry Mazarron Reg 649296658/Peter 699261828. Mass In English 968424386/ 676219445 Father Peter Escribano/ Father Octavio Carpena. Mazarron Bowls Club Richard Cooper 968131619. www. mazarronbowlsclub.webs.com Mazarron Friendship Grp Len 689113494 mfg30875@yahoo.co.uk P.A.L.S. Protection & Life Saving Pres. Ken 626460465/V.Pres. Pat 628879284. www.pals.com.es Puerto de Mazarron Ladies Circle Anne 669338885/Linda 616112879. St.Nicholas Ecumenical Church Len Eaton 968138952/660969243. Choir Master, Stuart Burnley 618869376 www.sticholaschurchcamposol.com The Coffin Dodgers Rock ‘n’ Roll Club Carol 628590014 casacarol@hotmail.com

The Lions Club of Mazarron Bahia Diane 968431521/Beryl 616277389. The Olive Branch Christian Fellowship Pastor Ralph/ Margaret Locke 968199622/618720181. www.olivebranchfellowship.com Welcome Grp 620105179/ 618254143 Mon-Sat 11-7pm. www.welcomegroupspain.com Wellspring Victory Church Pastor Andrew 968635875/Duncan 607382033/968130530. www.wellspringvictorychurch.com

Murcia 1 Metre Radio Control Sailing Club Richard 965325009/ hextinspain@gmail.com Alcoholics Anonymous English 646290420. Alcoholics Anonymous La Manga 679385105. Amigos de los Coches Clásicos del Levante Harry 629529656/ Hans 968419256 www.a-c-c.es acclevante@hotmail.com Cancer Support Grp (MABS) 693275779 www.mabsmurcia.com Cloud Nine Drama Pat Hunt 968664429/627791577 patsy. hunt@gmail.com Community Church Los Nietos Miguel/Vivien 968133724 losnietoschurch@gmail.com www. aqua-adicta.co.uk/alphacentre/ Friends & Buddies Social Club Ann Lambert 968163758/ 628153329 friendsandbuddies07@ hotmail.com Friends In Totana (F.I.T.) Pat 630941377. Guiding/Scouting 608174485. info@murciasur.org Harmony Ladies Grp Jenny 680858836. HELP Murcia Mar Menor Office: 968570059 Mon-Fri 10-1.30pm. info@helpmurciamarmenor.org www.helpmurciamarmenor.org Evt/tkts: Joan Mitchell 968181943. Mar Menor Sailing Asso(SAMM) Cdre: John Curtis 966764664. M/ship: Brian Blackburn samm. membersec@hotmail.com www.sailingmarmenor.com

Torrevieja 4-10 Yrs! Football! KidsMini Soccer Tony 678955501 tonyssoccerschool@yahoo.co.uk www.tonys-soccer-school.net 50+ SOLOS Ruth 966786320 AFA Torrevieja, Assoc Alzheimer de Familiares y Amigos de Torrevieja 966702500 Fax: 966702203 Al-Anon Family Grp Helpline: 692799318 (9am-9pm). Alcholics Annonymous English 625912078. Anglican Chaplaincy St Peter & St Paul Alicante-Cartagena. Church ser: 968193117. Funerals, Wedding Blessings, Baptisms 965720911. Asn. de las Rutas y Caminos de la Sal Pres. Maureen Moss 966923113/Sec. Jenny Dodd 965718483. Asn. of Retired Police Officers ARPO (Police) Mike Peters 966797015 mlspeters@hotmail.com Bon Bon Club Anna 966789470. Bridge Club Rojales Coby 966714266. Cafe Con Senoritas June 966731113/680384738 junesullivan@hotmail.co.uk Cantabile Int. Ladies Choir Jennifer 966796866/655471787 jenmorton@terra.es Henny 966703247 www.cantabilesingers. bravehost.com Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 637460864/664551627. Church Mtg C/Formentera, Torre Lesley/Brenda 965870911/ 629623706. Club ‘93 965080339 yvonneblake4@hotmail.com Club Torrevieja Classics & Specialists Cars

David 965716360 www.ClubTorrevieja.com Costa Blanca Runners John 966786774 carolejohn_3@hotmail.com Crescendo Int. Choir M/ship sec Phyl Webb 966785332. C/man Lawrence Gee 966261663 www.crescendo-choir Crime Watch Spain VG-8261-2000 Fd:1999. Torre: 966786266 Ted. Catral: 965992838 Jose. jrivero-smith@skynetlink. com http://vecinos-colaborando. tripod.com/ Crisol Pensioners Club Civic Centre, Alameda del Mar Mon-Fri. 4-6pm. http://www.NetHatcher.de Euro Divers Diving/Watersports Social Club Bob 966723024/Eric 965328941 eurodivers34@yahoo.co.uk Football In Torrevieja Dougie 628789335 www. CostaBlancaFootball.com Forty Something Dining/ Social Club Angie 686367421 jessang563@hotmail.com Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship Int Torrevieja Stuart 968575417/664673863. Gardening Club (Vega Baja) C.man Val 966716527. Int. Christian Assembly Rev Rafael Restrepo 968282049/ 660127276. www.icatorrevieja.org Just Brass Band John 966706959 Ian 966191734 iangibson@hotmail.es La Bamba’s Ballroom/Latin Dancing Andrea/Brian 616478157. Labour Int. (CB South) Christine Montano 966784720 /Sarah Hill 966260352. La Marina Bridge Club Peter 966790328/Trevor 966795869. La Marina & San Fulgencio Computer Club Albert 966797704/Ron 966790396. www.lamarinacomputerclub.com La Marina Tappers Yvonne 966796820/Bill 966760032. La Mata and Torrevieja Nature Reserve Volunteers Group. Tel Joy 966 797 765 La Siesta & El Chaparral Neighbourhood Watch/ Residents Grp Bruce 966786079. La Siesta Charity Lending Library Tue 10.30-12.30pm C/Weber 12, Urb La Siesta, Torre. La Siesta Evangelical Church Rev. Daniel Reyes B.D. 968508028. Sec Fiona Cook 966700131 www.TorreviejaInformation.com/ lasiestachurch Masonry Torrevieja Barrie Mansell 966719653 provincialsec@hotmail.com Mothers Union Debbie 679501543 capewell4@hotmail.com Netball Tracey 679539995. New Gospel Choir 966927551. Nirvana Dining Club Janet 667863495. Norwegian Church La Siesta Paul Hammond-Poe 636948446 Norwegian/Dennis Beecroft 965720732 English. P.A.L.S (Pleasure & Leisure in Spain) Carole 965080351/ 671986781. Petanca Club San Miguel 966723522. Phoenix Solo’s Club Beryl 629891482/Trevor 966708175. Portsmouth Football Club Supporters Steve 656579423. R.A.O.B. Costa Blanca Lodge 976717084 ronkmcgreevy@yahoo.co.uk Rhythm Rascals 662441258. Road Bowling Club Brendan C/man 677868566. Royal British Legion V/c.man Steve Ironmonger 966719985/ 628034962. Royal Naval Assoc Gillian Burden 638512056 www.torreviejarna.info Scottish Country Dancing Torrevieja Stewart 966722724/ Wilma 966730666.

