RTN Costa del Sol Edition 006

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Your English Newspaper

Issue 006



Gaunt Column

“He’s a full-blown aristocrat with much more than Hancock’s armful of royal blood in him!”

COSTA DEL SOL & GIBRALTAR roundtownnews.co.uk 13 - 26 AUGUST 2010

See page 4


Now open Sundays 10am - 6pm see page 7!

A Toll in La Linea

Marbella to Twin The twinning with Batumi in Georgia hopes to promote trade and tourism for both cities • p5

By Gabrielle Rey & Eddie Taylor ALEJANDRO SANCHEZ, Mayor of La Linea de la Concepción (PP) has ordered the municipal technicians to elaborate a study that would allow “the reordering of the traffic in the areas of access to Gibraltar”. He is suggesting a ‘decongestion charge’ be paid by all vehicles that enter the Rock.

Probate in Spain Don’t wait four years before you probate, Wincham consulatants offer professional advice • p8

X Factor on the Coast Alexandra Burke is joined by Diversity and local group The Scarletz on 20th August • p12


Rain drop technique Discover why this is not just a massage, but a life changing massage • p15

Summer sulphur Advice on this and other eco treatments including garlic and neem • p16

Be careful what you think Find out what makes one person happy and another miserable and learn how to harness the power of your mind • p18

There are still football junkies

Read our exclusive interview with one of them...Peter Drury • p21

Antibullfighting protests in Barcelona

Away with the bulls in Andalusia by Gabrielle Rey BULLFIGHTING HAS recently been forbidden in Cataluña and the political group ‘Los Verdes’ are going to propose a similar procedure for Andalusia. The minority group is preparing a Legal Initiative to be presented in the autonomic chambers in 2012, which is the year in which the new law in Cataluña will be enforced. Los Verdes now have to constitute a

platform with the help of associations and social networks and request that the Electoral Board approve electronic signatures, which would help greatly to achieve the 75,000 necessary to take the Legal Initiative before the Andalusian Parliament. They will have three months to gather the needed support and if they make it, Los Verdes hope to present the Initiative between March and April of 2012, following the autonomic elections.

The local government considers that the influx of vehicles and persons would create an income of some 30 million Euros for the town, “allowing it to become more auto-sufficient and independent”. So far, only La Linea residents irrespective of nationality will be exempted. The uncertainty about the application of the charge to Gibraltar residents was one of the main points that emerged from a press conference Monday at which Alejandro Sánchez stated that the charge aims to generate income from the traffic headed into Gibraltar on La Linea’s roads. The town council says it generates no income from this traffic and the repair costs on these roads are rising so it has no other alternative but

to find the means of tapping its economic potential. 120 MILLION DEBT

Where last week the mayor had clearly indicated that Gibraltarians would not pay the charge, this week he raised some doubt. But the mayor was tough on his message that La Linea had reached the end of the line. He compared his town’s dire economic situation - debts of E120m and 10,000 unemployed - with Gibraltar’s economic success. The mayor said cars heading into Gibraltar would be charged “no more than five Euros”, though the final price has yet to be fixed. This is one of the issues that have to be resolved as the decongestion charge is tabled and approved by the town council. The PP has a majority in La Linea and there is no question that it will pass. The charge on trucks will be far higher though. La Linea believes lorries carrying stones and building materials into Gibraltar not only damages the road network but also has a negative impact on La Linea itself. He said the charge on trucks would be “radical” and “as high as possible”.

Continued on page 3

15-21 JANUARY 2010


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The “dropped pen” strike by Gabrielle Rey THE PAST weekend has been particularly tragic on the Spanish roads. There have been 24 accidents, with 26 people killed and 30 injured. The question being asked now, is whether the strike called by the Guardia de Trafico, known as ‘la huelga de bolis caidos’ (the dropped pen strike) to claim better working conditions could have anything to do with the high number of accidents. NO FINES The director of the General Traffic Department (DGT), Pere Navarro, said on Monday that the increase in accidents suffered last weekend has nothing to do with the strike being held by agents of the Guardia Civil during which they have refused to sanction drivers on the road.

Man in a coma after assault

FINES ARE NECESSARY Having said this, Navarro did also point out that the is convinced that fines are necessary due to their dissuading effect and insists that the EU is of the same opinion: “more vigilance and control, more fines, less infractions and less accidents. Such is human nature”, he said. “On a long term basis, fines have a lot to do with security on the road” he highlighted, “although one weekend is not time enough to reach conclusions that would suggest that the number of accidents should shoot up”. He pointed out that if the strike goes on very long, this could

have a very negative effect on the amount of accidents. The director of the DGT also highlighted the fact that “the Guardia Civil do not get paid according to the amount of fines they impose, and their salaries are the same every month”. SPECIAL CARE ON THE ROADS IN AUGUST Navarro is requesting that drivers be especially careful on the roads in August and even more on significant dates like the 15th, when millions of drivers end and commence their holidays. In 2009, 31 people died on that weekend, 15 on Saturday and 18 on Sunday.

The Guardia Civil de Tráfico

By Eddie Taylor A NIGHT out in Marbella’s Puerto Banus ended tragically for a young 24 year old man who is in a coma after having been beaten by a group of four youths. The incident occurred last weekend at the entrance of Puerto Banus, Marbella where the youngster got involved in a fight with this group. The young victim who lives in Madrid, but

until two years ago lived in Marbella, has head injuries and is in a very serious condition. The young man was initially taken to the Costa del Sol Hospital in Marbella, although given the severity and characteristics of his injuries, was moved to the intensive care unit at the Carlos Haya hospital in Malaga. The National Police of Marbella took over the investigation and arrested four youths for their alleged involvement in the events. Some of those arrested were detained as suspects in the attempted murder.

continued from front page AS FOR routing, this week council technicians will begin implementing physical changes to the road network to accommodate the charge. In the coming days, cars will be re-directed; La Linea residents will continue to use the current approach to the border, while visitors are diverted through the centre of La Linea toward the toll gate. Sr Sánchez, who prior to coming back to La Linea spent 10 years working in Brussels on EU issues including transportation, remained adamant that the charge was legal, both in Spain and within Europe. He said it was “not a toll, it’s a decongestion charge”, and added that La Linea would fight to defend its right to implement it.”We will take this as far as we have to, all the way to the European court in Luxembourg if need be,” he said. He said he would not sit back and watch how La Linea became “a town of two queues, one for the dole and the other for tobacco.” Although the central government in Madrid has not stated any official reaction to La Linea’s plan, officials say in private that they consider it illegal. In that respect, all the indications are that it will find a legal way to challenge the move in court.

Alejandro Sanchez (PP) Mayor of La Linea

Smoking and pirate radio bans in Spain By Eddie Taylor PROCRASTINATION SEEMS to be the right word when it comes to describing how the National Government is treating two contentious issues in Spain; smoking and radio communications. Early in 2010 the Government came out fighting and stated that this year smoking in all public places would be banned and that a new agency was to be formed to deal with and close down over 3,000 illegal Pirate Radio Stations. Up to now, nothing much seems to have happened. Regarding smoking, the minister for health has backtracked and said that the smoking laws will not come into place until 2011. However, 2011 will probably be an election year and the inaction of this new law might work against them in the polls and so some observers doubt that nothing, if anything, will happen until after the elections. Regarding Radio, the PSOE Government stated that a new Broadcasting body, the La Agencia Estatal de Radiocomunicaciones (State Radio Agency) would be formed before June 1, 2010 with the object of clearing the airwaves of 3,000 or more Pirate Radio stations. Although

various cities including Vigo and Valencia have been sited as possible Headquarters, no decision has yet been made and so without a headquarters, all of the illegal stations are free to broadcast as they always have done! in the Canary Islands the situation is so bad that for every legal station there are three illegal ones! Although some expatriates might think that it’s a ‘witch hunt’ against the popular English Language Radio stations, the English stations probably account for less than 1% on the list. However, the vast majority of these operate without the correct licenses although many have tried their very best over many years to legalize themselves. The Ministry of Industry was given a list back in 2004 of the illegal stations conducted by the Spanish Association of Commercial Broadcasting (AERC) and delivered to the Government in the hope that with the development of a new FM Technical Plan, for an end to chaos in the airwaves. The AERC, which includes major chains (SER, Onda Cero, Cope, Punto Radio, etc.) now say that their exhaustive list that they produced six years ago is obviously out of date and that there

Many of the white villages in Málaga have less than 1,000 inhabitants By Gabrielle Rey THE SMALLER villages inland in the province of Málaga, mainly in Ronda and La Axarquia lose inhabitants year after year, and some are in danger of disappearing due to the low birth rate, the high death rate of the aging population and above all due to the emigration of the younger inhabitants in search of work on the coast and in other parts of Spain. However during the summer months, the arrival of tourists, and families who return to their villages to visit friends and family, temporarily increase the population and bring the towns and villages back to life. Tourists and emigrants return for the patron saint festivities, helping in the battle against a depleting population. We are now into the high season and the villages in the Ronda mountains are at their busiest, with tourists strolling the streets and bringing life to the different

bars and restaurants, hotels and country properties. The streets are full of the sounds of children playing in little villages such as Benarrabá, which has only 500 inhabitants in the winter. Algatocin has 900 and sees this number doubled and tripled during the summer months. A large part of the Municipal budget is spent in most of the white villages, on advertising their summer festivities to attract as many visitors as possible. Teba, which now has less than 1000 inhabitants, was home to more than 9000 in the 1940’s. So, if you fancy a change from the beach and the sun, why not take a trip up to the Ronda mountains, enjoy a ‘campo lunch’, and help the local economies to survive. All of the white villages are beautiful and have a lot to offer in the way of museums, restaurants, shops and bars, not forgetting the ‘ferias’ and patron saint festivities that fill the streets with music and fun.

Some of these beautiful little villages are in danger of disappearing

- 26 AUGUST 2010 15-2113JANUARY 2010

are possibly 20% more illegal broadcasters than originally thought! Case in point is that six years ago there were only three or four English Language stations throughout Spain and now there are close to 50! Another concern of the AERC is that 124 legal stations have been identified as broadcasting on frequencies they are not licensed to do so! Last but not least we have another 500 plus Municipal Radio stations that are also breaking the law by assigning, for example, management to individuals or radio chains who broadcast commercially rather than operate as a community channel within the municipality. At the end of July the University of Vigo met with local ministers to discuss the possibility of placing the headquarters of the AERC with the University. However, the National Government has been very quiet on the entire matter since their first announcement last January and so it remains to be seen if and when anything shall be done about the situation. So for at least another while, it’s business as usual in the world of local radio and smoking in bars and public spaces around Spain.


Killer heat By Eddie Taylor A 68 YEAR old man died in Córdoba on Tuesday as a result of heat stroke after prolonged exposure to the sun. The Office of Health of the Board in Córdoba reported that the man was admitted at about 3pm to the Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía in Córdoba and died at 6.30pm as a result of heat stroke. It has been reported that the man was taking medications that suppresses the appetite and therefore the sensation of heat and the need to drink water. The Ministry of Health has advised doctors to check on patients treated with drugs of this type. The met office has stated that the orange alert issued on Monday for Andalucia is still in effect due to maximum temperatures reaching 40 degrees this week in some parts. Heat stroke is a severe syndrome that results from a failure of the body is to control its temperature due to exposure to high temperatures. The symptoms are impaired consciousness and dehydration. Therefore before the onset of full heat stroke you must seek urgent medical assistance and, if you come across someone with heat stroke you must place the person affected in fresh and cool air or cold water, either in a shower, bath, or by wetting their clothes, and get them medical help as soon as possible. Athletes, workers exposed to heat, infants, and elderly people, or the disabled or chronically ill are particularly sensitive to high temperatures.


