RTN South Edition 830

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January 2015

Friday September 11 - Thursday September 17 2015

INSIDE... Spain backs EU reform BRITAIN’S PRIME Minister David Cameron has won Spain’s support in pressing for European Union reform before the UK stages a referendum on membership p4

Over 2,000 England fans expected p14

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Issue 830

Friday, Read Marchyour 27 English - Wednesday, Aprilonline 1 2015 Issue 806 newspaper at www.roundtownnews.com

When it rains it really rains AFTER SEEING less than an hour of rainfall over the entire summer and nothing special in the Spring, Torrevieja and other neighbouring towns received their fair share of it.

by Keith Nicol NOT ONLY did one storm drop 30 litres in just 20 minutes along with a spectacular hailstorm in Torrevieja but the city registered 120 litres per square meter that accumulated over four days. On Tuesday afternoon, 30 litres per square meter arrived in a strong whirlwind that lasted twenty minutes and that was accompanied by hail and strong gusts of wind. According to data compiled by the Project Mastral, they collected up to 120 litres per square meter in just four days, highlighting new records early Sunday with 70 litres per square meter in just hours and afternoon and on Tuesday with 35 litres per square meter, 30 of them in just twenty minutes. A few days ago the Project Mastral team installed an official gauge of the State Agency which came into official operation on September 1st. Thus the rain storm provided them with much more than spectacular debut with this episode of heavy rain. Official figures show a total of 29.7 l / m2 in the whirlwind of Tuesday afternoon, adding 35.5 all afternoon and 120.1 litres per square meter in four days. Note that these records multiplied by four all of the rain that had accumulated from January 1st to September 1st, 2015 while also quadrupling the average for the month of September, in only the first week of the month. The strong tornado also left widespread damage throughout the city and called for the security forces and fire fighters to intervene on numerous occasions. Although the weather stabilised during the week, this weekend could see more heavy downpours. You can keep abreast of the weather situation by visiting the Mastral Project website: www.eltiempoentorrevieja.com as well as www.facebook.com/proyectomastral and http://www.twitter.com/proyectomastral.

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