Sequence Dancing Derek 965716647. Showgroup Torrevieja Jennifer 966261627. Sole Mates’Main Street’, Formerly the Dining Room, San Luis. Jim 606744861/Karyn 663399027 Spanish Classes (Crime Watch) 965992838. T.A.A.B.’ s Singing Show Grp Helen 965070413 www. TorreviejaInformation.com/taabs The Actors Studio (acting For Alzheimers) Email whitneymarcus@msn.com The Baker Foundation for Spiritual Awareness Tel/fax: 966760665. The Brit Club Barbara 965702003. The Costa Blanca Branch of the World Ship Society Mel Cook 966716877 mel.cook30@yahoo.com www.worldshipsociety.org The Dolly Mixtures Irene 966712924 The Good Life Non Smoking Club Hazel 966921558. The Iceni Dancers Jacqui 965323673/Joy 966715848. The Int. Club Torrevieja Sue 965703803/Mandy 966920428. The Oddballs Motorbike Club Paul 638187890/Carol 661375716. The Seekers Mary Brewer 966784033. The Spiritual Awareness Society of Quesada Mandy 699691236. The Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonies Barry 966717262/ Eberhard 966773145 www.theharmonisers.com The Torrevieja Scottish Country Dancing Group 966730666 The “Velvetones” Kristoff 966714973 www.velvetones.org The Vivace Mixed Voice Classical Choir 965720919. Torre Foundation for Spiritual Awareness 647189135/ 966786651 www.torrespirit.com Torrevieja Aglow Barbara 965702871/Marcia 966760585. Torrevieja Digital Camera Club. Michelle 649232481 michelle. tdcc@gmail.com Torrevieja Christian Fellowship 966700391 www.tcf-spain.org Torrevieja Computer Club 966786281. www. torreviejacomputerclub.com Torrevieja Costa Lions Club Dave Bray 965013088 brayer50@yahoo.co.uk Torrevieja Craft Club Kathy 678901237. Torrevieja Flower Club Sandra 966707330 Cynthia 965703547 www.torreviejaflowerclub.com Torrevieja Philatelic Society Harry Alderson 966789018. Torrevieja Pipes & Drums Joan/Barry 966712076 waddingtonjoan@gmail.com Torrevieja Rugby Club Jerry Josee 695953137/Jeff Davies 677607424. Torrevieja Stroke Support Grp Louie 966718964/Carol 966765488/Margaret 966193311 strokesupportgroup@ hotmail.com www. torreviejastrokesupportgroup.net Torrevieja Writers’ Circle Nik Morton 966796866. Total Crafts Maureen 966789977/ Sue 966706268. TRAC: Torrevieja Retired Activity Club M.ship Pam 966790648/ C.man Graham 966775282. U3A Torrevieja www.u3atorrevieja.com

61 60


02 july 20102010 14- -0820 may

Who can drive my car? MANY DRIVERS often ask themselves who exactly can drive their car if their motor insurance is only in their name. The answer to this question depends on which company you are covered with, as not all insurers will cover you if an accident occurs when another person other than the policy holder is driving the car. In fact, many insurance companies only cover those that are stipulated in the policy or ‘Certificate of Motor Insurance’. Thus, if anyone else is driving your vehicle such as members of your family or even your partner or spouse, both they and you need to be aware that they may not be covered in the event of an accident. However, if you have motor insurance with Línea Directa, any person that you have given permission to drive your car (regardless of whether they are a nameddriver on your policy or not) can be safe in the knowledge that they will be covered for any eventuality. Nevertheless, as with all policies, there are some exceptions. Anyone driving your car must be at least 26 years of age and hold a valid driving licence that permits

them to drive legally here in Spain. Unlike with other insurers, Línea Directa policy holders also need not worry about how many years the driver that is using their car has been a licence holder. In the same manner, they also need not worry about a collision caused by this person (who is not a named-driver on the policy), as Línea Directa will still cover any damage regardless of who was driving the vehicle at the time. What’s more, these benefits are available with both third party liability and with fully comprehensive car insurance. In the case of an accident, the car would be covered as if you, the policy holder, were driving it. And once again, the only exception is that any driver under 26 years of age must be stipulated under the ‘Special Conditions’ section. Drivers of this age and younger, however, can still obtain car insurance with Línea Directa Aseguradora, which has a specialised department that deals with younger drivers, their questions and doubts. They too can purchase a motor insurance policy that is tailored to their needs – and again, at fantastic prices that

are amongst the best on the market. Without a doubt, Spain’s largest direct line insurance provider, Línea Directa, offers an unparalleled service to all of its customers regardless of age or nationality – and offers cover at really unbeatable prices. It is also particularly committed to offering an excellent service to its expatriate

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ITV crack down on the costa


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3,950€ 97 PEUGEOT 306 AUTOMATIC A/C P/S 2,450€

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THE TORREVIEJA Local Police stopped more than sixty scooters, mopeds and motorcyles last week in their latest crackdown to ensure that those types of vehicles have up to date ITV certificates. Of the 60 or so bikes that were stopped, in various parts of the city, 10% of them had expired ITV certificates and were therefore not legally roadworthy. In addition, four drivers were uninsured, two were not wearing helmets and two were not licensed to drive a moped or scooter. RTN has learned that the local police, not only in Torrevieja but in other municipalities, will be continuing to crackdown on illegal and non-roadworthy mopeds and scooters, so if you do own one please make sure that you have all the correct and legal paperwork before setting off.

SEAT Ibiza Good Stuff edition

Tel: 620 738 023 10am to 5pm


Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD

Shakira promoting the new Good Stuff edition

SEAT is celebrating its partnership with Columbian pop sensation Shakira with the debut in UK showrooms of a special edition SEAT Ibiza that’s packed with ‘good stuff’. The new Ibiza Good Stuff is based on the popular Ibiza 1.4 SE, available in both practical 5dr and sporty SC bodystyles, and boasts a sparkling array of neat extras. It has been named in recognition of SEAT’s sponsorship of Shakira’s forthcoming Good Stuff European tour and is available in a selection of smart paint shades including Candy White and Speed Blue.

The Ibiza Good Stuff adds a great selection of state-of-the-art extras including a TomTom satnav system and unique SEAT dashboard dock and cradle, black iPod Nano 8GB complete with etched SEAT logo and SEAT branded content, iPod cradle and charger, and Bluetooth hands-free phone system. On top of this, Good Stuff buyers can look forward to keeping cool this summer thanks to the special edition’s climate control system, and looking cool behind the wheel courtesy of the car’s 16” ‘Sonda’ alloys and dark tinted rear windows.