13 - 26 AUGUST 2010 2010 15-21 JANUARY

Gaunt the



See Jon live on Sky News with Eamonn Holmes each Wednesday morning at 7.40 am and 8.40am with a review of the U.K papers and don’t forget you can listen online to Jon on BayRadio each Wednesday morning from 11.00 am and Friday afternoons at 4.30pm with his current affairs review www.bayradio.fm

He’s a full-blown aristocrat! Postman Pat DAVID CAMERON wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth; no - his gob was stuffed full of the whole canteen of cutlery. So I had to laugh when he described himself and his wife as ‘middle class?’ He’s a full-blown aristocrat with much more than Hancock’s armful of royal blood in him. Sam Cameron once said that she grew up just outside Scunthorpe, however she forgot to mention that the place was called Lincolnshire and her Dad owns most of it, including a stately home. So the Prime Minister’s views on council homes are typical of a millionaire aristocrat who has never The lived in the real world that most council tenants Camerons have to. He wants council house tenants to be evicted from their homes if they get a better job or if their slappers who think that getting pregnant is a short cut circumstances change, whatever that means. What to getting a council flat and a lifetime of hot and cold he fails to recognise is that that there is no stigma running benefits. attached to living in a council house and that most Now Cameron has declared war on benefit tenants are hard working families. After bringing scroungers; another great headline of course and up a family and paying the rent on time for years something that I have been calling for over the why should Mum and Dad be evicted from their years. But… and it’s a bloody big ‘but’, I also hope home when their kids leave the family nest? If he that Cameron is going to do something about the really believes in his so-called ‘Big Society’ he should scroungers closer to home: those MP’s who either be encouraging stable, settled communities with fiddled or made mistakes with their expenses. Why generations of the same family living in an area. haven’t they all been forced to pay back the cash they This would be preferable to opening our borders to weren’t entitled to? every Tom, Dick and Abdul, as he seems to be doing Aren’t these dishonorable members just as bad if with his crazy idea to allow Turkey full integration not worse than a so-called benefit fiddler? As with in Europe. most politicians, once in power Cameron seems to There is a shortage of affordable homes but these have forgotten that he should be looking after the should be allocated first to those who have paid into the decent silent majority and not the feral, the feckless, collective pot and not to the newly arrived or to young the foreigners and the long term useless.

The shade not as safe on the beach

SO THE Postman Pat look-alike that the blazered buffoons at the FA have allowed to stay in charge of our national team has decided that Becks is too old and that his career shouldn’t be ended with a face to face meeting or even a phone call but via a stilted TV interview

By Eddie Taylor HIDING UNDER a beach umbrella may offer you far less protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation than you expect, according to a new study by Spanish researchers. As much as 34 percent of ultraviolet radiation, found to cause skin cancer and cataracts, reaches the ground covered by a beach umbrella, the University of Valencia researchers found. This is because the umbrellas catch almost all of the direct rays but not the diffused radiation that penetrates through from the sides, according to the research published in the journal Photochemistry and Photobiology this week. To carry out the study, researchers placed an ultraviolet ray sensor on the base of a blue and white canvas umbrella with a radius of 80 centimeters (12 inches) and a height of 1.5 meters. “The umbrella intercepts the direct radiation that comes from the sun, but part of the diffused radiation, which makes up approximately 60 percent of the total, reaches the sensor from the sky not covered by the umbrella,” study co-author Jose Antonio Martinez-Lozano said. In addition to the use of umbrellas, doctors recommend people use sun creams, hats and clothing when at the beach to guard against ultraviolet radiation, and avoid hours when the sun is at its highest.

Low cost airlines

I LOVE low cost airlines and they have opened up destinations that most of us could have only dreamed about visiting just a few years ago. However, their petty rules don’t half wind me up. The latest incident was on the Monarch red eye flight last week when I was stopped from getting on the plane to Javea with a cup of coffee. Evidently hot drinks are banned, even though I had passed security and bought it from the Prêt airside. I could understand the ban if they weren’t selling hot drinks (or should I say lukewarm drinks) on the flight but of course they are. This petty rule, as with many others, is simply another way of ramping up profits.

10.000 seasonal workers from Andalusia head for France by Gabrielle Rey

Less protection than you think

before Wednesday’s friendly against Hungary. Let me ask you, whom would you prefer in the dugout? A true Englishman like David with all his passion, loyalty and pride or the man who can’t even speak English who led us to shame in South Africa?

ANDALUSIA IS the autonomous community with the largest number of seasonal workers heading for France this year to harvest grapes from the last week in August and for about 20 days. They make up 71% of the total amount from Spain, which is some 14.000 workers. 30 EUROS MORE PER DAY Whole families gather their belongings and make the long trip. It is worth it because while here in Spain seasonal workers are paid 5.50 Euros the hour, in France they receive 8.86 Euros. This means a difference of up to 30 Euros per day per person, while at the same time they are attracted by the good working conditions

Hard work better paid in France than in Spain

and the way that they are received year after year by the French. CONTRACTS FROM FRANCE The majority of the workers this year are made up by men and women who have been affected by the crisis in the construction and transport sectors, although there are also university students. It is to be noted that there are practically the same amount of men as there are women. The seasonal workers are offered contracts directly from France and therefore are sure of being employed on arrival. DELAYED The grape harvest has been delayed this year due to the bad weather over the winter and the collection is not expected to take more than 20 days.

Green light for transatlantic flights By Eddie Taylor BRITISH AIRWAYS, American Airlines and Iberia have received the regulatory green light to operate a joint business on transatlantic flights. Following European Union approval on July 14, the airlines have now been granted anti-trust immunity from the US Department of Transportation, the One world Alliance of which all the companies belong to has stated that the name that the newly-branded flight company will operate under is International Airlines, according to a company spokesperson. This will make the joint venture between the UK and Spanish state airlines the third-largest in Europe, after Lufthansa and Air France-KLM, and one of the fifth-largest in the world. As a result of this authorization for the merger, from the European Commission, BA shares went up. It is thought International Airlines, will be up and running as a brand by the end of this year. Iberia’s CEO, Antonio Vázquez, says the move will ‘benefit all passengers’ since they will have ‘more choice of destinations’. The names British Airways and Iberia will remain both on letterheads and on airlines and publicity material, with International Airlines simply being the holding company. It will have more than 420 aircraft and cover over 100 countries. By the time they have been running as a joint concern for five years, Iberia and BA expect to save around 400 million Euros a year by merging. It has taken around two years for the merger to be authorized, since EC antimonopoly rules had to be examined to ensure they were adhered to. Air Berlin is to join oneworld, adding Europe’s fifth largest airline and Germany’s second biggest carrier to the world’s leading quality airline alliance. Air Berlin group member Austria’s NIKI will become an affiliate member of the Oneworld alliance. A memorandum of understanding between Air Berlin and oneworld was completed in the airline’s Berlin home city on the 28th July, with a formal alliance membership agreement to be signed soon. Air Berlin is expected to start flying as part of oneworld in early 2012 – just weeks before the opening of the new Berlin Brandenburg International Airport, which is being built as a major new hub for Europe.

Air Traffic Controllers Strike By Eddie Taylor

AIR-TRAFFIC controllers have agreed to postpone their planned strike until after August, to avoid creating major losses during the holiday season. They initially intended to down tools on either August 18 or 20, for up to three days, which could have left thousands of tourists heading to the Mediterranean stranded abroad or unable to go on holiday, losing their money. Their union met with airline governing body, AENA, on Tuesday this week in Madrid. The meeting, which was presided over by Spain’s president, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and attended by IATA, lasted for three hours. At the end of it, the union, USCA, agreed to put the strike off until at least September so as not to damage the earnings of one of Spain’s largest industries. Spanish air traffic controllers which are already amongst the most highly paid in Europe have been offered 200,000 Euros a year if they call off the strike AENA bosses have offered striking air-traffic controllers an average salary of 200,000 Euros a year until 2013 on the condition that they change their minds about downing tools. They met with members of the air-traffic controllers’ union, USCA, to negotiate. The airline governing body, AENA which is part of the ministry of public works has offered salaries way above their European colleagues, in a bid to make them re-think. But air-traffic controllers, who had threatened to strike for up to three days starting from the 18th August, say AENA has been attempting to bribe them with higher pay and failing to address their real concerns. These include poor shift management, meaning long hours without a break, and the fact that they want to be given the right to retire early at the age of 57. AENA has attempted to address working times by restricting annual hours to 1,670, with a further 80 hours’ overtime. This supposes a reduction of around an hour a week from the previous 1,800 hours a year, on average, 35 hours a week. The plan will include fixed rest periods, programming of working days or nights and 24-hour shift sharing, as well as bonuses for productivity.

- 26 AUGUST2010 2010 15-2113JANUARY


Marbella to Twin with Batumi by Gabrielle Rey

Last week, the Mayor of Marbella, Mª Angeles Muñoz hosted a senior delegation from Batumi, Georgia headed by the Mayor of Batumi. The twinning project forms part of the policy of enlargement of tourism markets, driven by the City of Marbella, and is looking towards emerging markets for that enlargement. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY The collaboration with the City of Batumi provides a tool to promote culture and trade within the Caucasus region and to promote Marbella as Batumi in Georgia a new destination for Georgian Nationals and as Natalie Stuart-Fox the president of EuroGeorgia said “ This is an excellent opportunity for both cities to develop both trade and tourism. Georgia is rich in culture, gastronomy and investment opportunities and is seeking more exposure in European markets. Marbella is the perfect place to promote the Georgian community and Batumi has so much to offer a beautiful place like Marbella” RECIPROCAL VISIT IN SEPTEMBER The Mayor of Batumi invited Mª Angeles Muñoz and her delegation to a reciprocal visit to Batumi in September together with a selection of the Marbella business community.


Spanish warship foils pirate attack By Eddie Taylor A SPANISH warship foiled an attack on a Norwegian chemical tanker last week in the Gulf of Aden, holding seven suspected Somali pirates pending possible prosecution, EU naval forces said. A pirate skiff shot at the bridge of the MV Bow Saga, which responded with water hoses to prevent the assailants climbing aboard,

before a helicopter from the SPS Victoria managed to intervene, a statement said. “The pirates stopped the attack and tried to flee,” NAVFOR forces said. “After warning shots, first from the helicopter and then from the warship, the pirates eventually stopped and the skiff was searched by a boarding team. Weapons were subsequently found on the skiff.”

A spokesman subsequently suggested that prosecution was not cut and dried, saying: “The seven are being held on the skiff. We have standard procedures to follow. The first thing is to capture the boat and then decide if they are to be prosecuted. “We are working on it,” he underlined. The pirates could be taken to Kenya or could also be prosecuted in Norway.


13 - 26 AUGUST 2010

Could Harry be right?

WHILST HOLIDAYING I was stunned by Rev. Southgate’s proposal that ‘No British road tax in Spain is not an offence’. On my return, I took up the issue with my local DVLA office and my next door but one neighbour, an experienced traffic policeman, and I produced the article I had read. The woman in DVLA informed me that so far as she could find, there was no actual law in place empowering the DVLA to enforce road tax legislation outside of the British Isles, but thought a current disc might be advisory. She could find no record of any relating prosecution. My policeman neighbour was of the opinion that British traffic law is not enforceable outside of the British Isles, as jurisdiction ends at our borders. He added that international treaty permitted him to request foreign drivers to produce a valid driving license, registration, insurance, and certificate of roadworthiness on demand, but somewhat oddly, foreign road tax was not an issue he was permitted to inquire into. He had never heard of any prosecution for failure to display road tax abroad, and knew of no act of parliament that made it an offence. He added that action by any police force against those who choose not to pay British road tax when driving abroad would be highly unlikely due to lack of legislation and/or jurisdiction. I sincerely hope my research will be of interest to your readers. Norman Jarvis


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A fact of life or a life fact I’VE WRITTEN fiction for children, but now just for you I’ll try fact. First a warning: as well as money and health, I’m a little short on tact. I’ve thoroughly researched my subject and I’ve studied it well, Now are you sitting comfortably? Good, then the story I’ll tell. In days of old when Knights were bold, And fairy stories to you all, when children, were told. Back then life was simple; you wore a smile on your face, But as you grew older, things changed, you entered the rat race. For forty plus years you toiled, scrimped and you saved, And for most of the time, ‘tis a fact, you were well behaved. However, the following generations, to your way of thinking, ‘They’ve had it all too easy and their

manners, truly stinking’. But now you are older you’ve wised up not a minute too soon, You can party, dance and if you feel like it, howl at the full moon. You’ve earned the right to live your own lives and do as you please, Every moment of happiness and enjoyment without guilt seize. Should your offspring moan, as some do and occasionally chide, Let them know you love life and that’s a fact you’ll not hide. Ask them why you should not enjoy things, be happy and gay, If that’s raised a few eyebrows, I mean in the pre 1960s way. Saying you’re oldies or past it, that’s the real abomination, The plain simple fact is, you’re the ‘Recycled Teenager Generation’. Juan De La Ribera

The Spanish equivalent of the Conservative Party? THE PARTIDO Popular (PP) is rocked with corruption charges in Spain. This is no surprise to me, given that the party is born of Franco’s fascists who made corruption an art form and the slaughter of opponents in the night normal practice.