ITV’s and drivers Hi Brian, I was wondering if you can give me some advice on the following: I am driving back to UK for a visit with my Spanish registered car on 24th June and returning on 30th August - my problem is that my ITV expires on 27th August. Would you advise me to get the ITV done early before we go or is there a leeway so that I can get the ITV done when I get back? Looking forward to hearing from you, Brian White


Brian Deller

Author of Motoring in Spain

I personally would have it done before I go, as it is an offence to drive without an ITV certificate (if required due to the age of the vehicle) and the same (MOT) applies in the UK. It would mean that if on your return you are stopped by the GC etc, you will not have to ‘sweat’ about not being 100% legal. Be careful in the UK as the police there are stopping many foreign-plated vehicles to see if they are legal. Keep in the vehicle copies of ferry tickets with the dates on, especially the return ones, proving that despite your fluency in English, you will be returning to Spain. I have had some emails from expats in Spanish-plated cars that have been fined in the UK for not satisfying the UK police at roadside. Have a safe journey and if you have any problems that would be advice for others here, please let us know. It is my intention, as I am now 74-yearsold, to transfer my Ford Focus estate car to my constant companion for the following reasons: 1. The insurance premium is getting colossal


02 - 08 JULY 2010

and she is younger than me. 2. I wish to make it a gift and there will be no money changing hands. The car is a 2000 model and it is our intention to sell her car, a more modern Fiat Punto, insure the Ford in her name and make me a ‘second driver’. As I am a dialysis patient, it makes sense to do this. Can you advise us if taxes will be payable and the procedure to go through? I read your column every week and I would be grateful for any advice you can give us. What you are proposing to do is, as you probably suspect, against the rules of all insurance companies. The main, named driver is the one insured and the premium is costed against that risk. Many try this route to save on premiums where younger drivers in the family are concerned as often ‘Dad’ pays them anyway, but especially in the case of a bad accident where damages have to be paid that would normally be covered by the policy, the insurance company investigates and discovers what has been happening and refuses cover under their policy conditions supplied in writing when the policy was started. Just when you need the insurance cover, it is refused and you run the risk of being fined etc for not having the necessary insurance cover, or being ordered by a Court to pay the damages yourself. Even Third party has this damages cover in Spain. Also future premiums will be most likely increased due to the ‘fraud’. I hate bearing bad news!

No more space: more next week. There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com

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06´- Opel Zafira (RHD) €7,995

06´Seat Leon 1.9TDi €10,495

04´Honda HRV, 1.6i

00´Mercedes S400 CDi



95´Toyota Estima, 8 seater


08´ Opel Corsa, 1.3CDTi €10,695


02 - 08 JULY 2010



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CARS FOR SALE 2010 New C3 Exclusive Sage Metallic 2800km Registered march 2010, Cruise control, auto lights/washers 17” alloys, Panoramic windscreen, climate control, Hi-Fi pack, Comfort pack, Leather/alcantara trim. Ready to drive away WAS€19,800 NOW €16,800 2010 C4 Picasso VTi 120 Cool, KM 0, 5 seats, Climate control, premium sound system, Cruise control, Panoramic windscreen, TWO available …one in Steel grey metallic and the other black metallic WAS €21,600 NOW €18,200 2010 C4 Picasso HDi 110 Cool, KM 0, 5 seats, climate control, cruise control, Panoramic windscreen, THREE available 1 in Nocciala, 1 in Steel grey metallic, and 1 in black metallic. Big savings on list price WAS €23,700 NOW €19,900 2008 CITROEN C4 1.6 COLLECTION 38,000KM Claret metallic ,A/C, Cruise control, alloy wheels, 5 door €9.900 2008 CITROEN C4 1.6 HDi CMP 41,000KM Blue metallic, A/C, Cruise control , Alloy, Electronic gear shift €11,000 2008 CITROEN C4 1.4i LX Silver Metallic, 57,000Km A/C, CD radio, Excellent condition €8,900 2008 CITROEN C4 1.6 HDi EXCLUSIVE , 21,000kms Full option pack, front and rear sensors, Red met €20,000 2007 CITROEN C4 PICASSO HDi CMP 50,000KM Saffron Metallic, Climate, Cruise, Full options €17,000 2007 AUDI A8 4.2 Tdi Quattro 27,000KM Steel Metallic, Loaded with options from Audi, almost unused €60,000 2007 FORD FIESTA 1.3 Newport 99,000KM Saffron Metallic, A/C, CD radio with remote controls €7,300 2007 RENAULT Clio 1.5Dci Emocion 70,000km, Black Metallic, One owner, Climate control, CD radio €7,800 2007 CITROEN JUMPY HDi 120 Combi 52,000KM, 6 seats, Very well looked after, White paintwork €15,500 2005 CITROEN Berlingo HDI Multispace. 65,000KM Aircon, Glass roof Every option with modutop roof. €8,500 2006 CITROEN XSARA 1.6HDi SX TOP 92 65,000KM Silver Metallic, Cruise control, Climate control €9,000 1985 VW BEETLE 1.2L Fully restored to lovely condition in bright red paintwork …..an investment !! €5,500 Selected cars come with one year warranty and Title transfer included. Insurance approved body shop and paintwork repairs. Pre ITV inspection and best prices on quality tyres fitted and balanced in our workshop. Call now for a free quotation !

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Call 966 713 429 or 966 714 497

Classified Ads 63

02 - 08 JULY 2010

All Major Credit Cards Accepted Book your advert now 96 570 5204 Round Town News

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02 - 08 july 2010

WAYFARER DINGHY by Westerley 4.8, 1.8, 6 sails, road trailer, Ex Condition. 1,000€. 610-971-590 SPORTS POWERBOAT Very cheap boating. Sports powerboat 5m, comes with 90hp engine and all equipment, can be seen working. Excellent condition only 4,500€. Call 638-056-224

SERVICE AIR David Higton: (Tel) 966-865883 (Mob) 629-308-505 (Email) cool@serviceair.biz

PEDIGREE LHASA APSO PUPPIES K.C Reg ready in 6 weeks, 3 girls & 1 boy. CHIPPED & INOCULATED. Ring 634-108-686/ 683 for price to view or book REGISTERED SPANISH HORSE FOR SALE Stallion, 4 years old. Beautiful horse with a great temperament. Blacky/ grey, full registered Spanish papers. Well ridden. 1,63 metre, 16.1HH. Travels well in box, shoes well. Competed in in-hand shows. Call Olivia for more information 605-778-559 SMALL FRIENDLY BRITISH KENNELS individual runs, large excercise area. 25 mins Alicante airport. www.parkbark. co.uk 628-244-712 YORKSHIRE TERRIER 8 month blonde male, lovely temperament, seeking good home 250€. ONO. 616-965-833 PETZBACK HOME LTD Professional door to door pet transportation. UK/Spain/UK. Travel in our petmobile with y our pets for free (subject to availability). Or treat yourself in one of our air conditioned luxury limo service. A regular, reliable and safe service. Defra pet passport advice given. www.petzbackhome.co.uk Credit or Debit cards accepted. Telephone UK office 00441209-843-971

SMALL DOGS CARED FOR IN OUR OWN HOME so if you need to go away on holiday but don’t want your dog to go into kennels then we will look after them. References available on request. Call Diane and Trish: 965843781 or 622514980 (Altea Area)

DRIVING TO THE UK? English owned B&B in France close to the Spanish border. Peaceful location, ideal for your stopovers. Please ring for details: 0033-562-33-19-62 or visit website: www.millefleursbb.co.uk

FAMILYBIKEHIRE.COM Hire-Sales-Repairs. The largest selection of bike hire equipment on the Costa Blanca, free delivery and collection. Tel: 966 774 598 - 655 338 066. See us at WWW.CostaBlancaBikeHire. COM (Spanish registered)

Low Overheads. Please E-mail leec697@gmail.com BAR BISTRO FOR SALE on popular lemon tree market. Excellent potencial. 88 cover. Sale due to ill health. Tel: 966-180-168/ 655-479-753 CASHKING TORREVIEJA Pawnshop for sale. Highly profitable Pawnshop with licence to Pawn, Buy, Sell Gold, Watches, Consumer Electronics, ect. For first contact and more. Information admin@cashking.es or Tel. 965-703-774 DUE TO RETIRMENT: Very popular profitable magazine business for sale. Now in its 6th year. Alicante area. Worked part time, minimal overheads. includes all equipment Tel 690-222-273 DIRECT SALES FOR NEEDED PRODUCT Fritz box gives UK tel no and gives Free International calls. Also additional Spanish Tel no! Even if you have not got a landline? Domain names etc.Tel 696640747. www.sierracomms.com. www.prosperandsave.com sierratelecoms@hotmail.com

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/ upgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424 ONLINE E-BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES INCLUDES: Promotional website marketing slideshows, banners, videos, audio files, graphics, logos, photo retouching, e-business consulting & training. Monthly fee covers hourly support and training services by email or telephone. Contact: Karla Darocas info@Darocas.com or 648 156 066

DRAGON REFORMS PROPERTY RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE. Tel 966807-098. Mob 639-917-798. Property Renovations/Shop/ Bar Refits. New extentions, patios, underbuilds, tiling. Complete new Kitchens/Bathrooms refits, all electrical, plumbing, carpentary work undertaken. References given, free quotes, work guaranteed. Benidorm and Surrounding areas. www.dragonreforms.com

EARN MONEY Tax Free. See Employment Column. LEISURE PRODUCTS BUSINESS established 10 years, rental and sales income, top Google ranking, future expansion plans in place, if required. Price 150,000€ which represents approx. one years profit and stock of around 50,000€. Currently run from home.

old, plot 273. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. To view call Mary - Plot 291. Tel: 0044-7860-744-675. MOBILE/ PARK HOMES From 15.000€ TV, A/C, TEL, some with conservatories, permanent site, pool, tennis, new lounge bar, supermarket, 5 mins walk San Javier, all amenities, 3KM beach & hospital. 7 mins Murcia airport by car. Carol 968-192-425/ 626-055-622. Email: haydn47@hotmail.com Web: www.mobilehomes marmenorspain.com

FOR SALE MOBILE HOME At Camping Almafra. 3 years

LEMON TREE INTERIORS Home-visit soft furnishing company. Curtains, all types of blinds, loose covers. Excellent quality work at reasonable prices. Wide range of fabric and pole samples. Full fitting service. Call Claire to

02 - 08 july 2010 arrange a no-obligation visit in the comfort of your own home. Tel.968-698770/ 626-614-850 Website: lemontreeinteriors@hotmail. com

DRAIN SOLUTIONS Problems with constantly blocked drains? Need to trace the direction of your drains runs? Our drain camera gives you DVD evidence of your problems and above ground locators pinpoint the position. Tel Graham 626-570-121

We are looking for professional installers of kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms. In the first instance please forward your CV to info@hfstrade2you. com. Showroom situated in Benijofar near Torrevieja.

EARN MONEY Tax Free, Legally. 250+€ P/Week. Work Self Employed from Home, PM, with a Computor & ADSL in Sportsworld activities. E Mail: horces@gmail.com for Details. EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST required for top Javea salon. Tel Victoria at Halo Salon on 965-794-202 CASHKING TORREVIEJA is looking for a Salesperson, Male, 20-35y with experience in Electronics. Must speak spanish, Send CV to admin@ cashking.es or call 965-703774 TELESALES STAFF REQUIRED to promote refillable cartridges, Ink & Ink systems for printers also flyer & sign design etc. Basic Spanish & Own Phone essential. Great commission paid weekly. Including a residual income. Call 966-799833 EXPERIENCED CAR SALES PERSON REQUIRED for busy car sales office in San Miguel de Salinas. Applicants must be smart, punctual and a non smoker with a full driving licence. The right applicant will be rewarded with a full time contract for this full time position. Please send CV with covering letter to info@ autosdirect.es AVON NEED AGENTS AND LEADERS work hours to suit you. For info Phone Rosh 966785-520

EXPERIENCED SALES PERSON REQUIRED to work full time from home and from our office in Benitachell on a self employed basis for one of the Costa Blancas leading companies. Must have own car, computer, phone and be smart in appearance. Excellent commissions, previous applicants need not apply. Telephone 696-981-082 FEMALES AND COUPLES 18 to 65 required for adult internet photo and video modeling. Excellent rates. 697-697-842.

VILLA CLEARANCE SALE Dining table, chairs, matching sideboard, single beds, Mountain bikes, bed settee, many other items. 696655028. CHAIN LINK FENCING Chain Link Fencing, Rigid Fencing & Perimeter Walls. Free No-Obligation Quote www.Billericky.com or call 962-384-094/ 628-613-350 NEED A WEBSITE? Websites start 395euros, free domain name, free hosting. www. websitedesignscostablanca. com Tlf:-966-182-275

ANY REFORMS, MAINTENANCE, GENERAL REPAIRS. No job to big or small. Pices cannot be beaten. Free estimates. Call Hrista 667-339-588/ 965-709-203 PRINTING SPECIALIST in brochures and magazines. Unbeatable prices! 616-493487 or 965-720-817

WEIGHT WATCHERS Call our free English call centre now to find your nearest meeting. 900-818-794 QUIRO-MASSAGE & REFLEXOLOGY Relax and let yourself be carried away by a professional in massage. You will feel really great! Come to a professional qualified in Quiro-massage & Reflexology! Appointments by consultation! 639-439890. Denia. FACIALS anti-aging and non-surgical from 10€, massage anti-cellulite, therapeutic, aromatherapy. Suzanne 627-371-731 AQUA AEROBICS Ladies all ages, shapes, sizes, non swimmers and complete beginners welcome. Suzanne 627-371-731 PRESTIGE NURSING offers Legal, Registered and Professional Home Care on the Costa Blanca. All your home nursing care service needs can be undertaken by our highly trained nursing/ domiciliary team. Call Prestige Nursing on 687-015-517 JODIE’S GELS Nail technician: Gel nail extensions, gel nail overlays,

gel toenails. Finishes: French, colour, glitter. Repairs. Tel: 622-244-613. CREATIVE NAILS Creative acrilic nails. You come to me (Alfaz Del Pi) or I’ll come to you (Altea - Villajoyosa). Fully qualified, 15 years experience. Tel: 669-126-281.