Some British ex pats think that the PP is the Spanish equivalent of the Conservative Party. This is nonsense as their only similarity is with the BNP, which is also corrupt and violent. Given the corruption scandals that rock the PP all along the Costas, one would think that they couldn´t win a bun fight yet they are allowed to control many town halls. They are allowed power because ex pats, who often make up large portions

of local populations, do not register on the padron. If people register on the pardon, town halls get greater financial support from government with better public services, access to benefits and possible reductions in taxes. It’s not rocket science - if you want a fair deal, get on the pardon; kick out the PP; and elect the PSOE. You know it makes sense. Jack Johnson

- 26 August2010 2010 15-2113JANUARY



13 - 26 AUGUST 2010

Why wait four years before you probate in Spain? As Spanish Tax Consultants we provide an alternative method of ownership of your Spanish property to help protect against Spanish Inheritance Tax. Whilst discussing our methods with interested clients we hear of many crazy suggestions from advisors in Spain who purport to have solutions by for some of the problems faced by non Spanish owners of property in Spain. One of the most common suggestions Company Director and we hear about is that clients are advised Spanish Tax Consultant to do nothing following a death for 4 years and hope that the Taxman in Spain does not find out there has been a death of an owner of the property. The reason for this suggestion is that the Statute of Limitations in Spain is 4 years and this means that by ignoring the Tax for 4 years it may be possible to escape paying the Tax 4 years and six months following the death, as you are given a further 6 months to deal with the Probate. Whilst this is possible and we have seen Probate cases where the Taxes have been evaded in Spain by employing this method, there are many situations that could arise should you decide to take the risk. The beneficiary has a legal requirement to probate in Spain and pay all the Inheritance Tax in Spain within 6 months, otherwise fines and interest will be charged on top of the Tax which is due already. The Spanish Government can also embargo the property which means large fines would have to be paid before Probate could be completed. I am currently working on a case where a client has just paid in excess of €19,000

Mark Roach

in fines and interest in addition to the cost of Probate and Taxes in Spain just to move the property from her deceased mothers name to hers. Our research shows that interest can be charged by the Spanish tax office at anything up to 20% for assets which are not probated within the allowed period. Every year the registered owner of the property has to submit annual Tax Declarations to the Spanish Government, this is very difficult for a deceased person to do and we are aware that the Tax office is looking closely at properties and levying hefty fines where annual tax submissions have not been submitted. The utility and Council Tax bills will have to remain in the deceased’s name and it is illegal to continue to use a deceased person’s bank account. The intended beneficiaries cannot sell the property whilst it is in the deceased’s name nor raise finance on it to pay any Taxes or Probate costs. What would happen should one of the beneficiaries pass away before the 4 years has expired? This event would result in one probate having to be dealt with before the second deceased’s beneficiaries could inherit. On death the Spanish bank account of the deceased may be frozen until the Taxes are paid so how would the beneficiaries get legal access to this money? Even if the money was withdrawn illegally after death, the Tax Authorities may request a copy of the bank statements in Spain at the date of death to see what amount was in there. If there were funds present on death then this would be Taxable also in Spain.

Whilst the Statue of Limitations on Taxation in Spain is 4 years this would not be relevant if the Spanish Government could subsequently prove a fraudulent non disclosure had taken place. There is no such Statute of Limitations for fraud, and therefore, there is a very real risk the Spanish Authorities would claim that there was deliberate criminal withholding of information and thereby enforce the Tax retrospectively. Misuse the Statute of Limitations in this manner is a criminal act and highly dangerous method of Tax evasion – not to be advised! Our solution to the Spanish Inheritance Tax problem in Spain is for the owner/s to invest the property into a UK Private Limited Company which they would own as Shareholder/s. This transaction does not attract the 7% Tax payable when a property moves from one owner to another. There is no Capital Gains tax implication in Spain when you invest a property into a UK Limited Company as the Hacienda has a method of calculating an investment value based on the original purchase price as shown in the Public deed. Spanish Tax Residents who are over 65 when they invest their main residence into a UK Company do not have any CGT liability in most Regions either. This method may eradicate all Property Taxes (excluding I.B.I.) in Spain in the future, as under EU Treaties a UK Company is only Taxed in one jurisdiction if it is a non resident Company of Spain and does not trade in Spain. A UK Company is not an Offshore

Wincham Consultants Limited, Wincham House, Greenfield Farm Trading Estate, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4TR, England. (Wincham Consultants also have offices located on the Costa Blanca) UK Tel: +44 (0)1260 299 700 | Spain Tel: +34 965 830 991 | Email: iht.info@wincham.com | Web: www.winchamiht.com

Company unlike a Gibraltar or the Isle of Man Company. Offshore companies are charged an annual Tax by Spain of 3% as they are not within the European Union and this charge is not levied on companies within the EU. Shares in the UK Company can be dealt within a UK Will and depending on the structure of the Company; the Shares may also be exempt from Inheritance Tax in the UK. This results in a very simple and cost effective way of dealing with the transfer of the property, within the UK Company, to the intended beneficiaries and does not involve any of the Spanish authorities in the transaction. Wincham is an International organisation that has been established since 1994 helping clients purchase and own property in Spain using a corporate structure to combat Taxation in Spain. In recent years we have seen a significant increase in the number of people who are concerned about ISD in Spain and are now looking to address the situation to protect their beneficiaries. We have offices in both the UK and Spain and with qualified professionals in both jurisdictions including Gestors, Economistas, Tax Consultants, Lawyers, Will Writers, Chartered Accountants, Members of the Institute of Credit Management and a Companies House Formation Agent. Wincham is able to offer an efficient and cost effective solution to clients who wish to ensure that their family will be able to enjoy the benefit of a Spanish property in the future.

13 - 26 August 2010




13 - 26 AUGUST 2010

Introducing Lawsons Equity LAWSONS EQUITY Limited are pleased to have been invited to write a Financial Services feature for the RTN here on the Costa Del Sol, for what we are sure will be a professional and long standing business relationship for years to come. Firstly, let me give you a brief overview on our background and the company. Lawsons Equity is authorized and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority and just as importantly has been ´passported´ into Spain to an investment services provider as required by law through the Spanish Regulator ( CNMV, La Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores). Although this may all appear to be legal and technical jargon to some readers, this means you can expect to

receive financial advice in the same manner you would receive in the United Kingdom i.e. completing a Personal Financial Analysis with one of our qualified consultants enabling him/her to identify your financial areas of not just strengths but also weaknesses and subsequently preparing a written set of personal recommendations based upon the information gathered above which enables you, the client, to make an informed decision in your own time and at your own convenience. Our consultants can provide an initial meeting either in the comfort of your home or at our offices in Marbella. The above process helps us to take a snapshot of your current situation and future objectives and help the consultant to ascertain your attitude towards invest risk. This factor is crucial and specific to an investors needs and will be linked to many different factors in relation to the investor’s current situation, salary and/or pension,

including investment income and dividends, age, future requirements and personal financial objectives. In other words, in some cases a client may be more comfortable with an investment that is perhaps similar to a bank or building society i.e. in such cases the original capital invested is safe and secure with a minimum growth rate, or conversely whereby a client is adventurous when considering where to invest and is aware that the potential returns could be very high but indeed could suffer enormous losses. The above two risk levels are at two opposite ends of the tolerance ladder and as such would only relate to a very cautious investor or an adventurous investor. A clients attitude to investment risk enables Lawsons Equity to identify three further categories which sit between the above two whilst ensuring the investor has retained other funds with easy access to cater for

Peter R. L. Hardy Sales Director at Lawsons Equity Ltd

unforeseen circumstances in the future, thus enabling the new investment time to achieve the growth and/or income in line with the clients’ financial objectives. Once a risk level has been attained and agreed with a client it is then important to source the type of investments which suits the risk category. This may lead to investments with a capital secure profile combined with a degree of flexibility or perhaps commodities, bonds and other types of assets.

This article is written Lawsons Equity. To arrange a free consultation without obligation please call 952 768 375 or e-mail info@lawsonsequity.co.uk. Or if you would like to view their complete range of financial services please go to www.lawsonsequity.co.uk

Spanish real estate sales stay steady

SPAIN’S HOUSING market is managing to stay relatively steady through the recession but, as the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) reports, the market is still focusing on

urban housing rather than rural options. Over 78,000 properties were sold in June (10,411 in the Comunitat Valenciana alone), down 1.5% from May of this

year, and 3.9% fewer than in June of 2009. House hunters overwhelmingly favour buying in cities and towns: only 20.8% of properties were located in rural areas.

Inditex completes German buyout of Zara INDITEX, THE Coruña-based clothing empire which is Europe’s largest clothing retailer, has completed the purchase of the German affiliate of its flagship outlet, Zara. The company reported that it has “... concluded the purchase of Otto Group’s

remaining minority stake in the German subsidiary Zara Deutschland. With the purchase of the remaining 22 percent of Zara Deutschland, Inditex has acquired a 100 percent stake in all of its German subsidiaries.” Financial details of the purchase were not made public.

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13 - 26 August 2010


Events: Flamenco show

Estepona Tourist Day By Eddie Taylor ON SUNDAY 15, Estepona celebrates its tourist day with activities taking place all over the town with the highlight being a flamenco show by the renowned artists Ana Fargas, singing, Paco Javier Jimeno, on guitar and drummer Chico Fargas, accompanied by Cheryl Martin, dancing.

Ana Fargas and Paco Javier Jimeno pictured last year


La Feria de Malaga By Gabrielle Rey WHAT IS the Malaga Fair? It’s hard to describe. It will begin tonight and continue for a whole week receiving up to 7 million visitors. It is not like any other fair because it is divided into two, the ‘Feria de Día’ (Day fair) and the ‘Feria de Noche’ (Night Fair), which are held in totally different areas of the capital.

A WEEK OF FIESTA A fair anywhere in Andalusia is basically a week of ‘fiesta’. In Malaga, the fair is held always between the second and third week of August and has done so since 1489! Then it was a livestock / religious fair which started up in the years following the return of the Catholic Kings. However, it was some 400 years later when the fair began to become what it is today... well, not quite. What used to be a merely institutional event became a ‘fiesta’ and this was when it was divided into two: A day fair and a night fair. DAY AND NIGHT From the moment of their creation and subsequent separation, both fairs have evolved differently: the Night Fair used to be moved year after year to different districts in Malaga; Barrio de La Trinidad, Paseo del Parque, Paseo de Martiricos... until the 80’s when the ‘Real de la Feria’ (official Fair Ground) was built on a large plot in Cortijo de Torres. The Day Fair on the other hand, slowly lost its original colour and the livestock fair disappeared, although a totally different event arose from those ashes. LA FERIA DE DIA The most authentic and genuine fair is to be enjoyed in the mornings and from midday: ‘La Feria del Centro’ or ‘La Feria de Día’. This is situated right in the middle of the old town in Malaga. The bars and restaurants are rented

The Feria de Malaga starts tonight

by ‘fair people’ (groups and associations) and many of the pubs that normally only open at night are open in the morning. People dance on the streets and there is music everywhere. From 12 midday and until 6 pm (when the music is stopped and people are encouraged to take the buses to the Night Fair) there are groups playing on different stages throughout the old town and the streets are ‘choc a bloc’ with ‘malagueños’ and tourists from all over the world. It is a good idea to get hold of a programme to see all that is going on because there is always going to be something that you would like to see, hear or taste and I don’t have room for it all here. You can check the Malaga Town Hall Web page and will find it all there. (Programa de feria 2010 - Ayuntamiento de Malaga) You will find everything from concerts to bullfighting events.

ROUTES Right in front of the Malaga Port is ‘La Plaza de la Marina’ and this is where the more ‘institutionalized’ area is. Here you will see international folkloric festivals and hear anything from Danish popular music to ‘Verdiales’ (a typical dance from the Malaga Mountains). From there you will find yourself face to face with ‘Calle Larios’. A non-written tradition states that if you don’t entre the fair through the Calle Larios, you will be unlucky for one year. You will also be pleased to note that in the August heat, there are shades put up all along the street. Here you set off on your route, which is basically an eating, drinking and dancing spree. At the top of the Calle Larios you will step out onto the Plaza de la Constitución and here you have three choices: You can stay in the square, head for Calle Granada, or go for tapas in the ‘pasaje de Chinitas’... you have a whole week of feria, so whatever you decide this time, you can change on your next visit. The Feria de Día lasts until six pm, or at least that’s when the music is to be turned off (thinking of the poor neighbours) and this is also the time when crouds of cleaners and watering machines hit the streets to prepare all for the next day. MUNICIPAL TRANSPORT Meanwhile, buses are lined up waiting to take all those who wish to go to the ‘Feria de Noche’, situated in the western area of the city. (Note: There are buses until six o’clock in the morning to take you back to the centre). It is a good idea to take these buses, on the one hand to not get lost and on the other, so as not to go crazy trying to find somewhere to park! LA FERIA DE NOCHE You can’t go to ‘La Real’ without taking the typical photograph at any of the spectacular

entrance gates (there are various), that reproduce many of the emblematic buildings in Malaga and are lit up at night. THREE AREAS The ‘Feria de Noche’ is structured in three different parts: The Attractions Area, the Youth Area and the more Traditional Area. Even though most is happening in the day fair in the centre there are also places to go here during the day. As horses are no longer allowed in the centre, most horses and riders can be seen showing their best in the Real de Noche, where areas have been set up for them. You will see less tourists and more authentic Spanish ‘feriantes’ (fair goers), wearing the traditional clothing. There are also many ‘casetas’ which are normally set up by neighbours associations or unions, etc, and some of these are open in the

The Entrance to Calle Larios

mornings also. Mostly though, this is the area for the nightlife. The Feria de Malaga finishes every year with a ‘moraga’ (a party on the beach) with the popular ‘espetos’ (roasted sardines)... ... and this is where the countdown starts for the next year.