FAGOR DISHWASHER top of range, Ex. Condition. 50€. 610-971-590 BOOKS FOR SALE In English:Quest for AdventureChris Bonnington 1982, Coastwise Navigation-GG Watkins, 1962, Navigation for Yachtsment-Mary Blewit 1973, The Sailing ManualBob Bond 1973,Cruising Under Sail-Eric Chiswick 1965, Man O´War-The Fighting Ship In HistoryRichard Hough 1979. 6 Hardback books for 25euros. In Spanish: Set of 20 Non Fiction new books (still wrapped) Assorted authors suit student. 35euros the lot. Tlf:691-202-307 ICE COLD AIRCONDITIONING UNITS “Plug n Go” two sizes available 9000 BTU €199 or 12’000 BTU €249 no mess, no fuss! FREE delivery 622727-430 FOLDING MOBILTY SCOOTER Very good condition. 350€ o.n.o. Tel: 0044-7542-512-542. PERGOLA 5MX3M Never erected. High quality solid timber, Treated. Ideal for Garden or Carport. 385€ Will

Delivery Free. 622-024-539 si.whitworth@gmail.com WHEELCHAIR Light, foldable, hardly used, LIKE NEW. 135.00€. Tel: 627-019-403. LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966443-370 or 625-985-491 FOR SALE Beautiful old convertible snooker/dining table with original ivory balls. Slate base. Gd con. 2.00m x 1.10m. 750€ono. Call Andy 630949883. ALADDIN’S For quality furniture and second hand household goods at prices that won’t dent your wallet telephone 966-457-291

ALADDIN’S Disappointed with offers elsewhere on Jewellery etc? Telephone 966-457-291 WANTED INSTANT CASH PAID Antique and modern jewelley, bought sold & part exchanged, insurance valuations. Jewellery & watch repairs. Alexanders, Javea Port seafront near Bar Esquina. Established since 2003 Tel: 965-792-595.



BAMBA’S. Los Arcos Restaurant, Avenidas Balaeres, Torrevieja, SOCIAL DANCE: Saturday 7pm- 10pm: TUITION: Beginners Monday 10.30am. Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant La Zenia: Beginners Wednesday 7.30pm: Thursday 11.30am; Intermediates Friday 11am. Tel: Andrea 616-478-157

DATEMED.ES Great new online dating site for English speaking people on the Costa Blanca. Free memberships - Join Now! www.datemed.es


02 - 08 july 2010

BATTERIES FOR MOBILITY SCOOTERS all sizes, from 12V 10AH to 12V 100AH, very good prices from 25€. Fully guaranteed. Ring Gary on 610-344-273 POOL, SNOOKER TABLES will beat any price. Tel: 666933-726 PINE FURNITURE SALE Large Quantity of Top Quality Flat Pack Furniture For Sale. The stock includes:Kingsize Beds, Double Beds, Single Begs, Treble Robes, Double Robes, Bedside Cabs, Chests of Drawers, Computer Desks, Sideboards, Welsh Dressers, Bookcases, Tallboys, Mirrors, Wine Tables, Display Cabinets.Tlf:628-499-448 HOUSE AND PET SITTING call Margaret 968-186-781 or 659-824-156 KARAOKE MEDIA PLAYER “Brand New” 500GB. 70,000songs, software, songbooks, bar/home use. 275euros Tlf:-654-925-679

LA MARINA FURNITURE All Furniture Bought & Sold At Unbeatable Prices. Now Also In Shop, New Linen, Lingerie, Jewellery & JML Products. Also Cars Bought For Cash. Come and visit La Marina Furniture shop on the main street through La Marina. Call Allan on 966443-370 or 625-985-491 FLYING FLOWERS beautiful bouquets to any UK address. Order by credit or debit card. Call Kelly’s 965-761-595/ 966-425-713

HONDA SHADOW 750 Aug. 2006, 1 owner, 15,000 black, lots of chrome. 4,450€ Imc. Transfer. 600-726-221/ 965687-976 www.fwreurocars.com SUZUKI GRX 600 gorgeous bike, good condition. 3,000€. Tel Allan 625-985-491 REPAIR & SOLD & BUY pickup from your home second hand motorbikes and scooter for reasonable price and quick service open 7 days. Tel: 680-644-010 TRIUMPH 955I English Reg. 2000 plate, speed triple 43000 miles, reluctant sale, recent service and new parts. 2,000€ ONO. Dave 693-211-542

LOOKING FOR A CABRIOLET? BMW X3 1.9 ROADSTER cabriolet, 1997, 46,000kms, fully serviced, British racing met. Green, alloys, aircon, full leather E/ seats, CD, rear wind shield, new soft top. Eye catching.

Only 6,950€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com BMW 325 CABRIOLET 2001 80,000kms, FSH, Met. Silver, blue power hood, M.Tec alloys, climate, full grey leather and much more. 13, 950€. 600-726-221/ 965687-976 www.fwreurocars. com MERCEDES CLK 2.0 COMPRESSOR CABRIOLET auto/ tiptronic, 2001, 2 owner, 55,000kms, FSH, stunning car finished in Met. Green and matching power hood, alloys, full charcoal grey leather, climate etc. Showroom condition. 15,950€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com BMW 320 CD SE CABRIOLET full M.pack, 6 speed, diesel, 2006, 2 owners, only 60,000kms, FSH. This car must be seen, finished in dark Met. Blue power hood, full cream sports leather, navigation, climate, M-alloys, ESP Xenon, parktronic, rain/ light sensors, E/heated seats, H/lamp wash, 6 CD. This car has everything! Stunning example! 21,750€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com FORD MUSTANG 1967 289 fast back coupe, black, totally restored. PAO. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com FORD TORNEO CONNECT COMBI Nov. 2005, 1 owner, FSH, high KMS hence price, light Met. Blue, alloys, R/ Privacy glass, CD, Aircon, Etc. Bargain 4,950€. 600726-221/ 965-687-976 LOOKING FOR A MPV 7 or 8 seater from 4,950 - 15,950 www.fwreurocars.com or just call Frank 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 GOING HOME? We have a good selection of RHD vehicles for sale or exchange. 600-726221/ 965-687-976 www. fwreurocars.com SELLING YOUR CAR? Cash waiting or will exchange. Tel: Frank 600-726-221 www.fwreurocars.com RHD PEUGEOT 206 1.4 HDI Zest 3, 2006, 3 door, 2 owners, 38,000 miles, fully serviced, alloys, aircon, CD, MOT/ TAXED, silver. Only 4,950€. Or exchange.600-


726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com GOING BACK TO THE UK? Choice of 2 RHD Ford Focus C Max, 2004 1.7 Ztec, low KMS, FSH, blue or silver. For sale or exchange. 7,250€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com GOING HOME? RHD TOYOTA YARIS 1.3 CDX. WTi auto, 2002, 5 door, 1 owner, 49,000 miles, FSH, alloys, AC, CD Etc. Black. 3,450€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com 8 SEATER CITROEN JUMPER 2000 65,000KMS. Only 4,950€. 600-726221/ 965-687-976 www. fwreurocars.com HYUANDAI COUPE 1.6 FX 2000, silver, alloys, CD etc. Just serviced. New tyres and new ITV. 4,450€. 600-726221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com RENAULT CLIO 1.2 5 door, 2002, face lift model, white, fully equipt. Bargain 4,450€. 600-726-221/ 965-687-976 www.fwreurocars.com CARS WANTED accident damage, tech. problems from year 2002. Tel 661-362-005 RENAULT BOX VAN 2.5 diesel, white 2007. Full Service History, New Condition, 67,000kms. Tlf: 628-499-448 OPEL CORSA 1.5 YEAR 1995 Ideal as a first car for a new driver, well maintained and cared for. 3 new tyres, MOT to Jan 2011, DVD player etc. 995€ tlf 691-202-307. Altea area (close to Benidorm) WE BUY AND SELL quality late vans, cars and combis. For an instant decision phone 605-669-388/ 680-665-583

3,950€ 1,950€ 2,400€ 1,950€ 4,950€ 4,750€ 2450€ 1950€ 2750€

BABY EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE chair, car seat, etc 965-836-450/ 696-206-249.