13 - 26 AUGUST 2010


Entertainment listings FRI 13TH AUG

Terri Fox – Buzbys Fun Pub, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Hotel Riu Monica, Nerja Dalton – El Elefante, Benalmadena


4Sure – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena Dalton – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola


4Sure – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena Dalton – El Mojito, La Carihuela Ricky Lavazza – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena


Terri Fox – BuzbysFun Pub, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Hotel Riu Monica, Nerja




4Sure – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena Dalton – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola


4Sure – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena Dalton - El Mojito, La Carihuela Ricky Lavazza – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena


Terri Fox – BuzbysFun Pub, Benalmadena Dalton – Hotel Rivera, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Hotel Riu Monica, Nerja






Terri Fox – El Elefante, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola

X Factor on the Coast

Terri Fox – BuzbysFun Pub, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Hotel Riu Monica, Nerja

Stuart Ashing – Hotel Sol Timor, Montemar Dalton – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola Ricky Lavazza – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena (Moonlight Lounge) Dalton – Hotel PezEspada, Montemar Ricky Lavazza – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena (Oasis Restaurant)


Dalton – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola Ricky Lavazza – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena (Moonlight Lounge) 4Sure – Bonanza Bar, Benalmadena Dalton – Legends, La Cala Ricky Lavazza – Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena (Oasis Restaurant) Terri Fox – El Elefante, Benalmadena Ricky Lavazza – Linda´s Bar, Fuengirola

By Eddie Taylor

STARS of the X factor will be appearing on the coast on the 20th of August at the Puerto Banus bullring. The Rock in Marbella show will be a night to remember, the event is a show for all the family and is being billed as a ‘mini festival’ with 3 live acts: ALEXANDRA BURKE – DIVERSITY – THE SCARLETZ, DJs, Celebrity Compare, different food and drink concessions, merchandising outlets, memorabilia and for the more discerning VIP guests there will be a separate ‘tented village’ enjoying pre and after show parties till dawn, fine dining, meet the bands, an unplugged show, chill out zones etc. The Scarletz are a London girl band with a local connection as Katiya’s father lives in Marbella. Made up of four exciting and talented charactersBryony Jobes, Claire Martyne, Katiya Borlant and Tahnee Lee, The Scarletz with their quirky pop are the real deal. The music industry is currently crying out for a new super band there’s a massive void in good girl bands, and

The Scarletz have the talent to fill it. With their infectious blend of skainfused pop, witty, intelligent lyrics and beautiful harmonies, The Scarletz are accomplished songwriters with a fresh attitude to pop. Performing with a live band, they bring real credibility to the girl group genre. They have collaborated with talented producers such as Chase and Status, Magnus Fiennes (All Saints ‘Never Ever’), Jake Gosling (Wiley), Si Hulbert (Sugababes) and B.Y.O.B to name a few. Taking influence from greats such

as Madness, The Specials, All Saints and Lily Allen, the girls have a very distinctive sound, and a clear vision of what makes something Scarlet. As a self- made band, their creativity and drive is paramount. With their striking red lips, contrasting hair colours and mod tailored style, they catch the eye as well as the ear, and never fail to steal the show wherever they go Tickets are available at 50€ from El Corte Ingles or visit www.facebook. com/rockinmarbella

The Scarletz


“Las Lagrimas de San Lorenzo”

Shooting stars

By Gabrielle Rey THE TEARS of St. Lawrence (known in Spanish as Las Lagrimas de San Lorenzo) were visible last night and once again tonight we will have the chance to see up to 100 shooting stars per hour. The days when these are the most visible were yesterday the 12th and today Friday the 13th of August. PARTICLES GENERATED BY THE SWIFT TUTTLE COMET The investigator for the Higher Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC) and director of the astronomic observatory in Sierra Nevada, René Duffard, has highlighted that the shooting stars are a phenomenon that occur every year when the Earth, in its orbit around the sun, goes through a cloud of particles that were generated by the Swift Tuttle comet, which is stationary.

AMAZING SHOW The Perseids, better known as The Tears of St. Lawrence, came into sight on the 16th of July this year and will finalize their amazing show on the 24th, when the earth is no longer within the cloud of particles. LOOK NORTH - EAST AFTER 11 PM According to René Duffard, the best way to enjoy this spectacle is to lay on a sun bed on the beach if possible and look towards the north east after 11pm and until sunrise. This year there will be no problem in seeing the Perseids from Spain. Taking into consideration that the new moon was on the 10th of August, we will enjoy some dark nights full of shooting stars. Happy stargazing!




BORN AT a very early age in Bolton, Dalton would sing on stage when his Dad was working as an entertainer, but didn´t consider becoming a professional singer. When Dalton left school, he took a couple of dead end jobs before deciding to enlist. Whilst in the Army, he met his future wife (and manager), Karen, through friends. After leaving the Army, Dalton took a job as an engineer to support his wife and children, (Susan, Paul, Marnie, Emily and Dalton Jr). It was when he was laid off, Karen suggested that he try his hand at entertaining, as he had always enjoyed being on stage. After struggling in the working mens clubs in Bolton and surrounding areas, recognition came when the public voted him John Smiths North West Artist Of The Year 1992. Dalton has worked with many stars since, such as Freddie Starr, Joe Longthorne and Bernard Manning to name a few. Dalton relocated to Spain 6 years ago, where he opened his own entertainment venues but missed the buzz of the circuit and was soon lured back to performing. All his hard work has paid off and he continues to thrill audiences with his unique blend of Rock´n´Roll and Comedy.

Q & A with Dalton When did you discover Rock ´n´ Roll? I was brought up on it! I used to spend hours listening to my parents 45´s. My 10th birthday, I got my first album, Elvis´s 40 Greatest Gold which I still have. Do you have any comic idols? Peter Kay cause he´s a Bolton lad but generally I prefer the 70´s style stand-up comedians. When did you first dye your hair? And why blue? About 15 years ago, I was lucky enough to appear at

Have you ¨spotted¨any celebrities recently? Do you know where the in crowd hangs out? Send us your info and/or pics. Text your finds to 693 513 816 or e-mail lindseypp@live.co.uk

On yer bike in Ronda By Eddie Taylor


Preston Guild Hall with Jim Bowen. My sister, a hairdresser, suggested I had blue highlights to make me stand out on stage. Now it´s become my trademark, I get complaints when I try to change it. If you could travel back in time where would you go and why? 1956, when rock´n´roll really started. Men were men and women knew their place (Laughs) How would you describe yourself in 3 words? Quiet, shy and retiring (laughs). (We asked Karen, her reply - “He´s a grafter”) Tell us one of your worst habits or qualities? Biting my nails or smoking. (Karen - “ Never knowing when to get off stage”) Where do you get your costumes from? Mary Wintershausen makes them specially for me. What´s your philosophy on life? If you want it, work for it.


20th ADANA Dog Show ONLY TWO years after the foundation of ADANA, the animal rescue charity, the first dog show for mixed breeds and other dogs was staged in Estepona. This year the show reaches 20 and plans a very special event. On Sunday 19 September the 20th show will be staged in the Palacio de Congresos in Estepona for the first time. There will be 5 obedience classes, 5 agility classes and 10 variety and novelty classes. A wide selection of commercial stalls will offer all sorts of pet related and other goodies. There will also be a cafe and a bar. “It is wonderful not to have to worry about the weather or forest fires this year”, said David McNally, the show organiser. “Over the years we

have had to deal with biblical rains which washed away the access roads, torrid heat which was too much for the dogs and last year we had the forest fire on the site just a few days before the show.” The main focus for this year is children and their dogs. So there are several opportunities for junior handlers to show off their skills. We hope to have a demonstration of mainly ex ADANA dogs who now work for the police and armed services. The doors open at 10am for registration and judging starts at 11.00 on the dot. Admission is 5 € for adults but accompanied children get in free. Entry to classes is 4€. Entry forms are available from vets and on the web site www.adana.es.


PAD Charity Golf Tournament at Miraflores PAD is really feeling the current recession, relying solely on donations and money raised from events, this has been a very difficult year. They even need dog walkers for the shelter so any help would be greatly appreciated. PAD July 2010 rehomed 19 dogs some as far as Finland. To help them continue their good work, they have


What’s On

If you have live entertainment at your bar / restaurant or venue and would like to appear on this page call 628 932 137 or email whatson@rtncostadelsol.com


Review by Promonade Productions S.L. Quality entertainment promotors for the Costa del Sol. For more information on any of the featured artists or to appear as a featured artist, contact Adrian at Promonade Productions on 627 652 728

By Eddie Taylor

13 - 26 AUGUST 2010

organized a charity Golf day and Celebration dinner on Saturday 11th Sept. The event is a Texas Scramble, teams of 4 or individual. 10 euros p.p. for Miraflores members or 40 euros p.p for non members. Lots of fun and prizes for a great cause! To book call the Caddy Master on 952 590 032. If you would like to Sponsor a Hole for 150

euros please call Robin on 952 590 032. And after there will be a CELEBRATION DINNER. A superb 3 Course Dinner, with wine, an auction, music and dancing is only 30 euros per person, at Miraflores Golf Club from 7.30 pm. For reservations please call the club on 952 931 941 or Ineke on 952 485 356

WITH LONDON Mayor Boris Johnson making the news this week with London’s bike scheme it seems only fair to point out the he was not the first. Ronda had it the week before. The agreement between Ronda Town Hall and the Junta de Andalucia, the general manager of the Andalusian Energy Agency, Francisco Bas, the provincial delegate for the Ministry, Pilar Serrano, and the mayor of Ronda, Antonio Marin Lara, will mean that locals and tourists in Ronda now have the opportunity to hire one of the 70 bicycles made available in the city under the ENbici scheme. The project costing 110.000 Euros will enable Rondeños to leave the car at home and experience the dream city by bicycle. The bikes have been tested by a group of local citizens to demonstrate the benefits of sustainable public transport. The Ronda ENbici project is hoped will contribute to savings of 39,000 litres of fuel and reduce emissions of CO2 in the city by 110 tons. Bicycles may be hired from 7 sites around Ronda: The Municipal Indoor Swimming-

Pool, The Central Bus Station, The Plaza de Merced, (next to Alameda del Tajo) Blas Infante, Plaza Duquesa de Parcent (next to the Town Hall) and Barrio San Francisco (near the music conservatory). Instructions for using “ENbici” are very easy. Those interested can register in the system and apply for a cycling card from one of four locations: the Municipal Indoor Swimming-Pool, the Tourism Office near the Bull Ring, the Office for Citizens’ Welfare in the Calle Molino and the Town Hall. Those applying will be given a username and a numeric password. On the website: http://ronda.tubici. org/ you can learn how the system works,(available in Spanish language only) and see a map indicating the 7 sites where bikes are located. Thanks to Irene Elizabeth Ortiz of SERRANIA SERVICES Ronda for the research into this article.

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13 - 26 AUGUST 2010

Access Glamping: luxury campsites denied TRAVEL: CAÑOS DE MECA

By Eddie Taylor VOTED AS ONE of Europe’s top ten luxury campsites by the UK Observer and the Guardian newspapers you can find Casas Karen on your doorstep. This is not so much a campsite as a complete tiny rustic village tucked away in an enchanted garden, in Los Caños de Meca, Cadiz, just 2 hours drive from Malaga. Caños de Meca is a small but unspoiled community on the windswept but stunning Costa de la Luz on the Atlantic coast. Deep in the Parque Natural del Acantilado, Caños de Meca has beautiful beaches, backed by cliffs and pine trees. To the north west of the town, is the famous Cape Trafalgar, which protects the town’s beaches. The lighthouse protects shipping. This is probably one of the worlds most famous yet unknown places because it was off this point that The Battle of Trafalgar was fought in 1805. The famous Spanish singer/actress Lola Flores was originally from this area, and much to the pride of the locals, often spent her holidays there. Although still a small off-the-beaten-track location, Los Canos is quickly developing a reputation as a trendy summer hot spot. A laid back mixture of hippie and surf culture, similar to that you’d find in Tarifa, further down the coast. Good vibes, big waves, strong winds and some amazing scenery, Los Caños has something for everyone. Casas Karen can be found between the Natural Park of the Breña and Marismas del Barbate. It’s made up of 11 cottages and chozas – which are traditional thatched Spanish beach huts made of straw and bamboo. They are typical of this area of La Janda where people used to live in chozas de paja. Anyone who has visited Coto Donaña will know what these traditional houses look like. Casas Karen feels like a mini village hidden in a wild expanse of eco-friendly garden...You can recline in your Mexican hammock, tucked away in a garden of um-

By Gabrielle Rey A STUDY carried out by the Andalusian Confederation of Physically and Organically Disabled Persons (CANFCocemfe Andalucía) highlights the fact that 60% of the 254 beaches in Andalusia are inaccessible for persons with reduced mobility.

Inside the Chozo Grande

brella pines, broom, mimosa and sand dunes, or take a short walk to the nearest beach. There you will find bars and restaurants, where you can have a drink, dinner, or go dancing. You can also simply enjoy a lovely evening stroll. One of the favorites is the Choza Grande which sleeps 2 to 4, has a kitchen, lounge and dining area downstairs with sofas and rugs, and a bed on a raised wooden platform. Waste is composted and water is drawn from their well. With activities such as massage, yoga and meditation, the place attracts people with a creative impulse and the atmosphere is totally laid back, and like Caños itself, is very popular with young travelers. There is everything from surfing, canoeing to dolphin watching nearby; it could be your perfect get away from the coast. You can contact Casas Karen on 0034 956 437 067 or visit www.casaskaren.com

STORM DAMAGE According to the Confederation, the main problems lie in the lack of equipment and the delay in the installation of measures to enable reaching the water. Last winter’s storms also destroyed many of the works that had not yet been finished although they were approved the previous year by the coastal authorities. The five federations in Andalusia for disabled persons, in the provinces that have coast line, have checked the beaches

for signposting, ramps, mobile paths to the shore, amphibian chairs, rest areas with shade, changing rooms, adapted toilets and showers... etc. APPROVED Approved beaches in our area are: Getares in Algeciras, La Barrosa in Chiclana de la Frontera; Sobrevela and Alcaidesa in La Linea, Cala Sardina and Torreguadiaro in San Roque; La Rada in Estepona; In Marbella, El Ancon, El Faro and Fontanilla; Most of the beaches in Fuengirola have access; Bill Bill, Santa Ana and Malapesquera in Benalmadena; El Bajondillo and La Carihuela in Torremolinos. ACCESS DENIED Definitely not approved beaches are Sacaba Beach at La Misericordia in Malaga and the beaches that surround the Port in the capital, that have no access whatsoever from the Guadalmina River outlet to la Farola. However access is denied to many on most of our beaches...

Not enough of these signs around


26 AUGUST 2010 FEB 2613- -MARCH 4 2010

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Rain drop technique not just a massage, a life changing massage This massage uses a special technique which involves “feathering” pure essential oils into the spine. These oils, which have been used throughout time dating back to 4500 b.c, are exceptional products which help people live healthier, more balanced lives. The essential oils are freshly cultivated and are life enhancing gifts from the plant kingdom. Essential oils have always been revered for their

“Feathering” in the essential oils

beneficial properties to the Body, mind and spirit and are re-emerging as a key solution to the challenges facing our modern lifestyles. Dr Young has spent over twenty five years practising using the natural ways to combat disease and preserve health. Dr Young suffered a near fatal accident that left him in a coma for 3 weeks. The accident left him paralysed and confined to a wheelchair. Dr Young, depressed as the condition worsened, decided it was time to make changes. During his personal journey using essential oils, he discovered that they alleviated his pain and eventually he regained all feeling and mobility thirteen years after the accident. Dr Gary Young has now run his first half marathon and this has prompted him to share his experience. This special massage begins by the therapist measuring your height before the treatment, followed by vita-flex movements on the feet, then “feathering” the pure essential oils up the spinal column. This revolutionary massage and specific application of the pure oils brings balance and harmony to the mental, physical and emotional parts of our bodies. The benefits of this massage include improving posture, releasing toxins from over medication and boosting the immune system. This massage is suitable for everyone and is especially beneficial to sufferers of back

Article written by Colours Beauty Salon. Avenida Federico Garcia Lorca, Benalmadena Costa. Tel: 952 577 072

Have a Shake! VIBROPLATE MACHINES and vibration training has caused a revolution in weight loss, toning and fitness training. They have many benefits including improvement of the skin and muscle tone, it also increases blood circulation and it helps to prevent cellulite. Regular vibroplate training also helps to eliminate toxins from the body. By just standing on the vibroplate, its vibrations cause the muscles to contract many times per second, meaning it is now possible to achieve fast weight loss results without spending hours in the gym. You can now condense over one hour of exercise into just a ten minute session, burning up to and in excess of 500 calories per session! Using the vibroplate is a pleasant experience too, creating a feeling of happiness and relaxation. There are many areas in which you can use vibration training to benefit your life; weight management, body shaping - the machine is an excellent body shaper and just melts away mass body fat, and can help

and joint pain and is also recommended for parkinsons sufferers, pregnant women and for teaching news mothers massage techniques for babies. The pure oils can be purchased for home use with our step by step guidance. After your revolutionary treatment you will feel deeply relaxed, emotionally calm and even taller than when you started your massage. We will be happy to advise you on this life changing treatment and we will help you understand your pain. We are fully trained in this revolutionary technique.

people who suffer with back pain. Come and see us and we will provide you with a one to one consultation, providing you with all the information you need in order to use the vibroplate safely and correctly. We will then, based on the knowledge you have given us, develop a routine specifically based on your needs, allowing you to gain maximum results from your vibration training sessions. Just a few short sessions will make a major difference. Almost 100% of the muscles are exercised whilst using the machine. Experience the benefits for yourself, come see us in the lower level of Minerva apartments, Benalmadena Costa. For further information e-mail sandra @haveashake.com or call 634 318 813.

Lose 500 Calories in10 Minutes!

You’ll have no trouble finding the Vibration Gym with this bright shop front

16 40

13 - 2626 AUGUST 20104 2010 FEB - MARCH

Summer sulphur and other eco treatments by

Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors

DURING THE summer months a box of inexpensive sulphur powder – only around two euros a kilo – is a must buy for many gardens. WHAT IS IT? Sulphur powder (azufre in castellano) is a natural chemical that has several important uses in summer and autumn gardens. It is a yellow powder and should not be confused with copper sulphate (sulfato de cobre in Castellano and sulfat de coure in Valenciano) The latter can be used for similar purposes but is not as ecological and environmentally friendly. USES OF SULPHUR Dusting of plants to prevent and combat mildew and other fungal attacks of leaves and fruit, especially tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, melons, courgettes, cucumbers, squashes and most importantly grape vines. Also flowering plants that get mildew problems. A dusting of the soil when preparing flower

beds and vegetable pots and raised beds to help clean the soil of unwanted pests and achieve a slight increase in acidity levels. A dusting of lines of ants and holes to nests and around containers attacked by ants. HOW TO APPLY? Dust by gloved hand but it is easy to overtreat and do so patchily. Fill a sock and shake over and within plants. If you have a large area to treat such as a vineyard, buy a dusting machine from the local horticultural shop, agricultural machine shop or agricultural cooperative. It is best to do on still evenings. WHEN NOT TO APPLY When it is windy as the powder will go everywhere except where you intend. When the leaves are damp. We aim to do our dustings on still evenings. GARLIC A cooled garlic infusion is a useful insect control including for geranium moths. NEEM Neem oil has even wider applications. This natural oil extracted from the kernels of the fruit from Neem trees is becoming more widely available each year but if you still have problems look up the website of Trabe and

an example of a dusting machine

buy by mail order. You can contact Francisco Ibanez on 968 572 004. They also stock Propolis, which is a natural fungicide that we use to spray our fruit trees. ECO SNAIL KILLER Likewise Neudorff’s ecological snail killer Ferramol Antilimacos is finding its way into more gardening shops and garden centres. Again, if stuck buy via mail order. Contact Juan Luis on 646 725 434 to do so. GERANIUM OIL A few drops of geranium oil in water is a useful deterrent to the geranium moth.

This oil is distilled from the rose scented Graveolen variety. If you have a block or line of geranium plants, plant one of these plants amongst the other varieties as it is not attacked by the geranium moths. Each of our books include chapters on useful ecological/natural insect and fungal controls. BOOK SIGNING We enjoyed chatting with readers who came along to the book signing recently. If you was unable to come along you can still get autographed copies for special gifts by emailing us on yourgardeninspain@ hotmail.com

Clodagh and Dick’s books collate their twenty five years of gardening in Spain to help newcomers to Spain, whether experienced or beginner gardeners living in houses or apartments. Because of the financial situation, some book distribution companies are no longer in business so if you have a shop and wish to stock Santana Books about gardening, travel, law etc contact Gertud or Alan Roberts on info@santanabooks.com. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain.com

Centrally located between Fuengirola and Marbella, with easy access from both the A-7 and N340, five minutes from La Cala de Mijas, and set in the Golf Valley with 12 courses in the vicinity. A peaceful and tranquil setting with easy access to everything. • Secure underground parking • 24 hour security • Gated with video phone entry • Swimming pool with fabulous views • Spa and gym area • Exclusive elevators with private access to just two apartments per floor • Large terraces • Air conditioning • High quality fittings throughout • Satellite television. 1 BEDROOM 400€ unfurnished - 450€ furnished 2 BEDROOM / 2 BATHROOM 550€ unfurnished - 650€ furnished PENTHOUSE 2 BEDROOM / 2

BATHROOM 700€ unfurnished – 750€ furnished PENTHOUSE 3 BEDROOM / 3 BATHROOM 750€ unfurnished – 850€ furnished

13 - 26 AUGUST 2010


Moving my PC around

Al via email asks: Hi Aunty. I have disconnected and moved my pc 2 or 3 times recently and had no problems with it working again. This time however the monitor keeps shutting down & the tower makes a beeping noise. I know it’s not major as I have come across it before but can’t remember. Can you help please? Aunty says: Quite a common problem Al, and normally this is caused by something inside becoming dislodged. The beeping noise is a sure sign there is a hardware problem, and although this is not a major issue for an engineer, I wouldn’t recommend taking the thing apart unless you know your way around the insides of a PC.


with aunty virus

Adobe Reader 9

Patricia via email asks: Dear Aunty, if I have an email with an attachment that is a PDF File I am unable to open it. As I click to open it says ‘This file does not have a programme associated with it. Create an association in the

Folder Options Control Panel’ but I cannot find a Folder Options icon! I work with XP. Aunty says: Probably the easiest way around this is to download the free Adobe Reader 9

from www.adobe.com as that is the program PDF files most like to open. If you still need to go to the ‘Folder Options’ in control panel you will need to click on the ‘switch to classic view’ option in the left hand pane.

Google language tools Alan from Benidorm says: I see in this week’s issue a problem with translating. Please remind your readers that if they open the Google search page they will find on the right of the search box the words ‘language tools’. If they click on this they will get a page that will enable them to translate from any language to any other language they can think of!

You can use cut and paste with this. I do enjoy your column and read it via email even when I’m back in London.

Aunty says: Thanks Alan. I use the Goole translate regularly and it seems to get better all the time. There is also an audio button where you can hear the translated text which has proved very useful.

Unable to open a programme Cantusana via the enetcomputers.net forum asks: Hi, I got myself a memory stick and downloaded my family tree with the idea being I could just take this to UK with me and show it to the family. The problem is that all I get when I try to read it is a list of the

folders and files and it won’t open to view the Tree. What did I do wrong and how do I fix it? Aunty says: It sounds like you may have only copied the data files and you need to install the actual family tree program on the computer in the UK.

Not receiving mail

Ken via email asks: Hi there Aunty. On a small number of occasions people say they have sent me emails which I have not received. I have also sent emails that they say were not received. Is this possible? Can some disappear? Aunty says: They don’t normally ‘disappear’ as such Ken but emails can easily be blocked or dumped at various checkpoints along the way. You should regularly check your spam/junk folder as genuine incoming emails can get flagged as spam simply by having a particular word in them, also perhaps ask the recipient to look in their spam/junk folder for the same reason. Make sure your antivirus and antispyware programs are all up to date and that your system is clean. If you continue to have problems it may be easier to change email address and even move over to another email service such as Google or Yahoo.