EXCHANGE OR SALE Los Montesinos Village, 3 double bed 2 full bathroom, Aircon Lounge- Separate Kitchen Diner- Galleria Utility Balcony Solarium For 2 Bed Beach Side Guardamar La Marina 600-754-677/ 672-943-003/ 965-003-472

British & Spanish used car sales


BUMPERS, WINGS AND MIRRORS All body panels for all cars supplied. Tel: 966-875-497 or 618-592-396. HEADLIGHTS4U.COM Left hand drive headlights supplied and fitted. All makes. Tel: 966-875-497 or 618-592-396. VAN FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE English plated Fiat Ducato 2.ltr JTD 2005, SWB. 2,995€ or may swap for Spanish reg. Smaller van or estate car. Dave 693-211-542


Tel: 620 738 023 10am to 5pm


Cars wanted for cash LHD/RHD

GENERIC VIAGRA safe effective 100mg blue pills 24 for 50€. Also Kamagra oral jellies, effective in 15 minutes and generic Cialis, effective for 36 hours. Confidential postal or collection service. Call Ron at TT Marketing 966-499-204 LOVELY GIRLS TO PAMPER YOU 24HRS, Free Drinks. Great Time Guaranteed. Playa Flamenca. 660-308-993/ 619-229-217 KAMAGRA 100MG 24 tablets for 50€ also fast acting jellies and weekenders. Free discreet delivery. Quesada & surrounding area. Derek 685-207-378

UNSATISFIED MARRIED WOMAN im married and i give massages, and im waiting for you. Tel: 644052399 SEXY COUPLE OR SEPARATE Offers pleasure for couples, women, men, girl on girl, relaxed, discrete. At our apartment or yours. Call Jasmine/Sebastian 663-478-337 SINDY SUPER SEXY 36 years old, massage, private apartment, La Loma, Avenida Habaneras. Tel: 677-676-554 NATACHA divorced, erotic massage, very hygenic apartment, outings. Minimum 60€. Calle La Loma, close to Avenida Habaneras. 677-676-554 NEW PLACE! TORREVIEJA Sexy girls from South America. Come and enjoy, economical prices from 40€. NEW ADDRESS Zone Los Locos beach. 639-622-285 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118 TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 DANI 23, SWEET GIRL offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534. Torrevieja area MALE 55 & MY STUNNING GIRLFRIEND 25 both British, Voyeur shows & threesomes with A, DP & SR. Also home-made DVD’S by post or collect. Torrevieja Call Steve 697-892-969 TRANSVESTITE TORREVIEJA dark skin, big vreasts, big surprise. Tel 610934-279 www.esnegratrans. blogspot.com TORREVIEJA CHINESE SUPER SEXY GIRL! Young and beautiful. Calle Orihuela Nº60, 2º1 SPANISH LADY, PLAYA FLAMENCA near new Carrefour before La Florida. 35 years, attractive, classy lady, private house, parking. Offers all erotic services, massage, sexy lingerie, economical prices from 40€. Full discretion. Call Ana 680-735-412 JAVEA, MORAIRA East Europeon lady, super erotic massage and more. 661034-261 Hotel & Home visits DANI 23, SWEET GIRL offers erotic service. House and Hotel visits or in my apartment. 650-104-534. Torrevieja area YOUNG 65 YEARS OLD English man, looking for female friendship (English Spoken) Orihuela Costa. 636-196-660 GORGEOUS ENGLISH BLOND 45 years, gives discreet massage, 1 hour or over night stay, 15 mins Alicante airport. Tel: Karen 662-049-021 SEXY COUPLE OR SEPERATE Offers pleasure

for couples, women, men, girl on girl, relaxed, discrete. At our apartment or yours. Call Jasmine/Sebastian 663-478-337

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Now with video highlights included as standard. Contact Steve 966-470-163/662-570-702.

SWIMMING POOLS 8x4 10,000€. Building & repairing. All types of building work undertaken. Concrete flooring & tiled from 30€m2. Tel: 600-776-672 (Eglish) 677-643-845 (Español) POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. 100’s of private and communal pools successfully repaired on the Costa Blanca. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 15 years experience. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tel Pristine Pools on 966-774-199 or 678-080-500 Email info@ pristineswimmingpools.com www.pristineswimmingpools. com SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for

02 - 08 july 2010 more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743-048 www.pooltechspain.com

MOBILE/PARK HOMES Ready to move into on permanent site. From 15,000eurosCarol. 968192-425 Mob. 626-055-622. Web. www.mobilehomes marmenorspain.com VILLAS VASTLY REDUCED BY MORE THAN 40% Det Villa, 3 Bed, Busot 158k, 6 bed det, pool, 279k (costs 550k). Etc. Wanted villas for rent, clients waiting! See Hot Properties on web site:-www.sierravillas.com. sales@sierravillas.com. Tel:696655028 ENGLISH/ SPANISH ESTATE AGENT needs resonably priced properties to sell in the torrevieja area. Complete service including free conveyancing. 647-218350 www.inmossp.com FOR SALE OR TO RENT Classic Spanish Old Town House. 3 double bedrooms (one with en-suite bathroom), master bath, downstairs toilet, new kitchen, large living room diner with real fire. Terrace with bbq, summer kitchen and shower. Separate sun terrace with views to the mountains. Recently reformed and fully furnished. 135,000€ or 450€ per month.Tel: 609-177-032.

QUAD HOUSE in aqua park residential in torrevieja bottom floor, living room, kitchen 2 bedrooms & bathroom top floor, 1 bedroom plus solarium, separate, secure parking, com pool, mins walk from superstores, shops and bars. reduced to 75.000 euros for quick sale for any information regarding the property contact me on email: james. ley2@hotmail.co.uk Phone: 0044-1248-712-562 WOODEN CHALET, EL REALENGO rural site, furnished, 2 bedrooms, large plot, must sell, reasonable offers considered. 664-760-428