That’s all for this week, email me on auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com and I will do my best to sort you out

18 44

13 - 2626 August 20104 2010 Feb - March

Be careful what you think By Claire Voet HAVE YOU ever stopped to think why one person is happy and another miserable? Why some people live in luxurious homes and have plenty of money while others struggle to meet their financial obligations or live in slums? Why some people are always complaining they are ill and others full of health and vitality? Why some people look remarkable for their age and full of the joys of spring, while others look old before their time and appear depressed, tired, and full of fear and anxiety? Why some people are happily married and others unhappy and frustrated in their marriage or relationships? The list is endless of these comparisons but surprisingly the answers to all of these questions stem from the power of your own mind, despite the common belief that it is fate and our lives are mapped out for us. We create our own fate, destiny or luck in this world by the way we think. Maybe at some point in your life you have read a book about positive thinking, how to get rich or how to heal yourself, there are so many of those books on the market today, but do we really understand the true meaning of what they are all about? It took me 15 years until I started to understand that it was

myself and only myself that was holding me back from doing the things I really wanted to achieve. After reading many books, and one in particular by Dr Joseph Murphy, a very well known minister, lecturer and author who was born in Ireland and raised in the United States, I learnt how to make those much needed changes in my life. Although, I must confess, it is a natural instinct to always think the worst when things don’t go smoothly in life and it is then, at that point, when I have to remind myself of how the mind works and get back on track again with my thinking. So how does your mind really work? Your mind is split into 2 levels – the conscious, also known as the rational level, and the subconscious or irrational level. Your conscious mind is kept busy with your thoughts all day long; from the moment you open your eyes in the morning, until you close them at night and drift off to sleep. Your subconscious mind, on the other hand, is busy all the time, every moment of your life. It takes care of your bodily functions through the day and night. It makes sure your heart beats, your food is digested, and your kidneys work, and so on. Your

subconscious mind is also the seat of your real emotions. Whatever you habitually think during the day gets deposited like a seed into your subconscious mind and then brought forth into your experience. Therefore if you think good things such as health, wealth, prosperity, success, peace etc, these wonderful things will follow. However, if your thoughts are full of worry, fear, anxiety or you dwell on money worries, health issues, these things will also be brought forth into your existence and in most cases become worse until you can make a change in the way you think. You see, your subconscious mind accepts whatever is impressed upon it, be it good or bad. It doesn’t reason things out like your conscious mind does. It is like the soil that accepts any type of seed and whatever it is; it will grow into experiences in your life. I can hear some of you saying as you read this - Oh … I’ve tried saying I am healthy or I’m wealthy for ages or tried thinking positive and nothing happened, it doesn’t work. I was guilty of thinking this way for years until I suddenly realised it wasn’t what I was saying and thinking out loud that counted, it was what I really believed in that brought

Suduko Answer

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forth those things I wished for. It’s that true belief, that gut feeling, the feeling of just knowing that makes it work. It’s what you believe and visualise in your minds eye that really comes to pass in your existence. So there is no good saying I’m wealthy or I’m healthy without believing it. They are just words that mean nothing. When your desire is so strong and when you want something so badly and you give it all your attention in the form of positive habitual thinking, visualising the end result – only then is it that you get what you wish for. Sometimes quickly, some times it takes time to manifest but the end result for which you desire will come to pass if you truly believe in it. It’s not important how it will happen, don’t get caught up with the way in which it will come to pass, just believe in the end result. Your subconscious mind has its own mathematics of making things work and often in the most unusual and surprising ways. Once you realise the miracle working power of your own mind, you can then solve your difficulties, improve your relationships, improve financial problems, heal your body and mind and live a successful and happy life. claire@rtncostadelsol.com

Crossword Answers 005

CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Pace-makers; 7 Repel; 8 Uniform; 10 Salaried; 11 Peak; 13 Wraith; 15 Raisin; 17 Tags; 18 Bass-clef; 21 Habitat; 22 Bonus; 23 Jay-walkers. Down: 1 Pupil; 2 Celerity; 3 Mauser; 4 Kris; 5 Rioters; 6 Wrist-watch; 9 Making fast; 12 Passable; 14 Algebra; 16 Pastel; 19 Lines; 20 Stow. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 1 Cadaverous; 7 React; 8 Coerced; 10 Feminine; 11 Pass; 13 Relate; 15 Lean-to; 17 Each; 18 Untoward; 21 Tensile; 22 Drain; 23 Repentance. Down: 1 Charm; 2 Detonate; 3 Vacant; 4 Reel; 5 Unchain; 6 Preferment; 9 Discordant; 12 Beholden; 14 Licence; 16 Intent; 19 Abate; 20 Rile.

13 - 26 AUGUST 2010

horoscopes by Kenny Corris

Cryptic Crossword


It is all very much up in the air at the moment, and this long period of indecisiveness is governed by strong planetary influences that are merely prolonging your agony. Since a rapid solution has not found its way to your heart then you must start to look for alternatives, and remove stubborn energy from your agenda because you will shortly be sorely tempted to just throw in the towel. Coming up to the Retrograde of Mercury this is a time to put all your cards on the table. Review what is not happening at the moment and see this as your inability to state just what you really want right now, rather than opening yourself to the very best options, which are currently very thin on the ground. In hindsight a lot of this could have been made very much simpler, but it’s your baby! Sheer determination sees you moving on at last after a negative and static period in your life brings you to realise just how fortunate you are. Someone close has whispered something in your ear and it is with the help of others that you start to make the necessary improvements in your newly streamlined life. This is not a time to be selfish, but it is a focus on a vital self preservation. A week in which your careful plans are disrupted and you’re really thrown off track. This however gives you the very best chance to review that which you must right now. The entry of strong Piscean values this week connects with your fifth house and you will embrace the very changes you feared. You are about to take on new responsibilities, and there is nobody better than you for the job. ACROSS 1. The essayist was a gentle creature (4) 3. How old is that frock? Ask the horse! (8) 9. Short and rude letter in the play at the very end (7) 10. Mountains show in its pages? (5) 11. Apparently making an approach in low spirits and going under (2,3,3,4) 13. Removes clothes on excursion in ship? (6) 15. Suit for diggers? (6) 17. Initial crept out with two spare copies (2,10) 20. In the trial I bid to have a let-out (5) 21. He’s dear, and clings (7) 22. Not a heavy responsibility in the theatre (8) 23. Married with a ring while still in debt (4)

DOWN 1. Lose cars in game (8) 2. For a change remit credit (5) 4. Course for athletes to be taken up? (6) 5. No engagement for an army marching on its stomach! (5-2,5) 6. Let 23 after all (7) 7. Soldier won’t have difficulty in standing it (4) 8. Imaginative painter needed in the theatre (4-2,6) 12. Rated idiot who mixed seeds (8) 14. Telephoning round, perhaps (7) 16. Injury to limb right in the country (6) 18. Quiver inside (5) 19. Post armour (4)

Quick Crossword

DOWN 1. At intervals (8) 2. Waterway (5) 4. Consider (6) 5. Electoral district (12) 6. Slacken (4,3) 7. Vend (4) 8. Skiing, skating, etc. (6,6) 12. Inclination (8) 14. Exasperate (7) 16. Minor (6) 18. Bore (5) 19. Masterstroke (4)

Euromillions Draw Results Friday 6th August 13 25 28 29 42 Lucky Stars



One Spanish ticket won the 15,000,000 Euros jackpot prize

Who said that? Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.


Albert Einstein


Answers next edition

ACROSS 1. Agreement (4) 3. Yield (8) 9. In succession (7) 10. Of the nose (5) 11. Erasure (12) 13. Adulterated (6) 15. Suppress (6) 17. Understood (12) 20. Smell (5) 21. Division (7) 22. Compelling influence (8) 23. Perform (4)

A great time for rest and relaxation of your body and mind. You now need to have a closer connection all around you as you concentrate on bringing a Libran balance into your hectic life. Though you can see where someone is going wrong right now, know that sometimes people have to do things the hard way and discover things for themselves, although you will be there to pick up the pieces. Mercury is moving towards retrograde in the comparative peace of your seventh house of mystery and imagination. Accept that things aren’t clear at the moment, but that considering your options right now is inspiring and carefree, and nobody must hold you back from what you know is the right way to go. Organise nothing and do not sign on the dotted line until well into next week! Currently you are feeling very empty as somebody leaves your life, albeit on a temporary basis. The resultant space in your life would be well spent in thinking of yourself and your own needs, because it is the caring of others that provides you with a smokescreen, and allows you to tempt fate and connect with your all important destiny. Be very sure that what you now do is a precedent. Fear turns quickly into anger this week as you are set to fight once more over something that begs resolve but shows you no mercy. It is no wonder that your levels of stress are through the roof as you wait for something out of control to be well and truly dealt with. Move on, and whatever you do, make it your very best shot: when the going gets tough the tough get going. With wily Jupiter in command and the actions of Mercury to soon command a nostalgic look back at your life, there are plans to be made, people to see and your organisational skills to hone as you prepare for something rather wonderful. Your gregarious skills can unite others and your luck and great timing bring a sense of magic into the current proceedings, which benefit from your ubiquitous charm. You’ve got a feeling inside that things are not right, not what they seem and that something has to be done. Though you are a font of knowledge, you know that sticking your oar in right now is not the best solution and that you must delegate to someone who can reflect your sincere wish to bring forward clarity in a relationship problem. Tread very carefully to avoid anything coming back on you. With Pluto ensconced in Capricorn and the freedom of Pisces, you are able to see a solution with rose coloured glasses. This is just the start and you need to be on your toes if you are to eliminate the negative energy that current resides. Tread softly, and trust nobody until it is well known what your wants and needs are and how they should be aired: it’s your business after all! Mighty Uranus enters and starts immediately to stir from within. This causes you to look at your recent decision with a view to expanding it and maximising the potential of a situation. Your own specific psychic skills can be brought into play to show you just how far you have come, and how sensitive you are at finding the real root of the problem for all who are concerned.

If it’s your birthday this week... Just take a back seat and see what happens. This will tell you what you are really up against right now, and prepare you for your next step. Life changing energies are just around the corner, if you have the patience and the faith.

13 - 2626 AUGUST 20104 2010 FEB - MARCH

20 44


Importing a UK car HI BRIAN, just a short question on importing cars to Spain: If the car you are importing has been smashed and repaired is that okay with the old Trafico? As the logbook in UK might not say ‘cat c,d,’ or might say that it’s been repaired, i.e. written off and put by back on the road after repair. Also may I say that after reading your book I now have a Spanish Driving Author of license; so simple to do and have now Motoring in Spain helped my friends to do the same (at a fee). Also the old police are now cracking down on people that flaunt the 183 day rule. So keep up the good work by telling people through your column in the papers to be LEGAL: you know it makes sense. Gavin Coupland

Brian Deller

Many thanks for your query. What a nice surprise to receive one from

a ‘very nice man’ and thanks for your compliment. If your car has a good V5C UK registration document and has been professionally repaired to be as good as new with no signs of damage, then it will pass the CEE inspection stage at the local ITV station as part of the importation process but I would tend to use the services of a local ‘gestor’ who knows the staff and has a good relationship with them to possibly smooth over any problems. It may pay to have it thoroughly checked here by a local garage skilled in such work so you also have an invoice to show. In the long run, the vehicle must be safe and roadworthy and that is one of the main points of the inspection. I assume that it has not previously been written off and is not an older car of say ten years? The exhaust-pollution

If the car has been professionally repaired it should pass the ITV

factor is important now. If it is historic, over 25 years old, then there is another way of importing it with a Spanish historic plate which will also enhance the value by about 25 to 30% or even more. What is the car please? And when was it first registered? British

classic cars, although when new most were rust buckets and overheated in traffic jams, will keep their prices as many older drivers yearn for the experiences of their youth and pay good money to buy them as I did for 35 years with motorcycles.

There is much more detailed information on all motoring subjects in my book. Brian Juan (John) Deller, Malaga, author, ‘Motoring in Spain’ www.spainvia.com

More information released on the 2011 Volkswagen Beetle FRESH INFO referring to the 2011 Volkswagen Beetle has appeared in the British press. According to unknown sources the next generation Volkswagen Beetle will feature a completely refreshed exterior with a modern look and even though it will not enter the MINI territory, the car will be wider and longer. Ride quality will be improved and as far as engine choices the 2011 Volkswagen Beetle is expected to come with the company’s 1.2, 1.6 and 2.0-litre engines which will output 105 bhp, 160 bhp and 210 bhp respectively.

On the US spec version 2011 Volkswagen Beetle the German automaker is expected to offer a 5-cylinder 2.5-litre unit supercharged and turbocharged, delivering 170 bhp. As for diesel choices the 2011 Volkswagen Beetle will most probably be fitted with either the 1.6-litre unit producing 105 bhp or the 2.0litre that packs 140 bhp. The 2011 Volkswagen Beetle hybrid and cabriolet versions are also part of the German automaker’s plans and sales acorss Europe are expected to start next year.

Man arrested for doing 240 on the AP-7 by Gabrielle Rey AN ARGENTINEAN citizen, (A.E.G.) of 38 was arrested on Tuesday just after 6 pm by the Guardia Civil for driving at 240 km per hour on the AP-7 in Mijas at km 204,5. This is exactly double the speed limit on this road. This is now considered in Spain to be a criminal offence and he could find himself in prison for his The little “racing trip”. The AP-7 Courts in Fuengirola have race taken charge of the case. course

Why pay so much?

Noel’s world of golf By Noel Eastwell Professional coach and RTN golf expert 639 730 891

MY ARTICLE of two weeks ago certainly caused a bit of a stir in some quarters as we discussed the merits of using a third party to make society and group bookings. The overwhelming opinion of many golfers is that the golf clubs would be much busier places if the same prices that are being charged to agents were passed directly to the golfers. One reader who has asked me not to name him quoted a very interesting example. For reference we will refer to him as ‘Mr J R from Alicante’. “I was quoted €40 by a local golf club here in The Costa Blanca to play their course when I enquired directly. When I approached an agent I was quoted €36 to play the same course. How stupid! The club is paying commission of some sort to the agent yet he can sell to me cheaper than I can buy direct from the clubs. Let’s say the club sells to the agent for €30; why don’t they sell direct to the golfer for €36? They won’t have to pay the commission and they

will earn a bigger profit. It’s time the golf clubs started thinking about the resident golfer and not the holidaymakers. It’s people like us that they will ultimately rely on.” Well, Mr J R from Alicante, you have many people who think just as you do from the telephone calls that I have received. Sadly there is still some way to go before we see a one price green fee charged by the golf clubs towards their loyal customers who provide their ‘bread and butter’ income. But then again, whom do the clubs consider as providing the bread and butter income: the resident or the tour operator? The only way we are going to change the minds of the golf course owners and managers is to constantly remind them of just who pays the majority of their bills throughout the year. I have said for a long time that the resident golfer is not being treated fairly: I will continue through the pages of RTN and with their assistance to fight for fairness until it arrives. How

on earth we are going to get this message through to them quickly I don’t know but the only way is for you the golfing public to demand greater discounts when you make your bookings. By standing up for our fellow golfers we have a chance of some sort; by turning a blind eye we are short selling the needs of every golfer in Spain. THE PROFESSIONAL TOURS It’s hard to believe but next Thursday we see the final ‘Major’ of the year. It seems just a few weeks ago that we were looking forward to The Masters. The US PGA Championship is seen by many as the weakest of the Majors. I agree and don’t think it should be classed as one of ‘The Big Four’. The fourth of the year’s major championships should be played in Australia. Far too long the Americans have had 3 out of 4 and that cannot be fair. Very many people outside America play golf and the powers that be should recognise this.

Any questions you have for Noel should be sent to golf@roundtownnews.com

Real Madrid signs Chelsea defender Ricardo Carvalho By Eddie Taylor REAL MADRID has come to an agreement with Chelsea FC to transfer 32 year old defender & Portuguese International RICARDO CARVALHO for 8M€. The operation is believed to be on the verge of completion as all parties work out all the final details. The offer to the player is a two year contract with another year as optional. The signing of Carvalho is full of controversy and has shocked many fans and media specialists. How can the Club justify signing a 32 year old

Sanchez sweeps Burgos

OLYMPIC CYCLING champion Samuel Sanchez won the 2010 edition of the Vuelta a Burgos this past Sunday, by the skin of his teeth. Sánchez, who aimed to win a stage at this year’s Tour de France but came up short on two separate stages, squeezed out a one-second advantage over Xacobeo Galicia leader Ezequiel Mosquera in the Vuelta’s final stage; a 155-kilometre rollercoaster that ended in the demanding mountainous Lagunas de Neila region. It was a bittersweet victory for Sánchez, who barely missed making the podium in the Tour and has announced that he will not participate in this year’s Vuelta a España, which begins in Seville on 28th August.

defender when they just asked their legendary Captain Raul who is 33 years of age to leave? Could there be economic interests behind this operation, although others go further stating that Carvalho will play the function of being Mourinho’s inside man in the dressing room to keep the Coach informed on things, something that if true, is bizarre. The transfer story still needs to be officially confirmed by the Clubs, will however bring plenty of debate within the local & International Football circles.

Rafa on Top of the World By Eddie Taylor MALLORCA’S RAFA Nadal continues to top the ATP rankings with a 3,840-point lead on Serbia’s Novak Djokovic, whilst the USA is out of the top 10 for the first time since 1973. The fall of Andy Roddick from 9th to 11th place in the classification, published this week, after being eliminated in the third round at the Washington Grand Slam, was what pushed the States out of the 10 best players. Roddick has not won a single Grand Slam title in the last 27 consecutive tournaments his previous one being the US Open in 2003. The top six tennis players remain in the same place, with Nadal leading the tables, followed by Djokovic; Switzerland’s Roger Federer in third place; Scotland’s Andy Murray in fourth; Sweden’s Robin Söderling in fifth and Russia’s Nikolay Davydenko in sixth position.

Mijas girl takes European Bronze medal By Eddie Taylor THE MIJAS swimmer Da Rocha wins the bronze medal in the final of the 200m backstroke. It is her first major medal; she competes again today in the 100m. Duane Rocha who came too Malaga as a child, is living in Mijas, has long been regarded as having great promise as part of the Spanish swimming team, a medallist at European

level in the junior category, Rocha nearly retired after failing in her attempt to go to the Beijing Games. The win will hopefully change her mind. Duane stated, “Well, one last attempt. Swimming is what I like and what I have fought all my life to do. There is something inside you that tells you when you reach your limit”. She won the bronze medal at the European Swimming Championships,

held in Budapest, for the 200-meter backstroke which is her favourite style. She had the best time in her leg of the semi-finals (2:10.56). In the final she managed to beat that by a tenth (2:10.46). Coming in behind the British duo of Elizabeth Simmonds (2:07.04) and Gemma Spofforth (2:08.25) who took the Gold and Silver. Duane held out for third, ahead of Germanys Mensing.

13 - 26 AUGUST 2010


The final whistle RTN exclusive -

Interview with Peter Drury (part 1) EVEN AFTER England’s woeful performance at the World Cup, I’ll wager that the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea will still pull in more than a couple of dozen of fans for their first home games of the season. Club tribalism will of course take hold as the dreams of a successful campaign holds sway once more, blowing asunder reality, considered expectation and all concerns about your dodgy left back and over the hill midfield dynamo. That said, it’s fair to say that the Premier League has lost a little of its lustre. What was once the best league in the world is probably better described now as the most exciting. The technical skills regularly on show in La Liga have surely propelled it to the top of the ratings and it’s also hard to ignore the claims of the Bundesliga after Germany’s performances in South Africa. Say what you like about the German’s but boy oh boy, do they know how to prepare for a tournament. They were ordinary in World Cup qualifying and some of their better known players had less than impressive domestic seasons. Did that matter when push came to shove? Not in the slightest. Nonetheless, Sky Sports will do their best to big it up. Richard Keys and Andy Gray will doubtless describe every match as the most important since......well, since the last one (mind you, even they might have their work cut out for West Brom v Wigan on a wet Monday evening in February), while Lineker, Hansen and Co will issue their usual Saturday night musings with at least one in joke per show to keep them in the pink. But those of us, like me, who look on to the Premier League without a vested interest (OK, I’m a QPR fan) could be forgiven for perhaps falling out of love a little with the competition. It’s clear that ‘our’ players aren’t up to it. That it’s the foreign imports that provide the vast majority of the weekly highlights and none of us need reminding that football’s governing bodies in England are about as effective as Prince Phillip’s political awareness coach. Thankfully, there are still football junkies. ITV commentator Peter Drury being one of them. Speaking exclusively to RTN after an exhaustive schedule in South Africa, Drury has been enjoying some R & R but will be more than ready for the challenges a new season brings. “I’ve always been an enthusiast” he told us. “You shouldn’t be in my job if you’re not excited by a new season. Truthfully it’s been good to have a break from the game after the intensity of the World Cup. But, once we’re into the first weekend of action it’ll be all-systems-go!” And what of those England players who flopped so badly on the biggest stage of all? Drury has no doubt that we haven’t seen the last of at least some of the bigger names. “There are some from Fabio’s starting XI who will want to show that they are not yet has-beens. However disappointing England’s World Cup campaign was, those were still - broadly speaking - England’s best players and I suspect you’ll see the likes of Lampard, Gerrard and Rooney setting out to re-emphasise that fact in August. Their reputations are too big to be shot to pieces in one rotten month, but they could do with a little repairing!” But even Drury acknowledges that the days of some of the elder statesmen might be numbered. Let’s not forget that at average age of nearly 29, England had the oldest squad in South Africa. A clear example that experience doesn’t count for too much when you are being run ragged by an impetuous 22 year old. So, who are Drury’s picks from England’s youthful pool talent? Find out next time as the exclusive interview continues.

Calling all Sports clubs & Golf societies. Do you have a sports story for us? Email: eddie@rtncostadelsol.com

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13 - 26 August 2010 2010 15-21 JANUARY

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ANTEQUERA,Mollina Restaurant / Bar For Sale.Up & running with Good Clientel approx 60 covers, Fully equipped soundproofed and easy to run. Air-Con Carvery Equipment. Low start up cost and cheap rent. Please call for more details tel 697 279 362 LAS CHAPAS: Unique opportunity, 3 bedroom 2 bathroom semi-detached villa, quiet location with parking and lots of outdoor space, reduced from 379,000€ to 259,000€ Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 RIVIERA DEL SOL: Reduced from 199,000€ to 135,000€ 2 bedroom 1 ½ bathroom townhouse with a large basement for development, almost being given away!! Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 RIVIERA DEL SOL: Reduced from 189,000€ to 115,000€ 2 bedroom 1 ½ bathroom 2nd floor apartment , underground parking and storeage, this is an amazing opportunity. Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALAHONDA: Reduced from 299,950€ to 225,000€. 3 bedroom 2 bathroom groundfloor corner apartment, large private garden and stunning sea views in Cascadas de Calahonda (ref C4335) Key Estates S.L.952 939 441 CALAHONDA: Quaint Andalucian style 2 bed 1 bath townhouse in lower Calahonda 30,000€ below market value, close to all amenities, excellent rental potential now 199,950€ (ref C4334) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALAHONDA: Reduced from 269,000€ to 199,950€ 3 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment in Princess Park, glazed terrace and underground parking. (ref C4331) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 RIVIERA DEL SOL: Reduced from 399,950€ to 315,000€ large 3 bedroom 3 ½ bathroom townhouse on four levels including a roof terrace with Jacuzzi. (ref C4330) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALAHONDA: Reduced from 229,950€ to 179,950€ 2 bedroom 2 bathroom luxury apartment with fantastic views in Bonita Hills , upper Calahonda. (ref C4327) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441

EL COTO: Heavily reduced from 695,000€ to 399,950€ 3 bedroom villa all on one level, heated swimming pool, garage, 1200m2 plot with the possibility to extend. (ref C4324) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALAHONDA: Recently reduced from 219,950€ to 189,950€ 3 bedroom 2 bathroom corner apartment in upper Calahonda, stunning sea and mountain views sold furnished. (ref C4323) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALAHONDA: Cheap as chips at 125,000€ this 2 bedroom 2 bathroom duplex apartment in the centre of Calahonda represents a fantastic investment opportunity. (ref C4322) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALAHONDA: Reduced from 249,950€ to 199,950€ this very spacious and bright 3 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment in El Albaicin, community has heated pool. (ref C4316) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALAHONDA: A builder’s dream, 3 bedroom 2 bathroom villa, 860m2 private plot, panoramic sea views on one of the best urbanizations in Calahonda, reduced to 399,950€. (ref C4314) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 RIVIERA DEL SOL: Reduced from 185,000€ to 129,950€ almost new 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment with large private storeroom and parking. (ref C4307) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALAHONDA: Reduced from 319,000€ to 265,000€ 3 bedroom 2 ½ bathroom, private garden with room for a pool, roof terrace with Jacuzzi. (ref C4293) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALAHONDA: Reduced from 799,000€ to 599,000€ 5 bedroom 3 ½ bathroom villa, private and communal pools, stunning views, absolute bargain. (ref 4288) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 RIVIERA DEL SOL: Reduced from 699,950€ to 599,950€ 3 bedroom 2 ½ bathroom, 322m2 built on a 1010m2 plot, huge open plan living area, open to offers. (ref C4267) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALAHONDA: Heavily reduced to 135,000€ 2 bedroom 1 bathroom duplex apartment, gated communi-

ty in lower Calahonda with great rental potential. (ref C4337) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 ELVIRIA 3 bed 3 bath apt Elviria hills, great complex 395,000 euros tel 68 68 97 101 ELVIRIA 4 bed townhouse walking distance to ammenaties 395,000 euros tel 68 68 97 101 ELVIRIA – 8 bed 8 bath Villa was 2,000,000 need to sell quick offers around 1,000,000 tel 68 68 97 101 ELVIRIA – el manantial 2 bed 2 bath ground floor west facing 255,000 Euros tel 68 68 97 101 ELVIRIA – 5 bed penthouse in el manantial great views 575,000 euros tel 68 68 97 101 ELVIRIA – Looking for a property in Elviria contact Mr Elviria himself Chris Newsham tel 952 839 410 www.chris-newsham.com Chris Newsham is the Elviria specialist in property contact him now 952 839 101 ELVIRIA – come and check out the largest selection of properties for sale in Elviria in our new showroom near Santa Maria golf course or visit us at www.chris-newsham. com or call us 952 839 410 BARGAIN:- Fish & Chip Shop, Fuengirola, established 18yrs., 20,000€ 609 528 972 Bar- Cafe with large terrace, overlooking sea and beach in Benalmadena 24,000€ 609 528 972 Large & very Popular Pub type bar, Torremolinos,Ready to Open 23,000€ 609 528 972 LUXURY 1 BED APARTMENTS 400€ unfurnished / 450€ furnished. 2 bed, 2 bath 550€ unfurnished / 600€ furnished. Penthouses from 700€ (2 beds, 2 bath) and 3 bed, 3 bath from 750€. Overlooking Cala Nova golf course, fabulous golf and sea views, 5 minutes from La Cala de Mijas. Underground parking, lifts, 24hr security, pool, spa and gym areas, A/C, sat TV. Tel: 628 932 137 2 BED APARTMENT, El Faro, 2 mins walk to beach, near shops, community pool. €450 monthly. 607 553 450 ELVIRIA, 2 bed 2 bath apt. Next to Golf course, A/C, Large balcony