ROMANTIC PRIVATE COUNTRY COTTAGE big lounge with woodburner, one bedroom, storage, large plot, 1 mile San Miguel 350€PCM plus utilities. Tel: 645496957 FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Classic Spanish Old Town House. 450€ per month. Tel: 609-177-032. (See main advert description under For Sale - General) VALENCIA CITY Two double rooms available in stunning shared 140m2 apartment, with 14m2 sunny terrace. The bedrooms share a full bathroom. Apartment is spacious, modern, wooden floors, light and sunny, peaceful, but only 15 mins walk to city centre. Supermarkets and market within 5 mins walk. View from terrace across city to mountains (6th floor atico). Apt has lift, trastero, internet, a/c and heating, new washing machine, new fridge, microwave, dishwasher and spacious lounge/dining area. Peaceful street with plenty of bars and restaurants nearby. To share apt with one other female, English, 34. No smokers (or you smoke on the terrace!). Professionals with work only. Looking for relaxed people with sense of humour who are used to sharing. Beautiful apt. Bills included. OPTION 2: If only one room is rented the price is 450 incl bills. Deposit of one month’s rent. Call 696 534 228. Hablo espanol! 1 BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR FLAT IN TORREVIEJA telephone line, English TV, pool. Near Friday market and Iceland, walking distance to bars, shops and sea front. Long let min 4 months. 300€ pcm including bills. 966-708573 or 660-859-862 ALGORFA TOWN CENTRE two bedroom ground floor flat, large terrace, swimming pool, furnished 250€ per month. Ring 00447949589539 or londonangels@hotmail.com

LONG LET Nice properties Two bedrooms from 360€ various locations. Call Paul 659-647-616/ 966-785-891 VILLA TO SHARE in La Nucia, large garden with pool, rent 325€ a month plus bills (must like dogs). Call ALISON: 619-569-805.

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02 - 08 july 2010

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02 - 08 july 2010


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02 - 08 JULY 2010

The final whistle Blatter’s TV own goal With Andy Kay

Sepp Blatter BEFORE I get in to the nitty gritty of this week’s piece, let’s get one thing clear: England was beaten by a far better team when they were dumped out of the World Cup by Germany. The Germans, with a host of players from their Under-21 European Championship winning side of 2009, were fleeter of foot and mind as they gave Fabio Capello’s side the run around in the second half. Just why England played so badly remains a mystery. They were poor against the USA, woeful versus Algeria, lucky against Slovenia and off the pace against Germany. All in all, a pretty disastrous World Cup campaign from the so called Golden Generation. But it could, just could, have been so different if Frank Lampard’s ‘goal’ had been given. Having been 2 – 0 down, getting back to 2 - 2 before half time might have been the catalyst England had been looking for the entire tournament. Unlikely I know, but possible. It was a scandal that Lampard’s effort wasn’t awarded. Unlike some, I don’t blame the referee as he was front on and it must have been difficult for him to see. The linesman had a much better view and his mistake is the more puzzling. But of course it was us, the watching public, who had the best view of all. In a matter of seconds, we saw conclusive proof that Lampard had scored just as Guy Mowbray, doing the commentary for BBC TV, told us he had. Sadly, the fact that millions of people in the UK and around the World knew that a giant cock-up had taken place was neither here nor there. And the blame lies squarely at the door of Fifa president Sepp Blatter. Mr Blatter has consistently argued against video technology being used in football. For the life of me, I can’t understand why. Fifa did trial two types of technology recently. One involved a microchip in the ball and the other, the Hawk-Eye system. Both were rejected. But here’s the thing – neither of those would have been needed at this World Cup. Such is the magnitude of the tournament; the TV cameras already in place were more than up to the job. We saw conclusive proof of that in the England v Germany game and later in the match between Argentina and Mexico when Tevez scored from an offside position. Now, I do agree that stopping the game for every possible contentious decision would be crazy. But when it comes down to whether or not the ball has crossed the line it’s a no-brainer and a very simple rule of thumb could be used to cover all eventualities. If the replays show without doubt that a goal has been scored, then it should be awarded. If however the replays are inconclusive, then the benefit of the doubt should remain with the defending team. Blatter argues that in terms of technology, football must be the same at all levels. But that’s a redundant argument as it isn’t now. When was the last time you saw a team down on Hackney Marshes with half a dozen coaches and 7 subs? Simply put, at a competition as massive as the World Cup, the right decisions just have to be made. And if that involves a couple of TV replays and a 10 second delay in play then so be it.

Junior cricket ON SUNDAY 27th of June, two junior teams Catalunya A and Catalunya B played a friendly match of 20 overs at Beisbol Stadium, Barcelona. It was the first junior match organized by Catalunya cricket association since the junior trials in March this year. Both Catalan teams showed their talent and raised the hopes for the future of good cricket in Catalunya. As every Sunday, there are 4 hour training sessions for juniors organised by Catalunya cricket association There are many juniors who practice cricket and do cricket training every Sunday at Barcelona, but the best were selected to play this match and for parts of the two Catalan junior teams. Catalunya A won the toss and decided to bat first: the batting side started slow as the Catalunya B bowlers restricted them to a slow start. Soon after Kuldip Singh took charge the scores started building very fast, with his contribution of 42 Runs from 34 balls including three 4’s and one six: the Catalunya A reached scored 105. Ezaz and Asif were only two other batsman who crossed the double figure score with 11 and 18 runs respectively. From the fielding side Sachin, Tahir,

Abdullah and Nasir took two wickets each and Sandeep took one wicket. Danish Abdulla was proved to be most economic bowler from the fielding side, taking 2 wickets in four overs for 12 runs. In the second inning, the batsmen of Catalunya B struggled against the strong bowling line of Catalunya A: the only double figure scoring batsmen were Riaz and Imran with 14 and 20 runs respectively. From the fielding side, the bowler of Catalunya A, Amer Javed, took 5 wickets in just three overs, giving only 9 runs to the opposing team. Asif and Rahat took two wickets each and kuldip took one wicket, limiting the Catalunya B batting side to a total of 76 runs for 10 wickets. Catalunya A won the match by 29 runs. Amer Javed was declared the man of the match for his excellent bowling taking 5 wickets in just 3 overs for 9 runs. Mr Robert Masih, the President of Catalunya Cricket Association, awarded a cash prize to Amer Javed for his best bowling performance. The President also appreciated all the players for their good game shown on the field, and the junior team coach Mr Armghan Khan for his hard work with the junior training.

Badminton Tournament success MORE THAN 50 badminton players were in San Pedro del Pinatar last Saturday for a regional tournament which involved teams from El Campello, Aspe, Guardamar, Las Torres de Cotilles and Molina de Segura as well as the home team, San Pedro. A large percentage of players were winners at the recent Spanish National championship so it was a very high standard tournament. RTN went along to the tournament to meet some of the players and to also see a display from some wheelchair bound players. They gave an awesome demonstration of how to play badminton in a wheelchair and invited some of the other players to try it out; which only one did and he found it exhausting and extremely difficult.

The winners of the 7th ‘Fiestas Patrionales’ Badminton Championship were as follows: MENS DOUBLES: Vicente Alcaraz and Juan Lopez (El Campello) RUNNERS-UP: Moritz Pohland and Jan Keijsers (Aspe) LADIES DOUBLES: Sue Duke and Karen Sullivan (San Pedro) RUNNERS-UP: Maria and Lola Casillas (Molina de Segura) MIXED DOUBLES: Maria and Maxim Hernandez (Molina de Segura) RUNNERS-UP: Roger Jackson and Carol Clarkmead (San Pedro) OVER 60’S MIXED DOUBLES: Eleanor Ziaiahmadi and George Taylor (San Pedro)


Costa Blanca round-up

Maggots end by

David Hoare

968 199 279

RODS AND REELS THE WEEK was the last round of the knockout series, again held on the Eden canal stretch of the Rio Segura. There were no dramas on the day and the following anglers qualified for the final: 1st Mick (The Arsenal) Hill, fishing the pole using bread and corn with 5.360 kilos 2nd Terry (Swing ‘Em) Screen, fishing the pole using maggot with 5.340 kilos 3rd Clive (Golf no more) Cleghorn, fishing the pole using maggot with 4.400 kilos The main match of the week was the 8th in the Summer Championship and was held on the Embalse de Argos and again, the paste boys did well on the day. We say all paste winners, however, Dave (The Sweetie Man) Hutchinson who won, we think is using some of his own produce in the terms of jelly babies. He bites off their heads and uses the head, what we have to find out is: what flavour is he using! 1st Dave (The Sweetie Man) Hutchinson, fishing the pole using paste (or jelly babies) with 29.860 kilos 2nd Lenny (Ex Cultural Attache) Bolton, fishing the pole using paste with 24.560 kilos 3rd Doug (Welsh Goldminer) Hornblow, using paste and hemp with 23.960 kilos WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP This weekend the World Championship for freshwater angling was held in Spain. It was to be held at Lake Vicario near Ciudad Real. This was changed in the last few weeks to the Rio Guadiana at Merida, Extramadura. Several of us from the club went over to watch. The match was held over 2 days, the competition being 3 hours each day. England were victorious again. The England team consisted of Will Raison, Des Shipp, Steve Gardner, Alan Scotthorne, Stu Conroy and Sean Ashby. THE OVERALL RESULTS AS FOLLOWS: England 40 point Italy 42.5 points Holland 51 point Ireland 60 points Scotland 60.5 points Wales 66 points ANGLERS TOGETHER ANGLERS TOGETHER continues to grow, with firm friendships being formed since the group started 4 years ago. Many members fish together regularly and say they are happy to have taken up a sport to replace golf and the like, which have become so expensive. We have the occasional organised outing but the main aim is to introduce members to find fishing companions and to assist in finding the venues. It costs €10 to join for the first year and €5 per annum for each year after. If you are interested in joining or finding out more about Anglers Together, either come along to one of the meetings or contact Alan at anglerstogether@gonuts4free.com or telephone Alan Roscoe: 968 570 876. Meetings are generally held on the first Friday and Saturday of each month depending on other public holidays and local fiestas. Anyone with an interest in fishing (sea or freshwater) is welcome to come along to a meeting to see what we’re about. The next meetings will be held on Friday 2nd July at 12.00 at Mary’s Bar in Campoverde (north of Pilar de la Horadada) and on Saturday 3rd July 12.00, at Los Galayos Bar, opposite beach front, at Puerto de Mazarron. Warning: Anglers fishing last Wednesday at Argos were all checked for their licenses and insurance so don’t take chances and make sure you have all relevant documents to hand.

Players from the San Pedro Badminton team competed at the tournament

ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? Aged between 20 to 40 ? Torrevieja area Call Doug on 628 789 335

02 - 08 july 2010

Handicaps, more disagreements! Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

THE SYSTEM of getting correct handicaps for golfers in Spain is one of the most talked about amongst golfers of all abilities and nationalities. I personally don’t think we will ever get agreement when we have so many golf societies that have different systems in use. This inevitably leaves golfers who are members of two or more societies with different handicaps in most cases; a big problem if they play in the leagues against other societies. For a long time now I have been trying hard to get societies to all use the EGA Handicapping System so that we have a standard method of adjustments. Until this happens, what I am writing about below will always be a major problem. A reader wrote to me about the correct way to adjust handicaps for league players. He asked if the handicaps should be adjusted after every game or only once a month. This is a difficult question to answer but one that has an easy solution. All teams involved in competitions against other societies must first agree which system to use. It really does not matter which system as long as they are all using it. Then they must agree that medal play is the only true way of calculating a golfer’s true ability. Most golfers will be used to the Stapleford points system in society golf but in this system, an error of a score of perhaps ten shots does not get fully punished. Such a score can easily be made up by a couple of net birdies but in medal play, that score of ten stays on your card and if it is taken on a par five will take five net birdies to get back to where you started. We all know that particular task is much harder than it first appears. Therefore, the medal play system is much more accurate in displaying the golfer’s ability. This is then the method that should be used to provide the handicap of all golfers: there can be no arguments with the system as long as it is used properly.

This event will have one of the strongest fields of the year Some will say that medal play is too slow to play here: I disagree. If players play provisional balls at the appropriate time, medal play should not take any longer than any other game. It is because golfers don’t play provisional balls at the correct time and have to then go back that the time is lost. Once agreement has been reached on the method of assessing handicaps, there must be agreement on whether the adjustments will be made just after the monthly medal or after every single game. Once again, it does not matter as long as all societies use the same system. There is a tremendous disadvantage when some societies adjust weekly and some monthly. The game is hard enough without having such a big disadvantage to cope with as well. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS The Open de France in Paris is the golf to look forward to over this weekend. The golf course on the outskirts of the French capital always proves to be a stern test and plays very much like a links course, although well inland. The winner will be a good golfer who hits the ball straight and has a good short game, like so many winners of National Championships. This event will have one of the strongest fields of the year as we build up towards The Open Championship later this month.

WIN A ROUND OF GOLF FOR 2 INCLUDING BUGGY AT THE BEAUTIFUL EL PLANTIO RESORT IN ALICANTE To enter this competition, simply answer the question below correctly. Every correct answer will be entered into a draw at the end of the month and the winner of this fantastic prize worth over €180 will be picked at random at the end of each month. Send your entries by email to golf@roundtownnews.com. The decision of the editor of RTN will be final in making the winning selection. Question for 2nd July 2010: Who is the current Open de Espania champion? A. Alvaro Quiros B. Miguel Angel Jimenez C. Pablo Martin All answers must be received no later than 17.00 on 31st July 2010, to be entered into July’s draw, to be made on 1st August. The winner will be announced in RTN on August 6th 2010. WINNER OF JUNE’S COMPETITION Terry Hingston QUALITY GOLF LESSONS To enjoy golf lesson with a coach recommended as one of The World’s Top 100, call Noel on 639 730 891.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com


Carp-R-Us news THE FIRST round of the Carp-R-Us Summer series was fished on the Embalse del Argos near Calasparra in Murcia. Winner on the day was Ian Dalzell. The water levels are still very high, and the fishing is still not up to the standards of past years. The weather was very hot but a good breeze got up; this helped in some ways but hindered in others. The next Club Petanca and coffee morning will be on Tuesday 6th July at 10.30. On the following Tuesday, 13th July, it will be the Club’s Quiz night starting at 19.30. Cost is one Euro each and a finger buffet is provided. The next CarpR-Us General meeting will be on Sunday 18th July, with the committee at 10.00 and the meeting at 11.00. The Club meets at the Bar El Alto La Dolores just off the new roundabout on the N332 between La Mata and Guardamar. Anyone interested in the Club, please contact the Secretary, Stuart Thompson, on 966 717 920 or visit www.carprus.net

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