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Call Claire Tel 635 237 115 or Tel + 44(0)1332 253602 overlooking beautiful community gardens. €650 monthly. 607 553 450ELVIRIA: For rent at 700€ pcm or sale at 249,000€ 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment in El Manantial, 100,000€ reduction. (ref Key 001) Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CALYPSO for rent at 500€ pcm 2 bedroom 1 bathroom immaculate apartment, walking distance to everything in a small community. (ref key 004) (Key Estates S.L. 952 939 441 CHRIS NEWSHAM offers for short term let large 2 bed 2 bath apt in Rio Real – dates still available. Tel 952 839 410 LA CALA VILLAGE – charming beachside 3 bed townhouse, private garden, 100m2 basement 1,000 pm tel 622 440 814 Chaparral – Luxury 3 bed townhouse, brand new, exceptional views, separate extra large storage tel 672 620 052 WANTED – Properties to rent for long term rentals, clients waiting from la cala through to rio real tel ann on 672 620 052 WWW.CHRIS-NEWSHAM COM offers the complete service, if your thinking of letting or renting a property, email info@chris-newsham.com or call our Elviria office

ALFA ROMEO SPIDER -2001 Mettalic yellow, black leather uk reg LHD, factory hard top 44,000 miles FSH 8995 euros tel 68 68 97 101 MERCEDES-BENZ SLK 230 Kompressor AMG Style Roadster, 1999, 61000 km, convertible, petrol, 2295cc, automatic, black, 2 door, new MoT, immaculate, fsh, private seller, 1000.00 € ovno, Call: 606 853 912. PEUGEOT - 206, 2004, 24000 km, hatchback, petrol, 1600, manual, blue, 5 door, MoT Sep 10, tax May 11, vgc, fsh, private seller, ABS, Immobiliser, cd player, c/locking, e/ windows, p/steering, radio, airbags, Climate Control, 3995.00 € ono, Torredel Mar, 00447576454299 / 678736447 Audi A8 , Grey, 2000, please call for more information +34 952 890 455 €2999.00, Manilva Autos, Puerto de la Duquesa, Malaga, 952 890 455 Audi TT , Silver, 2002, please call for more information +34 952 890 455 €9999.00, Manilva Autos, Puerto de la Duquesa, Malaga, 952 890 455 Ford Focus 1.6TDCI Trend 90, Grey, 2007, 60649 miles, ABS, Air conditioning, Airbag, Airbag passenger, CD, Central door lock, Fog lights, Immobilizer, On-board computer, Power steering, Power windows, Radio, Side airbags €9500.00, Autos Marbemotor, Marbella, 67 08 03 38 0 Renault Kangoo 1.5 DIESEL, White, 2003, €4999.00, Manilva Autos, Puerto de la Duquesa, Malaga, 952 890 455 Ssangyong Actyon Turbo Diesel, Black, 2007, Very High Specification €15999.00, Manilva Autos, Puerto de la Duquesa, Malaga, 952 890 455 Classic Car - Suzuki Vitara ‘91 Hard Top Detachable. White Petrol 1.6 8V HT. 110,000 kms. New ITV Perfect working order. Garage Maintained 1800 euros or offer Benalmadena 627 03 09 77

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bikersespana.com or www.bikersespaña.com YAMAHA BANSHEE 350 2stroke spanish plates 3000€, Honda 250 4stroke enduro 2006 english plated 3200€/Yamaha fz1 2007, 15500km 1000cc 150bhp Blue alarm german plated, 6000.00 € ono, 951972085 / 608405158. KAWASAKI, 1999, tourer, petrol, 500 twin, manual, chain drive, electric start, private seller, 25600 km, red, no MoT, no tax, vgc, part service history, crash bobbins, Excellent for year, used daily, economical commuter 1495.00 € ono, 952663811 / 667433580. KTM, 2002, enduro, petrol, 200 exc, manual, chain drive, kick start, private seller, 6000 km, orange, new MoT, good condition, nsh, race exhaust, spanish plates, fully road legal, 1year 5 months itv, very fast, ideal for the campo and road use 2200.00 € ovno, 958464407 / 663704157. HONDA, CBF600. 2004 UK Reg. Only 8, 000 miles from new. Silver. All extras, ABS, etc. Immaculate condition. Current road tax. Great touring bike. 2450.00 € Mijas Costa, 692 78 49 75. Motorbikes Wanted Dead Or Alive 250cc and Above Crashed Damaged Write Offs Non Runners Stolen Recovered Financed Call 669 162 786 Cash Waiting

PARASAIL Parachute with bag - Harness +300mts rope with bag for towing behind Boat or Car. 199€uro 609 528 972. 2 Man ring for towing behind Boat Hardly used 110€ 609528972 BOWRIDER BAYLINER 2350SS, Superb 23 foot Bayliner Bowrider new in 2000, low hours, one owner from new, SSR registered 5.0 V8 Mercruiser 15, 000 euros may px 15.00 € , 661351877. INFLATABLE BOAT & Engine For SaleWaveline 2.9m no patches. Yamaha 5hp outboard. with fuel line, tank & pump included. photos available upon request. 495.00 € ono 0034 634270496. BOATS, PRIVATE seller, trailer, boat cover, cockpit, Bass Boat, Engine and Trailer. Good condition. Seats need recovering. First to see

13 - 26 AUGUST 2010 will buy No Offers Bargain Must Go Bargain Bargain 677291723. SUNSEEKER, MEXICO 24, power boat, petrol, white, good condition, private seller, trailer, boat cover, cockpit, Mer Cruiser, 260 Hp, satelite navigation, sounder, bathing platform, toilet, cooker and shower. 5500 € ono, 952513182. KAWASAKI JETSKI ultra 150, trailer, boat cover, cockpit, this two seater jetski has only done 54 hours from new and is in very good condition it comes complete with a roller trailer for ease of launching, trailer board, and a fitted cover.the jetskiis small ship registered which is not a problem to insure and use in spain.it is very powerful and fast price 3000 euros , 950406518 / 678831066. KAWASAKI STAND-UP jetski, petrol, white, good condition, private seller, 1997 Kawasaki 750 SXi Pro, twin carb stand-up jetski Well maintained, used regularly & runs well.New mats, New aftermarket aluminium handle bar pole, Deep intake scoop.Stainless impellor, Set-up for wave jumping.Cosmetics need attention (hence price). Time-wasters pls abstain. San Pedro, 95288 0501 / 607541264.

WEST HIGHLAND White Terrier ( Westie ) Puppies, Fully vaccinated, both parents can be seen.395,00 euros.Licensed breeder. , 952112978 / 630197435. LABRADOR ( Yellow ), Males, Fully vaccinated, both paremts can be seen, licensed breeder. 295.00 € , 952112978 / 630197435. RUSSIAN BLUE Kittens, Champion English lines, from specialist English breeder, fully vaccinated, for pets only not for showing or breeding, beautiful affectionate kittens. www.russianbluecats.net 550.00 € 952112978 / 630197435. MARINE FISH tank with live rock, starfish and 4 fish tank holds 300 litres and comes with table, 350€

ono, 952 382 303 / 677 493 295. BREEDING CAGES, Bird, Canaries, private seller, Selling a set of 4 double breeding cages with stand. Comes complete with feeders, nest etc. Only 6 months old. Paid €400, will accept €200, , 952932502 / 667378621. PAIR INDIAN Ringnecks, Bird, Parakeets, Hand bred in Aviary. Pristine condition. Young birds, ready for breeding again. La Cala de Mijas. 195.00 € ono, 670766740.

MURRAY HARPER removals the longest running established company on the Costa del Sol offers a full range of home relocation services. These include twice a month departures from Spain to the UK and from the UK to Spain, as well as from the UK to France and from France to the UK internal removals a packing service and containerised storage and self-storage. Call today Tel and Fax: 952 793 422 EASY MOVE & STORAGE Low Cost International Removals 951 273 068

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TECHNICS 1210, Two Technics1210 turntables in flight cases good condition but both power buttons need a service, sale due to moving back to UK, 952462454 / 636885584. VINTAGE GIBSON SUNBURST, Incredibly special and incredible

history Reluctant sale as given to me as a very sentimental gift and sadly never played and enjoyed, 850.00 € ovno, 655649362. 40W BASS practice amp, 40W Stagg 40BA Bass practice amp, excellent quality hardly used 60€, 952 930 578 / 653089935. STERNER ACOUSTIC guitar, jumbo size and sound.No pickup but a wow sound and quality at a price of 125 euros.Ring Mel on 690083961

HAIR DESIGN and colour specialists E b O n Y, Centro Nordico, Ctra de Mijas 4,5 Call 952465876 for appointments

TELESALES STAFF required to join our Marbella based office. Hardworking individuals with out going personalities is a must. Basic salary plus good commission. Contact Philippa on 659179524.

RESPONSIBLE CLEANING maid in Marbella - Elviria. Preferred hotel experience. 952836391 - 607253333 ARE YOU looking for a flexible part time job? We need a person who can work from home for our real estate company. Job description: updating several internet sites with our offers, responsible for internet and article marketing on blogs and other back office work to be done from home. Requirements: normal computer, internet skills, English/ Spanish speaking/ writing, flexibility, you have a computer and internet connection at home. What do we offer: fixed monthly fee of 350 euros, around 40-45 hours monthly. Applications by email info@home-exposure-marbella. com we will call you RELAXED working environment, we are expanding our sales operation and looking to employ up to 5 new self motivated, hard working telesales staff for our Marbella office. Applicants must have English as a 1st language. We are a fully licensed company helping people


with long term debt solutions in the UK. We offer a small basic + commission. For more details call James 667393511 WAITRESSING in 24 hr. Square, Benalmadena, must be lively and outgoing. 18+. 679308694 HAIRDRESSER, Colorist and Beautician wanted for salon Spejos in Puerto Banus. Luis Miguel 622308021/ 608265524 CLEANER required to organise small team of cleaners. Must have car for use every day, proven cleaning experience, able to speak English and Spanish. info@casacomplete.es YOUNG English waitress from Fuengirola for Bar/ Restaurant. Full/ part time. 634265629 EXPERIENCED Telesales staff required for offices in Fuengirola and Benalmadena. Timeshare or investment experience an advantage. Excellent data and rates of pay, basic salary plus commissions available. Native English only. Not resale. 620675247

This is Suzy. She is approximately This is Brenda. She is approximately 2 years old and is a 2 years old and is a podenco cross. happy, playful dog. She loves to run and be outside and she gets on well with other dogs. She is extremely shy and unsure of people but will definitely be an outstanding dog with time, patience and caring. She has a kind nature and gets on well with This is Chiga. She is other dogs. This is Polly. She is only 12 weeks and will be a very small dog. She is very friendly and playful. She gets on well with other dogs.


approximately 2 years old and is a happy, playful dog. She loves to run and be outside and she gets on well with other dogs.

This is Lily. She is approximately 6 months old and is a pretty, sweet young girl and will be a small to medium size dog. She gets on well with other dogs.

This is Alice. She is only 12 weeks and will be a very small dog. She is very friendly and playful. She gets on well with other dogs.

The idea of F.A.M.A. was originally conceived by Pat Coleman and Veterinarian Javier Delgado Sanchez in the summer of 2003. Shortly after, the bringing together of a small group of dedicated like-minded individuals saw the formation of what is now the F.A.M.A. committee. The F.A.M.A. Foundation was originally based at the CAN. ES veterinary clinic and boarding kennels in Mijas Costa, but has subsequently grown and founded its own adoption centre in El Coto, Mijas Costa where it houses and cares for the abandoned dogs until a new home can be found for them.

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